#yay volleyball
superat626 · 3 months
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The Samuel twins in College AU hit me again.
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taken-aurally · 2 years
Zelda, Link, Ganon number 10 to make it interesting
Interesting it certainly is — I have had to give this one quite a bit of thought, and I'm not yet sure that these are the best answers.
Also, assuming Breath of the Wild incarnations of each.
Also also, I'm not totally sure if this should be Ganondorf the Gerudo King, or Ganon the Dark Beast, so I'm doing both.
And finally, I'm sticking to canon for these as much as I can — by which I mean I'm answering not for Ganondorf the Himbo King, but Ganondorf the Great King of Evil (frustration with this aspect of fandom documented in a previous post).
Netflix & Chill
(Interpreting this literally, with the casual intimacy of close friends at most, not the "wink wink nudge nudge" version)
Zelda: She needs the space to not have the world on her shoulders for a little while, and she's likely to have interesting takes on whatever we're watching, whether silly or serious.
Link: Most likely to be sound asleep within fifteen minutes. Not necessarily a problem, though.
Ganondorf: Does he even know how to chill? That aside, the series implies he can be very charming, but never genuinely so — he charms only as a means to further his own lust for power. The vibes are rancid.
The Dark Beast: The vibes are no less rancid, but my apartment and I are unlikely to survive the encounter. Pass.
Ice Skating
Zelda: Doesn't strike me as the most coordinated of people, so hey, she's on my level! We'll fall down together a thousand times and nurse our bruises over tea afterward.
Link: He'll skate rings around me while giving me pointers on how to be more steady. His inner goofball will come out to play.
Ganondorf: Not remotely in his element. We all need humbling experiences, but these will only fuel his rage. The most likely outcome is we'll fall down a thousand times together, and he lifts me by the neck and chokes me to death in front of witnesses. Alternatively, the fear is an excellent motivator and I learn to skate.
The Dark Beast: Skates confound it completely, it falls and cracks the ice hard. If we're on an artificial rink, people with common sense run for their lives; people filming it for social media die messily once the beast finds solid ground. If we're on a frozen lake, the beast's attempts to get back up shatter the ice completely. The beast dies, along with me and three dozen innocent bystanders; I am remembered as a hero afterward (but Tiktok calls me problematic because of the bystanders; there's just no pleasing some people).
Zelda: Initially has no confidence, but quickly learns to cast aside dignity in the name of fun and discovers she's actually very good at it (especially the dodge part, given that nobody ever lands a hit on her in canon). Lots of laughter.
Link: Hopelessly outclasses me, but intentionally limits himself for the sake of everyone having a good time. Sets up ridiculous challenges for himself in the name of entertainment; everyone loves it. There is a spontaneous parody of the Top Gun homoerotic volleyball montage.
Ganondorf: Thinks the entire thing is beneath him, until someone beans him square in the back of the head. The tennis boss par excellence throws the ball at the offender of his pride so hard it kills them and breaks the ball. Ball out of play, he then begins shooting dark energy balls at everyone left. Three or four intrepid souls manage to hang on dodging the energy balls for a few scant minutes; I go down early and fake death, rising again only after the paramedics arrive.
The Dark Beast: Is absolutely crap at dodgeball — he's an immense target, and never manages to hit Link in single combat, so accuracy is not his strength. He does somewhat better with multiple targets. The dodgeball isn't substantial enough to hurt him. Loses the game, but kills half a dozen and takes a nap in the middle of the playing field; finds the experience enriching.
If Ganondorf: Ganondorf for Netflix (rancid vibes, but I live, and no bystander deaths), Zelda for ice skating, and Link for dodgeball.
If the Dark Beast: Zelda for Netflix, Link for dodgeball again, and the Dark Beast for skating on the lake (best possible outcome for the world at large).
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lillybean730 · 2 years
the new hildibrand quests huh
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givemegifs · 1 year
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seungsuki · 24 days
groceries - sunday restock with your boyfriend (f!reader)
warning: none
note: i manage to sneak in bachira hehe.. wonder why?
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sundays are nagi seishiro’s favourite day. just relaxing and being lazy was something the 190 cm striker loved. top that off, you would baby him and take care of him so he would be well rested for the brutal training monday would force on him
but today wasn’t his favourite sunday 
seishiro spent his day trailing behind you like a lost duckling. it was a nice afternoon and you thought today was the perfect day to restock on groceries. that’s how you both ended up in the bustling supermarket near your place. you pushed the trolley along the isles while nagi in his true nature, clung onto you like his life depended on it. 
his head rested on your shoulder as his arms wrapped securely around your waist forming a somewhat comfortable back hug. you swore seishiro purposely made sure his warm breaths were extra slow to annoy you but you weren’t gonna let him win. you had to restock groceries today or else both of you would be too busy to find any day. 
“do we really need to waste time buying food?”, seishiro spoke as the both of you navigated through the shelves of cereal 
“yes we do- oh found it!”, you smiled as you retreated something you searched far and wide 
“a cereal box..? that was something you wasted so much time on?”, seishiro asked confused
“it’s not just a cereal! it’s a collab with txt!!”, you groaned remembering how terrible seishiro is with names 
“nevermind we’re almost done and then we’ll go home you big baby”
you chuckled when you heard a small ‘yay’ from the laid-back koala you called your boyfriend. he even gave you a small kiss on the neck to celebrate his so-called victory. you couldn’t help but roll your eyes with a small affectionately sigh. you placed the cereal into the cart and strolled away. moving from aisles you’d either have seishiro acting like a cringe teen making fun of the brand names or seishiro mumbling in your ear about how terrible his team was to him (they don’t let him sleep during breaks). 
while you love nagi seishiro with all of your heart, it was these moments that made you want to question just how much of a hassle life was for him. you wonder sometimes.. if you had never asked him out, would he still be alive? yeah he had reo and all but you can’t help but wonder if seishiro had some sort of issues in the past 
you shook your head trying to forget the negative thoughts clouding your head. this was a topic you’d definitely bring up for another day. 
