#she doesn’t need to be a quote unquote GOOD person but I want to know how she THINKS. how she perceives herself and others
fellhellion · 10 months
your analysis of dana is so good but also i finally realized who she reminds me of sorta: those people who will be like "i'm an empath, i know how people feel and it affects me sooo much" and then (a) be wrong about how people feel, and (b) be callous and self-centered despite their claims of being deeply affected by others' feelings
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kelean · 1 year
it's always funny to me when people blame jack's insanity and genocidal tendencies solely on lilith and moxxi's so-called "betrayal" and at this point i'm convinced that they played some different game because:
lilith and moxxi literally saw him kill innocent scientists only because he thought they may betray him, but there was no solid evidence for that. and even if there actually was a traitor among them, jack could've simply put them in some sort of jail or just deal with them quietly. but no. instead he decided to make a whole show out of killing them in one of the most cruel ways possible, while gathering all of his allies around. because his goal wasn't to just get rid of someone you can't trust - he wanted lilith, moxxi and roland to see what will happen to them if they dare to disobey him
after he killed the meriff he thought that it was - quote-unquote - "invigorating". killing scientists also "felt good". normal person behavior btw
he never cared about felicity. he doesn't feel any remorse or guilt after killing her, even though she was helping him this entire time. and correct if i'm wrong, but while he did need an army to take helios back, he, in the end, never actually used it. the loaders in bl:tps couldn't do much - we had to manually turn them into the loaders who can shoot or blow up stuff. and it was after we already got on helios. so basically, there was no rush to make a constructor out of felicity and consequently kill her in the process
by the time of the events of bl:tps he has already destroyed moxxi's underdome like she said in one of the side quests in bl2 (nevertheless, she still agreed to help him). and before you say anything about how he couldn't actually do that and it's a retcon because he was a low-level programmer may i remind you that he had the money to make a goddamn body double for himself. he had a fancy office. he had a chamber for angel's containment. and i think it's pretty believable that a person with that much money is capable of doing that
and yes, angel. while lilith and roland didn't know about that at the time, he has already enslaved his own daughter many years ago and used her to manipulate them into finding the vault for him in bl1. and he had the resources to keep her in her place, too
so, of course, when they saw the eye of the destroyer they knew what was going on. imagine somehow killing a monster that took down armies just to see its' eye being used by some big fucking corporation for god knows what years later
now, to the fun part - the betrayal. let's just say that moxxi’s good at reading people - she wasn’t wrong when she called jack a «power-hungry psychopath» and said that «a lot of decent people will live to regret it if you come down from helios alive» as we will see in the future events. she and others saw jack's true colors shine through during their little quest to save the moon and it was the only logical conclusion. she was fucking right
moxxi specifically asked jack to be at the eye of helios because she planned to kill him (and, well, people who agreed to work for him) and him (and his team) only. moreover, the station was already under attack by the lost legion by quite some time. so there was literally no possibility that it would've impacted any innocents (so idk from where some people got the idea that they killed "millions of innocent hyperions" - that's just called making shit up)
jack, on the other hand, didn't know how much of an impact that caused. however, he isn’t sad about the possible death of people that singularity might have caused (again, it could, but it didn’t - still, Jack doesn’t give a fuck). he isn’t even worried about his own team. all he cares about is that he lost a very valuable and deadly weapon because of «the things he could have done with it» - and it’s pretty obvious what exactly can you do with this sort of weapon. it wasn't just standing there to look pretty you know
also, while we’re at it, you can even argue how this whole “saving the moon and its’ people” thing might have been just a cover up for a real reason – that is, get this very dangerous weapon back under his control. but that's just a speculation based on some of the in-game things i've noticed, so let's not dwell on it
finally, i never really got why people are so mad at lilith for punching jack - she literally admits that she should’ve just killed him instead, as, in the end, it costed her a lot of people’s lives and, more specifically, roland’s life. she feels extremely guilty. she knows that she fucked up. her main mistake, however, wasn't that she "betrayed" jack - her main mistake was leaving him to die instead of finishing a job and thinking that he can actually be trustworthy
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askthealternateakis · 10 months
Thanks for answering again 😊
So another question, what does alternate Akis think of Chaotique ?
(I assume here there isn't a version of Aki with Chaotique as his sister)
Fun fact: when I first developed the concept of the Alternate Akis with a friend of mine, there actually was a Chaotique Aki! His name was Dément (which is French for “lunatic” like how “chaotique” is French for “chaotic”) and the basic gist of his personality was the classic “adorable on the outside, sadistic on the inside” trope. I ended up scrapping him because I wanted to focus solely on Robot Masters as I felt like most of them didn’t really get that much attention, and Chaotique both doesn’t technically count as a Robot Master and is already a fan favorite. You can make an Aki for Chaotique if you want to, though! I want to be this a relatively open concept, so if you want to make Akis for her, your own Robot Master OC, or just make your own takes on pre-existing Akis, you’re more than welcome to! My friend and I actually came up with tons of names for hypothetical Akis for Robot Masters that don’t even seem to exist in the MMFC universe that I’m perfectly happy to share in case anyone needs any ideas. Just make sure you tag me so that I can see it as well.
As for answering your question proper: 
Ember: “…She’s annoying. Really, REALLY annoying.”
Stravinsky: “She’s a little too loud and obnoxious for my taste, if I’m going to be perfectly honest. Doesn’t help that she won’t stop calling me ‘No-Eyes’ and ‘Mole Boy’ even though she knows I hate being called those.”
Stellan: “Ugh, don’t even get me STARTED on her! She’s leagues worse than Adderly, and that’s certainly saying something. She refuses to follow any sort of rules set in place by anyone, plays quote-unquote ‘pranks’ on others that are more akin to incredibly dangerous federal offenses, has no consideration towards the safety of others, and seems practically incapable of accepting any sort of responsibility for her own actions. I’ve given her lecture after lecture about how to act accordingly and have offered to help her become a better person again and again, but they only just result in her just laughing at me and calling me a ‘boring goody-two-shoes’ or a 'stick-in-the-mud mama’s boy’. How anyone can stand to be around her for longer than a minute is completely beyond me.”
Brooke: “Personally, I don’t think she’s all bad. I mean, sure, she’s a troublemaker who’s admittedly done some not-so-great thing, but I think she’s still got some good deep down inside of her!”
Ember, Stravinsky, and Stellan: “…”
Brooke: “What?”
Stellan: “She willingly teamed up with a terrorist just because she thought it would be amusing. Twice, might I add.”
Brooke: “But she called me her bestie once! Doesn’t that count for something?”
Ember: “You do know she was probably just saying that get on your good side, right?”
Brooke: “You don’t know what’s going on inside her head! Maybe she really did mean it!”
Stravinsky: (under his breath) “Tell me you’re in denial without telling me you’re in denial.”
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eld-red · 5 months
i am hearing you out about the spy bojack thing… tell us ALL ABOUT IT
THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. anyways its a bit of a like batshit really out there kind of one its like the charlie day conspiracy board from it’s always sunny like that.
where this comparison first came from was me, partially in a dream, getting an idea to write a fic using the framing of the penultimate episode of the entire show (bojack. horseman obviously) “the view from halfway down” for the fic. so obviously after that, i was trying to figure out who was going to get quote unquote “bojack’d” (i have my drafting document! if anyone wants to see this)
(and if anyone reading this doesnt know what this means, in that episode a character experiences a near death hallucination based on a recurring dream he has. said dream is him being the guest of honor at a dinner party where all those in attendance are people whose deaths had a lot of impact on him.)
and it was between scout and spy to be the one having the near death experience, and although scout’s version of jt would be horrific and interesting in its own regard, i decided spy’s would be. also interesting to explore. the mercs (pauling and the administrator included in this fic) with all their absolutely vibrant personalities have very different perspectives on death. and already just off my memory and what spy became in my head the two had the most similar views on death.
so i decided to do another rewatch of the show in anticipation to write and plot this. and with spy in the shoes of bojack (though not committing the horrific actions bojack has done) (ok murder is bad but i think murky lines of consent, providing minors with alcohol, taking advantage of a vulnerable friend, selfishly letting one of his own friends die is like arguably worse! in my opinion!), i started to see some similarities. at least with my own characterization of spy.
standoffish and closed off to almost everyone around him, to an unhealthy degree. creating this very very convincing façade where they know deep down what they really are but is in denial of that. the people around them knowing that. strange and strained relationships with their friends. a heart of gold being there, underneath it all, fucking somehow. everyone eventually getting sick and tired of being sympathetic and nice. bojack internalized the words he heard from secretariat so deeply as a kid, he doesn’t take responsibility for his actions by running away. from everything. spy has some HEAVILY (not so)implied strong feelings of guilt regarding the whole “oh hey that’s my son. hm” of it all, and is running from that and has been running from that for 27 fucking years.
the two do have very different experiences with love. like every single one of bojack’s romantic relationships have failed, and i mean technically spy also does but im not fully counting it. he was in love with her, but he was scared of like. becoming a father. i admittedly havent done much of my own like. interpretation of the relationship with spy and scout’s mom (i named her marilyn. she grew up in the south but moved up north), and i have been meaning to. as well as my own like FULL deep dive into spy’s psychology. i have done this with sniper and scout. i need to do it with the rest of the mercs.
ok i dont know if thag made a lot of sense i am a but tired while writing this theres probably more in me but i am tired. hope this helps. anon who sent it i hope you have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night
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bigbrainkatrina · 11 months
Say The Name
This is a sequel to my fic, Check the Name. But can be read as a standalone. Sans Ron, Kim is building a new Team Possible. She’s already recruited Drakken, now she has her eyes on Shego.
"You want me to WHAT?"
Kim sighs, wrapping her arms tightly around her chest to give her some warmth under the dark of the night, and eyes Shego with heaping amounts of intention. She speaks in a level tone.
"I want you to become a full time member of Team Possible. You won't get paid for any of your efforts, but none of us are and that's okay, because we're doing the right thing and the people's compensation can be better spent elsewhere. I want to you fight with us, operating off of programs and services that are solely engineered through donations and the good will of others. I want you to stand besides me day-in and day-out, sacrifice your free time by always being on-call so that you can respond to every disaster that need our assistance."
Kim gulps. Talking about mission stuff? That's easy. But personal stuff? She looks into Shego's emerald eyes and briefly considers the thing she actually wants to say to this snarky woman, this — person who despite all the murder attempts is actually quite charming. This funny lady who loves to tease Kim and never goes that hard on her. This quote-unquote enemy who's taught her an entire Bachelor's degree in survival skills. This person who is — ugh.
Kim said it to Drakken, and he told her that he always saw her as a daughter. He's part of Team Possible now, and that was surprisingly easy. So why is this so hard? Kim's mouth opens for the full load of pathos but it catches in her throat. Kim sees Shego's cold demeanor and blinks. Coughs to play off the weird lapse and returns to the herospeak. "In short: I want to save the world with you, Shego."
Shego blinks and rubs her eyes as if she just woke up from a colossal sleep.
"Ugh, Kimmie. Rhetorical. Yawn."
Kim bites her lip. She accounted for this. Obviously, Shego wouldn't take it seriously, and now she's marching over to the wall of Dementor's fortress. "Shego, please. You know we're legit. If you want to make a difference this is it. We're the most effective group there is out there."
Kim bites her lip for a second time. Actually draws a little smear of blood. Ever since Ron took off for his full-time gig with Global Justice, she's been tongue tied. Because her best friend and life partner is too busy to remember a Skype date. She doesn't hold it against him, it just means she talks to people a whole lot less than she used to.
Shego twists her head back and arches an eyebrow so high that Kim's surprised it doesn't shoot off her face and right to the tippity top of the wall Shego's about to scale up. But then again, Shego has always held expert control over her emotions. Just because Kim can't help but give every thought and feeling voice by letting them crawl onto her face doesn't mean everyone does.
Shego twirls her grapple hook in widening circles. "Since when did you start talking like an army recruiter? If I were you, I'd lay off established mercs like me and check out your high school campus."
Shego lobs the hook high, high into the air and it just makes target, crashing into a lip of the stone wall. Shego pulls on the rope and the hook doesn't move an inch. She cackles and returns to Kim. Rests a hand to her hip. "Or is that too soon for you?"
"Making fun of my age?" Kim deadpans. "Isn't that a little dry for you?"
"Yep," Shego shrugs, casually beginning her climb. "Don't really care. See, I have a big, spicy paycheck waiting for me and I don't want to be distracted from the hot vaca I'm scrounging from it."
Kim's a little relieved Shego's not looking; lets her release that anger into that eyebrow flicker. Shego would notice that after all. Since both women are intimately aware of each other's physicalities — no, not like that. They just know what to look for in the other, how to gauge their feelings. And if Shego looked back, she'd see that Kim's pretty hurt and even though Shego doesn't actually like being a big jerk (Kim and Ron's theory) and she'd say something humiliating.
Y'know, to add insult to injury. Kim's been feeling down for a while, so much so that she can't even call it a secret anymore.
So Kim makes the first dig. "I'm sure Big Daddy Brotherson gives you a lot of benefits. But more often than not, you're taking out dirty politicians and businessmen."
Shego freezes, knees wedged sideways into her gut, hair falling past her shoulders and aligning perpendicular to the ground she's now twenty feet above. Shego hesitates, but snorts off the decision and proceeds to scale the stone wall.
"Shego — " Kim groans, voice getting farther and farther away. "You don't need to be a super-villain with plasma strength to pick someone off from miles away. Please."
That one gets her.
Shego stops and runs her feet up the wall like she's going up a half-pipe, swiveling 180° so she can fully see the red head. She grabs her long raven locks and pushes them aside. "Sure, Princess. I miss the good old days. But this stuff pays, and besides — I've already saved the world once. I think I've done my time."
Shego hands there for a moment, body arched in a position that's surely uncomfortable. Kim has seconds to collect herself before this conversation is officially over.
"Shego, don't you dare try to convince me that what you're doing is good. You know what happens when you ice the CEO to a fast food chain? His son whose name probably ends in a Jr. inherits it."
Shego's eyes darken, but her mouth curls high. "Ice, Princess? You afraid to say the word kill? Or are you just upset that your stinkin' BF is doing that all the time?"
Kim's cheeks sting and she looks away.
"See," Shego drawls. "You can't even stomach that. Think about what working with me would be like. That's why I'm saying no."
"I don't think that's why you're saying no."
Shego blinks. Kim steps forward, awfully defiant. There's another weird lapse. This is the part where Kim is supposed to explain why Shego is saying no. It'll be emotional, maybe some tears, and finally these two estranged women will reconcile.
Kim mouths something indistinct then scratches the back of her head. In a low voice, she says, "Ron's not part of the team anymore. It's just me on the field and you know how everyone's been picking up the slack since Lowardia. I'm good but not that good. I might — erm — die out there and — that's not going to stop me but — a little muscle would be good."
Shego momentarily softens. She's never seen Kimmie put herself down like this. Not her best look, and certainly not the girl she used to go toe to toe with on the reg.
Also — Ron's the super-powered Big Kahuna now, huh? Super weird. She's still processing that one. Like, where's Jenna Wortham and Wesley Morris when you need them?
Shego dismisses Kim with a wave. "Nah sorry. Not convinced. Anyways, I gotta go and take care of these mutant petunias or whatever Dementor is using to take over the world this — "
"Which incidentally is my evil take over the word scheme!" a gruff voice barks through Kim's earpiece. Kim claps a hand to her face and cringes from the blown out speakers.
"Drew — " Kim swears under her breath but it's no use, Drakken's in full swing now.
"How dare he use my strategy and my smartest most refined geniusest brilliance to — "
Shego blinks. Leans as far down as she can without dropping off the wall. "...Drakken?!"
"Oh," Drakken mutters from the end of his line. "H-hello Shego."
"Yup," Shego shakes her head and finally throws her body back into proper posture for climbing. "Forget it, Princess."
Kim hoped that by the end of this conversation, she could stop clenching but now — the clenching persists. She watches Shego throw herself over the fortress wall and vanish, taking the grapple line with her. Not that Kim doesn't have one on her, but ya know — message received.
She turns on her heel and looks out at the rolling waves way down below. Even as high up as she is, little drips of seawater pelt at her face.
"Now what?" Drakken stutters.
"Plan B. I'm busting in. Not using Shego's route obviously because that'd be lame," Kim paces around the stone wall and looks for a different — better — opening.. "Hey Drew?"
"Yes, Kimberly Ann?"
"Remind me to not let you ever throw anyone a surprise birthday party."
Despite the doom and gloom gray of Dementor's fortress, all Kim can see once she hits the arena is bright, vibrant turquoise. Turns out Dementor's mutant army of petunias are actually quite deadly, moving so fast that the green vines, no matter how thin, blur Kim's entire scope of vision. Paired with Shego's plasma bolts, it's a wonder Kim can make out anything. She doesn't want to admit it, but she's a little unnerved by it all.
Every big leagues villain retired shortly after the Lowardian Invasion. It wasn't a secret that folks, ally and enemy alike, had been scared stiff by the newly polished form of their archfoe's sidekick. No one, not even Kim, expected that from him. She still feels kind of bad about that. About doubting him. But then she reminds herself, for her own confidence, that Ron didn't earn the Mystical Monkey Power; he stumbled into it.
Kim worked herself down to the bone to get to where she is, but people are telling her she's not good enough. It's not Ron's fault. It's just — nauseating.
Meanwhile, while Kim and Ron warred through the bric-a-brac, they polished their blades and prepared for the real deal. But soon Ron moved into the Top Security Clearance world of Global Justice and it became apparent to all the mooks and rapscallions like Dementor and Monkey Fist (yes, Monty's back from the dead, it's a whole thing) that Agent Stoppable's not actually gunning for them, leaving Kim to deal with their vastly improved ilk.
Heck, not even Kim knows where Ron is today. Half the time, if not more, he's not allowed to tell her. The past few weeks, the former Dynamic Duo has been testing out the long distance gambit, but just as they found their groove in regards to frequency of texts and Skypes, Ron got bumped up another promotion and threw the whole thing off. Now it's radio silence. Either she's too overwhelmed by the escalating difficulty of her missions to consider texting Ron or he's too busy to remember they had a Skype date.
Speak of the Devil….
"Don't you ever silence that thing?" Drakken rasps through Kim's radio.
"Uh, well the whole point of call me, beep me is the beeping part," Kim snarks, pulling her phone from the satchel tied tight around her waist. "Unlike you Drak, the texts I get are actually important."
Drakken curses under his breath; asking Kimberly Ann to organize his inbox the other day had been a mistake. After hours of sorting and deleting, all she did was sigh extraneously and say, "Drew, you should really consider unsubscribing from some of these newsletters. Like NaNoWriMo was almost a year ago, you obviously have no intentions on reading these Writers' Tips."
But that's not fair! Sure, he only got six thousand words in last NaNoWriMo, but that doesn't mean he'll never finish It Was a Tuesday! Why just the other day he wrote an experimental chapter about the time he used flashcards to remember his evil plots! And Kimberly knew that! Because she proofread it!
Heck, she even likes his writing! She's — ahem — the only one who does…. aaaaanyways, oh how she gets under his skin! Sometimes she's even worse than Shego! Words hurt you know.
But back to that incessant beep beep-de-beep. Kim crooks her elbow under her chest so that she can look at her phone in the tight air duct.
