#building muscle
imthemiddleman · 2 months
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m0tiv8me · 6 months
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Happy Hump Day!
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back was feelin big today
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Any tips on building lean muscle while recovery from a Grade 3 meniscus tear? Really any tips, and advice will help!
Im very unhappy with my body. Im losing weight but these muscles- WEAKKKKK. My surgeon was like work those Quads please 😭😭😂
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foxyatlas · 2 years
Tips for working out in a way that is actually possible:
Find a reason other than aesthetics to work out. If you only work out because you want to look a certain way, you're going to get frustrated when it takes time. For me, I found that working out in the morning gave me more energy and happy chemicals for the rest of my day, which was really helpful while I was getting my meds sorted out. So find a good reason other than aesthetics.
Find a place to work out that's accessible. One day, you might have enough motivation to run a few miles, but not enough motivation to drive that far. Find somewhere easy to access.
Try to find a place other than your house to work out. Even if you like doing bodyweight exercises, try doing them at a park or something like that. It will make you feel more productive, because you're actually leaving your house and doing things, rather than making you feel more like a recluse.
Don't talk about how much you hate working out. Ever. Only talk about it in positive ways. If you talk about it like it's the bane of your existence, you're going to believe that.
While I'm at it-- don't do workouts you hate. If you like working out in ways that really push you, then great, but if it makes you miserable and you genuinely don't want to be there, then find something else.
Find ways to get the right amount of stimulation while working out. For me, when I'm doing weights I like to listen to any sort of basic workout music (like rock or fast paced). When I run on the treadmill, I like to listen to audiobooks or watch shows. When I ride a stationary bike, I like to watch tiktoks. Other things I've heard that work for people: listening to showtunes/Hamilton, listening to comedy specials, listening to intense music remix/mashups. My sister listens to a remix called "World War 3 prep" on SoundCloud. Just find whatever will keep you somewhat engaged, and wanting to keep going.
Try interesting workouts. Some alternative ways to exercise besides the basics: hiking, walking around a lake, rock climbing (available at special membership gyms and many rec centers), swimming, biking. There's also some really cool specialty gyms, like bouldering gyms or, my personal favorite, ninja warrior training gyms.
Find ways to include working out in your daily routine. Things like biking to work are great. You can also offer to go on walks/hikes with people you want to catch up with, instead of an alternative like getting coffee. This is also nice because it means you don't have to make eye contact with the person while you're walking, which is convenient if you're ND.
Make sure you're eating the correct things before and after a workout. I really like chocolate shakes, and I DO drink them and eat chips and other less-than-healthy food too. I just try to be strategic about WHEN I eat it. I try not to eat food like that before I work out because then I'll usually get nauseous. I also try to wait a little while before eating food like that after I work out, because I need protein after a workout (eating protein right after a workout is what you need to do to gain muscle) and if I try to substitute that protein-craving for any old calories, it won't feel great.
Drink water and eat protein. Pretty simple.
Wear clothes you like. You'll feel like shit if you feel ugly or gross while you're working out. Wear stuff that feels good.
I hope this was helpful. Just in general-- exercising is healthy for you, but it shouldn't suck ass. It should make you feel better about yourself, not worse, and there's things you can do to make it a better experience.
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mr-beardface · 1 year
Some lifting, weight loss, and muscle gain *basic* advice
First of all, The Fitness Wiki, maintained by some of the good folks on /r/fitness, is a great resource - https://thefitness.wiki/
If you’re just starting to lift, you likely just need the /r/Fitness Basic Beginner Routine - https://thefitness.wiki/routines/r-fitness-basic-beginner-routine/
It’s simple, effective, fairly low volume, and it gets you acquainted with some of the major lifts. After a month or two you will have a better idea what you’re doing, and what kind of program will be best for you moving forward.
If you’re looking to lose weight, you absolutely *can* do that at the same time as putting on muscle. Beginners put on muscle very easily, and if you’re overweight, the deficit is not a big hindrance.
Likewise, if you want to put on weight, you can aim for a pretty modest calorie deficit, and you’ll put on size like crazy.
As a starting point, go on https://tdeecalculator.net/ or a similar site and figure out your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). Be conservative when asked for the activity level.
From there, subtract ~500 kcal if you’re aiming to lose, or add ~500 kcal if you want to gain. Maintain this while training for a couple of weeks. Don’t see the result you want? Adjust the deficit/surplus accordingly.
For protein, you just need ~1.6 grams/day per kg of body mass at the high end. That’s ~0.8 grams/day per lbs of body mass.
