#they were all jealous when i went in 2019 so they all wanna come
jamesholden · 2 years
a month from now i'll be back in ireland
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odetolove95 · 3 years
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In a pulse of light, Steve found himself standing in an alley in London. One he knew all too well since he had a penchant for picking fights in alleys. His time travel suit dematerialized and he was left in his usual uniform, which seemed a little too much for the timeline he came back to. The real mission was to return the Infinity Stones and get back to 2019, but he figured his Bucky wouldn’t mind if he took a little detour. He wouldn’t be here long anyway.
The back door of the Whip and Fiddle pub to his right was proof that he landed in the right timeline—somewhere in the 40s. He remembered that the Howling Commandos were in there. Perhaps it wasn’t a good idea going in there dressed like this.
Not to mention the absolute bizarreness if he met his past self.
But there was no turning back now. He opened the door slightly and peeked inside. The pub was more crowded than he expected. He felt completely out of place. And his new-found confidence fizzled out sooner than it came. Across the hall, he spotted his past self and a young Bucky seated near the bar, busy in drink and conversation.
Steve smiled at the sight of that bright-eyed, innocent Bucky who was willing to fight by his side till the end. This was the Bucky who didn’t know what was about to happen to him. And that was the Cap next to him who failed to protect him.
A pang of pain gripped Steve’s heart. But he brushed those thoughts aside and focused on what he came for. The future, seventy years from here, eventually turned out good, so he drew some reassurance from that.
He wondered if it was simply easier to just barge in there and talk to Barnes himself, but he didn’t want to attract unwanted attention. He had little time too.
Closing the door, he paced back and forth restlessly outside, trying to form a plan. A whole minute passed in that. The thought of his past self struck him. He didn’t stop to think how Bucky would be able to slip out without being noticed. Not to mention the fact that he would be subjected to two Steves.
“Shit,” he whispered.
Abort mission?
No. He came this far and wasn’t about to give up easily. He smoothed his hair, straightened his uniform, as though trying to impress a date. Steeling himself, he walked to the door and opened it.
And came face to face with James Buchanan Barnes.
Both froze, staring at each other for a moment. Bucky scanned him from head to toe, shooting a glance at the bar then back at him. “How...?”
Catching his arm, Steve pulled him into the alley and shut the door.
“How did you get out here so fast?” Bucky’s eyes darted to his uniform and his brows rose. “Am I missing something here? Did you change your hair?”
He couldn’t tell if it was his alcohol-addled brain playing tricks on him or Captain America’s uniform suddenly got an upgrade.
Steve couldn’t lie to him. He had to provide an explanation. Besides, he remembered Bucky’s fascination with the future. He remembered the sparkle in his eyes and his awe-struck face during their so-called date at the Stark Expo. At least, that was how Rogers saw it.
“Yeah, well... I’m not really Steve,” he stuttered. “I mean, I am, but not your Steve.” 
Your Steve. 
Sweet Jesus. 
“I’m from the future,” he added.
An awkward silence followed. So much so that he could imagine crickets chirping nearby.
Bucky gave him a blank stare. “Did you smoke something? Or did I drink too much?”
“No, it’s true. I—” Rogers was about to point to his to the time GPS when he realized it was better not to. “You know what, never mind. I came here because I wanted to tell you something I should’ve said a long time ago.”
Bucky’s mind still struggled to grasp what was going on. Because a few minutes ago, he was sitting next to his best friend, who was in his military uniform, and who then headed to the loo shortly after.
“O-kay?” he said.
This is it. Steve couldn’t afford to mess this up. His stomach fluttered and his heart thudded in his chest. With a deep breath, he mustered every ounce of courage he had. He’d said these words before, in another time, and yet, it still managed to make him nervous.
“For as long as I remember,” he said. “You were all I had. You were there when I picked fights and when I got hurt.” He swallowed. “When my parents died. You were always there. When I had nothing, I had you.”
Bucky's heart melted. But he wouldn’t show it, so he merely smiled. “It’s no big deal, Stevie.”
“It is for me. I don’t know what I’d do without you. And I wish I had told you sooner.”
The smile on Bucky’s face reduced when Steve came close. Too close. That golden hair swept back in a smooth quiff really did it for him. He sucked in a breath. His gaze involuntarily darted to his pink lips. Something about this Rogers was different. His fresh sky-blue eyes had the same glimmer and warmth that Barnes knew well, but something had changed in them. He couldn’t place a finger on what. Either way, they always seemed to stare right into his soul. Put him in a spell he couldn’t get out of.
He cleared his throat. “T-tell me what?”
He didn’t know his bright eyes cast the same magic on Steve.
“I love you, Buck. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner.”
Those words had been weighing heavily on his chest for so long. Now that he finally got it out, he felt exposed. 
Bucky’s brows eased, “What?”
“You heard me. You used to--I mean--you were jealous whenever you saw a woman too close to me and I never understood why, because I never felt anything for them. Not the way I do for you. It’s always been you.”
Bucky didn’t respond. His brain stopped functioning a long time ago, and he wasn’t sure if his heart was still beating. He simply stood there, gawking like an idiot. His best friend was in love with him. All this time, he thought his feelings were unrequited.
He didn’t realize how long he remained frozen like that until Steve’s voice snapped him out of the trance.
“Will you say something, please?”
“Huh?” he blurted.
Steve huffed. “Oh, for God’s sake—”
Holding Bucky’s face, he closed the gap between them. Bucky gasped as Cap’s lips crushed his with fervor, tasting his whiskey-tinged lips, and setting his soul on fire. He pushed back instinctively, tugging at Steve’s lips with his teeth. Grabbing the straps on his uniform, he pulled him closer. Their surroundings were a blur, like nothing mattered except them. Every other sound—people and vehicles, all drowned in the background.
Steve would’ve stood there, kissing him for hours, if only he had the time. Slowly and unwillingly, he pulled away.
Bucky’s mouth dropped open as he exhaled a short breath. He might’ve forgotten to breathe the entire time. “Whoa.”
“Yeah,” Steve whispered. He took one look at the alley, checking to see if anyone was looking. “So sorry about this but um, I have to go now.”
“What? Where?”
“It’s complicated. But don’t worry, you’ll get there.” In about seventy years, give or take. “I have to go. Maybe you need to ask that jackass what he feels? The other jackass who’s technically me...”
Happiness filled Steve’s heart, like the warmth of the sun on a cold day. “See you around, jerk.”
In the end, this detour was well worth it. He tapped his band and the time travel suit materialized before Bucky’s widening eyes. The latter stared, slack-jawed, at the magical transformation. And in a pulse of light, Rogers disappeared.
Barnes stood there for a moment, staring at the space where the man stood a millisecond earlier, trying to comprehend if all that was real. He cautiously reached a hand out, thinking he’d feel something, anything, but his hand simply waved in the air.
The guy literally just vanished.
“What the fuck...” Bucky breathed. What just happened?
He could still feel Steve’s lips on his. Like a damp, invisible imprint left behind. Dazed, he went back into the pub.
His Steve stood near the bar, raising his arms outwards. “Where did you go off to?”
I met your future self. Or at least, I think I did. “Just went out for some fresh air.” Bucky shrugged, trying to be as casual as he could.
“Well, come on, we’re gonna be late for the briefing. The team’s waiting outside.”
Bucky needed to convince himself that whatever happened in the alley was not some bizarre manifestation of his mind. “Wait. I need to ask you something.”
“What is it?”
“Do you... you know...” Come on, Barnes. Get it together.
“Do I what?”
He bobbed on his feet. “... L-love me?”
Steve stared at him for a moment, mouth parting slowly. Bucky wasn’t sure if that was a good sign. A bead of sweat rolled down the back of his neck. The last thing he wanted was to ruin their friendship. It was the one precious thing he had.
But he had to know.
A smile crept onto Steve’s face. He blushed as he scratched his head. “I guess. Yeah.”
The relief Bucky felt was palpable. He shook his head, laughing a little under his breath. His heart did the Jitterbug in his chest. A part of him wanted to smack the blond idiot at the back of his head for not telling the truth sooner.
“Stupid punk,” he said.
“Yeah, I guess I deserve that,” Rogers replied. “How did you find out anyway?”
“Well, you keep giving me these googly eyes all the time! I didn’t know if you really... felt that.”
“Of course I do. You are my whole life.”
Bucky scoffed and looked away, hiding the surging happiness inside. The volcanic eruption in his heart.
“I’m sorry,” said Steve. “I should’ve told you. I was waiting for the right time.”
“Yeah? When exactly is that? Your retirement party?”
Steve tilted his head, looking at his friend with those big, blue puppy eyes and a smile that said ‘please don’t be mad’. Bucky absolutely hated it because he could never resist that face.
“Fine, never mind it,” he said. “You wanna... have dinner or something?”
“I know the perfect place. We could go tonight. Eight o’clock.”
“Sounds good.”
The two of them left the pub, walking so close beside each other that their fingers brushed. Good thing the rest of the Howling Commandos were too drunk out of their wits to notice the love in the air.
-- The Words That Should’ve Been Said. (Read full on AO3)
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classicaltrashical · 4 years
Okay I'm not pro-bakugou, but I'm not an asshole that's going to sh*t on you for liking him, but here are some reasons on why I really dont understand people shipping BakuDeku or liking Bakugou Katsuki in general. Not hating on you just stating some canon facts. By the way I tried to censor myself but I just stopped because I got so frustrated with the amount of abuse that Bakugou got away with in just the first few chapters of the manga.
1. Bakugou is abusive towards Izuku both physically and emotionally.
1. The first freaking page of the manga starts out with Bakugou punching Izuku (while probably using his quirk).
2. Page 12 of the first chapter Bakugou slams his hands onto Izuku's desk and uses his explosion to the point it blasts Izuku out of his desk.
- Also note Izuku's body language he is trying to be as small as possible because he already is acclimated to this treatment. He is also seen trying to be as small as possible.
3. Page 15 Bakugou destroys Izuku's notebook (destruction of property).
4. Page 16 Bakugou burns Izuku's shoulder. From the looks of this and Bakugou's attitude towards Izuku this appears to in some way be a common occurrence. Because obviously this is NOT the first time he burned Izuku.
5. Page 17 Bakugou tells Izuku and I quote from the VIZ My Hero Academia Volume 1 10th Printing September 2019 "You wanna be a hero so bad? I've got a timesaving idea for you. If you think you'll have a quirk in your next life... go take a swan dive off the roof!!" After this Bakugou makes small explosions on his palm in a threatening way and Izuku left in the classroom shaking in fear. Even his friends tell him that he went too far.
6. Of course you have the name Deku. Which when used in the context that Bakugou does in the anime means Defenseless Izuku and also uses it as the abbreviation of Dekunobou which roughly translates to "good for nothing."
7. In the flashback of Izuku and Bakugou after getting praised by their principal(?) Bakugou basically grabs Izuku by the collar of his uniform and shoved up against the wall all because Bakugou was jealous and mad that he was not the first and only student to go to U.A. from their middle school and mad because he thought Izuku was hiding his quirk all this time.
2. Izuku is still traumatized.
1. I've hinted at this above, but I don't think I would allow someone with a quirk that makes them sweat a nitroglycerin-like substance to put their smoldering hand on me. Seriously just that scene makes it clear that Bakugou has used his quirk to either frighten Izuku or to injure Izuku.
2. When going in for the entrance exam on page 2 of the third chapter Izuku is shown to turn away from Bakugou and appears to be even more nervous then before.
3. Izuku also thinks to himself about how he has to "stop flinching instinctively." Guys he flinches away from just hearing and/or seeing Bakugou. If you think this can become a healthy and stable relationship......??? Also a few pages after when everyone is gathering around their assigned testing locations someone says "he flinches at the slightest touch" after Iida grabs his shoulder.
- If you think that is freaking natural someone watching that unfold already freaking knows it's not f u c k i n g natural for some to be terrified of another person grabbing their shoulder when they even see the person performing the act. Startled perhaps, but not the way Izuku flinched. Once again in this scene (and like most throughout the first volume) Izuku tries to make himself smaller than he already is by tucking his chin towards his chest and looking away from Iida (who by the way is trying to meet Izuku's eye.) Izuku is so used to being physically abused by his peers that he flinches on contact.
4. Before entering the 1-A classroom for the first time Izuku prays that neither Bakugou or Iida would be in the same class and depicts Bakugou in a pretty demonic way.
5. After the meeting with the principal(?) Izuku instinctively raises his arms to try and block any explosions near his face.
6. After Izuku uses OFA through one finger in Aizawa's assessment test Bakugou is furious and when Izuku sees his barreling towards him he screams in fear. And guys this must be the first time someone has actually STOPPED Bakugou from tormenting Izuku because the look on Bakugou's face is pure shock. Meaning in the years (probably near a fucking decade) nobody has stopped anyone from bullying Izuku. Like that says it all, doesn't matter if you're pro-Bakugou or not Bakugou traumatized Izuku because his abuse and torment went from when they were just little kids after finding out Izuku was quirkless to right after the Sludge Monster.
Do I need to continue into Volume 2 with the whole Bakugou versus Izuku fight? But I will say this...
Izuku has started to heal.
As the manga and anime continue Izuku stops flinching everytime someone calls his name or touches him. He stops raising his arms to block a blow that won't come. He stops trying to sink in on himself. I think the best comparison of this is when Izuku first "raises" his hand in the first chapter to the one during Ectoplasm's math lesson where he stands up confidently and gives an answer.
But healing doesn't erase the past. Healing mentally doesn't erase physical scars (once again it is pretty obvious that Bakugou used his quirk on Izuku.)
Not to mention Bakugou has yet to confront what he did to Izuku. Hell he hasn't even changed much. The only change he did was not always call people somewhat derogatory names instead of their actual name. Don't give me that shit of "well he was kidnapped and felt guilty over All Might's retirement." That's just making a fucking excuse about why he should be forgiven. Was he held against his will for almost a fucking decade? No it was a handful of days and who got him out? Shockingly, but sadly not shockingly the one he decided to torment for years. Don't give me that shit about how apparently being a kid gets you out of trouble. Sure some of it was when he was a kid, but want to know something people age. Hell by the time he told Izuku to kill himself he would have been 14 and most likely almost 15. Which means he should have fucking known better! The only actual excuse I will allow to somewhat slide is the fact that as mentioned AIZAWA SHOTA WAS PROBABLY THE FIRST ADULT TO STOP BAKUGOU FROM HARMING IZUKU! Meaning every fucking adult that saw the way Bakugou acted didn't do jack shit which meant he was raised in a toxic system for years being told what he was doing wasn't something worth being punished for. But still Bakugou should have known better.
The fact that Izuku idolizes Bakugou shows how toxic even this "friendship" is. He is literally idolizing his abuser. And yeah Bakugou is an abuser sure he can be called a bully and a tormentor but he is an abuser. "A person who treats another person or animal with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly"- the fucking Oxford definition of abuser. I mean repeatedly throughout the series Izuku talks about how he has come to view Bakugou as an image of victory.
You want a character to be dating his past abuser? You really want that? I don't give a shit if you write a "they have a talk about their past" before they start dating in your story.
The fact that Bakugou's abuse and the trauma it did to Izuku hasn't been talked about yet in canon is also something that angers me a bit (hopefully Horikoshi has something planned for this). Because it's obvious from their fight during finals and their fight after the provisional license exam that they need to at least talk about it. And then get them both into fucking therapy because yikes they both need it.
And I do not fully agree with Bakugou being forced out of the Hero Course (as some people do), but at least some temporary removal. Mainly put him on probation for a while. Because I believe there are rules in Hero Society that prohibit even middle schoolers from using their quirks against someone(? Right these exist?)
Also if you think for one fucking second that Bakugou did not abuse Izuku and having them in a relationship is not toxic go read the manga and watch the anime both from the beginning because you are missing some cues.
I know that this is was supposed to be about why I don't see how people can ship this and it turned into a rant. I never really care about what other people ship but just think about this. I wrote this mainly because I have seen some people around saying that anti-bakugous overexaggerate and say that Bakugou want not an abuser when ah clearly he is. Like I could go onnnnnnnnn about how much damage Bakugou did to Izuku. We aren't exaggerating you just need to go back to the beginning and see how shitty Bakugou treated Izuku.
If you want to make an argument about how Bakugou is a good guy and how he has learned and changed and it's all good now come @ me I have volumes 1-23 and the other manga chapters on stand by and my Hulu is up and ready.
Not actually looking for an argument but I could have made this post longer but it's now almost 8am I haven't slept a wink and I'm tired.
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
You, Her & Me
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester
Summary: Around Season 2 - Sam liked to watch Dean have sex. He’d gotten off on it multiple times and Dean? Well, Dean got off on Sam watching him. The thing was, though, that it was unspoken. Something they both knew but didn’t care to admit. What if one day, Sam joins in?
Warnings: NSFW, wincest, threesome, deep throating, rimming.
WC: 3458
A/N: This was something I wrote for SPN kink bingo 2019. I edited and brought it back. Heed the warnings! If you don’t like, please scroll past.
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Sam liked to watch Dean have sex. He’d gotten off on it multiple times and Dean? Well, Dean got off on Sam watching him. The thing was, though, that it was unspoken. Something they both knew but didn’t care to admit. 
Sam doesn’t really know if Dean really got off when he caught Sam watching but from the amount of times Dean leaves the curtains open when he’s in the room having sex with a chick while Sam waits in the car parked right in front of their motel room, he liked to think that Dean was doing it deliberately. 
Sam would sit outside in the car, his leaking cock in his hand as he watched the weekly blonde, brunette or redhead (you name it) bounce on his brother's cock. He would watch Dean’s hand grab her perfect tits — they all have different shapes and forms but they are all perfect. And sometimes - sometimes — Dean would fuck her against the window with the drawn out curtains, and he would look over her shoulders, his eyes searching and meeting Sam’s. And that’s when Sam would come, warm and slick on his own damn hand and soil his goddamn pants.
Oh, Dean knows. Sam’s sure of it, and Sam’s sure that Dean loves it as much as he does.
 Tonight was different. Sam didn’t even have the time to go out and wait in the car when Dean bursts into the room with a girl attached to his face. And Dean didn’t care because he threw her onto the twin bed that Dean claimed as his — near the window, where else? — and began to spread her legs, making her moan in desperation when he kissed up her thighs. 
Sam cleared his throat audibly, trying to get them to notice that he was indeed in the room; his mind debating on what to do next but Dean just looks up from the girl and winks at Sam. 
He goddamn winks at him. 
Sam was frozen in place and abandoned his laptop that was sitting on his thighs while Dean went down on the girl right fucking there, and Sam couldn’t help but watch the show unfold.
He has a boner, of course he did. Who wouldn’t? It’s better than any cheap pay-per-view porno they could watch on a dirty and way too small motel TV set, and Sam palmed his dick through his pants that was straining awfully hard against the zipper. He wasn’t sure if he could take it out or not, not sure if he was allowed to.
Sam watched as Dean lickd her good, sucking on her clit like his life depends on it, his nose breathing hard over her mound, as if he’s desperate for air as her hands fisted in Dean’s short hair. Sam felt a pang of jealousy hitting him. Not jealous of Dean, not really, although he wouldn’t say no to a nice, slick pussy but right now. No, he’s more jealous of her. He too, wants to feel Dean’s tongue on him, feel Dean’s face between his thighs. Dean’s stubble scraping along his delicate flesh and he would just give about anything if Dean would eat him alive like he eats her. Sam wouldn’t even mind the beard burn. He would even welcome it, and wear it with pride.
“Go on, touch yourself,” Her voice cut like a knife through the silence and jolted Sam back to reality, making him look over to her with wide eyes while she winked at him, “I know you want to. It’s ok.” 
Sam wondered where he'd seen her before and then it hit him. Y/N. She’s a librarian down at the library. They went in this morning to find a book and Dean was rambling to Sam that Y/N was his kind of librarian and Sam just laughed it off, thinking that a librarian would never do things Dean wants her to do. Not someone who was as shy as Y/N. Well, joke’s on him, huh?
Sam looked down on Dean, searching out his eyes to make sure that Dean was okay with him whipping out his cock, but Dean still had his head buried in between her luscious thighs and Sam didn’t even know if Dean heard it because he could see that Y/N’s thighs were squeezing Dean’s head real good.
“Don’t be shy, Sam. Mmmh..” Y/N moaned out the last part of her sentence because Dean just shoved two fingers into her glistening cunt as he placed hesitant kisses on her thighs and bit lightly into her delicious flesh, and now Dean was staring at Sam too but he didn’t say anything, just watching to see if Sam would follow her lead. 
Fuck it! Sam thought and began to unbuckle his belt and he could see both sets of eyes burning with desire, staring at him now. Dean froze for a moment but when he regained his composure, he picked up his ministrations, drove his fingers in and out of her pussy harder, making her moan every time he hit the right spot. 
“Sammy, you don’t have to,” Now it was Dean who spoke and it startled Sam, “You know, if you don’t wanna, you don’t have to.” 
Sam looked at Dean, letting Dean’s word register in his brain. Sam knew that he didn’t have to if he didn’t want, but the thing was, he really, really wanted to.
“S’ok, Dean,” He said and he meant it, as he stood up from his bed and slid his pants down his legs, letting it pool around his ankles. In another swift motion, he rid himself from his boxers and let it drop to the floor before he stepped out of it. 
Sam could see Y/N’s eyes on him, as he stood there, his cock pointing up to his stomach. It was achingly hard and leaking precum. He fists his dick, thumbing his leaking slit and smearing the precum around the head of it. He used it to massage it down his shaft.
“Wow, your brother’s impressive,” Y/N laughed and winked at Dean and Dean shot her a glare but Sam thought that he detected a hint of pride in it, too.
“Good genes, baby,” Dean replied, and he wasn’t wrong. Sam’s seen Dean’s cock so many times in all its form, since privacy is a rare thing when you share so little space. And no matter what shape Dean’s dick was in; soft, hard, super hard — he’s big. It’s just that Sam’s slightly bigger, but he’s also taller, so.
“I can see that,” Y/N chuckled low and then she pushed Dean away with her feet, ordered him to strip and sat on the edge of the bed. Dean was thinking with his lower brain, and just fucking did what she told him. He was so fucking far gone, Sam could tell.
Dean’s cock was hard, almost super hard because Sam could see precum leaking on the tip and slowly dripping down his shaft, as Dean sat back on the bed, naked. Sam had to hold himself back from drooling. Instead, Sam swallowed down the excess saliva that built up in his mouth, trying to swallow down the squeal that wanted to escape his lips at the same time.
“Sammy..” Y/N started to say, “I can call you Sammy, can I?” 
Fuck, Y/N could call him every name she wanted to, because Sam was not paying attention to her and he didn’t really care because she was holding up Dean’s dick at the base and shook it and it was mesmerizing. Sam couldn’t take his eyes off it even if he would try. Dean was not the only one to think with his lower brain right at this fucking moment. 
