#so just think of the craziest shit you can imagine okay
confinesofmy · 1 year
the other day with the fam i got triggered by something that seemed like a really obvious trigger to me but like hey nobody's a mind reader so whatever and after stupidly enduring it for about 20 minutes i expressed discomfort and my one cousin was like oh come on just one more and i said "oh i think i'll just go home now" (like informatively i mean not threateningly) and then they were like aw :( okay, okay we'll do something else and i do think this was marked down as another 'wow adam is so neurotic' moment but i was talking about it in therapy today and my shrink made The Face so when i got home i called the cousin i'm closest to from that group bc suddenly i felt better equipped to explain "hey <that> reminds me of <this> and that's why i withdrew like that" and we had a good little conversation about what to do next time and reassurances on both sides re: if i leave that's okay and re: if it happens again that's okay BUT her initial response was to say "but <that> isn't <this>, they're different things" and it felt like she was telling me i was wrong and i hated it bc i knoooow they're different i'm not fucking STUPID why is your instinct when i'm explaining why i got upset to tell me why it shouldn't have upset me are you serious shut up!!! but whatever. i laid the groundwork for next time to be easier and anyway "tough" conversations like this strengthen relationships. it's fine.
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inklessletter · 1 year
Since I can't draw tonight, here's a steddie prompt for you:
Steve runs away from home once he becomes eighteen because his home environment is absolutely toxic. It's all yelling, and spitting insults, and constantly hearing that he is such a disappointment, so he decides to hit the road and go some city away from everyone he knows and just start over. His trauma response to loud, aggressive spaces leads him to accept a job managing a school library.
And he finds out it is his dream job.
He sees all these teens studying, sharing glances, romances beginning, stress increasing as midterms come closer, annoyed faces, giggling girls gossiping, kids vandalizing his tables... And he feels an observant. A watcher.
And he imagines. He imagines their lives, the tall jock with the widest smile going soft for the sarcastic redhead. The quiet thing blossoming between tose two boys who give longing glances when the other is not looking. The oddest friendship between the meanest eleven year old he's ever met and the most cynical kid to ever set foot in that school. He sees and he imagines, but he's silent.
Because silence is a precious shield that protects his imagination. Silence will never hurt him.
His first real friendship begins in silence. This girl, Robin, passes him a note with a poor drawing of him falling asleep on his desk. It made him laugh. She laughed too. That was enough.
They play this game together in which they both exchanged the craziest theories they could think of about other people's lives.
That one is a Russian spy.
That one runs a secret lab.
That one has mind powers (okay, that was maybe too crazy).
That one is an former cop.
"That one is a rockstar," Robin said pointing an absurdly good looking guy that was checking out a couple of books.
"He does looks like one, though..."
Robin was going to reply when she noticed Steve's rosy cheeks. She just smiled. She noticed the guy looking briefly at them, and then he grinned.
"Metal is more my scene, but close enough," he said.
The guy approached them and Robin, the traitor, bolted away. The guy, all dimples and soft hair lent Steve two books and his library card (Munson, Eddie), that he registered and gave back to him.
Steve tried hard not to be an awkward mess, he barely managed to.
"I do actually play in a band, uh, on Tuesdays," Eddie said. Steve looked at him with a twist in his stomach. "And today is Tuesday. So if you want to come, I would gladly buy you a drink."
Steve felt a lump in his throat, and looked down.
"Uh, I—I don't—"
"Oh, sorry, I just—"
"I don't do well with loud noises," Steve said quickly. "I'm sorry."
Eddie nodded.
"Good luck tonight," Steve said, not wanting to leave the conversation in a rejection. He pointed the book. "This one is really good."
"Have you read The Lord of the Rings?"
"Yeah," Steve smiled. "I've got time and silence here."
Eddie looked at him with something hidden in his pupils meant to be discovered by Steve.
Eddie left the library.
There were a few days and a lot of conversations with Robin about that Eddie guy. Steve let himself imagine again, about him. About Eddie. He fantasized a lot, ignoring deliberately the sting in his guts knowing that he blew up his chance.
Two weeks passed and Eddie was there to return the books again, with a small guitar case hanging in his back, and Steve tried his best not to look like a kicked puppy.
"I can do soft noises," Eddie said, out of the blue. It earned him a look from both Robin and Steve. "When do you, uh, have a break?"
"Right now," Robin chimed in, quickly. "He's having a break right now."
A few minutes later they were in the rooftop. They found a comfortable spot with the best views and Eddie took out an old and battered ukulele. Then he looked at Steve.
"I am not a silent person. I exist in noise, and busy environments, and awful high pitched laughs," he said with a smile. "I can't change that, but I can change the noise."
Eddie caressed the tiny guitar strings, and the sound sent goosebumps through all Steve's skin.
"I can change the noise for you," Eddie said, low and soft, and he started playing a song. "If you let me."
His first real love began with music.
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fategoflatass · 4 months
I used to be so against the slow burn trope. Not because I thought it was shit; it's just, I usually don't have the patience to wait whatever-amount-superior-to-three damn chapters for my dear ship to finally be able to look at each other without blushing and/or hold hands. Thus why you often times see me reading oneshots or fics with the "Established Relationship" tag on them.
So you can imagine just how surprised—or maybe not, maybe I just didn't think enough about it—I was when I realized my newest fixation's main pairing is—canonically—the embodiment of slow burn. Because holy shit they're taking their time.
Nothing against how Kusuriya develops its love story—quite the opposite, actually. The relationship between Jinshi and Maomao, two characters that are written as beautifully as their romance, is a rather realistic approach as to how the same or a similar dynamic would developed in real life. In such a complicated situation, with such complex feelings about emotions—both external and their own—and attachment, makes sense that it takes so long for the relationship to finally sail.
The problem is, I didn't know I was signing with the Devil the moment I decided to pick up the light novel. Ten volumes and nothing has happened. Nothing.
And you can say that technically things have happened, because they have. I mean, Jinshi is just so desperate for Maomao to give him the time of day, you know what I mean? And even that isn't enough anymore and thus he has committed some of the craziest shit I've seen in any romance. Which okay, I don't usually read these type of romances but still.
What I mean by "nothing" is just, their relationship hasn't changed status. I could also say that it seems to go nowhere, but that'd be lying. Since, you know, it has changed quite a lot—just not in the way my impatient ass wanted it to. Because he can be as honest with his feelings as he pleases, and those around them might be heavely conscious of the tension and thus constantly tease those lovebirds (as they should), but babygirl's not helping, you know?
And I get it, Maomao's not the best at expressing and understanding herself, and she's also way too busy worrying about going as unnoticed as possible (she should give up on that one already, tbh) while keeping her head where it should be. But like, I can't help feeling frustrated over it like ‼‼
But she won't. She'll take her sweet ass time being in denial about both Jinshi's and her own feelings, then maybe she'll proceed to analize herself and find out that maybe, just maybe, that affection that she'd been feeling for that loser became something else. Did said affection also become something more complicated? Absolutely. Does she know how to deal with it? Hell no, but fuck it. If I learned something from school is that you always leave the hardest parts for later.
Now you see why I was so against reading slow burn?
And you wanna know the worst part? I loved it—I loved every second of it, every word, every page. Every scene that seemed to help the relationship advance, only for Maomao to say nope and leave like she owns the place, which at this point she fucking might.
It feels like I, as the reader, am in the middle of a heatwave and some sadistic bastard won't stop teasing me with ice cream—they put it in front of my face, close enough that I can smell the cold. Then take a spoon and eat little by little while staring directly to my eyes. At times they seem to show mercy and feed me a spoon, only for it to be a rather small quantity of serving—serving that tastes so damn good at first, only for it to have such a bitter aftertaste. But if I gotta have something in common with Jinshi is that I'll never be able to beat the masochist allegations, so I'll wait patiently for the next spoon and its corresponding and seemingly enless teasing from that faceless being.
So yeah, I'm still against it, only that now I understand the appeal—even if I have yet to find out about the whereabouts of my sanity while still mananing with the little I've left.
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blue2black · 6 months
COD incorrect quotes, but their from TikToks I saw and are now buried somewhere deep in my likes:
*in an Uber*
Soap: And I find out that my parents are like, related.
Gaz: Like, their siblings?
Soap: Yeah like, blood siblings.
Gaz: Is that why you walk weird?
Soap, walking up to Ghost with a camera: Cheese!
Ghost: What is this? 🤨
Soap: I really think I can’t treat you anymore.
Soap: The fact is…
Soap: I’m in love with you. 😍
Ghost: The fu-?? 😨
Graves: Come on sweetheart, give us a smile.
Graves: Geez Louise, must be on your period. HA HA HA!
Valeria: …
Valeria: Let me drive a seven ton semi-truck over your torso and I’ll be smiling throughout my entire prison sentence.
Gaz: Nik is so old fashioned.
Laswell: Oh, really?
Gaz: Nik is so old fashioned that he doesn’t even watch TV.
Gaz: Like, when he wants to kick back and unwind he just goes on long fishing trips with Price.
Gaz: And Nik doesn’t listen to any new music, he just listens to a bunch of metal mixtapes that Price sends him.
Laswell: Wait, John sends Nik metal mixtapes?
Gaz: Nik is so old fashioned that he really struggles showing affection.
Gaz: Like, he rarely hugs me or anyone of that matter.
Gaz: One time I thought I saw him and you holding hands underneath a table from afar, but then I got closer and I saw it was just him and Price.
Laswell: Nik and John were holding hands underneath a table? (.-_.^)
Gaz: Well, yeah, but it really more like a good old fashioned handshake. You know? Like, the prolonged kind where two old school guys don’t let go of each other’s hands while sitting side by side listening to a briefing.
Laswell: Kyle…are Nik and John dating?
Gaz: What? No, Nik isn’t dating Price!
Gaz: Most of the time when Nik and Price hang out, they just get in fist fights with each other.
Laswell: They get in fist fights??
Gaz: Yeah, I can not tell you the number of times I’ve overheard Nik and Price go into an office, lock the door and just fist fight each other.
