#🍒 cranberry
cosmossystem · 20 days
can pro-endo and/or pro-ship blogs interact with this post or follow us or send asks or something? weve been dealing with right-wingers & medicalists in our notes for like a week now and its been a bad time. and also we wanna make more mutuals on this blog <3
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yatiso · 1 year
car tape player had a tape stuck in it for the first time this morning and i was like -_- alright ill ride in quiet ig bc i tried prying it out n that didnt work. then like half way thru my drive i said. please kimberly (my cars name) please give me my tape back. and it ejected it no problem wtf
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fentoad · 2 years
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#cranberries #cranberries🍒 #cranberrysauce #notcanned #fresh #tawnyport #darkchocolate #thanksgiving #turkeyday #🦃 #turkey #🇹🇷 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRbrt-Ohnv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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culinarygenes · 2 years
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Cranberry & Pomegranate Sauce Recipe! Last year we prepared our cranberry and pomegranate sauce for a holiday gathering, which was loved by all. In our opinion, it pairs well with so many things, such as meats, pancakes, yogurt, smoothie, and toast, just to name a few. Cranberries and pomegranate are two of our very favorite things to eat during this time of year. Not only are they a beautiful, intense red color, they also have antioxidant superpowers! Both, pomegranate and cranberries have an astonishing array of phytonutrients (plant compounds that have been shown in studies to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer health benefits). Since we are huge fans of these superfoods, we decided to create a cranberry and pomegranate sauce for Thanksgiving! And why not add orange zest and peel to the mix for that additional vitamin C, which has many important roles in your body. Here is the recipe from our home and hearts to yours….. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Pasqualina’s Cranberry and Pomegranate Sauce Ingredients: 12 ounce (1 bag) fresh organic cranberries 1/2 cup maple syrup 1/3 cup freshly squeeze orange juice 1/3 cup water 3/4 cup fresh pomegranate seeds Peel of 1 large orange 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 cup Grand Mariner (optional) Zest of 1 orange Directions: 1. Rinse cranberries well and drain off excess water. 2. In a medium saucepan, add maple syrup, orange juice, water, cranberries, pomegranate, orange peels and mix well. Bring mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce heat to medium-low and cook, stirring occasionally, until the cranberries have popped and the mixture has thickened, about 10 minutes. 3. Remove the pot from heat and crush the mixture with a potato masher. Add the orange zest and Grand Mariner, mix well and bring back to heat and cook for one to two minutes. Remove from heat, remove orange peels, and set aside to cool. The mixture will continue to thicken as it cools. 4. Serve garnished with orange peels and cinnamon sticks. Enjoy! #pomegrante #cranberries🍒 #cranberrysauce #madewithlove #happythanksgiving🦃 #recipe #holidayrecipe #recipeshare #gratefulthankfulblessed https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUGcmqPyiW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mystical-one · 6 months
music conspiracy tumblr in 1967
🎸 blondeonblonde1966 Follow
lets be honest bob dylans ass did NOT get into a motorcycle crash like he didnt even try to make it real. there was literally no ambulance no records of the crash NOTHING. shes sucha faker but i respect it
💀 cranberry-sauce Follow
he was jealous of paul mccartney
🎸 blondeonblonde1966 Follow
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🍓 wheres-the-bus Follow
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Paul McCartney, 1942-1966
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🐒 clarrksvilleee Follow
why does michael nesmith seem so hostile towards peter tork irl...honestly i think they should settle it like men and make love in the green grass like god intended
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🎹 catch61 Follow
honestly i cant believe people are still dumb enough to be watching/posting about the m*nkees. i will fucking block you. it is literally appropriating youth culture and monetising it for their own gain ffs
🎹 catch61 Follow
SOMEONE JUST TOLD ME THEY LOCK THE ACTORS IN A MEAT LOCKER BETWEEN TAKES COME ON 😭😭 have any of you realised that you are actively giving money to a studio thats literally evil. i dont care about the actors or their stupid fake music but come onnnn
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🍒 tuttifrutti reblogged valleyofthedollies
🍓 wheres-the-bus
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Paul McCartney, 1942-1966
#HES LITERALLY ALIVE?? #what the fuck is going on rn
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💊 valleyofthedollies Follow
woke up today and everyone is posting that paul mccartney died..i dont want to believe it but theres so much evidence for it :(
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🎱 coffeecolouredcadillac Follow
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unorthodoxsavvy · 2 months
Apple: Favorite subject in school?
