#the only bad thing about this game is Robins costumes
weewoow-20706030 · 1 year
Gotham knights is a genuinely good game, people are just too quick to compare it to the Arkham series that they completely disregard the effort put into it. Although it may not be as extravagant and fancy as some other games it more than makes up for it with its engaging story, all the side missions and quests and the huge map to explore any time. In this essay I will-
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ladykailitha · 5 months
The Harrington Pattern Part 2
A longer chapter today because it didn't want to end. It's Steve finishing all the costumes.
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Part 1
Steve worked on Max’s costume first. Like Robin’s Max was going to be a pirate. He had the names of a couple of lady pirates in his back pocket for them to pull out if they ran across assholes at the Fair.
Because Max was underaged he set out to find a less form fitting costume then Robin’s.
He found a large men’s black shirt and pants and tailored the waist to fit Max’s slender form. Paired with the boots and the hippie vest he dyed red, she looked bitchin’.
Then he focused on Lucas’s costume in secret. Every time someone came by, Steve would hide it out of sight. He didn’t want anyone to see it before it done.
Whenever anyone would ask about it he would pull out the tunic that he had been working on for his costume.
It was blue and white in a checkerboard pattern. Blue on the right of the top portion and then on the left on the bottom portion.
The pants that he was using for Lucas’s costume were similar to Steve’s for his.
Not loose like Max’s, but not tight like Robin’s. He knows it’s technically inaccurate, but he wants to be comfortable and he’s not about to make a poor little sophomore to-be uncomfortable either.
He finishes it with a week to spare and then picks up the other outfits from the moms.
He throws a party and has them all make their own weapons for their costumes.
Lucas is the only one that didn’t join in.
Steve put his arm around Lucas. “So why aren’t you in there making something, too?”
Dustin is making a spear, Max is making a cutlass, and even El is making healing potions with water and food coloring.
“I don’t know what to make,” Lucas admitted shyly.
“What does your ranger use?”
“A bow,” Lucas said. “But I wouldn’t know even where to start with that.”
Steve smiled. “A bow’s easy. Come on, I’ll show you.”
He helped Lucas build up a stick with toilet paper and aluminum foil.
“Shouldn’t it be curved?” Lucas asked as Steve was putting on the handle.
“Nope!” Steve said cheerfully. “It curves when the bow is strung.” He added the long string and the bow bent. “See?”
Lucas pulled back on the string and the bow bent further.
“It’s more for looks,” Steve said with a wince when the bow remained bent. He straightened it out. “But let’s make you a quiver. No arrows though, your mom would kill me.”
Lucas laughed.
“It’s so cool you know all this stuff, Steve,” Will said. “Why don’t you ever want to join us for D&D? I think you’d be really good at it.”
Steve flushed. “Too much math and I’m not very good at the role-playing part.”
“What would you do if you could play any character?” Eddie asked. “It doesn’t have to be any of the classes or races.”
Steve licked his lips. “You won’t make fun of me for it?”
Everyone looked down at their feet. They were swiftly learning that teasing Steve was one thing, but that they tended to take it too far.
“Go on,” Eddie urged. “If anyone makes fun of you for it, I’ll nuke their character to hell.” He grinned at all the kids.
“That has no effect on me,” Max said, tossing her hair back. “I’m not in your nerd game.”
“Whatever you say, zoomer,” Eddie said with a wink.
She gasped. “Who told?!”
El tilted her head to the side. “Why? Is a zoomer a bad thing?”
Max deflated. “No.”
Eddie winked at El and the girl blushed.
“So Stevie, what would you like to be?”
“The merchant.”
“But that’s–” Mike stopped when he saw Eddie’s glare. He licked his lips. “Wouldn’t it be more fun to be the hero?”
Steve tilted his head to the side and then scratched his cheek. “Um...I’m not trying to brag here. But I’ve been the hero in real life. It’s not fun. It’s terrifying. But being able to armor and arm the heroes? Make sure they have everything they need to succeed? Now there’s the dream.”
Eddie rubbed his bottom lip thoughtfully.
“That’s his DM thinking face,” Dustin said.
“Is that a bad thing?” El asked.
Lucas shrugged. “Sometimes. It can end in us fighting the worst Big Bad ever. But it can just make things more interesting. Like a tidbit of backstory for one of the NPCs.”
“So a former hero who has retired and settled down with the love of their life to sell the fruits of their travels...” Eddie spoke out loud more to himself than to everyone else. “Magic items, healing potions, weapons and armor the shopkeeper is willing to part with now that they’ve settled down.” He looked up at Steve with a grin. “I like it.”
Steve blushed hard.
Will lit up. “Does that mean the next merchant we meet is going to be Steve?”
Eddie’s grin got bigger. “Anybody have a problem with that?”
Everyone turned to look at Mike. “Hey, I don’t care what your NPCs do, man. As long as the story’s good.”
Steve’s blush spread from his cheeks to the tips of his ears and down the column of his neck.
He cleared his throat. “Everyone done with their weapons? Because I think we should do a final fitting so we can make sure nothing needs to be adjusted.”
“Why?” Will asked. “Don’t you think our mom’s did a good enough job?”
Dustin crossed his arms. “Yeah. I thought you trusted our moms.”
Steve sighed. “It’s because you’re adolescences. Your bodies are always constantly changing. Lose weight, grow two inches, fill out in weird areas. I just want to make sure everyone is going to have a good time next week, okay?”
Will and Dustin looked at each other and then nodded.
“Yeah, okay,” Dustin conceded.
“There are three bathroom and four bedrooms,” Steve announced. “So there should be rooms for everyone to change into their costumes.”
They all grabbed their costumes and then dashed for their favorite rooms to try and get there first. Max beat Dustin to the upstairs bathroom, sticking her tongue out at him before slamming the door. So Dustin got Steve’s bedroom.
All the other kids went scrambling for the other bathrooms and bedrooms while Lucas was left standing in the middle of front room, looking down at his sneakers.
“Did you want to try yours on right now?” Steve asked, leaning down to try and look Lucas in the eye.
“I don’t know if I want to be an elf anymore,” he muttered darkly.
Eddie and Steve shared a concerned glance.
“Did someone say something?” Eddie asked. “You were really happy about it when you were making the bow with Steve.”
“Not really,” Lucas said with a shrug. “I just kept thinking about the ears. I know I can have Will draw some really good ones, and he wouldn’t give me shit about it, but...”
Steve sighed. “But you know that Mike would. Fuck, I’m going to kill that kid.”
Lucas waved his hands. “No, no. It’s fine. I’ve got an old pirate costume from a school play I did. I’ll just join Queen Max’s crew.”
Eddie licked his lips. He didn’t have them yet. Jeff was still making them. He shared another glance with Steve.
Steve nodded.
Eddie turned back to Lucas. “It’s up to you, man. But Stevie and I have something in the works regarding the ear situation.”
Lucas glanced between Eddie and Steve but couldn’t find any indication that they were mocking him.
“This isn’t a prank to make me look stupid, is it?” he asked, just to be sure.
“Scout’s honor,” Steve said holding up the correct salute.
Eddie snorted. “Of course you were a boy scout. Could you be any more perfect?”
Steve blushed and ducked his head bashfully. “I’m really not.”
“Anyway,” Eddie huffed, shoving his hands in his back pockets. “Try on the outfit at least. Because you don’t have to be an elf with the costume Stevie made for you. But at least see it before you dismiss the idea completely out of hand.”
Lucas took a deep breath. “Yeah. You’re right. I’m being stupid. I shouldn’t care what they think anyway. Just as long as I’m having fun.”
“That’s the spirit!” Eddie said clapping him on the shoulder. “So where is this masterpiece, my liege?”
Steve walked up to the sofa and pulled out a plastic bag. He thrust it at Lucas’s chest.
Lucas looked down at the bag a moment before taking it from him. He pulled out the warm grey breeches first. They weren’t the broad kind that Steve had made for Max, but they were loose enough that they would hang a little over the top of the boots.
“They’re so soft...” he whispered.
“They’re made out of light weight material to keep you cool,” Steve explained. “There will be absolutely no heat stroke or heat exhaustion on my watch.”
Lucas let out a small huff of laughter and he took that as one for the win column.
He then pulled out the pale blue gambeson, it was trimmed in antique silver ribbon.
“It’s not strictly historically accurate,” Steve said with a shrug. “But I figured I could take liberties considering it was supposed to be fantasy based.”
“Steve...” Lucas said, voice rough from emotion. “It’s perfect.”
He threw his arms around Steve and hugged him tightly and Steve hugged him back twice as fierce.
“Let’s put these away for now,” Eddie said gently tugging them from Lucas’s grasp. “You try them on after everyone leaves.”
Lucas nodded and let Eddie pull them away, but he kept hugging Steve.
Suddenly there was a burst of activity as the other kids came back. Robin, too.
Steve let go of Lucas to take a look at his ragtag crew of misfits. Robin and Max’s costumes he knew would fit to perfection. His exacting standards would bow to nothing less.
The costumes that Joyce and Claudia made were good too. He let out a little breath through his nose.
“Looking great, guys!” he told them. He tugged Will’s tunic a bit. “You grew some, there.”
Will looked down and blushed. “I didn’t even realize.”
“That’s because you’ve been wearing shorts,” Steve explained, “so you just didn’t notice.”
“You were right to make sure the costumes still fit,” he murmured, trying to pull the tunic down to the right length.
Steve’s shoulders sagged. “You were just trying to defend your mom, dude. It’s fine.”
Will and Dustin still shared a look of chagrin anyway.
“I can add a couple of inches to the hem,” Steve continued. “I have some ribbon that will hide the extra material.”
