#story timeline
thesoulspulse · 7 months
Owen's Timeline (Part 3 ~ Teenager Continued...)
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And here we have Part 3 of Owen's timeline basically summarizing the rest of the most important events so far in his first story arc.
Owen senses something is amiss about their visitor and rushes down to warn Vlad, horrified to find that it's the same Wraith in disguise who tried to kill him too that fateful day. At the same time Vlad realizes she must have killed the investigator at some point to get those files so she could personally deliver them to Vlad, thereby getting a shot at Owen again too.
Owen's powers start going off wildly in response to seeing his parents murderer and this time the power is so concentrated even Vlad can see those butterflies swarming around him to create a barrier. Taking advantage of the distraction while the Wraith is fixated on Owen -who isn't acting like himself- Vlad attacks her. Then Danny shows up after using Vlad's ghost portal as a shortcut inside and lends Vlad a hand keeping the Wraith busy.
Owen's consciousness is temporarily taken over by the collective memories of all his past lives and tells Danny about Revenants/Living Ghosts who are people who have died but returned to life again.
He also mentions how Danny is “marked by Death” too which is an important detail to keep in mind for later.
Lastly this entity temporarily awakens Danny's ice powers from within his ghost core which he uses to help pin down the Wraith long enough for Owen to banish it.
After the fight Danny tells Vlad about the occult website with haunted photos on it, one of which happens to be of Azrael/Kurst and Owen.
While staying at the Regal Hotel Vlad and Owen get a call about ravens circling the mansion who were most likely called there by Owen's Necromancy powers but Vlad refused to go back to make sure of that since they might be spies working for Azrael/Kurst. (Note: Owen will get his own Familiar later on though.) Also Vlad was half right, some of them were spies and helped track down Eris so he could hold her hostage and entice Owen to come looking for her.
Two days later they go back to the mansion and that night Owen discovers another new power, the ability to use astral projection to separate his soul/consciousness from his body while his body is still alive.
The next day Owen calls Danny and finds out Azrael's name, a part of him unconsciously remembering that's actually the name of an Angel of Death and not his real one which we later find out is actually Kurst.
Owen confronts Vlad shortly after for not telling him Eris had been reported missing. They sort things out then decide to visit Salem in search for answers, hoping to find Eris too.
As soon as Vlad and Owen get there they discover the entire town has been put to sleep by Nocturne, the Ghost of Sleep. Vlad takes Owen back to his childhood home there to escape notice. And while there Owen starts to wonder if his mother knew more about their family ties to necromancy than she let on before she died.
Owen suggests summoning Nocturne to save them both a lot of time and effort wandering around Salem, insisting that the sooner they get the town back to normal the sooner they can get back to searching for Eris and answers about his connection to Azrael
The summoning works but sadly Nocturne breaks free due to Owen's inexperience and Vlad gets knocked out from a nasty blow to the head. Meanwhile Owen astral projects out of his body to escape and takes refuge in his mother's antique shop. There he's found by Eris who managed to escape from Azrael earlier by magically transforming into a cat and she hangs up on his call to Danny asking for help, insisting on telling him the truth about herself at last.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker manage to convince Frostbite to let them borrow the Infimap to reach Salem sooner via a nearby ghost portal and make it to the antique store just before Owen's spirit is forced to return to his body.
Meanwhile Vlad is trapped in a dream until he's shocked awake by it taking a very sudden dark turn and sees the aftermath of Azrael controlling Owen and making him use his powers to utterly defeat Nocturne before Danny and the rest of the gang get there.
Owen wakes up inside some sort of ritual chamber and meets Azrael again face to face who tells him everything. About how they were friends in his past life and made a blood pact as children that has kept them connected all these years, making Azrael a ghost while Owen was reincarnated into who he is now 400 years later.
Azrael tells Owen they're going to destroy the council after his awakening once they renew their blood pact. But Owen remembers the tracker Vlad gave him and uses it to give the others a heads up to where he is.
