#someone write this or send me a link if it's already been written
carmenized-onions · 2 days
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logline; The days and doubts and desires; the air, underneath the shoe.
[!!!] series history, this is the ninth; the amount of links are getting nauseating just go to the landing LMAO.
Spotify Playlist, if you like to listen while you read. I listen to it when I write :) Constantly gettin’ added to. I listen to this playlist too much in my day to day now, fr.
portion; 3k+
possible allergies; you're almost ten chapters in, you know very well by now that these two are rife with anxiety and insecurity.
pairing; Carmen ‘Carmy’ Berzatto & Fem Reader (gets she/her'd mb)
fun fact: i finished this one 19 hours after the last chapter, whoops, but let it sit in my drafts to give some breathing room and do some rework
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It is t-minus three days, until the worst Friday of your life.
But today’s Tuesday, and though you feel a touch uneasy, you figure it’s probably just the breakfast from yesterday at La Mattina settling in your stomach— Or, at least, hope it is.
You’re at home, sitting on your couch, pensive, haggard, leaned over. Elbows to knees, prayer hands to face, staring at your phone on the coffee table in front of you.
Just send it. Just send the text. Don’t be a fucking wuss. You’ve re-written it in your notes app like five fucking times— He does not care this much, he doesn’t even have basic reading comprehension— Okay, that’s mean— But it’s just not that deep. Just fucking! Send it!
Actually no, no, upon sixth review, the paragraph you had written out was way too intense, way too presumptive. Backspace, backspace, backspace—Just say hi. Let’s just start with Hi.
Are you fucking possessed? Good Lord. How is he already typing he never used to reply this fast, what the fuck—
‘Are u fucking haunted?’
‘Fuck is yooooooo’
‘Yooo to you too, cousin’
Faster texter now, but Richie is still the same guy, at the end of the day.
‘this is a loaded fucking question’
‘but do you think you’ll be free any time this week?’
‘not unless ur dead or dying’
‘are you dead or dying?’
‘not that I’ve heard’
‘but I was thinking maybe we could like, get food or smth’
‘chat one on one. Been a minute, yknow’
That was too much. You didn’t need to do all that. Now he’s gonna go well who’s fault is that? And it’s yours. You know it’s yours. And then you’re gonna have that fucking conversation— Which is what this whole meet up thing was supposed to be about in the first place—
‘can’t get time off but fak needs to have his training wheels ripped’
‘could have dinner at the bear this week? Like 2 hours. Then I can watch him and keep him from shitting the bed’
‘and still get to do a fucking one on one, you corporate speak ass’
‘I didn’t know how else to fucking say it alright!!!!!!’
‘Dinner @ bear sounds good to me’
‘but probably ask carm/syd first if it’s cool’
‘yea yea I’ll fuckin check in with daddy don’t worry’
‘that sucked for me. That sucked to read. Go to jail.’
‘already have.’
‘I’ll let u know a time when I know. See u chip’
You heart it. The classic signal that it’s the end of a conversation. Holy shit. You did it. You actually texted someone that you miss that you miss them— Not directly, but you know Rich knows. And specifically, to book a dinner, to talk about what happened, to apologize for it. That’s pretty fucking huge. Which means—
It’s time to eat a whole freezer cake and lay in your pyjamas all day and interact with not a single soul on this entire planet. You’re absolutely at your social limit, for the day. Maybe you’ll talk it through with Mikey, actually. To the air, more accurately, but, y’know, same thing.
You’re gonna get dinner with Richie. You’re gonna get dinner, with Richie, this Friday. And it’s not gonna be awkward or weird, at all.
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It is t-minus two days, until the worst Friday of Carmen’s life, so far, at least. There’s always next year.
But today’s Wednesday, and though he feels a little nerve-wracked, he’s pretty sure it’s just because the kitchen was so fucking dysfunctional this morning, and now that their prep’s off, the tempo of the whole fucking day is off, and they're behind on two tables. And fucking seriously this time, can someone get him a fucking marker that fucking works.
Okay, maybe it’s a little more, than nerve wracked.
Sydney is ever the intuitive, and always correct, at the station next to him— Because yes, they’re still down a hire since the meth guy, so now Carmen is on line.
She can tell, that somethings wrong with him, something’s always wrong with him. “Take your ten, Chef.”
Carmen shakes his head, obviously, there’s still prep to catch up on. And if he doesn't do it, it's not gonna get done, and even if it does get done, it's not gonna get done right. He’s pressing the dead sharpie down on the tape, like if he just brute forces it, it’ll start to work. “M’good, Chef.”
“Carmen.” She turns to him fully, stopping her work. And so, he does too. “Take your fucking ten.” She deadpans, she’s not taking no for an answer. She rubs her fist over her heart.
Carmen takes a beat, before nodding, doing the same. “Heard, Chef.”
He needs to look over expense reports that he can’t quite comprehend, anyways.
He really needs his sister. He steps into his office. Despite the fact that they re-constructed just about everything in the restaurant, this musty office remains the same. Untouched. After caving down walls, they had to cut the budget somewhere. He’s glad though, that it's untouched. It might be crowded, poorly organized, have an off smell (probably because of the birth in here, just a few weeks back), but it’s exactly as his brother left it, and that helps him feel… Connected, somehow.
What the hell is Var vs Budget? He’s googling every other word, here. He’s more than grateful, that before going home on mat leave, Sug set up a good enough automated Excel sheet that he could just plug in numbers and it did all the calculating for him. Doesn’t mean he knows what any of the numbers mean, but, they’re there.
He knows that red equals bad. Natalie told him that very specifically. Which did seem like she was calling him fucking stupid, but he let it go. There’s a lot of red. That’s a lot of bad. Well, not a lot, but like, a third of this is red. That’s probably more than it should be. How many months do they have again? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He is never gonna get to pay himself, he’s never gonna be able to pay Syd, he's never gonna get her a star, she’s gonna live with her dad for the rest of her life, you are never gonna get to work here, you’re gonna work as a bottle girl for the rest of your life, he’s never gonna get his shit together so he’s never gonna get to call you his, he’s gonna have to hand the deed to Cicero and then fucking everyone is gonna to lose their jobs and he’s still gonna be him. He’s still gonna be him. Carmy Berzatto, the chef that lost everything, little brother to everyone's hero who blew his brains out. Starless in Chicago, unable to feel anything more than sorry for himself. Carmen’s gonna die as Carmen, and nothing more. At the end of the day.
Take a deep breath, Bear. Relax.
He’s catastrophizing. You told him that. He forgot to look into it. He googles that, instead of another business term he doesn’t understand.
‘Fixates on the worst possible outcome and treats it as likely, even when it is not.’
Well, it does seem pretty fucking likely that he’s doomed to fail and fall into a Sisyphean nightmare of opening restaurants and falling on his fucking face, dragging everyone he loves down with him with his stupid failed pipe dreams. He's no better than his brother.
He tries his best to think of whatever level-headed bullshit you'd give to him, right now, tries to taste the hot chocolate, the lavender and cardamom coffee. He smells your shampoo, in his hair, that helps.
Maybe, maybe it’s just been a bad week. Maybe there will be a lot of bad weeks, maybe there won’t be. Maybe things will be fine, maybe they won’t. You and Syd will still succeed, even if he fails. Everyone will, even if he fails. He has a very capable crew. And while he cannot escape the thought that failure is around the corner, at the very least, he is comforted by the idea that at least he will be the only one sinking with the ship he commands.
The thought of drowning alone is still impossible to rid of. Though.
But you’ve sent a text. And isn’t that a wonderful distraction?
Your connection results in response to his, from this morning, of course. You actually got it today. He swells with what feels like pride, and despite the fact that no one's looking at him, he has to hide his smile with his hand, embarrassed by how happy he is, when he sees the photo you’ve sent, just now. A selfie, sitting next to an oven, Other Tony’s oven. You’re holding a fried wire in your hand.
The text below it is a wonderful salve, ‘If you ever fuck up your ovens, I’ve got like, 10 thermocouples in my personal stock now :))’
So good to him, too good to him. Too good to anyone. ‘Heard.’
Carmen so, so fucking desperately wants to ask you to come to The Bear, right now. You’re only two blocks away, at La Mattina. You’d come, if he asked. He knows that. But he also knows that even if you calm him down, in the long run, it’ll set his day even further off tempo, he’ll be distracted the rest of his shift, and that’s the last thing he needs. He can handle this himself.
‘:)’ For levity. Or something. He’s trying. You give it a heart, so that means he’s done something good, he’s pretty sure.
There’s a knock at his door. Richie does not wait for an answer before coming in. His knocks are more like warnings, really. Carmen’s quick to tuck his phone away, he knows it’d be perfect cannon fodder to be teased into oblivion.
“Aye, cous—”
Carmen does not let the man get a word in inch wise, “Who’s on expo?”
Richie grimaces, this fucking song and dance, again. “Syd.”
“Who’s on her station, then?”
“And hers?”
“She’s doin’ fuckin’ both Carmy— And—” Richie pulls a sharpie out of his breast pocket, throwing it at him. Carmen catches it. “Fuckin’ works. Alright?”
Marker works, and the system works. He catches the double meaning, too. Carmen nods, “Heard.”
“Christ.” Richie looks to high heaven, looks to his best friend, really, to give him strength. “Can I take my fuckin’ turn now?”
“Yeah, yeah, go ‘head.” Carmen turns to his desk, looking over the excel sheet, again. He can’t imagine Richie needing all of his undivided attention, right now, he’s not you.
Speaking of you, he can’t find your repair expenses anywhere on here. He needs to text Sug, about that. No, she’s got a fucking baby, he’ll at least look for a physical copy, first.
“I need to take two hours, on Friday.”
“Huh?” Carm’s head snaps up. Okay, maybe he does need to give his full attention to Richie, right now. “Eva got a fuckin’ recital, or somethin’?”
“No, no, uh— Chip wants to get dinner.” Rich scratches his nose with his thumb. “Thought since Fak's been training to host f'like, the whole fuckin’ month, could do dinner 'ere, let him do a run on us. Two birds, one bullet, y’know.”
“It’s stone.”
“I’m not fuckin’ high, cousin—” “No, it’s— Alright.” Carmen closes his eyes, hand over his face, deciding this is not the fight he wants to choose. “Tony’s getting dinner with you?”
“If I’m allowed, your fuckin’ Majesty.”
If it were up to Carmen? He wouldn’t be. But you specifically asked. Why, he has no idea. Carmen crosses his arms. “Yeah, yeah, s’fine. Just start at like, a not peak time. Like 4:30? Then when rush starts after 5 Fak’ll have a lil' momentum.”
“Heard. I’ll tell ‘em.” Richie nods, turning to make his way out.
Carm’s leg bounces, a tick that he’s pretty sure he’ll never get rid of. “… Ey Rich?”
He stops, turning back to Carmy, “Yeah, cousin?”
Carmen taps the end of the sharpie on the table, not looking at Richie, “What’s uh— Why d’you call Tony ‘Chip’?”
Ever so slightly, Richie’s brows furrow. “Did'j'ya ask her?”
Carm shakes his head, “S’why I’m asking you.”
Richie takes a beat, head rocking to the side, “Y'should ask her, she’ll tell you.”
Carmy squints, at that, “Is it fuckin’ dark or somethin’, cousin?”
What’s so secretive about Chip? He figured it would be some stupid inside joke with chocolate chips, like Sug with the salt mix up. Richie swallows, frowning just a bit. He clearly does not know how to answer this question, which just makes Carmen even more curious.
“S’ not dark, kinda, it’s just, y’know. Personal.” Since when the fuck did Richie have respect for personal? Probably since he sent him to stage. Goddammit.
“Did you not coin it?”
“Mikey did.”
Mikey got to do that first, too, eh?
“But, y’know, ask her, she likes you well enough to tell you, I think.” Richie shrugs, palms out. “Kinda tells stories like that better than me, anyways.” That's high praise— Not in the sense that Richie's a great storyteller, but that he's willing to admit it, for you.
“Oh, she doesn’t bury the fuckin’ lead?”
“Oh, fuck you.” But it’s true, so Richie’s amused. There’s something nice, about being known. Even if it’s to tease.
There’s a lull of silence. Quite frankly, Carmen’s hoping that Richie’s general disdain of silence will force him to confess your nickname backstory, just to fill the void. It doesn’t. Instead, it just gears him up, in the worst way, able to read the look on Carmen’s face.
“You really wanna fuckin know, huh?” Richie tilts down his head, teasing. Carmen groans. Oh dear god, why him. “Oh, fuck, you fuckin’ like her, don’t’chu, cousin? You fuckin’ dog.”
“Shut the fuck up, Rich—”
“Aye, Chip’s a real catch, I gettit— Works hard, plays nice, cleans up good— Y’have my blessing.”
“Didn’t ask for it.”
“Aye,” Richie snaps his fingers, pointing at Carmen like he could smite him. “Don’t gimme no talk back, she was my boy first, a’right? One bad word from me, n’ your lil’ fantasy—” He gestures an explosion with his hand, making a ‘pop’ sound with his lips.
“Gone, cousin.”
Carmen leans back in his seat, playing with the sharpie in his hand. He’s essentially Kubrick staring down Richie, but the guy is unaffected. “Friday, 4:30, two hours. If Fak fucks up, you’re on deck.”
“Jeff, can I please get an all day, baby?” Baby is Tina’s new HR approved version of ‘for the love of fucking god’ She’s definitely at her limit, meaning Syd’s definitely at her limit on expo. Richie starts to step out, walking backwards.
“You comin’ cousin?”
Carm scratches his nose, straightening up back to his desk. He wishes he could go back to the kitchen, where he knows he’s good, instead of in here, with some goddamn spreadsheets that he cannot comprehend beyond bad. “Uh, one sec, I just need to finish this fuckin’—” He shakes his hand in the air, “Whatever the fuck this is.”
Richie nods, tapping the doorway on his way out. “Heard… g’luck.”
Carmen does not look at the spreadsheets. No. He thinks. He doesn't think about business.
That wasn’t true, was it? A phone call from Richie wouldn’t be the end of him, end of you, would it? Carmen is on the losing playing field here, practically everyone here has more history with you than he does. If he had a��� lapse in behaviour, and it got back to you, would that ruin him? God, even his work family ruins things for him. Or could. Which means they will. Catastrophizing.
Whatever. What the fuck ever. He needs to find your invoice. After some flipping through last month’s file, he finds a sticky note from Sug between loose pages.
‘reminder: ask carmy 4 tony invoice’
He squints. You said Nat took care of it. Maybe it’s an old sticky note, he’ll text her about it, it’ll be a solid forty hours before he’ll get a response, anyways. Mom stuff. He really needs to go visit his niece again, soon. Maybe this weekend. Take Richie’s car. But then he'll probably will be forced to take Richie, too. Maybe he should just ask you, instead. Let Nat thank you for the heating pad she’s been loving, properly. Have dinner, all together, in an actual family home, instead of just each other's apartments. That'd be nice.
Yeah. Yeah. He’ll ask you on Friday, when you come for dinner. He grabs a pad of paper, biting the cap off his sharpie. He’ll make you something off menu, on Friday. You’re coming before the rush, anyways, he’ll have time to play, on Friday.
He’s gonna do right by you, this Friday.
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Tomorrow, you’ll be getting dinner with Richie, and it’ll be the worst Friday of your life.
But right now, it’s Thursday night, and you’ve finally finished Carmen’s piece for The Bear. You know you told him if he didn’t like it, he didn’t have to put it up, but admittedly, if he doesn’t like it, you will be crushed.
One big white canvas.
Nine perfect squares, perfectly equidistant from each other at all angles.
Each square a snippet, a photo transfer. The squares themselves are messy, sun damaged, bleach stained, light flared. All twinged blue and yellowish. But so perfectly cut and curated.
Each image, something new. Starting at the top left, it’s The Original Beef. Then, the inside. Then the booths.
Then the second row, the sandwiches, held in hands.
