#tequila and oak
guiltandrecourse · 22 days
putting off doing actual work here’s what i think the kiddads go-to drinks are
grant - he’s a cider man, much to darryl’s dismay. occasionally dabbles in a craft ipa just to see what the fuss is all about. double vodka monster when he was younger but not so much now
nicky - has twelve jagerbombs and passes out in a bush before u even get to the clerrrb. total liability. pretends to like whiskey to be a hard man but it makes him cough every time
lark - end result of the ‘too much cheap horrible vodka in everything’ to ‘can only drink beer without getting war flashbacks’ pipeline
sparrow - i know in my heart of hearts he drinks like a teenage girl. blue wkd. echo falls summer berries. smirnoff ice. get this man in a field with a watermelon vk he’d be much happier for it
terry jr. - big into classic cocktails. master of the tequila sunrise. tolerance of a fuckin rhino. theatre kid! vodka cranberry will always do. whiteclaw if hes got a job to do
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souperbloom · 7 days
short oneshot inspired by a tweet i saw (please don’t kill me for being inactive im sorry im a very busy gal)
cabin fever. [A.I]
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🪵 Ashton x fem!reader
a late-night kitchen rendezvous on an annual trip with your friends.
a/n: i cannot find the tweet this was inspired by but it was something along the lines of ‘nobody makes out on the living room couch and dry humps like they used to’ so… just use your imagination with this one friends.
content warnings: none, really!
Three AM. The prime time to chug a cold glass of water and stand in the kitchen to contemplate life.
It was day two of the annual ‘friend trip’. Eight twenty-somethings to a six-bedroom cabin with a plethora of tanning lotion and tequila. You had spent most, if not all, of today out by the lake— your shoulders were burnt to a crisp and your eyes felt tired and heavy. It was the price to pay for a gorgeous day out on the water.
Everyone had called it a night around midnight, the couples sifting off to their respective rooms while the solos duked it out for the only other queen sized bed. Luckily, you were the winner of that duel. But now, you’re faced with that unquenchable late-night thirst.
Plus the fact that you couldn’t sleep.
You crept down the old oak stairs quietly, your socks padding against the wood and creaking with every step. You’d wince every time your foot made a sound; but you were also convinced that everyone was too deep in sleep to hear it.
A lakeside cabin in the middle of nowhere was a lot more quiet than you’d anticipated. Only the cadence of chirping crickets and the occasional owl hoot could be heard for miles. It was honestly kind of creepy. You ignored those jarring sounds and continued your journey for that tall glass of water, hoping it would put your sleepy mind a bit more at ease.
Once you tipped some ice into your cup and filled it with water to the point where it was overflowing, you let your shoulders relax. You leaned with your back against the kitchen island and sighed, before taking the biggest swig of your life.
“Can’t sleep?”
A disembodied voice startles you, briefly making you choke on your water as you whip your head around to see who it was coming from.
“Fuck, Ash— scared me…” you mumble sheepishly, wiping a bit of water that had dripped down your chin.
“Sorry, sorry. I probably should’ve made myself known when I saw you coming down.”
Your eyebrow lifts as Ashton starts to approach the kitchen island where you were standing, “You’ve been down here the whole time?”
Ashton nods, stretching his arms up behind his head. “Yup. Been down here for like an hour now. Couldn’t sleep.”
“Mmm, same.”
An awkward, yet peaceful silence falls between you and Ashton as you continue to take large sips out of your cup. He eyes down the sweaty glass, passing it to look down at your sleep shirt and pajama shorts.
You cross your arms and stare at him with that same intrigue, scanning over his unbuttoned flannel and accompanying black sweats. His bare chest was exposed and slightly sunburnt, which mostly everybody had gotten brute of today while out by the lake.
“Since when did you listen to Guns N’ Roses?”
You scoff down at his mention of your old thrifted t-shirt, “Since you decided that not wearing sunscreen in 90 degree weather was a good idea.”
Ashton chuckles quietly, tousling his hair with his hand and mocking your crossed arms and posture.
You laugh for a moment, chewing the inside of your cheek contemplatively. It had to have been at least 3:30 by now. Getting sleep was definitely one of your top priorities, but Ashton seemed like he was awake for the long haul.
Sleep was imminent, although you didn’t really mind some alone time with him. Something about Ashton and your long-standing friendship left a little swirl in your stomach. You’ve always had the tiniest crush.
“Want some?” You break the silence by swirling your cup, ice clinking against the sides of the glass. He seemed tantalized by your offer, and took the glass without a word.
He raised it with grateful eyes before taking a sip, then finished it all in one gulp. Your jaw dropped slightly at how quickly it disappeared.
“Hey,” you whine, “I said some. Not the rest of it!”
“Oh c’mon, Y/N. We’ve got a tap with unlimited water and about six ice trays in the freezer. I could easily pour you another.”
You shake your head in mock distaste, and start to walk away from the kitchen into the living room area. “No thanks. I’m not thirsty anymore.”
Ashton chuckles from behind you not long before the tap starts running again.
“Suit yourself.”
Now that you were fully awake and alert after Ashton had scared the life out of you, you weren’t sure where to place your restless body. You figured that sitting on the couch and staring at the ceiling may help you get that tired feeling back.
“I’m thinkin’ about staying up to watch the sunrise,” Ashton blurts, his voice growing closer to the couch.
“But, aren’t you tired? I’m fucking exhausted.”
“You woke up at 11 this morning. You got a lot more sleep than I did.”
Your eyebrows furrow as he continues to walk around the coffee table, looking as though he was about to sit himself down next to you on the cushion. “The sun makes me tired.”
“Everyone’s different, I guess.”
Ashton’s words felt backhanded, yet you didn’t have the energy in you to care. He sat himself down next to you with a fresh glass of water and now the only thing you could think about was how his flannel had fallen slightly off of his shoulder.
“You think you’re gonna sleep?” you ask.
“Nah. Probably not.” he replies.
“Cool. Me neither.” Your decision was final.
That silence from before carried over from the kitchen as Ashton took one long sip and finished his water in one sitting. Your eyes lulled closed, but it seemed that sleep was no longer an option.
“Wanna watch somethin’?” asks Ashton, voice raspy and quiet, as he leans forward to discard his glass onto the coffee table.
“Do we even get cable this deep in the woods?”
He laughs at your honest question, slinging his arm against the back of the couch and letting his hand rest behind your head.
Smooth move, Ash.
“Maybe not. But, I’m sure we could find something on demand. Probably some old black and white movie but, I actually kind of dig those.”
You can’t help but giggle and roll your eyes, nodding your head towards the remote as his smile mirrored yours.
“Put on whatever you find intriguing. But if I end up falling asleep, that’s nobody’s business but mine.”
In no time, Ashton had surfed through all movies dating back to the golden age of Hollywood, and eventually landed on A Streetcar Named Desire. You found the choice of such a dramatic movie to be odd for someone like Ashton. Then again, you only knew him so well.
“Have you seen this?” he asks you, settling back further into the couch and letting the cushion cradle his head.
You blow out a breath, trying to recall a time where you’d maybe seen Marlon Brando on your parent’s television yet failed to remember virtually anything about the plot.
“I think so—” your sentence is broken by a yawn, which brings Ash to snap his head away from the silver screen.
“You’re tired, aren’t you?”
“Psh, no. I’m staying up. That’s what I told you and I’m sticking to it.”
Ashton’s gaze flicked down your face, yet it was becoming harder to hold the eye contact as his illuminated features flickered beneath the television.
“Alright. Whatever you say.”
Silence passes as the movie begins, the titlecard rolling onscreen and earning another heavy yawn out of you. Your eyes felt heavy now, heavier than before.
Would falling asleep really be the worst?
Your eyes fluttered closed for a moment and as they fell, you could feel Ashton’s head tilt towards you. The hand that was beside your head on the back of the couch had slowly crept towards your hair.
Without any words exchanged, he begins to pet your head. Not in a strange way. But in a way that if he kept it up, you’d fall asleep and wake up in the morning with your body strewn across his lap.
“Feels nice…” you mumble lazily, your eyes still closed.
“Mmh, yeah.”
Dialogue began quietly funneling through the sound system and for some odd reason, you felt compelled to open your eyes. Ashton continued to stroke your hair, but when you expected to see him staring at the television, he was still just staring at you.
“Hm?” he jumps slightly, as if caught in some way.
“You’re looking at me.”
He shrugs. It was the most he could do.
“Don’t know what’s happening to me, but— you look really fuckin’ pretty right now.”
Heat swells the apples of your cheeks at his compliment. He did that thing, the one where a man stares at you through his unbelievably long eyelashes and hopes you’d get the memo simply by their eyes.
“Could it be the glow of the silver screen?” you tease, trying to ease up on the ever present tension that Ashton had created out of nothing.
“Could be.”