Ron [6:54PM] Awwwww, seriously? he's back from the dead. that's bananas!
Ron [6:55PM] that's a joke, feel free to use that on him
Ron [6:55PM] ya know for a guy who mutated himself into a monkey you'd think he'd be chiller about monkey jokes
Kim rolls her eyes and stuffs the phone away. Kim would happily use a Ron joke on Monkey Fist, but the two of them never quite had the rapport for linguistic ballet.
Yet despite everything, Ron could probably march in and tick Monkey Fist off like any internet troll worth their salt. Kim wonders what kind of gags Ron would go for. There's the obvious monkey jokes, but also now the zombie gags. Seeing how the old coot's risen from the dead and everything. It was Amy's doing, but Monty ditched her fast and partnered up with Dementor. Their plan has some kind of synergy between evil plants and ancient Monkey Tomes or whatever. Kim never really knows. She just sees it and punches it.
With the crazy media coverage lately, it makes sense that Monkey Fist's resurrection flew under the table, but it really is too bad that Ron can't waltz over and check it out. Maybe Kim should do some verbal sparring with the Brit for Ron's sake.
Ugh. Kim's not even here for Monkey Fist. Shego's got him on lock after all. Kim has to remember that and keep her eyes on the prize. She thinks it over. Using Ron's little joke might actually work for a strategy on how to win Shego over. Shoot. She should text Ron back before she forgets — no, she'll text after she gets Monty's reaction. That way Ron will text her back a few hours later with an emoji. Or a stinkin' el-oh-el if she's lucky.
Kim sighs in a way that would even make Eeyore concerned, and kicks open the vent. She rolls out of the steel and almost immediately regrets diving in.
It's like entering a warzone. Exhausting to track from above, on ground level her heart threatens to thump its way out of her chest. Because it's not turquoise — it's green and blue. Separate. She can't quite see Monkey Fist from here but he's surely putting up a fight, throwing out blasts that rival Shego's. The beams shimmer like flames, dancing erratically. Neither light lets up, blasting into the next beam, etching a matrix of death all around the room.
Just as Kim's about to stick her landing, a beam of blue comes out from under her. She holds back a scream and twists up, firing a grapple line back into her hidey-hole air duct, line going taut fast. She swings up, narrowly avoiding the blue but instead finds her back running against a column of green fire from Shego. She screams, but manages to hold on tight, and releases another grapple line, and swings through a safety gap in the blaze.
Kim throttles between the blasts, spiraling in the air, peeking through every gap to find something — anything — she can grapple onto, but just as she finds a straight fall to the floor there's a terrible screech that gnaws at her eardrums. One of Dementors petunias snaps up at her, bulb bigger than Kim's entire body.
Right Evil mutant plants. She totally forgot.
White teeth as long as Kim's arm, tightly knit into ugly rows along the maw, snap at her, splattering acid into the air. Kim's not fast enough and one particularly jagged tooth snags her foot and whips her through the air.
Gravity wants to throttle Kim down into the monster's gullet, but she preserves all the strength she's got and keeps herself held tall and poised no matter where the monsters whips her. At the peak of its swing, she pops one foot up and back down, crashing a boot into a tooth, knocking it free. Acid sprays from the gap in the mouth and Kim falls, slipping into the mouth. She grabs two teeth and kicks both feet into teeth opposite her, limbs searing from the momentous effort. But her weight makes short work of the creature, and it tumbles on down to the floor.
Just before it hits stone, she rolls out of the bloom and narrowly avoids a stream of green fire that the monster falls into, promptly burning down to ash. Kim finds her bearings fast, wiping sweat from her forehead. Her head hurts more than it should and she decides she's probably poisoned. She quickly radios to Drakken, asking him to scan her vitals while she works. Another petunia lashes at her, but Kim's ahead of this one and grabs the roof and floor of its mouth, cracking her arms far apart to keep the mouth splayed open. She pushes hard, already short sleeves rolling into her shoulders. She raises her feet and dropkicks the horrid beastie in the mouth and it bends under her.
Kim hits the floor at a roll and finally catches sight of Shego and playfully waves to her. Shego's eyes widen because seriously? Kim what the heck. Or fuck. What the fuck is more Shego's speed.
Ever since the Lowardians, big guns got drawn and people, including Shego apparently, like to think that means Kim isn't up to par anymore.
Well, not quite. Check the name.
Kim snaps back into action, somersaulting back, just as another rogue petunia dives at her. But she's got the leverage to launch herself above him, and she grabs its wiry stem like she's at the gym, twirling a full 360° before coming back down with a stomp that's the equivalent of crushing someone's windpipe. It whimpers before falling fully slack.
Two more come. She leaps and throws her legs into a full split, cracking one of the creature's maws wide enough to keep her safe. Meanwhile, her arms grab onto one of the other creature's teeth, yanking down on it like Quasimodo does every morning in Paris.
The tooth snaps free and the creatures roars, tumbling to the ground. Kim slips the jagged thing under her arm and twists her body like a pretzel, grabbing the petunia holding her by its tooth and — CRACK!
The first petunia thumps off the floor, and Kim lands between the slain beasties, stabbing both through the heads, grinning at Shego like a mischievous kid might.
"Princess, hey, you need to — "
"Hold that thought!"
Kim leaps into the air again, twirling like a helicopter, the twin teeth whirling around her and catching yet another petunia in both sides of its gaping mouth. But Kim doesn't stop there. She keeps spinning and the teeth cleave right through the jaw, decapitating the monster. Kim hits the ground, coated in plant mucus, but she's not quite through yet.
"Five o'clock!" Kim shouts and Shego ducks, one of the teeth launching over her head like a javelin and nailing the final petunia in the face. It bursts into acid and splatters across the floor.
Kim brushes the hair from her eyes and shoots another winning grin at Shego. But that grin quickly becomes a grimace as Kim is suddenly thankful for all the fencing classes she took. Bolts of blue fly at her. Kim swings the tooth up and down, deflecting the bolts as they just graze her. But the blue is too fast for any human, even her, and after ten volleys one bops the tooth from her hands, knocking it into the air and yards behind her.
A fist as big as her head materializes in the air and goes for broke, angled just right to pop her skull open. But Kim's got something else in mind.
"Wow, it's really bananas that you're back from the dead, Monty."
The flaming fist stops right before her face. Quickly, the blue light coagulates into a tangible form before her. Monkey Fist sweeps a scoop-shaped thumb across his long nose and sneers at her. He's evolved a bit since she last saw him. Hair is a bit more wild, muscles a bit more trained, and his eyes empty blue fire from his sockets. He's flanked by a blue aura, but it's nowhere near as crisp and clean as Ron's.
"What — did — you — say?" Monkey Fist hisses.
Kim bites her lip and tries not to giggle out of anxiety. "I — said — it's — bananas — that — "
"OOOOOOOOOOOH!" Monkey Fist whistles like a train, big honkin' feet stamping against the ground like a child's. The fire fades and Kim can see the long sloped lines of his distorted face. "That makes me so mad!"
But before the gentleman can throw a rather uncordial tantrum, one of Shego's plasma bolts knocks him upside the head and blasts him across the width of the entire room and into a wall, where stone bricks avalanche onto him in heaps.
When the dust fades, Kim sees Shego staring at her with the coldest expression the mercenary's ever flashed, fists rolled so tight that they shake, wedged into her hips.
"Bananas?! That's the best you had? You just risked your life to say Wow Monkey Fist, it's really bananas that you're back from the dead?!"
Kim frowns and scoops her phone out, quickly showing the screen to the green woman. "Ron told me to say it. Speaking of…." She dives back into the text thread to fire off a —
Kim [6:58PM] Good one. That really got him going.
— before emerald fire surrounds Kim from all over, crafting a tunnel leading out to the exit, archways burning all the way out. Before Kim can jump to Shego's side, a wall blisters the floor between them and separates the two.
"Out! Now!" Shego screams, flames so dense Kim can't even see her.
"Huh? No way!" Kim pouts. "This is my turf as much as it is yours!"
"No it's not! This is my gig, like I get a bounty for stopping them! You don't so stay out of it!"
Kim shuts her eyes and forces it from throat even though she really does not want to air this.
"Shego, stop yelling at me, please. Why can't we just be friends?"
That hangs in the air for a little longer than either is comfortable with. Kim's cheeks burn red and she continues, "Shego, I'm serious — I like you. Like really, really like you. You're funny and tough and smart and I always had fun sparring with you and I think it'd be good for the two of us if we started working together."
An imprint of Shego's body sinks into the wall, just enough for the grimace to set itself nice and strong. Though the neon light does make Kim's eyes water, so she tries not to look for too long.
"We were not sparring," Shego grunts. "Maybe you were — you've never been that responsible. You're lucky Doc's so dense or maybe we would have taken over the world."
The outline of the mouth moves but it's hard to say in which direction; but it's okay. You don't need nonverbal cues from Shego to get where she's at.
The flames flare towards the tunnel and Kim has to firmly plant her boots down to not be swayed. But she's bleeding from the toes because of the planets and that poison is doing god knows what to her body. She can't hold on much longer.
"I wouldn't resist if I were you," Shego taunts. "Could easily break a bone trying for the immovable object gambit."
"You wouldn't," Kim sneers. "They were spars. You've never tried to hurt me. But other people do. Every day. And if you don't want to be my friend, fine. But still join up. Some back-up would be great, or else Monty might whip me into a Kimmie Frappé."
Kim slips. One heel flies up and the other follows. She flails her arms but it's no good. She gets one last look at Shego before being throttled.
"Puh-lease, Princess. You don't need little ol' me, do you? I thought you could do anything!"
She's airborne and not even sure if Shego can hear her, and it's hard to talk with the wind blasting down her throat, choking her. But she says something because it's important. It comes out as a croak and Shego does hear it, two flares arch up just slightly at the words:
"You know that's not true anymore."
A bellow of air jams its way down her throat and another swing nails her in the nut. She flies back and somehow miraculously lands on her feet, just outside the fortress. Not from any effort of her own. She cracks her head up and watches the flames give way to ash and frowns. Shego is — powerful. It's a little unnerving.
Why is everyone just now deciding that they can outclass her?
Kim blinks back something that might be tears and grinds her knuckle against the dirt. "Dammit."
"Sorry to eavesdrop, but you know I can't resist the hot goss," Drakken says stoically through the earpiece. "You need a different approach, pathos won't work on Shego. Or at least — erm — words. Good at using them, not so much listening."
Kim finds the embarrassing tears and crushes them with the back of her glove, forearm rising to wipe off the sweat and goop. "I can do this right?"
"What? Recruit Shego or defeat the evil plant army that's MY idea and so poorly implemented by Demenz and —"
"Drew. Focus."
"I'm talking about Shego. Is it worth trying? I think I got poisoned earlier and I don't know if it's a good idea for me to…."
"You are poisoned. I didn't want to tell you because you were working, but…."
Kim's posture droops. "Great."
"Kimberly Ann, I hate to be a Negative Nancy but this is poor strategy. You're not going to impress Shego by beating people up. Nor will you words. Maybe, if you can get back in there before she — erm — after whatever it is that she does to her 'targets' — perhaps I can Dr. Phil for you two."
Kim raises an eyebrow. "Dr. Phil?"
"Don't tell me you don't know Dr. Phil!"
"Uh — tell me you don't still watch cable television."
"What? People don't watch — what do they watch then?"
"It's streaming platforms all the way, Doctor D."
The next scene is just as much of a warzone as the left, but this time Kim's poisoned.
No blue lights this time at least, just plants. But more plants than ever. Vines and stems everywhere, wriggling and writhing with the occasional flash of plasma bleeding through. Kim can hear Dementor yucking up a storm about — something. She's not sure what could possibly be funny given that Shego is schooling his army of plants. Like yes, she's outnumbered but — oooooooh.
It's because resistance is futile. They're not just plants, they're infinite. Like a hydra. Whatever Dementor's doomsday machine is probably has the ability to respawn them lickity split. But Shego's more crash crash boom than nuance. She probably doesn't connect Dementor's laughter to anything other than a personality defect of his. That being he is very annoying, which is true.
Kim narrows her eyes and sees a massive, whirring machine in the back of the throne room. The stones have been stripped from the floor, giving the gadget ample amount of dirt and soil to work with, and if Kim squints, she can see small hints of green tailing under the metal panels. So that's her target.
No matter how depressed the idea makes her, she has to suck it up. Because she is Kim Possible and she actually can do anything. Long as she doesn't overthink things. So she strains her cheeks and forces that grin. It sort of helps. Just a tad.
Ron would want her to smile. She would too.
There's a creak from below and Kim peers down to see the furry head of Monkey Fist passively entering the room. He stands before the whirring mass of green and takes in a deep breath. Big fists start to glow blue and from where Shego's standing, there's no way she can see him. Too much overlap of color.
Meaning like it or not, it's showtime. Kim has to save Shego.
Kim drops down from above, ramming her hands into the back of Monkey Fist's neck, cracking his chin deep into his chest. While he hunches over, she rolls off his back and lands in a sprawled out Look at me! kind of position.
It's a move that yadda yadda won the cheerleaders oy old jokes, yeah?
"KIM POSSIBLE!" Monkey Fist shrieks with such volume that his jowls are set a-quiverin'. He pounds his chest and launches at her. His fists cut through the air, leaving behind burning trails of blue that linger for a few extra seconds before dissipating. Kim backsteps fast, just managing to avoid each swing. She's not stressed because she's smiling, and that jubiliance makes it all look easy.
"Quit monkeying around, Monty," Kim snarks. "I don't have all day."
Monkey Fist's forehead throbs with rage and it's a wonder he was ever even capable of tolerating Ron's loudmouth, considering how bad Kim's jokes are. Get a real punny buy in the room and Monkey Fist would probably have a heart attack. But it's 'kay, Kim'll settle for the undying rage. His fists pick up the pace and while the blue trails don't linger in the air as long now, the swaths of power glow darker.
Kim somersaults back to avoid one particular devastating swing, legs almost snapping out from under her upon landing. She opens her mouth for some other joke, she's actually not quite sure what she'll say yet and it ultimately doesn't matter because Monkey Fist's knuckle cleaves into her jaw. Her whole body shoots up like the bell in a strongman game, another fist coming from above, fist splintering into her eye.
She falls back, now brandishing an impressive shiner. "Nice trick," she spits a gob of blood to the floor. "But I don't think any of the audience members at the circus would laugh at it."
"Eh, that one's a stretch, methinks," Monkey Fist chortles, grabbing her by the scruff of the tunic and lifting her into the air. Things slow down, mostly from Shego's now divided attention; yes, she noticed. She stands as still as a statue, glowing hands only occasionally flying out to smack a rogue plant away.
"You won't harm another hair on her head, Monty," Shego growls.
"Ha, as the youth say: As if," Monkey Fist laughs and though one of his hands is still free, it's an invisible one that throttles by at the throat, knocking her whole body into the air. Her body weighs against the neck, stretching the tendons farther than they should ever go, bone preparing itself to crack. "You'll do nothing to me you welp."
Kim feels the blood rush to her head, but another crack! and the invisible hand whips her to the ground. She hits the ground. Hard. Rolls several feet, shoulder smashing against her collarbone.
Monkey Fist's big square teeth grind against each other. "Nobody makes a fool out of me."
Kim doesn't need to look to know that she's standing between Monty and the doomsday machine. All she needs is to let the show go on. She cranes her neck up even though doing so causes blistering pain. "Don't you mean make a monkey out of me?"
Kim doesn't even get to appreciate the villain's resulting beet red face because an all-consuming blast of blue masks everything. But she does feel a burning in each and every one of her joints, body shooting high into the air and arching into a spiral. She flies far and just as the white floor rushes up to crash into her nose — she feels something tight squeeze into her, body accordioning into itself from whiplash.
Shego slides a hand to the small of Kim's back and leans her up from the teeter totter angle and their noses briefly brush against each other before Kim gently falls onto the floor. A dome of green fire materializes around them, the burning embers overtaking what sounds like an argument rumbling between the two partnered villains —
"Monty, you almost scorched mein evil plant army! Careful!"
"But — but — she called me a monkey!"
— but no more after that, too much going on, like she's in a different room. "These powers are kinda new," Kim drawls.
Shego rolls her eyes. "It's not, I just didn't need to tap into this kind of power back in the old days. Now everyone's going nuts and — "
"You mean going ape," Kim sits back up. "I — "
"No, you're benched, Possible," Shego growls, eyes lingering on Kim's bruised eye longer than usual. "I cannot fight delusional powerhouses like these fools when I have to keep one eye on you to make sure you don't get clobbered. You're out of your league. Go back to babysitting, I don't know what else to tell you."
Kim tries to protest, but the words sputter out and don't mean anything. Not even worth transcribing.
"You are dying, Kim," Shego says without glancing over her shoulder. "We're never going to be friends. So give up. Move on. You're a great kid but — show's over. I'm not burying you."
Kim is too stunned for words, and squints away more tears when Shego dashes off right quick, passing through the flames like it's nothing. Kim's outstretched hand gently closes in on itself the arm retracts back to her torso. A dramatic gesture maybe intended to make her sudden loneliness feel a bit more valid, but instead she just feels feeble. But Kim is not feeble. She's anything but feeble, and she needs to get back in the ring ASAP.
Even if it kills her. But it won't.
With no time to waste, Kim crosses her fingers that Shego isn't actually trying that much harder, and rolls forward. The flames lick her from all over and — oh, so that's what a ten on the pain scale looks like. This is worse than Monty's magic, but is torture, literal torture. She can't think straight, can't process anything else. Her ears ring and when the cold air of the castle room crosses through her, she vaguely sees a yellow blob. It's — keening? Scared — eyes dilated to the extreme, uvula flying like a pendulum.
The green flames pass in front of her and the white hot numbness returns — she kicks Dementor upside the head and conks him out, throwing her body to the ground and rolling against the floor. It takes longer than she'd like but it does the work and kills the fire.
She checks on Shego, cringing and screaming from the pain bubbling all over, and finds Shego going toe-to-toe with Monkey Fist, while also dealing with — no — fending off — the plant monstrosities. Against either party, she'd fare fine, but these are two titans to reckon with. Kim checks the machine puppet mastering the whole plant army and it's definitely too big and too complicated to take out — unless….unless she turns back to Monkey Fist and cups her hands to her mouth and shouts —
"Hey Monty!"
Monkey Fist blinks and he lazily sucker punches Shego to the ground, briefly smiling at the blue light crackling between each of his hairy digits. When he looks up though, he is immediately flabbergasted. "KIM POSSIBLE?!"
"Geez Monty, are you new to this?" Shego rubs the golf-ball sized bump on her head. "Coming back from the dead is kind of her whole bag."
There's a bit of a sneer in that and Kim shrinks a little bit at Shego's glowering, but the green woman is quickly overcome by a renewed army of plants that tear out from the floor beneath her, shoving away the brick and mortar, to drag her deep into the soil. Monkey Fist laughs through his nose and stomps across the hall to Kim.
Kim could easily tick him off all the way from over here, but she's already kind of learned her lesson that maybe getting him to chipshot this isn't such a grand idea. Close-range all the way if we're talking Mystical Monkey Mayhem.
So Kim motions for him to come closer and throws on the appearance of a shout, but really it's a wide-mouthed whisper.
