#stfu and cloud watch or something
Damien’s currently getting cancelled on Twitter for *checks to make sure I’m reading this shit right* apologizing for a joke he made five years ago where he mentioned the conflict in Gaza
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aryxchse · 3 months
can i request relationship hcs w jason pls? ur writing for him is so cute
jason grace dating headcanons
a / n ; ur so sweet wtf?? i love u, keep complimenting me n my ass will be floating soon girlie 🫶🏻🫶🏻
warnings ; cursing and i said sexy like once, also female reader AGAIN
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- alright here's my favorite gentleman
- scary dog privilege fr
- he's cold to everyone but you
- everytime you hug him he'll spin you around in the air with him
- cloud dates
- he's your personal fridge in the hot weathers
- likes carrying you in his arms
- and like he does it so often
- will tie your shoes for you
- and will help you with your homeworks
- if you guys go different collages, he'll drop you off first
- carries your stuff for you
- do ya'll know that one korean boy who has the biggest heart eyes? yeah he's jason
- since he knows what a sith lord is even though he lost his memory, he'll watch star wars with you
- and recreates the romantic anakin scenes
- "from the moment i met you-" boy stfu i'll literally fall in love
- please teach him how to have fun, he's a very sarcastic guy inside
- will cry if you buy him lightsaber
- if you're a booktok girlie like i am, he'll be happy to buy you your books
- and traumatised after reading the first page
- also yeah, he's paying everything
- likes buying you sexy clothes to see you wearing them
- he's like a little kid in love actually
- he thinks he should give all the pleasure to you but when you returned the favor and like- idk listened to him ramble about something with lovey eyes he almost cried
- girl you make him cry sm fr
- cancer men ppl
- anyways
- he'll buy you matching rings, clothes, anything. he loves matching with you
- will make your hot chocolate a little bit colder for you be able to drink it with his wind
- carries an hair tie for you
- always holding you, ALWAYS
- a hand on your waist? check, on your shoulder? check, backpocket? double check
- mr grace the acts of service guy
- will hold your hand if you're going upstairs like a princess
- he usually sleeps better if he's laying on your chest
- he has one of your plushies with him and spreys your perfume on it regulerly
- it helps him when you're out on a quest okay??
- will watch you do your makeup with doe eyes
- he learned how to braid hairs from piper just to braid yours, bcs he loves playing with your hair
- likes holding your hand
- but not like intertwined, maybe holding your pinky or your fingers lazly, he just needs to feel you
- colarbone 👏🏻 kisses 👏🏻
- he'll just bow you like you guys doing a tango and boom, kisses your colarbone
- buys you flowers and keeps one of them with him to know when he should buy you new ones
- writes you poetry
- he maybe can't say it out loud too much, but he can write it down or show it through actions
- he's actually very talkative and funny around you, leo was mesmerised when he first saw jason all chatty like that
- blushed the first time you wiped his glasses for him
- let's you style him however you want
- and like, pick his glasses for him
- he always pairs up with you in practices
- fucks the rules and makes you sit with him on the zeus table
- he can't just stay away from you too long and he's kind of obsessed atp
- but we love him for that ladies
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danthepillerman · 2 months
im bored and since im bored ima write some stupid shit involving..you guessed it (probably not stfu) Suguru Geto and his boyfriend Satoru Gojo!!! wooo (kms) this is like collage au ig? idfk dont question me
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“AHEM” suguru cleared his throat glaring at a certain white haired blue eyed man who was sneaking around his room. Gojo looked behind his shoulder, his cheeks stuffed with some of sugurus sour gummy worms. with a sigh he pinches the bridge of his nose “my god satoru, youre like a child” suguru himself is trying his hardest not to laugh at his best friend. satoru swallows the gummy worms and laughs “cheer up man, ill buy you some when we head out” they planned to go to a park. suguru just nods and puts a sweater on.
after suguru gets ready he signals to satoru it was time to go. as they walked satoru talked about anything and everything on his mind, the weather, grass, how he feels about fuzzy textured blanket (spoiler he hates them). the whole time suguru listened, laughing and making some comments of his own. thats just how they were. one talked the other listened and they were both okay with that fact. “it feels weird on my skin! maybe i just have sensitive skin, honestly i dont care its WEIRD!!” satoru says frantically as suguru laughs “its not that seri-“ “YES IT IS!! nerds like you wouldnt understand” satoru said trying to sound like an edgy emo kid that tells people they wouldnt understand. suguru chuckles and takes a bite of his sour gummy worms.
“you know, there are blankets that are soft and not fuzzy?” the black hair boy says to his friend. satoru sighs “yeah i know, but buying a whole new blanket when i already have one is pointless.” suguru nods with his friends good point. they make their way to the swingings, the sun still bright is the sky. satoru immediately tries to get as high as possible while suguru watches swinging the slightest bit. “youre gonna get sick” he says as satoru gets higher and higher “SHUT UP!” he shouts back. suguru sighs and watches as his best friend attempts a 360. it was an interesting thing to watch, but obviously he fails and ends up jumping off and landing in the sand laughing, suguru just watching with a gentle smile
after satoru jumped a family looked over at him a little concerned and walked away with their kids quickly “dude the people here are gonna think youre crazy” suguru states now laughing a little “nuhuh” satoru sits up and shakes the sand out his white hair then grabs his sunglasses, blowing some sand off that.
satoru and suguru lay on top of the actual play area, the roof sheltering the slides and what not. two 6 foot something dudes on top of a play ground is slightly frightening to some children. as they lay there looking up at the now pink ish sky satoru speaks up “what if you were a cloud” he was kinda just spit balling “a cloud?” suguru questions a bit confused. satoru however nods “yeah, like if you were a cloud and you could pick your shape what would you pick?” it takes suguru a second but he closes his eyes and with a sigh he responds “your mom” “fuck youuu” they both laugh. “okay but if i could pick a shape id probably pick something simple like a duck” he says to the white haired boy. satoru nods with a hum
the sun sets and the sky darkens slowly, the dim light of the moon and street lamps brighten up the park. suguru looks at his best friend then back at the stars. “im cold” satoru blurts out of no where, suguru looks at him and asks him “wanna head back?” satoru nods with a slight yawn. they jump down and land in the sand, walking out the play ground and to the side walk. satoru looks over at his friend and put his arm around his shoulder “dont be scared pookie bear, daddies here” suguru turns to satoru a bit mortified by his last statement and they both burst out laughing.
“why cant i be daddy?” suguru says, he immediately regrets it though “you want me to call you daddy? you got sum to tell me mister man bun?” suguru rolls his eyes and shoves satoru away all the while hes laughings. they continue their walk and satoru is talking about his fear of women. maybe he really was gay..was shoko right? who knew.
they get back to campus and made their way to the apartment complex right behind it. they shared an apartment two bedroom and one bathroom, real nice. before entering the take off their shoes and shake em on the grass to get out any sand. they go inside and immediately satorus dramatic ass falls onto the couch with a loud sigh “ass up” suguru says playfully and they both laugh “see im telling you dude you MIGHT just have a daddy kink!” satoru retorts. with an eye roll suguru throws a small baggy to satoru “happy valentines day or whatever day today is” and with that suguru went into his room, his face pink.
satoru raised a brow and looked at the small baggy inside was two things, an obsidian bracelet to match with sugurus moon stone bracelet, and a note.
‘hey so you know how some friends go one dates for valentines day cause theyre both lonely or whatever. would you be down to do that with me? -geto’
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silver-wield · 10 months
Hello, i was just curious about something & id like to hear your opinion of it. About the wolf rings, we knw that Cloud gave one to Tifa, Marlene (also to Barret?). Did he also have one for himself? Or it is just his wolf earring? Did he gave one to Denzel? B'coz in ACC Denzel was seen wearing necklace with wolf ring, i read somewhere that it was Cloud's ring that he left to Denzel when he ran away at the end of CoT but idk if its true. Id like to knw more about this since it was not mentioned in OTWTAS but somehow we knew even from before that Cloud gave it to them & the reason Marlene is not wearing her's is b'coz it too manly for her.
I became a fan of FF7 after watching AC back in 2005, back then i didn't know anything about the game OG, KH & Ltd. I didn't even knew who Aerith was since her name was never mentioned in AC. But i knew back then that Cloud & Tifa were a couple. After I read CoT it was very clear from the start that Cloud was already considering Tifa as her gf, and since he's given her a ring then that should further solidify the level of relationship they have to each other (engaged/married couple). That's explains why Tifa was described as someone's sweetheart & a woman who was left by a man when Cloud ran off. Why do you think Nojima did not include this in CoT? This would've cleared the Ltd & maybe make the other ship to shut up once & for all.. just musing 😄
Cloud didn't give a ring to Barret. There's literally no info about Barret's ring, where he got it or anything behind who gave it to him or whether it's his or Marlene's. None of his costume information in any AC ultis mention it, so the only thing we can say is he's wearing the same type of ring as the others. He wears it on his middle finger.
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Denzel is wearing Cloud's ring. This is the only note about the ring, so we don't know when Cloud took it off, but the typical narrative for a ring being removed is when someone leaves the partner they take off their ring and leave it behind.
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The only other person wearing a cloudy wolf ring is Tifa. It's visible in every scene where her right hand is shown.
I started the comp with AC too, so I never thought of Aerith as anything but someone who died. She's Zack's counterpart in the film and they both have an equal number of scenes with Cloud, so I didn't give it any thought beyond them being people he knew who died and he blamed himself for it. When I saw the scenes of Cloud waking up in the bed beside Tifa I was like oooooh they're a thing! And then seeing their conversation it was clear they were having marital problems and needed to work through some shit. Although I also thought Cloud was a miserable git and Tifa deserves better so I didn't understand everything happening in the film, but the main points were simple.
I wish Nojima had done a scene between Cloud and Tifa where he gave her the ring or there was more romance between them, but I guess that wasn't a priority at the time. Since then Nomura and Ayumi Ito have received death threats and all sorts, so Nojima has probably decided to sledgehammer people with Cloud's feelings for Tifa so idiots finally stfu.
Ever Crisis will have episodes from AC so it's possible otwtas will feature too and we'll finally get that romantic scene between them in chibi form 😁❤️
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intheorangebedroom · 2 years
Pleased to meet you, chapter 8
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Summary: Meeting Frankie again is nothing like the two of you imagined, and you both deal with it in whatever ways you can.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x French fem!Reader.
Rating: Explicit 🔞
A/N: This chapter tried to kill me, I shit you not. I'm not sure if I like it, but if I have to go through it one more time I think I might gauge my eyes out. I only survived thanks to @the-ginger-hedge-witch and @frannyzooey 's support, I adore them forever and ever, thank you for your patience, I don't deserve you. Good thing is, this one was so tough on me, I worked on the next simultaneously and it's almost ready (and a much lighter read). So please, if you will, stick with me. With them. There's a big part of that chapter that could be titled "Stfu Tom", and @fuckyeahdindjarin, nudge nudge wink wink.
Word Count: 4.3k.
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Chapter 8: Shuffle Your Feet
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(👆🏻@nicolethered 🙌🏻)
The first thing you recall when you see him, flashing through your static brain at the speed of light, is the only thing you’d completely forgotten about. The last kiss, exchanged in the dim light of an early Monday morning under a threatening sky carrying heavy grey clouds, wind picking up and swirling around you in the quiet street. Downstairs, outside his building, when his sister came to pick him up. A sweet kiss with closed lips and closed eyes, as if the two of you were suddenly shy, after two days and three nights of obscene prospecting. As if outside the realm of the orange bedroom, different rules applied. Why had you forgotten about that? That chaste kiss spoke a thousand feelings.
