#wip: wings of fate
orphicpoieses · 1 year
Writeblr (Re-)Intro
Last edited: 11. February 2023
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Hello and welcome to my Masterpost.
I already did two masterposts and intros to my blog, but I thought, why not make another one, now, the theme of the blog has changed.
—༉about me
My name is Mimi (she/her) and I’m 24 years old. I am a computer science student in Germany, planning on becoming a software engineer and a web developer.
My main interests are all around writing, self-care and lifestyle. Cozy vibes and some good, positive mindsets is perfect for me.
“Being optimistic means whatever life checks at you and not letting it break you down.”
I am also interested in spirituality in general. So you might even find some talks about higher beings on this blog.
My opinions on stuff may vary drastically from the mainstream. Being open to other opinions, doesn’t mean I need to have those opinions. Though, I am always here to support people who need support.
But enough about me! Let’s have a look on what to expect from this blog.
—༉ what i write
Dark Fantasy
High Fantasy
Angst, heartbreak and deep emotions
Sometimes romance
—༉what i will post
Vlog-style blogs
Stuff about my writing
Sometimes snippets
Answers to asks (please feel free to send me some!)
Tag Games (feel free to tag me!)
—༉ the orphic blog
With the new year, my content will shift from talking about my works, to writing and lifestyle itself. I will focus more on the process of writing, rather than on information about my works. These vlog-style blog posts will be collected as "The Orphic Blog".
—༉ dni
If you feel uncomfortable with mature themes like death, violence or any darker themes, I do want to warn you that most of my wips include these.
If you perform hate speech in any shape or form, please do not interact with this blog. If you notice that I follow a user who preforms hate speech, please tell me.
You can follow my blog at any age but be reminded that I do post mature content.
To make it easier for you to navigate through the most important posts, I link them below.
Tag List
Orphic Daydreams
—༉ socials
If you want to check out my other socials, I will link them below. If you do pay me visit, feel free to say hi!
Wattpad (not active)
AO3 (not active)
—༉my wips
Welcome to the corner of my works. I don’t have much to tell you about them, since I want to keep them somehow a secret, but I can give some short hints here and there.
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The Orphic Daydreams: The only stuff I will publish on here. Small snippets, which will never find it’s way to a publisher (either fan fiction stuff, or just stuff without plot). For more information, please visit the dedicated masterpost, where I will link every published part.
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But now to my real writing projects:
Wings of Fate: A dark urban fantasy novel series with angels and demons. #wip: wings of fate
Project: Airdra: A very dark fantasy series, set in the underworld. #wip: project airdra
Project: Stardust: A fantasy novel in planning, current status → finding the plot #wip: project stardust
Between the Lines: A poetry collection #wip: between the lines
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mundanemoongirl · 6 months
I saw a video about making a book family tree and thought it looked fun so I made my own!
So how it works is the grandparents are the books that inspired your book but are pretty different, the parents are books that are thematically similar, the cousin(s) is the book you would use for a comp title, and the sibling(s) is the sequel.
For mine I didn't include a comp title because I never heard of it before and because I ran out of space on my doc. But here’s my wip’s family tree!
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totallyawr1t3r · 5 months
W.I.P. For a personal project of mine called ‘I wish you were’
TW for Homophobia
He swallowed, his chest tightening. “Red?” He whispered breathlessly.
HE licked HIS lips, softly pressing their foreheads together, providing Luke the warmth he had so desperately longed for. His heart fluttered in his chest, just begging to be let out. The colors around him glowed brighter, the rope wrapped around his thumb grew thicker. Was this it? He wondered, Was this finally happening?
“I wish you were a girl.”
He sat there, his throat itching as fierce thorns bloomed inside him, entangling themselves around his ribs like a parasite. HIS warmth started to sear his skin, forcing him to pull away. His throat itches and itches as he tries to swallow down the sprouting needles.
He took in a shaky breath. “So do I.” He coughed out, flimsily pushing himself off the soiled floor.
He choked, squeezing his eyes tightly as he bitterly wiped away the tears. He tripped over his own two feet while he staggered out the door.
He hacked out a single gray petal, uncomfortably warm and sticky in his palm.
He should’ve known. He should’ve known.
He never stood a chance, did he? He was repulsive. He was disgusting. He was wrong. He was unlovable to the point his soulmate, the very person he was destined to be with, didn’t even love him.
He should’ve known.
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lunarpleasure · 5 months
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I wanted to broaden my choice of series that I draw damsels from a bit, so here's Coral from Fate/Grand Order. I originally intended for her legs to be tied a bit as well, but I got so caught up in making the dress look nice that I forgot about that until I was in the middle of outlining her sketch.
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jplupine · 1 year
Thanks for participating!
WIP snippet is from: Wings of Ash
"I've had help." "And it's mighty fine help you've found." She smiled before reaching for her teacup. "Perhaps you will lead by example. Give courage to more of us to come out of the shadows." "If it happens, it happens. I won't force others of our kind into the spotlight."