Something was swirling inside of the pit of your stomach that you couldn’t put your finger on. It could have been how late it was, or the fact that repressed emotions and feelings were making an appearance after the person you’ve had a tiny crush on suddenly expressed interest in you. Ashton was a flirt, but never to this extent.
He was hard to read most of the time.
Instead of feeling out-of-body by the contact Ashton was providing, you decided to embrace his gentle touch and the way his hand softly ran across your head. He had eventually made his way to your shoulder, mindlessly toying with the neckline of your t-shirt as he watched the movie.
You bite your lip, looking down at that muted and worn flannel he was wearing. Then letting your eyes, and mind, wander off and wonder what it would be like to run your palms across his smooth chest. A shaky breath leaves your throat, and catches his attention.
“You alright?” he asks, genuine concern flitting across his face as he catches his hand wandering.
“Huh—? Oh, yeah. I’m fine.”
The eye contact lingers. The triangle method is now in play. Eyes, eyes, lips. Eyes, eyes, lips.
“Anything on your mind at the moment?” Ashton quizzes, his words lazy and muffled.
“Mmmh, no. Not in particular. You?” You try to bounce back but lying was never your strong suit.
“I’ve got a thing or two on my mind, yeah,” he trails off, looking at the tv as his fingers drum against the couch cushion behind you, “Not sure how you’re feeling.”
This odd conversation spinning around the room was making you dizzy. If he wanted anything from you, which seemed obvious by his incapability to focus on the movie, you wished he’d be more honest.
“Tell me what’s on your mind, Ash.”
“Can I show you?”
Those viridian eyes were at it again. Eyes, eyes, lips. Eyes, eyes, lips. You were shocked at his ability to communicate with you without any words exchanged.
It all seemed to be happening in slow motion. Ashton maneuvered himself towards you delicately, as if you were made of porcelain and were to shatter at any given moment. Your back was suddenly flat against the couch and the speed in which it got there had you questioning reality.
Your lips attached and a collective sigh filled the room that was louder than any of the sounds encompassing this massive wooden fortress. Your hands tangled in Ashton’s hair as his flannel brushed against your sides and covered the both of you.
His broad palm cupped your face while he angled his knee between your legs, breathing deeply into the kiss and letting his tongue lead the way.
You could feel the warmth of his body engulfing you, something you’d never thought you’d feel in this lifetime. In your dreams, maybe, but it was just a stupid little crush. Maybe you’d fallen asleep on the couch, and this was your subconscious mind taking over.
But when his hand traveled from your cheek and rested at the base of your neck, you quickly realized that you were not fucking dreaming.
“This okay?” he mumbles, the words knocking against your lips and his hips dip down to grind against your core. It seemed as though he was about as eager to do this as you were.
“Mhm. Fine. Yes.” you blubber, coherent sentences getting lost somewhere in the room and hypnotized by how sweet his lips tasted.
He dips back into the kiss and you could feel him smile against you. It took everything inside of your body to keep your moaning to a minimum, but God, you couldn’t help it.
“You’ve gotta be quiet, hon’,” he giggles into your mouth again, before popping up briefly to stare you down with big, kelly green eyes, “Don’t wanna wake anyone up.”
You nod. Of course. How stupid of you. The last thing you needed was a story to tell your best friends around the campfire while Ashton did the same in another room.
How stupid.
The kiss continues, as does the path of your hands. You let your curiosity kill whatever cat was around and run your hands down his bare chest. You didn’t think fantasizing about it would actually lead you here but hey, it had felt as good as you’d imagined.
A groan rumbles through Ashton’s throat while your fingertips drag down his flesh. His hips seemed to have a mind of their own, occasionally grinding against your core and threatening to pull louder noises from you.
The hand that Ashton was using to hold himself above you had dropped to an elbow, and he slowly began to trail feathery kisses down your jaw and towards your neck. Your eyes shot open, and you just sighed. He sure knew how to press all of your buttons, and he was damn’ good at it too.
“Ash, no marks. Please. Don’t— wanna— have to explain.”
“I know, I know. I’ll keep my markings to a minimum.”
You could feel a catty smirk crawl across your neck, so you playfully whack his shoulder.
“Ashton. I said, no.”
“But you know you want ‘em. C’mon. What’s the fun of a group vacation without a little drama?”
His sultry voice gave you whiplash. He was right; you really wanted those marks. Even if it was just a hickey or two. Surely you could come up with some sort of bluff that would save the both of you from an awkward breakfast conversation.
You’ll worry about that in the morning.
“Fine. But don’t go crazy. I’m not good at lying.”
Ashton chuckles, brushing a rogue lock of hair behind your ear. “Did you forget who you’re dealing with? I’ve got the best poker face in the country.”
You roll your eyes at him, silently dismissing him yet excited for what he had up his sleeve. He began to leave little bites across the side of your neck and down towards your collarbone, occasionally replacing teeth with delicate open mouth kisses and darting his tongue out to wet the surface.
“Mmmh, you’re sweet,” Ashton groans, his breath tickling your chest, “Didn’t know you tasted so good. I could eat you right now.”
Your eyes widen at his random pillowtalk and double entendre, a ping of electricity shooting up your spine, “What?”
He hushes you quickly with his lips once more, the rhythm of his hips making you think that you were actually dreaming with how heavenly his rock hard dick felt pressing against you. But you didn’t want to go to any extremes.
You’d save those for that queen sized bed.
You didn’t realize that the soft whimpers and cries floating through the kiss were a little louder than what you thought they’d be, since Ashton had detached your lips to gaze at you scornfully and say only one word.
You nod, like a sad little puppy, and follow his instruction. You wanted to tell him how it felt too good to be quiet, but you didn’t want to cause any problems in which he’d need to carry you up to your bedroom and make you think about what you did.
God forbid.
As the two of you made out like you were the last two people on earth, Ashton’s hands wandered down towards the hem of your sleep shorts. You stop short, out of breath, and look at him with distaste.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Ashton,” you whisper, making a point to trail your words against his ear and leave a gentle kiss at his earlobe.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
He then digs his hips down into your core again, you and Ashton moan in unison. The shock in your eyes at how loud the two of you sounded seemed to hit both of you at once. Frazzled faces morphed into smiles as he takes his hand and caresses your face.
“Y’know, maybe we should pick this back up another time.”
You groan indignantly, but couldn’t help agreeing with him.
“A time where we don’t have to be so quiet?”
He nods, turning it into a shrug, “Or maybe tomorrow. Either works.”
You bite your lip, still bewitched by the taste of his tongue and the slow movement of his hips. You didn’t want to give it up. But if there were promises of continuing this tomorrow, you couldn’t really complain.
“Should we just go to bed then?” you ask, running your palm down his chest again with your bottom lip tucked between your teeth.
“I’d prefer not to leave the couch.”
“Why not?”
“This seems like a perfectly good place to fall asleep. Plus, my bed upstairs wouldn’t have you already in it.”
Still unable to argue with such a forgiving face, you sigh dreamily. Falling asleep on the couch with Ashton seemed like a bad idea in theory but then again, he was already shifting around you to get comfortable.
Plus, you wouldn’t want to give up the warmth of his body after finally getting a semblance of what it felt like to be so close.
When you and Ashton eventually find a comfortable position, his body behind yours and spooning you with his arm tucked against your stomach and your head resting along his bicep, you let your tired eyes hold the reins.
Falling asleep to the sound of his gentle breathing and elevated heartbeat had turned into an entirely new favorite thing of yours. Whatever was in the air tonight, from grabbing a glass of water to watching an old classic movie, you weren’t sure you wanted it to end so soon.
Oh, who cares. You’ll deal with that in the morning, too.
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highking-cardan · 2 months
Cardan Greenbriar Duarte, High King of Elfhame, Tortured Poet.
Father of Dagger 🐍, Tequila 🐈‍⬛ and Champagne 🐕 but not Jude’s scorpion and tarantula
@judeduartehighqueen my wife, my queen
Family (good)
@pr1nce0fsunl1ght my nephew and brother in law
@vividuarte-irl favourite sister in law
@thetarynduarte you
@leander-duarte my favourite 8 year old
@winterqueensuren oak’s fiancée
@lost-in-elfhame-heather heather, vivi’s gf
Family (bad)
@princebaleking go away
@princedaingreenbriar also go away
@thatredcapmadoc you killed half my family, betrayed me, then stabbed my wife.
@thebombofficial she’s cool
@the-roach-is-taken he’s cool
@theghostoftheshadows less cool
@cindetella my not-wife
@legendarydante I’m not stealing your wife I promise
@knightofthereckless do keep oak alive thank you
@hyacinthe-thefalcon you tried to kill me.
@faerieliriope Locke and oak’s mother and my father and dain’s ex and the ghost killed you.
@faerievalerian no
@lockethefox also no
@nicasiablueblue very no
@highqueen-judeduarte not my wife
@a-king-for-the-queen not me
@iminyourwallschaosvalor a non-tree ghost
@the-heckler mean
@iwantcardanandjudetotagteamme we’re not
@cardangreenbriarstan I don’t like you
// we also have a discord group for just chatting dm me if you want the link.
