#peter: i need someone. i cant be alone for this
foolsocracy · 1 month
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just fell to my knees
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0rph1x · 1 year
i could talk about this frame for the rest of my life
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#HE JUSTKFHDKFJDLF#AGH#'i dont wanna end up like my father peter please' DO U WANT ME DEAD#harry is so desperate and helpless its awful#amd he tries so hard to keep up the mean angry ceo act but he just. he cant with peter.#something abt being with peter is different. he cant be mean to him here. he tries to! he tries! he snaps at him!#and u could say that hes purposefully playing into peters morality and need to help ppl to get what he wants but i dont think so#i think harry is a scared kid. hes only 20 and he has to tell his best friend that hes dying.#harry is horrified of ending up dying and alone like his father. and for the first time in almost 10 years he has someone to go to.#so he goes to peter. his closest friend. only for peter to tell him that he might not be able to help him. and it destroys harry.#hes heartbroken and desperate and angry with him for not being able to do what he needs him to#WHICH MAKES SENSE#in this hug. if u watch it. harrys shaking.#hes shaking and breathing heavily and his eyes are shut tight and he cant. seem to let go.#AND U WANNA KNOW WHAT PETER DOES.#peter just stands there!!!! doesnt do anything!!!!!!!#i mean yeah hes just realized his best friend is dying and wants spidermans blood to see if itll heal him but damn.#hug the man pete like holy fuck#even in this frame u can see how sick harry looks. hes thinning and his eyes have dark circles and he just seems weaker#he gets worse as the movie goes on until he turns into green goblin and then he just looks alien-ified#BUT YEAH. THIS SCENE DESTROYS ME. this scene is the one that changes their dynamic for the rest of the film#theyre no longer carefree best friends who just got reunited after nearly ten years. theres something in the way of that now.#AGH. THIS MOVIES ALMOST TEN YEARS OLD. DO U THINK THEY INTENDED FOR SOME GUY TO BE ANALYZING IT THIS DEEP TEN YEARS INTO THE FUTURE.#peter parker#harry osborn#the amazing spider man 2#tasm2#parksborn
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cinnabunwanda · 1 month
I cant help but love you okay ・ 。゚Wanda Maximoff
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content warning — Angst, Jealousy, Unwanted kiss
pairing — Fem reader x Wanda Maximoff
summary — Maria and Natasha argue over past relationships, while Natasha shares her feelings for Maria and advises Nat, a spy, to give it a chance. Natasha admits she needs Maria, while Bucky shares his first love experience.
word count — 1k
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Maria and I are lounging on the plush couch in the main room, bathed in the soft glow of Netflix playing on the television. But our peaceful afternoon is quickly interrupted as Maria begins angrily chiding me for purposely trying to annoy her. It's not like I have anything better to do with my day since Wanda is out on a date with the robot.
"Y/n, can't you just go bother someone else?" Maria groans into the cushions of the couch.
"Why would I do that when I can just annoy you?" I giggle mischievously.
She retaliates by throwing a pillow at my head, causing me to dramatically fall off the couch and onto the floor. Maria bursts into a fit of laughter, finding humor in my clumsy theatrics.
"Ria, seriously!" I groan in mock pain.
"I wish I got that on video!" Maria continues to cackle.
I dust myself off and stand up, rolling my eyes at her. I plop down on the opposite couch from her, huffing in annoyance.
"What are you two up to?" Natasha saunters into the room, her signature smirk playing on her lips.
"Maria is abusing me, that's what!" I tattle on Maria.
Natasha's smile widens as she playfully leans over towards Maria. I can tell Maria is getting flustered by Natasha's flirtatious demeanor, and I find it absolutely adorable.
"Is this true, Hill?" Natasha asks with a tilt of her head.
"No- I mean yes, it is true, Romanoff," Maria stumbles over her words, trying to play it cool under Natasha's gaze.
As tensions rise between them, I nonchalantly interrupt their exchange with a question out of the blue.
"Have you two ever hooked up?"
Both women snap their heads towards me as if I had just shot them. Maria's eyes bulge out of her head while Natasha sports a cheeky grin.
"NO, GOD NO! Y/N, WE ARE JUST COLLEAGUES!" Maria blurts out in a panic.
Natasha's smile fades and she removes herself from the couch, adjusting her posture.
"Yeah, um, we haven't, no. As Maria said, we are just... colleagues," Natasha responds with a hint of sadness in her voice.
She turns and walks away, leaving me and Maria alone once again. This time, it's me tossing the pillow at Maria's head.
"Ow! What was that for?" She whines.
"What was that for? Are you kidding me? You just completely offended Nat! Colleagues, Ria? Not even friends? She had a huge smile on her face and then you say that!" I scold her.
Maria falls silent and looks towards the hallway where Natasha exited. She covers her face with her hands and groans before quickly getting up from the couch and running down the hallway, presumably to find Natasha.
"I am the Goddess of Love, I swear!" I mutter to myself as I rise from the couch and make my way over to the kitchen island.
"Well, I can't argue with that," Sam chuckles as he enters with Thor and Bucky trailing behind him.
"Lady Y/n isn't the Goddess of Love? Are you Lady Y/n?" Thor asks me as he takes a seat on one of the chairs in front of the counter.
"No, Thor, of course she is. She set up Tony and Pepper, Peter and MJ. Oh, and my personal favorite - she found her own soulmate with a robot!" Bucky adds sarcastically.
My eyes widen at the mention of Wanda. I hit Bucky's arm but end up hitting his metal one instead.
"Oops...wrong arm," I mutter, my thoughts drifting towards Wanda and the happiness she has found with Vision.
The word "Fuck" slipped out of my mouth, escaping on a groan under my breath.
"You know what you and Wanda should be doing? But instead, you blew that up. Just like the hard drive, just like the robot you set Wanda up with," Sam's voice cut in, filled with frustration and annoyance.
I winced as I held my hand in pain from where I had slammed it against the wall. "Can you guys please keep it down? I don't need Wanda overhearing this," I groaned.
But Thor's booming voice couldn't be contained. "Wait, so Lady Y/n likes Miss Witchy?" he asked incredulously.
I rolled my eyes, feeling exasperated. These guys are practically begging for Wanda to hear our conversation. Bucky simply nodded in agreement.
"What are you going to do about it, Lady Y/n?" Thor prodded as he casually picked up an apple.
"There's nothing I can do, Thor. She loves Vision and not me," I sighed dejectedly.
Suddenly, Natasha walked into the room, breaking the tension. I gave everyone a look that clearly said "don't say anything." Natasha scanned the room with her sharp eyes, but no one spoke. She was a spy after all - she could probably figure out we were hiding something. She opened her mouth to speak but I quickly interjected.
"Oh hey Nat, did you know Maria was looking for you?" I said with a forced smile.
Natasha didn't miss a beat. "Oh really? That's nice," she replied with a hint of sadness in her voice.
I knew she wanted to say something more, but before she could speak again I stopped her. "Hey listen, Nat. I'm going to give you some advice and you can take it or leave it. But trust me, it's coming from someone who knows what it's like to have a crush on someone who ends up with someone else. Don't make the same mistake I did and keep denying your feelings for Maria. She loves you, more than she loves me even. And I know I have feelings for you too, but not in the same way. Just give it a chance, what's the worst that can happen? You fall in love? You build a relationship together? Just go for it, or at least admit how you feel because I'm tired of watching you both deny your true feelings," I said firmly, my hand making a small bang as it hit the table.
Natasha was silent for a moment before she walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and she whispered into my ear, "Thank you Y/n/n. I love you too."
I squeezed her a little tighter before letting go. Sam and Thor left to help Natasha find Maria while Bucky stayed with me in the main room.
"You're a good person, Y/n. If Wanda can't see that, then it's her loss. You don't need her," Bucky tried to comfort me.
"But that's where you're wrong, Buck. I do need her. I'm addicted to her like a drug. She just doesn't love me back in the same way. But that's okay, I can love her from a distance," I explained, my voice filled with sadness.
"It's hard to get over your first love, always is," Bucky placed his hand on my shoulder in understanding.
I let out a heavy sigh and leaned into him, allowing myself to release some of the weight off my shoulders. He wrapped his arm around me in a comforting side hug.
"How did you get over yours?" I asked him curiously, hoping he could give me some advice.
Bucky hesitated before responding softly, "I don't think I ever really did."
Bucky's warm breath tickled my ear as he spoke, his deep voice fading into the night air. I could feel his heartache and understanding in his embrace. "I only got over mine recently and I am very old Y/n, you just have to move on and live your life the way you want to without them," he sighed, sending shivers down my spine.
"It was Steve right? Your first?" I looked up at him with a knowing gaze.
"Yes, it was. Actually, how did you know?" He asked, his blue eyes searching mine.
"Then you didn't get over him. I know you're trying to comfort me, but no need to lie to me Bucky. You love him and you and I both know that," I explained gently.
He unwrapped himself from our embrace and gave me a look that begged for understanding. But instead of showing sympathy, I sent him my famous smirk.
"I am not in love with Steve anymore, Y/n," Bucky insisted, standing his ground.
"Mmmhh hmmm, like I believe that," I giggled, looking up at him with a teasing glint in my eye.
"I'm serious! I can prove it," he replied quickly, determination set in his features.
"There's no point, Bucky. I know you-" Before I could finish my sentence, Bucky cut me off with a kiss.
For a moment, I was in shock and didn't respond. When realization hit me, I pulled away and wiped my lips in shock.
"I told you I didn't love Steve anymore," Bucky whispered, breathless from our brief kiss.
"Bucky, why would you kiss me? You know I love someone else. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression," I said in shock.
"Come on Y/n, we would be great together! We make each other laugh, we understand each other, we both went through Hydra. Wanda has someone else, let me be your someone else," Bucky pleaded, grabbing both of my hands in his.