0 notes
Dirty Work 37
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: wowee, it's snowing here a lot.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Loki… Mr. Laufeyson doesn’t linger. As you lay in a sheen of foggy afterglow, he dresses and mutters to himself. You want to ask him to stay. To tell him it’s okay but you’re scared he might say no. So you prop yourself up on your elbows and watch him button his shirt.
“We both require a good night’s rest to contend with my family,” he says.
You nod and sit up, sliding your legs beneath the blankets. He looks up as you do and a line creases in his forehead. His worry makes you worry. You’re starting to get the feeling that something bad is looming.
“In the morning,” he avows before he turns away. “You will not emerge until I fetch you.”
“Yes, Loki,” you answer.
He stops at the doors and lowers his head, “here, behind these walls, I am Loki, beyond, Mr. Laufeyson. Understand, pet?”
“Yes, Mr. Laufeyson,” you murmur.
He pulls open the door and steps out swiftly. The mechanism clicks into place and you fall back onto the pillows. You deflate beneath the downy duvet and close your eyes. He confuses you. One moment, he’s all over you, all-consuming and insatiable, the next he’s distant and icy to the touch. 
You hug the top of the blanket and cling to his lingering warmth. Your thighs tingle and your core plucks as you clench, thinking of how his fingers delved deep into you. Why couldn’t he stay? You could have done more. You think you’re ready to.
It’s never what you want. You will await his signal and as always, you will take his lead. That is better. His words ring in your head from that fateful day, ‘obey and serve my every need and you will have all you ever longed for.’
What do you long for? That question follows you into your subconscious. You sink into the void, the knot of anxiety bound around your chest. Visions of rich greenery and fluttering petals fill your head, birds winging and critters chirping all around. The magical garden is a shrine of rosy sunlight.
Your mind builds a paradise and all at once, it falls around you. Your eyes roll open as you float back to the surface. Your lashes stick together as you blink and groan. It’s early, too early. Dawn paints a violet hue across the room. You lift your head and search around. Something must have woken you but there’s nothing but shadows.
You drop your head back down and groan. You turn onto your side and curl up, tucking a hand under the pillow. You squeeze your eyes shut, reaching for the last dregs of drowsiness. Your head swirls as you feel yourself descending again. 
You’re brought back again. This time, you catch the noise. Your ears prick and you lift yourself to look over at the door, a gentle scuffing on the other side.
What’s happening? 
You squint, your vision dulled in the lowlight. You sit up and push back the blankets as you sidle to the end of the bed. You see a black spot beneath the doors, darker than the rest of the slatted shadow. It moves. There’s someone out there.
The bed creaks as you bend your legs over the edge. Who could it be? Mr. Laufeyson?
A tap on the wood makes you flinch. The handle wiggles but doesn’t press down. Your heart thumps in your chest. A whisper comes through, “pet…”
Your spine goes rigid. Pet? It must be Mr. Laufeyson, but why doesn’t he just let himself in? You don’t recall locking the door before you went to sleep. You get up and creep forward.
“Pet, let me in,” the whisper is sandy and low. Is it really him? Who else would it be?
You unzip your bag in the dark and pick out a nightgown from the bottom, jostling the rest of the clothes. You slip it over your head and rub your eyes. You shiver as the air is cooled in the darkness.
You near the door and grab the handle so it stills. There’s tension as you twist it. It releases and unlatches easily. The lock is not in place. You pull it open a crack and squeak at the large, looming silhouette on the other side.
“Ah, pet, you’re awake,” Thor rasps.
“What–” you gulp, “what are you doing?”
“You didn’t come say hello,” he drawls, “so, hello, pet.”
You blink at him and push on the door. He slaps his hand against it, the wood shaking between you. You know he’s much strong, you can’t close him out.
“What is the matter?”
“Nothing, I– I’m trying to sleep,” you eke out. If Laufeyson knew…
“You are funny, pet,” he chuckles.
“Please, go, I’ll see you in the morning–”
“But I am here now,” he jerks the door, just a little, just a statement: he can open it if he wants.
“Why?” He huffs, “you haven’t very good manners, pet. My brother has trained you poorly–”
“Please leave me alone,” you beg, jittering. Just the mention of his brother has your heart in your throat. He said to avoid Thor but what do you do when he seeks you out.
‘To the right of your door…’ you pluck the words from your memory and shudder.
“I just want to talk,” he edges the door in another inch and you stumble back.
You spin and run to the wall, pounding on it with your fists. You must seem crazy but you don’t care. You hit it over and over, “Mr. Laufeyson! Mr. Laufeyson!”
You’re wrench back as a large hand frames the back of your neck. Thor turns you and claps his other hand over your mouth, hushing you. You whimper as you shrink in his shadow.
“What are you doing? I’ve only come to talk–”
You wriggle and put both your hands around his wrist. It’s so thick, neither hand can fit all the way around. You kick out as he keeps you pinned to the wall.
“Haven’t I been nice to you?” He growls, “so why do you treat me as a villain, little maid…” he leans in, “perhaps because your thoughts have corrupted me, hm? Naughty little maid.”
His voice lightens playfully as he tilts your head up. You squirm as your hand slides down his forearm. Your other swings out to hit his chest.
