#this is not a ship just saying
polina-tvorozhok · 4 months
The Talk
(trigger warning slight cursing)
As the sun was rising, it shone upon everything that it's bright, summer beams met blessing the earth with warmth and happiness.
The Rescue Team have just woken up and now are preparing for the day. Jin made her way inside the basement to check on Helly, whose propeller wasn't functioning right due to yet another accident. Once she greeted him the inventor started checking oh her "patient". After a few minutes of careful investigation Jin realised that she doesn't have parts to fix her mechanical friend.
- I'm afraid I can't fix you right now. We've run out of parts again!
- Oh... Well, it's fine I guess. I can wait.
- Glad to know. Hey, wanna check on the others?
- Can't say no to that one!
As they were making their way to the main entrance of the HQ they found their teammates, who were yawning and stretching their metal shelves and wheels like if there were cats. The two could not help but laugh at the sight.
- Good morning ya sleepy heads!
- Good morning Helly! How is your propeller.
- It doesn't hurt but I can't fly either so I'm afraid I won't be able to join you today.
- It's fine buddy. Just make sure you get lot's of rest while we're gone.
- Thanks!
- Well, it seems like we'll have to double the patrol today. Since Helly won't be able to spot cars and humans who can't call fir help we'll have to find them ourselves.
- Wait, what if I join you guys today?
- Are you sure? It's pretty dangerous you know.
- Come on guys! I won't do anything dangerous, not like able to do them anyway, I'll just patrol and report if I see citizens in trouble!
- What about the HQ-
- Don't worry guys! I will look after it and answer the calls. I'll get really bored if I have nothing to do. Jin has showed me many times how operate her place! Besides, she always has a phone on her wherever she goes.
- Ok, I guess you can come with us. Just promise to be careful.
- Guys this is an emergency! Max is hanging of a cliff in the woods! I'm sending you the coordinates.
- We'll be right there Jin!
Jin closed the phone and put it in her pocket. She looked up to see Max, who was desperately trying not to fall.
Just about an hour ago the weather suddenly changed and now it was raining heavily. The rain was turning soil into sticky mud and was making the rocks slippery.
Jin knew that the car wouldn't hang on for a long time. She tried to make her way up to see if there's anything she can do.
Once she reached the top of the cliff she heard Max shouting.
- Jin! I can't hold on any longer!
- Don't give up Max. The rescue team will be here soon.
Just like if her wishes were heard her teammates appeared. They transformed in record time and run towards Jin.
- Jin! What's going on?
- Help me!
They turned their heads in Max's direction. He was slipping of the cliff! Poli and Amber quickly used their lines to hold him. It was just then when Jin realised that Roy was missing.
- Where is Roy?
- He's dealing with another accident right now!
Another rock cracked under Max's wheels which caused him to fall further down. His position wasn't allowing them to lift him anymore.
- Poli, we won't be able to lift him! The ground is too slippery and his roller isn't helping either!
- There's gotta be another way!
Suddenly Jin remembered something.
- Listen, below the cliff there's a small ledge. It may not be big but it's enough to place Max there.
- Alright then! Amber you go down and make sure Max lands safely, use your cushion for that. I'll pull him down slowly.
- Alright!
Amber unhooked her line and started following Jin. Poli hooked his other line to Max and waited for signal.
- There! If you place the cushion there he will be able to land safely and come down afterwards.
- I'll try to go down.
A few careful skips and Amber comes to not the best realisation.
- Poli, I can't reach the ledge, nor can I throw the cushion there! The path is to narrow!
Poli was not happy to hear this. He was clearly struggling to keep Max where he was. He took some steps back just to make sure that the road roller was staying put before replying.
- You'll have to try!
Amber takes a small step and the ground immediately crashes under her weight.
- I can't!
- Ok, then come up here and we'll both try to pull him down- Ahh!
Large rocks started slipping above Poli's head. One fell directly on his foot while the other one fell right in front of him damaging his line in the process. It unhooked from Max, causing him to fall further down and making him scream.
Poli was desperately struggling to hold him. The situation was getting worse. The robocar wouldn't hold him for much longer.