The center photo. You've taken almost all of these photos on a disposable from yesteryear, but this is the one you like the most.
Mikey. The only transfer completely unbleached, unaltered, unruined. He’s holding two cut outs. One, Food & Wine and the other, a small section in the off off off pages of the New York Times.
Both specifically the one’s that mentioned Carmen, winning Best Chef and the James Beard.
Mikey was so proud. So so proud, silently, just with you— Couldn't look soft. Carmen does not know this photo exists. No one does. You hope this piece will act as the catalyst for you to be able to talk about the elephant in the room you’ve yet to open for him.
Right next to Mikey, is a balloon on a pipe— A photo you grabbed from Sydney and printed. You can only imagine the stress you could’ve eased, during their fire safety test. C’est la vie. Fak got to prove himself.
And on the last row, the new, ritzy, booths. The Seven Fishes dish— Also a photo you stole from Sydney. And finally, The Bear’s sign. Taken at night, lit up in all its neon glory.
Though the images are disconnected, starting from Mikey in the center— Clean, the flaring and staining grows more intense at the pictures in the corner. Just bordering on illegible. It all feels interconnected, woven.
It’s Carmen. Or, at least, you think it is. That’s what you were trying to achieve. You took inspiration from the way his brain works, the way he cooks messy but produces orderly, the way he’s grown something out of what was barely more than nothing. The way love and grief is at the center of everything. He’s awfully inspiring.
You’re excited, to show this to him tomorrow, on Friday. Hopefully all goes well, on Friday. You’re coming before the rush, you’ll probably have a little time to talk, on Friday. You won’t be able to get into everything, no, you’ve promised most of your bandwidth to Richie, but you’ll make a good start, on Friday.
You’re gonna do right, by Carmen, on Friday.
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i've still got 2k of beats to cover for the next chapter, and have 7.9k already written out, for it. This is going to be fun. lmao. I'm genuinely very very excited for you to see it, when it comes out. Cannot believe I thought like 4 chapters ago that'd this next chapter would be the one to be released next. I almost briefed over all of these past few chapters to be nothing more than snippets in a chapter, I would never forgive myself if i went through with that plan, fr.
Anyways, no time for the future, this is NOW!! I hope I described Tony's paintin' good. I think it'd be nice. MBMBAM reference in the intro, are you fucking HAUNTED? ARE YOU FUCKING POSESSED? Love griffy, had to. Carmen CANNOT stop having anxiety attacks, someone get him on prozac frfr.
Tell me your thoughts or I'll eat my hat, I'm gonna need some words to chew on while I write, anyways. Hitting a wall choreographing this back half of chapter ten my GOD. Also oh yeah, silly aesthetic thing. I dunno if anyone noticed or cared, but i do a different ombre banner when it's carmen's perspec-- Did it last chapter too, aint that cute?
Also, I must finally give in, I was lazy to do taglists, but have folded, so here u are mfs. If you'd like to be added, you gotta leave me an essay somewhere. It's the RULES! Well, leave an essay and also ask to be added to the taglist that is but IT'S THE RULES!!
@anytim3youwant @navs-bhat @whoknowswhoiamtoday @gills-lounge @slut4supersoldiers @sinceweremutual @itsallacotar @catsrdabestsocks101
fully added people that never asked to be on here, you're just like, top fans, so i thought it would be nice, but if you WANT TO BE TAKEN OFF LET ME KNOW I'LL DO IT IMMEDIATELY ALSO IF I'M FORGETTING ANYONE WHO ASKED PLEASE DO REMIND ME
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impishtubist · 11 months
AU where Harry doesn’t die at Godric’s Hollow - but Voldemort isn’t defeated, either. Sirius arrives to find Voldemort in possession of his baby godson and refusing to give him up (b/c, shit, that’s one powerful baby, and Voldy wants to harness that power!). 
No one knows that Sirius isn’t the traitor. It’s easy enough to explain to the remaining DEs - all Voldy has to say is that he’s the only one who knows that Sirius was working for him, and they’d all believe him. Voldy blackmails Sirius into playing along. He’ll keep Harry at his, idk, lair or whatever, but Sirius can also live there and raise Harry IF he goes along with the ruse that he was the Secret Keeper who betrayed the Potters and IF he allows Voldy to spirit Harry away whenever he wants to study him/his magic.
So now Sirius is pretending to be a Death Eater, has to allow the whole world (including Remus) think he’s a traitor, has to keep himself from murdering Wormtail (unless Wormy is off living as a rat somewhere??), and has to keep Harry safe while secretly trying to figure out how tf to get them out of this situation.
idk is this anything
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phoenixyfriend · 4 months
How to Call Your Reps About Gaza
I make a lot of posts telling you to call your reps! Anyway, here's the overall shape of how to argue to them.
Disclaimer: I am not in politics. I do not have experience as a staffer. I am just someone who cares a lot about where things are going, and wants to help. Also, this is specific to the US, because that's where I'm based. Hopefully, people with expertise can add more suggestions on.
Find your elected officials.
My Ko-fi: this took me two days to write up, so uh. If you've got a few dollars, send them my way so I can keep doing this sort of thing, and maybe move out of my parents' house sooner.
General tips:
Be polite, or at least civil. Do not swear or shout at whoever answers the phone. This will quite possibly get your number blocked. Fifty civil calls over the course of several months will do more than one where you shout. You can be frosty, you can say you are disappointed, you can say you find the actions of your reps to be reprehensible or morally bankrupt, sure. But keep calm and aim criticism at the rep, not the staffer.
Keep it short. The staffers who answer call centers are busy. They usually start trying to hurry me off after about two minutes. I've yet to manage a call longer than four or five minutes. Pick one or two topics for the day, and focus on those. Cycle through them every time you call. Stick to just one from day to day if it's a large, ongoing issue like Gaza.
Plan for voicemail. I get voicemail more often than not. My House rep usually has a staffer free, but the Senators are almost always voicemail. This will give you a minute and a half max. Be ready to get your point squeezed into that.
Only call your representatives. The important, powerful word here is "constituent." You will be ignored or even counted against if you are from a different district or state. The first thing you start with is your name and address. A staffer will ask for the information they need. On voicemail, leave your full name, your city and state, and zip code before you go into your message. Do not lie, either. They look these things up in the system when you call. I'm not sure how--I think maybe they have access to a database of registered voters--but every time I call, they ask for my last name and address and at some point say, 'oh, yep, I've got you right here,' which indicates a database of some sort.
Research at least a little bit about their opinions. If they already agree with you, then it's much easier to leave a quick "I support you and want you to know that" to combat anyone who's arguing from the other side. If they don't, then you're best off finding out what specific issue they have so you can know the best kind of comment to leave.
Look up specific bills or arguments. I get daily emails from GovTrack about bills that are on this week's docket or have been voted on in the past day. IDK about anyone else, but being able to say that I disagree specifically with HR 815 or something makes me feel powerful, and possibly like I will be taken more seriously. Sometimes you can start with articles like this one, which include links to specific bills on the official congress website.
Email after if you can. Reportedly less effective, and takes longer, but you are more likely to get a written (canned) response, and it reinforces whatever you called about.
Basic structure of a call, at least as I've been doing it:
"Hi, my name is ____ ____, and I am a constituent from [city, state], [zip]. I am calling to express my opinion on [topic]. I am concerned about [short argument with a clear impact on the topic]. I ask that you support [measure or fellow congress member]/vote [yay/nay on specific legislature]. Thank you for your time, and I hope you keep my opinion in mind."
For this post, the topic can be stated as the war in Gaza, military funding for Israel, or unrest in the Middle East, depending on which you think your elected official will respond to best. That said, the structure should work for whatever your call is about.
Arguments to use against your elected official... or your on-the-fence cousin:
I'll be honest, some of these are not going to do much against your representative. They know the arguments, and have been going over them with each other for months. You just need to have one locked and loaded that they consider relevant instead of a nonstarter, in order to back up your opinion as 'founded' instead of 'nonsense, can be swayed with a good marketing campaign.'
I'll include explanations if I don't think something is self-evident (or needs more evidence to tell your cousin), but in most of them I'll provide some suggested verbiage that you can tweak as needed, and for a few of them, that's really enough.
THESE ARE FOR THE TOPIC OF CONCERN, ONLY. You still need to end each one with "I ask that the [official] votes to [action]" at the end. Give them something actionable (example from Feb. 13th). My go-tos right now:
Both chambers: Reinstate funding for UNRWA
Both chambers: Place mandatory restrictions on any aid to Israel, with contractual threats to cut funding if Netanyahu and his government continue to disregard civilian life
Senate: Put support behind Bernie Sanders and his motion to restrict funding to Israel until a humanitarian review of the IDF’s actions in Gaza has been completed (S.R. 504) (Tabled by the Senate on 1/16, but it is being brought back in as conditions continue to escalate)
House: Put support behind Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s petition for the US government to recognize the IDF’s actions in Gaza as ethnic cleansing and forced displacement, and put a stop to it.
House: Put support behind H.R. 786, introduced by Rep. Cori Bush, calling for an immediate deescalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine.
What Not to Say
"There is no threat to Israel." I've talked about this elsewhere, but the short version is that this will be basically laughed out as you not knowing what you're talking about.
Anything generically antisemitic. (I mean, it might work on some of the white supremacists, but do you really want to encourage that thinking? No, so don't do it.)
Facts that you "heard somewhere" but cannot find a reliable source for. If it's being reported by the New York Times, NPR, or the BBC, it's probably trustworthy by government standards. If it's not a super common statistic, cite the journal you got it from by name. Remember, you aren't arguing to tumblr mutuals. You are arguing to your elected official or your 'I don't really pay attention' cousin. When it comes to this, big name news sources are better.
Unrealistic demands for complete isolationism, permanently abandoning Israel to its own devices, supporting Hamas, etc. Again, you will not be taken seriously. Pick an argument they might actually listen to, and use it to press them towards a possible solution. You want them to believe that if they adjust their position, they will be doing the will of most of their constituents, and thus more likely to get reelected.
The Ethics Argument
Third-party reporting has stated that that nearly 29,000 Gazans are dead since Oct. 7th, as of 2/18/24. The vast majority of those are civilians, and over half are children. Palestinians in Gaza are facing an acute hunger crisis threatening to become a full-blown famine.
The International Court of Justice has found that there is credible reason to believe that the state of Israel is committing a genocide against the Palestinians of Gaza.
This does not mean that every single Israeli is complicit. It does mean that the government, particularly Netanyahu and his associates, has been reprimanded by a large, diverse coalition of countries, and has consistently refused to listen to that court since.
This argument will possibly work on your cousin. Less likely to work on your elected official. They already know the numbers. I just wanted to get it out of the way first.
The Re-Election Argument: Michigan vs New York
Meanwhile, this is possibly the most effective. Again, this is not an argument of ethics. This is an argument of "how can I make my elected official do what I want." We do not use only the purest moral argument. We use what works.
What to say to your elected official: Michigan, as a swing state, was won by democrats on the power of the Arab-American vote in the 2020 election. We (either party) are at risk of losing Michigan due to the current Congressional approach to the Gaza conflict, as that demographic is now polling as likely to abstain from voting entirely. The risk of losing several congressional districts due to the Jewish vote is a real one, but the risk of losing the the executive branch is greater, especially after what we saw with Suozzi. Supporting Palestine might lose us parts of New York, but supporting Israel will lose us Michigan.
Explanation: Something that has been taking up a lot of time and space in the election coverage is the situation in Michigan, and more recently, there has been attention paid to the special election of New York's third district, AKA the "who gets to replace disgraced George Santos" competition.
Michigan is traditionally a swing state. While 2.1% doesn't sound like a lot, that is some 211k-278k people (depending on your source), and while not all of them can vote... Michigan was won by about 154k. Arab-Americans are not the only relevant demographic, but they sure are an important one, and they are vocally opposed to the situation. Approval has dropped from 59% to 17%. From that same article:
As Axios notes, Biden won Michigan in 2020 by 154,000 votes, but there are at least 278,000 Arab Americans in Michigan. Biden took Arizona, a state with an Arab American population of 60,000, by only 10,500 votes. In Georgia, Biden prevailed with a margin of 11,800 voters, in a state that has an Arab American population of 57,000.
Democrats cannot afford to lose these states. Pressure your congresspeople about that, especially if you live in one of those states. I assume most Arab-Americans in said states are already calling every day; the rest of you can join in.
Meanwhile, most Jews (considered the most pro-Israel demographic by strategists) in America are concentrated in a very small number of electoral districts. Of the twenty most-Jewish, ten are in New York, which is why I put it up in the section header.
One of those districts was won by a Republican in 2022: George Santos, New York's third congressional district. Following his scandals and ousting, the seat was up for a special election, and the two candidates were Tom Suozzi, a democrat who held the seat previously (he decided to run for governor, and lost), and Mazi Pilip, a Nassau county legislator who was of Ethiopian Jewish background and had been in the IDF. She ran on a campaign that leaned strongly pro-Israel and anti-immigration, and when Suozzi won, she interrupted his victory speech to accuse him of supporting a genocide against Israel due to his rather centrist, rather milquetoast stance on the conflict during his election campaign.
Now, Suozzi's win probably had more to do with Pilip being anti-choice than her pro-Israel arguments, but he still won.
Democrats can better risk possibly losing a few seats in NY than definitely losing three swing states.
"But I don't want Dems to win their districts after what they've been--" Nope. Listen to me. Surveys indicate that Republicans are on average more pro-Israel, because Trump and Netanyahu are buddy-buddy, and we do not have a viable third option.
Also, again, this is about convincing Dems to be better. "If you do not vote to put restrictions on funding to Israel, I will not vote for you in November" is a lot more powerful than "I will not vote for you either way, because of what you've been doing, but you should do what I say anyway."
The Re-Election Argument: Risk of Escalation
So, that thing I said about Trump and Netanyahu?
Yeah, so, while Biden is giving Israel military aid while cautioning them to slow down and be careful, Trump is... complicated, but suffice to say he's much closer to Netanyahu on a personal level than Biden is. Biden's relation with Netanyahu is reportedly pretty frosty, while Trump's is based on relations through the Kushners.
Just from wikipedia:
Netanyahu made his closeness to Donald Trump, a personal friend since the 1980s, central to his political appeal in Israel from 2016.[21] During Trump's presidency, the United States recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and brokered the Abraham Accords, a series of normalization agreements between Israel and various Arab states.
Trump's been more all-over-the-place recently, badmouthing Netanyahu for being what Trump perceives as a loser, which complicates understanding what his approach is. It's kind of incoherent right now.
Given Trump's general history of being pro-Israel, though, and the attempts by House Republicans to push through a bill of unconditional funding for Israel. It failed, but notable is that the more recent bill passed in part because it was paired with aid for Ukraine and Taiwan (something Dems are much more invested in having happen).
What to say to your elected official: If Trump is reelected due to his current appearance of being more critical of Netanyahu, there is evidence from his presidency to indicate that he will support Israel much less critically if elected. While he claims to want to settle the Middle East, it seems incredibly likely that he will worsen the situation for Palestinians, and ramp up retaliatory strikes to groups like the Houthis in a manner that will impact non-military parties, igniting tensions that are already tenuous.
The Disrespect/Wild Card Argument
This particular argument is best used against the Very Patriotic Politicians who are more concerned with the US's image and Being The Alpha Nation than with other things. Basically, this might work on Republicans.
This isn't really something I believe in, as a matter of foreign policy, buuuut it might work on your rep, so. Consider it!
What to say to your elected official: With Israel's recent actions in ignoring Biden, blocking US-sent aid like those flour trucks that got stopped at the Rafah border because they'd be distributed by UNWA, and generally Disrespecting The USA and Being Unpredictable is not only making the US look bad for being unable to wrangle a smaller country, but also making it so we are less able to wrangle other countries in the future, because Israel cannot be predicted and might set someone off.
