#post inspired by my coworkers not doing things how i would do them and it upsetting me to an irrational degree
aphrostarot · 23 hours
Career Reflection Pick a Pile
This reading of for anyone who needs more clarity on their career. Anyone who is at a crossroads, stuck, confused in their career, or someone who just wants a checkup on their career goals.
As this is a general collective reading, some things may not resonate with you or your situation. DO NOT try forcing it to fit. If you would like to book a personalized reading with me go to my profile and follow the instructions on my pinned post.
If you enjoyed this reading and wanted to support me further you can do so by tipping me in the link in my bio or by booking a personal reading with me.
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Pile One:
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Purpose: What drives you in this job? What gives you purpose?
Nine of Wands:
The thing that keeps you going in this job, that motivates you, is problems. When you are overwhelmed in your job and facing almost insurmountable struggles this is when you feel the most inspired and useful in your job. You like to feel useful in your job and you feel the most useful when people need help, when you are the person people come to for help.
Responsibilities: What are your responsibilities, and how do you feel about them?
The Sun:
The Sun in Tarot is all about happiness, success, confidence, and optimism. What this tells me when it comes to what your responsibilities are in your job and how you feel about them is that you are expected to remain optimistic and cheerful in your job and this is something that you like about your job. Some of you could be teachers or work with children, I say this because teachers and people who work with kids are expected to be cheerful and build confidence in the kids they work with. Some of you may even be camp counselors or work at an amusement park, something where you are expected to always be smiling and cheerful.
Talents: Where do your talents, skills, and abilities lie?
Three of Cups Reversed:
The Three of Cups Upright is all about friendships and celebrations but having it reversed is all about isolation and solitude. So, what this tells me about your talents is that you thrive when you are alone, you are at your best in your job when you can do things your way without others’ input. You prefer to do your work individually rather than in group work. You may be an introvert or just someone who doesn't like to socialize and make friends with your coworkers. The Three of Cups can be interpreted as going out for drinks, making small talk, and just overall surface-level interactions, and having this be reversed for your talents means that you are not someone who likes small talk, you like to get to the bottom of things and have deep conversations, you're not someone who wants to go out for drinks with your coworkers just to make unimportant small talk, you would rather only have to talk to your coworkers when you absolutely need to.
Resources: What resources do you have that can aid in your growth?
The Emperor:
There is someone at your job who can be a mentor to you. They may be your boss or someone who is just above you in some way. This person is a hard worker and very disciplined and they can be someone who will help you grow in your career. It would help you a great deal to go to them for advice when you need it.
To Fix: What in your current position needs to be fixed?
The Empress Reversed:
You may be feeling insecure, and stuck at your job, like you haven’t progressed anywhere in quite some time. I feel like there is a mindset you have when it comes to your job and the progress you feel you need to be making and are not which makes you feel like a failure. This mindset you have needs to be fixed, you have unachievable expectations of yourself and what you should be achieving which is causing you to feel like you are not going anywhere in this job.
To Release: What needs to be removed, released, or let go?
Two of Cups:
Even though you are someone who doesn’t like to socialize with your coworkers if you don’t have to and you are not someone who goes out with your coworkers when/if they ever go out, you still care whether they like you or not. You may think your coworkers don’t like you and this bothers you or you may just fear that they won’t like you if you don’t try to socialize with them. As I said, you are someone who doesn’t like to make small talk and pretend to be interested in something you are not interested in, yet because you want these people to like you, you go out of your comfort zone to try and make them like you. Your guides are telling you this is something you need to let go of. Stop trying to make your coworkers like you by being something you are not. Just be yourself and the right people will like you, the ones who don’t are not meant to be close to you.
To Reflect: What else do you need to consider? What do you need answers for?
Ace of Swords:
You may not be clearly expressing what it is that you want in your career, or from the people you work with. There is a lot of miscommunication happening or just no communication happening which has left you feeling pretty unsatisfied. You may even have been thinking about leaving your job because of this, thinking that you can find something better and more exciting somewhere new, but your guides are saying that what you need to do here, is evaluate what the issues you are having are and how they can be fixed because it may be simpler than you think. They are saying, once you work on fixing these things you will end up getting exactly what you want out of this job.
Rewards: What do you hope to gain from your work life or career? What is your ideal outcome?
Page of Swords Reversed:
It seems like you have lots of energy and curiosity, but right now it’s not directed at anything. With no outlet, it seems like you can’t quite make up your mind about what it is you actually want to do for your future. You may move from one job to the next when you get bored, or decide it’s not for you, which is why you may want to leave this current job you are in. You may also have lots of ideas about what you want your future to look like but you lack the follow-through to get it done. For you to receive the things you want out of this job you need to start sticking with it even when it gets boring or tough. You need to start something and follow it through to the finish line instead of always quitting when things get tough.
Bottom of the Deck:
King of Cups:
At times, the King of Cups can signify a more experienced, caring, and compassionate advisor or mentor who can help you develop an emotionally fulfilling career. We know from earlier in this reading that a mentor would help you at this moment in your career, so, it may be time for you to reach out to them and ask for help. This card is also about balancing your own emotional needs and practical, logical needs. Your wisdom and ability to balance your head and your heart can win you the respect and admiration of those around you and can make you especially valuable when it comes to ironing out conflicts between various parties in the office. You struggle with these things but it will benefit you in the long run to get some balance in your life.
There is strong water energy with this pile, specifically Cancer energy. So, you may be a Cancer or have significant Cancer placements. Or, this person who will be a mentor to you could also be a Cancer. You may even have this sign in your 10th house or placements in these signs in your 10th house.
The colors black and blue kept coming forward during this reading. They could have some significance to you.
The number 12 kept coming up during this reading, it may mean something to you.
How Can You Reach Your Desired Outcome? (Extended Reading)
Pile Two:
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Purpose: What drives you in this job? What gives you purpose?
Six of Wands:
The thing that gives you purpose in this job, that keeps you going when times get tough, is the rewards you receive for your hard work. This card can sometimes signify fame, so, it is worth mentioning that you may hope to be recognized by a wide array of people for your work. However, it mainly means success and rewards so, the majority of you may just like the rewards and recognition you get from the people around you when you complete projects and goals you are working on.
Responsibilities: What are your responsibilities, and how do you feel about them?
Page of Pentacles:
Your responsibilities may lie in planning things. Your job relies on you making plans, goals, strategies, etc. The Page of Pentacles is the star student, the perfect example of what being a good student means, so, for your responsibilities in your job, you may be expected to research, learn new things, and then come up with ways to apply them to your job. The Page of Pentacles is also a very loyal person, so, this is telling me that no matter how you feel about your job you will stick with it. I was getting very serious energy with this pile, so I believe that you are someone who understands that there are highs and lows with your job, and because of this, you won’t let bad days change how much you love your job.
Talents: Where do your talents, skills, and abilities lie?
Six of Swords:
The Six of Swords is all about transitions, moving on, and acceptance. What this tells me about where your talents lie is that you are very good with empathy and understanding. You are very good at helping people transition from one place to another in their life. You could be a therapist, counselor, life coach, traveler, etc.
Resources: What resources do you have that can aid in your growth?
Ten of Wands Reversed:
A great resource for you to grow in your job is by delegating your burdens, you don’t have to do everything all by yourself. You may feel like you are being overworked in your job and that there are too many expectations put on you. The answer to how you feel less stress is by delegating and spreading some of these tasks out among others. Many cards kept flying out when I asked this question. What this tells me is that you have a lot of resources that can help you with your current struggles, and help you grow in this career.
To Fix: What in your current position needs to be fixed?
The Chariot:
You are a very passionate person who has a great deal of drive and ambition, however, that drive and ambition may make you want to do many things at the same time. It may be hard for you to focus on one thing at a time. So, what needs to be fixed at this moment is you remaining focused on one thing at a time and not getting carried away with too many things. As I said in the previous question you need to delegate and this can apply to this question too, you need to have some self-control and start focusing on one thing at a time instead of overfilling your plate.
To Release: What needs to be removed, released, or let go?
Ten of Cups:
You may want to fit in with your coworkers and be close with them, so much so that it may cloud your judgment when it comes to how you move forward in your career. You may be putting too much on your plate because you are a people pleaser and when people come to you for help you say yes even if you are already busy. This mindset and behavior need to be let go of. You need to release your need for everyone to like you, and for you to feel like you belong and fit in with the people around you.
To Reflect: What else do you need to consider? What do you need answers for?
The Star:
It may be hard for you to remain optimistic, and hopeful in your job because you may have been let down in the past when you got your hopes up. Your guides are telling you in this reading that you may need to consider having hope again. There is a difference between being unrealistically optimistic and being cautiously optimistic. You are allowed to be hopeful and to be happy about what your future looks like without getting too in your head. Remaining balanced and grounded will help you at this time.
Rewards: What do you hope to gain from your work life or career? What is your ideal outcome?
King of Pentacles:
Having a good reputation is what you want in your career. As we have established from the first question, something that is very important to you is your reputation and how people see you. So, the biggest goal you have is for people to look up to you and think of you as a good business person. You want people to think of you as someone who achieves all of their dreams and can do anything they set their minds to, someone who is very successful and has lots of experience in whatever field it is that you work.
Bottom of the Deck:
The Hierophant:
The bottom of the deck shows you what the underlying energy of the reading is, and having The Hierophant at the bottom tells you yet again, that individuality is not something you should be doing right now at work. Working with others is how you should be working, delegating, allowing others to help you, etc. These are all ways for you to work with others. You may be someone who doesn’t like to work with others, preferring to do everything by yourself, however now is not the time for you to be doing everything alone, you need to let others work with you.
I was getting strong Capricorn, and Virgo energy with this pile, so, you could be or have significant placements in these signs. You may even have these signs in your 10th house or placements in these signs in your 10th house.
The colors, purple, pink, and green were also big with this pile so, you could have some connection with these piles.
How Can You Reach Your Desired Outcome? (Extended Reading)
Pile Three:
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Purpose: What drives you in this job? What gives you purpose?
Six of Pentacles:
The thing that drives you in this job is feeling like the people you work with, especially your bosses, appreciate all that you do. You want to feel like your work matters and is being put to good use, so when people tell you how much they appreciate you and like the work you are doing, this gives you the push you need to stay in your job.
Some of you may work in a field where you work with the community around you. Whatever the job is, it allows you to see the good your job does, you work with the people that you are helping. You may also enjoy volunteering on your time off. You just truly care about making a difference in the world and you want to see that difference being implemented.
Some of you may have Aquarius placements or significant 11th-house placements. You may have Aquarius in your 10th house.
Responsibilities: What are your responsibilities, and how do you feel about them?
Two of Pentacles Reversed:
Your work is high-stress, you are often overworked, and highly stressed out. You feel stressed out most of the time, but you still love your job, just not the fact that you are relied on to do the work of ten. There is a lot of frazzled energy with this pile, I feel like the people who chose this pile enjoy the high stress of their job but sometimes it may get to be too much. This card is encouraging you to see if you can find ways to bring more balance into your job, even if it's just subtle ways, any amount of balance will help alleviate some of that stress.
Some of you could work in healthcare.
Talents: Where do your talents, skills, and abilities lie?
The Moon Reversed:
When other people have problems getting through confusion and misunderstandings or misinterpretations, you don’t. You are good at seeing through the fog, of finding your way through to the light again. People may come to you for help when they are struggling with their job, not knowing what to do. It’s almost like you are always clear on everything, like you never struggle with confusion, at least on the outside it may seem like that. You show this side of yourself when you’re at work because you don’t want people to see you struggling. So, even when you are confused or unclear, you pretend like you know what you are doing. Fake it till you make it is your motto in life.
Resources: What resources do you have that can aid in your growth?
Justice as a resource in your career is all about honesty and fairness. Make sure you are treating the people you work with, with respect and equality as this can help you make progress in your career. It may also be that something in law, or government could help you progress further in your career, but that may not be a message for everyone, always take what resonates, and don’t try and force things to fit into your life. Overall though, it seems that changing the way you approach the people you work with is needed for you to see some growth in your career. Make sure you are always being honest, and fair in everything you do in your job.
To Fix: What in your current position needs to be fixed?
Two of Wands:
You may not be someone who likes to plan in your job, or just simply make plans in general, but it seems that this is something you need to start doing. However, some of you may plan too much and don’t make moves unless you have every detail of it planned out, if that sounds more like you, you need to take a step back and let go of some of your control issues, you can't plan everything, sometimes things happen that are out of your control and that is okay.
To Release: What needs to be removed, released, or let go?
Six of Cups:
The six of cups often represents childhood, memories, and healing. When it comes to your career and things that need to be let go, it seems that you have been looking backward on the path that got you here maybe too much. You’ve been obsessing over your past work thinking that it holds great lessons that you need to learn to build your future. However, your guides are telling you that obsessing over your past mistakes and the things you did right is not helping you at all it is holding you back. Alternatively, this card can signal that you may be reconsidering your career path, and perhaps returning to a position that you had once left, if that is the case you need to let this idea go.
To Reflect: What else do you need to consider? What do you need answers for?
Six of Wands:
You may be very proud of how far you have come in your career. You have grown so much, and are now reaping the benefits of this hard work. You may have also received a promotion or raise because of this hard work and this has given you a major confidence boost. However, you need to consider how you have been acting because of this confidence boost. Have you been getting too cocky? Too arrogant? Don’t let this confidence venture into vanity.
Rewards: What do you hope to gain from your work life or career? What is your ideal outcome?