"Do you have any nieces?"
Monkey Fist blinks. "What? Erm. I — " he draws closer. "I didn't quite get that."
"Do you have any nieces?"
He blinks again and lifts a paw to his freakishly large ear, letting it guide him across the floor. "Kim Possible, please speak up. We are in the middle of battle, after all."
She repeats it. But quieter. "Do you have any nieces?"
He shakes his head. "Is this some sort of bit?" He growls and jumps onto all fours, prancing right on up to her, lifting himself back to his full height with fists wedged against his hips. "I am not in the mood for a bit."
"Not a bit," she shrugs, stepping backwards. He doesn't consciously think to follow her, but he does it anyways. "I was asking if you have any nieces."
"Hrm," Monkey Fist scratches his square chin. "Not by blood — though I suppose Bates had a kid a few years back, I suppose I could count their kin as my nephew."
Kim nods, and while she doesn't think her joke is actually that funny, she smiles so wide it hurts. Especially considering the pain. But this is what Kim Possible does. This is how she saves the world. She chuckles between words like a lovable stand-up. "Is your kin by chance — a monkey?"
"What?" Monkey Fist drapes a hand over his head to better itch his forehead. "I don't — understand — monkey?"
"Why you'd be a monkey's uncle then!"
If only there were a little monkey sidekick there to smash some cymbals together, that'd be great. But the joke lands anyways and Monkey Fist goes so red this time his aura actually twists into a sickly violet.
"OOOOOOOOOH!" he screams and lunges at her, waves of power emanating from his fists; this is strength he doesn't even know. Otherwise he wouldn't be getting so up close and personal about this. But his fists lash out like an excited kid playing whack-a-mole and it sets Kim at a fast enough pace that's she actually a little worried about running backwards so quickly.
One particularly devastating kick flies up like Charlie Brown screwing up and eating dirt instead of football, and Kim has to somersault back to avoid it. She lands on top of the doomsday machine with all four limbs splayed out, taking on the sort of stance that's more Ron's scene. Monkey Fist's kick lodges itself directly into the metal and sparks fly.
Kim laughs and quickly kicks off her boots, letting her bare feet hook toes around loose nuts and bolts to better hold her balance. She then looks straight down at Monkey Fist and giggles, "Well look at that! Monkey see, monkey do, huh?"
Monkey Fist screams and flips upwards, somersaulting up the metal after her. She flips back, landing on top of the machine just as Monkey Fist shoots over her, momentarily gripping the bricks in the wall so that he can better direct a dropkick onto her person. But no magical aura this time, just pure monkey.
Kim blanks.
She wants to make a cheerleading joke because those are honestly some stellar flips — and she's been thinking of replacing some people on Harvard's cheer team (yes, two months in and she's already captain). But she knows she should stick to monkey gags and then Monkey Fist's two bare feet slam her in the chest, big and wide enough to dig into her whole form and she falls clean off the machine and hits the ground.
Before she can even get up, Monkey Fist is before her. He lifts her by the front of her tunic and smashes her body up against the machine and flashes a smirk so gnarled that it fully exposes one of his deadly canines. "You thought you could fool me, Kim Possible?! Ha! You act as if I am a rank amateur! Perhaps if you were my hated arch-foe, Ron Stoppable, you'd be more clever with your jokes but I, I am an educated man who comes with wealth, prestige, and a Master's in Primatology from Oxford! You will never be smarter than me, nor will you ever be stronger."
Monkey Fist gives her the once over. Bleeding foot, black eyes, scratched up all over, crazy burns….but not quite enough for his tastes so he punches her in the face, almost hard enough to knock her loose, but his grip is too tight for that.
"Looks like I win!" he chortles.
Kim tries as hard as she can to resist the burn in her neck and looks up, though it appears like her head's balancing on a slinky. "What's your damage with Ron, Monty? It's like he's a chimp on your shoulder."
Monkey Fist blinks and grinds Kim deeper into the metal. "The boy is not a chip on my shoulder — for I am the all-powerful…."
"Ah," Kim crawls, sliding her hands up against her face. "Monkey see no pun, monkey hear no pun…."
"Wh-what?" Monkey Fist sputters. "Pun — what?"
Kim's face falls. "Hello? Chimp on your shoulder?"
Monkey Fist blinks. Ties together a few stray thoughts and screams at the top of his lungs, darting in for the kill but Kim's legs roll up into his stomach and swing up and over, smashing him against the machine. She hits the ground first and he stumbles after her, sparks beginning to spiral around him.
"You think you'll get me to destroy my own machine, Possible? Don't be ridiculous."
Monkey Fist draws closer. Kim checks for Shego to make sure she's hanging in there — and she's not. There's just too many monsters for her take on at once. Maybe she's still thrashing, but it's a dogpile to overcome.
Kim crouches down, mostly from her draining energy, and glares ahead. "Monty, do you know where Ron Stoppable is?"
Monkey Fist snorts, so Kim fills in the blanks. "He's taking down terrorists of whom you don't even know, of whom I don't even know, because my security clearance isn't that high. See, Ron only takes on the A-Level."
"Tsch," he flashes his canines again. "I am a solid A. They'll all see that soon."
Kim steadily backs away, bare heel sliding against the rim of stone. She stays there and Monkey Fist's big feet steadily sink into the soil, the sparks still alive. His whole frame quavers with raw power and she grins.
"No, they won't. Because you're B-Level. These guys Ron takes out? They're serious. They're organized. They don't throw temper tantrums at bad jokes."
Something in Monkey Fist stifles and she's knows it's getting to him. If even just a little. But this isn't enough so she keeps pushing.
"Well," he leans in as if balancing on a cane. "I have superpowers. Surely, that bumps me up. I'm just — insecure — is all."
"Mm," she bites her lip and widens her tance. Any second he might blast her. But he's not mature enough for that. "Yeah, it's the only thing keeping you from the D-List. You have powers. I do too. It's why I'm a B-Lister."
"You," he snorts. "You have powers?"
"Yes, it's called never giving up."
"I don't think that constitutes for much," the sparks redirect around him, slowly angling themselves to rip from his muscles where they have a better vantage point to obliterate the teenager. "I hit you one more time and you're out for good, Kim Possible. So choose your next words wisely."
"Okay — a promise then. I'm not gonna lay a finger on you and still take you out. You'll go to jail but don't worry Monty: I'm B-Squad, I don't stand a chance against you. So we won't fight, but you will lose, and when they haul you off, you're going to look me in the eye and despite all the power you've smacked me with, I'm going to smile."
"Oh," he mock shudders. "I'll make sure you don't smile."
"Tsch." Kim tries not to ler her eyes linger on the sparks licking the soil. She tries to brace herself for something incredibly painful. "You know I heard that monkeys can get time shaved off their sentences if they volunteer to be shot into space."
Monkey Fist roars (predictable) and the sparks flare up, slicing into the soil and with that — every single root protruding from the machine, all burned off in one fell swoop. Kim hears the terrible, inhuman death calls disturb and splinter her ears, each bulb crashing to the ground like a fallen tree. But the sparks swirl together and rush at Kim in a haze and even in her most peak physical condition — no mortal can withstand that.
But she can yadda yadda do anything whatever. You get it.
The blue light cascades at her and Monkey Fist cackles with laughter — that is until his sparks not only kill the plants, but travel up the stems like dynamite fuses, all the way back to the machine they spawned from and — well — ka-boom. An earth shattering ka-boom.
The machine blasts apart and the resulting explosion nails Monkey Fist in the back.
So it's the two of them that go soaring, one after the other. Kim, scorched to a crisp, hits the floor first. Monkey Fist lands besides her and despite all the Mystical Monkey Power resting in him, Kim is the one that's still conscious.
She can't hear a damned thing, but there's a white shadow with triangular dimensions hovering above her face, chastising her over….something obvious probably. Their voice is harsh but it's the touch that betrays them, the way her finger so gently scoops Kim's face upwards. Twin green lights plume in the air and Kim realizes that it's Shego.
"Hi," Kim rasps.
"Kimmie…" Shego stutters. She must have just said a lot and Kim almost feels sorry she missed it, but that intense Kimmie kinda collectivizes it all together pretty well.
"I know," Kim coughs. "But now you know you don't have to worry about me on the field."
Kim's limp wrist doesn't support that claim, nor her watering eyes. "But you don't really care about that right? You trust me enough. You're just scared of being my friend, right?"
It catches in Kim's throat when Shego lifts Kim up and slings her chin over her shoulder, face burying deep into Kim's shoulder.
"I'm not scared," Shego mutters, her voice like crystals. "I don't know how I feel."
Kim looks at her very seriously. "Shego — I'm sorry I was mean about you being a hit-man now. But you don't have to do that work. I don't know what damage you carry and you don't have to tell me but I want you to take this seriously. Please. Please please please. Work with me, Drakken, and Wade. We're not just going to save the world, we're going to have fun."
Shego's jaw lowers because she's obviously not used to someone asking her that. It dangles long before she finds something typical of her personality to use as a retort, but it's just not there, so she wipes her eyes. "I can't believe you committed that hard to the monkey bit. Honestly though, you peaked really early in. Like seriously Princess, it's called a tight-five for a second."
Kim laughs way harder than she should and it's embarrassing, but it's okay because it's been one of those missions.
A man in a blue coat click-clacks into the battlefield, notebook in hand. Green fire erupts in Shego's eyes and she shoves Kimie off. "What do you want, Doc?!"
"Oh, I," Drakken bites his lip and checks the room. "Good — good job here. Erm. I'm going to Dr. Phil for you two so you can get through this conundrum."
"Ew, Doc. Dr. Phil?" Shego raises an eyebrow.
Kim whispers in Shego's ear. "Drakken doesn't know about streaming platforms."
Shego's eyebrow goes even higher. "Not even Netflix?"
Drakken's dry lips find themselves suddenly incapable. He just stands there.
"Also read the room, Drew," Kim coughed. "Me and Shego made up. She's part of the team, and tonight we're gonna introduce you to online serialized television!"
"But I — "
"Do you have an account?" Shego asks Kim seriously, who shakes her head in response. "Well, since we're doing you a solid, Doctor D, you'll be paying the subscription fees."
Kim grins. "Monthly."
He looks between the two of them. "Is it too late for me to change my vote to No, let's not invite Shego?"
Kim and Shego say it together. "Objection sustained."
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skhardwarevers2 · 3 months
On Worm Soup and Axes
At the time of writing this, I have no cares for convention and this is more of an “informal as FUCK character study of sorts, I don’t know–screw you I do what I want” sort of thing
Also Compelled by Hindsight is playing, which I find a bit funny for the character I want to quote unquote study (I don’t know if you’re supposed to use quotes after saying quote unquote…I can’t find any clear answers so I’m keeping it like that. Also I’ve read the word quote so many times it has been semantically satiated, hooray!)
So, now that we’re past my incoherent babbling, who is it we’re talking about this time?
Some of you may be familiar with the phrase “Worm Soup”, and if not–good. We don’t address it at all. Wormy–aka at some point worm soup, aka forest girl, aka Moose–has been the center focus of a lot of my thoughts recently. Why, you ask? Because really I never got too into her. For a lot of reasons that I’d rather discuss on my chaotic main–all you need to know is I’ve rewritten her quite a bit. 
Do I know her past quite solidly? Not at all. Why would you think that, stupid. You know I make those things up on the spot.
But I know her a bit better now–and her strange relationship with Moon and Crayon. 
I think it goes without saying that she is a way better person than either of them combined–or at least in current times. Though that strange bit of foreshadowing isn’t her fault, they say that the people you surround yourself with are the people that make up who you are–so what happens when you’ve grown attached to irredeemable people that never should have made it this far anyway? (Okay…maybe I’m being a bit harsh but you know how I feel about Mr. Worm and Moon)
Wormy is a strange character. I don’t know the details (she’d have to tell me herself, once she remembers, whatever the hell happened to her to make her like this) but she grows attached to just about anyone. Doesn’t matter what they’ve done to her or others, she’ll find a way to excuse it. Childhood best friends turned into a strange, not very friendly dynamic, is what I’ll say to describe the person that got her stuck up in that forest in the first place. Young people do stupid things in fiction, and because I’m a shut in loser who doesn’t talk to people half of my ideas of what “young people” do is based on slasher movies and such–blame the screen not the writer. (I’m mostly joking, but I do base a lot of her story on some slasher aspects–mostly the whole reckless young people thing and paranormal and strange “friend” dynamics…like Regina George and Gretchen when Kady was tearing them apart) 
But if any of that makes sense, hopefully you get the sense that there was some stupid gathering of people turned pretty deadly…because you know, it’s the forest…that ended with it taking Moose as the sacrifice and/or payment for their ignorance. And no it wasn’t her choice, but she didn’t want her “friends” to suffer so she stayed anyway. And loneliness can do a lot to a girl. Wandering the forest isn’t as fun as it seems. So meeting Crayon (and Moon) she was quick to ignore the many many red flags they had. 
And we know Moose, she’s kind. She’s naive. She’s the embodiment of a ray of sunshine. She’s not the kind to be violent 
I think we know where this is going
As time went on with her newfound friends their (may I say quite violent) habits and ways of thinking started to rub off on her. She was still wouldn’t do any of those things, she still tries to get them to think of something more peaceful–but when push comes to shove (or rather spear through the chest), her entire being shifts (which, if you still count the grave she dug and her mourning period as canon, is quite obvious). She’s reckless and willing to do anything to keep the people she loves safe. And she means quite literally anything. 
And I don’t really have a spot in the story for this just yet, but I really want to give this girl an ax…for normal reasons of course. (and for future paragraphs be warned, I will eventually talk about brutal ax murder. I cannot predict when or the length of which I will talk about it or in how much detail. Take that as you will)
That was a lie, I am very not normal about her with an ax in whatever scenario I happen to cook up. I’m not sure when the hell she’d do this, and call me a shit writer who doesn’t know his own characters–like I care, I’ll write it anyway, but I like to think at some point she hits a breaking point.
(okay real quick, about the “call me a shit writer” thing, I very much will care and fear this every day don’t call me out on this unless you can sugarcoat it so much it could kill a horse…back to me ranting)
I was thinking about the phrase “even a worm will turn”, which is hilarious considering her placeholder name (Wormy), but really (and for lack of any other word I can think of, sue me) poetic to me. 
Because yeah, a worm will turn. She will turn and do some horrific shit without even meaning it. Simply because of who she’s put herself around, and how much she wants to keep them safe.
Bloody ax murder shit, you know? (yeah so we made it to that part. I’ll revise this parenthesis with how much I get into it probably[…uh ... it's not too bad? It’s not finale or ARTCON level, but still a little graphic])
Like, I don’t know who the threat is just yet which is fucking up the late night thought I had about this but whatever. But someone or something poses a threat to people she cares about, that actually care about her (more on that earlier and later!). And I don’t know how she got the ax. She just picked it up, said “I don’t want to be defenseless” and after a bit of protest from her friends “I can fight for myself”, and carried it around wearily until this moment. She doesn’t know why she said that, she’s never hurt a fly for fucks sake–and she plans to defend herself with an ax? What was she thinking!
But then that moment comes, where she’s the only one left standing, ready to fight, ready to attack, and she just lets loose.
Like I’m talking serious overkill. Something ticked her off to the point that she’s covered in just as much blood as the person she’s attacking. Is she thinking? Probably not. She hasn’t felt pure rage like that just about ever and actually expressed it. And the “threat” is completely decimated, limbs detached, blood pooling out onto the floor and splattered on the walls. It’s completely gross, gorey, and in all honesty disgusting. It’s something more akin to what Crayon would find himself doing–but instead he’s staring in shock.
It takes her a second to realize, “Holy shit I just killed someone”, and there’s a few minutes of silence between everyone. Complete silence. Crayon and Moon think that they’re seeing things, Moose has literally been painted red by blood (if I didn’t make it obvious I think she would completely destroy this person to this point). When it does click she has a bit of a divide in her mentality. Her usual self is horrified, obviously. She couldn’t even listen to Crayon and Moon talk about death, and she just caused one. But there’s a small little part of her, saying “you did what you had to for them”
And that’s the thing with Moose. She can’t seem to do things just for herself. She’s always doing something for someone else. Often brushed off as her trying to be “helpful”, in my eyes she’s like a people pleaser with a premium subscription. She can’t shake the notion that what she did is slightly justified because she did it for her friends, she didn’t want them to get hurt. But she would never do that on her own. And so when I say that her friend’s violent ways rubbed off on her, I mean it more in a “she’s doing what she can to be like them, in hopes that it’ll make them like her more than they already do” way. Again that ties back to her past but we don’t need to get into that just yet. 
When it comes to Crayon and Moon’s reactions–they’re a little proud that she was trying to do the right thing and she stood up for herself, but also knowing her and how she really is they’re incredibly horrified and guilty. They know that she got the notion to do that from them, and the fact that she took it to such an extreme weighed on Crayon pretty hard. Because he’s done some messed up things, this is canon, obvious, an overall given, you get it. But the fact that he’s been trying to better himself only to watch someone who was so much better than him, someone he admired and wanted to be a bit more like (crazy I know), do the same thing he would’ve done in that situation makes him sick to his stomach. 
But enough about them. Because she does everything for them
She’s disgusted with herself, even after constant reassurement that they didn’t see her as a different person. It was just a mistake (although a pretty big one). She actually considers going back to the forest just to rot and die–maybe to let it tear her apart. 
And oh boy back to my favorite thing–Guilt.
Crayon and Moon are a tad bit worried that she might get haunted by it, since physical manifestations of guilt are very real (for example N/A and the Bugs, respectively). So for a good while they’re keeping a close eye on her, but nothing seems to turn up. Or at least that’s what they think.
She did get her own manifestation of guilt, but it’s a bit strange. It’s not really physical–not yet anyway. Hallucinations and horrific visions and dreams about the person she tore apart reanimated, just there. It takes a lot of different forms, but they all look gross, trust me. There’s other aspects too, but that’s just the horror nerd in me acting up. Blood on the walls and eyes and all that, strange noises in the middle of the night. 
And she doesn’t tell them, she doesn’t tell anyone. Not until it’s like real and a problem but I don’t want to get into that just yet. She keeps it to herself, moving on. And every time she thinks that she’s moved past it and she can live comfortably again it shows up to bother her. 
And I think you know where I get those parallels from. N/A makes itself known from time to time, and everyone knows it’s Crayon’s guilt. It constantly nags at him right when he thinks he’s safe. However, I don’t think I ever explicitly stated that The Bugs were Moon(/Stargazer)’s guilt entity. They kept it a secret, knowing damn well what they were. They were able to play it off as a nuisance rather than a reminder–which is what Moose does…
She knows this about both of them, but doesn’t say anything. She’s stuck in the “for them, not for me” mentality. So she’ll let it eat away at her until it’s real and she can’t ignore or hide it anymore. Blah blah blah the comfort to your hurt–I didn’t start typing away a storm to talk about comfort. Just the hurt. Fuck you. 
So…In lack of much else to say and no proper ideas for a conclusion take this jumble of words: Moose will turn, despite her own better judgment. Step on her all you want, she’ll bite back eventually. And she’ll regret it the second she does, whether you deserved it or not. Don’t give her an ax, never let me think again, I wrote this simply because of the bloody ax murder thing, sue me, go fuck yourself I know my characters make no sense, good day, and goodbye
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youmistme · 3 years
The third Kim.
