#weightlifting advice
swole-beard · 1 year
Philosophical lessons to learn from the gym/working out:
1. Failure can lead to growth.
2. Great things are built over time with consistency.
3. Change is uncomfortable but it's necessary for growth.
4. What you do when people aren't watching is more important than what you do when they are watching.
5. If you want it badly enough, you'll find a way.
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earthnashes · 10 months
How do you keep up the motivation for working out? Or the planning of what exercises to do and go for? Asking cause I’ve been interested in weight training and tried it before but ya know- after 3 months, took a break, and now it’s hard to get back into it. Hope you don’t mind the questions! Congrats on your progress too!
I don't mind questions at all, no worries! :)
So I guess my answer to the question is to really evaluate why you're trying to get into weight training: What are your goals? Is it for the aesthetics? Is it because you wanna be strong, athletic? Is it a lifestyle you're willing to commit to?
I say ask yourself these questions and really evaluate what you want out of it, because I'll be honest: motivation is what got me started, but it isn't why I'm still at it. The bottom line to getting into weight training at any level in my opinion is to view it as a lifestyle commitment. Because it is; anyone can lift weights, for sure, but if you wanna make any meaningful progress in the gym you have to take it seriously.
As such, my one of my biggest tips in the motivation department: make weight training a non-negotiable component to your lifestyle. More than that, make your health a non-negotiable component to your lifestyle. Because fitness is a long game, one you will play for the rest of your life, so it must become a regular part of your life, however way you choose to make it so.
SO with all that said, some tips that could help you to stay consistent:
1.) Make a training plan. Figure out exactly what you're aiming for with your training program (are you training for strength or hypertrophy? Conditioning?), then select the training split (Fullbody | Upper Lower | Push Pull Legs | Bro Split) and exercises you're going to utilize to reach that goal (I recommend only selecting 4-6 exercises per workout. If you're doing more than that, unless you're an experienced and/or professional lifter, you're building unnecessary fatigue). Do your research here.
2.) Decide your training frequency. An extension to 1: once you've decided your training's purpose and the exercises that'll help you reach it, choose for how long this block will last. At minimum to see any sort of progress I recommend 4 weeks, but ideally something around 6-16 weeks for your training program to see substantial results is best. This is including the deloads (premeditated active rest periods), which is another thing entirely so I won't go into detail here.
Once you figure out how many weeks you're gonna go, plan how many days a week you're gonna go. Select specific days and times and treat it like it's mandatory. No matter how you're feeling or the weather or whatever, you're fuckin goin to that gym and getting the workout in. Be mindful of what your body is saying, but hold yourself accountable; don't make excuses.
3.) Have contingency plans. Let's say you've planned a training block for 5 days a week and you're going strong. But something at work comes up and it cuts your time much shorter. Instead of shrugging and going "Welp, can't go anymore I guess :/" try thinking "if I can't go 5 days, I'll go at least 4 days a week." Can't go 4 days? Go 3 days, so on. Backup plans for your backup plans. Learn to adapt to the challenges every day life brings you.
4.) Treat it like riding a bike. Weight training regardless of your goals is a long term game, and there are always gonna be ups and downs. There are gonna be times where it's hard to get back into it. Well, like falling off a bike, the best thing you can do to continue riding the bike is to get back on it. So get back on it. If you need to start slow again, then do it, because any step is still a step more than before. You'll gain momentum again, just give yourself some grace and patience.
5.) Trust the process. Because weight training is a long game, it's also a game of waiting. Visible progress is gonna take some time, so take inventory on other things to gauge it. Instead of looking at the scale or at the mirror, ask yourself how you feel. Do you feel more energized? How has your mood been lately? Do you feel a little more confident? Do you move easier? In the gym, are your numbers going up? Do the weights move easier? Do you feel focused and in the zone when in the pocket? Take inventory with yourself often and trust that you're making progress, even on days where it feels like you've stagnated.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's all I got! I hope that answers your questions! :)
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toastsnaffler · 28 days
I have this one middle aged coworker who can't stand working in the lab by himself so he was hovering all afternoon while I was assaying shit and trying to give me a heart to heart. bless
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thefreckledgymrat · 8 months
If ANYONE wants some great fitness advice then please look into and follow pathradecha on instagram 💪👌
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mr-beardface · 1 year
Some lifting, weight loss, and muscle gain *basic* advice
First of all, The Fitness Wiki, maintained by some of the good folks on /r/fitness, is a great resource - https://thefitness.wiki/
If you’re just starting to lift, you likely just need the /r/Fitness Basic Beginner Routine - https://thefitness.wiki/routines/r-fitness-basic-beginner-routine/
It’s simple, effective, fairly low volume, and it gets you acquainted with some of the major lifts. After a month or two you will have a better idea what you’re doing, and what kind of program will be best for you moving forward.
