#resort butler training
Top 10 Hotel Training Providers in 2024 | Elevate Your Hospitality Game
Discover the best hotel training providers of 2024. Explore top-rated programs that can boost your hotel's service quality and staff performance.
In the rapidly evolving hospitality industry, the quality of training can make all the difference in setting a hotel apart from its competition. Exceptional service, innovative management, and impeccable standards begin with education, making the choice of a training provider a pivotal decision for any hotel. Here’s a look at the top 10 hotel training providers in 2024, with a special focus on…
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sourlove · 2 months
You had never heard a room fall silent the way it did when you stepped in.
It was lunchtime and King Henry had demanded politely requested that you join him and some foreign dignitaries for a meal in the grand hall. However, none of the aforementioned were present. Instead, the Queen and her servants stared at you coldly as you halted by the entrance.
"Good afternoon, Your majesty," you greeted with a bow. "My apologies for-"
"You. Come here." The hall was empty, so the Queen's voiced echoed, coldly.
You glanced up and nervously stepped towards her. The head butler stood there as well, but he sneered at you when you looked at him. Queen Penelope's maids, two nasty girls who constantly tried to make your life miserable, began to whisper to themselves, eyes trained on your neck. Actually, you noticed that all of them seemed to be looking at your neck.
With a sinking feeling, you looked down at the garishly ornate necklace the King insisted you wear to lunch.
"It's the same color as my eyes. I want you to wear it and think of me," Henry had whispered into your ear as he clasped it around your neck. You hadn't thought much of it and had just planned to wear it for the afternoon and stuff it in a drawer with all the other gifts Henry had forced on you.
"That necklace, where did you get it from?" the Queen asked stiffly. Her face gave away nothing but disgust and hatred for you.
"Ah, this? It was His majesty that gave it to me, Your majesty," you replied, reaching up to touch the giant chunk of sapphire swinging from the thick gold chain.
"Liar!" One of the maids cried. "It is the same one the King gave Her Majesty on their wedding night! The one that went missing!"
The temperature suddenly dropped as you realized the situation you had just walked into. You opened your mouth to defend yourself but nothing came out, making Queen Penelope snap in anger.
"You dare try to make excuses? Hold them down!"
The two maids immediately grabbed your arms, fingernails painfully digging into your skin. The butler scoffed, "Of course someone of your status would resort to theft."
The Queen roughly yanked the necklace off you. "A filthy concubine," she hissed. "Dares to sneak around my chambers? You must think you can get away with anything just because you're warming the King's bed. But let me tell you something." She lowered her voice as if she were sharing a secret. "He will soon tire of you, and I will take great pleasure in dealing with you the same way I dealt with others who dared to think they were beyond their station."
You licked your lips shakily and stammered out, "Y-your majesty, I swear there must have been some kind of mistake. Hen-The King truly gave me that necklace! I would never dare to-"
Her rings caught on your face when she hit you and you stumbled back, only held up by her giggling maids. A warm, metallic taste filled your mouth. Blood. "How dare you speak his name?! You will regret ever crawling into his bed, you vile wench!"
She raised her her hand again to land another blow until a booming voice froze everyone in place.
"What is going on here?!"
Henry looked furious as he stormed into the grand hall, closely followed by an entourage of people; guards, servants and the dignitaries you were supposed to have lunch with. Before you could even begin to feel embarrassed, the maids holding you fled to stand behind their mistress, leaving you to stagger into Henry's arms.
His blue eyes scanned you and took in your bruised face, his face twisting into an expression you had never seen before. "Penelope!" he barked. "What is the meaning of this? Explain yourself immediately!"
The Queen balked at the face of his pure, unadulterated rage, but still pointed an accusatory finger at you. "My necklace! Th-they stole it from my chambers and paraded around claiming that you gave it to them!" All of a sudden, she burst into tears and you gaped at her. Who exactly was the victim here? "I-I just lost my temper, because that necklace is so dear to me! You gave it to me as a wedding gift!"
You could already feel the nasty looks being sent in your direction and shrunk back. Henry looked down at your trembling form and bloody mouth, seemingly unaffected by Queen Penelope's tears.
"Let me see the necklace," he commanded. The head butler stepped forward with the cause of all your problems and bowed to the King, handing it to him. Henry turned it over in his hand and chuckled dryly. "You foolish woman."
This seemed to surprise everyone, for the King was known for being kind and peaceful. "Y-your majesty?"
Henry flipped the sapphire pendant, revealing the gold backing on which your initials were carved. The Queen was at a lost for words and her mouth opened and closed multiple times without saying a word.
The butler stepped in for his mistress. "Your majesty, there is a chance they could have engraved it themself after they stole it!"
Henry cocked his head and hummed. "There is a chance. A very slim one, considering I was the one who engraved their initials myself." He stroked your hair soothingly. "I didn't want there to be any confusion between the two so this was a precaution. Had I known that the Queen would be so willing to strike my concubine over such a small issue, I would have been more careful."
"Your majesty!" A knight ran into the room, holding up a familiar object. "We found the Queen's necklace in the head butler's quarters!"
The man gasped and shook. "Framed! I've been framed!" He dropped to his knees as the guards surrounded him. "Your majesty, please believe me!"
Henry barely spared him a glance. "Take him to the dungeons and have him whipped. Such is the punishment for a thief." He turned to the Queen who paled in fear but Henry wasn't done. "Take the maids too. Cut off the hands that dared to hurt what is mine."
They screamed as they were dragged away, pleading for mercy, and you winced. Henry turned to reschedule his lunch meeting with the dignitaries as if it were nothing, as is he didn't just order for people to be tortured. The events of the day started to catch up to you and you swayed in Henry's grasp.
He swooped you into a bridal carry immediately, barking orders to call a physician. He cast a final glance back at the Queen who had just watched her most loyal servants be taken away. Tears, perhaps real ones this time, filled her eyes.
Henry turned back to you. "Lock the Queen in her chambers until further notice. She has done enough damage today."
"Your majesty! Your majesty, you cannot do this to me! I am your Queen!"
Her cries were cut off as the doors to the grand hall slammed shut. Henry strode quickly to you chambers, lips pressed in a thin line.
"...I'm fine, Henry," you said softly. You knew calling him by his name would calm him down from the thoughts in his head. He glanced down at you.
"She hit you."
"But it's not serious. I will heal very soon."
Henry shook his head in frustration. He said no more until you were tucked in bed, after being thoroughly examined by the palace physician. After the old man had given you some medicine and left, the King crawled into your bed. "I'm sorry, my love."
You patted his hand tiredly. You wished he would leave you to sleep in peace, but that didn't seem like it was going to happen. "It's not your fault, Henry. It's not like you planned this."
When Henry said nothing, you turned to find a look in his eyes that made you sit up straight, sleepiness fading away. "I didn't think she would hit you-" he began but you cut him off.
"Is that why you insisted I wear it to lunch? Did you plan this whole affair to humiliate me?"
"You don't understand, I did it for you! To help you establish your place in the palace!"
"As what? As your bed warmer? The King's whore? Is that what you wanted?" You glared at him. "Why can't you understand that there is simply no place for me here. Not when I was forced to be here."
"...you're right."
You glanced at him, frowning in confusion but Henry was staring into space, lost in his thoughts. "It's too dangerous for you here. Who knows what that woman will do to hurt you?"
"Are you-are you saying that I can go home?" You couldn't help feeling hopeful of returning to your old life but that feeling soon crashed down when Henry smiled.
"I can't just let you go, my love," he chuckled, pulling you closer to him. "But I will take you somewhere you never have to go through anything like this ever again."
Later on, you would wonder if anyone ever questioned your disappearance or if Henry had spread some story to stop them from searching for you. Either way, it's not like anything that happened outside of the safehouse mattered. It was your only home now.
And the only thing you needed to concern yourself with was loving your King and serving him, and only him, until death do you part.
A/N: Please like, reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed this! Feel free to request any headcanons for this character but I might not write anymore full fledged fics of Henry for a while lol.
@pinkrose1422 @justabratsworld
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viridwns · 4 months
Phantomhive daughter AU has been taking over my brain.
Vincent Phantomhive, the queen's guard dog. London's most eligible bachelor after the death of his wife. A man with a cold heart and cunning smile. Who has wits like no other and two equally smart sons.
The man who can manipulate people into doing things they never thought of doing. Mostly for his benefit.
