#this ask made me giddy I can't lie
writereleaserepeat · 1 year
Both parts of gnashing of teeth are so GOOD ! I got a question How long has Sasha been fighting and how many times has he lost
Thank you so much for the ask, and thank you for reading!
At the story's beginning (where we are now in Chapter 2), Sasha has been fighting for about two and a half years. He personally doesn't know how much time has actually gone by, but his rough estimate of two years is almost correct.
The fighters average one fight per month, sometimes more, sometimes less. Counting his fights has given Sasha a decent idea of how far he is into his contract.
Of the approximately 100 fights Sasha has been in, he's lost around 35. This is considerably better than most fighters, who often end up with win/loss records of about 50/50, but it's worse than the prize fighters with an almost perefect record.
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alexisomnias · 1 year
⤷ he'd be a pine tree (— pining trope)
featuring the OVERBLOT BOYS
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RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS         -  knees brushing against each other, leading to deep breaths and giddy feels.
riddle is hopelessly in love with you, to the point its distracting. seriously? how could he let his feelings grow this large to the point he can't even simply go near you without his mind running off to a romantic version of your real relationship. oh, how riddle hopes that daydream would one day become real, but for now. he needs to get back on trac-
"riddle? are you okay?" your voice raises, cutting through and silencing his voice playing loops in his head. he blushes, his hair color blending to his face as his breath catches. stomach churning nervously as he feels your skin brush against his, a blockage in his throat as his head pounds nervously. how much he really wants to hold your hand now, or wrap his arms around you... (when was he so touch starved...?)
"y-yes.. im perfectly fine. thanks for your concern." he nods, gazing away, afraid that even a few more seconds of meeting your eyes would cause the butterflies in his stomach to explode from inside out. why couldn't he just be straight up about his feelings...
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LEONA KINGSCHOLAR        -  taking care of them in the shadows
leona was a blunt man. always straight to the point, and uncaring of others first opinions on him. but with you? oh it seems like nothing that ever comes out of his mouth is honest! its not like he lies to you, its just that he never finishes his full thought. "stop dragging me into trouble" i don't want to see you hurt, "why are you touching me?" you could've asked...
so, what better way of getting out his feelings to anybody but the true object of affection? well simply let himself lie in your shadow. for all those in front of you too gaze and know for, but for you? you won't see the slight affection and care that seeps into his gaze, nor will you know that behind the scenes he is ensuring your life upon arriving to Twisted Wonderland will be nothing but easy and like royalty. for he does not want to ever see you struggle.
so he'll be in your shadow. for him to follow you and love you, for everyone else to see that love except you... until he decides to appear before you once the sun comes out and he's ready to open himself to that level of vulnerability, to step out of the dark and show his face.
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AZUL ASHENGROTTO        -  digging in their interests so that you have common topics to talk about
it was quite well known that azul has many connections, many ways to get information and to utilize it. his office is like an archive for all secrets and importance. but for that section of his brain, it holds everything about you. from silly daydreams, to just everything you like and what could make you happy. he truly had an entire library of thoughts and knowledge dedicated to you only with a key to those who break into his heart whether he'd like it or not. floyd and jade, being two, never left him alone about it.
it was no secret to his two friends that azul was a simp, he'd die before admitting it, but its true! he was utterly floored everytime you smiled at him, everytime you greeted him first. he was down-bad to the point he'd of made it to the bottom of the Mariana trench. Azul only wanted to make you happy, and get to know you better. even if he had no chance to call you a lover, this was far more than enough. so he got into all your interests so he had a common interest with you, no matter how wild, he'd end up loving it because you love it. and he loves you.
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JAMIL VIPER        -  Instant butterflies when you call out their name
"jamil!" you called excitedly, waving him over with a beautiful, utterly handsome smile on your face.
jamil was used to his name being called. from Kalim to the servants in the house. it is common knowledge to know a servant would get his name called, for an order of sorts. to be told. but with you? oh it was so so different... normally everytime his name was called he'd be filled with dread. what would he have to do next? but with you? it is filled with such euphoria. your calling him, you want to talk to him, you want to see him. its such a strange thing to jamil on how his name being called could be so different. from just a simple tone, simple vocal difference. how is it so different everytime you call his name?
jamil would be ready to walk no mattered distance if he could meet you again. ugh.... how did he end up this deep in love? he's merely in high school...
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VIL SCHOENHEIT        - having your every little thing memorized 
vil schoenheit was an actor. master of memorizing lines, and routines of all sorts. and yet, he is also a master of memorizing you. from your lovely smile, to your hair, to your hypnotic eyes. vil has it all remembered as if he's going to chisel an exact replica of you as a statue. this memory of his helps him realize every little emotion you have. your lips are a little bit more curved, are you okay dear? your hair is not in its usual style? what brought up this change? oh you must've gotten new clothes, he's never seen this outfit before.
all of which are in effort of loving you. he truly never thought he'd find the day where of he'd care so much for someone that every bit of them is put into memory. every touch, feeling of skin put into his mind like a note sheet. notes upon notes about every little thing he notices about you... and if you catch him staring..?
"vil? do i have something on my face? you've been staring for a while..."
"oh no, there's nothing there. just noticing the beauty that's made its mark."
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IDIA SHROUD       - dropping everything at their messages
idia wasn't the type for social interaction, in fact any sorts of it he would immediately ditch on. for even if he gets a messaged it would be left on read for weeks, but with you? oh its like theres a personal alarm set for himself! every message, or call you make is received right away. like an update for a game or show, he sees it right away and it immediately leaves him feeling giddy...
for an introvert, anti-socialist, like him. it was unfamiliar to get such a wonderful sensation upon being talked to... being noticed... having someone contact him first, willingly? oh how it felt like the world flipped itself for him, and complied to his wills and wants. and those wants? oh its to call you his... but i guess he got too far caught into the selfshipping delusions for he doubts you'll ever love him above online friend (he's to nervous to meet you face to face. you're so ethereal).
when the notification goes off, the typing bubble immediately comes up. hes not missing your message for the world.
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MALLEUS DRACONIA        - rambling about something you love and all they do is stare at them lovingly
malleus is completely, and totally infatuated with you. every word you speak, every breath you take it has him at the edge of his seat. ready to love and adore whatever you do next. he thinks everything you do is lovely, and worthy of adoration. he especially loves when you tell him about whatever interests you may have. Malleus absolutely adores listening to you.
please, tell him about anything and he'll listen so devotedly. how he loves knowing your comfortable enough around him to tell him and talk about your interests, whether from Twisted Wonderland, or from your world, "earth". anything and everything you tell him he is so ready to listen and learn. its coming from you, its something you consider important. so its only natural he listens.
and when you do rant, he stares and listens. looking at you like your the only thing in his universe, a beautiful sunset of which he's never laid his eyes upon before. a gift given by the world for him to love and cherish. and he'll learn everything about this treasure he has the pleasure of knowing. so... child of man, tell him more.
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kadwrites · 11 months
the shelby charm | T.S
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summary ; tommy demonstrates his charm on an unsuspecting girl.
warnings ; idk bad writing? arranged marriage trope, soft!tommy bc hes so babygirl idc,
a/n ; let me know what you guys think! and im so glad you guys are liking this series <3 i genuinely didnt even think id write a second part but here we are ig
"she what?" madeline asks with a gasp , her jaw is dropped.fiona froze mid-sip with her eyes wide open
"i know!" you nod , leaning in closer with your arms resting on the dining table. your eyes are wide, and you're laughing, still in disbelief of what happened.
it was around 8 in the morning, madeline and fiona dropped by early, they were too curious and excited to wait any longer.
celest is pacing around the table, with her 1 year old daughter rose , in her arms as she bounces her, shaking her head as if she can't believe it happened. you already told her the whole story, but she's still somehow taken aback
your parents are still asleep, the house is lit by the warm morning sunlight,  the scent of tea and toasted bread wafts around the house.
"she said ya cornered 'er? really?" madeline repeats what you said
"what else did she say to 'im?" fiona asks with a raised brow, she leans in closer as well
"i don't know , he didn't tell me anything besides that" you mutter, taking a bite of your slightly burned toast
"and he drove ya home?" fiona wiggles her brows at you 
"aye , he did. because that aunt of his left me stranded in that fucking office."
"she probably did that on purpose." celest adds with a laugh
"of course she fucking did" you say with a sigh
"he insisted on driving ya home aye?" celest teases , she sits on the table with you, bouncing rose on her lap.
"what kind of man would let a defenseless woman walk alone in the dark streets of birmingham" you resent that it made you feel giddy, you really did. it was just a polite gesture, you tell yourself.
"and what did he say to 'er afterwards?" fiona looks at you intently, too invested in the story to tease you.
"so that woman walks in yeah, and she walks straight to 'im. at that point she hadn't even said a word to me. and asks 'im to sign a fucking paper or something" you tuck a strand behind your ear and bringing your chair closer to the table. "and he says oh so y've met my fiancee ?"
at your words, everyone squeals  and giggles 
"would you shut up? it wasn't like that." you say with a whine, covering your face slightly 
"why else would he say that then?"
"to make 'er jealous? i dont know" you furrow your brows, taking another bite of toast 
"he did it to let 'er know what 'er place is" celest nods as she speaks, her daughter watches all of you , babbling as if adding to the conversation.
"anyways" you wave a dismissive hand "she said that she did and then he tells 'er that i'll be visiting the office often and he'd like 'er make me feel welcomed when hes not around"  you hold back a small smile that threatened to escape you.
it's childish, really. you didn't know the man, hell only a week ago, you hated the sound of his name.
all of them giggle and squeal, again. as if they were school girls
"i bet she cried 'erself to sleep that night" fiona snorts a laugh, sipping her tea 
"did you ask 'im if he's sleeping with 'er?" madeline chimes in
"i did, and he said he wasn't" you shrugged, leaning back on the chair
"and do ya believe 'im?" celest asks, not in a mocking or sarcastic way. she's genuinely curious 
"i think i do?" you sigh, then lick your lips "he seemed honest enough i guess? he hardly seems like the kind of man that would give two fucks if he hurt my feelings so i doubt he'd lie about it for my sake"
"but isn't he a bit of a whore?" fiona's draw together as she looks at celest then back at you 
"he is but what im saying is i don't think there's any reason for 'im to lie, its not like we're in love or anything" you rest your chin on you hand, 
"ask polly" celest is still holding her daughter, feeding her small pieces of bread "that woman knows everything" she mutters 
"and say what? hello mrs gray, would ya please tell me if your nephew is fucking his secretary?"
before any one else could talk , a knock on the door makes all of you go quiet , you looked at celest and clicked your tongue "ya just had to say 'er name didn't ya?"
alas , when you opened the door it wasn't polly gray's smirk that greeted you , but the icy blue eyes of her nephew.
"thomas" you're almost dumbfounded, your mouth slightly opened, you blink a couple of times. 
his voice was slightly deeper than you remember, or maybe it was the trance that made it seem that way.
"what are you doing here?" you tilt your head.
behind you, fiona and madeline are trying to snag a peek, you can hear their muttering but you hope he doesn't 
"i would like ya to come by the office today,"
"why?" you stare at him, he's standing on your doorstep, in his suit, coat, and infamous hat.
"there are some things we need to go over."
you then realize that he's been standing on your doorstep, you step back, opening the door "im sorry, come in."
you hear the footsteps of madeline and fiona they scurry up the stairs, celest hides in the kitchen
you walk him back to the living room, and he sits down on the sofa "ya had company over?"
you look back at the dining table, then at him
"sort of."
"some friends"
he humms and nods, still looking at you, but that tension is broken when you hear the sound of rose babbling, you look down and shes crawling on the floor.
she probably escaped while celest was too busy eavesdropping 
he looks at her as well , "who's baby is this?"
you bend down to pick her up, and she giggles "she's rose, my sisters daughter."
you just smile at her, as she stares back at tommy then back at you, as if asking you who that man is
he stands up, his finger grazes her cheek "she looks a lot like you."
you humm, looking at her "because i look like celest"
"may i?" he asks you as he looks at her
you hesitate, rose is a fussy baby. "she's really fussy."
"i'll give 'er back if she cries."
you let him pick her up, and he just stares back at her for a while before you see his dimples peek through. "i think shes too shocked to even cry" he mumbles 
you watch, you're both amused and mesmerized "me and 'er both."
he looks at you "what? i thought ya knew that i 'ave a son."
"i did, but i didn't know you were the baby carrying kind of dad."
"i carry 'im whenever i can."
whenever i can , you forgot how much his work probably takes away. from him and his son.
he's so gentle with her though, as she looks at him inquisitively, curiously grabbing onto his coat. he takes off the hat and drops it on the sofa, so she wouldn't cut herself.
"can you hold 'er while i go change?"
"i think i can manage, just don't be too long" 
you hurry and go up the stairs, so she wouldn't notice your absence and cry. and at the top of the stairs, you're greeted with the faces of fiona and madeline as they try to hold back their squeals 
"shhhh!!" you put a finger against your lips and push them into your room 
they start silently squealing, if there is such a thing "he is such a dish."
"oh my god, oh my god"
"did ya see 'im holding rose? that was such a domestic moment between you two, i bet youre already falling for 'im aye?" fiona is almost vibrating with excitement 
"shut up." you mutter as you change your clothes "im tired of this family's surprise visits." you turn to the vanity, fixing your hair, putting on some makeup.
"look at 'er, rushing to look good for 'er fiance" fiona teases 
"or maybe it's for that pesky secretary? to show 'er that he's 'yours' ?" madeline wiggles her brows
"when i said that the novel you two read was ruining you, this is what i meant" you mumble as you put your lipstick down, and grabbing a pair of pearl earrings, they'll probably do.
you grab a coat from the closet and walk out ,ignoring the teasing noises of your friends. you hear rose's laugh and you just smile instinctively as you make your way down. when you reach the doorway, you see him throwing her in the air, not too high though just enough to get her to laugh.
"ah i see y've won 'er over." you walk closer, standing before him "so this is the shelby charm , then?"
a soft smile takes over his lips "she's easily impressed."
you reach for her, and he gives her back to you. 
"ya can go to the car now, i'll just go put 'er in the crib."
he nods , taking his hat and putting it back on as he walks out of the house.
"you can come out now!" you call for celest and she rushes out of the kitchen and grabs her daughter 
"what's with the smile?" she asks you with a knowing look 
"what ? can't i smile without you lot thinking im in love with 'im now?" you turn around and walk to the door, putting your shoes on. you didn't even know you were still smiling.
celest just lets out a laugh, as she bounces rose
"say what ya want, i know ya better than ya think i do."
you glare at her before leaving the house and walking to the car, you see him leaning against it before walking and opening the passenger door for you.
you get in the car, and a moment later he does too, and you pray to whoever is looking over you that this car ride won't be awkward.
@tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator , @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz
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xythlia · 7 months
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› toji x f!reader
› word count : 2k+
- ̗̀໒ warnings : sex work, on camera, choking, my spit kink shining thru again, biting, backshots, (1) ass smack, fingering, cervix fucking, reader has hair long enough to pull, squirting, rough sex, full nelson, creampie
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You take a drag of your cigarette, bleary sleep deprived eyes doing their best to focus on the obnoxious flashing neon sign. WE'VE GOT A DOLL FOR EVERY TASTE. It makes you scoff as you grind the but out beneath your scuffed shoe, that's all they think of you all as, dolls. Props that just so happen to moan and squirt.