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 ✑Pairing : Whipped introverted Popular! Taehyung x Art student sarcastic!  Y/N 
* honestly. this fanfic isn’t a personal favorite and not my best work. I apologize if it doesn’t fit your standards because it doesn’t fit mine either.* 
✑ Genre/Warnings: Highschoolers. Strangers to lovers!AU. Just your mild dose of swearing :)
✑ Words: 3.5k+
☞ Summary: After the rumour spread that Kim Taehyung has a crush on the art student with caramel eyes, all doom hails upon you- the art student with caramel eyes. 
☞ Note: Here i am AGAIN using one of my dreams as a fan-fiction idea bc why not? Also my first fanfic on tumblr! 
☞  Pied piper Kims the one you wanna imagine here! 
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Do not repost or plagiarize my work! You’re an untalented weak imbecile if you do so :) 
this is a work of fiction, does not represent the artist in it and their behaviour!
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You banged your fist against the girls cube for the third time before the door lock snapped. You broke it. Again. 
Groaning, your hands found their way to your temple- massaging them. You’re usually not the type of person to get pissed easily but this was getting out of hand- too quickly. In an amusing way of course. 
This was one of the nth times you were locked out of the girls bathroom, and the reason behind it just made you want to burn your tongue out and laugh at the same time.
“Looks like you finally got out, Y/N.” a high pitched voice echoed once you stopped outside the door. It was one of his fangirls. Just what you needed today, another one of the up-to-no-good brainless girls who’ve been after your ass. 
You grinned at the girl before patting your skirt. 
“I always get out, maybe not lock the door with a dollar store hair pin next time.”
She rolled her eyes, “Ugh- just shut up! You’re so annoying ugh!”
“sHut uP, yOu’rE sO aNnOYIng Ugh!” 
“Stop mocking me! Y-YOU OPPA STEALER.”
“Girl, go get a fucking job.”
Chuckling you walked out, ready for the other shenanigans the fan girls might bring in. 
You’ve received these threats and so have almost every other student in your school. It was intriguing- seeing the lengths these people would go to just for their “oppa” 
Granted, they couldn’t even pronounce the word oppa properly since half of them weren’t even korean. 
Such behaviour wasn’t new to you- just not to such a great degree. Yes, you’ve gotten hate for being friends with the two Kim brothers out of three. Especially Namjoon- but it was never this bad. You were friends with him for years so it all died down. 
Despite this, Namjoon and Seokjin were rather humble and simply did not give a flying fuck about their stalker-classmates. 
You didn’t know much about the youngest of the trio Kims, so much so you’d never even seen the lad. 
So when you found out this very lad was the reason these up-to-no-good fans were all up in your ass for the past month, you didn’t know if you should make a run for your dear life or crack a big grin and let them continue on like the clown you are.
A rumour spread (you convince yourself it’s a rumour and not true) that Kim Taehyung was overheard saying he has a crush on one of the art students, the one with quote-unquote caramel eyes. This was the last straw for the already thirsty for blood fan girls to come for your dear life. 
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1 month prior:
Taehyung was never the biggest fan of social gatherings- be it frat parties, club meetings or just any vicinity with several people. The constant chattering of the latest gossip in a hall filled with stale fried food and dizzy neon lights never seemed appealing. It felt more like a bunch of mosquitos buzzing around his head. 
No, he wasn’t a social outcast who wanted to evaporate into space because of the very reason of talking to people. Contrary to what some might think, he really enjoyed talking to others- sharing stories and exchanging laughs. Just not when there are fifty other strangers touching his shoulder or knee, rubbing their bodily sweat onto him like he was a tissue paper. 
Oh, and of course how could he forget? The swarm of females (and sometimes males) who followed him around as if they were the paparazzi themselves. He liked to call them ‘The-blood-and-dick-thirsty-fanatics’ and in short for the BADTF’s 
They were his classmates, and some even from different schools who went crazy with the thought of him. 
So tonight he had to be oh so careful with what he was going to do. Sucking up all the grimacing thoughts he got about going to a place where all of his school would be and having to live through the hell of their sweaty bodies and their pathetic but failed attempts at flirting, he put on his outfit. 
Normally he wouldn’t care for a night like this, but it wasn’t just a night- it was a special night. Today was his schools’ annual performing show. He never missed one of these any year ever since freshman year. It always got him excited- despite the people of his school seeming half dead most of the time, they put on a rather wonderful show when they needed to. 
Every year till grade 11 was a breeze for him to attend the performance show but ever since the fangirling started, even going to the toilet was difficult without one of the so-called fangirls writing a blogpost about how good he looked when he entered the boys washroom. 
Just existing felt like walking on glass shards to him so he knew that him going there would go two of the ways. 1. Everyone will magically forget he is there and leave him the fuck alone or 2. They’ll ruin the damn night like how they ruin everything. 
Upon entering the parking lot, he saw a bunch of cars parked at weird angles (the students parked them)- only some parked properly (the parents who parked them) 
The entire parking lot was empty with people and filled with cars, he figured he was a tad bit late. 
He stood there alone in the parking lot, clad in tight fitting black slacks with a loose button up black shirt with some design on it and he wore a silver necklace that adorned his neck like pearls. It looked odd but he somehow managed to pull off the outfit. His fingers were shaking a little, he was scared. He shut his eyes closed tight, bracing for any possible outcome. What if the night went horrible? What people trampled him over in the search of him? What if- 
“Lookin’ pretty nervous huh?”
He gasped a little before turning around, only to find a girl with a very- VERY amused look to her face. She wore a blue dress that was clinging onto her upper body and fell free when it reached her hips. The dress was a midnight blue with a dash of navy.  It contrasted her sun kissed skin which, just like him, was adorned with silver jewellery. His eyes widened. 
He didn’t say anything in response but just nodded. Luckily he decided to wear his mask today that covered his upper face. He didn’t know if it would help him keep the people from seeing his face or not. The girl in front of him seemed to not really care about the mask or that his ears were a soft shade of nervous-pink. 
He tried to change the topic. “D-did the show start already?” shit. He stuttered. He shouldn’t stutter!
Biting his lips in embarrassment, he looked down. The girl remained unfazed, she had a soft smile on her face. “Yes it did, ten minutes ago actually.”
“Oh, you’re late too?” he asked mostly to reassure himself that he wasn’t the only doof who came late. 
“Nope, came back to get the one-piece ear sets.” she gestured at her hand, she held a pouch filled with multi-coloured ear sets that one would use for singing on a stage. 
He nodded, a little disappointed. 
“So why’re you standing here all jittery and not heading upstairs?”
“I’m not jittery.”
“Your hands were shaking.”
“You kept moving back and forth and bit your finger.”
“How did you even notice all of that?” he was befuddled with her quick responses  
“Magic!” she waved her hands around in a twirly motion and made a surprised face. 
He chuckled a little before cracking a soft grin. 
Taehyung was now seated on one of the red cushioned chairs in the back of the theater where the last performance took place. After this, he’d find himself either booking a cab or bolting it down the parking lot to get it to his car as soon as possible. He never stayed long enough to find out what happened after the performances were over, he never cared. 
This night however, was different. The entire atmosphere changed because of a certain pixie in blue who sat beside him the entire night with her pretty caramel eyes twinkling with mischief and snarky remarks.
She leaned closer to him and whisper-yelled “Not sure why the centre dancer decided to wear granny panties today- you could see it from all the way up here!” 
He snorted loudly and almost started coughing because of how loud he laughed. Covering his mouth a second later to regain composure. 
“You have got to stop with those side comments, Miss Snarky.” he coughed out another laugh.
“Hey, not my fault he wore that ugly pair of underwear and flashed his ass off on stage. Besides it’s free Only-Fans content so I’ll take what I can get.”
“I see, you have your priorities straight.”
She hummed in a response while looking around the theater. Getting up from his seat, he ducked his head low and muttered a small ‘goodbye’ and turned around ready to leave. Ready to call it a night. Before he could even move a step further, a smaller hand grasped his. 
“Leavin’ so early? Why? It doesn’t end till another three hours!”
“Oh uh- I never stay that long. I’m more of a watch-the-performances-and-skedaddle-outta-here type of lad.”
“And I’m more of a won't-let-the-new-guy-she-met-tonight-go-before-having-the-full-experience type of gal, hope you don’t mind, yeah?”
 Not wasting a second before she yanked him out of the theater only to enter another room, it was similar looking to the previous one but lacked all the red-cushioned chairs. There was a huge white table on the side of the room, an all you can have buffet. Some fifty year old fruit punch in a fountain that nobody bothered to have and of course, the students- all dressed like it was fucking prom. Clicking away blurry selfies with snapchat filters that made them look ten times more white or orange than they actually were.
He jerked back, stiffening. He so carefully managed to get by the entire night without being noticed- stepping here was like spilling paint water on your painting. He’ll get caught! 
“Aye, pretty boy. Looks like you saw a ghost?” she nudged his arm. 
“I think I saw something even worse.”
“Can we head back?”
She looked at him curious, tilting her head to the side. Oh did he want to melt because of her cuteness but also wanted to commit bloody murder for bringing him here.
“Don’t like this place?”
“Nope. Not one bit. It sucks ass- can we go? Nevermind- I’ll go. You can stay.”
“Woah woah, wait. Calm down, Sparkle eyes. What’s the rush? At Least tell me why you're ditching me when all I did was talk about the dancers' granny panties all night.”
Sparkle eyes? Pretty boy? Fuck, taehyung wants to melt into a mushy puddle of euphoria so bad.
“I- just can’t. Wish I could tell ya, but my lips gon’ stay sealed, Snarky.”
Her lips curved with the nickname again. One night and they’re already red and on a nickname basis.
“Just one dance?” she tugged her bottom lip out in a pout and oh, did he want to say no so badly but his heart disagreed. He does think with his ass most of the time instead of his head like he’s meant to- so he agrees. “Just one.”
A lopsided grin flashes her glossy lips as she holds his hand, walking to the corner of the room where there aren’t many people dancing. 
They wrapped their arms around each other, his on her waist and hers on his shoulder. Waltzing back and forth to the slow jazz which played. Everyone seemed very busy (surprisingly) and did not pay attention to him. He thanked the lord silently for sparing him one night to breathe. 
“So, Sparkle eyes?”
She stopped her reverie to look back at the boy she was dancing with, he had a small glint in his eyes. Well that’s all she could see. “Huh?”
“Why’d you call me sparkle eyes, I understand you calling me pretty boy because look at m-”
“I’ll stop you right there, maybe I should just call you Mr. narcissistic instead.”
He shook his head and grinned while tightening his grip on her waist. They inched closer. 
“And I called you Sparkle eyes because- well, your eyes sparkle. It’s like you have stars in them.” she chuckled at her explanation. 
Taehyung was never a fan of those cheesy names, but when it fell from her mouth- it seemed alot better than he’d ever imagined. This was the third time he almost saved himself from melting into a gooey-sap boy, who has the teeniest crush on the girl in front of him.  
“My eyes sparkle?”
“Yeah. I could tell better if you didn't have that ridiculous silver mask covering half of your face.”
He gave a tight lipped smile and mouthed a no. 
“You never told me your name, snarky.”
“Snarky it is.”
“Oh come on, wouldn’t I wanna know the name of the pretty in blue who entertained me and waltz around with me to some outdated jazz music?”
“Well, pretty in black; the names Y/N.”
“Oh aren’t you-”
“OH MY GOD! GUYS! KIM TAEHYUNG IS HERE TONIGHT?!” a voice cut him, it was one of the girls of his class. Taehyung visibly stiffened. 
A big gasp from the crowd and everyone looked around. “No way is the Kim Taehyung here?”
“What if my Taehyung oppa is here! Oh my god, guys move! I need to re-do my makeup.” another girl spoke and rushed to the nearest washroom. 
“No- I will look good for my oppa, not you!” another screamed.
Y/N leaned in closer to Taehyung, “Why is Kim Taehyung here?” she asked as if the said guy wasn’t in front of her.
He sighed in relief, she hadn’t known all night that he was Kim Taehyung. He could make a save and go home safely. “Not sure. Anyways, It was a great night and all but I really need to make a run for it now.”
“Oh” she took her hands off of his shoulders and stood back with a small smile. She didn’t seem to question his leave since he was so adamant to leave in the first place. 
 He leaned in closer one last time and breathed out “Good night, Snarky.”
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Present day-
A hand slammed onto your side of the table, catching you attention. You were currently seated in the cafeteria- enjoying your lunch with your four other friends.
Looking up, you see the owner of the over manicured red painted hand that disturbed you. The once dull eyes of yours were now replaced with amused eyes and a mischief shine. 
Standing in front of you was none other than Lee Mackenzie- the self proclaimed number one “fan” of the youngest Kim and alleged “love of his life.”
A grin spread on your glossy pink lips, pursing your lips into a pout you looked at the girl with fake confusion. “I’m sorry but who are you?” 
Mackenzies eyes widened, like you had offended her for life. Her jaw slightly clenched but not for too long- her highness probably got hurt by clashing her two teeth together. “You know who I am, Y/N! Don’t pretend.” 
A nonchalant look on your face, you tilted your head as if you were even more confused.
“Smackenzie, calm down will ya? Our Y/N’s just humbling you down. Not everyone wants to waste their precious time knowing your existence. ” Jennie said from the side before bursting into laughter. Now the whole cafeteria's attention was fixed to them.
“Argh-” Mackenzie snickered while rolling her eyes. “Anyways, I am here to ask you one last time, does my soon to be boyfriend Taehyung oppa like you and have you ever talked to him?”
“Even if your Taehyung oppa talked to me, he doesn’t seem to acknowledge your existence.”
“Y/N! You snarky bitch! I knew it! You probably manipulated my oppa and you’re forcing him onto you! Ugh you-”
“Hold the fuck up, Smack. What makes your two brain cells think she’d ever wanna do anything with the Kim. Taehyung isn’t even your boyfriend.” This time Lisa spoke up, an obvious pissed expression on her face. She was done with her bullshit long ago. 
“Shut up! And don’t call me Smack! Y-you Lizard!”
The confused yet straight face you had all this time crumbled when you heard her pathetic attempt at a roast. Lips widening, the five of you couldn’t help laughing. It was too funny.
“Smack suits you Lee. Looking at you …”
You stood up, towering mackenzie.
“ Does make me wanna smack common sense into you!” pulling your hands into a fist, you launched at her- closer enough for her to flinch and almost fall back. 
Your fists never touched her- just scared her. 
The people of the cafeteria began laughing at the startled self proclaimed fan before she glared at them. They all shut up.
“If I ever see you leaching onto my TaeTae oppa then you’ll regret it, Y/N”
“What’re you gonna do? Tell my mommy? Ohhhh I’m scared!”
“He never looked at you in the first place so-”
‘AHHHHHHHH!” she screeched. 
“Christ! Why are you so obsessed with him?”
“Shut up you ugly witch! TaeTae oppa looks so much better than you!”
You laughed aloud. “Honey I don’t even know what this oppa of yours looks like. But if you insist.” you shrugged your shoulders. 
“Why can’t you hog onto some pathetic guy instead! I was going to give him a rose last week and make him my boyfriend! You and your stupid self just had to ruin it!”
Now you were feeling a little bitter- you were getting hate for something you had no part in. “Well, clearly he likes me instead of you, Mackenzie! You wouldn’t go this far unless he actually liked me, which seems like he does! So just fuck off?” 
Her eyes were red. She was fuming. 
You should have stopped pulling her leg now, despite how entertaining it was. You really should have. Or else ten minutes from then you and Jennie, Lisa, Roseanne and Jisoo wouldn’t be sprinting hot on your heels to the other side of your school.
The mob of frizzle haired girls with invisible torches and pitchforks ran behind the five of you, screaming and yelling- not caring about the startled teachers that stood curious but did nothing. You were in the library now, hiding under the desk while the other four scrambled to find somewhere to hide in the library. 
It was quiet for a good minute before one of the girls entered the room- searching wildly. After scanning around the room one last time- she left. Her face was bubbling with anger. “Just wait Y/N i’ll find you!”
Wincing you slowly came out from behind the desk. “We can’t stay here any longer unless one of ya’ll wanna be skinned alive.” Roseanne said while looking at the other four.
“Kinky.” you added with a laugh.
“I’m dead serious.”
The five of you hurdled onto the fourth floor of the other building of your school. It wasn’t long before you could hear the high pitched screams dragging closer to where you guys were. You needed to find a hiding place fast. 
“Look! Don’t they have a gym locker room right around the corner?” Jisoo whisper-yelled and pointed at the blue doored locker.
Without even uttering a single word all of you ran to the door, to your luck it was open. All of you got in- too busy to notice the inside of the locker room. Lisa was quick to her feet to use all the locks on the door and close it tight. 
Hands on your knees you huffed, stabling your breath. 
“This” huff “was” huff “a fucking” huff “workout!”
Roseanne and Jisoo nodded in agreement. Soon they turned to their side to see a pale Jennie. She looked as white as a ghost. Once meeting the direction Jennie was looking at the two stiffened in their position- eyes wide.
“Guys-” Lisa began but before she could continue another voice cut her to it. 
“Excuse me? Actually no- Excuse us. Who are you? And why are you here?!” 
It was a male voice. 
Tuning around you a saw man staring at you. Fluffy pink hair that shined from the window behind him. He had plump round lips with an oval face. His brows were pursed together  as he looked at the girls with a snicker. He wore a red jersey with the number 13 on it.
He did not seem to be welcoming. Hands folded together he waited for an answer. 
“We’re us.” Roseanne said with a shrug.
“Why are you here? Oh god you’re one of those fan girls-”
“What the hell dude? We’re not the fangirls, we’re RUNNING from the fangirls!” she exclaimed. Now she had her hands on hips- looking at the pink haired man. 
“Yeah and you expect me to believe you?”
“Listen you bubble gum candy head, before jumping the gun you might wanna put your assumptions aside.” 
“You did not just call me bubble gum head! You look like a cheap barbie with fried blonde hair!”
“YOU little-”
“Guys! What is going on?” now another voice came in, you looked up to see Namjoon standing there dumb founded. He wasn’t just the only one dumbfounded though- there were six boys standing in the cramped locker room all together. All with round doe eyes staring at the unexpected guests.
Looking at the familiar boy's voice you sighed in relief. His gaze fell on your form. He instantly looked worried. “Y/N! You’re here? What happened? Running from fangirls? I-”
“Joon, I’m...fine I think.” You both laughed. 
“You know her, hyung?” the pink haired boy asked with a pout. Namjoon nodded while walking up to you and hugged you softly. 
“Y/N’s a friend of mine from Lit club. Y/N- Jimin, Jimin Y/N.”
You smiled softly at him while he looked a little shocked but returned a grin. 
“And that's Jisoo- the one with black hair.” jisoo smiled a little before returning to her nonchalant expression. “That's Lisa and the scared one's Jennie.” they both waved with an awkward chuckle. 
“Lastly the fried blonde barbie here is, Roseanne.” she did not smile-glaring at him. 
Jimin smirked, “well aren’t you such a sweetheart, Roseanne.”
She chuckled before rolling her eyes playfully. 