Gaz: I mean, the halls positively echo with the sound of flesh smacking up against flesh, furniture bumping against the walls…
Gaz: And not for nothing, but I think old fashioned Nik is winning pretty much every one of fights based on how loud I hear Price moaning-
Laswell, getting up: OKAY-
(Gaz knew what was going on, he was just fucking with her like the lil shit he is.)
Price: I just don’t wanna see you get hurt, okay?
Price: Those people up there can kill you!
Price: I know you think you’re tough, Farah, but you are fucking 5 feet tall!
Farah: I AM 5 FOOT 5! 😡
Laswell, getting ready to order food: Alright, what do you want?
Soap: Hamburger.
Laswell, parroting: Hamburger.
Soap: Chips.
Laswell: Chips.
Soap: Fart.
Laswell: Fart.
Laswell: 👏🏻 SOAP. 🤬
Soap: HEHEHEHEHE *evil Scottish giggle*
Valeria, dressed up: Okay, how do I look?
Diego: Like a woman about to go forth in sin.
Valeria: Oh, good. Exactly the look I was hoping for. 😉
Scottish Bastard: hey
Scottish Bastard: ghost
Scottish Bastard: HELLOOO
Scottish Bastard: simon?!?!
Scottish Bastard: are you there??
Scottish Bastard: ………
Scottish Bastard: just imagine
Scottish Bastard: you and me
Scottish Bastard: in a room
Scottish Bastard: with nothing on
Scottish Bastard: OILED UP
Scottish Bastard: and ready to mingle
You: What the fuck are you on about?
Scottish Bastard: now that i have your attention
Scottish Bastard: i have an idea >:]
Soap and Price, waiting for exfil: ….
Soap: …
Soap: Last night I dreamed I was a bottle of ketchup, and you were mustard.
Soap: Which is weird, because usually you’re mayonnaise in my dreams.
Price: 🤨???
Soap: Why do you suppose that is?
Ghost: When I die…
Ghost: ✨Viking funeral✨
Ghost, handing Gaz a gun: You shoot the shot.
Gaz, cocking the gun: Okay.
Ghost: If you miss, you kill yourself.
Gaz: Wait, what- 😨
*in an Uber pt 2*
Soap: Well, I’m shocked—of course.
Gaz: This is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life.
Soap: I mean, that’s dramatic.
Gaz: No, it’s not dramatic! Your parents are-
Soap: That’s dramatic!
Soap: Listen…I was shocked at first.
Gaz: At first??
Gaz: You’re not shocked still??? (ಠ_ಠ)
(Nik being the cool dad to everybody in 141)
Nik, answering his ringing phone: Hello?
Norris: Hello, sir, I'm the Colonel working for Captain John Price. I have Sergeant MacTavish in my office.
Nik: Okay, what did he do? 🙄
*Norris looks at Soap*
Soap: 😢
Norris: *sighs* He punched another solider in the genitals.
Norris: Three times.
Norris, listening to Nik laughing his ass off through the phone: THAT IS THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE HEARD ALL DAY-
Norris: *looks at Soap*
Soap: *smiling proudly*
Nik: OH MY GOD, he is so funny! 😆
Ghost: Don't touch me, Soap!
Laswell: Can you guys like, stop having relationship issues while I'm trying to hack into their security?
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sinnerlillith · 2 years
Okay but imagine 🌽⭐️ Eddie with a best friend who’s curious about what’s it’s like sleeping with one , like I can’t stop thinking about how mf nastyyyy he would be omggg😭😭😭
Oh.my.god. He would be so freaky. like a little too freaky. and he also has costars with male and female anatomy. pornstar eddie is for everybody, this man fr don’t care as long as everyone is feeling good/having fun and gettin they money
he talks to you about ALL his porn experiences, and sometimes, you literally get so horny from his conversations that you have to take a break. other times, you’re truly just blown away by the things they have him do.
“you did what?” your jaw drops at him
“yup. craziest threesome of my life. who would’ve known that pretending to fuck ‘my boss’ in her tight pencil skirt," he air quotes, "while her ‘secretary’ has a fake dick in my ass would have been so... fun? I felt like we were straight up acting in a movie.”
“in a corporate office set, too...? I mean, wow.”
“yeah,” he half laughs, “the secretary girl was a hot idea though.” his voice drops and his tone gets sultry. he leans in, his face now close to yours with a strange smirk. “you seem real curious, sweetheart... maybe you should come see with your own eyes, huh?” he flirts.
“oh shut up, dork.” you smile, putting your palm on his cheek and pushing his face away. he chuckles at you.
let’s get this straight tho, pornstar Eddie eats ass. I don’t care what anyone has to say, he probably had to eat someones ass for a video, and then got hooked on it because his co-stars said the orgasm they got was a REAL one. didn’t have to fake SHIT.
some nights, you recall the things he told you about and touch yourself to it...
other nights, you don’t have to use your imagination, because he literally sits with you as you both watch the porn videos he starred in.
“if you’re so curious, why don’t we just watch some?” he said it so nonchalantly. Of course, you agreed, and then you both made a habit of watching his new videos when they get released.
you watch him fuck in all sorts of positions you haven’t heard of before. you wonder how these people are so damn flexible.
Their legs are twisted around his body, and he thrusts at different angles constantly. He always switches his body around, unable to stay in one position for no longer than 2 minutes. Eddie is as hyper during sex as he is in his everyday life
Lots of positions had your jaw dropping, but one particular position made your heart slightly... break at the intimacy of it?
Now, it still looked a little rough, and a little freaky, but their bodies were hooked together, and the girl had nothing else to hold on EXCEPT for him... He said it's called the "torch position."
But imagine... Eddie fucking you instead, and all you could grip onto was his body. He would have his large, warm, hands holding up your back as he thrusts into you, while all you can do is claw into him, moaning and crying in pleasure. your face would look so desperate from all the arousal, trying to hold onto something. 
His curly head would be between your raised legs at the sides of his neck. maybe he’d turn to the side sometimes, to kiss and bite your skin. his big brown eyes would lower down to where your bodies are joined, lustfully licking those plump pink lips of his. 
Your face quickly warmed up, heating up more and more by the second. Your panties were turning into a slick mess. You shuffled your legs awkwardly, but you’re unable to keep your eyes off the screen.
“that looks... intimate for a porno.” you observe.
“I uh... I guess so.” he mutters, turning his head to eye your side profile before speaking again, “I was just lookin’ at her tits, so..” Eddie chuckles awkwardly, turning his face back to the screen.
he very quickly adjusts his pants, feeling them get a little tight.
Eddie’s pants were getting tight because not only does watching porn get almost anyone horny, he was watching it with his best friend.
his best friend, that he was probably definitely attracted to, was watching him pump people full with his cum, covering their chests with it too. making their faces trickle with it, their mouths stuffed with it, their hands dripping in it...
“that position was, uh...” he interrupts his own thoughts, trying to figure out what to say- fun? hot? sexy? boring because it wasn’t you on his dick? it wasn’t you moaning at his face, digging your nails into his skin, screaming how good he feels? 
“...pretty wild.” he finally states. 
the lighting is always so good, it makes his inked chest glisten and glimmer with sweat and cum. His tattoos flex above the muscles of his body every time he moves.
speaking of muscles, pornstar eddie is a tiny bit more toned because he literally has to take care of his body, since he practically does a form of physical exercise for a living.
his leg and arm muscles flex and tighten the most under the set lights. the shadows and highlights it provides helps show definition to his body, you can’t stop staring at them.
you pretend you’re the girls in the video being fucked by him, sometimes. you envy them, even if their moans are fake. you still wish it was Eddie that was thrusting into you that fast. speaking to you like that. 
his back muscles protrude out deliciously when he bends over to speak into their ears. into their mouths, too. and at their sweaty pleasured faces.
“good girl, you like that?” 
“you want more?” 
“keep squirming, it’s fuckin’ hot”
“yeah? jus’ like that? keep beggin’ then.”
“oh you’re cryin’? what you cryin’ for, dollface?” he says that one while he’s got his fingers in their mouths, gagging them a little bit.
and when the girls are on top, or even pegging him, he makes the hottest faces. his eyes roll, his hair is so messy, his mouth even drools. and one time, that cute pink tongue of his stuck out. poor thing was so overwhelmed with pleasure.
another time, he was tied up while he was being pegged. his wrists where cuffed, and arms tied back to a bed frame. he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. 
honestly, any time someone’s on top, he can’t stay quiet. he’s loud, but not obnoxious. he actually sounds naturally loud. like all the pleasure he’s feeling is real.
“oh fuck, don’t stop, please!”
“that feels so good-- shit..”
“mmm fuck yes, fuck me..”
“ah fuck, keep going.. gonna cum!”
“harder... need it harder..”
little do you know, he fucks the hardest and cums the most when he’s fucking the girls that look like you. and in his solo videos, he thinks of your body every time his eyes close. He almost accidentally moaned your name too
his hands too. oh my god. he’s got different rings to pick from for certain videos. they sparkle in the camera lense when they roam over someones body. the veins in his hands are defined in close up shots of then curled around someones throat, or squeezing the fat of someones ass when they ride him.
his fingers skillfully pump in and out of people, making them cum hard, and he pulls them out, glistening wet. he brings those thick fingers to their mouths, and has them suck everything off. those damn fingers that you’ve wanted inside of you for a while, all on display, shining with someone else's cum.
his voice hums through the screen, and then he praises them for cleaning his fingers so well before fucking them absolutely filthy. their obnoxious moans fill your ears, but you can only focus on eddie’s voice.
and thats just with the girls. he doesn't even want to show you what he does with the guys between his legs. 
“so what’s it like?” you ask innocently, after the video of eddies most recent porno ends.
“whats what like?”
“having sex with all those cameras around? and people in the room directing, or watching you?” you ponder. “and having sex with all those attractive co-stars?”
he thinks, wondering how to answer you. you’ve never asked before.
“it’s... well, it’s kinda crazy, but also fun. I get paid to fuck.” he says, “and everyone has experience, so it feels pretty good, for the most part.”
“for the most part?”
