#the colours that play across them in sunset and dawn
stormofdefiance · 27 days
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Lonesome Transcendence
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lifeontoast · 1 year
❤️The Cullen Family Valentine’s Special!❤️
As promised, here is the Cullen Family Valentine’s Special! Hope you enjoy, as it took me a fair while to write.
SUMMARY: some headcanons for how you would spend Valentine’s Day with all the Cullens (and human!Bella)
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· As the hospital knew he was such a hard worker, they gave him the day off (he definitely deserved it)
· He hid little gifts around the house for you to find
o They consisted of roses, love notes, hand-made items, photos of the two of you and much more
· There were so many literally everywhere in the house that you found them for days afterwards
· You two just sat on the sofa in each other’s arms the whole day, never moving for anything
· After a day of gentle loving, Carlisle blindfolded you and took you in the car to his favourite secret spot
· It wasn’t a long drive, but you found yourself growing slightly impatient on the journey
· He surprised you with one of the nicest places you’d ever seen
· You vowed it would become your special place, just as it was Carlisle’s
· You found yourselves at the bend in a beautiful river, just in time to see the sun sink slowly beneath the horizon, in a glowing burst of colours
o It was the most phenomenal thing you had ever seen (besides Carlisle himself)
· Sat on blankets, you chatted the day away, until the night grew dark and cold
· You started to get up, but Carlisle pulled you gently back down
o ‘my love, look at the stars!’
· and you did.
· If you thought the sunset was stunning, the inky black sky just redefined the word
· Constellations littered the sky, every star its own perfect heaven
· The rest of the night was spent laying on the blanket, hand in hand, gazing up at the night sky
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· The two of you spent your Valentine’s Day doing good things for the town:
o You baked cookies for hospital patients
o You made cards to give to the rest of the Cullens and your friends
o You treated the workers of the library to a home-made pie
o You gave roses and good wishes to people you saw on the street
o And just the general spreading of good, Valentine’s cheer
o And you had a damn good time doing it
· All that doing good had almost made you forget yourselves on this, the day of love
· Almost
· At home, you found a bouquet of roses from Esme herself waiting for you on the kitchen table, along with a DVD of your favourite movie and a photo in a frame she had decorated herself
· The two of you sat on the sofa and watched your favourite romantic movies together, cuddled under blankets
· When the day turned to night, you surprised Esme with a necklace you had made her and a bouquet of her favourite flowers
o She put the necklace on immediately and swore never to take it off
· You decided to put on your CD of love songs and you danced together in the kitchen, so in love
· Definitely one of the best days you’d ever spent together
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· Edward took you to his most sacred place, the meadow
· He made sure that you were out of the house before sunrise, so you could watch the sun creep from below the horizon together
o You made it just in time
· The feeling of running through the forest and streaking across the meadow was a high you were sure you wouldn’t feel ever again
· At last you fell on the soft, flowery ground just as the sun was making its ascent
o It was beautiful
· But not as breath-taking as the person sitting next to him, Edward told you
o If you could have blushed, you would have
· When the dawn had well and truly broken, Edward started pulling things out of the backpack he had brought
o He had board games, books, puzzles, sketch pads, you name it
· You whiled away the day playing your favourite games together
· Edward revelled in the opportunity to play chess with you, being the only person whose mind he couldn’t read
· When you played every game several times, you just lay down in the soft grass and held each other for hours and hours
· It felt so wonderful to let the sun shine on your face for once, and you saw the sparkle of Edward’s skin – you knew yours was identical, and you loved it
· You talked to each other in hushed voices, but mostly lay in silence; your company was enough for each other
o You gazed up at his gorgeous features; they never failed to take your breath away
· The day had passed quick as a wink, and before you knew it then sun was sinking below the horizon, spreading its beautiful colours across the landscape, and glittering golden on your faces, as you smiled at each other
· You sat there, looking at each other until the sun had left the sky
o ‘my love, it’s twilight’
· and it was.
· The light was half there and half not, and it was beautiful
· Finally, you streaked through the forest again together at midnight, racing each other, laughing so loud the people three towns over heard it
· It had been the best day you’d ever had
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· She took you out for a drive in her red convertible
· She drove so fast you screamed and laughed together
· The feeling of breezing down the roads was exhilarating; it filled you with euphoria and a palpable giddiness you’d never felt before
· The streets were deserted; there was no-one to stop your fun
· Rosalie drove you to all your favourite places, and you got out, sat and talked together at every one
· Once you had seen all your favourite places, Rosalie took you to hers
· There were meadows, streams, forests, everything
· She had good taste
· At your final stop, the place where you had your first date, she gave you a gift: your favourite flowers and a ring
o It was her promise to you to love you forever
§ If she ever thought you’d leave her, she was crazy
· You finished the evening by singing love songs together sat on a blanket on the banks of a gentle stream, not a care in the world
· You could see the sun set in its gentle waters
· Rosalie held you close in her strong arms, and you felt that you couldn’t be close enough
· Your hands touched accidentally, but you grasped Rosalie’s tightly, knowing how she had struggled in the past
· You didn’t let go for the rest of the night
· On the drive back home, you screamed the same songs at the top of your voices, not caring one bit about being heard by people
· When you got back home, a giggling mess, you cuddled up together on the sofa, completely drunk on love
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· She took you out shopping and told you to pick whatever you wanted
· She treated you to a brand-new outfit, which you wore that night when you went out to a Valentine’s Day party thrown by one of your friends
o You two slow danced the night away
· When you returned home at midnight, the two of you treated yourselves to self-care and romantic movies
· When you got bored of the movies, you held each other close for the rest of the night, Alice making sure that you were always feeling comfortable and loved
· It was so perfectly romantic you could have sworn you were dreaming the whole time
· A soft, sweet and gentle Valentine’s Day
(sorry, I couldn’t think of much for Alice – I may add more to this if I get more inspiration)
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· The two of you left the house very early and went for a morning walk in the forest
· Nobody had seen you leave, it was more thrilling than you thought it would be
· You made your way there, only running when you were sure you were out of sight of any unsuspecting humans
· The gentle sunbeams fell through the leafy green ceiling and sparkled on your skin
· You grinned at each other, as Emmett suddenly sprinted away from you
· Determined not to let him get away from you, you followed at full speed
· You eventually caught up to him in a clearing, where he was stood in front of a large log, grinning widely
· You knew what he was thinking
· You were by him in an instant, arm held out, hand ready for him to take
· He did so, and it began
· He thought he was winning at first, and he relaxed, overly confident, and you saw your chance to beat him and win
· And that you did
· He was shell-shocked, in a word
· You laughed at his kicked-puppy face, until he cracked a smile and tackled you to the ground
· You lay there, laughing together, never happier
· Eventually, you got up and continued walking
· You talked all the time, hand in hand
· Walking, walking, walking till it was past sunset
· Eventually, you only saw by the light of the moon
· Emmett told you it looked stunning sparkling off your face like that
· You stopped suddenly, and he did too, confused, until you ran off this time
· He took a while to catch up
· You had to stop at the edge of the forest, lest any humans were around at this unlikely hour
· You walked home, hand in hand, having spent a long, wonderful day with each other
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· He took you to his favourite place, the top of a hill
· A somewhat unlikely place for vampires to hang out, as you were in full sun
· It was especially risky as it was an abnormally nice day for February
o You had to bring a big floppy hat to hide your sparkling skin
· However, the risk made it all the more exciting to the two of you
· There you sat, on the top of the hill, until you saw humans climbing up it
· This you took as your cue to get out of there
· What were this bunch of hikers going to say when they happened across two sparkling “teenagers” on the top of the hill?
· Not very much, you suspected; only a great deal of screaming
o You usually didn’t mind attention, although this was the type of attention Carlisle would not be fond of
· So, you got out of there
· You ran down the other side of the hill as quickly as you could, which was very risky as well
· However, as you both were basically flashes of light, nobody saw you
o It was kind of a miracle actually
· You found yourselves in the same forest where you had met, and in the same clearing too
· You decided to sit against a tree and reminisce for a while
· You brought out your pocket knife and began to carve your names into the tree you were sat against, vowing that you would come back whenever possible for some peace and quiet
o Jasper agreed
· Something inside you told you that it wouldn’t be very long before you were back
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· You spent the day at Bella’s house as it was the weekend
· You had agreed between you that Bella would provide entertainment, and you would provide the food, being the better cook
· Bella didn’t disappoint; she had rented tons of rom coms for you to watch
· When you walked into the house, you found every surface was covered in every candle that Bella owned, lit up and producing a lovely, warm glow
· It was like the glow you felt in your heart when you were with her
· The sofa was buried under blankets and pillows
· You hadn’t disappointed either; you had prepared a wonderful lasagne for the two of you, and had brought soup for lunch too
· Plus, Charlie had gone out for the day, so you had the place to yourselves
· Bella decided to start with Love Actually, then you chose Breakfast at Tiffany’s
· You watched the movies cuddled on the sofa, hand in hand
· After the 2 movies, it was lunchtime, so you heated the soup you had brought and served it between the two of you, whilst watching Bridget Jones’ Diary
· After Bridget Jones, you grew bored of the movies, and decided to bake cupcakes instead
· Now, it had to be said that the cupcakes you made weren’t the greatest, but that was only because you were too busy chucking cake batter at each other and laughing to care about them
· However, by the end of the 3 hours it took to make them, you had a plate of half-decent cupcakes, but a very messy kitchen, dirty clothes and cake batter filled hair
· It was only an hour till Charlie was due to return, so Bella and you had to run around like headless chickens trying to clear things up
· Then you had to run around like headless chickens cleaning yourselves up
· Just as you heard the key in the lock you sprinted to the sofa and jumped on it
· Charlie walked in to two girls grinning on the sofa, looking the happiest he’d ever seen them
· He smiled too, happy to see you two happy
A/N: thanks so much for reading! Don’t hesitate to send in any requests you have, and I will answer it ASAP after my hiatus (should be a couple more weeks till my schedule calms down)
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an-sceal · 2 years
I was 19. She was helping a mutual friend move states, and they wanted to visit for the weekend on their way through. They got a hotel room. I unhooked basically every A/V component I owned and hauled it to the Motel 6. I played them songs by Great Big Sea, Sarah McLachlan, the Indigo Girls, and Moist. We watched X-Files episodes I'd recorded. We shared a bed, and I was awake almost all night, breathless, feeling the warmth of her arm an inch from mine. I was afraid if I fell asleep I'd roll closer to her, instinct, that I'd touch her skin and somehow give myself away. (She told me later she was afraid of the same thing.)
The sunlight across her freckled nose, turning her eyelashes red-gold, autumn, dawn, the hour before sunset, was the colour I'll spend my life trying to recreate in every medium. Just once, under the cover of sleep, I stretched close enough to touch her hand.
I woke up two hours later and I was a different person. I was sure. I was scared, not like the year before (a bad year), but like someone who knows what they want means reaching. Stretching more than a pinkie across the deep-sea trench of a lumpy motel mattress and praying the early hour will hide you, and nobody will see you sinking.
I didn't say anything. She didn't say anything. She was older than me. Married. Had a house, a career, a life. Lived across the country. But we knew each other. We saw each other in ways that other people didn't. Two months later, when she came back to visit the friend (who never actually left Phoenix), we slept next to each other on the floor, cocooned under the same blankets, whispering for hours. We said it. We talked about what we felt, and all the reasons we couldn't feel that way, and I woke up in her arms and I knew it didn't matter. That we shouldn't, and we couldn't, and we wouldn't, but we did.
She came back one more time, just for me, just to hold my hand and talk about the stories we wanted to tell. I got to wake up next to her again. The sun never seemed to go down when I was with her.
I was desperate to get away from the hole I was living in, and all my plans for the future-- art school, Canada, a roommate who never materialized even though I'd found an apartment-- kept crumbling away. I was in love with a married woman who loved her husband too. She was one of my closest friends-- just not geographically. So I did something stupid and I piled all my shit into a Honda Accord that didn't have working headlights, and I moved across the country to soak up all the light she could spare. She didn’t ask. She didn’t offer anything we both knew would hurt other people. But sometimes at red lights she’d hold my hand, or I'd rub her neck, and it was still there waiting for us.
We figured it out. There was a lot of hard shit to get through. A lot of scary growth, the kind that only comes when everything gets chopped down to the roots and the whole thing bursts back to life. We hurt each other, and in our fear and inexperience we hurt other people we cared about-- I'm still sorry about that. But we figured it out. We made a weird little family where everyone gets what they need, or at least that's what we try for. My sister calls her husband my husband-in-law, and I tell people he's my housemate, because he is, and because "we're married to the same woman" doesn't go down well at parties. Well. Some parties.
Twenty-five years ago, I woke up next to the love of my life, and I was smart enough to know I wanted to keep doing it. That all I really needed was to see the sunlight turn her eyelashes red-gold, autumn, dawn, the hour before sunset. And I still get to.
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kiroenthusiast · 1 year
Final Elysium: Stranger
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The 36th Day of Spring, Year 2028 of the Pangaean Calendar, Dawn.
The report that they received from Prince Gabriel had said the new base was being built just a few kilometers away from Svarta, right next to Pilgrim Falls. Kai had lead the assault team, and while they had run into a few snags here and there, the entire team had managed to come out mostly unscathed. However, the same could not be said for their enemy.
Kai looked overhead as they made their way back home. They had set out for the assault a little past midnight, and now, as dawn was approaching the horizon, they trekked through the woods on horseback, his squad mates blatantly disregarding the peace the night brought, laughing and chattering like they would in broad daylight.
Under the cover of darkness... That's how the Corp. of Ashes had always functioned.
“Have you guys heard of the new troupe that’s come to town? My sister says they put on some phenomenal performances,” One of the guys in the back, Simon, managed to grab everyone’s attention with those words. While Kai didn’t make any effort to turn and look behind, he trained his ears to listen in on the conversation.
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard they’ve already performed in three other nations before coming here,” added Keith, a young lad who had joined the order not long ago. “There’s this one dancer they have that’s got every guy in the kingdom buying up their tickets just to catch a glimpse of her.”
“Not just guys! She’s charmed a lot of girls too!” Cried Ruth, a former mercenary that had joined them as one of their first members. Her muscular build and brute strength put even most men to shame. 
“Makes you wonder if they’re actually good performers or the reason for their fame is all because of one girl’s beauty,” Kai added skeptically, having heard about this matter for the first time. The others laughed heartily at his words, and then Simon, having something more to add, found his voice to speak up. “Oh, that reminds me, I heard that the King would be inviting them to perform at the upcoming banquet this weekend.”
The entire group erupted in a series of cheers and hoots, scaring away whatever small animals and birds that may have been nearby. Kai just shook his head, already used to their chaotic antics, the hint of a smile playing on the corner of his lips. And despite the cheery mood, a small dark corner of his mind still wonders how much longer they’d be able to spend time like this.
Suddenly from a distance, he spotted a patch of red and gold on the ground, a bit of flowing satin, the color of the setting sun. As he focused his vision, Kai vaguely made out the outline of someone’s body, and his eyes widened upon the realization. 
“Everyone be quiet! There’s someone over there!” Kai shouted as he signaled his horse to pick up the pace, closing the distance between him and the collapsed figure. He felt his comrades follow close behind him, their laughter now completely dissolved.
As he got closer and closer, the figure’s features grew clearer and clearer. He first spotted slender hands, then long, rich golden locks that was mostly seen among nobles and the upper echelon. But what stood out even more were the clothes she was wearing.
“Speak of the devil, it’s her! The dancer we were talking about!” Simon gaped as Kai got off his horse. Indeed the girl on the ground was dressed in attire one would typically see dancers wearing. An exquisite muslin sunset red skirt that reached all the way down to her ankles, and a matching top that exposed most of her slender waist. The entire outfit was embellished with a splatter of sequins and a strip of gold that ran across the edges of the skirt which matched the colour of her hair.
Being as careful as possible, Kai knelt down and gently shook the girl’s shoulder to try and wake her. But the moment his fingers grazed her skin, he felt a burn that singed his fingertips and almost made him bolt back in shock.
She was burning. The girl had collapsed from a fever.
Seeing as it wasn’t his place to go any further, Kai called out to one of his comrades. “Brina, can you help me out here? This girl has a fever.”
With almost cat-like swiftness, Brina was next to him in no time, putting her hand to the unconscious girl’s forehead. “Should I carry her on my horse? Her condition seems pretty bad.”
He nodded. “We don’t have a choice. She’ll have to bear with it till we get to the nearest doctor.”
“Does anyone here have some water left?”
“Here.” Ruth tossed to her her water flask and with a little difficulty, Brina managed to get the liquid down the girl’s throat, who passed out again soon after taking it. 
After making sure that both, Brina and the dancer were sat safely on her horse, Kai got back onto his own horse and shouted loud enough for the others to hear, “Listen up, once we get to Svarta, Brina and I will head to the nearest doctor to get this girl treated. The rest of you will head back to the barracks and get some rest, is that understood?!”
“Yes, sir!” came the chorus of answers. Satisfied, Kai turned towards his right-hand-man and nodded at him. “I’m leaving reporting to His Highness to you, Hans.”
Hans nodded hesitantly. “Are you sure Gabriel won’t be upset that it’s not you reporting?”
Kai looked forward, taking in the sight of the rising sun, suddenly feeling distant from everything else. “Well, he should start getting used to this from now on,” he said, his voice so soft, even the wind struggled to catch it. But he had to make sure at least Hans heard him. “Sooner or later, the position of ‘Captain’ will be yours to keep. It’s only a matter of time.”
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Binary Sunset (AU post RotS, Beru Lars gets an unexpected visit and has to make a tough choice regarding her nephew)
“Who are you?”
Beru reared back, attempting to put as much distance as possible between herself whomever this thing was, staring her down with cold dead eyes.
“I have come for my son,” the figure said, its voice deep and monotone and distinctly male.
Glancing behind herself into the sleeping quarters of the homestead, she saw that the infant child was still asleep in his cradle. She made sure not to give away his location, but when she turned her attention back to the intruder, her heart was already sinking. He had not moved. In fact, he might have been taken for a statue, had it not been for the loud wheezing breaths of a respiratory device of some kind. The man bore a cape, as black as the uniform full body suit and armour covering him. It danced in the twilight wind, as the two suns glowed behind him like red orbs. Their intense heat seemed insignificant, compared to the burning hatred Beru could feel from the man’s covered eyes.
“I don’t know your son.”
“Is that so.”
His mask gave nothing away, stoic, resembling a human skull. His words seemed a statement, rather than a question, as if he was making a mental note of her defensiveness. Tall, broad shouldered, menacing. Beru hoped she came off as genuine, but when he took a step towards her, she felt the primal urge to run inside, grab the child and flee.
“There is a child in your sleeping quarters,” said the man, after a long, chilling silence despite the sunlight still spilling in orange hues over the sand dunes. “He is not yours.”
“He is!” Beru heard herself growl, shocked by how possessive she had become of the little one in such a short span of time. “He is mine!”
“He is not. You may have taken him in as next of kin, but he is not yours to claim.”
Beru clenched her jaw, throwing a quick glance over her shoulder at the cradle. He was still blissfully unaware, swept in a soft duvet as he cooed in his sleep. Even over the persisting hissing of the intruder’s breathing, she focused on the child. 
Luke. Precious little Luke, destined for so much more than life as a poor moisture farmer. Face set hard, Beru made sure to place herself in the middle of the doorway, just outside the threshold. She would not back down, whatever that decision would entail. The ex-Jedi who had delivered him might have grander plans, plans this stranger might be involved with, but she wanted the boy safe. On Tatooine, if he was taught to fend for himself, to steer clear of Jawas, Tusken raiders and womp rats, he might become an ordinary young man some day. Without the mystical sorcery his father had fallen prey to luring him in.
“He is mine. We have adopted him, we are his only living relatives. He has no one else.”
Beru hoped she sounded genuine to the menace, hoped she was appealing to some sort of sympathy or compassion behind the threatening visage. When he spoke, his tone was even deeper than before, a rumble rivalling that of any fully grown krayt dragon.
“Do not lie to me,” he warned, and moved so suddenly Beru couldn’t help but gasp in mixed horror and startlement.
But all he did was raise one arm, letting the open palm hover midair, facing the woman’s face. She blinked, confusion seeping in - and then her head exploded from within. She flinched, as a sharp pain ground its way into her temples. The ache travelled down her spine, a loud ringing in her ears overpowering any senses as her vision went bright white - shutting out both the mysterious visitor and the binary sunset. She whimpered, her own hands flying up to cover her ears. She wanted to scream, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes as she thought what felt like an ice pick being drilled right through her brain. 
And then, it was gone. As if it had never been there to begin with. Unable to control her sobs, her legs gave out beneath her and she sank to the ground. She panted, terrified of the man before her, of the agonizing headache returning. She could not explain it, but there was no doubt in her mind that the two were connected. The stranger had hurt her without laying a finger on her, if he was able to do that, what else was he capable of? If she had been wary before, now she was terrified.
“I - I am… not lying,” she managed to whisper, voice hoarse and unsteady.
“No. You are not.”
Surprisingly, the man agreed as he let his hand fall to his side. A wave of relief washed over Beru, but she was not prepared to build her hopes up that he may show her mercy and leave her and Luke alone. Luke needed to stay here, for his own safety. The Jedi had promised her he would keep them safe, and she had promised to love Luke as her own son. That meant defending him as if he were.