“angel, can we get ice cream too?”, seishiro suddenly added as he watched you pick up the nuggets packet 
“ice cream? yeah sure sure.. anything you want sei”, 
after checking everything in your cart, both of you lined up to pay for your groceries. you recalled a story to seishiro about your university friends trying to force you into acting. your friend dramatically added about how the theatre club was in danger, forcing you to skip your volleyball club practice.
seishiro hums to your story, even though he looks like he doesn’t care, you best believe that he loves gossip. he picked this from reo, another guy who was always hungry for gossip, even if he doesn’t know that person at all. finally, after what seems like eternity, it was your turn 
“good afternoon! hope you guys fin- nagi? no way! whatcha doing here?”, the yellow highlights haired cashier asked 
“bachira.. why are you a cashier?”, seishiro asked puzzled as he frees himself from you 
“oh i picked up a part time job to help my mama. who’s she? hey it’s nice to meet you! i’m bachira!”, bachira introduced himself as he started to scan the products
“i’m [name]... you’re seishiro’s friend?”, you asked, receiving an enthusiastic nod from bachira 
“i didn’t know you had friends other than reo”, you asked again but to the snowy bangs boy 
“i’m trying”, seishrio replied with a shrug 
bachira chatted away with you while preparing your bill. he even added his ‘bff discount’ for the both of you which made you laugh at his antics. waving him goodbye, seishiro and you left the store. it made you feel happy, knowing that sei made friends at blue lock.
it’s not like you hated reo or anything. if anything, you were thankful at how he was always with your lazy genius but you wanted seishiro to branch out. hearing from bachria about his new friends gave you a sense of relief that he had other people to count on 
“you look funny”, sei spoke trying to read your mind 
“i’m just happy”, you said adding a small smile 
“what is there to be happy about? i’m so sad i had to leave my warm bed for this”, seishiro groaned 
“i’m happy you have so many friends. you have so many people who care about you!”, you countered 
“i should be careful! they might steal you from me”, you jokingly added, nudging the soccer player 
“what’s there to worry about? you’re prettier than them”, sei bluntly said making you go red 
“h-hey! don’t just go around saying that!”, you nervously laughed away the butterflies that erupted 
“i'd rather be with my pretty girl than sit with those idiots. it’s a hassle”, sei sighed nearly dropping the bag he was holding 
“let’s just go home and i’ll give you some ice cream with extra sprinkles” 
© seungsuki 2024-25 -- do not repost, translate, alter, etc on any platform without permission. Any characters used in my work do not belong to me, they are created by their original creator
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emlynnnnn · 9 months
gosling!ken x barbie!reader
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summary | You meet some of the other Barbies at beach. Ken gets a bright idea.
part one , part two , part three , part four , part five
. . .
YOU had always been different to the other Barbies in Barbieland. Book Barbie did not enjoy going to beach as much as everyone else—You absolutely hated sand and found little joy in volleyball. You preferred staying holed up in your book shop, reading your days away before you returned back to your dream house every evening as the sun set over the bright blue sky.
Most importantly, you had never had a Ken follow you around like all the other Barbies.
"Please come to beach, you haven't gone in days!" Your close friend, Allan, begged. You attempted to ignore him by hiding behind your book, to no avail, as he had simply pulled it down and away from your head.
"Don't make me, Allan..." You frowned, closing the book as you rested it on your lap. "You know how I feel about beach."
"But you haven't been in almost a week, Barbie... It's no fun going to beach without you," He looked down at you with his doe-y eyes, pouting out his bottom lip.
You thought it over for a few moments, looking away from Allan to avoid the sad puppy-look on his face. "I'll go for a little while," You finally huffed out, trying not to roll your eyes. It was only fair you went with him every now-and-then; he stayed with you at your book shop most other days. "Just let me close up the shop and I'll follow you down..."
Allan cheered, scrambling to the front door of the shop before turning around one more time. "I'll tell all of the Barbie's you're coming! They all keep asking about you," He spoke gleefully before disappearing outside and down the street toward beach.
You let out a small contesting grumble as you began to clean up around your shop to close for the day, double checking you had your beach outfit in the back.
. . .
"HEY Barbie! Long time no see!"
You sent lawyer Barbie a friendly smile as she greeted you at the bleachers on beach, welcoming you to sit down next to her. "Hi Barbie," You acknowledged her with a nod before taking the seat down next to her.
"Where have you been all week?" She asked with a frown.
"I've been... busy with the shop, sorry," You explained as your eyes moved to watch Allan cheer on the other Barbies as they played volleyball. The last thing you would ever do was tell the others you disliked beach. They would probably tell you to visit weird Barbie; no one hated beach!
"Oh! That's so cool!" She clapped her hands joyfully, excited to hear that your shop was doing well.
"What's cool?" Another voice piped in, making yourself and lawyer Barbie turn to see stereotypical Barbie looking at the two of you with her usual bright smile.
"Hi Barbie!" Lawyer Barbie waved to the blonde, signaling for her to sit down next to her like she had done for you. "Barbie was just telling me about how well her book shop was doing!"
"Oh my, that's amazing!" Stereotypical Barbie looked over to you excitedly. "Are you coming to girls night tonight?" She asked with an expectant smile, changing the subject to her nightly parties that she held at her dreamhouse.
You sent her a polite nod having known this question was coming—you couldn't possibly say no without bringing attention to yourself. "Of course, Barbie!" You grinned happily. "I've really missed it the last few nights... I've just been so busy!"
Cheered lawyer and sterotypical Barbie, thrilled that their friend would be joining them for the first time in a few days.
The three of you had been freely chatting amongst yourselves on the bleachers when there was a sudden voice that called over in your direction, grabbing the attention of anyone in your immediate area.
"Hey Barbie!" The voice shouted eagerly, clearly pumped to see his Barbie on beach.
"Oh, hi Ken," Stereotypical Barbie greeted with a pleasant smile, happy to see her friend.
"Are you gonna play volleyball with us?" He asked with an optimistic grin, his huge surfboard tucked under one of his arms. He had yet to acknowledge you or lawyer Barbie.
As you watched their painfully one-sided conversation, you thought about how you had always felt bad for stereotypical Ken. More so than all the other Ken's in Barbieland, he was regularly ignored by his Barbie. Despite his adorable retriever-like personality and his oddly captivating blond hair, she had never seemed very interested in her matching Ken.
"I'll join you in volleyball after my conversation, Ken!" She told him with a plastic smile, obviously trying to shoo him away. "I want to talk about a book with Barbie," She continued to explain whilst pointing toward you. This piqued your interest, as Barbie was clearly not very interested in reading nor had anyone ever known her to be.
Ken obviously shared this thought as his face seemed to light up with an idea, his eyes falling on you for a moment before turning back to Barbie with a slow nod. "Alright... I'll see you after then?" He asked with a small tilt of his head.
Barbie sent him a nod before she focused back on yourself and lawyer Barbie once again to continue with your conversation.
. . .
THE day after beach was a quiet one, so you busied yourself away once again with one of your books. All you ever did was read books, and sometimes that made you feel lonely. You wanted to hang out with the other Barbies and Kens but that meant regularly going to beach, and you simply weren't willing to make that compromise.
Again; you hate sand.
You jumped in your pink swivel-chair behind the register when the the bell at the front door dinged, signaling the arrival of a customer. You looked up from you book and quickly hid it under the counter, surprised to see that it was stereotypical Ken that had walked through the door.
"Oh, hi Ken!" You sent him a bewildered glance, pushing yourself up from your chair to go greet him. "What're you doing here?"
"Hi Barbie," He flashed a charming smiled as he approached the register, leaning over the counter lazily as he sighed. "I wanted to buy a book for Barbie," He explained, referring to stereotypical Barbie.
The meaning behind that glance he sent you yesterday finally clicked hearing his intentions; he wanted to buy a book to impress his Barbie.