“What do you think I’d do? If I am so evil, what could I do?” He taunts as he pulls you from the wall. He drags you towards the bed, “what have you done, eh?” He says as he edges towards the bed, “you’ve already made a mess.”
He throws you back onto the rumpled duvet and you squeak. You push yourself up on your elbows and bring your heels onto the mattress. You push yourself back as he looms over you.
“Aren’t you supposed to take care of messes, little maid?” He bends and puts his hands on the bed, snarling through his teeth. He catches your ankle and pulls your leg straight, tugging you down to your back as you yipe. “Let’s make a mess–”
He grunts and suddenly staggers, releasing you as a dark blur crashes into him. He hits the night table and sends the lamp to the floor. He deflects Mr. Laufeyson as he charges again and they tangle each other up in their arms.
“You beast,” Laufeyson hisses, “get out!”
“Ah, brother, lovely to see you here,” Thor chuckles, “we were only just talking about you–”
“Shut up!” Laufeyson snaps, hooking his leg around his brothers. 
“Don’t be so… dramatic,” Thor heaves as they struggle, pulling back and forth as each tries to overturn the other, “I was only getting to know her–”
“Get out!” Laufeyson repeats, “or I will truly be dramatic. Let mother see the cretin you truly are–”
“Speak for yourself–”
“Get!” You throw out your foot and kick Thor’s shoulder, immediately regretting it as he barely reacts. You scurry back and hug your legs.
“Aye, little maid,” Thor sounds amused, “isn’t that cute?”
“Brother, I tell you one last time–”
Thor cracks his elbow into Laufeyson’s ribs. The slimmer man lets go with a wheeze but doesn’t falter long as he slides between the burly blond and the bed. He coughs out another warning, “go.”
“I’m going,” Thor says lightly, “you always were so serious, brother.”
He waves off Laufeyson and steps away, sending you a look through the rising dim. You cower and watch him stalk away. Mr. Laufeyson follows and swiftly shuts him out, turning the lock with a loud click.
You push yourself to the edge of the bed and lower yourself to the floor. You pick up the lamp and straighten the table. You flip the switch and the light radiates around you. You turn to Mr. Laufeyson as he holds his ribs and scowls, slumping back towards you.
“Are you alright?” You ask as you rush towards him, “Mr. Laufeyson…” you reach to touch him but think better of it, retracting your hands to fold your arms over your chest, “I… Thank you.”
He sniffs and sits on the side of the bed. He pushes back his dark hair and winces. You hover before him nervously, shaking like a hummingbird.
“You did well… calling for me,” he says quietly, “that was very good, pet.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Laufeyson, I thought it was you knocking. I didn’t mean to–”
“I said, you did well,” he interjects as he outstretches his arms, beckoning you closer. He touches your upper arms and draws you straight, “are you alright?”
You quiver and nod, “I think…”
“Good, good,” He pulls you closer and leans forward to kiss your forehead, “I will sleep here then. Just until the morning comes.”
Mr. Laufeyson leaves as you dress for the day. He bids you to lock the door behind him. He’s been silent but not in his usual way. Pensive but not dour. You put on a poppy red blouse with a brown skirt. 
You ready out of habit, your mind still trapped in the night's events. First, Laufeyson and the wonderful way he made you feel. Then Thor and the horror he brought into your room. It almost feels like a bad dream.
You go to the door but don’t emerge. What if Thor is waiting? You shudder as you think of what he would’ve done if you hadn’t called for Mr. Laufeyson. If you hadn’t been heard.
The door shakes as a tap rattles you from your trance, “darling,” Frigga calls through, “are you awake?”
You inhale deeply, throat tight, and unlock the door. You pull it open and force a smile, “yes, I was just… about to come out.”
“Wonderful,” she trills, “we are having tea in the garden.”
“Come,” she takes your hand, “after tea,” she drags you out as you pull the door closed with your other hand, “we will go into town and get a few things for the celebration. Flowers, as I said. And perhaps a new outfit.”
“Okay,” you agree meekly.
“Did you sleep well?” She asks as you get to the stairs, “you are quiet.”
“Fine,” you answer.
“Yes, I do find it difficult to sleep in new places,” she hums, “well, we only want you to feel at home so do let me know if I can do anything.”
You press your lips together and nod. Could you ask her to make Thor leave you alone? Or to make Mr. Laufeyson a little less stormy? No, but you suppose you could ask for some chamomile before bed.
She takes you through the grand foyer and into the next room, winding around to the elaborate dining room and the back entryway that opens onto an equally awe-inspiring veranda. The railings are wrapped in ivy and flowers, marble pots on plinths hold bunches of gardenia and the big square table at the center has four chairs on either side. Much too big for the meagre party at it.
As you approach, you see Mr. Laufeyson’s shoulders, straight and stiff as he grips the armrests. He glares across at Thor who smiles dopily at the sky. As you get closer, his eyes find you and you wilt down. Frigga draws you onward as Odin stands from the table to offer you the chair beside him.
“There she is,” he says, “come, sit.”
You obey, claiming the seat to his right as Frigga skirts around to take his right. Laufeyson sits along the side just to your own right and leans forward as you wiggle in the chair. He gives you a look and you bow your head slightly.