“yeah... sometimes it’s just straight up exhausting.” eddie complains, “and awkward.”
you understandingly hum, silently agreeing that it must be awkward to have sex with all these people around, all these cameras and corny scripts.
“as for the ‘attractive’ costars,” he starts up again, “I think they’re alright. some are super hot, others are... whatever.” he shrugs.
“whatever? you looked like you were having a lot of fun to me.” you tease him.
“it’s called ‘pretending’ sweetheart,” he smiles at you, tilting his head and showing those cute dimples, “people do it sometimes.”
you roll your eyes at him.
he speaks with that flirtatious tone again. “maybe I should just fuck all that curiosity outta’ ya... show you what I look like when ‘m not pretending, huh?” his eye brow raises under those curly bangs of his, smile never fading.
you get butterflies from his words. how dare your best friend be so bold with you after you both watched him fuck on his screen? “In your dreams, Munson.” you try to act unfazed by his words.
little do you know, he indeed does fuck you in his dreams. sometimes it’s far more intimate than the position you mentioned. other times, its more filthy than any porn video he showed you. 
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 4 months
Obey me! Nightbringer Diavolo Drabble:
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome! To this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
⚠︎Caution: Nightbringer Post⚠︎
CW: nightbringer talk, could be spoilers. Lemme know if I miss any other warnings!
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Can we just talk about nightbringer Diavolo? I love it. He's giving zero fucks, madly in love vibes. Puppy love. Like the reality that his father may and probs won't wake up hasn't set in yet, so he hasn't gotten semi more serious about doing his duties. He disobeys Barbatos and runs around with Mc like high school sweethearts. Nightbringer Dia is doing the craziest shit man, I feel like it's still him when he feels like that prince that doesn't have any responsibilities yet, just the young fun Prince. In og obey me he's still fun and silly but he's got himself a more serious, I've been doing this for a bit so I kinda know what I'm doing vibe. He gets like that in nightbringer after a certain situation or whatever, but the point is that we get to see Dia live for a bit. We get to see him just be a normal demon to a point, yeah hes still a royal so he has to live up to a certain standard but besides that he gets to do a lot more silly and goofy things. I mean he also has to do a lot of not so silly really hard traumatizing, this is what makes me so good at being the Demon Prince, and basically Demon King, things too but everyone has to experience character development. Nightbringer in general is fascinating to me and like looking at all the characters is cool but I really enjoy seeing Diavolo in this light. Like nightbringer is complicated and stressful for Mc, but I think nightbringers good for Diavolo, in the sense of him having a moment to just experience what it's like to not to live. To fall in love with someone and run around without permission trying to see the person you love. This specific thing I'm gonna talk about is a spoiler for a chat with the royals I think. But the fact that Barbs texts the group chat with Diavolo and Mc and is basically like calling Diavolo out for not being at the castle, and then Diavolo like tries to play it off and just be like oh why do you ask? And then Barbs sends a picture of Diavolo lost, kills me. But what really kills me is that Diavolo has the audacity to ask Barbatos to take him to Cocytus Hall because he's lost. Like he didn't even ask Barbatos for permission to go, and still he has no shame In asking Barb to take him to Cocytus Hall to see Mc. That and another chat where Diavolo accidentally texts the royal chat with Mc instead of just texting Mc, Diavolo is supposed to be working but is trying to sneak away to take a break and hang out with Mc and then like Barbs is just like "My lord? Do you plan to go somewhere with Mc?" I just find it so funny, like it's basically two highschool sweethearts running around trying to not get caught by their parents but instead of it being their parents it's Barbatos, who knows like everything so sneaking around him is basically impossible. Now I don't think Diavolo's love language and will to disobey Barbatos changes much in og obey me, but I still think it's changed a small amount, like yeah he still disobeys Barbatos sometimes but it's just not the same in my opinion. Like in og obey me it's kind of like a friend and a friend, with a little bit of Barbs still being a strict parent of a butler. In og obey me Diavolo is more serious about his duties so Barbs doesn't have to work as hard to keep him in check. But I'm NB obey me, it feels more like a parent and a child, Barbs has to sit there and try to keep Diavolo in check until he gets serious, and Mc is not a help in Barbs case.
Also can we just talk about NB Dia and Barbs, like okay I don't know the lesson but this is a spoiler, but like finding out that child Dia tried locking Barbatos in a room until Barbatos swore loyalty to him, is insane and so f-ing cute. There is so much of a relationship going on between those two hidden under that butler and master relationship thing they've got going on. You know Barbs gives shit to Lucifer for being soft on his brothers or when Lucifers soft on Diavolo, but Barbs is like that with Diavolo too. Like giving in and swearing your loyalty to a child who locked you in a room even though you could get out with your powers, that's giving in and being soft on them. And for Dia's birthday lesson thing, Barbs gives in and goes soft trying to let Diavolo go have a normal birthday. I'm not going to put a label on their relationship as man would that cause problems, but whatever's going on between them is cute, and I enjoy getting to witness it.
I can't end the Dia nightbringer talk without talking about Dia and Luci. Now here's my thing with them, yes even Diavolo acts like the reason he took them in is because the brothers are shiny jewels that'll make the Devildom more powerful, but he took Lucifer in, because that's his boy. Like I don't know what kind of relationship was going on between the two of them when Lucifer was still an angel, but Lucifer talks about knowing Dia before falling obvi, and when he talks about it, he acts like they got along and we're friends. As much friends as they could be, Lucifer is the Avatar of Pride and looked down on demons. The two of them have such a weird but cute relationship/friendship?? I don't care what you think it is, it's cute. Like do you think when Lucifer was still an angel Diavolo still acted the way he does with him? Do you think Diavolo just sat at the meetings between angels and demons and just complimented and complimented Lucifer until he was bright red in the face and cursing Dia to stop? Also in my opinion what makes Lucifer so special to Dia compared to the other brothers is I bet Lucifer interacted with Diavolo's father a good few times before the fall. So yes, his father did put the brothers in their order so all the brothers may have technically met Diavolo's father, but Lucifer would actually know Dia's father a little. So when Dia's all in the dumps, all is this what my father would've wanted? Am I living up to my father's expectations? Lucifer may be able to be like Barbs and give Dia reassurance as he probably met the guy before he decided to take the longest nap in history. Dia's dad literally makes Belphie look weak, Avatar of Sloth my ass, Dia's dad is the true avatar of sloth. Jkjk.
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That's all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Would you guys like me to do more of these but for the other characters? Lemme know, or if you have any nightbringer content you want in general let me know. I'm at lesson 40 in nightbringer. Anyways more content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & stay Spooky! ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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stvnszlr · 4 months
HI! Here to beg u for Steven adhd headcanons
Pls i promise i'll be good this year.
oh my goodness … so um this is something i am like way too passionate about !! im going to seem like the craziest crazy person EVER by sharing this cuz i wrote .… a lot but u guys gotta stick with me okay you’ll see the vision
THANK YOU for asking this btw ! this is one of the things that makes me relate to steven the most ,,>_<,, and i will literally talk abt it anytime
☆ steven adhd hc’s / reasons why i think it’s possible he has adhd ! ☆ ( coming from someone who has a severe combined type adhd diagnosis )
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please note this is all just speculation !! i’ve noticed some connections between his behavior / things he’s spoken about and adhd symptoms , but i am certainly no doctor and the only one who can truly determine any of this is steven himself . these observations are mostly just for my comfort as a neurodivergent person :)
ohhh stevie is a BIG stimmer :) he taps on everything in sight , he also hums a lot and likes to move his body ! bouncing , jumping , flapping , shaking , jiggling , playing with his hair ( i have video evidence sue me >:( )
people often describe him as “twitchy” , randomly making odd movements or sounds that can surprise and confuse those around him
vocal stims , dude . like my man is a parrot he’ll repeat random phrases over and over without thinking about it , just going about his day mumbling the most obscure sentences without even realizing
i’ve also noticed from watching videos he has a big BIG tendency to repeat things other people say !! i think that’s a combo of vocal stimming and also struggling to fit in when making conversation
he has literally confessed to having sensory issues related to taste and texture ??!?!? so i imagine he has them with other things too it’s mostly touch or sound related things that really get to him and can cause overwhelm but honestly anything that catches him at the right time will have him retreating inside himself and blocking everything out , unable to respond cuz he can’t think or listen
also seems to struggle with clothes touching his body ! he is always in loose tank tops and wears a lot of cropped pants / shorts , and has never really worn a lot of accessories unlike his bandmates . this could definitely be attributed to sensory issues , especially hating the feeling of wearing jewelry ( rings especially ) and also makeup on his face
drums !!! poppy loves drumming , it is SUCH a good stimulant for his brain cuz it works muscle memory , gives a dopamine rush , and combines both creative thought with an athletic activity
hyperfixations oh my god he is so bad . so so bad . he’ll pick up something for like a few weeks and dedicate EVERYTHING to it just to never pick it up again
very typical hyperactive type adhd , trouble focusing and sitting still OH MY GOD this man cannot sit normally for the life of him
um hyperfocus also !! drums is prolly his biggest one but if it’s something he’s super tuned into he can just . sit there and mindlessly work on it for HOURS before someone notices and is like hello take a break ??
didn’t like school cuz he always felt like he wasn’t smart , he was actually really interested by some subjects but just couldn’t keep up as a student :/ he also started getting into skating and music which were much better dopamine activities than school so he kinda just . quit ?
part of why his mom kicked him out so young , he was impulsive and reckless and very VERY high energy , easily irritated and his emotions had no filter / couldn’t control them or his actions based on them
this poor kid is so forgetful . he really cannot remember shit and it gets him in trouble a lot ! he’s gotta be reminded by the guys about EVERYTHING and it annoys them to no end , and steven always feels bad cause he wishes he could remember , but for some reason he forgets every time !
it’s where his irritability comes from too , he sometimes flips like a switch and can get really defensive and aggressive . he’ll lash out and turn really angry — not in a super serious way , but it’s the reason he gets in so many little fights with all the other guys , especially axl .
this is also tied in with the rlly strong sense of justice that neurodivergent people feel !! the reason he’d stand up and talk back when everyone else could just let it go
easier to fall into addiction and harder to get out of it . places a vice on his brain , trapping him in dependency on the drugs and making it so much more difficult to quit — why it took him so much longer to get sober than any of the others , even after all his health scares
drugs are also a coping mechanism for sensory issues and that awful , isolating feeling of being built just slightly different than everyone else
UM ???? LIKE EVERYTHING ABOUT STEVEN POST GNR + LEAVING THE BAND IS JUST SCREAMING RSD ??? like the abandonment issues built up from his childhood ON TOP of being insanely sensitive to disappointing others / feeling unwanted ?? yeah i fucking understand why he couldn’t let go of it for almost twenty years of his life that’s like the worst possible thing to go through as someone hypersensitive to feelings of rejection bro . oh my god .
rsd also attributes to him being really eager to please especially with friends , and trying to talk himself up and seem cool and on their level and worth keeping around :(
i do also think it is likely that he learned to mask a LOT of his symptoms , of course not all of them ( as we can pretty obviously see in like . any video ever taken of him ) but a lot of the less socially acceptable ones he naturally forced himself to hide :( 
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snow-143 · 7 months
Water Coloured Tears | Jeon Jungkook
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six- late night inspo (1.7k words)
'You're late.' I say without looking up at him.