Sunk into the passenger seat of Benny’s car, you’re crashing down from the adrenaline rush and everything hurts. A painful drumming is steadily increasing in intensity behind your right eye, the muscles in your shoulders strings of steel and the joints of your hips in a lock from sitting unnaturally up straight in that damn wooden chair all night, stiff as a plank, trying your hardest not to look dead on your feet, a shrunken shadow of yourself.  
Peering through the window, you watch the city lights shining bright and blending into blurred rainbows with the speed of the car, the colours combining into an angrily rattling noise pounding heavily in your ears. You clench your eyes shut but it only makes things worse because then, all you can see is him, that damn hat, and his fuming glare. 
Tomorrow’s Tuesday. You’ll be sharing tacos with Rosie. For the first time ever, you’re not so sure you want to be with her. She’ll be seeing right through you, and you can play that scene in your head as though you’ve already suffered through it. The first thing she’ll ask will be if you trust yourself to keep away from Frankie. And when you’ll hesitate a beat too long, she’ll advise you to walk away from it all. She'll say something witty, it’s a car crash in slow motion, or something along those lines. 
You should listen to her and you know it. No, you need more time to process what happened tonight, to carefully choose what you will be telling her, and make it sound convincing. 
You’ve made a point of not mentioning the orange bedroom these past years, although it’s constantly on your mind, because you’re neither blind nor thick and you were quick to notice her exasperated sideways glances and her short replies. You can’t resent her for growing tired of listening to you, rehashing the same details over and over again in masochistic delight. You don’t resent her, but it does feel lonely. 
Besides, there’s been a shifting point in your life, one that crept up slow and steady in your mind through the years until it stood there, all encompassing, unavoidable: you were not sure anymore which fact was real and which was embroidered. 
And all of a sudden, you have to confront a ghost, a recollection you’ve compared to and chosen over every single partner passing through your life, to Francisco “Catfish” Morales. You don’t even know what the hell catfish means. You realise Benny has been talking about him in passing for months, and you were none the wiser because of this stupid nickname. Your mind scrambles as you try to piece into place the scarce anecdotes and stories, to form the shape of today Frankie. 
You see it so clearly now, how the idolised fantasy became a rampart, how a missed shot at happiness turned into an excuse to play it safe, never fully committing yourself to any relationship. Standing on the outside. Tiptoeing over the edge. It’s dizzying. Have you ruined your life over a memory?
Benny’s voice jolts you out of your thoughts.
“So what’d you think of the guys?”
The leather feels too hot under your thighs. You uncross your arms and shift on the seat, slightly shuffling your feet on the metal floor so that the blood keeps circulating in your numb limbs. 
“You ok, baby?”
Car lights gleam over his handsome face, his eyes glimmering with a lighter shade of blue under his knitted brows, strands of thick blond hair sweeping across his forehead. You like to run your hand in there, brush them back. 
It’s not very often that he picks up on your moods. You’ve never left him the chance, preferring to withdraw to the safety of your apartment whenever melancholy drags you down.
“Yeah, I’m okay, I think I’ve had too much to drink,” your voice sounds too high. 
Could you use that excuse to ask him to turn the car around and take you to your place instead?
“Shit, you know, I didn’t realise you were so nervous until you asked for that whiskey.”
That fucking bourbon is sure lying heavy on your stomach right now, you can’t wait to brush your teeth to get rid of that cloying taste.
“I’m good, really, I’ll take something at home.”
At home. Meaning his house. 
“So what’d you think of the guys?” he asks again, like a stubborn child.
“I like Yovanna,” you answer with a smirk, a hollow imitation of the way you constantly tease one another. It’s easier, however, to begin that conversation by enunciating something you genuinely believe. If things were different, you’d be thrilled to have made a new friend. 
Benny chuckles nervously, the sound strangely unfamiliar, miles away from his usual booming bursts of laughter. Another pang of guilt churns your insides. Tonight was about him, it meant something to him. 
“I liked them, Benny, really. Pope, especially, he’s good company.” You pause, but not long enough to hold back your next words. “Your friend Frankie didn’t speak much.” Your mouth goes dry around the name. 
“Yeah, he was completely off, today, he got these moods, sometimes. I mean, he never talks much, but he’s fun. You’ll see. And what about Tom?” he adds, darting an anxious look your way.
Ah, yes. Tom. You know precisely why Benny’s asking about him in particular. 
Yovanna’s warning was concise but accurate, and you already hate the guy. He wasn’t particularly nice to you, when he deigned to acknowledge your presence, that is, but you’ve got thicker skin than that. 
The tallest and broadest amongst the five men, his commanding demeanour easily cued you in as to his position within the tightly woven group. Tom was their leader on the field, and he’s still the last one to talk on most topics, despite Pope subtly -and perhaps not intentionally, you can’t tell yet- challenging him now and then. He might have been handsome in his youth, charming even, but sleepless nights and far too much alcohol have taken a hard toll on his features. What transpires most, however, is his bitterness. Benny told you about his circumstances, how his wife left him after he had lost yet another job, how he struggles to make ends meet, how he hardly ever sees his kids. An accomplished officer, a failure of a civilian. 
And even though you recognise the fact that you can’t possibly grasp an understanding of the difficulty of that particular sort of transition, you cannot abide his meanness. Three hours is the total amount of time you’ve spent in their company tonight, three hours during which your own life has been turned upside down and you’ve lost your bearings, and yet it is very obvious to you that nothing is ever Tom’s fault. Shit just happen to him, or so he seems to think. The man doesn’t own up to anything. Worst, he takes out his resentment on the people around him. 
You know Will has incurred many injuries, both physically and figuratively. Wounded several times, shot in the head, he too lost his fiancée because of an invasive, crippling PTSD. You reckon they all have suffered, hell, Benny takes punches for a living. Disposable assets, now discarded by the very government they fought for, risking their lives and compromising their souls, you suppose all five of them, on some level, harbour a form of resentment. But none of them seem to let it govern their lives to the extent that Tom does. You have to assume it is constituent to his character. It’s always been there. 
And every single time you managed to follow the ongoing conversation, you found him picking on his friends. On Frankie, more often than not, and you can’t shake from your mind the way his alarmed eyes flicked up to your face when Tom alluded to the “recent fuck up that got him grounded”. 
The entire table fell silent. You felt Will uncomfortably moving on his chair as he crossed his arms on his chest, clearing his throat, silently signalling his friend he’d gone too far. The incident didn’t last longer than a few seconds, but a rightful wrath flared up in your heart at the sight of Frankie ducking his head, hiding his face under the brim of his hat. 
You know he can fend for himself, but the words came out of your mouth before you could bite down on them. 
“Yeah, seems to me like you’re one to talk,” you said in your mother’s voice, cold and unforgiving.
As Tom stared at you blankly, Frankie shot up from his seat, more than he stood, asking if anyone wanted another round. Pope spoke next, of course it had been Pope, smoothly steering the conversation into a different direction.
Now you’re left wondering who Frankie was trying to protect. Tom, you, or himself. What has he endured? What has he lost? What has he become? These are thoughts that you’ve cautiously repressed for years. 
“I’ll warm up to him, don’t worry,” you lie to Benny. 
Benny likes him, and you won’t hurt Benny. Not if you can help it. 
You are so fucked.
“So you’ll be coming with me, Sunday?”
Your puzzled look prompts him to explain. 
“Will’s having a barbecue at his place. For his birthday. You know him, he didn’t wanna do anything, but Pope talked him into it. I guess Yovanna will be there”, he adds, “I can ask if you want?”
Sweet Benny. 
“Sure, I’ll come. I’d like to see her again,” your mouth’s gone drier and you swallow thickly.
See her, see them, see Frankie… Is this what your life is going to be like, from now on? A never-ending cycle of polite social interactions with the man you’ve longed for your entire adult life? Would Rosie be so far off? Shouldn’t you be heading to Newark right now, and board the first flight to Paris? Just run away from it all? Are you just going to sit in the car as it crashes in slow motion?
You know you shouldn’t. And you know you are going to. You won’t pass on another opportunity to see him, be near him, hear his voice. Whatever it may cost you. Because it will come at a cost. 
It’s a hazard. Will’s onto you, you’re sure he is, all evening he’s been looking at you looking at Frankie. 
You wonder if he’s ever told any of them about you. You’re not certain if you want to know the answer to that, or what you want it to be. 
“What about the nicknames, you never explained?” You just cannot help yourself. “Pope for instance,” you add quickly,“ Santi, right?”
Benny finally lightens up. 
“Santiago, yeah. They already knew each other with Frankie when we met them, but it’s Will who started calling him that. That’s cos he wants to save the world. Always giving these speeches, gotta take down all them bad guys, you know, there’s always one left to take out. He’s still down there most of the time, ‘cept he works private, now. That’s how he met Yovanna.”
“She told me, yes.”
“She’s nice. I like her. Old man scored himself a beautiful girl,” he muses in his musical, velvety voice. 
You appreciate his sincerity, and the fact that he gives you enough credit to express his appreciation of another woman in front of you. He gets lost in his thoughts for a moment and you grimace unwillingly before you ask again, “And Catfish?”
There goes the booming laughter.
“Oh baby, I can’t tell you that!” he answers with a shake of his head. “That’s nasty stuff!”
Not that much credit, then. 
Fucking hell.
The mouthwash burns the inside of your cheeks as you try to hold it in just a bit longer. Inconsequential physical pain grounds you rather efficiently, you discovered as a teenager. You used to do worse. You wish you still could. 
You hear footsteps approaching on the tiled floor and you quickly reach for your phone to close the tab displaying your Google search before Benny joins you in the bathroom. Bare-chest, wearing only his navy-blue briefs, his tall figure towers over you, and as you avoid looking at his face in the mirror, your eyes briefly flick to the grim tattoo on his right shoulder. 
“You coming, baby?” he runs a hand along your back under your thread-bare Petit Bateau t-shirt.
He drags it up around your side, up to your breast, kneading it softly. Your shoulders contract instinctively, imperceptibly. You spit out the blue liquid in the sink and run the tap, an innocuous routine that should be reassuring but feels like you’re stalling. 
When you get into the bed, the sheets are cold against your bare thighs, every single thread of the fabric grazing your skin. You seek Benny’s warmth and curl up against his solid body, fearing he’ll mistake your intentions but desperately needing the comfort of his embrace. You can’t be lonely with your thoughts, right now. He wraps his arms around your waist and draws you in closer, hitching a leg on top of yours. 
“Damn you’re cold, you want me to warm you up?” 
You know this playful tone, and sure enough his mouth skates up the length of your neck, sucking in your earlobe softly, so you answer, as gently as you can, as evenly as possible, “No, I’m fine like this. I just want this. Please.”
His hesitancy sinks in your belly like a stone, one that his unexpected tenderness, as he brushes his lips to your forehead, telling you to “sleep tight”, does nothing to alleviate. 
Sweet, sweet Benny.
Are you in love with Benny? Could you be? What’s love, really, anyway? Is it slowly getting to know somebody and easing yourself into a soothing domesticity, or spending half of your life obsessing over a near stranger with whom you’ve only spent a weekend? And what’s intimacy? The contentment you experience when Benny holds your hand while you’re watching a movie in his living-room, or the agonising ecstasy of Frankie’s taste on your tongue in the orange bedroom? 
