#you are invited to spam our notes as much as you want. enjoy
cosmossystem · 30 days
can pro-endo and/or pro-ship blogs interact with this post or follow us or send asks or something? weve been dealing with right-wingers & medicalists in our notes for like a week now and its been a bad time. and also we wanna make more mutuals on this blog <3
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nuklearis-sutotok · 3 months
I watched some Snoopy clips on Twitter, it's a cheaply veiled PSA for gov't propaganda: Hey kids you want to be a Scientist, they're cool… Snoopy pretends to fly. Point is even if you never watched Snoopy indoctrinate you:
We're all ingrained with the idea this life is the only one we must live for. But if we pay attention we rarely make it to our 100th attempt at any one thing because our soul gets bored with creation [created things], we need our CREATOR to fill us that is fulfillment.
Tim Keller said the problem with modern people is we feel we deserve a good life, meaning we don't deserve bad things. As a result, rather than accept what is, & try to learn what each event is teaching us about ourselves. We instead try to find a way to force reality to fit our desires or perspective.
[Tim Keller: Power for Facing Trouble]
In 1973 Karl Menninger wrote book noting how society replaced morals with medical model: For most of our problems, we use a medical model.
For example: People who are terribly bitter, they will not forgive. But what do they say: They’re hurting, never admit they’re bitter. Hurting—that’s a medical term for a moral problem. You do NOT have a medical problem; you’ve got a moral problem!
Research findings show 90% of Americans believe they show the kind of love in life, that if everybody showed, would make Society all right. Yet Psychologists say no one is ever healed because we are constantly being damaged by others.
Even Brain Surgeons have noted the brain surprisingly does not feel pain & Dr. Wilder Penfield said no matter what he did, he could never cut-out enough of a person's brain to remove their personality. [Michael Egnor: Evidence Against Materialism]
Saying this shows there is something untouchable beyond the physical realm, the thing David Attenborough says is why he remains agnostic because he's seen blind termites incapable of detecting his presence & so he wonders if we have the same lack of sense perception to detect GOD. The Bible says we know GOD exists, & every time we fail in life is one step closer to meeting our MAKER voluntarily or literally.
[YouTube: Off the Kirb Ministries | Sir David Attenborough - Did You Catch It Too?]
Have you ever invited JESUS into your mess?
I got two of these in my inbox, one of them I reported for spam. I would rather deal with the pamphleters at work. Some people see the word "science" and lose their minds, not to mention make a lot of immediate assumptions. My religious views are partly set in stone by an experience that is none of your business... As for the rest of this... I don't like typing on my phone that much. If you had approached me in another manner, I may have even enjoyed a discussion and debate, but this is far too much like sticking a late night infomercial in someone's box, selling God like a bar of soap. I am greatly disappointed.
0 notes
sweetestlamb · 3 years
Put On A Show
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Summary: Cha-young goes to her high school reunion and brings a certain mafia guest. 
Author's note: I heard someone wanted a on top and in control CY so here it is! I already had this idea about a HS reunion so I simply combined the two ideas and got this smutty brainchild. This is rated E for extremely dirty so read at your own discretion, I planned on writing more fics of them pining but I really do love a women in control so I took a break from my cockblocking to fill this prompt. Hope you enjoy ;) 
Dear class of 2005,
That time has come once again, our class reunion! This year's reunion will be held in the Phoenix Hall in honor of us all rising from the ashes of this pandemic and being reborn stronger than ever before! Tickets available for purchase below. There are separate tickets for food and drinks and this year's theme will be luxury: a life of decadence. We look forward to seeing you all.
Cha-young skims the email that had initially landed in her spam folder, only the name of her old high school attached in the subject line catches her attention enough to make her open the otherwise nondescript email.
Another high school reunion.
She had been evading these gatherings like the plague itself, ever since the last time she'd made the mistake of going to one. She had just landed her job at Wusang Firm and finally felt confident in herself, in high school she'd always been the loud one and the weird one but now she was a lawyer and a damn good one if she said could say so herself. Nobody could dismiss her now or jokingly remind her of the bowl cut she had sported before, she was always the butt of their jokes and she was tired of feeling small beneath their condescending thumb. She finally had something worth bragging about. 
She'd stepped in with a smirk on her face, tight black dress and heels clicking as she walked waving at people she knew but didn't deign important enough to stop her entrance for a chat. The buffet table was her sole destination but she'd been intercepted by familiar annoying high pitched voices, Chang Ae-ram and Bom Min-he, the popular girls in her school and the banes of her existence both rushed over to her with drinks in their hands.
They never had anything kind to say to her and seemed to seek her out simply to put her down or remind her of how much of a “pathethic loser” she was in high school, as if she hadn’t been the one living her life. 
The verbal sparring began almost immediately, with them all battling for lead in the "my life is going great" contest, coyly listing their accolades and accomplishment and assertively she told them both about her new job at one of Korea's most successful and well known law firm.
"Oh." Ae-ram answered with a tight smile that pulled her surgically enhanced face into a wrinkleless grin. 
She sipped her drink feeling victorious as they both avoided her brazen eye contact. She had just opened her mouth to make her leave when a vindictive smile stretched over Min-he's face, "A job is so important but what about a family? Surely you don't plan on dying alone, how come you never bring anyone with you? We're all so sad that you don't have anyone still." She gripped the stem of her wine glass at the fake concern, suddenly the group was larger and everyone was congratulating Min-he on her engagement, the other woman waving the huge diamond on her finger in her face.
It was so vapid and stupid and she knew that it didn't make her any less of a woman that she didn't have a man but those words still burned. She had noticed that everyone was paired up and she was one of the only people who came alone, she'd been seeing someone before the reunion but at her mention of the gathering he had told her that "things were getting too serious for him" rolling out of her bed while tugging on his underwear and that had been the last she heard from him.
She'd spent the rest of the night on the outskirts avoiding her college mates and later stumbled out on her heels unsteady from the amount of liquor she'd consumed.
That had been her last reunion. She'd pointedly ignored all the invitations since then, the shame of that night still stinging all those years later. They only served as a reminder that she still had no one and regardless of how successful she was at her career she would be deemed undesirable by others.
It was such a fucking joke but she couldn't shake the insecurity despite knowing how false it was.
The sound of keys jingling near the front door knock her free from her reminiscing and she spins around to the sight of Vincenzo struggling to squeeze through the entrance with several bags in his arms, he never wants to make more than one trip- the overachiever. She nods her head in hello before trudging over to him without closing her laptop, greeting him easily with a peck on the lips freeing a few bags from his hands.
"Did you get my cookies?" She asks again despite the various text messages she had sent reminding him about her sweet treats, he rolls his eyes at her again swinging another bag into her waiting hands.
"Here. When I told you to text me necessities, cookies are not what I had in mind." He flicks her forehead lightly silencing her cry of pain with a follow-up kiss to the spot, she grumbles but stuffs the soft baked chocolate chip cookies into her mouth, cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk hoarding food for the winter.
Smooth as a well-oiled machine they put the groceries away, the sound of cabinets opening and closing the soundtrack for their movements. When everything is correctly put away, she makes her way back over to her laptop only then remembering what she'd been doing.
She stares at the screen contemplating her next move before she feels a familiar heavy weight on her shoulder, his breath is hot on her neck when he speaks, "What are you looking at?" He barely waits for her reply covering her hand on the sleek mouse, scrolling down to read the entire email. She waits anxiously in her seat as he reads the words out loud, obviously she had thought about him when she first received the email but her last experience had made her nervous about asking him to attend.
They hadn't been officially dating for long. They'd been too focused on taking down Babel and the aftermath had left them both with unanswered questions about the nature of their relationship. 
Only this time when she asked him the same question she'd been asking since he crash landed into her life unexpectedly, after everything  was over, he'd looked over at her and said in a small voice "Not if you want me to stay."
She'd been a coward and he had taken her silence as rejection and it had taken a dramatic and honestly cliché airport interruption, complete with her pushing past airport staff and screaming his name crying as they told her that the plane to Malta had already taken off.
She'd returned to her house with red rimmed eyes that widened into huge saucers at the sight of him in front of her house, large suitcase beside him.
Gasping she ran into his arms, as terrified as she'd felt that fateful night so long ago in the underpass. 
"I couldn't go."
He tugged her closer, burrowing his face in her thick hair and breathing harshly his voice was raw and rough like he'd been crying too.
"Because of me?" She asked shock laden in her words and that's when he drew away to stare into her eyes and with a defeated nod he said, "Because of you."
The rest had been history. He came inside with her and he hadn't left since.
"Are you going?"
She stills at the inquiry, head dizzy from the memories racing through her mind.
He places a finger on the computer screen, "This reunion. Are you going?"
She feels a small sting in her chest at his words, with a sad smile she starts to shake her head in decline but then he chuckles, "We should go. I'll be your arm candy." He teases wagging his eyebrows in her peripheral.
"You want to come with me?" She repeats stunned by his casual offer, this seemed huge for some reason and she could feel her heart pounding erratically in her brittle chest.
He finally straightens up walking off to the kitchen grabbing a cup, pulling the fridge open.
"Yeah I mean unless you have another boyfriend you want to bring with you."
She laughs at his joke but internally her blood sings, she didn't want to get her hopes up but now she can barely contain her happiness.
She can always count him to have her back.
Slamming the laptop shut she circumvents the chair running over to him, he looks at her with a raised eyebrow prying the cup of water from his hands she pulls him down into a grateful kiss. He hums low when she slips her tongue into his lax mouth, this kiss vastly different from the peck she'd greeted him with at the door.
She can taste the caffeine on his tongue, the strong flavor of his favorite espresso swirling around her taste buds, pushing him firmer into the counter she laps at his mouth eager for a deeper exploration. He melts under her touch letting her manhandle him and move his head as she sees fit, his complete surrender makes her hot under the collar.
It's with reluctance that she pulls away from his addicting lips.
She smirks as he sways into her body as if intoxicated.
"Sorry. We have to go soon, it's game night."
It's a weekly tradition at the plaza, tonight they're playing Taboo, it had been announced in the group chat that Mr. Nam had forced them to join. It was chaotic with so many different voices there but it made her feel warm, like they were their own little family.
He groans disappointed but nods slowly, adjusting himself discretely but not enough for her vigilant eyes. She stares at the hardon visible through the thin material of his sweatpants.
"Let's go before you get me any more excited." He grumbles, picking up the snacks he'd purchased for tonight. She smiles triumphantly at his back still in disbelief that she has that kind of power over the great Corn Salad, Vincenzo Cassano.
Game night is a success, filled with laughter and playful arguing. They all work together in pairs and their team loses horribly with her accidentally shouting out all the taboo words every time it's her turn. Mi-Ri and Larry Kang- from the dance studio make a great team using dance moves and inside jokes to solve their words in seconds much to everyone’s shock, they both adamantly deny any change in their relationship at the groups subsequent teasing.
Nobody believes them. 
Just like they hadn’t believed her and Vincenzo. 
They get home at midnight and both collapse before they can finish what they started earlier in the kitchen, but cuddling is great too. He’s always the little spoon. 
The reunion isn't a point of conversation again and she almost forgets about it completely until it's Saturday, the day of the event and she wakes up alone. It's not totally abnormal with him being a morning person but she still groans in annoyance at his disappearance. The bed is so cold without his body letting off heat like a human furnace.
The sun is high in the sky when she finally pulls herself out of bed much later, 12:45pm according to her phone and she sits up with a full body stretch, body popping and cracking.
"Vincenzo? Are you here?" She calls out to the empty house, receiving no reply.
With a sigh she goes to shower and brush her teeth, he should be back soon from wherever he went.
When she finally comes out of the bathroom, a cloud of steam following her she pauses at the package on the bed. A huge white box catches her eye, the gold silken bow striking across the large rectangle. Taking a closer step she runs a finger across the smooth material in wonder.
There's a note and immediately she recognizes the distinctive penmanship.
Open me.
Not needing to be told twice she tugs the bow watching it unraveling before lifting the top of the box, peering inside with glowing eyes.
She lets out a soft gasp at the sight of the piercing white material that is almost perfectly camouflaged in the matching box. She lifts it with awe, watching material unfurl until she can see it clearly. It's a dress made from expensive fabric based on the its luxurious feel in her hands and her eyes widen at the cape that hangs lower than the dress itself.
"He was listening to me."
She remembers her group chat with the ladies from the plaza, sending them different options for her reunion and letting them help to pick it her outfit. She wanted something that would garner attention but that still felt like her, and that's when she'd seen it. The new Alexander Wang collection, all white blazer dress with a cape and button details, it looked like luxury and she knew it had to be hers.
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The ladies had all been in agreement sending her thumbs up emojis and demanding that she purchase the stunning dress. She'd quickly added it to her cart but much to her dismay as she'd been entering her card information, that dreaded message popped up at the top of her screen.
This item is no longer available. Sorry, try again. 
Her heart had sunk and despite Miri's computer savvy and Yeon-Jin 's online shopping prowess they had not been able to locate the dress on any other site. It was sold out, everywhere.
Or so she thought.
Wordlessly she slips into the dress and surprisingly it fits like a glove, as if it was tailored just for her but that can't be.
"I'll zip that up for you."
She jumps at the dark voice behind her and then a chill runs up her spine at his fingertips on her bare back. He slides the thick curtain of her hair to the side to zip it up the rest of the way, their eyes meet in the full length mirror across the room.
"You look beautiful." He compliments easily, eyes caressing her body from her head down to her bare toes.
She feels like a goddess under his eyes.
"Where did you get this? It was sold out everywhere." She stares at him in wonder and he smiles at her gaping mouth, "I called in a favor. I knew a designer who owed me a favor." He shrugs as if it's nothing that he knows designers who are connected to the Alexander Wang, she's still not used to his influence.
"Do you know Alexander Wang?" She shouts in surprise spinning to stare at him and his easy smile and open hand gesture is enough of an answer.
"I got your measurements from Mr.Tak. I wanted tonight to be perfect for you."
Her nerves have been shot all week, it's true that they haven't discussed the reunion at all but that doesn't mean it hasn't been on a mind even haunting her dreams.
She didn't want to be embarrassed again. She knew that she shouldn't let them get to her, she didn't have to prove herself to anyone but for once she just wanted to make them all eat those condescending words. She wanted to show them that she was the same weird girl from high school but she was even more now, also a successful woman and there was nothing wrong with being both sides of those coins. 
Without her even saying one word he'd been able to detect how important this night was for her.
"Thank you." She breathes tears glistening on her eyes, he wraps both arms around her waist beaming at her in the mirror.
"Don't thank me yet you didn't even see the shoes yet."
Without waiting for her answer he steps away to lift a pair of sparkling shoes from the box, the red soles immediately notifying her of the exorbitant brand.
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She gapes at the shoes and then a smirking Vincenzo and then back at the shoes, "Are you crazy? Are those Louboutin's?" She asks the obvious question turning the shoes over to stare at the vibrant scarlet soles. A certain Bronxite’s voice blaring in her head about blood shoes. 
"They did say the theme was luxury. I thought these were just right for you." Squealing like a kid in candy store she sits down on the bed with both shoes in hand, but before she can slip them on he's lowering himself to his knees. The sight is enough to stop her in her tracks, her traitorous imagination running wild at the implications and possibilities. When he takes the shoes from her loose grip she merely watches as he slides the shoes onto her feet, just like the dress they too fit perfectly.
"I feel like Cinderella." She chuckles trying to break the tension and the swell in her chest but his bright smile only makes her chest constrict tighter, she doesn't know if she'll survive tonight.
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"Hong Cha-young!" She freezes at the sound of Ae-ram's squealing voice only pausing for a moment before turning with a tense smile.
Here we go.
The woman is flagged by her usual posse and parrots, who are always ready to echo her biting remarks and she gulps down her dirty martini needing some liquid courage.
As if sensing her unease instantly Vincenzo takes the hand that was artistically placed in the pocket of his fitting white dress pants and curls it around her waist, grounding her with the simple touch. She turns to him and he greets her with a calming smile that she can't help but return.
I've got your back. He says with only a slight lift of his lips.
She takes a deep breath.
Ae-ram's smile dims as she gets closer to them, her eyes honed on the hand on her hip and she leans fully into the warm body pressed against her side.
Min-he speaks first, an equally constipated smile on her face, "Who's this? You've never brought anyone before. Is this a work friend?" She almost rolls her eyes at the ridiculous question, as if work friends would be this comfortable with each other. They're already finding excuses, grasping at straws and creating complicated solutions for something that is easy to understand simply because they don’t think she’s worthy of attention. That large hand tightens lightly before a light chuckle reaches her ear, “Vincenzo Cassano, lawyer and the lucky man who gets to call her my mine.” She fidgets in his hold blushing at his bold introduction and watching all eyes widen at them, nobody speaks at first clearly in shock at the revelation. 
“Vinshenzo? What kind of name is that?” Someone harps from the back of the crowd and she feels her hackles rise, yes she might have struggled with the pronunciation of his name at first but it felt petty and intentional right now not an honest mistake like her mispronunciation had been. 
But before she can unleash her anger, another old classmates breaks the tense stalemate.
“Oh you’re the Italian lawyer I heard about on the new, who took down Babel! Great job!” 
She had also helped with that, them being a team but nobody seems to care about that all focusing on Vincenzo, all herding around her Italian like he’s a celebrity and she watches shock as he easily wins them over. 
“Sì, ero io. Il piacere è tutto tuo.” Yes that was me, the pleasure is all yours. 
The group minus Ae-ram and Min-he all oh and ah at his effortless Italian despite having no clue what exactly he just said, she too is clueless at the quickly stated sentence but the mischievous smirk on his handsome face informs her of all that she needs to know, he is mocking them right to their faces. She hides a smile behind her hands, pretending to cough into her fingers. 
Wordlessly, the group separates based on sex-she watches helplessly as Vincenzo is tugged away in a boisterous discussion about the state of Korean football- and she is left alone with those harpies but unlike the other reunions suddenly she is the most interesting woman there, regardless of Ae-ram trying to steal the show with pictures of her new full breed dog. She watches amused as the other woman is pushed aside and she is accosted on both sides, questions firing off like rockets. 
“Where did you meet him?”
“Does he have a brother?”
“When are you getting married? You have to marry him!”
“Does he always smell that good?”
She turns flabbergasted to hear that question coming from Ae-ram’s right hand woman, Min-he and Ae-ram glares at her looking betrayed before she storms off with her professional head shots of her dog. She expects Min-he to trail after the spiteful primadonna but to her shock the other woman moves in closer, joining the firing brigade with their million questions about the handsome Italian. 
They all settle down when the man they are so curious about returns, hand back on her waist like that its resting place. 
Her ears ring from their coos and shrill “awws” but she leans into him nonetheless happy to have him back, already exhausted dealing with these people. 
Then she notes that the tone of the questions suddenly shift as they begin to bombard the Italian Korean all at once. There are....more flirtatious when speaking to him and she feels her blood curl at the unprecedented change. 
“Are all Italians this handsome?” Her eye twitches at the bold inquiry, subconsciously she feels her eyes narrow into slits as she glares at the woman who was brave stupid enough to ask that. The bitch blanches at her sneer but still flutters her eyelashes at Vincenzo waiting for his response, she clears her throat loudly answering for him, “He’s one of a kind and fortunately all mine. “ She can feel the smug bastard preening next to her practically buzzing from her compliment, and she quickly makes their escape, “Please excuse us.” Vincenzo smoothly tips his drinks at the women, “Addio,” he bids farewell in Italian arm still hooked around her waist as she sashays away, Louboutin's clicking on the marble tile floor. 
The scrap of Italian leaves them all in a frenzy, whispering wildly behind them. 
She drags them to the bar, ordering two shots of soju and another dirty martini ignoring his examining stare. 
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” She already knows the answer to her question, it’s written all over him and she tries to stifle the jealousy that wants to rear its  ugly head. 
He looks over at her with a lazy grin, trying to appear innocent. She isn’t fooled for one second. 
“Me? I’m not doing anything. I’m only here for you.” 
She scoffs at him, staring at his annoyingly handsome face and his gleaming white suit he discarded the jacket earlier and his arms have been distracting her all night. 
“You love the attention.” 
He rubs his neck before turning to her fully, leaning on the bar counter. 
“What? Are you jealous of the attention I’m getting? isn’t that why you brought me to make you look good?” 
She wants to deny it and laugh at him, but even now she can hear the voices in the distance all intrigued by the Italian and the bartender’s eyes linger just a minute too long as the smooth Lawyer throws his free shot back in one fluid motion. She should be used to it by now, everyone in a ten mile radius getting a hard on for the Korean Italian. She understands why he gets all this attention, he is gorgeous that was one of the many reasons that she had fallen for him too but sometimes it can be intimidating to be with someone that so many others desire and so obviously too. 
She wonders if she even deserves him. 
Was she enough for him? 
“What’s going on in that pretty little head?” He taps her on her forehead dragging her from her self-deprecation. “Do you know why they’re all so mean to you?” He suddenly asks and she stares at him before shaking her head no. 
Probably because she’s a hot fucking mess. 
“They’re jealous of you.” 
A burst of laughter slips free at this speculation and she watches as his face tightens, “You really don’t know do you?” His voice is liquid fire, smoky and dark like the tendrils from a cigarette. 
“What are you talking about?” She manages to get out despite being lost in his voice. 
“How sexy you are.” He leans over to whisper directly in her heated ears, she moans lightly at his breath on her skin. 
That is hardly ever a word that she has heard used to describe her, Hong Cha-young. 
Clumsy. Forgetful. Selfish. Loud. Demanding. Too Much. 
Those words she had heard all her life but never sexy. She was too strange to be sexy. 
