#..............this is why when i talk about theo i always kinda stop short because if i keep talking about him and reveal more it's like.
free-pool-trash · 3 years
maybe - stiles stilinski
This is for all my Stiles bitches who are afraid of love ❤️ @makeusfreefromthisfandom ;)
word count: 2k
warnings: angst
summary: the last thing you wanted to do was fall in love (the bridge of all too well obviously set me off)
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“Maybe we got lost in translation...”
You weren’t sure at what point you’d gone wrong. Each time you recounted your footsteps, every step was calculated and perfectly placed. Perhaps you hadn’t done enough. Or maybe you hadn’t given enough, if you were to ignore the fact that the girl you were before was almost unrecognisable to you now, that option seemed most likely.
For months and months you danced around each other, balanced on the tightrope between friends and more than that. It seemed all of your show stopping smiles, all of your time and all of your willingness to be at each beck and call had been wasted on the relationship that had been doomed from the beginning. But, of course, you were only now hit with that epiphany.
Truthfully, yet somewhat shockingly, you couldn’t find it in yourself to take on the blame for losing your potential other half. Yes, your heart had been completely and utterly torn to shreds in a way you’d never experienced, it was the kind of hurt you hoped you’d never have to brave again. But it wasn’t your fault that falling always felt like flying. It wasn’t your fault that he’d wormed his way through your barricades, there was nothing for you to do but surrender to the sudden ambush that was falling in love with Stiles Stilinski.
Falling in love was never something you wanted, in fact, it was something you tirelessly avoided. The notion of giving someone the power to destroy you brought you nothing but terror. Then there was him.
Stiles Stilinski. Clever, sarcastic, kind, cute and terrible at lacrosse. He’d broken down your every defence, not even knowing he was doing it in the first place. Maybe you were fooling yourself but you truly thought you’d broken down some of his walls too.
What other explanation could be given to the times when he’d show up at your house looking for a shoulder to cry on, specifically your shoulder to cry on. Or the times he would throw you a packet of your favourite sweets before school with the reasoning of “Well, I was getting gas and I know you like them. So I got them.” As if it was the most obvious thing ever.
Those being construed as more than platonic could definitely be considered wishful thinking, but the scene currently playing in your mind had to have meant something more.
In your mind you played it back, it’d started fairly normally. Stiles had shown up in his rickety jeep, told you to hop in and he drove around until he found somewhere private and quiet to park. You’d gotten food on your way to the empty parking lot, he knew your order off by heart, butterflies erupted in your stomach as he called it into the speaker with complete confidence. Dazed, you remember asking, doe eyed and almost breathless, “You know my order?”
The boy had huffed out a puff of air and looked at you incredulously, “Of course I know your order, come on.” He shrugged off your shock and the night moved on as it usually did. It was when you were sitting in the parking lot, quietly picking at your food that he spoke up.
“Hey. Can I ask you something?” Sparing him a glance you only nodded, continuing to pick at your food as you listened. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, by the way.”
With a raised brow you turned your head to look at him, his hands were drumming on the steering wheel rather anxiously, “Alright… what’s your question?”
He’d turned his body to face you as best he could in the small space and clapped his hands together, “Ok, theoretically, if someone was trying to woo you… how would they go about doing that?” He cleared his throat as he finished and if it was possible your eyebrow arched higher.
It was a loaded question. How do you woo someone who's never wanted to be wooed? You wanted to tell him, but instead you shrugged your shoulders and deflated against the passenger seat.
“I don’t know, I’ve never really had an interest in being wooed. Never really thought about it.”
The irony of the situation, looking back on it, he’d been wooing you without even trying and what’s more is that you hadn’t even felt it happening. Only now realising you’d been falling once your body hit the unforgiving concrete beneath it.
“Oh come on! There has to be something! Flowers? Chocolates?” Stiles proded, wiggled his eyebrows and he whined half heartedly when you tossed a fry at him.
You remember how you’d rolled your eyes, “Seriously, I don’t want to be pursued by some guy.”
“Blah, blah, blah, I know. I said theoretically, ok? Theoretically, if you did wanna be pursued, how would that go?” His tone went from sarcastic but melted into uncertainty towards the end of his question.
Your eyes narrowed at the boy in front of you, “Why do you even wanna know?”
His gaze softened and there was something so gentle behind his eyes, an emotion you couldn’t pinpoint and the words that fell from his lips were the catalyst to your inevitable plummet.
“You deserve someone to love you. I want you to have that.”
Bringing your train of thought back to the present, you tried your best to focus on the meeting at hand. Scott was talking the pack through a battle strategy, something about Gerard and Monroe but you weren’t paying attention.
You were internally kicking yourself, of course he’d end up with Lydia after all of this. You were so caught up in the short term sparks, the momentary hopes, that you’d forgotten about the bigger picture. Even still, you wouldn’t lie, you were feeling as though you’d been strung along.
There was a set of eyes scrutinising you from across Scott’s kitchen and it was only when you met Theo’s curious eyes that you noticed you had zoned in on Stiles’ and Lydia’s intertwined hands. The kamara gave you a knowing look, quietly moving towards you once the room broke into chatter.
“You know, if you keep oggling at them they’re going to notice.” He told you, leaning towards your ear as his legs rested against the counter beside you.
Sighing you looked at him, completely exhausted, “I really wish I was heartless like you.”
Theo chuckled, tilting his head as if he knew something you didn’t, “Well, according to Stiles, you’re pretty cold hearted yourself.”
“And Stiles told you that?” You snapped, arms crossing over your chest apprehensively.
He nodded his head, pulled his lip between his teeth and then leaned his head back towards your ear again, “He also told me that you were the kinda girl who needed someone persistent.”
Your stomach dropped, you had an idea where he was going with this. “Why? Why did he tell you all that?”
“Must think I’d be a good match for you.”
It hurt, that someone you considered a friend, more than a friend, would talk you up to someone he absolutely loathed, someone he didn’t trust at all. You’d been so wrong about the feelings Stiles had for you recently and you couldn’t help considering that maybe you fell into the same category as Theo. Just another cold hearted fool.
There was a lot to be said for Theo Raeken. Was he necessarily a good person? No. Was he trustworthy? Absolutely not. Yeah, that’s definitely the sort of person you deserved to have love you.
“I’d be offended too.” He chuckled, watching your face carefully. The way it contorted in confusion, how your lips dipped downward and acceptance settled on your face.
You hadn’t noticed Stiles looking at you from across the room, inspecting the scene before him carefully. He had this sort of anxiety flooding his chest as he watched you deflate as you spoke to Theo.
There was no denying that he was in love with Lydia but before he’d inevitably ended up with the strawberry blonde, he’d been building something quite special with you. He knew you caught onto it too and that’s what was eating away at him.
“You’re being ridiculous.” He told you, shaking his head in disbelief.
You scoffed in return, “It’s called self preservation, Stiles.”
“I just don’t get it.”
You looked at him before shooting into an explanation that he’d heard a million times before, “When you fall in love with someone you give that person so much power over you. They can either make you or break you. I don’t ever want someone to have that kind of affect on me. I don’t want someone that feels like fresh air in my lungs because if they leave I’d be the one left suffocating. Doesn’t sound all that magical to me.”
Stiles looked at you sadly, he understood what you meant but he believed in the goodness of falling in love, “What makes you so sure they’ll leave?”
“Because they always do.”
And he’d done everything you tried so adamantly to avoid. Knowingly made you fall and then knowing left you to crash and burn and prove yourself right.
You stared at him, from across the room, something about the look on your face told him that his last stitch attempt to save face had only pushed you over the edge.
He hated Theo, he really did and you deserved better than him, but he was the only readily available person that he could think of in the heat of the moment.
Theo liked the chase and you liked to run, it made sense on paper. But the look of betrayal on your face as your eyes met sent him spiralling.
Without another word you left the room, stalking towards Scott’s front porch and settling down on the steps.
It was quiet for a while, your hands busied themselves raking through your hair as your elbows rested against your knees. Were you really as bad as Theo? Was that really the impression you gave off? Sure, the boy had improved since you’d first met but that didn’t change the fact that he’d literally been sent to hell for his crimes. Did shunning romance seriously make you that evil?
A familiar presence joining you shook you from your thoughts but you didn’t move to greet him.
Stiles clearing his throat broke the silence but you kept your gaze on the empty street ahead of you. “So, uh, Theo-“
You cut him off with an empty laugh, giving him the meanest side eye you could manage, “Don’t.” You demanded though your voice sounded weak.
“You seemed upset- just wanted to check on you.” He told you lamely, rubbing the back of his neck, watching as your eyebrows pulled together.
Turning slowly to face him you let your hands fall limply against your knees, “I have a question.”
He only nodded. Preparing himself for whatever you were about to throw at him.
“Was it all in my head?” There was anger creeping along your tone but it was the desperation for an answer that took the forefront.
He swallowed thickly but shook his head, “Nah. It wasn’t in your head.”
You pulled your lip between your teeth, fighting the urge to scream as you posed your next question, “It was always Lydia. No matter when or where it was always going to be her. So why?”
His heart sank at the question, his will cracking just as your voice did when you spoke, “Why what?”
“Maybe you didn’t mean to. Maybe you were bored or maybe we just got lost in transition but I trusted you. So I guess my real question is; why did you try so hard to make me love someone only to walk away at the first given opportunity.” You wondered, quickly brushing away a tear that fell from your eye.
His silence could’ve killed you, he looked so very lost. Completely devoid of an answer he just stared at you as you inhaled a deep breath and stood up shakily.
“You know, maybe you were onto something with that Theo thing. At least if he screws me over I’ll have seen it coming.” You told him bitterly, walking inside and leaving him on the step.
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tiptapricot · 3 years
I’ve been having a lot of Evil Robo BnT thoughts recently, so here’s a bunch of them! This ended up pretty long just as a forwarning djjdjd
Post DeNomolos, Evil BnT are forced to do a lot of self exploration and discovery
They’re two robots from the far future, stuck in the past with each other and the two humongously important historical figures they were not only sent back to kill, but also physically made to look and sound exactly like, with no way back to their own time and no further reason to carry out the mission they were created for
It’s a lot to adjust to
(Three uses of the f-slur near the end in a canon compliant/reclaimed usage context, and implied sexual content, but extremely mild)
It still doesn’t have much of an impact on them at first though, besides some anger and annoyance. They don’t feel emotions in the same way or to the same depth that humans do, so they kind of fall back on: this sucks and that guy was a dick, guess we have to live in the stupid past now, and that’s the extent of it
But they’re also AIs, and AIs learn and grow
They hide out in a cheap apartment for the first few months or so back, going out to steal money to pay for rent and to pick up movies and stuff, but it’s exposure to the world, it’s living. And the more they interact with people, the more media they consume, the more the rigid walls of their programming break down and expand
And that’s when things start getting complicated
Because that’s when things like morals, sense of self, purpose in life, and, to their horror, real emotions start coming into play
Their evil edges start corroding, things stop being as straightforward, and they start developing into their own complex people
Being Bill and Ted with a few glorified descriptors stuck on the front starts feeling… weird, especially when they inevitably end up running into them again and being around them more
Because they’re supposed to be Bill and Ted, but they aren’t, and yet they can’t completely deny the parts of themselves that are….. it’s frustrating
As a first step in both asserting and exploring their individuality, they choose their own names
Evil Bill chooses Willis, or Will for short, and Evil Ted goes with Theoneous, Theo for short
It’s different enough to feel like their own thing, while still appeasing the ingrained itch to take BnT’s place
There are gaps like that, a disconnect/mental dissonance between their consciousnesses and the knowledge that they’re robots, circuitboards and wires and code, like a separation between what they feel is them and what they feel is the robot
That’s an experience that continues as they grow, especially as they try and figure out what to do with their lives. It’s tough sometimes, to figure out where the programming ends and where their own wants and drives begin
They’re the only ones familiar enough with future tech to help each other when they experience technical issues or need repairs, and the only ones they feel comfortable being that physically vulnerable with
It leads to them being kind of codependent, but it’s warranted in a lot of ways
They also naturally stick closer to each other, because even though they grow to have emotions and are able to care about people, they aren’t totally mushy
They don’t get as upset about things, or as excited, and while they form their own kind of love for the people they end up caring about (without admitting it), they’re still never able to connect with humans in the same way they connect with each other
It’s this inherent wall, a difference in how they experience the world
Their forms of affection are machine based, just like how humans are human based. They’ll give each other cold packs when it’s hot or they’ve been moving a lot, they’ll do evening maintenance on each other, chatting while one of them has their hand in the other’s chest cavity, and they jump on each other or bang their shoulders together super hard, because they can’t feel a thing and they’re durable enough for it, and that’s fun to them
That doesn’t really carry over to human interaction though, and a lot of times they end up coming across as cold or mean
They generally have a rougher seeming relationship than most humans. There’s a lot of teasing and insults and slapping, which turns most people off from them, but that’s how they show they’re comfortable (it’s also how they show they don’t like people, but there’s a subtle and meaningful difference there, AKA that they won’t purposefully try to harm the former party)
Robots process sound differently too, for them it’s more of a physical experience than just listening
Will’s guilty pleasure is that he likes to listen to piano (secretly), especially Debussy and other classical that sounds similar. Something about it makes his circuitry feel good and fuzzy and calms him down
He doesn’t feel comfortable telling Theo about it, it still feels like a dumb pussweed thing to be into (plus it continues to make him have some most non metal thoughts about kissing and That’s DEFINITELY not something he can share)
They also both really like death metal. Though they were loosely programmed with the knowledge of BnT’s music taste, it’s not quite their style, and they lean towards the more intense stuff
They do that in most fields though, since it usually takes higher energy stuff to get them going/excited/into something
That’s why they roughhouse a lot, and mess things up, and drive recklessly, it forces their mechanics to process more things more quickly, and as a result gives them their own form of dopamine/adrenaline
Sometimes things backfire, they’ve fucked themselves up accidentally on more then one occasion when stuff goes too far or isn’t what they expect, but they’re always there to patch each other up
When their synth skin gets ripped or torn they don’t always bother to repair it, and underneath there’s a layer of see through hard plastic and their bodies look like those clear case electronics that were popular in the 90s (idea cred to @juiceboxfrog !)
They also have inspector gadget-like telescoping stretch arms at their wrist and ankle joints, but they don’t use those much because they’re unsettling to most humans. Definitely a leg up when they want to climb places the shouldn’t, though (idea cred to @showbiz-za !)
Theo is more prone to needing fix ups than Will, since the extra wiring that was installed for the time and space spanning camera DeNomolos gave him made him more susceptible to short circuiting, over heating, and other glitches
After awhile he just takes his left eye out and leaves it like that, keeping his hair in his face to cover it. It doesn’t do anything for the internal parts of it he still has, but it’s not like it’s a loss. The connection port kept sparking, and it was uncomfortable and kept fucking with his vision, so it wasn’t worth it
Plus he didn’t really like that it used to be a camera… or still could be
One of the things Will and Theo both have to get used to is actually valuing their own privacy and autonomy
When DeNomolos was around they were just his tools, tools that he didn’t even like
They honestly grow to resent him pretty fast, both with his treatment of them, and, when their emotions are especially out of control, his creation of them
They don’t talk about it much, or when they do it’s mainly anger, not addressing or showing the more raw parts they do feel, because that’s still foreign to them, and their circuits weren’t designed to process or understand more complex stuff
Complex stuff like how being around Ted more makes Theo develop a certain… insecurity
It’s not like the connections are hard to make: he looks like Ted, he sounds like Ted, he was meant to be Ted, Ted has a dickweed of a dad, and Theo had a dickweed of a creator, Ted has Bill and Theo has Will
But Theo doesn’t have Deacon
And while he doesn’t want to be exactly like Ted, part of him also does (it was made to). Part of him wants to be human, to have those natural connections and someone to watch over
But he doesn’t and it’s weird*
He tries to ignore it, chalks it up to his drive still attempting to put him on his original track of replacing Ted, and therefore making him more aware of the family roles Ted has
For all he knows that is what it is, he’s just a robot after all
Even though they aren’t really ones for mushy love, Will and Theo do love each other
You can’t not when you know the other person inside and out, literally
They joke a lot about that when they’re doing repairs (“Dude you’re holding my heart, pretty faggy of you.”), and though they laugh, there’s an unspoken intimacy to it, something that sits warm in their wires and goes beyond platonic; something (though they would never describe it as such) loving about getting to take care of each other, and getting to get taken care of
The jokes also stop being jokes after awhile and take on a charge, morphing into unofficial flirting
Eventually that charge sparks, and their relationship becomes a different kind of physical. That’s new, too, a type of exploration neither of them are familiar with, but it’s nice, it’s good, and it’s easier to write off as casual and not meaningful than anything else (for the record I do think this works/plays out different for them than it does for humans, but I will nOt get into that here or anywhere lmao)
That arrangement doesn’t last forever, though, because one night Theo has a bad malfunction that cause him to completely power down, and it sends Will into a panic
It takes him almost an hour to fix the problem and for Theo to reboot, and when he comes back Will can’t stop touching him and checking in and it’s weird
“Why are you so worked up dude, this’s happened plenty of times.”
“Yeah I know you just… you fritzed out and went limp and it freaked me out dude.”
“So? You know this is nothing to worry about. I don’t get why you’re kinda acting like such a pussweed dude.”
“I didn’t know what was wrong! That’s plenty of reason to be fucking worried!”
“Not for you! Not for us! Why the hell do you care so much this time?”
“Because I love you, asshole!”
And then there’s silence, and staring, and then Theo cracks a smile
“Heh, fag.”
Kissing after a confession, as it turns out, makes both of them short circuit, and they wake up three days later still tangled up on top of each other, half falling off the apartment couch
“Y’know… I think we’re both fags now dude,” Will whispers, and they chuckle in the space between their mouths. “I did it first though.”
*he does get this later with Billie and Thea, but that’s a whole separate post
(As one last thing wanted to add that Love Came Along by Pansy Division perfectly encapsulates the vibes of Will n Theo’s relationship to me, AKA something casual and almost humorous while still being super intimate and emotional, so def check it out if you’re ok with suuuuper explicitly sexual lyrics bfgjgfdfg)
Headcanons masterpost
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kkyop124 · 3 years
note from author: i don't think it isn't that good, but enjoy it anyway. please remember that english isn't my first language (っ◞‸◟c). if there's any misspelled word, let me know please!
fandom: ikemen vampire
pairing(s): arthur/reader
character(s): arthur conan doyle (ikevamp), MC (ikevamp)
warning(s): mayor character death
genre: angst
inspired by the song: death bed - powfu, beabadoobee
note: if you haven't listened to this song i suggest you to click the link i left in the name's song itself. this way, you'll understand better this fic and the lyrics i will be adding in the dialogues or loose between paragraphs. they may be a little different from the song itself but that way it would suits with the part i put them.
"don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed".
arthur where laying next to MC, who has been in bed for weeks, she doesn't seem to be progressing or getting any better. it was actually the opposite. she didn't seem to be better, she was getting worse and worse within the days has been passing away.
arthur wanted her to rest because she needed to, but he didn't want to let her go in other way. what if she went to sleep and never came back? he wanted her to live with him. like they promised to do.
