#the thing that really stood out to me was the run on sentences. plus the misuse of punctuation
fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
Reading an actual published book that is really, confidently bad gives me more confidence in my writing than just about anything actually
#before you ask; no i will not be saying the title or the author’s name#because 1) i did get this book for free (stuff your kindle day back in june) and 2) as the past sentence would imply; it is an indie author#so i don’t want to put this person on blast#HOWEVER. it still doesn’t make sense to me that this book was so bad#like i know it didn’t go through as many rounds of edits as a traditionally published book would have; and i know this author probably#doesn’t have the resources to seek professional editing. but STILL. even if it’s just you and a screen…… you’re telling me you can’t edit#better than that?? you can’t WRITE better than that????? i don’t know what to say#it read like a bad first draft. it read like something i would write drunk or sleep deprived or ill or a combination of the three#and come back to a month later and question whether i’m actually literate#the thing that really stood out to me was the run on sentences. plus the misuse of punctuation#they were using full stops where a comma should be… there were insubordinate clauses that just got abandoned#but then the next line would be a massive run on sentence and i’d be like….. my friend; when am i supposed to breathe?#if you’re not sure if it flows; read it out loud. if you’re running out of breath or tripping over your words It Does Not Flow#it just felt very very stilted; the grammar was bad; it was confusing; i kept getting the characters mixed up because they were both male#and names weren’t used often enough so i was like ‘wait… which one is this again?’#at least they didn’t go in for the epithets like ‘the blonde man’ ‘the demon’#that being said……. i can’t picture either of these characters because there was no description. they full on had sex and i couldn’t tell you#why they were attracted to each other or anything. like. i have read some real trash romance in my time and i am not ashamed to admit it#but i have Never; not in well over a decade of reading smut; had to question why two people were attracted to each other#even if i don’t agree with the reasoning. even if the attraction isn’t exactly coming off the page. i have some details#other than ‘he’s beautiful’. but HOW is he beautiful???? you never EXPLAINED#it was also probably the least passionate sex scene i’ve ever read. and that is impressive#it did bolster my confidence in my own writing lol so i have to thank it for that#i hope this author buys a grammar book and keeps at it. they had good concepts.. the execution was just so bad#and a lot of it could’ve honestly been fixed by fixing the sentence structure & invoking the five senses to set a vibe#personal
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primalbeatsourhearts · 10 months
Agility Courses
This is based off a small prompt I found on @kenvamp 's page! Here!
Thought it was a really fun prompt, and decided to do it myself! Enjoy!!
"Twilight! Come on, this will literally be the best way to get enough rupees for all of us to sleep at the inn tonight!" Wind practically whined. As if the other didn't know full well that Twilight was stubborn enough to sleep in freezing cold rain just to keep a little bit of his pride. 
And maybe a bit of his sanity cause dealing with all of the chain’s antics can really put it to the test.
And while the Rancher won’t admit that he’s probably a bit to prideful for his own good, the rest of the group knows how much he despises acting like a true dog (or wolf) when he is in the other form. So Wind asking Twilight to compete in a dog agility course as Wolfie was frankly an insult to the Rancher. 
“It’s literally 1,500 rupees! 1,500! That could easily give us an entire week! And fill up Wild’s slate with all the provisions we need and more!”
Twilight did have to hand it to Wind. 1,500 rupees really was a lot, but usually Wild had a lot more. However, the other had to spend the rest of his rupee’s on red potions since he ran out of whatever he needed to make them. They also had no way to replenish the rupee shortage unless they stayed around town and completed odd jobs here and there, or end up in Wild’s Hyrule so he could sell off all the ores he somehow keeps finding. 
He really needed to talk about his cubs hoarding tendencies. 
“No Wind, frankly it’s just insulting that you would even ask me that!” Twilight snapped, his eyes narrowing on the younger who put his hands on his hips as if it would make him seem more intimidating. No matter that Twilight stood at least a foot taller over the kid. 
“Come on! It would be so easy to win! You are so much smarter than all the other dogs, and I even checked to make sure Wolfie could participate and he can!” Wind said excitedly, “Wolves are entirely allowed, well Wolf dog because technically full wolves aren’t allowed” 
Well there goes that question. Still, he refused. He wouldn’t do something as demeaning as a dog competition. 
“I said no Wind, and that’s final!” he said, his voice leaving know room for argument. Which of course caused the younger to practically groan dramatically. 
“If we end up sleeping outside tonight, I am blaming you!” The sailor then declared, before going to storm off when he was suddenly stopped by Wild. Wind running face first into him and Wild quickly put his hands on the pirates shoulders to help steady him. 
“There’s a dog agility thing, Twilight you should join as Wol-”
“If you continue that sentence Wild, I will shut you up” Twilight hissed, causing Wild to freeze. “Seriously! I am not doing some dog thing!”
Wild gave an annoyed look to Twilight, as though it was this time Twilight was being the dumb kid. Even though it was usually Wild on the end of those stares. Which the kid definitely deserved due to the crazy shenanigans he has found himself in. 
Twilight only crossed his arms at Wild’s stare. “Don’t look at me like that! I don’t think it’s that bad for me to say no! It’s not even gonna-”
Cue the sound of thunderclap in the distance, and Wild’s knowing look that caused Twilight to glare even more harshly than before. It did always annoy him that Wild was eerily good at predicting the weather. But he was the survivalist of the group for a reason. 
“I talked with some of the people there though, it really would be an easy win. I even made to sure get a map so we know the course pretty well, plus I already signed us up”
“What! You-” Twilight growled, standing up straighter as he approached Wild who seemed entirely amused at the Rancher’s reaction. “You signed us up? Without my permission? What makes you so confident that I would even do this!”
Wild just still had that really annoying smirk on his face, confidence in his eyes. “I wasn’t going to originally. But when some fancy lady said that my mutt couldn’t win against her purebred, I put Wolfie down immediately because screw her”
That made him pause. Someone called him a mutt? What? He couldn’t help the little growl that escaped him, the wolf inside him practically twisting in offense. “What kinda dog did she have?”
“Pretty sure it was some sort of poodle”
“This lady thinks her poodle could win against a wolf?” Twilight hissed. “Oh we are going to prove that lady so wrong! Come on Wild, Wind, we are leaving now!” 
He pointedly ignored Wind and Wild’s laughter, and Wild’s hands signing to Wind that he told Wind not to worry, and that he’d get Twilight to join. Whatever. He didn’t care that Wild basically played him like a fiddle, because if there was one thing that Twilight hated more than being called a dog. It’s being called a mutt. He would prove that lady wrong, and win that competition better than that stupid poodle of hers.
Twilight was beginning to regret this. Already he could tell how severely out of place he was amongst all these various breeds of dogs. Especially considering he’s much bigger than all of the other creatures here, and while Wild was one of the shortest in the chain. It didn’t help that he was basically half the other Hylian’s height. 
When they had arrived, he could instantly spot who Wild was talking about. The lady one of the most ugliest looking outfits that Twilight had ever seen and it took everything he had to not curl his snout up in his disgust. No. He had to focus on acting like a proper wolf and frankly he should have a lot more experience in this since he practically raised Wild. 
Then again, Wild didn’t even know the difference between a wolf and a Hylian for the longest time so he may not be a good candidate in knowing how well he can act. Plus, no one was really casting suspicious looks his way. The only ones that were, Twilight was sure they were looking at him because they didn’t know if he was a wolf dog like Wild and Wind said he was. 
Either way, he did not like the lady. To the point where he almost felt bad for her poodle since it’s fur was entirely dyed pink, and not even a pretty pink. 
Probably one of the most obnoxious pinks he has ever seen in his life. Standing beside her seemed to be a younger man, maybe around Wild’s age. He’s probably the one that actually trained the dog and most likely the one to guide him through the course. 
In fact, that was Twilight’s biggest worry. Cause he refused to do this stupid competition without being sure that he would win but Wild promised he already studied the course layout and said they are one of the last to go so Twilight can study the other dogs. Much to his annoyance. The fact that he has to study actual dogs to win this thing. 
“Twilight your growling” he heard Wind whisper, lightly nudging the Rancher’s side. Breaking him out of his thoughts, to which he sees that Wind was right. He needed to calm down if he didn’t want to drag anymore unwanted attention to themselves. 
Wild was off getting them snacks since Wind loudly declared how hungry he was, and Twilight mentally agreed with him. There was about 7 other dogs to perform before them so they had plenty of time to eat. Especially since they all agreed that it would be Wild leading him through it. The two of them were instinctively bonded in a way that none of the other chain was, even with Wolfie’s instincts getting in the way. 
The others didn’t really understand that when Twilight was Wolfie, he did follow his more animalistic instincts more than his human thought. Wild was the only one who could properly understand him in this form, so if Wolfie ever need to make an appearance, Wild was the one in charge of taking ‘care’ of him.
It didn’t take long for Wild to come back with a few bags of what seemed to be popcorn…with caramel on it? Twilight tilted his head as the sweet smell entered his nostrils and practically made him drool with excitement. His tail slightly wagged as Wild handed one bag over to Wind and set the third one on the ground. “Only needed 5 rupees for three bags, so I had enough” Wild signed.
Wind did express his worry for not having enough Rupee’s to get anything, but thankfully Wild did seem to have at least some stuff left over. “Told you, I just don’t have enough for all of us to be in an Inn”
Twilight quickly stuffed his mouth with the popcorn, the sweet taste flooding his sense as he heard Wind snickering behind him. “I think Wolfie likes it” he teased, but Twilight only gave an annoyed ear flick in response. 
“Don’t eat to fast Wolfie” he then heard, the champions hoarse voice familiar but uncommon to hear. “Don’t want you getting sick”
Twilight only gave a whine in response but he did slow down his eating. Wild was right after all. 
“I wish we could’ve at least brought the rest of the group here, I really think they would’ve enjoyed watching this” Wind then chimed in, seeming to let out a disappointed sigh. 
Wild only rolled his eyes, throwing in another piece of popcorn in his mouth before signing “You know Twi would kill us if we did, he’s already embarrassed enough. Now keep working on that story you promised him, we need to explain how we got so many rupee’s once we win”
Wind only grumbled at that, as the three of them watched the course go. Of course, the poodle was sectioned right before them. The dog walking with an aura of smugness that really shouldn’t be possible for a creature like that. Then again it might be his own annoyance for the little thing, which definitely didn’t deserve his ire. 
“Now announcing Princess Rosa and her trainer Doron! This purebred poodle has been the champion for the last three games now, and quite a champion she is! Let’s see her grace in action, so judges whenever you are ready!” the announcer shouted, causing Twilight’s ears to perk up. While he was studying the rest of the dogs, it took only two competitors for him to realize just what the course entailed. It really shouldn’t be too difficult to perform. His only issue would be his size so he’s not as maneuverable as some of the smaller dog breeds. However, he is confident that he can figure it out on the fly. 
He was a hero after all. How difficult could a dog course be?
Yet, while watching Rosa, she went through the agility course with ease. A creature with limited intelligence did this course with a certain sort of grace that Twilight didn’t think he could live up too. Shit. How is that a dog moving with an ease that Twilight couldn't even begin to do. He knew he took a lot of practice from actual wolves, when it came to learning his new body alongside Wild who was raised by a small pack.
But maybe he should also take lessons from show dogs and agility dogs, who move with such confidence in their strides. Working with the smoothness alongside the orders of their pack, but with such confidence to stand out on their own. Wolves taught you to blend in. It seems this poodle knew how to take the space given to you, and own it. 
Though it was still a poodle, and he refused to let it win. 
He pointedly ignored Wild's knowing look however, but he knew the other was studying Rosa's movements just as much as Twilight was. 
She finished with almost perfect scores and Twilight was pretty sure she even beat her previous score. How was he going to even win that? He's not even sure if he can jump through the hoops that quickly or slide through those weave poles as easily as Rosa did. However, he knew he would try his best. 
"Now! We have a new dangerous duo this competition! Introducing Wild, and his wolf-dog Wolfie!" the announcer then shouted after Rosa was done. Twilight immediately stood up, a certain form of determination in his step as he knew he would be trying his best to still win against a dog. 
Him and Wild easily fell into step together as they walked to the center of the course. Twilight's eyes scanning the course and mentally going through it. Wild kneeled next to Twilight, having the wolf stare at him in the eyes. Before Wild's eyes closed and head butted him. Twilight's ears going back as he leaned into the touch. 
They didn't really need to do this, but for them they swore it helped with their bond and getting on the same wave length. Helping them become one mind, one heart, one spirit before separating and doing what they needed to. Usually it happened before they hunted together and while they would enjoy being able to do it before a fight, they simply don't always have time. However, they don't do it just because and usually there has to be certain situations that really need them to really focus together. 
It seems as though this was a moment, as ridiculous as it was. 
Twilight then found himself sneezing, causing Wild to snort and roll his eyes in amusement as he pulled away. Flashing the wolf a large smile and a thumbs up and Twilight's ears only flicked in response. He still had to seem somewhat normal after all. 
Twilight easily slipped into position, right next to Wild's size as the two of them easily fell into stride. Now simply waiting for the bell to ring, and the two of them would be off. 
"We're back!" Wind shouted to the small little campsite that Time and Warriors seemed to have thrown together. Twilight and Wild were following right behind, both of them having amused looks on their faces as Wind excitedly went to show Time their winnings. Much to Time's surprise. 
"How in Hylia's name did you guys get this much rupees?" Time said, narrowing his eyes at the three of them. Though Wind was the one most likely to have sticky fingers, it was clear there was way to much for even a pickpocket to get. 
"Don't question it Time" Twilight then stepped in, giving off an aura of innocence cause frankly he was still way too embarrassed to admit where those winnings came from. "Let's just go get that Inn, Wars and the others can pick up the camp"
Time only narrowed his eyes at the other, before giving a tired sigh. Which was understandable, having to deal with the chain's shenanigans all the time. "I'll get it from you guys eventually, but I am really too tired to care and I want a bed"
The three of them only smiled at each other.
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edgrara · 5 months
no warnings, female!reader, sfw, fluff
a/n - hihihi! sorry for not writing 😞😞. I have been vv busy as I’m starting a new semester soon plus im suddenly having like zero motivation to write 😭😭. (and thank you for 500+ likes! i really appreciate it A LOT! I’ll continue to write more stories so that my readers can enjoy!) 🥰🫶
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“One tea with no sugar coming right up!” You called. It was a busy day at Madam Bo’s. You were practically running up and down, left and right. You sweat profusely and your legs began to sore.  “This is really tiring, my goodness,” You thought.  
“Hi (Name)! Have you finished your shift? I was wondering if we could go for a stroll,” Raiden blushed in embarrassment as he was technically asking you out. You giggled and you nodded in agreement and replied, “Of course Raiden, I would love to but first I have to work.  I can’t let Madam Bo catch me slacking off!” 
As you were preparing the order, Raiden sat down and observed. Little did he knew that someone caught him in the act. It was Kung Lao. “Raiden, you got a crush on (Name) eh? You’re staring at her, like literally,” Kung Lao joked and Raiden smacked his shoulders. “Alright Kung Lao, you got me there…” Raiden turned his head and Kung Lao winked at him, knowing that Raiden still has a chance at winning your heart.
“Here’s your order. Have a nice day!” You served the tea to your customer.  After serving, you were interrupted by a man that you have never seen before. He stood behind you and stroked your chin. You started to feel uncomfortable as you knew that these kind of people are always having something in their sleeves.
He tucked your hair behind your ear and then whispered and said, “Why work as a waitress when you can work for me? Same thing, but a different kind of waitress. You know, you really have pretty thighs.” Your face was in shocked and he snaked your thighs slowly.  Raiden saw what the man did. His fists started to clutch, anger grew even more and he approached the man with no hesitation. He can’t let you be in danger, especially since you’re his crush. 
“What are you doing with her?” He asked sternly. He glared at the man without blinking. You tried going behind Raiden to hide but the man grabbed your arm and pulled you to his side.  Raiden then punched the man and gripped you to safety. You stood behind Raiden and witness him fighting with the man. You only know the nice and sweet side of him, but you have never seen the fighting and protective side. You were flabbergasted on how he can actually fight and defend himself properly.
He zapped the man behind his back and pinned him down. “You are never going to mess with her, ever again,” He turned around and hugged you. “I’m glad that you’re safe,” he gently told you, reassuring you that you’re going to be okay.  You looked at him with soft eyes.  You thank him and he nodded his head. “(Name), actually I have feel-“ Before he could complete his sentence, you pecked his cheek. You smiled at him. “I knew it all along,” Raiden covered his face in shyness. 
“Hey, my shift’s finished already! Time flies really fast,” You informed Raiden.  “Come on! Now we can spend time together,” Raiden chuckled in your excitement and you both walked out together happily.
reblogs, likes and shares are appreciated!
@edgrara ‘23
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Challenge Accepted (Buddy Daddies)
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*runs in and cartwheels into a candy apple display* HI-*crashes* I'm a little sleep deprived as of writing this intro but we're gonna run with it! Heyo everyone! I bring you today some good ol' Buddy Daddies! Besides writing sentence starters and dabbles for them- I haven't had the chance to write a full fic yet. That changes today!
Huge huge thank you to @thatbigbisexual29 for this brilliant idea- Thank you for giving me the inspo I needed and patience to finally write this thing! :D I hope y'all like it!
Summary: Miri comes home and asks a world changing question: Which of her two Papa's is tougher? Kazuki comes up with a grand plan to find out!
“Which one of you is tougher?”
The question made both men pause, Kazuki standing by the counter while Rei sat comfortably against the couch. Sharing a look, the blonde turned to their daughter with a huffed laugh. “What do you mean?”
“Taiga said his papa was super tough! He said both his mama and his papa are tough!” She stood up, raising her arms over her head in emphasis. “I told him my papa’s are tough too, but then he asked which one was more!”
“What did you tell him?” Rei asked. Kazuki shot him a look. They really shouldn’t encourage this-
“I told him Papa Rei’s tougher!” She beamed, making her other papa gap in shock. Rei barely fought down a smirk.
“What? Papa Rei? Tougher? I’m so much tougher!” Kazuki scurried over, flexing his biceps. “Your Papa Kazuki can carry both you and Rei whenever we need to get somewhere quickly!”
“I can do that too.” Rei pointed out, earning another look.
“Plus, who’s the one who gets all the critters out when they wander in?”
“Papa Rei.” Miri said just as Rei said “Me.”
