#whos actress is is 16 years younger than him
angelamontoo · 1 year
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The Maltese Falcon(1941) Directed by John Huston
If you've been on this blog for any amount of time, you know how obsessed I am with Peter Lorres portrayal of Joel Cairo, but I really should sing the praises of Mary Astor as Brigid o Shaughnessy more often. Compared to some other 'femme fatales' in films of the time, who's supposed moral failings rather unambiguously disappear thanks to the love of some man they usually just met, I appreciate that there's no reason to assume Brigid truly fell in love with Spade anymore than theres a reason to assume she genuinely was inlove with Thursby or really even Archer.
Honestly, Mary Astor gives my second favourite performance in the film and that's stiff competition. It's a shame that she and Peter Lorre weren't in any other films together(that I know of)
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spaceshipellie · 10 months
ok ok rockstar!ellie x actress!reader ,, ellie being like obsessed with reader and her films / shows and says smth about u during an interview. reader seeing it and talking about it in another interview. even better if readers a bit older than ellie and ellie had a poster of reader in her room when she was younger sjshsg
the blades
rockstar!ellie x actress!reader
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part one (two pending)
summary: ellie’s band did a song for your upcoming movie and you both mention each other in interviews.
warnings: reader is like 5-6 years older than ellie but they’re both in their twenties
author’s note: i love this concept so much i want to write more rockstar!ellie x actress!reader in future!! tysm for the request, i hope you like it 🖤 wc: 800
“so let’s talk about your latest single, caves, which is for the new movie end of beginning, right?”
“right,” ellie nodded at the interviewer, twisting the rings on her fingers which rested in her lap. she was usually pretty nervous doing interviews, still only feeling truly comfortable in front of a crowd when she had her guitar hanging from her shoulders.
“it’s an incredible song and goes so well in the movie, i mean…” the interviewer’s voice trailed off as they turned to the audience who were whooping and cheering at the compliments. “well they certainly agree!”
“thank you, we’ve had so much fun getting to be a part of it,” dina beamed her award-winning smile.
“so were you able to meet the stars? what did they think?”
“we did briefly which was amazing,” dina carried on, “and i think they loved it!?” she turned to jesse.
“yeah they thought it was great which for us, you know, was crazy as they’re super talented people so that recognition was uh, was amazing. ellie especially loved it,” jesse said, sneaking in a jab at his band mate and best friend.
“really ellie?” the interview seemed keen to know more.
ellie stretched her arm up, nervously scratching the back of her head and tried to fight a smile off her lips. “yeah, i mean i…oh man, thanks jesse.”
“i’m a huge fan so it was a trip getting to meet them,” she finally settled on.
“meeting y/n?” the interviewer pushed.
“yeah, meeting y/n was great.”
“why do i feel like there’s more you’re not telling me?” the interviewer joked.
“well,” she awkwardly laughed, “no, i mean she’s an insanely talented actress and i’ve loved her movies for years so it’s always pretty crazy meeting someone like that.”
“that, and the posters,” dina leaned into ellie’s shoulder. ellie tried to refrain from swearing on tv.
“yeah,” she admitted, “i had a poster of her on my wall when i was like 16.”
“was she a bit of a celebrity crush for you?”
“something like that, yeah.” ellie’s cheeks had gone bright red and they felt hot under the bright stage lights and mini interrogation she was experiencing.
“oh it’s all coming out now,” jesse laughed and dina laughed with him. ellie chuckled, embarrassed, whilst shooting them a glare.
she ran her hands down her face. “oh, i can’t believe you just made me admit that on tv.”
“she’s probably going to see this,” the interviewer said, “and she’s on here next week.”
“oh god, don’t even mention it.”
— a week later —
“so, y/n! thanks for being on the show.”
“thank you for having me!” you shot your best smile at the interviewer and the crowd, who cheered.
“you’re new movie end of beginning is out now, is that right?”
“yes it’s out now and we had the premier last week which was an incredible night!”
“it looked amazing, as did you, so stunning!”
“thank you so much.”
the interviewer went on asking you more questions about your role in the movie before bringing up ellie’s band, the blades.
“you might have already seen but last week we had the blades on our show and they said it was amazing to work with you.”
“yes! i loved the music they made for this movie, they’re all beyond talented. it was great to meet them as well, super lovely guys,” you praised.
“were you a fan before?”
“yes i am actually, i saw them live on their tour last year so yeah, i’ve been a fan for a while.”
your cheeks felt hot all of a sudden as you had a feeling where this was going.
“well, i think they were definitely fans of yours, or at least one of them was!” the interviewer prodded, smiling. you laughed shyly, not wanting to be the one to admit to anything in front of a live audience.
“ellie said you were her celebrity crush.”
“i heard, yeah,” you smiled down into your lap, trying to compose yourself.
“i think you’d made a cute couple,” the interviewer beamed and the crowd cheered. “they think so!”
“i um,” you stammered, “yeah she’s cute.”
you thought she was more than just cute! you had been a fan of her band for a couple of years and had swooned over the way her skilled fingers plucked her guitar strings over and over again. the outfits she wore. the way she sits with her knees apart and hands clasped together in interviews. the smiles and smirks she has whilst on stage. the tiktok edits you had saved.
“well make sure to invite me to the wedding,” the interviewer laughed. you shyly nodded, trying to stifle the wide grin that wanted to take over your face. you almost hoped ellie wouldn’t see this but there was no doubt that she would… she did, and she had a shit-eating grin on her face the entire time.
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twst-kumi · 21 days
Weeping Maiden [ACT I]: CHAPTER 5
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[Act I]: CHAPTER 5
Vil felt dizzy from that information. It was definitely Yuu, their Yuu who helped them. But she said he had been missing for 3 years!! Looking at both Yuu and [Name], they could easily pass for twins. 
The only problem was that something didn't add up. Yuu was 16 years old, and HER Yuu was now 19. Vil concluded two things, either it was all a coincidence or she was lying and she was the thief. 
“_I see, I hope you find your brother soon.
_Thank you.” 
They both returned to the crew who asked worriedly if she was alright. The girl apologized for worrying everyone. 
Everything was going well with the rest of the production. Neige always stayed next to her at every chance he had. Sometimes he would subtly glare at Vil while his hold tightened on her hand. Thankfully she didn't have many scenes today. 
“_ Good job, [Name]. You were incredible.
_ Thank you Vil-senpai.
_ I'm just being honest. By the way, we will need to exchange numbers. We have some scenes together during our next filming.”
She smiled before exchanging numbers. Neige next to her looked sour. It was as if Vil insulted him. [Name] looked up at him as she felt his grip on her wrist. Without a word, he left with her. He was a little forceful which confused her more.
“_ Are you mad? Did something happen?”
She asked as they got in the car. The young girl gasped softly as she felt him hold her against him. Neige buried his head in the crook of her neck. 
“_ Are you alright ?” She asked uncomfortably.
Neige let her go before smiling almost like usual. But something about his smile seemed strange.
“_ I'm sorry, I should have noticed you weren't well.
_ It's okay. I didn't want to worry you.” 
Vil was sitting in his car as the driver was taking him to the place where he was supposed to get to the portal. He looked at his manager before talking.
“_Can you look up some information on [Name] Yamada?
_ Of course, are you interested in her? 
_ You could say that. Look into the information on Yuu Yamada too.”
His manager looked surprised for a moment. 
“_Yuu Yamada… the NRC student who once came with you? The one who had that talking familiar?
_ Yes.” 
Both only talked very little about their home world. And if asked, they would answer it vaguely almost like they didn't want anyone to know where they come from. Or maybe it's because they can't talk about it. Vil’s gut feeling was telling him to look into this. It's as if he wanted to believe both Yamada were siblings. 
He also planning on asking Idia too. He was the best at digging those things. As he was planning on sending a message to Idia, Cater sent a message on the group chat. 
{Cater: I found the pendant. It's on a bidding site, here.
Vil: Where? Are you sure it's the right one?
Cater: Yes, Yuu confirmed it. Here is the link.}
It was the same locket [Name] had, at the difference that the picture inside was different. It was a very young girl, a preteen at best, maybe even younger. Vil felt a strong shudder as he looked at the picture closely. It had too much resemblance to be a coincidence. The girl in the picture was definitely [Name] Yamada at 13 when she gave him that necklace. 
{Vil: Who is that girl on the locket?
Yuu: My little sister and the designer of the locket. She is 13.
Cater: So cute, does she want to become a jeweler?
Yuu: No… she is an actress.}
Vil could feel his head buzzing once again. It was too much of a coincidence to be normal. And now he had even more questions. Vil wondered if he should talk about [Name], the girl was older than he said but it could be her… Right? 
{Vil: Now that I think about it, you never talk much about your home.
Cater: Yeah that’s true. What is it like?
Yuu: It’s very far away.}
It was the same answer, Vil could feel his heart beating faster as he continued to ask more questions about the girl. It was similar to [Name], A child actor at a young age, the twin locket she gave him for his 16 birthday before he got taken to NRC. Everything was matching, aside from their age. There was an abnormal time difference if she was Yuu’s little sister. 
[Name] was walking along Neige as he was showing her around. She wondered if it was okay for them to wander around. Everyone could recognize him. 
Neige held her hand never once letting her go. When she pointed it out, he made an excuse to make sure he didn’t lose her. In reality, he just wanted people to see them together. He felt a little guilty as he was knowingly taking her out, acting close and intimate when he knew people would see them as a couple. 
“_Are you sure you are alright?”
The young girl sipped on her milkshake as she strolled next to him. The young idol smiled at her happily. 
“_Yes, I’m alright. Why?
_You looked strange today, did something happen? 
_No? I was just a little tired.”
The young girl didn’t believe it but she decided not to press it further. They walked to the portal as they talked about the day. She had fun, and [Name] wondered when she last had fun. Coming back to the school, they were welcomed by Ambrose who hugged her tenderly. She wished her brother was there to bask in their warm embrace too.