When Frankie pulls into his driveway, it’s a moment before he can unwind his fingers from the steering wheel, where his knuckles have gone white. He kills the engine, pulls the handbrake, and lays his head against the headrest, closing his eyes. He sits there until the light goes off in the cab, allowing the soothing darkness to envelop him. This is good. This is calm. He might just stay here all night, hiding in his truck from this new reality. 
You’re here. You’re real. You came back to him and he doesn’t know what to make of it. You’re with Benny now. 
Alright, this is not working. He’ll get in and get drunk. Get shitfaced and black out, what could possibly be worse than picture you with Benny? He saw plain as day how you recoiled from his touches all night. Recognised the panic in your wide, earnest eyes. Your eyes can’t hide shit. Not from him. He hates that he can still read you out so easily. 
It’s not true, though, because he has no idea why you behaved like that. It doesn’t make any sense, doesn’t answer to any kind of logic. And that’s not true either. It does make perfect sense: you were ashamed, caught red-handed in your lie of “I’ll call you, I swear”, like hell you did, only underneath years of incomprehension and anger, it’s obvious to him now that he had never stopped hoping.  
Never mind that you came back at Redfly the way you did. Doesn’t mean anything. 
He takes off his cap and throws it on the empty passenger seat, running his fingers through his hair and his palm over his face. He has to take off the edge, somehow. 
Izzy stuck her neck out for him, asking her ex to represent him in that bullshit suspension case, and it’s looking good, so far. Not that he really deserves it, but that woman’s a first-rate lawyer, and she might get him out of that shitty situation. He’ll be able to fly again. That’s all that matters, he reminds himself, he can’t risk that. 
He knows exactly who ratted him out, that little shit Giovanni from tech support, who saw him that one time in a bar. He never showed up at work loaded, not once, he had this too under control. And when he told his friend about it, Benny offered to give Giovanni a lesson, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Cold sweat breaks on his back as it downs on him that Benny might have told you about that. The youngest of the Miller brothers can be chatty. 
What do you know about him? What have you heard? What do you think? Is it too late to hope he might be able to curate the version of him you’ll get to see? Does it matter, anyway? He’s got no right, no claim on you. 
Besides, the shock on your face had been genuine when you entered the bar. Most likely, Benny never mentioned him to you. 
Unless… unless you had completely forgotten about him. 
His hands fly to the steering wheel again, violently griping it. He bares his teeth with a growl, failing to withhold the roaring “FUCK” rumbling out from his gut that thunders in the truck. 
He fishes out his phone from the breast pocket of his suede jacket and taps in the code. Anya is probably still awake, and if she is, she’ll give him what he needs. It’s not even a minute before he gets an answer to his text.
Not giving himself time to think, he puts his hat back on and starts the engine again, pulling out of the driveway in one swift maneuver. When he turns on the stereo, Grace Slick’s entrancing voice echoes in the cab through the crackling speakers and he quickly switches to another station with a tick of his jaw and a shake of his head. Huh-huh, the white noise of bad pop will do just fine. 
It’s a short drive over to Anya’s small apartment and he gets there in less than half an hour, careful not to let his mind wander to anything but the road. 
He’s still in the corridor when she opens her door, her sylphlike body wrapped in a flamboyant silk kimono, and he gets in briskly, greeting her with a grunt, hiding his eyes under the brim of his hat. 
His tall figure looks massive in the cluttered living-room, lit by two table lamps covered with scarves. She surveys his tense frame with her slightly bulging blue eyes as he takes off his jacket and throws it on the back of a velvet easy chair. 
“You look like shit, Morales. What happened, this time?” 
It’s heartwarming, this collective effort to break his balls, tonight. The ever present arrogance in her deep voice generally bounces off his skin, but not today. Today it raises goosebumps on the back of his neck. 
“I’m not really here to talk, Anya.”
His strained voice comes out too aggressive. She has nothing to do with it, he reminds himself. She might not be the nicest person but she always picks up her phone. It still requires strenuous efforts to speak in a gentler tone when he says, “I know I’m barging in on you, I’m sorry. I can leave, if you prefer.”
“No, I see. Straight to business,” she scoffs.
Her very gait exudes haughtiness as she closes the distance between them and plants herself in front of him, pinning him down with her extraterrestrial gaze, before cupping him through his jeans. 
Fuck, he really doesn’t want to be here. 
“Well? What are you waiting for, Morales, take off your clothes.”
Tension rolls off of him, denser than a power line. He’s seen her thin, stern lips stretch over perfect, pearly white veneers in the past, but he’s never seen a smile reach her eyes. Perhaps his company is to blame. 
Frankie reminds himself why he comes here, to this stone-cold woman. It’s a transaction that doesn’t entail money. He gets her off. She provides him with an outlet. She doesn’t really want to know, she never really listens, and he gets to go home weary enough to sleep a dreamless sleep, no harm done, no consequences.
Tonight shouldn’t feel any different. He came here before, burdened with things to forget and sounds to quieten, shotguns, absences, engines, your moans against his chest. But tonight your voice rings louder in his ears and it feels like a betrayal. And as he follows Anya to her bedroom, toeing off his boots and taking off his jeans and briefs, it starts feeling also like a descent.
He spits in his hand and roughly fists his cock, walking over to the vanity where she keeps her condoms while she unties her silk robe and sits crisply on the bed. She doesn’t let him bring his own rubbers, rather making him wear some fancy, organic ones. Extra thin, and expensive, and it does feel better, only on some occasions, like now, he could do without this kind of realism. 
When he walks back to the bed, still not fully erect, she knocks his hand off and takes him in her mouth, licking broad, messy stripes, stroking him forcefully up and down.
Frankie lets his head roll back, his eyes clenched, focusing on the sensation of his cock swelling inside the wet hot cavern of her mouth, blocking her voracious moans, until he's hard and heavy, grabbing her thin hair in his large hand and taking over, deep-throating her in short, rapid thrusts until she gags on his length. 
“Oh man, you have the sweetest fucking dick in town,” she croons in a raspy voice, looking at him provocatively from under her pale eyelashes and wiping the spit off her chin with the back of her hand. 
He handles her with brisk yet measured strength when he turns her around and positions her on all fours on the edge of the bed. More often than not, Frankie finds it hard to look at her face while he fucks into her, especially tonight with nothing more than two pints of beer in his system. She likes it best this way too. It serves a double purpose. The faster she comes, the sooner he’s out.
After deftly rolling the condom down his length, he quickly lines himself up and shoves his cock inside her all the way down to his base. If it’s too much, she doesn’t show, and he starts moving fast, drawing out completely and sinking back in brutal strokes.  
Sweat’s dripping down his back, his dampened shirt glued to his frame with how harshly he’s pounding her. Hands braced on the emerald green satin comforter, Anya’s meeting him thrust for thrust, and he tugs her ass upward with a bruising grip for purchase as he fucks her faster. 
“Yes! Morales, fuck, just like–”
Frankie clasps her mouth with his left hand, the sound of his hips snapping brutally against Anya’s bony ass louder than his husky groans. Staring at a dark spot on her shoulder, he doesn’t let his mind wander, focused on the rhythm of his thrusts, on staving off his release just long enough so that she’ll come first. 
Frankie’s down for pretty much anything, but she has a way of taking it that makes it feel wrong giving it to her. 
When he arrives back at his house, half an hour later, he doesn’t take the time to take off his jacket or his boots and rushes straight to his living-room. Next to the beat-up brown couch stands a large, handmade wooden bookshelf supporting books of all kinds, meticulously lined up by topics and sub-categories, novels, non-fiction, textbooks, magazines. There are two rows of European fiction, top and second shelves, and in the one below, a small indentation in the alignment. He reaches up and plunges his hand behind the books, where he finds it immediately. Like muscle memory. 
His shoulders finally drop as he looks at the big black cat in a white bow tie holding a gun on the book cover. A slow, long exhale, and he opens it, on the right page. There’s no miracle to that, the back of the book bears a deep crease from having been stretched opened so often on that exact same excerpt. 
The midnight ball.
Tonight he thinks he might just take that damn book and burn it. But he’s thought that before. And the book is still here, following him everywhere he goes like regrets. 
The red imprint is slightly smeared from that one time he ran his thumb over it, like he did over your lips on the last night, silently asking you to open up for him. Pleading, more like it. But that’s the thing, isn’t it? With you he didn’t need to ask, he didn’t have to plead. You gave him everything. He chose you, and you chose him. 
Fuck. Why did it have to be Benny?
His movements weighed down by weariness, Francisco Catfish Morales returns the book to its hiding place, having made it through another day.    
Taglist (Thank you 💕): @nicolethered @elegantduckturtle @mashomasho @lola766 @flowersandpotplantsandsunshine
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wet-towel-socrates · 2 years
No Matter How Your Heart Is Grieving
An idea I got listening to the Cinderella OST (yes I listen to old Disney soundtracks stfu), specifically "The Dress/Escape to the Garden" bc it's so sad and I got into my feelings :'( also I just wanted to pen this onto something as an outlet.
*Tw for depression, mentions of suic*de, general angst and hopelessness/no religion outright stated but implied prayer and mention of "angel"
*Yuu/MC is genderneutral
Crowley was getting ready for a late night meeting with the housewardens. Beforehand however, he decided to call Yuu to the mirror chamber to finally come clean.
"There is no way back home for you. I'm sorry."
Yuu cannot believe it. They are completely stunned.
"If I were you, I would switch gears and start getting used to Twisted Wonderland as your new home, if you haven't already."
Yuu tries but can't hold back the cascade of tears as they run out of the chamber. They bump into the housewardens on their way to Crowley's, but don't bother looking back.
"Oi, watch it Herbi—huh?"
"Prefect?" Riddle calls out to them, "prefect, what's wrong?" Yuu keeps running, wiping the tears and holding in their sobs.
They run towards the edge of the courtyard, away from the wishing well and slump their body over a stone bench beneath a weeping willow. In that moment, all their dreams and hopes of returning home left their body in the form of shaky, hiccuping breaths. They couldn't bear to draw attention to themselves even though it was the dead of night. God forbid they were a nuisance to anyone else while they were grieving the loss of their home and their loved ones that they will never see again. Yuu dared not to let out a whine or murmur, instead desperately limiting themselves to trembling gasps as the tears rolled down their cheeks and slithered down their neck.
It's hopeless. It's no use.
A lone figure walking along the outdoor walkways surrounding the courtyard saw the figure under the tree, draped over the bench with their head in their arms. Is that... The prefect?
Yuu looks up, attempting to clear their nose from the stuffiness.
"I can't take this anymore," Yuu whispers. They gaze at the moon and the tears sparkle from where the lone figure is standing. The figure slides behind a column and watches Yuu.
"I remember whenever I was homesick," Yuu began, "you told me to look up at the sky, because no matter where I was, we'd be united underneath it. We'd see the same moon and the same stars, and that way I wouldn't feel so far away from you." Who is the prefect talking to? the figure thought.
Yuu can feel a new wave of emotions blur their eyes as they thought about their closest friend from home. "But now, when I look up...the sky I see... Is foreign. The moon, the stars, the constellations— I don't recognize any of it." Yuu looked down and hid their face in their arms. "And then it hits me. We aren't even on the same plane of existence. I couldn't be farther from you if I tried."
The trembling in Yuu's voice made the figure feel icky that they were eavesdropping on such an intimate moment, but they had never seen Yuu look so defeated, much less cry. Why are they crying?
"And now, I've never felt so lonely."
Yuu glanced up once more as if speaking to someone in the clouds.
"I've done everything Crowley's asked of me. The Overblots, the fairy gala, the ghost bride, I've taken care of all of it! I've kept my grades up even though I don't have magic and I've watched over Grim and the others." Yuu paused to catch their breath.