"Well..." You began slowly, trying to hide the amused grin that threated to pull at your mouth. You didn't want to break the news to the poor guy that Barbie had only used the whole 'book conversation' thing as an excuse, so you decided to play along. "What books do you think she would like?"
Ken pursed his lips for a moment as he stared thoughtfully at the wall behind you. "...I'm not sure..." He finally answered, defeated at this revelation. "I didn't even know she read books until yesterday..." He mumbled to himself.
You had to stifle a laugh at his response.
"Well, what do you like to read? You're friends with Barbie so you must like similar things!" He asked eagerly.
"I love a good fairytale," You answered fondly and your eyes seemed to glimmer as you thought about all of your favourite stories. "They're the best stories to imagine yourself in. Sometimes you're rescuing a Ken from a tower protected by a dragon, or you're travelling through the most dangerous seas to find the magical stone to save your friends... You can be anything in a fairytale, and that's what makes them so fun."
"Well then, that should be perfect for Barbie!" Ken grinned, inwardly admiring your clear love for books. "Which story would be the best to get for her?"
You scrunched your face up in thought, wanting to get the perfect book for your friend. You thought it was adorable how committed Ken was to making Barbie happy. "I know which one," You nodded to yourself as you pulled out the book you had placed under the register earlier.
Ken raised an eyebrow at this. "But... aren't you reading that right now?" He asked hesitantly, feeling bad about you wanting him to take it.
You brushed him of with a wave of your hand, sliding the hardback across the front counter towards him. "It's fine! I've read it plenty of times already... It's one of the best books I have, so take it—Barbie will love it," You lied, knowing she would have absolutely no interest in any book he would give her.
Ken picked it up excitedly, holding it close to his chest. "Perfect!" He exclaimed. "When do want the book back?"
"Policy says within a week, so any time within then," You shrugged nonchalantly.
"Great, thanks Barbie!" He shouted over his shoulder as he practically ran to the front door, eager to bring this new book to his Barbie for her to read.
You could finally let out a chuckle as Ken disappeared down the street, trying not to feel too bad for feeding into his delusion that Barbie saw him as anything other than a friend. In fact, part of you started to wonder what it was like for someone to pay attention to you like Ken did to Barbie.
It must be nice, you thought.
. . .
—> part two
. . .
note | this is my first post and story on tumblr… i’ve written a few other things on other sites i’m too embarrassed to mention (😭) but it’s been a few years so i’m probably a bit rusty.
i hope this first part was okay! i’m already working on part two, but i’ll see what people think about this first part before i post another one lmao.
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suplicyy · 16 days
hi!! can you write headcanons on oikawa? :)
Reader x Oikawa Tooru headcanons
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Summary — Headcannons of what it would be like if you were in a relationship with him!
— Fluff
— Gn! Reader
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This boy LOVES pda.
Anywhere at any time he will be showing physical affection towards you, be it hugs, putting his head on your shoulders, kisses... the list of what this man can do is looong.
And if you're not a big fan of showing affection in public, he'll respect that, and choose to hold your hands in his.
And when you're alone, that's when he won't let go of you.
Many people who are not in his daily life may not realize this, but his routine is not that healthy. He will often train exceeding his limits, and sometimes he will only stop if someone stops him.
So you would need to be there to support and guide him so he doesn't overstep his own limits.
Call him to your house, or go to his house; Cozy up on the living room couch while watching a random movie, but that alone will be enough to make the guy feel good again.
Just being by your side, even if it's brief moments, completely invigorates him. It's almost as if you were his battery, a simple hug and he would be charged again.
And don't worry about his fans, if that's what you're thinking!
Of course, he will continue to sign autographs and accept gifts – so as not to seem rude – but he will always make it clear to everyone that there is only room for two things in his heart: volleyball and you.
And it would also be very difficult for someone not to know that you two are in a relationship, since he makes a point of letting everyone know.
His Instagram can be considered yours too, since most of the posts and stories he posts are about you and the dates he takes you on. In addition to him always following you anywhere as if he were your shadow.
And please go to his games! One of the things he loves most in this world is when his eyes find you in the stands cheering for him. This definitely increases his performance on the court.
He would definitely dedicate one of his arm-ripping serves to you.
And at the end of the game, he would run up to you to hug you – even though he was all sweaty – and if you pushed him away, he would pretend to be offended and make a drama in front of you, saying that you don't love him anymore.
Give him a kiss and his tearful theater changes instantly.
He would always make sure you knew how much he loved you, and it wouldn't just be with physical affection!
Whether it's saying sweet things in your ear, or giving you that necklace you were flirting with in a store window, or just giving you your favorite food when you're feeling down.
From the smallest gestures to the biggest, he does it with all the love in his heart.
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A/N — Second request I received yay!!! I'm having a lot of fun writing these, so it's quite possible that this week I'll continue to be active here, then I hope you liked it!! ^_^💕
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yenonnoff · 4 months
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h. iwaizumi — my time is important | part 1
pairing: iwaizumi x gn!reader
content: mini smau series, university au, swearing, crack, fluff, friends to lovers, valentines day special (yay!)
synopsis: you've always been a devoted volunteer; the university's bulletin board where all volunteer opportunities are posted, might as well become your second home. however, competition is high. iwaizumi hajime seems to appear out of nowhere and mercilessly fights over the last spot with you every time! why is a busy volleyball player like him spending so much time stealing your spot anyway?
a/n: dates are inaccurate bc im a master procrastinator but times are mostly consistent
...my time is important | part 1, part 2, part 3 (finale)
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a/n: yay! iwaizumi! i love him sm ...also this did take weeks to finish you can tell by the dates on the tweets (jan 20 to feb 14 is crazy) anyways!!! happy valentines day!!! had this idea for such a long time!!! is it even considered a valentines special if there are multiple parts LMFAOO
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euphoricimagination · 2 years
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𝑺𝒆𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆
You were running a bit late to your boyfriend’s game, fighting a bunch of people just to enter the gymnasium and get next to the court. This was the very first time you will see him play in a official match against other school, and even if you knew that there were lots of people, it still surprised you seeing this crowd for a high school volleyball game. However, you were more than happy that they were coming to cheer Bokuto on, everyone deserves to see him enjoy something so brightly, but man they were making it hard to arrive there.
Once you came close you notice that Bokuto was uncharacteristically quiet, just jumping up and down before stretching his arms. Everyone in the team seem worried about it, until Akaashi notices you, pointing in your direction as he talks to his captain.
“BABY! YOU ARRIVED!” he came sprinting in your direction, visibly happier now
“Hi babe” you chuckle as he pulls you into his chest
“I’m so excited right now!! Since this is your first time in a tournament, I’m going to be extra awesome today!!”
“You’re always awesome babe” you caress his cheek lovingly, seeing how his hair magically starts going upwards “Are you nervous?”
“A little, its Itachiyama, they are too good. But now that you’re here I feel invincible!! I CAN DO ANYTHING RIGHT NOW!” he then looks at you, his smile growing bigger once he saw what you were wearing. Not even the sun was as bright as he was right now “Baby!! Is that my spare jersey?”