Kazuki blanched. Okay- maybe Rei was better than him at catching bugs. “Well…I can cook!” “And we have stomachs of steel because of it.” Rei shrugged. Miri patted her belly in emphasis.
“Oh you- You love my cooking!” Kazuki rolled his eyes. “We’re not getting anywhere with this. What we need is a proper competition.”
“Oh?” Miri and Rei asked at the same time, one more tired than the other.
“Yeah! A challenge to see who’s the toughest papa!” The blonde grinned, rolling up his sleeves. “And I know just how we’re gonna figure it out!”
“Come on, Rei- you know you wanna break.” Kazuki cooed with devilish delight down at the squirming brunette beneath him, fingers creeping up his shirt and trailing along the curve of his belly. “Just say you give up, and it’ll all be over.”
The assassin merely flattened his lips in response, raising his quivering chin against the relentless waves of sensitivity threatening to drown him. “N-No! N-Never! Mmm!” He arched, the arms behind his head flexing but never quite dropping.
It was admittedly rather childish; the whole tickling thing. Still-There wasn’t much more the two could compete on given the circumstances. Both were similar in terms of speed and agility; and testing things like defusing a bomb and firing aim were simply undoable with Miri in the picture.
And yet- it was effective; Kazuki could feel Rei’s resistance slowly melt away with each flick of his fingers, the way his muscles tightened like bowstrings as the blonde traced over a particularly ticklish spot. He could have ended it all there- gone straight for Rei’s armpits and had him shooting his arms down with a shriek.
But that wasn’t much fun now, was it?
“So stubborn~ What a tough guy you are.” Kazuki cooed, giggling when Rei tried to glare. “Nah ah ah- no faces like that!” He raked his fingers higher, giving his bottom ribs a scratch. “Give me a smile.”
“Mmmph!” Rei’s eyes widened, cheeks puffing as he arched. Behind him, Kazuki could hear the sound of shuffling feet as Rei dug his heels into the sofa cushions.
“What? Nothing to say, tough guy?” Kazuki grinned, widening his fingers and slowly walking them up and down Rei’s ribcage. “Cat got your tongue? Or are you just scared when you open your mouth you’re gonna be laughing? I’d laugh too- especially with these tickly fingers walking up and down my ribs, getting closer and closer to my armpits but nooooooot quite touching them.” He prodded along the brunette’s upper ribs, nearly making Rei shoot his arms down. “I can feel them pounding against your chest- the laughter within you. They’re gonna burst out soon- might as well let it go~”
Rei shook his head, eyes squeezed shut as his arms twitched, the veins in his neck strained with effort. His hair had fallen into his eyes, hiding the mist forming in the corners. He was starting to rival a tomato in color. For a moment, Kazuki was worried he’d actually explode.
Well- better help him let it out before he does.
“And a one, and a two and a-” Kazuki lifted his hands up for dramatic pause, giving Rei a second to breathe. Once he was normal colored again, he shot his hands into his armpits.
“GEHAHHAHAHA!” Rei all but shrieked, arms shooting down to block out Kazuki’s hands.
“Oo, we’re halfway there! Tickle tickle tickle Rei!” Kazuki cackled, hanging on for dear life as the brunette thrashed and twisted beneath him, feet kicking and knees banging into his back. “Do you give in? Huh, do ya, do ya?”
“Ahehahahhahahahahahha! F-Fuuhuhuhuhuhuhu! Screehhehehehhw yohohohoohohu, Kahahhahahahzukihihihihiihihi!” Rei howled, covering his face with his hands as he howled in mirth. Tsking, the blonde snatched a wrist, easily pushing it back above Rei’s head as his fingers carried on wiggling into his armpit. “NO FHAHHHAHHAHAHIR!”
“Say you give up! Say it! Say it!” Kazuki teased. “I won’t stop until you do!”
“AHEHHEHHEHHEHEHE!” Rei made a whining sound at the threat, his free hand coming up to loosely grab Kazuki’s shirt. The older hitman was starting to feel a tad guilty- Rei was too stubborn for his own good. He was about to pull back and let him breathe when he finally heard it.
“FIHIHIHIHINE! FIHIHIIHIHNE YOU WIHIIHIHIHHN!” Rei cried out, tapping against Kazuki’s chest. “I GIHIHIHIVE UP!”
“Ha-HA!” Kazuki cheered, releasing Rei from his tickly attack and throwing his arms up in glee. “Take THAT! I win! I got you to give up!” He looked over, grinning from ear to ear. “Did you see that Miri? Miri…?”
The little girl was no longer by their side- at some point she had wandered away to doodle. Currently she was passed out against her artwork, snoring softly with her blue crown clutched in her little hand.
“Oh man, and after I put in all that effort to beat you!” Kazuki pouted, letting out a sigh. He was so put out by the lack of his audience he failed to feel Rei sitting up.
“Who said anything about beating me?” He growled, making the blonde squeak with wide eyes. “YOU haven’t gone yet.”
“Oh- oh no- I shouldn’t- Miri fell asleep you know? I should take her to bed-” Kazuki went to run, but Rei was faster, grabbing him and shoving him into the cushions. Immediately fingers were against his belly, making him arch and squeal like a pig. “Rehehehehehehehhei plehahahahhahahse!”
“Please what? Keep tickling you? Okay.” Rei jeered, eyes dangerous as he attacked every soft spot he could reach. “I won’t stop tickling you until you give up!”
Miri snoozed on, a little smile on her face as her dreams became ones of her and her papas, laughing as they ran through a field of tickly flowers.
Thanks for reading!
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imaginexwwe · 1 year
SPRING BREAK - Roman Reigns
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Just a little idea of mines 💡
"Y|N," I heard my name being called by my out of breath bestfriend as she came running back to where I was laid out on my beach towel. "Y|N." She repeated a second time after I had ignored her when she first called out to me.
I groaned silently, taking my shades off. "What, Tori?" I asked, propping myself up slightly on my elbows. "Why are you breathing so I hard?" I again asked, squinting my eyes, partly because of this bright ass Miami sun and partly because of Tori's huffing.
I mean she's breating so hard, you'd think she'd just ran a marathon or something.
Before answering me, Tori grabbed at her half drunked water bottle, taking a long sip, holding up a finger.
"Damn," She said once she had put the water bottle down. "I needed that. Like you don't even know." Tori added, a giggle escaping her lips. "It's hot."
"And you were just running like you stole something." I replied with a giggle of my own. "Or someone was after you."
Tori shook her head. "No, no one was after me," She began explaining, a smirk forming on her face. "But I did meet this guy at the bar and I invited him back to the house tonight."
Is she serious?
We've been in Miami for less than a day and she's already picking up guys at a bar and inviting him to the house.
Correction, my dad and step mom's beach house.
"Can't you just go back to his place or something?" I asked, with a sigh. "I really don't feel like spending my first day or any day of spring break listening to you moaning out some random dude's name. Plus my dad will kill me if they knew I had a guy in the house. You know how strict that man is."
Tori shrugged, looking around at nothing is particular. "Do you see your dad here?"
"Me either," Tori said, with a sigh of her own, the only difference between hers and mines, was that hers was more of a happy kind of sigh. "And you won't have to listen to me moaning out," She paused all of a sudden as if she was thinking. "Fuck, I forgot his name." She laughed as she leaned back on her towel. "But whatever, you won't be focused on me and the possibility of me moaning my guy's name because he promised to bring his friend so you'd have a guy who's name you could moan."
I shot a glare over at her. "I'm not fucking some random dude," I gasped out. "He could look like Pennywise for all I know."
"Okay, one," Tori replied, holding up a finger again. "I'm sure he's hot as fuck, cause the guy I invited back is hot as fuck and hot as fuck people tend to run in the same circles." She said making me almost choke on the coke I had just swallowed.
Did she have to say fuck so many times in one sentence?
"And two," Tori spoke up again, after giving me a moment ti calm down from my coughing fit. "If he did look like Pennywise, I won't let him in."
I nodded, leaning back down on my beach towel. "Better not." I playfully threatened, as I slid my shades back on.
"Oh and I'm not saying this will come up," I heard Tori once again speak up. "But if it does..." She did one of her dramatic pauses as her voice slowly trailed off. "Tell him you're twenty one."
The fuck?
"Why?" I gasped out, not getting an answer from Tori. "How old are these guys, Tori?" I immediately questioned again, still not getting an answer. "How old are they?"
"Bitch," Tori laughed, flicking a small amount of sand onto my leg. "Just do it."
I shook my head, brushing the sand off my leg.
I knew this wouldn't just be a relaxing girls week.
The thing I didn't know is how crazy our last week of spring break 2011 would be.
"Oh, god," Tori, exclaimed bursting in to my room, as I stood in the mirror. "I am so jealous of your guy."
I bit at the inside of my cheek, overlooking everything about my appearance from my make up, to the dress I was wearing. "Should I have gone with the tight fitted dress instead of the loose one I have on?" I mumbled, not having heard anything she'd just said.
Tori reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from my mirror. "Y|N, you're gorgeous, tight dress or no tight dress." She responded, placing her hands on my shoulders giving me a slight shake. "But did you hear what I said about my guys friend?"
Tori squealed, bouncing slightly as she still had her grip on my shoulders. "The man's so sexy, he'd make you orgasm just by looking at you." She said, causing me to give her a look.
"So did you?"
Tori, furrowed her eyebrows at me, tilting her head. "Did he what?" She questioned.
I huffed. "Did he make you orgasm when he looked at you?" I asked, just barely able to hold my laughter in as I realized how extremely ridiculous Tori's words sounded coming from my mouth.
"Nope," She pouted. "He didn't look at me. But I know what I'm talking about." Tori added, once again grabbing my arm. "C'mon, before you find something else to over analyze."
I sighed, allowing my bestfriend to lead me downstairs and into the area of the house where the guys were at, which I guess you could call it the game room or whatever.
I mean it has a pool table in the center so...
"Guys, this is Y|N," Tori said loudly, getting the two guys attention. "The person who owns this house, so if you fuck something up she'll fuck you up and I'll help." She spoke again, causing me to bite down on my lip in attempt to keep from laughing.
There was no way in hell, my five foot, three inches ass, and Tori's five foot four inches ass was beating these muscular men.
But I guess we'll have to try since Tori's put it out there.
"Y|N," Tori's voice rang in my ears, snapping me from my thoughts. "This is Chaz," She said, continuing her introductions, and even though she said Chaz, her eyes and his reaction seemed to say that she had gotten his name wrong. "And this is Joseph." She added, nudging me, I guess to let me know that was the friend who's here for me.
Damn, I thought.
Tori was not wrong about him.
"You could just call me Joe." Joseph, I mean, Joe said taking a few steps closer to Tori and I, his hand outstretched to me.
"Excuse me," Tori giggled, a bit sarcastically. "He's just Joe."
I nodded, ignoring Tori as I reached out to take Joe's hand. "Y|N." I replied, mentally cursing at myself for saying my name again, after Tori had just announced it literally thirty seconds ago.
"Nice to meet you, Y|N." Joe responded, flashing a bright smile to me.
If his gaze wasn't enough to make a pool down there, his smile definitely would get the job done.
"And I'm Chad." Tori's guy from the bar cleared his throat as I continued to have this weird moment with Joe, my hand still in his. "Not Chaz."
I slowly pulled my hand away from Joe's, about to respond to Chad only to be interrupted by Tori as she turned on some music from her phone.
"Enough with the names." Tori groaned, turning the music up even more than it already was. "Let's do shots!" She shouted bringing over a bottle of Hennessy, placing it down on the pool table to go over and search for shot glasses.
The fuck did that come from?
"Tori," I gasped, the second she came back to the group with the shot glasses and a bottle of coke, I'm guessing to chase the liquor with. "Where did you get this?" I asked, glaring at her as she gave me a look.
"From the bar downstairs." She said through clenched teeth, before forcing out a quick laugh. "Forgot you had it?" She asked, playing off my question with one of her own.
I guess not to bring suspicion to the guys or our age.
She did say to tell them we were twenty one if the question came up.
I forced out a laugh of my own. "Right..." I trailed off. "I guess I forgot I had that considering I'm more of a wine drinker than a Hennessy drinker."
Tori mumbled a barely audible, "mhm..." as she began pouring the brown liquid into the miniature glasses, handing them out to the four of us. "To spring break twenty eleven and to new friends."
Ugh, my dad's gonna kill me whenever he does come back here, and sees his liquor's missing.
But maybe he won't notice.
"To spring break twenty fifteen and new friends." I repeated after Tori, Joe, and Chad, throwing my head back and downing my shot in one gulp.
Fuck that burns, I thought to myself as the brown liquor quickly made it's way down my throat, then almost instantly threatened to come back up.
"Take a sip of this." I heard Joe say, as he reached out to me, passing me a plastic red cup. "It'll help it stay down." He added, a smirk now replacing his smile.
And even though he was smirking, it wasn't a sneaky smirk where I felt worried.
It was more of a proud smirk, I that makes since.
I took the red plastic cup, feeling the coldness from the coke soothing the burn that the Hennessy left behind. "How did you know I needed this?" I asked, just knowing my cheeks were red from embarrassment.
"The look you made was similar to the one I made when I had my first taste of Hennessy." He explained, with a chuckle. "Then I discovered it was easier with a chaser."
I nodded, biting at the inside of my cheek. "But I didn't see you chasing it." I replied, noticing Joe had only poured me a bit of coke, and none for himself. "And you definitely don't look like someone who's fighting to keep it down."
Joe again chuckled. "I'm used to it."
"Oh, well," I said, bringing my hand up to twirl a piece of hair that fell in my face. "Like I said, this isn't my go to."
"I know," Joe replied, coming a little closer, reaching out to tuck the piece of hair I was just twirling behind my ear. "You're more of a wine person."
"Exactly." I whispered, suddenly unable to tear my eyes from his.
It was now a little while into the party, the music from Tori's phone was blasting even louder and she had taken Chad up to the room she was staying in while we were here.
I was a couple more shots of Hennessy in and had finally built up enough liquid courage, as they say, to lean in for a kiss from Joe while he stood between my legs as I sat on top of the pool table.
After a few seconds of sloppily making out, I slowly pulled away, breathlessly, giggling at the smeared lipstick I left on him. "I got lipstick on you." I said, running my thumb along his lips trying to wipe as much off as I could.
"I don't care." Joe quickly replied, sticking his tongue out just enough for it to brush against my thumb, before bringing his face down to the my neck, almost immediately finding my sweet spot.
A soft moan escaped from my mouth as I bit down on my lips. "Mmm..." I mumbled, enjoying the feeling of Joe's lips on my neck. "Wanna move over to the couch?" I finally was able to ask, before letting out yet another moan.
Joe pulled away from my neck, lifting me up from my spot on the pool table, and over to the couch and the second he made contact with the leather couch, I pushed him back, allowing myself to be on top.
I leaned down, reconnecting my lips with his, my hair falling around us while our tongues fought for dominance.
His hands slowly traveled up into my dress, stopping at my butt, as he pushed me even closer into him.
It was like my body now had a mind of its own as my hips began to rotate on top of the buldge that was now poking through his jeans.
The feeling of him pressing up against me giving me a sensation I don't think I've ever felt with any of the other guys I've been with in the past.
What is it about this man?
But as fast as the feeling had started, it stopped when I heard my bestfriend's voice getting closer and closer.
"I promise I wasn't squinting at your dick, Chaz," I heard her say, as I glanced down at the man underneath me. "It was something in my eye, that's all." Tori spoke again, her voice and footsteps now sounding like they were right outside the room Joe and I were I'm.
A loud scoff was heard, followed by Joe's friend's voice. "Oh, something just so happened to irritate your eyes the second I took my boxers off, Tori?"
Feeling a laugh coming, I immediately clasped my hand over my mouth.
"It was a coincidence." Tori replied.
"Joe..?" Chad could be heard calling out, seemingly ignoring Tori's previous statement. "Joe?" I heard him call again, before eventually coming into the room where Joe and I were. Tori following closely behind. "Ready to go?"
Joe shook his head, a frown forming on his face as he looked from his friend to me. "Do I look ready to go?" He sarcastically asked, motioning to me as I sat comfortably on his lap.
"But dude, you drove." Chad mumbled, awkwardly standing in the doorway, eventually letting out a sigh when he realized Joe had zero intention in leaving right now. "Fine, I'll just walk." He said, turning around, almost bumping into Tori as she made her way into the room. "And for the last time, my name's Chad not Chaz." He told her before disappearing out the room, and eventually out the beach house.
"Whatever," Tori said smirking as she walked over to the couch me and Joe was currently occupying. "Looks like it's just the three of us." She added, squeezing in the narrow space that was left on the couch.
I pouted, leaning my head down to reat on Joe's chest for a second before bringing it back up, glaring at my bestfriend. "Seriously Tori?"
"What?" She asked back, pretending to be clueless as to why I was quickly becoming frustrated with her.
I rolled my eyes, looking down at Joe.
Lust was very much evident in his eyes, as I'm sure it was in mines.
Was I really gonna let her ruin the mood between me and him?
Fuck no, I mentally answered myself before I quickly stood up, extending a hand to Joe as he looked slightly confused.
"Let's go upstairs to my room." I said, quickly pecking his lips.
The taller and much bigger man nodded silently as he held onto my hand and allowed me to lead him upstairs.
I don't know what had gotten into me.
Maybe it was the few shots of Hennessy.
Maybe it was the sexy stranger I'd come to know as Joe.
Or maybe both.
But whatever it was, I knew I wasn't ready for the night to end.
Not yet, anyway.
"Don't forget to use a condom!" Tori yelled put as we made our way up the stairs.
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soobpricity · 4 months
this love - kang taehyun
letter 13 ; pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks
synopsis: what happens when soccer player!kang taehyun, who isn’t focused on school but is smart enough to pass, sees yn walk in the hallways nearly everyday after homecoming. taehyun’s new hallway crush begins to grow into something bigger, but what happens when he has to make a choice between yn or continuing to fail school ? will taehyun be able to focus on sports, classes, and trying to win yn over ?
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“wait for me here, i’ll just ask ms.kim about this and then i’ll be right back.” beomgyu said, grabbing a box from your hands and entering the said classroom. you stood there patiently, a few seconds passing before you felt a small tap on your shoulder, turning your head over to see a girl, hair nicely styled but you could tell that it was just naturally like that. a subtle blush settling just on her cheeks, a bit of the same product on her nose. eyelashes perfectly curled, she looked right at you.
