#they kept each other sane in Azkaban
motherfuckingmaneater · 11 months
Bellatrix: so… how are things?
Sirius, in the cell next to her: shut up Bella.
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impishtubist · 5 months
Sirius chaos anon back for more (not a native english speaker BTW, please forgive my typos):
I think that Sirius Black is one of the only characters to genuinely challenge the system in HP. I called him anti-autoriteran for a reason: he knows people in power that everyone think are right can be wrong, and that everyone can make mistakes. He’s the only one to challenge Dumbeldore’s opinions and show mistrust of him without being outright vilified. However the Narrative karmically forces it to be a mistake every time, and punishes him for it. He’s the only character to challenge the idea that goodness isn't an inherent character trait but something you must choose, work on, and question over and over again. He knows good people can make bad and even evil choices.
The systems failed him time and time again. In his abusive upbringing, in failing to adress the growing threat of the death eaters, in never giving him a trial, in ignoring his mental and physical needs as long as they can use his property. He has no reason to trust people in power have his wellbeing in mind.
He is not stupid, far from it, he probebly is the best critical thinker in the cast. He was so deeply traumatized by injustice it’s literally the core of his personality and what kept him sane in Azkaban. He knows actions have consequences more them most others, but still chooses the subversive path because he trusts his own judgment more than the authority. I fully believe that’s why he needed to be killed at Ootp, and reframed post-mortem.
Bonus: If anyone thinks that a flighty, stupid, and spoilt person that needs tough love comes from an overtly abusive home: you have no idea how human psychology works. choosing as a kid do openly oppose you parental abuser and discured the ideologies and identities they push is a sign of personality who deeply mistrust power and an unwillingness to give yourself over even for the price of safety. That's why common fanon wolfstar makes no sense to me.
However, the closer to the cannon iteration of Remus would be attractive to him, in my opinion. Not only because he's a living proof of how wrong everything he was taught about werewolves is, but because he can identify with the position of being told he is bad because something intrinsic he cannot control and having to prove his goodness over and over.
Yes, all of this! You're especially right about Sirius being the only critical thinker in the cast, and yet the narrative forces him to be wrong/punished for it each time.
Wolfstar is so interesting when you stick to their canon selves! I will never understand fanon Remus, or the fandom obsession with him.
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padfootastic · 1 year
Those things that are all “Sirius abandoned Harry” always make me grit my teeth because no, no he didn’t. He didn’t mindlessly go after Peter, he tried to get Harry first but Hagrid refused on Dumbledore’s orders; it’s only when Hagrid will not give Harry to Sirius that Sirius makes the decision to go after Peter and gives Hagrid his bike. Sirius, the only person who knew Peter was the Secret Keeper and an animagus, tried to get rid of Peter, who did in fact pose a danger seeing as that’s the literal basis of the GOF plot. Was it reckless of him to not tell anyone about who the Secret Keeper was? Yes, but considering what the Ministry is like, I can’t exactly blame him for not thinking they’d actually be of any use (and look at the facts: Sirius is thrown in Azkaban without a trial or any sort of investigative process and it seems as if the majority of the living Death Eaters walked free. If Sirius didn’t think the Ministry would actually believe him on Peter, he’s not wrong to). Sirius was then in Azkaban for years and it’s realizing Peter is around Harry that gives him the clarity to escape. He may have kept his sanity in Azkaban, but that doesn’t mean that he was totally unaffected by the Dementors. We have no clue when he realized he could escape using his animagus form, but it’s highly doubtful that he realizes it early on in Azkaban. He’s got Dementors around him day and night, Fudge explicitly says he was one of the most heavily guarded prisoners in POA, and Sirius himself states that realizing Peter was going to be near Harry have him strength and clarity but this wasn’t taken by the Dementors because it wasn’t a happy thought (meaning he’s still affected by them even if he’s using Padfoot and his innocence to retain his sanity). Another thing, Sirius did not know what Harry’s life with the Dursleys was like. When he asks Harry to come live with him and there’s a brief moment of hesitation/whatever (I don’t have the book right in front of me and I can’t remember the specific details of Harry’s initial response), Sirius responds with something along the lines of “right, you wouldn’t want to leave your aunt and uncle,” so Sirius had no clue that the Dursley situation was what it was. Harry tells almost nobody what it’s like in his house, Sirius is likely under the impression that they fight like kids and parents do (since he sees Harry walk out after a fight but what kid hasn’t wanted to storm out after a fight with their guardians) but they still love each other. Sirius may have known Petunia and Lily didn’t get along (not sure if Lily ever told him about their relationship), but probably thought that Petunia would at least raise Lily’s kid with love (or at least not outright hatred and make sure the child is safe and healthy; the bar is on the floor but the Dursleys decided that was too high) like literally any normal and sane person would do. Sirius is essentially stuck in hell for 12 years and the moment he is out, he is dedicated to Harry’s safety. He escapes because he knows Peter is a threat to Harry’s safety and he is the only person who knows this (shame Remus never saw Scabbers, that would make a real interesting AU. Ron brings his rat to DADA to escape Hermione’s nightmare cat and Remus spots the rat form of one of his best friends who died 13 years ago, it’s missing a finger and that’s all that was left of Peter, and Remus would know that a. something is very much going on here and the events of that fateful Halloween need to be investigated and b. an innocent man would not live as a rat for 12 years when everyone thinks Voldemort is dead and never coming back), Sirius agrees not to kill Peter so that they can use him as proof to clear Sirius’s name so that he can have legal custody of Harry, he lives in a cave and eats whatever animals he can find because Harry’s stuck in a death tournament and nobody knows how this happened, and then Sirius offers up his awful childhood house as headquarters and agrees to stay there in spite of how terrible it is for him so that he’s close to Harry and can help him.
anon, i've ranted about this multiple times but you've, in one ask, put it much better and more eloquently than i ever could have. thank you. please know i agree with every single word of this.
sirius never abandoned harry (other than his first bday and, perhaps that time after gof he left abruptly) and i hate it when people use the reckless, hysterical angle to prop this point up
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charliedawn · 1 year
Bo Sinclair x Reader :
Author : I've got no excuse for writing this. It's pure filth. I just discovered Bo Sinclair and I wanted to write something about him because....HE'S SO PRETTY ! And the accent got me. Okay. I just...Yeah. I'm going to Azkaban for this. Enjoy. 💜
It all started with a look—barely a glance really...He could have ignored it easily. He could have looked away and kept praying to whoever was listening...But, his eyes seemed to find yours every single time.
Bo was but a wee boy at the time, and you were...How should he put it ? You were infuriating in the best possible way. Your parents had landed in Ambrose a few years back for work, and he had met you at one of those boring Sunday church's gatherings.
A discreet smile, a knowing gleam in your eyes and then, the tip of your tongue wetting your lips...His eyes were drawn to it immediately and his breath hitched. He bit his inner cheek in order not to huff out a laugh as you cheekily winked at him and you hid your smile behind your conjoined hands. You were doing everything but praying at this point...But, he still pretended to be focused on what the priest was blabbering on about instead of how his heart was beating a thousand miles an hour.
His parents noticed. Hell—the whole town noticed. But, they didn't care enough to stop the both of you from seeing each other.
True. You had never called him more than your best friend when he wanted to kiss you and let you ride him from night till dawn but, hey ! Losers can't be choosers. That's what his mother had always told to him anyway.
So, when you had decided to leave and start a new life outside of Ambrose, he didn't stop you. He actually wanted to go with you. He had left you a letter—telling you he would be go with you if only you'd ask. He wanted to go and be happy with you—like he knew he could have been.
But, he didn't find you the next day and realized that, you were already gone—without even saying goodbye...And he regretted that letter every minute of every day, because it was the only existing proof of your power over him, the proof that he used to have a heart...one you tear away from him the day you left. He never told you that the only thing keeping him sane at the time was you. He went down the murder slide the moment your lovely self wasn't there to be his moral compass any longer...and when his parents died, that's when Ambrose really went downhill and he couldn't do a thing about it.
The Sinclairs were the only ones remaining now, and he thought he would never get to see you ever again...until his little brother found you that is.
Now :
You had just turned left to take Curtly street when you car seemed to hit something on the road. You soon found out that one of your tires had burst—because of the heat no doubt—and you sighed deeply in annoyance.
It was going to be a long day...
You closed you eyes and then, you heard a car pull on your side of the road a few steps further. You opened your eyes and looked at the old run-down truck and frowned.
Why did it seem so familiar ?
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"Damn. That was a pretty nasty bump on the road. You' alright, stranger ?", the owner of the truck asked before leaning forward to check on you. The way he drawled his words, his kind smile and familiar dark eyes made you think back of the days where this town used to be your home.
"...Letty ?", you asked hesitantly and his smile faded for just a second as he wondered how you knew him ? You were both surprised, but his eyes quickly lit up in recognition as you smiled up at him.
"...Y/N ?"
You nodded and quickly got out of the car to give him a big hug. He was taken aback for a moment before he smiled—happy to see you again.
"Letty ! It's been too long."
Lester's smile turned genuine as he remembered fondly all the memories he had of you. True. You had never shared the same special connection than you used to have with Bo—but you had always been good friends. He closed his eyes and took a big breath of your familiar fragrance...Even after all those years, you still smelled like sweet pineapple to him.
You eventually had to pull away and he bumped your shoulder playfully.
"Sure has ! What are you doing back in town ?" He secretly hoped you were here to visit them. Lester eyed your car and mentally registered that it looked like you would need a little help to get back on the road...Maybe you'd even accept to stay for a few days ?
"I was driving by and thought I'd give the old folks a visit. How have you been ? How's the family ?", you asked and Lester's smile faltered slightly as he thought about his brothers. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously before answering you frankly.
"Well, Vincent still is ol' Vincent. Still carves. And Bo...Bo is Bo. He took care of us. Ya know...since Ma' and Pa' died.", he explained and you lowered your eyes in sorrow. You had never approved of how they treated Bo, but it didn't mean you had wished them any harm.
"I'm sorry.", you told him truthfully and Lester nodded absent-mindedly.
"Yeah...", he replied and shook his head before smiling again. "Say, dya want me to drop you off in town ? Bo could fix your car and you'd be on your way in a day or two—tops.", he estimated and even though he knew it didn't take long for a flat tire to be changed—he hoped you'd accept.
You smiled and were about to accept when you thought back on how you had left things with Bo...He didn't know you were back, and you didn't know if he should ? Lester was too young to remember, but you had entered into a huge fight before you left and you didn't know how he would react by your sudden reappearance ? Would he mind you staying for a little while ? On the other hand, it would be considered rude to refuse and you really needed someone to get a look at your car...
"Fine.", you finally said before getting in the passenger seat and Lester's smile widened. He then drove you back to town and you arrived in front of the garage. You hopped off and started looking around—but no Bo to be found.
"Thank you so much for giving me a lift.", you told Lester who beamed at you.
"No problem.", he then eyed you a little closer and then realized something. Your clothes. You were dressed very...nun-like.
"Say, Y/N. Why you dressed like that ?", he asked.
You looked down at your clothes and offered Lester a knowing smile before extending your hand forward. "Sister Y/N."
Lester's eyes widened at the realization and he laughed in disbelief.
"No shit ! You actually a nun, or sumthin' ?", he asked and you laughed kind-heartedly before shaking your head.
"Nah. Not yet anyway...Just preparing myself for it. I was on my way to the covent to pledge my vows. I truly believe it is my calling...you know ?". Lester tilted his head to look at your blissful smile. He didn't really understand, but you seemed really happy...which meant he was happy.
But then, he thought of Bo. He knew his brother had been waiting for you to come back since forever...Lester was even sure he had a picture of you in his room somewhere...
"Wow...Deep. Didn't know you cared so much about all that religious stuff. Kinda figured you came here because Bo was here.", he confessed and your eyes widened slightly in surprise.
"...Really ? Why ?"
"I was asking myself the same damn thing."
You both turned around to see Bo standing there—his eyes set on the both of you with a small scowl on his face. Bo sent a warning glance to his little brother who immediately started staring at the floor sheepishly. He hadn't meant to talk more than he ought to—but sometimes his mouth seemed to go faster than his brain.
Bo then took a glance at you and stopped himself from snorting at your new dress code.
Yeah...As if that was true. You couldn't hide anything from him. He knew you. You were no saint.
He had thought of you for years—had dreamt of you even. He had imagined all the ways his hands could have grabbed you, squeezed you, make a big fuckin' mess out of you...And, you were here now. Damn. To think he had just wished upon a star to get you home and here you were.
Wishes did come true.
"Y/N. It's been a long time..", he greeted you with a polite smile and didn't expect it when you suddenly embraced him and smiled against his cheek.
"I missed you, Trouble.", you said and Bo almost lost it at his old nickname. He was almost ready to shed a tear and return your hug—only to remember how you had left him. You hadn't replied to a single letter he had sent you and the knowledge made his hug a little too tight for comfort.
"Yeah. Me too." You frowned at the sudden coldness in his answer, but didn't say anything.
Bo finally released you and glanced up at Lester who seemed confused at the odd exchange. Bo then eyed the exit sign significantly and Lester quickly understood and let out an awkward chuckle before walking away.
"Well, now that I brought you to the best mechanic in town, I'll be going. He'll fix your car in no time.", Lester assured you and you nodded with a small smile.
"Yeah. Thanks, Letty.", you said with a bright smile.
He nodded shortly and when you had your back turned, Letty's smile vanished for just a second as he glanced at Bo worriedly. He knew what the look on his older brother meant, and Lester shook his head negatively.
'You ain't killing her. She ma friend.', he seemed to say with his eyes. Bo cocked his head and narrowed his eyes at Lester who quickly understood he better get out of here before he got his ass whooped. So, Lester gave you one last concerned look before shaking his head once more and walking out.
Bo waited until he was definitely out of sight before turning back towards you—all prime and proper. You had grown into a fine young woman, and he had an itch at the tip of his fingertips to tarnish this repugnant stench of perfection emanating from you. He had followed your discussion with Lester from the shadows and the thought of you—belonging to anyone but him—made him sick.
You had left him behind, but you were back now. He knew he could paint you in suffering and bring you back to the Y/N he knew and loved. He just had to be patient and make sure to wait for his moment to strike...
He smiled.
"Candy ?", he asked before pulling two out from his pocket. You smiled and accepted one gratefully before popping it into your mouth without a second thought—not noticing how the corner of his mouth twitched upward at the sight.
"It's been a while since you last visited. Want a tour ?", he asked and your smile widened as you nodded eagerly.
"Sure. Hope I didn't miss much. Did you get to do that little wax museum you and Vincent used to talk about ?"
He didn't answer. He preferred to show you.
You walked side by side in the streets and you frowned in incomprehension at the empty streets that used to be buzzing with life. What had happened here ? He led you to the church where you had first met and a chill ran through you at the wax statues there...They all seemed so real—their expressions so life-like. It made you feel as if they were staring at you—warning you. But, you then glanced at Bo and the look he gave you made you want to understand.
He seemed so broken.
"What...happened ?", you asked and Bo let out a small sigh.
"They all left...like you did." He hadn't meant to add that last part—but the way you looked up at him in surprise made him frown.
He grit his teeth and his jaw twitched as you seemed so innocent...free of guilt.
'Lucky you', he thought bitterly before looking at the alter. He had waited for you...For fuckin' forever. Only to realize that you were never going to be his when your parents had told him that you had decided to go away, live your life away from Ambrose—away from him.
"Bo...What are you talking about ?", you asked and he couldn't help but snort in disbelief.
Why did you seem so clueless ? Didn't you know how many times he had tried to reach you ? That night...you hadn't even answered his letter. He had waited all night for the both of you to run away together. He had waited...and waited...and waited...only to be met with big fat disappointment.
"...I don't fuckin' understand, Y/N. What happened that night ?", he asked and your eyes turned sorrowful as you turned back towards him with your eyes playing a sad tune of pity...He hated that look.
"Bo…I…", your heart quickened and you felt trapped as you were surrounded by Bo and the other various wax statues. You couldn't breathe. You tried to move, but he kept an iron grip on you as his ocean blue eyes stared at you intensely—pinning you into place.
"I don't understand, Bo...What night ?"
Bo groaned loudly in annoyance before grabbing your arm and pulling you flush against him. He wanted you to look at him—see the pain and hurt you've caused him.
"...That night. The night you left. The letter I left you. We were supposed to go together. We were suppose' to be good for each other."
You eyes widened slightly at the information and his arms felt like molten iron chains around you—burning you. You tried to push him away, but to no avail.
"Bo...Please. You're hurting me.", you protested—but your complain fell into deaf ears as Bo let out a blood-curdling laugh that reverberated all around the church and only tightened his hold on you.
"Hurting ?", he asked in mocking disbelief. "You don't know hurting...You only know how to hurt."
You had left him behind—as if he was nothing. But, no more. You would never leave him again...
