chaoticbutstilltrying · 2 months
In the shadows of blood ties, a tangled web,
Where love and manipulation dance together,
Strings pulled in secret, a silent ebb,
Leaving scars unseen, hearts tethered forever.
A family bond, a sacred vow,
Yet beneath the mask, a darker truth is spun,
Where power and control take their bow,
Leaving one wondering what can be won.
In whispered words and subtle control,
The truth is twisted and stories unfold,
Leaving behind a fractured soul,
Caught in a cycle that's aged and old.
But strength can rise from the depths of doubt,
An inner fire that won't be snuffed out,
To break the chains and find a route,
To reclaim the self, without a doubt.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 5 months
Grandparents are supposed to be the fun, caring and the only ppl who can overpower your parents right.
Both mine are gone. It's horrible. I don't feel right grieving but I am becoz I never spent time enough with both of them it's haunting me and i, I am a coward against these things and i just can't face my feelings and cry for then to come back or to rest wherever they are together. I've never been as confused and helpless as I am right now.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 5 months
Something in your life happens to you back to back but it really doesn't it has a 1.5 year gap in between but it isn't enough.
The same thing has repeated and this time it's double the pain and disappointment and everything else. You thought it won't happen to you again so soon and u were hopeful and everything wasn't going well but at least we were all her and there and talking and everything.
It hit you so unexpected u forgot that the person was actually a person. Not close to u per se but there as in for example like a backup option or anything. Whatever.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 6 months
In the realm of life's wild symphony,
Where fate's hands weave tapestry,
There lie the peaks and valleys deep,
The dance of highs and lows to keep.
From mountaintops where spirits soar,
To depths where sorrows anchor more,
Emotions waltz in endless play,
Unveiling paths in their own way.
Oh, the highs! Like shooting stars they gleam,
A symphony of bliss in every beam,
The laughter in hearts, unbound and free,
Unfettered joy, a symphony decree.
In sunrise's canvas, hues ablaze,
A gentle touch, a lover's gaze,
The taste of victory held so grand,
Highs lift us to enchanted lands.
Yet, amid the heights, shadows grow,
As sun dips low and moon-kissed show,
Their essence lingers, whispers near,
Embracing us with sorrow's tear.
From sacred bonds, once tight and true,
To a farewell's touch, a love withdrew,
The lows descend like heavy rain,
Testing hearts and causing pain.
Yet in these depths, resilience birthed,
A journey traced in lessons learned,
For every loss, a strength unfurled,
To rise again and face the world.
For in this dance, a wider grace,
To cherish highs, we must embrace,
The lows that shape and make us whole,
Carving depths within our soul.
So let us revel in each turn,
In highs that make our spirits burn,
And let the lows ignite our fire,
To find new strength and desires higher.
For life's tapestry, with highs and lows,
Unfolds a story, art that grows,
And as we journey through its verse,
We find the beauty in its diverse.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 7 months
In a dim-lit room, where shadows ponder,
Lies a tired teddy bear, its spirit growing fonder,
Faded threads, once vibrant, now whispering tales,
Of love's devotion and childhood's gilded trails.
Beneath button eyes, a twinkle fades away,
As weariness befalls, night turns to day,
Once hugged so tightly, a beacon of delight,
Now weakened, breathless, fading out of sight.
Each stitch a memory, sewn with tender care,
A companion through darkness, a symbol of solace rare,
Through scraped knees and secrets shared at night,
This wounded warrior, losing its fight.
Upon worn velveteen, traces of laughter and tears,
From bedtime stories, whispered hopes and fears,
Now held in frail arms, threadbare and frayed,
The weight of fading innocence cannot be swayed.
Its silent cries echo within these walls,
As innocence surrenders, despair gently falls,
Yet through the cracks, a glimmer of love remains,
In the heart's etching, where tenderness sustains.
Dear teddy, your battle is a lamented sight,
An emblem of mortality's bittersweet rite,
But in your weakness, a testament to cherish,
For love's legacy is eternal and shall not perish.
So let sorrow wash over, let tears freely flow,
In this elegy of innocence, love's roots will grow,
For though the teddy bear may succumb to decay,
Its spirit, forever cherished, shall never fade away.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 8 months
Sometimes all you can do is hate them really.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 8 months
In the realm where dreams are born,
Resides the life of a teenager forlorn.