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@cocomollo @owodi @illytian
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Fixing Ep. II of House of the Dragon.
The second episodes happens six months after the end of episode 1 so we are either in the year 106 a.C or ending the year 105 a.C . Let's say we are already in the year 106 A.C
Alicent is either sixteen or soon to be, as is Laena. Rhaenyra is also either 14 or soon to be.
Keeping Viserys's birth as it is in the show, he is 29 which makes us need another younger actor for the first time of the season. This also makes Daemon 25, but I am not sure if changing actor is equally necessary with him. Rhaenys is in her 30s and I don't think we need another actress for her either if her hair is dark
Nothing wrong with the beginning scene, it shows the Crabfeeder and what he does.
Nothing wrong either the small council scene. But Corlys should have called out Otto for his words. Something like "I am the Lord of Driftmark, married to a Targaryen Princess. It is you who is not the king's equal no matter the seat you occupy at his table" Another reaffirmation of him being married to Rhaenys but this could also hint to Otto's greed and how he plans to climb up the social ladder with Alicent.
Rhaenyra shouldn't suggest to send her, she should suggest to send Daemon and Rhaenys because they are adults and seasoned dragonriders.
But either way, this suggestion pisses off Otto who sends her to choose a new Kingsguard because he cannot control her.
Rhaenyra should know what to say when she is being presented with knights, she is the only princess other than Rhaenys, her education is important.
Her reasoning for choosing Cole is fine.
The scene between Alicent and Viserys is fine. We should remember that here Viserys is 30 (played by another actor) and Alicent 16 so she might not be against marrying him even if she doesn't do it for the reason her father wants her to do.
The Sept scene is nonsensical as fuck. Rhaenyra is obviously not a believer of the Seven and Alicent knows this given that they are friends.
The Alicent/Rhaenyra scene should take place under the weirwood tree they were studying under. It brings more significance to the tree if what you want is to remark their friendship.
They conversation is mostly fine if we ignore the religious part. They should also disscuss marriage. Like, Alicent is of age so Rhaenyra could say something like "I will find you a find husband that lives at court, so you don't have to leave me" and Alicent smiling at that.
The conversation of marriage to Laena with Corlys and Rhaenys is fine.
The conversation between Rhaenyra and Viserys during the dinner where he doesn't let her speak is fine too. It shows how little Viserys actually think as Rhaenyra as heir.
Given that Viserys doesn't have the illness in this, he would converse with Otto only about marrying Laena. Otto could manipulate him saying something like "I cannot imagine marrying again to someone I did not love, not after my lady wife" that sentence alone would have Viserys thinking about marrying Alicent.
Laena would have already claimed Vaghar so marrying her would actually be necessary to bring the biggest dragon into the fold.
Laena and Viserys could talk about Balerion, that would tell the general audience that Viserys had a dragon and he died.
Rhaenys and Rhaenyra's scene is dumb so we are taking it out.
Where the scene of Rhaenys and Rhaenyra is we should put one of Mysaria and Daemon where she tells him she is pregnant. Daemon would show how happy he is about and this will set up him stealing the egg.
A scene with Viserys and Alicent would be necessary to establish Viserys feeling something towards her and wanting to marry her. They could talk about Alicent's marriage she could say something like: "I have always seen myself married to someone I love. Foolish, I know" and he could say "It is not foolish" This would show that he wants to marry her. In this scene she could also give her the figurine that broke in their previous scene and his mind would be made.
The small council scene where they tell Viserys of Daemon stealing the egg is fine, except for the marriage to Mysaria so we are taking out that.
Viserys decides to be the one to retrieve the egg, and Otto goes with him to avoid any reconciliation between the brothers.
The scene where Otto is getting ready to go to Dragonstone and Alicent helps him should stay and he should aske her something like: "Don't you want to be queen?" And while Alicent doesn't desire that like her father she would like to be and she also likes Viserys. This would give Alicent a bit of ambition and personality.
The Dragonstone scene would go more like, Viserys arriving and facing Daemon and saying: "You either return the egg and your whore to where they came from or she dies"
Daemon would listen because the alternative is killing his brother and he doesn't want to.
A scene with Daemon saying goodbye to Mysaria and the baby would establish how important she is to him and would set up his disdain towards Viserys's later on.
Mysaria gets on the ship and later Daemon receives a letter saying that she lost the baby. Matt would have nailed an emotional scene of Daemon after this.
Another scene with Alicent and Rhaenyra doing anything would be very beneficial for their friendship. They could be readying or trying on jewelry or gowns and Alicent could be visibly conflicted.
Nothing wrong with the scene where Viserys chooses Alicent.
A confrontation of Rhaenyra and Alicent with Rhaenyra saying: "You betrayed me" and breaking the friendship.
Nothing wrong with Daemon's and Corlys's scene.
Other things
I think Corlys and Rhaenys should wear different type of clothing during the first part of season 1 to make understand that they are not that old.
Rhaenyra and Alicent should both wear more colour.
Part one
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lovelies-dream · 2 months
~Hello: Introduction Post~
This is a separate blog for my ocs, which I will introduce in a separate post. Once that's out, please feel free to request.
I also plan on posting some art in the future, so look forward to that.
Maeve Leblanc
Maeve is a famous fashion designer, former model, and currently owns a successful modeling agency and high end clothing brand. He is a household name, becoming famous for creating clothing for many well known celebrities. He was born and raised in the French Country side and now owns homes in Paris, London, California, New York, and more. He is known for being very blunt with employees and fans alike, however his models always talk about him in high regard.
Personality wise Maeve is very blunt and doesn't waste his time with things or people who annoy him. However, Maeve has an obsessive personality, and will lock himself in his office for days if he's struck with passion. On that same note, he has no problem berating people who attempt to get in the way of his vision.
Fun facts:
Maeve is born on February 8th.
When in France, he prefers to stay in his childhood home with his parents, rather than his own home.
Maeve left home at 16 after an argument with his grandfather.
While being a former model himself, Maeve has claimed to hate modeling.
While having Stores all across the world, and preferring to work in New York, Maeve's fashion companies headquarters is in Paris.
Elliot Alana
Elliot was born in Hawaii, but only lived there for a few years before moving to New York to be closer to his mother's side of the family. Elliot grew up loving art, and later graduated and became a well known street artist. Now, he focuses on more professional work, but when he isn't making art for galleries he works as a tattoo artist. His shop is based out of New York, and he frequently has high end clientele.
Personality wise Elliot is very kind and driven. He grew up being told to respect others and the world around him, and is known by many people as extremely kind. Elliot loves getting to know people and is very charming. As an artist, Elliot has found it crucial to know how to network and charm high paying customers. Some of this behavior has bled into his own personality.
Fun Facts:
Elliot was born on October 1st
Elliot has a sister who is a famous pop star
Elliot is close friends with Hideaki, who he has tattooed many times.
Elliot hates most sweet food, except for chocolate.
Elliot loves children and in another life says he would be an art teacher.
Hideaki "Jay" Ito
Hideaki Ito, more well known as Jay by the public, is a famous actor and model. He was born in Japan, his mother a retired actress and father a retired musician. His parents were extremely strict and from the moment he could walk he was acting. He was a well known actor in Japan for most of his childhood before he was offered a modeling job by Maeve when he turned 18. From then on he became a successful model within the states, and now acts in many popular shows in movies, though not a frequently as when he was younger.
Personality wise, Hideaki is very extroverted, and almost childlike. Since he had a very stunted childhood, he spends most of his adult life experiencing things he missed out on. Because of this he can seem very arrogant and obnoxious, however he means well. He's known for being very clingy and having very short lived but heated relationships.
Fun facts:
Hideaki was born on June 16th
The nickname Jay was given to him at a young age by his parents who thought I'd be more marketable in the states.
Hideaki can speak four languages, Japanese, English, French, and Spanish.
His parents are now divorced, and he doesn't talk to them.
Hideaki has been in the news for many reasons, most of which were relationship related.
Hideaki has a close relationship with Maeve, and most of the outfits he wears for events are made by him.
A/n: here are my main ocs. I Plan on making many more and posting art for these. Please feel free to ask me about them or request anything for them.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 7 months
I have a question for Seb fandom: was he able to recover his reputation after he ended his “relationship” with the Spanish problematic actress? I mean, he still does good projects and he still seems to be interested in working (unlike Chris), plus he still has Marvel///
he did but honestly I think both situations are similar but they're not totally the same, ale did cultural appropriation but that was it, alba and her friends have done much much worse :s and as everyone has said: Seb didn't marry her, in fact, Seb always did the bare minimum for her. I know you previously received an ask saying Seb and his current gf have "zero chemistry" (I disagree) however, Seb has done a lot of effort for hid current relationship, for example, he traveled to Italy and Canada when she was working there, he went to London for her brother's birthday, he went to the bachelorette trip to Spain with her brother and sister in law and of course he went to their wedding and spent her birthday in Portugal with her family... he never did that for ale, sure he went to Spain twice but that was it, he didn't go to the birthdays of ale's family and didn't go with her when she was working and so... like he really didn't care for her and we all could see it.