Just then another figure walked in- or so- out of the shower that's installed in the washroom of the locker room. The raven mop of glistening hair that came out of the shower looked at your eyes first. Looking down you notice that he was shirtless. A set of abs on his stomach- they weren't too prominent but you could tell that they were there.
Holding your breath in you looked back at the guy, he titled his head before smiling up to you. “Y/N! Is it not?”
You blinked twice. You blinked thrice. How did this insanely hot guys with black hair know you?
“Don’t you recognize me? Snarky I thought I was more memorable than that.”
Your brow shot up. It was him. The guy you met almost a month ago in the school show. The boy in the silver mask who had the silkiest voice on earth. 
Laughing at the way you two met again, you spoke to him, “You’re the daddy long legs I met who came late to the show?”
“Hey! I was only ten minutes late” he playfully used a deeper tone. Playful or not- it did set your heart on an inextinguishable fire.
Namjoon looked perplexed- brows furrowed together. He looked back at the two of you. The boy standing with a pair of sweats and nothing on top and the girl who he seemed to have met before. 
It wasn’t long before he slowly pieced the things together- a rough idea formed in his head. He stayed quiet. “Y/N, how’d you guys get here?”
You looked back at Namjoon and exhaled a big sigh. Ready to explain the madness. “It was the fangirls. They were chasing us like hungry wolves.”
He remained quiet, looking back at Jimin. They exchanged glances and looked back at the boy with black hair who had a nervous look on his face. 
“Why were they chasing you?”
“Haven’t I already told you, Joonie? The girls have been all up in my ass since the past month because this damned brother of yours might have a crush on me!”
The boy with black hair winched at your remarks about him. He gulped and looked down. 
“Yeah. Taehyung said that. Did you ever try to talk to my brother about this?”
“I can’t! If i do, I’ll be burned to death and probably kidnapped. Don’t you know how crazy these people are? They’ve made my life into a circus.”
“You do know how Taehyung looks like, right?”
“No. I don’t. And at this point- I don’t wanna.”
“That twat’s made everything so difficult! And he hasn’t even had the guts to walk up to me and even confirm or deny any of this!”
“D-do you perhaps hate m-Taehyung, Y/N?” sparkles eyes said from behind her.
“I don’t hate- I LOATHE him. If I ever find him- I’ll make sure he doesn’t see the light of the day again.” 
He winced. 
“Whatever Taehyung did is pretty fucked up huh, Y/N” Jimin said beside Namjoon and glanced back at Taehyung with mischievous eyes. 
“Oh you have no idea. I’ve never even spoken to his dude and he suddenly tells everyone he likes me! How even.”
“Taehyung better make amends with you soon- don’t you agree, Jimin?’’ 
Jimin nodded in response and looked back. 
A stuffed groan from behind the three boys, you turned to see another boy standing there. Chocolate brown hair that fell over his brows. Round doe eyes staring onto you specifically. He was also wearing the red jerseys- all the boys were except Sparkle eyes. It had 12 written on it. “Will someone care to tell the rest of us what’s going on?” the boy said, brows furrowed. 
Namjoon turned around and muttered a sorry. “Jungkook- sorry kid. These are our friends. “
With that the said boy Jungkook gave a tight-lipped smile and waved, eyes shifting from Y/n to Lisa. 
Soon a loud bang came from the other side of the door. “Hello? Is anyone there! The soccer team?” a loud female voice spoke.
Namjoon took the initiative and spoke back, “Yes. We’re here. Who is this?”
“Oh-omo- Namjoon oppa~ It’s me- Soojin from Chemistry class!”
“I don’t know a Soojin and I don’t want to.”
“Oppa~ Don’t be mean. Have you seen five ugly girls running around the corner here? We’re searching for those rats.”
“It’s only the boys here. You can leave.”
You looked at Namjoon and mouthed a thank you.
“Can you open the door so that we can check!”
“No. Leave. Now.”
“Oppa! You don’t get it! We’re searching for Y/N and her rat friends!”
“I am not your “Oppa”, you can leave unless you’d want me to call the teachers on you.”
“What if you’re lying! WE NEED TO CHECK.”
“Thats’s it we’re bangging the door until you open it!”
Namjoon turned around and whispered “Hide!” 
Your blood ran cold. You looked at the four girls and motioned them to hide somewhere. Jimin must’ve understood your panik expressions, he grabbed Roseanne's hand whilst gesturing Jisoo, Jennie and Lisa to follow along. 
Before you could do a thing, a hand held yours- dragging you into the washroom and shutting the door tight. You were about to scream when a hand covered your mouth. Upon turning around- you saw Sparkle eyes looking at you. “Shush Y/N! I’m hiding you idiot.”
“I got scared, okay? Nobody just drags me into the bathroom and stands so close to me . . “
You just realised what you said, you noticed the way his broad chest was pressed against your head. Hand wrapped around your shoulder protectively in the tiny washroom. You looked up meeting his gaze. 
His deep black eyes that bore into you, you remember looking into them at night. It felt like deja-vu. The same starlight that lit up in his eyes when he looked at you so intently. Your lips parted, releasing a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
You hand reached out to hold his shoulder tighter- your chest pressing against his. His gaze never left yours. “We’re standing very close.” he slowly muttered. 
“Yes. Yes, we are.”
“Do you want me to go away?”
Silence. You didn’t say a word. You couldn’t- not when his galaxy of eyes bore into your soul, enticing you to hold him tighter. 
His gaze broke into a sad look when you didn’t answer him back. He slowly retrieved his hands. Your hands quickly found their way to his and you put them back to where they were before. “Don’t go.”
“SO YOU’RE TELLING ME THAT THOSE GIRLS AREN’T HERE?!” a loud female voice broke out from outside the washroom. You figured that the mob of fans had entered the locker room. 
“Listen Soobin, we don’t know who you’re talking about and why you want to find them so bad but they are not here.”
“Oppa! My name is Soojin not Soobin.”
“Does it look like I care.”
“What about Taehyung oppa! Is he here?”
“But he’s always with you guys!”
“Well he isn’t TODAY!”
You heard footsteps increase towards where the two of you hid. “Taehyung oppa! Are you in there!” A thud came from the door.
You looked upwards and saw Sparkle eyes gulp before looking away from your gaze. 
“I can see your jersey outside of the washroom here! I know your inside oppa!” She continued banging on the door. “Shit” he cursed under his breath.
He looked angry. Troubled. 
“YES! I’M IN HERE AND I WANT YOU TO LEAVE ME THE FUCKING HELL ALONE!” he yelled, grinding his teeth in anger.
“Oppa I-”
“No! Leave. Me. and Y/N alone!” His hands went up to the doorknob and twisted it open. Your eyes widened. “What are you doing!” you yelled but he simply held your hand tighter and stepped outside. 
There were around fifteen girls standing outside, all shooting fire at you when they saw you holding his hand. He took a deep breath and began :” Listen up and listen well, I like Y/N. you have NO rights to abuse me or the person I like. You don't own me!”
The girls grew quiet, gulping at his sudden rage. Taehyung was very laid back and introverted so this was very new for all of his BADTF’s 
“I am so sick of you guys not letting me or my hyungs have a normal life and make friends and talk to other people! I am not your oppa! You are not my friend or my family! Please let me live normally…” 
His voice cracked at the end, eyes red and glossy. He bit his lip before looking back at you. 
“It’s okay...you can cry if you want to.”
He sniffed before putting his head in the crook of your neck. You put your hand in between his hair, slowly patting it. “Funny how your eyes Sparkle even when you cry, Taehyung.”
 He chuckled, a drop of tear falling from his eyes to his cheeks. The pressure he’d been holding in releasing from the salty tears.
“You said you loathe Kim Taehyung.” he slowly released himself from your embrace. 
“Not when it's you.”
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facelessoldgargoyle · 3 years
Ok people need to start giving actual detailed information in their psa’s about potentially harmful substances, because I am brimming with hubris and having spent the first quarter of my life barricading myself sobriety, am hurling myself into the “fuck around” portion of my life with great enthusiasm.
Like, the popular post about the risks of drinking is an example of mediocre-to-good communication of information. Drinking 6 or more days a week is too much, drinking 3-5 drinks at a time is too much. Great, that’s specific! The post doesn’t really tell you what the risks are of binge drinking beyond “each time you binge you increase the risk of cancers/disease etc.” I know how to be safe, but not really what I’m being safe from.
I saw a video on tiktok explaining what inhalants are (focusing on different formulations of poppers mostly) and warning against consuming them. The risks listed were “sudden sniffing death,” which is cause by cardiac arrest, asphyxiation, when it gets trapped in your lungs, going into a coma because, quote, your brain is like nope not having this unquote, choking on your own vomit, convulsion or seizure, and passing out and hitting your head on something.
And like, ok, that makes inhalants sound dangerous, but she didn’t actually tell me how those things happen. From personal experience, it seems like hitting your head on something is extremely avoidable, by just lying on a bed when you’re doing them. But how often do you have to do inhalants before they get trapped in your lungs? Or cause irregular heartbeats? How likely is it that you die the first time? How likely is moderate harm? I like inhalants, and would like to consume them about once a month, and I would like to know what the consequences of that decision would be.
Cause that video kinda felt like scaremongering to me! I want to be able to talk about the risks of various substances without adopting the attitude of “do this once and you’ll die.” Basically, by proceeding with the assumption that the audience is adults who can make informed decisions on how to get fucked up.
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 3 years
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: Bakugo was once again, turned into a half wolf. Mina, knowing who was the right person to babysit him, asked you. Well.. She didn’t really ask, just pushed Bakugo into your dorm room and left. But hey, you didn’t mind.
Warnings: Swearing, grammar errors, flirting, pining, pet names, teasing, confessing, kissy kissy part, 
Genre: Fluff, Wolf Bakugo,
Y/n- your name, f/f- favorite food,
A/n: This is part 2 of “Stop making it difficult for the both of us!”.
I was bored so I thought that I should make a part 2. I had nothing to do rn. I suggest on reading part 1 first before reading this.
Your Quirk is Permeation in this fanfic! BUT your clothes doesn’t fall off your body. (This isn’t really mentioned on this part tho, I just wanted to add this here.)
Oh and if there is a collar that acts like a necklace when you put it on a pet or something, it’s kinda like that?
Reader: Neutral
Click here to see the other part(s) - Part 1 - Part 2 (Here)
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Made by: ??? (Please tell me who owns the art so I could credit them!)
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
It was the next Saturday after the ‘Wolf Bakugo’ incident had happened. You missed putting Bakugo on a leash like last time, but you knew that he wouldn’t let you do that again.
You were at the lobby with some of your classmates. The others chilling while the remaining were outside going somewhere. Either to go shopping or train.
You giggled as you reminisced that moment. Wishing that the event would happen once again, though you knew Bakugo wouldn’t like it.
“What are you laughing at?” Mina asked, looking at you with confusion. “Nothing.” You smiled. Mina lied on your lap and hummed. “I bet it’s about someone.” She grinned.
“Of course it was.” You answered, having a light blush on your face. “Your face is telling me it’s not only someone.” Mina said, her tone teasing. “It’s a special someone. A crush maybe?” Your eyes widened. “Whaa- Nooo- Psh. Why would I think of my crush?”
“You do have a crush!” She exclaimed, sitting up. You and Mina earned confused glances from your friends and you looked down in embarrassment. “Ah, sorry. Nothing to see here!” Mina waved, telling them to mind their business. Once their lingering glances were gone, Mina went back to you and gave you a wide smile.
“So you do have a crush!” She whispered to you. “Whaat? Of course not! I thought you said friend. Friend!” You lied. “You can’t fool me. I’m practically a love doctor. I can help you get together with your quote unquote ‘friend’.” She said, puffing out her chest.
“He’s just a friend Mina!”
She gasped. “It’s a boy?!” This time, no one bothered to look. Knowing that they wouldn’t get any answers. You covered your blushing face with your hands. ‘I said too much...’ You murmured. “Oh my gosh this is great! So, who is it? Midoriya? Todoroki?” She asked, excited. Then she gasped. “...Or is it Bakugo?” She gave you a teasing grin.
You took a peek between your fingers and saw Mina practically fangirling.
Before you could say anything, you heard the door slam open. You and the others jumped at the loud noise.
“Bakugo, calm down. Your affected with the quirk again, no big deal.” Kirishima assured the angry blond. “No big deal? NO BIG DEAL!? THAT FUCKER USED IT’S QUIRK ON ME AND THAT’S NO BIG DEAL?!” Bakugo shouted at his friend, clearly pissed.
You stared at them and noticed that Bakugo has wolf ears and a tail. Kirishima seemed to notice you and whispered something to Bakugo. Bakugo’s eyes snapped from Kirishima to you. His eyes widened then looked away.
Tsuyu was curious and asked “Why does Bakugo look like that? Kero.”
“It’s none of your business-”
“Someone used their quirk on Bakugo and he’s mad. It’s probably the same person who made Bakugo look like this last week.” Kirishima answered much to Bakugo’s dismay.
Bakugo noticed everyone staring at him, watching his movements. “What are you lookin’ at huh?” He gritted his teeth.
Kirishima patted his shoulder. Mina came smiling “Hey, how about we let Y/n babysit-” “Accompany.” Bakugo corrected. “-Right.. ‘Accompany’ Bakugo?” She suggested. “Good for me. I’m tired training today and I don’t want to deal with anything right now.” Kirishima yawned.
“Any complaints, Bakugo?”
Before Bakugo could speak, Mina had cut him off. “No? Great! Let’s go to Y/n- Huh?”
They looked at where you were only to see that no one was there. “Where’s Y/n?” He asked. “I swear Y/n was there.. I was with them earlier. They’re probably in their dorm right now.”
(When Mina went towards Kirishima and Bakugo, You immediately left. For... Some reason.)
“Right! I’ll go eat, I’m starving. You both wouldn’t mind right?”
“It’s fine, let’s go.” Mina, and Bakugo left Kirishima as they went to your floor and knocked on your door. “Hey! It’s me. Can you do me a favor, Y/n?” Mina called. You opened the door, to see both Mina and Bakugo right in front of you. “Let me guess. Babysit?”
“It’s not-”
“Yep. Please?”
You didn’t have time to answer because Mina shoved Bakugo to you and left. “Thanks Y/n! I owe you one!” She shouted before disappearing.
You both watched at the hallway then at each other. You and Bakugo noticed how close both your faces were. Your face became red and you looked away, flustered. “Sorry...” You murmured.
“It’s fine...” He grumbled. “Can I come in?”
You moved to the side as he entered your room. ‘It’s been a while ever since I came here..’ He said to himself, seeing that nothing had changed ever since he left. You sat on your bed as you stared at Bakugo checking out your room. “What?” He asked, slightly annoyed.
“Nothing. It’s nothing..” You mumbled an apology to him, embarrassed. Once he was done checking, he just stared at you. You patted the space beside you, offering him to sit. When he didn’t respond, you asked “Are you just going to stand there or what?”
He scoffed, grumbling something under his breath before sitting next to you.
Silence took over a second later, tension increasing. Until Bakugo spoke.
“Y’know I could just take care of myself right? I don’t need someone to ‘babysit’ me.”
“I know.” He looked at you questioningly. “I just want someone to hang out with. With you maybe?”
His crimson eyes slightly widened, taken aback. “With me?” You nodded. “Maybe we should go to the same food place we ate at last time.” He chuckled. “Is this your way on trying to take me out on a date?” His voice was teasing yet curious.
Your face flushed red. “E-eh? I- I was just trying to-”. He laughed at your expression at teased you a bit more. “Really hm?” His face coming closer to yours. “You sure, Love?” Your heart pace increased at the pet name. You averted your eyes to somewhere else.
You felt a hand cupping your chin and forcing you to look at Bakugo. “Don’t look away when I’m talkin’ to ya, Doll. Didn’t your parents teach you manners?” He said sternly yet teasingly. He came closer to your face that both of your lips were touching. He took a quick glance at your lips then froze.
He backed away. “Sorry, I got carried away.” Bakugo murmured. “Don’t sweat it.” You said, taking this as your chance to tease him back when you saw something that had caught your interest. “You were having fun aren’t you?” You stifled a giggle, as you pointed to Bakugo’s tail, that was wagging harshly.
Bakugo looked back and blushed. He was enjoying this but he wouldn’t tell that to your face. He hid his tail behind his back and tried to make it stop wagging but failed. ‘Shit.’ He mumbled. You couldn’t hold it back no more as you laughed at his attempts.
“That’s.... That’s so cute!” You said between giggles. Bakugo’s face became more red as he continued to grumble curses to himself. He is enjoying this. Bakugo wasn’t this close to you like before.
After a while, your laughter had finally died down. “Ah... That was funny.. Sorry.” You said as you wiped a tear. “Can we just go eat already? I’m starvin’.” Bakugo tried to change the subject, a bit too embarrassed. “Alright, Let’s go change. Now go to your dorm and go change. We’ll meet at the lobby, yea?” You told him as you pushed him out of your dorm.
“Ey! Don’ push me!” Bakugo shouted. You gave him a small grin then closed the door on him. You heard a loud ‘OI!’ from the other side, making you giggle once more. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
As you waited for Bakugo at the lobby, you were talking with Mina. “Hey Y/n, Where’s Bakugo? Isn’t he supposed to be with you?” She asked. “Well, Yeah. I’m just waiting for him to finish changing his clothes to go eat outside. Wanna join us?”
“Nah, Don’t wanna ruin the moment you both have.” She teased with a grin. You playfully punched her shoulder and you lightly blushed. You and Mina were interrupted when a shadow loomed over you two. “Oh hey Bakugo, Heard you and Y/n are going to eat somewhere huh?”
Bakugo let out a growl at Mina but she seemed unfazed. She laughed then waved her hand. “Don’t worry I won’t ruin it. I’m already busy. Have fun you two!” She said before she left you and Bakugo alone.
“You told her?”
“Yeah..” You answered sheepishly. Then you noticed. “Hey, why didn’t you change your clothes?” “I couldn’t change because of this shitty tail. The other clothes were uncomfortable to be in.” He answered. You nodded, then remembering something. “Oh yeah! I almost forgot.” Then you sprinted back to the dorms, telling him to wait for you while you take something from your dorm.
“Tch.” He crossed his arms. “Great.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You came back after a few minutes, you had a bit of difficulty of finding it since you had forgotten where you hid it. “Bakugo! I’m here. Sorry!” You halted once you were in front of him and panted. “Took ya long enough. It’s already gettin’ late.”
He gently took your wrist and began to drag you. “Let’s go. I’m starvin’.”
As you both were walking under the night sky, you- out of the blue- asked him. “Hey, Can I do something after we eat food?” Bakugo stopped walking and turned to look at you in confusion.
“Can I do something after we eat?”
“Like what?”
“Like uhm...” You looked down, trying to look innocent. “Just do me a favor alright?” You blushed, finding this moment embarrassing. Bakugo rose a brow, yet lightly blushed. He didn’t respond but instead continued to drag you to the familiar restaurant.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
As you and Bakugo sat at a table that was available. You wanted to sit at the table you both sat last time but it was already occupied to your dismay. And ordered the food you both wanted to eat. Bakugo wanting to eat something not spicy this time and you wanting f/f.
As you both were waiting for the meals to arrive, you and Bakugo started to talk about Pro Heroes and such. You were surprised that Bakugo has some of the same interests as you.
In the middle of the conversation, the waiter went to the table and interrupted the talk you and Bakugo had, with an apologetic look.