You didn’t have the time to ask what he was talking about that he weaved his fingers in your hair and suddenly pulled you against him, his lips mere inches from yours. He had waited for so long to have you like this...Who could have guessed you would be stupid enough to come back ?
"Kiss me…", he commanded you in a whisper and Bo was so close to you—you could feel his hot breath hit your face. He sounded so desperate and on the verge of breaking.
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"I...Bo...I can't.", you tried to deny—but he wasn't convinced. He had waited for so long—it was high time to rectify his mistake and get rid of whatever little regret and conscience he had left. "Come on, sis’. One kiss. And god as my witness…I'll fix yar car brand new and you won’t see me ever again."
You hesitated. Bo seemed adamant and not in a negotiating kind of mood. You didn't know what letter he was referring to, but it seemed to have deeply affected him. You wished you had the letter in your possession, that you could read it and make out what had been so important to put Bo in such a state.
Was it a love letter ?
An apology letter ?
A lovesick poem ?
"One kiss ?", you finally asked and Bo smiled victoriously—knowing he had won.
"That's right. One kiss."
You looked around at the wax statues and gulped. You were uncomfortable to do this in a place like this, but you had no choice. You puckered your lips and Bo found it endearing when you closed your eyes shut and leaned forward—like a child about to get their first kiss.
"Good girl.", he praised and then smashed his lips against yours. You whimpered slightly at the brutality of the kiss as he started discovering every single part of your mouth and devouring you like he was a starving man—ready to die for a piece of you. He was sucking your soul out of you and you could only fall limp into his arms and let out a series of small high-pitched noises as he seemed unbothered by your buttery state.
"Ssh…Wouldn’t want to wake up the wax puppets, right ?", he teased you when you could barely stand up straight and he grinned knowingly before snaking an arm around your waist to hold you up. "Don't worry, darlin'. I got ya."
He then started leading you further into the church and your brain could barely comprehend what was happening to you as your legs started moving on their own. No..That's not...Something was wrong.
"You...liar.", you whispered as your eyelids fluttered—the glaring lights of the church rendering you blind���and Bo chuckled as he pulled you closer and opened the back door to the church.
"What ? Never said I was honest. Besides, you can’t give a kid a lollipop and just expect him not to suck on it to the heart. I want more. And you' gonna give me more."
You felt dizzy...What was happening to you ? You couldn't think straight and it seemed that Bo knew exactly what was going on as he settled you down on a bed and didn't hesitate before binding you to it.
"You can't imagine how long it took me to find you...How long I've dreamt of this moment...", he spoke to himself more than you—but you listened—and the pieces of the puzzle finally slot into place in your head. A vague moment of clarity.
He had planned it all...You realized. Not only this moment. He had planned it all...The flat tire, Lester coming to get you, the candy...He had planned the whole damn thing. And you had been so easily tricked.
Your eyes watered and you started crying beyond your control. You wished you had never come back to this damn town in the first place. Bo looked at you and his eyes softened for a moment.
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"Ssh...sweetling. I'll make you feel good. Promise. Just, stay still while I see what I'm workin' with, yeah ?" He dropped to his knees and raised your skirt quickly, eager to show you just how good he could make you feel. He thought he would have to prepare you first, but smirked as he discovered something that made his lust for you go through the roof as he glanced up at you.
"…Damn, baby girl. You’re actually drippin' wet. If you wanted me that much, could have just said so in the garage. Would have saved us both sum' time.."
He wanted you to laugh. He didn't know why...He just wanted you to laugh like you used to. He hated the fact that he had to tie you up and make you stay still, but he couldn't trust you yet...And, he had waited long enough.
"You're the devil...", you told him with tears straining your cheek. You looked up at the ceiling and tried not to let him see how affected you were by all this. You loved Bo. You always had...But, you had genuinely no idea why he was doing all this.
He was the one who had asked you to leave in the first place...
"Thanks for coming to terms with that fact so fast, darlin’.", he replied sardonically with a small dark chuckle before suddenly burying his face between your thighs to lick a long strip along your inner thigh. "....You taste sweet, sister. Gotta give it to ya'."
You tried not to cry and think of the way his face was now staring at the one place you thought you'd get to keep intact until the day you died. And even though it was wrong, you liked the way his hands felt as he was pining your down on the table, you liked the way his lips felt against your skin, and most of all—you loved those deep blue eyes fixed on you as he was doing his best to remain focused. Your eyes blurred as you threw your head back at the sensation in your lower region. You didn’t know if he would be mad if you screamed—so you tried to remain silent and still as he kept working on you.
But then, he clicked his tongue in annoyance and stopped. "Ain’t you enjoying this ? Why ain’t you making any sound ? I know I ain’t the Michelangelo of suckin' pussy, but come on !"
For just a second, you were sure to have seen a flash of insecurity in his eyes and you wondered if he really thought you ought to scream to tell him how you felt ? But, it was clearly over as he tsskd dismissively.
"Ya know what ? Fine…I love a good challenge." He then proceeded to throw your legs over his shoulders and pull you infinitely closer as your hand desperately weaved itself into his hair and you pulled instinctively at the dark brown locks. Bo moaned as he started licking and sucking at your clit like a wild savage beast. Your eyes prickled with tears as you threw your head back once more—but still—you refused to give him the satisfaction of your screams. And then, you felt it—this irrepressible urge to just let go. And then, with one last pull on his hair, you came all over Bo's face who seemed surprised at first, but finally laughed.
"Damn, girl. You really missed me, didn't you ?" You looked down at Bo who seemed to be waiting for something as he watched you intently. You opened your mouth to say something—but were interrupted by Lester's voice in the church.
"Y/N. Bo. Are you there ?", he asked and Bo sighed loudly in annoyance before wiping your cum off his face. He ran a hand through his hair to get back a semblance of composure and then, he lowered your skirt and helped you up. You almost fell on him—but he caught you and smirked smugly.
"Don't fall for me too fast, darlin'. It's just the first day. We got plenty of days to go for that."
You eyes widened in horror at the realization that he intended to keep you. You tried to shake your head negatively and speak up—but the look he gave you shut you up immediately. You could only hold onto him for dear life as your whole body seemed to be shutting down. Did he mean to kill you ?
However, the door suddenly opened and Lester appeared. He looked at the both of you and frowned in disapproval at the position you were in.
"Y/N. You alright ?" You wanted to answer—but Bo squeezed your hip in warning and answered for you instead.
"She's perfectly fine. Just a little dizzy. Ambrose will do this to ya, isn't that right—sister ?", he said before looking down at you with a small playful smile and even though your body couldn't hold itself, you tried to push Bo away. But, it was like trying to get a stubborn bull to move—impossible and pointless. You finally looked up at Lester with tears in your eyes and opened your mouth—but no sound came out.
Lester understood and looked away—his lips pressed into a thin line.
Somehow, it felt ten times worse than if he had hit you.
He turned around and left without a word.
He couldn't help you...You were Bo's now.
Bo looked at him leave and like everything so far—seemed to have planned it all...He knew that Lester would be coming to check on you, and hadn't hesitated to break his own brother's heart...
That's when you knew.
Beauregard Bo Sinclair was the devil. Lucifer used to be beautiful before he fell...And Bo was the incarnation of this ethereal and terrible beauty. As if he could feel your eyes on him, he gave you a side glance and licked his lips significantly and he cackled at your bewildered expression.
"Come on, darlin'. Let's get you home."
Somehow, you doubted 'home' would be into the safety of your own.
A few days later :
For days on end, you had been kept in Bo's bedroom, praying for forgiveness to whatever god would want you now. Bo hadn't touched you since the day of you arrival, and you still maintained thus a small glimmer of hope that he would set you free eventually—when he would get bored.
As you had done so many nights over, you had your hands joined in front of you and praying harder than ever. But, Bo kept coming back to you...Bo and his eyes. Bo and his mouth. Bo and the temptation.
And, as if summoned by the thought of him alone, he came trudging in with a small disapproving scowl on his face. He leered at you as you didn't even look up at him when he came in.
"Hey, sis'. Are you gonna say sumthin' today—or your words are just for the Pa' in the sky ?", he asked and you glared at him.
You refused to talk, because you were mad at him.
He smirked at the spite in your gaze.
"Sumthin' to say, hun' ?", he asked—but was disappointed when you turned your eyes away and got back to your praying.
Oh...So, that's what you were going to play at, huh ? Playing deaf and dumb.
If you weren't gonna talk to him, then he'd make you scream.
You yelped when he caught your legs and dragged you towards the bed to throw you on top of it. You tried to kick him, but he seemed amused rather than angry.
You dared give him an attitude—the silent treatment. He chuckled darkly...He was going to tame it outta you faster than any dog he ever had. You were going to be so good after this. He was going to make you his one and only slut for a lifetime...The thought alone made him dig his fingers into the flesh of your thighs and you couldn't help the little gasp that escaped your lips.
"Come on, darlin'. Talk to me. Pretty please ?" You glared at him and the pent-up frustration of suddenly becoming one of Bo's many conquests made you grow confident—unwisely so. You huffed a humorless laugh of disbelief.
"You stole my vertue. My future. My everything...And you want me to talk to you ?"
His eyes darkened perceptibly at your accusation before he took a handful of your hair and forced you to look at him when he spat harshly.
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"Shut up. I stole nothin'. I just made you come, Y/N. Be grateful I wasn't in a selfish mood that day, or it could have been far worse."
He then all but growled at you before pressing his lips against yours and your eyes widened at the harsh way he attempted to force your mouth open—his available hand gripping your jaw with enough force to pop it open.
You wouldn't give him the satisfaction to beg though—no matter how much it hurt. He had taken enough from you already.
Bo was sure there would be a time when your arms would finally wrap around his neck and he would be able to finally get you to return the favor—but not today.
Instead, he got slapped so hard—he almost fell backwards. He glared up at you and was about to yell when he saw the tears in your eyes.
"Fuck you, Bo. I loved you, you son of a b—! I loved you and you...you...", you were at a loss for words. He had just threw your life away without a second thought. All of that for some stupid letter you had never received...
"Ya....Ya really mean that ?", he asked—sitting on his ankles with his legs spread and in different circumstances—the sight could have been taken as attractive...But, you were too mad to think about it and just sniffed and looked away.
"Get out, Bo.", you tried to tell him—but were taken aback when he pressed a tender kiss to your bare ankle.
"You have no idea...how much I wanted you to say those words. How much I...How much I dreamt of hearing them. All those nights...Alone. Dreaming you'd have say those damn words the night you left."
The pain in his eyes made you question everything you thought you knew about Bo. He was looking at you like he used to...like the little boy you loved used to.
"What was in that letter....Bo ?", you asked softly and slowly moved to the edge of the bed to look him in the eyes—no longer angry.
"You really don't know ?", he asked—surprised and confused. He had put it on your nightstand, right next to your bags. He had waited for an answer...For anything.
But you never gave him an answer.
"I was gonna ask you to marry me.", he disclosed and your eyes widened as your eyes watered.
"Oh Bo...I'm so sorry..."
He let out a humorless laugh.
"Yeah. Me too..."
You hesitated before sliding to the floor and gently wrapping your arms around him. He stilled for a second before finally burying his face in the crook of your neck and hugging you back. He hummed against your soft skin and couldn't help but smile at your familiar scent...Sweet pineapple. He took a deep breath and tightened his hold on you—bathing in your warmth. He was fucked up. There was no denying it. But, goddamn...He wished you could love him again.
Just for one night.
Just for one moment.
Just for a minute...
"Come on, sweet thin'. Gimme a kiss.", he told you—his voice almost whining as he pressed his nose against yours and tried to convince you by pulling you closer to him. He tried to steal another kiss from you—but you turned your face away.
No. He wouldn't trick you again.
But, your refusal wasn't received agreeably as his hold on you tightened and he insisted.
"Gimme a kiss I say."
At this point, you knew there was no point in arguing. You complied and he hummed appreciatively.
"Hmmm...Good girl."
However, he didn't expect you to bite down on his lip and stomp hard on his foot before sprinting for the door. You succeeded in opening it and running down the stairs faster than a coyote a night of full moon. You weren't getting caught. You had to get out of here.
You loved Bo, but the Bo you knew was dead—he had died the same day the whole town did. The front door was thankfully not locked, so you succeeded in running past the garden. But, you hadn't expected Bo to actually jump out the window and chase after you. You were bare foot and you knew the man had the stamina and the muscles of a beast. But, you would be caught dead before returning to that house and be locked up again.
However, you were tackled to the ground with such force—the air was momentarily knocks out of your lungs. You struggled underneath him—but it was useless.
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"I give you one—only one—chance to make me believe you. Make me love you again. And you do this ? You’re another kind of b*tch, you know that ?!", he hissed through gritted teeth and you cried out.
"Let me go ! Please !"
He froze for a moment and you thought he'd at least consider it...But, he only hummed before leaning his front flush against your back to whisper in your ear.
"Hmmm…Beggin'. Now, that’s a new thing I might get used to pretty quickly. Beg me for more, darlin’. Come on. Beg, and I might give you what you need."
"Please. Please, Bo. Just…Please…Just let me go. I won't bother you. I'll go back to the covent. I'll spend the rest of my days there...Just...", you pleaded—but it seemed the mention of the covent only angered him further as he buried your face in the dirt.
"Shut up ! I'm tired of you whining about some dumb covent. Now, you gonna tell the sisters you ain't taking no damn vows and promise to stay with me. If I have to drive a mile to fuck you on their own goddamn dinner table right in front of them to make you understand, I will !"
He was so upset, he didn't notice when hot tears started running down his face. He was just so goddamn tired. Why won't you see ? Why won't you understand ? Your place was here. With him.
He turned you around swiftly for you to face him as his stormy blue eyes seemed to bore into yours.
"...Why won't you love me now ?", he asked with something emotional in his tone. He then lowered his head to hide his face from view and gripped you tighter than ever. He didn't want to let you go..not again..never again.
"Bo...", you called him softly—trying to calm him down. He was angry and you were afraid of what might happen if he was to stay so upset. You called his name again and when he finally looked up at you once more, you smiled and pressed a light kiss to his cheek. It was the best you could do—the best you could offer a man like him. It was one weak attempt to call him back to you, to reassure him. Because no matter what your told yourself—you still cared for him.
He hummed before closing his eyes and for a moment—you thought it was working. But then, he gripped your chin and hushed you when you started whimpering at the pain in your jaw.
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"Tell me, ya really thought that would work on me, sister ? You gimme a kiss and that'd be the end of that ? A way to 'get Bo to stay happy'. Nah. Don't think so...You ain't getting away with it so easily."
He then pulled you up by the hair and started drag you back to the house—but you shook your head and grabbed his arm.
"Please, Bo. Please. No. Not again. I don't want to go back in there. Please."
He stopped dead in his tracks and sighed.
"Fine. We can stay here.", he indulged and your eyes widened in shock—but you should have know better than to hope. "Out in the open for everyone to watch and see.", he added with a small smirk.
"See what ?", you asked and Bo looked down at you with a malicious grin.
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"See you pray of course..."
Your eyes widened at the request and you shook your head. No...Everything but that. No. He wouldn't..He couldn't...You lowered your eyes and closed them tightly. This was a nightmare. You had to wake up eventually...right ?
He tapped the side of your leg with the tip of your shoe and you were brought back to reality.
"Well ? Start praying, sister. Start praying to the only god who has power over your current life and death. Better pray hard. Your life depends on it..."
You took a deep breath before looking up at Bo who was looking at you expectantly. But, you then asked with a weak smile.
"Bo. Tell me...Did I ever do anything to deserve this ?"
His smile faltered for a second before he burst out laughing and wiped an imaginary tear from his left eye.
"Aww...You're just too cute, sweetheart..You think this is about you ? Nah, darlin'. It's all about me. Cause ya see...Every single time I tried to be nice to people, it'd come back to bite me in the ass. I take care of my sick parents ? I lose my parents. I take care of my town ? I lose my town. I take care of the love of my life ? I lose. AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN !", he seemed frustrated at the end and his knuckles turned white as his breathing started picking up significantly. He was exhausted and bad memories just kept coming back at the front of his mind like a bad horror movie...He then looked down at you with cold and merciless eyes.
"And to be honest ? I'm fuckin' tired of losin', sweetheart.", he admitted and then, he stood back up before patting his lap significantly. "So, get to it. Start prayin' and worshipping—because I'm the only one keeping you alive.", he told you and your breath hitched at the lack of all warmth or empathy in his gaze.
He was dead serious.
And you knew better than to disagree.
Your started fumbling with his belt as your trembling hands seemed unable to unbuckle his belt and Bo licked his lips. He didn't try to help you—reveling in the way your hands brushed against his crotch occasionally as you couldn't help but struggle with the belt buckle. He stared down at you and after few seconds, finally tutted playfully.
"You're making your god wait...Rude little doll, ain't ya ?", he teased.
Your face flushed different shades of red and you were scared you might end up dead if you took too much time...so, you decided to improvise. You didn't want to make him mad and zipped his fly open to start mouthing his cock through the fabric. He hadn't expected it and his eyes grew wide.