"I can't, Bucky. I'm sorry-" I started to walk away, but Bucky grabbed my wrist.
"Y/n, I CAN'T HELP BUT LOVE YOU OKAY?" He screamed in my face, his frustration and desperation evident in his voice.
I stood there frozen in fear for a moment, never having seen Bucky so angry before. I pulled myself away from his grip and he immediately began apologizing.
"I am so, so sorry. I-I didn't mean to yell," he stammered, trying to apologize and follow me.
"No, stop Bucky. Leave me alone," I pushed him away, tears welling up in my eyes. "HEY, BACK OFF!" Wanda's voice echoed through the room.
She ran over and placed herself between me and Bucky, her powers already at work as red wisps formed around her fingers. Her eyes glowed with anger as she faced off against Bucky.
"Please stop, Wanda. I'm fine, just go cool off," I told Bucky firmly as Wanda guarded me from him.
"I'm sorry," Bucky muttered before walking out of the compound to cool down.
I wrapped my arms around Wanda and hugged her tightly, grateful for her protection. She was a little surprised by the sudden embrace but hugged me back without hesitation.
"Thank you, thank you," I whispered gratefully into her shoulder.
"Honey, are you okay?" Wanda asked, ignoring my thanks and wanting to make sure I was okay.
"I am now, Wands," I sighed into her touch, feeling calmer with every passing moment. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I began to relax under her comforting presence. Her hands played with my hair as I rested my head on her shoulder, taking in her familiar scent.
"Wanda, I have been called to do some lab duty, so I'm going to have to cancel our date," Vision's voice broke through the moment as he walked through the wall.
I started to pull away from Wanda, not wanting to cause any trouble for her and her boyfriend, but Wanda's grip on me tightened.
"Of course you do. You know what, Vision? Don't even bother trying to make up the last four cancelled dates at this point," Wanda said without even looking at him.
"Fine, I won't bother doing anything nice for us again," Vision stormed off back into the wall, leaving Wanda and I alone once more.
Wanda let out a weary sigh as I pulled away from her embrace. Looking into her eyes, I could see the sadness and disappointment etched in her features. She had always adored the robotic man who seemed to have no time for her anymore.
"Hey, what were you two supposed to do?" I asked the witch, trying to distract her from her thoughts.
"We were supposed to go to a restaurant, but it's fine," Wanda replied with a forced smile.
I stood there for a moment, unsure of how to comfort her. Then an idea struck me - why not take her out for the night? As I looked at Wanda, I couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she looked. She had clearly dressed up for this date that never happened.
"Stay here, I'll be back with a plan," I smiled at her before quickly running down the hallway to my room.
In a matter of minutes, I changed into an outfit and fixed my hair. Knowing Wanda's love for sitcoms, I decided to take her to an old American 50's diner. It might cheer her up and I've been wanting to take her there on a date for a while now.
As I walked out of my room with paper flowers in hand, I couldn't contain my excitement. Making my way down the hallway, I found Wanda waiting for me in the kitchen. She turned around and our eyes met.
"Hey, are you ready to go?" I asked with a big smile on my face.
"I-um yes, I am," she stumbled over her words, making me laugh.
"You okay, witchy?" I asked affectionately. "You look really pretty."
"Thank you. I was going to say the same earlier before the whole Bucky thing," she replied with a warm smile.
Her words made my heart skip a beat. And then I remembered the paper flowers in my hand.
"I know you've had a rough couple of weeks, so I made these for you a while ago. And I think now is the perfect time to give them to you," I nervously handed her the paper flowers.
Her smile widened as she took the flowers from my hands. I could see tears welling up in her eyes, and she looked like she had just been given a million dollars.
"You made these? For me?" She asked, looking up at me with adoration.
"Of course. Who else would I make them for, Wands?" I gazed into her beautiful eyes.
"For someone who deserves them, like Natasha or Bruce," she explained.
"Or you, Maximoff. You deserve them too. You deserve to be happy, just like everyone else," I placed a reassuring arm on her shoulder.
She took the flowers and carefully examined them before setting them down on the table. Then, she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.
"Thank you. Nobody has ever said that to me," she mumbled against my neck.
I could feel myself blushing and couldn't help but smile uncontrollably.
"Well, they should, Wands," I pulled away from our embrace with a grin.
We walked side by side out of the compound, talking the entire way to my car. Wanda's laughter filled the garage as we playfully debated over our favorite team members.
As we drove to the diner, Wanda's mood seemed to have lifted, and for once, there was no trace of sadness or disappointment in her eyes. It felt good to bring a smile to her face and make her feel appreciated and loved. And that's exactly what she deserved - happiness and love from those around her.
With a sarcastic smirk, I unlocked my car with my keys and gestured for her to enter. "That's a secret that I shall forever know and you shall not," I teased as she climbed into the passenger seat. "Oh honey, you forgot I can read minds," she fake pouted, her powers already at work.
I laughed, knowing full well that I could block her powers whenever I wanted to. "Awww, and you forgot I can block your powers," I replied with a fake pout of my own.
She rolled her eyes playfully, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. Stop it, Y/n, just stop. She's taken and this is just a friendly outing to cheer her up. It's not a date.
"After you, madam," I opened her car door and bowed playfully, earning a smile from her sokovian-accented lips.
"Why thank you," she said with a slight slip into her accent.
I couldn't help but smile at the sound of it as she looked down at the car floor. Closing her door, I made my way over to the driver's side and got behind the wheel. Starting the engine, we exited the garage and headed towards the city.
"So where are we going?" She glanced over at me with curiosity sparkling in her eyes.
"That's a secret," I kept my eyes on the road ahead.
"Come onnnn, give me one hint," she whined playfully.
"Nope, I'm not telling you. Just enjoy the drive and let the road take us," I chuckled.
"You sound like... what do you guys call it... Oh yes, a hippie," she teased cheekily.
Using autopilot for the car, I turned to look at her, trying to suppress my own smirk as she struggled to hide hers.
"I am not a hippie," I defended myself with a smile.
"Mmmhhh, okay, whatever helps you sleep at night," she shrugged with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Wanda Maximoff, I am not a hippie," I huffed, crossing my arms slightly.
"Okay, okay, you're not a hippie... You're a... hopeless romantic," she giggled.
I went to say something but paused for a moment. She was right. I am a hopeless romantic. But everyone knows that.
"Shut up, witchy," I playfully retorted, trying not to let her see how much her words affected me.
She burst out laughing, and it was contagious. I couldn't help but join in. God, I love her laugh and how her smile can light up an entire room without even trying.
"You will arrive at your destination in 5 minutes," the car's computerized voice announced.
Wanda had a huge smile on her face, and I could tell just how excited she was by the way her eyes sparkled with anticipation. Suddenly, she rested her head on my shoulder and entwined our hands together.
"What's this for?" I whispered to her, feeling my heart swell with affection.
"For you making a shitty day into a good one like you always do," she replied softly, causing my heart to flutter even more.
I smiled at her words and lightly kissed her forehead before turning back to the road ahead. We stayed like that for the rest of the car ride until we finally reached our destination: a huge diner with bright neon lights flashing "50s Diner!"
"Oh my god, is this- no, it can't be- is this really a 50s diner?!" Wanda practically jumped in her seat with excitement.
"Yes, it is! I found it awhile ago and have been wanting to take you here for some time now," I smiled at her enthusiasm.
"Oh, Y/n, I can't even believe you remembered how much I love sitcoms and would think to bring me here! Thank you! Thank you!" She hugged me tightly, her excitement bubbling over.
I hadn't seen her this happy since Vision asked her out on a date (or rather, when I convinced him to ask her out and planned the whole thing). "It's nothing. Now come on, we don't want to miss out on all the fun!" I laughed as she pulled away, her eyes shining with pure joy.
Gently, I assisted Wanda out of the car, opening her door and taking her hand in mine. The warmth of her skin against mine sent shivers down my spine. Together, we walked into the quaint diner, where a friendly waitress promptly seated us at a cozy table. As we perused the menus, we chatted about our day.
"What are you going to order?" The waitress asked Wanda, breaking my gaze from the menu.
"I think I'll have the cheeseburger combo with a strawberry milkshake. How about you?" Wanda looked up at me with a smile.
"I'm thinking I'll get the chicken tender combo and a vanilla shake." I smiled back, setting my menu down.
The waitress took our orders and menus before walking away with a smile directed solely at me. I couldn't help but feel confused by the attention, but quickly refocused on Wanda.
"Looks like someone was checking you out," Wanda teased playfully.
"Well, that's too bad for her because I have my eyes set on somebody else," I replied with a smirk.
Wanda's expression faltered for a moment before she readjusted herself and continued smiling. "And who might this lucky person be?" She leaned in closer.
"Who said it was a person? Can't it be a lady?" I raised an eyebrow teasingly.
"Of course it can... So you must really like her if you won't even flirt with the pretty blonde waitress," she prodded curiously.
"Oh trust me, she's not my type at all. My girl would always win," I said confidently.
"Your girl? Huh," Wanda's tone held a hint of disappointment, though she tried to hide it with a smile.
"Yeah, my girl. She wins every time. Best laugh, best personality, prettiest girl, most trustworthy, kind-hearted, and most importantly, the best listener," I explained, caught in a trance as I thought of her.
"She sounds amazing. When do I get to meet this girl?" Wanda asked, genuinely curious.
"Well, you won't. She's in love with someone else, but that's okay because I can love her from afar. She's worth it," I said sadly.
"Well, this girl must be blind not to see what an incredible person you are," Wanda placed her hand over mine briefly.
I couldn't help but think to myself, 'Yeah, she's bloody blind. I clearly love you, idiot.'