If you’re looking to lose weight, you absolutely *can* do that at the same time as putting on muscle. Beginners put on muscle very easily, and if you’re overweight, the deficit is not a big hindrance.
Likewise, if you want to put on weight, you can aim for a pretty modest calorie deficit, and you’ll put on size like crazy.
As a starting point, go on https://tdeecalculator.net/ or a similar site and figure out your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). Be conservative when asked for the activity level.
From there, subtract ~500 kcal if you’re aiming to lose, or add ~500 kcal if you want to gain. Maintain this while training for a couple of weeks. Don’t see the result you want? Adjust the deficit/surplus accordingly.
For protein, you just need ~1.6 grams/day per kg of body mass at the high end. That’s ~0.8 grams/day per lbs of body mass.
That’s pretty much it. I’m a newb here, so I have no idea if people on Tumblr actually read fitness content, or if the above is useful to many people here, but hit me up if you have any questions or comments.
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oh congrats! can you give some tips on building muscle when you dont actually have any weights? also how long does it take and do you need to eat so much protein? anything really. ive been wanting to build muscles on my legs though but i dont know how to start. i havent bc i feel my diet isnt too protein filled and idk how to go about it esp when i live at home and have to eat what they do so i feel trying to gain muscle would be too hard if i didnt have a set diet/protein plan
thanks! i'm really flattered to be asked for advice, but i'm afraid that the most salient advice i possess for gaining muscle is "be me", because it seems to be mostly through some kind of physiological quirk that allows me to gain absurd amounts of muscle absurdly quickly, with absurdly little effort.
i actually didn't realize HOW absurd my body is until i googled yesterday, because supposedly most people can only gain ~2lbs of muscle per month, or at most 5lbs with strict training, and here i was able to gain ~30lbs of muscle in just two months. and to be clear, i didn't follow any special regimen - my primary goals were to sleep better and increase my overall health, not to get ripped.
(i don't know what this physiological quirk is, but it's nothing new, i've just been more consistent with lifting recently. my mom still raves about how i picked up and carried around an enormous boom box when i was 16 months old, and how when i was 5 i got mad and pushed a chest of drawers taller than i was in front of my bedroom door. i'm absurdly muscle-bound even when completely sedentary. my old massage therapist, a former body builder/personal trainer, used to do a few resistance exercises with me to warm up my back, and he was always astonished by how strong i was. basically, my body dumped all its stats into muscle mass, to the detriment of literally everything else.)
anyway, with all the prefaced, i can give at least a few tips if you still want them, because yes, you can definitely do a lot without weights. there are plenty of effective bodyweight exercises, and if you're able to spend a little money, resistance bands are a great alternative to weights.
okay, so a few things: if you want lean, toned muscles, you do more reps with less weight, and if you want big bulky muscles, you do fewer reps with more weight. in terms of bodyweight exercises, like squats, this could mean just holding something heavy (like a jug of water or a backpack) while you do them.
next, proper form is absolutely crucial. especially if you're using any kind of weight, you need to research the proper form of any exercise you're going to do and then hold yourself correctly, as incorrect posture could negate the results you're looking for or even cause injuries. always be really careful with your neck and your back.
if you're using weights or resistance bands, do NOT rely on momentum to do your reps. you know how you see guys swinging their weights up when they're doing bicep curls? that might look impressive and get you more reps, but impressive and more isn't as useful as effective. the most effective way to build biceps, for example, is with isolated bicep curls (if you don't have a bench, sit and plant your elbow/tricep against your inner thigh), which will kick your entire ass if you're used to using momentum. move slowly, deliberately, focusing on the movement rather than how much you're lifting or how many reps you're doing.
also, don't underestimate the results of doing just a little, or starting with the bare minimum. one rep is better than zero reps. if you don't have the energy to push yourself, or if you hate winding up super sore, literally just do a couple, just get your muscles used to being used.
for building up your legs, i would suggest calf raises, squats, pliés, lunges, romanian dead lifts, glute bridges, or any variations of those that you feel comfortable doing. personally, i hate lunges so i just don't do them. if you hate doing a particular exercise, you're not going to do it, so find something else that you don't hate so much instead of trying to force yourself to do something you hate.
some other good bodyweight exercises are pushups (i do them against my bathroom countertop, and you can start just doing them against a wall if need be), crunches, reverse crunches, supermans, wall sits, chair dips, and doorframe rows. (and then there's dynamic exercises like jumping jacks and burpees, but i will not do jumping jacks for love or money, so fuck that.)