While Vlad and Danny confront Azrael, Sam and Tucker sneak down to Owen's location but unfortunately are unable to free him and he ends up dangerously close to dying, meeting a Shadow of Death who reveals his destiny to stop Lilith, Azrael's real name, Kurst, and Death's part in creating the Ghost Zone to protect ghosts from becoming one of her Wraiths and destroying the living world.
Sam manages to resuscitate Owen after he had stopped breathing and he rushes off to confront Kurst, saving Vlad's life and then using the same dagger that Kurst killed him with in his past life after being tricked by the council to remake their pact but on his terms, not Kurst's. This releases an incomplete Wraith from Kurst's heart which Owen destroys by incinerating it's core with his now fully awakened necromancer powers.
Two days later Owen wakes up and Vlad tells him about his plans to officially adopt him and help solve the rest of this mystery about the council's schemes and the master of the Wraiths which Owen hasn't told Vlad anything about yet since they've been through enough recently without adding more fuel to the fire so to speak.
Then they pay Owen's parents a visit at the graveyard before heading back to Wisconsin to prepare for the charity event.
Eris lays low at the mansion though since she's still considered a missing person and doesn't want to work for the council anymore after learning what they did to Kurst and Owen 400 years ago.
The charity event starts off smoothly until social workers come for Owen, telling them the director of Mistveil has been arrested because he's suspected to be behind a bunch of recent kidnappings so they have to take him into protective custody. They have until after the event is over so Vlad asks Danny for help again searching for clues about what's really going on.
They soon discover through the combined efforts of Eris's shadow along with Danny, Sam, Tucker, and a vision from Owen that seven people had snuck into the building who had been given orders by one of the council members to capture Owen along with several other children from Mistveil suspected of being gifted as well. They even mistook Danny as one of them earlier and tried to corner him but they got away.
After leaving Owen in their care for the time being Vlad tracks down four of the impostors who attempt to force the social workers to leave the building while posing as fake security guards. Vlad fights against their magic and wins, immediately teleporting to where Owen and the others are to help them detain the final three intruders.
Once the intruders are arrested Vlad convinces the police to send patrols to keep an eye on the Mistveil kids for their protection instead of sending them to a shelter so whoever is already staying in a foster home won't have to deal with the stress of unnecessarily being taken away from a familiar setting, promising to hire more security in his mansion for Owen too.
His timeline ends there for now but I'll make a Part 4 of this once the sequel is finished!
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a-casual-kpopfan · 2 years
The MoonVerse Saga
My partner and I have been working on this for quite sometime, but we welcome you to a story universe of our beloved Moon Girls,
You can see this MCU inspired story timeline. It really all started as a fun fic for me writing about Jinsoul in Dating App, but here I am. Partnering up with a friend writing a whole universe based around real time events and real life situations with of course, a little bit of fanfic fun.- Me
A semi realistic collection of stories, that try to stay true to the real life events with some minor tweaks, written based on the imagination and collective efforts of the both of us in order to create stories that are compelling, interesting, heartwarming, and most importantly, tear inducing, because we all need some angst in our lives. - Ghost
The events of these stories will be following a chroniclogical timeline built around real time events that happens to LOONA.
Baby Cub - Jinsoul
Dating App - Jinsoul
Daydreaming - Choerry
Our Twight Series - Haseul
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Final Chapter
Breakfast For Two - Gowon - Coming Soon
New Moon - Yves
Jealousy is a Dangerous Dance - Kim Lip - Coming Soon
Clingy - Jinsoul
A Long Night - Yves
Behind The Scenes - Haseul Snippet
Looks Like Rain - Jinsoul
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dioles-writes · 5 months
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Mother of Dioles
First documented Diole
It’s illegal to use powers in public because crime rates caused by Dioles have gone up
Dioles don’t like that they can’t use their powers in public and they start an uprise (protests, murders, crimes)
Mr Prader is 7
World War of Humans vs. Dioles
“Diole”-stopping bullets are created by Diantha Rose
If a Diole is shot by one, their powers are gone for 6 to 10 minutes
Mr Prader is 22
Humans win (because of Diantha Rose’s genius bullets)
Most Dioles are gone/in hiding
Howard Restall is 11
Mr Prader is 27
Howard Restall declares a world-wide Diole extermination after the disappearance of his childhood best friend Vincent, and seeing how high Diole crime rates have gotten
Howard Restall is 26
Mr Prader is 42
Diole rates have gone from 1/20 to 1/20000
Howard Restall is 41
Mr. Prader is 57
This society is MUCH more advanced than ours
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iheartgod175 · 10 months
Timeline for the Super Readers’ Biggest Adventure series
You know what I should be doing? Sleeping. You know what I’m NOT doing? Sleeping XD I’m a little hyped up on caffeine since I did some of my homework for the week, and I was hit with a sudden brain flash for some new Super Why stuff—specifically, the timeline for the SRBA series.
