#the doctor we were stuck with just before this was abusive
for the first time in 16 years i have a doctor who did not diagnose my chronic pain as ‘hysteric afab fatty’ syndrome and is actually willing to diagnose and treat it. as you can imagine i am extremely emotional about this. im bringing her a fruit basket for christmas or something i dont even celebrate but she deserves some goddamn recognition for doing her job.
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specialagentlokitty · 4 months
Hannibal lector x teen!reader - ensure you’re safe
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Hi 👋🏻 Saw you wanted to try to write for Hannibal characters and for me the easiest way to start writing for Hannibal was to write like a therapy session with Hannibal. So thought maybe you could write teen!reader or just regular reader at a therapy session with Hannibal, of course there’s no worries if you don’t write it, just thought it might help you out <3 I will probably request something with Will later as he’s my fave character but can’t come up with anything right now - @panic-in-the-multiverse 💜
TW: mentions of abusive parents
Sitting outside in the waiting room to your new therapists office, you sighed heavily, pulling your headphones back over your head.
You weren’t sure what you wanted to do, a large part of you wanted to just leave, but you had to be there, the officer sitting next to you was there to make sure of that.
But just because you had to be there didn’t mean you had to say anything, or actually take part, you simply just had to attend the session.
You watched as a bit of paper was held out in front of your face, and you sighed, turning your gaze to the man sitting next to you, pulling your headphones back down.
“What?” You snapped.
“Don’t be rude, keep your headphones down, and please try take part.”
“I don’t see why I have to, I didn’t do shit wrong.”
“Well, apparently everybody else sees differently kiddo, so please try.”
You stuck your middle finger up at him, pulling your headphones back over your head to carry on blocking out of the world.
You weren’t paying all that much attention, but you did notice when the officer next to you stood up and you turned your head to look at him in uninterest as he spoke to the man who came out of the office.
Then he turned back to you and pushed your headphones down.
“You’re up kid, I’ll wait out here to take you home but then you’re on your own to make sure you come to these sessions, got it? Twice a week.”
“Get lost Daniels.”
“Alright, but remember no wondering off because we’ll know.”
You just scowled and he grinned a little at you, holding up your bag for you to take as you stood up.
“This is Doctor Hannibal Lector, he’s going to be your new therapist, be polite, respectful, and remember to keep your temper.” Daniels warned.
You said nothing as he left, and you turned to the therapist.
“Hello (Y/N), would you like to come in?”
You set your bag down and sat down back in the chair you were waiting in.
Hannibal smiled slightly, and closing his office door, walking over to sit next to you, sitting forward slightly, clasping his hands together.
He took a moment to study you, how uninterested you were, the fact you wouldn’t even look at him, you were dressed in ripped jeans, well worn trainers, a hoodie.
But it was your face that he was drawn to, the stitches on your eyebrow, a little bit of dried blood just at the side, clearly you had ripped one or two earlier that day. What looked to be a broken nose, split lip, and from the brief glance of your knuckles he had gotten they were bruised and blooded.
He made a few mental notes before he finally spoke first, seeing you weren’t going to initiate a conversation with him.
“Would you like to start by telling me a little bit about yourself?” He asked.
“Well, how about we start with why you’re here. Why have you been referred to me (Y/N)?”
“You have my file. You know why.” You grumbled.
“Yes, I am aware this is court mandated therapy. I would like to know why you think you were sentenced to therapy, what are your thoughts about this?”
You didn’t say anything, you just slumped down in the chair, pulling your hood up so he wasn’t able to look at you.
“You have no interest in being here.” He noted.
“I see, yet you’re staying for what reason? What happens if you walk out of those doors before our session has ended?”
You didn’t say anything, and he just sat there silently for the rest of the session with you.
Every session went the same, you would sit outside, refuse to come in or answer his questions, then the pair of you would sit outside the office while he read or made notes and you listened to your music.
It went that way for nearly two months, and Hannibal followed the same routine this time around, opening his office door and you looked up at him.
He paused, taking in your bloodied hoodie and nose.
“(Y/N), what happened?” He asked.
You got up, and he stepped aside, holding the door for you as you walked in for the first time since you began to see him.
Hannibal carefully closed the door, watched as you walked around until you stopped by the ladders and you sat down on them.
“There are more comfortable places to sit if you would prefer.”
“I’m fine.”
He hummed a little bit, sitting in a chair as he looked over at you.
You were one to keep your distance, so he wanted to respect that boundary and stayed where he was on the other side of the room.
“Are you? In the two months that we have known one another you have never stepped foot inside my office until now. Today is the only day you have come in looking as if you were in a fight just before arriving.”
You didn’t say anything.
“I have read your file numerous times, you’re known for your rather unpleasant temper, you have been arrest on multiple occasions for assault, your most previous charge is listed as aggregated assault.”
“So what?” You snapped slightly.
“There is no need to get angry, I am not here to judge you. I am simply here to assist you, find out why you are so angry all the time and what led to your anger.”
You pulled the sleeve of your hoodie down, pressing it to your nose, wiping some of the blood on it.
Hannibal got up, walking over he took the handkerchief from his pocket and held it out to you, making sure he kept his distance.
“I don’t need your help…” you grumbled.
“Well, blood can be rather hard to wash out of clothing, you may ruin your jacket if you keep that up.”
“It’s a hoodie.”
Hannibal chuckled slightly.
“Very well, you will ruin your hoodie.”
“Like I said, don’t need your help.”
Hannibal sighed, laying the handkerchief down on the floor just a few steps away from your and he clasped his hands behind his back.
“You are a deeply mistrusting person, I understand that. But perhaps if you are willing to give someone a chance you will see that some people can be trusted.”
You glanced up at him, then quickly averted your gaze, going back to looking at the floor instead, but he knew you were watching him.
You had your head lowered, but just barely high enough to look at his shoes.
“Who hurt you?” He pressed carefully.
“What makes you think I didn’t start it?”
“The lack of bruises or scrapes on your hands, your clothes are rather dirty, defensive wounds I would say. Am I correct?”
You shrugged a little bit.
“Maybe I just like it, getting into fights and all.”
“I have a reason that perhaps you don’t enjoy it.”
You looked up at Hannibal, getting up and you stuffed your hands into the pockets of your jeans.
“Maybe I do. Maybe it fun, beating the crap out of someone until their blood is all over their face, watching as they beg me to stop, to leave them alone. Maybe I like the fear in the eyes.” You taunted.
“Is that so?”
Hannibal watched as you studied him, getting a read on him, trying size him up to see if you could take him on in a fight or not.
“Do you want to hurt me (Y/N)?”
You didn’t say anything.
“Who do you really want to hurt? When you get into all these fights you claim to enjoy, who do you think off when you’re knocking them to the ground and beating them within an inch of their lives?”
“No one.”
“Anybody with that much rage thinks of somebody, targets somebody.”
You just scoffed, making your way past him to head to the door.
You left without another wait, having reached the exact time limit of the session and Hannibal walked over to his desk, opening his book.
He wrote down what you had told him, and sat reflecting on it.
Clearly you were an angry person, you were a teenager with a lot of anger and hatred, but not at the world.
It was directed at one single person, because if your anger was random he had no doubt in his mind you would’ve already tried to attack him, but you didn’t.
You simply just refused to acknowledge whatever he said, you didn’t attempt to hurt him.
Intimidate? Yes. But not hurt.
It was a few days when your next session came around, and you walked into the office once more, taking a seat in your usual spot, this time a little more slowly.
Hannibal frowned, but carried on his session.
And he began to pick up on every time you came into the sessions either hurt, or fresh out of a fight.
And the timeframe between these seemed to get smaller and smaller, up until the point today.
Hannibal opened his door and you looked worse than ever as you pushed past him, dripping some blood on to the floor, limping into the middle of the room.
You took a few shoe breaths and he closed the door, making his way over to you.
“(Y/N), can you hear me?”
You slowly turned to him, nodding your head, stumbling a couple of steps.
“Tell me what happened? Who did this to you?”
You shook your head, slowly sitting down on the floor so you wouldn’t have to get blood on any of his furniture.
“Stay here, I will call the police, and for an ambulance.”
Hannibal turned at your outburst, and you looked at him, rage with slight fear mixed in your eyes.
“Don’t you dare, don’t… don’t call anyone…” you warned.
Hannibal set his phone back down and he walked over, kneeling down in front of you, resting an arm on his leg.
“Tell me what happened.”
You took a small breath, leaning back on one of your hands.
“I fucked up… real bad doctor Lector… like.. like real bad…”
“I need you to tell me what happened.” He pressed carefully.
You sighed a little bit.
“He got drunk again, got pissed, I talked back. He swung for me so I fought back, hit him with a chair. She got pissed at me, pushed me down a few stairs.”
“Who is the ‘he’ you keep referring to?”
“My dad.”
Hannibal nodded his head.
“I assume the ‘she’ would then be your mother?”
“Bingo, right on the money doc. I can see why you’re a therapist.”
Hannibal noticed how you deflected the serious topic with unserious remarks or a slightly snappy tone towards him.
“I see, you are aware that I have to call the police, and I strongly recommend you allow me to take you to the hospital. A fall down the stairs is not something to take so lightly.”
“You call police and I’m gone.”
You stayed quiet, shifting a little with pain and he sighed.
“You have strong issues with authority, but unfortunately I have to call them, I have a duty of care to ensure your well-being. Which means if I suspect that someone or yourself will cause you harm I have to report it. I can request to be with you every step of the way if that makes you comfortable.”
You pushed yourself up with a grunt of pain, stumbling a few steps backwards and Hannibal quickly stood up, placing his hand on your back to keep you stable.
You moved away quickly, and made your way to the door.
“At least allow me to take you to the hospital.” Hannibal said.
He turned around to get his keys from his desk and when he turned around you were gone.
He sighed, picking up his phone in order to call for your parole officer.
He had had the number his his phone since the first session, but he had never had to call the officer about you.
Not until now.
He quickly relayed on the fact that you had come into his officer severely injured.
You hadn’t made it far when Daniels picked you up, despite the fact you tried running you couldn’t exactly outrun a police officer in your injured state and you were taken to the hospital.
The ran some tests, stitched up your cuts, and placed you in a room while you awaited the results of your tests.
“So, want to tell me what happened?” Daniels asked.
“Go fuck yourself.” You growled.
“Hey, I want to help kid. But I can’t if I don’t know what happened to you.”
“You know what happened you prick, you all know what happened but you won’t do fuck all about it!”
“Calm down right now.”
“Or what?!”
You ripped the IV out of your arm, and you stood up, nearly falling to the side but you didn’t falter.
Daniels stood up as well.
“You can’t do shit.”
“Look, doctor lector is on his way, and they’re taking your parents in for questioning right now but you need to stay here.”
“Like fuck do I have to stay here. You can’t hold me for shit.”
You barged past him, throwing down the tray as he tried to follow you.
It would stall him for a few minutes while nurses and doctors quickly tried to gathering everything up so nobody would get hurt.
You left the hospital, making your way to your usual hideout spot when you didn’t want to go home.
It wasn’t the best, an old and abandoned construction site, but it was full of more than enough hiding places, and you went to your favourite one.
Sitting in the concrete pipe, you rested your back on a blanket you had in there, closing your eyes as you breathed through the discomfort.
Your phone was ringing endlessly, and you turned it off, getting bored of hearing the sound.
Though the silence was helpful when it came to hearing the creaking of the large metal gate being opened and closed.
“(Y/N), I know you’re here, come out so we can talk!” Hannibal called.
You stayed quiet.
You knew he would eventually and it only took a few minutes for him to appear at the entrance to your hiding spot.
He offered you a gentle smile.
“You need to go back to the hospital.”
“Your parents are currently in custody, you’re safe. Nobody here is going to hurt you, nobody there will hurt you either.”
You scoffed.
“You really believe that? Give it a day or two, they’ll be back out.”
“Yet you always go back, why?”
“Because I have to, court order. Every. Single. Time.”
Hannibal sighed, and he offered you a reassuring smile.
“Come with me, I assure you that no more harm will come to you.”
You didn’t believe him, you simply just left the other end of the pipe you were sat in and Hannibal got up to follow you.
“You have internal bleeding, if you do not go back to the hospital you’ll die within hours.”
“Great, makes life easier for everybody. Gives me a way out.”
“Do you wish to die?”
You paused, giving the man a chance to walk over to you and stand in front of you.
“Do you wish to die (Y/N)?”
“So, allow me to take you back to the hospital then. We will let the surgeons fix whatever inside you is bleeding, then when you wake up I will be right there waiting.”
“Yeah, and they’ll be there too.”
“You have my word, you parents will not be allowed in the room.”
You scoffed.
“Yeah, I’ll take my chances bleeding internally.”
“What if I can prove to you that they won’t be allowed in the same room as you?”
This seemed to gain your interested, and he gestured to the front of the construction sight.
“Do you see that man over there?”
You nodded.
“His name is Jack Crawford, he works for the FBI. He has read over your case file, he along with another agent will be outside your room the entire time you are there in recovery while we sort a safer place for you.”
Hannibal held his hand out to you.
“Do you trust me, even just a little bit?”
You looked at him, and you slowly nodded your head.
Hannibal smiled, walking over and he reached out, wrapping his arm around you, letting you hold his other arm to steady yourself while you both walked.
“They will never hurt you again (Y/N).”
Hannibal helped you into his car and got into the drivers seat, adjusting the mirror, wiping the little bit of blood that was on it so you wouldn’t see it
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pastanest · 1 year
post-prison Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
WARNING: references to an abusive relationship but no graphic descriptions
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If You Ask
For the months that Doctor Spencer Reid spent in prison, his guiding light was the thought of you. It was a form of enlightenment, he concluded, that regardless of how dark his days and his mind got, surrounded by grey walls and people that truly hated him, one thought of you was the only anaesthetic he needed to help him sleep.
He understood the psychology of dreams, but it took him some time to admit to himself what exactly his subconscious was trying to tell him when each and every night, he dreamt of seeing you walk into the office and greeting him with a smile, or sitting beside you on the jet, or standing beside you at the coffee machine. Spencer’s favourite dreams were memories stored in his subconscious of the kindest things you’d said to him. He would often wake up in his cell with tears on his face because the anguish of coming to terms with the same reality of not being able to see you was simply too much to bare.
The grey that surrounded him had been the worst thing to face every morning, because you filled his life with so much colour from the moment you met him.
Two days after Spencer’s 25th birthday, you had sped into the office particularly early, in quite the rush. Spencer had to do a double take when he saw you, not only because you were running at him, but also because you were wearing some brown corduroy dungarees with sunflowers embroidered on them and a white t-shirt underneath, a bright smile on your face despite the fact you had never seen Spencer before.
“Good morning!” You had said, breathless.
Spencer couldn’t withhold the smile that you brought to his face. “Good morning, I’m Doctor Spencer Reid…who are you?” He asked, trying to speak as gently as possible because he honestly feared the slightest harsh tone would dampen the sunshine you brought.
“Hello Doctor Reid! I’m (Y/N), I’m starting today but, uh, I hoped I’d be here before everybody else, just to get my bearings- not that it’s a bad thing that you’re here, of course! Sorry, it’s really nice to meet you!” You rambled sweetly, before holding your hand out to him.
Spencer gave you his usual nervous smile and wave. “The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering, it’s actually safer to kiss.” He recited, but as the weight of his words dawned him, his cheeks flushed pink, having not thought about how much he would like the sound of the latter.
He expected an awkward reaction from you, as that was what he usually received, but instead, you giggled as you retracted your hand to dig through your handbag and retrieve some hand sanitiser. Once you had rubbed the cleansing fluid into your hands as thoroughly as you could, you smiled at Spencer, not a trace of sarcasm or malice in your eyes.
“Does that make you more comfortable with shaking my hand, rather than kissing me? We have only just met, after all. If you still feel like kissing me when you actually know me, all you’ve got to do is ask.” You grinned at him, holding your hand out to him again, and with a bright smile, Spencer shook it. 
The team had spent years teasing Spencer about how obvious his feelings for you were, forever telling him that he should just ask you out, as though that was a casual request and not a terrifying, life-altering question. He had never felt more confronted by his own feelings than he did when he was stuck in a cell and could only focus on what he would say to you when he did get out. 
He thought about all the times you had complimented him so obviously and how he wished he had swept you off your feet in a kiss each and every time; how you had asked him every time you wanted to hug him whether he would be comfortable with it and how he should have just told you that you were always the exception to his usual discomfort towards physical contact; how you never failed to laugh at his jokes or back him up when the team tried to tease him for the things he knew that you only ever found to be fascinating. Spencer knew that he had always appreciated you, he had never pushed you away or been cruel to you, he had simply been too scared to ever progress your relationship in the way he had desperately wanted to.
Unfortunately, when Spencer did get out of prison, he immediately made a horrifying discovery. Spencer’s profiling instincts were screaming at him from the moment he returned to the office, seeing you in darker, longer clothes, instead of your usual bright and colourful ones that he was forever complimenting you on. To the man that knew you better than anyone, the bags under your eyes were only one of many signs that you were exhausted, emotionally and physically, and that something was very, very wrong.
He stood at the office entrance for a while, watching as you seemingly instinctively brought a coffee to his desk, which was absolutely covered in sticky notes. The top, sides and back, from what he could see, every square inch was covered, save for the space that you seemed to save to set his coffee down, despite not knowing the exact date he was due to be released; you always made him one, just in case. He watched as you wrote on a new sticky note and found a place on his desk to attach it, then disappeared to the staff bathroom with tears in your eyes.
Of course, you had still been overjoyed to see him standing at his desk and drinking the coffee you had made him, reading the dated sticky notes you had written him, telling him everyday that you were thinking of him, missing him, wishing he was here, sometimes referencing specific memories or inside-jokes between you that you had thought of that day. It was the most beautiful gesture he had ever seen. You had run into his arms, and the two of you had cried into each other with nothing to say, too overwhelmed by the simple feeling of being back together, but there was something in the way, an invisible barrier in front of you that had not been there before. 
Once he had calmed you down and wiped the last of your tears, Spencer met with Emily Prentiss in her office, a stern frown etched into his features.
“What happened?” He had asked bluntly, needing to know whether it was something that had happened on a case or something outside of work so that he could formulate a plan to lift that invisible barrier and remind you that he was here, he was back, for you above anything else.
Emily had sighed. “She’s been...lost. Since the day you left, she hasn’t been herself, but when she started seeing this guy, things got so much worse.”
That sentence alone was enough to shatter Spencer’s heart, but when Emily went into grave detail about the number of times you’d found a quiet place to cry while on cases or in the office, the way you had retreated into yourself and would no longer sit with anyone on the jet, just staring out of the window until you were back on the ground - Spencer felt every fragment of his heart sink lower than he thought possible. 
That evening, there was a knock at your front door. You rubbed your puffy eyes and wiped your tears as you opened the door, immediately appearing like a deer in headlights because Spencer Reid was on your doorstep. Images of him through the years you’ve known him with different haircuts and expressions, standing on that very doorstep, flashed in your mind, before you could settle on the present version of him standing there. The look on his face and the way your eyes darted down both sides of the street before you spoke to him, communicated very clearly to both of you that this was not to be like any night you’d spent watching movies together, cuddled up on your couch.
“Is he here?” Spencer asked bluntly. 
You blinked rapidly, though you shouldn’t have been surprised that he already knew. “N-No.”
He had never heard you speak to him so timidly. It was more painful than every injury he sustained in prison.
“Is he going to be?” Spencer rephrased his question, and as soon as you nodded, Spencer gestured inside your home. “May I come in?”
Despite the fear that was clearly eating away at you, you trailed into your home and Spencer followed, closing and locking your front door before following you into your living room, where you had cowered in a corner of the very couch that was once a comforting place for the two of you to wordlessly express your love for each other in the sweetest and most innocent affections.
Spencer grabbed a chair and slowly moved it to sit in front of you, not wanting to startle you in your fragile state. Your hands were bundled up in the long sleeves of your sweater, which swallowed most of you. Spencer held your gaze, a sincerity in his eyes that was so familiar to you, you didn’t have the strength to avoid it.
“If you don’t want to talk, you don’t have to, just give me one answer- and you don’t even have to say it, you can nod, shake your head, whatever is most comfortable for you, is that alright?” Spencer was speaking as gently as he could, wanting to remind you that you were always, always safe with him.
Clinging to his every word, you nodded, and Spencer reciprocated.
“Do you want me to make sure he doesn’t come back?” 
The question was a weighted one and unclear in its exact implications, but as you stared into Spencer’s eyes, you knew he meant every syllable more than he had ever meant anything in his life. 
As you lifted your head to nod, there was a sound of your front door unlocking, and you froze. Tears stung your eyes as you frantically glanced from Spencer to the living room doorway and, having lost the ability to answer in the way you had intended, you rolled your long sleeve up to show Spencer the deep purple, fingerprint shaped bruises that gripped your forearm. 
Spencer gave you one, final nod, before he stood up in front of you and turned to the doorway. Your human shield.
Seconds later, some poor excuse for a man strolled into your living room, his own key dangling from his hands. His beady eyes locked onto you, then slowly travelled up the tall form that stood between you and him, a very visible barrier. 
“The hell’s this?” There was an edge to the creature’s voice as he spoke to you and Spencer immediately decided he would wipe this man off of the face of the earth for speaking to you like that. 
Though Spencer couldn’t see you, he could all but feel the way you trembled behind him, too afraid to answer. 
With his hands in his pockets, his steely gaze forced the creature to avoid his eyes. “Doctor Spencer Reid. Who are you?”
The sleaze scoffed, trying to peek around Spencer to look at you, but Spencer adjusted his stance to block him out again. If there had ever been someone undeserving of the privilege of looking at you, it was the only other man in your living room.
“This is Spencer?” He laughed. “Nowhere near as impressive as you made him out to be, (Y/N)!”
Spencer tilted his head to the side, deducing everything he could from the specimen before him. “Do you truly believe that everyone you meet exists solely to impress you, or is your inflated ego damaging your understanding of other people and the lives they lead that will never have anything to do with you?”
Finally, the creature seemed to address Spencer directly. “What did you say to me?”
Spencer stood up straight, crossing his arms over his chest. “My apologies, allow me to rephrase my findings in a way that a brain as underdeveloped as yours can comprehend: The majority of the people on this planet don’t know or care about you, or any of your opinions; the fact that you assume I do is very telling of the kind of person you are, along with your inability to look me in the eye making it incredibly obvious that the aforementioned ego entirely rests on tearing down those around you. Had you kept that problematic behaviour under wraps, perhaps you’d be lucky enough not to cross paths with me, but you just couldn’t resist harming the only person that makes the pain of being a good person, worth it to me. Now, I have no motivation to pity you or divulge the empathy that she inspires in me, so what happens next is entirely your own doing.” 
Not giving the idiot any time to respond, Spencer lifted his phone to his ear. “Garcia? Yeah, we were right, go ahead.” With that, he hung up and slipped his phone back in his pocket, frowning at the creature once again. “If it’s any consolation to your ego, the cop car that the team will be bringing with them when they arrive in 10 minutes will be here especially for you. We took the liberty of digging up your sealed records, Adam - I hope you don’t mind me using the name you failed to give me in person, but it’s important to acknowledge that the evidence we have on you has that very name all over it - and you are going to be locked away for as long as I can make possible. When you do inevitably get released, I’ll be watching you for the rest of your life to make certain that no job you ever get is capable of sustaining you in the long term and that every person you ever have more than one passing conversation with is sent a direct copy of your criminal history. I’ve also registered you to over 100 charities dedicated to helping survivors of abuse, equating to at least 50% of your total income - with encrypted passwords that you’re *incredibly unlikely* to be capable of guessing - and if I were you, I’d never try to stop those donations, because our technical analyst is keeping tabs on them. For the pain you have caused (Y/N) during the time I’ve been away, I am going to ruin the rest of your life without breaking a single law.”