Will nodded.
Steve moved on to Dustin and tugged on the side of his shirt under the vest and then tugged on the waistband too. “Don’t tell your mom this, but you’ve lost weight. She’ll freak out and try to feed you the entirety of your cupboard.”
Dustin blushed. Claudia Henderson was notorious for constantly feeding anyone who came through her door.
“But I’ll just pin it in case your weight fluctuates again,” Steve said. “The hazard of being teenagers unfortunately.”
Dustin nodded with a sigh of relief.
Max’s was perfect, as was El’s beautiful red dress.
But she was looking at the ground twisting her hands together.
“What’s up, Supergirl?” Eddie asked.
She looked over at Will and then down at her feet again. “I don’t want to be ungrateful. Joyce did an amazing job.”
Steve tilted his head. “But?”
She sighed. “But I was wanting a gold trim, but Joyce didn’t have any and I didn’t want to make her buy some...”
Steve held up a finger and then dashed off.
But he was back before they even had time to wonder where he had gone. In his hand was a cloth bag that he handed over to her. “Pick your ribbon. It’ll take me a day to add it to the dress, no problem.”
El looked down at the bag in shame. “Steve...”
He clicked his tongue. “I don’t want to hear it. I have to extend Will’s tunic anyway, adding ribbon to yours would be cinch in comparison. In fact, why don’t you both pick a matching ribbon to be twins.”
Will and El perked right up and the two of them wandered over to the sofa and began sorting through what Steve had.
That left Mike. Steve walked around the outfit. It had a white, billowy top with broad black pants and red tunic to watch El’s dress.
“Looks good, Mike,” he said. “Is there anything you’d want a little different? I don’t mind adding to your costume, too.”
Mike chewed his bottom lip. “There is the one thing. I asked Claudia about but she said she wouldn’t have the time...” He looked over at Dustin and blushed.
“What’s that?” Steve asked.
“Little...” Mike grunted. “I don’t know what they’re called. They aren’t strings or tassels, but kinda a cross between the two to kinda hang down off shoulder of the tunic...”
Steve pulled out his drawing pad and doodled something out really quick. Mike peered over his shoulder.
“A little more spaced,” Mike muttered.
Steve erased and doodled some more.
“Yeah, like that.”
Steve nodded. “I can do it, but you want to see something cool?”
Miked nodded back and Steve left the room again. He came back with a weird little device.
“This is what I use to make tassels,” he explained. “I’m betting Claudia doesn’t have one.”
Everyone looked at Dustin.
“I’ve certainly never seen one if she has,” he replied.
Steve nodded again. “That’s what I thought.” He showed them how to make tassels and Mike’s face lit up.
“This so cool, Steve,” he whispered.
“Do you want to make your own tassels?” Steve asked, gleeful at finally finding a common ground with the prickly teen.
“Can I?”
Steve shrugged. “I don’t see why not. You’ll just have to do it here. I’ll get the leather scraps from the tanners on Saturday and you can come over on Sunday to do it, okay?”
Mike nodded. “Thanks, man.”
El and Will picked out a nice braided gold ribbon and he set it aside, making a note to grab another spool to be on the safe side.
Soon it was time for everyone to leave.
Eddie took home Mike, El, and Will. Leaving Steve to take home Max, Lucas, and Robin.
Steve turned to Lucas. “You okay with these two seeing your costume?”
He figured Max was fine, but Robin might be a no go.
Lucas looked at her thoughtfully.
“I can go make us all lunch if you don’t want me to see it yet?” Robin suggested.
Max hopped up. “I can help. I want to be surprised next week.”
Lucas let out a sigh. “Thanks, ladies.”
Max rolled her eyes and Robin snorted as they wandered toward the kitchen.
Steve tossed Lucas the bag and immediately he began to strip. He put on the costume and ran his fingers over the material.
“Steve you really out did yourself.”
Steve grinned. “Bend, twist. Make sure you can move in it. I don’t want you popping a seam.”
Lucas did as he was told and Steve circled around him.
“Looks good,” he said. “Now go take a look in the mirror. Then tell me what you think.”
Lucas nodded.
Five minutes later Lucas came out with tears streaming down his face.
“Oh no!” Steve cried. “It’s that bad?”
Lucas shook his head and then launched himself into Steve’s arms. “It’s perfect, Steve. Thank you.”
Steve blushed. “You’re welcome.”
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
For any of your cryptid batfam AUs. We know Batman thinks criminals are superstitious and cowardly. So how superstitious should most Gothamites be? What are some of the superstitions and things they do because of that? And what random BS do the Bat kids do to actively encourage the superstitions because they think it’s funny?
Vibrates in headcanons.
Okay, so, this is less just the criminals of Gotham- a lot of goons are just trying to put food on the table after all- and more of, Gothamites in general. Like they have good reason to be superstitious.
Like everyone already knows about the Court of Owls, if nothing else then from the Rhyme they use to get children to behave. But Gotham? Is Weird with a capital W even in canon. There are literal streets that disappear and only reappear on certain days, areas where on specific days gravity just doesn't work right, several portals to hell have been opened just in Arkham alone, and there's enough curses and cults to smother any other place.
Funnily enough I am actually currently working on a story that focuses a bit more on the superstitions of Gotham lol. Like a lot of this stuff? Not shit you're going to see in the more tourist-esque spots, but those are death traps already.
Now a lot of the habits and myths of Gotham start out as a thing about Survival. It started less with things about the Bats and more about the Rogues and how to survive.
Tiny plant boxes meticulously cared for, after one noticed how plants react when Ivy is around. They line the windows of almost every home despite the smog, and some even pray through them for their Mother to not attack today.
Small scarecrow dolls, made of grass balls and cloth hang from overhangs on roofs with rope like a hangman, a charm in hopes that the one walking the streets will leave them alone. It ends with some claiming that if you rip the head from the body of cloth, the Scarecrow will come for you.
Small candles and lanterns begin to appear on the windowsills of children, their own homemade batsignals. Some say if you're very good, gifts will appear beside it, while others claim that if you're very bad, the Signal will appear and take you away.
Tiny shrines appear on rooftops over the years, meticulously carved statuettes within. It started with one for the Second Robin, and some whisper about how the Red Hood emerged from it, was reborn through their prayers and gifts. Now there are more, offerings ranging from snacks to child's drawings to figures of clay. No one dares take things from it, the last time someone tried... well, let's just say it didn't end well.
The thing is? The Bats don't even have to do much to encourage this, and don't usually even do it on purpose.
Everyone knows what happened to the ones who tried to be a vigilante. They know of the first Batgirl, humanity slowly dripped away the longer she huddled in the Bat's shadow until she was twisting around just like it. Any child who had been making their own costumes, their parents burned it that night, terrified that the Bat would take their children to be its own next. The small child, everyone knew about him, a wee little thing with a camera clutched against his chest. They all saw him run after the Bats despite the protests, saw him run towards the Bat as bodies crumbled before it. They saw him grab its arm with such tiny hands, and the Bat, grieving, stopped. They all saw the Bat whisk him away, and once more whispered to their children to never follow the Bats into the shadows. They know of the girl cloaked in amethyst cloth, who chased after them despite the warnings and pleadings of others. She disappeared, and the faceless thing of chittering laughs that raced the Robin that appeared in her stead... Everyone knows what happens to those who offer themselves to the Bats, knowingly or not.
Robin can mimic voices, their own childish giggles and clicks echoing across the stone slipping into another's words. What is merely a game to them is horrific for anyone wandering the streets in the dark of the night. Some say that it can steal your voice permanently if it so wished.
Everyone in Gotham knows that the Bats aren't human. Oh they might mimic and pretend to be as such, or even had been at some point, but they're confident they aren't. Even if they put on an act outside of Gotham, corpse-like skin gaining hints of color like blood is actually rushing through veins, everyone knows that's what it is. An act.
The Bats themselves? Well, it keeps their civilian identity safe- and the shrines have helped them get children out of bad home lives and to safety, so they're not going to just... not encourage it.
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sharkksee · 7 months
──── Damian Wayne x Thief!Reader. 934 words. Part one here.
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He had let you go. You escaped thanks to him, he didn't use violence, he didn't chase you, he didn't send you to the police. He let you go, he easily let you go with all those bills of your goal. Why? Why did you have to steal his heart?
He can't think about that, not when it's about you. You are a criminal, he should put you behind bars. But he knows he can't, and you know it too.
“You haven't been stealing in a while, fleabag.” Damian spoke coldly as he watched you approach a window that you silently opened of the jewelry store, preventing you from even entering.
His eyes look at you penetratingly, analyzing your every move. Is it attraction you feel? He can't feel that, not with a thief like you. He is Robin, he is a hero, not a hypocrite like Batman.
You turn around, seeing the young man in the Robin costume behind you. You sigh with disapproval and descend from the window that you failed to interrupt, landing on the ground.
“Oh, my bad.” You say, with a hint of sarcasm, as you leans towards the boy, attentively. “I returned to action because I knew you would come, little bird.”
His eyes watched you and studied you for a few moments, his gaze was curious, but he continued to hide it. “Were you waiting for me?” Damian asked calmly, the smile on his face becoming more subtle but more threatening, he didn’t trust someone like you.
“Yes, I was waiting for you.” You said as you walked until you were in front of him, as if you were challenging him to a duel, as if you weren't afraid of him. Because you know that, despite his attempts to catch you, he will never dare let you go to the police. This is a game that will only continue if he lets you get away with the robbery with dirty hands.
“You know, you really should leave the stealing for people.” Damian said with a confident tone. But his curiosity was winning over him.