True. He had been expecting a blowjob, but he didn't thing you'd be this eager.
True. You didn't really have a choice...But, hey. He did think you'd use your hand instead of your mouth.
You knew that was a possibility, right ? No ? Well...Oops.
He smirked darkly at the sight of your spit-covered chin and realized—you must have actually seen porn before. Had to. You had gone straight for the target—no hesitation or big wide doe eyes fixed on him, waiting for him to explain. He bit the inside of his cheek at the realization and his eyes fluttered shut for a second.
Had you ever thought of him in all those years apart ? He hoped so...
"Always knew you'd be a natural. On your knees all day and spurting prayer over prayer...But, you’re just a little slut inside, huh ?" He eyed you with a knowing grin and then pulled you away from his still-clothed cock to effortlessly open the belt you had had so much trouble with before and let it fall to the ground before grabbing a fistful of your hair and getting rid of his boxers with the other. You had never actually seen one up close like this and couldn't help but feel shy all of a sudden. It was one thing to lick a piece of cloth, it was another to have the thing shoved down your throat...
Shit. Had you been a porn star in another life ? He'd have probably bought all of your VHS'...He threw his head back and let out a deep sigh as you kept sucking.
"~Yeah. That’s my girl…", he praised you when you started bobbing your head up and down and your eyes closed as you started focusing on the task at hand. And lord help him, he was actually starting to believe in heaven... "Ya know...There’s something about your face that I love. This why I didn’t glue those pretty little lips before. You’re a terrible tease, but I got the message pretty quickly. I saw it in your eyes. You were teasing me, weren’t you ? With all those innocent little glances and lovely little blushes you desperately tried to hide…The fuckers at the time fuckin’ dared to call you innocent in front of me."
He made sure to pull you further onto his cock until you were desperately gasping for air and he kept you there—watching as tears streamed down your face and you couldn’t even move your head. He tsskd mockingly before jeering. "If only they could see you now...Innocent…INNOCENT MY A** ! You're sucking dick like a true sex dream come to life."
You closed your eyes and tried not to let him know how much his words affected you. But, Bo seemed dead set on knocking some good hillbilly wisdom in you while you were desperate not to suffocate on him and his words.
"...Pretty girl from' big city. All to end up sucking...", he took a shaky breath. "...the worst guy possible in the...*another shaky breath*...worst town possible."
He sighed and grunted occasionally as you swirled your tongue a certain way. He didn't shoot his load in you—but because he would have been unable to stop otherwise. He turned his cock away from you and the white substance ended up on the grass. He sighed at the sudden change of temperature. Your mouth was so warm and the cold air hit his balls faster than if it had been Christman Eve.
"Come here.", he commanded and left no room for discussion as he started rolling your dress up. He was tired of waiting. He wanted your fucking blood, sweat and release on his cock and he'd have his damn wish.
"Please, Bo...Don't.", you tried to stop him—but it was futile. Bo pulled your back flush against him and clamped his hand over your mouth firmly.
You had ignored him for days without saying a word—and now, he couldn't seem to be able to shut you up.
"What ? You ain't ready for the main event yet ? Aww...Baby.", he faked feeling sorry for you—only to use his fingers to circle your clit.
"Promise ya. You soon will be..." He pressed a sloppy kiss against the skin of your shoulder while urging your orgasm by picking up the speed of his movements. He wanted to feel you come apart, right next to the wax statues. He'd send the covent a lovely letter with stains of your tears on the paper.
When you came, he bit down on your shoulder—hard—and relished in the small cry you let out.
He'd only allow you to worship one god from now on:
Beauregard fuckin' Bo Sinclair.
He suddenly retrieved his hand and wiped it on his pants before leading you outside of the main street. He then pushed you unceremoniously in his car and started driving out of Ambrose with a small smirk on his lips.
You were going for a ride...
The lost letter :
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
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He wish He'd stayed with him
Summary: Sirius and Remus fell in love at a very young age and were perfect for each other. But as pure as young love is, it wasn't meant to last. And slowly they drifted away till they were two worlds apart.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Sirius Black
Song: Astronomy by Conan Gray
Warning: Angst, mentions of the first wizarding war, Sirius's death
Word count: 1.7k+ words
A/n: Ngl this would fit well with memories by Conan Gray too. Idk how it ended up like that honestly. I just finished writing this at 1 am so I apologize if it wasn't fully proofread. Thank you for requesting this:) finally got to try my hand at a bit of more angst.
The memories made within the walls of Hogwarts is a complex labyrinth that twist and turn throughout the years. One can only come out the end filled with memories and experiences they either wish to relive or forget.
Memories like the nights spent under the stars admiring them as they littered the night sky like a sea of lights.
Moments spent arguing before a full moon. Having to explain to the love of your life that you didn't find him a monster or something that needed to be shut away.
Memories like the hours spent in the astronomy tower. With the eldest Black having to state out every constellation and planet they could get their eyes on, to the admiring Lupin who listened to every word.
Moments where they would spend hours making jokes and planning pranks like there was no tomorrow.
Memories spent running through the woods during the full moons, feeling all of the world's worries wash away and simply living in the moment while it lasted.
And in the end, that's all they were. Memories. Faint visions of events that happened not too long ago. But being locked away for 12 years can do a number on someone.
The faint voice of Remus Lupin replaying in Sirius Black's mind, being one of the few things that kept him sane in his cell in azkaban for all those years.
He only wished that the last time he saw Remus didn't have to end with him taking off and running away.
(October 31,1981)
"Remus, please for Merlin's sake, just listen to me." Sirius begged, feeling the frustration bubble in his stomach. He stopped the heavy urge to try and pull his hair out.
Why can't he just hear me out?
"You want me to listen to you!?! Sirius, how can I listen to you when I think everything that's coming out of your mouth could be lies!!?" Remus yelled from across the room. He couldn't even look at Sirius in the eye. How could he? How could he look into the eyes of a traitor?
Sirius didn't know what to do. For a split second he thought, "what would James say?", and the thought brought a flood of pain back in himself.
James isn't here.
He isn't here.
What was he supposed to say to Remus?
So Peter is the actual traitor and even though he isn't here right now, he ratted James and Lily out and framed me instead.
It was the truth but what proof did he have? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
"I...I know that-" Sirius let out a pained sigh, "I know that it seems crazy but please. You have to know I didn't do it. I would never do that to James, you know that. Peter-" feeling his blood boil at the mere mention of his name was enough to give Sirius the strength to speak his truth.
"Peter was the traitor. He ratted James out to Voldemort. He betrayed the order. He was the secret keeper, not me. It wasn't me." His eyes softened as finally caught Remus's gaze.
"Please Remus, you have to believe me. Please tell me you believe me." Sirius pleaded as he looked at Remus.
For a second Remus could feel himself get pulled into Sirius's eyes. Feeling his walls slowly collapse like all the sirens going in his head had gone silent. But it was only for a brief second before Remus's security spells went off outside.
The two rushed to the windows to see a team of aurors heading their way.
They both knew if Sirius was found here, they'd both have to face the consequences. Even if Remus still had his doubts, he couldn't bring himself to let the person he love the most end up in azkaban. He was at war with himself.
Why should I let him go? He's the reason James and Lily are dead and that Harry is now an orphan. He could be lying!
He could be telling the truth and is actually innocent! As much as you're hating him right now, you still love him.
He felt he was going to regret his decision but he ignored the growing pit in his stomach.
Feeling a lump grow in his throat as he hurriedly brought Sirius to the back entrance of the cottage.
Sirius whipped his head at Remus with a confused look. Did this mean he believes him?
"Run and don't ever look back."
He couldn't even finish his sentence before he was shoved through the door. Feeling the ground slightly shake as the door slammed closed.
He didn't know how to react. He felt hurt, ashamed, pained, agitated, frustrated. So many feelings that he didn't know what to feel first.
He didn't even get a chance to process the information before he started to hear voices coming towards his direction. Before he knew it, he was up on his feet and running through the thick and twisting woods till his legs stopped working.
(12 years later)
That night still sat in Sirius's mind. The basic reminder of it being the worst night of his life.
But at this moment, he was standing in a familiar room. Face to face with someone that once knew almost every thought, secret, feeling in his heart and soul. But he was standing infront of a completely different person now.
He couldn't even finish his sentence before Remus pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. Something he didn't expect but he had longed so much for this moment that he couldn't find it in himself to complain.
"I believe you. I always believed you." Remus whispered as they hugged.
Sirius froze, after so many years he still remembered what he asked that night. And even then, he believed he was innocent.
"I'm so so sorry I didn't tell you before you ran." Remus just kept hugging Sirius, as if he was scared he was going to get taken away from him again.
"It's alright, moony."
Remus had nearly forgotten the nickname, seeing as he hasn't been called it for so many years. It felt like a wave of nastalgia went through him, it felt comforting.
"You believed in me, that's all that matters" Sirius affirmed with a grin.
And at that moment their eyes locked again. It was as if nothing has changed. But the truth was, everything has changed. And they knew that.
It wasn't just because of the time they spent apart. Or because of the events that happened the last time they saw each other. They just felt that things were different. They were different, there was no denying in that.
They almost forgot about the rat and the three other children that stood in the room both bewildered and taken back by the two's interaction.
(2 years later)
The resurfacing of Voldemort himself had brought a lot of things from the past.
It was like they were in their 20s all over again, fighting off evil wizards, being part of a secret organisation, and just doing the best they can to stay alive.
Sirius and Remus knew that what they had all those years ago had died. As much as it seemed like they owned each others hearts, that was in the past, and it just wasn't in their cards.
Things were just easier back then. But when the war started, that's when things hit bottom.
It was order missions left and right and there was more deaths than they could count. They've done and seen things that no human being should ever do or witness. It sort of broke them.
The distance was just too big of a gap.
They've managed to rekindle the friendship they had in the past but as unfortunately, it wasn't the same.
Deep inside, they missed the love they had. They wanted to fall back in love, but the scars from the past ran deep and they still needed to heal.
When the Order was informed that Harry and a few others were at the Ministry trying to "save" Sirius. They knew they were in for a trap seeing as Sirius was alive and well at the Order headquarters.
They were obviously right which led to a fight breaking out within the department of mysteries.
Spells fired left and right. White and Black smoky figures flying across the room. Many were injured and hit. It was chaos.
In the midst of all the spell casting and dueling, Sirius didn't see Bellatrix pointing her wand directly at him. And he certainly didn't realize he stood infront of the veil as Bellatrix casted the spell.
It was only for a split second that Sirius had realized what was happening. But it was too late.
As the spell made contact with his chest, he stumbled back and into the veil and fell through.
In that moment, he knew he was done for. But in a way, he felt a little at peace knowing he was going to be reunited with his best friend after such a long time.
But as he slipped away, his eyes trailed off to Remus. He was standing there, frozen in place, watching as Sirius was getting taken away from him, again.
It pained Sirius that he was leaving Remus, but he knew that he would get through it. Remus was one of the most strong and courageous people he knew.
He knew Remus wasn't going to be alone. It brought comfort knowing he'll be there for Harry and Harry will be there for Remus.
A million memories ran through his head and the only mistake he ever regret making was running away from the one person he knew was home for him. Even if he had no choice to, he wished he'd stayed with him.
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midnightstar-90 · 3 years
Darkened Days
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Harry Potter x Reader
Summary: Harry comforts Y/N, after the death of Sirius Black.
Warning: Character Death, angst, mourning depression
A/N: I really woke up from a nap a couple of hours ago, and it made me want to write this for some reason. The death of Sirius was one of the hardest cinematic deaths I’ve seen, and Harry’s screaming makes it harder.
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Y/N always knew about her father. Even though he was a prisoner in Azkaban, she always found a way to see him. When She was little she would use her Metamorphmagus skills to sneak into Azkaban. It was a tricky task, but she made it work. Seeing his daughter’s face is what kept him sane.
In the meantime, she would stay with her Uncle Remus. He knew she would sneak off to see her father. He would try to convince her to minimize her visits, by explaining his fears of what could happen to her. Nothing could stop Sirius Black’s daughter from seeing the one she loved.
But when she started attending Hogwarts, Remus’s wishes were fulfilled. Y/N had to keep up with her studies, meaning she wouldn’t have as much time with her father. She still went to see him though. When she did, they would talk for hours about Y/N’s studies or Sirius’s life at Hogwarts. The only thing Y/N could never do with her father was give him a proper hug. At least, not until he escaped in Y/N’s 3rd year at Hogwarts.
Now, Y/N was at the end of her 5th year, and Dolores Umbridge had practically ruined it. Y/N now stood in the office of Professor Umbridge, along with Harry and the rest of Dumbledor’s army. Pansy Parkinson held onto her with a tight grip and her wand pressed into Y/N’s neck.
“You were going to see Dumbledore, weren’t you?” Dolores calmly asked Harry. Dolores stood over Harry who was strapped down to a chair. Harry tried to stay calm as he calmly told the witch in all pink “no”, earning him a slap to the face. The sound echoed throughout the room, making Y/N jump. She also saw Draco jump a little in the corner of her eye.
Snape walked in with his dark exterior that her caries through Hogwarts 24/7. Snape and Y/N had an odd bond. Unlike Harry, Snape would excuse the fact the Y/N’s father tortured him as a child, and they would talk. He would protect her despite her being in Griffindor. Y/N would come to him with her problems, and Severus would give surprisingly good advice. So, when he walked in he was shocked, but also not shocked at the sight of Y/N Black in Dolores’s office along with Dumbledor’s army.
“You sent for me, Headmistress?” Professor Snape said in his non-changing voice. Dolores jumped up and turned to the potions teacher as if she didn’t just slap a student.
“Yes. The time has come for some answers, whether they will give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?” Umbridge quickly spoke.
Snape looked at Y/N. Anyone could see the tough exterior she was giving off at the moment, but Snape could see the look of desperate help in her eyes. He looked back to Umbridge and said, “I’m afraid you’ve used up all my stores interrogating students, and the last of it on Ms. Chang.”
We all looked at each other with relief. “Unless you wish to poison him, and I’ll show you I would have the greatest sympathy if you did. I cannot help you,” Snape said, earning a look from Y/N when he said “poison”.
Severus simply tried to walk away, but before he could, Harry started to speak, “He’s got Padfoot!” Hearing her father’s nickname, Y/N’s eyes instantly went to Harry’s. “He’s got Padfoot at the place it’s hidden.”
“Padfoot? What is Padfoot? What is hidden? What is he talking about, Snape?” Umbridge ambushed Severus in questions. Severus simply looks at Harry and says, “I have no idea”
As soon as Snape leaves, Dolores tells everyone that she has no choice but to use the Crucio curse. Hermione and Y/N protest against the action. When that doesn’t work, Hermione tells Umbridge about ‘Dumbledor’s secret weapon’. She took Harry and Hermione to find the ‘secret weapon’.
A couple of hours later, Dumbleldor’s army caught up with the Golden Trio and convinced Harry to let them join him in his fight. When they all arrived at the Department of Mysteries inside of the Ministry of Magic, they looked for the prophecy from Harry’s dream.
When they found what they were looking for, they tried to leave, but they were stopped by Death Eaters. They surrounded the teenagers. Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange were the only ones not wearing their masks. The teenagers protected themselves with their wands at the ready position
Lucius tried to convince Harry to give him the orb in his hand, but Y/N stepped in. “You will never get your Death Eater hands on this prophecy,” Y/N stepped in front of Harry, grabbing his hand from behind.
“I’ve waited 14 years… I guess I can wait a little longer,” Harry said before instructing everyone to Stupefy the Death Eaters. They all threw the spell, and ran, trying to escape.
They kept running until they all bumped into each other. Ginny threw a spell, causing all the prophecy orbs to fall off their respected area. Y/N transformed into a rhino, allowing all the members to climb on her back, and she ran to the door. They soon started to fall, causing Y/N to turn back into herself again. They came to an abrupt stop a few inches off the ground before hitting the ground.
The Death Eaters had found the group of kids, and started to attack again. All of the Death Eaters grabbed a kid, except for Y/N and Harry.
Lucius chuckled before speaking, “Did you actually think that children stood a chance against us? I’ll make this simple for you, Potter… Give me the prophecy, or watch your friends die.”
Y/N looked at Harry with begging eyes, telling him not to give them the prophecy. Harry looked around at his friends before his eyes turned to Y/N. He silently told her “I’m sorry” before giving the prophecy to the bleach-haired Death Eater.
A bright light emitted from behind Lucius. Lucius looked at the prophecy to see it wasn’t glowing, so he turned around. “Get away from my daughter and my godson,” Sirius said, punching Lucius in the face.
Multiple bright lights swirled around the room, hitting Death Eaters. The bright lights soon revealed Tonks and the rest of the Order. Y/N ran up to her father, giving him a tight-fitting hug. “Hello, baby girl,” Sirius said, patting his daughter’s head.