For the most part you keep your complaints to yourself, money is money. Not that this was what you ever pictured you'd land on as a career but it could always be worse.
Exhaling the last of the crisp night air from your lungs you pull open the sleek silver backdoor to Cloud Nine. The back hallways are made up of dim, twisting corridors. Some lead to the back offices, to security, but as you hook a left to brush past a tinkling bead curtain you're met with the large open dressing room you all share.
You prefer to spend as little time back here as possible, doing the bulk of your prep at your apartment before you're on for the night. You can't stand their mindless, giddy chatter. It also prevents you from getting attached to any of them, or taking on a puppy so to speak.
Before you can finish tucking your bag and coat away in the dingy locker your floor manager is waving a piece of paper in your face.
It makes your stomach flip.
"You got swapped, Angel can't do the red room and you're the only other experienced girl in tonight."
The red room was only ever offered on nights an experienced doll was on the floor, since the people reserving red rooms always have a... particular taste in mind. Newer girls wouldn't be able to handle it. As much of an annoyance as it is to be switched with so little notice, you don't mind. It can get dull shaking your ass for run of the mill patrons all night, plus the red room is where the real money is.
"One or-?" You ask vaguely.
"One guy, don't keep him waiting alright?" She says dismissively.
You grab the piece of paper, the list of what you will and strictly won't do for a red room service. It was standard fare: creampie, light sadism, degradation, ect. Since it wasn't too extreme you didn't bother filling it out, it's easier to just tell the guy.
It's not far to the private rooms, and part of you is more than a little eager to see just who reserved one of these eye wateringly expensive sessions.
Even bathed in the dim red lights you could tell he was attractive, dark hair and eyes that held something elusive even though he kept contact with your own.
"I didn't bother filling this out, nothing you requested is off limits for me." You smile as you let the paper flutter to the floor, taking the seat beside him on the plush lounge.
Out of the corner of your eye you see the blinking light on the camera, he already set it up to record. It makes you quirk a brow at him, usually even the most gutsy ones are a little camera shy.
He smirks at you. "I'll be gentle."
With the way he says it you know it's a lie.
With a grin you lay back, propping a pillow under your head and trying not to focus on that little green recording light in your peripheral. The worst part is being filmed, but that's part of the rooms appeal. These guys pay for the ability to record the entire session not just for being able to fuck someone with no holds bared, but the catch is the club also gets to upload it.
The feeling of his skin brushing against yours cracks your train of thought. His fingertips are calloused, hands rough but he doesn't have the look of a working man. As those fingertips caress a trail down your inner thighs you shiver, letting out a quiet gasp.
"Puttin' on a show?" He purrs.
You give a breathy giggle, winding your arms around his muscles back as he leans over you between your legs. "Isn't that what you paid for?"
He pushes against you, lips brushing experimentally against yours, and deepens it to something harsh and hungry when he feels you start to squirm beneath him. His touch feels like fire, scorching a path across your skin with every grope and fondle of your body. You feel a familiar sensation of dizziness, of lightheadedness; every movement is skilled and purposeful, a deliberate attempt to steal the breath from your lungs and leave you choking on your own spit.
His lips begin to make their way down your neck, sucking hard against the delicate skin and making you groan with every nip of his teeth. In a daze you help him undo the straps of your barely there top, head tipping back when his mouth finds one of your nipples. They get the same rough treatment as your throat, and he gives a particularly sharp graze of his teeth clearly just to hear you yelp.
Your hands cup your breasts, kneading them, as his mouth dips marks a path down your stomach. Caught up in your own eagerness you wiggle your hips slightly, anticipating what's coming only to feel him grip your legs and yank you down further. The suddenness makes you wince, propping on your elbows to see just what he has in mind.
The way he's looking at you, with such debauched hunger it sends butterflies off in your chest. You don't even know his name but you know this is the kind of man a red room was designed for. As he leans forward again between your legs you feel his erection press hard against you, making the fabric of your panties slide against your clit with delicious friction.
Before you can ask, beg, for more his thick fingers glide up the column of your throat and press hard against the sides. Squeezing against your carotid artery and making your mouth drop open. As soon as your lips part you see the shimmer against his bottom lip, watch in fascination as a thick clear string of spit comes down to meet your tongue.
Sucking his lip he brings his face barely an inch from yours, through the fuzz of your restricted blood supply you notice a scar on the corner of his mouth.
"I didn't pay for you to look at the fuckin' camera." His voice is low, gutteral.
The second he lets go your body is automatically sucking air into your lungs, hard and sputtering as you lift your hips up to grind against him. In one smooth movement, before you can even process it properly, he's got you flipped on your stomach and pulling your ass up and back.
Your cheek presses against the plush fabric, eyes squeezed shut feeling his fingers run over your damp panties. There's not even enough time to relish in the contact before two fingers have the fabric pulled to the side, his knuckles sliding past the ring of muscle makes you moan against the lounge seat.
Hearing the soft shuffling of clothes you know he's undressing, even while his other hand is occupied with keeping his fingers scissoring against your slick walls. The sudden emptiness of his fingers withdrawing was quickly replaced by the head of his cock sliding through your arousal, making you suck in a sharp breath.
Just from that little contact you can feel he's got girth and heft, excitement makes you dig your nails into the lounge and press your chest down against it, keeping your ass higher.
You hear him scoff and the sting of his hand coming down hard against your skin makes you cry out, but it's nothing compared to the biting pain as the swollen head pushes against your soaked hole. The stretch is agonizing, you're not sure any amount of prep would've been sufficient. You groan, bottom lip caught in your teeth as you feel the fabric against your face getting wet with the spit seeping from the corners of your mouth.
He doesn't wait for you to adjust before slamming his hips against your ass, hard enough to make your breathing hitch in your throat, and you can feel him brushing against your cervix. The pace is brutal, making your body jostle and shake with each thrust.
Slick squelching mingles with the sound of skin smacking skin to form a perverse melody that only heightens the tension building in your gut. Frantically you slide one hand down to rub you neglected, aching clit but before you can make contact he's got you pulled up by a fistful of your hair. The sting of pain makes tears prick in your waterline as blubbering moans spill from your lips.
The way your body rocks forward with every brush of his cock against your cervix, the way his girth makes your cunt feel overstuffed, it all makes your head spin. His grunts join the obscene cacophony of sounds along with your whines when he lets go of your hair to support your body with one arm while his other hand catches your jaw in a bruising grip.
You squirm, feeling the hot tracks of tears slipping down your cheeks but his hold is steadfast. If you had more presence of mind you'd swear you could feel your heartbeat not just through your entire body but in your cunt too.
As you dissolve in his hold, a crying whimpering mess, he pushes you back down face first into the lounge, holding you by the scruff as he repositions to hit deeper. Your moans fracture into gasps and hiccups as you clench down around him, finally able to rub frenzied circles around your clit and feel that compressed coil snap inside you.
The lounge becomes incredibly damp around your knees and your brain feels as if it's coated in sticky, thick honey.
You whimper pathetically as he yanks you up again, never breaking his pace, forces you to look straight into that ever blinking green light.
"Not all you can take is it?" He sneers, hooking fingers into your mouth and whatever reply you had gets lost in the garbled sounds you choke out around them.
When he suddenly pulls out you groan, body feeling exhausted and boneless on the comedown from your orgasm but he isn't done with you yet. He lays on his back, supporting you on top of him as he makes sure your pussy faces the cameras lens and slips back inside you.
Your eyes roll back as you struggle to help support your own weight. It catches you off guard when pulls you down so your back is pressed against his chest, both of your bodies slick with sweat and various other fluids. His arms loop beneath yours and his fingers lock together behind your neck, making your breaths come in wheezed yelps and your legs automatically rise up.
The muscles in your thighs are screaming from the strain and your lungs burn again, you feel yourself camping around him, walls throbbing and sucking his cock back in with every thrust.
You can't help but sob and blubber hoarsely, begging to cum again with every sharp upswing of his hips. His pace breaks up quickly the tighter you squeeze him, devolving into sloppy thrusts until you feel his cock throb inside you. Warm, sticky heat spreads inside you and you sigh brokenly in his hold.
The cameras unfeeling, fish eye lens catches the creamy white rings forming on his cock, the way his cum drips out of your sore pussy when he slides out of you with a throaty, satisfied groan.
You grin, slow and lazy up at the ceiling. Red room sessions aren't just about the money, they're the most... fulfilling.
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krakensdottir · 10 months
Fav Aziraphale Moments in S2
Okay, I admit, I'm more of a Crowley blogger. He's my blorbo. But you literally can't love him without loving his other half. It's time to show some Aziraphale appreciation.
In no particular order, here are things Aziraphale did in S2 that made my jaw drop / breathing stop / otherwise really stuck with me:
Cradling the jar
Who would've thought hugging a jar of formaldehyde with a tumor floating in it could be heartbreaking? The look on Aziraphale's face when he learns it came from a young child, one that couldn't be saved, and the way his body language shifts as he tucks the jar close and precious against his chest, trying too late to protect it... Listen, I have really stubborn tear ducts, the final scene of S2 didn't make me cry (though it made a valiant effort), but I teared up at this.
Standing up to Crowley in the Job flashback
Really, the entire Job flashback is 10/10 for both of them. But Aziraphale especially shines when he steps in front of Crowley and says 'Tell me you want this.' They've only met a handful of times since the Fall at best, but Aziraphale is confident enough to call him out. And he doesn't falter or hesitate about it, either. He gets right up in the demon's face and makes him say it. Makes him lie outright that he wants to hurt anyone.
And then, of course, in front of the children, Aziraphale - no longer asking, now absolutely certain he's right - steps into Crowley's space again, looks him dead in his sinister eyes, and says he's dead sure those children are safe. Buddy, I had chills.
SPEAKING of chills...
I didn't know his voice could go that deep (Furfur scene)
Okay, I actually knew Michael Sheen could sound like that. But I admit, I 100% did not expect to hear it come out of Aziraphale. In the form of his own name, no less. I guess that's what happens when someone threatens Crowley right in front of him.
The sassy eyebrow
We've all talked about this but it's never a bad time to bring it up again. Shax really says 'You don't seem like his type' and Aziraphale's eyebrow says 'Honey you have no idea' right back at her. She can pry at his defenses in a lot of ways, but making him doubt his importance to Crowley is clearly not one of them. And that's really good to know.
Telling both demons and angels to fuck off
I was already giddy from seeing him go full Protective Principality at a horde of demons, but telling off the Archangels took it to a new level. He has had ENOUGH. Screw the angelic hierarchy, this is his bookshop and he's done. (Crowley giving him that oh-so-proud smile through the window without Az even knowing it was the icing on the cake. Yeah Crowley, I feel exactly the same.)
Honorable mention, again from the Job flashback: when Crowley says 'See you in Hell' and Aziraphale, instead of hesitating or having a crisis over it, defiantly sinks his teeth into the ox ribs again, tearing out another hunk of flesh. There's such a mood of 'Fuck it then, if this damns me I might as well enjoy it.' Fuck yeah, Aziraphale.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: oops (fic named after this song)
Summary: Nothing good ever happens on an LA road [2.3k]
Warnings: NOTHING SUPER GORY, car crash, injuries, hospital setting, found family but make it angsty
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When you first moved to LA, you and Ryan would drive around for hours, just talking and taking in the sights. Normally, you'd end up sitting somewhere and gossiping about this actor or that producer for hours. But, with each of your busy schedules, it's a little harder to find time to just be friends instead of coworkers. That's why when you both had a free day, you decided to drive around and update him on everything that's been going on. You tell him about the auditions you have lined up, the reshoot schedule, and even what happened during and after New York.
"You met his kids?!" Ryan half-yells in your ear, and you smile as you turn on your blinker to get off the freeway. "That's huge! Did they like you? How old are they? What are their names? Do they want to be friends with Elizabeth?" 
"Sarah is eighteen, and Ellie is fourteen, so I don't think they'll be particularly interested in hanging out with your toddler." You say, and he feigns disappointment before sitting up again, suddenly giddy.
"But they liked you?"
"I think so. They invited me to their family movie night on Friday."
"They as in the girls?"
"We're in a group chat. Ellie's idea, not mine." 
"No shit?" He asks, and you nod. You stop at a red light and turn in the driver's seat to look at him. You can't help the big smile or how it grows when Ryan looks at you all excitedly. "Is Joel just head over heels in love with you now that his daughters like you?" You scoff and roll your eyes.
"It's only been a few months. He's not in love with me."
"I knew I was gonna marry Carolina on our third date."
"Well, that's because you guys are crazy."
"And you think you and Joel are sane?" He has a point, but you'd never tell him he's right. "But, seriously. Do you see yourself being with him for a while?" He asks, and you turn your head to watch the red light turn green.
Before you got to know him, before you went to New York, before he introduced you to his family, you would've said no. You would've made up some lie about how it's just for now, and neither of you is really looking for anything serious. But now he's inviting you over for movie nights and late-night studio sessions like this is how it's always been, and you like it. You like being a part of his life and having him in yours. You just don't know what that means for the future.
"We're just… having fun. I'm not worrying about the future for once in my life. Can you please let me have that?" You sigh, and Ryan throws up his hands from the passenger seat.
"Fine, but I will say one more thing before we drop it," he says, looking at you sincerely. "You seem really happy. Like the happiest I've ever seen you. So, I'm Team Joel, as long as you are. I'll make t-shirts and cheer you guys on, and when the time comes, I'll even officiate the wedding."
"I don't know about the wedding part, but t-shirts would actually be hilarious," you laugh, even though the genuineness in his voice makes you want to cry. You reach over and squeeze his hand. "Thank you, Ryan."
"You're welcome," he squeezes you back. "Now that we're done talking about your love life, can I tell you what Elizabeth said the other day?"
"I wish you would." You say as the light turns green and cars slowly begin moving. Ryan begins spinning an elaborate story about how Carolina's dad was visiting last week, and they were playing in the playroom. You swear you're listening, but traffic is backing up in your lane, and you're desperately trying to get over. Thankfully, someone lets you in, and you can finally go the speed limit for once. Ryan is laughing at his story, and you're tuned back in when he gets cut off by metal crunching.
You don't know exactly what happened after that. You think you saw a black— no, a blue— car sputtering away after hitting you. Your ears ring, and your vision blurs as you struggle to breathe. It feels like someone is squeezing your lungs like a stress ball. Pricks of pain erupt across your face and thighs as your eyes flutter shut. Your head weighs a million pounds, and all you want to do is sleep, but then you hear groaning, and you suddenly remember Ryan.
Something takes over as you look at him, glass and blood all over his body. You unbuckle your seatbelt and get out of the car on shaky legs to run to his side, the side hit by the speeding car. The door is partially dented in, but you're able to open it and see his chest rising and falling. You curse under your breath as you apply pressure to the gnarly-looking cut on his head. He jerks under your touch, and you shush him gently. Distantly, you hear sirens and pray that they're for you.