The Europe and Reputation Argument
What to say to your elected official: The United States is losing credibility as a world power known for its military and ability to manage international disputes on behalf of the UN, because it is seemingly unable to influence Israel, and losing credibility as an upstanding moral state that is not doing foreign coups and banana republics anymore, as it appears to be tacitly supporting Israel's ICJ-labelled genocide, which is a really bad look with the other Western Powers.
I'm not entirely sure who this might work on, but there's gotta be at least a few politicians who are really concerned about America's image, more than about actually doing the right thing. Figure out if your politician is one of them.
If necessary, you can bring up how Trump is threatening to pull US support for NATO if Russia attacks someone.
The Middle East Stability Argument: Iran-backed Militias
What to say to your elected official: I'm concerned that the continued support of Israel, and thus the funding of their actions in Gaza, will increase the instability of Iran-backed militias, as we have already seen with the Houthis and Hezbollah. Entire Muslim-majority nations are showing increased displeasure not only with Israel, but with the US by extension. We cannot afford another war in the Middle East when we haven't yet pulled all our troops from the last one, not with the recent and recurring economic recessions. Any situation would also very likely be complicated or inflamed by the growing tensions among Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia regarding Red Sea access as well.
Use this on the ones that claim to be pro-military or pro-veteran. See what they said about HR 815 before the foreign military funding amendment was added.
The Middle East Stability Argument: Egypt
What to say to your elected official: Egypt's government has been unstable since the Arab Spring, and even now the military government is incredibly unpopular. With that existing instability, the addition of economic strain from the reduced usage of the Suez canal, the international disputes occurring because they're the main throughway for aid into Gaza, and the threat of a sudden influx of nearly one and a half million Palestinian refugees should Israel continue to push south... Egypt is looking at a possible near-collapse as we've seen in nearby nations suffering similar instabilities.
Explanation: It took several years for Egypt to really start recovering from the revolts in 2013, and it has applied for four IMF loans in recent years. The current government is unpopular to such a degree that they are looking to build an entire new capital from scratch in the middle of the desert so that they're less open to the risk of civilian uprisings; one of the primary causes for civilian dissatisfaction is economic issues.
Due to Houthi attacks at the Bab al-Mandab Strait, traffic through the Suez canal is down massively, and since the canal "represents almost 5% of the GNP and 10% of GDP and is one of Egypt’s most important sources of hard currency." (src) Various sources are reporting that trade through the canal is down 40-50%, which is putting more strain on the already unstable economic and political situation.
Finally, Egypt's population is about 110 million, but the governorate that shares a border with Israel and Gaza, North Sinai, has a population of barely 500,000. A push of one and a half million starving, injured people will, very suddenly, nearly quadruple the population of the governorate, and require extreme aid response from Egypt's government to keep alive and prevent a larger crisis in North Sinai and neighboring governorates.
The Middle East Stability Argument: Normalized Relations
What to say to your elected official: I am concerned that Israel's continued attack on Gaza is jeopardizing any chance of normalized relations with the Arab states in the future. American has put a lot of work into trying to get these various countries to normalize with Israel, and our funding of the current attacks on Gaza are sabotaging all that effort.
This one can be combined with the Iran-Backed Militias argument: Israel, in pursuit of revenge against Hamas, is setting itself up to be in more danger long-term, rather than less.
The International Trade Argument
What to say to your elected official: I am concerned about how the war in Gaza is impacting international trade and shipping costs. With the Suez Canal down to half its usual capacity and the Panama Canal raising costs and dropping capacity in response to the water restrictions, along with rising fuel costs in Europe and Asia, global trade is incredibly strained. We are being relegated to the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Horn, and the Malacca strait for much of intercontinental trade, and the macroeconomic projections are looking very bad for America.
The Domestic Economics Argument
What to say to your elected official: Many of the plans for Israeli military funding cause damage to other parts of the budget. For instance, a recent plan put forward by the Republicans of the House suggested IRS cuts in order to move that money, a plan which would impact the US budget negatively in the long term; we need those 14 billion being spent domestically, not supporting an overreaction/possible genocide in Gaza.
Explanation: In general, pick something receiving budget cuts that your congressperson will care about. I care about IRS funding, and saw it mentioned as a target in an article, so that's what I've got in my suggested verbiage up there.
The fewer people that are working for the IRS, the more they focus on auditing poor people (simple, easy taxes) and the less they can effectively audit rich people (complicated, time-consuming taxes), which means rich people are more likely to get away with evading millions or even billions in taxation. So yeah, you want more funding in the IRS if you are poor. They are already auditing you. You want them to audit the big guys.
The Russia and China Argument
What to say to your elected official: I am worried that the current focus on funding Israel without restriction is causing us to lose sight of the international threat posed by Russia and China. Russia is actively invading Ukraine, which continues to put massive strain on the European economy with regards to oil prices, especially with the Suez situation, and China has been testing missiles near Taiwan, and thus testing US responsiveness to those threats, for months now. We cannot afford to support an internationally unpopular war if we want to remain ready for Russia and China.
This is less likely to work on Republicans, since Trump is friendly with Russia, but hey, give it a shot if they're one of the ones who aren't fully in his camp.
EDIT 2/22/24: I'm a bit unsure of this tactic, but I'm putting it out there with hopes that someone with more political experience can offer feedback:
"Congress, and the US government in general, has promised to sanction Russia for the alleged assassination of one man within a week of the suspicious death, after five months of refusing to enact even slight consequences on Israel for the deaths of nearly thirty thousand, half of which are children. This is ethically questionable at best, but for the interests of elected officials, it is a very bad look. The mismatch shows a massive bias by the American government in regards to Israel's ongoing mass murder, with over two million facing famine as a result of Israel's aid blocking, and America's reputation on the world stage, as well as individual politicians' reputations domestically with constituents, is plummeting."
Finally, my ko-fi again. I spent a long time on this and I'd like to move out of my parents' house sooner rather than later. If you appreciate my time and effort, please feel free to donate a couple bucks.
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m-jelly · 6 months
All I need - Chapter 1
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@ladycheesington <3
Levi x fem!reader Future Fic, Romance, Drama & Romance, Falling In Love, mafia, Gangsters, Alternate Universe - Gangsters Violence, Love, Confessions, Love, True Love, Fluff, Protective Levi, Possessive Levi, Gang Violence, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut
You become the centre of Levi's world after a collection of debts your runaway ex put you in goes wrong because of a new kid not following Levi's orders correctly. Levi makes it his life's mission to protect you, care for you and give you everything you could ever want. As love blossoms between the two of you, things around you start to fall apart. Multiple people are working to stop Levi and take the power he has over the city. With multiple enemies working against you and assuming you're Levi's weakness, Levi shows them all just how powerful you make him.
A gangster romance with love, smut, romance, fluff, gore, lies, secrets and violence.
This chapter: Your now ex left you in debt with a gang and you're left to foot the bill. The debt collection goes wrong and the leader of the gang, Levi, comes to see you personally. Levi protects you and keeps you close. He takes care of you taking you and others by surprise.
Trigger warning: The reader is attacked and beaten in the beginning of this story.
Ao3 link
Part 2
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It was driving you insane what had happened over the last few weeks. First, your boyfriend showered you with too many gifts and then he started to get paranoid like someone was watching him. Second, his things in your shared apartment started to disappear but he was at home a lot. Third, he vanished and left a note on the bed saying he was running off to earn more money and pay for all the debts he’d put you in.
You had no idea that he had debts and put anything in your name. The most heartbreaking thing of all was he took everything from your account and left nothing. You had no money left to pay for bills and your rent. The only thing you had left was money in your savings, which you had been saving up for your dream home in the city.
As you faced your landlord while fighting tears, you were slowly losing your mind. No matter how much you begged him to let you stay for a bit longer, he wouldn’t let it happen. You even offered him some money in your savings until you made it to your next paycheck, but he simply said sorry and that someone was already interested.
It didn’t take long for you to pack your things up because you had sold a lot to get some money. The move to the next apartment was awful. It was tiny with just the basics. You had a lot of neon lights outside from shops, meaning your place would always be lit up even with blinds up. The rain did leak in a bit as well, so you were always cleaning it up.
As you made some instant ramen for dinner, you were wondering if your life could get worse than this. You wanted to know if more things could go wrong. You had a little hope in you that things could go well.
While you were holding out hope for life, something was happening that was going to change your life. The bad things in your life were not done with you yet. Your now ex had not only put you in some debt that you’d paid off with your savings, but he’d also gotten a debt with the mafia and they wanted to collect.
Levi gazed at the new kid and Mike. “This is a big debt. Tch, the shit owes me a lot and there are a few in his girlfriend’s name.” He said your name softly as he said your name written on the contracts. “Cute name. This writing looks like his. So, I’m assuming he signed her name.”
Mike hummed. “Likely.”
“What’s the update? He disappeared and so did she. You locate them?”
Mike nodded. “In a new apartment. Want to send the new kid?”
Levi looked the kid up and down. “Tch, oi? Do this right and you’ll be part of the group. Go to the apartment and see if you can get the money. Got it?”
The kid saluted. “Yes sir!”
The kid hurried off out of the base and into his car. Excitement filled him as he thought about his job. This mission was the first one he’d been sent on his own. He couldn’t wait to prove to his boss Levi that he should be in the scouts. He believed he was a vital part and Levi would think he was the best thing ever.
It was drizzly when he arrived at the apartment block. He landed his hover car on the platform and made his way inside. The kid was hoping that you didn’t have the money so he could break you to get the money. Levi had never approved of breaking someone to get money, but the kid was sure he would be proud if he got a lot of money from you.
He slammed his fist against your door a few times and waited. As soon as you opened the door he slammed his fist hard into your face and knocked you to the floor. “Where the fuck is the money.”
You touched your face and felt blood. “M-money?”
He closed the door behind him. “You owe my boss a lot of money.”
“What money?” You welled up. “I don’t understand.”
He punched you across the face again. A rush of pleasure went through him when you screamed and your blood coated the floor. His fist wrapped tightly around your shirt allowing him to lift you. “You and your boyfriend took a loan out with my boss and he wants the money.”
“My boyfriend skipped town. He stole all my money and ran. I don’t know where he is or what he’s doing. Please.”
He shoved you against the floor and gripped your neck tightly. “Liar.”
You gasped and kicked your legs. “S-Stop!”
“Your boyfriend is here. Call for him!”
You welled up. “He’s…not…”
“Oh, Danny! Come out!” He gritted his teeth as you looked on the verge of passing out. He released your next and growled. “Fucking stupid bitch.” He stood up and slammed his boot down on your arm causing you to scream. “Give me everything you’ve got.”
You whimpered. “I’ll send you the last of my savings. Tell your boss I’ll slowly pay him back each month.” You shivered as you fought your tears. “Please.”
He released you. “Send.”
You tapped on your communicator and sent the money across. “It’s yours.”
“Good bitch.” A sense of pride filled him. He got a lot of money from you, it wasn’t enough to pay off the debt but it was enough to make Levi happy. With this pride in him, he decided to take things further and slowly started trashing your apartment as you begged him to stop. He walked over to you and kicked you to the floor a few times. “Dumb bitch. I’ll be back soon.”
After leaving you he felt like he could run miles, drink bottle after bottle and fuck anyone he wanted. A false sense of power filled him. To him, he felt like there was no shot Levi would deny him a chance to be a scout. He did everything to make Levi proud. First, he had to report to Mike.
Mike sniffed the air once the kid returned. “I smell blood.”
The kid smirked. “For a good reason.”
Rage filled Mike. “What did you do?”
“Something amazing.” He shoved Levi’s office door open and grinned. “I got your money!”
Levi turned to face the kid and noticed his knuckles and shirt had blood on them. “Why is there blood on you?”
“Well, the dumb bitch needed to learn a lesson. So, I beat her black and blue, choked her a bit before trashing the place. She sent me the last of her savings.” He laughed hard as he thought about you. “What a pathetic bitch she was. Begging me to stop and that Danny wasn’t there. Said that I took all her money too.”
Levi’s foot connected with the kid’s gut and sent him smashing into the metal office door causing a dent to form. The raw power behind Levi’s hits was frightening to anyone. “I never gave you permission to lay a hand on her.” He walked closer as the air got thick and a darkness came over Levi’s face sending pure fear through the kid. “You beat a woman whose boyfriend had left her and you took all her money. This apartment she is in now? It’s the cheapest shit in the city, you dumb fucking piece of shit!”
Mike placed his hand on Levi’s chest. “Boss? We should focus on a girl needing medical attention, not this shithead.”
Levi pushed back his hair to return it to its tamed combed-back way. “You’re right.”
“Shall I send a medic?”
Levi shook his head. “I’ll go to her. I have to beg for her forgiveness for this moron. Make sure Hange sees him for discipline. Got it?”
“On it.”
Levi walked down the hall and sighed. “I’ll treat her. Tell the others not to bother me. I’ll update Erwin too.”
Mike dragged the kid down the hall. “I’m sorry I was a bad teacher to this one.”
Levi paused in the lift and looked at his friend. “You are not at fault for his stupidity. He thought his dick was bigger than it is. The fault is in him, not you. You’ve trained a lot of good members. I’ll be back soon.”
“You got it.”
The feelings inside Levi right now felt like something was burning him. No matter how hard he tried to push it down, it was still boiling up inside him and he wanted to hurt someone. The wheel groaned under Levi’s angry grip as he made his way to your apartment. He was thinking of what to say to you, but all the things that came to mind were just pure anger towards the kid who did this to you.
He parked up and went through the apartment block until he reached your door. He didn’t expect you to open your door to him, so he had a story ready and a lot of apologies. He gripped his medical bag, lightly rapped his knuckles against the door and held his breath a moment.
You pressed the small window and gazed out at Levi. Your heart skipped a beat as you took in the most handsome man you’d ever seen. “C-Can I help you?”
Levi flinched at your projected voice. “Hello. I’m Levi Ackerman. I believe a fucking piece of shit came here earlier and hurt you. I am sorry. He was in training with my people, but now he’ll be punished. I want to fix what he’s broken. I have a medical bag.” He lifted it for you to see. “I want to help. I’ll pay for the damages.”
You whined. “I can’t pay you back though and I already owe you money because of my ex.”
“After what that shit stain did to you today while using my name, I am wiping the debt clean for you.”
You gripped the door handle. “But my ex still owes you?”
“I will break him if you let me.”
You giggled. “Please do.” You opened the door a little. “Please excuse the mess and my face. I’m trying to clean up.”
Levi’s eyes widened as he took you in. Both your eyes were bruised up, your lip was cut, your nose had bled and there were marks on your neck. “Fuck.”
You smiled sadly. “That bad?”
He blushed. “Sorry. I just…I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. You’re here to fix it, so it’s okay.” You waved him in. “Come on in.”
Levi slipped his shoes off and made himself at home. “Thank you.”
“Can I get you a tea?”
He looked around your place to see the damaged things gathered in the corner ready to be fixed. “Uh, I think you should relax.”
You walked over to him. “You having tea with me would help me relax.”
He gazed at you as his heart fluttered. Your voice was incredibly soothing to him, your smile was infectious, your body divine and there was just something about you that drew him to you. “I’ll take that tea then.”
“I’ll set up everything.” He placed his medical box on the table, used his fingerprint to open it and started getting a few things out for you. The way you looked it seemed like some bones had either been broken or cracked, so he needed his best stuff. “Have you done anything yet to try and heal your wounds?”
You returned to Levi with his tea and yours. “I tried. I can’t afford much right now. All I could do was fix my ribs and arm with bone healing. I think he cracked something.”
You sat next to Levi. “All I need is the face stuff.”
He nodded and picked a bone healer. “I think you have a cracked bone where your cheek is. Are you okay with me using the healer?”
You clenched your fists as you felt nervous. “Yes, but I’m not looking forward to the pain. The bone healers are horrible.”
His touch was light as he held your chin. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“I’m so tired.”
He hesitated momentarily when he saw the exhaustion and pain on your face. “Forgive me. This is only for a moment, okay?”