The rage contained between the two men was very different. Adam made his anger obvious to try and scare you and intimidate Spencer - at which, he failed miserably. Spencer, on the other hand, was as cold as ice, every sentence further salt to the wounds he had already inflicted. 
The idiot actually took a step towards Spencer, then, in an attempt to frighten him, but when Spencer took the two strides necessary to stand toe to toe with him and stare him down, Adam realized his mistake, only made clearer by Spencer’s next words.
“Please, give me a reason to break something other than a law. If you think I won't go back to prison, for her, you really are the most unintelligent excuse for a human being I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting.” Spencer’s voice was hauntingly low. 
In the distance, sirens could be heard, and Spencer held a hand out behind him. “(Y/N), would you mind if I took the trash out?” 
He asked you, not lifting his steely gaze from Adam. Leaning forward, you took hold of Spencer’s hand and gave it a squeeze, bringing the first smile to Spencer’s face that he felt in his heart since he went to prison. 
He squeezed your hand back, so gently, then abruptly let go to grab the back of Adam’s collar and throw him down, using his grip to drag him out of your home and kick him onto the street.
“Wherever you go, everyday for the rest of your life, I will be right behind you. If you ever so much as think of her again, after what you did to her, I’ll kill you with my bare hands.” Spencer threatened with an eerily calm voice, safe to do so because you were out of earshot. 
Adam sputtered from his place on the ground, where he belonged, and as the police car pulled up outside of your house, Spencer speed walked back through your front door and into your living room, finding you sobbing into your hands. That sight broke his heart more than anything else could ever hope to try.
Spencer crouched down in front of where you sat on the couch, his chest aching. “Sweetheart, please, look at me, I’m right here.” He told you, his voice so sincere it almost hurt you to hear. 
Slowly lowering your hands from your face, Spencer didn't hesitate to hold them in his own, rolling your sleeves up enough to hold your hands in his.
“I’m s-so sorry, Spencer, I never should have-” You began, but Spencer shook his head, not about to let you blame yourself for any of this.
“You have nothing to apologize for, (Y/N), I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help you sooner. I’m so sorry that I was gone for so long.” He apologized, knowing that he had gone to jail for the right reasons, but having never intended to hurt you by doing so.
The gravity of his absence and what he could have gone through in prison caused your bottom lip tremble and before Spencer could register what you were doing, you crawled from the couch to his lap, the two of you sitting on the floor and holding each other so tightly, shattering whatever invisible barrier had come between you.
“I thought about you all the time.” He sniffled into your shoulder as he held you, enveloped by the familiar scent of you, of his home. 
You cried harder at the thought of Spencer missing you so much, being so far away, while you were missing him just as much in a world that was truly dead in his absence. 
“I’m sure that you noticed, but your desk was exactly as you left it, save for the sticky notes. I…wouldn’t let any of the cleaners tidy it, I did it everyday, making sure that everything was left exactly as you’d last used it, so that it was like you were there only yesterday.” You chuckled bashfully through your tears, absentmindedly playing with Spencer’s hair to calm him. 
Spencer managed to laugh with you. “I did notice, yes, and that was ridiculously sweet of you, along with the notes.”
Pulling away from him slightly, you hold his face in your hands. “I think your absence may have created an unhealthy co-dependency, going forward.”
Spencer smiled at you. “I couldn’t agree more.”
You giggled at that, his absolute favourite sound since the day you met. “I don’t mind.”
Spencer couldn’t stop himself from grinning, the two of you having fallen right back into the bond you had before he went to prison, like nothing had ever separated you.
“I don’t, either.” He said, both of you all too aware of the fact you are going to be attached at the hip from now on.
You grinned at him then, and it was like the sunshine peeking through clouds that had filled his skies for far too long. “I’ve been waiting over a decade for you to ask me something, Doctor Reid, and I know your magical memory hasn’t forgotten.”
Immediately, he knew exactly what you were referring to - of course he did - Spencer’s brain was finely tuned to you, always able to decipher every subtext to everything you said and did; you were his favourite study in the universe, after all.
His heart skipped a beat at your reference and he couldn’t believe it, but he gulped, like he was the boy he was on the day you met, blushing at the thought of getting to kiss you someday.
“Are you sure?” Spencer asked, not questioning whether you were sure he would remember, because you both knew he did, but whether you were certain you wanted him to ask. 
At that, you beamed at him. “Spencer, I’ve had over a decade to deliberate and my answer hasn’t changed since the day we met.”
And his heart soared at your words, it beat to life in a way that only you could make it, pounding against his chest.
“Then…” He cleared his throat, knowing it was now or never and he was not going to shy away from this, even if his face was flushed as he asked, “I do still feel like I would rather kiss you than shake your hand, so…may I?”
You didn’t give him a verbal answer. In fact, he had barely finished asking before you all but launched yourself at him, pulling Spencer’s lips to yours and kissing him like you really had been waiting your entire life to do it, because you absolutely had. Spencer’s hands found your hips and he kissed you back like a man starved, feeling the parts of him he never thought he would see again return to him, your kiss breathing life back into him. The look in your eyes as you pulled away from him told him that when you looked at him, you could still see the boy he was on the day you met. He was still him, and always would be, to you.
It is safe to say, that was far from the only kiss you exchanged that night. Spencer had actually promised you that, despite it being scientifically improbable, he would kiss away every mark on your body left on you by a man that never deserved you, and he would only ever leave you with marks of love, if you asked very nicely.
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honeesucker · 2 years
Prelude -
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Pairing: ProHero!DynaMight | Katsuki Bakugo x Puppygirl!Reader
Word count:  2,263
Series Content Warnings: Little bit of a slow start... Graphic Depictions of Past Abuse & Trauma Response | Profuse Usage of Pet Names / All-around Softness | Bakugo Experienced Work-Related Trauma (causing near deafness, being put on leave from the agency, PTSD) | Eventual smut™ (will be tagged in individual chapters - to include but not limited to KiriBaku, HybridxHybrid, Hybrid heat trope, sex toy usage).
*Not Proofread.
Next Part
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Katsuki Bakugo wasn’t a fundamentally nervous person. Sure, even as a Pro Hero in the public spotlight under constant scrutiny and dissection by media outlets and fans alike he experienced a normal amount of anxious awareness, but he wasn’t nervous – not like he is now, with his right leg jumping up and down rapidly, rubber-bottom boot creating a soft squeak that filled up the sterile room of the Musutafu Hero Recuperation Facility. It had been just over a month since the incident that gave him nightmares and left him with such severe hearing damage that he was currently unable to perform even basic hero duties for his agency – which is why he is sat where he is now, waiting. Hoping the next steps are what could get him back out into the city on normal duty than having his medical leave extended. 
He was losing his mind being left to himself and his thoughts each day, being told by doctors he needed to be still, and take is easy, and he was only losing his patience each subsequent doctor’s appointment that left him no closer to returning to Pro Hero work. 
“Tch,” the blonde ground his teeth as the indignant noise stuck in his throat; he swallowed it down with a harsh gulp. His ears were ringing when the two doctors walked in, eyes unfocused as the room and people in front of him blurred in and out of clarity, everything around him sounded like it was underwater, and he hated it.  
“Mr. Bakugo,” the doctor continued, Katsuki refocusing his attention on the man’s words, annoyed and thinking that Mr. Bakugo is my old man, not me... “we have some support specialists working with the latest auditory data set we took from you and they are getting closer to having a solution to get your hearing back to where it was before, and keep it there – even possibly making it better if all goes to plan.” 
“In the meantime, it is recommended you follow the strict guidelines for allowing your body to heal itself naturally,” the other spoke. “You need to make sure you’re not exceeding the maximum limit for minimal exertion we’ve placed on your physical activity, so you have a better chance of getting back to your pre-incident status.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Katsuki sighed out, tired of hearing this same speech each visit. “Don’t overdo it, give my damn body time to heal – I got it.” The two doctors observed Katsuki with cautious eyes, but simply nodded their acceptance of his understanding. It was as good as it was going to get with him. 
“Another suggestion,” one of the two added. “We have provided you with an email detailing a program we’d like you to consider – your colleague Red Riot actually participates and could be a good resource for you if you have any questions about it.” 
“Please take a look when you have a moment and consider this a strong suggestion for helping you progress further in your treatment,” Katsuki eyed the two, irritated at the vagueness of the conversation, but swallowed down his disagreement and simply nodded. 
“Yeah sure,” his chair slid back with a jarring scrape as he stood, moving toward the door to leave, “I’ll read your damn email, but I want progress updates from the support nerds.” He didn’t wait to hear their reply as he pushed through the door and hurried down the hall. He hated hospitals, hated the itch of memory in the back of his mind at the sterilized smell that gave him goosebumps and had him picking up the pace to rush out the side exit before heading to the sidewalk to wait for his friend to come get him after he shot him a text that he was all wrapped up. Another annoying outcome from the accident and the resulting toll on his body – he couldn’t drive himself as it was deemed too unsafe for him.  
“Hey Bakubro!” Katsuki’s eyes snapped toward the boisterous voice, seeing his red-headed friend waving his arm out the passenger window of his car. Katsuki ripped the door open and sunk into the passenger seat, Kirishima avoided asking how this appointment went the second he saw Katsuki’s demeanor. The two men drove in silence on the way to Katsuki’s apartment when the silence was cut. 
“Doctors mentioned an email they sent me about this program,” Katsuki tested the water, being unsure what the program his doctors suggested he partake in he wasn’t sure if it was good to bring up with Kirishima at this moment. “They mentioned you’ve taken part in it before... Was curious what it’s all about,” Katsuki wouldn’t add the unspoken because I trust your opinion, but he knew Kirishima knew him and his nuances better than anyone since they’ve been side by side since UA. 
“Program...?” Kirishima wracked his brain for a few minutes until it clicked.  
The Hybrid Rehabilitation Foster Program.  
A program that matches people with hybrids who have been rescued from inhumane circumstances with a person who needs support in their healing journey, and who is believed will benefit from focusing more on rehabilitating another which has been shown to have equally beneficial results with the healing person themselves. Kirishima had first taken part in the program after he was put on medical leave due to a villain fight that nearly left him dead – his body and his mind took almost a full year to heal, and he nearly gave up entirely. On Pro Hero work, on himself... on life. His doctors had mentioned the program and Kirishima wasn’t sure at first – how would he be able to provide a good home to someone who needed stability and support when he could barely pull himself out of bed? He got matched with a wolf hybrid, TetsuTetsu, who had been rescued from an underground fighting ring, having to kill other hybrids just to be able to get locked in a cage alive for another day. TetsuTetsu was surprisingly positive and open for someone who had gone through what he did, but he still had issues – Kirishima slowly helped break him of his more undesirable reactivity and in return TetsuTetsu gave Kirishima a reason to get up every day, make food, go for walks... talk about things that weighed on him, and before he knew it, he was making strides rebuilding his strength with his new training partner. Kirishima still had TetsuTetsu living with him, and Katsuki had met him several times now, but Kirishima never divulged how their relationship came to be – just alluded to him adopting a hybrid in need. 
“Yeah! If it’s the one I’m thinking about it’s a pretty great program,” Kirishima finally spoke. “It’s a rehabilitation program for hybrids who were rescued from bad situations. They place them with a person who they feel would benefit from having something to care for while working on their own journey too.” 
“Tch,” Katsuki snorted out, “sounds like a pain in the ass waste of time.” 
“It’s how I adopted TetsuTetsu,” Kirishima stated out loud for the first time to his friend. Katsuki noted the stiff body language from his friend, knuckles white as they gripped the steering wheel. “When I was out on leave for that year after...” Kirishima couldn’t finish the thought, the memory still a sore spot. “I was out on leave, and it got bad dude. I really came close to just giving up.” Katsuki had seen his friend in a lot of lights, weak and strong – but Kirishima never revealed what happened after that incident that left him injured when he was on leave for that year. Never thought for a second his life came so close to not having that shitty red hair and sharky smile in it, never thought he’d ever have that brotherhood bond ripped from him. Katsuki swallowed hard, the lump in his throat the size of a boulder.  
“That bad, huh?” Kirishima just flashed a half-smile, watching his friend shift uncomfortably in the seat. 
“Yeah,” Kirishima sighed, “it got pretty bad. I was against the idea at first, not thinking I could take care of someone when I couldn’t do it myself but it’s amazing how your mind overrides itself to keep going for someone else... and having TetsuTetsu around really helped me get back on track to be back where I am now.” 
Katsuki had been chewing on the inside of his cheek, eyes narrowed into a concentrated death stare before he noticed that they were parked in front of his apartment building. “I do like that annoying rockhead,” Katsuki finally said. Kirishima just laughed and gave a gentle punch to his friend’s shoulder. 
“Just think about it dude,” Kirishima smiled, seeing the cogs turning in Bakugo’s head. “They provide a link to the rescue sight so you can see some of the hybrids they have in their facility right now – and look into next steps if you end up going that route...” Bakugo had stepped out of the car listening to his friends, and before shutting the door with a quick Later, dude Kirishima added - “it’s worth it Bakugo.” 
Kirishima just laughed, watching Bakugo enter his building before pulling away to head back home. Intending to text Bakugo later to see where his head is at and see if he wants to talk more in depth about the program. 
Bakugo made his way up to his apartment – opening the door and stepping into the genkan to slip out of his boots and into his bright crimson and black Red Riot house slippers – a joke gift from his friend but functional enough that Bakugo didn’t mind replacing his old ones with them.  He’d never outwardly admit it but he had a love for sentimentality even when it made him uncomfortable, and Kirishima always had such a shit eating grin on his face when he came over to Bakugo’s house and saw them still being used. 
Bakugo’s apartment was wide open, a minimalistic space with deep chocolate colored wood laminate flooring and a traditional shoji style wall, some actual shoji, and some just styled in a more traditional way with wallpaper and wood accents. The whole living room wall facing out toward Musutafu was made up of large windows that lead to a fairly decently sized balcony with a bonfire and patio set, and down a short hallway was the spare room that currently housed his office where he could complete some more of the menial work from home, and a pull-out couch for guests. His bedroom was an equally large, open space but housed a King-sized bed with plush comforters and pillows, a wall dedicated to All Might memorabilia he collected since he was a child and was connected to a luxury bathroom with a deep tub and natural rock wall shower that doubled as a steam room. 
Bakugo took his time getting showered, changed into loungewear and set to work through some of his most recent light work assignments, and finally his emails where one caught his eye immediately. 
Musutafu Hybrid Rehabilitation Foster Program, LLC <[email protected]
To: Bakugo, Katsuki <[email protected]
Tue, Nov 8 at 10:26 AM 
Hello Katsuki Bakugo, 
Congratulations! You have been extended a conditional offer of consideration for adoption as a part of the Hybrid Rehabilitation Program per a request from your medical team at the Musutafu Hero Recuperation Facility. Please note that this adoption offer is contingent upon the completion of the necessary online paperwork and tasks, as well as your attendance to the required hybrid informational seminars prior to the adoption process. Additionally, your offer may be contingent on screening results (e.g., background check, reference check), as applicable for the adoption. 
In advance of you coming to the facility, please follow the link below to complete required paperwork and tasks as stated above. You will also be redirected to our facilities availability calendar to choose a day to come in and tour the facility, speak with staff and begin the introduction process at your convenience. 
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the facility and ask to speak to the Managing Director.   
Best regards, 
The M.H.R.F.P. Team 
Bakugo stared at his computer screen for the longest time before deciding to click on the hyperlink that led him to the rescue facilities website. He was on autopilot as he filled out all of the personal information, required questions (both information-gathering and personal) and even wrote in his concerns in a concise manner in a provided box for additional comments before hitting submit and staring as the screen buffered with a loading wheel until it finally read ‘Thank you! A member of our staff will be contacting you shortly to confirm your appointment date!’ He didn’t know why he easily accepted this opportunity despite his growing hesitation, again unsure that he could or should be seeking to take care of something else when he could barely manage to care about himself beyond pushing himself into getting back to his normal Hero work... but a nagging feeling at the back of his mind told him this was something worth checking out. 
“Hell, if shitty Broomhead can do this program then so can I,” he finally said, shutting his laptop and heading toward his bedroom to sleep.  
Underneath the plush covers, in the darkness of his room, Bakugo drifted off into a dream of what awaited him upon meeting a hybrid. 
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What if the reader acts like Nicole from Class 09? Like all the things that happened to her but g/n?
Okay, I got that idea after I start thinking over that request. I slightly changed it. I hope, you are okay with that, and I apologize in advance.
Masks we were forced to wear
Sort of! Self-Aware! Yosano Akiko x GN! Traumatized! Reader
Description: Your past still haunts you. You just want to escape.
Warning: English is my second language. AU - World of Tech-magical Progress. Film Industry Abuse (Reader are forced to be filmed, forced to act like Nicole) Mentions of heavy topics (drugs, shooting). Open finale.
You couldn't move. Medical restraints were keeping you in one place. Your body was shaking, you were sweating.
Wet cloth were put on your forehead. Through pain and foggy gaze, you see Yosano.
Doctor had bags under her eyes. She whispered.
"Don't worry, [Y/N], we will go through it together."
You breathe through your nostrils. It has only been two days, since your treatment started, and you already wanted to quit it. But, you knew, that they won't let you go back.
Because they cared. For some reason, they cared about someone, like you.
This world was full of magic, technology and progress. Every aspect of everyday life and tied with hundreds of magitek gadgets.
Teleports, machines that make food out of water, holographic screens...
And Restarter... The "Holy Grail" of Entertainment Industry.
Years of research. Years of building. Years of magic power flowing into the mechanism.
And it was done.
Mechanism, that will scan a person, save information, and, after said person would put into Restarter's cabin, revert them to the state, described in saved information.
What kind of sick bastard thought, that this thing should be used to make films more realistic, instead of putting it into hospitals?
It all started small.
Real bruises and scratches, instead of makeup. Real tattoos.
It was only a matter of time, before they will go further.
That TV Series supposed to be progressive. To show, how terrible schools can be. How terrible teachers can be. How terrible students can be.
And you were a mane star.
You had some similarities with the main caracter. Your families had a similar past, your older brother was a lazy man, who couldn't care less about anyone, besides himself, and you, while not as bad as the main, character, you could be a jerk sometimes.
Everything changed, when filming started.
Countless failed scenes. Days, spend in a studio.
Being chocked, shot, drugged...
And every day was ended in a cramped cabin of Restarter.
It could reverse your body injuries.
It could never reverse your mind.
You hated everyone.
Your fellow actors, director, producer, operator, your mother, your brother, your father, fans of the series.
You hated, that you can't quit, that you were forced to go through borderline torture in studio, that you were forced to acts a sociopath before fans.
Because that's what people want to see. Because Restarter will undo the damage. Because you have no reason to complain, shut up, and bring your mother another paycheck...
You stopped care. If you had some sympathy in you, it was buried deep inside you by years of "industrial abuse".
You were forced to wear a mask. And, after all this year's, remains of it still clung to your face.
When you finally became eighteen, you took last paycheck, broke the contract and left the country.
You avoid talking to people as much as you can.
You stopped watching anything, that have real-life actors. You stuck to animation and drawings.
The world was full of sick people. And you were the sickest among them.
When BSD Cast appeared before you, you thought, that time, you get some strong painkillers. However, no hallucination can be warm and try to take away the bottle of pills from your hands.
Yosano can be surprisingly strong.
Your head hurts. You just got a bunch of information dumped on you. You spoke up.
"You... You are mistaken... I am not a hero... I am not a good person... I... can't care about real people, including myself.... I... still care about you all.... But... I could stop..."
You looked up at them.
"You heard me ranting about my past, right? You knew what you will deal with... I can give you money, I still get royalties. But, please... Leave. Don't sink with me."
Everyone was quiet. Then Naomi spoke.
"Tea. You promised Kirako and I drink tea together. Are you... care about us enough to fulfill this one promise?"
You wanted to snarl at her, but get over it. You were hungry. You can keep yourself and have one tea party.
You slowly nodded and stand up.
"Fine. I will bring the cattle..."
You turn on your heels.
You made step forward kitchen.
Something sharp pricked your neck.
And world became black.
🐾 And long month of treatment started. Yosano explained, that they can't just leave you in that state. They will cure you, made few visits to your “colleges”. And, after justice is served and you are healthy, they will leave.
🐾 For months, you were under constant watch. For months, you were getting news about your family, director, actors and everyone, who were involved, being exposed for various crimes.
Restarters were banned.
What you needed all this years ago finally happened.
And BSD Cast always were near.
Taking care of you, getting psychological help to you.
Trying to bring [Y/N], the real person back from the stink mess, called [Y/N], The Lead Actor, playing the role 24/7.
You finally felt emotions again.
You opened your mouth, letting Naomi feed you another spoon of porridge. Yosano was checking the results of the blood test.
"Your test is showing better results, then the test from last week. It is good. Soon, you will be healthy."
You opened your mouth. Before Naomi could feed you again, you spoke.
"Just... Just leave me... Find a better person to stay with..."
Your voice was soft again. But, you knew, that you couldn't truly become how you were, before the filming.
Yosano raised an eyebrow.
"Do you really want it? Or did you change your mind?"
You didn't answer.
It was over.
You got justice. Your health became better.
You were standing before BSD Cast, like a year and a half ago.
And you finally have an answer about the future.
Stay... Or leave....
You opened your mouth.
And tell them about your decision
A/N: Reader's choice is up to you. Did they stay? Or did they leave?
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fatuismooches · 4 months
Hello! Former 🐺 anon here! (I always struggle to not forget the "-🐺" at the end of the asks so uhh I guess imma make the job easier for myself by revealing true identity, i guess?? 😅)
Anyway. I don't remember if this has been written about before, but... Can we talk about Dottore's earring? The connection between segments? And fragile reader?
That little trinket is one of the mysteries surrounding our beloved Doctor. Is it just a fancy accessory? Perhaps. But then why do all of his segments wear one? At very least, the ones we've seen? I feel like it might have something to do with connection between them. Could it be a hive-mind device? Basically something that connects all the segments into one net so they can communicate telepathically? That would explain how Omega managed to delete all of the segments so easily.
But yes. Imagine if theory about it being a telepathy bond device. What if Prime gifts fragile reader one of those? So that when he's away on a mission or something, fragile reader could reach out to him! Almost like the two were having a phone call! (Since Teyvat doesn't have phones apart that strange dodoco ball thingy).
Or it could also be used for when the reader is too scared to speak their thoughts. Imagine Dottore holding them tightly in his embrace, his soothing voice whispering in the reader's head to just think what troubles them and use the telepathic bond to tell him. I just feel like Zandik would use this as a way to reassure the reader. Like, it's silence, but also not. Of course, many forehead kisses and headpats are included in this procedure.
YESSS DOTTORE'S EARRING... <3 I love that thing... :3 (Webttore and Dottore actually have two different designs of earrings so I love to hc that each segment's earrings are a little bit different, even though we see they're the same in-game 😭 Maybe it's a way to tell them apart from each other as well 💗 Alright moving on-)
Besides the signature masks of the segments, they are never seen without their earring, the mysterious blue liquid inside squishing around with their movements. What could it be? That is unknown, but the agents would prefer not to know considering it's the same color as that vial he always carries around. And the vial's contents are similarly unknown... no one wants to be the first one to try. Well, regardless of that, most would never guess the earring is used for the segments' communication with each other. Truly technology far more advanced than what the majority of Teyvat could ever dream off.