Wanda's POV
As Y/n spoke, my mind raced trying to figure out who she was talking about so I could give them a piece of my mind. Anyone would be lucky to have Y/n as their girlfriend. Then it hit me - why was I even thinking about another person? My heart belonged to Y/n, and it had for the past month. I needed to break things off with Vision as soon as we got back to the compound.
I couldn't contain my excitement as I discreetly read Y/n's thoughts. 'Yeah, she's bloody blind. I clearly love you, idiot.' My heart felt like it was going to burst with joy. Y/n loved me? It was almost too good to be true.
I made a decision right then and there - I would end things with Vision and tell Y/n how I truly felt about her. Our love deserved a chance, even if it wasn't meant to be with me.
Your POV
The room seemed to spin for a moment, making me feel fuzzy and unsteady. I could see Wanda's concerned expression as she caught me before I stumbled. A few seconds later, our food and drinks were brought out by a friendly waitress. I smiled at her and thanked her, but I could already sense the premonition of trouble brewing between Wanda and the waitress.
"What's with the death glares?" I nudged Wanda, trying to diffuse the tension.
"Well, you said you didn't like her so I'm just making it clear," Wanda replied with a scowl still fixed on the woman.
I couldn't help but laugh at their little staring contest. Wanda was not one to hold back her feelings, especially when it came to someone she saw as a threat to me. But I knew this wasn't going to make for a relaxing dinner.
"Please, Wanda, can we just try to have a good time? I promise not to even look in her direction if that's what it takes," I pleaded, sipping my creamy vanilla milkshake.
Wanda's scowl softened at my request and she finally turned away from the waitress. "Fine, fine. But don't think I won't be keeping an eye on her."
I couldn't help but smile at how fiercely protective Wanda was of me. She may have been flirty and carefree most of the time, but when it came down to it, she was always looking out for me.
As we chatted and laughed over our meal, I couldn't imagine having a better time with anyone else. We reminisced about old missions and shared stories about our favorite things to do. And despite my initial doubts about revisiting this restaurant where Wanda had confessed her feelings for me years ago, I was now grateful for the memories we were creating together.
Suddenly, the waitress interrupted our conversation with a smile. "Sorry to break it up, ladies, but we're closing for the night."
I couldn't believe it. "What? It can't be that late..." I trailed off as I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 1 am.
Wanda let out a gasp of surprise as she peeked out the window to see the darkness outside. "Wow, time really flew by when I was with you."
As we left the restaurant and walked back to our cars, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Wanda's presence in my life. She had a way of making even the most mundane moments into memorable ones, and I was lucky to have her by my side.
After our meal, I paid the bill and left a generous tip for our waitress. As Wanda sat lost in her thoughts, I admired her from across the table. Her dark hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall and her brown eyes sparkled in the dim light of the restaurant.
"Did your mother ever tell you it's rude to stare?" Wanda teased me, breaking me out of my reverie.
"I think your mother never told you that either after the glare you gave the waitress earlier," I teased back with a smirk.
We both got up from our booth, stretching our tired limbs. I waited for Wanda to get up before walking out with her.
"Where are you going?" she asked me as we made our way towards the exit.
"Wanda, they're closing. We have to go home now. I'm sure Vis is worried about you not being home yet," I reminded her gently.
"Oh, right...yeah, we should get going," she shook her head slightly to clear it.
I helped her out of the booth and we walked side by side to her car. She rested her head on my shoulder as we walked, and I couldn't help but feel content in this moment.
"Here we go," I said as I opened her car door for her.
"Thank you," she yawned sleepily as she climbed into the car.
I smiled at her before closing her door and making my way around to the driver's seat. Deciding to use autopilot, I leaned back in my seat and let out a tired sigh.
"Thanks for accompanying me tonight. I would love to do it again sometime if you'd like?" I asked, glancing over at Wanda.
But she didn't respond. When I turned to look at her, I saw that she had fallen asleep, letting out soft breaths as she slumped against the window. I couldn't help but admire her peaceful expression and the way her hair fell gently across her face.
As we arrived back at the compound, the AI's voice woke Wanda up. She looked too peaceful to wake, so I decided to carry her up to her room instead of waking her.
"Hey, where have you been? We were about to send out a missing person report as you both have been gone for so long!" Natasha exclaimed as she ran towards us with open arms. But then she stopped when she saw Wanda sleeping in my arms.
"Oh my god, it was perfect. She is perfect...I'll tell you all about it later, but for now, I just need to put her to bed," I smiled down at Wanda before turning to walk towards the stairs.
"Wait, what?!" Nat and Maria said simultaneously, their voices filled with excitement.
"Shhh, Lady Y/n is asleep. Miss Maximoff, let me take her to bed," Thor offered in a hushed tone.
"Are you sure? I don't mind taking her," I whispered to him.
"I'm sure," he reassured me before taking Wanda from my arms and carrying her upstairs.
I kissed her forehead and whispered a goodnight before watching them disappear down the hallway. Nat and Maria dragged me into their room and sat me on their bed, eager to hear about our night together.
Maria's eyes lit up with excitement as she eagerly encouraged me to share my story. I couldn't stop grinning as I started, "It was just AMAZING! Y/n took me to this 50s themed diner and said she knew how much I loved sitcoms and had to take me there. It was like she could read my mind." Natasha joined us, closing the bedroom door behind her and jumping onto the bed with a loud thud. "Don't start without me!!!!" she exclaimed, joining in on our conversation.
"We just talked for hours. But it wasn't boring at all, it was like we were in perfect sync. You know that 'perfect night' everyone talks about? Where you can talk for hours and never run out of things to say? That's what it was like," I gushed, reliving the memory.
Natasha's eyes narrowed playfully as she asked, "So do you like her Wanda? Because this is the first time you've talked about Y/n this way."
Blushing, I replied, "I've thought about her like this for a while now, but it feels good to finally say it out loud to someone else. She's practically my best friend but I think I want her to be more than that. I just realized that I don't want to sleep in the same bed as Vision anymore. Our relationship has become more like coworkers than lovers. We haven't gone out on a date in over two months and I can't even remember the last time we talked as boyfriend and girlfriend instead of colleagues. But with Y/n, everything just feels balanced and easy. And I know she'll always listen and help me with anything."
Maria chimed in, "Wanda, I really think you should go for it with Y/n. What's holding you back?"
I hesitated before admitting, "Well...I may have read her mind. I know, I shouldn't have, but she was talking about this mysterious girl she likes who apparently doesn't like her back because they're with someone else. And it all started because I told Y/n to ask the waitress out, but then she just gushed about her crush and how they would always win no matter what."
Natasha squealed with excitement, "Stop it! She said that?"
"If you break her heart, I will break you," Natasha warned me protectively.
"I love you Wanda, but if you hurt Y/n, I will ruin you," Maria chimed in sternly.
I held out my pinky and promised, "I promise I would never dream of hurting her. Ever."
Natasha interlocked her pinky with mine and pulled me in for a hug. Maria joined in as well before we finally parted ways to get some rest. As I lay in bed, thoughts of breaking up with Vision and asking Y/n out filled my mind. It couldn't be that hard...right?
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©Elena do not copy, edit, or translate my works.
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geckoomoria · 24 days
Curiosity killed the cat- Spider!Sam x reader drabble
i am not the owner of the spider sam idea its @sswiftiestars i believe !! love ur idea bae so cute i js had to write
i feel like being devious today so this is MOSTLY ANGST😈😈
TW: mentions of death , graphic explanation of death and grief , cursing
its based on when Gwen is in the wrong place at the wrong time and peter tries saving her and it just doesn’t happen. but like i havent rewatched that movie in so long so im gna switch it up a bit but u get the idea - lowkey a bit long but wtv
enjoy. ( what i rlly mean is SUFFER.)
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Thursday, June 10th
6:40 pm
YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE , this wasn’t supposed to happen. You were supposed to be in the library but they decided to close early today.
The city of New york always had something going on but recently , the most exhilarating thing was a new “hero” as people would describe had emerged from who knows where?
you were so fascinated with this hero , the one the media called Spiderman.
A good amount of people which included your own father had doubts in this spider hero , believing it was all a ruse and that it was just for attention.
I mean it was expected considering his actions of saving people took attention away from actual police and even made them look like fools time from time.
So your father who happened to be Chief of police ironic right? was going crazy and wanted nothing more than to see this “madman” as he called it to be put behind bars.
The sky was a shade of grey and dark blue mixed , the clouds prominent all over showing that it was going to rain quite heavily very soon.
This weird unfamiliar buzzing noise hits your ears but its New york, weird shit everywhere.
You were headed home from the library, after finishing your essay for your english class on the classic Romeo and Juliet , you couldn’t help but wonder about your own Romeo.
or as you would call him Sam monroe.
Sam monroe was your lab partner in science at first, you two had gotten rather close over the year. You started to view each other in different ways rather than just as classmates.
Two days ago , he mustered up the courage to ask you out on a date while dissecting an frog… not the best moment but still you found him extremely adorable with his dark dyed locks , his guy-liner, his graphic tees of rock bands and his silver piercings covering on his ears.
and when he nervously fidgets asking you out , with his ears all red and avoiding eye contact
How could you possibly say no?
Tomorrow was Friday, the day of your date with your Romeo.
Speaking of him actually, you hadn’t seen him after he apparently frantically ran out of his history class and didn’t return at all to school.
Highschool boys were unpredictable so it didn’t worry you much but you couldn’t deny that he was on your mind.
Your thoughts were brought to a halt as you hear the rumbling of the clouds above , indicating the downpour was going to start.
While looking up at the sky , the familiar figure you identified as Spiderman flys roof to roof in a sloppy manner , as if he was running from someone.