That’s pretty much it. I’m a newb here, so I have no idea if people on Tumblr actually read fitness content, or if the above is useful to many people here, but hit me up if you have any questions or comments.
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fitgothgirl · 1 year
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Yesterday’s legs & abs workout, finally got a new PR for my squats! Although I guess I could’ve gone up sooner since I could already do 3 sets of 10. I’m so close to squatting a plate, which based on those sets, I’ll be doing very shortly here!
About to get ready to head out to an Odesza concert tonight!
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retrofitness · 2 years
How to Build Muscle Fast - Endomorph Body Type
Endomorphs have a hard time building muscle, but there are methods which can prove to be very effective. This video will walk you through the 2 most effective training styles for endomorphs: weight training and bodybuilding-style weight training. You'll learn what they are, the pros and cons, and when it's best to use them. We'll also cover some of the most important things that you need in order to succeed with either style of training.
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xsoftventhavenx · 2 years
my body is lucky i'm so dedicated to working out. anybody who called me lazy while i was actually ✨deathly ill✨ can eat my gym shorts
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bwqualitygrowers · 1 day
Top 5 Salad Recipes
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cillianwilder · 20 days
Best Minimalist Workout Gear for a Home Gym Setup
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Gymreapers Weightlifting Belt (Safety First)
Vinsguir Ab Roller Wheel (Insanely Popular)
Lifepro Adjustable Dumbbells w/ Kettle Gryp
Yes4All Adjustable Kettlebell
Heavy Duty Resistance Bands (Up to 300 Pounds)
Resistance Band Bar (Unlocks Additional Workouts)
Tribe WOD Hammer Kettlebell Set
I just wrote an article for my website (not posted yet) detailing how to get a home workout experience that'll get you fit like Henry Cavill, but with minimalist intentions. These are the best pieces of gear I've found to save space.
The weight lifting belt and resistance bands take up no space, and the dumbbells with the Kettle Gryp will completely fill your inventory with both a dumbbell and kettlebell set in one. However, just an adjustable kettlebell by itself can give you a full-body workout.
I had to include the hammer variant kettlebell because they're just so badass, that's all.
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alldruginfo · 2 months
Maximizing Muscle Mass: 6 Strategies for Fast and Effective Muscle Building
If you're looking to build your body into a stronger one, you know it's a task that requires determination and preparation. Even though consistency in your workout schedule is significant, essentially repeating will not guarantee the results you're trusting to achieve. To extend building muscle, you require an extensive arrangement that consolidates diet, workout schedules, as well as recovery techniques and methodologies to supplement your diet. If you're dissatisfied with the slow progress you've made after all your efforts, it's time to reexamine your approach.
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energysupplements · 4 months
Exploring Mike Mentzer's High-Intensity Training Method
Introduction: In the realm of bodybuilding and strength training, Mike Mentzer stands as a legendary figure, known not just for his impressive physique but also for his revolutionary approach to training. Mentzer’s High-Intensity Training (HIT) method, which emphasizes quality over quantity, continues to influence fitness enthusiasts worldwide. This blog post delves into the principles of…
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legs pre bulk/before lifting heavy (~Jan 2022) vs Nov 2022 holy fffffff. and they’ve only gotten bigger since, I just don’t have great photos
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Why You Should Take NovaReleaf BCAAs Post-Workout Recovery
In the world of fitness and muscle recovery, Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) have emerged as essential elements for optimizing post-workout results. Among the myriad of BCAA supplements available, NovaReleaf stands out for its unique formulation and proven benefits. Let's delve into the advantages and applications of post-workout BCAAs, specifically focusing on NovaReleaf.
The Science Behind BCAAs:
BCAAs are a group of three essential amino acids – leucine, isoleucine, and valine – crucial for protein synthesis and muscle repair. Unlike other amino acids, BCAAs are metabolized directly in the muscles, making them readily available for energy production and recovery.
NovaReleaf Formula:
NovaReleaf's BCAA formula is meticulously crafted to provide an optimal ratio of leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Leucine, in particular, plays a pivotal role in stimulating muscle protein synthesis, making it a key component for muscle recovery and growth.
Benefits of NovaReleaf BCAAs:
1. **Accelerated Muscle Recovery:**
   NovaReleaf BCAAs facilitate faster recovery by reducing muscle soreness and damage post-exercise. The enhanced muscle protein synthesis provided by these essential amino acids ensures that your body repairs and rebuilds more efficiently.