"Hey. Hey, you're okay. You're fine. We're okay," you say. His eyes open halfway before dropping down again. "No, no, no. Hey, you gotta stay awake for me, okay? You gotta finish telling me your story about Bethy. What did she say? You didn't tell me." 
"Are you okay? We called 911, and..." a kind voice approaches, making you jump. You turn to look at her and watch a flicker of recognition pass over her. "Holy shit, you're-"
"He needs help," you cut her off. "Please, can you help him? I... I don't know what to do. The c...car came out of nowhere, and he..." The asphalt sways under you, and she quickly reaches out to grab your elbow. You shake your head and grip the mangled door for balance. It's then that you realize that your car is stopped in the middle of the intersection, with broken glass and car parts littering the road. You also realize that bystanders surround you, their beady camera lenses pointed at you. A shudder runs down your spine despite the California heat, and something in your side twinges in pain.
"You need to be sitting down." The woman tries to pull you away from Ryan, but you rip your arm away from her. You position your body between his and the cameras, bending over him to protect his bloody face.
"No. No, 'm fine. Need to be with him." 
"I said no!" You yell as an ambulance squeals to a stop nearby, and paramedics rush out. 
"Are you hurt?" A paramedic asks, medical gear slung over her shoulder as she approaches.
"I think he hit his head. I don't... know. He's bleeding." You say, and the paramedic nods. You think she says something to the kind woman about shock, but you can't hear over all the blood. It's on your hands, your clothes, and in your hair. The dark red is suffocating you, and all you can do is watch.
Ringing takes over your senses as they cut Ryan out of his seat and put him on a stretcher. You repeat Carolina's phone number over and over again. You tell them his blood type, the dosage of his anti-depressants, and his bad knee. The left one. The left one gives him the most trouble. The left one pops when he stands too fast or walks upstairs. He needs surgery, but he won't get it. You tell them he's a father. You tell them that there are people who need him a lot more than they need you. Your legs give out as soon as he's loaded into the ambulance and sent away with shrieking sirens. Someone catches you before you can hit the pavement, and you can feel yourself shaking.
"Your friend is gonna be okay. We're gonna meet him at the hospital. Is there someone I can call for you? An emergency contact?" A medic asks, and you shake your head.
"That was my emergency contact. I... I don't have anyone else. I don't," your chest heaves with panic when a set of numbers flashes in your head next to Carolina's phone number. You repeat to the medic, and they quickly scribble it down. "His name is Joel."
"And who's he?"
"My partner."
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Your body feels heavy when you wake up, like someone tied cinderblocks to your joints and told you to swim. Ringing fills your ears before giving way to a cloud of painful noise, and for a second, you wonder if the car crash was just a dream and when you open your eyes, you'll be back in bed. You'll text Ryan about how weird it was and make plans to hang out later in the day. Except, when you open your eyes, harsh fluorescent lights shine down on you. Your face pulses with an unrelenting throbbing. Pressure explodes across your temples, and you grit your teeth as you try to take a deep breath, but your ribs protest. A gentle squeeze of your hand surprises you, but it doesn't hurt.
"Don't move too fast. Doctors said you'd be sore," Joel says quietly. You slowly turn your head and find him sitting in a chair next to your bed, both of his hands holding one of yours. Tears immediately flood your vision, and your chest aches under the weight of your cries. "What's wrong? Are you in pain?"
"'Ryan. Where's Ryan? Is he okay?" It hurts to talk, and Joel has to move closer to hear you, but once he realizes what you're asking, he kisses your hand.
"Ryan's next door with Carolina. He's got some bumps and bruises like you, but he's gonna be just fine," he says, reaching out to smooth your hair down, and you let out a sigh of relief. "You were the first thing he asked about when he woke up, too."
"Really?" You ask, and he smiles.
"Course. Said he could hear you the whole time, but he couldn't say anythin'. He told me that knowin' you were there made him feel safe." 
"I... I told the paramedics about his knee." You sniffle, and he raises his eyebrows.
"You did?"
"His left one is bad. They needed to know. I had to tell them." 
"You did great," he murmurs, wiping your tears away with gentle thumbstrokes. You take a shaky breath and focus all your strength on squeezing his hand. He smiles and kisses your forehead, his eyes glistening with tears. "You scared me."
"'M sorry. I didn't know who else to call."
"Hey, don't be sorry, okay? You did the right thing tellin' 'em to call me. I was scared because you were hurt."
"What's the damage?" You ask, and he takes a deep breath as his eyes scan your face.
"You've got a concussion and bout seven stitches on the side of your face here," he traces a line over his left eyebrow to show where he's indicating without hurting you. "Three cracked ribs and two broken ones from hittin' the steering wheel, some cuts from the glass, and lots of bumps and bruises." You nod as you listen, taking a mental inventory of everything. He watches you process silently, pressing kisses to your hand, forehead, and cheek whenever he gets the urge. Memories of blood, warped metal, and phone cameras run through your mind, and you swallow thickly.
"People were taking pictures of us after we got hit." You say, and Joel nods.
"I saw 'em."
"Out of all those people, one stopped to help us," your voice cracks. "I thought Ryan was gonna die, and they were fucking taking pictures."
"He didn't. He's safe. You're both safe, and Mel is already workin' on gettin' those pictures taken down, okay?" He says. You just nod and wrap your other hand around Joel's wrist, bringing your joined hands to your chest. You stay like that for a while, listening to the incessant beeping of your heart monitor and Joel's breathing. He doesn't rush you or make you talk anymore. He waits.
It would've been so easy for Joel to not show up. Or to show up, focus only on you, and completely forget about Ryan and Carolina. But he didn't. He knew how much they mean to you. He showed up, and he visited them, and was there when he woke up. He talked to Melanie about getting the photos from the accident taken down. He held your hand and said you did the right thing and didn't flinch when he saw your bruises. I'm Team Joel, as long as you are, echoes in your mind, and you smile.
"Thank you," you mumble as you kiss Joel's hand.
"For what?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"Bein' you."
"You're gettin' sweet on me, pretty girl." 
"Mm, I don't know about that one," you say. "Think people will still wanna cast me with a big ass scar on my forehead?" Joel nods as he leans down to kiss you gently.
"Oh, yeah. 'S sexy." He says against your lips, and you chuckle. 
"Shut up."
"Yes, ma'am," A wave of fatigue hits you as Joel settles in his chair again, and you yawn. "Get some rest. I'm not goin' anywhere." He squeezes your hand again, and you close your eyes, letting the pain meds drag you under again. 
You don't remember what you dreamt about that night in the hospital, but you remember blood washing down the drain. It wouldn't stop. There was so much. You remember thinking the blood on your hands almost looked sparkly as camera shutters reflected in the red. Everything looks prettier on camera, right? 
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wrenrogue · 2 months
Kuroo sometimes draws a ring around Kenma's finger with permanent marker and jokes that's proof that they're now married.
Kenma always just rolls his eyes, but tries to keep the crudely drawn band and diamond on his ring finger as long as he can. Because what if they were married? They've been dating for years, it's not a farfetched idea to consider, y'know?
So the next time Kuroo lovingly grabs his hand to draw the same cliche ring he always draws, and looks at him with warm eyes and a mischievous grin and goes, "We're married now."
Kenma goes, "Why aren't we?"
Kuroo's not expecting that. Kuroo's expecting Kenma's usual eye roll or exasperated sigh before he manages to get a kiss from him for being ridiculous. It's not like he's never considered marriage, it's honestly all he's wanted, but Kenma's never showed interest, and he's just as happy living in domestic bliss with Kenma anyway. If he had seen the signs, he would've asked, but he never caught them.
And there he was telling Kenma this on their living room couch, because he can't lie to Kenma. This isn't an angst story, why is Kenma suddenly interested in Marriage???
"I don't know, I just thought I wouldn't mind it is all."
"You make marrying me sound like you're choosing what to order for takeout." says Kuroo flatly.
"I mean we're already going to be together forever, aren't we? That's why I never considered marriage until now. Too much paperwork to tell you I love you forever."
Kuroo feels the back of his neck heating up as he tries to hide his giddiness, "You're so romantic, Kenken. I might just marry you for that line alone."
"Shut up" says Kenma, ears growing red.
"Kenma's in looove with meee forever"
"I change my mind, I've made mistakes before"
"You really are a brat. You're lucky you're cute."
"Kuro, will you marry me?"
"I thought you didn't like paperwork."
"I don't, but I like you. So I don't mind it for the right reasons."
"You're gonna make me do all of it, huh?" Kuroo grins as he he takes Kenma into his arms so he can kiss him silly.
"Don't be dumb" Kenma smiles into Kuroo's mouth, "I'll help with all the fees.
"You're such a brat" Kuroo laughs
"But will you marry me?"
Kuroo doesn't respond at first, instead taking Kenma's hand where his crudely drawn ring is. He traces over the lines of it, thinking about how he mostly did it as a joke. He guessed in some small way it was also a bit of hope of what he wanted.
He wonders if Kenma caught on to that too.
"I'll file as much paperwork as I have to, Kenma"
"So yes?"
Kenma grabs his hand, "I need your hand."
"Kenma what are you doing??" Kuroo says, dumbfounded as Kenma takes out a marker.
He's a fast worker, doesn't take as long as Kuroo in making sure the lines are just right. The marker's felt tip tickles against Kuroo's skin when it goes around his finger, but at the end, there is a crudely drawn ring on Kuroo's ring finger too.
Kenma closes the marker before admiring his work and going, "We're engaged now."
Kenma doesn't get a chance to explain he ordered a real ring that will arrive in a few days, because Kuroo has fallen in love with Kenma all over again and needs to kiss him the silliest possible.
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inafieldofdaisies · 10 months
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Ship Art | John Seed x Sabrina Donovan | sketch by @felrija ❤️ || a scene from my WIP In Hope Of Tomorrow, snippet below the cut
"I won't lie, I was planning on killing you." "And yet you didn't. Why?" "A change of circumstances."
It felt like at least 2 hours had passed before the door opened again. Sabrina kept her eyes casted downward as a pair of boots came into view, crossing over the threshold, their owner humming a familiar tune. I know this melody. It was the song she sang in the cell. He was there, listening. The realization made her look up, her hazel eyes met John's as he neared, stepping into the light that spilled from the chandelier above. He was wearing jeans, a blue dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up and way too many buttons undone, on top of it was a vest that belonged more in a courtroom than in a bunker in the Middle of nowhere, Montana. "Kept you waiting, didn't I, Deputy?" A dark smirk marred his handsome face, his posture exuding confidence, like he was about to slip into an opening statement any moment. Only in this room he had full reign, assuming the role of judge, jury and executioner. "Probably should consider serving some tea, maybe redecorating your dungeon. Red's a bit on the nose, don't you think? And I wouldn't rate your goon very highly on any scale either." The comment made him chuckle, and she tried to ignore how familiar it sounded, how it pulled on her soul. "Now, I'm not usually late, but someone decided to attempt to derail my Cleansing.", at that he unconsciously went to smooth out his dark hair, making Sabrina realize it's damp. Sabrina narrowed her eyes, the corners of her mouth twitching, "Did someone try to drown you, Seed?" Don't laugh again. And he didn't, sending a smirk her way instead. "Now, Deputy, enough jokes, there are more pressing matters.", his head tilted slightly, his expression almost... giddy. "What's a joke is you thinking holding a Deputy hostage is a good idea, you of all people should know it's far from it. Aren't you supposed to be a hotshot lawyer?", she couldn't stop her sneer. "Deputy-" Sabrina cut him off, "I have a name." "Yes. Sabrina Blythe Donovan.", he said it matter-of-factly, but Sabrina could tell he took pride in that knowledge. It didn't shock her he knew her full name, with Nancy being on Eden's Gate side no doubt information about the whole Sheriff's Department was leaking like a sieve. A dry laugh escaped her, "Next you're going to tell me the name of my first boyfriend." John crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow, "Knowledge is power after all. And, Sabrina, you wouldn't be here if you didn't try to arrest my brother. You all had choice and it led to this." She pushed down the feeling at how familiar her name sounded on his lips, the twinge of longing it caused in her was nothing. It had to be.
"There was an arrest warrant. I was just doing my job. Your brother is a criminal, and now so are you and all of your people." "I'm doing MY job, Deputy. You're a sinner and so are your friends.", he retorted, his words full of conviction as he headed for his torture table. Sabrina froze, expecting him to notice a knife was missing, when he said nothing, she continued, "Why am I here?" The words came out sharper than intended, carrying the tone she used when interrogating suspects back in Portland, the one that got her straight answers and stripped away all the nonsense. John turned, a look of amusement flashing across his face as he leaned against the table, legs crossed at the ankles. "I should be the one asking questions here, Deputy." "Old habits die hard, I was a-" "A detective back in", a dramatic pause, he raised a finger, "Portland. And you left it all behind to work for Whitehorse. Can't wait for you to tell me why." "I'm not telling you shit. I don't know what you think you're doing-" John stalked towards her with swiftness that took her aback as he grabbed the armrests of her chair, the force behind his movement making the wheels skid across the floor. His face had grown serious, piercing blue eyes boring into hers as he loomed over her. "You will talk, confess every sin, no matter how small. I know exactly what I’m doing here."
Their proximity sent a shiver up her spine and she tried to tell herself it was the bad kind. He was so close to a point Sabrina could smell the musky scent of river that clung to his skin. He had indeed taken a dive, her amusement at the confirmation died down quickly. His nearness, the position of his hands as he held onto the chair allowed her to see his tattoos in detail for the first time. In seconds her whole world came crashing down, her blood froze. No. She knew these tattoos, had seen them countless times in her visions, had drawn them over and over to the point they were embedded in her memory. NO. The hand holding hers as the world ended. The man that called her "Butterfly". It was John. John fucking Seed. His voice snapped her out of her thoughts, "Hm. A butterfly." He was looking at her tattoo, at one of the butterflies that wasn't hidden by the strap of her top. As if she needed any more reminders of the tragic realization she had just came to, John said the damned word again as he backed away, "Why a butterfly, Deputy?" He was back to being nonchalant, like the outburst hadn't even happened. All she could do was blink, wishing her eyes were lying to her.
"You still with me, Sabrina?", it had finally hit him she wasn't replying, that she wasn't talking back. Breathe. Focus. Snap out of it. "Wish I wasn't, won't lie.", she tried to hold onto her composure. Silence took over as John went back to his table, picking up a tool, looking it over then placing it down with care and grabbing another one, repeating the process. It felt mechanical, like a show. Her own knife felt heavy in her hands, the tip prickling her skin, a wake-up call. She knew what she had to do in order to get back to Savannah, imagined it in the hours he made her wait on him. Plunging the blade deep, ending a life. But doubt was creeping in... Her plan, the dark path she planned to take, there was a chance she would fail, she had seen him alive too many times. And her most recent vision... from the sounds of that one he was breathing and pissed off. John spoke up again, his attention still on the table in front of him, "My brother's church. Let's start there. You saw something." It wasn't a question, he sounded sure of it. She hadn't been able to hide her distress, even tried to stop the arrest. A new path became visible. A plan with a giant leap of faith. Probably the most dumb and risky decision she has ever made in her life. He wanted answers, and she was going to play along. For now. "I will tell you what I saw, but I doubt you'd believe it, they never do." Another smirk, making her feel nauseous. "Try me, Deputy." "I saw the crash. Before it happened, I mean." "A vision.", he nodded mostly to himself, "Joseph has them." "You believe then?" "They're from God. Of course I believe him." John believed Joseph, not her. She was used to people's scepticism, but she had a way to prove it this time. "There's more, John." Something flashed across his face at her saying his name outloud for the very first time, but the mask was back in place too quickly for her to figure out what. Focus. Her mother was good at selling any con, always knew how to approach a person, what they'd want to hear, which buttons to push.