The young hero enjoyed the fact that, despite his best efforts, the thief could escape his watchful gaze, and that the more he thought about you, the less sense it made. You seemed like the type of character he would despise the most, yet something drew him towards you, sending shivers down his spine.
“Nah, It's obvious you adore me, admit it.” You smirked at him. “You can't get bored of me.”
“You’re wrong, cat.” Damian said, looking at you intently, his words sounded cold and harsh. Damian’s voice had completely changed when he addressed you directly. He seemed unapproachable and intimidating, yet something else lurked beneath his gaze. Perhaps the little thief wasn’t as bad as he thought.
As if he couldn't do anything else but look into your eyes, he was hypnotized by their color beauty. He wanted to look away, but something about them was calling his name. He was confused, but he liked it.
“Ah, is that so?” You smile as he took a step closer to Damian, who remained still in his same spot, not moving. Damian stares at you. He watches your movements, and it seems to him that you are doing it on purpose to make him feel jealous, to make him lose your concentration. He's not sure, but the little smile on your face is adorable. “Your mouth says one thing, but your mind says another.”
He tried to hide his attraction, and failed miserably. His heart was racing as he got closer to you, his movements becoming slower. For a moment, he wondered what it would be like to kiss you, to hold you in his arms. The idea was so appealing, so strange…
“Don't think you can trick me, cat,” Damian said, calmly, barely moving a muscle. There was nothing he wanted more than to kiss you, he couldn't deny that his heart was beating at a furious pace. He wanted to do something more than just kiss you and let you go.
“How does this game end? Does the thief finally get captured and sent to the police, or does the criminal escape with the hero's heart?”
“Why don’t we find out?” You leaned closer, your breaths touching the other's face with an intoxicating softness. Damian's mind was bursting with questions, were you doing that to distract him? Or was this a real scene, beneath the veil of crime alley?
His body trembled, and he felt his heart beating wildly. You were beautiful as you leaned forward, closer to him. The heat of your breath was something else, that was it, he couldn't resist you anymore.
Damian’s heart raced, he closed his eyes and captured your lips with his own. He moved his hands to your hair and let himself go, kissing you passionately, he could no longer hold back, and that scared him. His feelings for you were real, and they weren't supposed to be.
You had captured him without even realizing it, you had conquered his heart. He knew this was wrong, so wrong, but it felt so damn right. The feeling was new to him, he never felt this way for anyone. Was there something more? Was it possible that he really liked you?
Damian opened his eyes slightly, looking at you, damn. He was doing what he swore he would never do. He was letting the thief steal his heart.
“You know what they say, little birds like you aren't too hard to catch.”
“Just shut up, fleabag.”
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Masks and Revelations
Word Count: 801
Warnings: None
Terry Mcginnis x Fem!Reader ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
The crisp October air was filled with the scent of fallen leaves and the distant laughter of children planning their trick-or-treat routes. You had always loved Halloween, the one time of year when everyone could be someone else, if only for a night. This year, you had a special surprise for your significant other, Terry McGinnis.
You slipped into your Batgirl costume, the fabric hugging your form like a second skin. The cowl was the final piece, and as you looked at yourself in the mirror, a thrill ran through you. Terry, with his love for all things Batman, would never see it coming.
Meanwhile, Terry was in his room, struggling with a decision. Halloween was complicated for him, given his nightly escapades as Batman. He chuckled at the irony of it all—here he was, trying to choose a costume when he already had the most authentic one at home.
A knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts. “Terry, are you ready yet?” his brother’s voice called out, muffled by the wood between them.
“Just a minute, Matt!” Terry replied, finally settling on a simple Robin costume. It wasn’t the real deal, but it was close enough.
When you arrived at Terry’s doorstep, Matt greeted you first, his eyes wide with excitement. “Wow, you look just like Batgirl, Y/N!” he exclaimed, twirling in his mini Batman costume.  Matt, the mini Batman of the house, was running around, his cape fluttering behind him as he practiced his best superhero poses. 
You laughed, ruffling his hair. “And you make a perfect Batman, Matt. Is your brother ready?”
Matt nodded eagerly, and as Terry stepped out, you couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of him in the Robin costume. “I thought I’d keep it in the family,” he said with a grin, taking in your Batgirl outfit.
You teased Terry about his choice of costume. “I never took you for a sidekick,” you said, a playful glint in your eye.
Terry just smiled, a secret dancing behind his eyes. “You’d be surprised,” he murmured, his voice barely audible over the sound of child laughter. Terry’s arm slipping around your waist.
“Happy Halloween, Y/N,” he whispered, and you leaned into him, feeling the contours of his costume against your own.
“Happy Halloween, Terry,” you replied, unaware of the true depth behind his mask, the real hero that stood beside you.
“Alright, team,” you announced, “let’s get these pumpkins carved. Batgirl and her sidekicks can’t have a dull doorstep on Halloween!”
Matt was the first to dive into the task, his small hands scooping out pumpkin guts with a look of fierce concentration. “I’m gonna make the scariest face ever!” he declared, his eyes alight with the excitement that only a child on Halloween could possess.
Terry leaned over to whisper in your ear, “I bet he’s going to give us a run for our money.”
You smiled, taking up your own carving tools. “We’ll just have to step up our game then, won’t we?”
As the three of you worked on your pumpkins, the front porch became a canvas of creativity and laughter. Terry was meticulous in his carving, creating a bat symbol that looked almost professional. You went for a more traditional approach, crafting a grinning jack-o’-lantern that seemed to reflect the joy of the evening.
Matt looked between the two of you, his eyes wide. “You guys are so good at this!” he exclaimed, his own pumpkin taking shape under his determined hands.
“You’re not so bad yourself, little man,” Terry said, ruffling his brother’s hair. “That’s going to be one spooky pumpkin.”
Once the carving was done, you all stepped back to admire your handiwork. The pumpkins were lined up on the steps, their candles casting a warm glow against the darkening sky.
Terry wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. “Not bad for a night’s work,” he said, pride evident in his voice.
Matt bounced on the balls of his feet, eager to show off your creations to the neighborhood. “Can we go trick-or-treating now?” he asked, his voice tinged with impatience.
You laughed, nodding. “Yes, we can go now. But first, let’s get a picture of the Bat-family with their pumpkins.”
The three of you huddled together, the camera capturing the moment perfectly—a snapshot of Halloween happiness.
As the night progressed, you, Terry, and Matt wandered the neighborhood, collecting candy and compliments on your costumes. The air was filled with the sounds of Halloween—shrieks, laughter, and the rustling of leaves.
It was a night of masks and merriment, of heroes in costume and the simple joy of being together. And though you didn’t know Terry’s secret—that he was the real Batman—it didn’t matter. Because tonight, he was just Terry, your Robin, and that was more than enough.
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bluegalaxygirl · 8 months
Halloween party (Zosan X reader)
headcannon: what a Halloween party is like with the straw hat crew.
Sanji X Zoro X reader, Poly relationship, established relationship, reader is GN
Warning: spooky stuff, drinking, Drinking games, bad language, making out
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It was your captains idea to throw a Halloween party on the sunny and most of the crew were happy to join in. Chopper, Luffy, Brook and Nami were the most excited about it and made sure they added their own traditions into the party.
^ Everyone agreed on a pumpkin and bat theme so most of the decorations were jack o lanterns, paper bats, black and orange ribbons and candle lights. Franky, you and Robin help set up the decorations and lights leaving the others to do other things.
^ Luffy made sure everyone did at least one pumpkin, Luffy did a simple scary face and even though he tried to make it neat it didn't turn out that way but the jagged lines made it look much scarier, Nami joined him doing a skull, it was very neat, and yet she wasn't too happy with it so Sanji lent a hand showing her how to peal the outer later off pumpkin off leaving a thin sheet behind. She got the hang of it and ended up with a day of the dead skull.
^ Chopper and Robin worked on one together since neither of them had done this before, it was a happy pumpkin face with perfect round eyes and a big smile. they were so happy with it they decided to pick the two smallest pumpkins and do the same with those two. Chopper commented that it looks like a cute mum pumpkin with her two kids.
^ Franky and Usopp went over the top with theirs trying to do Frankenstein's monster face with actual nuts and bolts in the head, but they ended up braking their pumpkins. The weight of the nuts and bolts they put on caused the top of the pumpkin it to sink down but thanks to you and Sanji's help you managed to use small polls to hold them up. It's a little squished but still looks good and Luffy's exited face was all it took for Usopp and Franky to love their creations.
^ Of course Zoro and Sanji had to make a competition out of this, and they wanted you as the judge. You couldn't help but agree watching the two work back-to-back carving away. Kanji carved a beautiful woman's face using the technique he taught Nami to peel the outer lay off in come areas giving her perfect features, her hair was curly and had a witches hat on top. Zoro carved out a mini pumpkin in the middle being impaled by three swords on top. It was surprisingly good, you new he was good with knives and swords but had no idea he could any kind of art. You ended up saying they were both winners, they didn't like that but when you explained how you couldn't decide and complimented everything about their pumpkins they gave in.
^ Brook and you decided to do scenery ones for a change. Everyone else had created some kind of monster or face so it was only natural that you two deiced to do something different. Brook cut a tree into his pumpkin with bats flying around and a tomb stone with R.I.P on the bottom. While you decided to do an old house, it was uneven and curved over slightly but that just added to the effect.
^ Nami and Robin got dressed together helping each get ready. Nami put on a short orange dress with black lines going down it and a heart shaped neckline with no straps. Small pumpkin faces on the hem of the dress and green and white stripped stockings that went up to her thighs. She didn't do much make up wise but did put on a black witch hat and black high heal shoes. Robin went for more of a cute demon look, a short red turtleneck dress with long sleeves and black lace stockings going up to meet the hem of her dress and Bright red high heal shoes. Red horns on her head and black eyeliner with red lips.