“What do you want me to do? Tell me,” She kept on swinging Dean’s dick from side to side and squeezed the tip now, milking out Dean’s pre-cum and he fucking groans, “You can tell me Sammy. Tell me what you want me to do to your brother.”
Sam teared his eyes away from Dean’s cock for a moment, his eyes searching for Dean’s but Dean had his head thrown back, his eyes closed and Sam didn’t really know what he could do or say.
“I’m waiting, Sammy,” She giggles.
“I-I..uh..I want you to blow him.” Sam said, because fuck it, if Dean didn’t want him joining in, he could say so, Dean’s not a kid anymore.
Y/N smiled at Sam before she took a swipe with her tongue, licking from the base to the tip of Dean’s dick, and Dean back from his momentarily trance again, brushed the hair out of her face with one hand while he fisted the ugly blanket of the motel bed with the other. Dean was watching her, and bit back a moan that got caught in the depths of his throat.
“C-can you take him further?” Sam asked, he knew that he could but he wanted to challenge her, and Dean looked at him now, still not saying anything, though.
Y/N positioned herself on her knees before she swallowed down the tip of Dean’s dick and then she went further from there, relaxing her mouth and impaling her face on Dean’s beautiful cock. 
“Fuck,” Dean breathed out. His hand was on the back of her head as he pushed her down and bucked up his pelvis at the same time, making Y/N gag when he felt the head hitting the back of her throat, and felt that it wouldn’t go any further, “Son of a—” Dean bit on his bottom lips, closing his eyes, relishing in the feel.
Dean let go of her head, letting her come up for air, a string of saliva attached his dick to her mouth still, and Sam didn’t know what came over him, because he was there on his knees in an instant, stuck his tongue out to break the string and swallowed it down, the taste of Dean and her flooding his mouth and melt on his tongue. Sam felt her pulling him into a kiss and who’s he to deny it? And when she twirled her tongue around his, he might have let out a whimper but he couldn’t tell, and if someone asked, he would deny it until the day he died.
“Take it, Sammy.” Y/N said, waving Dean’s dick into his face. It was so close, Sam could smell the scent of Dean’s precum and a hint of musk that was almost nauseating, making Sam’s head spin but not in a bad way. Not bad at all. “You want to try, Sammy?”
Sam looked up at Dean, searching for approval because, fuck yes, he wanted to try. Dean had a shocked expression on his face but also there’s something else in his eyes. Maybe lust, maybe desire, but most of all, hunger.
Fuck. Sam was shaking, his mouth salivating at the prospect of tasting Dean and he had to tighten the grip around his own dick because he didn’t want to blow right now. Sam will never hear the end of it if he did.
“Ever done that before? The two of you?” Y/N asked and even though she knows that they’re brothers, she clearly didn’t mind it one bit. 
Sam choked out a moan and he thinks that he likes this girl very, very much. He shook his head and Dean huffed out a moan when Y/N dipped her head lower, sucking in one of his balls into her warm slick mouth to let it out again with a popping sound that would make a porn star blush. 
“Suck his cock, Sammy. I’m working on the balls,” Y/N whispered out of breath, and she didn’t even wait for Sam’s answer, her hand offering Dean’s cock to him like it was a lollipop that she wanted to share. A delicious lollipop at that, and is he drooling again?
“Sammy,” Dean gritted his teeth, “You don’t have to..oh shit!” He groaned out as she worked on his other balls before sucking and licking a trail down his rim, making him lean back down on the bed, unable to form coherent words anymore. She was so far down Dean’s crack now, Sam didn’t even know how she was still able to breathe.
Sam wanted to. Oh god, how he wanted this. Dean just didn’t know how much Sam wanted it. 
Always had but never could.
When Sam moved his head closer, the scent of Dean was so overwhelming and Sam had to squeeze down at the base of his own cock for a moment again, because he would blow it right the fuck now if he wasn’t careful.
Y/N still held Dean’s dick in her hand but when Sam closed his hands around it, she let go, granting him access, giving him space to claim his brother's cock. Retreating, because she knew that Sam wanted it, wanted to have control over Dean’s whole glorious and throbbing dick.
She began to suck at Dean’s balls again before licking a way down Dean’s rim and then Sam took a swipe at Dean’s tip, tasting Dean’s precum on his tongue, letting the taste of bittersweet juice spread on his taste buds before he would dive in. Dean craned his neck and his eyes were open and they were still on Sam when he sucked it in and let it fill his mouth, inch by inch. 
“Fuck, Sammy,” Dean groaned, hoisting himself up on his elbows some more, and spread his legs wider, before his hand shot out and fisted in Sam’s hair, fingers twisting in Sam’s locks, “Sammy, Sammy, fuck,” Dean choked out Sam’s name, and it only urged Sam on to take Dean’s dick deeper. 
It’s not the first blowjob that Sam’s given, but it was the first blowjob with Dean at the receiving end, and Sam can take it, he had dicks as thick as Dean’s before, just never Dean’s. 
Sam pushed his face deeper down, swallowing Dean’s dick and Dean pushed Sam’s head down making Sam swallow him even deeper than before. Down, down, further down, until there was nowhere left for Dean’s cock to go. Until Sam had trouble breathing, until Sam began to gag and then Dean let go, let Sam come up for air and Sam coughed up a storm.
“Fuck, where did you learn that, Sammy?” Dean asked, impressed and maybe curious on how his brother became such a cockslut. 
“College.” Sam answered, brushing away saliva from his mouth with the back of his hand. 
Y/N was still rimming Dean, making him moan and when Sam wanted to continue his ministration on his brother, Dean’s hand was quick around the back of Sam’s neck, pulling Sam into a frenzy kiss that almost made Sam come — again. It was filthy and so wrong, but it felt so good when Dean’s tongue licked his own taste out of Sam’s mouth and all of a sudden, it felt so right, too.
Sam still had Dean’s dick in his hand and he couldn’t wait to go down on Dean again. As soon as Dean broke the kiss, Sam was on it, sucking it in, hollowing his cheek and bouncing his face on his brother’s glorious cock like a wanton whore. 
Dean fisted his hand back in Sam’s hair, as he watched his brother bobbing his head on his shaft. “Mmh..,” Dean threw his head back, closing his eyes a little, willing himself not to come right into his brother’s mouth. No, Dean wanted to enjoy it a little longer, “So good Sammy. Such a good boy. A good boy for me,” Dean praised Sam and the praise hit Sam in all the right places.
“Sammy, can I?” Y/N’s voice broke the trance that Sam was in and only then did he realize that she was still here. Her hand was on his cock, and she rubbed him up and down while he sucked at Dean’s dick. Fuck. 
“You’re close, aren’t you?” She asked Sam and yes, Sam was close, so fucking close. He had been since god knows when, and she chuckled when she saw Sam biting back a moan as her hand clenched his throbbing cock in her fist.
“Get up.” Y/N commanded and Sam did what she told him, even though he wanted to devour Dean some more but he was not the one who calls the shots around here. Sam let go of Dean’s cock with a popping sound and then she held out a hand for Dean and pulled him up with them. 
Dean and Sam were standing next to each other now and she kissed Sam, making Dean grunt in pleasure when he saw her tongue invading his brother’s mouth. She let go of Sam and kissed Dean next and Dean was intoxicated when he tasted her and him and Sam all at the same time. 
Her hands went around their necks, pushing them all closer towards her, they were still kissing and licking the tastes of each other out of their mouths and Sam didn’t even know who’s tongue it was anymore, it was all too good and fuck, all he ever wanted and more.
Y/N pulled her head back, so it was only Dean and Sam left and then, before the brothers could even blink, she was on her knees. Her hands held their dicks together, and it was only skin on skin and then she massaged the thick cocks, rubbing them together and Sam almost fainted because it’s the closest his dick had ever been to Dean’s, and he didn’t want it to stop. Ever. 
“Ah..shit, sweetheart. So good,” Dean threw his head back and then his hand went around Sam’s middle, his fingers kneading and digging into the little flesh Sam had on his waist. 
Sam felt bold, as she rubbed them down there and then she sucked in the tip of their dicks too, both at the same time and it was magical to feel Dean’s cock next to him in a warm and slick space and Sam thought that he never felt anything better before. Ever. 
Sam’s hand moved up Dean’s torso, and then he didn’t know why but he flickered his thumb against Dean’s nipple like he would do it with a girl and Dean groans sweetly, like a fucking girl. Sam will forever keep playing with Dean’s nipple from now on, that’s a given, and when Dean returned the favor to Sam, he was a goner. Sam didn’t even know that he had sensitive nipples, it was never like that with anyone else. Only with Dean.
“Fuck, Dean, I can’t.. I..” Sam bit down on his bottom lip and Dean moved his head closer, kissing him for what he’s worth and Sam kissed back, indulging himself in the taste of himself and his brother.
“Come, Sam. You too, Dean.” Y/N said from down there and Sam didn’t know if Dean heard it because he almost couldn’t hear it above the constant pounding of his heart in his ear.
“Sammy..” Sam’s name rolled off Dean’s tongue as Dean spilled hot and thick into Y/N’s hand and she was still rubbing their dicks together. The slick and warmth of Dean’s cum coating Sam’s cock and fuck, Sam can’t hold it back any longer. 
“Dean!” Sam moaned into Dean’s mouth,biting down Dean’s bottom lip, as he came. 
Dean’s tongue was in his mouth, Dean’s cum was on his dick and Y/N rubbed it in so good and oh fuck, Sam never came so hard in his life. Ever.
“Such good boys,” Y/N stood back up, kissing both of them again as they shared a wild and filthy kiss, tongues and teeth and lips and god, everything. 
“Who wants to take a shower with me?” She asked, smiling mischievously.
“I’m game,” Dean smirked at her, still rubbing at his own softening cock and smacked her ass when she turned around. 
Sam knew that Dean would be hard again in an instant because Y/N’s a damn great girl and she could push all the right buttons.
While Dean and Y/N walked towards the bathroom, Sam just watched them go, not sure if he could join, if he should join, and somehow he thinks that he would intrude, and that was the last thing he wanted, since he already got more than he bargained for.
“Sammy,” Dean came to a halt in front of the bathroom and turned around, calling out for Sam, “You coming?” 
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@dean-winchesters-bacon​ @atc74​ @flamencodiva​ @amandamdiehl​ @hoboal87​ @mollmom​ @petitgateau911​ @jensengirl83​
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httpjeon · 5 years
— 06. bunny blues: jealousy | yoongi & jungkook
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yoongi/reader/jungkook ― ft. taehyung, jimin, & hoseok | fluff, angst | hybrid!au
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wordcount: 2.1k
contents: jealousy, arguing, scenting, reader gets spooked, angry!jungkook, sexual tension if u squint
― synopsis: you meet yoongi’s friends hoseok and jimin along with their hybrid taehyung.
note: reader is a bunny hybrid, kook is a dog hybrid, and joon+yoongi are humans!
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blog masterlist ɪɴᴅᴇx: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 07 | 08
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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"Is this really necessary, hyung?" Jungkook sighed, watching as Yoongi bustled about with a variety of food and drinks. You sat on the back of the couch, feet dangling lazily as you watched alongside Jungkook.
"Absolutely! It's a celebration after all!" Yoongi huffed, rolling his eyes as he placed a snack plate on the coffee table — just a simple bowl of chips (hybrid friendly!).
"You're acting like she's just graduated valedictorian," Jungkooked sassed, taking a seat on the couch and reaching for a chip. However, Yoongi quickly reached out and slapped his hand, making Jungkook yelp.
"Don't touch!" Yoongi grumbled, ignoring Jungkook's pout. "And it's not every day you adopt, thank you!"
"Lots of people adopt every day," Jungkook grumbled, making you giggle.
Though he was acting like he was chill and cool, when Yoongi first returned with the successful news, he had wrapped you up in the biggest hug that nearly squeezed the life out of you. You suspected he was trying to act cool because their friends were coming over.
"Why are you even inviting them?" Jungkook asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Because it's about time that ______ meets them!" Yoongi argued, obviously becoming bored with the back and forth with his hybrid.
"I'm excited to meet them," You admitted, sliding off the back of the couch to sit properly beside Jungkook. You carelessly popped a chip in your mouth, making Jungkook grumble about how unfair that was. "You guys talk about them a lot!"
"Jimin and Hoseok are two close friends from high school," Yoongi told you, though you already knew. You enjoyed listening to him talk about his friends even if they were stories you’d heard hundreds of times before. "They brought in Taehyung a couple years ago and I'm sure you'll get along great. He's Jungkook's best friend!"
"What breed is Taehyung?" You asked, realizing you actually didn't know that detail.
"He's a dog like me," Jungkook answered for Yoongi, who was busy setting up some bottles of soda. "I think he's a Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever mix."
You hummed, though you didn't really know what that would look like. You knew Jungkook was a German Shepherd hybrid with dark ears that stood straight atop his head — giving him an almost intimidating look and his tail wasn't quite fluffy but still long-haired. You were excited to see what Taehyung looked like!
As if on cue, the doorbell rang and Jungkook shot to his feet. Yoongi rushed out of the kitchen, rapidly wiping his hands on his jeans. You stood up to join them just as Yoongi pulled the door open. Immediately the black-haired man was stuck with an armful of hugs.
"Hey guys!" A man about Yoongi's height hopped inside, followed by a grinning man.
The shorter one had a head full of thick, pink hair. He wore a sweater and jeans and he was beaming. You knew he was Jimin due to the picture you'd seen on Yoongi's cell.
The other was about Jungkook's height with pretty blonde hair. He had a pretty heart-shaped smile and he eagerly reached up to scratch one of Jungkook's ears. He would be Hoseok, you deduced.
The third man — or hybrid — separated from Yoongi to hug Jungkook, who sputtered as if he was surprised. Once he was done hugging Jungkook, he pulled you into a hug and you squeaked in surprise.
His scent was overwhelming — like cinnamon apple, sweet yet spicy. He was also very warm and you couldn't help but nuzzle into the warmth. Suddenly he pulled back, looking at you with wide eyes.
"She's so cute!" He cried, crushing you against him again cooing nonsensical words in your ear.
"O-Okay TaeTae, let's not strangle the bunny okay?" Jimin carefully pulled the excited pup away.
You finally got a good look at him and you felt yourself blush. He had pretty honey colored hair that matched his floppy ears and fluffy tail. He was grinning a contagious box-shaped smile.
"It's so nice to meet you, _____, I'm Hoseok," The blonde introduced, smiling down at you.
"I-I know...Yoongi and Kookie told me about you guys already," You admitted, making Jimin coo.
"God, she is adorable hyung!" He said to Yoongi, who grinned and nodded his head.
"What're we doing tonight to celebrate?" Hoseok asked, letting Yoongi lead everyone over to the kitchen.
"I was thinking we could have a nice dinner and then watch a movie!" Yoongi explained, gesturing to the dinner he had set up on the dining table.
"I wanna sit next to _____!" Taehyung called, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the seat beside him. Jungkook huffed, pouting before taking the seat beside Yoongi — leaving Hoseok and Jimin across from each other.
Yoongi quickly switched the plates around so everyone had the correct dishes; the humans had pesto pasta, the pups had fried pork chops, and you had a scrumptious vegetable bake.
To say dinner was lively was an understatement. The three guests had a way of lighting up the room around them — all of them like the embodiment of the sun itself. You also enjoyed the stories they told.
"So we hadn't actually planned to adopt him, you know," Hoseok told eagerly. "But when we took our other friend to get his own hybrid, we met Tae and he was the cutest little thing! We thought he would fit in so well with us!"
"I think he does," You admitted, making Jimin smile cutely at you. Beneath the table, you felt Taehyung slip his hand over yours. When you looked over at him, you were met with his bright grin.
Suddenly, Jungkook slammed his cutlery down onto the plate which effectively silenced everyone. You jumped, reaching up to cover your ears at the shock of noise.
"I'm done," He announced as if he hadn't startled everyone. Yoongi merely sighed as Jungkook got up and went to the living room.
"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked, pulling your hands away from your ears.
"She's got really sensitive hearing," Yoongi explained, smiling sympathetically at you. "Sometimes Jungkook seems to forget that."
"I can hear you!" Jungkook called from the living room.
"Good!" Yoongi called back, making Jimin and Hoseok laugh.
You felt eyes on you and looked up from your plate to find Taehyung still looking at you. He was incredibly pretty, with a sharp jawline and cute uneven eyelids. His skin was a beautiful tan and absolutely flawless; he almost seemed to glow.
Jungkook sighed to himself, hugging his knees as he listened to the others talk at the table. He didn't realize Taehyung would take such a liking to you and he couldn't help but feel jealous. What if you liked Taehyung more than him and wanted to see him more often? He didn't know if he could handle that.
He knew he was acting like a child and he couldn't quite explain why. He just had this sense that...you were his. You had his scent on you and yours on him — you belonged to him and it wasn't fair for you to give your attention to another hybrid. His best friend no less!
He was...jealous. No doubt about it.
So lost in his thoughts, Jungkook failed to realize that everyone finished dinner. The overwhelming scent of you right beside him snapped him out of his head. You were squirming in your seat, getting cozy on the couch, ready to watch a movie.
To his dismay, however, Taehyung plopped down right on the other side of you. He grinned at Jungkook only to receive a tight lipped smile in return. A pang of guilt hit him at the questioning cock of Taehyung’s head — wondering what was wrong.
“Alright, we’re watching The Nun!” Hoseok announced, wiggling his fingers in a goofy manner that was meant to be spooky.
You were the only one who laughed, which brought a smile to Jungkook's face.
It disappeared, however, when Taehyung affectionately ruffled your hair.
"You're so cute," The lab-mix cooed, making you bite your lip bashfully.
Yoongi turned down the lights and the movie began. Jungkook noticed how you sat at the edge of your seat, eyes fixed on the television. In your time living with them, they both learned you adored watching TV — your eyes would dart across the screen to catch every little detail and your ears would twitch at every sound.
You hadn't watched a horror movie before, though. Namjoon hadn't been a fan, choosing to stick to action movies or sad movies that made you cry.
The movie began to reach its climax and you hugged your knees to your chin, gazing at the screen with wide eyes. Jungkook felt his hand twitch with the urge to pull you into him.
A little gasp left your mouth at a jump scare and you quickly covered your ears before the suspenseful music could hurt them. In the blink of an eye, much to Jungkook's disappointment, you were pulled tightly into Taehyung's chest. He cooed softly to you, petting your head as you jumped at every noise.
Jungkook suddenly felt cold as you were pulled farther away from him until you were completely in Taehyung's lap. Part of him hoped that you'd crawl away, uncomfortable with the contact but he knew better — you adored anybody paying attention to you.
The movie ended like that, Jungkook practically pouting by himself and you cradled against his best friend.
"Look at how cute you two are!" Jimin cried, scratching Taehyung's ear as the humans realized your position.
You bashfully slid out of Tae's lap and knuckled your eyes sleepily. Jungkook noted that you may have been falling asleep a little bit and that just seemed to anger him.
"It's pretty late, I guess we better go," Hoseok sighed, standing up and stretching.
Everyone simultaneously navigated over to the door, where you were individually wrapped in a hug by Jimin and Hoseok. You happily accepted them, grinning when they expressed how happy they were to meet you.
All of Jungkook's jealousy came to a head when Taehyung pulled you in for a hug.
"I really enjoyed tonight with you," Taehyung cooed into your hair, arms wrapped fully around you so you were crushed to his chest. "I'd like to see you again, Bunny—"
A growl tore through the room, cutting the blonde off from what he was going to say. All eyes turned to Jungkook who was glaring with his teeth bared. His aggression seemed to tick Taehyung off as he released a growl of his own.
You whimpered against Tae, attempting to pull away, only to be pulled back even tighter. Seeing you struggle had Jungkook lunging forward, ready to fight with his friend.
"Enough!" Jimin shouted, halting everything at once.
"What has gotten into you?" Hoseok sighed, struggling to pull Taehyung's arms off of you. When he didn't let go, Jungkook snarled.
"Let her go."
There was a stillness between them that lasted only for a moment before you were being released. You quickly scampered over to Yoongi to get out of the way of the aggressive canines.
"It's time to go," Jimin grumbled, grabbing Taehyung by the back of the shirt to tug him out the door.
"Sorry about that," Yoongi softly apologized while stroking your ears and hair to calm you as you clung to his side.
"It's fine," Hoseok waved off before they all quickly left — leaving the three of you in the home.
With Taehyung gone, Jungkook quickly moved in. Yoongi had half a mind to move you away — unsure what his pup would do before deciding against it. Kook would never hurt you. So he allowed the other hybrid to press up behind you, nosing at your neck to swipe his tongue over your scent gland — covering what Taehyung had put on you.
As you relaxed against him, allowing him to mix your scents properly again, Jungkook felt a calm come over him once more. You smelt like him once again and the only threat was now gone.
He'd have to worry about mending this with Tae another time.
"I suppose it's time we get in bed, yeah?" Yoongi breathed, the group hug finally separating. "I'll tuck you in, _____,"
"I-I'll do it," Jungkook meekly volunteered.
"Kook," Yoongi sighed. "Just go to sleep, okay?"
Jungkook's head lowered at his owner's exasperated tone before nodding his agreeance. He got a final glimpse of Yoongi tucking you in — kissing your nose ever so gently, before he shut his door.
And as Jungkook laid on his bed, staring blankly out his bedroom window down to the dimly lit street below, he felt everything hit him at once. His heart pounded heavily in his chest as he came to a realization.
He had actual feelings for you.
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muwi-translates · 4 years
Otomate Party 2019 Collar x Malice Drama “Reverse reality”
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Short drama featured in Otopa 2019, this was also shown in the 2020 Otomate New Title Party livestream. 
HEAVY BASE GAME SPOILERS. There’s also some minor spoilers AND a CG spoiler for -Unlimited-. Either way, don’t read this if you have not finished the first game.
Highly recommend that you watch while you read, it will 100% enhance the experience. It’s also because there are some ad-libs that are better experienced while you can see the voice actors and be able to hear the crowd. Here is a timestamped link to the section (if it doesn’t jump there, it starts at 15:23)
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Yanagi: 20XX, December. Vicious events that have been committed in succession have disrupted social order. Known as the X-Day Incidents, we, who were former police officers, have been investigating--
Okazaki: Aha, wait, Yanagi-san~
Yanagi: Okazaki…Don’t interrupt others when they’re starting their monologue.
Okazaki: Sorry, but this time it doesn’t look like we need a very serious atmosphere.
Yanagi: What did you say?
Okazaki: The title seems to be wrong, it’s actually this:
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[Title: It was just a dream]
Yanagi: What?
Okazaki: Shall I give you a summary then?
Okazaki: On a day in 20XX, a party was being held in a corner of Shinjuku. Thanks to the magic of Otopa (Otomate Party), in a place where time and space become twisted, a group of people who normally cannot meet have gathered…
Yanagi: An izakaya… no, I really don’t understand what’s—
Shiraishi: If it were just Yanagi-kun, Okazaki-kun and I… 
Saeki: I feel like I’m intruding, sorry about that.
Mikuni: There should be no need to apologise. We were also forcibly brought here when we were busy.