You whimpered. “Okay.”
He pressed the healing pen against your cheek and injected it. He flinched you grabbed his arm tightly and cried in pain. “I’m sorry. Just a bit longer.” He pulled back and rubbed his thumb over the wound. “Better?”
You sniffed. “Mm.”
Instinct and feelings overtook his actions leading him to kiss your cheek. As soon as he registered what he did he released your cheek and pulled back. He blushed when you smiled sweetly at him before and leaned towards him for a kiss. Levi held his breath and moved closer but you flopped forwards against him after passing out.
Levi released a long sigh before looking around the room. “Hmm.” He lay you down on the sofa before looking around your place. It was all one room and just a blind to hide your toilet and shower. “Where does she sleep?” He stared at the sofas, the blankets, the pillows and a little cushioned board that would attach the two sofas. “Fuck me…poor thing.”
Levi scooped you up into his arms and carried you to his car. He carefully placed you in the back before loading all your belongings into his car, which wasn’t many. As soon as he had everything he drove to the best hotel he owned and parked in his spot. First, he took you to the best room and lay you on the bed, then he added your things to the room.
He went to the bathroom and ran you a bath so you could relax when you woke up, he even made sure to add something nice to the water and put the towel on the radiator. Room service was ordered for you and Levi made sure that everyone knew that anything you asked for, or ordered, was on him. He wanted to make sure you were as comfortable as possible. He knew very well you’d wake up and try to pay him back for everything, so he had a plan.
Your eyes flew open as you inhaled deeply. “Levi.”
Levi sat on the bed with you. “I’m here.”
You looked around a little. “Where am I?” Tears filled your eyes as you felt slight fear. “I’ll do anything to get your money back to you, but I won’t sell my body to you or anyone. I’m sorry! I can’t.”
Levi cupped your face. “Shh, shh, I’m not asking that.” He wiped your tears away. “I don’t support that at all, okay? Besides, the debt you’re talking about is not yours, it’s your ex’s.”
“But he put things in my name.”
“I know, but I can tell by meeting you that you had no idea about it.” He hugged you. “Sorry, I felt like you needed this. Look, everything in your name has been moved to him, okay? Besides, if anyone is in debt to anyone it’s me to you. Someone in my name hurt you and damaged your things.” He pulled back and smiled a little at you. “I owe you and you owe me nothing.”
You pulled and played with the bed cover. “Mm, so, you want to help me?”
“Yes. I’ll give you anything you need.”
You gulped hard. “A good paying job?”
He chuckled. “I can get that arranged. It was my plan anyway. I know just the job for you and I will pay you well.”
Your eyes sparkled as you gazed at him. “Really? Amazing.” You gulped hard. “Thank you, Levi. I’m shocked at how much you’re helping me. You’re nothing like the rumours.”
“I’m glad.” He held your hand. “Now I’m taking care of you and I employ you, I am making a few changes. For starters, your apartment is no longer your apartment. I will sell it and you will be living here for a bit until I get you something better.”
Your heart fluttered. “Really? But-.”
He kissed your hand and smirked at you causing you to gasp and go quiet. “I take care of my employees. I’ll also pay you in advance and I will get some clothes sent here for you. Anything you need, let me know. Got it?”
You were so enchanted by his gaze that you just nodded and agreed with him. “Yes.”
“Good girl. Now, head to the bathroom and enjoy a nice hot bath. Once you’re done there go into the living room area and eat up everything there.” He pinched your cheek and wigged your face. “You deserve the best.”
You gripped the sheet tightly as a mixture of feelings went through you. At first, you thought Levi might hold affection towards you, but then you started to think that maybe he saw you as a young sister that he had to take care of. You didn’t mind because it meant at least someone cared about you in this sad city.
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Two weeks had gone by and you were still in the hotel room recovering from being beaten. Your bruising had faded and your bones no longer felt funny. Levi had come by to see you almost every day. All Levi would do was check on you and give you some gifts before staying over for a while. The two of you would either talk, hang out a little or just sit in comfortable silence. It was nice to enjoy each other’s company.
Today you’d been alone for most of the day. You had grown so accustomed to Levi’s company, that you missed him. It was clear he was not coming to visit you, so you decided that you’d enjoy yourself and relax for the day. So, you run a hot bath with plenty of nice things in, heat your towel along with your dressing gown before getting in.
As soon as your body hit the water it was in pure heaven. All your aches washed away causing sleepiness to consume you. You closed your heavy eyes and softly slept in the big comfy bath. All your cares and worries in the world were gone. Even though Levi was a leader of a deadly and powerful gang, since meeting him you felt so safe and cared for. It was odd to seek comfort with a man who can and has killed.
Levi felt bad that he hadn’t come to see you all day, but he had a lot of meetings and needed to make sure your job was all set up. The job he had made for you was just a front and kind of fake. A building had been set up with a reception desk area that only people with ID approval on their communicator could get in. The work Levi was going to get you to do was just organise his emails a bit, send some messages for him, review mission reports for him and sum it all up in a smaller report. It was nice and simple for you.
He searched for you around your hotel room, but could only find evidence of your presence. The last place he checked was your bedroom and you had left your bathroom door open. He glanced inside to see you in the bath with your eyes closed. A slight jolt of fear went through him as you lay there unmoving. He hurried inside and checked your pulse to find your heart beating.
He released a long sigh and pulled away from you. “Tch, thank fuck.”
The sweet sound of Levi’s voice caused your eyes to flutter open. “Levi?”
He quickly turned his back to you when you started to sit up. His cheeks burned at the image of the top of your wet breasts came to mind. He used every ounce of his willpower to think of anything else, but it was hard to when you were moving about in the bath behind him. His hands shook a little as nerves consumed him. Normally he was smooth talking with people and confident, but you made him a mess.
You climbed out of your bath, dried yourself and then put on your dressing gown. “You can look now.”
He turned to look at you and felt his heart flutter. “Sorry, I came in here. I saw you lying there and not moving and I got concerned. I’m glad you are well.”
You fidgeted on the spot. “I’ve never had anyone care so much before. Thank you. I am well. I uh…I was worried about you because you were a while.”
He reached over and caressed your cheek. “You missed me?”
“I did.” You pulled from his touch with the belief that he held no love in his heart for you. Your heart was damaged and fragile, so it was difficult to imagine someone would care for you without a catch. Plus, you believed that Levi was only helping you out of guilt. “Are you here to make sure I’m eating well? I am if you’re asking.”
He emptied your bath as he hummed a little. “I am here to tell you about your new job.”
You sat down on a seat in the bathroom. “Really? That’s exciting.”
He nodded. “Yep. What you’ll be doing is checking emails for me, sending messages out, reviewing reports and then converting them into smaller ones to send to me. There’s no pressure either.”
You smiled sweetly. “Sounds like a great job.”
“I’m glad you think that.” He tapped on his communicator on his arm. “Sending you your first month’s pay.”
You looked down at your comms, the amount that came through made you gasp in shock. “Levi, this is too much.”
He hummed a laugh. “I think it’s not enough. I know you’ll be good at your job and you’ll help me out a lot.”
“When do I start?”
He rolled his sleeves up to reveal his arms were covered in tattoos. “Whenever you want.” He noticed you were staring at his arms. “Is it the muscles or tattoos that have your attention?”
You gulped hard. “Tattoos. I can tell you’re covered in muscles, but I didn’t expect the ink.”
He hummed a laugh. “I’m covered in tattoos. I have a few spots free that I intend to put something special there.”
“For a lover?”
He nodded. “Yes.”
You hummed a laugh. “What if it doesn’t go well with your lover?”
He cleaned up the tub as he thought. “Well, I intend to make it work with them. I don’t throw my love around.”
“Have you ever been in love?”
He stared at you for a while. “I have two exes and both I tried to love, but failed which is why I am not with them and I don’t have a tattoo. I know I’ll find the one. I have a strong feeling they are close.”
You fiddled with your dressing gown. “I’m happy for you.” You rose to your feet. “I’m going to change and probably go to bed. I fell asleep in the bath so I am taking the hint that I need sleep.”
“I’ll stay over. I have paperwork to do.” He watched you for a moment. It was clear something was bothering you and he was hoping that maybe the connection you had already would help. He waited a while so you could change before joining you. He softly called your name as you climbed into bed. “Something bothering you?”
You sat in bed and hummed in thought. “I’m just thinking things over. My situation and everything. I’m so grateful to you for what you’ve done. Thank you.”
He walked closer to you. “You feel guilty, don’t you? I want to treat you. This is all my choice.”
You welled up a little. “I don’t understand why you’re doing it all.”
“Because you don’t deserve the terrible things that have happened to you. You deserve good things in life.” He reached over and rubbed your cheek. “You deserve happiness.”
He smiled a little. “An I uh…I li…I…I li.” He winced at his comms going. “Tch, shit. I have to get this. Excuse me.”
You smiled at him. “It’s okay. I’ll get some sleep. Thank you though. I feel better knowing your reason for helping me. I think I’m just…that damage Danny did.”
Levi pinched your cheek. “You don’t need to explain yourself to me, okay? Also, when I find that piece of shit I will make him wish he was never born.”
You giggled. “I can’t wait.”
He tucked you into bed. “I’ll be in the living room if you need me, okay?”
You curled up under the covers. “Thank you.”
Levi made his way to your living room and sat. He released a long sigh and thought about everything. His heart longed for you but he wasn’t sure if he should pursue anything because you had been hurt, your heart had been damaged. Walking into your life and loving you was not the answer to your problems. No matter how much Levi longed to be yours, it just wasn’t the right move right now. All he needed to do was look after you, give you the space you needed and watch for signs of when you were ready to receive love again.
For now, Levi was going to find your ex and drag his sorry ass back to this city and make him pay. He tapped away on his communicator and called the best tracker in his gang. “Sasha? I’ve got a job for you.”
“Hey, boss! What can I do for you?”
Levi sent all the information he had over. “I need you to find this man for me. He skipped town after gaining a large debt. He left someone wonderful to suffer because of it. Find him for me and when you do, do whatever you want or can to drag him back here.”
Sasha laughed. “You got it, boss, I’m happy to hunt and hurt him.”
“I appreciate this. You’re doing me a big favour. I’ll call you later.” He ended the call and gazed out of the window at the neon city with cars flying by. “Mmm, she deserves better.” He glanced down to see Hange’s name light up. “What can I do for you?”
Hange grinned. “I have some great news for you! I did a lot of research on the girl you’re looking after.”
She giggled. “I am sending it over now. Looks like she was dating Danny for a year and he was good at first, but then the debts started a few months in. She was saving money for a dream home in the city.”
Levi gulped hard. “Send me a picture.” He tapped away on his comms and smiled at the cute apartment that was a little high up with a wonderful garden. “So cute. It fits her well. Well, I think we should work on making her dream come true.”
“Great idea! Now, can I ask why you’re doing all this? I’m curious Levi because you’ve never done this before.” She hummed a laugh. “She special?”
“She is.”
“You going to ask her out?”
He looked over at your door. “Not yet.”
He ruffled his hair. “When she’s ready.”
“Baby steps with her. You’ve got this.”
Levi smiled a little. “Thanks.”
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As Levi pulled up in the car it allowed you to look out at the building where you’d work. It was tall and shiny with a few pretty plants outside. You climbed out of the car and clutched your bag tightly as you admired the place. Happiness filled your heart because it was the most perfect place to work. The best part about it was Levi was leading you to the doors. The more you looked at Levi, the more your heart yearned for him.
Levi beckoned you closer. “This door will open for you because I have uploaded an ID to your communicator. Anyone without one won’t be able to get in.” He pushed the door open. “This is your office.”
You gasped in delight at the tidy and cute desk Levi had set up. It had wonderful soft and gentle colours on it, with a few little cute cuddly toys. The computer screen was nice and big for you. The mouse pad had a little dog on it and matched the sweet theme of everything. You adored the officer chair and thought the bunny ears on top were a cute addition. There was a snack cupboard and a fridge for you, along with a nice tea and coffee station.
Levi pulled the chair out for you. “Take a seat.”
You sat down and enjoyed how comfy it was. “This is nice.”
He leaned over your shoulder and whispered against your ear causing you to shiver. “I’m so glad. You wanna know the best thing about this job?”
You turned your head and gazed at Levi. “What?”
He eyed your lips for a moment before looking deep into your eyes. “No customers. It’ll be incredibly rare that someone will come here. Isn’t that good?”
You giggled. “Yes. I love that.”
“I’m glad.” He pulled back and hummed. “I’ll be working here in the office behind you. If you need me, you call for me.”
You nodded. “Promise.”
“Good girl.” He walked towards the door behind you. “I mean it. Call me if you need me for anything at all, even if it’s for a chat.”
You waved to him. “I promise.”
You waited for Levi to go into his office before you tapped on your keyboard and saw you were logged in thanks to your communicator. You stared at your empty emails and felt a bit useless, but a wonderful email came through from Levi. He made your heart flutter at how sweet he was in his welcome email. You replied to him and smiled at the emails that came through, along with a to-do list.
When you studied the to-do list, it didn’t seem like that much for the day which wasn’t too surprising. A part of you suspected that this job was just a front for Levi’s shady business, but you didn’t mind at all. Levi was kind and sweet to you, so you were happy to do anything he asked of you. You got to work right away and enjoyed the delicious snacks and food Levi had bought you.
As lunch came, you ordered some food to be delivered to the building. When the delivery machine arrived you opened the door and took all the food. You were about to close the door but an old man slammed his cane on the door and shoved it open. You backed up a little before blocking his path because Levi had clearly told you that you would never have contact with customers again.
You gulped hard. “Sorry sir, but can I help you?”
“Help me!? Help me!? I don’t like your tone of voice! And look at you, ordering food and grabbing it from a bot right in the front door where customers enter!”
You flinched at his tone. “Sir, we’re not a business. This building just has me and my boss in. We just process reports.”
He pointed at you. “Are you calling me stupid? How dare you!”
You felt panicked and tried to keep your cool due to years of customer service. “I’m sorry, sir, that was not the intention of my words. May I ask the reason why you wish to come into this building?”
“Why? Do you not know? My god, when I was your age we knew what we did in our jobs. These days all you young people just sit around and don’t care! This world hates old people! I am here for my money!”
You gripped the bag of food. “From Mr Ackerman?”
He shoved past you. “That’s what he’s called now, huh? They’re always swapping people around and getting rid of the old experienced workers. Now these places are full of young people who have no experience!”
You hurried after him. “Is it taxes? Council tax? Pension?”
He glared at you. “Why should I tell you!? You’re just a receptionist! Go get your boss, a real man! I demand to see him!”
You placed the food bag down on your desk. “Mr Ackerman is a rather busy man. He deals with a lot and-.”
“Are you saying no to me? What kind of customer service is this? You stupid pathetic woman! I pay your wages! I want to put in a complaint about you! Everything has gone bloody downhill! I’ll have your job.” He slammed his cane down on the floor. “You are prejudiced against old people! I’ll have your job for that! I promise you, you little fat tramp, you will be out on your arse in a heartbeat if I was your boss!”
You fought your tears and took in a deep breath. “Mr Ackerman deals with clubs, bars and shops. He doesn’t deal with pensions, taxes, benefits or council tax. We do not accept customers in this build. You are in the wrong place, I am sorry. Now if you tell me why you are here, I can help you out.”
He swiped his cane and smacked your leg with it. “Don’t you talk to me like that! Who do you think you are? I’m not some senile old man! I used to work for a place like this you know? It was far better when I was younger! I want this Mr Ackerman out here now.”
You winced a bit. “I will go get him, please just take a seat.” You limped to the back door and knocked. “Levi?”
The door slid open and Levi’s soothing voice called your name. “Come in.”
You limped inside as you fought tears. “Umm. Some old man forced his way into the building and started calling me names and shouting at me. He hit me with his cane and demanded to talk to you. I’m so sorry. I tried to get rid of him for you. I’ve failed you on my first day.”