This man, one of the most powerful people in London if not in the whole of England, has the sweetest, most kind-hearted daughter. An absolute sweetheart who couldn't even hurt a fly. She would help the servants simply to create a bond with them. She got the stubborness from her father and the angelic looks from her mother. A rare gem that the Phantomhive males set their lives on to protect.
She is always at her father's side. If not him, she's with one of the twins. No one has ever seen her alone. Bright young men are betting against each other about who could sweep the little Phantomhive lady off her feet.
No one has been able to do it yet, but just a few stay determined.
Now, with the twins attending Weston College and Vincent being out for business, it's open season for the young men.
Vincent has prepared for this, of course, and set Tanaka on 'protecting' duty. Alas, it is still his daughter, and his wits didn't pass her either. She's even worse with her tricks than Vincent ever was.
She is able to escape the mansion in one way or another, just to finally go outside again after her father left.
Vincent is strict with his daughter, but it doesn't really bother her most of the time.
It's just that when someone has been inside for two weeks, they would like to leave the premise for a bit.
Even if they have to break a few sacred rules to do it.
Daughter Phantomhive is intelligent, but when it comes to the real world, she doesn't have any knowledge of it.
She's too kind to the people on the street, puts too much trust in the shady man trying to sell her stuff.
Usually, Ciel was there to link their arms and fend of any unwanted salesman or just men in general. [Redacted] was there to distract her when Ciel got a bit...too heated.
But now she was on her own, no protection. Open season.
When the gossiping starts that the Phantomhive daughter is walking all alone on the streets, it'll only take minutes before nobles come from left and right to woo the young lady.
She is overwhelmed by the amount of attention, not knowing how to ward them off or how to excuse herself.
If Tanaka wasn't as 'trained' as he is, she would've thrown hands to get out. He found her in no time after he realized she tricked him.
Giving the nobles a stern look (if looks could kill) and guiding lady Phantomhive back to the mansion, he had to contact Vincent. With protests of the rule breaker, he eventually managed to get ahold of Vincent.
He was home in a day.
Goodbye privileges.
Vincent knew he wouldn't be able to keep this up. With his daughter growing older, smarter, and more rebellious, and Vincent being away for business all the time while his boys are at school, he couldn't keep her safe forever.
It was a last resort, but Undertaker was his only solution.
Undertaker would love to watch over precious miss Phantomhive, but alas, he is busy himself with some...project.
Of course, he doesn't like seeing his friend so distraught. So maybe he has another solution , one he isn't fond of himself.
Summoning a demon to protecting his daughter at all times.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
If it wasn't for Undertaker’s obsession interest in the Phantomhive family, he would never have helped with or even suggested this.
Vincent would get his hands red for his daughter. His soul was a cheap price to pay.
Finding a sacrafical lamb wasn't hard to come by as well.
Undertaker left right as the ritual started, not wanting to deal with the demon that was about to appear.
That was the name of your new butler. The one your father hired to watch over you while he and your brothers were gone.
You had made a light joke about him having the same name as your and your brother's late dog. You had picked it out.
Sebastian only frowned at your remark.
What a great start.
The quite intimidating butler hovered over your shoulder day in and day out. Always ignoring your request for some privacy with a smile. Small talk didn't happen regularly as you chose to ignore the heavy presence of the man.
You tried every trick in your book to get rid of him even if it was only for a private strole through the garden. Sebastian only seemed amused by your attempts and encouraged you to keep trying. No matter what, he would always find you.
You never got angry with him, maybe a little fussy, but never angry. You started to like this cat and mouse game. It was something to keep your mind busy in these lonely days.
Vincent was a bit...stunned to see you hanging onto the chandelier when he got home. You weren't wearing one of the gowns he got you. Instead, you were dressed as a peasant boy. Even had your hair tucked neatly under a hat.
You were trying a new plan. Climb onto the chandelier via the stairs. Hide up there until you were certain Sebastian was at the other side of the mansion, and then go out looking like someone completely different to make it impossible to find you.
Your smile was forced as you awkwardly climbed down the stairs. You hadn't expected your father to come home today. Usually, he would send you a hundred letters asking how you were doing and that he would be home soon. He didn't do any of that on this business trip.
You just hoped he wasn't mad.
To your suprise, he took off the hat and kissed the crown of your head. He walked away with a smile as he waved the hat at you and told you to change.
Huh, guess he thought it was funny.
Your father seemed more at ease with this new butler watching you like a hawk.
Your brothers were a bit on the defense, though.
When it was family visiting weekend at Weston College, they could not stop staring daggers at Sebastian. You told them to be nice, but they argued that they didn't trust him one bit. Your father had to tell them off at one point when Ciel would literally shoo Sebastian away as [Redacted] showed you around the school.
Brothers will be brothers.
It was only when your father had a talk with your brothers behind closed doors (that you totally didn't eavesdrop on by hiding in the secret passageways of your home) that you started to get suspicious of who or what Sebastian was.
Your brothers had accepted the butler after that talk.
Your gut yelled at you even more when your father received yet another envelope stamped with the queen's sigil (that you totally didn't intercept when the mailman came), and shortly after he and Sebastian had some business at Weston College.
This was also the first time you were allowed to come along with your father.
Vincent had some business to do with the principal of the school. Sebastian became an undercover teacher. You had to swear to keep secret while you were trapped yet in another building. This time with everyone on your ass at all times.
Ah well, you were looking for a new challenge anyway.
Especially when four prefects were more than willing to help.
If only you knew their real intentions.
Your father wished you inherited his people reading skills instead of his art for tricking people.
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occasionalsnippets · 26 days
Do you have any new fic recs?
Uhh no notes for this time because i'm busy but fic rec part 2 :)
again mix of stuff, gen, romance, x reader, etc etc. some of the crossovers are in random sections b/c i can't be bothered to have a whole separate thing for each crossover
check back in like 2 years maybe for another list
Mashig! [Quotev]
Easton’s Prefect Trio and a Round of Old Maid [AO3]
Determination [Quotev]
Candid [Quotev]
beware the dust devil. [AO3]
The life and times of Kibutsuji Muzan, Bored Immortal Guy [AO3]
the awakening of the demon king [AO3]
An Unexpected Training Trip [AO3] [Naruto crossover]
The Future's Keeper [Quotev]
Record of Ragnorak
Ganymede [Quotev]
Obey Me
The Idiot [Quotev]
One Piece
World-Seeing Eyes [Quotev]
Black Butler
my soul, you know it aches for you [Quotev]
Hush, little baby, don't say a word [AO3]
The Art of Mortal Quests [AO3] [Percy Jackson Crossover]
what goes around [AO3]
Ain't No Compass, Ain't No Map [AO3]
Unable to Forward [AO3]
The Peacock Chronicles [AO3]
Putting the Joy in Joyride [AO3]
Dead Man Walking [AO3]
If You Give a Bat a Burger [AO3]
Danny the Intern [AO3]
Wait, I'm a what? [AO3
Ghost in the Morgue [AO3]
Bus to Nowhere [AO3]
DC x Marvel
Untangling the Web [AO3]
Help Me, I Don't Feel Like Myself Anymore [AO3]
Spider and Bat Friends [AO3]
Dark Matter [AO3]
Ghost Hunting With Skeletons [AO3]
Help, I've Fallen Into a Surveillance State and I Can't Get Up! [AO3]
Turn The Page [AO3]
with you here between [AO3]
bon courage [AO3]
passione speedrun any percent (world record) [AO3]
Healthy Coping Mechanisms [AO3]
Last Resort [AO3] [DC crossover]
complete disarray [AO3]
Morpheme [AO3]
limited vision [AO3]
obito and jjk is occupying my brain and in this essay i will [AO3] [Naruto crossover]
Team Building Exercises [AO3]
You Will Understand Now That Yours Is Unique in All the World [AO3]
Isekai as the Side Character Destined for Intoxication [AO3]
the seven habits of highly unfortunate souls: a transmigrator’s guide to the coral sea [AO3]
Debut or Die
I must debut (or die) [AO3]
Vacation [AO3]
Date or Die! [AO3]
Shokugeki no Soma
and only the bitterness remains. [AO3]
The Cultivating Force [AO3] [Star Wars crossover]
Misinformation [AO3]
Master of Dual Cultivation [AO3]
Scum Villain's White Lotus Halo [AO3]
how to avoid love for dummies [AO3]
bet i made you look [AO3]
The Reborn Villainess Can't Possibly Be This Cute! [AO3]
One Kim Dokja to Rule them All [AO3]
you got me starstruck [AO3]
“You are loved,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. “This is a threat,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. [AO3]
black dragons and white crowns [AO3]
What Lies ahead [AO3]
Amaranthine [AO3]
Treasure of the (Vampire) Duke's Family?! [AO3]
The Distress of the Middleman [AO3]
everybody talks [AO3]
0% Love [AO3]
Genshin Impact
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑜𝑙𝑑 [AO3]
living, not breathing [AO3]
The Fourth Seat [AO3]
Indelible Stains [AO3]
半个花瓣 || Petal Fragment [AO3]
Nothing but the Truth [AO3]
Chilled Peaches [AO3]
Not exactly pushing daisies [AO3]
Bait and Switch [AO3]
The Unfought [AO3]
Sight [AO3]
Swinging Pendulum [AO3]
Ball Is Life, But You Still Need To Pay Rent [AO3]
Tokyo Revengers
all for one [AO3]
if trouble must come (let it come) [AO3]
Marbled Elbows [AO3]
Chain Me Up, Darling [Quotev]
Anomalous [Quotev]
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growingstories · 1 year
Arabian nights, an All inclusive sequel
In the bustling city of London, there lived a young Arab man named Khalid. At the age of 22, Khalid was the son of the third wife of the Sheikh of Dubai, living a life of privilege and luxury. With no responsibilities to burden him, he spent his days indulging in extravagant dinners, attending lavish parties, and focusing on an intense gym routine to maintain his physique.