also don't overlook the benefits of yoga, if you have enough space and a mat or towel to use. look up strength building yoga routines and they will definitely kick your ass. a ballet leg workout would also do the trick.
on the nutrition side of things, i’m still working on figuring that out. i’m sure i’m not getting enough protein for the amount of muscle i have, but protein is a somewhat tricky thing, as it’s not all created equal. plant protein isn’t bad, but the issue with plant protein is that very few sources contain equal levels of amino acids, and you’re only going to absorb as much protein as the least amino acid in that source. so if the package says that it contains 20g of protein, that might be technically true, but if one of the amino acids in it is only 5g, then you’re only going to absorb 5g. (does that make sense? i’m not sure i’m explaining it clearly.)
the point is, if you want to get your protein through plant sources, you need a variety of foods, and you need to combine them. for example, you’ll get more complete protein by eating a combination of whole grains and legumes (like beans with brown rice, barley with lentils) than you’d get from legumes alone. good plant protein means eating whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, etc, not just eating protein bars made with soy protein isolate. that can definitely be difficult to do when you’re not the one doing the grocery shopping, or if you don’t have time to cook, or the money to buy healthy food.
animal proteins are more straightforward, but while i’m not at all vegan, i also just can’t do those low carb diets and eat meat all the time. it’s expensive, it’s time-consuming, and honestly i find it kind of gross. i try to use meat, dairy, and eggs in conjunction with plant proteins, rather than one or the other. plus, you can only absorb so much protein at once, so it’s better to try and get your sources consistently throughout the day rather than eating a big pile of chicken for dinner.
but all that said, you definitely shouldn’t be trying to exclude carbs and fat from your diet. your body is meant to run on carbs, fat, AND protein to function, and while making adjustments like less sugar and more protein might be helpful, you should never try to cut one category out altogether. personally, i think it’s better to just eat foods rather than try to cram myself full of isolated proteins.
anyway, i know that’s a whole lot of shit, and it’s kind of infuriating that i can put on muscle just from sneezing. but i also don’t think you have to dedicate all your time to gains in order to get some results, and doing a little is infinitely better than doing nothing. don’t freeze up because you can’t do everything all at once.
trying doing just one or two little things, and go from there. take care!
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sandmanalone · 1 year
Took a video of myself doing overhead press recently and was like "woah I...did not know my back muscles looked Like That. Neat!"
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marketplace012 · 1 year
5 Effective Yoga Tips for Weight Loss: A Guide to a Healthier You
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Start with Sun Salutations: Sun salutations are a series of yoga poses that are great for warming up the body and getting the heart rate up. They can help with weight loss by burning calories and building muscle.
2. Focus on Strength Building Poses: Poses like Downward Dog, Warrior I and II, and Triangle Pose help build muscle, increase metabolism, and burn fat.
3. Incorporate Cardiovascular Poses: Poses like High Plank, Low Plank, and Jumping Jacks can be done quickly in succession to raise your heart rate and boost your metabolism.
4. Practice Mindful Eating: Yoga can help you cultivate a more mindful relationship with food by increasing awareness of hunger and fullness cues.
5. Make it a Daily Practice: To see the best results from your yoga practice, it's important to make it a daily habit. Aim for at least 30 minutes of yoga each day, and be consistent in your practice.
12 Week Yoga Challenge
Join our Link Click Now
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bixy · 1 year
My friend is lecturing me for having an ego bc I was kind of bummed I haven't been able to bench more than 70 😭
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prettieinpink · 7 months
HAPPY 1.2k+ TO PRETTIEINPINK! Thank you guys for the support, here’s a lil gift from me to you. 
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If you don’t want to read all of this, I created a hierarchy of everything you need to do to glow up, right at the end!!! But I recommend reading everything first <3
I’ve been trying to ‘glow up’ like forever, but there was no actual content out there that helped me glow up. Most people sugarcoated, or their lifestyles of glowing up just weren't sustainable for me. So, I created this post for everyone planning to glow up or maximise their prettiness! 
DISCLAIMER – THIS POST IS NOT DETAILED. I wanted to do a simple outline to give you guys an idea of what to do to maximise your pretty. A little help to plan, especially as we enter 2024, but I’ll expand on these individual topics in the future. 
Being healthy can make you SO pretty. Being healthy is the foundation. There are other ways to be physically healthy, but after doing these 4 the rest usually fall in place.  Here are some simple ways to become healthier, and then eventually prettier!