“You are not lying. You know only what Kenobi has taught you.”
Beru wiped her face with her sleeve as best she could, hoisting herself into an upright position with one hand pressed to the clay wall by her side. She clung to it for support, but through her watery eyes she saw that the stranger seemed more resolute, his stance more determined. She trembled, but stood her ground.
“I won’t speak of it. Not to you. Not to anyone. He warned us of strangers.”
“Kenobi is a liar and a traitor to the Empire, as are all Jedi. Would it be beneath an attempted murderer to lie?”
The stranger’s voice bore the same, mechanical character but it was sharper now, like a bark. Beru felt the hatred from before had returned, but didn’t seem to be directed at her. The way the man said ‘Kenobi’ revealed everything about whom the loathing was aimed at.
“I don’t understand,” the woman shook her head, cold sweat still soaking her forehead and she wiped her brow with her sleeve. 
“He told you the child has no living relatives, did he not?”
Beru’s eyes widened, before suspicion crept back in. She swallowed hard against the lump in her throat, willing herself to restrain herself from shedding any more tears. Even though she was still breathless, still shivering, still afraid.
“I never said it was him,” she settled for, as her retort.
“I am warning you to play along, or I may need to apply different methods to assure your complacency,” was the reply, and the man raised his hand again.
The threat was enough, and Beru shook her head vehemently, arms coming up to shield herself from another head splitting, intrusive mental assault. What she had assumed before was true, he had been controlling whatever power had tormented her senses. How? Why? Nothing made sense, but she believed him and that was enough.
“You are wiser than most. Fetch the child.”
“What?” the woman croaked, all the blood draining from her face as the intent behind the demand hit her.
“Fetch. The. Child,” he repeated, this time using his raised arm to point his finger at the doorway.
Only a sliver of pink and orange sunlight remained on the horizon. Owen wouldn’t be back in several hours. Beru hesitated, unwilling to comply, but found she could not resist. She could either obey, or protest and get herself killed. The stranger would take Luke away either way, she already knew that.
Stubborn tears welled back up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she slipped back into the primary living area of their homestead. Passing through another low doorway, she approached the cradle cautiously. She didn’t want to wake the child, didn't want to frighten him. Hushing him, or perhaps herself and her own soft sniffles, she picked the little bundle up. Beru made sure Luke was neatly wrapped in his duvet as she cradled him to her chest, rocking her arms gently when it seemed he might wake up. She breathed a sigh of relief when he settled back down, cooing and letting out a soft snore. Swallowing hard, Beru kept her head low and kept her gaze steady on the blonde tuft of hair on Luke’s head where it stuck out from underneath his pajamas. 
Not until she had crossed the threshold, relying solely on her periphery and memory, did she tear her eyes away from the infant. The intruder hadn’t moved an inch, the now chilly, crisp air biting at Beru’s tears streaked cheeks. When she spoke, her voice was soft but defiant.
“If you want him, you’ll have to go through me first.”
“It would be foolish of you to presume I wouldn’t,” he simply stated, his tone matter of fact.
“He’s my boy.”
Once again, Beru hoped he had a heart somewhere behind the exterior facade of menace. Beyond those strange, terrifying powers he had displayed. 
“He is not. The child belongs with his father,” said the man.
“The child’s father is dead. So is his mother. I and Owen are the only family he has left, he has no one else. He means nothing to you, whoever you are. He means the world to me.”
“Then, we have something in common,” stated the stranger, and it took Beru a tad too long to understand what he meant.
“I… don’t understand. I don’t understand any of this. Not Kenobi, not you,” she felt the weight of realization as something began to dawn on her, but refused to voice it and see it confirmed.
The man shifted then, stalking closer with a couple of long strides. As he moved closer, Beru tipped her head back, staring up at his frightening stature but unwilling to turn away, for fear of what he might do if she lost an ounce of focus. He seemed much more focused on the bundle in her arms, however, and she instinctively held the child closer to her body for protection. The man was huge, towering over her, looming like a hungering predator ready to strike. The lenses of the mask he wore were a deep, crimson red, she noticed now. The colour filled her with dread, entrancing as she watched him peer in what could have come across as stunned silence at the peacefully slumbering infant. One the man’s large, gloved hands came up to reach for the boy, and Beru almost yelped in fear.
But instead of harming Luke with just a look, Beru was shocked to see the man touch the infant’s chubby little cheek with an unearned, unexpected tenderness. It was just a simple, gentle graze of fingertips, and a smile pulled at the corners of the child’s lips. He was still asleep, but he cooed something intelligible, one tiny hand reaching for the stranger’s index finger. The stranger seemed cautious, and Beru almost believed he was concerned, maybe even scared of accidentally hurting the boy.
“Kenobi would rather have you believe the child’s parents had perished,” said the stranger, but his attention was still single handedly on the infant.
“Where else would they be? Kenobi told us the Jedi order had been executed, framed for high treason. He told us Anakin Skywalker died with the rest of his kind.”
“They were not framed, they were the instigators. But I am not here to discuss politics that may result in your immediate execution, and neither should you.”
The threatening note to the man’s voice was back, and Beru pinched her lips tightly together. She knew by now that Luke’s life had never been on the line, not given how carefully the stranger was interacting with the sleeping form. Her life, however, was still in mortal peril - and perhaps Owen’s was, too.
“The fact still stands,” Beru dared to say, bracing herself. “That Anakin is dead, and Luke has no one but us.”
The name was said so gently, so softly that Beru almost thought she had imagined it. Despite the harsh diction, the flat delivery seemed so genuine and heart felt. Gaze darting between the intruder’s mask, and Luke’s pleased expression as the man let him close his little fist around his finger, the suspicion only grew stronger in its persistence.
“Yes. Luke. His mother named him before she died, Kenobi said. Unless that was another lie,” the woman trailed off.
“She did believe you were a boy,” mused the man, almost wistful as he seemed to be speaking directly to the small child.
Still, the words left an impression. A cold, gnawing sensation settled at the pit of Beru’s belly; clawing its way up into her chest cavity where it remained, desperately grinding from the inside as if attempting to force itself out. There was something eerie and uncanny about the stranger, something distinctly familiar. Familiar, yet foreign. Known, yet unknown. She peered down at the infant in her arms, the love she had developed for the little boy overpowering, overwhelming her. Then, she ignored the alarm bells at the back of her mind, the voices screaming at her to resist the urge. Instead, she slowly held the baby out in front of her, face set hard and throat tight as a lump settled at the base. The ball of tears rose, until her eyes were once more brimming with tears.
The stranger eyed her with what could only be perplexed confusion, as if he was in disbelief that she would entrust him with the child. She remained motionless, as he seemed to be weighing his options. Then, with stilted, jerky motions, he lifted both arms. He reached for the bundle, and with caution as if the boy was made of glass, as if he were so fragile he might break at the simplest touch, the stranger accepted him. The scene was ridiculous; a man looking like the reaper himself had come straight from a galactic battlefield while shielding the very icon of innocence in his grasp.
 “You said his Anakin isn’t dead. If he’s alive, then where is he?” Beru said, and the calm, collected manner in which she delivered those words surprised even her.
The stranger said nothing, but he did look at her. 
A long, pregnant silence fell as the darkness of night finally settled over the farm, and the Lars’ homestead. Beru wrapped her arms around herself for warmth, blinking back the tears pooling in her eyes. She had wanted him to say it, to verbally verify and confirm what she suspected. It was impossible to deny, as she studied the wonder and amazement with which the stranger regarded Luke. What surprised her most, though, was when he hid the child close against his chest, and held her gaze. She felt his stare burning into her soul, his presence no less imposing than it had been when he first appeared. 
Beru found she couldn’t speak. She had nothing to say, and even if she did, it would have made no difference. She understood, and took a step back as she nodded at him, encouraging him with a mournful smile. He was dangerous, that much she could tell. The stranger was vicious, ruthless, and cruel. But he held a tremendous fondness for this child, and in that, Beru could see herself. In that, Beru found the strength to acknowledge that the stranger was, in fact, no stranger at all. Even as he turned his back, cape billowing behind him while he began to trudge through the sand in a direction only he knew where it might lead, Beru was certain that the man would keep Luke safe.
As the man grew smaller in the distance, Beru allowed herself to weep again, watching her nephew disappear into the ice cold desert night. Still, something nagged at her compelled her to make a bargain in turn. Not that she had anything to offer, but she was convinced the man who was not a stranger would be inclined to agree.
“Promise me Luke will be safe with you!”
The intruder halted. Sand whirled around his boots, starlight bouncing off the man’s domed helmet as a gleaming beacon of hope in the darkness. She sensed an odd, reluctant sort of foreboding but stood her ground. He did not speak, but he didn’t have to. She knew the answer and she knew he would not have come this far if he didn’t have the intention to keep the boy out of harm’s way. She didn’t know the man well, never had, but she knew Luke. Shutting her eyes, Beru accepted the silence as the confirmation she had been looking for. She had been left alive, living to tell the tale. She knew he had come to kill her, she didn’t understand how, but somehow it was clear. Somehow, Luke would be okay. The man needed the infant, more than the infant needed him. It was the next right thing to do.
“Thank you, Anakin.”
Beru couldn’t be certain, but something told her Luke had a better chance at the kind of life he was meant for in the hands of his father.
You all knew where this was going, haha. I did intend to post this as another installment of Mask of Death but I’m not sure I should throw a non-canon compliant chapter in there as all others have been as compliant as fanfics can be. Let me know whether I should make an exception for this one or not!
I’m a sucker for dad!Vader and baby!Luke.
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nikethestatue · 3 years
Depth of Your Eyes
Extreme Fluff.
Domestic fluff. Babies!
Elriel Month - Day 24
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“Why do you hate me?” lamented the feared and exalted Shadowsinger of the Night Court.
Feared and admired, worshipped for his immense Illyrian power, for his stealth and strength, he, the great and mysterious spy master, the male who made enemies tremble and flee, and females swoon, failed utterly and completely at this one task—having his chunky newborn son open his eyes for him.
When his son was born, the first thing that shocked everyone—parents and healer and midwife—was his very impressive size. How the delicate, slender, elegant Elain even managed to bear him—without much difficulty too—was a mystery.
But the Cauldron loved Elain and strove to make Elain happy. It gave Elain an almost painless labour, though it was lengthy and uncomfortable nevertheless, and while Azriel was out of his mind with worry and trepidation, not knowing whether the baby’s wings would cause damage or even more serious issues, Elain was serene and happy.
The nightmare that was Nyx’s birth was still fresh in Aziel’s mind—the blood, the gore, Nyx’s tiny lifeless body in Mor’s arms, and Feyre, with a horrific gaping slash across her abdomen, bleeding out, Death hovering just above her. Therefore, Azriel dreaded Elain’s labour. For ten months he was a wreck. He was too happy, too elated, too content, too joyful in his life, and there bound to be repercussions for all that bliss.
The baby was conceived momentarily. “Let’s make a baby,” Azriel proposed a little drunkenly to the giggling and smiling Elain. They were enjoying a glorious sunset on the sea, in a tiny town with whitewashed buildings and blue roofs, in the Summer Court. It was far from Adriata, far from visitors and everyone else and they indulged in endless white sand beaches, fresh seafood and lots of local wine, swimming in the azure waters of the sea and enough lovemaking to leave them both sore and hoarse. “Now?” Elain kissed him. He shrugged, “why not now?”
And it happened—‘now’. When they returned from their holiday, she found out that she was expecting their baby.
Azriel couldn’t lie, but he was feeling rather smug.
“What the fuck kind of seed you got, brother?” muttered Cassian. “You just knocked her up in a day?”
Azriel only shrugged innocently.
As if this was to be expected. Of course he’d impregnate her in a day! But it wasn’t at all what he thought would happen—he thought that as with all Fae, this would be a lengthy process full of false starts, crushed hopes and nerves. But the Cauldron loved Elain and wanted to make her happy.
Now, he was holding his chunky son in his arms. Calm and peaceful, the baby took after his parents in temperament. He was mellow and not fussy, docile and good-natured. His appetite was monstrous though. He ate and ate and ate. At his already great size, Azriel muttered ‘you are going to be Cassian’s size by the time you are three’. And because he ate so much, he was rather plump, to put it kindly, which meant that his hamster-like cheeks obscured his eyes. At three weeks, their baby mostly slept and ate, so periods of play and interaction were minimal—hence, Azriel’s failure to actually see the colour of his son’s eyes.
Elain claimed that the eyes were hazel. Nesta insisted that they were ‘Archeron’ eyes. Cassian’s assessment was ‘I think brown. Like dirt’. Amren went with ‘I don’t know, I didn’t look closely’. Yet they all claimed that they’d seen his eyes.
Azriel was seated on top of the covers in their bed, propped against the cushioned headboard. His wing curled around Elain, who was sleeping next to him, pressed to his side, her arm thrown over his stomach. Their son, sturdy and large, almost the size of Azriel’s forearm now, was sucking noisily, eating like he hasn’t been fed in a week. He was fed less than three hours ago.
The bottle—a new invention from Dawn—wasn’t widely used just yet, but Azriel loved it. At first, Elain was reluctant to utilize it, preferring to breastfeed at all times, but then…well, then she came to accept how convenient this bottle invention was. Especially because Azriel was a nocturnal creature and had no issues with staying up or waking in the middle of the night. And with their gluttonous son demanding food all the time, she was still able to function and rest and sleep, since he didn’t really care which way he was getting his food, as long as he was getting it.
Azriel was looking down at the delicious bundle in his arms, and thought that his baby would end up looking very much like him, if he wasn’t so chubby. Right now, he was all round and soft and filled with folds that others wanted to bite and pinch.
Cassian, in fact, did bite his nephew’s little fat wrist, and Elain caught them, warning that Cassian wouldn’t be allowed to feed him if it happened again. “but it didn’t even hurt!” he defended himself feebly. “Just a little nibble…He is such a fatty!”
“No. Biting.” ordered Elain. “Or you’ll be off bottle duty!”
That was a serious threat that Cassian took to heart, because he absolutely adored feeding the baby with the bottle. He and Nesta were enthralled with him, quietly arguing and fighting about whose turn it was to feed him next. Elain and Azriel frequently overheard ‘you did it last time!” “no, but he likes me more…” “gods above, he does not like you more! He clearly prefers me!” “he was crying with you!” “yes, that’s because you made him cry!”
“We only have two choices,” said Azriel with a sigh, watching Cassian coo and babble to the baby one day, rocking him and singing him all kinds of bawdy Illyrian songs. “We either forbid them entry into the house,” at that, Elain frowned. “Or, we just let them be and simply assume that our son’s first word will be ‘fuck’.”
Adhering to the Illyrian tradition of not naming a child until he was one month old, the baby remained nameless. Well, Elain and Azriel knew what he would be called, but speculation ran rampant.
Elain had officially asked Cassian and Nesta to be the baby’s Guardians, a very important and respected position in the Illyrian society. It would fall on Cassian to start teaching his nephew how to fly—and when Elain formally requested for him to become the Guardian, Cassian shyly teared up.
“Yes, Petal, of course,” he nodded nervously, with aching sincerity, “it would be an honour. Are you sure?” Cassian still worried, “are you sure you don’t want to ask Rhys?”
Elain embraced the General gently and lovingly, and whispered, “I’ve never been more sure of anything, Cass. Only you. I’d only trust him with you and Nesta.”
It was Elain’s right as the mother to select the Guardians for her child, so while Azriel suspected who her choice would be, he waited for the official announcement along with everyone else. Eventually, the Guardian would present their son with his first sword, and begin teaching him to fight.
“Well, I want my baby to have the best,” said Elain, kissing Nesta’s flushed cheek. “Who is better than the Commander General of the Night Court armies and the Valkyrie herself? Will you two do us the honour of accepting him into your Guardianship?”
“Yes!” both of them almost yelled their acceptance.
Now, Nesta and Cassian was preparing something grandiose for the Naming Ceremony.
But first things first.
“Hey lovie, why don’t you look at me?” murmured Azriel, rocking his son gently against his chest. At first, the baby leapt towards his nipple, received nothing from it and gave an angry squeak of disappointment.
“Sorry, my friend, at this point, I think you should already know where the good stuff comes from,” said Azriel, as he offered the bottle. “I know, I know, not the same, but close enough. Believe me, I tried it straight from the delicious source and I agree, it is much better,”
“Stop being gross,” moaned Elain, and slapped his stomach.
He laughed.
“I am not being gross. Just honest. If I can suck on your titties,”
“Oh, gods, yes, I know. You’d rather suck on my titties than a bottle. I’ve heard this before,”
“And I stand by my opinion. So does my son. He has good taste. Now, go back to sleep.”
Elain ran a sleepy hand over the edge of his wing and turned around, pressing her lush ass into his thigh.
He drew his knuckles over her cheek and she reached for his fingers with her lips, kissing them, before tumbling back into her slumber.
Gods, he loved her.
The baby didn’t like all this jostling around him, and grabbed Azriel’s hand with his stubby fat fingers, steadying him and the bottle.
“Sorry,” Azriel murmured and looked down, stroking his baby’s soft brown curl that jutted out proudly on top of his head. “Mama is such a beauty…we can’t forget her either, even with you. I love you both very much.”
The baby nodded sagely, as if agreeing with his father. Yes, indeed, his mother was gorgeous and beautiful and very nice, and required his father’s attention. It was very understandable.
But this male, this father of his—he liked him very much as well. He was very kind and he fed him and changed him, and sang songs with him, and played with him, and…well, he loved him.
Azriel was smiling softly to himself, watching the baby, and then, suddenly, his son opened his eyes and grinned at him. Grinned a huge toothless smile—his very first one. He never smiled for anyone before, but this was it.
This was for his father.
This male, who’s waited for him for a long, long time, hoping against hope that one night, he’d have him in his arms and receive this huge, satisfied smile, which was meant only for him. An undeniable, glorious reward for centuries of suffering and sadness. He grabbed his father’s scarred finger in his fist and blinked at him with the depth of his Archeron eyes.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Jumin x MC - Sleepy Sex.
Pairing: Jumin Han
Fandom: Mystic Messenger 
Prompt: Sleepy sex || Religion Kink || Mirror Sex
Warning: Fingering, sleepy sex, marital bliss, vaginal sex, internal cumshot, Me just being weak for a new man, references to Jumin story-line and plot.
Note: 2nd to last piece for Kinktober from @alloveroliver​​, please accept sweet tender Jumin as apologies for Pet-play Jumin.
The autumn breeze blew outside, sweeping fallen leaves from the floor and swirling them around the air. Trees rustled and branches swayed, couples wrapped up in warm coats and wool scarves matched with gloves to keep warm in the hazy glow of the morning sun. A thin layer of frost, barely visible to the eye, settled across the grass. Making it glisten in the rising sun's light. 
But the slowly waking up of outside caused no stir for a couple in bed. Too busy embraced in sleep to notice the changes going on out in the world. Too lost in their own blissful paradise to acknowledge anything else but themselves. 
The Manor House was silent apart from the gentle noise of breath softening, Jumin slowly stirring awake. A natural for him to be up early due to Elizabeth the Thirds feeding schedule but this time, he stayed exactly where he was. Pulling his lover, whose back was curled into his chest, tighter towards him and burying his nose in the crook of her neck. In-hailing and savouring her scent, rose perfume mixed with lingering wine, the scent of her was his favourite. The scent of home, warmth, love and protection. 
The arm around her waist kept her close as she mumbled slightly, a tiny yawn escaping her lips as her eyes slowly fluttered open. The floor to ceiling curtains draped shut, allowing only a teasing peak of the light outside into the room. A ‘Good Morning’ was muffled into the pillow as she shifted back, no inch of separation between them. 
“Good morning Mrs.Han,” Softly whispered, followed by lips pressed to the crook of her neck. Earning a deeply content smile from the corner of her lips as the arm around her waist squeezed her waist slightly.
“It still feels strange being called that,” Her voice a little hoarse, drifting in between the realm of sleep and being awake. 
“You have the rest of your life to get used to it,” He hummed, his matching smile visible against her neck. The light scratch of his barely visible stubble rubbing against her skin, a flood of soft giggles leaving her lips each time it tickled against her.
“Mmm I like the sound of that,” His left arm over her waist lifted to find her left hand, intertwining his fingers over hers just beneath her chin. A fresh set of gold wedding bands both on their rings fingers, placed under twenty fours ago in an extravagant affair in front of close friends and family. A little over a year of being together, they had married in the glow of the fall sunset beside the lake of the stately manner. 
Jumin had never been looking for love, he’d never even been looking for a relationship. Whenever anyone, his father, would press into the matter of his love life he would shut them down instantly. He cared none for the rumours spread by the media of his sexuality, the teasing of his friends, the snarky comments by his father. All he cared for was himself, his working effort and most importantly Miss Elizabeth the Third. 
That was until she came into his life…
A joyous whirlwind of emotions, bringing a new way to view life to his normally bleak world. She brought colours into his world, teaching him over message and voice calls how optimistic life can be without having full control. How to let loose on the grip of holding the reins so tight. She supported him through the rocky road of the pushing ‘engagement’ between him and Sarah, supported him to finally stand up to his father, the running away of Elizabeth. Helping him to cope with his emotions rather than perusing through regretful and dominating actions to keep in charge of everything in his life. 