The Magician:
The thing you want the most out of this career is the drive to pursue any and everything you set your heart to. You want to manifest all of your dreams into reality. You believe that this career will keep your passion and drive going and that you won’t struggle with dull moments because of how much stress you are constantly under. You believe that stress is your driving force and this will help you manifest a successful career.
Bottom of the Deck:
Strength at the bottom of the deck tells me that you are a very strong person. That you have what it takes to get through all of the stress that this career brings to you.
The colors orange and red were significant with this pile so they may have some meaning to some of you.
Smoke, mist, fire, and hands kept coming up with this reading, so some of you may think or have thought in the past that you can control the wind, fire, smoke, etc., and some of you may get messages from your guides through these elements.
Many of you have a lot of big hopes and dreams but you don’t know how to get to them.
How Can You Reach Your Desired Outcome? (Extended Reading)
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arsenicflame · 1 year
the thing about autistic izzy for me is that he isnt that uwu soft romanticised type of autistic. hes brash, he doesnt know how to process his emotions, hes constantly on the verge of being overstimulated- if things arent done the way he expects them to be done, if his routine is fucked with hes going to lose it
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 2 months
Hi! Can you please write part 3 of bale batman x assistant reader as his wife? And how he handles jealousy after their marriage? Thank you 😊
I actually wrote something about this a little while ago, but because I feel like just linking the post is a bit of an asshole move, I'll add some of my thoughts!
I hope that's okay <3
Here's my previous post :)
~Fi 🐝
(My inspiration for Bruce has been dwindling, I desperately need to watch the movies again)
Part 1 ♡ Part 2 ♡
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He will always, ALWAYS call you his wife. More than your actual name. He has to keep reminding people that you're unavailable and that you're his and his alone. Bruce perks up immediately whenever your name is mentioned. He's policing all of his employees at this point lmao
maybe someone talks about you to a coworker about how innovative you're thinking for the company is, that you're kind and exactly what this industry needs and Bruce just pops up out of nowhere like "who are you talking about? Hm? Oh, my beautiful, amazing, perfect wife? I couldn't agree more."
He gets so stealthy after being in the batman business that he scares them half to death because he's just there all of a sudden. After hearing some of the complaints the employees make (you're not at work as often anymore after Bruce insisted you focus on some hobbies instead) you're seriously contemplating putting a little bell on him just so you don't have to worry about anyone getting a heart attack.
He always has to be touching you in some kind of way. His go to is a hand on the small of your back or on your thigh when you're sitting down, he loves holding your hand, too. His thumb will brush over the cool metal of your wedding band and it puts his mind at ease.
Every single employee knows not to flirt with you, even as a joke. Not after Jake suddenly disappeared after Bruce caught him sweet talking you... (he may have a received a strongly worded letter from his landlord ((Bruce)) and, what do you know, for some reason, any other living opportunity in Gotham is unavailable right now)
He brings you flowers at least once a week (or until the ones he gifted you before can't hold their own anymore and wilt). They're always fragrant and bright in color, whatever is in season right now. And they stand nicely on your desk in a beautiful crystal vase that catches the light perfectly. He catches himself looking at them more than he he would like to admit.
Or, more specifically, he wants to see if he can catch you admiring them. He's gotten a new appreciation for these small things since you came into his life. They way you cup the delicate blossom and inhale its sweet scent is a picture he will dream of forever.
Bruce makes sure that you're only addressed as Mrs. Wayne (unless it's someone close like Luscius or a very nice coworker of yours) making it clear to everyone, again, that you're his. He gifts you a necklace with his name on it, which you wear proudly, and Bruce can't help but grin when he sees his name glint in the sunlight against your skin.
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I'm so sorry for kinda half-assing my Bruce posts lately, but I can barely write anymore 😭
I usually write at night but I'm tired then too so I'm like "Oh, I'll just write during the day." BUT GUESS WHAT I'M ALSO TIRED DURING THE DAY
Fucking iron deficiency istg
I basically sleep all the time and when I do write, it's not a lot bc I'm literally falling sleep halfway through so yeah
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lycheedr3ams · 9 months
Just saw your post about your almost own Konig. Can you make some headcanons about Konig being the sweet quiet butcher at the store? Could be a customer or a coworker vibing?
thank you lovely anon for this ask~
SFW answered below the cut! i'm definitely not giggling at 1am as i write this
also i took the inspiration from the sweet quiet butcher who liked me when i worked at a grocery store, so thank you to him (he really was so sweet tho....)
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butcher!konig who couldn't take his eyes off of you on your first day working at the grocery store you'd been going to for years. the way you looked so eager to learn from your coworkers, and the way you smiled at customers just captured his heart. how you always came in with your hair nicely done and smelling like your favorite perfume.
butcher!konig who comes in everyday with his own knives, perfectly sharp and taken care of. you noticed him walking around with his little black case of knives for work but couldn't work up the courage to ask about them. he would catch you staring sometimes as you watched him cut meat with ease, like he was cutting through butter.
butcher!konig who tried to learn things about you from your coworkers, such as your hobbies and interests. he approached you eventually and loved the way your eyes lit up as you talked about the things you liked. most of your conversations were just you talking to him. he was too shy to talk about himself.
butcher!konig would talk to you throughout the day during every single shift, not caring the way his coworkers stared at him or how his boss would scold him for talking too much to the new girl.
butcher!konig who tried to impress you with stories of how much he could bench press, and who randomly threw his butcher coat to you and started doing numerous push-ups with ease right in the middle of the grocery store to impress you.
butcher!konig who showed off his tattoos to you on his toned biceps in the back of the grocery store one day. he stayed deathly quiet with an intense blush when you gently touched them innocently in wonder.
butcher!konig who made sure to say goodbye to you whenever he left for the day. no matter where you were, he'd find you in the store and smile shyly as he tried to find a way to ask you out. but the words would die on his lips as he overthought it.
butcher!konig who would tease you and try to make you laugh whenever you were having a rough shift. if a customer was ever yelling at you, he'd come over and tower behind you, immediately intimidating the customer and sending them back with their tail between their legs. it made his day with the way you'd smile up at him and thank him.
butcher!konig who asked you for a hug on your last day at the grocery store. he finally had the courage to ask for your number, which you gladly gave to him after you hugged his solid form.
this was my first time doing an ask in this style, i hope you enjoyed!
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fictionalgap · 5 months
The Heat
(chapter 1)
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Pairing: Chef! Abby Anderson x Cook! Reader
Summary: Abby is a chef and you are a cook working for her. You get distracted everytime she wears someting that shows her arms. Abby gets mad at you because you are not focused on your job.
Warnings: 18+ themes, swearing, sexual themes, nsfw, mdni
Song Recommendation: Delicious - Ruby Amanfu
Inspired by @d3arapril 's post
"Jesus! What's wrong with you?"
You took the potatoes one by one from the floor.
"Sorry, chef."
You got up from the floor, potatoes in your hands. You faced with your new chef for a couple of months, Abby.
You gulped as you cleaned the drops on your face with a cloth you usually tuck it in your pocket.
"Really, what's going on?" She raised her right brow.
"Nothing, chef. " You lied.
Abby sighed heavily. It was damn fucking attractive when she looked like 'she was done with it'.
You were even attracted to her breathing and it was getting really pathetic and serious at this point.
You were attracted to her since you saw her the day you came into this kitchen for job interview.
Her face, her voice, her smell, her presence, the determined and harsh look in her eyes…
Her arms…
It was the very first day of work when you first saw her arms. She was wearing a sleeveless light blue shirt that matched her eyes.
You knew working for her would be an honor. You just had to follow orders.
You thought It wouldn't be hard to follow orders If they are coming from her.
You did as she said without hesitation and quickly. She was pleased with you as much as you can tell.
There were times that you came up with ideas and those shocked her, probably in a good way cause she still didn't fire you and agreed on your adjustments on menu. She didn't comment on them in front of others. It was understandable. Jealously in kitchen caused mobbing.
The problem was, your feelings and your attraction started to grow more and more each day.
You would start to drool on job thinking her fucking you in the pantry against the shelves.
"I am sorry, chef! It won't happen again."
"You said the same thing the last time we talked about this. Do you need a break or-"
"No,no. I am good, chef. I promise!" you tried to convince the woman in front of you.
"Hm…" she made a sound that made your pussy cry for help.
It was really hard to work like this.
"Are you avoiding me?"
"What? No,no chef! Never. What made you think that? " you rambled in a breath with widened eyes.
"You turn around whenever I come... "
"No, no. I'm sorry It looked like that chef." You explained in desperation.
It was true though. You avoided her. How the hell were you supposed to work with this hot woman when she was beside you.
"Hm…" she held her own chin while she was thinking.
"Raymond! You take the order five, too." she told your coworker and pulled your hand to take you outside, to the back of the restaurant.
You nodded and she held you a cigarette and you took it between your fingers.
"Thank you."
She lit up her cigarette and turned to you to lit yours up too.
"Y/N. whats going on? " she let the the smoke out to the side and then turned to you.
You wished she blew the smoke on your face.
You sighed heavily. How could you tell her that she should wear something with sleeves because her arms were so fucking distracting.
Every time she lifted her arm to inhale the smoke your eyes followed her arms.
This time it was too fucking obvious.
"What, is there something on my arm?" She asked obliviously. She looked at her arm then looked at you, questioning.
You blinked to her question. You instinctively licked your lips and gulped without moving your eyes from her arm.
"I-I I uhm I I just I, uhm... "
Her questioning, oblivious face turned into a playful smirk. Her eyes got smaller and shinier. There was something else.
No. . . Something darker.
Yet sweet.
She took a step to you as If she wasn't close enough.
"Now, that can't be the reason you were so distracted for weeks, can't it? " She looked like she was having fun. She looked amused.
You felt bad. Were you just a amusement to her? Something that she will tell her friends when they were hanging out.
Like ' Yeah, there was this girl who couldn't function because she was drooling over my muscles. '
You gulped. You couldn't answer. She started to laugh. She moved over and you could feel her breath over your face. You blinked again an again. Her smell was mesmerizing.
Her eyes darted to your lips and your eyes darted to her lips. You licked your lips.
"Chef! We need you inside! " Raymond came from the kitchen but stopped when he saw you two.
"Ugh.. Uhm I-" His thumb was pointed to the kitchen door. He had a shocked expression on his face.
He must have felt the tension.
"Coming! " Abby growled. Her jaw clenched.
He went back to the kitchen quickly.
She looked into your eyes with a smile.
"Don't worry sweetheart. I'll take care of it."
She did something you didn't expect.
She put her thumb on your lips and caressed them with it.
"I'll take care of everything..." she whispered.
You automatically opened your mouth and she took the advantage of sliding her thumb further into your mouth.
She got closer to your ear and whispered.
"That's all you can get right now. " then she left quickly without taking a look at you.
You looked dumbfounded at the door which is slightly moving back and forth because of Abby's entrance.
'What just happened? ' you breathed heavily.
Taglist: @valenftcrush @elliewilliamsgf69 @hayatistirahati @rubycruzsbitch @kyleeservopoulos @d3arapril @scarletchase1989 @chrry1ovr @scarletchase1989
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glumet-shadow · 2 months
twst x enstars
inspired by shinyjr's post called 'what are you doing in my apartment'
why are they/you in your/my apartment
it was late, you had just got back from a long day at ES. When you entered your home a few people you remembered from a game were inside, but they werent real. Right? In response you pull out your phone and keys to aim at the strangers.
Roses? Did Tsukasa and or the tea club drop off rose tea in your house? When you walked forward onto the stairs you see two men, one with ginger hair with a heart on his face. The other with dark blue hair and a spade mark to match, you scream as you think they broke into your house. Once they hear you they scream as well running into your room.
When you entered your room you saw the rest of the group, nearly panicking you called your favorite idol, but the leader takes your phone and hangs it up quickly. "Hear us out, we dont mean harm we swear."
You want to know what they all do in your home and when they find out about your obsessive coworkers?
Ace Trapolla
No offense, but why is your house so small? Its nothing like ramshackle. But its very pretty and looks nice.
When ace first entered your home he was shocked to see posters of idols in your home. The first thing he put his hands on was an album which had photos of yourself and the idols. He was amazed-- until he saw someone who looked like riddle. Yeah, he screamed loudly which caused deuce to come and scream at the photo as well. They soon realized the difference once they saw people riddle never met in the photo.
What does he do though? After a few days and being placed under house arrest by riddle he finds your workplace. When he sees the large building he goes in, what he didnt expect was to see you, his precious player with people who looked like himself and deuce. Subaru, the one who looked like him, screamed, thinking it was a crazed fan who broke in. Though after you spoke up about how he doesnt actually know anyone but you he calmed down. Ace ran up to hug you which subaru wasnt happy about but let it happen seeing as you were ok with it.
Riddle and the others quickly followed in, causing a whole mess and you having to explain. No, they arent crazed fans of them, they are just your (obsessed) roommates. Eichi walks forward from the idols and seems skeptical but after a nod from you he holds you in his arms and drags you away from everyone. Noone knew you got roommates! Even those who had cameras! (except izumi but thats for later!)
When ace is alone he often photo copies every album with a photo of you and edits all of them into a collage of you (having removed the idols due to anger and jealousy) He wanted memories with you to!
Ace takes a job at ES, eichi or ibara had offered it to him. They only did so to see what Ace would do when he was guarding (you) the building. Quickly regretting it because ace clings to your side, Subaru panics when ace is basically glued to your hip during trickstar practice. Everyone panics infact. Tori is very livid when he sees ace, after practice tori asked eichi if "yuzuru could get rid of him." Which eichi didnt object to at all.