 I'm not going to go super deep into this, as no diet fits everyone + Please consult with your doctor before taking any extreme advice. Though, I'll tell you a bit of things that helped me !!
Stop drinking soda. Please, it's so unhealthy and it's full of so many sugars. Even the ones that are 0 cal, have weird chemicals that I don't trust. Many more alternatives taste just as good, like coconut water, herbal drinks, smoothies etc! Especially because nowadays most large calories and sugar intakes are from sugary drinks 
Stop restricting, moderate it. I am a big fan of dairy, yoghurt, milk, and cheese, I love it all. However I acknowledge that dairy isn’t the healthiest, so instead I always ensure I'm eating in moderation. E.g I put a tablespoon of shredded cheese in my omelettes instead of a handful. You will enjoy healthy eating so much, but only if you're not restricting. 
Have one serving of fruit, vegetables, or both with each meal. It provides so many good nutrients, makes you fuller and keeps you hydrated. Measure with your palm to ensure you’re eating enough. 
Know that just because one food has fewer calories than the other, does not mean it is the healthiest. I struggled so much with this, especially because many weight loss accounts will mention this, but it is so wrong. White bread has fewer calories than brown bread, but brown bread is higher in nutritional value. 
Plan snacks. Planning snacks for throughout the day, instead of spontaneously eating is so much better. I recommend this for anyone who gets hungry during the day but not enough for a meal (like me!)
Drink more water. Not 1L a day, because it is so much more ideal for you to have a glass of water with each meal + when you feel thirsty. 
Start educating yourself. This is as much as I can tell you, im not a nutritionist or a dietitian but if you plan to ensure that healthy eating becomes your lifestyle, educating yourself is essential!! 
Once again, I'm only going to go surface level with this because it is only based on my personal experience + Consult with your doctor before doing anything extreme. 
Start aiming for 5k+ steps. I see a lot of people advertise 10k+ steps as the standard, or what's active, but it's not sustainable If you're a busy person with a sedentary life or a beginner at exercise it is gonna be hard to sustain that. But walking is so good for you and simple too.
Join your local sports! Such a fun way to socialise while still exerting energy. 
If you can't do that for whatever reason, there are many ways to exercise at home. Research and pick a workout that you like and is sustainable. E.g. jump rope, pilates, home exercises, weightlifting, biking
Start standing more, it exerts energy. While very little, it still is very good. 
That's it, but remember to always start small with exercising, and RESEARCH!
To me, it doesn’t matter how much sleep a person is getting, but much more rather the quality of said sleep. So, here are some tricks and tips to get better at sleeping!!
Investing in a good quality pillow is so good for your sleep, the more comfortable you are, the better + it reduces the chances of poor posture or hump necks 
Research about different sleeping positions, as some positions at night promote back pain, difficulty breathing or poor posture. 
Start sleeping in complete darkness. Remove all sources of light or invest in good light-blocking curtains OR binders. Though, binders seem to be much more effective but are more pricey. If you cannot do either of that, buy a good sleeping mask. 
Sleep in the cold. Your body easily falls asleep if your environment is cold, and you’re less likely to wake up in the middle of the night. 
It is ideal for you to stop using devices an hour or two before bed, but if it is not sustainable for you, wear red blue-light-blocking glasses instead of clear ones. Red ones are more effective. 
Avoid large physical or mental tasks before bed, use that time to unwind and tell your body it's time to go to sleep. 
Avoid napping for longer than 30 minutes, or it can disrupt the sleep you have at night. 
Go to sleep at similar times every day. If you go to sleep earlier or later than this, you will ruin your sleep schedule and feel groggy. 
I expand more here. 
This is a step many people will neglect, but the most important in my opinion. Your teeth are the only body part that fails to regenerate after a certain age. Here's how I take care of mine!
Brush your teeth for longer. Brushing your teeth should not be a sped-up process, put actual thought into it. 
Start flossing. Floss removes plaque, and reduces the chances of your teeth yellowing! Do this ideally after each meal.
Brush your teeth before you eat. Brushing my teeth is the first thing I do when I wake up because brushing your teeth is supposed to protect your teeth from the food, not wash away your food. 
If you have the means, buy an electric toothbrush, as this gets in the little nooks and crannies that a regular one cannot. 
Use a tongue scraper or your toothbrush to get rid of any bacteria on your tongue. 
Use straws to drink coffee or any heavily coloured drinks. This avoids the premature yellowing of teeth. Make sure you put the straw on the side of your mouth to avoid your teeth. 
Use good mouthwash. A total game-changer, makes your breath fresher and your gums healthier. 