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mingsolo · 7 months
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jinyoung x reader (f) / g: smut, jackson wang party au :kek:, angst, exes? to lovers, romance / wc: 4k / warnings: jaelousy mentions, jinyoung trying to sabotage yn's date, alcohol mentions, some swearing / r: 18+
done for the Project X collab! track the #projectx tag to read more. especially @flurrys-creativity entries to find some easter eggs from this story as well some for her own on this one ✸
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Jinyoung exhales as he finally finds himself in front of the three level mansion. 
A few people arriving at the party pass beside him through the stone path leading towards the main entrance. Well hidden between a few miles of pine and oak trees, the house is shining from all the lights being on inside it. The moon makes the lake surrounding it shine, the air is fresh and clean, and Jinyoung is hopeful for a moment that whatever he wishes to find at this party happens. 
Standing in front of the house, he was hit with loud and chaotic energy. He could spot people whenever his eyes landed. The chatter of hundreds of conversations resonated even over the loud music. 
He took out his phone and dialed your number. Straight to voicemail. You had blocked his number since two weeks ago, when you decided that what was going between you two was over. He opened instagram to see your recent stories, to remind himself of the reason he came to this party.
That fucking dress.
You were getting into his nerves. He could only imagine how good you would look once he had you in front of him. 
Once he entered the house, he could almost get drunk by how much the whole place smelled like liquor and sweetness. He glances at the main hall, people crowded against the wall, drinking, laughing, making out. Same thing as he glances at the kitchen. Beer-pong, body shots, more making out in plain sight. 
As he pushed himself between people towards the living room, he spotted a drunk Soonyoung dancing with a violent move of his hips, one hand on the back of his head, holding a bottle of vodka on the other. He was body rolling to the song playing, eyes closed, ear to ear smile as people cheered for him.
As he watched the spectacle, a few people bumped into him muttering weaker “sorry”. He looks away from Soonyoung’s magic mike show and looks out for you with no luck. A bunch of people kissing on the expensive looking leather couches in the living room. Jinyoung is relieved that you are in none of them. 
He continues his way to the enormous living room towards the kitchen, when someone else bumps into him with rather force. “Sorry… hey” he finds his friend Hyungwon looking rather distraught. “Jinyoung, have you seen…” He cuts himself and sprints away without saying anything else. 
“What’s wrong with everybody-” Jinyoung’s about to grunt when he is pushed again now by the familiar voice of his friend and party host, Jackson.
“Heeeeeeeey!” The raspy and already wasted voice of Jackson greets him right against his ear and Jinyoung swears he just left him deaf. “Brother! You're finally here!” Jackson hugs him tightly. The smell of vodka, tequila, cognac and every other type of liquor embraces Jinyoung as his friend greets him.
“Hey, you good?” Jinyoung's tone is concerned by his friend's consciousness. 
“Better than ever baby, come on drink!” Jackson then tries to pour a drink from the vodka bottle he is holding into his mouth but Jinyoung pushes him back. “Come on, you won’t leave me hanging, are you?.”
“At least get a glass shot?.” 
“No time for that, driiiiiiink!” 
“I said no, I’m looking for someone.” He tries to distract the party host from pouring the whole bottle all over him. 
“Maaan, I told you earlier when you asked, that she’s coming with someone.” Jackson whispers as he greets and smiles at the people waving and shouting at him as they pass by. “The tall foreign from economics or something.”
Jinyoung scowls. So you did come with that guy.
“Man, that dress she is wearing…” Jinyoung gives Jackson the stink eye and he throws his hands in the air mimicking being caught. “Listen man, I’m not blind.”
Jinyoung rolls his eyes at him, annoyed. “How’s Ice Princess treating you anyways?.”
Jackson blows raspberries, taking a shot from the vodka bottle. “If not for the alcohol, I would-” Just as Jackson begins rambling, Jinyoung hears the unmistakable tone of your laughter, even above the loud music. 
“See you later.” he cuts Jackson off and begins walking to the center of the party. He sees you walk in, a 6ft blonde walking statue by your side, and he’s making you giggle. 
Jinyoung feels his heart sink and the heat of his body rising. You couldn’t possibly like that guy, he looks nothing like your type. “And who is my type, you?” he imagined you mocking him, as you often did when he acted smug. He rolls his eyes at his own thoughts. What right did he have to think like this? It was him who wanted you to be his sex relief machine only. Wasn't it?
Entering the house looking for more drinks, you laugh politely to whatever Adam was telling you about Sweden. Your eyes mechanically search for a familiar face, one you hoped you wouldn’t find. You look back at your date to show that you are listening, even if you aren’t. Adam has been sweet all night and accepted coming to the party on short notice. You knew he liked you, he wasn’t really subtle about it, but even then, his vibe wasn’t clicking with you the way you thought it would. 
Just as you were about to ask him to go get more drinks, the corner of your eye catched the figure of Jinyoung approaching you. Stupid Jinyoung, with his perfect hair, perfect shoulders, perfect face. You took a short but deep breath. As he gets closer, you notice he’s too shameless to hide the smirk on his face, or how his eyes roam through your body. He even had the nerve to rub his thumb over his bottom lip, knowing how much you hate/love when he does that. 
“Y/n, wasn’t sure I would find you here.” he taunted, clicking his tongue out of reproach. “Thought you would stay home working on that project you told me about the other night.” 
You scoffed, not willing to give him the satisfaction. “How could I miss the last party of the infamous Jackson Wang?, and I found some really good company to dare to miss it.” you smiled, linking your arm with Adam’s.
“Hi, how is it going?” Adam offered Jinyoung a handshake not really catching the tone of the conversation happening. Jinyoung arched his eyebrows and smiled before taking Adam’s hand, smiling at you mockingly. “Are you Y/n’s friend?”
Adam wiggles his eyebrows at the both of you, finding the whole scene amusing. You clear your throat, if your gaze could kill you were sure Jinyoung would be pulverized right there down to ashes.
“Anyway, we were just looking for something to drink, my throat is getting dry all of a sudden.” you dismissed Jinyoung but as you were about to step out Adam laughed and pointed out towards the kitchen across your point of view. 
“Look at that!” He shouted, the three of you turned to see a wasted Hongjoong pouring tequila shots into a girls mouth, crashing his lips against hers to share it. Adam clapped and cheered something in Swedish that you couldn’t make up too. 
“What are you doing coming with this clown?” Jinyoung taunts in korean. You look for something to defend your date with but the way he’s now whistling and cheering to the mess in the kitchen is not helping his case. 
Jinyoung scoffs. “Has he even told you how hot you look right now?.” 
“I…,” you don’t know how to reply to that, having Jinyoung come closer to you as he continues to eye you head to toe. You suddenly can’t breathe or think. Having him so close was always dangerous for you.
“What, cat got your tongue?.”
“Shut up, Jinyoung.” you push him away, taking all in you not to throw yourself at him by how good he smells and how hot he looks when he gazes up at you like that. 
“So, babe, want something to drink?.” Adam’s voice made you finally stop glaring at Jinyoung and slowly turn over to your date.
“Babe?.” Both you and Jinyoung read each other's minds.
“By the way, are you with someone?.” He suddenly asks Jinyoung. 
Jinyoung scowled, backing a step. “They are getting drinks.” he quickly lied. You looked at him not believing it for a second but couldn’t help feeling hurt. 
Before either man could add anything more, you burst out of spite. “Well, hope you and whoever you are with have fun, now if you excuse us, we are going to get some drinks and probably make out.” You take Adam’s hand and practically drag him out of the living room, pushing your way between the sea of people as a remix of make it rain plays in the background.
“Gosh!” you grunted, now pushed back in a corner of the second floor living room. The moment you were out of Jinyoung’s sight.  “I need to drink. A lot.” 
“What was that about making out?.” Adam gets closer to you, his eyes shine with intent and you awkwardly smile. “Oh, about that I just…,”
“You still need a drink right?” He steps back and begins eyeing the space looking for alcohol. “I’m going downstairs and get us something, alright?.”
“Alright, meet you back… here.” Before you could finish he’s sprinting downstairs, leaving you puzzled. “He is so strange.” you mumble to yourself, before quickly looking over your shoulder, looking for signs of Jinyoung anywhere close.
You shook your head. The point is to forget that he is here, not to be on the lookout for him. You suddenly needed air. Pushing your way between people dancing, you made your way towards the outdoor patio. It was crowded there as well but at least it was open and you could ease the heat of the people cramped inside and the smell of alcohol mixed with perfume.
Jinyoung didn’t take long to find you outside on the outdoor patio. You were leaning over watching something amusedly. He saw how Adam from Economics sprinted to the kitchen, getting lost between the sea of bodies pushing against each other with loud cheering and chanting. It was his chance to just go up to you and make you leave the party with him. 