Okazaki: Soooo… I believe that one is Ichika-chan’s co-worker from the police station, Saeki-kun, right?
Saeki: Yup.
Okazaki: And that one is the politician Mikuni-san?
Mikuni: Yes. I also know who you are very well. You’re the people from the detective agency who are investigating the X-Day incidents by yourselves. Since you’ve also been investigating the identity of the mastermind of Adonis, you must have discovered our involvement by now.
Yanagi: Hmph. Not gonna bother to hide it? Should I treat this as your confession?
Shiraishi: Hey, Yanagi-kun, you don’t have to think that much this time. All that about the incidents, arrests, they all don’t exist~
Yanagi: Excuse me?
Saeki: Ah, they told me before I came here, Today, let’s just throw away all that messy stuff from the main story. We can’t go dropping spoilers, yeah?
Okazaki: Haha, yup, it’s Otomate Party, after all.
Saeki: Yup, hehe~
Okazaki: So that means that it’s Saeki-kun and Mikuni-san’s first time meeting us, isn’t it?
Saeki: Ah, I know Shiraishi-san since he’s pretty famous in the Shinjuku station… but that’s about it.
Shiraishi: Ahaha… Mikuni-san, this should be fine, yes?
Mikuni: Are you trying to say that I should pretend I don’t know you, Num—
Shiraishi: Waitwaitwait… If you say it then what’s the point?
Yanagi: …Not enough...
Okazaki: Hm? Yanagi-kun, what’s wrong?
Shiraishi: Is there something wrong with your account book?
Yanagi: ...Not enough of Enomoto’s complaints...
Okazaki: Ah…. mm…. We do have a serious shortage of complaining.
Yanagi: Whatever. I can call you Mikuni, right?
Mikuni: Yes, even though I didn’t allow you to call me by name. The only one who has permission to do so is--
Shiraishi: S-S-Stop, didn’t we just say not to talk about the personal identity of that person today?
Yanagi: I can’t believe it… that Shiraishi’s thinking of other people?
Okazaki: Wait a second, Saeki-kun’s being left behind. I’m sorry, making you feel uncomfortable.
Saeki: It’s no problem, but… maybe I’m not meant to be here? You’re all important characters in the main story. I’m probably the youngest character amongst everyone here. Plus I’m just the friend of the protagonist.
Okazaki: What’s up with the weird reaction from the audience?
Saeki: You must be mistaken!
Okazaki: I must be! Haha~
Saeki: Hahaha
Okazaki: Ah, now that I remember, I’m so jealous you’re Ichika-chan’s coworker. I heard you two go out drinking together a lot.
Yanagi: That’s right, Saeki’s the only one who knows Hoshino well here.
Shiraishi: She’s still cautious with us, so I’m very interested in what kind of person she is.
Saeki: He~eh, Hosino’s pretty popular. But all I know is that she’s a really normal person. She’s always doing her best, and straightforwardly. Sometimes she can be discouraged and be in low spirits, but when she’s angry, she can be really scary. Ah! And when she gets drunk, she laughs a lot and gets really passionate when she talks to me.
Mikuni: …Is that it?
Saeki: Hm?
Mikuni: If Ichika Hoshino is as normal as you say then I believe she should not have been chosen by Adonis.
Yanagi: Oi, Mikuni, what do you mean?
Saeki: Oh… I don’t know how Adonis thinks, but I think she’s strong because she’s normal.
Mikuni: I don’t understand, even if I do want to, since she holds the key to us.
Saeki: Ahaha, to a brilliant politician like you, our worlds are completely different.
Shiraishi: ...Sorry, I can’t stand this anymore.
Yanagi: I can’t believe it… that Shiraishi’s losing his cool!
Okazaki: Truly a rare sight to behold.
Okazaki: That said, we’re in front of a gathering of girls, we shouldn’t be this aggressive. If our goal is to become friends, why don’t we play a game?
Shiraishi: Do you mean the friendship games that Okazaki-kun and Mineo-kun always play?
Yanagi: Those? It’s going to get more chaotic if so many people start drinking tequila. 
Okazaki: Then what about a ‘revelation game’? We’ll reveal our true thoughts on the subject written on the back of these cards. And you have to answer the question no matter what it is.
Saeki: Oh, I like it! I’d be happy to get to know everyone better.
Mikuni: It’s of no loss to me if I get information from you.
Shiraishi: Then let’s go clockwise from Yanagi-kun.
Yanagi: Why do I have to go first? Nothing I can do about it-- IT’S MY TURN.
[Card: What kind of gestures do you like in a woman?]
Yanagi: Gestures? I haven’t really thought about it, something like tying long hair into a bun, I guess?
Saeki: Ah, I get that! It looks really nice when they’re wearing a yukata.
Shiraishi: Really? Should I tie my hair like that?
Yanagi: I didn’t ask.
Mikuni: I see. I’ll add this to the data we have on Aiji Yanagi.
Yanagi: I. Didn’t. Ask.
Okazaki: Then it’s my turn next. What’ll it be~?
[Card: What’s something you want a woman to say to you?]
Yanagi: Is this really about friendship?
Okazaki: Hm… I can feel the coercive energy of Otopa… it’s like... a heavy pressure.
Saeki: Okazaki-san looks like he’s pretty popular. I wanna learn from you.
Okazaki: Haha, you sound like Mineo-kun. Words I want to hear from a woman… Yanagi-san, it’s better to give a more restrained answer, right?
Yanagi: Yeah, it might be bad if you’re too careless, ah, but there’s still a chance. I’d rather you say something that can be visualised, it’s okay if you say something that can’t. Anyway, I’m leaving it up to you.
Okazaki: I’m just going to follow what’s in the script, then.
Okazaki: The golden phrase “I don’t want to go back”. If she said it like that, it would be impossible not to want her.
Shiraishi: I don’t get it, what kind of situation wouldn’t let her go home? Does she work at a bad company?
Mikuni: Perhaps her family situation is complicated?
Saeki: Uh, are you two really fully-grown men?
Yanagi: ...Enomoto… come here quickly… I’ll even take Namikawa (Daisuke)!
Shiraishi: It’s my turn next, right?
[Card: What kind of food do you want a woman to make for you?]
Shiraishi: Hm. Nothing in particular. I could just make it myself.
Okazaki: So dreamless! Shiraishi-san, you always eat such dull things. Don’t you ever crave some homemade food?
Shiraishi: Then Yanagi-kun will make something for me, so no.
Yanagi: Oi, I’m not your mother.
Mikuni: So Aiji Yanagi has the ability to win people’s hearts with good food. This cannot be underestimated.
Shiraishi: No matter how you say it, home made food is--
Saeki: [Slams his cup down] No! There’s stuff like meat and potato stew! And karage! That’s romantic!
Okazaki: Oh… Saeki-kun’s drunk. When did he drink that much?
Saeki: Pfft- I ain’t drunk! The night’s still young~!
Yanagi: The alcohol’s gone to his head, here, drink some water.
Mikuni: It might be better to lie down, come over here…
Saeki: Nuh-uh. I wanna play… the revelation game!!!
[Card: What’s your type of woman?]
Saeki: Ooh! My type of woman… let me think. Of course, she’s gotta be cute… has style, she’s good at cooking. Someone who’s usually honest, but sticks to their beliefs… and responsible with work.
Shiraishi: So someone who’s similar to you? Or someone who has the same type of thinking as you?
Okazaki: Also… this… sounds similar to Ichika-chan.
Saeki: Hm? Nah, we’re not like that--
Mikuni: --Enough. I should be going back soon.
Yanagi: Oi, what’s with you all of a sudden--
Okazaki: Ah… my vision… it’s weird… Yanagi-san...
Yanagi: What’s going on… this sound…
Shiraishi: Ah, is it over already?
Mikuni: We have fully obtained the information required for analysis. You must be satisfied too?
Okazaki: What… it hurts…--
Okazaki: *gasps* Huh? ...A dream? My bad, did I wake you up? No, I’m okay. I just had a weird dream. Good morning. Is your body okay? Last night I went too-- ah! Hehe, so cute~
I didn’t forget. Our promise that we were going on a date today. But I just want to hold you all the time, because you’re too cute. So cute it’s trouble.
If I kissed you like this outside you’d get angry at me, right? So… can you let me keep you all to myself just for a little longer?
Shiraishi: Hm? Was I asleep? I was reading to the children… it looks like I fell asleep when we were together. Eh? You were looking at my sleeping face? What’s that about, so unfair. You know I wanted to see yours too. I’ll see it someday. That’s right, there’s still ‘someday’ after this…
I still think it’s strange even now. If I hadn’t met you, I wouldn’t know that the sun was this warm, or that the breeze is so pleasant. Just holding hands with you makes my chest hurt. Even though I still have to make you feel lonely for a little while longer, don’t worry. Because we’re connected under the same sky.
Mikuni: Ah, it’s you. Are you reporting something for work? My complexion is bad? No… I just had a strange dream. How rare for you to worry about me. I know, this is just superficial rhetoric used by subordinates. However, after talking with you over these past few days, the way I deal with people seems to have changed.
I… quite clearly think that you are annoying, but I do not hate you. Even in a hell like this, the light in your eyes has not disappeared. It seems that I am drawn to your strength. 
No… forget what I said. That was just a joke that will disappear one day like illusions.
Saeki: Ah, sorry, I was just a little dazed. ...Careful! Almost dropped the crepe. It’s already sunset, after we finish, we should go. 
…! Don’t make that kind of expression. Hey, Hoshino. I know you’re at your wit’s end trying to figure out what path you want to take. You must have already decided in your heart, right? 
I see… I’ll always support you no matter what decision you make. And… I’ll resist like you are until the very end, if this is the ‘justice’ you believe in.
It’s sad, but let’s finish our date here today. Hey, will you go on another with me? 
Haha, how cold… I still want to be with you like this. That’s why, see you again.
Yanagi: ...It’s still night.... You’re awake? I sounded like I was in pain? ...I made you worry. It’s okay, it wasn’t the dream I usually have. ...It wasn’t the same, but I guess it was still a nightmare. 
Can I hold you? It’s not that I feel uneasy. It’s just that I can feel peaceful when I can feel you next to me. As long as you’re smiling next to me, I can push away any nightmare no matter what it’s about. And I can believe that I can welcome the dawn the next day.
We have the day off today, don’t we? Let’s go somewhere. I want to walk with you, through the streets of the Shinjuku I love.
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stitchandani · 3 years
Why didn’t Lilo show up to meet Stitch like they promised in 2019. Or at least tell him she couldn’t make it? I know the anime explained it, but from what I hear, it’s a pretty flimsy excuse.
Doverstar Excellent point. This is the big question, isn't it? She did show up, she was just too late. Lots of details under the cut! READ IT IF YOU WANT THE MAIN EXPLANATION, EVERYONE. I don't wanna repeat it a lot (but I will)!
When Lilo graduated college, she had about a day in between the ceremony and her flight back to Kauai to pack up, say goodbye to her schoolmates, and get on that plane. She went home to Kauai to be with her very pregnant sister Nani and brother-in-law, David, and to begin a brief, long-distance relationship with her fiancé, Zeke Lau.
Stitch was slated to return to Kauai in the evening a week after Lilo graduated and came home. He was coming back from his year-long missions in space given to him by the Galactic Alliance. Lilo was on Kauai before Stitch that day, but something happened to prevent her from meeting him until much, much later that night:
Nani went into labor that morning and had the baby (her son, Kai), but it was a hard birth. For one thing, Kai was premature, and for another, Nani had to have a C-section, which is pretty rough on a person. (Don't worry, no gory birthing details would ever be shown in the storyline or artwork! These are just details you'd need now.) The point is, the situation was so fragile, Lilo couldn't get away for ages. She opted to be with Nani during that evening, and knew she'd be late. She tried to get a message to Stitch (and to Pleakley, who was off-planet for a research trip). She didn't reach either of them (by this time Pleakley's ship had crashed on an asteroid belt, so he had no contact with anyone). Stitch didn't have a communicator on him; he had no idea that Nani had gone into labor that day. The last time he'd spoken to the family (the last time he'd had intergalactic service to reach Earth out in space) had been a week earlier. That evening, he had come right off the B.R.B 9,000 with Gantu and Reuben, having used teleportation devices to appear in Jumba and Pleakley's Bed-and-Not-Breakfast (their big red ship behind the house), because that was the quickest way to the beach where he was supposed to meet Lilo. Without pausing to say hello to Page, Gunner, or even Angel in the ship, he headed straight for the rendezvous point. Meanwhile, Lilo was stuck in the hospital further up inland on the island, trying simultaneously to reach Stitch and to find out where the doctors were taking baby Kai next for Nani. It was a super stressful day, to say the least, for all involved. I agree that the anime didn't provide a sufficient explanation for their split, other than the lines "Just because [Lilo] has [a] new boyfriend now and is all washed up with 626...." and "The Little Monster was given a mission by the Galactic Alliance" and "My sister Nani was having a baby and I couldn't get away". That and some flashback scenes in Season 3 Episode 23 were all we got, and it seems so lame and out-of-character that Lilo never called Stitch to tell him it was a misunderstanding, and that Stitch didn't wait as long as was necessary to see her again like they promised. That's why I made Stitch and Ani in 2010. I wanted all those hints we got in the anime to come together and make sense. I mean, why would Stitch not wait? Why did he give up? Why couldn't Lilo reach him? What would make them stop trying and split like that? The answer lies in 2 things: Lilo getting older, and Zeke Lau. I thought, there had to be some reason why Stitch would just leave like that when she didn't show up. There had to be more to the story. So I created more. Lilo and Stitch had been emotionally drifting apart ever since Lilo left for college. Stitch couldn't come with her, and though they called each other and stayed in touch, the addition of Lilo beginning a serious relationship with my character, Zeke, in college (hey, her daughter in the anime had to come from somewhere!) put a strain on their friendship. Stitch has always been the type of character to get bent out of shape when he feels that Lilo is forgetting him in favor of someone or something else. He gets angry, jealous, naughty, frustrated, very insecure. And Lilo has always been the type of character to prioritize other things over Stitch for a while before she realizes it's hurting him. Examples? I'LL GIVE YOU EXAMPLES. IT'S NOT OUT OF THE REALM OF POSSIBILITY THAT, GIVEN ENOUGH REASON, STITCH MIGHT LEAVE LIKE THAT. READ IT AND UGLY SOB, GUYS:
Stitch gets jealous of a puppy in one of Disney's story-collection books, in a story called Doggone It, Stitch!, and he feels like Lilo doesn't like him anymore because she's taking care of this actual puppy, so he feels forgotten and disappears, and Lilo finds him at the dog pound watching the puppies (she knew he'd be there, it's really cute) to find out how to act cute like they are so that, and I quote "Lilo like him again".
Stitch gets jealous of Finder in the series and tries to out-do him in everything, because Lilo gives Finder more respect and chances to preform than she does Stitch.
Stitch gets jealous of Mr. Stenchy in the series and literally allows Gantu to trash the house and steal him because Lilo gives him more attention than she does Stitch.
In Elastico (again, in the series), Stitch RUNS AWAY FROM HOME because Lilo's special hula dance has taken priority over him and his cousins, and Stitch feels left behind by her poor treatment of him and leaves the family!
In Phoon, he's furious that Lilo leaves him at the house to go and impress the new hula fusion girls in the gated community, and scoffs at Pleakley's fond observation that Lilo is "growing up".
In Stitch Has A Glitch, winning that contest to prove herself to her mom is suddenly the "most important thing in Lilo's life", and she doesn't see that Stitch has a huge problem and is malfunctioning, and she and Stitch fight and argue throughout the film, and he leaves the island (because he feels too dangerous to be around his Ohana) and Lilo never helped him figure out what was really going on. She was too preoccupied with feeling worthy of being her mother's daughter (fair).
Keoni Jameson is a pre-teen kid in the series on whom Lilo has an enormous crush, and in HunkaHunka, Morpholomew, Melty, and almost every other Keoni-centric episode, Stitch unabashedly displays his disdain for Lilo's crush. He thinks it's gross and silly and even though he tries to help Lilo win Keoni over several times, it's clear he doesn't approve. He crumples up her picture of Keoni and throws it in the trash. He makes gagging sounds when she sighs and fawns over him. He groans when Lilo puts off rehabilitating HunkaHunka so that she can spend time with Keoni. He never gets jealous, because Lilo doesn't really neglect Stitch for Keoni, but the idea of Lilo having a crush on someone isn't met by Stitch with anything resembling happiness or approval. Just tolerance.
Now, when Lilo is older and leaves for college and has new friends, Stitch understandably is unsettled at first and feels a little lost without her. Then she re-meets Zeke, and then they start dating, and suddenly Stitch is feeling more forgotten than ever. This isn't like Keoni. Lilo is actually in a relationship with this boy, and it moves fast, and they're headed toward marriage, and Stitch is wondering if things will ever be the same again. He doesn't want to hear about Zeke or talk about Zeke, and he's so rude and nasty about it that he and Lilo end up fighting a lot during the years she's in college. They both say horrible things to each other, and it gets so bad that by the time he's in space for those missions and she's in her last year of school, they still call one another but it feels like it's a risk just to have a conversation. So many things have been said over the years that they feel like they're on thin ice with each other, and everything is uncomfortable. They never resolve it, so it's always hanging over them. Stitch refuses to let Lilo share with him how things are going with Zeke (who she loves, and who is important to her, so that's not fair of Stitch as her best friend to do) and Lilo refuses to call Stitch's feelings anything other than petty jealousy (which is not true of Stitch's feelings, and that's not fair of Lilo not to take them seriously). So they are both wrong. But they never talk about it and confront the main problem, because neither of them want to give in even though they're both quietly hurt by the other all the time, so it's just this cloud hanging over them every time they talk. That's why, when Lilo doesn't show up on the beach, Stitch literally can't take it anymore. This is the final straw for him. Lilo didn't show up, and she promised to show up, and he waits until the sun is almost set and she's still not there and there's no word from her. Did she even come back to Kauai? Is she still on Honolulu with Zeke? She's forgotten all about him. She doesn't care about him. He gives up (he shouldn't, but he does), and he leaves his tiki necklace (which he promised never to take off in Leroy and Stitch, so it's a clear message to Lilo there, yup) on a branch where she can find it and leaves the planet, devastated. He goes on a joyride and doesn't really have a plan, and ignores one or two calls on the ship's communicators from Lilo (he's still crazy upset). Jumba goes after him after a day passes, but they get sucked into a black hole, which transports them 8 years into the future (unbeknownst to them), they end up somewhere else for three more years, reunite with Lilo, and the rest is Stitch and Ani. For Lilo's part, she finally gets away from the hospital when things have calmed down, and it's pouring rain and the sun has set, and she reaches the rendezvous point and Stitch is gone. She finds his necklace and realizes what that means, and she stays on Kauai for another week trying to get in touch with him. Jumba leaves to bring Stitch back and neither of them return. Lilo is absolutely crushed and tries everything she knows to get in contact with Stitch, but Stitch doesn't answer any of her calls. (She doesn't know he and Jumba got sucked into a black hole; Stitch might've answered those calls later if the black hole hadn't happened.) The fact that they've fought so often for 4 years now, and Stitch left his necklace behind and won't answer her when she tries to reach him, really hits her hard and communicates to her that he's never coming back and it's over. She doesn't see Pleakley or Jumba again either. You can imagine how much pain that causes Lilo, to be forgotten and left behind by her own Ohana. Suddenly it's just her, Nani, and David again (and Kai). She can't handle it. Being on the island with all of Stitch's cousins is too much, and Lilo runs from the reality that she might never see Stitch, Jumba, or Pleakley again, and goes to Honolulu to live indefinitely. She gets married to Zeke Lau, they have Ani, she reunites with Stitch years later, and the rest is S&A.
It follows what happened in the flashbacks and hints given by the anime, but you'll notice I didn't mention that Stitch and the others ended up on Izayoi after the black hole incident. This is because, while that is technically canon, Stitch and Ani is meant to be seen either way. They could have ended up on Japan. Or they could've ended up somewhere else. Either way, the theme of Stitch and Ani hinges on the fact that Lilo and Stitch were apart for so long. The theme is forgiveness, and that's why I kept the idea that Lilo and Stitch had a falling out, a misunderstanding, and split up for a while. He didn't have to meet Yuna or anything. But I wanted the anime's explanation to make a little more sense, and there is evidence for it if you work at it. So. That's the story. You'll get loads more details on it throughout the blog, but that is the reason why Lilo failed to meet Stitch.
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orionlakehastodie · 4 years
We Can Leave The Christmas Lights Up Until January
NA Modern Shirtbert AU
He was eighteen and too young to know that what he was doing was stupid.
She was eighteen and too young to care even though she knew.
“Let’s move in together.”
He’d been her friend for many years, a rival, a nuisance from when she was growing up. But somehow underneath all that, he became her Gil. The love of her life. 
She was eighteen and young, but there were truths you knew no matter what age you are. 
Maybe it’s your old soul, from another life, that knew with as much certainty as you did.
That Gilbert Blythe was the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with was one of them.
“Anne. Move in with me.”
So was there any other answer other than yes?
It wasn’t easy telling your parents who stood firm on values and virtues that you were essentially going to live in sin with the boy from the Blythe farm. 
“You... you are not even... live together... with Gilbert!”
But she stood firm, because she loved him, stupid with it, brave with it, sure with it.
“I’ll marry him anyway. I’ll spend the rest of my life with him anyway. What difference does it make, if I start now or after college.”
Marilla wanted to ask how she knew, how she was so sure. But she had been in love with a Blythe boy from the Blythe farm once. And she knew, for a fact, that you love them forever. 
"Oh... Matthew talk to her.”
Because she wasn’t a reliable source, not when it comes to Blythe men. 
“Do you love him?”
“Yes.” She smiles then, everything in her relaxes, as if the mere thought of him, of loving him, was enough. For anything. 
“More than I can say. More than I imagined.”
Which was saying a lot, she imagined her tragical romance and all... and she never thought it would be Gilbert. 
“Then that’s all I need to know. Be happy my girl.”
She smiles and looks to Marilla, who sighs and raises her arms in resignation. She hugs them in thanks, and runs outside only to find Gilbert pacing a hole in her front porch. 
She smiles when he raises his head and looks at her, the furrow on his brow ever present and she jumps into his arms. He smiles, tension easing from him.
He held her hand as he swore to Matthew and Marilla to love her. Not care for her, not be responsible for her, not be her chaperone. But simply to love her, and be there for her when she needs. 
He didn’t ask for permission. Knew it was not his place. Knew Anne was not some product handed to him. She was a person, someone he loved, and he simply promised to love her. 
She never thought she could love him more in that moment, but she did. 
She loved him more and more with every passing moment. 
He was eighteen and in love but she was a bed hog.
She had no respect, whatsoever for personal space. 
It wasn’t the first time he shared her bed... well that was a story for another day, he thinks, with his ears turning pink and his naked torso feeling hotter than usual.