"Say his name. Look him in the eyes and sell the idea, make him think it's his own, darling. There's always an offer a man won't be able to refuse, one he'd throw himself in the deep end for, willingly. And when he's about to sink, you offer a hand, pledge your loyalty. He'd be a goner before you know it."
A part of Candice lived in Sabrina, and for once she let it take over.
"I will tell you what's coming, but I will need something in return.", her voice sounded unshakeable, certain, the exact opposite of how she felt inside. John didn't break her eye contact, nor interrupted her. Sabrina got up from the chair, discarding the ropes as her hands dropped to her sides. "You've been untied this whole time, Deputy?", his eyes shone with amusement again. She took a few steps until she stood almost in front of him, her hand holding out her knife. Surrendering her weapon. "And you had a knife?" When he made no move to take it, Sabrina placed the blade on his "work" bench and walked back, sitting down in the chair and rubbing her wrists. "I won't lie, I was planning on killing you." "And yet you didn't. Why?" "A change of circumstances."
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blueberry69x · 25 days
Kai Parker x Fem! Reader. Smut.
Hope you enjoy!! :)
DO NOT copy my work please!
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My friends would never approve. And neither did I anymore. One time. That had been it. Enough of him I'd had.. That was a big lie. But I kept telling myself it, cause maybe if I said it often enough it'd turn out to be true.
I hadn't seen him the last two weeks. Good. Because I can't face him right now.. Hell I can't face him ever again.
Caroline chewed on her bottom lip nervously. "Have you seen Stefan yet? I invited him over today. Though I'm afraid... He may not take me up on my offer."
"Relax. He'll be here soon." I sent my friend a reasurring smile as she let out a breath. Slowly I looked around. So many people. I should've never agreed to come to a party like this one. He was bound to walk in at any second. I knew him a bit. Party crasher. Sex on legs.
No one knew. I kept it that way. He had luckily for me- Agreed to keep it quiet too. Despite him not wanting to... I wasn't one to randomly hook-up. Not my cup of tea. But I couldn't resist him...
I just could not. His adorable smile. Those white teeth. Blue eyes. His hair- Rings! Damnit. I need to get over it..
Another drink. And another. I wouldn't allow myself to get drunk. Absolutely not.
Taking a deep breath, in through my nose and out through my mouth and... Repeat.
See I'm fine! Totally fi-.
"Mr. Sociopath at ten o'clock." Care whispered to me as I gave a curd nod, my head slowly turning, I took my time, pretending to scan the crowd first before I'd look at who had come inside..
My jaw clenched, whole body tensing.
Shit. Keep it cool.
Holy shit, he had about a three day stubble. Black boots, dark blue jeans, cuffed.. Jeans... A belt, rings, two bracelets. Both black. One looked like a string. The other like black beads. He wore a simple grey t-shirt. Simple but effective none the less. Then.. A leather fucking jacket- Where had he gotten that from-.
"Bastard." I mutter through clenched teeth. His eyes search the crowd too. Until finding mine where they stay and a shit eating grin lights up his face. In no time he's taking big strides over to where Caroline and I are and-.
"Hi." God this guy is quick. I look up at him. "What do you wa-."
He puts on this adorable smile. "You're ignoring my texts. Calls. I showed up at your house... About eight- if not more- Times. Why did you leave?"
Caroline her lips part in a knowing way. I shake my head. No. No. I can't have anyone know of this. Not even her.
"Malachai-." I grit out. He gives a nod. "Hm?" His eyes not once leaving mine.
"Answer me darlin'. Why did you leave my place?" He asked. "I made-." He looks down with a frown. First time I've ever seen him look... Uncertain?
I sigh. Take his hand and pull him away into an empty storage room, Liv is my friend.... She's the owner of this place she lets me..
"Oh~ Freaky.."
"Ow! What was that for-."
"I only have a few minutes before Care will suspect something..." I turn on the lights.
He stares at me with this.. This look I can't quite put my finger on.
"Why did you leave.. My place.. Y/n?" He asks me calmly to which I start to chew on my lower lip.
A few seconds of silence pass.
"Want me to do all the talking? Fine. I will." He nods.
"I woke up.. Right- Wait.. picture this.. I.. Woke up.. No.. Picture this. I'm naked and-."
I groan. "Kai.." His lips press together for a second.
"Sorry. I woke up-," He continues. "feeling.. Happy, very happy, giddy, I guess, so I take a look around. You've gone.. I don't hear the shower running. I listen, nothing. So... I frown to myself. Did I do something?"
He runs a hand down the back of his neck. "Then. I find your note. And I get the biggest stupidest smile back on my face-.."
Hey, so.. I'll be back in a bit..
I promise!! Uhm. So I am kinda
running some errands.. You know.
I will be back, haven't even had breakfast yet! ~Y/n <3.
"I go downstairs after my shower. And after I changed my sheets. And make you pancakes. With little smiley faces in syrup. I prayed you'd be back soon so the faces don't get ruined. And I sat on my couch. Waiting. An hour passes. Okay.. Maybe you just left.. Right?"
The tip of his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek.
"Two, three, four, five... Hours-."
'Hey. You done yet?'
'Y/n.. It's been two hours.'
'Why aren't you answering my texts?'
'What's wrong?'
'Did I.. Do something?'
'Y/n I'm sorry.'
"You ignored me. All I want to know is why? I even put a blueberry or two.. Or three or four or ten on your pancakes. What did I do? You promised me you'd come back."
My throat closes up further. I feel like I can't breathe. "I haven't even fucking changed my pillow cover! Every night I lay awake and when I'm lucky I pick up on the scent of you. Still left on my pillow case. It's almost faded completely. But I refuse to change it."
My mind flashes back to that night.. His subble against the inside of my thighs while he worked his tongue on me. The faces he made. The lewd and fucking hot faces he made. The way his mouth fit perfectly on mine, on my pussy, around my nipples. On my whole body... The dirty things he whispered. The way he gazed his sharp fangs across the vein in my neck but didn't feed on me.
How his hands felt. Grasping me everywhere. How he sounded. How he looked above me. How he looked under me. How his huge cock felt in my mouth. How it felt inside me. How he had been the best sex of my entire life. How deeply in love I am with hi-.
I had been too lost in my mind.. To realize he.. The door closed. He left. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. How I must've looked like a fool not saying anything and how fucking embarrassed he must be for admitting all this. Without getting an answer.
I rush out the storage room. "Kai!" I call out. "Kai!!" As my eyes hurriedly try to look for him. Nowhere.. He-. I lost him. I fucking lost him... I didn't even explain myself.. Goddamnit...
For the first time in two whole weeks I text him. Call him. 'Please Kai let me explain.' 'I didn't mean to.' I wince.
I'm such a bitch.
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The next few days are spent sulking by me. I text and call. But he ignores me. I even go by his home. But he ignores me.. So this is how he felt these last few weeks?
I take in a breath of fresh air when something dawns on me. I need to go there.. Now.. He can't hide from me forever.
I'm such an idiot. I should've gone back here the first day after he left.
I open the door and walk inside the Mystic Grill. There he is, drinking his feelings away, if only I had thought of this immediately. Of course he'd go back here.
He looks at me, he looks sad, so fucking sad..
I walk over to him and slip into the bar stool located closest next to his. I watch as Kai downs a shot.
"Kai please.. I am so sorry please let me explain-."
"This one is on the house." The bartender winks at him. "Just like the rest."
He smiles. "Thanks." Before getting up to his feet and walking off, I don't hesitate and immediately follow after him.
"Frankly- I am not in the mood to talk or see you right now." Kai sticks his hands into his pockets and quickens the pace of his steps.
"I know, like you did last time I will now speak. You don't have to. I just want you to listen to me." He doesn't reply.
"I woke up.. Looking around. My body felt these weird tingles. I was so sore, but in the best way possible. Then I saw you, you were still sleeping with your head in the crook of my neck. I ran my fingers through your hair and you let out a sigh against my neck, I could feel your lips curling up into a smile. Even if you were sleeping.."
I ran my hand down my jacket. Smoothing out whatever I can.
"And what I felt in that moment scared the living shit out of me. My stomach did weird flips. I got hot all.. Over. However I took a deep breath and managed to move out from under you, even from off the bed without waking you up."
I bite my lower lip nervously.
"You turned to lay on your back. The sheets all messed up. You had kicked them off your torso, I watched for a fee seconds.. Probably even minutes as your chest rose and fell with the way you were breathing. You looked so at ease. So peaceful, so gorgeous.. I wished I could join you again.. Cause waking up in your arms was the best thing ever."
He didn't show any emotion besides the way his jaw ticked slightly there was nothing unusual about him.
"I got dressed. My panties were ripped so I sneakily stole your boxers." I smile vaguely At the memory. "What I felt.. Feel for you scared me. I wrote the note. Pressed a kiss to your lips. Ran my hands through your hair just one more time and then fleed. Was I planning on coming back after writing the note? Part of me wanted to.. But I didn't. I didn't because I knew. That if I did. I would never want to leave. I would want to spend the rest of my life with you. And that's not something you would have wanted. At least that's what I told myself. So I tried to let you go.. Ever since."
I didnt realize we stopped walking and his hands were cupping my cheeks. "Y/n. Listen to me. I may.. Look it-." He smirked. "But. I am not one to just sleep with anyone I meet. I am not one to jump into bed with the first girl that offers. I hadn't slept with anyone since I'd gotten out of the prison world besides you."
"Because I was secretly waiting on you. I wouldn't have cared if we ended up not having sex that night. I would've been over the moon with just the talking and out dancing together."
"It's not about the sex for me it's about you. Why can't you see that. Why did you run away from me.. I know you felt it too. Our connection that night-.. Went beyond anything.." He tries to search my eyes, desperately.
"I'm so sorry. I got so scared. It came to me so quickly... And I felt so much, so fast. That it scared me away. I am so in love with you it scares me shitless.''
Kai's lips part slightly as he sucks in a breath. I just realize what I confessed on accident.
"Fuck." He breathes out shaking his head as he wraps his arms around me. A gesture that comes as totally unexpected. But I happily accept it. Hugging him back.
"I'm not good with feelings at all. But what I do know is that I feel.. A lot.. For you and that scares me too. But it doesn't make me want to run.. I.. I don't want to run away from you. All I know is I wanna be as close to you as possible."
I can't help the smile forming on my lips as we both slowly let go of our embrace.
"Come back home with me.. I really want you to taste my pancakes... We can pretend these past few weeks didn't happen? You just came back... From your errands.." He gives me a hopeful look and I nod.
"Let's go big boy."
● ● ● ● ●
His pancakes are the best I've ever had.... His movie choices are amazing... His cuddles are the best. He's so... Warm.. And hard.. Soft too. All in the right places.
After the movies.. He decides to take a shower while I wait for him on his bed. We planned on falling asleep together too. Taking things slow.. Wanting to discover what our feelings really mean.
"Y/n! I'm done! You can come in immediately after me so I can leave the shower running!" He calls out to me as I obey and walk into the bathroom. His mirror is all fogged up so I draw a smiley face on it and a heart.
I hear the rain of water get louder. Meaning it's all hitting the floor. Meaning he just got out of the shower. "Awh.. A heart." I hear from behind me as I take a shaky breath when he moves closer to me.
Wiping away most the condence on the mirror. I dare to look up. He's looking right at me from the mirror. "Undress then darlin'." He smirks.
Smooth fucker-.
I give a nod and take a deep breath before I undress with his eyes on me. However Kai is getting dry himself too.
The sound of the water hitting the shower floor gets fainter and fainter. My heartbeat gets louder and louder and faster.. And faster, I can hear it loud and clear. Drumming in my ears.
Once I'm fully undressed I turn around. Facing him, he's blinking quickly a few times. My eyes go up and down again and again.
He's completely naked. His towel hung up on a small rack.
I watch him standing there. Damp messed up hair, beautiful face.. His adam's apple and collarbone visible. His pecs sculpted, nipples seem slightly hard. His chest heaving with the way he's breathing. Seems to be quite quick.
Like my own.
He has abs. Slight abs. Not too much. Just perfect. His waist is slightly curvy, curved inwards towards his hips, in the most masculine way possible. His v-line. Happy trail leads down to an area with dark curls.. Not too much hair overall though- Which leads to-.
His cock is perfect. Long, thick and so hard. He's.. Hard. My mouth nearly waters at the sight.
His thighs are thick and strong. Just like his calves and even his feet are perfect. Don't get me started on his big arms- And those big, skilled hands with long fingers-.
"Kai." I mumble to which he shakes his head. "Slow." He just says. I nod in agreement even though I don't agree. The dampness between my legs says enough. Just like the way my legs wobble as I make my way over and into his shower.
I don't even think I'm in complete control of myself when the shower turns off and I walk back out without getting myself too wet.
I step back on the towel he has on his bathroom floor. I'm met with a Kai who looks at me confused. He opens his mouth to speak but before he gets the chance to. I push him back against the counter, lean up to him and kiss him.
Passion, lust, desperate, wanting.. Love.
Are the words I'd use to describe this kiss. My hands are placed on his chest. His hands are.. Everywhere. From the crook of my neck to my ass. Squeezing.
Kai pulls back panting. "You.. Said.. Take it.. Slow." He manages, to which I shrug. "Changed my mind." I smirk and grab his hair pulling it back slightly to which he moans in response.
God how much I missed that sound.
I kiss his neck. Sucking on a few spots I know he enjoys...
He then suddenly puts me down on the counter and stands in between my spread open legs.
In no time he has two of those deliciously long fingers pumping in and out of me. "Holy fuck you're so wet." He groans out and moves them even faster. His other hand toys with my breasts.. Twisting my nipples, squeezing my boobs.
My hand is around his throbbing cock in no time. I stoke him teasingly slow. Taking my time.. Until..
A low growl comes from his throat as he pulls me back up to my feet. Turns me around so that I'm facing the mirror, spreads my legs apart and.. He's inside of me.
The stretch is as painfully beautiful as I remember. It makes me let out a silent scream against my hand.
My hair is fisted in his hand. With each hard thrust it's yanked back. Though his other hand grasps at my chin and makes me look at myself in the mirror. The combination of both these things.. Feels amazing.. Like my hair is getting ripped out my scalp. Yet it isn't.
"Look at you. Getting fucked. Aren't you pretty Princess?" He asks me. I try to answer. But I can't hypnotized by the way he looks and sounds.
Groans, grunts, growls, moans and evem the tiniest of whimpers leave his lips when he pounds into me from behind. His eyes hooded. Though keeping eyecontact with me. His lips beautifuly parted. His sex face is something else.
It makes my pussy clench.. Literally. I clench hard around his dick to which he whines. "Shit. You're gonna make me come." He warns.