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Whenever Khalid went on holiday, he went to the resorts of his dear friend Alexander. Here he was accompanied by his trusted companion, Matthew, who served as his private butler. Khalid admired Matthew and had witnessed his transformation from a young, skinny twink to a handsome, muscular man. This drastic change was all thanks to personal trainer Jacobs efforts and rigorous training sessions.
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However, Khalid's life took an unexpected turn when he received a summons back to the palace in Dubai. His powerful uncle had passed away, leaving behind a vast empire of real estate holdings and infrastructure projects. As the designated successor, Khalid was responsible for managing his late uncle's affairs.
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Living in the palace proved to be a challenging experience for Khalid. The days were filled with strict protocols, strict schedules, and a lack of privacy. He longed for the freedom he once had in London, and in an attempt to make his life more bearable, he hired Matthew as his private butler once again.
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Matthew was thrilled to be given the opportunity to live within the palace grounds, residing in a luxurious suite with everything he could possibly desire at his fingertips. He was now responsible for ensuring Khalid's schedule was as enjoyable as possible, accompanying him to the gym, serving as a constant travel companion, and organizing elaborate dinners.
Their routine mainly revolved around lifting weights, aiming to maintain their muscular physiques. In addition to their intense workouts, they were constantly surrounded by mouth-watering food. The palace servants made it their mission to provide an endless supply of delectable dishes regardless, of how often Khalid and Matthew declined.
As time passed, Khalid and Matthew found solace in other each's company. Living in the palace proved to be monotonous at times, with the only excitement being the various culinary delights that them awaited. Over the years, their bond grew stronger, and the pounds accumulated. Both Khalid and Matthew gained a  staggering 40lbs each, their once svelte figures expanding with muscle and indulgence.
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Their mutual love for food and comfort kept them content, despite the unchanging routine and the noticeable increase in their weight. Khalid, concealed beneath his flowing Arab robes, remained blissfully unaware of his transformation. However, as Matthew struggled to find clothes that fit, he couldn't help but acknowledge the immense gain in size.
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Nevertheless, neither of them had any intention of changing their ways. Comfort and indulgence overruled any desire for a healthier lifestyle. Although their days seemed repetitive, their lives were undeniably comfortable, and they continued to revel in each other's presence.
The years rolled by, and with each passing one, Khalid and Matthew's weight continued to climb. The routine of lavish dinners, extravagant parties, and minimal physical activity persisted. Five years after their journey together began, they found themselves 150 pounds heavier, their once toned bodies hidden beneath layers of excess weight.
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Khalid, still blissfully ignorant of his transformation, embraced the luxurious life that the palace provided. As long as he wore his flowing robes, which concealed his figure, he believed he remained the same. On the other hand, Matthew increasingly struggled with his added weight, continuously needing larger shirts and jeans to accommodate his ballooning size.
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Despite the growing health concerns and the boredom that came with their lifestyle, neither Khalid nor Matthew had any intention of changing. The comfort of their surroundings outweighed any desire for change or adventure. They had grown accustomed to routine their, finding solace in the familiarity of their existence.
And so, Khalid and Matthew continued their lives of excess, indulgence, and companionship within the gilded walls of the palace. Though their experiences lacked excitement and variety, they found solace in their shared love for food and their unbreakable bond. Their lives provided them with comfort, even though the price they paid were there sixpack abs. 
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moonah-rose · 2 months
Little hurt/comfort ficlet for @idiotwithanipad x
Robin & OC
Most of the time she managed to block out her 'gift', having had nearly twenty years to train herself to ignore the dead people who existed everywhere she went, the majority of them easy enough to spot with their outfits, the way they weaved between livings without getting a passing glance, or outright walking through walls and furniture.
As a child, she'd had the excuse of being an imaginative kid who acquired many "imaginary friends" to talk to. As a teenager that didn't go down quite so well. Not that she usually cared if people looked at her as a weirdo. It was more the 'getting sectioned' possibility that concerned her.
Her parents had gone on and on about how old this hotel was, how it apparently had enough history to warrant a quick tour offered by the resort. So Amy expected more than a few ghosts to pop up here and there. Thus far she'd done her best not to make eye contact with the giddy Georgian woman or the Bridgerton Ken who had been in the reception.
It was a little more of a trial to ignore the caveman scurrying around her room, sniffing at the leftovers of her dinner she'd ordered through room service, nostrils flaring above the lone slice of pepperoni pizza.
"Ooo, smell so good. Wonder how you taste. Cheese taste like cow bum? It all come from same." The feral man was muttering to himself.
Once he got bored of inhaling the food, he was judging her parents choice of books that they'd brought, having dumped them on their bedside tables.
Amy covered her head beneath a large pillow as he continued his one-sided conversation.
"Fanny read this one. Butler no do it, it maid disguise as butler. And she also vampire. Big twist but saw it coming. Oooh, Christine Lampard autobiography! Me want read! Might put on Christmas list-."
He raised his head in time to see the pillow she's thrown hurtle towards him and he ducked to the side to dodge it. He blinked at her in wonder.
"You see me?!"
"Yes! I can fucking see you, all right?!" She confessed through gritted teeth, knowing she'd probably made her situation worse now.
The caveman gave an excited whoop and jumped like a hyperactive five year old.
"This so cool! We have new friend who see! Almost never happen. Me gotta tell others-."
"No, please, please don't!"
Perhaps it was the crack in her voice, brought on by a surge of pain throughout her muscles as she tried to reach forward, that made the ghost stop in his tracks and turn back to her.
His excitement quickly morphed into concern as his eyes met Amy's, her own shining with tears.
"You no look so good..." The man frowned, one of his hands reaching up to stroke at his shift.
"Gee thanks, haven't heard that before. You're not exactly Chris Hemsworth, mate." She bristled; "I'm fucking ill and don't need to have a party of dead people storming in giving me a headache on top of everything else. It's bad enough my earphones have crapped out on me."
"What you got? Plague?" He asked, inching a little closer to her bed.
She huffed a laugh; "Not quite...but my body gets these sores. Don't think it's the same as that bubonic thing but fucking feels like it sometimes." Amy held her arm to show the spirit the angry looking lumps and scars near her armpits.
"Ouchie. They no look fun." He said, sitting on the edge of her bed.
She lowered her arm, slowly, wincing a little.
"Those aren't even the worst ones. The others are in...awkward places."
"That why you not downstairs with mum and dad at dinner and the show?" Her mum had been going on and on about this famous illusionist being the big star tonight, some Derren Brown-wannabe.
She nodded, miserably; "Wasn't expecting to flare up like this, or else I'd just stayed at home. At least then I'd have all the stuff in my room. Netflix don't even work on the TV here."
"Yeah, WiFi on blink since...some ghost, me not know who, play around with router when bored." He said, bashful, scratching at his ear. "So...they leave you here alone?"
"S'not like they abandoned me, I just didn't wanna make a fuss 'cause I know how much Mum's been looking forward to this." She sighed and waved her phone up; "Signal is crap here too so can't even WhatsApp."
"What's what?" He asked, turning his head to the side.
"No, WhatsApp."
"What is app?"