It was when you complained about how long letters took to be delivered back and forth that he realized a rather easy solution. The earring's communication device was no easy procedure, with the materials and skill, but for you? He got it done with ease. Obviously, you're elated! Though there are probably times you abuse your new privilege now. For example, even when he's not away, you'll call him. He'll think it is urgent, considering your health and all, but what did you call to tell him? That you love him, and are coming to give him lots of kisses and hugs and- he hung up on you.
It would also be quite cute if your earring could connect to various other earrings like the segments while they're away on expeditions as well... they have most definitely slacked off when you've called them. Them being in the middle of killing/threatening/general Dottore things but pausing to take their beloved's call while the guy watches them in fear and confusion.
Dottore using it as a way to comfort you though... 🥺 that is just so cute. Because sometimes it's too hard for you to verbalize all of your troubles and negative thoughts, and the words get stuck in your throat. Making it quite hard for the two of you to communicate with each other since you can't open yourself up like that. But now you can let out your feelings telepathically and your husband can know, and perhaps get a further reach into what your mind is like. The silence around you combined with Dottore's soothing voice is the perfect aid to make you feel better.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
I’m beyond terrified but also excited for ToE part 2. Please don’t kill Bob bestie.
I’m so sorry. But I really don’t make the rules. Welcome to hell. Part two of three.
Warnings: Major character death. Domestic Violence. Domestic abuse against a child. Attempted drowning. Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Jake Seresin x Platonic!F!Reader. Gun violence.
Word Count: 9.0k
-> Read Terms of Endearment from the beginning here! Season finale Part One | Part Two | Part Three
“Alright, just one more and you should be good to go.” Doctor Taylor kept you in the loop as he removed the bands from the inside of your mouth. With assessment after assessment ticked off you were heading home and you couldn’t have been more eager to get on with your life. “Now as I said before, your jaw is still healing and you’ll need to take it easy for the next few weeks.” He added. “Soft foods, avoid anything rock solid.” 
The intrusive thoughts definitely won because before Bradley really knew what he was saying, he was chuckling out a small but audible “Damn—“ Followed immediately by a “Did you hear that babe? nothing rock solid.” Before it was too late to stop it. The innuendo didn’t go unnoticed by Doctor Taylor, or you as you glared at Rooster from where you sat. 
“Well I wasn’t going to say anything but since you brought it up, Lieutenant, I’d avoid giving oral too.” Bradley wanted to just die on the spot he stood in. “The motion could impede the healing process.” 
“I uh—I’m sorry.” You looked at Bradley like he’d grown two heads. “It’s been a long couple of days.” That it had been, Rooster's slightly inappropriate comment made you giggle softly as his face reached a whole new level of beet red.
“You’ll need to book an appointment with your general practitioner for a check up in two weeks to make sure nothing’s healing too slowly or incorrectly, but at this stage we’ve done all that we can do—“ Doctor Taylor explained as you listened carefully. “As for your shoulder you’ve still got a couple more weeks of complete immobilisation so keep doing what you’ve been doing and once the sling is off we can get you back in once a week for rehabilitation.” 
“Thank you so much, for everything—“ You replied as Doctor Taylor handed you your discharged papers. 
“Take these to the administration desk and you’ll be a free woman Miss Y/l/n, and please, be a stranger.” Doctor Taylor turned to where Bradley still stood a blushing embarrassed mess. “Lieutenant.” He stuck his hand out to shake Roosters. A quick word? In the hall?” 
“I’ll finish up grabbing my things.” You nodded as if to say it was okay for Bradley to leave you. With hesitation, Bradley followed Doctor Taylor out into the hall just outside your hospital room. 
While Bradley and Doctor Taylor spoke in the hall, you packed up the last few things that were laid out on your bed. You still felt independent, even if you only had one arm to work with. You felt a little more like yourself with a game plan in place to keep Jaidyn away. Were you terrified beyond relief? Yes. But you knew what you needed to do to protect your daughter. To protect yourself. You weren’t ready before, hell there wouldn’t ever come a time where you were truly ready to file a domestic violence case against your ex—but you had to. You knew you had to. 
“In Lieutenant Y/l/n’s file there’s mentions of domestic abuse.” Doctor Taylor walked with Bradley over to the nurses station where he’d carefully curated a file specifically in aid of a case against your abuser. “This file contains absolutely everything you’d need to create a case, injuries, caused of those injuries.” 
Bradley took the file with a gentle grasp, he’d seen you in person, how bad you looked. How beaten and bloodied and bruised you had been in that damn janitor’s closet. But as he opened the file and saw you in the photographs? his knees felt weak as his fingers trailed over your face. 
“She’s one hell of a fighter, that spleen rupture would have taken most people out alone, so please, whatever she needs from us we can provide it.” Doctor Taylor explained. “That files for you to get her the help she needs.” Bradley thanked Doctor Taylor with everything he had, he shook the guy's hand and brought him in for a hug and then he was headed back into your room. 
“All ready to go baby?” Bradley cooed, watching you stuff the last few things into your bag. 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” You couldn’t believe this was really happening. 
“Jake and Amilia are waiting in the lobby with Dot.” You could feel Bradley snacking his arm around your waist from behind. “Let’s get you home mama.” 
“Did you really move all my stuff into your home?” You asked as you placed your hand over Bradley’s that splayed over your stomach. Bradley buried his head in your good shoulder just to kiss you gently. 
“It’s our home now.” Bradley mumbled as he held you close to his chest. “It’s our home, a place just for you and me, a place for Dotty and her dolls.” 
“Are you really gonna paint her room with yellow polkadots?” It came out more of a giggle than anything else as you watched Bradley place the file in your good hand. You didn’t dare open it—you knew what was inside and why you had it. 
“Oh yeah, I’m gonna do whatever that little girl wants me to do for the rest of my damn life.” 
“She has you wrapped around her little finger, Bradshaw.” You chuckled softly to yourself out your nose as Bradley reached around to grab your things. 
“So do you.” He countered with a childish grin. “Come on, let’s get outta here hey?” 
“Yeah—“ You reached for Bradley’s hand and intertwined your fingers with his, hoping that somehow just by a simple touch you’d soak up some of his strength. “Yeah, let's go home.” 
“You sure you wanna stop by the station first?” Bradley asked as the two of you made your way out of the hospital room that had become your home for the past few weeks and trailed down the hall. You smiled to the nurses and doctors who’d bandaged you up and put you back together the best they could. You couldn’t have been more grateful, more thankful. 
But a piece of you died that day on the floor of the janitor’s closet, a piece of you died the first time your ex laid his hands on you, and quite frankly you weren’t willing to let him take another piece of you. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever be sure.” You sighed as the elevator dinged at your floor. “But I have to, for Dot.” 
It was when the elevator opened on the ground floor of the Miramar Base Hospital that you saw your little girl standing with Jake and Amilia. Her little heart could have burst from her chest when she saw you coming her way with an open up. 
“Be careful of mama's wing Dotty.” Jake reminded the little three year old as she let go of his hand and raced towards where you had crouched to her level. The embrace was softer than you had expected. Odette had listened, she had zero intention of harming you. 
“Hi baby girl, ready to go home?” The entire ordeal had been so stressful on the little girl who was just trying to navigate a big world. So many grownups loved her, so many grownups towered over her and protected her. But the only real person she ever wanted was you. As Dot nodded her bottom lip quivered, tears began to fall from her sad little eyes and she cried. Dot cried into your shoulder because she was just so overwhelmed with the fact you were coming home. “Oh baby it’s okay, hey.” You held her as tight as you could before Jake was scooping her up. 
“Mama.” Dot begged with grabby hands. “I wuv you.” 
“It’s alright, hey, I’m here.” You touched her nose gently with the tip of your index finger. “I’m here, mamas got you, uncle Jake is gonna take you home in Amilias car because that’s where you're booster is and me and Rooster are gonna be right behind you baby, I promise.” 
“Pinky Pwomise?” Dot held out her little pinky and you smiled, of course you had to solemnly swear. 
“Mama just needs to go take care of a few things to keep you super safe and then it’s home time.” You explained as you watched Bradley carry your things over to where Amilia stood. She was just taking it all in. The emotions, the love. 
“Do you know where this guy is?” Amilia asked as she crossed her arms over her chest worryingly. 
“Nope—“ Bradley replied with the last thing Amilia wanted to hear. “But we’re heading down to the station.” 
“I’ll drop Jake off at yours?” She was asking for direction, what the plan was. Bradley agreed. 
“Yep.” He popped the P as he watched Jake try and invoke a giggle from Dot. It worked like a charm as you headed on over. “No place like home.”
“I’m pleased to see you decided to file charges,  Miss Y/l/n.” Tim smiled as he sat down across from you and Braldey in the small but private room sat off to the side of the bullpen. “It’ll really help me in getting a conviction.” 
“This your case, kid?” Bradley asked, his hand hadn’t left your knee since the two of you sat down. 
“Yes sir—I’ve been on this since Mr Seresin was brought in for the parking lot dispute.” Sergeant Briggs explained as he got to typing up your statement. “We haven’t been able to locate Mr Dolan since the incident that saw you hospitalised, but we’ll find him.” 
“I’m worried that his mental stability has declined to a point that he’s become erratic.” You mentioned as you tried to keep yourself from losing your mind. You never thought you’d be here, doing this. Actually pressing charges. “He’s always been unpredictable but this time it feels like he may actually go too far.” 
“I want you to know that in my book Miss Y/l/n the first time Mr Dolan laid a hand on you was too far.” Sergeant Briggs wanted you to know he was on your team. His superiors may not have been—but he was. He was going to do everything he could to the best of his abilities. “I can get you in touch with Liberty—“ He pulled out a pen and paper to write down the name and number. “It’s a domestic and family violence specialist service that have some pretty good legal aid that can represent you come the time.” You took the paper Sergeant Briggs handed you and passed it over to Bradley for save keeping. 
“The hospital gave me a file to give to you.” You’d never done this before. Filed a domestic abuse case, there was no rule book you read up on to privy you to the way you should handle things. “It’s got a detailed description of the injuries sustained from the video you guys have.” 
“Great, that’s perfect—“ Sergeant Briggs smiled. “We’re going to get the ball rolling by filing an apprehensive violence order that will be served to Mr Dolan via the email associated with his employment record considering it was a workplace violation and again once you’ve contacted a lawyer, we’ll have them serve him in person.” 
“I’m sorry—“ You frowned slightly at what Sergeant Briggs was saying. It felt like he was speaking in tongues. You didn’t understand what he was saying, what it all meant. “I don’t know what that means?” Sergeant Briggs looked at you and then to Rooster, then back to you. He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned back in his chair. 
“Off the record for a moment, how long has this guy been abusing you for?” 
“Four years?” You knew exactly to the minute how long it had been. “Give or take a few months.” You felt Bradley’s hand tighten over your knee at the mere thought of somebody wanting to hurt you. 
How could someone ever do that to someone they claimed to love, claimed to cherish. “He uh—the first time was over something Jake said.” You’d never really spoken about when it all started, but it was time to.
“Jake’s my best friend, honestly he’s the closest thing I have to family because my actual brothers don’t want a bar of me.” You tried to shrug it off but your eyes were watering enough that it was obvious you were really not okay. “He told me he loved me after we got home from dinner, there was nothing really special about the dinner or anything, Jaidyn just got jealous of that friendship I guess.” Again you shrugged. You thought you’d done something to deserve it. “Anyway, Jake left, told me he loved me just because he does—he’s my best friend, and I remember turning around to say something to Jay and all of a sudden I was on the ground with a searing pain just scolding my side.” You paused to take a deep breath in. “Jake told me he loved me and I ended up with two broken ribs.” Bradley wondered if Jake knew this, he didn’t. You never told him. “I remember being so scared, confused—what made it worse though was that I forgave him, so easily too.” You scoffed at yourself as you wiped your tears away. “He was just apologising profusely and told me he’d never do it again.” That’s when you looked Sergeant Briggs dead in the eyes. “Next thing I knew I was a prisoner in my own home, and you can keep that on the record.” 
“Stop—“ Bob groaned out as Jaidyn beat the ever living Christ from him. “Please—“ 
“You don’t get to just walk in like some fucking knight in shining armour Robert.” Jaidyn had a bone to pick, he was still pressed about the hanger situation. Remember, when Bob had clobbered him with those rubber chokes. “You did this to yourself the second you got involved.” 
“Where I come from—“ Bob splattered out as he gasped for air. “Men like you are nothing but cowards.” 
“What does that make you then, Floyd?” Jaidyn asked as he threw Bob down onto the floor again. 
“A better man than you’ll ever be.” 
“Huh—“ You raised your eyebrows and stuck your tongue to the inner part of your cheek as you flashed your phone screen Bradley’s way. “Look who it is.” You’d finished up at the police station a little over twenty minutes ago and we’re heading home. 
“That’s an awful caller ID you’ve given him.” Bradley chuckled, he shook his head softly as he drove with one hand and held your thigh with the other. Rhett’s name in your phone was a doozy. Rodeo Clown Remix with the little cowboy emoji. 
“Hey Rhett.” 
“Hey!” Rhett sounded awfully cheery for his normally brooding self as his voice flooded your ear. “How you doing Ace?” The nickname that had been bestowed upon you one night in the hospital fell easily from Rhett’s mouth as he hurried around Bob's spare room. You were particularly down one night, Rhett wasn’t having it. He pulled out a deck of cards and forced you to play. Over and over you won. Rhett would never admit it but he let you win, over and over. 
“Good, just finished up at the station—heading home now.” You felt Bradley squeeze your thigh and in return you squeezed his hand. 
“Sounds like you don’t need me anymore Ace, I’m crushed.” 
“You and I both know you never wanted me to need you Cowboy.” You paused as you listened to Rhet give you an airy chuckle. You couldn’t see him but you knew he’d be smirking that one sided smirk, nodded his head in agreement. “But yeah, consider your position redundant Abbott.” It was a genuine smile that crept across your face. “But what’s up?” 
“I was just calling to make sure you didn’t need me this afternoon—“ Rhett let a lul in the conversation fall over the two of you as he looked at himself in the mirror. The same photo that had been Bob's background was sitting off to the side on the bedside table. “I’ve got a date.” 
“A date!?” You gasped, immediately you pulled your phone away from your ear and placed it on speaker. “Rhett? Who do you have a date with?” 
Bradley let his jaw hang open in utter shock and disbelief at what came out of Rhett’s mouth next. 
“PHOENIX!?” Bradley gasped. 
“NIX?” You couldn’t contain your shock. “What the actual fuck Floyd when did that happen?” 
“Holy shit hang on, I need to pull into the drive before I crash the car.” Bradley joked as you and Rhett both laughed. 
“I gotta go! I was just checking in, Hey—stay out of trouble for like three hours for me?” Rhett pleaded as you looked at Bradley as he put the Bronco in park. 
“Hopefully we can manage that.” 
It’s was a quiet car ride from the hospital to Bradley’s house, the silence that fell between Amilia and Jake didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable. It was neither uneasy nor unpleasant—it simply existed between the pair as if it was as easy and comfortable to break with a single touch or mundane conversation. Which is exactly what Jake used to break the quiet of Amilias sisters car. 
“So, I was thinking—“ 
“Something tells me that’s not that great of a start.” Amilia teased, it was far too quick for Jake to not be taken aback a little by her attitude. Fiery and funny lord have mercy on his soul.
“Ha, jokes on you because what I was going to say was I was thinking about booking a table at Preston’s.” Jake was too busy searching Preston’s Pastries number in the search bar of his phone as he rode shotgun, he was still a little too concussed to be driving. 
But he wasn’t concussed enough to not think taking the beautiful girl sitting beside him out on an official first date was a bad idea. If anything it was the best idea Jake Seresin had ever had in his entire life. 
“Hello, hi—“ Jake spoke into the phone he held up to his ear as Amilia smiled to herself. “My name's Jake, Can I book a table for two for this afternoon sometime? Say after three?” Amilia could feel her heart racing in her chest as she pulled into Bradley Bradshaw’s driveway, it was hard to not notice Bob's car in the drive. He’d parked like a maniac. Across both sides. “Perfect, we’ll see you then.” 
“What if I’m working at four?” Amilia asked as she turned the ignition off. 
“Odette is Amilia working at four?” Jake turned around to see if the little girl was shaking her head. She was. “Huh, funny that—“
“You asked Penny already didn’t you?” God Jake Seresin had Amilia in a vice grip. She was royally fucked—she knew she was. There was just something so beautiful and endearing about him that she already loved. Jake smirked back at her with that signature grin he wore with such pride. 
“Oh absolutely I did, so let me take you out, it’s the least I can do, you know, considering that I’ve somehow managed to drag you into all of this.” There was barely space between them as Jake leaned further and further into the middle. He was gonna make a move. 
“Shit happens Seresin.” Amilia chuckled as Jake leaned in over the centre console to softly place his lips against Amilias. She accepted the gesture, kissing Jake back with just as much gratitude. “How’s that head of yours?” 
Jake brought a hand up to touch at the back of his head. It was still throbbing but he’d live to tell the tail. 
“Guess it buffed out after all.” It was a core moment, a core memory in the early stages of the blooming love that was Amilia Fisher and Jake Seresin. Unbeknownst to them, they needed each other like the tide needed the moon. “Come on Dotty girl, let's get up inside.” Jake beamed as he unbuckled his belt and raced out to unclip dot from her seat. He’d done the unbuckling and unpacking so many times it only took approximately forty five seconds for Jake to get the entire booster seat out of the back of Amilias car. “Tell you what, I’ll pick you up at quarter to three.” 
“If you don’t show I’m calling the cops Jake, I’m not kidding.” Amilia was kidding, but also she wasn’t. She had a gut feeling she just couldn’t shake. 
“You know what Oz?” Jake pressed his lips together as he tapped the door where Amilia had wound her window down. With Dot on his hip and booster seat on the ground beside him, Jake looked very dad-esk. “That doesn’t seem like such a bad strategy to have in place.” 
“That nickname is so bad.” Was the take home Amilia took from that. Jake couldn’t help but to laugh as he fixed Dot up on his hip as she waved goodbye to Amilia. 
“Consider it an official callsign, no one ever has a good one.” Jake ended it with that. “See you a little later.” 
“Bye Hangman.” Amilia rolled her eyes lightheartedly. “By Dot, keep an eye on him for me.” All Dot did in response was nod her tired little head. The pair stood in the drive and watched Amilia reverse and head on her way before Jake made his way to the front door. He didn’t need to use his key, the door was already unlocked. 
“Okay, home sweet home princess.” Jake sighed as he let Dot down on the ground. “Bob? You around?” Jake called out into the silence that filled Roostered home. There was no response. “Robert?” 
Jake emptied his pocket, his keys, phone and ripped off his hospital bracket and placed his belongings on the table in the hallway. Dot had made her way to the living room moments before. She’d only been out of Jake's sight for five seconds as he kicked his boots off. 
“Dot baby, you see Bobby anywhere?” The moment Jake rounded the corner into the living room his entire world fell to a standstill. There was Bob, laying on the ground hardly recognisable with how much his face looked like it had been beaten up. His blood stained the carpet he laid over, it looked like it ran deep. 
But the thing that really made Jake's heart freeze inside his chest was the hold Jaidyn had on little Dot. His hand fell over her mouth and nose so tight she couldn’t scream, hell she could barely breathe. Jake knew she was scared just from the tears in her little eyes. 
And then there was the gun, pointed directly at Jake’s chest from the mere meters between the two men. 
“Well I be damned.” Jaidyn smirked manically. “Looks like I didn’t hit you hard enough, Seresin.” It was an admission Jake already knew but hated having to hear. It had been Jaidyn who clocked him last night: “You’re like a fucking cockroach.” 
“Let her go.” Jake showed his hands so Jaidyn knew he wouldn’t try anything. “Let. her. go.” 
“No—“ Jaidyn pulled back the pin on his gun as he lowered his weapon from where he’d had it pointed at Jake’s chest and trailed it to where Bob laid before him. “No I don’t think I will.” It was the stuff of nightmares. “Where’s Y/n?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“I’ll fucking shoot him.” Jaidyn showed no hesitation as he held Dot uncomfortably tight around her mouth. Her legs dangled in the air as she cried against her fathers hand. “And don’t think I won’t Jake—because unfortunately for you I’m not here to talk, so once again.” Jaidyn paused. “Where. is. she.” Jake knew he couldn’t tell Jaidyn you were filing a report, so he told him the next best thing. 
“She’s with Bradshaw, they’re on their way.” The tears in Jake's eyes were as clear as ever. “This has nothing to do with Dot, give her to me and I’ll do whatever you want.” Jake felt like he was dying. 
“This has EVERYTHING to do with this little brat, are you kidding me Seresin!?” Jaidyn hissed as he held his gun up to Odette's head. Jake stepped forward and almost immediately Jaidyn stepped back—keeping the same distance apart he originally had. “See if she never came into the picture I’d probably still have her, Y/n that is.” Jaidyn snickered. “All Odettes ever done is give that pathetic excuse for a woman a false sense of empowerment, that she’s this strong independent woman when let’s face it, you and I both know what she really is, don’t we?”
“DONT YOU DARE FUCKING HURT HER!!” It came out as a plea, like Jake was begging for his life. “Please, please don’t hurt her.” All it did was make Jaidyn feel more powerful, more in control. He could make Jake Seresin drop to his knees in utter despair just by harming a single hair on Odette's little head. “Please, she's just a kid, she’s done nothing to deserve this!” 
“I’ll make you a deal.” Jaidyn lowered his weapon slowly as he kicked Bob over onto his back. Jake could finally see the extent of the damage Jaidyn had done and it wasn’t good. “Let's play a game, Seresin.” Jake knew this wasn’t good. “Choose your own adventure type game.” Jaidyn laughed to himself because he’d never felt a rush like this, a power so intense. “The girl or this guy who’s half dead already.” 
It was an impossible decision, Jake knew however, if it had to come down to it, he’d choose Odette. He had to choose Odette. There was no reality or timeline, no universe that existed in any realm of possibility that Jake wouldn’t do anything he had to to keep Odette safe. 
“Me.” Jake answered as he stepped closer. His hands were still visible. Still held to his sides, palm side out. “Me—because it’s me you have a problem with not Bob or Odette or Rooster or anyone! It’s me you son of a bitch and like fuck as I going to let you destroy anymore of her happiness!” Jake shouted as he continued to step closer. “So it’s me! It’s me you’re gonna play your sadistic psychotic game with.”
“No!” Jaidyn snapped. He was spiraling out of control quickly. “No, I want you to choose Jake! Choose one of them because either way it’s your decision that chooses who lives and who fucking dies and she ends up hating you anyway.”
Between all the shouting and all the yelling Odette had become so distressed and upset she’s forgotten how to breathe. Her eyes were rolling into the back of her head as her cries for help softened to mere nothing. She stopped flailing around, stopped kicking and suddenly she was just limp. 
“LET HER GO!” Jake begged as he stepped forward again. Jaidyn never removed his hand from around Dot's mouth. “She can’t breathe! LET HER GO!” The gun in Jaidyn’s hand was once again pointed at Jake’s chest to stop him from stepping forward. 
“That kinda sounds like a definitive choice there, Seresin?” Jaidyn asked through a wicked smirk. “Poor Robert.” He sighed. “Ah hell with with.” 
Time stood still as a single shot rang out through Bradley Bradshaw's living room. Jake felt the sharp and all fiery sensation burning a hole in his thigh as he stumbled to the ground. In the flurry Jaidyn dropped his daughter to the lounge in a heap. As his ears still rang out Jake reached for her while on his knees, but it was to no avail. Then came the connection of an already bloody knuckled fist to his jaw. 