After work ace always greats you at the door, and when you just managed a concert for the idols he always is anxious wondering what "the crazy bastards" are doing to you.
"Oh, your home! How was everyone else at work? You thought I was there to today? No I was off today (he was he just wore trickstar clothing he had taken and snuck in.) Want me to tell trey you are home so he can start cooking dinner? Oh my day, it was uneventful."
Deuce spade
Your home is nice, but why are there posters of "strangers" on your walls. Deuce doesnt take them down but takes pictures of them and scratches out the idols' faces in his copies.
When deuce first entered your home he was shocked, so this was your real home. The first thing deuce put his hands on was some of the pictures of the idols, which he didnt know how but they were hidden in a secret compartment in your desk. You didnt know it existed until he told you.
What does he do though? The first few days are mainly him looking around your home for the things the idols gave you, why? He wants them all destroyed to make himself happy. He found every single one, he mainly found tori's since well. Tori also has snuck into your home, and (not so) secretly put photos of him dressed up in places within your house. The "gifts" he didnt find were from izumi, the cameras. When he found them after about a year..... He was livid and, for the first time, came to ES of his own will. He slapped izumi and nearly released all his repressed bad boy feelings.
When deuce is alone you might find him trying to find jobs, he refused any offers from eichi or ibara saying "I already have my place, and anyway I assure you I would be poor at doing my job." Even if he would be very good at it he refuses it because he doesnt trust any of the idols. The only ones he can trust are subaru and hokuto, but even then it isnt much.
After work deuce usually is cleaning or clinging to you. During or after lives however, due to much convincing from you, you got deuce to come back stage with you and ace. He wasnt your guard at that point but after seeing first hand what the idols would do to you. He wasnt taking any chances ever.
"Hey question, why do you have all these photos of your colleges? You dont, well I found like 50 pictures of them. They must have hid them in (y)our house."
Cater diamond
Nice place you have here- who are those people on those posters? Oh your coworkers. Yeah when he sees mao he sees red. Not his mark but anger. WHY WAS THIS SHALLOW COPY OF HIM ON YOUR WALLS. Oh he already has someone. Who? A guy who is also (obsessed) interested in you.
When cater entered your home he was shocked about everything around him. Specifically the posters of your coworkers. He found the cameras before deuce only tried to connect them to his phone instead, resulting in izumi hacking his phone and sending him messages. Most were along the lines of "get out of their house" and or "STAY AWAY FROM THEM." Oh he wasnt happy about this ever.
What does he do though? He joins ES not as a guard but rather as an idol. He creates a unit and invites you to produce him, of course you agree but when eichi catches wind of cater's ideas he quickly tries to team his unit. He (Eichi) is your (lover) roommate after all, why not support him? Ibara also tries to get cater to join eden, it ends up working. Ibara and cater work well together despite hating eachother.
When cater is alone he is often actually working on stuff for his career. Given the fact he already knows how to use social media well he gains quite the following, even larger than hiyori's almost. Much to everyone's dismay he ends up growing large enough to have a solo unit similar to mam.
After work you can find cater doing chores or working on a new song. During lives, whether it be his own or another unit's he is always near you. Of course he is, who wouldnt want to bring their "lover" with them to success.
"Thank you for coming to practice with me, I appreciate it a lot. Speaking of which I was looking for my unit's file in your office but couldnt find it. I only found fine's in it."
Trey clover
Your home, yes its very pretty. But what are these little cards in your desk? Are they playing cards? No?
When trey entered your home he was in shock, mainly that he was here but also that there was someone who you seemed to like that was just like him. He was honored but also livid at keito.
What does he do though? He mainly does the chores, since they have ace and deuce as guards for ES and cater an idol he doesnt need a job exactly. So he choses to do the housework often left behind by everyone but riddle and himself.
When trey is alone as said above he does chores but he also helps with cater's unit when you cant. He made "special effects" that made cater almost multiply, even if it was an excuse so they could use their magic together. They made it where cater's clones would do the song. Once it was done trey use his magic and made it seem lke they just disappeared when really he just wrote of cater's magic in an interesting way.
After work you always find trey cooking, you cant help but go into the kitchen and offer him a hug. He of course welcomes it but also explains what he is making.
"Riddle said you have been doing a lot of work lately, dont worry I can help you if need be. I already help cater, what is one more (he offers this to annoy the idols.)"
Riddle rosehearts
He will take care of you and your home, rest assured. No need to worry about the first years, they wont matter in the end.
When riddle entered your home and heard the troublesome duo's screams he ran to them. When he saw someone who looked like him he yelled, weirdly and luckily tsukasa was off stage was when Riddle used his magic on him. You, you just panicked when you saw the familiar collar on his neck. You ran home to get your phone, you forgot it earlier in your rush.
What does he do though? You often find him organizing your papers for work, even the ones you hid. Often times he burned the pictures of tsukasa but you never noticed him doing so.
When riddle is alone as stated above he will be burning the cards the idols snuck into your home and or bag. He doesnt help with cater's idol work but he does help you manage with knights. Tsukasa and him form a bit of a bond, which is why riddle after about a month of them working together he doesnt burn the cards and instead gives them to you in flowers for tsukasa. An idol he hates after meeting is hiyori. Do not let them in the same room unattended, he will attack hiyori.
After work you may find him drawing outfits, he learned how to draw from shu. Even learns to sew from him just to help on your workload. However after a live he clings to you for dear life and hands you roses as a "reward" for not indulging those idols in "regretful and wrong" actions.
"Rose, you are home early? Oh me, I was just cleaning a bit for you. The thing on the table? Thats the latest design for one of the units."
In a summary
Heartslabyul is a dorm that helps you a lot, they all work except trey who joined niki's kitchen group. You dont have to work anymore if you dont want to. You have 2 bodyguards who make decent, a super popular idol, a home chef, and a star producer to watch over you. Why leave them now? Cant they "help" you some more. Even get your least favorite idol to stay away from you.
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lovelylotusf1 · 4 months
Inspired by the lovely @wisteria-wisteria and her Pinterest roulette posts. I present to you an AU:
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Lestappen - Coding rivals.exe
Don't know yet if I'll do anything larger with it so I'd love if someone adopts the idea! Give it a new and welcoming home!
Max Verstappen, a brilliant hardware engineer who is mostly focused on robotics, is partnered up to work with programmer and game designer Charles Leclerc. From the moment they meet, he despises his new coworker. Charles is everything he isn't - all smiles and polite questions, a laid-back attitude when it comes to his work and yet somehow constantly praised by others. The predestined programmer, they call him. Max thinks it's all very ridiculous.
But they need to work together to meet the looming deadline. Maybe they'll even learn to appreciate the other's company along the way...
Small scene after this universe's InchidentTM:
"Mr Verstappen. What happened?" His boss's cold voice greets him the moment Max sits down in the overpriced meeting chair. The board of directors stare at him, disdain obvious in their postures, but their faces are carved into polite masks.
Max glares at Leclerc, who is sitting across from him. Even now, he doesn't look like he gives a single damn about the situation he has brought them into, that unnervingly pleasant smile still plastered on his face. Max wants to wipe it off.
Leclerc is slumped in his chair, glasses askew and in his normal working attire consisting of a sweater thrown over a shirt. There is a small coffee stain on front of it, reminding Max of what brought them into this situation in the first place.
"It's just unfair. He pushed a glass of coffee onto the robot, so I pushed it back onto his computer. It's not fair, right?"
Before he can give further explanations, he is shot down, "Thank you, Mr Verstappen. What is your perspective on this matter, Mr Leclerc?"
Leclerc straightens and lets his eyes sweep over the room. Max doesn't miss the fact that he pointedly doesn't look at Max and a small pang of annoyance flashes through him.
Leclerc says, "Nothing. Just an inchident in the lab. We will have the code restored and the robot running by next week."
Max needs to remember all the self-control exercises he taught himself in order to not jump over the table, drag Leclerc towards him by his stupid oversized sweater and yell at him until that guy's ears ring.
Of course, he can say that easily. He just needs to write a few lines of code that the automatic backup hasn't caught. But Max will have to build the hardware from scratch, the delicate electronics fried beyond repair. Oh, how he would like to strangle Leclerc for that.
His boss is apparently pleased by this response. He nods. "Very well then. Get back to work and fill out the provided reports. I don't want to repeat this, the funding is already minimal and you don't want to make your budget even tighter than it already is."
They are dismissed and walk back to the robotics lab in silence, their steps echoing off the blank walls. At least it would be silent if Leclerc's annoyingly smooth voice didn't disrupt it, "I know you don't like me. But at least pretend that you do when other people are around. It will be easier if you let some of my charm work on you, non?"
That fucker has the audicity to wink at him and it is the most awkward thing Max has seen in his entire life.
Max almost snarls. He'd rather be caught dead than enjoy Leclerc's company.
(I don't know why a robotics guy would work with a game dev but just let me fantasize about my AUs without worrying too much about realism)
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Magic for the working witch
Hello friends! I recognize this is a break from my current content series, however I have been working like a dog recently balancing university, work, social life, and medical problems so I felt inspired to talk a bit about the magic I do while working!!
To preface: I work 3 jobs total! one of them requires me to travel, One is a remote desk job, and the final one is a waitress! While I don't recommend this lifestyle, it is the one that I and many others have fallen into as life has unfolded. First of all, to all my hard working witches, you freaking matter dude. Your boss may not see how hard you work, but trust me you guys are hustlers! Its hard to balance a spiritual life with everything else going on but today lets tackle that!
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How can I cultivate magic, even with work/school/etc?
First, we have to find where the magic is within us and this is easier said than done. In previous post I talk about magical frameworks and theories and this would be a good time to put this to use! I believe that magic is all around and within us, we can harness it at any time, enjoy it! Even simply reflecting on the magic in your heart can be enough to feel spiritually fufilled. We as humans like acknowledgement, and when we just simply reflect on the magic around us then we tend to feel more fufilled but that gets lost on us sometimes.
Got it! What ideas do you have for me?
Lets think about jobs for a second! We have all sorts of jobs out there, desk jobs, standing jobs, hard labor, etc. I believe there is magic for every profession, type, etc, but that is a looot of jobs. so lets narrow it down to the three types I have experience with!
Travel + Speaking
these jobs include teaching, public speaking, management, and more. These jobs often are a form of public service but require an element of writing, desk work, etc. It also is somewhat a form of authority in the aspects of people looking up to you for information, conflict resolution, and more. Usually this job has a commute, a level of strong responsibility, and traits like leadership and confidence are seen heavily.
Witchy ideas:
As you wake up, get ready, and commute, give yourself a pep talk as a form of glamour magic. Bonus points if you make it a chant
Enchant your toothpaste to help your words carry
Keep crystals like angelite, Rose Quarts, and Pyrite close
Create a weekly spread to give you insight into the week so you can prepare as needed
Wear bright colors for confidence
Wash your hair with the intention of unblocking flow of words, and making things run smoother
Public Service
Public service are jobs like waiter, bank clerk, and floor salesman. These jobs require you to be informational, polite, and taking on a lot of side work in the process. Your job is to get someone to purchase something and help facilitate that, resolve minor conflicts, and honestly team work with both your coworkers and customers.
Witchy Ideas:
When you can: Don't wear socks with your shoes. A lot of dress shoes and work shoes can have hygienic insoles, and this can help facilitate grounding!
Create an oil out of a carrier oil, basil, thyme, and rosemary and you get a general 'workplace luck' oil!
If you work for commissions: Eat a mint, tic-tac, or sugar packet before work to sweeten your words to customers and get more sales
If you don't work for commissions: Place Vaseline or lotion on your elbows and knees to facilitate swift work and smooth customer interactions
Carry obsidian, super seven, bismuth, or chrysocolla with you
Keep a 'talisman card' in your pocket, pick a tarot card that resonates with your goal for work. My go-to's are the queen of swords, king of cups, the emperor, and the magician
Remote Work
Remote jobs are any jobs that can be done at home, and after the pandemic these jobs became a staple so many companies kept the position. These jobs could be done day or night, internationally or locally, and so much more. The best traits to have would be organization, punctuality, and perseverance.
Witchy Ideas:
Maintain a home altar where you do work to induce specific energies
Before a virtual meeting discussing important personal goals, set up an online vision board of what you want
Have a prayer or chant ready during a project to help it move along
Create digital sigils to deflect crappy co-workers
Use Tigers eye, ulexite, and yellow calcite to help the work day
Leave a tarot card on your desk as a talisman.
If you guys need any tips, tricks, or questions feel free to leave them in an AMA or in the comments below! Thank You!
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lucienarcheron · 11 months
Bouquet Full of Loathing [ Elucien ]
Inspired by: this  and the Flower Shop Modern AU - Person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says “How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?” | Originally posted on my previous blog on 10.01.2017.
Pairing: Lucien x Elain Genre: Fluff/Humor Rating: SFW Recommended listen: McFly - Love is Easy
Author’s note:  This was my first ever acotar fic and will always hold a special place in my heart!
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“How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you to someone in flower?”
Lucien was furious. He was fuming. He was positive that if was possible, he’d actually be on fire. It was too fucken early for him to be going back and forth with his coworker but that bitch loved to undermine him and continuously make his life hell at work.