A delicate tapestry, woven with fleeting time,
Where joys and sorrows intertwine.
From the dawn of youth, they emerge,
With innocence and curiosity that surge.
Their steps uncertain, yet eager to explore,
Life's endless possibilities, unknown shores.
With hearts ablaze and dreams set high,
Embracing chaos as the days fly by.
Boundaries tested, rebellion sparked,
They chase freedom, leaving their mark.
Through the labyrinth of emotions they tread,
Love's intoxicating dance, tangled and spread.
From infatuation's grasp to a heartache's embrace,
They learn to navigate love's intricate maze.
Yearning for acceptance, for friendships deep,
They navigate social waters, both calm and steep.
Insecurities clash with a desire to belong,
Teenage souls search for where they truly belong.
The weight of expectations lies heavy on their chest,
As they strive to find their place and be their best.
Parental guidance and societal pressure's glare,
Shape their choices, mold them with care.
Yet amidst the turmoil, a spirit shines bright,
Their resilience, their spark, an eternal light.
Empowered by passion, they find their voice,
Unleashing creativity, making their own choice.
Though life as a teenager may feel unclear,
Their spirit blooms, overcoming every fear.
For in their hearts, an unwavering flame,
Ignites their path, beyond fortune or fame.
So let us cherish this delicate phase,
The vivid hues of the teenage days.
For in their journey, we witness life's art,
As they discover their place, painting it with heart.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 9 months
In the realm where truth and masks converge,
Where hearts and faces interweave,
There lies a query, quietly heard,
"Do I need to keep up the happy facade?"
Like a dancer upon life's vibrant stage,
We sway and twirl with practiced grace,
Wearing a smile, a delicate facade,
Yet within, a storm of emotions reside.
Oh, the weight of expectations we carry,
The burden to conceal what truly lies within,
To mirror joy where shadows creep,
And bury sorrow deep in the recesses of the soul.
But must we don this cheerful guise,
Brush away our tears with a brave facade?
Or dare we reveal the cracks in our facade,
Embrace the vulnerability that dwells inside?
For in the depths of our hearts' hiding places,
Lies a power, a beauty, all our own,
Embracing the darkness with gentle grace,
We find solace in the truth we've never shown.
So question not the need for masks,
For they oft shield fragile hearts.
But let us also ask, with steadfast mien,
"Do I need to keep up the happy facade?"
For beneath the layers we've weaved and worn,
Exists a longing to be seen, to be known,
To find connection amidst life's masquerade,
And bathe in authenticity's gentle glow.
So, dear soul, if weariness weighs upon you,
Release the burden of pretending today,
Allow your truth to unfurl, unafraid,
For in vulnerability, your spirit finds its way.
Let the world bear witness to your depths,
For it is through shared sorrow and joy,
That humanity truly intertwines,
In bonds stronger than any facade could employ.
And as you shed the mask you've worn,
Unleash the beauty that lies within,
May your heart's pure authenticity,
Ignite compassion in those who have never been seen.
So, ask yourself, with boldness and grace,
"Do I need to keep up the happy facade?"
For in the truth of your existence, dear soul,
Lies the power to illuminate and persuade.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 9 months
Lately, in the depths of despair I dwell,
The weight on my shoulders, too heavy to quell.
Each passing day, a battle to get through,
As tears cascade, my soul cries out too.
In the morning's light, my heart feels so hollow,
The weight of my grief, impossible to swallow.
A torrent of emotions, threatening to spill,
Through this unbearable pain, I'm forced to trill.
The world around me, seems so unaware,
Of the silent tears and the burdens I bear.
With each passing moment, I search for relief,
In this endless cycle of sorrow and disbelief.
Oh, how I long to find solace in the night,
To be enveloped in dreams, where everything's right.
But even amidst the softness of the moon's glow,
The darkness within me continues to grow.
Sometimes I wonder, will this sadness ever cease?
Will my soul ever experience joy and find peace?
But amid the despair, a flicker of hope I see,
A reminder that someday, I'll break free.
I'll gather my strength, wipe away every tear,
Embrace the courage to face what I fear.
For within me, a spirit, resilient and strong,
Ready to rise above, sing a new, hopeful song.