Just before he was about to enter, he stopped. He admired your form, how pretty and beautiful you were and it pained him not being able to call you his. 
Even if it's all on him.
Sex was a relief for Jinyoung. With you he had found someone who he could be comfortable enough with, and also someone who drove him crazy. But the moment you offered that he could stay the night, to share breakfast together, to go on dates… he remembered that person who he trusted, gave his heart and then betrayed him, breaking himself into a million pieces.
The moment he felt he was falling for you, he had to be an asshole. He had to make you feel like he wasn't falling in love with you, or he would end up in pain again.
It wasn't fair for you, that he knew. But what could he do if he was drawn to you like bees to honey?. He couldn't let you go entirely, he needed you to keep going. But it had to be like this, just little bits, just a glimpse of what a life with you could be.
Jinyoung remembered your face everytime you were excited to do something else with him, when you approached him after classes or caught up with him in the middle of campus. Your eyes lose light every time he said no to you, but you were addicted to him as much as he was to you. This new passion he found with you, it was burning him inside, making him remember how bad it was when he got let down by feeling things so intensely in the past. 
Jinyoung knew that you wanted him to be yours, but something on him refused to give in. That’s what you have decided to shut him off, put distance between you, and there he was, making things difficult for you.
He toyed with the idea of just leaving and letting you be, it was for the best, but his feet refused to move. He spotted a mop of blonde hair coming up from the stairs. Adam walked outside where you were, and offered you a drink. He then got really close to you, and you backed up. 
Jinyoung frowned. He will leave, but just after being sure the Swedish guy wasn’t making you uncomfortable. 
The stars were so bright against the night sky, and for a moment you were hopeful that everything was going to be alright. You would just have a few drinks to ease the nerves of having Jinyoung around. Saying you would make out with Adam to get back at Jinyoung was stupid but you would be sure not to let him get any more ideas. 
You leaned to the balcony after texting Adam that you would be waiting for him there, when a noise made you turn over. There was a girl in jeans running towards the lake, you squint to see if you could make out who it was but she had her back at you. Right after her, you spotted Minhyuk, the one in Communications, sprinting after her. She jumped on a boat and you couldn’t believe your eyes when Minhyuk threw himself at the lake chasing after her. 
“Woah, that's some romcom shit right there…” you giggled, “I need some of whatever those two are on.”
“Hi there!”.
The grin disappeared off your face instantly as Adam shouted right behind you. “Oh my god, you scared me!”.
“Sorry…” he smiled, offering you a red plastic cup filled with tequila and sprite. “I also got this.” He showed a half emptied tequila bottle, and you smiled relieved. 
“Th-thanks.” you took the cup and finished the drink in one go. You promptly pour another shot on your cup and finish it as well. Adam arching his brows at you. 
“Believe me, I need this.” 
“So, about us, back what you said there…” he started, getting closer to you. You backed up a little, not wanting to be embraced by him. “Yeah, about that…” you began, when the sound of the glass door opening up, Jinyoung stepping out. 
“You won’t believe who’s down there!” Jinyoung shouted excitedly, coming closer to you. “The youtube guy… the one from Sweden!”
“PewDiePie??!” Adam shouted energetically. “No way!” 
“Yes way, he’s down there right now giving shots to everybody.”
Adam smiled at you wiggling his tail like an overly excited dog. You looked at him not believing he was about to go downstairs and see if it was true.
“I have to see this!” He sprinted inside, shouting that PewDiePie was there, making people whisper and some of them even followed him out of curiosity. 
“PewDiePie?,” You glared at Jinyoung. 
“He’s that stupid, huh?.” 
“I can’t believe you.” tears started gathering up. “What do you want, Jinyoung, why are you even here?”.
Jinyoung frowned. “Y/n, I saw you back up, you don’t want to be around this guy.” 
“Is not your place to do something about it, we are nothing, remember?.”
“I- That’s not…”
“Just tell me, what do you want?.” you were tired of pretending Jinyoung’s rejection didn't hurt you. You were so blind believing you two could actually be together. Jinyoung lowered his head in silence.“You are so cruel.” 
You stepped out of the patio, making your way between people with force. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry anymore. 
Jinyoung felt his heart shrink by seeing you almost crying. He shouted after you but you didn’t stop. You were supposed to be in his arms, not running away from them. If he just opened up to you, you of all people would never hurt him… right?. He felt awful, thinking he was doing the same thing to you now, that dreadful feeling he so wanted to avoid getting ever again.
“Y/n!” he shouted, getting closer to you. He grabbed your arm, pulling you against him. “I’m sorry, please talk to me.” He softly put his hands in the back of your head and you couldn’t hold it any more. Tears begin to fall against his chest and having him wrapped around you makes you cry louder. It was because of him that you were crying, yet you felt comfort in no other. 
Jinyoung felt awful. He had broken you first, and now he had to gather all the pieces. He had to make it right for you. “Come on,” He guided you back to the second floor towards a closed marble door. Jinyoung pushed it firmly a couple of times until it was open. 
It was an office or studio, lots of books and neatly arranged office stationary placed on the desk and shelves. You walked in, surprised there was no one already inside either fucking or making out. Jinyoung closed the door behind him, leaning against it. 
“Can’t believe I’m fucking crying at a Wang party, was told these were a blast.”
Jinyoung got closer to you, but you pushed him away. You studied him for a moment. There were those eyes, those bright eyes, genuine eyes. He loved you, that you knew, yet he wouldn’t dare to say it. “What are you so afraid of?.” 
Jinyoung lowered his eyes, muttering a weak, “I'm sorry.” but it wasn’t enough. You got closer, and wrapped your arms under his until both were wrapped around his back. “You know I love you, but you need to let me go if you don’t want the same.”
You two stayed like that for a moment. He embraced you too as well. He let himself be enveloped by your essence and you pressed yourself against him wanting to remember what it felt to be so close. As you were about to break the hug, he pulled you up, not letting you. 
He pulled apart a little, only to get a good look at you. He saw the shine in your eyes, the heat on your face and how you still have your arms wrapped around him tightly. He loved you so much, how much of an idiot he had to be to not trust you wouldn’t hurt him. 
Outside the room, the boisterous sound of laughter and cheering exploded out more intensely, but even then, you hear Jinyoung clearly when he spoke. “I love you.” his eyes clouded over your lips, as he leaned forward and kissed you hurriedly. 
It was mere seconds and you got your tongue down his throat, his face grabbing your face as you pressed yourself against him tightly. You slipped your hands on his sides, wanting to feel the burning of his skin. The sounds you made made Jinyoung hiss over your lips.  He grabbed you, making you hug him with both arms and legs.Your mind was telling you to stop, you weren't even sure he had locked the door, but it didn’t matter. You wanted him right there, right now. 
Jinyoung placed you at the center of the desk, pushing the stuff over it out of the way. You laughed breathily. Jinyoung gave you a smirk and dragged your legs until his hips were around your waist, his crotch pressed against your middle. 
He kissed you feverishly and hurriedly, as if it was going to be his last time with you. Pushing your dress upwards he got a good sight of your lace underwear and groaned. He threw out his jacket and you leaned forward to unbutton his neatly ironed white shirt. Once you removed it you kissed his neck, earning small and controlled moans. 
Soon enough both your moans echoed in the room, only the two of you could hear them. The noise coming from outside seemed like another reality. Jinyoung got shivers all over at the sight of you beneath him, your nails digging on his back, marking him. He was happy to oblige when you begged him to make you see stars.
He seated you in the desk, opening your legs wide before him. He gave you a dark look before burying himself between your thighs. He devoured you with his tongue, made you whimper and ran out of breath with the touch of his fingers. 
Just as you were about to come down on his tongue, you could hear the loud buzzing of your phone from where you threw your bag on the couch next to him. Jinyoung stopped, making you whine. “Leave it…” you complained, when he quickly got your bag, taking out your cell phone. 
“Answer it.” 
“What?.” You looked at the screen, an unsaved number with the country code +46 on screen. “Jinyoung…” 
“It’s him, answer it.” He ordered and you pressed the green button.
“Hell… oh” you moaned into the phone when Jinyoung slipped two fingers inside of you, he pumped them in and out slowly as you answered. “Fuck, uhm yes?.” 
“Put it on speaker.”
You glared at him but he was fastening his pace, neglecting you the chance to be reasonable. You pressed the speaker button. 
“Y/n? I’m back outside… I could… not… find… Pew…” The noise from where he was and your own moans made it difficult to understand anything he was saying. 
“I.., uhm” you whimpered when Jinyoung spread your legs even more, quickly unbuttoning his pants. He dragged his fingers on your pussy, coating them with your arousal and stroked himself before you. “Fuckkk.”
“Huh? Where are you?.”
“I’m… ah, fuck.” 
