#twst uma
zr-art-world · 9 months
Every time I think of twst next gen and think of characters based on the Decedents character, I remember first seeing the second and third movie and finding out that Mall (daughter of Maleficent) and Uma (Daughter of Ursula) had beef before the events of the movie.
And it's like playground beef that escalated through their childhood. Mall even nicknamed Uma "Shrimpy" so thinking about how Malleus's kid and Azul's kid would interact is fucking funny to me. So their whole dynamic is similar to Leona's and Malleus's.
This is even funnier because I thought of Leona's kid being bff's with Malleus's kid (Kinda like how Mal and Ben or like Kovu and Kiara)
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secondary-colorentimy · 2 months
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evie…..mal….my beloveds 🤲💕
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alastor-simp · 9 months
Azul Ashengrotto🐙 with a reader who is like Uma from Descendants
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- You had intrigued Azul the minute he saw you arrive to NRC. He wasn’t quite sure what it was, but your magical aura and beauty kept drawing him in
- Azul was a man of business, however, so he wasn’t going to let his fascination get in the way of that. As always he tried to introduce himself and offer you his services in the form of a contract, hoping you would accept it with ease, but you just gave him an sarcastic laugh and said “Dream on, Octo boy” and walked away , leaving him stunned
- Shocked, was the expression on Azul’s face as he realized you had a bit of a feisty attitude compared to the delicate flower he pictured you as. He ordered the twins to try and persuade you to reconsider, but you refused again and roughed up the twins a bit when they got too pushy. Let’s just say the Leech brothers know now, not to mess with you.
- After multiple refusals, Azul decided to call it quits, but you had other plans as you had your sights set on him and when you wanted something, you got it.
- He wasn’t expecting to have grown so close to you, but the more time he spent with you, the more he started to develop feelings. You can imagine his surprise when you told him that you ran a crew of pirates and are their captain.
- Besides being a captain, he asked what other talents/secrets you had, and instead of telling him you showed him. Jumping into the fish tank in Mostro lounge, you transformed into your cecaelia form in front of Azul. Let’s just say, you had this Octo cutie blushing up to his ears. Your tentacles were a charming aqua color, that matched perfectly with your turquoise hair.
- After that, you told Azul more about your world, your rival with the daughter of Maleficent and how Ursula was your mother.
- !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? COME AGAIN. YOUR MOTHER IS URSULA!?!?!?!! ONE OF THE GREAT SEVENS?!?!?!?!?!? ……… Marry Me.
- The two of you got together eventually, honestly you weren’t expecting it either, but you grown to love and care for Azul, but don’t tell anyone else that as you had a reputation to uphold and the last thing you needed is your crew/friends seeing you go all soft.
- “Good afternoon, sweetie,” Azul said as he greeted you upon your arrival to Mostro Lounge. Grabbing Azuls bow tie, you yanked him closer to your face as you don’t like being called adorable pet names “What’s my name, Azul? Azul, flustered, answered you back immediately: “Y-Y/N.”
- Smiling, you kissed Azul, on the lips before letting him go. “That’s right cutie. That’s my name.” You grabbed his hand and walked towards his office, with him following behind you with hearts in his eyes and two eel twins giggling from afar, as Floyd recorded the whole interaction and Jade asking his brother to send him the video.
( sorry about how bad this is, still having trouble writing x reader stories, but hope you guys enjoy it :) )
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annteri · 1 year
Oh poor unfortunates souls 🐙🐚
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italoniponic · 3 months
memes de reação mas eu pus personagens de twst em cima
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e a sanidade tá ó 🤏
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ignisomnia · 1 year
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i love drawing stuff that caters to me only lol but yes twst equestrian club x uma musume
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ventipinkdrinks · 7 months
ok im gonna make a twisted wonderland x ever after high cross over ... ok im gonna make a twisted wonderland x ever after high x monster high cross over OK im gonna make a twisted wonderland x ever after high x monster high x descendants cross over????????
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crowleycalcinhas · 2 months
que tipo de calcinha voces acham que crowley twst usa 💭💭💭💭💭💭? fica a interrogaçao
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its-adeucen · 2 years
(non gender-specific) UMA!MC Descendants x TWST hc
(pov I caved even though I really didn’t wanna rewatch the movies for this but brain rot wouldn’t stop man.)
-second pov-
The start?
Okay, what in the name of Posiden is going on? Cursing the God of the sea himself, you tried your best to ram into the... Door? Lid? Of whatever small enclosed space you’ve been trapped in.