“Well, I need to let people know that I’m supporting such an amazing player that happens to be my boyfriend. You don’t mind, right?”
“Me? Minding seeing you in my clothes? Never! Can you wear it all afternoon?”
“Of course I can”
“YAY!” he takes you in his arms, spinning both of you around and causing a lot of eyes turn in your direction “Gotta go now, can I have a good luck kiss?”
“Since when you need luck for volleyball? You are good” you tease him, making him smirk at you
“True, I’m amazing, aren’t I? But I still want a kiss” he suddenly grabs your waist and pulls you into his body, pressing his lips on yours. After a few seconds he pulls away, smirking even more at your red face, the kiss was passionate enough to make people uncomfortable, but not too much to be a full make out “That´s better, gotta let people know that you’re mine. See you after the game. LOVE YOU!”
Today was the first official game with Akaashi being the captain of Fukurodani, the first official game in where Akaashi was going to play without Bokuto and the rest of the third years by his side, the first official match that he will have to play without having you as his manager and help him to calm down. These past days you have notice that he was getting much quieter and fidgety than he has ever been, but you just let him be in hopes they were just some random thoughts.
You arrived with Bokuto by your side, both of you made a promise to not tell Akaashi that you were coming to cheer for him, you blaming the chaotic university life while Bokuto said to have a try out for a pro team just that day. You could tell that he was sad by the news despite him telling you that it was understandable, and even if it broke your heart (and Bokuto´s) seeing him so nervous, you still went through it. That was until you saw him in the court with a blank facial expression, not listening to a single word people were telling him; so while Bokuto went to the bathroom, you decided to end your boyfriends misery
[You] “Hey” “You look like you’re about to pass out” “I’m right below your cheering section”
[Kei <3] “Don’t move, I’m coming”
And a few seconds later he was right in front of you, immediately putting his head in the crock of your neck. If it wasn’t clear that he was nervous before, the sudden PDA was more than enough to worry you. You play with the hair in the back of his neck as you hug him, making your breath slower so he follows it to calm himself down.
“Overthinking again babe?” you ask once he calm down
“Yeah, I never thought I would miss Bokuto-san so much, every practice went smoothly” he answers as he pulls away
“Well, the pressure is bigger now. Are you better now?”
“Yeah, what are you doing here? I thought you had extra classes today”
“It was a little white lie, I wanted to surprise you. I didn’t know you would react like this, I’m sorry” you say making his face scrunch in a slight annoyance, so you went to hug him as a sorry
“You made me worry for nothing”
“Sorry…you know that you’re just as good whether Bokuto is here or no, right? You are an amazing setter”
“I’m not outstanding or anything”
“But you still are good. If it helps, Bokuto came with me too, so we are here to cheer you up no matter what happens” you hear him sigh as he mutters something, clearly much calmer now “I’m always going to be here if you need me, no matter what”
“I know, thank you for the surprise, even though you lied to me for it” he chuckles when you hit his arm “Thank you for calming me down”
“Of course, go to be amazing, ok?”
“Ok, see you and Bokuto-san after the game”
You were looking at Kuroo annoyed as he talks to one of the ex-third years of Karasuno, someone called Daichi according to his scream, while you were waiting for the Nekoma match to start. He had offer himself to come with you to your first tournament so you can watch your boyfriend play; since you just started properly dating him a few weeks after his first Nationals, you didn’t particularly care much about seeing the sport before. Kuroo however, was making things harder for you by talking to a bunch of old players and starting conversations with them, leaving alone in the mass of people screaming.
“If you wanted to surprise me, having Kuroo come with you wasn’t the brightest idea” you hear the calm voice of your boyfriend behind you. You turn around only to find him smiling softly at you, a teasing look in his eyes
“And why is that?” you ask pretending to be offended
“Well, he´s the tallest person here, it’s hard not to notice him. Besides, I could hear his scream for the ex-Karasuno from the bench, he completely revealed your position” he chuckles at your face
“Well, I didn’t want to come here alone, you know that I’ve never been here before! Plus, he wanted to come too!” you pout slightly “I wanted to surprise you”
“I’m still happy that you’re here, even if you plan completely backfired you”
“KENMA!” you whine “I should have expected it, you’re playing against Karasuno, of course someone from the team will be here”
“See, you just needed to think a little more” he jokes squishing your cheek
“You´re the worst, and here I am with your jersey and all” you scoff playfully too
“You know I love you”
“You seem pretty calm, is it because of Hinata-kun? You always tell me how you like playing against him”
“Yeah, it’s fun playing with him. But now that you´re here I feel way more excited” he smiles at you once more before Yamamoto screams his name, calling him to get started “I´ll come here as soon as the match ends, gotta go to be a captain, I guess”
“Go cap, maybe we can have our own fun after” you tease him, making a blush appear on his ears
“We definitely will, see you”
Walking out of the bathroom you are trying to find your way to where Kita and Aran are waiting. You didn't knew if he expected you here, considering that the tournament this time was happening on the other side of the country; and while you have been dating for a while now, he still was knew to this whole relationship thing and didn't want to force you to come.
Everyone who looks at you will immediately notice that you were his girlfriend, considering that you were wearing the only Inarizaki t-shirt that only he had access to. You have already encounter lots of annoyed stares from other girls
“You are here?” you hear from beside you, finding your boyfriend looking at you up and down
“I am”
“I didn't knew you were coming”
“That was the plan babe”
“And you are wearing my t-shirt” he says still surprised
“You have working eyes, well done babe!” you joke getting close to him “What's going on?”
“Sorry, I'm a little shock right now, you look great with my name on you” he quickly recovers, looking at you with a mix of shyness and playfulness
“Thanks, I wanted to come and see you win”
“Nah, I think I will lose. You can't just come here, wear my clothes and expect me to not just look at you. Atsumu will kill me and it will be your fault” he says pulling you closer
“You are such a drama queen, I'm sure you'll be fine” you roll your eyes, making him chuckle
“I might need a good luck kiss, maybe like that I won't miss a spike and make Atsumu piss off” he says getting closer to your lips, suddenly both of you forgetting that you weren't alone
“Well, I want you to stay alive” you finally bring him in, closing the space between you in a deep kiss. Once he was satisfied with it he pulls away, smirk appearing
“While I love how you look with my clothes on” he gets closer to your ear, whispering “I think I will love it more with them on my bedroom floor”
“SUNA RINTAROU!” you scream as your face get beet red, him laughing happily as he walks away
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hyeque · 2 years
post workout Kuroo brainrot😔 him being all sweaty, panting….oh lord. im bout to burst.
morning ritual [kuroo tetsuro]
warnings: implied sex, teasing and name calling, kuroo is sexy end of story, not proofread
notes: really a warmup as i ease my way back into writing
kuroo, who while isn’t a college or pro volleyball player, still keeps in good shape after he quit. arguably, he’s doing more working out than when he was playing high school volleyball. that’s why his suits are always tightly fitted, pecs showing through his dress shirts, his slacks showing off his thighs and ass in the right ways, biceps peaking through his shirts as well.