Jinyoung pushed himself into you with a single motion. You drop the phone from your hand and dig your nails on Jinyoung’s shoulders as he pounds inside of you back and forth. He groaned and pressed his head on the crook of your neck, breathing heavily against your ear. You were so tight and it took all of him not to load into you at that moment. 
“Y/n?, Y/n?”.
Your fingers pressed again on his back, red lines showing on his shoulders. You moaned his name, he moaned yours. His arms held your legs across his waist, the desk resonating with each thrust of his hips. His lips brushed your ear as he whispered. “God, you’re tight.” 
You smiled against the skin of his shoulders, your breathing matching with his. There you were, letting yourself be consumed by him as you swore you never would again. “Jinyoung…” you repeated long forgetting that the phone was still on call, that outside there was a guy looking out for you, listening to you moaning and crying Jinyoung’s name.
Jinyoung grabbed your legs and without removing himself from you, lifted you over, as he sat on the leather couch behind him. You kissed him again, adjusting yourself to the new position. “Ride me like you own me.” He ordered.
Fuck. You were done for. You rocked your hips on top of him until he cried your name over and over. You came not minding the mess you would leave behind. Once Jinyoung saw you bouncing on top of him, tears in your eyes, he was doomed. 
He would do anything for you, anything you wished for, he will make it true.
He finally blew his load on you, until there was none left. You fell down, feeling like a ragged doll on his arms, energy drained out. He hugged you, wrapping his hands around your waist, kissing your shoulders. 
“You’re mine.” he whispered, and you opened your eyes, moving your head to face him. “I love you, and I want to be with you.” 
You wanted to say no to him, as he many times did, tell him that it was too late. But you knew it was bullshit. You wanted to hear those words more than anything, and finally hearing them made you incredibly happy. It wasn’t late at all. You still loved him, you still wanted him. 
“I love you Jinyoung, I want to make you happy.” you kissed him softly. 
“I do not deserve you, so I’ll work hard for you to feel like I'm worth having.” 
You hugged him again, pressing yourself against him to feel his skin burning against yours. Then the sound of your phone buzzing broke your thoughts. “Jeez, do you think he realized what was happening?.” you laughed.
“No, he’s an idiot.” Jinyoung rolled his eyes and laughed too. The lines on the side of his eyes when he laughed genuinely showing up. You kissed them, and soothed his disheveled hair once more, right before continuing.
© mingsolo, please do not repost, translate or edit in any form.
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samheughanupdates · 8 days
the_spirit_co 🌵 ¡Hola, amigos!
Discover the magic of Sassenach Select Reposado Tequila, a masterpiece crafted by El Tequileño.
Master Distiller Antonio Salles and The Sassenach Spirits founder, Sam Heughan of Outlander fame, both share their passion and cultures to create this small batch, limited-edition aged tequila, especially for you!
This exquisite tequila blends tradition and innovation, offering rich flavors of vanilla, caramel, and oak with every sip.
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judeduartehighqueen · 2 months
I’m Jude Duarte, High Queen of Elfhame
My children(oldest to youngest):
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The Black Queen
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@highking-cardan - My Husband
@pr1nce0fsunl1ght - My Brother
@thetarynduarte - ……my sister
@vividuarte-irl - My rebellious and favorite sister
@lost-in-elfhame-heather - Thank you for giving Oak a place to stay
@thebombofficial - A friend from A Court of Shadow
@winterqueensuren - Soon to be Sister-in-law
@theghostoftheshadows -…………… my favorite random tree
@knightofthereckless - Thanks for protecting my brother
@the-roach-is-taken - Another friend from A Court of Shadow
@lockethefox - Cheated on me with my sister, somehow came back to life after my sister stabbed him in the throat
@nicasiablueblue - seduce’s my husband even after he rejected her endless times and know he is married
@faerievalerian - allegedly lusts for me, came back to life even after I stabbed in the heart
@leander-duarte - My sweet nephew
@princebalekking - was supposed to be crowned king of Elfhame until I killed him, somehow came back from the dead.
main acc:@welcometomyblog
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lostfirefly · 4 months
If you wake up in your bed, alone in the dark, I'm sorry I gotta leave you before you love me
You're the owner of a bar where one evening a blue-haired pirate comes and you both play a drinking game.
Just a random shitty shit :) Masterlist
OPLA Buggy x F!Reader
Words: 1301
The title is talken from "Leave Before You Love Me" Marshmello and Jonas Brothers.
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Taglist: @gingernut1314 (idk if you wanted to be tagged :))
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The bar was full of pirates that night. The air smelled of rum, whiskey, tequila, and cheap tobacco. You, the bar hostess, was wiping down the bar counter, made of solid oak, listening to different stories from the drunken sailors. Some told about mermaids, others about how they miraculously avoided meeting with sirens, others in their stories were invincible pirate kings. 
“Alright, Benji, no more whiskey for you. You need to go home, your wife is waiting for you,” You said, taking the half-empty glass from the hands of the man who was barely standing. 
“One more glass, please! Hone-e-y! Don't be a pest! O-o-ops!” The grey-haired man reached out for another glass, but he couldn't help himself and fell to the floor.
“No more! Get out of here. I’ll tell Frank to walk you home,” you said and threw a towel over her shoulder.
It was late and it was raining heavily outside the window, but the bar was still full, despite the imminent closure.
The front door swung open, and you heard heavy footsteps.
"A bottle of whiskey," the man's voice came. 
You, who was wiping her glass with a towel at the time, looked up. A large man with blue hair, green eyes and red nose, dressed in a brown fur coat, leather pants and vest sat behind the bar counter and stared at her intently. 
"Whiskey. The best one!" He repeated his order once more and put his gloved hand on a counter. 
You turned to the shelves behind her and among the many bottles of different alcohol, picked out a huge bottle of well aged whiskey. 
“Here. Enjoy,” you moved him the bottle, which was decorated with drawings of dragons and ships, "The best in our town." 
You glanced at him for a moment. “You're not from around here, aren't you? Because I haven't seen you in my bar before."
"Your bar?" The man raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"Yeah. Why are you so surprised? Don't tell me you're the kind of man who thinks a woman should stay home." You poured whiskey into a glass and slid it into the man's hand. He remained silent. 
"Not at all. It's great, I guess." He took a sip of whiskey. “Tell me, isn’t it scary for such a nice girl to hang out in this bar at night, among drunken sailors?”
“I’m already used to it. At least tell me your name, stranger. There shouldn’t be a person without a name in my bar.”
"What strict rules. Buggy. Buggy the Clown."
"Very nice, Buggy the Clown. And me (Y/N). Well, what are doing in our city?"
"We'll dock to replenish our supplies, and then we'll move on."
"So, are you one of those treasure hunters? Or one of those good pirates?"
"Baby, it's rude to ask things like that when my poster is on your wall." He pointed his finger at the poster stand. "I'm kind of a celebrity, you know?"
You laughed. Continuing to keep order in the bar, you could not get rid of the thought that the green eyes of this strange man, who was wearing makeup, were watching your every step.
“You know, Buggy the Clown, I’m a little embarrassed that you’re staring into me with your eyes.”
He made a face and crossed his arms.
"Listen, drinking alone is boring. Join me." 
"I’m working." 
“Come on, you've got some drunken bilge rats here. Grab a glass and let's play 'I've never..'"
You looked around the bar, assessing the condition of the visitors. Half of them were already lying somewhere on the floor. The other half was about to leave.
“Okay, let's play." You took out a second glass and placed it on the counter. You poured whiskey into a glass and added ice. “Well, a cute stranger with the name Buggy the Clown, I’ll start. I’ve never have never fallen asleep in public.” 
Buggy looked at you and the glass for a long time. And took a sip of whiskey.
“I thought so!” You laughed.
“What about you?” Buggy asked, sipping whiskey.
“Noo! I’m a good girl.”
“You work in a bar, you can't be good!” He laughed like a maniac. “Ok, my turn. I’ve never have never had a one-night stand.”
You both looked at each other and sipped your whiskey. 
“And you say you're good?" Buggy said in a mocking tone. "Na-ah!"
“I work at the bar. Can you imagine how many pirates come here? But I have to admit, you're the cutest." You took a sip and blushed. “What about you?”
“I’m a pirate. Is it necessary to continue further?” He smiled widely. “Well.. I’ve never have never tried to make an ex jealous.”
You sipped your whiskey. “He was a jerk. He needed to be taught a lesson. You?”
“No! I swear!” He raised his hands.
“My turn! I’ve never have never sneezed on a stranger.” You looked at the clown pirate with curiosity. He smiled, started laughing and took a sip from his glass. “Ew! Gross!” You started laughing too. "Ok, ok! I've never have never spent money that wasn't mine to spend."
"Seriously? Is this a question you ask a pirate? Better bring a bottle of whiskey right away." He poured himself another drink and drank it in one gulp.
You were playing when the last customer left the bar and you were already finishing your fourth bottle of whiskey. You could hardly stand on your feet.