"No! I..." She couldn't help but laugh, realising how ridiculous this was, "Just something I use to text my mates. They're probably sick of listening to me moan too..."
"...You can moan to me if want?" He said, shuffling closer; "Me good listener."
Amy smiled at him a little; "Don't wanna be pitied, thanks. Anyway, I'm sure you got more exciting things to be watching."
"Eh. Me seen how that guy on stage do his tricks. Take all fun out. Lot to do with mirrors. Clever but boring. Rare me get to speak to living girl."
"Rare? So...I'm not the first?" Amy had never met anyone else with her gift.
"Lady who own hotel before golfy people come, she see us after my friend almost kill her. No, it cool! We good now!" The caveman assured after Amy's face went pale with terror; "She like family and come visit."
"She could see you guys because she almost died once?" Amy asked; "So she's not...chronically ill, like me?"
The caveman shook his head; "No think so. Just got bumpy on head. She say she now crazy forever but no ouchy scars and lumps and pain."
"Lucky cow." Amy clicked her tongue. She'd always thought her gift had something to do with having to deal with the constant agony, as well as other health issues she'd had as a baby.
Speak of the devil, another surge of agony hit her from her lower back as she shifted against the mattress.
"Shit!" She swore.
"Woah, woah, you 'kay?" The caveman fretted.
"Yeah, just a reminder to take my painkillers." She went to get off the bed, having left them on the sideboard, only for one of her feet to become tangled in the bedsheets.
Amy nearly fell before two hands caught her by the shoulders, fingers grazing against some of her abscesses. Painless.
"Fuck, that would've been embarrasing. Thanks, mate." She smiled, turning to see an almost cartoonish level of shock on the dead man's fuzzy face; "Uhh, you okay?"
"I....I touch you....?"
"Uhm, yeah, I've always been able to touch ghosts...Can that friend of yours not do that?" She asked, reaching for her pills and grabbing some water.
He shook his raggedy mane; "Only see and hear, but touchy hurt us, same as all other living people. You..." He poked her arm cautiously, mouth agape with awe at the contact, before poking again; "Ha ha!"
"All right, stop that now." Amy batted his hand away.
He retreated, looking regretful; "Oh, sorry. It hurt, yes?"
"No, it was just annoying." She laughed, sitting back down on the mattress; "It's weird. Ghosts are the only ones who can touch me where it's sore without hurting me. Don't invite too many of those though. Used to have a dead friend when I was a kid but...she moved on, I think." Amy looked down at her ebony nail polish, morose.
"Ah. Go up to stars. Me have many friends do same. I name each star for them." He explained, warmly.
"Her name was Lana, if you wanna find one for her." Amy said, quietly; "Speaking of names, do you have one?"
"Many. Most of them insults. But friends call me Robin." He said, holding his hand out to her.
It was a bit cliché but she supposed he rarely got a chance to meet anyone like this, so she shook it. "I'm Amy."
The fur of his sleeve brushed against her wrist. She couldn't resist the urge to feel it properly, softer than any comfort blanket.
"Wow...Is that...real wolf?" She asked, partly freaked out but also a little amazed - couldn't really compare hunting for clothes in this guy's time to the fashion industry today.
He nodded, then gently took her hand and pressed her fingers to different parts of his outfit.
"That bit cougar, that some wild dogs, that leather obviously from cow, and rest mostly mammoth." He explained.
"Real mammoth? Woah." Now that was pretty awesome. She'd never be able to meet one but she could say she'd felt one.
It definitely beat the hotel duvet.
She didn't want to move her hand away. It felt so soothing to be able to touch something, someone, so warm and soft without her skin being irritated. But this must look super weird from Robin's point of view.
"You look sad again. More pain?" He asked, reaching to touch her hand on his fluffy chest.
She shook her head; "No, s'just....My mum tried to give me a cuddle earlier when she could see I wasn't doing good and I had to tell her not to, even though I sure as shit need one right now. Pathetic, right?"
"No it not. I had little cousin, her skin like tissue paper, very delicate, tear easily. Big hugs make her cry too. But she brave and strong to survive. Like you." He told her, squeezing her hand; "We wrap her up in special leaves with Moonah blessed water to try to help. Not sure it did much good but we not have Doctor Google in them times. We just do best we can to ease pain."
"Well...you're doing a good job now." She praised, feeling the burning sensation ease a little with him being so close.
"You...want me to stay?"
"...Could you?" She couldn't understand why he would want to but didn't want to question it.
He nodded, a little bashful, as if he was just as new to the concept of being asked to stay for company.
"Want me to stay quiet still?"
Amy smiled; "Not too quiet, just not rambling out loud like you were doing. You look like you've been here for thousands of years, you must have some stories to tell. Could you just...tell me some of those till I get sleepy?"
"Ooh, yes. Hehe. Get comfy. Me know great one you like about man killed in library." He said, rubbing his hands together.
Getting comfortable was easier said than done in her condition, especially as she pulled away from his touch.
"I...Uhm...God, this is so cringe." She muttered to herself.
"Would you be okay to just...hold me?" She asked, cheeks turning pink.
He smiled and nodded, shuffling to lay down and slide his arms around her, as she shifted into them, snuggling against the warm body of fur and skin and wild hair.
"This okay? Amy no ouch?" Robin whispered, fingers moving up to stroke through her hair.
She hummed, content at last; "Amy no ouch. Thanks, Robin."
A soft chuckle came from the long dead man as be continued to hold her close, his etheral presence doing nothing to aggravate her sores. On the contrary, a strange heat seemed to vibrate from his fingers as they brushed over her abscesses, melting the pain away.
It was a shame that ghost therapy wasn't prescribed on the NHS.
Amy relaxed in the man's arms and listened as he began the thrilling tale of the pirate captain who'd been slain in the library.
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fandomloreblog · 9 months
Since I’m working on on my reincarnation fanfic for the Baldur’s gate characters, I figured I’d lore drop a bit on the reincarnations + Astarion and their backstories. Feel free to read “To You, 10,000 Year From Now” on Ao3!
🌟 Tav 🌟
A Half-Elf who is known for making friends wherever they go, Tav is a Baldurian, born and raised, who has dreams of becoming a famed hero and explorer. Majoring in the Paladin track, along with studying classes within the rest of the main tracks, Tav is a jack of all trades, striving for good. They mostly hang out with Shadowheart at the local Sharbucks cafe, reading and planning their grand adventures when they graduate.
🪄 Gale 🪄
Gale’s a prodigy Wizard from Waterdeep, attending Baldur’s Gate University with the assistance of a scholarship. He majors in the Wizard Track, while minoring in the Bard track as well. He’s an absolute golden retriever of a man with a hopeless crush on the half-elf paladin Tav, and he’s trying his best. He wishes to become a wizard in servitude of Mystra, but most gods and goddesses haven’t been seen in over 10,000 years, so his back-up plan is to become an arcane scholar. He mostly spends his time with Sarzes, a silver dragonborn in the Sorcerer Track, and Loki, an unaligned drow whose main focus currently is magic.
🌙 Shadowheart 🌙
An orphan whose parents were claimed in a religious accident, Shadowheart has decided to major in the Cleric track at Baldur’s Gate University, studying old god and goddess, specifically the feud between Selûne and Shar. She works at a local chain coffee cafe, Sharbucks, for extra money when she isn’t studying. She also minors in the Monk and Paladin tracks for extra studies on combat and dueling, which was where she met Tav. The two later became close friends and roommates before the events of the fic began.
🔥 Karlach 🔥
A transfer student sent from Avernus itself, Karlach is a student in the Barbarian and Fighter tracks, along with minoring in the Artificer track in order to sate her curiosity over infernal machinery. She’s constantly procuring metals and machinery to upgrade her custom motorcycle, even going so far as to steal from the annoying shop teachers, or even resorting to the local contraband dealer Enver Gortash to get her supplies. She hopes to get a job working with machinery once she graduates.
👁️ Wyll 👁️
The son of one of the Duke’s of the city, Wyll made a pact with a centuries old fiend, Mizora, in order to protect his parents from scheming rivals who plotted their demise. However, he was then outcasted by his father due to the pact, and left shunned as a result. He studies in the Warlock track at Baldur’s gate, minoring in the Ranger track for extra knowledge on hunting threats. He mostly spends his time keeping Karlach out of trouble, while also occasionally hunting Mizora’s targets when needed.