Apricot: Favorite dessert?
Avocado: What’s something weird that you like?
Banana: What’s the worst artificial flavor?
Blackberry: What kind of phone (if any) do you have?
Blueberry: Have you ever dyed your hair?
Boysenberry: Do you do any crafting?
Cantaloupe: Best ice cream flavor?
Cherry: Deecribe someone you think is cute.
Clementine: Favorite Song?
Coconut: Do you like the beach?
Cranberry: Have you ever been to a swamp/marsh/bog?
Date: What’s your ideal date?
Dragonfruit: What’s your favorite mythical creature?
Elderberry: How old are you?
Fig: Do you think you’re smart?
Gooseberry: Favorite animal?
Grape: Do you have any siblings?
Grapefruit: What’s your dream job?
Guava: What’s your DnD class?
Honeydew: Do you/did you play/participate in any sports?
Huckleberry: Favorite classical literature book?
Kiwi: Favorite type of flower?
Kumquat: Favorite hobby?
Lemon: Are you creative?
Lime: Favorite movie/TV show?
Lychee: What’s your favorite drink?
Mandarine: What language(s) do you speak/sign/write?
Mango: Do you have any pets? If so what are they/their names?
Orange: What’s your favorite color?
Papaya: If you could live anywhere where would you choose to live?
Passionfruit: What’s something you’re passionate about?
Peach: What’s the sweetest thing to you?
Pear: How long do you sleep on average?
Plum: Favorite kitchen utensil?
Pineapple: What color is your room?
Pomegranate: What’s something that is tempting to you?
Raspberry: Favorite form of showing/being shown affection?
Star Fruit: What’s your star sign?
Strawberry: What’s the best dipping “sauce”?
Tangerine: Favorite time of day?
Watermelon: Favorite season?
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mistyplace-ghost · 9 months
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lingpaopao · 24 days
🫐🍍🥝 𝘍𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘵 𝘝𝘰𝘤𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘺 🍊🥭 🥥
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Berries 🍓 Blackberry - 黑莓 (hēi méi)
Blackcurrant - 黑醋栗 (hēi cù lì) Note: literally translates to 'black vinegar chestnut'.
Blueberry - 蓝莓 (lán méi)
Cranberry - 蔓越莓 (màn yuè méi) Note: literally translates to 'creeping berry'.
Raspberry - 树莓 (shù méi) Note: literally translates to 'tree berry'.
Strawberry - 草莓 (cǎo méi) Note: literally translates to 'grass berry'.
Açaí - 巴西莓 (bā xī méi) Note: literally translates to 'Brazilian berry'.
Mulberry - 桑葚 (sāng shèn)
Elderberry - 接骨木莓 (jiē gǔ mù méi)
Goji berry - 枸杞 (gǒu qǐ) Citruses 🍎 Blood orange - 血橙 (xiě chéng)
Tangerine - 柑橘 (gān jú)
Grapefruit - 西柚 (xī yòu) Note: literally translates to 'Western pomelo'.
Kumquat - 金橘 (jīn jú) Note: literally translates to 'golden tangerine'.
Lemon - 柠檬 (níng méng)
Lime - 青柠 (qīng níng) Note: Chinese people have a name for a blue-green colour: 青色 which is 'cyan' in English. Technically, limes in Chinese literally translate to 'cyan lemons'. However, you may not recognize limes as particularly blue/cyan. Chinese people have a slightly different understanding of colour because historically, they didn't separate between green and blue, which is common amongst many East Asians in general. Nowadays they obviously do but may disagree with non-Chinese people on what constitutes 'green' or 'blue'.
Yuzu - 香橙 (xiāng chéng)
Orange - 橙子 (chéng zǐ)
Pomelo - 柚子 (yòu zǐ) Melons 🍉 Cantaloupe - 甜瓜 (tián guā) Note: it's hard to find a direct translation for the cantaloupe and honeydew as some translate 甜瓜 into muskmelon and 哈密瓜 into hami melon. Others translate cantaloupe or honeydew into 洋香瓜 (foreign fragrant melon).