'And you're as blunt as usual I can see.'
Finally, looking up at him, I squint my eyes before replying, 'Don't change the topic. Why are you late?'
'I had something to take care of.'
'Look, if you aren't going to take this project seriously just say that from the get go. At least that way I can prepare to pick up your slack, so I don't fail.' My voice is a little more accusatory than it could be.
'I'm only 15 minutes late. Chill.' He's finally sat down, across from me, levelling us out.
Managing to soften my voice, I return to my previous point, 'You are going to take this seriously, right?' 
'Yes, y/n, I'm taking this seriously. I really just had to deal with something.'
'Okay. Then lets get to work. I was thinking we could both brainstorm on our individual pieces today. I have a couple of ideas, and I'm sure you do to.' I can't help but smile thinking about the art we could make together. We used to always come up with the craziest ideas together, they may not have always come out as we imagined, but we always had fun.
'That sounds good. What do you have in mind?' He's smiling now too.
'Get your sketchbook out, and I'll tell you. That is if you remembered to bring it.' It was meant to come off as harsh, but it came out far to soft, as if I was joking with him like old times.
'Jungkook, I swear to god if you tell me you've forgotten it again I will shove this eraser down your throat.'
It's silent for a minute before be bursts out laughing, retreating his beaten up book from his bag. 'Not funny.' And with that I fling the rubber off his head, hitting a perfect bullseye.
This does nothing to sober up his laughing, if anything it made it worse. He's now hunched over the bench making a massive scene out of it all. 'God. You're scary when you're angry, you know that?'
'I've been told once or twice.' I let out a little laugh at this.
When he finally straightens up it's my turn to laugh at the others expense. A massive red mark has formed right in the centre of his forehead. 'Damn I have an extraordinary shot, maybe I should've gone with sport. My talent is obviously being wasted here.'
'Very funny.' He rubs the red splotch on his head cursing, 'How bad is it?'
'What? Worried it'll put off the flock of women always surrounding you?'
'Oh, trust me, It'd take a lot more than this to deter them.' He's smirking now, and It's putting an end to my fit of laughter.
'Right, sorry. Forgot you were like some sort of Greek god here.' I scoff.
'You jealous? Because you sound jealous.' He's still smirking, god do I wish I could slap that smirk off of his face.
'Jungkook, I've seen you playing Barbies with your little sister. Trust me, I do not see in you whatever every other girl on this campus sees in you.'
As soon as I'm finished talking it's like his whole demeanour has changed. He's not smirking any more, so I guess I got my wish.
'So about the individual pieces, how exactly do you think we should go about it?' Is all he replies.
Ignoring the lump in my throat I open my sketchbook and show him what I've planned so far. They aren't very detailed, but they show the overall message I'm trying to put forward.
By the end of my little presentation he's smiling again, and I can't help but feeling a little shy. We've spent hours showing each other our art but after all this time I feel like I'm laying my soul out to him.
Art has always been the way I express myself, and I'm always worried that maybe I'm showing too much.
I've only done sketches for 3 pieces. Technically 4. One that I'm planning on making out of stained-glass, it'll be made up of multiple different parts that hang from the ceiling to make an overall image. The second one is a drawing of a man, that may or may not resemble Jungkook, comforting a little girl, who may or may not resemble me as a child- representing someone healing your inner child. Of course, I'll have to find a way to incorporate the photographs, but I'm sure I'll be able to make up some pretentious explanation.
And lastly there's a sketch of 2 sculptures, both resembling me and Jeon. I must say I enjoyed drawing him far too much, and I'm sure I'll enjoy sculpting his face even more. They count as 2 pieces as we will make them separately, but they also fit together. I've drawn them, so they have cloth covering their eyes that can be removed. I'm also planning on having LED lights in their eyes, so we can change the prospective of them. We can arrange them in many different ways; with them facing away with the fabric covering their eyes, them facing each other with different colour settings on the lights to represent emotions, etc.
I've explained all of this while showing him the drawings. Him adding a little hum here and there, never interrupting me.
The sculpture is the only one of his that I've planned as I wanted it to be a joint project and for the rest I don't want to control his creativity.
'I know I've planned ahead a lot, and we still need to incorporate the pictures, but I'm sure we can think of a way to incorporate them. And for the others we can centre it more around the pictures. It's okay if you don't like the sculpture idea it's your project too, but I just thought-'
'This is amazing, y/n.' He cuts off my rambling. Closing the book I look away from his gaze.
'It's just a rough idea. You can put in any input you like.'
'Actually, I have a couple ideas myself.' Looking over at him, hinting at him to elaborate, I notice he's still smiling. It's gentle, admiring almost.
After a moment he breaks from my gaze, focusing on his sketchbook instead. 'There not as detailed as yours but... I just had a burst of inspiration last night and this morning.'
He's rubbing the back of his neck now, a nervous habit of his. I'm the one smiling now, he always did get inspired at random times. He'd go months without even picking up a pencil sometimes and then seemingly at random times he'd get 'inspiration' and then you'd never see him without his face buried in a sketchbook.
'Is that why you were late?' Glancing at me, he gives me a shy smile.
'Sort of.' He says before opening his book.
While he's flicking through his drawing, trying to find the most recent drawings in the unorganized mess I decide to try and get a look at his other drawings. It may be an intrusion, but I'm curious on how his style has changed over time.
'What was that?' I ask after he rushes to turn the page.
'Nothing. It was nothing.' That was definitely not nothing. There is a high chance I have lost my mind because I can't believe what I just saw.
It was a drawing of me. A drawing of a picture I posted on my Instagram over a month ago at least. Except the background was different.
In the actual photo I'm laying on my bed, but in his drawing I'm in a field of flowers. One that looks suspiciously like one next to his childhood home.
And surely that can't be right. It makes a lot more sense that I've finally lost it.
Deciding that I did infant hallucinate it, I focus on the drawing he's stopped on instead.
It's a beautiful drawing. If he hadn't told me that he only started on it last night I'd easily believe that he spent hours on it.
It's a drawing of a girl. Me. This I can accept as the whole project has to revolve around the other person. Except it's not just a regular drawing of me. I'm sat in a dark room with my legs crossed and my arms up in the air, looking more carefree than I truly have felt in months. My smile is bright, blinding.
But the thing that catches my focus the most are the angel wings I've got. They almost look like they're shining in contrast to the dark background. There's a bright light coming off of me lighting up the surrounding space.
'I um, I already have a photo to represent this one.' Looking up at him, we lock eyes.
I don't even know what to say. It's beautiful. I look beautiful. He truly is an amazing artist if he could show someone he clearly has some sort of disdain for in such a positive light.
Before I can even compose myself to ask any questions he's clearing his throat and looking away. Getting one last look at the drawing, I watch as he turns the page.
The next sketch is one where we are hugging. I'm basically a rainbow incarnate, full of colour. Whereas he looks like the storm clouds that hide the prism of colour away from sight. There's a bright light in both of our chests. But where we're connected in the embrace my colour is leaking into him. At first, I think it's a beautiful concept until I realise that where he's gaining colour I'm losing it. He's draining me of it. Leaving those parts of me a dark void whereas he's being filled with my light.
'I also have a picture for this one.' This time I don't look up at him. I don't think I can.
'These are insanely good Jungkook.' Swallowing the lump in my throat, I ask what we should do this Wednesday.
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a/n: first saturday i haven’t been at work in like a year so i figured i’d write last night instead of sleeping :)
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lawlietscaramels · 5 months
okay okay okay I know you said no stories (understandable the holidays wiped me out too agshwsj) but I just got this random idea in my head and I could wait...!
So you know how voice filters are so normal now? even copying VA's to a seriously convincing level. What if people started using L's usual voice filter? Like nothing malicious, just people posting the craziest shit using THE detective L voice.
voice clips, shit posts, thirst traps, tiktok sounds of his public challenge on kira, people hating and simping on main and L can only helplessly watch. His pride won't allow him to change the filter he uses he made that himself it's his damnit! it'd be useless anyways, they'd just copy that too .
What can he do? are there legal repercussions? can he even copyright that? or is he doomed to be the biggest meme for the next 3 months like all public figures are subject to in life? Does L even notice?
So can I request an L-centric headcanon for this? You don't have to do it right away! Write whenever you feel like it! I just thought it'd be funny. Have a happy holiday!✨
–🍰 anon
That's My Voice! ╾ L
PFFTJSBAHHAHA CAN YOU IMAGINE?! this is the best way to start of 2024 pfft
also I have rested and relaxationed™ so I am doing a hc/story snippet mix!
okay okay yes. let's go.
It's hard to say how quickly L would notice if this happened. Perhaps on the first day; perhaps he'd remain oblivious until it all blew over. the former is more likely than the latter.
but oh gosh once he notices...