I really, REALLY need to retitle this series, since I kinda want it to stand out on its own aside from the first entry, but I haven’t come up with anything yet. The old draft for the story that I started back in high school was titled “World’s Greatest Heroes”, but it sounded too corny for me. I’ll be sure to come up with something cooler than that.
Anyway, here’s a (mostly) complete timeline for the entire series, broken down in sections: Previous Era and Current Era. There’ll also be a special section for any crossovers that the Super Readers from this universe will appear in.
Previous Era (Timeline-wise, 150 years before SRBA)
SRBA Gaiden: Planted Roots
SRBA Gaiden: Rule of Two—Judgement
SRBA Gaiden: Rule of Two—Insurrection
SRBA Gaiden: The Story of the Super Readers
SRBA Gaiden: Unwise Counsel
SRBA Gaiden: Heiress of the Blade
SRBA Gaiden: Hero Killer’s Chronicles
Current Era (SRBA and Beyond)
Super Readers’ Biggest Adventure (includes Reloaded)
SRBA Gaiden: Woofster’s Trials
SRBA Gaiden: Major Inconveniences
SRBA Gaiden: Minor Hindrances
SRBA Gaiden: Inheritor of the Flame
SRBA Gaiden: I’ll Always Protect You
SRBA Gaiden: Divine Retribution
SRBA Gaiden Special: Scions of the Seas
SRBA Gaiden: Mechanical Melodia
SRBA Gaiden: Darkness Rewrite
Chaos’ Revenge
SRBA Gaiden Special: Cesspool
Us Against the Gods
Due to the length limit, I’ll have to do a comprehensive breakdown on yet ANOTHER post. But don’t worry, I won’t leave you all hanging on the lore and world-building that I’ve got going on for this story. Stay tuned for more!
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halliescomut · 2 years
So....I have a moderately weird idea for a 2 part KimChay songfic, but it requires a fairly detailed timeline of the series to make sense (for me at least) and I have googled around with no luck. Anyone seen a detailed story timeline for Kinnporsche anywhere?
I mean, I'll do it myself if I have to, but that means at least 2 weeks before you get the fic from me...a person with 1 single published fic in AO3, the music taste of someone who is simultaneously a 50-ish year old West Virginia woman and a perpetual 2002 emo kid.
But anyway, if you've seen or got a plot timeline for KinnPorsche (novel or series) let me know. 😊
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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#the Nowhere Man who waits and the God of Stories who watches
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izroulia · 10 months
The Izroulia timeline (so far)
This is long af so I’ll pit it all under the cut. But this is the full timeline of important events over the Izroulia series. I will add to this as the story progresses.
BC years:
May 8: Ahnkamen is born
1980: Ankhamen is crowned Pharaoh
1978: Ahnkamen is killed
AD years:
May 1: Zimri is born
August 6: Athens (Pandora’s grandmother) is born
November 24: Zimri commits suicide
The last recorded contact with Pharonium is made
April 6: Agnemetra is born
November 8: Echo is born
March 29: Lana is born
February 23: Cynthus is born
May 19: Momo is born
December 2: Wren is born
June 12: Agnemetra looses her wings in an attack, sparking her hatred for merfolk. From here until the war she builds up a cult of followers to put herself as queen.