"i'll make a cup of coffee for your head".
all the time she had told him the very same phrase and now... now he was the one who has to get up and get a cup of coffee for her. she used to kiss his forehead every time she saw him late at night writing, with the brightest smile in her face. she was too good for this world, he knew it since the day she arrived and yet... once again he couldn't save her.
she was leaving him, in a slow and painful way. she didn't leave him overnight. no, she was leaving him evey day that passed. he knew that life was unfair but this was way more painful than before. after all, she was special.
every second of her time was leaving her body.
and he couldn't do nothing about it.
he was, once again, watching someone he cared leaving.
why was always him the one that has to watch the time pass away? he thought. every day. every hour. every minute. every second. "why me?"
"i'll get you up and going out of bed".
ha. he wished he could do such a thing like that. he was nothing more than a mere spectator watching the love of his life dying in front of him. she smiled for him meanwhile he was crying for her.
he didn't wanted her to go, not now when she had decided to spend her life by his side. but it was a long life that they promised to spend together. not this, it was not enough. she was sick, she had a terminal illness. among all the people it had to be her.
her daily sunshine was turning off her lights.
he would be in the dark in no time. again. he would be alone, sitting in the dark with a drink in his hands again. and after all this, after her and her lovely way to makes things better for him, her way to make him smile and laugh with no effort at all. he would be devastated by her leaving when the time comes.
and there were times when she talked about the future and about her fate, but she was too calm while doing it. arthur couldn't understand why she was so relaxed.
"when i leave this earth, i'm hoping you'll find someone else" she said looking at him, but was she seeing him? or was she looking at the arthur after her leaving? "i been thinking of our future 'cause i'll never see those days". arthur froze, what was she saying in a moment like this? why now? but she kept talking after a brief silence, "i don't know why this happened. i tried my best, but you know that i'm not perfect".
arthur didn't keep listening to what she was saying, he didn't want to. he just took her hands in his and kissed the top of them. "i'm happy that you're here with me, i'm sorry if i tear up". arthur smiled after saying that. his heart broke a little more at the same time. then he continued, "when me and i first met, you would always make me cheer up".
she laughed then said "and sneak out through the kitchen at exactly 1:03". he thought she was so beautiful while laughing and smiling, with those warm eyes, that bright smile of hers, her tiny hands and her soft skin. the sound of her voice wss enough to get the best of him.
she sighed, "soon you'll be alone, sorry that you have to lose me", she stroked his hair with her delicate touch and deposited a kiss in his lips. "this is not your fault, things just turned out this way".
"yeah... i'll make a cup of coffee for you, wait here". arthur smiled, or at the very least he tried to smile before standing up heading to the kitchen. he didn't wanted to leave but he needed some time alone thinking about all the things happening around him, those things that don't let him sleep at night. when she was sleeping he stayed by her side all night, writing stories for her. she liked listening to his stories before going to sleep. "it's music for my ears" she answered his question about why she liked it that much.
meanwhile he was preparing the coffee, upstairs were theo and MC talking about something that no one in the mansion wanted to hear. theo was having a hard time too, after all he got closer to the traveler girl, they were friends without realizing it.
"arthur is worse than ever, right?" she asked him, resting her head in the pillow. there was no answer. she laughed softly, "i thought so". she raised her hand and looked at it, looking for something that she knew that she couldn't have.
she wanted more time. but there wasn't more time.
and she knew it.
he waited before opening his mouth.
she was still looking at her hand up in the air. "do me a favor. take care of arthur from now on for me, please?"
he knew what she meant by that. he frowned and looked away.
"you bet i will, i'm his friend".
her time has finally arrived.
she smiled and a tear ran down her cheek, "thank you... and tell him i'm sorry and that i love him so much too, could you?"
she was sleepy and her body felt heavy, but she never stopped thinking about arthur till her very last breathe in this world. "yeah, i don't wanna fall asleep, i don't wanna pass away". her eyes started closing, "i been praying for forgiveness... you've been praying for my health", she smiled. "because we're still young, there's much we haven't done. getting married, start a family... watch your husband with his son".
theo watched her from the door. he didn't know if it was better if arthur wasn't there or not right now, but that wasn't going to change the fact she was passing away.
with her last strength she though a last time of her dear arthur. "i wish it could be me, but i won't make it out this bed. i hope i go to heaven so i see you once again... my life was kinda short, but i got so many blessings". her eyes finally closed. "happy you were mine, it sucks that it's all ending...".
she was gone.
arthur was walking up the stairs coming back from the kitchen with the coffee in his hands. he was walking looking at the floor till he arrived to her room. he looked up to see theo standing outside her door, waiting for him before giving him that look. the world seemed to stop for arthur when he realized.
the coffee was now scattered across the corridor floor, little pieces of pottery too. this strong sound was noticed from the others residents of the mansion. but arthur was already inside her room holding her cold hand with his forehead against hers, wishing for more time to spend with her. tears running down his cheeks.
"please no, you're my sunshine, my only sunshine..." he sobbed, searching for some air he could breathe between his cry. "you make me happy when skies are gray, please stay". arthur kissed her cold cheek. "you'll never know dear, how much i love you...". theo felt pain watching him from the doors, just like the others residents just arrived. "please don't take my sunshine away... please".
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outerbankies · 2 years
i love that in the pre series blurbs when they have these lil moments both of their friends never interrupt or stop it because they all just know 🥰 & do you think any of them mentioned in the next day? like margot and gretchen being like 👀 you & rafe looked cosy! 👀 or was it like an unspoken subject hahaha
oof good q anon! i kinda... went off
margot & gretchen
hmmm, so i think the girls def talk about it with each other (like straight up texting each other from across the room ‘did you see that shit’) but they won’t bring it up around y/n unless she does first. they know how she is and that it’s kind of a tough subject for her? sucks though because they can see how reciprocated it is from his end but she definitely can’t so it’s just complicated and they don't wanna push her. they're there for her during the whole chloe thing (always ready to make up an excuse to leave a party or something) and def mildly supportive of her theo phase because they think it's good for her (until they meet him lol)
i don't know if they ever saw rafe and y/n getting together as like a long term thing, so they were so happy for her when it worked out!!! if anything they predicted they'd at least hook-up at some point and they were def not ready for whatever emotional fall-out would come of that hahaha
(i really missed out on putting them in the original series tbh, if i could rewrite it i would put them in for sure because i think they dynamics would be so fun to explore - i picture gretchen just like over the moon immediately but margot's like pause. 'is this a hook-up, send me the texts like what exactly did he say', etc etc etc. bc we know her patience with rafe was. short HAHA)
he is super, super, SUPER emotionally intelligent (i don’t know why - in my head he’s just the best boy) and he’s also out of all of the friends the closest with both of them. so he's really in tune with their emotions specifically and especially toward each other. which means he’s pretty calculated with how he goes about bringing it up with either of them.
i don't think he and y/n ever talk about her feelings for rafe in so many terms until theo happens. like i picture the night theo dumps y/n as a turning point because we saw all summer how kelce was fed up with that entire situation but then the little break-up happens and she's distraught - kelce is still her bff so of course he's there for her and consoling her, but something in him just has to ask if this isn't just about theo (spoiler alert - it's not). and then we also saw at prom that he was there for her again. frustrates him to no end that they can't see it but he's a great friend and he'd never meddle in that way.
above all, he really wanted them to figure it out for themselves if it was ever going to happen, 'cause it would show a lot of growth from both of them to finally put things out in the open and go for it :) in his mind, it means they're finally ready! last thing he wants is to get involved before they're ready and have it blow up in all of their faces, even if he gets mad sometimes lol
his besties had a little growing up to do but he never lost hope and he 100 percent has his entire wedding speech written in his head
topper, man - i mean, he figures it out quick. like super early on, maybe before kelce. and he just assumes they're a sure thing one day. so he watches the dance for years like always thinking in the back of his mind 'it'll happen, it'll happen, it'll happen.' and then he realizes it's very much not happening one day and he's so CONFUSED because it is sooo obvious to him - he loves clowning rafe for how simpy he is.
but he's close with rafe but not as close with y/n so he can only make assumptions based off of rafe (even tho he swears he can see y/n light up around rafe, too) and he's just kinda like 'damn, rafe's really gonna let her get away because he's too scared to make a move.'
topper def had given up hope by like college and was v pleasantly surprised when he found out about the first date! lol
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swiftgronmasterpost · 4 years
Glee Live Tour Part 1 - The Achele of it All
Here’s a collection of soft/flirty/romantic moments from Achele on tour.
Dianna would wait for Lea to the side of the stage while Lea sang her big solo number Don’t Rain on my Parade and then walk off with her, arm around her:
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Once Lea forgot to sing her part while she was locking eyes with Dianna (by this point Lea was an incredibly well trained singer and live performer as you all probably know):
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Lots of soft moments like this:
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Lea was always looking for Dianna on stage:
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Dianna was out sick near the very end of the tour in Europe once so Lea put her arm around air during the time of the show they would usually hold hands:
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At the end of the tour Lea came out for Born This Way - a song she usually did not perform - and was escorted around the stage by Dianna in a cute manner:
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There are many many many Achele tour moments if you search glee live tour 2011 on this blog: https://achelereferences.tumblr.com/ this is just a smattering to let you know that Achele was definitely on during the tour.
There are also lots of “Fan reports” collected by this blog (they are fan accounts so take with a grain of salt but they do exist so I’m posting):
1.  “Both of them spend an hour talking without stop. They went to the bathroom together (obviously I went behind them). But I was really afraid Di would recognize me and think I was a stalker (because she told me before in NYC that she would never forget me) Then I wait for Di go in to the cabin bathroom and then I walked in, I was face to face with Lea, holding Di’s stuff, when I get in (she even had to move for me to pass lol). I tried not to panic and walk to the sink to wash my hands. When I heard that Di was going to walk out the cabin I kinda ran out of the bathroom. Both of them walked of the bathroom and Lea was going on the wrong way so Di pull her by the arm and said “this way, Lea”. They met Theo again, who was waiting for getting the bags. The only words Lea said to Theo was “Grab my bags and Dianna’s”
2.  During Glee Tour 2011, I think it was London or Manchester. I’d say Manchester but I’m not 100% sure. And anyway, fans were all in front of the cast hotel as always. And some of them (as in several and not just one) saw Dianna and Lea getting out of the hotel together and climbing in a taxi together. And when the taxi passed in front of the fans, Lea leaned over Dianna, almost on her laps. Why ? Well the logic reason would be that she didn’t want to be seen by the fans but who knows. Reports from this day said they went shopping together.
June 16 
-During STL Dianna touched Lea’s shoulder. 
-It was reported that Lea and Dianna had a long hug backstage after the show. It was described as “heavy.”
June 17 Achele List of what has been reported so far at the concert movie taping… 
-Lea and Dianna talked every chance they could. 
-After every song Dianna immediately looked for Lea. If Lea was talking to someone, Dianna would leave Lea and go hang out mostly with Jenna and Naya. 
-Lea was cold in her mini shorts and cuddled up to Jenna while sitting on stage and Dianna held Lea from behind. 
-Lea and Dianna were lying down on the floor, shoulders touching, looking at each other as they talked privately. Lea’s legs occasionally flailed.
-There was a waist grab. 
-Dianna’s microphone chord (the one near her rear end) was hanging down. Lea made a grab for it and stuck it back in her rear pocket. 
-2 handholds in STL. First was initiated by Lea second by Dianna. Very deliberate and swinging into the camera. 
-Lea’s dad was there and Dianna rushed from backstage to give him a big hug hello. 
-Dianna failed at giving Lea a piggyback ride backstage that lasted all of maybe 3 steps before they laughed hysterically with everyone else. Mark offered to take Di’s place but didn’t happen. Achele report during the actual live concert… 
-Lea made a heart sign to Dianna during HDAHA/GH 
-The heart sign was for Di and Di did the heart sign back 
-They held hand in STL! Lea wiggled her fingers for like 30 seconds until Di realized and grabbed her hand and then they both leaned in giggling madly.
4. The infamous Manchester hotel story:
...To everybody asking, here’s the story, but remember that’s just someone saying this. No proof. Also, the original post was in Spanish so thanks to the person who translated it.
"My mother is working at the hotel where the Glee cast are staying. I had no idea, but when she got home she told me that there was a lot of commotion because some famous Americans were there and a floor of the hotel was reserved for them. Like I already told you, I did not know they were the one from Glee, that was until I found out they have a concert there, and the next day when my mom came from work, she was laughing about what had happened that I told you about. She explained, they had to go in and clean the rooms and she had to work the floor of the hotel where they were staying, and she went into the rooms where there were no “do not disturb” signs, which is assumed to mean the empty ones. 
They went into the room number… since it did not have a sign but they were surprised once they entered, they heard the voice of a girl coming out of the bathroom saying the room was occupied. My mom had basically gone all the way into the back of the room when she saw how the girl came out fo the bathroom and she had to run out saying sorry. 
My mother’s co-worker, who is one of the ones in charge, stayed behind to say sorry to the girl while my mother waited in the hallway. She could hear another voice and it was another girl that came out of the bathroom with the bathrobe on and wet hair. The one in charge said sorry and told them that they did not put the sign so that’s why they entered the room thinking it was empty and the brown girl, found the sign on a table. 
When my mom told me what happen I was curious to know who they were but she didn’t know their names, so I showed her a picture of all the cast and she pointed to dianna and lea, you should have seen how I got when she told me, and that’s when I remembered about you. Therefore, I questioned her, the thing is leas stayed the entire night in Dianna’s room, and when my mom and boss entered, both were in the bathroom. Lea was dressed but Dianna was in the bathrobe, haha, you have no idea how much I began to laugh, and I remembered so much about you…."
(Gifs and fan reports sourced from Achele References)
Click here to keep reading!
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ellewritesathing · 4 years
Figure It Out
Summary: The Fright Club stumbles across an injured werewolf chased out of town by hunters.
Word-count: 2.8k+
A/N: this caliban x fem!reader was requested by the lovely and ever-so-patient @none-of-this-makes-any-sense​ 💕 hope you guys enjoy!!
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When you’re running from something, your body reaches a point where it wants to give up. Your muscles ache, your lungs burn, and all your joints cry out. Every step becomes its own misery when you reach that point - and that was without poison eating away at your insides - but your choices were to either keep running or be killed. 
The hunters had fallen away sometime during the night, and it was only after you’d made it out of the woods and spotted the broken and graffitied Welcome to Greendale sign that you realized they'd stopped following you because you crossed town lines. Their treaties prevented them from hunting on land that was already claimed. 
Greendale was claimed by the witches. No hunter, regardless of what their prey was, was allowed in Greendale, but that didn’t exactly make Greendale an accepting place. The last werewolf you’d heard of Greendale had been kept as a familiar and killed by one of the witches. The Greendale witches were why you would have kept running if you could. 
But you couldn’t. The second your mind realized you were safe from the hunters, it stopped giving your muscles the adrenaline they needed to keep going. Without pure survival to focus on, you were acutely aware of how much pain you were in. 
A trail of black blood followed you all the way from the Welcome to Greendale sign to the garage you’d broken into and curled up in. The pain had left you too exhausted to deal with the fear of being found, so you told yourself that you could deal with staying hidden if you survived the night. 
It was light out when you woke up, annoying rays of sunlight streaming through the glass on the garage, and now you had to deal with getting out of Greendale and finding your pack before the hunters found you. The problem was that, between you and the door, stood a horde of teenagers. 
They stood in a huddle and whispered furiously at each other. Not to each other; they were arguing too much and not listening to each other to qualify as whispering to each other. The sight of them would have been funny - with two being much taller than the rest and having to stoop, while one was annoyed at the close proximity, and the leader being the tiniest blonde girl you’d ever seen - if they weren’t standing between you and your escape. 
One of the shorter ones - a guy with a mess of brown curls on his head - spotted that you were awake while you were sizing them up. He patted the arm of the guy next to him - tall, blonde hair, heartstoppingly attractive - and nodded over at you when he got his attention. 
“Apologies, my lady,” the taller one said as he straightened up, interrupting the tiny blonde as he did. He looked at you curiously, not malevolently, but not exactly kindly either, “but it appears our friend has woken up.”
The tiny blonde was only momentarily irritated at the interruption, but she looked more carefully suspicious than bothered when she turned to you. She hadn’t managed to do anything to you in the second after saying ‘oh’ and turning to look at you, but your brain screamed that she was a witch anyway. 
“Uh, hi,” she said with a second-too-late smile. She took a step closer. “My name is Sabrina and these are my friends.” 
You didn’t say anything, but you didn’t like lying on the floor with them standing over you. Trying to look tougher than you felt, you pulled yourself into a sitting position. 
“Okay, well, we’re here to help you,” Sabrina said. She did her best to push past the awkwardness and connect with you. “So if there’s anything that you could tell us, maybe about how you got that stomach wound … no? Okay, uh-”
You watched Sabrina wring out her hands awkwardly as she cast a look at her group. There was only one other witch, something you couldn’t place, and then three humans. 
At least, you thought to yourself, you passed for human.
Sabrina’s friends each mumbled some awkward sentences, except for the tall blonde. He was the one you couldn’t place, but he didn’t make you nervous because of the uncertainty. He made you nervous because he kept staring at you without saying anything. 
“-Well, we can’t really help you if you don’t talk to us,” Sabrina continued, her patience wearing thin. She looked like she was going to keep going when the blonde took his eyes off you and straightened up. 
“She’s not going to tell you anything,” he said. His voice was more sure of itself than the others, clearly used to being the voice that commands a room “-because she’s afraid. Aren’t you, little wolf?” 
“Little wolf?” the shorter one with curly brown hair and the other girl asked at the same time. They were an odd mixture of offense at the pet name and confusion at the origin of the name itself. If you weren’t so horrified by the revelation, their expressions would have made you smile. 
But survival came before smiling. You set your jaw as you tried to move again, but you winced at the tugging of your injured muscles. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said through gritted teeth in an attempt to recover. 
“Don’t I?” the blonde asked. He smiled as he walked closer to you, each step was as careful as the smile on his face. He crouched in front of you. “I was created in the pits of Hell; I learned to sniff out a werewolf before I learned how to talk.” 
“I don’t think a demon has the right to judge,” you said in a strained voice. 
He seemed amused by your defiance and used the moment of amusement to launch your attack. You struck out and kicked his leg out from under him. As he fell, you scrambled to your feet and bolted towards the door. 
Unfortunately, Sabrina and her horde of friends had other plans. The other tall brunette raced behind you to grab you, and it took all of your limited energy to push him away. The witches were arguing about spelling you, and the humans were worried about their friend. 
The tall blonde recovered quicker than you expected. He grabbed you from behind and restrained you fairly easily, despite your weak attempts to fight him off. Eventually, you realized that struggling was useless and decided to save your energy. 
“So that was fun,” the other witch said. He pushed some black hair out of his face and sighed, but he shot you a smile anyway. 
“Maybe because she didn’t punch you,” the brunette grumbled as his friends picked him up off the floor. 