I nod. My hands behind my back and on his thighs. Nails digging into them when feeling his cock twitch in release. My walls are coated with his hot cum as he squeezes my throat and gives a few hard and very controlled thrusts. Shooting me over the edge. My insides pulsate and spasm as I have one of the best orgasms of my entire life.
In Kai's arms. Cause he's calmed down and has his arms wrapped around me gently now, I shake and slowly land back on planet earth.
Not even knowing what planet I was on a few seconds ago when having my mind shattering orgasm.
Before I can get comfortable cockwarming him he's pulled out of me and I grip the edge of the counter, afraid I may fall. "Shh baby, I'm right here." I smile lazily and nod. Two strong arms pick me up and put me down somewhere nice and warm. Somewhere I wanna be for the rest of my life.
Kai keeps holding me. I realize I'm laying on top of him and under the warm sheets.
I listen to the calm rhythm of his heart.. And fall asleep to it. Not before whispering an 'I love you.' To him and Kai being Kai.. Whispers an 'I love you... Even more." Right back...
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catgirlshauna · 5 months
um hi pookies i wrote my first long smut in a while LOL here it is
warnings: cnc, slight noncon, dubious consent
you only came to this party because lottie begged you to. she had texted you a few nights prior to tonight.
lottie matthews (math class) *your phone*
“wanna come to a party w/ me?😔”
loml *lottie's phone*
“uhhh when”
lottie matthews (math class)
“friday, at 8”
“isn't that kinda l8 lol”
lottie matthews (math class)
“PLS…… 😩” “i don't wanna go alone u know those guys flirt with me 😓”
“fineeeee 😒”
lottie nearly jumped for joy at your response, she would of course… never tell you that. you met her outside of your house, though you don't remember telling her your address, you just figured shauna shipman from lit. gave it to her so she could text you about math.
lottie matthews (bad @ math)
“wear something cute, pleaseeee? don't dress all prudish, it's boring !!”
“i am NOT getting down with some man tonite LOTTIE 😤”
lottie matthews (bad @ math)
“i just want u to have fun and open with urself”
you couldn't really argue with that… so you picked out the loosest sweatpants you owned tied together with the belt string, and a crop top you deemed just cropped enough to be exciting, but not slutty. you hoped. you sent lottie a picture of the fit, hoping it'll please her.
lottie matthews (bad @ math)
“cute!!! that's perfect. i'm omw to pick u up now <3”
you sat at your front door, waiting for the dreaded ‘here :)’ message from lottie. and as soon as it came, you were up and out of the door. lottie pulls up in what you can only assume is a custom wrapped tesla that her father told her to get. you stop your jaw from dropping and get into her car.
it smells like incense and cinnamon, meaning you can't help but take a deep breath in through your nose as the air cycles through. lottie feels giddy, she wonders what you'll sound like when she's fucking you numb.
the drive to the party is surprisingly short.. it was near your neighborhood, which felt oddly specific but… oh well! you weren't going to question it. much.. when you arrive, lottie even goes as far as to open the car door for you, a saccharine smile gracing her lips as she grabs you by the hand and pulls you inside. immediately you're hit with the smell of musk, weed, alcohol, and maybe vomit.
you two do end up separating about fifteen minutes into the party, as lottie goes off with her other friends and leaves you to fend for yourself at the drink table. it's a build-your-own cocktail moment, with various clear and slightly cloudy liquors. you make yourself a dirty shirley temple and find yourself sitting on the couch next to natalie scatorccio, who's clearly only there for the free drugs and alcohol.
“wow, did lottie get you to come here? the little prude who's never seen at parties.” she jokes, clearly a little high and a little bitchy. you resist the urge to roll your eyes, until they flit down to the dab pen that rests in the palm of her right hand.
“can i… hit that?” you know you sound a little desperate, but you need to feel high to feel normal. natalie only flashes a knowing smile before handing it to you. you take a deep puff, one that would kill your lungs if you weren't so healthy right now (an absolute lie).
lottie, who's been wandering the party to make herself seem less suspicious, comes down the stairs only to see you sitting with- with natalie scatorccio? why her? lottie sucks in a deep breath through her teeth and lets it out through her nose. she needs to get you more pliable, and fast. she makes her way towards you, crouching down in front of you.
“hey, having fun?” she asks, placing her hands on your knees. she takes your nearly empty drink from your hand and takes a sip, deducing what cocktail you made yourself just by taste. “i'll go fill this up, ‘kay?”
you're too high to care, but your mouth starts to feel dry… you look up at her and smile.
“thanks, lottie.” your words are a little slurred, but otherwise understandable. lottie smiles in return and walks off to the drink table. as she makes your drink, she adds a dash of powder that most definitely isn't a crushed up roofie. she walks back to you, handing you the drink.
“i'm gonna be around, okay? you sit and… talk to your friend.” she waves her hand towards natalie, who's still vegged out on the couch.
lottie will be more than around. she’ll be right around the corner, watching, waiting for the roofie to kick in, before she swoops in a few minutes later to ‘check’ on you.
“oh, baby, are you sleepy? did that pen knock you out?” lottie thanks god that natalie is always packing some serious weed varieties. you end up nodding, and with her help, standing. you say your goodbyes to natalie and let lottie practically carry you to her car. the drive back to her house is quiet, mostly because you've fallen asleep. not fully, lottie knows, but enough. she parks her car out front, not giving a care in the world to who might see her as she carries you out of the car and into her large home. she doesn't waste any time, taking you straight to her room. she sets you down onto her bed, gently, of course, and brushes her thumb over your cheek to ease you into sleeping.
lottie quickly enters her bathroom, taking another pill, a much stronger pill, and dissolving it in a glass of water. she brings the water to you, urging you awake so you can ‘stay hydrated’. you groan in disobedience, but drink the water anyway. as soon as you do? your head hits her fluffy pillows, which feel oddly like they've been fluffed up just for this moment. you start to feel hot, extremely uncomfortably hot, and wiggle around on the bed with a groan. you can't speak, for some reason, but look at lottie pleadingly. she only nods, as if it's completely normal, and starts to undress you. what you didn't tell her to do… was undress you all the way. you're left naked on her bed, almost completely paralyzed as she stares down at you.
“you poor thing… you must be so warm… so hot?” she mumbles, brushing her fingers over your ankle. you might not be able to move, but every sense is heightened, and you want to jerk away from her touch. her hands start to brush over your legs, massaging your calves, squeezing into your plush thighs. you let out little whimpers, though, every time her squeeze on your thigh tightens to something painful. you swear she’ll leave bruises with how brightly red they shined on your skin. she tuts every time you make a noise, only squeezing harder. you bite your lip, which is numb, and nearly bruise it by how hard you're actually biting.
lottie decides she’s teased enough, given you enough foreplay. she drops her pants, then her panties, taking her shirt off as she drapes herself over you. skin against skin, you stare up at her in bewilderment. her cock is hard already, pressing against your stomach as she starts to trail sloppy, wet kisses to your throat and jaw. she's moaning into your skin, absolutely obsessed with how you taste. how she knew you'd taste. she runs her palms over your nipples, rolling them into hard little nubs. you can't stop yourself from trying to buck up against her, your cunt unbelievably wet from her teasing. she starts to breathe a little heavier, before guiding her cockhead to your waiting hole. her dick is average, but rather thick, and takes a bit of easing as she pushes in. you let out a real moan this time, feeling the stretch of her cock as she bottoms out. you rock your hips against hers. she groans and bites into the flesh of your neck, rocking into you at a faster pace as she wraps her arms under yours and pins her front to your front, effectively pushing your bodies as close together as possible while still being inside you. your poor pussy clenches around her, fluttering in a way it never has before as one of her cock-veins rubs against your walls. you want to moan and moan for her, to do anything it'll take for her to let you cum. and she listens, to those broken little slurs you make begging for her to fuck you harder. you don't know why you've become a bitch in heat, but you don't care… you love letting a woman like lottie matthews fuck you raw, and yeah, you don't really know why everything that happened tonight suddenly ended up in her bedroom. and yeah, you don't care, either.
lottie’s hips start to stutter, and her thrusts turn slow and sloppy. she presses a kiss just under your ear, before whispering the most horrifying words you've ever heard.
“i can't wait to see you pregnant with my baby.” you start to squirm under her, whining, trying to get her out of you. there's no way you're letting a girl you just met a few weeks ago get you pregnant! lottie, however, growls and bites into your shoulder again. she sucks and sucks until the bruise borders on painful. “you're mine, understand?” her words start to slur together in pleasure, and suddenly she slams into you one last time, her cock brushing against your cervix as she fills you up with her cum. she slides out, almost all the way, before slowly pushing right back in, fucking her load into you to ensure you get pregnant. you're still squirming, but you've grown tired, really tired… you stop. lottie stops.
“i can't wait, baby.”
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multi-fandomsfreak · 10 months
Maybe ya could do Xenophanes with a reader who can't feel pain
Xenophanes with a reader who can’t feel pain
Not going to lie I think this is one of my favourite requests that I’ve gotten so far. Besides the Amy one. I felt like I had so much to write about our favourite crystallised hedgehog. Also, correct me if I’m wrong but I think this is an actual condition not sure what it’s called though. Anyways let’s get on with this. ~ J/Blaze
Pronouns: Not Mentioned
Warning: ⚠️Torture/Mentions Of Being Torture + Violence + Harm Done To Reader + Xeno Being Sadistic⚠️️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Xenophane
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by ash011037 on Pinterest + Banner by triviastar on Pinterest
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- Not going to lie knowing how xeno is he’s probably going to be a combination of pissed, excited and intrigued all at the same time. Obviously he’s intrigued. He's never had a victim who can’t feel pain like sure on the rare occasion he had some that have high pain tolerance but overall were still able to feel some sort of pain but you're very different compared to them. On the other hand he’s also kind of pissed off because no matter what harm he does to you whether it’s tearing your body apart, ripping your skin off of you or something as simple as breaking one or multiple bones you won’t feel it but at the same time he’s sort of excited because he can do whatever he wants to you. He could let out his anger onto you because he’ll know you won’t feel it. However, despite knowing this he will try his best to find out what will cause you to feel pain much to his annoyance that he couldn't. He's not going to give up easily.
- As mentioned before despite his annoyance that he’ll have to find other ways to torture you mostly mentally/emotionally since pain doesn’t effect you he is generally curious on how you discovered it. I mean who knows what might have happened to you for someone to recognise that you can’t feel pain. You could be in some seriously dangerous situation and you would’ve been fine mentally of course definitely not physically. If he has to be honest that actually excites him in a way as he thought about the million different situations you’ve possibly been in. It doesn’t excite him in a sexual way of course but still with xeno being a sadistic person of course he couldn’t help but be slightly giddy to himself. If he is feeling curious and maybe generous enough he may take a break from hurting you to ask how you discovered what he considers a ‘phenomenal’ feature. He considers you to be very special and one of his most interesting victims.
- I can imagine xeno being very goddamn surprised when he first discovered that you react very differently to pain compared to other people who were screaming bloody murder from the harm being done to them but when he was finally able to catch you like all the other pathetic mortals he was getting ready for the best part the one he always looks forward to:
+ “aw what a shame it looks like you’ve lost” xenophane said in his usual cocky attitude as he pulled you towards him forcibly grabbing you by the neck as tight he was able to get it. Although you couldn’t feel the tightness of xenophanes grip, just having his hand around his throat combined with his cocky attitude made you just as uncomfortable and scared as if you were feeling the pain. “I wonder what I could do to make you scream.” A smirk then appeared on Xenophane's face as he dragged his claws over your stomach, scraping you before immediately digging it into you causing a small wound to appear. However, he noticed a lack of reaction to it with the only sign of emotion being the fear radiating off of you as you shut your eyes from anticipation. He then thought that you must have a high pain tolerance, however even if you had that you would’ve noticed the slight pain to which he tried to try it again but unfortunately for him it didn’t work.
+ There was some silence between you and xeno before he spoke up, very confused yet slightly irritated, thinking you're trying to make fun of him “why aren’t you screaming?” He asked as you opened your eyes confused on what he was talking about “huh…what do you mean?” That was the only thing you were able to say “don’t play dumb [USER]!” He raised his voice getting angered at your lack of awareness “I am literally damaging your body and you're not reacting” you still had a look of confusion before looking down to see the wounds “oh you did?” Your response only confused yet angered the hedgehog more “what kind of response is that?” You stayed silent for a moment as you saw your tormentor getting angrier before you decided to speak up about how you couldn’t feel pain.
- Now that Xeno has met you I have a feeling he’s going to have a lot of pride over you. He’s never had a victim like you and although he may treat you like a test dummy trying everything and anything to know what can break you, at the same time he treats you like your some rare item that everyone is trying to get their hands on. He’s not going to let any other mortal take you away from him. He found you fair and square and if they have a problem with it then too bad for them. Oddly enough despite his murderous thing he’s really protective of you. Not in a way that he cares about you. As I said he’s a murderous thing his whole thing is to torture and murder anyone he pleases but if anyone but him dares try to do the same to you he’ll murder them no doubt about that and he’ll make it as painful as he could. You're his most prized possession, he’s the only one that’s allowed to do anything to you. No matter how many times you or someone else denies it.
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deliwrites · 2 years
ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥 𝕊𝕝𝕦𝕥 // 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖔𝖓𝖊 // Dream Team
// DATE // 26th of October 2022 // PAIRING // DreamTeam x fem!Reader, george x fem!reader, sapnap x fem!reader, dream x fem!reader // WARNING // flirty!reader, ACTUAL NSFW PICS(sensored, tried to very in body types, it was hard to find tho), Phone masturbation, use of real names, tease!reader, playgirl(ish)!reader, sexting // WORDS // 2,5k+ // SUMMARY // George is in America, so the teasing begins as you wait impatiently for your visa. // SERIES // Intro // Part One // Part two // Part three // Part Four // I'm open for serie title suggestions for this one! Feel free to comment your suggestion here or sent it into my inbox!
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George had just met up with Nick in Orlando. But I couldn't let him off so easily for leaving me. I know I was being petty. I just love teasing them. And with George far away as well, that just made it all the easier.
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When I teased him before, there would be consequences. He would keep the punishments for when we met in real life. I wouldn't lie, I enjoyed the punishments every time.
But now, there are no consequences. I left the texts at that for now. Leaving him to wait in anticipation.
It was dinner time, so I strut into the kitchen. Waiting patiently for one of them to call me. They promised they would once they had all met up. While in the middle of mixing pancake batter, my phone started ringing.
💚 Clay 💚
Clay was calling me. With a giddy smile, I pick up. Turning on my cam for them.
"Hey, cuties!" I call out. Setting up my phone, so I could continue mixing the batter.
"Hey Y/n," the three of them call back.
"What are you wearing?" Nick sounds confused, making me stop mixing. Looking down at myself.
"I'm just wearing shorts and a crop top," I chuckle. "How does that confuse you? Do I not look cute?" I pout.
"You always look cute, Y/n/n," Clay says and I can hear the smile in his voice.
"Thank you, Clay," with a prideful smile I continue mixing.
"Whatcha making?" George asks.
"Pancakes, but let's stop talking about me," I stick out my tongue. "How was the meet-up? Tell me everything!"