“What do you like? Milk? Sugar? Honey?” Odin offers as he pours a cup and places it on a saucer before you.
“Just milk,” you answer.
Thor puts his arm on the table as you feel him watching you. Laufeyson clears his throat but his brother doesn’t acknowledge him. You look down at the tea as it clouds with dairy.
“Isn’t this nice?” Thor booms, “I apologise, I was errant yesterday and hadn’t a moment to welcome you.”
You flinch and Laufeyson squeezes the armrest tighter, bristling visibly.
“Now,” Odin sits back, “boys, this is a special week for your mother. She’s working hard, you will not ruin this.”
“Wouldn’t dare think of it,” Thor puffs, “I was only being polite and welcoming the little maid.”
Little maid… the words make you recoil.
“Little maid?” Odin echoes, “don’t be so demeaning. She has a name or perhaps she should call you the big oaf.”
Thor tilts his head and snorts, peering between you and his father. “Forgive me, I thought that’s what she was.”
“Regardless, she is a person and a guest. You will remember your manners,” Odin reproaches.
“Yes, father,” Thor utters dryly and receives a sigh in return.
“Oh, let’s not spoil such a lovely day,” Frigga chimes, “isn’t it so nice to be all together ag–”
“Ugh, must the sun shine so goddamn bright,” the silty voice undergirds Frigga’s chirp. You look over as Hela struts in, a large pair of geometric sunglasses over her eyes, “remind me next time not to finish the bottle.”
“Hel,” Odin greets curtly as Frigga blinks in surprise.
“When did you arrive?” Frigga asks, “Hilde didn’t say.”
“I slept in my car,” Hela answers and struts to the table, sitting next to Laufeyson, “well, I woke up there, at least.”
“Oh my,” Frigga mutters.
“I got here early though,” Hela preens, “when’s that ever happened, mother? And all for Walpurgisnacht, though I guess Midsommar is some time off.”
“Yes, very timely,” Frigga agrees softly, “well, you can come along with us to town. You’ve always had a keen eye.”
“Oh, I may,” Hela smirks, “who is us?”
Frigga looks at you and you give a tiny wave. Hela grins and takes off her sunglasses, winking at you, “I almost didn’t notice the little mouse. Well, I think I shall join you.” She squints and shades her face before putting the glasses back in place, “tell me we have some breakfast wine.”
“Have some tea,” Odin insists, “and a bit of decency.”
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starshiningao3 · 4 months
It's a MoD Harry time-travel Tomarry WIP! ---
The first time Harry tried to change the course of Tom Riddle’s life, it had been too late.
He’d saved Myrtle, thank Merlin, but Riddle had known it was Professor Evans that had thwarted him. Within just a few weeks Harry had been led out of the Great Hall by an aptly-named Professor Burly, his lip turned in disgust and his grip on Harry’s arm crushing. Three fifth year girls had accused him of being far more… hands-on as a DADA professor than was appropriate. They even had the memories to prove it, apparently.
The girls were from families just influential enough to sway the school board and just unimportant enough to not make the headlines. Professor Evans would fade into obscurity, and the girls would suffer no long lasting damage to their social standing.
It was calculated. It was artful. 
It was Riddle all over.
Riddle’s face had been impassive as Harry was marched from the hall that evening, but his eyes glittered in triumph. Riddle’s mind glanced across his own, grasping carefully for surface thoughts in a way the Slytherin likely thought was undetectable.
Well played, Harry thought forcefully, and watched with satisfaction as Riddle’s brow first crinkled in confusion and then furrowed in earnest when Harry flung him from his mind. Harry had never mastered Occlumency himself, never had the knack for it, but there were some perks that came with his… position.
Death? Harry thought. An iciness bloomed in his temple and blew across his mind like a cool breeze localised entirely within his skull. It shouldn't have been comforting.
Master. Death said into his mind, an echoing whisper of infinite voices. You are done with this life?
Can I stop him from mutilating his bloody soul in this one?
Death was silent for a moment, tracing the strings of his and Riddle’s fates. He'd shown them to Harry once, gossamer webs glowing faintly gold and spanning infinitely through the white fog of limbo. He wasn't sure how Death made sense of them, and he wasn't keen to learn.
Harry glanced at Professor Burly, his wand drawn as he marched Harry through the halls towards the professor's wing.
Will they think Burly killed me if I leave right now?
Death’s Yes rattled with something like amusement as he breathed it across Harry’s mind.
“Good,” Harry said out loud. Burly startled, his grip loosening a bit in surprise. Harry stopped walking and turned to face him.
“You’ve always been a bit of a prick, Burly.”
Harry wrenched himself back, his vision white as he untethered his soul from his body. He blinked the fog of the transition away and watched from the outside as his body crumpled like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Burly’s rage at Harry’s last declaration morphed into increasing horror as he first cast a diagnostic spell and then desperately tried to shake Harry back to life.
Smug in the knowledge that Burly’s life was about to get very unpleasant, Harry returned to Death’s domain to rest before he tried his hand at changing the course of Riddle’s life again.
Let me know what you think!
Edited to add: This story now has 3 chapters on Ao3!