Their involvement in each other’s life and relationship developed rapidly within the first two weeks of her entering his life, staying at his for safety before the RFA party causing great concern for the others. Only they had the most wonderful of evenings, sharing a bottle of wine in front of open fire whilst engaging life stories and personal moments. Jumin went as red as the vintage wine in his hand when she kissed his cheek to say goodnight, mind and emotions racing from dusk till dawn. Minute by minute she became of importance to his life, the night she stayed with him was the night that he released how he felt. That she was the one for him, the only woman to be interested in him and not his money or father. 
They finally became a couple at the RFA event the following days after, Jumin unable to hold himself back. Breaking his normal composter as he came clean without how he felt, how she had affected him and stirred feelings in him that he’d never felt before. She responded with her own reciprocal feelings, her lips meeting his on the outside balcony. The party seemed miles away rather than just behind the closer doors as they lost themselves in each other. Jumin finally breaking apart to tell her, “I think… Miss. Elizabeth and I would like it if you would could our home, yours”. She moved in with him that night. 
“Say it again,” She sighed softly, giggling to feel his lips press against the base of her neck. One of his favourite hidden places to kiss her. 
“You looked even more beautiful than ever yesterday,” His lips moving up her neck. “Simply exquisite,”. His lips found the soft spot beneath her ear as nuzzled her hair out of the way with his face. She let out a pleasant hum, her eyes falling onto the sheer white dress she had worn. Skin tight bodice with lace trailing from her shoulders down to her wrists, a flowing silk skirt that touched the ground. A price tag that made her eyes water, but Jumin insisted he would pay whatever for the wedding. That her happiness was worth every penny. Not that she demanded or wanted a big white wedding, all she wanted was him and all he wanted was her.
“You looked rather handsome yourself Mr.Han,” Unable to hold back the gasp in her throat as he moved back down to her neck. Lips pressing over and over until they sucked down on a spot, a spot he knew made her knees weak. 
Letting go off her left hand to push the blankets keeping them warm away, settling his hand on top of her thigh which was pushed up against his. “It seems such a shame to waste such a beautiful outfit,” A slight drop of his normal soft voice to be replaced with a huskier tone. His reference to the silk nightgown she was wearing, crystal white with trimmed lace over her breasts and settling just beneath her thighs. Whilst they’d been intimate many a time in their relationship, practice for the wedding night as Zen would cheekily refer to it. The couple was still to consummate their marriage. The mixture of high excitement and aged wine caused them both to fall asleep in each other’s embrace. 
A different type of martial bliss than what was expected.
“What do you say we take full advantage of it…” A rock of hips against her making her gasp at the hardness pressing against her. His fingertips tracing up her thigh and disappearing under the material of her night gown. A boldness and need that grew with his confidence during their relationship. Slowly pushing the material up, exposing her bareness underneath causing a low growl from her husband. His hand curling over her front to settle between her slightly parted thighs. Deft fingers teasing brushing over her sex to already feel the wetness of her slit, still in complete awe to feel how wet she already was from his teasing touches, simple words and gentle kisses, “Mrs.Han,”.
“-Jumin!” A gasp filling the quiet air, a finger coaxed in her arousal being pushed into her, another following shortly after. Continuing to kiss and gently nip over her neck, leaving the faintest trail of bites upon her skin- he was never a fan of leaving large physical marks upon her. His fingers continued to work inside her, pulling out every so often to circle over her clit before rejoining back inside her. His other hand curled beneath her body, tugging the dainty straps off her shoulders to free her breasts. The weight of them heavy in his palm, grasping with the feather like touches as he worked her slowly to climax. She came in gentle waves over his fingers, unable to stop his name falling from her mouth as hers hips jutted back. The added pressure of her bucking back against him caused low groans against her neck, ones that made her core tighten and her body shiver in anticipation with that was to come.
Neither of them were able to be apart any longer, her negligee tossed off her body quickly whilst Jumin stripped from his long pyjama top and trousers behind her. Resuming their position as skin pressed against skin, Jumin curling around her body from behind as they lay on their sides. Tiredness completely torn from either of them, the need to be one with their lover was empowering their thoughts. 
His already leaking head pressing against her core. Never had he had such physical urges, she brought out his inner primal needs. The desire to fill, to thrust, to love was consistently on his mind. 
Slowly pushing into her, pulling out after every inch, savouring the way her body moulded to him. The grip of her walls before they loosened, each time he pulled out he thrusted in a little further until finally her dripping cunt swallowed him whole. Sheathing himself inside her, inside his wife. Raw. Unbridled passion. Lust. Every emotion of love coursing from their veins, skin tingling on fire with the slow rocking of his hips up against her, a steady rhythm falling into place. The bed giving away their morning passion, it squeaking alongside their breathless moans, as if trying to convey and capture the eternal love they had for each other inside its springs. 
“Jumin!” Her hand instinctively grabbing his wrist as he brought it to circle her clit once more, back arching off her chest. Hips rocking back against his, meeting his every thrust. The slow precision, the calculated angles, all overwhelming her senses as she felt her peak reaching within her once more. The mixture of emotions and his perfected knowledge of her body was too much, unable to hold back the sighs of pleasure, letting the empty room know just how good her husband was too her.
‘I love you’ repeated over like a prayer from both of them, the hand cupping her breast rolling a nipple between his fingers. Her climax hitting her faster than expected, heavy waves of pleasure rolling across her body starting from the tip of her head to the bottom of her toes. Unable to hold back as she shuddered in his hold, body curling at its peak.
Holding her as she trembled in his embrace, the soft sound of clapping skin ringing through the air paired with the quickening breaths of him against the shell of her ear. The low groan that followed, one final push of his hips against her until warmth flooded her. The pulse of him inside her as he gently gripped her waist to keep her flushed against him as he came. 
They stilled in position, for maybe a minute, maybe ten. Neither of them sure as they basked in their blissful afterglow, his arm back around her waist to keep her nestled close to him. Tender kisses with delicate doting words of affection were whispered to her shoulder. The ability to think blanked from their minds, lazing in the sweaty shine of their love. Until finally Jumin pulled himself out of her heat, turning her with a gleaming smile to rest his eyes upon his wife properly for the first time that morning. 
“Mmm, good morning you,” Her eyes half lidded, threatening to shut as she rested her head upon his broad chest, an arm instinctively coming to wrap around her.��
“I wonder how Elizabeth is coping without us, I hope assistant Kang is not over feeding her again,” Concern in his voice, his free hand pushing the hair stuck to his forehead off his face.
“I’m sure she’s fine,” A yawn followed, the warmth of the blanket pulled back to envelope them. The flirting temptation to sleep pulling them back into its embrace.
“Maybe I can ask her to bring her to the airport this afternoon, so we can say goodbye,”.
“Jumin…” Pressing her lips to his chest, eye’s finally shutting, “We’re going on our honeymoon, I’m more than positive Jaehee can look after her for us for two weeks,”.
“Your right… I already have a schedule set up so we can facetime her daily, I’m sure she’ll miss us. I can’t stand that she can’t come, maybe I should invest in cat friend hotels-”
“-Jumin,” She cut him off by pressing a finger to his lips, “No more worrying,”. He didn’t answer back, just turning his head slightly to watch her chest rise and fall. The finger to his lip moved to rest of his shoulder, sprawling over his chest as she drifted back off into a peaceful slumber. His lips curving into a euphoric smile, his world, his meaning for life, his everything, in a tranquil state of blissful contentment resting upon him.
Normally he would rise, dressing and preparing for the busy schedule of the day. But for now, he’d simply stay in bed a little while longer, ready to face the adventures of the day and the rest of his life with her by his side.
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Kinktober masterlist here.
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itswildwinters · 3 years
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✰ here’s a masterpost with all my fics (+ their fic post) that you can find on my ao3! This post will be regularly updated, from earliest to oldest fic!
✰ carpe diem — (E • 2,9k)
The world has succumbed but two lovers find solace in an abandoned grocery store.
✰ In Your Scent I Thrive — (E • 33,3k)
There are very few things on earth that makes sense to Harry. Louis is not one of them.
OR; Harry’s particular condition has made it impossible for him to enjoy people’s scent, until he meets Louis.
✰ Memory of a Dream — (E • 64,7K)
Harry hums. “Why else do you think I brought you here? It's our places now," the alpha smiles, gentle. "Have you always lived with your godmothers?”
He nods, gazing at the leaves as the breeze comes to ruffle them. “As long as I can remember. And if you’re wondering what happened to my parents, I don’t really know. Apparently they died when I was still a baby.”
“I’m sorry,” Harry tentatively reaches over to put his arm around him; he doesn’t protest. Instead, he snuggles closer and closes his eyes.
There seems to be a barrier between them, or some kind of deep gulf that can’t be crossed. He feels it right now even though he’s never been so close to Harry before. Harry’s entire body is kissing his curves, in a place remote from everything; and yet… and yet he can’t connect with Harry. Maybe it is for the best — getting attached to somebody he can’t have sounds like torture. At one point, Harry moves so that he is sitting right behind Louis, allowing for the omega to lean against the alpha’s chest; it feels good, he feels safe. He is succumbing to illusions; he will get hurt.
Somewhere behind them, a raven croaks.
OR; a Sleeping Beauty AU.
✰ Hamartia — (E • 67k)
“Your scent lingering on my pillow… oh Honey, If only you knew that the moment I dread most every time you leave… Is when it fades.”
Six years is a long time for Louis to mend his heart back and erase every lingering, stubborn memory of his ex-lover, Harry Styles. But when news of the war being over spreads across the world like wildfire, and he stumbles upon the alpha he vowed himself to never see ever again, he realises that not even a lifetime will be enough for him to pick up the scattered, broken parts of his soul. He's far from expecting the alpha he loved to be struggling in the same way.
All the ointments in the world might never soothe the pain out, but it doesn't take long for them both to come to the conclusion that, maybe, the only medicine to their heartbreaks are what caused them in the first place.
✰ dirty laundry looks good on you — (E • 50k)
When Louis Tomlinson finds his clothes lying in a sad soapy mess on top of the washing machine in which they are supposed to be, he acts upon his anger and retaliates. What he doesn’t expect is having to deal with a six-feet tall, curly-haired and dimpled man in return, who seems to arouse confusing feelings within him and to make his life take an unexpected turn for the better (or worse?).
OR; the utility room is a great place to fall in love.
✰ a taste of freedom and sweetened passion — (M • 74,7k) for @falsegoodnight
“Are you mad?” he explodes, throwing his hands up, groaning. “I was so, so close to reaching my goal, and your stupid, stalking ass had to creep up on me, hm?”
Harry is trying to keep his laughter in, walking closer to him, eyes soft. He doesn’t like the way those eyes make him feel, an odd, dangerous mix of nervous and flustered, so he bends down to pick up the books, raising an eyebrow when Harry growls in protest.
“I wanted to pick them up for you,” the alpha pouts, and Louis glares at him, getting into position and lowering the pile of yellowed pages over the top of his head.
“I’m a functional human being, thank you very much,” he grits out as he begins to walk and mentally count the amount of steps he takes. One, two, three, for heaven’s sake Harry fuck off!, four, five. He doesn’t let himself be distracted as the alpha walks along with him despite the slow pace, green eyes focused on him in a way that would, in any other cases, compelled him to throw a book in the alpha’s face.
He doesn’t know why he doesn’t do it and certainly doesn’t want to think about the reason, whatever it might be.
✰ in a sea of mist — (E • 126,7k)
A Greek Mythology/Camp Half-Blood AU where Harry is lost, the road to peace is a wretched one, and somehow, through a mist of confusion and regrets, Louis seems to be the only thing that makes sense and everything Harry needs.
✰ those who from the Pit of Hell, roam to seek their prey on earth — (E • 17,6k)
1889. Louis Tomlinson is a student at the prestigious Harrow School for Boys, nurturing his passion for forensic medicine under the care of a particularly mysterious and dark teacher, Harry Styles, who has set his main focus on a series of gruesome murders, all of them reflecting the year 1888, when Jack the Ripper went rampant in the poor streets of Whitechapel.
✰ ruby eyes and tainted vices — (E • 666) 
Harry goes to bed alone, but wakes up to a body next to his.
✰ the hope that warbles in my fluttering breast — (M • 10k)
"I don't feel good," Louis admitted, eyes watering. Harry rounded the table to sit next to Louis, worry eating at his guts.
"It's alright, we've got everything we need. We will be fine."
But Louis shook his head.
"No, it's not that. I don't feel well."
Harry bit his bottom lip, hard. "The babies?"
"No, they're not moving, I just... I don't know, something is wrong. I think I need to lay down, alright?"
The winter growls loud and mean outside as Harry Styles comes home to his precious Louis.
✰ you contain in your eyes the sunset and the dawn — (M • 38,1k)
Louis moaned prettily as he grabbed one of the hybrid's thighs and inched it up, his hand big enough to cover almost the entire of it. When he looked into Louis' eyes, they were practically just black, a pool of lust and tension rendering the baby blue of his eyes intense and rich. And they kept kissing until their lips tickled, until they were sure they would bruise and turn a deep burgundy colour.
"How was I supposed to know?" Harry mumbled in the crook of Louis' neck, letting his tongue and teeth play with the skin there.
"Couldn't you just talk to me?" was Louis' answer, and Harry thought.
He thought of how much time they had wasted because of him.
Harry Styles was to spend six months at AT&T Inc. of all telecommunications companies in the world, also known as the largest one in its field. This was the biggest deal of his life; it will both improve his expertise in the domain and maybe secure the job of his dreams. There was only one problem standing in the way, and it came in the form of a stunning, irresistible and intimidating cat hybrid of the name Louis Tomlinson. In other words, his boss.
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silky-stories · 3 years
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Just a Bad Day (Corpse and Friends/Reader)
Genre: Light angst, Fluff, sort of Platonic but you could take it otherwise
Words: 1628
Related Songs: PETIT BISCUIT - Sunset Lover https://youtu.be/wuCK-oiE3rM ZYAN, Sia - Dusk till Dawn | slowed https://youtu.be/7LLKAL6ERDA
Summary: (Y/n) has a bad day and her friends are suspicious
Disclaimer/s: Depressive episode, slight anxiety, big sad :(
Notes: I left out what it was that made the Reader upset so you can let it be whatever you want :)
"(Y/n) you're fine, you don't even have your webcam on today, you'll be okay." Rae teased you softly, getting a couple chuckles from the few people that had joined the Among Us lobby a bit early.
She had overheard your quiet mentions of being nervous and having your webcam off, both due to the fact that you had a bit of a hectic day and didn't have time to make yourself presentable. It didn't bug you that she responded with a joking tone, she wasn't aware of the tear streaks that framed your cheeks and red, puffy eyes you just couldn't hide with the high quality camera you have. She didn't know, no one knew, how were you supposed to be mad about that?
"Ha ha, yeah... guess you're right." You plastered the most fake smile you've ever made to your face to at least make it sound like you were happy. Thankfully, it seemed to work as the conversation moved on without you.
Less fortunately, your fans were a little more perceptive, although you should have expected that considering that some of them watched you on a daily basis. Your chat was filled with near exclusively kind remarks, from a modest 'Are you alright?' to full on paragraphs that passed by a bit too fast for you to get through more than the first few words. You muted yourself in the discord chat so only your audience could hear you, reassuring them that you were fine, no matter how much your broken tone betrayed you. It didn't work as well as you wanted, but that wasn't their fault.
Soon enough the whole gang was together and ready for the game to start, they sounded excited. It was nice to hear that your bad mood hadn't leeched onto your friends, that was the last thing you needed right now.
A deep sigh came from your mouth as you saw the red lettering fade in and off of your screen, "Dammit..." You weren't ready for an imposter game, you were sort of hoping that you could go a whole stream without one actually. Even worse, Corpse was your partner, which meant you'd end up dragging him down with you.
The game began, the layout of the Skeld loading in and the colourful avatars of your friends scattering to do their assigned tasks. You did yourself a favour and didn't move right away, giving yourself a second to take a deep breath and at least attempt to put some effort into doing a good stream. Your fans deserved it, they were all so nice and had been so supportive, they didn't need to be worried about you.
Unfortunately, when you did move, your partner had unknowingly sabotaged the reactor the second before you did anything, making it look a lot like you sabotaged it yourself. It wouldn't have been a problem if Toast hadn't been passing by the second you did. You went to kill him, but since you were both right next to the emergency button, there wasn't anything you could do in time.
The pit of anxiety in your stomach only grew as the animation flashed across your screen, you didn't even know how you were going to defend yourself. As the voting screen came up you only felt worse, no one had even died yet, so you were going to be the first one out on the first game. Great.
"So (Y/n), did you just sabotage reactor?" Toast piped up the second he had the chance.
You were silent as everyone did their played up reactions for the camera, trying to use that time to think of something. It didn't work to say the least.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Your words didn't sound even slightly convincing, not to mention the tired tone of voice you couldn't seem to get rid of that did nothing for you.
Before Toast could get too far into his rebuttal, which didn't really matter after your lame defence, your partner piped up.
"Hey Toast, was anyone else near you guys?" His low tone said nothing of his intentions, you were jealous.
"No, it was just the two of us in cafeteria." He responded, not sure where Corpse was going with this.
"So, technically speaking, it could have been you and nobody would have seen it except for (Y/n)?"
The gasps that followed in response to the new idea were small, but promising nonetheless, even if they were more as a joke than an actual response. It was because of that fact that you were so surprised when the vote ended up being skipped, only two people actually voting for you, one of them being Toast.
You felt a twinge of relief, maybe you could still win this, maybe you could actually have a good night to make up for the terrible day you had.
It hadn't even been a minute when you accidentally killed Toast in front of Poki and Jack.
As the meeting started, you tried to say something but you just couldn't seem to get any words in by the time everyone had voted except for you.
"So (Y/n) first and then Corpse?"
You didn't even know what to say.
"C'mon (Y/n), just vote, it'll all be over soon."
What was there to say?
Why were you taking this so hard?
You quietly clicked on the checkmark to vote for yourself as fresh tears began to spill over your cheeks. You hadn't said anything during the meeting and, seeing as your avatar was now floating through space, you wouldn't be able to say anything now. Useless...
Your chat was going crazy now, flooded with concerns and kind affirmations directed towards you. Your gaze drifted over them mindlessly, not taking anything in, it just looked like a big white blur.
By the time you shook yourself from your dazed state, Corpse's avatar was just finishing it's trip across the screen, floating hopelessly through space as yours had mere minutes ago.
The defeat screen only hammered in how stupid your mistake was as it came and went, just as everything else had without any input from you.  The conversation picked back up quickly, jokes and teases were exchanged, you couldn't even make out what they were saying until the attention was put on you.
"You okay (Y/n)? Not feeling too into it today?" Toast's remark was clearly a joke, just a little jab to get a chuckle like usual.
Unfortunately, you weren't feeling like usual tonight.
It was almost pitiful how broken and sad that one word came out. Your voice had even cracked as you spoke, you figured you must have been just depressing to listen to. If you weren't downright embarrassing you probably seemed like a child for not keeping it together like the others did when they were upset.
Surprisingly enough though, that's not what happened.
"Wait really? Crap I'm sorry."
"Oh no, are you okay?"
"Do you wanna stop playing?"
It was stupid, but for the first time that day you felt okay crying. So you did.
"I'm sorry... thank you..." you mumbled, using your sleeves to wipe your tears, "I just had a really bad day, but I... I still wanna play with you guys I just..."
Damn it, what did you do to deserve friends that cared so much about you?
"I know what to do." Rae spoke up, her grin shining through in her tone, "Group hug!"
Her avatar ran over to yours, nestling herself beside you in a sort of makeshift hug. Everyone else followed suit shortly after, and soon enough you were in the middle of a little circle, fitting perfectly in the middle.
A small sob-like laugh broke free from your lips, "Damnit, you guys are the worst." You joked with a smile, chuckling at the childish but heartfelt display.
The night only got better from there, and even though you weren't at your best, everyone was even nicer than usual and it helped to turn that bad day into a pretty enjoyable night.
After about an hour you decided to stop your stream, deciding to cut it short for the sake of your mental health.
"Yeah I think I'm gonna get going too." Your farewells seemed to spark a response from someone else.
"You too Corpse?" Jack piped up, somewhat confused as he hadn't mentioned anything earlier about doing a shorter stream.
"Yeah, I got some stuff to do, don't worry I'll still be playing with you guys on Friday."
"Alright, well see ya both later!"
"Have a good sleep!"
"Feel better soon (Y/n)!"
You sighed gently as you disconnected from the discord call and the Among Us server, leaving your audience with the usual 'Stream Starting Soon' screen that you didn't feel like changing.
"Well, that's about it for tonight." You spoke, taking a minute to read the chat silently before continuing, "Thank you guys for all the support, I know I didn't say much tonight but I read a lot of what you were saying, it's really appreciated."
A buzz came from your phone, you picked it up and smiled at what you saw.
[ hey, wanna talk? ]
You said your goodbyes to your chat and shut off the stream, grabbing your phone and heading straight to your room. You hadn't even made it to your door by the time you were dialling your friend's number. Flopping down onto your bed, you put your phone on speakerphone and felt a warmth fill your body as a familiar voice filled your room.