“You wanna play her hero Jake?” Jaidyn asked as he laid into Jake while he was down on his knees. Trying to protect the ones he loved. Bob was only just coming to in the moment—he could only just see through his swollen eyes the beaten Jake was taking. “I’ll show you what happens to heroes who get in my way!” 
Nothing was out of the ordinary as Braldey carried your hospital bags up to the house as he trailed just shy behind you. This was it, the moment you'd been waiting for. 
“Do I really live here?” You spotted at the threshold of where the pathway up from the drive met the concrete step up to the porch. “With Odette, and you.” 
“On the lease and everything dear.” Bradley replied. “So hop to it, I thought we might have a little family dinner out on the back deck. It was the sweetest idea you'd ever heard. “Get the grill out, hang some fairy lights for Dot.” 
“Oh wouldn't she just love those.” The conversation really didn't match the scene playing out inside Bradleys humble abode. The first thing you noticed when you walked in was how dark it was. Usually, whenever Jake was around he had the curtains pulled. You thought for sure that would have been the first thing he did when he got to Bradleys. “Dark in here.” 
“Yeah, hang on, I'll drop these and–” Bradley didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before the words were sucked right out of his brain. It was like he forgot how to speak and how to breathe all at the same time. The scene before him looked like something straight out of a sadistic thriller. The first person Braldey saw was Bob, splayed out on the couch just trying to catch his breath as he held his ribs. Then Bradley turned his attention to Jake, who looked like he’d just gone six rounds with Rocky himself. They both looked like that really, but Rooster couldn't really tell who looked worse than the other. “Holy shit what the fuck happened.” 
“Jake!” You raised over to where Jake laid on the ground in a pool of his own blood. “Oh god oh no, oh–” You cupped his swollen cheek with your good hand as he rolled over onto his back. Bradley went over to Bob, he was conscious, but barely. 
“Bob, hey you with me man?” It was a question Bradley didn't think he’d like the answer to, but despite his gut instinct telling him Bob needed urgent medical attention, Bob gave him a bloodied toothy grin. 
“You should see the other guy.” It was a short lived grin however, because within a second he was coughing blood. “Upstairs, He took Dot upstairs.” The sound you heard next had you immediately racing up the stairs, Jake understood, he was fine in comparison to what was going on in the bathroom upstairs– but it didn't make it any easier to watch you and Bradley race after the blood curdling screams Odette let out as she tried her hardest to fight against the strength of a fully grown man. Jaidyn could be found on his knees beside the bath, with the plug in and the tap running cold. Little Odette wouldn't have stood a chance if you and Bradley hadn’t gotten there when you did. 
“Get down you little bitch—“ The scene was horrific and violent. There were a lot of things Jaidyn promised you he’d do, there were a hell of a lot of things he’d promised you he’d do and he’d yet to fulfil. But this, what you saw for only a few fleeting but painstakingly slow moments from behind Bradley's shoulder as he shoved Jaidyn away from the bath and down to the tiles where he could lay a few solid punches his way was enough to haunt you for a lifetime. And a lifetime it haunted you for. 
“Dot!” You screamed as you struggled to collect your three year old from the water as she screamed and cried and clung to you for dear life. The ligaments in your shoulder tore one by one as you picked her up, forgoing your doctor's direct orders to keep your arm immobilised and in your sling. Your daughter was more important right now because this was her life on the line. “I'm here baby I’m here, I’ve got you.” 
“MAMA! MAMMMA!!” Little dot was traumatised. 
“Y/n get her out of here!” Bradley shouted as he straddled Jaidyns waist. He pinned his arms down against the tiles and headbutted the man who tried to hurt your daughter with such a force he swore he saw his own dad for a split second. “You son of a bitch, I'm gonna kill you!” 
“Not if I kill you first!” It was the last thing you heard as you raced out of the bathroom and down the stairs. Jake was standing when you got back to the living room with a soaking Odette. Her lips were nearly blue as she shivered and tried to soothe herself knowing she was in your arms. 
“He had her in the bath! He was trying to drown her!” You managed to explain. “We need to get her out of here, we need to call the police.” 
“Ah Ah—“ Jaidyn tisked as he walked Bradley down the stairs with his gun pressed into his back. “No cops, or I’ll shoot this prick between the eyes like a dog.” 
Bradley looked at you as if he’d failed you. His bottom lip was split from where Jaidyn had managed to slam him into the cupboard of the bathroom vanity with just enough force to roll over and reach for his gun. The second Bradley saw the barrel pointed directly at his face he knew that Jaidyn had one that round. This wasn’t over though. 
“Ah, well look at you.” Jaidyn snarled as you held your baby girl in your arms. Jake took an immediate step in front of the two of you—using his broken body to shield you and Dot from any hail that were to come your way. “Didn’t you bounce back quick.” 
“What do you want from me?” It was such a simple question, but a question filled with such sadness nevertheless. “What do you want from me!?” You asked again through a broken sob as you watched the love of your life stand with a gun pressed to his back. 
“I want you to watch while I take everything you’ve ever loved away from you.” 
“Why!?” You cried out as you shook behind Jake's shoulder. “All I ever did was love you! all you ever did was hurt me!” 
“I hurt you because you were disobedient!” Jaidyn hissed as he shoved Bradley forward towards where you and Jake stood. Jaidyn had a plan—he wanted you all to know that he didn’t lose. “You were a whore from the start and I just didn’t realise until it was too late!” The three of you watched Jaidyn stalk towards where Bob still laid on the couch—he didn’t deserve any of this. “Why don’t you tell good old Bob here who’s kid that is?”
You’d heard this before, you’d been beaten over this before. This rhetoric that Odette wasn’t Jaidyns when you knew what she had been a direct product of. Odette was the love of your life but she wasn’t conceived with love. 
“She’s my kid.” Bradley took Dot from you the moment he could, you were starting to lose your grip. She was wet and your arm was radiating a pain you’d never experienced before. “She is my daughter and you are nothing to her and you never will be!” 
“Y/n—“ Bradley tried to pull you back but all you did was shrug him off. He couldn’t have been more fearful for his family, and yes, he’d taken notice of the shattered picture frames that laid below his now empty mantlepiece. “Don’t—“
“Don’t you dare let her go.” You warned Rooster. “You keep your daughter safe, do you hear me?” At first Bradley didn’t know if he’d heard you correctly, but when he saw that look in your eyes, he knew he had. Odette had only ever known one man who was her father figure and that was her Tooster. 
“I was so angry at you, so obsessed with you.” 
“Look how far you’ve come.” You spat as you stood in front of Bradley like you were his shield. You could feel his grip on your hip growing tighter and tighter with every passing second. Odette clung to him as she shivered and cried. Her whimpers filled the silence that settled between the six of you. “Still as angry and obsessed—“ 
“What are you gonna do man?” Jake asked like the situation couldn’t get any worse. “You’ve played all your cards and she’s not scared of you.” Jake was wrong, you were fucking terrified, but like hell were you going to let Jaidyn destroy you. Your family. “This time, you lose.” 
“Don’t act so tough, Seresin.” Jaidyn scoffed as he pulled Bob up by his collar. “You already made your choice, remember?” Jake's heart sank as it all played out. You couldn’t begin to process what had happened in front of your very eyes as the sounds of your own panicked screams echoed off the walls that surrounded you. Shock horror flooded your nervous system as a single gunshot rang out. 
Bob fell to the floor in a heap and within a second you were on your knees next to him. 
“Bob?” You whispered as he groaned and gagged. His blood was all over your hands as you pressed firmly against the wound in his abdomen. “Oh my god.” He’d actually followed through, what had you done. “I'm sorry—“ You cried. “I'm so sorry.” 
“Oh cry me a fucking river.” Jaidyn grabbed you by your hair as harshly as he could and dragged you away. Jake was immediately on the defence but again was met with a loaded gun pointed directly at him. It was amazing really, just how much one person with a single gun could manipulate an entire situation. “See the chaos you’ve caused, the blood on your hands? The mess you’ve made all because you had to run away?” 
“Bradley!” You begged as you tried to gain your footing. “Please get my daughter out of here!” He couldn’t move, his feet were glued to the floor as he watched you struggle with your ex. “Please just go! Get her away from here.” 
“Oh but we wouldn’t want Rooster here to miss the big finale, would we, sweetheart.” Jadyn snickered as Jake made eye contact with Bob depleting life force. “Tell him, tell him what I already know and then maybe he’ll see just what a fucking whore you really are.” 
Jake knew that he had to be smart about what he said next, especially when the gun Jaidyn held was now pointing between himself and Bradley. Going back and forth so neither one of them dared to move. Jake was looking at the time wondering if Amilia would make good on her sarcasm to call the cops if he didn’t show up for their date. He was losing blood at a pretty constant rate. 
“SAY IT!” Jaidyn shouted at the top of his lungs before he turned the gun on you. “Or so help me god I’ll blow her fucking brains out right in front of that fucking kid!!” 
“Bradley, I love you so much.” You made sure Bradley heard you, one final time just in case. “I love you—“ This was it, the moment you’d been running from. Jaidyn had on so many occasions threatened to go through with it and now that it was actually happening you just wanted Bradley to know he was it for you—that you’d truly found the love of your life. 
“You’re right!” Jake played into the delusion that had Jaidyn in a psychotic state of mind. “You’re right!” He repeated so it got through. “Dots mine.” Jake spoke with enough conviction that he even had Bradley believing it. “You were always right about us, I love her.” Jake looked at you like he’d never looked at you before, he was so afraid of losing you that he'd say and do just about anything to keep you out of harm's way. “She’s the only woman I’ve ever loved and I’m begging you, please don’t take her away from me.” Jaidyn shook as he laughed maniacally through tears of his own. 
“I knew I was right about you.” He spat through gritted teeth. “No wonder you wanted to keep that parasite.” It was when Jaidyn was too focused on you to notice that Bradley had gone against everything you’d said to him and placed Dot on the ground. He’d placed a finger against his lips and begged her to stay quiet. She did. She was so brave. All because of her Tooster. “I knew you cheated and I knew you lied and I knew—“ You saw him charge, Bradley was in full fight or flight and fight for you he was going to do. 
You ducked as low as you could as Bradley dived at Jaidyn. The sheer broot force of Bradley Bradshaw tackling him knocked the wind right out of Jaidyns lungs as a shot rang out throughout the house. He’d mishandled the gun as it fell to the ground. In the scuffle you shuffled in your knees over to where Bob laid and held his hand. He gripped your hand back as tightly as he could. 
“Jakey—“ Dot immediately ran to Jake crying. In an instant she was his responsibility as he scooped her up. 
“Come on Dotty let’s get you outta here.” 
“MAMA!” She cried out at the top of her lungs as you stayed by Bob's side. “MAMA!” 
“I’m okay sweetheart.” You answered. “Go with Jake okay, you stay with Jake.” Jake wasted no time, he grabbed a towel from the linen closet and wrapped Dot in it, he grabbed his phone, and took off. He ran as fast as he could as blood squelched from his thigh into the denim of his jeans. He ran as fast as he could bare foot. He ran till his lungs hurt. 
“MAMA!” Dot could have altered the entire neighbourhood as Jake ran to his neighbours place. “MAMA NO!” It must have been some cruel joke but as Jake knocked and knocked like a mad man he came to realise there was not a soul home. 
“Dammit—“ Jake had to sit, his head was spinning, he felt weak but he had to get help. “Shhh, shhh I’ve got you.” 
“Mamas hurt.” This was going to traumatise this little girl for the rest of her life, Jake just prayed she'd compartmentalise it. 
“I know, I know she is but guess what huh?” Jake tried to smile through his own pain and swollen as he called nine one one. “She’s brave, so brave, just like you—so can you be so brave for me for five minutes? Just like your mum yeah?” Jake asked. The operator answered as Dot's bottom lip quivered. She didn’t want to be brave anymore. She just wanted her mum. 
“Hi yes, I need police and an ambulance!” 
“YOU'RE A DEAD MAN!” Bradley spat as he laid into Jaidyn. “DO YOU HEAR ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Every crack of Roosters fist against Jaidyns face rang out in the deafening silence. “You don’t get to touch her ever again.” 
“Fe?” Bob whispered through a bloodied gasp for air. 
“I’m here, helps coming, just hang in there for me a little long okay?” You pleaded.  
“Can you tell my brother I’m sorry?” You knew why Bob had asked, he wasn’t in a good way. “That I l-love him?” Oh god it just broke your heart. You could barely recognise the weapons system officer who’d been an innocent bystander in all of this. He just wanted to help, do his part, do what he could wherever he could. “Not, your, fault—“ Bob wheezed out as he struggled to breathe. His grip in your hand was becoming weaker and weaker by the second. 
“You can tell him yourself Bob, come on, you’re alright.” But you tried to persuade him to stay nevertheless. “Please Bob—“ 
“You watch, in a few years you’ll be just like me!” Jaidyn argued as he tried to defend himself against Bradley’s brutal attack. There was nothing but red in his ledger. He was ready to do anything to end it. 
“That is the love of my life!” Bradley couldn’t stop him from throwing punch after punch after punch. “I could never be like you, I could never be as cruel—and I won’t let you hurt her! I won’t let you take her away from me! I WON'T LET YOU KILL HER!” 
“I won’t have to—“ Jaidyn gasped as he struggled to breathe under the weight of Bradley’s hand compressing his airways. “She won’t be able to live with the guilt of his blood on her hands.” 
“BOB—!” You cried and in the second Bradley’s heart sunk out of his ass at your screams of inconsolable anguish at the life that had just drained from Robert Floyd, Jaidyn took control in the tussle the two were in. “Bob no stay with me, st—stay with me, god nooo—!” 
“She doesn’t love you!” Jaidyn went at Bradley the same way he’d gone at him. “She’s a worthless piece of shit that deserves to die!” You couldn’t take your eyes off Bob as he laid there lifeless before you. What had you done? This was all your fault. You waited too long to do something about Jaidyn. 
“ENOUGH!!” Bradley, with one final shot—head butted Jaidyn harder than he did the first time. So hard he broke his own nose. But it was worth it. Because he was out. Down the for count. Rendered unconscious, but he wouldn’t be for long and Rooster knew that. He knew this fight wasn’t over. Not yet. “Ah fuck!” In a flurry, Bradley shuffled his way over to you and Bob, he was quick to pocket the gun in the back of his jeans, just against the small of his back. 
“Hey—come on we gotta get outta here.” Bradley tried to peel you away from Bob, as much as he knew this was a major problem he had to get you out of there, at any cost. Bradley knew Bob would have done the same thing. “Baby, now I’ve gotta get your outta here.” 
“NO!” It was a heartbreaking sight Bradley could barely stand to witness as blood poured out his nose and seeped into his moustache. “Not without Bob!” 
“Bobs gone—“ It was the worst thing he’d ever had to tell you. “Y/n look at me!” Bradley cupped your cheeks in his hands as he forced you to look at him. “He’s gone, there’s nothing you can do for him now—so please, before I lose you too.” He couldn’t lose you, there was no way Bradley would survive losing you. “Please, Y/n there is nothing you can do for him, think about Odette.” 
“This is all my fault—“ You mumbled through tears that refused to stop streaming down your face. “This is all my fault.” It wasn’t easy, but he needed to do it. Bradley wrapped his arms around you as you fought against him, begging to stay. “Nooo! Not with Bob!” 
“We don’t have any other choice!” Bradley replied with a harsh life or death tone laced between the words he spoke as he carried you out of his home in an inconsolable state. “Baby, baby listen to me.” When your feet hit the grass and Bradley’s bloodied hands were once again against your cheeks, you knew you were outside in broad daylight. “Jakes coming, he’s got Odette, look.” 
As you looked over to the drive you saw Jake hobbling back over with your daughter in his arms. This was a nightmare—a living daylight nightmare. There was so much blood, your daughter was still soaking wet, in all the terror you just needed your baby. 
“Oh—Dot I’m here.” You sighed in utter defeat and disbelief at the events that had occurred. You’d only taken what felt like two steps towards Jake before he was shouting at you and Bradley to turn around. 
“Bradshaw! Look out!” Within the blink of an eye Jaidyn was diving head first off the small step to tackle Rooster to the ground. The gun Bradley had placed in the back of his jeans had fallen out in the scuffle. It went sliding across the grass where you saw it land just shy of the front wheel of Bob's car parked in the drive. 
“All this mess! All this and for what Rooster? So you can shake up with some getto whore that’s playing house with you?” Jaidyn had Bradley pinned, he was done for. Jake could only watch on as Dot screamed and cried and tried to hide inside his shoulder as she shivered from the cold. “I HOPE SHE'S WORTH IT. Because I should have killed her when I had the chance!” Bradley tried his best to fend off Jaidyns attack but it was to no avail—all he could do was take the beating. Imagines of your near lifeless body flashed before his eyes with every punch Jaidyn landed. This was what you must have felt. “If I can’t have her, neither can you.” As Jaidyn raised Bradleys barely conscious self up off the ground by his fists in his shirt, you picked up the gun and pointed it at the grass, shooting a singular shot that distracted Jaidyn for one second long enough for Bradley to shove him off. 
“She’s worth fighting for—“ He spat as he laid a few final punches against Jaidyns face as he laid in the grass. Bradley didn’t stop until he had nothing left to give. He could have killed the guy in all honesty, but you were there. Your daughter was there, and witnesses had started to slow down in their cars just to see what the hell was going on in the quiet little naval suburb. 
“It’s over Jaidyn.” You cried as you stood over him, keeping him down as you pointed the gun right at him. A foot to his chest. “You lose.” 
“Y/n?” Bradley panted as he tried to catch his breath from down on his knees. “Don’t, put the gun down baby.” You weren’t thinking of anything besides Robert Floyd’s lifeless body lying inside the house. He had nothing to do with this, Jaidyn didn’t have to be so cruel, so evil. “Baby please—“ 
“What are you gonna do bitch?” Jaidyn snarled as you pressed your foot into his chest. “Kill me?” 
“It would solve a hell of a lot of my problems!” The greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing the entire world that he didn’t exist. But he did—as you stood over Jaidyn you knew wholeheartedly by the bloodied smirk he gave you and the blood curdling laugh that escaped from the depth of his crooked and abusive soul that he was the devil incarnate. “You killed Bob—“ 
“Y/n don’t!” Bradley pleaded as you pulled the pin back and aimed the gun that felt oh so fucking good in your hand between your ex’s eyes. “He’s not worth it.” 
“He’ll never stop!” You shouted, the tears would never stop—the pain would fade. You’d never be safe, never feel free. “He’ll never stop! Don’t you get it Bradley?” You tried to explain. “He’ll never stop, I told you from day one he was as evil as they come and LOOK WHAT HE DID!” You weren’t thinking straight, with all the adrenaline and all the fear coursing through your veins it was almost impossible to think that there could be any alternative ending. “He won’t stop and I’ll always be looking over my shoulder!” 
“This is what he wants!” Jake held your daughter as close as he could as she cried into his chest. She was drenched, shivering, scared out of her mind. “He wants you to do this! It’s been his plan all along!” 
“He killed him—“ You sobbed. “He killed Bob! HE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE!” Police and ambulance lights could be seen as the faint but recognisable sirens rang out. The red and blue tint bounced off any solid surface they came into contact with as they raced to the address Jake had given them.” 
“No you killed him.” Jaidyn played his final attempt to manipulate you. He wanted you to kill him. That was his end game. That was his plan. To ruin your entire life. “You killed him Y/n and darlin, you don’t have the fucking balls to kill me you poisonous bitch—“ Jaidyn snarled as you pressed your foot further into his chest. “Go on, pull the fucking trigger! DO IT!” 
“SHUT UP!” The squeal that left your body was heartbreaking as you stood and cried and pointed the gun directly at the man who’d broken you over and over again just so you could piece yourself back together for him to break. “I don’t have the energy to be a giver anymore! I need someone to show up for me this time because I don’t wanna beg for love and attention anymore.” All Jaidyn did was laugh as he let his head rest against the grass. “I gave you everything I had! I loved you! But I don’t wanna give love to someone like you ever again, someone who’s incapable of giving it back!”
“You’re pathetic—“
“It’s MY turn to feel wanted and loved and cherished beyond belief and I have that now!” 
In one single afternoon your entire world had been turned on its axis. So had Jakes, so had Bradley’s, so had everyone’s who knew you. Your new family, your new friends. Every ounce of innocence had been stripped from all of you. All because one man couldn’t take no for a fucking answer. 
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde @americaarse e @avaleineandafryingpan @phoenix1388 @xoxabs88xox @je-suis-prest-rachel @pono-pura-vida @rosiahills22 @starset21 @anarchyrising @caidi-paris @starkleila @criticalroleobssedperson @enchantingdreamergothprune @flrboyd @emma8895eb @endofdays56 @seresinsaint @topguncortez @mandylove1000
179 notes · View notes
emepe · 20 days
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— Pairing: Eren x Reader, friends to lovers
— General info: series, 18+, modern AU, serial killer AU, smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
— Summary: Fate is a tricky thing. Certain situations can’t be avoided as much as certain people’s lives can’t be kept from intertwining. With a serial killer on the loose, and unexpected relationships blooming, how will the universe intervene?
— Chapter summary: The past is revealed to Eren, who can only do his best to prove that it doesn’t change his feelings.
— Content warnings: past child abuse/neglect, drug use, unstable family life, grooming, SA, slightly nsfw, mention of unprotected sex.
— Notes: Sorry for the cliffhanger last week lol but you should be used to it haha. Chapter 10 is now here! <3 There’s a lot going on in this chapter so please pay attention to the content warnings before reading. Don’t be shy to stop by my ask box <3 If anyone else would like to be added to the tag list, lmk. Happy reading!
Links: Read on AO3 | Chapter guide | Masterlist
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then and now
It wasn’t always so bad.
My earliest memory is that of my mom giving me a warm cup of tea and honey when I fell incredibly ill at three years old. I'd eaten something unclean and I was stuck in my parent's bed for a week, feverish, with little appetite and even less strength. If I concentrate enough, I can still hear echoes of my parents sitting at the kitchen table, crunching the numbers from their pooled savings so they could afford a doctor's visit. My mom remained by my side the entire time to make sure the IV drip didn't spontaneously clog, or that I didn't move the hand that was connected to it and started bleeding out into the tube. The doctor said a little bleeding was normal, but she was scared of it happening at all. 
I developed a hatred for cabbage, which is what the doctor recommended to help regain strength without hurting my stomach. My father went out to buy it and my mom fed it to me in soup. She'd make a game out of it, and she promised to take me to the park to play as soon as I got better. I remember my childhood fondly if I focus on that first memory. So, I'm pretty sure anything before that was just as good. 
I didn't know until I was way older that my mother did drugs before she had me. She struggled with addiction at sixteen, which was well into her relationship with my father. The only difference was, he remained clean after my mom told him she was pregnant during their senior year of high school. 
I couldn't understand that I was witnessing her relapse after I started kindergarten. Apparently, being four and a half years old is the cutoff for being worthy of staying sober for. 
That's when everything started spiraling. My mom failed to pick me up from school several times, leaving me to spend hours tucked away in the library, keeping Mrs. Zacharias company while she pretended to rearrange already organized books. My father worked long hours at a factory, some of which had to be punctured like swiss cheese so he could take me home because my mom was nowhere to be found.
By the time she stumbled through the door, she was being brought in by strange men. I never met them, I just knew they were there because the noise would wake me up in the middle of the night and I'd hear my father arguing with my intoxicated mom after thanking them for bringing her home. 
My mom looked sick. As her number one fan, I was worried. She was getting skinnier, she barely ate and she seemed tired all the time yet never got enough sleep to heal the dark circles under her sunken eyes.