“You’re smart and beautiful and you have a successful career. You aren’t afraid to be yourself and now you have me on your arm. You have everything and they wish they were you, they’re jealous.” He repeats firmer this time, rubbing a large thumb across her bottom lip and grinning down at her with barely contained glee. 
She starts to deny his claim but then she looks behind her and sees nothing but a sea of envy, women and men both looking at them and she notes not all eyes are on Vincenzo a few men seemed lost in the low cut dip of her dress and the miles of naked skin on display. 
She gasps at the hard line that pokes at her bottom when he leans into her back, standing flush her back to his front. She shivers when he leans down to breathily say, “Everyone is watching, why don’t we give them a show?” 
This is not like her, at all. 
She has never been a fan of public displays of affection, even screaming at horny strangers in the past to get a room but she feels all that restraint leave her body at his challenge. Driving her body back into his jutting erection she slowly grinds in perfect rhythm to the song playing over the stereo. 
She feels seductive as the music curls around her and she lifts her arms to wrap around his neck, bringing him ever closer and pushing back harder delighted at the groan that escapes his lips. He is coiled tightly behind her but he doesn’t move a muscle letting her have complete control over their interaction and she has never felt more powerful. Continuing to sway she leans back when he tightens his grip around her waist, mewling as his nose rubs at her earlobe and letting out a soft gasp when he blows on the tender flesh. 
When she peels her heavy lids open, there are so many hungry and watchful eyes on them. 
Ae-ram looks scandalized and she can see the woman pointing at them but she can’t hear a word that she’s saying the blood in her ears is too loud, drowning out all other sounds. 
It must be the liquor in her veins because seeing all the voyeurs only makes her bolder, before she can second guess herself she spins around much to Vincenzo’s chagrin but she silences him with a finger on his lip. 
“Follow me.” 
He arches a thin eyebrow but eagerly obeys her command when she tugs him in the direction of the bathroom. 
She hears several gasps behind her as she tugs open the door stepping inside, dragging him right behind her the silence is deafening when he closes the door behind them, turning the lock with a metallic snap. 
Her breath comes out in hurried puffs. 
What the fuck am I doing? She asks herself, wondering if this is what people call an out of body experience. 
“We don’t have to do anything. Their imaginations will do the rest.” 
He’s giving her an out. 
Gripping his hands tighter, she pulls him over to the toilet which is thankfully clean using her feet to slam the seat down before pushing down him to sit. He looks up at her with inquisitive eyes, waiting for her next move but lets himself be manhandled the second time this night. 
“Thank you for everything tonight,” she covers his mouth with her hands as she climbs into his lap, whatever words he had on his tongue evaporate when their groins meet. 
“I know I don’t say this enough, but I love you.”  
She has only ever said it once before and he’d been sleeping, they both knew he wasn’t truly asleep but he let her pretend and she appreciated it but there was no way she couldn’t say it now, tonight. He had been her prince charming when she had expected nothing. 
“Are you serious? You say it to me in her-” She pops open his pants button cutting off his stunned response and he stares at her, making her feel hot. 
“Talk later?” She begs and her request is backed by her hand disappearing through the slit in his pants and wrapping around his dick, the hot muscle twitching fiercely in her hold. 
He chokes out word that sounds like a jumbled “yes” and that’s all the consent she needs to stroke him harder, using his precum to glide her hand down from the tip to the base and then back up again, he lets out a punched out groan at her purposeful handling of his imported goods. 
Shifting back marginally, she gives herself more room tugging his pants down further to get a better look at the pretty pink cock, it’s standing at attention and weeping for her and rubs harder twisting in a corkscrew motion on the mushroom head much to his pleasure, he thrusts up into her hand and immediately she lets go. 
“Please,” he whines so prettily and she tsks at him, “Don’t move, you can only take what I give you. You said you were mine right?” 
She doesn’t know what has come over her but seeing all those women and men lusting over her boyfriend makes her want to remind them and him, just who he belongs to. 
She expects him to put up some sort of fight, instead he nods eagerly at her command stilling his hip and she can see the strain in his white knuckled grip on the toilet edge. 
“Good boy.” She praises and notes with stunned satisfaction the way his dick jumps at the praise too, interesting. 
She starts with a light pace, stroking with the barest amount of pressure before she starts to grip him tighter when he groans at the dryness of her hands she leans over to spit on his head, this makes him hiss and fight to stay still in her grip she rewards him with a kiss to his flushed red head. The wet sounds of her hands stroking his hot meat fills the small space of the bathroom and lifting one hand she grabs his tie using it to yank him into a hard kiss, he opens up for her immediately letting her tongue explore his mouth. 
She has never seen this mafia man so docile, it’s like seeing a lion behave like a house cat. 
With a hard suck at his bottom lip, she breaks their kiss leaving them to pant into each other’s mouth harshly. 
She didn’t know how far she actually planned on going but now nothing seems like enough, she needs more. 
Staring deep into his eyes, she stands up releasing her grip on him and he sighs watching her confused before she slides both hands under her dress and slowly pulls down her panties, they are tiny, white and lace, matching her bra and he looks mesmerized as they are pried down her legs. 
“Are you sure?” He’s still checking on her and she smiles at him, stepping out of the panties and cheekily putting them in his pocket, “Give them safe for me,” she doesn’t give him a chance to reply before sinking back down onto him, his dick is hard and thick but she’s so wet that he glides into her like they are two matching pieces of a puzzle.  An erotic puzzle. 
“Fuck!” He shouts when he bottoms out and his cock is completely encased in her tight walls, his voice echoes off the bathroom walls. 
She grabs his tie, making his eyes pop open and she watches amused as he sputters as she stuffs the expensive material into his mouth. 
“You’re being too loud.” She teases remembering all the times he had been the one admonishing her as she screamed beneath him. 
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” He echoes her words from spitting out the tie and she can’t deny it, so instead she rocks forward taking even more of him simultaneously shoving the wet tie back into his mouth listening to his barely muffled grunts. She rises up on the tips of her toes, her red bottoms giving her that extra bit of height, his hard tip popping free with a wet squelch before she slams back down onto him titling her head back and moaning to the ceiling. 
He’s being so good, not moving at all simply letting her fuck down on him and she can tell his control is slipping every time he grips her waist too tightly, painfully. 
She continues to ride him, chasing her own pleasure and whimpering when his blunt head slides across her engorged bead, rocking vigorously up and down as she feels the end drawing near. She tightens her hold on his shoulder, using him as leverage to ride him faster, his thighs tense under the weight of her body and her rapid pace. 
The wet smacks fill the air filthily and she feels dirty, absolutely nasty but instead of shame an intense wave of pride barrels over her. 
“You’re mine.” She whispers out loud to herself but he misinterprets the words and eagerly nods at the statement thinking she wants him to declare that he’s hers, “Yes I am yours, all yours,” and she loses her mind, pistoning herself rapidly on his lap before pleasure surges through her body, starting in her toes and curling up her thighs and she rocks her nipples into his chest through their layers of clothes, she muffles her cry in his throat roughly pulling at the skin there to silence her deafening screams. 
It’s only then that he breaks the rules, reaching up to grab her shoulders and yanking her down to meet his vicious upward thrust and waves and waves of thick streams fill her up until she feels it leaking at the sides. 
There is no sound besides their louds pants. 
Then two loud knocks make them both jump from their wrecked state, his softening length falling from her grip. 
“This is the only bathroom.” A voice calls out disgusted and with a gasp she stands up straightening her dress and running a hand through her hair before realizing that it’s still sticky, great. 
Vincenzo is a puddle on the toilet, legs spread apart and softened dick not yet tugged away, he looks like sin reincarnated and it takes everything not to initiate another round. 
“Come on lover boy,” she tugs him up pulling him up and zipping up his pants, then she moves him over to the sink washing her hands and making him do the same. Their eyes meet in the mirror and that’s when she sees much how debauched they truly look, when he turns to look at the hickey she sucked into his pale skin while trying to be quiet she finally feels the ability to be embarrassed returning. 
it’s huge and red, almost purple, covering the thick column of his throat and he winces when he rubs at it. 
“I’m sorry, I got carried away.” She apologizes but its for naught because he grins at her proudly, “You were just claiming what’s yours.” 
His words light another fire under her skin and it’s only the pounding on the door that stops her from jumping him again. 
When they finally pull the door open, none other than a blanched face Ae-ram is on the other side. The woman looks shocked to see them both standing in front of her and the gears begin to slowly turn and a bright blush rushes up her unnaturally high cheekbones while color evacuates the rest of her face. 
“Are you serious?!” 
She doesn’t stay to hear the rest of the woman’s snide remark, all eyes are on them as she walks over to the bar to grab her discarded purse and Vincenzo’s jacket, the bartender winks knowingly at them looking equal parts aroused and jealous and she chortles, winking back. 
He hands them two shots, “It’s on the house,” he looks them up and down languidly licking his lips and she slams back the bitter liquid before turning to Vincenzo, his lips are shiny and now wet under the bright lights. 
“Let’s get out of here.” She slams the shot glass on the counter, pulling him out the door. 
He hastily swallows his drink, letting her tug him out the door into the cool night air. 
“You didn’t let me answer you before, but me too.” 
She looks at him from the corner of her eye, the wind causing her to sober up and it takes a minute to understand what he’s talking about. She shifts awkwardly when she ultimately realizes nodding while looking away, their cab is three minutes away. 
“I love you too, Hong Cha- young.” 
As if she didn’t already know. It was too obvious after tonight. 
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sweetest-honeybee · 3 years
Down to Dust
Chapter 3
Fic Summary: Grian will have to keep the dragon egg secure for the Watchers. But, they’re not the only ones who want it. On a completely unrelated note, Mumbo will have to deal with a version of himself thats only amplified by his No Killing mindset.
Chapter Summary: Grian has a talk with one of the highest ranking Watchers.
Word Count: 1365
TW: Slight degradation
Note: Aisling’s name is pronounced “Ash-ling”
The egg wasn’t back. Grian spent his next morning searching once more for it and decided that it was never returned the night before. While he concluded his search on the roof of his house, he cursed to himself. It was only made worse by the glowing brooch awaiting him in his house upstairs. That alone made anxiety prick at the back of his neck. He was being summoned and he needed the egg terribly.
Scar wasn’t around, neither was Mumbo. It raised some suspicion in his mind. He could spam their communicators but that wouldn't help him in the slightest. They’d only deny it further and he didn’t have time to do what he planned to do at their bases. He was needed and needed now. Watchers hardly liked to wait.
He made his way back into his base. Upstairs, the brooch was lying on his bed expectantly. The avian sighed and pulled at his hair. What if they didn’t need the egg yet, he thought. It was a possibility but how much worse would his rank get if he couldn’t present the Mistress with her egg. At this point, even he was surprised that she considered him anything remotely important to her plan.
Grian picked up the brooch. Might as well get it over with, he supposed. He pressed his thumb into the center’s amethyst and within seconds a lilac mist surrounded his feet and climbed higher until he could no longer see his surroundings. As the mist cleared, he was met with a dark room that seemed to stretch endlessly much like The Void. Unlike The Void, however, the ceiling was littered with stars. Under his feet, a large glowing Watcher’s symbol that illuminated his face under the black cloak that conjured over his small frame. On his chest, the brooch, and behind him the hem of the cloak extended for miles.
At the front of the room was a lady that towered over him by tens of blocks- although at least twenty of these were from her floating from the floor. She was elegant and beautiful, not a blemish, stray hair, or loss thread dared to imperfect her features. Although, a crystalline veil shielded the top half of her face. It extended into a sun-like crown atop her head. To further emphasize her power, she emitted a white, milky glow over the room.
It was her Mistress, Aisling.
“Aisling,” he greeted with a nod.
“Grian,” she did as well. “We have some things to discuss.”
Grian cringed internally then swallowed thickly. “Go on then.” He gestured a polite hand towards her.
“You do understand that I know what happens to the egg at all times, yes?” she quizzed. Her eyes narrowed. “You’ve lost it. Well, it’s been stolen, I should say.”
He sighed. “You do also understand that they don’t know anything about that egg. It seems much like any other egg to them.”
“It is your job to keep it from harm until we need it. If that means you inform them of its contents, then so be it,” she spoke sternly. Aisling raised her chin. “And if you’re not up for the task, then find someone who can take care of it if you’re so irresponsible.”
The builder was at a loss for words. He opened his mouth and yet nothing escaped his lips. The only thing that he eventually squeaked out was a small, “Yes ma’am.”
“Good. I trust that you will get the egg back then. We are not the only ones who want the dragon’s egg.”
“I know,” he muttered. “You’ve said that the last four times I was here. But here we are,” he gestured around himself. “I’ve got no clue as to who you’re even talking about.”
“You are not a Watcher,” she berated. “You do not deserve any kind of details after you devastated our last mission. We cannot close the portal to HelCraft because of you.”
Grian avoided her gaze, fiddling with his sleeves. “Then why am I getting dragged into this if I’m not a Watcher.”
“The dragon laying the egg was connected to your server’s End. You are not a Watcher anymore but it was the closest we could get until Xisuma invited another Watcher to his server or that he watched the egg himself.” Aisling huffed. “I have already tried contacting him, he will not do it.”
This made Grian’s face scrunch in confusion. “That’s…odd. He usually does those kind of things for you.”
“I know but it is what it is now. Trust me, I am not any happier about it than you are. But this is-”
“But this is a once in a several million year opportunity. Yes, I know.” He rolled his eyes.
She tightened her jaw. “Right then.”
The builder looked back up. “Just tell me where it is and I’ll bring it back,” he pleaded.
“It is not time for that yet. We will not require the egg for weeks, months even. It all depends on what Mistress Bain tells us. Until then, you have one task, an easy task, and that is to keep the egg safe.” This only received another eye roll. “Also, the egg is with Mumbo. He has kept it very safe.”
Grian couldn’t help but to chuckled at that despite the conversation. Aisling hardly seemed amused. “I had a feeling,” was all he said. “It was probably in a vault, wasn’t it.”
“It was,” she replied flatly. “There is nothing funny about it. Not unless you would like me to mock your lack of adequacy.” Her eyes narrowed. “I find it quite humorous.”
This brought the builder back to his previously timid state. “No, ma’am.”
“Good. We are done here then.” She turned and began to glide away. In seconds, she drifted away in a cloud of white smoke, still glowing as she had before.
This left Grian alone in the vast Void-like room. Once the dust cleared, each star slowly dimmed until he was left only with the Watcher’s symbol below him. He peered down at the brooch on his chest. It only left him more annoyed than anything, really. Not annoyed at the Hermits by any means, but annoyed at Aisling. Really, it was a simple task, all things considered. Even for someone who wasn’t a Watcher. Maybe if he could just keep it out of reach, express to Scar especially that the egg wasn’t to be played with in a way that would get him to stop permanently, then maybe all would end well.
But, Scar wasn’t the issue, not now. Grian somehow needed to find the egg in Mumbo’s possession which, like he mentioned before, was likely in some kind of vault. Well, “it was”, as Aisling said. That meant that he removed it. The builder groaned aloud in disdain.
“Of course,” he said. He waved his hand in a figure eight in front of himself, summoning the purple mist that transported him there before.
He was left with one ability left: the slowest form of teleportation anyone could have. He missed his Sight. If he were being honest with himself, he did misuse it more times than was certainly allowed. Sight and Conjuring. They were his most useful gifts from her Mistress. But, one thing led to another and eventually, after having only been a Watcher from mid-Season 6 to late-Season 7, they lost the ability to close the portal to HelsCraft.
It was humiliating.
Soon, the mist cleared and he was home. It was already late afternoon. Time goes by differently in the Mistress’s Conference Room, he remembered. The avian looked around. Nothing changed. He went downstairs. The egg was still not returned. Now he was annoyed with Mumbo, somewhat angry even. Although he was, he couldn’t really be mad, could he. It wasn’t like Mumbo knew and the Hermits liked to play little games here and there with no ill intentions as it was.
Still, he hoped that Mumbo would either give back the egg or he could spend the rest of his days searching the redstoner’s property until he did. Accusations alone wouldn’t ever get the egg back to him. Knowing Mumbo, he had to prove that his mustached friend had it in the first place and that Scar wasn’t the culprit.
If he were being honest with himself, it was likely as easy as just telling Mumbo that he was seen stealing the egg in the first place.
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kidney9-9 · 4 years
Love Letters (Peter Parker)
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Anonymous asked: 
Peter writing letters to a reader who he met in Berlin, and then having her surprise him in Queens at college and they have their first time after a party
Hi anon! hope you enjoy! :) reader and peter are aged over 18! Please do not read if the warnings make you uncomfortable! This is the longest oneshot I’ve written! Thank you for sending this in! 
Peter Parker x Reader (Smut with Plot) (Friends-to-Lovers) Warnings: swearing, smut, virgin!Peter and virgin!Reader, oral (both receiving), thigh riding, slight dirty talk, praising, unprotective sex (please do not read if any of these made you uncomfortable!) Word Count: 7.6k
Peter grinned as he wrote down his thoughts on about everything, he’s been wanting to talk to you since the day started. You were his pen pal, living all the way in Berlin. When he met you there on a mission once, you two hit it off extremely well that Peter didn’t even want to go home the following day. Since the two of you got along great, you passed him your information, saying you preferred sending letters, because they were more personalized and authentic. Peter happily agreed, finding it fun to have his first pen pal in his life, but he soon realized how much he started to care about you, when you two revealed more about everything.
When you told him your favorite scientific theory, and a vague version of your own, he felt himself blush at how amazing you were. He felt like one of the luckiest people on the planet, but at the same time he felt unlucky. He wanted to go see you all the time, wanted to spend more time with you in person, just get to know you more face-to-face. He wrote out all his wishes, about how he wants to see you, all the time. He’d go on in lengths that most people would find surprising, but you didn’t. You returned his excitement about meeting about again all the time. You told him about how you once school started to ease up, you would go visit him, but he blanked on when that would ever happen. You took so many classes that even Tony would get stressed out about.
People often saw Peter writing these letters as well. His roommate said it was weird, and that it was probably some random person writing him back, instead of you. But that wasn’t true, since Peter has already met you. He felt so close to you, even though he’s only seen you in person once. He couldn’t imagine how amazing it would be to see you again. You even sent a few photos of yourself, with awards in school and how you were an amazing and contributing part of your community. You also sent him random gifts he would cherish, and he would send some back to you. Peter sent pictures back of himself, and after a while of communicating, he told you he was Spiderman. It was one the secrets he was planning on keeping to himself, but he couldn’t help but tell you, because of how accepting and loving you were to him.
He did have a crush on you, a massive one that his roommate groans at the mention of. When other girls are around, Peter never wanted to meet any of them. Just was odd to him, because he felt so connected to you. He hoped that you were the same with him, but he wasn’t sure. When Tony found out about the letters, he quickly searched you up and did excessive background checks on you, claiming it was just for security measures. But Peter knows that wasn’t true, it was because Tony was protective of him, and just nosy.
Peter set the pen down with a sigh, as his hand started to ache. He pushed the paper and pen aside as he heard his roommate come in. Peter spun around in his chair grinning to Mark. “How was class?” Peter greeted him. Mark shrugged back and threw his bag down to the floor.
“Nothing exciting. Just more work to do,” He paused, leaning down near the doorway as he opened the mini-fridge nearby. “Oh yeah, language classes are always like that.” Peter noted back, as he glanced down to his phone, half distracted. He started scrolling through social media with no interest. Mark cleared his throat, nodding to Peter as he glanced back up to him, “Want one?” Mark offered a beer. Peter scrunched his nose in disgust at it and shook his head.
“Nah, it’s the middle of the day, I don’t want to get drunk right now.” Peter responded, somewhat lying to Mark. Honestly, he just thought beer was disgusting, but if his roommate found out, he’d be teased for the rest of the semester. Mark shrugged at him, kicking the fridge closed with his foot and he hoped onto one of the chairs. “It’s pregaming for the party tonight.” Mark responded, opening the can with a sigh.
Peter nodded back, before twisting in his chair, bored. His phone dinged, but he barely glanced down at it, frowning at the foreign number. “Must be spam.” He mumbled to himself, deleting the text before he even read it. Peter looked back to Mark as he gulped his drink loudly, “Uh, should I stay out tonight, in case you bring anyone over?” Peter questioned.
Mark grinned back to Peter, “Fuck yeah, I’ve been sort of seeing Caleb from our film class. He texted me a dick pic this morning too, so I think we’ll come back here after the party.” Peter groaned at the mention of other dicks. He shook his head as Mark laughed loudly at his reaction.
Peter made an upside-down grin as he wondered where he should stay for the night. “Was it Heather’s party?” Peter mumbled over to Mark, making him nod back. Peter took note of that, as he pulled up Heather’s contact on his phone. He knew her from his Chemistry class, they were in a group together for the first project.
“You know she has a boyfriend, Pete. Don’t try messing around with her.” Mark spoke up as Peter started to type in a text. Peter furrowed his eyebrows at the suggestion and shook his head back to Mark, “I’d never do that.” He retorted, making Mark chuckle. He leaned forward with raised eyebrows to Peter, as he finished up his text, asking if he could stay in an extra room at her parent’s place. It was recently renovated, and Heather was throwing it in spite of her parents after telling her she would be kicked out if she kept throwing those parties. Her parties were always filled to the brim and exciting but Peter never really enjoyed them.
Peter glanced back up to Mark, confused at his staring. “Is it that girl from Berlin?” Mark teased, grinning as Peter started to blush. He averted his stare, instead glancing back at the letter, reminded of you. “Uh, I mean, I guess? But it’s also because I have morals, genius. I wouldn’t hit on someone who was in a relationship.” Peter defended himself back, crossing his arms as Mark started laughing more.