Now, in the work field: Seb has always been a hard worker. always. he, compared to Chris, wasn't born in a privileged family so he worked normal jobs and so and he struggled a lot financially until 2011, so he knows hard work which Chris doesn't so I think that's the main difference... Chris doesn't need to work ever again if he doesn't want to, he's got 104 more millions than Sebastian, so.. a BIG difference. and then of course, the talent is different... correct me if I'm strong, but I've never heard Chris saying that he took acting classes or something 🤔 ...Seb did, he actually has a degree in it and he's always studying his craft, that's why he's a really good actor, he's got that love and passion for what he does.. with Chris it feels like he just does the work because of the money, let's just look at his latest projects... big streamimg platform movies with no critic acclaim at all... fun fact: Seb was told that he might not receive money from I Tonya because they didn't have the money, he didn't care and he did it anyway and look at what it was 👌🏽 and because of that movie he met Craig Gillespie, who then called him directly to play his Emmy nominated role in pam&tommy last year and then the same director called him back for dumb money, another acclaimed movie this year... that's what Chris doesn't have.. he cares so much about money that he hasn't been able to build those kind of connections. and he needs to work on his acting, 100%.
then: Seb is actually very private compared to Chris... sure, Seb used to interact with his fandom but for example, we only met his mom *this year* and his mom is the only blood related family of him that we've seen (probably the only blood related family he has in the USA anyway), but with Chris, we've seen all of his family, even half siblings at different red carpets throughout the years and all of Chris' friends seem to be.. not very private, meanwhile Sebastian's closest friends (minus Toby's slip in 2021 :s iykyk) are very protective of him actually... like, there are many differences in terms of privacy 😐
finally: when it comes to relationships, to Chris' and seb's, current relationships, Chris chose to marry someone 16 years younger than him and someone he met when she was 23.. which is so questionable from any angle you see it, however, Seb is daring someone who's 39 (he's 41) si of course no one has anything bad to say about them (Seb and Annabelle) which is different to Chris and alba. and I do agree in one thing: Seb has never said he's an activist or whatever, meanwhile Chris was a keyboard activist fighting trump only and then forgot about it and now has very questionable people staying in all of his houses...the same people he used to critic.
if you ask me if I think that Chris can recover from this: yes.. maybe but time needs to pass and he needs to do better movies because right now he's just a joke on social media thanks to the projects he chooses not because of his private life. I know you believe most people shits on Chris for his personal life but that's not the main problem... it's his movies and if he doesn't have the passion and the desire to get out of his comfort zone, he won't go anywhere. there's something that Seb is always saying and it's "actors shouldn't be comfortable in their choices" and to me, Chris is beyond comfortable doing mediocre movies with a big pay. that needs to change yesterday.
Thank you for all this info. I don't follow Seb except to see him in a few movies here and there. I think you raise a lot of good comparisons.
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shawol-poser · 3 months
To My Lover From Afar; Record 2
Pairing: Alien AU! Do Kyungsoo x Actress!Reader |CW: Mentions of death, mentions of suicide, but not a lot.|Heavily inspired by the drama series. "My Love From Another Star."||Word Count: 2.9k.
Summary: Do Kyungsoo has been living on planet Earth for the past 400 years after having failed to return home due to unforeseen circumstances. With only a few months remaining before his long-awaited return, he's found himself caught in problems and people that he thought he had left behind centuries ago. Is this what humans call, "fate?"
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“Here.” A young lady, seemingly no older than 16, presents her savior with a poorly rolled scroll.
The hands that hold them out for the other to take slightly tinted, a dark hue staining the underside of her fingernails.
The man in front of her, her savior, accepts it graciously despite its sorry state. Eyes filled with curiosity as he unrolls it.
“Forgive my ignorance, however I cannot read the alien texts that the visitors of the gisaeng house carry around. Hence, my inability to write a hanging scroll. I hope this will suffice in its stead.”
Once his eyes finally greet the contents of the paper, there is nothing he can do but marvel at the ink that washes over it. 
A figure that seemed to be the unidentified flying object that brought him to Earth is positioned on the upper corner of the composition. A shape that resembles the moon, floating through a field with tall grass and reeds.
What catches his attention the most however is the sight of his own visage staring back at him. The only difference being the dark robes he once wore, a stark contrast to his current chima jeogori, the image clearly referencing their first encounter. 
From what he’s gathered, a young lady such as the one in front of him was expected to be skilled in the arts. But the style presented in front of him wasn’t reminiscent of a style from the current century. 
Rather, it more closely resembled a photograph.
His silence must’ve worried the young lady as she spoke up hurriedly. “Look, I’m sorry it’s not what you expected. If you don’t like it, you can just give it back–” she reached out her hand to the man, but he only stepped back and shook his head with a smile.
The shift in the young lady’s diction amusing him as he did. Continuing to marvel at the work in his possession shortly after in silence again.
She stares at him strangely before tilting her head in question.
“You’re very strange, sir. Not that it’s a bad thing, but I’ll definitely remember you because of it.”
“Oh Y/n? The actress?” In the dabbang across the road, Lee Kwangsoo’s voice rose above the ambience of the room. Eyes wide as he looks at Kyungsoo with disbelief. 
Kyungsoo shook his head out of his wandering stupor, and properly paid attention to the older man in front of him. He had decided to meet up with an old friend to inform him of his nearing departure.
And over a round or two of Janggi, a game that Kwangsoo really did not have patience for, the professor had off-handedly mentioned the student that had seemed to be boycotting his lectures.
“Ah, you know her?” The alien’s question is answered with a smack to the arm by his friend from the other side of the table, along with a rather loud verbal response.
“Of course I do! How can you not know who she is? Of course she’s barely in class, she’s too busy being on every commercial and every article on your phone!” 
The younger-looking man looks surprised at Mr. Lee’s reaction. “But I don’t have a phone.”
“Now that’s on you! I’ve been telling you for 30 years now to get a phone and you still don’t listen.” While Kyungsoo normally doesn’t like being told what to do like this, especially when it could cause a scene, he smiles after hearing Kwangsoo’s words. 
He’s never thought of himself as the sentimental kind, but he does think that he’ll eventually come to miss being scolded like this.
He shakes his head.
“I’ve never needed a phone. Especially not now that I’m leaving soon.” He moves to tidy up the pieces they rented at the dabbang, which prompts a sigh from the man in front of him.
“Three months, huh? I never thought I’d see the day that you’d go home…Ah, it seems all too sudden now.” He takes a sip of the black tea in front of him, seemingly deep in thought, until his expression brightens again. 
“Right, I’ve been meaning to ask,”
Do Kyungsoo looks up at him after packing the board and nods in acknowledgement.
“You’ve been here for over 400 years, and you couldn’t go home for a really long while…why is that?”
“Is the food good?” Chanyeol asks from his side of the table, waiting for your response.
“Hm? Oh uh,” you look at your untouched food and immediately try to cut through the steak in front of you to taste it.
Chanyeol had invited you to a restaurant in a rather upscale part of the city to celebrate his return, but you simply didn’t have an appetite after today.
 You hated looking ungrateful, so you expressed your thanks honestly despite this.
“It tastes really good. Thanks for inviting me out.” You responded after swallowing.
Chanyeol frowns at this.
“Hey, I’m sorry I dragged you out here. I just thought you didn’t have any plans tonight.” You sigh and face him earnestly.
“It’s– It’s not your fault, okay? Don’t fucking apologize. A lot has just been going on, and I didn’t have time to rest today.” 
Being on set all morning, being chauffeured by X&O’s second, having cameras shoved in your face by being with said X&O’s second, finding out that attendance is mandatory for passing a class, and stressing about a research due tomorrow is putting you so on edge, that you feel like vomiting. 
“Anyway, I’ll be fine. So lighten up.” And at your command, he does. As if whatever he was worried about in the first place completely leaves him. Only a bright smile is left on his face.
“Hmm. Whatever it is that you’re worrying about, I’m sure you can do it. Don’t stress about it too much,” He pauses to take another bite of his own steak, continuing only once the meat is in his mouth.
  “You’ll get wrinkles faster, did you know that?”
“I liked you more when you were away, did you know that?” He only laughs at your empty words and without even realizing it, you find yourself smiling again.
Your stomach still feels uncomfortably full, but at least you feel a little better.
“Ah, by the way, how has your production work been doing?” 
His expression softens as he starts explaining to you all that’s happened while he was in America. About the things that he's learned during one of the music camps he went to, and the people he met at said camps.
“In short, I think I’m getting closer to where I want to be, but that’s still a long time from now.”
“I’m proud of you, Park Chanyeol.” 
He knows that you really mean it. He’s been sharing his dreams of pursuing music with you for a really long time now.
And even if he did have to take a 5 year course in a degree that he didn’t like because his father told him to, your encouragement to keep his passion for music alive had been one of the only things keeping him going.
He smiles that boyishly charming smile of his before speaking again.
“Ah right, about today,” The way he starts makes you look at him with laser focus, which he seems to shrink at.
“You know what, never mind.”
“Oh come on, what is it?”
“You were staring at me.”
Your face scrunches up at this.
“Am I supposed to not look at you when you’re talking?”
“I mean—“ 
“Don’t answer that.”
He looks down at his pretty much done plate, then looks at you. Fidgeting with something in his coat all the while before steeling his expression. As if making up his mind about something.
“Earlier this morning, I was serious. What I said on the car ride to uni.”
You huff and slump a bit at that. “And I know that—“ you’re cut off when he places a pretty black box on the table. 
It’s certainly a lofty looking thing.
For something so small, the silver lacework on the double-sided opening looks smaller and really stands out against the black velvet. A sign that the box itself must’ve been curated for a special occasion, along with what was inside.
 The sight of it confuses you because you’re definitely feeling something, but you just don’t know what. 
You only feel it get stronger once he opens up said box and pushes it towards you. 
“Isn’t waiting for 14 years long enough? Oh Y/n, let’s get married.”
Do Kyungsoo thinks deeply about what to say. He knows what happened, but he’s finding trouble piecing them together into words that will make sense.
“There was an accident.” 
Mr. Lee’s eyebrows shoot up at this. “An accident?”
He had thought of many reasons for Kyungsoo’s inability to go home, but this wasn’t the kind of reason he was thinking of at all.
Kyungsoo nods despite his friend’s shock. 
“There was someone I was looking after. Long ago, I had spent all the time I had before I left by their side to keep them safe.”
He looks at his hands with that familiar blank expression and exhales calmly. 
“In the end, that person ended up dying anyway. I thought that would’ve been the last I saw of her, but something strange happened.”
Now that makes his friend perk right back up again.
“Strange how?”
“On the 29th of December, 12 years ago, I saw something. Maybe I was just tired that night. I was a surgeon in Gyeonggi and there had been a lot of accidents in the area, but I had a bad feeling.”
