chippyredd · 20 days
Ok here's the low-down on the Martha stuff my friend and I thought would be good. Martha is the monstrous cape hero Sugar Crash. The theme of her mutation would be piñatas. She'd be covered in strips of colorful paper and would have weak cardboard instead of skin. Underneath the cardboard, she'd be basically hollow.
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Like this except in the shape of a person. We decided on a piñata for a few reasons. It makes her role as the school's punching bag literal and has basis in the musical with the prank the Heathers tried to pull on her at the party. I like the idea of paper wings that allow her to fly, it was her dream to fly away from it all on a horse with wings. A unicorn horn to match her musical sweater would also be cool but might be an unnecessary detail. I feel like the brightness of the colors and sweetness of the candy shows her optimism and bubbly personality. Her garishness also brings a lot of unwanted attention, the same kind of stuff she experienced as Westerburg's favorite victim.
Her power manifests differently depending on whether she's inside or outside of combat situations. If Martha is in a fight and receives a blow strong enough to puncture a hole in her cardboard (most blows), streams of candy shoot from the injury. The candy would have powerful but random effects that activate upon impact. This could be anything, fiery explosions, expanding ice, acid, electric shocks, attacking candy minions, whatever. The image of Ram or Kurt landing a hit and then reeling back from tons of different powers hitting them at once was funny to me. The constants are that Martha doesn't control what the candy does and she isn't affected by whatever they do. After the initial burst she can choose to stem the flow or shoot more at the risk of causing more damage. I imagine she could do some cool aerial attacks by using her flight and cause a lot of chaos over the battlefield. This power is more of a reactive one and requires someone else to throw the first punch, which aligns with Martha's more passive personality. Despite her fragility I think she'd be tough to take down. Her wounds would knit back together fairly soon after the candy stops shooting out. She also only gets more dangerous and harder to approach as she takes more damage.
Outside of combat, Martha's power manifests her qualities of being a good friend and how she supports the people around her. She can manually poke a smaller hole somewhere, like the palm of her hand, and pour a few candies out of it. These would also have random, but this time positive effects, for her use by her allies. They'd be cutely labeled too. Things like minor power boosters, increased durability, healing injuries, mood-lifters, or just really tasty candy. She's still immune to the things her candy does, but I think that's fair balancing.
As for her costume, I can't imagine it would be anything incredibly flashy, considering her already busy appearance. It would probably a standard body suit made of material that could tear easily and give her access to her power. For equipment, I think she'd carry a combat knife for close quarters fights and to self-inflict wounds if she has to. She'd also have a utility belt carrying beneficial candies for her teammates.
I think in this version Martha wouldn't be Veronica's childhood best friend and instead would be meeting her for the first time like the rest of the cast. She would definitely still be an example of what it means to be truly good and act as someone Veronica feels she needs to protect. She'd show Veronica what a real hero is like, as opposed to JD's vindictiveness. So yeah, lemme know what you think.
Heathers Parahumans AU
I was bored and decided to work out an au for my two favorite obsessions. This is just the powers I think fit them the best but I have more ideas about what some of the dynamics would be like.
Heathers Villain Team - The Clique: Made up of Chandler, Duke, Mac, Ram and Kurt, Most Notorious Group in Westerburg City
The Duke - shapeshifter - changer: can turn into any individual upon ingestion of their dna, vomits it up in order to revert back
The Almighty (Chandler) - leader obviously - master manipulator - thinker: able to pick any individual and see the past hour of their actions as well as perfectly predict their future actions for the next hour - master: can speak directly into a person’s mind disguised as intrusive thoughts
The Gymnasium Cluster - Ram, Kurt, and Macnamara - Muscle of the group - Not sure what the event itself was yet - shared Brute, Shaker, and Mover powers - themed around kinetic energy along with football and cheerleading
The Ram - brute: kinetic energy and momentum manipulation, weaker base strength but has the ability to charge up attacks through continued motion ex. effortlessly smashing through buildings with a running start or swinging fist for a stronger punch - shaker: increases inertia in a radius around him, harder to get out of the way, - mover: can change directions instantly, has a cool down
The Catcher (Kurt) - shaker: has telekinetic control of objects as long as they’re being moved towards him - brute: lesser brute super strength and can choose to nullify the kinetic energy of the object he catches - mover: can ride objects by staying on one side of them
The Captain (Mac) - mover: can pick a location in line of sight and will begin flying towards it in a straight line, can orient herself anyway in mid-air, can’t change where she’s going until destination is reached - brute: any interfering objects in the line are destroyed, landing energy can be nullified or not, up to mac - shaker: sends a rippling aura upon landing that stuns enemies in a radius
Jason Dean (goes by JD, even as a hero) - tinker with specialty in power armor and explosions, armor that propels itself with explosions, armor that shoots explosive bullets, explosive shockwave punches etc. - charming hero that hates all villains with a passion, potentially murderous streak
Fresh Trigger, Unknown Affiliation:
Veronica (The Nobody) - fresh trigger, hasn’t gone public at story start - ability to imbue her voice and written words with a level of truth unless directly contradicted by observed reality (basically people believe what she says), perfect forgeries of documents, IDs, etc, familiar objects gain the ability to be altered more over time (weapons and armor written to be stronger than they would normally be), can give commands in battle that cause temporary confusion in enemies, very draining however - second trigger: her words become truth in the minds of all who hear it until contradicted by future statements, minor reality manipulation on familiar objects which manifest instantly
This intersection of fandoms is probably a deepcut, but if you have any thoughts about the au or the character dynamics, I'd love to hear them.