“Thank you for saving me. I love you. No matter what, I will always love you,” Y/N told her father. Her Y/E/C (Your Eye Color) eyes met his blue eyes.
Y/N broke her loving gaze at her father to see a Death Eater about to hit her, Harry, and her father with a curse. “Protego!” Y/N quickly yelled, shielding the three of them from the spell.
“Nice reflexes,” Sirius complimented his daughter. Y/N looked at her father with an appreciative smile. “Thanks! I’ve been practicing what you taught me during my 4th year!” Y/N said back, hitting another Death Eater.
They split up, allowing Y/N to morph into a cheetah. She ran as quickly as she could, dodging spells left and right. She bit a couple of Death Eaters, making them incapable of using their wands. Y/N saw Bellatrix appear, and she ran to attack. But before the girl could make it to her, Bellatrix yelled, “Avada Kedavra!”. The spell hit her father, just as she hit Bellatrix.
Y/N morphed back into her natural form. She ran and ran till she got to her father, but before she could grab ahold of his body. Sirius’s lifeless body fell through the veil. Y/N tried to pull him back, but it was no use. Her body fell as her eyes started raining tears. Remus and Tonks ran to both Harry and Y/N as they broke down in tears.
Harry screamed in agony. It was impossible to hear it and not feel the same pain. Y/N sat defeated. Her dad is once again taken from her, but she can’t sneak off to see him this time. She couldn’t breathe. She didn’t know how to continue without the one she loved most.
Harry ripped himself from Remus’s arms, and he ran after Bellatrix. He was not gonna let her get away with the pain she caused everyone.
Astronomy Tower
Y/N sat on the edge of the Astronomy Tower with her legs hanging off the ledge. She sat in her pajamas with a Griffindor blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She was too busy looking at the stars to hear the steps of someone walking up the Astronomy Tower steps.
“I hope you’re not planning on jumping,” Harry said jokingly. Y/N didn’t even look at Harry. Her face had been in the same frown for a couple of days not. Some believed it was stuck that way, but if you knew her, you knew she was still grieving.
“We missed you at Dumbledor’s return and your father’s memorial. Were you up here the whole time?” Harry asked, sitting down next to the girl.
She didn’t speak for a minute, but when she did, you could hear the sadness in her voice. “Why would I go to a memorial with a school full of students, when a school full of students didn’t even know my father. For the longest time, they thought my father killed your parents. My father never was a killer. He was your father’s best friend,” Y/N said through her tears.
Harry stayed quiet as he turned towards Y/N. She didn’t look back at him. Instead, she continued to look into the distance, and continue speaking. “When I was little, I would use my Metamorphmagus skills to sneak into Azkaban. It was hard physically and mentally. I would do anything for my father. We couldn’t hug because he was in a locked cell, but I would sit against the bars of his cell, and I would just talk. That was all I needed. All I needed was to know my father was there. Now, he’s gone. I can’t talk to the dead. If I could, I would talk to my mother every day. You know, I can see Threstrals because of her. A Death Eater killed my mother when I was 2. Now, I’ve lost both of my parents to Death Eaters.”
Harry didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know his parents. He didn’t know Sirius the way she did. The only thing he could do for him was to comfort her. He pulled Y/N closer to him, pulling her into a side hug, and they stayed like that till sunrise.
When they got back to the common room, they were exhausted from all of the emotional pain. They started to go their separate ways, but Y/N started to speak, “Thank you, Harry. I know how much my dad meant to you. I appreciate you coming to comfort me. I guess as long as I have you, I wouldn’t have very many darkened days.”
Harry smiled at her words before heading to bed. He fell asleep with a saddened smile. Y/N on the other hand fell asleep with a frown. She appreciated Harry comforting her, but it would be a long time before she stops mourning her father.
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dreeamscapeee · 3 years
Book Store
Summary: Y/N never thought she would be convincing someone to read harry potter at 9 in the morning but things happen
Jason Todd x Fem!reader
Warnings: Brief mentions of a drug ring, F word, Brief mentions of assault
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Y/N always knew she was 'boring', but not in the sense of not being pretty because her friends always tell her she's beautiful but she can never find it in herself to believe them, but maybe it’s because she would rather have a good book and staying in over going into an overrated club. Maybe it was because of her mother's harsh words as a child, but she always thought her (S/T) was just a tad bit too (pale/dark) or her body figure too (small/big) so she never felt quite confident therefore she found comfort in her books and looking back (Y/N) is quite sure that the only thing that got her through high school was her books.
The (H/C) woman was so engrossed in her thoughts she almost walked past her holy grail, and one of the only things that have kept her sane these past few years. As she walked into the bookstore, she took a deep breath, smelled the old leather, and smiled.
As Y/N walked past the cashier she gave a curt 'Morning' to the teen cashier who simply rolled their eyes and walked away, eyes never leaving their phone.
Around 5 minutes later, at the same time as Y/N walked to the fantasy section of the book store she heard the bell for the shop ring. She heard a man with one of the silkiest yet scratchy voices she swears she has ever heard talking on the phone she assumes considering she didn’t hear any replies from the other person.
"Yeah, I got it, Grayson... I promise I will pick up the demon spawn from school this time...Yes, I will pick him up on time...Yeah yeah bye.'' The man spoke.
Y/N looked over to the main counter at the cashier who looked like they were absolutely about to start drooling at, from who she couldn't see from that angle, the mystery man.
Y/N shook her head and focused on what she was here for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. She decided to read all the novels over for the up tenth time to cure her boredom of waking up, going to work, having a horrible boss, and coming straight home and repeating for months.
Her hands scanned over the Harry Potter books just when she again heard the man and the cashier talking.
“He-Hello s-sir” the cashier stuttered and giggled at the same time it sounded like a weird mix of something choking and laughter.
The man asked her where the fantasy was but then said never mind, eyes landing on the gigantic sign with the word ‘FANTASY’ next to a row of books and walked towards them.
The vigilante sighed as he walked over to the bookshelf, he had a long night with having to take down a drug ring that was getting high school kids to sell to the classmates which was always a big no with him, Jason didn't care if they sold to adults that knew they were fucking their life's up, but kids were a big no-no.
Jason still had a massive migraine from his screaming fight with Bruce about almost killing a man for hitting his girlfriend in front of their kid on patrol last night, and he wasn't gonna lie it brought back memories for him, of his mom, and dad if you could even call them that.
When Jason stopped in a lane of books he didn't know what to start with, but he did know he wanted to take his mind away from Bruce. He looked over and saw a woman wearing a beige coat looking over at the Harry Potter books but never saw her face. He always wanted to read them but never felt like he would have the time or have trouble remembering everything through each book.
Jason was deep into a thought when the woman looked over at him.
“Are you ok? A voice pronounced
Jason look over and spotted the woman from before and could make out her features now.
The woman had (H/l) (H/c) hair, (S/t) and overall Jason thought she looked beautiful, meanwhile Jason looked like he just rolled out of bed, (Which he did) threw some clothes on, and left his apartment.
Jason looked at the woman a little longer than before and replied,'' yeah, I'm just not sure what book I want to read this week''
Y/n looked at the man gave a shy smile as she pointed to the book she was holding,'' you should try harry potter'' she squeaked out
''I don't know. I don't think it's my kind of book'' the man stated
And there started the conversation that lasted for hours, about why harry potter is one of the best book series ever. (Cliche right?)
Around 4 hours later Jason's alarm went off to go and get the 'Demon spawn' from school.
Jason looked at the phone and signed, then muttered out,'' I have to pick my brother up''
Y/n laughed at the overdramatic look on his face which got a few looks from the people that walked in during their conversion.
''Well.. we could... maybe finish talking tomorrow?'' the h/c woman studered out
Jason smiled and answer with a quick sure. and as Jason was walking out the door he turned around and jogged over.
"you know we've been talking for hours now and I still don't know your name?''
''Y/n'' she responded and stuck her hand out
As Jason put his hand into hers he voiced out a Jason before he had to leave, and as he walked out to his motorcycle he couldn't help but think that the demon seed was still fucking with him by making him leave.
(Not edited)
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lyallblacklupin · 3 years
Just like fire.
After years of regrets and sorrows, Remus tries to apologize to Sirius for his own mistakes, despite the fact that he has been hurt by the very same person who he wants to say sorry to. The years of damages has passed, should they give each other a chance, or start fresh with new people in life to forget their old wounds?
Tags: Heavy Angst, Fluff, Post-Azkaban, Angst with Happy Ending.
Sirius walks in the kitchen, completely heedless of Remus’ presence—or he pretends to be heedless after he catches the sight of Remus. He walks promptly, not limping but flinching at his aching bones. This is how Sirius Black has become: broken. And he has not just broken out of thin air, it has taken fourteen years which includes the twelve years of unjust imprisonment and two years of being a prison escapee, and Merlin knows how many more to go.
Half of Sirius’ time is spent in thinking about death and longing for it. Remus can tell because he has witnessed the hunger of dying in his eyes when he’d sit alone with himself, and the other half is always occupied in worrying about Harry Potter who is last person keeping him from dying out of misery; his dear godson only. Otherwise, he’d have been free.
He stops at the stove and boils the water on the kettle. He doesn’t have his wand so muggle way it is. Muggles have been growing on him, a lot. He keeps talking about them with Arthur. Remus is glad that if there is anything Sirius is looking forward to the order meetings is for the conversation with his new friend Arthur Weasley, who also attains the equal amount energy for the same subject. It makes Remus happy to witness that they have any reason to—even temporarily—lit up in the times of war. However, Sirius never smiles. He nods, or makes a funny face. He only smiles when Harry visits.
“If you want for yourself, it’s still in the kettle.” Sirius says without looking, and begins to walk out of the kitchen but Remus rises from his chair.
“Sirius.” He stops but doesn’t turn to face Remus.
“What?” His voice cut through Remus’ heart.
“I was hoping we could have tea together?” He tried, his heart hammering in his chest.
Sirius finally turns and hold his gaze. After a lingering eye contact, he nods and brings Remus’ tea with pink mug that has a David Bowie on it. He is slightly hopeful that Sirius has kept it because Remus gave him on their sixth year Christmas holidays. But he highly doubts that Sirius remembers it. Sirius sits across Remus’ seat. The silence is irksome.
“I want you to know that I’m sorry for…all that—“
“Define ‘that’, Remus?” Sirius’ facial expressions are blank but very grave.
“For believing the murder of Lily and James was because of you.”
Sirius scoffs, and Remus wants to scream because deep down inside he doesn’t feel he deserves it. He suffered too for twelve years. Even so, he tries to sustain the ceasefire he is trying to build between them.
“I should have believed that you would never have done anything like that to the Potters. You loved them more than anything in this world and—“
Remus pauses because Sirius is shaking his head with a manic smile playing on his lips.
“Wrong. I didn’t love them as I was supposed to. It wasn’t that I didn’t, but it was more like I couldn’t. My fucking stupid heart belonged to just one person that time as if my life would end if I stop centering my life on him.”
Remus swallowed. He knows that no kind of eloquent words are going to be good reply to what Sirius has said, so he says, “You did. Love them, that is. I know that.”
“Oh what did you know!?” He shoots up so violently that the chair collapses down on the floor that Remus inhales sharply, “You were out there kissing Dumbledore’s shoes!”
He knew that this will happen, that he will be humiliated again just like the times in the first war when Sirius would scream at him for going on the secret missions and not giving a clue about when and where he would go and come back, and for not being there for his friends and family. But in reality, all Remus did was to protect the order, and the people he loved. However, the questions still pops in his head, ‘for what? How did he not see it that they were breaking apart?’ It feels like he was watering a dead plant over and over again during the severity of lacking water, but the plant didn’t revive, and the precious water spilled into filthiest vain. Despite of that, Remus shuts his mind and chooses that pettiest way to get back at the person who endured twelve years of imprisonment for the crime he never committed.
“Don’t you dare!” Remus rises from his chair too, leveling up at Sirius, “Don’t you dare go down there again after all these years!”
“WHEN DID YOU BELIEVE ME!?” Remus is now few inches away from Sirius. He wants to slam him against the wall and put some sense into him because he still cares about him, no matter what.
“WHAT!? You made me this way! You build this mistrust with your hands! Don’t you dare forget that!”
“I did!? Or was that you!? Who didn’t believe me when I said I was not allowed to tell to anyone!”
“I WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ANYONE!” Sirius’ voice breaks poorly that hits like a dagger in Remus’ heart. Sirius holds himself by the chest and leans down to rest his torso on the kitchen table, breathing heavily. Remus instantly feels the stinging in his eyes, and followed by the hot tears spilling from them. He comes behind Sirius, and places a hand on his back.
“Don’t touch me.”
“Shut up. Just shut up.” Remus whispers, and pulls Sirius up in his arms. He sobs and sobs, and Remus sinks down to the floor with him, squeezing him tightly in his embrace. “You are right. You were never just anyone. You were never…” He tries to put his feelings into words but Sirius interrupts him.
“You stopped loving me.”
Remus feels his stomach twist but what comes out of his mouth is a laugh. An empty laugh.
“Hell, I didn’t even stop loving you even when I thought you killed James and Lily.”
“I was disgusted by myself. I used to feel so filthy. To want you even after believing you ruined my life by walking away so brutally, killing my friends. Killing my reasons to stay on this planet. I wanted to hate you. I couldn’t. I didn’t think that I even deserved to go to their funeral, you know…because I thought I’d be downright hypocrite to grieve for their loss when I was actually grieving the loss of you. I’d dream about you. The only thought keeping me sane and alive. Sirius, I’m not sure if this makes sense to you…I don’t even know if I’m asking you to love me back or what, but I have always loved you, mostly when I shouldn’t…”
Sirius is staring at him with his tears streaming so rapidly down his cheeks. He is trembling as sobs are racking through his body, his breath hitching every now and then. Remus’ heart breaks to see him like that. It is like Sirius is cleansing himself with all of the unwanted darkness off his soul by spilling all the expanse of pain in form of tears. Remus can see that he is not stopping himself from weeping. He seems lost somewhere, with his eyes shut and his hand on his mouth.
“I am not defending myself,” Remus whispers once he notices Sirius is just sniffling and wiping the dampness from his face, “I never meant to bring that up. I just want to let you know that whatever you went through had not even a single place or moment you deserved to be at.”
Sirius looks up with wide teary eyes, staring at Remus’ hopefully. He looks innocent and raw.
“Tell me,” His voice rough with tears but still a whisper. He clears his throat, “that I deserved all of that.”
“That is not true.” Remus says instantly, his hands grasping Sirius’ wrist instinctively, fearing he might fade away with the wind swooping in from the kitchen window.
“It is,” He says in the weakest voice, “My mistakes brought me here. For not trusting you enough…”
No words comes out from Remus’ mouth but they are caught in his throat like a lump. He can feel their prickling. The silence stretches on, smoothly breaking by the sounds of fire battling the wind filling the kitchen. There is also some faint sounds of dripping water from the tap into the basin. Someone must have forgotten to turn it fully. Huh, wizards.
“You are one celestial presence on the world, Remus Lupin, aren’t you…” Sirius chuckles softly, leaning back on the paddles of the chair to rest his back on them. Remus doesn’t understand but Sirius continues, “You are…this sacred or a saint-like wizard—half-blood werewolf whose father committed suicide because he thought he was the reason for his son’s affliction, and whose mother faded away with grief…”
Remus’ heart feels fragile in his chest, fearing it might break again after the poor mending.
“Merlin puts a very heavy price on people to pay who hurt Remus Lupin, who mistrust Remus Lupin...who thinks little of Remus Lupin.”
There is something strange in Sirius’ eyes. There is surrender and envy but Remus stares back into those glistening, and almost-silver orbs with courage to find what he wants. And he does. There it is. Love, swirling into the diffusion of grey and blue.
“I paid twelve years of losing myself and my family for mistrusting you, Remus.”
“I’m sorry…” He doesn’t expect his voice to whimper but it does because his chin is trembling and he is trying hard to gain composure. He is trying so hard with his clenched jaw, and balled fists in either sides of his lap. But Sirius put a thumb under his chin, and he shudders.
“You’re so stupid, Moony.” Sirius whispers when he is just an inch away from his lips.
“I know,” And just as those lips touched his, he feels a tear trickle down his cheek before Sirius has completely captured his mouth. They move languidly but cautiously, scared they might break each other again with haste and roughness. They don’t trust themselves to be firm either. Remus doesn’t. But when Sirius pulls back a little, he comes back and kisses him again decisively on the lips.
“I don’t know if it is still worth it,” Sirius says when both of them are resting their foreheads against each other, breathing in and out one and other, “But I want you to know that I don’t blame you for anything. Maybe I did. Just to keep myself sane by pretending to believe the lies I made within my already suffocated brain.”
Remus lets out a small laugh, which follows by Sirius’ arms wrapping his waist.
“I hope you can still accept me despite of everything, Remus.”
