#romantic ideal
jerseygirl5000 · 3 months
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skilasophia · 11 days
On The Romantic Ideal
Beautiful imagery No fighting I can't disagree because What if my opinions cause havoc? It would so tragic And not like the movies Who wants an imperfect meet cute? Nobody, not my future children Or my optimistic past self.
I fear being swallowed But to integrate friend groups is lesbian And I don't have any friends anyway; I'll have friends even if temporary But there's always a time limit anyway So what's the threat?!
Happiness is a lovely trap, Why did the world do this to me? Loneliness pierced my soul, Can I ever go back?
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hana-no-seiiki · 4 months
yanderes with darlings who only dated them because they were too horny to say no
yandere: i love you so much. i would die for you even if you hated me. you’re the light of my life. the only thing in this world that seems bearable - no utterly beautiful. immaculate.
reader: cool. now let’s fuck.
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fanvoidkeith · 8 months
sometimes being aroacespec is confusing. what do you mean, most people can tell the difference between platonic and romantic and sexual attraction? what do you mean people don't "choose" crushes? what do you mean that people can imagine themselves in a physical situation with someone else?? isn't dating just Friendship Plus??? hell, isn't marriage just Friendship Plus?????????
what do they mean??????????? what are feelings???? why am i so confused????????
*edit: changed "aroace" to "aroacespec", since several aromantic people felt that this was not an Aromantic Feeling. i see you, i hear you, and so i changed it to be more accurate to me personally, since i am Confused About Feelings Always
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j-wilson-md · 1 year
romantic killer but from junta's perspective where he's an absolute bi disaster bcs he's constantly in the presence of his crush and his other crush who are too pretty for their own good
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difeisheng · 7 months
mysterious lotus casebook introduces qiao wanmian as li xiangyi's ex-lover who clearly has some lingering sadness over their relationship still, and you think, "oh, she's going to be the woman who waited and stayed loyal to him for a full decade and never stopped thinking he'd come back (to her)". great. that's... great. and THEN. you find out that in actuality, a-mian did an admirable job of getting her shit mostly together and she's moved on. sure, she still misses li xiangyi (and honestly she missed what he represented to her more than him as a partner) but she's got a steady livelihood going and another man at her side who, up until he started being a dick, she didn't regret being with.
and after that, you realize. you know who spent ten years frozen in time and thinking about li xiangyi? who cannot let go of the memory of him even when they've been told he's dead? who's described as clingy in canon and still hounds him in the present at every turn about their past relationship? di fei-fucking-sheng. the narrative turned a-fei into the yearning lover left behind, complete with relationship metaphor. ''the moon that year wasn't as bright as today'' to "the bright moon has already sunk into the western sea". this show made li xiangyi di feisheng's literal baiyueguang so that a-mian could go live her best life getting what she deserved, and not be bothered by whatever template role she'd have been stuck in otherwise. everyone say thank you to mlc
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clove-pinks · 2 months
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Une rencontre au bal (detail), Paul Gavarni.
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ilynpilled · 9 months
“He said that he is a romantic, in the classical sense. He said the trouble with being a romantic is that from a very early age you keep having your face smashed into the harshness of reality. That things aren't always fair, bad things happen to good people, etc. He said it's a realists’ world, so romantics are burned quite often. This theme of romantic idealism conflicting with harsh reality is something he finds very dramatic and compelling, and he weaves it into his work. Specifically he mentioned that the Knight exemplifies this, as the chivalric code is one of the most idealistic out there, protection of the weak, paragon of all that is good, fighting for truth and justice. The reality was that they were people, and therefore could do horrible cruel things, rape, pillage, wanton killing, made all the more striking or horrifying because it was in complete opposition to what they were supposed to be.”
- So Spake Martin, 2005
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catboybiologist · 3 months
The fire roared in the iron stove, and I huddled on the couch in front of it. The warmth I clung to desperately fighting the icy cold of the cabin around it. When the chores were done and the sun grew low, I spent most of my days like this, waiting for the piece that would most be missed.
You walked in from the blizzard, and tore your work coat off, beating the crystals from your boots. Every bit of hard bitten, tough gal aesthetic left you as the weariness of the day hit you all at once. Gently, you snuck under my blanket, and laced your calloused hands and muscles arms around my body.
I melted into them freely.