He recounts feeling ill and weak for a moment when flashing images of a dark place, a sign, and a crying girl running away onto an empty street had suddenly occupied his thoughts. 
“So I went there.” 
It was strange.
He found himself on the street he saw in his mind just moments before. Just in time to witness everything. 
“Oh Y/n, stop!”
“Screw you! Just leave me alone!” 
Running in clothes that looked nowhere near appropriate for the weather and worn out running shoes, the girl he saw in his premonition clearly wasn’t paying attention to where she was going. The street light obviously flashing red, telling any pedestrian to stop, but an empty road meant nothing to most. 
Her included, it would seem.
 He considered leaving once he saw what looked to be a normal squabble amongst friends, but stopped when he saw a speeding truck ready to converge with the young girl the moment she stepped past the pavement. 
That moment must have been when it began. 
He’s never thought much about anything. He simply does what he is told and obeys silently because more than the unnecessary small talk of his colleagues, and definitely more than being asked lousy questions, he absolutely hates inconveniencing others. 
Which is why it surprised him when he found himself moving not of his own accord, as if on autopilot. Using his abilities to freeze time to pull the girl into his arms, then letting nature run its own course again after moving onto the other side of the street.
 He looked behind him to check on the truck, before looking at the person in his arms. Finding the same startled, but fierce -looking young woman from 400 years ago with furrowed brows staring back at him.
He smiled gently to reassure the poor woman.
Or at least that was his intention. 
His shock must have trumped whatever expression he had as the woman could only stare at him strangely before tilting her head in question. 
“You’re very strange, sir.” 
The heart-achingly familiar dialogue could only sour the expression he wanted to show. There were no words that he could say that felt right at that moment, and so he just stood there with her in his arms.
This must have alarmed the young girl as her tears from earlier dried immediately as she tried to wave off her comment with a shaky hand. Worried that she had offended him.
“Not that it’s a bad thing! I promise! It makes you more memorable!”
“Chanyeol-ah,” You look at the ring in the now open box, before turning to look at him directly. “You bought me a ring on my birthday in senior year.”
He readies himself for what’s about to happen, no longer surprised. “I did. But you didn’t accept it.”
You frown once you look at the box again, before pushing it back towards him. “And I’m not going to accept it today either. I’m sorry.”
He sighs, but immediately looks back at you, as if realizing something. “H—Hey, it was worth a shot!”
He’s worried that you might think too deeply into his expression, like you normally do, so he continues.
Undeterred by the dulling pain in his chest.
 “I’m not too surprised, but that doesn’t mean I’m not disappointed.”
“I’m really sorry.”
“For what? You said what you wanted, right? Don’t apologize for that, really.” He chuckles as he playfully punches your shoulder.
“Besides, it’s not like I’m giving up. I’ve waited this long, what’s the harm in waiting a bit longer?”
Your still frown only deepens at this. “You’re a really good guy Chanyeol, but I don’t think you should keep waiting.”
“If you really think I’m a good guy, why don’t you tell me the real reason why you don’t want to get married then? “It’s not like I’m not going to get married.”
“Then why not this year?” He’s confident that you’ll marry him, he’s certain of it. But now he just wants to know why not soon.
You stare down at your plate with wide, twitching eyes, wondering if you should bring this up to him again.
Your mouth moves faster than your brain this time.
“The guy that saved me. You remember him, right?”
He tilts his head to the side, knowing immediately who you’re talking about, but can’t seem to answer.
“I mean, I do, but I don’t remember his face.”
You expected that. “I want to find him. You know, thank him for what he did.”
He furrows his brows in question at your response and jolts back up on his seat. Eyes wide. 
“Are you really, seriously, holding off marriage for that?”
“I know it’s stupid but—”
“You didn’t even have a conversation with that guy, nor spend hours talking to him, none of that!”
“So that makes it worse! Are you saying that you’d be okay with your wife, who isn’t me by the way,” you immediately stressed out before he got any ideas, “to keep on looking for another man until she finds him and thanks him? And what if she never does and she just keeps on looking for him? Wouldn’t you rather she find him before she agrees to marry you? Otherwise, it just looks like she’s disappointed it's you that walks through her door and not him.”
He thinks about what you just said with a strange amount of seriousness, nodding as you explain yourself.
He then straightens up his back and crosses his arms. Eyes immediately lighting up in mischief as a smile crept on his face. As if liking the implication he conjured up on his own. 
“You’ve thought about this a lot, haven’t you?”
“That’s not the fucking point, kid. The point is, I’m sure I’m never going to get that guy out of my head. Completely sure. And I’d feel really bad for the person that I said yes to if I’m still thinking about some other guy while I’m married.”
“Wouldn’t they already feel that way towards your ‘ikemen’ or whatever?”
“No they fucking wouldn’t! I’d indoctrinate them into enjoying them with me. It’s not hard, you know? You already like SHINee and a bunch of other guys I listen to, so it can’t be that hard.” You huff out with your arms crossed, leaning back into your chair in thought as if cursing the possibility.
Park Chanyeol can only observe you from his own chair, shaking his head with a laugh after a while.
He can’t help but both be in awe and disbelief that you are the person that he likes.
As Do Kyungsoo enters the lobby to of his apartment complex, he spaces out like he usually does. Reflecting on his conversation with Mr. Lee. His feet carrying him home out of muscle memory.
He wonders if that night at the hospital made him see things that never really happened. That the girl he saved 12 years ago was just from another sad dream.
Still, if it wasn’t a dream, he would've liked to see her again before he left. 
‘Then again, I probably can’t.’
He’s learned not to waste his breath sighing and being disappointed in things like this, so he settles for staring at the elevator door absently.
Waiting to get off on his floor so that he can prepare for just another day. 
Another normal day with nothing exciting to shake up his heart. 
Another day where he gets to live silently.
But just like how fate had gifted him an opportunity 400 years ago, fate has decided to gift him another. 
A gift in the form of a vaguely familiar woman whose eyes widen upon meeting his own in between the gaps of the opening elevator door.
“Professor Do Kyungsoo?” 
‘Whether anyone  likes it or not, some things are just bound to happen.’
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GNDR Reading Responses
I oppose the debate over, whether healthcare should be a right or a privilege. The reason is I think the answer should be obvious. Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege because if you’re poor in America, you’re screwed for how much healthcare is here. There are many videos where people in Eastern Nations or just people who live somewhere with universal healthcare, judge America for how expensive healthcare is: they are shocked by the fact. This chapter also dives into illness and disability. People with illnesses and disabilities tend to be overlooked because they don’t fit the description of what a “normal body” should look like. This social construct is sickening to me. People with disabilities have accomplished great things. For example, Matt Klotz is an Olympic swimmer. Matt was born deaf, even with a disability he’s still accomplishing greater things than the average person. I’ve noticed that if people with disabilities are noticed they tend to be looked down upon, hated, or pitied. But why? My little brother has autism and I will be damned to let anything happen to him. A childhood bully in my grade would target my little brother, and what did I do? I made sure he didn’t talk about my brother ever again so I beat his ass (excuse my French). Imagine being hated by people for something you have no control over. I deem people with disabilities no less human than I am. I wish everyone had this mindset but unfortunately, that is not the case. However, my family is a special case. We knew my little brother was going to have autism even before he was out of the womb, yet we still wanted him. My parents are very religious and in Christian beliefs, those who are disabled are imperfect and are cast aside. My parents realized this belief was nonsense. We love Preston unconditionally. 
Oh, where do I begin with this one? Let’s start with feminine beauty in comparison to masculine appearance. So, for women, they have to look young. I mean looking young makes you more attractive so why do we have this standard for women but not men? Many products alter a woman’s appearance like makeup. That is a big one—or even skin care. I see women hold themselves to high standards regarding their appearance. Sure it is nice to look nice - to present yourself in the best way possible. However, this mindset can also be damaging. Our body has natural responses due to hormone fluctuation. These responses can cause acne, pimples, and blackheads. I have gal friends who freak out when they notice something as minor as a singular pimple. This pimple would also be very unnoticeable unless someone were to point it out. They hyper-fixate on small things that could make their appearance “imperfect.” As men, we don’t worry about it. We simply have them and do not have a second thought about it. We can blame these social constructs revolving around women. In the modeling agency, they must present no wrinkles. Every model is young and skinny or puts makeup on to make the model look younger. It doesn’t stop there, even when you see models on billboards, posters, etc. If you were to look close enough you’ll see that the appearance of these women is modified by modeling agents. This is why women have these high standards for themselves. Males don’t have the same struggle because they don’t have these standards. For movies, the actress tends to be younger to fill in the role of an older person. For example, Mila Kunis was 16 substituting in a 18 year old role. Whereas every guy there was older than the actual age of their character.
This chapter is mainly about women reproducing and what they experience in different cultures, what rights they have, and also how men and societal norms affect the reproducing body. I want to talk about how women who reproduce in America experience menopause differently than women who reproduce in Japan. Here menopause is an issue for women. I thought this was an issue every woman experiences after childbirth, but I now see that it is not the case. In American culture, we view menopause as a scary thing for older women. We view it as a dangerous thing, so as soon as women stop menstruating they undergo hormone replacement therapy. In Japan, women experience hot flashes much less frequently. The severity of their hot flashes is also relatively low. Menopause is embodied as a biological and cultural blessing. Which is why women there are not medicalized for menopause. I find this fact very interesting because I grew up in a place where menopause is a common issue people face, so I assumed it happened everywhere.The book mentions that reproductive rights are more controlled by institutions and men rather than women themselves. I know this part is true. For example, some hospitals don’t give out birth control because they don’t want to and the right to an abortion varies by state. Since the beginning of time, it has been a societal norm that women should only have sex for the sole purpose of reproducing. Having an abortion is strictly forbidden. However, for men, they can sleep with whoever they want and get praise. The double standard is that women should save themselves for marriage and men can go around sleeping with whoever they want. How is this fair? If a son were to sleep with a girl, the dad usually is proud of the son, however, if the daughter were to sleep with a boy, the dad would get mad at the daughter. We should put restrictions on boys too. 