You knew you should have left it alone , left him to do whatever hero’s do but you didn’t think about what everyone says- Curiosity kills the Cat.
you glanced at the entrance leading up to the roof of the building the Spider vigilante landed on , bolting up the various steps of stairs
Finally you make it to the roof , spotting the figure in the black suit. You called out his name “Spider man! spider maan!!” hoping he hears over the thundering clouds from above
Spider man looks directly at you and from his body language, he was terrified to see you here. You run up to him and he looks around frantically as if he’s fearful of something around the two of you.
“whats going on? i saw you being basically flung!”
“What are you doing here?? you cant be up here!” he says urging. “you need to leave like right now n/n!”
n/n? how does he know… what sam calls you?
you dont respond , you just stare at the mask of the man who knows a very personal nickname someone special has for you.
the thunder grumbles louder and louder and the sound of the odd buzzing from earlier comes closer.
“y/n please! you need to go right now!” please!” he begs , his voice doesn’t even sound masked anymore. It sounds strangely familiar… It sounded like Sam.
you look at him wide eyed as he gripped your shoulders and continued to beg for you to leave this instant. You couldn’t think straight as the only thought you formed in your head was Sam.
This was a very very long shot in your opinion but you hesitatingly muttered out his name causing the Spider hero in-front of you to go dead silent , unable to look up at you any longer. Your mouth drops and you stand shell shocked.
Its Sam.
Its been Sam this whole time.
“Sam? yo- your Spiderman?? Sam???” you said in a voice that suggested you were beyond confused , your brain spinning beyond a doubt
“look i- i cant talk about this now! i promise i will later! y/n please. go.” desperation lacing his voice.
The buzzing sound is basically right behind you , its starting to piss you off.
You spin your head around and all of a sudden something of a green devilish figure flys towards you and drags you off the ledge.
It all happened so quickly , you were standing there with spid- Sam. You were standing there with Sam one minute and the next? falling to your demise.
You couldn’t even scream out as the air was sucked out of your lungs while you plummeted down the stories of apartments. Sams masked figure instantly jumped off the roof after you in hopes of catching you , his hand reaching for yours.
His webs go around your body and he tries his hardest to reach you in time but it doesn’t work.
Your body has the life sucked out of it , your limbs go numb and your vision gone even though your eyes remained open. Your body hung just a few inches off the ground , tangled in spider webs.
“no no no no, this cant be happening. no no!” his sobs grow louder and louder with each word , denying what had just happened.
“n/n please wake up. please please say something, do anything please.” his vision completely blurry behind the mask with tears , he rips it off. Holding your empty vessel of a body so close to himself.
“please dont leave me.”
He puts his ear next to your chest in hopes of a heart beat. repositioning himself every second so that he doesn’t miss even a faint one but nothing happened.
he drops to his knees , brushing the hairs out of your face and closing your eyelids.
The rain starts pouring over the two of you but nothing could block out Sams sobs of anguish.
“you weren’t supposed to be here. Not now , this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
———————————-★ ———————-——————
i had no idea i could be so… dark when writing gosh
im gonna go watch some barbie movies to recuperate after this.
let me know what u think !! leave requests/questions/advice or anything in inbox please!!
always lovely having mutuals
😵love ya guys
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shurishoe · 2 years
Prompt lists
Bc why not
Ps.My cousin made this bc she said I was too boring 😒🙄
Characters: Shuri, Riri, Jamie, Scotty, Peter, T’Challa, Erik, M’Baku.
(Learning when it comes to guys)
“The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh.”
“You make a sound and it’s game over.”
“No touching.”
“Does that feel good?”
“Let’s take this outside.”
“We’ll have to make it quick.”
“You’re such a tease.”
“Choke me.”
“Are you just gonna stare?”
“Please, please let me come.”
“If you want it, beg for it.”
“Don’t stop.”
“Come sit on my lap.”
“God, you look good.”
“I could really use a fuck right now.”
“We can take a quick shower.”
“Someone’s happy to see me.”
“Are you sure you want to do this in the car?”
“Don’t come until I tell you to.”
“Where are your manners?”
“I bet you want me pretty bad right now, huh?”
“Are we really gonna do this in public?”
“I’ve been thinking about doing this all day.”
“You’ve got too many clothes on.”
“Have you been good?”
“I want you so badly.”
“I can’t wait any longer.”
“Someone’s gonna hear you.”
“I just cant see myself ever living without you.”
“If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
“The closest thing to love at first sight I’ve ever experienced happened when I first laid eyes on you.”
“I didn’t believe in soulmates until I met you.”
“Did you just tell the person I was gonna go out with that we’re dating?”
“You owe me a kiss.”
“Go with me?” “Only if you hold my hand.”
“I’d feel much better if you’d let me walk you home.”
“If I asked you to stay, would you?”
“You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe.”
“I’ve never felt this way before, and truthfully it scares me. But, the idea of never trying scares me even more.”
“You’re telling me you believe in love at first sight?” “I’m starting too.”
“I promised to love you forever, and that is a promise I intend to keep.”
“Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
“You give me a reason to be better, to do better.”
"All I’ve ever wanted was a place to belong. Somewhere I could call home. And you gave me that. Because you are my home.”
“They don’t compare to you. No one does.”
“I thought I had the worst luck, until I met you.”
“No matter how much time we’ve spent apart, I never stopped loving you.”
“I could see the worst parts of you and still think you are the most beautiful person I’ve met.”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“You brought me breakfast?” “Well you said you always forget to eat before you go to work, so I thought I’d make sure you ate something.”
“Everything feels right when you are with me.”
“I don’t care what others say, I want to be with you and that’s all that matters to me.”
“You bought me flowers?” “Yeah, well I noticed you’d seemed kinda down, so I wanted to cheer you up.”
“I’ll be damned if anyone makes you feel like you aren’t worthy of being loved.”
“I wasn’t sure what love really felt like until I met you.”
“You owe me.” “I owe you $20 not a day of pretending to be your boy/girl-friend to get your parents off you’re back.”
“I can braid your hair for you- I mean, only if you want.”
“Maybe if you stopped staring at them and actually talked to them, you might have a chance.”
“You said you wouldn’t fall in love with me.” “I lied.”
“I want you. All of you, and not just halfheartedly, but wholly. And maybe that’s selfish, but I don’t care.”
“Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.” “'l’ll stay for as long as you need.”
“You are my family.”
“We’ve been by each other’s sides for years, you think I’m gonna leave now?”
“Take my jacket, I don’t want you catching a cold.”
“I’d wait a thousand lifetimes for you, because you are worth waiting for. So when you are ready. I’ll be right here.”
“I will never stop fighting for you. I will never stop protecting you.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I try, you’re always on my mind”
“Don’t go on that date.” “Why?” “You know why.” “Say it.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I don’t want you to die for me, I want you to live for me.”
“I can’t remember the last time I laughed like this.”
“How long have you had this planned?” “Since the moment I fell in love with you.”
“You came all the way here for me?”
“Why are you staring at me?” “Because I think you’re beautiful.”
“I think I’m falling in love with you.” “I think I’m okay with that.”
“What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see if you were okay.”
“The world gets a little brighter when your around.”
“They say we wont last.” “Then lets prove them wrong.”
(love that sad shit)
“All I’ve ever wanted is for you to see me.���
“When did you stop loving me?”
“Just please open your eyes.”
“Wake up. You have to wake up. Please. For me.”
“Just please, don’t leave me.”
“When was the last time you said you loved me, and meant it?”
“Why does everyone always leave?”
“It hurts so much. Why does it hurt so much? I just want it to stop.”
“Forget it. Just like you forget everything else.”
“I never ask for help because I’m not sure I know how.”
“It’s alright to feel broken every once and a while. And it’s alright to take time to heal.”
“I feel like I’m falling apart.”
“What is it about me that isn’t good enough?”
“I wish I was brave.”
“Whats the point in trying if only one of us is willing to?”
“You almost died and you’re making jokes?”
“I’m scared.”
“I don’t need you to tell me who I am!”
“I don’t miss you. I miss us.”
“I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I can’t lose you.” “You already did.”
“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
“Will you even miss me at all?”
‘“You weren’t there…why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you! And you weren’t there!”
“I would give up everything for the chance to hear your laugh again. To see you smile. To see you happy.“
“If I never see you again, just know that I love you so, so much.”
“All I wanted was a happy ending.”
"Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
“You don’t have to hide your tears from me.”
“What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
“You said we’d be together forever, but I guess forever really isn’t that long.”
“I’m not leaving you here.”
“You left without saying goodbye.”
“For once in your life, do what you want! Be selfish!”
“Being strong doesn’t mean never asking for help or admitting you’re in pain.”
“Whatever you do, do not turn around.”
“No matter what they made you think, you are worth saving. You are worth loving.”
“You said you wouldn’t leave, and then you did.”
“I’m a fool for believing you meant what you said.”
“For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
“You are not your past.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“This is the third time you’ve broken a promise to me, I’m starting to think you are doing it on purpose.”
“Whatever you do, do not close your eyes.”
“I know you’re tired, but you have to stay awake.”
“I’ll come back for you, I promise.”
“You would risk letting all those people die for one person? Why?” “Because it’s not just one person…it’s you.”
“I’m just tired of being tired.”
“Whatever you do, do not make a sound.”
“I always said I’d die for you.” “I didn’t think you meant literally.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone screw something up that fast before.”
“I’ve never told you that before.”
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
“At least it couldn’t get any worse.” “I really wish you hadn’t said that.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”
“I’m telling you, I’m haunted.”
“You couldn’t handle me even if i came with instructions.”
“Wake me up when it’s over.”
“Next problem… we might die.“
"Where have you been all my life?” “Hiding from you”
“I think… everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.”
"Abort mission, I repeat abort mission.” “What? Abort what mission? All you were doing was introducing yourself to your neighbor?” “Yeah, and they’re too attractive. I can never speak to them again.”