- Poli! Amber, you need to give me your cushion! Poli won't hold Max for much longer!
- What?
- Jin, what are you up to?
- Trust me! Just give me the cushion!
- Jin don't you dare to go down there!
- I-
Amber didn't finish the sentence. Jin grabbed the tool from her hands and ran down to the ledge.
Something from the past clicked inside Poli's head. That little unimportant something made him scared for the girl's life. He wanted to run towards her but he was stuck between the rocks holding someone else.
Finally Jin gives a signal.
- Pull him down Poli!
He tries to do it but the line goes out of control, just like when he and Helly were stuck in a canyon.
Max falls down taking some large rocks with him along the way.
- AHH!
Then there was silence. Amber looked down the ledge. She found Max safe on the cushion and Jin, who was covering her head with her hands. She was scared but unharmed.
A few moments later she looked at Max and then at Amber, who still was really scared for her.
- We're fine!
Amber sough of relief and tried to find another way to reach the two, who were making their way to lower, safer grounds.
Once she reached their level she ran towards Jin and Max to check on them.
- Jin, Max! How are you guys? Do you hurt anywhere? Let me check you!
- I'm fine Amber, just shaken up that's all. How about you?
- I'm okay!
- Jin! Max!
The three of them looked up where the voice was coming from. Poli, who had finally freed himself from the rocks, was making his way towards them. His look was full of worry.
- How are you? Jin, what were you thinking?! Don't you ever run away like that you hear me!
- But I-
- Do not do that again I beggin' you!
He held little control of his voice, let alone his emotions. He probably sounded angry which he did not intend. Seeing the robocar like that was something really rare. He could tell he scared everyone away. Especially Jin, to whom he was speaking.
When he realised what he just did he took a deep break and spoke.
- I'm sorry... Is everyone okay?
- I'm... I'm alright.
- Me too.
- Good.
- Poli, we need to get going. We won't be able to reach the rescue centre if the rain gets worse so we'd better leave this place as soon as possible.
The rain stopped when the gang left and the bright summer sun dried everything. It was hot inside.
The rescue team managed to fall asleep despite the heat. The only one who could not rest was Poli. It wasn't the heat that bothered him. He spent an hour lying in his room and thinking about how he spoke to Jin. He scared the poor thing. He probably, no, he sure hurt her feelings. He failed to solve the problem fast enough and if it wasn't for her the rescue would have been a total disaster.
He drove out of his room to breathe some air. It was dark outside, a warm air was blowing. The sky was full of sparkling stars that were forming the Milky Way and the brightest of them all was the Moon which was on it's first quarter phase.
Poli was driving away from his place when he saw warm light on the ground. It was coming from the garage. Through it's open door the police car saw Jin, who was filling in some documents and checking her blue prints.
He knew why she was awake and he felt bad about it. The dispatcher would always spend her night here, trying to find comfort when she was stressed. It was the place where she would let out every bit of her enthusiasm and her emotion, whatever it was.
The guilt was eating him from inside. He couldn't stand watching one of his teammates like that. He had to make up for it.
- Uh, Jin?
The girl turned towards the owner of the voice, clearly not to happy to see him.
- If I don't bother you I'd like to talk to you.
She shook her head giving a positive answer. Good so far. He shook his head as well inviting her outside.
They didn't go too far. They sat on a grass field under the starry sky, just few feet behind their building.
The two were sitting in an awkward silence. None of them was too enthusiastic about their situation. That was until the blonde haired girl broke the silence.
- You don't really trust me do you?
- What?
- Just admit it Poli, you don't really believe that I could be a rescuer just like any of you. You don't have to say it.
- No, of course I believe in you-
- Then why did you act the way you did?! All I was trying to do is to help! Everything turned out fine so why did you act that way?!
- I was scared!
- Amber was also scared so what scared you this much?!
- I was scared of losing you, okay?!
Another moment of silence. There it is. It happened again.
- I'm... I'm truly sorry. For now and for what happened earlier today.
- ... Oh.
- I never thought of you as someone incompetent, let alone as someone who could never become a rescuer, because you already are one! I failed to think of a good plan and execute it. If it wasn't for you the rescue would have failed and who knows what would happen to Max.
