#*pats apple on the head* this baby can hold so much angst
rockstarrocky · 2 years
Apple’s gotten into her dream university, she achieved everything. Finishing a degree in engineering. All of that good stuff. But every time she has to do a lab, every report due. She stares at a blank screen. Her roommate, Briar, gets the feeling it’s something deeper than the constant all nighters just to achieve perfect GPA.
She barely sleeps, spending all night working. The next morning she has a lecture. Too bad she doesn’t actually remember what she learned. Mainly because Apple kept zoning out, she kept drinking coffee, but caffeine only could do so much. Her one day off, the day she planned to go hang out with Raven, just so they could catch up. Apple canceled, she slept until noon then drank iced tea and had a bagel.
It’s a cycle of sleepless nights and constant anxiety about school. Eventually she considers dropping out. Then she remembers what her future holds. A whole kingdom to run. A simple degree. (Even if it’s at the most important university in the kingdom) can’t stop her.
So what can?
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jenna-ortega · 8 months
act I
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pairing - joel miller x female reader word count - 4k warnings - infidelity, jealousy, angst, unpleasant!joel, p(almost)v
SUMMARY: watching joel be with someone other than you has you reeling, what happens when you wear down the stoic man's loyalty? or don't let your girlfriend stop you from finding your wife
series playlist - by the wonderful @lovers-liability
Your eyes find his in an attempt to share a moment between the crowd at the bar. That crowd consists of only Tommy, Joel, and her. Her who you’ve been fake smiling at all night, her who’s been on Joel’s arm, and her who is the only thing in your way. 
“Another drink?” her voice stinging your eardrums as if she’s shouted, but has only whispered to the man you haven’t stopped staring at. Ugh. Your skin physically crawls as you watch her pet his arm and bat her eyes up. Why does she deserve this? Why does she get to have him. Your hands find the bottle Joel’s eyes were feeling up the whole night, and you fill his glass until he politely waves you,
“‘s enough.” 
You bite your lip as you watch him take a long sip, watching his adam’s apple bob with each passing burn of the amber liquid, 
“Can I get a refill too?” you find the source of the noise, a soft voice and big smile looking at you shaking an empty glass, “sure.” 
You can’t seem to find a minute alone with him. Someone is always finding a way to share your space, ruin your plan. “Not tonight”, you think, “not this time.”
It’s a shame your hands couldn’t quite hold onto the slippery glass of the fruity beverage you made. How clumsy of you to not secure a grip on the, 
“OH!” you shout as she gets soaked by her own drink, how silly of you. Your hands purposefully inching forward so there isn’t a drop left to be spared in the glass
“Shit, SHIT!” you watch as she and Joel jump backwards, hiding the smirk on your face watching the stain on her jeans and shirt grow larger as they both try to fix what you’ve done, 
“So sorry, vanessa!” you’re almost tongue tied saying her name, your blush evident as you catch Joel scowl at your fake apology
“No, it’s alright! It’s okay, I hated these pants anyway!” 
Tommy’s chuckle has your head swinging his way. Lip twitching in annoyance. She’s funny too…
Joel grabs the napkin beside him, patting at her stomach and hips as she’s giggling, “its okay–really i’m okay”, 
“Let me get ya home sweethe-”, “no, finish your drink it’s okay”. “We’re going–” 
The bickering between the two go on until Tommy chimes in, grabbing his coat and walking from around the bar where you two had just been serving for the night
“Stay, after that patrol shift today you need it.” 
Joel gives Tommy a stern look, shaking his head in his baby brothers direction
“She’s mine, gotta take care of her” 
“I ain’t stealing her, “ Tommy’s hand lands on Joel’s shoulder, smirking while squeezing him
“Ya scared she’ll realize the better miller and leave your ass?” 
As the interaction goes on for a minute, your brain goes haywire. Watching her laugh at his jokes. You're envious, you’re dripping signs of mania as you think of all the ways you could sabotage this thing they have and take him for yourself. His large arms engulf her as he says goodbye, watching Tommy lead her out the double doors to begin the journey back to whatever place she calls home. And you wonder…what does she call home? His bed? His house? Him?
Skin jumping as you’re pulled from a state of disarray by his loud throat clear, 
“Clumsy girl” his large hands make the whiskey glass look like a toy as he bring it to his lips, sipping loudly as he studies your face 
“Yeah, I guess I don't know what I was doing.” for as much as you wanted this, you’re mind can't find the right words to say,
“And what was it you were trying to do?” hm…accusatory
“Just spilled a drink”
“Funny I ain’t ever seen you spill a drink before”
“Your eyesight is going then,” you walk towards the other end of the bar and begin wiping down the bartop, taking this as a sign to finally start closing shop and going home
For all the times you’ve dreamed of having him alone, your body shows no sign of wanting to be near him. You’re almost upset at him, for what? You have no clue. It wasn't his fault you harbord such an intense crush on him. His stoic attitude, and the way he protects what's his. You wanted to be the person he protected. The person he calls “mine”
You brazenly walk back to him, grabbing his almost empty glass while your eyes roll further than your socket allows “Done yet?”
His grip on the bartop now rushed to grab the hand you offered up to take his glass
“With the drink yes,” he jerks your hand forward so your body is now leaning over the bar
“With you…no”
This is it. Your heart drops, mind clouded by his scent, the way his dark brown eyes look you over as if he’s ready to devour you with hate
“I seen your looks,” your name falls from his lips as if you’d personally hurt him in some way you can’t recall
You wince as the same hand he holds is now slammed down onto the bar top, “I felt your little touches during patrol, the way you slide against me thinking I’m stupid.”
He flings your hand away and you immediately rub at your wrist to soothe the dull ache his massive fingers left behind, oh how warm it felt to have his skin on yours
His eyes squint at you as you begin laughing, pushing strands of your hair behind your ear, getting ready to fuck with him. 
You have to give it to yourself, the plan worked. Setting the seed days ago while you were both on patrol. Making sure you rubbed your backside against him once or twice, feeling him go silent as you did. Joel knew what you wanted from him. He could feel it in the way your eyes bore into the back of his head while you patrolled with him. Joel couldn't say the advances weren’t welcomed, he loved feeling wanted. But he has someone. Someone who he owed loyalty to. Someone who simply got to him before you. 
Now, you’re walking around the bar to him, and his body follows you as he turns around, your body forcing his thighs open on the stool as you push your way past them to get as close to him as you can
“I can fuck you better than sh–” 
“Christ.” his eyes roll as he moves to leave the stool, backing you up in the process, 
“Let me make you feel good,” your hand reaching for his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin as he lets you
Your hand travels down to hook around his neck, reaching on your toes as your lips ghost next to his ear, 
“Don’t you want to feel me,” your other hand grabs his and moves to place it to your chest, 
A heavy sigh from his lips is the last thing you hear before he is ripping you off him, cradling your back as he smashes it against the bar, pinning you between his chest and the counter
“You are treading on some mighty thin ice,” silence fills the bar as he lets you go, backing up and giving your chest space as he looks down to see you breathing heavier, eyes meeting his as a plea
“Be careful.” 
It’s been days since the incident. You didn’t want to add insult to injury, leaving him alone in the process. How can you be upset at something you wanted to happen? It left you feeling shocked, hurt, and even a little turned on. The feel of his body against yours, his hands grabbing yours to make sure you didn’t go anywhere as he railed into you with his words. Oh how you wish it was something a little thicker, a little longer than words. 
Your thoughts light up as you find yourself in the same predicament as the other night. Tommy, your fellow bartender, and the lack of two certain people. He must be ignoring you now, you’re sure of it. 
How could you get his attention? You needed him to know you weren’t someone he could just manhandle and never speak to again. You wanted to see the worst parts of him as you got under his skin, as you messed with what's his. And now an idea was formulating…one you knew would get Joel on you
You see him. Owen. Vanessa patrol partner for tomorrow morning. Who was going to stop you if you overfilled his drinks? Got him a little too wasted, giving you an in to provide coverage for that patrol. 
So that's what you did…all night. 
Making sure his drinks were constantly overpoured, giving him the best customer service of his goddamn life,
“WOO!” you turn to look in the direction of Owen and his friends, starting to get rowdy, 
“Looks like i might night have owen for tomorrow shift huh,” Tommy nudges your arm as he’s using a stained white rag to dry off glasses
“Maria will whip him into shape” you both raise your eyebrows and laugh at the sentiment, 
“Not before she whips me into covering that assholes shift,” your eyes light up at his words as he is shaking his head in defeat, 
“You’ve been working so hard at the bar Tommy, you need rest.” it’s innocent, it’s sly, it’s exactly what you rehearsed saying,
“Why don’t you rest, and I take the shift?” his head turns your way, mouth frowning in a peculiar way, “I couldn’t ask you to do that” 
“You’re not asking, I’m offering.” 
And when you got that knock on your door from Tommy the next morning, your plan was in action. Having him walk you to the stable and greeting Vanessa, a smirk grew on your lips
Tommy spends a few minutes explaining the route, making sure you both know to stay careful while clearing out the abandoned house an hour west of Jackson. You smile at Vanessa, assuring her you’ve done this route before. She smiles back at you…shit, even a nice smile. Hating her was getting harder by the day. In reality, you would have hated any girl in her position. 
You’ve both been riding for about 45 minutes till you hit the place. Ivy grown along the windows and doors of the place,
“Looks like it gets worse by the months,” you whisper as you both hop off your horses and start your journey inside
“Take upstairs, I’ll take downstairs and around back?” you question, vanessa responding with a head nod as you watch her slowly trek inside the house with her gun positioned in front of her
It only takes you a few minutes to clear downstairs, hearing Vanessa’s boot impressions upstairs signaling her safety, you think to start clearing the outdoor area around back.
Your whole body twisting around in an instant with your gun out and ready. What sounded like a tree branch breaking, or feet on leaves has your body on edge. You’re turned around, but all you see is the pale blue house, some overgrown grass, and the door you left wide open swinging in the slight breeze.
Not realizing just how scared you were, your hand jumps to your heart as you begin to level out your breaths. Soon after, you turn around and clear the rest of your area. 
You’ve arrived back at the front of the house surprised not to see Vanessa, you scream out an “all clear!” and the hairs on the back of your neck stand,
There’s three horses. There’s two of you. 
Grass crunching under your feet as you run to the house to warn her, but not before your body is pulled back and behind a rusted green truck outside of the house,
“Shh!” a hand cups your mouth as you begin to thrash and whine, only calming down once you hear the soft gruff voice of the man you’re attached to, “It’s Joel,” 
“Jesus christ, Joel!” you pull yourself away from him, turning around to stare at the tall man 
“What the hell are you doing here” demanding answers from him, you push against his chest in anger as he hits the back of the car with a thud,
His finger gets close to your face, walking up close to you, “makin’ sure you don’t cause any problems, princess.” 
You fake laugh, making sure to obnoxiously throw your head back as you do 
“Awwww” you give Joel a pout, “so cute. Miller’s gotta make sure his girlfriend doesn’t find out about the bartender he nearly felt up a fe-” he rushes to shush you again, holding his hand over your mouth while his other hand falls to your lower back, steadying you in his arms
“Shut up will you…” his hands lower once he’s sure you understand his urgency in your silence 
“Where is she?” he questions faintly, just as you hear your name being called from your right side,
“Who're you talkin to?” she soon finds out as she meets you behind the car, noticing two heads bobbing, “what’re you doing here, honey?” she runs to separate the two of you as she hugs his big frame, 
“Checking in. Heard Owen couldn’t make it, had to make sure you were alright.” 
Vanessa brightly smiles and lightly swings her hand to her side, blushing.
You fake gag behind her, watching Joel’s jaw tighten, 
“We’re fine, Joel” she looks over to you, “We were just finishing up.” 
All three of you ride home together. Your incessant questions naggings the two,
While Vanessa is happy to answer, you can’t help but hear the loud sigh of Joel with every intrusive thing you pull out of her. 
“T’fuck is this an interview?” 
You bite your lip at his outward rudeness, and Vanessa’s loud gasp
“Don’t be like that, Joel!” she scolds him, watching as he brings his hand from his thigh to his neck, scratching the same spot he does everytime he gets nervous 
“Yeah Joel,” you shake your head at him. “Don’t be like that,” you give him a crooked smile and a wink watching his nose twitch at you, looking away hastily. 
Arriving back to town, you all settle down and get into light conversation. Vanessa offers up Joel to take you home to make up for his crummy attitude. And you know he’s upset. His veins popping from his neck as he’s trying to hide his clear disdain for this situation. Why is everyone but him oblivious to your intentions? He thinks. He promised himself he wouldn’t be alone with you again. Couldn’t trust himself with you. He has to keep what he has safe, and you’re a danger to it. You’re a danger to his fulfilled life he created for himself. Stability he’d been dreaming of. You make him think. Is this what I want? Questioning the things he’d come to know as good. Was he settling for comfort? Did he not want to do the hard thing? 
He says your name with gritted teeth, “Lead the way.”
You both walk in the silence of Jackson. It wasn’t too long before you would reach your house. The only sounds you hear are both feet crunching leaves. Had you fucked this up that badly? Have your childish games finally caught up to you?
“She’s fierce.” he rolls his eyes at your statement, not wanting to get into this with you right now. 
“Leave it,” he warns
“She’s pretty…” silence, “She’s kind. I like her.” you admit, 
“I like her too, s’why i’m with her.” The truth makes your heart ache. Is this delusional in your head getting the best of you? You feel something here, you feel it. 
There’s a pregnant pause. Your eyes swell with what feels like rocks, but you know is just water that you wish wouldn’t stream,
“I’m kind.” 
“Debatable.” he lightly laughs
“I’m fierce.” you were trying to convince yourself and him. What wasn’t there to like? Why couldn’t Joel see you for the woman you wanted to be. He was everything you wanted, and you feared you would never get a chance at making him happy because of timing. 
Your name flows from his lips in a rush, ushering in arousal from your core. He ignores you until you both approach your front door. You want him. 
“I’m pretty…”
There’s a silence in the air as you turn to him, back to your door. The look he gives you tells you he’s holding back. The same look he’d given you during patrols, during nights at the bar, looks you knew held something bigger than resentment. 
“Do you want to come in?” 
“Are you sure?”
Joel huffs, adjuring his jacket as he stares back at the fragile girl in front of him. In a perfect world, he could tell her everything he’d wanted to tell her. Back when he first met you as Tommy’s friend, you’d met during his fireflies brigade and that alone pissed Joel off. Never fully giving you a chance no matter how hard you tried. You were pretty, you could be everything Joel wanted. He knows that. He also knows he held onto judgment about your past for too long, too long to give you the shot he knew you deserved. He knew what he was doing all the times he’d make it his job to brush against you. Before she came into the picture. Before Vanessa, it was Kimberly. And he knew the girls he’d run through always got to you. Always picking them, always making sure you knew it wouldn’t be you. 
“What d’ya want from me?” his voice apparent with defeat, 
You walk to him, grabbing him by his open jacket, “I told you,” you walk him backwards until you are fumbling with your door to get it open, hanging in the doorway of your house,
“I want to make you feel good.” 
You couldn’t tell how you got here, against your own kitchen table as Joel miller was ravaging your mouth, 
“Joel,” you moan into his lips, “fuck me,” 
His hands around your frame tighten their hold, the feeling of his groan vibrating against your neck, his lower half pushed into you enough so you feel his bulge, 
“You’ve been so bad for me, why do you deserve it?” he asked, smiling down as you fall apart in his hands, wiggling your legs together to ease the tension. You wish you could answer him coherently, but the way he pushes his hips into you has you stuttering back gibberish to him
Your body is quickly turns around, you cry out at the pain of the table knocking into your hips as he moves to bend you over the table, ass up for him to make it easier for him to tug your jeans down, revealing your glistening cunt for him
“Gonna show me how much better you are, baby?” he teases as he lifts your head to look back at him, your hair tangled in his fingers as he rubs his clothed cock against you, 
“P-please, Joel” 
He leans over, massive body weight smushing you down further into the table as you grunt from surprise, 
He kisses along your neck, his beard scratching your skin making the hair on your arms rise, and your cum leak out further onto his jeans,
Joel laughed into your neck, he knew your cunt was calling for him. He kneeled down, face lined up with your core. He began kissing your thigh, licking and sucking as he teased his way up your leg.
Your hips squirming, you pushed your heat closer to him, wanting some sort of friction.
“Such an eager little princess.” His hands gripping both thighs, his big hands opening you up, taking the first dip into your pussy.
His tongue running lines over your folds, using his fingers to rub in the saliva. Your moans instinctively filled the room, only encouraging him more.
“You like that huh” his husky voice coming from below you, you felt warm liquid hit your pussy, his spit dripping down, the sensation drove you mad.
His middle and pointer finger entered you, just as he began licking circles around your sensitive nub.
“oh fuck—“ you cried out, feeling yourself trying to push back because of how good he was doing. Your body twitching as he picked up the pace with his tongue, making the warm feeling inside of you worse. Your head snapping back, moaning out his name. Joel
He didn’t stop to address you, just moving his fingers in and out of you at a relentless pace, your cum dripping out on his fingers, he felt you start to clench around him, moved his tongue as fast as he could, flicking your clit until you were shaking on his fingers.
“I’m gonna cum, oh god” you sobbed, finally finding your release, your body convulsing on his fingers, cum coating them nicely,
Your breathing coming back down, he removed his fingers from you, lifting himself up to show you.
“Clean up your mess,” he demanded, bringing his fingers to your mouth, and you happily obliged, sucking his fingers down to the knuckle.
He removed his fingers, your mouth suctioned so tightly a raunchy pop sound filled the air.
His fingers moved from your mouth, along your chin, meeting your neck, gently squeezing, he lifted your head forcing you to meet him eye to eye.
“You’re gonna take what I give you next, and you ain’t gonna whine. Y’ hear me, princess?” 
You reply with a broken cry to him, your body feeling weightless as your core sobs from his ruthless play,
Joel slowly unzips himself from his jeans, red throbbing cock springing free in the process. You whip your head back as you hear it, eyes meeting his cock, then training up to his eyes,
“Fuck, it’s big”
He smiles behind you as he lines himself up to your core, pushing your head back into the counter, “I know baby, I know,” he slowly squeezes himself in between your folds, but not inside of you. His tip ghosting over your clit as your folds warm him, he begins to thrust, 
“Shit, ahh–” he winces as he feels your wetness engulf him, leak onto his tip, and he shudders when it catches at your entrance, “please,” you beg, for what…you don’t know
“shhh, take what i give you” he groans out, and you do just that as he begins to pound into your folds harder, 
Your hand moved behind you to push him back, feeling your second orgasm coming on intensely, 
“Joel, fuck me, please, just the tip baby, i promise” 
His hand grips your wrist, pinning it to your back, continuing to ignore your desperate plea
You look back him, his face beat red as his chest if heaving, he looks you directly in the eye as he takes himself in his other hand, gathering your cum with his own precum, rubbing himself into your clit in circular motions, laughing as he watches you come undone for the second time that night. 
You jump forward, not being able to go far due to being restrained. “Ah–” your voice squeaks as you feel Joel’s tip pushing to make room inside of you, behind you, Joel litters the air with silent pleasure, “shit”. “fuck” “so tight,”
“You feel so good, oh” you wiggle your hips and try to move backwards onto him, but he is keen on your plans. 
“Ah ah ah,” he scolds you, “take what i give you. I warned you.” you whine at him as you cry into the table, feeling yourself push your legs together to try and feel some sort of relief from wanting to be filled,
He pulls his tip out of you with a groan, sucking in air at the loss,
“Wanna cum on your pussy,” you hear the ferocious sounds of Joel behind you, tugging at himself while moaning your name. 
You moan as you feel his hot spurts of cum cover your backside, feeling it drip down onto your clit and down your thighs as he growls “fuckkk” behind you.
He helped pull your jeans back up. Handling you like a piece of glass that couldn’t break, you turned around and pulled your arms around his broad chest. His chin rested plainly on your head, returning the hug you gave him while sighing into you.
“Stay.” your small voice that was buried in his chest still echoed through the kitchen,  
Such a simple request. An honest request. A request you think he may take into consideration after everything he’s done.
“I can’t.”
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sukirichi · 3 years
sweet angel
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With a heart of gold, sweet lips, and white lace all over your body — he’s pretty sure you’re his sweet angel.
REQUEST. lingerie under his white button up shirt for gojo + somnophilia + established relationship + oblivious reader
CONTENT/WARNINGS. smut, somnophilia, mentions of insecurity, very slight angst, creampie, cockwarming, body marking, UNEDITED
NOTES. I haven’t written Gojo for a while but I sure do missed it! We’re gonna have more Gojo content this week too! if i finish my wips anyway lmao
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The clock blinks back a painful three am to you, the time way past what Gojo’s promised. You don’t stop the sigh leaving your cherry red lips as you stare at the mirror, jaw clenching at the sight. Today’s supposed to be your second anniversary with Gojo, and instead of spending it on a skyscraper dinner like last year’s, you both insisted on staying at home for a more romantic date instead.
Him being the strongest sorcerer, it’s only a given that he’ll be busy, even to this day. He’s unable to take a day off, but he promised to come home on time.
The dinner’s gone cold, the candles melted and aroma of roses sticking hard to the walls. You’re wearing his favourite black dress paired with ankle boots, wrists clinking from the bangles and makeup done to perfection. Today’s supposed to be simple, quiet, and romantic – especially with your surprise for him – but he’s still not home.
Washing your face in the sink and covering the dishes, you blow out the candles, heading back to your shared room to call it a day. You swipe your dress with Gojo’s white button, wanting to feel that he’s still with you even with just his scent.
A blaring red that reads three forty-five is the last thing you see as you burrow deep into the covers, trying your best to ignore the panging in your heart.
He promised he’d be home soon.
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“Honey! I’m ho—” Gojo blinks at the darkness of your penthouse, hands patting the walls before flicking on the lights. He’s not surprised to see that it’s neat as usual, but then his gaze lands on the dining table, and that’s when he realizes he’s fucked up.
The candles are already melted halfway, one wine glass still and the other already washed in the sink. You must’ve taken a few sips as you waited for him; an image he can imagine already. He’s admired you long before dating you that Gojo’s used to your habits, like how you’d rotate the drink in your glass three times before you drink, tongue darting out to taste the wine mixing in with your lips.
He knows all this, mostly because it always drives him crazy when you do that, and he’s lost count of the times he’s pushed you up against the counter, shoving his tongue between your lips to find out what it is about wine and flavoured lipsticks you liked so much.
It’s a little hellish to him the more he thinks about it, even more so because you’re completely unaware of your effect on him.
But he’s not the only one, since no matter how perceptive Gojo could be, he’s scatterbrained more often than he likes to admit. And of fucking course he forgot tonight was your anniversary. He never set dates on his calendars, waving his hand and confidently stating he had an ultra memory and didn’t need reminders.
Well, now that ultra memory is reminding him of the last time he’s forgot to attend your work event, a time you needed him more than anything else, and you didn’t talk to him for a week straight.
He wishes you would shout at him, push or shove him even, call him names and tell him he’s horrible, but you’ve always been a sweet, little thing – you’re timid even in your frustration. You never glared at him, never scolded him, and it’s even more terrifying because you’re still so sweet to him – preparing him meals, giving him a kiss before he leaves for work – but Gojo isn’t entirely dumb. He notices how you turn away from him in your sleep, your arms that would usually be wrapped around his torso now hugging yourself in an attempt to make yourself small and invisible.
That’s how you felt every time Gojo doesn’t keep to his word.
Unseen. Unloved. Unheard. Unimportant. He’s no mind reader, but it’d be pushing it if he can’t even turn to your thoughts like that.
And even in your slumber, it’s written all over your face, evident in the way tears are staining your cheeks under the sheets. Gojo sighs upon seeing your crumpled form on the bed, your dress hanging neatly from the closet and your heels placed beneath it. He crouches down in front of the shoe, his hands crumpled into fists. This wasn’t just any shoe – it’s the one he made you get during that time you were debating whether you could pull it off, but he encouraged you that you looked gorgeous in anything. Despite having bought it a long time ago, you never wore it, only on this day because you trust your comfort and safety around him; one he’s so effortlessly crushed.
Gojo quickly changes into his pyjamas not long afterwards, sliding himself next to your body in slow, careful movements to not wake you up. Aside from a slight stir, you remain deep asleep, the frown permanent and deep on your face.
It breaks his heart to see you like this, especially because he knows he’s the one who caused it.
Gojo runs his hand across the apple of your cheeks, caressing your precious face on his palm before leaning forward to kiss your head. You smell amazing too, and yet, you’re uncomfortable with whatever’s playing in your head. He could take a good guess and assume it’s him.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs into your skin, sliding his arm over your body to pull you close to him. “I didn’t mean to forget, I’m so sorry. I’ll make it up to you somehow.”
He knows he should apologize when you’re awake, but he wants to say it now before his guilt eats up at him. Gojo’s eyes flutter close when his hands come into contact with something...lacey, and he pauses, lifting the sheets to inspect the material. He doesn’t really know what he’s expecting, but his breath stutters anyway, his aquamarine eyes zeroed in on his shirt draped over your form, the top three buttons left open and you’re not wearing shorts.
Gojo curses under his breath. His reaction is immediate; blood rushing to his groin and legs nudging yours apart. He doesn’t bother hiding under the sheets not anymore as he runs his hand over your body, his touch suddenly so cold in contrast to your warmth.
He’s fucked you a lot of times in different places and angles, so he shouldn’t be so nervous, yet he is, and his hands are fucking shaking.
His head snaps to your one more time, revelling in the way you open your legs just as he pries them apart. Even in your sleep, you’re still so trusting, so wanting – so perfect for him. Gojo situates himself between your thighs as he unbuttons your shirt one by one, his teeth clenched so hard it wouldn’t be anything surprising if he actually cracked his jaw.
You’re nothing short of looking like an angel; the thigh straps squeezing the flesh of your thighs and exuding such heavenly beauty he’s stunned.
You let out a sigh at his erection rubbing you through his boxers, completely unaware that Gojo’s fallen back on his thighs, eyes wide at the white lingerie set clad in your body. He licks at his lips, debating which land he should trudge on first.
The thigh straps he wants to rip with his fingers, the white lace panty that’s already nearly transparent with your arousal, or the frilly cups holding your breasts in place?
This is the first time Gojo’s gotten close to losing his mind, and lose his mind he did. Thoughts of making it up to you flies out the window, his emotions running turbulent with anger and regret in place. If he’d just gotten home, if he’d just killed the curses faster, he could’ve kissed you and heard you beg for him in your awakened state; he’d have the pleasure of seeing you squirm under him while he rips this pretty set apart.
His dick throbs harder at the fact you wore this for him, but you must’ve been so tired and sad to wear proper pyjamas. Should he be thankful? Angry at himself for making you feel this way?
He doesn’t fucking now, his mind is nothing but a mess as he sucks a wet spot into the juncture of your neck, large hands groping your breast. You mewl a little at the contact, neck arching to the side while you sigh, that slight dip in your brow a telltale you must be still in a sleepy daze.
“Fuck, baby,” he mutters through pants as he cups your mound, only to be met with such astounding wetness. You look so innocent right now in comparison to your soft moans that it ruins him. You’re a good girl, such a sweet lover for him that you’re always letting him take in charge under the trust he’ll make you feel good. This trust is extended even in your wildest dreams, but you don’t need to worry about that. He’ll soon make it a reality.
Gojo is too needy that he doesn’t bother pulling your thong off anymore, pulling it to the side with two fingers before his thumb flicks at your clit. He’s rewarded with a sharp inhale, cheeks planted to the pillows and you look so pretty, so hauntingly oblivious that the only thing able to pull the strongest sorcerer limb by limb apart is through your needy wet cunt.
He aligns himself with your entrance, groaning when his tip is coated with your slick, the warmth of your pussy radiating off of him. It’s fucking stupid that Gojo shivers, and he knows it’s pathetic because he chuckles, lifting both your legs up before he hugs them to his chest.
You’re so wet that Gojo no longer finds the need to prepare you, his eyes falling down to where your bodies connect, breath taken away at how your lips eagerly spread apart to take him in. He’s a little too big for your tiny, sweet pussy that your lips pinch into a flat line, chest rasping up and down.
He wants to apologize, wants to caress your face and look you in the eyes as usual to tell you that you’re doing good, just breathe and the pain will be gone soon.
The situation deprives him of that privilege, so he’s left with no choice but to kiss your ankles affectionately before thrusting all the way in. A loud moan echoes around the room the moment he’s seated in, dick throbbing inside your heated pussy that’s so tight it’s nearly suffocating.
“Oh, my baby,” he thrusts in slowly, not wanting to completely wake you up despite the fact you’re unconsciously grabbing the sheets already. “My sweet, pretty angel – I’m so sorry daddy couldn’t fuck you tonight but look at you, you’re so wet,” he bites your calf at the last word to muffle his groans, the tight sucking in of your pussy to his length making his cock throb. “Did you touch yourself when I was gone, hm? You must be so unsatisfied, but I’m here now, I’ll take care of you.”
Gojo’s unable to keep his promise to you before, but he’ll definitely keep this promise now. He leaves little love marks at your skin, reaching forward to tug the cups of your bra down. He’s rewarded with the intoxicating luxury of watching your breasts bounce at his pace, your nipples the only thing stopping the material from completely falling.
You mewl at the pleasure he’s giving you, the constant friction of your hardened buds against the cups must be so heavenly by now, and you’re tightening around him, walls clamped down over his dick that Gojo never wants to let go.
He thrusts harder this time in response to your greedy sucking, his tip kissing your cervix. You throw your head back deeper into the pillows, hands patting every spot beside you. He knows that look all too well – mouth falling open, eyes shut tight, brows pinched together and that angelic little pant – it’s the face you always wear when you’re about to cum and Gojo wants to make it up to you, pushing your legs to the side before heaving his weight forward.
“Aw, baby,” he coos, “Coming already?”
The sudden stretch in your body only has your walls sucking him harder, his hips stuttering in its pace. Gojo kisses you flat on the lips as his hands thread to yours, squeezing it momentarily just as pleasure washes over him too. You come first, the spasms of your cunt similar to that one time you’ve accidentally gripped him too hard in your hand that Gojo’s cum suddenly landed on your eye. It’s tight, too fucking tight, that Gojo actually loses the ability to breathe.
His hips snap harder, dick driving deeper into your hole that’s already leaking out with cum. Your precious lingerie set is ruined, guaranteed to get him another pout that Gojo shakes his head, gripping hard at your hips while he chases his own high.
“I’ll get you another one, angel, I’ll buy you – fuck! – all the sets you need if it means dressing pretty for me like this,” he stutters in one breath, mouth latching around your nipple. He tugs at it in his need to reach his breaking point, no longer caring that you’ll wake up anytime soon, not when he’s so close and the squelching of your pussy sounds like heavenly music to his ears. Gojo thrusts in one last time hard enough that his balls make a loud slapping sound against your ass, but he doesn’t slide out, keeping himself right deep into your cunt in his orgasm.
Breathing heavily, Gojo falls on top of you, thankfully still strong enough to not crush you with his weight. He’s leaving fluttering kisses all over your face, your sweat slicking his skin.
He wants to pull out from the sensitivity, but you feel so warm and comfortable that Gojo plops down to the side, hugging your back and kissing your shoulder with panted breaths. You’re still recovering from the tremors of your orgasm that’s most likely still a dream to you, body trembling in his arms. Gojo does you a favour by throwing your bra to the side, his hands acting as a replacement for the missing piece.
He sighs onto your neck, barely managing to properly cover the both of your bodies in his exhaustion after a long day. He holds you close and tight in his arms, an I love you merely audible from his lips, followed by a regretful I’m sorry.
Gojo dreads tomorrow morning, in all honesty. There’s no easy way to explain that he “simply forgot” after all your efforts, his heart already darkening with the fear of seeing you pull away like you did the last time. His eyes droop down as he makes a mental note to just do whatever he can, but you’re stirring in his arms, lips puckered at the edge of his jaw.
“Satoru,” you whisper, hands tracing patterns on his chest. “You’re home. I’m glad.”
Soft snores follow after that, but Satoru is wide awake just as you’ve fallen asleep once more. He’s left speechless, and he doesn’t hold back in hugging you closer to his chest as a silent promise of never leaving you alone again. Even now, you’re still such a sweet angel, and how lucky is he to find someone like that?
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1-800-sope · 3 years
Alphabet boy (m) Part 2.
Pairing: Namjoon X reader
Rating: M
Genre: Tiny bit of yandere lots of angst
Warnings: Aggressive Namjoon, Manipulative Namjoon, Toxic relationship, some tiny slight abuse. !Namjoon is a jerk!
Summary: He was good at  everything and wasn’t afraid to remind you of it again.
BTS Masterlist
BTS Melaine Martinez series
Part 1.
it was a new year, new times with new beginnings. to say you were excited for college would be an understatement. you successfully got into the best university out there, but you didn’t get into it alone Namjoon was by your side through the begging and to now.
“Hey, honey.” Namjoon pulled the seat next to you out, placing a kiss on your cheek. “Hi.” You whispered back eyes lighting up at the sight of your boyfriend.
Namjoon smiled at you before pulling out his textbooks.
Honestly, a part of you still couldn’t believe that you were dating Namjoon The Kim Namjoon, your arch nemeses, your childhood best friend/enemy. Nobody would have seen this coming.
But Namjoon did, he was so confident that you would say yes when he asked you out on a date and he had every right to be because you said yes, after mentally freaking out for a good two weeks.
But Jin’s wise words led you to your final decision “You know what they say about hate relationships, it turns into passionate love. Go get that man sis.”  and now here you are seven months strong with Kim Namjoon.
The benefits of being his girlfriend were much better than being his enemy. He is a sweetheart to you, so kind that you thought he was mentally sick and almost backed out of the relationship. He also spoils you so much, whatever you want? he gets it for you, oh so your cold and lonely at night? He’s up and on his way to cuddle you, somebody said something not so nice about your outfit? On his way to get them kicked out of the school.
You're Namjoon’s most prized possession, You're his little doll and he will do anything and everything to keep you happy.
but half of you should have known that the past is still there.. that his old ways are still there, his need to remind you that he’s better, smarter, perfect, was still there lying beneath the surface just waiting to show up again.
and sadly it did.
”You know y/n I thought you left your idiotic childish ways back in high school, don’t you think it’s time to grow the fuck up now?” His words hit you like a truck making you stop in your tracks.
today wasn’t a good day, it was a bad day, a very very very bad day for you, and all you wanted all you needed was your loving boyfriend to be with you. he didn’t have to hold you, or stick to you like glue, just being in the same room would be enough for you but that was too much for him.
“Namjoon I just want to spend time with you...why are you being like this?” You were honestly confused everything was fine this morning it was all soft and pretty, you guys went on your every morning coffee date at the cafe before school started, then you walked to school while holding hands kissing each other goodbye when classes started. later you two met up for your library date during break.
has the honeymoon faves ended?