You and me, in each other's arms, listening to nothing but the fire and the storm.
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everyscreentoobeseen · 6 months
Maybe im just Stede-pilled but I didn't see him doing anything wrong in ep 6&7 till the Zheng Confrontation.
Killing Ned was inevitable and a good thing because it rid the world of a monster. Him getting praised and respected by other pirates isn't a crime. Him burning a dude is just a more direct version of burning the party boat. Plus the dude wanted to kill him. It's not shown that he died either so he's probably fine.
Not once did he act mean or nasty for no reason. Especially not during ep 7. He was just basking in receiving validation from the community he so desperately wanted to be accepted by.
The only reason he wanted to fight Zheng was because he not only lost Ed, but he was also losing Olu/Jim/Archie. His family. Which Zheng had no problem mocking him for. Then Steak Knife got pinched to ??death???unconsciousness??
Of course he's gonna act irrationally and draw his sword. Everyone is acting like Stede was becoming evil and corrupted but none of the shit he did even touches what Blackbeard did in his Kraken era... Not here for the Stede slander.
He's my little meow meow that can do no wrong.
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mad-girlslove-song · 4 months
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cosmicrhetoric · 4 months
re: vetvimes is only real when its funny. carrot and angua are extremely boring until they start with all that "carrot i need you to promise me you'll be the one to pull the trigger if i go evil. stop saying i won't just promise haha do you promise PLEASE promise it'll be you do you promise do you promise?" business. and then they are the only couple ever.
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mickedy · 2 months
There is something very special to me about relationships where one or both of the partners is aromantic. I've identified as aromantic for a few years now but I love romantic dating, even if i don't get the same out of it that allos do... my partners have been wonderful people and there's something special about being part of a relationship where the other party is willing and able to accommodate for the lack of romance, to appreciate what the relationship is even if its not inherently romantic on my end, it makes me feel so seen and loved as an aro person yknow
I think this also extends to fiction, there's already so little aro representation in media but I think it would be nice if aromantic relationships were explored more... characters outwardly identifying as aro and the portrayal of how that affects their relationships that isnt in a particularly bad way.... theres so much to explore with that. aroace people. aplatonic aros. Loveless aros. imagine..
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prosebushpatch · 8 days
Okay so I recently, finally, watched Wish and I have some thoughts. Overall, not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but still has a lot of fundamental story problems and I've got to get them off of my chest. I'll mostly be focused on Magnifico because I think his motivations and arc largely represent the problem with the overall theme.
Okay so my biggest problem with Magnifico is his motivation. His tragic backstory. How on earth does he go from losing his whole family to thinking, the only way he can prevent that from happening again is to grant wishes? The logic doesn't track. It almost makes sense in his creating a kingdom where he protects everyone and "doesn't even charge rent," but it does not make sense with his wish granting. Having a great need to be control to make sure he doesn't lose anyone ever again can be a compelling motivation for a villain, where we see lines crossed that don't justify the intent, but in the movie, he's too self-absorbed to seem to have any actual care for the people of Rosas.
I think if the motivation was changed to something like Magnifico had once been a bright-eyed, enthusiastic wish granter who blindly believed all wishes were good but learned the hard way that that wasn't true could have been a better fit for the overall goal of the movie. Imagine that he granted a wish for a wicked person who used that wish to hurt others, or if Magnifico granted a wish but that wish ended up ruining the person's life because what they wanted wasn't what they needed (i.e. Remember The Princess and the Frog? Dig a little deeper) and that person could have went after Magnifico and blamed him for their troubles (harkening back to We Don't Talk about Bruno). This would be an understandable tragic backstory for Magnifico, and better explain why he's so careful about the wishes he grants. And, perhaps the reason he keeps the wishes he doesn't want to grant is to keep the people in his kingdom docile. No one will be angry with him for not granting their wishes if he makes them forget them and lose that drive and motivation, which makes more sense than the unexplained hording them like he does in the movie? Why does he keep them in the movie other than admiring the wishes? It doesn't make sense to me.