February 6: Styxx is born
June: Lana finds out she’s pregnant and gets engaged to Cynthus
August 3: Haruki is born
September 20: Michas parents move to Izroulia
January: Agenemetra overthrows Izroulia by killing the queen and war breaks out. She targets merkind and while most are killed, some escape into the human realm dubbed ‘the lost pod of Izroulia’
March 20: Aries is born
June: Lana and Cynthus give Aries to Momo and escape to void. This is the last known sighting of them.
June 30: Micha is born
July 5: Willow is born
October 1: Zagreus is born
May 23: Pandora is born
November 1: Icarus is born
The war dies down as most merfolk are escaped or dead, Agnemetra is now queen.
June 16: Echo vanishes leaving Icarus without a father and Lucy without a husband
February 19: Haru and Aries meet and become best friends.
August 8: Lucky is born
August 10: A merperson is caught in hiding and executed. Momo knows the only way Aries will survive is if they run and hide. The two separate, Aries goes into hiding.
September 7: Haru and Micha meet
October 1: Zagreus comes of age and is transformed into a merman via the spirit pool
December 19: Haru and Micha get official.
August 12: Pandoras grandmother dies and leaves her a box of old stuff that will lead to her being awakened as a mermaid.
October 18: Aries gets top surgery off the grid thanks to a Naiad who runs a clinic for less fortune people.
2009 (beginning of series)
January 14: Aries comes to human realm Icarus falls into spirit pool
January 15: Aries explains mermaid lore to Icarus given her new transformation
March 21: Icarus is moonstruck and Pandora accidentally sees her mermaid side while pulling up crab nets
March 30: Pandora confronts Aries and Icarus and finds she had mermaid genes and has to be transformed
April 1: Pandora is transformed
Throughout April: the three connect the dots there’s meant to be four of them and begin to hunt for the fourth member of the pod.
June 1: Icarus and Pandora begin to study for graduation and finals.
June 7: Zagreus joins the crew, Aries explains the missing pod situation and the four decide to plan a rebellion to overthrow agenemetra. They began to train their powers and make a plan.
July 3: chaos sees what the gang is planning and grants them with the chaos jewels
July 14: in a reckless move they plan to steal the grimouore from the castle in Izroulia, Pandora and Aries break in using the chaos jewels and steal it while zag and ic act as lookout. They’re injured in the process but get the book.
July 15: they read through the grimouore and start practicing the chaos gems
September 1: the group go to Izroulia to scout locations and Zagreus meets Styxx
September 18: While planning the rebellion and investigating the lost pod, they run into Aries childhood friend Haruki and his boyfriend Micha. They join the rebellion.
September 20: Zagreus and Styxx meet again, he joins the rebellion.
September 26: the the whole group meet to plan and agree Haru will be king.
October 15: Pandora and Icarus school year ends, graduation and results set for later in the year.
October 30: the rebellion happens, there’s a fight and the gang win by separating Agnemetra soul from her body and banishing her soul into another realm. They go back to the kingdom and install Haru as the new king. Aries and Momo reunite
November 15: Haru is crowned king and Zagreus and Styxx get offical
November 18: the chaos jewels are taken back and the group receive boons.
November 20: the school year ends.
December 4: Hurricane Luka hits pointbreak
December 9: the hurricane passes and the group find the liberty shipwreck.
December 10: Aries goes to the wreck again and finds evidence of Echo knowing the crew. Aries tells Haru to start making accommodations for the pod.
December 12: Icarus and Pandora have their graduation ceremony.
December 27: the build for Izroulia project is launched.
January 2: the group begin to hunt for the pod
January 5: Willow and Pandora meet.
January 20: Willow it’s accepted into the group and meets everyone
March 7: the group finds Echo, he explains where the pod is.
March 12: Lucy and Echo are reunited.
March 13-31: the Flyy and Perri families begin the process of moving to Izroulia
April 3: Zagreus moves in with Styxx
April 11: willow and Pandora get official
May 2: Wren approaches the group for information on their boons
May 24: Echo meets Haru, the build for Izroulia project is almost complete.
May 28: The group meets the pod, they begin to move back to Izroulia
June 8: Haru holds a kingdom wide announcement about the return of the pod and the implementation of the AIPZ act.