“you’re yn, right ?” she questioned, causing you to furrow your eyebrows, confusion running through you as you wondered how she knew you’re name. “you’re taehyun’s new partner, no ?”
taehyun was quite a popular person, not only was he athletic but now he was making rounds for how well he was managing his life. he was already known for his ability and amazing skill in soccer. he was also known for the way he would go around dating just about anyone before breaking their hearts and moving onto his next target.
“yeah.. you are ?”
“i’m nari. i kind of needed help on my way around, been here for years and i still don’t completely know my way around.” she let out a breathy laugh at the end of her sentence. she pointed at the lanyard around your neck which indicated that you were a school helper.
“oh i can help, where do you need to go ?”
“can you help me get to this classroom, my teacher needs something from that teacher.” she replied, pointing at a few numbers that were on a sticky note. you nodded your head agreeing to take her with you. sending a message to beomgyu to let him know that you were going to be elsewhere instead of waiting for him.
“just follow me..” you kept an eye on nari, ensuring he that she was following right behind you as you guided her towards her destination. she kept herself close to you, looking around the area and recognizing the way towards the place that you were taking her.
“so.. how has taehyun been treating you ?” nari asks, a gentle smile softly resting on her face as she listened to your reply.
“it’s been pretty surreal.. are you two friends ?” you couldn’t help but feel a bit curious due to the amount of mentions of taehyun from nari.
“not really, i’m his ex..”
“the last serious ex he had, but don’t worry.. i’m not here to make things hard or uncomfortable for you. plus taehyun made it quite clear that he was done seeing me. i kind of don’t plan on seeing or even confronting him either, a lot of drama came with dating him and i really don’t.. i don’t want to relive that.” nari explained, making you feel less tense as you were previously a bit worried on what nari would say to you about taehyun. you did have a few encounters with taehyun’s less serious exs which was why beomgyu wanted to make sure that you were by his side most of the time.
“if you don’t mind.. what happened ?” you look back at her as she caught up to your pace, beginning to walk side by side.
“i’m surprised you don’t already know, you’re friends with sunghoon, no ?” she took a small look at you, receiving a nod in reply. “well sunghoon and heeseung used to be the bestest of friends. heeseung was on the soccer team, and between taehyun, heeseung, and i.. we had a love corner-“
“a love corner.” you tilted your head at nari, you hadn’t really ever heard that term before which of course made you wonder what nari was trying to say.
“y’know a love corner, kinda like a love triangle except one person likes another person and someone likes the one person. mm.. kinda like say you and taehyun like each other.. well you do like each other BUT that’s not the point. you and taehyun like each other, right. but say someone likes taehyun but obviously he has eyes for you and you have eyes for taehyun. a love triangle is more like if you liked taehyun but taehyun liked someone else, but that someone else liked you.. does that make sense ?”
“oh yeah !! in a love corner, two people actually have reciprocating feelings..”
“that’s right !” she grinned, “so heeseung liked me, i liked taehyun and taehyun liked me back. well everything was fine, i didn’t even know that heeseung liked me until one night when taehyun was in the middle of his game, heeseung suddenly made me question taehyun’s feelings for me so when i asked taehyun how he truly felt about me.. he just brushed me off, and then heeseung talked about how much better he could treat me. he told me that taehyun made a mistake when he asked me out. i ended up rejecting heeseung because it felt like he made me throw my relationship away all because he wanted to prove that he was better than taehyun. but ! i have a sinking suspicion that taehyun truly does love you, i don’t know you can kinda just tell by his eyes when he looks at you.”
nari stood right next to you as you listened intently to each of her words. pure shock going through you as you realized why heeseung was contacting you all of a sudden. it wasn’t necessarily because he liked you but because he wanted revenge on taehyun for ending up with nari and for so easily brushing nari off. you weren’t too sure why he was so upset about the fact that taehyun brushed off nari if it only made heeseung look the way he said he was.. “better” than taehyun. you gave nari a nervous smile, fiddling around with your fingers.
“oh- this should be where you needed to go.” you point at the door in front of the two of you, opening the door for nari and seeing a clean art room, a few spills of paint here and there, but it was polished for the main part.
“thank you, i can take it from here.. i have a few things to do. but thank you so much for your help.” she grins widely, entering the art room and placing on an apron. which made you question if she truly knew where she was going the entire time as she seemed to have an entire routine. had she lied to you, even if she did, it seemed quite harmless.. not anything for you to worry about. you waved at her, before walking away, checking your phone to see that beomgyu had yet to respond, signifying that he was still in the same area. as you made a turn, you heard your name being called out. looking back, you notice as taehyun ran towards you, happy little giggles leaving his lips.
“ynie !!” he exclaimed as you shushed him, by placing a finger to his lips. your eyes scanned the area before taking him into the stairway where you were bound to be safe from being caught.
“tyun.. what’s up ?” you questioned, taehyun noticed you acting a bit different than when the two of you typically meet up in the middle of a class which he usually skips a bit just for you. first of all, you have yet to give him a hug, not only that, but he hasn’t even received a single kind of kiss from you. and you never ask him ‘what’s up’ the both of you typically just end up spontaneously talking about your days so far. he opens his arms wide open for you, as you hesitantly accept the warm embrace that he was offering.
“is something up ? you never forget to give me my hugs or kisses ?” he whispers into your ear, patting your back as if showing you a signal of support and love. you weren’t mad at taehyun, he didn’t have to tell you about his ex until he felt comfortable and that’s only if he felt like he had to tell you. although, right now, he felt like that part of life was something that he wanted to dig deep away from himself. he, himself, didn’t really want to even think about that drama-filled period of time that he lived through. however, you couldn’t help but feel worried, would heeseung really be so stuck on the past that he would end up harming your own relationship with taehyun. if nari had moved on from the situation which harmed her mentally more than heeseung, then surely he should be able to move on.
“nope, i was just.. you caught me off guard today, i was just in my own world.” you reply, pulling away from taehyun and pressing a kiss to his cheek. nerves calming down as you took in his warmth. taehyun could only smile, to be honest, he had seen you with nari. you hadn’t seemed that down with her so he couldn’t help but feel a bit insecure about the situation. he knew that nari truly didn’t mean any harm, he was dating her for a good amount of time to get to know the kind of person she was. he couldn’t say that he trusted her with his life but he trusted nari a fair amount.
“oh, yn !” he exclaimed, wrapping his hands around yours. bringing them up to his side and holding them close. “i wanted to ask you something.”
“yeah, what is it ?” you questioned, playing with taehyun’s hands as you smiled at him. your warm personality returning, knowing that you and taehyun had nothing to worry about, you trusted him.. he trusted you, was there anything to truly even question if the two of you trusted each other so well.
“do you think that maybe.. mm can you come to senior night as my plus one ?” he asked, tilting his head to the side, attempting to hide his shy feelings with a small smile. although, you could easily read behind his smile, feeling his rather clammy hands against yours.
“of course ! i just can’t believe you’re giving me the honor.” you grinned, pulling the boy into your arms. just the other day you were there to support the boy in his first game of the season and now he was approaching his last game of the season. in fact, it was going to be his last game as a student, and it was going to determine whether his team became champions or ranked in second place. taehyun’s team had never truly won, they always made it to the finals, but were often defeated and ended up in second place. so taehyun felt like this was his last chance to prove that him and his team were much better than what they seemed to be. he was certain that he could lead his team into victory this year.
you’ve gone to all of taehyun’s games this season, and he knew that you were bound to support him to his final game. but he was still surprised that you agreed, he felt proud. taehyun felt like he was walking on cloud nine, he just never felt like he had been so supported by someone and now here he was.
“thank you.” he smiled, bringing his lips towards yours. pressing a sweet kiss against your lips, tiny bits of a smile sneaking into the candy-like kiss. that was until the two of you heard the door open, pulling away and waving at each other before rushing out the stairway through different exits. as you walked away, you passed a teacher, glad that you left before the two of you got caught. you returned to a copy room, realizing that you needed to help someone by making a few copies for them before returning back to beomgyu, who immediately noticed your blushy appearance when you returned to him. a laugh cracking through his mouth as he couldn’t help but tease you.
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this love taglist : @run2seob @soobadooba @soobnuuy @pockychuwu @crazynyctophilia @rencarnationofangel @esther-kpopstan @mrsyawnzzn @matcha-binz @michinri @hanstarrs @ariam-96 @pinkheadflowers @kittyhyuka @run4gyu @txnwvc
an : GUESS WHO IS BACK IN STATS CLASS 😃😃😃😃 get ready for my mental breakdowns
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anabdaniels · 8 months
Cowboytober Day 10- Body worship
Paring: Agent Whiskey x Plus size!Female reader
Word counting: 1.2k
Rating: 18+
Warning: Self body shaming, praising.
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Nothing would ever feel better after a deep cleaning day than a fresh shower. You walked back to the bedroom, wrapped in the towel, smiling softly at the vision of Jack sitting on the floor in front of the dresser, organizing a few bedsheets in the last drawer. You stood in front of the mirror to brush your wet hair.
When you were almost done with your hair, Jack was the one going to shower. Once your hair was finished, you got rid of the towel to get dressed and stopped for a moment, looking at yourself with that self-conscious critical look you would never use with anyone, but was common for you to use with yourself. You leaned your hands on your rounded belly squishing it softly and touching your stretchmarks, trying to contain those mean thoughts about yourself, but failing miserably.
While getting out of the bathroom, Jack noticed your expression, already knowing what was running through your mind due to the look on your face. Calmly, he approached you, holding you from behind while resting his chin on your shoulder, looking at you through the mirror.
“I hope you ain’t overthinking, honey.” He said softly and kissed your cheek.
“I was just wondering how crazy you were to get married to me.” You tried to make it sound like a joke, hoping he’d laugh, but, as always in those circumstances, he didn’t.
“I’d be crazy if I hadn’t got married to the most stunning lady in this world.” He answered calmly and caressed your stomach.
“C’mon, can’t you tell the truth at least once?” you looked at him with a neutral expression “I’m aware of my not-favorable appearance.” Judging by the look on his face, you knew that the matter was almost personal to Jack now.
“If you were truly aware, my precious sugarcube, you wouldn’t say such an unfair thing about your stunning self.” He said while caressing the sides of your body, planting a soft kiss on your shoulder.
“Do you really think that?” you asked sincerely “Sometimes I think you’re just being kind as my husband.” You frowned slightly when he chuckled and shook his head.
“Look, I don’t want to sound like a bastard, but the night we met, I wasn’t hitting on you ‘cause I was interested in your academic achievements. It was this amazing ass of yours.” He said with that flirtatious smirk while groping your butt with one hand.
“Okay, you almost convinced me now.” You answered shaking your head and laughing quietly.
“Wait ‘till a drop my other thoughts about your amazing curves, my darlin’.” Jack kissed the top of your head while pulling you with him towards the bed.
“Have to admit I’m curious.” You said while he placed you mounted on his lap.
“Then let me start for what’s right in front of me.” Before you could question, his hands were already on your breasts, gently squeezing them “I swear ya, honey, you could convince me to sell my soul with this pair of gems.” He finished the sentence leaning forward to kiss both of your breasts.
“I bet you can’t have such good opinions about the rest.” You said calmly, really meaning it.
“Trust me, I can.” He winked at you with a playful expression, moving his hands to your thighs “If you allow me the honesty, I’m a step ahead of "accidentally" throwing those damn baggy jeans you have on the trash, ‘cause it’s criminal that you even though it’s acceptable to hide your amazing thighs, not to mention that they ruin the view of your butt.” Jack kept speaking calmly while one of his hands moved to your ass “I have another important remark, but I don’t know if you can deal with it.” With that, Jack awakened a hundred possibilities in your head, and of course, they were the worst possible.
“This is already living rent-free in my head without even knowing what it is, then just say it.” You answered without second thoughts.
“Well then.” He smiled and moved both of his hands to your stomach “I could spend the next three hours just saying how much I’m down for your soft belly and I’ll lose my composure if I even start to mention how amazing it feels to grab a handful of you.”
You were ready to discuss the topic, but all your questions brutally vanished from your mind when you felt him getting really hard under his sweatpants. You couldn’t control your reflex of looking down, wanting to be sure that you weren’t imagining things, and when you looked back at him, you could see the look of satisfaction on Jack’s face, as if he had managed to prove to you his point.
“See? You can doubt my words as much as you want, but you can’t deny this.”
“I’ll have to agree with that, even though I wasn’t expecting this amount of reaction.” You admitted with a soft expression, even though you were still surprised.
“But you should expect it, honeybee.” He answered promptly while placing you lying on your back on the bed “Y’know I love a good fleshy steak.” You couldn’t keep your attempts to be serious after that.
“Alright, you got me on this one.” You chuckled softly, losing your focus even more as you felt his hands moving through the folds of the skin of your belly. You melted a bit on the bed when you saw Jack caressing your stretchmarks with his fingertips, looking at them as if they were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
 “I’ll never understand how you can even doubt about how perfect you are, sugar.” He said quietly and planted a kiss on your stomach, keeping his hands sunk on your skin.
You sighed softly as he covered your skin with kisses and caressed every inch of you, spending a good time on all the places he reached, but not surprisingly, the top of his focus kept on your stomach, squeezing it, caressing that rounded spot on your lower stomach that you always tried hide and he always ended up with his hands there, and you could swear that he had kissed every single stretchmark he could see.
When Jack moved up to kiss your lips, safe to say that you were about to turn into a puddle after his loving behavior toward everything you saw as a defect in you. You enjoyed that slow passionate kiss, sinking both of your hands on his hair, and relaxing under his body, appreciating while he kept caressing the sides of your torso. After a reasonable amount of time, the two of you needed to catch your breath, and only at that moment, you realized the tears starting to fall from your eyes.
“What’s the matter, honeybee?” Jack asked with a slight frown, caressing your cheek.
“It’s... It still weird for me to feel good about myself.” You admitted quietly, letting out a sigh when Jack pressed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I hope you know you just gave me the mission of making you feel like that ‘till you got used to it.” He said in a whisper with his forehead resting on yours, letting you with no doubt that he was serious about it.
Cowboytober Masterlist
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forgodsgoddamnsake · 3 months
Belly Dancer - 2
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You stood there by the pool in a short black shorts and a red tank top, the water looked so clear. Jack had come to ask if you wanted to drink anything, and you asked him for a tea with milk. You felt Harry’s figure stand next to you, still in his black suit.
Your eyes never met his, or his figure and he hated having mixed signals like that. He asked in a soft voice, “Why did you break the theme of the party?”
You grinned, you thought he’d ask you that question.
“Because I like feeling special, if a hundred people are wearing black, I should wear red. I am the dancer; I should always be popping from the crowd.” You answered, truthfully.
The water looked so clear, but your mind didn’t. Like a million-fireball burning your mind alive. You felt heartache, something you tried to not feel, but failed terribly. And, you felt heavy, the only way to lighten up was to dance.
“Would you like to dance with me, Harry?” You asked, softly looking at him in the eyes.
He nodded, slightly taken aback. You put one hand on his shoulder and the other held his own hand, while your head rested on his chest.
He felt the softness of your skin with his hand that was on your waist. You felt him rest his cheek on the top of your head as you both swayed softly to the silence.
“You look sad, y/n.” It sounded more like he was spelling facts than asking the reason why.
“Because I am sad, Harry.” You mumbled.
He sighed, he kind of knew that he can’t ask you the reason why. The idea of asking you to dinner popped in his head again, “Y/N, would you like to go out with me for dinner tomorrow?”
You raised your head from his chest, “Is it like a date or what?”
“Yes, I want to get to know you.” He smiled when he saw a smile takes its way on your lips.
Jack had brought you your tea and that was when you stepped away from Harry just a little, “Thank you, Jack, you’ve been very helpful.” You said to Jack who gave you a smile and a nod and left.
“Do you use that pool or is it for decoration?” You asked Harry, looking at the tempting water.
“Actually, we do, maybe we could take a dive in on another day.” He answered, and quickly you pulled yourself away from him completely to sit in your chair.
Harry took a seat by you and without even asking, he took your tea cup and took a sip.
“Don’t drink it, it’s so hot.” He said putting down the cup and you smiled at him.
“Maybe I should just ask them to not make it so hot.” You said mostly to yourself.
“Don’t! I like tasting it for you.” Your smile grew wider at his words.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, “I’m sorry, Harry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you earlier. It’s just I’m not the kind of person to sleep around or anything like that. I don’t like male attention.”
“I thought that was what belly dancing is all about, male attention?”
“No, Harry. It is not only about male attention, it is more about femininity, the way women were created, soft breasts, fleshy waist, silky bellies. Women were created in a way different than men and the belly dancing is something that shows off this difference.”
“But there are male belly dancers, at least that’s what I heard.”
“That’s true, but I don’t like watching them as much. They miss the feminine beauty, and that’s not their fault, but I like having an art that is only made by women.”
“But men could dance, too.”
“I’m not disagreeing here, but women have things that men don’t, women are sexier whether you like it or not. Belly dancing is about this sexiness and beauty, not just some muscles going around in circles, so leave it the fuck alone. If you want to wear a suit and dance, I’m not gonna stop you, but I won’t like watching because you’d take away something really critical from this art. I’ll just see a pair of balls running around.” You started getting annoyed, but he actually loved every second of you speaking your mind. Plus, he laughed at your last sentence.
“Okay, okay! I was just asking, you’re the pro here.” He grinned.
“I am! I’ve been busting my ass out to get where I am now.”
“Tell me about it.”
“What do you want to know?”
“How did you learn belly dancing?”
You sighed, “My home country is known for this art since the beginning of history, each ‘State’ has its own way of belly dancing, I had to watch a million clip of different types of belly dancing so I could do them all. Women there dance in every celebration, weddings, bachelorette parties, birthdays, any thing you could think of. I was actually pretty talented, when I was young like five years old, I used to watch authentic belly dancers in pretty suits and imitate them with my mother’s scarves. I started dancing in front of my relatives occasionally and everyone told me that I’m talented. By time, I felt more confident and knew that this is what I wanted to do. And here I am, a professional belly dancer.”
“And how old are you, pro dancer?” He asked giving you a warm smile as he took another sip of your tea, “It’s warm now, drink.”
You took your cup in your hands and sipped from the same place that had Harry’s lips.
“I’m 24. And you?”
“29. Too old, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, I can see your grey hairs from over here.” You answered, smiling. He knew by then that you were sarcastic and loved making sarcastic comments, and boy he loved every second of listening to you speak.
“Is there a party tomorrow?” You asked, drinking from your cup.