Honeydew - 哈密瓜 (hā mì guā)
Watermelon - 西瓜 (xī guā) Misc. 🍒 Apricot - 杏 (xìng)
Cherry - 樱桃 (yīng táo)
Peach - 桃子 (táo zǐ)
Banana - 香蕉 (xiāng jiāo)
Durian - 榴莲 (liú lián)
Starfruit - 杨桃 (yáng táo)
Asian pear - 苹果梨 (píng guǒ lí) Note: literally translates to 'apple pear'.
Passionfruit - 百香果、热情果 (bǎi xiāng guǒ, rè qíng guǒ) Note: most people will use the first translation but the second is more fun.
Coconut - 椰子 (yē zi)
Dragonfruit - 火龙果 (huǒ lóng guǒ) Note: literally translates to 'fire dragon fruit'.
Grape - 葡萄 (pú táo)
Nectarine - 油桃 (yóu táo) Note: literally translates to 'oil peach'.
Pomegranate - 石榴 (shí liú) Note: people typically do not pronounce the last character with a tone so you probably don't have to bother either.
Kiwi - 猕猴桃 (mí hóu táo) The reason why kiwis have such a strange name is because of a story (unsure of veracity): mountain people in China originally thought the fruit was poisonous. Thus, they didn't eat it until they saw macaques (猕猴) eating them. That's why they're called 'macaque fruits' (猕猴桃). Uncommon Fruits 🍅 Cactus pear - 仙人掌梨 (xiān rén zhǎng lí)
Calabash - 葫芦 (hú lú)
Date - 枣 (zǎo)
Fig - 无花果 (wú huā guǒ) Note: literally translates to 'flowerless fruit'.
Jackfruit - 菠萝蜜 (bō luó mì) Note: literally translates to 'pineapple honey'.
Lychee - 荔枝 (lì zhī)
Mangosteen - 山竹 (shān zhú)
Plantain - 大蕉 (dà jiāo) Note: literally translates to 'big banana'.
Persimmon - 柿子 (shì zǐ) Fun fact: tomatoes were probably first brought to China in the 1600's and lots of people thought they were strange and foreign. Thus, tomatoes were called 'foreign persimmons' (洋柿子)or 'foreign eggplants' (番茄) depending on location. Eventually, the 'foreign persimmons' term changed to 西红柿, or Western red persimmons.
Guava - 番石榴 (fān shí liú) This is a similar story for guavas which are called 'foreign pomegranates' (番石榴).
Rambutan - 红毛丹 (hóng máo dān) Example Text
各种挑水果技巧 看完你也是专家了 -> the skill of picking various types of fruits, after reading, you will also become an expert Pomelos 看外形,水滴状的最好 -> look at its external appearance, teardrop-shaped is best. 摸果皮,挑表皮光滑的 -> touch the fruit peel, pick one that has a smooth peel. 掂一掂,重量大的口感好 -> weigh it, the heavier ones have the best taste. Grapes 3招教你挑对葡萄 -> three-pronged lesson on picking the right grapes. 一看果梗。新鲜的葡萄果梗为绿色 -> first, look at the fruit stem. Fresh grapes will have green stems. 二看果皮和种子色泽 -> Secondly, look at the colour of the fruit peel and seeds. 三尝风味。葡萄成熟时,应该呈现品种固有的风味 -> Thirdly, taste the flavour. When grapes are mature, they should show a variant-distinct flavour. Oranges 3招挑出最甜的橘子 -> a three-pronged approach to choosing the sweetest orange. 一看:大小和颜色。橘子个头以中等为最佳... 颜色越红,通常熟得越好,味道越甜 -> first, look: size and colour. Oranges that are medium-sized are the best-tasting... the redder the colour, typically the more mature the orange and the greater sweetness. 二摸:光滑程度. -> Secondly, touch: smoothness. 三捏:测试弹性... 用手捏下去,感觉果肉结实但不硬,一松手,就能立刻弹回原状 -> thirdly, pinch: test the elasticity. Use your hand to pinch it, feel the fruit flesh as firm but not hard, once you let go, it immediately bounces back. Apples 苹果听声 -> listen to the sound of the apple. 敲敲看,如声音不脆,表示不新鲜 -> knock on it, if the sound isn't crisp, it means it's not fresh. Pineapples 菠萝看叶片 -> look at the pineapples leaves. 若叶片呈深绿色,表示日照良好,甜度和汁液都很多 -> as leaves display a dark green colour, it shows that the fruit received a good amount of sun exposure, both its sweetness and juiciness will be great. Strawberries 草莓看果蒂... 新鲜的草莓果蒂鲜嫩,呈深绿色 -> Look at strawberry stems... fresh strawberries will have freshly tender stems, displaying a deep green colour.