Putting the key in the lock and turning it, you expected to find L standing right in the doorframe to greet you, the affectionate weirdo that he is. But he's staring in horror at one of the monitors lighting the room, mouth wide open and a lollipop forgotten in his mouth.
"y/n, they've stolen my voice!"
he probably hasn't encountered this kind of technology outside of like, criminals faking voices to commit crime or whatever so he's completely confused as to how and why ordinary citizens are using the voice filter he spent months of his childhood tinkering with.
they should make their own! can't he use copyright or something?!
"Oh, don't worry so much, L. It's just a trend, it will blow over quickly! There is no harm in them having fun."
He throws his arms in the air and for a moment you're concerned he's going to tip his seat over again. "What do you mean there's no harm?! They are 'simping,'" with the most dramatic air quotes you have ever seenー L must have learnt the term and immediately decided it did not deserve to be a wordー "for a cartoon man named Miguel from Arachnid-Man! In my voice, y/n!"
And you burst out laughing, which doesn't seem to help at all.
L goes silent and furious for a good hour as he desperately searches for a way to stop this from happening. I don't know the copyright laws myself, but I imagine as it isn't L's real voice and he likely wouldn't have seen the need to apply for a patent (or whatever equivalent there is to protect a voice filter), he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
he would still seriously consider taking these good-for-nothings to court though...
You watch with both a- and bemusement as L taps his bottom lip over and over, fast.
"L," you say, "what are you thinking?"
It's not a good sign when that British accent begins to fall over his words. "I am weighing up how likely it is I would win a court case to sue for millions, strip these imbeciles of the right to technology, and publicly humiliate them. Do you think we could bring back tar-and-feathering...?"
DO NO T LET HIM. hahags it will take a solid hour or more of convincing but L will eventually give up, pouting and dedicatedly following the hashtag #iamLtoo
he might actually learn a lot about popular culture
he might also fall out of his chair in shock and cry
so, you win some, you lose some. maybe it's best to just take away his browsing privileges and remind him of whatever case he's working on. DISTRACT DISTRACT!
you're right, his pride would definitely stop him from trying to stop these "trollers" (he called them trolleys at least three times) via changing his voice filter. He made it himself, he won't give it up because of some teen living in their parents' garage!!! Though he might try to rig a program to detect people using it and delete their accounts or whatever
not sure how to segue into this one but here's another story bit
After finally calming L down and reminding him the tar-and-feather punishment was abolished for a reason, you manage to get into bed for some rest. To your surprise, L joins you, staring expressionlessly at the ceiling. This is what he always does when thinking, so you assume his mind is on the case and he's forgotten about the whole voice fiasco until he starts... cackling.
Yep, there's a good chance he'll swing from "this is the most horrible thing that's ever happened to me ever!!??'!;;'!;';!!;"! :(" to quoting the memes.
he might actually really enjoy some of them.
though it's hard to tell if he genuinely thinks some of what these "trolleys" are doing is creative and amusing or if it's just a coping strategy for the next few months.
well, that is until he makes a subtle reference to the most viral of the videos in his next address to the public...
after that I'm afraid the craze sets off once again
L will sit back and watch with a smile
though if one of the uses of his voice filter insults him the whole thing is shut down faster than you can say tar-and-feathers
"You're a strange man, you know that?"
"So is this 'Miguel' character."
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
©lawlietscaramels. Do not repost on other sites, claim as your own work, edit, rewrite or “fix,” feed to AI or otherwise use unethically.
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glimmerlofsea · 14 days
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Billy Hargrove x Ghost!Reader
Warning : Angst¿ Since you're a ghost :(
WC; 3,5k
#TALKISSA; After Billy almost died at the Starcourt mall, he experienced a weird things, or you could say he saw a spirit walking through other people. He thinks he's insane, since they don't talk and only go through people, but not after you ask him to get to know each other.
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Through cruel events a year ago, wild events occurred in Billy's life. He almost lost his mind when he was possessed by a demon or whatever the name of that monster. Max was there, but she didn't have much influence, Billy became quieter and just stayed in his room playing his music. He thought that the craziest incident in his life was over, but not when he walked out of the house and saw lots of people walking past other people. By 'through' we mean those that easily penetrate into another person's body without hitting them.
He really lost his mind, but seeing them not talking at all made Billy think it was just his imagination and everything would pass, but not when he accidentally collided with you.
"Sorry." He said in a hurry.
You widened your eyes and looked at him, following him like a pet,
He looked at you in surprise, looking at you alternately with the road in front of him, "I said I'm sorry."
You nod enthusiastically, "Yeah, I know! That's insane! I barely can't talk to anyone in here, and then you saw me! We even touched!" You exclaimed then touched his shoulder tracing it with your hand, making him shiver and throw your hand away gently.
"Okay, just tell me, how did you die? Or are you alive?!" Your emotions become more passionate when things are related to 'alive'.
Billy frowned, then he realized that many people were looking at him in surprise as if he was the center of attention because of something weird. Then he realized... He should have realized when you asked how he died.
"Don't talk to me. Again." Press him then speed up his steps to leave you.
You didn't give up and continued to follow him, "That's just amazing! You see me, you talk to me! Imagine if we were friends!"
"That would never happen." He replied without even looking at you.
You relax your facial muscles and curl your lips, but it's okay, maybe he's just hard to reach, but you know for sure deep down he has a soft side, he just doesn't know how to express it.
"You're a little... Stiff, I got it. Don't worry, we're the same age! I'll try to make friends—"
"—The problem is that I don't need friends!" He shouted, Billy realized that people were already looking at him, but he took his steps towards you, he couldn't stand it, he had been through something hard and had to go through this nonsense? What's the term? Seeing a ghost? Well, fuck that shit.
"Why don't you just go and bother other people? Besides, you're dead, we don't know each other, so go away. Stop bothering me, my life is already troublesome."
For the record, ghosts can feel too. They still have feelings, you still have feelings, your eyes are sore, you already feel two tears about to come out, but instead of showing it to that rude guy you choose to disappear. Using 'abilities' that only ghosts can use.
When you used your vanishing move, Billy cursed himself, at that time he was in a bad mood, he had been rejected for a job application for the umpteenth time because he had lots of scars all over his body. Number one looks when it comes to work, and how much he hates that terms. He also hated himself, he used to be very proud to show off his body to girls when he was still a lifeguard, but now? Even wearing half-buttoned clothes, he didn't dare. Too many scars made him feel... Insecure.
And the words he said to you? He knew it was cruel, and would make him heartless. He didn't care what others thought about him talking to himself, he was already considered 'different' anyway.
Max knows about Billy's ability to see ghosts. She thinks it's cool and thinks Billy might be able to become a psychic for his job but that idea only makes Billy's mood worse.
"Besides, you're dead," You imitate the way he speaks to you, you whine, let out a cry, "I know! I know I'm dead, I didn't ask God to end my life, I'm not even ready and don't want to die. I still have dreams."
You are literally in a very quiet alley and definitely the perfect place to hide and mourn your own life.
You just want to have a friend. You used to be a Hawkins student, excelled and admired by many boys, and it all ended in death when you came to a party and accidentally fell into the swimming pool. You can't swim, the students think it's a 'joke' so they just laugh and you just die. Stupid. Sometimes you just laugh at the way you died, but on the other hand you are also curious why you don't move on to the next world, you have accepted your death, what is holding you here?
"Do you have any new friends to talk to?" someone asked.
You wiped your tears and looked the other way, seeing Mary—a powerful ghost in the Hawkins area who was respected by other ghosts.
You stood up and approached her, "Yeah, but he doesn't want to talk to me. Hell, he doesn't even want to be friends with me."
Mary is the mother of the ghosts here. She is the one who usually explains the circumstances when a new ghost lands in this mystical world. And she is a good advice giver!
Mary chuckled, "Young girl, not everyone here can see us, rarely even them, the guy was just shocked and had a hard time accepting the fact that he could see us. Trust the process."
You sighed, "Why don't other ghosts want to socialize?"
Mary dropped her smile, "Most of them... Have you ever heard of energy absorption?" You shook your head, "That's when ghosts who have just died have their energy absorbed because at that time in their lives there was too much pressure, which pushed them to keep quiet."
You're still confused, "Does that even make sense?"
Mary put her arm around your shoulder and took you for a walk on the quiet street that night, "Yes, honey. There are also lots of ghosts who talk a lot here, it's just that they haven't had the chance to meet you."
"Can't you just bring them to me?"
Mary chuckled, “That's not how it works, Y/N, you know that.”
"I feel lonely. Like... I'm the only one left here, and seeing that guy, I had a glimmer of hope of having a friend."
Mary gently stroked your shoulder, "Maybe you want to fix something with him? He's over there."
Mary's words made you furrow your forehead and turn your head towards where she was directing her gaze,
You see the guy you met a few moments ago. He is throwing away his trash and notices your presence.
You turned to look at Mary but she was gone, you wanted to use your ability to disappeared but—
You heard him scream, making you stop and freeze looking at him.
"Can we talk?"
"You realize people will only see you talking to the wind, right?" You asked raising your eyebrows.
"Just... Come into my house."
You squinted your eyes to figure out his plan.
"I owe you something."
Owe. Surely he owes you an apology, you walk towards him, and he starts leading you towards his house, before he opens the door you have already penetrated through the wall. The sensation when doing that is always hilarious, you feel a touch of electricity all over your body, but still, it's a cool thing about being a ghost!
You explored the house, penetrating every wall there was, "You live here alone?" You asked curiously.
"No. With my sister."
You nod in understanding.
"Do you want some..." Hearing his conversation made you look at him, curious about his next words. He scratched the nape of his neck, "Some tea?"
You stifled your laugh, "I can't barely feel anything in my body. And tea?" You let out a small laugh.
"Yeah, my bad, sorry."
"But it's worth a try. May I have some tea?" You asked while spinning your body to enjoy every corner of his house. Makes the white dress you wear expand by itself when it spins.
You died at the prom, wearing a beautiful, sparkling knee-length white dress.
"Sure. Wait here."
You sat on his soft sofa, trying to reach his television remote but couldn't. Carrying other objects for ghosts is a difficult test, you have to use 100% of your energy.