“No, tomorrow’s off. But I’d like you to know that tomorrow you’re going to have to give me a private dance.” He smirked.
“Is that an order? You know I’m not good with orders.” You smirked back. Two people could play this game.
“No, it is not an order, y/n. If you don’t want to, it’s fine.” He softened his smile a little which made you smile back.
“Then, I’m all yours tomorrow.” You finished the sentence and the ‘I’m all yours’ made him twitch a little in his pants.
You drank the last sip of your tea and stood up, “I should go to sleep,”
When you were about to go away, he stopped you, “What did you mean by a lioness, y/n?”
You grinned, “A lioness in my country is a girl who could attract guys sexually so easily. And I like attracting you, Harry.”
His smirk widened and nodded at you, “Good night, lioness.”
“Good night, Gatsby.”
Harry sat in his office. His desk was wide and wooden, his chair was black leather. Behind his chair was this wide painting of Samson and Delilah, he loved that painting and every detail of it.
“The party you’re throwing tomorrow is the one where we need to get this deal done, Harry. Ray is going to be there; we need to make sure that we are the ones that take that deal.” Michael started; he was sitting at the couch.
“I know, Mike.”
“What are you thinking about?” Michael raised a brow, not trusting that grin that crept on Harry’s face.
“Bullshit! Is this about y/n? Oh my god did you fuck her?”
“What? No! She’s giving me a private performance today, that’s all. Plus, we’re having dinner. I’m kind of excited. She is bugging my curiosity, man.”
“I completely understand, H. But, please, we need to focus on getting Ray on our side. Stop getting so.. fluffy.”
You didn’t know where Harry was going to take you for dinner, but you thought that you were going to dress whatever you want, not caring if you were overdressed or underdressed.
You put on a black tight dress, it was a long one with your back on full display, it hid your cleavage but you were still too curvy for people to not notice your breasts. Your legs showed from behind as the dress had this cut so you could walk easily.
You felt comfortable leaving your hair as it is, but you had to put your hair in a high pony tail. Last thing was your clutch and high heels, you chose a red clutch and red shining high heels.  
Once you were done with your makeup, you heard ringing, you answered and it was Jack telling you that Mr. Styles is waiting for you outside.
You got out of the elevator and out the door of the mansion to find Harry waiting for you in a white dress shirt and black pants, his shirt had a few buttons undone, enough for you to see some of the tattoos he had, you felt overdressed a little, but you looked good so whatever.
On the other hand, Harry’s got his eyes fixed on you. He’d seen many beautiful girls before, it’s not something new, but how you attracted him made you a hundred times better in his eyes.
“You look beautiful, as usual.” He smiled at you, especially when he looked at the red lipstick you had on.
“Well, I know, but you look handsome, too, as usual.” You smirked and went for your car, without looking back.
“Where are you going, y/n? We’re driving my car.”
“No, I was thinking of taking a drive around the hill after we’re done with dinner, since there are no cops around, I can go as fast as I can.” You smirked, looking at him.
“Well, we can drive mine.” He raised the keys to his car and once you laid eyes on the logo and the car behind him that you didn’t notice until then, you walked towards him and stop just when you were about to pass him towards that car.
“You’re so convincing.” You playfully hit his shoulder with yours, enough to let his smirk widen. Then you went on your way to his car and opened the door to the passenger seat.
The drive was silent, but Harry had to break the silence.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you look?”
“Just once, not enough to be honest.” You smirked.
“Oh, so you like complements?”
“I do, who doesn’t?”
You sat at a table in this fancy restaurant, you couldn’t tell him that you hated fancy restaurants, but he felt it after you were done ordering your food.
There was this green plant on the table that you played with in silence, while he observed every little detail of you.
“Why the long face, love?” He asked, sipping from his glass of wine.
“You want me to be honest with you?” You asked back, sipping from your glass.
“Yes, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t like fancy places.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because they make me feel so small. I used to go to fancy places and I always find the people there different from me.”
“So what do you like then?”
“I could show you when we’re done with our food, okay?” You smiled.
“Okay, only if you answer one more question,” He said grinning, “What do you like doing besides dancing?”
“Um, I like drawing, surreal drawings actually. Reading is something I’m incredibly fond of, as well. What about you?”
Just when you finished the food was there. You thanked the waitress and started diving in.
“I like art, too. But my job doesn’t let me focus on it, anymore.” He answered, diving in his food as well.
“What’s your job?”
He cleared his throat; he didn’t know if it would drive you away.
“Oh, cool, but not too cool.”
‘What?!’ he thought to himself.
“You’re not afraid or weirded by it?” He asked sipping from his drink.
“Should I be? No, Harry, I’m not. I think you should do what you love whatever it was, I just hope that you’re not making the world a worse place.”
He was amazed with how you sounded so cool with it.
“Do you have pictures of your drawings?” He asked, swallowing his food.
“OH, yeah!” You squeaked and pulled your phone.
You felt so enthusiastic and he noticed.
You swiped and showed him some of your drawings, “This was a project called ‘Faces’ I drew all kinds of creepy faces I could think of.”
“Wait, what does this one refer to?” He pointed at one drawing that had a sad smile and wide eyes.
“Uh, this was my face when I was 20. I had fallen in love for the last time then.” You answered locking your phone and got back to your food.
“What happened?” He asked, feeling more curious by the second.
“He was the person I loved most, I felt like there was no one like him. I felt loved, uh, and that was a big fat lie. He dumped me right after we made out. He didn’t tell me a reason why he wanted to end things. I kept calling him trying to know the reason why, but he wouldn’t even answer. I just wanted to know why, there was no red flag and then all of the sudden he fell out of love? That was not convincing at the time.” You sipped from your glass, “I kept screaming, crying, falling apart for over a year. Had nightmares about him every night, and I couldn’t take it anymore. I left the country and decided that I couldn’t fall in love again.”
He put his finger under your chin, “You didn’t deserve it, you only deserve beautiful things. I’m sorry that happened, but don’t push people away from you.”
It felt real, like someone could actually feel what you felt.
“What about you? Have you ever fallen in love?”
He pulled his finger, “I have, couple of times. But I can’t find someone that I like enough to stay with.”
When you were finished with dinner and stopped by his car you looked at him, “Why don’t you let me take you somewhere I like?”
You both smirked at each other and he threw you the keys. You got into the driver seat and took off your high heels, you noticed that he was looking at your feet, specifically at your golden anklet.
“What? I don’t like driving with high heels on.” You said, and drove.
You took him to a carnival that you knew and got out of the car without your heels.
“Let’s ride the Ferris wheel!” You said, taking off your hair tie, letting your hair fall down.
He watched you as you lifted the long part of your dress so it wouldn’t bother you. He widened his eyes as he saw you running towards the wheel, barefoot, hair everywhere.
You turned around to look at him and ran backwards, “C’mon, Gatsby!”
He grinned and took off his shoes and threw them somewhere and ran towards you.
You raced to the Ferris wheel and sat together. The lights were getting smaller and smaller, everything looked more beautiful from afar.
“I’ll ask you for something weird.” You said, out of nowhere, and he nodded. “I want you to teach me how to use a gun.”
“You want to kill me if I bother you again? No, I want to stay alive.” He laughed and you laughed with him.
“Okay then, I’ll promise you that if you teach me, I’ll think twice before killing you.”
He laughed and didn’t realize that he kissed your temple, you flinched a little but appreciated that kiss. He pulled away, your hair’s smell in his nose.
When you went down, you stopped at an ice cream cart, Harry got you chocolate cone and he got himself a vanilla one.
“Want a taste?” You asked him as you raised your cone to his mouth.
He took a little of yours and gave you his ice cream to taste.
“Mmm, it’s so good. But I prefer chocolate.” You said, “I think vanilla suits you.”
“You mean I’m vanilla?” He asked finishing his cone.
“Yes, you are.” You stuck your tongue out.
“You bitch!” He exclaims playfully as you hit his nose with the rest of your ice cream. You ran away laughing and holding your long dress so you don’t fall, he ran after you till you stopped at his car.
“Let’s take the impulsive drive you promised me.” You smile, opening the driver seat.
“Let’s do it!”
You drove around the hill, fast enough to get Harry to hold onto everything around him in fear for his life.
You rolled down the windows and let the wind take your hair with it. You screamed happily at the top of your lungs.
“You’re crazy, y/n!” He screamed, laughing.
“Shut up, wuss!” You laughed back.
You pulled over right in front of the mansion, got out, and when Harry got out you threw him his keys. You made your way to the mansion until he stopped you, “What about today’s performance?”
“What floor are you on?” You asked looking at him, hair a little fuzzy from all the wind.
“The third.” He answered getting closer to you.
“I’ll get into one of my suits and meet you.” Just when you were about to go in, he held your arm.
“I want you to dance in this dress.” He said, softly.
You smiled at him; you were thinking that you should give him what he wanted this time for a change.
“Your wish is my command.”
You both went to the third floor, his floor was a replica of your floor, but you didn’t mind. He made his way to the kitchen to get you both two glasses of wine.
You stood in the living room, observing the painting hanging on the wall. He stood next to you, looking at the painting with you after he gave you your glass. He was happy that he had fun, a different kind of fun he had never had in a long time. He didn’t stop you from doing anything crazy that day, and that attracted you to him, instead he did crazy things with you, too.
“Sit, Harry.” You ordered and he obliged.
He sat down on the couch, and you went through your phone to connect them with the sound system in the living room. You chose your song, you were barefoot. Probably threw your heels somewhere you didn’t know; he too left his shoes at the carnival.
The song started and you closed your eyes as one of the spaghetti straps fell from your shoulder.
You raised your arms over your head and started dancing with your belly in a slow motion. You gave him your back and got your hair out of the way and made a wide circle with your waist, your ass was right in front of him.
He sat there with a glass of wine in his hand, his dick getting harder by the second, his thighs are away from each other and he didn’t need to hide his boner so you could notice. He bit his lip when you held your hair in one hand and started getting closer to him with your belly going up and down.
You took one of his hands in yours and the other held his glass of wine. You rested the glass next to yours on the coffee table.
His chest was stuck to your back, he could feel your ass touching him from time to time as you swayed it.
“What does this song say?” He whispered in your ear as he was dancing with you with a hand on your belly.
“It says, ‘She was difficult, but with me she was easy’.” You said, grinning.
“What are you with me, y/n?” He asked, trying not to devour you.
“I plan on becoming easier with you.” You turned to look at him, not stopping dancing for once.
He got closer to you, held your figure in his arms which made you stop dancing but your smile never left your face.
The song ended, you stood there in silence, looking at each other’s eyes. His eyes were eating you alive.
“Are you gonna kiss me or what?” You asked hitting his chest softly.
He got his lips closer to yours, “Do you want me to?”
You sighed, “I do.”
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The Eras | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi! This is a short, silly little thing about the Ticketmaster fiasco the other day. If you were in that queue all day, I feel your pain. Seven hours of queuing for Houston. I know this fic is niche but I simply do not care <3 also, lemme know if you got tickets! And what you plan to wear to the show!
What’s your favorite track from Midnights?
Warnings: Ticketmaster 
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“Any luck?” Bucky asked on the other end of the phone.
“Nope… still two thousand plus people ahead of me.” You poked at your sad lunch salad with your plastic fork, eyes glued to your laptop. “At least my boss is trying to get tickets too, that way I won’t get in trouble for getting nothing done today.”
Bucky let out a loud laugh, “I love that for you. And your boss. Is there-”
“It’s PAUSED?” you nearly threw your lunch across the room. “The queue is PAUSED!”
Bucky wasn’t accustomed to this new way of doing things. If he wanted to go to a show back in his day, he simply bought tickets at the venue. But this was a whole new beast. You had a plan, a strategy. The group text with Wanda and Nat fired constantly in the days leading up to the presale, turning your phone into a war room.
“What? Why is it paused?”
“It says it ‘should be back up and running shortly’,” you sighed, “and that to keep my place in line, I can’t refresh or close my browser.” The disappointed groan that pushed its way out of your throat broke Bucky’s heart. He heard you clicking and typing on the other end of the line, no doubt conferring with the group text.
“This kind of seems like a disaster…” He didn’t want to make things any worse than they already were, but he hated when you were upset. You’d looked forward to this- gotten your presale code, received boosts. And yet, you sat in a paused queue with no end in sight.
“Oh, it is. Ticketmaster is the worst.” You gave a harsh stab with your plastic fork and speared a piece of romaine, punctuating your sentence. “It’s owned by this company Live Nation- it’s basically a monopoly.”
“But you’re guaranteed tickets, right?” he asked, sounding almost on edge. “Cause you got the code thingy? That’s how this works, right? The code ensures that you get the tickets?”
“Nope. That’s just to get into the presale, but they don’t require a code to get in the queue, so… I’m not sure there’s even a point to those codes.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at the inefficient and deeply flawed system. “Oh. That’s… really annoying. And confusing. They should explain the rules better.”
You gave him a laugh, “yeah, well, all they care about is making money.”
Bucky could practically see you- sitting at your desk, shoulders slumped, lunch half eaten, computer stuck in a paused queue.  “I’m sorry, doll.”
You made a few more stabs at your wilted lettuce before giving it up all together. “And apparently ticket prices are nuts. Like, floor seats are selling for over a thousand dollars. My friend got seats in section C for the Dallas show, and he paid a thousand and twenty-eight dollars for each of them.”
“Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah…” you let out a sigh. “I’m so disappointed. I mean, I saw on Twitter that even nosebleeds are in the two-fifty range now. I know there’s way worse things in the world, but I was really looking forward to this- I’ve been saving for such a long time. I thought I was gonna get to see her in person, you know?” Bucky could hear the frown in your voice. “But between the queue and the prices, I just don’t think it’s gonna happen.”
“You never know, doll,” Bucky did his best to lighten the mood. “Don’t give up. Just keep the queue open on your computer and try to focus on other things, okay?”
You agreed to his terms and the two of you hung up, leaving you alone with your Ticketmaster nightmare.
That evening, Bucky waited by the door for you to come home. He stood so close, in fact, that you almost hit him with it. “Hey, baby! How was your day?” He was nearly vibrating with a strange energy you’d never seen from him before.
“It was terrible…” you sighed. “I was in the queue for seven hours. And when I finally got to the presale, tickets were unfathomably expensive. Even if I could afford them, every seat I picked disappeared. I got constant error notices and never even got one single ticket into my cart. It sucked.”
Bucky gave you a tight squeeze, so tight you could hardly breathe. “That’s terrible, doll. I’m so sorry you didn’t get tickets…” He released you suddenly, allowing your chest to expand. “But I’m actually glad you didn’t buy any.”
His words came as a surprise. He was always supportive, no matter how silly your venture. He knew how badly you wanted to go to the concert- why he celebrated your defeat was unknown.
“Oh. That’s…. ouch, Buck. I know I’m kind of annoying about how much I love her music, but-”
“No, no- I’m happy you didn’t get any,” he said, “because I got them for you.”
His words didn’t register. You stared at him, mouth agape, as the gears in your mind spun into overdrive. “I don’t… what? How?”
“He might be an ass, but Tony’s good for some stuff,” Bucky laughed. “I asked him to help me- and he said no. We both know he hates my guts. But when I said it was for you, he immediately agreed.”
“You asked Tony?” Bucky didn’t speak to Tony. Ever. Not since Siberia. But he’d broken his sworn vow against Tony. Just for you.
Bucky retrieved his laptop from the kitchen table, “I signed up last week just in case you didn’t get verified. But you did… and then I got a text late last night with a presale code. So, I thought I’d hop on the presale too just in case you couldn’t get tickets.” He turned the computer your way and showed you the screen, “according to this, my account is still stuck in the queue…”
You eyed the screen and saw the long line you stared at all day, “but if you’re still in the queue, how did you-”
Bucky scoffed, “Ticketmaster is no match for Stark tech, sweetheart. Tony found a way around the queue, grabbed three floor seats, and got outta there. Used some of that Iron Man money for good.” He shut the computer and tucked it under his arm, “and now, there are three floor seats linked to your account. You got the VIP package, preferred parking- all the bells and whistles.”
“Shut. Up.”
“Oh, and Stark told me to tell you…” he opened his computer once again and found an email from Tony. “And I quote: You’re too good for this idiot, but at least he’s resourceful. Have a great time at the show, kid.”
You launched yourself into Bucky’s arms, almost sending his laptop clattering to the floor. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh my god, Buck. You’re amazing- you’re the best!”
Bucky, always humble, did his best to duck your praises. “Well, Tony’s the one who got ‘em. I just called him and-”
“But it was your idea! And you entered for the presale just in case- you sat in the queue all day!”
Bucky’s cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink. “I just wanted you to see your girl. I know Taylor’s you’re favorite.”
“No, you’re my favorite,” you said, dropping a deep kiss to his lips. “Oh- I have to call Wanda! And Nat! And- wait, you didn’t ask Tony to get a ticket for you?”
Bucky shook his head, “Doll, this is your thing with your friends. I don’t want you to feel like you have to keep an eye on me all night; I want you to give all your attention to Taylor-” He laughed his own words, “as though I have to tell you to give her your attention.”
He dotted kisses all over your face and chuckled as you thanked him time and time again. “You’re more than welcome. All I ever want is for you to be happy, sweetheart. Go call your friends and let ‘em know.”
You rifled through your bag and found your phone, an unstoppable smile plastered across your face all the while. But before you could run off to tell Nat and Wanda the good news, you took Bucky’s face in your hands.
“Just so you know, Buck, this is the most thoughtful thing anyone’s ever done for me. I mean, getting the tickets is amazing. But signing up for the code just in case, sitting in the queue for me- you’re so sweet.” He blushed once again, still not used to your praise. “And obviously, it helps that you were able to get me floor seats, but I’d be just as appreciative if I came home to no tickets. Cause floor seats or no floor seats, you’re all I want.”
“Well I guess you’re lucky then,” he laughed, “cause you got me and floor seats.”
“Truly, what else could a girl want?” you asked.
“Backstage passes?”
“Yeah, you know I was incredibly grateful and touched that you did this for me-” you joked. “But no backstage passes? Lame.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at you and swatted you on the ass, banishing you to go call your friends.
He’d done a lot of bad in his life. Even if it wasn’t his fault, he’d hurt people. But knowing that he’d done something so meaningful for you eased his mind.
All he wanted for the rest of his days was to see you smile like that. He didn’t care if he had to team up with Tony every week and get you exorbitantly priced concert tickets- he’d do it. He’d do anything for you.