"Hey." You responded, turning to your phone even though neither of you could see each other.
You supposed today wasn't so bad after all.
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sweet-by-and-by · 3 years
The Hanging Tree
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summary: When he stumbles across a tree littered with bottles in the hills of The Heartlands, Arthur knows just what to do on this weighted anniversary. Hanging a bottle for Eliza and Isaac on the Whiskey Tree
warnings: angst angst angst!!, brief mention of suicidal thoughts, mention of canonical character death
characters: Arthur Morgan, Eliza, Isaac Morgan
a/n: I have no idea if this is the purpose of the whiskey tree, but iT IS TODAY! The first official part of a new series of writing warm ups (creatively titled as such lol). They sit in my docs and collect dust anyways, so they might as well do so on the rest of the internet! They are lightly edited but certainly not my best works, so tread lightly 😬
The sound of the wind was steady and soothing.
Closing his eyes, he tried to ground himself in it. To tie himself to the universal sound of breath. Even the earth breathed with the wind, fresh and calming as it swept across the prairies. Tall grass rustled behind him, swaying to and fro in waves of green.
His quickening heart rate slowed with his breath, the tight feeling in his chest ebbing away slightly. He rounded his shoulders to stiffen his resolve, forcing his body to fake confidence so the rest of him would follow.
The clink of glass bottles bumping against each other rang in his ears like wind chimes. He opened his eyes and watched the whiskey bottles sway. The rhythmic dance as the wind guided them in circles made the whole place feel serene. He welcomed serenity, figuring the feeling was better than the grief that twisted his stomach into knots.
He had found this place by mistake; the same way as most things in his life. After a slew of poor hands at the poker table in Flatneck Station, he had mounted up his horse and slumped away to drown his sorrows.
The harsh burn of whiskey running down his throat helped numb his embarrassment, so he took a few swigs and watched the sun as he followed the road. He took his time, not wanting to rush his return to camp. Too many questions, too many problems, too many favours waiting for him to get back. He would die for his family, but god damn it if one more person asked him to fetch them some trinket or herbs.
He knew he couldn’t blame them for his sour mood. His morning had started out the same way as always: a cup of Susan’s strong coffee, an apple from the chuckwagon as a treat for his horse, pleasant wishes of ‘good morning’ from everyone he passed. He had even been looking forward to the day, the shining sun a welcome warmth after their time in the snow.
Then he had passed by Hosea’s newspaper, the date printed boldly and tauntingly at the top of the page.
The cold, devastating realization that shot ice through his veins. Made his stride falter and his face fall.
He always hated anniversaries.
He had all but bolted out of camp, heading straight for his horse to spend his now miserable day on the trail. Riding around aimlessly, his mind full of ghosts as he wandered through the countryside.
His wandering had led him back to the train station, to the men who had swindled the Reverend of every nickel and dime he owned. He pushed aside his grudges, hoping some winnings would help improve his mood.
But of course, Lady Luck had it out for him today. So he lost his pennies, mounted back up, and took off Eastward.
The tree loomed atop of a hill, the limbs jutting out against the twilight sky. As he drew nearer, he noticed the bottles tied up with rope hanging off of the limbs. Some hung empty, their presence an unanswered question. Others held wishes or memories, or who knows what else scribbled on little pieces of paper.
He couldn’t explain how, but immediately Arthur knew what he needed to do. Stepping down from the saddle to dig through his satchel, he pulled out his leather-bound journal. After another long swig from the bottle, he flipped to a blank page.
He scribbled two names, fighting back tears as his face twisted into a scowl. The tightness in his chest returned with a vengeance, grief and loss surfacing painfully.
Eliza & Issac
Drew a cross next to each of their names. Two crosses on a hillside far away.
He chugged back the last of the whiskey, taking every last drop as his vision blurred. Tears fell on the ink as he tore the paper, rolling up the small piece before dropping it into the bottle. Grabbing his lasso off of his saddle, he cut a length of rope and walked towards the tree. Heavy footsteps slowed his stride, trudging through years of loss and grief as he chose a tree limb to toss the rope over.
For a second, he played with the idea of tying a noose.
Instead, he tied the rope around the neck of the bottle, securing it to the tree. The dark silhouette of spindly tree branches against the colourful sunset made it all the more sombre. More tears cascaded down his cheeks, falling in spite of his best efforts.
The sound of the wind was no longer soothing, the haunting breeze sounding more like the howls of ghosts than the breath of the earth.
He stayed there until dark, drinking through his stash of gin, moonshine, and anything he could find in his saddle bags. Empty bottles piled around him, adding to the already copious supply. In his drunkenness, he let himself cry for the first time in years. Sobs wracked his body, forcing him to his knees. His hands shook, emotions running wild as he finally let go. Everything felt numb; his pain, the feeling of the dirt seeping through his jeans, the hollow cry of spirits in the wind.
He cried until he was cold and weary, the setting sun long since faded into a myriad of stars. With nothing left to give, he rose to his feet and staggered to his loyally-remaining horse. Threw himself over the saddle and forced himself to mount. He rode away, broken like the glass that littered tree roots to sneak back into camp before dawn could break.
He always hated anniversaries.
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bakugoshrimp · 4 years
Heavy Hearts & Endless Starts
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Where Bakugo and y/n have a huge fight and the aftermath of it.
Pairing: Bakugo x female!y/n (both are aged up and pro-heroes)
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: So uhh this is my first time writing something in years, and my first time ever actually getting the guts to publish it online. As a result, constructive criticism is welcome, but please be kind about it! Totally didn’t write this bc I don’t wanna study for my midterm tmrw
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You thought it was just a normal fight. You were both stressed from the recent influx of villains and both had a lot on your plate. The pressure built up inside until you just couldn't handle it, and apparently neither could he. Bakugo had stormed out hours ago, muttering how he "couldn't deal with all this bullshit", and just left. 
Hours you remained, simmering in your anger and worry and stress. It wasn't until when you woke up at dawn the next day in an empty bed and the unpleasant feeling of guilt rolling in your gut. 
Getting dressed, you headed for the Ground Zero Agency, but the #2 Hero was nowhere to be found. 
With a worse feeling in your stomach now, you headed to your own agency, hoping to find a villain to fight along the way that might help you release all this pressure inside.
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It wasn't until midnight when Bakugo trudged in, boots muddy and still in his hero suit, a dead look in his eyes as he tiredly locked the front door, and began shucking off his wet boots, gloves, and other accessories. 
You were curled up on the loveseat, half asleep and already dressed in a comfortable oversized sweater that you had stolen from your boyfriend, a mug of hot chocolate warming up your cold hands as you waited for him to come home. 
"Katsuki?" you ask hesitantly, "Are you okay?" 
The only reply you got was the faltering of his hands, before they resumed their work of removing his suit. 
You decided to leave it alone; hoping that the next day, things would be better. 
"Good night." you murmured, brushing past him and heading to your shared room, your tears already falling as you tucked yourself into your bed. 
Confrontation was never your strong suit; it was always Katsuki who loved confrontation. But the loud temperamental hero was uncharacteristically quiet, and it was all your fault. 
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A week passed by, and nothing changed other than the tension between you two. Everyday was the same: you'd wake up in an empty cold bed, your boyfriend already heading off to work hours before dawn, leaving you to your thoughts as you head to your own agency. Coming home was the same, he'd come uncharacteristically quiet and you would head to bed feeling more hopeless and guilty. 
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It wasn't until news had come rushing in: the famous #2 hero of Japan. Ground Zero, was suspended of his hero duties and nearly arrested for nearly killing 15 petty villains, all of them under life support and in critical condition. 
That's when you truly realized the extent of your mistake, and what you had to do to fix it.
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"Where are you taking me?" His gruff voice never failed to pull at your heartstrings, despite not avoiding you for a week. 
You were leading him by the hand, a blindfold on his eyes. 
You had managed to ambush him when he came home early from his suspension, and kidnapped managed to convince him to come with you. 
You suddenly stopped walking, causing Bakugo to walk right into you. 
"HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOIN-" Bakugo's rough voice barked, so at odds with the quietness of the scenery. 
"Sorry," you smiled, suddenly nervous and jittery. "You can take your blindfold off now." 
The sight that met his eyes almost took his breath away, despite it's familiarity. They were at a cliff, much similar to the one he took you years ago, the forest below a rainbow of colours, and the air crisp and cold in the fall weather. 
The sight that truly left him breathless, was the woman in front of him, smiling at him nervously with an apology in her eyes.
His heart constricted painfully in his chest as he remembered the harsh words thrown that night, but he couldn't bring himself to look away, mesmerized in her eyes. Despite all that's happened, he's still as smitten with her, and the week apart had hurt him more than it hurt her, her words playing in his mind like a broken record. 
 Your lips moved, forming words that he couldn't quite catch as his mind replayed everything that they were and everything that had happened. You looked at him expectantly, causing him to snap back into reality. 
 "....Huh?" was the only thing that came out of his mouth, his mind forming a blank as he tried to remember what you had just said. 
You nervously tucked your hair behind your ear and looked down at your feet. "I said Let it all out. The pain, the anger, everything. Just let it out." You said a bit clearer, looking up at him. 
He smiled faintly with nostalgia, remembering when he did the same exact thing to you and said the same exact words, years ago. 
You had screamed and cried and, when your voice went hoarse, you just whispered everything you had held in for years. You whispered the rest of the pain out. 
So he turned to the edge of the cliff, looked at the sunset, and yelled. His voice was ripped out of him, cracking. He roared his pain, his frustrations, and his hurt out. 
Too soon, he was done. He didn't feel done, but he was. He had no more to say, the knot in his chest loosening, letting him breathe properly for the first time in a week since that fight. 
Turning back to you, he found you on your knees, shoulders shaking from the force of your silent sobs. 
"I'm sorry." It was like a dam had broken inside of you, the waves of regret, worry, and sadness just washing over you. "I'm so sorry. It's my fault I didn't mean it I'm sorry I really didn't mean it 'Suki I'm such a goddamn dumbass I didn't mean it at all I'm so sorry-"
His quiet laughs interrupted you as he sat down next to you, bringing his arm around you, and tucking your head onto his warm chest. 
"Yeah, yeah you are. You're the biggest dumbass, but you're my dumbass." He said, your hair slightly tickling his nose as he bent down to gently kiss it. "I love you too, and we'll figure it out together." 
The vibrations of his chest had calmed your blubbering down to a peaceful quietness as you both simply enjoyed each other's presence and the comfort of relief of each other, the previous building tension gone completely. 
It wasn't until long after the sun had set and the moon had risen did you both decide to go back to the car to go home. 
Rising from your position, you stretched and straightened, looking over at the man next to you. 
Seconds later he caught you staring, his red eyes filled with amusement. You refused to blush, instead opting to waggle your brows at him. "Race you to the car?" 
"Oh you're f***ing on. On my mark-" 
But you were already running, giggling as you ran ahead. "LAST ONE OUT WILL HAVE TO DO THE DISHES" you called out from behind you. 
"WHY YOU LITTLE-" is all you heard before the telltale sounds of his explosions, clearly using his quirk to his advantage, and within seconds was ahead of you. 
All you got was a glimpse of his smirk and his trademark "DIE" as he zoomed past you. 
By the time you had reached the car, you were panting and sweaty, a smug Bakugo already in the driver's seat, waiting for you. 
"You cheated!" You accused crossly as you hopped into the toasty car. 
"Oi, it's not cheating when you head a head start, dumbass." He said, a sly smile thrown your way, his ruby red eyes twinkling in amusement. 
You couldn't keep the smile spreading across your face even if you tried as you hmphed and looked away. 
I think everything will be just fine
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So uuhh Yeahh >_<. Thoughts?
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Her Majesty || 18
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April 15th
Morning discovered me hours ago when Harry's alarm trumpeted through the room, and he forced himself out of bed. Since four o'clock this morning, I have been in and out of sleep. If I am honest, I don't want to take on the day. I have been dreading this day for years, and quite frankly, have been praying it would never come – but I was ill-prepared for how quickly it snuck up on me. But here I am, on the warm side of my bed, longing for my past self as Princess Anastasia but having to remind myself of my new title as Queen.
"What is the Queen going to do on her first day as Queen? What's the first order?" Harry softly requests, and I raise my brow as I convene up against the pillows and cock my head to the side.
I want to spend my day in bed and wrap my head around things.
"What is the King's first order?" I respond with a hint of sarcasm laced to my tone.
Harry elevates his beverage to his lips and shrugs, "I am on my third coffee, and my duties are to keep the palace safe, the same as any other day," Harry responds, not appearing to be phased by the fact that he has a title.
"You do realise that even by telling everyone that I would be king, I cannot be King, Anna."
"You do realise that I make the rules, right?"
Harry laments, "A King has a higher power over Queen. Therefore, I do not have the right to be over you, Anastasia. Therefore, I cannot be titled, King."
I roll my eyes, "We can have this conversation later. I am going back to sleep."
"No, you are not," Harry returns as I settle into the bed and draw the blankets to shelter around my body. "Anastasia, you have a strict itinerary that you have to stick to, which means your ladies will be up here in ten minutes."
I stare at Harry and groan, "Did I forget to ask to sleep in?" I could have sworn that being Queen didn't come with an obligation to be awake at the crack of dawn.
"Well, I did ask the bagpipes from a piper just below the terrace to be put on hold until seven, darling," Harry notifies me.
"And what time is it now?" I request.
Harry smirks, and I moan as he glances at his watch before flicking his eyes towards me. That damn smirk gives it away.
I wait a few moments, and the bagpipes commence their morning routine. Every morning at around six, I am awakened by the Piper's sounds to the Sovereign if I am not already awake. My father resented it, but he kept it around, not only because it is part of the Royal arrangements but because my mother appeared to love the morning wake up calls. Most of the wakeup sequences were at six, but my father extended it to nine in certain months. Of course, it depended on what was transpiring in the royal world.
The Piper's principal responsibility is to play every weekday at six or nine am for approximately 15 minutes under His Majesty's window when he is in residence at Buckingham Palace. Now that I am Her Majesty, they play for me, under my terrace. I don't want to remove the pipers, essentially because it is a tradition, but I will be damned to be woken up every morning with them under my terrace at six in the morning.
"Thanks for the hour," I sigh, rubbing my eyes. "Can you please request that the time is changed from six? I prefer not to hear them until at least ten, perhaps eleven?" I softly beam, doing my ablest to appreciate the art of the bagpipes.
Harry steps closer and hands me his coffee before leaning down and kissing my cheek, "I don't think they will appreciate playing so late."
"Nine?" I suggest, "I think that is fair."
"I think that is fair," Harry nods his head, and I take a few sips of his warm coffee.
"Could you make this any stronger?" I chuckle, taken back by the intensity of his coffee.
Harry shrugs his shoulder, "At least I didn't add bourbon to it this morning," Harry sarcastically smiles.
I hand Harry his coffee back with another stifled laugh escaping my lips. I know that he adds a little alcohol to his coffee some days towards the ends of his shifts, especially if they have been excessive and problematic. "What do you have today?" I softly ask while we have a few extra minutes alone.
Harry steps away from the bed and tells me what he has planned for his day. My head cocks to the side as he stands in front of me, everything about him causing me to smile and swoon over him.
Harry is incredibly handsome and never fails to find me between shifts to give me a few minutes of his short time. This man with dewy, mist valley-green eyes, lush hair he grooms so carefully that has a rippling quality, is a man that I thank the heavens for every day. The last few months have been horrible and heartbreaking, there are still days where I have no clue how the fuck I am going to survive the journey without my father, but Harry always makes sure to make it known that he is right beside me through everything.
Harry is a man that holds my heart in his golden hands and cherishes it, he has every opportunity to throw it to the wall and walk out, but he doesn't. He has managed to survive the horrible honeymoon phase. Our honeymoon phase hasn't been what it was meant to be; it has been emotional crying, it has been painful, sad, and full of anger all in one.
The man in front of me is dashing with a rascal's smile and worked his magic to give me what was rightfully mine, he didn't pride himself on running the monarch for a short time, and he didn't try to keep the authority that he had. The man that stands in front of me is an exceptional husband; I couldn't have asked for anyone better, and one day, he will be a great father to our children if we ever have children. This man is an influence on society, and I am lucky to have him.
Harry waves his hands in front of me, "Anna? Baby, are you listening?" Harry questions, snapping me from my daze.
I take a breath and smile at him, "Yeah," I lie through my teeth, and Harry shakes his head disapprovingly.
"You're shocking at lying."
I lift my shoulders into a shrug and push the covers off my body. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and step towards Harry. I kiss him sweetly before pulling away and smiling. "What was that for?"
I offer him nothing but a small smile and dreamy eyes that can't peel themselves away from him.
"Mmm, I need to get back to work," Harry changes the subject as two of my lady in waiting's walk-in. "See you later," Harry kisses me softly, becoming rigid as he clears his throat and notices the ladies looking at the two of us. Harry doesn't feel comfortable with PDA in front of the staff and is still unsure how to act. It's humorous to a certain extent. He hated hiding the relationship, and now he doesn't know what to do now that he doesn't have to hide anything.
I reach for his hand as he steps away. Harry stops and looks over his shoulder before turning back around to face me, "What is it?" he softly asks. My eyes glance between him and his coffee in his hand. Harry rolls his eyes and hands me his coffee, "You're lucky I love you, my darling," Harry grins, "Now, goodbye," he begins to walk away, leaving me with the rest of his coffee and my staff.
I chuckle as the ladies watch him leave, swooning over him in the same manner I do. "You're lucky," one begins as she holds a few dresses across her arms.
"I know," I smile, well aware of how lucky I am. "What do I have the pleasure of wearing today?" I question, looking at the dresses, giving the ladies full reign of what they dress me in as I sit down on the edge of the bed.
♛ ♛ ♛
When I was a little girl, I filled my time prowling the hallways of the various estates we have, all of which had their unique quality. To this day, my favourite place is in Northern Ireland, Hillsborough Castle. I allocated ampere-hours in the gardens, playing hide and seek with the assistants and the bodyguards, countless hours picking wildflowers and chasing butterflies. I would do anything to go back to the days where life was simple, where all I had to think about was which flowers I desired to plant when I wasn't learning about the world and learning to speak different languages.
I remember one spring, Dad brought me to Hillsborough Castle; he and his staff purchased various flowers and shrubs I had picked out one day, we went through a magazine. We later spent that weekend planting the array of plants. Somehow, my father discovered a way to make everything match and look colour coordinated. I wasn't much assistance in the garden, I dug a few holes with my little shovel and helped water the plants, but he and his staff did most of the dirty work. It was when things were manageable, when we could be a family without anyone torturing my father. Perhaps back then, things weren't as simple as I assume, and maybe I was naive, but in my memories, things were simple.
We were happy.
Unfortunately, I can't travel to Hillsborough Castle and attain my peace, and I can't proceed to where I have always been satisfied. Right now, travelling too far is out of the question for safety reasons. Madeline can't fly back home to her family because of safety concerns. If I could, I would love to discover myself in rolling hills and grassland, where it appears neverending. I would love to advance to the countryside, to view the sunset over a meadow and gather nothing but the harmony of nature when the sun submerges into darkness. Harry's mother's home was calm and serene. There were no sounds of cars continually driving around, no people standing outside my place of residence daily, and no staff. It was normal- something I crave but can't possess. I wish I could be out feeding the baby animals and savouring life in the slow lane like I did the few times I have been up there.
I necessitate a scenery change, but I am unsure where the scenery change can occur when I am not authorised to travel. I still think running to Greece and changing our identities is a superb idea, but there is no way in hell I can convince Harry into the concept. Harry has expressed how ludicrous the idea is and logically explained to me the reasons why it is not happening. I think we would be fine with mundane duties and living in Greece. At least we wouldn't have Pippa around to pester the shit out of us. That woman is relentless; she has not given up on her notion of expressing how incompetent I am to be Queen.
What I want is for us to be happy without doubt lingering around us. I don't want the fear to continue to gloom over me. As strict as the palace is and the fact people are constantly watching, I am still concerned. Before my father's passing, I was carefree. I used to wander the halls' without much thought, but now I struggle to step outside my room without the second thought of whether something could happen.
I do not have proof of who killed my father, all I have is my suspicion, and I am convinced that these same people will come after me or, worse, Harry.
The media have attracted attention to Harry and me. The night on the balcony, as expected, drew attention to us, but in my lapse of judgment, I wasn't considering how this could affect him. He is now another target. If the Aces, whoever they may be, are still out for blood, their next bet would be him. In the mind of someone who wants revenge, money or really anything, they will go for the person who has the most impact. If they take out Harry, one less person will protect me before taking me out unless we comply with their requests. With each day that has passed since my father, I have waited for some request from this unknown group of people. I have waited for a phone call or a letter with their demands, but I have not received a single thing.
When I stayed at Harry's mother's, there were letters sent to her house addressed to myself and Harry; what happened after that night, I do not know. Harry said he would take care of it, and nothing has appeared since. After that night, I stopped looking into things and having Harry followed. I knew that he was right- some things are better left unknown. How Harry handles situations is not of my concern. Harry has his job, and I have mine. He does not tell me how to be a Royal, and I do not tell him how to do what he has to do. I know his field of work has gotten very messy over the last few months. He has done things he never imagined he would have to do.