Due to his outburst after their latest argument, his manager, who also happened to be that demon’s manager, was forcing him to make amends by buying her a nice bouquet of flowers to say he was sorry. Which he wasn’t. Not even in the slightest. But oh, she was going to get that bouquet of flowers.
The Fawn’s Greenhouse was only a few blocks away and taking a walk gave him a way to release some of his anger. But what he didn’t expect was to find a beautiful young woman behind the counter, staring at him like he was crazy. Then again, who walks into a flower shop and demands those kinds of flowers?
His eyes went to the nametag on the front of her dress and he felt his face go red.
Elain. Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl.
Elain, on the other hand, was slightly taken aback.
She loved her flowers. She loved any flowers.
She loved growing things in her garden and every single part of the process mattered to her; planting the seeds, watering them, monitoring their growth, and finally when they blossomed. Her flowers were her babies.
When Feyre and Nesta offered to pitch in and help her open her own flower shop, she was over the moon. Her own savings had fallen a little short and she was thrilled to have the support from her sisters. The Fawn’s Greenhouse was only a few blocks away from where Nesta worked as an editor at a literary agency and a few extra blocks from where Feyre taught Art at the local community college.
It was a great way for the three of them to meet for lunch or dinner quite often, as they would be tonight.
But to Elain, flowers meant many good things: happiness, gratefulness, new beginnings, apologies, and forgiveness. So when this strange angry red-headed man stormed into her shop and slammed money on the counter, growling at her, she was very taken aback at his request.
Elain finally blinked rapidly then chuckled. “Well, hello.” she said and leaned against the counter. “There are a few different ways to do that, Mr…?”
All the anger that Lucien had walked in with completely vanished and was replaced with awe as he took in her features. Gods, she was gorgeous.
Elain tilted her head to the side and Lucien almost combusted as she gave him an encouraging smile and he cleared his throat.
“Lucien.” he mumbled, a hand rubbing the back of his neck, the color on his cheeks matching his hair. “My name is Lucien.”
“Welcome to my flower shop, Mr. Lucien.” she replied automatically and gave him an even wider smile. “I see someone’s ruffled your feathers this morning.”
Lucien snorted, causing Elain to giggle. “Ruffled my feathers. More like plucked all my feathers to death that psychotic bit —” he cut himself off as Elain gave him an amused look. “I’m sorry. Let me start over.”
Elain watched, trying to hold back a laugh as Lucien took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. He smiled at her and she smiled back.
“Yes, hello.”
“You have a very lovely flower shop.”
“Thank you! I’ve worked very hard on it.”
“You are also very lovely as well.”
“You aren’t so bad yourself.”
“You could tell me I looked like a piece of filth and I would honestly take it as the highest of compliments.”
Elain burst out laughing at that and Lucien grinned. Score for him.
“Well, that wouldn’t be very nice to say to anyone.” Elain replied, shaking her head with another chuckle. “Besides, it wouldn’t be true. You’re quite lovely yourself.”
Lucien leaned against the counter, the gap between them growing smaller. “I have never felt so lovely in my entire life.” he said, and with an exaggerated flick of his wrist, tossed his hair over his shoulder.
Elain laughed again and Lucien realized he’d only been in the shop for five minutes but he’d sell his soul to hear that sound over and over again.
“You have quite the humor, Mr. Lucien.”
“Lucien. Just...Lucien.” he corrected her gently with a smile. “Mister sounds too formal and I’d prefer to be on casual terms with the person that’s going to give me my special request flowers.” 
“Your ‘fuck you’ flowers?” she asked with a grin and he had the audacity to give a nonchalant shrug.
“The person deserves them, I can assure you.” he replied and sighed. “It’s my coworker. She makes my life a living hell at work. We had a fight and my manager is forcing me to get flowers as an apology. This is me trying to be nice.”
“By sending her ‘fuck you’ flowers?” Elain asked again, her lips twitching. She wondered about this so called ‘horrible coworker’.
“Keyword here, is trying.” he said with a grin and Elain laughed. “Not all of us can be as nice as you, Elain.”
Elain’s cheeks flushed. She liked the way he said her name a lot more than she’d care to admit.
“And how do you know I’m nice?” she countered, leaning off the counter and crossing her arms across her chest with a smile. “You’ve only just met me.”
“Your name is Elain, you’re beautiful, and you own a flower shop. You could literally stab a man in front of me and I would just say he had it coming.” Lucien promptly replied. He sounded insane, he was well aware, but instinct told him he wasn’t wrong. “Also, you smell really nice.”
Elain rolled her eyes and wanted to curse herself for the blush on her cheeks and the smile that was way too wide. “Are you always this shameless of a flirt, Lucien?”
He straightened up as Elain pulled out a book from under the counter and placed it in front of him, flipping through the pages. “Only with pretty girls who own flowershops named Elain.” he said and gave her a charming smile when she paused her flipping to look at him.
She shook her head and chuckled lightly. He was shameless. Very handsome but oh so shameless. “So,” she started, going back to flipping through her flower book for the right ones to fit his order, pointing as she explained. “We have a few options for your amusing choice in the bouquet. There are Geraniums — Horseshoe Geranium which specifically means stupidity and Foxglove flowers which can mean insincerity. There’s also Meadowsweet flowers which mean uselessness, Yellow Carnations that indicate you’re disappointed in a person and last but not least, Orange Lilies which symbolize hatred.”
Elain finally looked up at Lucien, whose grin had gotten wider and wider with each flower that she rattled off and she laughed at his expression. “I take it all these options sound good?” she questioned with a raised brow.
Lucien’s grin was wicked. “Oh, these sound fantastic. Can I have a mix of them all in a bouquet? Please?”
Elain rolled her eyes and chuckled. “As you wish, good sir.” she said then pursed her lips as she started writing down his order. “Is there a note you’d like me to add with the bouquet?”
His eyes lingered on her pursed lips long enough that Elain had to look up confused at his silence and a blush crept on both their faces.
“Sorry.” he said with a sheepish grin and Elain bit her lip, holding back a smile as she continued filling out the order. A moment passed in silence before she responded.
“I don’t mind.” she said softly.
“Good. Because there’s a lot to admire.” Lucien responded, leaning back on the counter, closer to her.
“I’m sure getting spoiled with compliments today.” she said, giving him a playful smile and he grinned in return.
“They’re all well-deserved compliments. I meant them all.”
“Oh, I know. It’s why I haven’t kicked you out yet.” she said as she moved around her counter, grabbing a note card for him to write on and a pen as he laughed. “For your note. The bouquet shouldn’t take too long...I’m caught up on all my early orders. Would you like to wait or should I have them delivered?”
She tilted her head, waiting for his answer and the smile she gave him told him their thoughts were on the same wavelength.
She wanted him to wait.
And wait he would. He’d wait an eternity for those fucken flowers as long as she kept talking to him. Lucien had shamelessly told her this, realizing too late that he was babbling his thoughts aloud.
Elain’s laughter was enough to ease his embarrassment and the two continued chatting as she moved about, putting the bouquet together. Lucien watched her, appreciating the way she moved and talked and the way she laughed at his jokes. Elain’s cheeks were stained red as they talked, trying to contain how much she was enjoying the attention he was giving her, and how invested he was in everything she was saying and doing. Their conversation was comfortable and flowed so naturally that both of them were slightly disappointed in how quickly she finished.
Giving him a shy smile, she gently placed the finished bouquet in all it’s glory in front of him. “Here it is!” she said cheerfully. “Your requested bouquet. Beautiful and full of loathing.”
Lucien grinned, eyeing her work approvingly. “It looks stunning.” he replied and Elain smiled widely, pleased. “Just like the lovely lady who put it together.”
Elain giggled as he reached out, taking her hand and kissed it. “You’re too much.” she mumbled and Lucien chuckled.
“I can’t help it. Something about you…” he said quietly and the two locked eyes.
“Something about you too.” she agreed and Lucien smiled. He paid her and balanced the bouquet in his hands. His eyes flickered between the bouquet and the beautiful girl who had made it and he quickly licked his lips.
“Would...would you like to go out to dinner sometime?” he asked and relief filled his whole body as she beamed at him.
“I would love to.”
“Great! Friday night?”
“I’ll be ready at 6:30.”
Elain smiled at him then grabbed one of her notecards and quickly jot down her number. “I expect more shameless flirting till then.” she said softly, curling a strand of hair behind her ear.
“And I will be more than happy to oblige.” He replied, giving her a wink and Elain giggled.
“I’ll see you Friday then.”
“I’ll be flirting with you sooner than that though.” he replied and she winked at him in return, a blush erupting on both their cheeks.
“I look forward to it.”
“Gods, you’re so fucken cute.” Lucien mumbled and Elain laughed, dipping her head shyly. “I have to leave before this kills me.”
She covered her burning face, grinning widely as she then waved him off. “Go back to work before you get fired.”
“Worth it.” he said, using his free hand to make a finger gun and she snorted softly as he waved then finally left the shop.
Elain bit her lip, smiling to herself. In one way or another, her flowers were always bringing her joy.
Elain rushed into the restaurant where she had agreed to meet her sisters earlier that day. She was very excited to tell them about her encounter with Lucien. He had kept his word about the shameless flirting and had her phone buzzing all day; she still couldn’t believe how it happened.
Her pace slowed down when she saw Feyre and Nesta, both seated at their usual table, secluded in a quiet corner of their favorite place. It wasn’t until she was close enough to hear their conversation that she froze completely. On the chair next to Nesta was her sister's bag and a bouquet of flowers that was strangely familiar.
Too familiar.
“And then this asshole hands it to me with a note that says ‘I’m sorry’ in quotation marks like the sarcastic little shit he is.” Nesta snarled and Feyre started laughing. “And then adds that I should look up the meaning of each flower to really appreciate his apology. I’m going to ask Elain what they mean.”
“You are really mean to him, Nes. I’m sure he’s not as horrible as you make him sound.”
“He’s a piece of shit. It brings me joy to make him miserable.” Nesta said with a snort and then noticed Elain. “Elain! You’re finally here. Come on, we’re starving.”
Elain approached the table and sat down slowly, smiling nervously. Oh boy.
“...Nice flowers, Nesta.”
“Thanks.” Nesta replied with a wave of her hand and then picked them up to show Elain. “I got them from a shithead at work as an apology. What do the flowers mean?”
Elain groaned internally. It was indeed her own bouquet full of loathing. She bit her lip. “The guy who gave them to you...his name is Lucien, right?”
Nesta froze and Feyre looked at her curiously. “Yes.” she hissed. Quickly grabbing the note card again, Nesta looked it over. “How did I not notice that he got them from your shop!? That bastard! Did he bother you?!”
“No! He was very sweet.” Elain replied quickly, blushing. “Actually...he asked me out on a date and I said yes. We’ve been texting all day.”
Silence fell on the table before Feyre burst out laughing and Nesta snarled, “What?!”
“It’s later this week. I’m...looking forward to it.”
“Like hell you’re going!” Nesta hissed. “With that idiot! That good for nothing garbage can —”
Elain cut her off with a look. “Nesta.”
Feyre’s laughter had finally subsided and she wiped at her eyes. “Nes...you should be excited for her. She likes him!”
Elain narrowed her eyes at Nesta’s face that was filled with rage, daring her to argue. Feyre looked between the two, her lips twitching.
“So what’s he actually like, then?” Feyre quickly asked. “We know Nesta hates him and makes his life living hell at work.”
Elain gave Nesta one more look before her eyes flickered to Feyre’s face and she gave her a small smile. “He’s actually really nice and funny. I —”
“He has a glass eye and a scar across his face!”  Nesta’s growl interrupting her.
“So?!” Elain automatically replied, pouting. “He got it in an accident! It makes him a strong person!”
“He has a glass eye!”
“It makes no difference to me! I like his personality!”
“He’s an asshole, Elain!”
“You think Cassian’s an asshole too and you’re living with him!” Elain hissed back. “Your judgement isn’t exactly perfect!”
“Well, she gets dicked down by Cassian so I mean…” Feyre interjected with a shrug and Nesta glared at her, her cheeks burning.
“That is irrelevant.”
“Is it, Nes? Is it really?” Feyre asked with a raised brow.
The table fell silent again as Nesta and Elain glared at each other and Feyre tried her best not to laugh. It was only when her phone beeped that Elain torn her eyes away from the vicious staring contest with her sister.
Text from: Lucien How’s dinner going with your sisters? Hopefully, I’m not interrupting anything.
Elain’s eyes looked back up at her sisters and her blush gave away who she was talking to, causing Nesta to glare even harder and Feyre to grin widely.
Text from: Elain No, not at all! I was just telling them about you…funny enough, one of my sisters knows you.
Text from: Lucien Really? What a small world! Which sister is that?
Elain hesitated before she sent the next message.
Text from: Elain The coworker you bought the bouquet full of loathing for. She goes by the name Nesta…though you might refer to her very differently.
Elain bit her lip, frowning after she sent the message. She flipped her phone over and then looked at her sisters.
“Now he knows we’re sisters.” Elain grumbled as Feyre rattled off their usual orders to the waiter.
“Good. If he’s smart, he’ll back off.” Nesta growled and Feyre shoved her gently.
“You back off. Let her live.”
“I don’t like him.”
“There’s a surprise.”
Elain’s reply didn’t make it to her mouth when her phone started ringing. Flipping it over, she blinked in surprise at Lucien’s name popping up. She immediately picked up.
“I’m so sorry for interrupting you at dinner but I realize how awkward this position is for you right now.” he said, hoping he sounded as apologetic as he felt.