If need be, definitely use a purple teeth serum as a whitening treatment.
I do not mean literal clothes and style, that's in grade 3. This is all about basic grooming and such. This is 2nd most important, especially if you're somebody who’s never been invested in beauty.
Get a basic skincare routine, cleanser and moisturiser.
If you have other skincare concerns e.g. dry skin, hyperpigmentation, acne, or blemishes, invest in a serum. 
Avoid touching your face frequently.
Wash makeup brushes & pillowcases often.
Dermaplaning to help skincare absorb better. 
Use sunscreen!
 Invest in a good shampoo and conditioner for your hair type.
Use a good hair oil, it doesn’t have to be for growth, but just for nourishing your scalp
Sleep with a good quality bonnet on.
Find which type of hairbrush works the best on you!
Use warm water to remove product build up and dirt, but use cool water to rinse.
Buy spray suncsreen to put on your scalp during hot weather.
Once again, research. Hair is just too much of a broad topic for me to thoroughly talk about.
Trim your eyebrows regularly to avoid too many stray hairs
Tint your eyebrows and lashes. If you already have dark eyelashes and brows, try a lighter look. I seem to prefer a dark brown look to a black 
Invest in a good lash & brow serum or use any oil
Don't use Vaseline on your eyelashes.
 Limit how much you wear mascara. 
I talk more about this here. 
Have a daily shower routine which consists of washing, exfoliating and moisturising your skin. 
Using scented products is such a game changer, smelling good is like being a magnet 
Doing manicures, my routine is a cuticle scrub, file, buff, polish, paint then cuticle oil. 
Shave on the areas you want to. Having smooth skin is nice, but to ensure your shave lasts longer, watch a video. 
I post about creating a good shower routine here. 
Invest in a good, portable lip balm. I prefer the ones that burn your lips to give it a more fuller effect
Make your lip scrub. Sugar, honey and turmeric are my go-to. Helps remove dead skin.
If you have hyperpigmentation around the lips, use glycolic acid, only a little.
My favourite grade, because it is so fun and focuses more on the aesthetic side of things. However, they're not essential, which makes it all the more fun!
 I have a post about wardrobe essentials here. 
Find out about what season colours you are. This helps with using colours in fashion to enhance. ( if you don't like your colours it is okay, it doesn’t change much if you do not wear them) 
Figuring out your undertone colours for jewellery. 
Figure out what works for your figure. Experiment with necklines, bottom length etc. 
Find out your general style too, what you feel confident in and more assured. 
Research and only watch tutorials of women who look like you (trust me). 
Dear Peachie has a bunch of videos of how makeup works, for beginners to more advanced artists!
Then make your signature look for every using your knowledge. 
Invest in a good eau de parfum and eau de toilette. Cheap fragrances suck. 
Invest in a good-scented lotion. My favourite brand is Vaseline.
Using a good nice fabric softener for laundry makes you feel and smell fresh
Using an expensive scented body wash doesn’t matter, invest in a good body lotion. 
Hairstyles that enhance your face shape, not shield it. 
Having a simple signature look for everyday
Experimenting with your hair is ideal, but if you can't for whatever reason once again research.
The way you seem to others can make you so much prettier. Fake it till you make it as always~
Having good posture makes you stand out, makes you look prettier and is generally good for your health
Chin is parallel to the floor, shoulders are down and relaxed, rib cage is elevated, pelvis is tucked in, your knees straight and flexed, and the weight on your feet should be in the center.
You can stretch for good posture, there are many videos on this on YouTube.
Ensure your sleeping position is promoting good posture, not poor. 
Buy a back brace to reinforce good posture.
Learn how to move your body during conversations to seem more self-respected and confident.
Train your facial expressions for different situations, but especially for taking photos.
There are tons of books and videos on this, won’t expand because this is all about how you want others to perceive you. 
Improve the way you communicate with others. Be fluent and clear to understand 
Expand your vocabulary, know how to substitute words on the spot and make sentences. 
Knowing what to say in like any and every conversation makes people like you more, and the best way to be more eloquent is just practice. 
There are so many good books about this.. read.
Personally, having a good mindset does boost your self-perception of your prettiness + being happier in general makes you more inclined to take care of yourself = being more pretty!!!
Start journaling as a way to organise your thoughts and to truly analyse your emotions. There are a lot of journaling prompts on Pinterest and such!
Meditation as a way to clear the mind when needed is so good. There are a bunch more meditations for other purposes though like body image, productivity, focus or just general relaxation.
Go to therapy, or just have at least one person you can talk to when life becomes tough.