⚔️ Lae’zel ⚔️
A githyanki transfer student, Lae’zel focuses her studies in the Fighter track, while minoring in the Monk track in order to train to serve the Prince of the Comet. She is extremely cold and serious with a strong sense of justice, being known for clearing out an entire gang of goblins that had moved into a local student hangout. She doesn’t associate with most of the students on campus, rather focusing on studying and training as much as she can.
🩸 Sarzes | The Dark Urge 🩸
A silver dragonborn, Sarzes has combated with her sadistic urges all of her life, only encouraged by the demonic goblin butler Morsoffter. A major in the Sorcerer track, she also minors in the Rogue and Cleric tracks for extra stealth and healing studies. She studied at Baldur’s Gate as an excuse to move to the city, hoping to find her absent father, who supposedly suffered the same ailment as she now does. Originally hanging with the less savoury crowds on campus, mostly with Orin and Gortash, before opting to befriend Loki and Gale.
🦇 Astarion 🦇
The lone survivor of 10,000 years ago, Astarion witnessed the curse of The Scorned One entrap the souls of his friends, promising vengeance someday in the future. It is why he has remained in Baldur’s Gate, living a somewhat public life as a philanthropist and entertainer. He hopes that one day that the reincarnations of his friends will remember and seek him out. Until then, he has to worry about protecting the keys to resurrecting The Scorned One, such as the Book Of Shadows, which has now gone missing. He has levels in the Rogue and Bard classes.
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hoe4hotchner · 2 years
Chapter 18 - Epilogue
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Summary: In an upper-class residential Virginian neighborhood, monogamous values rarely get broken. A dangerous serial killer chooses to lay into dormancy exactly there for the next five years with his latest victim. Or for as long as it takes to catch him. Two highly trained and widely different agents go undercover, posing as a married couple to scope him out and make the arrest. They’ll be nothing more than professional for months, working under the same roof.
Word count: 421
Warnings: none
A/N: For now, this is the last chapter. I have no idea if I’ll write some blurbs in the future
Gif credit: @fightingdragonswithreid​
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The waves curled over themselves as they washed against the sandy beach. The swoosh was relaxing to their ears, almost like a slow beat melody rolling through the speakers at a spa resort. And somehow, no one else was heard for miles upon miles as the newlyweds spend every single waking moment together.
Their limbs were tangled as they lay resting together between two palm trees. The hammock strung around the trunks of the massive trees swung slowly back and forth, pushed by the slight breeze from the ocean. It was almost lulling them to sleep as they enjoyed the moment. It was hot out, despite the sun setting, the only thing keeping them shaded was the palms.
Aaron’s hand was tracing loose circles on the small of her back, occasionally pressing a kiss to her temple as she hummed in pure relaxation. This was something they had both needed. The quiet of being away from the beeping machines, flipping pages, and overall noise at the BAU back in Quantico. In fact, needing to be so far away that they couldn’t get much farther before they’d be on their way back home.
Her head was nestled against his bare chest, fingers gingerly playing with the tuft of hair between his pectorals. She could feel his breathing start to even out, showing just how relaxed this trip had made him, how all they needed was to get away from it all.
“Honey, you’re falling asleep.” She murmured, adjusting her position to look up at him. With closed eyes, he just smiled at her.
“No, I’m not.” He stopped his hand on her back, pushing her closer to him as he leaned down to peck her lips. She smiled against him, thinking about everything that had led them to this moment. How without that one career day, she would’ve never thought to join the bureau. To become a profiler. She would’ve never have met Aaron. Probably never even would have seen him on the tv. 
And yes, there had been bumps along the way, roadblocks even, but here they were, nestled together on a remote island in the Indian ocean, with no way for them to have any contact with their friends before they landed back in the states. They were bound to each other, for better and for worse. Their rings being a symbol of their love. 
(Y/N), took his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers as they let it fall back against Aaron’s chest.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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Taglist: @bitchwhytho​ @ashhotchner​ @ssahotchslover​ @witchybitch2​ @wheelsupkels​ @red-red-rogue​ @katiehall99​ @mintphoenix​ @slytherinprincess00​ @skylar666​ @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91​ @cheyxfu​ @hotchnerxo​ @rousethemouse​ @honeyofthegods​ @ssamorganhotchner​ @mayasreadingnook​ @avatarkanemi​ @mischiefmanaged71​ @fullmoonshadowwrites​ @chelseagirl77​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @isa-the-butler-simp @marvel-mars @blacksstarrynight​ @lethological-clara​ @chicken-fifi​ @mollyw03​ @ravennaofasgard @scargarcia-magshotchner​
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 5 months
I understand the need for a callout for pjms that fetishize his feminine side and actually misgender him but now I’m seeing way too many pjms being reminiscent of darlinjimi on twt…(if u don’t know who that is it was a big pjm acc that constantly pushed the macho/alpha jm agenda and eventually unstanned him for austin butler. also dragged him and teamed up with jjks to drag pjms) like I do not want a repeat of that situation 😭. anyways the point being I think there’s weirdos on both sides pushing him to fit one agenda and they always wind up not actually caring abt him.
Yep I remember. I wrote about it when it happened:
I feel like lately this "hyper feminization" doesn't happen that much with Jimin, btw. And when it happens a lot, it's almost always a shipper.
It wasn't my intention to "callout" anyone; someone said "why do you think this happens" and I replied that it's because people are desperate for representation/validation. And I'd say it again.
I've also made fun of pjms that every week they go "omg he's so buff that's so sexy" because deep down they're waiting for him to show up one day looking like a Marvel actor on steroids. Jimin is never that buff. He doesn't really seem to like himself like that. And sometimes it happens because he has to work out, that's how he's able to be a performer, by working out and training his body and inevitably you gain muscle mass; but it's not like he goes to the gym thinking of bulking up. He said once in a live that he'd work on having a "prettier" body. What man says he wants to have a pretty body?? He could've used any other word, but he didn't.
I'm infinitely more comfortable talking about Jimin with other queer pjms, I'd like to make that clear. Even when I was active on pjm twitter, the pjms I talked with, were the gay ones. It's not like we talk about Jimin being lgbtq all the time either, but just that they were gay. I grew up around queer people, I've been out to everyone my age since I was 14 and to this day half of my close friends are queer; so I've always been more comfortable talking with other people who also thought Jimin's not straight, and are okay with acknowledging that.
That said, I still don't like extremes. Like, it's okay to call him (or other BTS) your girlfriend maybe ONCE, as a joke. But on every single tweet? Really?
On the other hand, yesterday or something, I saw a tweet made by an army that was like "here's a list of everyone misgendering the tannies so you can block them" and it's not THAT deep either like... 😭 just unfollow or block them yourself, but there's no need to put a target on their back like that.
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aquaticasart · 6 months
With a Heavy Heart - Chapter 5
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After a disasterous mission, Raven demotes Li Ling from his rank as Operations Chief. He is placed under the tutelage of Drew, who is tasked with his re-training and assessing when, or if, he is able to earn his title back.
In his brash attempts to regain his lost position and pride, Li Ling stumbles into long-buried pasts, and comes to realise the terrifying depth to his unassuming teacher and the house he served.
Contains themes of emotional hurt, grief and loss, with mention of canonical character death, and use of organised crime-adjacent tropes.
Chapter 5
Drew’s words echoed through Li Ling’s mind. The hint towards his freedom was tantalising, but there was so much more that weighed heavily on him. Who exactly was his tutor? If he was different now than when he got those tattoos, then who was he then?
His duties that day were mainly secretarial, helping lodge reports from missions he would much rather be on. The nice Union Librarian asked him if he wanted a coffee. He said yes. She smiled and wandered off, leaving the computer she was working on unattended. He looked over at the machine, and an insatiable curiosity bubbled up within him.
Drew’s personnel file was disappointingly ordinary. The only thing that leapt out at him about his past was a single line: ‘former butler to House Ramses.’ The trail of breadcrumbs that took him on were not helpful either. They mentioned Laura, who he knew, and an Esper named Ollie who didn’t have a file. So Drew was a butler to an oligarch, big whoop. That couldn’t be all there was to it. It wasn’t until he found the file on a ‘Lateef Ramses’ that he found anything interesting. Lateef had been murdered, killed by an unknown assassin in an event that had come to be known as the ‘Gray Dust Incident.’
So he lost his boss to an assassination? Harrowing, yes, but hardly something to make someone so enigmatic. Li Ling closed the file and sunk his head into his hands. He was never going to get out of this cuff.    
Li Ling was quiet during his next session with Drew, everything he’d learnt rattling around his head. Perhaps Drew could feel it from him, as the session itself was low intensity, mostly yoga and stretches. Finally, they reached the end and Drew, as he did every day, clamped a cuff to his arm and stood opposite his charge.