Jin's look softened. She expected to hear the opposite from what she heard. She still was feelling bad but now it was because of how quick she was to accuse Poli of not trusting her without even asking him why he raised his voice at her.
They spent the whole day not willing to talk to eachother. If one of them spoke earlier, all of this would be over.
- Do you remember when I promised you to explain some things about my past?
- Yes, but that was three years ago. You never really explained anything even though you promised.
- So I guess now it's time.
He took a deep breath and looked at the sky. Memories of his past were filling his head.
- I was born in a police department in small town called Highray. There I grew up with my fathers and my little brother Strike. We were living a very happy life except... One day something happened and our dads started arguing. They would do that all day, every day and would only stop when Strike was in front of them. He didn't realise it back then so I tried to cover it. I tried to cover everything, that they weren't paying so much attention to us anymore, that they were arguing, that they didn't love eachother anymore. I managed to keep up the facade for some years but he was getting more and more suspicious until he learned everything himself. That day we had a big fight over how I would treat him like a child and would not tell him the truth, how I wouldn't let him do anything. The same day someone attacked our department. When we heard the sirens Strike ran away to try and help people. I tried to follow him but wasn't able to keep up. The wall next to me exploded and I got crushed by rocks. I blacked out and then...
- What happened then?
- *sight* One of the older officers freed me. I was told that Strike was gone. We couldn't find him anywhere. Soon, he and other four workers were called dead. Our family was devastated. Things started going downhill. I tried to cheer them up but I couldn't. No matter what I did I couldn't become the sun that he was to out family. To the whole place. At that time our best friend started blaming me for his death. After half a year I ran away. I had enough of what was going on. And so, I joined the Lemcon Police Department where I trained together with our past friend.
- I'm... I'm sorry to hear that.
- That's OK. All of this is in the past. It's just... When you ran of to that cliff it reminded me of when I lost my brother. I was trapped under these stupid rocks and I couldn't do anything but watch. I was scared of the thought that the history would repeat it's self. It's not an excuse for my behaviour of course! I understand if you're angry with me, I should not project my past issues on you. That's very selfish of me-
- I'm not angry. I was just upset about today. I should have thought about your feelings as well. Of course you would be terrified if a meat bag like me would jump under tones of metal and copper.
- First of all don't call yourself a meat bag.
- Don't "fist of all" me. It's not just about me it's about the whole humanity. Then I'm sorry for yelling at you too and because I know that you won't calm down if I don't say it, I Jin Reed, forgive you!
- ... Thanks!
- If this hell of a meeting isn't over I have one last question. Why did you tell me your story?
- What do you mean?
- I mean you could have just told me that your brother died in an accident and my actions reminded me of it, or you didn't even have to say it. You could have just said that it reminded you of something really, really bad and that would be the end of it!
- Well, when we first met you told me everything about yourself. Every single thing that you though that mattered, you would tell me. It was the first time after so many years that I felt that someone truly trusts me. I felt that I had pay it back.
- Now let me remind you that we first met when you saved me from two bastards. Of course I would trust you.
- You have to admit that I did them good.
- You did them so good I thought you would do me good. And now I see you hiding behind my back when you see a caterpillar!
- I wasn't scared of caterpillars back then!
- Well you're regressing then!
- Pfff!
- By the way, do you know what happened to the two bastards?
- Oh well, they were left out of the prison, like, a week ago and then they went back in for the same crap they did to you! Not anything important.
- You little liar!
- Woah!
Upon hearing Poli's words Jin jumped on his screen covering his view.
- You promised you would make sure they wouldn't get out of jail!
- I'm sorry the law does not allow me to make the prison their new home, now please come down!
- No this is my revenge!
- Oh really?
- Yeah now feel my ra- Wait are you doing? Stop please- Hahahaha!
Poli transformed into his robo form and pulled Jin away from his screen. When the enemy was on the ground he began tickling her.
The place filled with loud laughter as Poli and Jin were fighting with eachother. The officer would carefully press the girl down against the ground to tickle her, all the while the dispatcher would constantly kick him with her feet. None of them would retreat. Or at least until the girl kicked the damaged hand of the robocar.