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chippyredd · 21 days
Happy I could help! I was also getting a little bored after reading half a million words of fanfic so I decided to try and create something myself. I’m really hoping to actually try and write the story out once I find the time.
And just know whether it’s drawing, sketching, doodling or whatever I’m just glad that the idea will exist outside of my own head!
Heathers Parahumans AU
I was bored and decided to work out an au for my two favorite obsessions. This is just the powers I think fit them the best but I have more ideas about what some of the dynamics would be like.
Heathers Villain Team - The Clique: Made up of Chandler, Duke, Mac, Ram and Kurt, Most Notorious Group in Westerburg City
The Duke - shapeshifter - changer: can turn into any individual upon ingestion of their dna, vomits it up in order to revert back
The Almighty (Chandler) - leader obviously - master manipulator - thinker: able to pick any individual and see the past hour of their actions as well as perfectly predict their future actions for the next hour - master: can speak directly into a person’s mind disguised as intrusive thoughts
The Gymnasium Cluster - Ram, Kurt, and Macnamara - Muscle of the group - Not sure what the event itself was yet - shared Brute, Shaker, and Mover powers - themed around kinetic energy along with football and cheerleading
The Ram - brute: kinetic energy and momentum manipulation, weaker base strength but has the ability to charge up attacks through continued motion ex. effortlessly smashing through buildings with a running start or swinging fist for a stronger punch - shaker: increases inertia in a radius around him, harder to get out of the way, - mover: can change directions instantly, has a cool down
The Catcher (Kurt) - shaker: has telekinetic control of objects as long as they’re being moved towards him - brute: lesser brute super strength and can choose to nullify the kinetic energy of the object he catches - mover: can ride objects by staying on one side of them
The Captain (Mac) - mover: can pick a location in line of sight and will begin flying towards it in a straight line, can orient herself anyway in mid-air, can’t change where she’s going until destination is reached - brute: any interfering objects in the line are destroyed, landing energy can be nullified or not, up to mac - shaker: sends a rippling aura upon landing that stuns enemies in a radius
Jason Dean (goes by JD, even as a hero) - tinker with specialty in power armor and explosions, armor that propels itself with explosions, armor that shoots explosive bullets, explosive shockwave punches etc. - charming hero that hates all villains with a passion, potentially murderous streak
Fresh Trigger, Unknown Affiliation:
Veronica (The Nobody) - fresh trigger, hasn’t gone public at story start - ability to imbue her voice and written words with a level of truth unless directly contradicted by observed reality (basically people believe what she says), perfect forgeries of documents, IDs, etc, familiar objects gain the ability to be altered more over time (weapons and armor written to be stronger than they would normally be), can give commands in battle that cause temporary confusion in enemies, very draining however - second trigger: her words become truth in the minds of all who hear it until contradicted by future statements, minor reality manipulation on familiar objects which manifest instantly
This intersection of fandoms is probably a deepcut, but if you have any thoughts about the au or the character dynamics, I'd love to hear them.