“Because you are so annoying and pathetic and you want attention twenty-four seven y/n!” Namjoon was annoyed he was frustrated about something and he snapped when you walked in the room after he purposely denied all of your calls, he thought you would take the hint and leave him alone for a bit, but you didn’t so now he’s doing the only thing he can do. he’s letting all his anger and frustration out on you.
Namjoon stared at you as your face started to heat up and the tears came to the surface, you thought he would realize what he said was wrong what he was doing was wrong but no he shot more bullets.
“You honestly can’t function without me isn’t that right doll?” He smirked walking towards you as you took a step back avoiding eye contact.
“It’s okay doll, It’s okay that you can’t do anything without me, that you depend on me, that without me you would be absolutely nothing. But right now since I’m being nice let me help you make a wise decision, a very smart one and you being my good girl will listen. alright?”
He brought his hand out patting your head ignoring your flinch.
“Right now you are going to turn back around, leave this room and leave me the fuck alone.” Namjoon grabbed the back of your head yanking your hair making you look up at him in his eyes.
you cried.
This wasn’t your Namjoon, this wasn’t your sweet boyfriend.
this was the monster you hated.
“Well? What are you waiting for? go.” he pushed you forward towards the door making you lose your step but you caught yourself and without looking back you left letting the door slam right behind you.
“Apples aren't an always appropriate apologies”
You came back, you didn’t want to but you had to this was your home too, you were now regretting getting a shared apartment with him.
 when you arrived back home it was late, Namjoon was fast asleep on the couch he was waiting for you but fell asleep while doing it all his worrying drained him out.
but you weren’t so easy to forgive someone you never were and Namjoon knew that
that’s why he’s currently crying in front of the guest room door, the room you haven’t left ever since your return.
“Baby, I’m so so so sorry.” Namjoon choked on his tears his hand touching the door an apple in the other.
“I know you are upset with me and you have every right to be, you do. Shit even I’m upset with myself. What I said was wrong what I did was wrong and my anger was no excuse to act that way towards you.”
During his little speech, you shed some tears with the memories of yesterday rushing back to you.
“You are angry with me and that’s okay but please accept this apple. You have to eat y/n.”
“Butterscotch and bubblegum drops are bittersweet to me”
It’s been three days, three days and you still haven’t accepted Namjoon’s apology but you did go back to your shared room and went back to having breakfast lunch, and diner with him, even though you didn’t let him touch you and you only responded with humms and the nod of your head it was still progress
“Here, drink this.” Namjoon handed you the coffee cup. you two were at your lovely cafe on a Monday morning right before classes. You gave a smile as you grabbed your cub and started making your way out of the cafe and towards the school’s building that was down the street.
As Namjoon talked about one of his classes that he was in you took a sip of your coffee
“And I said that he can’t put those two together because they wouldn’t contrast.” Namjoon chuckled as he grabbed your hand swinging it back and forth a smile on his face looking over at you. “You okay doll?” He asked smile slowly fading. You quickly shook your head a fake smile on your face to ease his worry
you honestly didn’t have time for an upset Namjoon on your hands
you were just so tired.
his smile recovered and he kissed your cheek “good.”
“Well, we are here now, our library date at our usual table at three pm?” Namjoon asked and you nodded. “Good. oh and I picked up some chapstick for you, I know how much you love the cute little flavored ones.”
Namjoon digging in his pocket pulling out a chapstick and it made you forget about the Butterscotch coffee as he placed it in your hand. “Thank you Namjoon.” You smiled not looking down at the Chapstick but up at him.
“No problem, get inside class is about to start.”
A smile was on your face as you walked inside finally taking a look at the chapstick in your hands
you halted in your steps and your smile dropped
“You call me a child while you keep counting all your coins”
“Honestly y/n can you just STOP!” Namjoon snapped cutting you off mid-question. 
“Stop? stop what Namjoon? What am I doing?” You were so confused his mood did a whole 360 shocking you.
“You are being annoying.” he spoke rubbing his hand on his face expressing his tiredness looking at you with annoyed eyes.
“Annoying? how am I being annoying?” You stood there in front of him holding eye contact with your arms crossed.
Namjoon looked at you like you were stupid
“Really? we’re gonna play that game now are we? The “Let’s ask stupid questions” game?” You took a step back thinking about how this all took a turn for the worse.
You were just sitting in the living room reading your book as Namjoon came out of the bathroom dressed up nicely ready to leave. you asked him where he was going...he ignored you so you asked again and again and again
until he snapped.
“I was no-” He cut you off.
“Yes you were y/n you were being annoying!”
“I was asking a simple question maybe if you didn’t ignore me-”
“God! Why does it matter where I am going huh! Why is it any of your business y/n!”
“Because I’m your fucking girlfriend Kim Namjoon!”
The room went silent
Namjoon laughed
he laughed
“No honey, you are not my girlfriend you are a child because that’s what you are acting like right now.” He said amused with this whole situation while you were now the annoyed one
“I am NOT a child Namjoon!” You cried at your breaking point. It was pathetic really how easily you cried. But you couldn’t help it.
Namjoon stopped he took a deep breath in as he saw your tears. He walked over to you gently placing both of his hands on either side of your face wiping your tears.
“Are you sure about that y/n? because you are crying like one right now.” He chuckled and you were shocked into silence. “Ok, how about this y/n I’m gonna go and you stay home and be a good doll for me? Let’s end this stupid useless conversation.”
“No?” Namjoon repeated raising his eyebrow.
You took a step back shaking your head as Namjoon dropped his hands to his side annoyed that you won’t let this end.
“No namjoon I don’t have to listen to anything you say, I am my own person I am not dumb, I am not stupid, And if i don’t want to let shit slide and get over it I won’t.” 
“Grate amazing you are finally speaking up for yourself do that at a different time.” He rolled his eyes making you more annoyed more fed up. “Namjoon it seems like you don’t care about my feelings like you never ever cared at all.” You threw your hands up moving away from him now he was the one that was following you around.
“What do you mean I never cared? That’s all I ever did through this whole relationship, I cared for, I looked after you, I helped you. You are just too much of a stupid spoiled brat see that shit.”
“Shut up Namjoon, god can you stop playing the victim card for once.” You snapped back turning on your heels.
“Your seriously acting up after everything i did for you everything I’ve been doing for you? Things your own daddy wouldn’t do for you?”
“But you're not my daddy and I'm not your dolly, I don’t have to listen shit you say anymore and I don’t need you.”
it was silent
dead silent
besides your heavy breathing along with Namjoons
“oh...is that so?” he asked glaring at you.
“Yes...it is so.” You responded back with the same energy.
“Than I guess you should leave?” He crossed his arms staring at you.
“I guess I will.” You chuckled looking away from him.
and that’s how it ended, the passionate love you both had for each other turned back into hate, more hate there than there was before.
Tag List: @minshookie29 @casualminiaturetimemachine @angryperfectionpersona @jinssexytoe @omgsuperstarg @mwitsmejk @earthtoness
A/n: I know that this was so quick to publish but i got so excited with how good part one turned out to be so I couldn’t help myself to write up part two and quickly publish it. I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED ITTT!!! new readers let me know if you want to be apart of the Melaine Martinez tag list series
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nowayspidey · 3 years
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Warnings; angst, smut and SMUT, unprotected sex.
Summary; You didn't like Peter, and you liked to humiliate him every time you had a chance to do so.
Authors note; this is the first time i do smut so pls tell me if its good so i can keep doing it ✨
Temperaments heated up every time your father insisted that you train alongside Peter. You didn't hate Peter, but you didn't like him either. You even thought that he was a bit annoying and spoiled. You just felt annoyed with the presence of him near you. Typical Starks temperament.
Peter was not far behind, he knew that he was not to your liking at all, but Parker just did not seem to understand why. He didn't know anything about you, the only thing he knew was what anyone knew about the starks, a reputation for big parties that Tony seemed to have left once you and Morgan were born. But you followed the legacy of parties until you ended up with someone different under your sheets every night.
"Okay guys take a break but not to long." Tony pointed a finger as the sweat fell from their foreheads. “Jarvis monitors everything so if you spend more than the exact time i will know.
"As if that matters." You mumbled, heading towards the locker room that the Avengers base had.
"I heard that (Y/n)" Tony answered raising his voice watching you walk away. You turned around still walking backwards.
"Good, because I wanted you to know."
You wet your hands removing the sweat to wash your face, both would return to combat but you prefer to feel fresh and relaxed for minutes. When you looked up in the mirror reflection you saw Peter standing looking at you directly, he probably was going to do the same as you to wash some parts, but he was standing there looking at you seriously.
You had no problem challenging Tony, much less Peter.
"What do you want Parker." You turned around, leaning your hands on the sink, giving him that stupid little smile that you knew bothered him about you.
"Why do you hate me so much (Y/n)? Or Tony, are you always rude to people who try to be nice to you? "
"What the hell is your problem man?" You said indignantly crossing your arms, highlighting a little your muscles that Peter secretly lowered his gaze towards them. “My father and I is none of your business, or should I call you stepbrother now? I don't even know you and BELIEVE ME, I have no intention of doing so. Mind your own business, will you?
"What else could I expect from someone who wakes up with a different person every morning, because a mature attitude I don't think so." Peter challenged leaving you speechless, you were the one doing that, not him. “I have heard the rumors and stories of the incredible (y/n) stark and his magnificent reputation. But what if he's just an alter ego? And that you pretend to be the tough guy and not show that soft part of… .—
Peter couldn't finish as soon his spider sense warned him too late that danger was approaching. You pushed the boy on his shoulders causing him to bump his back against the metal lockers.
"And what about you Peter Parker." You started out with bitterness. It was your turn, Peter didn't know where he had gotten that guts, you always seemed to have them. “The classic loser who gets teased at school trying to get noticed by the girl he's in love with? C´mon Peter, you are nothing, the only thing that makes you special and why people would see you is because you are Spiderman. What else would make you special? Be a good kisser? A good boyfriend? You don't have any of that because you are alone. You are a lonely virgin.
Right on the guts. You knew it because Peter didn't bother to answer your push, he just stared at you with a combination of feelings, anger, sadness.
"Screw you man." Peter muttered pushing you with his shoulder before walking out of there.
You couldn't feel bad for him, you enjoyed the pain you caused to people you didn't like. You followed in his footsteps and when he had already left the room you heard your father's voice in the microphone of the communicator that was on the wall.
"Where´s he going? You have training. "
"He's a Nerd dad, He probably go back to his room to read a comic or something." You responded by pressing the button. “Now I'm going to do what I do best.
You caught the shot glass between your teeth and lifted your head letting the bitter drink enter your throat in a single movement. The others started clapping and praising you like you were a party god. You threw the glass on the floor, breaking it, wiping your lips with the sleeve of your expensive shirt.
"Well? Does anyone want to challenge the leader of the parties or are you all a couple of chickens?"
You said flaunting yourself as the thrusters slowly brought you down from the air.
"I'll do it."
The metal boots hit the ground, your gaze focused on Peter and his new look that hardly made you think he was the same Peter you had humiliated at the base of the avengers. His hair pulled back, black pants, and a stylish short-sleeved shirt. The stark scholarship left money.
"Penis Parker." You said mockingly, the alcohol was starting to rise between your veins. "This is going to be interesting. Come on come up here baby. JARVIS! Serve another round.
The round of drinks increased more and more, neither of you took their eyes off the other. Neither wanted to lose to the other. Peter didn't seem to show any signs of dizziness or being drunk, and you knew why, his blood and spider abilities gave him certain advantages that you didn't have. You could already feel a minor headache.
"St..op.." You said stamping your glass on the bar when Peter was about to finish the drink. "I'm going to ... find--... another bottle.
"Sure Stark, take your time." A random boy replied patting your shoulder.
You went through the people leaving everything behind and climbed the stairs escaping from the embarrassing scene that you were going to happen if you didn't get out of there fast. With one hand on your stomach feeling dizzy you entered the closest room closing the door looking for the closest piece of furniture and contain your urge to vomit, you had to go back, Parker would not ruin your reputation.
"Looks like the legend himself (Y/n) Stark can only hold 10 drinks."
Peter entered the room putting the lock to make fun of you seeing you with your eyes closed barely catching your breath.
"If you want to vomit there is a bathroom, I can hold your hair while you are on your knees."
"Fuck off." You responded to his sarcasm. "Was it necessary to be bitten by another spider for you to bring out this manly behavior?
"Only when someone challenge me." Peter crossed his arms, that's when you realized that his school sweater hid some marked arms. You only raised an eyebrow. "And I came to prove to you how wrong you were in what you said, I wanted to enjoy that you recognized that you were wrong but I think that will not happen, right?
"In what part?"
The two were close enough now, Peter was enjoying it. Peter rubbed his half-open mouth with his lips with yours kissing them in a matter of seconds when you turned your head to the side laughing with your eyes closed. You could swear Peter's fingers were already resting delicately on your waist to draw you closer to him.
"Now are you just trying to seduce me? Please try something better and not when I just had a drinking battle with you."
"Which I won and you can't admit."
"Because of your blood type."
"Yeah, whatever."
You could feel the heat burning inside you when Peter kissed you again. You didn't even know if it was because of the alcohol or because of the sensation that he made you feel. Sensation that you wasn't going to admit that it felt good for someone who was sexually active like you.
The kiss was more and more attempt when Peter's hands were in your hair pulling it towards him with a few force and your hands were on his cheeks squeezing them while their mouths combined into one and your tongues soon found the other and make the kiss wetter than it already was. The pleasure made the surrounding weather turn hotter, Peter pulled your hair back allowing the apple of your throat to be marked and he began to kiss it along with each part of your neck.
Both soon stumbled onto the bed where you desperately sought to get rid of each other's clothes, almost tearing them up to get under the sheets. The erections soon brushed making your lips part and you glanced down with a surprised sigh as both caught your breath with slightly swollen lips.
"I thought that being your room it would be a kind of room with games or something like that."
"How many adult movies have you seen?" You asked dumbfounded, Peter turned out to be the sassy guy.
"Well when we were in Germany and I met your father I ...---"
"Peter I really don't want to know, it was sarcasm." You interrupted before he continued. "And it's not my house so I don't have my things." Peter raised both eyebrows. "What?
"You don't plan on stopping do you?"
"Do you want me to continue?"
Peter got up a bit to place a soft kiss this time on the corner of your lips.
"Okay... uhhmm.... open up."
You said taking your fingers to the mouth of Peter who opened catching them. His gaze was on your hand. His tongue moved between them, internally you bit your lip so as not to moan at the sensation and image you were seeing.
"It's enough." You mumbled after a few seconds. Peter opened his mouth and you pulled your fingers from his red lips. "Do you want to continue?
"Will you take away the honor of being with a Stark?"
You giggled in denial, with your other hand you slid down his entire left leg until he raised them to your waist and had a position. Your free hand took his member massaging it giving him a little pleasure and excitement when Peter closed his eyes leaving his mouth open, if anyone knew how to make someone feel good, it was you.
While you distracted Peter, you continued to set him up. Your fingers sought the entrance where you slowly inserted a finger to which Peter responded with a groan, the first you had heard since he entered the room. You moved it slowly and when you thought it was right, you put the second finger.
"Uh..hh ... this is ... new ..."
You smiled when you heard him trying to speak properly and not moaning. You took your fingers out after being inside it for a while and took your member licking you lip. You got him into position and to push yourself in slowly and carefully, you came face to face with Peter.
"Wow ..."
"Peter shut up." You said in a whisper rubbing your nose with his. "Does it hurt? Tell me how it feels so I can ...
"It feels perfect (Y/n)." Peter opened his eyes to meet yours. For the first time, you felt good about him. "You can...uhhmm... move.
You nodded, hiding your face in his neck, biting it and leaving marks on the points that you knew the human body was weak, you proceeded to bite the lobe of his ear while Parker sank his fingers into your bare back with one hand and with the other he pulled strands of your hair. . It was not difficult to know that taking your hair was Peter's fetish.
At first your movements were slow, you didn't want to hurt him and go fast. Slow was the way the pleasure was distributed, demonstrating it in the kisses both had while you did it. Within minutes you decided to try and go faster trying not to make noise from your skin hitting Peter's.
When you were about to reach your point, the veins were marked in your calves. You got out of Peter and you reached out to your member and started to pull it.
"Wait ..." Peter sat on the bed stopping you after straightening his hair. You let go of your hands and Peter started doing what you were doing.
Your hands were now the ones moving Peter's hair. Peter's hand moved quickly, it didn't take him long to reach your climax and release everything on his abdomen to what Peter looked at for a few seconds when he stopped.
Your heavy breathing made your sweaty chest rise and fall. Peter ran a hand over his abdomen with a surprised smirk.
"Wow. Did I really provoke this to you?"
"Don't flatter yourself, it's natural body reactions." You corrected and Peter wiped his hand with his leg taking your waist turning you now staying on top of you.
"Come on (Y/n), it's not that hard to admit some things from time to time. I want to hear it."
You remained silent, but not because of that, but because you were experiencing the sensation of your being the one that was down for the first time.
"Then I guess I'll make you say it." Peter murmured into your lips, running his fingers between them and repeating the same thing you had done with him. "God this feels so good.
You put your legs behind him arching your toes as well as your back. As soon as you felt Peter inside you, he made slow movements in and out as he bent down to kiss and bite your nipples.
Your eyes went wide than normal as you stroked his hair gently. Peter paused with his mouth still on your left nipple. You stopped your caress feeling the heat in your lower waist, inside you.
"Peter? Did you ... uhmmm ... cum already?"
Peter let go of your nipple looking at you embarrassedly with his cheeks redder than a tomato as he realized that he hadn't lasted at all as soon as he entered you. Peter came out of you slowly draining a bit of what he had released into you.
"They are reactions of the body, aren't they?" Peter mumbled sadly lying next to you where they both covered their bodies.
Peter brought both hands to his face, you turned to see him even with the awkward silence between you.
"Hey it's fine, actually.... aggg I'm going to kill you if you say this to someone." You said shaking your head, Peter slid his hands from his face turning his body towards you. "You're the first time I've ever had someone ... you know ... on top of me doing that.
"Uuuhhh, I feel, flattered I guess." One hand was under your neck and the other rested on your abdomen. Which Peter looked at in detail. "You are my first person.
You were quiet for a few seconds.
"I shouldn't have made that stupid joke that you were a lonely virgin." You spoke with regret in your soft tone. "But I enjoyed it .... and you on top of me too.
"Do you want to go out tomorrow? Like we're starting over."
"That sounds good."
"So I'll see you tomorrow at 8:00 at dellmars. The best sandwiches in Queens." Peter said cheerfully as he searched the floor for his pants. "We should do this more frequently.
"Fight or have sex?" You raised an eyebrow.
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You Don’t Own Me (You Don’t Even Know Me)
Chapter 3
Summary:  As the son of a Baron, Roman Sanders always knew that when he married, it would be due to a political arrangement rather than true love. Still, when he is sent away to marry an older, more powerful Earl, he is determined to make the best of his situation. Despite the Earl’s indifference towards him, Roman forges ahead and prepares to become the best husband he can possibly be, making new friends along the way. But when his fiancé’s demeanor turns from cold to cruel, Roman must shift all of his focus to survival, and find a way out of his marriage before it’s too late.
Ships: Logince (Logan x Roman)  Moxiety (Virgil x Patton)
Content Warnings: arranged marriage, abuse, attempted sexual assault, murder, poisoning, character death, hurt/comfort, angst
Chapter Warnings: none
Word Count: 2689
Read on AO3: here!
Cowritten with @ironwoman359 masterlist
False masterlist
A sharp knock pulled Roman from a fitful sleep, and he groaned, cracking open one eyelid.
“Who is it?” He called blearily. 
“Patton, sir!”
“Come in, then,” Roman said around a yawn, and Patton entered the room. 
“Good morning Lord- Roman!” He said, quickly correcting himself. “I trust you had a good night’s sleep?”
“I've certainly had worse,” Roman admitted, stretching. “Do you need something?” 
Patton nodded, clasping his hands behind his back. 
“His lordship requests that you meet him at the stables this morning for a ride around the grounds. New riding clothes and boots should be in your wardrobe.” 
Roman raised an eyebrow. Three days of near pretending he didn’t exist, and now Lord Howard wanted to take a romantic ride around the grounds together?
 “Very well, I will be ready shortly,” Roman said, then he frowned as Patton turned to leave. “Patton, wait…”
Patton paused, looking back at him. Roman hesitated for a moment, but the housekeeper had said anything he needed...
“Could I...that is, do you know what happened to my clothes? The ones I brought with me, I mean?” 
Patton’s face twisted in sympathy. 
“Oh, um...well, I...” he looked away, and guilt flickered through his eyes. “Mrs. Wakefield, she...she told me to burn them.” Roman’s eyes widened, but Patton quickly continued, “I didn’t, though! I snuck them into the laundry when she wasn’t looking...I was planning on taking them down to a charity shop in town when I could get an afternoon free. It...it didn’t feel right, to have perfectly good clothes like that thrown out when someone could still use them.” 
Roman sucked in a breath. “There’s one thing,” he said quietly, leaning closer. “A cloak, torn at the hem, is it...do you think I could get it back?” 
Patton glanced behind him, as if Mrs. Wakefield herself might suddenly materialize in the room. 
“I...if Lord Howard sees you wearing it, I-“
“I won’t wear it,” Roman promised. “And the rest of the clothes, you can go ahead and give away. I don’t want any trouble, I just...I don’t want to lose it for good.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Patton said, and Roman smiled.
“Thank you, Patton, I’m truly grateful. Now...I must admit, I don’t quite know my way around the estate yet. Would you be able to show me to the stables?” 
Patton perked up at that, his face splitting into a wide grin. 
“I’d be absolutely delighted to!” 
Patton stepped out for a moment to let Roman get dressed, and then he led him through the halls of the manor. Roman did his best to memorize the layout as they went; the estate technically was his home now, and he wanted to know it like the back of his hand. Patton led him outside through a set of double doors set with frosted glass and onto a meticulously kept gravel path. As they walked, they passed by an immaculate flower garden and what looked like the entrance to a hedge maze before reaching what Roman assumed were the stables. 
Lord Howard was already there waiting for them, dressed in smart white riding pants and a tailored vest. Two men stood beside him, each holding the reins of a horse.
“Ah, good morning Lord Sanders,” the Earl called, and Roman bowed his head in greeting. “Come, let me introduce you to my stablemaster.” 
The shorter of the two men beside him bowed. 
“Joseph Acton,” he said. “I am at your service, my lord. And this is Angel, and her handler, Virgil.” He gestured at the taller man, who held the reins of a snow-white mare. 
Roman nodded to both stable hands, then reached out to pat Angel’s nose. 
“She’s lovely,” he said, smiling at Virgil. 
“She’s yours,” said Lord Howard, and Roman’s eyes widened. 
“I- really?” 
“Indeed,“ said the Earl. “I trust you can ride?” 
“Yes, I can,” Roman said. “I- you are too generous my lord, thank you.”
Lord Howard gave him a short bow, clearly preening at the expression of gratitude, and Roman smiled to himself as he took Angel’s reins. This may not be quite the marriage of equals he had always hoped for, but it didn’t mean he was unprepared for his situation. 
A man like Garret Howard had wealth and power to spare, and everything he did would be in service of either acquiring more or showing off what he had. If Roman wanted to improve his standing with him, he first had to stroke the man’s ego. So as they rode through the grounds, he oo’d and ah’d at the impressive landscaping and architecture, when asked how he was finding his stay at the estate so far he gushed about the size of his rooms and the quality of service from the staff, and at every opportunity, he brought the conversation back to Lord Howard, allowing the Earl to not-so-subtly boast about the size of his estate and investments. 
When they circled back around to the stables, Lord Howard swiftly dismounted his horse, and gave Roman a nod. 
“Thank you for your time this morning, Lord Sanders. You of course have free reign of the estate. I have much business to attend to today and cannot be disturbed, but I do hope you will join me for dinner this evening?” 
“Of course, my lord,” Roman said with a smile. “It would be my pleasure.”
Lord Howard snapped his fingers and Acton hurried forward to take his horse’s reins. 
“Until this evening, then,” said the Earl, and then he turned and left without another word. 
Acton gave Roman a quick bow before leading Howard’s horse away, and Roman glanced around. He didn’t see the other stableboy anywhere nearby, so he steered Angel towards the stables himself. As he drew nearer, he finally spotted the tall, dark haired boy who had first handed him Angel’s reins leaning against a fence post and talking to Patton, of all people.
“Virgil! Get to work!” snapped Acton, and Patton jumped, guilt flashing across his features. The stablehand, Virgil, rolled his eyes, but stepped forward towards Roman, ducking his head and holding out his hands for the reins.
“Apologies, my lord,” he said lowly, and Roman flashed him a reassuring smile.
“It’s quite alright, sir,” he said as he dismounted. He glanced up to make sure Acton wasn’t listening, then added quietly, “and you may just call me Roman, if you wish.” 
Virgil’s eyebrows quirked up in surprise, and he glanced over at Patton, who smiled and nodded at him. 
“Alright then, Roman,” Virgil said. “How was Angel for you?”
“Oh, she was excellent. Weren’t you, girl?” Roman asked, patting Angel on the neck. “You deserve a whole barrel of apples for doing such a good job!” 
“I do have some sugar cubes saved back at the stable, if you’d like to give her some,” Virgil said slowly, almost warily. 
“I’d love to,” Roman said honestly, and Patton’s face lit up. 
Virgil nodded to himself, as if coming to a decision, then he turned around, tugging gently on Angel’s reins.
“Come on then, her stall is this way.” 
Roman and Patton followed Virgil into the stables, which housed around a half-dozen horses. Virgil led them through to Angel’s stall, then gave them all sugar cubes and baby carrots that they took turns feeding to the mare while he removed her bridle and brushed her down. 
Roman held out another handful of treats to Angel and glanced at Patton. Patton was stroking Angel’s nose, but the soft smile on his face was clearly directed more at her handler rather than the horse itself.
“So...you two know each other well?” Roman asked. Virgil looked hesitant, but Patton nodded, a sheepish smile on his face. 
“When I started working here, I didn’t know anybody...and, um. I’m sure you’ve noticed that the senior staff can be...”
“Assholes?” Virgil grumbled, and Patton laughed nervously. 
“That’s, um, a strong word for it.” 
“Not necessarily inaccurate though,” Roman said, and Virgil blinked, clearly surprised. 
‘Well, suffice it to say, I had a little trouble fitting in at first!” Patton interjected. “But Virgil was actually nice to me, helped me find my feet, and we’ve been friends ever since!” 
Roman raised an eyebrow; based on the way that they looked at each other, he’d have guessed they were more than just friends...still, he wasn’t about to pry.  
“Pat, it was great to see you, but I don’t want you to get in trouble,” Virgil said. “You should get back, before Wakefield gets wind of where you’ve been.” 
“He should be fine, as long as he’s with me, right?” Roman asked quickly. “Since he’s my attendant, if I ask him to accompany me somewhere, that would supersede any other duties he has.” 
“I mean, yeah, probably,” Virgil said. “Still, you don’t know how Wakefield can be...I don’t wanna risk you getting in trouble.” 
“And I don’t want to risk either of you getting in trouble, so we’ll make sure we keep our visits on the short side,” Roman said. 
“Our...visits?” Patton asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Well, as my attendant, it’s essentially your job now to accompany me around the estate, right?” Roman asked. “It just so happens that I love horses, and taking walks around the grounds, so Mrs. Wakefield can hardly blame you if you end up spending more time than you used to outside the mansion.”
“Oh!” Patton said, his eyes widening. “Oh, Roman, you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to…”
“I do, though,” Roman said honestly. “It’s no trouble. And Angel is a sweet girl who deserves all the extra sugarcubes in the world, aren’t you?” he added, patting the horse on her neck. 
“Alright, if you’re sure,” Virgil said. “But you two should still probably get inside now, I don’t need Acton on my case again.” 
“Okay,” Patton said, quickly pulling Virgil into a hug. “I’ll see you later!”
Virgil looked embarrassed, but he hugged Patton back and waved to him and Roman as they exited the stables. 
“What else would you like to do today?” Patton asked Roman as they headed back inside. “Lord Howard takes dinner at seven thirty, so you have quite a bit of free time until then.” 
“Hmm...well perhaps you could give me a tour of the mansion?” Roman asked. “I believe there are several wings I haven’t even seen yet.” 
“Absolutely!” Patton said. “Follow me!” 
Roman was happy to do just that, and the two of them spent nearly an hour wandering through the house, Patton pointing out various features as they went. Roman’s head spun at the sheer size of the place; it was nearly unbelievable that just one man could own so much. At midday, Patton left him to arrange for lunch, and Roman found himself wandering the corridors alone. He decided to try and find the library again and turned around, only to collide headfirst with someone hurrying down the hall.  
“Oh goodness, I’m so sorry!” he exclaimed as the person went sprawling, papers flying everywhere. “Here, let me help.”
Roman got to his knees to help gather the papers up, pausing when he saw just who he’d bumped into. 
“Oh...it’s Logan, right? Again, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention at all to where I was going!”
“It’s quite alright,” Logan said, getting to his feet and pushing his glasses up on his nose. “For once, I was not heading anywhere in a particular hurry, I merely intended to take my lunch in the library.” 
“Oh, I was heading that way too!” Roman said. “Or at least, I was trying to find it. Is it alright if I walk with you?” 
Logan shrugged.
“You may do what you wish, Lord Sanders.” 
He resumed his walk down the corridor, and after a moment, Roman followed, glancing around to ensure none of the other servants were nearby before he leaned over and spoke quietly. 
“I beg your pardon?”
“You may just call me Roman, as long as we aren’t around somebody who might get upset with you for it.” 
“Is there a particular reason you prefer not to be called by your proper title?” Logan asked as they reached the library, and Roman shrugged. 
“Formality has its time and place,” he said.
He paused and opened the library door, gesturing for Logan to enter. After a moment, Logan did so, heading towards a small table beneath a window, and Roman followed. 
“However,” he continued, “I’ve found it more beneficial in the past to be on more personal terms with members of my staff. Everyone is free to be at their best when they aren’t spending half their energy worrying about decorum.” 
“Members of your staff?” Logan repeated as he sat down, and Roman nodded. 
“So unless you have your own objections, I really don’t mind if you call me Roman,” 
Logan regarded him for a moment, then tilted his head forward slightly. 
“Very well then, Roman.”
Roman grinned, and sat down opposite Logan.
“So, tell me about what you do! Lord Howard called you his business secretary, what duties does that entail?”
“You...want to hear about my work?” Logan asked, sounding puzzled. 
“Of course!” Roman said. “Lord Howard has been...busy, lately, and I haven’t had much time to learn about everything that goes on here at the estate yet. I was hoping you would be able to fill me in, if that’s alright of course?” 
“I...suppose there is no harm in that,” Logan said slowly. “Though I’m afraid you won’t find what I have to say very interesting. My job mostly entails keeping track of paperwork, creating and distributing documents, managing the taxes paid to the estate as well as balancing the earl’s personal finances-” 
“All that, and he calls you a secretary?” Roman interrupted. “That’s the work of a manager, if not a full business partner!�� 
“Yes, well” Logan cleared his throat, and shuffled some of his papers around. “Lord Howard would likely benefit from having a manager or business partner...however, he prefers to handle all matters that fall under his responsibility personally.”
“Or have you handle them,” Roman finished, and Logan gave him a wry smile. 
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“Or have me handle them,” he agreed.
“So Lord Howard trusts you, then?” 
“I would not use the word trust, ” Logan mused. “Rather, he knows I am capable of my job, and expects me to perform it to his satisfaction. Much of the day to day of running the estate falls to me, leaving him free to speak directly with other nobles and officials. I give him a report at the end of each week, and we discuss what expectations are for the next week.” 
“Would I be able to get a copy of those reports?” Roman asked. 
Logan raised an eyebrow. 
“Technically those documents are for the Earl’s eyes only. What would you even do with a copy?”
“All my life, I’ve been preparing to run an estate,” Roman said. “And now I’m getting married in six months, but I’m not sure the Earl even realizes I exist half the time. I don’t want to just sit around and twiddle my thumbs and not even know what’s going on under my own roof. I want to actually do something.” 
Logan watched him for a long stretch of time, and Roman wondered if he’d made a mistake, confiding in the man. Would he refuse Roman’s request? Would he tell Lord Howard what Roman had asked for? What would the Earl do if he found out Roman had requested confidential reports without his permission? 
“In all honesty, the Earl pays very little attention to what I do,” Logan said, pulling Roman from his spiraling thoughts. “As long as the numbers match up to what he expects. I should have no problem creating a second copy of my weekly reports, if you truly wish to see them.” 
Roman grinned. 
He had a feeling he and Logan were going to get along just fine.
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peachyproserpina · 3 years
Silk Shorts
Blaise (Del Taco Guy) X Fem!Plus size! Reader
TW: oral m receiving, anxiety, crying, weight mention, self harm, crying, yelling, dry heaving, vomiting, self hate, insecurities, clothes shopping, daddy kink, body worship, angst with fluff
If I miss a tag please let me know!
Blaise is the beautiful brain child of @glassbxttless who is spoiling me and letting me write for her AU. This was only supposed to be a cute little blurb and now it's a 4000 word brain child. Please enjoy this, it was super cathartic to write.
He’s heard you sigh for what feels like the fith time today, and jesus, he fucking loves you but it’s starting to get on your nerves. It’s barely noon and you're all spread out on the carpet in his office floor. Wearin that cute pink nighty set he’s seen you in and out of a million times by now. He watches your shoulders tense up and he just knows you’re about to let out ANOTHER sigh and he snaps his laptop shut a little too loud making you jump. Looking over your shoulder at him behind his desk all guilty.
“Sorry Daddy.” It’s a half assed apology but he can see that you’re still holding that tension in your shoulders. Blaise raises an eyebrow at you as he lights up a cigarette and pats his lap, wanting you to cuddle up to him. You shake your head and go back to lookin at your phone. He doesn’t like being told no, even if it’s coming from you. Especially when he can feel you too much in your own head. You’ve been together for a year now and he knows you, the whole emotions and ‘i love you’ part is pretty new to you both but he knows when you’re worrying over something just as much as you know the moment he calls you without a text or steps in the door he's had a shit day. “Honey, you know better.”
He exhales and watches the way you twist to look over to him again, admiring the way the little lacy shorts get eaten up by your big thighs and the way that soft patch of stomach can be seen when you’re all relaxed like this. He feels his cock stir in his pants and he palms it. Willing it to wait until he knows what exactly is going on.