June 13: Haru and Micha get engaged.
November 25: book two starts
November 26: Micha figures out the artefact found in the archives comes from Pharonium.
November 30: Haru and Micha look through records and find last contact with Pharonium was 58 years ago. Haru also finds Cynthus used to be a portal guard and may have escaped into void.
December 17: the first trip into Pharonium happens.
January 10: Ankhamen wakes from the dead, he’s taken back to Izroulia to meet Haru
February 11: operation Pharonium is launched
February 22: Aries asks Wren to train them in magic.
March 26: Haru and Micha are married, Icarus meets Sage
March 29-April 14: Haru and Micha honeymoon in Tsuki no Shimajima
May 3: Icarus gets a job at the animal sanctuary
May 18-25: Cyclone hits Izroulia. Luckys parents die and she’s injured.
May 30: Haru and Micha meet Lucky
June 7: Zagreus spots Zimri
June 9: Lucky comes to stay in the castle for a while
June 17: Aries speaks to Hypnos via dream
June 28: Daxon shows up at Alexa’s door demanding to see Haru
June 29: Alexa warns Haru of his father being back
July 5: Daxon tries to talk to Haru by sneaking into the castle, fight ensues. He’s arrested
July 7: Lucky is adopted by Haru and Micha
July 17: the tomb of Ahnkamens parents is found
July 24: Icarus and Sage get official
August 3: Zagreus and Styxx contact Zimri and Zimri haunts them.
August 9: Zimri is moved to the castle
September 9: Willows parents are told the truth about Pandroa and Izroulia
September 14: they’re taken to see izroulia for themselves
October 1: Haru opens a portal to void
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nerdpoe · 4 months
Phantom, the new addition to Young Justice, just accidentally made Impulse cry.
Impulse had been talking about a candy that had been in the future, that he missed a lot, that had no equivalent in modern times.
So the next time Danny was in the Zone, he asked Clockwork if he could reach into the future and grab a bar. Clockwork just told him that the timeline he was talking about was dead, but that the people from it were occupying the Zone if he skipped forward in time a bit; maybe one of them knows how to do a homemade version?
So he does that, with the help of Clockwork, and manages to find someone from that doomed and dead timeline that knows how to make a homemade equivalent.
He returns to the world of the living and recreates it, and Impulse is beyond ecstatic for both the food and the recipe.
Then he asks where Danny found this.
Danny, mostly human but having been something other for so long that the concept of 'Death' doesn't hit him the same way, cheerfully says he sought the dead souls of the future that had been dissolved and asked.
Now everyone is glaring at him and Impulse can't stop crying.
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lilybug-02 · 3 months
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Pain is a great motivator…
Part 26 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
Meanwhile Toriel:
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(Loud noises don't wake her up usually.)
Artist note: I’m so proud of this :))) I know it’s a lot of dialogue and reading, but dialogue is grueling work for me. I’m glad with the art and for the amount of pages I made in such a relatively short time span -w- page 5 was super fun to work on. A lot of blood, sweat, and hours here... :) The backgrounds were a big bore tbh, but I finished them! Yippie!
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eggsploded · 5 months
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heiress eternal
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gaddaboutgriffon · 5 days
Future Son????
It has been a while since I have done an original prompt. So DCxDP prompt #2
Danny gets into a fight with Impulse/Bart about Bart changing the timeline messing things up for Danny and effectively erasing his family, because the change made it so Maddie and Jack never got together. But because of Clockwork sending him on a mission to the past while Bart changed the timeline and the medallion Dan had phased into Danny he remembers the old timeline. Also he has access to his powers but for some reason can’t change into ghost form.
This fight happens in front of the rest of the young justice team. And Nightwing was coming there to teach a training lesson and over hears half of what Danny is shouting.
From Dick’s point of view there is a black haired, blue eyed kid with powers that are suspiciously like a Tamuraneans, yelling at Bart about losing his family because his parents never got together. Also Dick and Kori had recently broken up. (Feel free to make up a reason.)