The first time I attempted to cook something, I was six. I could easily get by during school days. I had breakfast and lunch there, and sometimes Mrs. Zacharias would give me pretzel sticks if I read a book out loud to her while we waited for my father to come get me. But on weekends, I was on my own. My father was working even on weekends to make ends meet and even when my mom happened to be home, she wasn't truly there.
So, while she was locked inside the bathroom for hours, I went into the kitchen and tried to boil an egg. I couldn't find the small pot we always used, but my pink plastic bowl was on the drying rack from last night after my father fed me dinner. 
I didn't know you weren't supposed to put plates onto a hot stove. The plate cracked and stuck to the burner. I tried to pry it off but I burned my hand. It would take years for the scar to fade. 
When my mom saw what I'd done, she slapped me straight across the face. I was dragged by my hair and locked in the minuscule storage closet as punishment. That was just the first of many times. 
My father would always be the one to let me out when he got back from work late at night, and I'd quietly call him from the inside, scared because I'd urinated myself and he'd probably be just as mad as my mom. But he wasn't. He'd clean me up, scrape the plastic from my now useless pink bowl from the burner, and feed me.
My father grew tired of it. All the money that was meant for food and supplies went directly to dealers, meaning he had to spread himself even thinner. When he found out my mom had ransacked the secret place he kept his savings for the sixth time, he snapped. 
I was twelve by then, so I understood everything that was going on.
They had a huge fight and he stormed into the bedroom to pack his clothes into a bag. But my mom was ballistic. She took a pair of scissors and started cutting anything she could get her hands on into pieces.
I heard a series of slapping and punching before my father passed me by in the living room — no money or clothes on him — and slammed the door shut behind him.
Things got even worse.
My mom would constantly yell that if it hadn't been for me, my father never would've left. She'd tell me I ruined her life and that I was a burden. Had she not gotten pregnant at eighteen, her life would be a whole lot simpler.
But now we didn't have any money, I didn't have a father, and my mom's addiction pushed her into getting a job. Even back then, at twelve years old, I felt guilty because she had to work because of me. 
She started off at a laundromat. Mrs. Zacharias visited our apartment because I hadn't gone to school for a few days and she wanted to check in. Despite my mom's foul language toward the kind librarian, she helped her get the job. 
My mom was very happy to work at the laundromat, though it had less to do with having a purpose than it did with the crumpled bills she'd find in people's clothes that would later serve as pocket change for her dealer. 
After a year, she was fired after being caught stealing from the register. It was surprising she even lasted that long in that place. 
But now she was even more desperate. 
And that's when the men started coming.
I spent my elementary and middle school years hearing my mom having sex with strangers inside the room she used to share with my father while I did homework on the kitchen table. 
Some of them were nice. Some of them weren't. 
Sometimes my mom's dealer would be the one to come around. 
One day, when I was thirteen, I'd just gotten back from the school library from working on a group project and I was making myself a sandwich when he came out of the bedroom, still buckling his pants.
“Hey there, princess,” he said.
“Hi, Steve.”
I didn't think it was strange to be on a first name basis with the guy. He was around a lot and that in itself meant it was okay to be close with him, in my mind.
Besides, he wasn't that much older than me. I think about eighteen or nineteen. It just made sense to be friends.
“How's school?” he asked as he leaned back into one of the chairs at the table.
I knew he didn't really care — that's why he dropped out, he'd say — but I still answered him honestly.
“Math's getting a bit hard but I'm doing okay.”
“That's ‘cause you're smart,” he praised as he lit up a cigarette and took the first drag. “You're gonna make it outta here real quick with that brain of yours.”
He held my gaze as he blew out the smoke away from my face. It didn't matter because it drifted back to me anyway. 
“You're pretty, too,” he murmured before taking another long drag.
I shook my head, an unamused scoff leaving my lips.
“I'm serious,” he laughed.
I turned back to look at him again, suddenly feeling shy. 
He had very nice eyes. Sometimes bloodshot but always very blue. 
I always liked how blue his eyes were.
I also liked that he complimented me. Outside of school I was barely praised for anything. 
“You think I'm pretty?”
His smile slowly faded as he squashed his cigarette butt on the floor and leaned closer to me.
“Yeah, you're fuckin’ pretty, darlin’,” he murmured, his eyes flitting to my lips. “Wish I could taste you.”
I could feel my face grow hot at his words. At the time I thought he meant he wanted to kiss me, and perhaps that was all there was to what he said, but I found myself leaning closer to him, too.
I had my first kiss with a nineteen year old drug dealer. I didn't know what I was doing, of course, so I just tried to mimic his movements. He tasted awful but I felt my stomach fluttering at the thought that someone thought of me as pretty and not a disgusting nuisance.
The kiss was cut short when my mom caught sight of the scene and angrily kicked him out.
She was fuming when she got back to me, and I could feel my stomach trying to climb up my throat in anxiety.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she yelled.
I tried to explain that he asked to kiss me first, that he made the first move. But she overpowered me.
“You think I don't notice the way you look at all my men?” she sneered. “It wouldn't kill you to stop wearing that skimpy little skirt around, you filthy slut.”
I was next to be thrown out of the house. 
Living on the first floor of our apartment building included some perks, one of them being we didn’t have to climb the metal stairs attached to the side of the building to get to our apartment. There were no stairs connecting the apartment floors on the inside, either, which meant there was plenty of privacy. 
But it also meant I had no way of getting back inside that night.
It was December. It was snowing. And I slept outside.  
From then on, I was nothing but a whore, a vicious slut who was interfering with my mom's business. I had to leave the house each time she had someone over, or be locked in the closet until they finished. My mom said that as long as I was in view, men would be more interested in me, the pretty young thing, instead of her. And that wasn't fair.
Over the next couple of years, we coexisted with each other. I stayed out of her way as much as I could, a habit that ultimately translated to other aspects of my life. And she spared me just enough attention when I needed to be punished for taking money for school supplies and food. 
It got to a point when I started hanging around my high school more than I should. I'd get there extremely early and leave as late as I could without getting in anyone's way. 
And I actually really liked school. Steve wasn't lying when he said I was smart. I really did have a knack for picking up on things easily, and good grades came to me like a birthright. 
I was top of the list for everything.
Minus social skills.
I kept to myself. I was smart but I barely raised my hand in class so as to not rob anyone else of the opportunity to participate. I ate lunch alone in front of my locker to not take up any space at a table in the cafeteria. But I was fine with it.
Everything was fine.
Zeke Fritz was the youngest teacher at my school. He was well-mannered and charming, and he was very popular among all his students — but especially the girls.
He just had a dignified presence that drew everyone in. A lot of the female teachers would shamelessly flirt with him but he always remained very composed.
As the only male born to politicians with connections just about everywhere, Zeke Fritz could've lived a cushy life with a breezy job that would keep him comfortable for life.
But he wanted to be a high school teacher. So, fresh out of a masters program in math, he quickly snagged the open position at the high school I enrolled in years later. Not that an open position was a sign of good luck. For Zeke Fritz, spaces were manufactured for him wherever he chose to go.
He was well qualified for the job, though. He'd also taken a liking to me during my first and only semester of my first year. I was the first to pick up on every formula he taught and he found that endearing. 
“I think I want to be a teacher someday,” I confessed one late afternoon when he asked me to help grade my classmates’ recent pop quiz. 
I'd accepted out of a sense of duty, and because if I had rejected him, it surely would've caused him trouble of some sort.
“You'd make a fantastic teacher,” he smiled.
So, there we were. Looking back, that must've been the day I dug my own grave because Mr. Fritz seemed awfully delighted that I didn't reply to his request for help with an excuse, and that I basically confessed to looking up to him. My compliant attitude must've looked a lot different for him than it did for me.
He drove me home an hour later and watched me open the door to the apartment before leaving, like a perfect gentleman. I waved him goodbye and he smiled at me from inside his car, waving back as he sped off.
That was one of the last few times I saw him. Because just two weeks later, I dropped out of school. 
Little by little, my mom had built up a large debt with Steve, and seeing that she'd taken loans from different people, whatever she earned from selling sex just didn't cut it. Our water, gas, and electricity bills were more than we could pay for, so I had no choice.
I started mowing lawns, raking leaves, cleaning pools and houses, and walking dogs for extra cash. I wasn't rich by any means, but I'd split most of the money to appease debt collectors and whatever was left to save for a rainy day. 
When my mom noticed I was bearing most of the weight, she began slipping away from her own, leaving it for me to pick up. She continued abusing, and even developed more expensive tastes. There wasn't much I could do at that point. I could beg her to stop and flush her pills down the toilet but we'd just go in circles for hours and I'd end up huddled in the corner with tears, hugging myself in an attempt to feel some warmth. 
I landed a waitressing job at a diner. I'd go three days a week and on my off-days I'd keep working odd jobs to stay afloat. 
On one occasion, Mr. Fritz walked in.
He pronounced my name with surprise. I was even more surprised he remembered me. An entire year had gone by since I'd seen him, and I was sure he had plenty of fresh faces to occupy himself with to remember his student of roughly four months.
I politely nodded at him in greeting and showed him to a table. That night, after he insisted on driving me home, I finally caved at his fourth try. 
However, as we neared my neighborhood, I burst into tears. He pulled into a dead-end street and turned off the car. I cried for the longest time, explaining through sobs that I was tired and that I missed school but I felt forced to leave.
He held me in his arms, his hand brushing down my back in comforting strokes until I calmed down.
He began frequenting the diner after that. Every Friday, he'd invite me to sit with him during my break and he'd fill me in on what he was teaching that week. 
One night when he came in, I had a nasty bruise on my face. In one of my countless fights with my mom, she'd thrown a broken glass at my face and cut my jaw. It wasn't deep, but it was enough to leave a mark for a couple of months. 
I didn't go back home that night. I felt awful for intruding on Mr. Fritz’s space, but he was adamant I stay with him until I figured what to do. 
He provided me with food that night and clothes the following morning. I didn't want to burden him, but he'd already bought them, so I accepted the clothes with a polite nod. I remember my face warming up when I noticed his generosity went as far as new underwear and a plain white bra that fit me a bit awkwardly, but he seemed unfazed.
His place was closer to the diner I worked at, and odd jobs could be found just as well in his neighborhood. So, as long as I stayed there, I kept my routine and even helped tidy his apartment as a thank you. 
At sixteen and a half, I started studying for my GED. Mr. Fritz helped me cram for the math portion and did as much as he could for other subjects. I was incredibly grateful. 
The afternoon the results were posted on the testing portal, I was a nervous wreck. Mr. Fritz stood behind me, his hands resting comfortably on my shoulders as he assured me I'd done just fine. I scrolled down the web page in search of a passing score. When I saw it, I jumped out of my chair and screamed excitedly. Mr. Fritz picked me up and spun me around as he rejoiced in my success. 
Even when he put me down, he kept his arms around my waist as he smiled down at me.
“Congratulations,” he murmured.
And then he leaned in.
The kiss took me by surprise. His hold was strong so I merely stumbled as I tried to draw a distance.
“Mr. Fritz—” 
“What's wrong?” he gently asked me. “Don't you like me?” 
My face warmed at the question, and I barely stuttered out a response. 
“I do, but–”
I wanted to explain that my fondness was out of admiration, but he cut me off before I could.
“Then why can't we kiss? I like you, too. I always have. It's only natural. I'm a man and you're a woman. We live together; it was bound to happen.”
Confused, but trusting that his logic was a compelling argument, I nodded.
“I guess that's true.” 
“And besides, I've been helping you this entire time. I did it because I care. I'd be hurt if you didn't think I was worthy after all I've done for you. Think of it as a token of your appreciation.” 
“I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful,” I murmured. 
My voice was barely above a whisper, but my meek demeanor made him smile.
Lifting my chin, he leaned down to kiss me again. I didn't stop him that time, and he just kept going.
Before I knew it, I was routinely bent over his dinner table or pushed down to my knees so I could repay his kindness. 
This went on for months.
I felt a bit guilty. Because even though I could feel it in my gut that his logic had its flaws, I still let him have his way with me. But a few weeks in, I was convinced I was in love with him. 
It was only natural, as he once said.
People who love each other do everything together. People who love each other kiss in the shadows all the time. They sleep next to each other in the same bed and they wake up at three in the morning to have sex, which ends with the guy telling the girl he loves her because the girl asked what she means to him. People who love each other would rather stay home than go out on dates where people can see them because love is best kept private.
That's what Zeke told me.
And I trusted Zeke. I loved him.
After the diner I worked at closed down, I started making deliveries for a nearby restaurant owned by a family of the name Grice. They could only offer me weekend hours, which meant I had to move my other jobs around but I accepted their offer. Since I couldn't drive a car or a motorcycle, I had to bike everywhere. Thankfully, the Grice's eldest son, Colt, gave me his old bike to use.
Colt Grice was nice. He was only a year younger than me but we'd never met until I started working for his parents. He went to private school, so it made sense we'd never crossed paths. 
Colt Grice also had a thing for me. He asked me out a couple of times but I always politely declined. I couldn't tell him a name, but I let him know I was seeing someone. So he remained a distant admirer. 
One Saturday afternoon, as I was cycling to and from the restaurant to make deliveries, I got lost looking for the last address on my list. 
I took a wrong turn and ended up in a neighborhood I couldn't recognize. Frustrated, I hopped off Colt's bike and started walking, hopeful to find someone to ask for directions.
I passed by a dead-end and there I saw it. Zeke's car.
Confused as to what he was doing there, but relieved nonetheless, I started walking toward the car to surprise him. But I never made it.
Because as soon as I stepped forward, I caught a second figure inside the car. A girl around my age, or maybe even one or two years younger was sitting on his lap in the back seat, fervently kissing him — and he wasn't doing anything to stop her.
Stunned, I rushed out of there as fast as my feet allowed me. 
By the time I came through the door of the Grice restaurant, I'd succeeded in my last delivery but I was a mess. Colt's parents rushed to me, asking if I was okay but all I could do was apologize for the delay. 
Seeing as it was already dark out, Colt offered to walk me home. He remained quiet the entire way to Zeke's apartment building, which was perfect because I didn't have it in me to talk. As I stepped one foot in front of the other in a zombie-like daze, I thought about how crummy my life had been so far. I kept seeing flashes of Zeke and that girl in the backseat. I also thought about whether I should actually be with someone like Colt Grice.
If I was honest, had Zeke never entered my life, I would've said yes to Colt Grice ages ago. He was kind and tall, and he was nice to look at. Not to mention he was closer to my age than Zeke was. 
So when we reached the front steps of Zeke's apartment building and Colt bid me goodbye with a smile, I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him.
He was taken aback, of course. But he kissed me back as soon as the shock subsided. 
Blushing, he asked if I'd like to get a smoothie with him after work tomorrow. 
I decided right then and there, on the eve of my eighteenth birthday, that I would cut ties with Mr. Fritz.
“I'd love to.”
Colt nervously laughed, amazed that I finally accepted his offer.
“I'll see you tomorrow, then,” he smiled, my name sweet on his tongue.
I didn't know Zeke had been watching us the entire time from his living room window.
My resolve to leave him was literally beaten out of me as soon as I walked through the door of his apartment.
I never brought up the girl from the dead-end street. 
I never showed up for work the next day, I never showed up for my date with Colt, and I never saw the Grice family again even after I left Zeke for good six months later.
I went back to living with my mom. As expected, she was still a mess but by then all the crap in her system had worn her out so much that I had to do everything for her. 
She couldn't fight with me like she used to just a year and a half ago, but it was still hell. She'd throw plates at me and scream horrible things at the top of her lungs until I'd break down crying each time. And that just wound her up even more. 
I couldn't just leave her. She was all I had and I was all she had.
But even the most patient hearts are worn out, and so even though I held out as much as I could for six years — and I was probably just waiting to keep her company on her deathbed — I left. She was too out of it to realize who she was talking to, but angry enough to throw a picture frame at the door when I walked out.
I moved to a new city and got a job. I used my savings to furnish the small apartment I found for myself, filling it with soft pastel colors that made the place my safe haven. 
I started wearing neutral colors, not wanting to draw attention to myself, and eventually found comfort in treating myself to the nice things I never had. 
I only went back to my hometown to fill out paperwork when I got a call that my mom had died. That same week I spent there, I heard through the grapevine that Zeke got arrested after he failed to manipulate the young daughter of one of his family's friends, bringing shame to the Fritz name. I never saw him, or Mrs. Zacharias, or Colt Grice ever again.
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You don’t seem to notice that your hands have been shaking for a while now, but Eren does. He's been holding them the entire time as they prune in the cold water. 
Tears are pricking at his eyes but he refuses to let himself cry no matter how heavy his heart feels. It just doesn't feel appropriate when he's not the one trembling at the retelling of their life's story. 
Words don't come easy to him, either. An apology seems out of place, and any string of comfort just doesn't seem to cut it. He wanted to know everything and now he does. Now he's just lost on what to say that could prove to you that you made the right call to trust him.
“I'm sorry,” you murmur, lacing your fingers with his, pulling his hand out of the water, and kissing his knuckles. 
The gesture makes him ache.
“I know it's a lot.”
Eren could never lie to you. Everything you just told him definitely took a toll on him, but he’s also grateful that you shared it with him. And you shouldn't be the one to comfort him. It's given him an entire new perspective on who he wants to be for you. 
It rips him apart from the inside to think that you grew up believing you weren't worthy of healthy parents or a proper home. To think that the only time you experienced love it wasn't even real, and that distorted your understanding of the word forever. To think you were present to help anybody you could without someone to do the same for you without any ulterior motives. To think you made yourself small when you deserved just as much as anybody to take up space in the world. 
What can he say to a person who refuses to believe she could be genuinely loved but whom he loves like it's breathing?
If he had met you sooner, he would've done everything to protect you. It kills him that he couldn't keep you from being manipulated and used. 
“Do you still like me?”
Your timid voice wavers in the air. 
It dawns on Eren that he has yet to speak a word, and that you have no clue of where his head has been for the past few minutes since you caught him up to your present life. 
You don't turn around to look at him, nor do you make any other move. You just remain with your back to him, looking down at your naked legs through the soapy water.
When Eren peers at you over your shoulder, lifting your chin with a wet pruned finger, you struggle to meet his gaze. 
“Why wouldn't I?” 
You crumble in his arms. 
Eren cradles you as you cry into his chest like an affection-starved baby. He presses your naked body against his chest, rhythmically shushing you as his hand soothes your bare back and he presses his lips to your temple. 
You cry out twenty-four years worth of pain with Eren as your anchor. Your eyes swell and your features contort in anguish as you sob so violently, the movement reflects on your shoulders and your cries are mute. You cry until there are no more tears to shed and all that's left are a few hiccups as your body comes down from its panic. 
Eren turns on the shower and scrubs your body down. His fingers massage your scalp as warm water pours down your fragile frame. He sweeps the suds from your face with a gentle hand, as he looks down at you, teary-eyed but smiling as warmly as ever when you blink up at him. 
A soft, fluffy towel is ruffled over your hair as he draws out the excess moisture before he wraps a second around your body and lifts you in his arms in one swift motion. You cling to him while he carries you to bed, where he carefully sets you down and he hugs you to his chest, coaxing you to sleep while the world outside your window slows down and darkens.
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It's around three in the morning when Eren stirs awake. As his eyes adjust to the darkness, he finds you looking at him.
“How long have you been awake?” he whispers.
You smile.
“A while,” you admit. “I didn't know watching someone sleep could be so fascinating.” 
“Well, now I'm embarrassed,” he laughs, his voice still groggy.
“Now you know how I feel,” you smirk, reminding him of when he's done the same. 
His hand comes up to cup your face.
“How are you feeling?” he tenderly asks, his bright emerald eyes shining in the dark.
“Better,” you murmur. Then you meekly add, “I didn't think I would cry so much. I'm a little embarrassed about that.”
Eren leans forward to plant a brief kiss on your lips. 
“Thank you,” he says, to which your eyebrows upturn in confusion.
“For trusting me,” he explains. “I know it couldn't have been easy to relive everything.”
He clears his throat as he strokes the apple of your cheek with his thumb.
“I didn't know what to say at the moment. If that freaked you out, I'm sorry. But I promise none of that changes the way I feel about you. Not that, not anything. I swear. I won't fail you.” 
You thought you were dried out, but Eren's words draw another series of tears to well in your eyes and cling to your lashes.
“So you still want me?”
He smiles.
“I told you. I'm in it for the long haul.”
As you melt in each other’s embrace, you realize this is what genuine love is. People who love each other want to know each other. They hold hands and play on swings in childlike glee. They wake up at three in the morning to watch the other person sleep, careful not to disturb them because the image of them dreaming is just too precious. And whether it be in light or shadows, people who love each other kiss slowly as words of praise and worship are poured into each other's mouths and warm hands caress each other’s scars.
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The last two days leading to the New Year's Eve party at the Jaeger house are spent making last minute arrangements and check-ins with the catering service, florists, pyrotechnicians, and others. 
You and Carla spend the last day shopping. You brought one of your fancier dresses in your suitcase, but after witnessing all the crates of champagne being delivered and hauled into the house in preparation for the party, as well as a preview of the flower arrangements, you felt the need to seek something livelier than the original sleek black silk dress.
It takes several stores and countless fittings until Carla finds you the perfect dress. It's simple but pretty and you and Carla are over the moon with the way it fits you when you step out of the changing room.
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The following night, the music from the main house's terrace can be heard all the way inside the pool house. You haven't met anyone yet, but the sound of car doors and alarms have been faintly echoing in the background for a while.
Eren’s fixing his bow tie in front of the bedroom mirror when you slowly wander into the bedroom, in your pretty pastel dress and strappy heels, fixing your earrings as you go. 
Eren's mouth falls open when he turns around and takes in the sight. 
“What do you think?” you shyly ask.
You're in a flowy midi knife-pleated dress, washed in pastel colors that blend seamlessly between lavender, pastel pink, blue and green, like a watercolor painting. The bustier-style bodice is connected to dainty straps in the same soft colors. 
His lips part and close as he struggles to find the right words. When you giggle, he finally grins and pulls you in by the waist.
“Are you even real?” he murmurs.
You laugh as he pushes you back against the wall, smiling and cradling your face with one hand as the other keeps you pressed against him by the small of your back.
Your hands drape around his neck as he catches a glimpse of the angel necklace resting below your collarbone.
“I think we should bail on the party and just celebrate here,” he grins as his nose brushes against yours. “You know, in some cultures, New Year's is more of a private holiday.”
You throw your head back in laughter as he peppers your neck with short, eager kisses.
“Seriously,” he says, leaning back just enough to admire your smiling face. “You look amazing.”
“Thank you,” you shyly reply. “You look really good, too.”
“Well, I remembered you liked me in a suit,” he smirks, eliciting a pleasant shiver to run down your spine. “So… what do you say?”
Giggling, you shake your head.
“I think your mom will notice if her only son doesn't show up to the party.”
Eren pouts.
“You're right. Then at least I'll get to brag about having the prettiest woman in the world with me.”
He enthusiastically pulls you into a kiss, drawing out an amused giggle from your lips as you melt into his touch. 
When he pulls back, you're both smiling, connecting in one enamored look.
“Eren, I love you.”
Your eyes twinkle as they blink up at him.
“I know I haven't said it in a while but… you know I do… right?”
Eren's heart frantically pounds against his ribs as he caresses your cheek with tender strokes of his thumb.
“Of course,” he murmurs. 
Your shoulders visibly relax, like you've been holding back on repeating those three words and this moment has finally granted you with relief.
Chewing on your bottom lip, you nod. 
“Okay,” you sigh happily. You peck the corner of his mouth. “Come on, Carla's probably wondering what's taking so long.”
Eren doesn't move, keeping you in place against the wall.
“Wait,” he says, his voice quivering slightly at the end.