Cut back on social media. There's misinformation, trolls and a lot of content that isn't nourishing your mind. 
Get some sun! Simple and doable, but has a huge effect on the body. It can improve the current mood. Wear sunscreen. 
Start learning how to process situations, instead of bypassing the emotions that come with them. 
Start surrounding yourself with like-minded people. Seriously, being around people who are just too different is draining. 
Embrace growth and reject all forms of comfort. Being uncomfortable with something is growth. 
Don’t do things because you ‘have’ to do this, do them because they benefit you and see it in that way. E.g ‘I’m going to clean my room because I deserve a clean place to rest and work’ instead of ‘I have to clean my room’
Become detached. Stop letting everything that happens in your life affect you, start observing instead of consuming. 
Self validates yourself. Tam Kaur did a wonderful video on this that I think everyone should watch.
Stop believing that everything and everyone is out to get you. Your subconscious mind believes this, do not feed it, starve it.
There's a lot to say about mindset, but I recommend watching some mindset YouTubers who explain everything in depth.
and now,,,, here's a ANOTHER gift from lanny because u read her post. And liked it. And reblogged it. And followed her.. pleaseee
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swole-beard · 1 year
When you feel like you can't, shoot for 90% but give 100% anyway 'cause you ain't a quitter.
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rayshippouuchiha · 27 days
Okay so I just stumbled upon your Tasea au and it's living rent free in my mind.
Skull and Tsuna just living their best life while Hibari and Reborn are chewing glass is my favorite thing ever
Consider this:
Both Skull and Tsuna become ridiculous strong throughout this trip.
They don't even notice it.
It starts with casual convos about how they use flames, then experiments, light spars etc.
Turns out not being in mortal peril 24/7 does wonders for some people.
So from time to time, videos of them come to light, Tsunas twink ass obliterating someone in an arm wrestling match. Skull killing it in some weightlifting challenge or doing some insane acrobatics.
Videos of them sparring without flames in open parks or maybe being stumbled upon in abandoned warehouses.
Everyone who isn't Reborn or Hibari can actually see how good this is for them.
Gokudera keeps a collection of "Decimo being Amazing" pictures and videos he finds. That's his best friend after all!
Maybe Reborn would feel slightly jealous that even his teacher position was usurped, but he's kinda busy picking which leash he's going to put on Skull the moment he catches him.
Hibari is listening to Olivia Rodriguez during his speedrun of becoming the world most feared Hitman (only possible because Reborn is busy picking which tracker to put under Skulls skin once he finds him) in search of Tsuna
Sometimes, he picks a random grunt to ask for relationship advice.
I also like to think that as time goes on, a whole countersquad starts to form.
Like they notice that maybe they have some things to talk out, and that's why they keep searching, but they aren't per se helping Hibari or Reborn either.
But yeah anyway I love this au
I need a 100 chapter fic injected i to my veins pronto, but als I don't have that kind of talent... R.I.P
See, the thing is, it's not that Tsuna and Skull become ridiculously strong during their little vacation.
They're both already monstrously strong in their own right.
It's just that, for the first time since they were each dragged into this lifestyle kicking and screaming, they're spending time with someone who A.) learns in a similar fashion and B.) also understands what it's like to be given no choice about this entire thing.
So, for the first time, they're both ,,, comfortable.
Tsuna can ask questions without having to worry about dodging bullets or having to scream to be heard. Skull can impart his hard and bloodily won knowledge on someone without having to hear any "well actually" type bullshit because the way he uses his Flames is technically "wrong".
So of course that means they both start rapidly progressing.
Skull is able to describe things to Tsuna in terms that he understands and can actually visualize. Tsuna is so genuinely open to whatever it is that Skull's doing that Skull no longer feels the need to really hide.
Tsuna gets his hand-to-hand and acrobatic skills refined. Skull starts really opening up about what he's capable of.
They both refine how they look at and utilize their Flames.
They both stop caring about what everyone else is going to say/do.
On the opposite side of the situation, Reborn is ready to chew glass, Hibari is actively forcing other people to chew glass, and if Kusababe has to deal with Kyo-san turning to him one more time asking about why "the little animal fled" he's going to look into taking a vacation of his own.
The others, having now seen countless videos and photos of Skull and Tsuna taking the world by storm together, are starting to reevaluate what they think/know of the situation.
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uncanny-tranny · 4 months
My biggest piece of advice for folks who want to get into fitness would be: Do not follow fitness influencers (or do so very sparingly).
Please be very critical of what is being said when people talk about fitness. It's important that you learn how to exercise properly for your body, and to learn safety and harm reduction, and that isn't what I mean when I say not to follow influencers.