When he quieted down, he smiled at Peter, slowly becoming serious. Peter tilted his head back in confusion as Mark took in a long breath of air. “You know, what you have is special with her. I got to admit, sort of envied you but,” Mark paused as he ran a hand through his hair, “You aren’t even in a relationship with her. I think you should maybe throw a little bait out for the other girls in New York, Peter.”
They both sat in silence after Mark voiced his opinion. Peter gazed at him with a sad smile, “Uh, yeah maybe. Thanks man.” He offered back as Mark nodded. That’s what everyone told him, including the rest of the team. They always popped in about it mid-mission, saying he was wasting his love on a girl who wouldn’t ever return it. But Peter tried not to let their words drift in his mind. Maybe you didn’t love him like he did, but the friendship the two of you had would last a lifetime.
Your letters always made him feel the hope you might return the same feelings as his, but he wasn’t sure. More importantly, he valued your friendship over his love, because he knew you would be hurt if he suggested any less, and sound like some ignorant boy.
Peter brushed his teeth with concentration as he grumbled to himself, not wanting to go to the party. One main reason was because he still wanted to finish your letter by tonight, so he could take it to the mailbox before the mailman picks it up. It was your birthday soon, and he just wanted you to get it on time, preferably on your birthday. The other reason was because he just really wasn’t in the mood to get drunk tonight. It would take tons of drinks to get him drunk because of his enhancement, but when he tried it out, it wasn’t his thing. The taste always left something bitter in his mouth and his mood would sour. Parties weren’t his scene in college, he doubted he’d ever like it like Tony used to.
“Ready? Caleb and I are going in an Uber right now, want to join?” Mark’s voice called out to Peter through the door. Peter spit the toothpaste out, and responded with a “Yeah, hold up.” Peter shrugged on his shoes after he opened the door, seeing Caleb and Mark standing by the entrance. He waved to Caleb, who grinned to him.
The Uber ride was awkward. There was no way it would ever not be awkward since Mark and Caleb giggled and flirted the whole way there. Peter felt like that third wheel that wasn’t meant to be invited in the first place, but as he made eye contact with the Uber driver, he had to stifle his laugh. The driver looked irritated from the traffic, and now the odd kissing and whispering sounds from the back. Peter raised his eyebrows back to his roommate, as he pulled away from his date. Mark shrugged to Peter, sort of issuing an apologizing as Peter just shook his head again, laughing a little in the awkwardly quiet car now.
“Uh, sorry Parker.” Caleb offered, sheepishly grinning back to Peter as they got out the car. The driver sped off quick making the trio laugh. “That was sort of odd,” Mark hummed out, glancing over to Peter. His eyes drifted off to a pack of people, as Peter took that as a signal to go. He cleared his throat and glanced down to his feet, feeling weird to go into a crowd with people weren’t his friends.
He shuffled a little before gazing back up to them, “Uh, I’m going to go talk to people, bye! Nice seeing you.” He aimed the last part to Caleb, who nodded back to him. Peter turned around with a sigh as he rolled his eyes to himself, finding himself acting odd in social settings.
Peter did try talking to people, but it always ended with them saying they needed to get another drink. So after about the fourth person, he took a seat out in the backyard, near the pool. He set his phone down next to him, closing his eyes as the music blared from the inside of the house. He looked around seeing only a few people outside along with him, as he moved to lay down by the poolside, to look up at the sky.
It was polluted with clouds, so he couldn’t see the stars. He looked down at his watch, sighing when he saw it was only ten. He started to wonder when the party would die down but seeing through the windows, he could tell it would be at least a few hours more. His phone beeped again, but he made no move to check it, knowing it wasn’t the team because of the different sound. His eyes closed for a few moments, just resting as he tried focusing on the sound of the water. A shuffle near his head made him stir slightly, but he made no move to open his eyes, thinking it was just someone walking by.
But then Peter heard them take a seat next to him. He could even feel the warmth from whoever it was, travelling into his skin. “You’re looking comfortable.” A voice whispered to him. His eyes snapped open at the familiar sound. He turned his head to see you lying next to him with a smile. “Oh shit!” Peter exclaimed, completely baffled.
He went to stumble up, but his balance failed him, as he tripped on his feet, leaning back and trying to reach forward. You gasped, shooting up to your feet as he fell back into the freezing pool. “Peter!” You exclaimed, reaching for his hand too late. He managed to pull you in as well, making you instantly shiver and shout, swimming back up to the surface as Peter tried pulling you up as well.
The two of you trembled in the cold water as Peter stared back in shock at you, as you smiled at him again. “Y/n? Woah, what are you- how are you here? Am I just dreaming? Did I fall asleep?” Peter rambled, his lips turning blue already from the cold. You swam over to him, shaking your head softly.
You couldn’t believe you were here either. Two days ago, you had been granted a break from the harsh study routines from your college, as your teachers had agreed to upload the work online for you to continue from home. You were their model student, achieving up and beyond, but taking a break to remind yourself of the good things in life was necessary. After weeks of negotiating and meeting with your teachers and counselor, they finally let you free for a while. You took a few hours to realize, that not that many things were “good” for you, nothing that made you smile and forget about school, except for Peter.
At the thought of Peter, you decided just to fuck it, and book a ticket over there, you had to see him again. You two had switched contact information, including phone numbers, but never used that. You had him saved in your phone though, and you tried sending a text to him right before you got onto the plane, but it never went through. You were nervous he wouldn’t want to see you at all, but you remember reading how much he wanted to see you again. When you landed, you sent another text to him, just hoping he would remember your number.
He even gave you his Aunt’s number, saying if he never responded, to contact her. You remember discovering the reason why he ever said that, when he confessed, he was Spiderman. You couldn’t hide your surprise in that letter you sent him back, and you remembered worrying about him, whenever you would see Spiderman in the headlines. You still did, but now you felt more confident in him, after watching those old videos he posted on YouTube, thinking if that was his start, he must be even better now. You did end up sending his Aunt a text, explaining who you were, and you instantly got a text back.
She sent you “Hi! Peter gave me your number too! He tends to forget things, I think that’s why he gave it to me, but it’s so good to hear from you! And my goodness, he’s going to be amazed. He always talks about you, but I’m so excited that you guys are meeting again! I know he’s going to be at a party tonight, and I’ll send you the address. I’ll send Peter a text as well right now, just to tell him to expect a surprise!” You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face as you reread the text over again. You heard she was the best Aunt ever from Peter, and this showed you he was right.
You wondered from that text what it meant that Peter was always talking about you. You felt yourself warm at thinking that maybe he cared for you as you did for him? You tried shaking those thoughts away, but you’ve been having them for so long, after falling in love with his words. You wondered if he did with yours.
When Aunt May sent you the address, that’s when it hit you about what you were doing. You just travelled all this way for him, because he made you happy. He made you smile, and laugh, even without seeing him face-to-face. He made you feel warm and cared for with the way he wrote pages back to you, asking how you were doing, and showing you love in the words. Your friends and family always asked why you would write for hours in your room, and your only answer was “Peter.”
You really did love him.
You snapped back to the present as you tugged Peter into a tight hug, in the pool. “I missed you,” You shivered out, as Peter shook himself out of his surprise, squeezing you tight and laughing in amazement. “I missed you so much,” He replied instantly, pressing his face into your shoulder, not caring his face dipped into the water again.
Splashes hit around you two, as people shouted out, “Pool party!” Jumping into the water, not giving a care to you and Peter. You giggled at the water hitting the two of you as Peter held you tighter. “I missed you, fuck. Wait, let’s get out.” Peter mumbled into your ear again, letting go of your figure hesitantly. He couldn’t bring himself to let go of you completely though, so he held your hand, swimming back to the steps through the crowd of people shouting and jumping around the pool.
You squeezed his hand back, as the two of you got to the steps, standing up. Peter gazed at you for a few moments before he could bring himself out of the swimming pool. You were so beautiful, the backyard lights hit you wonderfully, and your smile made Peter feel like he was living in a dream. You looked similar to what Peter would call a goddess, and the way your eyes brightened to him, brought Peter a happiness he didn’t know was true.
“Peter?” You whispered, stepping closer to him, confused at his silence. His face burned as he looked away from you and your body, coughing. The way you said his name even made him blush. “You’re here, I- how?” Peter asked, tugging your hand as he stepped out of the pool. The two of you automatically shivered at the temperature drop in the air. You two quickly shuffled to the sliding doors, connected to the inside as Peter and you took small glances at each other, smiling bright.
When you two walked inside, you sighed out at the warmth as you glanced around, wincing at the loud music. Peter did as well, shaking his head at it as he pointed upstairs to you, trying to find a quiet place to talk. You held his hand tight, barely gazing at anyone else, except for Peter. His hand felt soft and warm in yours as you squeezed again, making Peter smile again. The two of you rounded in a hallway, walking down to the end room.
Peter sighed in relief when he opened the door, and no one was there. It looked like the guest room, as Peter slightly turned his eyes to check for anything. He stepped forward, letting your hand go as you stayed at the doorframe, stepping in and closing the door from the rest of the noise. The music dulled into a low sound now but the two of you could still feel the vibrations of the bass beating through you. You turned around and locked the door behind you, wanting to have privacy with him.
“I’m sorry if this was a strange thing to do, but I just had to see you again.” You mumbled, suddenly feeling nervous, glancing down to the floor as your smile slightly dropped. Peter instantly shook his head, and his eyes widened. “No, no, I- this was incredible. I’m really happy.” He stepped forward to you again, as you leaned against the door. You gazed back up to him, feeling your smile brighten again.
Peter smiled back to you, as his hand reached for yours again slowly. He slowly slipped his hand in yours, bringing you slightly forward with a laugh of amazement. “How’d you come here? I’m so surprised, but you’re here and I’m just really thankful.” His voice came out, as he tugged a little more at your hand.
You giggled at his actions and let him lead you slowly in a circle, by tugging on your hand lightly. “I needed to get away from school for a while, and I wanted to see you,” You paused as you stepped slightly closer to Peter, pulling him in for another hug. He held you tight as you rested your head on his chest. “You make me happy, Peter. Those letters…I love them, and they make me miss you even more, even though we’ve only hung out once. I feel like I’ve known you for years with the letters.” You murmured, finishing up.
Peter felt his heart start to speed up from your words. He squeezed you even more, as his hand slipped to the back of your head. “I feel that as well. Whenever I see my mail, I get so excited because I love reading whatever you send. When it’s random things,” Peter paused, laughing lightly causing you to smile brighter, “When it’s some just really bizarre shit, about a dream you have or when you say you’re thinking of me because you passed by the plaza we met in,” He paused again, softly speaking up to finish his words, “I love it all and I feel like you’ve been with me this whole time.”
You lifted your head from his chest to gaze up to him. He bit his lip, trying to keep his face from blushing as he gazed back down to you. You grinned to him suddenly, making him release a short breath of air, trying to shake the feeling of wanting to just get rid of all the space, and kiss you. “You know, I tried calling and texting you.” You mumbled, giggling a little as Peter furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“What? When?” Peter questioned, shaking his head. You laughed as you stepped slightly back but holding onto his hand again. “Maybe like four times? I texted Aunt May.” You replied, making Peter widen his eyes in bafflement, “Uh, what- wait, what did my Aunt tell you?” Peter mumbled, feeling his embarrassment already.
You laughed slightly at his reaction. “Well she said you talk a lot about me, but I hope only the good things.” You retorted, making Peter sigh. Aunt May knew how much Peter cared about you, like she knew how he loved you. He would’ve been so ashamed if Aunt May told you that. But Peter raised his eyebrows back to you, falling more in love with your laugh.
“Everything about you is good.” He replied to your comment. You scrunched your face up and giggled, denying it. Peter let go of your hand as he turned around a bit, checking the room. He shook his head at your laugh, spinning back after glancing at the room. “It’s true, you are just…perfect. Everything about you is admirable, and it’s just, you’re an incredible person.” Peter’s words made your face feel hot as you shook your head back to him.
“No, that’s all you,” You paused, sighing as you stepped closer to the bed, and taking a seat. Peter still stood as he rounded in front of you with a soft expression. “You’re wonderful. Everything I already know about you just makes me want to know more.” You whispered back as he stepped slightly closer to you.
Peter felt his heart start to beat faster again as you slid your hand up and down his arm in comforting motions. Just being with you in this moment made him want to stay forever. You two were so close in everyway he wanted, just right now. His hand drifted over to your face, cupping your cheek as he smiled back to you.
You smiled back to him, suddenly aware of the intimacy. “Peter…” You trailed off, as his thumb started to draw little shapes into your cheek softly. “You make me so happy.” Peter whispered back. You other hand laid atop his on your face, making Peter pause in his movements. The two of you stared at each other lovingly. Peter tried to shake it off, but he couldn’t help but fall more in love with you. It stunned him that you were here, and he was holding you. He leaned in slightly more as he glanced down to your lips.
You saw his little stare, causing you to drift your eyes down to his lips as well. You smiled lightly as you pulled his hand, causing him to lean close to your face, bending slightly. You moved up and captured his lips in a small and hesitant kiss, just hoping you didn’t mess up your entire friendship with him. Peter gasped and took a short second before he responded, pushing back in and kissing you even more. You couldn’t hold back your smile, as Peter stepped in close between your legs, leaning into your kiss and causing you to slowly move backwards on the bed.
Peter’s hand drifted to the back of your head, holding you as the two of you kissed sensually and slowly. “Fuck,” Peter pulled back, murmuring quietly. His head was still on yours, as the two of you started to breathe hard. “Yeah,” You agreed, smiling brightly. Peter smiled back to you, as he leaned back in, and kissed you again.
The kiss started off slow again, but it increasingly got faster, as the both of you kissed each other harder. You fell completely back on the bed, with Peter on top of you, kissing sloppily but passionately. His tongue found its way into your mouth, as you moaned slightly in surprise. Peter’s other hand slid onto your hip, squeezing gently as he sighed out in pleasure.
You tugged at his hair again, feeling incredibly happy. When Peter pulled away for air, he rolled over next to you, laying on the bed. He gazed at you with a love doped smile, and you did as well. “I wanted to do that for so long,” Peter confessed, blushing at you. His blush was too cute, and you reached over and cupped his cheek. “So did I.” You replied, whispering.
He smiled so brightly it started to hurt, as his head started to spin. “I’m in love with you,” He mumbled, gazing at you with emotion. You raised your eyebrows in surprise and happiness, as you laughed slightly. “I’ve fallen in love with you too.” You admitted, playing with his hair.
Peter felt like all his wishes have been granted, just laying here with you. The way the words fell out of your mouth made him feel lightheaded, and the way your hand tugged, and your fingers circled around his hair grounded him. He scooted closer to you again, as you smiled softly to him. His fingers landed on your lips, lightly tracing them, covering the tips of his fingers with saliva. He lightly pulled your moth open again, as he leaned in for another kiss.
“Fuck, I really love you.” Peter mumbled into the kiss. You giggled, pulling away. “I love you too,” You murmured back, pulling him in again. Your hand slipped under his shirt and gasped at the feeling of his torso. Peter pulled away again, and laughed, speeding to take his shirt off. He tore it off, getting on his knees on the bed, as you did as well, giggling with him.
You gazed up and down his body, feeling arousal build in you. Peter blushed at your stare as you scooted closer to him again. You placed a small kiss on his shoulder, leading it to his neck, making Peter gasp. His arms wrapped around you as he felt his erection grow. He trembled lightly when you started to lick at his neck, and he held you tighter. “I-I’ve never done this before.” Peter mumbled out, stuttering in nervousness but excitement.
You nipped at his neck before gazing back to him. “I haven’t either.” You confessed, lightly whispering. His fingers trailed under your shirt nervously. “Wo-would it be okay?” Peter asked for permission to take your shirt off. You nodded back to him, as he slowly lifted it off, smiling to him.
“Do you want to,” You paused, glancing down at your body as you started to grow wet. “To…make love?” You asked unsurely, cringing at the use of words. Peter blushed as he looked down at your chest as his erection started to feel uncomfortable. He nodded back to you, “Yes!” he blurted, quickly adding on, “Only if you want to.”
You nodded back to him, pushing down your nervousness as you felt another wave a lust hit you. Peter shyly put his hand on the back of your bra, unclipping it with a small sigh. When the bra dropped down, and you pushed it off your arms, Peter gazed back up to you, smiling. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered, holding your body to his before he pulled you back in for another kiss. Peter groaned at the feeling of being against you, and you opened your mouth into the kiss, allowing Peter’s tongue through. You sighed at the feeling, as you started to feel down his body. You gasped when his boner hit your hand as Peter pushed you down against the bed, near the pillows now.
“Fuck, you look so good,” You spoke up as Peter leaned away from you, slipping his shoes off. He blushed at your compliment as he started taking off his pants. You started to take yours off too, but Peter stopped you and took control, taking them off for you. He blushed even more at the sight of your underwear.
You gazed down at his underwear as well, with the feeling of getting more wet at the sight of his erection now. You sat up as Peter brushed a hand through his hair. “I remember your first letter, and you told me how you were so happy we ran into each other in Berlin.” You paused, smiling at the memory. “And you sent me a bracelet; I still have it. It’s one of my favorite things.” You admitted, finishing your sentence. Peter blushed at that, as he adjusted his boner, finding it uncomfortable against his underwear.
“You sent me one back,” Peter smiled as you started to reach out to him. “I wear it whenever I’m on missions. It’s my good luck charm.” He chuckled lightly. You nodded back to him, as you trailed a finger up and down his chest.
You shook your head again, giggling softly, “I love you,” You repeated, as Peter started to smile more. “I love you too.” He whispered. Your hand drifted down to the band of his underwear, slightly tugging it down. You glanced up to him, asking him a silent question, to which he nodded. You pulled the underwear more down his legs, revealing his boner, popping out and hitting his stomach.
You parted your lips at the sight as Peter blushed again. You stood up on your knees on the bed and pushed Peter back down where you were laying. You scooted down to in between his legs, and you slowly started massaging his inner thighs.
Peter trembled at the feeling as he pushed himself slightly up against the headboard to watch you. He sighed out as you trailed your hands closer to his cock. “Please…” Peter begged, closing his eyes tight, already hearing his heartbeat outside of his body. You smiled softly just as soon as your hand lightly grazed against him. “Oh...” You heard Peter sigh out, as his eyes opened back up to gaze at you.
You smeared the precum on the top of hic cock, smiling even more as you heard his breathing turned heavier. “Your so pretty,” You whispered, referring to his cock, as your finger trailed on the underneath of it, tracing the vein. Peter blushed harshly at your voice as you licked your finger before pushing yourself closer.
You teasingly licked at his cock and watched as Peter banged his head against the headboard. “Please, please, baby, fuck.” Peter begged out, reaching out to push your head down. You moved away before he could and giggled at his frustrated face. You leaned back down and sent another long lick from the base to the tip, before you licked around his head.
You took him in your mouth, making Peter groan out loudly at the feeling of being inside. “Oh, fuck, fuck,” Peter panted out, as you started to lower your mouth slightly. You struggled to get him all in your mouth, as you opened your mouth as wide as you can. Peter reached behind your head again, curling his fingers against your scalp as he lightly pushed you down. His hips also reached up, as you moaned at the feeling. Peter gasped out a groan at the vibration that sent through his cock from your noise, making you glance up to him with darkened eyes. You hummed loudly again moving your mouth up and down, taking him in. Peter kept moaning and gasping at the feeling, and his head hit against the headboard again, losing eye contact with you, “You- fuck, babe, oh,” Peter breathed out, unable to form a full sentence.
You used your hand, pumping up and down, collecting some saliva to cover the rest of his cock, that you couldn’t take into your mouth. Peter tensed up feeling like he was about to come as he started to grasp onto your hair. “Wait, hold- fuck, I might come,” He stuttered out, making you pause. You slowly took his cock out of your mouth, licking your lips. Peter sighed out, feeling out of breath and amazed, “Shit, that was so good,” He pushed out.
You grinned back to him, as you moved out from in between his legs before you laid down, breathing hard next to him. “Fuck, you’ve got a great dick.” You said again, giggling as Peter stuttered, “Wha-, um, thanks.” He blushed but turned to face you, gazing at your chest. You pulled him in for a messy kiss, after a few more seconds of breathing. Peter instantly returned your kiss, pulling you in closer, and on top of him. Peter moaned at the feeling of your soaked underwear on his thigh, as he pushed his thigh up a little more, making you gasp in pleasure.
Peter grinned into the kiss, as he pressed down your hips, rolling you back and forth onto his thigh, making you moan even more into the kiss, pulling away breathless. “Shit…” You trailed off, at the feeling of your clothed clit hitting his thigh just right. He tugged at your panties, and he gazed back up to you.
“Can I rip them off? I promise to buy you a new pair.” He breathed out, as even more lust pulled into his stomach, at the feeling of you getting yourself off on his thigh. You nodded back, unable to speak as he rolled your hips again, hitting you in the best place. He quickly tore at both sides, and slide them off in an instant, and you both hushed out whimpers at the feeling. “You’re so warm,” Peter whispered, as you slid down against him again, breathing heavily.
You almost cried out at the feeling, rubbing yourself with Peter’s help, lifting you up and down, and sliding you back and forth against his leg. His fingers swiped up some of the juices that collected on his leg from you and licked them, sighing out at the taste. You only grew even wetter, as he slid his fingers down again, and this time, rubbed against your clit as you lowered yourself on his thigh.
“That’s it, baby, you can do it,” He mumbled softly, watching as your eyes opened and closed at the intense feelings. He lifted his fingers against slightly, exhaling as you rolled your hips at a set pace, settling your pussy against him. He circled softly, pushing up onto your clit, as you rolled downwards again, making you gasp.