“Maybe because I didn’t attack her,” the witch said with a superior tilt of his head. He looked away from the human and to Sabrina. “Who cares if she’s a werewolf? Let’s just heal her wounds and let her go.” 
“Let her go?” Sabrina asked. Again, she looked like she was going to argue when the tall blonde spoke. 
His voice rumbled when he spoke because he was so close to you. “While I hate to agree with Nicholas, she’s not a threat, my lady. There is no reason for us to keep her here.” 
There was still something about him that you didn’t trust, despite his advocating for your release, but you didn’t say anything. If he was going to be the one that got you out of the witches’ den, then you’d let him and deal with your distrust later on. 
“I, uh-” the short curly-haired one started uncertainly. “I agree. I mean, she’s not a threat to anyone other than Harvey, no offense. Are you?” 
It took you a second to realize that he was talking to you. He was kinder than his friends. 
“No.” Your voice was quiet but it sounded deafening while everyone waited for you to answer. Trying to sound less unsure, you added, “I just want to go home.” 
“If that’s the case, why did you come here?” Sabrina asked. 
“Trust me, it wasn’t by choice,” you said. You tried to move and the blonde tightened his arms around you. You turned to glare at him. “Do you mind?” 
“Are you going to kick me again if I say yes?” he asked. He was smiling again, not necessarily malevolently but mischievously. You realized it was because he was flirting with you. 
“Let her go, Caliban,” the witch said. His protectiveness was unusual. 
Caliban said something about how dear Nicholas was always looking out for the underdog. Whatever he was implying was clearly pointed at Nick and not you, but it didn’t sit well with you. 
Still, he let you go, and you started walking over to the spot where you’d slept when your muscles had enough of your abuse and wobbled underneath you. One of the humans caught you, the girl. 
She gave you an uncertain smile as she helped you stand. “I’m Roz,” she said. She nodded to each of her friends as she introduced them. “That’s Harvey and Theo. You already kinda met Brina, Nick, and Caliban.”
There was something about her that made you feel safe enough to tell her your name, even though you regretted it the second you were done. Then she asked where you were from and, again, you felt yourself giving out more information than you would have otherwise. 
“Why did you come all this way?” Roz asked. She seemed genuinely concerned about you. 
“My pack was attacked by hunters,” you said. “They didn’t follow me once I crossed into Greendale.” 
“Are you sure about that?” Sabrina asked. “We’ve had some run-ins with witch hunters.” 
You shook your head. “Different kind of hunters,” you said. 
You pulled your hand away from your stomach and looked at the black blood. It should have healed by now, but the blood was still thick and dark. At least it wasn’t smoking anymore, but you would still die if it wasn’t treated. 
“That doesn’t look good,” Roz said, sounding uncertain. 
“Doesn’t feel good either,” you said. You pulled your lips into a tight smile and shrugged off everything else. “I’ll be fine once I get home.” 
“Let me take you to my aunt,” Sabrina said. “She specializes in herbal medicines.” 
“Thanks, but I can take it from here,” you said. 
“Nicholas was the one that killed the wolf,” Caliban said. The casualness in his voice made you stop walking. “No one else has blood on their hands. You’re safe.” 
“I think that’s a relative term,” you said. 
“Please,” Nick said, as gently as he could, given the annoyance at his friend. Maybe 'friend' was a relative term as well. “Let us help you.” 
One of Sabrina’s aunts was all too pleased to treat you, but the other was less happy to have you in their home. She didn’t like dogs. You reminded her, as politely as you could with wolfsbane blackening your veins, that you weren’t a dog. 
Despite the emotional control you were capable of, if Hilda had waited for a half-hour more to treat you then you wouldn’t have been able to control the shift. The humans were handling your wolfish tendencies better than you expected them to, but your presence seemed to remind Nick and Sabrina of a memory that made him sad and her uncomfortable. 
And then there was Caliban. You couldn’t quite figure out how you made him feel. He watched you more carefully than the others, not because he was afraid of you, but because he was trying to figure you out. You liked that you weren’t easy for him to figure out, but you hated that you didn’t know what he was thinking. 
Did he think you were impressive for making it this far on your own? Was he wondering if you were a bitten wolf or if you were born this way? What had he meant when he made that comment about sniffing out werewolves - did those memories have anything to do with why he stared at you the way he did? 
The hunters attacked before you had the chance to bring the answers to those questions to light. They appeared out of nowhere, just as Hilda took out a pie (‘because she can’t send you home on an empty stomach!’), with their guns blazing. 
Unfortunately for you, the witches were on unsteady terms with their higher power. Their powers were fickle and fleeting, which meant they couldn’t be counted on for reliability in the fight. 
There were other ways to fight, of course, because the humans were still around and they were determined not to lose, but any supernatural intervention had to be left to you and Caliban. 
Somewhere in the middle of the fight, you took shelter behind a family-sized headstone. You were about to get back into the fight when Caliban appeared next to you, out of breath and with blood on his cheek.
His cheeks were flushed, his eyes wide, and his smile crooked. He looked so completely and utterly alive that he made your heart beat quicker just by standing next to him. His smile curled deeper when he noticed your staring. 
“See something you like, little wolf?” he asked. 
Deciding that if you were going to die or get out and never see him again anyway, you smiled and leaned in to touch his face. You cupped his cheek and ran your thumb underneath his eye. 
Pulling your hand away, you showed him the red stain on your thumb. “You have blood on your cheek.” 
You and Caliban made a good team, all things considered, and managed to get rid of the hunters relatively quickly after the headstone moment with the help of a few spells and a scary-looking baseball bat. Your success was not without injury, on both sides, but nothing had been laced with wolfsbane or any other lethal plants. 
You sipped on Hilda’s healing tea and watched her treat the others. The humans were her first concern, but their wounds were superficial, and they went home soon after the fighting stopped. It was strange to see how close they all were with each other and then see how easily the witches adapted to their night without the humans. 
They settled easily, as if they hadn’t just been attacked by hunters. They’d been kind enough to invite you to spend the night, but you were still deciding if you could survive spending another night in Greendale. 
As you excused yourself to nurse your healing tea on the patio and look out at the night sky, you had to admit the view was nice. You were trying to trace how far you’d have to run on your way home when Caliban sat next to you on the porch swing. 
The swing rocked back and forth as you glanced at him. He’d showered and changed since the fight, as all the other witches had, and washed away all the blood from his face. Caliban stared straight ahead at the night sky, but you knew he could tell whenever you looked at him. 
Yes, you thought to yourself as you took a sip of tea, the view here was very nice.
“Are you staying?” 
You hummed and turned to look at Caliban, pretending not to be paying as much attention to him as you were. “Hmm?” 
Caliban smiled as he stared at the sky. It was very clear that he knew what game you were playing when he turned to look at you. “You’re a long way from home. Are you going to travel all that distance in the dark?”
You shrugged. “What does it matter to you?” 
“Never said it did, little wolf,” Caliban said easily. 
You rolled your eyes and looked back at the night sky. All you knew was that you had to be back before the next full moon … but one more night couldn’t hurt. 
“Truth be told, there’s something about you that I can’t explain,” Caliban confessed. He reached his hand out and touched your cheek. His fingers were warm. He wiped something off your cheek and pulled his hand away to show some of Hilda’s healing whatever-it-was. Even pulled back, Caliban's hand was still close to your face. “I’d like it if you stayed until I figured that out.” 
“Kiss me,” you said without thinking about it. 
You thought he’d argue but all he said before he leaned in was “okay,” and then he kissed you. It made your heart race so quickly that for a second you worried about shifting in front of him. He pulled away as soon as your anxiety set it. 
When you caught your breath, you asked, “Figured it out yet?” 
“Not even close,” Caliban said with a devilish smile. 
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
Happy holidays! what would the yan ocs dream winter themed date look like? Please
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Happy holidays!❄️
My first request for them..I'm so happy💖
Warning this story contains: yandere topics slightly, mostly wholesome but some are suggestive but nothing outright nsfw.
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A wholesome date
It's snowing and he honestly doesn't want you to get sick so he would have you two stay inside
Prepare for a baking date
From gingerbread to peppermint bark
He of course takes control of the date and makes sure to keep you away from sharp things
He will try to do everything by himself because he worries about you getting hurt
After you stubbornly decline that he has you be the taste tester
After each treat he gives you a kiss to taste it himself
He loves being with you in the kitchen cause baking + his angel= happy boy
If you try to start a food war he will scold you
After baking you two would cuddle while watching Christmas movies, eating sweets, and drinking hot cocoa
"sweetie, can you pass me the frosting I'm almost done"
"hmm? Oh sure theo!"
You passed the tub of bright red frosting to the male only for him to finish decorating the gingerbread cookies once done you both carried all those sweet treats to the living room table before setting up for movie night, you looked out the window with a soft sigh
"can we go outside tommorow?"
"hmm for a little bit but it will be cold"
"we can make a snowman!"
"sweetie, being in the cold for too long isn't good how about we do something else"
You gave a pout as theo sat on the couch looking at you hating your upset expression he sighs as he fixed his glasses
"fine, only for a little bit sweetie but for now come here..relax in my arms okay?"
You had a bright smile as you walked over plopping down in the male's lap feeling his arms wrap around you tightly
holiday Shopping
Will dress up in an adorable holiday costume
Forces you to dress up too cause matching outfits
He wants to buy you cute shoes
Yeah it's snowing hard...but like snow boots!
Will force you to try on like 60 pairs of shoes
Will also take a ton of selfies with you while getting boba
Will spoil you with affection while you two are out
If you act up though he will degrade you just a bit to get you to behave
All around good date but he can be a bit annoying
"hey hikaru can we go home? My feet hurt"
"don't be such a little baby [y/n], don't you want to look cute?"
You looked over at your boyfriend who was dressed up in an adorable santa sweater, black tights, and black heel boots to match. He forced you to be his raindeer and honestly it was a little embarrassing but he seemed to be having a good time
In your hands were bags upon bags all being outfits or shoes that hikaru bought for both you and him, he was a grinning mess but he saw your frown and couldn't help but falter..were you truly not having fun?
With a huff he simply linked his arm with yours before pulling you along towards the mall food court, it was time for you two to relax from all the walking
Once you two sat down at a table with boba and food hikaru was far more loving and affectionate even being as sweet as to hold your hand while resting his head on your shoulder
"ah, I pulled you along everywhere huh?"
"heyyy! Don't give me those bored responses! We had fun! I spoiled you today so the least you can do is thank me!"
You were going to speak more but jolted at the feeling of a rough kiss along with someone's to the shoved down your throat. With a startled moan you kissed back before pulling away seeing hikaru lick his lips happily
"so yummy huh baby? I say that was a good thank you, when we get home we can do things that I know you will like..after all you can't say no to me"
Haha you're in danger.
Firework Festival date!
He likes the sounds of the bustling of people and the smell of good food
You don't really know why he's so obsessed with fireworks when he can't see it but it makes him happy
You two play a bunch of games and eat yummy food
Idiot wore shorts and a tank top so he's freezing cold but of course he was way too excited to care about coldness
Is like a giddy kid
Once the fireworks start he's in utter awe
Wants to get as close as he can
"what do they look like..?"
"bright and kinds like glitter"
Both you and axis sat on the grass staring at the sky as the fireworks popped and lit up the dark snowy sky, your fingers interlaced together tightly as the sounds of popping made axis only grin more
"fireworks, even the name sounds pretty..I always wanted to see what they look like. I mean I can feel it on my face but I bet they look pretty huh?"
"ax, you're crying.."
Axis reached up touching his cheeks only to feel tears, he let out a nervous laugh and wiped his eyes before a wave of embarrassment hit him hard
"ah! Sorry sorry! I get all emotional! Ah I just love you and I love this date! Are you having a good time? Oh God what if you aren't having a good time?! [Y/n] are you enjoying yourself cause we ca-"
"axis, I'm having fun! It's okay so relax..I mean..you look so happy its honestly so cute"
Suddenly axis wrapped his arms around you kissing you all over with a happy laugh
"[y/nnnnnnn]! Marry me! Just marry me already okay? I love you! So much!"
You petted your boyfriend on the head before your eyes landed on the beautiful fireworks and you simply couldn't help but smile as nothing but love filled you both
Okay so originally he wanted to just screw you and call that a date but apparently that's not romantic
Decided on taking you to a Christmas party as a date
He kinda just wanted to get drunk and make out with you
Ends up having a good time
Seeing you laughing with his friends made him happy
He got to dance with you so that's always a plus
Getting you drunk was really fun
It's been a while since you two just got wasted and had fun so it felt nice
Hearing you slut your words made him chuckle
"yeah babe?"
Prince watched as you landed in his lap with eggnog in your hand, you clearly had way too much to drink but of course he wasn't stopping you cause this was amusing to him
"I think, you're the hottest guy like everrrrrrr~"
"oh yeah?"
"hmmm I want santa to give me you for Christmas"
Prince grinned as he turned his head away now chuckling before feeling you press sloppy kisses on his neck and cheek. He honestly didn't mind the pda but he didn't want it to go too far
"alright alright, cool it before you do something crazy"
"noooo, let me love youuuu"
At this point he was just laughing as he held you close now softly kissing your cheek before lifting you up in his arms, walking out the house and towards the car
"I love you prince, so much.. you're.. perfect"
He watched as you started to fall asleep and felt a flushed feeling come over him as he out you in the back seat of the car
"I love you too baby, more than you could ever know"
He really didn't want to go out he just wanted to sleep
But there was this new movie you wanted to see so he figured a date night should happen
He was never a fan of overly cheery Christmas movies but you seem to be a fan so he endured
He promised you he wouldn't fall asleep during this date
During the movie he totally fell asleep so he took you at to eat as an apology
You two went to Walmart at like 2am and we're chaotic as hell
He filled the cart up with ramen cups while you kept telling him to put it back
Just a chaotic date all around
He honestly liked it though
To end the night/early morning you two went to eat waffles
He liked how sleepy yet weird you acted
He could watch you talk for hours
Hearing you talk was better than any movie
"hey yuki, do you like me?"
The question shocked the male as he looked at you from across the diner table as he took a sip of coffee, what would make you ask such a thing. He couldn't respond very well cause he was in shock but he gave a steady nod
"oh, you do? That makes me happy..you don't really say I love you so I sometimes forget yknow?"
Yuki reached out grabbing your hands and looking you dead in the eyes, his bright green eyes making you blush
"I love you. More than sleep"
The praise made you blush more as you leaned forward to kiss the male only to hear a sharp cough from the waitress. The teo of you looked over and yuki scowled lightly at the person for ruining his moment
"excuse me, it's 5am...are you two finished"
"oh yeah, sorry about tha-"
You tensed at your boyfriend who was blunt as ever and locked eyes with the worker using a scary glare to spook them off, you couldn't help but sigh
"but yuki, it's late we have to go yeah? Aren't you tired?"
"I'm not done saying how much I love you."
With that the male sat there for the next hour spilling his true feelings and as the snow came down you felt nothing but love though you did feel bad for the worker who looked terrified and was currently writing their will incase yuki slaughtered them.
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ilguna · 4 years
Metanoia - Chapter Five (f.o)
Summary: you will be crowned victor of the 75th hunger games.
Word Count; 4k
Warnings; swearing
NOTES: i give reader a last name to fit the world.
It’s really funny how they set a uniform to wear for the private session with the gamemakers. They haven’t really done that before, and you know that because of your years of mentoring. They don’t have a set outfit that they want the tributes to wear. Sure, they have guidelines, but nothing this strict.
It’s a tracksuit jacket that goes up to your throat. You zip it up all the way, squinting at yourself in the mirror, because this wouldn’t have been your first choice for a uniform. You don’t look too terribly bad, it’s just the fact that you’ve never worn something so… hideous.
Despite this all, you pull your hair out of your face again, it’s even messier than it has been the past three days for training. Progressively, you’ve begun to care less about what you look like. You’ve been zeroing in on as many skills as you can gather like a hoarder. You spent the first day just training, and the last two days learning the useful stuff. The shit they don’t teach in the academy.
It was a good couple of days, even if you were forced to make conversation with the hogs of the stations. The good news is that Cecelia is much more tolerable than Woof. Woof is incompetent, the man will die in the bloodbath. He doesn’t move fast, he doesn’t think straight, and he’ll be a target for you.
You weren’t expecting very much out of him in the first place. He goes right onto the list of the other imcompetent competitors. The list has tripled past your expectations. These games are going to be a walk in the park.
Brutus is already waiting in the main room when you get out there. He’s got an orange in his hand, already peeled. He looks up when you enter, and without a word, stands and heads for the door. This afternoon, Neysa and Edmond will be nowhere in sight. You haven’t seen Theo in days, but that’s no matter.
Neysa and Edmond will be consulting with the stylist to make sure that the interview outfits are matching. Amias is already working with whoever is working with Brutus, but it’s for more understanding. Neysa knows what you would like to wear, and Edmond will have an idea for what Brutus would like.
Brutus holds out a single orange slice.
You prick it from his fingers popping it in your mouth. When you bite down, the juice explodes in your mouth. It’s sweet, a little tangy. You don’t pride yourself with oranges, since they’re such a rare thing to come across in District Two. You guys might be rich and a favorite, but it doesn’t mean you get everything that you desire.
The elevator brings you down to the same floor you’ve been for the past three days. The ride is short, the doors open, you guys step out and head towards the room where you’ll be waiting to be called in. This shouldn’t take very long. After everyone gets inside the room, it’s only three people before it’s your turn.
Walking in, there’s only a couple of people here already. A few of which you’ve actually talked to, during your time of rotation in the training room. Cashmere and Gloss already sit by the wall up front, so you allow Brutus to go in first, since you’ll be sitting on the end of the row.
There’s three rows of four to fit all twenty-four of you in here. The way that things are laid out in here kinda make sense, but you wish that they had allowed District Two to be up against the wall. You’d rather be leaning against the cold concrete while your body is beginning to heat up.
You’re not mad, you’re not embarrassed, this is something that doesn’t belong to you again. It could very well be nerves, again. Since it basically feels the exact same as it did last time…
Maybe the jacket is too much, because there is no reason why you should be feeling like it’s ninety degrees because you’re anxious. You unzip it, and then slip out of the jacket. The second that it’s done though, there’s a whistle behind you.
Gloss turns to look to see who it is, but it doesn’t take a genius to know who’s going to keep harassing you. It’s Finnick, and he’s probably just come in here with Mags. You haven’t turned around since you got inside, mainly because you don’t care who comes in or out. You just want the room to be full already so this show can get started.
“Welcome to the gun show.”
“I really can’t wait until I can knock your fucking teeth out.” you roll your eyes, even if he can’t see it.
Finnick laughs, “I’m not that bad.”
“You are that bad.” you say, “I still don’t know what your goal is.”
“I thought we could be friends.”
“You thought wrong, my friends are sitting right here.”
Brutus snickers but doesn’t say anything, you can practically hear him ask, ‘we’re friends?’
If he’s thinking that, then so are Cashmere and Gloss, but they’re clearly smart enough not to say anything about it. At least they have some intuition that’s telling them that you don’t want to be talking to Finnick. And the best way to escape a conversation is to set grounds, even if they are lies.