"Is it too much to ask for some reprieve in my troubles? My heartache and my pain?" The figure's expression dropped slightly, hearing such a modest plea from a person that they knew was more deserving of anything than everyone else in NRC combined.
"Please," they begged towards the sky, "I cannot take this anymore. I no longer want to be a burden on anyone else here. If someone is out there—send me your angel of death... And put me out of my misery. As long as my home is out of reach, I can't bear to stay here. I don't belong here." Another wave of stinging tears poured out their eyes, streaming rapidly down their neck. "Please. Please. Please."
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honeybeewhereartthee · 5 months
Sometime later, you and Kanata walks around the beach again as the sun is setting for the day.
"look a 'cat'~" not long later you guys spotted a feline sleeping in the sand.
"That cat looks kinda weirdddddd...." You mumble as you look at the small cat with the same hair color you use to have and eyes as well.
[....stfu.] you heard the feline inside of you say as you felt him glaring at you for calling the cat weird.
He seems to be in disbelief about something as he control you body to softly touch the cat head but soon become disappointed.
'whats wrong buddy? Was the cat similar to your lover or something ~ahahaha.' you jokingly tease him. [....no.] you can feel him lies through his words. Now you felt bad for making such insensitive joke--
"AHAHAH~" you laugh as you held the cat in your arms. The kitty meows at and bloop your nose. You giggle thinking how cute the cat is now especially since you can tease Ritsu along the way.
As play you with the cat kanata watch you in silent, he found himself daze again. You seems to glow with the sunset behind you.
"you look beautiful, my dollmaker." He found himself saying the thoughts off his head. He found his cheeks being so warm and felt like fluffy things flying in his stomach. It makes him unable to look at you. He felt shy. "Ah.... I'm going to 'die' cause of 'heat'!" He cover his face, it felt so warm and odd.
"huh?" You look at him who's being so silly right now. The kitty meows as your attention went elsewhere. Jumping off your arms. And looking at you and Kanata with interest in their eyes.
"ahh... Stop 'staring' for a moment... I felt I'll 'explode'...!" Kanata exclaim as you poke his cheeks. "Your being so cute. Being embarrassed. Ahaha." You tease him. He shyly look at you from behind the long sleeve he have.
"Your quite ' dangerous ' my dollmaker." He mumbles. Earning a question mark from you from such out of the blue statement.
"it seems you have 'charms' of 'helen from troy'." He seems to know a lot of stories from literature or history.
What a smart friend you have. You cannot help but be impress by Kanata once again.
"I 'thought' at first... The 'little miss' was being too young to know be 'swayed' away by 'emotional desire'." He seems to be really in a deep thought about his own situation right now.
"Ah... I wonder if I'll turn into to someone like an 'angel' that 'loaths' the world and 'the fate' for the so called 'emotion' of 'love'..." He mumbling more about some stuff you don't understand but hearing those words ritsu eyes widen in shock.
[.... What... That story...] Isn't that the derange pink angel story with that alternative version of you? He cannot believe his hearing this from someone who don't even know about the other worlds.... Unless.
"...did you just call me so beautiful I can destroy cities ~" you try to change the subject since ritsu is being very concerning with how his glaring at Kanata for answers and some sort of distrust.
"hmm. " Kanata nodded in agreement. "Not just cities. Even worlds." He can finally felt himself calm down as the sun have fallen asleep behind the clouds. The topic made him distracted a bit.
"that's exaggerating..." You sigh. The cat meows beside you. It seems the cat left just now as the cat have a little pouch in their mouth and put it to Kanata hand after nudging him.
"Oh~ thank you~" Kanata smiles at the cat but don't really went and pat the cat unlike you who carried the cat again to give some kisses which made the cat meows from being tickle by your affection.
"my dollmaker. Your very brave." The blue haired doll commented looking at you and the cat. "I cannot dare touch the little 'fairy' cause their 'mate' is watching us." He pointed behind you. "What mate..." You look behind you.
your eyes stared where his pointing, your eyes saw the most shiny coat, very cotton candy hair and almost like a walking bubble neon pink fluff that's hissing at you... For some reason.
[ what the fuck. ] You can hear ritsu having a very much in disbelief and bewilderment moment right now. [ Let go of that cat!] He quickly instructed you as you stare at the candy cat. Who's almost small as the one your holding.
Smoll but intimating as he tries to be. BUT HIS ONLY FLUFF BALL TRYING TO ACT TOUGH.
"wow how does a cat have a pink hair like you do, little fella?" You chuckle as you tried to pick up the car with your free hand as your other hand is holding the kitty.
The cat hiss and tried to claw your hand but you just laugh as you held the cat on the nape causing him to froze in instinct. The cat in your arm meows at the reaction of the cotton candy cat.
"what a nasty cat." You commented and your sure that the cotton candy cat just rolled his eyes at you.
"Kitty why is your mate so mean. Only his beautiful coat is giving him points. Divorce em." You did not know what bad thing your saying as the cat in your arms seems to meow softly before what seems to be a laugh from a cat.
[ oh gott. You sure have a death wish..] ritsu face palm at the sentence you just said.
"what? Why are you glaring at me little fella? Your glare is so cute. Trying to act tough but cannot even move from my hand." You laughs still holding onto the frozen pink cat in one hand.
In some part of you, you felt you know someone who reminded you of this cat.
"ah just like certain pinky I know... Well sort off. I forgotten who it was." You laugh as move the cat that's trying to claw you again, meowing so hatefully at you who's being affectionate by the other cat with them rubbing their head against your cheeks.
"ah.... If you... 'harm' my dollmaker. I will 'tell' the 'rat' about you, little angel." Kanata calmly says as he notice the situation.
"Also... That... Ahm... 'overseer' will not like you causing 'trouble' in this premise..." He really seems to trying to convince the angry fur ball about him snitching to someone. Through it seems to work yet it cause ritsu even more in state of disbelief.
[ *criminal offensive side eyes]
[ *bombastic side eyes]
"geez. It seems you know those cats." You commented as you put down the two cats. The pinky was about to jump on you when the nicer cat licks his face. Making him stops and become docile.
"AHAHAH! What a catsimpooo~" you chuckle as you watch the pink cotton ball give you a look but was calm by the kitty.
Before the cats meows and chat about something and soon they both left. Leaving you two staring but then you look at something on the ground and saw a candy.
"Ooh candy... " You open it up and eats it after cracking it into two to give ito to kanata who happily eats it with you, since you were getting hungry before ritsu can say something.
[... DONT JUST EAT THAT!!] oh his not getting paid enough to deal with this. 'its just candy.' you internally road your eyes. Ritsu already have his face on his hand. He cannot believe this, why are so dumb sometimes
Through he did realize earlier on that it was not the cat he knows... But the reason why they look similar cause that person is related with that crazy cat.
Honestly today sure is stressful. He learn lots of stuff and thinks his living a lie. Especially with that suspicious Kanata with you.
Yet he cannot say anything at the moment as you seems to enjoy Kanata company. And it's more nicer companion than certain someone he knows that's been with you for a long time.
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(1)If you call someone a rat, you mean that you are angry with them or dislike them, often because they have cheated you or betrayed you. [informal, disapproval]
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taegularities · 2 years
GOOD MORNING, BEAUTIFUL RID. it’s 07:47 here. thank you for another masterpiece.
Jungkook is one to walk through the world carelessly, a free spirit. Living life as it comes. At least that’s the picture you’ve painted of him in your head. And to know that he, too, feels insecure about his own work sometimes drenches him in something… authentic.
this is like a quote from a poetry book i read 🥺
“I’m not afraid to take you right here.”
“And both of us slid down the damn ramp like a skateboard.”
Jungkook can’t fight the laugh that his suggestion calls forth, and he covers it with a shirtsleeve covered hand; his eyes little moons.
[…] Nara…
“You looked like you were in a better mood afterwards, though,” Yoongi insists, adding more chaos to the madness.
Peculiar how his words flood you with motivation you haven’t felt before; hope and optimism you want to hold onto.
aah this one is gonna hurt-
That’s the last sentence on the page – it reminds him of you.
“I can concentrate a lot better with you around.”
“For when I get into an actual relationship.”
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my heart broke at that bit of jungkook comparing their lives ):
Who knows what they will print and write into their journals and news? He’s way out of your league anyway – or at least that’s what everyone will say once this picture is printed. Not least of all because of the clear difference between your reputations: yours is enormous – and his non-existent.
STOP 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“But I’m here willingly,” he whispers, “I like being with you.”
“if I’m somewhat okay, little angel… may I kiss you then?”
“I can’t fuck you stupid if you pass out on me already.”
“Why are you holding back?” he asks, the smile cocky and lustful; nothing new. “Don’t you think everyone in this house already knows?” He pushes his fingers in harder, rubbing against the rough patch inside you. “That I fuck any logic out of you all the damn time?”
you’re so good at smut and fluff and angst i can’t!!!!
He wraps his fingers around your messy bun and tugs just lightly, pulling your head back.
“But,” he interrupts, nearly hissing, “you can’t always get what you want, though, can you?”
🥵 but then
“No,” he whispers, his hand leaving your hair to grip your jaw, “no. Let me just please you today, yeah?”
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“Where do you think you’re going?” he asks, his voice husky and quiet, kind of intimidating… but still fond somehow. “We’re not done yet.”
Devours your sounds, watches logic and thinking abilities slip out of your head entirely. The curve of his shaft reaches every sensitive spot inside you, rubs desperately.
oh dear lord
The nickname, usually an irritating term, launches you up and above the clouds; suddenly endearing… maybe even sweet.
oh no-
His lips skim the apple of your cheek… up to your temple; place a kiss on one of your eyebrows with closed eyes.
And Jungkook’s heart falls – down and deep into a pit.
WAAAAAHHHH PAULEEEEYYYYYY I DON'T DESERVE U !!!!!! u know i absolutely love how u point out most of the things i want pointed out while writing, like u're so 😭 <33
okay, this poetry quote ?! u need to share !! and not the stfu at nara's mention omg 😭 and oh. yeah. if that makes u think this one's gonna hurt, then have fun reading the future parts cos..... 😮‍💨 BUT PLEASE, the 'for when i get into an actual relationship' hurt me sO BAD, TOO !!!
jk comparing his life to oc's.... i know, it really drags him down, but my boy stays strong for her and never says anything :(((( he deserves the best *sniff*
losing it at the cat emojis 🤣 and the 🦋🦋 are real, too goshhhhh </3 ALSO HAHAHAH I'M SO SORRY I KNOW THE ENDING IS MEAN, but i promise things are gonna make sense and work out <3 thank u so much as always, this put such a big smile on my face 😭 i love u fr 😭
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lostandloney · 2 years
Hiya! Could i request a drabble or whatever you feel like writing with Leon x either fem or gn reader, where Leon is like being really grumpy (and borderline annoying lol) and the reader gets annoyed easily and they basically just tell Leon to stfu and he's surprised but is like 'i will stfu then' while just being shocked? idk if it fits being a fluff drabble or whatever, but you can add fluff :>
Sorry it took so long for me to get around to this!!! I was busy with work! Anyway I hope you enjoy!!
Okay. Yeah, you weren't feeling great. As the seconds ticked on and Leon acted more and more snippy about every little thing, your own aggravation got worse and worse. This was obvious by the fact that your foot began to thump repeatedly in aggravation and you began to clench your jaw.
You didn't know how much more you could take.
You never really found Leon annoying, but since you had already been pretty aggravated before he had come home and started acting like a total grouch, but because of that very same thing, you were teetering on the edge of exploding.