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality  @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @mrsdrysdale18 @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl l @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @purpleshallot @duchessoftheheart @seitmai @itvy5601 @hisxsoulmate @dailyreverie  @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine @masteroflightningz @evangeliamerryll  @buckys-metal-arm @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions​ @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vrittivsanghavi @idkitsem @avengetheunnatural @rassvetsky
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love2write2626 · 6 months
The Producer This story is from my one-shot collection which is a spin off of the “I Wouldn’t be Complete Without You” 4 part series, you can find that series along with the one shots, and all my other TC stories on my Masterlist hope you enjoy
Y/N’s P.O.V
I walked around set looking for Tom, since he is a producer now they always have him all over set discussing things and sometimes he can be very hard to track down. As I was walking I bumped into someone and dropped my phone, and binder
“Oh, shit I’m so sorry” the man said
“No, it’s ok I’m a klutz by nature it was probably my fault” I said, as I picked up my stuff and stood up I made eye contact with the man, and was in awe at how good looking he is.
“Hey, you’re Tom’s assistant right?” It took me a minute to gather words… so pathetic
“Um, yes. Sorry I have a million things on my mind. Yes I am Tom’s assistant, My name is Y/N”
“Nice to meet you Y/N, my name is Chris Hall”
“Oh! Mr. Hall” I said. Chris isn’t a producer on the film but he works for the production company. The company is giving a huge amount of money towards this film. “I’ve heard Tom talk about you…”
“Yes, I work for the division of the company which deals with statistics and all that boring stuff” he said with a chuckle
“Well, I wouldn’t say boring. I mean you help the big wigs decide if a movie is worth producing” he stared at each other for a few seconds and then his phone rang
“Oh, sorry. I have to take this. It was very nice meeting you Y/N” he said walking off
“Well, well do my eyes deceive me… or did Y/N meet a man she likes” Katie said walking over to me with a bright smile
“Katie, don’t start” I said
“Y/N, you are a funny, smart, beautiful woman who deserves to be an a loving relationship. He is a good-looking guy” she said “I think he likes you”
“How can he like me, Katie? We just met two minutes ago” I sighed “plus I’m way to busy to date anyone”
“No, no that’s not true, and you know it! You should ask him out” she said
“What?!” Absolutely not!” I exclaimed
“Hey ladies” I heard Tom’s voice, he walked over and kissed Katie “What are you talking about… and why is Y/N as red as a tomato?”
“She likes Chris” Katie said with a smirk
“I do not! I haven’t even said more than two sentences to the guy” I said “Look, Katie I appreciate you trying to help me… but I just I’m not interested… not right now anyway” I looked over at Tom “C’mon I have to talk to you about a million things” I said pulling him away
A few hours later, I am sitting in my room taking my shoes off when my door swings open. Katie walks in, and closes it quickly and practically throws a box at me.
“Katie, what the hell?”
“Get, showered and put that on! You’re going on a date with Chris tonight”
“What!?” I asked
“Before you accuse me of setting you up… he came over and talked to me. Asked if you were seeing anyone.”
“Katie” I sighed
“Y/N, you are always there to help everyone else. It’s your turn to go and have fun. Chris likes you… and maybe I shouldn’t have done the whole blind date thing… but you wouldn’t have gone for it if I didn’t”
“I know you’re trying to help”
“Y/N, you are my friend! You are completely over worked go out with him! What’s the worse that happens? You don’t like him, and don’t go another date?”
“Usually your logic would make sense… but he is still going to be on set everyday, if I don’t like him it will be super weird”
“It’s only weird if you make It weird” she said “Please, go and have fun”
“He is really good looking” she smiled brightly
“That’s it girl, get ready” she said running out of the room.
I walked into the restaurant looking for Chris and I found him quickly, he was looking at the menu, and drinking some wine. He looked up and when we locked eyes he looked at me like nothing else existed.
“Hey” He said when I walked over, he got up and pulled my chair out for me before pushing me back in
“Hi, thank you” I said
“You look beautiful” he said, I know I’m blushing like an idiot
“Thank you. You look very handsome” I said
“Oh, I ordered some wine… I hope you like red”
“Red is my favorite” I said taking a sip “I’ve never been here before”
“Really? You’re going to love it. I like to come here often… and well most of the time it’s take out I’m always too busy to sit down and eat.” He smirked “but I had to make time for you”
“Ok, you really have to stop. I haven’t even been here 10 minutes and I’ve blushed way too many times” I giggled
“I can’t help it. I think you’re beautiful… and if we’re being honest… I may have bumped into you on purpose” I looked at him confused “This going to sound creepy… but its in a non-creepy way… I’ve been watching you” I raised an eyebrow “I said it was going to sound creepy… but I thought you were absolutely beautiful the moment I saw you” I tried to hide my blush and looked at the menu
“So Chris what’s good here?” I asked
“You were right the food was amazing” I said giggling
“Not, as amazing as the company” he said
“Yeah, I have to admit your company was pretty great too” I said “This is me” I said when we walked over to my car
“Good enough for a second date?” he asked
“Yeah, I think I would like that” I said, he smiled brightly and I stood on my tippy toes to give him a hug and when we pulled apart we stared at each other
“I really want to kiss you” he mumbled, I decided to be bold for once
“What’s stopping you?” I asked, he smiled and leaned down for a kiss. The kiss is really nice… that’s a lie it was better than nice. This man really knows what he is doing. When we broke apart I said “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow” he said
When I walked inside the house I was bombarded by Katie and Tom
“Why are you both still awake?” I asked
“Mr. Grumpy pants here refused to sleep until you got back… and well I had to know how I went” she asked
“It went great” I said, she smiled brightly
“Really?” she asked
“Yeah, we kissed”
“He, kissed you?” Tom asked shocked
“That’s ridiculous you went out on one date… hell you only spoke for the first time today! He’s kissing you?”
“Zip it” Katie said “How was it?”
“Really good” she walked over and hugged me
“Thank you Katie”
“I’m so excited… now I am exhausted and going to bed” she said turning around and I couldn’t help but laugh. I looked over at Tom
“Are you mad?” I asked, his eyes softened
“Of course not. I just worry about you. I don’t want anyone to hurt you ever” I walked over and hugged him
“I know you won’t let anyone hurt me Tommy” I said and he groaned
“I hope you know, you’re the only one who gets away with calling me that” I rolled my eyes
“Good night” I said
“Night” he mumbled
One date turned to two which quickly turned to 5 and then I lost count. Chris is an amazing guy, super smart, funny, and handsome. We were always together on set, and I could tell it was irritating Tom
“Y/N, I hate to be an asshole…”
“No you don’t” I giggled
“But you are here as my assistant you talk to your boyfriend later” I sighed knowing he is right
“See you later Chris” I said
“My place tonight?” he asked
“I’ll be there” I said
“So you guys are getting serious?” Tom asked
“I wouldn’t say serious yet… but I think its headed in that direction” I said biting my lip
“Look, I know you’re tired of hearing me say be careful… but be careful. There’s something about him that seems a little off” I rolled my eyes “Promise me, you’ll be careful… and if he treats you with the slightest disrespect you’ll drop him on his ass” I giggled
“Ok, Tom” I leaned up and kissed his cheek “Oh shit, I forgot to as Chris what to bring for dinner tonight… I’ll be right back” I ran back over and I saw Chris was already looking at me “Hey…”
“You kiss him?” he asked, I looked at him confused
“I always kiss him on the cheek, and he kisses me on the cheek. We’ve been doing that for years. I told you we’ve known each other since High School”
“His wife doesn’t mind?” he asked
“No, because she knows theres nothing going on between us”
“Interesting” he mumbled, and I smiled brightly
“Are you jealous?” I asked
“Maybe…” I leaned up and kissed his lips
“You have no reason to be, there never has been and never will be anything between Tom and I”
“Ok” he smiled
“What do you want me to bring tonight?” I asked
“Just your gorgeous self, and I’m going to make dinner for you”
“Ok, see you tonight”
Even though he told me not to bring anything, I still bought some cookies… just because I felt weird coming over empty handed. I headed towards the elevators, and saw the doors about to close so I ran
“Wait hold the door” I said, I made it just before it closed and part of me wished I hadn’t. In the elevator I saw Chris making out with some blonde “I guess I got here too early, huh?” I said throwing the cookies in the trash can next to the elevators and started walking away
“Y/N, Wait!” he yelled as I walked out of the building. Fuck, I feel like such an idiot. “Y/N wait a damn second”
“What?” I asked angrily
“Look, I didn’t kiss her she kissed me… she’s my ex and she wanted to get back together but I told her I was seeing someone”
“You really seemed to want her to stop” I said angrily
“You’re being such a hypocritical”
“You’re allowed to kiss Tom but I can’t…”
“Woah slow your roll. I kiss Tom on the cheek. I don’t make out with him” I sighed “look, I was blinded by how good looking you are. You’re just like every other guy… and I’m glad it didn’t get too serious… because I can’t stand getting my heart broken” I started to walk away but he grabbed me and tugged me hard
“You get back here”
“Ow, Chris you’re hurting me”
“You are a hot piece of ass, and dating you means I have Tom in my back pocket. Tom would do anything for you” I wanted to cry
“So that’s why you asked me out?” I tried to tug away, but then he slapped me across the face and I gasped in shock
“You asshole. I’m leaving”
“No, you’re not! You are not allowed to leave this relationship till I say it’s over”
“You can’t force me to stay with you” I said
“Oh, yes I can. If you break it off, or tell anyone I hit you I’ll have the production company pull their funds”
“That’s an empty threat, you cant make the CEO just pull funds. You have no controlling interest” he smirked
“Oh, but I do, I’m the one they go to every month to make sure this is still a good project to be apart of.” I went wide eyed “Yeah, you know I’m right” he said, he let go of me. “Go, back to his house for the night, and don’t say a damn word” he said walking away
When I got home, I walked in slouching a little
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Tom asked
“Nothing… Chis and I got into a small argument and I just… I’m tired I’m going to bed” I mumbled
“Are you sure you’re ok” he asked
“Tom thank you for worrying about me… but I promise I’m fine”
“Ok, sweetie. Good night” I feel horrible lying to him, I know all he wants to do is protect me
“Good night”
5 months it’s been 5 months since I started dating Chris, and 5 months since I lost every ounce of happiness in me. Chris has taken all of it. I have to constantly hide bruises, with makeup so Katie and Tom don’t suspect anything. Chris is treating me like a rag doll, I refuse to have sex with him and when I do he hits me harder… but surprisingly never forces me to have sex
I walk into his apartment after a very long day on set, and he’s sitting on the couch watching some TV
“Where the fuck have you been?”
“On, set. You know that Tom works much longer hours than you do and…” he walked over and smacked me across the face
“Watch you’re tone with me” I looked at the ground
“Sorry” he smirked
“That’s better now… what do you say we go to the bedroom and”
“I told you I’m not ready” he smacked me again “I’m not stupid I know you’ve been having sex with your ex… just go date her and leave me alone” he grabbed me and yanked into the bedroom, throwing me on the bed. As he tried to crawl on me I kicked him hard and tried to run away but he grabbed my leg causing me to trip
“You thought you were so smart, huh” he picked me up like a rag doll and then punched me square in the eye, I screamed in pain
“That hurt, huh?” he said with a smirk, the sick bastard is enjoying this
“Next time you say no to me remember that” he said before walking away
It took me 10 minutes to find the strength to walk again, and I walked over to the mirror and gasped, my lip has a nasty gash in it and there is already a bruise forming around my eye. Fuck how am I going to hide this.
The next morning I stayed in bed. I knew there was no way in hiding this forever… but I can delay it.
“Y/N?” Tom said walking in I quickly pulled the covers over my head “Hey, sleepy head are you feeling ok?” I wanted to throw myself in his arms and tell him everything. I can’t this movie is too big… I can’t ruin it for him. I let out a fake cough
“I’m sick” I said
“Do you have a fever?” he tried to touch my head
“Yes” I said quickly “If it’s ok with you… I’m going to stay home today” I mumbled
“Of course sweetie… if you ever need a break just let me know… I’m sorry if I overworked you”
“No, no Tommy” I said trying not to cry “Never, I just have a cold that’s all… I’ll be as good as new tomorrow”
“Ok, sweetie you get some rest” he said before walking out
Not even 10 minutes later there was a knock on my door, and I heard Katie walk in
“Hey, Y/N? How are you feeling?” she asked
“Sick” I lied quickly, she sighed
“Tom, knows you’re lying. We’re actors we know a fake cough when we hear it… He sent me to check on you. I’ve been delaying it… but he’s noticing something has changed about. You’re not as happy anymore…”
“What am I supposed to do Katie? Show him this?” I asked sitting up and she gasped
“Y/N, what happened?” she asked “did Chris do this” I didn’t say anything “How long?” she asked
“Not even a few weeks after we started dating”
“Why, the fuck didn’t you leave him?” She asked
“He threatened to make sure that…”
“Hey, Y/N I know you’re not feeling well but do you know where my…” Tom walked in and when he made eye contact with me I saw pure rage enter his face “What happened?” he asked “Did that bastard hurt you?” I again said nothing “That, fucker.” Tom stormed out of the room and I quickly followed
“Tom… please don’t do something stupid”
“I’m firing that bastard ASAP”
“Tom, you can’t he told me if I told you he would make sure that he gave fake statistics to the board so they would pull their funds from the movie”
“Is that why you stayed with him?” he asked, I didn’t say anything I just started crying and slid down the wall I was leaning against
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” I said, Tom got on his knees in front of me and pulled me gently into his arms
“This is not your fault, he is a bastard and he is going to pay for this”
Tom’s P.O.V
Pure rage is running through my veins, but at the current moment the only thing I feel is stupidity. I knew there was something wrong with her, the light in her eyes had faded but Y/N made me believe she was happy… and that’s all I wanted for her. I kissed the top of her head a couple of times. I looked up at Katie who has tears in her eyes
“Will you take her upstairs and see if she can get some sleep?” Katie nodded
“C’mon honey” Katie said helping her up
“Tom please be careful” she mumbled, before letting Katie walk her upstairs.
It didn’t take long to get to the production company, I stormed in walking past security and straight into the CEO’s office. Not caring if he was in a meeting or not. He is on the phone and he looks up at me shocked
“Mr. Cruise?” he asked confused
“We need to talk now!” I said
“Of course, come in” he walked over and closed the door “What seems to be the…”
“You need to fire Chris Hall right now” I said, and he chuckled
“He’s one of our best employees I can’t fire him without cause” I pulled my phone and out and showed him the pictures I had Katie send me of Y/N
“He is a women beater”
“You’re sure he did this?” he asked
“He has been dating my assistant for the last 5 months… I have known Y/N for a very, very long time. I knew that something had changed, but I didn’t know what, and this morning I see this… he has been beating her and the reason she said nothing was because he threatened to show you and the board fake statistics so you would pull funds from my movie” He looked horrified
“Holly, call Mr. Hall into my office right now” he said on the speaker “Tom, I have to apologize I had no idea…”
“I’m not blaming you… and please don’t blame me for what happens when that bastard walks into this office”
“I want you to know we see so much potential in this film even without his statistics… we would have never pulled funds” I sighed if only Y/N had known that
“Hey, you wanted to see me?” Chris said when he walked in, I turned around and gave him a fake smile
“Actually it’s me who wanted to see you” I said walking over to him
“What can I do for you…” he asked
“I just wanted to give you something”
“What?” he asked confused
“Nothing much just this” I said before punching square in the face
“WHAT THE FUCK?” he asked
“How do you like it, you fucker. I should do so much worse… you are a sick bastard and I hope you rot in hell for what you did to Y/N”
“I didn’t…”
“Save it! I showed him the proof already and I told him everything…”
“That fucking bitch” he said, and I lost my cool again, and punched him square in the nose “You bastard I’m going sue you for everything you own”
“I’d like to see you try” I said
“I have a witness, and camara’s int his office show you attacking me”
“Mr. Hall, I know 3 things in this moment” The CEO said “One I have 3 daughters and the thought of anybody doing this to them is sickening… so you could say I saw nothing. Two wouldn’t you know it… it’s a shame the camara’s aren’t in service right now… and three You’re fired”
“You’re going to regret this Cruise” he said before walking out
“Thank you” I said to the CEO before I also walked out
When I walked inside I saw Y/N sitting on the couch watching TV, I walked over and sat next to her and let her snuggle into me
“I’m sorry” she mumbled
“You have nothing to apologize for”
“I should have told you… I just know how important this project is”
“Y/N, look at me. If you had told me, I would have dealt with it… and if they had pulled their funds I would use every dollar of my own money to keep the movie afloat… you should know I would rather go broke then let anything ever happen to you” she smiled, but still had tears in her eyes
“So you got him fired?” she asked
“After I punched him in the eye and broke his nose” she giggled “I also made sure he will never get another job again” she snuggled back into me
“Thank you for protecting me” she mumbled
“Always, I’ll always be here to protect you” it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, I picked her up and took her upstairs to her room, gently put her under the covers and kissed her head. “I love you, always have and always will” I said before walking out wishing I could say that to her when she is awake… but that will never happen.
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sleeepy-sim · 6 months
Their Girl
Read warnings before continuing
Find both the masterlist & warning here
The Lost Boys
Chapter 1
My father was never someone I could go to for things. He was there for my brothers but never really for me, unless I needed a ride, but that was about it. When I heard that he had cheated on my mom, Lucy, I was pissed. My father was never really home and when he was he was usually complaining about something, at least whenever I was home at the same time as him. My mom was already done with his bullshit by the time she found out he was screwing some chick that looked faker than plastic. So it wasn’t much of a tough decision for her, at least from the way she was talking about it. So here we are, my mom, my brothers, Michael and Sam, on our way to go live with our grandpa, in Santa Carla. 
I don’t really mind moving, considering that we lived in Arizona, which is hot as shit. Plus I’m ready for change. Hopefully Santa Carla will be better than it is for most, considering how many missing posters there are. I feel weird being here, in Santa Carla. The place isn’t weird, I mean it has weird people but the place itself isn’t weird. I feel like something is going to happen, hopefully something good. Hopefully I’ll be able to go onto the boardwalk tonight, I bet it’s beautiful at night time.