Remus hold his jaw, and tries to smile at him because he still feels like it is not enough. Nothing is enough with Sirius Black. It is always so much, even in this flickering flame which is almost dead. He knows that it will ignite again to fiery life once they become one. They are dangerously perfect for each other. He leans in to kiss the back of his ear, and inhales a whiff just like the wolf would do when Padfoot would return on first full moon after the summers, to recognize his mate. Sirius smells of rain and cigarette, mixing the aroma of the tea that has been sitting out in two mugs before their argument.
“I do. And I hope the same from you for myself?” Remus cringes after he realizes how lame they sound next to Sirius’ words. After few minutes which feels like hours to Remus, Sirius gropes his hands to hold both of his wrists, with his eyes still locked with Remus. He then bends down to press a lingering kiss on the right, and then on the left. Remus just looks at him, feeling utterly weightless in Sirius’ hands.
“I will not fail you again, Remus.”
“I trust you. I love you,” Remus says with all of the broken words spilling out his mouth, “I love you so much. I will not let you go. I will not let you be alone.”
They embraces each other again, just enjoying the warmth and the closeness. It reminds Remus of their time at Hogwarts when their limbs used to be wrapped around each other at every possible free period, smoking cigarettes at the Astronomy Tower.
“Don’t make such promises, my dear Moony.”
“You’re just saying that because you’ll be annoyed of me for sticking around you all the time.” Remus wipes his tears, and Sirius helps him too with his sleeve, shaking with silent laughter.
“Yeah, maybe. Just don’t follow me in the bathroom.”
“Can’t make such promises, my dear Padfoot.”
 Thankyou for reading!
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elena-reina · 3 years
Don’t Go - Sirius Black x Reader
Request: Could I please get a fic where the reader is Sirius’s wife who keeps him company while he’s cooped up in Grimmauld Place? Like maybe just him acting all clingy and touched starved after being in Azkaban for so long? Thanks!! - Anon
Warnings: none
A/N: Golly, I hope you like this. Sirius isn’t really my strong point. Let me know what you think!
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You shoved your hands into your pocket, searching for your keys, almost fumbling with the groceries in your free arm. The rain was coming down hard, making your hands cold as ice, numb even, only making it more diffucult to feel around for your keys. You looked over your shoulder making sure you weren’t being followed, and tried your best to shield your face from the harsh winds pelting rain at you with every chance it had.
Finally feeling that piece of metal, you pulled it out and slammed it into the door handle. Swinging the door open, you let out an exhasperated gasp and kicked the door closed with your foot. Heading into the kitchen, you, unintentionally, hurled the groceries down onto the counter with a loud thud. 
Shivering, you took off your trenchcoat and placed it on the counter. Your hair was damp, only making you more cold. You brought your hands to your mouth and began to blow into them, trying to gain back the blood circulation for your hands to grow warm again. 
Sirius silently walked into the kitchen, smiling warmly at the sight of you. You had your back towards him, unaware of his presense. He took long strides towards you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. Leaning into his embrace, the aromatic smell of his cologne and conditioner filled your nostrils bringing you at ease. 
“Hello, my darling,” he purred, placing a chaste kiss to your cheek. You turned around in his hold, and threw your arms over his shoulders. You ran one of your hands through the back of his head, lightly scratching his scalp- to which, he loved very much. You cuddled into his warm touch.
“You’ve been gone for too long, I hate it when you leave me all alone,” he frowned, lightly pouting his lips. You smiled warmly, and stood on your tippy-toes to give him a much needed kiss on the lips.
“I had to get food for you to eat, Sirius,” you mumbled against his lips, only for him to reconnect them again shortly after. He ran his hands down your back, sending shivers down your spine, and gripped your thighs lifting you up onto the counter behind you.
“I’ve got to put them away before it goes bad, my love,” you spoke, but his grip didn’t lessen. If anything, he held onto you with more force, afraid of letting you go. 
“Don’t go, please,” he murmured.
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” You leaned your head on top of his.
“I wish I could go with you, take you out everywhere and give you everything you deserve,” he sighed. Biting the inside of your lip, you shook your head. His scruffy beard would tickle your neck every time he laid his head on your shoulder.
“No, I rather you be safe.”
With Lord Voldemort restored to his physical form, during the time, Dumbledore reinstated the Order of the Phoenix, sending Sirius to gather the "old crowd" and inform them of the situation. This led to him donating his family home, at 12 Grimmauld Place, in London as Order Headquarters. 
Unfortunately, as he was still wanted by the authorities that wanted to throw him back in Azkaban. Sirius could never safely leave his house and brought a toll on him. He felt useless and fell into a deep depression, however you were there to remind him how strong he was. Not only was he helping support Dumbledore, but he had you. You were the one thing help keeping him sane, especially from being apart from each other so long.
“Darling,” he drawled quietly, barely audible, earning a hum in response from you. “Do you.. Do you ever regret marrying me?”
You snapped your head up at his question and lifted his head from your shoulder. You grabbed his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. His eyes were deep and melancholy, almost with the resemblance of a lost puppy. 
“Baby, of course not. I love you, why are you asking such a horrible question?”
He took a while to answer, however you didn’t rush him. Instead, you ran your finger tips up and down his back soothingly. Every now and then he would tense up, getting lost in the thougts running through his head. A lot of your nights went like this. All Sirius wanted to do was be held by you or take you into his embrace. 
“I had to force myself to forget about you in Azkaban,” he frowned, “I don’t know how I did it. You’re my whole pride and joy.” 
You let him continue.
“I couldn’t let any of my happy thoughts plague my mind.. I think the only reason I never lost my mind is that I knew I was innocent and I had you. That wasn’t a happy thought though, so the Dementors couldn’t suck it out of me,” he sighed, “But it kept me sane and knowing who I am... helped me keep my powers... so when it all became... too much... I could transform in my cell... become a dog and return."
Your eyes watered, feeling all the emotion pool through. “As long as you’re with me, I’m never letting you go.”
“Never again,” he reassured, “Lets get you warmed up in a bath, yea?”
You nodded, jumping off of the counter, holding onto his extended hand for balance.
“Last one to the tub is a rotten egg!” you joked, dashing past him. He smiled, chuckling under his breath, and chased after you to enjoy the rest of the night.
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inpizzawecrust · 3 years
The One Rule
Sirius Black didn’t have rules, mainly because he didn’t follow rules
The job of a Marauder is to break rules, not create or enforce them, you see
So Sirius was never big on rules, but there was one that he had.
He never knew he even had the rule until after Hogwarts when he got his own flat with his boyfriend/fiance/husband/best friend/lover/love of his life/life partner et cetera, et cetera, formally known as Remus Lupin, most commonly known as My Moony to Sirius.
It wasn’t until the two moved in together in June 1978 when Sirius came up with a rule.
It was a simple rule, one that Sirius never thought they’d have to enforce, but one that meant the world to him regardless.
“Arguments do not happen in the bedroom.”
Sirius had been raised in a household where arguments occurred numerous times throughout the day and by the time he was sorted into Gryffindor, each argument almost always ended with some sort of physical punishment. 
Growing up, his bedroom was never a safe space. It wasn’t off limits from the screams or the curses and at 18 years old fresh out of Hogwarts, Sirius wanted to change that. 
So he told Remus his one rule and though surprised Sirius Black even had a rule, Remus immediately agreed. 
He had to admit that if there was one rule to have, it was that. 
They lived through a war and went through days of arguments followed by days of silence, in the end turning their backs on each other, but through it all, they never broke the rule.
Well, until 1995. 
Sirius spent twelve years in Azkaban and another two on the run. So when he showed up at Remus’ flat—their flat—a bit abruptly in June 1995, Remus hesitantly let him in.
It was still technically Sirius’ flat as it was in his name, so it would have been a bit rude for Remus to turn him away.
For the first few days, it was awkward as neither had much to say. 
But after a week, Sirius finally broke the silence by initiating the inevitable what-are-we?conversation as they got ready for bed.
Prior to the conversation, Sirius had transformed as Padfoot and slept at the foot of the bed each night, but he longed for more. He spent almost fourteen years longing to be back in Remus’ arms and all he wanted to do was just that; Feel safe in Remus’ arms as he fell asleep.
“I’m not sure, Sirius. There’s no guide on what to do when your significant other escaped prison after spending twelve years locked up for betraying all your friends.”
Sirius was shocked at the harshness of the words from Remus. 
Those were not the words of someone who once loved him, those weren’t even the words of someone who was once friends with him.
“Remus, I already apologized for that and if I’m not mistaken, you thought I was the spy just as much as I did.”
“But my thought didn’t lead to the deaths of our friends!”
Sirius’ heart sank at the words as he scrambled from the bed. He didn’t need to be reminded of the poor choice he made when he had spent the last fourteen years dwelling on it every day.
“I can’t bring them back, Remus!”
“Oh I know that, Sirius!” He snapped, throwing his hands up in frustration, “Why do you even care what we are? It shouldn’t even matter! You’re just staying here until Dumbeldore tells you to go someplace else!”
Why does it matter? Where they stood was the only thing that mattered to Sirius, the only thing that got him through the years in Azkaban, the only thing that got him through the two years he spent on the run, the only thing that kept Sirius sane after all the time that had passed. 
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Excuse me?!” Remus shot back, squaring his shoulders.
“What’s wrong with you?” Sirius seethed, his eyes glaring at the man across the room. With their bed in between them, the entire ordeal felt wrong and Sirius knew it. If he could, he’d take Remus to any other place in the flat than continue it, but the tears forming in his eyes and the pain in his chest clouded his mind. “Of course it matters! I spent fourteen years thinking about you—”
“Fourteen years apart!” Remus cut him off, “What’s the point? Nothing you can say or do will change that! Why do you even want this so bad—”
Remus stumbled, presumably at the loud screams, until his back hit the wall behind him.
Deep down, Sirius knew he shouldn’t have yelled, not in their bedroom, especially not about this, but he didn’t care.
He paused to catch his breath and stared at Remus, who was still against the wall from shock.
He wasn’t supposed to react this way, in fact, he promised himself years ago that he would never yell or scream at anyone—especially someone he loved—in the way his mother yelled.
And as Sirius stared into Remus’ eyes, he knew he messed up, but a rational conversation was thrown out the window when Remus reopened fourteen year old wounds.
Sirius sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, attempting to gain some type of composure. When he opened his eyes, Remus was still staring back at him, practically clinging to the wall behind him.
He took a deep breath and continued, this time lowering his voice as he slowly walked towards Remus.
“Not a day went by without thinking about you. The only thing that’s kept me going, the only thing I’ve thought about for fourteen years—besides that stupid mistake—was you and how much I love you. I never stopped loving you, Moons, and I know you haven’t stopped loving me.”
“How?” Remus spoke barely above a whisper as tears spilled from his eyes, “How do you know?”
By now, Sirius stood in front of Remus and softly smiled.
He brought a hand up and gently wiped the tears from Remus’ cheeks before leaning up until their noses were practically touching.
“Because you wouldn’t let me get this close to you if you stopped.” Sirius whispered, his lips grazing against Remus’ mouth with every word that escaped.
His heart beat loud in his ears, surely it was loud enough for Remus to hear, whether the moon was upcoming or not.
In fact, if he had listened close enough, he most likely would have heard Remus’ heart beating irrationally loud as well, but Sirius had other things to focus on.
His eyes flicked to Remus’ hooded eyes and that was almost enough for Sirius to lose it.
“Just kiss me already.” Remus breathed.
Sirius’ hand fell from Remus’ cheek to the back of his neck, their lips connecting at last.
They broke his one rule, but Sirius didn’t care. He was back in Remus’ arms and that’s all that mattered; After fourteen years apart, that’s all that ever mattered.
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thebadgerclan · 4 years
He’s Home
Pairing: Remus Lupin x reader x Sirius Black
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: He’s home, and he needs you...
A/N: I have Sirius stutter a lot in this, it’s because he’s emotionally overstimulated and that he’s fighting back sobbing at any given moment.
Enjoy Rem and reader comforting Sirius.... <3
12 years after your relationship was torn apart, the great silver wolf bounded into your apartment.  “He’s home,” was all it said before fading.  You didn’t need to hear any more, you grabbed your wand and Apparated to Grimmauld Place.  Remus had asked both you and Sirius out at the end of your 5th year, and both of you had said yes.  From then until Sirius was taken away, the three of you were inseparable; there was hardly a moment where you weren’t touching in some way: holding hands, cuddling, making love.  
But then Peter had turned traitor and Sirius took the blame, and was locked up in Azkaban for a crime he didn’t commit, leaving you and Remus clinging to each other in a world without your love.  But he was home now, likely traumatized, but home.  Number 12 slid into view and you ran inside.  You flew up the steps and into the master bedroom, nearly breaking down at what you saw.  
Remus was propped up against the headboard, Sirius curled up in his lap.  He was shaking violently, and Remus was trying to soothe him: carding a hand through his knotted hair, pressing kisses to his temples.  “Shhh, it’s alright, Pads, you’re home.  I’m here, Moony’s here, love.”  You stepped further into the room, and Sirius flinched.  His breathing was ragged, his eyes wide.  12 years of hell had certainly changed him.  “Sirius,” you whispered, making to step closer, but when he flinched again, you stepped back.
“It’s alright, Pads,” Remus soothed, pulling Sirius closer.  “It’s Y/N, she’s here, love.  She’s here.”  Sirius sat up slightly, still shaking like mad.  “Y-Y/N?”  “Yeah baby,” you said, tentatively stepping closer.  “It’s me, I’m here.”  He burst into fresh tears, reaching out for you.  You climbed onto the bed, opening your arms to him, and he weakly moved from Remus’ lap to yours.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he sobbed, smoothing his matted hair and kissing his head.  “I'm here, Sirius, you’re safe.  We’re here, baby.”  He sniffled, looking up at you weakly.  “It wasn’t me, Y/N,” he said, nearly choking on his words.  “I-it was Peter, he s-sold James and Lily, it w-wasn’t me!”   You tucked his head into your chest, rocking slightly.  “Shhh, I know, my love,  we both do. You’re an innocent man, and we’re gonna fight like hell to prove it.
“But for now,” you said, prying him from your chest.  “You need a bath.”  He was still in his tattered prison robes, dirt and dried blood covering his body.  Remus sat up, tilting Sirius’ chin to make him look at him.  “I’m gonna draw us a bath, okay?  I am not leaving you, I’m just going to the bathroom, okay?”  Sirius slowly nodded and Remus went into the en suite, filling the tub and digging out the first air kit.
A few moments later, he reentered the bedroom, holding his arms out for Sirius.  You helped  him to stand and walked into the bathroom.  Together, you and Remus undressed Sirius, holding back gasps at what you saw.  Wounds, new and old, littered his body, bones that had been broken and not healed properly, there were tattoos that hadn’t been there 12 years ago too.  But both you and Remus simply kissed each scar as you saw them, helping Sirius settle into the water.
Remus sat behind him, Sirius laying against his chest with Remus’ arms around his chest, while you knelt in the water between his legs, washcloth in hand.  “Should I-?” you asked, and Remus shook his head.  “Yeah.  I’ve been with him for hours, he needs you, needs to know you’re really here.”  You nodded, lathering the cloth and starting to bathe him.  The water was soon murky, and you spelled it clean again before washing his hair.  Soon, he was clean again, though he’d started trembling again.
“This isn’t real,” Sirius told you.  “This… this is just a dream.  I’m not home, I’m s-still in Azkaban.  The d-dementors will take this memory from me, I k-know it.”  “No, Pads,” Remus said, pulling Sirius back against him.  “You’re not in Azkaban, you’re at Number 12 with me and Y/N.”  But Sirius shook his head.  “She’s not real.  You’re not real.  T-this is all a dream.”  You were crying now, and Remus beckoned you closer.  “Give me your hand, Pads,” Remus said, and Sirius obeyed.  He pressed Sirius’ palm to your chest, and Sirius gasped.  
“Feel that?  Feel Y/N’s heart?”  “Y-yeah.”  “Would you be able to feel that if she wasn’t real, if you weren’t really here?”  “No.”  “That’s right.  Y/N is here, you are here with us, and we’re never letting anything or anyone hurt you ever again.”  You nodded, and Sirius held his arms out to you.  You leaned against the other end of the tub and Sirius crawled into your lap, nuzzling his face into your neck, winding his arms around your shoulders.  
When you felt his tears hit your skin, you held him tighter, rubbing his arm.  “I love you, Sirius,” you said, and he froze.  “I never stopped loving you.  In 12 years, there was never a day that passed that I didn’t think about you.”  “Really?”  “Yes, Sirius.  I love you so much.”  “I love you too, Y/N, I love you and Remus more than anything.  You were all that kept me sane.”  Remus had gotten out of the tub and dried off, and was now walking back in with a bundle of clothes.  