“Ok! Last question! I’ve never have never held a grudge longer than a year.” You waited for a couple of seconds and took a sip of whiskey. “You?”
“It’s a long story. I want to skip this question.” He became visibly saddened.
“Who is that bitch that broke your heart?” You said in a drunken voice. “She’s the greatest pig ever. Look at you! You’re cute!” Staggering, you came out from behind the bar and walked towards him.
“You really think I’m cute?” Buggy took your hand and pulled you towards him.
“Of course! Your blue hair, your red nose, your makeup. You are unusual and cute.” You sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. Buggy looked at you with a clouded look.
“Listen, when are you leaving?” You asked, trying to focus your gaze.
“In a couple of days, what?” He asked quietly and hugged you.
“So we have time!” You grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to the room.
The next morning you woke up alone in bed. You felt the pillow that was lying next to you with your hand. A sheet on which there were traces of cosmetics and clearly not yours. The other half of the bed was empty. You clearly remembered last night. His heavy breathing on your skin, his hands on your body and the words he said to you. You put on a shirt and went downstairs. Buggy was sitting on a chair and was already pulling on his second shoe.
“Are you going to leave like that and not say goodbye to me?” You walked up to him, put one arm around his neck and looked into his eyes.
"You were just fast asleep. And I.. well, well.."
"I see. Listen.. It seemed to me that.. Well.." You walked closer to him and kissed him on the lips. “if you’re still in our towns or will be one day, come to see me. I liked you. In every sense.”
You noticed how he became noticeably nervous. He took his coat, and returned the kiss.
He ran his gloved hand through his hair. "I will keep that in mind, baby."
You closed the bar door behind him, leaned on it and whispered. "Damn, I really wanted you to stay."
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ladylooch · 1 year
can I request maybe some Nico fluff. maybe some comfort too 👉👈
A/N: Thank you for this 🥰
Nico fluff may be the best fluff. This is part of the What My World Spins Around AU
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: She's drunk, fluff, mentions of male genitalia, a lil handsy- above the clothes stuff.
The key hole of mine and Nico’s apartment swirls in my vision as I attempt to stab my key in. I blink, trying to steady the circle in my line of vision. The world keeps spinning and my eyes close again. I sway into the door and giggle. 
Drunk might be an understatement for me.
The Devils ladies all went out on the town to celebrate our Bachelorette, Drey. Fully decked out in penis attire, we tossed back shots of vodka, tequila, and something else pink and sugary that I can’t remember the name of. It was entirely too much fun and alcohol. I barely made it out of the Lyft without falling on my face.
I brace my hand against the door to push off. I look down at the penis swinging from the gaudy pink necklace around my neck. I giggle again, then attempt to shove the key back in. I gasp in excited surprise when it goes in. I flip the lock and stumble through the door. I wince, noticing my disturbance of our dark and silent apartment. It’s well after 2:00am and it’s good Nico is asleep. Tomorrow is another game day.
I carefully grope my way in the dark to the kitchen counter. I settle my purse there then reach down to unzip my black ankle bootie.
“Fuc-” The whole word doesn’t make it out of my mouth before I’m falling over onto the oak floor. I clasp my hand over my mouth as giggles assault me again. Tears pool in my eyes as I gasp for breath between my fingers. My abdominal muscles crunch with tension at trying to hold the noise in.
Nico’s chuckle from above me has my eyes flying open in surprise. I release my full laughter when I see him awake. 
“I fell over.” I tell him between breathy giggles.
“I see that.” He responds, smile stretching his cheeks wide.
“I think I need help.” I croak at him, holding my foot up towards his face. He secures it in his hands, holding the heel with one and sliding the zipper down with the other. He pulls the shoe off, tossing it to the floor behind him. He releases that foot, then motions for me to put the other up. I do so silently, watching the way he looks at me. While I’m drunk on alcohol, he’s drunk on love.
All night while we celebrated Drey, I couldn’t stop the yearning for my day. I could see myself dressed in white, a cheap crown on my head and big, pink heart sunglasses pressing to my face. When it’s my turn, I want it all. I want a large cut out of Nico’s face and my favorite kind of cookies and a silky, pink sash with Future Mrs. Hischier in gold, glittery letters.
“Do you like my necklace?” I ask Nico as he tosses the other boot away. I spin the large penis around my finger, flicking my tongue out at him. Nico laughs loudly, raising his eyebrows at my suggestiveness.
“You like dicks bigger than that.” He jokes. My head falls back to the floor as I laugh loudly. 
“I do!” I exclaim as he holds his hands out for me to get up. I grip them tight and he tugs me standing. “Oh no…” I sway to the right, but Nico steadies me. My nose scrunches up and I grip his biceps hard. “The room is… spinning.” I sputter, gritting my teeth against the nausea I feel. “Bleh.”
“Yeah, the beds probably going to as well.” He tells me. “Let’s get you some water. That should help.”
He helps me to the sink then shuffles between a few cabinets and the fridge. He returns with a cup that’s fizzing and swirling with ice cubes.
“W’as this?” I murmur, bringing it to my lips anyway and taking a glug. “Oooo it’s salty.”
“There’s a Nuun in there. I’m trying to get some electrolytes back into you.” 
“That’s gonna kill my buzz.” I say, extending the cup back to him.
“Drink, baby.” He says, using his no nonsense tone. I furrow my eyebrows together sarcastically with a pout.
“Oh, Captain Serious is here now.” Nico snorts laughter at me, leaning his butt against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Yeah and he says no bed until that glass is gone.” 
I try my best, but can only get half of the glass down.
“My legs are tired.” I whine to him, trying to slide down to sit on the floor.
“Okay, okay. Let’s just go to bed.” He is laughing at me again, my pathetic nature making his sweetness accelerate. His hands wrap around my body, pulling me tight to him. His lips hover over mine as he takes my necklaces off along with the feathered boa I forgot I was wearing. As he sets them on the counter, I feel a tug of uncertainty.
“You’re gonna marry me right?” I whisper against his lips when he leans down to kiss me. I hang from his shoulders like a baby chimp. Nico pulls back so he can see my full face. His strong hands squeeze my back ribs assuringly then slide down to tuck in the back pockets of my jeans.
“Yes, baby. I’m going to marry you.” He presses our lips together again.
“Right now?”
“No sweets. I want you sober when I promise forever with you.” He chuckles. His hands glide to lift me by the backs of my thighs.
“That is soooo sweet.” I sigh to him, resting my cheek on his shoulder. His assurance has a happy bubble building in my chest. I burrow my nose into his neck, enjoying the way his stubble tickles my skin.
We get to bed and he begins to undress me. Soft kisses are placed all along my body. First on my shoulder, then on my chest, followed by my thighs and calves. My skin buzzes from the connection. I watch with burdensome lids as he replaces my bachelorette clothes with pajamas.
“Touch me.” I ask him, biting my lip as he slides his large t-shirt over my shoulders. His thumbs come up, circling my nipples twice before pulling the hem all the way down. He’s too much of a gentleman to take it any further. He pulls the comforter back on my side. I crawl my way slowly up, settling against my pillow to wait for him. 
When he slides into bed with me, I snuggle up close to his side, curling my knees up into a comfort cocoon with him. My hand wanders down to the tie on his pants, fiddling with it.
“Tomorrow, love.” He murmurs to me, lacing our fingers together and moving them to rest on his chest beside my head.
“I think you’re too good for me.” I whisper to him, eyes lazily blinking as sleep begin to call for me. “I don’t ever want to lose you.”
“Me either.” His eyes don’t even open as he speaks to me. He’s so sure, holding his forever. I grin, pressing my lips to his pec over his shirt. When I place my cheek on top of my kiss, his hand comes to stroke at my scalp. His fingers weave their way between my now sloppy curls, massaging me into a deep, drunken sleep.
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dsknsk · 1 year
Operator names (trends)
(any operator will be mentioned only once, even if they fulfill multiple categories)
The 'Why do I need something fancy, lemme just use my name' operators (more are on this list actually)
RockRock (Rochelle Rockwell)
The Warrior Cats operators
(noun/descriptive word + noun, usually nature-based)
Flametail (she has the name of an actual Warrior Cat. he drowned as he fell through the ice)
Wildmane (when spelled as one word)
The operators who let themselves rather be described
The colorful operators
Akafuyu (aka = red)
Projekt Red
Qiu Bai (bai = white)
ShiraYuki (shira = white)
Luo Xiaohei (hei = black)
Blue Poison
The operators you can build on
The operators with a famous name
Beehunter (= Beowulf)
These operators think foreign languages are cool, actually
Shaw (xiao)
Waai Fu
La Pluma
Noir Corne
The operators at home in the kitchen
Vigna (vigna angularis)
The musically talented operators
Wind Chimes
The operators who mash two words into one
The operators you can find on the map
The operators who refer to their origin species
Tuye (means 'camel')
FEater (= iron-eating beast, aka panda)
The mythological operators
Ceobe (= cerberus)
The nature-loving operators
Quercus (= oak)
Rosmontis (= rosemary)
Kal'tsit (= calcite)
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masterofmunson · 2 years
41&42 with eddie pls? i need some angst lol
join my 8k celebration by requesting blurbs from this list!