Just one more small thing and-
Leon huffed in aggravation, grumbling under his breath about something.
"Would you seriously just shut the fuck up already? Honestly for fucks sake, I can barely freaking think with your negative cloud of energy."
You snapped. You couldn't take it anymore, and the moment you saw Leon's face morph into an expression of shock before just... setting into a completely blank look, you regretted it, and your eyes widened considerably with that realization.
"Fine... I will shut up then." He still seemed to be in shock, swiftly turning on his heel and attempting to leave the room, but you were fast to move and grab his shoulder, causing him to freeze up and tense.
You had fucked up. Big time.
You frowned. "Leon I didn't mean that- I didn't mean to snap at you." You insisted, nearly whimpering when he stayed silent. "I just... I've been irritated all day and then just... sounds have been overwhelming..." you tried, m leaning forward and gently pressing your forehead against Leon's back.
The man seemed to stop tensing, but he didn't dare move. "It's fine." His tone was clipped, yet completely neutral.
"No. It's not. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you, especially since you've already been having a bad day."
It was true. That was really shitty of you, no matter how easily you got annoyed. Even if you couldn't help it.
"I said it's fine" Leon insisted, though now his tone wavered.
You frowned more, taking a deep breath and guiding the man to turn and face you. He looked... downtrodden, his lips set in a firm frown and clear blue eyes refusing to even look at you. "It's not fine."
He went to argue.
"Leon." Your tone was firm and he closed his mouth again. "It is never okay for me to take your feelings out on someone. I should have just left the room or done something to help myself calm down in a healthy manner instead of holding it in until I broke." You were insistent and you watched as he sighed and hesitantly leaned forward into your touch.
"Now that that's out of the way... why are you upset?" You asked, gently guiding Leon against your form fully and wrapping your arms around him, feeling the way his body naturally gave into you and just sunk to the ground, right to his knees as he buried his face in your stomach.
Leon let out a shaky breath, one that said it all. "I don't know how much longer I can just do nothing, and stay quiet about all the shit I'm put through at work," he began.
You nodded, listening to every word he said as he just ranted about the most recent events, the man who had wanted nothing more than to instill fear in everyone. It was awful what he had to go through every time the government called him up to deal with their bullshit... you ran your fingers through his brown hair, softly massaging his scalp as you did so.
It seemed to help, even if only as little.
"I'm just... so tired."
"I know Leon. And I'm sorry you have to deal with all of this."
"Can we just... lay in bed and forget the world for tonight?"
"Of course we can."
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i-need-air · 3 years
your hybrid!bkg hcs are mad cute 😖💞 i’m in LOVE— what if reader comes home w/ a stray kitten? 🥺 katsuki doesn’t like cats but this one is all small and shivering and reader couldn’t let the poor thing starve on the streets so she takes it in. the kitten gets attached to katsuki very quickly much to his displeasure, he thinks he’s his mom lmao
I'm so glad you like them, all I want is to make people feel uwu and it's happening! 💕💕 This is so cute and I can only imagine him being a big ass momma later on ahskdjsk let's see:
[ Main Hybrid!Bakugou HCs here: Part 1 and Part 2! ]
[ BNHA Masterlist to find all Hybrid!AU works ]
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× you had to stay out longer than expected so it was getting late, and the worst part was that it started raining
× very dark clouds, thunder seen in the distance, bone-chilling wind; storm looked as if it was approaching fastly
× so you rushed fast home
× but something stopped you in your tracks a few streets away from home
× a small, weak meow that somehow you heard over all the noise surrounding you
× after investigating, you found this poor little kitten behind a garbage can
× frail, tiny, trembling, balled up trying to maintain body heat
× you had to save the little life, you just had to
× when you walked through the door, throwing everything but your jacket, in which the kitten was secured in, Katsuki heard the commotion
× he got out of the shower as it seemed he also got late from work and gave you a questioning face
× bc you mumbled a small "hi" and rushed to the bathroom
× to which he follows, like wth is going on and definitely catches on as he smells you
× "What the hell is that?" blurts, tactful as always
× you explain to him in a rush as you prepare a warm bath for the kitten, asking him to google anything you could do to help it
× gives you a stink glance
× lol like I'd bother type of glance
× yet still does it as you open your jacket to show him the frail kitten still shivering
× he comes around with his phone, acting done with life while reading out loud what to do, what to feed it
× meanwhile you realize you really don't have any food that would suit the kitten so you ask him if he could gently bath it while you go out to buy some at the corner grocery shop near by
× he just took a shower and you were still wet from the rain so it made sense you'd be the one going
× cue to him complaining like an overgrown child
× "Tsk, you're gonna catch a cold"
× "Just let it dry or whatever"
× "I cleaned the fucking floor yesterday and now it's all wet!"
× all while taking the cat from you and closing the bathroom door in your face 😒
× you change fastly and go out again while rolling your eyes at him
× but
× i shit you not, the moment you arrive home and go check on them, you find him in the living room with the kitten wrapped in a towel in his arms
× he's just looking down at it with a serene expression on his face
× 🦋🦋💕🦋💕🦋💕🦋🦋🦋🦋
× honestly, i genuinely feel he'd be compassionate about it, he knows what it is to have a rough life so he's definitely going to help, and will appreciate you for saving its life
× the first few days he really bitches about it though
× "Ya wanna keep it?"
× "I'm not taking care of that damned cat!"
× "Hey, you, brat, come here, you need to eat" to the cat instantly after telling you he ain't doin it
× exagerated scoffs as the kitten approaches him and cuddles him, demands attention, so on
× "This brat is so needy, tsk"
× still pets it gently while acting disinterested
× the funniest thing is when you both realize the kitty follows him everywhere and throws small fits whenever he leaves
× you record it doing so and send it to him
× he only responds with 🙄
× [ but saves the videos in a secure folder called Brat ]
× "The fuck is it followin' me around?!?"
× cuddle time is now him on top of you and kitty burried in his neck purring
× he has a high body temperature, ideal for snuggles
× thinks that you're not looking and puts a hand on the cat for protection
× seriously his words don't match his actions
× i swear, i feel he'd be like a cat whisperer or something
× bc whenever he orders the kitten to do something kitty does exactly that
× you had to argue with the cat to get off the table, Katsuki comes, orders it and the lil shit meows and gets off
× to which, of course, smug ass Katsuki gives you a smirk like "This is how you do it 💅"
× 💕 little shits 💞
× of course you're keeping the cat
× and he demands it has to have a badass name
× like it's a cute fluffy smol bean and he wants to call it Diablo or some shit
× to which he explains it's cuz the cat is a little demon and the name just fits
× fine, whatever, what's important is that you're keeping the kitty, win-win
× will definitely 100% buy cat toys and accessories
× "So it won't destroy the fuckin house while we're gone"
× proceeds to play with the cat
× throws toy mouse a foot away, watching how it catches it and plays with it
× records it
× "What a dumbass"
× sends you the video instantly
× makes fun of you bc it's obvious who's the favorite
× enjoys when you're pouty about it but kisses your forehead
× he might be the favorite but you're still his favorite
× but when he catches you snuggling together he goes 💕💓💞💖💝✨✨✨✨
× will [ again ] bitch about it but even the cat knows he's jealous; he just wants to cuddle with you both
× will scold the cat if it throws things off shelves or something
× if he gets a "meow" back he's gonna glare at it and say "Don't talk back to me" 💀
× if you have the audacity to laugh at him for it he'll scold you too
× Big Mom Energy
× Katsuki is soft for the cat
× but dear lord, can't stand the hairs on his black t-shirts
× "Fucking amazing, LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"
× "meow?"
× "Don't act innocent!"
× Chef Bakugou prepares the best food for the cat
× he's not buyin that cheap ass shit, nuh-huh
× vet trips make him more nervous than it should be
× he cannot stay in place, leg bouncing, all the anxiety bag
× "It's a regular check-up, Katsu—"
× "Why do they have to stab it, huh?!"
× "It's a vaccine, it's good for—"
× "Fuck off"
× 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
× "You did well, kid" and a scratch on the head after the tragic vaccination happens
× you know those pictures of big hunky dudes working out or doing manly stuff in the mirror? yano, those pics
× he sends you those but you suddently see kitty on his shoulders; the contrast is hilarious ngl
× demands you take some of those pics since he doesn't wanna disturb the cat
× he's soft, man
× his wallpaper is a picture of you and the kitty snuggling
× and he has hundreds of them
× most taken without permission or with you looking like a comfortable mess and that's his shit
× you start talking about pets, specifically cats with other people?
× his cat is better than anyone's cat
× no room for discussion
× will fight them
× his cat is a warrior, dude; no weak ass domestic cat, nope, his cat survived the streets, his cat is an apex predator, his cat is—
× akdjldkakdks you get it
× just say you love the cat and go lmfao
× then he shows em pictures of hIS cAt and it has a Christmas hat on, looking adorable af or something
× big ass apex predator, huh?
× his cat is also cute now stfu, extra 💅
× 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
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fyodorsslut · 3 years
Wrists- Bakugou Katsuki
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Requested by: @toomanyotpslove​
 A/N: both of us can’t remember what the request was sadly, but I still have the story and find it very much worth publishing!! So, here we are! It’s not the type of thing I’d usually write, honestly, but I tried
AU: Fantsy!Au
Pairings: Dragon Lord! Bakugou x shape shifter! fem! reader
Genre: Fluff, some angst (?), comfort
play: Particular Taste by Shawn Mendes
Warnings: Not proof read, mention of physical abuse, child abuse, blood, mention of killing, reader triggered, enslaving, dehumanizing, bruises
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He learnt to never touch her wrists.
  So, when he accidentally pulls her back by her still-bruised wrist, her reaction doesn’t surprise him too much.
  When Y/n jumps back, startled, clutching onto her wrist like she’s doing it for dear life, with her mesmerizing y/e/c eyes shot awide, Katsuki isn’t even surprised. A good 12 years of living with her have taught him this much, at least.
  “I-I’m sorry,” he coughs vaguely, gulping and watching out for any sign of an abnormal reaction. Even though it’s been long, Y/n’s mentality isn’t that stable and any small trigger could be like a bomb, and the explosion is her turning into some animal and losing control over herself.    “It’s alright,” Y/n sighs, rubbing  a thumb against her wrist.
  “You sure?” with a little tilt of his head, Katsuki takes a closer step towards scared Y/n. “You good?”   “Yeah,” she smiled, nodding. It took a lot of Katsuki not to push further. Instead, he nods in concern, wary of the apology he now owes her
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   A few years back, or so he recalls, was when he met her.
                                              (12 years ago)
  The shore was so thick with humid, too much humid he couldn’t breathe properly. His small, bare arms prickle with the sensation of moisture, minuscule droplets too small to see dancing over his skin. The 6 years old boy stretches a little, moving his fingers in tiny circles, stirring up the cloying warmth hanging over the seashore.
  Sniffing, he grimaces, the light breeze smells of fires doused by the passing rain. His small features scrunch, the kid at the castle, went out fishing or such. Instead, he was here, with his parents and some lieutenants, checking on what’s coming in and out the country.
   Dazing away from his parents, he runs a hand through the flowers blooming from boxes along the pathway. The dirt around them is still wet from the passing rains and a particularly exuberant gardener. Behind him, more flowering veins run  up the brick walls and rocks, these people love there flowers. The explode in various shades, thriving in this climate-
  That’s when he spots it. Her
  A few men bulk up, trying to casually hide it, tensing at the presence of the king and queen, clearly not have been expecting it. But, from the heir’s vantage point, he saw the girl clearly, Bruised, chained up so movement is very uncomfortable. Some leather, cage muzzle sat disturbingly on her mouth and wrapped around her head. With clearly barely any movement, the girl’s body could go through so much harms, aside from the position she’s sat in.