But he would usually leave at 2 in the morning to sneak out of her dorm bed. 
He never actually slept a full day with her. Until now. And she was such a bed hog. Her arms and legs are splayed between them and he was pushed to the end of his side of the bed, without a stitch on his naked form, and she was heavily wrapped around the quilt, drool from her open mouth flowing onto her pillow. 
She was beautiful like this. 
So beautiful like this. His Anne with an E. 
With a smile he carefully lifts the quilt and untucks it from her burrito form and she grumbles a bit, but remains steadfastly asleep. 
Then he tugs her arms, pulling her closer to his chest, and cuddling her close, tucking them both in the quilt. 
“You’re cold, Gil.”
She mumbles as she tangles her legs with his, and rubbing her nose against his neck, burrowing there.
“Whose fault is that?”
He chuckles and kisses her hair. 
“Nowhere I’d rather be darling.”
She was fast asleep again but he savors the feeling of her against him. 
“I love you.” He whispers against her skin.
“Love you. Go sleep.” She tightens her arms around him and he falls asleep like that, in her arms.
“No it was your turn to pay the electricity, Gil! I put up the bill on the fridge.”
“Well you know how it is with us and notes - your note fell off! You could have sent me a text!”
“You never read my texts! Not when you’re off with your pre-medicine buddies with that Dr. Ward!”
“No, Anne, you just didn’t charge your phone - again! Because you were out for so long with Cole doing the Lord knows what-”
“My study group doesn’t allow phones you know that!”
“This is 2019 not 1989 Anne!”
“What does that have to do with you not paying our electric bill!?”
He growled at her and she growled back. 
There were days when they still fought bitterly with each other. But that was the way they worked. 
It wasn’t always easy, living together, seeing each other at the best and worst of times - but he learned to be patient, he learned to communicate, to want to be understood, to work things out - even if it meant 2 AM fights in the bitter cold in their electricity-less apartment. 
He sneezes and she sighs, anger forgotten as she touches a hand to his forehead. “You feel warm.”
He grabs her hand in his and lays his forehead on hers, huddling closer in his blanket to her. 
“Sorry I didn’t pay the bill.”
“Sorry I didn’t call you about it. How was your exam?”
“It was okay... It’s ending soon, I know I’ve been absent lately but-”
“No Gil.”
She shakes her head and takes his hand, kisses it. 
“We help each other, okay? This was a bad week, but we’ll work it out. I’m sorry I exploded... I just... you can hang out with me, I wanna hear about your stories.”
“Why, Miss Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, are you jealous of the amount of time I spend with my pre-med counselling group.”
He smiles and pulls her close. “If I can stay in this blanket with you forever I would. There’s no one else for me Anne. Now... about Cole.”
She giggles and silences him with a well timed kiss to his lips.
She loved him, truly she did, but as his MCAT drew near, Gilbert became more and more of a big fat slob. 
Four years it’s been. Four years that she lived with him and it was never this bad. 
He had clothes littered all over the place, she couldn’t find a pair of socks that matched, and his books were scattered all over their bed. Their wall was covered with hundreds of sticky notes and there was Gilbert, the love of her life, in his boxers, a pen in his hands, chewing away at his nail beds as he typed from a book he was reading.
She didn’t say anything, but continued to pick up his clothes and throw them to the bin. 
During her thesis submission he was the patient one who picked after her, and now she was her to submit the favor. She would never have written her novel if he didn’t help her. If he didn’t soothe her moods. Force feed her when needed.
And now a publishing house wants to hire her and her life was beginning. 
And she wanted to be the same support to Gilbert that he had been to her.
So she grumbles to herself, but she picks up his clothes and straightens the sheets, and presses a kiss to his unwashed head with his unruly mane of hair and he absently grabs her hand and kisses the palm before muttering away at his notes and books once more. 
She smiles and decides she might as well do his laundry so she takes the hamper to their tiny wash area in their kitchen and she checks his pockets because Gilbert always has some piece of paper stashed there but then she turns one of the pockets inside out and out falls a turquoise box creating a huge thunk on the floor and her heart drops to her feet because she has seen that box before.
And with shaking hands she drops his pants and reaches for the box, opens it and gasps because there, right there, was his mother’s ring. Of the modest emeralds that reminded his father of his mother’s eyes. 
The same eyes that she passed to her son. Her Gilbert. The love of her life. 
“It was my mother’s.”
She startles at his voice and he was still in his boxers, with his feet bare and staring at her from across the kitchen foyer and love for him just fills her up. He smiles as the tears drip from her eyes and he kneels down to her, and clasps her hands in his, the ring in her hands.
“My father gave it to me before he passed. He told me he wanted to give it to me - to make sure, I remember how precious love is, and how I should value it - because I don’t know when it will be taken from me.”
He brushes her tears away, rests his forehead against hers.
“I knew, from the moment you hit me with your magic erase board all those years ago that you were it for me Anne. I loved you from that moment. And I never stopped. I never will. I know it has been fast for us... we lived together all this while, but that’s because I knew. There will never be anyone else for me but you Anne. My Anne with an E.”
“Oh, Gil.. I’m sorry it took me a little longer. But I love you. I do. Enough to put up with your snoring and you being the world’s biggest slob.”
He laughs and kisses her. And she laughs and pulls away. 
“Wait! You have to ask me.”
“Oh, this was not how I imagined it. I imagined... well wearing pants for one.”
“Gilbert!” She chides him with a laugh but his eyes grow serious, and looks right at hers, in that way of his, in that all consuming, see through my soul, are you really here, loving me kind of way.
“Anne... I have to know... will you do me the honor of becoming my life mate?”
She smiles because he remembered, from that one conversation they had. 
“Yes, Gilbert. A thousand times yes.”
And he kisses her and she knew... with every scar on her, she’d take this man to be her life mate.
It wasn’t always rainbows and sunshine. 
She was busy as a writer - she had multiple deadlines, she lived on coffee and toast most of the time. 
He was in medicine, he barely slept, he was always in school and there was a million hoops he had to jump.
They sometimes only saw each other on the weekends
Chores were left undone
Dishes piled in the sink.
There were a couple more times the electricity went unpaid. 
But through it all they loved. 
The Christmas lights stayed up until January because she loved twinkle lights, and loved the way  they shines on his hair as they sat under the tree talking about their days. 
They danced around the kitchen, and they ate out of the pan.
She still hogged the covers.
He still cuddled her even though she’s a bed hog.
She likes to watch him wake up, and would often absently kiss the top of his head when he’s buried in work. 
He likes to read lying down on her lap as she read edits her editor sent. 
This was their love, they made the rules. It wasn’t perfect... but it was theirs.
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dailytomlinson · 4 years
It’s hard to deal with the thought that we’re leaving the decade that birthed One Direction behind, and that it’s unlikely we’ll see them together again in the new decade. Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Liam Payne and Niall Horan seemingly haven’t made any plans for a comeback, not yet at least.
Something positive that came out of their break-up, though, are their careers as soloists, which we support and cherish – with all of our heart.
Here’s a journey through Louis Tomlinson’s top 7 moments of 2019 – just in time before the release of his debut album, set to be in January!
And if you don’t know who he is – take a look at our previous article about him. You won’t regret it.
1. When he announced the release date of his debut album AND a headline worldwide tour in the span of two days!
It’s October 23, 2019 when Louis Tomlinson manages to send the whole of Twitter into a meltdown with one simple tweet.
“Got something hiding around online for you… here’s a head start”
What was he hiding? Nothing less than the artwork cover for his debut solo album, “Walls”, out on January 31, 2020. The fans went wild trying to piece the puzzle together, and eventually brought the name of the album in the worldwide trends!
Walls is available to pre-order here!
And since that wasn’t enough, Louis also announced his first headline tour, which brings him on stage in 20 different countries over 3 different continents, starting in March 2020.
Been waiting for this moment since I started my solo career. Can't wait to see you all on tour. There are also a few more dates going up at a later date. Thanks for everything. Here we go! http://louis-tomlinson.com
Make sure to get your tickets to see Louis on his website.
2. When he performed his biggest solo set yet, in front of 30.000 people!
A month ago, Louis performed as the headliner of the #CCME festival in Madrid in front of 30.000 people. Seeing him again on the stage, where he belongs, was one of the best experiences of my life He made me feel so proud, and he lighted up the whole city
Yes, you heard that right: Louis’ longest headline show to date was in front of 30.000 people. We’re in Madrid, on September 14: Louis takes over the stage with a brilliant performance that includes, other than his previously released singles Kill My Mind and Two Of Us, four brand new songs straight out of “Walls”: Don’t Let It Break Your Heart (which will later become his third single before the album release), Defenceless, Too Young and Habit.
Nedless to say – he absolutely smashed it. We’re jealous of everyone who had the chance to witness his incredible performance live.
3. Louis and Richard
If we thought Louis Tomlinson couldn’t prove himself to be a better person than he already did, boy, were we wrong! Along with the lyrical masterpiece, and incredibly emotional, that his song ‘Two Of Us’ is, Louis released a music video called Louis And Richard.
#LouisAndRichard http://smarturl.it/LouisAndRichard
“Who’s Richard?” one may ask. Richard is a lovely 83 years old British man who sadly lost his wife around the same time Louis lost his mum. In the video, Louis takes Richard to several places in order for him to fullfill his bucket list: they go racing, they drive a helicopter, Richard gives Louis a tattoo – and in the end, he performs in front of a sold out arena.
An incredibly heartwarming video if you ask us!
4. ‘We Made It’ signage in Times Square
“The song started with the title and we were talking about what the title means to me. It kind of was a message between the fans and myself that we made it. The feel of touring together, that’s the theme. It was the base and we really raved about those moments.”
“We Made It” is a song Louis built around the concept of ‘making it’ together with his fans. We can only imagine how much of a proud moment it must’ve been for him to see himself on a huge Billboard in Times Square when it was released!
Absolutely buzzing for this! Massive love @spotify ! I just wanna say another massive general thank you to anyone who has helped work the record and of course the biggest thanks goes to you, the fans.
His “Thank you,” as always, went to the fans who supported the song.
5. The iconic note that changed everything
Wanted to get this off my chest
Changing your whole sound may be terrifying to many artists – but not to Louis Tomlinson. He already went through something similar, after all, when he decided to take matters into his own hands and revolutionized One Direction’s whole discography, writing banger after banger and giving the band a chance to rise out of the “bubblegum pop” genre they had been put into.
The aforementioned note was tweeted by Louis as an announcement to fans: from now on, I’ll be myself, regardless of how well my music might do charts and sales wise.
It takes bravery to make such a move. Congrats, Louis! We’re behind you!
6. Don’t go against One Direction…
…or you might have to face serious consequences.
Such as, dealing with a very angry Louis.
Biggest load of bullshit I’ve seen in a while. Typical unprovoked venom from The Mirror. Couldn’t be further from the truth!
Ouch! We believe someone from The Mirror had to deal with loads of backlash – and probably an unhappy boss – after Louis’ tweet.
They clearly did it to rile fans up because they knew everyone was hyped for the band’s anniversary... actually disgusting how they would use such delicate topics against you guys. Imagine studying journalism for years to come up with bullshit like that..... ridiculous
I know tragic isn’t it! Anyway said my piece moving on
Louis didn’t stop there – he also called their poor attempt to bring the band down “tragic”. We couldn’t agree more.
7. Our Teen Choice Artist is:
For the third year in a row, Louis went and secured himself a Teen Choice Award, this time as “Choice Song Male Artist” for ‘Two Of Us’.
He’s only gone and won another Teen Choice Award! Well done @Louis_Tomlinson - You have the best fans on the planet #TwoOfUs 
Your #ChoiceSongMaleArtist is...@Louis_Tomlinson! #TeenChoice
And for the third year in a row he gushed about how much he loves his fans, and how grateful he is for their constant support.
Could we love him more? We don’t think so, but we hope our list of Louis’ top 7 moments of 2019 made YOU love him more!
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wikiangela-fanfics · 4 years
“No, and that’s final”
Another fic from Fictober 2019, again Destiel
I will post some new stuff soon, but currently I’m swamped with homework assignmets, so here’s another old fic
(I think I’ve made a post about it before, but it was just a link to Ao3, I guess)
I don’t even know what it was supposed to be, but it turned out like this, so here we go
Summary:  When Dean is jealous and starts a fight with his boyfriend, Cas.
Words: 2197
"What did you just say?" Dean asked his boyfriend, getting just a little bit mad, with his fork midway between his mouth and his plate.
"That I ran into Michael and-" Cas started to say calmly, eating his dinner.
"Yeah, I heard that." Dean answered, angrily stabbing the food with his fork.
"Then why do you ask?" Cas was really confused. Sometimes he was so oblivious to rhetorical questions, as well as to sarcasm, actually. It was really adorable and Dean would probably smile with a smile reserved only for Castiel, but he was too mad now.
"I would love it if you waited until after dinner to ruin my mood." Dean grumbled, then chewing his food.
"What do you mean? It's not like anything happened. We're friends and-"
"Oh, really?" Dean scoffed. "Friends? You and that asshole?"
"First of all, it would be nice if you stopped interrupting me all the time." Cas was still calm, but Dean could see that there's a fight coming. He hated this. "And second of all, yes, we didn't end on good terms, but we ran into each other a couple of times and-"
"Excuse me?" Dean dropped his fork to the plate, which caused quite a loud sound. Cas shoot him an annoyed glare. Dean interrupting him while he was talking was infuriating sometimes. Or all the time. "Couple times? Why don't I know anything about it?"
"Because I knew how you'd react." Cas' tone changed. He sounded like he was getting angry too. "Which is, like you're acting right now."
"We're together, Cas. We should tell each other stuff." Dean said, still trying to eat. He was mad, but also hungry.
"Like you told me about how you ran into Lisa and went for coffee with her? I found out about that from Sam." Cas pointed out.
"That was different." Dean got defensive. They just happened to run into each other in a cafe. So of course they talked and tried to catch up, after not seeing each other for a few years. And of course he would tell Cas if friggin' Sam didn't beat him to it.
"How was it different? I just bumped into Michael a couple of times and we got to talking and we're cool now." Cas still tried to be calm.
"Then why did you even tell me at all?" Dean raised his voice a little, unconsciously. "It's not like you cheated, right? So no reason to tell me anything! Not like we're in a serious, mature relationship." suddenly he lost his appetite, so he just stood up and took the plate with his half eaten dinner and put it by the sink. Maybe he would microwave it later. Or not. Either way, he was done with eating for now.
"I'm telling you, because he invited me-"
"Hell no."
"You don't even-"
"I said no." Dean more growled than said.
"What do you mean 'no'? And would you stop cutting me off mid sentence?" Cas also raised his voice. He was getting sick of this. "You have absolutely no reason to act like that!"
"I have a reason!" now Dean almost yelled. "You went out with him for years!"
"Please, don't yell." Cas was still sitting at the table. "Just listen to me."
"Okay." Dean took a deep breath and stood by the kitchen counter. "I'm listening. What do you have to say?"
"I just wanted to say that, and let me finish please, he invited me, us, actually, to a small party, more like a gathering, really, he and his boyfriend are having this weekend. But we don't have to go, Dean." Cas stood up and took a few steps towards his boyfriend. "I just wish you would talk to me and listen to me, instead of getting angry."
"Sorry." Dean ran his hand through his hair. "I just don't want you meeting with your exes." he walked over to Cas and put his hands on Cas' waist, pulling him closer. "Really, I don't like to share you with anyone."
"But you don't have to be jealous. I love you."
"Love you too, Cas." Dean gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Just don't meet with him anymore."
"I can't really control if I run into him." Cas chuckled. "It's a small town."
"So don't talk to him then."
"That would be rather rude, don't you think?" Cas said and Dean took a step back, getting annoyed again.
"Dammit, Cas, I just don't want you seeing him ever again."
"That can't really happen. And you can't forbid me to talk to anyone." Cas was outraged. Dean was his partner, and he loved him, but this was ridiculous. He didn't have a right to forbid Cas doing anything. "Maybe I will go to this party." he said not because he wanted to go, but out of spite. They both weren't the easiest people, so when they fought, it could be for days.
"Like hell you will." Dean walked over to the fridge and took a beer.
"You can't tell me what to do."
"I said no. And that's final." Dean said quieter, but still angry, basically pointing the bottle at Cas. And he knew those words were a mistake as soon as they got out of his mouth.
"That's not up to discussion. I'm going. You're welcome to join me." with that, Cas stormed out of the room.
Dean sighed. He was too stubborn, he knew that. But he couldn't help it. He didn't want to sound like he did, but he was the way he was. He wanted to change a little, be easier to live with, but it was harder than he thought. And Cas knew him for years now, they moved in together almost three years ago. Cas knew him better than anyone. He knew what to expect. Still, Dean was mad at himself for everything he said.
He left the kitchen too, leaving the plates with unfinished dinner like they were. Then he left the house, taking only his car keys. When he was like this, he had to go for a ride and try to calm himself down. And his car was always able to help with that.
When he got back home, around an hour and a half later, it was dark outside. He saw a light in the bedroom window, so he knew where to find Cas.
He parked his car in the garage and went upstairs. Like he expected, Cas was on the bed, reading a book. They had different ways of dealing with stuff. Cas' was to just forget about everything for a moment, usually by reading. Of course, if he wasn't so mad that he couldn't even read. After their fight, he had to just sit there for a good half an hour and calm down before he could open a book.
The door was open. Cas was half lying on the bed, with his head on the headrest and book in his hands. He was wearing his glasses and his favourite t-shirt that originally belonged to Dean, but for years now was Cas'. Dean smiled, seeing him. He loved him so much, he wasn't sure that's even possible. And he had to try not to fuck it up, which wasn't always easy for him.
Cas didn't notice him, he was too into his book. So Dean knocked on the door frame quietly and Cas' gaze fell on him. He almost smiled but then he remembered that he's mad at Dean, so he kept his expression emotionless. As much as he could. It was hard not to smile, seeing this beautiful human he loved with all his heart.
"Hi." Winchester said, leaning on the door frame. "Can I come in?"
"It's your bedroom too." Cas said, sitting up properly, putting the book on the bedside table and taking his glasses off. Dean walked in and sat down next to Cas, with his feet still on the floor.
"Look, I'm really sorry." he started, taking Castiel's hand in his. "I didn't mean that. I'm just a jealous asshole."
"Agreed." Cas muttered as the corner of his mouth went up. Dean chuckled.
"Yeah. I'm just… I don't wanna lose you, Cas. I realise that you're way too good for me and you can't blame me for being a little paranoid because of that."
"Dean" Cas took Dean's face into his hands. "If anything, you are too good for me . And I'm not mad because you were jealous. I get that. I get jealous of you all the time."
"Really?" Dean was a little bit surprised. "You never say anything."
"Because I trust you and I know I have no reason to start a fight over my stupid jealousy." he gave Dean a look. That's what he's been doing and it was stupid, Dean knew that. He couldn't help it.
"I trust you too." he took Castiel's hands from his face and took them into his hands. "It's just, I don't know." he sighed. "You know that I can't really cope with my feelings."
"Oh, I know." Cas rolled his eyes. When they met, Dean was the biggest asshole to him, because he was into him. That was just ridiculous. But Cas fell in love with him anyway. "That's okay, I know you and I get it. But what pissed me off today was mostly the fact that you think-"
"I know." Dean interrupted him.
"That too." Cas muttered.
"Sorry, didn't mean to- fuck. I gotta stop doing this." Dean ran his hand over his face. "I know I shouldn't tell you who you can talk to or anything. It's not my place and it's not cool and I'm sorry. I can't do that. And if you wanna talk to all your exes, I can't and shouldn't stop you. I mostly got mad because you two have tons of history, you've known him since forever and it just made me feel... insecure."
"Why?" Cas was tilting his head in that adorable way.
"Because I'll never get to be what he was to you." Dean whispered, not really wanting to admit it even to himself. Michael was Castiel's childhood friend, than his on-and-off boyfriend, he was a bunch of Cas' firsts… and Dean was just another boyfriend. That was something he didn't realize he felt until he thought about it this whole time in the car.
"That's not true, Dean." Cas changed his position so that now he was sitting on Dean's lap, with his legs on both sides of Dean. "You are so much more to me than anyone ever was or will be." he kissed Dean's lips for a second. "You're my one true love and that will never change. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. Stop looking so down at yourself, Dean. I love you and only you, despite how hard it is sometimes. I love you, okay?" while he was talking he was looking into Dean's eyes.
"Will you marry me?" it slipped out of Dean's mouth. They never really talked about it, maybe sometimes they would mention it or joke about it, but they both didn't expect that to happen, at least not so soon, not in that moment. So they were both really surprised.
"Are you serious?" Cas wanted to make sure before he would say yes. Because of course he will. Despite how chaotic their relationship was, they made it work so far and they will for the rest of their lives.
"Yeah, I mean, I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life loving you and making you happy." he gently stroked Cas' cheek. "If you can put up with all my bullshit." he added and Cas chuckled. "So, will you marry me?"
"Of course, Dean." he kissed him passionately, pushing his back onto the bed, so that now he was basically above Dean. He was so happy. "I can't believe this." he whispered against Dean's lips.
"Me neither." Dean admitted with a smile. And Cas sat up and looked down at Dean.
"You can't take that back now." he pointed his finger at Dean, who just laughed.
"I hope not." he grinned, pulling Cas to him again.
"We still need to talk, Dean." Cas said, not really wanting to, but, well, they needed to talk.
Dean kissed his jaw, but then Cas pulled away a little, cursing himself for it. Then Dean spoke: "We can go to the stupid party. I promise I'll behave. I'll try not to make a big deal out of stuff like that anymore and I promise not to interrupt you when you speak." he said quickly. "Now, if there's still something to talk about, it can wait. Now we gotta celebrate, fiancé. " he added, his hands sneaking under Castiel's t-shirt.
Cas smiled at that. They were engaged. Who cares if it happened because of a stupid irrelevant fight? He decided that all they needed to talk about, they can do later. They have the rest of their lives to talk and figure everything out. Right now, he was going to enjoy the moment. With his future husband.
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babygirlizz · 4 years
Movies and TV shows of 2019
Okay so a couple or few years ago I did a review of movies that had released that year because I was super into movies that year. I am still into movies, but I have been watching a lot more shows this year. So, I will be reviewing movies and tv shows. Furthermore, I will be including stuff released this year, that I found this year, or that has a new season this year. Basically just anything that I have loved this year. Also, I don’t feel like ranking, so no particular order. Also, SPOILERS AHEAD - if you see a title of something you have not seen, and don’t want spoilers, please feel free to skip that section. Also, some of these I haven’t seen in a hot minute so if I get a detail messed up, we won’t speak on it. And finally, trigger warning - if you have struggled with sexual assault and may have an issue reading about it, either skip this post entirely or skip over the review of “Unbelievable.”