2. **Preservation of Lean Muscle Mass:**
   During intense workouts, the body may enter a catabolic state, breaking down muscle tissue for energy. NovaReleaf BCAAs act as a safeguard, helping to preserve lean muscle mass by providing the necessary building blocks and energy sources.
3. **Improved Endurance:**
   The isoleucine component in NovaReleaf BCAAs contributes to increased endurance. By supporting energy production and reducing fatigue, BCAAs enable you to push through challenging workouts with greater intensity.
4. **Reduced Fatigue and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS):**
   Valine, a key BCAA found in NovaReleaf, plays a role in mitigating fatigue and preventing DOMS. This means you can bounce back quicker for your next workout session, maintaining a consistent exercise routine.
5. **Enhanced Protein Synthesis:**
   Leucine, the powerhouse among BCAAs, triggers the mTOR pathway, signaling the body to initiate protein synthesis. NovaReleaf's carefully balanced formula ensures that your muscles receive the optimal stimulus for growth and repair.
Uses of NovaReleaf BCAAs:
1. **Post-Workout Recovery:**
   Consume NovaReleaf BCAAs immediately after your workout to jumpstart the recovery process and minimize muscle soreness.
2. **Intra-Workout Fuel:**
   Mix NovaReleaf BCAAs into your water bottle for an intra-workout boost, promoting sustained energy and reducing muscle breakdown during extended exercise sessions.
3. **Between Meals:**
   Use NovaReleaf BCAAs as a snack between meals to support a steady influx of amino acids, preventing muscle breakdown and aiding in muscle maintenance.
NovaReleaf BCAAs offer a comprehensive solution to post-workout recovery, combining the synergistic benefits of leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Whether you're an avid athlete or a fitness enthusiast, incorporating NovaReleaf into your routine can elevate your recovery game, promoting muscle growth, reducing fatigue, and keeping you at your best for every workout.
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rimaakter45 · 8 months
Build Muscle: Tips and Tricks for Achieving the Perfect Physique
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If you want to get ripped and build muscle, there are a few things you can do to help ensure success. First, focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once. These exercises will help you build muscle faster than isolation exercises that only work one muscle group at a time.
Second, make sure you're eating enough protein. Protein is essential for gains in muscle mass, so make sure you're getting enough of it in your diet.
Third, don't neglect cardio. Cardio will help you burn fat and give you more energy to put towards your workouts.
Fourth, focus on intensity during your workouts. The more intensity you put into your workouts, the more results you'll see. Fifth, stay consistent with your training. If you want to see results, you need to be consistent with your workout routine.
 And finally, don't be afraid to add in some supplementation. Creatine and whey protein are two great options that can help you reach your fitness goals. If you follow these six tips, you'll be on your way to getting ripped and building muscle in no time.
When it comes to building muscle, there are a few key things that you need to do in order to see results. First, you need to make sure that you are eating a healthy diet that is high in protein. This will help your body to build new muscle tissue. Second, you need to make sure that you are getting enough exercise. You should be lifting weights and doing other forms of resistance training in order to build muscle. Finally, you need to make sure that you are getting enough rest. muscle tissue. If you are not getting enough sleep, your body will not be able to repair itself properly and you will not see the results that you are hoping for.
Get enough protein:
If you want to build muscle, you need to make sure you're getting enough protein. Here are six tips to help you make sure you're getting enough protein to build muscle:
1. Get enough protein. It's important to get enough protein to help your muscles rebuild and grow. The amount of protein you need depends on your weight, but a good rule of thumb is to consume 0.7-1 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
2. Eat protein with every meal. To make sure you're getting enough protein, include it at every meal. This doesn't mean you need to eat a steak for breakfast, but you should include a source of protein with every meal. Good sources of protein include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and nuts.
3. Vary your protein sources. It's important to mix up your protein sources to get all the essential amino acids your body needs. This means eating a variety of meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and nuts.
4. space out your protein intake. Spreading your protein intake throughout the day helps ensure your muscles are getting a steady supply of amino acids to rebuild and grow.
5. supplement with protein powder. If you're having trouble getting enough protein from food sources, you can supplement with protein powder. Protein powder is a concentrated source of protein that can be mixed with water or milk and drunk.
6. Get enough calories. In order for your muscles to grow, you need to consume enough calories. If you're not eating enough calories, your body will break down muscle tissue for energy. To make sure you're consuming enough calories, track your intake and make sure you're eating more calories than you're burning. Please visit here building muscle for more information.
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