A week on the shores of Auradon and you’ve been seemingly kidnapped and buried alive? Wow, even life at the docks was better, at least there, the only threat was being thrown overboard.
-Uma!Mc wakes up in a coffin, cursing the god of the sea trying their best to not want to die
-Grim opens up their coffin and Uma!Mc, not wanting to find out who took them, leaves. Not sparing a glance at the fire-y cat thing in front of you.
-Grim, of course, follows you.
-The mirror declares their magic unreadable. Prompting everyone around them to assume they’re magicless, and cannon happens as usual.
“Huh, charming, reminds me of home.”
-Uma!Mc sees Ramshakle, compared to the rest of the school, and is immediately reminded of Auradon vs the Isle and suddenly their hands itched to be around some bird's neck.
-being assigned as a janitor to the school, Uma!Mc has thousands of questions about the logistics of the school. Do they- Did they really not question the kid from another universe and just saw some free labor??
-Ramshackle seems pretty bad but I’d assume it is actually better quality than a lot from the isle (especially since the lack of overcrowding..), so U!Mc actually feels like they’re at.. Home
-Seeing the statues throws them for a loop. Their mother? A kind wish-granting witch?? As if, if you wanted wishes you went to that fairy god mother, that's common knowledge.
-also seeing Mal’s mother be practically worshiped as the most powerful stirs something within U!Mc, but remembering Mal’s lizard cage extinguishes those feelings.
-No doubt, U!Mc encouraged the fight between Ace and Grim. What they didn’t encourage was Deuce throwing Ace into the chandelier.
“I swear, not even Gil would!... no actually, Gil would do something that idiotic… and that is not helping your place in my books.”
-U!Mc and the trio venture off into the mines, where they promptly discover how horrid the boys are at working together. Poseidon's name! Not even their pirate crew was this bad, and they were pirates! From the isle!
“I swear! Even the worst children from at home work together better than you two idiots.”
-Ace, Deuce and Grim did not start off good with U!Mc…
-Taking control like any good captain would, the mines go by pretty smoothly, and while being annoyed at the fact they weren’t in the fight, U!Mc left somewhat satisfied.
-Maybe this could’ve gone much worse, but Twisted wonderland and NRC isn’t so bad? as much as you’d love to stay, hadn’t you just made it to Auradon…?
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riostwsty · 1 year
>> "Como é ter um melhor amigo de Ignihyde?" <<
palavras-chave: headcanons, PLATONIC!!, eu adoro escrever sobre amizade se não deu pra perceber, leitor gênero neutro/não mencionado, g/n, não especificamente Yuu
personagens: Idia, Ortho
avisos: menciona comida na parte do Idia
partes [à escrever]: heartslabyul | savanaclaw | octavinelle | scarabia | pomefiore | ignihyde | diasomnia
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>> Idia Shroud
todos sabemos que ele é aquele amigo cujos rolês são só dentro de casa. Ele pode até te mandar uma mensagem falando "eu até q tava afim de sair, n quer dar uma passada aqui em Ignihyde antes?" mas essa "passada" sempre termina em ficar por ali mesmo. no máximo andar um pouco pelo dormitório já que os dormitórios de NRC são todos cheios de coisas pra fazer
entrando no quarto dele está a bagunça de sempre. Mas toda vez com alguma engenhoca nova sentado em cima da mesa, se perguntar o que é, prepare-se para um super dramático monólogo de vilão de quadrinhos explicado por ele, de modo á dar a impressão da gambiarra ser muito mais complexa, maligna e ambiciosa do que realmente é. Mas ele adora compartilhar seus próprios projetos em construção, e você é uma das poucas pessoas que ele se sente confortável fazendo isso
gostando de games ou não, uma hora ou outra vocês vão acabar jogando alguma coisa. se algum desses jogos requere a criação de uma conta, sem problemas. Ou você usa a do Idia, ou o Idia fica a madrugada inteira farmando e aumentando de nível pra você. Não é como se ele nunca tivesse feito isso antes (bom, pra um amigo não. só pra vender contas online mesmo.)
noite do pijama é preparada com antecedência. a melhor parte é a degustação de snacks inconvencionais (dos quais só se acham se for comprado online, alguns com uma cara não muito boa. Idia sempre dá a primeira mordida e tem 0 reações. Se for perguntado se o snack é bom, ele sempre vai responder que sim... só pra te dar uma falsa sensação de alívio e te surpreender com o gosto estranho provavelmente seguido de uma careta que sempre faz Idia rir. O desgraçado é um bom mentiroso.