1. After
I have been waiting for this since middle school. I read the after books on wattpad because what teenager in love with harry styles didn’t. Now I will be real with y'all. The acting could use some work in specific scenes, and some of the actors aren't MY favorite picks for certain roles, but I’m not gonna hate on actors. Ok so, Tessa (Josephine Langford) is an incoming freshman in college and is rooming with an upperclassmen, Steph (Khadijha Red Thunder) who has a friend named Hardin (Hero Fiennes-Tiffin). Steph wants Tessa to branch out and do new things, so she invites her to a party, where they play the stereotypical games, and thats when Hardin is kind of dared to make Tessa fall in love with him. ALSO, Tessa has a high school boyfriend named Noah (Dylan Arnold). She starts seeing Hardin, her boyfriend finds out, she falls in love with Hardin, and finds out it was all a dare. Buuuuuuut, pLoT tWiSt he actually loves her.
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2. Avengers: Endgame
Ok listen, Infinity War was heartbreaking bc Bucky duh, but y'all are really gonna take Tony (RDJ) and Steve (Chris Evans) away from me? Shut up. Still, this was a really good movie and I’m not just saying that because I’m a marvel hoe. FRICK Thanos and thats on Ant Man. Thats literally all I have to say.
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3. Annabelle Comes Home
I am a whore for scary movies. I love them so much and this one was *chefs kiss*. I love Mckenna Grace, she's such a good young actress and she fits so well in scary moves. There’s not much to say about the plot in this one, and ya really need to see it. Also, Bob (Michael Cimino) is so heckin cute what the heck.
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4. Let It Snow
Ok this is a lot to unpack so grab ya snacks. Let’s talk about couple number 1 (of 3), Tobin (Mitchell Hope) and Angie (Kiernan Shipka) who are best friends. Tobin is in love with Angie but doesn’t know how to tell her, and gets lots of unwanted encouragement from his best friend Keon (Jacob Batalon) who just wants to throw a heckin good party, is that too much to ask for? So Angie gets invited to a party by some cute guy, JP (M and Tobin is jealous but goes with her anyways and they steal a keg for Keon’s party and run from the scary hosts of the party and end up stranded in a church after his car spins out of control. They finally make it to the party and kiss on the roof with the waffle town sign shining bright behind them. NEXT - we have Julie (Isabela Merced) and Stuart (Shameik Moore). This is kind of really cliche with the whole “he’s-famous-she-doesn’t-care-he-finds-that-attractive-lets-fall-in-love” aspect, but its also hella cute uwu. They meet on a train and the train stops so they go eat at the waffle town and go sledding and do a bunch of cute coupley shit. His manager comes to get him and basically tells her that nothing will ever really happen between them and he leaves. Then, he shows up at the party and they fall in love. NEXT- we have Dorrie (Liv Hewson) who is a lesbian that constantly struggles with the gay panic. Her best friend Addie (Odeya Rush) doesn't help much either because she's having her own relationship problems. Dorrie works at Waffle Town and when she's working the girl she's talking to, Kerry (Anna Akana) comes in with her dance team, and she's not out of the closet. A bunch of shit goes down, but they end up together and Dorrie learns that she’s worth more than she thinks and that’s all that matters. Also, Billy (Miles Robbins) and Tin Foil Woman (Joan Cusack) make wonderful additions to this movie.
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5. The King
First of all - Timothée Chalamet and Robert Pattinson in the same movie? Sign me the HECK up. But they’re also historical, frick yea. Not too much to say about this movie other than it’s good. Super graphic (don’t watch if you don’t like decapitation lol) and super long, but good nonetheless.
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6. Falling Inn Love
This movie is super freaking cute. Gabriela (Christina Milian) decides that she needs a change and enters a contest to win an Inn in New Zealand. She wins the Inn and is shocked when she realizes the Inn needs a LOT of work. She goes around town to get stuff to fix up the Inn and constantly runs into Jake (Adam Demos) and they have this flirty but we don’t like each other relationship, but then ya know, they fall in(n) love. 
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1. The Society
I could talk about this show for hours, literally. I love it so much it’s insane. Ok, so lets start from the beginning. A town called West Ham is being plagued by a disgusting smell. Due to this, the town decides to send busloads of teenagers to the mountains while they try and resolve the smell situation. All of the teenagers fall asleep on the bus and wake up to the announcement that they had to go back home due to road blocks. When they get off the buses, its late and no one is there to pick them up. They think that it may just be a sense of miscommunication, so they head home, only to find that none of their families are there, and they can’t get ahold of any of them over the phone. They finally decide to investigate and find that all exits out of town are completely blocked off. They then decide to find a way to survive without their families. This causes a lot of tension within the town including the death of a main character. This shows also includes gay representation!!!! This is my favorite couple, Sam (Sean Birdy) and Grizz (Jack Mulhern). Sam is deaf and gay and his brother, Campbell (Toby Wallace), makes fun of him for both reasons, and when the whole issue with the town happens, he believes he will never find love because he doesn’t think anyone else is gay, until Grizz comes along, and tries to learn ASL and loves him for him.
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2. Roswell New Mexico
Alright, to be completely honest, I did not want to watch this. I have no idea why I just didn’t. I saw an edit on like instagram or something of the couples in the show and I was like, alright I can give it a chance. And spoiler alert I loved it. The series starts off with Liz Ortecho (Jeanine Mason) comes back to her hometown of Roswell around the time of her the anniversary of her sister, Rosa’s (Amber Midthunder), death. She gets pulled over on her way in and the officer that pulled her over was Max Evans (Nathan Parsons), who has had a crush on her since they first met, and just so happens to be an alien. After Liz gets shot in her families restaurant, Max uses his healing powers to save her, but leaves behind a hand print on her that makes her suspicious. She continues to investigate until he tells her the truth. She also finds out that her sister was actually murdered, and has the same hand print on her that she did when Max healed her. Turns out, his sister, Isobel (Lily Cowels) killed her, but it was actually another alien possessing her (which they didn’t know was possible when she killed her). When they landed on earth they also landed with their “brother” Michael (Michael Vlamis) who starts off the series with an on and off relationship with Alex (Tyler Blackburn) and I love them together. Alex is the son of one of the guys trying to find and take down the aliens and he also went to war and lost his leg. Anyways, towards the end of the season Alex starts seeing Maria (Heather Hemmens), which is a couple I don’t really like, but also bi representation is good! Anyways I don’t really wanna spoil this one too much I just love it a lot.
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3. Elite
This is a show that came out in 2018, but they released a second season this year. All I’m saying is please watch the original version, not the dubbed over version. Elite is a spanish show about a few students that get a scholarship to the private school after their school gets demolished. This shows is in the fashion of present and past which includes a lot of flashbacks leading up to the the murder of one of the students. My favorite part of this show is the relationship between Ander (Arón Piper) and Omar (Omar Ayuso). Ander is the son of the head of the school and Omar is the brother of one of the students that got a scholarship. Not only are they of different socioeconomic status’, but Omar is also Muslim, and his family would not approve of him being gay. He finally finds the courage to tell his family, but thats not until season 2. Also, his sister Nadia (Mina El Hammani) falls in love with the “bad boy” of the school, Guzmán (Miguel Bernardeau) and starts going against her parents wishes as well.
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4. The Umbrella Academy 
Y’all mind if I confuse y'all real quick. So, a bunch of women all of the sudden give birth out of nowhere at the same time even tho none of them were pregnant? Yea I know weird. Anyways, so this dude tries to adopt as many of them as possible and ends up adopting like 7. They all have powers and they try and stop the apocalypse. That’s literally all I can tell y'all. 
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5. Unbelievable
I swear I didn’t mean to get y’all upset right now. This show made me angry and sad and so many other feelings all at once. So the show beings with a girl named Marie (Kaitlyn Dever) getting raped in her home. When she reports it, they can’t find any evidence, as he cleaned the apartment and made her shower. This mixed with the fact that she struggles remembering parts of her experience (which is common with sexual assault), the police don’t believe her and force her to retract her statement. This in itself is awful, but they also charge her with false statement, which adds on to the fact that people already believe that she is a liar. Years later, two female detectives, Karen and Grace, piece together rapes in their precincts and once they find the rapist, they find Marie’s picture in with his belongings, proving that she was telling the truth the entire time.
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6. Sailor Moon
I just got into anime and all I have to say is that I love this. That is all.
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
Colocataire Pt.03
The Relationship
Pairing: Thor x Reader x Steve     Word Count: 10,469
Masterpost     Warnings: Smut, threesome, smidge of angst, mostly fluff, language, polyamorous relationship
A/N: My hands hurt. lol I’ve been typing for hours. I went back and edited once but I’m going cross-eyed so maybe forgive me some editing mistakes? This is the last part to my @cametobuyplums ‘s writing challenge. I had so much fun exploring the way this plays out and where it ends. It ended and came together just as I wanted so I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work. xoxo
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The sun is very bright. Blinding. Fucking annoying.
You shut your eyes against the glare of it and after struggling underneath something heavy, rush up, tossing your blanket aside as you stumble over the end of your bed.
Note to self: Install blackout blinds.
You shut the dark gray curtains. At least they shield out most of the light.
You groan, reaching to wipe at your face and head back to bed but give a squeak instead as your eyes find a long and very naked male form at the very center. Faced down. With wide, thick massive thighs and beautiful slightly whiter than the rest of his skin ass cheeks; hard, round muscles with the slightest concave on the outer sides.
You shut your eyes as the night flashes by in a flurry of lurid moans, salacious kisses, and dripping wet orgasms.
A nervous chuckle breaks your lips as you realize that last night you’d finally done it. You’d given in and though you might have been happy with a nice passionate kiss for your first romantic encounter with him, Thor had bedded you until the wee hours of the morning.
He’d first pounded you into the mattress, relentless in his desire for you and once the initial excitement of the FINALLY had worn off, he'd been softer. Tender. Emotional.
How many times had he whispered how much he loved you into your ear last night?
Your stomach flutters and with a bite to your bottom lip, you crawl back into bed.
The heavy thing you’d fought with to get up and out of bed had been his arm.
You trace its length from wrist to bicep and he hums under your touch. His long hair, still silky and flowing like golden waves on your pillow. It pools around him as he turns over onto his back to make room for you in his arms.
You settle beside him, resting on his chest as you press your own exposed breasts against his.
Sleepy eyes stare up at you. They twinkle, despite the exhaustion, with bliss.
“Good morning.” He whispers.
He stares into your eyes for a second before his own wander up to the rest of your head. His sleepy smile widens before he huffs and tries to choke back a chuckle.
“What?” You demand, but before you can reach up, his hands come up and then back down over your head to smooth your hair.
“I didn’t know this was what you look like right when you wake up.” He confesses.
“What? Is it really bad?!” You reach up again but Thor stops you and instead presses your arms in between his chest and yours and wraps his own around you.
He holds you tight, trapping you so that you can’t move.
“You’re beautiful.” He swears.
“You’re not so bad yourself, sizzle-cheeks.” You drag one finger from his temple to his cheeks as he leans towards you, straining his neck for a kiss.
You wiggle as much as you can towards him and give him your lips.
The soft moan that travels between you dies out slowly, then your stomach groans and gurgles.
Thor chuckles and tucks your hair behind your ear.
“A little.” You sigh, “We used up a lot of energy last night.”
“That we did.” Thor nods and then follows it up with a yawn.
You scratch the beard of his chin, give him a peck, then pull from his embrace.
“Sleep a little longer. I’ll go get breakfast started.” His hand holds onto you until you’re out of reach, eyes shutting as he watches you go.
You take the dusty pink robe from your armchair and leave the room tying the sash around your waist. You walk in happy, determined that nothing will tarnish your little slice of heaven with Thor but in the back of your mind, something reminds you that something is missing.
His face pops up, demanding acknowledgement and then you look up as you cross through the living room.
The kitchen isn’t empty. Steve stands with the milk in his hand, a bowl of dry cereal on the island counter.
The two of you stand frozen, staring at each other with a million things unsaid. You think of Thor’s words of how much Steve had wanted to stay with you last night but because of duty he’d run off to the party to do his part. His job.
His life is there, with them. With the Avengers. Maybe there isn’t any room for you in Steve’s life? Maybe Thor is the right choice?
As much as you wish you could keep it pure, your happiness is dampened by the slightest sadness. A yearning that still hasn’t been satisfied.
“Morning.” You move to the fridge and grab the carton of eggs, determined not to fixate on Steve’s morning look.
Tight white t-shirt and a pair of black sleep pants, low slung, soft cotton to stroke for days. He’s a morning dream and part of you is still confused as to why they decided to come back here.
The mission is over. Why would he and Thor—well, you kinda get it but to live here with you still?
“G’morning.” He replies, voice still deep and gruff from just waking up.
“How was the party?” You ask, pulling a glass bowl from the cabinet over the sink.
You place it and the eggs, mushrooms, uncooked bacon and ham on the island. While you grab the cheese, Steve moves to organize your ingredients, like he always does.
“Boring, without you there.” He admits, and his words send your heart into a frenzy.
You stop to watch him and remember the many times before.
Whenever you’re up early enough to make them breakfast he’s always been there to help you. He puts it all just as you like it and then steps aside, his cereal bowl and milk forgotten.
You take up your station and Steve moves over a little closer.
“I’m sorry. I just—crowds and loud noises? I just couldn’t-”
“I know.” He assures you, reaching over with his hand to stroke the back of your bicep.
His touch sets your skin on fire and you have to focus extra hard on cracking your eggs. He turns around, leaning back against the island as he fiddles with his spoon.
You don’t want his touch to stop but he always pulls it away. Linger grazes that cut and sear all at once. You want more and more.
Give me more, Steve.
You wait. You want him to speak. To tell you what’s on his mind but you’re done with egg beating before he speaks again, and you wonder if maybe it’s just physical with you and Steve.
Even though Thor said that the two of them had agreed to keep their hands to themselves so as not to influence your choice between them, you and Thor have always been able to carry on conversation with ease.
With Steve things are always quieter. The air between you is heavy and you’re not sure if that means things are just that much more serious or that maybe you two aren’t compatible for a real relationship.
There’s no denying the charge between you. You want him. He…once wanted you.
You turn to take the bowl to the stove and put it aside as you cut the bacon and ham into smaller chunks. You cook them together in one pan, allowing the ham to soak up the bacon’s grease. The smell is heaven and you know Thor’ll be up and out of that bed soon because of the smell.
“I was talking to Tony last night.” Steve begins, putting the milk away but leaving the cereal on the island.
You glance at him, watch him shut the door as he stares at your face to see what expression his words might have wrought.
“Don’t you talk to him every day?” You tease, a small smile plays on your lips.
Steve’s face relaxes a little and he moves to stand by the counter beside you.
“He…” He stops, hesitating for some reason. “He told me about you. Things I didn’t know.”
Oh, that’s what he’s getting at. Of course.
“You mean the Red Room Academy? And how I was almost Nat 2.0?” You stir the sizzling meats and toss in the mushrooms.
“Yeah. How you were all set to be enrolled but his parents came and got you. Saved you.” He watches you, searching your face for any small inkling as to what you might be feeling.
“Howard and Maria were very generous with me.” You explain. “Howard and my grandma worked together, during the war. Maybe you knew her? She had my last name. Served in the intel office up until just after the war when she retired.”
Steve shakes his head, brow gathered with thought as he takes in your story.
“She wasn’t exactly in the thick of it, but she helped Howard out a lot and Peggy.” You stop this time, letting the name sit between you.
It does what you thought it would and Steve stiffens beside you.
“Peggy?” He asks, voice tight, sad. Why does it hurt to hear him react to her name? “My Peggy?”
It’s completely ridiculous that you’re jealous of a woman who is no longer living. Maybe it’s because she isn’t just a romantic rival but a powerful one. One that made change and affected the world around her.
You’re nothing but a pencil pusher. Working ads for some conglomerate. No one will ever know your name. You’re no one.
Also, ‘my Peggy'? It shouldn’t bother you but it does. You wanna be Steve's Y/N! Why can’t he fucking call you my Y/N? It stings, like acid. It burns away slowly at the composure you’ve become so good at having around him.
“Yeah.” You push a paper towel into a smaller bowl then dump the sautéed mushroom, ham, and bacon in. “The love of your life, right?”
He seems to come back from whatever memory he’s wandered into at your words, but you look away, unwilling to see what he might be feeling now. You start on the first omelet and watch as the egg hardens.
“Y/N…” Steve whispers, moving closer to you by the stove. You can feel the soft graze of his clothed chest on your shoulder.
He must see your hurt. His voice is so gentle.
Your heart aches, striving to understand the man beside you and what he might be thinking. What he wants. What he wishes for. What he’s still doing here despite the mission being over. Is it guilt because they left you here alone and you were buried in rubble?
Is that why he’s still here?
“So, anyway,” You press on, inhaling deep and exhaling as you speak. “When my parents passed away I moved in with my grandma but a year later she passed away and I’m honestly not even sure of the details myself but somehow KGB got their hands on me and before they could get me in that school Howard and Maria took custody.
“They put me up in a boarding school upstate and I never saw them again. I’d get letters. A gift on my birthday but I was alone really. I mean, I had friends, but I spent my holidays at school. They even paid for my college.” You smile, shaking your head a little as you think about the small trust fund that had long since run out that Howard and Maria had set up for you. Most of it had been your grandma’s money.
“That was nice of them.” Steve says.
“Honestly, I think I would have preferred they keep the money and invited me home on Christmas but…I guess that’s why I want a family of my own. Having lost so many people, you’d think I’d have learned my lesson but I want it. A husband. Kids. Someone who loves me and wants me.” You give him a wide smile and add some meat and cheese to the omelet you’re making before folding it in half so that it’ll seal.
“You want kids?” Steve asks, a small note of regret in his voice.
“I do.” You sigh and set your finished omelet aside. “Didn’t you?”
You hesitate because you don’t want to hear the answer and you don’t want to keep bringing her up but it’s so obvious that you wanting kids seems like a bad thing to him. A deal breaker maybe.
“With Peggy? Didn’t you want kids?” You look up at him this time, intent on seeing what’s in his eyes.
He stares at you, his storm blues full of restraint and confusion and sadness again.
“I-I didn’t think about it.” He lies.
You smile, laughing at his feeble attempt to hide it from you. Why does he care that you’re hurt by it? The fact that he wanted kids with Peggy but now thinks having kids with you wouldn’t be a good idea?
“You’re such a liar.” You tell him and work on the next omelet. “Why did you come back, Steve? The mission is over. You don’t have to live here anymore.”
He doesn’t answer. He lets you stew in the silence.
“It’s not like what happened is your fault. The Late-Night Bomber would have bombed the building regardless of whether you and Thor were living here. You don’t need you to feel bad about what happened.” You plate the omelets and move back to the island and set them in their spots on the other side.
Two are very large, one normal sized for yourself. This one you keep on your side of the island but it’s clear you mean for Thor and Steve to sit on the other side.
Steve follows, stopping beside you again, reaching out to take your hand on the counter.
“Y/N, I’m not here because I feel guilty. I moved in for the mission but I’m staying because I want to be here.” He confesses.
“Why?” You ask, desperate to hear him say the words.
You finally know how Thor feels. He’d just spent all night proving it to you, whispering it into your ear.
Why can’t Steve say it? Why can’t he lower his walls and just let you in? Those longing glances from across the room had been tantalizing but always brief.
The slip up in the bathroom, when he’d touched you and given in a little. Had it been too much to bear by then? What’s changed? Why won’t he touch you again?
His expression is pained as he stares into your eyes. His brow furrowed, mouth opening and closing as he starts to speak then changes his mind.
A minute passes and you give up. You shake your head, his storm blue eyes holding yours as the disappointment floods through you.
“You should eat your omelet before it gets cold.” You whisper, breathless and heartbroken.
You’d been so invested in your conversation with Steve that you hadn’t noticed Thor come in. He moves up behind you, wraps you up in his arms and leans down to kiss your neck.
Your heart soars and then drops as you think about Steve watching Thor kiss you.
“The food smells delicious.” Thor says, his lips still pressed against your skin.
He kisses up towards your chin and then reaches up to slide your hair back to get at your cheek. He uses one hand to turn your face towards him, forcing you to look into his electric blues and you’re grateful. As he places himself between you and Steve, using his large body to shield Steve from view, you’re truly grateful.
His soft expression and genuine happiness at seeing you soothes the ache in your chest.
He leans in and kisses you, slipping his tongue into your mouth to deepen the kiss as he pulls you close. It feels needlessly enthusiastic. Almost as if he’s showing off. For Steve’s benefit maybe? You hadn’t thought Thor the type to throw things in people’s faces. Not this. Not the things that matter.
When he breaks the kiss, his lips smack loudly. He gives you one swift wiggle of his eyebrows before he deliberately slides away from you renewing your sight to Steve.
You don’t get to look at him long. Steve’s large body is pressing down on you. He leans down, hand cupping the back of your head as the other finds your hip, and firmly he presses his lips to yours.
You hear Thor chuckle somewhere to your left, eating his food probably.
That’s what he’d been doing? Coaxing Steve’s jealousy with his sloppy morning kiss?
Your heart is exploding with fireworks. Another FINALLY as Steve gives in.
Steve’s arm wraps around your waist as he slides his tongue along your lips to tease them open.
You shudder at his tenacity and obey, wrapping your arms around his neck as you push yourself up onto your toes to kiss him back eagerly.
Steve’s kiss is slow and churning. His tongue makes long strokes as he memorizes the way you feel pressed against him. Months of pent up emotion pour from his lips into yours and it leaves you gasping for air.
You pull away, to the side because you need to breathe in deep as Steve continues to kiss your chin, your neck. His right hand reaches up to slide your robe aside and kiss your bare shoulder.
That’s when he realizes that you’re naked underneath your robe because he pulls back, surprised. He looks you up and down, staring at your robed figure. Blinking with utter astonishment.
He glances over your shoulder at Thor who you look at too. He’s chewing through his smile. No. It’s a smirk. A challenge. For Steve and Steve alone.
He’s telling him, yes. I fucked her.
Steve’s furrowed gaze finds yours again.
His hands explore the length of your sides, feeling the soft fabric with eager fingers.
“Steve…” You start but a quick flash of his storm blue eyes shuts you up.
They are laced with lust, desire, yearning. Just like Thor’s had been last night. But the slightest bit of anger and regret too.
As he continues to stare at you, Steve’s eyes shift away from the lust. A glimmer shines through and you know in that moment that he owns you. There’s a claiming in Steve’s eyes. All the hesitation from before is gone.
He backs you up against the counter while his hand pulls your sash free. Your robe falls open and your ears burn at your sudden exposure.
With your hands gripping Steve’s forearms, you feel the muscles tense beneath your fingers as he squeezes your hips.
He stares at your nearly exposed chest before he lifts you so suddenly you whimper in surprise. He sits you on the counter and slides his hands along your shoulders, pushing your robe into a puddle around your hips.
Rough hands massage your breasts. He ducks down to nip at the perked pebble of your nipple.
You curl your toes, thighs pressed together to combat the growing slick of your core.
“Steve…” You plead and even you’re not sure what you’re begging for.
For release? For a reprieve from having him do this in front of Thor?
Despite his jealous anger, Steve’s touch is sweet and firm but loving.