Racism has been an issue for as long as anyone can remember. A big event in history is the Atlantic Slave Trade. During this time the Spanish were invading the thirteen colonies spreading the three G’s known as God, Glory, and Gold. During this time, those who were white took over other cultures and land imprinting their norms upon those people, and then enslaved them. In the Bible, a section describes the roles of white people and those of color. It said that white people were fallen angels who needed to spread God’s word and people of color have risen devils that require cleansing. Following this ideology is how religion influenced racism. After the Civil War in America, slavery was abolished. We were either the 14th or 16th major country that abolished slavery. Even with slavery abolished, racism was still a very big problem because everything was segregated. Segregation is essentially discrimination by actively separating a group of people from others. From segregated bathrooms to segregated schools. Those who were white would not interact with those of color. People of color were also placed in designated areas of every town and white people had the right to have a home anywhere else. These areas would typically be very poor. The reasoning behind this was to closely monitor their actions. It was believed that those of color commit more crimes such as robbery, drug use, and murder. People of color would also get paid less than white people so making a living was significantly harder. Along with police brutality where white people can get away with more crimes than black people. These are issues we still face today. Although these problems are reoccurring, we are slowly going in the right direction. More people are aware and speak out about this issue. 
In today’s world, society has placed a set of rules and regulations based on gender. Still to this day, society thinks that gender and sex are the same thing when they are indeed not. However, I do understand why there is confusion. I don’t blame those who don’t understand because when it comes to gender, people like to make things up. So for example, being sexually attracted to inanimate objects is considered a “gender” to some people. I wish I was making this up but I am not. How are people supposed to believe about the importance of gender when they hear stories like that? Also, from my experience of education, there are three different views of sex and gender. Biology says that sex and gender are the same thing and that there are only two genders. Psychology taught me that sex and gender aren’t the same thing but there are only two genders except for non-binary and transgender. Sociologists say that gender and sex are not the same thing and that gender is a spectrum. If three different views are being taught then how can everyone come to the same conclusion? Anyway, the reason why people identify as something other than male or female is because they don’t like society’s expectations for their gender. For example, the man is typically the one who mows the lawn whereas the woman is in the kitchen making dinner. This is an example of many. So those who feel like they don’t fit society’s description of a male or female, feel like they need to form a label for themselves. This society also determines how you should look based on your gender. For example, women should have this “hourglass” figure. Seeing how society claims what you can or should be with your identity and body is why gender classification is important. Because not everyone wants to fulfill these standards rather than be themselves.
Going back to my “gendered bodies” response - I mentioned that a standard for women is this “hourglass” body figure. In class, we talked about Barbie representing what a woman should look like according to society’s standards. This body type is very unrealistic. It makes you think, what unrealistic body standard is placed on men? Shocker, it is nothing. Men have no shackles weighing them down. If a man is fat, he may have less respect but it’s fine that he is fat. If a woman is fat she gets called a whale. If a man has a dad body, society accepts that. If a woman has a little fat on her, she is told to lose more weight. If a man is nothing but muscle he is respected whereas if a woman is nothing but muscle it is not natural. Diving into the topic of intersex, many people don’t realize this is a thing. People think that there are only two sexes. Intersex is where an individual is born with both male and female body parts. When an intersex child is born, it is the doctors who determine its sex and gender. Later, this child will undergo surgeries to make it strictly male or female. Some people are aware of the existence of intersex but identify it as a disorder or a deficiency. Well, it’s neither one of those. If you call it a disorder, you’re implying that this condition affects their everyday life. Some studies prove that intersex doesn’t negatively affect bodily functions, though it may be a little different. A deficiency implies this is a shortcoming when it is not. The individual may experience a lack of testosterone but that can be treated. Intersex is very rare, but because is rare, it shouldn’t be looked down upon, it just makes the individual unique. 
It’s hard to believe that body types are also indicators of class. I know what you’re thinking, how could body types be indicators of class? Well, in the past, those who were overweight were deemed wealthy. Typically they were because the wealthy were the only ones who could fill their stomachs with food. Because of their wealth, body type didn’t matter, in fact to some it was worshiped or even envied. Nowadays, being overweight is looked down upon. People who are overweight are deemed as disgusting and lazy. These classifications are given without a second thought. Without knowing what the individual could be going through. What if the person has an eating disorder or was born with extra fat in their tissues? Would their opinion change or stay the same? Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer to that question. I just know that I don’t have that mindset and that’s all I care about in this instance. Being very skinny has the same identification as it did in the past. Many saw that being very skinny was an indicator that the person was poor. In the past, this may have been true because the only ones who could fill their stomachs were those with money in their pockets. Today’s classification isn't much different. There are mixed views on those who are very skinny. Back then it wasn’t attractive at all to be skinny but now some think it is very attractive. When you see a very skinny individual you think middle or lower class. Never have I heard someone thinking upper class when identifying very skinny people. But I think in the modern day we are starting to not assume someone’s class based on their body type. I never related body type with class. I see people of all body types in every class.
We see all these models on billboards, signs, and other advertisements. We take a glance and say, “She’s beautiful” then turn away. Little did we know that these models are edited on these advertisements. Their faces are edited to be slim, their necks are longer, and they put more emphasis on detail in the eyes and collarbones. In the modeling industry, you don’t see many plus-sized women. We are just now being inclusive to plus-sized women. Usually, models limit what they intake and some don’t eat at all. A method to look skinnier is to not drink water. It makes you more defined than you are. This method is in no way healthy but is used for TV stars and models. In stores like Victoria’s Secret, the clothes are there to make women feel more beautiful. They don’t fit all sizes because they only fit “beautiful” women. To my knowledge, they don’t have any plus-sized clothing in stores. But did you know the person running Victoria's Secret isn’t a woman, but a man? Going back to Barbie, the cooperation-making Barbie is also run by men. Barbie and Victoria’s Secret have made major impacts on the market with their targeted audience being women. Girls would say they want to be just like Barbie because of how she looks. Victoria’s Secret sells very nice clothes that attract many girls to their store. With no options for plus-sized, women would get the urge to get thinner to fit into this clothing brand. What a coincidence that these two companies portraying high body standards for women are being run by men. Psychologists say with this overwhelming presence of beauty in our everyday lives it is hard for men and harder for women to find satisfaction with how they look. So boys, if you wonder why your girlfriend is asking what dress she should wear, it is because she has this high standard for herself to look pretty. 
Let’s start with tattoos. The meaning of a tattoo is to imprint. In Western society a tattoo symbolizes deviancy. In Western Society, Christian beliefs are very common. It is against Christian beliefs to have a tattoo. My argument to that is if we weren’t allowed to have tattoos then why were we born with birthmarks? In a way, these could also be classified as tattoos. I mean, they are imprinted on our bodies after all. The older generation has this common view of tattoos symbolizing deviancy, however, people get tattoos for a variety of reasons. Some cultures believe having a tattoo could protect them from evil. Most get tattoos because the tattoo has meaning. A common reason is the loss of a loved one. Just something meaningful to the individual is imprinted on their body. Some think tattoos are just cool and so they get them. I think the deviancy ideology of tattoos goes back to people in prison getting many tattoos. A person I know who went to prison for a few years for the use of marijuana - before prison, he had nothing imprinted on his body but came out with around twenty tattoos. Body notifications happen more than we think. Today, tattooing, scarification, piercing, body painting, and other forms of permanent and temporary body modification are found in every culture. Scientists discover that these modifications are used in ways to communicate, express, and maintain status and identity. Though some body modifications may be a little extreme such as tattooing your eyes are adding horns to your head - I think it’s looked down upon because we aren’t used to seeing it. If we saw these modifications more often I think it would be more socially accepted. I think this is why people with transgender status are looked down upon because undergoing the surgery of changing your sex is an extreme body modification. 
I do believe that most of these standards we have on bodies, gender, and sex are mainly from religious beliefs. As a gay man, I face trouble with acceptance daily. Either accepting myself or acceptance from others. As I get older, it doesn’t bother me as much because I have faced so much of it, however, when I was younger this struggle I faced was consuming me. I do think hatred towards homosexuality is more about ignorance instead of a justifiable reason. In the state of Ohio, religious hospitals can refuse healthcare to people of LGBT status. Going further into religious bodies, when it comes to women, it is said in the Bible that Eve is punished for tricking Adam into eating the apple. This sparked the ideology that women are manipulative and will tempt men into doing their bitting. This is why in some religions, women cover themselves up because if they don’t a man will be tempted by her. The Bible says women will face punishment for the eaten apple. Christians use this to explain why girls have periods. It’s so crazy to me because men are the manipulative ones. They created all these rules, regulations, and standards. We deem God as a man and guess what, he has every firm believer in the palm of his hand doing HIS bitting. Now that’s manipulation. When it comes to sex, sex is to be only between a man and a woman for the sole purpose of producing offspring. It is a sin to have sex before marriage as well. But sex can now be between people of the same sex. Actually, that was always a thing, it is more common now because it is more accepted in modern society. It could be due to more people turning away from religion, or people realizing that these rules are just obscured. 
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atla netflix age of cast
Gordon Cormier as Avatar Aang
Starring as the titular Last Airbender and leading the Netflix adaptation is Gordon Cormier as Avatar Aang. In the original show, Aang's age is somewhat interesting. Despite looking and acting like a 12-year-old kid, Aang is technically 112 years old. This comes from the fact that he was frozen in an iceberg for 100 years, awakening as the Last Airbender. While little is known about Cormier's personal life given his limited acting experience prior to Netflix's The Last Airbender, the actor was born in 2009 placing him as 12 years old - the same as Aang - when filming on the project began in 2021.