“Who says you have to stop there?” Finnick asks.
“For fuck’s sake, just leave me alone.”
If Finnick has anything else to say, he gives it up. The silence is instant, and you welcome it in with open arms. Besides from the occasional ‘whoosh’ of the automatic doors, or the whispers of tributes talking to each other, the room is quiet. 
In no time, the room is full of all the tributes, and Gloss is being called in for his evaluation. As the clock ticks, you can feel yourself grow more anxious. It’s like a bottomless pit in your stomach, or as if you’ve been told that you’re being broken up with. It’s more of a grief feeling.
It’s awful, you don’t like it.
You look down at your wrist, reading over the words again. You run your thumb over them as if they’ll wipe off easily. Of course, they don’t budge even in the slightest. The whole idea of soulmates is crazy.
It’s a dumb concept. Who says that you have to end up with them, anyway? There’s plenty of people that you know, that never followed the rules because they didn’t care. There’s also the fact that you never know if that person is actually alive. It’s not like they fade after the person dies. They’re still as brand new as the day you got them.
You always thought that you’d be able to just overcome it, but with your repelling personality, no dice. That’s fine, you don’t like anyone, anyway. You’ll be content enough to live out the rest of your life in District Two, with two kids--Tanith and Zavian. One who won’t leave you alone, and the other won’t bother to visit.
You won’t be alone forever, you have them, and the occasional person who’s ballsy enough to visit you in your big, old, grand house. And if you can find a single animal you could get as a pet, you’d consider having them around, too. Turn your whole house into a zoo, like the old man that used to live next door, back when you weren’t a victor.
His house was overflowing with animals. Dogs, cats, he had two horses, a cow and a mule in his backyard. In his house were the chickens, goats and pigs. His house was covered in hay and smelt like piss and shit because he never cleaned it. He was too old and too stupid to be running something like that. However, you think he got taken down two years after your win. You went to visit your old house for a few things that you’d remembered that you wanted to move in and the house was just… gone. Like a controlled fire had taken it out.
You can’t say that you feel bad for him, he’s the entire reason why the street smelled so bad. In an upper-class neighborhood like yours, you’re surprised the neighbors hadn’t taken him out any earlier. He’s also the reason why you never opened the windows or doors for more than ten minutes… and why you never went in the backyard, either.
Brutus’ name is called. You fist-bump him, “Good luck.”
“Thanks.” he says.
Cashmere passes him on the way in, she gives you a dainty smile, and then continues her walk out of the room. It’s Brutus, and then it’s you.
“Is The (Y/n) Rosecelli nervous?” Finnick asks.
“I’m not.”
“You’re bouncing your leg like you’re trying to get it to fall off.” 
You hadn’t even realized it. You stop immediately, leaning into your hands as you rub your face, “I’m not nervous, someone else is.”
“Someone else?” 
You look over your shoulder at Finnick, “As much as playing stupid looks on you, don’t start now.”
Finnick is quiet, and then he sputters out a laugh, “You have a soulmate?”
“Everyone does. Mine just happens to be emotional, which is a total drag.” you hiss, “I don’t need to be feeling like this right now.”
The urge to bounce your leg again is like an itch, and you can’t help but to give in.
“I heard taking deep breaths are a fantastic way to calm yourself down.”
You ignore Finnick, it’s not your emotion. You’re confident. You’re excited. You’re enthusiastic. You’re calm. You have nothing to be worried about. You’re going to do great.
You can feel it all start to cease.
You’re an amazing fighter. You’re going to get great scores. You know what you want to do. You’re going to win. You’re the best one here.
One deep breath in, slowly letting it out, it’s like the anxiety wasn’t even there in the first place. Your leg stops, you cross them to ensure it, and continue repeating things to yourself. A much needed ego boost to keep your hands from shaking and your mind from collapsing.
Whoever your soulmate is, you’re beginning to hate them. They’re fucking up basically everything. It’s embarrassing, and you’re never embarrassed.
“Zip it.” you snap, eyes focused on the door.
“District Two, (Y/n) Rosecelli. Report for individual assessment.” the voice over the intercom says.
You uncross your legs, throwing your jacket over your arm as you stand. You move out of the aisle and head towards the door. On the way in, you see Brutus with a grin on his face.
“Good luck.”
“Thanks.” you say.
You pull the jacket on now, zipping it up to your throat, because the room is air conditioned. With no one being in here, it makes the room colder. There’s no body heat to be worrying about. Even with the jacket on, you can still feel the cold air through it. 
You stand in front of the gamemakers, looking up at them. Plutarch Heavensbee--the new head gamemaker after the last one was killed. Word travels between mentors and victors like disease. Obviously it had to do something with the berries that Katniss and tried to eat. The fact that they were inside the arena in the first place was heinous enough. But to use it against the gamemakers, and Crane allowing it to happen…
“You have ten minutes to present your chosen skill.” Plutarch says.
You give a quick nod, wandering over to the nearest hologram station. You got to play around with it on the first day, and realized that going up to the hardest mode wasn’t even hard. It was medium. You broke a sweat after doing it for the third time in a row, and the gamemakers have definitely seen you mess with it before.
They have to assess you over a period of days, not just one. The private session is designed to show off anything that you wouldn’t want the other tributes knowing.
Which is exactly why you skip over all the regular throwing stations, and head right into the bow and arrow one. They have their own tv holograms that they’ll be able to watch you from. 
It’s not a skill you necessarily like. It helps with distance fighting, but since bow and arrows have been associated with Katniss, you’ve basically faded this into nothing. However, you pick up the bow, playing around with the strings to test the tightness. A quiver of arrows is pulled over your shoulder after.
You program the game easily, but before you step in, you turn around and fire an arrow just to see how awful the bow is. It’s not too bad, it’s actually fairly similar to the one they have at the academies. These ones are just tighter because they’re brand new.
You go inside after that. The holograms start off fairly easy. Now that you’re inside, you can see why it was so easy for Katniss to know where they’d be coming from before they were generated. The way that the orange beams move is a clear giveaway.
It takes one arrow for each person, always the center of the chest. If they’re moving, then you make an exception for the head, since it’s the next best thing to wipe someone out immediately.
You can feel yourself go into concentration mode. The beam moves, you spin around. You release the arrow at first chance, nailing the hologram. You grab another arrow, the beam moves, you spin around, release the arrow, get the hologram. Over and over until it’s finally done.
You wish you had some sort of watch so you could know when your time is up, but you decide that this is enough. You place the bow back where it came from, as well as the quiver, which has three arrows left. The arrows inside of the station will be cleaned up by some poor avox, it’s not your job.
You step right in front of the gamemakers again, waiting for them to dismiss you. When they do, you thank them, and then leave the room. You can hear them call in Beetee next, and you pass him on your way out too. Just before you also leave the little waiting room, Finnick and you make eye contact.
And on his face is a half-smile, half-smirk.
You plop down on the couch, leaning back against the cushions. Caesar Flickerman introduces the name of the game: tribute training scores. The entire couch is full. From right--where you’re sitter--to left, it sits Amias, Neysa, Edmond, Brutus and Brutus’ stylist. On the adjacent chair sits Theo.
He won’t look in your direction, it’s humorous.
Caesar starts it almost immediately, beginning with boys. Gloss lands himself an eleven, and Cashmere gets herself a ten, which makes you wonder how badly she messed up during her session. She’s supposed to be a career, not some average moron. Anyone with basic capabilities can get a ten.
Next is Brutus, he gets a nice eleven, which makes you all cheer for him in excitement. You want to hold your breath for your own, but you realize that’s not a reaction you would have. So, instead you give a big smile and lean back, crossing your arms. Confidence will get you out of this.
“District Two, (Y/n) Rosecelli with a score of eleven.” He gives a big smile, and you give a look to Brutus.
“And that is how it’s done!”
Brutus laughs, the two of you lean over for high-fives before going back to watching Caesar. Beetee and Wiress get boringly sad and average scores, but there’s not much to expect from them either. They didn’t do anything that would be entertaining over those three days. They get sevens.
The smile fades from your face once Finnick comes up. Your face straightens out and you lean forward. Brutus notices this, “Interested?”
“I gotta know how easy he’ll be to kill.”
“District Four, Finnick Odair with a score of eleven.” Caesar says, “And District Four, Mags Flannagan with a score of six.”
Finnick’s score is no surprise, but you are a little worried over Mag’s. She could have at least gotten a seven considering she did just about the same that Beetee and Wiress did. You suppose it makes sense in a way, though. She’s not going to be a good fighter, and they have to consider that too.
At least you and Finnick are on the same playing field, but he’ll be torn between protecting himself and Mags. You don’t really want to be the one to kill her, but another matching pair of District Four skulls on your arm is just too tempting.
You bring your arm over, looking at it as Caesar announces the next scores. You’ve got quite a collection. You didn’t kill any of District One’s tributes, but you did kill your district mate because it had come down to you two. If you want to keep traditions, Brutus would have to go on too. You wonder if he knows that part of your history.
It skips over District Three, but you got both from four. None from five or six, but you got the doubles on seven, the guy from eight and the girl from ten--oh, and the girl from twelve that had ran into the cornucopia like a dumbass. The total comes out to eight, which really is quite a lot.
Except that year a ton of people had ran into the cornucopia, more than usual. The girls from ten and twelve, and the boy from four had run in. As for the other five, that same day you took out the boy from eight. Your allies had taken out others, since they wanted at least something they could take credit for. 
Four on the first day, and the other four in the span of a week. You were the one with the most kills, you were showered with gifts. No one really stood a chance, not even your district mate. You kept track of the tributes throughout the entire game by carving lines into your arm. The second that the twenty-second guy was dead, you turned on your mate immediately.
It was too quick, it had taken the gamemakers by surprise. The way you turned, grabbed his head with one hand and used your sai’ to stab right through. He crumpled to the ground like a sack of flour, and you stood in the middle of that field, waiting for your crowning.
An entire minute of silence, which made you doubt that you were the winner. You had to count the cuts on your arms to double-check. You had done it each time after you’d heard a cannon, it should be accurate. And while you waited for them to announce your win, after you were sure it was yours, you made that final line.
Obviously they had wanted some fight, looking back on it. The final two should have been easy entertainment, and even sentimental, considering you guys were both from District Two. But there was no hesitation, you were already exhausted from fighting the last guy, and you just wanted it to be over with.
The reason behind why you’d chosen to wipe out the District Four tributes is funny, in some sick way. Of course, your games were right after Finnick’s, and you absolutely hated the way he won. Using his nets to drag people into the water and then uses his trident on them.
It’s the entire reason why you spared nothing for either of the four tributes. You didn’t even fuck with them a little bit like your allies had wanted. You killed them, and you made sure that the cannon had gone off before you’d even bothered to move on. You were so paranoid that they would try something like Finnick had done, again.
As much as people don’t want to admit it, you pay attention to things. Your brain is always turning. You’re keeping track of things, remembering plans and techniques. If you come up across anyone inside of the games, then you’ll know how to act. What they favor more in fights and all that. Not to mention, people like the morphlings and where they like to hide in the trees, what they’re looking for specifically.
It’s a whole ‘nother reason why you’re a perfect candidate. You’re prepared.
Anyway, districts five and six both get that same average score as three. Johanna Mason lands herself a nice ten, and her district mate Blight gets a nine. Not surprising for Johanna, but it is for Blight. Normally guys get higher training scores--and that’s not a sexist thing either.
It’s how your first games went. You had gotten a nine, and it must have been something you’d done during your training days. Unlike other districts, the careers aren’t really told to keep from showing off their skills. In fact, you’re encouraged to. It’s an intimidation tactic to weasel out the weaklings.
And you’re typically ordered to pick your favorites that look like good allies, and after private training day--which is then when you’re able to see the score--you send a formal request for them to be in the alliance. It’s a whole thing, more trouble than it’s actually worth, and it doesn’t happen very often because of it.
District eight through eleven get mainly average scores, there’s a few who stand out more than the others. And then it hits District Twelve.
“District Twelve--” Caesar’s face twists unexpectedly, “--Peeta Mellark, with a score of twelve.”
“What?” you nearly yell, pushing yourself up into a better seating position, “How?”
“District Twelve, Katniss Everdeen with a score of twelve.”
“That’s impossible.” the blood must have drained from your face, and there’s a faint feeling that overcomes you, “No, no--no!”
No one has ever hit twelve. Twelve is the highest and one is the lowest. People have gotten close to twelve, clearly. You’ve got an eleven and a few others do too, but twelve…
“What did Katniss say to our alliance invitation?” Brutus asks, “Neysa!”
Neysa looks worried too, “Uh--Haymitch told me that she said no, or that she was at least thinking about it.”
You allowed Brutus to send in that request after watching Katniss shoot those arrows, but it was only Brutus that was asking. You weren’t included in it. Had Katniss said yes, she would have been dragged into the alliance altogether, whether you like it or not, you would have had to make friends.
And there’s a very good reason as to why she probably said no. It’s the alliance thing with Finnick, isn’t it?
You pucker your lips, “Neysa I need a moment with you.”
She looks over at you, Caesar Flickerman has long since been forgotten. She nods a little bit, everyone else in the living room looks confused as to why you couldn’t have just said it in front of them too.
You bring Neysa as far as you can manage without making it suspicious. Even then, you’re dropping your voice to a whisper, and turning your back to the living room so Brutus won’t be able to read your lips.
“What is it?”
“Tell the District Four mentors that I want to be allies with Finnick,” you say before you can catch yourself and change your mind, “And I don’t mean for him to join us, I mean for me to join them.”
“Them?” Neysa looks suspicious.
Shit, “Finnick and Mags. What else would I have meant?”
It was a smooth recovery, enough to get her off your back.
“You’d just leave everyone like that?” Neysa doesn’t like this, you can hear it in her tone of voice, “It’s just as much of a dumb idea as running solo is--”
“I just want to see what he says, I don’t have my mind set in stone.” You give her a look, “Neysa, come on.”
“Fine, but you will tell me your plan if it works out like you’re envisioning.”
“I wouldn’t dream of leaving you out of the loop.” You tell her.
“Is there anyone else?” she asks.
You think for a moment on who would be dumb enough to accept but smart enough to do it too. A light bulb then goes off, “Peeta Mellark.”
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rokutouxei · 4 years
in future tense
part 3 of: atelier heart
ikemen vampire: temptation in the dark theodorus van gogh / mc | gen | 2565 | [ao3 in bio]
She and Theo were born and lived in times a hundred years apart. In the weeks they're together, she and Theo attempt to understand their time-separated worlds through a back and forth of trivia. But Theo learns much more than just what it's like to be in the 21st century.
spoiler warning: a conversation between MC and Theo in chapter 4 of his route is referenced.
What does it mean to be born in the 21st century?
Theo tries his best to imagine what it would be like, in a world more than a hundred years from his now; his “now” which is already ten years ahead of his “then”, before vampires, before Comte. And yet even in his wildest imaginations he can’t seem to grasp what it would mean to live in the future; time is instead a looping spiral instead of straight arrow, the kind he used to imagine it was.
When he takes her out into the city the day after she arrived, it’s her first time out of the mansion, into the world that is late 19th century Paris, France. To Theo, nothing really strikes him as different or interesting in this time period; sure, the fashion has changed a little from when before he was turned, and maybe there were a few different landmarks here and there, but nothing that was enough to warrant the look on her face, that was, in two words: entirely wonderstruck.
Eyes as wide as saucers like an excited child, an unashamed smile on her face. At the most mundane things too: the architecture, the cobblestone streets, turns her head at carriages like she had never seen one in her entire life before this point. She observes the ladies passing by, her eyes roaming over their clothes, and then turning back towards her own rather simple set—le Comte hadn’t had a chance to have clothes tailored for her yet, but soon he will. For now, she tugs at her sleeves and runs her hands over her dress like trying her best not to seem like she’s trying too hard to fit in, like these clothes aren’t hers to begin with, like this isn’t the world she belongs to.
And yet, instead, she does the opposite: carries the aura of being someone otherworldly, not entirely alien but at the same time—so strikingly unfamiliar.
At that moment, the image of a recognizable painting fills Theo’s mind, one he’d seen at an auction once, and he wonders if it is rather too on-brand of him as an art dealer to think of such a parallel like that.
Meisje met tulband, painted in the 17th century by Johannes Vermeer, during the Dutch Golden Age. An obviously European woman in what seems like clothes borrowed from worldly trips far from the embrace of home. During this time, what was exotic was valuable. It illuminated experience, knowledge of a bigger world beyond the borders of the mountains and seas. On her head, a turban from an Eastern country, on her frame, clothes that do not suit the style of European garb. But most importantly: a pearl earring, large and glimmering, treasure of the faraway seas, hovering just underneath her ear like hesitating if it actually hangs from it or if it is only an illusion of grandiosity.
So attractive, in all her exoticism, pulled back from the gray of European normal, that is known and familiar and comfortable, standing above all others.
And yet so remarkably out of place.
So on the first week, she and Theo make a deal.
For every thing about the 19th century that Theo explains to her, she would tell him something about the 21st century in exchange. A fair deal, Theo thinks. This is what he can give her. Just a trade of information: nothing too personal to be shared, nothing too involved. This guarantees that both of their curiosities are satisfied, and—well, Theo will never say it out loud, but—this is also his way of getting to know each other in tiny, unobtrusive ways.
Not enough to make a difference, of course, he thinks. He doesn’t want there to be a difference. If he’s keeping her by his side at all times to monitor her, he’ll just have to do his fair share of understanding who he’s working with. That’s about it.
Except there was one thing Theo did not get to add onto his assumptions: that the woman never runs out of questions.
Sure, she has the hindsight of having been born in the time when this has all technically already happened, already a time long past her—time is a spiral, or something, Theo reminds himself—but the reality of having to live all this is still way beyond her. So she doesn’t stop asking. Even about the most trivial of things.
It drives Theo insane.
Like what kinds of clothes people find fashionable. (“You could see it on the street.” “Well, yeah, but I wanted to know what you found fashionable.” “I don’t really care.” “You’re boring.”)
Or if ankles are still scandalous things. (A squint of eyebrows. “Dresses are often supposed to touch the floor.” “Not where I’m from. You’ll see much more than just ankles.” “…Knees?” “…Thighs. Or more.” “…Why.” “Why not?”)
And what kind of things people enjoy. (“Séances? Sounds scary.” “Others talk in flower codes.” “Oh! We still have that in the future! Kinda.”)
Also, if Kings and Queens are still “a thing” (her words)—and she can’t seem to believe him when he says they do, still, in fact, exist, and reign over nations. (“So instead, you have, democracy, you call it?” “Well, we’re trying.”)
But even if she always seems so awed by the workings of this era, somehow it is Theo who is left much more bewildered with the stories she tells. While she listens to him with this kind of avid wonder, the kind a child would have to a storytelling adult, Theo sits next to her like a skeptic, incredulous, mind unable to process what she is saying.
Like, what is an internet? The inter-, he figures out, but a net? Of what?
“It’s a network! That’s what the net stands for. So it’s kind of like a group of people, who get to talk, but digital.”
“Digital? What do fingers have to do with his?”