“Bee?” my mother’s head peeks out from behind the now cracked door. “Hm?” I look up from the desk grandpa, thankfully had in this room. I love my mom, she can be a bit of a pushover, but she only means well, at least I’m guessing. “Do you want to go to the boardwalk with me? I was thinking we could all go,” she looks hopeful. “You, me, Michael and Sam? If you want to go of course, I know how some things can-” stopping her before she continues her sentence and her rambling of trying to reason why she’s asking, “Sure. Um, just uh, give me a min.” 
I look through my bags that I have yet to unpack, finding a black skirt with a light sweater that has skulls all over it. Looking in my other bag trying to find my cute knee high socks that have little bows at the top, finally finding them I hurry up and change throwing the clothes I just had on my bed. “I’ll deal with it later,” grabbing my white sneakers I slip them on and tie them before heading down stairs where my mom was waiting. “Are they coming,” I sling my black purse over my right shoulder before digging into it and finding my perfume, spraying some on myself before offering it to my mom. She smiles as a thank you and sprays herself, “Yes, they should be coming down any minute now.” She hands me the perfume back just as my little brother Sam comes running down the stairs, he runs over to me before hugging me, he is almost as tall as me, considering his head is past my shoulders. I kiss his head before patting his back to tell him we have to go, as I see Michael come down. “Let's hit the road!” my mother looks back at the three of us, Sam still attached to me and Michael smelling his armpits. 
Even though I was here just earlier today, the boardwalk is still beautiful. Though being here just made the feeling as though something is bound to happen intensify almost instantly. “So where too?” Looking to my right stood Lucy, my two brothers had wanted to go check out the concert and I was going to go with them, but with my stomach tightening up into knots and almost making me throw up on an innocent bystander. I decided it best to go with my mom, as she can somewhat help me when I get too nervous. “Lets just walk around until something catches our eyes?” She smiles brightly and I can’t help but playfully bump into her, she bumps me back and then I bumped her again. We continued until we started giggling and made eye contact with the woman hanging up a missing poster with a guy's picture that looks to be a security of some kind. 
Seeing how sad she looked and then realizing that everyone else who had hung a poster on that board must have looked and felt what that woman was feeling, ruined our moods. Looking at my mom, she and I shared a look as though she understood my worries of something happening to our family, she smiled at me and kissed my cheek before a little boy's cries made us stop our interaction and look. “Mom! Mom! I can’t find my mom.” Walking over to the boy my mom gets to his level trying to talk to the poor boy as I smile at him while digging into my bag and finding a little packet of tissues and handing him one, giving him a kid smile. He whips his tears away, “Are you lost?” the boy nodded at my mom before sparing me a glance. “Well that’s okay, let’s see if someone can help okay?” My mom smiles sadly at me and I take his hand and follow her into what I’m guessing is a Video Store. “Let’s go in here and see.” 
“Excuse me. This little boy’s lost, and we wondered if his mother might be here?” I bend down to him while my mom talks to the man with glasses. “What’s your name?” His fist rubs at his eyes, probably tired from all the crying. “T-terry,” His eyes are filled with tears and his first continues to rub at his eyes. “I like that name,” I smile at him, he looks at the floor and smiles. “Terry!” His mom comes running in and hugs the small boy, “Oh, I was so worried.” Suddenly my body became hot, I could feel myself sweating, it started to get hard to breathe, almost as though something was in my lungs clogging it up. I could feel myself getting dizzy, sweat trickled down from my forehead, wiping it away and looking at the drop of sweat with confusion. I was fine just a second ago, what’s wrong with me now. Swallowing thickly I look around the room, notifying four might I say hot guys. 
I made eye contact with the tallest blonde, his hair was almost like a mane, the smirk on his eyes were hungrily watching as I struggled to breath. The other blonde next to him seemed to have the same look in his eye. He seemed to be shorter than all of them but his hair was so curly, it looked beautiful. I looked back at the blonde with the lion mane and looked to the guy that was on the left side of him. He had dark long beautiful hair, his skin seemed to be darker than the other two, his eyes were scanning me it seemed.  Lastly the guy next to him had phantom blonde hair, it seemed to be styled in a somewhat punk hairstyle. The smirk on his face almost seemed like he knew something I didn’t, like he was expecting something to happen. Looking away from them, I realized that Terry and his mom had left and my mom was still talking to the guy with glasses.  “I’m gonna go,” I whispered to my mom, avoiding looking at the guys that were just across the counter. “Oh, okay, I’ll see you at the house?” I nod at her before taking another glance at the four guys before turning around and heading for the door. 
I step outside of the store and stand just a bit to the left of the door, taking a deep breath. I rub my face with my hands trying to calm down, I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. I sit down on the curb just near some bikes. Resting my head on my knees, it seems my sweating is getting worse. Hearing footsteps I try not to look up but two people squish me between them. Another person crouches right in front of me. With my head still down on my knees I froze up not knowing what to do, but part of me felt safe and warm, but I also was sweating so much. It seemed like I had a knot in my stomach, the inside of my thighs were almost soaked and my pussy seemed to be throbbing. What the hell is wrong with me? Someone's hand was running through my hair, another someone’s nose was in my hair. “It’s okay,” lifting my head up I see the man with dark beautiful hair was crouched in front of me, looking to my right was the curly head blonde and to my right was the lion mane blonde. 
“Yeah, it’s okay cutie.” Looking back to my left, the blonde with the lion’s mane removed his nose from my hair and put his hand on my cheek, his thumb brushing over my high cheekbone. “I’m Paul,” he smirks at me before nodding his head at the other blonde on my other side. “That’s Marko,” Looking over at the curly head blonde that I now know as Marko, his arm wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him, which causes Paul to move over and squash me even closer to the two of them. “I’m Dwayne.” my head looks up to him, even while crouching he has the height advantage. Hearing footsteps from behind me I go to look but I suddenly feel someone behind me, their chest touching my back. Upon whose arrival Paul and Marko seemed to scoot a little away, as suddenly I’m being picked up, their hands just underneath my armpits. The person behind me lifts me up and suddenly the ground looks a long ways away, but they sit down on the curb and put me in their lap. “I’m David sweetheart.” His hot warm breath hits my ear. 
His hands pick me up once again, except this time he turns me around in his lap. Now facing him my body turns hot. I’m pretty sure my slick is running down my thighs and onto David's pants. He adjusts me so I’m sitting on his crotch, which makes it even worse. His hands are resting on my hips, fingers slipping into the top of my skirt, but I can’t seem to care, it feels so good being with them. It feels right, somewhat comforting in a way. “What’s your name, sweets?” Marko’s fingers run through my hair once again, his wide smile making me want to smile. David’s hands grip my hips even tighter and make me roll my hips against his crotch, making me whine. “He asked you a question.” Dwayne’s fingers moved the hair that was covering my neck before putting his nose against my neck, before biting it. Making me buck my hip, causing David to groan. “B-bee,” I throw my head back letting Dwayne get more access to continue to bite and snip at my throat. Paul groaned, smelling into the air, “God you smell good,”
Paul’s hand reached over and pulled on my necklace, pulling me to him, almost making me fall from David’s lap. His lips almost touched mine, his hot breath hitting my lip, “I can’t wait to taste you my little bee bee.” His hand snaked up and grabbed some of my hair before pulling me into his lap with his lips crashing into mine. I can’t help but moan into his mouth, hips rolling, humping him. Even kissing him was too much pleasure, my slick was bound to be soaking my knee high socks by now. “Not here,” Dwayne’s hands pick me up, just under my armpit. He lifts me up and holds me to his chest before looking over my shoulder and at the rest of the boys. He goes to put me on his bike but I won’t let go of him, as though something in my body was telling me I needed to touch him all the time. He sighs before getting on the bike with me still attached to his chest.  
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 82. brb x oc
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check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: FLUFF, slightly suggestive content but nothing full on SMUT BECAUSE SMUT HAS TO BE STRATEGICIALLY PLANNED FOR THESE FUTURE CHAPTERS
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2 @emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads
The feeling of an ice bag on her skin brought plenty of memories of when she sprained her ankle, even hissing a bit at the chilling pressure over her knuckles and fingers, “Thank you Penny.” she whispered, holding the ice pack against her hand and leaning back on the empty booths of the Hard Deck.
“Don’t mention it, let’s hope you didn’t sprain anything in that punch.” Penny jokes, sharing a comforting look with Rooster who stood to the side with his hands on his hips, looking like the worried boyfriend he usually was. After a few seconds standing close by he finally slid to sit down next to Bea, a quiet ‘let me see’ going past his lips as he carefully lifted the ice pack to see the damage.
It was red and purplish, but it wasn’t as bad as he thought it’d be, “I never punched anyone.” he heard her say, while gently brushing the pad of his thumb over the abrasion, “I think it was fitting he was the very first one.”
“Bea you scared the shit out of me.” Bradley confesses, furrowing his eyebrows, brown eyes meeting her green ones, “Not that I’m not proud of you, because I am, but holy shit babe. You just lunged at him like a fucking wild cat.” Rooster puts the ice pack back down on her knuckles, leaning up to kiss the side of her head, “I thought I wouldn’t be able to hold you back.”
Beatrice makes a quiet noise in her throat, looking down at her bruised hand with a little smile, “I know,I’m sorry.” she whispers, pushing herself closer to him as she recalled everything that happened hours before, her own gaze hardening into a glare, “He just…there was a lot he brought back and when he talked about you I just–I couldn’t really do much after that.”
Bradley frowns, hugging her close to himself and rubbing her arm up and down. She wasn’t upset by what Eric said about her? She was more upset about the accusations he spewed out? “I thought you’d be angrier about him saying those things about you.”
The brunette just shrugs the best she could with his arm around her shoulders, “I don’t really care much about what Eric says about me Roos. I know that he’s just saying it out of anger and trying to get to me…it just pissed me off when he said those things. When he spoke as if you–” she couldn’t even finish the sentence, narrowing her gaze onto the table where she placed her bag and phone, biting her lower lip, “I just don’t like when people say things about you, is all.”
God, he didn’t know how to reply. The fact this wasn’t the first time she defended him was making his heart flutter even more than normal. He closed his eyes, burying his nose in her brown hair, inhaling the sweet lavender scent in her scalp. His whole body was warm, he didn’t know how to even elaborate what he was feeling, all he knew was that Beatrice was more than he ever deserved.
First Chloe, then Eric. Both of them talked about her but she only reacted when his name was thrown in the mist. While he still despised Eric, while he still wanted to be the one who’d beat the shit out of him instead, he was so proud of her. It was one clean punch, straight to the nose, “Did Michael or Guillermo ever taught you some boxing moves? I know you said they were boxers for a while.”
Beatrice thinks on it for a second, looking down at her bruised hand, “Oh.” realization hits her alongside the memories, “They did. I completely…forgot about that.”
“Maybe that’s why it was powerful enough to knock him down.” Rooster comments with his lips still pressed on her hair, “You have the boxer dna within you.” Beatrice laughs softly, her cheeks reddening brighter in the areas the tears wiped down her makeup, thanking him for the compliment with her arm tucked to his side, “At least you did it after your birthday. It wouldn’t be nice to end it like that.”
“Yeah…” but he felt she wouldn’t be too bothered if it did happen before, just by the way she said that, “I guess it’s another thing I’ve dealt with.” 
Pete approached the two after he and Penny decided to give them some space,his hands on his hips with a small smile, “So, how are we feeling kiddo? How’s your hand?”
“It’s not so bad.” Bea says, flexing her fingers just a bit for emphasis, wincing quietly “It hurt a lot more before.”
Mav nodded in response, sliding to sit down in front of them with his hands clasped together, smiling at how Bradley still hasn’t taken his arm from around her, keeping himself close at all times, “You did really good back there,” she smiles shyly at the compliment, “Honestly, the guy had no chance. You pack a strong punch in that small hand of yours,huh?” He could see his nephew was still tense by what happened, undoubtedly wanting to be the one that knocked Eric down.
But knowing Bradley’s size, especially his hands’ size, it was possible he’d do more damage than a broken nose. Add that to seeing your girlfriend’s abusive ex and he didn’t think Rooster would be able to see anything but red when dealing with Eric. Besides, this was something for Beatrice to deal with, it was her demons that she had to fight even if Bradley was protective about her and didn’t want her getting hurt.
Pete sent his nephew a knowing look, which in turn makes Rooster’s glare relax and his head pull back from Beatrice’s hair, leaning back on the seat while rubbing a hand down his face, rubbing his fingers over his mustache the same way Goose did when he was really upset. “You did good, but let’s hope it never happens again.” Mav smiles, making Beatrice beam up right back, her cheeks flexing in a little proud grin, “Are you two going home now?”
Rooster checks his watch, after a few more times running his index and thumb on the mustache, pursing his lips, “It’s nearing one in the morning.” he announces, looking down at Beatrice, “Do you want to go?”
His girlfriend looks to the side in thought, but then nods with a little tired smile, “Yeah,I think it’s best if we do.” Both Maverick and Bradley stood up at the same time, the younger pilot giving space for Beatrice to step out but never standing too far from her, a tall presence looming nearby so she could feel safe.
Both of them thanked Penny and Mav, waving them goodbye before marching to the Bronco. Beatrice stood to the side waiting for Rooster to unlock the doors, giving him a little grin that made one of his eyebrows go up, “What?” he questions, his own mouth curling into a confused smile, “What are you smiling at me for, gorgeous?”
Beatrice smiles even more, stepping closer to lean her head up and kiss his lips in a sweet lip lock, one he hummed happily once their lips touched, “I just love you.” she whispered, pecking him one more time for emphasis. Bradley just watched her step into the passenger side, looking away with his lower lip between his teeth, trying to fight back the smile without much success.
His anger is gone, completely, because of her. He had no idea how she did it, how she managed to melt the glaciers he kept around his heart before or how she could break past the anger walls but she did. “I forgot to say I love you too.” he announces once he’s inside the car as well, swallowing her soft giggle when he kisses her, pulling back with a wet smack as he turns the car on.
While he was calmer, he couldn’t help but look at the mirrors to check if there was anyone following them. That electric blue Corvette was glued on his mind now, he couldn’t just forget about it when it was so fresh in his mind. One of his hands landed on Beatrice’s thigh out of habit and out of protectiveness, squeezing the supple flesh as his girlfriend was busy looking outside the windows with a peaceful smile.
She looked really happy, besides what happened. Maybe she was right on getting rid of her demons, Eric was probably one of the worst ones. He hopes he never shows up again, if he does he is going to be the one dealing with that piece of shit, he hopes that he leaves Beatrice be. He was sure he was the one following Beatrice in the blank accounts, he was the one that asked Damon to ‘follow’ them after all why wouldn’t he do the same online? And the night they were at the beach, with Jolene, he had a feeling it was him hiding in the shadows.
He had to admit that the thought of Eric creeping by bothered him greatly. Even if Bea proved that she could handle him on her own if needed, he didn’t like it. He just had to pay extra attention now, whenever they went out, and check if they were alone there or not…he hoped Eric would stay on his corner, alone and wallowing in pain because Beatrice broke his nose.
Rooster also had to admit that the whole situation was…quite attractive. Beatrice wasn’t one to get into fights, avoided conflicts like the plague if she could, so to see her leap up and punch her ex - with the reason behind it being because he was talking horrible things about Rooster himself - was very...nice. Very nice. No, not nice, hot. It was kind of sexy seeing her so angry like that, hair a mess, lips curled into a snarl.
Oh God did he just discover a new kink?
Women that could possibly beat his ass? Not women, woman, Beatrice?
He blinked when the realization hit, then he rolled his lips into his mouth, nodding to himself. Yeah, he just found out a new kink. Maybe because he really liked when Beatrice was bolder or when she was more assertive…honestly he was starting to wonder if Bea herself wasn’t just his kink because anything she did he found incredibly appealing.
Once he rolled right next to her brand new red Jeep, that thing was almost the size of his own car but he loved how happy Beatrice was when she got it, he opened the passenger door for her to step out, “Careful with your hand,” he says, closing the door behind her, “Let me open the door for you.”
“I can open with my other hand,Roos.” but he grabs the keys from her unbruised hand after pecking her lips, making Beatrice’s lips curl into a smile as she watches him unlock her front door, greeting Jolene whose nails clicked on the wooden floors excitedly as she bounced around. Beatrice followed soon after, her intonation going higher as she looked down at Jolene who was still shaking wildly with happiness upon seeing them again, leaning down to pet her dog after pushing the door closed.
She wandered into the kitchen, not surprised to see him already placing some ice cubes inside a plastic bag then covering it with a towel, making it a little baggie that she could put on her bruised hand, “I’ll put the cake in the fridge, you keep this on your hand,” he traded the ice baggie for the styrofoam box she was holding - making a face when he saw it was being held by her hurt hand - and put it into the fridge. 
Beatrice’s smile only got wider, gently lowering the ice bag on her hand with a quiet hiss of pain, clenching her eyes as the coldness spread from her knuckles to the tips of her fingers, leaning her butt on the sink’s counter as Rooster busied himself. She heard a very quiet ‘crunch’ coming from where he was, which immediately made Beatrice smile, “Did you just get a piece of chocolate?”
His cheek was stuffed when he closes the fridge’s door, “No.” but it sounded like a ‘mnfno’ since he did have a big chunk of chocolate between his teeth, “It’s not my fault it’s so good.” he explains once he’s done chewing it, licking his lips to get rid of any chocolate stains on the pink plush flesh.
“I’m not going to get mad at you for sneaking a bite, Roos.” she says gently, tilting her head at him, “I know how much you like chocolate.”
“I do like it a little bit.” he chose to ignore her ‘a little bit?’ with a smile on his face, stepping closer to place his hands on her wide hips, rubbing the area soothingly, “How are you feeling?”
Beatrice inhales, tilting her head to meet his eyes with her smile still present, “Honestly?” he nods for her to go on, “I feel really good. I really do feel good, Roos. Even if some stuff happened,” she holds her bruised hand for him to see, “I don’t think I could’ve had a better birthday celebration.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” she nods for emphasis, “There was nothing I’d’ve changed, you know? I…I had so much fun and there were people that I cared about there and you and Evelyn organized it for me. And honestly it was the nicest thing someone ever did for me, probably ever.”
Bradley’s gaze softened, his fingers pinching the bottom of her blouse, running the pads on the seam “You deserve something like that more often. You deserve to be celebrated.” Beatrice’s cheeks immediately turn bright red over his words, but she keeps her eyes on him. She’s been taking compliments a lot better now, not moving her gaze away shyly when being told so.