Kiawentiio as Katara
Another member of the core trio in Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender is Katara, the sole waterbender left in the Southern Water Tribe and the younger sister of Sokka. In Netflix’s upcoming live-action show, Katara will be played by Canadian-American actress Kiawentiio from Akwesasne. In the original show, Katara is a few years older than Aang at the onset of the series, beginning the story at 14 years of age. Kiawentiio was born in April 2006 meaning the actress was 15 when filming began.
Dallas Liu as Prince Zuko
The primary antagonist of Netflix's The Last Airbender season 1 will be Zuko, the exiled Prince of the Fire Nation who must find the Avatar to regain his honor and be welcomed home. Zuko is slightly older than the trio of main characters at the beginning of the story at 16 years of age. Zuko's actor, Dallas Liu, was born in 2001 meaning he was 20 when filming on the project began.
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Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken
We’re getting a trailer for the movie in about a week.
Who made the movie?
The film, which had been made under the working title of Meet the Gillmans, is directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Kirk DeMicco (Vivo, The Croods, Space Chimps) and produced by Kelly Cooney Cilella (Bilby, Trolls World Tour). Faryn Pearl (storyboard artist on The Croods: A New Age, Trolls World Tour) is co-directing.
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I know those movies aren't most populations favorites but I'll wait for the trailer. I expect it to be on a funny and silly side.
Voice cast:
Lana Condor (She was in those terrible To all the boys movies.), Toni Collette (I haven't seen anything she was in.), Annie Murphy (I haven't seen anything she was in.), Sam Richardson (A comedian actor who was in so unfunny productions like Velma and HouseBroken.), Liza Koshy ( I know nothing about her or her work.), Will Forte (Again, I know nothing about him or his work.), Colman Domingo (He's fine. I never watched anything he was in.), Jaboukie Young-White (He was in the Disney's Strange World as a token gay.), Blue Chapman (Blue is a trans boy who is best recognized for his role in the series Council of Dads where he plays a transgender character named JJ. By the way he's only 13 and was way younger when transitioning! I don't care if it's offensive to you. It is creepy and wrong!), Eduardo Franco (He's an actor known for his comedic roles and being in Stranger Things. I haven't seen anything he was in.), Ramona Young (I haven't seen anything she was in.), Echo Kellum (He's apparantly a comedian and was on Arrow. You know, that terrible CW show.), Nicole Byer (Unfunny comedian I've never heard before with a terrible book.), and Jane Fonda (The bitch who called for the murder of Pro-Lifers.).
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So what? The voice actors are their own individuals with their own opinions. Just because an actress is a piece of human garbage doesn't mean the whole company shares her views. And it's not like a movie will be talking about her political opinions.
It's a great opportunity to see if those people are any good. It's the script that matters! But the history of the cast isn't getting my hopes up or fill me with any excitement. As long as they'll say their lines and won't be too annoying it will be fine.
I want to say this. Even though I'm pro life and don't agree with transitioning kids who are way too young to know the consequences of their actions I would never call for murder or any harm for those people.
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What's the story?
The story follows a shy 16-year-old named Ruby Gillman (Condor) who learns that she is the next in a legendary line of royal sea krakens. Despite her lofty destiny, all Ruby wants to do is fit in. At school, she falls for a skater-boy that she’s tutoring who shows no indication of feeling the same way about her. Ruby struggles even more to fit in because her mother (Collette) forbids her from going to the beach with any would-be friends. But when Ruby decides to disobey her mom’s instructions, she learns that she’s descended from the warrior kraken queens and will one day ascend to her grandmother’s throne (Fonda) as the Warrior Queen of the Seven Seas.
In the film, the krakens are a race sworn to protect the world’s oceans from the vain, power-hungry mermaids, and the two sides have been battling for eons. The generational confrontation comes to a head when a popular mermaid named Chelsea enrolls at Ruby’s school.
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I really hope this movie won't go the ''Pretty girls are mean and superficial. I'm shy and not like the other girls. That boy just has to learn to not judge by the appearances.'' I believe that Dreamworks is better than that and will make great deconstruction of that trope. In The Croods New Age they had the chance to make stupid love triangle drama but didn't.
I'm worried about the lack of male characters. The plot only talks about female mermaids and queen krakens. No mention of males even in art. I hope it won't be the case that males don't transform because that would be such a waste.
Here is the link
I hope it's reliable. But if it's just some fun made think and I got played well I guess only time will tell. And if that's the case I will just make another post.
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introvertedlass · 1 year
I was a little bit disapointed when I saw that Chris was dating someone who is 16 years younger then him. Like he was in the high school when she was born. What do they talk about?// i respectfully disagree
I have the same age of her, but i'm way more mature than her due to my experiences in life and i have a lot of interest in politics (both global and from my country), art and culture in general, i'm independent (she still lives with her parent)
I dated people older than me and i never had problem on this, because what's matter is how you are, what do you like and what do you want
In this specifical situation the problem is that they don't have the same need in life (i doubt an emergent actress would like to get married and get pregnant and the start of her career) but most of all the fact that she infantilize herself
She call herself Lolita, that's what's really problematic for me, she voluntarily create an immage of herself of a girl who deceive and attract older man
Anon to Anon
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zalrb · 2 years
OTH 2x15 Rewatch
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3. And it’s not that I don’t understand what Nathan’s mindset is and it’s not that I’m unsympathetic it’s that James’ acting isn’t good so rarely does it seem like he’s going through something, it just seems like general teenage angst and in the back of my head I’m screaming, enough already. Which is my issue with a lot of the acting and/or writing on this show, it lacks nuance and makes a lot of the characters insufferable a lot of the time.
4. “In 1955, students at Tree Hill High School created a time capsule which was to be opened in 50 years. They were simply asked to talk about their lives. Isn’t it interesting how things haven’t changed much?” Yes, except, you know, civil rights. But, details. Amirite?
5. Imagine giving THIS up
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6. HA.
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7. Keith buying Jules a house, men stay buying houses for their love interests in shows.
8. Jules, WHAT is your endgame here? Like how did you see this life going?
9. She didn’t even know your middle name, Lucas.
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10. This makes me laugh
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You couldn’t just take the picture down, Nathan? BUT IT WOULDN’T BE A STATEMENT.
11. Karen is annoying, but I just don’t like Moira Kelly as an actress, I was happy when they got rid of her on The West Wing.
12. Tim!
13. “Don’t be a dick and drive drunk!” “I’m not even buzzed!” “IT’S STILL AN OPEN CONTAINER!” I think the message here, kids, is that it’s wrong to drive drunk.
14. Jake saying he had to call in a few favours for the breeze and the stars to be perfect for Peyton would be insufferably corny if Bryan and Hilarie didn’t have chemistry and if Bryan’s delivery didn’t hit the right note of banter and casualness, so instead it’s just charming.
15. LMAO you couldn’t even move to the side! EVERYONE WALK AROUND THE TWO TEENAGERS MAKING OUT
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16. If this was a basketball town, they would not be arrested. In FNL, Tim goes to a beer store and his fake ID straight up says Sgt. Tim Riggins and the owner is like “Have a nice night, Mr. Riggins” knowing FULL WELL who he is.
17. “Wow, your own mom can’t stand you.” Lol, Nathan.
18. LMAO it took me a minute to get this when I was younger
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19. OTH’s favourite word is threatened. “Were you with Chris?” “Why are you threatened by him?” “You’ve been spending time with Taylor.” “Why, are you threatened by her?” “You’re chasing after a father who doesn’t even want you and I’m pathetic?” “Would you just let it go? Why are you so threatened by that?”
20. It bothered me so much that they changed Brooke’s confessional to her showing her boobs.
21. But iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’m flying so hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh
22. Hilarie’s face is priceless
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23. I also like this scene because in the commentary Bryan was talking about how Mark wrote this really poetic, long speech for Jake to say about how they should wait and Bryan was like that’s not really who Jake is, why doesn’t he just say “let’s go slow” and Mark doesn’t change the script for anyone but he changed it this time because Bryan was right.
24. I also like this scene because Bryan was like you have this whole “let’s go slow” thing and we’re going at it like rabbits in the next episode!
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26. I like how Jake having a daughter means that he’s “way more experienced”, you only have to have sex once to make a baby, guys.
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I might lose cool points for listening to your concerns and making you feel safe and comfortable and not pressuring you at all. This is how you know a man wrote this episode, jesus christ.
29. Where is Hilarie Burton from? I always thought I heard an accent in this scene.
30. Ah, Virginia.
31. They’re super lusty though
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32. I just wanted Relationship Brucas and Relationship Jeyton AT THE SAME TIME.
33. So, what happened Jules? You were like, Dan, meet me at church? OK.
34. I mean, it’s not like a service is happening and it’s not like anyone else is here, Jules. It’s a conveniently empty church for you two to have this conversation and for the imagery, calm down.
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35. “I just ended up here, back in the closet.” WORDPLAY.
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I swear, Lucas is the only one who appreciates how funny Brooke actually is 
37. Maybe Julian does, idk.
38. Nathan, these are all your family members, it’s your dad, your uncle, and your mother.
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39. I think what it is, is Nathan should be like Connor when Wes died in HTGAWM, like Connor was an asshole during that period and he said some pretty unforgivable things but Jack’s acting made it so clear that Connor was drowning, he was lost, he was sad, guilty
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and i’m just getting
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40. This is my favourite Nathan/Lucas moment (and when they play basketball later) though because Lucas actually says something REAL as Peyton would say
41. OTH also does something that works with Brooke/Lucas/Felix. When Brooke runs her campaign, Felix tells her to go negative
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while Lucas tells her to be honest,
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she goes Lucas’ route and it works for her.
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He also helps her with her speech by showing her a book with a speech and telling her to just be who she is
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At the beginning of this episode, Lucas gives Brooke a book of quotations that has the same speech in there,
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while Felix decides to throw her a party.
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Brooke gets to the party and realizes that at this moment she’s outgrown that aspect of her life
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and when Felix visits her in her room, she’s reading the book that Lucas got her,
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which furthers her individual development while also linking it with Lucas. She even starts quoting obnoxiously like he does
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This is much stronger writing than Criminal Minds-esque webcam stalking. But Lucas didn’t say ‘your art matters’ so idk.