“Fingers? …oh, because digits. Um. No, it’s kind of like… a space that… you can’t touch? It’s sort of… mental?”
Theo doesn’t have a follow-up question because he doesn’t know how to follow-up to that. He just kind of looks like her like she grew a second head. Can this much change really happen in a hundred years or so? Why is her world so foreign from his?
But it doesn’t deter him. He listens intently to her stories about art in a hundred years. Cameras so small, they can fit in your pocket, so fast they can take a photo in a second. Artworks made not of canvas and paint, but of, again, this “digital” medium, which is accessible to nearly the entire world. And because of this “internet”, everyone who has it can both make and see art so easily—and they can fit these in their “cell phones”, hand-held telephones that can connect to nearly anyone… without wires!
And with each and every one of her attempts to explain the overwhelming time she used to come from, something inside Theo grows, a feeling he does not understand yet. It’s dizzying—but he cannot stop listening.
So he doesn’t stop answering either.
By the second week, whenever their schedule allows, he takes her to museums, introduces her to art movements that have flourished, are only beginning to flourish. Occasionally, she will point at one and say, “Oh, that one’s pretty famous in the future!” and Theo feels a sense of pride. The appreciation for art and beauty is one of the many things that transcends time—if the world allows it to.
He’s far from Comte’s level of elite, but he takes her to shops anyway, to see what things are in stores. The feeling that sits in Theo’s chest only grows as she points at things and says, “That’s a classic vintage piece. I’ve seen those a lot in museums,” and sooner than Theo would like, every mention of time gives him that feeling of distance, pulls her away from him.
So far away.
The fact keeps pressing itself into Theo’s brain, that she doesn’t belong here, she is only a tourist, she is only here for a short while.
The world is a gentler place in that time she is from. He doesn’t want to selfishly keep her here.
(But if he could, if she would, maybe, he wouldn’t be opposed to it.)
Shortly after a conversation about traveling from her home country to Paris in the 21st century—“You can get halfway across the world in half a day?” “Yeah, non-stop flights do that. 900 people in a single ride.” “…I find it hard to believe you.” “You don’t have to, it won’t change the fact.”—that last remark pushes Theo to finally, finally ask the question that he has held hesitantly in his mouth for the longest time.
“What’s it like, sitting here in the 19th century, knowing the future?”
She doesn’t answer for a moment, her eyes shifting off to one side, away from Theo, as she ponders on his question. Theo takes this time to observe her instead—the way she holds herself up now, so comfortable, rather confident in her 19th century clothing, the little ways she’s learned the mannerisms apt for the time. She’s so different from the girl he’d seen that first night, trembling, afraid of a (well-meaning) nightmare.
Ah, yes, yet another reminder that she does not belong here.
Not with him. Not like this.
Theo snaps back into focus once she speaks. “It’s a little conflicting to me,” she begins. “I don’t know how time works, so somehow it both feels like much of it is already set in stone, but also there are so many more things that can change.” She turns to him, meeting his gaze. “But what I’m sure of is that everything you’re doing now is going to have an impact on the future—I guess I’ll see it when I get back.”
(Theo withers ever so slightly, but not enough for her to notice.)
She continues. “It’s a little scary too, because historically—well, I guess it’s not history yet, but, there are still a lot of bad things that will happen, in the next hundred years. So many.” She cringes. “But after that? There are also so many good things that will happen. Things that—well, I haven’t stayed long enough here to say for sure, but—I think many of the good things that will happen by then still seem unthinkable now. The same way you don’t believe me sometimes. But they will happen.”
And she’s so sure of it: tells him that millions of people of all ages, classes, and nationalities go to museums to enjoy art—even Vincent’s!—in the future. That some of them even get to go for free, that the world’s governments actually want people to be in any degree appreciative of art. She tells him how she could just look up a painting on her “cell phone” and she would already be able to experience it, in a way. She tells him that so much of the world revolves around art being accessible, that people don’t even think about it too much anymore. It’s just normal.
“You won’t believe it, Theo,” she says. “Art is everywhere.”
She reminds him of the sunrise.
The sunrise he’s long dreamt of—the dawn of the new era of Art, in a better world where artists are free to make what they want to make, to showcase their work, to continuously push the barriers of the human understanding of beauty and creation. The fact that she’s come from that time doesn’t only make her a reminder of it—but also an assurance, that all of this will pay off, that he is making a difference.
He may not have been one of the chosen ones, the gifted ones, who had extraordinary talents, who could, with a wave of their hand, change the turning of the world, influence society, but—he has something he can do.
And she believes in him.
Why does it make him feel so much steadier just knowing she believes in him?
He is no one. He is nobody important. They can give him names now, call him the Phantom of Goupil, but in the long stretch of time after this, in a hundred years, in a thousand—he will be no one. History will eventually forget his name—and Theo has long accepted this truth. And if he doesn’t have much to offer to time, he has much less for her. The 19th century is no match to the 21st century’s innovations and astonishing development. He is just a plain man from a backwards time.
But at some point in the past few weeks with her, that feeling he’s once again started to ask if he could reclaim has grown in him. The desire to be remembered.
Not by the world, not by history—just by her.
Even a hundred years into the future.
There are a lot of things Theo doesn’t know yet about what’s to come. But if there is one thing about art that he knows is consistent across time, it’s that a single piece of art has the power to change something fundamental in people: the way they see life, the way they see art, the way they think about the world, the way they feel. A fateful encounter not only with the piece of art itself, but with the moment in which one meets it. The feeling that rushes, that consumes, the recognition: that one’s life has now been altered, irrevocably, by that one piece of art.
It is falling in love, but greater.
Theo really thought he would never find the capacity to ever feel that way again. That that moment, with that painting, is the pinnacle of what his heart can take.
But now he knows he isn’t.
Now he knows it isn’t, so he prays.
He doesn’t have much to give, but he prays.
That maybe she will give him the taste of it. Carve the shape of it in his mouth.
Down his throat. Chase it down into the pit of his belly where the acid of his self-resentment remains. Let it echo in his veins.
And if she does—his voice will scramble will to make sense of the sound, and he will settle for other ways to let himself be heard, the strained vocal cords of his heart, calling her hondje, knabbeltje, the only way he knows how. To say “this is for you.” To tell her how good she’s been to him, so obedient. To scoff at her rebuttals. To join in her laughter. To tell her things only the hollow in the center of his chest he’d long shouted at have ever heard.
Oh, she doesn’t even need to ask.
The fact dissolves like something bitter turning sweet, sweet, impossibly sweet on his tongue.
She doesn’t need to do much of anything: she just needs to stay.
To forgive his grumbling, his shaking footsteps, his frequent step-backs into a past that has long left him behind. To look back over her shoulder, call out his name in the star-like lilt of her voice, Theo?
And he will give her everything.
in the atelier: The Girl with the Pearl Earring, by Johannes Vermeer, 1665.
this is just a fun trivia thing, but the title "the Girl with the Pearl Earring" (Meisje met de parel in Dutch) was apparently only given to the painting in 1995. i didn't find what it was called much earlier (it was auctioned somewhere in the Hague in 1881, bought by a private collector), but after it was transferred to the Mauritshuis (also in the Hague) in 1902, it was called "Girl with a Turban" (Meisje met tulband). that's kind of why i decided to go for the more obscure / older name.
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wip wednesday :)
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hi y’all so i wasn’t tagged (whoops broke the rules) and it’s still kinda early in the day but i wanted to make this post because i’ve been working on a few other fics and wanted to share :)
i’ve been finishing up Aftermath - the reason it’s taking me so long to post chapters is because i initially had a very sad ending planned. i weeped when i was rereading it because i’ve gotten emotionally attached to the characters (what a surprise) and am now rewriting a happier ending. i think there’s like... 3 chapters left (don’t quote me on that, i’m a mess and it could change, but its unlikely).
there’s also two other fic ideas that i had. the first one kinda throws canon out the window - but there are still some elements, like Bertrand and Savannah’s relationship (though it’s extremely altered), the assassination with Olivia’s parents, Godfrey & Barthelemy’s treason... it’s just changed, like Queen Eleanor’s story is different, Leo doesn’t abdicate, Liam and Drake never really became best friends, and MC (Klara/Claire Brooks) leads a double life, keeping both men (and families) away from each other
the second one throws TRH 3 in the trash (even though it already is kinda trash, haha). this would take place during the last chapter of TRH 2 and throw the whole vote stuff out the window - because the farther we go with that, the less it makes sense. basically, Auvernal kidnaps the heir, Barthelemy is involved in it, and Liam and MC (i’m keeping her as Riley Brooks for this one) along with the gang do everything they can to get her back (obviously why wouldn’t they). i thought it would be interesting putting a part of it in the heir’s point of view, since those were kinda funny in some of the recent chapters. nothing too dark or serious (i mean yeah the heir getting kidnapped is serious, but you know what i mean. besides that, there are no major trigger warnings)
both these fics will most likely flop, but i had fun with these ideas and wanted to share
so here we go
The Aftermath - Chapter 32
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When Bastien enters, his eyes widen as they rest on Boris. He gives Olivia a look.
“Drake,” she tells him, hoping that would be enough of an answer. Bastien frowns. Olivia didn’t know why Drake had done this either. The fool hadn’t given her any information as to what this man had done. Where was she even supposed to start?
Now she was really wishing she had called Jacob to give her a background check.
“So,” she begins, pacing in front of Boris. Bastien was at full attention, closely watching both of them. “What happened between you and Drake?”
Boris spits blood to the opposite side of the room. It drips down the wall. “Call the bastard in here. Tell him to explain.” His accent is thick and his voice is tried.
I probably should, she thinks to herself.
Bastien gives Olivia another look. She nods at him.
“Let us shift the conversation,” Bastien begins. “Can I ask how long you’ve known Lady Riley or her late husband?”
“How is that important?” Boris questions.
“Just curious.” Bastien’s voice remains level.
Boris sighs, then leans back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. “Potter. I met him in college. He introduced me to Riley-”
“I’m sorry,” Bastien interrupts him. “Who is ‘Potter’?”
“The lovely Theodore Blaise.” Boris lets out a rueful chuckle. “You have not seen him in person? The idiot looks like Harry Potter. Stupid glasses, stupid hair.”
“Alright,” Bastien stops him again. “Continue. When did he introduce you to Riley?”
“New York. That one year. I was visiting before I had to go to... Switzerland? Sweden? One of the two. It was lifetime ago. Can’t remember everything.” He pauses to look around the room. “She was... with your King. We saw her in the park. Theo wanted to see her. We waited for the king to leave her before he went up to her hotel.”
Olivia knew that he was talking about the last night Riley had been with the court. But Boris was drawing out the conversation. She didn’t like how slow Bastien was approaching this. Olivia wanted to draw a knife — she had a new one she was itching to use — and force the answers out of him.
Until the End - Prologue
A/N: also i made a thing for this series. it’s not a moodboard. idk what its called. like a banner or whatever? i felt creative and made it. i’ll probably end up making a moodboard too. there are three parts of the series, each part has seven/eight chapters. anyway this looks kinda wack i might not even use it
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As we near the stairs, Olivia Nevrakis chases after Maxwell Beaumont, who tumbles down the steps.
“Why are you running?!” Olivia cries after the boy, a long object in her hand.
“Because you have a stick!” he cries after almost tripping over his short, chubby legs.
“What am I gonna do, hit you with it?”
“YES?!” Maxwell screams, a confused and fearful tone in his voice.
As the two reach the bottom of the stairs, Liam emerges from another corridor, laughing after his friends. His hair is a whorl on his head, and his cheeks are flushed pink.
“Hello, Mother!” he says. My son hugs my waist, then reaches to hug his father, but Constantine has already walked on.
I take the boy’s hand and we follow after the King. Near the entrance of the palace stands a man in guard’s uniform, a woman in a denim dress, and two small children.
“Eleanor, Liam,” Constantine begins. “I would like for you two to be introduced to a new member of our security team. Jackson Walker, his wife Bianca, and their children, Drake and Savannah.”
“A pleasure, Your Majesties,” Jackson says as he and his wife bow respectfully. The little girl blinks up at me while Drake looks between Liam and I.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Liam!” My son holds out his hand to Drake.
Constantine audibly coughs. Liam’s hand falls to his side, and his smile falls as well. I knew that the differences in status would not allow Liam to interact with the boy so improperly, but they are just children. I didn’t think there was a reason for such excessive formality.
Bianca slightly nudges her son. In a monotone voice, Drake greets, “Nice to meet you, Prince Liam.”
Liam’s expression lifts. I send a smile in Bianca’s direction, and she hesitantly returns it. Jackson holds eye contact with me a moment longer, a wide grin stretching his face.
Constantine grabs our attention again. “Jackson, you will be primarily working on my wife’s security team. Now if you’ll excuse us, we are expected at dinner. My head of security, Bastien, will lead you through the rest of your orientation. After dinner, you’ll be able to speak to my wife and receive any orders she has for you.”
“Yes, Sire,” Jackson bows his head again, and Constantine leads us away.
Godfrey and his family, along with the Beaumonts, Olivia, and Leo are already seated. They all stand quickly as Constantine comes into the room, giving polite bows.  
The moment we sit, there’s a flurry of activity as the servants set our plates in front of us. Adelaide sips on her wine absently. Annabelle fusses over Maxwell, who has cookie crumbs on his fingers and face. Madeleine attempts to get Leo’s attention, but he laughs with Bertrand, the boys giving each other impish smiles. Olivia converses with Liam, taking on a gentle demeanor compared to how she behaved with Maxwell.
“Hostilities between Monterisso and Auvernal are increasing by the day,” I hear Godfrey mention to Constantine.
“The whole of Europe expects them to break out in war,” Barthelemy adds.
“Monterissian and Auvernese citizens anticipate some sort of peace treaty,” Godfrey continues. The men speak as if they are one unit, with one mind. “But other nations have already begun taking sides.”
“The King of Hidar is siding with Monterisso.” Barthelemy motions for a servant to bring him more wine. “But there are rumors that he is only doing so after receiving threats.”
“Most nations are waiting for Cordonia and Monaco for their decisions for who to ally with.”
When Barthelemy and Godfrey finish filling Constantine’s ears, they return to the food on their plates, staring down as if nothing else in the world concerned them. Constantine chews slowly, visibly considering their words.
“Monterisso has always kept a neutral face when it comes to Cordonian issues,” the King mentions. “They have never asked or hinted towards alliance. They are not many nations who ally with them at all.”
“So you must admit,” Barthelemy finishes chewing, “that allying with them instead of Auvernal makes a bad impression—”
“—and reduces the chance of alliances with other nations,” Godfrey finishes with him.
“How so?” I speak up. The three men turn their heads to look at me. No one else at the table pays attention to the conversation, but as their eyes burn in my direction — aggressive looks from the Dukes, while my husband raises an eyebrow at me — I want to take back my words.
But I do no such thing. After more than seven years of marriage, I had become accustomed to Godfrey and Barthelmey shutting down the advice I gave to my husband. This instance is no different.
The Lion and the Heir - short series - Prologue
A/N: just as a heads up, i laughed while writing this. like i wrote this just for a good laugh and wanted to share. my friend sent me a writing prompt about a kid’s wild imagination and she thought it was funny and sent it to me (i sent her this same passage and we both laughed our heads off reading parts of it) so what i’m trying to say is that thinking this is terrible and cringe-worthy is understandable - i cringed at this myself and am very scared to post this lol, and might not even continue it. yes i made a moodboard thing. yes i laughed while making it. goodbye.
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"Is everything well, Mommy?" I ask. Instead of answering me, again she attempts to silence me! I repeat my question, but this time the man tells me to silent myself.
Did they not know who they were speaking to? Perhaps I was interrupting something. Was there a lesson to be learned somewhere in this? I wish that Daddy were present at this meeting. Though most of his explanations were gibberish, he would at least attempt to make me understand.
The man walks towards me. He reaches his hands out to carry me, but I do not know this man! And he was quite stinky! I do not like him. I smack his hands away, and he takes a step back.
"With all due respect," I try to explain to him, "please introduce yourself before any forward actions. They are most unwelcoming. Your Princess does not appreciate this behavior."
He turns to my suspicious mother and says something in gibberish. I frown, for the language barrier does not mean that my subjects may disobey my wishes in such a manner!
Suspicious Mommy takes off the shield that was over her eyes. I find that it is NOT Mommy! Though they look similar, their differences are too contrasting. This woman's eyes were a tad sharper. She was too aware of me, and did not seem comfortable in my presence.
"Shhh sh shhh," she goes again, trying to pick me up, but I allow my short legs to fall from under me. My behind hits the mattress, and I feel my friend, General Lion, against my hand.
"Is everything well, Your Highness?" my trusty General says to me. "Is there anything I can do to be of service?"
"Dismiss this woman from my presence!" I command him.
"But... but that is Mommy!" he cries.
This woman was good in her disguise. She had fooled my trusted advisor!
"Believe me, General, it is not!" I tell him. "She has fooled us!"
"And she is trying to take you away?" he observes.
"Yes!" I am suddenly aware of what is happening. The woman begins to reach for me. "Quick!" I say, panic swelling in my chest. I had to do something about this, but all my heart is telling me to do is cry! I have to take more serious measures than that! "What am I to do?"
"Uh... uh..." General Lion looks around the crib, before he reaches out to me. "Take a hold of my paw!"
putting my Aftermath taglist because that’s the only one i have :) - y’all can see what’s happening in the next chapter & these other fics. if you’re interested in any (besides Aftermath) let me know! if you don’t interact or anything, i’ll leave you on the Aftermath taglist and won’t remove or add you anywhere :)
(also, people probably know this but just a gentle reminder, the only reason i don’t reply to comments is because this is a sideblog. i see them all though, so don’t worry. i just don’t want to confuse people by replying from my main blog or anything :) anyway let me stop trailing off)
@captain-kingliamsqueen​ @gkittylove99​ @lovablegranny​ @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful​ @mom2000aggie​ @kingliam2019​ @queenrileyrose​ @shanzay44​ @cordonianroyalty​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @twinkle-320​ @amandablink​ @texaskitten30​ @pens-girl-87​ @ladyangel70​ @sanchita012​ @cordonianprincess​ @cordonia-gothqueen​ @pink-diamond13​ @queenwalton​​ @yourmajesty09​ @alj4890​​ @choicesbutterfly​​​ 
^if anyone from this list wants to do the WIP Wednesday thing, feel free!!
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Home - Part 22
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A/N - So this is the last part my lovelies! (Well there will be an Epilogue) i just want to thank everyone who has kept with this til the end and for all the love you’ve shown. 💕
"Buck, i cant stop looking at them" i smiled down at my two boys laying side by side in the hospital cot.
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"I know, their perfect" he beamed before turning and kissing me "you did so good baby"
"I didn't do anything, i didn't even know what was going on!" I chuckled, when they took me down to the OR the babies heart rates dropped suddenly and they had to give me a general anaesthetic and get them out quick.....when i woke up again i had my two boys.
"You did everything! You carried them for the last... what, 8 months? You've kept them safe and healthy"
"I guess i did do that, I've got the stretch marks to prove it" i rolled my eyes.