"Well, first," George starts. "I got so lost in the airport," He chuckles, continuing his story, while I turn away from my phone for just a minute. Putting down the mixing bowl, I grab a ladle, placing it by the stove next to my phone.
"All you had to do was follow the signs, and you manage to get lost," Clay bullies George, I can picture him rolling his eyes. Though, I can't see it. My back is still facing my phone when I bend over. Shamelessly putting my ass on display for them, a tiny smirk playing on my lips. To my surprise, they stay silent as I grab the frying pan. Coming back up, I turned swiftly back to the stove. Wishing I knew what faces they were pulling right now.
"And then what?" I ask.
"Right, uhm, yes, then I got escorted by staff. They had heard that there would be a lot of commotion at the airport. So that was nice," George chuckles. "After getting my luggage, I found Nick. He had bought a stupid whiteboard-"
"Ha-ha-ha, at least I got something with your name written on it," Nick cuts him off. "But anyways, we then safely got to the car. Drove home, and I kid you not. These two were nervous as hell," he chuckles as the other two protest his claim. Making me giggle at the banter. Filling the heated pan with butter, waiting for it to melt.
"I think, I'll go ahead and believe Nick," I point my spatula at my phone, laughing cause I could already picture George looking offended. Clay probably too but I had no idea what he looked like.
"Clay was literally a bouncing ball in the house. He was nervous and excited," Nick continues. "George was nervous and very giddy."
"I'm not surprised," I smiled, pouring in the first amount of batter for the pancake. "I would be all of those, along with ... anxiety," I sing-song 'anxiety'. Chuckles coming from them.
"When you're finally here, we'll take care of you," Clay says reassuringly.
"God, I hope it's soon," George groans desperately. "Y/n, I need you here! I need you to keep me sane with these two."
"Excuse me!" Nick and Clay exclaim. Giggling, I put my first pancake on a plate. I listen to them fight it out as I put more batter in the pan. Then dressing up my pancake.
"I'm very impatiently waiting," I tell them, cutting into the 'fight'. "So impatiently, in fact, I may have packed a box or two already," I send them a grimace, before pouting. "I just wanna be there too," I whine softly.
"Soon," they promise me.
A week goes by. Sadly, still no visa for me. But in that week I got more than enough teasing in.
Y/n Hey Nick, you wanna see what I got? 👀 🧡 Nick 🧡 Of course, what did you get, darling Y/n 😈 I hope you're alone
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What do you think of my new thigh highs? 🧡 Nick 🧡 🤤 Look at you, darling So gorgeous Y/n put them on just for you 🧡 Nick 🧡 Aren't you just the sweetest 😏 If only I wasn't currently walking through IKEA with the others. Y/n Have I caused a little problem? 😏 🧡 Nick 🧡 Yes, but I'm wearing sweats So, I'm in luck But I hope you know how much trouble you'll be in when you're here. Y/n Is that a threat or a promise 🥵 🧡 Nick 🧡 You naughty minx You'll figure it out soon enough
I was seriously getting so impatient. We would call every night, but now I didn't get to see any of them on cam. They would always be in the same room when they called me.
One night they were even spam-calling me while I was ... busy.
💚 Clay 💚 is calling
ignores call.
💙 Georgie 💙 is calling
groans in frustration ignoring the call.
🧡 Nick 🧡 is calling
Sighing audibly, I swipe away from the porn. Answer the call.
"STOP CALLING ME!" I yell down at the speaker. It's followed by silence from them. The room just filled with my panting and the sound of my vibrator. Very much actively vibrating inside me.
"Is- is that-"
"Yes!" I cut Clay off. "I'll call back later, let me fucking fuck myself please!" I whine, so fucking desperate for an orgasm. Having been chasing that high for the past 5 minutes they've been calling me.
"Uh- yes," George answers hanging up the phone, or at least, I think he does. With a sigh of relief, I pull the porn back up. Hand slipping back to my vibrator. Slamming it inside me with the thursts the male makes in the video.
It takes just 5 more minutes before I finally reach my high. Dropping my phone next to my head. Panting heavily, I twitch as I take the toy out. A squeak leaves my lips when it accidentally rubs against my clit.
"Shit, that was hot," my eyes widen at the unexpected voice. A voice I immediately recognize as Nick's.
"Are you serious," I mutter breathlessly. "You know what, fuck you guys, no call tonight," reaching for my phone, I ignore their protests. Hanging up the phone.
I can't believe they stayed and listened to me masturbate. If I had realised that would have been so much hotter. I wouldn't have even needed the porn. They could have talked me through it. Tell me what to do. I would even willingly turn on my cam. Show them exactly what I was up to.
I doubt they would agree with that tho, all together that is.
Y/n So, did you enjoy hearing me, last night? 🙄 💚 Clay 💚 Baby, hear me out I may have stopped George from hanging up I just couldn't pass up such an opportunity 😏 Y/n So you let the other two hear it too Maybe if you called me privately 💚 Clay 💚 Maybe what? Y/n Maybe I would have answered Let you listen to me 👀 💚 Clay 💚 God those pretty noises you make They are still playing on repeat in my head Y/n Yeah? 😏 Liked it that much? 💚 Clay 💚 How could I not? You are so gorgeous in every way Y/n What about this?
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Am I gorgeous in this? 💚 Clay 💚 Is that new? Y/n It is 😊 It reminded me of you, so I bought it 💚 Clay 💚 It looks beautiful on you 🤤 Bring it Y/n I will 💚 Clay 💚 Good Cause I'm gonna fuck you in it 😈
In the next three weeks, I had multiple late-night calls with all three. Separately, sadly. I listened to their commands, masturbating to their wishes. Hearing them fap on the other side. It was honestly, so hot.
"Pull your shirt up," Nick would say. "Slowly, make them titties bounce."
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"Awh, are you wearing those just for me?" George's voice is surprisingly deep. "Spread those thighs for me, love."
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"Bounce that pretty ass for me, baby," Clay's voice sounds so raspy when says it. It sends delicious chills down my spine.
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Fucking finally, my visa arrives.
7 weeks after George left for America. It's finally here. It arrives early in the morning. 9 am to be precise. It's literally midnight for them. Do I care? No, not really.
Midnight their time, I'm spam-calling the group chat.
"Answer the fucking phone, idiots!" They end up not answering. Huffing in frustration. I end up posting it to Twitter before they even find out. Of course, I first called my parents about the news. Mom was able to leave her job early. Lucky her for having a good bond with her boss. Dad sadly couldn't get off, but he would definitely be there tomorrow.
y/u/n - 1m The idiots wouldn't wake up. So you guys are the first to know. I GOT MY VISA!
Not long after I posted the tweet, mom arrives. She's come with empty boxes upon empty boxes. Even though I wasn't taking everything with me. For the next few hours, we are running through the house. Gathering the most important stuff that I needed to take. Clothes for at least a few days go into my suitcase, along with other necessities.
Mom spoke so lovely about this entire situation. I was kinda surprised. When I first told her about this plan she was very hesitant. She was worried for me, which I understood. I would be moving thousands of miles away. To live with three boys that I met on the internet. She had spoken to them before but for all we knew, that could all be fake.
But when she had gotten more used to the idea. Noticed how much fun I had with these boys. She started getting to know them herself. She obviously knew George, but Nick and Clay were an entirely different story. She basically did an entire background check on them. How you might ask. Well, when she came over months ago, we were baking a cake for dad's birthday. While we were busy, they ended up calling. I was going to decline, but she told me to answer them. I couldn't even get a word in before she went ahead. Introducing herself and immediately asking questions. It overwhelmed them a bit, but they too understood the concern. They promised her they would take good care of me. Which that helped my mom calm down from her own worries.
"Have you booked a flight yet, then?" she asks me. We were currently in my bedroom. Throwing clothes, either on the bed or into a suitcase. Mom was folding them neatly, while I decided which went where.
"No, not yet," I tell her. Throwing a beautiful sundress into my suitcase.
"Hun, you should wear it on the day of the flight," she says, taking the dress out of the suitcase. "You'll make them swoon," she wiggles her eyebrows teasingly.
"Mom!" I gasp, giggling at her actions. "They are just friends," she hums like she doesn't believe me. Putting the dress back on a hanger. She stands up and hangs it on the closet door.
"I still think you should wear it."
"Alright, I'll wear it," I give in with a fake annoyed sigh. "But, yeah, I haven't booked a flight yet. I need them to be awake for that. They need to be able to pick me up."
"And they still haven't called back yet?" she asks.
"No, they are probably stil-" my sentence is cut short when my phone starts to ring. My mom is quicker than me. Grabbing my phone from the bed. She answers the call, putting it on speaker.
"Well, good morning Nick, did you have a nice sleep?" she asks kindly, having read his name on the contact. Though I can't help but giggle. Already imagining the confused look on Nick's face.
"Good afternoon, Mrs y/l/n," Nick answers, soon followed by the same greeting from the other two.
"Oh, you're all here, how wonderful," Mom talks with delight. "Did you hear the news yet?"
"Ah, no, we just woke up," Clay answers.
"What the news," George asks curiously.
"Oh, George dear, it's so good to hear your voice," I palm my face, which she notices. "Anyways, my daughter dearest has finally received her visa."
"Really!?" Clay's voice is filled with disbelief but excitement.
"Yes, I can't believe you guys ignored my calls," I pout, not that they could see.
"We're sorry," Nick apologizes sincerely. "Who else have you told?"
"Twitter," my mom answers quickly. Almost rubbing in the disappointment she has on my behalf. George audibly sucks in a breath. "But it's alright, as long as you promise to take good care of my angel."
"We promise! 100%," Clay promises wholeheartedly. "Cros my heart and hope to die."
"Good," she says sternly. "Now, I'll give you my daughter. You guys can go discuss a flight," she hands me my phone, standing up from the bed. "I'll be in the kitchen making us some tea, alright?"
"Thanks, mom," I smile, sending her a kiss as she leaves.
"Yeah, yeah," she says, closing my bedroom door behind her. Taking the phone off speaker, I put it against my ear.
"Surprise," I tell them. The line is instantly filled with chaotic screams. They are talking over each other. Here and there I can catch onto a few sentences.
"George, go look up flights," Nick.
"Her room is not ready!" Clay exclaims.
"8pm flight?" George.
"Guys, calm down," I giggle. The screams slowly coming to a stop. "Look, I'm not packed. Mom is a big help and my suitcases are almost ready. But I still have my entire setup to pack and organize for safe shipping-"
"Don't worry about your setup," Clay cuts me off. "We'll get you a new one here."
"I- Clay, that's going to cost me a fortune."
"Y/n, I said we. It's going to be fine. All you have to worry about is the flight. Anything else that does not hold important value to you. We can buy here."
"I-," I huff a sigh, contemplating as I look around my room. "I need to go through more of my stuff first. Can I call you guys back at like, dinner time, my time?"
"Of course, take your time. We'll be one call away at any time-"
"Beside midnight for some reason," I cut Nick off, fake annoyance lacing my voice.
"We said we were sorry!" George says making me giggle.
"I know, I'll talk to you guys later, okay?"
"Yes, good luck packing. If you have any questions on what you do or don't have to bring, just message us okay?"
"I will, see you soon," I grin before hanging up. A content sigh leaving my lips. It's finally happening.
// SERIES // Intro // Part One // Part two // Part three // Part Four // I'm open for serie title suggestions for this one! Feel free to comment your suggestion here or sent it into my inbox!
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the-whispers-of-death · 2 months
"reader doesn't follow boxer!stone into the locker rooms afterwards" my heart... ive just woken up and see that how dare you hurt me at 6am in my own home
so so so giddy over all of that tho and it raises a TON of questions as well. like, for example, would they have even been friends before that? or are they just workplace crushes?? i very clearly see reader now just avoiding any public appearances for a WHILE. bro probably cant open social media w/o being blasted w posts about it. maybe hes rejecting press interviews, guest appearances on shows, all that, because all they'd probably talk about is a) the kiss b) his sexuality, which i would presume was proooobably a well kept secret until that moment. hm.
but what does stone do. like. how does one react to that sort of impulsive decision. i doubt either of them *regret* it, but maybe can agree there was a better time and place for all of that
oh god imagine the talk between them both that goes down after this. HORRID. its a very very delicate thing to handle and they both know it
or maybe utterly worst case scenario, reader quits working with him. too much public attention over such a minor thing. sure the job probably pays well but is it realky worth the 'scandal' that the public makes it out to be? i know i would definetly become a damn hermit if this happened.
or maybe he enjoys and revels in the attention. "yeah *i* got to kiss him in front of all of you. thats *my* man, hell yeah !!!!! maybe he uses this sudden exposure to his advantage. i mean, its like a sales strat they *could* experiment with. or not. i dunno
~ love, a very much so half-awake rusty
CW: Angst
"Are you finally done ignoring me?" Stone asked, appearing beside you before you could scurry away from him like you've been doing for the past few days. He crossed his burly arms against his chest. "We need to talk."
You swallowed down the lump in your throat, nodding. "We do need to talk, about the kiss," you replied, sounding nervous. You weren't a nervous guy, usually, but you also weren't the type of man to kiss his best boxer. "Look, the kiss was because of the adrenaline, it meant nothing."
Stone held back his frown, feeling the hurt settle into his chest at the way you so easily dismissed the kiss he had initiated. "What?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"It was nothing, Stone," you insisted. It had to be nothing, he was your best boxer. You couldn't date him and risk losing your best boxer in case the relationship failed. "The kiss was due to the high of the moment. It's not going to change anything."
"I like you," Stone blurted out, his voice softer than usual. He stepped closer, towering over you like always. He looked so hopeful that you felt the same way. "I can't sleep without imagining you beside me, I ache for you. It was not nothing to me. I meant all of the emotions I poured into that kiss. You can't say you don't feel the same way too."
You did feel the same way too, you did. But the professional in you, the one who loved having a star boxer, pushed down your feelings. You couldn't let this get out of control like it had that fated night.
He'd get over it, you thought to yourself, even if this was going to hurt him.
Your eyes narrowed. "No, Stone. I don't feel the same." The lie felt bitter on your tongue, but you pushed through the discomfort. "You're nothing more than my prized boxer to me. You always will be. You're just a boxer."
Stone took a step back from you, physically recoiling from the wave of hurt that hit him like a ton of bricks. His brown eyes kept searching your face for a hint of you lying, but you had schooled your expression too well.
He couldn't tell you were lying. And that fact made his expression shut down, turning cold and stoic like always.
"Of course," he murmured, his voice so cold like always. "I'm going to go wash up."
With those words, he turned on his heel and walked to the locker room. He ensured no one else was in the locker room before he let a sob tear from his throat, pressing his back against the wall and sliding down to crumple onto the ground.
Stupid, he told himself, I was stupid for thinking anyone would love me.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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lilsunflower95 · 8 months
Seven Days a Week: Chapter 2 ~ Tuesday
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader (f)
Genre: Smut
Rating: M - NSFW
Word Count: 3,413
Warnings: Sexting, dirty talk, oral (f receiving), cursing, sir kink, public sex, sex in the rain, protected sex, communication kink, strip tease, finger sucking, fingering
Disclaimers: this is just fiction and not my true view of anyone
Summary: It's a rainy Tuesday and Jungkook wants to explore your desires.
m.list | AO3 | Wattpad
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You had given Jungkook permission to text you when you’d woken up that morning and shut off your alarm. You told him what time your shift started and that it was fine for him to text you while you were working.