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another-lost-mc · 7 months
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candy prompts: barbatos + sweet + spicy (extra mild)
you've been a nuisance since the moment barbatos met you, and he can't tell whether it's destiny or your own stubborn nature that keeps bringing you together.
pairing: barbatos x angel!reader
content: mostly sfw (slightly suggestive towards the end). light angst because barbatos is in denial about his feelings. (he really should know better)
word count: 700
a/n: this is from a barbatos x angel!reader wip in my drafts.
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"You need to leave." Barbatos opened his bedroom door and gestured stiffly with his arm in his attempt to usher you away as quickly as possible.
You stood from the edge of his bed and took a hesitant step forward, but your eyes narrowed as they drank in his expression, searching for the truth in his words and finding none.
It surprised him when you closed the door instead of walking through it, and within an instant you crowded him against the rough wood that scraped gently against his back. He should've anticipated this—you've always been so stubborn. His chest burned with warmth when you leaned forward, pressing against him and daring him to do something about it.
He knew he could push you away if he wanted to, but he couldn't. Perhaps he was destined to lose this battle with you from the very start.
"I don't believe you," you scoffed. "You can't even lie to yourself, so how do you expect me to believe that's what you truly want?"
He hated that you were right. He looked away because his eyes betrayed the feelings he tried to ignore for so long. He craved your company because he bloomed in your presence like a wilted garden rejuvenated by the warmest light of the sun. He refused to touch you in the most innocent ways because every time he did, it was harder to let go. He couldn't lie to you anymore because he knew if he opened his mouth, the truth would tumble from his lips. He was already damned to his fate—he didn't want his love to condemn you to a life of darkness too.
You made him weak in the most impossible ways, sneaking through all the barriers he put in place to keep you at arm's reach. How could he deny you when your body felt so good against his own, with your soft feathered wings that surrounded him like a loving embrace? Your little puffs of breath fanning against his chin smelled sweet of fruit wine and the cake he made for dessert tonight. It wasn't a coincidence he made your favourite, adjusting the sweetness and flavour to your tastes. When he found you earlier, perched expectantly on his bed because you knew he was trying to hide from you, lust coursed through his veins. He spent so many nights dreaming of your body, naked and trembling between his sheets.
He tried to tell himself his attraction to you was one-sided, easily dismissed and discarded when you eventually left him for the realm of light once more. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't resist you. He was enamored. Bewitched. Possessed. Powerless to fight against the devious threads of fate that keep him attached to you.
He's not sure how much time has passed, lost in his thoughts and captivated by the way your eyes darken as they stare into his. The silence that settled over you both feels suffocating, thick with tension and so many words unsaid. Perhaps he didn't need to speak at all—the bony wings above his ears fluttered excitedly on their own accord, and he was powerless to control them. How long have they reacted to your presence this way? How long has his tail been wrapped around your leg, squeezing gently as if to remind you that no matter what lies he tells himself, he can't possibly let you go?
The fire in your knowing gaze sears him to the bone, but your smile is sweet and genuine. "I'm not afraid of my feelings for you."
"You should be," he warns, voice gritty and throat dry as his hands settle hesitantly on your waist, neither pulling or pushing you, but keeping you in place. "I don't think I'll be able to control myself if you don't leave now."
But you've always been full of surprises, and he gasps when you nudge against his cheek with your nose and kiss the delicate skin below his ear. "Is that a promise?"
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read more: halloween 2023 masterlist || obey me masterlist
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swifty-fox · 2 months
“Okay,” he finally says, “I believe you.”
John settles back down onto the grass with a grunt, on his stomach this time and face turned towards Gale’s hipbone. The wings of his shoulderblades spread and flex as he rests his cheek on crossed arms. “I believe you, that I’m not like your old man.” 
“Cause y’aint.” Gale picks up his book, needs something to fill his hands so he doesn’t do anything stupid like pluck the stuck blades of grass from the captivity of John’s curls.
“I’d kill him for you.” John offers, “Just say the word and I’ll,” he points his thumb and finger and mimics firing, “pshoo!” 
It sends a cold shiver down Gales spine despite the summar heat.
“Luckily for you, I’m in no need of murderous services.” 
John grins up at him but Gale can see the angry center of him; the same protective sense of justice that had the brunette charging an armed SS Guard to protect Gale. 
Eurydice takes her fate into her own hands in this version of the story.
“I think if I stop drinking I wouldn't be able to be me anymore.” 
“You always were you John.”
The other man has no answer for that, staring down into the grass that tickles his lashes with quiet contemplation. His teeth worry his lips, pinching the tender skin until a red slash of blood splits across it. Gale takes the toothpick from between his on teeth and replaces John’s own flesh with it.
“Here, eating your lips won’t solve anything.”
John bites the toothpick until Gale hears it splinter. 
“For what it’s worth,” Gale says, slipping his fingers between the pages of his book and returning to his spot on the page, “My father was a mean sonofabitch sober too. Had nothing to do with the whiskey. If anything it made his aim worse.”
“If you’re so good at dodging how come you went and got your plane shot down?”
Gale kicks John hard in the ribs but he’s laughing and Gale is laughing and the sands of Africa and his father's fists are suddenly far, far away.