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chippyredd · 21 days
It’s perfect…
And you’re right Martha and Betty are absent from this so far. At first I was just thinking this would be a Betty doesn’t exist au and Martha would be the unpowered one. It would add some more drama for the both of them to be there tho. Betty could be a non-powered childhood friend working with the heroes.
Martha would probably fit best as a monstrous cape like you said. She’d still be at the bottom of the social hierarchy because of her deformities. I’ll try to come up with something good. Preferably she’d keep the nickname dumptruck somehow. I’ll ponder on her and what her role would be.
Heathers Parahumans AU
I was bored and decided to work out an au for my two favorite obsessions. This is just the powers I think fit them the best but I have more ideas about what some of the dynamics would be like.
Heathers Villain Team - The Clique: Made up of Chandler, Duke, Mac, Ram and Kurt, Most Notorious Group in Westerburg City
The Duke - shapeshifter - changer: can turn into any individual upon ingestion of their dna, vomits it up in order to revert back
The Almighty (Chandler) - leader obviously - master manipulator - thinker: able to pick any individual and see the past hour of their actions as well as perfectly predict their future actions for the next hour - master: can speak directly into a person’s mind disguised as intrusive thoughts
The Gymnasium Cluster - Ram, Kurt, and Macnamara - Muscle of the group - Not sure what the event itself was yet - shared Brute, Shaker, and Mover powers - themed around kinetic energy along with football and cheerleading
The Ram - brute: kinetic energy and momentum manipulation, weaker base strength but has the ability to charge up attacks through continued motion ex. effortlessly smashing through buildings with a running start or swinging fist for a stronger punch - shaker: increases inertia in a radius around him, harder to get out of the way, - mover: can change directions instantly, has a cool down
The Catcher (Kurt) - shaker: has telekinetic control of objects as long as they’re being moved towards him - brute: lesser brute super strength and can choose to nullify the kinetic energy of the object he catches - mover: can ride objects by staying on one side of them
The Captain (Mac) - mover: can pick a location in line of sight and will begin flying towards it in a straight line, can orient herself anyway in mid-air, can’t change where she’s going until destination is reached - brute: any interfering objects in the line are destroyed, landing energy can be nullified or not, up to mac - shaker: sends a rippling aura upon landing that stuns enemies in a radius
Jason Dean (goes by JD, even as a hero) - tinker with specialty in power armor and explosions, armor that propels itself with explosions, armor that shoots explosive bullets, explosive shockwave punches etc. - charming hero that hates all villains with a passion, potentially murderous streak
Fresh Trigger, Unknown Affiliation:
Veronica (The Nobody) - fresh trigger, hasn’t gone public at story start - ability to imbue her voice and written words with a level of truth unless directly contradicted by observed reality (basically people believe what she says), perfect forgeries of documents, IDs, etc, familiar objects gain the ability to be altered more over time (weapons and armor written to be stronger than they would normally be), can give commands in battle that cause temporary confusion in enemies, very draining however - second trigger: her words become truth in the minds of all who hear it until contradicted by future statements, minor reality manipulation on familiar objects which manifest instantly
This intersection of fandoms is probably a deepcut, but if you have any thoughts about the au or the character dynamics, I'd love to hear them.
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chippyredd · 22 days
I love it! I’m glad you like the idea so much you drew it out! I wouldn’t be able to do these guys justice like you can. If you decide to do them, I can’t wait to see your takes on the rest!
Heathers Parahumans AU
I was bored and decided to work out an au for my two favorite obsessions. This is just the powers I think fit them the best but I have more ideas about what some of the dynamics would be like.