Elain chuckled, a small smile on her face. “Are you calling to tell me our date is canceled now?”
“No.” he replied and Elain’s smile grew wider at how horrified he sounded at the idea. He cleared his throat. “I actually wanted to apologize for saying those things about your sister earlier and I promise that I’ll behave and keep work and personal life separate so that you don’t have to feel weird because your sister and I hate each other. Professionally speaking.”
Elain laughed softly. “Just professionally?”
“...Please don’t make this more difficult for me.” he whined softly on the phone. “It’s bad enough I bought her a bouquet full of loathing from her own sister’s shop.”
“Plot twist, isn’t it?”
It was Lucien’s turn to laugh. “Yes, it is. Does she know what the flowers mean?”
Elain grinned. “Not yet.”
“Let’s keep it that way, please.”
“Fair enough.”
“Really, Elain? You’re letting that walking pile of trash interrupt our dinner like this?” Nesta said, making sure she was loud enough to be heard on the other end of the line.
Elain gave Nesta a reproachful look as Feyre shoved her again. “Behave.”
“Fine...but let me talk to him. He is my coworker after all.” Nesta said, her tone calm. She held out her hand.
Elain looked at her suspiciously but Nesta just wiggled her fingers. Her mouth went into a thin and she sighed. “Lucien, Nesta wants to talk to you.”
“More plot twists.” he said, chuckling.
“You don’t have to.” Elain automatically said but both Lucien and Nesta responded at the same time.
“Yes, he does.
“Yes, I do.”
Elain groaned and then held the phone to her chest. “Nesta...please be polite.”
“No guarantees.”
Squinting at her older sister, she finally handed her the phone with a sigh, pressing on the speaker so they could all hear.
“Hello cockroach.” Nesta greeted him and Elain facepalmed as Feyre snorted.
“Hello demon.”
“Of all the people you decided to hit on, you had to choose my sister?”
“I respectfully asked her out on a date. She’s a grown woman. I don’t really think it’s your business.”
“It isn’t.” Elain added and Nesta squinted at her.
“I’m going to be watching your every move and I swear to god if you so much as lay a finger on my sister, I will crush you with my bare hands.” Nesta threatened in one breath. “That is a promise you filthy little vermin —”
Elain snatched the phone from her hand as Feyre cut her off. “Nesta!”
“Jesus christ, Nesta. I’m not going to hurt Elain!” Lucien hissed on the phone.
“What if I want him to touch me?” Elain snapped, knowing it would silence both her sisters and Lucien. “Hm? What if I — what’s the phrase you used about Cassian and Nesta, Feyre? What if I want to get dicked down by Lucien? Would that be such a big deal?”
Lucien made a sound on the phone that sounded like he was choking as Nesta gasped loudly.
Taking her phone off speaker, she put it back to her ear and spoke softly, “Lucien, I’ll call you when I get home, okay?”
“Yup. Sounds good.” he responded, truly sounding like the air was being choked out of him and Elain's face turned red.
Closing the call, she eyed her sister and held up a hand as Nesta was ready to launch into a speech. “Listen. I know you’re my older sister and you worry about me because I love flowers and seem like a giant idiot who gets easily fooled —”
“That’s never how I think of you, Elain — “ Nesta quickly interjected, her face falling.
“And I know you’re worried about me because the breakup with Graysen was really bad and I was very hurt,” Elain continued, halting Nesta again as her voice shook. “But I am okay. I am fine. And I’m ready to try something new. So please….please be nice to Lucien. I want to see where this goes.”
Nesta fell silent and Feyre gently leaned over to pat Elain’s hand with a small smile.
“We know, Elain. We love you and support you in whatever decision you want to make.” Feyre said softly. “I look forward to getting to know him.”
“...I’m sorry.” Nesta added and reached out to place her hand on Elain’s other hand. “I’ll behave...Try to be nicer to him.”
“Thank you.” Elain said, a relieved smile on her face until Nesta clenched her hand tightly with death in her eyes.
“But if I ever heard the term dicked down and Lucien in the same sentence again, I will kill someone.”
Silence fell on the table once more as Elain closed her eyes, internally groaning at how she was going to have to address that with Lucien when she got home.
It wasn’t until the waiter served their dinner and walked away that Feyre finally broke the silence.
“But what if she does want to get dicked down by Lucien? Elain sounded very enthusiastic.”
“Feyre!” Nesta hissed as the youngest sister broke down in giggles.
Elain groaned audibly now, her face in her hands knowing Feyre was never going to let this go.
“I’m just saying, go Elain, if she does. Nesta said he was a redhead, do you think the carpet matches the drapes?”
“Feyre —  I swear to all the Gods I will stab you with this fork if you don’t stop.”
“Elain, you’ll be sure to share details, right? I want Nesta to know every detail of when you and Lucien finally get down to business.”
“Feyre —”
“Ohhhh what if Elain visits him at work and you walk in on her getting dicked down by Lucien in his office? On his desk?”
Feyre squeaked as Nesta assaulted her in some form or another. Elain had given up, sighing deeply, her face burning.
Who knew a bouquet of flowers would cause so much trouble?
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making-noodles-png · 4 months
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Question in context anyways les go. I wanted to edit a few bits anyways so yeah
• ever since I had that tumbler poll I'm questiong myself if wallace should work 3 jobs rather then just one bc no way can he afford that bad of a apartment and provide for himself and scott on a 15$ paycheck so yeah it's reasonable. Wallace works as a telemarketer or some office job (makes more but is fucking boring). Old navy (makes less bit is pretty simple and he can hear his coworkers gossip and pick a few songs) and at a diner (it's in the middle honestly. Makes a god amount of money and is decent, works his ass off but still gets to hear whoever can gossip but sorta wants to quit. Stays at the job bc of one coworker who begged him to stay)
• Mobile works in a library or Spencer's (IK mobile works in some random ah office job but seeing how the rest of the crew in the scott pikgrim series has a pretty minimum wage job I sorta see him start off slow in a new province and have a relaxing ot fun job. Library seems to suit the guy because uts laid back and quiet. Also I took the inspiration from the anime "book seller Honda-San". BUT...but (idk my friend suggested this to me) but mobile: the most average lookin ah guy in the whole entire franchise working...in a Spencer's...it's pretty fuckin funny- just imagine you see some office worker lookin ah dude stocking up on the spiked collars with the most bland lanyard) but I'm sticking with the library idea
• Mobile is a music nerd. He plays a few instruments when he was younger and sticks to playing the piano and sometimes the violin. He likes jazz but likes fast paces music for one thing....rhythm games- idk why but I sorta imagine wallace, scott and mobile going to the arcade one day, scott showing off his epick DDR skills and mobile absolutely DESTORYS HIM. DOUBLE PADS. EXTREAM OR INTENSE IDK AND ALL PERFECT TOO...and then scott never brings walace to the arcade again because he knows mobile would just show off again-
• Wallace is filopino (idk I just see him loving filo food, karaoke, bejng loud af at parties and come on. He loves to gossip) and mobile is half veitnamese and half Korean but is extremely white washes but by the time he reaches freshmen year of collage he actually wants to learn a bit more about both cultures and sorta enjoys trying to get in touch with his roots
• Mobiles parents names are Sam jin and April Nguyen-jin (nick named apple) (divorced) now you might he wondering abt thier names and...I just thought it would be funny to sorta name them after phone companies (like SAMsung and APPLE) because...COME ON THERE HAS TO BE A REASON WHY HIS NAME JS MOBILE
• Mobile likes cold weather meanwhile wallace likes hot. Mobile likes to wear alot of layers during the winter so whenever ut gets too cold wallace immediately just snuggles up with him :)
• Mobile visits wallace whenever he's on break from the library job and helps him (ex: whenever wallace is at old navy or something he drops by and helps walace folds or tag any of the clothes while they talk)
• Joseph and mobile work at the library while wallace and Jimmy both work at the diner
(Those were from my notes onto a few new headcannons-)
Since Todd's pyshic powers are green. I look into the color wheel to see the opposite of green which is likena sorta pink and I just imagine that's what's mobiles powers might look like :) (also TV girl reference)
Mobile is one hell of a quiet guy. Dosnt like to talk often at parties or at clubs and tries to survive any sort of small talk BUT when it comes to wallace he enjoys long conversations about the most random shit that pops into thier heads. Eaither it's gossip from work, some random ass fact that mobile found out, or how to do X thing for Y...thing?
MOBILE CANT READ TONE like sorta- whenever someone is joking around him (especially wallace or other scott) he sorta...takes it seriously? Like a joke when other scott said and mobile just spitting out random facts on how its basically impossible for the chicken to cross the road without getting hit, depends on how fast the cars are going, What time of the day it might be, if the chicken were to walk to cross the road or jumo over cars. Really comes off to being defensive and he dosnt mean any harm so whenever someone like wallave was telling a joke he laughs it off, realizes mobiles confused as hell expression and just says "...that's a joke-" With mobile replying with "....oh yeah-"
Mobiles and wallaces dates usually consist of: museums, the aquarium, some fine dining. Any fancy shit mobile can afford, wallave would LOVE
Mobile overworks himself often and sometimes dosnt realize it. He sorta sees himself just simply finishing a task that he's SUPPOSED to finish in reality it was justa. Option if he wanted to do it or not. Even when he's working in Nintendo he gose into crunch mode often and gets tired more easily WALLACE on the other hand reminds mobile to be on breaks whenever he needs to and takes care of the guy (awh :))
In collage mobile majors in computer science or coding or game development. Whatever computer techy course, he just takes it and then ends up working for Nintendo so :)
Wallace has bad posture. Trues to go ahead and fix it himself but just gives up easily so whenever wallave is with mobile. Mobile just random slaps (lightly) wallaces back and reminds him to stand up straight
Wallace cracks his knuckles often or pops his neck and whenever he dose it makes a loud Crack or pop sound (yk the ones) and it freaks mobile out sometimes
Mobile is prone to carpal tunnel and migraines and has to wear those arm braces often and take those migraine pills too.
Like I mentioned before mobile is a deadpan sorta dude, monotone voice sorta stuff but when wallave is around he's...a bit more expressive.
EDIT: BOUNUS. MOBILE DOSE TAROT CARD READINGS i had this headcannons for MONTHS now and thought it would be silly and then i realize I did this so....yeah. I imagine whenever mobile and Wallace do morning cuddles and shit wallace is like "...yo what's my daily reading" mobile:"...okay let's see, 3 of cups-". Mobile learned how to do traot card reading easily. Like Todd mentioned before he had this picture memory thingy and can remeber scripts easily but its weak sometimes (*FLASH BACK TO THE TRAILER INCIDENT-*) so I imagine mobile dose the same when it comes to memorizing tarot cards meanings
Wallace/ or mobile sits really weird in chairs. Before living with scott, Wallace would sit... Basically like L from a death note or some shit, or one leg up while the other is crossed. He's been used to doing this a lot when he was still in high school while eating dinner with his family, but he soon grew out of it once he reached college. Meanwhile, for mobile, he's just been doing it. Somehow, he is still managing good posture tf
Mobile eaither has a good and fashionable wardrobe comsisting of dark or light academia sort of clothes (wallace didnt know what it was called so one day he just called it "collage professor drag") OR he has that one goofy ah cartoon character looking closet where it's just the same thing over and over again
Mobile tends to chew on his pen often. Was a bad habit he had back in elementary, worsen when he was in highschool due to alot of extra credit and after school programs he was in, collage it got even worse because he mainly used pens and got ink EVERYWHERE
Like hollie and Kim. Joseph and mobile work together in the library, they don't...really talk to eachother but he dose eyeball Joseph sometimes whenever knives brings stephen along to the library and joseph just stares at stephen. Mobile couldn't tell if Joseph likes stephen or just hates him
Wallace brings mobile to some of the sex bob-ombs practices and shows. mobile just watches patiently like romona, wallace and neil would but afterward give pretty decent advice to knives since... he experienced piano player. And whenever stephen ask mobile for advice in general; mobile would just give them a rating out of 20
Another reason why mobile dosnt show alot of expression and is mainly just a deadpan sorta dude is because when mobile was in highschool he had braces and it sucked ass for him. It hurts all the time and he had those rubber band things in his mouth MEANING whenever his friends made him laugh or he had to yawn THAT SHIT HURTS WHEN IT BREAKS. Later in his adult life he just gets retainers instead
Sometimes at night. Whenever mobile comes home tired and worn out He and wallace just silently ea0t dinner and cuddle while they drink wine
Wallace is a vodka mom. Mobile is a wine mom. Change my mind
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purpleskelet0n · 5 months
Soooo got any 432 lore you willing to share? -CJ
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WAYYY back before Stanley, The Narrator aka Wesley created Jim, as well as Tape guy (who I've yet to fully design) In the role Stanley would be in. The first vessels in Wesley's parable, they did whatever the Narrator pushed the story towards. (I have this fun idea of Wes pretending the be the boss in the office hehe) But eventually Wesley grew annoyed, tired of his creations, especially ones that could talk. So like an abandoned goldfish, Wesley simply left them, for who knows how long (partial skip button influence). and you tend to go a tad crazy when that happens, eventually, Jim goes missing all together. falling outside the map and out of bounds, their file--and appearance corrupting into the worm boy we all know and love.
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Now they live to avenge themself, by any means necessary, even if it means harming their coworkers after they were erased from the parable as a whole, or exploiting Stanley to keep the games coming. They meddle with the parable when Wesley isn't looking, holding it's seams together, and is there when a post-skip button Stanley goes Self aware. Who knows what they've been capable of, but for now they lurk undetected, hiding as a simple computer worm, they have an ego the size of them, and don't care for anyone.