^ Luffy, Chopper and Brook decide to match going with the pumpkin theme and adding skeleton with it since brook is a skeleton. All three wearing big puffy pumpkin hats and orange shorts/pants along with black and white stripped tops. Luffy got Brook to help with face paint, adding a few skull details to luffy, mainly on the nose and eyes almost like he was wearing a mask.
^ Usopp and Franky kept with Frankenstein theme, Usopp was the doctor wearing a white with grey stained lab coat, a crazy gray wig and brown pants. His socks and shoes were orange and black stripes along with his shirt. Usopp put black under his eyes and a fake scar on his cheek to make him look extra crazy. Franky painted himself blue and added scars to his face and chest and with the help of Usopp added bolts to his temples.
^ Sanji was excited to do couple consumes and picked everything out for the three of you, you and Zoro had no idea what you were gonna wear until the night of the party, you were shocked to find Sanji bringing out three Egyptian outfits giving you guys one each and helping you get changed. Your outfit was the pharaoh, a bandaged off-white top with long selves, a few bandages dangling off it, a black and gold belt attached to a long almost see threw skirt with black shorts under neath. Gold sandal with gold straps lacing up to your leg. Sanji helped put a beautiful gold necklace around your neck with a jeweled cross "You look perfect my love" he whispers into your ear before going to get himself ready.
^ You had to help Zoro out with his outfit a little. He was dressed as Anubis a black skirt going down to his knees with shorts underneath and a gold belt with a dangling fabric cross on his hip. he had no top on just a gold and black striped corset that you had to help tie, you were surprised when Zoro kept saying it was to lose, you didn't want to suffocate him, but he assured you he could take it making you blush bright red. He had the same sandals on as you and black jackal ears on his head.
^ When sanji was done he was in a Egyptian guards outfit bandages wrapped around his chest leaving his shoulder and arms exposed a black skirt going past his knees and black shorts underneath. he had gold head-wear and the same sandals as you and Zoro but with metal cuffs on his ankles and wrists. "I didn't think this threw" were the first words out of his mouth looking down at the skirt he was wearing "What? i think this is awesome. Look at us. were like royalty" you speak snapping the cook out of his depressed state "I have to say... i dont hate it" Zoro pipes in not really liking how much he likes wearing this outfit.
^ With the three of you happy with your chose's you and Sanji finish off with a bit of black eyeliner jumping on Zoro to do the same to him. he wasn't happy with you two but with both your complements and flirty looks he couldn't help but finally agree to letting you two put eyeliner on him.
Food and Drinks:
^ Sanji hates wasting food so before everyone carved their pumpkins he scooped out as much as he could use the insides and some of the skin to make different foods. The first was Pumpkin soup with cream, he didn't add too much into it but there was enough to fill a massive pot.
^ Sanji with the help of Robin made Pumpkin pie, Robin's made pie before so was happy to help when she heard thats what the cook was doing. While sanji got the pumpkin filling ready Robin made the pastry. they made three medium-sized pies topped with whipped cream and cooked pumpkin seeds.
^ You shared an old family recipe with Sanji called Pumpkin sandwich bread and helped him make it managing to use up the last of the pumpkin seeds and pumpkin guts.
^ The rest of the foods were quite simple, sugar cookies, cupcakes, meatballs, chicken legs, burgers and a vegetable platter. As for drinks Nami deiced she wanted to make the punch with help from chopper, Halloween Sangria she called it, Wine with orange juice, blood orange slices, pomegranate juice and seeds and blackberries all in a large glass bowl.
^ Sanji put out simple apple cider and lemonade. With the large table set on the grassy deck of the and with food and drink galore the party started.
Music and Dancing:
^ The radio snail was on playing all kinds of Halloween and Club music most of everyone dancing and singing along. The only people who didn't at the time were Luffy, Franky and Zoro who were either eating or drinking.
^ You and Kanji danced to the music knowing most of the moves to your favorite Halloween songs like thriller, monster mash and spooky scary skeleton.
^ Chopper is amazed by the two of you asking to teach him and it isn't long until he joins you two of you learning quickly. Robin dances with Brook doing some kind of deadly tango while Usopp and Nami dance with no care in the world.
^ Franky and Luffy join in after eating, Franky taking over from Brook wanting to dance with Robin, while Luffy swings Nami around earning a telling off from the woman.
^ With only Zoro left not dancing you try and beacon him over for him to shake his head. Sanji ends up walking over to the swords man and dragging him to the dance floor. Zoro wasn't too happy but gave in since Sanji's grip was too tight to pull off. Slowly but surly Zoro started to relax dancing with you and Sanji as the night went on.
^ An hour or so later Brook would start playing music on Luffy's request creating sort of calm moment which prompted Zoro to take you and Sanji away form the dancing. He sat with you two watching the others, food and Drinks in your hands. Zoro of course being in the middle of you two keeping you both close to him.
^ "You know i'm starting to like this outfit more and more" Sanji states leaning closer to zoro and placing a hand on Zoro's thats currently placed just under the cooks skirt, Zoro blushes not realizing thats where his hand was "I-I" The swords man tries to pull his hand away only for Sanji to pull it back down "It's ok. i like it" the cook smiles kissing zoro's cheek "Arrrr, Sanji, you made him blush how cute" you tease Zoro turning to you his cheeks redder than before "What?" his reaction made you laugh and place a hand on his exposed chest "It's ok... you don't have to be shy" you whisper loving the way Zoro's looking at you. Sanji reaches a hand up and pulls Zoro to look at him before kissing his lips, the swords man immediately leaning into the kiss and squeezing Sanji's thigh a little while you run your finger over his peck feeling his skin shiver under your touch. "Stop teasing me you two" Zoro pulls away his other hand going to the back of your neck and pulling you in to kiss him.
^ Bobbing for apples was number one on Luffy's list grabbing a large barrel and filling it with tap water before adding apples. Chopper and Nami deiced not to join in but the rest of you had a go and everyone managed to get an apple. You and Usopp had trouble but managed to get one after a while. Luffy, Brook and Zoro managed to get one on the first try zoro walking over to Sanji a look of pride on his face. Sanji took the opportunity to bite into the apple still in Zoro's mouth and thank him making the swords man blush for the second time that night.
^ Dancing competition, as much as you and Sanji wanted to join you both new it would be unfair to the others since you know a lot about dancing so instead you both judged the competition. Two people went to head after learning the dance moves to a song until there was only one winner, it surprised you and Sanji how much Chopper had learned from you two, and he ended up being the winner running into both your arms as thank you. The only person who didn't join in was Zoro refusing out right to dance unless it was with you two.
^ Beer pong, it was Nami's idea, you work in teams of two each team takes turn throwing a ball into the other team's cups. When a ball lands in a cup the opponent then drinks the contents of the cup. It keeps going until one team has no more cups left. The teams are Usopp and Nami, you and Robin, Zoro and Franky and Sanji and Brook. Luffy and Chopper sat and watched eating while the teams went head to head.
^ First up was Sanji and Brook VS Usopp and Nami. Nami cheated a little using her looks to distract the boys but you and Zoro didn't mind too much too focused on planning how you were gonna win against each other. Usopp never missed and ended up helping Nami a few times when she had to throw. Kanji was good at the game only for Nami's distraction to work and make him miss most of the time, Brook was bad at the game form the start but tried his best managing to get one ball in only for Nami to start distracting him after that. Of course Usopp and Nami won.
^ It was now you and Robin VS Zoro and Franky. Robin found it quite funny how you were so determined to beat the two boys and promised she would do what she could to help as long as it wasn't cheating. You wanted to win fare and square, it started off being a constant tie. your team would get a ball in, and then they would get the next one. Until the final three cups. Feeling a little tipsy you forced yourself to focuses, It was Franky's turn and as if the universe had answered your prayers he missed, you and Robin let out a cheer as the two boys looked at the ball in disbelief but the game still went on until you and Robin won. Zoro couldn't believe he'd lost but Sanji was super happy running over to you and lifting you into his arms "YAY Y/N ROBIN" he yelled out. You knew he would do the same if Zoro won but it was nice to have him cheer for you.
^ As the last game was getting set up Zoro walks over to you and pulls you in for a hug "You won on a fluke" he states trying to hide his prideful smile. he may have lost but you were a worthy opponent, and he loves how you can hold your own against him. You laugh in his chest wrapping your arms around him "Your only saying that because you lost" you lean up placing a kiss on his lips Zoro leaning into it and letting out an annoyed groan. "Hay love birds, are we gonna do this or not?" Nami yells out looking ready to kick your butt. You pull away and look at Sanji who's smiling down at you "I'll avenge you" the cooks smile grow at your words and leans down to kiss you "Thank you my love. My pride is safe in your hands" Sanji bows slightly taking your hand in his.
^ You and Robin battle against Nami and Usopp, the first round was a tie, neither one of you missing a cup so you had to set up another again, all four of you were very tipsy at this point being a bit more sloppy with your throws. You and Robin were starting to lose, even though usopp was clearly drunk now he still never missed. After a few more shots you and Robin were down to two more cups while Nami and Usopp were down to five. The sniper went to throw only to miss, he cheered though thinking he got it in only for Nami to freak out. "Usopp what the hell?" she yelled out grabbing the man by his shirt. She tested his eyesight finding that he was seeing double now. You and Robin had a chance to win, time and time again Usopp missed, Nami managed to get one of your cups but miss your last one.