He brings your hand to his chest, giving you a second to feel the fervent beats.
You look at him curiously as your name rolls off his tongue.
“I love you.”
His features soften before you as the words leave his lips, like pronouncing them has lightened an unknown weight on his shoulders.
“I didn't say it back then,” he adds. “But it wasn't because I didn't feel it. I was just surprised you said it first. But you know I've loved you this entire time… right?”
His shy confession lines your eyes with tears. 
“Of course,” you murmur. 
He sighs heavily in relief as he kisses you once more.
“I love you,” he repeats, the words falling from his lips like it's what he was put on this earth to pronounce. 
“I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.”
You cling to him, your fingers carding through his hair as he ruins your lipstick with his fervent kiss.
“I love you, Eren,” you repeat, as you fall back onto the bed, where his hand snakes up your thighs and his fingers tug your underwear to the side. 
“I love you,” you sigh as he buries himself inside you, the contact raw without a single thing to keep you apart. 
“I love you,” you whimper as your legs wrap around his middle and he finishes inside. 
You both rest on the bed, hands laced together as you regain control of your breathing. 
“I love you,” Eren smiles, your full name bouncing off his tongue and making you giggle.
“I love you, Eren Jaeger.”
The music from the string quartet on the terrace begins to play, reminding you of the night's agenda. 
“Let's go,” Eren says, helping you up with one hand.
“I'm gonna need a minute,” you tell him as you fetch a fresh pair of underwear from the dresser. “I'll be quick.”
He nods, a cocky grin taking over his lips when he notices the streak of your lipstick smeared on your chin. 
“I'll wait for you outside,” he smiles. “I gotta make a call.”
You nod and slip into the bathroom.
As you take in your reflection, an excited flutter stirs in your stomach. 
Being with Eren doesn't compare to anything else in your life. He's the warmth you've craved your entire life. He's deep in every cavity of your being, patching you up from the inside with his strength and affection.
You decide at this moment that you've never loved anyone until him.
As you trade your ruined lipstick for a tinted lip gloss and you clean the remnants from your spontaneous lovemaking, three little words shaped by Eren's warm voice echoes in your ears.
I love you. 
With one last look in the mirror, you walk out to meet him. 
As you shut the pool house door behind you, you pick up the last of Eren's call.
“I gotta go… Yeah… Good luck, buddy.”
Eren ends the call with a quick tap to his screen before turning to you.
He holds out his hand for you to take.
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The party is in full swing on the terrace. Champagne bottles have been popped and music and lively voices fill the air.
You feast on shrimp and cream puffs, bacon-wrapped asparagus and antipasto skewers. You clink your champagne flute with Carla and the ladies from her book club as you suggest titles for their next read and you look over at the pyrotechnicians as they finish setting up for the fireworks show with ten minutes to spare.
Eren never leaves your side. 
He laces your fingers with his as he tugs you away from the railing to dance. His hands fix your arms around his neck before settling on your waist.
He's not much of a dancer, but you follow his lead in swaying to the music. Your limbs tingle with the light buzz of brut.
“Are you happy?” he asks as he presses his forehead to yours.
You smile.
“I'm never not happy when I'm with you.”
He laughs.
“I guess I'm stuck with you, then.”
“You are,” you murmur as you draw closer to his lips.
He pulls back teasingly, chuckling when you inevitably pout at his evasion.
“Easy, you'll get your kiss in a couple of minutes.”
Resting your head on his chest, you continue to sway. It's not long before someone calls out that it's a minute to midnight. 
As fresh champagne flutes are handed out to every guest, you turn around in Eren arms so you can face the fireworks show. As everyone around you excitedly counts down the last ten seconds of the year, Eren hovers over your shoulder and lifts your chin between two fingers.
“I love you,” he murmurs.
“I love you,” you murmur back.
The two of you kiss as golden lights burst in the sky.
Later that night, buzzed from champagne and with a new bottle tucked under Eren's jacket, you stumble into the pool house, giggling like teenagers who just stole from their parent's liquor cabinet. As you clumsily undress each other and exhale sweet words in the air while reconnecting your bodies one more time, you think to yourself that Eren has managed the impossible — to heal every wound and make you happy. 
The following morning, you'll find a new series of text messages where Mikasa and Jean let their friends know they're engaged, and you'll be even happier.
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Two days into the new year, you part from Paradis Island. 
At the airport, as you, Eren, and Carla have a quick lunch before you leave, Eren pulls out his phone and asks you and his mom to pose for a picture together, before asking a security guard to snap a photo of the three of you.
Carla hugs you tightly as she makes you promise you'll be back soon even for just a few days. You hold onto her just as tightly, thanking her for everything, even for the things she didn't know she gifted you, and you swear this isn't the last she'll see of you.
Roughly thirty minutes later, as you look out the window, waiting for the plane to take off, Eren's hand gently envelops yours. 
You turn to smile at him and he dips forward to kiss your temple. 
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
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l0v3strucked · 2 months
Mommy forbade me to go any doctors office after one incident at doctor office. Even gynocologists. She believes that no one should touch or even have access to my cunt. Only her.
Where the doctor noticed i had grip marks,bruises and marks all over my thighs that was noticeable as i was wearing a skirt picked out by mommy. They were left over from last night from being used repeatedly by mommy.
I don’t understand why he thought anything was wrong,mommy says everything she does to me is because she loves me and cares.
Mommy was rubbing my thigh to sooth my jittery leg. I started to get aroused and wet.
“Um don’t worry its-“. My sentence got cut off by mommy.
She intercepts ”doctor,its probably a result of the deep exfoliation scrub that you use,you know it can be quite harsh on the skin,i told baby you got to be smooth”.
she always knows what to say and do.
The doctor peers over at mommy and looks back at me as i’m nodding in agreement and quickly jots notes down.
“Ahh yes,that does seem like quite a clear explanation however it still does not explain the bruising,do you understand”.
“I mean doc,shes quite clumsy,is it that right honey,aren’t you a clumsy girl hmm ?” she coaxes.
I nodded my head with no hesitance.
“Umm i hope what i say next comes across well and i do really say with no ill intentions,But im mean i do find it quite pecuilar a women of your age,who pratically an adult according to our records, is not really advocating on own behalf unless she’s comfortable with your presence and speaking on her behalf”.
I mean mommy just trying to help,she know that i struggle sometimes expressing myself so she will do so for me sometimes.
I look at mommy,she seemed so pleased and i feel so reassured and smiled because i did everything she instructed me to do before i said anything to the GP. however the face on my doctor im being met with suspicion and concern.
“ i don’t understand why you making that face,doctor is there something wrong”. Im geniuenly lost and confused,i don’t see the problem.
“Im mean if you are you are telling me that you are safe and firm in that belief then i believe you,but overall everything seems healthy and in check”.
Just before i left the doctors office,mommy went to restroom before we drove back,the doctor passed me a leaflet.
Signs of potential abuse and brainwashing.i scoffed at that. I tried to hide the leaflet in my hand.
Back in the car,driving back to the house and stuck in traffic.
“And like she makes decisions for me” she condescendingly mocked. “Do you want mommy to get in trouble huh,is that it,cause if you do that means you will never be able to see me again,you don’t want that,right?” She asked quite harshly.
“No,i just panicked and like its true though,you do help me make decisions and im sorry,i don’t want you to be gone,i was just under pres-“ I uttered, trying to reassure her.
She starts to place her unoccupied hand on my thigh and starts rubbing me to soothe me. Gradually her hand inches up.
“I know baby,you get nervous in that little head of yours,its okay i got you,you were sooo tied up in saying the right thing” she cooed softly.
I started to squirm as her hand reached close to my panties.
While trying to disguise my sudden arousal,i forgot that fact i was still holding on that stupid leaftlet.
Suddenly the leaflet got snatched out of my hand.
“Signs of potential abuse and brainwashing….. what the fuck,are you kidding me? Did you ask for this?” My throat start to close up under the nerves and pressure.
“I promise,i would never do that,the doctor handed it to me once you left to go the bathroom.i told the doctor,you have never h-hurt me and i don’t need it” i rapidly spoke trying to reassure as quickly as possible.
Tears start to well up in my eyes.
She raised her fingers my face and wiped away my tears.”No,don’t cry im sorry its not you,im just astonished at the fact he’s accusing me of abuse,does he even know what abuse is?” She spat harshly.
“ like im really hurt about that and obviously your doctor is causing all of you to be so stressed and emotional,i don’t think you should continuing seeing them if that’s the case,i hate seeing you like this” quite a sad look appeared on her face.
“ i’m mean i could just stop seeing my doctor if you feel upset and that would make you better”. I whispered meekly.
A smile shone upon her face.
“you’re the best,this is why mommy loves you” she cheered while kissing my cheek.
I felt my panties being tugged to the side and fingers entering me.
“M-mommy what there’s people around fuuuck” my eyes met the back of my head as she curved her fingers upwards my spot.
I gripped mommy hand as a strong reaction,the pleasure is starting to become a lot and im in public. I feel soo humiliated and but turned on.
“Ahh yeah,make all the pretty noises for me” the stupid leaflet forcibly entered my mouth. The paper being reduced down to being a gag. “You’ve had enough of the day,i think you’re tired”.
“No more doctors,no more mean outsiders who want interfere,it’s going to just be me,i will be much more better than them, i promise” She whispered while now circling my clit.
“Just let yourself feel good on my fingers… fuck you’re soo wet,don’t let people’s words mess with your head,you love how mommy makes you feel everyday and you want to feel like this every time, right? If you do,you shouldn’t want or let anyone take me away from you,it will hurt me”.
From that day onwards, everything has changed. The doctor gave up in contacting me and ending up with constantly nothing.
Instead mommy has decided to implement something new to my routine.
She snaps the blue rubber gloves around her wrist gleefully”honey are you ready for your monthly checkup”.
I nodded as im adjusting myself on her lap ,trying to face her.
“Say ahhh” she tilts my head so slightly while grabbing the popsicle stick.
“Ahhh,uh” the gagging following the tears streaming.
“Baby hold still you got this,maybe we need to practice more throat training hmm?” She reassured as she focusing on the back of my mouth.
“Looks pretty healthy to me”
“The last part of the checkup,requires you to remove your underwear , i need to check that everything inside is healthy “.
She decided to take them of me instead of me doing it.
“Now for the second part,spread your legs a bit” she instructed.
“You are now going to feel my fingers enter” she soflty spoke.
I didn’t even realise her gloves were off.
“Ah fuck” i moaned.
The older woman took notice of her reaction and couldn’t help smiling at her. She could pratically feel her getting soaked.
“Baby,this was supposed to be professional” she chuckled.
She started to go a bit deeper into my cunt.
“I-im sorry,i can’t help it” i whimpered.
“That’s okay,i know you get a little bit needy don’t worry after this mommy will take care of you”.
She started to circle and divert her attention to my clit by putting more pressure on it. “ i need to focus on the performance and reaction of the clit and assess whether it reacts to stimuli accordingly”.
The pleasure was immense enough for me to start squiriming all over the place.
“M-mommy augh please…it feels so good”
“You like getting your clit played with,my my my,you make such pretty noises when being toyed with. Are you about to cum on mommy fingers from an examination,what a filthy whore” she looked thoroughly entertained.
I sighed relentessly as the pressure is building up.
“Can i cum, can i pleaseee,i will do a-anything ahh i swear,please just let me cum” i shrieked as my legs started to shake.
“Good girl for asking for permission,cum on my fingers ,thats it mhm good girl”.
“Uhhhh s-shit” i gasped in esctacy.
“Alright,everything is functioning well,that’s done,suck my fingers clean” She uttered.
I desperately placed my mouth on her fingers cleaning my juices off.
“Im gonna call the doctors office give them a heads that you changed your GP and found a much more suitable place hmm okay darling” she grabbed the housephone and started to dial the number.
“Mhmm do what you whatever you want” as i continue sucking her fingers clean. My mind feels so hazy after I came.
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callsign-magnolia · 18 days
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 55
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
I've been away for a while and I'll be honest, I haven't done a lot of writing. Motivation comes and goes and I feel stuck in most of my stories. But I'm glad to at least get this out to y'all.
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 4.3k
Chapter 54 | Masterlist
“Honey.” Bradley said, his hand falling to rest on my thigh. “Yeah?” I asked as he forced my leg to stop bouncing. “It’ll be okay.” He said before leaning over and kissing my temple and I sighed. “I just… I want answers.” I said looking down at him and he gave me a small smile. “I know and in time we’ll have them.” I huffed and sat back on the squeaky exam table. “I hate when you’re being wise.” I said and he chuckled. “Just trying to help.” He took my hand and squeezed it every few seconds until the doctor came in. “Good morning!” Dr. Bearden said as he came in. “Good to see you again, Lieutenant. And you must be the fiancee!” He said, reaching to shake Roosters hand. “Yes, this is my fiancee Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw.” I smiled, lifting my hand to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Two very accomplished naval aviators. You two are quite the pair.” He said opening his Ipad. “Now, last time you were here we did your annual exam and we did some blood work to test for infertility.” I nodded at him. “All the blood tests were normal. But this time I would like to do a thyroid function panel and a transvaginal ultrasound.” He said and I nodded. “I’ll have the phlebotomist come in here and draw your blood then I’ll be back to do your ultrasound.” I nodded and he stepped out. “You okay?” Bradley asked and I nodded. “Yeah, I’m just ready for this to be over.” I said. After a minute the phlebotomist came in. Bradley turned his head away as she drew all the tubes she needed and only when she had the tubes in hand, hiding the contents did he look back at me. 
“I really hate blood.” He said and I giggled. “I know, honey.” I leaned over, kissing his temple. The chair he sat in next to the tall exam table made it hard to reach him. “Alright!” Dr. Bearden came back in with an ultrasound machine in tow. “So for this I’m going to need your feet in the stirrups.” He set the stirrups up and I slid down, putting my feet in them. Immediately Bradley stood, coming to stand next to me and hold my hand as Dr. Bearden slid a cover over the transducer. “Slide down to the edge a little more for me.” I did as he asked, feeling like I was about to slide off the end. I looked up at Bradley and his eyes were wide and I looked to see what he was looking at. Dr. Bearden was putting lube on the transducer and it was so long. “Now, this may be a little uncomfortable.” I squeezed Bradley’s hands as he pressed the transducer in. It was definitely uncomfortable. Bradley used both of his hands to lift my one to his lips, kissing it. Dr. Bearden stared at the screen as he clicked a few things. I couldn’t help but think about Bradley and I being in this exact position, hoping to see our baby for the first time. I was broke out of my daydream by Dr. Bearden's voice. “You see these lines here?” He asked, pointing to the screen. “Yeah.” Bradley said and Dr. Bearden looked at me for my answer. “Yes.” I muttered. “These lines are accurate with uterine scarring.” My heart dropped as he removed the transducer and his gloves. 
“Caila. When you had your placental abruption, your placenta ripped away from your uterus, causing your miscarriage. When that happened, it left scarring along your uterus. There’s a number of things this means but with the amount of scarring you have, I’ll be honest, it looks like it has almost obliterated your uterus. This can prevent an embryo from implanting; it can block the fallopian tubes, meaning sperm may never reach an egg.” Tears streamed down my cheeks and I tried to hold back my sobs. “It is not impossible by any means. I still think you have a chance of getting pregnant, but I would label you as high risk.” I took a deep breath as Bradley moved my hair out of my face. “Remember what I said to you at your last appointment? A lot of women have these problems and you’re not alone. Going to see a fertility doctor is very common for people on the journey to creating a family. It doesn’t make you less of a woman if you need helping to conceive.” I nodded. “When you do want to start trying, start taking prenatal vitamins. They jury is still out on if they can actually help you conceive. But it can help to make your pregnancies healthier and the longer you take it, the better the effects you’ll have.” He gave me a small smile. “Thanks Dr. Bearden. We’ll keep it all in mind.” With that Dr. Bearden gave me a sad look. “Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll go ahead and start the checkout process for you?” He quickly stood, walking out of the room. A single sob escaped me before I got a hold of myself, standing and grabbing my clothes. Bradley helped me in silence before we walked out of the exam room. We checked out quickly and I all but sprinted out of the office, keeping my head down as to not see all the pregnant women that were waiting. 
We took the elevator back down to the second level of the parking garage and it seemed like the longest ride of my life. I stayed silent the whole way down and as soon as the elevator doors opened I made a beeline for the Bronco. “Honey-” I cut him off by opening my own door and getting in, almost slamming the door closed. I heard him sigh before he got into the driver's seat. I couldn’t look at him, not while I knew that I was the reason we would struggle to have a baby after the wedding. He started the Bronco and backed out of the spot and as soon as we were in drive he took my hand, kissing my knuckles before resting our intertwined fingers on my denim clad thigh. Tears silently ran down my cheeks as I rubbed my thumb along his hand and looked at my ring as it glinted in the light. I was marrying the literal man of my dreams and here I am, wondering how he could want me if I couldn’t give him kids like he wanted. We rode in silence and as we stopped I looked up seeing we were in a drive thru of a local coffee shop that I liked to visit with Phoenix occasionally. Bradley placed an order for a medium black coffee and a large iced mocha. After a few minutes we got our drinks and Bradley let go of my hand long enough to hand me mine before he placed his in the cupholder by the gear shift. I stared down at my coffee as Bradley drove a few minutes to pull into a parking lot in front of the beach. As soon as he put it in park he turned to me, sticking a straw in my drink. “Look at me.” I took a deep breath before casting my gaze up to him. “I am marrying you. I’m marrying you because I love you, not because we could have a baby together. I’m marrying you with or without kids and I am perfectly happy if we spend the rest of our lives together, just me and you and no one else.” A sob immediately hit me as he finished. I held my coffee tightly with both hands as he slid closer, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling my head to rest on his own shoulder. “I love you.” I managed to choke out. I heard him chuckle as he held me. “I love you too, Mags.” I knew he meant it, but I still didn’t miss the tear that fell into my hair. 
We spent hours at the beach yesterday sitting in the bronco or walking on the beach. Once the tears stopped it became a very good day and it played on repeat in my brain all day today. It was Thursday, the day before we flew out to Tennessee. “Ready for your trip?” Mav asked. I passed him as I was heading out. I nodded at him. “Very ready.” He smiled at my answer. “You guys deserve it. See you Monday, Magnolia.” I nodded and got in the jeep to go home. I was exhausted, so tired from being in the air all day. And not sleeping the night before. I tossed and turned not sure why I wasn’t sleeping. Bradley slept like a rock next to me, his snoring not helping my interim insomnia. But it also made me feel better because there was a time I wasn’t sure I’d ever hear him snoring again. I was sluggish getting out of the car, my body feeling heavy. I dragged my duffel out of the trunk thinking about how grateful I was to be home and done with work for the week. I managed to unlock the door and slide inside, the dogs rushing to greet me as I did. I sighed in relief as I dropped my duffel and bent down to pet them until they calmed down. Once they were satisfied I sat down and untied my boots. I moaned as I slid them off, massaging the sole of my foot a little before finally standing. I simply wanted a shower but I yelped in surprise as I was suddenly lifted and pinned to the wall, lips pressed to mine. I could tell it was Bradley, easy, I could pick him out of a room blindfolded. His cologne invaded my senses and his lips felt a certain way against mine. “Bradley.” I muttered, pulling away. He redirected his attention to my neck and a shiver ran up my spine.
I tried to hold back a moan but it was futile. “Bradley.” I felt him harden against my core and my brain went fuzzy. “Say my name again.” He muttered as he dragged his lips up my neck. “You have to stop.” I said, trying to keep my fingers out of his hair knowing it would only encourage him. “I’ve been cleared.” He muttered, squeezing a handful of my ass through my flight suit. “Your appointment isn’t until nine tomorrow morning. You haven’t actually been cleared yet.” His appointment was the one thing we had to do before our flight tomorrow. He pulled away from my neck, grinning up at me. “They had a cancellation. I got in today and I am completely cleared.” Tears welled in my eyes. I knew he’d probably be cleared, but to have confirmation of that was so relieving. “Really?” I asked, giving in and letting my fingers trail into the hair on the back of his head. “I’m in perfect health. Stitches are healed, everything sounds good and looks good. I could do everything I could do before.” It was like a weight lifted off me and he leaned in, kissing me. “That means I can do whatever I want to my fiance, and I think I’ll start up in our room.” He turned to take us up the stairs and I couldn’t help but laugh. “We still have to pack.” I thought he might stop and put me down, but he continued right up the stairs. “I already packed the suitcases while you were at work and we now have a nine a.m. flight instead of a noon flight.” 
I furrowed my brows as he topped the stairs. “How did you change the flights?” I asked and he grinned at me. “I called the airline, had them change it and begged them to not email you about the change.” He kicked the door closed behind us before dropping me onto the neatly made bed. “Of course you did.” I remarked as he crawled over me. “Roo, I haven’t showered yet.” I said, my hands on his shoulders. He smirked at me before grabbing the zipper of my flight suit. “That’s okay.” He buried his nose in my neck. “I love when you smell like jet fuel. Besides, you’d need a second shower anyway after I’m done with you.” He dragged the zipper down, and I didn’t dare stop him.  He jerked my flight suit off my shoulders and pulled it down my waist. He stood from the bed, grabbing my ankles and dragging me to the end of the bed. He slowly pulled off my socks before kissing my ankles, holding my gaze as he did. I loved when he was like this. Sweet and almost primal. It was like two sides of him colliding. I lifted my hips for him to slip my flight suit off and as soon as he did he tossed it to some corner of the room.. I wasn’t sure which though. Because I was too busy watching him sink to his knees before me. Denim clad legs hit the floor as I sat up, leaning back on my hands. His large hands gripped my thighs and I was surprised at how big they looked against my legs. He pushed my legs farther apart and my chest heaved as he placed kisses on my inner thigh. He worked his way to my core, placing a kiss on me over my white thong. His hands slid up to my hips and his fingers curled into my waist band. His eyes met mine and I lifted my hips for him to pull my panties off, which he did agonizingly slow. He tossed them behind him and he inched forward ever so slightly before leaning in, running his tongue along my slit. 
I cried out as he found my clit, his lips wrapping around it and sucking. I scooted closer, my fingers tugging on his curls as his arms wrapped around my thighs. “Oh, Roo!” It’s been so long since we’ve touched each other like this and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I came and Rooster knew it too. His tongue delved inside me and I gasped at the sensation. I felt Rooster’s hand on my belly and he pushed me to lay back. My hands stayed in his hair as he moved my legs to be tossed over his shoulders, allowing him to plunge deeper into my core. I was a mess and whining as he ran his hands up my body, reaching under my shirt to grip my breasts through my bra. The knot in my stomach grew tighter and Bradley shifted his hands to slip underneath my bra and pinch my nipples lightly which caused my back to arch ever so slightly. “Oh god! I’m close. Roo-” I was cut off as my orgasm hit me and I gasped. He didn’t stop. Working me over until my body was shaking. He was breathing heavily as he stood. He leaned over my now limp body. “You okay?” He asked with a devilish grin. “I’m great.” I replied and he smiled, leaning down to kiss me. His hands rested on my sides and I tasted myself on his lips, I remembered how euphoric it really was. My hands rose to rest on his neck, losing myself in him. He pushed my black undershirt up and we separated long enough for him to pull it over my head. He pulled me to sit up, reaching behind me and flicking the hooks of my bra, causing them to let loose so he could drag it down my arms. He held my gaze as I leaned forward, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. He had this planned because he didn’t have on an undershirt, which he always does.