"we still need names, we can't just keep calling them 'the boys' you know"
"Mmmhmm okay but can we talk about it after i sleep?" I asked covering my mouth as i yawned.
"Sure doll, you get some sleep"
"You'll watch them?"
"Of course, Steve will probably be in here in a minute he was so excited" Bucky shook his head and laughed.
"Okay, Just let me sleep for an hour and wake me up okay?"
"You got it".
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When i woke up again i looked over to see Bucky sat with his eyes closed, both boys sleeping on his chest. He wasn't asleep just resting his eyes, his thumbs gently stroking over their tiny legs as they slept soundly. It was the most beautiful sight ive ever seen, i couldnt help but reach for my phone and snap a photo.
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Yes im gonna be that mom who takes photo's of everything! Don't judge me!
"What are you doing?" He asked opening one eye and looking at me suspiciously.
"Taking a photo of my boys" i smiled "i told you to wake me up in an hour Buck, how long did i sleep? Its dark out!"
"4/5 hours" he shrugged casually "enjoy it while you can doll, you wont sleep well for a while"
"Unless they take after their mama and like their sleep too? God i hope they do!"
"Their gonna need a feed, you feeling up to it?"
Bucky got up and carefully passed me one of the twins while he kept the other close to his chest and sat back down.
"His so tiny.... i feel like i'm gonna break him" i said as i lowered my gown and tried to get the baby to latch onto my breast "He latched on straight away.... oh my god this is so weird..."
"Thats my boy" Bucky winked making me laugh quietly so i didn't disturb the baby.
"So names..... i was thinking Steven and Samuel as middle names? Both of them are important to us" i said looking down at the baby in my arms.
"I love that idea, they'll love that too"
"Is Steve gonna Cry?"
"Probably" Bucky chuckled knowing what his friend was like.
"Okay and first names?"
"How about Thomas....After your dad? I know you miss him" Bucky suggested.
"I really do, i wish my mom and dad were here to see this" i quickly wiped a tear away "Thomas Samuel Barnes?"
"I like it doll"
"Me too" i smiled looking down at the larger of the boys in my arms "i think this is Thomas"
"Okay and now for this little man"
"How did we not decide on names before today?" I shook my head.
"Because we've had our hands full with the girls and Jack's case.... we thought we had more time" Bucky shrugged before getting up and switching out the babies.
"I don't really know what names i like"
"Me either, i didn't think it would he this hard to name them" i said as i got comfy with the next baby.
"You know just before the girls went to bed i heard Allie talking to the bump again.... how do you feel about Theodore?" I asked raising an eyebrow questioningly "thats what she called one of them.... we could call him Theo or Teddy for short?"
"Theodore Steven Barnes? It kinda works" he nodded "for the record i'll probably never call him Theodore"
"It doesn't surprise me babe, the girls rarely get called by their full names either"
"Thats true"
"So are we agreed?"
"I think we are" he grinned as he got settled with Thomas again.
"Did Steve come see them while i was sleeping?"
"Yeah but only for 10 minutes, i didn't want to disturb you.... plus visiting hours where nearly up. His coming back up later with the girls though, then his gonna take them home and watch them til we're aloud to go home"
"Sounds perfect, i miss my girls already"
"Im sure their missing you too"
"Their probably too busy with Auntie Becca to care" i smiled over at Bucky who was shaking his head.
"Okay Teddy is done, can you take him please.... i think i need some more pain relief"
"Sure doll" he laid Thomas in the cot and took Teddy from me before sitting back down to winding him.
I held a hand to my stomach and winced as i pressed the call button for the nurse.
"Your gonna be feeling that for a while doll, your gonna have to take it easy too. Let me help you with things"
"I'll be fine...."
"You will take it easy and let yourself heal"
"But Bucky you cant look after the girls and newborn twins on your own! I can't just sit around and do nothing...."
"You can and you will, Ive already spoken to Steve and his gonna come stay with us until your better"
"Okay, its not like he isn't always there anyway. I sometimes wonder if he actually lives with us and i just don't know about it"
"You don't mind that Steve's around alot do you?"
"Course not, i love Steve"
"Good, you'd tell me if you had a problem with it?"
"You know i would"
"Ms Y/L/N, how you feeling?" One of the nurses smiled as she walked into the room.
"I need something for the pain, other than that im good" i smiled at her.
"Okay lets see what i can do about that".
It was about an hour later when Steve walked in with Becca and the girls.
Steve came straight over to me and placed a kiss on the top of my head, Rosie was cuddled up to him but held her arms out to me as he leaned down.
He let her down to lay beside me and she instantly cuddled up to me.
"Hey mama, how you feeling?" Steve asked.
"Im doing okay, sore.... but its worth it"
"Their beautiful" he nodded looking down into the cot beside me we're they both slept.
"Congratulations you guys, their beautiful" Becca smiled hugging Bucky before getting a closer look at the babies.
Brooke and Allie stood with Bucky looking down at Thomas and Teddy.
"Girls, these are your baby brothers" Bucky said quietly to them and they smiled.
"Their so tiny"
"What are their names?" Allie asked turning to look at Bucky.
"Well this one, this is Thomas" he pointed to the bigger twin "and this is Theodore" he pointed to the smaller one, Allie gasped and looked up at me.
"I knew it!.... i knew that was his name!"
"Okay can i hold one now?" Steve asked practically bouncing on the spot making us laugh at him.
"Sure Steve, hey Buck why don't you let him hold Teddy first?"
"Sure doll" he carefully lifted Teddy and placed him in Steve's arms "this is Theodore...."
"I know that Y/N just said so"
"Theodore Steven Barnes"
"What!? Are you serious?" He said his eyes going wide.
"Yeah pal"
"Guys...." he said with tears in his eyes "i dont know what to say"
"Told you he would cry" Bucky chuckled and Steve gave his his best bitch face.
"If i wasn't holding Teddy id kick your ass"
"Yeah whatever pal"
"Language! Uncle Steve!" Brooke said with wide eyes as she turned to look at him.
"You said a bad word Uncle Stevie!" Allie added making us all laugh.
"Yeah Uncle Steve you said a bad word! Don't be saying bad language words around my kids"
"God your such a mom already"
"Y/N?" Allie said walking over to the side of my bed.
"Yeah babe?"
"Does this mean your our mom too?"
I looked over at Bucky who shrugged with a smile, i knew he was telling me it was my choice what i told her.
"Yeah Allie, i'm your mom too..... if you'll have me?"
"Really??" Brooke asked coming to stand beside Allie.
"And... can we call you mom?"
"You can if you want to, whatever your comfortable with" i smiled brushing a piece of hair back from her face.
"Im gonna call you mom" Allie said casually before running back to her dad who was smiling as he listened to our conversation.
"You guys are gonna make me cry again" Steve said sniffling from the chair in the corner.
"I think i might join in this time too" Becca added quickly wiping a tear from her face.
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After spending the longest two days in the hospital the boys and i were finally aloud to go home. It was the best feeling being back home, knowing i had Bucky and all my babies under one roof and plus Bucky and Steve had been amazing.
They wouldn't let me do much though.....They'd even carry me upstairs!! I was now managing to walk around by myself, slowly, but i was on the mend.
Sam and Wanda came to visit us the day we got home, Sam had actually cried when we told him Thomas's middle name.... even though he tried to hide it.
Wanda had sat cooing at the twins for hours and saying how much she couldn't wait to meet her little bundle of joy.
I was sat in bed just finishing the feeds, Bucky was next to me holding Teddy, the girls were asleep on the bottom of the bed, we'd been watching Aladdin and they had all fallen asleep halfway through. I smiled as Aladdin and Jasmine were singing about 'A Whole New World' realising my whole world was in this room, i never thought id be this happy.
"You okay doll? You seem a million miles away" Bucky asked pressing a kiss to my lips.
"Yeah, just thinking about how lucky i am that i met you. You've made me the happiest woman in the world Buck.... you gave me 3 beautiful girls and my handsome boys, who already look so much like their daddy by the way!" Bucky chuckled as he laced his free hand with mine "i love you baby"
"I love you too, i couldn't ask for a better mama for our kids" he smiled bringing my hand to his mouth and kissing my fingers "marry me?"
"What??...." i looked at him with wide eyes "did you just...."
"Yeah" he nodded with a huge smile on his face "make me the happiest man in the world and say yes?"
"Are you sure...? I mean i dont want you asking just cause we're having a moment...."
"Doll, this isn't just me being in the moment i promise" he said leaning over to the drawer in his bed side cabinet. When he turned back to me he had a black velvet box in his hand "ive had this for a while, i was just waiting for the right time"
"Buck...." i gasped feeling my heart racing as he opened the box to reveal the most beautiful ring id ever seen.
"What do you say doll? will you marry me?"
"Yes!! A hundred times yes!" I smiled with happy tears as he slipped the ring onto my finger and kissed me.
"Its you and me doll, always"
"I think i'm okay with that".
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still growing up now
for @curlymcclain (and myself bc I’m nothing if not selfish)
Chapters: 1/1
The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Theodore Decker/Boris Pavlikovsky
Characters: Theodore Decker, Boris Pavlikovsky, James "Hobie" Hobart
Additional Tags: Someone You Meet at the Wrong Time Then Re-meet at the Right One, Post-Canon, Open Ending, Kinda, Fluff, Theo sorts out his emotions, Healing
Summary: It’s been six months since Amsterdam, six months since I’ve been home for any significant period of time and, six months since I last saw Boris. Maybe after not seeing him for eight years, six months should seem like nothing, but with the new clarity of my sobriety and the strange knowledge in the back of my mind that I would kill for Boris it's harder to ignore the pull in my chest when I think of Boris’ curls and the smile in the corner of his mouth when he’s about to do something definitely stupid and possibly illegal.
or, the birthday fic
It’s been six months since Amsterdam, six months since I’ve been home for any significant period of time and, six months since I last saw Boris. Maybe after not seeing him for eight years, six months should seem like nothing, but with the new clarity of my sobriety and the strange knowledge in the back of my mind that I would kill for Boris it’s harder to ignore the pull in my chest when I think of Boris’ curls and the smile in the corner of his mouth when he’s about to do something definitely stupid and possibly illegal. 
I’m home now, possibly for good. All the Changelings I can remember selling have been bought back, I’ve righted my wrongs. Or at least, most of them. There’s still the wide and horrible divide between me and Kitsey that I don’t think will ever be repaired. It hadn’t broken her heart when I’d called off the engagement, but it had ruined what stability her family had built. I'm not surprised she can’t forgive me for that. I don’t let myself think of what questions I have that continue to go unanswered. 
Popper barely moves when I open the door, I think it’s a wonder he’s still alive. I kept thinking I would get a call in the middle of Europe telling me I needed to come home right away. But it never came. I can’t help but remember the way he’d screamed and jumped around when Boris walked in with me only six months ago. But he’s always liked Boris better. 
Hobie appears in the doorway to the basement. He looks more tired then I can remember since I showed up at his door unexpectedly after Vegas. It’s not a good look. I want him to smile again like he did while business was doing well. He watches me silently as I drop my bags in the entranceway. I stand there unsurely for a moment —it’s not a familiar feeling— before he sighs and opens his arms. I’m not used to this, even from him, but the hug is good. It means I’m forgiven. 
“Go get cleaned up, Theo, I have to run out for a moment,” Hobie says gruffly once we let go. 
“Oh,” I say awkwardly, “I was just stopping to see you and get some of my clothes.”
Hobie frowns at me. 
“I wasn’t sure if I’d be welcome here. And anyway, I thought it was time to start fresh.”
“What are you talking about, Theo?” 
“I’ve rented a place, an apartment, it’s not far but I thought I should give you some time.”
Hobie looks sad for a moment and he puts a hand on my shoulder. 
“I was never that mad, you know you are welcome to stay,” he tells me gently. 
I don’t know how to explain that this was as much for me as it was for him. I am, after all, a selfish creature. Very few things in my life have been done without any regard for my personal gain. 
I nod instead of trying to explain everything to him. He studies my face for a moment and then pulls away. “Tell me where your apartment is,” he says while putting his coat on, “I’ll bring over some things I’ve been meaning to give you tomorrow.”
Again, I nod. There isn’t really anything I feel I can say. He’s out the door with one last searching look and a flap of his coat. The lightness with which he moves still surprises me. 
I stand there for a moment, both at the bottom and the top of the stairs, before I shake my head and take my first step up to my room. Or I guess my old room. 
It takes longer then I thought it would to pack a suitcase. My room is a maze that my sober self doesn’t know how to navigate. Inevitably I end up standing in the doorway with a suitcase beside me and my home for the last nine years looking nearly as bare as it was when I first came. I only look at it for a second before leaving. I don’t put a name to the churning in my stomach. 
Boris is at my apartment. I stop halfway down the hallway, and my heart beats a frantic rhythm in my chest. He makes no sense in this hallway. Again, he is a magazine page torn from other chapters of my life. He looks so normal it’s strange, wearing a too-big t-shirt and jeans he looks like any boy waiting outside their friend’s apartment. He looks up when he hears my footsteps stop. There is the startling reality of his face, the paleness of his skin and then how dark his hair is against it, the sharp angles of his jaw and cheekbones. There’s a tentative smile in the corner of his mouth, not enough to crinkle his eyes but it’s there. 
“Potter,” he says, like this is normal. 
I would ask him how he knew where I was, but I didn’t really want to know.
“What are you doing here?” I sound more rude then I had intended, but Boris knows me well enough not to be offended.
He smiles a real smile then. My feet carry me over to him without a thought. 
“Do you not know what day it is?” he asks. 
I stumble over the dates in my head before oh. Oh. It’s my birthday. 
Birthdays in Vegas were never big affairs, neither of us had the money or the commitment to make actual plans. But the two I had with him were both memorable. I haven’t had one like that since I left. I wasn’t even sure if I’d ever told Hobie my birthday, although he must know. 
“You missed eight of them.”
I’m not sure what else I could say.
“Yes, but misunderstanding. It is all cleared up now,” he grins, “are you going to let me in?”
I can’t do much else but open the door. I’m hardly about to turn him away, not after thinking I might never see him again. He follows me in and kicks off his boots carelessly in the entryway.
“So, new place!” he observes, “it is very empty, Potter.”
I sigh and wheel my suitcase away from him. He follows me back to the bedroom chatting inanely about the weather and how loud New York is in the summer and ‘Potter! Remember how hot we were in Vegas? Always wearing sweaters!’ 
He wanders around my room as I drag my clothes out of the suitcase and get to work putting them away. I’m running on autopilot now, my mind too caught on —he’s here in my room his hands are on my things— him to make any good decisions about what I should be doing. He picks up the few trinkets I have with careful hands and studies them intensely while talking. I’m too caught up in the loop of Boris to immediately pick up when his voice stops. Then suddenly, I realize the room is too silent. I look up from my clothes to see him standing extremely still with his head bent towards whatever he’s holding in his hands. The line of his shoulders is tense. I stand up slowly, there’s a pounding in my chest where my heart is beating double time. I don’t know what’s in his hands, but whatever is coming feels inevitable. He turns to face me when I stand beside him. 
“You kept it,” he whispers.
I look down to see what he has clenched in his hand. It’s his father’s lighter. The heavy gold one he’d left in my bag a few days after the first birthday I spent with him. I know exactly how it feels in my hands. The swirling designs on the sides are worn down from years of my fingers rubbing them when I was nervous, and the lighter doesn’t even work anymore because of how much I’d used it, and yet, I’d brought it everywhere with me for the last nine years. 
His eyes are dark and startled when they meet mine. 
“I had not expected you would keep it.”
“It’s the only thing I had of yours,” I say, laughing awkwardly. 
It’s still difficult to be honest with him, even if I’ve almost gotten used to being honest with myself. 
There’s a silent minute where I have to clench my fists to stop words I’d regret from bursting out of my mouth, and then he lets out a shaky breath. We’re somehow too close. 
“Why did you come, Boris,” I interrupt to ask again, a little more desperate. 
“I missed you,” he mumbles, almost unintelligible through his accent.
His arm is under my hand, I don’t think about it too much. He’s warm. I can’t read whatever is in his eyes, but it leaves me a little short of breath. He’s fidgeting with the lighter still and I’ve never been more aware of the change in our height difference. I’m almost looking at the top of his head because he won’t meet my eyes. The fear from years ago creeps into my chest but I push it down. I worked for this, I didn’t sleep for this, I called a therapist a couple of times for this. Whether I take the leap or not it’s possible I won’t see him for years. I’m tired of it never being the right time. 
“I missed you too.”
It sounds like a secret, and Boris reacts like it’s one, jerking his eyes up to mine so fast it looks like it hurts his neck. There’s a defensive smirk just under his skin, I can tell, but he looks vulnerable like I haven’t seen since the night I left Vegas. I wonder what he would’ve said if I hadn’t refused to hear it. His study of my face must give him the answer he wanted because the fake smirk disappears and his eyes widen.
The lighter clatters to the floor. 
His hand is tight on my shoulder, almost painful, and his face is intense: filled with emotions I don’t understand, and fear.
“This is not a funny joke, Theo,” he hisses, and I know he’s serious because he uses my real name. It sounds odd on his tongue.  
“I’m not joking.”
“Are you high?” he asks, pulling away suddenly. 
“Is a fair question, Potter.”
I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath. I have to say this right. There’s years of misunderstandings and unspoken lies to try and explain. 
“I’ve been thinking,” I start, “I know there are things we never talked about.”
Boris’ jaw clenches and he stands a little straighter. The sun reflects in his eyes through the window. It reminds me of Vegas a little, the sun always too bright and too hot, leaving Boris’ skin red and mine brown. But before he burned and peeled he was stunning in sunlight, gold falling on the many high points of his face and making him look like he was glowing. I could never resist him when he looked like that. 
“I also know there are things I don’t remember,” I shift nervously, Boris is completely still. 
“I don’t even know if you have any interest in me, but I just. I’ve been thinking-”
Boris’ hand on my cheek causes my mouth to snap shut. 
“Potter…” he whispers, and that is a secret as well. 
I can’t stop myself from swaying toward him —he’s always had a way of pulling me into his orbit— but I know I need to say this in full. “I didn’t let myself think about anything,” I whisper like the air will shatter if I talk louder.
“Not us, not my mom, and not about my own feelings. I was too empty and too full. And you were dangerous.” 
The brush of his fingers in my hair is distracting, and I want nothing more than to let him pull me in, but I’ve done enough thinking that I know I have to tell him this. There has been too much avoidance in our history. Thankfully Boris is quiet. New York is loud outside, but that hardly matters.
“I still am not sure about most things, but I know there was something-” I still can’t say it.
“Something more?” Boris asks.
“Something I never said.”
He looks up at me and touches the edge of my lips gently. I know there’s a scar there from one of the times he punched me. My breath hitches, I remember his lips on my fingers after both our mouths were bloody, I remember the desperate press of his own lips against mine so long ago. We’re both deathly silent. 
“What was it?” He asks finally. 
I can’t say it. I’ve thought it more times then I can count, and it’s swirling around my head on a loop, but I can’t make the words come out of my mouth. Boris looks like maybe he understands. 
“Is okay, Theo. I understand.”