You’re caught, you knew you should have stayed out of his office, but he’s been on the other side of the country and the big apartment he got for you is well… Too big, without him there smoking and taking up all the room and fucking you full every half hour. You worry your lip between your teeth and you get yourself up, cringing when you feel the way your thighs jiggle and your tits move when you walk over to him. Now that he’s home you don't wanna be away from him but you’ve been trying to go clothes shopping and it’s never a pretty endeavor. With the way you’re built and the way you’re bigger than most it feels like a fruitless impossible task, nothing ever fits right, if they have your size it's only online, and you can’t even try it on to make sure it does fit right! Let alone if you want something cute you have to pay an arm and a leg for it. Not that you couldn’t just ask Blaise for some extra cash, but as silly as it is, you don’t wanna bother him for it. Because if you tell him what it’s for he’ll wanna come with and that's a whole other thing.
Blaise sees the way you’re stuck in your own head and you get comfortable between his outstretched legs, you squish a cheek against his thigh, you’re so fucking close to his cock he might lose his mind. He takes a good look at you and the app you have open on your phone and when he sees the flashing lights for an ad “20% off when you sign up!” and the rows and rows of dresses he cocks his head again. Stubbing out his cigarette he wraps one of those big warm palms around your jaw and gives you a little shake, causing you to look up at him all starry eyed.
“You need some new clothes baby?” He asks, hand still wrapped around your jaw, making you pout in the cutest way. He watches your eyes flick down before meeting his and you nod just a little bit. You’re anxious, he can feel it beat off you in waves and you are biting your cheek, he can feel the way you're going at it through your cheek. You’ve never been shy to ask him for money before, for anything, not that you asked him for all that much before anyway, just to help you cover tuition and ubers, the occasional nail appointment. Now that he’s thinking about it he doesn’t know if you’ve ever asked him for clothes money, and now that he’s thinking real hard about it he’s trying to remember the last time he’s seen you in something new. He was usually too preoccupied with taking your clothes off to really notice, but it’s been a year now and even when he takes you out it’s usually the same rotation of those cute lil club dresses with different shoes. He feels like an idiot for not picking up on this sooner, you’re his girl, you’ve been his baby since he laid eyes on you. But you’ve got him so drunk on your kitty and wrapped so tight around your finger he didn’t pick up on this.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He’s pulling you up closer to his crotch, and now he can see down your shirt and there’s not stopping his cock from getting hard now. You slip out of his grasp and lick your lips as you start to work his belt off, it’d be impossible to not notice how hard he was. You work his slacks down and press feather light kisses over his clothed cock before pushing your face down hard and starts working his briefs down as well. You wrap your lips around the head of his cock and he hisses while you give him those fucking puppy dog eyes that he knows is going to kill him one of these days. You work him deeper into your mouth and let out a noncommittal hum, Blaise drops his head back against his chair when you do that and groans. You’re nestled against the base of him now and he’s fucking panting, you’re sooo fucking tight for him, it doesn’t matter how many times he fucks your throat raw, you’re always sooo tight and- ”Fucking perfect sugar. Make me cum then we’ll get you dressed and hit the town.” He feels you freeze for a moment before you fondle his balls in that way only you do and he’s gone again.
You’re really nervous, you’re nervous when you get dressed, opting for something you can slip in and out of easily. You’re nervous when Blaises kisses you nice and deep, basically tonguing your tonsils while you both wait for his car. You’re especially nervous when you’re pulling up to the mall, you’ve never been to this mall before, knowing they probably don't carry your size in any of these stores. You’re trying to let on too much, Blaise actually looked excited for this, excited to go out with you, excited to ‘have such easy fuckin access to you Princess.’ But you can’t feel much beyond this dread you always get and how sweaty your palms are. Blaise helps you out of the car before you tuck your arm into his and follow into what might as well be your funeral.
The mall is, well a mall, no matter how many name brand and designer stores are crammed into it you’ll always be able to smell the pretzel place and there’s always some teens who should probably be in school around. You let Blaise lead the way, he can’t remember the last time he took someone shopping, must have been years ago, when he first started doing what he’s doin, when he finally got some money in his name and wanted to impress whoever was nearby. He’s chatting your ear off while he walks you into the first clothing store he sees. It’s chic, trendy, all neutral colors and boxy patterns. You walk around the store with Blaise at your side trying to fight off the rising panic in your gut, nothing is going to fit and Blaise is gonna finally realize you’re too fat for him and leave you. Even after he got that tattoo just for you, even after he’s whispered all those ‘I love you's' into your hair when he thinks you’re asleep.
You pick at some of the clothes, flipping over the tags and making faces. Blaise chalks it up to the fact nothing in this store looks like much your style and you’re thankful for when he kisses his spot on your neck and whisks you out of there and on a quest for something more your style. You’re in and out of what feels like 10 stores, with nothing more than some jewelry he caught you eyeing and asked him for. He tisked you but bought it for you, making you promise you’ll pick out some clothes once you find something you like. You’re on the other side of the mall by now and he feels you lag when you both pass by a lingerie store, nothing too gaudy or cheap in the windows. He knows expensive when he sees it and the lacework on the sets on display are just that. He’s watching your reaction, your eyes are darting over a lacy peachy set and he's imaging you in that set and he’s getting hard again. Leading you inside the store he feels you stiffen right before you both enter and he chalks it up to the wave of jasmine that wafts out when he opens the door for you.
Swallowing your nerves you enter the store you’ve been dreaming of going to for years, knowing damn well you wont fit into anything here, you’ve done the research, they don’t carry anything above a size 5 here and you’re trying not to cry as you walk in. You’re both greeted with a happy trill of a hello and she gives you the once over you’ve gotten your whole life, the once over that means ‘there's no way she can fit into anything in here’ you make your way into the belly of the beast.
Blaise is watching your intently, you can feel it and he knows you can, he knows you want something from this store and if he has to buy one of everything for you he is going to. All he wants to do is fucking spoil you like you deserve and he also maybe, might want to cum all over those pretty red shorts you’re feeling in between your finger tips. He steps up behind you and you jump a little when he nuzzles into your neck. His hands are trailing up your thighs, over your arms and feeling the silk between his fingers while letting out a little hum. You relax back into his chest, and press a kiss next to his Adam's apple. “I wanna see you in these baby, also wanna cover them in my cum after I tear through them to get to your juicy cunt.”
You gasp and turn around, your cheeks are heating up in embarrassment, not only for Blaise being so crass out in public, not that you expected anything less, but also because you know he’s never going to be able to see you in these. You press a hand to his chest and another to your cheek trying to stop and settle yourself.
“Daddy! You can’t say things like that in public.” You tap his chest for emphasis and roll your eyes when he gives you that look he always does before he eats you out for hours.
“Aw, you two are so cute! Shopping for your wife today sir?” The store attendant has managed to sneak up behind the both of you while Blaise was whispering filth in your ear. Blaise stiffens at the mention of a wife and shoots a glare at the attendant,
“Excuse me?” he turns fully to the attendant and she shrinks once he’s no longer crouching over you, you’re hiding behind him now, not wanting to deal with this just- wanting to go home. You know she’s about to say something stupid and you know you might have to pull Blaise out of here by the back of his suit jacket. She looks ashamed enough but she asks again-
“Are you two shopping for your wife today sir?” She gestures to you who is hanging onto Blaises arm, not only for your sake but also hers, Blaise runs a hand through his hair and you can see his shoulders tense.
“Do you see a ring on my finger? Do I look like im fucking married to you?” Blaise’s voice is starting to raise and the attendant takes a step back, raising her hands up in front of her, trying to diffuse the situation.
“No, sir I'm sorry- I just thought. You, she was your daughter you see.” Blaise goes stock still and you worry your lip between your teeth, you can feel the way he’s getting angry, you can see the way the red is creeping up over his turtle neck and into his face. He takes one big step forward and points at her.
“Now you listen here, she is not my daughter. Do I look old enough to have a daughter her age? You’ve got a fine fuckin establishment here and I don’t want to cause any fucking trouble so why don’t you get a fucking dressing room started for us and one of everything in her size.” He gestures to you during the last bit and you start to panic in full force. The attendant does that once over you’ve been getting at every store you’ve been into today and you know exactly what the next words out of her mouth are going to be.
“I- I can get that room started sir, but we don’t carry anything in her size.” She at least has the decency to look scared when she says it and Blaise blows up on her then.
“What the FUCK do you mean you don’t carry anything in her size? What like it’s fucking hard to do so?” He picks up those shorts you were eyeing and looks at the price. “You have the fucking nerve to charge four hundred and eighty fuckin’ dollars for a pair of shorts and you can’t carry them in my baby’s fucking size? What kind of bullshit is that?” He keeps going and you’re tugging on his sleeve, trying to get him out of the store, trying so fucking hard to not let these tears that have been building up all day finally spill over in public like this. Blaise is in full swing now, asking questions, and hounding this poor woman to death, digging his cell phone out of his pocket to start making calls, because he has a fucking number for every situation and apparently this is one of those.
“Can we just go?” You’re trying to get his attention, embarrassed and needing to go home before more of a scene can be made. The attendant has gone ghost white as he lays into her and this whole store and you just leave, you can feel the tears start to slip and you need to be out of this fucking awful jasmine induced nightmare so you can breathe. You make your way out of the store while you can feel the tears track down your face, knowing you look like a mess while leggy blondes and brunettes with arms full of bags point, whisper, giggle, behind their hands at you while you try to find the closest fucking place to cry. Closest fucking place to maybe drown yourself and never have to fucking go through this again, never have anyone ever have to deal with this again. You see a restroom and hurry to it, thanking whoever was listening that it was just a single room, no stalls, no way for anyone else to come in and hear you cry yourself sick yet again.
You shut the door behind you and lock it tight before you’re curling in on yourself, sobs tearing out of your chest while you try to hold it together. You didn’t want to do this, you knew it was going to be a fucking disaster. It always is, it’;s easier to stay home and order whatever online and hope it fits. You’re fucking fat and there’s no changing it, you pinch your thighs till you feel the sting of blood bubble to the surface, these fucking thighs that you hate, that make it impossible to fit into skirts, dresses, pants. You’re trying to muffle your cries as you drag your nails up up up over your stomach, round and big, and awful. You know you’re not worth his love of affection, worth anyone's love of affection with a body like this. You watch the red welts bloom from where you’ve dragged your nails angrily over your skin and you sob so hard you feel like you might throw up.
You’re so caught up in your self tirade of hate that you haven’t even noticed the banging on the bathroom door, haven’t heard the panicked yells of Blaise on the other side, he’s never heard you cry like this before and his blood is running cold thinking it’s his fault, thinking he’s made such a scene, embarrassed you so much he’s caused you to cry. He gives up on getting you to open the door before he’s trying to knock it down. It takes a good three times before he’s kicked the door in and he sees you and his heart breaks then and there. You’re dry heaving into the toilet, face puffy and eyes red from crying, he can see the little drops of blood running down your thighs and the way your top is rucked up with the welts peaking through.
“Princess. Comere.” He goes to pick you up and you hold your hand up, stopping him in his tracks, shaking your head back and forth as you try not to vomit in front of him. You look over at him start crying all fresh, you can see how fucking scared he looks, how concerned he is for you and it makes you sick to your stomach.
“Just, go home Blaise.” your voice is hoarse from all the crying and you're mumbling it more into the toilet then to him. His heart breaks at that, he won’t just leave you and he loves it when you say his name. But he never wanted to hear it like this, hear it between hiccups of sadness instead of pleasure like you usually say it.
“I’m not just going to leave you baby-” he takes a step closer and kneels down on the tile with you, you let out a huff and roll your eyes, mumbling a quiet ‘you should’. He hears it and places a hand on your back, you tense up and he almost takes it back before he thinks twice, knowing how much you love, need, want, beg him to always touch you. “I didn’t catch that honey.” You let out a sigh before you look over at him properly.
“Just, leave now Blaise. Leave me now and go get that tattoo covered up and find someone actually worth your time. Because I’m not.” You husked out, throat raw hoarse. How you manage to have fresh tears running down your face is beyond your comprehension, but they’re there and he’s wiping them away as fast as they come.
“Why would I do that bunny? I love you to death.” You stiffen at the admission and worry your lip between your teeth.
“I’m just not, I -” you struggle to find the words that have been in the back of your mind and the tip of your tongue since you started this arrangement. “I’m too fat for you Blaise, you need to be with some supermodel, teeny tiny Instagram influencer, someone who can fit into all the shit you wanna buy em. Not someone like me who ends up shopping at fucking second hand stores and Wal-Mart.” It feels good to get the thought out that you’ve been harboring this whole time, it’s like breaking a fever, ripping off a bandaid, it stings and hurts now but it’s better for everyone involved to know the truth.
This whole tirade Blaise has been listening, but he doesn’t know if he’s ever felt more lost in his life. He has no fucking clue what you’re going on about, he has never once thought about leaving you from the moment you wrapped your lips around his cock. He never once thought you were fat, he was always so caught up in the way you looked under and over him and how fucking hard you make him cum to think about anything other then how much he loves all of you. He pulls you in tight to his chest and presses kisses to the top of your head while you dig your fingers into him and cry anew. He sits and waits for you to finish, or the hiccups to stop, for your breathing to get heavy and slow, even. He pulls back cradling your face between his palms before pressing a tiny kiss to your lips. You close your eyes and enjoy his touch, committing it to memory, figuring it’s going to be the last.
“Your brain is too big for its own good, ya know that sweets?” Blaise breaks the silence in the bathroom with that and you feel like this afternoon hasn’t been real. You look up at him all puzzled, lost as to where he’s gotten that thought. You go to ask him about it before he shushes you with a tender kiss. “Baby, I- you’re not fat.” You roll your eyes and give him a look that almost makes him feel sheepish. He squishes your cheeks together making you pout before pressing kisses all over your face.
“Okay, yes you are fat. But that doesn’t change the fact I'm in love with you.” He laces his fingers together at the back of your neck and keeps eye contact with you. “I don’t give a fuck how much you weigh or what size you are. I love you, every single fucking part of you. I love the way you feel when you cuddle up with me. I adore the way you feel under my hands, I love the fact I can rest my head on you and feel comfortable. I-” he’s getting lost in the thought of the first time you trapped him between your pillowy thighs and he’s getting hard. You can feel him getting hard under you and you huff out a breath. You go to pull away and he’s pulled back to the present. He tightens his grip and focuses back on you.
“You’re not too fat for me. I don’t want anyone but you, I will never want anyone but you.” He says it with such conviction it makes you start to tear up again, finally, maybe, believing him a little. “Sorry for dragging you out here love, I should have picked up on the fact you didn’t want to come.” You shake your head and press a kiss to his palm.
“It’s okay. Can we just go home?” you plead, Blaise nods, helping you up and sending a text for his driver to be ready by the doors ASAP. Once your home Bliase sheds you out of your clothes before laying you down in the middle of his big bed and kissing what must be every fucking inch of your skin, paying close and tender attention to the spots where you dug your nails in deep enough to bleed. He’s never been this soft to you and before you both know it you’re out like a light, exhausted from all the emotions.
It’s not even a week later when someone rings the bell to your apartment, you buzz them in, figuring it’s one of your friends stopping by to say hi or needing help with homework. It’s not until there's a knock and you answer the door and what has got to be a small army of delivery people with so many packages you’re getting dizzy. You direct them to the living room, and they’re piling up and you’re starting to freak out a little. It isn’t until you see Blaise’s driver with a little envelope addressed to “Baby” in his chicken scratch. You thank him and sit on the counter opening the letter.
“Baby girl,
I know last week was rough on you. I went ahead and ordered you some stuff, well I sent my stylist out and ordered you some stuff to your measurements. I know that this doesn’t fix everything but I hope it’s a start and as soon as I’m home I will make sure you know just how much I love you and how perfect you are.”
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thran-duils · 3 years
Lost In Zero Gravity (P.6)
Title: Lost In Zero Gravity (Part Six) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers.  Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 3,632 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior Author’s Note: Drug use in this chapter specifically!
Part Five || Part Seven || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
“You did not handle that well,” Tony said irritated, adjusting his suit as he settled back in the seat in the back of the SUV as the driver took off.
“Sue me!” Steve snapped. “She was a bitch.”
“Yeah, well, you were impulsive.” Steve gave Tony a pissed off look. “Really, it’s not like you. That’s my schtick. What’s up? What’s wrong?”
Steve chewed on his cheeks looking out the window. Tony leaned forward to try to catch his gaze. “Hey. Talk to me.”
With some difficulty, Steve breathed, “Cecile lost $200k on a bet.”
“What?” Tony asked, unable to mask his shock.
“Yeah,” Steve said throwing his hands out. He shrugged, giving a wry laugh, “She just texted me. Right before we got here. Fucking stupid.” He shook his head angrily, punching his thigh. His voice shook with his anger, “This is why I told her to stay the fuck out of gambling.”
“Fuck,” Tony said under his breath, tapping his fingers on his leg.
“Yeah, ‘fuck’ is right! That’s not chump change! You know, maybe if she wasn’t drunk half the time, this shit wouldn’t happen!”
Tony hesitated for a few moments before clearing his throat. “As terrible as that news is – because fuck me, I know that’s gonna dive into my funds too – but how about next time you’re already on edge, maybe let me know so I can handle the situation? Especially one as delicate as that?”
“I don’t need a damn lecture, Tony—”
“No, no, you do!” Tony interjected. “Do you remember what you just did? Grabbing Y/N like you did? Has it completely slipped your mind what recently happened? I mean—”
Steve hit the door and shouted, “Goddamnit, Tony, I know!” Happy eyed the two of them through the rearview mirror, gauging the situation. Tony shut his mouth, his eyes piercing Steve across the seat. Taking a shaky breath, Steve dug his fists into his legs. Calmer now, he said, “I know. I know. I’ll… apologize. Do something to make up for it.”
“Don’t let your marriage shit leak into this,” Tony told him firmly. Steve clenched his jaw and Tony said, “I’m fucking serious.”
Tony was true to his word. He came back in the evening around 9:45pm, calling out for you when he closed the door. You were lying down on the bed and threw the covers back. Coming down the hall, you straightened out your top, smelling some hot cooked food.
You walked into the open kitchen, seeing he was taking food out of a bag.
“You eat yet?” he asked, not looking at you yet as he started opening containers. Without missing a beat, he went on. “Dumb question. I know you didn’t. Unless you just filled up on apples. Terence and Daryl said you didn’t order any groceries or food delivery. So… I got us burgers. My favorite.”
He was keeping an eye on you, that was plain.
Noticing you still had not come closer and he looked up, popping a few fries into his mouth.
“I like nightgowns,” Tony commented, running his eyes over your outfit.
You hesitated for a moment, debating about going back to your bedroom and slamming the door. You had had enough of their attitudes for the day, but Tony gave you a quick, playful smirk. He was just teasing. You relaxed, coming up to the counter.
“I like shorts. They’re comfortable,” you retorted.
“Hmm. The biggest tug of war for women. Sexy or comfortable. Well, it is your place so you can do whatever you damn well please, right?” He winked at you and dug back into the bag. “Got you some champagne. Thought we could celebrate your new place.”
He shoved your burger and fries towards you and went to the fridge. “Shit. We forgot ketchup. Good thing I asked for some.” He returned back to the counter and pulled some ketchup packages out of the bag, tossing them on the counter. The champagne bottle was back in his hands.
“Thanks,” you said picking up a few fries, eating them.
“Of course. Don’t want you to starve. Also… sorry about Steve earlier,” he said, popping the top off the champagne. He swiftly brought it up to his mouth to catch the overflow. He caught you looking at him and he shrugged. “Just thought I would apologize for him since he’s not here to do it himself.”
“Hmm,” was all you said as he moved past you to grab glasses.
Tony placed two glasses on the counter, his shoulder brushing yours. He poured two half full glasses and slid one towards you. You picked it up and he smiled at you.
“To your new place.”
“My new place,” you returned.
Glasses clinked and the two of you took a long drink.
Tony dug into his burger, taking a large bite. He let out a pleasured moan.
“Looks like you enjoy burgers more than sex,” you commented, picking your own up and taking a bite.
“That could be argued,” Tony admitted.
The two of you ate quietly then, Tony refilling your champagne glasses in between. He was making far more progress than you. You began wrapping up your burger but stopped under his gaze.
He eyed your half-eaten burger and your shoulders slumped, admitting embarrassed, “I did eat a couple – a few, actually – apples.”
Tony let out a sharp laugh, “Wow, you really are that stubborn. I’m impressed. Want me to put this in a Tupperware for you?”
“Yeah, okay.”
He went to work to put it in the fridge for you. “Seriously, order some food. Fruit is good for you but damn, you need some sustenance.” He turned back around, and his eyes fell on the champagne bottle. He shook his head and said, “I’ll put that in the fridge too. You can have that later. I do gotta get back home.”
“So soon?” you asked, pouting. If they wanted to earn trust from you, you knew the easiest way to do that was being as available as possible. You knew how to speak to men like them. “You don’t want to relax before you go back home?” You pulled your shirt over your head, tossing it onto the counter, your breasts free.
“You’re trying to stall me,” Tony stated, pointing at you, finishing the last part of his burger. With a full mouth, he stated, “You’re going to get me in trouble.”
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed your top back off the counter. Tony was there in a second though, yanking it from your hand. His lips crashed into yours, his hands roaming freely. You laughed against his kiss, pulling away. He tried to snatch you back, but you danced away, going towards the couch.
He shook his head following you, “You are really being a tease. And I am really full. I don’t feel like a chase.”
“Well, I’m only going over here,” you said gesturing at the couch behind you. “All you have to do is sit.”
His smirk was salacious, coming over at his own accord. He enveloped you back to him by the couch, pressing you up against the back. It shifted a few inches and you laughed, “You need to be careful.”
“I could tell you the same thing trying to get me riled up like you are,” he growled. He forced the two of you to walk around the back and the arm. He flopped onto the couch, freeing his dick from his pants.
Coming to your knees, you took him in your mouth. Tony chortled and it strangled as you sunk to his base, your tongue swirling. His hand came up to hold you there, bucking further into your throat. You struggled to keep yourself from gagging, relaxing as much as you could as he used your throat. His head brushed the back of your mouth repeatedly and you opened for his silken length until you could not handle it.
You gasped for air when you came back up and locked eyes with him. He nodded fervently, encouraging you. You licked at his tip, making him buck slightly. Another lick before you slowly swallowed him back down halfway, coming back up. His hand came to cradle you behind your head, his fingers pressing in to encourage you to go faster. You obliged him, your hand moving to play with his balls. He groaned against the sensation, bucking towards you.
Pulling away suddenly, you drew a disappointed sigh from him. Your other hand came to play with your sex that was already wet and ready; you loved giving blow jobs.
“Still no protection?” you teased.
“Fuck it, come on up here,” Tony gestured with both hands impatiently.
His cock slipped inside you, your arms hooked around his shoulders. He groaned loudly, throwing his head back. As usual, he did not leave you wanting. His hand came down to play with your clit when he felt he was getting close. You left him space to work, and he thrusted deep.
“Come on, come on, baby,” he panted.
He came down first, twitching. You forced his hand to your clit as he tried to relax, and he groaned but obliged you now. It only took a few moments before you came tumbling down after him. His hand fell limply to his side.
“Thank you,” you breathed, your foreheads touching.
He laughed, his hands coming back up to grip your sides and pull you closer. He kissed the tip of your nose affectionately. When he patted your ass, you took the hint and crawled out of his lap, standing bare in front of him. He took you in, smiling in approval.
“Dinner and sex. I knew this apartment was a good idea,” He said, zipping his jeans back up. He got up from the couch, straightening his clothes out. His eyes ran over your body again and he smirked briefly. “You just seem to know when I need release.”
“It’s kind of my specialty,” you retorted playfully.
Tony chucked you under the chin and then said, apologizing again, “I really am sorry about Steve’s outburst earlier. He has shit going on at home that he didn’t care to share with the class. He’ll get over it. Promise, sweetheart.”
“Hopefully with a better attitude the next time he visits.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Tony agreed.
You stopped him before he went for the door.
You shrugged sheepishly and asked, “Can… I get a pet? To keep me company?”
Tony stared at you for a few moments before shrugging in return. “As long as it’s a cat. I like cats. And you need to tell me when because there’s probably some stupid pet deposit and pet rent. Gouging you for every penny they can.” He leaned in closer, his lips almost touching yours. “Do I have permission to leave yet? Or do you have any other sexy schemes up your sleeve?”
You pecked his lips and said quietly, “The cat was the icing on the cake.”
He pecked you back and said, “Good. I’ll see you soon.”
The next morning, you got out of the shower, wiping yourself down with a towel. Your robe was waiting on the counter and you wrapped that around yourself when you were dry, hanging the towel back up on the back of the door.
You froze then, hearing someone walk into the apartment, the door closing. You listened intently.
“Y/N, it’s me,” you heard Steve call from down the hall.
Relaxing realizing it was not an intruder, you tied the robe before leaving the bathroom.
Coming into the living area, you saw he was placing a bag on the counter. You approached cautiously.
“What’s… is something wrong?” you asked. You only asked because it was 7:30am.
Steve shook his head moving towards you and you faltered, shrinking away from him slightly. He stopped, exhaling sharply. “No. Nothing is wrong,” he said tightly. “I brought you breakfast. Tony said you hadn’t ordered groceries yet. It’s waffles and eggs.”
He turned away from you, going towards the cupboard to grab a plate. He started serving you up a plate and you came up to the counter, watching him. He fetched you silverware and pushed the plate towards you before making himself up a plate. He looked like he had barely slept.
“Thank you,” you told him.
Before he even took a bite, he apologized, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to act like I did yesterday. I felt like shit about it afterward, not that that excuses it. But really. I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry. I… I didn’t mean to get physical. I don’t have an excuse for that. Especially knowing your past.”
You did not actually expect him to apologize for it; that was new. And he seemed sincere. You swallowed the waffle you were chewing slowly. You shrugged, “It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not but I appreciate you saying so,” Steve returned.
You took another bite and then asked, trying to extend an olive branch, “Wanna watch something while we eat?”
Steve gave a little laugh, “That’s… that’s actually what I came over here to do.” You furrowed your brow and he explained, “Just wanted a calm place to veg out and watch some TV. I thought here was better than other places right now. Choose something.”
“Fine,” you said, holding up one finger. “Broad City. It’s based in NYC and it’s about two girls in their twenties who just have crazy ass adventures. Or,” you emphasized, holding up two fingers. “What We Do In the Shadows. Also, NYC but it’s vampires. But it’s The Office style.”
“I just finished that,” Steve said.
“It’s a classic.”
“So I was told.”
“Did it live up to expectations?”
“Sure did.”
“So, do you want comedy one with two girls that’s super cringe but hilarious. Or four vampires – one is an energy vampire, not traditional – but it’s also cringe?”
Steve contemplated for a moment and said slowly, “The girls.”
“Of course you pervert,” you said, smirking, picking up your plate and moving towards the couch.
Steve followed you, sitting on the couch beside you as you pulled it up on Hulu.
You started him proper on the series premiere and the two of you ate, Steve going for a second plate. The man could eat. He was actually enjoying it and you made it through three episodes, plates long discarded on the coffee table, before he leaned back on the couch, looking tired.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, just didn’t sleep well. The food isn’t helping either.”
“That’s called a food coma.” He chuckled at that and you said, “I’m serious. I have it happen all the time.”
“I’m probably gonna pass out,” Steve admitted.
“I’ll be quiet,” you assured him.
He patted his lap, and you cocked an eyebrow. He beckoned you and said, “You can lay here with me and be quiet.”
You had had this happen before – it was rare, a man just wanting to cuddle with you. But you did as he requested, lying your head on his thigh. His arm laid across your chest, his fingers delicately playing with your side. The episode rolled on and at the change in episodes, you heard him softly snoring. You did not dare move. Truth be told, you had not slept well either and you ended up dozing off too.
You awoke to the jangling of keys. Groggily, you sat up, your movement stirring Steve from his slumber. You blinked, seeing Tony walking into the apartment, kicking the door closed behind him. He was carrying grocery bags and he stopped for a moment, eyeing the pair of you, before he went to the island, putting the bags up on it.
“Taking a nap already? It’s only noon. Which means lunch time. Good to see you have actual food here,” Tony commented sarcastically, gesturing the bags he brought. He began putting things away in the fridge and cupboards.
You stretched, saying, “I just need someone to cook it for me. I’m tired right now.”
“You’re barking up the wrong tree. I’ve tried to cook food for the missus, and she’s blacklisted me,” Tony responded, much to your amusement. “How about we order French? That’ll be safer. I’ve been craving escargot.”
“Ew?” you said, lying back down on Steve’s lap, and Steve nodded in agreement.
“Oh fuck off, you both like clams,” Tony called over his shoulder.
“Clams are not the same as snails,” you pointed out.
“They’re just land clams.”
Steve and you locked gazes, the two of you frowning at that statement.
“Shit, he’s right,” Steve admitted.
“You’re goddamn right that I’m right. Just because the two of you are uncultured swine,” Tony said, coming around the couch and gesturing for you to lift your legs. You did as he asked and he sat down, pulling your legs back over his lap, his cell phone in hand.
“Is there linguine at this escargot place? Because I’ll take that,” you offered. “Shrimp. Specifically.”
“That’s Italian, Y/N,” Tony replied, scrolling through his phone.
“Then can we get Italian?”
Tony shot you a look but smirked quickly after. “You got it,” Tony stated, his thumb pressing on something on his phone. He was ordering real time.
“Breadsticks…?” you ventured.
Steve nodded, “Yeah, those too. And I’ll take spaghetti and meatballs.”
“You’re just… boring,” Tony muttered but he went to work anyway to order the food.
You stretched out your limbs and rolled back onto your side to grab the controller for the console. You pressed play on the show again, cuddling up amongst them, anticipating the food. It was weird for sure, relaxing like this between them. But they had got you here in the first place and all you could do was follow their lead. It felt intimate though.
Tony left midafternoon after the food had settled, claiming that he had taken a long enough lunch break, leaving you and Steve again.
You walked back from the bathroom, finding Steve standing next to the window and the unmistakable smell of weed emanating from where he was. He heard you walking up and turned back. He saw you staring at the lit joint in his hand and he shrugged sheepishly.
“I don’t have anything to do today,” Steve responded, taking a puff off the joint.
“Isn’t there a no smoking policy?” you inquired, coming closer. “And can’t you not get drunk?”
“The window’s open,” he said gesturing at the open window. You smirked and he shrugged, holding it out to you. “You want a hit? And alcohol acts different in the system, dove. THC definitely does the trick for me.”
You closed the distance to him, taking it from him and wrapped your lips around it sensually, taking a long drag. You held it in before exhaling slowly.
“Professional,” Steve smiled.
“In a lot of different things I suppose.”
You held it back out to him, your other hand came down, running down his chest, caressing.
“You seem on edge,” you whispered.
He smirked, taking the joint from you. “That’s what the weed is for.”
“You sure I can’t help?”
His eyes flashed at the insinuation, taking another long drag. He exhaled his smoke out the window in rings. He held it back to you and you took another hit. He looked around and you followed his gaze. “Shit,” he muttered. “Wanted to save half for later. Didn’t think that through without an ash tray.”
You left him to finish it, going to grab a glass bowl out of your cupboard. You held it out to him, and he rose his brows. You shrugged, “What? I can put it through the dishwasher.”
“I suppose,” he admitted, coming over and gently putting it out. You placed the bowl on the counter as he said, “But, yeah. You can help since you mentioned it.”
Steve picked you up, your legs wrapping around his hips. You loved how strong he was, that was a perk. His kisses were ravaging, sucking earnestly at your jawline, neck, and lips as he carried you down the hall to your bedroom. He tossed you back on the bed and crawled on after you. He was earnest, his touch desperate. He was kissing every part of your body that he could.
The two of you undressed each other, tousling around on your comforter. Steve entered you with ease, the two of you lying on your sides. He nipped at your earlobe as he drove himself up into you, his hand caressing and squeezing at your chest.
You ended up on your knees, his hand pressing at the small of your back. You arched your back for him, letting him dive deeper.
“Just like that Cecile,” he grunted, his thrusts becoming shallower as he got close to release.
That drug you from your high immediately.
Who the fuck was Cecile?
You lost the rhythm and Steve came without you, his hands gripping you tightly.
He rolled off of you, breathing heavily. It did not seem to register with him what he had done. It was not the first time a man had called you by a different name mid-sex, but Steve had never.
Pushing past the disappointment of not coming and the uncomfortableness you felt, you turned over and he drug you to his side, holding you there as he steadied his breathing. Your hand laid on his chest, rising and falling with his breath.
“That was good, dove,” he exhaled, looking relaxed. His eyes were definitely red, high as a kite. “I think I might actually get some good sleep.”
“That’s good,” you said softly, tracing slow circles on his chest. You hoped you would fall asleep quickly too to avoid overthinking about what had just happened.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
Fic tags: @icant-hangout-imdrumming @oceaniamaddness @multifandom-superlover @imsonick @holl2712 @here4thefanfics
132 notes · View notes
sif-the-tsunami · 3 years
When you fall apart
But this ain’t my mama’s broken heart. 
Warnings: Yes, all of them. No smut all angst. and no promise of a happy ending. gallows humor, pregnancy loss, infidelity, self medication, spicy language. 
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Summary: Sy is a cheating bastard and his wife has had enough. 
Pairing: Syverson, now a Colonel and his long suffering wife Josephine. (marriage is great guys, I promise.)
Just over 3,300 words.
This might not have been what you were expecting @oddsnendsfanfics​
My mother was a genuine Southern debutante, I grew up with pictures of her on the walls with her gorgeous smile and pretty pearl necklaces. Blonde hair and green eyed, she was the most beautiful little slice of American apple pie. Her daddy was the ‘Old Money’ type, and she was his finest accomplishment, she looked, behaved, spoke perfectly. Never once have I heard that woman raise her voice to a man. Hell, I never heard her pass gas in front of anyone for that matter. She is the picture of privilege, she went from her daddy’s house to her sorority house to her husband’s house. Some how, even though she smokes a pack a day, she still looks like she could pass for being forty instead of almost sixty. The last time we saw each other, my friends told me they didn’t know I had an older sister.
Mama married a gentleman who had the good sense to enlist in the military to help support the lifestyle she demanded he provide for her. He was never around much but he gave her a nice house with a lovely front yard, and two little perfect children. He was another one of the old Southern types, I don’t think he ever outright said “I love you, Josephine,” or “I’m proud of you, girl.” Looking back, I don’t think anyone ever did that for him either, so he probably didn’t know how to tell that to me or my brother Theodore. I’m almost sure that he and Mama loved each other once upon a time. Daddy worked hard, he broke his body serving his country, and when he couldn’t do that anymore he broke his own heart trying to please Mama. She must have been disappointed in how her life turned out. She might have had dreams once, when she was younger. I’m pretty sure the last of them were crushed when Daddy died balls deep in the woman who used to perm my Mama’s hair.