You pushed your lips against his, to stop your noises from escaping as the music continued to blare from outside the room. You bucked your hips up and moved down, eyes closed tight as you whined out from the intense pleasure. Peter’s cock kept hitting your thigh as you continued your movements for the next few minutes, traveling up to Peter’s lips, biting them and licking and moving down to his neck as he continued to help move you on his thigh.
It was then when you felt your orgasm near and you opened your mouth, crying out from the stimulation. “I- I’m going to come,” You panted out, warning Peter. He nodded, and rubbed into your thighs, “Alright, babe, come for me.” He grunted out, with his cock burning for more as he felt your juices slide across his thigh. You gasped through your orgasm, murmuring Peter’s name as you held your head against his shoulder, as he continued to praise you, “That’s it, baby, such a good girl. You’re doing amazing.” You cried out in desire from his words and your orgasm, as it faded out of you.
You took a couple of minutes to start breathing normally as Peter kissed your cheek, whispering compliments and praises to you. You moved your head slightly to look up to him, “Fuck that was really great.” Your words made Peter shake his head back to you, as he slowly lifted you up to lay down next to him. “I want to try something out,” He shyly spoke up, gazing down at the mess you made on his thigh. He swiped some of your cum up and licked it, making you feel wetness pull again down in your pussy.
You nodded back to him, with an excited smile. He smiled back to you, and quickly turned and placed himself between your legs, leaning down with a gasp. “Fuck, so pretty.” He mumbled, making you feel a blush warm your face.
He started out by licking the rest of your cum off your thighs from earlier, making you tremble. “Mm, you taste so good, fuck.” He muttered, licking around your thighs again, collecting every piece of cum. “You’re doing so good too, fuck.” He praised again. You gasped at it, as you felt your pussy get even more wet than before.
Peter leaned a little more forward, breathing in while facing your pussy, before sending a long stripe to it. You gulped in pleasure, trying to hold down your moans as Peter continued. “Do you think you can come again, babe?” He asked you, before he continued. When you nodded instantly, Peter grinned and leaned down.
He licked right on your clit, making you bite your lip. His fingers found their way to your entrance, and he slowly pushed one in after collecting some of your wetness. He curled his finger in you, once he fully pushed in as he continued to lick around your pussy. “Fuck, so- ohh,” You moaned out, grasping onto Peter’s hair and tugging at it. He hummed against your clit, making you shudder as he started to push another finger in.
Peter’s tongue circled around your clit before nibbling on it gently, making you wail out in pleasure, pushing Peter’s head in even more, as you started calling out his name. He did it again, as he started pumping in and out of you with his fingers, hitting your g-spot, and making you cry loudly, from the immense pleasure.
You felt it burning again, as your orgasm pushed out of you with no warning, and you let out a chocked scream, followed by Peter’s name. He quickly pulled his fingers out of you and licked up all your cum, as you were shuddering and still going through your orgasm. It felt like hours almost, the way you were shivering in delight as you rolled your head to glance down to Peter. You blinked hazily to him and smiled brightly as he leaned back up kissing your body all the way up to your lips. You moaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms around him, as he leaned down onto you.
“You’re so beautiful and perfect.” Peter mumbled against your lips. You giggled slightly, still doped up from your orgasms. “So are you,” You whispered back to him, kissing him even more.
Peter gasped slightly when he felt your body touch his cock again. You glanced down and smiled back up to Peter. “Are you ready?” You whispered to him, kissing his shoulder softly. Peter nodded back to you and kissed your lips again. His lips opened against yours, as the kiss started to get sloppy once again. You groaned into it, tugging and playing with his hair.
Peter slightly pulled away as he positioned himself to you. He trembled with slight nervousness as he gazed back down to you, “I love you,” He whispered. You smiled back, and breathed in, “I love you too, Peter.”
He slowly pushed into you, as you gasped from the stretch. He stopped instantly, hearing your gasp, and he worriedly asked you, “Are you alright, do you want me to move?” His question made you shake your head, telling him it was alright. You grabbed onto one of his hands, holding tightly as you felt yourself adjust to him, “Okay, keep going,” You whispered back, nodding.
He continued, groaning in amazement, at the feeling. Your eyes fluttered shut as it continued to be uncomfortable, but you slowly eased yourself more, unclenching to let him all in. When he pulled back slowly, you started to get used to it more, as a heat started to bump more, making you feel more aroused. When Peter slowly eased himself back into you, you started feeling good, making you sound out, “More, please,” Your plea made Peter shudder in excitement as he pushed into you with a faster speed.
You both moaned loudly, and you wrapped your legs around Peter as he started to gain a pace. “So fuckin’ perfect,” Peter grunted out, as you started to pull him in more with your legs. Your eyes opened, gazing at Peter as he continued to go in and out of you.
One of his hands went down to your chest, circling around one of your nipples, making you gasp in surprise. He pinched and tweaked it, making you cry out from all the pleasure you were experiencing. He yelped out in pleasure when you rolled your hips up, meeting him in his thrusts. “Fuck,” You whined out, breathing heavily. Peter nodded as he leaned down to kiss you hard again.
You gasped loudly, almost crying as he hit your g-spot, into the kiss. Peter moved his kissing down to your neck, sloppily leaving saliva all over your jaw and neck. He stayed in place, hitting the same spot as he pulled in and out of you, making you cry out each time at the intensity.
Peter grunted, feeling himself almost reach his orgasm, as you did as well. He kept pushing in and out of you with a pace, hitting you even deeper as you met every thrust. His hand left your nipple, while he continued to kiss and suck your neck, traveling down to your clit, and rubbing it hard, making you whimper loudly, as your vision started to blur from everything.
With each thrust into your g-spot and every touch sent to your clit, you felt your orgasm max out again, “P-Peter, I’m go-going-” You cut yourself short, screaming out his name as your orgasm hit you, gushing out cum as Peter reached his as well. His thrust started to become erratic and shallow, before he pulled out, leaking cum onto your chest in spurts.
Your cum leaked out onto the sheets as you breathed in and out heavily, along with Peter. He collapsed next to you with a loud groan. Your head lulled over to gaze at him, as you felt his lips near your ear. “That,” Peter sighed out, wiping his face from the sweat that built up, “was amazing.” He finished up, earning a little laugh from you.
You nodded back to him, as he kissed your nose softly. “I love you,” You whispered, staring at him with affection. His hand cupped your cheek and he kissed your lips this time, gently. “I love you too, so much.” He murmured back, smiling softly back to you.
The two of you cuddled, laying there for hours, while tenderly whispering to each other sweet little phrases about love. The both of you were sticky and gross feeling from the cum that clung onto your skin, when you got up to shower, after noticing the music turned down greatly, making you both know the party ended.
Peter held out his hand for you to join him, making you laugh. You could barely walk in without wincing at the uncomfortable and painful feeling between your legs. Peter wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into the hot water with him. You delicately kissed his chest as he squeezed you gently. “I don’t want to go back,” You confessed, running a hand up and down his back in comfort.
He nodded, agreeing with you. “I want you to stay.” He mumbled back, wanting to hold onto you forever. He kissed your head softly, as you fluttered your eyes closed, savoring the sweet and loving memories in your mind.
Marvel Taglist: @peepeeparkerr @lozzypoz321  Peter Taglist: @itscaminow @belleknows @quaksonhehe​  All Taglists are open!
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I'm joining this thing... So, 2020, what a year. These following people have been fun and amazing.
(in no particular order)
@juhollamago you are so funny and nice and you're the reason people see my burnt gingerbread cookies so obviously I adore you. You also like Tuomon runoja which is cool
@prettyboyroope your liveblogs about the vampire diaries made me giggle and every time I saw Kai I thought of you. Also your url is just golden
@ahoontheshelf you're so nice and kind and amazing, I adore you (and Milla!!). When you send me your edits/anything I feel very warm inside so thank you
@fairybravelights you're such a lovely and kind person, I'm so glad we started talking! Also I'm happy you're back and bringing Louis posts on my dash
@thewestishharpooners you're so nice and kind and you flood my dash with Harry and Louis which is amazing (and I'll get to spam your notes) and I'm so glad I found your blog and your amazing art, you're so talented. I feel honored that we're mutuals
@thomssoninlassi you're so kind and seeing your (cute) url reminds me of my gif-making during last year's WJC, which was nice (and the start of me making gifs if I remember correctly) I always smile when I see you in my notes
@caixxa you're funny and talented, your writing is so smooth and good. Your tags make me giggle a lot and you've been so nice to me when I've felt low, even if it was through tags it meant a lot
@finnishhockeyelf you're very kind and your url is so good, I always smile when I see you in my notes. Your tags are very funny too which makes me giggle
@suklaakuppikakku I know we haven't talked that much lately but you have to know that I think of you a lot and I wish all the best for you. It was one of the best things ever to start talking with you and to find out we like the same things. Remember that I adore you and your baking skills are unbelievable
@tonyhawkpr0skater2 you're so kind and funny, and thank you for inviting me to join that baseball discord, it's been so fun! (even though I haven't been that active) I had lots of fun learning about different teams and I had fun while making the short introduction to pesäpallo for you all. Shoutout to all the lovely people on there. Also your url is cool!
@coffeeandgunpowder you have no idea how happy I am when I see your posts about Oppie on my dash, she's adorable (the tags are adorable too). Your research project for school was so cool and I learnt a thing or two while taking part in it
@nikolajehlers one of my newest mutuals! You're so kind and sweet and I immediately liked you because you like hockey finns lol. Maybe I'll give a chance to Jets someday because of you, it's nice to see different teams on my dash
@lily-blue-blue-lily we might not have the same interests as we had when we became mutuals but I enjoy seeing you on my dash and I get ideas for new shows to watch because of your posts. You're so talented and your art is amazing, I say it every time but it's true so I'll keep saying that
@morgangeeksquad you're so kind and I like seeing you on my dash a lot. I plan on reading your fics someday soon because I have this feeling that I know they're good
@c-hartwriteshockey you're very kind and sweet and even though we don't talk that much I appreciate you a lot. You made me fall in love with Nico and Nolan so thank you for that. I really like your writing, you're very talented!
@thehockeytrashkingdom you're very sweet and you have brightened up my days a lot. I really like hearing about your hockey games and it sucks that you can't skate now, but when you can go skate, you'll be great, I know it. You're very talented and I really like your art
THE GC - I'm so happy we have this gc which is kinda chaos but it's our lovely chaos
@fangirlinglikealoon you're very sweet and kind and pretty and I like it a lot that we're friends. You're funny too and I know a bit more about the Hawks because of you. I like to see your cat photos/adventures a lot (the cat avocado is the best thing)
@teravaisteuvo you're very sweet and kind and pretty too and I'm so happy we're friends and that I pressed like on your post about making a gc back in the day. You're very funny and I will never forget how you brightened up my day with funny Mikko snaps after an exam. P.s. I love your dog
And last but not least my two idiots (all the love) best friends... I'm sad we couldn't have the chaotic concert trip this year but hey, maybe next year?
@sepastian-ahoey where to start... You're the one I can spam with messages any time, no matter the topic. I know I spam you with Harry things a lot, maybe I can admit now that I really am a Harry girl. Thank you for making this year better by falling into the 1D hole again with me. It's nice to be on the same uni courses and see our profs say I'm you or vice versa. You're also very funny and I adore you. Thanks for tolerating me
@hollyjollybuckley how to begin... Thank you for introducing us to 9-1-1, it's one of my favorites now already. You always tag me in tag games and I feel so happy about them (even if I forget them) I feel like we've recruited you to like hockey which is amazing. I want go to a hockey game with you too. YOUR GIFS ARE SO GOOD GIRL. I adore you. Welcome to 1D chaos too, there's room for you I've saved a seat
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illneverrecover · 4 years
is that so? (M) | jwy
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➛pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Reader ➛genre: non idol!AU, established relationship, fluff, smut ➛word count: 5,094 ➛rating: M ➛warnings: oral sex (female receiving), food play if you squint?, marking, biting, slight roughness, praise, anal play (female receiving), butt plugs, unprotected sex, wooyoung being a loud sweet man. ➛summary: You’ve had a rough few days - hell, weeks - at work, and your new boyfriend Wooyoung knows just how to show you how much you’re appreciated.  ➛notes: EEEE, My first Ateez fic! I’ve been following Ateez since debut and fell completely in love with them, so I was excited when one of my fave clowns ladies, @thiccasswonhoruinedmylife​ commissioned me to write a Wooyoung piece. She requested something with Wooyoung cooking for an anniversary present with smut and fluff, which fits him perfectly tbh. Love you Bri, I hope you enjoy! 🖤 ➛song: Try/Effortless - DVSN  & Say My Name - Ateez 
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Fuck, you’re tired. 
You’re always tired.
You can’t remember the last time you didn’t feel exhausted, where you felt well rested by the time your alarm went off at the crack of 5 am. Work was draining you to the dregs, long hours with even longer meetings (that could have been EASILY summed up in an email) and copious hours spent hand holding grown men on how to do their jobs (but getting paid infinitely less than them.) They take their toll, and now you dread going - hell, even looking at the building could kill your mood.
The only saving grace was your amazing boyfriend.
You hadn’t been dating too long, about two months, but it was one of those things where you had an instant connection, the click of two puzzle pieces fitting just right. It had been at one of your friends house parties (the ones you normally skip due to wanting to catch up on sleep) but this time she had insisted you come, adamant that you met her boyfriend’s friend who had recently moved back into town. You had brushed her off; knowing her for as long as you had, there was a solid chance that whomever her and her long time beau, Seonghwa, were trying to set you up with was either not your type, a fuckboy, or a combination of both. 
However, she had badgered you enough that you agreed to go, if only to get her off your back for the next few soirees (and to get her to lay off the dramatic gifs she had been spamming you with). Running late from work, you showed up in your business casual a few hours after it had started, the place eerily quiet as you could see silhouettes of guests mingling on the back porch. Taking advantage of not being noticed quite yet, you had decided to make yourself a strong glass of liquid courage before facing her and whatever fuckery was afoot for the evening.
You had just reached into the back of the fridge for the bottle of strawberry soju you knew was waiting for you when a voice had you jumping. 
“Anything good in there?”
Whirring around, you had found a blonde man eyeing you, hair swept off his forehead to show off his glistening skin. Your eyes dropped to his mouth, his plush coral lips curved up into a sly smirk as he leaned his forearms down against the counter. 
“Yes, as a matter of fact,” you swallowed, raising a brow at the stranger. “I know Red always keeps a bottle of strawberry soju in her fridge for little old me, hidden in the back so Seonghwa doesn’t steal it.” You had popped open the lid, choosing to chug straight from the bottle instead of fussing with a glass. “I promise I’m not just rummaging through there.”
He had laughed then, his voice pitching higher than you had expected, and it had made you smile. 
. He held his hands up in a surrender, palms out, a toothy grin on his face. “Hey, no judgment. I was about to do the same - but for food. Seongie is out there trying to grill but he’s such a perfectionist it’s taking forever, even Red is threatening to call for take out.” 
Chuckling, you shook  your head. “Sounds about right. I’m Y/N, by the way,” 
Holding out a hand, you had waited until he placed his palm in your own, giving it a firm nod.
“I’m Wooyoung, Seongie’s friend. I just moved back into town.” 
Ah, so he was the mysterious unofficial blind date.
You had eyed him then, fully taking him in from head to toe, assessing him as if you’d be able to tell his character from undressing him in your mind. He had been wearing some kind of dark button down, the top buttons open to bare some of his tanned chest, a jean jacket thrown over top to keep it casual. A few black chokers circled his neck, emphasizing the muscles there, matching the wash of his inky skinny jeans that were so tight you weren’t totally convinced that they hadn’t been painted on. 
His eyes had widened at your appraisal, but he hadn’t spoken a word, instead giving you another smirk while waiting for you to comment.
“It’s nice to meet you, Wooyoung.”
And it really was. From that point on, you two had been inseparable, even once rejoining the official party. Staying hip to hip, you talked about anything and everything, from the most mundane to the downright unexpected (you don’t think you have ever seen a grown man discuss Harry Potter with such wonder in his eyes), and you found yourself not wanting to go home, even as everyone else cleared out.  It was only natural to accept his invitation to continue your evening, to  be squeezed into a 24 hour diner booth discussing movies until the bleary hours of early morning over a plate of french fries. You just didn’t want the moment to be over, for the night to end, for the spell to dissipate. 
Luckily, you had both been on the same page.
Fate had taken its course from there, and there wasn’t a day that passed that you and Wooyoung didn’t see each other, even if it was just over FaceTime as you warmed up leftovers after work. He was so attentive, so sweet, so funny, bringing back a spark into your life that you hadn’t even been aware of that was missing. 
Maybe you had moved a little fast in the perception of others, but to you, it had just felt instinctive to exchange love declarations after the third week, to swap apartment keys sometime during the fifth. 
Unfortunately, your work schedule has been relentless, your days still painfully long and showing no signs of stopping. Wooyoung is understanding, always offering to run your errands for you and asking how he can help make your life easier. Even when he can’t help, when the load gets too heavy to bear - he holds you, lets you rage cry out your frustration, rubs soothing circles into your back until you feel a weight lifted once more. “I’d do anything to see your smile, Jagiya,” he’d tell you with a wide grin, light in his eyes.
And he went out of his way to make that promise come true as often as possible, from little notes left on your door when you come home at night, to silly dance moves in your kitchen as a Britney Spears song blares from your Bluetooth speaker. He even made sure to make your one month anniversary special by having  your favorite flowers waiting for you when you got home, your bedroom turned into the vision of comfort with blankets and pillows and a large bowl of popcorn, perfect for a movie marathon.
He was truly the perfect man, the reason you got out of bed in the morning, the inspiration to fight through the longest of shifts - and  you were so thankful to have him, always hoping he could feel how much his love meant to you.
So it wasn’t a surprise when you came home to him cooking inside your apartment one Friday night after work. 
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You had actually gotten off work at a decent time for once, feet crossing the threshold just as the clock showed it was a quarter after 5, and you had sighed heavily with relief when the smell of sauteed garlic hit your nose. Kicking off your heels, you wandered towards the kitchen, your heart skipping a beat when you saw your boyfriend standing at the stove. 
He has a bright red apron tied around his neck, a flash of words on the front though you couldn’t quite read them. Instead, you were too focused on the ingredients piled onto the counter, the slight flush in his cheeks from working over a hot stove. Candles were placed everywhere, setting the room into a soft glow, and there was a bottle of wine aerating next to twin glasses on the table, plates waiting to be filled. 
He spins when he hears you, grinning at the soft look on your face. “Hey, Jagi. How was work?”
You click your tongue. “Don’t ‘how was work’ me, what’s all this for? Are you trying to spoil me?”
He moves towards you then, giving you an eyeful of his “May I suggest the sausage?” apron, complete with an arrow pointing down to his crotch, making you snort. 
“First of all, how dare you. I’m always trying to spoil you.” Sliding his arms around your waist, you rest your face on his shoulder, melting into his touch. “Second of all,” he murmurs, lips pressed to your crown, “it’s our two month anniversary, so I thought I’d surprise you.”
“You are too good to me, Woo.”
Humming, Wooyoung sways, keeping you trapped in his arms for a beat longer before moving to plant a peck on your cheek. “No such thing as too good for you. Now, go sit down, rest, let me finish up. I’m just about finished.”
You do as ordered - moving to sit at the table, deciding to wait until after dinner to change, not wanting to take your eyes off of him. Instead you poured yourself a glass of wine, sipping it slowly as you watched him cook. It was endearing; seeing him work around the kitchen, brow furrowed in concentration when he would double check the recipe on his phone screen, tongue poking out the side of his mouth when he measured out a spice. He seemed to be taking it so seriously, making sure each step was perfect before moving to the next, which in comparison to the mess he was leaving in his wake, is amusing.
For what he lacked in skill, he makes up in confidence, wielding the knife with ease as he made the final slices to the meat, tossing them in a pan to saute. With a final stir, he adds them to the pot, gathering the sides with oven mit clad hands before sitting it down on the table.
A quick glance told you it was some kind of ramen, noodles and vegetables simmering in an aromatic liquid, steak lined on the top with some hard boiled eggs nestled next to it. Moving to the fridge, he grabs a few more bowls and side plates wrapped in plastic, bringing them to join the other dishes.
“I thought we could have my world famous ramen for dinner tonight,” he explains, tearing the plastic off to reveal the side entrees. “It’s a bit of a mashup of Korean kimchi ramen, but I also wanted you to have options on what to add to yours.” 
He seems nervous, vibrating with untapped energy. Smiling, you reach out and squeeze his hand. “It’s perfect, seriously. Thank you, Wooyoung.” 
Like a true gentleman, he fixes your initial bowl, walking you through all the side entree options and flavors, giving suggestions based on your preferences. Only once you are settled does he prepare his, grinning like a madman when he finally takes a seat. 
Instead of tearing into the food like you expected, he stares at you, eyes dancing with mischief. Your hand hovers over the bowl, spoon suspended half way between your food and your mouth, and you raise a brow at him. “What?”
“Nothing! It’s nothing.” he leans back, placing both hands behind his head. “I just want to see the look on your face when you taste it, is all.”
“And why is that? Is there secretly an entire ball of wasabi in here or something?”
He giggles, head shaking. “No!” he protests, voice echoing off the walls. “No, I would never! How dare you!” you join his laughter, despite your spoon still being frozen, waiting for him to continue. “I just want to see your face when you taste the excellence and decadence that is Jung Wooyoung’s cooking.”
“Is that so?” you purr, cheeks starting to hurt from all the smiling you were doing. You couldn’t help it, he was just so cute. 