-KfaK (31k WIP)
A soft moment between the boys (Despite some hard convo topics) before I go and hurt them again
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fandxmslxt69 · 2 months
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Hello friends!
As March comes to an end (my birth month wooo) I thought it would be a fun idea to have a little hang out during the last week! So from March 25 - 31 we are PARTYING !
Sort of!
My askbox is open to all sorts of silly dilly fun time! This is my first little hang out so PLEASE BE KIND TO ME i'm just a silly girl who wants to make friends and have some fun! I'm also hoping this might get me back into writing!
Yes, the poster is all Loki NO HE'S NOT THE CENTRE OF ATTENTION!! Here's a little info I guess (I am just winging this as we speak, it is not very thought out):
Rules & Info
The event will run from 03/25 to 03/31 - you can send in as many asks and hang out as much as you would like!!! No I will not kill you if you drop a hello in my askbox start of April - to be honest, I love friends so I won't ever turn anyone away
You can stop by my askbox to say hi, share some thoughts (or thots...) tell me anything, or play a game! (will talk about that in a bit)
Anyyyyoneeee is welcome I don't care if we aren't mutuals or we don't even talk, STOP BY AND SAY HI :D If you are rude or disrespectful in any way, I will kick your butt and break your nose.
This is a positive, fun zone. I just want to have my fun and mind my business, please don't be trying to cause problems. I'm a relatively small blog so thankfully no one really looks my way but I've had some bumps in the past.
Fuck, marry, kill - send me any three characters that you want me to decide a fate for....oh my god please don't make me kill anyone I love dearly....
Blurbs!! - send me a little prompt/kink/thought & a character and I will try SOOOOO HARD to put out a little itty bitty something of writing! Like 500 words or so!! Can be fluffy or smutty. Angst is not allowed unless its just a LITTLE sad and with lots of fluffy stuff after
Character Association - tell me about yourself and let me give you a character. This is literally my favourite game ever, and I swear I'm super good at it
Book Recs - tell me your reading vibes/popular tropes you like and I will give you FIVE (not one, not two, but FIVE!!!) book recs because I like talking about books. If you show up talking about non fiction, then sorry but I am not your gal at all.
Chat - Come talk!! Come chat!! Come say hi and giggle with me about anything!! Come be crazy with me over narratives and themes and character arcs!!! Tell me about school or your day, your OCs, latest WIPs or anything currently on your mind!
Okay that's all I could come up with but literally any and all games are free game. I am keeping this as chill and lowkey as possible.
You guys already KNOW my vibes and what I'm around and what I'm not, so feel free to send anything! I float around Marvel/DC (just send in any character and if I don't vibe with it I'll just let you know or leave it unanswered), I think it's obviously I'm Oscar Isaac obsessed....um. Pretty much anything. It's free game and I'll put my foot down if I'm down okay with something or don't want to answer :D
I'm..about to tag some friends...if that's okay...
@divine-knight-hand @romanarose @sarahscribbles @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @sailorholly @in-som-niyah @fictive-sl0th @mischief2sarawr @saturn-rings-writes @superficialdomina @planetwaynez...and I can't remember anyone else now I'm sorry LMAO
PS: If you're worried whether I'm comfy or not or familiar with a character or not, just send it in anyway and we'll figure it out from there!
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creepling · 15 days
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hello peeps! i am taking part in wip sponsorships for @ficsforgaza to help out with donations for the many fundraisers they have linked.
to meet with the terms, i am only offering sponsorships of works about video game characters. this includes my usual tcm game wips, alongside one i have of boomer from ssktjl.
here is an outline of steps to participate; send a screenshot that is proof of donation alongside the wip you are sponsoring into my inbox. $1 donated to a fundraiser = 100 words written for the sponsored wip. the word counts i provide are just rough estimations and i am willing to go over if the donations go higher! once a work is completed, i will give special thanks to donators for their contribution to the fic and the aid for gaza!
my limit is $20 for 2k, but feel free to donate as much as you can seperately from my wips!
click here for a further explanation from ficsforgaza if you are still unsure. their blog also has tabs on FAQ, fundraisers and all the info you need.
reminder: do not donate to ME. only send me proof of donation.
BAD TINDER DATE WITH BOOMER (title still to be decided)
ssktjl!captain boomerang x fem!reader. bad first impressions. enemies to lovers. eventual smut? mini-fic series.
you have a reputation for liking the bad boys. your friends have warned you'll get your heart broken and it's time to move on to better things. after a horrible date with the aussie boomerang-slinger, you decide to finally take their advice. but it's not that easy moving on. there is something about him you can't get enough of...
progress: 676/6000 words
tcm game original character. multiple ships. dead dove - do not eat. general tags on this post.
in the second chapter, winona slaughter is navigating through the city life. fate aligns with her hunger and she crosses paths with maria flores and her group of friends. all is well as they take the abnormal, but intriging rural girl under their wing. but winona is struggling to cope with the buffet that she surrounds herself in. let's see how long she can last before things get messy...