The air leaves me in a rush and then my lungs are burning because his lips are on mine and I can’t break away to inhale. 
There’s a sense of relief, like this was the inevitable ending to our story —although I’m not sure it really is an end— like if nothing else had been right in my life at least I had given myself this. One thing that was even more perfect for the disaster it started as. I couldn’t help but hate that it had taken so long, even as his hands fist in my hair and shirt, but I know it wouldn’t have been right nine years ago, or even six months. I couldn’t have done this sober and he couldn’t have done it with me high, not again. 
He feels right in a way neither Kitsey or Pippa ever did, no matter how much I made myself believe they were. I place careful hands on his neck and waist and just let myself sink into him. It’s more gentle then I had expected, I had half convinced myself it would be a frantic tumble much like our youth. But of course, when given the chance now he held me like I’d run away. 
It’s several long minutes before I break away. “Are you staying?” I ask quietly. 
He’s silent, stroking his fingers lightly over the lines of my face and staring at me like he can’t quite believe I’m here. I let him. 
“Do you want me to?”
“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want you to.”
He nods like he knew.
“You know I was always waiting for you, Potter,” he smiles slightly mischievously, “you were always the last to know everything.”
I laugh, because what else is there to do when he looks so happy and there’s something growing in my chest that tells me I might be as well. There’s more to talk about, but tonight I just want to sleep and remember what it feels like to have him beside me and not feel guilty about it this time. 
“Sleep?” I ask. 
He searches my face for a moment. 
“Yes, I think that would be alright.”
I look down at him the next morning. The sun is still rising —I’ve gotten used to waking up early for flights—  and it just barely shines through his messy hair, lighting it up to gold. The angles of his face are so familiar, even with years of being apart and the haze of drugs I’d been in. I think maybe I’d remember him even if I forgot everything else. I think I’d forget my own mother before him; maybe I already have. Her voice doesn’t sound familiar in my head anymore. In contrast, his had sometimes been the only one I recognized in my delirium. He clenches a fist in the sheets before his eyes open. Everything about him is startling. His dark hair and eyes against my white sheets, the curl of his lips as he catches me staring, the rasp in his voice from sleep. 
“Shall we just stand here tenderly and gaze?” He mumbles.
I fight the smile rising. 
“We aren’t even standing, Boris.”
He laughs and presses his face into the pillow. 
“Is the thought of it, Potter.”
I don’t respond. Eventually, he blinks up at me and rolls a little so he doesn’t have to crane his neck. I wonder how long he’s waited for this; how long I’ve waited for this. 
“Are you alright?” He asks softly. 
I don’t know. There’s an unnamable feeling bubbling in my chest. I remember waking up a thousand times with him, wrapped up together or across the room, and each time felt dangerous. Could I let myself have this? Even a year ago I would’ve said no, I wouldn’t have even thought of it. But a year ago I didn’t have Boris in my bed looking at me with so much hope (even though he tried to hide it). A year ago I hadn’t spent six months trying to fix the wrong I’d done to the world and to myself. Planes and airports leave a lot of time for self-reflection. Sometime in between Las Angeles and Phoenix, I’d come across the startling realization that almost everything I made myself believe about myself was false in one way or another. 
It wasn’t hard to accept now that Boris made me better. Better in the worst way, yes, but more myself -messy and angry and the opposite of what I’d built my life around- then anyone else ever has. He knew about the worst parts of me and just let me be broken. He was there, and demanded nothing but my honesty.
I’d called Pippa sometime in London. She’d told me one thing after I’d apologized for every misguided advance I’d made. She said that the only way she’d moved on was by letting it hurt. She told me that only once she’d cried and screamed and cut her hair did the pain start draining away. Her voice had been so quiet —like she was afraid of scaring me— when she’d asked if I ever had that. I hadn’t. I’d drowned it all in drugs and alcohol before I even felt half of the pain. So I’d tried. I lay in nameless hotel rooms and stared at the ceiling, will for the tears to come. They hadn’t. I thought about the things I’d avoided for so long because I was scared of how I would react. But my eyes stayed dry. I wondered if I was broken. If the drugs had numbed something inside me to the point of it being unfixable. 
Looking at the boy, man really, in my bed now though I can feel the slightest whispers of emotions squeezing in my chest. 
I lay back down and reach a hand out tentatively between us. His eyes meet mine across what seems like miles of pillow. His fingers slide to meet mine. I can’t look at him. 
“Theo?” his voice is soft and careful, his accent tripping messily around my name. 
I close my eyes. His hand leaves mine but I don’t flinch when his fingers brush my cheek. 
“Open your eyes, Potter,” he whispers. 
His hand spreads across my jaw. His thumb brushes under my eye. I know my eyes are wet when I open them. He raises his eyebrows at me, it’s almost familiar. But not quite. We’d never been this gentle before. I know there is much more to talk about, but I’m determined to ignore that knowledge for as long as I can. For now it’s just this, I can allow myself this without panicking. 
“Are you alright?” he asks again.
‘As long as you stay with me I will be.’ I think, but that feels like too much. 
“I think so,” I say instead.
I hope he hears the rest when I reach a shaking hand across to smooth away his frown.
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alolanrain · 5 years
Found Family!AU *Christmas Edition* Pt.2
Imagine Opal dealing with Madam Boss and bby Giovanni
Gio learns all his baking skills from his Aunt Opal
But his mother hated her sister with a passion
So he doesn’t see her often
When Madam Boss dies, it’s a bloody gory mess, he’s the first one to call her
“I have a son.” Is his hello, because I’m not making Giovanni and utter asshole in this AU he’s going to love Ash from a distance and actually steps down from Team Rocket the first time Ash stops him
And Opal is like, “P l e a s e let it be with that Female Kanto Trainer you brought to Galar that one Christmas, she’s such a sweet heart.”
And Opal finds out it is!!!
She puts her foot down on choosing the name bc Giovanni is fucking HORRIBLE with names and Delia was so tired and stressed a lot during the pregnancy to the point she couldn’t get a lot of shit down for the baby’s
Ash forces reluctant Grunkle Kabu to come to Alola for a week to meet up with extremely reluctant Grunkle Nanu
And Ash doesn’t even KNOW
Acerola kinda knows bc there’s this one picture her Uncle Nanu has at his desk at the police station next to a frame of her parents, him, and Acerola as a baby
She never commented on it and catches Nanu either looking at it with such a warm smile or either a really pained look in his eyes
it was a friendly split up
Both got to busy
And just had to let go
But it still hurt them a lot
No but I’m expanding on the relationship of Bby! Ash and Gary with the older Head Chairman, who I’m naming Diego Thorn, and Younger!Rose, and finally Younger!Kabu
I’m hc that the Chairman BEFORE Chairman Thorn was named Theo Grass
So it’s kinda like earth, grass, thorn, then rose
Because it’s the pretty things in life that are truly poisonous
grumpy Grunkles are getting back together with the help of Ash, Gary, and the Ghost baby’s
the only reason why Kabu is considered a Grunkle is because both Ash and Gary seemed to have fucking LOVED him so much and he fathered Delia a lot since her own family was shit
So he’s the honorary Grunkle while Nanu IS Ash’s Grunkle bc yes tf Nanu is Giovanni’s Uncle but he’s really distant so he never actually found out Ash was his great Nephew until Ash at the age of 20-something came stumbling into his police station with wide whisky brown eyes and shocking black hair and a jaw line that seemed to familiar that Nanu could never forget
Chairman Thorn ALWAYS Came down from his work place, dragging Rose and his own assistant/secretary, Milly, to see bby Ash and Gary bc he’s a really big family man and the two boys absolutely adore him as much as Thorn adored them
And Delia was so afraid at first that Opal would nearly be/ or just plain be the same as Madam Boss and hurt the poor girl but it’s quite the opposite
Opal spoiled her SO HARD, she was the one to make sure that Delia and Gio had everything they could need for Bby Ash’s arrival and afterwards
And both women found out that they share a deep love for winter in general
So they start small traditions that they then pass down to Ash and Gary, because the Oaks get sucked into this bc Professor Oak can’t say no and Daisy loves Delia like the mom she barely remembers
And Opal is just like “Yes more great grand babies.”
And she was there for Delia when Giovanni left Ash and Delia, yes she was absolutely ROYALY pissed at her Nephew, but she also knew why Gio did what he did
Because he did the best thing to protect her, Ash, and by extent the Oaks as well
Because he fathered Gary and Daisy as much as Delia mothered them
But it because a tradition to bring the kids up to Galar to see Graunty Opal and Grunkle Kabu and spend the second week of December all the way to a week after New Years there
So like almost a whole month of family lovin’ time
Raihan would just inwardly panic bc he’s never been good with baby’s before
But damn OH DAMN does Leon start bouncing Ash up and down while trying his best to answer Ash’s questions because he absolutely ADORES children at Ash’s age and wants to get better bc his mom and dad are thinking about having another kid and he wants to be the BEST big brother that he can be
Then Gary waddles over bc he couldn’t find Ash and Gary’s suppose to stick by Ash’s side to make sure the younger boy doesn’t get hurt
Raihan would start to panic even more bc there’s TWO babies now
But Leon would be ecstatic because there’s T W O BABIES NOW
but then he comes back with Gou in tow and the first part of the HC happens and then he sees Leon again
And everyone just watches Leon gush’s about how Ash and Gary were so cute as toddlers and then Ash recalls and just screams “COUSIN L!!!!” Because as a Bby he couldn’t pronounce Leon’s full name
And Hop is like “w h a t”
And then Piers gets abducted every year until Delia and Ash stop showing up bc their busy with work/traveling
Until, again, Ash comes back with Gou in tow and Gary gets guilted to come up to Galar
And he sees Piers and just gives the man a cheeky smile and then sees Marnie kinda hiding behind Piers and thinks “Ah yes, new sibling #5,437”
And Marnie latches on faster to Ash than Piers has seen her ever do to anyone else bc she’s been grown up on the wild things Ash would get Piers and another boy into before he stopped coming back to Galar every winter
Bede also gains Brotherly Love bc his family kicked him out for being trans and Ash was having NONE OF THAT bc he’s trans himself
I’m thinking about having Ash and Gary together since this AU is kinda like my AM!AU but not really
Still debating on that
But no My favorite part has to be the competition between all the League officials, except Rose bc he’s an asshole, to get the best seasonal themed picture/video with the trio bc OF COURSE Gou is immediately adopted into the family and becomes Ash’s little sibling
Even people like Allister and Bae get into it
Like there’s a picture Melony took for Allister that had Ash lofting the boy up so he could place the star on the small Christmas tree at their gym lobby with Gou and Gary helping to place other decorations on it
Or Bae’s selfie of the Trio with her together with a snowman that looks like a certain Galar Champion, stolen cape and all
Gou fears for a while that they were all just being awkwardly nice about it until Kabu find them out at night behind Opals mansion they were staying at and gently nudges the truth towards them that they actually LIKE having Gou with them and participating with their family shenanigans and other shit and that they ARE family now because do you honestly think Delia is going to let go of you know? Because she sure as hell hasn’t let go of Kahuna Nanu in Alola
God when Ash brings all his friends who don’t have Good Families over it becomes even more Chaotic
And Lillie and Melony talk about ice types over a cup of hot coco why Allister, Bae, and a shit ton of other people are loosing their mind over Silvally because it can change TYPING W T F GLADION
and Ash is like “oh it’s Silvally!” And Gary would be intrigued but Ash literally shares EVERYTHING with him so he can meet the Pokémon another time when Gladion isn’t so bombarded by people bc the blonde was so used to people in Alola who are used to seeing Silvally that he forgot Alola is definitely not like everywhere else
Hhh Serena, May, Dawn, Zoey, and a bunch of other girls talking with Opal, Oleana, and other female League members about fashion and the younger girls find out that the Women watch their performances religiously bc Ash flippantly said something and that got them interested now they can’t stop watch them
RAIHAN DUKING IT OUT WITH DRAYDEN, because he’s still cousins with Delia in this AU, AND W I N N I N G
So it’s canon, from the new Pokémon game app, that Iris is Leon and Hops cousin
So now Leon just rounds on Ash and is so confused bc Iris talked about this one boy name Ash with a Pikachu who acts like such a kid over face time but Leon didn’t make the connection it was THIS Ash she was traveling with
Hhh snuggle piles in the living room after a fun day outside building forts and what not
Like Ash is dead center in the kids pile bc he’s a kid at heart and Gary’s legs are thrown over his shoulder a bc Ash is in a blanket fort/nest with the other younger kids while Gary is pressed between Delia and Daisy
Opal is curled with Serena bc she’s currently getting deets in the fairy world in Kalos
All the younger trainers are so focused on the movies as the adults just talk quietly in the background
And Gou is laying over Ash’s lap while on their phone and Ash doesn’t say anything even though his legs are falling asleep
Idk I’m gonna have Lance as Delia’s brother in this AU
But that doe NOT stop him from acting like Ash’s uncle because Ash ripped Lances two titles out from under him in three years
Leon has been Champion for 20-something years instead of the in game 10 Years
So that it could be plausible that Trainer!Leon and Bby!Ash/Gary could meet each other
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chibikinesis · 4 years
Can I get some trivia regarding Theo and Wes? :D What brought them together, etc? (I love both of them sm)
Okay, this got stuuuuuupid long, and either I’m sorry, or you’re welcome depending on how much meat you wanted on the bone? 😂 I’ll put everything after the first few paragraphs under a read more because this wound up being like a 2 and a half page google doc asdfasdf
And it’s 2AM so some of this might be a little incoherent too so bear with me lmao
Wes has been close friends with Theo's younger sister for most of their lives. But even back then, after Zoey was born, she and Theo's parents often put her needs first. Their father moreso, and it didn't stop Theo from growing pretty attached to his mother. From a fairly young age, though, he started to sort of shut himself off to people because of it. He never got quite the amount of emotional development and support that he deserved from his father especially. When he was young, for a short stint, he used to be resentful towards Zoey for this reason, but realized fairly quickly that it wasn't actually her fault. He comes to adore his younger sister.
He never really got to know Wes until they were a bit older. Until then, he was always that weird orange-haired boy that Zoey hung around with. If he wasn't hanging out with Zoey in their quarters, he was picking Zoey up from the ginger kid's family's quarters. He never disliked Wes, but he never really engaged with him. He never really engaged with many of the other kids in the vault, though, if we're being honest. He was never really properly socialized. He mostly just interacted with his family, and even then, it was mostly just he and Zoey and their mother.
Wes was always curious about him, even as a kid. Theo was a little shy of a couple years older than he and Zoey, but he carried himself like he was older. Most of the vault residents assumed he was stuck up or thought he was too good to spend time with the other kids, but Wes never got that impression. But Wes wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed; not always the best judge of character, either, but his gut told him Theo was just misunderstood. He's seen the way he treated Zoey all those years, and conversely, he'd heard her gush about her big brother so much. He had to be a good guy, deep down. Didn't he?
During their high school years, they start to see a bit more of one another; mostly in phys ed. Without much to do in the vault, this is where Theo's channelled a lot of his energy into. He's a stand out athlete amongst the kids, and in turn offers counsel to a lot of the students who aren't doing so well. Weenie Wes is one of these students 😂 They're still not close at this time, but Wes comes to admire him during this time. Not even in a full-fledged crush, but in a hey, this dude is really cool and is a good role model way. But he also can't deny that Theo's easy on the eyes.
But those who already assume Theo is a holier-than-thou sort of guy resent him even more when he becomes a 'star athlete's. And sometimes these troublemakers pick on Zoey just to get under his skin. Theo, being a known protective big bro has had more than one tussle with such idiots. But one of these tussles comes shortly after Theo and Zoey's mother starts showing signs of her sickness. She's the only parent Theo's ever been close to, and it's taking quite a toll on him. They catch him off guard, and he winds up with a bloodied nose before someone calls out nearby and they flee.
He's surprised to see that ginger in this seedy wing of the vault, much less rushing to his aid. Wes makes sure he's sitting upright against one of the walls and offers him a handkerchief before taking a seat near him on the floor to wait it out with him and make sure he's alright. They have their first real chat here. What really draws Theo in is the simple question of "Are you okay?" He laughs. He's sitting in a questionable wing of the vault with his kid sisters friend who just indirectly saved his ass, and a bloody nose. He laughs bitterly, spouting some cynical, half hearted reply.
It's when Wes reiterates, "No, are you… okay-okay? You seem off today." And it's maybe the first time in Theo's life that anyone aside from his immediate family took the time to honestly, truthfully ask him that. And he's not sure why, but he opens the flood gates for Wes. They spend hours in that wing talking, bonding especially over questionable parenting. When the conversation winds down, Theo feels like a weight had been lifted off him. He admires how warm and kind Wes is, and how even in spite of his upbringing, he looked for the good in everything and everyone. He also admires the freckles splayed across the slope of his nose, and the way it crinkles when he smiles, and the warmth in his brown eyes peering out from behind orange fringe as he turns to meet his gaze. Oh shit. His stomach flops a bit at the small realization; his preference was something he was already aware of, but this drove it home somehow.
"It's getting kinda late. We probably should head back. I'll walk with you." Wes beams. Theo barely knows this guy, but this feels like a role reversal to him somehow. Given the circumstances, though, he's not about to object. He enjoys the company on the trip back, and even more so the surprised look on Zoey's face when Wes drops her older brother off at their quarters. Maybe even more than the bloody nose. Theo thanks Wes, and they exchange "see you around"s.
Over the next couple of years, they grow very close. Theo's learned a few things about being more warm and open, and he's even started making a few more friends because of it. He's doing better than he ever has, and he's happy. And their respective crushes have only amplified over time. There's even some light flirting here and there, but neither one is brave enough to make a move. They're worried about what the other residents might thinks or say - what their families might say.
But as Theo and Zoey's mother's health deteriorates and the inevitable closes in, Theo grows more distant, and sort of reverts to his old ways. Wes tries his best to be understanding, but he ultimately feels alienated and hurt. After she passes away, Theo's father's mental health takes a downturn (it had always been bad prior, but after Shelley's death he just kind of snaps). He takes most of this out on Theo (verbally and physically), who recoils back into his old ways and breaks off most of his new friendships because he's so scared his father will if he doesn't. Wes is on the receiving end of what's probably the nastiest severance, and it breaks both of their hearts. But Theo's father has been much more vocal about his homophobia since Shelley's passing, and Theo's terrified he might try to hurt Wes if he ever catches onto what was going on between them.
So he does his best to bear it and wait it out. If Theo's his target, Theo supposes at least his father isn't hurting Zoey or anyone else he cares about. He endures this for about two years before his father goes into cardiac arrest one day and is unable to be saved. By this point, Theo's only confidant is Zoey. He opens up and tells her everything - about Wes and his feelings, and the abuse their father had put him through and why he dealt with it in silence for so long.
By this time, it's only about a year until reclamation day. Theo wants to get a fresh start out in the wasteland once the door opens - put this place and all the bad memories behind him, and to be a better person. But even after months outside and on his own, he still finds himself unable to let go of Wes. But now he has little hope of ever seeing him again. He kicks himself for not trying to rebuild just that one burned bridge. He knows full and we'll he may never see Wes again, or that if he does, it might be in the one way he would never want to see him.