Mama played the grieving widow perfectly, not a single person knew that they had been miserable for years. She has worn black out in public ever since. I think the only thing that has really changed is that she has started day drinking now because she’s lonely. I don’t blame her really. She pushed us really hard to be as perfect outwardly as she is, so it is safe to say that she is really disappointed in your truly.
You might be wondering why this all matters, dear reader. However, I find that it is important for you to know this when I tell you I’m remembering this sitting here in the county sheriff’s office, waiting on my Mama to come pick me up because my probably soon to be ex-husband and I got into screaming match, and I may have drunkenly thrown my bottle of tequila at my probably soon to be ex-husband’s head. The details are a little fuzzy at the moment.
“Josephine Syverson, your mother is here to pick you up.” The Sheriff’s deputy starts in his slow drawl, “Now don’t you go pickin’ no fights with your husband. You’re lucky he ain’t pressing charges. Go sleep it off now, Ma’am. I’m sure you two kids will work it out.”
I wait until he can’t see my face to roll my eyes. And low and behold, there she is, my Mama drove four hours to come and pick me up. She’s in a black vintage driving coat, and her hair is covered by a dark gray satin bonnet. It doesn’t matter that it is half past midnight, she is still the beauty queen she has always been. I drank enough Jose Cuervo tonight that my head is still swimming, but I walk with the grace and dignity she taught me.
“Oh my Lord, Josie, what have you done to yourself?” She asks. “Thank you, officers, I’ll get her back on track.”
We make our way out to the car and Mama unlocks the door for me. I slide in and as soon as my butt hits the leather of her seats, I start crying all over again. She gives me the packet of tissues she keeps in her purse then hands a little make-up bag.
“So, what was is this time, Josie, I swear to Lord Jesus that if he laid a hand on you, your brother and I will bury him in the back yard.” She says turning on her Cadillac. “Get cleaned up, you are coming home with me. Maybe James will be smart enough to figure out where you went.”
“Mama?” Who was this woman? She never talks like this.
“Come on, your mama isn’t as dumb as she looks. Although he evidently is.” She lights up a cigarette and offers me one.
“I quit when we started trying… Even after… well… everything, I didn’t start back up.”
She pats my leg. I unzip the bag to find makeup wipes, mascara, face powder and some brick red lipstick. We might not get along all the time but she is a damn life saver. I have black rivers of my own eyeliner and mascara from earlier today streaking my face. I clean myself up as much as I can and then reapply some make-up. “There, now that you are looking better, tell me what happened...”
“Where do you want me to start? I swear this started after his first deployment.”
“Okay, Josie, start there.”
James Syverson is an Army Ranger, I met him after he finished officers school. Because of the nature of military special forces, they deploy more often than most jobs in the military. I understand that they are under a lot of pressure during these deployments and because he is in a position in leadership I opted to give him as much room as he needed. The other officer’s wives informed me that I needed to recalibrate my expectations of what could happen. They warned me that what happens on deployment shouldn’t be held against him when he gets home. And I didn’t, until a girl barely old enough to visit a bar came up to my door asking for my husband with a hand on her belly. She was just as surprised to see me as I was to see her.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am. I just looked up Syverson in the phone book, and I didn’t know he was married.”
“Is it his?”
“I can see that you are pregnant. Is. It. His?”
“I… I don’t know…” She said quietly.
“He is still over there. Do not come here again unless you are requesting a paternity test.” And I slammed the door shut. She did come back for the test results when he came home. Turned out that the baby wasn’t his. Small favors, right?
I never faulted the women who fell in love with him. I knew how special he could make them feel, its how I fell in love with him in the first place. After everything he’s put me through it almost doesn’t matter when it is just the two of us. All I have ever wanted was for it to be just the two of us again, but I don’t know think I can wait for him to retire.
“How many times do you think he’s done it?”
“At least once a deployment. The most recent one saw us at the movies last night. He was holding my hand like nothing had ever happened. When he was coming back from the concession stand, a little redhead stopped him and asked who he was here with. When she saw me, she looked like she saw a ghost. He came back up, handed me my pop, kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around me. He said ‘I promise you, it is not what it looks like.’ but the bitch and her friend kept looking over their shoulders to peek at us. I saw her texting someone and then his phone vibrated, but he didn’t look at his phone until I wasn’t with him.”
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph.” She lit up again. “And you’ve just been sitting on this, the entire time?”
“Yeah, I learned from the best, Mama. I didn’t want to let you down. You taught me to never let them see me cry.”
“Oh, my baby girl...”
The rest of the night at the movies, I kept it to myself, I’ve had enough. The boiling, seething hatred I was feeling for both of them. I hate that they are always younger than me. I hate that it always makes me like I’m not enough. When I woke up this morning had a beer in the shower. I always save the last one for him, so taking the last one was a big “fuck you” to him. He tried to climb in with me until he saw me drinking in the shower.
“Woman, what are you doing?” He asked. Like he wasn’t the one who introduced me to the idea of a shower beer.
“I’m going to keep drinking ‘til my heart stops hurting, Sy. I don’t know what else to do. But whatever it is that we keep doing, I can’t keep it up anymore. Get out.” I have never denied him, no matter what he wanted. And up until this morning, I had been an amazing wife to him. In the fifteen years of marriage, he has only had to do his own laundry when he was away from home. And even then, he probable conned someone into doing it for him. I have lost almost every friend I have made from relocating so often. I have started and stopped working on my Master’s degree more times than I can count. And now here I am, mid-thirties with none of my own goals accomplished to show for all of the work I have done over the years. If I had opened my mouth, even once, about his indiscretions, he never would have made it to Colonel. Not once have I complained.
After I dried my body off, I walked into the kitchen, naked as the day I was born and grabbed my trusty kitchen sheers. I needed a change. He paused the game he was playing long enough to watch me walk past him with my scissors and the bottle of margaritas.
“Jo, it’s nine in the morning. Being a little dramatic, aren’t we? We going to church today?”
“Why, James? You’ve been yelling ‘Oh my god,’ between some whore’s legs fairly regularly, I’m sure he knows you are a big fan.” I walked away before he could reply, locking the door behind me to our bedroom. He pounded on the door a few times but got the hint that I was not in the mood to be talked to when I turned up Chris LeDoux as loud as I could play it. Then I went to go give myself bangs.
When the music fades, the house is silent. No video games, no football, nothing. I continue to drink from my bottle and the world becomes a little more tolerable. Now, I am not a heavy drinker. Sy teases me all the time about how cheap of a date I am.
“Josephine!” He snaps at me in his soldier voice and I drop the margaritas.
“Jesus fuck, Sy, why you gotta scare me like that.”
“Oh, you are the one getting scared, woman, I have never seen you act like this before.”
“That’s because you ain’t here every time one of your indiscretions comes knocking on the door of my house. Never once have I expected sainthood from you, James, I learned better after your first deployment,” he won’t look me in the eye, either he’s ashamed of what he’s been doing or he is going to punch a whole in the wall tonight. “You would have seen this if you had been around after my daddy died. This is your wife, Syverson, she goes a little crazy from time to time.
“You know how hard I tried to come home for that, that is not fair Josephine.”
“I’m sure you did try. I wish you would try a little harder when it comes to picking out these dumb sluts who think that you are just going to run away from home as soon as you come back from the sandbox. I have received notes on my car windshield telling me that you were going to leave me for them. How you loved them and you were just suffering with me. That I’m hateful, and spiteful, and they could treat you so much better then I ever could. What have you been telling these girls, James, for them to think I am some kind of monster? Haven’t I been a good wife to you? What did I do to you to make you hate me this much?”
“I had no idea that they were doing that. I don’t hate you, baby. You have been a better wife than I probably could have ever deserved. Is that what you want to hear? I know I’m a rotten bastard. How long have you been holding this in, Josie?” His face darkens, I can see all the rage boiling up in him too.
“Don’t you call me that name, you son of a bitch.” I spit at him.
“How long?”
“Since Cassandra came up holding her belly, waiting to tell you that she made you a daddy. Too bad it wasn’t the first time, or I actually might have been worried that you’d leave. I hadn’t even stopped bleeding yet before she tried to take you.” I snarled back at him. And he face drops. Twelve years ago, we tried. I was seven months pregnant when I lost our son. Sy’s squad was wiped out after a night of heavy combat. He barely made it out alive himself. I got a phone call about his injuries and I must have made a deal with the devil himself. I would put up with the womanizing, the long distance, the heartache, just please have him come up to me. I would give anything to save him, I had thought. An hour after I got the call that he had woken up and was safely on a ship in the Mediterranean sea, I started to go into early labor.
“Oh, fuck me. That long?” He whispers. He rubs his face, the stubble was getting long, unless he was out in the field, he kept himself within regulations. He reached out to hold me but I shrug off his touch. He walked away from me, thinking that maybe he might let me calm down and we would go back to being a picture perfect couple again. He could just do whatever he wanted and I will grin and bare it.
I cleaned up the mess I made then went back to the bedroom to put on something on me other than shame. We gave each other space until the evening came around. He came in to ask if I had any plans for dinner. Wrong question, buddy. I walked to the kitchen in my tight black yoga pants and a tank top, went to the liquor cabinet, grabbed my favorite bottle of tequila and took three long gulps.
“That’s my plan, worry about yourself.”
“You haven’t had any real food today, you need to eat something.”
“Eat my ass, Colonel.” With that he pins me to the wall, the room spins around me and I start thrashing against him. He’s got probably 100lbs on me and more combative training than I can remember, so as you can well imagine this is going super great for me. I stop long enough to see the tears forming in his eyes. “Was there ever anything special between us, did you keep any part of yourself just for me?”
“Josephine, you are the only woman I have ever loved. I never even implied that I had any feelings towards them. They knew from the beginning it was simply recreational. Jo, you know you are my best friend.”
“Then why do you keep hurting me? Why am I not enough, Sy? Why do they keep getting you at your best, and I have to put all of your broken pieces back together again when you finally do come home.” Remember every time he woke up screaming the names of his fallen friends. When we have to leave BBQ’s early on the 4th of July because the fireworks remind him of mortar shells.
“You are enough. You are more than enough. I couldn’t have made it this far without you. It has never been anything other than stress relief with them.” The first tear rolls down his cheek. “I love you, Pussycat, now please lets get some food in you. Are you going to be good?”
“Haven’t I always been good. Been good, but not good enough.” I whine and slide down the wall once his hands are off of me. Good lord, where the hell is my dignity. 
He lets me go gently and leaves to make me a peanut butter sandwich. While his back is turned, I grab the bottle one more time and take another long swig. This is where the rest of my night is very fuzzy until I came to in the back of the squad car.
He evidently tried to take the bottle from me, I threw it at him, it went wide and smashed against the wall. He took me to the ground, just tried to keep me from hurting either of us and I screamed at him every vile thing I could think of until the sheriff showed up. They tried to take him in, seeing that I was a sobbing mess on the floor. I told them I tried to hurt him, so they handcuffed me and took me in. Before they drove off, James brought a sweater and my purse out for me. I watched a couple of nosy housewives standing at the end of their drive ways. I’m pretty sure I flipped them the bird and they looked at me with disgust.
Now I’m sitting here, in Mama’s Cadillac, licking my wounds.
“Why in the name of God have you not told me about any of this?” Mama asks, this is now her sixth cigarette. I think she’s trying not to turn the car around.
“I thought you would have told me to get over myself and save face.” I say as we pull to her house.
“No, baby girl, I wouldn’t have. No one, especially not my daughter, deserves to be treated like that. Ooo I never liked the boy. Your daddy used to say that cowboy was all hat and no cattle. Let’s get some sleep, Princess. We will go get your stuff in the morning.”
I make my way to my childhood bedroom and collapse down on the bed. Before I close my eyes for the night, I finally check my phone. He had been blowing up my text messages.
I realize that I have never apologized to you about my short comings. But I swear to you, I will get out of the army if you want me to. We can move anywhere you want to, we can start over, just the two of us. I’m so sorry I hurt you, I’m sorry that you kept this all from me. I’m sorry I made you feel like I didn’t love you. These where from six hours ago.
I don’t know when you will get your phone back, I love you. This was from before my mom collected me.
They told me you have been released from custody but didn’t say to who. Who ever picked you up asked them not to tell me. Are you safe?
I love you. Please. Let me know where you are, I’ll come get you. I hope that you are just ignoring me because you are asleep.
I reply to him with a simple Mama picked me up. Get some sleep. We will talk in the morning.
No ‘I love you’ from me tonight although it killed me not to tell him. Tomorrow, I will figure out if what we have can be saved. But that is tomorrow Josie’s problem.
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jooniyah · 4 years
Poison Apple
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Fem Reader ; Min Yoongi x Fem Reader
AU: Yandere!au, Moneylender!Taehyung 
Genre: Angst, Mature, Smut
Warnings: NON CON, Hard Yandere behavior, forced witness, kidnapping, implied forced pregnancy, emotional abuse, violence, character death, voluntary starvation, degradation and physical abuse, manipulation, profanity, smut, blood, knives, guns, and murder. 
Word count: 22.35k
I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow. And I waterd it in fears, Night & morning with my tears: And I sunned it with smiles, And with soft deceitful wiles. And it grew both day and night. Till it bore an apple bright.
                                                - William Blake
Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction and I do not condone any of the actions of the characters in this fiction. This is to be treated as pure fantasy, and should not be misconstrued to be demeaning the idols in any way. If any of the above warnings cause you discomfort, kindly refrain from reading. 
This is a non-consensual setting, please proceed only if you are not triggered by the warnings. I repeat, please be sure to read all the warnings carefully.
 Author’s note:  This is the longest fic I’ve ever written. I’ve been mulling it over in my head for years now. Please don’t come at my throat, it is non-con yandere. Enjoy!
“Baby?” you chirped, watching your husband absent-mindedly stare at the windows. You huffed, turning off the stove and brandishing the ladle at him.
    “Honey? You didn’t tell me if it tasted good.”
He didn’t respond, clutching the half-eaten pork rib, lost in thought.
    “YOONGI,” you called out, shaking him by the shoulders, “Look at me.”
He snapped out of his trance, looking at you with bewildered eyes.
The confusion on his face served to make him look even more lost.
  “So, you never listened to my rant about Hoseok’s pork ribs?” He looked blank. “What happened to you, Yoongs?” you asked, clearing out the counter and perching on top of it next to him.
He sighed heavily and hung his head with a faint “Nothing.” As you stared at the soft whorl of his thick black hair, a rising panic bubbled up in your chest. It had been so long since your husband had talked more than five syllables with you. You had jumped out of bed on finding him missing one night, only to find him curled up on the terrace in the biting cold. Over the course of days, his eyes had become bloodshot. He had suddenly become a light sleeper, waking up startled on the slightest of noises. Now, looking at him, you found he had become gaunt and morbidly pale. What was it that ate away at his soul like this? He hadn’t been to his office in days, and he had switched off his work phone. You drummed your fingers nervously on the counter. Was he… was he trying to hide something from you? If so, what was it? You couldn’t help biting your nails in apprehension. Was it an affair? Was it guilt that had made him unable to look at your face? Had he cheated on you? No. You couldn’t think of marriage-killing stuff like that ever happening between you guys.
  “Baby,” you tried again, reaching out to entwine his bony fingers in yours. “You can tell me anything, you know that, right? Just tell me, baby, it is killing me to see you like this.”
He remained silent, the only acknowledgment of your words being a slight squeeze of your fingers. You waited in companionable silence, holding his hand and looking at the rays of light flooding in through the windows. As you were watching little particles dancing in the sunlight, there was a harsh squeal of tires outside. Like a bullet from a gun, Yoongi jumped off the counter and dashed to the windows. He looked out and jumped back as if he were electrocuted. He tugged the blinds harshly and ran to you, clutching your hand and dragging you off the counter.
“Baby, wha…”
He turned around and you saw his countenance had grown paler than ever, all the blood drained from his face. He urgently shushed you, pulling you flush against his body and sprinting to the door. Just as his fingers circled the doorknob, the door flew wide open, crashing against the wall with a heavy thud.
Men kept storming in, all heavyset and brawny. As they closed in on you both, Yoongi slid himself in front of you, shielding you as much as he could. The men advanced towards him, causing him to back further until you were pressed against the wall. Suddenly there was a hush inside the room, and you peeked out to see a tall man entering your home in unhurried strides. The men parted like water, allowing him to amble easily towards Yoongi. He had a shock of dark hair, which was long enough to dance on his eyebrows as he walked. He was dressed all in black, his suit contrasting with his pale complexion and lending a mysterious air to him. He had broad shoulders and a slim waist, accentuated by the perfectly fitting suit.
One of the men brought him a chair, which he turned around and placed about an arm’s length from your husband. He draped his legs on the sides lazily, holding on to the top of the backrest and resting his chin on his forearms. He looked innocently at your husband, his dark eyebrows suddenly shooting up as he caught sight of your lithe body shielded by Yoongi’s lean frame. You had no idea who all these men were, but something told you they were not good news. You closed your eyes and held on to your husband’s shirt, wishing they would all go away quickly. There was a tense silence in the room that hung around like dark clouds. A rich sonorous voice cut through the silence, causing you to peek again to see who owned it. To your surprise, it was coming from the stranger seated on your chair, it was unbelievable that such an orotund voice could emanate from the willowy man.
 “Well, well, Min Yoongi, you seem to not own a calendar.” The man tsked in lazy irritation. “You know I hate irregulars.”
You could feel your husband tense up, and his chest heaved with his sigh.
“ I need a few more days, Taehyung.”
The stranger addressed as Taehyung threw his head back in mock surprise, widening his eyes and cupping his cheeks.
“Oh! I would have never come if I knew I could count on your word.”
The mockery in his eyes instantly morphed into a dangerous glint, and he pushed the chair away violently as he stood up. He moved forward and bunched the collar of your husband’s shirt, leering at him with rage. His eyes moved over to your terrified ones, and he whistled.
“Look what a doll we have here.”
He thrust his arm behind Yoongi and yanked you out, clutching your forearm in a painful grip.
 “No! Leave her alone!”
Yoongi was screaming, trying vainly to catch hold of you. The Taehyung guy was stronger than you thought. He never budged as you jumped and thrashed about, trying to get his hand off your arm, where you knew bruises were stirring. Yoongi charged forward with gritted teeth.
“This is only between you and me.”
Taehyung smirked. “I beg to differ.”
Two burly men clasped their arms around Yoongi’s shoulders, throwing all their weight on him to keep him locked in place. You turned to see your husband struggling against their hold, mouth snarling with his exertion. Long fingers circled the collar of your soft white nightshirt, bunching the material up and pulling you closer to their owner’s body. Taehyung’s tall frame dwarfed you, his long black bangs brushing his eyebrows as his fiery eyes stared at you. He leaned over, his nose nuzzling against yours.
“How is this just between me and him,” he breathed, eyes never leaving yours, “-when he has such a doll of a wife who clearly needs explaining?”
Your eyes quickly darted to Yoongi’s figure, when the man in black cupped your jaw and shifted your focus back to him.
“Whatever is your problem with him?” you spat at him through clenched teeth.
There was a deep hearty chuckle, which reverberated throughout his body. His eyes crinkled in amusement and he leaned back a little to survey your face.
“You don’t even know what your husband has been up to behind your back?”
You drew a sharp breath, which felt like cold ice slicing through your innards. What had Yoongi done?
  “Y/N don’t look at me like that. He makes it sound so bad. It really isn’t,” Yoongi pleaded in a hoarse voice.
  “Shut him up,” Taehyung ordered, and the command immediately earned Yoongi a box to the ears and a knife to his throat. Pulling the overturned chair back upright, Taehyung sat down in front of you. His slim legs were too long for the chair, which caused him to slide further in the seat with his legs jutting out, making him look like he was made up entirely of legs.
“Wanna sit on my lap while you listen, sugar?” he asked, patting his pants.
You crossed your arms, glaring at him. His casual tone was really riling you up.
  “Just get on with it. And don’t call me ‘sugar’ ever.”
There was another deep chuckle. He leaned back and stretched lazily, causing two legs of the chair to hover mid-air.
  “Alright, sugar. I would love to tell you all of it, but I’m in a bit of a rush.” He winked at you as he drawled, “ Pity I am not free tonight.”
Your eyes narrowed in impatience and he loved the way your face twisted in annoyance.
  “Long story short, your husband owes me 50 million dollars.”
Your mouth fell open, disbelief coursing all over you. No, this had to be a mistake. Yoongi hadn’t ever mentioned being in debt. He hadn’t even been having trouble with his company. Or had he?
  “You look surprised, honey.”
You were still frozen in place, not quite comprehending why Yoongi would have borrowed so much money. You looked at your husband, hoping that he would say that it was all a misunderstanding. But Yoongi had gone silent, his eyes were downcast.
Nothing but a small nod to prove that Taehyung was indeed telling the truth.
  “50 million dollars, Yoongi?” you asked, your voice incredulous. “What were you even thinking?”
    “I hoped I could pay him back,“ Yoongi mumbled softly.
Taehyung crossed his legs, one hand ruffling his long unruly hair and the other gripping the chair. He gazed at you; he could almost hear the wheels turning in your head.
  “Well, sugar? Which of you two is going to give me my money back?” He flicked his wrist and looked at his watch. “I want it now.”
    “I … We don’t have that much money with us right now.“ Sweat blossomed on your forehead. “This is the first time I’m hearing about this.”
  “Sorry I broke the news that your husband doesn’t trust you, love. But I don’t give a fuck about your trust issues. I need my money. Now.”
  “Please, just give us some more time. We will pay you back somehow.”
  “And how would I trust you, considering your man is already penniless? How would you pay me back?”
  “We will … we will figure something out. Please, just trust me.”
He pursed his plump lips like a playful child, crinkling his eyebrows at you. Something about your doe-eyes softened him. He had almost skipped coming; the original plan had been to send only his men to your house. But now, watching your wide eyes pleading to him, he was glad he had decided to come himself. He remembered the loaded gun inside his coat pocket, which he had intended to use before he had set his eyes on you.
  “Alright. Let’s see how trustable you are. You have three days.”
You heaved a sigh of relief.
  “But I’ll take the bastard with me.”
The relieved smile was instantly wiped off your face.
  “But…” you sputtered, hands flailing wildly. “I don’t have any idea how I…”
  “He hid his debt from you. Now he has left you to clean up the mess all by yourself, huh sweetie?” He tilted his head to the side. “Are you really willing to do it for a man who didn’t even trust you, his wife?”
   He could see your face flinch as his words cut through you. He decided Min Yoongi was a fool to have fallen headfirst in his trap, especially with you not knowing. But then, Yoongi would probably not have borrowed as much if you had known and stepped in to curb the snowballing of his debt. It would have foiled his trap. He smiled. He was happy that Yoongi had managed to get neck-deep in trouble.
“Don’t worry, Yoongi. I will come fetch you as soon as I can, honey.”
Taehyung’s eyebrows shot up as he caught the moment’s hesitation before the word ‘honey’. He knew it was uttered for his benefit. The word was your shield, a magic circle you drew around yourself, thinking it would help ward off his flirtatious advances. Underlining you were Yoongi’s, a taken woman. You really thought you could hide behind it? His heart warmed. You were too adorable.
Swinging his feet off the chair, he rose and strode to Yoongi. He stared at the bloodshot eyes that glared back at him.
  “Let’s go, loser.”
You helplessly watched your husband being dragged out by the collar.
   "I love you, Y/N. I am sorry,“ Yoongi shouted across his shoulder, as he was manhandled roughly out of the door. All the men poured out of the apartment, leaving you standing alone. Your eyes welled up as you looked at the empty doorway.
   "I love you too.”
You had no idea where to start. There were only three days to get all the money ready. Frankly, you were clueless. Yoongi had never been intent on saving. Almost all his earnings went back into his business. Your job as an interior designer paid well, but nowhere near millions of dollars.
It was a stupid idea, to begin with. Borrowing 50 million dollars from a goon? What even had got into Yoongi? How were you expected to pay all of it back within 3 days? It was absolutely impossible. That Taehyung guy was evidently setting you up to fail.
Your brain felt like it had stopped working. Nothing you thought of seemed to make sense. ‘Okay okay, Y/N,’ you told yourself, ‘fucking get it together.’ Your head was pounding. Every minute reminded you that you were getting closer to the deadline. It only made you even more nervous.
Your stomach tightened in a knot. It felt like you were going to be sick. ‘No,’ you muttered, ‘think of something that’ll help.’ You closed your eyes as you massaged your throbbing temples. You could visualize the sands of time rapidly falling down your 3-day sand clock.
Back at his office, Taehyung couldn’t stop thinking about you. He had never been a man of romance; his only encounters had been with easy women looking for hookups in bars. As a unique exception, he found himself obsessing over a woman who was neither easy nor available. He twirled his pen in his hands as he thought about your beautiful doe eyes. He could swear he could still smell the faint berry scent of your hairspray.
As he looked out the window, lost in thought, your visuals came rushing to him. He remembered your high nose, your slender neck, and the sharp angle of your chin that could cut his heart to shreds. Your full figure that the thin nightshirt had done little to hide. The faint gloss on your lips that had allured him. He couldn’t remember the last time that he had ever noticed another woman this much. Was it because he hadn’t been laid in weeks? He didn’t think so. There was something about you that not only inspired lust but also made him fiercely protective. He had never felt that way with any other woman. He was a man who fucked once and then closed the door on the woman for good. But with you, he wanted to own your pretty eyes. He wanted to be the man your eyes searched for in a crowd. He wanted his hand to be the one you reached for. He wanted to worship you and protect you with his entire being. Your heart, your smile, your soft hair, your lithe frame, he wanted all of it.
He looked at the gardener watering the lawn. As he eyed the little droplets of water spraying from the hose, his mind wandered to the fantasy of seeing you wearing that thin nightshirt, drenched in water so he could see everything you had to offer. A heady sensation overtook him so hard that his eyes rolled back in his head. He shook his head and looked down at his pants. Just thinking about you had brought on a hard-on.
If someone had told you two years ago that Yoongi would fall in debt and lose all his money, you would have laughed in their face. Yoongi was not a newbie to the business. He was the son of the richest businessman in the county. His family was old money, and they were wildly popular in elite circles. There was not a party that his mother wasn’t invited to. People stood in respectful silence if his father walked past them. As the only son and the heir of the Min family fortune, Yoongi had a lot of expectations to live up to.
He had been burdened with expectations ever since he had been born. While other children went out on hikes and summer camps, he had the best tutors in the nation mercilessly hounding him with business tactics. While his friends read Rowling and discussed magic, he was forced to read dry books on management and debate with his tutors. He had found early on in his life that there were two kinds of people around him. The ones who wanted to be friends with him to bask in his achievements, and the ones who genuinely liked him for who he was. Like the boy who came every day to play Chess with him. No wait, there was only him, no one else was on that list. He wasn’t sure which category his university friends fell into. No one felt genuine, at the same time, no one felt utterly fake. That was one of the reasons Yoongi had a hard time trusting anyone. All that was set to change one day, thanks to his mom.
Yoongi had never kissed a girl in his life. It was not something he was proud of. Not that he wasn’t interested though. He had a bevy of girls swarming around him all the time, trying their best to catch his eye. To them, he was a gold mine that assured them a luxurious future. He was also exceptionally handsome and that sealed the deal. But he found none of them were really interested in him as an individual. He had once found an attractive girl in a frat party and had thought his first kiss was going to be with her. She had seemed smart and funny too. Until she had flashed him a gorgeous set of pearly whites saying “… so I heard you’re going to inherit the whole of the Min family estate, huh?”
It was on a late evening that Yoongi stood in his porch, nursing a Baccarat wine glass and wondering if he would step into his 24th year on Earth never having kissed a woman. That was when a car skidded to a halt before him, and you stepped out. He watched you alight and smooth your pencil skirt, an unhurried look on your pretty face. You reached again into the car to fetch your sleek briefcase and looked at your watch. A smile graced your features. Yoongi was impressed. A punctual woman. You walked with the brisk tap-taps of your heels and sailed past him without a glance. As you crossed him, he could smell the lingering flowery notes of your perfume. His phone dinged in his pocket announcing it was time for yet another overseas call. As he turned back to reach his room, your perfume lingered in a corner of his mind long after the traces of the scent had vanished.
Yoongi’s mother was an elite socialite. Her name was uttered with reverence in the high circles. She had a web of powerful friends which she relied on for anything of importance. Like when she wanted to re-decorate her office in alignment with the latest trends. She had asked Mrs. Park for ideas, and the lady had provided her with your number. You had been struggling to land a project fresh out of your apprenticeship. Mrs. Park had tried you out for her daughter’s new apartment and had found your work commendable. She had readily advised Mrs. Min to hire you, whispering conspiratorially into her phone, “She doesn’t charge as much for her work, but I think she should. She really is a steal at her price.” And so, Mrs. Min had called you to her place.
And that was the start of your new project. Mrs. Min was not a person who traveled to offices that didn’t belong to conglomerates. So, it came about that you visited her once in two days, bringing your designs and seeking her inputs on them. You found her very friendly, she listened to your explanations patiently without trying to interrupt like a know-it-all. She hadn’t any airs, contrary to what you had expected when you had first met her.
Yoongi hadn’t seen you on your previous visits. Understandable, considering his jam-packed schedule. But one innocent question to his mother told him who you were, and on what days you were expected to visit. It started as a mild curiosity on his part. He simply thought you were interesting and wished to see more of you. Increasingly, his schedule adjusted to your visits, and he often walked in on you, dropping business news to his mother while sneaking a look at you. He lived in a condo, away from his parents. But he needed to meet his father and discuss business several times a week. And given his sudden interest in you, it was a pleasure for him to drop by at his parents’ home.
Things came to a head on a stormy Friday night. You had stayed far too long in Mrs. Min’s chamber, poring over the plans and jotting down her suggestions. She had caught you staring at the empty glass on her table and had excused you to fetch yourself a drink.
  “Ask the maid to hand you wine, my dear,” she urged, “We have a splendid collection.”
So, you found yourself wandering to the cellar in pursuit of a drink. Maybe it wasn’t necessary to bother the maids, you were sure you could get a glass yourself. You reached the pitch-dark cellar and felt around for the light switch. When you switched it on, the lights lit up all the shelves in a wonderful ambiance. Rows and rows of bottles were stacked on the shelves, the light catching on their glossy bodies and illuminating them. Taking all of it in, you whistled under your breath as you saw bottles dating back decades.
  “I’ll be damned.”
Picking an elegant Chateau Latour, you poured some of the crimson liquid into a crystal glass and set it on the marble counter. There was a stool that you pulled and sat on, kicking off your heels. You were not a woman who wore ridiculously high heels, but the heels that day had not been exactly comfortable. You bent down, massaging your slightly sore feet, when a shadow fell on you, darkening your vision and casting a long shadow on you. You raised your head and saw a man standing before you. He hadn’t seen you; he had come in to pick a bottle for himself. You quickly rose to your feet and the sudden movement caught his attention. With a swift turn, he swung around to face you.
Yoongi had never seen you up close. It felt like a dream to him. The dim light from the shelves fell on you, highlighting your cheekbones and lending a captivating air of mystery to your features. Your eyes glinted and sparkled, the light from the bottles making it seem like you had swallowed all the stars in the sky with your eyes. He cleared his throat, running his hand through his hair as he racked his brain for a suitable line to say.
“Mr. Min, a pleasure meeting you.” Stepping forward on your naked feet, you offered him your hand.
“Likewise,” he said, giving your hand a firm shake. He smiled at you, little gummy smile and all.
“A fine collection you have here,” you ventured, nodding at the shelves.
He nodded proudly, gesturing to another row of shelves at the far back.
“We have our finest wines here, dating back centuries.”
You smiled politely, suddenly remembering your haphazardly strewn heels and the bare state of your feet. He saw you shuffling awkwardly, and his eyes landed on your feet. His eyes widened. He had never seen such dainty little toes before. With a sheepish smile, you bent down and picked up the heels, slipping your feet into them and effectively disturbing his appreciative gaze on them.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it then,” he muttered, reaching out to pick a bottle. When he turned and left, you found you had held your breath the entire time. Sighing, you finished your drink and proceeded to return to Mrs. Min’s office. A good two hours later, it was pouring with rain outside. As you filed all your papers and returned them to your briefcase, you worried about having to drive through the pounding rain. Mrs. Min seemed to read your uneasiness.
“Would you be able to ride in this downpour, dear?” She craned her head to watch the sheets of rain. “I think you’d better stay the night here.”
“Oh, that’s alright Mrs. Min, I’m sure I would be fine.”
“At least, let me send one of my people with you.” She paused and decided it wouldn’t do to send a maid or manservant with you at that hour of the night. The drivers had retired to their beds already. Wait-her son was still home.
“Let me find Min Yoongi and send him with you.”
Without waiting for an answer, she went off to her husband’s study where Yoongi usually stayed up till the wee hours of dawn, working on company matters. She was back in a couple of minutes, with Yoongi in tow.
“Allow my son to drive you,” Mrs. Min patted her son’s fine back. He nodded at you, not an over-enthusiastic nod but a crisp let’s-get-on-with-this nod. You started to feel he didn’t want to do anything with you, and it made you feel awkward.
The short ride to your apartment happened in two moods. You were nervous that Yoongi was miffed at having to drive you; Yoongi was nervous that you seemed cold and imagined you hated being alone with him. Neither of you guessed that the tension in the air between you had nothing to do with annoyance or hate.
As Yoongi nosed his car into the parking lot, you worked up the courage to say in a small voice, “Uh, would you like to come in and wait the storm out?”
Yoongi’s grip on his steering wheel tightened. He could feel his heart hammering away. The moisture in his palms started to make the steering wheel slippery. What was this? He was completely baffled. Did you want him to go in and sit with you? Or was this one of those cheeky invites to-, he shuddered, - to go in and kiss? Your intent gaze, as you waited for him to respond, was not helping his confusion in any way. Before he could think more, he found his voice saying “Sure.” He was surprised at how calm he had sounded because on the inside he was anything but.
Once inside, you made straight for the couch, nothing about your face suggested flirtation. He exhaled and calmed himself down, sitting across from you, watching you as you kicked your heels off happily. He looked around at your apartment, everything was neatly arranged, not a thing was out of place. His eyes were drawn to your biggest asset that occupied a large portion of your hall: your bookshelf.
“Virginia Woolf?” His eyebrows shot up as he scanned the shelf.
You said nothing, words refused to come out.
“Language is wine upon the lips.”
Your eyes widened in surprise, hearing those words from him, of all people. The word 'wine’ instantly took you back to that cellar, where he had stood before you, framed by that insanely beautiful light as if he were a revelation.
“Y/N?” His lips curled in a grin. “I never thought quoting Woolf was the best way to earn a woman’s reverence.”
Your cheeks flushed crimson, and you racked your brains for a witty reply.
“When you consider things like the stars, our affairs don’t seem to matter very much, do they?”