“Thank you, Roos.” she whispers softly, meeting his lips halfway in a soft kiss, smiling with her eyes closed when he pressed several butterfly kisses on her lips, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“I had something else planned, another gift for you.” he murmured, “I know you said you didn’t want any but…” Beatrice peeks one eye open, pulling her head back enough to tilt it in confusion, “I couldn’t help myself.” he steps back to offer his hand, which she grabs immediately, letting him guide her up the staircase onto the loft area, guiding her to sit on the bed, “Close your eyes.”
Beatrice hesitates with a little smirk, but eventually does, fluttering her eyes shut as she hears his feet thudding back downstairs, the obvious latch of the doggy gate being set up and closed - her cheeks already reddening just by that - before he rushes back. Beatrice waits for him to say something, but he doesn’t, she knows he’s there, she feels his presence and smells his cologne. There’s something with weight being placed on her lap, “Okay, open them.”
She blinks her eyes open, trying to regain her vision, seeing the mid size red gift box there, “You didn’t have to get me anything, Roos.” she says while pulling the golden bow apart to lift the lid. She didn’t know what he got for her, she didn’t say anything about it. She however, widens her eyes when she sees what it is, “Oh…my God.” she places a hand over her mouth, her cheeks flexing up in a smile.
Rooster watched her pick the object up with a grin, sitting down next to her so he could admire it further. It may not seem much, but he knew that for Beatrice it meant the world: a statue of Ripley with Newt, just like the Aliens poster, in so much detail she could even see the texture in Ripley’s pants, “Did you like it?”
“Rooster, this–” she gingerly picks it up, the bag of ice falling by her feet with a wet sound, completely ignoring her bruised hand to hold it close to her eyes, gently brushing the pad of her index on Ripley’s face, Newt’s hair and the xenomorph creeping behind the two, “This is heavy…Rooster, I–”
“You can put it in your office/art room when we move.” He mentioned it to her when they saw the house, since it had several rooms that could be used, that she should keep one for her to paint and do everything art related. She didn’t agree with it then, but he had a feeling she would now, “I figured you’d like it.”
“Rooster, this is a Japanese figurine.” she whispers in pure amazement, “These are extremely rare to get here.” she wasn’t being ungrateful, absolutely not, he knew, especially how she was holding the statue so close to her chest, “How did you–”
“It was a bit hard since this one was one of the three last in stock, but you just have to be quick about it.” he shrugs, the corner of his mouth lifting in a smirk, “And so I got it.”
Beatrice looked from Rooster to the figurine, then back to her boyfriend, holding it close to her chest in a hug, “Thank you….I…” she looked back down at Ripley’s face, smiling, “For everything, Roos. Really, not only because of this, but you know…what I mean.” he smiles more, scooting closer to kiss her cheek, watching as she places the figurine back inside the box, “I’ll keep this one safe until we move.” She got the tingles saying it outloud, standing up to place the box inside her armoire, pushing it to the corner so it wouldn’t occupy too much space.
When she turns back around he’s still on the bed, leaning on his arms with his legs spread…looking so good, he should be illegal. Beatrice bites her lower lip, walking closer to him and meeting his low lid gaze, his body already adjusting to give her space so she could straddle his lap. Once she sat down and his arms immediately went to hold her waist, he pressed a kiss under her jaw, humming deep in his throat, “There was something else I had planned…but with your hand like that…”
“Will I need my hand for this thing you are planning?”
He thinks on it for a second, pausing his lips, “Well…no.” Finally he replies, pulling his head back to prop his chin on her cleavage, the soft tissue cushioning his head, “But I wouldn’t want you to get hurt even more.”
Beatrice smiles, lifting her good hand to cup the side of his face, then leaning down to kiss his lips, rubbing her thumb on his cheekbone, “I’m not going to get hurt, Roos…you aren’t going to hurt me.” Those words held a lot more weight than just the physical aspect, she meant it emotionally too. It was…crazy this connection they had, that happened so quickly and yet so naturally. He knew that this type of trust she wasn’t able to get with…that person…so to hear that from her, especially considering everything he’s been through himself was more than special to him.
Bradley smiled, with his chin still on her breasts, lowering enough for him to kiss the upper part of her cleavage, “Okay.” he places his hands under her thighs, so he could pick her up and they switch places on the bed, her brown hair spilling over the sheets as he hovers above her body, “If you insist.”
“You did grab the dog gate.” she murmurs, lifting her arms to hug his neck, “So I don’t think I’m the one who insisted, Rooster.”
He didn’t reply, he just smirked and lowered his face to her neck.
Beatrice hummed happily, snuggling closer to Bradley’s body as she felt his fingers running up and down her spine, her smile only widening when he lowered the hand just enough to touch the dimples above her butt then go back up, “I liked this gift too.”
His chest jolts with a laugh, “You know, so did I. It’s so good to have gifts that we both can enjoy.” he jokes, dropping a kiss to the top of her head and then pulling back to look down at her face, “How’s your hand?”
“It’s fine. I barely feel anything now.” her body was just so deliciously spent and tingly she couldn’t care less if her hand was hurting anymore, “You are pretty good at distracting me.”
“I do my best, pretty girl.” he replies with a grin, kissing her hair once more, “Anything to have you relaxed.”
“Hm…you know what I noticed?”
Beatrice lifts her head from his chest to meet his eyes, “We are going to move into the house next week.” she says, “And we packed…literally nothing.” she looks around her still furnished room, biting her lower lip, “We might work on getting everything done now, you know?”
Shit he completely forgot about that, “...damn you are right.” He couldn't help the ‘I’m not nervous but I kind of am’ laugh that goes past his lips, running his fingers through the sandy brown strands and arching his eyebrows to his hairline, “We better start it tomorrow,I can help you.”
“And I can help you.” she adds quickly, “You won’t have time during the week, Brad…so the more help you get the better,right?” his eyes swiftly move to her bruised hand, but Beatrice just gives him another look, “I’m fine. Nothing I can’t handle.”
His worried glance softened, a proud smile spreading over his lips as his hand came up to rub her cheek, “Of course, pretty girl. Just don’t force yourself too much.” she nodded, leaning into his palm as he kept his eyes on her. Damn they were going to move in together…next week it happened so fast, it didn’t even seem possible how quickly time went by. But he was excited, he was happy, he was going to live with Beatrice and then…well, then they could work on the very next step.
He was still organizing everything, he hoped that by the end of the week - at best the end of next week- he’d be able to write everything down. “We are still going to christen every room in that house.”
Beatrice laughs quietly, leaning on a hand the same way he was, her hair tumbling to the side, “Maybe not every room, right?  The guest rooms can escape.” her boyfriend just arches his eyebrow at her, almost like a challenge, “Bradley Nicholas, you are terrible.”
“God I love when you say my full name like that,” he says with a smile, “But yes,I am and I plan to keep that in mind until we actually do it.” Beatrice giggles with her cheeks red, an endearing sight he could never get tired of, “Are you excited?”
“I’m super excited.” she smiles, her eyes shining when she answers him, “I can’t wait really. I…I’m happy. I’m very happy.” 
“Me too.” he says once he adjusts himself on the bed, eventually falling back down on the mattress with a sigh, “But we have to sleep it’s…” he lifts his phone, squinting at the brightness and then blinking once his eyes get used to it, “Two fifteen in the morning. We have a lot of things to do tomorrow.”
Beatrice nods, but her smile just gets bigger as she leans closer to his face and kisses his lips over and over, “Okay.” she says against his mouth, biting his lower lip just enough to make him groan a ‘don’t do that’ under his breath, “See you tomorrow.”
“You are evil.” she hears once she falls back on the bed with her back to him, her bare, naked back. Beatrice looks over her shoulder with a grin, one that he just couldn’t stand anymore, “You are so evil.” his arms immediately wrap around her waist, tugging her closer to his chest, making a squeak break out of her mouth and his lips immediately land on the curve of her jaw.
“Sleep, Roos.” she tries to say between soft laughing, lifting her good hand to run her fingers through the strands while his head is still pressed to her neck, “You just said so didn’t you?” he groans in agreement, not letting her go. Eventually she hears his breathing go even, he always fell asleep first no matter the time, looking back just enough to see those long lashes dusting over his cheekbones and his mouth partially open, eyelids moving as he dreamed.
Beatrice just smiled softly, craning her neck enough to press a kiss to his cheek, then dropped her head back down onto the pillow, rubbing his hand that was right on top of her stomach. The thin hairs on the back of his fingers and hand tickled the pads as she brushed the limb slowly, almost as if she wanted him to sleep even harder than normal. Beatrice inhales deeply, closing her eyes with a smile, once again thanking whoever made it possible for all of this to happen.
It seemed like she was turning a page, a fresh new beginning with the man she loved and who loved her just as much. She almost felt like crying, having to bite her lower lip to prevent any sounds from leaving her mouth, but she smiled wider, hearing his soft snoring from behind her and thinking how she couldn’t wait for whatever it was coming their way.
She was sure they’d be ready.
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wowbright · 1 year
Fic: When I’m Bad, God’s So, So Good
Klaine Valentine’s Challenge 2023: “Last Dance" by Donna Summers (Day 11 prompt)
Words: ~825 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Kurt and Blaine become the highest-baptizing companionship in the mission.
I’m back with more vignettes from my Mormon!Klaine universe for Klaine Valentines 2023! This vignette takes place somewhere between Sweet to My Taste and Summer Skies.
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost.
On a beautiful day in June, as early morning showers gave way to an enormous double rainbow over the Munich stake center, Kurt and Blaine baptized five people.
“A rainbow!” Holly Holliday effused. “A covenant between God and humanity! Could anything more appropriately symbolic happen today?”
Her immersion—along with those of fellow American expatriates Andrea Carmichael and Dalton Rumba, a friend of Doro and Stefan’s, and Stefan’s brother—made Kurt and Blaine highest-baptizing companionship in the mission.
All this, even as their make-out sessions were growing increasingly intense.
That wasn't how these things were supposed to work. Their kissing was, ostensibly, a sin—or, if not that, at least disobedience to the mission rules. And everyone knew engaging in sin and disobedience on a mission was a surefire way to court failure.
And yet here God was, throwing golden investigator after golden investigator their way. And freaking rainbows.
“It's so strange,” Kurt had said the evening before, holding hands with Blaine on the couch—yes, really, just holding hands. “God doesn't seem to care at all about us kissing.”
“Oh, no, Kurt.” Blaine shook his head vigorously, his eyebrows furrowing. “I think he very much does. I think God embraces the goodness of what we have and builds on it. We've never been more honest with each other. I've never been more honest with myself. And because we’re honest in our own dealings, because we have love at home, we bring that sacred spirit to investigators. A good tree brings forth good fruit.”
Kurt couldn't deny there did seem to be a divine hand at work. In the first place, he had never expected Holly to get approved for baptism while he was still in Germany, given her history of lesbian dalliances and the fact she didn't seem to feel guilty about them at all. Second, they’d run into trouble with the Carmichael-Daltons, when it surfaced in their baptismal interviews that Andrea had an abortion when she was younger and Dalton had served a short jail sentence for his involvement in a show choir bribery scheme.
The three cases had been escalated to the mission president, as all such cases were. And he, after counseling with the baptismal candidates and prayerfully considering their situations, had deemed that these sins were behind them, and they were ready to move forward in faith.
Kurt doubted the previous mission president would have been so quick to forgive.
Everything had aligned to bring these people into the church.
“It truly is a blessed day,” Holly said, standing before the small group of attendees in a fashionable white skirt suit with an angel Moroni pin on her lapel. Kurt stood by her side, translating into German. “This is the first real commitment I've made in my entire life, and I'm so excited to be doing it! Ever since I saw the Book of Mormon musical and how brave the character of Elder Price was, I've wanted to be a part of this church. I need God by me, beside me, to guide me and hold me and—yes—even to scold me. Because when I’m bad, I’m so, so bad. Seriously. It would take more time than we have allotted here for me to go into all of it, and anyway, none of it matters, because I've been redeemed! And with the help of the gospel and this church, I can learn to be less bad and more good, day by day.”
Kurt tried to make the German version of her speech sound a little less loopy. Judging by the smiles on everyone's faces, he either succeeded, or they simply loved loopy converts as much as any other.
“Plus, there's the temple,” Holly continued. “I'm so excited about the temple. Can't wait to put that green apron on!”
Kurt was mortified. On the one hand, the fact that Holly had done so much research into the church and liked all the weird things she’d found out was good reason to think this conversion would be lasting. With most baptisms, you really never knew. Because they didn't know. They didn't know about the church’s history of polygamy. They didn’t know about the plurality of gods. They didn't know that Jesus Christ and Jehovah were the same person. They didn't know about the rituals inside the temple or the covenants they would make there.
But Holly knew everything, because she’d done everything members and investigators weren’t supposed to do. She’d dived into non-approved sources, read anti-Mormon history books and websites, watched secretly recorded videos of the temple ceremonies on YouTube.
Holly knew what she was getting into, one-hundred percent. And she loved every bit of it.
Still, it really wasn’t appropriate to talk about temple clothing at a baptism.
Kurt translated her enthusiasm over the green apron to, “I am so eager to make my temple covenants!”
It wasn’t a literal translation, but it captured the spirit of her meaning without offending the Spirit of God.
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un-named-thing · 2 years
i dunno if you write poly stuff, but can u do some steddie x ftm!reader, angst to fluff where reader is like rlly heartbroken about having a crush on both of them bc reader thinks its weird/confusing plus theyre trans so kinda double homocide 💀 anyway steddie accepts readers confession and comforts them happy ending woohoo
I write any kind of stuff really if that makes sense and I actually really like this idea
'So it's not weird?' Steddie x ftm!reader
Summary: after a good talk with yourself you finally gather up the courage to tell Steve and eddie what you've wanted to say for a while,
Cw: reader being real upset, angst to fluff
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I leaned against my locker, zoned out as Dustin basically yelled into my ear how exited he was about hell fire tonight. It was pretty exiting. But wasn't so excited tho. The thing is Eddie finally managed to get Steve to tag along which made Dustin even happier which isn't the bad part.
The bad part was that i was panicking. I have had a huge crush on Steve and eddie and i hated myself for it. I thought it wasn't normal and that something was wrong with me.
I wished i could just pick one to fanboy over but i simply couldn't. I loved eddie and his mass amount of energy. I loved the way he could light up a room in seconds.
And steve i loved how laid back he was but he could also get serious really quickly. Also how protective he was of the group. Both of those men just made me lose my damn mind.
But confessing would be like asking for a death sentence, especially to both of them. But even if they did somehow say yes and where okay with it what if they found out i was trans. Then it would all be over before it started.
But even them accepting my confession is very, very slim. If i confessed it would probably ruin our friendship forever.
I was suddenly shaken from my thoughts when i felt dustin literally shaking me. He looked really concerned. "Are you okay?" "Ya I'm fine" i quickly answerd trying to hide the fact that i was on the brink of tears. I bit my bottom lip trying not to cry.
My eyes darted around the hall before they landed on a clock. "Oh look at the time, I better go to my last period.. see ya at hell fire Dustin" i said slowly walking away before speeding of in the direction on my class. Dustin stood there confused for a moment before shrugging it off and heading of to his last period.
I rushed into my classroom just as the bell was about to ring. I took a seat in the back and put my head down. I was trying so damn hard not to cry but it was getting harder and harder the more thoughts popped into my head.
Why the hell did I have to have a crush on two damn guys. Why do I have to be so confusing. God I don't even know what this would be called.
God look at me, trans and I have a crush on two guys. Thats double homicide if anything. For now I just have to get through these last hours and I can go home and cry into my pillow and try to forget how weird I am.
Time skip
The Bell rang making me jump slightly as I was half way asleep. I looked around and quickly realised people where packing up and leaving. I cussed under my breath and jumped up. Basically running out the classroom.
I took a deep breath when suddenly I was being picked up. I looked down only to see eddie. He had that usual happy grin on his face. I blushed as he pulled me into a tight hug.
"Ready for hell fire n/n?" He asked. He looked so damn exited and I simply nodded in response. He smiled and led me to the club room. But not even half way there steve joined us, and now it was time to start panicking. I couldn't get a single word out. I was embarrassed as hell.
Why was it so damn akward? Was it me? I breathed heavily as we finally reached the club room.
Eddie paused and turned to me right as he was about to open the door. "Hey n/n you okay, you look out of it?" Eddie asked concerned "Ya you okay m/n?".
Great now both eddie and steve where asking if I was okay. Internally I was fucking screaming. "Ya ya I'm fine just nervous for... hell fire is all". I gave a weak smile to both of the guys. They exchanged glances before eddie finally opened the door.
The room was full of the normal people you'd see in hell fire. Expect lucas was out. Again. So Erica was taking his place, which she was more than happy to do. I took my place next to mike as I normally do and steve stood next to me, using Eddie's "throne" for support.
There was no need for me to be this nervous but something in me was just going crazy. Plus I still couldn't calm down from what happened just seconds ago. I just tried to concentrate on the game and nothing else. But oh god was it so damn difficult.
Yes another time skip
Another successful hour of playing dnd with my friends was over and i actually managed to keep it together. Kinda. Everyone was happily cheering and getting their stuff together.
I was about to get up and join the others when eddie stopped me by grabbing my hand. I turned to him with a slight tint of red on my face.
"Heeey n/n, me and steve are going back to mine to hang out, your coming with" he said with a devilish grin. I gulped and my head ran wild. I quickly responded "sorry eddie I'm busy" i gave him a soft smile before trying to get my hand back.
Suddenly steve grabbed my other hand and a smirk spread across his face. "He wasn't asking" they laughed as they watched my face turn into a look of horror. They pulled me along all the way holding my hands in their's, with eddie slightly ahead of us.
I walked out into the empty parking lot where Steve dragged me and Eddie to his car. Eddie happily jumped into the front seat when Steve unlocked the car. And I got into the back quietly.
Steve pulled out of the parking lot and onto the rode. Eddie gave him a look. "You remember where I live harrington?" "How could I not" Steve answered not taking his eyes of the rode.
I smiled slightly trying to sink into my seat. 'Just smile and sit quietly m/n, maybe they'll forget your here and you can run home and cry at how pathetic you are' at this point I was mentally scolding myself from not being able to resist these two and just give into them.
I looked up and saw eddie looking straight at me. "Okay l/n spill your guts, you've been weird the whole day. Even hell fire and I know how much you love hell fire. I mean come on Even Dustin mentioned how weird you where acting. So come on spill it" eddie said turning from a more cheery tone to a serious one.
I froze. I was darn speechless. I didn't know what to fucking say and the worst part it when I looked over to Steve who was giving me occasional glances. I knew he had concern on his face too.