Heathers Villain Team - The Clique: Made up of Chandler, Duke, Mac, Ram and Kurt, Most Notorious Group in Westerburg City
The Duke - shapeshifter - changer: can turn into any individual upon ingestion of their dna, vomits it up in order to revert back
The Almighty (Chandler) - leader obviously - master manipulator - thinker: able to pick any individual and see the past hour of their actions as well as perfectly predict their future actions for the next hour - master: can speak directly into a person’s mind disguised as intrusive thoughts
The Gymnasium Cluster - Ram, Kurt, and Macnamara - Muscle of the group - Not sure what the event itself was yet - shared Brute, Shaker, and Mover powers - themed around kinetic energy along with football and cheerleading
The Ram - brute: kinetic energy and momentum manipulation, weaker base strength but has the ability to charge up attacks through continued motion ex. effortlessly smashing through buildings with a running start or swinging fist for a stronger punch - shaker: increases inertia in a radius around him, harder to get out of the way, - mover: can change directions instantly, has a cool down
The Catcher (Kurt) - shaker: has telekinetic control of objects as long as they’re being moved towards him - brute: lesser brute super strength and can choose to nullify the kinetic energy of the object he catches - mover: can ride objects by staying on one side of them
The Captain (Mac) - mover: can pick a location in line of sight and will begin flying towards it in a straight line, can orient herself anyway in mid-air, can’t change where she’s going until destination is reached - brute: any interfering objects in the line are destroyed, landing energy can be nullified or not, up to mac - shaker: sends a rippling aura upon landing that stuns enemies in a radius
Jason Dean (goes by JD, even as a hero) - tinker with specialty in power armor and explosions, armor that propels itself with explosions, armor that shoots explosive bullets, explosive shockwave punches etc. - charming hero that hates all villains with a passion, potentially murderous streak
Fresh Trigger, Unknown Affiliation:
Veronica (The Nobody) - fresh trigger, hasn’t gone public at story start - ability to imbue her voice and written words with a level of truth unless directly contradicted by observed reality (basically people believe what she says), perfect forgeries of documents, IDs, etc, familiar objects gain the ability to be altered more over time (weapons and armor written to be stronger than they would normally be), can give commands in battle that cause temporary confusion in enemies, very draining however - second trigger: her words become truth in the minds of all who hear it until contradicted by future statements, minor reality manipulation on familiar objects which manifest instantly
This intersection of fandoms is probably a deepcut, but if you have any thoughts about the au or the character dynamics, I'd love to hear them.
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chippyredd · 22 days
Ok these are some great ideas, now you've really got my gears turning.
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You are so right about Heather's costume being mostly for looking good instead of actual protection. Her musical outfit with more chains would definitely be cool. She could even use some kind of chain based weapon because that's metal as hell and is another point for her control theme. The smiling theater mask is also interesting and if they went with that Duke would have to have a matching frowning one. On the other hand, showing off their beauty is a big part of the Heathers as a group, so I could also see them just wearing domino masks in their colors.
I didn't think about how Duke would be changing clothes a lot but that's also a good point. When they make public appearances as a group I think she'd be like Chandler and have a costume similar to her musical outfit. Probably a little glammed up but not enough to upstage Chandler's. In a way their outfits in the movie and musical are already costumes, they play pretend as mature adults with the blazers and shoulder pads. She'd carry a taser and pepper spray, small stuff that she can use to surprise someone or get out of a tight spot.
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About this, Kurt and Ram would definitely have outfits that match more with each other than the rest of the group. I think a cool design would be one having a mostly black outfit and the other a mostly white one with a striking red design and accents. Maybe a red fist for Ram (punching) and an open palm for Kurt (catching). This way they share the school colors of Westerburg, which were red, white, and black. It also maintains Chandler's authority over them. Their faces are obscured through football-esque or straight up football helmets and maybe black paint around the eyes. They're strong enough to wear tactical body armor, but football padding is more fun. Ram wouldn't have a weapon but I like the idea of Kurt throwing around a 30 pound metal football that he throws and can bring back to him.
Mac is interesting in how she's part of both of the groups inside the Clique. Her costume should reflect that as much as it can. She'd wear lighter body armor over the body suit similar to what Taylor does, but yellow of course. She'd still have a short skirt like the other Heathers but without showing all the skin. For her face I like the idea of her wearing a stuntman helmet that shows her whole face and a yellow domino mask. She could always take the helmet off outside of battle and I think it gives her a more fun daredevil vibe in combat. A baton or staff would be her weapon of choice I think.
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I love the idea of Veronica using the scarf from the beginning of the musical as part of her mask. Since she's a fresh trigger you're right that her costume would be pretty shoddy and improvised. I think she could have some kind of motif of scribbles or messy handwriting on her clothing, that would be fun. Also monocle somewhere in there. Obviously when she joins the Heathers they give her some kind of makeover with a blue blazer and short skirt and whatever other extra cape accessories they feel like. Her weapon of choice would be the most dangerous thing she could find in her apartment, her old blue croquet mallet. (Also I think this AU fits best with them a year or two out of high school and away from their parents)
No notes for your JD, turning his trench coat into a black cape is a masterstroke. The only thing I'd say is that his power armor should make him bigger to an intimidating degree, maybe like 7 feet tall or more when he's in it.