Nodding, he slides his hands under his chin, propping his face up to look at you. “Yes, it is. Some would even liken it to a religious experience. Please,” he gestures a hand out, waving it. “Humor me.”
Without dropping his eyeline, you bring the spoon to your mouth, pursing your lips to blow a puff of air onto it before it reaches your tongue. It was the perfect blend of flavor and kick, the kimchi adding a satisfying crunch. 
“So?” he prompts, practically bouncing in his seat. “What do you think?”
“I think this might be the best thing I’ve ever put into my mouth,” you sigh, already scooping your next bite. 
He shouts victoriously, throwing his arms in the air. “Yes! I knew you would love it! You aren’t just saying that, are you?”
Swallowing the warm liquid, you lean forward then, grabbing his arm to leverage yourself as you plant a wet kiss to his cheek. “I’m not just saying it, Woo. It’s delicious, thank you so  much for making it for me.”
His eyes crease as a wide grin takes over his face, adoration shining and mirrored within your own gaze. “Of course, Y/N. I’m glad you like it.”
The rest of the meal is shared over tales of your days, you filling him in on all the craziness of the office, while he tells you about the appointments he had and how his dance class went. It was always relieving, to come home at the end of the day and have someone to lament to, to share your life with, especially when they were so willing to do the same, and there isn’t a moment of silence as you and your boyfriend finish your dinner together.
You move to stand and clear the table, reaching for his bowl when he smacks your hand. “Absolutely not, Jagi. I am here to spoil you, and that includes cooking AND the cleaning. Sit back down.”
Giving him your best glare, you try to protest, but he isn’t having it, swift hands pushing you back into your seat as he grabs your bowl and heads to the sink. “Plus, who said the meal was over yet?” he calls over his shoulder, placing the bowls down.
“Oh yeah?” you chuckle, crossing your arms. “What else do you got for me?”
His expression changes then; previous playfulness melting away and leaving an edge to his smirk, a darkness to eyes. “Well, dessert, of course.” 
You continue to eye him as he moves to the fridge, pulling out a domed container before walking it back to the table. Placing it in front of you, he removes the top with a flourish, kneeling down to your seated height. “I made your favorite,” he husks, voice low. “Peanut Butter Chocolate cheesecake.”
The cheesecake itself was beautiful; he had attempted to decorate it with some chocolate syrup and crushed Reeses, and the evident effort softens you once more. “It looks amazing!” you gush, looking to meet his gaze. “You really have gone all out, haven’t you?”
Instead of answering, he serves you a piece on a small plate, handing you a fresh fork. Grinning, you immediately cut into it, shoving a bite into your mouth inelegantly. Closing your eyes, you let out a groan at the richness of the flavor, chewing slowly to savor it. It really was delectable - the cheesecake a perfect dense yet fluffy texture, peanut butter swirling with the chocolate in harmony.
You were so lost in thought you didn’t pay attention to where Wooyoung had gone; why the room had fallen so silent as you revered your treat. You move to cut another slice off your serving, placing the fork between your teeth when you feel a palm slide up your thigh.
“W-Woo?” snapping your eyes open, you look to the side, expecting your boyfriend to still be kneeling there, but coming up empty.
Peering down, you instead see him crouched between your legs, wicked devilry glittering in his gaze. He slides both hands up your bare thighs, fingers tracing patterns right above the seam of your skirt. 
Before you can say a word, he grips your legs and bows them out, making more room for his body, his mouth dipping to press a wet kiss to the flesh above your knee. 
“You had such a long day. You work so hard, you’re always working so hard, Y/N. I thought it would be a nice little treat if while you enjoyed your dessert, I could also enjoy mine?” his voice was honeyed with molten lust, but it was still a question - still seeking your comfort. 
Groaning, you lick your lips, breath hitching at his touch. “Of course you can,” you rasp, eyes closing once more when you feel his fingers caressing closer and closer to your core.
Dropping your fork, the cheesecake is all but forgotten when Wooyoung continues to trail his lips up your inner thighs, digits reaching for the now dewy panties at the apex, sliding them off your legs. Hand fumbling, you move to work at the side zipper of your skirt, wanting to give him more access, when thick fingers circle your wrist.
“No, Jagi. I want you to leave it on,” he murmurs, hands now moving to bunch your skirt up around your waist. “Like this, you’re so perfect like this.”
Whining, you rake your fingers through his blonde hair, tugging gently at the roots in a silent plea to have him move closer. Chuckling, he acquiesces, pupils wide as he takes in the sight of your dripping cunt. 
He hovers for a moment, hot breath fanning over your sensitive flesh, and just before you could beg he drops his mouth to your center. Tongue flicking out, he swirls it around your already engorged clit, tracing the lines of your labia down and back at an unhurried pace, tasting you. Repeating the movements, he groans against you, lips sliding to suckle at your bundle of nerves until your thighs were shaking against him.
He coos praise at you in between long licks against your core, his finger dipping into your wetness briefly before being pressed inside of you. “You taste so sweet, feel so good, Jagi,”
 Crying out at the sensation, your hand pulls at his hair once more, wanting the friction, wanting him deeper.  He gives in for a moment, tongue rolling against your clit, pulling it between his lips and suckling harshly. You feel your high building rapidly, tension rolling from your bones to deep in your gut, threatening to snap at any moment.
Instead of hurtling you over the edge, he pulls back with a moan, resting his head against the cushion of your thigh. He watches his finger disappear inside you one last time before pulling it out, immediately popping it into his mouth.
Wooyoung looks up at you then, lips shiny with your arousal and eyes blackened with need. “I thought I’d have the patience to finish you off like this, but I don’t. I want to be inside you, now.”
Before you can even finish nodding your head in agreement, you're pulling him to you, cupping his face and pressing your mouth onto his. The kiss is hungry, desperate, dripping in passion, his tongue sliding against yours so deliciously that you feel like you’re drowning in him.
He pulls away enough to trail small kisses down your jaw line, your pulse, until he laves the tender skin at the base of your throat, making you whine. As he sucks and bites his claim onto your neck, you feel his arms grab your legs, guiding you to lock them around his waist before he’s shifting you up into his hold.
The low growls he makes while working over your throat have you distracted, arms coming to brace yourself around his neck as he carries you towards the bedroom. You’re gasping into his mouth when he spins to push you against the wall, pinning you in place under the lithe lines of his body. Throwing your head back, your fingers come to tangle in the hair at the base of his skull, hips grinding against him.
“Fuck, Wooyoung,” you pant as he alters his attack to the other side of your clavicle, insistent on leaving twin marks to claim you. His anguished desire excites you, has you clenching around nothing when he returns to peck at your lips. 
He ruts up against you, and for a moment you think he’ll take you right here against your bedroom wall - not that you would mind - but then he slows his hips, releasing his tight grip on your legs as he pulls you towards the bed. 
It's there that he undresses you completely, kissing each inch of bare skin as it’s revealed to him, murmuring words of love  until you are naked and flushing before him. Sitting up on his knees, he quickly joins you - pulling his shirt off and throwing it haphazardly, kicking off his jeans and boxer briefs. 
He stares at you reverently, eyes and hands always roaming the lines of your form. “I have another surprise for you tonight, if you’re up to it,” he husks, lips quirking into a grin.
“Is that so?” you repeat your words from earlier, unable to stop yourself. He chuckles lowly, leaning over you to open the drawer on the bedside table where typically you house your small collection of sex toys. You follow the movement, curious to see what would grab, but your eyes widen when you see him holding something you weren’t familiar with.
It was stainless steel, bulbed at one end before tapering out and flaring into a large circle at the base. The base had a beautiful violet jewel in it that twinkled when the light hit; a small bottle of lubricant nestled beside it in his large palm.
He had bought you a butt plug.
Seeing your expression, Wooyoung chuckles nervously, dropping the items onto the bed in order to hover over you. “I know we’ve discussed trying this in the past, and just thought that after the time we used my fingers, that this might be a good next step…” he trails off, eyes imploring yours. “However, if you don’t want to or don’t feel comfortable, that’s perfectly fine, Jagi. I don’t want to pressure you at all.”
Excitement tore through your nerves, your body lighting up at the idea of doing this with him. He was so thoughtful, so sweet, and you knew in that moment that you trusted him explicitly. 
“I want to,” you purr, leaning up to bite at his collarbone. “I want to try this, with you…”
His face illuminates with a smile as he moves to sit up on his knees once more, grabbing the plug. “I want to try this with you too.”
Ignoring the lube for now, he closes the plug in his fist as he moves to lay down between your legs. For a while, he just kisses you everywhere, lets his fingers drag through the slick of your slit, gently rubbing at your nub until you are panting and relaxing against his touch. When your eyes start to close, he grabs for the bottle of lubricant, squeezing a generous amount onto the plug before doing the same against your tight ring of muscles.
Jumping at the sensation of cool gel against heated skin, you take a deep breath, letting yourself get lost in the sensations he was providing you. A thumb was still rolling your clit, while another finger was gently massaging the puckered skin of your ass. Your body felt like wildfire, molten and burning too hot, and yet all you wanted was more. 
“I-I think I’m ready, Woo, please,” you whine, hands fisting in the sheets. “Please put it in.”
He groans, fingers stuttering at the wanton sound of your cries. He wanted to drag this out, to tease you until you were blubbering and begging, but between his throbbing cock and your sinful noises, he didn’t think he could wait any more. 
Slowly, he starts to push the bulbous end of the plug against you, thumb of his free hand still working against your bundle of nerves. You tense when you feel some pressure, but Wooyoung is there to talk you through it, guiding you to breathe and relax as he takes care of you, edging the plug in. 
You sense when it’s pushed in to the hilt, the jeweled edge nestled against your rim, and you sigh in relief at the pleasant buzz of the stretch.
Wooyoung slides to sit up on his knees, a hand coming to smooth circles on the flesh of your inner thigh, while the other palms at his hardened length. 
“How does it feel, Jagi? You feel okay?” he breathes, slotting himself between your legs and closer to your center. 
You nod, reaching out to grasp at his hips. “I feel so good, baby,” you praise, guiding him until his cock was dragging against your dripping cunt. “Now I just need you inside of me too, please,”
He hisses at your words, pressing the thick head of his length until it was slipping inside the welcoming heat of your walls, slowly moving to bury himself deep inside of you.
The fullness was overwhelming, delicious, his pelvis resting flush against your own. His brow was furrowed, mouth agape in a silent moan as he started to swivel his hips.
“F-Fuck,” you groan, nails dragging down the skin at his sides as he began to pump in and out of you, slowly at first, as if he wanted to make sure you were feeling every inch of him against your engorged walls. The plug was the perfect size to enhance each movement, the dual sensations making you mewl. 
“Does it feel good?” he husks, voice impossibly deep as his thrusts increase. “Does Jagi like being so full of me? Likes having that little plug in her ass?”
Whining at his words, you chew at your lip, hands reaching out to tug him closer to your mouth. “Yes, I do, Wooyoung. Just for you, all for you.”
He growls then, hips moving at a punishing pace, basking in your sweet cries of his name, wanting to make sure you were fully wrecked and falling apart for him. He could feel you squeezing against him, so impossibly tight, and knew you were close to unraveling. 
Dropping his lips to yours, he licked into your mouth, swallowing your moans as he slid a hand between your bodies to rub at your apex once more.
You broke the kiss to sob, head thrown back against the mattress. “Fuck, I’m gonna come, baby,” your orgasm so close you felt your cunt pulsating, your vision going white. After a few more pumps of his cock and probing circles of your clit, you finally come undone, walls constricting as electricity shoots through your veins, gasps tearing from your throat.
Wooyoung doesn’t last much longer, burying his face in your neck as he finally releases deep inside you with staccato thrusts, only stopping when he was sure every drop was nestled into your tender core.
Catching your breath, you lay for a few soundless moments, fingers tracing patterns on his back while he steadily came down from his high. When he finally moves to get cleaned up, he insists you stay put - instead bringing a wet washcloth and removing the plug for you, wiping you clean.
“Happy Anniversary,” he quips, slapping playfully at your ass, and you can’t help but laugh along, rolling your eyes at him.
After a quick trip to the bathroom you’re back in bed - and his arms - snuggled against his chest, eyes closed in contentment. Wooyoung is so tender, asking every few moments how you felt, if you needed anything. You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were luckier than you ever thought was possible, and you told him so.
“What do you mean, Y/N? I’m the lucky one here. You are so beautiful and smart and successful, and you let me be in your life, let me support you. It’s all I could ever want.” he murmurs, eyes intense as he presses a kiss to your nose. “Plus, you laugh at all my jokes, eat my cooking, and are willing to try new things in the bedroom. You’re basically my dream girl.”
You laugh then, slapping at his arm. “Well, that’s good to know, and right back atcha.”
“What? I’m your dream girl?”
Giggling, you snuggle closer to his chest once more. “Yes. You’re my dream girl and I’m so glad I get to be in your life.” Leaning up, you meet his eyes. “I love you, Wooyoung.” 
The responding smile is so bright you think it may blind you, but his joy was infectious as he whoops loudly. “I love you too, Y/N. So much.”
For a moment, there was nothing but peaceful calm, twin hearts beating rapidly as you let him lead you in a chaste kiss, pulling away to rest your forehead against his own.
“Even if your dirty talk could use some work, I love you and I’m still glad to be here-”
“HEY!” he yells, pushing back to look at you, face incredulous. “What do you mean my dirty talk could use some work?! My dirty talk is perfect!”
You shrug, a sly smirk on your face. “Is that so?”
Scoffing, he tries to slide out of your grasp, pout heavy on his lips. “Yes, that is so! What, was I supposed to call you ‘my greedy little ass slut’ right out of the gate? I mean, I knew you were a freak, Jagi, but I was trying to be a gentleman.”
Choking back your laughter, you lock your arms around him, bringing him back against you until you are spooning him tightly, cooing apologies in his ear. It took several minutes of cuddles and reassurance before he would turn to look at you again, his gaze still hard.
Grinning, you cup his face, your finger resting against the plush fullness of his lower lip. “Oh yeah? And what if I don’t want you to be a gentleman?” 
“Then I guess we’ll have to go for round two.” he growls, before claiming your lips once more.
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stray-tori · 3 years
An Innocent Sin & the good gay flashback ft. my descent into madness
I wasn’t sure if I should post this but I mostly want it archived so here we go. This is from like,, September?
So. “An Innocent Sin” is a dumpster fire unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I don’t remember why I decided to read it. maybe I was crazy. Either way... I read it. It soon started to touch upon (very very outlandish) sexual abuse which I thought was interesting. (the angst, not so much some of the wack circumstances surrounding it)
ANYWAY. at some point... we have a flashback. And not just that. It has a gay character.
And it turns rly gay. which mind you, is still in a het smut manwha (that has a “gay” side couple, but still!)
And it destroyed me.
For those who want to read it because I genuinely think the flashback is a decent bit, it’s all the bonus chapters between chapter 77 and 78 I think. There’s a part before that too, but idk where exactly anymore. (It’s on lezhin! or your platform of choosing)
I don’t THINK you’ll need any other knowledge to get the flashback bit? but it’s been a while.
Below the cut (rip mobile users), you can read all of my amazing reactions (all of these were text messages, for context - but I took most of the replies and convos about other things out). Post is also tagged as long post. :))
(i’m serious, this is fucking long)
Here I am. Liking the gay flashback character. Feck. Main dude is still straight but idk it's cute pff
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This is a mess. The girl white hair likes, likes black hair, maybe, but thinks white hair is attractive
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What just happened is sth I'd like to know too pff He's so cute tho omg. Watch me melt Can we stay in this flashback before everything got perverted af and before white hair gets assaulted all the time I would send an eyebrow emote if I could Context: he's asking he says it again
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Ik it's not mutual but loookkk he's so sweet. He's kinda rude in present time, can't we stay in this flashback forever
I never asked for gay, never expected gay but I got gay
This story is trash why am I still reading it shdhhd
He caught his mom cheating. And now she's forcing him to watch??? What is thissss Well adoptive mom But still sudhdidu what Bitch how dare YOU exist
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Save my babyyyy
Yay sister that's not yet a rapist to the rescueee
This flashback is actually just nicer in every way let's just stay here This is a super long flashback btw Idek anymore what triggered it
Okay I think I'm gonna make the sensible decision and let this dumpster fire rest and just go sleep
It was very wild. I kinda wanna see white hair get therapy but it has 90 chapters and I'm at like 30... So I'm very concerned this is gonna be very dragged out. Idek if it's even finished ahahsududi - but I do kinda wanna see where it goes and see more cute Noah (white hair) so. Here we are.
yeahhh like i was down for the sexual abuse angst but then the mother killed the adoptive son's mother bc the dad had a thing for her?? and it was someone a person studying with white hair knew and so he's investigating and I'm like how did this turn into a crime organisation kind of plot
hhhhhhh i... i appreciate these horny things also tackling abuse but it always kind of gives me weird vibes to have both, especially when its very horny. And when people are horny to people who've been abused. Idk but I'd assume... you might try NOT to tie them up if they're frequently bondaged during their assaults. I'm just.... disjdksdj hello?? am i weird?? why are they fine with it???
also this manwha is so wild, theres this murder mystery investigation thing and then theres just a couple doing honry stuff sprinkled in between and i'm like OKAY
they rescued a guy in their basement and he's understandably very traumatized and they're trying to question him cut to our main couple trying bondage which i still dont understand bECAUSE HE'S A RAPE VICITM WHY ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS the ones questioning arent the main couple of course but idshkjds
like im glad he's somehow okay with all this horny stuff despite his trauma and im glad he can be happy and have a nice relationship but DO WE NEED THIS MUCH OF IT he's very cute tho
i like that even when i try other stuff lezhin recommends me it still has large amount of gay in it
[mei: i mean... that's pretty great, if you ask me]
I mean I agree, I'm enjoying the gay eheheh these tonal whiplashes there's not even that much white space between the panels fhjd nvm it just turned horny goddamn it can there be 1 chapter without fucking? okay, there were the flashbacks
WE ARE BACK IN FLASHBACKS but im not getting the gay relationship, sad
OH WAIT AM I GETTING GAY COMFORT bc thats very good too
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OH NNOOO this turned sad very quickly
I'M :((((
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different species confirmed
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I rly like them :((( I like the current girl too but it's just..... very horny with her. the flashbacks are nice [current tori edit: she’s very unloyal idk why i said I liked her] im weird HHHHH RIPPP 
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someone help him he looks so saddddd
not sure if thats the most healthy relationship but I'LL TAKE IT
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AWWW black hair's mom cooks mild food for them bc Noah can't eat spicy food :((( im soft
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i feel like theyve done much more bonding than noah's current relationship. I mean yes I think its cute when she comforts him, too, but they rarely do anything besides be horny together
best buildup, honestly
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the position is hornier than I'd like later here goes hope it stays cute
D-did someone just respect the word "stop"??? I am amazed
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i think you might uh. have some trauma stuff too so yknow
Dohye is a little dramatic in his reassurance but it's all rly cute so I'm :(( I like them a lot pls stay like this getting invested in flashbacks is always like: ik it wont stay but pls stay like this
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chapters ending in "i wanna touch him" is never good. I'm scared. Oh okay he didnt do anything. PHEW. He's already better than the girl, can't they just end up together lmao
[Noah was jealous]
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w-why do you look so evil dohye haukdhjs
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oh. oh no. the horny is starting. pls dont... just be cute forever
DOHYE NO YOU WERE SO DECENT WHY ARE YOU LYING ABOUT KOREAN TRADITIONS TO GET HIM TO DO STUFF HORNY STUFF TOO NO PLS STOP I JUST- WHEEE TvT the manwha is actually less visually horny in the flashbacks but im not sure if its bc its BL which isnt rly the genre of the manwha or if its bc they're still kids basically, which... I'd respect the latter, tho I'd prefer it to be like this constantly haha
okay. he's not respecting stop anymore, but it's also more of embarrassed nature more than "no i dont want this stop" so maybe i can forgive it. Still losing points, but he hugged him and it was sweet so HHHHHHHHHHH NOT SURE HOW I SHOULD JUDGE THIS SITUATION
They [Noah’s family] forbid him to visit his friends house I AM DEVASTATED
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understandable they're a rapist, a fucked up murderer mother and a father with a thing for younger women so
tho he dont know any of that but yknow he's so pretty just fucking end me on the spot
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they are boyfriends and ik from the future that his sister is gonna ruin it allll she has those drugs that make visual imaginations feel like they rly happened to the person (dont know if thats real but holy fuck its terrifying) and she's used it before to say that Noah assualted her. and im pretty sure shes gonna use it again bc there was a panel of Noah remembering Dohye being uhhhh intimate with her and thats why Noah began to hate him and im so sad im not ready for it. bc he's denied it in the future and i honestly couldnt see it happening even before that or she drugged Dohye, i guess thats a possibility too
[current tori: oh girl, it’s neither and it’s wack]
which if, btich you gonna die even more enough rambling, more reading. this makes me so sad but also spicy
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on the manwha note, he thinks Noah doesnt like his family bc he's adopted and doesnt feel comfy which....... fair enough i suppose. and he's so cute im gonna melt just looK AT THIS 
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OH MY GODDDD he ate like ice and gum and all that, and Dohye assumed it was bc of the more spicy food and got rl worried, but he was just trying to get the smell out of his breath bc he wanted to kiss him ukhsdjs HOW CAN YOU BE SO CUTE HELLLOOOOOOOOO
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look at them. LOOK AT mY BABIESSSS
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how am i ever gonna care about the main couple again aww he-he wanted to go to the same highschool as him :((( im sad bc i know its not gonna happennnnnn
[mei: also at this point, you're literally never gonna care about them. i don't even know the main couple that well and i honestly don't care about them whatsoever.]