This would give Asha more of a reason to oppose him, if it's shown how his desire to not get hurt or to inadvertently cause hurt turned into a paranoia where he drains people of wishes to fly or play music that inspires others. And, as a side note, we need to see more of how Rosas is a kingdom of people who lack drive and motivation, where only those younger than 18 have that special part of them that inspires them to chase after a dream (something that Astor Rhymemaster touched on). Because that's the point of wishes, right? That's the point of the entire Disney canon. A dream is a wish your heart makes. That star can only get you so far, it takes hard work and determination. It's wanting something better in life, it's dreaming of leaving behind all you know to chase after a tangible light. It's finding a new dream, it's finding a new wish as you grow and learn about yourself and the world.
I don't think the movie Wish understood what makes wishes so important in Disney stories. You know what wishes do? They ignite change. It's not about getting what you want, it's about finding the courage to chase after something better. Ariel wants to be where the people are, but really she wants to be somewhere where others are willing to understand her and in the end, she finds that and makes amends with her father, who finally is willing to see her for who she is. Rapunzel wants to see the lights, and that desire pushes her to leave a tower she's been trapped in her whole life, learning that the world is not as cruel and cold as her abusive mother told her. Cinderella wants to go to the ball, to dance with people who treat her as a person and not a servant of cinders and ash. That wish is granted by a fairy godmother and gives her a hope that is worth fighting for, a hope that helps her reclaim what is rightfully hers; a glass slipper that fits only her and the love that comes with it.
Wishes inspire change. The movie should have been about that. Magnifico could have been right, that some wishes inspire negative change that can drag down multiple people. The kingdom of Rosas could have been so placid because change is scary. Maybe Magnifico could have convinced people, after taking their wish, that it wasn't worth it. Maybe the wish ceremonies could have changed so it wasn't portrayed as some sort of lottery everyone looks forward to, but Magnifico would grant wishes on the spot if he decided they were good and worthwhile, and he would lock away the wishes that would cause trouble and tribulations. 18 year olds could be enthusiastic to give him their wishes, thinking they were surely good and worth granting, only to forget their wish and be told that their wish would have only brought about their unhappiness, this would have justified a more solemn tone in the kingdom, setting up a world where people are mostly downtrodden, thinking their wishes are bad and pointless and they're better off without them. Imagine Cinderella or Rapunzel being told their wishes weren't good, reinforcing all the things their abusive families tell them, taking away that hope and courage to find something better for themselves.
Here's where the true conflict could come in. Asha could be onto this from the beginning, and her opening song could have been about this concern that the people who didn't get their wishes granted aren't willing to try at all. (Because, after all, why doesn't Sabino play music at all? Having that taken from him would take so much joy and creative expression from his life!) But why does Asha know something is amiss?
Imagine that Magnifico has a strict rule not to ever share your wish with another person because then it wouldn't come true. It makes sense with our own superstitions, and then makes it so that no one knows anyone else's wishes. Maybe your best friend changes so drastically after giving up their wish, but you believe, like everyone else, that their wish would have only caused suffering. What can you do about it? Well what if Simon told Asha about his wish? What if Asha knew his wish wasn't dangerous and couldn't imagine a way that it could go wrong? That would give her a reason to doubt Magnifico and put more emphasis on how Simon has lost his drive like all the other adults in the kingdom. And it can also emphasize in the end that sharing your wishes and dreams with others can be a powerful thing. Just the act of sharing your dreams can inspire others to go after their own, and they can give you the encouragement to chase your wish too. Wishes inspire change, love gives you the courage to make it happen.
Imagine if the star boy used to be a human, who wished to help others and lost his humanity to do it. Imagine his wish confirms Magnifico's belief, that wishes cause suffering because star boy lost his tether to earth and is separated from the people he loves. Imagine how he foils Asha who also wants to grant everyone's wishes. Imagine him ensuring she doesn't make the same mistake he did while she gives him a reason to change again, to anchor himself to humanity again because he loves her enough not to leave for forever.
Imagine the movie confirming that, yes, change is scary. Chasing your dreams won't always make things better. You might fail more than you succeed and some wishes cannot coincide with each other, leading to grief and strife. But some wishes are worth it. Sometimes, chasing after something better and failing is worth leaving a worse situation. Sometimes taking that chance is worth it, and, like in all fairy tales, if you are kind and generous and act with love, that will make all the difference in the end.