That's all I've got.
Heathers Parahumans AU
I was bored and decided to work out an au for my two favorite obsessions. This is just the powers I think fit them the best but I have more ideas about what some of the dynamics would be like.
Heathers Villain Team - The Clique: Made up of Chandler, Duke, Mac, Ram and Kurt, Most Notorious Group in Westerburg City
The Duke - shapeshifter - changer: can turn into any individual upon ingestion of their dna, vomits it up in order to revert back
The Almighty (Chandler) - leader obviously - master manipulator - thinker: able to pick any individual and see the past hour of their actions as well as perfectly predict their future actions for the next hour - master: can speak directly into a person’s mind disguised as intrusive thoughts
The Gymnasium Cluster - Ram, Kurt, and Macnamara - Muscle of the group - Not sure what the event itself was yet - shared Brute, Shaker, and Mover powers - themed around kinetic energy along with football and cheerleading
The Ram - brute: kinetic energy and momentum manipulation, weaker base strength but has the ability to charge up attacks through continued motion ex. effortlessly smashing through buildings with a running start or swinging fist for a stronger punch - shaker: increases inertia in a radius around him, harder to get out of the way, - mover: can change directions instantly, has a cool down
The Catcher (Kurt) - shaker: has telekinetic control of objects as long as they’re being moved towards him - brute: lesser brute super strength and can choose to nullify the kinetic energy of the object he catches - mover: can ride objects by staying on one side of them
The Captain (Mac) - mover: can pick a location in line of sight and will begin flying towards it in a straight line, can orient herself anyway in mid-air, can’t change where she’s going until destination is reached - brute: any interfering objects in the line are destroyed, landing energy can be nullified or not, up to mac - shaker: sends a rippling aura upon landing that stuns enemies in a radius
Jason Dean (goes by JD, even as a hero) - tinker with specialty in power armor and explosions, armor that propels itself with explosions, armor that shoots explosive bullets, explosive shockwave punches etc. - charming hero that hates all villains with a passion, potentially murderous streak
Fresh Trigger, Unknown Affiliation:
Veronica (The Nobody) - fresh trigger, hasn’t gone public at story start - ability to imbue her voice and written words with a level of truth unless directly contradicted by observed reality (basically people believe what she says), perfect forgeries of documents, IDs, etc, familiar objects gain the ability to be altered more over time (weapons and armor written to be stronger than they would normally be), can give commands in battle that cause temporary confusion in enemies, very draining however - second trigger: her words become truth in the minds of all who hear it until contradicted by future statements, minor reality manipulation on familiar objects which manifest instantly
This intersection of fandoms is probably a deepcut, but if you have any thoughts about the au or the character dynamics, I'd love to hear them.
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chippyredd · 22 days
Yeah the time change would cause some decently big changes. Another big one is information, since there's no PHO or easily accessible source of cape info. I'd think that capes and especially The Clique would be secretive of the full extent of their powers. Chandler definitely wouldn't tell people how hers worked, she'd just flawlessly kick ass and take names. No one outside of the group would even know what Duke's power is if they stayed smart about it. Control of information would be a really big advantage for groups at this time. Also about the timing, the fact they're so early to the game is why they got such good and simple names.
About Heather, she's a pretty interesting character here. You're right, she'd be one-tough-to-stop cape, even for JD and Veronica together. In 1v1 situations I'd argue it's functionally impossible to beat her with her power set. Whatever Veronica did could be taken into account, unless she could somehow guard her thoughts with her power. It would take a lot of planning that you would have to avoid Heather discovering, which is made more difficult with the hindsight part of her power. When I was thinking of her power I wanted it to be something that would've saved her if she had it in movie/musical. It'll take more than Drano in a mug to take The Queen down. I have some ideas for how they would tho. In the story I imagined her as a cauldron cape, buying her powers after the cluster triggered. I think using her wealth like that fits with her character and explains why her power is so strong. It also opens the door for potential drama with cauldron. Heather always has to be in control and having cauldron's deal or favors hanging over would make things interesting.
Heathers Parahumans AU
I was bored and decided to work out an au for my two favorite obsessions. This is just the powers I think fit them the best but I have more ideas about what some of the dynamics would be like.