Due to a misunderstanding Dick is going to help his time displaced “son” adjust to the new reality.
Do I tag people too much? @azulhood @bianca-hooks123 @bloggerspam @confusedshades @dragonsrequiem @evilminji @flamingpudding @fightmebissh @ghostbsuter @hypewinter @help-itrappedmyself @hdgnj @kizzer55555 @menolly5600 @ourrechte-blog @puppetmaster13u @rboooks @starlightcat04 @stormikitty @virgamsysxvolumes @zeestarfishalien @zylev-blog
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thesoulspulse · 7 months
Owen's Timeline (Part 1 ~ Childhood)
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Even though I mostly made this for personal reference I thought I'd share this timeline with you too in case you're curious. Hopefully my math isn't off or anything but even if it is I only wanted to give myself a general idea of when certain events took place in Owen's life. Just in case you haven't read "Nevermore" yet and don't want to see any spoilers I'll leave the info down below the line so you can decide whether or not to read it. As for anyone who does want to then please enjoy!
Owen's Birthday – September 5th 1987 in Salem, Massachusetts
(Note: Danny was born February 12th 1989)
Ages 1-6 were more or less normal apart from always being able to see & sense ghosts.
A ghost Owen tried to help got pushy and overshadowed one of his teachers in elementary school somewhere between Age 5-10.
He's had the power to see & sense ghosts his entire life, aka a ghost sense similar to Danny's.
Ghosts in the area are naturally drawn to him if they want help moving on or realize he's a Necromancer who can bolster their ghost powers if he wanted to or knew how, making Owen a valuable asset.
Azrael/Kurst kept most of the dangerous ghosts/people away from Owen during his early childhood.
Owen's Visions Start – 1994 - Age 7
These include visions from his previous lives and visions about the ghost's he's met either recently or the distant past. Especially visions about Azrael/Kurst since they secretly share an incomplete blood pact from his previous life.
Ages 7-10 were difficult until Owen pretended he no longer believed in his ghosts/imaginary friends anymore at age 10 mostly to help make his parents feel less worried about him all the time.
In 1996 Mistveil was converted into a group home instead of a rehabilitation center for troubled teens. The director's late wife passed away at some point the same year due to old age.
His Parent's Death – 1998 - Age 11
They were killed by a female Wraith who split herself, overshadowed them, then made them stab each other with a pair of kitchen knives.
His mother was the one who injured Owen while overshadowed, stabbing him just below the navel.
Ages 11-13 Owen went to a middle school in Salem but was mercilessly ridiculed by the other children for blaming his parents death's openly on ghosts.
From the ages 11-13 Owen spent in a different group home in Salem before someone rigged his transfer to Mistveil
His Transfer to Mistveil – 2001 – Age 13
Owen has lived there for 3 years so from ages 13-16
Ages 13-15 he has been dealing with bullies too but meeting Eris made it bearable.
Owen was almost placed with a few new families but either his emerging powers kept acting up enough to cause problems or a ghost showed up and literally spooked them which ultimately led them to return him to Mistveil from ages 11-15
Owen tried to learn to be open to the idea of starting over with a new family but after so many disappointments he gave up the idea of ever being adopted.
Little does Owen many of those incidents were caused on purpose by either members of the council, Azrael/Kurst, or one of their ghostly servants/allies since they're monitoring everyone at Mistveil for signs of supernatural powers. And since he's already suspected to be a Necromancer they're waiting for his full awakening at age 16 because those powers are among the most rare.
To Be Continued In Part 2!
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bluerosefox · 7 days
Another Sibling Danny and Jason idea!!
"Are you Jason Peter Todd?!" demanded a deep and commanding tone from the strange glowing being in front of them.
All the Bats stiffened and tensed, no doubt gearing up for a fight against the being that somehow knew Red Hood's full name.
Jason, Red Hood, decided to put on a brave front despite no doubt cursing in his head and wondering how the heck did this thing know his full freaking name.
"Whose asking." he snarled out, his hands twitching for his gun when the huge glowing knight with purple flames coming out of his helmet and cape, who was riding on a nightmare looking horse while they all had been in the cave going over tonight's patrol.