Levi hurried over to you and held you as you cried. “Shh, it’s okay you haven’t failed at all. Tell me what happened.” He listened to your story in between your sobs. “So cute, you got us lunch.”
You sniffed a little. “I did.”
“Thank you.” He softly wiped your tears away. “You are amazing, okay?” He released a long sigh. “You did so well against him, but remember it’s okay to ask for help.”
You hummed. “I just didn’t want to bother you.”
“You could never bother me.” He cupped your face and nuzzled his nose against yours. “I’m here for you, okay?”
A warmth washed over you from Levi’s words and touch. You felt safe. “Yes, Levi. Thank you.”
He released you and pulled his blazer off to show he had a tight-fitting waistcoat under. Next, he rolled his sleeves up to show off his tattoos. No matter how much he tried to put his hair back, a few strands kept falling out of the hold of the product. He glanced over at you. “You can stay here or join me. All I will say is, I’m not going to be friendly. In my world, it doesn’t matter how old you are or where you come from, if you show no respect you don’t get any.”  
You clasped your hands together before your chest as your eyes sparkled in awe. “I like it.”
He stormed out of his office to see the old man messing up your desk. “Tch, oi! What do you think you’re doing to my girl’s desk!?”
“You’re girl.” You softly whispered as your heart fluttered.
The old man was ready for a fight, but as soon as he locked his eyes with Levi it seemed as if he recognised just who he’d disrespected today. “Levi Ackerman?”
Levi snarled. “That’s right, and who the fuck are you? You came barging into my office. You disrespected me. You disrespected my place and worst of all” he moved closer with a menacing aura “you disrespected my girl. Now, kindly tell me what the fuck you want and why you are here because as far as I’m aware, I have no meetings today with shrivelled-up old cocks like you.”
The old man shook a little. “I thought…I thought this was…”
“This was what? Some place you could shout at poor hard-working people just so you could get your thrill for the day? So you could feel big and powerful, huh?” Levi spat his words at the man. “Pathetic. Picking on people who are doing their best in life because you think the world owes you everything? You probably did jack-shit for the world. You’re a greedy old fuck who needs to reflect on his life. I bet you’re alone, aren’t you?”
“You made yourself that way.” Levi pocked him in the chest. “Your selfish and self-centred ways pushed everyone away. Why don’t you try doing things for others for a change? Maybe thank hard-working people for doing their job. You’re so focused on yourself that you don’t even realise how others may feel. The world doesn’t revolve around you.”
The old man lowered his head. “But I…”
“Did you ever stop to think about her? About maybe how your words could hurt? Plus, she isn’t a fucking mind reader. If you have a goddamn problem, you tell someone! She wanted to help you but you shut her down at every opportunity because you wanted to be this big ol’ dicked boss. Oh, and also? She was right. This place does not have customer service. I bet you were here about council tax, right?”
The old man mumbled a little. “Yes.”
“You got the wrong building. You need the other side of the city. I bet you knew you were wrong, so you took it out on her. It’s not her fault you’re stupid. It’s not her fault you got it wrong.” He walked over to the door and shoved it open. “Get out before I report you for hitting her with a cane. Yeah, U heard and I have cameras in here.”
You hurried over to the old man as he limped away with a strong blush. “Excuse me? I hope whoever hurt you in the past who made you like this suffered. Just because you’re hurting doesn’t mean you should hurt others. I really did want to help you.” You smiled softly at him. “Not everyone is out to hurt you. As a wonderful man once told me. Show respect and you get respect.”
The old man sneered at you as if you repulsed him. “I don’t need some mafia whore giving me therapy.”
Levi grabbed the scruff of the man’s collar and threw him out. “She gave you a chance and you fucked it up. If I see you near her again, I will beat your okay leg with your cane until the bone shatters.” Levi slammed the door closed and growled. “Un-fucking-believable. I should rip his spine out and use it to choke him!”
The rage inside Levi faded in an instant when you cupped his face with your soft hands. The sweet and bright look in your eyes made him melt. It was like you were a beast tamer. Instinct took over him causing him to nuzzle his face against your hand for comfort. He grabbed your hips first before pulling you against him. He held you for a while before releasing you.
Levi hummed a laugh. “Maybe I should add hugging to your job description.”
You giggled at how playful he was being. “Maybe. I like to see it as a fun bonus.”
He blushed bright red at your words. “W-We should have lunch.” He left you and grabbed the lunch bag. “Come on, let’s go.”
You hurried after him and went into his office. “Is it okay that I check my leg? He hit me rather hard.”
Levi placed the bag on the coffee table and looked over at you. “Where did he hit you?”
You touched your upper thigh. “Here.”
Levi gulped hard. He knew he needed to look at the wound and assess it, but at the same time, he was nervous about touching your sensitive thigh and looking at you without your tights on. “I ah…need you to lift your dress and take your tights off so I can look.”
You hummed and slipped your shoes off first before wiggling off your tights. “Sure.”
Levi could not take his eyes off of you. Something tingled inside him as your tights slowly dragged down your legs to reveal your soft and biteable skin. He wanted to bite and suck on your skin. He gulped hard as you lightly played with the bottom of your dress before pulling it up to show your thighs to him.
You turned a little. “My left thigh.”
He knelt before you and gripped your thigh. “Fuck.” He stared at the big wound. “He hit you hard.”
“He did.” You felt Levi’s grip on your thigh tighten with his rage. You reached down and played with his hair. “I’m okay. You’ll heal it.”
He looked up at you as he lightly massaged your thigh. “I will. I’ll fix it.” He rose to his feet and looked down at you, his big muscles and dominant look making you feel so small and yet protected. “Take a seat on the sofa, okay?”
You sat down and watched Levi closely. “Thank you. You always seem to be helping me out.”
“Well, because I want to.” He walked over to you with his medical bag and began rubbing the cream into the wound. “This should help.”
You hummed. “Thank you.” A shooting pain made you flinch. “Ow.”
“Sorry. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. You’ve done so much for me and you’re very delicate.” You smiled as you watched him work. “Your girl, huh?”
Levi’s cheeks went red. “U-Uh, y-yes. I-I meant that uh…that you uh…that you’re with me, you know? You’re um…protected by me.” He reached over and held your hand. “You’re mine.”
You smiled a little as happiness filled your heart. You knew there was a tiny chance this was a romantic claim to you being his girl, but in your eyes, Levi was too perfect for you. You were damaged goods and you felt like you’d only cause him pain if you got romantic. However, you had hope that there was a chance because he wasn’t any ordinary guy. Levi was a strong and deadly leader of a criminal group. He had control over a lot of the city and its money. Levi could protect you and care for you like no one has ever done before. You could tell by Levi’s words, his gaze, his touch and the way he smiled at you that you meant something to him.
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spidrstar · 1 year
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★ pairings: aged up e!42 miles!morales x latina!reader
★ slowburn? maybe?? idk.. (prob not) characters are 18+ in this story they’re in their mid twenties. mentions of going to the club
★ warnings: as i write this story it will be slightly suggestive in some parts, if that bothers u dni.. LMAO
★ a/n: pls enjoy i put a lot of effort into this 🥹 i’ll be adding a link to a playlist i made you could listen to when reading abt miles lmk what y’all think.
★ summary: You’re tired of a sad excuse of a man you call your boyfriend making empty promises, so one night you decide not to let your time out go to waste and you step into a club. Someone catches your eye, and maybe your number too.
★ part 2
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“Had a chance you still never came through
You say you wanna come see me
‘Cause your girlfriend wanna be me, uh”
- long way 2 go : cassie
Mouthing these lyrics you look up and smile at yourself in the mirror, clipping on your gold hoops in between your ear lobes. Absolutely loving your look tonight, it only made your smile grow wider knowing exactly what this look was for.
A date
It had been a while since you’ve gone on a date, your last date was about a month ago since you started dating your boyfriend, Kole. You had started to think he really wasn’t taking your relationship seriously after the 3rd time he stood you up, but 2 nights ago he smothered you in kisses and had promised you he would make it up to you by quote on quote ‘rocking your world’ tonight. The thought only making you chuckle lightly.
So of course you being the girl you are, you made sure you looked your best tonight. You had wore your newly bought two piece red lace set from victoria’s secret, not only that but you basically showered yourself in your veryyy expensive perfume. You made sure this night was going to be perfect. You finished curling your hair the way Kole liked and twisted the cable around the curling iron, leaving it out on your desk to cool down.
You clipped on your gold necklace with your name written in cursive and took one last look at your makeup close up, making sure it hadn’t creased. You tapped on your phone with a freshly manicured acrylic, the screen reading 7:40 pm. Your date was at 8 o’clock and you made sure you were going to be there on time. You stood up from your vanity and headed to your shoe rack and picked out your black heels, stepping into them you grab your black Kate Spade purse and headed towards the door.
Keys in hand, you tap your phone noticing you had 10 minutes left to be there on time. You rush into the elevator down the hall and press the 1A button. As you walked out of your building you rummage through your keychains finding your car keys and pressing the unlock button. 6 minutes left, you drove over to the new Italian restaurant that opened up down the block. Luckily for you, there was a parking spot right in front of the restaurant waiting for you. You paid for the parking spot and headed in, taking a quick look at your travel size mirror making sure you looked as cute as you did when you stepped out the house.
You headed in, making sure the lady at front seated you in your reserved seat you asked for a cup of water. Your mouth felt dry because for some reason you felt nervous, it has been a while since you’ve been out on a fancy date so maybe you forgot the feeling. You waited what felt like 10 minutes, the cup already empty you tapped your phone on the table and it read 8:10 pm. You unlocked it and pressed imessage. You felt slight anger and sadness, in high hopes of Kole not pulling the same shit he does on every date. Sending half angry messages, you checked the last message he had sent you was at 2:30 pm. You scoffed and thought, ‘Huh, guess that’s how much i truly mean to him.’
my love❣️: where are you??
my love❣️: Kole te lo juro, if i don’t see you walk through the entrance in the next 5 minutes.
my love❣️: I can’t believe you’re doing this shit again.
You set your phone down sighing, your lips curling down into a slight frown. You decided to wait it out, hoping he was playing some sick joke on you. More than a few minutes had passed and you tapped your phone again, this time it read 8:38 pm. You got up from your seat angrily, heading towards the front desk lady letting her know you would be leaving. You stormed out of the restaurant, you were so eager to try their food and your ‘boyfriend’ stood you up again. You had put so much effort into getting ready for him tonight, really believing he would keep his promise. Heading to your car a thought popped into your head, glancing across the street and reading a sign that read Starry Nights in neon blue. You glanced back at the time you had paid for your parking, and you had plenty of time left.
You basically speed walked to the club entrance, you weren’t going to let all your effort go to waste. You stepped into the club scanning for a bar, as you so desperately needed a drink to drown the sadness from being stood up for the 4th time. You pushed your way through once you had spotted it and sat down with a sigh, asking the barista for the strongest drink they had. While waiting you took in your surroundings, noticing all the different color dimmed lights. Watching all the people dancing closely against each other you had the urge to go and let loose but you didn’t. You held back, you weren’t reallyy in the mood and the last thing you needed was some creep trying to take you home.
You turned around checking if the barista was done with your drink, but had noticed they were making other orders too. So whilst you kept patiently waiting, you picked up your phone and checked your notifications in hopes of Kole answering. Oh how wrong you were, you read ‘no new notifications’ and closed your eyes and let out a long breath you didn’t even know you were holding in. What you needed was something, someone to distract you from this situation before you started bursting out into tears. No matter how angry you were, you knew you were still hurt.
Glancing to the side searching for a distraction you notice a tall dark skinned male with two braids flowing down his neck, interested you eye the rest of him down and he wore black cargo pants with a plain black t-shirt complimented by a silver chain, a purple zip up accompanying it and a pair of limited edition air jordans.
You quickly drag your eyes back up in hopes of catching what his face looked like, instead you hear the barista place your drink in front of you. You turn your head giving them a smile uttering out a quick ‘Thank you’ and turning back around. The barista seemed to have been making both yours and his order at once because he also had a freshly poured drink in his grip.
Your eyes glistening with anticipation wanting oh so bad to see what this man looked like. He finally turned his head enough for you to get a view of his side profile, a fresh fade and a shiny silver stud clinging onto his earlobe complimenting his strong jawline and cute dimples. He smiled at the barista and turned his head in your direction, you quickly diverted your attention elsewhere taking a sip from your cup nervously.
He grinned at your reaction and spoke up, “You here by yourself nena?” you perked up and turned to look at him again surprised by his low husky voice. “Yeah,” you say with a hint of embarrassment and sadness, you stared at the ground. He turned his body full attention on you eyeing you up and down. If looks could kill you would probably be dead by now from the way his half hooded eyes stared at you. His grin slightly grew, “And whys that? Te ves demasiado bella para que estés aquí sola.” A slight giggle escaped your lips at that comment and you looked up at him again, “Bueno, let’s just sayy someone made empty promises. I got stood up.” He scoffed as if he didn’t believe you.
“Some balls you gotta have to do that to a girl like you. What’s your name preciosa?” You smile at the nickname he gave you, moving slightly closer you answered. “Y/N, and yours?” his hand found its way to your waist gripping it slightly. Looking at you eyes half lidded he answered, “Miles.” You stared at his lips, even the way he said his name was attractive. You both stared at each other for what felt like 20 seconds and got lost in the moment, leaning closer into each other, lips inches apart. That was until you snapped out of it and thought, ‘i have a boyfriend i can’t be doing this.’ You had just realized how close you both were and turned your head to the side slightly moving his hand from your waist.
Even though you were mad and didn’t want to admit it in that moment, you still loved Kole and you weren’t sure if you really wanted to throw your relationship down the drain just like that for a guy you had just met. As good as he looks you wouldn’t be able to do it just like that, maybe Kole would redeem himself.
“I—I can’t, i have a boyfriend.” He seemed unamused and furrowed his brows, gently grabbing your chin he turned it back towards him making you look up. “Don’t do that mami, he obviously ain’t givin’ you the attention you deserve.” He glanced at your lips leaning closer towards your neck, the musky smell of his cologne filling up your nostrils. As hard as you were trying to resist you found yourself giving in, muttering out a low “You don’t know that.”
Pulling you closer by the waist he leaned down and whispered in your ear, “I do. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here.” You subconsciously moved closer and from there he placed soft kisses down your neck. One hand resting on the side of his neck, you let your head fall back and let a low moan slip. That sound was all it took to bring you back to reality, you slightly pushed him back.
At this point, the thought of Kole had slipped your mind, at the back of your head you knew if he wasn’t going to fulfill your needs and treat you right someone else definitely would. His free hand snaked up your thigh as he spoke softly, “I’m what you need ma, just lemme prove it to you.” You hesitated, not sure if this was the right thing to do. “I don’t know, i really love him and—“ That was until you felt his hand go higher, cutting you off “Say yes, mami.”
Biting your lower lip you gave in, “Alright, fine just give me a few days to think.” you slipped out your phone and passed it to him. He grinned saving his contact in your phone, with that he placed another sweet kiss on your neck. “See you Friday, mi amor.” he said, as if ignoring what you had just said. His hands moving away from your body, a low whine escaped your lips at the lingering feeling as he disappeared into the crowd.
On your way out the club you had so many thoughts racing through your head. You felt so dizzy, you had only taken one sip from your drink and it still had an effect on you. Tapping on your phone, the screen read 10:47 pm, you also had 5 messages from Kole from about an hour ago and 3 missed phone calls and 2 missed FaceTime calls. You rolled your eyes thinking, ‘Now he decides to care.’
You got into your car and rested your head on the steering wheel for a few minutes trying to wait out your pounding headache and the pain you felt coming from the heel of your feet. Turning your head to the side, sighing with closed eyes you opened them back up. Glancing back at your phone, you saw his name.