42. Legit, the only time I feel like they’re brothers.
43. The ending reveal with Whitey would mean something to me if I liked his character.
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missmcspooks · 2 years
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Everyone knows about the 1939 movie “The Wizard of Oz” with its fantasy storytelling and musical numbers, along with its very memorable characters, Dorothy, The Cowardly Lion, The Tin Man, and The Scarecrow. People normally think back and remember a young girl and her cute tiny dog Toto skipping down the yellow brick road, with encounters of funny munchkins and two witches, good and evil. No one could forget the clicking of the red sparkly slippers so Dorothy could find her way back home. But did anyone stop and think about how the movie was made? How were the actors treated all those years on set? Most people are left unaware of the horrible treatment the cast endured, and the movie's dark history has been left tucked away in the dark. 
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Dorothy, played by Judy Garland, was the main actress and star of the movie. However, her role in the movie caused herself a lot of suffering. Judy was originally competing with Shirley Temple for the Dorothy role, (and her career comes with its own dark history), but Shirley ended up backing out of the running as she didn’t believe that she’d be able to play the role perfectly, and didn’t want to possibly jeopardize her career. Therefore, Judy was given the role. She was 16 when they started filming, and the directors weren’t happy with the way that she looked. Not only did they want her to look like a younger girl, they wanted to make her look like Shirley Temple. Judy was called fat and was forced to lose 12 pounds, and she was forced to wear a very tight corset to help hide her womanly figure. She was given a strict diet of just black coffee, chicken soup, and cottage cheese. Judy picked up smoking cigarettes and smoked up to 80 cigarettes daily to help keep her appetite down. She was also given caps to put onto her crooked teeth, and even put stuff inside of her nose to make it look more like Shirley’s. The director, (there were 4 different ones by the time the movie was completed), didn’t even want to use Judy in the red slippers close up shots, and she had someone stand in for her. This isn’t even the worst thing that she had to go through during this production. She was also prescribed amphetamines to keep her wait down, and then was given barbiturates to help her sleep after extremely long work days. She became addicted to these drugs and continued to use them for the rest of her life, which ultimately was the cause of her death in 1969 when she died of an overdose, leaving her husband and children behind. Judy was also sexually harassed by many of the munchkins, who would touch her without permission and put their hands underneath her dress. One of the directors also harassed her. Director Viktor Fleming also slapped her across the face when she kept giggling in one of the scenes, which ironically was the famous slap scene between her and the Cowardly Lion. Even though Judy was the star of the movie, she was paid much less for her hard work and dedication to the film, only earning $500 a week, while the Scarecrow and the Tin Man earned around $3,000 a week. She wasn’t the only one being paid unfairly, as Toto made more money than most of the munchkins, earning herself a whopping $125 per week. 
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But if anyone in this movie earned themselves the title for worst costume ever, it’s the Tin Man. Buddy Ebsen was the original Tin Man actor, until he landed himself in the hospital after contracting aluminum poisoning from the metallic makeup that was painted on his face every single day. Buddy was in the hospital for weeks while the director kept pushing him to come back to work even though he was severely sick, and threatening to fire him if he didn’t. Whelp, he was fired and due to contracts, the replacement actor, Jack Haley was forced into the role. No one was informed on why the previous actor couldn’t come back, but the makeup was replaced with aluminum paste instead of powder, which ended up causing an eye infection. Not only was the makeup horrible, but the costume was made completely out of metal, so the actors couldn’t even sit down the entire day. If they needed to rest, they would lean themselves against a wall. 
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This role was played by Bert Lahr, who had to put up with a lot of crap during his time in the costume. It was smelly, heavy, and HOT. The poor man was dying of heat exhaustion due to the hide being super heavy, as it was made of real lion hide. It weighed around 80-90 pounds! He sweated so much that it took two people every day to ring the sweat out of the costume and dry it. He was also not allowed to eat very much due to his makeup being very difficult and time consuming to put on. He tried surviving on liquids like chicken broth, milkshakes and smoothies, but after years of production he finally put his foot down and told them to just re-do the makeup after he eats lunch. 
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Ray Bolger played the role of the Scarecrow and also suffered with costume struggles. His makeup left him with scars on his face that took an entire year to finally disappear completely. The makeup quite literally burned his face! His costume was also made with real straw, and he was completely covered with it. The straw even went over his ears, which made it very hard to hear anything, and he felt like he was yelling out his lines instead of talking, since he couldn’t even hear himself speak. 
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Speaking of being burned, the Wicked Witch, played by Margaret Hamilton, also landed herself in the hospital after a smoke scene. She was supposed to puff away in smoke during an escape in Munchkin Land, but the trapdoor that she was supposed to fall into didn’t open, which caused her broom and hat to go up in flames. This caused bad burns on her face and hands, and the paramedics had to use alcohol to take off her makeup, which was also toxic and caused her pain. It took her weeks for the green to fade off of her skin after the movie was completed. After she returned to work she refused to do any more scenes that required smoke, and her stunt double stood in for her. Also, her dressing room was awful compared to the good witch, Glinda. Glinda’s room was big and beautiful, while her room was small, bland, and boring. She would often sneak into Glinda’s room on the days she wasn’t supposed to be on set. 
In one of the scenes, Dorothy, Toto, and the Cowardly Lion fall asleep in a poppy field, waking up to snowflakes falling onto them. These snowflakes were actually made of asbestos, which is toxic. They were originally unaware of the toxicity of this commonly used fake snow, but by the time they realized it, it was too late to help the cast who were exposed to it. 
Many of the Munchkins were very inappropriate. Not only for the sexual harassment of 16 year old Judy Garland, but the police were called multiple times due to their aggressive drunken behavior, gambling, and prostitution at the hotel that the cast were staying at. One of the Munchkins actually got stuck inside a toilet bowl while drunk on his lunch break and needed to be rescued. 
The original Wizard of Oz book, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” is actually very dark and disturbing. Tiger-bear hybrids were killed in a crevasse, the Tin Man decapitated a wildcat and 40 wolves using an ax, and a giant swarm of bumble bees died while trying to sting Dorothy and her friends. 
The set was extremely hot due to very bright lighting. Temperatures would often be over 100 degrees, which caused an issue with carbon dioxide poisoning.
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kinomitarbeiterin · 10 days
watched "The Idea of You" yesterday, mainly because I kept seeing ads and I do like Anne Hathaway.
I'd say it's a fine movie for a tired evening when you don't want to watch something demanding. Like most romantic comedies, it's predictable, not very believable, but cute and sometimes funny and sometimes a litte hot.
I've been wondering if it would have been more interesting to dig into Haynes' experience more than just hints at poor family relations and a fuckboy track record. I guess, despite their chemistry, I wasn't quite convinced that this was something so special to him, because they didn't really get into the WHY. Both of them being attractive people who like to dance along to music in a silly way was not quite enough.
I was also not convinced that the daughter was 16, I thought she had to be around 20, which made parts of the exposition confusing until they mentioned her age. I see now that the actress is 22. I liked her and found the mother-daughter relationship a highlight, but they really just should have casted someone younger or written her older.
Catching the famous boy who can have anyone is a trope of teenage storytelling, so it is fun to extend it to a 40-year old, who gets the boy all the young girls are fantasizing about. I just think they could have done even more with it, instead it falls pretty flat.
Let me know what y'all think
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villainelle · 3 months
My bad I misread you. Well Aemma is still significantly aged up, the actress playing her was in her early 40s so we are meant to read her as more of contemporary of Viserys rather than someone a lot younger than him. They kinda did the same thing to Laena after episode 2, both of the actresses playing her are about a decade older than she's supposed to be in episodes 5 and 6. And again with Helaena she got married as about 13 and she's about 17 in episode 9 but she played by an actress in her mid 20s. So far on the show Alicent is the only teenager we're shown getting married and having kids. I'm talking more about the visual of the thing if that makes any sense? And I'm not saying they needed to get younger actress but the show kinda has a pattern of casting older with the exception of younger Alicent and child Laena. Which imo is weird if that's something they seemingly wanted to highlight with aging down Alicent.
oh, yes i see what you mean, sorry! well, i think it comes down to two things, the first being that i don't think the writers/showrunners etc. did a good job realising what the timeline they've set means for the ages of the characters and thus you get people like ewan mitchell who's 27 now, and was 25 when the first season aired, but is meant to be portraying a teenage boy who's roughly 16/17, (and that's being generous given the timeline given, because the show does indicate he should be 15/16 at most.)
secondly, they cast emma d'arcy and olivia cooke first, and on casting emily carey they said:
"There was a bit of worry at one point because Emily had to have a scene where she’s in bed with Paddy, who’s 47, and she’s 18. She had just turned 16, I think, when we cast her; I thought, Oh God, should we be casting so young? And we said, ‘Yes, because that’s the point. That is the cruelty of the story: These two really charming best friends are royally fucked over by their fathers and everyone around them.’”"
visually, it's kinda absurd later because obviously their sons, particularly olivia's are clearly not teengers, because olivia is only 3 years older than ewan and a year older than tom glynn-carney. they really did not prepare themselves for visually how absurd some of that would look i think.
i don't know if they changed a lot from earlier outlines, or if it's just a case of the timeline being too compacted or the casting skewing the audience perception, because aemma is described as "in her 30's" in the episode 1 script for example, which would have made her anywhere between 16-25 when having rhaenyra, (markedly different from the books, where she was extremely young, which may suggest they gave aemma's storyline from the book partially to alicent?).
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airasilver · 3 months
Dean Martin's 8 Children: All About His Sons and Daughters
Published on March 10, 2024
Dean Martin was a legendary talent — he rose to fame as part of a comedy duo with Jerry Lewis, left his mark on the world of television with The Dean Martin Show, recorded countless hits and starred in more than 50 movies throughout his decades-long career.