His grin widened, breaking out into a hearty chuckle. He nodded dramatically, eyes shining in amusement. You regarded him with an interested gaze.
   "I never thought you’d have read Woolf.“
He rolled his head back lazily. “Ah, you’re the first and last person to know.”
  “I’m honored.” You smiled at him as he scanned your shelf again.
  “Charlotte Bronte.” He jerked his head at you with a raised eyebrow.
  “She’s my favorite. I am crazy about Jane Eyre.”
He pursed his lips comically, pressing his index fingers together as if he were meditating.
  “She wasn’t beautiful, Rochester was not handsome, they had a 20-year age gap,” he counted out on his fingers, mischief on his face.
  “That’s the beauty, isn’t it? Heroes and heroines are usually described as beautiful and handsome respectively, but this time the book focused on love, just between two normal people.” You paused and looked ahead, stars in your eyes. “Helen was my favorite character; she was wise beyond her age. I feel so strongly drawn to such peaceful tranquility.“
He closed his eyes and decided that you were the smartest woman he had ever come across, second only to his mother. As both of you discussed more about literary characters, he found himself wishing that the storm would never abate. He wanted more of your presence, he wanted to hear your voice talk about things he had secretly loved all his life.
The time came for him to leave, and he grumblingly got up to bid good-bye.
” I’ll ask one of the drivers to fetch you your car in the morning,“ he said, slipping into his coat. “And allow me to say that this was the best night of my life.”
Blood rose to your cheeks, making you feel feverish. “That makes two of us,” you said, heart brimming with happiness on seeing him smile.
Long after he had left, you found yourself staring at the doorway. With a sigh, you closed the door, knowing that you loved every moment he had spent with you, but there was no doubt you would have loved it, even more, had things gone a little bit differently.
Ever since that fateful night, Yoongi found himself making pleasant small talk with you whenever you visited Mrs. Min. And each time, he found himself wondering if he was more than just interested in you. He could feel the way his pulse quickened on seeing you, the way all the hair on his arms stood up when you brushed him accidentally. He started noticing your little habits. He loved the small twist of hair that fluttered while you walked, the little tear-shaped earrings you wore, the small jingle of your metal bracelet when it hit the table as you worked. He was amused at the way you wrote the number 5, starting at the bottom and ending at the top. The lone dimple on your left cheek that flashed only when you grinned in genuine pleasure always left his knees weak.
Yoongi had no experience with women, and he found it maddening that he didn’t know how to properly flirt. So, he turned to his chess-mate for help. The guy was quite helpful, but Yoongi was doubtful if his suggestions were a bit too cheesy. He began to panic, unsure if you preferred the corny lines his friend fed him, or the poetic ones aplenty in the old literary gold you were clearly fond of.
So, it was a very confused Yoongi that was sitting with you a few days later on the stone bench in his mother’s lawn. His mother had gone out on an urgent errand. You had already parked your car on the porch when the news of her being away reached you. It turned out you were at a free end that evening, which Yoongi decided to benefit from. The stone bench felt warm from all the sun’s rays that had fallen on it throughout the day. You had been talking about your work day, and he had been listening happily.
Suddenly, without even knowing it happened, he dipped his head down, capturing your soft lips in a hesitant kiss. It was pleasant for a moment until he realized he was supposed to deepen it. He started panicking. He knew tongues would be involved, but how on Earth was he going to achieve that feat? Sweat started running down his neck, and his breathing became labored. You noticed his discomfort and leaned back, opening your mouth to form “What…” He saw your mouth open and took the chance to dive in again, relaxing thankfully when there was no opposition from your side. When both of you finally broke the kiss, he was so embarrassed that he couldn’t bring himself to look at your eyes.
He was certain you had hated it. He knew he had been sloppy, and he vowed to blame his kissing abilities if you never wanted to see him again. While he was internally kicking himself, you put your little hand in his large ones, with a mild “Are you alright, Yoongi?” When he didn’t answer, you added wickedly, “That was a hell of a kiss.”
His head shot up, indignant at first, the annoyance quickly morphing into merriment as he took in your coy wink.
  “Trust me they’ll get better.”
When there was no reply, his confidence plummeted again. He started to stammer “I didn’t imply-” before he was silenced with another searing kiss.
It was the night of your sixth date when both of you were cuddled up in one blanket, feet dangling from the roof of his balcony. Yoongi was content with you at his side, your sweet-smelling hair cascading down your shoulders and brushing against him. He wanted to say something and seal the moment. But what should he say? Taking your index finger in his hands, he started tracing the delicate bones as he worked up his nerves.
Closing his eyes, he blurted out, “Design our home.”
You looked at him, startled. “Do you want me to be your designer?”
He shook his head, pressing the bridge of his nose with his thumb. “No. I am asking you to own my home and make it beautiful by being in it.”
He was screaming at himself for not phrasing the words better. He made a mental note to go kick his chess mate’s balls off for suggesting the damned line. There was a heavy silence, so heavy that it suffocated him. He slowly opened his eyes. Just as he decided he had lost you forever, a tinkling giggle reached his ears, leaving him dumbstruck. The giggle amplified into more giggles, finally breaking out into peals of joyful laughter. As the laughter subsided, you wiped your streaming eyes and replied: “Only if you promise to remain this cute.”
The next day, Yoongi took you to his parents and announced the engagement. He had proposed again properly, with a beautiful ring, but you had told him you really preferred the first version of his proposal. Mrs. Min took the news very well, she smiled as she hugged you and pecked you on the cheek. “I knew it was just a matter of time before he fell for you,” she whispered with a twinkle in her eyes.
After four glorious months of being engaged, you had a beautiful white wedding that Mrs.Min organized with aplomb. You had no parents, so your best friend Hoseok happily agreed to give you away. Your friends did everything they could to soothe the pain of your parents not being there to see your happiness. There were festoons engraved with Yoongi’s and your initials, adorning every nook and corner, declaring your love to the world.
As you walked down the aisle with a proud Hoseok beaming all over his face, Yoongi felt like he could choke with happiness. You grinned at him as you reached his side, tilting your head to allow Hoseok to peck your cheeks. Hoseok then shook hands with Yoongi, winking at him and slapping his back. And then the magic moment arrived.
All the words that the minister said felt like cotton candy. It all just blew away, and only the sweetest words remained- “I do.” You had tears in your eyes as you accepted Yoongi as your lawfully wedded husband. Yoongi’s mother passed down her own mother’s wedding ring, a beautiful solitaire diamond ring that glittered and shone. Yoongi smiled through tears, whispering “In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you,” as he slipped it on your finger, claiming you as his own. The wedding kiss had tears from Yoongi’s cheeks and yours falling onto the lips, strangely tasting sweeter than the choicest nectar.
As he walked out of the church, he was filled with a deep pride. You loved him. You were his. You were Mrs.Min.
The Min family welcomed you as one of their own with open arms. As a wedding gift, Yoongi’s parents gifted you a charming house, a skeleton of a house really. It was yours to design and furnish, yours to apply all your designing skills and turn it into your home. Your days passed happily, enjoying the lavish affection your husband showered on you, and doing what you loved when he went away for the day.
Your clientele grew, as you were now part of the elite club. There were commissions from Mrs. Min’s friends to help alter and redecorate their offices and homes. Yoongi worked all day, managing his father’s businesses and clients. But when he came home, all his stress evaporated away, leaving only fierce embers of love. He was doting, sweet, animalistic, feral, subtle, blunt, all thrown into one perfect balance, leaving you gasping and deliciously wanting for more.
Just as life seemed that it was all sunshine and happiness, tragedy struck. Your father-in-law was involved in a bad car accident, which left him severely injured. The days were filled with frantic phone calls from investors, grim faces of doctors, alcohol-sprayed hospital rooms, and the slowly fraying nerves of your husband. Your mother-in-law never lost her composure, she went about her duties robotically. She tended to her husband, watching as his body struggled to recuperate. She witnessed his body slowly shutting down one part at a time. She read to him, prayed at his side, slept at the bedside, never leaving him. But on the day she saw him breathing his last, your mother-in-law broke.
Min Sung-Hee had been a proud woman, who had defied societal conventions and broken ties to marry the man she loved. His demise was a severe blow to her, she had never thought her husband was even capable of dying. She had clung on to the gossamer hope that he would recover, and when he failed to do so, the thread snapped. She was left unhinged.
You brought her to live with you, but nothing was helping her steer towards sanity. Each night, you were kept awake with the heart-breaking howls and sobs that reverberated through the walls. Her eyes lost their luster, tired wrinkles covered her face the way moss silently creeps on rocks and obscures them. On a particularly desolate night, you found her holding a knife, face impassive. When you tried to call her name, she paid no heed. Suddenly, with a blood-curling yowl, she hurled herself at the mirror, shattering it and sending shards flying all over the place. You screamed for Yoongi as she kept banging her head on the broken mirror. Your screams disturbed her and she flew at you, knife aimed straight at your throat.
There was a rush of footsteps behind you, and a strong hand pushed you to the side. Yoongi wrestled his fragile mother as softly as he could, prying the knife away from her and locking her in a tight hold. You were trembling when you ran down to fetch a glass of water, the eyes that had looked at you had been devoid of any recognition.
It was very painful but Yoongi knew he had no choice but to send his mother to an institution. He didn’t want you to be afraid in your own home. He was scared for you, and for his mother’s safety too. He wanted her to get the best care, and an institution seemed to be the best way to go. He reasoned with you, telling you it had to be done. It was not an easy decision, but when Yoongi saw his mother’s cold manic eyes looking back at him on the way to the institution, he knew he was doing the right thing to protect his family.
Yoongi inherited his father’s businesses and everything his parents owned. Financially, you were richer, but emotionally you felt poorer. You had grown to consider Yoongi’s parents your own, and their absence scarred you deeply. The playful Yoongi was gone, replaced by a serious man who had to suddenly take charge of his father’s legacy and shoulder responsibilities that were thrust upon him.
Gone were the days when he would rush home from work to lift you as if you were his precious child. As the days passed, he became more and more trapped at his office. You longed for those magical days when there were four of you at the table, when Yoongi’s eyes had been filled with mischief and fun. It was hard to focus on your designs, but you trudged through them zealously. Yoongi still loved you, and you just had to wait for him to get a hold of his business responsibilities.
Indeed, there was a brief period when Yoongi returned early, brought you flowers, and even took you out on dinner dates. That was after he had hired Wo Bin, his new manager. For months, Yoongi was all praise for his manager. He left Wo Bin in-charge whenever he had other pressing matters to attend to. He grew to trust the man, even letting him handle a few acquisitions all by himself. He once brought Wo Bin home, and you were amused at the shy, bespectacled man who your husband had often spoken so highly of.
But it was just a matter of months before the relaxed Yoongi disappeared again, and an even more stressed husband returned to you each night. You tried asking him gently, but he remained silent, not even trying to explain. You assumed it was a deal gone bad, which your husband would surely recover from. But weeks rolled by, and Yoongi’s moodiness showed no signs of abating. If anything, he had only grown even more remote, stubbornly refusing to answer your questions, and skipping meals several days a week. You prayed and begged, but he simply shut his mouth tight, refusing to respond. That was when panic set in, gnawing at your chest. Was he guilty of something? Had he cheated on you?
Many such tumultuous thoughts had been flittering in your mind as you had grilled pork ribs on that fateful day, trying to cheer your husband up. That had been the day your world turned upside down: Taehyung had stepped into your house, tearing your husband away from you, giving you just three days to pay him fifty million dollars.
Your scream echoed through the small glass-paneled office. Seated across you, nervously twiddling his thumbs, was Bong Ju, Yoongi’s legal advisor.
“Yes, Mrs.Min. The Min corporation has indeed filed for bankruptcy.”
You felt as if all your blood had evaporated and clouded around your face in a red haze. This was the worst thing to ever happen. Your husband was not around, the company was dying, your only relative was in an institution, and you had to cough up 50 million dollars within 68 hours. Three hours had already been wasted in Bong Ju’s explanation of the debts, there was no more time to lose.
“How the heck did the company fall so deep in debt? Last quarter’s reports were so good!”
Bong Ju shook his head vigorously. “Yes, there is nothing wrong with our company.” He paused and scratched his head. “ In fact, we would have still been an incredibly profitable company, if it weren’t for Wo Bin.”
“Wo Bin? The executive manager? What did he do?” Your knuckles were white from gripping the handles of the chair too hard.
“He struck deals with ridiculously high prices, there were so many useless acquisitions for millions of dollars. He also embezzled millions of dollars in company funds. He absconded with all the money.”
“You couldn’t trace that bastard?”
“No, Mrs.Min. He well and truly vanished. All the investors found out and they threatened to sue the company. Mr. Min had no option but to settle and avoid a legal battle. He had to file for bankruptcy, that was the only way he could pay them off.”
“And how did Taehyung come into all this?”
“He loaned Mr. Min most of the money to reach a settlement with the investors. Kim Taehyung charges exorbitant interests, but Mr. Min went ahead and borrowed huge amounts of money. He never expected to be dragged this deep into the mire.”
You buried your head in your hands. There was a serious urge to tear at your hair, which you controlled with the last of your patience. How on Earth were you expected to save the company? There was no way in Hell you could raise all the money and still salvage the company.
The man stayed mute for a few minutes, scared of setting you off again. He saw you chewing on your lip, horror written all over your face. Timidly, he cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses.
“You could… ”
“I could what?”
“Er… Mrs.Min, you could uh… try mortgaging the Min estate?”
He wiped the sweat on his forehead as he watched your face in apprehension. He was almost ready to jump out of the window than sit in that stifling atmosphere with the wife of his employer shooting daggers at him.
“Do you think that will cover it? It’s 50 MILLION dollars!” you yelled.
“Maybe, you have other assets? Like your home? I am sure you could mortgage your home too.”
You slid down a bit on your chair, massaging your temples. Your home? This man was asking you to mortgage your home? But it was your dream home! You had designed every tile on that building with love. You fanned your hot cheeks. This was about Yoongi, not the house. You could always design a new house. Swallowing the bitter taste in your mouth, you nodded. You remembered something else too.
“I have two million dollars in my savings deposit.”
You bit your lips and controlled the tears that were threatening to fall. You had put aside some of the money you earned in a deposit. It was meant to be used when you had babies. Every month, you had giggled happily while transferring money to the deposit. It had been your secret; you had never dreamt that you would be required to withdraw all of it for a reason other than your babies. It was all you had saved, just for your future children. You sniffed, deciding it had to be done to save Yoongi.
“ Withdraw the money, and start the work to mortgage our home and the Min estate.”
The man obligingly stood up, nodding.
“I will start on the course of action, Mrs.Min.”
You watched as he bowed to you, turning to leave. A thought struck you out of the blue.
“Just a minute, Bong Ju.” The tone made him turn abruptly. “Why did you not suggest mortgaging the property before, to my husband?“
There was a heavy silence. He took out his handkerchief, wiping his bald head as he licked his lips.
"Well, you see Mrs.Min,” the man advanced to you in slow steps, “Mr. Min didn’t want you to know about the financial crisis. He had hoped to resolve it before it snowballed into a full-blown nightmare.” He saw the uncertainty on your face. “You… uh, you would have come to know if he ever mortgaged the estate or the house, your signature would have been necessary.”
You deflated, wishing your husband had just believed in you and told you about his monetary struggles. Taehyung’s words repeated in your head. Had Yoongi really not trusted you enough? You shook your head. No, that couldn’t be the reason. You couldn’t lose your head over this; time was running out.
“Well, there’s one more thing, Bong Ju.” You looked at your hand, a deep sorrow weighing your heart down. With tears blurring your eyes, you slid your wedding ring off. The diamond glinted at you, looking even more radiant through your tears. You extended the ring to the man.
“Mortgage this too, it is a family treasure.”
The man looked uncomfortable. He eyed the ring on his palm warily. “Are you sure, Mrs. Min? I think-”
“Just go.”
He left without a word, leaving you alone, swirling in the emotions that were choking your lungs.
You were pacing around your study, wondering what was happening to Yoongi. There had been a phone call exactly at midnight. A low raspy voice had said, “You have two days,” before cutting off abruptly. The call had left you wide-eyed and worried.
Now, as you paced impatiently, you wished you could turn to someone for help. Your mother-in-law was sure to have stowed away some money in security deposits. But how could you ask her? She barely recognized you, she would surely have no recollection of her deposits, whatsoever. On an impulse, you dialed the number of the institution in which she was housed.
You listened to the dial-back tone, nervously biting your nails. God, you smelt like a tramp. You hadn’t showered, hadn’t eaten a morsel, or even had a sip of water. The line crackled and a high-pitched voice answered.
“Klammer Institute.”
You sucked in a deep breath. “Hi, I am Min Sung-Hee’s family. How is she?”
“Oh, Good morning Mrs.Min. I am afraid she has been catatonic; Dr. Stevens upped her dosage last night to see if she responds.”
“Oh.” Your heart fell. But this was to be expected. “Is it possible for me to speak to her?”
“Let me see if she will talk, hold on.”
You waited; the answer already clear as day. It was the most foolish thing ever to expect any good outcome from this. Were you losing your mind too? It wasn’t like you to cling on to fruitless threads like this. You heard the woman speak to your mother-in-law, announcing your arrival. There was a rustle, and then silence.
“Hello?” you ventured after a few seconds of the deafening silence.
“Hm?” the voice sounded painfully feeble.
“Hey, Ma. I am Y/N. How are you?” You held your breath.
“Y/N? I don’t know any Y/N.”
“I am your daughter-in-law,” you began to explain patiently before she cut you off.
“Where is Min? Give the phone to him.”
She was asking for her husband, the poor darling. You didn’t have the heart to tell her that he had died. You were an idiot. What had you expected? A miracle?
“He… He isn’t around right now, Ma.”
“Tell him I am so lonely. Why did he leave me here? I feel so…” There was a pause. “Who are you again?”
“Never you mind, Ma. Please rest. Let me speak to the orderly.”
After inquiring more about your mother-in-law’s health, you cut the call with a sigh. There was no possible way you could ask your only relative for help. You felt even worse than when you had placed the call.
There were only 12 hours left for the deadline to end. You had not showered in three days. There were tired dark circles around your eyes. You hadn’t slept in more than 30 hours, and it was making your eyes sting to look at any light. The same white nightshirt you had been wearing when Yoongi was dragged out by goons clung to your famished body. You had moved out of your house and had taken up a room in a mediocre hotel. Luxury hotels charged so much it made your ears burn.
There was an urgent knock on the door, and you sprinted to open it. Bong Ju was standing outside, a big black suitcase weighing his arm down. You practically ripped his arm off, pulling him into the room and banging the door shut.
You could hear your pulse throbbing in your ears. He nodded swiftly, rushing to the bed and heaving the suitcase on it. He threw it open, wiping his eyebrows in the crook of his elbow. There were stacks of crisp banknotes, arranged neatly and secured with elastic.
“There’s 50 million dollars in here, Mrs.Min.”
You looked at him with a faint sense of foreboding. “Did everything… did it all just fetch- only 50 million dollars?”
You had mortgaged your entire life. And it had all amounted to just covering your ass?
“I naturally had to avoid much negotiation, you see. Time is of the essence here and we couldn’t possibly waste it in bargaining.”
You nodded. Everything felt like water slipping through your fingers.
“And the ring?” you managed to whisper.
“It fetched 75 thousand dollars, Mrs. Min. And solely because it was an heirloom.” He lowered his voice and added, “The appraiser was an old friend of mine.”
You huffed in impatience. Who cared if he had pulled strings to get you the money? It was his job. Also, he was partly responsible for the mess your company was in. What kind of legal advisor couldn’t advise the CEO not to trust a stranger too much? You narrowed your eyes at him. It sickened you to see his greasy smile. Did he expect you to appreciate him or something? Dick.
“There’s only 11 hours and thirty minutes left.” You leaped to the bed and clamped the suitcase shut. Lugging it behind, you bolted through the door. You heard the man mutter something behind you. No time to listen. If you had turned and lent an ear, you would have heard him hiss at you:
“Mrs.Min, you are in your pajamas!”
You hailed a cab, not caring in the least about the stares from all around you. A cab screeched to a halt in front of you.
“Where to, miss?” He took in your disheveled appearance. “What the hell, lady? Problems with the family?”
You jumped in and slammed the door shut. Your knuckles were aching from your hold on the suitcase. It contained your whole life.
“I need to go to the South Boulevard.”
He turned from his seat, eyeing you warily.
“That’s not a very safe neighborhood,” he shrugged, “not a place for a young woman like yourself.”
“That’s alright. I need to go there.”
“Where exactly, if I may ask?”
“Uh, Kim Taehyung’s mansion. Do you know it?”
“Oh, him.” There was a long pause. “I know that place.”
There was no more conversation after that, and you rode in silence. You chewed your nails, wondering if you should have actually counted the money for yourself. What if that sleazy Bong Ju had tried to steal some for himself? Wiping your eyebrows, you looked out the windows. Now you had no way of knowing if you really had 50 million dollars in your suitcase. It would not be safe to count the money inside the cab. You looked at the driver’s face in the rearview mirror. Suddenly you were filled with distrust that spanned to every living thing around you.
The cab ground to a halt in front of a sprawling mansion. You stumbled around with trembling fingers for change to cover the fare. As he reached his palm out to take it, the man suddenly stilled. He opened the door and stepped out, much to your alarm. He removed his coat and extended it to you.
“Take this.” He raised an eyebrow in the general direction of the mansion. “Can’t go in there in just your pajamas, lady.”
The suspicion rolled off your body and evaporated into thin air. You wrapped yourself in his coat and stammered your thanks. You stood watching the cab pull away, and shook yourself as it disappeared out of sight. 'Okay, Y/N. Time to go into the monster’s den.’
Dragging the suitcase, you charged through the gates, not paying attention to all the armed men walking around. They paused and stared, but didn’t stop you. You wouldn’t lie, all your nerves were tightly wound, almost to snapping point. You walked with your calf muscles burning, storming through the lawns and making a beeline to the enormous oak door. On reaching the door, a man with a rifle thrust his weapon at you, blocking your way.
“Where do you think you’re going, sweetmeat?”
Disgust rolled up your throat and you gritted your teeth. The man’s sweaty odor was enough to make you want to puke.
“Let me through. I need to go in to pay up my debt.”
He ran his eyes all over you, making you squirm in your nightclothes. With a sickening smirk, he lifted his rifle and allowed you to pass, calling behind you, “Boss is on the second floor. Also, nice ass.”
Puffing and heaving, you reached the second floor. There were a lot of guards outside the first door, and you decided that was where Taehyung probably was. Not paying heed to the guards, you pushed the door open. Sure enough, there was the devil, his legs propped on his table, his eyes scanning a file. A gun was strewn on the table carelessly.
Taehyung looked up and saw you standing framed by the doorway. He couldn’t believe you were there, wearing the exact nightshirt that had haunted him in his dreams. He could see the damp spot on your chest, where your sweat had moistened the cloth and turned it deliciously translucent. Your hair was damp with sweat, all those little wisps of hair had stuck to your forehead like a wreath. The way your chest heaved with each breath sent a sharp ache down his groin. He looked at the suitcase in your hand, and his lips stretched in a sly smile.
“Brought my money back, huh, sugar?”
He manspread his legs on the desk, his crotch as clear as day. He was enjoying the way your eyes grew wide. The bob of your throat as you swallowed nervously sent his mind spinning with images of making you gag around him. He picked his gun and spun it as he regarded you with an arrogant smirk.
You glared at him and threw the suitcase on the table, opening it wide to show him the stacks of money.
“Take this and let Yoongi go.”
He threw his head back with a sigh. He inhaled slowly, closing his eyes. Crossing his heels on the table, he lazily toyed with his gun.
“Oh, baby doll, I wish I could.”
You tensed, electric jolts going haywire in your brain.
“What? What the fuck do you mean?”
“I don’t think I can let him go, baby girl.”
“Fucking take the money and give me my husband, KIM TAEHYUNG!”
He swung his legs off the table, watching you as he swiveled sideways on his chair. Two guards rushed in on hearing your screams. Taehyung blew on the muzzle of his gun with disinterest.
“And what if I won’t?”
You threw your hands up in despair.
“What the fuck more do you want?”
He got up and ambled around the mahogany desk. He precariously sat on the table with one leg on the floor, supporting his weight. He still had the gun in his hand, rubbing it in slow strokes on the side of his pants.
“Ah,” he said, looking beyond you at the guards in the doorway. “There’s no problem here, Wo Bin-ah. You can wait outside.”
In a flash, you spun on your heel to look at Wo Bin, standing there with a rifle. He wasn’t wearing glasses, and he towered over you, his chest puffed up.
“What? Wo Bin? You? You! You!” You lunged at him, arms outstretched in rage. He jabbed your chin with the butt of his rifle, sending shooting pain throughout your skull. Head swimming, you saw his blurred outline walk out of the room.
As you clutched your jaw, there was a deep chuckle behind you.
“Confused, honey?”
You turned and glared at Taehyung.
“What is that.. what is that scum doing here?”
“He works for me.”
“Hmm.” He hummed softly, rubbing his temple with the gun. He took a step towards you. “He’s been with me for years.”
“How- what was he- Where is Yoongi?” There was a sudden panic coursing through your veins. You needed to fetch Yoongi and get out of here.
“You’ll get him if you give me what I want.” He was now talking slow steps towards you.
“I already brought you the money, dickwad assbutt.”
He chuckled again, shaking his head.
“I want you.”
You froze, jaw hanging open.
He drawled lazily. “Min Yoongi is a penniless loser. He has nothing left in the world.” He came nearer. “But you just made me 50 million dollars richer. I have everything. I am so much better than him, sugar”
His eyes blazed at you. “Be mine.”
He reached out and tugged at your coat, brushing his fingers against the fabric. When you didn’t move, he circled you and stood behind you. Ghosting his arm around your waist, he spooned you from behind. He bent slightly to take a whiff of your hair. Mmm. Berries. The movement thrust his entire body snug against you.
His hands were reaching your chest, almost groping you. Suddenly, you were aware of a hard bulge pressing against you.
“NO,” you shouted shrilly at the top of your lungs, wriggling vigorously to get out of his grip. His arm tightened around your midsection and you scratched and clawed at his flesh until he hissed and released you. You pushed off his chest, screaming. His fingers clawed at the air and found your coat, holding you back as you tried to run. He held on to your coat in a vice-like grip, not allowing you to advance. With a wild shrug, you got out of the coat, catapulting to the door in the momentum. Without looking back, you ran out as if your head were on fire.
Taehyung spat out on seeing the angry red nail marks on his arms. He shouted to his men, commanding them to run after you. He would not let you get away. He ran out like a madman, slamming himself against the balcony when he saw your figure darting across the lawns. The men were chasing you, but you were running like the wind. He gritted his teeth, seeing you jump across the hedges like a hare.
He roared to a guy, shouting at him to get his car. He was going to get you, no matter what.
You ran faster than you had ever run in your life. The adrenaline pushed your limits, sending you blazing through the boulevard. You cut across lanes, doing your best to not go down the obvious route. It had been almost half an hour on the run before your lungs gave out. You squinted your eyes, making out the towers of a suspension bridge that stretched over the sea, and you knew where to go.
You were thoroughly spent when you wheezed and stumbled to the bridge. The cars were whirring past, oblivious to the skimpily clad figure trudging along the bridge. It was illegal to walk on the bridge’s deck, you knew, but you didn’t care. It would be lucky for you to get into prison, at least you would be safe there. Reaching the hard left of the bridge, you gripped the railing and peered down.
The sea was lapping at the visible parts of the bridge’s foundations. The water looked frightening, stretching out in such a vast expanse that made you feel insignificant. You looked around. Cars were still moving back and forth, no one seemed to have seen you loitering on the bridge. There was no time to lose.
Throwing your leg over the railing, you hoisted yourself on the suspender cables that had the lowest elevation. You kicked your feet off the railing, resolving to not look down at the deep, deep sea splashing around down beneath. A sick panic climbed up from the pit of your stomach as you dangled from the railing, with nothing to support you but your hands. It was so hard to hold on to the metal, the afternoon sun had heated it to scalding point. Pain shot up your shoulder joints, causing you to wince in agony. The three-day starvation was quickly catching up, and you felt like you were going to pass out.
There was immediate death beckoning to you from below. The drop itself would kill you. A vague newspaper fragment floated to your mind’s eye. There had been a passage once on the newspaper about this bridge, and you knew this one was 75 feet high. Sweat rolled down your forehead, forming fat beads on your eyelashes. No, you could not let go, you would plummet to your death. The drops of sweat flowed into your eyes, stinging them and causing you to curse out loud. You had to get a move on before your arms gave out.
A few feet away, there was a small platform jutting out from under the deck of the bridge. Blinking away the salty drops blurring your vision, you swung your arm out to catch the next rail. Oh God, was it difficult. Fuck those action heroes who did it above safety nets and made it look easy as pie. You were sure your arms would tear off from all the strain. Muttering a fluent string of curse words, you heaved your body from rail to rail, never looking down.
It felt like ages before you reached the damned platform. It was made of metal, and you squealed in pain as it scorched your bottom. The thin pajamas were not helping either. Biting down on your tongue, you rolled on your bottom, wishing the heat dissipated quickly. The platform was very small, it was probably never intended to provide sanctuary for a human. The strip of metal was long, and you decided to align yourself along the length of it. There was no support on the sides, you could easily roll over and fall into the crashing waves.
You lay still, holding on to the edge of the platform for dear life. The sun was beating down on your face mercilessly. You were sure you’d be sunburnt beyond recognition if you stayed here long enough. A little farther, there were a couple of ships moving slowly against the horizon. You were watching them when you heard cars whiz past the deck, causing the platform to vibrate hard. Closing your eyes, you wondered if any of those cars carried Taehyung or his gang of goons.
Taehyung couldn’t believe he had let you slip that easily. He had moved every piece in the game so carefully. How could he have lost you after so much effort? His men were combing the streets for you, dozens of his cars were patrolling the land. No one had gotten any whiff of you so far. But they would. He knew it was just a matter of hours before you would be back in his arms, nightshirt and all.
As he rode in stony anger, seated in the back of his car, he remembered the first time he had seen you.
Taehyung’s family was not old money, they had no old family ties with the rest of the elite. His father had been a part of the mafia, and the family thrived prosperously. But it still wasn’t enough to grant Taehyung the privileges Yoongi’s family enjoyed. He was invited to a lot of social gatherings, yes, but somehow he was always on a lower rung on the social ladder.
There were many events that Taehyung was excluded from. He and Yoongi never mingled. The tension in the room whenever he was in an elite gathering always made Taehyung queasy. He felt like everyone looked down on him, even if he had as much money as the rest of them. Their stares and whispers served to infuriate him, making him feel deeply resentful towards affluent families like the Min clan.
It was one such night when Taehyung had stormed out of a party hosted by one of Mrs.Min friends. He had felt passively insulted, and he had gone in an attempt to prevent screaming his head off. It had begun to drizzle, and just as he decided to turn back, he saw you.
You were walking towards the crosswalk, a book in hand. You were probably returning from a library. There was a serene vibe about you, and it drew him in completely. He watched as you waited for the light to turn green, turning your head up to feel the rain patter against your forehead. The little curve of your lips as the drops streamed down your face made his heart beat faster. Suddenly you seemed to remember about the book, and hugged it to yourself, covering it with your jacket. He stood rooted to the spot, unmindful of the rain that had begun to wet his clothes. He followed you till you reached your home, and smiled to himself after you closed the door behind you. He was going to get to know you.
It was incredibly easy to follow you around, thanks to your cute obliviousness. He soon found out all your favorite books, restaurants, coffeehouses and pubs. He never got tired of tagging behind you. It was a pleasant feeling to follow you when you flitted like a butterfly before him. Until you drove into the Min house one evening.
Taehyung parked a few blocks outside the gates, watching you each day as you drove in and out that wretched house. He was mad at you for consorting with that family. Every time, he calmed his rage by telling himself that you were just there on business. He would tell you to cut off all business ties with that snobbish family after he started dating you.
It was on a particularly windy night that he waited outside the gates, muttering impatiently under his breath. A storm was brewing, and he chided you in his mind for staying in too long. What would you do if it rained hard? The roads would be slippery, not to mention the low visibility that would threaten your safety. He was too caught up in his worry that he almost missed the sleek black car that sailed out of the gates. Just as he was about to dismiss it thinking it wasn’t your car anyway, he caught a glimpse of the riders. You. In Min Yoongi’s car.
Gripping the steering wheel tight enough to make his fingers numb, he turned on the ignition and tailed Yoongi’s car stealthily. He felt like his nerves could pop from all the rage. That was his woman in that bastard Yoongi’s car! A part of him wanted to see reason. It was raining hard, and you needed to get home. Maybe the Yoongi fellow would drop you at your house and get lost soon.
But all the amiable feelings drained out of his system when he saw Yoongi getting out and following you into the house. Hot angry tears pricked his eyes when you closed the door and locked it behind you. He ground his teeth, looking at his watch every five minutes, hoping to see Yoongi get out. Tough luck, there was no sign of Yoongi leaving in a hurry. He was shaking with anger for a good two hours before the door opened again. That was when he knew he had to destroy Min Yoongi.
Just like he had feared, you fell for that rich snob. He watched you go on dinners with Yoongi, and he knew time was running out. It was a rude shock to him when he found out you were engaged to Yoongi. So soon? God, that slimy wretch Min was moving so fast to secure you. Taehyung had no choice but to witness you grow closer and closer to Yoongi. And before he knew it, you were married. It was the first time in years he drunk himself to oblivion and passed out on the floor of his bar.
Taehyung had been miserable for months after your wedding. He had been invited to the wedding of course, and he had watched another man put a ring on you and claim you as his own. There was a deep void in his heart, so deep that he couldn’t spend one waking moment without thinking of you. He wanted you, he was not going to let the wedding deter him. You had flown out of his reach, but he resolved to get you back. He was going to ruin Min Yoongi. The game had just started.
It was a stroke of luck for Taehyung when Yoongi’s father died and left his son to take care of all the businesses. Taehyung was a smart man, and he pounced on the opportunity to dig Yoongi’s trench. He plotted carefully, weighing his options. Finally, he decided to infiltrate the enemy lines and place a Trojan horse in the Min camp. That was how Wo Bin got to work in the enemy’s company.
Taehyung was proud of Wo Bin. The man was excellent at his job. He meticulously followed Taehyung’s instructions and went on to win Yoongi’s confidence. When Wo Bin completed two successful acquisitions for the Min Corporation, Taehyung knew that the time was ripe.
Slowly and steadily, Wo Bin drained the coffers, striking extravagant deals and sabotaging the company from the inside out. He convinced Yoongi that the deals were futuristic, and no harm was going to befall the company due to them. He could sense that Yoongi was uneasy, but he came up with ridiculously complex theories and shut him up for good. One weekend, when Yoongi was away at Melbourne for a deal, Wo Bin moved in for the kill.