- Ouch!
- Sorry! You good?
- Nah, I call for a truce.
- Yes!
- Heh!
- You want me to check it?
- I can wait until morning.
He carefully sat on the grass resting his damaged foot and hand while Jin layed on his other lap lookin at the sky.
Their paces slowly returned to normal as they admired the sparkly Milky Way.
- It's beautiful.
- It is.
Jin was peacefully sleeping on Poli's lap. He looked down at her and left our a quiet giggle.
- Looks like somebody's really tired huh?
He carefully lifted the girl so that he wouldn't disturb her and headed back home.
Once they reached the HQ Poli went into Jin's room to place her on her soft bed. He remembered that Jin was filling some documents so since he wasn't feeling sleepy he decided to do that for her. He wrote a small note for her and left in on the cupboard next to her bed.
Before Poli left, he did one last thing. He covered Jin with a light blacket.
- Good night Jin. Thanks for everything.
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brawnie · 3 months
*grabbing mlm shippers by the shoulders* guys nobody needs to be the twink. nobody needs to be the sub. nobody needs to be the femboy. they can both be big fat hairy men who bask in each others masculinity or they can both be unspeakable monstrous creatures with inhuman genitalia it’s okay I’m holding your hand. Let me show you the way
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hamable · 2 months
Riz giving Fabian disadvantage while getting a gold tattoo in hell is killing me for two reasons:
1. Fabian receives disadvantage on remaining calm and conscious because his best friend can’t stop making nervous eye contact, and
2. Said best friend is canonically covered in less-than-advisable tattoos of clues from a previous adventure.
3: Riz immediately passes out
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favoure · 6 months
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"do the opposite of what people tell you to do"
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smallidarityfan · 2 months
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ooooo the girls are fighting.......
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upon-the-snow · 4 months
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early mornings after nightmares
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thatpunnyperson · 1 year
According to NBC here in the US, the missing titanic sub has been found. As debris. Off the bow of the Titanic wreckage.
And it looks like the sub suffered what we all suspected, and what was undoubtedly the more merciful of the two options: a catastrophic implosion from the pressure.
Also, more info has come to light about the fishing trawler with the hundreds of migrants that sank cataclysmically off the coast of Greece, indicating that the greek coast guard knew about the vessel AND how much trouble the vessel was in, and were towing it at a speed that made it capsize, at which point they unhooked the tow line and watched the trawler sink without helping the passengers to safety. Despite a bunch of other ships trying to help as well throughout the whole ordeal.
So a lot of people are dead, all because of regulations (and the lack thereof) regarding sea-faring vessels and rescue protocols. People shouldnt be allowed to make a business charging a ton of money for a ride on an uncertified, unsafe, un-seaworthy ship going deep into the ocean with no distress beacon or tether to the mothership. People also shouldnt be allowed to enact laws that criminalize the ferrying of refugees, which then force the refugees to hitch rides on fishing trawlers, and which also prevent people from helping those fishing trawlers full of refugees due to fear of legal consequences.
Hopefully BOTH of these events spark changes on an international scale in terms of what is legally allowed to be sailed, who is legally allowed to be the passengers, and what the rescue protocols are in the event of disaster for any seafaring vessel, illegal or not. It shouldnt be just the global 1% who get 24/7 search parties and remote-operated submersibles helping rescue them.
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cherpiet · 7 months
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m'ennuyais mdr
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theoldkyokodied · 9 months
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Aaaaand more very quick stream doodles. This one shot was so fun to watch, it’s so sad that it had to end already. But oh well, let’s not dwell on that and let’s enjoy the good time we had, like disguised tiefling gale being both Karlachs and astarions type, wyll and gale having a spa day, bing bong in general (rip king, you will be missed), and of course the 8 strength fight for magic items <3 thanks to the cast for the chaos, I enjoyed it thoroughly
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krysmcscience · 1 month
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Look, Aym, I know you wanna annoy your big bro sometimes, but y'all really gotta stop putting the death god into silly mode. He is Very Dangerous, you see. ŎuŎ;
this idea wouldn't go away until i drew it so here it is lmfao
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
Luke : Wow! Clearly this Jedi code was more of a set of guidelines! Ezra : Yes that must be it!