^ You were the last to throw the ball managing to get it in the last cup with Robin holding your shoulders to stop you from swaying. With you and Robin the winners Sanji ran to you and hugged you and Robin thanking you two for avenging his pride. The others joined in while Nami yelled at Usopp who was now on the floor feeling dizzy from all the drinking.
^ After the games were done Zoro carried you in his arms to sit down, you were drunk down, your cheeks red and feeling tired. Sanji and Zoro sat with you, your cook making sure you drank water, a few minutes later you fell asleep on the sword mans lap while the two laughed and joking threw the rest of the night, taking you to bed well after 2 in the morning.
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
Steph & Jason fic recs
Some of the best fics featuring friendship and interactions between Jason Todd and Stephanie Brown.
"Just Another Kid" by shobogan - Stephanie is Jason's best friend. She's about to discover that she's Robin's, too. POV Steph, childhood friends AU. Very sweet, punched me in the emotions. 2013.
"Jason and Me" by David Hines, originally posted on FFN - Newly appointed Robin, Stephanie Brown investigates some old history. (Written before Robin #125.) POV Steph; published during Stephanie's short Robin run before she was fridged, and before Jason returned as Red Hood. (Bonus: Try looking over the old reviews on FFN—pretty interesting to see some of the fan reception for Steph nearly 20 years ago.) 2004.
"4am philosophy" by grayghost (eurydiced) - Then again, every story about Jason seemed to paint a different picture: broken man, or misguided hero, or dangerous zealot who'd had one too many chances, depending on who was doing the telling. If there was one common thread, it was that Jason was a cautionary tale. POV Steph. 2016.
"Close Encounters and Cautionary Tales" by predilection - The first time Jason Todd and Stephanie Brown meet, they end up surprising each other. POV Jason, switches to POV Steph, set during Stephanie's Batgirl era before Bruce's return. 2013.
"Bloodstains Won't Make It Matter" by skylarkblue - Jason returns to Gotham to find another dead Robin. He steals away with the body and resurrects her, but there begs the question: what will they do? POV Jason primarily, with some POV Steph, written for the @jaystephevents prompt "Robin!Stephanie and Red Hood!Jason". Under the Hood rewrite featuring resurrected Stephanie Brown. 2022.
"Ghostgirl and Zomboy " by shauds - "You don't make demands of the ghost, asshole, the ghost makes demands of you." Steph dies, becomes a ghost, and annoys Jason incessantly during his big comeback. POV Jason; mostly a Halloween-themed buddy comedy but watch out for feels. 2018.
"this is a long drive (for three robins who don't agree on much)" by drakefeathers - Steph’s trip home to Gotham takes a huge detour thanks to Jason and Damian’s conflicts with airport security. She’s stuck driving the two brothers cross-country to reach Tim’s wedding in time. POV Steph, civilian/no capes AU, mostly fluff and comedy plus some sweetness. 2014.
"So You Say It's Your Birthday" by Cerusee - “Babs and I are throwing you and Steph a joint birthday party,” Dick said. “It’s on Sunday the 13th, because that’s the only day everybody can make it. It's in the park. Bruce is grilling steaks, and I know you know how good he is at that. You’re coming.” Steph and Jason have a joint birthday party; feel-good fluff and humor with an idealized Batfamily. 2017. POV Jason.
"Hanging On" by Deshal - If there was one thing Stephanie Brown had always excelled at, it was plotting a course and refusing to be moved. Bruce had just needed proof that she was a capable hero in her own right. It was funny just how much Steph’s obstinacy and Bruce’s distrust of her had combined in all the worst ways. POV Steph primarily; post-War Games anti-hero Steph AU; WIP/incomplete.
"Identity Document" by Runespoor - A dark alleyway, a gang of thugs, a victim who won't be victimized, Batman. A bad Robin meets a bad Batman. 2011. POV Steph.
"Lost" by orphan_account - Jason loses a parent, meets a girl, and goes swimming. Then some other stuff happens, too. 2011. POV Jason.
"What's So Amazing That Keeps Us Stargazing" by Cerusee - Stephanie wasn’t stupid; she knew Robin’s colors well as any Gotham kid did. It was Dick’s old costume. (Stephanie knew she wasn’t even supposed to know that name; Batman had had a concussion when he’d called Nightwing by it, and they’d both been cagey with her for months afterwards.) It was the costume he’d worn before he’d grown up and become Nightwing. So why this case, with this costume, but a different name? Batman doesn't get another Robin after Jason, but Spoiler makes her way into the fold anyway. POV Steph; Steph & Bruce. (This is more of a Steph & Bruce story. Jason proper doesn't show up here, but he's here in spirit.) 2018.
"Gotham War: Batgirl" by Teleportation_Magic - If the 2023 Gotham War crossover event actually cared about using Stephanie's potential. POV Steph. [Again, Jason really doesn't have much of a role in this one, but still.]
"the patterned flight of starlings" by Cerusee - In a universe where Jason Todd survives the warehouse, the world is a very different place. 2018-2020.
"Atalanta" by Cerusee - The dog growled at him. Jason growled back. “Don’t do that, you dipshit,” Steph said, heatedly. “You’re antagonizing her. Don’t growl.” Batman enlists Steph and Jason to give a bath to a rescue dog. 2017.
"Family Game Night" by quipquipquip - “YOU AREN’T MY REAL DAD,” Jason bellowed, and flipped the table. “YOU OWN PARK PLACE, BUT YOU DON’T OWN ME!” The Batfamily plays Monopoly; crack comedy. 2011.
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scaryscarecrows · 9 months
Why do you (Scary) think that Batman didn’t find Jason? Neither the game nor the comics give a satisfying answer imo, which has always made me think some part of Bruce secretly wanted to get rid of Jay 😞
The generous part of me wants to point out that Bruce is only human and will fuck up from time to time. I mean. That was definitely a pretty big boo-boo, but okay.
The part of me that spent three games finding Riddler's goddamn trophies, on the other hand, wants to point out that that was a whole-ass child that you misplaced and how do you even screw up that bad, good God, sir. The less anybody thinks about the Timeline of Tim (the Timline?), the better.
(Anybody ready with a 'Tim made Bruce make him Robin', put your hand down and zip it.)
So. Here are some things:
-Bruce starts to refer to Tim as Jason and is mentioned to have done that before. He's not a man of habit as a rule, which makes this lapse stick out.
-VR includes the option to watch The Tape again (Alfred's dialogue implies this is a regular occurrence). You can also find a photograph of Bruce and Jason out of costume. (There's a music box presumably belonging to Martha Wayne near the fireplace: the picture is under it.)
-That last boss fight will not let you lay a finger on Jason. Not even the disruptor. And that's contending with MCD to boot.
End result: probably he just fucked up royally. Jason, however, may see that differently.
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dameronology · 2 years
stranger things characters + autumn
because i am a slut for autumn, ok? it is the best time of year
eddie munson
one word: halloween
eddie lives for spooky shit all year round but it's even better when everyone else is embracing it too
when the annual hawkins halloween shop opens in september he's always the first one in the queue and you can bet he's dragging you with him
he'll act like he hates couple costumes but he's actually so down for them
when early october comes and the temperatures start to drop, the trailer becomes freezing which means surviving solely on blankets and shared body heat
it's during these times that eddie's bedroom becomes something of a permanent pillow fort
he has loads of lamps as well and he loves to turn the lights off and just lay in bed with you and warm tones of the smaller ones
he also permanently forgets to bring a jacket so he never shuts up about how cold he is
that means he will, nine times out of ten, wrap himself around you every time you go outside
if you put leaves in his hair he will cry but it's very funny
he also refuses to wear a hat because he thinks it makes his hair look - and i quote - "too poofy"
dustin's mum knitted him one though and he feels bad not wearing it
he has loads of chunky jumpers and his favourite thing is coming back late from d&d games or band rehearsals to find you passed out in the pillow fort wearing one
steve harrington
steve lives for summer and he refers to autumn as "the funeral for his vacation"
only because every summer he swears he's going to do something cool and then he just works and babysits and the impending cold of fall is just a reminder of that
is he complaining though?? only outwardly. like he'd ever spend his summer any other way
steve is a mum, as we are all aware, so you better bring a jacket or he will give you a lecture about it
he keeps a spare in his car just in case
which means you sometimes forget to bring one on purpose just so you can wear his (the lecture is worth it, okay?)
his parents might have been shit but they did pay for a car with heating and you will be forever grateful
his house as well!! it has heated floors in the kitchens and bathrooms which means you basically never leave during the autumn and winter months
steve is enthusiastic about halloween but he's more excitable about all the other cringe autumn stuff; crunchy leaves, hot chocolate, pumpkin patches
he's also head organiser of the matching costumes for him and the kids and he will 100% try and drag you into it
it's also his favourite time of year to crack out the polaroid camera because everything is so pretty in hawkins after september
he has one in his wallet of you and dustin making snow angels in the leaves
robin buckley
fall is low key a stressful time for her because the transition of relaxing all summer to going back to school/college is always a kicker for her
she relies on you during that period for comfort - she's never demanding, but she does like to know you're there and she might become impossibly clingier
and she's so distracted by her school work that you can wrestle her into whatever halloween costume you so desire
when she does eventually relax, robin loves the cooler weather
like ninety percent of her wardrobe is knitted jumpers and thick jeans so really she was built for it
she's also perpetually warm!! which means snuggling up next to her on the sofa and in bed is everything
she likes going on walks in the evenings to wind down after doing all her work - if it's quiet, she'll hold your hand or throw an arm around you
her mum has this swing out on the porch and robin loves sitting with you, legs laid over your laps whilst you both drink hot chocolate
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zeawesomebirdie · 6 days
for the fic ask game :D 🙌 🥘 🦗
[for this ask game here]
Thanks for the ask J!!