Taehyung made sure that he was the first person who called to console Yoongi when he returned from Melbourne and found himself neck-deep in debt. Taehyung started moving with the utmost caution to secure his traps. He struck up a cordial relationship with Yoongi, calling on him and arranging friendly meetings to 'cheer him up’. That was how Yoongi wound up in a bar with Taehyung, drinking away his sorrows and slurring his words as he told Taehyung of how badly he had been cheated by his manager.
It was not until he made Yoongi sufficiently drunk that Taehyung turned on his smooth charm. He buttered up to the man, gushing on how he wished to help. He was fishing for a reaction and Yoongi promptly gave him one.
“Really? You- you will lend me money to settle off my investors?”
Taehyung smiled smoothly, turning his glass in his hand. God, the man was so gullible.
“Sure. If that’s what you want.”
“I can’t believe this. 5 million dollars? Are you sure?”
“Hey, it’s just a few millions. The important thing is that I’m getting to help you out.” He struggled to keep the victorious smirk off his face as Yoongi fell for it hard. This was going perfectly according to plan.
So Yoongi borrowed the first 5 million from Taehyung. But to his surprise, it was becoming increasingly difficult to settle all his investors. The prices kept climbing up, and within no time he found himself borrowing 5 million more. And then the 5 million turned into 10 million and he felt like it was just in a blink of an eye that his total loan amounted to 50 million.
Taehyung had finally trapped Yoongi for good. As all the memories flashed in his mind, Taehyung grinned to himself. He had succeeded in reducing his enemy to dust. And he would soon have his reward: You.
You lay terribly cramped on the platform, unable to move in fear of falling down. There were sure to be sunburn on your face. The fingers that had held on to the sides of the platform were now numb and senseless. You watched the sky turn orange, pink and purple, the colors amplified by the sea. Finally, the sky wore a deep blue cloak and stars came out twinkling. A chill breeze picked up salt from the sea and blew around you, smelling like fish and seaweed. The coldness wrapped around you like a blanket, engulfing you in the overwhelming smell of the sea. You could almost taste the salt in the air. There was a ship below which looked spectacular, decked in lights. The lights made you feel warm, and you kept wondering about all the lucky people who would be in that bright, cheerful ship.
You didn’t know when you had fallen asleep. But dawn was beginning to break according to the hues of the sky. You woke with a jolt when you dreamt of falling, and it was in sheer horror that you watched your slipper drop down the platform. You peeked over the edge and saw your slipper hurtling down. It became a speck as it touched the water, and a chill ran up your back when you saw the faint ripples that swallowed it and became calm again. You had to get out of there.
Where could you go? You had no home. Taehyung probably had men at the hotel you had stayed at previously. Yoongi still was in danger. You smelt like rotten fish. God, you had to wash up. The salt in the air had made your skin annoyingly sticky. The sun would soon be up, cars would start moving, and soon the platform would heat up again. Getting up and fighting the killer cramps in your legs, you held on to the suspender cables. Balancing your weight on the tips of your toes, you scanned the deck. There was very little traffic.
Making sure to grab the cables, you jumped up and caught hold of a rail. Good. Now all you had to do was pull yourself up. Easier said than done. After 30 minutes of cussing and panting, your feet were on the deck again.
This side of the city was clearly under construction. It was probably noon, but heavy rain clouds were gathering above you. As you jogged on, you could see trenches dug out and sealed off with construction tape, probably for road works. Some of them were pretty big and connected to successive trenches, almost like a muddy subway along the road. You were too absorbed in jogging to see a car tailing you. In a couple of minutes, two more cars joined it. The first drops of rain fell, and you decided to cut across the alleyways and wait out the rain.
Just as you turned and entered a lane, you ran smack into a car. The hood was hot, and you leaped back. The headlights blinked at you through the sheets of rain.
“Sorry. My bad.”
You attempted to walk around when you saw three cars blocking your path from the back. They slowly receded to a distance and blinked their lights and you turned again to see someone stepping out from the car before you. Him.
“Well, quite the chase, baby doll.”
He draped his arm over the door, watching you. The rain made your shirt transparent, causing it to stick to your body in the most delicious ways. The cold had made your nipples harden, and the nubs were poking against the shirt. His mind went into a frenzy as he took in the way the raindrops beaded on your face.
“Let’s go home now.” He advanced towards you, extending his arm.
“Now now, baby girl, it is useless to keep resisting.”
“I will resist until I die.” Tears mixed with the rain, flowing down your face in torrents.
“We have all the time in the world for that.”
He pulled you against him, sniffing your hair loudly, making you cringe. With a harsh shove, he sent you flying into the car.
Your wet clothes were ruining his car, but to hell with that. He had found you. Reaching over a slender finger, he clicked the lock on your side of the door in place. The outline of your body was still visible through the sheer clothes, making his mouth water. God, was he going to have fun with you.
You had no way of escaping. The door was locked and the car was zooming past the trenches. Your eyes wandered to Taehyung’s side. And then you saw it. His side was unlocked. But how to get over there? Unless… ugh. But that was the only way to do it.
It was a surprise to Taehyung when you slid closer to him, face stony. He was even more surprised when you threw a hand over his lean, firm thigh. When you threw a leg over him and made a move as if to straddle him, his eyebrows shot up. Your eyes were closed, so he could not read the expression on your face. The wet clothes soaked through his pants and gave him gooseflesh. Eyes still closed, you slowly rutted against him, holding on to both his shoulders. Oh, Sweet God, how hot you looked, grinding against him, hair plastered against your forehead and water dripping from the ends of your locks onto his shirt. A sharp pang of want shot through the length of his dick and he moaned out loud. Before he knew it, you were gone.
As soon as he had closed his eyes with a moan, you had clicked his door open and jumped out, rolling on the muddy sloshy road.
When he found out and yelled to the driver to stop, he was too late. You were nowhere to be found. The beating rain made it harder to see. Muddy rivulets were running everywhere, dark brown and dirty. His body trembled in murderous rage on realizing that you had deceived him. Bitch. He pulled out a glinting object from his coat pocket. He gritted his teeth as he twirled your wedding ring in his fingers. The diamond sparkled and glinted at him as if laughing at his folly. He could almost shoot himself for being so foolish as to believe your little stunt. When Kim Taehyung flew out of his car, he was fit to murder.
It was fortunate that there was no proper road where you had fallen. You had quickly rolled into a trench and stayed there. From your vantage point, you could see the trench extending on either way like a mini subway. You couldn’t stay there; the goons might check out the trenches too. So, with your head lowered, you crawled forward, palms splashing in the mud and splattering bright brown stains all over your clothes.
A good many yard later, the trenches grew deeper, meaning that you could now stand and still not be visible by anyone who wasn’t looking into the trenches. But by now, gravity had found its way and all the runoff from the rain was pouring into the dugout pits. As you walked further, you found with growing alarm that the water level was almost to your knees and still rising. The walking turned into wading, and the water never ceased flowing into the pits. A few blocks farther, the pits came to an abrupt end. There was no way to move forward. And when you turned back, there was no way to go back either.
The open tunnel was filling fast, and the muddy walls looked like they were going to collapse and fall in, burying you alive. The road was a few feet above your head, there was no way you could jump out of this muddy maze. The water was now up to your chest. So, this was it. This was how you were going to die. Drowned in a trench, muddied beyond recognition. But hey, better than being ravaged and killed by Taehyung.
Arms outstretched, you fumbled blindly around, even as your chin dipped in the water. Just a few more minutes and you’d drown. Helplessness made you wilder, and suddenly your fingers found purchase at a rock jutting out of the mud. Stepping on it, you heaved your weight on it, launching yourself a couple of inches upwards. Okay great, your chin was out of the water. But it soon would be in the water again. Shifting all your weight on one foot, you swung the other foot hard at the crude wall on your side. No harm in seeing if you could get out. It might fall in, but you would die either way.
On the third hit, your foot lodged well into the wall. Moment of truth. You shifted your weight to the foot on the wall and heaved up. When you opened your eyes again, you were still alive, the wall supporting your body and not crumbling as you had feared. One more swing. Another. Another. In a few minutes, you were lying on the mud outside the trenches, spitting out dirt and sputtering. There was a dump truck some feet away that looked deserted. Carefully scanning the path for any suspected goons, you hurried to the truck, crawling underneath, tucking yourself there and hoping to stay hidden till the rain stopped.
From under the truck, you could see a couple of cars whizzing past on the dirt road along the trenches. Suddenly, one of them stopped and three guys got out. They walked the length of the road and turned to leave when a guy abruptly turned and peeped into the flooded trench. The howling wind made it unable to clearly hear his voice, and you could only catch “… would have drowned if she had.” The men shrugged and walked back to the car, disappearing from view a couple minutes later.
There was only blank silence in your head as you lay under the truck. There were no thoughts, your mind was completely numb. Too much had happened in too little time, so your mind just blocked all the emotions out. Every part of your body screamed in agony. Damage was a sure thing if you threw yourself out of a speeding car. Throw in a muddy adventure with a near-death experience and you had one hell of a pain cocktail. The rain started to grow lighter, and soon you had to get going again. But where to? Damn the pounding headache that kicked in to add to your misery. Where could you go?
Jung Hoseok had been stirring his coffee and looking out the window for a long time. He liked the rain, but only when he was not getting wet in it. The street looked deserted, everyone was probably huddled around the fire in their homes, sipping hot drinks. He turned to his wife Bo Na, who was reading a book.
“Leaves on the trees outside are all clean and green.”
She nodded, too engrossed in her book to comment. He looked out again. “Seems like they all had a shower and dressed up fresh.” She nodded again.
“I married an idiot.”
She almost nodded, caught herself and scowled, hitting him with the book. He laughed, pulling the book playfully.
“I wanted to check if you were paying attention, hon.” He was still laughing when he looked outside again, and the smile slowly faded.
“What is it, Hobi? What do you see?” His wife was now paying him attention.
“There’s a person all muddied up, walking down the street. Poor bugger. Homeless, probably.”
“What?” His wife stood up and craned her head to see better. “Oh yes, poor thing.”
Hoseok looked at the figure as it drew closer and suddenly stood up, toppling his coffee.
“Holy shit. That’s Y/N!”
He rushed to the door, yanking it open to reveal a figure completely caked with mud, with hair matted and dried up in brown clumps.
As soon as the door opened, you fell forward, sagging against him bodily, effectively passing out.
It was eighteen hours later that you opened your eyes. You were in bed, and a dull ache in your head made you wince. When you tried to turn, a jolting pain shot through your arm, startling you. And then all the memories came flooding back. You shot up in bed, looking down at yourself. Everything was clean, your skin, palms, clothes, feet, everything. The pajamas were not yours, they were baby blue, not the soiled mess you had been wearing before. There were Band-Aids on your arms, and you smelled fresh. Your hair felt soft and mud-free and you caught the familiar whiff of coconuts. Bo Na’s shampoo.
There was a pitcher of water on the bedside table. Just as you leaned over to reach it, a man came bounding inside, crushing you in a hug.
“Y/N! You scared me shitless! Thank God!”
“Hobi,” you managed to whisper, “How long was I out?”
“18 hours. What the hell were you doing, digging a tunnel to China?”
“Hobi - I …” you paused, lowering your head. “I’m hungry. Starving.”
“Oh yes, wait a sec. Let me get you something hot.”
When he returned, Bo Na was with him, a worried look on her face. Both of them wisely held their silence as you gobbled up all the pasta ravenously. When you were done, you fell back on the pillows, sighing contentedly. But guilt immediately set in, chilling your heart. Yoongi. Would he be starving? Would those bastards have provided him food? Water? Involuntary tears welled up and rolled down your cheeks.
“Hey,” Hoseok advanced, flicking a tear away with his finger. “What is it? What happened?”
And you told your friends what had happened, not leaving out a single detail. They listened with eyes that grew wider and wider in shock. Your voice caught several times, and Hoseok sat beside you, rubbing small circles on your back. When you finished, Bo Na’s mouth was set in a straight line.
“The sick bastard.”
She reached out and took your hand, squeezing it. “We will find Yoongi, Y/N. Let us go to the police.”
Hoseok shook his head. “There’s no proof to show that Taehyung did everything Y/N just said. No offense Y/N, I believe you completely. But the police might not. There’s no proof.”
“So?” Bo Na crossed her arms. “So, what else can we do? She already paid him back.”
“No proof of that either.”
You sat up, interjecting them. “But Bong Ju is a witness. He knows I went to Taehyung and paid the money back.”
“That’s right. So, what do we do now?”
Your forehead creased in thought. “Maybe… I’ll go to him and ask him what we should do? He might suggest something.”
“That’s like relying on crumbs, Y/N. No solid plan.” Hoseok stared into your eyes with frank honesty.
“I know, Hobi. But we can’t go to the police. Taehyung might seriously injure Yoongi if he knew we went to the police.”
“True, again. Well, in that case, let’s go to Bong Ju’s. I’ll drive you there.”
“That might risk your life, Hobi.”
“No probs. You are my best friend. Now come on, get dressed. Bo Na, lend some clothes to Y/N, honey.”
You didn’t have your phone to look up Bong Ju’s number. You found him on the yellow pages and called ahead to let him know. When you turned to hand back the phone to Hoseok, he looked at you quizzically.
“What was that for?”
“What was what?”
He sighed. “Why call him? You know thugs are scouring the place to find you.”
You bit your lip. “I wanted to make sure he was at his place. Didn’t want to risk your neck twice in case he wasn’t.”
“Right.” Your friend still shook his head and went to the door. “Let’s go Y/N.”
When the car pulled up outside Bong Ju’s house, you had a sudden bout of anxiety. Would there be an ambush? You weren’t even sure if Bong Ju was genuine after all. You stepped out, whispering to Hoseok to wait down the street.
“I’ll be back in a bit.”
He nodded and eased the car down the road, and you turned to look at the house. As you took a step forward, you caught a movement out of the corner of your eye. The whole street was deserted, despite it being a fine day. Something felt odd. Maybe you should turn back? What you saw next made up your mind.
The window overlooking the street was open, and there were shadows on the wall of the room. Several round ones, like human heads. And one distinct one. A gun. Time to get the hell out of the place. You turned on your heel and pelted down the street, hearing a loud crash behind you as the door swung open. Burly guys ran out, hot on your heels. Shit, how much more running could you do?
You raced to the car, but there was no Hoseok in it.
“HOSEOK??” you screamed at the top of your lungs.
The guys were closer now, you had to make a run for it. Where was Hobi? You jumped in and searched for the keys. They were gone. “Shit, shit, shit. Not now” you were boiling with rage. Where the hell was Hoseok? A guy reached the car door and thrust his hand at you. Anger made you braver than ever, and you bit his arm with all your might. Kicking the door open and hitting his groin with a hard kick, you pushed him aside and fled down the street. By then, you were familiar with fleeing successfully. Taking detours through alleys and narrow lanes, you threw the guys off your scent and hid out in an apartment’s parking lot for some time, just to make sure.
You had to take elaborate round-about lanes to go back to Hoseok’s. Taehyung’s stupid sons of bitches were everywhere, cropping up like mushrooms. Maybe your friend had already returned home. But Hoseok’s car was not in the garage. He had not come back. At least his car had not.
Maybe he had called Bo Na and informed her of his whereabouts. As you stepped in, the carpet muffling your footfalls, you heard Bo Na sobbing into the phone.
“I will send - I will send her.” There was a pause to accommodate a violent fit of sobs. “Please let him go.” A longer pause. “No no no, have her, take her, do whatever you want. Just give me my Hoseok back.”
You stood rooted to the spot, stunned. She sobbed and pleaded, emphasizing how much Hoseok meant to her. To be precise, how less you meant to her. With a final nod that the caller would never see, she hung up and turned to see you staring at her, openmouthed.
“Y/N! I - I never meant…”
“Save your breath, Bo Na.” You cast a hard glare at her. But inwardly you were shriveling up with guilt. It was true that Hoseok was in danger because of you. That was a hard fact. When you spoke again, your voice was barely a whisper.
“I’m sorry I inconvenienced both of you. And I’m sorry Hobi is in trouble because of me.” You wiped the corner of your eyes. “I will go to Taehyung. I’m sorry for all this. You will never see me again.”
“Y/N, it’s not like that -”
“It’s alright. I will get going now.” You turned and made for the door, and you had cleared the doorway when she ran up behind you and clutched your arm.
“Y/N, please. Please listen to me. I’m sorry.” She pulled your arm again. “Let me help you.”
“You’ve helped me enough, Bo Na.” As you tried to shrug her off, she held her ground and hissed angrily.
“Shut UP! Fucking shut up and listen, okay?” She loosened her grip, exhaling slowly. “I talked to one of my friends who knows someone who works for Taehyung. There’s no solid proof but it seems like Yoongi is not in Taehyung’s mansion right now. He’s somewhere else, in one of Taehyung’s luxury cottages. I got the general description of the place without asking the address straight out and raising suspicion.”
There was no word to describe your feelings, so you grasped her by the shoulders and blinked away tears. “Tell me more.”
She gave you a small note on which she had scrawled her friend’s description. “Don’t go to Taehyung’s. He will never take you to Yoongi. Go to the cottage.”
You nodded, staring at the paper in your hand.
Her voice broke again, and she whispered again.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I could never apologize enough. But wait, let me get you something.” She ran off and returned with a drawstring bag. “I’ve packed a flashlight, knife and a lighter in here. Take my car.”
She held out the bag, and you accepted it wordlessly. She tossed her keys, nodding at you in silence. With a hug, you turned and walked out.
It wasn’t difficult to find Taehyung’s cottage. But getting in would be a whole other story. There were armed guys outside the gates, and it was not a quaint little place you had imagined it to be. The building was massive, almost the same size as his mansion, the only difference being more trees and shrubs on the grounds. It most certainly could be called a chateau. The sun was casting long shadows, it would soon be twilight. You decided it would be easier to wait and slink in the shadows after darkness fell.
While you waited in the car, you formed a mental image of how you were going to get in. There was barbed fencing on the walls, but whatever, you could scale them. Something had changed you. Jumping over fences and tackling armed guys was completely out of your league. But you found yourself not scared in the least. The man you loved was trapped in there. Your best friend was held somewhere too. Nothing would scare you off.
It was a full moon that shone down at you when you scaled the wall, silently cursing as the barbs tore through Bo Na’s jeans and drew blood. The drop from the wall was equally efficient in drawing more curses as you limped into the shadows. Once positioned in the shadows, you slowly slunk from tree to tree, staying in the shadows and moving whenever the coast was clear. Your adrenaline made your vision crystal clear; every sense was on high alert. Hands trembling, you scaled a wall again and landed on the corridor of the second floor with a soft thud.
Digging out the flashlight, you gripped it without turning it on. Yoongi had to be somewhere dark. Maybe this place had a basement. If you ever had a captive, you would surely have him tied up in the basement. Trying to make the least sound possible, you softly padded down the stairs until there were no more steps. But this place was no basement. It was only an empty dark space with no rooms, only pillars. Just as you turned to go back up, your foot hit a hard metal object on the floor, and you had to clamp your mouth shut to avoid screaming. You knelt down to inspect, running your fingers on the floor. It was a trap door.
So, there was a basement. But there should be another entrance to the basement, you were sure. Taehyung the high-and-mighty would not prefer jumping down a trap door. An entrance had to be inside the cottage itself, from where anyone could get in. Well, in that case, maybe there wouldn’t be guards guarding the trap door. It was probable they were posted near the other entrance. It would be an advantage for you. The door was a heavy bitch that refused to budge. Your ears buzzed with the effort as you heaved it up, panting and wheezing. You peered down and saw a dim light down below, and cracked marble flooring. There was no ladder to climb down.
It was a gamble to jump down. There might be someone there, who might see or hear you. There was also the light to be wary of. Lying down, you crawled and balanced yourself on your arms till you could hang your head down the entrance. There was no one as far as you could see. It was a tough call, but you decided to jump.
The sound of your shoes hitting the marble was like a gunshot, at least to you it sounded loud enough. You ran like the wind and ducked in a corner, waiting to see if someone had heard you. The basement had a marble corridor that outlined four rooms. The doors were all shut, and a single worn-out light illuminated the whole area. The steps leading down to the basement was at the very end of the corridor, they probably led up to some unused room in the cottage. Your worry was none of these. The doors. Yoongi was behind one of them. But there were four. What if you opened the wrong door?
A quick sweep of your eyes told you there were no guards around. At least for the moment. With a beating heart, you raced through the corridor, having a quick look at all the doors and reaching the stairs at the end. You crouched under the staircase, revisiting all four doors in your mind. Two had been unbolted, so they could be eliminated. The door closest to the stairs would probably be the one. It was easier to reach from the stairs, and the bolt had looked like it had been oiled recently. You decided to risk it and open that one.
Taehyung was generous with his guys; he took good care of them. It made his goons like working for him. They were unfazed by his unscrupulous deeds. Hell, he was a rich bastard who paid them well. His guys were loyal to him and were ready to move Heaven and Earth to get him what he wanted. And now he wanted you.
Taehyung’s guards were not picked easily. They were former soldiers, dishonorably discharged army men, martial artists and such. Only the best of the bad lot served him. They were already fuming that a woman had outrun them not once but thrice. They had their best men combing the county for you. And the best gunmen patrolled the corridors of the cottage.
One such guard had just finished his patrol on the first floor. He methodically went down the stairs, even if he knew there might be no one down there. He stopped in his tracks when he saw a dull light cutting through the darkness. The trap door was open.
It was incredibly dark inside the room. There was an old musty smell that slapped your face as soon as you opened the door. You could not make out anything in the darkness. Should you risk using the flashlight? Just as you weighed the options, a faint clink of metal on metal reached your ears. It sounded like a metal chain. Restraints? Your heart skipped a beat and you punched on the flashlight. The bright beam illuminated a long chain of metal. You ran the beam along the chain and stopped when it hit a figure curled up in a ball.
Your whisper caused the figure to move, and the person sat up, facing the opposite direction as the chains clinked with his movements. It was Yoongi. It was your husband. You ran towards him, a sob catching in your throat. There was a muffled mumble that sounded like your name. You raced to him, slamming onto his back in a tight hug. He was handcuffed, a gag was muffling him, and there was blindfold in place, obscuring his sight.
“Baby, baby,” you sobbed, tearing at the cloth and freeing his eyes.
The gag went flying too, as your fingers gripped it and yanked it hard. You draped yourself on his back, hugging his neck like a koala. He winced in pain, and you drew back in horror.
“Baby, I’m sorry,” you crooned, squatting before him and taking in his face.
There were ugly black bruises around his eyes and more fresh purple ones along his cheek. His shirt had dried blood stains on it, and you lifted it gently to inspect his abdomen. There were bruises all over him, fresh and old, in varying colors ranging from blue to black. Your eyes fell on the metal chains and then your heart sank. Bo Na had anticipated ropes and had armed you with a knife. But these were metal. You couldn’t cut through metal with a knife. You leaned over and nuzzled your forehead against Yoongi’s.
“I’m sorry baby. I - I thought I could save you.” You sobbed out a bitter laugh. “At least I am with you. I let you down.”
He shook his head, wincing as he did so.
“No.” His voice was raspy. “I failed you. I was a fool. I couldn’t,” his face contorted in pain, “-I couldn’t protect you.”
You set the flashlight down, pulling him gently towards you and cradling him against your bosom.
“No honey, don’t say that. I love you, baby.” His face felt so bony. “God, they’ve starved you.”
You leaned in to kiss him, and you were gently brushing his lips when the light suddenly came on, blinding you and flooding the room with radiance. A man stood framed in the doorway, looking at you with cruel eyes. A slow grin spread over his features as he took in your startled eyes. Without a word, he stepped back, closed the door and bolted it, trapping you in with Yoongi.
The door closed behind the guard, leaving Yoongi and you stunned. There was a sound of metal dropping on marble. And the next thing you saw was wisps of some vapor seeping into the room, curling around, the fine mist clearly visible in flashlight’s beam. The vapor grew in volume, oppressing the air around you and making you dizzy. And that was the last thing you remembered seeing before collapsing into unconsciousness.
When you came to, you were in a different room. A bright one. Your vision was hazy, and your mind was still groggy. You could feel your body, there were no ropes or restraints. Gingerly supporting yourself on your arms, you tried to sit upright. The sudden movement gave you a terrible headrush, and the room started spinning.
“Slowly, my princess.”
That voice. That damned deep voice again. You snapped your head to the side to see Kim Taehyung standing there in a full black suit, leaning casually against a glass wall. As your vision cleared, you saw that the glass was a partition. You jumped up and pounded on the glass. There, on the other side of the glass was Yoongi, head bowed and hands restrained. A long chain was wound around his waist, and the other end was attached firmly to a loop embedded in the wall.
Taehyung looked like he was enjoying himself.
“You came for me.”
You gritted your teeth in anger and snapped, “I came for Yoongi.”
“Yoongi! Yoongi!” You yelled yourself hoarse, balling your fists and hitting the glass. But he didn’t look up. Fear crawled all over you, and you shouted even louder.
“He won’t hear you, love. The glass is soundproof.” Taehyung did not move a muscle. “Maybe you’d like if I made him look your way?”
You did not answer, lips pursing up and trembling as sobs threatened to tear out of your body.
“Well, use your words, sugar.”
“Please, please just…”
He looked down at his shoes, bored. “Please what?”
Tears blurred your vision again. “Please let him go.”
“For what in return?”
“I - I gave you the money.”
“Oh, for God’s sakes, Y/N. I don’t care about the money.”
“But… but you wanted…”
“Yeah yeah but I got more than twice my money back. You are a great borrower.”
“What?” You wished he wouldn’t talk in circles. “What do you mean?”
“Who do you think gave you the mortgage on all your estates? Your house?” He paused for dramatic effect and reached into his coat pocket, dangling his trump card with a smirk. “Who bought your ring?”
You gasped, your lips forming an O, completely unable to believe it. Kim Taehyung got you to pledge all of your worldly possessions to him, and took the money you made from pledging it too? How cruel and twisted could a man be?
He enjoyed the look on your face, letting you work out things in your head before speaking. As you stood there stunned, he typed something on his phone. In a few seconds, the door on Yoongi’s side opened, and a guy came in. He landed a swift kick on Yoongi’s middle, waking him up from unconsciousness. There were two more kicks, and then the guy went out and closed the door behind him.
You watched Yoongi raise his head and take in the surroundings. Then his eyes landed on you. He instinctively rushed to move to the glass, but the chain around his waist jerked him back, making him bend over in pain.
Taehyung didn’t want Yoongi stealing his thunder. He cleared his voice, keeping it smooth and silky.
“You know, you made it so easy for me. Bong Ju told me it was a piece of cake to get you to mortgage all the property. Pity you wouldn’t agree to mortgage yourself though.”
“Bong Ju? He’s your man too? You bastard!”
The man simply chuckled. He dug his hands into the pockets of his pants.
“The important thing you have to consider now is,” he walked a couple of steps towards you, whispering, “I bought you out.”
He paused as he swung to take a look at poor Yoongi, still fighting the chains and grimacing in pain.
“You have nothing in the world, nothing except that loser over there. And I’ll take care of that too. But trust me, you won’t be orphaned. You’ll be mine. You’ll be a queen.”
There was nothing left to do except beg. You knelt down, tears streaming down your cheeks. “Please, please just let him go, Taehyung.”
His eyes flickered and he swallowed thickly. “Oh, I love it when you say my name.”
You stayed down on your knees, clasping your palms together as if in prayer. “Please don’t do this, Taehyung. Hoseok and Yoongi did nothing to deserve this.”
He snorted. “Hoseok? Oh, that bastard is already home. And as for him,” his eyes swung at Yoongi with venom, “He has done a lot to deserve this. He stole you from me. He married you and gave you his name.” The nerve running down the middle of his forehead almost popped in his murderous rage. “I could kill him for that.”
“Please, Taehyung. I’ll never cross your path again. Please stop this. I love him, I love Yoongi.”
“SHUT UP!” His voice made you jump, as the veins of his throat stood out due to the exertion. “I had him alive for so long as leverage, to draw you here. But I don’t need him anymore.”
“But- but”
“Enough of this chit-chat. Get here, tell me you’ll be mine.”
“No.” You stood up, furiously brushing the tears from your cheeks. “I’d rather be dead.”
You took a weak karate stance, it was hopeless, but you were not going to give up. He feigned surprise, crossing his hand over his heart.
“Oh, darling. How cute you are!” He came closer, clasping your hands in his. “Don’t be naive. Let me give you a tip.” He pulled you closer, pointing his finger at the tied-up Yoongi.
“Look at his forehead. Look closely.”
Your breath hitched in your throat when you saw what Taehyung pointed at. It was a red laser dot on Yoongi’s forehead, it was certainly from a gun’s laser sight. But there was no one else in the room apart from you, Yoongi and Taehyung. Who was aiming at Yoongi?
Taehyung loved the mix of fear and confusion on your face. He pulled you snug against him, rutting his hips slowly as your husband’s mouth moved in silent screams from the other side of the glass. The sounds were completely blocked by the glass, and Yoongi’s face turned red as he yelled himself hoarse.
Taehyung enjoyed this little show. He was going to claim you before Yoongi. He was going to show that bastard who owned you. All those times his family was insulted in social gatherings came tumbling back, making him lose his mind. Min Yoongi was going to die a loser, knowing that his wife was claimed by his rival.
Yoongi started crying, trying his best to pull himself closer to the glass. His face was covered in tears, wet and red from all the struggle. He closed his eyes and pulled himself forward, trying hard to stop the chain from crushing his midsection. You could almost hear him groan in pain, teeth bared as he charged towards the glass, hitting his palms against it in helpless anger.
The hand around your waist tightened. “Poor boy. Look at him strain. I think he deserves to see a good show before dying, don’t you?”
Your voice cracked down to a whisper. “Please don’t do this, Taehyung.”
“Wow, you sound so sexy with my name rolling off your tongue.”
He pushed you against the glass so Yoongi could see you closer. Your husband could not stand up, not without the chain breaking his ribs. He remained crouched, hands against the glass and eyes pleading, hot tears streaming down. The glass was the only wall that separated Yoongi and you.
Taehyung pushed himself against you, trapping you between his body and the glass.
“Someone brought a knife in a rucksack, hmm?” His hot breath fanned the shell of your ear. Your eyes were looking down, solely focused on the man who was on the other side of the glass. A strong leg pushed your knees apart, grazing your core. “Naughty little girl.”
“Shhh.” He grabbed a fistful of hair, sniffing it with deep breaths. “You don’t want him to die, do you?” His hot tongue licked a line along your jaw. “Then stay quiet.”
His large hands roamed your upper body, finding purchase on your breasts, gently kneading them as he moaned in lust. The glass vibrated against your body, as Yoongi beat against it, mouth moving in what clearly were angry expletives. This was the worst kind of torture a man could ever be subjected through, and you wanted to die and be gone before Taehyung went any further.
Fresh hot tears rolled down your closed eyelids when you felt the bulge pressing against your back as the man ground his hips against you. His hands continued kneading the soft flesh, and he twisted the nubs of your nipples, making you gasp and keen into his chest. He trailed soft butterfly kisses on your shoulder blades, one hand reaching between your legs and cupping your hot clothed core.
“Please, please don’t do this to Yoongi.” Your voice was heavily impacted by the sobs that racked your body.
“Oh baby,” he kissed your shoulder as he murmured, “you need privacy?” His cupped hand massaged your core, making you tremble. “This is the last he’ll see of you. Do you really want to cut that time short?”
“Then just be a good girl and stop talking.” His hand gripped the zipper of your jeans, and you crouched down instinctively, delaying it as much as possible. He laughed lightly. Your crouched position was in level with Yoongi’s tired body on the other side.
“Want to save his neck some pain? I’m game.”
He knelt down, pushing his body against yours, spreading your body flush against the glass. Yoongi looked so miserable that you just couldn’t face him. The laser dot was still very much in place on his forehead. Taehyung tried prying your legs apart, but you just wouldn’t budge.
“Y/N, honey, I would love more foreplay. But not now, just open your legs.”
You didn’t reply. Nor did you move. A violent push sent your head banging against the glass, and two very strong hands dragged your jeans down, ripping the zipper open in the process. Yoongi threw himself at the glass, face utterly contorted in pain, the chain taut as it cut against his flesh.
Taehyung’s hands mercilessly tore the denim away from your legs, the big palms kneading the flesh of your bottom. You pressed your forehead against the glass, looking defeatedly at your husband crying on the other side.
Taehyung was practically salivating at having you in his grasp. This was an encounter he would never forget. His cheeks flushed at the sight of your bare legs and rotund butt. The white underwear was simple, but to him, it was incredibly hot. The fact that Yoongi was just on the other side, watching all of it in humiliation made him heady with lust. He dug a finger under the waistband and ripped the underwear off. You were wriggling far too much for his liking. He thrust an arm against the back of your neck, pinning your head in position, as he took in the view. He licked his lips and aligned his hips so he was spooning you. He was aching to be inside you already. The glass was made of special reinforced material, and he smirked at Yoongi lazily as the crying man pounded against the glass, pleading him to stop.
You had no choice but to stay put. You had to distract your mind from what Taehyung was doing. Your eyes focused on the red dot on Yoongi’s forehead. You just could not look Yoongi in the eye. Not when he was crying and screaming what looked like your name from the movement of his lips. You just wished it would be over soon.
There was the unmistakable sound of fingers unbuckling a belt. And then the sound of a zipper being pulled down. Within seconds, you could feel hot muscle pressed against your back. You were amazed that you still hadn’t shriveled up and died. The hand against your neck was removed. Just as quickly, you were pulled back, dragged by the waist and pushed down on all fours. You tried to keep your hips flat against the marble, but a sharp volley of slaps rained down upon your butt before your hips were forced into position.
Taehyung’s grip on your hips were as tight and hard as iron. You tried raising your body, only to be pushed down again with brutal force. Losing no time, Taehyung rammed himself inside you. He had been hard for so long, and the relief as he plunged into you drew a feral moan deep from his chest. You were too tight, and he grabbed your hair as he hissed at you.
“Fucking let me in, Y/N.”
He received no reply, not that he expected one. He could sense your body heaving, as strong sobs shook your entire being. He saw you raise your head a teeny bit, just to look at Yoongi in dismay. He picked up his pace, sending your head banging against the glass as he dove into you with each snap of his hips. He maintained an unforgiving pace, punctuating his thrusts with moans that almost chilled your blood.
“See how well I fit you, Y/N? You were made for me, baby.”
You had to say it. You couldn’t take it anymore. You had been waiting for Yoongi to be the first one to know. But it had to be said now. It couldn’t wait longer.
“I’m pregnant.” Your whisper came out sounding incredibly hoarse.