Billy put the tea he made on the table. You took a breath to take the cup of tea, when you could actually reach it, you let out a small chuckle and then sipped the tea. You feel... Nothing. Mary said that whatever taste a human feels will not be the same as what a ghost feels, the ghost will only feel bland.
You sighed, "I don't know if it's good or bad, I can't feel it."
Billy smiled, "But at least you can touch the cup."
You looked at him and smiled, "What was your intention in inviting me here?"
Billy cleared his throat, "I want to apologize for what I said earlier. It was heartless. I didn't know ghosts had feelings—"
"We have." You reply cutting him off.
He nodded slowly then continued speaking, "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that, I was just in a bad mood and let them get to me."
"Apology accepted. Now, will you be my friend? You're the only one who can see me."
"And you're the only one I can talk to. Let's be friends." He replied with a smile.
You exclaim happily, "HOORAY!"
You approached yourself with him and took his hand to shake it with you, "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you! What's your name?"
He looked confused by your enthusiasm, you were supposed to be older than him but your attitude was far from representative of your age.
"Billy Hargrove, call me Billy."
That's when the history of your friendship begins. You started to get to know him closely, and started to get to know Max, even though it was difficult to communicate, you always found a way to communicate with her. Like she is talking and you will write something on paper with the pencil provided by her. It was hard but you had fun getting to know her.
Billy's house is like home to you too, you sometimes sleep in Billy's bed if he comes home late, usually he will move you to Max's room, but not this time.
You see the sight of his good looks awakened by the sunlight shining through the window.
You correct your position and look at him while admiring him, he is a good friend, sometimes he will take you to the edge of the lake, even though it is bad for your memory because you died because of the water but he is the one who helps you get rid of that fear by always being there. Beside you. But you're not sure you'll always be there for him.
Mary said, what keeps us here is the trauma that caused our death. If the ghosts' trauma is gone then they will also disappear along with their trauma which has finally been successfully treated. Therefore, if Billy invites you to the lake, you will often refuse him. You didn't want to be separated from Max, especially not Billy, you weren't ready.
You tucked his curly hair behind his ear, he had a scar near his ear, or more precisely on his cheek. Often you find him staring longer at the scars left all over his body, you can feel it, he is tense and feels insecure about the scars he has.
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You entered his room, found him not wearing any clothes, just showing his whole body freely, that's where you saw the big scars on his back and stomach. There were scratches on his neck and chest.
Billy, who saw you, immediately raised his voice, "What are you doing here?! Get out!"
You knew he didn't mean to yell at you, it was hard to read the emotions he was feeling.
At that moment you communicated with Max, taking the pencil she usually provides for you when you want to communicate,
"Why does Billy get angry easily when it comes about his scars?"
Max pondered, taking a deep breath, "It was a bad memory for him, for me, and for us. He almost died from that scars. I don't know but maybe he was sensitive because he felt embarrassed? He was scared, Y/N. Afraid of himself and maybe that has the effect that other people will be afraid of him too. Sometimes he's not the Billy I know but I'm grateful, he's more sincere and loves me, and I love him."
With that, you immediately approached the front of Billy's room, peeked through the door hole and saw him curled up on the side of the bed. You walked in and heard his sobs, you landed yourself next to him.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." You said.
Billy took a breath and looked at you with his puffy eyes,
You felt sorry for him and cupped his cheek with one hand to wipe his tears, "Why are you crying?"
"Every night, I see them, Y/N. Traces of that creature mumbling that it won't leave me for long and will return. It will come back to corrupt me and turn me into a monster again and hurt Maxine."
And... Billy wasn't wearing his clothes yet, allowing you to get a closer look at his scar.
"You're not a monster, you know that, Billy."
“Yeah, Y/N, I was scared it would happen again.”
You pulled him into your arms, trying to calm him down but apparently that would only make him cry, you didn't mind, after all your white dress was already dirty.
You gently stroked his back, tracing the scars and trying to comfort him, "It won't happen again, I'll make sure of that. It's okay, Billy. Everything will be fine. And I will stay by your side until everything is really okay."
A few moments later, when you felt Billy had calmed down a little, you sat on the edge of the bed. Just keep quiet,
"I hate crying in front of you, it makes me look like a coward."
You chuckled, "Why? Just because you're a guy?" Billy nods, you take his fingers and hold them, "If ghosts who aren't even alive are allowed to have feelings, why can't men? You're human, Billy, you have feelings. So, it's okay to cry. My shoulder is always willing to dry the air from your eyes."
Billy couldn't help but chuckle at your words, as did you, "How tacky."
You roll your eyes.
"Making you a friend is an opportunity I will never regret in my life, Y/N."
You smiled, "I'm happy to be your friend too."
"Can you stay by my side? Forever?"
You were a little hesitant, but didn't want to worry him, "To see you as just an old man?"
Billy chuckled, you let out a small laugh.
"But I was going to ask something." he said.
You cleared your throat, loosening your grip but he didn't want to let go.
"You're not afraid of me? Of this scars?"
You smiled sincerely and cupped his face with your other hand, "They're beautiful. I love them."
You nod, "A little cool too, I like them anyway."
Billy smiled slyly, "Do I need to always be shirtless so you always see them?"
You held back your laughter, "See if you can stand Max's screams."
He smiled one last time before asking the question you didn't see coming, "Can I kiss you?"
You dropped your smile, "What? You know I'm a ghost, right?"
"Then you know we don't stand a chance, Billy."
"But if, if we had the chance would you do it with me?"
You held back your tears, "But I don't think we have a chance. I'm just a ghost, unable to do anything except penetrate, disappear, or—"
"But you have feelings, Y/N. Tell me how you feel about me."
You sighed, not wanting this to hurt, “Billy—”
You looked into his eyes, "My heart does say I love you. More than a friend, always thought you wouldn't think the same of me because there are many other real human girls. Meanwhile me? For you maybe I can be felt and touched, but for them I'm just a passing wind that they don't even care about, Billy, they can't even look at it. We don't have a chance, don't make this hurt any more."
"Who cares what they say? Y/N, you're the safest place I have, the most comfortable place I have," He squeezed your fingers gently, "I love you too. God, I love you more than I thought."
"We can't."
"We can."
You sighed, and kissed Billy on the cheek, "Let's forget about this, okay? Get dressed, I'm going to get some fresh air." With that you disappeared somewhere, leaving Billy alone in his room. You assumed that your relationship wasn't working, but Billy still had hope.
"But... I don't want to forget about this."
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Now you admire him in the light shining on his face, Billy opens his eyes, you smile and take your hand away from him, "Morning,"
He just cleared his throat.
"You didn't move me to Max's room, did you?"
"You look tired from whatever adventure you had yesterday."
You stifled a laugh, "Ghosts can't get tired."
"But they can snore? That's great."
You widened your eyes and got up from the bed, "I snore?!"
Billy woke up from the bed and sat up trying to collect himself, "Don't worry, I'm not bothered."
You covered your face with your hands, “Shit, I'm embarrassed.”
Billy chuckled as he pulled your hands covering your face, "Don't be, I'm really not bothered. Now accompany me in making breakfast, okay?"
You sighed but still kept your mouth in a curl, Billy ruffled your hair randomly before getting up from the bed. You were about to land yourself on the floor but suddenly something inside you made you hurt until you fell on the floor and you held your chest. Surprisingly, ghosts shouldn't be able to feel pain.
You groaned, making Billy lay in front of you and make sure you were okay, "What's wrong?!"
You took a breath, “I don't feel good.”
"Do you want me to call... Your friend, you know... What's her name? Fuck..."
"Yes, Mary! Wait here, I'll look for—"
You shook your head, you knew this day would come when you felt your body which was very tired from yesterday. Your trauma has disappeared, which means you will also disappear.
"There's something I want to tell you."
Billy cleared his throat, he pulled your body gently and laid you on the bed, while he knelt in front of you, "What's wrong, Princess? Please tell me."
"You know I died because of the water, right? That's stupid." Your words ended with a small laugh.
Billy nodded, still paying close attention to your words.
"And you're trying to fix what I'm afraid of. It's kind of bad, but I don't blame you, okay? Mark this words. I just remembered Mary said when the ghost's trauma goes away and so will they—"
"No." Billy chirped.
"No, Y/N. You can't just say that, it won't happen."
You see the twinkle that appears from your body, not to mention the sunlight shining on you makes it look clearer,
Billy grabbed your hand, “No, you're being mean, please, no, no. You promised me!”
You held back your tears and cupped his cheek, "It wasn't my will."
"You promised you wouldn't leave me."
“I know, I'm sorry. I am really, really sorry."
"And tell Max thank you for wanting to be my friend. And you Billy, you're the best gift I've ever got, the best ever, I will always love you. Don't think this is the end of everything, maybe you can still see them and can't see me again, but I'll still be by your side, whether in animal form, or whatever. I haunt you with love, Billy Hargrove."
You kissed him, giving him the chance he always longed for one last time. It goes beautifully but not when you actually turn into twinkle. Billy didn't feel anything anymore, he didn't feel your lips which were as soft as cotton candy anymore.
He cried uncontrollably, because he couldn't do anything about it, and he shouldn't do something he didn't know the consequences of. But at least you're in a better place, right?
He couldn't do anything, he could only cry.
A few weeks later he only felt lonely through silent ghosts, unlike you who really colored his days when everything became dark for him. In another life, he promised to really take care of you and not let anything happen to you. But the question is, can you even be together in another life?
You really haunt him with love as you promised, sometimes he walks on the street when you first meet and he sees a white butterfly stuck to the window of a clothes shop which shows a white dress too, just like your clothes, but the difference is that the dress has an inscription that says 'I love you from the other side.' Just looking at it made Billy cry, which was weird because he wasn't usually like this.
However, he will try to move on, even though he still hopes that the term 'reincarnation' or whatever it is really happens so that you can actually realize the real 'chance'.