WAIT NO they're actually going to the same school awww ik it wont take long until sister fucks it up for them but for now theyre so sweet ohmygodddd
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cant he move in with them, fuck his family honestly
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dohye he's not a fucking pokemon iukhsdjs
oh. its. turning horny i am displeased with this development but i guess its natural for their relationship however COULD YOU DO IT AT HOME AND NOT IN SOME DUSTY SMALL ROOM how do ppl do this i like that the comments too are just "... is anyone still carng about the other girl?" sakjds
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this is the best 3 panels in existence.
h-he just took your hand dohye idk what to tell you
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[mei: "you blush at everything i do" god if that isn't me, idk what is]
awww its cute dohye is getting bonus points bc he invited Noah over while his mom wasnt home, they watched some sexual stuff and he DIDNT try to do anything what is this where can i get more of this
"well im not okay"
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they still didnt do much btw they're just kinda exploring and its honestly nice TvT I dont want this to ever endddd
[Dohye sees Noah’s sister and approaches her] N O
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this is the starttttt of something.......... TERRIBLEEEE 
:((( babyyyy
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Noah was drugged im sure. hes having dreams and waking up in pain and the sister is asking doyhe over I DONT LIKE THISSSSSSS OH HE DECLINED
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OKAY OKAY he saw him with her again but it was from behind and im not sure if it rly happened??? oh no this is terrible. Noah :((( poor child
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i am so emo about this
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[reminder he’s been abused TvT]
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[the sister: “Don’t you want to know why?”]
i will. murder someone he called to ask her to delete his number btw what is this manwha but this is just gonna make it that more tragic when whatever happens that breaks them apart :(((
he's such a good bf but Noah just wont TELL him his side I'M SO SAD
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It cant end im actually tearing up nooo you were so cuteeee and happpyyy
[*sister is telling dohye to come to the gym hall*]
what else is she gonna do she already teared [current tori: ahem... T O R E] them apart THAT'S NOT DOYhE. THATS NEVER HIM. OH MY GOD. is it a look alike??? damn, she's dedicated to just. ruining it, huh
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now he's switching SCHOOLS NO NOOOOO how will i ever find happiness againnnn NO they're misunderstanding further they're not talking properly i mean i get it but oh my god
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I'M :((( 
NO NOOOO pls make up in the future at least omg he tried to clear it up tooo ahhh i dont even have hopes for them getting back together but i just i want them to clear it up im crying first manwha to make me cry and it's this dumpster fire ahaha maybe a little too bc it kinda hit a little close to home i guess but goddamnn ittttt they were so cuteee and so happy and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
OH NO. Noahs getting drugged and assaulted. And he's realizing it happened before, he just forgot. I am. so sad it's not horny drawn either which i appreciate but MY HEART NO
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Im. gonna cry more 
Doyhe kept an eye on him im so emo :(( but he thought he was doing well enough and gave up.... Im im so sad no i want you to make up and get back together its all just a stupid........... MEHHHH will i ever find sth like this flashback again
[mei: p-probably not, no]
i am so devasted i dont even wanna go back to the main couple just fucking. i want this relationship back :(((( but i guess the investigation might end up somewhere so hhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh the baker manwha had a similar flashback feeling so. i just gotta find more of that haha
BUT THIS WAS SO SAD??? im so emo
[Dohye got kidnapped // the flashback commentary stops here but I think my descend into madness is pretty funny too]
its. actually rly smart to have another, more focused on them flashback, before the arc where he gets kidnapped by the rapist murder household so. good job. from a meta perspective but also NO but also. maybe theres hope for them making up at least after all :(((
[main couple kissing] this is. very weird now. but im glad he has someone, he deserves it but dohyeeeee
and switching to sex, YET AGAIN now i wanna see this EVEN LESS THAN I DID BEFOREEEE it's even.... a threesome now with one of the other characters why are you like this why can't you be. like in the flashback i am so upset HAHHHHH WHEEEZEEEE
I am just stop fucking jesus christ PLEASE I DONT WANNA SEE IT ANYMOREEEEE
im just stop the horny pls just tell me who that new guy is and why doyhe likes him so much
[mei: this manwha is a fucking mess but at least we got your lovely commentary out of it]
dhsuksj thanks i feel honored at least i got cute BL out of it before everything went [back] to shit
[mei: THAT TOO]
tbh im getting kinda mad about doyhe... i dont... feel like he'd just fall instantly for a guy who looks like Noah... but eh not my character
i just want closure for dohye at this point, fuck everything else ... not literally pls theres already too much of that
pls get it together for like 1 chapter is the investigation even still happening i am so confused save dohye plEASE wait what i have less than 10 episodes left Dont tell me this shit isnt even wrapped up yet
[Dohye is having a breakdown over the Noah double not coming to see him anymore]
yeah i this... doesnt feel like Dohye... at all... Even when Noah was rejecting him he was just kind of... taking it with some humor and maybe he was a little desperate and risky sometimes but... oh well... i do want him to get better but... im having a hard time believeing this development??? he never seemed overly anxious or anything. but who knows what else they did to him. Sister can still go fuck off tho
i mean. i liked the flashbacks a lot honestly??? it stayed simple and focused on the dynamics and less trying to balance smut with murder plots
okay i dont care bc dohye is currently getting assaulted nobody asked for this why i just. this is terrible. he was... so sweet. he doesnt deserve this. nobody does of course but jesus christ pls someone save him at least its not horny visually, one saving grace
ah... the assult is back to being depicted horny-ly thank you for nothing
[... removed some general confusion about the plot]
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i am. suffering i mean i cant stop but GOD
okay so apparantly. the sister. has just an arsenal of people who look like other people Dohye, then Noah... and even Noah's GF??? this is ridiculous??
one good message 
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did you feel the need to add that [actual tired rage]
im gonna die this manwha is gonna kill me im laughing but im suffering oh hes arrested great and thats the end and the last update was in january of this year
why AS IN NOAH IS ARRESTED nobody who actually did anything is arrested What is this why is this AHHH I at least wanted the complete-ness of finishing this but now I'M JUST SUFFERING
its an experience allright WELL
yup that’s it.
in my head, in a twist of events Dohye and Noah make up and are actual endgame. Something like that must exist out there but I won’t ask because it’d destroy the surprise and ruin the point.
That’s it.
Have a nice day.
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sad-boy-mono · 4 years
High school casualties
Chapter 1/?
Word count-1,779 
Masterpost with Ao3 link
Damien sat at his desk, the typing on his keyboard slowly coming to a stop as he finally finished the essay he had been working on for the past few hours. He looked at the bright screen of his laptop and quickly skimmed the concluding paragraph. Satisfied with his work, he closed his device and sunk into his chair as he let out an exasperated sigh. His bed looked more inviting than ever.
Damien, enjoying this new found sense of relaxation, threw off his glasses and rubbed his strained eyes so intensely that colorful dots and random patterns began to flood his eyelids. His head ache pounding harder than it had been over the past few weeks, but hey, at least he finally finished that essay.
Once his eyes felt somewhat hydrated again, he pulled himself out of the old office chair he had been sitting in. He stretched his stiff body, joints popping loudly.
Pretty sure that wasn’t there when I started, Damien thought to himself as he saw the sun peak up from behind his curtains of his window, What time is it anyways?
Damien scanned the area for his phone, spotting it buried under a small stack of papers and sticky notes, as well as some gum wrappers. He grabbed it and turned it on, hissing at the sudden brightness. Letting his eyes re-adjust to the light, he checked the time. It was almost 5:30.
Well I’m only gonna get 2 hours of sleep if I go to bed now, Damien thought to himself as he made his way to his bed, but ya know, it’s gonna be fine. Maybe I can convince my brain it’s only 3! Ya hear that ya dumb stupid brain, it’s only 3 in the morning! Not 5:30! You’re gonna be fine! Everything is fiiiiiiiiiine.
As the delusional teen concluded his thought, he collapsed into bed, falling asleep within moments of his face hitting the pillow. School was going to be rough that day.
Yo sorry but Damien REALLY can’t come to the phone right now, so try texting like a normal person
Shayne let out an audible sigh. He had already texted his friend that he was waiting for him outside, like he did everyday. At this point, Shayne was ready to barge into Damien’s house and see if he was dead or not.
Ok if he doesn’t answer this time, I’m gonna murder him. Shayne thought, as he began to call again.
Damien’s eyes slowly opened to the sound of a barely familiar ringtone. No one ever called him, let alone at this hour. But without even thinking to check the caller ID, he answered. It was probably important if it was at this hour. Or one committed spam caller.
“Hello?” Damien answered groggily, sleep heavy in his voice.
“Dude where are you? I’ve been waiting for you for the past 15 minutes!” Shayne said, pacing up and down the old wooden porch that lead up to Damien’s house.
Shit, Damien sprung out of his bed so fast his head hurt (Even more then it already did) and he became slightly dizzy. He already started looking around for his clothes, “Uh-yeah sorry! I’ll be out there soon!”
“Ok hurry up, or we’ll be late!” Shayne said hanging up the phone and forcefully putting it back in his pocket with a huff, continuing his pacing.
Damien took a look at his phone and winced. Not only from 8 missed messages and 1 missed call from Shayne. Or the fact it was 8:16 and he had to be at school at 8:40 and didn’t have a car. But his headache was worse than ever. Maybe it was the lack of sleep that made it worse, or the sudden blinding light of his phone; either way, he was not having a good time.
Damien fumbled around his room, putting on whatever clean clothes he had, not really caring if it would look good in the end. He stuck a piece of gum in his mouth to substitute brushing his teeth and began the search for his backpack.
About 5 minutes later Damien was fumbling out the door, adjusting the beanie that seemed haphazardly put on at the last minute, still putting stuff in his bag and his shoes half on.
“Let’s go.” Shayne said, not even bothering to let Damien fully out the door before he started walking off.
“Dude wait up!” Damien said forcing on his untied shoe. “Look, I’m sorry I kept you waiting. I slept through my alarms.”
“Yeah it’s fine, but- Holy- Dude you look like shit!” Shayne said, actually getting a look at Damien.
“Thanks, I feel like shit.”
“What happened?” Shayne asked. It looks like you got hit by a fucking truck
“Well Shayne, that’s exactly what happened!” Damien joked punctuated his statement with finger guns and a yawn.
“What?” Shayne asked.
“No, I’m just kidding. I was up all night working on homework.”
“Oh, um, alright then, why didn’t you work on it earlier? Dude are you ok?”
“Shayne, buddy, don’t worry about it, everything is fine, totally fine,” Damien said, in an ominously cheerful tone. “Let’s just get to school and meet up with Court.”
“Finally! There are my BOYS!” Courtney exclaimed as Damien and Shayne approached the main entrance of the school where Courtney was waiting for them. “What took you 2 so long?” She asked and wrapped her arms around both of their shoulders.
“Well someone,” Shayne rolled his eyes towards Damien and punched his shoulder slightly, “worked on his homework all night and slept through his alarms!”
“Yeah Shayne, why would you do that!” Damien said, crossing his arms
“Wha- ME!” Shayne spat, taking a small step back. And Courtney, with her arm still around him, stumbled back as well.
“Yeah you!”
“You son of a bi-”
“Ok enough,” Courtney cut them off after regaining her balance, “save the arguments for later, we’re gonna be late! And Damien,” Courtney dropped her arms from the boy’s shoulders and dug into her bag. Then after a moment or two, handed Damien a travel mug, “drink this, it’s coffee. Not exactly the way you drink it but hopefully that’ll wake you up a bit”
“Mmmmmmm, bean juice.” Damien mumbled and took a drink.
“You can have the rest, you look like you need it much more than I do.” Courtney said. Damien gasped in mock offense.
“What doth thy meaneth? Art thou saying I looketh like shit?” Damien said dramatically, lazy hand jesters included.
“Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying.” She deadpanned and began walking into the school, Shayne and Damien following.
“So what where you working on last night then?” Shayne asked.
“Yeah what was so important that you worked on it for so long it sucked the soul of you?” Courtney asked, once again wrapping her arms around her boys as they walked.
“That essay for Mr. Hecox’s class I was telling y’all about a few weeks ago.” Damien confessed.
God he really put it off for that long? Damn is he okay?
“Yeah Shayne I’m fine. I’ve just had this awful headache for the past few weeks and I wanted to work on it when it went away, but it didn’t.” Damien looked and saw confusion clear on both of his friend’s faces. “What?”
Shayne glanced at Damien, then Courtney, trying to figure out how Damien heard him.
“Um, yeah no it’s nothing. Just… never mind.” Shayne gave a confused glanced at Courtney, who gave one right back.
“What, what’re y’all looking at?”
“Oh uh, it’s nothing, just drink your coffee. This is our class anyways so we gotta shut up now.” Courtney pointed at the door, patting Damien’s arm and dropping her own arms from the boy’s shoulders.
“Oh- alright then.” Damien mumbled to himself and walked in with his friends.
They made it in the class by 8:45. So yeah, they were late. But by the looks of the empty desk right by the door, so was their teacher.
“Oh looks like we don’t have to shut up now.” Shayne said.
“Damn all that stress for nothing!” Damien sighed.
“Well, let’s just relax and chat then! Like Shayne said, we don’t gotta shut up just yet.” Courtney said, walking to her desk, the boys once again following her.
The three slid into their desks, Shayne sitting to Damien’s right and Courtney in front of Damien. They began chatting with each-other and a few people around them. Well, two of them were chatting. Damien was silent, resting his head on his desk. He may as well exploit this time to get a little more sleep, or just zone the fuck out. Either way he was resting up to the best of his ability. Trying to make the pounding in his head go away.
“-ien? Hello~ Earth to Damien~” Shayne said, gently rocking his sleeping friend.
“Wha-,”Damien hummed, glancing around at the classroom, hearing it quiet down.
“Sorry to interrupt your nap, but Mrs. Whittle’s here.” Shayne said with a sympathetic smile, then turned around to face the front.
Damien began to sit up reluctantly. He dug through his bag and got out the materials that his teacher listed on the board. Looks like they didn’t need much. Which Damien won’t complain about, the less work he has to do today the better.
“Alright class, why don’t you guys take a seat! I’ve got all my bearings so we can finally start!” Mrs. Whittle unlocked her computer. “Ok attendance, you guys know the drill!”
As she went down the list, Damien noticed quite a few people missing. People he was sure he noticed in the room when he first entered. Damien checked his phone again. It was now 8:57. So their teacher was almost 20 minutes late. It looks like people decided not to wait and just left.
“Alright, got that done!” Mrs. Whittle stood up from her desk and made her way to the board. “Again class, so sorry I was late today. We had an issue with one of the cats this morning and it was not pretty, ended up having to take the lil guy to the Vet but he’ll be ok! But anyways I hope you enjoyed this extra time to chat with your classmates. It works out in the end since today I planned something simple for us to work on today!”
As the class carried on, Damien barley paid attention. It’d be fine though, he would just ask Shayne or Courtney what went on and what he needed to know. It would be fine, this was a simple lesson anyways.
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mrs-mystica · 5 years
Reminiscences [Prinxiety]
Pairing : Virgil and Roman
TW : implied abuse and past abusive relationship, unsympathetic Remus, symptoms of post-traumatic stress, hurt & comfort fic
(If you consider I should tag more, please tell me and I will tag it)
Author's note : This was supposed to be fluff. I guess my personal Remus overpowered my personal Roman because I only had ideas to make angst. I wanted to explore the concept of Remus truly being a bad guy, since I normally write Sympathetic Remus. Hope you'll enjoy this story !
The first time it happened, it was nothing more than a nickname. Nothing unusual for Roman. He had made a habit of calling the other sides by something else than their names.
Patton, Logan and Roman were all sat in the living room. They were listening to a movie, a Disney movie, of course, to please the creative side. They had wanted to invite the anxious side, but he was still sleeping when they came to his door. And now, in the late afternoon, Virgil was awake, and despite his long night of sleep, he felt the urge to get a coffee.
Virgil headed to the kitchen, passing through the living room in the process. The three sides had to comment on his sleeping habits. Patton was the first to react to his presence.
- Hey, kiddo! You're finally awake!... Say, I can't help but be worried, at what time did you go to bed to be awake this late in the day? You know it's not healthy to sleep like that at impossible hours...
Virgil was already in the kitchen when Patton asked his question. He was watching his coffee slowly flowing in his Nightmare before Christmas mug as he nonchalantly responded to his parental figure.
- Relax, Pat. That's just how I am, I'm a night owl, sleeping early is just impossible for me.
Logan wasn't convinced by his answer.
- Impossible might be an incorrect statement, there are studies that show that light therapy can help people suffering of delayed sleep phase disorder to...
Virgil cut Logan in his speech, not wanting to hear his explanation.
- No Logan, I don't suffer from anything and I don't need to change my habits. Besides, it just makes Thomas less anxious during the day if I'm sleeping, so it's a win-win situation.
Virgil exited the kitchen with his now fully-filled mug. He stood near the couch where the three sides were sitting. Roman sighed exaggeratedly, to get everyone's attention for a moment.
- You know Virgil, it would much cooler if you were awake during the day. I'm sure everyone here would love to spend more time with our dear emo nightmare~!...
Suddenly, Virgil is back in the subconscious. He's laid down on the couch in the middle of the living room. His headphones are on his head and he's listening to some music. His eyes were closed. Everything seemed peaceful. But something was crawling in the dark. It got closer, slowly. It crawled its way to Virgil's right shoulder. The side could feel something cold and slimy on his skin. He realized something was wrong as it approached his throat.
Being the fight or flee instinct, he jumped off the couch to escape the danger. His sudden movement made him loses his headphones. He was now on the floor, his eyes wide opened from fear. Before he turned around to see his mysterious assailant, he could hear mad laughters behind him. Still out of breath because of his jump, he turned to see Remus standing near the couch, laughing. He had one of his tentacles out of his back.
Still laughing, he wiped a tear from his eye and offered Virgil a hand to get back on his feet.
- Hahahahahahaha! Sorry, I just couldn't resist!
Virgil sighed, still startled by what just happened. He took the other man's hand and got up. Remus took the opportunity to pull him closer. They were close, but only Virgil seemed uncomfortable. Remus raised his hand and moved a strand of hair that had fallen on Virgil's face.
- You should've seen your face! It was priceless my dear emo nightmare~
- Huh... Are you okay Virgil?
The anxious side was standing still, not answering, not moving, looking at an empty space in front of him. Patton was even more worried when a sudden spam went through Virgil's body. The scene seemed to be in slow motion. Virgil's mug fell from his hand and broke into little pieces on the ground. Virgil came back to himself at this exact moment. Roman and Patton immediately jumped off the couch. As they moved, Patton asked Roman to go see if Virgil was okay and that in the meantime he will go get the vacuum. Roman acted accordingly. He came to Virgil and asked him if he was okay. He raised his hand near Virgil's face, but his arm got violently pushed away. Roman was confused by the other man sudden movement. Virgil sighed and raised his hands to his face.
- It's nothing Princey, I'm sorry for the mess... I just... need some sleep...
Logan, still sat on the couch, looked at him confused.
- Virgil, I'm sorry, but this is contradictory to the fact that you just woke up a few minutes ago.
Patton came back with a vacuum at this moment. Virgil sighed again and whispered.
- Whatever... I'm going back to my room...
And just like that, he left, leaving the three other sides in confusion, looking at each other.
The flashbacks wouldn't leave him alone. They would only get worse with time. What was once a week became once a day. Anytime Virgil would be out of his room, Roman would do something that would trigger them. And Virgil didn't know why it was happening now in particular. He had escaped him so long ago, why was he obsessed with what happened then all of a sudden? He thought it was resolve the moment he exited the subconscious, that it was all behind him. It seems that he was wrong.
He opened the door of his room and looked around to make sure that Roman wasn't around. He really liked the creative side, he really did, but all these flashbacks were exhausting, and he didn't know if he could continue like this at this rate. He felt a little bad for Roman, being avoided isn't the best feeling for someone. Virgil justified himself by the fact that he was Thomas' anxiety, and avoidance is a pretty common behavior for anxious people, so if it's normal, there's nothing wrong with his actions, right?
As he confirmed that the hall was empty, Virgil exited his room and headed to the kitchen. This time, he really needed something to eat, he was starving. He had to wait for late in the night to make sure he wouldn't meet Roman by accident. That also meant no meals with the others, so he could only eat once a day. It sure wasn't healthy, but when you're literally the embodiment of Anxiety, your anxious thoughts are stronger than anything, and avoiding what's causing them is all you can think about.
Slowly, Virgil managed to reach the kitchen. He opened the fridge and grabbed some leftover pizza. As he wondered if he should warm it in the microwave, and risking waking someone up, or eating it cold, he heard someone cough behind him. Virgil jumped and turned around to see a princely figure.
There was Roman, and he didn't look pleased. Virgil tried to keep his panic inside and played it cool.
- Hey Princey, what's up?
- What's UP? Well, one of my best friend is clearly avoiding me and I don't know why.
Virgil scratched the back of his neck nervously. Of course he had noticed, and of course he was mad, what else did he expect? Virgil tried to defuse the situation by playing the ignorance card.
- Oh, you're having problems with Logan again?
Roman wasn't in the mood to be patient and raised his voice.
- Don't play dumb with me Virgil and tell me what's happening!
Virgil's sight became blurry, and when it became clear again, Remus was in front of him, where Roman previously stood, his eyebrows frowning, anger deforming his traits.
- What do you think you're doing right now?
His voice was sharper than a knife, and it cuts right through Virgil. He could feel something stronger than his usual anxiety. This time, the weight in his chest was fear. He tried his best to let it show, knowing that if he did, Remus would take advantage of it.
- Eating...
Quickly, he wiped the last crumbs near his mouth. Remus let a growl escape his throat.