“Excuse me, your meals are ready. ______ and F/f.” They said as they placed the food in front of you. Bakugo glared and snarled at the waiter, causing them to flinch in fear. You gave them a small ‘thank you’ and gave them an apologetic look for Bakugo’s behavior.
“Sorry about my friend here. He’s just in a bad mood..” You apologized. The waiter nodded then walked away in a slightly fast pace.
You began to softly scold Bakugo. But he wasn’t listening, his head repeating the word ‘friend’ with your voice. He didn’t know why but he felt his heart ache at the word friend. Was he just a friend to you?
He shook his head to shake the negative thoughts away. You were asking him if he’s alright, but received no response.
Bakugo told himself that he’ll do anything to change the relationship you both have. Maybe even changing friend to something else. Something more... Suiting. He couldn’t just give up by that. He has a chance to swoon you.
He was cut of his trance when he saw you trying to get his attention. “Huh?” He muttered. “Ah there you are! I thought I lost you for a second.” You said in relief.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
After eating, you and Bakugo were at the park walking side by side. Neither of you thought of the idea of walking in the park late at night, but here you are.
You suddenly remembered the leash and collar you have hiding somewhere on your back, under your clothes. You swiftly and quietly tried to take it off you and hide it on your back, you facing Bakugo. Bakugo glanced at you and noticed something sticking out your back.
He tried to take a closer look without you knowing and noticed it was actually a leash. He gave a small smirk. Were you really going to leash him again? Not on his watch.
“Hey Bakugo..” You muttered. Bakugo perked up at his name. “Mm?”
You didn’t answer for a while. Only stepping closer to Bakugo. You look down like you were flustered in saying something. Deep down, you were both scared yet excited to use the almost same tactic to him. But you didn’t know that he knows what your planning.
“What is it?” He played along, slightly tilting his head.
“Uhm... Y-you see..” You stuttered, now starting to regret it. Bakugo smirked but kept in character. “Hm? What do you want to tell me? I don’t got all day.”
You looked up at him, your face really red. “I- I really like you, Bakugo.. I didn’t know that I would catch these feelings for you but.... I guess I did.” You averted your eyes to somewhere else. You were telling the truth. Wanting to say more to catch him off guard.
But you were shocked when Bakugo lowly chuckled and made you look at him. You couldn’t tell if he was flustered or not due to the darkness. But you could see his face a bit red.
“Really? Huh.” 
You stepped back when he stepped forward. You both did that until you felt something hit your back. He pinned you to the tree as he slowly inched towards you. You both not breaking eye contact.
You tensed as you felt his warm breath hit your neck. Goosebumps rising. You held the leash tighter as you still hid it behind your back.
“Bakugo..?” You said taken aback.
“Yes Y/n?” He said in a low, charming tone.
You gulped. Very flustered.
“Y-yes?” You answered after a while.
“You’re lucky.”
You rose a brow in confusion, your face turning back to it’s normal color. Then blushing again when you felt his lips brushing yours.
“I like you too.” He admitted before kissing you passionately. Your breath hitched in surprise, loosing grip of the leash and collar behind you. Bakugo pulled away, giving you short time to breath for air then kissing you again.
This time, you finally kissed back. Your hands letting go of the leash and collar and your arms wrapping around Bakugo’s neck. Bakugo quickly grabbed the leash and collar before it fell on the grass and wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you closer.
Bakugo’s hands going from your waist to your neck.
Before anything else had escalated, you heard a click. You stopped as you began to get confused. Bakugo pulled away and smirked as he waved the leash in front of you. You gasped in betrayal and surprise as you now noticed that you were wearing the collar.
You were flustered as you blamed yourself for forgetting the plan. “Damnit.” You cursed. Bakugo’s smirk grew as he kept eye contact with you. His ego growing.
“You can’t trick me, Y/n.”
“You sure? I did last w-” You were cut off by Bakugo giving you a peck on the lips.
“Mm... Don’t remember that darlin’.” He smiled.
After a few seconds, Bakugo asked, his tone slightly confused and anxious. “Do you really like me? Did you mean what you said earlier?”
You nodded, scratching your neck. “Every word.”
“And you really confessed to me just to make me wear the collar again?”
You nodded sheepishly. Now that you think about it. It was a stupid idea. Bakugo chuckled and helped you take off the collar. You rose a brow as he does so. He looked at you and softly glared.
“What? Do me want to walk you to the dorms with a collar around your neck? I’m not that mean Y/n.” You giggled at his words. “Sorry ‘bout planning on making you wear that leash again. I thought you’d be a handful again.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Psh, since when was I a handful?”
“Don’t answer that.” You grinned. Bakugo smiled back at you. You both slowly walked towards the dormitory. “So...”
“Wanna go out sometime?”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
E/n:  I didn’t know what to write on that park scene. I mean like, I already planned on the scene to happen but that was on simple style! Making it a bit better and slightly detailed was a challenge. Hope you guys like this!
I know, I know, I haven’t posted a fanfic in like what? Almost a month? (oof sorry) I was having problems with the internet but I think it’s alright now. and I hope that it wouldn’t happen again. 
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princesssmooshie · 3 years
Just My Luck
Prompt: Readers dog gets off the leash at the park and jumps on an unsuspecting Spencer
(Set after or in season 8)
A/N: Hi! This is my first ever fic, and the prompt is from the lovely @imagining-in-the-margins. I made this fic on my own, however I have my lovely betas ( @broken-stardust and @kirencer) who gave me wonderful advice! I am not the best, so please have patience with me. It’s been a long time since I’ve written for fun, so be honest! Please tell me what you think here and in the comments. I enjoyed making this.
WC: 1162 ish
Today I woke up knowing a few things: I have bad luck sometimes, I have an amazing golden retriever named Ginger, and today was a wonderful day to go play with her. As Ginger and I were walking, we stopped momentarily so that I could make sure that we were at the right park. When we continued to walk, I looked around the small park and noticed how many people were at the dog park today, some with dogs, a few with other people around them, and people just enjoying the early summer evening.
After walking for a little while, I had finally found the place that I deemed the perfect spot on top of a small hill. I dropped my stuff onto the cool grass, and with that, we were ready to relax.
My dog stood up, giving me the cutest face, and while looking at her, I decided to play a game of fetch with her. I let Ginger off her leash, and she ran circles around me. I found a ball deep inside my bag, and I showed it to her. I threw it up and down in my hands to get used to the weight of it. It was a lightweight, gray ball with the Kong logo on it, opposed to the normal red that they normally sell.
“Ok, go get it baby,” I said excitedly. Having seen no one near me, I thought it’d be ok for my dog to run around off the leash, but unfortunately, like I had said, I have horrible luck.
Suddenly, a tall man with gorgeous honey eyes adorned with glasses walked out of nowhere, and ended up being tackled by my frightened dog, making the both of them fall down the small hill. I ran over to the man and, in doing so, ended up tripping in the process, falling down the hill with them. As soon as I stood up, I rushed to apologize, but I was interrupted by the mysterious man.
“Oh shit! I’m so sorry," the man heaved, clutching his chest. "I didn't see you there. Are you ok? You took quite a fall!”
“Am I ok?" I laughed. "Are you? You just got tackled by my dog and you’re asking me if I’m ok?”
This whole situation seemed comical to me, but knowing my luck, it was bound to happen at some point in time. I found it ironic how he was apologizing to me, when it was clearly my fault.
“Well, you fell down the hill running after us!” The man pointed out.
“You have a fair point,” I agreed.
What’s your name? I want to properly apologize.”
“My name is Dr.- Dr. Spencer Reid, but you can call me Spencer. You don’t have to worry about the Dr. part. Are- Are you sure you’re ok?” He asked in a small panic
“I am so sorry, Spencer! My name is Y/N! Yes I’m sure that I’m ok! You’re the one who fell because of me, and of course my graceful dog,” I said sarcastically.
“Is there anything I can do to make this situation better?” In my head I was hoping that he’d ask for my number or for us to go out somewhere sometime, but knowing my luck, and how bad it can be, it was highly unlikely.
“Well, yes, actually. You can give me your number, only- only if you’d like to of course! We could go out for coffee sometime? Or we could go for a walk in a park? Maybe even with your dog,” he said with a small smile.
“Really? Sure! Here I’ll give you my number.”
I pulled a piece of paper out of my bag, and wrote my number on it. He looked happy as I handed it to him. His smile was gorgeous
“Um- okay. Would you like to talk to me for a little while? I came here alone, and now that I’ve realized that, it makes me feel a little awkward, but I’m warning you that we might get interrupted. I work for the FBI, and if they call I need to go.”
“Wow. You’re a doctor, and you work for the FBI!”
“I’m not a medical doctor! I have three phDs, I can read 20,000 words per minute, and I have an IQ of 187,” he said sadly, as if he’d gone through this conversation before many times.
“Wow. So you’re like a genius then, huh,” I said as I put Ginger back on her leash.
“I don’t believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified, but yes I’m a genius, by societal standards at least,” he said with a sad smile.
“Can I ask you a couple questions while we’re talking? I know it might seem a little strange since we just met, and I don’t want you to think I’m crazy or anything, but I think you’d be the only person I know who would be qualified to answer, and you seem like a very interesting person.” I asked with a small smirk
“Um, sure! Now, what were the questions?” He responded happily.
“Well first of all, do you have any clue why my dog tackled you? She normally doesn’t do that without a reason, and I want to know if I can somehow prevent this.”
“Well, you have a golden retriever, and the breed is very well known for being friendly, and I’m a complete stranger who entered in unannounced, so it’s natural that Ginger here would want to defend you,” he explained.
“You said that you had a couple questions, and that was only one. What’s the other one?” He said in a puzzled tone of voice.
“Do you know if bad luck is real?” I questioned.
“Well scientifically speaking, there is such a thing as luck, and there are things that you can do to change it. And it depends on how you are as a person as to how you define luck, either good or bad.” He answered quickly.
“So I do have bad luck?” I asked, with a frown on my face.
“I did not say that, however, statistically, depending on your personal definition of quote unquote bad luck, then yes and no, yes you do have bad luck, but at the same time, you could not have bad luck. I’m- I’m rambling, aren’t I?”
“You are, but I find it quite cute. So, tell me, Dr. Spencer Reid, how can I change my luck?”
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messymusingss · 2 years
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valeria ‘val’ jazmin navarro 
thirty four » bartender » emeraude toubia.
unapologetic, bold, cynical, untrusting, shameless, spontaneous, honest to a fault, protective, impulsive, lustful, impatient, avoidant
content warning: mentions of mental illness/ptsd
from the quote/unquote wrong side of the tracks and doesn’t really give a fuck who knows it - and although she doesn’t permanently live in little fortune these days, it’ll always be val’s home. 
val was born and raised in magnolia, but her family hails from jacksonville, florida. the story about how the navarros found themselves here is long winded and not exactly something val enjoys talking about. the short version? back in 1967, val’s father was on a roadtrip with her grandparents and uncles. they were on their way home from a short outer banks vacation when something strange happened after crossing into magnolia’s township line. they call it “the encounter”, but val just calls it bullshit. the stories her grandmother used to tell about the incident sent shivers down her spine as a child, but now that she’s older, val’s become a bit cynical toward the entire topic of conversation. in the eighties, her father relocated to the scene of the incident with nothing but the clothes on his back in a desperate attempt to get some closure about what happened to him. besides his mother, who passed away five years ago, he’s the only one in that vehicle who retained any memory of the night of march 5th, 1967. or, at least, he’s the only one talking about it.
val and her siblings came into the world shortly after the move, their home life usually chaotic and stressful. their father was suffering mentally and although he had his good days - even his good months, sometimes, the other shoe would always drop eventually. he had trouble keeping a job and their mother needed to stay home to take care of the kids so they moved around a lot from one rental to the next. it wasn’t ideal, but the navarro family made the best out of their situation. as he aged, val’s father got better at coping with his inner demons - or, at least he got better at hiding it. 
unfortunately, the navarros haven’t garnered the best reputation and val doesn’t really help things by being absolute chaos on high heels. she does what she wants and doesn’t really care about stepping on people’s toes in the process. a mid-thirties wild child that never really grew up all the way - in some people’s words. arguably, her personality is far too big for magnolia but she’s never quite tried hard enough to get the hell out. for now, tending bar (and sometimes dancing on top of it) and her downtown apartment is enough for her. besides, despite the stressful situation involving her family, they are the most important thing to her - and unfortunately, they need her here.
plot hooks;
some navarro siblings: i definitely like the idea of val having at least two other sibs, all of which are open gendered! i like the idea of her being the middle child, or the oldest would be fine too! family is super important to her so having her siblings on the site as well would be actual heaven!
an absolutely chaotic friend group: like legit from the sandbox, found family sort of shit
co-workers at bar: val is a bartender that’s likely worked there a good long while tbh. i’d love it if we got a good group of workers going that just have a blast every night...so what if a bar fight almost always breaks out? if anyone has a dive bar type of business, i’d love to throw val in.
some messy past/current flings: as you know, if you’ve read this whole thing (wow congrats) val is quite chaotic in all aspects of her life - probably most of all in her love life. she’s been in tons of different kinds of relationships - flings, fwbs, one night stands, possibly even a semi-longterm thing or two. she’s just not great at settling down and is pretty shitty at commitment. she’s likely been a cheater once or twice, probably has been the other woman. im literally open to all things.
navarro cousins: val’s father had two other siblings in the car that day in 1967 who likely also had kids of their own. it’d be neat if they somehow ended up in magnolia too! jsjsjs
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kiribakuficrecs · 3 years
hello!!! im going on a very long trip at the end of april and I'm looking for some very long fics to download to keep me entertained! i dont care what they're about as long as there's no major character death or mentions of non-con. ur blog is a godsend ilysm and you do such a good job thank you so much 🙏
hi there!! i definitely have a lot of good lengthy fics i can recommend to you!
quote love unquote by newamsterdam 
Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.
“Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
acceptance and denial by poteto
It all goes okay when Kirishima decides to come out to his friends and it all goes wrong when decides that Bakugou is the best fake boyfriend material.
cause the darks not taking prisoners tonight by imatrisarahtops
“Are those soba noodles?” Kirishima asked.
Again Bakugou’s only reply was a grunt. He offered no further explanation—not that Kirishima honestly expected one—as though making soba noodles from scratch at half past four in the morning wasn’t at all a bizarre occurrence and made complete and total sense. For a fleeting moment, Kirishima even wondered if maybe he was the odd one here. Besides, he’d already decided it was generally not in his best interest to question these types of things with Bakugou, especially when it was something essentially harmless.
When Kirishima has a nightmare and is unable to fall back asleep, he accepts defeat and decides to study in the common area of the dorms. What he doesn't expect to find is Bakugou, also very much awake, and Kirishima can't help but think that maybe they're both having the same problems with sleeping. If he's worried, it's just because they're friends. (Right?)
the weight of your hand by kamin
That night, to the citizens, the explosions were a jolt of fear at every blast, but to the heroes and the students of UA, they were punches and swings, fierce fighting and loud strength. The explosions were the pulse of the battle, and the power of a boy that would never back down.
One after another, explosions set a chorus through the shuddering city.
And then, suddenly—the explosions stopped.
(In which Bakugou’s kidnapping goes a little differently, and just a few seconds could change so much.)
so take my hand (your life will be brighter) by multiclassmaps
When a stranger shows up at the ice rink during Bakugou's usually private training sessions, Bakugou expects to hate him. He doesn't expect to develop feelings that become increasingly difficult to deny, or for them to help each other sort through their emotional baggage. - Bakugou really didn't like Kirishima's smile. There was something about it that made his stomach hurt, something about it that made it difficult to focus. He definitely hadn't thought about that smile on his way to the ice rink that day. He definitely hadn't.
distance makes the heart grow fonder (false) by dragontrappedinhumanskin
When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fuck is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?! Well, turns out he never needed to.
-- “Well, this fucking sucks, how are we supposed to train?!” "Really closely?"
perihelion by tauontauoff
Bakugou was a comet, blazing out of reach. Kirishima knew he was stupidly lucky that his furious trajectory went by close enough that his fingertips got to graze the cowl of fire. It was enough.
During Christmas Class 1A and 1B spend a laid-back week learning about extreme environment hero work in the Alps. Kirishima was used to keeping part of his feelings for Bakugou hidden, and had every intention of keeping it that way, but things don't always go according to plan.
fight me by mr_todoroki
Bright red, spiky hair. Annoyingly bright smile. Clothes that radiate ‘look at me’ vibes. Neon yellow tank top with black shorts. And those were definitely crocs on his fucking feet.
Yeah, Katsuki hated this guy.
Bakugou gets a new roommate.
quietly by chezka
“We’ve been taking the same way to and from school for weeks,” Kirishima grinned, and then when Bakugou frowned at him he put on an affected pout, tilted his head so that he was looking at him through his thick, long lashes, “you never noticed? Am I that easy to miss?”
He could barely finish the sentence before a laugh escaped his lips, and Bakugou rolled his eyes, hit him with a shoulder a little more violently than necessary.
“You stick out like a sore thumb, broom-head,” he grumbled, promptly ignoring Kirishima's whining about his hairstyle when it started coming, “I didn’t notice ‘cause I didn’t care.”
“And now you do?”
everyone knows that cats are independent by purplepersnickety
Eijirou enjoys his job, working the graveyard shift at a 24/7 coffee shop. His daemon Riot is always there to keep him company, and he likes meeting the early-morning patrons and giving them the best possible kick-start to their day. It's been his routine for about a year now.
Then one day, a grouchy guy with a daemon in the form of a lion walks into the shop in the dead of night, and Eijirou decides to strike up a conversation with him.
punks not dead by wrunic
“So you want to use me to piss off your mom?” Kirishima summarized, raising one pierced eyebrow at Katsuki.
“Look, if you want to be all fucking judgy about it, I take cash,” Katsuki said, dropping his hand palm up on the table.
“Hey now,” Kirishima said, raising his hands in surrender, “I didn’t say I wasn’t doing it. I’m always down for a little chaos.” He flashed a grin, showing off his ridiculous shark teeth.
“Good,” Katsuki said. “We start tomorrow."
sent, delivered, read, loved by kiribakuhappiness
Kirishima E. [6.49pm]: ur okay for such an angry dude bakugou! :)
Bakugou K. [7.12pm]: FUCK YOU!
Kirishima E. [7.14pm]: haha! :D ttyl!
Bakugou K. [7.52pm]: STOP TXTING ME!!!
- OR -
Bakugou's and Kirishima's relationship develops from classmates to friends to more, as told through their text conversations.
flicker by mr_todoroki
He was starting to feel depressed. Life was so uninteresting. It was so mundane and forgettable. He had no one to hang out with besides Kota, his family didn’t even live in the city.
He grew his hair out as some sort of rebellion, some sort of stand to make his life the slightest bit more interesting. But he could already feel himself giving in to the pressure of cutting it. He needed to work to live. Without a job, he’d truly have nothing.
Kirishima never applied to UA, therefore never became a hero.
let’s get down to business by kjelfalconer
Katsuki Bakugou, one of the brightest rising stars on wall street, is in need of a new personal assistant. Again. Could Eijirou Kirishima finally be the one to last more than two months?