The door to my office opens, distracting me from my daze of thoughts that have been accompanying me most of the day. Harry steps into the palace office and closes the door behind him, intentionally shutting the door on the people accompanying him. "Anna," Harry begins as he shuffles closer to the desk, he gestures between us and the door and shakes his head, "I have a man trying to measure me for clothes, a woman with an iPad wanting to be my assistant, and I have a man holding a fruit platter… Make it stop, please." Harry breathes out softly, "I appreciate their efforts, but I don't need an assistant. I can do my job."
"Fruit Platter? That is better service than me," I snicker.
"Sweetheart, I am highly frustrated with it." But, unfortunately, Harry doesn't recognise my humour or appear amused by the events.
"I will ask them to tone it down. Call them in," I instruct, gesturing towards the door.
"Surprised they can't hear us and just walk on in," Harry murmurs, advancing towards the door and unlocking it, allowing his array of followers to wander into the office.
The staff stand in front of me in a line, almost as if they are aware of what the conversation will hold. "I know you all have good intentions, but His Highness doesn't want to be followed, if he needs something, he will ask, but he doesn't need the extent of these privileges as my father did. Harry will let you know when and if he needs something. He is very low maintenance…" I graciously explain, "Mike, when he has the time, you can talk to him about suites and what he wants. Estelle, Harry doesn't want an assistant; Matthew takes care of everything. If Harry needs any help, he will ask," I direct each issue head-on, doing my best to be respectful, "And Luke, Harry doesn't need you to follow him with food unless asked; he will make his coffee when he wakes up. He takes a coffee at seven, he will ask you if he needs anything else, give him coffee, and you will be his best pal. He appreciates it, but he likes to be left to his own devices." ... "Think of him as a lone wolf, he was under the radar before marrying me, and he likes to stay that way."
Mike clears his throat and nods, "All due respect, your mother put us on his service."
"You can be on his service. Just keep a distance, thank you," I dismiss the humble team, and they all shuffle out gradually before shutting the door behind them.
"Rough first day?" I chuckle, and he leans on my desk and crosses his arms over his chest while he nods his head. "I just want to do my job, Anna."
"Well, honey, your job isn't just security anymore."
"It is," Harry disagrees.
I know the transition is going to be incredibly rough. He has gone from being security to being a husband to being a quiet King to becoming second to the throne and being waited on by the staff. I don't expect him to attend charity events, cut ribbons and be a royal member. But, on the other hand, I don't anticipate him to give up being security and guarding the palace, but I am not sure how it will operate with him being on my service.
"You know you will need security, Harry?"
"Anna, Matthew and I have it sorted out. Can we discuss something else?"
"Every Thursday, we don't have royal duties. Instead, we have family dinner with my mother," I inform Harry, "And I'd like us to commit to one day a week where it's just you and me even if it's just an hour."
Harry nods his head, "Of course, Anna."
"And we need to find our charities and volunteer work."
"Sure, I'll show kids how to run a security detail team."
"Harry," I press, "I'm serious."
"We can call it Harry's boys and girls' scouts, just without pitching a tent. Instead, I'll show them how to hogtie a person and keep people safe."
"I can't tell if you're joking or not."
Harry stares at me with a straight face, "I am not joking."
"Christ," I mutter, "How are we going to survive ruling a monarch."
Harry elevates his shoulders into a shrug, "I am just here for the ride, but I need to go over protocols and security things with you," Harry changes the subject, taking my ink pen from my hand and shifting the paperwork in front of me away from my body.
"I was working on that," I declare as I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest, now mimicking his position.
Harry nods his head and places my pen in his breast pocket, "Right, so we need to have an unwritten understanding. When security says 'we are leaving', it means just that." Harry notifies me, already prompting me to roll my eyes.
"Just because my title changed doesn't mean I forgot the protocol."
Harry hums, "You need to redo your security training."… "You need to do your SAS training; you have a refresher course to do." Harry reminds me of what feels like the hundredth time.
I just have no desire to do the damn course.
"Will you be my teacher?" I smirk.
Harry sighs, "The tunnels are off-limits for the next few days."
"Oh, damn, now how I will be a product of any illegal activity? How will I escape the palace?" I sarcastically respond.
I have no intentions of escaping through the tunnels or causing any dilemmas; for the most part, I am emotionally stable and know that I cannot go off and get drunk because life as a royal isn't enjoyable.
"Ah, no," I cut Harry off, "Wrong title, and don't even try to refer to me as my title. You know I hate it."
"And I hate when you make my job troublesome, which you are doing," Harry points as he gestures towards me, "Security is heightened. I need you to at least pretend to care."
"Fine," I mutter, "You're such an ass when you're the security detail."
"Anna, just get your training done with Matthew at the very least."
He is getting frustrated with me. I can tell by the way he is clenching his jaw and tapping his shoe against the flooring. He means well, but the training is a pain in my ass.
Why should we stage a kidnapping and show me how to handle the situation when if we wait long enough, it will happen?
Nothing surprises me with this monarchy. I wouldn't be surprised if Pippa tied me up, forced me in the back of her car and drove me across Europe before abandoning me in the middle of nowhere. After my father's incident, nothing is really off the table in terms of events that could take place. No amount of training saved my father.
"I will," I accept, leaning forward and standing to my feet before I encase my arms around his neck, "You need to relax," I inform him, his arms dropping to his side before his hands rest in the small of my back, enabling me to stand between his legs and bring our bodies closer. I give him a small smile. Then, I kiss him softly and leisurely.
"Easier said than done," Harry murmurs against my lips. I cut him off and kiss him more profoundly, not wanting his words but his affection.
He draws away with a sigh, "I have to be on your mother's service in a few minutes."
Mood killer.
Blinking with feigned innocence, I whisper, "Oh, come on," taking a chance and moving to caress the tender skin on his neck with sweet kisses. He cocks his head to the side, enabling me to kiss his fevered skin, my hands pursuing their way to the buttons of his shirt. Finally, my fingers touch the material of his tie, and I tug on it benevolently.
His tie unravels between my fingertips, and he moans softly when I introduce my kisses to his jawline, gingerly making my way to his lips. Aching tension between the two of us builds with a gentle persuasion of my kisses.
Harry breaths heavily, and his hands squeeze at my waist with a sense of frustration laced to them. Then, with a long, liquid kiss that rushes lust through us, his fingers dig into the material of my shirt.
Unchaining wild, delicious feelings brew inside me, eagerly demanding to escape with every moment that passes by. I feel him pull me closer, the tension at the edge of his fingertips kneading into the material.
I press my body against him, his fingers bunching my shirt even further, "Anastasia, we can't," Harry breaks our kiss with a whisper, putting space between us. He softens his eyes and shakes his head, "We are being watched," Harry breathes, "Camera's aren't cut to this room."
"Cut them, please?"
"I can't… How about later?"
I roll my eyes, irritated with him, "No."
Harry chuckles and begins to adjust his tie, clearing his throat, "I don't think you want the rest of the team watching… I get off at nine tonight. Wait up for me?"
"I think one of my executive orders as Queen is that we no longer have to schedule these things." I gesture towards the small space between us. "I'm tired of it."
It has been a hassle to get alone time with him for quite some time, and there's always something happening or someone interrupting.
"Take it up with security."
"You are security." I point out, irritarted to say the least.
"Well," Harry laughs, "I will have to have a code word with Matthew for when to cut the surveillance."
"Yeah, you get on that," I respond, taking my pen out of his pocket and sitting back down on my chair. "Can I ask you something?" I softly ask.
Harry narrows his eyes down on me, "Not sure I like the sound of this, but sure," Harry nods his head.
"This is private," I inform him.
"You can speak; nobody can hear us. They can just see us," Harry flicks his head to his side, subtly gesturing towards the hidden camera in the painting over the fireplace.
I compose myself for a moment before I take a leap of faith, "What happened with Victoria?"
"Uhm, she died?" Harry is confused.
"No, I mean the story."
I want to know the story he managed to spin to the press. I know he tends to release stories when he can’t get the Palace social media team involved.
"She was found. Louis got the coroner report back, and it was a snake bite. Unfortunately, she chose the wrong day to go hiking," Harry responds with a shrug.
"And Henry?"
Harry takes a breath and heavily sighs, "Do you not read the tabloids?" Harry sighs. I can tell that he doesn’t want to have this conversation by the way his jaw clenched and he looked around in an attempt to gain a moment to find an excuse.
"I have not been in the mood to read what the media has to say," I respond.
"Henry... He passed in his sleep peacefully."
"And what happened after the private funeral?" I question, unsure of what happened after the service took place. Against everyone's wishes, I insisted he was given a service, whether he deserved it or not for the events that took place. I didn't want everyone to be heartless. My father wouldn't have wanted such a thing.
"We all went our separate ways, you went to the room, and I went back to work?"
"No, with him. Where is he?"
"Oh," Harry sounds, "That, I cannot tell you."
I cock my head to the side, "You cannot tell me where he was laid to rest?" I am surprised.
Harry shakes his head, "No, I cannot."
"What about the rest of the Aces' like Henry's Dad?"
"Anna, I have a lot of people I am trying to track, just like I have a lot of things I need to do. I can't answer these questions. I need to go though." Harry politely dismisses the conversation.
As much as I want to press further and ask questions for my peace of mind, I know that now isn't the time or the place. "Be careful, okay?"
"Always," Harry nods before leaning down and kissing my cheek, "I love you and stay out of trouble while I am gone."
"No promises," I respond with a smile before he walks out, leaving me alone in the office where most major royal documents are signed.
This office has been used for many years by my father. It has been the places he has signed checks, and he has signed Royal assents— this room has been used for an array of different monumental things, and as I sit here in this room, I can't help but feel a weight on my shoulder intensify. I don't feel at ease as my pen glides across the paper and I sign my name across the lines; I don't feel this task is taken lightly. This office is the starting to place to the world as we know it, this room is where things begin, and as my reign begins, I am not sure my confidence starts here.
Being in the same office my father once sat in, I thought I would feel at ease and feel comfort— I don't. I feel the opposite. My world feels suffocated and anxious. This simple task of signing the lines makes me question my power. What I am doing today is a mandatory and straightforward procedure, it is nothing significant in the sense of signing a new Royal assent or signing the rights of dubbing a fresh Prince or Knight, but it feels as though it is a big deal.
I thought my mother would play a more significant role on my first day. I thought she would be with me to sign these documents and figure out what I am meant to do. But, instead, she seems to be doing her own thing. I don't blame her for not wanting to be a part of things, and the monarch has impacted her more than she would like to admit. To an extent, I think the monarch helped kill her spirits, especially in the last few months with what has been happening. My mother was nice enough to team with Harry to give me what was rightfully mine. Still, I expected to have some help from her— Mother has some insight into things, watched my father run the monarch for years, and knows a few things that I may not have caught onto, but she doesn't want to be a part of it. I have no clue where she is going.
All I know is that Harry is on her service.
♛ ♛ ♛
April 21st
Sitting in my office and staring at the four walls for days' led me to escape into the gardens to get some fresh air. Harry will kill me for coming out here without anyone with me, but I need some space. I am not surviving. I have had multiple meetings with influential people I do not know how to accommodate. I don't know why I am being thrown full force into this. I was hoping for a lighter transition, but that has been far from the case. I cannot keep up with everything. I don't know how my father managed.
The gardens are peaceful and quiet. They have always left me with a sense of calmness. No matter what is happening in my life, walking these gardens gives me a sense of hope. The gardens are blooming later than usual, but the Rhododendrons and Camellias are beginning to bloom.
I take a deep breath in the fresh air and stop wandering as I reach one of the many trees full of pink blossoms. It's breathtaking. The blossom trees leave me in awe every spring. I don't know how the gardeners keep the 39-acre garden at Buckingham Palace looking as unique as it does; everything is immaculate.
Spring-flowering trees are spread throughout the garden, but some areas are more than others. One of my favourite trails is the Queen's Walk. The walk has a vibrant display of trees and camellias. However, I am not sure what it is about the trek that excites me and brings me happiness. I am not sure if it's the outburst of assorted colours or just the quietness and the sound of nature humming.
There are more than two hundred several flowers in the gardens, varying from single flowers to frothy, peony-like efflorescences. There is a touch of everything within the gardens, and everything flows excellently. I bend down and caress my hand delicately to brush against the Blue lilacs that symbolise happiness and tranquillity, something I am longing to feel at the edge of my fingertips. I glance towards the Magenta lilacs and smile to myself, inhaling their scent and deep meaning of love and passion. The firm, sweet, heady scent of the lilacs lingers, and I stand back up, wandering away from the lilacs, leaving them to bloom on their own.
As I walk the small trail, I regard a man who appears out of place. He doesn't seem to belong here in the gardens. Nobody should be out here besides the groundskeepers, the horse trainer or security. The gardens at this time of day are not bustling with staff or anyone. They're withdrawn, which is why I prefer to wander out here. At first, I believe the worst, but my heart rate decreases and my stomach settles as soon as I notice the royal tour guide pamphlet hanging out of his pocket.
"Can I help you?" I challenge from behind, startling the man who seems to be heading towards what we call 'The island within the lake'.
Nobody goes towards the little lake; it is off-limits to most to help maintain its natural environment. I have been out there on a few occasions. It's a beautiful view, something I have always loved, but we keep it off-limits for the wildlife that is out there. We aren't one-hundred per cent on everything in the acres, but we know there is danger. My father told me a story about one of the purple flowers out there. He says it can kill someone in seconds. The poison within the purple flower is vital, so strong that years ago, dipping an arrowhead in the plant would guarantee death to anything it hits. This is how it got the nickname of "wolves bane", as it was used on arrowheads to hunt wolves to ensure they died. As scary as it sounds, it fascinated me. I am not sure how they figured out years ago that dipping an arrow would ensure death. I can only imagine someone came across the wolves bane on accident and used it for their advantage.
The unknown man turns around, and I take in his features, but what catches my eye the most is his button-down shirt. I follow the length of his arms and rest on the edge of his shirt.
"I uh- I have lost my group," the man responds, promptly curtseying as he notices who I am.
The man holds his hand out, prompting me to shake his hand. I stare at the cufflinks on his button-down, intrigued by them. I would expect to see these sorts of cufflinks in vegas or at a place where card games are a fortay, not at a palace and on an ordinary man. One cufflink features a Jack, King, and Queen and the other cufflink features three Aces in a foldable card deck. They're not the ordinary cufflinks, perhaps he is some sort of magician, or he just really likes cards. Who knows?
"Do I pique your interest, Princess?"
I shake my head, letting go of his hand, "I've never seen those kinds of cufflinks."
The man nods his head, his eyes flicking down to his cufflinks, "You never know when you'll need an Ace up your sleeve," the man smiles, seeming mysterious but pleasant in the same manner, "I'll let you be, Princess. Can you direct me back to my crew?"
"You will not be able to get back into the Palace; I will take you," I respond, gesturing along the stone path before I begin to walk towards the palace. “I hope you didn’t touch or pick any flowers,” I comment, noticing the pollen stain at the edge of his white shirt. Of course, I expect children to want to touch and pick the flowers, but not a grown man.
The man shakes his head, and his eyes dart around. A clear indication is lying. I know he picked some of the Lillies; I can see precisely where he snatched them from. I don’t say anything; instead, I change the subject. "So, you got lost in the gardens?"
"Yes, I had stopped to check my phone; I have been expecting a call from a family member; I and when I looked back up, I was alone and standing in the middle of a garden," The man explains, "Quite embarrassing to get lost on a guided tour. I am surprised guards didn't cease me."
“I would be concerned about the gaggle of geese wandering around the fields. They get mean. I'd highly suggest for you not to lose your tour group," I half-smile, unsure of how the tour group left him behind, but it does happen. I remember one occasion where a little kid decided to play hide and seek within the palace. He snuck off from the tour and found himself in the dining hall. It was quite a chaotic mess. I am sure there was some sort of protocol to follow. Harry was the one who found the kid and called off the protocol. He didn't fully tell me about the day, but he briefly explained that it was hectic trying to lock half a palace down to find a lost tourist hiding amongst the furniture.
"I don't intend to. But, again, I am sorry for the inconvenience."
"It is okay," I shake my head, trying to be reassuring despite him trying to hide the fact he took a few Lillies.
Mistakes happen, it is easy to get lost at the palace, hence why there is a tour guide, but I assume I need to find a new guide since this group lost a man. I glide my fingers over the touch system that opens the doors through fingerprint and a unique key.
I push the door open and allow the man inside the palace, "Your tour group is right up there," I flick my head towards the small area at the end of the hallway. I can hear the tour guide talking about one room containing a magnificent array of paintings by Rubens, Van Dyck and Canaletto.
The man clears his throat and politely nods before hurrying down the hallway, where I watch him join the group of tourists who are more fascinated with the paintings than with me. A little girl notices me and waves. I smile and wave back.
I watch the small group for a while, mainly watching the man who seems to settle into the group and fit in. I smile to myself, happy to have helped a lost soul wandering the palace before I turn around. I gasp and put my hand over my chest, "Christ, you can't do that," I sigh, catching my breath as Harry stands in front of me with barely an inch of space between us, "Any closer and you'd have been on top of me." I press my hands to his chest.
"Have I not taught you to be aware of your surroundings?"
"I was," I respond, clearly lying. I know exactly what he is going to allude to. If I were aware of my surroundings, I would have been aware of how close he was to me. I already know he is going to give me hell about it.
Harry gently takes my hand and glances around, making sure nobody can see us before he opens a secret door, and we step into a different room. He closes the door, and I lean on the wall, taking a few deep breaths to bring my heart rate back down. "You alright?" Harry kisses my forehead before giving me a soft smile.
"No, you about gave me a heart attack," I respond, slapping his arm lightly, "One of these days, I will do the same to you."
"You give me heart attacks daily," Harry murmurs, his hands dropping to my side and resting on my waist. "In all seriousness, you need to be more aware, Anna. I could have been a murderer."
"That is what I have you for, to fight off murderers." I smile up at him.
Harry rolls his eyes, "You don't make my job easy, that is for sure," Harry chuckles.
"Mhm," I hum, "So why were you hovering so close? What do I owe this visit?" I request. Harry benevolently pulls me closer, and I settle into his warm embrace, feeling at ease for the first time in a few days.
"When I saw that you kicked Oliver off your service, I figured you were at your witts ends."
I rest my cheek on his chest and let out a breath, his arms tightening around me and holding me in the silence.
For the first time in a while, silence feels like a treasured moment. Nobody is requesting me, nobody telling me what to do or how to do it, nobody calling my name or needing me to be Queen. For the first time in a while, I can breathe and enjoy the silence without feeling the excessive need to cry or have a panic attack.
Oliver seems to always cop the shity end of the stick with me. He has from the moment he was on my service the first time. Earlier, my emotions got the better of me. I couldn't take it anymore and needed time alone. Nobody understood that I needed to compose myself. Everyone was suffocating me. When I managed to escape the chaos of everyone, Oliver was on my tail, following me everywhere. I couldn't take it. I needed utter silence and alone time. This time, I didn't threaten to fire him. I simply told him he wasn't on my service and to leave. Surprisingly, he listened to me.
"You can't kick him off your service."
"I needed space," I respond, lifting my head from his chest and stretching away from his embrace. "You don't get it," I mutter, turning my back towards him. I swallow hard and look up at the ceiling, doing my best not to allow the tears to fall from my eyes that are welling up.
Harry stays silent for a minute before he clears his throat, "Anastasia, sweetheart, do you want to talk about it?"
I don't respond. I stare at the wall and wipe my tears away, not wanting him to see me cry over everything. I am stronger than this. I don't cry when I can't do things.
The flooring creeks and Harry's shoes sound against the floors before his hands are on my waist again, "Anna," Harry whispers, tenderly tugging my waist and turning me to face him. Before he can do or say anything, I bury myself into his chest, still not wanting him to see me cry. He has seen me cry so many times in the last few months, and I am tired of it. I am tired of crying and feeling everything at once to feeling nothing. There is no in-between when it comes to how I feel. I am either all there, or I am not.
Harry holds me close, his arm tightly around me as his hand rubs circles on my back, "Okay," he whispers, trying to comfort me soothingly. "The other night, I was so tired, frustrated and stressed that I fired one of the security guys, and I got enraged at Matthew to feel better. We argued for a good thirty minutes before we stopped, and he just laughed."
"What?" I sniffle, surprised to be hearing of such a thing. It is rare to see Harry lose his shit on people, perhaps I am not around when it happens, but I don’t hear or see this side of him.
"Yeah, I lost my shit the other night. It happens, Anna. It happens to all of us, and it's okay to lose your shit and let it out. It is okay to want time alone and to cry. You don't need to hide it, especially from me."
"I'm tired of crying, Harry."
"It's part of the grieving process… But everyone has their moments, some more than others. Anastasia," Harry trails off, his hand moving to force me to look at him. Instead of fighting him like initially planned, I look up at him, "Life isn't easy, especially yours, but it will be okay."
"I'm the only one not okay."
Harry shakes his head, "No, you're not. Your mother cries too."
"Only seen her cry twice, the hospital and the funeral."
Harry takes a breath, his eyes softening as he opens his mouth to speak, but he stops himself. Harry bites his lip, pondering his thoughts and what to say. I cock my head to the side, unsure of how to read him or what his thoughts are. "Anna, sometimes things aren't always as they appear."