Bananas 香蕉看表皮 -> look at the banana's peel. 表皮有许多黑色斑点,且色泽深黄的香蕉成熟,这样的才最可口 -> mature bananas have a peel with many black stripes/spots and a deep yellow colour, this way they will be tastiest.
一年四季水果自然成熟时间表 -> A list of natural fruit ripening times within a year's four seasons.
现在市场上一年四季基本上都能够买到新鲜的水果,大家对于水果正常的成熟季节并不太了解了,其实吃应季水果对身体更加健康,今天就给大家说说一年四季水果自然成熟时间表,大家可以照着时间表去购买应季水果。 In today's market, it's possible to buy fresh fruit practically all year round, people are no longer that familiar with the natural ripening seasons of fruits. In reality, eating season-appropriate fruits are healthier for your body, today I will share with everyone a list of year's worth of fruit ripening times, readers can consult this list to buy season-appropriate fruit. 1、春季(3~5月)
[1] Spring (March ~ May) Pineapple, mango, cherries, mangosteen, lychee, mulberry, strawberry, fresh dates, loquat, nectarines, plums, durian, bananas etc.
芒果、樱桃番茄、荔枝、番石榴、牛奶蕉、西瓜、桃、香瓜、柠檬、莲雾、火龙果、油梨、芒果、龙眼 、百香果、 菠萝蜜、观赏南瓜 、日本甜柿、 西瓜、 黑提子、柠檬等。
[2] Summer (June ~ August)
Mangoes, cherries tomatoes, lychee, guava, finger bananas, watermelon, peaches, cantaloupe, lemon, wax apple, dragonfruit, avocado, mango (again...?), longan, passionfruit, jackfruit, ornamental pumpkins, Japanese sweet persimmons, watermelon (again o.O), black grapes, lemons (again...) etc.
[3] Fall (September ~ November)
Hawthorne, pomelo, kiwi, grape, pear, persimmons, big dates, apple, pomegranates, autumn pears, persimmons (2x), mandarins, honeydew, tomatoes, dragonfruit etc.
[4] Winter (December ~ Feburary)
Sugarcane, apple, winter dates, pear, pomelo, oranges, persimmons, kiwi, sugar apple, hawthorne etc.
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pumpkinsy0 · 6 months
In honor of the THANKSGIVING DAY!!
How about headconnons....
Of the whole gang + the Shepards & Buck celebrating Thanksgiving!
I thought it would be funny and cute that their celebrating it all together 🎀❗♦♥📿🐞🌹🍒🌶🍷🚨🌡🎈🎴🪀📣☎🔖
thank u!!! im not the biggest fan of thanksgiving, my mom loves it tho and so does my family so ill just base these hcs off of em
•the shepards!!! tims in charge of food, so hes just making haitian food cause thats like the only food he knows how to rlly make
•diri jon jon, lambi, crabs, shrimp, du riz au lait, etc etc rlly a lot of rice and sea food w one dessert
•hes been up literalally all day and night cooking god bless his soul, he did take a small break tho so its all ok
•curly aint the biggest of helpers, he doesnt rlly like thanksgiving like that but tims goin through all the trouble so might as well do somethin so hes not mad later on
•angela’s actually an angel, shes helping cut the lambi and peel and cut the shrimp what a great help in the kitchen
•the shepards r a black haitian family ik they also makin mac and cheese, BAKED☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 mac n cheese
•meanwhile darry is cooking but not rlly, hes only handling the cranberry sauce n shit
•pony n soda r in charge of baking shit cause that’s genuinely what they’re pretty good at, and i say that a bit hesitantly bc the cookies were a lil burnt, had a lil aftertaste to em, so if they hear a “WHO MADE THE COOKIES🗣️” they silent
•buck is also making some trinidadian food!! now im not too well versed of trinidadian food so it could literally just b whatever trinidadian food u can possible think of
•EVERYONE ELSE??? just bring drinks or somethin