progress: 4312/5500 words
THE BABYSITTER (title still to be decided)
johnny slaughter x fem!reader. babysitter trope. stalking. violence and gore. non-con. minor character death. dark smut. dead dove - do not eat.
reader finishes up her babysitting shift and expects the usual routine of her boyfriend picking her up. she doesn't know that someone is watching her, and is waiting for the right time to prance. when johnny finally digs his nails into reader, he knows a sadistic way to get her to succumb to him and have some derranged fun.
progress: 0/1500-2000 words
FOXY (title still to be decided)
johnny slaughter x fox-hybrid!reader. smut. petplay. dom/sub. minor injury. primal. humiliation. tags still to be decided.
fox-hybrid!reader gets caught up in one of hitchhikers traps when trying to snag nugget from the family property. unlucky for them, johnny's been working outside and spots the commotion. finding the hurt, scared reader, johnny takes them in with a devilish smirk. now he's got a little pet he can play with, and he ain't gonna play nice.
progress: 0/1000 words.
IN THE BLUEBONNET FIELD (title still to be decided)
johnny slaughter x fem!reader. smut. stalking. yandere. primal. non-con. knifeplay. bloodplay. dead dove - do not eat.
johnny has been stalking the reader for weeks, relishing in their scared state. as the days go by, the reader feels like she is being watched, catching glimpses of an unknown man following her every move. with morbid curiousity, the reader decides to treck through the bluebonnet fields to finally come face to face with her stalker. when he takes her advances, he finally has her at his mercy.
progress: 0/3000 words.
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dividers by @thecutestgrotto.
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orphicpoieses · 1 year
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Not every writing day is the same.
Yesterday, I wrote 4 pages for my WIP Wings of Fate. Today, I barely got a page.
But that's how writing is. On one days you are super inspired, on others you barely can focus on your project.
Don't drag yourself down, just because you haven't written 5k words in one sitting. Every word on the paper counts.
In the past year, I had a lot of sloppy writing days. Days, where I could barely focus on what I write. And you know what? I still got about 100k words written in that year.
The progress may be slow, bot if you just stop and look back, you see what a great castle you have build by just putting stone on stone.
Never give up. You got this!
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kantah · 1 year
have YOU streamed the music projects of the tempus boys yet 🫵
☆ debut songs
top of the world
always tied
☆ original songs
copium (magni)
raven's paradigm (hakka)
shattered wings (hakka)
woven fates (altare × axel × bettel × shinri)
dead world (bettel × flayon × hakka)
flex (hq × vg)
☆ solo covers (hq)
heartache (altare)
everything goes on (altare)
escape from the city (magni)
a very magging holidez (magni)
yoidore shirazu (axel)
queen (axel)
black cherry (axel)
kickback (axel)
kyu-kurarin (axel)
shinigami (vesper)
☆ solo covers (vg)
monster (bettel)
one reason (bettel)
when you're evil (bettel)
kiss of death (flayon)
grateful☆dead☆march (flayon)
the living ghost is alive (hakka)
sentimental feelings of love (hakka)
killing me (hakka)
idol (hakka)
tower of babel (hakka)
my roar (hakka)
fixer (hakka)
tarine (hakka)
daddy daddy do (shinri)
☆ collab covers
bad ∞ end ∞ night (holopro en × holo id)
yatta! (holostars en × jp)
rad dogs (hololive × holostars)
our 16bit warz (holostars en × jp)
mr.schadenfreude (holopro en × holo id)
inkya impulse (bettel × hakka)
märchen boyfriend & märchen girlfriend (flayon × hakka)
do as i say (hakka × shinri)
last updated: november 20, 2023
☆ armis music projects here~ (wip)
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onewingedsparrow · 6 months
WIP Game
Tagged by @mistresslrigtar, and @zeldaelmo, thank you both!! <3 This is the WIP game where I have to post my wip titles and you can ask after them. Most of these titles are final, but a few of them are still being workshopped :) I did a Read More because this was getting long, as usual :P I'm also gonna tag @prismicnexus @afaroffsong @silvercaptain24 @sunburned-cyborg and @skyyknights but no pressure! And if you've been tagged already that's all right, you can ignore this. ❄️ Over the Edge (Original Work) This is the tale of an illustrious creature residing in a high tower—and the secret of the broken, bloodied bones scattered about the dungeon floor. 🦋 I'm Coming After You (Robots in Disguise 2015) Why is there a sparkling on the prison ship Alchemor? How will Lieutenant Bumblebee fare when said sparkling interferes with his work in capturing dangerous Decepticons at large? Where is Steeljaw's new base, and what in the Allspark is he plotting now? Bumblebee would also like to know.... ⚔️ When Push Comes to Shove (Hyrule Warriors) Link and Zelda return to the Temple of the Sacred Sword to seal away the darkness, and Link is forced to face his insecurities, whether he's ready for it or not. 🐝 To Bee a Leader (Robots in Disguise 2015) Bumblebee knows that Optimus Prime chose him to be leader of the Autobot team on Earth…but he's tired and he misses his dad.