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★ translations: te lo juro - i swear || te ves demasiado bella para que estés aquí sola - you look too beautiful to be here alone || bueno - well, good (in this case it’s used as well) || preciosa - precious
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Criminal Minds PRIDE Fic Challenge!
Here we go! First writing challenge ever and I'm even more excited about the theme. During June I ask fic writers to challenge themselves a little bit by writing a piece that is LGBTQ+ inclusive!!! Don't let the topic intimidate you; If you want to participate, but don't know where to start, there are prompts to help. All the fics will be collected in a Masterlist that will be avalible by July 1st.
Note: if you have accessibility issues with this post (or any of my posts!) let me know and I can send you the information in an accessible format.
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Prompts and rules are under the cut!
These prompts are only ideas to help get you started! You can write any LGBTQ+ centered fic you want! Feel free to modify any of the more specific prompts to your liking.
Character coming out to their friends/family/the team.
Character's found family is more supportive than biological family when they come out.
Characters go to a pride parade/festival/event!
Characters discuss queer coding in media.
Character(s) explains their new, queer relationship to a child.
Character 1's child comes out to them. They go to Character 2 to ask what they wish their parents would have done.
Character 1 is having an identity crisis (gender or sexuality). They go to Character 2 for help.
Character 1 is confident about their identity. Character 2 isn't, so they ask for some advice.
Character 1 takes Character 2 to a gay bar for the first time to act as their wingman/wingwoman/wingperson.
Character 1 is unsure if they're attracted to or envious of Character 2's confidence in their identity.
Character has been dating Morgan, but realizes they're not attracted to men. He isn't sure how he ended up in this situation twice, but it's the perfect opportunity for him to play matchmaker for his ex girlfriends.
Character comes out to the team (or it's just pride month) and Penelope goes a bit overboard with decorations.
For the writers who are intimidated by this topic or unsure if they can write it: write something with GN!reader. It's less intimidating than you think, and it can make someone's day to be able to read a fic they might otherwise not relate to!
Bi and Pan Prompts:
Character 1 has always thought they were straight, but they realize their feelings for their best friend, Character 2, are more than platonic.
Character 1 is in a straight passing relationship and worries about the visibility of their queer identity. Their partner is incredibly supportive in helping them express themselves.
(NSFW) What does Emily really do during a sin to win weekend?
Trans and Nonbinary Prompts:
Character 1 gives Character 2 a gender affirming haircut.
Hotch teaches Character how to shave.
JJ teaches Character how to do make up.
Character finds themselves needing gender affirming clothes. Rossi makes sure they have the best of the best.
(NSFW) Character 1 gifts Character 2 gender affirming lingerie and it gives them quite the confidence boost.
Aro and Ace Prompts:
Character 1 keeps trying to set up Character 2 with people/telling them to find someone to help ease their stress. Character 2 has had enough of it.
Character has a monthly spike in libido and it makes them question their identity. Spencer tries to help with a ramble about science (NSFW add on: and a few other ways).
The fic can reader insert, OC, character x character, general fic, etc. as long as the character(s) is from Criminal Minds (yes, even the ones I don't write for).
Fics can be any genre and can be platonic or romantic in nature... and yes, this includes smut (I know, I know my brand is ruined. Oh well). You must be 18+ if you are going to submit smut. You all know I love platonic fics very much if not more!
You can write something new or dig up something you've already written! I'm also happy to add on fics that are sent to me after the masterlist is posted.
Tag me in your fic or message me the link. Please list the ship, content warnings, and have a 1-2 sentence summary of your piece! If you have multiple pieces, you can submit a mini masterlist.
Be kind and respectful! Reach out to me if you have any concerns. This blog is a safe space!
Thank you to @imagining-in-the-margins for the support and for sending some of the prompts from discord! (and telling me it's safe to tag @foxy-eva for this too)
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macabremuscle · 2 years
I need you to write that nasty fic idea for Corey because it was *A+* and also drop that audio >.>
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Ok I should have known someone was gonna want me to do this. Thank you anon for being an excuse to write this because let's be honest, I'm the one who wanted this originally. I just wanted you all to enable me into committing 😂
For those asking, the audio I'm basing this off of has its own little plot so I'm not using it as a guide, just inspiration I guess, but link to the audio is here. Uhhh yeah mind the tags ok? 😅 this was written in one go with no editing so excuse any typos.
Pairing: Corey Cunningham x Fdom!Reader (its implied with mommy kink but I dont think reader's gender is specified anywhere. tagging as f reader just to be same tho)
Warnings: smut, Fdom x msub, pegging, lots of mommy usage, talk of mpreg but it's not what you think, naughty words I guess
Word Count: 1202
No minors for the love of all that is holy!!!
Sometimes you almost pitied him. The way he'd cling to you like a lost puppy. So desperate for your attention and kindness. You didn't want to take advantage of his hard life, you knew he had struggled socially even before the accident but now... He had such a hard time both in public and at home.
You wanted to dote on him every chance you got. He deserved it. But he made it difficult by wanting to always dote on you. Corey thought his life was over after that night. Everywhere he went, eyes glared. Mouths hissed in whispered hatred. Everyone in this town hated him and he knew it. But not you. Somehow, you saw past everything. You knew about him and you didn't care. Corey felt he didn't deserve you, you were too angelic. And he wanted to make you know how much he appreciated you every second of the day.
But you wanted to turn it back on him now.
You felt his face turning beet red against your skin. Corey was sat on your lap, legs straddling yours as you worked your lips along his jawline. Your hands grabbed fistfuls of his ass and you grinned at the breathless whimper he let slip out.
"P-please.." he breathed out, and he wasn't sure what exactly he was even asking for.
"Use your words baby. What do you want?"
His face flushed again, the words in his head almost too naughty to voice. You decided to force them out of him by rolling your hips up into his, feeling his erection grind against your belly and he shuddered at the sensation. The strap on lashed to you, however, was gently prodding his ass with every movement of your body.
"Touch me more..." Was all Corey could say, his head dropping to your shoulder as he felt his cock twitch in his pants. The wet stain on the front of his jeans becoming more and more uncomfortable.
"Does my good boy want me to make him feel good?" You cooed. He only nodded in reply. You weaved your hand into the curls of his hair, slowly angling his head back to look at his face.
You had only been making out and grinding against one another for a little but he was already flushed and disheveled like you'd run him through the ringer. His eyes glazed over in lust, lips opened for small pants of air. He was a sight and he had no idea how much it stirred feelings within you.
You leaned forward and pressed a deep kiss to his lips. Corey immediately moaned and opened his mouth, his tongue flicking out against your mouth, wanting your own to come and invade. You followed his wishes and let your tongue dance across his, the feeling sending another shiver through Corey and more moans and whimpers began to fly. He whined when you tugged his hair to break the kiss.
"On the bed baby." You gave his ass another light squeeze before letting him free to get off you. He almost seemed loathe to peel his body from yours but he knew even more was coming and quickly did as you said.
Under your intense gaze Corey shed his clothes as fast as his shaking hands would let him before all but flinging himself down on the bed, the wood squeaking in protest.
You walked up and stood between his spread legs, trailing your fingers in delicate touches up his thighs causing his legs to quiver in excitement.
"Please!" Corey begged again, more desperate this time than he'd plead before.
"Tell me baby, what do you want?" You asked him again.
Corey's eyes locked onto you and the intensity of it nearly knocked your breath from your lungs. His brown eyes always held a smouldering ember deep in them, like the flame of his passion had been quenched but not extinguished by the cruelty of Haddonfield. But in moments like these, the fire blazed bright. Roaring with lust, love, devotion, desire, something you could never fully label.
"Breed me." He said so confidently. All sense of nervousness and shyness gone in his want for you to claim him as yours.
You couldn't resist lunging forward to capture his lips in another kiss. Corey's hands wrapped around you, tugging your form to his as his hips bucked up of their own volition. He moaned loudly at the feeling of your strap brushing up against his throbbing cock.
Wordlessly you hurried to yank the bottle of lube off the table, smearing huge globs of it on your awaiting dildo. Corey nearly cried when your hands spread some over his hole, a finger slipping inside with ease making him jolt.
"I'm ready. Don't tease." He ground out behind clenched teeth.
With a smile you nodded and positioned yourself. Easing in slowly you whimpered yourself at the heavenly gasps escaping Corey. Every inch deeper you sunk into him, another loud cry sang out.
With a sigh, you felt yourself bottom out, Corey's quivering body beneath you. You gave him a moment to acclimate before giving an experimental thrust. You were gifted with a whine. How could you not do it again? Soon your hips were snapping against his in a steady rhythm. The walls of your bedroom echoing with the sounds of Corey's pleasure.
"Mmm... Mommy..." You heard a soft mumble and after it sank in what he'd said you paused. Corey's blissed out face scrunched in confusion as to why you'd stopped. Then realization dawned on him and his face flushed redder than you think you'd ever seen it before.
"I-I'm sorry... I don't know why I- oh FUCK!" Corey all but wailed when you tossed both his legs over your shoulders, leaned over on top of him, and began pounding away at the perfect angle.
"That's it. My good boy. Mommy's perfect boy." You panted out between thrusts. Your voice breathless in your own lust. Corey shook his head, your straps tip brushing that spot deep inside him sinfully made him see stars.
"God yes... Mommy please fuck me! Breed me!" You don't think you'd ever heard Corey so desperate before. His hands were fisting the sheets on either side of his head, thrown back in pleasure. You could tell from how much louder he was whining, he was about to reach his peak.
"You gonna cum for me sweet boy?" You purred, taking a hand and running it across a nipple on its way up to cup his cheek and force him to look in your eyes. His own eyes opened and you could see the sparkling of tears lighting his eyelashes.
"Mommy... Fuck a baby into me! Ahh!" Corey's own words sent him into his bliss. His back arched off the bed, as much as your mating press would allow him to, cum spurting across his belly as a shuddering wail reverberated the walls.
You weren't sure how much time had passed before he finally came down from his orgasm. His eyes were unfocused as the gazed up at you with utmost love and worship. You bent down to kiss the remnants of his tears away.
"I love you baby."
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hadakzu · 1 year
Little scared to post anything in here lmao :D Still semi new in here, but I thought I would still share something I wrote with Hawks❤️🙏 (I haven't really written anything like this much before and English isn't my first language so yeah anyways~ I just thought about this one day and had to try write something with it😽
So um Hawks x reader fluff (gender neutral) ❤️
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No okay but like I can definitely see Hawks doing these random silly tests online like "Which character are you" or "Which kind of bread you're" kind of things. He definitely has taken those "Which one of pro heroes, are you?" but trying to get his different colleagues, curious seeing which responses are targeted at them, and chuckling to himself if it has something totally off about them. Having fun seeing how people view them while actually knowing them himself. Sometimes he gets a good laugh from those.
(Would try to get Endeavor just to walk up to you with smug smile turning the phone to your face so you could see his results. He looks so proud. "Guess what? I got the number one~" He's so cute enjoying silly stuff like this I love him♡)
One day you were just sitting on the couch scrolling down your phone, him laying comfortable on top your lap because he loves to stay close to you, and just enjoys these moments of both of you staying close, while not doing anything in particularly, just mindlessly scrolling down each of your phones, doing nothing, together. Just relaxing.
It's been quiet for a while and you're gently caressing his hair while just scrolling past another post, then suddenly he turns to look up at you with curious look "If you were some kind of chicken food, which one do you think you would be?" He looks at you like he's analyzing you, trying to figure it out himself like it was the most important piece of information to know about you.
And then he would, of course show you his phone all excited "Apparently I'm a fried chicken! Lucky me~" it's one of his favorite, so obviously he would feel quite proud of getting that, and you can't do anything else than sigh with a small laugh, not really have expected anything else. This happens quite a lot.
"Your favorite too~" you response with a kiss on his forehead, he's so cute.
And then he just starts explaining which sort he thinks you are ? With such a deep analysis too ?? Looking serious about this, this was important information after all!! He had to know which kind of chicken food his loved one was! It had to be something good and tasty~!! (just like you're *Cough, cough*)
And then he obviously sends you the link of the test, sitting up next to you, watching how you would answer to each of the questions. He looks so happy, the way he keeps close eye on what options you would choose, observing you, it makes him feel closer to you. Like every single answer holds important and valuable information of you as a person. He loves it, he loves you~ And he smiles when in his mind he already knew which one you would pick. He just knows you that well~
He absolutely loves and cherishes these kind of moments between you. It might seem just a small and silly stuff to someone else, but to him these moments are everything. To just be able to be himself around you, not having to stress about anything. You don't have to do be doing anything fancy all the time, to still be able to have fun together. It's these kind of moments that makes you both feel so much closer and more content with each other too. In a world where sometimes everything else feels to go just a bit too fast.
He's happy to just stay in this moment with you. All nice and comfy, close to you~ And most importantly of all, he has to know which kind of chicken food his loved one was!!
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
Im writing a ficlet to post here on tumblr and I got inspired by ur writing but everytime I read the mere start it's just a big no no What do i do???
first of all send it my way if you like!! second of all you have a few options:
1. Just Keep Going
remember you can go back and fix things!! if you keep writing you’ll stumble into a flow, and then you can go back and edit the beginning or middle to fit your vision.
2. Fuck Beginnings
the number one obstacle i had with writint when i was first starting out is that i could never think of a damn beginning. even now i struggle with it. best way to handle that: fuck beginnings. wherever you have a scene, start: in the middle of an argument, the middle of a scene, hell, the middle of a damn sentence. wherever the start of your idea is is the start of your story! don’t force something that doesn’t exist. (that 10k will angst fic i just wrote? started w the sherman & will argument scene! i had Nothing beforehand! and you’ll notice a lot of my stuff starts in the middle of a conversation, cause it’s easier!*)
3. Start Over
sometimes i’ll try so hard to make something i’ve already written work, even if i’m stuck, because i’ve already sunk so much time in it that starting again feels like a waste of time. but, dude, trust me — if you’re that stuck, just start over. maybe not the whole damn piece, but you can definitely rewrite a paragraph or chapter. personally, i tend to cut and paste whatever isn’t working into a new doc so i don’t lose it (in case i manage to reuse it elsewhere) and then i begin again, with uncluttered space.
4. Post What You Have
i should really link y’all to the first post i ever made. it was Hot Stinky Garbage. i don’t care. it Helped, you know? it started me out. maybe your thing isnt perfect — post it anyway. maybe nobody cares — post it anyway. (took like two weeks for someone to care about what i was posting on this account, and i posted daily. my first fic had zero notes for eight days.) you might even find that you’re just being too hard on yourself!
5. Dialogue Prompts My Beloved
dialogue is so so easy for me to write. it’s WAY easier for me to script a conversation and then build facial expressions, emotions, actions, and intention behind it, because i never shut up! i have a lot of practice. as you may have noticed i’ve been using the @p0ck3tf0x 100 ways to say i love you list — i’ve put it in a spinner wheel lol. so i spin the wheel and write the prompt, then i don’t have to make a decision. if i don’t like what comes up i spin again.
good luck!! wish you all the best!!
*it is a thousand times easier to build exposition through context. example:
Kayla walked up to her brother, who was sitting morosely on the porch. “Hey, Will. You good?”
Will shrugged. “I’m okay.”
“Will. Hey. You good?”
“‘M okay.” He tried for a smile. “Thanks though, Kayla.”
see the difference? in the first, i am outright telling you that 1) kayla is walking over to will 2) he is sitting on the porch 3) he is sad 4) he is answering her question. this are all stated things, either by the narrator or by the dialogue. this is clunky! this is so clunky!
but why?
you know all these things. you know ‘hey’ is a greeting — so obviously kayla is newly approaching will. kayla calls will by name — you know who she’s talking to. will mumbles, and ‘tries for a smile’ — both things that indicate he’s feeling morose. he responds to kayla by name, so you know who he’s responding to. when you over-explain or state too much in your writing, you’re telling your readers twice, which can feel awkward.
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da-proti-toku-grem · 3 months
7 with bojere?