So though it's hard to imagine a brighter day,
I'll keep seeking solace, along this weary way.
And as my tears fall, like a river they flow,
I'll find the strength to heal, and let my soul's light glow.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 10 months
In a world of expectations, I'm caught in a bind,
Feeling suffocated, longing to unwind.
They pile up the pressure like bricks on my chest,
Buried under their desires, I yearn for a quest.
Society whispers, a chorus in my ear,
Be successful, be perfect, the words crystal clear.
But their expectations, like chains, hold me tight,
I'm drowning in their vision, struggling for light.
They want me to soar, like an eagle so free,
But can't they see, this isn't who I'm meant to be?
I'm tired of conforming, of living their dreams,
I want to break out, to unleash my own schemes.
Why can't they accept, and let me be me?
Instead, they keep molding, shaping who I should be.
But I'm a wild spirit, craving my own lane,
I won't be defined by their narrow-minded reign.
Give me liberty to breathe, to find my own bliss,
To explore and wander, in life's myriad abyss.
I'll forge my own path, with courage as my guide,
Shedding those expectations that suffocate inside.
For I am not a puppet, but a force to behold,
With dreams and desires that cannot be controlled.
And though their expectations may weigh me down,
I'll rise above, wearing my freedom like a crown.
So let me break free, let me spread my wings,
Find my own purpose, the song my heart sings.
Suffocated no more, I'll break through the mold,
Embracing my worth, with stories yet untold.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 10 months
In a crowded room, I stand all alone,
With people around, but feeling unknown.
Surrounded by chatter and laughter's delight,
Yet my heart aches in the midst of the night.
Faces pass by like shadows in the haze,
Their voices blend, creating a disarray.
But behind their smiles, I can't help but see,
An emptiness lurking, just like within me.
Loneliness cloaks me, a shroud so profound,
As I yearn for connection, my heart's battleground.
Lost in this abyss, where do I belong?
Searching for solace, a love that is strong.
Echoes of laughter, they ring in my ears,
But they only remind me of unspoken tears.
The world plays its symphony, yet I am mute,
Seeking refuge in verses, my thoughts taking root.
The crowd moves on, oblivious they pass,
Engrossed in their stories, their joys through the glass.
As I watch from afar, a tear softly falls,
And I wonder if anyone notices at all.
But deep within, there's a flicker of light,
A whisper of hope, a beacon in the night.
For even in solitude, solace can bloom,
In moments of introspection, I find my own tune.
Though surrounded by people, I am not alone,
For within my soul, a strength has been sown.
The world may seem distant, but I can still find,
A connection in art, in words intertwined.
In the depths of my solitude, I come to embrace,
That being alone does not mean I'm misplaced.
For in the quiet moments, I learn to be strong,
And in my own presence, I finally belong.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 10 months
In the vast sky, a tale unfolds,
Of lovers, mysteries yet untold.
The sun and the moon, with hearts so bright,
Playing hide and seek, day and night.
As dawn awakes, the sun takes flight,
With golden rays, it paints the light.
Stretching its beams, spreading a glow,
Chasing shadows, high and low.
But the moon, in silvery attire,
Yearns to bask in love's desire.
As twilight beckons, it enters the scene,
A celestial dance, tranquil and serene.
Behind the veil of darkness and sleep,
They meet, their affection divine and deep.
In a cosmic embrace, they twirl and sway,
As the earth spins, meandering its way.
And when their love aligns just right,
The world is swept into their sight.
An eclipse emerges, enchanting all,
A spectacle that leaves us in thrall.
In this rare moment, time suspends,
As the universe subtly amends.
The sun and the moon, forever entwined,
Their love's display, truly refined.
Their celestial love story, a sight to behold,
A saga of passion, untold, untold.
As they chase and seek, never apart,
Love's beauty radiates from their heart.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 10 months
I love the rain, a tear-stained display,
When drops descend, the sky's dismay.
For in its weeping, I find solace true,
A reminder that even skies can feel blue.
Each droplet falls, a gentle release,
Cleansing the world, granting inner peace.
The patter on the roof, a soothing sound,
A symphony of tears, washing joy around.