The Knight didn't seemed bothered by his response nor did he even seem to care or flinch when Batman made his own demand on 'Why was he there and who was he' or when Damian unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards him. Instead the strange glowing Knight reached to it side and pulled out... A glowing scroll? Huh. (Also he completely unnerved everyone in the room when the Knight didn't even react when Batman had tossed a Baterang when he reached for his side)
The Knight opened the scroll and spoke clearly with purpose.
"Jason Peter Todd,
You are hereby invited as a special guest of honor to the crowning of our future King of the Infinite Realms.
Daniel Phantom, once Daniel Jackson Fenton, and once Daniel Austen Todd.
Prince of the Infinite Realms, the Keeper of Balance, The Peacekeeping Halfa, the Defeater of the Tyrant King Pariah Dark, The Great One, Youngest of the Ancients, Ancient of Space, The Bridge between Life and Death.
You, the half-brother of our King, have been given the highest of honors for your past actions and will be given housing and food in the Realms and Phantom's Keep, for the week long event. Personal servants and attendants will be at your disposable and a seamstress will be on hand to tailor make your attire for the Coronation.
Signed: Clockwork. Ancient of Time. Watcher of the Infinite Timeline. Kronos. Mentor and Adviser.
PS: I shall have Fright Knight ("Me" the Knight bluntly said for a second) leave this scroll along with a personal one for you from Daniel to read over and once you make up your mind sign the bottom of the scroll.
I do hope in time you will pick the right choice Jason Todd, we of the Infinite Realms would like to reward you for your actions. After all, if you hadn't gotten young Daniel away from your father that night all those years ago, we would never had gained our Prince nor be free from our once Tyrant King.
Ah, one more thing.
The Infinite Realms will always favor you Jason."
Jason felt like he couldn't breath as Fright Knight? Rolled up the scroll, pulled a letter from his side, and held out the two items for him to take.
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aalghul · 2 months
once again thinking about jason as duke’s robin. he’s ~4 years younger than jason, and that’s puts him at 8-12 during Jason’s time as robin. that’s prime time to get attached to your local kid vigilante before your own life goes downhill.
and if we try to keep duke’s meeting with bruce in zero year + duke’s age (so he can remember the meeting and hold that conversation with bruce), he has to be around 8. if he starts following batman through the news at that time because of the mess that just happened, the robin he sees is probably jason. I’ve literally connected the dots
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 2: Indocktrination
(Part 1, Part 3)
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ryssbelle · 4 months
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Thought of this while at work, sorry it's a bit hard to read I sketched it out really fast before my last shift lmao wanted to get it done so I could work on other stuff hehe
If it's any consultation Floyd is mostly talking about himself
#my art#trolls#dreamworks trolls#brozone#trolls 3#trolls floyd#trolls john dory#trolls branch#trolls poppy#the way i imagine their 20 years in troll village is that one meme where its the two different nothing in life matters pics#but one is super sad and the other is happy looking and radical#thats floyd and jd#but they switch places depending on the day#branch is a secret third option#also idk what id do with the 3rd movies plot#this scene in my head is 3rd movie era but i like havent decided what theyre doing yet#theres a few possibilities on whos in the bottle or if theres a bottle at all#this would take place in a timeline where clay or bruce is in the bottle#but like heres the thing any of the brothers could be bottled and itd make for a good story#i drift more towards clay only for the irony of finding out your brothers alive but its a race against time cuz hes literally dying#so it adds to the urgency but then its not much adventure cuz they just gotta get bruce and go#cuz we have 3/5 brozone here already#same goes for if its bruce#so like for story purposes that means it would be most likely JD or Floyd which is just most aus and canon#cuz after world tour Floyd would travel with JD on their own tour Floyd going solo with JD as his manager#and in this scenario they came back to tell Branch about finding whoever is in the bottle#but the story of these guys could also work without any bottle so idk we'll just have to see what i decide to do later#also im slowly coming up with a name for this#very slowly but it'll happen#i actually have a google doc that has a name so i may just use that
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