Also, I know everyone wished for a Magnifico and Amaya evil power couple, but imagine if Magnifico was truly in love with Amaya, as he is in the movie, but that love is eventually his undoing. Like Amaya leaps in front of Asha, and Magnifico stops or redirects his attack because she's the one thing he loves more than himself and that is the weakness that Asha and co can take advantage of. Imagine Amaya keeping Magnifico in the mirror and he gets to dote on her from his imprisonment for forever. I'm just saying. At least 30 sickos like me would be into that. Imagine the depth it would give to the themes of love and change and wishing and how acts of love make all the difference.
Alright, I'll get off my soap box. I just really wish Wish could have been stronger because these fairy tales Disney is famous for matter. They really do. But the movie feels too stale and shallow and too much of a cash grab that knows the outline of a disney musical, but is unable to understand the heart of why they work.
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transmascutena · 2 months
thinking about how akio sees his younger self in utena and wondering if there's any fondness there. doesn't change the horror of what he does to her obviously but i do wonder
#akio and utena#m#long ramble in the tags sorry:#the thing about akio is that he's so evil bit he's also so human#he has feelings. i just don't know what they are (if anything) toward his victims#he loves anthy at the very least i'm sure of that. even if he hates her too. just like she loves and hates him. the lines are blurry.#and i just. i have to wonder whether any of that extends to utena at all. we know anthy at times feels similarly about utena and dios#(and akio by extension.) the simultanious love and resentment. so it's not too unlikely i think.#like. even though he never had anything but bad intentions in getting close to her#i'm not sure it's possible to do everything he did and feel nothing#not that he has any meaningful amount of guilt or remorse for it. i don't think that.#and i obviously don't think he “loved” her in any of the ways she might have thought he did#but did he not care at all? did he not feel any kind of fondness or sympathy or just. idk. pity? for her?#whatever the case it wasn't enough to reconsider having her killed so you know. how much does that actually matter anyway#idk. i think about it a lot. how abusers are rarely entirely indifferent toward their victims#the role he's playing in her life is so fucked up but it IS a role he's playing and i wonder how much he you know... internalizes it?#how much does he believe the illusion of family that he invites her into? because akio DOES often buy into his own illusions.#(similarly i think it's possible that akio is fond of touga too. their mentor-protégé relationship is horrible and abusive#but that doesn't make it less real. you know? maybe real is the wrong word.)#when he talks in episode 25 about wanting utena and anthy closer that's obviously so he can continue to groom her#but is there something genuine there too? i don't know.#again. it obviously does not make anything he does better or even different. but it is interesting to think about to me.#on the other side of that coin does seeing his own past youth and naivete and desire to do good that he (maybe) once had#reflected back at him through her mean anything?#is there resentment there? that she is what he couldn't be? or more likely he just thinks that idealism is stupid.#either way it's something he wants to take from her. anyway ramble over.#i talk a lot about utena's feelings toward akio (familial vs romantic love and the way the two are intertwined in fucked up ways)#but not much the other way around. probably because utena is actually a sympathetic character whose feelings the show very clearly#wants you to analyze and think about.#which is... less true for akio i think. though he's still a complex character with complex motives. he's just harder to get a grasp on.
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zesty-alt · 2 months
Or, perhaps a dragon pregnancy takes years, perhaps even over a decade, and that is the source of the bond - there's nothing more ferocious than a dragon fighting to protect its mate and unborn child.
Dragon knight armor is especially designed to accommodate and protect the slowly growing pregnancy, and a knight's well-conditioned body - further empowered by the dragon's magic now coursing through them - is able to get around easily, and even fight should the need arise; dragons are sturdy creatures, so miscarriage of any kind is exceptionally rare. In fact, the rounder the knight, the more dangerous and powerful they and their dragon become.
Eventually, they do get too big and heavy to ride into battle; wise old veterans, hair grey around the edges, they're highly respected figures and well-taken care of, and powerful sorcerers that aren't to be crossed. So colossal and ripe that people wonder how they can possibly stand, rotund bellies now hanging low and squirming with their young, which evolves to violent thrashing as the birth nears, their tightly packed wombs constantly warped and moving, impossible to hide. It's at least another few months at this stage, and the sight of it scares many off from mating with dragons, though a rare few find themselves excited.
Some dragons sequester their mates away to give birth; contractions and labor can last weeks, and the dragon will nuzzle and pleasure their partner the whole way through to prepare them
for those who don't, a live dragon birth may be quite a public celebration.
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