"What do you mean?"
"I have to get back to work," Harry dismisses the conversation, his hand raising to wipe away my tears, "I have to put a plan in place for your first event as Queen; I will be done in a few hours, do you want to go out for dinner?"
"Like leaving the palace?"
Harry nods his head, "Yes, you haven't left since coronation day, and I think you need to have some sort of normalcy."
I nod my head and smile at him, "I would like that a lot," I agree.
Honestly, since my father's passing, I haven't left the palace much or at all unless for royal events. I haven't felt the desire to go out and be in public, nor have I been allowed. Security is always high, and I am always on a high-risk alert. I have become accustomed to the high-risk level threat and haven't even asked to go out. I figured at some point. Someone would be released into the world where I could be normal for a few minutes.
"Be ready to leave at six; Matthew will take you to my car." Harry leans down and kisses my lips lightly, "And keep an eye on your surroundings," Harry winks, wiping my cheek with the pad of his thumb one more time. "Oliver is back on your service, but he will keep his distance, okay?"
I agree, "Okay," I respond before he walks back out through the secret door where he steps back into the initial hallway, and I sojourn in the room he brought me into. I walk across the red carpet and take a seat in the leather chair. I slip off my heels and lift my legs onto the leather chair, tucking them under me before I place my arms on the armrest.
Oliver walks in offers me a small smile, "Permission to enter?"
“Smartass," I mutter with a slight chuckle, "I'm sorry, Oliver."
"It's okay, Her highness."
"Is it okay if you make sure nobody comes in here?" I question, "I would like some time alone," I softly instruct, resting my head on my arms.
"As you wish," Oliver agrees, exercising towards the door and stepping out, leaving me alone in a room where very few will find me.
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH16
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 16: Journey (First Half) {cw: parent death}
Across the polar ice sheets and mountains and rivers, the aircraft landed in an oasis on the border of the Sea of Tranquility desert. If you continued on, you would enter the domain of the Dragon Ant Queen. This aircraft that didn’t have any loyalty markings could not enter. Her field hung over this desert, and outsiders had to walk through the desert to find the legendary valley and enter her underground kingdom. 
Dozens of tribes, large and small, lived near the valley of the Underground Ant City. They lived in simple grass houses built of reeds and desert poplars, and lived a hard life tending sheep, but they had built luxurious tombs for generation after generation of Dragon Ant Queens.
During the demon invasion over 20 years ago, they survived under the protection of the Dragon Ant Queen. Although tribespeople were killed from time to time in the evil tide every month, they still stubbornly survived and had continued to this day.
The successive Dragon Ant Queens represented the neutral force between the humans and demons. She didn't make enemies with the Holy See, and sometimes even protected human beings, but her identity as a devil makes her position subtle and suspicious. Human beings once feared her, but when the human world was devastated by the wanton invasion of demons, the Underground Ant City she ruled became a land of sin where humans would survive. There, demons coexisted with human beings, and though they were hostile to each other, when the evil tide came every month, they were forced to unite to fight against this test of life and death.
The yellow sand covered the sky, the wind was roaring, and this withered land groaned and sang in despair.
The guard of the Valentines tribe who was on rotation narrowed his eyes. He saw a figure in the swirling yellow sand that was coming towards him. He suspected that he had mistaken the stone forest as a figure and he couldn't help blinking hard, trying to squeeze the sand that captivated his eyes aside. But when he opened his eyes again, the figure was just ahead.
He was wrapped in a white robe against the wind, and the robe was covered with traces of wind and sand. He pulled down his hood and showed a pair of blue eyes, just like the cloudless sky on a hot sunny day.
"Hey friend, where are you from?" asked the brown-skinned Valentine.
Every year, there were always many people who came to the Underground Ant City to seek the Queen’s asylum. When they arrived here, they were often already in a state of hardship, even having no provisions left, only hungry and cold. The kind-hearted people in the tribe would always take out their small amount of food and invite them to have a good meal, and then cheerily show them the way into the Underground Ant City.
The Valentine people shared everything they owned warmly, generously, and happily, even if they lived in this barren land and were poor and strained all their lives.
"I'm from Neverland." He was dusty, hoarse, and pale, but his eyes were firm.
The Valentine stood in awe: "You just crossed the desert? A few days ago, the high priest said that there was a huge storm coming. I was afraid that many people had died. Did you encounter it?"
The traveler nodded: "Lost the camel."
"It's just a camel, at least you haven't lost yourself. This is rare luck to have in the desert." The Valentine said enthusiastically, "Come rest with our tribe. Today is the Bonfire Festival; young girls will come out to dance, we’ll all gather and have fun together, and start again tomorrow morning. The Underground Ant City isn’t far away!"
"Thank you."
The lone traveler rested with the Valentine tribe, and the Valentine guard warmly invited him to have dinner in his home. When the traveler took out the precious spices he carried with him, the guard danced happily and called a dozen neighbors in one breath. They killed a sheep, the man set up a grill, and the woman drew water from the well. Finally, they tasted this delicious roast lamb together without any other fixings, and repeatedly praised the magic of spices. Even the traveler's eagle was given a piece of the delicious roast lamb. It was clever with language and praised the sumptuous dinner, which attracted Valentines’ laughter.
At night, the bonfire was lit in the middle of the village and the tribespeople kept adding firewood to make it burn more brightly. The flaming fire dyed the sky a brilliant red. The old people in the tribe played with rough instruments, while the men and women dressed up and danced around the bonfire. The young girls were shy and waited for the boys to invite them to dance or even propose marriage.
The annual Bonfire Festival was actually a grand collective wedding. The young people in this tribe had no complicated wedding ceremonies. They only needed to invite their favorite girls to dance in front of the bonfire, and take out gifts for their sweetheart after the dance. Once the other party accepted them, their wedding would be completed.
This barren land couldn't support grand weddings, but as long as lovers really love each other, the ceremony is not important.
The traveler looked at the lively dancing from a distance. After taking off his robe, his tall and straight body and handsome appearance could be seen. The girls from the Valentine tribe glanced at him frequently. One bold girl even took the initiative to invite him to dance. She wasn’t annoyed when she was rejected, but ran back happily holding her skirt and whispered to her companions.
The traveler had to sneak away and took his eagle to the stone forest outside the village. Here there was a wind-eroded hill with steep walls, full of wind-eroded boulders and wind-eroded columns. The eagle glided in the night sky while he jumped onto a wind-eroded column several meters high and sat on it, watching the tribe with their glowing bonfire from a distance. Music, laughter, applause, the excitement of this world echoed in this desert, which made people feel excited and eager to walk into bright joy and forget all their troubles and pains.
This excitement reminded travelers of the Twilight Township’s founding day celebrations. On that day, the whole Village of Twilight was also as lively as this. There was only the one day in a year when the sunset would be replaced by a bright starry sky. People would go out of their homes, walk through the streets and have fun, or enjoy fireworks rising from the sea or on the beach, blooming in a beautiful canopy.
On that day when he was still young, and only on that day, his mother would brace herself up from her sickbed, take him by the hand, and take to the streets to watch fireworks on the beach. He sang to her and she always smiled and touched his head to encourage him. Such memories made him sincerely happy.
But this little happiness didn't last forever. Mother's hand was thinner every year. The palm that once wrapped around his could no longer hold him. Instead, his could wrap around her hands—a pair of skinny hands.
Later, she finally couldn't even get out of the house, so on the founding day of each year he didn't go to the beach to watch fireworks, but stayed with her at home. Sometimes she was awake, but sometimes she was asleep. He sat on the floor beside her bed watching the sporadic fireworks from the window, quietly watching them as they bloomed and then extinguished, just like her.
He knew that she was going to leave him, and that there was nothing he could do. He could only pray day after day, asking God to slow down, slow down, don't take away his only relative just yet, don't leave him alone.
But she still left. That year, he was thirteen years old.
After her death, he was sent to the Holy See. Every year, on the Twilight Township’s founding day, he wanted to go back and see it, but he always missed it because of one thing or another. Until one year, he finally took the time to return to the Twilight Township.
But he didn't go to the beach to watch fireworks. He spent it with her at her tombstone.
On the way to the church’s graveyard, crowds flocked to the square and the beach. He walked in secluded alleys and avoided the crowds. Could that joy belong to him? He didn't know, he only felt lonely. For a moment, he even had such a confused thought: At this moment, is Father God watching over this lonely creature?
So he mused in his heart: Please turn to me and have mercy on me, because I am lonely and miserable. Please look after my hardships and sufferings, and forgive all my sins.
Fireworks flew and exploded in the sky. The colourful fireworks attracted screams and laughter from the crowd. He stood in front of her tombstone and looked up.
Every year was so lively, exactly the same as in his childhood memories, but he never had the luck to have a person to watch fireworks with him.
Yes, he did.
He had it.
—What God had prepared for those who loved him was what the eyes had never seen, the ears had never heard, and the heart had never thought of.
It was miraculous and inconceivable, which caused his heart to wander with an oath day and night, but before he could speak it, he was already silenced. Later, the miracle slept in the tree tomb, and the fallen flowers gradually covered his face, but it appeared again and again in his memory. He carefully held this memory and made it accompany him clearly every day.
It was just that he never dared to think about this oath again, because he couldn’t say it anymore. No one could say it anymore.
He also dreamed of him, and each time he lost this heart of his, but even if they met in such a nightmare, it was better than the many nights without dreams. He stayed up all night, accompanied by the bonfire until dawn.
This kind of love was happiness and pain.
It was passionate, but also quiet.
His mind was opened and he was grateful, even if he would willingly spend his whole life in turmoil.
He was grateful for everything in his life.
Editor’s Notes: A small correction: in the earlier chapter where Qi Leren read Ning Zhou’s letter, I had it say “demon tide” rather than “evil tide”. This has now been changed.
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Hearing Your Voice
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Zen x Reader | ☁️ | 2.6k | Soulmate AU
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You tapped your fingers on the desk, doing your best to stay quiet while in the study room. With the beautiful melody playing within your head, it was hard. Especially when the singer sounded like he had the voice of an angel. 
Doing your best in trying to study, you couldn’t help but breaking into a smile and pause when you recognized a tune of the song.
I heard him sing this yesterday too. 
Trying to study was hard. Not because the content was hard to grasp - no, you could have all the material down with a bit of reading and some flashcards - it was hard because you were always conflicted. Part of your brain would tell you school is important and as a university student, you had to work hard towards your future. The other part of your brain however, would be loudly screaming, hey, that song sounded familiar! We’ve heard that somewhere before, but where?! 
Most of the time, you were fine. You would just study with the music playing in your head. There were moments when your heart would chime in and remind you, we’re still looking for our soulmate, (Y/N). Then studying was a challenge.
The song you could hear in your head? That was your soulmate singing. Even though you grew up hearing the voice of your soulmate singing, you were never able to find them. 
Every few weeks, or months, your soulmate would have a couple of songs that he would be constantly singing. Kind of like the most popular songs of the season caught on loop by the radio stations. However, whatever songs your soulmate was singing was never these pop songs. 
You were a lucky one, you knew that much. 
You had friends who would be complaining about their soulmate’s choice in singing because it would be the overplayed pop songs. There was only so much one could take of the same song all the time after all.
On the other hand, shower singing stories were hilarious to hear about.
Moving back to your story...
Personally, you didn’t sing too much. Not unless you were certain no one but your soulmate was listening. Your soulmate probably heard you humming most of the time though. It was hard not to hum along to his beautiful singing.
Staring at your study notes, you shook your head.
This was going no where.
Just as you closed your notebook, someone tapped on your shoulder. Startling, you turned around and pulled down your - not plugged in - headphones.
“I had a feeling you weren’t studying,” Yoosung said, looking at you with an amused smile. “Listening to your soulmate again?”
You gave him your oops, you caught me smile. “Yeah. He’s always singing.”
Yoosung’s eyes darted around the room, then he leaned forward and asked, “You want to get out of here? Grab some food?”
You flashed him as thumbs up and packed up your stuff. Tailing after the blonde haired boy, you were greeted with actual sunlight for the first time in a few hours.
“It’s so bright out,” you whined, shading your eyes as they adjusted. 
Yoosung laughed. “Vitamin D is good for you! You’re going to be a troll like in LOLOL if you don’t see the light of day, (Y/N).”
You huffed, faking indignation. “I am not a troll! I’ll show you how a troll would beat you up if you call me that again.”
The boy shook his head quickly. Although he was ranked 2nd in game, he didn’t want the risk of losing his loot by being beat up. He worked hard to earn those super rare weapons.
Way back during first year courses, you had met and became friends with Yoosung through LOLOL. You weren’t obsessed with the game as much as he was, but you did well enough to rank within top ten with a bit of effort. Nowadays, getting through your courses was your priority. LOLOL was a fun break though, when you found the odd break.
“That’s what I thought.”
“You still play LOLOL?”
“Not as much as you - but yeah.” 
“We should team up sometime!”
You laughed. “Do you even study at all, Yoosung?”
As the two of you stepped into the cafe near campus, Yoosung paused and turned to look at you.
“You said your soulmate is always singing right?” he asked.
You nodded, wondering where he was going with this. 
“Maybe he works in the music industry,” Yoosung mused. “Like, behind the scenes? As a producer?”
Hearing this, you paused and thought about it. Could that be a possibility?
“Maybe,” you murmured. “I’ll look into it.” 
Yoosung gave you an encouraging smile. “You’ll find him one of these days, (Y/N). Don’t worry about it.”
You hoped Yoosung was right about this. 
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As you were walking back to your own apartment, a poster caught your eye.
Daydream: The Musical
Tickets now on sale!
The poster showed a shadowy figure surrounded by colourful nature and city scenes. Your eyes skimmed through the cast absentmindedly, as you didn’t recognize any names.
Starring: Julie Kim, Zen, Soobin Park...
Lingering in front of the poster, you decided that, it looked interesting. Pulling out your phone, you hastily took a picture so you could look further into the details of the musical later. 
“Dinner,” you recalled suddenly. You needed to eat but you also needed to study still. Well, can’t study on an empty stomach. Deciding to grab something light to snack on now and throw together some leftovers later tonight, you went in search of the local bread stand in your neighborhood.
Your eyes lit up when you spotted the vendor.
Excitedly moving towards them, you missed nearly colliding with the tall man in a hat walking the same way. Stumbling, you felt a strong, steady hand on your back, helping you regain your balance.
“Oh, sorry,” you squeaked out. “And thank you!”
How did you miss this guy? He was pretty tall and stood out - his features were really handsome too. Could he be a celebrity or something? He definitely had the looks for it. You were definitely not staring.
“Oh no, I’m sorry,” he replied. “Go ahead, ladies first.”
“T-thank you!”
You stepped up in front of the stall, knowing exactly what you were going to get. Hearing the man’s footsteps behind you, you decided to thank the kind stranger from saving you from an embarrassing fall.
“Two goldfish bread - separately wrapped, please!”
“Coming right up! Done classes for the day?” the owner asked.
You bobbed your head as you handed over the payment. “Yeah. Not done studying though.”
“Ah, must be rough. Good luck on that.”
“Thank you,” you chimed back. as you accepted the bread. Turning around, you held out one bag for the handsome stranger behind you. “And thank you for saving me from tripping earlier.”
“No, no, I couldn’t -”
“I insist!”
He accepted with a grateful smile. You swear, he sparkled in the light of the sunset.
“Thank you then.”
You returned his smile with your own before heading off.
Time to prepare for the upcoming exam.
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Your week had flew by rather quickly. With exams and some other assignments being all crammed into such a short amount of time made you feel like you lost a few years on your life. 
Sometimes you wondered why anyone would choose to suffer.
Yet, here you were. And all you had to do was attend post secondary. 
Your soulmate seemed to be busy all week as well. The sound of his voice singing the same melodies over and over were in the back of your head the entire time. He had such a soothing voice that you were certain that he was the one who was keeping you sane.
Finally gifted with free time, you decided to make the most of it.
Browsing around on your phone, the picture of the musical poster caught your eye once more. Noticing the showings aligned with your newfound freedom, you decided - why not?
Searching up the link for the theater, you looked around the website and then bought a ticket. 
A sense of excitement and anticipation filled you. It’s been a while since you did anything fun. This would be a worthwhile experience.
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Settling down into your seat at the theater, you couldn’t help but glance around. The place was relatively busy despite it being a weekday evening. Looking over the pamphlet that was given to you at the entrance, all the cast and crew were listed.
Your eyes skimmed over it, not recognizing any of the names except for the few you’ve seen on the promotional poster. Perhaps it would take a more theater experience before you would become familiar with any of them.
The lights began to dim and the chatter died down as music became to play. Ensuring your phone was silent, you made yourself comfortable. The moment the musical started, you were swept away in awe of the performance. 
Experiencing a musical live felt different from watching a movie. It was so much more... uplifting. You were absolutely enchanted by the musical. 
When the male lead became to sing his part however, that was when things felt strange to you. It felt like you were hearing an echo of their singing. None of the other actors and actresses had that effect. It took a moment, but then it dawned on you. You’ve heard this before, nights before.
It was your soulmate.
They must be singing this song too.
But when every note, pitch and pause matched the ones on stage, you had your suspicions. 
After intently watching the male lead sing though, you soon drew to a new conclusion.
That was your soulmate on stage. 
You continued to watch in silent surprise as your soulmate danced and sung their way across the stage. His red eyes had swept over you briefly in passing, but you could see the passion blazing. It was clear he loved his career. 
Once the musical ended with thunderous applause, you immediately pulled out your phone to do some research. Since you had chosen a seat near the middle front, you knew it would take a while before you’d be able to get out.
Doing a search for ‘Zen’, with the words ‘musical actor’ hastily typed afterwards, you soon found a plethora of information about your soulmate. Zen had a dedicated fan base that loved his every production - there was even a section about his unknown soulmate. An interview caught your eye. It was dated for a few months back, but a quote from your soulmate made you pause.
“I’m really focused on my career right now - it took a lot of work to get to where I am today, but I’m happy to be here.”
He was good looking, hard working and dedicated. You knew your soulmate would be perfect, but you never expected this. Zen was basically the ideal guy. 
Seeing the theater emptying out, you stood and walked out.
Sure, you had been super excited to meet your soulmate after spending late nights listening to singing, but after seeing this article, you had a feeling that he might need more time. 
Zen was a busy person with a lot going on in his life. With how popular he was now, you didn’t was to disrupt anything at the moment. You would give him the opportunity to seek you out when he was ready.
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Zen had nearly faltered in his singing the first time when he had heard his soulmate humming along the tune he was singing. Listening to the tune and timing of the song, they were definitely doing it alongside with him.
He remembered his eyes searching the audience hopefully. Wondering who might his soulmate be. That first night... he wasn’t able to identify her.
Nor the second, third or fourth.
When he had heard her humming the second time he was performing, he was certain that his soulmate was in the audience and made the effort to come see him perform. She must have known who he was. 
Zen had lingered around after shows, hoping to see his soulmate. Hoping that she would reach out to introduce herself and he could become her knight in shining armor to sweep her off her feet. It never happened though.
Regardless, it made him happy to hear her humming alongside him when he performed. She was supporting him.
He knew he was a busy person. Perhaps his soulmate knew that and kept her distance. What she didn’t know though, was Zen was dying to meet her. 
He always wanted to make the effort to go find her, but never had much to go off on. His soulmate was a rare singer, so he never knew where to start.
Now that he knew though, he was constantly searching.
He noticed someone over the past few times with (H/C) hair that sat near the middle of the theater. The girl’s smile seemed to brighten when he showed up on stage. It was possible that she was another one of his fans, but at the last showing, she had tried very hard to step out of room quietly and his soulmate had stopped her soft humming at that moment too.
Zen felt certain about this. 
She had to be the one.
Having finished another showing for the day, Zen tried to slip out quickly to catch up to his soulmate. Making sure not to be rude, he thanked his co-stars, staff and director before taking off. She tended to linger around a little longer, being almost the last person out. There was a chance Zen could catch up to her and he was going to take it.
Catching a glimpse of (H/C) hair, he instinctively moved towards it. 
The figure seemed to have sensed him coming, because they turned around and (E/C) eyes met his.
Stopping only a few feet away from her, Zen could see the glimmer and recognition in her eyes as she looked up in awe at the musical actor. 
“Great performance again tonight,” you said softly.
Finally hearing your voice in real life washed away any doubts Zen might have had. 
It was you.
“Thank you,” he breathed out. He could feel his heart pounding with excitement. “It’s... really you.”
Seeing how lost for words he was, you decided to speak up.
“Hyun Ryu, right?” you asked. When he nodded, you broke into a smile. “I’m (Y/N) (L/N). Nice to finally meet you, soulmate.”
The biggest smile broke out on his face as he engulfed you into a hug. His tall stature didn’t bother him as he nuzzled into your neck. While you should have been startled, you weren’t. Knowing this was your soulmate, you felt safe being held in his arms. You relaxed and returned his hug. 
“(Y/N)... I’ve been waiting for you,” Zen murmured. He pulled back a bit to look at you. “I want to get to know you better. Would you like to grab something to eat together?”
“Okay, I know this great goldfish bread place -”
The two of you stopped, a distant memory resurfacing. Zen grinned fondly at you.
“ - I’ll treat you this time, though, princess.” 