Heathers Villain Team - The Clique: Made up of Chandler, Duke, Mac, Ram and Kurt, Most Notorious Group in Westerburg City
The Duke - shapeshifter - changer: can turn into any individual upon ingestion of their dna, vomits it up in order to revert back
The Almighty (Chandler) - leader obviously - master manipulator - thinker: able to pick any individual and see the past hour of their actions as well as perfectly predict their future actions for the next hour - master: can speak directly into a person’s mind disguised as intrusive thoughts
The Gymnasium Cluster - Ram, Kurt, and Macnamara - Muscle of the group - Not sure what the event itself was yet - shared Brute, Shaker, and Mover powers - themed around kinetic energy along with football and cheerleading
The Ram - brute: kinetic energy and momentum manipulation, weaker base strength but has the ability to charge up attacks through continued motion ex. effortlessly smashing through buildings with a running start or swinging fist for a stronger punch - shaker: increases inertia in a radius around him, harder to get out of the way, - mover: can change directions instantly, has a cool down
The Catcher (Kurt) - shaker: has telekinetic control of objects as long as they’re being moved towards him - brute: lesser brute super strength and can choose to nullify the kinetic energy of the object he catches - mover: can ride objects by staying on one side of them
The Captain (Mac) - mover: can pick a location in line of sight and will begin flying towards it in a straight line, can orient herself anyway in mid-air, can’t change where she’s going until destination is reached - brute: any interfering objects in the line are destroyed, landing energy can be nullified or not, up to mac - shaker: sends a rippling aura upon landing that stuns enemies in a radius
Jason Dean (goes by JD, even as a hero) - tinker with specialty in power armor and explosions, armor that propels itself with explosions, armor that shoots explosive bullets, explosive shockwave punches etc. - charming hero that hates all villains with a passion, potentially murderous streak
Fresh Trigger, Unknown Affiliation:
Veronica (The Nobody) - fresh trigger, hasn’t gone public at story start - ability to imbue her voice and written words with a level of truth unless directly contradicted by observed reality (basically people believe what she says), perfect forgeries of documents, IDs, etc, familiar objects gain the ability to be altered more over time (weapons and armor written to be stronger than they would normally be), can give commands in battle that cause temporary confusion in enemies, very draining however - second trigger: her words become truth in the minds of all who hear it until contradicted by future statements, minor reality manipulation on familiar objects which manifest instantly
This intersection of fandoms is probably a deepcut, but if you have any thoughts about the au or the character dynamics, I'd love to hear them.
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chippyredd · 22 days
Your praise is much appreciated! I'm pretty proud of how all the powers came out.
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To answer your question, there were a few things I was thinking of when I decided to make JD a hero.
Firstly, a big part of JD him justifying his actions of violence based on who he's performing them on. Chandler, Kurt, and Ram are all bullies so who cares if they get hurt. Even though he enjoys hurting people, something in him requires some moral reason why it's ok for him to do it. As a hero, he gets the best of both worlds, he can hurt people and get pat on the back for it. Instead of the "popular kids" this version of JD makes villains his target.
Secondly, you're right JD probably would be too violent and over-the-top to fit in with the heroes we see in Worm. That's one of the reasons I imagine this au still takes place in the late 80s/early 90s. I really do think that it's the natural habitat for Heathers stuff and modernizing it feels awkward. This would be around the time capes started showing up, so the PRT might not even exist at this point or at least not with anywhere close to as much authority. The unwritten rules would be a lot looser as well, especially if no Endbringers have showed up yet. Basically I think JD could buck against whatever hero authority existed at that time pretty easily up until the point he kills someone. Once that happens I could definitely see him going rogue as a vigilante, and that was one of my ideas for him initially.
Thirdly, I just thought it would be cool if JD was a hero. It's a departure from his usual portrayal and makes Veronica's decision between him and the Heathers more interesting I think. Instead of being a bad boy, he appeals to her moral compass while still being charming and likable. They make their plans to take down The Clique together and she grows to see how unhinged and psychotic he really is.
So, yeah.
Please ask more questions people I've got too many ideas and interactions running through my head rn.
Heathers Parahumans AU
I was bored and decided to work out an au for my two favorite obsessions. This is just the powers I think fit them the best but I have more ideas about what some of the dynamics would be like.