You should have known from the devilish gleam in his eye as he had… things to say. He had looked too good right then to be innocent. The white sheet had been drawn up just to his hip bone as he leaned against the headboard with one hand behind his head as the early morning sun bathed him in a warm glow.
You hurried to hide in a restroom stall after the first few texts. Your heart pounded in your ears as your hands shook while  you read.
Tues, 7:00AM
JKAAAAAAY: This is new to me, so I’m just gonna say… if I make you uncomfortable or cross a line, tell me and I will stop.
Tues, 7:03AM
JKAAAAAAY: I won’t lie though, just thinking about what to write is making me so fucking hard…
You imagined him crying out in frustration and smacking his head against the headboard and grinned to yourself.
He was doing this because he couldn’t get you off his mind. 
It had only been a Tinder hookup! But he still wanted to talk to you. You hadn’t expected this to happen. Sure, you’d hoped for it, but now that it was happening, it made you giddy with excitement. It was like getting the big present for Christmas you thought you’d never get.
You shuddered and took a moment to inhale deeply in a feeble attempt to calm your own nerves.  
Tues, 7:05AM
JKAAAAAAY: can't stop thinking about last night.
Tues, 7:07AM
JKAAAAAAY: no one’s ever asked me to fuck them like you did. You’ve got a naughty side and i want so bad to explore it all.
Tues, 7:07AM
JKAAAAAAY: the things i would do…
Tues, 7:10AM
JKAAAAAAY: i have a suit… i could waltz into your office like i owned the damn place and pull you into an office like i was angry with you and no one would bat an eye while i bent you over the desk and fucked you stupid.
Tues, 7:15AM
JKAAAAAAY: have you ever been so turned on it’s like your brain just shuts down and all you can do is stare at a wall? Me right now.
Tues, 7:55AM
JKAAAAAAY: off to work.
Tues, 7:55AM
JKAAAAAAY: I’m off at 6 tonight if you’re dtf.
Maybe it wasn’t sweet or romantic, but it was to the point. 
Your thumbs trembled as you began to type. You inhaled deeply once more and exhaled slowly as you sent each message. What was it about him that made you into this type of girl? You’d never thought about sexting anyone before, but you were almost positive that if he asked for a picture, you’d tear your clothes off.
Tues, 10:03AM
You: I did that to you? Sir flatters his princess. 
Tues, 10:06AM
You: I wish you were here with me right now. I’m aching for you to touch me and kiss me. I need sir so bad.
Tues, 10:10AM
JKAAAAAAY: Tell sir what his princess want him to do to her.
Months of repressed desires flooded your mind all at once. How could you pick just one to tease him with?
One came to you when you heard the patter of rain starting on the roof.
Tues, 10:12AM
You: I want him to come see me tonight.
Tues, 10:13AM
You: There's a surprise he'll have to find.
Tues, 10:13AM
JKAAAAAAY: A surprise? What's the surprise?
Tues, 10:14AM
You: Come find out. My door code is 2176.
You giggled and made your way back to your desk. It'd been a long time since you'd felt playful like this. It made you feel like bindings were falling from you and you were breathing for the first time in a long time.
You crossed your legs as tightly as you could and forced yourself to work even harder than you normally did and were able to leave 15 minutes early.
The extra time gave you the opportunity to stop in at the boutique not far from your apartment to pick up a new dark red lingerie set. You showered and put it on as soon as you got home and layered an oversized black button down then went out onto your balcony.
For being a cheaper apartment, it still had an incredible view of the city that was glowing in the rain that promised to last the rest of the night.
You put on an ethereal piano piece that reminded you of the lofi you'd listen to while unwinding and pulled your outside chair to the center of the small space. You sat on your knees to make sure his view was perfect before going inside to prepare a drink that you sat on a small side table then waited patiently. 
After just a few moments, you heard the door chime and open.
This was it. He had come.
You stood and began to sway to the song, allowing yourself to become nearly soaked.
He liked your freaky side and it had been desperate to get out for almost an entire year. Why not take the chance and explore just how far you could take him?
“Y/N?” Jungkook’s voice called out, his shadow drifting across the wall as he made his way through your apartment.
You turned your back to the door as you continued to sway until you heard his chuckle.
"Princess, what are you doing?" 
You glanced over your shoulder to see him leaning against the door frame as he tucked his hand into his charcoal trousers. 
You froze for a second as you stared at him.
He wore a simple black button down he had rolled up to his elbow and had unbuttoned the first few buttons at his neck.
Who gave him the right to look so good? How dare he!
You blinked and let your eyes slink down his body before walking towards him and touched your fingertips to his cheek before kissing him slowly. He pressed his warm hand to the small of your back as he smoothed his hand over your hair and cupped the back of your head.
Time froze and the world fell away from the two of you.
He had removed his piercings before work, making his lips softer and warmer.
A small moan fell from your lips as you moved your hands to push into his hair.
His soft flowery cologne mingled with the soothing scent of the rain as your shoulders relaxed and your body eased against his with a sigh.
The wind pushed between the two of you, billowing in your shirt and bring you back to reality.
You broke the kiss and sighed as you stared at the delicate gold necklace he wore that laid just above the curve of his pecs. You looked up at him, your breath catching when you saw he was already staring at you. 
A shrill of electricity shot through you as you took his hands and walked back towards the chair. "Sir has worked so hard today. He should come sit and have a drink."
He smiled and sank down into his seat, gladly taking the mug of beer and taking a sip before shifting his weight and kicking his foot out. "Princess is good to me."
You were good to him. It was good to be reminded of that.
"This is just the beginning."
You kissed his cheek, holding your hair back before going back into the rain. You looked over your shoulder to see his brow rise as the mug concealed most of his face as he took another drink. 
His large doe eyes almost tricked you into believing he was innocent. If this had been your very first time meeting him, you would have fallen for his treachery, but you had a very good idea that he would like what came next.
You moved slowly with the song, letting the rhythm guide you as you twirled as gracefully as a princess for him thanks to your years of dance class.
For a split second, a shock of self consciousness jolted through you as you spun away from him, catching him in your peripheral.. 
Was this cringy? Was he reconsidering hooking up with you?
You looked over your shoulder as you clutched the sopping shirt collar to your throat. 
His eyes were on you and those same eyes were growing dark like they had the night before. His mouth opened enough for you to watch his tongue caress the corner of his mouth.
He wanted you. He liked this.
Emboldened, you began unbuttoning the shirt until you could pull it down to reveal your shoulder. You gasped as if your own action had accosted your delicate sensibilities and watched as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his wide-set knees.
You tipped your chin towards your chest as you unbuttoned two more buttons then edged the other sleeve from your shoulder, raising your head back as though the removal of your clothes were giving you liberation from the exhausting day with its loud traffic, bad air, and mind numbingly high beauty standards.
You could just be you in your rawest form with only Jungkook’s lust-filled eyes to judge you.
You turned your head to look at him as your lips parted. 
His tongue was gliding up the inside of his cheek, the hunger for you apparent in his eyes as you hesitated, lowering your face to partially hide behind your shoulder. You lowered your eyes to the rain splashing on the concrete before you as you let the shirt slip down your arms, turning just enough for him to see the delicate curve of your breast.
You raised your eyes to his as you twisted your body away from him and raised your shoulder before swaying to the music again. It wasn’t a sexy song but it still seemed to fit the natural ambiance.
You looked out to the city and let a small smile play on your lips as you felt the heat of his body behind you before his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Look at you." His voice was deep but gentle as he swayed with you and nestled his cheek against your wet hair. "You're so beautiful."
That had been a pleasant surprise. Was this just the alcohol talking? Could it have kicked in already?
"Talk to me, Y/N. Give me your voice." He murmured against your ear as he skimmed the back of his fingers down your neck before pulling your shirt down enough to press a kiss to your shoulder. "It turns me on so much. Please."
You shuddered as your mouth fell open. You lingered in his embrace for a moment more, appreciating the warmth of his lips in the crook of your neck before your core throbbed, demanding to be satisfied.
It was all so much. You'd gone from zero to a hundred overnight. It was more than you'd had in any of your relationships.
You tipped your head back and gave in as you clutched your legs as tightly together as you could. "Do you want to know one of my fantasies?"
"Yes, definitely. Tell me everything."
Your chin trembled as he kissed your shoulder again. Your mind could barely string two words together as your legs shook. You knew he would demand your words. You had to make them form or else you worried you’d risk losing him. “I-I-I’ve always fantasized about having sex outdoors. The idea that someone could catch me…. It makes me so wet. Does… does sir think he could help me make it happen?”
“Holy shit baby….” He gave a breathy chuckle against your throat as he pressed his hips against you so you could feel the effect you had on him. You resisted the urge to reach back and touch him, curious as to what more he would say. "Your wish is my command. And I am quite happy to oblige."
He kissed your shoulder once more and held you tightly to him before urging you to turn around by pushing on your shoulder.
Obediently, you turned back to him and looked up into his blown out eyes that stared into yours as his fingers drifted over your hips and up your sides, making you shiver and whimper.
Oh fuck. Was he real or just an illusion? Perhaps an angel sent down to help you heal?
Your mind went blank as he kissed you slowly, the rain the only thing you could hear other than the dull thump of your heart.
His lips were soft and tasted faintly of strawberry. You relaxed into his caress and wrapped your arms around his neck as he slipped his tongue across your lips, giving a soft moan when you parted them and allowed him access. His tongue brushed against yours as his hands drifted down your arms until you shuddered and a wave of goosebumps crashed over you.
Jungkook pulled away to kiss along your jaw to your neck and then to the delicate skin below your earlobe as he pulled your shirt down until it fell to the ground. He clutched you against him, smoothing one hand down your back until he could grip your bottom and squeeze it until you moaned.
“Touch me, princess.” He took your hands and guided them to his chest, watching as you unbuttoned his shirt and ran your hands up his solid abs, over his pecs and around his shoulders to draw his shirt off. 
You stared at him and swallowed hard before pressing a kiss to the base of his throat. He sighed into your hair and squeezed your hips.
“That feels good.” He pressed an encouraging kiss to your temple as you kissed along his collarbone, amazed you could feel his quickened heartbeat beneath your lips. “Just like that darling.”
You sighed against his sternum as you continued on to kiss the other side of his collarbone. 
He took your hand and guided it to his cock. “I don’t think I can wait much longer to have you.”
You laid your head against his shoulder and kissed his chest as you squeezed him gently, delighting in how he quaked under your touch. You grinned to yourself before tipping your head to flick the tip of your tongue over his hardened nipple.
He let out a high-pitched whimper before walking you back against the wall and pinning both your hands over your head. “May I have you here?”
“I’m yours, Jungkook. Make my dream come true.”
He heaved a breath and kissed you as he reached behind you and undid your bra before drawing it from you and tossing it to the ground. “You’re amazing. Did you know that? I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as adventurous as you.”
He pinched one of your nipples as he bent down to kiss the other before kissing down your waist while pulling your panties down . He crouched down and let you hold his shoulder as you stepped out of them with a giggle.
He looked up at you with a smile of his own and a raised brow. “What?”
“This is the first time I’ve ever been nude outside.”
He chuckled and lifted one of your legs over his shoulder. “You should do it more often.” He looked up at you as he parted your lips with his thumbs. “It suits you.”
You leaned back against the wall as he kept his eyes on yours as he pushed his tongue between your folds and up to your clit that he took between his lips and sucked. You cried out and pushed your hands into his hair as he eased his middle two fingers into your heat. “Oh god, Jungkook. You feel so good.”
He hummed against you and slowly stroked his fingers in and out of you as you whimpered and writhed against him as his fingers found your spot.
You bit your lip to keep from being too loud as you gripped his hair and bucked hard against him. “J…Jungkook… oh god. I’m close. I’m close. Oh, please. Please, please, please. Please don’t… don’t stop.”
A few more strokes of his fingers and you arched your back and whined as your first orgasm ripped through you.
Your foggy brain registered Jungkook moving your leg from his shoulder down to his hip as he rose up and stepped closer to you to keep you pinned up against the wall. Your legs quivered around him as he held his hand before your lips.
Without thinking about it, you took his fingers into your mouth, moaning at the taste of your own juices until his fingers were clean.
“Fuck Y/N. That’s so hot.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom package that he pushed between your lips. “Hold that for me, darling.”
You laid your arms over his shoulders as he undid his belt and opened his pants. You tipped your head to the side and took the package from your mouth as you traced his pec with the tip of your finger. “You’re so handsome, Jungkook.”
He pushed his pants and boxers to his ankles and stepped out of them before kicking them to the side. “You think so?”
“Know so.”
He chuckled as he took the condom back from you and ripped the package open. “Orgasms hit you hard, don’t they?”
You watched his eyes as he rolled it on. “Can I tell you something?”
He looked back up at you as he skimmed his hand up and down his cock. “Give me all your words, Y/N. Sir demands it.”
You arched your back against him with a cry as you gripped his shoulders and your legs around his waist as he pushed into you slowly. You panted and whimpered as he eased himself into you, his eyes sliding shut before he kissed you.
You cupped his cheek in your hand as you braced yourself on his shoulder and moaned into his mouth as his tongue found yours again. 
His thrusts were short but slow as he rocked against you, cupping your breast in his hand and brushing the pad of his thumb over your hardened nipple.
His voice was husky as he spoke and looked down into your heavily lidded eyes. “What were you going to tell me?” 
“You’re the first person to make me orgasm.” You whimpered and swiveled your hips until the tip of his cock brushed against your spot again. You dropped your head back against the wall and clutched your walls around him until he moaned and rested his brow against yours.
“Then I’m gonna ruin you this week.” He cupped the back of your head and kissed you deeply as he moaned. “You’re getting close. I can feel it.”
You nodded and focused on your breathing as a breeze wrapped around you.
“Look at me, darling. I want to watch.” He pinched and rolled your nipple between his fingers as you shyly met his gaze. “So beautiful. Come for me, princess. Let me have just one more.”
The rain picked up as did his thrusts in an eager chase for both your highs.
A spring deep in you began to tighten, making you whimper.
“Jungkook….” He nodded, his mouth falling open as he gritted his teeth and slowed his thrusts again. “Close, Jungkook. Close.”
“Come for me pretty darling. Let it happen.” 
As if your body were obeying his command, the spring snapped, sending you toppling over the edge as you cried out as your trembling legs clamped around him. He followed almost immediately after. 
He grew still after a moment and rested his head against your shoulder as he panted. You mirrored him and kissed his collarbone softly, knowing his entire body was sensitive. 
He heaved a sigh and pulled away to look down into your eyes before kissing you sweetly and rubbing your thighs. “Wanna take a shower and crash?”
“Yes, definitely.” 
He nodded, his eyes far away as he steadied you when you unhooked your legs and stood on your own. 
He gathered up the clothes and followed you inside with a yawn.
⏮Previous Next⏭(coming soon!)