  It’s almost terrifying, goosebumps crawling up the young boy’s body.
  “Katsuki?” A gentle voice calls for the ash blonde. He slightly flinches, ripping his gaze off the girl in chains. He looks at his mother in a frightened manner.
  “Is something wrong?”
  Shakily, he points a weak finger towards the cage.
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  Holding a hand out, he manages to pull the abashed girl out. She has an air of misuse and neglect. Skinny and barely able to balance her weak form on her own.
  Katsuki softly takes the muzzle off. He smiles at the face in front of him, only to be met by wide eyes and trembling lips.
  “Are you okay?”
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  A small hand grips into the back of his dress shirt. A certain body’s heat closing up to him.
  “She won’t do anything, not even eat. She spoke no words, and is continuously clenching onto the prince.”
   Young Katsuki didn’t understand what was going on as the nurse spoke to his mom. A clan murdered? People... haunted? He didn’t mind her huddling onto him the way she did. He heard she’s a shape shifter, what is that? 
  “Shipped, enslaved, and sold in the black market. She’s a special, these ones cost a fortune there.”
  He didn’t understand, sure. But he still knew whatever this girl has been through, it’s trauma. He knew that from how the words sounded, and from the look on his mother’s face, he’s never seen her more disgusted his whole life, not even when he eats his mucus.
   He glances at her, bruises clouding her freshly cleaned cheeks, one eye purple. Her arms and hands were the same, too. When her eyes catch his, she looks down immediately, pulling away as an embarrassed red paints her cheeks.
   “Katsuki...” The king slowly kneels before his son. “What do you think?”    “What do you mean?” He raises a light eyebrow, confusion written on his face with wide letters.
   The king glances over to his prideful wife, who only softly shrugs, both unaware of what to do with the girl who could’ve possibly ended up reduced to some lifeless corpse in a few more days of starvation. They don’t get to ask Katsuki more than he’s already done; finding the girl. Yet, it seems as though the almighty king and queen, for the first time, are out of any other options.
  “Would you mind staying with her until we figure out how to help her do things on her own?” His brunette father spoke gently, simplifying the words so that the young, stubborn prince could understand much of it.
   “I’m not a kid,” He huffs, annoyance unjustified. “Of course I’ll help her around. That’s my job.”
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  A scream erupts from her lips before she could help it. Her eyes immediately shot shut as she holds out her arms in defense, ready for the punishment for being so loud.
  “Hey, easy there,” The man at the infirmary smiles gently at her. “What’s wrong?”
  “She doesn’t want anyone touching her wrists,” Katsuki confirms, watching over them closely like an examiner over a test. The doctor helping figure out her bruises as y/n flinches like a spooked animal.    “Manacles trauma,” he nods. “These monsters really did their business.”
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  “Katsukiiiii,” she whines, helplessly running. “Slow down a little!”   “Not a chance!” Her friend chuckles aloud, tugging at the blindfolded girl’s hand as his legs take off, fleeting against the floor of the castle.
   He comes to a sudden stop, pulling Y/n to stop too. 
  “Why’d you stop?” she questions, tightening her grip over his small fingers.    “Shh, we’re here,” he talks, smiling agape as attempts to control his uncontrollable excitement.
  His hand leaves hers, clutching on to the blindfold at the back of her head. Swiftly, he rids her of the void she was staring into.
  The sight she was outlet into was like an ambush to her feelings. Unable to form any words or create a reaction other than a stuttered “is this for me?”
   “Do you... yes! It’s yours! Do you like it?” The young ash blonde asks excitedly, watching over the girl’s reaction. “It’s even right next to mine!” 
   She turns to him, tears filling her pretty y/e/c eyes. Before he realized it, she’s pulled him into a tight embrace, sobbing for some reason unbeknownst to him.
  “Thank you.”
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                                   ( Back to the present )
   “Can we go back inside now?” He felt her breath before he heard her voice, straight up nauseous from the amount of people gathered up in such feast.
  “Yeah, sure, whatever,” he grumbles under his breath. He sounds annoyed, but it’s no sweat for his lover to slip past his well-made façade.
  “Thank you, Katsu,” She presses a soft kiss on his cheek. Even though he knows no one saw, due to their position at the far corner of the room, his cheeks rise a flame. He immediately grimaces, you could practically see steam fuming from his ears as he, without any ado, stomps inside puling  the girl alongside.
  “I sure hope you have a proper explanation for that, princess,” He folds two strong, muscular arms onto his bare chest. The multiple necklaces and animal teeth almost scrambling away from his arms.    “Explanation for what?” Y/n raised a brow, playing dumb. She smiles softly, twirling a lock of y/h/c hair around her index finger, knowing damn well the practiced act does the trick.
  “Tch,”he rolls his eyes. Only throwing himself on the couch. “Sit here, idiot,” he pats the spot beside him in a soft manner, indicating he’s about to start a sensitive conversation.
  Gracefully, Y/n places herself on the couch, placing he r head on Katsuki’s broad shoulder. His arm wraps around her waist like it always does, scooting her closer as it finds rest on her thigh ((stfu-)).
  “This morning you were... crying?” He spoke softly, unable to find the perfect way to speak in this specific situation.
  Y/n takes a deep breath, fingers fidgeting with Katsuki’s fingers. “Nightmares,” she admits.   “The same one?”   “I think,” she shrugs, gulping. “I can only remember the faces of.. you know.”
  By the way her fingers slightly squeezed his, Bakugou knew he should stop the conversation there.
  “Don’t worry,” his voice was so, very low she could barely hear him. He presses a tender kiss on the top of her head, letting his lips take the weight of her whole  head, finding rest at that spot. “No one will harm you as long as I’m here,” his voice sent slight vibrations through her head, as he inhales the familiar scent of her hair. “And you know I’m too stubborn to die, anyway.”
  “Wow, very comforting, Katsuki,” she chuckles, pressing a kiss on his shoulder.   “Shut up,” he blurts, flustered.    “I love you too, Katsu,” She held his hand with both hers, printing continuous pecks on it.
  His hand grips her cheek, the other gripping the opposite.  Fixing his seating, he pulls her face upwards, planting a firm and fiery kiss that’s too short for her liking on her soft lips.
  Unlike the rest of the shapeshifters, and unlike most of the the population she lives amongst in this country,  Y/n’s a soft, curious soul. Not made for a harsh living or to be put against anything. Yet, the fire in her only ever lured people, the difference in her. Of all people, the heir to the dragon throne, Katsuki Bkugou. 
  “Fuck you for being like this,” his ruby eyes bore into hers, unable to find a single flaw.
  Both the kids’ hearts raced in their chests.
   He learnt to never touch her wrists, instead, he touched her soul to anchor her
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this is so random but can you do a fluff headcanon of seeing his s/o in a kimono for Sakusa, Suna, and Atsumu. And maybe kuroo, komori, and kita too I watch this todomomo CD drama the other day where the two saw each other in festival and they're like so cute frickin' cute todoroki compliment Momo, being kinda open towards her, and Momo just being really soft and cute makes me giggle and smile.
AHHH that is just such a good idea. I'm always so soft when they see each other wearing yukata's or kimono's at festivals. I only wish they had that sorta stuff where I live too 😭🤚💕💕💕✨
And omg yghhhh todomomo is such a cute ship, like I genuinely adore them both so much >:(
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The boys seeing their cute s/o in a kimono
Characters: Atsumu, Kita, Suna, Kuroo, Sakusa
Warnings: none
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Okay so Atsumu would definitely be extremely smooth. like he's internally freaking out and thinking you look so adorable!! but on the outside he's just trying to play it cool so you don't catch on.
His eyes would literally not leave you and he's just taking in how you look the entire time.
“yer ready ta go babe?” with this hot ass smirk on his face.
You're just blushing and you nod and follow him, your geta making sounds beneath you.
When you reach there, you're buying takoyaki, and you ask him if he wants some.
He ends up eating almost everything, like what the heck, man?
Apologizes and buys you more.
Would definitely try to show off and win you stuff at the festival to prove how manly™ he is, and also hopes he impresses you in the process.
“hey babe, watch me win this for you” and he's having a full-fledged war with the kid he's competing with.
He ends up winning and sticking his tongue out at the kid. Because it's basically canon that his mental age drops to 5 when he's competitive about things.
You just ruffle his hair and congratulate him.
Would definitely do the whole yawning and bringing you closer to him thing, when you've decided to take a break and rest.
He's trying to be slick, please don't call him out.
Your friends text you, telling you about the firecracker show and you ask Tsumu if he'd be okay to stay for that.
He practically jumps!! at the chance!! I mean, more time spent with you is always good :]
Asks if he can have your first kiss under the firecrackers. He's a consensual king
After you say yes, he'd just gently cup your face and lean down (WE LIVE FOR MFING HEIGHT DIFFERENCES!!) and kiss your lips gently at first, as the sky is filled with bursts of colour.
Y'all definitely end up making out but that's a different story
Walks you home after everything is over, and tells you how much he liked spending time with you on the way home.
“ya looked beautiful today, y/n-chan” and he has the shyest look on his face.
You kiss his nose and walk inside, leaving him flustered on your doorstep.
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Plans this weeks in advance, after hearing about the festival, and musters up the courage to ask you to go with him.
You jump at the chance. At first you think the whole team is coming along, until a flustered Kita says “i hope it would just be the two of us.”
Your eyes widen and you're both just blushing messes looking at the ground.
You both arrive early, and laugh, seeing how you had the same idea to come a bit earlier.
He looks at you in the kimono and takes a few deep breaths before genuinely complimenting you in the most poetic way possible?
“your beauty is unrivalled, y/n-san. Even the brightest lamp is nothing when compared to the radiance you emit.”
And you're just so Mcfreaking flustered™?????? Like where did he learn how to make your heart go doki doki like that omg
You guys would probably be very rational about making your way around the festival.
Food first, and maybe we'll play some games later?
He definitely pays for everything ugh, such a gentleman, eventho you told him it was okay.
And old lady at one of the stalls flusters the two of you by saying he has such a pretty girlfriend.
And he just smiles, with flushed cheeks. Neither of you disagree.
It starts drizzling and the two of you find shelter under a tree.
You're a bit sad about how your kimono got a bit ruined after slipping in some mud, and he gently helps your roll the area up and wipes it with a tissue.
He also smiles and tries to crack a joke by saying “the clouds thought you were so beautiful, they started crying” as he gestured to the rain.
Although the fireworks show was cancelled, Kita wrapped his arms around you and kept you warm, as you talked so many things, whilst waiting for the rain to stop.
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise :)
He gently holds your hand at some point too, and plays with your fingers, pressing a small kiss to the back of your hand.
The rain finally stops and he walks you home, thanking you for spending time with him.
You take a deep breath and kiss him before entering your house, and he smiles through the kiss.
“i've always wanted to do that” he says softly, after kissing you gently again and waving goodbye.
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Going out with Suna was definitely an impromtu plan of some sort. Like he just randomly texts you, asking if you want to go and you agree.
Definitely sends you a few memes about how he can't wait and begins to get ready.
You guys meet there and both of you are just so shocked at how the other looks.
Suna thinks you look gorgeous, and he tries to tell you in a teasing way. Much like Atsumu, he's trying to play it down when he's actually so flustered.
“hey dork, you don't look too bad”
You're not good at hiding your thoughts though, and you blurt out a rushed “Suna were you always this hot?” gesturing to his Yukata.