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Author Note : so..how was it?? I was just idly writing at 2 in the morning, and I can only revise it now, I hope you like it, if you think about it, this is the first time I've written a story that really angst because they can't be together... Do you want me to write more angst? ┬┬_┬┬
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yeonlust · 1 year
taehyun thoughts again...... i was watching the gq korea behind and GODDAMN HE LOOKED SO GOOD?? imagine like a friends to lovers situation with tyun and you're hooking up for the first time and he keeps teasing before he even gets to fuckig u :'( hes leaning over you and kinda just drinking in the sight of you... so sweet but also kinda mean w it.. asking you if he can touch you and when ur nodding and gasping out yes please hes like "yeah? you want it?" smiling down at u and shit like OOHHH HES SO CRAZY and then when hes finally touching you just running his palms over ur waist and hips you keep squirming and moving around and he giggles at you like "what? can't think already? it's okay, baby. don't need to think. i'll take care of u, dumb u down a bit, how about that?" LIKE HE SAYS THE CRAZIEST THINGS in this teasing lilting voice making eye contact w u and smirking a little I CANT DO THIS
no he literally would be nasty like i swear if he’s feeling up for it he will tell you the dirtiest shit, like explaining what he’s gonna do to you… how you make him feel….
the thought of him just teasing like that.. please i’m begging i need it. i’m fully convinced he would just love to tease you and make you wait, or he just loves to see your reaction just to get a confirmation of how needy you are for him.. he would love that shit. like i said he’d just tell you the nastiest shit, tease you, make you beg even… but then he’d go and tell you how good you are for him and when you’re done he’d tell you the same and just tell you the sweetest things. his duality drives me insane i can’t stand him
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myoddessy · 2 years
hey! Hope this isn’t annoying or to much but I would love it if you wrote a hcs for the jackass cast dating a female cast member, who is the craziest one, she’s done for anything and everything no matter how weird, dangerous, or insane it is. i guess pretty much a girl who is like johnny and steve o combined. I see to many ones with girls who are shy or scared, and they are so boring. can’t wait to see what you write, even if it’s not this!
YES OHMYGOSH whenever i imagine a female jackass member, she's always batshit insane and i love it so much- for these hcs, i did johnny, bam, and steve-o but if you want to see some others then i'll do them asap
you guys are fucking terrifying oh my god-
okay but let's start with the fact that nobody was surprised when you ended up together. like, you both do so many stunts together because you're both up for anything that it was only a matter of time before you started dating.
whether it's the classic johnny knoxville or the gorgeous silver foxville, this man has no shame and with loudly say the most inappropriate shit when you do a dangerous stunt.
"my ding ding's harder than a turnbuckle" is automatically associated with you bleeding in some way atp.
that being said, he gets really worried about you when you do some of the crazier stunts .
you'd 100% be jeff's fav because you're down for anything, but he could honestly go without johnny clinging to his arm like a worried mother when you're in the bull ring.
overall, 10/10 power couple ( unhinged version )
he thinks you're crazy hot but, like, in a psychopathic way
like, he knows your batshit insane and that's one of the main reasons he finds you so hot if that makes sense
pls make fun of him for throwing up easily, idc if you aren't much better, he gets so pissy and it makes for great content
another one who's scared for you but will also be the one suggesting you for death-defying stunts most of the time
97% of the time, if someone other than jeff volunteers you for a stunt, it's bam
the other three percent is probably johnny because nobody else wanted to do the stunt and he played it off as if you were the first choice
bam doesn't volunteer you out of spite or a want to see you nearly snap your neck, he just does it because he knows you can handle it and knows you'll love the footage that comes out of the stunt — regardless as to whether or not you get fucking ragdolled
i can see you and jeff rubbing your hands together like scheming flies when you plan a but where you're working with snakes that are kind of wrapped around your arms and you're totally chill about it, but bam gets called in and loses his shit
overall, 9/10 he's heart eyes 24/7 but an instigating little shit
oh he gets so happy when he finds out your down to do any stunt
will definitely bring you along for wildboyz and will refuse to comment on you showing him up on stunts and shit
yk that one scene in 3.5 (i think??) where he says that when filming wildboyz, he refused to do a bungee jump? you definitely did that instead of him just for funsies
i mentioned it in the bam segment, but you'd both do so many wildboyz bits with animals and you'd both eat shit nearly every time but you don't care because it's funny
i can see you both getting really competitive over who can do the most disgusting thing and not hurl when everyone's drunk at someone's house...
spike probably intervened after you snorted a line of salt and pepper off of ryan's ass
overall, 9 and a half/10 purely because you'd both be incredibly scary to be around and idk if that's a good thing or not
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I, the poll runner, made this poll because they suck that much
Why Mileven is shit - a submission-based essay, part 3/3
Mileven - a currently canon het ship from the Stranger Things fandom between Michael (Mike) Wheeler and Jane (Eleven) Ives/Hopper/Byers/IDK
This doesn't mean she will never have another relationship, it doesn't even mean she is "alone" while other people are in relationships (although personally I think there is nothing wrong with not being in a relationship tbh... some people need to unpack this). It just means that she reclaims the power to decide if and when she will give love to someone again, a choice she's never really had. As for Mike, I believe his low self-esteem and what makes him feel so different is his feelings for Will which have steadily stepped out of platonic more and more as time has gone on, and THAT is the truth that is hard to admit, not his apparent love for El that she has been begging for him to say. Mike and Will are written so perfectly as a romantic duo that it is wild to me that anyone would ship Mike with anyone else. Mike deserves more than to be a shitty friend and El's boyfriend (because if he really does just love El, then his actions are just him being mean and weird with no cause or explanation, which I can't imagine is the case), Will deserves more than to be the sad gay in unrequited love who only suffers, and El deserves more than to be some boy's "superhero" who is loved for what she can do more than for who she truly is. She deserves to shake the shackles of male control, and yes... Mike unfortunately falls into this due to his feeling responsible for El's wellbeing because of the unfortunate circumstances they met under. Plus he's, in my opinion, fallen even harden into this parentified role in Hopper's absence (those parallels are insane too, don't even get me started). Anyway, all that to say... Mileven is an objectively bad ship that doesn't fit with the story Stranger Things is telling. It doesn't serve any of the characters involved in a positive way, and Byler is a significantly more touching and well-built couple. Personally, even the argument that El will be "crushed if they break up" doesn't really carry any weight. It's clear that she has already hurt so much IN THE RELATIONSHIP, so ending it just seems like the logical next step (and I'm among the people who believe she wanted to break up at the pizza place tbh). Why should she stay with someone who can only love her in life-or-death situations? Why should Mike be with someone who makes him feel worthless or not enough or like his personal experiences and struggles aren't valid? Why should Mike and El settle for a relationship that takes so much work but makes them both ultimately unhappy (it's giving Karen a d Ted). Why should Will just accept that in a world of demogorgans and alternate dimensions and telekinetic lab children, the craziest and most unlikely thing is a queer boy like him finding requited love with the person who makes them feel better for being different and encourages them to fight on? I just don't think the writers are telling that kind of story. I love El, Mike, and Will... I hope they will get a beautiful ending. To me, a beautiful ending would include Mike and El mutually caring for each other enough to admit that their relationship is not good for either of them as El deserves to be loved and needs time to heal, and Mike deserves to embrace his truth and his own feelings without feeling insignificant or unlovable (and ultimately be rewarded for embodying one of the show's core themes: that forced conformity is bad, you will never feel gratification or happiness by pretending to be something or someone you're not, it's okay to be a "freak" and it's okay to be different and to rebel against the limited, restrictive forms of "happiness" society pushes. After all, forced conformity is one of the real villains in this show, as clearly stated!)
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lucakaneshiroswife · 7 months
Lemme hold one of them nijisanji matchups 😛😛 (sfw) or (both) BOTH
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: OMGGG walk with me now. Right now im a little bald headed (jk but i had to cut my shit into a pixie cut bc i kept dying it too damn much 😞✊🏾), i am African American mixed with Somalian, I’m like 5’5 or 5’6 idfk 😭, ive been doing my squats plus i got those natural genetics so my booty is literally so humongous (HOUR GLASS 🗣️🗣️) (tmi?) it literally thunder claps when i walk i be getting scared sometimes 😅😅 (jk jk…), i have four piercings on my 🍒’s , lower back, eyebrow and belly button, i also have a butterfly tattoo behind my ear. ermm im pretty sure that’s it, my eyes are black and doe-like 💁🏾‍♀️
Personality: im just wild fr idek. jk but personally i feel like im a chill person and my friends think im really cool to hang around. my social battery is always up 100 but all you gotta do is put me in a crowd of people with some good food and suddenly im the most quietest person on earth 🤩
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Likes: Cats, food, stargazing, psychological horror movies, needle pain (not in a freaky way but like that pain you get from tattoos or piercings ykwim? 😅), dark green, food, reading, taking naps, food.
Dislikes: traveling (my motion sickness is so bad dude), waking up early, loud and obnoxious people, wet dog smell, fireworks (the colors >>> the sound), dark ness, butterflies. (laugh it up but i have such a huge fear of them, like they’re actually horrifying)
Hobbies: read, paint, listen to music, making music (album dropping december 43rd), baking
“it’s because im black huh…” (my friend wouldn’t share her fries), “i bet barack obama wouldn’t treat me like this”, “if we were on the titanic… i would’ve let you get on the door with me”, “my head is getting so fucking huge”, “THE HOES ARE CALLING”, “what if water was fire and fire was water.. like imagine someone saying ‘MY HOUSE IS ON WATER’, “*using tiktok filter* my soulmate initials start with a b?! omg bvox bakuma 🥺”, “idk im in the christmas sprit (as im taking off my Halloween costume)
Secret: I had gotten grounded this one time so when my mom was out running errands I snuck out to a friends house. I was getting a little hungry as usual so I was like “let me borrow your car so I can get us me some food” and she said alright. I went to the mall since i was really craving mall food at the time and right when I was walking out GUESS who’s car I see MY MOMS!!! when i tell you I BOOKED it to my friends car and hopped in the driver seat (thank goodness she didn’t see me in the mall because WHEW) anywho, right when i was about to pull off her ass wanna walk out of the mall and like a total dumbass instead of pulling off, my ass gon duck and slouch in the seat so she couldn’t see me 💀💀. as soon as she got into her car i started up my friends car and the craziest shit happen WE BOTH BACK OUT AT THE SAME TIME (her car was park backwards and mines was forward) I ended up scraping her car up pretty bad and THANK YOUUUU she didn’t recognized the car or see me either 😭. but anyways i pulled tf off 🌚 and zoomed to my friends house, dropped the car off, and literally RAN home. i hid the food under my bed and deadass acted like i was sleep so like 15 minutes later when she came back home she burst into my room like “GUESS WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED” and she started screaming about how a non-driving, blind, stupid bitch scratched her car and the whole time Im just sitting there like 😦 “damn that’s crazyyyy” and until this day she still think a random person scraped her car but uhm…. (which made it even funnier is that she literally came home with mall food for me so i was eating DOUBLE GOOD that day 😋)
Miscellaneous: im such a huge cat person im trying to break the world record (28000) with the most cats owned.