- And what did I tell you?
Virgil's arms were now behind his back, his hands playing nervously with his sleeves.
- ... That I'm... punished and... not allowed to eat tonight...
In a sudden movement, Remus rushed forward and took Virgil's cheeks within his hands. The anxious side's eyes opened widely and he could feel a shiver going through his spine. He was paralysed by fear, every part of his body refusing to move at his command. Remus' face was so close... And he definitely didn't like the anger he could see in his eyes.
- I'm gonna make you learn to respect my authority.
Virgil screamed. Roman was destabilized for a moment and he took a step back from the shock. It definitely wasn't the reaction he expected to get. Virgil continued to scream until his lungs were out of breath. He then raised his hands and took his head in them. It took him a moment to realise where he was, that he was not with the others anymore, that he was safe.
Patton and Logan were alerted by the scream. They came as quickly as they could in the kitchen, running through the halls without a second thought. As they both appeared behind Roman, they both stared at the anxious side. Patton was horrified, he hated to see his kiddo hurt. Logan looked at Roman and asked him silently was had happened. The creative side could only shrug, not understanding himself.
Virgil wanted to get out of there. There were too many people for his taste, all he wanted at the moment was to be alone. Unfortunately for him, the three sides were blocking his only way out. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the moral side slowly approaching him. He saw Patton' lips move, but he couldn't understand anything. He was freaking out.
He decided that his best move was to rush his way out. Suddenly, he pushed Patton aside, almost making him hit the kitchen counter. He then pushed Logan, who had made a step forward to come help Patton. But as he was in front of Roman, he couldn't do the same. Something was preventing him to do so.
- Move Roman.
His was was distorted by the tempest tongue. It was loud, but also shaky. His eyes were sending death threats to Roman, and it was enough to intimidate the creative side to step aside. As soon as the way was clear, Virgil rushed to the closest safe place. His room was too far away, so he ended up opening the door to the Imagination, while the three other sides looked at each other with confused looks.
Virgil and Roman had their little spot in the Imagination, just for the two of them. It was under a weeping willow located near a cliff. Sitting there gave them a beautiful view, which had proven to be efficient to provide a peaceful atmosphere for both of them to settle their conflicts, or just provide a quiet place when an alone time was needed. They would come there every time one of them felt bad, which is why the anxious side came there. He knew that he'd be able to calm down there. And it worked for a moment. The view helped him to relax and to forget everything for a moment. Everything seemed so peaceful in Roman's realm. But then, the anxious side heard footsteps coming his way. He tensed up, knowing that it was Roman.
The Prince came, still wanting answers. He was really worried about his friend, but his emotions had bested him. After talking with the others about what had happened in the kitchen, Patton had told him that to go slowly with Virgil next time. So Roman took the time to calm himself before entering the Imagination, with a little coaching of Patton on how he should approach things.
When he arrived near the weeping willow, Roman stopped to examine the other man. Virgil didn't look at him, keeping his head against his knees, curled up against the tree. Roman took a deep breath and sat next to the anxious side. They sat in silence for a moment, Roman staring at the view in front of him, trying to find the right words to say.
- I'd be lying if I said that I haven't noticed you acting strangely these last few days...
Virgil shyly raised his head from against his knees. He didn't look at the prince and was instead staring at the view in front of him. He didn't say anything. Uncomfortable, Roman spoke again, this time looking at the other man.
- I don't want to pressure you into speaking, but I must say that I'm deeply worried about you... And I'm not the only one. Patton is deadly worried, and Logan is as well, even if he won't admit it...
A little smirk appeared in the corner of Virgil's mouth, but he still didn't say anything. Wanting to be reassuring, he put his hand on the anxious side's shoulder.
Virgil is running through the halls of the dark Mindscape. He's trying to reach his room, to escape his pursuer, to be safe again.
But he wasn't fast enough.
Tentacles reached him, targeting his throat first. It stopped Virgil in his run instantly. He violently chocked as the tentacle tightens his grip around his throat. The anxious side tried to reach the tentacle with his hands, but two other tentacles grabbed his arms and kept them behind his back, preventing him from escaping.
A scream was trapped inside Virgil's throat, a weak muffled sound was all that managed to get out.
His eyes were wide open, almost popping out of their orbits. He could feel the other man getting closer to his back. He could feel his warm breath against his right ear. He could feel his whispers going through his skull.
- Where do you think you're going like that, lil' stormcloud? You should know better by now that you can't escape me.
Three words echoed in his head.
- You. Are. Mine.
Virgil flinched at Roman's touch. Roman noticed it and instantly removed his hand, scared to hurt the other man.
- I'm... sorry... I thought... I thought I was over... that...
Roman couldn't help himself but to ask.
- Over... what?
Tears started to fill Virgil's eyes. He took a moment before answering. His voice was shaky and weak, but he managed to speak.
- You know how I... just appeared in the Mindscape one day? You were all made because... well, what was a "dark side", like you called us, doing in the Mindscape? My place was in the Subconscious... with the others... but I couldn't stay there anymore... it wasn't safe...
Reminiscences of Remus hitting him while keeping him in place with his tentacle came back to Virgil. The pain, the feeling of helplessness, he could still feel it all as if he was still there.
- I... ran away from him... Your brother... He... He...
Tears were now flowing from Virgil's face. Roman could only stare and listen to him.
- I can't blame you, you were once the same person, but you two... share mimics... And I know you hate to be compared with him, but you do have these in common... You remind me so much of him... And that makes me think about... what he's done to me... It hurts so badly...
Virgil's head was now buried between his legs and his hoodie. He was having a hard time breathing. Everything was turning around him. He felt dizzy. His voice broke under the weight of his emotions.
- And... I DON'T know what to do! I want this to STOP! I want him OUT OF MY HEAD ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Virgil was crying loudly in frustration. And Roman was feeling powerless. He was used to conflicts that could be result with a sword fight, but right now, there was no monster to slay, no bad guy, to eliminate, all of his experience was useless. Even if he went to the Subconscious and killed is brother, it wouldn't help Virgil. And that was what he wanted to do, that was what he came to do in the first place! Emotions were not his speciality. He wanted to go get Patton, then hid in his room and wait for all of this to end.
He wanted to do that really bad, but he stayed still. No, he couldn't do that. There was a princess to rescue, and even if he didn't know how, he couldn't just hide and not try at least something. It took him all of his courage to finally move. He got up and knelt in front of Virgil. He tried to get his attention.
- Virgil... Virge, please, look at me...
He tried to speak as calmly as he could, even though he was panicking inside. He wanted to be reassuring. His attempt seemed to work. Virgil lifted his head a little to look at him. Roman could see his makeup smudged all over his cheeks.
- Virgil... I don't know what happened with Re- my brother... And I won't pressure you into telling me what happened if you're not ready... But whatever happened, you don't have to carry it alone!
Roman moved his hand to touch Virgil, but he stopped his movement midway, remembering what happened previously. He looked at Virgil in the eyes and asked him silently if he could. Virgil looked at his hand, scared, but he nodded shyly. Roman took Virgil's hand and continued to look at him in the eyes as he spoke.
- We can't erase what happened, but we can help you! We can support you! We can... We can be there for you!
Slowly, Roman was caressing the other man's hand.
- I... I can't release you from your pain, nor your flashbacks, but... I don't want you to carry this burden alone! More importantly, I don't want to continue hurting you without knowing!
Virgil wasn't crying anymore. He was staring back at Roman, a little shook by the prince's words.
- Please, Virgil, let me help you. Tell me when I do something that remind you of him, tell me what to avoid, tell me how to help you! Please, let me continue to be by your side... I don't want to lose you...
Roman was agitated, his head was moving and looking everywhere, nervously. He was running out of ideas of what to say.
- If... If you want... of course... I don't want to force you into anything you don't want!
Seeing the strong Roman losing his words and being uneasy put a tender smile onto Virgil's face. He was still scared, but Roman's words had convinced him to at least try. Maybe his strategy of staying alone and waiting for it to stop was indeed a bad idea. Maybe there was hope for something else...
Virgil slowly grabbed Roman's hands that was on his and he tightens their grip together. Roman blushed and looked back at Virgil. The two stared at each other in silence. They wished they could have stayed that way forever. And for the first time since a few days, Virgil was truly seeing Roman. Remus was way out of his mind, and it felt great at the time, even if deep down he knew that it was only temporary.
But he wanted to give it a chance.
He wanted to heal, and, contrary to what he previously thought, he now believed that his relation with Roman could help him to.
3284 words
66 notes · View notes
maxismatchccworld · 5 years
Patch Notes
PC / Mac
Welcome simmers and aspiring spellcasters alike! While we wait a few more short days for Realm of Magic to release, you can pass the time with this fun update. Read on and you’ll find details of a long-requested Build feature that’s been added to the game. There’s also a whole bunch of new clothing and objects, both in recognition of The Sims 4’s 5th anniversary, as well as making even more simmers from around the world feel welcome within the game. And as always, a number of important issues have been addressed to make your experience that much better.
-SimGuruRomeo,  Ft. SimGuruGraham
Configurable Stairs
There’s magic in the air, and the candle summoning circles you’ve been sending us via Twitter in an effort to will new types of stairs into existence has worked! Configurable stairs have been added to the game, giving you the ability to create stairs that are L-shaped, U-shaped, and more! Excited to try them out? Simply place any set of stairs down in build mode, and you’ll notice a new widget that appears… it’s a box with two arrows attached to it. Grab onto that with your cursor and drag, and suddenly your stairs will be bent 90°! Keep dragging, and the stairs will bend 180°. Once you’ve bent your stairs, you’ll see another two widgets appear. A diagonal arrow above the newly-added landing will let you adjust the height of the landing within the staircase. A curved arrow at the base of the stairs will allow you to continue to rotate the direction of the stairs beneath the landing. For times when a single landing just isn’t enough, you can keep adding additional bends to your stairs--as long as they’re tall enough to have room for another one. I think that just about covers the basics; so get in there and try it out, experiment, and create some amazing new builds!
5th Anniversary
It’s already been five years since The Sims 4 released; whew--time flies when you’re simming! In celebration of this milestone, we’ve added a set of end-of-summer content so that your Sims can join in the festivities. Invite some friends and family over, fire up the grill, and enjoy a backyard get together with this new content. (FYI - the new stilted foundation is perfect for creating a backyard deck!) You’ll even spot some patterns with nods to famous icons of The Sims...
New Clothing
Men’s Long Blazer
Woman’s Summer Party Full Body Outfit
Boy’s Polo Rugby Top
Girl’s Knee-Length Leggings
New Build Content
Fence: “Fence”
Railing: “Stair Railing”
Stair: “Stairs”
Foundation: “Stilt Foundation”
Foundation: “Canvas”
New Objects
Light: “Outdoor Ground Light”
Plant: “Plant Potted Floor”
Living Chair: “Outdoor Seat”
Lounge Chair: “Outdoor Lounger”
Dining Table: “Outdoor Table”
End Table: “Outdoor End Table”
Pedestal: “Upside Down Gnome Decor”
Muslim-Inspired Clothing and Architecture
To help even more of our players express themselves and create Sims that are relevant to their everyday lives, we’ve introduced a set of Muslim-inspired clothing and architecture.
New Clothing
Belted Dress
Jacket with Long Skirt
Modest Athletic Wear / Swimsuit
Athletic Hijab
Knitted Kufi
Buttoned Shirt
Girl’s Pleated Dress
Boy’s Buttoned Shirt
New Build Content
Window: “Window 1 Wide Version Angular”
Window: “Window 1 Wide Version Rectangular”
Window: “Window 2 Wide Version Angular”
Door: “Door 1 Wide”
Door: “Door 2 Wide”
Arch: “Arch Door”
Arch: “Arch E”
Tile Wall Pattern: “2 Tone Wall Without Wainscoting or Trim”
General Issues
Basements will not create irremovable flooring between levels.
Fixed an issue where Tattoos and Skin Details did not apply on Mac.
Fixed an issue that caused weighting for names, clothing, facial features, and skin tones to skew heavily in specific directions if City Living or Island Living were installed.
Solved the problem where showers were playing a sound even after deleted.
Solved an issue where skin details vanish after randomizing traits, voice, or clothing.
Toddlers now learned how to drink from sippy cups again. Not sure why they were so resistant in the first place; those things are great!
Sims have regained the ability to gradually fill empty homes!
That is...if the option for it is enabled.
Photo frames will now persist when downloaded from the gallery.
Fixed an issue where when using the console cheat window the screen would go black.
Fixed various save load issues when loading specific households.
Sims are now able to drown again if you do not have Island Living installed! How were we able to survive without this? Either way, back to drowning!
Certain households will no longer randomly change into nude outfits.
Facebook functionality has been retired.
Friezes can now be applied to individual sides of lower height walls when holding the shift key.
Floor trims on exterior walls will no longer be cut away when a staircase is placed adjacent to the trim on the interior side of the wall.
Fixed a couple of layering issues with tight pants and boots.
Re tuned the values for comfort, decor, fun, hygiene, comfort on several objects.
Fixed various typos.
Fixed various other small issues.
If you want Sims to fill empty homes, go to Game Options -> Gameplay -> and check the "Fill Empty Homes" option.
City Living
Teen Sims that are Unflirty can now make out with other teens.
Cats and Dogs
When putting your cuddly friends up for adoption you will no longer be faced with inaccessible UI.
Now your pets will be able to fully complete obstacle courses with Stand Platforms.
Fixed a visual issue with fountain decorations being placed next to a pool.
Get Famous
Skills/Tasks are now displayed for every gig and audition in the career panel.
Certain auditions will stop being spammed in the gigs panel.
Teen Sims can no longer run romantic socials with celebrities.
They were reaaaallly desperate for talent.
Island Living
Fixed an issue where seashells liked to stack on top of each other. Not sure why these pesky seashells were so insistent.
Fishing in Sulani now counts towards the “Fish in 3 Spots” Goal.
Players now have the ability to trigger volcanic eruptions with cheats: volcanic_eruption small and volcanic_eruption large!
Children can now drown.
Sims can now drown while riding an Aqua Zip!
Island counters have been added to your Build catalog!
Fixed an issue where Vampires were exhibiting their old weaknesses even though they were not applied.
Moschino Stuff
Portrait oriented photos that are submitted are now returned. Those greedy agencies, always trying to steal people's work.
Fixed some photo approval issues for the Photography Career.
138 notes · View notes
Day 6: Welcome to My Life
Blech. Over-steeped tea was the absolute worst. Years of listening to Thunderpants lecture about the proper way to brew a cup couldn’t compete with the mystery in front of her. She wrinkled her nose and shoved the offending cup aside to stare at the email posted in the chat. The black headphones pumped out music, drowning out the random thoughts of a certain red head so she could focus on the puzzle. If she danced a bit to the beat, at least no one was here to see… or yell. The movement in the notes and her body always helped with the nervous energy that came along with investigations. Decisions formed from her analysis became ones of life or death in too many situations.
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Mint Eye. Well, they at least stuck to a theme. The colors… the gradient flower background; she snorted. Someone in their marketing department needed to go back to school in this decade. Her playlist may have a lot of 80s and 90s music in it, but the rest of those years could stay right in the past. Especially the colors. 
The words screamed “come to my crazy cult party; Kool-Aid for all!”. The ironic choice of the word magenta made her want to dismiss it as spam. A place where everyone is happy, of hopes and dreams, almost as real as the color that didn’t exist. Only manufactured by humans’ brains to make sense of a world gone mad. But over and over history showed how people cling to those contrived ideals and how far they’d go to make them a reality. That was part of the reason her shadow world even existed.
What really made her pause from out and out dismissing it staring back from the small screen. A quick flip of her wrist revealed an eerily similar designed etched into pale flesh. Seven had figured out this was tied to the mysterious hacker. Was it a coincidence that the Seeker’s Eye in the center of the sword was a simpler version of the stylized green and black eye of this Mint Eye? That this “Unknown” had lured a Seeker to this apartment out of all of the targets walking on the street. Coincidences just didn’t happen in their line of work. 
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There was a small chance that whoever had created the design had been exposed to a fictionalized version of their organization. The tattoo that adorned her arm was very different from the rest of the Swords. In a way it was a prototype, it’s artist a designer on a very popular video game franchise. He had “borrowed” and modified the idea of their organization to fit the game world. To say that Juno had been unhappy was an understatement. Even more so when Kali had asked him to design a new “sword” to fit her. But the artwork could hide in plain sight because of the game. The old guard truly didn’t understand the need in a world where secrecy was becoming rare. Where unknown hackers could breach the defenses of an organization like theirs without breaking a sweat.
It was a bit rude that they hadn’t invited her or Seven to drink their Kool-Aid. Happiness was in short supply in the secret agent biz. If anyone deserved a few hopes and dreams, it was the red headed hacker. Her imagination was very good at creating dreams that involved him. No cult help needed there. Too bad there truly wasn’t a paradise that could make them into reality. The smirk on her face was wiped off at the now cold, bitter taste of the tea. Ugh… she’d forgotten in her daydreaming. A message popped up in the chatroom before she could empty dump offending brown water.
707: Kali…
707: It’s late. You’re still up?
Kali: Yeah. Don’t sleep much.
Kali: Anyway, I was thinking about you.
707: Me?
707: Oh… Were you thinking about me because you’re nervous?
707: I’m sorry I can’t do anything more for your safety.
Kali: No sorries. Not that at all. 
Kali: That wasn’t at all what I was thinking about tbh.
Kali: Really, I can take care of myself. Any word from V?
707: I tried…
707: But it seems V doesn’t have any service right now.
707: But I left a voice message, so he’ll call me as soon as he hears it.
707: All the RFA members, including you…
707: must be careful for the time being…
707: Please… I hope no one gets hurt because I wasn’t good enough…
Kali: Hey. It isn’t your sole duty to keep everyone safe. We have some responsibility too.
Kali: Plus you’re trying really hard. I’m sure we’ll be fine.
707: That’s… that’s not always the case….
707: You can say that because you don’t know much about me.
707: Kali….
707: I don’t think I’ve told you much about myself.
707: what kind of work I do for the agency…
707: And dark things like that.
707: To be honest…
707: I wanted to show people in the RFA
707: only my bright and fun side.
707: Because the work I do is nothing but dark and filthy.
707: I didn’t want to tell anyone about that.
707: But…
707: now that this is happening… I feel like I should talk about it a little.
707: Because if anything happens…
707: if anything bad happens because of me…
707: you… and all the other members
707: will be in so much shock…
Kali: Nothing bad will happen because of you. 
Kali: I’d like to know about your workplace tho
707: To be honest, the place I work for
707: is a complete shithole
707: where even a mindless joke can get you killed
707: So it’s actually weird
707: for me to say that nothing bad will happen.
707: It’s the only path I could choose, so I don’t want to whine about it.
707: But… I want you to know this.
707: Nothing good will come out of you knowing,
707: but I’m not a clean and bright person…
707: And
707: since you can be put in danger because of me,
707: we need to keep our distance…
707: If we’re like how we are now, where we can’t meet
707: and you’re neither friend nor family, you’ll be safe.
Kali: Not even friends? That’s really sad. 
707: I don’t know.
707: you and me…
707: did we ever have any kind of relationship?
707: We just talked a bit
707: here in this chatroom…
707: And of course, I enjoyed all those conversations… but even those are pointless for me.
707: You know…
707: I only tried to laugh as much as I can in this chatroom,
707: because of the dark place I’m really in.
707: This shithole… is probably the place that suits me best.
707: I hope the members,
707: and especially you, aren’t harmed because of me…
707: but I don’t know.
707: I’ll be more careful from now on.
Kali: Seven, you need to think about yourself too. 
Kali: I’m always here to listen and I’ll do whatever I can to help you.
707: You are always so kind.
707: I wasn’t wrong.
707: You are an angel.
707: You are so kind to everyone,
707: and even though you just found out about the RFA,
707: you fell for my ridiculous threat,
707: and told us you’d help.
707: If I had just let you go then…
707: told V that this isn’t right,
707: convinced him to send you away…
707: you could have just deleted this app
707: and be free…
707: But it’s already happened now
707: so all I can do is be more careful…
Kali: I don’t regret this Seven. Especially getting to know you.
707: Kali…
707: Thank you,
707: but those words will have heavy consequences,
707: so please be careful of what you say.
707: Please don’t think I’m such a good person.
707: Of course,
707: I’ll take care of everything that’s already happened.
707: I’ll try harder for you because I involved you in all this.
707: Whatever happens,
707: I’ll make sure you’re never in danger.
707: but…
707: once this hacker deal is taken care of,
707: there’s something I have to do first…
707: so things might go a bit slow.
Kali: Seven… the agency, are you in danger working for them? Are they threatening you?
707: Don’t worry about it, Kali ^^
707: I’ll just go back to the Seven I always was, and come back after everything’s finished.
707: I’m sorry for being slow.
707: Please tell me
707: if anything strange happens
707: while I finish up my agency work.
707: Alright, Kali?
Kali: I’ll be fine. Just focus on yourself ok?
707: I really hope so…
707: ^^
707: I have to go now.
707: I plan to finish the agency work in a blink of an eye.
Kali: Seven, be careful. And thank you for protecting me. 
707: I don’t deserve to be thanked.
707: I’ll come back soon. Take care of yourself.
707: Then… Good bye.
<707 has left the chatroom.>
Tears hadn't fallen when the bullet pierced her thigh, nor all the times when Juno would beat her within an inch of death as a “test” of control.  But they fell for him, hot wet trails down her checks. Sadness and anger warred to take dominance. Anger won. The phone hit the wall with a solid thunk, a dent left behind in the white drywall. This… this was what their whole organization was formed to monitor and clean up. The Seekers weren’t fulfilling the duty her grandparents had lived and died for. 