Y/n-chan I think you broke Suna.
He's just a flustered mess and he doesn't reply, instead saying he's hungry and buying something to eat. He buys one for you too, and suggests you guys walk and eat at the same time.
Definitely shows you memes and takes videos of you as the night progresses and the two of you loosen up and start doing dumb stuff.
Takes lots of pictures of you so he can document how pretty you look and keep it with him.
You pose for some, whilst some are just totally candid, with absolutely no pretense, your beauty in its natural glory.
Suna is just so whipped, and he knows he'll regret it if he doesn't tell you honestly, so he wipes some sauce off from the side of your lip and kisses you gently.
It's a quick peck, but it took lots of courage.
“i mean to tell you earlier, y/n, but you look beautiful in this kimono”
You smile, and he's just so super happy he got over his nerves.
“thank you Suna. I think you look amazing in your yukata” you say softly, as you run your fingers along the hem of it, feeling the soft material beneath your fingers.
The fireworks are just streaking bursts of colour across the sky, and you're looking into each others' eyes with so much adoration.
“just now's kiss was too short” you murmur softly as you capture him in a passionate kiss.
It gets really late, and you guys go home. He makes sure you're walking back with your friends before heading home himself.
Calls you after he reaches home and tells you he had an amazing night.
He definitely looks over all the pictures he took of you and makes one of them his lockscreen
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I actually mean this if I could date any of the hq boys I would date Kuroo. He's such a sweetheart and I adore him to bits and pieces.
So Kuroo asks you to the festival with a bet. He's like “if Nekoma wins this match, you'll go on a date with me to the festival, kitten.”
And he has the hottest smirk on his face. Like stfu and leave some pretty for other men >:(
You're so flustered but you eventually agree.
No surprise that Nekoma wins both sets and it's mainly because Kuroo didn't let a single ball go past him, he was literally on fire.
So he's smiling and tells you he'll pick you up at 8.00.
I'm pretty sure Kuroo is a total gentlemen, so he meets your parents they totally love him and he's just waiting for you to come down when he sees how lovely you look in a kimono, and he's the literal embodiment of the 😍 emoji.
Like he can't tear his eyes off of you and you're getting so flustered, so you just drag him out of the house and to the festival.
“Such a dom, aren't you kitten?”
When you're at the festival he tries playing a game. He wants to win you something, so he's pretty serious and focused.
He ends up winning and he's all like “so I got reward for you. Do I get a reward from you?” and he's just lowering his face to meet yours.
So you grudgingly kiss his cheek but you definitely loved it, ok?
He definitely buys food and will not eat any of it unless you feed him.
Feeds you too, and takes cute selfies to post on his Instagram.
You guys end up taking a lot of selfies together and trying out all the cute filters. Kuroo's favourite picture is one of you looking at him whilst talking to him, your eyes super bright, and he's just smiling for the camera, but his eyes are on you.
Makes it his phone wallpaper on the spot, to your delight.
Informs you of a fireworks show happening in a little while, and settles down to find an empty place to enjoy it.
Wraps as arm around you because it's apparently "cold" and "your kimono won't keep you warm like his arms will"
You complain but secretly love it.
He then goes full-on nerd more and explains the science behind fireworks, whilst the colours are filling the night sky.
But he soon goes quiet after seeing the colours reflected in your eyes. He's so shy, and he literally can't help himself, he kisses your lips softly.
You guys totally smile into the kiss ugh this is so cute.
Takes you home responsibly and thanks you and your parents before leaving.
Sends you a thank you text before falling asleep, dubbing the night he saw you in a kimono "the best night of his life, to date"
I'm gonna cry Kuroo is so important to me, I love him so much.
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Okay in my opinion, you'll have to be the one asking Sakusa out. He'll be super moody about it, but internally, he's dying to go.
You arrive at his doorstep to pick him up and he's just blushing at how cute you look in the kimono.
Like wow aight thank God I'm wearing a mask because this blush is fresh as heck +_+
Silently passes you a tube of hand sanitizer and you're so confused.
“if you put this on, we'll be able to hold hands.”
You're close to dying, no one has ever been able to touch Sakusa's hands, or hand sanitizer before. So you eagerly put it on, and intertwine your soft hands with his.
He's just so touch starved, so he holds your hand tighter as you guys make your way to the festival.
Sakusa hates it there. He waits for you to buy food before finding a secluded area to get away from the crowds.
You're also kinda glad you'll get to spend some time alone with him, so you aren't complaining.
You guys talk about lots of things, you definitely being the more flirty one in the conversation.
You suddenly muster up the guys to tug his mask down softly, seeing his pink cheeks and soft smile.
“can I kiss you?” you ask gently, eyes fixated on his lips.
“yes” he breathlessly replies, as your lips make your way to his, the sky is lit with fireworks, but the two of you hardly notice.
Your hand is tangled in his soft curly hair, and you're both blushing messes.
He walks you back, this time, and thanks you for spending a wonderful night out with him.
Low-key feels bad that you didn't get to enjoy the festival properly, so he tries to make it up to you by buying you lunch the next day. Very wholesome 10/10
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[Ari's note: AHHHHH This was such a whirlwind to write it actually took me so long so I hope you enjoy this <3]
Taglist: @k-sakusa-old
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chazz-anova · 2 years
tagged by my loves @johnnycranes and @scungilliwoman to fill out a lil 'about me'! thank you guys these are always so fun!
Name: Paige/Jaden (don't look at me ygogx was my fave)
Age: 22
Height: 5'2" short queens unite
Zodiac Sign: Gemini Sun/Sag Moon/Sag Rising ♊♐
Where do you call home: 'The navel of this great country' (gone girl quote my beloved) lol, but fr the central midwest!
Any tattoos or piercings: My ears are pierced, and I haveeeee (pausing to count) 19 tattoos! In quick succession they are- a black widow on my neck, lilacs on my shoulder, the maze from westworld on my inner right arm, some eyeballs in a jar from ozark on my wrist, the frog from otgw on my other shoulder, a lightening bolt on my lower arm, 'let me not be derided by fools' along my arm, sam from trick r treat with the pumpkin from halloween on my wrist, the evil eye on my inner arm, a quote below that saying 'bosses beware when we're screwed we multiply', the triple goddess, a bony fish on my thumb, the symbol for Venus on my index finger, devil horns on my middle finger, an evergreen tree on my ring finger, a gemini symbol on my ankle, a heart with the words 'fuck you' in it on my knee, some crossbones from the game dishonored on my other knee, anddddd a little ghost on my thigh! i think that's it! (didn't realize this would turn into a paragraph when i started listing them but i couldn't stop when i started lmao)
Last song you listened to: STFU - Pink Guy
Last movie you watched: I watched Treasure Planet to fall asleep last night!
Last book or fanfic you read: Last book I read was the first in the True Blood (Sookie Stackhouse) Series, last fanfic was uhhhhh my own probably- I'm so bad at reading fics unless people send them to me lol
Do you collect anything: Yes! I collect crystals for mystical reasons, candles, perfumes, and I have a decent collection of cups from the restaurant The Other Place that my mother so kindly donated to me from her collection lmfao
Morning person or night owl: Not to be that person but- both? I love an early morning where I can get my coffee and get some writing done as the birds begin to wake up, but I also bask in the hush of night and watching the lights twinkling in the city
Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist: Optimist!
A quote you live by: There's a couple I can think of! "Progress isn't linear", "Every cloud has a silver lining", and one of my faves from Buffy The Vampire Slayer- "The hardest thing to do in this world is live in it. So be brave- live."
Are you an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert: Ambivert no question!!! I love being social and big, elaborate gatherings, but afterwards I will need like a week to recharge lol
Do you believe in an afterlife or not: Absolutely! I believe there's limbo, there's something after, and of course something before as well. I don't have anything necessarily fully formed- but I believe you reincarnate until you're learned all the lessons your soul must learn, and then you get to retire and function as a guide for others going through their lessons or possibly just get to rest for eternity! Probably depends on what you want or are destined for (not to sound hokey lol)
A weird or fun fact about yourself: Copying off of Mika's fun fact bc I'm unoriginal lmao, I was once an extra in a zombie movie with my mom and stepmom and her kids! After filming me and my family went to Dennys with all our makeup still on it was great lol
If you could have coffee with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be: Oooooh wonderful question... HARD question!!!! I would have to choose someone interesting like Robert Patterson (he seems nice and unhinged), or Julie d'Aubigny, that bisexual 17th century pirate/opera singer
tagging @fadedjacket @envyisms @chyrstis @depyotee @lovely-english-rose @adelaidedrubman and anyone else who would like to do it!!
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surveillance-0011 · 3 years
The Basement Plays Smash Bros
Isaac: He’s like 5 so he’s not too good but the others usually go easy on him. Probably plays as Pikachu or Pokemon Trainer, maybe Ness. Plays for fun and w/ items on.
Magdalene: Plays as one of the princesses or one of the cute characters like Jigglypuff. Just here to have a good time. Decent but Smash would never be her first choice of games to play. She also keeps the peace when things get heated.
Eve: Plays to not hurt Isaac’s feelings by refusing. Intentionally loses or fucks around except for one time Azazel was like “I bet you’d suck even if you tried” and she beat him like 3 times in a row. Idk who’d she choose... Maybe Meta Knight or the blue or black Kirby skin?? Samus?? Bayonetta??
Cain: Chooses the “cool” characters a lot. Maybe Cloud? But also would play as Mario and Greninja. Maybe Hero. Spams attacks at first but eventually kind of gets good. He and Isaac usually fight on the same team. Will pick up any item.
Samson: Chooses either one of the Belmonts or Street Fighter characters, maybe Bowser or Ganondorf. Or Terry?? Maybe Lucario. Probably the best at the game, out of the kids at least. Isaac and Cain ask him for help with story mode. Doesn’t like playing with items on. Lowkey has a hard time remembering which Smash ball is the real one.
Eden: Tries out every character. They like Corin, Mewtwo and Pit a lot. Sometimes they’ll just choose random for shits and giggles.
Judas: Not really into it and at first his reaction is like “ugh why are you BABIES playing a BABY GAME it’s like some brutish fighting game but with a bunch of KIDDY characters. Waste of time” but Samson is like “man stfu how about you play around and see for yourself”. He doesn’t admit it but he finds it,,, kinda fun. Plays as Robin.
Lazarus: It’s not his cup of tea and he’s kinda bad but he can have a good time w/ it. It’s not about winning it’s just good to do something with the other kids that’s NOT gonna get them all killed. Plays as Pit or Yoshi, maybe Dr. Mario.
Azazel: Annoying little shit. Like he’s a decent player but his attitude is just... ugh. Salt for days, unironically tells you to get good, spammy and edgeguardy. Plays as Joker or Ridley or both. He does like Dark Pit too tho. Has probably given Isaac a controller that was unplugged/uncharged/off/set as a cpu at least once.
Lilith: Has only played once or twice. Plays as Rosalina or Olimar. Kind of bad at it but she has a good time.
Bethany: Plays as Zelda, maybe Min Min. Skilled at the game, wins a lot. Turns off most items except for the pokeballs and assist trophies, as well as the Smash ball.
Keeper: Plays as Wario, kind of holding out for Waluigi. Not the best at the game. Pretty chill.
Wrath: Melee fanboy, probably. Rage quits if he loses too much in a row. Mains a “high tier” character (bold of you to assume I know who is high tier). Thinks that “It’s just a game” is a weak mindset.
Greed: Plays as King K. Rool, initially for the jokes but it is not a joke anymore.