When you want to get into fitness, think about what piques your interest. Do you want to do cardio? Weightlifting? Yoga? Running? A mix of any of that (or none of these examples)? Think about what you think would spark interest and joy, and learn to do that fitness in a safe manner.
I think the biggest reason I even have a healthy relationship with fitness over food is because I haven't followed any fitness influencers, and out of all the ones I've seen, I would only follow one of them, maybe two. Out of all the ones I have seen, and there have been plenty. What I have done instead is research what I want to get into to make sure I am not accidentally harming my body, then, I think of my own goals and work toward them.
I'm sure this won't work for everybody, and that's okay. I wanted to make this post because I think there can be this pressure to "look fit" when you're into exercise and I think that can be a slippery slope.
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People SUCK when giving advice abt exercising weightlifting etc.. people tell me all the time i should stop jogging everyday so i can build more muscle and be less "thin" (their words) and i'm always baffled, and i always tell them i'm happy with my body the way it is like stfu so annoying🙄
You should stop running and start doing 80's Richard Simmons aerobics like "Sweatin' to the Oldies II"
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primrosechronicles · 7 months
"So.. how'd you two meet?"
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Heartsteel!K'sante x reader
Summary: Your boyfriend K’sante, was a part of the boy band Heartsteel, the boy band that took over the internet in a matter of hours and had stolen the hearts of many girls and boys around the world. Both of you are currently in a devoted and affectionate relationship, and like in any relationship, he expressed a desire for you to meet his friends! More specifically, the other members of Heartsteel.
Warning/s: nothing much, just some drinking.
Word count: 888 (woah angel number)
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You and K’sante walk into the place where you all decided to meet at, a nice bar down the street from their studio. In the lively and joyful bar, vibrant multicolored lights swirled and danced across the dimly lit room, casting playful patterns on the walls. The air was filled with the infectious melodies of a live band, their music resonating through the venue, prompting patrons to tap their feet and sway to the rhythm.
Laughter and animated conversations echoed throughout the bar as friends clinked glasses filled with various colorful cocktails and frothy pints of beer. The bartender expertly mixed drinks, occasionally performing dazzling flair moves to the cheers and applause of the crowd.
People of all ages and backgrounds filled the space, sharing stories and forming connections as they celebrated life's moments, both big and small. The overall atmosphere exuded an irresistible sense of camaraderie, making the bar a place where happiness and merriment were in abundance.
The guy who looked like he had a severe case of pink eye, waved his arms and yelled to get K’sante’s attention “Yo meathead! Over here!” Your boyfriend chuckled in response and held your hand to lead you to where you would meet your new friends.
K’sante, visibly proud and enthusiastic, took the initiative to introduce you to the members of the band, who were seated around a long, well-worn wooden table.
Their expressions bathed in the warm, amber glow of the hanging light fixtures, reached out with welcoming gestures and exchanged friendly hellos with you. The close-knit bond among them was evident, and the lively atmosphere of the bar only heightened the feeling of togetherness.
After talking for what felt like hours, the guy who introduced himself as ‘Ezreal’ asked “how'd you two meet?”
You sighed dreamily as you recalled your first meeting with him.
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You were on a journey of self improvement, and honestly you were doing pretty good! Well… there was just one thing you couldn't get yourself to do… working out.. You weren't much of a physical person, you preferred to read fanfictions on the couch rather than the feeling of sweat sticking to your clothes. You kept telling yourself ’oh i'll go tomorrow!’ and then you never went. (Procrastination at its finest.)
Until a fateful day, you asked one of your more, physical oriented friends to accompany you to the gym.
In the bustling gym, the air was charged with energy and determination. Rows of cardio machines lined one side of the expansive, well-lit space, with people pounding away on treadmills and elliptical trainers, their faces glistening with sweat as they pushed their limits.
The weightlifting area was a symphony of clinking metal, grunts, and focused concentration. Athletes of all levels hoisted heavy barbells, their muscles straining under the effort, while others fine-tuned their form with dumbbells and resistance machines. Mirrors on the walls reflected the dedication etched on their faces as they sought to sculpt their bodies.
In one corner, an enthusiastic group engaged in a high-intensity fitness class, following the trainer's lead with precision. The beat of heart-pounding music filled the room as participants jumped, squatted, and lunged in unison.
Around the gym, trainers offered guidance and motivation to their clients, providing support and advice. Water bottles, towels, and gym bags were scattered throughout, a testament to the hard work and commitment of those striving for better health and fitness.