•dally and two bit of course brought the alcohol while everyone else just like, brought apple juice or orange juice, money dont grow on trees
•at the actual celebration they actually do play music!!! mostly caribbean BUT ALSO from other places as well!! they do not care whats on the speaker as long as its good
•ppl even brought dates!!! two bit brought marcia (she invited cheery but yknow sherry didnt wanna leave her fam), dally brought sylvia (ill get to that in a sec), and curly TECHNICALLY brought pony bit not rlly cause they were already going to the celebration so
•sylvia is ALSO haitian but shes more of a baker so she brought haitian cake, kremas, some coconut centered dish and flan 😋😋
•PERHAPS curly, pony, angela, sylvia, dally, and maybe johnny go on THAT ‘walk’ and curly comes back faded before everyone even gets their food, what a loser (i love him), angela and pony got a BIT faded but theyre alright they can generally hide it well, johnny was just there bc pony was there what a great bff xoxo
•dally saw pony gettin a lil high n went “u smoke🤨🤨🤨” but didnt tell darry or soda cause hes not a snitch he already got other things to deal w
•im not even gonna lie to to there’s probably a grown up table where darry, tim, and buck hang out and theres a “indescribable but alive” things table where everyone else is
•SURPRISINGLY NOTHING CRAZY HAPPENED, they were all chattin it up, chillin, no drama no nun, just friends, how great for em!!
•two bit and marcia were dancing most of the time
•steve wasnt rlly doin much he was just secretly making plates to take right tf back home so he dont gotta worry about what hes gonna eat the next few days
•darry actually knocked right tf out after eating so things got a BIT more unhinged but not too bad cause he needs his beauty sleep bad
•pony and curly actually ALSO wasnt doin anythin, rlly they were just in a lil corner talking, they were too full and tires to b doin allat and in curlys case a lil too tipsy cause he was drinking rum, perhaps stolen kisses were shared perhaps not, but who am i to judge
•the ONLY ones who werent being fucking calm was sylvia and dally what a shocker there🙄🙄 but rlly it was only small jabs here n there and even then they werent rlly serious thats just kinda how they do affection, god bless their souls
im doin this in the midst if my family blasting music and doin god knows what so if this isnt what u wanted im srry everythings so loud</33
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stargirlrchive · 6 months
Happy 🎩 SPANKSGIVING 👄 🌽 you HUNGRY HOES 😩 💦 It looks like 👏🏼 the 🍗TURKEY 🍗 isn't the ONLY thing getting 😧STUFFED 👀 tonight 😝 So prepare 💋 👉🏼your pussies 😳for some sweet potato 👅 DICK 🍆 and some CUMkin 🎃 pie cause it is time to 😘GOBBLE GOBBLE 🤤up that slow roasted 🐓COCK 🐓 and swallow the 😜CRANBERRY SAUCE 🍒 if you know what I mean 😏 NOW👇🏼give that turkey 🦃some good 👍🏼'ole jerky ✊🏼💦 and get ready to give OR receive 😉🙏🏼 thanks ‼️ Send this to 7️⃣ of your best 💁🏼SKANKS 👯and let them know how ♥️ THANKFUL🍁you are this HOEvember 😘🍆 🔗
rae 😭 i’m just seeing this LMAO
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cosmossystem · 20 days
i just want every system member in an in-system relationship to know that you are not lesser-than, your love is pure, you are not crazy or insane, your love is real and your relationship is beautiful.