He straightens up and then it happens so quickly. Almost like a dream too perfect to be real, you watch him push his pants down, exposing the long swell of his perfect pink cock. He places both hands on your knees and pries them apart.
Without giving you so much as a moment to prepare he’s pushing into you, nudging closer and closer and your legs further and further apart as he stretches your walls to fit him.
You gasp, your knees rising to make room for him. He doesn’t stop pushing into you until he’s right up against you. Chest to chest.
With his arms wrapped around you and you gasping for breath, he leans down and shoves his tongue into your mouth for a dirty wet kiss.
You moan and he moves his hips, pumping into you slowly as he finds his rhythm.
It’s maddening and you can’t think properly. All you can this is a resounding yes! Finally, you have him. He’s inside you, loving you the way you’ve wanted him to.
Does this mean he wants you in all the ways you want him? Or is it physical? Is it just lust?
Steve suddenly stops and you look at him for a reason.
The startled expression on his face gives you pause and you search for what’s bothering him.
Thor stands beside both of you, his hands hooked into the bottom hem of Steve’s shirt.
“Don’t stop.” Thor says, soft but stern.
Steve eyes him up and as Thor lifts his shirt, Steve raises his arms away from you so that Thor can expose his chiseled torso.
You need to help him. Help Thor show Steve that the three of you are together.
You quickly run your hands along Steve’s exposed muscle. You hum in appreciation for his strength and reach down to give his bottom a squeeze.
With him settled within you, not moving, it’s torture.
“Steve…” You beg.
He looks at you, intense and slightly confused gaze burning you up.
“Please…” You plead.
Thor leans in closer, his lips mere inches from Steve’s ear.
“Don’t make her wait.” He says, his electric blue gaze on you again.
He’s enjoying this. He likes watching Steve fuck you.
“Our girl likes it hard.” Thor tells him. “She likes it hard and full of fire. Show her how much we’ve wanted her.”
Steve pulls his hips back then rams them into you hard, shaking your body against his as he renews the closeness of his chest against your breasts.
You moan, startled by his pounding as he gets going again.
Thor leans towards you, fisting your hair to tilt your head back and towards him.
He kisses you hard, then soft. First lust. Then love.
He pulls away as you bounce on the counter with every thrust.
Steve’s grunts get louder, his hands are vices around your hips.
Thor gives your cheek one final caress before he heads for the hallway and you’re sad to see him go. You know however that he’s leaving for Steve’s sake.
Thor had you to himself. Steve deserves the same.
“You’re just as perfect as I thought you’d be.” Steve confesses, a grunt thrown in at the end as he slides his hands down to your ass to squeeze you closer.
You stare into his eyes, each shove of his cock rocking you closer towards insanity.
“Steve…” You moan, but he can hear the question.
“Yeah, baby, tell me. Tell me how you want it.”
No. That’s not it. “Are you gonna break my heart?”
His hips stutter and he stops, squeezing your ass again and again as if he can’t believe you’re really there.
He swallows hard, his breath uneven as the small drops of sweat around his temples finally cascade along his red overheated cheeks.
You can see the gears in his head turning. He’s thinking fast.
“No.” He shakes his head. “No, baby. I won’t break your heart.”
You blink, pushing your tears back because if it’s coming from him you must believe it.
“But you won’t give me babies. Or marry me. Right?”
“What? I-" Steve stops to think again, he watches your growing sorrow until his own expression hardens with determination.
“You want babies, I’ll give you babies.” Steve promises and he rams into you again.
He moves faster, harder, grinding into you roughly.
“I’m gonna fill you up with babies.” He grunts.
You throw your head back and he dips down to suckle at your neck.
He licks there, tasting the salt of your skin as he presses you back further.
He lays you down on the counter and settles over you, pressing down on you as he fucks you.
You wrap your hand around the back of his neck, tickling the soft hairs there as he takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks hard. It hurts for a second before he’s licking circles, soothing the rough.
Everything with Thor and Steve seems to be rough first then soft.
As his pelvis slams into your clit, you feel the coaxing of your climax, a tight pull at your pelvis as he grinds against it.
“Yeah…yeah, Steve…” You mewl.
“Come for me, baby.” He groans. “M'gonna fill you up.”
He grips your shoulder and slams into you, crushing your nub until your body tenses and the explosion of release sends your body into shivers.
Your legs fall open as he continues to thrust into you, sloppy wet sounds of your orgasm filling the room.
You twitch beneath him, a shudder for every thrust that he pounds against your clit.
“Fuck.” He turns to bite into your neck and you cry out as his heat shoots into you and his hands bruise your skin.
Unlike Thor, Steve doesn’t collapse against you. Instead his hands roam the curves of your body. Squeezing your hip, your butt, your thigh, then back up to trace the curves of your side.
He worships your form, finally his.
The two of you bask in your climax for only a minute before Steve finds your lips in a slow, loving kiss.
“I love you.” He whispers against them, brushing them back and forth as he waits for your reply.
He needs to hear it like you did. His storm blue eyes flicker with want and so much love. Your jealousy just s few minutes ago seems silly and part if a different day.
“I love you, Steve. I’ve loved you for so long.” You gush and he’s already pumping into you again.
You gasp and he smothers you with kisses as he fills you up.
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You shift on the sofa, adjusting your angle as you try and keep from pulling Thor’s hair. You’ve been braiding this one section for over an hour. You’re not happy with it. You hate it. You suck.
“I can’t get it right.” You whine.
Thor sits between your legs, watching TV. Animal Planet again.
“Look, there you are.” He teases, a laugh in his voice.
You glance up at the TV to see a baby gorilla climbing onto a larger female gorilla’s back. The baby is clearly playing but you understand what Thor’s saying with the way it clings to its mother’s back.
“That’s not me.” You half-laugh.
“Yes, it is.” Thor asserts. “You’re even grooming me.”
He leans his head back to look up at you.
“You’re my little monkey.”
The smile that stretches your lips is one you’ve grown accustomed to. You’re so ridiculously happy that you don’t remember the last time you smiled this much.
“That’s an ape. Not a monkey.” You counter.
Thor screws up his face, neglecting your nitpicking.
“You’re mine.” He reiterates.
Dropping his hair, you cup the sides of his face and lean forward to kiss his forehead, the tip of his nose, and finally his lips.
He wraps his hand behind your head, keeping you in place so that he can give you one, two, three long pecks before releasing you.
“I’ve been thinking.” Thor begins, searching your eyes.
“Yes. I want to marry you.” He says it, just like that. As if he were thinking of buying a new brand of soap to try.
You blink, stomach in tumbles as you pull back to look at his full expression.
Thor looks as peaceful as ever. Sincere.
“Not here, of course. There is a planet I know of that we might go and marry. A few of my people have made their home there and among them is a priest who will marry us. You will be my angel, forever.” He strokes his hand further into your hair as you continue to stare at him, dumbfounded.
When you say nothing, that pucker of worry between his brow folds and he lets you go so that he can get up and sit beside you.
“Say something, angel. I-Have I overstepped-?”
“No!” You gasp, reaching out to grab his hands. “No, Thor. I’m just, stunned. This is unexpected.”
“Is it? I would have thought you’d have known from the moment I kissed you that I wanted you to be my wife.” He scoots closer, wrapping his left arm around your waist.
This is good news. Happy news. So why are you apprehensive?
“Are you worried about Steve?” Thor wonders, reading you like a book.
“He’s so-”
“Possessive, yes I know.” Thor chuckles. “I’ve already talked to him.”
He begins to say something but then stops as he thinks better of whatever had been about to slip from his lips.
“He has given me his approval to marry you.” Thor assures you, a chuckle in his voice. “Don’t worry, Y/N. Steve has got his own plans. You are ours. And we aim to make you so in every way possible. Now, what do you say?”
He waits and when you say nothing, he pulls your hands up to kiss your knuckles.
“Will you marry me?” And he waits.
You catch your breath; the starling promise of forever with Thor before you. How can you say anything but, “Yes.”
Thor kisses you stupid. He kisses you until you can’t breathe and then he holds you tight.
The front door opens, a heavy click as it shuts. You hear his stomping feet before you see him as Thor seems unwilling to release you.
“Did you ask her?” Steve wonders, an excitement in his voice.
“I have. She’s said yes.” Thor replies gleefully.
He finally pulls back but only so that Steve can kiss you.
You use the opportunity to stare into his eyes. Searching for a true reaction in this make-believe happiness.
This has always felt like a dream on the vestiges of madness. Wishful thinking. A good dream you’ve trapped yourself in because the reality of your lonely life just isn’t enough.
Maybe you died? What if you were crushed in that rubble and the past three months with your boys has been a literal slice of heaven?
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I’m happy for you and Thor. I mean it.” He promises you, sincerity in his eyes but a small echo of that insecurity you’ve always had with Steve in particular reverberates in your mind.
It pulls dark thoughts forward that make you wonder if he’s happy that you’re marrying Thor because maybe he doesn’t want to marry you himself. What if Steve is grateful for the escape?
Does he not want you forever?
Did he use that wish on someone long ago?
His expression falls pained as he takes in the shift of your utter happiness to questioning apprehension.
“What is it?” He lowers himself down, squatting beside you and Thor as he holds your face between his large, calloused hands.
You don’t want to ruin this moment with Thor. You don’t want to make this about Steve when it should be about your future with Thor but…if you don’t speak it aloud, it’ll fester and bubble, then explode.
Fighting, real fighting where one person hurts the other, is not a part of your life with Steve and Thor. The three of you promised to talk everything through. This is complicated enough with three sets of desires, needs, and preferences. You don’t need to add lack of communication to that mess.
You lick your lips, chapped and dry from kissing Thor all day. Steve had been on mission and your day spent with Thor had been full of love making. They can’t seem to get enough of you…physically.
“I just…” You look at Thor and he’s smiling softly, not offended. Not sad. He gives you an encouraging nod.
You take his hand because you need his strength to speak the words out loud. What if Steve answers exactly as you’re expecting him to?
Thor gives your hand a squeeze. Reassuring you of his support.
“Are you happy about me and Thor because you-you don’t wanna marry me? Are you glad that he’s doing it so that you don’t have to?” Terror like this, even at the threat of bombs and bodily harm, has never existed for you.
Steve’s face relaxes, that boyish, half-smile lights up his face but only slightly assuages your fears.
“What? No. Of course I wanna marry you. You’re it for me, Y/N. Just like you are for Thor. I’m happy because we get to be happy forever. We get to keep you, forever. Together. I love you and I love Thor. Give me some time, baby and I’ll make you mine here on Earth too.” His words wash over you with a golden glory.
You’re warm and fuzzy with your boys here in front of you.
“Really?” You ask, elated.
“Yes.” Steve nods. “We’ll get you and Thor married first and I’ll find my time too. I’m not going anywhere. It’ll be me, you, and Thor until the very end.”
You kiss him, finally satisfied that Steve is in this for the long haul. Then you kiss Thor because you’re gonna marry him and you love them both so damn much.
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Thor leaves you first.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” He says, trying to cripple the utter agony you’re in.
You’re a mess. You’re in full on sobs as you cling to his chest plate with your weak and useless hands.
There is no strength in them to keep him here. Home. Where your husband belongs. You’ve been married for six months and this is the first time Thor is leaving you behind on Earth.
You’re terrified. What if something happens to him?
“I-I know you have to go.” You cry, pushing yourself up onto your toes to pull him down for another tight hug.
“I would not leave you if I did not have to. I will help win the war on Alfheim and when I come back, we will spend six days in bed and use the seventh to sleep.” He caresses the back of your head, using his words to try and comfort you but nothing will make this easier.
Nothing can ease your worries. It’s your job to worry as his wife.
“Wait for me, angel. I will return.” He whispers.
You pull back to stare into his eyes and give him the nod he needs. He pulls you to him, kissing you hard with his own startling urgency.
He’s worried about you too. Even if he knows you’re well looked after with Steve, being away from you isn’t easy and you realize this now.
He pulls back slowly, resting his forehead against your own until he must let you go.
“I love you.” He tells you as you back away slowly into Steve’s waiting arms.
“I love you.” You cry, tears still heavily streaming along your cheeks. “Please be safe for me, Thor.”
“I will.” He swears, his eyes move over you, above your head. “Take care of our girl, Steve. Keep her safe.”
“Always.” Steve assures him. “Come back soon, Thor. We’ll be waiting.”
That’s the first time Thor leaves you.
He comes back only a week later.
“You’re back!” You gush, leaping into his arms as he struts through your balcony doors.
He catches you and pulls your lips to his mouth. He groans as he kisses you, his bulge big and bursting.
The kiss quickly turns from relieving to lustful, all wet tongues and eager moans.
Steve stands, wide shoulders falling with relief at the sight of Thor back in one piece.
“You’re back so soon.” He says, an observance, not a complaint.
Thor pulls away from your kiss to speak as you continue to trail your own kisses along his jaw, hands wrapped in his long hair, tugging and pulling as you wrap your legs around his waist and grind down against him.
“I didn’t realize how hard it would be to stay away. I’ll have to go back tonight but I needed my princess.” He says, his hands roaming the curve of your back as you rut your hips against his.
“I’m glad you’re safe.” Steve says.
Thor begins to move towards the hallway. His destination? The bedroom of course. It’s been a week. He doesn’t remember the last time he went a whole week without having you.
“I’ll go to the gym. Sam’s been eager to get some sparring in. Give you two some time.” Steve offers and makes to move around your favorite armchair to grab his workout bag from the guest bedroom.
As he passes close to Thor, Thor grabs the front of his shirt and then drags him along as he walks.
“No.” He says. “Together.”
Thor tosses you on the bed, and he loves the way you bounce. He peels off his armor as Steve strips beside him.
Two large, bulky men stand before you. Their gazes loving, their cocks erect.
“Strip my wife.” Thor tells Steve and though Steve is used to giving the orders, he obeys because he wants to see you.
Steve is second in only that he hasn’t married you yet. As he peels off your shirt and shorts, exposing your perked breasts for him and Thor, he slides his hand down the length of your folds, playing with the slick as he spreads and primes you.
You can see it in his eyes as he presses one finger inside of you, that soon he’ll remedy that fact. You won’t only be Thor’s wife for long.
They take you together, Steve gets your engines revved up then he slides up to your mouth where you take his length in one long lick. You suck the head of his cock then reach up to push his tush, urging him to thrust into your mouth.
Thor climbs between your legs and buries himself to the hilt in one smooth slow motion.
Though it isn’t the first time that you’ve had Steve and Thor at the same time, in Thor’s absence, it begins to mean more. To have them both with you is a blessing. One you hope to repeat many times over.
Steve understands that Thor is the only one that’ll feel the clench of your core today. After a week, Steve would want you all to himself too.
Thor comes undone in every position he can get you in. He fills you up over and over while Steve makes a mess of your chest and fills your mouth.
The three of you collapse in bed, spent. Steve makes to leave, as he usually does when the three of you have been together.
“No.” Thor says, an almost panic in his voice. “No. Don’t leave us.”
Steve stares at the God of Thunder, reading the need in his eyes before he settles back into bed behind you. He cuddles up close, holds you tight, while Thor rests his forehead against your own and kisses the tip of your nose.
He mutters, “My princess.” Until he falls asleep.
When you wake up, Thor is gone again. You cry. You turn into Steve’s chest and he holds you tighter as you sob.
“He’ll be back, baby. He’ll stay safe.”
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Thor is gone for a long time. After a month, Steve surprises you.
At breakfast, he gets up from his seat across the table and drops down on one knee beside you. You’re not expecting it and it makes you cry.
“Don’t cry, baby. I know it’s been hard without Thor, but I want to make you mine too. Forever. I said I needed time and I think it’s been long enough. I can’t stand you not being my wife anymore.”
“Oh, Steve.” You sob, reaching up to fix your nest of a hairdo. You look terrible. Just woken up.
But Steve’s eyes are full of nothing but love as he reaches into his pocket to pull out a small blue box. He removes the top and holds out a white gold ring, solitaire, with a lone emerald cut diamond. You can tell by the sheen of the band that it’s vintage.
“Y/N? Will you marry me?”
“Of course, I will!” You gasp and throw yourself into his arms.
You and Steve get married at city hall. He wants to wait for Thor to come back before you have a real wedding and you’re grateful. As long as you’re his, that’s all that matters.
After your in-home honeymoon—because both you and Steve refuse to leave in case Thor comes back—Steve starts to take missions again.
He must. There’s no break for the criminals here on Earth and the world needs Captain America. You hate that he leaves you first for only a few hours but during the next month it becomes days. A week.
This time, three months since Thor left, Steve is gone for two weeks. You don’t know what goes on or why he’s gone so long but you know that it’s necessary.
You rush into his arms, cling to him as he walks through the door.
He’s exhausted. He kisses you.
“Too long, Steve.” You complain, sliding your hands through his freshly washed hair.
He always comes home clean for you though you kind of wish he’d come back in uniform. You know that he’s only trying to hide the extent of the danger he puts himself in.
“I know, baby. I’m sorry.” He wraps his left arm around you as he drops his bag by the door.
He’s got his shield in his right still and he plops it by your desk in the living room before hugging you with both arms now that they’re free. The way he cuddles into you, his tired sigh, burying his face into your neck, you know that he’s just dead on his feet.
“Let’s go get some sleep.” You whisper, sliding your fingers further into his hair to maybe nudge him towards unconsciousness.
Truth be told, you haven’t slept much either and all you want is to hold him and feel him there beside you.
You sleep for hours.
“How soon do we need to be there?” Steve can’t believe how fast they found the hideout.
It’s barely been twelve hours and he has to leave you again?
He turns to look at you, sitting in your armchair, a small lonely smile already stretching your lips. You must have heard him talking on the phone and wandered out to see what was happening.
You’re so quiet. So, understanding. Part of him wishes you’d throw a tantrum. Get really upset. You gentle whining at his absence doesn’t even begin to convey the depth of your solitude. He’s sure of it.
He knows how much you worry when he’s gone and how alone you can feel, especially with Thor still off world.
Turning back to the window he sighs, desperate to stay but duty calls.
“The sooner the better. Why? Am I interrupting?” Sam asks, careful in his tone because he knows how much Steve misses you when you’re not together.
“No. No, I just…hate to leave her so soon.” Steve confesses.
He’s already looking for his shield. He has a spare uniform in the jet. He can change on the way.
“I know, man. I’m sorry. We can go without you.” Sam offers and Steve almost accepts but his responsibilities to the innocents that are having their life threatened weight heavy on his shoulders.
His lonely wife weighs heavy on his heart.
He looks in the kitchen. By the desk where he usually puts it. Under the coffee table. And finally, in the dining room cabinet.
“No. No. I’m coming I just gotta find…Y/N? Baby, have you seen my shield?” Steve calls out as he shuts the cabinet.
“Yeah, it’s right here.” You tell him, voice sweet and soft.
He turns to look at you and nearly drops the phone as his jaw goes slack.
You stand at the mouth of the hallway, his shield held out in front of you, covering the sight of your clearly naked body.
“Steve?” Sam calls.
Your angelic smile shifts, turning devious and playful as you bite down on your lower lip. So beautiful. How long has it been since he’s seen that playful glimmer? Thor always brought that out in you more.
“Well?” You ask, “Aren’t you gonna come get it? Duty calls, right?”
Steve swallows hard, the stirring in his pants undeniable and unquenchable.
“Sam? I’m gonna have to sit this one out.”
“What’s wrong?” Sam wonders but Steve doesn’t care to answer as you spin his shield and give him the briefest of flashes of your naked right hip.
It’s a dizzying maneuver that sets his skin to burn. You know what you’re doing. Vixen.
“I gotta…gotta go. Be careful, Sam.” Steve murmurs.
He knows they’ll be safe. It’s a simple scouting mission.
You on the other hand, require hands on attention.
Steve struts towards you, mouth still hanging open at the seductive sight of you, fully exposed behind his red, white, and blue.
“Duty calls, Cap.” You remind him.
He reaches out and yanks the shield from your hands to look your naked body over. In the same move he wraps his arm around your waist and lifts you up, his lips crash against yours.
He moans into you, rolling your purr over his tongue as he drops his shield with a quickly silenced clatter and then takes you back to your room to perform his duty.
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“I’m pregnant.” You gasp, staring down at the small white stick.
“What?!” Steve’s astounded voice comes in from the dining room.
You’re frozen, staring at the stick with shock. “I’m…I’m pregnant.”
You smile.
Steve barrels into the bathroom, his hands on your waist as he leans over your shoulder to look at the four different tests you’d taken.
You’d wanted to be sure. This is a big deal and you didn’t want to make any false exclamations.
“You’re pregnant.” Steve repeats, a startling amount of excitement and love in his voice.
“Is it-?” And you know what he’s wondering.
“I don’t know.” You sigh, sad suddenly at the possible daddy on the other side of the universe.
Steve turns you around, cups the sides of your face and leans down to kiss your lips softly. “We’ll go see a doctor tomorrow. We’ll find out.”
The next day, Steve sits beside you, a woman who looks too young to be a doctor slides over on her stool.
“Well, you’re gonna be parents.” She announces proudly.
“No, we know that.” You tell her. “When was the baby conceived?”
“Oh.” She seems surprised by the firm nature with which you’re addressing her, all happiness that usually comes from such an announcement absent.
You look at Steve and he gives you an encouraging smile as he takes your hand and squeezes it.
“It looks like, you’re about eighteen weeks gone.” She says, a smile on her lips again.
You run through the numbers as quickly as you can in your head.
“Eighteen weeks that…that’s four-four and a half months?” Your voice breaks at the last word, realizing with anguish that the baby is more than likely Thor’s.
“That’s about right.” She says, startled by the tears in your eyes.
“Steve…” You look for him and he’s not heartbroken at least. He’s not sad that the baby is probably not his.
He strokes your cheek and thumbs your tears away as they fall.
“This is good, right? Now we have a part of him here with us.” He explains, trying to spin this for the better but all you can think about is the fact that you haven’t heard from Thor in months and now you’ll be having his baby without him.
You sob and Steve pulls you close.
“I’ll give you two a moment.” The doctor says, completely confused.
When she’s gone, Steve pulls back to look into your eyes, instilling them with as much courage as he can.
“You’re going to be a mommy, Y/N. Thor’ll be back soon and we can celebrate. All three of us. Okay?” He asks gently.
“I miss him, so much.” You cry.
“I know, baby.” Steve sighs. “He’ll be back soon.”
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The whistling of the air as he plummets to the ground fills him with such satisfaction.
His feet hit the slats of the balcony and the rainbow bridge melts around him as he walks to the sliding doors of his balcony. He opens them and slips inside.
“Hello?” He calls out, strong deep voice yearning for one particular pair of eyes, fit into an excruciatingly pretty face.
The storm blues are desired too. His partner in life along with his wife.
“Y/N?” Thor calls, searching desperately over the living room to see any signs of life.
There are a few dishes in the sink. Signs of lunch. A cup of tea left unfinished at the dining table. A pair of pants slung on your favorite armchair with a book you’ve been reading settled in against the back of the seat.