Eddie had been acting weird the moment the pair of you walked into Chrissy Cunningham's party. You all but begged him to come with you, not wanting to deal with your drunk friends alone while trying to fend off jocks that don't know how to take no for an answer.
You ignored the stares and whispers sent in your direction as you walked through the hallway to the kitchen with your hand in Eddie's. You greeted Chrissy with a kiss on the cheek before grabbing two beers for you and Eddie.
Walking towards Robin and Steve, Eddie trails behind you. He shakes Steve's hand and the four of you drink and catch up while listening to the voice of George Michael filter through the speakers.
You're pulled away from the group a short while later by a few of your friends from the Debate Club. Tammy insisted that you just had to take shots of tequila together. Soon after, you were roped into playing beer pong.
After the game finished, you excused yourself and went back to Steve and Robin. Eddie was gone. "Where's Eddie?" you asked over the loud music.
They both nodded towards the back door. "Outside. Said he wanted a smoke."
You thank them with a soft smile and weave your way through the crowd to get to the door. Sliding it open, you step out and find Eddie sitting on the swing underneath a large oak tree with a cigarette between his fingers.
You grin and jog over to take the seat beside him. "Hey," you whispered softly, "sorry I got swept away. Tammy's very insistent when she's drunk."
Eddie hums and you take the cigarette from him, inhaling a drag of your own as he sips on his beer. You hand it back to him and rest your head on his shoulder, basking in the moonlight and the summer silence.
"You deserve better than me," Eddie muttered into the dark after several long minutes.
Your brows pinch together and you sit up, turning to face him. Eddie doesn't dare look at you. His eyes are trained on the grass beneath you. You reach for his chin and force him to look at you. "Where is this coming from, Eds? Is it because Tammy pulled me away? I should've—"
"No," he interrupted gently, pulling away from you. "You deserve better. You get stared at and talked about because you're with me. I'm Eddie "The Freak", remember? You shouldn't want to be with me."
"Will you stop saying that?" you plead, reaching for his hand and squeezing it hard. Your voice breaks and Eddie's eyes meet yours. You rest your forehead against his and breathe him in. "You make me better, Eddie. Why in the world would I want anyone else when I have you? I don't care what anyone thinks about us, just as long as I have you."
Tears pool at the corners of Eddie's warm brown eyes and he laughs softly as you brush away a tear from his cheek. He sniffles and you brush your nose against his. "I'm sorry. I just hate the way people look at you when you're with me. You shouldn't have to deal with that."
You smile softly at him and shake your head. "You have nothing to be sorry for, Eddie. I don't even notice because most of the time I'm caught up looking at you."
Eddie's thousand-watt smile returns and you quell any other lingering worries of his with a kiss.
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tackytigerfic · 1 year
WIP Snip
Just shared a little summary of my current WIP (here) and yes it is a multiverse fic even though most of the action happens in one timeline! Here's a little snip that references some of the other timelines. Lucius Malfoy has been travelling through other possible worlds and saving his memories of all the universes he visits. Draco finds all the vials of memories and watches them in a Pensieve, and then he uses Legilimency to show Harry all the things he saw. So basically they're seeing all these different versions of themselves in other worlds. Some of these are based on scenes from my marvellous Fandom Trumps Hate bidder's fics.
Before Harry could start mentally stretching himself to look around at all of Malfoy’s memories, Malfoy shoved another chosen vision into the link between them; this time, Lucius (still in his vaguely convincing glamour) was quietly backing away along a dark corridor. Through a gaping archway, Harry could see some sort of version of Malfoy, though his hair was a shining weight of waistlength silver, and he had a rather dashing set of ragged gossamer wings. Harry didn’t quite know what to make of this unMalfoyish Malfoy, who was graceful and somehow feral in a way that real Malfoy never had been, but then he got distracted by a weird version of himself—inexplicably, bafflingly, here in Lucius’s memory—with his hair snarled up like after a Quidditch match, chest bare, and his own set of wings which were more hawkish, less ethereal than Malfoy’s, fine-feathered and swooping out wide from the strong ridge of his shoulders. This winged Harry was smirking at the winged Malfoy in a decidedly unnerving fashion, and Harry found himself hoping he might see them fly, but then the vision faded as Lucius Malfoy reached a distant corner. Then Malfoy was shoving another memory in front of Harry; nighttime, a crowded bar, curved oak lines glowing like lamplight, bottles glinting with promise, this new Malfoy with a string of piercings gleaming all along his ear, a bottle of Tequila in one hand, a tired-looking Harry sitting on a barstool and watching Malfoy intently across the counter.
Then came a series of quieter sort of memories, Lucius Malfoy tiptoeing around the edges of unsettlingly domestic scenes—a Harry with his sleeves rolled up, flour-kissed, in the Manor kitchens; Malfoy seen from a distance at the end of a long polished parquet floor, gliding on rollerskates, almost liquid in motion; Narcissa Malfoy asleep on a blue chaise longue in a blue-papered room with a blue sky beyond blue curtains, a copy of the Prophet on a small side table near her, her hand tucked sweetly under her cheek. The date was 21 April 2006—just a few months ago—but the headline that Harry peered at through the weird filter of the Legilimens had a headline that read The Boy Who Lived No More, and in much smaller typeface below, something about the Malfoy heir perishing in an Auror mission alongside his partner, the beloved Saviour of the wizarding world.
“I don’t know about you,” Malfoy murmured through their mental link, sounding wry even in Harry's mind, “but I don’t feel very dead. Certainly not after I’ve had my morning coffee, anyway.”
“These are… other worlds?” Harry thought wonderingly, and it was only when he sensed Malfoy’s approval that he remembered they were still connected, and he smiled and gave Malfoy a little mental prod of his own.
“More?” Malfoy thought at him, sounding amused, and then there was a rapid patter of memories raining down, Harry barely able to keep up with grasping at the thread of one before it slithered from him and melted into another, each one bright and intriguing and very, very real-seeming.
Malfoy looking pensive in the snow, outside the Manor beside the very folly Harry could see from his bedroom window, two long black hounds moving like waves through the drifts towards him; Malfoy in the ballroom of the Manor, seeming to glitter under the lights of the chandelier in some sort of silvery robe the same colour of his eyes, Lucius Malfoy glamoured and hidden by the crowds of partygoers, his eyes on Malfoy who was warily watching a tense-looking Harry across the room; a small boy Harry didn’t recognise, blue hair falling into his eyes, scowling at Malfoy across a chessboard as they sat in the small sitting room near the Orangery; Malfoy, seen in secret through the half-open study door, in what looked like a very expensive Muggle suit, talking into a mobile phone, huge tv on the wall mutely tuned into some endlessly scrolling news channel. “My constituents won’t stand for it,” he was saying, though he was smirking in a sort of fond way that transmitted into his voice, so Harry was sure whoever he was talking to could hear it.
“Notice any connection?” real Malfoy thought at Harry while more memories shuffled on past, flashes of images of pale Malfoy hair against heavy wood furniture, a white peacock, the bridal sweep of tailfeathers behind it, but seen from the air as though Lucius Malfoy was on a broom, and then the heavy fragrant heat of the Orangery again, only this time it was just Harry there, his hair hanging almost to his waist, wearing only some soft, low-slung trousers and eating a handful of cherries. Harry could feel himself blushing, getting distracted by the sight, thinking of Lucius Malfoy with his changed face, hiding there behind some tree and watching this other Harry who, for some reason, was strutting topless around—
“The Manor?” Harry shouted, and abruptly the stream of memory-sharing stopped as Malfoy jolted himself out of the Legilimens link with surprise. “That’s it, isn’t it? All these memories Lucius stored—they all take place here.”
“Precisely,” Malfoy said. “There are a few others that I’ve seen where he goes further afield—“ Harry thought of the one he had seen back at HQ, with Lucius Malfoy staring upwards at the massive bronze statue of Harry in the Ministry atrium, the feeling of mortification and curiousity mingled “—but in all of those, he started out here. I think the Manor is his fixed point, somehow—his base camp, as it were.”
“His base camp for what, though?” Harry thought he sounded a bit petulant, but he was still foggy from the lingering dreaminess of the Legilimens link, the slightly uncomfortable feeling of slipping in and out of thoughts that weren’t his own.
“Well,” Malfoy said, sounding almost pleased about it. “For his time travel, of course.”
Does anyone want to share what they're working on? I'll tag everyone who fancies a go, and also @thehoneybeet @kbrick @lettersbyelise @maesterchill @moonflower-rose @oknowkiss @the-sinking-ship @shealwaysreads @sorrybutblog @sweet-s0rr0w @wolfpants if you feel like sharing?