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of? I'm giving you two paragraphs, one from a posted fic and one from a wip >:)
From Distractions, Distractions [brudick, rated E, underage]
Bruce Wayne was not the kind of man who hid from others, particularly not when he had something he needed to discuss with them, regardless of what Alfred might say to the contrary. Yet he had spent the majority of his day in the Manor rather than in the Cave, even though Dick had the day off from school and had announced at breakfast that Bruce was welcome to come down with him. No, he was not the kind of man who hid, but at the same time, he was also not the kind of man who could picture himself walking down to where his partner was likely turning cartwheels, nor could he see himself telling Dick just why his costume needed changing.
(yes that is the very first paragraph shhhh I've never been more proud of an opening before 😌)
And from a brudick wip I'm writing for @ful-crum in which Dick and Bruce fuck in the Cave and Dick mistakenly believes that they'll be able to be together now, only for Bruce to ghost him for two months straight
That was the crux of it, in the end, the grit of sand that irritated his heart into submission: that night of The Incident had been a one-off, and it was obvious that Bruce had meant nothing by it, no matter what Dick thought would come of it. And that was fine, or it would have to be; after all, Dick had had a few one night stands before, and while it wasn’t his preference, he could understand the appeal of such things to people like Bruce. Dick was just going to have to take the L, then, because otherwise he was going to mope his sorry ass into nothingness, and then what would become of him? It would have to be fine, there was no other choice, even if he was going to remember that night forever as one of the rare moments he and Bruce were truly a team again.
🥘What wip are you most excited about? Um, well, does all of them count?? Because I really don't think I could choose just one to be most excited about, honestly. The closest to actually being finished is another little insomniac!coldflash one shot for Stories I Tell Myself When I Can't Sleep, after that, the aforementioned brudick fic for @ful-crum is the most complete, and I've got half of a 5+1 Dick fucks Bruce to distract himself from his emotions written, and for the brubarry Old West!AU I've got all of Bruce's arc plotted and half of Barry's arc at least planned. And then beyond that, there's a dickjay gameboy fic and a 5+1 times Riddler saves Robin!Dick in the works, both of which I'm also excited for (and don't even get me started on the three wips I have for Bad Things Happen Bingo, one of which is for MASH, one for Star Wars: Legends, and one for Gunsmoke). Which one I'm most excited about depends on my mood and my energy, I suppose (yeah that's a non-answer, sorry!)
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around? Mostly in sequence, but I keep a notes doc for every longfic so that I can jot down scene ideas whenever they occur to me!! Though with the insomniac!coldflash one shots, those I'm writing out of order bc they really weren't meant to be more than a one-off thing, and I'm still plotting the whole longfic that'll eventually give context to the one shots; that's just not normally how I do things, normally I write pretty sequentially ^.^
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soleminisanction · 1 year
Just saw an impossibly bad take, so to balance that out: in the past you mentioned a story where Tim comes out as a trans woman, what would that look like for you? Do you have any thoughts on making that into a fic?
I've had a lot of scattered thoughts about it but never been able to pin down any scenes concrete enough to turn them into an actual fic. But I love trans!Tim stories whether he's trans fem or trans masc so I've tossed the idea around here and there. Gonna be a little fluid with the pronouns here as Tim's thought process evolves but the basic idea here was:
The seed of the idea would get planted in Tim's mind just before War Games, specifically the one and only time he sees a picture of Steph as Robin. Along with the hurt and anger he expected, there's emotions he doesn't understand, a feeling of longing, jealousy, and desire; not for Steph herself, but for the way she looks in her new costume. For months he's been asking himself, "What do I want, for me?" and now the answer is staring him in the face: This.
But he keeps pushing it aside because there's always something "more important" going on. Worse, as things start to fall apart around him and he loses first Steph, then his dad, and then Kon, the musings about his gender keep getting mixed up in his feelings for other people, especially Kon.
Basically, take all the angst and pain of that era and make it even worse with disphoria and Tim being deep in both denial and the closet and feeling completely unable to open up to anyone about it because of how much it scares him to want something, something she feels like she can't have. Things like him not knowing if he's attracted to Cassie or if he wants to be Cassie, wishes his body looked and moved like that while still having so much strength and power. Fantasizing about how things might've been different between him and Kon, or him and Dick, or him and Damian, if only he'd been born a girl. Falling asleep in the cloning lab and having a nightmare about miscarrying Kon's child, then waking up to find the most recent clone has failed.
Through all that, the only person who has even a hint of what's going on is Cass. She reads it in Tim's body language while they're in Bludhaven together, but understands his fears and lets him keep his confidence. Even after things go to shit for her, she keeps that secret; even brainwashing couldn't get it out of her.
Then Final Crisis happens. Bruce "dies," Dick becomes Batman, Damian becomes Robin. Tim finds himself adrift, with nothing but this crazy-sounding notion of Bruce's survival to his name, and runs away from the Manor...
And this is part of where I stumble because I don't know if it'd be better for Tim to run into Cass at this point or for her to leave him her Batgirl costume and a letter. One way or another, Cass leaves Tim Batgirl, and that's the push she finally needs to crack her egg and start pursing a transition, socially and medically.
She avoids Babs for a few weeks out of shyness and embarrassment until Oracle manages to track this mysterious new Batgirl down, but once confronted she comes clean and Babs is instantly onboard to support her and also keep Dick and Damian out of the loop.
Dick thinks his little brother skipped town and is both confused and a little hurt that Babs won't trust him with the new Batgirl's identity. Damian takes it as a personal insult and starts going out of his way to find and harass said new Batgirl but then she kicks his ass and it turns out Damian shares Bruce's taste in women so now whoops he's got a puppy crush, which everyone who knows the truth about Tim finds hilarious.
Cass one way or another winds up being the one who goes on Brucequest instead of Tim and follows similar beats as Red Robin, minus Tam Fox or losing her spleen. Speaking of Tam, she has a much easier time finding Tim because while her dad does call her home from Russia to help with the investigation at least she doesn't have to globe-trot or get kidnapped by ninjas, she just has to hunt him down in Gotham, possibly while accidentally allied with Vicki Vale.
Tim enrolls in college under Caroline Hill's name and mostly attends to practice passing in public and live out some normal girl fantasies. Kon, Cassie, and Bart all learn what's up even though she's still taking a break from the Titans and of course they're on board and supportive.
And... yeah, that's pretty much the extent of my ideas so far. Broad scope but not a lot concrete to latch onto, which makes it difficult to convert into a fic, but I do love the concept.
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bropunzeling · 3 months
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag people you want to know better!
i was tagged by @msmargaretmurry ty ty friend
Last song listened to: i genuinely don't remember because i've listened to podcasts the last few commutes, so i'm gonna pick a song i like from some of the playlists i've been mainlining and say i want to be with you by chloe moriondo. yes it did feature heavily on meet me halfway playlist tysm, and now spotify is doing the thing where it mostly serves me up stuff i've already listened to adkfl;jad
Currently reading: when i have time to read, i'm working on assassin's apprentice by robin hobb! which i have never read but becs told me to, so i'm doing it! it's very slow going but i'm having fun with fitz, who has just become the titular apprentice in assassin-ing. also reading the way we eat now by bee wilson bc it's been on my tbr list forever and i really loved consider the fork and first bite, but also it unfortunately thus far has fallen into the standard traps of how people talk about modern food culture These Days which isn't great 🥴
Currently watching: so my fiancé insists that we watch shows together, which is the only way that i watch television in any case but especially right now during my busy season, and a week ago we finished the 2019-ish run of fruits basket. which like, i remember reading around age 11 and definitely NOT noticing (a) takaya-sensei's age gap kink (b) shigure is like. an enormous piece of shit (c) the sheer level of bad parent going on. asjdkfl;as. but we sure did watch it! now we are watching the netflix adaptation of avatar the last airbender, which, i'm 90% sure i watched the whole animated show? maybe 80%. but also damn these costumes are really cheap. like, spirit halloween cheap. tough look for our guys at netflix tbh tbh. i don't really want to watch the rest but jack does so i guess we shall Power Thru It
Currently obsessed with: the concept of a full night's sleep???? lmao but uhhhhhh honestly i'm so exhausted it's hard to be excited about things 😭 there's some concepts im tossing around and one im making decent progress on (we're getting there, seattle au! we've hit 15k!) but also im feeling very mid on my own writing, which is proooobs the sleep deprivation talking. hopefully i will have a better answer in a few weeks when i don't have to get up at 5:45 am almost every day!
tagging whoever wants to because i'm sure everyone has done it and i just haven't seen because i can only look at social media sporadically rn rip rip
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herbrattybaby · 1 month
Chapter 6
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(This is leading up to the game Arkham City)
*Perse began to train with Batman with not only her powers but hand to hand combat
*She struggled a lot at first but eventually got the hang of it. Perse didn't really have to use hand to hand combat too much since she had powers but it was just in case she couldn't use them
*Perse is only allowed to do patrol with Batman doing simple things. Absolutely nothing dangerous.
*Sharks. she loves sharks. her favorite is a bull shark
*Don't even get her started on sailor moon. Perse watched all of it in 3 days. Her favorite is Sailor Saturn since she can relate to what shes went through.
*Music she really enjoys is goth and metal. Becoming a pastel goth girl.
*Skateboarding becomes a daily activity for her. Perses board is pink with black bats on it while the bottom has sailor moon stickers
*Cheese is her pet possum. It hates everyone except her
*The first fight Perse was in they were talking bad about Batman and her.