The atmosphere was one of resilience and determination, where individuals of all backgrounds came together with a shared goal: to push their physical boundaries and pursue a healthier, stronger version of themselves, you wanted to be like that too! And if you wanted to be like that, then you must put in the work!
You pulled up your workout routine, and it said that you had to do ‘pull ups’ whatever that meant.. After googling how to do it you reached up and.. Wait.. YOU CANT EVEN REACH THE BAR!
You jumped, your hands trying to clutch onto the pull up bar, but then.. You felt a tap on your shoulder.
You turn around and you are met with the most glorious sight. A very handsome, dark-skinned sweaty, beefy man, He exudes confidence and a friendly demeanor.
With a charming smile, he offers his assistance, understanding your hesitation. He places his strong hand on your back, providing support as he guides you toward the pull-up bars. His touch is reassuring, and you can feel the warmth of his encouragement.
With a nod and a few words of encouragement, he helps you grab onto the bar, ensuring your grip is secure. As you begin your pull-ups, his presence and assistance give you the extra boost of confidence you need to tackle the exercise. You can't help but appreciate the combination of his physical strength and the kind support he's offered, making your workout a more enjoyable and motivating experience.
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“In short… he was basically my motivation to go to the gym 3 days a week..” You said smiling.
“I’m flattered my love!” K’sante’s boisterous laugh had infected the others.
As the evening unfolded, everyone shared stories and laughter, marking the beginning of a new connection between K’sante's two worlds: his beloved band and his partner, you. It was a heartwarming moment, where music, friendship, and love converged in the heart of the bar.
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Moving Meditation Motivations Discovering the Right Focus Technique
There are some people who can sit through meditation while other individuals simply cannot. During a passive meditation they find themselves fidgeting and unable to focus. This leads to further frustrations, and an unwillingness to try any sort of meditation again.
The advice most people hear is to try again or that they were not doing it right. Well, guess what? There are other ways to possibly reach a meditative state of mind when your body is in motion. Moving meditation, if done accurately can give a person the same benefits as passive meditation where one sits.
How to Choose Your Activity
It should be something that engages you and holds your focus for an extended period roughly anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes a day. To gain a better meditative state one must do something that is continuous, fluid, methodical, and repetitive so that the movements become more automatic in time.
For example, a walk in the park at a steady pace putting your attention on your breath, and taking in the sights that surround you such as:
how the sun feels on your skin
the clouds overhead
if there is a wind breeze
examining the trees and their own leaves
It's all about the state of mind you're able to achieve being one of mindfulness, of living in the moment, of relaxed awareness.
Other Suggestions
Walk a Labyrinth: One walks clockwise in a circle or in a particular pattern towards the center of a destination point. It should not be like a maze where you find yourself frustrated towards the end, but choosing a pattern that fits you and your needs.
Qigong: This is a 5,000-year-old Chinese health exercise technique. Its goal is to synchronize the breath with the mind's intentions. One moves with flow and grace as they further learn this skill.  A regular practice can lower your blood pressure and boost your immunity, flexibility, and circulation.
1. Relax your body, imagining that your feet are sinking deep into the earth. Your hands are in front of your lower belly, palms facing each other, forming a ball of energy.
2. Inhale. Open your arms to the sides as if to expand the ball, while raising your arms, to shoulder height.
3. At shoulder level, turn the thumbs back and the palms up and exhale, releasing any tension from your body as you drop and relax your shoulders, elbows, and hands.
4. Inhale, as you raise your arms up over your head.
5. Palms facing down, deeply exhale as you lower them, “showering” the body with cleansing, revitalizing energy. Repeat three times.
Yoga Exercises: There are several different methods of yoga, some having religious dogma attached while others focus primarily on the exercises themselves. Everyone has different preferences, but if you are looking to simply relax and reach a meditative state then I suggest trying out the exercises themselves. This is a practice to connect the body and mind into one.
Tai Chi:  Short for Tai ji quan, or T'ai chi ch'üan, is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training, its health benefits and meditation. The term Taiji refers to a philosophy of the forces of yin and yang.
Karate Katas:  A practice of detailed patterns of movements either solo or in pairs. Karate kata are executed as a specified series of a variety of moves, with stepping and turning, while attempting to maintain perfect form.
Art: painting, drawing, etc.
Crafts: knitting, crocheting, paper folding, weaving, anything rhythmic.
Exercise: stationary bike, weightlifting, elliptical machine, step climbing, sports, etc.
Playing a game that has a repeating theme and is not too difficult that one can get into.
Music: focusing on the song's rhythm, beats, and possibly lyrics. Pick something that reached out to you as an individual.
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