“Are you ready, young master? We don’t need to proceed today if you would prefer-“
“No-“ Li Ling cut in. “I’m fine. This could be the day I do it.”
“Very well. Remember now, focus less on your body. Fight with your head”
Right. Fight with your head. The two fighters circled each other. Li Ling had long since learnt that striking immediately got him nowhere, so he held back. He waited for an opportunity and…there. Drew had placed a foot ever so slightly further than usual, that was an opportunity. Li Ling surged, and sure enough Drew’s stance was ever so slightly too wide to properly weave, and he resorted to using his cane to intercept the fist.
“Good. Again”
They broke and returned to their holding pattern. They clashed, meticulously again and again, but no hit could quite match the success of the first. Li Ling could feel his patience thinning. Damnit. He was so close.
“Focus. Your form is weakening” Drew remarked, placing one of those aggravating stinging hits into the back of Li Ling’s leg. Li Ling could feel an old anger starting to roil, one he hadn’t felt in weeks. He just needed a hit. Just one. His mind raced, trying to piece together something, anything to get through Drew’s guard. It only needed to work once.
Suddenly, something occurred to him. He thought of the tiny pauses that Drew gave when he asked pointed questions, of the moments between them where he had surprised Drew. That was it, if he could distract Drew for just a moment he might, MIGHT make himself the opportunity he needed.
The cane cracked against his back as Drew exploited Li Ling’s own moment of pause.
“You can’t afford to be that slow” Drew calmly explained. Something inside Li Ling snapped and weeks of frustration bellowed out of him.
“All that speed you have didn’t help Ramses, did it?”
Li Ling realised the enormity of his mistake well before he could have ever reacted to what happened next. He had expected the usual widening of Drew’s eyes, the twitch of his ears that would have given him his moment, but he got no such thing. Instead, he got something more terrifying than he could have ever imagined.
Drew’s eyes went cold.
There was no pause, no hesitation. To this point, Drew had never taken an aggressive stance against Li Ling, preferring to allow Li Ling to strike first and then counter, but this time Drew closed the distance between them in an instant. Li Ling doubled over as the kick landed heavy into his stomach, instantly knocking all the wind out of him. The sensation of being struck had barely registered before he felt a leg hook underneath his own and sweep it out from underneath him. Li Ling scrambled for anything to grab onto, for any form of defence whatsoever. The best he could do was grab a handful of white shirt and he felt seams pop as he went down.
Drew followed him to the ground, and as they fell Li Ling heard a metallic latch being released, a smooth sliding sound and a hollow bronze weight slamming to the ground. They hit the mat hard, Drew pinning Li Ling to the ground with a knee, holding the sword that was usually hidden in his cane against Li Ling’s throat. With the cuff on, the sword didn’t resonate with divine fire, but was cold with vicious steely purpose. In that moment, Li Ling would have preferred the fire. Drew was breathing heavily, but his eyes were unwavering.
Li Ling had managed to tear one of the side seams of Drew’s shirt, leaving a hole from his waist to under his arm. Through it, Li Ling could see yet more intricate tattoo work up Drew’s side. Li Ling was stammering, barely able to get the words out.
“I Yield, I Yield!”    
Drew held, still taking deep heaving breaths, as the coldness faded from his eyes. He lifted the cane and tossed it across the room where it landed with a dull padded clatter. He lifted his knee off Li Ling’s chest, who shuffled back along the ground as fast as he could,
“You fool… You…You CHILD” Drew said with an unnerving chill to his voice. The disappointment in his face laid bare.
“All this time I thought we were making progress, that you were learning.”
“Drew… please…”
“But still you do nothing but try to find and exploit vulnerability, to do nothing but try and overpower an enemy. To do anything to regain your precious strength and regain your pride no matter the cost. You have learnt NOTHING.”
Drew’s voice ached. He wasn’t looking at Li Ling. Hell, it almost sounded like it wasn’t even speaking to him.
“I..I wasn’t…I didn’t…”
Drew stood up roughly, noticing the tear in his shirt. He walked with purpose towards the trestle table, pulling off the undershirt as he went. As he did so he revealed the extent of his tattoo, a sprawling mural of Lotus and Papyrus, coming together into a golden ankh on a giant pink lotus flower that spread from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. 
Suddenly, something clicked for Li Ling, of stories told to him in Tangton as a child to scare him, of powerful families that branded their most dangerous men with full-body designs. He wasn’t just a butler. He was something far more, and something far more terrifying.
Drew turned back to Li Ling. It almost looked like he’d forgotten he was there. He couldn’t button up his dress shirt in time to hide the other smaller golden ankh tattooed symmetrically across his chest.
“Leave.” Drew growled.
Li Ling didn’t need to be told twice.
The funeral was small by design. The enemies of House Ramses couldn’t be trusted not to exploit a moment of vulnerability. Lateef watched silently as the casket was lowered, his two children and his most trusted man in butler garb the only ones by his side. Grief hung heavy in the air, but in the Jackal’s heart there was only fury. He left the family to grieve and set off alone on his own path. Days later, in a secret desert complex near the small town of Oasis, a Reaper forced his way past a pleading researcher. He was warned of the Miramon’s strength. He was warned that it could overpower the containment protocols if it was fighting for its life. They fell on deaf ears. The beast had killed, and so it must die. The Masked Jackal was on deaths door when the creature was finally slain. The beast had torn itself from its cage and fled into the desert, its hunter in pursuit. Now its corpse lay in the sand outside of Oasis. The Jackal knelt spent in front of it as a crowd from the town grew around them. Friends and Enemies alike crowded the scene, bearing witness. The Jackal could do nothing else but flee.
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starfata · 2 years
Clearly my absurd amount of research into what English language songs Shen Yuan of @blondejaneblonde's Grand unified theory of Shen Qingqiu could know wasn't enough for me.
I decided to look up what works of fiction he could have plausibly known about.
Howl's Moving Castle (and other Ghibli, but that was the important one to me DVD release only)
Shakespeare (esp Hamlet)
Count of Monte Christo (anime adaption Gonzo was fairly popular in China)
Dragon Ball (Z)
Downton Abbey (apparently the show kicked off demand for English butler's among the well to do, as well as other British status symbols)
Game of Thrones (later seasons were very Censored, but he obviously didn't see those)
Ranma 1/2- Probably a bit before his time
Naruto- mentioned in fic
Harry Potter- movies were very popular, can't find info on the books
Detective Conan- Also a bit before his time
How to Train Your Dragon- definitely the first, possibly the second movie as well
Sailor Moon
One Piece
Marvel Cinematic Universe up to Captain America: The Winter Soldier/Guardians of the Galaxy
And Doraemon, which is the only one on this list I have only vaguely heard of. The others I have at least a vague idea of the plot.
There's also the Disney classics- presumably Disney wouldn't have opened a resort in Shanghai if the movies did badly there.
I should probably write a fic if I'm going to keep doing research like this ...
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crystal-and-andre · 14 days
Trip Home From Show 🗝
Several "young adult" girls came floating in and giggling like fairies, from the orchestra of Andre Rieu. Alas, it was time for a month long break and this show had just concluded successfully and gave them jitters.
Top secret, though, this was not just 1 little recital. In lieu, they just gave a concert series. What made their orchestra unique now was how Andre would interact each performance. They dressed up somewhat old fashioned but very glamorous, and it interested the audience and kept them focused and centered. Before each concert, if you were lucky you could speak to Andre at the big banquet where he would come and sit with the audience, of course after extensive security checks and body guards watching flanked nearby.
Things conceded, and the orchestra was overcome with excitement. They bounded into the train to the hotel.
Crystal say with some girls around her age, the youngest group. She was 14 years old. The other girls were 13-16.
It was a long train ride with stops. Crystal walked past Andre, and he asked of her mood, "What are you feeling? You look a little lost.."
"I'm feeling fine," she reiterated.