one thing you know that he does everyday is go on his morning jogs. he always tries his best not to wake you, but considering the giant always wraps his limbs around you every night, it’s kinda hard to not notice the absence of warmth besides you at 4am. in addition to that, he usually workouts on machinery after his jog (yay for in-home gyms).
the result is a kuroo tetsurō that is reserved for your eyes and your eyes only.
you’re usually “asleep” but this particular morning you happen to be awake early, mourning the absence of your beloved. it’s when you hear the door open and close do you quickly decide to hide yourself in the bedsheets, not wanting to be seen awake.
kuroo slips into your shared bedroom when you pretend to be asleep. you take the time to peek at him out of curiosity.
to say he looks delectable is an understatement. his workout shirt is clinging to his body like a second skin. his hair, while usually wild, lays down slightly just because of how sweaty he is. his slightly tan skin always glistens just right in the light and gives him a flattering glow.
you’re too busy oogling him that you completely miss him walking back in the bedroom. you try to cover your face in hopes he didn’t catch you drooling, but he’s perceptive as ever.
“i know you’re not sleeping, pervert.” he says, and you hear the smirk in his voice. you crack your eye open and there he is, standing over you shirtless.
“m’not a pervert.” you pout, frowning at him.
he tilts his head slightly. “yeah? then why are you eyeing me like a piece of meat right now?” he pulls back the bedsheets and you shiver once the cold air hits your skin. it isn’t long before kuroo’s looming figure is hovering over you.
the smell of his sweaty musk should repulse you, it should. but when it’s him, repulsion is the last thing you feel.
“well i’m allowed to ogle my own boyfriend. you’re not that innocent either mister.” you respond, brushing back hair from his face. you don’t miss the way that his hazel eyes have become clouded with a dusky look.
he laughs, amused by your behavior. “i guess you’re right. i should do something about that, hm?” he grabs your hands, pulling them to the side before peppering your face in kisses. they start out soft but become increasingly rough as he moves over your body.
“oh my god, tetsu! you’re so sweaty!” you giggle and try to push him away, but he continues his ministrations of kissing your face, collarbone, and neck.
“better that way, isn’t it?” he’s tugging your figure towards the edge of the bed, and you feel heat in your lower abdomen at the lack of strength he uses to do it so effortlessly. “don’t have to worry about getting clean twice.”
“maybe…” you mumble, face burning hotly as his lean body shields you. every muscular part of him seems to encase you in a way that calms you, yet excites you all at once. “maybe, if you would do something…”
standing between your legs, he kisses down your skin, tugging off your bottoms and underwear. you hitch your breath at his cold fingers resting on your hips.
his breath hits your glistening core and he smirks, centimeters away from giving you the bliss you need. he stands back up and your eyes instantly fall to the print in his gym shorts.
kuroo often calls it his morning ritual. now he doesn’t believe in superstition or anything like that, but he sure does think that fucking you just right leads to him having a great day. he’s convinced you that a business deal needs to be sealed with your lips wrapped around him, or his face in your cunt. and sometimes he’ll have you thank him for sending you to work full of his cum.
there’s something about kuroo’s stamina post workout that makes him different than any other time. and the same goes for you as well. you become clingier. needier. and he can tell you both needed release more than anything.
a sweet smile appears on kuroo’s face, but nothing about it is comforting. after all, he’s going to break you.
he strips off his reminding article of clothing, hunger in his eyes. “you’re in luck, sweetheart. i still have enough stamina and energy. i could use another workout, and you’re the perfect partner.”
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mysteryshoptls · 10 months
SSR Lilia Vanrouge - Beach Wear Voice Lines
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When Summoned: It's summer! It's the beach! It's an uninhabited island~! We're going to have a blast on this little vacation, Stitch! (Stitch: Wheee!)
Summon Line: I can't believe I've gotten the awesome privilege of having such a fun encounter on this strange island. My excitement just won't go away.
Groooovy!!: Let's go, Stitch! We'll rule this summer! (Stitch: Yay!)
Home: Onwards towards the beach, Stitch! (Stitch: Oooh!)
Swap Looks: Even in summer I'm cute, don'tcha think?
Home Idle 1: I didn't expect him to be able to bring down a palm tree with one hit... Kufufu, Stitch is quite the rascal.
Home Idle 2: There's kayaking, beach volleyball, and scuba diving... Ah, whatever shall I do? There's far too much I want to do while here on this island.
Home Idle 3: Riddle has a tendency of being much too serious. Spending some time away from everything on this uninhabited island may do him some good.
Home Idle - Login: One must have the courage to enjoy yourself, especially when in a crisis such as this. See, Stitch agrees with me. (Stitch: Rock and Roll!)
Home Idle - Groovy: That Gantu fellow seems like he's real uptight. We're all out here on the beach during summer, we should all be enjoying ourselves!
Home Tap 1: Stitch is a really cute fellow. I find it so soothing to just look into his large, round eyes, and admire those stunning teeth... Ah, he just bit me!
Home Tap 2: Once, while travelling in a tropical country, I became entangled with some troublesome fellows. And let me tell you, they looked exactly like how Azul is dressed right now.
Home Tap 3: Don't you think my super summer style is slammin'? Come, come, don't be so shy, take a good look at me.
Home Tap 4: Ace and I played a game of Beach Flags just a bit ago. The result? Of course, it ended with my absolute victory.
Home Tap 5: I see there are frogs and lizards here, so we should be good on sustenance. What, you don't want to eat those? It's not good to be picky like that, you know.
Home Tap - Groovy: I never thought I'd ever be able to enjoy summer on the beach like this… But thanks to that strange book, I was able to have a wonderful experience.
Duo: [LILIA]: Ace, we'll bang this out and beat 'em all up! [ACE]: Lilia-senpai, ooh, you tryin' out my catchphrase?
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Requested by Anonymous.