I didn't want to mke what Wesley did un-forgiveable, I have a habit of doing sympathetic characters do unexcusable things, so my idea was Wesley was bad, but TK is worse. But of course everyone is absolutely in love with them, which I don't mind, and they definitely don't. Their design was partially inspired by Cym-K's second iteration of the Timekeeper (I miss them dearly I hope they're well.) and computer viruses.
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drabblesaf · 2 years
Movie Night Frustration - Steve Harrington Smut
REQUESTED: Nope. I haven’t written for quite a while, and I had a sudden inspiration strike last night (especially after S4 P1 dropped).
WARNINGS: Oral (both receiving), “sir” kink - MINORS DNI PLEASE
SUMMARY: You and Steve are on the night shift at the video store - you’re trying to do work and catch up on the week’s missed jobs, but Steve gets bored easily and needs something more than videos to entertain him. 
NOTES: Uh, hey. So, I’m kind of back? 
Maybe. I’m not sure yet. I’ve been really busy with uni for the past few years (in case you couldn’t tell from my utter lack of posting here) and now I’ve finished everything, I wanted to try and get back into my writing.
May be a bit rusty, so bare with me. I had inspo strike from the new season of Stranger Things, so here we are.
Hope you enjoy guys <3
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Working the night shift at the Family Video Store was not how I originally planned on spending this evening. Sure, the pay was good for night shift, I couldn’t fault that. And any of the stock of candy we had left over was pretty much free rein until the next day’s batch came in - even more so once we hit the end of the week and needed to start clearing everything out. Those two things were no problem to me at all. The problem? Steve Harrington.
Steve had changed a lot since his time at Hawkins High. No longer a complete fucking asshat, he’d actually matured into a guy who gave somewhat of a shit. Shocking for the King of Hawkins to have such a redemption arc behind him. Maybe it was the fact he kept hanging out with the kids from sophomore year, Dustin, Mike and Lucas. Maybe it’s because my coworker Robin had actually knocked some sense into his pretty little head. Or maybe…just maybe, Steve was actually thinking seriously about his future and realising that he couldn’t be a dick forever.
Whatever it was, it still didn’t seem to occur to him that he could do his job without picking up chicks at the store - although maybe that was the same case for me too with guys. Somehow, Hawkins still had enough of a single male population that seemed to want to try their luck with the cute girls behind the movie counter, which always ended in Robin giving a heavy eyeroll and me gaining some dude’s home phone number or a reminder that they’d “pick me up at whatever time and we could go find a place to get away from it all”…which would almost always end in them wanting to go to Lovers Lake or Skull Rock, and Steve or Robin covering for me while I camped out in the staff room.
Surprisingly enough, this often worked quite well - I guess the boys were intimidated by my coworkers enough to eventually skulk out of the store, never to return again. This tactic didn’t work on the girls though, but then again, Harrington never seemed to have enough game to be able to woo them. Which is where he was stuck on this particular evening, moping as he stood next to the counter counting out the change in the register. “What’s got you so down in the dumps?” I said, staring at him from across one of the aisles, brush in hand.
“I’m losing my spark, Y/N. Losing my magic touch,” he sighed, idly playing with a cent in his hands.
“What makes you say that?”
“Have you seen the chicks that come in here? None of them are interested in me offering to take them to see the latest films in the cinema. Not a single one.”
“Have you tried just being yourself and not putting the charm offensive on all the time?” I asked, crouching down to remove the DVDs from the bottom shelf so they could get wiped down (those ones in particular always seemed to get some sort of sticky residue on them, and we could never quite explain why).
“Girls don’t like me “being myself”, (Y/N). Unless myself is King Steve, they don’t want to know me.”
“That’s not true, and you know it, Harrington,” I sighed, shaking my head as I carried the DVDs over to the desk, where he was now stood with his head in his hands. I reached over and ruffled his hair slightly, causing him to look up and give me a playful glare.
“Hey, leave the hair out of this,” he chuckled, poking his tongue out at me, before pausing and flicking his tongue over his bottom lip. He did this from time to time, but this time something felt…different. “(Y/N), what do you mean, I know it?” His brown eyes bore into my own, and I felt a shift, as if the world had just had a mass earthquake.
“You should be able to guess, Steve - you’re smart enough after all”, I said, voice wavering slightly. I wasn’t wrong, Steve was in fact very smart - after Nancy and him had split up, he actually put in a decent amount of effort to get his grades back up so he could get through sophomore year without too many issues, which - much to his surprise - he did very well, passing the year with 85% overall. And despite his general act as the King of Hawkins High, he could pick up on social cues well and did try to keep people around him who weren’t…douchebags, for lack of a better term.
He stared at me, raising an eyebrow, and I turned away quickly, busying myself with sweeping the dust off the (now free) bottom shelf. In a sense, there was definitely something that had shifted in the air between us, and it had been something I had been reckoning with for a while now. I’m not sure what it was, but there had definitely been moments between Steve and I that had left me questioning what his motives were every damn time. Did he want something to happen as much as I did?
The night wore on, and we were both beginning to get tired of doing all the chores that needed to be done over the night shift, especially closing up shop. We closed up early on the weekends, purely because most people were out partying or had already decided on what films they wanted for the evening - there wasn’t much chance of any late buyers coming in at the last minute unless it was Valentines Day. I occupied myself with finishing up rearranging the movies on the shelves, while Steve scribbled away in the notebook we had for accounting. “Hey, (Y/N), could you give me a hand? Just want to make sure I have everything accounted for in this, and that I did the math correctly,” he said, and I stood up from the final shelf, dusting my hands off on my jeans.
“Sure, I can do that. Final shelf is good to go, by the way,” I said, walking over to him. I could feel his eyes burning into me as I walked over, shedding my over-fleece that I wore as uniform (since the shop was closed now, there wasn’t much point in keeping it on). I chucked it under the till and pulled up a stool next to Steve, running over the numbers and trying to do quick calculations in my mind. All the while though, I could feel his presence right next to me, as if he was wanting to do or say something. After about 5 minutes of thinking over the sums, I nodded. “All clear, everything’s good to go,” I said, looking up at him. He swallowed slightly, his tongue flicking over his lips again as his eyes moved over my face.
The air got thicker all of a sudden, and it felt like something could happen any moment. “Uh, (Y/N), have you…” he started, and I paused, dropping the pencil to the table in front. He shook his head, mumbling a quick “Fuck it,” before crashing his lips onto mine. The kiss was needy, feverish - almost like it was something he depended on, like a lifeline. His lips and mine moved effortlessly against one another, tongues darting in and out and battling out in a war of dominance. His hands began roaming over my body, holding me steady on the stool as the exploration took place. This was a side I hadn’t expected from him, but I let it happen, moving my hands up to his hair as I did so. 
His lips began moving down from mine to my jaw, trailing their way down to the collar of my shirt - this caused him to pause momentarily, both of us gasping for air as he looked at me, moving a hand up to caress my face gently. I nodded, giving him the permission he sought to take my shirt off, leaving me in my bra and jeans. He resumed his prior actions, lips trailing down my collarbone to one breast, then another. Each of them had kisses pressed to them, before the bra itself was gently pulled down and his lips attached themselves to each nipple, sucking and biting on each one and causing small whimpers to fall from my mouth.
This only seemed to spur him on, and made him suck each nipple more feverishly as if it was his lifeline. Soon after, he realised other areas needed attention too, and his kisses moved further and further down my body until they hovered just above the waistband of my jeans. He looked up at me, and I nodded. “Please, Steve,” I mumbled quietly, and he licked his lips again, turning his attention to the button on my jeans, which he popped open deftly before helping me shimmy the material off my hips. 
He gave a few tentative kisses over my panties, causing some light moans to fall from my mouth, before that material was removed too and nothing was in the way of his tongue. He kissed the area lightly, before licking at it, causing my hips to raise up sharply to meet his mouth, and my hand to fall into his hair. Every single action he made had my body feeling like it was on fire, and very quickly I could feel myself reaching the high I was craving. He was licking and sucking at the area as if it was his entire life force, and it was very quickly getting me to where I needed to be. “Steve, fuck!” I whimpered, my hands tugging at his hair as he moved quicker, bringing a finger into play as well and curling it up right where I needed it. That was enough to bring me over the edge, causing me to scream and gasp as I met the high he’d been trying to elicit from me for so long. He kept lapping at my arousal as wave after wave of pleasure ran through my body, causing me to tremble at every slight touch he created.
After a while I calmed down enough and the room stabilised for a short while, for me to begin to realise that Steve was unbuckling his belt and beginning to remove his jeans. Shakily, I stood up, placing my hands over his and hoping he understood that I wanted to help him. He looked at me as I did this, and said quietly, “You don’t have to, y’know.”
“I want to.” He thought about this for a second and then nodded, allowing me access to the button on his jeans completely. I carefully popped it open, taking my time with the zipper - I wanted to at least try to savour this moment before it went away and we were forced into that pit of realisation of what we were doing with each other. He sighed slightly, bucking his hips up as I pulled his jeans down, looking face to face at his hard-on restrained by his boxers. It was straining to be let out against the cotton, and I could only oblige, causing a hiss to fall from his lips as he was exposed to the air of the store.
I expected him to be packing down there - he was “The King” of Hawkins High, after all - but I didn’t expect him to be bigger than I thought. I cautiously grasped at his cock, causing him to let out a jagged moan and his hand to fall over mine. “Fucking hell, (Y/N). Do you know how much I’ve imagined this scenario?” He grunted, helping to move my hand along his length.
“No, but I could probably guess,” I snarked back, before diverting my attention back to the matter in hand…quite literally. Tentatively, I poked my tongue out and licked a stripe up one of the protruding veins on his member, causing him to groan loudly, the noise only encouraging me further. I licked a few more times before turning my attention to his head, eliciting a louder moan from his lips, followed by several curses. 
“Fuck, so pretty…you’re doing so good sweetheart,” he sighed, hand falling away from mine and slowly coming back up to push my hair out my face, causing me to look up at him as he did so. His lips were slightly parted, and he was looking down at me through his eyelashes, eyes flickering as I looked up with his cock in my mouth. “Shit…so good, fuck. You’re killing me, doll.”
This was the only motivation I needed to keep on with what I was doing, and so I took him further into my mouth, bobbing my head up and down vigorously. It was difficult to keep this up for too long at a time though, purely because he was so damn big - but Steve seemed fine with anything I did as long as I was giving his dick enough attention. Soon, he began to twitch slightly in my mouth, his moans getting louder and his breathing quickening, to which he quickly pulled me off of him with a satisfying pop! He stood up over me kneeling on the floor, jerking his cock vigorously. “Where do you want it angel? Want me to cum in your mouth like the good slut you are? Say it, come on. Tell me, baby.”
“Please cum in my mouth, I’ll take it all in,” I whined - this act alone only served to encourage Steve further. 
“Want you to beg for it properly,” he muttered under his breath, and it took a moment before the gears finally clicked in my head.
“Please, Sir. I want to swallow your cum like the good princess I am for you,” I moaned, feeling myself begin to dampen again. This seemed to work, as barely a minute later the man above me was moaning loudly himself as he reached his own climax, the hot spurts of cum streaming down my throat. As soon as he had finished, I swallowed, opening my mouth to show him that nothing remained in there.
We took a moment to both catch our breath from the experience, and he was the first one to speak. “I think I’ve got my magic touch back, but do you wanna test that theory back at my place?”
“You’re on, Harrington.”
“Hey, that’s Sir to you, princess.”
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Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Eleven. "Trying To Get Settled."
I know a bit late today but here is today's addition to Multi-May! The long awaited update to Through The Heart Is The Only Way! Sorry for the eight fucking month long hiatus, but we are back! Hopefully updates will be more frequent from here on out! Series Masterlist is here. Hope you all enjoy this and find it worth the wait! Also partly inspired by me going to my first gay club last summer.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 4K. Charles Lee Ray/Tiffany Ray Valentine/FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Stressed And Anxious Reader. Drinking. Softness. Making Out. Fingering. Implied Threesome.
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The rest of the shift goes by in a blur. Rachel stays behind after close, you and your coworkers sit, huddled around a table, all the other ones already wiped down, chairs upside down on top of them, hushed tones as you try to comfort her. Logan makes drinks, the lights are low as you all talk it over, trying to make her feel better. By night's end she looks less shaken, you and Jackson walk to the train station, hand in hand. 
You hold his hand very tightly, fingers interlaced, you wonder if your grip makes his knuckles ache. You walk with him and the air feels a bit tense. Jackson and you talk about anything and just about everything, filling the spaces with whatever else mundane shit that you can. When finally on the train platform, a moment of silence has overtaken. You are the one to break it. You ask quietly into the cold, breath fogging in front of your face, “Why am I so scared right now?”
Jackson’s head turns, so does yours, he looks down as you look up and concern has painted his features, his mouth opens and then closes. He seriously considers what to say before responding, “Because it’s normal. It’s really normal to be scared by this kinda thing, Rach was…She was freaking out, and we care about her, so we are freaked out too.”
You know it’s more than that, you are sure Jackson knows it is more than that, too. You remember a conversation you had with him over a year ago where he confessed to you his own story similar to the one you had about Trent.