With every downpour, my troubles dear,
Are washed away, dissolved by the sheer
Power of nature's tears, a healing force,
Renewing my spirit, charting a new course.
The rain, a friend, when my heart is sad,
It whispers softly, it understands.
For in its rhythm, I sense a kinship strong,
A reminder that sorrow won't last for long.
The clouds may darken, but hope still remains,
For even the sky cries, releasing its pains.
With every droplet, a message is sent,
That resilience exists, turmoil can be lent.
So, as I dance amidst the pouring rain,
I embrace its tears, release my own strain.
For in its gentle embrace, understanding lies,
That even the sky cries sometimes.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 10 months
In pursuit of perfection, we leap and we dive,
Like elusive butterflies, we strive to survive.
Yet the more we chase, the further it slips away,
A whisper in the wind, an intangible display.
Oh, perfection, the tantalizing mirage,
A puzzle without edges, a never-ending barrage.
We tiptoe on the tightrope, hoping to reach the peak,
But perfection dances unattainable, so sly and sleek.
We strain and we strain, seeking flawless embrace,
Yet perfection remains an enigma, a mystical space.
Like a distant star shimmering in the night,
It teases and tempts, forever out of sight.
We paint our canvases with strokes deft and refined,
But perfection eludes us, slipping through the mind.
No matter how we strive, no matter how we yearn,
The more we agonize, the more perfection will adjourn.
The music we compose, each note and melody,
Are grains in an hourglass, slipping into obscurity.
No matter how we play, no matter how we refine,
Perfection hides beyond the realm of our design.
In words we pen and verse we weave,
Seeking perfection, our hearts deceive.
But like a specter in the mist, it drifts away,
Forever distant, forever astray.
Yet amidst this chase, we find something profound,
For in our imperfections, true beauty is found.
It's the cracks in our souls, the flaws that make us real,
That give our existence its raw and unique appeal.
So let us release perfection's heavy chains,
Embrace the imperfect symphony life retains.
For in this endless quest, we will surely find,
That it's the journey itself, where true perfection lies.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 10 months
I'm the one who ruined me,
No one else to blame, you see.
My choices led me to this fate,
A broken soul, full of hate.
I ignored all the warning signs,
Chose the easy way, just to unwind.
But every time, the guilt would rise,
And I'd drown it out with lies.
Now I'm trapped in a prison of my own making,
With no way out, no hope for escaping.
It's all my fault, I can't deny,
I'm the one who made this bed and now I lie.
Regret consumes me day and night,
How could I have been so blind? So tight
Bound by my own foolish pride,
I destroyed the future, the love inside.
I'm the one who ruined me,
But I won't give up, I won't let it be.
I'll work to heal the wounds I've made,
And step by step, I'll find my way.
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 11 months
Food, oh food, so tempting and grand,
Delicious dishes all across the land.
From Italian pizzas to spicy Thai,
Food brings joy that money can't buy.
Sweet treats like cakes and pies,
Make our taste buds dance and rise.
Indulging in chocolate and custard creams,
Oh, the world of desserts, full of dreams!
With spices and herbs, so much to savor,
Every culture has flavors to discover.
From Mexican tacos to Indian curry,
Food brings people together, no need to worry.
Grocery stores and farmer's markets,
Offer choices, healthy or indulgent.
Food feeds our bodies and minds,
A feast of pleasure, in all kinds.
So let's raise a glass, and toast to the food,
A great gift that puts us all in a good mood.
From breakfast to supper, we enjoy every bite,
Let us give thanks to the food, every day and night!
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chaoticbutstilltrying · 11 months
In a house, there can be so much pain,
It's hard to fathom why it all remains,
The sadness lingers, day after day,
As if it's waiting, here to stay.
The walls hold memories, both good and bad,
As we struggle to find the happiness we once had,
It's as if the tears have stained the floor,
And the bitterness keeps knocking at the door.
The heart aches with every little creak,
As the foundations seem too weak,
To hold the weight of all the hurt,
But somehow, we make it through the worst.
With every moment, we try to heal,
As we search for a way to truly feel,
That life can be good, despite the pain,
And in the end, it won't be in vain.
So though our hearts may be heavy and sore,
We'll keep pushing through, forevermore,
For we know that even in the darkest hour,
Love can still bloom, like a beautiful flower.
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