Não se esqueça da degustação vários sabores diferentes de energético monster (nas noites de pijama ninguém dorme, na verdade)
Ah e sem falar da hora de skincare! Qual é, não é só o Vil que liga pra essas coisas. Exceto que skincare com Idia foca muito mais no quão ridículos cada um fica ao aplicar os produtos, em vez da qualidade em si. Sabe aquelas máscaras que tem desenho de animais estampadas nelas? exatamente, tanto faz se hidrata a pele ou não, quanto mais cringe melhor.
vocês desenham juntos também. Mesmo se talvez você não saiba desenhar, é um passa-tempo só pra diversão, só os dois trocando poucas, senão nenhuma palavra, mas de um jeito que o ambiente ainda seja confortável de se estar. Mas talvez o silêncio não seja tanto, já que mais cedo ou mais tarde alguém vá ligar o spotify e botar uma música de fundo. Às vezes Idia se lembra de entrar na playlist dele e mostrar uma música ou outra que o lembra de você, ou um álbum que você com certeza gostaria.
ele é sim, o melhor de todos em montar playlists para você, baseada inteiramente no seu gosto musical que ele conhece melhor do que ninguém!
Ao final dessa hora de desenhar, há grandes chances de Idia ter esboçado uma versão mini de vocês dois no canto da página
>> Ortho Shroud
mas esse jovem adora sair por aí, sempre que tem chance. Grande contraste comparado ao seu irmão. Ortho muito fofo, sempre pede a permissão dele antes de sair: "irmãozão, nós queríamos sair pra passear, preciso de sua permissão para-" "Ortho, eu literalmente não ligo, você é equipado com quinze tipos de arma diferentes, conexão 4G ilimitada e é fisicamente incapaz de se perder por aí, eu to de boa"
pra um menino robô de Ignihyde, ele gosta muito do que é humano e da vida biológica. Descobriu esse interesse há não muito tempo. Então sempre que vão sair, Ortho insiste em visitar um campo de flores ou um jardim botânico, nunca esquecendo de trazer uma toalha de picnic para se sentarem encima
Ortho observa absolutamente tudo, e memoriza cada detalhe do ambiente. As flores, as árvores, o sol, como o vento soprava, quais sons a natureza fazia. Claro que isso tudo em si basicamente estaria pré salvo na sua database de quase infinito conhecimento, mas pesquisar resultados não é a mesma coisa de estar vivendo eles.
Estando com um amigo para o fazer compania é muito diferente, a cada momento, são feitas memórias novas, sentimentos novos... nenhum segundo igual ao outro, e nenhum segundo comparável a simplesmente pesquisar uma experiência parecida por aí na internet. E é isso que Ortho acha fascinante, o simples ato de você estar ali, faz cada um de seus dias completamente únicos
mas existencialismo de lado, você sabia que Ortho pode te ensinar 217 jeitos diferentes de montar uma coroa de flores? Por que não testar?
sabe, você foi uma das primeiras pessoas fora Idia a não tratar Ortho como só um robozinho, ou uma coisa inteligente, que se deixa de lado uma vez que usa e vai embora. Não, uma amizade de verdade, tratando Ortho como um menino de verdade. Que o faz sentir muito humano, e muito amado. Isso lembra muito o conto do pinóquio e a fada azul, né?
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
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I watched the horse girl anime and was happily surprised with cute ships everywhere ToT <3 Got two more eps to finish the first season but Spe and Suzuka are gfs and u cant convince me otherwise
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dr3am-ph0enix · 2 years
IN addition to the last post , I had more ideas for example , Carlos and Ruggie ( Yes I know that Crewel is Carlos's would be equivalent but it's all about ThE ViBEs ) or Uma & Azul / Mal and Malleus ect. Idk I feel like silver might get along with Lonnie
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secondary-colorentimy · 2 months
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twisted-king · 24 days
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TWST descendants AU I came up with. 100% already exists but this one is mine. Azul is all alone cause he is Uma 💞
Ofc Malleus as Mal, Vil as Evie, Leona as Carlos, and a Jamil as Jay!
Feel free to ask any question about the AU, maybe I’ll write a story or smth.
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merakiui · 4 months
what’s the anatomy of the horse girl since there’s horseshoes?
Picture something like uma musume but a little more,,, horse (i.e. reader has two legs like a human, but they're horse legs, hence the need for horseshoes)..... orz essentially, it isn't centaur anatomy. It's also like the beastmen in twst who are built mostly human but retain certain animal characteristics! :D
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italoniponic · 2 years
based on this post by @mymainwastoocluttered , I'll present you... Azul em um monte de azul
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I made better edits before? maybe, that's questionable tbh
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