Cal : *Stops making out with Merrin for a moment* I concur!
Ahsoka : *Watching as Ghost Anakin tackles Ghost Obi-Wan off screen to keep him from spoiling the moment* No comment.
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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ineed-to-sleep · 6 months
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Watched this performance a while ago and couldn't stop thinking about Astarion and my tav in fancy little outfits doing a tango so. yeah
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rendevok · 11 months
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“Take my hand” a comic for NaruMitsu Week 2023
day 1 - lies & secrets - 2 - 3 - 4
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mintypsii · 9 months
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yk adorable group hug and luffy moment aside, did zoro just kick the ground . after he was hugged . is this show even real
sorry but the way nami went 🤨🏳️‍🌈 TWICE
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the-great-kraken · 2 months
if you see a male character kiss a male character, you assume they are gay.
if you see a female character kiss a female character, you assume they are a lesbian.
if you hear a character say they don't feel like their gender, you assume they are trans.
so why do a-spec characters have to jump through so many loops?
a character saying they've never had a crush or don't want a relationship or that they don't understand romantic love is so often ignored or used as fodder for other queer or autistic headcanons (reinforcing stereotypes that aroace people are secretly gay or always autistic)
why is it that our stories are always "up to interpretation"? why do we have to wait for the words aromantic or asexual to be said to be taken seriously? why is it that even when characters say they don't want relationships, fans will scream and cry about sex/romance favourable aspecs and qprs?
when it comes to gay and trans characters, even the likes of bisexual lighting is often treated as though it canonises their sexuality. for aroace characters, even the most explicit coding possible is swept under the rug in favour of other "interpretations"
i'm so tired of fighting for representation just to have it ignored and minimised by fans. let characters be aroace. please.
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postpendulum · 11 months
Damian's new classmate was what most people would deem as strange, Damian however could not see him as anything other than suspicious. Daniel Knight had joined in the midst of the school year, claiming to have moved here with his father Fredric Knight (first area of suspicion, a parent willingly moving both them and their child to Gotham) for a new start following his fathers divorce. The boy was reclusive when not spoken to directly, however he would not stop talking when a topic of his interest would come up. After searching further into his past (as he does with all his classmates) Damian found a relatively normal past, the only outstanding things being a noticeable drop in grades at the beginnings of freshman year relating to an undisclosed accident resulting in lichtenberg scarring starting from Daniels palm, and presumably up his arm being hidden by his sleeve. Apparently this accident left Daniel with irregular tremors and, every once in a blue moon, seizures. Damian had thought about taking this suspicious blockage of information to Tim or the Bat Computer to be bypassed, however the idea of sharing Daniel this cases existence with the rest of his family for some unexplained reason bothered him greatly, so Damian has come to the decision to figure out Knight’s true intentions on his own.
Meanwhile Danny’s just trying to live his new, semi-normal life in peace. After a reveal gone wrong results in some good old vivisection, Jazz Sam and Tucker recruit the help of Clockwork to find Danny a new home, where he can heal from both the physical and mental wounds. Clockwork ends up dumping Danny into the DC universe alongside Fright Knight, who was insistent on going with him, feeling responsible in helping to protect his young prince now since he feels he failed the first time. So with a bit of spacetime razzle dazzle, Tucker messing with stuff he probably shouldn't have messed with and a very tearful goodbye with promises to check in every day, Danny goes off to start his new life as Daniel Knight. It was going ok so far, he took half the year to himself, focusing on healing. Also so Frighty could adjust to the whole pretending to be human thing. Danny doesn't have any friends yet, and to be honest hasn't made the effort to make any (Jazz would be disappointed if she knew that), but there's this one boy in Danny's class who might be even weirder than him. Danny can feel Damian's eyes on him, knows how he follows him around without a sound (Danny really shouldn't be able to tell, he only knows because he isn't fully human(and in a weird way, Danny thinks that's kinda cool)), and whenever they do make eye contact Danny can see and feel the boy fluster and shy away.
Maybe he just needs a friend too.
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