You helped Sirius to stand, and both you and Remus dried him off, dressed him in Remus’ clothes, and led him back to the bedroom.  As soon as the three of you were under the blankets, Sirius gravitated to you, curling up in a tight ball against your chest.  Remus spooned him from the other side, his arm extending over Sirius’ body, hand gripping yours.  “I love you,” Remus whispered, kissing Sirius’ neck.  “So damn much, Sirius.  We’re not going anywhere, love.  You’re safe.”
Sirius nodded, exhaustion washing over him.  “Love you too, both of you.”  You kissed his forehead and he cuddled closer.  “Sleep, baby.  We’ve got you.”  And he did, and when he woke several times throughout the night, screaming in terror, scared out of his mind that the dementors were just outside the door, you and Remus were there to show and remind him that he was safe, that there were no dementors, and that he was home.  There were a rough few months ahead, all three of you knew that, but you had each other, and in the end, that was all you needed.
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monsieur-hadrien · 4 years
Lost in Translation - drarry oneshot
Inspired by this post by @drarrysdementor, 1.6k words,  16 October 2020
crossposted on Archive of Our Own
Harry Potter was not the most articulate of wizards. Although he had been in the spotlight since he was eleven, and even more so now with his Head Auror position, never had the boy wonder overcome his sub-par speaking skills. Hermione had told him many times that he should work on his people skills in general, and while the fiery passion he exuded in his speeches usually made up for his lack of eloquence, it did not make up for his conversational skills. What could he say? He’s a man of simple pleasures. Harry had his friends and, while he would never admit it, talking to new people scared him a bit.
Maybe that’s why he found Draco Malfoy so enthralling.
While Harry was vaguely aware that the blonde had gotten a research job at the ministry, it wasn’t until his promotion that he started seeing him around. Quite often Harry would see Draco exiting the muggle coffee shop down the road from the Ministry, his camel-colored trench coat fluttering slightly in the wind as he strutted, yes strutted, down the sidewalk, casually sipping from his cup.
It wasn’t the fact that Malfoy’s favorite morning coffee was from a muggle shop that surprised Harry the most (based on the heartfelt apology letters that he and the rest of the trio received after Draco’s trial, he assumed that the former death eater had rescinded his family’s beliefs). Nor was it the fact that he seemed to be ordering coffee - let’s be honest, the man had always seemed much too posh to ever drink anything other than earl grey and the occasional imported red wine or luxury liquor. No, it was the fact that he looked so damn fit while doing it. Draco had grown up, that’s uncontested. They all grew up, in fact, but not everyone grew up to look like that. That’s not to say that he was unattractive in school, quite the opposite really, but the newly softened facial features and, might he say, impeccable legs are truly a sight for sore eyes. Coupled with his new subtle confidence - less “bow down peasant” than their Hogwarts days, for sure - Harry became quite smitten with his former rival.
Well, perhaps he didn’t realize that he was enamored right away, but something (Harry would call it a “gut feeling” even though it was probably another certain organ) possessed him to go get coffee at that exact coffee shop one morning. Now, a normal person would have probably struck up a conversation, but Harry James Potter is not a normal person.
He decided as any other sane person would, to wake up an hour earlier than usual to purchase, what he would call over-priced, coffee, and sit in the shop in hopes of seeing the young Malfoy. Although Harry brought with him unfinished paperwork and a book to complete, he opted to “discreetly” watch the door for the next half hour.
If Draco noticed Harry while he got in line to order his morning drink, he didn’t let on. He left as quickly as he came in too, much to Harry’s demise. He couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment, though he didn’t have the right to, he thought. It’s not like he had ever sought out the former Slytherin, so why would Malfoy expect him to now? Years later, much less. Harry waited a few minutes more before he left the shop as well. That was an utter failure, and obviously, Harry decided, he would not be doing that again.
Harry returned each morning for coffee for the next two weeks, and each morning he was promptly ignored by the one man he attended for.
It was Friday. Harry had planned to go home early that day, but an accident in the field (including a pet kneazle, an illegally obtained vial of amortentia, and a trampoline - how the trampoline got there, no one knew) gave him enough paperwork that he’d be up quite late that night. Near dinnertime, Harry collected his papers and tucked them into his bag to bring with him as he grabbed a bite to eat, but before he could leave, there was an angry rapping at his office door. He sighed, exasperated, and went to answer. Opening his door, he expected to see Hermione or Ron ready to scold him for forgetting some very important event, like a charity ball for Britain’s animal shelters or, Merlin forbid, a Chudley Cannons match.
Instead, to Harry’s delighted surprise, standing outside the door was Draco Malfoy, glaring at him with a cold fury. Any fuzzy feeling that Harry had disappeared when he saw the look on his face.
He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “Can I, uh-”
“Yes, I would like to know the reason that the Auror Department has been following me for the past two weeks.” Draco’s tone read as polite, but his tense shoulders and the fists balled at his side told Harry otherwise.
Bewildered, Harry states, “The DMLE hasn’t been-”
“Oh, cut the shit, Potter.” Draco shoved past Harry, entering the office while slamming the door behind him. “The Malfoy family owes nothing more to the Ministry. We’ve already allowed the Auror Department to search and seize any dark artifacts at the manor, and my father is serving his time in Azkaban as we speak if you haven’t forgotten. I will not have the Ministry slander my family name any more than they ha-”
“Draco,” whoops, that one slipped out, “I have no clue what you’re on about.”
His polite front vanished, “Don’t play coy with me, Head Auror Potter. I’ve seen you every morning for the past two weeks watching me get tea. I’m not as dense as you seem to be.”
Harry froze. Oh my god, that’s embarrassing. “Oh,” was the only thing he could think to respond with.
Draco laughed, but there was no humor in it. “Oh? ‘Oh?!’ Is that all you could think of to explain yourself? You may be the Savior of the Wizarding World, Potter,” Harry cringed at the nickname, “but you aren’t above the law. I will be reporting this to Minister Shacklebolt if you don’t explain yours-”
“I wasn’t trying to follow you or anything…”
“Then what the hell do you call the past two weeks, Potter?”
“... Well maybe I did.” Draco scoffed at him and almost began speaking again, but Harry started before him. “But it wasn’t because you did anything.”
All he got in response was a calculating stare as if Draco was trying to catch him in a lie. He must have passed because all Draco said in return was, “Then why?"
Harry could feel the blood rush up to his ears and he nervously reached for the nape of his neck. He did not want to look the other man in the eyes at that moment. Literally anywhere other than him. “Uh…”
“Ah yes, Potter, very articulate as always. Now spit it out.”
The blush began to migrate to Harry’s cheeks. Damn Malfoy for looking so fit even when he’s angry. He mumbled a confession, his words stringing together into an incoherent jumble of syllables. “ well idon’tknow i saw that you wenttothat coffee shop all the time‘n i wanted totalkto you but i didn’ know howso i decided ‘oh why not just go in ‘n see if he talkstome first’ but then you didn’t so i was like ‘oh maybe i should juslikenot’ but then i kept going i don’know i didn’ mean to make you uncomfor-”
“Harry Potter, I cannot understand a word you are saying.”
“I wanted to ask you out.”
Draco just quirked his eyebrow. “vous devez travailler sur vos compétences en relations humaines, Monsieur Potter.”
Harry’s face scrunched up in confusion. “What?-”
“Je pensais qu’on parlait différentes langues pour s’amuser.”
“I don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I didn’t know what you said earlier either,” the blonde replied with a smirk with only half the malice he had when he walked into the room.
Harry just looked even more confused, dazed even. Draco slowed his speech down, as if talking to a small child, “That wasn’t English you were speaking.”
“Oh?...” Pause. “Oh…”
“Is parseltongue a defense mechanism, or do you just people skills equivalent to that of a garden snake?”
“Shut up, Malfoy.”
“I thought it was Draco to you now, Auror Potter?” Harry groaned in embarrassment and buried his face in his forearms as he sat back down in his office chair. “But I would like to know what you said,” Draco continued after a beat, his smirk disappearing.
In a fleeting moment of courage, Harry pulled his head from his arms and looked Draco in the eye, his blushing face as honest and open as he could be. That’s one thing he was quite good at, being honest. “I was going to ask you out to coffee.”
Draco’s face was impassive. “Like… a date…”
Harry confirmed with a short nod, his eyes focusing on anything other than Draco, nerve gone. “Yeah, a date.” His voice cracked. Again, very embarrassing. Harry decided that an early grave might not be too bad at this point.
A few beats went by. Draco’s calculating expression morphed into one of determination, a very good look on him if Harry was being honest. “Tomorrow morning at 9. I’ll be waiting at the coffee shop. Au revoir.” He moved with grace to the door, the same walk he had every morning. Leaving a very confused Harry in his office chair, Draco opened the door to leave, but not before turning around to say, “Don’t be late.” He grinned and walked out to the hall, closing the door behind him.
Harry sat there, staring at the door for minutes after, processing the encounter. He got a date, yeah. But what stuck out to him, probably the most important part of that conversation, was that he was fucking right.
Draco Malfoy, like the posh git he is, orders tea from a coffee shop. Whether it’s earl grey or not, Harry did not know. He would, however, be asking tomorrow.
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bush-viper-cutie · 3 years
“Uncovered and Secured” || YEAR 3 – Ch.38 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
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Day posted: 1/9/2021
Word count: 3, 411
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
Happy Birthday Severus Snape!
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Heather wiped her mouth with her sleeve and turned back around.
Harry pulled her aside, frowning. “Heather are you ok?”
Heather looked over Harry’s shoulder at Black, Lupin, and Crookshanks – who was hissing, spitting, and snarling with claws out and ready – surrounding the cowering man. Professor Trelawney’s words were spinning around in her head like a twirling tornado. Sirius Black was a convicted murderer, CONVICTED. Even Fudge went to see him. Surely… Surely he must have been given a chance to explain. Someone must have looked into his involvement. Dumbledore must have known somehow… ANYTHING. But Peter... Lupin was convinced Sirius Black was innocent. If Peter really was the one who betrayed their parents, then it would be Peter who would be returning to Voldemort tonight.
She looked at Harry again and shook her head.  
Lupin took his wand back and Sirius Black picked up Snape’s. Both men held them out, pinning Peter in place.
“Hello, Peter,” Lupin greeted him pleasantly, as if they had both bumped into each other on the cobbled streets of Diagon Alley. “Haven’t seen you in some time.”
Peter was still crouching, trembling slightly, trying to make himself shorter than he already seemed. He had his hands out close to his chest like Scabbers had often done when he sat on his hind legs. He had a bald spot in the middle of his matted blonde hair that grew out in tufts that stopped at his sideburns. His eyes were beady and looked around at Lupin, Black, and Harry and Heather.
“S-Sirius… R-Remus…” Peter squeaked. “M-my old friends… M-my friends… I’ve missed you so!” He gave a small smile that wrinkled his eyes.
Black raised his wand arm, ready to unleash a flurry of spells but Lupin’s free arm extended out, stopping him from reacting to the small man’s words.
“How nice it is to have you join our little chat,” Lupin’s voice remained soft and casual. “See, we’ve been talking about the night Lily and James died.”
Peter’s smile dropped. He licked his dry, cracked lips and turned his hands palm up, though he still kept them tucked close to his body. “Remus… Y-you don’t believe him do you? He tried to kill me… murder me… Remus…!”
Lupin fixed his jaw, setting it tight at the sound of his name. “Yes. I’ve heard.”
Peter stuck out his middle finger and pointed it at Black – his hand had only four finger, with the knuckle of his index finger ending in a clean scar where a finger should have been. “He’s come to kill me!” The unnatural squeak of his voice turned raspy. “He killed Lily and James and now he’s come to murder me too… Remus… You’ve got to help me…”
Sirius Black was baring his teeth and looked at him with even more hatred than he’d looked at Snape. His eyelids pulled back so far his red-rimmed eyes bulged and his face looked more skull-like than ever.
“No one’s going to die tonight until we’ve sorted some things out… Peter,” Lupin lightened his cold voice, “Let’s clear up one or two little matters about that night, shall we?”
“What matters?” Peter squeaked. He looked around the room wildly and pointed at Black again. “He’ll kill us all with his Dark powers! He broke out of Azkaban when no one’s ever done it before, imagine what he’ll do to us all! Who knows what more of the Dark Arts He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has taught him! H-horrible things I’m sure… Horrible Dark tricks…!”
Heather felt the room spinning as fast as the tornado in her mind. “Harry,” she hissed. He turned to look at her and she knew she had to tell him. “A prophecy… Professor Trelawny she – ”
Black barked out a laugh, dropping his wand arm to hold his stomach. It struck the air horribly sending a chill down everyone’s spines. “Taught tricks? From Voldemort?”
Peter flinched, as if he’d been struck in the face.
Black sobered immediately, focusing his gaze on Peter. “What? Afraid to hear your old master’s name?” Black slowly smiled again, grinning at how horribly Peter was shaking. “Of course you must also be afraid of all your old palls, too, aren’t you? I hear they aren’t very happy with you… Not happy at all. I hear…” Black stepped forward menacingly, grin slowly shrinking. “They think the double-crosser double-crossed them. I hear…” He stepped closer once more. “They all think you’re dead, or you’d have to answer to them. I hear they all know Voldemort went to the Potter’s on your information… and met his downfall there. And that’s just what I hear from Azkaban… I hear… Not all his supporters ended up in there though. Did they? There are plenty still out there, biding their time, pretending they’ve seen the error of their ways… If they got wind that you were still alive… for twelve years alive and hiding from them, Peter – ”
“D-d-don’t know what – ” Peter swallowed. “What you’re talking about…” He wiped his face on his sleeve like a twitch and looked around again, his little eyes searching. He turned to Lupin again. “Remus! You can’t believe this – madness!”
“What innocent man spends twelve years as a rat, Peter?” Lupin shook his head. “It’s a little hard to understand.”
“Innocent! Yes! But also scared! If-f Voldemort’s supporters were after me then it is because I put their best man in Azkaban! The spy – Sirius Black!”
“Me? A spy?” Black growled. “When have I ever been the one to sneak around people stronger and more powerful than myself? You, Peter – Why I didn’t see you were the spy from the start. After all! You always liked big friends who’d look after you, didn’t you? It used to be us… Remus, me… and James… But there were bigger friends out there. Weren’t there?”
Peter was panting, looking around wildly again. “Me? A spy… madness… you must be out of your mind… I’d never… don’t know how you could say – ”
“I convinced James and Lily to make you Secret-Keeper,” Black hissed, forcing a panicked jump out of Peter. “I thought it’d be the perfect plan… a bluff… Who’d ever use a weak talentless thing like you as their Secret-Keeper? I was sure Voldemort would come after me… I was prepared. Ready… Waiting to give up my life while little Peter hid, keeping our friends safe… I can’t imagine how grand you must have felt, telling Voldemort you could hand over the Potters – Must have been the finest moment of your miserable life!”
“Most farfetched… Absurd – ” Peter’s eyes were darting from the floor to the ceiling, the boarded up windows, to the closed door behind Lupin and Black. “Lunacy…”
Heather settled her eyes on Peter Pettigrew, ignoring the panging feeling that everything would go horribly wrong like it always did. He was looking for escape, but was it for fear of Sirius Black, or was he planning to run in search of his most powerful ‘friend’, Voldemort?
Hermione stepped forward again, swallowing thickly at the sight of the distraught man in front of her. “If… If I may ask – Why had he never tried to hurt Harry, if he was working for Voldemort? Scabbers – I mean – this man – he’s been sleeping in the boy’s dormitory for three years.”
Peter perked up at once and pointed at Hermione with a smile. “See, Remus! I would never want to hurt a single hair on Harry’s head! Why should I…? He – ” He pointed at Sirius Black again. “He injured Ron! Bit his leg and he would have hurt Harry if he had to! I kept them safe, running away when I did!”
“Easy answer,” Black snapped, ignoring Peter. “Why? Because this useless thing never does anything if he can’t see what’s in it for himself! Voldemort’s been in hiding for twelve years. He wasn’t about to commit murder right under Dumbledore’s nose – not for a half-dead wizard who’d lost all his power. That’s why you found a wizard family to take you in. To keep an ear out for news. Just in case your old protector came back and it was safe to rejoin him.”
Peter was opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water trying to breathe.
“But – so then – How DID you get out of Azkaban if you didn’t use Dark Magic?” Hermione asked.
“The dog. You turned into a dog, didn’t you?” Heather looked at Black who nodded. “They didn’t know you were an animagus when they locked you in.”
“That’s only part of it, I suppose.” Black shrugged. “I’m not too sure if that’s the reason – though that’s my guess as well… I kept sane as best I could, knowing I was innocent helped. And knowing I was innocent wasn’t a happy thought at all, so the dementors couldn’t suck that out of me. I repeated it to myself… over and over… It helped me keep my powers – weak as they became – until the day came when I transformed myself…” He looked at one of the windows, as if he could see out beyond it. “Dementors can’t see, you know… They let people’s emotions guide them… I think they could tell my emotions were less… human.” He swallowed. “I was obsessed, first with my innocence… then when I saw that picture – I knew where he was, in Hogwarts with Harry and Heather. Perfectly positioned to deliver the last two Potters should he hear word that his side was gathering strength again… Who’d dare say he betrayed Voldemort after that? He’d be welcomed back with honors... Knowing that, I became even more obsessed, and that cleared my mind… When the time came, I transformed. I slipped past them when they opened my cell to bring me my food… It’s hard for them to sense animal emotion… not impossible… but much harder. Then I swam as a dog back to the main land and journeyed north.”