Katsuki's long suffering HR department sure hope so.
something about us by bigstupidjellyfish
nothing like being in highschool and having no idea how to deal with emotions
fireproof by inkbender
Four years after a classmate nobody seems to remember is kidnapped by the League of Villains, Kirishima drags an amnesiac hobo he found washed up on the beach into his apartment, attempts to teach him how to adult (with varying degrees of success), and discovers along the way that the line between heroism and villainy is quite fine indeed. Plot-divergent after episode 45, the Forest Training Camp arc.
blood riot by magicallee (alternatively)
Kirishima from a universe with no quirks is mind-swapped with an alternate universe version of himself where there are superpowers.
And in that universe he’s a super villain.
And Bakugou is the superhero who caught Evil-Kirishima and put him in prison.
blindside by drowclericpelor
“You’re the first guy friend I’ve had that I can just like, be friends with. You’re either the most unthirstiest boy ever...” Camie shrugged and made another wobbly illusion appear between her hands. It looked like a sparkly rainbow with the word ‘friendship’ beneath it, accompanied by what Bakugou assumed was supposed to be a twinkling sound effect, but it had a tinny quality to it and sounded far away. “...or I just ain’t got the kinda straw you like to ssssip.”
Carefully, Bakugou considered the strange turn this conversation had taken.
He had never been asked, point blank, if he was gay before. And he honestly had never thought about how he would respond. Lying about himself didn’t sit right with him. But he’d always wanted to wait until he was the number one hero - when he stood above everyone else - before coming out. Though he’d had times when he’d thought about doing it before then and had almost gone through with it once. But being the number one hero came first. It wouldn’t matter what people would say about it then as long as he’d risen to the top.
Bakugou knew his lack of a response would give Camie all the answers she needed.
flour power by wingsonghalo
“I’m telling you now, Shitty Hair,” the blonde growled, “I am not gonna play house with you. We will cart this stupid flour around for a week like the assignment says. But some of our idiot classmates are naming the thing and setting up ‘playdates’ and dressing it and I am not doing anything that stupid. Got it?”
Kirishima and Bakugou are paired up to take care of a flour sack for a week. It would be so simple, except nothing with Bakugou is ever simple. Also Kirishima might be kinda sorta completely head over heels for him.
sunchaser by chonideno
that feeling when you suddenly want to jump off a cliff for no reason but instead of a cliff it’s your best friend and instead of jumping it’s growing feelings out of nowhere
or how Bakugou has to try really hard not to throw everything to the wind, and Kirishima doesn't help
i also have a tag specifically for fics that reach somewhere between 30k-70k words long if you wanted to check that out as well! i hope you enjoy the fics here and that i was able to help, ily enjoy your trip!!! :D 
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writtenvisionary · 3 years
Balance - #AdrienAugust
Day 1 - “Bad Luck” @adrienaugust
Read on Ao3
Not my best work but try to enjoy it lol
He lays on the large bed, covering his eyes with his forearm.
“I’m bad luck, Plagg. She doesn’t deserve to have me jinx everything in her life. I don’t deserve her.”
“That comes with the territory, kid. She gave you that charm, though.”
“Like that will really help anything.”
He can’t hear the kwami’s snicker behind him as he retorts, “You’d be surprised.”
Adrien removes his forearm and looks at the black cat demigod. He blinks.
“Everything will work itself out.”
He groans.
“I don’t know what you mean by that!”
With a start, he hops off his bed and starts walking towards his bathroom. He closes the door, which the Kwami phases through, and leans on the counter. He meets his own eyes in the mirror and sighs.
“I just don’t want to mess her up.”
Plagg rolls his eyes.
“You won’t. I promise.”
Adrien pouts.
“I feel like I will. It’s inevitable. I mean, my father is strict—“
“You mean controlling—“
“My mom is dead, Nino was banned from my house—“
“Because your dad is controlling—“
“I was given the black cat miraculous, which is just bad luck in general—“
“Well, duh—“
“I just,” he sighs. “It’s hard knowing that everyone around me struggles because I’m bad luck.”
Plagg floats in front of his chosen with his tiny flippers crossed and an angry look on his face.
“You need to stop putting yourself down! You realize that most of the ‘bad luck’ you mentioned had to do with your father? If anything, he’s the bad luck. Not you.”
The blonde boy frowns, staring at the small demigod.
“Maybe you’re right… should I text her back?”
“Yes! I bet she’s freaking out because her boyfriend isn’t responding. You know pigtails; she has mental breakdowns over the smallest things.”
That’s all the encouragement Adrien needs. He walks back into his bedroom, picks his phone off the bed, finds her contact, presses ‘call,’ and puts the phone up to his ear.
“Hey, Mari.”
“Don’t ‘Hey, Mari’ me! I’ve been texting you like crazy and you haven’t answered! Why aren’t you here? Did your dad make you stay home?”
He cringes. She’s mad.
“He told me to stay in my room, yeah.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t just transform and jump out your window.”
“I was going to, but I just… I don’t know.”
“Don’t tell me you’re regretting this,” she says sadly.
“No, never! I love you. I promise. I guess I was just… feeling a little insecure?”
“…Do you want me to come over?”
He’s silent for a moment, thinking it over.
“Yeah,” he near whispers.
“Okay, hold on. I’ll be over in two.”
The phone beeps to signal the end of the call. He pulls it away from his ear, letting out an exhale.
Plagg snickers, “See, kid? I told you everything would be fine.”
Adrien shakes his head.
“She’s mad at me. Everything is not fine.”
“Well, it will be soon. Look, here she is.”
He turns to look out the window and sure enough, a girl clad in red leather is zipping towards the mansion. 
His lady.
She throws herself into the room and mutters her transformation words. Then she looks at him with her angry face and he frowns again, hanging his head in shame.
Said boy still doesn’t look at her, afraid of what she’s going to say next.
“Hey,” her voice softens. “Look at me.”
So he does. When their eyes meet, he exhales.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stand you up, but I was just thinking about our last battle and how I made everything worse for you and the fact that I’m just such bad luck and you don’t need me, I jinx everything, you deserve way better than me and I just—“
Marinette grabs ahold of his hand, ceasing his rambling.
“Is that really why you didn’t show up? You thought you were bad luck? And you… thought that I deserve better?”
Slowly, he nods. The bluenette frowns, pulling him into a hug.
“Don’t think like that. Just because some bad things have happened to you doesn’t mean that you’re bad luck. It means that the universe wanted to see just how strong you were. You’re extremely strong, kitty. And you will not jinx anything for me, and you are exactly what I deserve.”
She gives him one last squeeze before pulling away and gazing right into his eyes.
“By definition, from our Kwamis,” she smiles, “We are soulmates. There is no one better for either of us, okay? We deserve each other, and there’s no way that I will ever leave you because you’re, quote unquote, ‘not good enough.’ You will always be better than good enough and I don’t want you to ever think of yourself like that. You hear me, Adrien?”
The blonde tries to stop the overflow in his tear ducts but it doesn’t matter; the tears have already rolled down his cheeks and onto his lips, making him lick the salty liquid away. He shuts his peridot eyes, suddenly being enclosed in darkness. Then he swallows, unwilling to open them up and view the look of pity displayed on his girlfriend’s face.
Marinette leans over, kissing his eyelids, then she moves lower. She places her soft lips onto his’ and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He settles into the kiss, immediately calming down from his panicked state. Her waist is encircled by his shaking arms, pulling her into his chest.
All too soon, she pulls away. He sighs in content, grateful for the girl in front of him.
“Kitty,” Marinette says, grabbing his attention.
“I know it’s a superstition that black cats are bad luck,” she shakes her head, “but you aren’t a black cat. You’re Adrien.”
He can’t help but smile at her words.
“And you’re Marinette.” 
She tilts her head in confusion and he shrugs.
“You are a very lucky person and I think… I think we balance each other out.
“I’m so lucky to have you.”
The bluenette grins.
“I’m lucky to have you too, minou.”
As they lean in for another kiss, Plagg rolls his eyes.
“Bleh. Romance.”
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bigtittydemonwife · 4 years
Yandere creeps? 👀
Of course! since you didn’t specify who you wanted I decided to do Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Liu, EJ, LJ, Jeff and Jane
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Ticci Toby
Honestly it wouldn’t take much for this man to go yandere honestly. Just show him kindness. He’s been shown cruelty his whole life so someone treating him with basic decency and not expecting anything out of it? Yeah he’s in love.
While he will treat you like a queen, if you fight back you will be punished. He doesn’t want to physically hurt his S/O, but he’s not below anything mentally. He will murder your loved ones right in front of you. All while saying things like “It’s you’re fault, I’m the only one who is allowed to love you”
But if your completely fine with being with him? (Don’t @ me I know there are some of you out there) He’s so happy! Expect cuddles everyday, they’re mandatory. He’s still possessive as all hell though. While he trusts you not to run away he does NOT trust others to not steal you away. No matter what you’re leaving the house for he’s coming with you. Taking out the trash? Wait for him. Getting grocery’s? Let him get his shoes. This leads to quote unquote dates a lot.
He needs you with them so don’t ever try to leave, love him and you should be fine. But don’t think it’s all happiness. He’s a PTSD ridden Schizophreniac with most likely trust issues and intimacy issues. There are days where you can tell him you love him a thousand times and he’s yelling about how you’re lying. But in a hour he’ll be back crying and begging for forgiveness.
He struggles with emotions so remember, he was major trouble showing love. The way he does it headpats, cuddles and not murdering you.
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Eyeless Jack
Now this man is a mystery rapped in a enigma rapped in a riddle. For him, its tougher to figure out why he’s obsessed with you. But I’d say its how you are psychologically and what you’re life’s like.
Maybe its because of how generally kind you are despite knowing how shit life and people can be. Maybe he wants to protect the innocence he used to have?
Who knows. But as with Toby, Mans Possessive. Not in a lock you up kinda way (That would come later). But stalkerish. You may think you’re alone but you never are. Man knows you’re whole shecdual. And while he won’t KILL anyone who hurts you, that would draw way to much attention. But what he does is much worse.
He probably takes the longest out of all the creeps to show himself to you. And not even in person. He’d start with notes. If you return his feelings your safe and now have a cannibalistic stalker protector. If you don’t......well...We’ll unpack that someother time.
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Again, Show him kindness, But its still a little different from Toby. If you fully understand what he’s done, the person he is. But still think he deserves kindness. He thinks you’re naive. Yeah, He starts off thinking your fucking stupid. Starting.
But as it goes on, and you continue to show him kindness. Even when you know what he’s done, He starts to warm up to your kindness. But if you witness him cold blooded murdering someone. He’s ready for you to leave. But if you dont. You still treat him kindly. He wants to save this nativity. Being naive in this world is a death wish. So he’ll barely let you leave the house. And he’s always with you. Unlike EJ. He will murder anyone who fucks with you. And leave no evidence behind. As far as anyones concerned they’ve dissapeared from the earth.
Once again if you love this man. You have to put up with this. No negotiations. He loves you and thats how he shows it. But if you do put up with it. And show this man all the love. Maybe it will be alright.
But like EJ, Never try and leave him, Unlike some creeps he will hurt his S/O physically, but then will cry into their arms begging them to forgive him. Or a different punishment might go an NSFW way if you know what I mean.....
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Again, Complicated. His obsession probably comes very quickly. Someone whose creative like him, Who questions the bigger things in life. Someone he could have a intelligent conversation with.
He’s a stalker. He watches his S/O all day. Nothing they do could bore him. But he gets jealous very easy. Why else do you think the cute person in the library that gave you their number hasn’t come back? Or hasn’t texted you?
He’s probably take a while to show himself to his S/O. And once he finally gets the courage. He’ll send them a letter. You two’ll become penpals. He’s kept every single one of your letters and keeps them in a folder.
He does have trouble showing his emotions though, Showing his S/O He loves them would be returning letters, Giving them small trinkets (like a magpie) and not murdering them.
Prefurs not to hurt his S/O, If they try to run away he’ll just psychologically torture them. Following them and disappearing when the call the police. Making them think they’re the only one who can see him. Anyone who they care about disappears. But this only happends if you run away and don’t love him back.
So love him and you’ll be good....you’ll just have to deal with Possessiveness, Paranoia, Obssession, and Jealousy.
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Jane The Killer
With most of the creeps. Be kind to her, But not just her. If your a generally kind person who shows others respect but refuses to to bow down to bullies. Shes in love
Shes quite quick to talk to her S/O, She’ll ask for they’re number, and because of how normal she looks (And how pretty she is) you say yes.
Late night texts about random things, if you rant to her about your interests she could listen all day.
(To quote The Killers) Jealousy
Its her life quest to keep creepers who remind her of Jeff away from you, Speaking of Jeff is he ever went near you shes starting a riot.
She loves cuddles, intamacy is a must. She needs you to stay near her. Once again won’t hurt her S/O but if they try to run away they’re getting locked in a room alone untill they’re begging for her to come back so they can hear someone’s voice that isnt their own and touch them. She’s not above depriving her S/O of intimacy should the moment call for it.
Possessive. You need her and only her. Everyone else doesnt matter. Show her love and no one else.
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Jeff The Killer
He’s most likely to become obsessed with someone whose nice to people. But will fight a bitch. If your sassy and don’t take shit he’s in love. But remember hes a twisted psychopath who murdered his family and his neighbours. His love isnt what you’d call socially acceptable. He’d kill for you in a flash. Anyone, people you love or hate. They’re dissapearing.
Unlike the others, he won’t show himself to you quickly BUT he will not hide his love. Scribbled love notes written in blood. Dead animals on your porch. He’s kinda like a dog.
He will hurt his S/O if they don’t love him, Mentally or Physically he doesnt mind, He see’s it as a necessary step.
He needs physically affection.
Isnt a soft relationship to be honest. Cuddles and kisses yes. But no soft words. Just sass, violent outbursts, Hate sex, Angry sex, Makeup sex. Yeah lots of sex.
He’s a horndog what can I say?
But maybe, just mayyybeee once In a blue moon, you’ll be cuddling and he’ll think your asleep, and whisper he loves you in his ear. Pretend your asleep though.
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Laughing Jack
He needs someone he can laugh with, Someone with a sort of wonder to them. He likes those type of people.
Since he’s a childs imaginary friend(?) He doesn’t really understand love, But obsession? Yes.
He’s not gonna show himself to his S/O for ages. I mean, Hes like a seven foot tall clown. Total boyfriend material.
He’ll leave candy on your doorstep, Or cute little trinkets, Like music boxes.
Gives the best hugs honestly. He’ll lift you right up off the ground and spin you around. Honestly he carries you everywhere like a princess.
Anyone, literally anyone makes you feel sad or makes the wonder in your eyes leave. They’re loved ones are getting turned into candy, then they’re forced to eat them. Then they get murdered gruesomely. He’s all you need and he’ll protect you.
He loves to slow dance with you. He’ll play some old classical music.
(I headcanon he has a British accent)
He’ll cut you off from all your friends, or make them disappear, He’s all you need.
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Homicidial Liu/Sully
(Its so hard to find good gifs for these boys)
This boy needs a hug, Him and Sully.
Stalkers. They need affection. They’ll follow they’re S/O wherever they go. No mater what they do.
They’re S/O has a partner? Not for much longer.
Liu gives cute gifs and notes like Flowers, or shiny trinkets, Sully gives weirder stuff, Like random stones or shiny things. And his notes are scrubbed much more.
Nickname them Magpie they’ll love it.
While Liu is defiantly the more sweeter one, He’ll never hurt his S/O, but he will score them if he must. Sully on the other hand, all for scaring them. Despite what others think he loves them, and he doesn’t want to hurt them to much because he wants them to be his. And they can’t be his if they’re dead.
You know all the jealousy I said Jeff had? Imagine that but doubled.
Thats your realtionship. While Liu will be more defensive if someone’s hurting or flirting with you. Sully aggressive. Back away from whats his.
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ikleesfiction · 3 years
I'm a fucking alcoholic (with a sweet tooth)
Fandom : Chicago PD TV Word count : 1,623 words Pairing : Jay Halstead x reader Author's note : This is the third one shot of "Will you follow through if I fall for you" fic continuation. It would be better if you read it first. But if you don't, here's the quick summary. Warning : It's fluff. I hope it doesn't end up too cringy?
It is a cold Friday in Chicago. You would say it is super cold since you worked in the warm weather of Los Angeles last week. Jay is coming over to your place after work. Now both of you are snuggling on the couch, watching movies on TV.
"I cannot watch this part," You hide your face in Jay's chest, preparing for the frightening scene. The darkness in the room increases the tension.
"What are you talking about? This is not even a horror movie," Jay looks down at you, bemused.
"Say you! Watching Tom Cruise blowing up a Gallardo distressed me. My soul is crying. It is a nightmare!"
You move out from Jay's embrace to point out the screen where Maggie Q said it is such a nice car. "Yes, it is! Don't do it, Zhen," yell you at the TV.
However, The Lamborghini on screen still went kaboom and was engulfed in fire. "Oh, no!" You put your hand on your heart, feeling devastated.
Jay grins at your silliness, "I'm sorry for your loss," He rubs your back, offering his condolences. However, his smile turns flirty. "If there's anything I can do to ease your pain..."
You play along with his idea. "Hmm, is that so?" Your hands wrap around Jay, pulling him closer. Your nose is tracing his neck, up to his jaw, his cheek. Your lips softly grace his skin, make their way closer to his. Jay wasted no time to kiss you and keep kissing you.
You don't know how long it goes, and you don't care to know. Until Jay moves back abruptly, tilting his head away from you, "Your pho..."
Your lips cut his words as you get on his lap. Jay puts his hands on your waist to stop you, halfheartedly, "Babe, your phone is ringing,"
Your hands curl behind his neck. "Let it ring." You whisper to his ear. Jay shudders when he feels your breath on his neck. Your mouth soon follows to make a mark on the same point. Jay tries to hold himself back from reciprocating the gesture.
Unlike Jay and his work, you got no obligation to pick up your phone. No life or death depends on you tonight. But the phone keeps shrieking. It started to annoy you because Jay stops participating in this make-out session.
"Might be important," This is one of the rare times you want to curse Jay's occupation.
"I assure you it won't be," You try to get Jay back in the game.
"Well, at least you can tell them to call you back later," Jay lands a soft kiss on your forehead. With a loud sigh, you move away from Jay's lap to pick up your phone.
Seeing the caller ID frustrates you even further. "You are interrupting our date night," is the first thing you say to your best friend, Alex, when you receive the call and put it on speaker.
"Hi, Jay!" Alex chirps his greeting, ignoring your complaint.
Jay greets back with a chuckle, "Hey, man. Nice to hear from you," He takes the remote to pause the movie, where Tom Cruise is gunning a Mercedes CLK down the road.
"No, it's not." You grumble under your breath. "What's up? Did you just come up with a song idea that would make Bruno Mars wished he wrote it?"
As a fellow songwriter/producer, you understand that song inspiration could come anytime. But it would still piss you off if Alex insists on working for it tonight.
"Not yet. But we do have a potential project for you,"
"Couldn't it wait until next week?" You moan your refusal. "Jay and I got plans for the weekend,"
"Of course. As long as you promise to pick up your phone when Angelique calls. I know you have been dodging her." Alex chides you.
Huffing your aversion, you lay your head on Jay's lap. In reflex, he plays with your hair. "Who's Angelique? A new talent?" Jay never heard that name before. He is pretty sure that he knows everybody at Pyramid, Alex's record label in Amsterdam where you work for.