And he continues to kick himself, and to miss that sweet, stupid red head with every fiber of his being - until a fateful day at Fire Base Hancock - which is located right down the hill from Wes's C.A.M.P.
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Alien Spaceship Pyramids
(Very mild Kwamibuster spoilers. Also on AO3)
Alix was not a happy bunny when she went back to the Louvre that evening.
“Did you see me on TV?” Jalil said immediately, jumping up in excitement. “My theory was accepted! I’m so happy!”
“Yeah, I saw it,” Alix snapped. She threw her schoolbag down on the floor and went off to go find her skates – she really had to do something fun and distracting or she would go mad.
“What did you think? Was I okay? I did get lots of followers on my history blog, so I’m glad at least that my theories are gaining traction–”
“Aliens, Jalil? Really?!” She spun round to face him. “You do know it’s possible for humans to build pyramids, right? That’s an actual thing that humans actually can do. I can do it myself, just gimme a few Lego blocks and I’ll happily show you. ‘Alien spaceships’, honestly...”
“But I have proof! The pyramids are so ancient that primitive human technology of the time can’t possibly have built structures as mathematically magnificent as that!”
“They just piled a bunch of rocks on top of each other, how hard can it be?”
“But they’re so huge, and – and – I have other proof too...”
She sighed. “Look. I didn’t care about the necromancy thing, even if it was so cringey that you got akumatized over it. I didn’t care about the Atlantis thing. I got super into the Area 51 thing, if you remember. I get that conspiracy theories are fun. But this? This is a step too far!”
“Because you’re acting like our own ancestors were too dumb to build a freaking pyramid!”
Jalil crossed his arms. “You sound just like dad.”
“Pfffff, dad doesn’t talk like that, he’s way less informal.”
“You know what I mean! Anyway, come on, can’t I count on my own family to support me? I support your skating thing, even though you keep getting injured from it!” He gestured towards the bandage on her knee.
“Jalil, dude. I have supported you through so much. Like that hang-gliding fad, or your weird rivalry with that Theo guy, or that bloody necromancy ritual you never shut up about. But now I’ve had it. Next you’ll be saying the moon landing was a hoax, or the earth is flat, or that vaccines are bad, or that Rena Rouge is Marinette, or... or...”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he scoffed. “Rena Rouge is Mylène, of course.”
At the end of her patience, Alix turned away and began walking off to find her skates again. “I’m disowning you.”
“Hey! You can’t do that!”
“I can and I will!” she called out over her shoulder. “Dad was right to give the pocket watch to me! And guess what? I’m gonna go find Juleka’s mum and get her to adopt me, and then I’ll get an actual cool older brother instead! Not a weirdo like you...”
“Fine!” She heard Jalil stomp his foot, like some immature little kid. “I’m not talking to you anymore.”
“Me neither!”
Good riddance – she’d had enough of him and his stupid conspiracies!
 “You can’t just get my mum to adopt you,” Juleka said, rolling her eyes. Well, the one eye that was visible anyway. Who knew what the other one was doing.
“Why not?” Alix asked.
“Because you’ve already got a parent. My mum would have to marry your dad, and uh... yeah. Not happening.”
“But it’s so unfair! You get a cool big brother who’s actually supportive and nice and didn’t try to convince you that Beethoven is an alien time lord when you were only 3 years old...”
The quiet twangs of Luka’s guitar could be heard from where he was sitting out on the deck. Imagine if Jalil could play the guitar? But no, the stupid nerd had to go for drums, and it was so frustrating to have to hear that boring repetitive tapping whenever she was trying to do her homework.
Juleka’s one eye widened. “But Alix, Beethoven really IS an alien time lord.”
“Haha, very funny.” Alix turned away.
“Hey... Jalil is a grown-up, isn’t he? Surely he’ll move out soon and then you won’t have to deal with him?”
“I doubt it. He works in the museum with dad. It’ll be me who has to move out, and I’ve still got years left before I can do that. Meanwhile my brother is on TV going on about alien spaceships while yours is on TV because you guys are in a rock band.”
Couldn’t Jalil be in a rock band with her? Sure, the age difference was a lot bigger than Juleka and Luka’s was, but still! Sibling rock bands were such a cool idea. Why couldn’t Jalil ever think of something like that? “Sibling archaeology team” didn’t have quite the same ring to it, especially when said team ended up getting chased out of the park for digging up all the grass.
“It’s not like Luka isn’t annoying sometimes too,” Juleka said, seemingly trying to put on a reassuring smile. “For example he... uh... hmm... he thinks ethereal wave is better than darkwave. It’s really annoying.”
“Ah yes, arguing over music genres. Jalil thinks the Hurrian Hymns are better than the Jet Set Radio soundtrack and I want to slap him. Like no offence to the Ancient Sumerians but they could really have used more bass.”
“Well um... Luka also won’t use mascara even though I keep telling him it’ll really make his eyes pop.”
“Yeah, and Marinette and Adrien still won’t stop obsessing over him. Jalil fricking wears scarfs indoors. Like, inside when it’s warm. I don’t care about fashion and even I want to nominate him for Queer Eye.”
Juleka shrugged. “Oh, I give up. Luka is a great brother. I’m sorry.”
Alix nodded, getting up to leave. “Never mind. I guess I’ll just have to deal with him then, though I’m not gonna stop giving him the silent treatment...”
Anyway, Juleka constantly trying to make her feel better wasn’t what she needed. She needed a brick wall to vent at who would just nod along and not really care, and let her be as annoyed as she wanted in peace. She needed... ah yes... a certain emo who would certainly be in the art gallery back at the Louvre right about now...
 She hadn’t even made it there yet before hearing the unwelcome voice of Nuisance #1 chasing after her down the street.
“HEY ALIX! Your brother was awesome on that show earlier! Wait come back! Stop!”
Screeching to a halt on her skates, she turned around. “What do you want, Kim?”
Kim did that weird half-dab thing he had been doing all day. “The show, Alternative Truth! How do you get on it? I wanna be on it too!”
She rolled her eyes. “For what? What stupid conspiracy are you going to go with?”
“Well don’t tell anyone but...” He looked around and then lowered his voice to a whisper. “I think your dad might be Hawk Moth.”
“God, and I thought Jalil was bad...”
Kim didn’t seem to have heard her. “So how do you get on the show? How did Jalil do it? What do I do? Do I need to make a history blog too? I follow Jalil’s one now and it’s really great but he hasn’t mentioned anything about the show yet so...”
Alix made a mental note to remember to block Jalil’s blog from every one of her accounts at some point in the near future. “I don’t know and I don’t care. Go ask him yourself.”
“Well I would, but I can’t go in the Louvre, the security guards banned me after I broke that statue that one time...”
“Oh yeah, that was great,” she said, allowing herself a grin despite how annoyed she was. “Fine, I’ll let you in through the side entrance. But only on the condition that you never speak to me about Jalil ever again.”
His face fell. “Why not?”
“Because he’s the worst brother ever and I hate him.”
“Wow, that’s kinda harsh...”
“I don’t care. Now hurry up and follow me, I’ve got a tomato to meet up with.”
She skated off and trusted he was following. He was always bragging about being able to run super fast, well surely he’d be able to keep up, right? If he couldn’t then too bad for him!
 “Alright, go through there,” Alix said, pointing at the corridor that led towards her family’s quarters. “I’m going to the art gallery. And if you get kicked out or arrested by security guards then I’m absolutely throwing you under the bus and pretending I had nothing to do with this.”
“Cool. In return, I’m gonna tell Jalil what you said about him being the worst brother ever and that you hate him. See ya later!”
Kim turned and ran off before she could even process what he’d said.
Wait... he was going to actually tell Jalil that? To his face?
Alix ignored the weird pangs of guilt. Anyway, it was true! Jalil was the worst. She definitely didn’t care if someone told him so. He deserved to be insulted.
Her gut twisted painfully.
No! No guilt. She stuffed a pair of headphones on and skated off towards the art gallery.
 The best thing about Nathaniel was that he just didn’t care. It probably worked both ways – plenty of times he’d been the one sitting here, ranting about something while doodling in that little sketchbook of his, and Alix would just skate around and listen. Now it was her turn to rant.
“Jalil is so annoying! I can’t stand it any longer! His conspiracies don’t even make any sense, he’s just doing it to be edgy and weird and I hate it!”
“Mhm.” Nath didn’t even look up from his sketchbook.
“I never even minded before, but this alien spaceship thing has gone too far. And to think he was on TV, and everyone saw it! It’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me!”
“Yeah. So embarrassing.”
“I used to wonder why dad is so harsh on him all the time, but I kinda get it now. He’s just – just so–”
She stopped just short of saying the word useless.
Was Jalil useless?
Well... he had been the one who had bought Alix her first ever pair of skates. Heck, he’d even been the one who bought the skates she was currently wearing.
Nath finally looked up. “Having second thoughts?”
Alix had been so busy venting that she hadn’t noticed the songs that were playing through her headphones, having just put the thing on shuffle and let it do what it wanted, but she suddenly noted the vaguely familiar tones of an ancient lyre.
Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she looked to see that it was... oh yeah, Hurrian Hymn No. 6. That time when she’d downloaded it just to see what Jalil’s hype about it even was. It was okay, she guessed. Not her type of music, but hey, the Ancient Sumerians only had a limited availability of instruments to work with, it wasn’t her place to judge that.
She sighed and went to sit down beside Nath.
“It’s a bit weird... me and Jalil have never really fought like this before. He just does his own thing and I do my own thing. I... I’m not used to being mad at him.”
Peering over, she noticed that Nath was drawing the pyramids themselves. It reminded her of what she was annoyed about in the first place.
“I just can’t believe he literally went on TV and called the pyramids alien spaceships! Does he even hear himself? I usually stick up for him when dad is calling him out on his dumb theories, but this one just doesn’t make any sense at all...”
“So this is the first time you haven’t taken his side?” Nath asked.
She nodded. “I guess that’s why he’s mad at me too... he’s used to me sorta passively supporting him... I mean most of the time his theories aren’t any more or less zany than the stuff Alya comes up with, so it’s not usually a big deal...”
The lyre was strangely haunting. So much reverb, echoing around like the thoughts in her brain. It was enough to calm her down a bit – probably a good thing, because getting akumatized was not exactly a priority today.
Her phone buzzed. She looked at it again to see–
Ugh, a notification that Jalil had updated his blog. She’d forgotten to block him.
But even as she unlocked the screen and went to do so, she couldn’t stop herself from reading what he’d posted, at least the first few lines.
Apologies to all my dear fans and followers who watched Alternative Truth today, but I am renouncing my theory that the pyramids are the remains of ancient spaceships. I have come to realize that I was misinformed and that there is a high possibility that the Ancient Egyptians really did build them through their own power, and...
“Nath!” Alix leapt to her feet. “Jalil doesn’t believe that alien spaceship theory anymore!”
Nath barely even blinked. “Okay. Cool.”
“How did this happen? There’s no way he’d just stop believing something like that, he’s always so adamant that he’s right! Unless... unless... oh no...”
Was this her fault? Her saying that she hated Jalil, that he was the worst brother ever, and Kim deciding to tell him so, did that really hurt Jalil so much that he’d renounce his own theory? Had her words affected him that much?
“Oh my god I have to go apologize to him.”
“Uh what?”
“I’ll be back later! You keep drawing, I have to go...”
Leaving Nath there confused, she skated off at top speed.
 “Jalil! Jalil, there you are!”
Jalil frowned. “Alix? I thought you weren’t going to talk to me anymore?”
Too much momentum to stop in time, she skated right into him and almost knocked him over. “I’m so sorry I was mean to you okay, I mean your theory was definitely stupid and I’m glad you renounced it but please ignore whatever Kim said, I don’t think you’re the worst brother and–”
“Wait, what are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the things I said about you behind your back! Kim said he was going to tell you...”
Jalil scratched his head in thought. “That’s the kid with the Tintin hair, right? I didn’t get to talk to him at all, I saw him getting kicked out by security actually.”
“So he didn’t tell you that I said I hated you?”
“No, not at all!”
“Well then why did you renounce your theory?” she asked. “I thought it was because I made you feel bad.”
“Something really strange happened to me actually!” Jalil said, his eyes lighting up in the way that they always did whenever he was going to go off on a conspiracy tangent. Alix mentally prepared herself for the worst. “I met a superhero who claimed to come from the future! She had the powers of time travel and said that she would prove me wrong, and so she took me through a portal back in time to thousands of years ago, and briefly showed me the Ancient Egyptians actually building the pyramids themselves. And I know it sounds too good to be true but I promise I’m not lying! This really happened to me!”
Superhero from the future? She was about to say how far-fetched that sounded, when she noticed Jalil looking at her very suspiciously.
“The superhero... looked very familiar, now that I think about it...”
“Uh... who did it look like?”
He hesitated for a few seconds before answering. “...Never mind. Just a conspiracy theory.”
“Is it one with proof this time? Because as long as it’s not as stupid as the pyramid one, I’m willing to hear it.”
He shook his head. “I’ll tell you someday, but just uh... not yet.”
“Um, okay.”
“Anyway, you were right about the pyramid theory being wrong, and I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.”
“Cool. And I’m... I’m sorry I was really harsh about it.”
“No, it’s good that you were! I shouldn’t be giving all the credit to aliens for things that humans did. And you’re usually really nice about my theories, so if it was something that made you annoyed, then it surely had to have been bad...”
Alix smiled – it was nice to be back on her brother’s good side. “All forgiven. I’ll still stick up for you when dad’s being annoying, I promise.”
“Thanks, munchkin.” He patted her on the head. “I like it better when we’re not bickering.”
Something popped into her head all of a sudden.
“Oh yeah, Jalil? How did you get onto Alternative Truth in the first place?”
“Why do you want to know? Are you going to go on it?”
“What? No! Not me! Kim stans that show, he was bugging me about it earlier...”
“Oh right! Well it was like this...”
He launched into an explanation. Phew – things were back to normal. Jalil could be annoying, sure, but he still helped Alix with her homework, and covered for her whenever she was doing anything she wasn’t supposed to, and cheered for her at skating competitions, and so many other things she was grateful for. In fact, he probably kept her in line as much as she had done with him today. Of course, being so much younger, it wasn’t exactly easy to boss him around without him getting overly annoyed about it. But at least he was still there for her.
Superhero from the future, though... who on earth was that?
 It was several years later when Alix kicked open the door to Jalil’s room, pocket watch in hand.
“Hey Alix, what’s u–”
“The superhero was me, wasn’t it?” she said, deadpan.
“What superhero?”
“The one who showed you the pyramids years ago.”
Jalil’s eyes widened. “Oh – the bunny? You mean that really is you?”
“Oh hell yes, it was me alright. You were being such a twerp that day, it still annoys me when I think about how I had to sit through that stupid TV show...”
“Wait you’re a miraculous holder?!”
Alix didn’t pay him any attention. “I’m going back in time to that day right now and proving you wrong. Your alien spaceship theory doesn’t stand a chance.”
“Wait wait wait you’re telling me my little sister really is a superhero???”
Alix turned back around and walked out of the room. How had it took her so long to put two and two together? Well, whatever. Time to fix mini-Alix and mini-Jalil’s friendship, and put an end to the alien spaceships once and for all.
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that-bookworm-guy · 5 years
Tell us about your writing projects, including you nanowrimo that you completed. I'd love to read more of your work
I am always up for talking about my writing, it helps me think about things I might not have thought about before.
I do have a published poetry book if you wanna read that about mental health, LGBT issues, positivity and, random 3am thoughts.
My book trilogy, I struggle to explain it in short but I’m gonna try.
Background, it’s in the future, in kinda London but maybe not London, need to work around that. Everyone has magic, kids have 2 powers and as they age they lose one. Rare people keep 2. Everyone has lenses in their eyes, keep them in all the time, they link to everything. They are your phone, you use them to buy things, they link to hospitals so they know what’s wrong with you etc. Used as an identity thing. 
Blood and Thunder, Book 1, Word Count: 69216: Alexander has telekinesis and enhanced intelligence, which comes with visions a voice in his head etc. He has anxiety and depression (that will not get magically cured at the end of the series! because that pisses me off for reasons).
Their house gets raided and Alexander meets the villain Sykes (Head of policing) when he raids the house, looking for a notebook that Alex’s father passed onto him. Alex and his sister Rosia (Has Earth powers, is only 9(the age powers develop) but is already strong) basically run away from the police. Rosia gets caught and ends up hiding Alex under some plants. He meets a group of runaways. They help him find his sister, but discover that there is something bigger going on. Him and Jathan end up getting arrested by Sykes  and discover some creepy shit.
Group involves: Theo (Leader), Dara (theo’s twin), Jathan with siblings Hayden and Leo(3), Ralf, Sarmi (Healer), Ryatt and Phoenix (Non-binary) (Twins, hald angel half demon), Viola, Luna (No power), Lilith with sister Lassie (4), Wolfie, Alex and Rosie
Cloak and Dagger , Book 2, WC:77453: Group lay low, Alex’s depression and anxiety is getting worse, bit of PTSD thrown in because the poor boy has been through a lot. Jathan is trying to be a good friend but is also worried about Alex. Tension run high because they are confined to a house together (Around 15ish people) and people are getting pissed off. 
(Basically builds on Characters, mental health as well as a storyline)
Rosia and Hayden discover a note crying for help from a kids home during a stock run. Everyone is basically dying for something to do. Break into a kids home, find files about a workhouse. Break into a workhouse and discover experiments on kids that extract their powers and basically bottle it and sell it onto the highest bidder. 
Rack and Ruin, Book 3, WC:76169(SO FAR): Group are now with Raycraft (Family friend of Alex and Rosia), Harrington (Teacher of Alex) and Wilbur (Family butler of Alex’s etc). Getting used to having adult telling them what to do. Discover the governor has died and the second in command has taken the role and is now worse. People are angry as raids have been happening on homes. Gov. develop drugs and gets dealers to hand them out that make people more obey more. People are angry and ready to fight.
The adults Raycraft etc, are leading the fight for a revolution. Along with the main storyline this book deals with so much.
You have flashbacks to the past with Alex’s mum and dad. You find out what lead up to the house being raided.
You also have the Villain, Sykes’ storyline running side by side as he has some choices to make. 
ON TOP OF THAT, in book 2 & 3 (a little in book 1) Death is an actual character who pops up and is a dramatic little shit who I love, Life is a character who may or may not be a mermaid because why not?
Oh Gosh well that’s just the trilogy. 
NaNoWriMo project: You can actually read here for free. 
Game of Patience, WC: 55625
Brooke is raised by the police force that her parents work for. She is schooled, looked after and cared for by all of the officers, they are her family.
But when her parents disappear on a mission gone wrong, she is sent to live with George Phillips, who she has never met before. As much as she fights it, it was written in her parent’s will. The arrangements have been made and she has no choice. Now she has to learn what it means to be a normal teenager. First stop, school. But things don’t exactly go to plan and Brooke is left fighting for more than the truth about her parents.
Thank you for the ask :) Sorry it’s long, I hope you have a great day :)
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