“You were at the match that day…” Heather realized Harry had told her the truth about seeing the Grim, not just in the clouds.
Sirius Black looked at them, his sunken eyes much softer. He faced them fully and nodded. “Yes… Harry you fly as well as your father… I’m sad I could not watch any more matches. I did not want to bring any more dementors into your games.” He looked deeply into both Harry and Heather’s eyes, as if baring his soul to them. “Believe me… Please. I never betrayed James and Lily. I would have died before I betrayed them.”
Heather swallowed. Suddenly, the man she had feared all year didn’t look anything like the man he was. Although he had the clothes of a prisoner and a wild dangerous look about him despite being skin and bones… Heather could see the genuine sadness of a man who’d lost someone he treasured. It was a pained longing… the same look she saw in Harry sometimes, deep into the night on hard summer days.
Harry looked at her and nodded. If anyone could recognize the hurt of losing James and Lily, their parents… it would be him. She nodded back.
“NO!” Peter fell to his knees and scuttled closer to Professor Lupin, his hands held up over his bent-down head as if in prayer. “Remus! You can’t – ”
Sirius kicked him onto his side and growled.
“S-Sirius! It’s me… It’s Peter… Your childhood friend… you wouldn’t…” He reached out to grab for Sirius. “You couldn’t possibly hurt – ”
Sirius stepped back. “I don’t need more filth on me.”
Still coiled in on himself Peter looked up imploringly at Professor Lupin. “Wouldn’t Sirius have told you they’d changed the plan…! Wouldn’t you have found out?”
Professor Lupin gave a quick tisk. “Not if he thought I was the spy… I assume that’s why I wasn’t told?” he asked Sirius casually.
Sirius gave an embarrassed smile. “Forgive me, Remus.”
“Not at all, Padfoot, old friend.” He began rolling up his sleeves. “And in turn, will you forgive me for believing you were the spy?”
“Of course, Moony.” He too began rolling up his sleeves and gestured to the sad heap of a man still coiled on the floor. “Shall we kill him together?”
Professor Lupin gave a nod. “Yes, I think so.”
Peter gasped and shuffled to his feet, still crouching down to half his height. “You won’t…! You can’t…!” He turned quickly and for the first time since he’d turned back, faced Ron and Hermione. He dove for Ron, holding up his hands again pleadingly. “Ron! I’ve been a good friend… a good pet to you!”
Ron looked more disgusted than when he’d drank the tea that Fred and George had melted all the bad flavors of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans they’d collected over the last five years.
Seeing the look on Ron’s face he turned to Hermione and shuffled on his knees to her. “Clever girl… You don’t believe them… how could you! Help me… Help – ”
Hermione backed away, drawing closer to Ron.
Peter turned slowly to Heather and Harry, his hands coming up to hid his face. “H-Harry… Heather… You’re parents wouldn’t – ”
Peter’s head fell limp on his shoulder and he looked at them despite Sirius’ face being inches from his own. “They wouldn’t have wanted me killed… James would have understood… he would have had mercy…”
Sirius threw him back onto the floor with disgust. “Do you deny selling James and Lily to Voldemort? DO YOU DENY IT?”
Peter’s face contorted and he began bawling. Great heaping tears rolled down his cheeks as he gasped and drew them away with the backs of his trembling hands. “S-Sirius! What could I have done! The Dark Lord… You have no idea…! He has weapons you can’t imagine…! I was so scared, Sirius… I was never brave like you and James and Remus! I never meant it to happen… He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named forced me to – ”
Peter shook his head and sobbed like whining child. “Because he was taking over everywhere! W-what would have been gained by refusing him?”
“Only INNOCENT LIVES! What more could one hope to gain when fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed?”
“You don’t under-understand! He would have killed me, Sirius!”
Sirius clenched his fists and began trembling as hard as Peter was. He bent down furiously. “THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED! RATHER THAN BETRAY YOUR FRIENDS AS WE WOULD HAVE DONE FOR YOU!”
Sirius stepped back, panting, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Professor Lupin as they both raised their wands.
Professor Lupin shook his head. “You should have realized… If Voldemort didn’t kill you… We would. Goodbye, Peter.”
The knot in Heather’s stomach loosened and she felt she could finally breathe. She turned away, although she knew she’d feel nothing but relief knowing there would be no servant making his way back to his master tonight.
“NO!” Harry yelled.
Heather whipped back around to see Harry had placed himself in front of Peter. “Harry!”
He faced their wands with open arms, shielding Peter. “You can’t kill him. You can’t.”
Professor Lupin and Sirius both looked startled and staggered back a step.
“Harry, this pest is the reason you have no parents… This truckling piece of vermin valued his own skin over your whole family. You heard him. He would have delivered you and your sister to Voldemort without a second thought if it meant he could continue about his filthy life,” Sirius snarled. “Step aside, Harry. He deserves this and more.”
“Yes, I know! But you can’t kill him… He should go to Azkaban. We’ll take him to the castle… hand him over to the dementors – just don’t kill him.”
Heather looked at him surprised. It was months ago, weeks go… hours ago that Harry would have killed the man who murdered their parents. He almost had. And now the pitiful wheezing man behind him was being shown great mercy… and now it was her that was willing to see him dealt with.
She sighed and moved next to Harry. “H-He’s right.”
“You sweet… children – I don’t deserve – thank you!” Peter bent his head down so that his forehead rested on Heather’s heals.
“Get off her!” Harry kicked him back. “We’re not doing this for you.” He turned to look Professor Lupin and Sirius in the eyes. “I don’t think Dad would have wanted his two best friends to become killers over someone so pathetic.”
Heather nodded. “And Peter can clear your name… Sirius.”
Sirius looked into her eyes and nodded, grasping the delicate extension of friendship and trust Heather had just thrown him. “In the end… it’s you two who have the right to decide what happens to him.” He lowered his wand hand.
They nodded.
“Very well… Stand aside and I’ll tie him up.” Professor Lupin motioned for them to part and as soon as they did, thin cords shot from his wand and wrapped around Peter.
Peter was groaning and wiggling under his binds but seemed well enough secure that Heather could catch her breath from the whole experience.
Peter stopped wiggling when Sirius pointed his wand at him again. “If you transform, Peter. We WILL kill you. Do you agree Harry? Heather?”
Harry nodded. Heather breathed out and turned away from Peter. “Yes.”
“Right, then.” Professor Lupin walked over to Ron and assessed his leg. “Why don’t we strap your leg up and take you back to the castle where Madam Pomphrey can mend your leg.”
Ron nodded and winced when Professor Lupin tapped his leg and said ‘Ferula.’ Bandages sprung out of his wand end and wrapped around Ron’s bloody leg. He stood with the help of Hermione and tapped his foot lightly on the floor. “Doesn’t hurt much anymore. Thanks.”
Heather looked over at Snape still knocked unconscious and poked his shoulder with her wand. “Er – what about Snape?”
Professor Lupin walked over and examined him. “There’s nothing very wrong with him. Still knocked out from those two spells – a little overenthusiastic with it weren’t you?”
Heather’s cheeks heated. “I didn’t like what he said… But I regret it.”
“I don’t,” Ron cut in with a laugh. “First Hermione now you. I hope you two DO keep up the good work coming next year.”
“Next year?” Hermione huffed. “We’ll be expelled after this!”
Professor Lupin chuckled. “I’m sure the Minister of Magic won’t allow the expulsion of Harry Potter, his twin, and the children responsible for capturing Sirius Black, clearing his name, and also capturing the man really responsible for those crimes…” He gave a smile and a shrug. “It’s not good press.”
“But we attacked a teacher,” Hermione whispered stubbornly.
“Right well. Perhaps we hold off on waking him up until we’re safely back in the castle.” Professor Lupin looked at Sirius and jerked his head back at Snape’s unconscious body.
Sirius nodded and pointed his wand. “Mobilicorpus.”
In an instant, Snape was lifted up into the air by his shoulders into a limp sort of standing position. His head rolled around as Sirius motioned him off the bed, and he looked more like a ragdoll then than seconds before when he was first lifted.
“Two of us should be chained to this, on top of the ropes… Just in case.” Sirius prodded Peter with his foot.
Ron stepped up, looking down at Peter with disgust. It looked like he was taking Scabbers’ true identity as a personal insult. “I’ll do it.”
Professor Lupin fixed the ropes and attached chains connecting Peter’s left arm to his own right and Peter’s right arm to Ron’s left. “Then it’s settled. Let’s make our way out… And leave all this in the past… as it should have been.” He looked around at the old and dust shrieking shack and gave them a grimace of disgust.
Crookshanks led the way out of the shrieking shack, tail held high at a job well done, and they all followed. Professor Lupin, Peter, Ron, and Hermione went through the trap door first, then Snape’s limp body, Sirius, Heather, and Harry.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 86: The Madness of Mr. Crouch
Alice landed on what distinctly smelled like dirty clothes. She got confirmation of this fact by sitting up and a pair of used, and soiled trousers, slipping off her head.
"You alright Smith?" A slurred voice behind her understandably asked as she squealed in disgust and made a beeline for the ajar bathroom door. She barely paused to acknowledge it was Potter, shaking his head from a sizable lump, no telling what he'd smashed into upon their recent landing, as she slammed the door behind her and turned the shower on.
James blinked at the sight before he really took stock of it all and nodded to himself. They could all use a bit of that. He came across several more spare bedrooms in this place before finally finding another one that was deemed important enough to have an adjacent bathroom. He didn't waste much time himself before taking a proper shower and watching the ilk slowly go into the drain as he began to wonder where they'd landed this time.
Frank was still rubbing water, thankfully clean water now, from the nap of his neck as he took his own gander around this place and found himself in an immense library that answered that very question. It was practically the size of his home, but like nearly every room he'd come across it had a disturbed air about it. The books were all pulled off the shelves and scattered on the floor, some even ripped apart. In between every book case was yet another portrait of yet another Crouch.
He wasn't going to try the headache of asking any of them anything again of what could have been going on around here, and so ignored their tisking of the mess. The book he was looking for could have been in here, but he was much keener on finding Alice and Lily in this strange place, so he left the shambles and went off once more.
Lily rubbed her head as she took uncomfortably to her feet, using a hedge to keep her upright as she took in her surroundings of the great sweeping lawns. The hedges were becoming quickly overgrown, her mother would go spare for the sight. Whatever shape this one once had been certainly didn't resemble it anymore. The manor she found herself gazing at seemed in much better state. She wondered what kind of man would live in such a place and not take proper care of his property. She trudged through the grass, and stumbled to her knees in surprise. Yelping the Lumos spell at once for fear of anything at this point, she instead lit her wand tip upon a shoe.
Curiouser, and curiouser.
Making her way almost ghost-like through the shadows and the tall grass until she finally reached the gravel path, she found herself at the front door open for invitation. Hesitating and never particularly liking being alone recently, considering all the deadlier places they'd landed, she debated entering until she heard Pettigrew and Lupin's exasperated voices from just inside the door. At least they weren't screams of terror.
Ignoring the silver knocker in the shape of an eagle's head, she pushed it open wide and was in a grand parlor. It too was a mess.
A table was knocked over, a bottle of brandy long gone to waste. A high-back chair was nearly pushed into the fireplace's unlit grate, and beyond that was a set of stairs where Sirius Black was sitting, still bare-chested and looking almost bored with the proceedings of his two friends having a good laugh with each other.
An eagle owl was snapping its beak reproachfully at the pair, something tied to its leg, but neither of them were paying it any mind as they kept enchanting a pocket watch to hover in the air and letting it fall, the goal for the other to manage to get it to hover again before it hit the ground.
"I've found the book," Frank announced, hand in hand with Alice as he descended the stairs, the pair stepping around Sirius Black who didn't even look up at them, maybe lost in thought for the first time in his life. They spotted Lily still standing in the doorway, eying the betrayal of them looking decidedly cleaner than the mud she still sported and the new twigs likely caught in her hair.
"I'll wait until you've freshened up though," he concluded kindly.
"Much appreciated," she smiled in return, making her way upstairs to do just that.
Regulus was still running a towel through his hair and wondering how on Earth Sirius kept it so long, his was much shorter and it took forever to dry out, when Longbottom started the book. He startled a bit in the bathroom but thanked the fortuitous timing regardless, five minutes earlier and that would have been even weirder.
The Madness of Mr. Crouch? Was this possibly going to explain all of his odd behavior then? It would be nice to have a straight answer like a man going barmy for once, it would explain why he'd thrown his kid into Azkaban for doing something his mother had always insisted any sane pureblood would give their arm to do. Yet another odd juxtaposition of the world he'd never been privy to until all this, it seemed.
Alice sat cross-legged at Frank's feet, playing absently with his shoelaces as he read above her, wondering just as much as everyone else just how loony Crouch had always been. Apparently he couldn't keep his place together worth a damn without his elf, poor little Winky's deteriorating desinsion into freedom being once again highlighted as Harry gave the kitchens another visit.
The Marauders were still enjoying their little game, all four of them now with the extra challenge of avoiding spells from each other while keeping the pocket watch aloft. Lily was a step below her as she watched their game and tried to pretend otherwise, but it was either that or the wood paneling, so she wasn't hiding it well. Alice had never been in the Gryffindor dormitory on a normal day to guess as much, but she wondered if she always pretended to ignore them while they were up to their hijinxs and nobody had just ever seen otherwise. She never talked about her roommates really, and it's not like Snape would be up there to notice.
Nobody had seen the little Black yet, though it was a large manor, she still felt bad it didn't seem anyone was trying either. The times she and Frank had tried to chat with him he hadn't really been very forthcoming. Still, this place had an odd feeling about it, and someone should check on the lad. He'd been so quiet the past few places, she couldn't really recall him saying a word.
The moment she began getting up, Lily leapt to her feet right beside her ready to go. Maybe Alice had misjudged and she'd been fighting off the temptation to curse them instead of join them, it was surprisingly hard to tell with her.
"I'm going to have a poke around," she explained to Frank, who'd clearly been distracted by the story as he only looked up as she gave him a peck on the cheek and explanation.
"Oh," he stuttered in surprise, looking back down at the others and swallowing uncomfortably, already half closing the book, before he hesitated and glanced out the still open door instead. It was a half moon, Lupin was being the most lively of the bunch. Evidence of which, most texts had said, made him just as dangerous as a full moon for his energy could lead to a dangerous quarrel.
'One that led to hitting your mates with a curse to have them hanging in the air by their ankle apparently,' she snorted softly to herself as Black was effectively put out of the game for the moment while his mates laughed themselves silly.
Frank swallowed visibly, but then very obviously settled himself more comfortably on the carpeted step. "Alright love, I'm too curious to stop, you two have fun though."
She smiled brighter than the moon, giving him a more affectionate peck on the lips this time and running her hand through his hair as the two departed up the stairs.
"Anywhere in particular you want to have a look?" Lily asked pleasantly as they began traveling down the first hallway. "I found a ballroom a bit back, though I can't imagine the man was renowned for hosting parties."
"Think my Mum went to one actually, years ago," Alice agreed with a giggle. "She said his wife had been the life of the party and he spent the whole time boasting to his coworkers. Quite the surprising dancer though." She listened to Harry visiting the owlery by himself and watching from afar as Hagrid and Maxime had another interaction, a pleasant reprieve from anything death-defying recently, still leaving their current whereabouts and the chapter title all the stranger. She corrected the assumption though, "no, I actually had a goal in mind, I was thinking of looking for little Regulus Black. Haven't heard from him in awhile, and though nothing's attacked us in this place yet, I still thought I'd check on him."
"Oh," some of the enthusiasm dropped from Lily's face, and Alice couldn't blame her being weary of the lad. He'd been least friendly to her. She surprisingly picked herself right back up though and quickly hid that with a believable smile just as fast, "that's a really kind thought Alice, you're full of those. I really see where Neville gets it."
She blushed in surprise and had no comment for that.
They finally found him in the last room of the last wing, Alice couldn't help but think he'd sought the place out on purpose and the idea was reinforced when they saw the puckered look on his face as he inspected the room. The look didn't temper out much when he saw he had company, but his voice was cordial enough as he said hello.
Alice had seen as well as anyone how he'd been actively seeking out, even talking to Peter Pettigrew as of late. So maybe the kid was a little standoffish until he found some common ground, and she knew of at least one of those. "So, you think Crouch Jr. played Quidditch?"
This was the exact wrong thing to say apparently, Lily instantly deduced, as his uneasy frown turned into a full blown scowl.