“At least I kept my promise.”
“I saw you looking at it last time we were in the store together, so I got it for you.”
“…Did you just sniff me?”
“I hope you find it someday.” “Find what?” “Whatever it is you’re looking for.”
“Of course I noticed, I notice everything about you.”
“Are you alright?” “Yeah, why?” “You look mad.” “That’s just my face…”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“You don’t actually have to like me, you just need to pretend you do.”
“Since when did you open a bakery in your house?” “Since I got bored.”
“Can someone explain to me, in not so many words, why they are here?”
“I don’t think I’m alone in here.”
“This place creeps me out.”
“I thought I saw something.”
“Why didn’t you answer your phone?” “Why didn’t you text?”
“You’re bleeding.” “No shit.”
“In case you haven’t heard, there is a bounty on your head.” “Is that why you’re here? To kill me and take the bounty?” “No. I’m here to protect you.”
“For the most part, I am, in fact, an idiot. But I fully admit to it, which should count for something.”
“Stop grumbling and just tell me where your medicine cabinet is.”
“Close your eyes and hold out your hand.”
“I hate that I let you convince me to do this”
“We really need to stop meeting like this. "Then stop breaking into my house!”
“Why are you creeping outside my bedroom window?!” “I thought it would be romantic if I climbed up here.” “You gave me a heart-attack!”
“What are you doing here?” “I got locked out of my house.” “Again?”
“I can’t stand you!” “Then sit down.”
“Where are we going?” “It’s a surprise.” “I hope the surprise involves food.”
“You wont regret it!” “Already am.”
“I like being wanted.” “You should NOT like be wanted by the police!”
“I am nothing if not consistent.” “Yeah, a consistent pain in my ass.”
“What happened?” “Do you want the long version or the short version?” “Uh, short?” “I made a mistake.” “Okay, long version.” “I made a very very big mistake.”
“Do you take constructive criticism?” “Not without crying.”
“Are we all on the same page?” “Yes. Just of different books.”
“Why did you break up with them?” My dog didn’t like them, and that is never a good sign.“
"I’m sorry were you talking to me? I tend to zone out whenever you stark speaking.”
“What happened to your hand?” “I hit my hand on something.” “On what?” “Your ex’s face.”
“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!”
“I’ve been thinking-” “Uh-oh”
“If I survive this, I’m killing you.”
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Just saw Thor Love and Thunder and I need to talk about it so read ahead at your own risk.
First of all, i love the fucking goats they are the star of the show.
Okay now onto the movie. I loved it. One of the funniest and most heart wretching films I had ever seen. The casting is always incredible with Taika films and they did another amazing job. I am so happy to see Natalie Portman return.
I will say that her Jane Foster with cancer was not a surprise seeing as though that is what happened in the comics. However I was surprised to see her death at the end of the film. I truly thought that it was going to follow the comics and have Jane become the new Thor and the og Thor would either die or step down. Her death did make me cry but it was nice to get a proper closure for Thor and Janes relationship and even finding out how they broke up in the first place.
Thor in the film was hilarious and I loved to see his growth as a character. To see his struggle with depression and PTSD and even take advice from Peter Quill who is someone we have learned he does not have the best relationship with. Him learning about the corrupt power system in what im guessing was Mount Olympus because i do not remember what it is actually called was incredible. Him learning that he was on his own and would ultimately have to face this fight alone was somewhat sad but seeing him literally rip one through Zeus was amazing.
Valkyrie my true king, I love you. She is the best character in this series and seeing her go one on one with Gor??? Incredible. I literally was about to cry because i thought she was dead but im glad she lived. Also when she kissed Zeus' maid on the hand i was dying because I wanted that to be me.
Korg had mw sobbing. This dude literally almost died and then ended up making a baby with a man named DWAYNE? Adorable. 10/10.
Also fucking Axel??? HEIMDALS SON??? YES PLEASE HE WAS ADORABLE!! Iloved his interactions with Thor and I see him playing a huge part in the future movies.
Christian fucking bale this man scared the fuck out of me. He is the creepiest MCU villain thus far. He does an amazing job portraying the same character with split personalities after being corrupted. His character was complex and really dug into religion as well for it being a marvel film. With it being a controversial topic right now I think that many will not take to it lightly. However his performance was incredible. Another masterpiece for him and another DC actor converted to marvel.
But seriously the ending threw me through a loop. With the way things were going in Eternity, I truly thought that Jane and Thor were going to raise his daughter together. But seeing Jane die in Thors arms like that? I was sobbing in the theatre.
The first post credit scene somewhat confirmed for me that thor was going to die soon. With Zeus still living and calling upon Hercules its kinda a given. Will Herc kill Thor? Most likely. Will Herc live? I doubt it. I think that they will end up either killing each other or Thors new niece will end his life.
The second post credit scene. This had the whole theatre gasping. Imagine it. Everyone is talking, sotting around, waiting to see if the lights turn on or if there's a second post credit scene. Then, the gold sparks appear on screen. Within a matter of two seconds, everyone was back in their seats and the theater was silent. We see Jane appear at the Gates of Val Halla. And who is there to greet her? Heimdal. Literally everyone gasped when seeing him. And sadly, after Jane had lost her battle with cancer, she was allowed into the great hall of gods, who have all lost their lives in their own battles.
Overall this was my favorite thor movie. I love Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth on screen together. They have great chemistry and work so well together. Im happy she was able to get a proper farewell for the franchise and got the proper treatment she deserved for her work. I cant wait to see what comes next when Thor returns.
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slashingdisneypasta · 1 month
Inkubus x Reader || Drabble
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Plot: On childhood things and how you leave them and they never get an explanation- but they never change and they're always there if you ever need them again.
'We did it before, you and I. Remember. We ran away.' - Bash, Reign.
Warnings: Angst. Unedited.
Tagging: @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball , @slxsherwriter and @your-mxnd-is-mxne .
Its been a long time since you saw Inkubus, and yet you're not surprised to see him now in the darkness of your backyard.
You don't startle, you don't even lift your face off of the heels of your hands. You're too tired... too worried, about tomorrow. Thats probably why he's here, you figure. Has some two-cense to offer about your decisions.
You roll your eyes at the thought, because it sounds just right, but offer a little smile in greeting when he approaches; standing right in front of you in the buzzing yellow glow of your porch light. From your position sitting on a step, you finally lift your head out of your hands and sigh, straightening up to look up and see his face. He's still the same as before, you note, feeling pleased that even a small part of your life hasn't changed in all this time. Its been 10 years and you've got grey hair's, now. You work somewhere new, you live somewhere new, your friends are mostly moved away or disappeared, you wardrobe is almost all swapped out for something new except one or two bed shirts that used to be your favourites, even your hair's going grey... but he's the same, at least. Thats nice.
"Hello, darling." He grins, genuinely pleased to see you too even after all this time.
As he sits down next to you, the black of his coat catching the porch light and turning gold under your gentle eyes. "... to what do I owe this visit, old friend?"
"Oh, I just missed you... cant I just visit because I want to see you??"
"Sure... " A mischievous grin slips across your mouth, and you side eye him. "But you don't do that."
"Well... " A matching smirk crawls slowly across his own mouth, eyes dancing like hellfire. "I might have heard this is your final night as a free woman," Uhuh, the corners of your lips ache to spread open wider, just as you thought... "Isn't that right?"
"Yep." You straighten your back up, nodding with pride. "Finally found someone who wants me- isn't that something?"
Inkubus sets you with a stern look. "Finding someone who wants you was never your problem, Y/N."
At that, you slouch a little bit. "... I guess."
You remember back 10 years ago, the last time you saw him. When the two of you were more then Something, like now. More then two people who knew each other (Or used to know each other). when you met you were 26, lonely and bored; just going through the motions with life.
... thinking back on that time in your life makes you feel sad even now. When you have the perfect person asleep in your bed inside, who never lets you fall into a slump, and encourages you and is- just- ... so comfortable... Because back then you had no one. You spent your days going to work, picturing trips you might research when you got home, then having dinner and going straight to bed because the day was so tiring. You didn't have drive, excitement or interest in your life. It was... miserable.
... Well, Inkubus changed all that didn't he?
Suddenly your life was a mess and for a while it was amazing; Just what you needed. Excitement and fun and a little danger (Or a lot, really).
-But in the end thats not what you needed.
You sake your head of those memories, because if you delve in too deeply you'll miss it, and with him right next to you, who know's what you'll do.
And you're not 26 and alone, anymore. You cant take off with Inkubus, again. You cant run away.
Its high time you put away your childish things.
You imagine Wendy Darling putting away her Peter stories and growing up, Dorothy kissing the Scarecrow good-bye, Alice drinking the jabberwocky blood and going home- because that was the right thing to do.
And then you glance at Inkubus.
"... Oh well, you know why I had to leave." You shrug, dismissively- but then glance across at him, to make absolutely certain. He does, doesn't he? When he gives nothing away, just looks out into the darkness of your silent, still yard at night, you feel concerned that he doesn't. "... right?"
"... I've developed a few theories over the years." He tells you, a gentle grin flickering across his wolf-mouth and sharp devil's eyes.
You don't know what to say. You just sit there with your lips parted. He doesn't know???
"I- "
"Love... " He cuts you off. "Leave it." There's a growl in his voice, but you don't leave it. You love him deeply, and you don't want him in the dark and the dust. So you open your mouth again, to explain how you were finally okay on your own and it was a l l thanks to him, he reaches over into your lap and squeezes one of your hands tight. A silent shut up. "Don't."
"Are you sure??... " You ask, eyes round and unsure.
"I didn't come here to open up old wounds, love."
Taking a deep breath, you stifle your urge to explain anyway; swallow it all down with a lump in your throat and take a deep breath. Carefully, you gather his hand in both of yours. "... why did you come?" You ask, almost conversationally. Even though your heart is feeling delicate. Because thats what he wants.