“Steve?” Thor calls.
“Thor?” Steve’s voice is like music. The deep timber of his voice, higher than normal at the glee he’s feeling.
He rounds the corner of the hallway and stops when he sees him.
The two men exchange a long look before Steve is crossing the room to pull him into a hug.
“You’re finally back.” Steve sighs, relieved. More than relieved. There’s something else there, but Thor can’t guess what it is. “I’m so glad you’re safe.”
Thor hugs him back, holding him tightly as his homesickness is marginally quelled. Only one person can cure it completely.
He pulls back, holding Steve at arm’s length to look into his eyes. “Where is she? Where’s my wife?”
Steve smiles. “My wife too, actually.”
The surprise that Thor feels as Steve holds up his left hand to show off his wedding band passes quickly.
“We wanted to wait for you to have a real wedding. A big one with everyone but with you gone, we both needed to do it.” Steve looks as if he’s waiting for reproach for his decision to finally marry you.
Thor only feels grateful. He’s happy for you and for Steve. “I’m so glad you finally did it.”
He knows just how much you’ve been wanting Steve to marry you.
“Now our family is complete.” Thor sighs.
Steve’s smile tilts, turning boyish. It’s that grin he gets when he teases you or he tries to keep a secret hidden.
“Speaking of family…” But he’s cut off as a small gasp from the mouth of the hallway turns both their gaze.
Thor’s heart leaps into his throat as he meets your eyes. Those eyes that never left his dreams. Eyes that pulled him through every moment that nearly took him from you.
“Thor?” You gasp, your hand fluttering by your chest.
“I’m here, princess. I’m home.” Thor coos, so eager to have you in his arms that he begins to move around Steve but watches as your hand moves down to rest against your extended belly.
Thor’s smile vanishes. He moves to you with an awed, disbelief on his face. All you want is for him to hold you and kiss you and make love to you, but this must come first.
You caress your tummy once more, stroking the little life growing within you.
“Are you-?” Thor asks.
Silly question. You laugh. “Yes.”
You laugh again and maybe it’s more the sound of your laugh that pulls him out of his shock because his face breaks into a smile as you laugh, and he suddenly leans down to kiss you.
“Mmm.” He whispers, a delicious hunger quenched as he tastes your lips.
It’s a quick kiss because it’s obvious that he wants to keep looking at your tummy.
He looks around and sees Steve already sitting on the far end of the couch. He steers you that way and sits you between them but turns you so that you’re facing him.
Steve sidles up behind you until your back is resting against his chest. He kisses the side of your head.
“Can I?” He asks, curious and eager to get a look at your belly.
“Of course.” You tell him and pull your t-shirt up so that he can look at your growing baby.
“Is it okay if I-?” He gestures with his hands, wanting to touch.
“Yes, Thor! Of course, you can.” You assure him, suddenly realizing that he doesn’t know. Of course, he doesn’t. How can he know? You haven’t told him. “This is your baby.”
“Mine?” He asks, surprised again as his hands rest on the sides of your belly.
You nod.
“We had the baby tested with a few of your samples that Bruce had in his lab. Y/N needed to know, and we were both hoping that the baby was yours.” Steve is so supportive. He’s so great.
You love him and you love Thor and, fuck! You’re crying again.
“Why are you crying?” Thor asks, reaching up to wipe away your tears.
“I cry all the damn time now.” You growl, then laugh.
Your laugh gets Steve to kiss your head again and Thor smiles wide.
“My baby.” He whispers, leaning down to press his lips to your bump.
“Our baby.” You add.
“Our baby.” Thor repeats, looking up at you then at Steve. “Our family.”
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“Niki put your brother down.” You sigh, fumbling with the two large plates of waffles.
“Daddy says I pick up my bwudder. To halp mommy.” Niklas counters, his golden blonde hair is only slightly darker than your second baby’s.
Niklas has all his father’s strength, charm, and electric blue eyes. Stevie’s are storm blue.
“Not all the time, honey. Stevie is fine right now. Put him back in his highchair so that I can give you two breakfast. Or did you change your mind? Do you not want waffles for breakfast?” You stop beside the end of the table and wait for Niklas to put Stevie back in his seat.
“No mommy, I want da waffos.” He insists and hurries around to his own booster seat.
He climbs in and settles himself in it then reaches out to grab the table and literally drag himself closer to it.
He’s so strong.
Stevie giggles and babbles in his toddler speak. Drooling a little as he stares at his brother who you can already see is his hero.
Suddenly he screams loudly, yelling something at Niklas that you don’t understand because he’s not actually saying anything.
“Goodness, gracious, you’re both so talkative this morning.” You place Niklas’s waffles before him and drizzle them with syrup before you move over to Stevie, refasten the restraint around his waist and scoot him in towards the table.
You cut up his waffle into small tiny pieces big enough for him to grab but not choke on.
“Dank you, mommy.” Niklas whispers for some reason, then goes to cutting his waffle with his little fork.
You watch them eat for a moment, making sure they’re okay before hurrying back into the kitchen to bring them their sippy cups with milk.
Somewhere in between you pouring their milk and closing their cups, Niklas is on the table, laughing as Stevie screams again in that babbling high pitched instruction that only Niklas understands.
“Niki, get off of the table!” You gasp, and hurry back to the dining room with both cups still unsealed.
“Stevie wants me to dance, mommy! Wet me dance.” Niklas pleads and begins to swing his arms around enthusiastically to the music only he and his brother seem to hear.
Stevie is all giggles and excitement as he fists his waffle and throws the pieces at his brother.
“Baby, no.” You put the cups down and hurry to Stevie to stop his little hands from chucking his food.
A clatter pulls your gaze up to Niklas and you see spilled milk running down along the wooden table towards him and onto the floor.
You hurry to press a nearby towel against the wet as Niklas picks up his own waffle and proceeds to throw small pieces at Stevie, making him sticky with the syrup you’d drizzled.
“Niki, no.” You sigh, defeated because there’s no way you’re winning against these two.
You’re torn between stopping the flow of milk or grabbing Niki and putting him back on the floor.
Luckily, you’re save the choice as two large sun-kissed arms wrap themselves around Niki’s little torso.
He giggles as Thor growls at him, peppering his cheeks and neck with quick, scruffy kisses.
“What kind of terror are you causing your mother?” Thor asks, playfully, lovingly.
You sit down, relieved to see him and completely giving up on the milk. It goes everywhere.
Stevie is still screaming excitedly at the sight of Thor who rushes to the toddler and with a skilled hand, unbinds him and lifts him up into his other arm.
You stare at the three of them, exhausted but so happy. They’re your boys. Your babies. Your life.
“Look. Look at what you’ve done.” Thor asserts. “Niklas, look at the mess you’ve made for your mother. You too, Steven.”
Stevie smacks Thor’s cheeks as he babbles some more, while Niki actually assesses the damage.
He seems to realize that he’s really gone and done something bad because he looks chastised at first then his little lip quivers.
“I’m sowwy, mommy.” He cries and it just about breaks your heart.
You get up and move to him, wiping at his cheeks where he’s gone and splashed some milk.
“Oh, honey, it’s okay. But what have we talked about? What do we do at the table?”
“We sit.” He remembers, then looks up at Thor when he doesn’t seem to remember the second part.
Thor helps him cheat and he leans down to whisper into his ear as Stevie continues to pull on his beard and ear.
“And we eat aww food. We don’t pway wif it.” Niklas recites.
“That’s my good boy.” You tell him, fixing his little blue t-shirt as he relaxes and smiles.
“I’m sorry we were gone so long. We had every intention of being back before the boys woke up but-” Thor is already trying to explain his tardiness, to make up for the mess you now have to deal with.
“It’s okay Thor.” You understand how their job works. “They were fine up until five minutes ago.”
“Still. I’ll clean it up.” He offers.
“While they wreak havoc in another room?” You smile.
“Then, I’ll take them out to the park. Give you a few hours alone.” He counters.
That sounds extremely tempting.
Despite your anxiety from being away from your babies, you know they’ll be safe with Thor and you’re desperate to give the dining room a good clean now.
“How about two hours? Just enough time for me to clean this up and take a shower.” You slip your hand up along Thor’s side, then get distracted by Stevie’s little leg and hold that instead.
“Deal.” Thor agrees, then leans down towards you to meet your lips.
You kiss him, eager for the affection and Niklas giggles while Stevie’s little hand slides into your hair.
You catch his hand and kiss his little palm before leaning up to give Thor another kiss.
“Time for some adventuring, I think, my sons. What do you say?” Thor asks your boys.
Niklas gives a great shout of, “Yeah!” Accompanied by a small fist pump while Stevie simply screams in excitement.
You watch them until they’re out the door but as they pass, Steve slips in kissing Stevie’s cheek as he gives Niklas’s head a caress.
“-the park a few blocks down.” Thor says, informing Steve of his destination.
“If you need help, call me.” Steve offers.
“I am dad extraordinaire.” Thor brags. “Help?”
He laughs animatedly, all to make the boys laugh which they do.
Steve shuts the door as their beautiful giggles fade into the distant hallway.
“Oh, man.” Steve sighs, as he crosses into the dining room. “Niklas?”
“Egged on by Stevie.” You grab the soaked milk towel and try to push as much of the liquid back towards the center of the table so that it doesn’t keep spilling onto the floor.
Steve chuckles. “Next one will be calmer. I promise.”
“Next one?!” You turn to look at him, startled and laughing.
“What?” He asks, sliding over to you slowly as you try and back away.
With the table right behind you, you don’t get far. Steve’s hands are on your hips as you hold your milk dripping hands up and to the sides.
“You asked me for babies, remember? I’ve only given you one.” His stupid smile is seductive, his blue eyes piercing.
That look, that ownership you’d seen when he’d first made love to you, it heats you up. You are his. You know that. His and Thor’s.
“I wasn’t thinking straight.” You deadpan. “One is enough.”
Steve huffs a laugh, his hands sliding up into your shirt to trail circles against your skin.
“Come on, baby. I want a girl.”
“Then you have it.” You challenge.
He dips his head down to your neck and traces long slow circles with his tongue.
Your eyes shut, you sigh, your core clenching and searching for filling.
“Steve…” You plead.
“I’ll take less missions.” He whispers against your throat as his hand slides down into the waistband of your jeans.
He forces them down, exposing your bottom as he grabs it tight and shakes your dripping folds by proxy.
“Liar.” You accuse.
“I will.” He pulls back and look into your eyes, licking his lips as he takes his hand out of your pants.
He rests them on your waist and nods.
“I-I’ve been thinking about retiring.” He admits. “Sam’s pretty familiar with the way things go and Thor will probably still be there for them if they need him and I’m not saying I’ll drop out completely, but this life with you. This is what I’ve been looking for, Y/N.”
He means it. He’s really going to retire and help you raise your babies?
“You’re just trying to get into my pants.” You quip.
Steve smiles and nods. “Damn straight.”
He slumps down to wrap his arms around your waist and lift you up as his lips move against yours.
He turns and heads for the bedroom and you wrap your arms around him, milky hands be damned.
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hlupdate · 4 years
It’s hard to deal with the thought that we’re leaving the decade that birthed One Direction behind, and that it’s unlikely we’ll see them together again in the new decade. Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Liam Payne and Niall Horan seemingly haven’t made any plans for a comeback, not yet at least.
Something positive that came out of their break-up, though, are their careers as soloists, which we support and cherish – with all of our heart.
Here’s a journey through Louis Tomlinson’s top 7 moments of 2019 – just in time before the release of his debut album, set to be in January!
And if you don’t know who he is – take a look at our previous article about him. You won’t regret it.
1. When he announced the release date of his debut album AND a headline worldwide tour in the span of two days!
It’s October 23, 2019 when Louis Tomlinson manages to send the whole of Twitter into a meltdown with one simple tweet.
“Got something hiding around online for you… here’s a head start”
What was he hiding? Nothing less than the artwork cover for his debut solo album, “Walls”, out on January 31, 2020. The fans went wild trying to piece the puzzle together, and eventually brought the name of the album in the worldwide trends!
Walls is available to pre-order here!
And since that wasn’t enough, Louis also announced his first headline tour, which brings him on stage in 20 different countries over 3 different continents, starting in March 2020.
Been waiting for this moment since I started my solo career. Can’t wait to see you all on tour. There are also a few more dates going up at a later date. Thanks for everything. Here we go! http://louis-tomlinson.com
Make sure to get your tickets to see Louis on his website.
2. When he performed his biggest solo set yet, in front of 30.000 people!
A month ago, Louis performed as the headliner of the #CCME festival in Madrid in front of 30.000 people. Seeing him again on the stage, where he belongs, was one of the best experiences of my life He made me feel so proud, and he lighted up the whole city
Yes, you heard that right: Louis’ longest headline show to date was in front of 30.000 people. We’re in Madrid, on September 14: Louis takes over the stage with a brilliant performance that includes, other than his previously released singles Kill My Mind and Two Of Us, four brand new songs straight out of “Walls”: Don’t Let It Break Your Heart (which will later become his third single before the album release), Defenceless, Too Young and Habit.
Nedless to say – he absolutely smashed it. We’re jealous of everyone who had the chance to witness his incredible performance live.
3. Louis and Richard
If we thought Louis Tomlinson couldn’t prove himself to be a better person than he already did, boy, were we wrong! Along with the lyrical masterpiece, and incredibly emotional, that his song ‘Two Of Us’ is, Louis released a music video called Louis And Richard.
#LouisAndRichard http://smarturl.it/LouisAndRichard
“Who’s Richard?” one may ask. Richard is a lovely 83 years old British man who sadly lost his wife around the same time Louis lost his mum. In the video, Louis takes Richard to several places in order for him to fullfill his bucket list: they go racing, they drive a helicopter, Richard gives Louis a tattoo – and in the end, he performs in front of a sold out arena.
An incredibly heartwarming video if you ask us!
4. ‘We Made It’ signage in Times Square
“The song started with the title and we were talking about what the title means to me. It kind of was a message between the fans and myself that we made it. The feel of touring together, that’s the theme. It was the base and we really raved about those moments.”
“We Made It” is a song Louis built around the concept of ‘making it’ together with his fans. We can only imagine how much of a proud moment it must’ve been for him to see himself on a huge Billboard in Times Square when it was released!
Absolutely buzzing for this! Massive love @spotify ! I just wanna say another massive general thank you to anyone who has helped work the record and of course the biggest thanks goes to you, the fans.
His “Thank you,” as always, went to the fans who supported the song.
5. The iconic note that changed everything
Wanted to get this off my chest
Changing your whole sound may be terrifying to many artists – but not to Louis Tomlinson. He already went through something similar, after all, when he decided to take matters into his own hands and revolutionized One Direction’s whole discography, writing banger after banger and giving the band a chance to rise out of the “bubblegum pop” genre they had been put into.
The aforementioned note was tweeted by Louis as an announcement to fans: from now on, I’ll be myself, regardless of how well my music might do charts and sales wise.
It takes bravery to make such a move. Congrats, Louis! We’re behind you!
6. Don’t go against One Direction…
…or you might have to face serious consequences.
Such as, dealing with a very angry Louis.
Biggest load of bullshit I’ve seen in a while. Typical unprovoked venom from The Mirror. Couldn’t be further from the truth!
Ouch! We believe someone from The Mirror had to deal with loads of backlash – and probably an unhappy boss – after Louis’ tweet.
They clearly did it to rile fans up because they knew everyone was hyped for the band’s anniversary… actually disgusting how they would use such delicate topics against you guys. Imagine studying journalism for years to come up with bullshit like that….. ridiculous
I know tragic isn’t it! Anyway said my piece moving on
Louis didn’t stop there – he also called their poor attempt to bring the band down “tragic”. We couldn’t agree more.
7. Our Teen Choice Artist is:
For the third year in a row, Louis went and secured himself a Teen Choice Award, this time as “Choice Song Male Artist” for ‘Two Of Us’.
He’s only gone and won another Teen Choice Award! Well done @Louis_Tomlinson - You have the best fans on the planet  #TwoOfUs
Your #ChoiceSongMaleArtist is…@Louis_Tomlinson! #TeenChoice
And for the third year in a row he gushed about how much he loves his fans, and how grateful he is for their constant support.
Could we love him more? We don’t think so, but we hope our list of Louis’ top 7 moments of 2019 made YOU love him more!
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memoirsofrkxjiyeon · 4 years
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                             Namji ♥ Jiyeon x Namjoon
"HE LOOKS AT HER                                   AND SEES EVERYTHING HE’S EVER WANTED."
   "HE LOOKS AT HIMSELF                                            AND SEES NOTHING SHE DESERVES."
Once upon a summer at BBQ party on 26th July 2018, a girl and a boy met for the first time not knowing how many times their crossed paths and how many friends they had in common. He called himself KT’s prince and herself Sphere’s Sleeping Beauty thus silly friendship was born joking about fairytales. This is why the first song in their playlist would be…
An Unusual Prince/Once Upon A Dream from Sleeping Beauty
The two friends decided to work together on a project as Namjoon needed an outlet to show off his talents since he has been in the KT’s dungeon for a long time on 26th January 2019 . The trainees performed this cute love song at the coex mall at Gangnam, they had a lot of fun performing together. Jiyeon was quite impressed hearing Namjoon’s rapping for the first time it was quite nice on the ears and she even stage kissed him on the cheek at the end of the performance. It was a cute friendship to watch from afar and people start to notice..
OOPS by G.NA feat BTOB Ilhoon
10th March 2019 was the start of vacation she would never forget along with finding out a little about more about the prince Namjoon. It was the moment when she found out he is from a lot of money even found a nice luxury hotel in Cancun and allow her friends to come along on this fun little getaway. During the vacation, the two friends may have a moment at the piano even help Jiyeon find her love for the instrument as they both played around on the piano in the hotel lobby after a few drinks. They talked about their love for film La La Land even mentions that Jiyeon bought a yellow dress cause of the movie and Namjoon cheeky response to that was, “I’d like to see that dress one of these days” with a playful wink. The girl laughed it off saying in his dreams then wishes him goodnight…
City Of Stars By Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone from La-La Land
It seemed the friendship between the two friends caught the eye of their mutual friend Gray and like any good friend would do if they believe the two people were right for each other. He shipped them very hard with all his soul so one evaluation Namjoon & Jiyeon were feeling little mischievous and decided to prank their lovely friend Gray by pretending to be a couple through this evaluation project for giggles in April 2019. By both of their surprises it seems quite easy to play to pretend they didn’t really need to work hard to do it, it felt very natural too. It was a lot of fun even though it seems the company pranked them at the end of evaluation making her believe it was karma saying they shouldn’t have prank their friend like that. Maybe Jiyeon was lookin’ for a man who’s realer after all this time or not..
Oh Na Na by K.A.R.D
25th May 2019 on one fateful Saturday night when Jiyeon was sad alone not to mention shoeless in the pouring rain- Namjoon came to rescue her even though she did not call him it was only by chance he became her hero. He made the rain stop according to her drunk brain calling him magician because of it. However, the morning after he would tease her suggesting they slept together yet instead he was the perfect gentleman even brought her coffee & painkillers. After that, the two became very close by accident then something happened, her heart jumped. Jiyeon’s curiosity about his man grew wanting to know about him, what was his story? “I’m asking, please will you tell me your story? I wanna know. Don’t try to hide it, I’ll be on your side”
Save Me, Save You by WJSN
The month of September was a tough one, during a gathering she found out something about Namjoon which made her heart hurt little even feels little jealous causing Jiyeon to make her fool out of herself. He went on date with her close friend of hers Hwayoung even discussing another one at the party right in front of her. How could Jiyeon be mad right? It was only a moment yet she could taste the bitterness in her mouth. Namjoon approached Jiyeon if they could work together for monthly evaluation, every practice was secret glances between the two who oblivious liked each other and it didn’t help the song they performed together to trigger some emotions deep inside their hearts. 30th September 2019 the duo performed this emotional ballad revealing their true emotions for lyrics as reminds me of that night, ‘'the deeply colored night sky is filled with you, who won’t leave’
Jang Jae In - Auditory Hallucination (feat. NaShow)
The winter came along with a misunderstanding between them as Namjoon saw Jiyeon with another man making him feel bitter yet happy as she deserves only the best in the world. It was not as it seemed like all the moment she caught a glimpse of him observing herself & her brother. Jiyeon  made haste to go see her friend who didn’t seem like a happy bunny and wanting to clear up the misunderstanding even though it was a little funny how he thought her brother was her boyfriend. He was clearly in need of a friend & she was willing to lend an ear so the two had heart to heart on swings of children's playground in the middle of the night. That night she felt even closer to him learning about his troubles and struggles painting a clearer picture to who he is really was. The girl decided to keep her feelings hidden a little longer it was not the time to confess as she didn’t think he wasn’t in the right place to hear it either, she will always be a friend first and foremost not matter on her personal feelings. We cried and laughed We took each other in, resembling each other On this starry night...December 2019
Jun Hyoseong - Starlight
One day Namjoon asked Jiyeon to go out for dinner cause friends do that however there was secret they were keeping from each other. The fact they were both preparing for their debut however being in different companies they were not allowed to revealed this information to anyone. Due to this Jiyeon was so engrossed in practicing her debut song completely forgetting what the time was, accidentally standing up Namjoon who waited patiently at the restaurant. The girl rushed to the restaurant to find it was too late then she went to his apartment and the truth spilled out along with harsh words. Jiyeon spoke about her feelings honestly yet Namjoon refuse to believe, no, wouldn’t accept cause she deserve better than him. It was obvious they were more to it but they couldn’t reveal that they are debuting to each other.  It felt it was the end for the both of them like their relationship ended before it even began. Don’t say those words, please, You know those words hurt me even more...April 2020
Ending Scene - IU 
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freddie-mercurial · 5 years
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Thank you so, so much to everyone who took part in Maycury Week, whether you were a creator or a consumer or just reblogged the post to help get the word around!  I’m honestly blown away by the number of new fics that were posted for these two and I can’t thank everyone enough for working so hard to post content!  There are 58 fics in the Maycury Week tag on AO3!  As well as some posts on tumblr!
So, as promised, here is the round-up post of Maycury Week!  Please mind the tags and warnings on each of these fics as I’m only copying the summaries!
Fraternity by LydianNode
After a tough day watching the others record "Back Chat," Brian goes to a bar and nurses a beer or six.
Having a normal job might not be so terrible, Brian thought as he signaled for the waiter to bring him another beer. People in normal jobs led safe, ordinary lives. They didn't get close enough to their co-workers to consider them brothers, didn't long for their approval, weren't willing to fight and die for them.
People in normal jobs didn't get stabbed in the back by harsh words gleefully sung to a catchy disco tune.
she's a killer queen by tartymoriarty
Brian finds himself somewhat distracted during the filming of I Want To Break Free. Freddie can't blame him.
(Don't Send Me To) The Path Of Nevermore by annieapple24
Using the prompt "it’s roger’s wedding and freddie’s had a little too much to drink. he gets very emotional during his speech and brian takes him outside to help him calm down a little" for Maycury week!