He was also a member of the famous Rat Pack with Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and others, which gained him a reputation as an irresponsible party-goer. But that on-screen and onstage persona was nothing more than a gimmick, according to his children.
"He is not as out-to-lunch as his image makes him. The truth is that he is very complex. If he drank as much as everyone says he does, he would be dead," his son Dean Paul told PEOPLE in 1978. Rather, in real life, his children have said Dean was a dedicated father — reportedly making it home for dinner every night at 6 p.m. when the kids were young.
Dean's eight children came from three different marriages. He had a son, Craig, and daughters Claudia, Gail and Deana with his first wife, Betty McDonald. They divorced in 1949, and Dean married a model named Jeanne Biegger (later known as Jeanne Martin) the same year. The couple, who were married for 24 years, had three children together: sons Dean Paul and Ricci, and a daughter named Gina.
The crooner's third and final marriage was to Catherine Hawn; he adopted her daughter Sasha after their wedding in 1973. The singer died on Christmas Day in 1995 from respiratory failure — but his legacy lives on through his iconic work and his large family.
Here's everything to know about Dean Martin's eight children, Craig, Claudia, Gail, Deana, Dean Paul, Ricci, Gina and Sasha.
Craig Martin, 81
Dean's first child from his marriage to McDonald was a son named Craig, born June 29, 1942. Craig's early childhood was lived mainly out of the spotlight save for his parent's divorce in 1949 when he was around 7 years old. His father gained sole custody of Craig and his three siblings, who were raised by Dean's second wife, Jeanne, per The Hollywood Reporter.
Craig followed his father's footsteps into the entertainment industry, working as a television producer. He began his career in the late 1960s as a production coordinator on The Dean Martin Show. Craig is credited with working as a production supervisor and associate producer on the variety show as well as working as an associate producer in the late 1970s on the show Sha Na Na.
Through his work in television, Craig met Carole Costello — the daughter of another famous entertainer, Lou Costello. They were eventually married and remained together until Costello's death in March 1987 at the age of 48. She died of a stroke, just eight days after Craig lost his younger brother Dean Paul in a plane crash, per the Los Angeles Times.
Since those tragedies, Craig has lived a life of privacy. His sister Deana posted on X (formerly Twitter) in June 2022 to pay tribute to the eldest of the Martin clan. "Happy 80th birthday to my sweet brother Craig," she wrote, alongside an old image of the family.
Claudia Martin
Dean's eldest daughter, Claudia, was born on March 16, 1944.
As a child, Claudia was also bitten by the entertainment bug. She made her big screen debut in the 1956 film Hollywood or Bust, and later appeared in For Those Who Think Young, The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini and Ski Fever. Claudia also had roles on the television shows My Three Sons and The Donna Reed Show.
The actress married fellow performer Kiel Martin in 1969 and the couple had one child together, a daughter named Jesse. Following their divorce in 1971, Claudia was married three more times: to actor Vincent Lucchesi, Thomas Brown and lastly, Jim Roberts. She and Roberts moved to Reno, Nevada, where they opened a printing business together.
Claudia remained in Reno until her death in February 2001 from breast cancer — she was 56 years old.
Gail Martin Downey, 78
Dean and McDonald welcomed their third child, a daughter named Barbara Gail, on April 11, 1945. Gail — who goes by her middle name — has shared several recollections of what it was like being a part of such a large, famous family.
Growing up, Gail's best friend was Liza Minnelli, she babysat for a young Jamie Lee Curtis and she knew Frank Sinatra as her "uncle." Gail told Vanity Fair in 2009, "Somebody asked me a long time ago, 'So what's it like to be Dean Martin's daughter?' You want to say, finally, 'Compared to what?' I always was, you know?"
Dean's second-born daughter also took her turn in the entertainment industry as a singer, opening for her father's Las Vegas performances and touring around the country. But Gail abandoned her singing career early on to get married and raise a family. In 1968, at the age of 23, she married 42-year-old attorney Paul Polena in her parents' backyard in Beverly Hills. The couple had two daughters, named Cappy and Liza, according to her brother Ricci's book, That's Amore.
Gail and Polena eventually divorced, and she remarried newspaper columnist Mike Downey in Las Vegas in July 1999, per the Los Angeles Times. The pair reside in Rancho Mirage, California.
Deana Martin, 75
Dean's fourth and final child with McDonald was a daughter named Deana, born Aug. 19, 1948. In 2019, Deana told Fox News that her dad missed her birth because he was in Los Angeles performing with Lewis at the famed nightclub Slapsie Maxie's.
The constant presence of Hollywood stars in her life — particularly Rat Pack members Sinatra and Davis Jr. — inspired Deana to pursue an entertainment career herself. "Growing up, I was given tap, ballet and piano lessons. I guess performing was just in my genes. And, to tell you the truth, I think all the Martins are kind of hams," Deana told the Northeast Times in 2014.
She began by frequently performing on her father's variety show in the late 1960s, moving on to theater work and appearing in films including 1969's Young Billy Young and Strangers at Sunrise then Paesano: A Voice in the Night in 1975. Deana has also had an accomplished singing career, recording five albums between 2006 and 2016.
Throughout Deana's career, she's frequently paid tribute to her iconic father. Her first album, Memories Are Made of This, featured covers of several of Dean's most famous songs, including "Everybody Loves Somebody" and "That's Amore." She celebrated what would have been her father's 100th birthday with a show called Deana Sings Dino, which showcased her performing his hit music in Las Vegas and his hometown of Steubenville, Ohio. Deana also published a New York Times best-selling book in 2004 called Memories Are Made of This: Dean Martin Through His Daughter's Eyes.
"I have to recognize what Dean Martin did for the world, the joy he brought to everyone," she told the Los Angeles Times in 2017.
In her personal life, Deana wed film and music producer John Griffeth in 1990 after meeting on a blind date the year prior. The couple renewed their vows on their 25th wedding anniversary in 2015.
Dean Paul Martin Jr.
The first child from Dean's marriage to Jeanne was a son named Dean Paul Martin Jr., born Nov. 17, 1951. It didn't take long for Dino Jr. (as he was called growing up) to earn himself a reputation as a "golden boy."
"The problem with Dean is that he was too good at too many things," his friend Morgan Mason told PEOPLE in 1987.
Those things included tennis (he played as a child, at the University of Los Angeles and was ranked as a professional), singing (he had a rock band called Dino, Desi & Billy with friends Desi Arnaz Jr. and Billy Hinsche) and acting (he received a Golden Globe nomination for his role in the 1979 movie Players).
Dean Paul — as he was called as an adult — also tried his hand as a semi-professional football player, race car driver and pre-med student. The multihyphenate appeared to have found his calling when he became a pilot with the Air National Guard in 1981.
"I’m proud of him," Dean said of his namesake. "I’d be proud even if he didn’t become a jet pilot, because he’s a good boy. He just doesn’t know what he wants to be.”
In his personal life, Dean Paul was married twice. In 1971, when he was 19, he wed actress Olivia Hussey. The couple had a son together, named Alexander, and split after four years. In 1982, he wed Olympic figure skater Dorothy Hamill; they were divorced by 1984.
Tragedy struck in March 1987 when Dean Paul's plane crashed into the side of a mountain during a routine training exercise — he was just 35 years old. The death was said to have crushed his father.
Ricci Martin
Dean's sixth child and youngest son, Ricci, was born on Sept. 20, 1953. Like many members of his talented family, Ricci took to performing from an early age. "I grew up with it. Not that we would ever walk into the house and hear Dad's songs playing on the stereo. Or even Frank's. It was always someone else. But there was always music," he told the Deseret News in 2007.
Ricci released an album in 1977 titled Beached, in collaboration with Carl Wilson of The Beach Boys, and had a hit song called "Stop Look Around." By the late 1990s, Ricci began performing alongside his late brother Dean Paul's former bandmates Arnaz Jr. and Hinsche in the group Ricci, Desi & Billy — an homage to his older brother's former rock band.
In 2002, Ricci wrote a memoir titled That's Amore: A Son Remembers about growing up with his famous family in Beverly Hills. In the book, he recounted his 21st birthday party that was attended by the likes of John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Elizabeth Taylor, David Bowie and Elton John, per The Hollywood Reporter.
Ricci was married to Annie Rasmussen and the pair had three daughters, Pepper, Montana and Rio. In August 2016, the performer was found dead in his home at the age of 62.
At the time of his death, Ricci's older sister Deana posted a tribute on Facebook. "My family and I are devastated. He was one of the sweetest souls I have ever known," she wrote. "Ricci's kindness, sweetness and loving nature will be missed more than words can say."
Gina Martin, 67
The youngest child from Dean's marriage to Jeanne was a daughter named Gina, born on Dec. 20, 1956. Compared to her siblings, Gina has led a life relatively out of the spotlight. She appeared with her family on a holiday episode of The Dean Martin Show in 1967; 20 years later, Gina acted in a television movie called Action Family.
She wed Carl Wilson of The Beach Boys in 1987 after seven years of dating, according to Ricci's memoir, That's Amore. The wedding was "a nice glimmer of sunshine in what had been a gray season for our family" after the passing of Dean Paul earlier in the year, Ricci wrote.
Gina remained married to Wilson until his death from lung cancer in 1998, per the Los Angeles Times.
Sasha Martin
Dean married his third wife, Catherine, in 1973. She was a receptionist at a Beverly Hills hair salon and had a daughter named Sasha whom Dean adopted after their wedding.
"I never referred to her as my step-sister or adopted sister," Ricci wrote in That's Amore. "Through three marriages and eight kids, we were always one family. The Martins."
Catherine and Dean would eventually divorce in 1976, but the father-of-eight always made sure Sasha "was taken care of," according to Ricci's memoir.
Sasha would go on to have a brief career in acting, playing Marina Cooper on the soap opera Guiding Light from 1997 to 1999 and appearing in the 1997 film Private Parts as Howard Stern's daughter.
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