Perse and Batman were on the roof stalking some wanted thugs that were having an interesting conversation
Thug 1- "Have you seen that kid thats been with batman?"
Thug 2- "Not yet. Is she hot?"
Perse cringed at this while Batman was ready to pound them in the ground.
Thug 3- "I heard she was that Persephone girl? The one that killed some of our crew. Nobody is positive though.
she despised that name.
Perse jumped down and faced them all. A mask from the purge covering her face. She hasn't decided on a costume yet so she winged it.
Thug 2- "Hahahaaha whose kid is this"
Perse didn't respond and sent water strikes at them knocking them down. She walked over to the one thug that wasn't knocked out and stood over him.
Thug 3- "W-who are you"
Perse enveloped water around her fist and punched him knocking the bastard out.
Over time she did start to talk more to everyone but mostly just to be a smartass
Robin- "Perse! Do you have my grapple?"
Perse- "Of course I do! Since I use it all the time when you aren't around"
Perse- :)
Barb will never forget the time she was showing Perse all the main villians when she pulled up Penguin and she started laughing out loud clutching her stomach. This was shocking to her because she hardly ever smiles.
"Why is he so short and fat? You could use him as a bowling pin"
Barb couldn't hold back her laugh which caused the attention of Dick and Tim.
Barb made you repeat the joke to them in between laughs.
The rest of the villians seemed boring to Perse but one stuck out
Harley Quinn
Perse was mesmerized by how stunning she looked.
"You good?" Dick asked and waved a hand in front of her face.
Geesh, had she really been staring that long.
Perse blushed and started hitting Dick.
Tim walked over to Barb while they were play fighting
"You think shes ya knowww"
"For sure"
Alright enough about Big Perse lets talk about little Perse
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*She carries around the cape EVERYWHERE!
*Favorite person is Bruce ofc and loves everyone else equally
*Loves cuddling with everyone and eating goldfish
*Wears diapers sometimes but only when shes feeling very little
*Only lets Bruce and Barb change her
*Is very sweet most the time but will have tantrums sometimes
*HATES loud noises
*Doors slamming is a huge trigger and will make her slip very small
*Loves to pretend being a shark in the pool
"Bubba looks" Perse held up a hug shark stuffed animal Bruce just got custom made for her. It was dark pink and had her name stitched on the side.
Dick smiled and acted very suprised
"Wow! Is that your new shark?"
Perse nodded her head and smiled.
"Its very cute just like you princess"
*Favorite things to wear are pajamas especially her shark onsie
*Robin loves carrying her on his back while you shoot water at Dick. He lets you splash him in the end because he loves seeing you happy
*When it comes to Bruce you feel the most safe when hes Batman since thats when he saved you.
*Perse loves when he just holds her in the rocking chair and rubs her back. Its calming and helps her sleep.
*Just imagine Batman sitting on a cough with a little one bottle feeding them.
*When the rest of the fam saw it they almost screamed
*They were just too cute
Now that we got that out the way time for Perse in Arkham City!
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batfan-01 · 10 months
Robin of Crime Alley AU headcanons pt.2 (sorta)
My original idea for The Robin of Crime Alley was actually a Titans AU. I don't like what they did to my boy Jason, I couldn't even finish season 3 I hated it so bad. But there was some things they did that had potential so here is some headcanons on a rewrite for Jason's origin in Titans, they are based around my The Robin of Crime Alley AU with a few new changes:
(In the last post Jason wasn't allowed to patrol on school nights in my Titans AU Jason is allowed to patrol on school nights and on his own)
Before Jason meets Dick, he's been with Bruce for a year, the reason Bruce sends Jason to Join the Titans (after Dick and Jay have already met) is because Jason and Bruce are having problems (even before Jason met Dick)
They're arguing a lot and while Bruce has a strict moral code Jason has more moral ambiguity
Jason focuses more on the victims and getting justice for them even if it's outside the law. He gets this from his time on the streets where he often saw authority (cops) abusing their power, taking bribes, arresting people who are innocent, and ignoring people who truly need help. He believes he most operate in gray areas in order to protect everyone
He has also seen how the system doesn't care about the poor, the criminals, the street kids, or any one who has no say or power. This causes him to start to patrol around crime alley and be the hero that he never thought would exist
He wanted to show the gothamites like him that heroes help everyone not just the rich
He grows quite the attachment to crime alley (the place he grew up) and doesn't just protect the people there he grows relationships with them as well
He plays basketball (and other games that are special to park row that he knows from when he lived there) with the street kids, makes small talk with the sex workers (who all think he is a sweet kid), and hangs out in the bodegas
Soon everyone that hangs around, lives, or works in park row (crime alley) know and trust Robin.
So he earns the nickname Robin of Crime Alley
He turns crime alley into a safe haven for street kids and sex workers. While it's still a crime infested area, street kids know they won't be trafficked or arrested in crime alley and sex workers know that when trouble comes the police will ignore most of what they have to say because they consider them to be "untrustworthy low-lifes" but Robin will always listen and protect them
The only people who are not safe there are cops, specifically corrupt ones (which Gotham has a lot of) after enough beatings from Robin, Robin starts to gain a bad reputation around the GCPD mostly from rumors spread by the for-mentioned corrupt cops
While patrolling one night, Robin comes across someone he knew from his past. Molly Jensen a fellow street kid he knew before he became Robin, who is now a college student volunteering at a shelter in park row. She doesn't recognize him (because he's in his Robin costume and only briefly saw him) but the brief interaction pushes Jason to reunite with Molly and get Bruce to donate to the shelter she volunteers at
As Robin, Jason slowing starts to form a partnership with Molly by bringing her street kids to house at the shelter. She's skeptical at first and doesn't know if she should trust him. She's hear a lot of stories from the people at the shelter that makes him seem trustworthy, but she isn't sure about trusting someone who wears a mask. Historically, masked vigilantes have never been friends to the poorer people and "only protect the rich" (her words) but after Jason reveals his identity to her, Molly begins to trust him.
One night, a photographer wanting to take photos depicting poverty in Gotham heads to crime alley to snap some photos but while there he sees Robin, not wanting to lose his golden opportunity, he snaps some candid photos of him
Later, he titles his photo collection "Robin in Crime Alley" it depicts photos of Robin playing basketball with street kids, talking and laughing with them, and even of Robin casually leaning on a counter while making small talk with a cashier at a bodega
He sells his pictures to a newspaper and the pictures appear in the front page of a small and not very well known newspaper
(The article and it's contents are mostly forgotten, until years after Jason's death, when the article resurfaces on social media in a Batfamily subreddit devoted to solve the mystery of how many robins actually are there?!)
But tension between Bruce and Jason come to a head when Bruce catches Jason on a balcony while a man falls to his death, that man being a diplomat's son that got away with r*pe and his victim committed s*icide after she finds out he was let off (read Batman #424 for more context) Jason claims he accidently spooked the guy causing him to fall, but Bruce doesn't believe him. They get into a huge fight and Bruce decides to give him a ultimatum.
Around this time, Dick is forming a new Titans. He only met Jason once (Alfred gives hawk and dove Dick's location in this AU instead of Jason) Jason was very excited to meet him (but thanks to other events in Dick's life and him finding out Bruce got a new Robin) him and Dick didn't hit it off
So when Bruce gives Jason an ultimatum: either Bruce benches him or he joins the new Titans. Jason reluctantly agrees to join the new Titans. He thinks hey maybe I can take this as a chance to make up for freaking out on him last time, but he still is worried about leaving Gotham and leaving crime alley unprotected
And that's all I got for now, think I should do a part three?
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im-not-buying-it-ether · 11 months
Headcanons that can and will make up how I write the Marvelous Bats AU I’m trying to actually write
Everyone has a minor upgrade or addition on the powers they have. Eugene has his technokinesis, Pedro is physically stronger than Billy even though they have the same blessing, Darla is faster, Freddy has some minor telekinesis and is better at flying in practice, and Mary’s courage is infectious to the degree of getting people out of being scared frozen in an emergency and getting them to rescue themselves and have the bravery to help others along the way.
Billy and Mary are still twins, she’s adopted by the Bromfields and Billy is newly fostered by the Vasquez’s but they all work and spend time together as a family unit despite the separate home lives
Billy knows how to make portals anywhere with doors, the place just needs to have a door. (He has tried getting the Batcave that way but apparently the car doors of the Batmobile don’t count)
Yes all the Bats know the Marvels identity’s and vice versa, the rest of the League? Nope. Just think Batman mellowed out in his crusade to learn Caps identity
Yes Bruce wanted to adopt Billy, Billy said screw that and Jason pointed out how bad of an idea it would be to have a kid named Batson in the public eye of Gotham. “The Joker can and will try to make a bad joke out of the kid Bruce.” “Yeah Batman, you want me to die in a robin costume of all things?” Bruce just stayed silent for a moment and almost started crying (it’s was only a week later Jason took a good look at the kid and realized Billy is a mini him and Bruce probably didn’t like the Robin comment)
Damian, Darla, and Jon are the true kid hero trinity. Their mission? Chaos
Freddy just about passed out when he met Barbra, the super amazing Batgirl is the super cool lady behind the monitor that’s one of freaking Batman’s most essential teammates? Oh the feeling of finally seeing a super like himself
Tim met Billy and Mary’s parents through his own when he was little, the 3 of them had a very long discussion about cool archeology stuff for a good few hours
Because his hero form is his “full potential” and is very big Pedro asked Jason to help him get from how he is now to his hero form, seeing as his body type was closest. Now they work out together every Tuesday and Friday (school and vigilante work permitting) half of it is actually working out and the other is building Pedros confidence
Batman and Captain Marvel make a point to block and argue heavily against any other Marvel joining the League, Billy is the only one until the rest of the family does meet the age requirement they have. Billy does the heavy lifting expected of the actual Champion of Magic and his siblings enjoy the small town hero life and look out for Fawcett and the Rock when he’s off world, Mary is the defacto leader when he’s gone.