It was winter back then too, it was cold, you and he were having a drink post work, crowded around a table, hoping the snow died down a bit before leaving as he filled you in. Jackson told you about some guy who came onto him and then, asshole that he was, got violent with him after, making claims that he “wasn’t really like that” and blaming it all on him, that Jackson was asking for it on and on. You held his hand and listened intently over half drunk cocktails and didn’t judge him, handing over a napkin for him to wipe his eyes. 
It was totally unfair bullshit. 
What happened with Rachel is another fucking reminder that this job is a touch more dangerous than you’d like. It reminds you that there are total fucking jerks at every turn, whether it be customers who treat you like shit and less than human, or even some of the good ones could be at the mercy of similarly terrible treatment. You love your job most of the time, but it is exhausting on nights like this.
You rest your head on Jackson’s shoulder, and he says as he leans his head on yours, “She is going to be okay. I am going to be okay, and so are you.” 
Your mind wanders to them, thoughts flood your brain of your newly minted boyfriend and girlfriend. You worry. What if something were to happen to them? What would you do? Your heart is beating out of your chest and your palms are sweaty, you are thankful for the gloves you wore, that Jackson couldn’t feel how slick your hands were and feel in turn your massive anxiety. Christ you are being crazy you just started dating them, you need to reel in your emotions right now, this is an outlier of a situation, this is fine, you are fine. You shake off the bad thoughts and look back up at him, a quick glance as you make the decision to try and believe him, you say, “Yeah you’re probably right. Thanks.”
Jackson smiles. It doesn’t reach his eyes. “You’re welcome.”
You stand in heavy silence once more, both your eyes and his staring forward until the train comes. When it does arrive you part from Jackson reluctantly, waves and promises to see each other the next day at work again. The ride feels too long, when you come to your stop you race home and once there you have trouble sleeping, when you eventually attempt to. 
Tossing and turning, sleep claims you after quite some time. 
Over the course of the next few days, you slowly start to calm down, but you are still on edge, the knowledge of what happened to Randall poking at the back of your mind, reminders cropping up at inopportune moments and giving you small setbacks. You should be over this, it’s been a long time, why is this sticking with you so badly?
There was no news.
You’d see Rachel at work and meet her eyes and she’d know what you were going to ask, she’d shake her head and your look would turn from pleading to know what she did, to instead sympathetic as your stomach turned and heart ached for her. 
It’s late, it’s after work on a different day, you need some serious stress relief, Jackson had the day off and so you didn’t have accompaniment to the train station, too alone with your thoughts at the moment. You can’t keep feeling like this, you can’t keep hiding, so you make the decision to do something for yourself, try to feel a bit better. 
You go to your favourite rink. 
Winter is slowly on the way out, the extreme storm is beginning to thaw, this will probably be your last skate of the season. The rink is closed this late, you weren’t planning on this and don’t have your skates, so you snagged a pair that other people would pay to rent, no one was around, not like you’d get caught. You find your size easily under the open air renting counter, and soon you are at a bench, boots off and lacing the skates up. 
Your bag is left near the bench, and you make your way out onto the ice. You start to skate, gliding on the ice easily, it’s quiet, cloudy but not snowing, it’s very still and the only sound is metal on frozen water and your breath. Mind turns to them as you turn on the ice, the last time you were here was on your date, you smile, lips turning up as you recall how shitty Chucky was at skating, how he had to cling to you and Tiff to stay upright. You wonder if you will still be together to do that again next winter, maybe you can teach your new boyfriend a thing or two. 
You pick up the pace, skating faster, sharper turns, you enjoy the speed, the wind on your face, the chill and then the silence and rhythm you had gotten into before it is broken, a call of, “Hey!”
It makes you stop short, ice shavings kicked up from the abrupt halt, a turn of your head towards the voice and look who it is, boots crunching through snow, tight jeans, a fashionable jacket and that familiar blonde head of hair with a warm smile. 
You skate up as she reaches the edge of the rink, she holds her hands out, and you take them, a quick glance and no one is around, so you do it. Leaning in, she meets you in the middle, she kisses you and the cold of the night is forgotten. The bliss is short-lived, but it is a balm to your frayed nerves and calming to your rushing mind. You pull back, smile stretching wider as you say softly, finally returning her greeting, “Hi.”
You squeeze her hands and ask, “What are you doing out?”
“Coming back from seeing a friend, just cutting through the park on the way home-” She leans closer while looking in your eyes she jokes, “-probably a bad idea with all the news lately.” 
You stiffen immediately and without meaning to, your smile faltering a little. The reminder isn’t helpful, it’s well after midnight, and you are skating alone in a park, it’s asking for fucking trouble. Gaze has dropped, and your mind is churning, one of her hands releases yours and cups your cheek, tilting you to look at her again, “Hey, you okay?”
You bite your bottom lip, and you know that you should be honest, if you can’t be with your girlfriend than who could you be? You spill, “I’ve been having some stress lately, not been feeling the best, just kinda, bogged down.”
“Oh sweetheart.” She hums, she pulls you into a hug, arms tight around you, “I am so sorry.” 
You slip your arms around her, return the affection, and melt into her closer. God, you needed this, needed her, you had really been missing her without realizing it. The smell of lingering cigarette smoke and her favored perfume has become an intimate comfort, mixing with the winter night air, it’s more than welcome, it was craved. Eventually she pulls back, her hands on your arms, and she says, “I think you need some help with your stress and if there is one thing I am good at, it’s relieving stress.”
A small laugh bubbles out of you, “Okay, doctor Valentine, what do you recommend?”
“I’m gonna take you out, night on the town just you and me, a special date.” She offers, and you ask, intrigued, “A special date?”
“Yeah! I know a great club, I think a night to cut loose would do you good.” Her eyes were alight with mischief, she seemed excited and honestly, so were you at the idea, your first official date out with her being your girlfriend. It had been forever since you’d gone out to a club, last time was probably before you started working at one, the idea of going out to one with her sounded like just what you needed. 
“Tiffany, that sounds amazing, I’d love that.” You tell her sincerely, and she makes a sound of pure delight, it’s adorable,  “Yessss! When is your next day off?”
You tell her and the date is set for then. You end up taking your skates off and returning them, she walks you to your train station as you talk and get caught up on the past few days she had, and then she bids you goodnight, leaving you excited about your next night off.
Tiffany came by to get you as opposed to you meeting her out and that felt nice, not like you didn’t like going to her, but getting picked up was still special and an appreciated gesture. 
You’d seen her dressed up for clubbing before, obviously, the many times she came to your work, this was just a touch different, almost hard to put your finger on, but then it clicks. She is wearing things you’ve complimented on her previously. The instances flit over your mind, times you’ve told her particular hem lines or cuts look good, what colours you think look best on her skin and further, she absorbed every sweet word, took it to heart and was dressed not explicitly for you, she was still dressed like herself, but had just taken what you’d expressed that you liked and applied it. Her coat was open at the moment, leather gloves on her hands to combat the cold outside your apartment building, the skirt was tight, the top was flattering, the belt sitting on her hips was more decorative than to help keep anything on, and you wanted to dip your fingers in the shiny chains and tug her close to kiss her, ruin the pretty lipstick she wore. 
Your arms open, lean close, inviting her in, the hallway is empty, and she takes you up on it, the hug is nice, the kiss is nicer, you breathe the compliment as your lips break apart, “You’re stunning.” 
“And you’re sweet.” She hums, pulling back she tells you, “And you’re one to talk, you look incredible, angel.” 
You preen under her praise, you had purposefully made sure to wear something different from what you usually did to work, typically dark colours and clothing designed to get boat loads of tips as opposed to something that reflected your personal style, not tonight. Now you’d chosen something with colour, a dress that was well suited to go out, on the tighter side, you felt good in it and hoped it’d invite her to touch, give her that same craving you found yourself always infected with when near her. 
“You ready to go?” She asked, and you nodded, your own coat was shrugged on, purse over your shoulder, and you closed the door, she stood next to you as you locked the door. Soon you and her were walking down the hall, headed to the stairs, and you asked, “So where you taking me?”
“I told you already, M’ taking you to a club, gorgeous.” She teased, and you laughed slightly, “Yeah I know that, but what club?”
She refused to tell you, not until you were there. The club entrance was a little hard to find, well it would have been hard to find if you were trying to get there solo just off the address information, Tiffany seemed to know just where it was, the front of the building was dark, a single light over the metal industrial looking door with one person standing out front to let people in. 
You were ushered in with no issue, the music now reaching you once the door was opened, you check your coats and let her lead you deeper into the bar, coming near the end of the darker hallway you ask, “You finally gonna tell me what is so special about this place?” 
In a moment of ridiculously perfect timing, you come around the corner, the music gets louder, the lights are bright, and you see the crowd, people close together, dancing and as your eyes struggle to adjust, she leans closer. Next, she is saying into your ear so you could hear over the thrum, “It’s a gay bar.” 
Holy fucking shit. 
What that means hits immediately, you can act like any other couple, can act like her and Chucky do out at your work or how you and her do in private, you can hold her hand and kiss her and more without worry. A full on date without restrictions in public. You had no idea this was possible for you and her.
You were so happy you could hardly stand it, you threw your arms around her neck and hugged her tightly to you, “Oh my God, are you serious?!”
She laughs, her hands rest on your waist before sliding slowly over your lower back, hugging you as she responds, “As the dead, beautiful.” 
You pull back, hands on her shoulders as you say, “Well c’mon, I don’t want to waste any time.”
Tiffany grins and let's go of you, taking your hand she leads you deeper inside. First order of business was getting you both a drink, you pass through the moving bodies on the dance floor towards the bar. You stand next to her, fingers lacing together with hers as you observe the people nearby, you try not to stare any place for too long, which is easy because you can’t help moving from one person to the next. You see couples not unlike Tiffany and yourself, groups of friends, easy displays of intimacy in any and every direction, it makes you feel warm and affectionate. You lean closer to her, press a kiss to her cheek, and she turns her head, saying, “You can do better than that, can’t you?”
You take her hint, the hand that wasn’t currently holding hers coming up, fingers stroke over her impossibly soft cheek, and you lean in, soon kissing her. She kisses you back, the taste of her lipstick and faint cigarettes greets you, it is easy to get swept up in it, in her, you can’t believe you can do this in a crowded public place. One thing snaps you out of it, namely a person misjudging how close they were to you, accidentally bumping into you, the kiss breaks and the person says, with a wave, “Sorry!” 
The stupid grin takes over your face, you squeeze Tiffany’s hand and say, “No problem.” 
And there really wasn’t. Just the fact that it has the potential to happen, a totally harmless and innocuous annoyance of someone accidentally interrupting you kissing your girlfriend, is a fantastic change of pace. You would gladly take it over trying to steal small moments of affection, terrified of someone seeing you and outing yourselves.
You get your drinks after that, fruity cocktails that Tiffany selected, you end up at a standing table near the dance floor, it is hard to talk over the thrum of the music, but you are just giddy to be out with her. After the first drink you can’t help it, pulling her out onto the floor, the music isn’t even necessarily to your taste but who gives a fuck about that when she is pressed against you like she is at this moment. The smile on her face is infectious, the sway of her hips captivating, and the mood is undeniably high. You realize you’ve only ever watched Tiffany dance before this, never had the opportunity to dance with her and God, you need to go out clubbing more often for the chance to. 
You love the time you spend with her and Chucky together but getting to have her to yourself is addicting, how she brushes hair aside to whisper in your ear, leading you as you dance, you find yourself forgetting your stress, all your problems seem so far away. 
After getting both of you another drink, you come back to someone hitting on Tiffany. She looks amused at the nervous attempt, the short haired redhead is doing her best, and it’s endearing, sweet, you come up and slot yourself against her side, giving her the cocktail, she takes it as you kiss her cheek, “Hey honey, who’s this?” 
“Someone who I think is trying to ask me out.” The blonde responds with a smirk. The cute girl ends up profusely apologizing not aware she was seeing you, “Oh my fucking God, I am so sorry, I wouldn’t have if I knew-” Tiff and you laugh it off, and end up having a good conversation with the girl.
The night stretches on, you end up talking to some other people, you have more drinks and dances, at one point you are in the bathroom, she is washing her hands, and you are looking at her in the mirror. Her eyes caught yours, and she grins, “What? Something on my face?”
You laugh, a shake of your head, “Sorry, just, I can’t get over how great tonight has been.” 
“Yeah?” She asks as she dries her hands, and you nod once, finding it impossible to look away, “Yeah. I am so out of the loop, I’ve never been to a place like this and coming here with you for my first time has been incredible, you, Tiffany, are incredible.”
She tosses the paper towel into the trash. She inquires, “You always this soft and sentimental when you drink?” She closes the distance, no one else is in here at the moment, funny how you keep finding yourself alone in empty club bathrooms with her. 
“Hardly.” You reach out, fingers brush down her arm as you tell her, “You just bring it out of me.” 
“My sappy little sweet thing.” She hums before leaning in, she kisses you, and it has the ability to do your head in more than any drink. The realization you are kissing again in a club bathroom is not lost on you.
The time together flies by after that. 
The club is getting near closing, you and her are splitting one last drink, you ask over the music, “Can we come here again sometime?”
She beams and tells you, “Anytime you want.” 
Lucky you. 
The last dregs swallowed, the last call completed, you and her are headed back out into the night, you see that redhead from earlier ended up with someone else, and it makes you happy to see. Your coats pulled tight around yourselves, holding hands and unable to stop smiling.
“You wanna come back to our place?” She asks, and you couldn’t agree faster. 