"Come," he said, like a ghost, and he extended his arm to her and took her hand, and, as she crawled over to him, he nestled her in his lap and had her sit slanted up by his ear with her legs straddling forward so you could see her pretty sandals. He had a conversation with Crystal and asked the butler for some food for both her and himself. Finally, they arrived at the hotel, again, and Andre took Crystal to the pool since no one else wanted to go, lucky it was open so late as it was an elite resort. Everyone had been so festive, but now they busted out and got into "trouble" and felt cool for awhile, as would wont most these days in that way. Crystal had a good time in the water a long time, and Andre came in with her the 2nd half, was on his tablet for awhile and talking on his cell phone to some people to do with business of the evening's commencement. He pulled her out of the pool and wrapped a towel around her shoulders as they walked back to the hotel. He picked her up and carried her and said they would go on Facebook. He put her on natural pills from a Chinese doctor for medicine when MySpace shut down. It was almost as bad as coronavirus. Things that existed before, the hype over drugs and rehab and cursing that existed as trash after was over.
Crystal looked over and up and Andre and said, "Ooh, let's play in the arcade," playfully and tugged him.
"Now, Crystal, I realize we are all equally 'adults,' but I'd rather go on my tablet and chat on my cell phone and you can play alone and show me your prizes at the end."
Crystal played games and won prizes. She actually did very well and won the very stuffed animal she wanted, a top prize that was rather smaller than average and "not too shabby."
She showed Andre her prize, an alien animal of wonderful orange rainbow colors. She loved it so much and trotted off and he ushered her into her bathroom and helped her bathe and get dressed well for bed. She wore a pink and green pajama dress and pants and hat with a tie and Andre put her to bed and kissed her.
Andre went to his suite and got ready for bed, made sure he ate and drank as he went on his laptop for a couple hours and turned out the lights.
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therealcrimediary · 2 months
A woman was fatally shot by police in Tuscaloosa during a mental health crisis. The incident took place at around 4:30 a.m. at the Aspen Village Apartments when officers responded to a request for assistance from a family concerning their mother. The woman, identified as Evet Tower, began threatening her adult daughter with a kitchen knife, prompting an officer to open fire. Tower was pronounced dead at the scene, while her daughter sustained non-life-threatening injuries. The tragedy has left the family and community in shock, with questions surrounding the events leading to the fatal shooting. Captain Jack Kennedy from the Tuscaloosa County Sheriff’s Office expressed sympathy for the family, acknowledging that Tower had mental health issues. The circumstances of the shooting were captured on the officers' body cameras, providing crucial evidence for the investigation. Kimberly Butler, the victim's cousin, expressed sorrow and confusion over the sudden loss, emphasizing the need for clarity and answers about what transpired during the police response. The incident, which resulted in a loss of life and injuries, has raised concerns about how law enforcement handles mental health crises and the use of force in such situations. The tragic shooting of Evet Tower underscores the challenges faced by individuals struggling with mental health issues and the need for better support and resources to prevent such outcomes. The involvement of law enforcement in responding to mental health crises raises questions about the training and protocols in place to de-escalate situations without resorting to lethal force. The investigation into the shooting will be conducted by independent investigators not affiliated with the Tuscaloosa Police Department, ensuring a thorough and impartial review of the events leading up to the use of deadly force. As the community grapples with the aftermath of the shooting, there is a call for transparency and accountability in how law enforcement agencies handle mental health crises. The tragic loss of Evet Tower has left her family and loved ones seeking answers and understanding about the circumstances that led to her death. The case will be presented to the Tuscaloosa County District Attorney's Office for evaluation, highlighting the need for a thorough examination of the facts to determine whether the use of force was justified in this case. Moving forward, there is a need for greater awareness and resources to support individuals in crisis and prevent further tragedies like this one from occurring. The shooting in Tuscaloosa serves as a sobering reminder of the complexities involved in responding to mental health emergencies and the potential risks of using lethal force in such situations. The need for specialized training for law enforcement officers to handle mental health crises effectively and peacefully is evident, as is the importance of community engagement and support for individuals and families affected by mental illness. The investigation into the shooting will shed light on the events leading to the fatal encounter, providing insights into how similar incidents can be prevented in the future. Ultimately, the tragic death of Evet Tower highlights the urgent need for proactive measures to address mental health issues and ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals in crisis.
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williamellis01 · 9 months
The Most Luxurious Hotel in Jeddah - Dara
Regarding Luxury hotels in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, one stands above the rest - Dara. This exclusive beachfront resort provides unmatched pampering, amenities, service, and style for the most indulgent escape in Jeddah.
Dara's premier location just north of Obhur provides seclusion while remaining accessible to Jeddah's attractions. Set directly on a pristine private beach, swaying palms and the sparkling Red Sea create a tranquil backdrop. The hotel is only a 45-minute from Jeddah's city center and airport along scenic coastal roads. Guests enjoy proximity for sightseeing with the added privacy of an exclusive enclave.
Dara offers 48 lavish villas with one to four bedrooms, all opening directly onto the beach with private pools and outdoor lounge areas. Interiors combine modern elegance with traditional Arabian design in a contemporary beach house style. Villas range from 1,300 to 2,200 square feet, the largest in Jeddah, and feature floor-to-ceiling windows with sea views. Complimentary Wi-Fi, media hubs, and marble bathrooms with luxury bath amenities make each villa an indulgent escape. Guests also receive 24-hour butler service for ultimate pampering.
Guests can savor cuisine from around the world without ever leaving the resort. Dara's restaurants infuse fresh local seafood and produce into creative contemporary menus. The Positano Beach Restaurant serves Italian fare on an oceanview deck. Safina offers a gourmet seafood selection with innovative Asian accents. Al Majlis has open-air cabanas surrounding the infinity pool for al fresco Arabian specialties. And for a refined evening dining experience, Bahar's French-inspired fine dining has an extensive wine cellar.
Spa & Wellness:
The crown jewel of Dara's amenities is the Talise Wellness Spa, repeatedly named one of the top resort spas in the Middle East. This expansive spa has indoor and outdoor treatment rooms for single and couples therapies. Signature services incorporate traditional Arabian healing techniques with advanced technologies. The spa menu offers body treatments, facials, massage, hydrotherapy, and salon services for complete rejuvenation. The spa facilities include saunas, steam rooms, and an indoor pool.
Recreation & Leisure:
Guests need not even leave Dara to access many recreation and leisure activities. The pristine beach has water sports, including sailing, snorkeling, and paddleboarding. Three outdoor pools offer both lively and peaceful atmospheres. Dara has its 18-hole golf course designed by professional golfer Craig Stadler, with breathtaking ocean views from the greens. Six tennis courts, two squash courts, beach volleyball, and a fitness center ensure an active experience. The kids' club provides games and entertainment supervised by trained staff.
While relaxation is the focus, Dara offers easy access to Jeddah's top attractions. The concierge can arrange custom private tours. Nearby highlights include spectacular diving and snorkeling reefs, desert safaris, crocodile sightings at Briman Island, and UNESCO World Heritage Site Al Balad. For the ultimate luxury outing, guests can charter private yachts from Dara's marina to cruise the unspoiled islands and waters of the Red Sea.
Meetings & Events:
Dara provides an idyllic setting for business retreats, meetings, and weddings. Its beachfront ballroom accommodates up to 260 guests and has several poolside venues. Event planners and business travelers appreciate the range of spaces and top-tier audiovisual equipment. Catering incorporates fresh local cuisine with customized menus. The Al Mamar business center has everything required for executive events without sacrificing Dara's leisure atmosphere.
As a premier Luxury hotels in Riyadh no effort regarding customer service. Guests are pampered with five-star service throughout their stay. Upon arrival, private limousine airport transfers whisk you directly to the resort, where chilled towels and welcome drinks await. Friendly, multilingual staff provide discreet service with care and attention to detail. The concierge desk attends to reservations and any special requests. For ultimate convenience, complimentary Wi-Fi and parking make guests feel at home.
Dara is undeniably the premier choice for travelers seeking sheer luxury and pampering in Jeddah. This exclusive beachfront oasis blends seclusion with accessibility, privacy with attentive service, and relaxation with recreation for a true indulgence. Dara offers Jeddah hotels 2023 experience.
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brittanytobiason · 10 months
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For Woeford's Repair, Replace, Refund. No CC
The household consists of four sims and two tombstones. Place the tombstones around the lot.
Only Lydia is selectable, to simulate her captivity. To play the other household members, use nraas master controller advanced selectibility or download them individually.
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise
I used Custard to check this sims3pack file before uploading.