Siren: Purple inkling or Bayonetta. Decent at the game and v chill. 
Min Min: Plays as Min Min. 
Hornfel: Plays as Fox or Joker half the time. The other time he uses a Sans or Shaggy mii. He’s alright.
Loki: Casual gamer but pretty good at competitive play. Plays as Banjo, maybe?  Or Mario.
Dark One: He’s amazing. Or, at least, amazing at being annoying. His playstyle is the way it is solely so he can Ruin Your Day In Particular. Probably has an Expensive Gamer Setup. Tells you to get good. Plays as Pichu and Pikachu.
Adversary: Video games aren’t usually his thing but Smash is one of those things that’s just fun even if you aren’t super into that stuff. He’s pretty good at it, having learned a lot from observing. He plays as Wolf.
Mom: Probably thinks Smash is the spawn of the devil.
Pestilence: Isn’t too interested in playing and even if he was the controller he uses would have to be sanitized like a million times afterwards. Instead opts to watch like half of it and comment needlessly. “War, you should probably use one of your smash attacks.” “THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN DOING DIPSHIT” “No, I mean the one with the ball” “FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME THERE’S NO SMASH BALL WE PLAY WITHOUT IT”
War: It’s a good thing that he’s not super into video games bc if he was he’d be even worse to deal with. Like Wrath he can get pretty pissy and he gets VERY heated but he doesn’t really throw tantrums over it like Wrath does. Also he’s aware that he’s not super good at the game. His play style is pretty annoying and kinda spammy (whether he does it on purpose or not is debatable, but he probably is). Dislikes playing with items on. Mains one of the sword characters (probably one of the Links).
Death: He’s not really into video games but he catches on to how things work quick and gets pretty good for a casual player. Mains Donkey Kong, for whatever reason. You’d think he’d choose a more “serious” character but nope. The Monkey is his character of choice.
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wangxiandecoded · 4 years
Episode 9
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(Spoilers for the whole show ahead!)
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Lan Zhan remembers what Wei Ying had mentioned about the puppets the first night at Cloud Recesses showing he remembers quite a lot about him, he just doesn’t let on.
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NHS is a big mood in this scene, an absolutely useless gay depending on two warrior gays to save his life. But he’s hindering their flawless team work so Lan Zhan uses the silencing spell on him.
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This dialogue is so uncalled for and delivered in a way that makes you think Wei Ying just wants to see Lan Zhan have an outburst, kick back and admire how hot that is.
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Wei Ying’s “you can go ahead and blame me for everything that is wrong with this world but my man has done nothing wrong in his life ever” smile.
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You didn’t have to expose him like that but thank you, Jiang Cheng.
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Wei Ying’s “sorry I accidentally did a hetero thing, let us please not remember this for the sake of my clean conscience” smile.
Yet Another Plot Device To Show Off Wangxian’s Chemistry
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The Dire Owl subplot is one of the dreamiest scenes on the show and a fight sequence that proves Wangxian own the patent for words like soulmates, symmetry, equilibrium, balance, yin and yang, mirrors and their derivatives.
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Here’s something that’s bothered me : Wei Ying calls for Lan Zhan twice and he doesn’t answer him the first time even though he looks searchingly in his direction. It is only when they knock into each other the second time that he explains the fog is a hallucination caused by the Dire Owl. (But of course Lan Zhan doesn’t need to answer him, the red string of fate will inevitably help them find the other.) 
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Clear-headed as he is, did he for a second believe that the Dire Owl was making him hallucinate Wei Ying’s voice the first time, and is that why he ignored him? Because Lan Zhan’s mind could be the spotless sea of tranquillity it is, but Wei Ying has now become the shrillest thought that breaks through and demands his attention. He doesn’t respond though, so he must have been sure Wei Ying is safe.
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For Lan Zhan, Wei Ying will do even the impossible. He’ll try his best to seal off all his senses and mute his head that’s forever brimming with thoughts. 
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Ok, pause. I cried when I watched this for the first time and let me tell you why. The implications of this fight scene are astounding. We all know Wangxian are soulmates who can confront anything together but did we know that they could feel and find their way to each other even when their senses are completely shut? I mean, how attuned to someone’s existence do you have to be to achieve that? They are hyper focusing on nothing but the Dire Owl and yet moving perfectly with eyes closed in an outrageously impressive synchrony. They can feel the other’s presence and have utmost trust in each other to shield their direction. They move as if they’ve spent infinite lifetimes by the other’s side mastering this skill; they leap, spin and swerve like they think with the same mind. The way they fit together is to die for, nearly impossible and the legendary stuff from stories that we all wish we could have with someone in this existence. If I was whatever that stood in Wangxian’s way, I’d be terrified and call it a day. They are not just soulmates, they are The Original Formidable Soulmates™. 
Wangxian Are Here To Kick Queerbaiters In The Ass
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This fantastic display of battle prowess by the two heroes fighting back-to-back is one of the many things that convinced me The Untamed is not like the other stories out there. Simply because every stop of their journey is too romantic and the others don’t come close enough. It is an injustice to compare or group their relationship with the ‘dude bro, no homo’ chemistry that bromances usually sell. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are two people who are so passionately devoted to and absolutely belong with each other, they are soulmates not just in the minds of the audience or because the creators were afraid to make them something more, but soulmates by their own admission. There are other factors that strengthen their already supergay case like the absence of a female love interest in their lives and their flirty interactions being genuinely adorable as heck, as opposed to just isolated instances of b(romance). And it really, really, helps our case that the novel is canonically gay but it is also remarkable that a show that’s teeming with gay subtext can exist at all and go on to become one that is widely embraced by everyone, casual watchers and shippers alike. 
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Lan Zhan and Wei Ying's chemistry gives all the Western superheroes a run for their money. We no longer have to wonder what it looks like when two queer heroes who are in love get to kick ass together. See, this is what happens when you have the guts to invest in a gay romance. This show looked censorship in the eye and said gay rights anyway. (I’m going to digress from this show for a sec and just plainly weep for all the queer pairings on mainstream media that we shipped but couldn’t see the light of day because of the homophobic people behind them. It is great that the truth still lives in our hearts and the millions of words on ao3. But life feels a lot sweeter to know with certainty that our heroes are in love this time and celebrate the fact that the people who made this show knew and honoured that very well, that they honoured the audience. In my eyes, CQL is the unparalleled forefather of gay romance from now on. Because reading these epic queer stories is one thing but watching Wangxian’s story unfold along with the entire world means believing in the power of gay love. And seeing our favorite heroes in action makes the characters we look up to so much more real.)
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Lan Zhan comes flying like the Prince Charming he is to break the shackles of heteronormativity trying to kill his soulmate! Hell yeah, king! Save us from that straight trope that’s been choking us since time immemorial.
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We did not just see Wei Ying pretend to be dead so he can outsmart the bird and simultaneously get Lan Zhan to save him just because he likes that sort of thing. Nope, totally didn’t happen. 
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Oh, hello Ah Yuan! Details like this prove the show is well worth multiple rewatches.
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There is nothing more uniquely Wangxian than the million thoughts they share with each other through mere glances, the frequency of which steadily increases. Who knew you could speak with zero articulation? Not having a soulmate sure sucks for the rest of us mortals. I doubt the audience can truly grasp the depth of their communication but I’m pretty sure it goes like this most of the time. 
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Wei Ying teasing Lan Zhan that the Goddess Statue tried to kill him because she had a crush on him is all kinds of hilarious. Lan Zhan looks somewhere in between “Wei Ying, we’re talking about the fate of the universe, stop being gay for 2 seconds please,” and "STFU, just because I can find my way to you blind doesn't mean I will hesitate to Silence you again."
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Wei Ying Is Crumbling All Of Lan Zhan’s Walls
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Most people maintain their distance from Hanguang-Jun, the Noblest Of Them All, he whose robes command respect and inspire fear. There is hence something very sweetly domestic about Wei Ying latching on to his silk tassel while subtext-whining, "Where are you going Lan Zhan, I refuse to live without you", and "Ugh Lan Zhan, you're so lost without me, ok fine, I'll help you.” It’s like he granted himself the lifetime entitlement of being Lan Zhan’s nuisance-companion the night they met, and thank goodness for that because Lan Zhan wasn’t going to let anyone into his life. Wei Ying is the exception who managed to charm his way into his heart and dissolve his barriers.
Notice Wei Ying even turns down free alcohol for Lan Zhan. And the sheer undisguised panic on his face that Lan Zhan is going to leave him alone after all the bonding activities he made sure they went through is endearing comedy at its peak. 
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We see Lan Zhan no longer believes resolutely in His Ways and lets Wei Ying persuade him to believe there is a better one. This is a great 𝙙𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙥𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 for them because they’re communicating.
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Lan Zhan doesn’t fight him anymore, period. 
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The Yin Iron starts acting up and Wei Ying is immediately there for Lan Zhan, gently grounding him. He can feel the horror and pain Lan Zhan has seen in the vision because of course he can. But does Lan Zhan see how much Wei Ying loves him and hurts for him? He has to. In moments like this, Wei Ying’s presence shows how wrong Lan Zhan is in wanting to do everything alone. We all need a friend in life. And it was destiny that led them to each other because their lives would’ve evidently been a lot lonelier without the other in it. 
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Episode 9 shows Lan Zhan warming up to Wei Ying some more : he has stopped being antagonistic altogether, lets Wei Ying pull him around, freely accepts his help, shares many glances with him and is ready to blast anything that lays a finger on Wei Ying sky high. (Of course we see that Wei Ying exaggerates needing his help most of the time. He plays the “I’m a frail man desperately in need of Hanguang-Jun’s protection” card because swooning into the arms of his lover is one of his favorite things. And not even Lan Zhan calls him out for it. They’re just so whipped for each other.)
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leossmoonn · 3 years
ok but like imagine frenemies to lovers with stefan and damon is your biggest shipper. and one day you and stefan are bickering so hard he gets tired of it and just slams your faces with each other, forcing yall to just stfu and kiss. and then when you pull away its just awkward bc everyone in the gang witnessed it 😭
you and stefan are always teasing each other, but you two have your moments when you just look at each other with love and care, but you dont do anything about it and damon AND the whole gang’s like 🙄 jesus fucking christ HAVE SEX ALREADY PLS THE TENSION 😩😔
then one day you are mad at stefan for not letting you execute a plan and you’re yellin at him like
“you never let me do anything!”
and stefan’s like “because your plans suck!”
and you got back forth like this:
stefan: “HAH YEAH. THEY DO”
you: “youre just mad that i make better plans”
stefan: “you are so far off”
you: “oh yeah? then why’re you always being a dick whenever i suggest something? cant handle me being better than you”
stefan: “oh you little-”
and caroline, bonnie, elena, tyler, matt, jeremy, and rick and jenna (bc i love jenna. jenna never died guys) are watching like 👁👄👁 and damon’s like “watch this guys”
then with his vamp speed he pushes you together. and at first you two are like 👁👁 but then stefan wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer, and you melt into him instantly. and you wrap your hands around his neck and weave your fingers through his hair. and the kiss is filled with passion, heat, and just relief because yall FINALLY kissed. ugh and butterflies are escaping both of your chests’s and you feel like you’re on cloud nine. his hands on your hips make you so dizzy and stefan can’t get enough of your lips.
but then you two have to pull away for air and you’re suddenly brought to reality and you see everyone staring and youre like
“ahhahahh.... damon 🖕🏻”
but damons just like “and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you get two friends who are in love with each other to start acting like they’re in love with each other. thank you, thank you 😌”
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