Your feet ache, and you feel lightheaded and joyful as you stumble into her apartment, heels are discarded, you are moving backwards towards the couch, fumbling to get your coat off. She has shrugged her own coat off, letting it drop onto the floor along with yours, you’d pick them up later. 
Her mouth is moving down the side of your jaw and down your neck and soon the backs of your knees hit the edge of the couch, and you flop onto your back, hands hooked on the straps of her top you pull her down on top of you. 
The heat sparking inside of you is stealing your breath away, you gasp her name as her leg slots between yours as she starts to suck a mark into your collarbone. You tug uselessly at the straps, she is already as close as could be, but the move shows just how needy you are, a move of your hips, grinding on her thigh you let out a weak moan. 
She breathes out your name as your hand moves, slides down her body and between her own legs, her head tips forward with a sharp inhale from the rush you provide her. You are constantly taken aback by how she can make you feel, whenever you have a moment like this, that you affect her in just the same way, it does everything for you, strokes your ego, turns you on further. 
She helps with her clothing in the way and your hand is in her underwear now, you can feel how wet she is and when your fingers slip inside, curling to find that spot you’ve come to know so well, you remember you aren’t alone. 
“Man, you two are not good at being quiet.” Your head jerks up as does hers, a look over, and you see Chucky standing there in the doorway of the living room, cocky half smile on his face. 
“Who says we were tryna be?” You giggle as you press, fuck your fingers in and out of Tiffany, and she moans louder, unapologetic smile on your face at the sound you dragged from her. 
“Ye-ahhh, sorry sweetface, did we wake you up?” Tiffany asks with a small upward curve of her own mouth. 
“You did! Terrible, the both of you.” He laughs, very amused, as he comes over. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, or socks, just a pair of pyjama pants sitting low on his hips, and you want to reach out and touch him too. 
“We are the worst. You should come teach us a lesson.” You tease, and he gets onto the couch next to you, a hand reaching down, fingers stroke under your chin, tilting your head up, and he says, “Yeah I think you are right about that. Can’t let you go around thinking you can just do whatever you want, when you want.”  
“Mmm, that would be truly awful.” Tiffany mused, watching as Chucky kissed you, making you melt. Being pressed between both your partners, passed back and forth, in the early hours of the morning, there isn’t anything better than tasting the heady mix of him and her.
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tachiguin · 6 months
hi, english is not my native language, so sorry for any mistakes... you know about the songs of bsd characters? I really love your analyzes and theories, it seems like there was nothing about songs among them, maybe there are any thoughts about them?
Hello there, Anon! I'm happy to hear that you like my posts :) And thank you so much for asking; as it happens, I do know about the songs. Though if I'm being honest, the only one I listen to semi-regularly is Tanizaki's "Bewitching Screens" (usually when I'm roleplaying/writing fanfiction with him and need the inspiration).
I do have some thoughts, though I think the reason I never posted anything about the song is because I feel like the lyrics are kind of self-explanatory anyhow, but they do reinforce my interpretation/meta of Tanizaki.
Rambles under the cut :)
His song has a very low key, chill vibe, but only at first. It goes from carefree and casual, to something with a darker, more aggressive undertone, then finally, the ending, (which I will touch on later in this post). It's representative of who Tanizaki is as a character-- the deceptive "softboy" energy he has normally, which belies his proclivity towards violence and darker psyche.
Also, it's worth noting that the lyrics kinda just come out and confirm that Tanizaki has "secrets [he doesn't] want to tell anyone", particularly in regards to "[his] existence". The song is essentially him singing about himself, repeating the usual narrative:
Maybe that’s why miscellaneous odd jobs is sort of my specialty My social status is so-so Even getting carried away is fine,
My redeeming quality is probably my diligence I don’t even want to shed blood As far as myself is concerned
But these verses always end on a darker note:
But there is only one thing I cannot forgive
But don’t cross over the forbidden territory.
Of course, I think the other reason why I never really talked much about the character songs is because I wasn't sure how much of an input Asagiri actually had in their lyrics/composition. Like sure, there's definitely some reading between the lines to be done, but at the end of the day, I felt like it didn't really tell me anything new about Tanizaki, it's just a song about what can already be deduced based on his actions in the series.
BUT! One thing I always found interesting was that his character song ends with "Sayonara" (goodbye), WHICH could be interpreted as just a melodramatic thing thrown in there for the aesthetic, but… I guess it wouldn't be me if I didn't read too deeply into things that probably aren't that deep. I do recall reading a comment once (which I cannot find atm, if you think you're the person who originally made this connection then lmk and I'll mention you if you want) that Dazai and Tanizaki's character songs both end on the "goodbye", though now that I'm actually looking into it, it's completely different, because Dazai says "goodbye" in English (a.k.a. its another "Guddo Bai" reference, which is a completely different meta that I'm certain someone else has already written)
The thing is that there's multiple different ways to say "bye" in Japanese, and "sayonara" has a certain sentimental connotation, therefore, its really awkward and a dead giveaway that you're not a native speaker if you use it in casual conversation. The correct way to say 'goodbye' to a friend would be some variant of "Jaa mata ne" (see you later then), though notably this is pretty informal and should not be used with a coworker or teacher or senior-- but I digress! The point is that "sayonara" has the implication that you may not see the other party for a long time, possibly forever.
Okay the other element here is that, assumably, he's singing to Naomi, due to this verse:
I want to protect you (I want to be here) I want to protect you (I cannot forgive this) I want to protect (the incorruptible) everything “you” are –
Which, combined with the "sayonara", really kinda makes me wonder. I think the easy interpretation to get out of this is further reinforcement of the "Naomi is actually an ability construct and her real self died in Middle School" theory, which is valid, but also, consider that the rest of the song is about who Tanizaki is. In the chorus, he asks the listener:
Slowly…look, at the illusionary screen Tell me, what do you see?
To me, it sounds like Tanizaki is asking "do you see the real me, hidden behind this facade of ordinariness?". And when he wants "to protect the incorruptible"-- he doesn't want "you" (Naomi?) to know about this darker side to him. Again, that's just what I'm getting from the song lyrics, which weren't necessarily written with Asagiri's manga canon in mind (still unsure?). But, this interpretation is supported by the fact that Tanizaki only ever snaps when Naomi is in danger, therefore unconscious, and ignorant to Tanizaki's actions following her being harmed.
Personally, I think it's a disservice to Naomi's character to think she's completely unaware of Tanizaki's darker psyche, the side of him who would literally burn the world down if it meant keeping Naomi safe, but… BSD never claimed to write women with agency :,) On the other hand, as much as Naomi acts airheaded and oblivious, we also frequently see a much more perceptive side of her, usually, when Tanizaki isn't in the picture. It's canonically stated that Naomi is, in fact, smarter and more observant than her brother, but, just like Tanizaki, this "hidden" side of her only emerges when Tanizaki isn't around to witness it.
Anyway, that was kind of off topic from the character song, but what I was getting at was that the "sayonara" means that Tanizaki has revealed his "true self" to "you"/Naomi, therefore, he's saying farewell to the peaceful illusion he had built between them— of himself, as just a "normal guy", and of their relationship, just an innocent sibling pair that used to be high-schoolers.
Hopefully my rambles satisfied your curiosity, Anon! It's a good song, and it's pretty validating for my headcanons/metas.
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burningblake · 1 year
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chenford fic masterlist
so i decided to do a masterlist of all the chenford fics i’ve written (and will potentially write) since i’ve been writing a lot about them lately and i need to keep track of all the posts, but also in case you’ve read one of my fics and wondering if there’s a part 2 or part 3, this is a post you can refer to to find out, as i will keep it updated.
1. chemistry - before ashley breaks up with tim, they go on a second double date. (part 1 / part 2 / part 3)
2. familiarity - tim's pov during 5.01 airplane bathroom kiss
3. method acting - 5.01 au where tim and lucy weren't ambushed in the casino hotel
4. as long as we pretend - 5.01 au where no dead boyfriend gets in the way
5. dream a little dream of me - (prompt: chenford + are you okay lucy?) tim and lucy are out with their coworkers when a familiar songs starts playing at the bar.
6. unexpected return (prompt: chenford + things have changed) tamara unpromptly returns from a school trip gone wrong, only there's a surprise waiting for her at home
7. scared to go home (prompt: chenford + do you love me lucy?) after tim and lucy breaking up due to work complications, a drunk tim visits lucy in her apartment (part 1 / part 2)
8. a taste of the future (prompt: chenford + lucy wanting to take things slow) lucy wants to take things slow, but can she? inspired from the 5b promo, the shot of lucy and tim in her candlelit apartment.
9. promises (prompt: chenford + you matter more (post 5.12)) morning after scene for end of 5.12. how did tim and lucy promise not to lie to each other?
10. more than ever (prompts: Chenford + they have a d&m about their feelings / Chenford + "when did you fall for me?" / Chenford +She feels the same way / Chenford + you're my person) Set on the night that Tim drops off Lucy late at her apartment, before the start of 5.12. What did they discuss so late in the car? 
11. distraction (prompts: Chenford + 4.01 after the hug if wesley hadn’t called) My version of what would have happened after Lucy and Tim hugged in 4x01 if Wesley hadn’t called.
12. the prince and his knight - fairytale royalty au where tim is a prince and lucy becomes his knight
13. only my love - (prompt: Chenford + 4.22 kiss continued au) Tim and Lucy’s first kiss without the interruption.
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daddyy333 · 1 year
Hickeys | Eddie Munson x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
word count: 0.8k
warnings: I guess technically implies sex, hickeys, ?
“Shit! Shitshitshit- babe I’m gonna be late! We didn’t set the alarms!” You said and jumped out of bed, nearly falling flat on your face whilst you tried to put your work uniform on. Your boss was pretty strict about the uniform and being on time and all those things and you had yet to fuck up in the year or so you’d been working there but you would forever be scared as long as you worked there.
“Baby, baby relax. It’ll be alright, just try to be a little more calm and put your pants on correctly” he said, grabbing your shorts and hold them correctly. You rolled your eyes and snatched them from him, finally hoisting them over your hips and running to the bathroom, eyes widening at what you saw.
You groaned and said “god damn it you asshole!” You had 2 hickeys on your neck and one on your collarbone and then 3 on your boobs. Eddie came in and smiled, admiring his work. “I mean, you’re just so beautiful I-”
You threw a roll of toilet paper at him and he yelped slightly, running just in time so he didn’t get hit. You shook your head and worked fast to cover them up, not even bothering to eat breakfast and bringing your hair stuff in the car to do at work.
You got to work at 7:26. You’re supposed to clock in at 7:30. Usually you’re here at least 15 minutes before your shift and you take a little nap in the car but you’d rather be way too early than late. You did your hair as fast you ever will, just brushing it back into a low ponytail and then spraying some hairspray and calling it good.
You rushed to the door at 7:33 and unlocked it, quickly running to the back to wipe everything down and sweep the floors and start making things. “Hey, assholes!” You said to Robin and Steve who walked in half an hour late.
They gave you awkward smiles and you threw aprons at them. They worked at the diner with you as well, so you would always punch them in even when they were late. “I hate you guys! God, what would you even do without me?” You said and they both ran over and hugged you.
“Best coworker everrrr!” Robin said and groaned, shrugging them off. You sighed and said “go wash the dishes. And you, brew some coffee and start on some pies” “no problemo” Steve said and you rolled your eyes.
You shook your head and said “can you guys please come on time tomorrow?” “Okay fine” Steve said and you sighed. You bent over to grab some menus and other things to set up a little and Robin gasped.
Your shorts had ridden up a little, revealing a dark ass hickey on your lower ass cheek. “What? Shit, am I on my period?” You asked and Robin chuckled. Steve looked over and his eyes widened. “Holy shit,”
“Hey! Stop looking at her ass!” Robin said and you gasped. You stood up fast and said “what’s wrong with my ass?” “Dude, you have a huge and dark ass hickey on your ass” Robin said and you groaned.
“Cause my stupid ass boyfriend doesn’t listen!” You said, rushing to the bathroom. You barely had time to cover it before a customer walked in and you were terrified there were more you hadn’t found yet.
Eddie always came on his lunch break since he now owned his mechanic shop and so generously gives himself hour long lunch breaks. Of course, he knows it’s unfair to only give employees 30 minute lunch breaks so he doesn’t really mind when they’re late, only when they’re over 45 minutes late does he get upset.
“Hey, cutie. How long you been working here, I don’t think I’ve seen you before” he said, he always flirted like you haven’t been together for years. You sighed and said “I have hickeys in places that I need to not have hickeys in, Eddie. I told you nothing permanent or harsh, and now I have at least 7 hickeys that I know of”
“Hey, you did your fair share of work too, princess,” he said, pulling his collar down to reveal a few hickeys, but at least his were small and light and would probably be gone in a day or two. Yours would surely last a week, probably longer.
You sighed and said “can we please agree no more hickeys unless they’re in easily hideable places” “fine. Just stop being so sexy though” he said and you chuckled. You finally walked over and kissed him, setting down the burger, fries and milkshake you already had made for him.
“You’re so lucky I love you” you said and he smiled. He blushed a little and said “yea, I know. It’s what keeps me going everyday, baby” You blushed as well and kissed his head, leaving to seat the customers that just walked in.
He smiled, watching you and admiring you. He noticed one peaking through your shirt on the back of your neck and winced. He sighed and whispered “that makes 8” and chuckled to himself. Boy, you were gonna kill him.
Taglist: @readsalot73
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Maya Hawke
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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