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Lydia Deez
The school, the curfew...The whole system is a prison.
teen female witch
Traits: brooding, dramatic, avant garde, photographer's eye
Lifetime Wish: Visionary
Inventory: a wand, nine scarlet king snakes, book: Handbook For the Recently Deceased
Expansion Packs Used: Supernatural, Island Paradise
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David Savior
It's showtime.
young adult male genie
Traits: evil, slob, daredevil, inappropriate, athletic
Career: Criminal 1
Lifetime Wish: Emperor of Evil
Inventory: Big Lemon
Expansion Packs Used: World Adventures, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life
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Dipper Savior
teen male
Traits: evil, insane, party animal, coward
Expansion Packs Used: Showtime, Seasons
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Orion Savior
teen male
Traits: evil, insane hot-headed, mean-spirited
Expansion Packs Used: Showtime, Seasons, Island Paradise
TIL I can only include ten links per post, so Download Orion Here
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Adam Baitland
"Won't or can't?"
adult male ghost, invisible sim
Traits: good, neat, handy, perfectionist, loves the outdoors
Lifetime Wish: The Tinkerer
Expansion Packs Used: Supernatural, Showtime
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Barbara Baitland
“What’s the good of being a ghost if you can’t frighten people away?” 
adult female ghost, invisible sim
Traits: good, nurturing, rebellious, party animal, hot-headed
Lifetime Wish: The Animal Rescuer
Expansion Packs Used: Supernatural, University Life
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Midnight Hollow Deez
For Midnight Hollow's Vintage Dwelling. No CC
The household consists of five sims. Send the ghosts to the netherworld, make the living unselectable with nraas mastercontroller advanced selectability, or play all five simultaneously.
Family Inventory: Altar Bed for Othello, a train set
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Into the Future
For the Beetlejuice Soundtrack
I used Custard to check this sims3pack file before uploading.
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Butler Deez
“As soon as we get settled, we’ll build you a darkroom in the basement, okay?”
adult male witch
Traits: ambitious, grumpy, proper, snob, great kisser
Career: Business 5: Department Head
Lifetime Wish: CEO of a Mega-corporation
Expansion Packs Used: Late Night, Supernatural, Seasons
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Ophelia Deez
"You have got to take the upper hand in all situations, or people, whether they're dead or alive, will walk all over you."
adult female
Traits: charismatic, diva, over emotional, rebellious, supernatual fan
Career: unemployed
Lifetime Wish: Super Popular
Expansion Packs Used: Supernatural, Into the Future
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Othello Divine
“I know just as much about the supernatural as I do about interior design.”
adult male vampire
Traits: ambitious, avant garde, dramatic, excitable, coward
Career: Architectural Design 1
Lifetime Wish: Resort Empire
Expansion Packs Used: Supernatural, Into the Future
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Thank you to simsmidgen for making and sharing Woeford, as well as to Norn, Ninjaofthepurplethings, Crowkeeperthesimmer, attuned, nocturnalazure, Ouerbacker and Potato-Ballad-Sims for your creativity and generosity.
All my downloads by sim
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khodorkovskaya · 10 months
complete recap of my skating camp trip part 1
sooo buckle up besties, get yourselves a cup of tea and let me embark you on this journey with me. to figure skating summer camp!
so it took place in a town in the mountains called V. it's also a ski station. and, as lucien told me, it's quite lowkey. like it's a ski station for swiss people and it's not super touristy, compared to like verbier or crans montana. it's very old money basically. like it's super luxurious, clean and expensive, but it's not flashy like a lot of ski resorts. also it's weird bc i didn't see any young people there. there were mostly 40+ yr olds and elderly couples. and lots of good cars. again, not the flashy types, but like little porsches or just like discrete german cars. i saw one g-wagon with ukrainian number plates, but the rest were like old money cars, you know what i mean? lucien also told me that there's no airbnb there. like it's really not that much of a touristy place.
but anyway, im getting ahead of myself.
so the plan was for me to come there on sunday so that i could spend the night at lucien's parents place and not have to wake up super early on monday bc skating camp started at 8:30. but they didn't want to take me in lol. bc im not family and they were skeptical.
so i ended up waking up at 5am on monday and taking the train at 6. i arrived to the closest train station at like 7:30ish and lucien met me there to drive me to the camp.
and okay right off the bat i knew i was in for a wild ride. bc imagine, it's 7am, i was supposed to meet lucien at the café at the train station. and like as soon as i walk in, he's like super hyped. he had butler energy. like he usually looks pretty rough lol, but this time i was surprised by his appearance bc he had slicked back hair and he was wearing this like really cool red hoodie (from diving school) and the whole look was giving nutcracker like adjshjhg.
anyway, i walk in and he grabs my suitcase and exclaims "madame!!! may i offer you a coffee?" and im like umm sure yeah and he turns to the lady there and he's like "a coffee for madame please!!!! it's my treat for madame!". like it was really giving butler, i was a bit embarrassed bc he was so loud so early in the morning.
then i gave him the tshirt i made. because, getting side tracked, but every year i organise a contest for my birthday for the best video montage and the winners get tshirts with my face on it, it's a whole thing. so yeah i finally gave lucien his tshirt. and he changed into it right then and there. and again i was a bit embarrassed bc like he has a nipple and a bellybutton piercing and his hyped energy weirded everyone out i feel.
so yeah then we got in the car and he drove me around this town like 10 times. he was like "yeahhhh i want you to feel independent, madame. you should know where everything is in case you need anything".
then we got to the rink and met our coaches. and omg they're so good! so there's A who's an ex competitive skater, she went to junior worlds, four continents and sea games. and R who's her ex coach who lowkey reminded me of dave lease lol.
we were the only adults there lol. the rest were girls aged 7 to 15. we were 10 in total.
we lived in a little chalet right next to the rink, it was literally perfect!
then we went on the ice straight away. and it was my 1st time like properly skating in my new skates. and the euphoria i felt when i stepped on the ice oh myyy. i was so happy!
so the way it was organised is that we'd have 3 hours of ice per day. either 1 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon or the other way around. and during each session we'd be split into two groups and alternate between the coaches every 30 minutes.
the lessons were absolutely incredible! like idek how to explain it. but it was like high level stuff. the coaches had a very individual approach tailoured to everyone and it was so good!
after skating we had lunch. and the camp reserved a table at this super nice restaurant for us for lunch and dinner. with a gorgeous view on the valley. and the food was so good!!!! i mean it was tailored towards kids so we had pasta, chicken, chips. croque-monsieurs, that kind of thing. so nothing too spicy or too weird. but to me it was basically comfort food every day and i enjoyed it a lot!!!!
after lunch lucien suggested we go see his parents... and i was a little uneasy bc they didn't want me at their house, right? but he insisted. and i, being eastern european, was like "let's stop by the bakery and get them something for tea". lucien found it a bit strange. and he was like why, so i explained to him that it's impolite to come empty handed if you're invited to someone's house. and he was like "we're not invited, we're just gonna show up". and i was like "that's literally why we should definitely bring something!!!!".
so yeah, we stopped by the bakery and got his parents two pieces of this like pear chocolate cake.
so the parents weren't expecting us, and especially not me, so there was a bit of awkwardness there. but old people usually like me and they were very pleasantly surprised by the cake, so the awkwardness went away pretty quickly. but they were a bit on edge because we just like came without an invitation.
his dad looked a lot like the turtle from kung fu panda lol. and i think he has a cataract or some kind of old people eye problem bc his eyes were a bit weird. meanwhile the mum looked like a typical well off house wife. like makeup in the house, simple clothes that fit her well, tidy hairdo.
the chalet has been the same since the 70s, it had this kitsch 70s decor like flowery wallpaper and greens and orange-browns. they still had lucien and his sister's drawings up dating from the 70s, calendars from the 90s, some old christmas decorations, old family photos, lots of kitschy objects and decor. but it was all very tidy and, despite not being minimalist at the slightest, it didn't give off the vibe of like being hoarded, unlike a lot of poor old people's houses, you know what i mean?
then lucien wanted to show me how to ride a bike because umm yeah confession time, idk how to ride a bike. so he got out his old bike that he's cleaned the day before and we went to the flat part of the road for me to try it out. it was a lot easier than expected and i learned almost immediately.
then lucien asked me if i want to try out his electric bike and i was like sure. so i got on it and oh my god. have you guys ever tried an electric bike? the sensation is incredible! and so i took his bike and rode off lol. meanwhile he was left with the regular one.
and yeah, we ended up cycling for 17km! idk how lucien survived lol bc it was mostly uphill. like he's in such good shape but still.
we ended up missing gym class and got back right in time for the second skating session.
then lucien went home for dinner with his parents, meanwhile i had dinner with everyone else.
oof okay besties, im literally falling asleep. part 2 tomorrow! there's so much tea to spill likeeee y'all are gonna love it, this is just the beginning! laku noc 😘
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