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oakbuggy · 6 months
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Happy 🎩 SPANKSGIVING 👄 🌽 you HUNGRY HOES 😩 💦 It looks like 👏🏼 the 🍗TURKEY 🍗 isn't the ONLY thing getting 😧STUFFED 👀 tonight 😝 So prepare 💋 👉🏼your pussies 😳for some sweet potato 👅 DICK 🍆 and some CUMkin 🎃 pie cause it is time to 😘GOBBLE GOBBLE 🤤up that slow roasted 🐓COCK 🐓 and swallow the 😜CRANBERRY SAUCE 🍒 if you know what I mean 😏 NOW👇🏼give that turkey 🦃some good 👍🏼'ole jerky ✊🏼💦 and get ready to give OR receive 😉🙏🏼 thanks ‼️ Send this to 7️⃣ of your best 💁🏼SKANKS 👯and let them know how ♥️ THANKFUL🍁you are this HOEvember 😘🍆 🔗
THANKS YALL SM SORRY I DIDN'T CHECK!! thanksgiving is not a thing at all where I'm from so!! it was just another wednesday/thursday for me!! I appreciate and am grateful for yall thinking of me even this much HSDFFDSAH
@jakexneytiri, @eywaite, @tallulah477, @itchaboi-itchyboy, @neteyamsyawntu, @neteyamssyulang, @loaksxhoe, @quicktosimp
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classicslibrary · 1 year
Seventeen Fic Recs: Volume III
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Indigo's Note: Here's round three of my fic recs. As these fics may contain both SFW & NSFW elements, minors dni. Happy reading, and show these amazing authors some love!! Indigo's Note 2: Can y'all tell who my bias(es) are? Sob. I need to diversify my reads. 🥺
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🍒Spiked Cider & Vodka Cranberry by @kwanisms (18+, fluff, smut) 🍒 Lusty Gallant by @onlyseokmins (18+, smut, fluff) 🍒 Fancy You by @strawberryya (18+, smut, fluff)
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😇 We Get Along Infamously by @seungkwansphd (18+, smut) 😇 Love Cafe by @chocosvt (18+, angst, fluff, smut) 😇 Of Rainy Nights and Roses by @chenfleur (18+, angst, fluff) 😇 Coffee Stains and Powerpoints by @freakyfriedrice (pg15, fluff, angst)
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🦌 All I Want for Christmas by @onlymingyus (18+, smut) 🦌 Cast Me In a Better Light by @seungkwansphd (18+, fluff, angst) 🦌 Mine by @luxekook (18+, smut)
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😼Giving and Receiving by @wonuhour (18+, smut) 😼Mirror by @darlingvernon (18+, smut)
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🐯Odds by @darlingvernon (18+, angst, implied smut) 🐯Katoptronophilia by @bitchlessdino (18+, smut)
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🐱The Bore Next Door by @ncteez (18+, smut) 🐱Jingle and Bell by @junkissed-replies (fluff) 🐱Hit Me Up by @nneogram (fluff) 🐱The Beach House by @berrryshortcake (18+, smut, fluff) 🐱Out of the Frying Pan and Into Your Heart by @97-liners (fluff, angst) 🐱Kiss Her Once For Me by @yoongimingyu (18+, smut) 🐱Wedding by @whoreanghae (18+, smut) 🐱Just Desserts by @seungkwansphd (18+, smut)
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🍚Burning by @wooziuji (fluff) 🍚Not So Holy Night by @onlyhuis (18+, smut) 🍚Ride to the Beat by @duhnova (18+, smut)
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⚔️Nutcracker by @darlingvernon (angst, fluff) ⚔️Packages, Boxes and Bags by @junkissed (fluff) ⚔️YUCK! by @lipglossjun (18+, smut) ⚔️Beauty Marks by @baljinciaga (18+, smut, fluff) ⚔️Along for the Ride by @the-boy-meets-evil (18+, smut, fluff) ⚔️Christmas Favour by @xddaengx (18+, smut, fluff)
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🐶00:24 by @kwanisms (18+, smut) 🐶It's Warm Under the Covers by @berrryshortcake (18+, smut, fluff) 🐶Stop Kissing Me, Please by @jonghour (18+, smut, fluff) 🐶Kiss Her Once For Me by @yoongimingyu (18+, smut) 🐶Hallmark Moment by @onlymingyus (18+, fluff, angst)
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🐸 Now or Never by @heartkyeom (fluff, angst) 🐸Just Desserts by @seungkwansphd (18+, smut)
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🍊Cheating On You by @heartkyeom (18+, smutty, angst, fluff) 🍊Sweet Nothing by @love-strike (18+, smut, fluff) 🍊Dom! Seungkwan by @love-strike (18+, smut, fluff) 🍊Everyone Knows by @onlymingyus (fluff, angst)
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🐢 21:26 by @wonwoonlight (fluff) 🐢Pent Up Frustrations by @sluttyminghao (18+, smut, fluff)
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🦕 Heart and Heartbreak by @chocosvt (18+, angst)
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that-culdesac-kid · 1 year
...and another poll for the eye colors!
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randomfoodpolls · 20 days
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foodcreation101 · 1 year
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Cranberry Cream Cheese Pull Apart Bun
60 notes · View notes