I put my head down and stayed quiet. Eddie asked me acoulpe more times and so did Steve but I didn't say I word. Now the car ride was silent.
'Great m/n you ruined it you idiot' I mentally scolded myself. I could feel how much I wanted to cry but I couldn't, not here, not now. I bit my tounge trying to stop myself crying.
God why did I have to be weird and ruin one of the best friendships I've ever had. Why did I have to be the weird friend who likes his friends. I bit my tounge and played with my hands. Truing so desperately to calm myself down. But I'm pretty sure both of the guys could see that I was practically shaking.
The car ride was painfull but I didn't want it to end cause I knew as soon as we got to Eddie's they would bonbrad me with questions. I didn't want that. I was so damn on edge I would definitely spill my gut and that would be a disaster.
But that car ride couldn't last forever and soon i felt the car stop and eddie get out. Steve got out and opened the door for me. I nodded a thank and walked with Steve to eddie. Eddie unlocked his door and fell on the couch looking at me and steve.
Steve led me to the couch and sat me between him and eddie. Just fucking great. My breathing quickened when I felt eddie and steve give me a side hug at the same time. They didn't speak but I knew they where burning to know what was bothering me so much.
Steve broke the silence first. "Hey n/n we don't know what's bothering you so much but we hope that we can help in some way" he gave me a soft smile patting me on the back as eddie gave me a tight hug.
I didn't even notice that I started crying. I guess everything I've built up just over flowed. I could feel steve join the hug as well. "Hey if you don't feel comfortable talking about it it's okay but we won't judge you" I could feel eddie smile and tighten the hug.
Now it really all over flowed and I just spilled out my gut. "Goddamit, what's bothering me is you two. I love both of you so damb much but its so fucking weird, I know and maybe I could be normal and confess without all these tear but it would be really much easier if I was born a damn guy just like the both of you!"
I curled up in a ball, sobbing, with both of the guys pulling back to look at me. They looked at eachother before going back to hugging me. I was slightly stunned at this. I more or less stopped sobbing so much but I was the furthest thing from calm.
This time eddie spoke up first. "Jesus I wouldn't be surprised if you told us you could read minds too" he laughed slightly and hid his face in the crook of my neck.
"It was kinda obvious that you had a crush on one of us man, but we didn't really know which one off us" "we didn't expect it too be both" eddie spoke up right after Steve.
I wiped away the tears and looked up at them both. "But what about me be-" I was cut off when Steve picked me up and hugged me lifting me of my feet. Eddie joined in and hugged me from the back.
I didn't know what to say but I was finally happy that they knew, and they didn't think this was weird. "So n/n, Steve are we like in a couple but there are three people?" eddie asked shooting glances at both of us.
"Yes eddie that's how it works" I said as Steve finally put me down. "Nice, but now that your okay, you are okay right?" "Yes I'm fine" I said looking at eddie "good! Now who wants to have some fun?! If you know what i mean" "Seriously eddie?" Steve looked at him, slightly disappointed
"Ehhh fine Steve but I'm taking m/n with me then" eddie smirked as he dragged me off to his room. "Oh no you dont" I heard Steve yell behind us. I smiled. Okay maybe I wasn't so weird after all.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
it’s kind of no win situation. He says does nothing and people complain he does something people complain. I really do feel like some (not all) of his fans are gonna hate whoever he’s with no matter who it is///
Look, I will agree there are always a portion of the fandom who won’t be happy.
But this is not that. We are not happy because he running around with a racist and her racist, antisemitic, body shaming friends after spending the majority of his career speaking out against people like them.
We’re pissed that he continues to release dumbass IG stories rather than address the fact that his supposed relationship is with a vile and disgusting human.
When this first started, I laughed at her. Didn’t hate her whatsoever. After the cultural appropriation, racism, antisemitism, and body shaming came out, I disliked her and her friends.
And yes, cultural appropriation is racism. Our traditional costumes and dress are worn for special occasions and specific purposes and she and her friends shit on that, along with some of the most vile comments about Jewish people in general.
But what sealed my hate was when she lied about almost being kidnapped. She spit in the face of every person whose ever had a traumatic experience, using one to gain likes.
Posting shit would be fine if it wasn’t a blatant look at me look at me dump. If this man actually seemed happy and healthy, this would not be a conversation.
He is not happy. He is not healthy. He’s giving a middle finger to every minority, Jewish person, or plus size person that has ever supported him. You still think this is only about a relationship. It isn’t.
And this is exactly the reason why I hate when a lot of people come with the "you just don't like her because she is dating him" or "you just don't like them because of the age gap."
I will never like her or her friends. It's interesting because I think I dislike Justin and Kiko more than Alba herself. However, they are all bad people. I don't believe Chris is antisemitic, racist, or fatphobic, but I understand why some people believe or have the impression. He is supposed to be dating her, and why would you want to date someone like her if you have different values and a different moral compass? I do think this is PR; I do think they aren't dating, but the fact that a lot of people think they are and push this narrative is definitely not good for him, and I'm not just talking about his image but his mental health too.
I'm mad at him because he's gotten involved in this, because this whole thing is happening now, but I still think that if he had known what kind of person they are, he wouldn't have agreed to this. But sometimes, when I look at him, I feel sorry for him, because, just as you said, I don't think he is happy or healthy. Everything that's been going on (Alba, her attitude and behavior, her friends, his posting) is against everything he's ever stood for or represented. I can't pass this, because this is one of the reasons I think this is fake. I know that some people will probably think, "You're stupid, and you shouldn't feel this way," but he seems so desperate.
The whole kidnapping thing was outrageous too. Most women live in constant fear, and the fact that we need to be extra careful every single time we step out of our home or even when we are inside, so basically all the time, is sad and outraging alone, without her little made-up story. There are millions of women out there who are afraid to speak up against people who've hurt them, and I don't know a single woman who hasn't been harassed sexually at least once. She should be grateful that nothing like this happened to her, and if it has, then she should talk about it and encourage other women to do so.
And one more thing about my first sentence. If she hasn't done all of the things we've talked about, not just here but in general, I wouldn't care about their age gap. I know people in age-gap relationships, even with more years between them, and they are more than fine. Both of them are adults, and they can date whoever they want. Just because somebody is in their 20s doesn't mean they aren't ready to get married, settle down, and start a family. He could have a younger girlfriend in the future and settle down with her; I wouldn't care if she was a nice human being. And I'm happy people are focusing more on the person she is than on her age.
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cottoncandy-cult · 2 months
First Day Of School
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Sayuri sat nervously on her bed, it was the last night of summer and tomorrow would be her first day in real school. She had done a lot of online learning, allowing her to catch up with what she missed in her mother's care. She was nervous though; the young girl had never been fond of school. Though her grandpa had gone out of his way to enroll her in what was nicknamed a "free school" These were schools that functioned differently than the standard schools her siblings had to go to. She wouldn't have a uniform and individuality was encouraged. So that did relieve some of her stress, one thing she hated about the school was the conformity and their seemingly endless desire to crush any sense of individualism out of you. She was honestly surprised they weren't given numbers to go by instead of names, a comment she made that often made her older siblings give a nervous laugh. But there were other reasons for her dislike of school, such as the sheer number of kids. Part of it was that it felt like too many people, another part though was that she was used to being the most mature one of the class. She was a kid that hated hanging out with other kids, in some of the worst cases she has had to act nearly stupid just to get along with some of the other kids. Of course she was no genius, but some of the things she was expected to do just because she was a kid felt like a punishment, they were so humiliating. Plus, she felt belittled when talking to some teachers, like no one took her seriously because of her age and so even when she has good points, they're overlooked cause. "Oh, you're just a kid, you'll understand when you're older." Every time she heard that she wanted to scream, like part of her understood. After interacting with others around her age, she knew she wasn't normal for her age. But being so easily dismissed, with such a lazy answer, it was insulting. Her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar knock, at this point she recognized the different knocks of the family. "You can come in Zana."
The little girl looked up at the door, watching her older brother come into the room with his usual smile. "Hey there, Say, you excited for tomorrow?" He moved to sit next to her, looking her over as if seeing right to the center of her anxiety. "Not really, I'd rather just do all my schoolwork online." She sighed, speaking out her words while looking out the window across from her bed. She had started to believe that Izana could see through her more childish act, especially since his treatment of her had changed since they met. Though he still treated her like a child in many ways, he also tended to speak to her like an adult when it was just the 2 of them. "I get that, school felt pretty tedious when I was a kid too. But hey, if you work hard, you'll be able to work your way through the grades and might even graduate early overall." Izana tried to cheer her up, reminding that there were ways to go about school that made it feel less like a prison sentence. "Maybe, but it's still gonna be an unnecessary hassle… that many kids in one place is always annoying." She scrunched her nose at the thought, she preferred talking to her brother's friends. Even if they avoided certain topics, they still didn't talk to her like she was some stupid kid that spends her days sniffing adhesive.
"Heh, something told me you didn't care for kids your age. You got along to well with the guys, sometimes it's like they forget how wide the age gap is." Izana chuckled, running his fingers through her hair. "It's not like you ever liked crowded places, but a crowded place full of kids your age and younger? I feel for ya." He chuckled, pinching her cheek as she pouted. "Just don't let anyone guilt you into being their friend, you don't have to be friends with anyone you don't want to be. But you still have to be civil, try to be patient but don't let people walk over your boundaries." Izana stood up, walking over to her window and adjusting her binds for her so she can kind of see out of them, but no one could see inside. "Alright, but can we agree refusing all birthday invites unless they're something I've asked myself to go to? Like if anyone tries to ask, I don't care what excuse you gotta use. Just text me so I know the cover story." She nodded her head, sitting up some as she looked at her big brother who was already in his night clothes. "Sure, that's fair. Now, have you picked out what you're gonna wear tomorrow?" He looked over to her desk chair, which was usually where she sat her clothes for the following day. "Not yet I don't know what I want to wear tomorrow." She stood up, going to her closet and opening the doors. She stood on a step stool, going through the different dresses she had. She knew she wanted to wear a dress tomorrow, she just wasn't sure which one.
"Why not wear one of the dresses you got for Christmas? You got a lot of cute clothes that day." Izana moved to stand beside her, watching her flip through the different dresses. "I think I'll wear the one Waka got me, the emerald-green sundress with the black bow on the waist?" She found it near the back to the closet, pulling the unworn dress and showing it to her brother. "Yeah, that will work, you can wear some black leggings, so you don't get too cool from the wind. " The older blonde chuckled, looking over the dress that Wakasa had gotten for her, he had to admit it was a nice color that would bring out the pink in her hair. With her going to a free school she got to keep her colored hair, the amount of freedom offered to make a more welcoming environments for kids who didn't do well in regular schools or were on the verge of quitting school all together. The school was one of a handful in the country, but due to its current success more research is being put into it and the possibility of more opening was growing. "Definitely, I like dresses, but they feel weird. No matter how long the skirt is, it feels kinda exposing. So, I usually wear shorts under them anyways." The little girl hopped off the stool, placing her dress on the chair as she opened a dresser drawer and started going through her leggings to find a black pair to match the ribbon on the dress. "Will you be wearing your usual jacket too?" Izana chuckled; she always wore her little leather jacket.
It was one of her first and favorite gifts she had gotten, something that reminded her of her brother's and their friends. "Mhm, it'll keep me warm and still look cute." The little girl giggled, setting the folded leggings on top of the dress as she moved on to getting some socks and picking out her shoes. Meanwhile, Izana had moved on to checking her backpack. It was the size of a normal backpack, but it looked like a dragon plushy with straps on it. Opening it up it had tons of room, there was a little pocket in the front that unzipped as well. It had been a gift from Chifuyu on Christmas, as it matched her dragon stuffy Mikey had won for her at a festival shortly after she had moved in. He made sure she had everything she would need, as well that it was in the right place so she would be able to keep things organized. "Shinichiro will be taking you to school in the morning, after school lets out just wait out front cause Mikey will be coming to get you. Remember not to talk to any strangers and stay within eyeshot of a teacher until one of us or the guys comes to get you. Your teacher is related to Mitsuya, he has already made her aware of who does and doesn't have permission to pick you up so don't worry about anything. Some days we might not be able to come get you so one of the guys will have to come get you until we get done with what we're doing, on those days you'll have to do your homework at the base." Izana was rambling slightly; he'd be lying to say he wasn't anxious about her being so far away from everyone.
When she was in school, she was outside of their protection in a way. They had to do things differently when it involves school issues, something that left him slightly irritable. As mature as he may seem, there were times where he almost wanted to stomp his foot because he felt frustrated that his way wasn't possible in certain situations. "Alright, I'll make sure to check my phone as soon as the bell rings so make sure the guys know to message me when they're on their way, so I know who I'm waiting on." The youngest blonde giggled, she felt reassured knowing she wasn't the only one anxious about her first day. "Alright, I'll make sure everyone knows. Now, let's get you ready for bed."
The following morning Emma had gotten the young girl up early, anticipating the younger blonde's reaction as she knew how much her little sister hated mornings. To make things easier Emma had brought a warm rag, using it to wipe Sayuri's face while she was setting up to try and coax her further from sleep and to hopefully wipe away the young one's pout. She could tell Say was the exact opposite of happy, the way the little girl seemed to glare at her alarm clock as if it was to blame for her current problem. Once Sayuri had gotten dressed she went to brush her hair and teeth, deciding to leave her long blonde hair down to show off the pink streaks Hanma helped her redye in preparation for her big day. Once done she went to eat her breakfast, Shinichiro was already awake and drinking his coffee. No one in the house was much of a morning person, so Emma was kind enough to make the little girl some tea to go along with her breakfast since she wouldn't be old enough for coffee for a while. By the time she had finished eating and drinking her cup of tea, taking a quick bathroom break afterwards, she and her eldest brother had set off to get in the family van. Given the gang activity that her siblings partook in, they didn't feel comfortable letting her take public transport to this new school on her own. Plus, none of the trains or busses matched up with the start of her school day, so she'd have to walk to try and get there on time. Mikey or one of their friends had ways to go pick her up, even if they were just gonna walk home it was preferable she didn't do it alone. Her horrid sense of direction didn't help things, even if the transport schedules did line up, she'd end up across country before she even realized she was on the wrong bus.
The siblings still had the occasional nightmare about losing Say in a public space, after they got to experience it for themselves in reality it was a feeling that stuck with them. As soon as Say was buckled up they were off, Shinichiro had turned on the radio and let his little sister nap on their way to the school. He couldn't blame her; Mikey did the same thing when he was younger. Hell, he'd do it now if he could, he hated early mornings, but he did well at forcing himself through it cause "ThAt'S wHaT a ReSpOnSiBlE aDuLt DoEs." He could feel his own eye twitching at the inner monologue, he hated having to be the secondary adult of the house after their grandpa. Adulting sucked, and he was over it before it started.
By the time Sayuri had woken up upon making it to the front of the school, Shinichiro had gone on several internal rants about being an adult and what parts of adulting in general that were absolute BS. And sweet little Say was none the wiser, lazily leaning forward to give her big brother a hug as she said goodbye and climbed out of the car. She made her way to the school doors, backpack over her shoulder as she actively avoided any pre-existing friends' groups on her way inside. When the end of the day had finally rolled around the little girl was exhausted, it wasn't the work that was tiring if anything it felt tedious, but the amount of mandatory socialization was tiring. She did her best to be nice like her brother said, but she hadn't managed to have a single fulfilling conversation. At best they didn't have anything in common and simply had nothing to talk about, at worst the other student was so frustratingly clueless on things they claimed to like that Sayuri was fighting not to roll her eyes. She didn't understand the need to claim to have done or like something when you don't know the first thing about it, it was frustrating when she thought she found someone with a shared interest only to discover they only knew of it because their older siblings and they just thought it looked neat. The little girl huffed as she stood outside of the school, texting on her phone and ranting to Sanzu about how her day went. Sanzu, Koko, and Rindou were her go too when it came to gossip and drama. And boy did they get into it, Mikey often made jokes that the group were just a bunch of single drunk aunties at their cores.
She had looked up right when she heard her big brother's voice, a smile finally coming to her face when she saw Mikey walking over. "Hey, you ready to head out? I saw this pastry place on the way here that's having a sale, so let's hurry that way we can get a snack for the road." Mikey kneeled down, gently taking her backpack from her and slipping it onto his own shoulder. Extending his hand to her, which she eagerly took. Of course, he had heard from Sanzu that his little sister wasn't quite floating the social aspect of class yet, something he understood fully when Sanzu explained what the core of the issues she was having were. He wasn't delusional, he knew his little sister was mature for her age. He just didn't want to pressure her into acting on that level maturity, he usually tried to ignore it so that she had an out and an excuse to act her age when she was tired of making real choices. "That sounds good, I could use a snack. The food here aint bad, but it definitely isn't enough."
The older blonde chuckled, nodding his head as he began leading her down the sidewalk. "You're right about that, Kenny and I always go out for snacks after school. Something about the food just isn't very filling, I could eat a ton and still be hungry." Mikey tucked his free hand into his pocket, he had been careful to make sure she was on the inside of the sidewalk and away from the road. It was Draken that nagged him about not picking her up on the bike, the taller male not believing it was safe enough and insisted on instead teaching Mikey how to SAFELY use public transport. Partly so that Sayuri will learn by example, so that if she does have to travel alone, she can do so with minimal problems. Even though the shorter blonde did give his friend a bit of trouble, that didn't mean he didn't retain the information. He was just being difficult for fun; it was one of his favorite past times. "I'm just glad it's over with, it isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but the other students aren't really my type so far." She huffed a sigh, her arms crossing around her waist. "Plus, everyone knows each other. You can't talk to anyone, without talking to everyone… I hate it, I don't want to be friends with everyone. I want to be friends with the people I talk to…" She sighs, hanging her head slightly. She did feel childish, she knew she couldn't just avoid talking to 99% of the population. But the school day had left her a little grumpy, something Mikey chuckled at. "I know Say, I'm the same way. That's why I ignore the people I don't wanna talk to." He smiled, patting her head with a chuckle. "But don't worry, I'm sure once you've been in school for a little bit, things will get better. Just do what you wanna do, and eventually people are going to approach you instead." He ran his fingers through her hair, leading her towards the bakery he had mentioned to get their snacks. "Alright, I'd rather just focus on my work and graduate early like Zana mentioned this morning." That made Mikey chuckle, sometimes she was like his mini me and others she was so different it took him off guard.
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