With all the lost time between the two of you, finally being together felt natural. Like finding an old friend and being able to catch up without any awkward moments. 
Your soulmate was your perfect match and with Zen you knew that you couldn’t be happier. Just as much as you loved to listen to him inside your head, hearing his voice in real life and getting to be by his side made life all the more wonderful.
The two of you finally found you happily ever after.
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Male sharkman/samebito x male reader (nsfw) *commission*
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
This was one of my five commission slots, and was huge fun to write since I’ve never had the pleasure of writing a sharkman (ie, has a shark upper half!). I really hope you enjoy it!
With a week to kill until you started your new job, you dragged yourself out of your new apartment full of boxes and bags late one evening, fed up with tripping over disembowelled boxes. Feeling halfway to being hungry, you really just wanted to stretch your legs and have a break from pretending to unpack.
The tang of the sea in the air was surprisingly nice after the stuffiness of the big city, but that didn’t mean you’d be going for a swim anytime soon. You shivered at the thought of that much water on all sides, and instead satisfied yourself with a walk along the seafront.  It was a pretty, quaint town, with turn-of-the-century apartment buildings lining the road that ran along the beach front, and there was even an old pier with a boardwalk and amusement arcade.
Seagulls shrieked at the sky as the stars began to wake up above them, and you took a deep breath, stuffing your hands into your jacket pockets. A new start in a town where you knew no one at all was all very well, but the reality of it was a bit more daunting than perhaps you’d realised. The sea washed against the shingles below and you turned away from the water and crossed the road, heading towards the livelier part of the beach-front.
Just across the street from the pier was an apparently very popular nightclub. Even at a distance the air throbbed with its music, and people formed a ragged line along the pavement, waiting to be let in.
You walked along the line of jostling and laughing people and caught snatches of their conversations. A faun with her antlers painted in swirls of glowing colours for the evening gasped and hissed, “I didn’t know samebito could live out of the water…” and you frowned.
Samebito were otherwise known as sharkfolk or sharkmen/women, and they were pretty rare. You also hadn't known they could live out of the water, but it wasn’t until you neared the head of the queue that you saw your first one in real life. With the head of a great white shark, the figure was colossal. Wearing a black t-shirt with the club’s logo that just barely stretched across his sculpted chest, this samebito was clearly the bouncer, and as you kept walking - albeit at a slower pace so that you could watch a little longer - you saw him joking and laughing with the people who were at the very front of the queue.
Suddenly someone got elbowed and a snarl went up, and a bit of a scuffle broke out as a gnoll’s patience ran out and she tried to barge her way forwards.
The samebito drew his lips back to reveal a heck of a lot of teeth, and loomed over the gnoll, flexing his shoulders just a little bit, and she suddenly decided that in fact she didn’t mind waiting. It was a gesture that you found surprisingly attractive, but a second later, the samebito had returned to his conversation with the folks at the front, almost as though nothing had happened. You did notice, however, that he kept half an eye on the rest of the line.
“Hey, Tai?” one of the folks a few people back in the queue called and the samebito looked up.
“How long’s the wait you reckon?”
He shrugged and grinned. “You’ve got maybe another ten minutes til you’re in…”
And then you were drawing level with him, and he glanced at you as you neared him.
To your surprise, he winked at you. It wasn’t the normal wink of a land creature, more of a rolling of the white of his eye, but still, you took it for what it was and tossed him a lopsided half-smile and kept on walking. Something inside you had leapt joyously at the fact that a being as powerful and undeniably beautiful - in a brutal, almost primeval kind of way - had not only bothered to notice you, but had then acknowledged you as well.
Smiling privately to yourself, you continued on your evening stroll, passing coffee shops and souvenir shops now closed for the night, and finally found yourself back at your messy apartment, with the edge taken off your restlessness and a readiness for sleep beginning to creep into your muscles.
After a week of cloudy or rainy autumn weather, it came as a pleasant surprise when the next day dawned clear but still cool. After fumbling around for some clean clothes, you thought vaguely about going and getting some coffee from one of the waterfront cafes you’d seen on your walk the previous night. You certainly hadn’t got as far as buying any in yet, and you wouldn’t make it through the morning without a hit of caffeine to help you along.
Stifling a yawn, you made your way past the club where you’d seen the samebito, and recalled his wink with a flaring warmth and another private smile. The club was closed up now; quiet and dormant, waiting for the nightlife to return with the sunset, and there was no sign of the sharkman.
The coffee at the Pier View Cafe was actually pretty decent, and you sank down into a chair outside to sip it and savour the warmth of the morning sun on your bare forearms. After maybe ten minutes, spent alternately scrolling through your usual sites on your phone and gazing off into the glittering waves in the distance, you caught sight of a massive figure leaving one of the beach-front buildings not twenty yards from where you were sat. At nearly eight feet tall and about half as wide at the shoulders, with grey skin and the head of a great white shark, there was no mistaking him. The bouncer from the previous night turned from locking the door, took three paces up the street towards you, and then halted briefly when he saw you looking at him.
Heat flushed your cheeks and you looked away awkwardly, but when you risked a look up again, you saw to your horror that he was walking over. Perhaps he thought you were stalking him? All sorts of scenarios - each one marginally more ridiculous than the last one - played through your head until you swallowed them down and took a deep breath. The samebito was standing in front of you, grinning down at you and blocking out the sunlight better than a flipping eclipse.
“Hey,” he said in a gravelly, deep voice that threatened to make you entirely inarticulate.
“Uh… Hi…?” you croaked, craning your neck up at him.
He chuckled and held out a grey-skinned, knuckly, strong hand and you shook it instinctively. “So… I saw you last night, didn’t I?” he asked warmly, and you nodded. “Didn’t fancy dancing though?” he added.
You liked the playful lilt to his voice, halfway between an accent and an undertone, and before it could render you speechless, you shook your head. “Not so much.”
Again, a rumbling laugh rolled off him. “You’re new here, aren't you?”
“What makes you say that?”
The samebito took half a step back from your table and shrugged one colossal shoulder. “Most of the real locals don’t stare at me the way you do.”
“I’m sorry,” you blurted, turning your gaze away from him.
He looked particularly handsome that morning, in a white t-shirt that showed his chest muscles off and hid practically nothing, and a pair of baggy, pale jeans. He’d cut and stitched a slit in the back of the t-shirt for his chunky dorsal fin, and it stood out as a nearly perfect triangle of smoky grey skin in the morning light.
“I… I moved here like… last week? I’ve never seen someone like you before. I didn’t mean to stare or make you uncomfortable.”
“It’s cool,” he said, ducking his head ever so slightly as if to gauge you a little better. “Listen, you’re cute and you’ve finished your drink. Will you let me get you another one?”
“Uh… I mean, I was just about to head off,” you said, gesturing vaguely and frowning, and honestly panicking just little bit. This kind of thing never happened to you. “You don’t have to. And anyway, shouldn’t I be the one offering to get you a drink after making an ass of myself?”
His grin and pointed look southwards towards your own ass spoke volumes, and you flushed darker, but he made no verbal comment, and just shook his head. “I’d like to. Don’t let me push you though. If you don’t want me to, then I’ll piss off…”
It was your turn to shake your head, and when he saw that you did really want the chance to get to know him a bit, he smiled broadly, showing all his array of serrated teeth.
“Great. What can I get you then?”
You told him and he nodded. “Man after my own heart,” he said and ducked inside the cafe, leaving you sitting in the chill breeze wafting in from offshore and wondering how you had got so lucky. Or, more accurately, what the catch would be…
He backed out of the cafe door a few minutes later, shoving it open with his perfect arse, with a cardboard takeaway cup in each hand, a brown paper takeaway bag swinging from his wrist by the handle, and a big smile on his face. When he caught you looking curiously at it, he laughed and said, “I like my sweets, ok? Oh, my name’s Tai by the way.” He looked comically from the coffee cups and then to you and said, “Help a shark out so he can shake your hand?”
Laughing, you took your cup off him and shook his hand. His skin was rough as fine-grit sandpaper, and though the grip was prodigiously strong you got the feeling he was definitely holding back.
Taking a deep breath, you told him your name and added, “You want to stay here or go for a walk?”
Tai gazed longingly down the quiet stretch of seafront and shrugged. “Walk sounds good? As long as you don’t mind if I chow down on the way? I’m starving.”
“Course not,” you said.
“So where’d you live before coming here?” he asked as you set off. “And why the hell did you move here of all places?”
“Work,” you said. “I don’t start til next week though, so I’ve got time to kill.” You tried to sip your coffee but it was still too hot, so you went on, “I lived in the city before.”
Tai shuddered dramatically and said, “Man, I couldn’t live without the sea.”
“I’m surprised you don’t actually live in the sea,” you said. “I mean… it doesn’t bother you?”
He shot you a sidelong look and said, “They don’t have TV or Wifi in the sea. Not yet, anyway. And pizza doesn’t do too well underwater either. Pizza is life…”
You snorted and he laughed with you. You liked the way he looked at you - the way his gaze lingered at the corners of your mouth and on your eyes - and you tried not to preen under his powerful stare.
“I do swim a lot though,” he added around an enormous bite of pastry before groaning. “Oh wow. They make the best Danish there,” he said, gesturing over his shoulder and flicking crumbs onto his shirt.
Feeling uncharacteristically bold, you reached up and brushed them off for him, and his smile widened. “I hate swimming,” you admitted, avoiding his gaze. “Well, I hate the water… being surrounded by it… not knowing what’s down there…” You fought off a shudder and he nodded.
“I can see that,” he said. “No, really, I can… I mean, I’m one of the things that folks don’t tend to argue with, on land or on sea, but just coz I’ve got a mouthful of pearly whites doesn’t mean there aren’t dangers out there. Still, I try and swim every morning.”
He nodded, pausing to take another bite and finish off the second croissant in the bag. “I like to race by best friends. Gotta stay sharp, you know?”
“They’re samebito like you?” you asked, trying the somewhat unfamiliar word out on your tongue. ‘Samebito’ wasn’t a word you used everyday after all.
He shook his head. “Nah, we don’t live in shoals or anything. No, Freya is a selkie and Viggo is an orca mer.”
Your eyebrows rose at that, and he chuckled another rough, happy laugh. “I know, you’d think I’d want to eat Freya, given that I’m a shark and she’s a seal - but I’m not a complete beast, I swear. We’ve been besties for years, and holy crap is she fast.” He took another sip of his coffee and groaned. “Ah that’s good. And yeah, Viggo is like a brother to me. He was involved in an accident with a fishing trawler about ten years ago, but that doesn't stop him beating me soundly almost every morning!” he laughed.
“Is he ok?” Life in the ocean seemed even more brutal than you had imagined.
Tai shrugged. “Lost his left arm and a fuck-ton of confidence, but yeah, he’s doing alright now.”
“Not all the dangers out there have teeth,” you offered quietly, turning your eyes to the relatively calm ocean on your right as you both made your way along the smooth tarmac of the seafront.
You and Tai continued to walk and chat long after he’d finished his breakfast and both of your coffee cups had been ditched in the bin. He had an odd and slightly brash sense of humour, and an open kind of confidence that drew you in and made you feel at ease around him.
The pier had all but dwindled out of sight when suddenly he glanced at his watch and cursed. “Fuck, I’ve got to be at work in ten minutes! I didn’t realise it was so late!”
“I didn’t know the club opened so early,” you ventured.
Tai shook his head. “I work part time as a swimming coach at the school on the edge of town. Got to hold down a couple of jobs if I wanna live like you landies do!” While you smiled, he added, “Listen, can I give you my number? I had fun…”
“Sure,” and in moments, the two of you had exchanged numbers and he’d promised to be in touch.
Without warning, he opened his arms and moved in for a hug before abruptly halting and asking, “Is that ok? I’m a hugger… but not everyone is…”
Shaking your head with a smile, you said, “It’s cool. Thanks though…”
The hug he gave you was polite but heartfelt, and you tried not to enjoy his looming closeness too much before he had pulled back and was jogging away with a jovial wave over his shoulder.
You watched him go, standing there for a long time with the sea breeze ruffling and messing up your hair before you followed in his wake and turned your footsteps back towards your apartment.
A few days slid by in a blur of unpacking and sorting, and getting stuff like internet and electricity contracts going, and while you were busy, you found your mind wandering back to Tai; his strong, grey hands in particular, though his muscular shoulders and arms were equally delicious. The power in his shark’s jaw must have been immense, but his smile, although toothy and broad, had been friendly and his sense of humour had kept you chuckling to yourself for days.
But there was no sign that he wanted to see you again. He didn’t call or text, and you’d sort of abandoned the idea of getting to know him better until one evening, perhaps four days after your walk along the seafront, when your phone buzzed just as you were tucking into a takeaway, with your feet up on the couch. Scrabbling around for your phone, you nearly dropped your food in your lap when you saw that the message was from Tai.
‘Hey I’m so sorry I didn’t call you,’ he began. ‘There was some drama at the club and it kind of took over my life for a bit. I know this might be super weird, but can I take you out for dinner some time? I had so much fun chatting with you the other day. Anyway, let me know either way, T x’
You weren’t used to someone being so free with their emotions and so confident about what they wanted, but it was reassuring and you replied that dinner would be great, and that you were free the next night.
‘Perfect!’ came his response. ‘Listen, I’d kind of like to surprise you, but is there anything you really wouldn’t want to do? I remember you said you didn’t like the water much so it wouldn’t involve boats or anything I promise :)!’
Anxiety did spike in your gut at the idea of a surprise date, if that was what he was suggesting, but deciding to throw caution to the wind and to start over anew here, you told him you were grateful that he remembered about your dislike of the water, and other than that, you were game for most things.
With everything sorted, he replied with a message full of emojis and exclamation marks that he was looking forward to seeing you and that he’d meet you in the centre of town the next evening since it was his night off. ‘Oh and don’t come fancy or anything - it won’t be posh…’
‘That’s… honestly a relief…’
‘Glad to hear it! See you tomorrow!!! :D x’ Again, you allowed yourself a bit of a goofy smile at the over-peppering of exclamation marks.
Wearing a smart-ish pair of jeans and your favourite t-shirt, you strode through town the next evening with a light feeling filling your chest for the first time in a long while. Things were definitely new and different here, and you just hoped that it would all turn out for the better.
A group of satyrs and fauns up ahead were laughing and joking with a pair of gnolls, the latter yipping and leaping around, and you stared openly at them as you passed, amazed at how the three species all seemed to be getting along so well. Back in the city, folks tended to let prejudices sit deeply and interactions like this would just never happen. Then again, you wouldn’t have found yourself on a date with a sharkman back in the city either.
You were still smiling to yourself about it when you saw him pacing up and down by the fountain in the middle of the square. Because of his size and unusual silhouette, he was instantly recognisable, but you supposed you were a bit ordinary and didn’t expect him to notice you until you were nearly level with him. However, he surprised you by turning his head suddenly, a little like a bird of prey, and waving expansively at you, calling your name and grinning. He had to be the most extroverted person you’d ever met.
A bit bashful, but still laughing, you joined him and he hugged you. “Sorry,” he mumbled as he drew back. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you…”
“It’s fine,” you smiled. “You look nice…” you added as you took in the jeans that hugged his muscular legs and made his arse look frankly incredible, and the dark blue t-shirt that seemed to bring out the blueish hues of his grey skin. In light of the street lamps in this part of town, his white markings seemed to glow, and you honestly thought he was one of the most beautiful creatures you’d ever laid eyes on.
“Glad you think so,” he rumbled quietly. “You wanna go? I hope you’re not afraid of heights…”
He grinned down at you and said, “You’ll see. There’s plenty else to do there as well if you’re not into heights…” He sounded odd, like he was straining the point, but you let it slide. Perhaps he was as nervous as you were after all?
After a short walk across town, during which you listened to him decompressing about the drama at the club which had involved one of the patrons being harassed and some legal action being threatened, you quickly cottoned on to where he was leading you.
Music played and lights danced in the sky as you reached the fairground that had been set up on the edge of town for the harvest festival and to celebrate the end of summer. You began to laugh as he took your hand in his.
“No?” he asked, seeming to refer both to the fact that he was holding your hand and to the fair beyond. Although he had a shark’s upper body, he was still expressive and you caught the definite hint of worry in his dark blue eyes as he gazed down at you.
With a roll of your own eyes at him and a squeeze of your hand in his, you tugged him towards the fair.
“Phew,” he laughed. “You scared me for a moment there.”
“I’m sure you must go on dates all the time,” you said without really thinking, “But it’s been a while for me, ok? I just didn’t know what to expect, especially since… uh… I’ve not dated someone like you before.”
“Another guy or a shark?” he asked quietly. The sincerity in his voice was reassuring and you smiled.
“Shark,” you clarified.
“Right,” he said. “You hungry?”
“I could definitely eat,” you said. “How about there?” and you pointed to a noodle stand where a small queue was just beginning to form. It smelled amazing.
He’d just turned to look when a figure stumbled out of the haunted house ride to your right, laughing, her hand firmly held in that of the girl she was with, and when she saw Tai, she shrieked his name and practically skipped over to him, yanking the poor girl nearly off her feet.
“Freya!” he boomed, opening one arm to hug her without letting go of your hand.
“Omg!” she yipped when she saw you. “Is this him? Ah! He’s so handsome! Tai! You lucky little scrap of chum!”
You could only stand there awkwardly while Tai’s best friend cooed over the pair of you and then announced that she needed some food after the spooky ride. “You guys want to join us?” she asked brightly, her big dark eyes flitting from your face to Tai’s.
While she seemed lovely enough, you hadn’t really intended to share your date with anyone else, but to your surprise Tai immediately sensed that and said, “Uh, we were actually about to go… uh…” He gazed around and saw the ferris wheel and blurted, “Go on the wheel…”
A slow smile dawned on Freya’s face and her dark eyebrow rose. “Oh yeah?” she said. “Well don’t let me stop you, sweetheart.” And as Tai bid her and her girlfriend a good evening, you cast him a puzzled look to which he responded with a slight shake of his head.
You were still frowning curiously at him when the bar went down over your knees as you sat in the gondola, and he swallowed thickly.
“Tai?” you asked, looking up at him. Was it your imagination, or was the colouring under his chin slightly green? Perhaps it was the light of the fair below… “You ok?”
“I panicked,” he blurted.
“I didn’t think you’d want her asking a million questions about your life just yet - I mean, I wasn’t even sure if this counted as a proper date or whatever - and so I just said the first thing that came into my mind, which was this…”
“And this is a problem because…?”
“I don’t like heights,” he said quietly as the gondola lurched backwards. “Oh gods…”
He gripped the bar so hard that you thought it was going to crumple under his strength. “Hey,” you said, reaching for his thigh and placing your palm on it. He was so tense that it was like putting your hand on a boulder. Taking advantage of the privacy of the moment, you dug your fingertips gently into the muscle. “Look at me,” you said as he stared wide-eyed into the void that was opening up beneath you.
“Freya knew,” he muttered.
“Forget her,” you chuckled. “Look at me.” And when he did, you put your other hand on his cheek and watched him heave out a gentle sigh. The gills in his neck flared wide but he leaned into your touch and laughed, the sound deep in his chest.
He leaned down and nuzzled the blunt tip of his snout against your neck. “I would kiss you,” he said gently, breath fanning across your skin, “But I can’t.”
He brought his hand to your cheek and trailed his thumb down your jaw line as he caressed you, and you felt a stirring in your cock as his fingers wandered downwards. He hadn’t even noticed that the gondola had done nearly a full rotation.
When it finally came round to getting everyone off the wheel, he seemed a lot calmer, though embarrassment had definitely washed in to replace his fear.
“Tai?” you asked as he stood near the ferris wheel with his hand on the railing, breathing deeply and steadily. “You ok?”
He laughed and shot you a sidelong look. “Yeah,” he sighed. “Just feeling a bit…”
You rapped him lightly on the bicep with the back of your fingers and grinned, “Hey, it’s nice to know that even someone like you can get a bit freaked out sometimes, you know?”
“That’s precisely the point,” he said. “I’m not used to it.”
“Ah, come on, lets have a walk,” you said, taking his hand. “Besides, I pretty much got to kiss you, so it’s not all bad.” You halted and looked up at him with mock suspicion on your face. “Unless it was all a ruse to get close to me…?”
“What? No!” he gasped, his footsteps halting. “I promise you…”
“Relax,” you said. “I was joking.”
He walked beside you for a few paces before murmuring, “You know I wouldn’t do something like that, right?”
You nodded.
Tai cleared his throat. “And actually, going back to something you mentioned earlier, I haven’t been on a lot of dates recently… or… at all.”
Now it was your turn to stop in surprise. “You’re kidding me?”
He shook his head. “Turns out apex predators give off ‘dangerous vibes’. That, and I’m nearly always working…”
“Huh,” you shrugged, still a little baffled. “I’m sorry for just assuming then…”
Tai put his arm around your shoulders and tugged you slightly off balance and into his side. “You want to go eat now?” he asked and you nodded, heading back to the noodle bar.
It was only after wandering aimlessly around the fair to walk down your food that he said, “So… did I do good?”
“With the date?” you asked and he nodded. “It’s been perfect. I honestly didn’t expect to be dating the moment I arrived in this town…”
“Did you want a break from it, or…?”
“No,” you said. “I just… didn’t look for it.”