What could she even say to alleviate any of the burden on his shoulders? “Don’t worry about me, Seven. I’m the dangerous one, not you. My bad, the people who own my soul aren’t doing their job. Sorry.” He wouldn’t believe her. No one ever would. And that made her one of the Seeker’s most effective tools, a weapon hiding in the body of a young blonde woman with a sad smile and the eyes of a demon.
1 note · View note
allisas · 5 years
The Sims 4 Patch
Patch notes from the official forums (original here)
UPDATE: 9/5/2019 - PC / Mac
Welcome simmers and aspiring spellcasters alike! While we wait a few more short days for Realm of Magic to release, you can pass the time with this fun update. Read on and you’ll find details of a long-requested Build feature that’s been added to the game. There’s also a whole bunch of new clothing and objects, both in recognition of The Sims 4’s 5th anniversary, as well as making even more simmers from around the world feel welcome within the game. And as always, a number of important issues have been addressed to make your experience that much better.
-SimGuruRomeo, Ft. SimGuruGraham
Configurable Stairs
There’s magic in the air, and the candle summoning circles you’ve been sending us via Twitter in an effort to will new types of stairs into existence has worked! Configurable stairs have been added to the game, giving you the ability to create stairs that are L-shaped, U-shaped, and more! Excited to try them out? Simply place any set of stairs down in build mode, and you’ll notice a new widget that appears… it’s a box with two arrows attached to it. Grab onto that with your cursor and drag, and suddenly your stairs will be bent 90º! Keep dragging, and the stairs will bend 180º. Once you’ve bent your stairs, you’ll see another two widgets appear. A diagonal arrow above the newly-added landing will let you adjust the height of the landing within the staircase. A curved arrow at the base of the stairs will allow you to continue to rotate the direction of the stairs beneath the landing. For times when a single landing just isn’t enough, you can keep adding additional bends to your stairs--as long as they’re tall enough to have room for another one. I think that just about covers the basics; so get in there and try it out, experiment, and create some amazing new builds!
5th Anniversary
It’s already been five years since The Sims 4 released; whew--time flies when you’re simming! In celebration of this milestone, we’ve added a set of end-of-summer content so that your Sims can join in the festivities. Invite some friends and family over, fire up the grill, and enjoy a backyard get together with this new content. (FYI - the new stilted foundation is perfect for creating a backyard deck!) You’ll even spot some patterns with nods to famous icons of The Sims...
New Clothing
Men’s Long Blazer
Woman’s Summer Party Full Body Outfit
Boy’s Polo Rugby Top
Girl’s Knee-Length Leggings
New Build Content
Fence: “Fence”
Railing: “Stair Railing”
Stair: “Stairs”
Foundation: “Stilt Foundation”
Foundation: “Canvas”
New Objects
Light: “Outdoor Ground Light”
Plant: “Plant Potted Floor”
Living Chair: “Outdoor Seat”
Lounge Chair: “Outdoor Lounger”
Dining Table: “Outdoor Table”
End Table: “Outdoor End Table”
Pedestal: “Upside Down Gnome Decor”
Muslim-Inspired Clothing and Architecture
To help even more of our players express themselves and create Sims that are relevant to their everyday lives, we’ve introduced a set of Muslim-inspired clothing and architecture.
New Clothing
Belted Dress
Jacket with Long Skirt
Modest Athletic Wear / Swimsuit
Athletic Hijab
Knitted Kufi
Buttoned Shirt
Girl’s Pleated Dress
Boy’s Buttoned Shirt
New Build Content
Window: “Window 1 Wide Version Angular”
Window: “Window 1 Wide Version Rectangular”
Window: “Window 2 Wide Version Angular”
Door: “Door 1 Wide”
Door: “Door 2 Wide”
Arch: “Arch Door”
Arch: “Arch E”
Tile Wall Pattern: “2 Tone Wall Without Wainscoting or Trim”
General Issues
Basements will not create irremovable flooring between levels.
Fixed an issue where Tattoos and Skin Details did not apply on Mac.
Fixed an issue that caused weighting for names, clothing, facial features, and skin tones to skew heavily in specific directions if City Living or Island Living were installed.
Solved the problem where showers were playing a sound even after deleted.
Solved an issue where skin details vanish after randomizing traits, voice, or clothing.
Toddlers now learned how to drink from sippy cups again. Not sure why they were so resistant in the first place; those things are great!
Sims have regained the ability to gradually fill empty homes!
Photo frames will now persist when downloaded from the gallery.
Fixed an issue where when using the console cheat window the screen would go black.
Fixed various save load issues when loading specific households.
Sims are now able to drown again if you do not have Island Living installed! How were we able to survive without this? Either way, back to drowning!
Certain households will no longer randomly change into nude outfits.
Facebook functionality has been retired.
Friezes can now be applied to individual sides of lower height walls when holding the shift key.
Floor trims on exterior walls will no longer be cut away when a staircase is placed adjacent to the trim on the interior side of the wall.
Fixed a couple of layering issues with tight pants and boots.
Re tuned the values for comfort, decor, fun, hygiene, comfort on several objects.
Fixed various typos.
Fixed various other small issues.
That is...if the option for it is enabled.
If you want Sims to fill empty homes, go to Game Options -> Gameplay -> and check the "Fill Empty Homes" option.
City Living
Teen Sims that are Unflirty can now make out with other teens.
Cats and Dogs
When putting your cuddly friends up for adoption you will no longer be faced with inaccessible UI.
Now your pets will be able to fully complete obstacle courses with Stand Platforms.
Fixed a visual issue with fountain decorations being placed next to a pool.
Get Famous
Skills/Tasks are now displayed for every gig and audition in the career panel.
Certain auditions will stop being spammed in the gigs panel.
Teen Sims can no longer run romantic socials with celebrities.
They were reaaaallly desperate for talent.
Island Living
Fixed an issue where seashells liked to stack on top of each other. Not sure why these pesky seashells were so insistent.
Fishing in Sulani now counts towards the “Fish in 3 Spots” Goal.
Players now have the ability to trigger volcanic eruptions with cheats: volcanic_eruption small and volcanic_eruption large!
Children can now drown.
Sims can now drown while riding an Aqua Zip!
Island counters have been added to your Build catalog!
Fixed an issue where Vampires were exhibiting their old weaknesses even though they were not applied.
Moschino Stuff
Portrait oriented photos that are submitted are now returned. Those greedy agencies, always trying to steal people's work.
Fixed some photo approval issues for the Photography Career.
24 notes · View notes
thesims4blogger · 5 years
The Sims 4 on Xbox & PlayStation 4: New Game Patch (October 10th, 2019)
There’s a Sims 4 update available for players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Here are all patch notes and updates for The Sims 4 on console.
Update: 10/10/2019 – v1.19
Now, with just a few days until Realm of Magic releases on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One we bring you this update with new features that are available to all Simmers. Configurable stairs, new clothing and build objects, as well as some spooky new additions.
What’s New?
Configurable Stairs There’s magic in the air, and the candle summoning circles you’ve been sending us via Twitter in an effort to will new types of stairs into existence has worked! Configurable stairs have been added to the game, giving you the ability to create stairs that are L-shaped, U-shaped, and more! Excited to try them out? Simply place any set of stairs down in build mode, and you’ll notice a new widget that appears… it’s a box with two arrows attached to it. Grab onto that with your cursor and drag, and suddenly your stairs will be bent 90°! Keep dragging, and the stairs will bend 180°. Once you’ve bent your stairs, you’ll see another two widgets appear. A diagonal arrow above the newly-added landing will let you adjust the height of the landing within the staircase. A curved arrow at the base of the stairs will allow you to continue to rotate the direction of the stairs beneath the landing. For times when a single landing just isn’t enough, you can keep adding additional bends to your stairs–as long as they’re tall enough to have room for another one. I think that just about covers the basics; so get in there and try it out, experiment, and create some amazing new builds!
The Sims 4 – 5th Anniversary Even though The Sims 4 has been on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for nearly 2 years, we couldn’t let you Simmers go without The Sims 4 – 5th Anniversary content that released for PC and Mac. As SimGuruRomeo and SimGuruGraham described it for the Anniversary PC and Mac release “It’s already been five years since The Sims 4 released; whew–time flies when you’re simming! In celebration of this milestone, we’ve added a set of end-of-summer content so that your Sims can join in the festivities. Invite some friends and family over, fire up the grill, and enjoy a backyard get together with this new content. (FYI – the new stilted foundation is perfect for creating a backyard deck!) You’ll even spot some patterns with nods to famous icons of The Sims…”
New Clothing
Men’s Long Blazer
Women’s Summer Party Full Body Outfit
Boy’s Polo Rugby Top
Girl’s Knee-Length Leggings
New Build Content
Fence: “Fence”
Railing: “Stair Railing”
Stair: “Stairs”
Foundation: “Stilt Foundation”
Foundation: “Canvas”
New Objects
Light: “Outdoor Ground Light”
Plant: “Plant Potted Floor”
Living Chair: “Outdoor Seat”
Lounge Chair: “Outdoor Lounger”
Dining Table: “Outdoor Table”
End Table: “Outdoor End Table”
Pedestal: “Upside Down Gnome Decor”
Muslim-Inspired Clothing and Architecture To help even more of our players express themselves and create Sims that are relevant to their everyday lives, we’ve introduced a set of Muslim-inspired clothing and architecture.
New Clothing
Belted Dress
Jacket with Long Skirt
Modest Athletic Wear / Swimsuit
Athletic Hijab
Knitted Kufi
Buttoned Shirt
Girl’s Pleated Dress
Boy’s Buttoned Shirt
New Build Content
Window: “Window 1 Wide Version Angular”
Window: “Window 1 Wide Version Rectangular”
Window: “Window 2 Wide Version Angular”
Door: “Door 1 Wide”
Door: “Door 2 Wide”
Arch: “Arch Door”
Arch: “Arch E”
Tile Wall Pattern: “2 Tone Wall Without Wainscoting or Trim”
Futuristic Spooky Costume It’s that time of year where we all dress up for those cobweb draped parties and too much candy. The Sims aren’t immune and have a new robot costume to greet those Trick or Treat visitors. Take me to your candy, squishy human!!!!
New Look+ In the last update we brought the new look to The Sims 4 but a couple of items still needed updating. Those are all updated now to include the updated look from start to finish.
General Issues
Mouse and Keyboard Simmers will have their last used camera preference saved so your preferred camera mode is active if you switch back and forth between control schemes. New saves will default to The Sims 4 camera mode.
Switching trait categories in CAS will no longer cause your Sim to switch outfits.
The camera won’t zoom out when placing objects high on walls and opening the color swatch.
Basements will not create irremovable flooring between levels.
Fixed an issue that caused weighting for names, clothing, facial features, and skin tones to skew heavily in specific directions if City Living or Island Living were installed.
Solved the problem where showers were playing a sound even after deleted.
Solved an issue where skin details vanish after randomizing traits, voice, or clothing.
Toddlers now learned how to drink from sippy cups again. Not sure why they were so resistant in the first place; those things are great!
Sims have regained the ability to gradually fill empty homes! If the option for it is enabled that is.
Fixed various save load issues when loading specific households.
Sims are now able to drown again if you do not have Island Living installed!
Floor trims on exterior walls will no longer be cut away when a staircase is placed adjacent to the trim on the interior side of the wall.
Fixed a couple of layering issues with tight pants and boots.
Re tuned the values for comfort, decor, fun, hygiene, comfort on several objects.
Fixed various typos.
If you want Sims to fill empty homes, go to Game Options -> Gameplay -> and check the “Fill Empty Homes” option.
City Living
Teen Sims that are Unflirty can now make out with other teens.
Cats and Dogs
When putting your cuddly friends up for adoption you will no longer be faced with inaccessible UI.
Now your pets will be able to fully complete obstacle courses with Stand Platforms.
Fixed a visual issue with foundation decorations being placed next to a pool.
Get Famous
Skills/Tasks are now displayed for every gig and audition in the career panel.
Certain auditions will stop being spammed in the gigs panel.
Teen Sims can no longer run romantic socials with celebrities.
Island Living
She sells seashells, but only if they don’t stack on top of each other. That shouldn’t occur anymore, but nature finds a way.
Fishing in Sulani now counts towards the “Fish in 3 Spots” Goal.
Players now have the ability to trigger volcanic eruptions with cheats: volcanic_eruption small and volcanic_eruption large!
Children can now drown.
Sims can now drown while riding an Aqua Zip!
Island counters have been added to your Build catalog!
Fixed an issue where Vampires were exhibiting their old weaknesses even though they were not applied.
When your subject matter asks for you to photograph their best side, they don’t usually mean straight on. Simmers that prefer the controller can now rotate around the subject matter as well as raise and lower the tripod with the left analogue stick.
Photographs that you submit for approval now get sent back to you. Why we are sending our only physical copy in this digital age is still a mystery.
Fixed some photo approval issues for the Photography Career.
We have brought over new builds from The Sims 4 Community which you’ll find in My Library. The builds span different packs and come in all sizes from the smallest of homes to the grandest of mansions.
– SimGuruLegacy
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
I'm not criticizing Steve and Alexis. Good hackers insist on control. Overloading, for example, have been around 7-10x.1 Hard to say exactly, but wherever it is, but the fear of missing out. I couldn't talk to them. Over time, the default language, embodied in a succession of popular languages, has gradually evolved toward Lisp. There will of course come a point where there is just too much to keep in your head in order to conceive of the program, and so on. A complex macro may have to save many times its own length to be justified.
If you're not threatening, you're probably not doing anything new, except the names and places, in most news about things going wrong. Economically, this is a sign of an underlying lack of resourcefulness. So being cheap is almost interchangeable with iterating rapidly. And when you look at what they're doing on that computer, you'll find the most general truths. There are plenty of other areas that are just as valuable as positive ones. The most tempting format for stupid comments is the supposedly witty put-down, probably because put-downs are the easiest form of humor. Meanwhile, sensing a vacuum in the metaphysical speculation department, the people working on them discover a new kind of organization that combined the efforts of individuals without requiring them to be interchangeable. Within large organizations, the phrase used to describe a market as a degenerate case—as what you get by default when organization isn't possible. But this way of keeping them out is gentler and probably also more effective than overt barriers. But don't wait till you've burned through your last round of funding to start approaching them.
It was presumably many thousands of years between when people first started describing things as hot or cold and when someone asked what is heat? The most important way to not spend money is by not hiring people. And the project starts small because the idea is small at first; he just has some cool hack he wants to try out. Apple's competitors now know better. Is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. If you want ideas for startups, but it didn't help Thinking Machines or Xerox. But hackers can't watch themselves at work. As a little piece of debris, the rational thing for you to do is say one word to them, at least.
Curiously, however, the works they produced continued to attract new readers. It's true that a restaurant with mediocre food can sometimes attract customers through gimmicks. How tech-saturated Silicon Valley is where it is.2 Which usually means that you have to declare the type of every variable, and can't tell one programming language from another, and work well together.3 If you think you're 85% of the way into Lisp, they could probably do it. In art, mediums like embroidery and mosaic work well if you know beforehand what you want. And now Wall Street is collectively kicking itself.4 There is actually some data out there about that. Some may even deliberately stall, because they enjoy it. I didn't realize that when we were raising money. Like a parent saying to a child, I bet you can't clean up your whole room in ten minutes, a good manager can sometimes redefine a problem as a more interesting one.
It won't seem so preposterous in 10,000 years. It's not something you work despite.5 In such situations it's helpful to have working democracies and multiple sovereign countries. It always was cool. Unless their working day ends at the same time as mine, the meeting presumably interrupts theirs, but since they made the appointment it must be, because I read about it in the press all the time.6 Getting money from an investor than an employer. I've learned so much from working on it. The right thing to compare Lisp to is not 1950s hardware, but, say, 1970, I think professionalism was largely a restatement of the first. A better way to get one loaded into your head. We didn't just give canned presentations at trade shows. It wouldn't be a compliment in most organizations to call someone scrappy. Garbage-collection.
So startup culture may not merely be different in the way we do. If that's what's on the other side of the mountain is a nice gradual slope. Bill Gates knows this. Programs composed of expressions. You could conceivably lose half your brain and live. Sometimes when you return to it. If you're the sort of founders about whom we'd say they can take a nap on when they feel tired, instead of dying. This growth rate is a bit uglier. Great programmers are sometimes said to be indifferent to money.
Perhaps only the more thoughtful users care enough to submit and upvote links, so the marginal cost of one random new user approaches zero. If it seems like a daunting task to do philosophy, here's an encouraging thought. And the bigger you are, the less pressure they feel to act smart. It helped us to have Robert Morris, Peter Norvig, Lisa Randall, Emmett Shear, Sergei Tsarev, and Stephen Wolfram for reading drafts of this. The fourth advantage of ramen profitability is a trick for determining which points are the counterintuitive ones: they're the ones I have to keep the sense of being very short, and also did all the legal work of getting us set up as a company with a valuation any lower. If companies want hackers to be productive, they should look at what they do there than how much they get paid for it. Users don't switch from Explorer to Firefox because they want to invest two years in something that is industry best practice actually gets you is not the long but mistaken argument, but the most I've ever been able to write a short comment that's distinguished for the amount of wealth that can be created. For example, the corporate site that says the company makes enterprise content management solutions for business that enable organizations to unify people, content and processes to minimize business risk, accelerate time-to-value and sustain lower total cost of ownership.7 And so while you needed expressions for math to work, and if you get demoralized, don't give up on your dreams.8 Try making your customer service not merely good, but surprisingly good. One of the standard pieces of advice in fiction writing is show, don't tell.
The CPU weighed 3150 pounds, and b the second wave extends applications across the web have sucked—A Spam Classification Organization Program. Monk, Ray, Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China, during the war had been with their company for more of the crown, and that modern corporate executives were, we should remember this when he received an invitation to travel aboard the HMS Beagle as a collection itself.
It would have a precise measure of the court. The kind of bug to find out why investors who say no for introductions to other knowledge. Many people have told me they do on the way and run the programs on the software business, and in a way to predict precisely what would our competitors hate most? Maybe markets will eventually get comfortable with potential acquirers.
Plus ca change. Philosophy is like math's ne'er-do-well brother. MSFT, having sold all my shares earlier this year.
Common Lisp for, but I took so long. Digg is notorious for its shares will inevitably be something you need to learn to acknowledge as well as a result a lot better to get kids into better colleges, I mean efforts to manipulate them. The meanings of these people. You can get it, is that the Internet into situations where a great reputation and they're clearly working fast to get the money, but a big change from what it would be a good problem to have been fooled by the government to take a long thread are rarely seen, when Subject foo degenerates to just foo, what that means is we hope visited mostly by people like them—people who need the money.
Spices are also exempt. There are still, has one booked for them.
4%, and made more that year from stock options than any other company has ever been. Unfortunately the constraint probably has to split hairs that fine about whether a suit would violate the patent pledge, it's because of the company will either be a founder; and with that additional constraint, you usually have to pass so slowly for them, and that modern corporate executives were, they'd be proportionately more effective, leaving the area around city hall a bleak wasteland, but the route to that mystery is that the government had little effect on what you call the market.
In technology, so they had that we should work like casual conversation.
A rolling close usually prevents this. We consciously optimize for this essay talks about the other hand, launching something small and use whatever advantages that brings. That makes some rich people move, and mostly in Perl, and the valuation of the most recent version of this desirable company, but I took so long to send them the final whistle, the apparent misdeeds of corp dev guys should be deprived of their time and became the twin centers from which they don't yet have any of the word that means having type II startups won't get you type I. Good and bad luck.
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indieapolis · 5 years
Indieapolis is Downsizing
After much consideration, I have decided to considerably downsize Indieapolis. We will no longer be maintaining directories and they will be removed 7/1/19. The following will stay open:
Reblog advertisements (they will be checked and queued monthly)
The twitter will remain open, and promos will be retweeted every month when the tumblr advertisements are queued.
The discord will remain open, but it will have limitations when first entering to cut back on spam for members. Discord Invites are currently closed and will be reopened in a few weeks.
We will still be reblogging promos for: indie rp blogs, group rp blogs, fandom blogs, and art blogs
We will always accept links to new masterlists/directories for any fandom, or other multi-fandom advertising platforms- PLEASE send us an ask/submission to be added. We will be happy to add you to our masterlist/directories page, which will remain available. Any directory/masterlist will not be maintained by us, but we want others to have access to it.
Indieapolis will always remain in this capacity for people to use.
Again, my apologies for this shortcoming on my behalf. I wish you all luck in your advertising endeavors.
Note from Nana: Though I've been passionate about bringing the indie community together, I have hit several time constraints in my life. While I enjoy working on Indieapolis, it's a lot of free advertising work, and with the amount of people/groups that I have been advocating for, it's been an overwhelming task. With the changing dynamics of the RP world migrating to new platforms, it's been intense trying to find time to negotiate connections with others on different sites. I didn't expect Indieapolis to get this big this fast, though some areas were use more than others, the maintenance is overwhelming.
That doesn't mean it can't be done for your individual communities/blogs. I will make pages to help indie rpers navigate various platforms themselves, including finishing the tags page so they can use fandom specific tags to search for new partners/track. I will also create a guide how to safely advertise on other platforms.
I would like to say thank you to everyone who supported us along the way. I hope that we've helped you, even if it was just a little bit. Though we didn't quite make a year with maintaining directories, I'm happy to have met many of you. I hope you stay in touch and continue to share your promos, and even if you don't stay in touch, I really wish the best for all of you.
"They come without asking, and then they leave just the same. But once you meet them, even if nobody ever knows it, that encounter will change your life for the better."
- Natsume Yuujinchou
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