I pushed my hands to his shoulders, slowly sliding his shirt off as I placed a kiss just above his belly button. So many weeks of not being in the gym made him soft. He was still fit, distractingly so, but his abs weren’t as defined anymore. I loved it though. His shirt fell to the floor and I immediately went for the buttons of his jeans. He helped me push them down and he stepped out of them, leaving him in his white boxer briefs which he knew drove me crazy. He was rock hard and it was incredibly obvious in the white underwear. I placed a kiss on the outline of his cock and he leaned his head back, sighing as he did. I grabbed his waistband and pulled them off just like he did me, tossing them to some forgotten corner. He hissed as his cock slapped his lower torso and I smirked. I leaned forward with my tongue out as I licked from his base to his tip before taking most of him in my mouth. I felt him take my hair that was in a bun, in his hands, bobbing my head on him a few times before pulling me off him. He leaned down, his eyes meeting my own. “When I come, I want to be inside you. Now, move back.” A shiver ran down my spine at his words and I moved myself back up the bed. He followed immediately and pushed me to lay back. He slotted himself between my thighs before laying his body weight on me. His lips landed on mine and I moaned as his hands grazed my sides. My arms wrapped around his shoulders, nails grazing his skin. “I missed you today.” He said before turning his attention to my neck. “I’ve been going crazy being here while you’re at work.” He kissed the hollow of my throat as he worked his way down to my chest. “But today was especially difficult.” He muttered against my skin. “You know why?” He asked, knowing my head would be fuzzy. “Because I knew exactly what I could do to you when you came in the door.” 
I moaned as he took my nipple between his teeth. I spread my legs more, feeling the head of his cock nudging my thigh. “Bradley, please.” I was not above begging. I never was with him, and he knew it. “I love it when you ask nicely.” He sat up on his knees, hiking my legs over his hips and drawing me closer. He lined himself up before pushing against me and I gasped as I felt him. He stopped, stilling his hips before he leaned back over me and kissing me. “Roo, please.” I knew he was teasing me and I wasn’t sure I could handle it. “Not yet, pretty girl. It’s been six weeks. I don’t wanna hurt you.” He leaned his forehead against mine, his lips dragging across my face. He stared down at me as he pulled out slightly, before pushing in a little farther than last time. “You like that, pretty girl?” He asked and I moaned in response. “God I can’t wait to have my cock buried inside you.” He slowly pushed his way deeper, each thrust allowing him to enter me another inch by another inch. Finally, he was buried to the hilt inside me. “Bradley.” I gasped out. My arms wrapping around him and my nails digging into his skin. “You’re so tight, pretty girl.” He moaned at a particularly smooth thrust. He dropped his forehead to mine again, his lips landing on my nose for a split second as he stilled inside me. “Mm… so full.” I muttered. Any time Bradley and I have sex, I basically go dumb. “I know, pretty girl. I know.” He slowly started rolling his hips, causing him to slip out and the angle was just right for him to hit that soft spot inside of me. “Oh fuck. Roo.” He knew what he was doing and he gave me a wide mischievous smile. “You like that, honey? You like taking my cock.” I moaned and gasped as he trailed his fingers down my abdomen, all the way till he brushed my clit. “Don’t rush it, Bradley.” I said as I reached down and grabbed his wrist. 
He raised a brow at me before chuckling and removing his hand. “Whatever you want, Mags.” He tucked one hand under my back and intertwined the fingers of his left hand with my right. He put pressure on my back, causing me to arch ever so slightly and a moan escaped him as the angle shifted. I grinned at him. “I love when you make noises for me.” His face tinged red at my words. He rarely made any noise other than grunting and dirty talk in bed. I could tell I caught him off guard with what I said, but it was true. I squeezed my pelvic floor, clenching around him and causing his thrusts to stutter. He cut his eyes to mine before pulling out almost all the way and slamming back into me. I yelped and he just chuckled. His thrusts grew rougher and he sat back on his knees again. He pinned my hips to the bed, the pressure adding to how he felt inside me. “Gonna cum so deep inside you, Mags.” His chest was heaving and sweat started forming on his neck and chest. I reached out, gripping his forearms as he fucked me. I wanted to speak, say anything to agree with him. But I couldn’t do much of anything except hasp and moan. A familiar feeling started to grow in my belly, one that I experienced only a few minutes ago. “Need you to cum on my cock, pretty girl.” He leaned over me again, his hand reaching down once more to touch me and this time, I didn’t stop him. “I want to feel you cum around me. Need it.” I tossed my arms around him again, one hand tucked around between his shoulder blades and the other fisting the curls at the back of his head. “Oh god, Bradley! Yes! Yes!” I chanted, knowing it would only spur him on. 
He wrapped his arms around me, one hand on my waist, the other creeping around my shoulder for leverage. His forehead pressed to mine and his hot breath fanned my face. Our lips barely brushed together and it felt like fireworks went off everywhere inside my body. “I love you, Mags. More than anything.” All I could do in response was tilt my head up and kiss him. His hips stuttered before he buried himself deep inside me, practically flooding me with his release. I never thought I could miss being this close to someone. He was breathing heavily as he leaned his head on my chest. I felt him move his hand from my shoulder and I whimpered as the rough skin of his hand nudged my clit again. He listed himself off of me just enough to be in a good position to work me towards my orgasm and take my right nipple in his mouth. That coupled with him still buried inside me sent me straight over the edge. I gasped and my body shook harshly as Bradley slowly brought me down from my high. We stayed like that for who knows how long before he finally lifted his head. He stared at me, a dopey grin on his face as my mind raced. What we just did got me thinking about everything Dr. Bearden said in my appointment. “I want to start taking prenatal vitamins.” His eyebrows shot up. “Yeah?” He sat up, straddling my legs and I nodded. “Are we still waiting until after the wedding?” I sat up and grabbed his hands in mine. “Yeah.” I said quietly. “I just want to take them because when the time comes we have a higher chance of having a healthy pregnancy.” He smiled at me before leaning down and kissing my forehead. “Of course,” I started, catching his attention. “This means we’ll have to use condoms. Every time.” He groaned, falling onto the bed beside me. “We’re gonna go broke buying condoms.” I laughed loudly at his words. He pulled me down next to him and squeezed me. “Hungry?” He asked. “Yes. But I need a shower first. I smell like sweat and jet fuel and I do not like the combination.” He got up and pulled me to my feet. “Let’s get you in the shower then.” 
The next morning I was incredibly sore between my legs. “You okay, honey?” Rooster asked, leaning down and brushing my hair from my face. “I hurt.” I mumbled, still half asleep. “I’m sorry, honey. I should’ve been gentler with you. “He kissed me on the cheek. “I promise I’ll be more gentle next time.” I hummed, stretching my arms over my head. “Uber will be here in an hour. I’ve laid out some pants and one of my t-shirts for you.” I smiled at him. “Thank you, honey.” It took me a few minutes to finally get up and I dragged when I finally did. I slowly got dressed and braided my hair before making my way downstairs. “Coffee?” Bradley asked and I shook my head. “No. I’ll just drink water for now.” He smiled and drank his coffee. “So, what car did you rent?” He asked. “A Silverado.” I replied and he fake gasped. “We are a Ford family. The jeep is the exception.” I laughed loudly. “We are a ‘whatever is affordable’ family.” He laughed, stepping behind me and kissing my head. “I like when you’re frugal.” I hummed. “Wait until I tell you I started buying certain foods only if they’re on sale.” He groaned, wrapping his arms around me. “I love you.” He said and I turned in his arms. “I love you too.” 
Taglist: @mak-32 @rosiahills22 @fanboyswhore9 @kmc1989 @sunderland-6 @mygyn @halstead-severide-fan
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chenziee · 6 months
Revelations (we could do without)
Content warning: pure chaos
My brain refused to let me sleep last night because it took a random dialogue line in Punk Hazard and ran away with it and decided to make it everyone else's problem xD I hope it makes someone laugh just a little bit :)
Nami couldn’t believe it. She had thought that with Robin and Usopp there, Luffy and Zoro wouldn’t do anything completely stupid or insane on that burning island. She had also thought that staying on the Sunny would be safe. 
But here they fucking were. 
In but a few hours, Nami found herself standing in the broken remains of some laboratory in the absolutely freezing, semi-deserted half of said island, stuck in Franky’s giant, iron body while surrounded by children of various sizes playing happily around them. An alligator centaur was glaring at her. They barely just got rid of a talking severed head only for it to get put on a walking pair of severed legs—going off to search for his creepy moving severed torso. Her body was likely currently being groped by Sanji and ogled by Brook. At least the charges she was planning to collect would be somewhat worth it, she supposed… 
But then the children started collapsing from terrible drug withdrawals and Nami really had to wonder what kind of cursed star she was born under.
And if all of that wasn’t enough, now the creepiest fucking guy Nami’d ever met was just standing there, casually chatting with Luffy as if 90 % of everything she just recounted wasn’t his own damn fault. And he wouldn’t even get her back inside her own body! Sure, Sanji was still better than Franky but she wanted her beautiful, delicate figure back, goddamn it! She didn’t work so hard to stay in shape, pampering her skin and hair just to lose it, simply because Mr Warlord here thought it was funny or something.
And as if that wasn’t enough—
“I am going to go with your decision, but Luffy—” Robin said, tone serious— “but betrayal is all too common with pirate alliances.”
—there was this goddamned alliance thing.
Nami knew there was no point trying to talk Luffy out of it but that didn’t mean she was happy about it or didn’t try. And god, did she try.
The entire walk back from the stupid mountain back to the laboratory, she did nothing but argue with him, trying to explain all the reasons why an alliance was a bad idea but it was like talking to a snickering wall.
She loved Luffy and she would die for him but she really hated him sometimes.
Stubborn idiot.
He was so lucky Nami was too tired to get mad about it anymore.
“Who’s the doctor?” Trafalgar Law asked, full of exasperation after his short-lived, pointless argument with Luffy about helping the children, then groaned when everyone wordlessly pointed at Chopper, lying immobile on the ground after Franky and Luffy’s collective abuse.
“I’ll help you with the drug antidote but I can’t really walk right now,” Chopper said apologetically. “Can you carry me?”
For a moment, it looked like Law was regretting every single life decision that led him to this point—and good riddance, it was his own fault—before he clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Fine. But you’ll have to hide.”
“I’ll get you ready, Chopper.” Usopp hurried over before he grabbed Chopper’s little backpack and started stuffing all the equipment he had used on the children earlier inside.
Meanwhile, Law was rubbing at his temples and Nami was sure he was having a headache about as bad as she herself did.
Just then, Luffy approached Law, that bright, blinding smile of his plastered on his face. “By the way, Torao,” he started, poking Law’s side a few times to get his attention.
“What?” Law sighed, sounding absolutely exhausted.
“You said there was something you wanted to take back from me earlier? What did you mean?” Luffy questioned, his eyebrows furrowed into an adorable frown while he tilted his head to the side curiously.
Law was silent for a moment, simply regarding Luffy silently before he clicked his tongue again, looking away. And this time… he looked almost embarrassed as he opened his mouth to speak.
“I meant my heart, Straw Hat-ya,” he muttered, obviously trying to keep his voice down enough that the rest of the crew didn’t hear. Unfortunately for him, however… this cave-like structure did nothing for secrecy, with all the echoing.
And so… Nami could still hear him loud and clear.
Her eyes blew wide as her mouth fell open. She exchanged a look with Usopp, the man looking about as horrified as Nami felt. She wasn’t sure if that made her feel better or worse.
Because holy shit.
Trafalgar Law, the Surgeon of Death, one of the Warlords of the Sea… really said that.
“Did he just confess to Luffy?”  Usopp mouthed in her direction.
Nami’s eyes flickered between Law, Luffy, and Usopp before she nodded stiffly. Then, she turned her attention fully to the pair, taking in the scene before her.
To her surprise, Luffy didn’t look the least bit shocked or taken aback or creeped out or… anything along those lines, really. Instead, he was standing in front of Law confidently, perfectly relaxed; only his frown had deepened even more while he stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.
It looked like he was actually unhappy about what Law had said—or maybe disappointed?
“But why?” Luffy whined, this time grabbing at Law’s sleeve and pulling sharply—an action that only got him a dirty look. “I like it! It’s not like you need it.”
“Straw Hat-ya, a person can’t live without a heart,” Law retorted, unimpressed.
 Luffy simply rolled his eyes in response. “You know what I mean, you ass.”
At that… Law chuckled. Actually chuckled.
“Fine, have it your way. Don’t blame me if you die later because of it.” There was a teasing smirk on his lips as he spoke.
And then…
Nami’s eyes blew even wider if at all possible as she could do nothing but watch while Trafalgar fucking Law leaned down, pressing his mouth to Luffy’s. While Luffy let him. Then laughed happily when Law pulled away again.
If she wasn’t so frozen, Nami would have screamed.
Because oh god.
They kissed. They fucking kissed like it was nothing, like it was normal, like they had done it a hundred times before.
Nami had no idea what was even happening anymore. Luffy did mention Law had saved him after the war but this? This was something completely different. It was absolutely insane, actually.
“I think your crew’s going to explode,” Law noted, finally breaking the oppressive silence that had settled over the lab—or at least seemed to have; it wasn’t like Lufffy and Law had stopped talking after… that but Nami couldn’t hear anything they said over the static in her brain.
“Can you blame us?!” Usopp cried, his hands flying up to cover his eyes as if the sight had burned them.
“Oh.” Robin chuckled. “I think you’ve neglected to mention something, Luffy.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” Luffy asked, full of confusion once again.
“You didn’t tell them we’re dating?” Law asked, his eyebrow raised as he glanced at Luffy.
Luffy, who merely hummed in a way that made it clear he thought it didn’t matter—or thought it was too much of a drag to explain. But finally, he turned to the present members of his crew, placing his hands on his hips and proudly declaring, “Guys, Torao’s my boyfriend.”
“Tell us these things before you scar us for life!” Usop screeched, his face still buried in his hands in despair. Or maybe he was trying to claw his eyes out. “I don’t even want to know what that thing about his heart was anymore.”
A happy smile spread on Luffy’s face and he started talking animatedly. “That one’s so funny, actually! Torao’s power is super weird. He can take organs out and it’s so cool, okay? He let me play with my intestines and stuff.”
A strangled, horrified noise came from Chopper, the only reaction from the one normal and sane doctor around, apparently. It was a reaction that perfectly conveyed how Nami was feeling in that moment.
“Luffy, please—” Usopp started but Robin interrupted him.
“Please continue, that sounds fascinating,” she said, apparently paying rapt attention to whatever creepy shit Luffy had just said.
“No! Please just shut up!” Nami begged, her hands quickly coming up to cover her ears in a vain attempt to stop the words from reaching her. 
Luffy, however, paid neither her nor Usopp any mind, his grin widening at Robin’s prompting; he continued, now even waving his hands around in excitement. “Yeah so, we couldn’t have a vivre card made on Amazon Lily so Torao just took out our hearts and switched them so now I have his heart with me. It’s such a funny feeling, you guys should try it!”
Nami didn’t have the brain capacity for this anymore.
She really should have just stayed with Arlong.
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ashes-writing-corner · 5 months
A bit of a shorter update tonight guys! But I hope you like it anyway ^^
TW: mentions abuse/childhood trauma, non descriptive.
Taglist: @stargatenovus
Ghosts That We Knew
13- A Dead Man's Letter
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You were still on the hunt for a therapist weeks after the confrontation with Ghost. Getting one wasn’t easy, and to be honest you weren’t in any rush to find one. It wasn’t that you had lied to him, at least not intentionally. You had already mentioned you didn’t like therapists, you didn’t trust them. You didn’t want to be just another doctor’s paycheck. It wasn’t like they cared about you anyway. However, to set Ghost’s mind at ease, you told Ellie’s therapist you were searching for one. Thankfully for you, they were more than willing to help you find an ideal one. 
For the time being, you were perfectly fine with running your business, which was doing pretty well. Life went on as normal. You kept Simon’s file in a locked safe in your room, so no one could get to it and you still had it close at hand in case you needed it. But on more than one occasion you found an envelope either on your bed, your nightstand, or on the floor in your room. You knew what it was. Simon’s letter. Ghost was asking you to read it, without speaking of course. Needing to regain his strength, he had gone quiet in the weeks following. 
You sat in bed, contemplating opening it, when your phone rang. An unknown number…
You didn’t pick it up, as you didn’t pick up unknown numbers. If it was important they’d leave a message. You flipped the silent phone over, thinking it wouldn’t be so distracting as you picked up the envelope. But after a minute, you just decided to put it in the nightstand and just focus on what it was he had written. Taking a slightly shaking breath, you decided to open the letter and give it a read, being delicate so as not to rip anything. The paper was already yellowing a little, meaning he wrote this a good long time ago. You blinked as you took in Simon Riley’s handwriting, which admittedly wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t illegible. 
To the poor soul reading this, 
Since you’re reading this, two things have happened. 1. I’m dead. And 2. You’re the poor sap who got stuck with this heart. Just to let you know, you’re only one of a few letters I’ll be writing, as I’m hoping all my bits get used. Hell knows I’m not using them anymore. 
A heart’s a heavy burden, and believe me I know that better than most. You’ve probably read all my stuff, as I signed the release forms earlier today. Without it, it’d be illegal for you to even see my records. But as the knew…keeper, I guess, for arguably my most important organ, I figured that was important info in there for you to know. But it doesn’t tell you everything. Only what you need to know. Maybe some notes from therapy thrown in for flavor, mental evaluations and all that. But they don’t tell you a damn thing about me. Who I was, what I wanted from life, all of that. Things about me that not even my closest friends know, few as they are.  The dreams I had, the hopes I mislaid. They’re not mine anymore. But…I want you to know this: They aren’t yours either. 
The truth is, I wanted to spend my life making the world a better place, so no one has to know what it means to suffer the way I did. This isn’t meant for you to pity me, but to understand why I made the decision to become a soldier and a donor. I lived a hard life, came from a bad home with a half mad father and, for a time, a drug abusing brother. I rose above that though, challenging as it was. I got my brother the help he needed, kicked our father out, and did my best to make sure everyone was happy before I made that choice. You, whoever you are, are the last person I’m saving, and the one who’s face at the very least I won’t know. And yet you’re being trusted with the most vital part of me…crazy isn’t it? And I don’t trust easy admittedly. 
All I got is one last wish, one last demand. I want you to live. I want you to live your life, and live it in the best way you can. Live it harmlessly, if you can. Help others when you can, but don’t enslave yourself. Live selfishly, at least a little, something I never got to do. Live…fully. I guess is what I’m trying to say. 
And drop that thought most likely going through your head: “This heart isn’t mine”. Trust me, it’s yours. It was meant to be yours the second I signed that paper to become a donor. This heart was always mine to lose, and it was always yours to gain. No matter what your silly brain is telling you, I’m telling you this right bloody now: I did not die because of you. You. Did. Not. Do. This. I chose, as I always have. And now you have a choice. Choose better than me. Choose to live your life. Be a bit selfish, because I wasn’t always able to be. But live. Just…live. And know, even though we’ll never meet, know that I’m so proud of you for fighting this battle, whatever it is that landed you this. I’m happy that I got to help you. And now you know the only thing I ask in return. 
Live your life. And take care of my heart. It was always meant to be yours, in some way or another…
Stay frosty. 
Simon “Ghost” Riley, out. 
You didn’t know what to think when you read it. It seemed a bit devoid of emotion, but it was rather matter of fact. The last part got to you. It wasn’t exactly a confession as he stated, but a reiteration of the truth. Simon lived on. Was living on. And he was doing it through you. There was something so humbling about that, now that you were thinking about it with a clearer head. It didn’t entirely change how you felt, but it put it in a different light. The familiar feeling you had at the beginning of your friendship now made more sense. Simon was a part of you now. 
Taking your phone out, you decided to see who had called, and lo and behold they left a message. You listened to the voicemail, heart pounding. An unfamiliar male voice sounded. 
“Hey, Y/N, I think that’s what Soap called you? Anyway, he told me about your situation. My name’s John Price and I’m also interested in meeting you. I hope you don’t mind, there’s actually two of us coming with him, the other being Kyle Garrick. We look forward to meeting you and hopefully clearing some stuff up” there was a pause before the man continued, “We were there that night, Y/N. The night of your transplant. As I said, I can’t wait to meet you, and I hope you and your kiddo are doing okay. Don’t hesitate to give me, Soap, or Gaz a ring, alright?” he proceeded to give you the number of their last member, Kyle Garrick, before ending the message. 
You almost dropped the phone. 
They were there. 
They. were. there…
If you guys enjoyed this please consider liking, reblogging, and commenting! Yall seriously give me life and keep me motivated! Thank you so much ^^
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chubbylittlebumblebee · 8 months
Please read the whole post before commenting. I’ve never made a public post like this before so bear with me if it seams long-winded.
Recently @hg-aneh has been bombarded with extremely upsetting comments since they confirmed that they do ship Crowley and Muriel.
First off, it is never okay to dog pile on someone who is not already in the wide scale public eye. Calling someone a pedophile because of fictional ships is never okay. Lashing out at someone is not going to help them see your point of view, it automatically puts them on the defense and no one makes any progress either way. If you see someone has commented the same thing you were going to say, don’t. It is a terrible feeling to see 100 notifications and know they will all be people tearing you apart.
Quelin Sepulveda is an adult. Muriel is canonically thousands of years old. They might find solace in Crowley, who I know would deeply care for them. Crowley is a character who fosters curiosity and wonder in other characters. Muriel has that inherently, and it is logical to assume that as Crowley is alone they would naturally come together in some way.
From Muriel’s perspective, Crowley is one of the first people to like them for simply being themselves. He is going to be their first constant in 6000 years that isn’t demeaning or critical. He will introduce them to earth and all the beautiful things within. (Just like he did with Aziraphale.) For the first time they will experience affection compassion; they will be important.
Crowley would have someone who needs and loves him. Muriel is also someone who isn’t critical and would see Crowley for who he really is. Muriel mirrors pre-fall Crowley in so many ways, it would be imposible for him not to care for them. They won’t shut him down like Aziraphale would, it would probably be easier to tell what they want.
Crowley also knows more about earth, heaven, and hell than any other being has except God and The Metatron. He understands the inherent traumas that heaven and hell inflict on everyone. He knows what’s coming. He knows what is at stake.
Throughout their life Muriel has only spoken to people once every 300 years. Yes they take records so they probably know some things, but only from Heaven’s point of view and without context. Most of those they do meet are unkind as they see Muriel as the lowest in their ranks. You can see how nervous they are when Saraqael brings them to speak to Uriel and Micheal about Gabriel’s matchbox. Muriel knows so little about earth that they have to be taught how to drink tea. They do not have any idea how to interact with anyone because they never got the chance to. During the season they are in an entirely new place with new people and they have no experience with any of it, so much so that they are easily manipulated twice. Once about Aziraphale and Crowley’s secret meeting, and again when Crowley gets them to “arrest” him. They don’t have enough experience to know that they even could be manipulated or abused. They think that everyone has their best interest at heart.
The knowledge gap between Crowley and Muriel’s is reminiscent of that of movies like Tron Legacy, Fifty First Dates, Fifth Element, the original Planet of the Apes, and Splash. If you have made it this far Pop Culture Detective does a great job at explaining it.
Muriel is definitely autism coded and autistic people are frequently infantilized, but most of us know basic things about the world. We haven’t been stuck in an empty room for thousands of years. It is common for those with immense trauma to find a romantic connection for the first person who was truly kind to them. That’s why doctors can’t date their patients, teachers can’t date their students, and therapist can’t date their clients. Muriel doesn’t even know what romance is or what it entails for them or Crowley. (Aziraphale has also been super autism coded this season so we don’t just have Muriel)
But that’s only the case for the current cannon. It’s okay to retcon things in your own works, to go through different scenarios with characters that would allow them to interact differently. It’s okay to wonder about different characters and see them as a couple. It’s always important to take a step back to see the whole picture before commenting on something like this. I love the Good Omens fandom, it has allowed me to be myself and meet new people. I don’t want this fandom to become a toxic place. We already have to deal with homophobia and transphobia bearing down on us from the outside. We just want to make and experience art together.