I'm going to be honest here, this one was a bit harder for me to write because I've never written them (or Jere) and I haven't read a single bojere fic since September (or October maybe?) so… yeah. But I hope it didn't turned out too bad 😅
Oh btw! Since I already posted all the previous ones on ao3 (you can find the links in my pinned post), from now on I'll post them both here and on ao3 directly. So, if you prefer to read there or whatever you can find the link at the end of each post (and of course, kudos and comments are always appreciated ☺🩷)
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss
7. … to shut them up.
Jere was curled up in bed, mindlessly scrolling on his phone while some random reality show played on the back, but he wasn't paying attention to any of that.
Having a break from the tour and having time to be alone and relax was really nice, but having more time alone also meant having more time to think, and more time to think meant that his thoughts drifted to a certain brown-haired Slovenian guy more often than usual.
That soft brown hair with those few white strands that gave it a really nice touch, those chocolate brown eyes that sparkled when they looked at something – or someone – he loved and wrinkled a little when he smiled, that radiant smile that never failed to make you smile even on the worst days, those soft lips that he couldn't wait to feel again on his, the feeling of his arms around his body, pulling him close... All of him.
Usually, at times like this, Jere would call him. Just hearing his voice or seeing his face, even through a screen, always made the Finn feel a little better. But unfortunately, Bojan had let him know in the morning that he had a busy day ahead of him – something about them having to spend all day in the studio discussing options for their next song – so he probably wouldn't be able to talk to him until the evening.
Just a couple more hours, he thought, sighing heavily and putting the phone back on the bedside table. Maybe a little nap would help the time pass faster.
Just as his eyelids began to grow heavy and he began to feel his body relaxing, drifting closer and closer to sleep, soft hair and brown eyes the only things occupying his mind, the unpleasant sound of the doorbell echoed through the house.
Groaning, he threw off the blanket and got out of bed, walking towards the apartment door. He wasn't expecting any visits, so it had better be something important enough to interrupt his nap.
Out of all the possible people who could have been behind the door, he definitely wasn't expecting this one.
Bojan, his Bojan, was there, standing in front of his door with a big smile on his face, a suitcase beside him, and a box of chocolates in his left hand.
A million questions flashed through Jere's still half-asleep mind at that moment. How was he here? Shouldn't he be in the studio in Slovenia? How did he get here? Was he dreaming? Yes, he was definitely dreaming. This was not real. His mind was playing tricks on him.
He realized he had gone too long without saying anything when he saw Bojan's smile fade, being replaced by an expression of concern – perhaps a hint of insecurity.
“Hey, Jere, are you okay?” The younger broke the silence before quickly starting to explain himself. “Shit, I'm sorry; I should’ve let you know I was coming. I know I told you we were going to be in the studio all day, but I- I lied. I wanted it to be a surprise, so I called Mikke to find out when you'd be home. It's just... We haven't seen each other for such a long time and... and I missed you so fucking much, and I couldn't wait to see you and…”
God, he's so cute, Jere thought before he grabbed his face in his hands and pulled him close, pressing their lips together in a kiss that he hoped would be able to show how excited and happy he was that his boyfriend was there.
He could feel the Slovene slowly relax and begin to reciprocate the kiss. Jere's hands moved down from Bojan's face, caressing his arms until they reached his hands, which were still holding his stuff. The older could feel a shiver run through Bojan's body as his tongue licked his bottom lip teasingly.
Before the kiss could get any heated and they ended up making out in the middle of the hallway, where anyone could walk in on them at any minute, the Finn reluctantly pulled away from Bojan, earning a little whine from the other.
“Come inside, yes?” Jere said, tugging on his arm until he pulled him inside the apartment, closing the door behind them.
Bojan set the suitcase aside and dropped the box of chocolates on the small table at the entrance, turning to look at Jere, who immediately threw himself into his arms. The action almost made them both fall to the floor, causing them to burst out laughing.
Amidst laughter, Jere wrapped his arms around Bojan. “I've missed you so so much,” he said, accenting each word with a kiss somewhere on his face, making him giggle.
“I've missed you too, Jerč, so so much,” Bojan replied, giving him a warm smile and bending down a little until their lips met again in a tender kiss.
And there it was – that laughter he so longed to hear next to that ear, those brown eyes that sparkled brighter than ever when they looked at him, those arms that wrapped around him and clung to him almost as if afraid that it was all a dream and he might wake up at any moment, and those soft lips he so loved to feel on his.
If he had to describe the feeling in one word, he wouldn't hesitate for a second before saying "home".
masterlist | ao3
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butchdarling · 3 months
Hi, thanks for all your IDs! I'm new to Tumblr and want to write IDs. Are there etiquettes that I should take note of, like which posts to write IDs for and which not to? Any tags I should look out for? I came from Reddit and I'm aware that not all users want to have IDs on their posts, there's probably something similar here.
Hi, first of all you're very welcome for the descriptions! It's always nice to hear that my efforts are appreciated :)
Ideally, any post with images should also have a description for those images. Any post that doesn't already have an ID in the original post is one that's appropriate to add a description to. Even if someone else already wrote a description in a reblog, you're allowed to write your own if you want to. I personally haven't encountered anyone who has been upset when I've written a description? I think that's more an individual thing than something specific to a certain type of post.
There's not a consensus on what format works best for image descriptions, but alt text or plain text (not colored and normal size) directly below the image in the body of the post are generally considered the most accessible. Alt text tends to work better for screen readers, and plain text works better for some people who need descriptions but don't use screen readers. I personally use alt text for posts with a lot of images and plain text for posts with only a few. I've also seen people put a short description in alt text and a more detailed one in body text.
Other etiquette includes indicating when a description starts and ends. I use brackets and start and end with [ID / End ID] but some other formats I’ve seen include “Start ID / End ID” of “Image description / End image description” and being objective in your descriptions. If you're describing a picture of a dog as a "cute puppy," you're telling the reader what to think instead of letting them come to their own conclusion.
As for tags I know some people like to sort their posts as “described” for posts with IDs and “undescribed” or “no ID” for posts without. I find most of my descriptions either from people I follow or from looking in the notes of specific posts as opposed to searching tags so I'm not much help there, but here is a link to a post listing a whole bunch of accounts that make image descriptions.
There isn't really one way to write image descriptions because people have different accessibility needs, but even a simple description is better than no description. The basic format I usually go with is this:
[ID: A (type of image, painting, photo, etc) of (subject; if it's fan art I like to include the source) doing (action, this can really be as detailed or as simple as you want.) End ID]
In general, I go with more simple descriptions for comedic posts and more detailed ones for art. My number one tip is to follow people who write and reblog descriptions and to read them! I've picked up a lot of formats and phrases I use a lot in descriptions from people I follow.
If you're looking for more resources, I’m going to point you towards my mutual Kay @pathos-logical ‘s accessibility tag that has a bunch of good posts on how to write descriptions. You're also welcome to send me another ask or DM me if you'd like ^^
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rubyreduji · 10 months
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as of today my blog is offically one year old!!! i literally cannot believe it's been a year since i started this blog it has been such a fun year and i've met so many amazing people and it has also coincidentally fallen in place w/ hitting 3k followers (i actually hit it a week ago but shhh) so to celebrate i am hosting a sleepover from today, august 15th to august 31st!!!
★ remember to send everything through my inbox and send with a 🧸 emoji or mention the event so i know it's for the sleepover (these asks will be prioritized) (the emoji is more cute tho so if you don't use it you're lame /j)★
below you will find some ideas of what my sleepover may contain and some ideas you can send me!
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★ JJ Q&A - ask me anything! get to know me! im already a fairly open book on this site but give me even more lol
★ [CLOSED] DRABBLE REQUESTS - for this event i will be opening up my requests for drabbles up to 2k words, please send me a member and details (aka smut, fluff, angst and maybe some plot too)
★ LIST/MINI REQUESTS - these include most to leasts, reactions, scenarios, blurbs, thoughts, svt as, etc.
★ FIC DETAILS - ask me questions about my fics! whether it's about my wips or sneak peaks or questions about something i have written in the past or ask me about scrapped fics and i'll give you a blurb from them
★ LINKS - send me a link (sfw or nsfw) and a member and i'll write you a blurb/thought about it
★ FIC SHARES - send me your fav fics either written by you, someone else, or me! i love to support fellow authors and i also love to hear which of my fics are your favorites
★ it is not limited to these things! if you think of anything else i encourage you to send it! ★
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★ check out my rules and guidlines before sending me anything — all rules there still apply
★ i reserve the right to not answer asks im not comfortable with
★ i accept sfw and nsfw asks
★ it might take me a while to answer anything sent to me so i might still be responding to asks even after the event closes — please be patient!
★ all posts will be tagged with #rubyreduji sleepover!! if you want to block
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thank you to everyone who has supported me so far and has made this such a wonderful community to be in, i love and appreciate each and every one of you and i hope you guys will continue to stick around with me
love, jj <3
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I hope I don't sound too demanding with this but do you have any ideas for what Radio Guard Alastor's full demon form is like? I know I already kind of wrote about his full demon form being a giant red deer for him in my fic since I couldn't find anything about it when I looked but I've been thinking about Radio Guard AU lately and got curious if you had his demon form written down already or had an idea about what it is.
- Fanfiction Anon
OH! Hello Fanfic Anon :D! Don't worry you don't sound demanding!
But to answer your question, nothing written down, just ideas, so prepare for word vomit.
For how I see Radio Guard Al's demon form, the scenes of him lifting himself off the ground with his tentacles and the scene where he strikes down his mic staff on the ground, surrounding himself with tentacles against Adam lives in my head rent free tbh. So I always imagine that without really putting more thought into it, besides maybe the fact Alastor, sort of like Stolas in...Helluva Boss Episode 6(?) who began to freak out the TVs and cause weird shit to happen, Alastor was able to do something similar. Not to the same degree as Stolas because Alastor is just a sinner still. I think mainly Alastor would be able to hijack radios or similar audio devices and distort the audio, playing emergencies broadcasts, music, or the screams of past victims to freak people out (there is actually a really good, i think commissioned, Dead by Daylight thing someone made that basically gives an idea of what I mean, let me link it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQKuLoe6bmI ). And of course lights like in episode 5.
He can show snippets of it off like in the canon show and pilot as ways to scare people. Like its second nature to him, but as a catch, when he gets anger, it pops up on its own, without his control.
And if I were to give him a big demon form (since its clear Alastor does have that in the canon show, or maybe that's just him messing with his size idk), I think it would really only appear when Alastor was through into a rage. Like a blind one, mainly one brought out by his protective instinct (since, reminder, Alastor did nearly lose anything and his life after being nearly left for dead, he's gonna be SUPER protective of things he loves and Vox, even if it sends him into blind rages). I can see it as this. This hulking figure, elongated, twisted limbs, the skin being pulled and stretched, barely holding onto the skeleton. Stitches appearing, but even they are being pulled to their limits. Eyes radio dials as the sound around him sounds like a radio breaking and screeching to life, the sound of siren echoing in the background of the chaotic noise. His lower half gone, replaced with deer legs. His horns long and large. Tendrils curling and slithering around his back. Sharp teeth ready to bite and tear into anything. I think also maybe a skull? Kind of like King and his dad from the Owl House. Maybe fhjkdsf. But yeah, something just screams "You SERIOUSLY fucked up". Probably only really Charlie, Husk and Vox can calm him out of this state. Maybe Lucifer too, but he may also get smacked across the battle field fhskdf. Again, blind rage.
Hope that answers the question! Still do love the form you gave him in the fic, but I hope this helps if you ever write more stuff featuring Radio Guard Al!
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sprintingowl · 1 year
Writing 3rd Party Content For TTRPGs
I've written, uh, a few tabletop rpgs from the ground up, building the entire system to fit the game's themes and subject matter, but that always feels like heavy lifting.
So when I want to relax but I still want to write something, I write 3rd party content.
Every game system treats 3rd party content a little differently, and some of the AAs have restrictions on whether you can sell the content you write, but the biggest publisher (D&D), a lot of the single As, and most of the indie is not just cool with but encourages it.
Some publishers put restrictions on what you can do with your 3rd party material. Paizo's Pathfinder 2nd ed license requires you to send a copy of your work to them. Mork Borg's license requires you to add a text block clarifying that your game isn't an official Mork Borg product and it also disallows racist or homophobic content. Mausritter requires you to add a text blurb and disallows translations.
These restrictions are more common in the single As. As you get into the indies, you're more likely to see a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY, which lets you go wild as long as you credit the original author), or just the phrase "Licensing - Go nuts."
The advantage of writing for someone else's system is that it gives my brain a break. I don't have to first create the universe. It's already created and I can fill out a little part of it.
Some of my favorite systems to write for have been Mork Borg (https://morkborg.com/), FIST (https://claymorerpgs.itch.io/fist), and No Nut November: Squirrels Of The Post Apocalypse (https://mitchelldaily.itch.io/nut). However, the best system to write for is whichever one *you're* most psyched about.
As an example of all this, I've added a link to Fisk Borg below. Fisk Borg is 62 pages of me stuffing fishing into the gloomy, pre-apocalyptic fantasy world of Mork Borg. I think it took me three days to draft, and a couple weeks to playtest and edit.
Of course, I am not an expert in 3rd party publishing, and there's lots of systems I'm not familiar with, but if anyone has any questions or is looking for resources, I'm happy to give advice to the best of my ability.
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godstrayed · 9 months
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before you interact please read the post! / mutuals only.
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hello! it’s that time again i try to sell myself as a potential writing partner. i have written these in the past and been successful in occasionally finding roleplay partners who are interested in the same sorts of things as me. so i am looking for people who want to world build with me. i really like discussing plots, headcanons, and anything that can make me understand your muse better! i love sharing memes, drabbles, not roleplaying linearly and tossing around multiple threads! i don't need many people to write with but i really prefer to have a handful of people who i know well, am invested in their muses/feel super comfortable with my knowledge of their muses & pingpong my annoying ideas at them easily.
i tend to write lengthier things but i am okay with any length as long as it’s not one-liners! i also have zero interest in writing with someone who i will only have one thread with and never speak to again. 💀 i just rather focus on threads that will grow outside of just one single reaction! i like to think i am pretty easy to toss shit around with but i am a little shy so sometimes it takes a while for the ball to start rolling but once it is i am full-sending that shit.
so if you’re interested please GIVE THIS A LIKE and I WILL APPROACH YOU after i check out your muses/rules, if i haven't gotten around to it already! i am 100% gonna write the starter for whatever we come up with! i just ask if i take the time to write the starter that you reply to it at least once. failure to do so will result in me soft blocking since it happens so often and is super discouraging (and a waste of my time tbh). that might seem harsh but we could always write together when you do have the time or availability to reply.
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ME: can call me nic! 29. cst. they/them. selective. slow replies due to work and other responsibilities. willing to make new muses for people if i really like an idea/plot! emphasis on slow activity! please keep in mind that i take a whole lot of time sometimes.
THINGS I REALLY LIKE: pacific rim, the 100, the walking dead, baldur's gate 3, queens gambit, any apocalyptic setting, harry potter series, alice in borderlands, video games, league of legends, any mcu movie, x-men series, fantasy shows/games, fairies, hunger game series, graceling & demon slayer.
TYPES OF AUS: any type of apocalypse setting, fantasy, crime aus, soulmates au, period/era verses, dystopian, slice of life, mythological, anything with werewolves, royal aus, vigilantes, & mutant aus.
VIBES: angst (tbh most of my blog is angst), fluff, horror, cliches, tropes welcome, & the occasional smut when it fits the mood.
CHARACTERIZATION: i exist in extremities. i like writing really bad villains with zero remorse or softer characters with a more righteous morality. i enjoy writing against almost everything. i am open to exploring most things and you can find out more extensively my habits through my rules.
open to any type of relationship: family/friendship/romantic/enemies. doesn’t have to be romantic. however, if it is – i always write with anyone so gender/fc/etc doesn’t every bother me. write who you want to!
be prepared to: communicate, toss around ideas, explore plots & dynamics, share your interests with me as well, & be adored / have your muse(s) adored by me & mine.
  links: muses & laws. memes. verses. wanted plots.