"How the bloody hell should I know that, there's not a trace of the bloke in this whole house. Apparently he died the second he was shipped away to Azka-" he broke off and purposely turned his back on them.
"Oh, right," Alice finally said lamely to the dead silence that followed that. It wasn't hard to think for any extended time why the idea of Azkaban would bother him in particular for several reasons, his inevitable future being one, his brother winding up there being another obvious.
Lily's instinct kicked in though only moments later. "She was just trying to be nice, a lot more than you ever bother."
Both of them were briefly distracted by the book, Hermione being sent hate mail of all things and the poor girl having to go off to the hospital wing for it. They exchanged commiserating looks at the mess all around, finally turning to leave him to it as neither wanted to hear once more how much the mudblood probably deserved it, and missing the fact he watched them leave.
The two of them spent the rest of the chapter traversing the barren halls having a good chat about magical creatures they'd still like to see, those nifflers from Hagrid's lesson sounded adorable.
Remus finally let all three of his friends down and only preened in his victory for a few moments before he let himself get really distracted by the story, and Hermione swearing vengeance upon Skeeter. "I really hope she does it too," he nodded along, "that woman's caused enough trouble, and we can maybe even stop any of that before it starts."
"I'm game," Sirius hopped to his feet at once, then swayed dangerously, he had been upside-down the longest. Remus grabbed his arms to stop him face planting, not bothering to hide his resumed snickering at how flush his chest visibly was.
"What if someone even worse took her place though?" Peter asked as he shook out his legs, very much regretting letting himself get hit when he did, he'd thought Prongs couldn't have lasted that much longer! "Like, like someone who blackmails people to get stories instead of just making up-"
"One problem at a time," James rolled his eyes, very much repressing the spine tingling-feeling whisper that told him Peter didn't want to change the future- but obviously he did!
There was some interest piqued all around regardless at the last task being described by Bagman out on the Quidditch Pitch! Disgusted mutters, of course, for what they'd done to the place, but so long as it was put back right this maze sounded like an...interesting place, and the last one thankfully.
None of them were looking forward to being in there themselves, as was inevitable at this point, so they were as happy as anyone at the randomness of Krum pulling Harry aside, to talk about Hermione.
Peter giggled shrilly at the renowned Quidditch player thinking James's kid was any kind of romantic threat, even if Harry didn't like Hermione. He watched now as Prongs puffed up his chest in pride for the same and ruffled his hair, shouting loud enough for neighboring mansions to hear about his kid getting any lass he liked and able to beat that International player to boot.
There was something, off about it though. He couldn't even explain to himself for a moment why he forced himself to keep laughing longer than usual, why he was dithering uncomfortably in place when he had no good reason to as nothing was really wrong. Well... something had been wrong, for ages though. He'd felt it since the start, when Remus and Sirius had made up from their fight. Then that shite with his future had happened, and now everyone was ignoring there was some shift happening in their group. Their first game in too long and some old jokes didn't feel like it was really fixing anything- and what was Crouch doing there?!
Frank Longbottom was no longer leaning back casually on his elbows and pretending he wasn't watching them out of the corner of his eye, he now sat ramrod straight on the stairs and had no inkling of his audience, they were all so riveted by the sheer oddity of what they were hearing, glad for once they weren't at the scene of this crime. Standing in the shadows of the Forest, even one the Marauders knew so well, would have been terrifying, but somehow being in said man's house instead put an extra layer upon what they were hearing.
Madness was no joke then, the man had truly cracked, and Harry and Krum were there to witness the ravings.
Frank would swear the house itself stopped breathing, all eight of them taking in every word of Harry trying to sooth this Ministry official, then leaving Krum to take over as he went for Dumbledore. He was even selfishly glad Lily wasn't around this time, as Snape once again stepped in the way with his arse-like tendencies, he didn't need any distractions of how she would have explained that.
It was still all the stranger when boy and Headmaster returned, to find Krum stunned. Hogwarts truly turned into a madhouse for the following moments, and it wasn't until Hagrid was leading Harry away from it all that they each began really letting it all sink in.
Crouch was gone, his madness likely the cause of all this, but all of it? Frank did not think an onset of spotty mentality would cause him to put Harry Potter into the tournament, but things were progressing fast now into the final legs of his year, and still they were as scarce on information to the culprit of that as ever. Frank was a bit ashamed of himself he hadn't been paying nearly as much attention to details as he would have liked, and even found it some relief to look over and see the Marauders as aghast at all this as him. They were always known as clever students, to be able to do the stunts they pull, now three fourths of them being Animagi at their age was no easy feet. He was missing something, they all were.
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priorireverte · 3 years
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Congratulations Rachie!
Your application for Narcissa Malfoy has been accepted. I am so excited to have both halves of one of my favourite pairs around, and to see Narcissa being amazing and calm and collected even when facing a total upheaval of her world—again.
Please look to the checklist for the next steps and reach out if you have any questions!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Rachie / She/her
AGE: 29
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I can generally be on every day for a few hours, and then a little bit more at the weekends! I work full time (and am currently in temp housing) but I try to find time each day to be online cause rping is my stress relief!
ANYTHING ELSE: No triggers. But I’ve been rping in the HP world for approx 10ish years? I’ve rped on a dedicated site, and then more recently on tumblr. I’ve also been rping non-HP role plays on tumblr on and off for about five years.
NAME: Narcissa Violetta Malfoy (neé Black)
BIRTHDATE: 31st August 1956
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis Woman, she/her and Demisexual. When asked, Narcissa would more than likely say she was straight, and has probably never been attracted to anyone not male. But in actual fact it is the emotional connections she has with a person that really leads to the eventual sexual attraction. In actual fact since she has had a strong emotional bond, and relationship with Lucius, she has never looked at anyone else in that manner at all.
OCCUPATION: Technically Narcissa is unemployed, and most of the Wixen world would view her as a housewife, and having never worked a day in her life. In actual fact Narcissa has ‘worked’ as a private     potioneer ever since she graduated Hogwarts. She brews and works out of Malfoy manor. Of course, she’s very exclusive, and charges very high rates. It was generally the other purebloods that she would brew potions for.
FACECLAIM: Charlize Theron
If there was one thing that drove Narcissa more than anything it was her family. She had always been a family person, and to her there was nothing more important than the family she had created. They were the reason she made the choices she did, and why she betrayed the Dark Lord. One might not even call it a betrayal. Technically she wasn’t a death eater. She was never marked. But it was clear to the Wixen world the side she had chosen. But she had chosen to betray the cause anyway, and she does not regret it. The war hadn’t been anything she had really wanted, and so for it to end, was something she was grateful for.
She isn’t the woman she was then though. Not anymore. In the manor, she might seem more like herself. But she sometimes finds herself more clingy, or more in need of physical contact. It sucks because she doesn’t really have many people that want to hug her anymore. Her relationship with her husband sometimes feels strained. She still adores Lucius, but it’s been more difficult since the war. They both went through so much, and are both still working through things. But what Narcissa knows is that she will always love and be dedicated to her husband, regardless of the choices he made.
These days Narcissa is just taking each day as it comes. She still worries that someone might change their mind about the Malfoy’s getting a pardon. She could probably talk her way out of getting imprisoned, technically she was never actually involved. But she worried about what a jail sentence would do to her husband and son. She tries to hold her little family together and navigate through the world.
But she is fearful. Fearful of what will happen if her sister, or the dark lord come back through that veil. She betrayed them, and she knows they will come for her if that happens. Now she’s just praying it won’t happen.
positive traits: Loving, Loyal, Fighter, Determined, protective negative traits: Manipulative, Calculating, Cold, worrier
Narcissa has always been a loving, loyal and protective person. She has always been a person with a huge heart, even if from the outside people might disagree. When she loves, she loves hard, and it is almost impossible for her to stop loving someone. This of course was tested when Andromeda left. If being honest, Narcissa still loves her sister, but she had to turn away, if only to protect herself. The bonds she forms are deep, and very emotional. They can be taxing, and sometimes too much.
As loving and friendly she is to those lucky enough to be close to her, Narcissa is also incredibly calculating, cold and manipulating. She has an extraordinarily strong talent in manipulating people to do her wishes. Add a cold exterior, and she managed to get a ice queen reputation. To be honest, it kind of amused her, as it was really so far how she would describe herself. But it fended off the people that she once thought weren’t good enough to be around her. It’s been a reputation she’s found hard to shake off in recent years, and she stills finds herself having to prove that she is kind and caring. Narcissa still doesn’t care too much about what people think of her though. People will talk about her regardless.
Narcissa is incredibly academically talented. Sadly at school she wasn’t really allowed to pursue a career, and her parents didn’t want her to focus too much on her schooling. But Narcissa was very clever. Her best subject was potions, and she was determined to carry on brewing, even after she graduated. It was a huge stress reliever for her, and she know being able to brew, and escape from reality, is something that kept her sane over the years.
Family has always been important to Narcissa, and if anything was the main driving factor in everything that she did. That is something that is being tested at the moment, especially with Bellatrix being back. She always said she would be loyal to her family, but this was a little too far. It is something she is really struggling with, and she finds that she really doesn’t have anyone to talk too about it.
The one thing striking from her childhood was the need to always be perfect. The Black sisters had to be perfect in every sense of the manner. It was a tough childhood, one filled with distant parents that never seemed to be quite happy enough. Narcissa was lucky in the sense that she was the baby of the three, but even then, she wasn’t a boy, and so her father would always be disappointed. Along with the need to be perfect, became the need to be pure. The law of being pure was pressed into her from a young age, and breaking that law became something that the young girl would become terrified.
The only decent thing really was her sisters. The three Black sisters formed a bond like no other, and Bellatrix and Andromeda were big factors in making her happy. Having her sisters love made the disappointment her parents expressed a little more tolerable. Everything would be okay as long as she had her sisters.
But then suddenly she didn’t have Andromeda, and it felt like her world was collapsing around her. The net suddenly got tighter then, and Narcissa probably couldn’t have left even if she had wanted too. Narcissa was just lucky that she was soon an adult, and could at least escape her parents house. They might have still had some influence on her, but she had a bit more freedom then.
Growing up in the Black family was hard. She always had to be perfect, and she always had to be pure. But the love she got and expressed for her sisters helped to shape Narcissa into who she became, and for that she couldn’t regret, or want to change anything that she had gone through.
To be honest, just before the end of the war her life was pretty terrible. The death eaters were running out of her house, and she felt like her life was being dictated. This wasn’t what she signed up for when she married Lucius, and she hated it. She hated not feeling comfortable, or happy in her own home. Tensions were high, and the only reason she survived was because of her family. It was tense with Lucius too, but he and Draco kept her going. She had to keep them safe, and that gave her a purpose.
Before then, before the dark lord had returned, her life has been pretty great. She got to do basically whatever she wanted, and it made her happy. Sure, she should have been upset that they hadnt won the first war. But, she was just happy that she got to live the life she wanted. She brewed her potions, and she had her family close. Family was the most important thing to her, and she was just glad that they were safe. The world might mistrust them, but they were safe, and for that she would be forever grateful.
The second wizarding world was hard for Narcissa. She shared the view points of the death eaters, but it took her husband away from her. First, at night, when he went on tasks for the dark lord, and then completely when he was sent to Azkaban. It was only her loyalty, and her love of her family, that kept her in that manor. Her love for Lucius was tested, but her marriage vows never faltered. For better, for worse.
She was a Black and a Malfoy, and so, at Lucius’ side was where she stayed. If that was the right choice….. only time would tell.
Narcissa has always been one of my favourite characters in the harry potter world. I love being able to really delve into who she is, and what drove her to become who she did. We get so little about her in the books, and so I love basically having a blank slate to work on. It really interests me in being able to play Narcissa, and see who she is as a person. There is so much more to Cissa than just being a mother, and I love the opportunity to explorer this.
This roleplay has such an interesting idea. Not only does it have the post-war to explore, which is so interesting for the the Malfoys. But it also has the fact that people are coming back from the dead. Technically Narcissa is a traitor to both sides, and it’s something that I am really looking forward to exploring! I’m also looking forward to exploring the relationship between Lucius and Narcissa, and seeing how this was shaped and changed by the outcome of the war. Lucissa is my fave HP ship, and this is something that really excites me!
Nothing right now, but i’ll probably set her up an pinterest cause I love creating aesethetics for my charries!
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cydonianotmalus · 4 years
About the justice system of HP...
Now I don’t think I’ve seen enough people addressing this, but, the prison and justice system of the magical society is insanely stupid and inhuman. 
Let me elaborate:
About justice, I think we can say the two most known examples are the British Ministry and the MACUSA. 
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I don't want to extend myself, but lets focus on two main events that show us how fucking wild justice is for the magic kind: 
Newts and Tina's execution order: No need of explanation. They just had a little chit-chat with Grindelwald using Graves handsome face and after this they are sentenced to death. No trial, no defence, not nothing. They are sent to their deaths right away. (Really, I don't know if this was common for the no-maj system too in those times but???). Now, you might think, oooookey. Death sentence. They must have a pious method, something... magical? Maybe, to make it quick and painless. But apparently, in just another example of how the magic kind are not less dispiteous and cruel than the muggle kind, it is not. BECAUSE IT SEEMS THAT THEY FUCKING MENTALLY MANIPULATE PEOPLE TO GET SUBMERGED IN FUCKING ACID. Like, wtf, man, are you serious?!! They just send people to fucking melt in that damn pit of “Death Potion” while making them “have happy thoughts” without a second thought. (And no, I don’t think the part about using the most precious memories of the condemned makes it better). Maybe it's just the shitty script but, damn. 
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Oh, according to the writer of this Reddit post, this method, “references the Salem Witch Trials, involving being submerged underwater and pronounced a witch, if the accused floated.” This is just... a curious fact, btw. 
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It’s mentioned too, that this was actually a reference to “how British people view the American government- we're a nation that hands out the death sentence like candy when compared to the European nation.” But just as I say later, Azkaban looks pretty much like a death sentence too, at least to me.  Sirius-fucking-Black: I can't start telling you how painful is to me to remember the injustice that ruined this man's life. How much it breaks, burns and tears apart my heart and soul. He was framed, yes, but it was really the Ministry fault that Peter fucking succeeded. Like, AGAIN, what about a fucking proper trial, man? There wasn’t one. (Apparently, there wasn’t many in war-time, so Deatheaters coulnd’t manipulate the court, but… what a tactic). They found a man in the scene, laughing (probably because of the shock, I think he didn’t thought Peter was capable of what he just saw, he’s horrified, some people laugh when they are in shock, damn it), they say “it’s nuts, its guilty, put him in Azkaban” and THATS IT. They could have tried with Veritaserum once he had calmed down a bit, they could have used a Pensieve to see what really happened. But no. Now, I don’t want to talk about Azkaban yet, but we know the only thing that kept him sane was to think about his innocence and I think there are enough info and theories about how being in his animagus form helped him going unnoticed to the dementors and later, to escape.
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Now, how is that fair? He was an innocent man, among many others, I’m sure. I’m serious. With such system, who knows how many innocents where isolated in Azkaban during “war times”? We just need to think about the Second Wizarding War when so many muggle born and blood traitors were sent there. How many were left to serve as fucking appetizers to the Dementors?
But not only that. let me continue.
There are two known prisons: Azkaban for British wizarding criminals and Nurmengard, wich... well, apparently was exclusive for Grindelwald? 
Lets talk about Azkaban first: It’s a fucking isolated island, used as prison since 1718, employing Dementors as guards. According to Sirius, most prisoners went insane after a short while, and some even stopped eating, preferring death to their lives within Azkaban. As it seems, each prisoner is in secluded cells. So they have only the Dementors to interact with. If the Wizarding world had anything like the fucking UN, they would be horrified by so many fucking  broken human rights. I mean, to me it sounds like Azkaban is for itself a death sentence.
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This brings me to another question: what happens with the minor criminals? What happens with thieves, scammers, etc,? Are they sent to Azkaban for just a short period of time? Because, according to the books, Azkaban can turn a man in to a demented in a few weeks. A simple pickpocket deserves that? I don’t think I have found anything about that (if you do, please tell me).
The worst is that, in almost 300 years, the only one who apparently tried to do something about Azkaban was Eldritch Diggory, around the 18th century. And nothing else until the end of the SWW. What the fuck.
There’s not much to say about Nurmengard. We know it was where Grindelwald was imprisoned (a sad fate, to be locked up in your own fucking fortress). Many will be of the opinion that he deserved what he got but… It’s still unethical and immeasurably pitiless, if you ask me. He was kept alive for fifty-three years, yet… he was absolutely isolated, with (at least so it seems) no means of entertainment. It’s implied that he regretted his actions at some point but, for what? If you ask me, it would have been more merciful to kill him sooner.
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Idk what do you think but, the wizarding world needs to improve a lot of things, beyond his fucking pro-slavery and racists ways. Excuse my funny grammar. And please, if anything needs correction you can say it. 
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