Thank you so much for reading through all of this, it is really important that we support each other right now and I hope that everybody, especially @hg-aneh is doing well (I can’t imagine how exhausting this whole ordeal has been). If this conversation does continue please do so from a place of respect. If you wish to bring anything else to my attention, please do so. I am always looking to learn more and I am always open to different ideas and ways of thinking.
Keep being beautiful beautiful humans, and take care of each other.
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crazyunsexycool · 2 years
The Sun ☀️, The Moon 🌙 & The Stars ✨
Chapter 6: Sunny Days
Pairing: Sam x Reader, Bucky x Fem Reader, Steve x Fem Reader, Steve x Bucky, Stucky x Fem Reader, Stucky, SamBucky, SamSteve, SamBucky x Reader, SamSteve x Reader.
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: mentions of past physical abuse towards reader, bad parents, talk of having pups, SAM WILSON he's a warning ok, fluff, kissing, heavy petting cut short.
A/N: Here it finally is, reader's first official date with Sam. I really got stuck on this chapter but I hope you like it.!
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Series masterlist
Ch. 5
“I’m sorry darling.” 
“It’s ok Bucky, I get it. You have a job to do.” You say as you play with the star charm on your necklace while keeping your eyes on Jules in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. 
“I’ll make it up to you once I’m back, I promise.”
“I’ll hold you to it. Please be safe.”
“I will, I’ll see you in a couple of days.” He says before hanging up the phone.
You place your phone in the back pocket of your jeans and head back inside just in time to hear your name being called.
“Well Y/N everything is looking good.” The doctor says after removing your cast and having you flex your fingers and move your wrist. “With some physical therapy you should be able to have full use. I'm going to refer you to a physical therapist and prescribe some painkillers. You can expect some swelling to occur as well as some stiffness and pain. If you don’t see any improvement in about 2 weeks please come back. Do you have any questions?”
“No, thank you Dr. Connors.”
“Alright well I’ll be right back.” He exits the room while you sit with Jules in the exam room. 
“So what did Bucky say?” She asks as she eyes you curiously.
“Nothing much. He had to change our plans for Friday night because he was pulled for a mission.” You answer as you look at your newly free hand and flex your fingers.
“Oh, is it hard for you to deal with?”
“No, well I mean kind of. It’s not like we’re bonded but still I miss them.”
“Well you’re true mates so it’s to be expected. You can still create a bond without having their claim marks on you; it's just not as strong.” 
“I guess, there’s just a lot of things I didn’t know and a lot of people didn’t bother to teach me once I didn’t present that I don’t know if I’ll ever catch up. I’m trying though, I’ve been reading articles online and stuff.”
“Well, you have the rest of the day off so how about we grab lunch and then we can go shopping for some essentials.” Jules smiles brightly at you.
“What would I do without you?”
“Let’s never find out.”
After getting your prescription filled and grabbing lunch Jules takes you to some of her favorite stores that sell items specifically for omegas everything from blankets and essential oils to sex toys that could help during a heat. Some of the things Jules went over were important to know and others just sounded ridiculous.
“I’m serious. Everyone thinks alphas are in charge but that’s not true. If you have a good alpha, an omega is always in charge I promise.” 
“If you say so.” 
“You don’t believe me?” 
“Let’s just say I didn’t have good examples growing up and honestly you and Ricky are the first couple that I’ve really been friends with. I don’t have a lot to go on.” You shrug your shoulders before grabbing a blue blanket that reminded you of the color of Steve’s eyes. Jules smiled as she watched you run your hand over the blanket, feeling the softness of the material between your fingers, deciding if you should get it or not before putting it in your basket. 
“Have you thought about suppressants and birth control?” That question has you stopping in the middle of the aisle.
“Suppressants and birth control? I’ve never had to worry about those things before.” 
“Well it’s only something you should consider maybe for when they’re going to be away for a while. You said it yourself that missions could take days or weeks. And of course birth control until you figure out if or when you want pups. But that’s something you have to talk about with your alphas.” 
You hadn’t even thought of that and you really hadn’t even thought about the physical aspect of the relationship. Of course you wanted to be with them but at the same time you were worried that your lack of experience would be a turn off for them. It’s not that you’ve never slept with anyone, it's just that it had only been with one person, a beta, shortly after you moved out on your own when you turned 18. 
“What the fuck am I doing dating three alphas? And not only alphas but Avengers. What if I’m not good at being their omega?”
“Hey, It’s ok. There isn’t some cookie cutter way of being an omega. If we have good alphas, which we do, they will let us live freely.” Jules tries to calm you down. “And you don’t have to worry about pups, maybe they’ll want to wait anyway. But you have to talk to them. Remember you’re the omega you’re in control. ” 
“I’m in control.” You repeat to yourself. 
Jules dragged you to more stores. Giving you a rundown of the best pajamas to wear before your heat and she showed you her favorite things that she used for her nest. During all of this there was a little pang of anger and hurt beating in your chest. While you now understood that omegas had a tendency to come together and help each other, all of the things Jules was talking about should have been taught to you by your mother. 
After walking out of the hellhole that was your home when you were 18 you tried not to think about your family. You would like to think that your mother had been forced into that submissive role and that your father was using alpha commands to make her do the things she did but it simply wasn’t true. There had been plenty of nights where you woke up drenched in sweat and tears as the nightmares of your childhood plagued your mind. Memories in which she had willingly taken part in your torment. There was never an ounce of fear or regret when she pulled you out of bed and took you to your father for being an embarrassment to the family by not having a presentation. One of the many things they had taken from you. She would stand there and watch as your father hit you and degraded you and she would even join in sometimes. The longer you were away from the house that held nothing but pain, blood and tears the more you realized that not all alphas were the way your father was. That omegas could be just as fierce and protective over their pups, even more than any alpha. It also meant that they could be just as cruel as alphas and that was the first example you ever had.
“What’s wrong Y/N?” Jules’ soft soothing voice pulls you from your thoughts. You feel her hand on your cheek as she wipes away a tear. 
“I’m sorry. It’s just most of the things you’re telling me I should already know. My mother should have been the one to talk to me about these things.” you shrug. “Emotionally it’s a lot I guess. I wish things would have been different with her at least.” 
Jules hugs you, this was something else she was good at. Knowing when to either say or do something to sooth you. You wondered if you would ever be like that too. 
“Why don’t we go home? I think it’s enough of omega 101 for you.” 
“Ok.” And you let her lead you out of the store and back to her and Ricky’s apartment. It was a good thing since you didn’t want to be alone at the moment. 
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The week had passed faster than you realized. The community center was busier than ever with families running around for the different activities that had been planned. You had gone to your first physical therapy appointment and met with Steve for lunch before he had to go train recruits. Bucky had been able to call during his mission and let you know he was ok although you could hear how tired he really was. Sam had also stopped by the center, asking you out on your first proper date.  
To say you were excited for the date was an understatement. Of course you had spent time with Sam, in fact you had spent more time with Sam than with Steve or Bucky but this was different. He had kept some distance the other times, he didn’t want you to feel like he was too much but in reality it wasn’t enough. This time you would make sure to get as close as possible. He didn’t give you much information about the date other than it would be outside. 
 By 10:00 am you’re dressed and putting on some finishing touches when you hear a knock on your door. His scent reaches you before you even open the door. There’s a smile on your face as you see Sam on the other side. 
“Hi Sunshine.” He says with a smile. His scent is intoxicating, the notes of citrus coming through and reflecting the excitement of finally going on a date. 
“Hi, please come in. I'm almost ready.” 
“These are for you.” 
Sam presents a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a gift bag. His eyes light up as you look between him and the gifts with a shocked expression. 
“Sam you didn’t-”
“I wanted to so you are just going to have to get used to it.” he teases as you grab the flowers and the gift.
“I don’t know if I ever will.” 
You let him in and lead him into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase. Sam is taking in your apartment, it’s cozy and warm, a smile appears on his face again. Your scent is everywhere of course and he could stay in here forever. He turns to look back at you just as you look into the gift bag, a small gasp leaves your lips. 
“Steve said you liked taking pictures when you went to the fair so I thought you could use this. Do you like it?” 
“Absolutely.” You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. In your hands you held a polaroid camera and in the bag there were some boxes of film. 
“Good. Now are you ready to go?”
You put on your shoes and grab your purse and the camera.
“Yes, I am.” 
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You were ecstatic when Sam pulled up to the venue. It was a not too big music festival focusing on up and coming, and indie artists. With your new favorite band, that you had mentioned to him in passing, playing. Sam had a pleased smirk as he watched you all but sprint out of his car, stopping only to grab his hand and pull him along. Once you’re close enough to the entrance Sam slows down. 
“Give me the camera.” he says and you pull it from your purse and hand it over. The huge festival sign hangs above you. “Ok move over a little to your left… perfect. Smile for me.” He snaps the picture, the camera buzzing as the small rectangle appears on the side. 
“Two more.” You tell him as you grab the camera and take one of him, and then one together. You stand in line to get into the actual festival. Everyone around you was humming or singing and swaying along to the music that was being played through the speakers as the line moved along. Once you finally got in you took in the set up. 
There were booths set up with band merch as well as other items available that took up all of the left side of the area while the right side had food vendors and tables to sit. There were a few hundred people making their way in and some even did a double take as they recognized Sam. There were people handing out flyers for the band line up. As you made your way down you saw small areas that were used by other performers. There was also an area for what you assumed was a meet and greet. The stage itself was at the back. People were rushing to get back there to get a good spot. Sam took charge as he held your hand as he made his way through the crowd, finding a great spot near the front of the stage. He had his hand at the small of your back as he guided you to stand in front of him, so that you could see better and so that he could keep you safe. 
“I can’t believe this is happening.” you say over your shoulder as the lights on the stage begin to come to life. 
“I’m glad you like it.” 
You turn in his arms to look up at him. “Of course I do. This is amazing, thank you Sam.” you give him another kiss on the cheek as he gives you a blinding smile.
“It’s starting,” he says as the first band makes their way on stage. 
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The day went by in a fun filled blur. You and Sam danced, laughed, joked and sang at the top of your lungs. More pictures were taken, you bought some band merch, you had a few drinks and food. Now you found yourself on the other side of the stage where an area had been kept empty so that blankets could be spread out. You sat between Sam’s legs and rested your back against his chest. The sun was setting behind the stage as the next band started their set.
“Are you having fun?” Sam asked as he wrapped his arms around you.
“So much fun, really. Thank you for this.”
“Anything for you, baby.” He says as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. You closed your eyes as you tilted your head to the side to give Sam more access. He kissed and nipped along your shoulder and ended where he would mark you as his. The thought alone sent a shiver up your spine which didn’t go unnoticed by the alpha that was currently turning you into putty in his hands. “Does the thought of having my mark excite you sunshine?” He whispered in your ear. 
“Mm-hmm.” You hum as you turn your head to look up at him. Sam kisses your jaw moving to your cheek until his lips meet yours. Your eyes flutter close as he deepens the kiss, tongues fight for dominance and hands roam in an effort to touch as much of each other as possible. When you pull back your both inhaling deeply while smiles appear on your kissed swollen lips. 
“What did I do to get such a great alpha?” 
Sam growls, low and deep in his chest. It sends a jolt down your spine and you squeeze your legs together when you feel slick pool between your thighs. 
“We should get going, before I do something I won’t regret in front of everyone.” He whispers in your ear and you gasp at his admission. Sam gathers all of your things and holds them in one hand while he grabs your free hand with the other. 
Sam kept a hand on you the entire ride back to your apartment. He held your hand or put his hand on your thigh. He would smirk when he looked over to find you already looking at him while biting your bottom lip. If this was you now you really didn’t want to know what a full blown heat was especially around the three of them. 
“We’re here.” Sam’s voice makes you look up at your apartment building. A small pout on your lips as you look back at Sam. “What is it baby?” 
“I don’t know, guess I’m sad today is over.” 
“Me too, but you know I like to visit you at work. You’ll get sick of me real soon.” 
You chuckle. “I doubt it. Especially if you keep smiling at me like that.” 
“Oh really? Is that your weakness, smiles?” 
“Nope, a handsome alpha with a nice smile is,” You lean in closer until you’re leaning over the center console. “Which I think you fit the description perfectly.” Your hand falls on his thigh for some leverage. Sam leans forward, his lips on yours feel like heaven. He wraps his right arm around your waist and in a swift movement he pulls you into his lap. Your arms find their way around his shoulders as you moan into the kiss. Sam’s tongue swirls around yours as his hands make their way to your ass. 
He pulls you closer, causing you to grind yourself against his hardening length. The growl that escapes him as he kisses your neck spurs you on. Sam lets you take the lead as you roll your hips slowly against him but unfortunately in the confined space of the driver’s seat you move too far back and you hit the steering wheel with your ass causing the horn to go off. You both freeze in place, the mood drastically changing in just a second. Your head rests on his shoulder as you begin to laugh and then he joins you. When you pull back you’re hitting your bottom lip trying to stop yourself. Sam’s warm brown eyes sparkle even with how dark it is. 
“You’re trouble.” He teases before placing one more kiss on your neck. “Come on, let’s get you inside.” 
“Ok.” You steal one more quick kiss before getting off of his lap. 
Sam walks you to your door and waits for you to open it. Your sweet scent wafts from the open door and he has to stop himself from going in there and claiming you. 
“Thank you again, for today it was fun.” 
“I’m glad you liked it, Sunshine.” He cups your cheek as you wrap your arms around his neck. Sam gives you another kiss, this time sweet and tender. “I’ll see you Monday ok, Steve and I want to have lunch with you.” 
You smile, “I’d like that.” Your smile falters just a little. “Do you know when Bucky will be back?” 
He shakes his head. “It’s a highly classified mission which means only those that are involved know the details. But I’m sure he’ll be back soon and you’ll get to see him then.” 
“Ok, tell Steve I said hi.” 
“I will, goodnight Sunshine.” 
“Goodnight Sam.” He gave him a chaste kiss on his lips and slipped inside your apartment and locked it.
Ch. 7
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Permanent taglist:@kunaikunari @rebekahdawkins @cjand10 @nalny5 @oliviafc15 @sturchling @angywritesstuff @seitmai @writing-for-marvel @goldylions @darkhairedmenrule @little--baby--bear @almosttoopizza @littleseasiren
Series taglist: @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @teambarnes72 @buckyinluv @fleckeshummel @snufflet @supraveng
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Mike character analysis - Season 2
This is a continuation of my in-depth Mike character analysis. The first season can be found here, here, and here. I am basing this off the theory that Mike started realizing his feelings for Will were different than Lucas and Dustin by the end of season 1. By season 2 I think Mike realizes that he's gay and in love with Will. His behavior honestly makes no sense to me otherwise. This is in 5 Parts.
When season 2 picks up, it has been almost a full year since the end of season 1. We learn 2 key points right away - that Will has been having flashbacks to the upside-down since he got back and goes to the doctor regularly. This seems to frequently interrupt his school days and causes Mike in particular to worry. And the second point is that Mike has undergone some serious behavioral changes. This is understandable considering the trauma the group went through in season 1, but it's important to note here that the trauma isn't over. They are still going through it. And it's because of my first point - Will is back but still not ok. There is no resolution or time to grieve and it's one of the main reasons for the change in Mike.
Mike is getting in trouble at school a lot, his grades aren't good, and he has an attitude problem. A thing his parents are losing their patience with. His punishment is to get rid of his toys and when he suggests they have too much emotional value, he gets mocked by Ted who says they are just toys. Mike not only has to get over his feelings about what happened but he isn't allowed to be attached to things. Something that stands in stark contrast to Karen's behavior toward an 18 year old Nancy in season 4, when she tells her she can keep her stuffed animals. Nancy is allowed to be emotionally attached. Mike isn't. He is being sent a clear message. His emotions are an inconvenience to others. And the reason for this brings me to my next point.
Mike is shown to talk to El on the radio regularly. He's counting days and seems to just be talking about random things i.e. telling her about his day. Now he doesn't know that she's listening. As much as he says he believes she's alive there is no proof he actually believes this. He does absolutely nothing to go look for her. And he has no reason to. He saw her "die". There is no indication that this isn't true. And the most important note that I think I will make in this whole analysis is this - This behavior isn't cute or romantic. It's grief. And we know this for A FACT because we have seen this exact same scene before - with Hopper in season 1. Hopper calls his ex-wife repeatedly. He is often shown popping pills and drinking excessively. He isn't coping with the death of his daughter well. It lead to his divorce. His ex-wife moved on, re-married and had another kid. And Hopper is stuck by himself with his grief. So he calls her sometimes. Just to check in and he tries to reminisce. It's his way of holding on to his daughter and their life together. And no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, interprets Hoppers behavior as cute and romantic. He is clearly struggling and depressed. And the fact that he's an adult here combined with the fact that we know he has substance abuse issues is enough to help the audience realize that Hopper isn't ok. He's not trying to get back together with his ex-wife. He's trying to keep the connection to his daughter alive. EVERYONE WATCHING UNDERSTANDS THIS.
So then WHY is it that when we see this same scene play out with Mike, it's suddenly just adorable. Because of the only thing that is different - Mike is a little boy. Between his parents and the GA, Mikes feelings are once again oversimplified and dismissed. He's a little boy of course he must be in love with El because why else would he call her? He's a teen of course he has an attitude. This way of thinking is seriously problematic and it's a large part of the reason why Mike isn't coping well - because no one notices or understands his pain, and certainly no one is helping him go through it. It is emphasized by the Wheeler parents that Mike needs to just get over his attitude. They've been patient long enough. And while he's at it, he needs to get rid of his toys - parts of his childhood - because it's time to grow up now (the phrase "man up" is heavily implied in these conversations). Because the Wheeler parents have this attitude, the GA does too. We've seen this EXACT THING before, too. Lucas and Dustin suggest in season 1 that Mike has feelings for El, so he must even though there is no indication from his behavior that he does. Mike has a bad attitude, well his parents say it's time to get over it so he must. He calls El all the time - must be because he's in love with her. Couldn't be grief. Doesn't matter that we saw Hopper do it, doesn't matter that we know this is normal behavior for grieving people. People often talk to or write letters to the dead. It can be a coping mechanism, but it can also be unhealthy if the person can't let that go and this is exactly what we see Mike doing.
It's a way to over-simplify Mike's feeling and it's entirely because it makes people uncomfortable. So if the GA (and his parents) don't want to see his grief, it's easy to dismiss it as just a little teen angst. It's easy to dismiss it as him having a crush on El - because why else would he be talking to a girl. I know I say this a lot but it's because it's important. People can't understand why anyone talks to someone of the opposite sex if it's not because of romantic interest and it carries over into their interpretations of Mike and El's relationship. They can't understand why he would be talking to her and the reason he does is this - he feels guilty that she "died" helping him find his friend. This is less palatable than a simple crush. Grief is complex and ugly so we need to hide it away.
It's so much easier to dismiss his feelings as the most simplistic answer, but this not only is the reason why Mike is struggling to process his emotions, it's extremely insulting because it implies that he doesn't have any complex feelings to think about. And people dismiss it because he's a boy. They don't dismiss Hopper - he's an adult and is entitled to his grief. They don't dismiss Nancy's attachment to her stuffed animals - it's cute that she wants to keep them. It's Mike specifically who isn't allowed his feelings. Which is why I will never accept or respect the point of view that Mike loves El because he called her a lot. Because Mike's well-being and what he wants and needs isn't being taken into consideration at all. This is a theme that continues through the rest of the series with every character and the audience - except for Will. Part 2 here.
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cait-with-luv · 1 year
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"If it weren't for seven men that fateful night you wouldn't be here now. They showed you good people did exist. That life can be great, that you can be loved and cared for. These seven men were the men you loved and cherished. These men were your mates. Your safety blanket. And to them. You were their Little Leopard."
Pairing: OT7 X Hybrid!Reader
Genre: Hybrid! AU, Strangers to Lovers! AU, Rich!BTS, Fluff, Angst, eventual smut, Polyamorous!BTS
Warnings: Angst, Hospitals, discussions of weight, discussions of eating disorders, dissociation, mentions of past mental abuse, mentions of past physical abuse, mentions of sexual abuse, discussions of trauma, anxiety, depression, explicit language, OC gets a little possessive, self-doubt, NOT SAFE FOR RAMADAN.
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“You ready to go, Sweetpea? Yoongi and Jin are waiting for us.” Hoseok says softly peering into your room after he knocked, chuckling seeing you sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed, your pastel yellow dress sprawled around you like you had come out a Disney movie, a little pout on your lips as you look up at Hoseok with a look of defeat and hold out your brush and a scrunchie.
“I can’t do my hair, w-will you help me Hobi? I keep catching my ears and it hurts.” You whine out in exasperation. It was clear to him you had been trying to do it for a while but was clearly being defeated. He couldn’t say no to you. You had him and the rest of the boys wrapped around your finger and you had absolutely no idea.
“Of course, Sweetpea, you gotta be careful of these cute little ears.” Hoseok coos, taking the brush and scrunchie from you and sitting behind you, beginning to brush your hair, frowning at how tense and anxious you were not just from how you were sat but from how your tail nervously flicked, poking his leg occasionally. Something was playing on your mind and Hoseok wanted to help you. Out of all the boys, he had spent the least time with you having to constantly be at work all the time.
“Penny for your thoughts, Sunshine?” He asks tenderly beginning to fishtail braid your hair, pausing as you sigh and grab your tail to play with it, something all hybrids did for comfort and it was nice for the boys to see you beginning to lean more into your natural instincts. They had noticed in the first two weeks you lived with them you barely did anything…Leopard like? Feliene like?
It was like you had buried any instinct you had as a leopard. They had began to think you had been forced to not act on them or perhaps you just didn’t have any but as you began to relax around them the more you showed your feline side and in all honesty, it was the most wholesome thing they had seen. They were curious to see if you would eventually be comfortable in front of them to shift into your full Leopard form. If that was something you could do.
“I just…I’ve never been to a hybrid clinic before…let alone had a health check, no one cared about it. I’m scared. What if something is wrong with me? I w-won’t be left there right o-or you won’t be disgusted with me at my results?” You fret, biting your lip anxiously as Hoseok ties the scrunchie into your hair a little sigh leaving his lips before turning you to face him and shakes his head.
“Sweetpea, we will never ever leave you there, or anywhere for that matter. You’re stuck with us, how terrible right?” He jokes making your lips quirk up a little and playfully roll your eyes before relaxing into his touch as he massages at the base of your ear, a rumble coming from your chest.
“None of us will be disgusted at all okay? Whatever the results will be for your health, we’re all gonna be here to do what we can to help it improve if needs be and be here for you through everything alright? I know it sounds scary. A hybrid clinic and tests but you are in completely safe hands. Seokjin won’t make you do anything you don’t want to alright? I hate the doctors too. Needles are pretty terrifying. I used to pass out every time I needed a flu vaccination. Ironic isn’t it? I see all sorts being a detective yet the one thing that scares me isn’t weapons, blood, bodies but a damn needle but in the end I know it’s to help me. This is to help you.” He smiles, his heart fluttering hearing the laugh you let out hearing his fear of needles. You appreciated his efforts to calm your nerves.
“Okay, thank you, Hoseokie. You guys won’t leave my side?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Sunshine.”
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Just a mini preview this time! Sorry for the delay, I was really poorly and mentally drained but I am back and ready to get back to updating after a mini break!
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