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sachikokuroichi · 1 year
Herz an Herz (<-Link to AO3)
“Your handwriting is awful.”
Naruto had to look twice at the scroll he was holding in hand right now. He’d been looking forward to Gaara’s answer all week and this was everything he had to say?!
The blond was on the verge of crying. And here he thought that they could converse like this, get to know each other and become closer. Because let’s face it. Since the day he’d laid eyes on him, he knew that the red-haired jinjuuriki was going to be someone special in his life. Someone he wanted to call precious to him. The fact that Gaara came to help him with the Sasuke problem more than just once was not helping to keep his crush in check either.
Tossing the scroll into the depth of his chaos that had been his flat once, Naruto stormed outside. He really needed to clear his head and the best way to achieve that was training.
Meanwhile in Suna…
“Temari, have you seen the messenger scroll I had on my desk? I’ve been looking for it for a couple of days now.”
The blond kunoichi looked at her, a little (very) unnerved, brother. It was not like him to lose his things, not even misplace them. Also, it was definitely not in his normal behaviour to freak out like that over a simple messenger scroll. And for Gaara this was a big case of freaking out: He was currently wracking havoc in his office, using his sand to lift papers, tables, plants and every single one of the heavier pieces of furniture, even if there was no way that a messenger scroll could possibly fit underneath or behind it. Gaara was close to losing it. Okay, who was she trying to kid here? He was losing it and never had Temari been gladder that Shukaku wasn’t with Gaara anymore. He would’ve had a field day with the nervous energy her little brother was radiating right now.
She wondered what possibly could be in that messenger scroll that he freaked out like that. There had been no important paperwork of lately, just the one scroll from Konoha that she- oh.
“You mean the one from Konoha? The one ready to send back? I already sent it a few days ago.”
Taken aback by the sudden outburst, Temari took a couple steps back. Gaara had never been the type to raise his voice. Lower it into icy depths that caused you to freeze or made you want to cease existing all together on the spot, yes, but he never got loud.
But there he was: his turquoise eyes, still marred from countless of sleepless nights, wide in surprise and with an unfamiliar look of pure horror within them, the earlier frantic whirling sand was now lying lifeless all around the office.
“I’m sorry, it looked finished, all closed up and sealed, so I thought-“
“He’s gonna hate me… my life is over…”
Temari watched Gaara let himself fall into his seat, burying his face in his hands, letting out a distressed sound.
“Gaara, what is this all about? Who was the scroll addressed to anyway?”
“Naruto… he sent me the scroll, wanted to write more regularly, keep in touch.”
Temari let out a sigh, relief cursing through her veins. Naruto was simple. There was no way that he wouldn’t forgive them for this mistake. He’d probably find it very funny.
“Naruto would never hate you. Maybe you weren’t finished writing it, who cares? It probably shows anyway. What did you write him?”
Gaara broke down there and then, letting everything spill out: How he was so happy to receive the letter, just for it to morph into something unpleasant, overwhelming him, because how could he be that happy over something that simple? Was it okay to feel that way? What did it mean?
After getting through this crisis (meaning he managed to shove the panic into the farthest corner of his mind) he struggled for some time to decipher the written words. Naruto’s writing was like him: lively, happy, easy to read, but wild and untamed and it showed. His penmanship was horrible.
But after some time he got used to it and it got easier to read the message, which left him with the most difficult task: It was now on him to write his response. There the real struggle began. What to write? What was okay? What too much? Was there some etiquette to follow? Would Naruto think of him as weird? He didn’t want to scare him away. He wanted the letters to continue. After even one single letter he could already claim being addicted to the feeling of receiving, opening and reading them.
“Then I remembered that it wasn’t too bad to let the heart do the talking.”
Temari felt a sense of dread rising. Her little, innocent brother knew close to nothing about feelings, especially gentle ones like friendship and love. Even if he worked hard to understand them better, he still lacked… experience.
“Back to my original question: What did you write him?”
“What came to mind first. I wanted to start off with a little tease, then complimenting him on his wonderful idea, how I felt when I got the letter, that I was looking forward to exchanging lots of them in the future.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad…?”
“I didn’t come very far before getting called away to a meeting. Then you sent it.”
“How far did you come?”
“Your handwriting is awful.”
“Kami-sama have mercy… that’s your definition of “starting off with a little tease”?! That was outright mean!”
“It’s not that bad… is it?”
Temari almost wanted to laugh at her clueless brother but seeing him anxious and vulnerable like that was enough to make her feel guilty about sending the scroll without checking with Gaara first. It was her fault they’re in this situation after all. She planned on doing whatever she could to fix her mistake. Maybe she should deliver the next message herself, explain the circumstances of the first to Naruto herself. And apologize to both of them. No matter how she hated to do that and how much it would hurt her pride. This was her little brother and his happiness was the most important thing to her. He deserved all the luck and love in this godforsaken world. And she would make it happen! But first things first:
“It’s gonna be fine. We’ll fix this. But Gaara… I need to know one thing before we do that. And I want you to be completely honest with me here.”
Gaara sent her a confused look, but nodded anyway.
“Is there a certain possibility that your feelings for Naruto maybe go further than friendship?”
The confusion in Gaara’s eyes grew with every second his brain had to compute the meaning behind her question. But there was no verbal answer and Temari was sure that was to the fact that her little brother had no idea himself. She had dumped a completely foreign concept on him there, that she was pretty sure of.
“Look, I don’t want to say that-“
“I’m in love with him, aren’t I?”
The way he muttered those words, completely dumbfounded by the revelation, but also with a certain uncertainty lying underneath, took her by surprise. He was not hesitant to say it out loud, it seemed more that it was almost an epiphany to him. That she’d given him a name for all those weird, foreign sensations within him. Those new feelings. But his past had taught him that love was a dangerous concept and it was just natural to be at least slightly scared of it now.
“Well, I can’t look into your head or your heart… but to me it looks like you’re at least crushing hard on him.”
“What should I do now?”
“Up to you. But I suggest that you write the letter you actually intended to send him so I can deliver it.”
Gaara did exactly that.
Naruto had been inconsolable for the past few days, training without too many breaks, not even once visiting Ichiraku’s for ramen and it was starting to worry his teammates as well as the Hokage. What possibly could’ve happened? He hadn’t left the village and within it there wasn’t too much that could’ve caused this. Time to bring out the big guns: They decided to consult Iruka.
Said Chuunin found his former student at one of Konoha’s countless training grounds. It really spoke for Naruto’s progress that he was spotted immediately.
“Iruka-sensei! What brings you here?”
“Can I not pay a dear former student of mine a visit from time to time?”
“You’re way too busy for that and we both know that.”
Ouch. Iruka never thought that Naruto could be that brutally honest. Seems like his little troublemaker had indeed grown up. And his teammates had been right: He was in a very bad mood.
“But I’m here, aren’t I? So let’s get some ramen and catch up.”
Naruto’s face immediately lit up, causing Iruka to almost sigh in relief. If Ichiraku’s ramen would also have failed here, then he would’ve been in serious trouble. If they couldn’t console him, then almost nothing else could.
With two big bowls of their favourite type of ramen in front of them, Iruka decided to tackle the issue upfront.
“Okay, spill. What’s wrong?”
Naruto’s good mood was gone immediately. Iruka felt a chill going down his spine. He dreaded the words he was going to hear next. What horrible things could’ve happened to this sunshine? A lot of things, that Iruka knew. But whoever it was, there would be hell to pay. Iruka would make sure of it.
“I think I’m in love and I’m pretty sure he hates me. Or thinks that I’m stupid. Same thing. It’s pointless.”
Iruka had expected to hear a wide variety of things… but this? This he hadn’t seen coming.
“What makes you think that?”
“I wrote him, wanted to build a deeper connection, get to know him, become friends…”
“Sounds like a solid plan, what happened?”
“His only response was “Your handwriting is awful.”, that’s what happened.”
Iruka didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t deny that Naruto’s handwriting was awful, he had the “pleasure” of correcting various tests and homework sheets of him before but to get that told by your crush was just cruel. That guy was the worst.
“Forget about him. You deserve better than that.”
“Iruka-sensei… if it would be just as simple to forget someone you love as you make it sound… why are you still in love with Kakashi-sensei?”
This time Iruka had been eating his ramen and promptly started to choke on them. He really hated that observant and blunt version of Naruto. Before he could think of an answer, another blond entered the restaurant, drawing all attention onto them and successfully redirecting it from Iruka.
“There you are! Seriously, was it always that hard to find you in this stupidly huge village?!”
Iruka and Naruto exchanged confused looks before looking at Temari again.
“Why’re you looking for me, Temari-nee-san? I didn’t know a visit was scheduled anytime soon.”
“Yeah, well… it’s a long story… actually no - it’s not. Here.”
She pulled a scroll out of her bag and shoved it into Naruto’s hands.
“I accidentally sent Gaara’s response before he even really started to write it. He was really upset because of it, so I came to deliver the actual response personally. To minimise the risk of further mishaps. I sincerely apologize and hope you can forgive me.”
Temari finished her little speech with a deep bow which caused Naruto to look quickly assure her that it wasn’t necessary.
“Yes, it is. And you better tell Gaara that I did it too. He bullied me into doing it, quote “You better bow to him and apologize properly! No half-assing like you did with me.”, just so you know!”
Naruto was stunned. Gaara had gone through all this trouble? Just for him? But the sentence…
“You’re not gonna read what the Kazekage wrote you?”
Iruka’s gentle voice was cutting through the already downspiralling thoughts. He hastily ripped the seal and opened the scroll, almost damaging the thing in the process. He’d never been a fast reader, but right now he wished he could absorb the whole message at once. He was just too anxious to find out the truth to be patient.
[~Your handwriting is awful.
It took me quite some time to get fluent enough in your way of encrypting your letters so they can stay just between you and me and I apologize in advance that I can’t offer you the same in return.
Joke aside, I really loved to receive your letter and have to compliment you on this brilliant idea. The thought of getting letters from you on a regular basis, getting to know you and get insight into your daily life is filling me with profound joy to the intensity I cannot begin to describe. While my days are filled with almost the same tasks every day, I’m looking forward to hear about your missions and daily adventures.
I actually planned to just send you the letter I originally had intended to write (if it hadn’t been for Temari sending it way too early), but I can’t end it without apologizing. I’m sorry that you had to get such an unpleasant first response from me. I really hope you can forgive me and will send me lots of letters in the future. Otherwise I have to think of ways of making it up to you, because I can’t imagine not hearing from you ever again. You’re way too important to me already. You reaching out to me got my hopes up that the feeling’s mutual.
If you have some freetime in the future, we also can write about scheduling a meet up. You could come visit me in Suna. If you would want that, that is.
Please send your response with Temari, she will stay a few days in Konoha (probably with Shikamaru Nara, but don’t tell her I wrote that).
I’m looking forward to reading from you soon,
This was the start of a wonderful friendship even if they just managed to converse via pretty frequent letters. Finding a way to meet up was pretty much impossible, with the world going to shit and all. Gaara was busier than ever and Naruto wasn’t fairing any better. Missions here, training there. New leads on Sasuke, leading to nowhere.
The 5-Kage-Summit was disheartening, but at least he managed to get a glimpse of his crush friend there. There wasn’t time to talk in private, exchange words that both felt deep in their hearts, but a shared look was enough to know that it could wait. The next letter would come. After everything was said and done there would be a time and place for them.
To say the war had been the most terrifying thing he’d seen in his life would be the understatement since the founding of the Hidden Villages. Maybe even longer than that. To fight with Naruto side by side was empowering, thrilling, made him want to rip every force that could hurt his beloved one to shreds, with the impression that he could do just that, but at the same time it was the worst. It made his stomach to funny flips, an anxious feeling spreading through his whole existence, to the very point he had to actively not let his sand show how he felt. It was scary. To see Naruto fight, run headfirst into enemies, hordes of them, without the slightest strategy or even the slightest hint of a plan. But so far it always had been enough.
Until it wasn’t.
Sleep was evading him as usual, but now they few hours he got were full of nightmares. The vision of Sakura, with her hand deeply buried in Naruto’s ribcage, trying to keep him alive, was one that had scarred him for life.
Currently Naruto was in Konoha Hospital, trying to recover from his injuries, from losing his arm. It took everything from Gaara to not immediately run there and be with him. He sighed. There was too much work. And now with Naruto unable to write even the letters came to a halt. It was like he’d vanished completely from his life, and it was the most terrifying feeling he’d ever encountered. Now, that they had grown that close, the thought of losing him was unbearable. It caused his blood to freeze inside his veins, his sand to slash around anxiously, resembling an angered cat’s tail. Apparently, his sand’s protection also applied to Naruto nowadays.
Gaara sighed. Being in love was complicated.
“What’s with that sigh, hm? Not like you to be glum like that.”
His sand reacted before his brain was capable of even trying to understand. It shot out and grabbed the intruder, but instead of hurting him, it brought him closer, right into Gaara’s embrace. His body had moved on its own, lifting his arms, catching and pressing him against his torso, never intending of letting him go.
Naruto let out his signature laugh, and it was the sweetest thing in Gaara’s opinion.
“Missed me, huh?”
“What- you… your arm… how?!”
Naruto firstly returned the hug, burying his head into the Kazekage’s neck, before explaining:
“Sakura did a wonderful job at healing all my wounds. They even managed to grow me a prosthetic arm. I can even do signs and cast jutsus with it!”
“I dunno… Sakura tried to explain, but-“
“No! I mean - how are you here? I’m sure you should rest! Not run 3 or more days all the way here! Did you even get permission to come here? I didn’t get any papers! Naruto, you cannot just-“
“Gaara, stop!”
Naruto’s laugh echoed through his office again, causing his heart to flutter happily. He liked hearing it. Never before had his office felt more like he belonged here than now. With Naruto in it. Right here, in his arms, by his side, in his life.
“I’m fine! I got permission. Temari-nee-san helped with surprising you. I also didn’t run all the way here.”
“But how…?”
“You remember the Yondaime being my father?”
Gaara nodded, dumbfounded. What had the Fourth Hokage to do with the fact that Naruto was here?
“You also may or may not know that he was known as the “Yellow Flash”. He was able to just appear out of nowhere. Because he was using a teleportation jutsu. And with me being his son… well…”
“You mastered the jutsu… to be able to visit me?”
“Of course! I mean… it probably has other uses, in battle or so… but it makes seeing you way eas-hmmh!”
His explanation got interrupted by a wonderful soft pair of lips that gently pressed themselves against his own. Too stunned to react, Naruto felt Gaara pull away before he could reciprocate the kiss. A horrified look was showing on the Kazekage’s face, fear visible within his turquoise eyes, mixed with regret and sadness. The sand immediately let go of him, as well as did Gaara, taking a step back too.
“I’m sorry, I misinterpreted, I-“
This time it was on Naruto to interrupt Gaara with a kiss.
“You didn’t misinterpret a single thing. I’m in love with you and learned a whole damn jutsu just to be able to see you.”
“That’s the sweetest thing anyone ever did for me.”
“I aim to please.”
“That you really do. I do too by the way. Love you, I mean.”
A huge, way too bright smile erupted on Naruto’s face, but Gaara couldn’t care less. That was his boyfriend’s (?) face that tried to burn his retinas away after all.
“You wanna try to be in a relationship with me?”
“Whatever my beloved Kazekage wishes.”
“Let’s get married then.”
His favourite sound echoed through his office again. He needed to write the Hokage. He couldn’t go for too long without it after he got a taste.
Talking of taste…
Naruto’s laugh got swallowed by their kiss, which caused Gaara to smile into it as well. They held each other close and tried to melt into each other. To never get separated again.
“Expect my handwriting to be even worse now, with my new arm and everything.”
“Oh, shut up and kiss me again.”
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