Alex starts to explain, "She is a singer. Been around for a while,"
"Country singer, turned bubblegum pop singer, and now I guess she wants to try dance music as well?" You elaborate to Jay and asking Alex at the same time. You have written and produced songs from various genres, but your notable works so far are mostly EDM.
"Maybe," Alex answers casually.
"Angelique..." Jay ponders for a moment before lighting up, "Oh! Is she the one whose songs you keep skipping whenever they pop up, babe?"
Your best friend lets out a big laugh from the other side of the phone. "Angelique wants Y/N to produce her next album, but all of a sudden Y/N here cannot find the receive button on her phone," Alex emphasizes his sarcasm.
"I took yours, didn't I?"
However, Alex begins his interrogation. "Why are you avoiding her calls anyway?"
"I don't wanna work with her," You know you sound petulant.
"Come on, Y/N, it would be great! Angelique's third album sold triple more than her second. Her last single went neck to neck with Taylor Swift's song. Now, she is gonna let you work on her fourth album! Other producers would kill for this opportunity," Alex tries to reason.
Jay whistles, being impressed by the story.
"Well, my boyfriend here is a cop. I don't wanna get involved in any criminal activity," You are intentionally being obtuse. "If it were so great, why don't you do it? You're the one who still works on stage."
"You know people talked about how you could be the next Max Martin, right? Made sense that she asked for you," Alex states. "Angelique doesn't need another artist to perform with her. She needs someone who writes and produces good stuff."
"Every producer could be the next Max Martin if they work hard," You shrug the notion.
Jay looks confused with all these new names. "And Max Martin is...?"
"We are never ever ever getting back together?" Alex starts singing a couple bars to show Jay some examples of Max Martin's works.
"Uh..." Jay doesn't show any recognition.
"ou make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream?" Alex sings another song. Your best friend is nothing but persistent.
"Uhm.." And yet, Jay is still clueless.
"Jay is not keeping up with pop music for the last decade, Lex," You joke to your best friend. "Try some songs from the Backstreet Boys,"
"Hey!" Jay protests. "I know your songs," He smirks at you in full smug. "Especially the ones that were written about me."
You laugh at his adorable and sexy smirk. Sitting up from Jay's lap, you kiss the smug out of him.
"Guys, I'm still here." The flat tone of Alex on the phone stops Jay from taking the kiss further.
You peck a corner of Jay's lips one more time. "Your own fault. Who told you to call during our date night anyway?"
"Since I'm not there to poke and pinch you, I hope Jay could help me convince you to take this project." Your best friend is shameless.
"Is Angelique not a good person or something?" Jay tries to understand the situation. He knows you are a hard worker. It is rare for you to run off from a big project like this. "She ought to be a good singer, right? With all of that achievements,"
You cross your arms and glare at your boyfriend, "It is a prerogative to hate your best friend's exes, no?"
Jay frowns, "Wait, Angelique is Alex's ex?"
"Oh, come on!" groans Alex. "It was years ago!"
"You know how the saying goes. Quote-unquote, "You are my friend. She is your ex. You get to forgive and move on. I get to hold a grudge until I die”
"That was kinda harsh," Jay comments.
"Your best friend still hates me until now, Jay." You roll your eyes at your boyfriend.
"Mouse doesn't hate you. I even haven't got a chance to tell him about you since he's been deployed," Jay raises his eyebrows.
"She meant your work partner," Alex answers Jay for you.
Jay frowns deeper, "Hailey doesn't hate you."
"Wanna bet on that?" You challenge him.
Alex prevents the couple from bickering further, "Guys, listen! Angelique and I broke up amicably. There were no hard feelings between us now,"
"Excuse you!" You exclaim. "I still remember those dark days. You cried over so many Tequila bottles. And those boxes of chocolate!! Why did we have to consume that much chocolate over a breakup?? My waistline did not come back to its original measurement for three months!!"
Jay lets out an amused snort.
"Oh, you don't get to talk, man!" Alex hits the couple back. "Your temporary breakup also forced me to replenish my Jenever stocks! I got bakeries phone numbers on speed dial for chocolate cake emergencies!"
Jay puts his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. You guys continue to discuss business," He stands up from the couch. "I'm gonna go warm up some pie," Jay gestures to the kitchen area. "Alex, it's nice to catch up with you. Hope the next time we talk, it would be more social and less about business,"
"And you, love, try to listen to what Alex offers first before you cut him off," Jay bends down to kiss your lips teasingly. "Please don't pull out any bottles with more than 40% alcohol content. I need you sober for our plans tonight." He winks at you before moving to the kitchen, leaving you to deal with your pushy best friend alone.
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@lorenakaspersen @life-treatments @itsdesiree86
Foot Note: - Tom Cruise and Maggie Q blew up a Lamborghini Gallardo in Mission: Impossible III (2006). All of the MI movies are classics in my household. - Max Martin is a Swedish record producer, songwriter. You might not know his name, but I'm sure you know his songs. In reference to this fic, he co-wrote and co-produced Taylor Swift's "We are never ever ever getting back together", co-wrote Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream", co-wrote and co-produced some of Backstreet Boys' biggest hits. - "You are my friend. She is your ex. You get to forgive and move on. I get to hold a grudge until I die" line is taken from Henrietta Wilson on 9-1-1 TV Series S02E04 "Stuck". I thought it was hilarious. The line became the reason for this particular fic's existence.
I'm sorry for the long note. Thank you for reading this fic and the note. You are so welcome to reply, ask or tag me. We can talk about music, series or Jesse Lee Soffer's abs. :p
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
Good Omens one-shot - “When God Closes a Door, She Opens a Window, But It's Up to You to Find It” (Rated T)
Summary: Crowley goes through unconventional lengths to escape a bad blind date...
... and ends up finding an angel in an unexpected place. (2770 words)
Notes: This is a re-write of an older story, but I think I like this version better. Human au. Fluffy as heck. CW: If you get squicked out by being covered in food trash, proceed with caution.
Read on AO3.
"Bollocks... bollocks... bollocks... bollocks... " Crowley mutters as she paces back and forth, simmering behind her eyeballs with so much anxiety she's about to tear her hair out by the roots. The only plan she can come up with to solve her current dilemma grows hotly in her mind, but she's searching for something - ANYTHING! - to take its place. 
Maybe something along the lines of acting like an adult, womaning up, and admitting this isn’t going to work? Be upfront about it and say it to the man’s face, for Heaven's sake! 'Go on, Crowley!' she thinks. 'Go ahead! One foot in front of the other. Steady on! You can do this!'
But she’s become so tired of the grind – going to bars, faithfully tending her online dating profile, endless blind dates set up by well-meaning friends, the rejecting and the rejections. She can’t face one more. It physically hurts, knots her stomach muscles until the pain turns her world monochromatic.
Crowley had had high hopes for this one, too. Her date Steven is the new doctor of the boy she nannies. He and Crowley have plenty in common – a love of theater and fine dining, and an appreciation for fashion. Crowley thought dating a pediatrician would be fascinating. After summarizing the pertinent details of her own life, perhaps her date would talk about getting through medical school, toss in a few whimsical stories about the joys (quote/unquote) of working with children - baby’s first shots where the parents cried more than the infant, or the tale of a precocious little girl who demanded he put a Band-Aid on her teddy before he helped her (the way Crowley's young charge had with his first doctor when he was around three). They could swap war stories, bond in that way.
But Steven’s favorite part of his profession is pediatric surgery, and, unfortunately, he loves to talk shop. Every morsel of conversation has been inappropriate for dinner and graphic in nature - appendectomy this and tonsillectomy that, abscesses and pus and untreated sores - until Crowley’s face turned as green as her salad and she couldn’t look at her steak anymore.
Neither could their neighbors, who flagged down a passing waiter and requested a new table. They've been sat near the kitchen, which most diners would loathe, but they look heaps happier.
Crowley excused herself as delicately as she could and raced to the loo, needing to escape any more gruesome talk. 
That was over fifteen minutes ago. 
She’s trapped with no way out.
She pictures the layout of the restaurant in her head. There has to be a back way in and out of this place. All restaurants have an exit through the kitchen, right? But the toilet, the kitchen, and the front door are all in full view of their table. Steven is sure to spot her sneaking out no matter how stealthy she is.
Crowley turns on the cold water and splashes her face, scolding herself to think, think, think! She’s an intelligent woman. She can come up with a way out of this. Could she phone someone to come down to the restaurant and make an excuse for her? Not likely, not on short notice. Her friends Anathema and Newt wouldn't be able to find a sitter - ironic, seeing as Crowley is a nanny, and if the tables were turned, she'd be more than willing to lend a hand.
Could she phone her employers, ask Mrs. Dowling to claim an emergency at home? No. She doesn't want to get them tangled up in her personal woes, especially when they concern a man they think of so highly.
She could look up one of those services that make fake calls to your cell phone to get you out of sticky situations, but that would mean going back out there to make the ruse believable. And from the way her hands lock around the lip of the basin every time she thinks about taking a step outside the door, she knows that isn’t happening.
Crowley looks at herself in the mirror, looks into her eyes, and reminds herself to calm down. Slow her breathing. She’ll find a solution. 
And suddenly, there it is. 
In the reflection of the mirror, she sees what might be her only way out.
A window. 
The only window in there, propped open enough that she’d be able to fit through. 
It’s kind of high, sort of narrow, and definitely a last resort. But what other choice does she have?
Loads, in reality. It just doesn't feel like it.
But does she really have to resort to jumping out a window? She’s already been in there for (she checks her watch and her eyes open wide) twenty-five minutes! And her date hasn’t come to check on her once. Maybe the man got the hint and left (hopefully after paying what should be close to a hundred-pound check). 
Crowley tests her luck, opening the door a sliver, praying silently don’t be there, don’t be there, don’t be there...
But there is no God - not one on her side, anyway - because there sits Dr. Steven Malory, talking to the waiter, telling him about another fascinating surgical procedure. He makes an exaggerated cutting motion across his stomach with a butter knife. The poor waiter, weighed down by a tray of soup bowls, nods politely, but looks like he may vomit in the tureen.
She winces. That poor waiter. Who knows how many times he's been called upon to lend an ear since her absence, or how many more times he'll be forced to endure another gory tale before Dr. Malory realizes she's gone. She peeks over her shoulder at the window, then back to the table, where Steven has his phone out, Googling something to the waiter's dismay. She slowly closes the door and backs away.
Window it is.
Crowley shelves the nagging feeling that she's perpetuating the most pathetic trope in the dating world and starts constructing a platform. There’s not much available – a small stepstool underneath the sink; a short, square, plastic rubbish bin that looks less than steady; another taller rubbish bin, dented along one side, looking like someone else already used it to make a break for freedom; and the toilet and basin, both miles away and completely unmovable.
Crowley does some quick engineering in her head and figures that if she turns the small bin over onto the stepstool, she might gain the height she needs to grab the lip of the window and hoist herself up, which would eliminate using the dented bin. She doesn’t like the odds that she won’t slip, fall, and crack her head open. She’s not so much worried about doing any permanent damage, but of having to explain to her date why she’s lying on the floor, covered in trash, and bleeding profusely.
With her luck, he'll giddily insist on stitching up any gashes, drawing a crowd of bystanders around to watch.
Crowley pushes the stool up against the wall with her foot. She dumps the trash from the small bin into its larger counterpart and sets it on the stool, centering it as best she can to keep it from sliding. With a hand on the wall for support, she puts a foot on the bin and attempts to pull herself up. It wobbles back and forth, then gives one backward lurch that nearly sends Crowley flying. 
She determines quickly that this isn’t going to work the way she had planned and makes a desperate leap for the window, using all her upper body strength to get her halfway through.
Crowley shudders when the cold air hits her skin, shocked by the drop in temperature, but mostly from fear of death. She looks down. 
A huge mistake on her part.
A horribly placed streetlamp keeps her from seeing into the alley, but she’s pretty sure she remembers a dumpster underneath this window. She had parked her Bentley in the lot across the way and saw it on the walk in. She looks out into the rows of cars and spots her vehicle. She sighs with relief. 
Now she’s a little more sure, but still not 100%.
Worst case scenario, she lands in food muck, probably not rotten since it’s still actively dinner, and ruins an expensive designer outfit.
Of course, that’s not actually the worst-case scenario, is it? Worst case scenario, she misses the dumpster altogether, hits the pavement, and breaks her leg, but she’s determined to remain optimistic. At this moment, when her anxiety-ridden brain has her convinced that the only logical route out is through this flippin' window, that’s a chance she’s willing to take.
She swings her right leg over, grateful that she chose slacks over a skirt tonight, till she’s straddling the narrow sill, bent in half by the metal lip of the window frame. She balances there, the dull edge digging into her sternum, her belly, and her crotch, but she can’t make herself jump. 
She’ll need to trick herself into it. 
She forces herself to relax, teeter-tottering back and forth, not dwelling on the possible outcome, just trying to work her way to the right far enough that she knocks herself off-kilter.
Fate lends a hand in the form of a drunken passerby yelling, “Oi! Oi, lookie there! There’s a big bird... human... thing hanging out that window!” 
Crowley panics, afraid she's about to be mistaken for someone breaking into a busy restaurant and not out. She fumbles, flails, starts falling head first, scrambles to get a hold. She hears a distant, “No! No, wait!” as her fingers slip. There are three seconds of cold wind and a sinking feeling in her stomach before she lands on her bum, thankfully in the dumpster, surrounded by the smell of not-too-rank food, the squish of something under her body that she thinks might be mashed cauliflower... 
... and a scream.
“Oh my God! I’m sorry!” 
Crowley yelps when her body lifts, something extraordinarily strong underneath pushing her up. She reaches around the slippery mess and wet plastic bags, struggling to pull herself off whoever is in the rubbish under her while trying to ignore the gravy seeping into her slacks, or the rice pilaf embedding itself beneath her freshly glossed fingernails. She knows she's broken two at minimum. 
How much worse could this evening get?
“I’m sorry!” Crowley scrambles to her knees, crawls away a few feet. “I’m so, so sorry!” 
“It’s alright, my dear.” A voice underneath her chuckles, its owner emerging from a layer of poached fish and au gratin potatoes.
Crowley turns in time to catch a glimpse as they move into the light. A woman wearing a vintage-inspired emerald gown covered in Hollandaise sauce and ranch dressing smiles sheepishly at her. The white light overhead gives a halo effect to her silvery-blonde hair, and her blue eyes almost glow.
She's quite breathtaking. 
“I thought I had reserved a private dumpster,” she jokes. “I’ll need to have a word with the maître de."
Crowley stares at her, stunned. “I… I don’t understand. What are you doing in here?”
“I suspect I might be here for the same reason as you,” she says, wiping mayonnaise off her hand before offering it to Crowley. “I’m Aziraphale.”
“Crowley. I’m sorry I landed on you.” She takes Aziraphale’s hand, forgetting to wipe hers off before and smushing creamed spinach between them. Crowley groans in embarrassment, but Aziraphale laughs.
“No worries.” Aziraphale doesn't let go immediately the way Crowley thought she would, her smile becoming brighter the longer she holds on. “It’s the most exciting thing that’s happened all evening.”
“So... I take it you’re running away from a bad date, too, huh?” Crowley asks, regretting when Aziraphale finally lets go.
“I'm afraid so.” Aziraphale glances down with a long sigh. “A friend set me up, but I swear, the only men she knows are unemployed, torpid, and skeevy.”
“Wow. That’s some A-plus word usage right there.”
“Yes, well, the written word is my passion."
“Does that mean you're the one who wrecked the silver rubbish bin?"
“Did I?” Aziraphale looks up at the window and grimaces. “I should probably offer to replace that then, shouldn't I? What about you?” Aziraphale turns her soft blue eyes back Crowley's way. “How bad was your date going?”
“I can now perform an appendectomy with my eyes shut.”
“Yikes. I take it that’s not a turn-on for you?”
“Not in the slightest. I appreciate medicine as much as the next gal, but I’d rather not know the gritty details." Crowley stares at Aziraphale until Aziraphale notices, then the two look away, blushing like giggly teenagers flirting in a coffee shop instead of two adults stuck in the trash. Crowley can't help herself. Regardless of the stench of curdled butter and cheese that will probably be with her for life, Aziraphale is a calming presence. And she looks like an angel. An honest-to-God angel! 
And Crowley found her in the trash. 
What are the odds?
“You know, we might want to get out of here before anyone else drops in,” Aziraphale suggests, rising to her feet and lending Crowley a hand.
“Yeah,” Crowley agrees. "Guess that's my night over. Though... " She looks down at her blouse and trousers, positively caked with sweet potatoes, chicken grease, tomato sauce, and chutney "... I’m not looking forward to driving home like this.”
"How far do you have to go?"
"I'm in Mayfair."
"Oh!" Aziraphale gasps. "Isn't that a lovely part of town?"
"I enjoy it," Crowley replies, never having felt quite so proud to live in Mayfair as she does in this moment. "And you?"
"I have a shop in SoHo."
"Lucky. You're just a hop, skip, and a jump, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am... " Aziraphale chews the inside of her cheek as her words hang, balanced in the air between stopping a thought or continuing it. “I hope you don’t think I’m being too forward, but if you come back to my shop, I have a shower. We could clean up there... " Aziraphale sputters when Crowley's eyebrow arcs sharply upward. "S-separately, of course! A-and order in some pie. I know a great spot nearby. I dare say they have the best pie in the world! And they deliver.”
“I don’t have a change of clothes,” Crowley says, wary of taking Aziraphale up on her invitation. Garbage notwithstanding, meeting her has definitely been an improvement to the way things were going. 
"I might have something that would work for you." Aziraphale sizes Crowley up, but not in a creepy way. In a surprisingly nurturing way. "It would be nice to salvage the evening, don't you think?"
"It would." But one disastrous date is plenty for the night. Should Crowley jump straight to another with a woman she met in a dumpster? Then again, it would be wrong for her to assume that spending time with Aziraphale would be disastrous. Plus the story of how they met is way too fantastic to waste on self-doubt.
Crowley took a chance on jumping out a window with only hope to guide her. She’d be stupid not to take a chance on this.
“Sure,” Crowley says, confident with her decision. “Your car or mine?” The words slip out before she considers the fact that she's talking about her baby. A vintage car that she, due to an extreme case of sheer luck, has been the sole owner of. She won't even wear muddy shoes in her car. Or rayon! On top of her own ruined outfit, which will need to be dry cleaned twice and then set on fire, if she lets Aziraphale in her car, she'll have two sloppy, food-stained seats that she’ll need to have scoured. 
Maybe Aziraphale will laugh her off and offer to take her own car. Why would she want to leave it behind, anyway?
“Oh, I didn't drive,” Aziraphale says, looking down sadly at her own destroyed dress. “I took the bus.”
Crowley's heart clenches. There's that decision made. There's no way she's going to suggest Aziraphale take the bus while Crowley drives her car. She just prays that, with time, her baby will forgive her.
“My car it is then.” Crowley loops her arm covered in soup through Aziraphale’s arm covered in whipped cream and leads the way. Aziraphale smiles, holds Crowley's arm a wee bit tighter, and Crowley becomes certain this new development will be worth the money she'll spend detailing her car in the morning.
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