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I hope you liked it. I'm sorry it's a little late! I'll do better next week 😉🌻
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shimmeringlights44 · 2 years
Strawberry Wine
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part two
warnings: sexual content, fem receiving oral, mentions of alcohol
minors DNI
word count: 3k (she's hefty omg)
AN: hiiiii!!! here's part two of my beloved cowboy!Austin series!! I hope you enjoy and I will link part one here if you want to go read that one!
The summer days were passing by. Later in the month Momma started inviting him to dinner with us. Getting to see him in a more natural and recurring setting helped me feel a little more comfortable around him. He seemed reserved but interested in talking to me. 
I usually tried to avoid any one on one moments with him as I'm still trying this ‘me myself and I’ thing. It never failed though he would always find a way by me, finding a reason to come in the garage when i'm there or pulling weeds by the pond when i'm out sunbathing. I can't lie and say I didn't like the attention but he made it so hard to truly avoid him. 
This particular morning his truck was gone so I figured I could go get some alone time in the garden.
I padded to the garden and gandered at my towering sunflowers when I felt a somewhat familiar presence behind me. I turned around to find Austin looking around at all my flowers when he asked-
“How big are they supposed to get?” I think he just wanted a reason to talk to me. 
“Uhhh well they're already about 6 or 7 feet so I think they're pretty much done. I'm just waiting for the heads to finish opening.” “Should be any day now huh?” “Yea…” 
With a chuckle he asked “Well I-.. I was wondering if you'd like to help me paint your shed over there. I managed all the dirty work but it sure could use a pretty girl's touch on the paint.”
 I couldn't tell if he was being sweet or trying to genuinely flirt with me. Playing along I decided to say
 “So, you think I'm pretty?” 
He smiles and says “I do, so will you help me or not?” 
So was I supposed to just gloss over the fact that he called me pretty? Okay.
 “Oh, yea sure!” I started marching over to the shed ahead of Austin to try and hide the giddy smile forming on my face.
I came upon the shed, it looking almost brand new at this point.
 “You really out did yourself Austin! It hasn't looked this nice since daddy first built it.” I said while reminiscing on the memories of helping him put it together. 
He rubbed the back of his neck and said “Well, I'm glad I could do it justice for y'all. Now, your momma told me you specifically wanted ‘Ruby Red’ paint-”
“And that's exactly what you got!!” I exclaimed while opening the cans. 
I picked up one of the cans and grabbed a brush while saying “Well let's get going!”
 I decided to start on the front of the shed while Austin took the right side. I was focusing pretty intently on the brush strokes when once again I felt those blue eyes bore into me from around the corner of the building.
 It was endearing but still a little off putting. 
Not peeling my eyes from my work, I asked “Can I help you?” All I heard after that were some weird coughs that made me chuckle. 
After a bit of silent work I decided to go to the same side as Austin. 
Why not?
As I walked over he gave me a little smile and I shot one back. We worked for a little while before his voice broke the silence.
“Do you like to go dancing?” After thinking for a second I responded.
 “Uh I wouldn't say I'm too good at it but I enjoy it when I get to do it.”  With a gulp he asked “Well uh…Would you like to go dancing.. With me?”
 “Uh-” I dropped the brush in my hand from the surprise his question caused me. I Quickly bent down to pick it up and wavered 
“Uh yea I, I would like that.” My cheeks burned with nervousness. 
He grinned at me, his pearly whites flashing before he said “Okay, I'll pick you up at 8 tonight.” 
 We worked in silence again for another 20 minutes before I decided to end the day. I left him to clean everything up after I ran inside to make sense of what just happened.
Is this a date? Maybe? It's only a date if I make it one.
I kinda want to make it one.  
That evening I showered and barely managed to eat dinner on account of my nerves. I told momma Austin had invited me to go dancing with him and she didn't seem too surprised. She just told me to be safe and to have a good time.
 I was gonna try to.
I decided on a black dress that made me feel empowered and a pair of black cowboy boots that had been dying to be worn. I did my favorite style of hair and make up and surprisingly felt good. 
Still very nervous, but good.
Checking the clock on the wall it was just about to hit 8pm. I figured he would be right on time only coming from a couple hundred yards away. 
I walked outside to find him pulling up in that old yellow ford of his. He got out of the truck and looked me up and down.
 “You look mighty fine this evening.” He said with a smirk. 
This man I swear.
 I walked around to the side of the truck for him to open the door for me and said “Well you look mighty fine yourself.” 
He really did though. He closed my door and I took the opportunity to check him out as he walked to the driver side of the truck.
He had on a long sleeve jean shirt with the sleeves rolled up a bit and his chest peeking out. I could see a bit of his chest hair now.  Paired with light wash jeans and some alligator skin boots. And topped off with the nicest cream Stedson hat I'd ever seen. 
He had to know what he was doing. 
After he hopped in his truck the smell of his cologne hit me. I squeezed my legs together in reflex, and hoped he didn't notice. He turned the radio on softly and started driving us down the road. It was quiet but it was nice, it didn't feel awkward. 
After a little time we pulled up to the honky tonk and I started getting excited to see where the night would take us. It was loud and rowdy but it seemed like the perfect place to really break the ice with him. 
Following Austin inside he led me to the bartop and pulled out a chair for me to hop into.
Such a gentleman. 
He walked around to sit by me and asked me what I'd like to drink.
“Uh I guess a dirty shirley!” I half yelled back to him trying to converse over the music. “Alright” He flagged down the bartender and got our order in.
I started looking around the bar taking in my surroundings. The dance floor was full of people dancing and swaying to the music. I smiled to myself at the thought of everyone having a good time. I felt something cold and wet hit my hand which prompted me to whip my head back around. I looked over to Austin with a smile and thanked him for the drink. 
We sat together just drinking for a little while. He had a glass of whiskey, neat. I wondered what that said about him. 
We chatted about the bar and the people here and laughed at the expense of some of them. At this point in the night I started to feel a little more loose and warm from the liquor. It was around the beginning of our third drink when things got exciting.
Josh Turner’s ‘Why Don't We Just Dance’ started playing throughout the dance hall. I couldn't help but tap my foot along as this was one of my favorite songs. I felt Austin's eyes on me again, burning, with a want I could really feel. He placed his hand over mine on the bar and grabbed it. I finally caved and looked up at him, his eyes looking quite lustful with a blush creeping onto his cheeks and ears from the alcohol. 
Now, im not sure if it was the liquor giving us both courage, or the amount of sexual tension between us that prompted us to finally act on our needs.
He pulled me from the barstool with a haste I've never known onto the wooden dance floor. He laid his hand on my waist and I let out a gasp when he pulled me closer. So close in fact that I was straddling his thigh. Really straddling his thigh.
He held me so tight while he started whirling us around the dance floor. Leading me in every way. I've never felt so enamored before, so in a trance with the way this man was moving my body. He had to have felt me on his thigh, moving it ever so slightly as we two stepped. It felt so good. 
I was having so much fun giggling and laughing under the boom of the music, having the time of my life. I looked up to see Austin smiling at me when suddenly the song came to an end entirely too soon. As tradition calls for, he spun me around slowly then dipped me. 
“I've never danced with anybody that way before. it -.. It was amazing!” I said basically out of breath. 
We were on the floor standing still but oh-so-close to each other. I could practically feel his breath on my face. 
“I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm glad I had the might to pull you out here.” he said with a lick of confidence. 
All of a sudden, Tennessee Whiskey starts playing. 
As the song started, the lights went down and the DJ said  “We're gonna slow it down for you lovers out there tonight.” 
I looked up at Austin expectantly. Wondering what his next move would be.
His eyes trailed down to mine and with a small smile he grabbed my hand and placed it on his heart. He wrapped his arm around my waist once again. This time softer… as if I was delicate.
He started moving us in a slower movement, prompting me to lay my head on his broad, strong chest. In this moment I felt so safe, so cared for, by the ranch hand. 
I'm pretty sure I was drunk to be having these thoughts. I had to be.
 Drunk on Austin.
As I was caught up in the smell of his chest I could quietly hear him start to sing along to the song. 
You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey
You're as sweet as strawberry wine
You're as warm as a glass of brandy
And honey i stay stoned on your love all the time
His deep husky voice sent goosebumps down my spine as we swayed to the song.
The night started to come to a close shortly after that last dance. He led me out of the bar to his truck once again. 
This time, on the ride home I sat close to him, thankful for no console in his old truck. He threw his arm around me as I leaned into him. The whole ride home his thumb rubbed my shoulder. 
The drive was entirely too short for my liking. He had pulled us up to the main house and I sat up to look over at him. 
I bit my lip and said “I had the best time with you tonight Austin. I didn't know I could have so much fun.”
“I did too y/n… I-... I was wonderin if I could ask ya something?
“Yea what is it?”
“I was wonderin if it'd be okay if I got to know ya better. Tonight I got a taste of you, and I'd like more of that.” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, nervous.
He wants more of a taste… of me? His words sent that oh-so-familiar feeling down into the pit of my belly. 
Not being able to help myself, I leaned into him and whispered “I think I would like a taste as well.” 
My words caused his breath to hitch in his throat.
I watched him lick his lips, my mouth watering at the thought of connecting with them. Then I looked up to see his eyes already on mine. With haste he closed the distance between us, grabbing my face and latching his lips to mine. 
He tasted so sweet with a hint of jack daniels.
His hands slowly trailed down my body feeling all that he could when he swiftly pulled me on top of him, sitting me in his lap. I took the opportunity to knock his hat off and tangle my hands in his hair and pull. I heard a soft moan emit from his throat. He squeezed my ass in approval, making me sigh in pleasure.
I could feel his bulge growing, his jeans getting tighter by the second. He released another moan after I grinded down onto him
“God you taste so good y/n.” He said between kisses. His hand reached up to my jaw, slightly pulling my head back, exposing my neck. 
He moaned into it saying “I'd love to taste you elsewhere…” 
Holy shit.
“We can't here, but I know where to go.”
I peeled myself off of him and jumped out his truck before grabbing his hand and leading him back behind the house. I stopped at the shed to grab one of the thick blankets we kept in there for the winter  before continuing further away from the house.
 I settled on the other side of the pond thinking it was far enough away from the house where we wouldn't be interrupted. He helped me spread the blanket out before laying down and pulling me to the ground on top of him in the process. 
I straddled his lap on top of him, kissing him passionately before he pulled me away.
“Are you sure this is okay baby? I don't wanna be making you uncomfortable now.” he asked with sincerity in his voice.
“Absolutely, I think I've been wanting this for a long time.”
He smirked at me before pulling me in for another kiss. I started dragging my hands down his body, trying to feel every inch of him. I lifted his shirt up to touch the taught skin underneath. As I felt around, my hands wandered down to the buckle of his jeans when he suddenly flipped us over.
“Uh uh baby, tonight is about you.” he cooed into my chest leaving kisses all around.
He breathed down my body, leaving a trail of goosebumps. When he got to the hem of my dress his eyes flicked up to mine, pleading to continue. Granting his wish I smiled and started pulling my dress up.
I could hear a deep hum of pleasure come from him as he undressed me, noticing I decided to skip a bra tonight. 
“God y/n… you’re gorgeous. Have been since I first laid eyes on you.” he said against the skin of my belly. His hands caressed the outline of my shape, landing on my thighs. 
“I've never been a man of many words so Ihope I can show you just how I feel tonight” he practically whispered onto my heat.
My eyes rolled into the back of my head at the thought.
“Please Austin, I want you” I moaned at this point. 
At the sound of my words he moaned into my underwear, it getting wetter and hotter underneath. He planted a kiss on my pussy before coming up to latch onto one of my breasts, his fingers twisting the nipple of the other one.
He’s barely touching me and I feel like cumming, he’s too powerful. 
He decided to leave a few marks before trailing his mouth south. He looped his fingers into the sides of my panties and slowly pulled them down my legs and threw them to the side. 
I looked down at him. He was almost drooling onto my core. He looked hungry. His now dark eyes flicked up to me one last time before I tangled my hands in his hair and pushed his mouth onto my pussy.
The feeling of his lips on mine was euphoric. 
Laying on his stomach he looped his arms around my thighs keeping me in an iron tight grip. He lapped at my juices and welcomed the sweet taste they brought. 
I knew I wasn't going to last long.
“Au- Austin .. slow- slow down!” I pleaded with him, but that just caused him to continue, adding a finger inside me. 
The feeling of his long finger pumping in and out of me sent me over the edge. Everything became hot and my orgasm washed over me in waves. Hearing me moan through my climax, he continued to pump and lick me bringing me to tears.
I pulled his hand from me, wincing from the empty feeling it left. He sucked on his finger, drawing every last drop of me he could. 
As I twitched, recovering, he crawled up my body to kiss me again, allowing me to taste myself on his lips.
“ Austin-“ 
“I know baby, I know.”
After laying with me and kissing me, he helped me get dressed and walked me back to the house.
“I wanted to thank you for everything tonight. I've been a little apprehensive around you, but I'm so glad you asked me out. I'm ready for more of you.” I said, gazing up to his beautiful blue eyes.
“I'm glad I did too. I've never met anyone like you.” he said back to me looking almost puzzled.
“Well, I hope not.” I coyly said with a smile. 
Since deciding to leave the night on a sweet note, I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning inside to revel in the night I'd just had.
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peonyb · 7 months
Previous anon here! Sorry I took so long, I was kinda distracted. I've gone through one path out of several I want to check, but it gave me enough info to form some thoughts...
So I went w/ Welling first— they're so?? cute??? I've loved them since the first time I played and it hasn't changed at all. They have this steady feel to them that's so genuine in their desire to help MC, it must be like landing on solid ground after being up in the air not knowing what's going to happen next (poor MC by the way). I also must absolutely mention the hand-holding bits because they made me feel giddy... and how gentle and protective they are with MC in comparison to other people (sorry not sorry Anastasia!).
Other thoughts I had— I really wish Fendon would be kicked in the head by a horse, Priestess Velrose seems quite cool (if MC has Light Affinity will they be able to ask her for advice? 👀) and I'm DREADING the outcome of them going back home. Their parents were literally hoisted by their own petard for what they did, MC can't do anything to stop it and now they'll possibly be left alone if both of their parents are arrested or, if they managed to sense trouble from that family chat with MC, run away to become fugitives. Either way... Knowing the whole truth won't be that easy.
I do, however, have some theories! I will send them in another ask, to not make this one so long. In short, I loved the update and I'm looking forward to reading the next part when it's ready!
— L 💜
Welling feels a strong connection with the MC from the very beginning. The strength of it catching even them off guard. And no matter how their relationship with the MC progresses, they’ll remain genuine in their want to help and support! The hand holding was definitely a highlight for them though lol and they tried hard to temper their own giddiness.
Nooo, not kicked in the head hahaha. Fendon is pretty awful though I won’t lie.
A light Affinity MC could ask Velrose for help, but I’m afraid she’d only be able to share general knowledge (how best to focus or interpret visions). This is mostly because clergy members are lent their divine magic while light Affinities yield it. So her way of channeling divine magic would be very different than the MC’s!
The MC definitely has it tough right now, but it won’t all be bad!
I’m glad you liked the update! And I enjoyed reading your thoughts. I mostly test the game myself (and only on occasion lovingly force a friend or family member to read it lol) so it’s always good to have other thoughts and opinions to let me know what’s enjoyable, intriguing, or even confusing! Thank you for taking the time to tell me!
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