"... " After a moment a rueful grin spreads across his face again. "Well perhaps I wanted to see if you wanted to run away the night before your wedding."
"Oh, sure." You roll your eyes at the ridiculous suggestion, almost laughing all of a sudden. Tears fill up your eyes suddenly at the quick change of tone, but you immediately wipe them away and forget they happened at all. Sniffing, you nod. "Where to then??"
"Aw... you sarcasm wounds~ We did it before, you and I. Remember? We ran away." He flashes you a wicked grin thats just for you. It still makes your nerves light up like a casino sign in the dark. "Didnt we?"
"Yeah. We did." One last time, you let the memories slip through. How you didn't even call work that day, you just packed a suitcase. And how it didn't even matter to you where you ended up or how you got there, just that you were free all of a sudden and he kept kissing you. "How could I forget?"
"Hmmm... " He hums, sounding sneaky and mischievous. "Especially nights in the hotel room's, right?~
... I don't suppose you'd leave with me, again?"
"I'd love to... but no."
He sighs, before giving you a kiss on the head. "... No hard feelings, love."
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lasarcasticpanda · 1 year
so on an adjacent side to the "villain" motivation for this movie, there's the motivation for the many Spiders and why they expect Miles to allow his "canon-event" to play out. because my friend mentioned how peter wouldn't just allow or expect that.
but i think peter would. peter b parker is the one we've gotten the most exposure to in this setting, so:
like, this dude has been a hero for so long, alone. experienced love, hero-worship (from both others and himself, worshipping his job), burn out, burying his aunt, divorcing his love, and the loss of that drive for this hero thing, all alone.
and he did the peter parker thing and he kept going and he kept to himself and he kept on keeping on. even as his world shattered and he seemingly lost all control on it. like, IMAGINE. you constantly put the good of others before anything for yourself, you are constantly trying to do right by the one person you couldn't save who helped you on this path, you still cant save everyone but you try, and you're still alone.
and then Miles happens and the whole elite squad happens and he learns about canon events.
and he learns that uncle ben was always going to die, he was apparently necessary to die for spiderman to happen.
his greatest failure was always inevitable. can you imagine the weight of that guilt lifting, even only slightly, from someone who experienced all of this? there was nothing to do to save ben, because his death gave birth to spiderman, and in turn saved countless more.
it's the first loss of control that allows him to breathe. and all peter parkers most likely feel this lift, feels this touch their deepest grief, because of course they all carry this like a second skin.
it's incorrect of course - not completely, not in the metaphorical sense that "terrible things happen but you learn and grow" kinda way, but in the concept that spiderman wouldn't exist without uncle ben way. (Terrible things happening and having to move on despite those things is not a spiderman thing, it's not even a hero thing, it's a life thing).
spiderman exists because the people who get the power choose to do so. peter parker, when bitten, will always choose that path, regardless of how he figures that out- uncle ben dying is not needed for that, its just one way.
in the one universe where gwen gets bitten instead, when she lives and gets the powers, she chooses to do so, even before her peter dies.
in the anomaly situation, one outside of the canon events and expectations, miles gets bitten and chooses to be spiderman. he chose that before his uncle's death, he actively chose this against his fear.
that is what makes spiderman. the choice.
the question Miles lobs at peter, "you're saying you wouldn't save uncle ben if you knew", is exactly it, it knocks that quiet complacency on its ass.
of course peter would've tried to save uncle ben if he knew, he tried to save him when he didn't. all Peter's did, across all universes. its what defines spiderman, not because uncle ben died, but because peter still tried.
loss shapes us, it does - it changes us, it can strip us bare and force us to move. but it doesn't create a new us, we have to do that part.
assigning the existence of spiderman solely to uncle bens death is a disservice to the person who actually wears the mask. which, again, very peter parker, sanding down the good you do and the good you are to punish yourself silently.
there is no reward for silent suffering.
Miles' refusal to do so, his refusal to accept this status quo simply because someone told him it's what must happen, is the most spiderman thing done the entire film. because spiderman might not be able to save everyone, but he will never stop trying.
but man, the appeal of accepting that "these awful things are supposed to happen, so i could never have saved them" idea after so long going at it alone would be hard to resist, especially when good things start creeping up again (because peter CHOSE to chase them, because he chose to try is a quiet thing, acknowledged only between miles and peter "i wanted her to be like you, i met you and chose to try for happiness again").
and so much of this is quiet context! this is just my perspective, one way to take that in and call bullshit on the whole thing but find immense sympathy in wanting to fall in line, but it makes such brilliant use of the casual and die-hards knowledge of peter parker as a character.
spiderman is such a sympathetic hero and character and this movie does a brilliant job of painting everyone with a level of sympathy, of understanding, even when we don't agree, even when they're wrong.
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fagbearentertainment · 7 months
Alright long awaited part two lets goooo
So yeah I dont think Dee would want to heed Jack's warning. But there's another player in this whole mess!! (two actually) Peter and Caroline!!
They arent exactly thrilled to find out that Dee's been running from class to go to Fredbear's every day. And her insisting that Jack is still there doesn't help sway them. But there is something else she can do.
Dave did tell Jack about how Henry's killing kids at Freddy's too.
Conveniently, Peter did suggest that if she wants to see animatronics that badly they can go to Freddy's as long as he gets to keep an eye on her.
But that's fine. Henry and Dave always use the same trick and Dee already knows it. All she needs to do to stop him is keep a low profile and tell everyone not to follow anyone to any hidden rooms.
(How effective that would be... is up to debate)
Anyway. Henry is not pleased. Jack had One Fucking Job and he's being a shithead about it. But he did notice that Dave's been acting a little differently. He seems..... happier?
Yeah, surprisingly, having friends has a positive effect on your mental health. Who woulda known.
God. I have so many thoughts on Jack but idk if I want to turn this into a Jack character analysis bcs this is supposed to be an au lmfao
I think. Henry would catch onto Dee. But there's nothing he can do about it in broad daylight. He cant get her alone and killing her in the dining area would get him busted for sure. So he wants Dave's help. There just happen to be two issues.
Dave doesn't want to leave Jack's side. Jack's on their side, right? There shouldn't be a problem! He's been killing kids too! (hes been fucking WHAT)
But fine, whatever. They can talk next to Jack. Except when Henry mentions Dee Jack immediately springs into action - Grabbing him by the throat and squeezing. Dave does try to get Jack off but dude's determined. First this bitch tries killing his sister, then he kills HIM then he tortures him for Months and now he's trying to kill his sister again? Yeah no Jack aint havin it.
So Jack and Dave's friendship gets... strained to say the least. Dave doesn't invite Jack to kill kids anymore. Fredbear's is about to be shut down. Jack's all alone.
Well. There are the spirits. But why would they want to hang out with their murderer? And frankly Jack isn't really looking to make friends.
(Oh yeah btw. Henry doesn't get to kill Peter this time.)
Dee's still determined to help as much as she can but she hasn't really... helped the dead spirits in any way. She can't, not directly. She needs someone to talk to the spirits for her.
Dave is absolutely pissed at Jack for killing Henry but. He wants his friend back.
Jack does too.
But he's all alone. Sure he was salvaged from Fredbear's but what were the odds that he'd meet Dave again? He's probably at Freddy's and why would they want this creepy puppet thing in their restaurant?
Except one day, they take him there.
And Dee and Dave are there.
And they both talk to him.
She talks about how she wants to help the spirits themselves. He doesn't say anything.
He tells him he wants their friendship back. But he'd only forgive him if Jack kills Dee.
So now Jack has a choice. Does he help his sister or get his friend back?
This is where I imagine it would split into routes! I'd love to talk abt how I imagine each one would go but for that I think I'd have to do the Jack character analysis. I'll do it some other time
~Charlie anon
Yippee!!! Dude Charlie anon this is so sick I love it so much
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konesamotaon · 9 months
Can I know more about your TMA oc?
Please they look cool
so hes actually more of a self insert, named Enoch. hes an avatar of the spiral. hes around 26 years old, he doesnt really have a grasp on time anymore, so hes not that sure.
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statement, simplified (ik this already seems long but im planning on writing an even more detailed, statement-style version later! ^^)
cw: claustrophobia, elevatophobia, descriptions of wounds, panic attacks
also spoilers at the end for MAG158 onwards >_<
the lift wouldnt stop,
emergency stop button did nothing,
panic set in,
lift started to tilt,
he tumbled on the mirror,
bottom tooth knocked out,
scars on his face, neck, arms,
lift still rotating,
doors now directly below him,
still going up,
he began pounding his body on the doors,
doors bending and denting,
his body about to give out,
but hes determined,
and the lift spat him out,
angled drop to the hallway floor,
he cant quite gather himself,
but is on the right floor though,
he opened his apartment door,
didnt recognice himself in the mirrors,
and didnt hate it.
later discovered a hunger,
he could now control the lifts,
warp how they moved,
where they moved,
he took advantage of this,
lured people in,
asking them to hold the doors,
placing "out of order" signs as he walked in,
hed chat with the passangers,
and they wouldnt notice the lift not stopping,
when they did and began to panic,
he would become a reflection,
no longer physical,
only in the mirrors,
and he fed on their terror.
he had heard of the institute,
and knew that they would know,
theyd know what happened to him,
who he had become,
what he had become,
he didnt want it to stop,
but he was still curious,
he wanted awnsers,
walking in to the building,
delighted to see lifts,
he hopped on,
he felt watched,
but safe,
walking to a desk,
he went to give his statement,
the man talking to him,
calling himself head archivist,
said it had to be recorded on tape,
reluctantly he agreed,
disliking the man he gave a statement to,
he had too many eyes,
even if he couldnt see them,
he felt them all around,
pushing him,
and he told his story.