Tai was holding your hand as the pair of you moved through the bustling, jostling people, dodging drunken revellers and excited teenagers alike. His skin was rough and cool, and his huge presence beside you in the constant ebb and flow of people was undeniably grounding.
“I guess good things just fall into your lap when you’re not expecting it,” you added.
Tai leaned low towards your ear and growled, “I wouldn’t mind having you in my lap…” and you smacked him in his solid chest, laughing. When he laughed, all his jagged teeth showed, and his eyes rolled back just a little in his head. In an odd kind of way, it was attractive, and you smiled up at him.
At a quieter corner of the fair, he paused and looked down at you. Lowering his head, he murmured, “Damn, I really wish I could kiss, you know?”
“What do samebito do instead?” you asked.
He smiled softly. “Our noses are very sensitive,” he said, and he was going to continue but he cut off suddenly when you brought your fingertips to the tip of his snout and traced a gentle circle there. A shudder ran through him and his eyes rolled back for a moment to show the whites. “Damn,” he panted. “Your touch is…” With gills flaring, he nosed you backwards until your back hit the sides of a wooden shack - the side of one of the trinket stalls perhaps - and he began to nose at your neck again.
A soft rumbling emanated from his chest and his hands wandered. He palmed your cock through your jeans and you moaned, rolling your hips a little into the touch, chasing friction. “Not here,” you gasped and he backed off, glassy eyed and nodding.
“No,” he said. “Not here.” And then he laughed, shaking his head. “Damn, you look good all ruffled like that,” he said, thumbing an arc across your cheekbone where your skin was flushed hot.
Not long after that, you agreed to head home and he offered to walk you. At your door, you thanked him for an amazing evening, and touched him again on his nose, this time with your whole palm, your fingers tracing gentle lines up and down the rough skin there. His eyes rolled again and he growled.
“When can I see you again?” he asked breathlessly. Before you got the chance to answer, he had nuzzled against your neck again, and as you leaned into the contact, he parted his jaws and very gently raked his teeth across your skin. His tongue rasped over your pulse and you gasped. “Sorry,” he added as he drew back. “I didn’t hurt you did I?”
Wordlessly you shook your head.
He grinned. “Good. You got an answer to my question or did I chase it away…?”
With a lopsided grin, you nodded. “I start work this week, but I should have some time in the evenings?”
He growled and stepped back, frustrated. “I work most nights from about six. Would Thursday work though?”
In fact, he surprised you at lunch one day, and you managed to show up early to the club to give him a quick kiss before he began his shift, and so you snatched moments here and there when you could. He also took you out the next weekend for a meal which was amazing, and afterwards he said, “Listen, I know we’ve only been going out a short while, but I wanted to do something nice for you… are you free this weekend?”
You nodded, wary but curious. Tai laughed when he saw the expression on your face. “Don’t panic,” he said, taking your slightly clammy hand in his. “I’m not proposing to you… I promise it’s just something nice…” If sharks could do puppy dog eyes, this one would be the best at it. As it was, he just tilted his head and looked at you straight on, which kind of had a similar effect.
In what had now become an instinctual replacement for a traditional kiss, you brought your nose to his and kissed it, making him shiver as always. He really hadn’t been kidding when he’d said the skin there was sensitive, and somehow it always seemed to make him short-circuit a bit when you touched him there. “Whatever you want to do, I’m game,” you said. “I trust you, and I think you’ve got the measure of me by now…”
Scraping his mind back together again after the pleasure of your touch, he nodded. “Alright. I’ll come get you and we can go from your place.”
Wondering what it was he’d got planned filled more than a couple of your spare minutes that week, for sure.
In fact, you needn’t have worried at all. When he showed up at your door, he immediately nuzzled you and he picked you up this time. He dropped the small insulated bag he had been carrying and rumbled softly. You tilted your head back, allowing him better access to you, and he placed his massive jaw around your throat. It was unconventional as greetings went, but it was a bit more exciting than a kiss on the cheek, and you’d grown to enjoy it.
When he’d drawn back, he rasped, “I can’t believe you let me do that.”
His voice was breathless with wonder, and you laughed. “Told you I trusted you. Where are we going?”
He set you back down on your feet and asked, “You ready to go? It’s not far - maybe a five minute walk?”
You pulled the door closed behind you and stepped out into the night while he picked up his bag again and held out his other hand to you. The air was chilly, it being late October now, but the stars were perfectly clear in the inky sky above and there wasn’t a breath of wind.
“So…” he said. “You remember a while back, when I told you about some drama at the club? We had this super wealthy elven model and she got into a bit of a ‘difficult situation’ with this big guy that wouldn’t leave her alone.” You listened to him, nodded, and welcomed the growling undertone in his voice as he spoke of the incident. “So I hauled this guy off her and did that thing with my teeth…”
“What thing?”
“You know, the sharky thing where I pull my lips back…”
“Show me?” you asked, knowing full well what it was he was talking about. He knew it too, and laughed, obligingly baring his teeth at you while you short-circuited for a moment…
“Anyway, I think the guy shat his pants, and she was super grateful to me. She said that if I ever wanted a favour from her, all I had to do was ask, so…” He held up a pair of keys and jangled them softly. “I called it in… She said I could use her beach-front apartment for the night. She’s away at the moment but the doorman knows we’re coming, and she said we could help ourselves to anything in the wine cooler and make ourselves at home.” He raised the cool-bag he was carrying and added, “I prepped some dinner. So long as we don’t trash anything or burn the place down, it’s ours for the night…”
“No way,” you smiled. “That’s really sweet of her.”
He shrugged. “Yeah, she’s a real sweetheart.”
The apartment turned out to be the penthouse, and it was gorgeous. Sleek, modern, and yet cosy, you stood in the doorway behind him as he stepped inside and just looked around, struck stupid by it. “Wow,” you finally breathed.
“How the other half lives, eh?” he grinned. “Come on, let’s look around.”
You didn’t get very far before Tai’s stomach was growling and he had made his way to the super fancy kitchen to start unloading the bag of food he’d brought. It was the most amazing picnic spread, and while he set about finding bowls and plates, you wandered over to the French windows and stepped outside into the chilly night. The deck was gorgeous, and there was even a small fire pit with a log store pressed up against the wall of the flat. Ducking briefly back inside, you called, “Are there any firelighters around?”
“I told you we can’t burn the place down!” he laughed.
“There’s a fire pit… does that count?”
With a fire going in the cast iron brazier and the food nearly finished, Tai sat back in his sun lounger, careful of his dorsal fin, and smiled. “Is it too early to say I’m in love with you?” he asked in an uncharacteristically shy voice, staring up at the sky.
Something about the way he said it, and about the way he looked at you every time he saw you, made you shake your head. “No,” you murmured. “I don’t think so.”
He reached across the space between your two loungers and took your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles. “Never thought I’d fall like this for a landie…”
“I love the way you say that word,” you snorted. “Makes us sound like Martians…”
“I can use the more formal ‘Landfolk’ if you’d prefer,” he said in a falsely haughty voice.
“Come here,” he said. “You’re too far away.”
Stepping carefully over the remnants of the food and drink, you allowed him to tug you down into his lap and you lay back against his chest while he nuzzled idly at your neck and hair.
“You smell so good,” he groaned.
“Sharks have a good sense of smell, don’t you?” you asked.
“You have no idea…”
“Huh…” you said, hoping he couldn’t smell just how turned on you were in that moment. You didn’t want to move just yet.
Tai, however, had other ideas. He shifted and you felt the hard line of his cock beneath your ass, and he nudged his hips slightly upwards and groaned. “I want you,” he said. “But… I… ” And all his brash confidence suddenly seemed to crumble.
“What?” you asked, glancing up at him over your shoulder. He couldn’t blush, but his eyes rolled a bit and he looked away. “You think I don’t want you back? Don’t you remember how I was at the fair? I practically came in my pants like a horny teenager…”
He laughed. His jaw was noticeably slacker now, his eyes gleaming brightly in the low light of the fire. “I’m scared,” he whispered in a voice that made your heart lurch.
“Scared of what?”
“I don’t want to hurt you… We’re not… We’re not known for being gentle lovers…”
“I trust you.”
“That… That doesn’t help…” he said with an awkward chuckle. “I mean, it’s amazing, don’t get me wrong, but… I’m…”
“Let me guess, you’re a biter…” you grinned and he rolled his eyes. “I’m sure we can figure it out… would it help if I stayed on top? We can take it slow this time anyway…”
He gazed at you and then smiled softly, gently nudging his nose into your hand as you raised it to ‘kiss’ him. “I don’t deserve you,” he murmured into your palm, tenderly licking a little stripe over it and then up your fingers.
In little more than a few minutes you were both naked, and you got to see him properly for the first time. The patch of white began under his chin at his jaw and moved down his neck to his chest and stomach, tapering down as if to draw attention to his hardening cock. He was beautiful, and big, his tip already glistening as he watched you watching him. “Fuck,” he cursed, reaching for you. “Look at you…”
You sat back down astride him, your own cock pressed against his as you took him in your hand and rolled your hips. He threw his head back and clutched the arms of the lounger, letting out a deep, earthy growl. His hips lurched upwards as you continued to stroke him slowly, rocking your own body against him until the pair of you were slick and desperate.
His chest began to heave and as you scraped your blunt nails down his pecs and over the ridges of his abs, he opened his jaw and showed all his teeth as he began to pant rapidly.
“Fuck, that’s so good,” he moaned, leaning forwards again and enjoying the sight of you working his cock and your own in your hand at the same time. Pre-come spilled down his length as he twitched and gasped, bucking into the tightness of your grip, and he began to growl again.
“I’m… I’m close,” he said breathlessly. “Fuck, I’m so close already…” His jaws closed with a loud clack and his eyes rolled back to show the whites as he suddenly spilled over his chest and abs, his body rocking and convulsing as he came with a muted bellow.
A few seconds later and you followed him, falling forwards onto his messy chest as white heat thundered through you. He was still twitching and gnashing his powerful jaws together, eyes still rolled back, cock pulsing in your hand.
You watched him as he came down from his peak, and you couldn’t resist rocking your hips once more against his spent and sensitive cock. He grunted and his eyes rolled back to look at you.
Tai swallowed and then croaked, “I haven’t come like that in a long time…”
“Me neither,” you grinned. “You want to see what the bathroom’s like in this place?”
After a few more minutes to catch his breath, he said, “Hold on,” and you gripped him round the waist as he stood up and carried you through the apartment, pausing every now and again to nuzzle at your neck and scrape his teeth lovingly over your shoulder. When you finally made it to the bathroom, it was a while before you actually emerged, eventually clean…
I really hope you folks enjoyed this one! Don’t forget to let me know if you did enjoy it by leaving a like and/or reblogging it!
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eastertag · 4 years
@cookidoughlilac gift for @photowizard17
Easter 2020 TAG prompts
Prompt 1: The boys painting Easter eggs
Every so often, the world would come to its senses and not try anything dangerous. When this happened, the boys would sigh a breath a relief and would find activities to do as a family.
This time, their break occurred around Easter. The sun outside was shining and warm, the pool was cool and inviting, and the boys were out on the patio, sat around a garden table with eggs in front of them. There were various little pots of paint placed in the centre of the table, with plenty of brushes of varying sizes ready to be used.
Despite all the preparation, there was still one thing missing.
“Where’s dad? Is he coming out to paint Easter eggs with us?” Gordon piped up, twisting around in his seat to look for the man in question.
“Dad said he’ll be out in a minute,” Scott explained, picking up his egg and examining it carefully, “he said he’s changing into a cooler shirt.”
“Which shirt?” Gordon asked suspiciously, “Not the flamingo one, right?”
“What’s so bad about the flamingo one? I thought you liked all of those weird patterns.” Alan quipped, grinning as he gestured to the Hawaiian design his brother was wearing.
“My shirt is fashionable I’ll have you know. Dad’s shirt looks like something from the previous century. Ya know, the 1960s, or somewhere around that time.”
“I wouldn’t call your sense of style fashionable…” Scott sighed, glancing across the table to his younger siblings, “More of a fashion disaster…”
This quip earnt several good-humoured sniggers from Virgil, John and Alan. Scott, in true oldest brother fashion, simply grinned at Gordon – his own way of saying he’d won that fair and square. In response, Gordon crossed his arms and sighed, shaking his head a little.
“Would someone care to explain why Gordon has the face of an unhappy guppy?”
The brothers all spun around in their seats, instantly with bright smiles on their faces as their father walked over to the table they were all sat at. Just as predicted (or feared, if you were Gordon), Jeff sported his flamingo shirt and eased himself into a plastic chair at the head of the garden table.
“Now that I’m here, how about we start? What will you boys paint on your eggs, hm?” Jeff asked, looking to his five sons with pride and warmth.
“I’m gonna paint 3’s launch!” Alan beamed, dipping his paintbrush into the red paint closest to him.
“I’m thinking of painting the sea and the horizon, at sunset.” Gordon grinned, “Sunset is the best over the water.”
“That’s true, sunset is good,” John nodded in agreement, “But you can’t deny that seeing Earth below you is just as mesmerising. I’ll be painting that.”
“You could paint that in your sleep!” Gordon teased, “Will there be a tiny Global One on your egg as well?”
“Global One is not that close, Gordon.” Alan explained seriously before breaking into a cheeky smirk, “If it were, Captain O’Bannon would be over way more often!”
“What’s this?” Jeff asked curiously, looking between his sons.
“Oh, just John’s girlfriend—” Gordon and Alan began, grins so wide Jeff momentarily wondered if they had been replaced by Cheshire cats.
“Ridley is not my girlfriend…” John interjected with a little sigh.
“…yet!” Virgil teased, earning a glare from John, “What? All I’m saying is that it’s painfully obvious you both like each other, you might as well, what’s the phrase? Live long and get some.”
The boys at the table broke out into a thunderous laugh as John rested his head against the table in a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. Gordon was laughing so hard he had to wipe a tear from his eye, and Scott dissolved into hiccups from his laughter.
In the end, though, eggs were painted; each egg beautiful, intricate, and unmistakeably unique. Jeff had fashioned a six-cup egg holder to put on his desk, and each of his son’s eggs was carefully placed inside, alongside his own.
Alan had painted Thunderbird 3 during launch, the bright red against the dark greys of the hanger, with a white plumage of smoke lining the bottom of his egg.
Gordon’s sunset egg was warm in colour, with the rich blues rippling around the egg. Virgil had helped create a rippling water effect, and it made the sunset even more stunning.
John’s Earth-from-space egg was painted completely black, except for the blue-green marble on one side of the egg. It was simple yet elegant and executed to perfection.
Virgil’s egg had the image of a piano surrounded by music notes on a completely white background. It was comforting for Jeff to know that Virgil still played after all of these years. He could still remember the tiny son playing for the family whenever they were at the ranch.
Scott had painted the clouds and the sky. It was, after all, where he had wanted to be ever since he was little. In a way, it amused Jeff how Scott was still as enthusiastic about the sky as when he was just a small boy. He was ambitious, and his hard work had paid off.
Jeff’s, by comparison, was fairly plain. On his egg was the villa with a backdrop of the jungle. It was home, and that’s where he was. Home, with his mother, sons and the people around he considered family. That was his egg, and that was the way he wanted to live for the rest of his life. With his family.
Prompt 2: Virgil angst
“There are 10 things you need to know.”
Scott tensed as he heard his younger brother’s grumbling voice from behind. If the sound of a voice could kill, Scott would be 6 feet under. He practically trembled as he turned on his heel, looking into the eyes of his plaid draped sibling.
“Virgil, wait, please. I can explain -”
“Number 1. I have been out all morning, up since before dawn to help those poor people in that mudslide rescue.”
“I know you were out this morning Virgil, I helped John monitor the end of the rescue after I got up.” Scott pleaded. He could tell his brother was seething just by the tone in his voice. One short intake a breath, then he could continue to try to reason with his brother. Only, Virgil had other ideas.
“Number 2. It was pouring down the entire time I was on that rescue, and I came back covered head to toe in mud. I was caked in it. It’s taken me the better part of an hour to scrub it all off!”
One breath and one step backwards – Scott was the oldest, after all, so he knew the best ways to try to calm his brother down. Virgil took a step towards Scott, not wanting to let his older brother escape before he was through with him.
“Number 3. As the main pilot of Thunderbird 2, I now have the duty of cleaning all the muck and filth out of my ship. You know, on the in case I’m called out again. I have to make sure my girl looks presentable at all times.”
“If you need help with cleaning, we can help you with that. That’s not an -”
“Number 4.”
“Virgil -”
“Number 4, Scott. We almost lost children today. But we have a duty of care to everyone, so I risked moving our position to make sure I could get them safely, whilst putting my life on the line.”
Scott needed to tread carefully. Virgil never was the angry brother, but when he was, hell could freeze over. If he said the wrong thing, his chances at landing in their medical bay with a broken nose would be high.
“Virgil, if I had known -”
“Number 5. When I got back to the island, when I had landed safely, everyone was still either asleep or relaxing. But I won’t get to relax today, not when I have already been up, and probably will have to be up until I pass out in the vague direction of my room later on tonight. Hell, maybe even tomorrow morning.”
The dance Scott found himself in with Virgil annoyed him the most. Every time he took a step back, his brother would step forward. Scott knew he deserved this, but getting chewed out by his closest friend still stung.
“Number 6. A proper breakfast consists of something sustainable, like toast, or cereal. You did not eat a sustainable breakfast.”
Scott groaned, frustrated. First his crime against Virgil, and now he was getting chewed out about his eating habits.
“Virgil, I know perfectly well what a good breakfast is but -”
“Number 7. Stop interrupting me with your excuses. They’re not working.”
Scott shifted, moving backwards and felt the legs of their father’s desk. He gulped quietly, knowing that he was not going to be able to move much further.
“Number 8. We have a policy in this house that we don’t take what doesn’t belong to us.”
“I know, but it was left on the side and I thought it was mine -”
“Number 9. These little treats only come once a year for us. We sure as hell deserve them, especially after horrible rescues like these.”
By this point, Virgil had trapped Scott between himself, and their father’s desk. Scott was practically bending back over it, still trying his best to create space that simply wasn’t there.
“Number 10.” Virgil hissed, leaning to Scott’s ear, “You don’t go near my Thorntons again, or I will make sure Grandma makes you her food creation test subject.”
With that, Virgil swiftly stood straight again, glaring down at his terrified older brother.
“You get me?”
Scott simply nodded and Virgil stepped back, letting his brother escape. He smirked to himself.
That’ll teach Scott not to eat the Easter eggs that didn’t belong to him.
Prompt 3: Someone finds an uninjured bunny on a rescue
“Once I’ve checked the perimeter to ensure there’s nobody else to move to the safety zone, you’ll be free to start heading back, Thunderbird Shadow.”
“Copy that, Thunderbird 1. Just shout if you need me for anything else.”
With that, Kayo headed back over to her craft, leaning against the legs to catch her breath and mull over the rescue in her head. They were lucky in a way; this rescue was considered easy for them. A textbook rescue with a textbook way of dealing with it – that is if there ever was a textbook written on what they did. The people were safe and at the end of the day, that was all that mattered.
Kayo watched the people in the safety zone with a smile. Despite the horror they had all been through, families were sitting with each other, children were playing together, and various older folk were exchanging stories about their children who had long since grown up and flown the nest. It showed just how resilient people could be.
“Thunderbird 1 to Thunderbird Shadow.” Scott called, looking down from his craft as he circled high above the safety zone, “All town residents have been accounted for. You’re free to head back whilst Virgil and I get these people to the next town over.”
“Alright Scott,” Kayo answered with a wave, “I’ll see you when you get back.”
She climbed into her ship, relaxing into the pilot seat just enough as she started up the engines. With a few practised motions, pre-flight checks were completed, and within minutes Kayo had taken to the skies, soaring high above the safety zone as she began the journey back to the island.
Kayo knew she was going to arrive at least an hour before Virgil or Scott did. Although she was tired, her brain still whirled into motion, coming up with potential ways to spend that free hour.
Perhaps a hot bath was in order. Kayo was fully aware of how her muscles ached. What better way was there to relieve the stress built up than soaking herself in a rose bubble bath? Nobody would distract her unless there was another rescue call that came in.
Then again, Kayo was hungry. Being a member of an elite rescue group meant that sometimes meals would be skipped. And Kayo had had to forgo lunch to suit up. It was unlikely that anyone would be using the kitchen at this hour, which meant she could make herself something edible.
Or maybe, just maybe, she could go and sunbathe on a pool floatie until Scott needed to land. The peace that was floating on the water, with the clouds, the sea on the horizon, and the setting sun was quite possibly one of the best things in the world she could imagine. Nothing would ever come close to being as breath-taking.
Kayo was brought out of her half daydream when a brown fluff jumped over her shoulder and onto her console. Within a second, her craft was plummeting out of the sky, with Kayo frantically trying to regain control. The brown fluff, frightened by the sudden falling sensation, bounced around and ended up on Kayo’s shoulder again, screaming into her ear.
It took Kayo several seconds of fast thinking to right her falling ship. The screaming fluff on her shoulder settled after it realised the imminent danger was over and took to nibbling on her hair.
Kayo couldn’t help but sigh inwardly. Of all the crafts that could gain a stowaway in the form of a small brown bunny, of course, it had to be hers.
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