Like how every Bat has their designated Super and sometimes Wonder, they all have a Marvel they hang out with more than others. Mary and Dick hang out and bond over being the unfortunate voice of reason siblings, Darla is the childish influence making Damian act more his age and love doing it. Billy and Bruce are the respective “heads of the family” and Bruce checks in a lot on how Billy’s life is going with the occasional leadership tip thrown in to help with hero work. Jason tutors Pedro when they’re both visiting, if they cross paths on the job they’ll talk sports a lot. Freddy and Eugene talk a lot about strategy’s, games, gadgets, and superpowers with Barbra and Tim.
Tawny and Alfred are golfing buddies, they also build miniatures of flag ships together and talk about their weird family of supers over tea
Eugene has hacked the Bat-computer on multiple occasions, each time to make an edit to any files Bruce makes of the family, mostly something childish like adding “the amazing” or “the super awesome” before their hero names in the files. But one hack he did was into his contingency plans files, which nearly gave Bruce a heart attack thinking there was going to be another accident that would almost kill his friends.
The hack was the change of “Further research needed to figure out a strategy for neutralization, for now the best strategy is to trick or force them into using their trigger phrase to de-transform before incapacitating them” to “let their siblings deal with the situation”
The Justice League’s first introduction to Captain Marvel was during a “Superman is being affected by Red Kryptonite” situation. By the time they caught up to him in Fawcett their resident hero was helping the man up and panicking over how much he hurt him trying to wrestle the Kryptonite off him, they offered him a seat with them by the end of the week after satellite imaging showed that he led Superman into the air after he knocked down a building and delt with him without further damage and Superman’s account that he broke his arm and bruised multiple ribs trying to stop him. Billy was 9 at the time and only had his powers a few months at that time so he had no idea how much he needed to reel his strength in and was panicking too much to properly do so either way in that fight.
Damian was jealous that Billy got into the league so young and Bruce still won’t let him on despite his capabilities but realizes Billy only got so far because of a lie of omission and one event where he severely harmed Superman, he’d call his father an idiot if he hadn’t tried to keep an eye on such a worrying individual
The Vasquez’s know their kids visit the Wayne’s every other day, as do the Bromfields, but only Vic and Rosa know about the superhero part of it all. The Bromfields just think Mary is visiting a girl friend and having sleepovers every so often, they aren’t entirely wrong since she does hang out with Cass and Stephenie but they don’t need to know her whole superhero life. It’s framed as a mentorship so that their kids can do their best with the powers given to them with a healthy amount of encouragement in still being kids and attending school, it’s mostly just the two families spending time with eachother though.
Black Adam used to antagonize the Marvel Family but after a fight with Billy 1v1 he saw he was a child and stopped trying to actively kill him, he’s now their weird uncle figure who pops by to show them some fighting moves and try to tell Billy to stop being the champion until he’s older.
Black Adam is closer to the movie version solely for the purposes of expanding the family size, he looks like his classic comic self but has to shift in morals and backstory he had in the movie
The fight happened in a empty patch of dessert outside Khandaq when Billy was 11, no one on the League knows why they suddenly stopped fighting or why Cap officiated the guys wedding but their happy he figured something out so his city didn’t get torn up every month by their fights anymore.
The hero names and nicknames for the Marvel family are as follows
Billy Batson —> Captain Marvel (Cap, the Captain)
Mary Bromfield —> Mary Marvel (Mary)
Freddy Freeman —> Lieutenant Marvel (Lieu, Captain Marvel Jr. (by one annoying reporter))
Pedro Peña —> General Marvel (The jolly green giant, Greenie)
Eugene Choi —> Chief Marvel (Chief, Master Chief (self proclaimed, never used))
Darla Dudley —> Ms./Princess Marvel (Ms., Missy Marvel, Missy (Used for professional purposes) Princess (Used every other time as her choice of code name))
Adriana Tomaz —> Isis (/got the amulet of Isis as a wedding gift from Darla from the Rock, she didn’t know what it was but is happy she got cool powers with the rest of the family/)
Amon Tomaz —> Horus (/name changed from comics to coincide with the change in family dynamic between him and Adriana from siblings to parent/child/)
Theo —> Black Adam/Khem Adam
Shout out to @thefantasmarex for reminding me how much I love these two families together
#Amon is basically their honorary cousin#him and Freddie talk a bunch about heroes and have fierce debates on if Superman could beat Adam#Freddie wins most those arguments once Billy steps in the room and reminds them he broke the guys arm at 9#battle for the batson!: Black Adam vs Batman!#winners: the vasques family#Damian has definitely taught Darla how to judo throw someone#it’s not like visiting would be much a stretch anyhow#Fawcett is basically Philly and Gotham is in jersey#just cross one state line and hello besties#or one magic doorway and they pop out of a random door they set up in the cave for that exact purpose#Jason and Billy spitting facts about the target the joker would put up on Billy’s head for the sake of a pun#the sudden influx of kids at Wayne manor on a normal basis and hanging out with his kids is explained away to the media as#Bruce: oh my son Damian made friends out of state who come over every so often#Vikki Vale: so why is this teenager being seen spending time with your other son Jason#Bruce: big brother program#VV: and this 8 year old with Tim drake?#bruce: he’s tutoring him on coding stuff or whatever the kids these days call it#VV: and this boy next to you that’s a dead ringer for the sons you fostered at his age?#Billy: I just tag along for the in house movie theater and his butlers cooking#Bruce: he does#media thinks that Damian is crushing on Darla after she goes to some event with them and there’s photos of them laughing together#but that’s just cause he’s never laughed in public before#much less brought a guest#darlas just happy people are complimenting her mlp purse on tv#Damian is happy hes winning at seeming like a normal kid with the crushing allegations#Cass and Mary practice ballet together#Marvelous Bats AU#shazam#batman#captain marvel dc
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
The girl in the Mask;
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Summary: The story of how Jason Todd met his first (but not last) side kick. Trigger warning; child neglect, implied drug use, temporary death, and vigilantism.
The first time Jason Todd met the girl in the mask, he'd been 15.
He had been doing his average nightly/early patrol the morning after Halloween as Robin when he spotted her.
A girl no older three sitting on a swing in a Robin costume, eating from a bucket of candy at one of the local playgrounds in Crime Alley. No adult in sight. No signs of fear or upset.
As if it were the most normal thing in the world for her to be doing at 3am.
And yeah, Gotham was bad, but it wasn't that bad.
So of course he approached her. Rightfully concerned for her safety.
Like come on, it was 3am and she was wearing a Robin costume. One of the few Halloween costumes that was actively discouraged in Gotham. And she was, again, by herself. Who wouldn't have done what he had?
Jason plopped down in the swing next to her-- looking far more calm and collected than he felt-- and flashed her a smile. "Hi there"
The girl paused in her movements, glancing at him. "Are you the real robin?"
"Like the one who fights the baddies with Nightwing?"
Jason blinked, not expecting that question. Kids usually asked about Batman, after all. After a moment, he nodded.
The small brunette lit up "that's so cool! What's he like? Is he nice? What's his favorite color? How old is he? What color are his eyes? Does he have any pets? Do you guys really live in a cave?"
Jason's mind buffered, barely able to keep to up with the questions. Which he thought were slightly creepy. Especially for a three year old to be asking. Especially the eye color question....
After realizing he'd been quiet for far too long, he quickly stuttered out the only thing he could think of "Uh that'd classified."
To his surprise, the small girl didn't seem too disappointed by the answer. Instead, she seemed mystified. "Coooooool"
Weirded out, the teen decided to get straight to the point. "What's your name?"
"That's classy-fied"
"You mean classified?"
"That's what I said."
"No that's what I said."
Jason blinked and In that moment, he decided to never have kids.
"Just kidding. It's Hannah H-h-olmes. Like the detective!"
Okay, that was something the vigilante could work with. "How old are you?"
"This many" She raised three fingers.
"Where are your parents?"
"I don't know."
"Who are your parents?"
"Mom and dad"
"No I mean--" Jason started to get frustrated but reminded himself that she was a kid and not being difficult on purpose. "Hey, why don't you come with me and I'll help you find your parents?"
"Okay. "
Eventually, Jason found the girl's mom. Who didn't even notice she was gone. And he thought of his own mom, who had a similar redness to her eyes.
He visited Hannah often after that. Unable to stop thinking about where she could end up if he didn't. About what could happen to her.
Hannah was excited to see him each and everytime, and usually had a game for them to play.
She drew him pictures.
She drew herself as a superhero.
She gushed over Nightwing, which Jason found werid.
For months, he wondered if this was what having a younger sister was like. For months, he checked in on her.
Until he found out the truth about his mom.
Until Switzerland.
Until the warehouse and the Joker, and his death.
When he could think again, after he was revived, he thought that he'd never see the girl in the mask again.
Until he ran into a girl in Tennessee, with brown hair in a mask he vaguely remembered from a crayon drawing.
A girl who's eyes widened when he removed his helmet.
Hannah was Jason's first sidekick but she wasn't his last. But she was one who never gave up on him. One who still hung out with him even though they were technically on different sides.
They were Slimeypirate and Redhood.
And that would never change, even if more people joined their ranks.
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