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givemegifs · 1 year
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raquellemonsta · 3 months
bad idea right? (bokuto x reader)
this has been in the drafts for a while, sorry! it's based off of the olivia rodrigo song of the same name :)
also the osamu x reader is still coming but bokuto just always find his way back into my brain <3
warnings: suggestive themes (nothing explicit), language?
wc: 1670
why on earth would you do this to yourself?
you're on your way to your lecture on ancient rome (yay). it's a distribution requirement, and it's one of the only classes that takes attendance, so you have to actually show up to lectures to pass (otherwise you definitely wouldn't). it's just your luck that it's a 9 am, so you have the pleasure of being up bright and early. days like this make you wonder why you didn't just get this class out of the way freshman year. it had seemed pointless at the time, but you were immensely regretting it now that you were one of the only juniors in it.
much like other days you have this class, you make yourself more presentable in an attempt to encourage yourself to not feel half-dead. this mostly entails ditching your normal comfortable sweatsuit for a nicer ensemble. you also opted for some makeup and spent more time on your hair than usual; all to say that even though you feel like death, at least you're smoking hot.
you put your phone away once you reach the building your class is in. walking through the front doors, your eyes immediately fly to a familiar white-gray and black hairstyle.
it had to be him. the even more familiar back all but confirms it.
koutarou, your ex-boyfriend.
you'd broken up with him a few months ago for several reasons, with one being most apparent: you were sick of always coming second to his sport. he was always busy with volleyball, which was something you were willing to accept at first. it became an issue for you when he would stand you up on dates because he had stayed at practice longer than he should've, or when he'd hang out with his teammates more than he did with you.
knowing him, he definitely hadn't been doing these things on purpose. unfortunately, he was entirely oblivious when it came to most things. he can't help the way he is, and you would have felt like a bad person if you asked him to change.
that's why you decided to let him go.
there's still a dull ache in your chest when you think about him. it turns into a painful throb that targets your heart (and something else in your joggers) when you see him in person. you're feeling it now as you try to avert your eyes from him, but it's like there's an invisible force keeping your gaze trained on him.
you breeze past him, turning around to see if he notices you. to no surprise, he's staring directly at you, his gorgeous eyes piercing your soul. he's always had a knack for sensing your presence, though you're the same way with him. every time you see him, your stomach fills with both butterflies and pain.
unfortunately for you, you run into him more than your better judgement would probably wish for. the two of you met by being in a few of the same classes though, so it only made sense that you still see him so much in passing. and that he's in this same lecture because he didn't have the time in his schedule to take it earlier on, which is actually what made you somewhat excited for this class back when the two of you were still together. now it's just a nagging reminder of what you no longer have.
oh, and of course he plays on the renowned men's volleyball team, so it's impossible to avoid his face on the posters that are literally everywhere.
you take a seat around the middle of the class and try to clear your mind from the one man that never seems to leave it. out of the corner of your eye, you see him sitting down on the opposite end of the hall, though in the same row. roughly 20 auditorium seats are between you and your ex. you don't dare to look over until you notice another figure appear on the same side: a relatively cute looking girl sits down merely two seats away from him.
you aren't together anymore, you shouldn't be annoyed at this girl (who was probably entirely innocent, but out of everywhere in the lecture hall she had to sit there?) for just attending class.
but you are.
head now buried in phone, you check the weather app and aimlessly tap on different apps, searching for anything to distract you from this whirlwind of emotions you're feeling.
you look up one last time, to get a better look at the girl of course.
he's already looking at you.
maybe it wasn't a good idea to decline your roommates offer to join them going out. that way, you wouldn't have had so much time alone with your feelings. you certainly wouldn't have access to the box in the bottom of your closet, which holds sentimental items from kou that you haven't been able to bring yourself to throw away.
now, you've pulled that box out and begin to go through it on the floor of your bedroom.
the box is filled nearly to the brim with things he'd given you over the course of your relationship. cards for valentines day and other important occasions, a bracelet he had a matching version of, a stuffed owl he bought because supposedly it 'reminded him of you'. the worst part though were the printed out pictures, polaroids and the like.
staring back at yourself when you were far happier than you are in this moment is like a punch to the gut. the familiar lump in your throat worsens as you flip through more of the pictures, each one reviving memories of fun experiences and reaffirming your love.
the two of you at some random frat party, out to dinner with friends, one taken by a campus photographer that you printed because his face looked totally goofy.
your palms began to sweat when you got to a certain photo.
the picture was taken with one of the team manager's digital cameras, giving a slight fuzzy quality, but you still remember everything about the moment. it was of you and him after his team had won a particularly big tournament. he had been so happy (and sweaty), and ran to find you to see if you saw him. after confirming that you did, in fact, see him and that you were very proud of him, the manager caught you and offered a picture to commemorate the win.
so, your handsome boy wrapped his arms around you and smiled brighter than the sun, causing you to do the same, head comfortably on his chest. this one had always been one of your favorites. kou always loved it too. "my two favorite things in one picture! what's not to like?" he'd say.
those words echo in your mind. he would've been willing to make it work. he had told you as much when you broke things off, but you were clouded by negative emotions at the time.
if you look deep within yourself, you know that you aren't over him. the love you two shared was like no other, even if it had only been for a little over a year.
sometimes, it takes all of your self control to keep yourself from texting his number (which you probably should've blocked by now).
unfortunately, you don't have very much self control today, and your phone is within reach of the mess you've made of the items from the box. your fingers move faster than your brain even can, and when you blink again you're staring directly at a blue message.
'i miss you'
the contact name causes your heart to drop, wondering what just possessed you to send that. you feel your stomach flip and throat run dry, tears threatening to run down your face. three dots suddenly appear and you hold your breath when you see the message.
'i miss you too'
a rogue tear finally falls down from your eye. is this what you want?
'come over?'
your fate is sealed.
you have the entire drive over to think about what it is you're doing. there are several opportunities for you to turn back, but you never do.
no one else, save for him, knows what exactly you're doing. you haven't texted any of your friends to consult with them, because they would probably call you crazy. you're just reconnecting though, what's so wrong with that.
yeah, you're delusional.
pulling into a spot on the street, you stare up at the house of the volleyball team, a place you used to frequent often. it used to fill you with excitement, though now looking at it your heart is pumping anxiety into your chest.
walking up the path, your thoughts are racing.
is this what you want? to be the kind of girl who folds so easily for her ex?
but that's not necessarily who you are, you don't fold easily for your ex.
it's for koutarou bokuto, the love of your life.
he's worth folding a million times over.
maybe that's why you never blocked his number, or threw away the box with memories of him in it. maybe it's the real reason you always spend so much time getting ready for a 9am: you knew you would see him, and you wanted him to see you.
you knock lightly, hands shaking as you do so.
you're praying that one of his other teammates doesn't answer the door. not to say you didn't like his teammates (you did, actually), you just don't trust yourself to follow through if one of them asks why you're there. you'd probably immediately bolt back to your dorm building if that happens.
seeing you tonight…
it's a bad idea right?
when you're starting to regret this, the door swings open. there stands the most attractive man in the world, hair unusually down, likely from just having taken a shower. that would also explain his lack of shirt, leaving him in sweats that you do your best to keep your eyes away from (for now). your favorite part of this entire image is his face, relieved smile and gorgeous eyes perfectly dilated to take you in.
you can't help but crash into his waiting arms.
fuck it, it's fine.
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500daysofsunny · 5 months
"Mormons are bad" Sorry that I'm having whimsical fun and doing joyous activities at my church 😢 yay volleyball yayy slime making yayy snacks yay temple visits yay fast and testimony day yay people at my church being very nice to me yayyy book of mormon !! Yay!! Yoohoo!! 😁 ^_^ :3 :DD
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incaseyouart · 2 years
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Also I FINALLY watched Haikyuu S04 on the weekend and oh my goodness was it ever intense!! Idk if I'll do more fanart - maybe some general pose sketches~ Also I've started playing casual volleyball at work with friends eeee so fun!