A/N: Okay you are CHAOS and you know who will love that?
Your personality is like a lot, in the good way, and ass? Our demon lord REALLY loves you.
He is a pretty loud and interesting person, but somehow he managed to slip his way into your life like the (not so) little shit he is <3
I feel you being so spontaneous is something he will adore about you, the vibes you give off just keeps attracting him, like a moth to flame and god does he love it.
With your sense of humor, and his combined you both will constantly be at risk of getting cancelled, and you know what? Maybe it's not too bad as long as both of you are laughing.
Despite the 'action-ey' parts of your relationship I believe intimate moments are sacred.
While for Vox, sleep isn't a requirement, he will most definitely come cuddle you while telling you how beautiful you are to him even if you are balding, he wants to make you laugh don't blame him.
On this topic, somno. That's all, that's everything. Those 'innocent' moments don't remain innocent for too long. Soon enough you will find yourself asleep after a long day or just possibly eating really good food, you look so peaceful to him.
Would that stop Vox from sneaking his hands up your shirt in a not-so innocent manner, touching your piercings and whispering about how tempting you are even when you're sleeping.
You'd probably wake up to him rocking his hips against your behind, his hands groping your tits, breathing heavily into your neck. How dare you reduce him to such a state?
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sadomatica · 25 days
do you have any oceliquid thoughts to share bc I'm so obsessed with them
Oh my god what thoughts DONT I have about them and their beautiful marriage. Follow me under the cut for this one cause it's gonna get long and it's gonna get wicked.
Man what can I even say about these hoes. Together forever and never apart for real. Theres so much left unexplained in the weird scattered years they spend together spanning those three decades, so little canonical elaboration on how they become so closely allied in the era leading up to shadow moses, and yeah the reddit bros like to fill in the gaps like "ermmm mutual interests and🤓🤓ocelot is le master manipulator liquid wuz his pawn and he knew his plan all along🤓🤓" and like, okay sure whatever, but i also raise you, if you'll put your fujo goggles on: the second he first saw eli in 84, before everything, before the hypno-doublethink-brainfuck whatever started wearing off and he eventually discovered the truth of his lineage, some weird kind of fucked up love immediately started festering inside him for that angry little boy. It's this instinctual, irrepressible desire stemming directly from his love for bibo, twisted and mutated by 9 long years of endless pining and mindfuckery and drug abuse, and ofc he doesnt fully understand everything for what it is until way later- but not understanding the feelings doesnt stop him (which. when has it ever with this guy) and, yeah you probably know where I'm going with this.
At the very LEAST I like to imagine them developing a weird little bond over a mutual interest in ruining Kaz's day, maybe eli (suspend disbelief/imagine they put him on mood stabilizers) starts enjoying spending time around ocelot bc he treats him like an Adult and doesnt talk down to him like a kid and has always has good candy in his office, and maybe in my personal fantasy world ocelot can't resist that "Anything's Legal In International Waters" temptation revelation if you know what I'm saying. But I'll save that for another ask bc I know everyone's not the craziest about my noncelot headcanons. Hml if you are tho.
Of course if youre a Normal Person Eyeroll Tm, theres the whole unopened can of worms of liquid (NOW LEGAL!) in iraq, weakened and brainwashed and tortured, rescued by the us government supposedly but, again...I like to think that if ocelot didnt personally rescue him he definitely orchestrated someone else doing so for him. Like cmon. 1994? Ten years after their first meeting? It's just too poetic for me to not make that conclusion!!!
Literally it's ridiculous how much juice there is for them. You see all that bullshit I just yapped? That's only HALF THEIR TIMELINE. I literally feel fucking BAD for writing that much dude but holy shit if you're intrigued enough to want to know my foxhound era/why liquid da arm all the sudden thoughts....pls lmk. But yea I'll shut my trap now HEHEH.
Tl;dr ocelot gave eli his own walkman on motherbase preloaded with a cassette of basic glam metal he thought hed like and it touched his demented bpd heart so deeply that shit went to his grave with him at shadow moses
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waffles-for-brunch · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @lovevamp
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
4. One's an okay oneshot, then I did a fix-it after 15x20, then I lost my mind completely and spent three years on a season 12 rewrite and now I'm back again writing another fix-it. My twilight zone is self-inflicted.
2. what’s your total Ao3 word count?
540,492 (insert kevin james shrugging meme here)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Just Supernatural. I started writing a fic for Baldur's Gate Bloodweave but then Destiel dragged me back to the dark side. Maybe I'll finish that one eventually.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
they're not gonna be in order bc I'm just gonna go thru my bookmarks real quick but - "And this, your living kiss" by opal_bullets "On labor" by a_good_soldier (i reread this one twice this week) "The Nanny" by Kitmistry and those are the ones i feel like mentioning. :)
5. do you respond to comments?
Admittedly rarely. Mostly because I'll open my email when I'm getting up in the morning and read them and then work all day and forget to respond. I do appreciate all the comments I get tho. And a lot of the really kind ones I send to my groupchat and/or save in a folder on my email labelled "nice comments" also just sometimes I don't feel like I have anything to say. Like idk sometimes thank you just seems too small or something you know. It's strange. Then I'll just get in my head about it and say nothing and the cycle repeats lmao. But I do read them all.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Dog you know I'm not writing any angst without a happy ending. I can't take that shit lmao. It's happy endings only in this house. Happy and found family and loveliness. :)
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I literally end everything the same way. Please I have the worst case of projection imaginable with these fics.
8. do you get hate on fics?
If I do I'm unaware. But I'd probably know it if I do, I stalk my own name and fics wherever I can because I'm insane and nosey. But nah the most I've gotten is just people being mad about a certain character's actions, but like that's not even hate it's just frustration with a character which is a given in certain circumstances. Now if someone was like "wow bad characterization" I'd be like girl, but no I think people are pretty respectful in my corners for the most part.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Bro let me tell you in "Our Old Heroes" I wrote like a singular sex scene and like maybe one or two other hot and heavy ones and good god did they take me so long to write. Like I'm not a very sex oriented person in general so writing this stuff out? Bro it's embarrassing how much poetry I put into that in retrospect (i jest, it's fine) but like I don't generally orient towards it just because it's very time consuming for me. It has to be very intimate and just right.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you've written?
So short answer no, I haven't. Longer answer I love the concept and would be open to it. Particularly if it involves Dean being psychoanalyzed in some way because that's my favorite thing to write so it would probably be criminal minds. I think crossovers have so much fun and wonky potential tho.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope someone printed my fic to bring into prison and make a black market hot commodity. It would be the highest honor. I guess that's not theft, it's just the free market. But so I guess really no, if I have I'm unawares.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of but I have had people comment in other languages or on twitter people will talk about it in a different language, which is pretty crazy. It's so wild we can be so connected to a story in that way despite not speaking the same language or growing up in the same environment.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no! but as @lovevamp has said we've talked about a few that I'm certain one day we will follow through on. I've also talked with @icaruspendragon about maybe doing one at some point bc we seem to have the exact same mental illness that is the dean winchester brain disorder.
14. what’s your favorite all time ship?
I live breathe and bleed destiel, it's truly unfortunate for me.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I just have a lot of ideas in my docs that will probably never become more than the ideas they are. Usually when I start a fic like for real I follow through with it. I would feel bad if I didn't lol.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I've been told my characterization is pretty good, which I appreciate. If it was bad I'd probably kms (jk). But fr idk that's the biggest comment I'll get is in regards to that which I really do like because I spend a lot of time trying to find a balance and make sure I'm expressing everyone the correct way they'd express themselves or not express themselves.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Sex scenes aside I do struggle with action mostly because I find it boring to write out. You just have to try and find so many different words. Ugh. I love dialogue. That's really where I start getting going. But writing action? I tend to do that last because I wanna get through all the good bits first then circle back and do the boring bits.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
listen I can barely remember english i'm sorry
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i'm an og baby i started here (destiel) and this is where i'll die (maybe not, we'll see)
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
Well, I don't really have many so it's probably the massive one. "Our Old Heroes" by adelaclancy (that's me). I was really in a bad place when I started it and I kind of just gave myself this crazy project for several reasons. One I was stopping drinking so I needed something else to do with my time. Second I was jobless and goalless and really didn't have a lot going for me and writing was really the only thing I have ever had consistently so I was like okay well I'll start this stupid project and it's gonna be like 26 chapters and 500,000 words long and it's gonna delve into all my issues through projection of these fictional characters and if I actually manage to finish it I can finally say I finished something. So I did. And I actually managed to work on myself a lot in the process. So over all that time I went from living in bad straights as an unemployed drunkard to a full time worker with a few years sobriety under their belt and a better sense of my own boundaries and thriving friendships and I dunno man, in a way that fic really was a bridge for me and I think in that too for a lot of the readers they get to see that now too. Like they can see my little notes at the beginning of chapters and how they change over time alongside the characters in the book and it's kind of an experience in that way I suppose. If not through Dean Winchester and Castiel then maybe through me, if someone out there finds a little bit of hope from that silly little mess of words then I suppose that's something to be proud of then, isn't it? Anywho...
tagging: @icaruspendragon
(Bro I know like two people sorry)
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