Here He Comes Now [Maycury Week] by LunaSoul
My contributions for Maycury Week.
he's my champion by Jenfly
A few pieces for the Maycury/Frian week.
Breakthru by jessahmewren
Wearing lingerie has always helped boost Brian's mood, but it's a secret he's kept hidden from Freddie, until now.
One Day by NightOfTheLand
A sleepy morning in bed and confessions are made.
A Truth by LydianNode
Freddie watches Roger's and Brian's segment of "Good Rockin' Tonight" and learns a truth.
"I know WHY we're doing it!" The irritable tone in Brian's voice gave way on a crack as he continued. "I just...I can't do what you do, sit there and blithely lie about the band, about Freddie being so sick."
"I'm not BLITHE. It's fucking hard work."
"And I'm saying I don't think I can do it. You covered up, but what if I make a mistake, say the wrong thing?" A brittle laugh filled the microphone. "We're in a world where the wrong thing to say is the truth and the right one's a lie."
"So don't tell a lie," Roger advised. "And don't tell the truth. Just tell *A* truth. Not about what's happening, but how you feel."
Brian snorted. "*A* truth."
Harmony in my Head (love in my heart) by sammyspreadyourwings
Every soulmate group has a shared language in their head. Brian's happens to be music, it should be easy enough to find them. He just hopes his first meeting goes smoothly.
something borrowed, something blue by rory_the_dragon
Written for the prompt: it’s roger’s wedding and freddie’s had a little too much to drink. he gets very emotional during his speech and brian takes him outside to help him calm down a little.
(Day one of Maycury Week)
lucky, lucky me by keepurselfalive
Brian held out his hands, opening them so Freddie could see the tiny clover – fours leaves and everything – that he was hoarding.
sometimes things fall apart by TimeTurnedFragile
It wasn't anger in Freddie's voice, wasn't anything that easy. Anger Brian's used to; he knows when to push past it and when to leave it alone, mostly. This isn't anger, this is something scarier, something like not being in love.
in all but name by salazarsslytherin
"I’m going to marry you one day.”
Freddie laughs into his mouth. “That’s not even legal.”
“Just wait,” Brian promises.
fingers by e_is_better_than_a
Freddie's fingers ache and Roger wants him to meet his friend.
flowers on his arm by disco__deaky
brian may has been waiting to meet his flower drawing soulmate his whole life.
(maycury week 2019; soulmate au!!)
from all this gloom life can start anew by epherians
Freddie and Brian find comfort through the song “Dear Friends.” Based on a future scene for No Weaknesses.
Written for Day 1 of Maycury Week 2019.
you have (stolen) my heart by patchworkangel
I'd marry you, he'd think, and make you this happy forever.
A silly daydream, really.
we may whisper once more (it's you I adore) by tartymoriarty
There was an awful time in the middle of it all when Brian thought they might not recover from the tension and the arguments and the ugly words thrown out in anger, but they did. Against the odds, the band scraped out alive, and his and Freddie’s relationship with it.
After everything, Brian wants to do something nice for Freddie.
Falling Into You by jessahmewren
Brian's first day of Uni starts with a few hitches, until he meets an enigmatic young man with a slight overbite.
Slow the Tempo (back to basics) by sammyspreadyourwings
1986 brings a lot of challenges to Queen, both professionally and personally. Freddie and Brian's relationship is one of them.
the wonder that's keeping the stars apart by rory_the_dragon
Brian might be starting to get into some trouble here.
(Part III in the College AU Series)
Posted for Day Two of Maycury Week
oh honey, i'll do anything for you by obscuriaal
Freddie's been trying to get Brian's attention for months; he tries something new.
love like fools by salazarsslytherin
“He was wearing his sex shirt,” he says numbly.
“...His what?”
“You know!” Freddie says. He waves his hand out toward the door Brian’s just disappeared through. “His fucking sex shirt! He always wears that shirt when it’s the night. He’s going to have sex with her, Roger!”
Roger snorts. “Brian does not have a sex shirt,” he says.
Freddie is jealous. Brian, it turns out, is also jealous.
wanna know that body like it's mine by keepurselfalive
"I don't want to rush you or anything, darling,” he said breathlessly, shifting his hips in a slow roll against Brian's dick, "but I have been waiting a really long time for you to fuck me."
soul brother by e_is_better_than_a
freddie has a surprise for a really sad brian.
down on my knees (i want to take you there) by TimeTurnedFragile
The problem--Freddie has determined--with being in love with The Most Beautiful Boy on the Planet, is that it's hard to just buy him a beer or something pedestrian like that, but Freddie can't really afford much else.
floating around in ecstasy by disco__deaky
Brian and Freddie experience a bunch of firsts.
I've Got a Surprise For You by BohemianBeth
A Four Magical Misfits one-shot for Maycury week. 5 times Brian comforted Freddie and one time Freddie comforted Brian.
give me your mind baby give me your body by tartymoriarty
“I tell you what,” Brian says, phrasing it like a spontaneous suggestion even though Freddie knows he has absolutely been planning this for the last three days. “You do something for me, and once you’ve done that, I’ll take the plug out and I’ll fuck you. How does that sound?”
if we loved again (i swear i'd love you right) by salazarsslytherin
“Roger,” Brian snaps. “Tell me what’s wrong. Is Freddie okay?”
“He’s lost a lot of memories,” Roger says bluntly. “About five years or so, we think. Maybe six? He doesn’t know Queen split up. He doesn’t know about Deaky. He thinks…”
Brian doesn’t need him to finish. Five years ago, he’d been more happy than he could fathom. They’d been on top of the world, dominating in the charts, jetting off around the world to play to thousands of adoring fans and falling into bed together each night, so giddy and in love Brian had never dreamed anything might ruin it.
love you a little, love you a latte by rory_the_dragon
Brian is running late when he sees the sign that’s going to ruin the rest of his already shitty day.
(Written for Day Three of Maycury Week: Coffee Shop AU)
stop making me laugh! by disco__deaky
maycury week day 3;
freddie and brian have some fun .
My Soul's Lover by yasmamamercury (TwistOfLily)
The boys are just finishing up the Hot Space album and things have been tense. Brian's convinced that his boys have fallen out of love with him, until Freddie sets the record straight with a well-planned surprise.
The Song They Created by LydianNode
Freddie and Brian have a moment backstage before their Live Aid duet. (Prompt for Day 3 of Maycury Week.)
"It's nice, this. Just a few minutes for the two of us." Freddie turned his warm eyes up to catch Brian's gaze. "We don't do it enough."
Not since Munich, Brian didn't say, but he must have stiffened a little because Freddie reached up to tangle his fingers in Brian's hair.
Ode to Joy (a Queen Cover) by sammyspreadyourwings
Brian and Freddie have a silly moment during sex
a fat bottomed surprise by e_is_better_than_a
Freddie arranges a little surprise for their tour.
i ride off alone (help me hold on to you) by keepurselfalive
He wondered when they had started fighting like adults instead of bickering like kids.
I love You 'cause you're sweet (and I love You 'cause you're naughty) by BambiRex
This is my contribution to the Maycury week. I went with the costumes/roleplay prompt.
you got a face that begs for love by tartymoriarty
Brian glances at Freddie again. Freddie’s mouth is still downturned, his eyes are still sad, and that simply will not do.
Photograph by jessahmewren
Brian is a soon-to-be single parent who meets a charming photographer who helps him discover his true worth.
For the Man that Has Everything by lover_of_blue_roses
What to buy the man that has everything? Why, the wrong thing of course.
where you are wanted by keepurselfalive
Freddie shows up at Brian's new house the day after he moves in.
so take a chance with me by rory_the_dragon
Brian and Freddie share a moment during Freddie's 39th Birthday Party.
(Written for Maycury Week: Day Four)
gift giving by e_is_better_than_a
Brian doesn't know what to get a man that has everything.
Eternity (I give to you) by sammyspreadyourwings
Brian May struggles to figure out what he can give Freddie for his birthday.
You Make It Easier by WritingSiren
Brian's been in the hospital for three weeks now, and he's convinced himself that he just may go crazy if he stays here any longer. But there's one thing he always looks forward to ever since he's been here. -- Written for Maycury Week: day 5
Prompt: "brian's in hospital slowly recovering from hepatitis; freddie visiting him every day is the only thing keeping him sane."
there's no place for us by tartymoriarty
There’s something delicate about this one. He’s short, a lot smaller than Brian, and slender with it too, all slim wrists and sharp cheekbones. When he tips his head back and smiles up at Brian, a dimple winking in his cheek, he keeps his mouth closed.
Brian would quite like to see that mouth open around Brian’s name, but that isn’t what he came to the club for. He came to feed and the club is as good a hunting ground as any.
Round the new moon's shine by Tikini
The neck shrugged again. “I have no interest in women. And I have no interest in seeing anyone drown. The men however…” He eyed Brian intensely and licked his lips. “I just can’t have enough of the men.”
“But your song doesn’t work on men.” Brian pointed out.
“No I know.” The neck sighed sadly. “It’s a real dilemma.”
tell my love to wreck it all by salazarsslytherin
“I want to talk to you, anyway,” Brian says quietly. “When you’re done. I’ve been thinking about what you said before I left.”
Brian finally returns home from his trip to Tenerife and goes to Liverpool to bring Freddie home.
slow hands by rory_the_dragon
Brian has privately made his own plans not to leave his bed for love nor money.
And why would he, when he’s got a deliciously warm Freddie Mercury curled up in front of him, asleep, softly snoring, just begging for a day in bed.
(Written for Day Four of Maycury Week)
Midnight in the Meadow by jessahmewren
A young scientist has an unexpected meeting with an unusual vampire and becomes immediately intrigued.
sleepy stars by e_is_better_than_a
Brian has to drag Freddie away from his cauldron after hours of trying to make his potion right.
the light of the night burned bright by tartymoriarty
“They, ah.” Brian pauses and clears his throat, stepping aside to let Freddie in properly. “They mixed up the room details, I think.”
Freddie looks past him. The lamps aren’t on so all he’s got to see by is the light from the corridor beyond; it takes him a moment to register what Brian means. Their bags have been brought ahead, left at the foot of the bed. The bed, singular.
An (Almost) Missed Connection by WritingSiren
Freddie Bulsara has been closely following a band called Smile ever since they started. He's developed a crush on the guitarist, Brian, and he's pretty sure he likes him too. If only he could work up the courage to talk to him... -- Written for Maycury Week: day 7
Prompt: "brian's in a band called smile trying to make things work between music and his degree when his bandmate tim introduces them to his friend, freddie. the rest is history."
don't you hear me calling you? by tartymoriarty
In all the worlds in all the universes that ever existed or will exist, there is a Brian, and there is a Freddie.
rest and relaxation by e_is_better_than_a
After recording their first album, Brian and Freddie are ready to enjoy time alone.
we inhale, exhale, and reset by starrydrowse
He’s in his own bed— finally— after endless months of cramped tour bus bunks and fancy hotel rooms that, while nice (and unquestionably better than the shoddy Holiday Inns they’d stayed in during their early years) always leave a bit of a sour taste in Brian’s mouth.
He’s finally home and he has nowhere at all to be— no plans, no commitments— nothing even remotely important to think about except for Freddie, warm and wrapped in his arms, clinging to him, breathing softly as he sleeps.
Or, Brian and Freddie spend a morning taking things slow.
(in)finite by fortyfive_rpm (2davidbeckham3)
Poem set during Brian and Freddie's Live Aid performance of "Is This the World We Created?"
Feel Your Heartbeat by CommonSenseisPaineful
'-it shouldn’t be frightening, he tried to rationalise. He was just shopping. For lingerie. For lingerie that would fit him- oh god this was a bit too much to handle.' ~ For Frian/Maycury week; Brian is curious, Freddie is flirty, and dressing rooms are much more private to everyone's delight.
A Misunderstandment by Blackbean
"I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore." Freddie felt his heart break.
The More I'm Trying by CommonSenseisPaineful
'And if I say I love you in the candle light there's no-one but myself to blame' ~ 'First time' for maycury week. Freddie's realising a lot of firsts.
Soft Kisses by NightOfTheLand
Freddie might have gone a little overboard with setting the scene. He ran his sweaty palms down the front of his shirt as he looked around the room. Would Brian even like the candles? The soft sound of Hendrix from the record player in the corner?
~~ Or Freddie and Brian enjoy an evening together
The Wicked Never Sleep by wordwhisper
'God, your voice.’, Brian breathes and Freddie immediately recoils so sharply that he almost hits the opposite wall.
‘My what?’
or the Early- Queen Era 70s (sort of) AU in which Freddie’s a modern-day Siren, Trident is run by Apollo and nothing is as it seems. (inspired by lots of conversations and this post)
Album 12 Track 6 by CommonSenseisPaineful
"I want to stay like this forever"- maycury/frian week. ~ Brian and Freddie write a tune, at the dawn of night.
Levitate by disco__deaky
Brian and Freddie share some love for eachother and their boys.
Maycury week day 5.
Coffee, Cigarettes, and Morning Sex by Anonymous 
"Come on, don't tell me you want coffee more than a blowjob right now?"
aka Brian really wants morning sex, but Freddie's got a few addictions that are getting in the way of that happening.
TUMBLR POSTS (that aren’t already on AO3):
gifset by hammer-to-fall
post from incorrectborhapquotes
fic by stayinqpower - it’s freddie’s birthday and brian doesn’t know what to get for the man who has everything
Tell Him - fic by thosequeenboys
fic by dusty-drabbles - stop making me laugh
I think that’s everything but if I’ve missed anything, please please let me know!  I promise I have not left anything out deliberately so if you posted something and it’s not in here, it’s just my mistake and I’ve missed it!  Let me know and I’ll add it in :) 
Again a massive, massive thank you to everyone who got involved, I cannot thank you enough! 
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horrorboydyke · 4 years
My druck fic master list 2019
you know, nobody asked but i wanted to create a master list of all my druck fics!!! (i’m putting a keep reading split off because this list is quite long)
Something broken about this | 18.3k | Matteo/David
Amira blackmails Matteo into auditioning for Kiki's rendition of Romeo and Juliet where Matteo jokingly decides to audition for the role of Juliet. Little does he know his undiscovered paramour has already gotten the Romeo lead.
Or the Theatre AU nobody asked for
Sleepy Matteo  | 405 | Matteo/David
“Matteo,” David whisperers sweetly, his hand still running through the other boy's hair, he moves his hand down to Matteo’s cheek and sweeps his thumb across his cheekbone. 
Did you break the light? | 332 | Matteo/David
“What light?” Matteo asks with an innocent smile, David rolls his eyes and throws himself down on the sofa next to his obviously guilty boyfriend.
Flowers, flowers and more flowers  | 327 | Matteo/David
“I’m not the best with expressing my feelings through words so like I guess I get you flowers to show you that i love you.”
A kick to the legs | 313 | Matteo/David 
“Fuck you,” David laughs when Matteo kicks the back of his leg. The boys smile at each other with a knowing look in their eyes. 
Cafe or a run? | 402 | Matteo/David
“Nice try, we are both going on a run,” David says louder, Matteo groans even louder in protest. 
Words mumbled back | 321 | Matteo/David
"I love you," he mumbles into Matteo's neck. He feels a smile against his head and the words are mumbled back to him.
when i'm around slow dancing in the dark | 337 | Matteo/David 
“Don’t follow me, you’ll end up in my arms,” he sings softly. Matteo sighs happily and buries his head back into David's chest, letting himself be swayed.
Will you share your soul with me? | 1k | Matteo/David
“Not getting to choose who you fall in love with isn’t my ideal way of being in love. What about you? Do you believe in soul mates?” David asks.
a sweet type of pain | 1k | Matteo/David
“It’s gonna be fine,” David reassures him, Matteo nods his head but it’s obvious his nerves are getting the best of him.
“Is it gonna hurt?” Matteo asks
or David finally convinces Matteo to get his nose pierced
I'm not talking 'bout boys, I'm talking 'bout girls | 1.3k | Leonie/Sara
"I think I'm in love with you too," Sara says quietly. Leonie's brain doesn't process the words right away, it takes her a few seconds before she reacts. Her head is swimming and her heart clenches so hard that she thinks she might die.
Abiball moments between Leonie and Sara
A girl that surely deserves me | 1.2k | Leonie/Sara
“You’re drunk,” she says with a sigh. Sara breaths in, her breath shuttering. She shakes her head.
“Not too drunk,” she says and this time it's Leonie turn to shake her head.
“You won’t remember this. When this happens,” Leonie gestures between the two of them, “I want you to be sober enough to remember.”
I wish I were cross-eyed so I can see you twice | 472 | Matteo/David
“I’m lost, can you give me directions to your heart?” Matteo says with a laugh, David shakes his head and laughs.
“There’s only one thing I want to change about you, and that’s your last name,” David says through laughs and Matteo has to sit up before he falls off the bed from laughing too hard.
“Why are the only pickup lines you can find so so terribly bad?” Matteo asks once he stops laughing.
Munchies | 625 | Matteo/David
“Oh, you’re jealous over my relationship with the cat aren’t you?” Matteo accuses, David laughs and shakes his head at his boyfriend.
“No Matteo, I’m not jealous because last time I checked, you only have sex with one person out of the two of us and I’m pretty sure it’s not the cat,” David says with a laugh, Matteo rolls his eyes at his boyfriend and pouts.
 will you come a little closer now? | 400 | Matteo/David
“what’s cookin, good lookin’?” Matteo asks with a slightly hysterical laugh, David huffs and shakes his head with a smile. Matteo introduces him to his friends and every time they meet someone new, David’s heart jumps out of his chest when Matteo introduces him and his boyfriend.
“I know that it’s the alcohol that's making you do this but I really love you introducing me as your boyfriend,” David whispers to him when they get some time alone. Matteo smiles lopsidedly at him and shakes his head.
A stick in the mud | 536 | Matteo/David
He comes around the corner and stops still as he sees that the boys are covered head to toe in mud, it’s matted into their hair, covering every inch of their clothing, sucking the colours they are wearing into a thick brown mess.
“What….the….fuck?” David asks slowly, the boys smile sheepishly at him while Matteo just stares at him knowing that they are all about to get their asses whooped.
The masks that we wear | 415 | Matteo/David
He eventually put down his mask and waited for David to put his down to, it took longer then he expected but he waited patiently knowing that this part is never easy. Eventually, David put down his mask and Matteo felt like he was at a loss for words, they shredded their masks and were exposed.
He was scared to put his mask down, everyone is. He didn’t want David to know who he was, he didn’t want David to know how sad he was all the time, how quiet he was but in the end, that's what brought them closer together. Two unmasked people in love, their hearts in the hands of each other, vulnerable and raw.
heavy from the hurt | 1.7k | Matteo/David
David wishes Matteo would yell at him, screaming at him, call him an asshole but he was just silent and that hurt more.
“I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” David says, his voice so loud in the room devoid of sound. The abundance of never-ending sorries doesn’t seem to clear away the feeling of hurt from the room.
or David says something mean to Matteo
I could've lost my mind | 517 | Matteo/David
Matteo had been prone to nightmares ever since he was little, he started getting them once or twice a month, he’d wake up crying, his brain sore and his throat dry, his mum would come in and read him back to sleep.
or Matteo has nightmares and David helps
into the cold | 990 | Matteo/David
“I’m glad I met you,” Matteo says, he turns to look at his boyfriend.
“I’m glad I met you too,” David says fondly as he turns to look at Matteo.
“No, like people just say that. I really mean it, you help change me and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you,” Matteo says earnestly. Matteo knows that if he could, he would give his heart to David, he would rip it out of his chest and present it on a silver platter. Words had never been Matteo’s strong suit but he thinks that every word out of David’s mouth is poetry.
or David and Matteo break into their old school
I'm almost me again, she's almost you | 819 | Leonie/Sara
“You won’t be alone, you have me,” Leonie says and Sara smiles sadly at her.
“I love you,” Sara says so sincerely that it makes Leonie’s heart hurt.
“I love you too,” Leonie says and she means it with everything in her.
“No, you don’t get it, I love you like I love love you,” Sara says and Leonie stops breathing.
There's things I wanna say to you | 731 | Leonie/Sara
Leonie loved every person she’d ever dated, she'd come to realize it wasn’t even romantic love, she loved Jonas but after a while, she realized that she loved him like a best friend not as a boyfriend. She never had experienced the type of love her parents described, the type of love where you’d give everything and anything to make the other person smile.
Until Sara
So don't you ask me to give it back | 464 | Matteo/David
Ever since Matteo was young, he had trouble with people giving him things. He'd get itchy and uncomfortable when someone would buy him something from the kindness of their hearts or when he got a gift for Christmas or his birthday. As he grew older, that manifested into a deep discomfort towards people directing emotions at him, wither that emotion was love, happiness, anger or sadness.
Or Matteo struggles with people giving him things and with needing people
burning words | 349 | Matteo/David   
“Last night I tried to imagine myself without you. The thing is, I could and I felt so much better,” he says and watches as the words reach his boyfriend's ears, David stands up and leaves the apartment.
Matteo says something mean and regrets it
i feel overgrown | 359 | Matteo/David
After he moved out, things got better for a little while. Meeting David helped a bit, David made him happy but when things got complicated between them his depression came back and hit him like a brick.
I just wanna be the reason you can smile til you're sore | 729 | Matteo/David
“Okay, where are all my jumpers?” David asks as he turns to Matteo who has pulled David’s blanket over his head in an attempt to hide.
“If I can’t see you, you can’t see me,” Matteo says but his words come out muffled.
“Matteo, where are my jumpers?” he asks again and starts walking slowly towards where Matteo had ‘hidden’ himself on David’s bed.
Take my darkness and make it bright badass wives | 583 | Leonie/Sara
“You tell me you’re in love with me, I tell you I love you back and you say how you have so much to say but now you’re all quiet,” Sara says in disbelief and Leonie stays quiet, afraid that her voice might break the world, that it will ruin things for good.
badass wives | 512 | Leonie/Sara
they usually don’t have many spiders in their apartment but when they do, Leonie lets everyone know by letting out an ear-piercing scream that causes anyone in the apartment to go running towards the sound. Sara still brings up the time when they had David and Matteo over for dinner and when Leonie went to get more wine, she found a spider and screamed so loud that David slipped over while he ran to make sure she was okay.
Ophelia | 2.2k | Matteo/David
“She helped me when I was getting bullied as stupid as that sounds,” David says with a quiet huff of a laugh later that night with both of them cuddled up on the sofa, “I remember one night when I had come home from school and I was crying in my bed, she meowed and scratched at the door until I let her in, she jumped up onto my bed and wrapped herself around me until I seemed calmer. She did it so often, I feel like she could sense when I was in distress or upset.”
“She did that with me too when my ex-girlfriend and I broke up,” Laura says sadly but with a small smile on her face.
“I know you used to call her Nox behind my back,” Laura turns to him and says with a cheeky smile.
or my gift for the druck gift exchange!
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