later in the week,
he came back to the institute,
during his first visit,
he noticed the distrust in the air,
and it made him hungry,
people in the institue were wary,
easy targets,
he fed on some,
maybe three in the next month,
statement givers,
someone from the library,
on their lunch break.
he was watching the archivist,
waiting for him to come close,
but he seemed to sense something,
he avoided the lifts,
despite sometimes clearly needing them,
eventually the achivist gave away,
maybe forgetting his paranoia,
probably not by his own choice,
he stepped in the lift,
doors closing,
it appeared in the mirror,
hazy at first,
then adjusting to physicality,
the archivist dropped his things,
stacks of files and loose papers,
it talked to him calmly,
asking about his day,
how his research was going,
recognicing him,
the archivist started to speak,
words dying on his tongue,
the lift stopped,
doors opened,
and he hurriedly stepped out,
it stared at him in confusion,
not having told the lift to stop,
let alone let him go,
yet here enoch was,
alone in its lift,
somehow stuck to it.
so hes now bound to the institute lifts by the hand of jurgen leitner, and the seven lamps of architechture by john ruskin. i imagine this all took place somewhere around or between season 1 and 2. he lurks in the lifts until MAG158, as peter lukas releases the notthem from the tunnels, he is freed as well. its unclear if he survives when the eyepocalypse starts. before MAG158, he decides to get to know some of the staff a litte better. mainly martin, who was off doing research at the time of the incident and therefor didnt know what had happened, and elias, who made it very clear he wasnt threatened by him, quite the opposite, in fact. (*cough* they might fuck) jon doesnt trust him at any point, and only goes in the lifts on the days his joint pain is at its worst, and if hes accompanied by martin. on those occations, enoch leaves them alone. melanie also still uses the lifts, but refuses to get to know him. he leaves her alone, most of the time. the others dont use the lifts. the one-off statement givers, researchers, and other people who werent aware of him end up disappearing..
i have so many head canons and ideas for himm
i am so very autism about tma <3
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months
My brain is gooey and I cant find any asks let alone construct a coherent sentence *deep inhale* so throw some of your OCs and favorite blorbos or whatever into the Halloween costume bag and tell me what they get?
-Sorry so so tired.
I'm so sorry about the gooey brain! I hope you can rest up and... uh... re-gelatinize? anyway, thank you for the ask lol! I've never really thought about my characters' Halloween costumes before, you're making me think here!
First off, Jasper LOVES Halloween and Kyle loves Jasper, so they'd absolutely do a couple's costume. But not a usual couple's costume... we're talking like... Rocky and Janet from Rocky Horror. Or Rocky and Frank N' Furter, depending on what gender Jasper's feeling more like when Halloween rolls around.
Ophelia wouldn't have a standard costume for Halloween day (or if she did, it would just be something simple to wear for when the trick-or-treaters come by), but you can bet that when she gets to hero work for the night she's wearing a Spidey-suit instead of her usual long coat. Just to fuck with Peter since she knows it annoys him.
I can't decide which would be funnier for Madison (both what she'd think is funnier or what would be funnier overall): she dresses up as a lookalike of one of the other X-Men, maybe Sean, and follows them around for the day like that episode of The Office; or she has Angel and Raven give her a hyperfemme makeover with all the things she'd never wear for herself usually, just to see how the guys would react.
Quinn wouldn't be big on Halloween costumes as a whole (it's hard enough to make them look like someone else, and they're not really worth the discomfort anyway), but they'd buy one of those rubber horror masks and would spend all day strategically spooking the other Ghosts around the headquarters. And would maybe put on a little face paint if they go out for drinks after.
Kestrel... doesn't need a costume, and that's the beauty of it. Their costume would be to shapeshift into one of their friends/loved ones wearing a cheap costume, and see how long it takes someone to notice.
Rae either goes all-out or completely forgets about Halloween until after it's over, and there's no in-between. Either she spends weeks crafting the perfect costume and putting together a Halloween party, or she's so caught up with work (or in another country) that she doesn't even realize it's caught up to her.
And Katherine's my only OC (currently) that has a canon Halloween costume! One of the earlier chapters of Who Waits Forever Anyway? involves a Halloween party at the Natural History Museum (so the museum peeps can socialize without arousing suspicion), and Katherine dresses up as the Egyptian goddess Bastet.
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Aw, Grim, you’re so sweet! But you don’t needa worry about me, I promise! I’m trying to stay positive, catching up on books or shows I can’t get to because I’m usually very busy. It’s silly, I know, but at least it’s better than bein all depressed. I play football and my coach told me I can’t play until it’s healed which really bummed me, especially since we have a game on Thursday. But I’m looking at the positives! So if you have any shows you recommend… 🤲
Okay the how is kind of stupid, but I’ll tell you anyway. I broke my arm playing football, fell right on the goal post and put my arm out to break the fall… yeah. And my wrist, well. I’m very short, like 150cm short, and I weigh nothing, so I climb. Not rock climbing, I mean climbing up my furniture; in this case, the huge bookcase I have, so I can reach the top books. I feel like you can kind of see where this is going. So I climbed it as usual, to get to the book I need, since I stupidly keep all my important books and school stuff at the tippy top. And I tried grabbing the book I needed with my now good arm, the one that I’d just gotten the cast off of, but it fell. It’s a heavy book so I didn’t want it to make a noise and disturb my neighbours so I kind of tried chasing it down with my arm?
It didn’t work and I ended up falling haha. I tried stopping it by landing with my hands out to break the fall but I didn’t want to risk my arm to breaking after it just healed, so I only used one hand. I don’t know how to explain it well, but my hand sort of landed between the floor and the book that fell. Surprisingly, it doesn’t even end there! I also slammed the big ass metal front door of my flat on my hand. Broke my wrist in four places lol.
I haven’t had a chance to listen to your song yet, but I will today! Pinky promise :)
Anyways! Question time, Grim… What’s a hobby you had as a kid? Do you like painting your nails? What’s your preferred method of transportation (e.g.: bus, train, car)? What’s something that made your week/day better? 🎤
ooohhhh you play football??? oh fuck yeah. youre so cool for that. but one thing though...... is it football like british football aka soccer or american football lmfao
i cant believe this story though wowwwwwoooww..... i truly understand your thought process. we do weird stuff like that when we're alone, us humans. you try to save your ass by making a move that ultimately has another part of your body suffering. i get it. i do it all the time. as someone who lives alone, i always have to be extra careful as to how i do things cause if i fuck up, no ones gonna save me lol. glad youre taking this time to just consume sick ass media. nothing better
OK SHOWS I RECOMMEND FUCK there are a lot. take your pick: Shameless (US version fo sho), My Mad Fat Diary, Friday Night Lights (football show that changed my brain chemistry), The Sopranos, Fellow Travelers (gay), It's A Sin (gay), Pose (one of the best shows ive ever watched), Freaks And Geeks (1 season only show), It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (if you just wanna shut your brain off) and uuhhh any cartoon like Bojack Horseman, Simpsons, Rick And Morty is also sick (to me) you can just shut your brain off while watching it. all these shows are mad entertaining
A hobby i had as a kid......damn i had a lot. I would draw compulsively honestly, like anywhere i could. Any piece of paper. I would also play imaginary games with complex scenarios all the time and act out the entire Peter Pan live action movie from 2003 with my friend. i would collect keychains and had this bouncy ball i was obsessed with that i would just bounce off the walls. i went to circus school too so i did a lot of shit on the jungle gym at the park like every day. always tryna impress the other kids lol. nothings changed
i also do paint my nails! always with some sparkly polish though. i dont like to wear dark color polish or anything too matte so its always a combo of different glittersss
my preferred method of transportation is my bike!! but its winter 6 months outta the year here so when i cant take it i like walking the most or the bus. the subway here makes me feel claustrophobic fr. my parents are giving me their car though in the summer so im about to be a gay man that drives aaayyyyyyy
something that made my week better........hm probably dancing with my friends. it was disco night and i had my flask in my pocket so i got to drink for freeeeee. also writing the first two chapters of my rosekiller fic AAANNND getting an ask from you!!!!
okok i feel like i KNOW the game is YOU ask ME questions, but here lemme return the sentiment: what is a dream youve had that you'll always remember?
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scribeforchrist-blog · 6 months
Changing My Attitude For Christ
+ John 6:43 Jesus answered them, “Do not grumble among yourselves
Philippians 2:14 “Do everything without complaining and arguing,”
SUBJECT: Changing My Attitude For Christ
What we see online alot of the times is alot of fussing and figthing , people love to fuss now and start a fight , instead of seeking peace , the only way to seek peace is to have peace within , and for us to have this peace we must seek God we must mediate on his word, we have to sit in one place and allow him to commune with us and show us what we are doing wrong because alot of time what is happening is we study or read the word and we are up and gone about our day but the Holy Spirit wants us to take the time and to consult him about every thing especially our attitudes.
Some of us want that to be the last thing that God works on us with ,but when we communicate with God and we allow him to move in our lives he will show and move what we shouldnt have out of the way , but we must be willing to allow him to stop us , because when we complain and argue this also grieves the Holy Spirit which we talked about a couple weeks ago , we have to live our life where we want let our ways and attitude create this emotion in our heart , when we complain sometimes its because we feel over loaded and not heard but God wants you to know he hears you and me so we don’t have to argue or fuss, when we feel overwhelmed we need to ask God to help us with whatever we are allowing to change us.
"Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
The word tells us at all cost if its possible on your end to live in peace with everyone and that’s hard to do ,because some poeple dont have peace in themselves so they are willing and okay with fussing with anyone and about EVERYTHING,but we cant avoid theses people its no way I have tried but what we can do is , ask the Holy Spirit to teach us how to deal with them and he will , If I know someone is going to be curel or harsh I stop everything that I am doing and I will say Holy Spirit help me to be what you want and help me to respond the way you want , and he gave me the right words to say so that I wont be arguing with them or anyone he even told me what to do when this person came around ,thats why we need to have morning prayer and worship so that the Holy Spirit can speak to us ! We don’t allow him to speak we just allow him to listen and we must change that. In order to learn how to deal with people that grumbles all the time we must ask God to change our own ways we must hear him so we can correct our ways through his strength.
"1 Peter 4:19 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.
This is another one we can’t do which is grumble when we are showing hospitlity to someone when we are trying to take care of others because if we are going to complain and grumble we shouldn’t do it , we shouldn’t even attempt it because then we aren’t doing it in the right mind set we always want to do things in the mindset of Christ what will Jesus do , How would jesus handle this and Jesus would handle everything with love , we have to love one another and treat people the way we want to be treated , we cant allow our ways to block our blessing because when we grumble and complain, we could be stopping our blessings that God wants to release to us but as long as we are holding on to everything with a close fist and as long as we are doing things opposite of love I can guarantee my freinds we wont receive what God wants us to give us.
***Today we have to stop allowing words and people to block us from serving God we have to start surrendering every part of ourselves to God and not just the small parts but every part, my friends life can be a little frustrating but when we allow God to lead us and we allow the things of this world not to effect our mindset we will be okay but we must first allow God to mold us and shape us so that we can do everything without grumbling and complaining ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father thank you for everything we ask you to help us with our attitude we learned today that you can fix our attitude help us not to grumble and complain help us to give hospitality to all . Lord we praise you for what your doing in our lives and praise you for loving us so deeply lord help us to love others every day we thank you for giving us strength lord forgive us for grumbling & complaining , forgive us if we refuse to change the way we do things we ask you to not to give up on us but to stay with us In Jesus Name Amen
+ 1 Corinthians 10:10 nor grumble, as some of them did and were destroyed by the Destroyer.
+ Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves
+Romans 12:18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all
Deuteronomy 13:1-15:23
Luke 8:40-9:6
Psalm 71:1-24
Proverbs 12:5-7
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yeehawpoorcryptid · 4 years
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onp4012 · 2 years
Peter Steele—Type O Negative
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energy->chill, quite intriguing, interesting, likes making weird faces/noises, very expressive (body language), strong voice, very opinionated but knows how to keep his calm, passionate, funny, likes joking, very honest about things, doesn’t like offending people in general, likes being channeled/called but he needs his alone time too, very protective of the intepret’s (medium’s) energy, values psychics (sees them as very useful gates through communication), hard to anger, likes making jokes.
How I Met Him->18.06.2021, Home
I cant quite recall the exact moment I found out about his existence. I think I’ve found out he existed when I heard one of his band’s songs and felt a weird connection to it. The song really felt ethereal and it messed up with my energetic field (in a weird way, not a bad way tho). On 25th June I had a dream in which Richard Ramirez was trying to kill me and my sister but couldn’t, and somehow Peter came and the dream changed drastically. He ended up saving my ass in that dream and I somehow got closer to his energy and I allowed him to come forward and found out that he was actually a very good spirit so I decided that there shouldn’t be any problem if I’d communicate with him for a while. He was a bit cold at first, of course, not knowing who I was was probably as confusing for him as it was for me, so I understood his point. He started telling me things about him and he started giving me advice and teach me about different typologies of evil spirits I should hesitate to contact. He brought me back to reality and got me out of the state of hypnosis I was put in by another spirit.
Since then he’s been visiting whenever I’d listen one of his songs and it turned out that me and another friend became huge fans of his band and we even got a couple of albums. He’s a very polite person and he doesn’t like bothering people unless it’s for their own good or if they are anyhow insulting him or someone he cares about. He’s not an aggressive spirit, even though has the tendency to react a bit too excited if there is something to joke about or laugh about. His aura was very calm and I wouldn’t get scared if I would’ve felt him around me or around my personal space, since I acknowledge that he does not mean to harm anybody.
How Did It Make Me Feel?
The interactions were very interesting, especially when i wasn’t alone with him and there would’ve been another person who would’ve been curious about him and his life and maybe get life advices from him.
Taking into consideration the previous statements, I believe that we can say that Peter Steele is a good spirit, regardless of his previous lifestyle.
How He Looks Like As Spirit?
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slowdownurdoingfine · 2 years
Recovery (TASM! Peter Parker x reader)
Y/N was the kind of person that no one could pin down. With her long list of small misdemeanors and unfriendly personality she was someone that many wouldn’t look twice over. Her intelligence was shocking to the normal person but not to Peter Parker. He understood the secrets, the toll it takes on a person. After being paired for a group project the both go on a journey of self realization, overcoming grief and most importantly finding how to love after loss.
A/N: AYO! MY VERY FIRST EVER SERIES! This one is a slow burn prolly gonna be 4/5 parts. I’m in love with TASM!Peter x Reader so I thought’d I would write this. It includes angst, fluff and MAYBE smut. I’ve never written it but I feel like for this it makes sense. I’m also open for requests!! LMK IF U WANT TO BE TAGGED I CANT WAIT HERES THE FIRST PART!!
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Y/N L/N had never known any peace. Her life was a full of fuck-ups and small midemenors. That is how she found herself as a student at Empire University, the community college of New York. She was smart enough to go anywhere she wanted but obviously no one wanted her. With all her vandalization, public intoxication, and the one assault charge (for beating up a drunk guy wouldn’t leave her best girlfriend alone-- she pleaded her case but her other charges made her guilty) other schools we’re clearly not an option. This is also how she found herself paired with a brown haired, brown doe eyed, lanky, awkward, 20-something year old guy for an advanced science project. Picking up her bag she slings it over her shoulder plugging in earbuds making her way out of the classroom after groups were made. She had to get home and walk Frank, her 110 pound Bernese Mountain Dog silently praying that he hadn’t peed on her carpet. Waving goodbye to her favorite teacher, Ms. Brown, she steps into the hallways. Her beat up black converse were squeaking on the clean floors as she made her way to the exit doors. Suddenly she feels a cold presence on the right side of her and halts her movements, head whipping to the side. She’s met with a dorky looking smile and wave from her school assigned partner.
“Hi. We’re lab partners.” He says eyes darting around unable to meet her. She doesn’t miss the soft blush that paints his cheek when he finally is able to make eye contact.
“Uh-huh.” She states plainly, giving him a once over and continuing to walk to the doors.
Admittedly she’s a little shocked when he jumps a little and jogs over matching her pace towards the door.
“So, I’m Peter.”
“I know.”
So she’s not the talking type, he notes. He had always had a little classroom crush on the girl. The way she always stayed silent even though everyone knew she had all of the answers. It was almost fully based on her high intelligence but her looks definitely didn’t hurt his case. They had never talked as after every class she would swiftly leave like she had something to do.
“Cool, cool cool cool,” He stammers and she cracks a small smile at his nerves. It goes away as soon as it comes but Peter never misses anything, catching it and holding onto the soft glow he felt inside over it. “So, uh, anyways. ‘Was hoping that we could meet and talk about possible subjects for the project.”
She pushes the heavy metal doors being faced with the intense wind outside.
“Sure, but I have to walk my dog.” She says, walking down the stairs to the sidewalk. He follows her like a puppy.
“No, yea. Totally get that, dogs have needs and stuff.” He says, the wind whipping his hair into his face.
Finally she stops and looks at him. She had never noticed him before, didn’t even know he existed. Now here he was, stammering and blushing about to follow her into the subway. She tilts her head curiously at him. What was he going on about over dogs?
“Very true.” She responds and draws her lips into a straight line.
He has no idea what to say back to that and quickly pushes the hair out of his face.
“Dog’s are cool.” He decides on, immediately kicking himself mentally for saying that.
“What was your name again?” She responds by taking an earbud out.
“Peter.” He pauses. “Uh, Peter Parker?” He says it almost like a question voice rising in pitch at the end.
She raises an eyebrow, “Seems like that was a tough question for you.” She starts to walk again.
Looking down he messed with the sleeve of his sweatshirt, “Ha, no uh. Yeah.” He says to the ground, and mostly just for himself, and quickly looks up seeing her already walking away. “I mean! It’s not a hard question. That’s my name. Could I get your number?”
She’s a bit stunned by the way he sneakily asked the question. “Wow, and not even gonna offer to buy me a drink first…” She jokes, face turned forward but she can almost feel the heat radiate off of him from his blush.
“No! No, I don’t mean it like that!” He stammers again, his hands waving the comment away. Jesus, why is he acting like a teenager again? “I mean it as in, to connect about the project. After your dog.”
“I know.” She smirks, looking up at him. “I’m fucking with you.”
He exhales loudly, wiping his face with his hand. “I knew that.”
She lets out a short laugh shaking her head. “Of course you did.”
The pair reach to steps that go down towards the subway that will take her towards her shitty apartment. He stops walking not wanting to come off as a lingering creep as she makes her way down the stairs turning towards him.
“I’ll text you.” She calls up towards him.
“You don’t even have my number!”
She gives him a look, but he can’t tell exactly what it means. “I’ll text you, Peter Parker.”
With that she leaves down the stairs, blending into the crowds leaving him a questioning mess.
He turns walking away from the stairs, smiling and shaking his head. A few hours later, when the sun goes down and patrolling starts he sits on top of the Empire State building about to swing into action when he feels his phone ping. Pulling it out he looks down seeing a text from an unknown number.
It’s Y/N.
And then another.
Before you ask how, I know people.
Meet me in Brooklyn tomorrow @8 am, Elms coffee shop. We can talk about project topics.
He can’t help the smile that spread across his face, behind the Spider-Man mask.
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