🐺 Enduring the Twilight (Twilight Princess) As regrets from his past failures haunt him, Link finds an unexpected counselor—and ally—in a mysterious golden wolf who regularly crosses his path. 🍃 Deku Tree Link AU (OoT Canon Divergent) When the future Hero of Time was adopted by the Great Deku Tree, he inherited more than a home and a family among the Kokiri—he also received the Great Deku Tree's abilities, as well as the mantle of Guardian of the Forest. 🎭 When the Dust Settles (Miraculous Ladybug Apocalypse!AU) Paris has fallen. Two survivors roam the wreckage, spared only by the Miraculous they themselves carry. 🪽 Under My Wings (Transformers: Prime) Arcee never wished to join Team Prime. Optimus never planned to raise a sparkling during the war. Bumblebee never meant to change the course of history. The road ahead of them is not at all what they expected.... 🧣 All I Am (Skyward-Sword-and-Hyrule-Historia-manga-inspired) The captain of the Knights of Hylia has been tasked with holding back the demon king’s forces. Aware that he is out of his league, Link struggles with coming to terms with the gravity of this command. Fortunately, Hylia is watching out for him. 🌙 Moonquake WIP (Original Work) Kaya is tired of the power going out. Tarka Sevan seeks a light from beyond. ❤️‍🔥 Tripled Threats (Transformers Crossover) Three road-raging warriors and one cheerful ray of sunshine share what is perhaps the strangest plot twist of their lives. 🥠 Sandwiched (Age of Extinction) Bitter from the battle of Chicago, Optimus Prime holds strong opinions about humanity's profane treatment of his people. Trapped by convention with a group of humans, in addition to another equally unwanted ally, the Autobot leader turned war criminal is forced to consider the deepest truths of life...even that which he has been running from for ages untold. 🏴‍☠️ Overboard one (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) On the voyage to Far, Far Away, Kitty falls into the sea. 😇 [The smile one] (Rise of the Beasts) Mirage points out something that Bumblebee can never forget. 🧵 [It's Official] (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) Puss and Kitty don't appreciate how stinky Perrito's sock has become over their long voyage, and plot to expand his wardrobe. 🌌 [Fire Emblem Megafic] (Three Houses / Three Hopes / more) Two new professors arrive at the Officer's Academy—and the fate of the World is forever changed. A single crack in a castle of glass is enough to shatter the structure of time...now imagine what one could do with two.... ...this isn't all of my WIP's, of course. :D But, these are the ones I'm either in-the-zone-working-on right now, or I'm gearing up to get back into, so ask away! ✨
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snarkythewoecrow · 2 months
Seven (sorta) sentences sunday!
thanks @kingofdarkness00 for the tag!
This is from my sandman wip, it's a dream/hob fic with all the tropes it seems like at this point, and I have been working on fairly hard the last few days, so with any luck in a week or two you'll see it, currently, it's like 17k, which is awesome and it should take much more to wrap up, so excited. This is a random bit between Matthew and Death with no context @thefangirloutof-time @kydrogendragon
*edited to tack on a bit more for a treat*
“Like, just so you know, and I mean this in the most respectful way, but have you guys ever considered therapy? I’m sure you could get a group rate.”
A soft snort of laughter. “I think we’ve all just had far too much time to perfect our imperfections. An eternity is a long time shared between siblings.”
“Speaking of, do you think one of them”—he coughed over Desire’s name, then cleared his throat a bit more—“has something to do with this?”
Death hummed. “Anything is possible—they can be especially jealous and a recent change in Dream—one too glaring not to have been seen by my siblings—could very well have spurred Desire into hatching yet another nefarious plan.”
Matthew's wings arched up as a hard breeze whipped through the park. “Whoa, hold on—what are we talking about here?”
Her gaze turned to the sky, searching the clouds before looking at him again, brows pinched. “The ties that bind my brother and Hob—from the Spindles of the Fates themselves, strings of starlight like the inside of my brother's robe—galaxies caught and spun into a yarn,” she said. “woven through flesh, tying them rib to rib, bone to bone.”
“Yeah—yeah, okay, I mean, that sounds intense and all, but like, isn’t that a good thing? Doesn’t that just mean they’re meant to be or something, blessed and all that crap?”
A huff. “If it were only that simple. As to whether it's a blessing—I’d be very surprised if such a gift had been granted freely, which means my brother has likely done something incredibly dangerous and stupid to gain it. He’s never done well with half measures, after all.”
Tagging @kydrogendragon @buckybeardreams and anyone else, for real, totally do it if you want!
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amandacanwrite · 3 months
A Silly Little WIP
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Here's a drawing I'm working on for a moment I'm really excited to write in Violet Thread of Fate--in which Astarion catches Gale staring at Elinna while she's dancing with The Fox at a tavern. I imagine it going something like this:
Astarion: Wizard...you're staring... Gale: -without looking away from Elinna, half-mindedly- No I am not. Astarion: If you're pining so terribly for her, why don't you just go ask her to dance? Gale: Mostly because I'm far older than her-- Astarion: -shrugs- never stopped me.
Anyway, hope you enjoy looking at this as much as I am enjoying drawing it! I feel like Astarion is simultaneously the best and worst wing man at the same time.
Also just gonna...gently tag @thoughts-of-bear since they expressed wanting to see more of my art.
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