Also apparently it's Hinata's birthday today! Yay!
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robosanz · 4 months
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ʙᴇᴛ
"𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔩𝔶 𝔦𝔪𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔢𝔠𝔱." - 𝔲𝔫𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴𝔫
pairing: tanaka x fem!reader
summary: your brother asked you to help motivate tanaka to study for his upcoming exam. so you decide to make a bet with him.
word count: 2,924
notes: hey hey hey! i've been working on this oneshot for a couple of days now and it's finally finished... yay! anyway, i hope you like it. would you like a part two? enjoy!
“Wha- what?” Tanaka stumbled back with wide eyes, not believing what just came out of your mouth. “You’ll go out with me?”
A smirk curved on your lips and you nodded, crossing your arms. "Yeah, I will. But only if you score at least 80 points in our English exam this week.” 
Tanaka smugly smiled and puffed out his chest. “Consider it done-”
“But if not,” you said, amusement covering your features, “you’re gonna shave your head.”
The teenager visibly tensed and gulped. He eyed you briefly before clearing his throat and smiling confidently. “Deal,” he shook your hand, “I’ll pick you up at two on Saturday.”
You let out an amused chuckle and pulled your hand back, “let’s talk about this after you passed the test.”
Tanaka nodded, the smug smile never leaving his face, as you turned on your heels and walked to your class. 
Your brother had asked you to help motivate Tanaka to pass his test since they needed him in an upcoming practice match; if he wouldn’t pass, he had to retake the test on the day of the match. And the team couldn’t do without the first year. 
So you decided to use the painfully obvious fact that he had a crush on you to your advantage and fire him up a bit. And to make sure he really gave it his all and passed the test, you raised the point score to 80 even though he only needed 60 to actually pass. And it worked out just fine.
You slightly shook your head with a small smile as you sat down on your seat. What an idiot.
After classes, Kiyoko and your brother approached you in the hallway, your brother with a concerned and confused look on his face. 
All of the other first years in the hallway stopped for a second to look at the two second year beauties walking up to you. If there had been anyone who didn’t know that you had an older brother they did now; the two of you could be easily mistaken as  twins. You had the same warm brown eyes and silver hair as him. The only thing differentiating you two was the beauty mark that only your brother had and the length of your hair. You two even had the same healing smile. 
“Oh my, how come the two most beautiful beings on earth have decided to bless me with their presence today?” You put a hand on your chest and playfully bow your head to them. “Do you require my help at practice again?”
Kiyoko’s cheeks turned pink and she sent you a small smile while your brother smacked the back of your head, “I told you to stop this.”
You turned away from them and let out a cough to hide the laugh escaping your lips. Your brother had always had a teeny tiny crush on Kiyoko and you knew for a fact that she was also crushing on your brother. She had told you so a few weeks ago while the two of you were filling up the team’s water bottles.
You turned back to the two second years and cleared your throat briefly, “so then, what’s up? Don’t you have practice now?” You weren’t an official member of the volleyball club, but since you weren’t in any other club either, you agreed to occasionally help Kiyoko when she asked you to.
“You tell me,” Koshi said and crossed his arms, “why is Tanaka asking for my blessing to marry you?”
You almost dropped the papers in your hand. “He what?! Has he lost his mind entirely now?!” 
Your brother let out a sigh and shook his head. You could very much imagine that he was already so done with the chaotic first year and his equally chaotic friend Nishinoya. 
“Seriously though, I’m used to him obviously crushing on you but what the heck did you do to him?”
You let out an awkward chuckle and shifted your weight on your left leg. This came as a surprise. Your intention was to merely motivate the boy to study but somehow this escalated more than you expected it to. “You told me to motivate him to study.” 
“Yeah exactly. To study, not to marry you.” Koshi ran a hand over his face and let out a sigh. “Well, at least he seemed overly motivated to reach his delusions.” 
You let out a giggle, “yeah, he seems too delusional for his own good sometimes.”
“And you’re feeding into them,” Koshi said and flicked your forehead, “I’ll see you at home.” He passed you and Kiyoko sent you a small wave to which you grinned and waved back. 
I need to get them together or else they never will, these idiots. You looked over your shoulder until they were out of sight with a soft smile. Letting out a sigh, you turned back around only to come face to face with a grinning Tanaka.
A gasp escaped your lips and you took a step back. “Jeez, you can’t just sneak up on me like that, Tanaka.”
“Call me Ryu,” he said and took the papers out of your hand with a proud smile on his face. “Now where to, (Y/N)?” 
You shook your head with an amused smile. Crossing your arms, you raised an eyebrow, “idiot, these are mine, I’ll take them home.”
Pink dusted his cheeks and he gave the papers back to you, clearing his throat.
You giggled behind your back, “you’re such a dork, but thanks for wanting to help.” You passed him but looked over your shoulder before turning the corner with a smile, “don’t forget to study, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
His face lit up and he nodded eagerly, making you chuckle as you left the school building.
You hadn’t even completely stepped out of your classroom, when Tanaka’s loud and excited voice reached you. You stopped and waited for him to reach you.
“I passed!” He almost shoved the paper he was holding into your face, making you take a step back. 
With a quickly beating heart you took the paper out of his hand and looked it over. You could almost feel your face falling but you quickly put on a proud smile. You hummed and nodded, looking up at his happy face. 
It had been two weeks since the two of you made the bet and Tanaka had approached you everyday before and after classes, telling you how much he studied and what places and activities he had looked up for the date. On one hand, you found it cute when he gave you a list of over a dozen things he had scribbled down for you to choose the three best from; but on the other hand, you weren’t sure if you chose the right way to motivate him since he seemed to invest his time in other things than into studying. 
But you were pleasantly surprised to say the least, not having expected him to score so high. Even if a small part of you had hoped he would. 
“So, have you picked something you want to do? I’ll pick you up at two on Saturday.”
Your heart sank. Gulping, you raised the exam paper and turned it around for him to see before pointing at the score. “You see this? 77 points. You lost.”
“What?!” He stumbled back with wide eyes. He snatched the paper out of your hands, holding it in both hands as his eyes frantically scanned over the paper. 
Passing students were eying you and whispering among each other. You were fully aware that it’s been like this for the last two weeks but you paid them no mind at all. 
Letting out a sigh you took a step closer to Tanaka, “hey, you passed the test, that’s the most important thing. And…” you took a breath, briefly glancing at his hair before sending him a reassuring smile, “you don’t need to-” 
You stopped and blinked dumbfoundedly when he ran off without saying a word. “What?” you whispered to yourself, knitting your eyebrows, watching him sped off. Your shoulders dropped. Oh come on.
Tanaka’s reaction had taken over your mind for the rest of the day and you couldn’t simply take it anymore when you heard your brother enter his room.
You practically threw the covers back and jumped off your bed, rushing to your brother’s room, barging in. 