Taehyung’s hips stilled. There was a heavy silence, Yoongi’s hands beating the glass was the only mild noise in the otherwise quiet room.
“I’m - carrying Yoongi’s baby.”
Taehyung’s jaw clenched. “Does he know?”
“I haven’t yet-” A big hand clamped your mouth shut as he hissed urgently in your ear.
“He shouldn’t.”
You remained silent, and he started thrusting more viciously.
He punctuated each word he spoke with a thrust. “Do.you.understand?”
You had to tell Yoongi. You knew that. Taehyung might kill Yoongi anytime. You did not know what to do. Should you die too? But if you did, the only other living piece of Yoongi would die with you. Whichever way this went, Yoongi had to know.
Taehyung was watching you as he plunged himself into you. Yoongi should never know about the baby. He should die a loser. He had to make sure it remained that way. He saw the red bleary eyes of the man opposite him. He read defeat clearly in those eyes. That should not change.
You tried to make eye contact with your husband. It was incredibly mortifying to look at him as another man pounded into you. But you had to convey the message. You had meant to tell him previously, but you had been unexpectedly gassed and knocked out cold. As soon as you saw him looking at you, your heart broke into a million pieces. The man staring at you was not your husband. He was just a shell of the man he had been. All the light had gone from his eyes. He was in a way already dead.
You mouthed the words urgently, but he just stared at you blankly.
“Baby, focus.” You prayed that he could make out the words. “I’m.” You pointed at yourself. “Pregnant.”
He still looked blank, there was no recognition. Taehyung was still going at it, and you decided to hazard a mime by pointing at your belly.
Just as your hands pointed to your belly and Yoongi’s eyebrows shot up, there was a splash of red all over the glass. You recoiled in fright, confused and scared. And then you saw. The red trickled down the glass, clearing the field to reveal a sight that would be burned into your memory forever. Taehyung finished with a long drawn out moan, spilling himself inside you. His lips curled in a sick smirk. His sniper certainly deserved a raise. And a bonus.
Three years later
You had grown to be scared of the bedroom. Not only because of the things Taehyung did to you but also because of the nightmares. It was always the same horrible image of Yoongi’s bloodied face maimed beyond recognition. The blood splatters on the glass. The vacant eyes and the raised eyebrows that had stilled forever. It came back to haunt you every night, there was absolutely nothing that could erase it from your mind.
Every night was a battle. The bedroom made your heart wilt, it left you scared of sleeping. Every time your head hit the pillow, it made your chest tighten and burn like it was on fire. Just the thought of the approaching nightfall made your evenings anxious and dismal. It had been three years already, but you still half-expected Yoongi to come back and hug you, quoting Woolf in your ears in the softest of whispers. The only little part of Yoongi that was still alive was your daughter. Your baby girl made with the love that overflowed between Yoongi and you.
Taehyung had originally intended to destroy the baby. He did not want that man’s child growing up in his house. Those eyes and dark hair reminded him of his enemy every time he saw the child. He did not care for the girl; she was just a nuisance for him. But he knew that she was the only thread tying you to the world. If he snapped it, he might have to lose you too. So, he gritted his teeth and bore it, trying his best to steer clear of your daughter.
He had married you and given you his name. It was forced, of course, you had had no say in it. But much to his chagrin, the little bastard girl did not take his name. You had flat out refused to give her his surname. She remained the only Min in your world, the only little comfort in your otherwise horrible life.
It made your skin crawl whenever you felt Taehyung’s touch on you. It kept reminding you of the first time he took you in that room, letting your husband watch in humiliation. You could never ever forgive Taehyung for that.
Taehyung’s patience was wearing thin. He had let you keep that little horror, the mini version of Yoongi he so despised. He had given you ample time to get adjusted to him. What more was he expected to do? Just watching you tend to your daughter made him boil in rage. It was his child that you should be tending to. He was at a loss to understand how you still were not with his child, after all his efforts and precautions. He badly wanted to trap you and make you finally his. What better than a child to seal the deal?
It was a cold winter morning. The lake near Taehyung’s winter villa had frozen and become a sheet of hard ice. The ice hadn’t properly frozen yet, there were still brittle patches of ice on the lake. You had made sure to lock the doors so your daughter wouldn’t wander out. You were in the process of baking some cookies for her when you heard Taehyung, your husband, shouting for you.
The sound came from the bedroom. Untying your apron and wiping your hands, you walked automatically in the direction of his voice. Ignoring him would only result in punishments, and you weren’t in the mood for them. These days, he had also started spanking your daughter if you didn’t toe the line.
The familiar tightening of your chest made your breath catch as you entered the bedroom. You stood there in complete shock, eyes wide and jaw hanging. The whole closet had been rummaged; all the clothes were strewn on the floor. Your eyes wandered along the strewn things on the floor until they stopped on finding what they had been scared to find. Your heart started beating fast, you were sure you were going to be sick.
Lying on the floor was an old shoebox, the contents of it scattered around. You had used it to keep little odds and ends, but the main object that you had hidden in it was missing.
“Searching for something?”
Taehyung held his hand out, rattling the pills in the little pillbox. His eyes were fiery, he looked like he was about to snap. Taehyung had two distinct tempers. One was the hot rage that would make him scream, hit you, overturn tables and break everything around him. The other was a cold mean streak, the one that made him plot so vehemently for the downfall of the entire Min clan. You were fearful and frightened, at a loss to know which side of him was going to pounce on you.
He stepped towards you slowly, eyes glinting murderously.
“Three years. Three years I’ve tried and you’ve just been taking these behind my back?”
He threw the pillbox down, sending it ricocheting off the floor.
“You think I’m a fool, Y/N?” His voice was rising to a dangerously high pitch. “You had the nerve to do this? After I let you keep that - that bastard’s child?”
One thing Taehyung had accomplished in three years was making your mouth never dare to answer him back. You stood motionless, unable to get a word out. You had been so sure that he wouldn’t find those birth control pills. You had hidden them successfully for so long. How could this happen?
“You answer me right now, bitch!”
His large fingers closed around your throat, threatening to choke you.
“I- I won’t carry your child.” The hold around your throat grew tighter.
“Oh, you won’t?” He raised his eyebrows in mock surprise.
“I’d rather die than have your child.”
His hands left your neck abruptly as if he had touched something disgusting. There was a mean glint in his eyes as he stepped back and stared at you without breaking eye contact.
“We’ll see about that.”
He stormed out of the room. leaving you standing amid all the mess on the floor.
You were back in the kitchen, fuming at Taehyung’s audacity in asking you to have his child. Who did he think you were? It was only because of your daughter that you suffered his existence around you. You had thought of poisoning him numerous times. But the clever bastard had made sure that you would have not a penny to your name if he died before you. You couldn’t be on the streets, not with Min Yoongi’s daughter. No. A good chunk of Taehyung’s money was what he conned and acquired from the Min family. It was your money, and your daughter’s. You just had to put up with him until you found a way out of all the mess.
You were whisking eggs, muttering to yourself furiously, thinking about what would happen later with Taehyung. He would surely give you hell. It made you tremble with anger. Just then, you thought you heard something. You looked out of the window, hearing the far-off voices of Taehyung and your daughter carrying through the wind. You couldn’t see from the kitchen window, and you hurried to the porch to see.
There, walking on the frozen lake with your little daughter by his side, was Taehyung. He was laughing and smiling down at her, letting her swirl around as she held his fingers. He was leading her to the middle of the lake. The part which hadn’t frozen over completely. The part which had a thin sheet of brittle ice.
“No!” You raced out of the house, not minding the cold air biting your bare arms. “Min Ha Neul! No, no! Come back!”
Ha Neul giggled on seeing you. She probably thought you were running to play with her too. She felt Taehyung tugging at her sleeve gently, and she followed him closer to the thin expanse of ice.
You pelted down the snow at full speed, shouting at your daughter to get away from the ice. Before you could reach her, it happened. Ha Neul was standing on the ice one moment, and gone the next. The ice cracked around her feet, plunging her into the horribly cold water.
“No! Baby!” You tripped on the slippery ice and fell, your leg suffering a nasty twist in the process. You couldn’t move, and you lay on the ice, pain shooting up your ankle. Your shouts were hysterical.
“Taehyung! Please! I’ll do anything! Please!”
The man had crossed his arms, standing away from the deep icy crater. When he heard your scream, his mouth twisted in a sweet smile.
“Are you sure?”
“God, just please get her out! I’ll do anything, I promise.”
There was a splash, and Taehyung disappeared too. You dragged your leg and crawled towards the hole he had jumped through. Within seconds, he returned, carrying an unconscious Ha Neul in his arms. He looked at you and flashed you a sickly-sweet smile. He had gotten his way.
Taehyung was lying on his side, hand supporting his head as he looked at you from the bed. His face betrayed no sign of depravity. He looked angelic, bangs brushing his brows as he eyed you eagerly. He was wearing his boxy smile, so bright and joyful that no one could ever guess what a monster he really was.
You were standing a little farther from him, near the little wastebasket in your bedroom. You had been completely defeated. There was no point in rebelling against him. You nodded wearily.
“Do it then.”
Your eyes welled up as you opened the pillbox in your hands, emptying all the pills into the wastebasket. You idly watched all the pills fall in slow motion, it felt like they were taking away your dignity with them. Finally, you tossed the box in, turning to Taehyung and holding up your empty hands.
His smile grew even wider. He stretched his hand out, extending it to you.
“Come here, baby”
You walked into his arms, and he pulled you onto him in a tight embrace. With a deep satisfied sniff, he inhaled the smell of your hair. His palms rubbed soft circles on your back.
“We’re going to have such beautiful babies, darling.”
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dekuspet · 4 years
Lust for Power - Part II
Keigo Takami/Hawks x Reader x Todoroki Touya/Dabi
Part I / Part II / Part III
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Genre: Angst, Smut
Summary: Hawks want to become the top hero to protect you from Enji Todoroki AKA Endeavor. But as time passed by, he forgot the latter part. Dabi, bestfriend of Hawks and the one you least expect the most to help you, comforted you.
Notes and Warnings: This isn't threesome, lots of cursing, violence, cheating and angst ahead. Pictures are not mine. I got it from Pinterest. Credits to the rightful owner.
"Hey Doctor L/N, are you okay? You are spacing out the whole day.", you startled as someone touched you at your shoulder. You turned around and saw your coworker.
"I am fine. I'm sorry.", you smiled.
"I think you should go home and rest. You are not yourself today.", he patted your head and left. You listened to him and once you removed your coat. You walked towards your home, still having deep thoughts.
Keigo, your husband, is becoming more and more busy. In fact, he didn't go home for a week already. You are worried for him. But you have no strength to tell him to stop because you told him you'll support him no matter what.
You always see him at television. He looks so happy helping people. So you let him.
You arrived at your home safely. You feel a cold breeze. Your house is empty. You and Keigo decided to not have children for now to focus on your careers and dreams.
It's what Keigo wants, and you obliged. You didn't say anything. But deep inside you, you want to have kids. You want to have a family.
You shrugged off the idea. You went to bathroom to take a bath.
You got startled seeing someone at your sofa. You sighed as you saw it's just Dabi.
"What are you doing here?", you asked as you sat beside him to dry your hair with the blower.
"Can you heal my neck? Days passed but it still hurts.", you chuckled. You looked at his neck. His stitch is broken.
"Damn, Dabi. That looks serious. You should go visit the hospital, my quirk is not that strong to heal it conpletely.", you said as you hold his neck. You saw his Adam's apple moved.
"Yeah? And tons of police and heroes will be waiting for me outside. No, you are fine. You are the only one I need.", you looked at his eyes as he held your cheeks. You backed away.
"Sorry.", he murmured. You slightly laughed. You went to your room to get the thread to stitch on his neck.
You sat beside him again to heal his neck. Then you stitched it.
"Thank you.", your heart warms as he said those words. You know Dabi is a changed man. He doesn't commit crimes anymore and he left the league. He just doesn't want to get jailed because he said that will bore him to death.
"Anything for my buddy!", you chuckled as you raised your fist. He smiled as he raised his fist too.
"Do you want to eat? I have lots of food for Keigo in the fridge but he is still not going home.", you opened your television as you went to the kitchen, not waiting for Dabi's response.
You are about to heat the food but then someone hold your waist.
"A-aa, Dabi, you're so close.", you are holding your breath.
"I can heat it up. Let's go.", he left and you followed him at the sofa again.
As he heat the food, you picked the remote to find something to watch. But you encountered another news of Hawks.
You watched the report. Honestly, you are anxious. You are insecured with Mirko, the number 5 hero, the ex girlfrield of your husband. She is so pretty, and talented. She's also strong. You start to feel your eyes water.
'Hawks and Mirko reunites during a fight with a huge villain'
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Dabi snatched the remote from you and changed the channel.
"Let's watch horror. The news is boring.", you smile at him and focused on the movie. The smell of the heated food is delicious. Dabi made random remarks about the horror movie, making you laugh. You hit him everytime you laugh. You both end up as laughing mess.
"That girl is dumb. Who the fuck will hide at closet? It's so obvious.", you said. You both laugh again because the protagonists of the horror movie are dumb.
You didn't even sense that Hawks entered the house. He looks darkly at your backs. He held your shoulder and you jumped.
"Ghost!", you said. Hawks smiled at you.
"I am so handsome to be mistaken as a ghost.", Hawks pouted. Your eyes twinkled at the sight and you kissed him.
"Easy song bird, do you miss me that much?", he chuckled.
"What are you doing here, Dabi?", Hawks suddenly asked Dabi. You released Hawks.
"I treated his neck. It's burned and I fixed his stitches.", you said.
"Ow is that so?", he slightly laughed and looked at Dabi.
"Little bird can you prepare a warm tub for both of us? I missed you so much.", Hawks smiled at you. Dabi looked at the floor. You nod and left.
"You're fully healed the other day.", Hawks stated. Dabi didn't look at him.
"I faced a big nuisance at my place yesterday.", Hawks didn't buy it, but he smiled.
"I trust you Dabi. You know how I and Y/N love each other. Honestly, I'm thinking if we should have baby soon.", he is still smiling.
"It's not like I give a fuck.", Dabi murmured. Hawks laughed.
"I know right? I almost got jealous with you. I remembered you're my best buddy and you'll not betray me. Besides, Y/N love me so much.", Hawks hit Dabi's head playfully. He didn't notice how Dabi clenched his fist as smoke released from it.
"Yeah.", Dabi murmured. As Hawks hugged him, smile fading from his face.
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excusemin · 3 years
sweet | kth
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Pairing: clumsy!Taehyung x tsundere! female reader
Rating: g, sfw
Genre: slight angst, fluff, enemies to lovers au, strangers to lovers au
Warnings: cursing, tsundere behavior, sarcasm from the reader
Word Count: 4.1k 
Prompt: Ice skating with clumsy! Taehyung and tsundere!oc who just wants to ice skate in peace but "omG you're going to flatten your butt by falling down so much, here, hold my hand. I don't want you to embarrass yourself further." (Can be e2l if you want!) [DNW: No NSFW please]
Summary:  Life is like coffee. It can be bitter or sweet. After a day of unfortunate yet bitter events, someone unexpected can make everything so much sweeter.
A/N: Hello, this is a Christmas gift for my dear, @nixwrites​!!! This was part of btsghostie’s Holiday Fic Exchange event. This was truly super fun to create and all thanks to Nix. Definitely one of the most nicest writers I have interacted with. Also huge thanks to @xlovelyyoongix​ for beta reading this piece of crackheadedness for me. Anywho, before I ramble on too much, happy holidays and enjoy! :)
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Bad days were inevitable. Today… was something else. A series of unfortunate events was all it was. They said a bad thing plus another bad thing will turn out to be something good in the end. They were wrong, one bad thing after the other, came on multiplying itself and had no end.
Your phone had fallen off of your bed and cracked. Before your daily walk, one of your earphones had stopped working, leaving you to deal with the noise that you avoided on the streets. On your walk, you stepped on an abnormally large ball of chewed gum causing you to mentally curse the person who chewed this much gum. Stepping aside to remove whatever gum you could with the grass next to your feet, your eyes wandered off to notice a brand new coffee shop. 
Figuring that it would be a much better day with a cup of coffee, you decided it would be a great idea to check it out. If you knew that you would get your hot coffee spilled all over your clothes by the cute barista, you would have never stepped in. 
The sting of the hot liquid on your body made you wince in pain. A wave of emotions rushed throughout your body but anger overpowered all your senses as you looked at the guilty barista. His eyes shakily wavered up and down your body while he stammered upon his words. Before he could say anything, you took a deep breath and rushed out of the coffee shop. You ignored all the concerned glances as you walked straight home and mentally cursed the barista with all the colorful words you could think of.
Luckily, there were no more unfortunate events on your walk home but you were still angry and the way the clothes were clinging onto your skin. If it had been darker clothes, maybe you wouldn’t have been as angry but today of all days, you had to wear a white shirt. 
As soon as you walked through the front door, you kicked off your shoes and started removing the coffee-stained clothes that were starting to feel sticky. Heading straight to the restroom, you took one last look at your cracked phone before you set it on the bathroom counter and let the warm water wash off all the sticky residue of the coffee.
Once you felt clean from all the stickiness, you stepped out of the shower and dried off every droplet of water on your body. A fresh set of clothes covered your body causing you to relax immediately. You closed your eyes as you entered your room and enjoyed the comfortable aura in your home. That peacefulness unfortunately did not last long as your phone went off. Too good to be true.
Groaning as you hesitantly picked up your phone, the cracked screen illuminated your room. Another wave of groans flowed from your lips as you read the text message from your friend, (Y/F/N).
Party at Hoseok’s tonight! Before you cancel on me, remember that you owe me. See you there!
Before you could type in a reply, another message popped on your screen. 
Wear something nice. Hoseok wants you to meet someone.
Tossing your phone to the side, you grabbed the pillow next to you and screamed into it, muffling your frustrations. You pulled apart from the pillow to catch a quick breath and you rolled your eyes at the annoying ringtone that came from the phone.
You should get ready now so you can get here on time and not in the last ten minutes as usual!
Sighing, you contemplated which would be a great idea: going to the party on your own will and ignoring the world or risk having Y/f/n come drag you out of your home in one of the outfits she brought along with her. Your mind flashed back to the too revealing outfit she had you wear the last time and you shivered at the thought. Immediately, you jolted up to get ready not wanting to go through the embarrassment all over again.
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Eventually, since you jolted up to get ready everything passed by in a flash and you found yourself in front of Hoseok’s house. The large house alone intimidated you. As you brought your hand up to knock, the door opened up to reveal Y/f/n. 
“I knew you’d get here early. Come on in.” She moved to the side to have you step inside the house.
“Whatever, I’m going to leave early too so don’t push it.” Y/f/n let out a knowingly glance at you as she took a hold of your hand and guided you through the large house.
“I know, my same old Y/n. You’ll have a great time tonight, a friend of Hoseok’s moved in town and he’s around your age too so you know.” 
“You know I’m not looking for anyone nor anything right now. I’m okay with how I am right-”
“And I know that, I just want you to have someone other than just me. Hoseok and I are a thing now and I don’t want you to be alone.” Your mouth opened to stop her from going on a large rant about why you should have someone important in your life but as always, she was a step ahead of you.
“And before you go on saying that I have played Cupid and matched you with a serial killer, I met the guy a few times before. He’s pretty nice, charming, and cute too but let’s not tell Hoseok about that.”
“Tell me about what baby.” Y/f/n pulled away from you to place a kiss on her boyfriend’s cheek. The sight of their affection, making you feel slightly uncomfortable but oddly endearing but of course, you’d never let her know. She would be overly hell-bent on finding your so-called soulmate. Grimacing at the eerie idea, you shook your head and looked at the couple in front of you. Hoseok placed a kiss on your friend’s forehead and turned to you. 
“Y/n! Long time no see! Before I forget, I have someone that I want you to meet.” Hoseok turned around and motioned the said person to come to him. You could not see who he was calling thanks to his tall body covering but once you were able to, your eyes almost bulged out of their eye sockets at the sight of who it was.
“Y/n, this is Taehyung. Taehyung, this is Y/n-” 
“You!!!” His eyes widened comically once he looked at you and immediately started rambling.
“Look, please listen-”
“Well, I see that you both know each other. I’ll let you be then.”
“You’re gonna spill something on me here too coffee boy?”
“It was an accident though.” The pout present on his face was almost enough to forgive him right there and then but you huffed and walked away from him. You heard Hoseok, walk closer to Taehyung and question him about the strange encounter.
“She’s the one you spilled coffee on?”
“Yeah, I didn’t mean to.”
“I know, give her some time to warm up to you. Meanwhile, enjoy the party and some games.” Hoseok patted him in the back as they went back to the party.
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With a red cup of apple juice in your hand, you avoided people left and right. You avoided having any unnecessary conversations and stayed by the wall, a wallflower, as your friend has always called you.
Unfortunately, Y/f/n was always a step or two ahead of you and somehow pulled you to unwillingly join in a game of truth or dare. You were not fond of party games but you knew she’d let you go home if you played a game so you sat through the game. Luckily, no one picked on you so you inched back little by little in hopes that you could escape without anyone noticing your absence.
Forgetting that today was just an unlucky day for you, Hoseok picked on you as soon as you were about to ditch the circle.
“So Y/n, truth or dare?”
“That’s easy, truth.” You threw an uninterested look at the male across from you as you waited for him to continue.
“What, no. Live a little and choose dare. How bad can it be?” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you heard Y/f/n speak up next to you.
“You sure Y/n?” Hoseok questioned you, knowing how his girlfriend can be at times. Nodding your head, you waited for whatever was to come for you. You hoped it was nothing too crazy but you had a second thought when you saw that same glint in his eyes that you’d see when Y/f/n had a crazy idea. They were definitely a perfect match. 
“Well this is not too hard so I dare you to go out on a date with Taehyung. And before you say no, the punishment is all up to my beloved girlfriend.”
“I really don’t have a choice, do I? Well, I guess I’ll accept and take this as my leave.” Groaning, you stood up and ignored everyone’s gaze as you walked out. 
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” You walked faster as you heard Taehyung’s voice coming from behind you. 
“I don’t but if that means that I could get away for the hell that Y/f/n has planned for me, I guess I have no other choice.” 
“Let me at least take you home, yeah?”
“And have you know exactly where I live? Yeah, no thanks.”
“I can’t have you walking alone so late. Plus, how will I know where to pick you up for our date?”
“If I say yes, will you stop talking?” 
“I- is that what you want?” Surprised at your bluntness, Taehyung stopped in his tracks and looked at you with wide eyes. Noticing that he stopped walking, you paused and took in a deep breath before answering him.
“Just a bit of peace.”
“Gotcha! Yeah, I can do that. Shall we continue?” Not waiting for him anymore, you continued to walk your way home with Taehyung by your side.
As you took in each step, your mind wandered off to how many people told you that you were too blunt. Too many to count but not that it mattered, it just stuck in your head since it has been a repetitive thing you’ve always heard. Maybe you could take it down a notch but you wanted to be well guarded. Maybe you’d think about it later but right now, you just needed to rest from this long day. Luckily, you were right in front of your door just seconds away from comfort. 
“Yes, coffee boy?” 
“Can I get your number? You know, to plan the date and stuff.” He shyly stuffed his hands into his pockets waiting for your answer only to find your palm in front of him. Confused, he looked at your palm and into your eyes, trying to read you.
“You want my number right? Give me your phone.” An intense blush formed on his cheeks from embarrassment as he fished his phone out of his pockets. He unlocked his phone and handed it to you. You had a glimpse of his lock screen and the sight of an adorable Pomeranian puppy had your heart-melting.
“Cute... Now, here you go.” You handed him the phone back and unlocked your front door.
“Thank you. Good night, Y/n.”
“Good night, coffee boy.” Once you closed the door, you dropped all your things on the floor and headed straight to your bed. The comfortable mattress immediately lulled you to a well-needed sleep.
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After a few days of planning, the day has come to go to that date. Part of you was somewhat excited but the other part of you was anxious because you pretty much let Taehyung plan the whole thing by telling him you didn’t mind doing anything. All you knew about the date was that you needed to wear something warm and comfortable enough to move around with.
While you waited for Taehyung to pick you up, your thoughts had consumed you. You couldn’t remember the last time you’ve been on a date and that thought alone had you picking at your nails. A faint knock at your front door interrupted your thoughts causing your heart to pick up its pace. Before you opened the door, you took in a deep breath and opened it once you felt a bit calmer. On the other side of the door there stood Taehyung holding a colorful bouquet.
“Hi, Y/n! I got these flowers for you, I wasn’t sure of what your favorite flower was... so I had them wrap up a little bit of everything.” You stood there flustered with a million thoughts flashing past your head as he handed you the bouquet.
“You don’t like them? Please don’t tell me you’re allergic, I should have asked-” Before he could ramble on more, you cut him off.
“No, I- I mean I do like them. I just don’t know what to say, I’ve received flowers before.” Speaking softly, you avoided Taehyung’s burning eyes by focusing on the bouquet in your arms.
“No way, a beautiful girl like you should always be given flowers.” Taehyung lowered himself to your height to have your eyes on him and he looked so confused.
“Come inside, I’ll put these in a vase and then we can go.” He nodded at you and closed the door behind him as you walked away to the kitchen. Your heart was beating incredibly fast as you filled the vase with water. Letting the water fill in the vase, you wanted to pinch yourself to see if this actually had happened because you never thought anything like this would ever happen to you.
“Everything okay, Y/n?” Once again, Taehyung’s voice snapped you back to reality.
“Yeah, everything’s good.”
“Alright, ready?” Nodding, you took one last glance at the colorful flowers before you walked out of your home with Taehyung right behind you. You hoped the blush on your face wasn’t visible as you locked your front door. 
“So where are we going?” 
“To my car, pretty girl.” Immediately, your eyes burned holes into the back of Taehyung’s hair. It was right there and then, you knew it was going to be a long day. 
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The whole car ride was full of questions about where you were going and of course, Taehyung was very determined on keeping it a surprise. His response to your every indiscreet question of figuring out where you were going was with a question of his own, stating he was trying to get to know you more. 
“Okay, one hint for the pretty girl.” He stopped at a red light and turned to you with a serious look 
“Finally, shoot!” You turned to him, waiting for an answer.
“It’s going to be icy.”
“Taehyung... we are surrounded by snow. Everywhere we turn is full of snow. I- just let me know when we get there.” Sulking in the passenger seat, you ignored the laughs coming from his side and focused on the droplets of melted snow that cascaded down the passenger window. 
“Alright, we are here.” As soon as Taehyung parked, you both got out of the car to examine the view ahead of you.
“A park?” 
“Not just any park. Look, come here.” You were partially thankful that he at least told you to wear something warm but you were extremely curious about what he actually had planned.
“An ice skating rink.” The view ahead of you was breathtaking, Christmas lights decorated above and around the rink.
“Yeah. So pretty girl, do you know how to skate?”
“Of course, rollerblading but how different can this be?” The silence coming from Taehyung almost caused you to have whiplash as you turned to look at him. He avoided your gaze before he sheepishly answered you.
“I wouldn’t know.” 
“What? Are you hoping to embarrass yourself in front of me and others?”
“Actually, I was hoping to learn together and have you somehow get you to fall for me.” Before you got to say anything, Taehyung took a hold of your hand and started taking long steps to avoid your gaze.
“Anyway, let’s go!” Too flustered to say anything, you let him drag you along as you focused your gaze on the floor. You focused on how the snow beneath you would mold around your shoe as you took each step. Not feeling the sudden stop, you crashed into Taehyung’s back and almost slipped but you clung onto his torso to not lose your balance. 
“It seems like you will need my help too.”
“Shut up, as if I’d need your help.” Snickering, Taehyung collected the ice skates from the booth and led you to a locker to lock up your belongings.
Once you both tied your ice skates with an earful of bickering, you both headed onto the skating rink. You watched other skaters hold onto the ramps for leverage and decided to test it out little by little. Too lost in your own progress, you completely missed out on Taehyung stumbling over his own feet until he gently tugged on the back of your coat.
“Can you slow down a bit? I’m trying not to lose you and fall at the same time.” You tried to stifle a laugh but you lost all control when you took a look at the pout on his face.
“Just take one step at a time, coffee boy. There’s no rush here. Watch me.” You moved right in front of him so he can watch you glide slowly while still holding onto the ramp. 
After a couple of attempts, you started to get the hang of it and eventually let go of the ramp. Taehyung, on the other hand, was holding onto the ramp for dear life. His eyes wandered off to the middle of the skating rink to see some children using the ice skating support penguins. Your eyes followed his and you could not believe he was actually considering it.
“Tell me you aren’t really thinking of it.”
“Don’t you think it would look badass? Like, the blue tie would definitely bring out the color of my eyes.” The seriousness in his voice had you burst into laughter.
“Taehyung… I don’t think they’d have one your size.”
“I think they have polar bears too.” He tried to skate to you without letting go of the ramp but it was completely useless as he fell onto his knees. Trying not to fall right in front of him, you hesitantly skated right to him and put your palm in front of him.
“Come on, you’re going to flatten your rear if you keep on falling down and well, embarrass yourself too.”
“So you do care, you softie.”
“You know that I can just skate away and leave you here right?”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“No, please!” The grip he had in your hand tightened as you playfully pretended to skate away, the action causing you to trip over your skates and falling with him. 
You closed your eyes and waited for the pain of your back hitting the icy floor but you only heard a grunt come out from Taehyung. The sound eventually caused your eyes to open immediately to find Taehyung’s arms wrapped around you as you laid on top of him. 
“Are you okay?” His eyes scanned over your face for any signs of discomfort.
“I fell on top of you and you are asking me that?”
“Yeah, you are perfectly fine. I guess you did end up falling for me.” Groaning at his cheesy response, you picked yourself up and helped him get up.
Before you could continue to keep on trying to skate, an employee was skating around the rink notifying that there was a heavy snowstorm that was about to hit the town and that everyone had to go home immediately. Luckily, there were not enough people in the rink so leaving the rink was not a hard task. You were both thankful that the walk to his car was not far as it started to get colder.
“Are you okay with coming to my apartment? It’s not so far away from here and I don’t want to leave you alone. I can cook for you and let you sleep in my bed.”
“As long as you’re not taking me there to kill me, I don’t mind.” He chuckled in his seat before starting to drive to his apartment.
“You have my word, pretty girl.”
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When you both arrived at his apartment, you were greeted by the lovely sight of the black Pomeranian that you’ve seen on Taehyung’s lock screen.
“This is Yeontan. Yeontan, this is the pretty girl I’ve been talking about. Use your charms to their full potential.” Chuckling at his words, you crouched down to pet Yeontan only to have him jumping into your arms. Taehyung felt as if his heart melted at the sight of you warming up to Yeontan instantly.
“You must want to be in something comfortable after all that ice, I’ll go get you some clothes for you. Feel free to explore.” Instead of searching for whatever comes up your path, you decided to just look for the living room to sit down. As if he could read your thoughts, Yeontan barked at you and started strutting to what you believe was the living room. When the couch came into sight, you let yourself rest on it and patted your lap for Yeontan to jump onto.
Taehyung walked into the living room minutes after with a new set of clothes on him and some clothes folded neatly in his hands.
“You weren’t just cleaning your room right now?”
“No, it’s not messy. I just wasn’t expecting anyone to come over.” You laughed as he scratched the back of his head.  
“Nice excuse.”
“Anyways, here are some of my clothes for you to wear. You can go change in the restroom that’s down that hall while I cook something up for us.” Standing up, you thankfully took the clothes from his hands and started walking to the hall he pointed to. After you changed into the clothes that Taehyung gave you, you walked out of the restroom to be greeted by a wonderful aroma. You followed the aroma into the kitchen and saw Taehyung serving up two plates of tteokbokki.
“If it’s good, I cooked it. If it’s bad, Yeontan made it. Nice apron.” You giggled at the bold words written on the apron.
“It was a prank gift from a friend.” 
“I think Yeontan would be a great cook though.”
“Of course he would, I’m his dad.”
“Well... let’s eat.” With a playful pout present on his face, he handed you a fork and waited for your reaction to his hard work. When you hummed at the delicious taste, he took that as his cue to start eating.  After a bit of conversation and a  few bites later, you finished the meal that he prepared.
Taehyung picked up your plates and dropped them off in the sink next to him before he guided you to his room to have you rest peacefully. He showed you around his bedroom and asked if you needed anything else before he went to go to sleep in the living room.
Before he could walk out of his room, you spoke softly.
“Can you stay?” He stopped right at the door and looked over his shoulder as you nervously looked at the bedsheets that covered you. Not wanting to pry, he decided to tease you just a little bit.
“Sorry, what?”
“If I have to repeat myself, I will walk myself home.” 
“Cleaning can wait. Come here my little munchkin!” As soon as you saw him race to the bed, you hid as if that would stop him from jumping on the bed. 
“You can get closer if you need more warmth.”
“You’re pushing it, Tae.”
“No more coffee boy? That’s progress.” Turning to lay down on your side, you looked at him and closed your eyes before you spoke up.
“Yes, pretty girl?” He turned to face you and admired your facial features while you weren’t paying attention.
“Today was pretty fun, snowstorm and all. Thank you.”
“It really was. Now, let’s rest so we can talk more tomorrow.” He brought up the blankets to cover you and placed a gentle peck on your forehead before closing his eyes as well.
“Goodnight, Tae.”
“Goodnight, pretty girl.”
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@ excusemin - all rights reserved. I do not allow my work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Give a little bit of your heart to me
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Summary: Dean wanted a bit of your heart; you gave him it all only to feel it breaking.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean x Reader, Mobster!John x Reader (platonic)
Character: Ellen Harvelle, Ruby, Sam Winchester
Warning: arranged marriage, angst, mentions of divorce, pregnant reader, comforting, remorse, fluff, misunderstandings
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‘Give a little bit, give a little bit of your heart to me,’ back then you smiled at Dean’s words, knowing he got forced into this marriage too. Your father and John Winchester wanted to form a strong bond between the two mightiest empires, so you and John’s eldest had to marry.
You had not seen Dean for a lifetime, but you still remembered the funny, cocky, and green-eyed boy with so many freckles you could never count them.
A tiny piece of your heart always beat for him, so it was easy for you to give Dean not only a little bit of your heart but the whole damn beating thing. Now it is a broken mess, a bleeding pulp that will never heal.
“I’ll pack as fast as possible, John,” your voice broken, defeated you place the golden band, and your engagement ring into his hand. “I know it was an arranged marriage, but I thought after five years I know your son.”
“Y/N,” murmuring your name John watches you subconsciously rub your belly. “Do you have to tell me anything, doll?”
“Your son is a lying son of bitch who just left me,” you huff, walking toward the house you shared with Dean. 
“I will go and tell my father the arrangement is over, John. You will have to clarify the details as daddy will get mad,” you flinch at the thought of facing your father. “You don’t want to see him mad, John.”