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zoethebitch · 2 months
alright i have some oak aged tequila and I'm making chicken adobo and blasting chunes in my kitchen
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Username tag game
I wasn't specifically tagged, but @girl-in-the-chairs-void included an "anyone who wants to" amendment to get tag list so and I thought, hey I'm anyone!
Rules; pick a song for each letter of your username/url.
I've done one of these before, if I remember correctly, but it's fun so here we go again!
Way Maker - Mandisa
Your Name - Cyrano
Take Me Down - The Rose
Outro: House of Cards - BTS
Oak & Ash & Thorn - The Longest Johns
Amarillo by Morning - George Strait
Dancing Through Life - Wicked
Devil Take the Hindmost - Love Never Dies
Inkpot Gods - The Amazing Devil
Cast the Bronze - Raynes
Test Drive - How to Train Your Dragon
Deliver Us - Prince of Egypt
Tequila - Dan + Shay
Oh My Soul - Casting Crowns
Fine Fine Life - for KING & COUNTRY
All for Love - Michael Kamen
Never Say Never - Cole Swindell, Lainey Wilson
Dark, Sad, Lonely Knight - Holy Musical B@man
Only Teardrops - Emmelie de Forest
Madame Guillotine - The Scarlet Pimpernel
Soldier, Poet, King - The Oh Hellos
Tagging: Anyone who wants to participate! I know this one can get a bit tedious depending on your user😅
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mattydemise · 1 year
i will be there, when the chips fall and scatter on the table, the tequila sting and the bitter tuesday blues, after everything else is flushed away, an ancient oak, standing up to the summer storms, i will be there, tsunami warnings and empty bottles, through each and every dim dark morning, i will be there, and when he forgets your favourite song or why you chose to get out of bed, i will be there with a cup of coffee and a chest on which to lay your head, i will be there.
‘showing up’ a poem by matthew marcel
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jadedpoetry · 4 months
Tequila tastes like sunshine A happy glow from the sky Golden streams of forgetfulness And a small hum of silence Vodka feels like the ocean A serene scene of clear liquid Washing over bare feet And drying in dark sand Whiskey smells like the earth Thick forests of oak Unmoved mountains and cliffs And fields of grass in the wind Gin sounds like a storm Cracks of thunders Harsh and treacherous winds And stolen moments of nothing Alcohol looks like quiet My brain void of thoughts With bottles in hand And unconscious on couches
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lostlegendaerie · 1 year
feat. Egoshipping for the writing meme I reblogged yesterday, and dear GOD this got away from me. Cutting it off now before it becomes a full fucking story (complete with fucking!) but maybe if enough of the Onion Jersey server likes this I'll flesh it out.
cw: alcohol, mentions of sex
"Well, come on," and there's that smirk she saw a hundred times as a child. "Let's hear it."
Misty takes a drink of her margarita, sits up in her chair, and puts on her best 'I fight ten year olds for a living' grin.
"Honey, you've got a big storm coming."
Gary bursts into laughter; genuine delight, miles different from the mocking cackles of his youth. Misty is too surprised to retaliate for a beat. The hot flush in her cheeks is from the tequila they've been drinking, nothing else.
"What?" she demands, leaning across the table at him, aware of Janine and the Lieutenant beside her like someone is aware of the couch on the other side of the room. "Like you don't have cheesy one-liners you use during battles."
"Yeah, but that's like-- boring levels of cheese."
Misty leaps - stumbles, actually - off of her barstool, knocking it over in the process.
"That's it," and she snaps her fingers as she points at him. "Outside. Battle. Now."
Gary oozes off his own seat, grabbing the table for balance. "Did you even bring Monsters out with you?"
She did, but only the one. That's why she steps in close to the Leader slash Champion slash Professor slash Absolute Asshole and grabs him by the belt. Dark brown eyes widen, and she can feel his breath on her cheeks, see the faint sheen of sweat on his forehead. For a crucial moment, she forgets what she's doing.
It's been a while since she was this close to Gary Oak. He grew into his good looks, which she refuses to admit to anyone, and he's probably her favorite of the Leaders who come to this monthly informal bar crawl across Cinnabar. Brock would be, if he came, or Erika, but it's this brilliant little thorn in her side who she comes all the way out here to see. He even has the audacity to tan instead of burn and freckle and burn again. That's probably why his eyes are searching her face so closely; trying to count all the little splotches of color on her cheeks.
Someone whistles, snapping her out of her trance. Right.
Misty yanks two Pokéballs off Gary's belt and releases him, her heart pounding and her legs weak. Reaches blindly backwards for her glass of water and takes two pulls of the Lieutenant's beer before she realizes her mistake, splutters, and finally breaks eye contact to locate her drink.
"Just fuck already," Faulkner laments.
It probably doesn't help their case that she and Gary both whip around and snap "no!" at the same time.
Misty finishes her water but she still feels dizzy-drunk, heat in the pit of her stomach and a ringing in her ears. Gary's undone a couple more buttons in his shirt, leaving it loose halfway down his ribcage like a slut, and two can play at that game. She gathers up the hem of her t-shirt, twists it, and tucks it through the collar so it hugs her bra and bares her stomach.
"Arceus," someone mutters, "I'm too old for this shit."
Gary gets up in her space again, herding her towards the exit. "Give those Balls back," he declares, "you don't even know which ones you grabbed."
"I don't need to know, I'll find out when I throw them!"
He's got her backed against the wall in the entryway, hands sliding down her arms as he tries to reclaim his Pokémon. "You have no brain for tactics, do you?" he taunts. Something clatters and rolls across the floor.
Misty spins him around and traps him against the same wall, his wrists on either side of his head. "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard," she retorts. He lets out a choked noise.
"Are they always like this?" Bugsy asks.
"Yes," come multiple replies.
"Oh. Um."
Gary attempts to sneer at her. "That's not even the right anecdote for the situation, Storm Girl." The effect is somewhat ruined by the light dancing in his eyes. He thinks she's funny. And he should, she's hilarious, so she presses a little harder and he makes another sound.
"Fuck you," but she's smiling too, much as she hates it, and--
Icy cold water blasts the pair of them, soaking them to the bone. Misty jumps backwards with a screech, and Gary curses violently. Both of them stare at Misty's Tatsugiri, who is glaring up at them with much more condemnation than should be able to fit in such a small, floppy body. Its Pokéball, painted in the lovely blue shades of a Dive Ball, sits open on the floor.
Well, shit.
"Tatsu!" it demands, and Misty wipes water off her goose-pebbled skin.
"W-We're not going to b-battle now, in soaking clothes, s-so get that idea out of your head," she chides the violence-hungry little fish, bending over to grab the Ball. Behind her, Gary makes his third strangled sound of the night and mutters something that might have been "stop it" to himself. "We're going to the C-center for towels."
"Seemed fine battling wet a minute ago," Surge hoots from across the bar, and Misty flips him off.
A flash of red light and another squeal of diminutive rage, and the Tatsugiri is withdrawn. Gary has stepped fully outside and is wringing out his shirt onto the sidewalk, so he doesn't see her when she approaches and jabs him in the side with stiff fingers.
"Fuck!" he yelps, and isn't it nice that his hair looks less stupid when it's dripping wet around his face? "What now, Red?"
"Towels. You're not flying home like that. You'll get sick." Misty jerks her head to the side, gesturing for him to follow, and starts walking.
"I'll be fine," but she can hear him follow her anyway, the wet slap of two sets of shoes walking downtown.
It's warmer outside than in the bar, even at night. Her denim shorts are starting to chafe against her skin already, but Misty doesn't let that or the occasional curious look of other people slow her down.
"You ever think we should?" asks Gary, tone light.
Misty glances at him over her shoulder. He's thrown his shirt back on like a jacket, loose and clinging, and he's not chiseled or anything but it's-- well--
"Think we should what?"
One shoulder twitches in a poor imitation of a casual shrug. "You know. Have sex."
Misty stumbles, recovers, and keeps walking with her eyes on the sidewalk ahead, lit in a hundred directions by a hundred different lights. "Nope."
"Oh, good, me neither."
The answer isn't nearly that simple.
Gary has been a part of her life for a little too long for something like a hookup to be easy; they're friends, finally, after years of bitter rivalry in defense of Ash and he's-- fun. She can pick on him and he can dig at her, a full scale assault of childish insults and slapping hands, and it fills the void her sisters left behind when they moved to Unova. She likes him. And crossing that line of intimacy and messing it up... scares her.
She's not drunk anymore. They're not even looking at each other. There's not excuse for the thought that tumbles it's way out of her mouth.
"You know, hotels would have towels, too."
"Yeah," he agrees, "yeah they would. Closer too, probably."
The hotel and the Pokémon Center are right next to each other, to be honest, and Misty still can't look at him as she turns right instead of left. But the door behind her doesn't close, caught instead by another hand, and side by side they walk into the lobby.
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