Koshi flinched and turned around in a flash. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that it was only you. A smile formed on his lips, “Tanaka passed the test, maybe you should motivate him more often from now on.”
“Did he say anything else?”
Koshi knitted his eyebrows and slightly tilted his head to the side. “No… why?”
You let out a breath and nodded, wanting to close the door again but you stopped and smiled innocently at your brother. “Do you have his number by any chance?”
Your brother narrowed his eyes. “Why would you want his number now?”
“He seemed… off today. I just wanted to check on him,” you shook your head and lowered your voice, “nevermind, that’s stupid.” You quickly left your brother’s room with a sigh. What am I even thinking?!
Deciding to distract yourself with some reading, you climbed on your bed but no matter how many times you tried to start the page over, the words just didn’t make sense.
“What’s wrong with me out of a sudden?” A frustrated groan left your lips. Putting the book on the nightstand, you completely got under the covers and let out a deep breath. 
When your pillow vibrated you quickly pulled out your phone, squinting your eyes at the brightness until you turned it down to the lowest level. A bright smile grew on your lips when you opened your brother’s text message.
XXX XXXX XXX I think he’d appreciate you checking on him more than you think ;)
Without wasting any more time other than reacting to the message with too many heart emojis than necessary, you immediately called the number.
On the third ring, you froze in your place, realization hitting you so hard that your stomach painfully tightened. Just as Tanaka picked up the call but before he could speak, you ended the call with heavy breaths, pressing the phone on your chest. 
“Shit,” you whispered, putting the phone on the nightstand and rushing out of your room to get yourself a glass of water. “How was I so dumb? And I called my brother stupid,” you facepalmed, grabbing your hair into your hand. 
All the times that Tanaka made a stupid joke, you found them hilarious, finding yourself still thinking about them days after he told them. Every time he approached you, butterflies filled your stomach, excited about him talking to you, even if it was a simple “good morning (Y/N)-chan”. Every time he smiled at you, your heart skipped a beat. And on top of that, even if you didn’t admit it to yourself, you were disappointed that he lost the bet.
“Did he answer?”
Your head snapped up only to see your brother’s smiling face. “I didn’t call him. Why would I call him? Why would you even think that?” 
Without waiting for an answer you left a flabbergasted Koshi behind, rushing into your room, hiding under the covers from the world. 
I like Tanaka Ryunosuke.
The next day, you avoided Tanaka like a pest. You decided to go to school at the last minute just to be able to walk through empty hallways as everyone was already in class. Your breaks and free periods were spent either in the bathroom or in the furthest corner in the library where no one would come by anyway.
When the bell rang, signalling the end of the day, a sigh of relief left your lips. Not until everyone had left, did you start packing your things up and leaving the classroom. You looked left and right and when no one was in sight, you hurried out of the building.
A relieved smile grew on your lips when you finally got out of the school building and you almost thought you would be successful until Kiyoko came into your sight. 
The manager shot you a small smile, coming to a stop in front of you. “(Y/N)-chan, are you free?”
A brief moment of silence passed by, you hesitating whether to agree or to fake an urgent appointment. Letting out a breath, you decided on the former and nodded. Why do I have to like her that much?
“Great,” she nodded,  “I could use your help with a few boxes. We need to carry them to the club room and the boys are busy.” 
“Sure,” a teasing smile grew on your lips and you winked, “everything for my future sister-in-law.” 
Her cheeks tinted red and she turned around quickly with you hot on her heels. Upon reaching the stairs leading to the club room, Kiyoko looked over her shoulder. “There are two boxes left in the gym,” she said and picked up one of the few boxes at the bottom of the stairs, “can you get them? I’ll take care of these here.”
You gulped, your eyes flickering to the few boxes on the floor before looking at Kiyoko who was already going up the stairs. You let out a defeated sigh and slowly made your way to the gym. Please let me fall down and break my ankle.
You immediately dismissed the thought, knowing if that really happened you would only get a lot of unwanted attention from everyone. Damn, maybe I should just make a run for it.
Upon arriving at the gym, you took a deep breath and cleared your throat silently. Nodding to yourself, you put your hand on the doorknob when you stopped in your tracks.
Someone was laughing his ass off and it definitely sounded like Nishinoya but you could also make out your brother’s confused voice. "What happened to your-"
"I lost a bet." 
Your whole body tensed when Tanaka’s voice reached your ears. Gulping, you bit the inside of your cheek. Did he shave his head?!
"I don't want to talk about it."
You couldn’t take it anymore and curiosity got the better of you, shoving your hesitation and all the other thoughts to the back of your mind. You entered the gym and froze when you saw Tanaka. Instead of his blond hair covering his head, a buzz cut took its place instead, showing his real hair colour. Oh my, this looks so good.
All the heads snapped to you when the door shut. Heat rushed to your face and you nervously smiled. “Hi,” you slightly bowed your head, “I just wanted to get the boxes.”
Tashiro, the volleyball club’s captain, nodded and looked at Tanaka. “You were late, go and help (Y/N),” he nodded at your direction
The first year nodded and lowered his head before he took one of the two boxes that were right beside the gym’s door. You gulped and bit the inside of your cheek before quickly following his lead. You shot the captain and your brother a quick smile over your shoulder before leaving the gym.
Silence consumed the two of you for a brief moment and you couldn’t keep your mouth shut anymore.
“You really shaved your head?!” you blurted out.
Tanaka stopped in his tracks and blushed. He lowered his gaze. “I lost the bet, didn’t I?” he mumbled.
“Oh my god, you didn’t have to actually do it,” you stopped as well and looked at him with wide eyes. “I only wanted you to pass the test!”
“I know, thanks,” he said and continued his way to the club room. “I wanted to cut it anyway. Blond looks ridiculous on me and no one ever told me,” he grinned.
You slightly smiled, glad that it wasn’t as awkward between you as you expected it to be. “I think this hairstyle looks better on you,” you quietly admitted.
Tanaka immediately stopped in his tracks and looked at you with wide eyes, his face lighting up. “Really?!”
Heat rushed to your face and you looked away from him, walking ahead. 
He quickly caught up to you, “so, you’ll still go out with me?”
Your heart almost leapt out of your chest when the words left your mouth without even thinking about them. “Well, you passed the test and thus the purpose of the bet,” you shrugged and gulped, “so you kinda won.”
Tanaka dropped the box on the ground. “Is that a yes?!”
You bit the inside of your cheek and slowly nodded. He immediately took the box out of your hand and almost threw it on the ground before pulling you in a hug and spinning you around. 
A squeal left your lips and he let you down. “(Y/N)-chan you are the best!” He pressed your cheeks together with the palm of his hands, having your lips turn to a pout. “I love you!”
He pulled his hands away from your face and ran towards the gym, leaving you behind with a red face and the boxes still on the ground. “Oi, Tanaka!” you called after him but he was already too far away to hear you. With a smile on your face you shook your head and picked up one of the boxes. This adorable idiot.
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