“Doll, wait,” sighing John grasps your wrist. “I know about the baby and can’t let you leave. It’s my grandchild, my heir.” Your stomach tightens looking up at John. “Your life, it never was yours in the first place, Y/N. I’ll give you all you need, but you have to stay and raise your child as a Winchester.”
“I can’t,” voice cracking you blink the tears away. “I should leave before Dean returns.”
You would run away, hide somewhere but honestly, you have got nowhere to go. Not with John Winchester wanting your child and your father insisting on a bond with Dean.
“This is my house, my manor, not Dean’s. You will move into my part of the house and Dean will shut his mouth. When he comes back, I will set him straight,” John slings his arm around your shoulders, not missing the hopelessness in your eyes when you agree to follow him.
“It’s not as if I got anywhere to go, John. At least you will get what you always wanted, an heir for your empire,” you whisper bitterly, missing John’s pained expression when tears roll down your cheeks. “As you said, my life never was mine.”
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“You said I can divorce her after five years! I want to be free again, Sir,” Dean yells. “I was the perfect husband and partner. I played my part, now play yours,” his words make your legs wobble and fresh tears run down your cheeks.
Dean lied. This whole time he made you believe he loves you too. Façade. Charade. A foul play, that is what you are to him. He made a deal and now he wants out.
“John, let him out,” your voice meek, thin, and all the fight gone from your eyes you rub your arms nervously. “If he wants out, let him out.”
“See, she doesn’t want to stay married either,” Dean wants to touch your arm to thank you for your words, but you flinch away, jerking your arm out of his grip.
“Don’t touch me,” your voice cracks now but you fight the tears. “You want to be free, be free. Lucky you, Dean. I never had a chance and are stuck here as…,” you run away before you tell Dean about the baby, his baby.
“What’s wrong with her?” John shakes his head at his son’s behavior. “Father, why did Y/N look as if she’s hurt? I thought she didn’t want this marriage.”
“You really are a blind, my son. I suggest you’ll leave her alone and turn your attention toward the girl you want to leave Y/N for,” walking away John leaves his son alone with his thoughts.
“I thought she wanted to divorce too, Sir. Wait, hey, wait up,” Dean jogs after his father grasping for John’s wrist. “Talk to me.”
“I want you to take care of Crowley, Dean. You’ll be out of town for a month or two and can rethink your decision,” John sighs deeply. “If you still want to divorce Y/N I will not stop you. I’ll take care of the mess you left, as always.”
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Dean did not say goodbye before he left to deal with Crowley. To be honest, it would have been too hard to see rejection, maybe even triumph in his eyes.
“He’ll be back in a month or two, Y/N. Enough time for him to come to his mind and realize what he’s about to lose,” you nod, what else can you do when the most powerful and dangerous mobster tells you his opinion.
“I will go to my room, goodnight John,” watching you leave John hates he has to force you to stay but with your father insisting on not breaking the bond he’s got no other choice than to protect his heir, the future of his empire.
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Three weeks passed without a word from Dean, not that you believed he would at least call to tell you he’s alright. While you lie on the bed in the room John offered to you, the door opens once again.
Over the last weeks, John took care of you, watched over you like a mother hen, not that you would ever dare to call the mobster like that.
“You need to eat something, doll. Ellen made chicken, peas, carrots, and mashed potatoes.”
“I am not hungry, or rather the moment I eat anything I have to run to the bathroom. Breakfast ended up in the toilette, just like the apple I ate,” you do not turn around, not wanting John to stay longer than needed.
“Listen, I know this is a fucked-up situation, but you’ll get up, have a shower, and come to join me in my living room. We can watch one of those movies Dean hates so much,” John sits onto your bed, gently patting your hand. “Mary, she had problems with Dean too. I made her fennel tea.”
You would laugh about John acting like a nurse, but you know he means well, tries to make the best out of a bad situation. “Okay, I’ll be there after a shower.”
“If you need anything else, tell me or Ellen so,” you nod, glancing at John who places your wedding band and engagement ring onto the nightstand. “I am sure, when Dean comes back he’ll apologize, Y/N.”
You nod silently, knowing John is wrong about Dean. Your husband does not give a shit on you, to be honest…
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“Better,” while you sip on the fennel tea John insisted to make you nod, faking it did make you feel better. “Just relax and watch, uh-erm,” glancing at the movie John rubs his scruffy chin. “What are we watching?”
“I don’t know,” mumbling the words you look at the huge TV, not following the story at all. “I just zapped around and ended up watching that movie. She looked pretty in her wedding dress, though.”
“Y/N, you need to stop acting as if you are a prisoner or worse. I know you believe I want you to stay because of the baby inside your belly, and I want you to but,” John wraps one arm around your shoulders, letting you rest your head against his shoulder, “I want to keep you safe.”
“Dad would get mad when he gets to know I made Dean leave. He would believe I manipulated our marriage to get out or something similar, John. My family is not used to give comfort. They are all hard, calculated, and power-hungry,” you glance at your belly, slowly rubbing it. 
“You’re showing,” John covers your hand, squeezing it tightly. “Just a little but I see the difference.”
“You mean I got fat,” giggling you blink the tears away. “There is no reason for Dean to like me, you know. I guess, he had to imagine someone else to get intimate with me. I am such a fool…”
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“Doll, get down here and join us for dinner,” John grumbles when you refuse to come down to eat with Sam, Ruby, Ellen, and John.
“No! Nothing fits any longer, John. I look like a wale!” You yell back. “I will not go downstairs wearing a too-tight dress or crap!”
“Jesus, Y/N. You are three months pregnant, not a wale. Come downstairs or I’ll send Sam to drag you down or Ruby,” Ruby glares at John, pointing her knife at the mobster. 
“I am not a threat,” she grunts, watching you slowly pat down the stairs. “There she is! A pretty mama!”
“A wale,” grumbling you walk toward the table in a too-tight shirt and shorts which do not cover your belly. You baby bump peeks out of the shirt and John smirks, holding back a chuckle as you glare at him.
“You look beautiful, doll. Now sit, eat and we can talk about baby names,” John pulls your chair, smirking as you wiggle on the seat to get comfortable.
“How about Dexter,” Ruby smirks watching you narrow your eyes.
“Samuel?” Sam tries and you toss a napkin at the tall mobster who grins at you.
“John Winchester Jr.,” John exclaims, and you groan, hiding your face in the palms of your hands. “J. Jr.,” he tries again, and you shake your head silently.
“John Henry Winchester,” not giving in John tries to convince you but you stay adamant. “It’s a great name for your baby.”
“Not for a girl, John!” You grunt and everyone cheers at the table as you finally told them the gender. “You son of a bitch!” Head snapping upward you purse your lips when John gives you a grin. 
“That’s my line, sweetheart,” Dean snickers, waltzing into the room. If it’s possible for him to look even better after three months he does look better. His hair longer, chin scruffy and his eyes sparkling he looks around the room. “What? No welcome back?”
“Welcome back, son. How were the deal, Mexico, and the weather?” John clears his throat when you silently get up to leave the room. “Y/N, you didn’t eat anything. Stay.”
“I lost my appetite, John. I’ll sleep a bit or whatever,” voice trembling you rush out of the room, not caring John calls your name repeatedly.
“Did I just kill the mood,” Dean blinks a few times, glancing at his family. “What did I do?”
“Uh-let’s start with you leaving your wife. You not calling for over three months or the fact you want to divorce her,” Ruby deadpans. “Maybe her current state makes her even more vulnerable.”
“Current state? Is she sick?” Dean gasps, glancing at the untouched food. “Why did she ran upstairs? Our bedroom is opposite.”
“She lives in John’s guest wing as you wanted her to leave, dude,” Sam grits out. “What did you believe would happen? That Y/N would wait for you to kick her out.”
“I just,” sighing Dean drops his bags before he walks toward the stairs. “I got to talk to her. I mean, she’s my wife, right?”
John rolls his eyes, close to saying something he will regret. “Not for much longer. You are back, you still want to divorce her so I can marry her,” John lies, a dirty grin on his lips. “I’d like to have a younger wife.”
“You, what?” Choking on his words Dean balls his hands into fists. “You said I shall think about divorce, not that you would ram your teeth into my wife!”
“Ex-wife, Dean. If you want out of this marriage, I will not stop you but,” John smirks devilish, “someone has to take care of Y/N and her needs.”
“If you touched my wife I’ll castrate you,” Dean threatens, bumping his chest against John’s. “I thought she wants out of the marriage. I never said I will let you touch my girl, you vulture. Go and get a random girl. This one is mine.”
Dean storms off, still cursing when the door slams shut behind him with a loud bang. “I should’ve said something sooner,” John snickers. “I woke the alpha. Imagine what he’ll do hearing she’s having his baby.”
“You’re the devil, John Winchester,” Ellen laughs at Ruby’s words, nodding eagerly. “I like your style, sometimes.”
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“Son of a bitch, Y/N! Did he touch you? Did my fath…,” Dean’s eyes widen, his jaw goes slack, and you can see the color drain from his face when you step into the bedroom, showing off your baby bump. “Y/N,…sweetheart?”
“What brought you here, Dean? Do I have to sign the papers,” you sigh, sitting onto the bed, not meeting Dean’s gaze. “I think John prepared everything. We only have to sign the papers and you can go to that girl you want.”
“There is no girl, Y/N,” mumbling the words Dean kneels in front of the bed, not taking his eyes from your swollen belly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He looks up at you, searching your face.
“You wanted out of this marriage. It thought you wouldn’t care or worse,” you huff, grabbing the blanket to cover your body. “Doesn’t matter anymore. I am trapped to stay here. John’s order. You can go and party or whatever you planned to do without me dragging you down.”
“Sweetheart,” his hand trembles when he moves it under the blanket to touch your bump. “My baby is inside your belly. I never thought I’ll be a father one day.”
“Dean, you are free to go and leave this to me,” not wanting to see him pity you, you scramble away, crawling toward the pillow to sleep the hurting off. “Leave me alone and got to that girl.”
“I told you, there is no other girl, Y/N,” Dean sounds angry when he kicks his shoes off, crawling onto the bed to lie next to you. He’s burying his face into your neck, inhaling your scent. “You smell like vanilla and lilac. I’ve missed your scent, your soft skin, your lips on mine.”
“Sure,” you grunt, angrily clenching your fists. “That’s the reason you did not call and gave a shit on me for three months, Dean.”
“Y/N, I was kinda undercover to find out what’s Crowley planning. I could not call my wife or crap. I had to be as invisible as possible,” he’s moving closer to wrap his arms around your waist. “I swear, I wanted freedom for you, nothing else.”
“You wanted my heart, and I gave it to you only to get hurt,” Dean listens to your words, hating he made you feel that way. “I never wanted to hurt you, Y/N. Let me make it right.”
“How? By pretending you love me too,” you huff, turning in his embrace to slap his face. “I am done listening to your lies.”
“Love? You love me,” Dean scoots closer to cup your face, ignoring your angry look. “Fuck me,” his lips press against yours and you must use all your strength to break free.
“What the fuck Dean!”
“My wife loves me,” he smirks, glancing at your belly, “and I knocked her up. Now back to my father touching you.”
“Gosh, John would never touch me, not that this is any of your business, Winchester.” You glare at Dean when he tries to touch your belly. 
“I am sorry, Y/N. I promise to be the husband you deserve if you give me the chance to. I know asking for divorce without talking to you was stupid, but I thought you want out,” Dean pecks your lips, rubbing your belly slowly. “I heard you talking to Ruby and wanted to let you go.”
“I don’t understand, Dean. I never said I want out of our marriage. I said I want to get out of this house,” you groan, frustrated.
“I didn’t want to live with your father, brother, and their girlfriends. I wanted a place of our own, Dean.” Dean starts laughing, even throws his head back.
“I guess next time I should listen closely,” he is rubbing your belly, smiling as you cover his hand with yours. “I don’t want out of this marriage, Y/N.”
“Is that a lie again or can I have a little bit of your heart too?” Dean pecks your lips, gently stroking your cheek. “Sweetheart, you can have the whole damn thing…”
Part 2
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
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As The World Caves In
✯ pairing: hawks (takami keigo) x gn! reader
✯ genre: angst. just angst
✯ summary: you knew what no matter how bad keigo fucked up. he would be the only one for you.
✯wordcount: 1.6k+
✯warning: angst. it’s so sad. swearing. major character death.
✯ n/a: i cried so hard writing this. it was just so hard to write because of my immense love for hawks. also read this while listening to “as the world caves in” by matt maltese! it hurts more!
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sometimes, you wondered what your life would be like if you rejected takami keigo’s advances towards you. lately, keigo has been too busy for you and would leave and go under radar for weeks at a time without informing you. being with him made your anxiety shoot up at the thought of him never coming back. at the thought of you finding his body cold and decaying. at the thought of never being able to hear him call you kid again.
it’s been two weeks since you’ve last seen him. you were worried, but it’s not like it was his first time doing this. you lounged around in your pajama’s as you had a day off today. you laid on your couch as you reminisced your sweet times with keigo, wanting nothing but to be in his arms.
“kEigO! you fucking DICK!” you yelled as you felt your bird brained boyfriend drop you into the freezing cold water of the lake. he was bent over laughing, clutching his stomach at the sight of you drenched and freezing head to toe. you couldn’t help but admire how beautiful he looked while he laughed. you knew about keigo’s past. you knew that he didn’t have much of a childhood, and you were the one who helped him experience things that he should’ve experienced when he was younger.
“i’m sorry kid, i couldn’t resist! you look too cute pouting at me like that” he chuckled as he walked towards you to wrap his arms and wings around your shivering figure. your scowl dropped as you snuggled your face into his warm chest, relishing this moment with your boyfriend.
“hey keigo? are you gonna leave me again?” you questioned as you tilted your head up to peek at his face, catching him grimace at your question. you already knew the answer. you decided to push your negative thoughts out of your mind and just live in the present with keigo.
“you know i don’t like leaving you kid, but i have to. it’s my job, it’s our job. don’t worry about me, i’ll be back before you know it” he comforted as he pressed a loving kiss onto your forehead.
you just nodded and hugged him tighter, feeling your hot tears threaten to overflow and cascade down the apples of your cheeks.
you both stood there, holding each other as if it was the last time.
you felt your phone vibrate on your stomach, pulling you from your daydreams. it was your agency calling. it must’ve been big if they were calling you on your day off.
“hello?” you answered getting ready to put your hero costume on.
“y/h/n! please get down to musutafu now! hawks needs assistance and nobodies available! he’s in big trouble!” they yelled.
that’s all it took for you to drop everything and run to your lover.
“do you ever think we’re going to have kids in the future?” you question your boyfriend as you two watched the sunset rise on top of your building. you turned your head to look in his direction but he already had his eyes on you. you surely would have blushed if he did this while your relationship was still new. (he’s done it before)
he smiled at you and turned his whole body to face you, making you do the same. he brushed the stray hairs out of your face before cupping your cheek. he was fondly looking at you before he decided to speak.
“we’re gonna have all the kids you want kid. we can have a whole basketball team! just imagine that! we can make our own or adopt!” he giggled excitedly.
it was rare to see your boyfriend like this. most of the time he was very serious, especially during patrol as he took his job quite earnestly. the way he did his job with care and thought was admirable. sure you were in the top 10 as well, but he was number two. you strived to be like your boyfriend.
“i wanna have so many kids keigo. i wanna have a nice house, a dog, and the whole white picket fence thing. i want the whole package.” you whispered as you kissed his chest while drawing patterns on his left hip with your pointer finger.
he let out a breathy laugh and took your hand that was on his hip and placed it against his face, snuggling his cheek against it. you gently caressed his cheek with your thumb, making him sigh in content.
“i love you y/n. i love you so much” he whispered as he moved to capture your lips into an innocent kiss.
what started as an innocent kiss soon turned into a heated makeout session as keigo slipped his tongue into your mouth, rubbing his tongue against yours which caused you to let out a low moan.
you felt him pull away as he hovered over you, raking his eyes down from your glassy eyes to your kiss bitten lips.
“how about we get started on the whole baby thing?” he questioned with a smirk.
you soon arrived at the scene where keigo was supposed to be. it looked like a ghost town. buildings and streets were empty as you checked for anymore civilians in the vicinity. you soon heard a loud crash a few blocks away from your current location and ran towards the sound.
“you haven’t been home much keigo” you grumbled as you stirred your tea in your mug. your boyfriend sighed as he felt irritated that you were bringing this up again.
“how many times do i have to say it y/n? it’s my job.” he rolled his eyes.
“don’t give me that shit keigo. i know its your fucking job. it’s my job too. but you’re leaving so often now. i don’t even know if you’ll come back alive. for all i know you could be coming back to me already cold. i’m just worried. and i don’t know where you go either. it’s just not the ideal situation.”
he scoffed. “being a hero is NEVER an ideal situation y/n. you fucking know that. oh wait, you don’t. you don’t have the same responsibilities as me because they don’t trust you enough with that shit. they’re not just gonna let a rinky dink hero take care of shit they can’t handle”
you couldn’t believe that he just said that to you. all you wanted to do was scream and yell at him. you wanted to tell him how much of an asshole he was. you want him to feel what you were feeling. instead, you just turned your back on him and walked away, not looking back to see if he would follow you.
you soon felt a hand grasp your arm and you were turned to face your solemn looking boyfriend.
“y/n- i didn’t mean that. i’m so sor-“ you grasped his hand holding your arm and pushed it off. feeling your tears finally cascade down your heated cheeks.
“i’m done keigo.” you said as you turned your back on him once more. not seeing him fall down to his knees.
you wanted to go back to him. you wanted to tell him that it was okay. and that you were both just upset. but your pride was too hurt, and so were your feelings.
you felt your thoughts running a mile a minute. was that keigo? was that the villain? who was it? who got hurt?
you soon found out as you arrived on the scene, seeing your former lover covered under a pile of rubble. his once luscious wings were bent in odd angles, most of his feathers already gone.
“keigo. KEIGO! please wake up, keigo wake up please i’m so sorry keigo! please wake up birdie. please wake up” you wailed as you shook him.
“hey baby bird” he coughed as he brought his arm up to pet your head, knowing that you liked getting head pats when you were nervous.
“keigo, wait here okay? just wait i’ll go find that stupid villain and beat their ass okay?” he just nodded and let let his hands rest on his stomach.
“KEIGO! keigo! i’m back! i beat the shit outta that guy and i called for an ambulance. you’re gonna be okay” you panted as you laid yourself right beside keigo’s figure.
he smiled at you and took your hand in his, rubbing smooth circles on your warm palm. keigo looked deathly pale. you sat up to inspect his injuries and saw that his jacket was soaked in his own blood.
you couldn’t believe that you didn’t notice earlier. why didn’t he saying anything? or did he not even feel it anymore?
“k-keigo? talk to me okay? stay awake baby. stay awake for me” you cried as you placed his head onto your lap. he nodded slightly and coughed out a little blood, which you gently wiped away.
“you and i are gonna make the prettiest babies one day. i’m so thankful that you came into my life. without you, i would’ve stayed lost. *cough* you made my days so much brighter pretty bird. i can’t w-wait to marry you one day” he wheezed, mustering up a smile.
this only made you cry harder.
“yes my love, we will. i’m gonna marry you kei. i’m gonna give you the family that you want. we’re gonna name our first son enji right? you’re such an endeavour fanboy. i remember when you told me that i got so upset beca-“ you cut yourself off when you noticed that hawks had gone silent.
“kei? keigo? why am i the only one talking keigo? keigo please. please you can’t leave me. keigo i love you. i’m so sorry baby. please. keigo.” you sobbed, holding his now cold body closer to yours. you heard the ambulances arriving. but it was already too late. he was gone.
“it’s always gonna be you keigo” you whispered as you pressed a one last kiss on his forehead.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
It’s Just A Prank ~ KTH [Request]
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⇸⇸⇸Word Count: 1.1k
⇸⇸⇸Genre: Fluffy, a TINY bit of angst but fluffy ending,
⇸⇸⇸Pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader
⇸⇸⇸A/n: I’m really sorry it’s short sweetie but I hope you like it
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"Do you remember the plan?" Jin asked for the second time in the time span of ten minutes,
"Yes Jin, I know the plan. We've been over the plan twice now." You looked down at your phone to check when Taehyung would be here. You told him to text you when he was up the road with Jimin,
"He's five minutes away. Are you leaving?" Jin hugged you goodbye before rushing out of the door and going to find the car he'd parked around the corner. You shook your head at him while laughing, Taehyung - your boyfriend of two years - had been planning with Jimin all day that he was going to prank you by ''breaking up with you'' that night so when your brother, Jin, heard about this he had to come and tell you right away then you both began planning your own back on Taehyung.
The apartment was cleaned up and you had candles lit everywhere to make the setting more romantic, the doorbell rang and you walked over to greet Taehyung with a hug. Treating this as though it was just another normal night together when you knew what was coming.
"You're in a good mood tonight, did you miss me?" You giggled wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and brought him into a small - yet heated - kiss.
"I always miss you when you're at work," He chuckled and ran his hand over your cheek, he felt guilty already for what he was going to do but he knew you would both find it funny in the long run.
"Something on your mind?" You teased, he'd been staring down into your eyes for a minute now but he shook his head and you went to go and make some drinks.
"Are you hungry, I haven't ordered dinner yet but we can always order something now...Or I can cook?" While your back was turned Taehyung got himself into the role and sat down on your grey sofa, he ran his hands over the fabric trying to steady his nerves.
"Come and sit down for a minute?" You turned your head over your shoulder, you hadn't expected him to do this so soon but you walked back into the living room and sat down next to him.
"There is something on my mind, and we need to talk about it like adults." You stared up into his eyes and pouted out your bottom lip a little so you would seem upset though in the inside you were dying of laughter.
"We've been together for a while now, right?" You nodded along with him urging for him to continue you. He took your hand in his and sat them on his knee, fiddling with your fingers while trying to think of the words for this. He'd had an entire script mapped out with Jimin but now that he was here and in front of you it wasn't going too well. You were staring up at him with those big puppy dog eyes that made his heart swell up and beat faster, and you were staring at him so innocently it made the guilty 100 times worse.
"What is it Tae, you're scaring me..." You lied and he sighed. You watched his adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. You knew he was nervous about this which only made the payback you were going to get that much better.
"We've been together for a while and I think it might be best if we...If we see other people, go on other dates and spend time away from one another." The words were finally out and you smiled letting go of his hands and leaning back against the sofa.
"Thank god, Oh shit I thought I was going to have to bring that up myself." You patted his leg getting up from the sofa and began smiling brightly at him. Taehyung's head filled with confusion, he had expected you to be upset, not happy about all of this,
"Bring it up yourself?" He questioned slowly,
"Yeah. I've been thinking about it for a while, we've been together for a long time so yeah...maybe seeing other people would be a good idea for both of us." His heart broke that tiny bit more with every word you spoke and the way you smiled bigger than you ever had done before.
"It's such a relief that we want the same thing Taehyung," He stared down at the floor trying not to cry about what you'd just said.
"It was- This was just supposed to be a prank." You heard his voice crack and you knew at that moment you took it a little too far and you fell down onto your knees in front of him,
"Hey, hey, hey, look at me Tae." You whispered but he avoided your gaze as if you were Medusa, you cupped his chin in your fingers and forced him to look at you. His eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were stained with tears,
"You're not the only one in this relationship with an acting background baby," His mind took a while to process what you were saying but when he saw you leaning back and laughing he realised what had happened.
"Jin told you didn't he?" You fell over onto your back from laughing so hard and Taehyung stared at the wall in front of him blinking blankly as he thought about how he was going to get you back for this.
"You should have seen your face!" You giggled holding your stomach, you could have sworn you were getting abs from laughing so hard but Taehyung wasn't impressed. He growled deeply dropping down so that he was straddling above you and he pinned your arms above your head,
"You think it's funny?" You giggled and nodded at him,
"Kind of, yeah." He growled again before bending down to kiss you. You stopped laughing and your arms were released from his grasp wrapping them around his neck to bring him closer to your face.
"You don't actually want to break up though, do you?" He questioned double checking that you still loved him and he had nothing to be worried about. He knew this was all his idea in the first place but he loved you more than he ever thought he could express and he didn't want to lose you.
"Tae, we've been together for two years, I'm not just going to throw it away. I love you too much." He kissed you softly this time and got up from your lap, sitting you up so you could face each other.
"Is the offer for food still available, I'm hungry."
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @chimchims-stories-and-tales​ @fan-ati--c​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @taestannie​
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chelsfic · 4 years
Leftovers - Part 12/12 - Nandor the Relentless x Female Reader Fanfic
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For Previous Parts: WWDITS Masterlist
Summary: The reader shares her last night alive with her new family.
A/N: I realized as I was writing this that this whole fic could really be read as an elongated metaphor for my falling in love with this show and this fandom. I hope you guys like this ending and aren’t disappointed. 
Warnings: Angst, Emotions, Crack humor, Turning into a vampire
It’s an hour after sunset and you can hear your housemates stirring. You’re still lying in bed. The ceiling overhead is cracked and peeling in places. You suppose this probably won’t be your bedroom for much longer. Nandor will want you to move into his crypt. Will you have your own coffin? Or will he want to keep sharing? How does one even purchase a coffin for...personal use?
You know you’re stalling. Nandor is being uncharacteristically patient, but he won’t wait all night. You’re not afraid. Okay, you’re afraid. But, you’d be stupid not to be. You saw Guillermo during his transition. He looked like hell for about three whole days. But you know Nandor will take care of you. Well, strike that. You know Nandor will try to take care of you and if he fails, Nadja and Guillermo will be there. 
The night you met...the night you almost became a meal...was your birthday. So much has happened since then. You’ve been kept prisoner, fed upon, attacked, hurt. You’ve also fallen in love with every vampire in this crazy house, even Colin Robinson, bless his heart. Nandor and his bizarre mix of vicious lust and achingly sweet softness has somehow pulled you into this world, into a place you’ve always belonged without even knowing it. So, yeah, you’re afraid. But the idea of not spending every night for the rest of eternity surrounded by these beautiful, damaged, stupid idiots is even more frightening.
A knock comes at your door and Nadja’s voice trills, “Hello, human? May I come in?”
You roll onto your side and sit up, dangling your bare legs over the edge of the bed. You’re wearing one of your few dresses because...well, because you’re going to die tonight and shouldn’t you dress up a little?
Nadja slips inside looking resplendent and deadly as always. She gives you a sympathetic smile and comes to sit next to you.
“Feeling a little nervous about our unholy transition, are we?” she ducks her head and gives you that mama-vampire-knows-best look of hers.
You lean your shoulder into hers, taking comfort in her presence.
“Maybe a little…” you admit. “I’m not having second thoughts or anything it’s just…”
“A little spooky wooky, yes?” Nadja supplies. She wraps her arm around your back and pulls you closer. “Don’t concern your head off, darling. I don’t know if you realize this but I am considered a bit of an expert. I’ve turned many, many humans in my time. Including my dear Laszlo. I’ll make sure Nandor does not slip up and accidentally make you into a zombie monstrosity like my poor Topher.”
You rear back and stare at Nadja with horror stricken eyes, “That’s a possibility!??”
Nadja chuckles and tweaks your nose, “I am giving you sarcasm! To lighten the mood! It’s working, yes?”
You let out a long-suffering sigh that hiccups into nervous laughter.
“I love you, Nadja,” you say with sudden, overwhelming emotion. You dive forward and wrap your arms around her in a fierce hug.
Nadja is stricken for a moment and she pats your back gingerly, “That’s...very nice. You think you want to come downstairs now? Because Nandor is being a real donkey dick down there waiting for you, but his balls are too shriveled to come up here and get you himself.”
You laugh and pull back from the hug, wiping tears from your eyes, “Yeah, let’s go. I’m ready.”
“What’s crack-a-lackin’?”
Nandor looks supremely put out when everyone yells something different as you walk through the door to the fancy room. Does no one listen to him? They had an agreed upon plan! He scowls at at the other vampires, especially fucking Colin Robinson, before sweeping over toward you and taking you from Nadja’s arm.
“Welcome to your Death Day Party! Do you like it?” Nandor looks down at you with those wide, sparkling eyes that make you forget he’s a centuries old blood-sucking fiend who once conquered nations and slaughtered thousands. 
You take in your surroundings with a look of wonder. There’s a giant glitter banner hanging above the fireplace that reads “Congratulations on your Dark Awakening.” You recognize it as Nandor’s handiwork at once. Also, Guillermo has obviously been to Party City because everyone is wearing pointed birthday hats with little Dracula emojis all over them and the whole room is absolutely covered in crepe paper. 
“It’s...so cute!” you squeal, grabbing him around the middle in an enthusiastic hug. This is...just want you needed. A little goofy, human levity before stepping off the edge of the unknown. Your eyes continue wandering over the room until they fall upon a long table set up against the wall. “Oh...my g--gahhhh--is that mac and cheese?”
The table is covered in dish after dish of all your favorite comfort foods. Macaroni and cheese, pizza, lasagna. Apple pie, blueberry pie, cherry pie! There’s a whole giant bowl of Reese’s peanut butter cups. You pull away from Nandor and dash across the room, launching yourself into Guillermo’s arms.
“You’re the sweetest monster I’ve ever known!” you cry, doing your best to squeeze the unlife out of him.
Guillermo laughs, “Listen, you’re going to be puking for days either way. You might as well have one last chance to enjoy human food.”
You roll your eyes, “Thanks for the reminder, Memo.”
“Alrighty!” Nandor is suddenly picking you up from behind and plucking you out of Guillermo’s arms. “That’s enough of that. Why don’t you have some of this--” he turns his head away from you and gags “--yummy food and then we’ll listen to some human musical arrangements that Nadja and Laszlo have prepared.”
Nandor hovers at your side, watching with a wrinkled nose as you pile food onto your plate. You’ve barely made a dent in the impressive spread and you’re feeling guilty about the waste when Colin Robinson ambles up.
“So, nervous about Nandor draining all your blood and killing you tonight?” he asks breezily.
You ignore the question and instead ask one of your own, “Hey, you think you can bring some of the leftovers into your office tomorrow? I’d hate to waste all this…”
Colin’s face lights with a maniacal grin, “Barbara’s on a diet...Yeah...this will be perfect!”
You settle onto one of the couches, sandwiched between Guillermo and Nandor. Both vampires look vaguely nauseated as you tuck into your food, but they’re holding it together.
Laszlo stands up with Nadja and starts strumming a guitar as he addresses everyone, “When I first met our human I assumed she’d soon be fertilizing my vulva garden--”
Nadja slaps his arm and Nandor hisses indignantly.
“But! But!” Laszlo continues, bowing with a flourish in your direction. “I came to realize that this particular human was something special. I decided to accept her into the fold. Mostly because she kept Nandor off my back and also my wife threatened to maim my testicles if I ate her…
“So, here we are, human. The last night of your life and we’ve got just one thing to say…”
The couple launches into a screeching, cloying rendition of “(I’ve had) The Time of my Life” from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack (blatantly stolen from Laszlo’s catalogue of compositions). Your face is frozen in horrified laughter and you flick your gaze to Guillermo’s to see that he’s covering his mouth to stifle his own laughs. On your other side, Nandor is clapping along and bobbing his head with the music. Yup, this is your tribe.
The party goes on for another couple hours. Laszlo and Nadja perform several more “hits” before finishing up with “The Girl in the Village with the Very Small Foot.” Nadja’s singing voice is still ringing in your ears when Nandor bends down to whisper, “It’s time, my human.”
The levity of the party has done a lot to calm your nerves, but you can’t help the sudden grip of anxiety around your throat at his words. You look up, falling, once again, into the fathomless depths of his lovely, dark eyes and you think, That’s what this is. You’re going to live in that deep, dark beauty from now on. There’s nothing scary about that. 
You both stand up to leave and say your goodbyes. Laszlo and Colin wish you luck. Guillermo hugs you and presses several quick kisses to your cheeks as Nandor murmurs warningly, “Watch it!”
When he releases you, you’re suddenly engulfed in the arms of a crying Nadja.
“I do love you, you magnificent, ruthless baby!” she sobs. “Nandor, if you fuck this up I’m going to make a hat out of your asshole.”
You laugh into her shoulder and Nandor complains, “Yeesh! Alright, calm down, Nadja!”
By the time you’ve pried yourself from Nadja’s grip you’ve joined her in crying and your face is soaked. Who knew vampires could be so sentimental?
Nandor grimaces in distaste as he brings his hands up to wipe away the tears.
Nandor’s crypt looks just as it always does. No crepe paper or glitter in sight. Just the warm glow of candles, the rich red and gold accents of the decor, and the solid familiar bulk of the coffin where you’ve spent so many nights wrapped in his protective embrace. He leads you over to the chaise lounge and you both sit, fidgeting nervously and darting shy glances at one another.
Nandor plucks at the fabric of your dress, “This is nice.”
You smile faintly, “Thanks, I--I thought maybe I should dress up for the occasion. Is that stupid? I guess it’ll just get stained…”
“No,” Nandor cuts in, looking earnest and serious. “No, I’ll be careful.”
You nod and fall silent again. The knowledge of what you’re about to do seems to hang like a thick curtain between you. The easy intimacy that you’ve shared is strained with the gravity of what is to come. Nandor finally huffs out an exasperated sigh and pulls you into his lap. At first you think he’s just going to bite the bullet, so to speak, and dig into your neck at once. But instead he grabs your face and pulls you into a searing, all-consuming kiss. 
He tangles his fingers in your hair, pushing his tongue into your mouth with a low groan. You stroke your hands down the long column of his throat, running them across his broad shoulders and down his back. How this man--this perfectly imperfect, wonderfully fragile, fierce warrior man--has come to choose you, you can’t begin to understand. For countless other human souls, catching the eye of Nandor the Relentless has meant grim misfortune. For you, finding yourself the prey of a murderous vampire is the best thing that’s ever happened in your life. 
Except maybe being MVP at last year’s championship bout.
Nandor’s lips fall away and he looks up at you, panting heavily with his hair mussed and tangled. His gaze flicks down to your exposed throat and you see him swallow in anticipation. He reaches for something on an end table and shows you the stainless steel travel mug containing his blood. You take it from him noting the strip of masking tape on the lid with Nandor’s elegant scrawl--his name and the date.
You snort, setting the container down on the cushions beside you and looking back up at Nandor.
“Prepare yourself, my mortal,” he growls, fangs elongating and eyes flashing with a predatory gleam. 
You turn your head, baring your neck for your vampire boyfriend, and answering lightly, “I have a name, you know.”
A/N: Hey, thank you so so so much to everyone who read and supported this fic from the beginning! Your comments and encouragement mean the world to me!
@festering-queen, @kandomeresbitch, @strangestdiary, @glitterportrait, @scuzmunkie, @redwoodshadows, @sarasxe, @rileyomalley 
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