Heathers Villain Team - The Clique: Made up of Chandler, Duke, Mac, Ram and Kurt, Most Notorious Group in Westerburg City
The Duke - shapeshifter - changer: can turn into any individual upon ingestion of their dna, vomits it up in order to revert back
The Almighty (Chandler) - leader obviously - master manipulator - thinker: able to pick any individual and see the past hour of their actions as well as perfectly predict their future actions for the next hour - master: can speak directly into a person’s mind disguised as intrusive thoughts
The Gymnasium Cluster - Ram, Kurt, and Macnamara - Muscle of the group - Not sure what the event itself was yet - shared Brute, Shaker, and Mover powers - themed around kinetic energy along with football and cheerleading
The Ram - brute: kinetic energy and momentum manipulation, weaker base strength but has the ability to charge up attacks through continued motion ex. effortlessly smashing through buildings with a running start or swinging fist for a stronger punch - shaker: increases inertia in a radius around him, harder to get out of the way, - mover: can change directions instantly, has a cool down
The Catcher (Kurt) - shaker: has telekinetic control of objects as long as they’re being moved towards him - brute: lesser brute super strength and can choose to nullify the kinetic energy of the object he catches - mover: can ride objects by staying on one side of them
The Captain (Mac) - mover: can pick a location in line of sight and will begin flying towards it in a straight line, can orient herself anyway in mid-air, can’t change where she’s going until destination is reached - brute: any interfering objects in the line are destroyed, landing energy can be nullified or not, up to mac - shaker: sends a rippling aura upon landing that stuns enemies in a radius
Jason Dean (goes by JD, even as a hero) - tinker with specialty in power armor and explosions, armor that propels itself with explosions, armor that shoots explosive bullets, explosive shockwave punches etc. - charming hero that hates all villains with a passion, potentially murderous streak
Fresh Trigger, Unknown Affiliation:
Veronica (The Nobody) - fresh trigger, hasn’t gone public at story start - ability to imbue her voice and written words with a level of truth unless directly contradicted by observed reality (basically people believe what she says), perfect forgeries of documents, IDs, etc, familiar objects gain the ability to be altered more over time (weapons and armor written to be stronger than they would normally be), can give commands in battle that cause temporary confusion in enemies, very draining however - second trigger: her words become truth in the minds of all who hear it until contradicted by future statements, minor reality manipulation on familiar objects which manifest instantly
This intersection of fandoms is probably a deepcut, but if you have any thoughts about the au or the character dynamics, I'd love to hear them.
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chippyredd · 24 days
Heathers Parahumans AU
I was bored and decided to work out an au for my two favorite obsessions. This is just the powers I think fit them the best but I have more ideas about what some of the dynamics would be like.
Heathers Villain Team - The Clique: Made up of Chandler, Duke, Mac, Ram and Kurt, Most Notorious Group in Westerburg City
The Duke - shapeshifter - changer: can turn into any individual upon ingestion of their dna, vomits it up in order to revert back
The Almighty (Chandler) - leader obviously - master manipulator - thinker: able to pick any individual and see the past hour of their actions as well as perfectly predict their future actions for the next hour - master: can speak directly into a person’s mind disguised as intrusive thoughts
The Gymnasium Cluster - Ram, Kurt, and Macnamara - Muscle of the group - Not sure what the event itself was yet - shared Brute, Shaker, and Mover powers - themed around kinetic energy along with football and cheerleading
The Ram - brute: kinetic energy and momentum manipulation, weaker base strength but has the ability to charge up attacks through continued motion ex. effortlessly smashing through buildings with a running start or swinging fist for a stronger punch - shaker: increases inertia in a radius around him, harder to get out of the way, - mover: can change directions instantly, has a cool down
The Catcher (Kurt) - shaker: has telekinetic control of objects as long as they’re being moved towards him - brute: lesser brute super strength and can choose to nullify the kinetic energy of the object he catches - mover: can ride objects by staying on one side of them
The Captain (Mac) - mover: can pick a location in line of sight and will begin flying towards it in a straight line, can orient herself anyway in mid-air, can’t change where she’s going until destination is reached - brute: any interfering objects in the line are destroyed, landing energy can be nullified or not, up to mac - shaker: sends a rippling aura upon landing that stuns enemies in a radius
Jason Dean (goes by JD, even as a hero) - tinker with specialty in power armor and explosions, armor that propels itself with explosions, armor that shoots explosive bullets, explosive shockwave punches etc. - charming hero that hates all villains with a passion, potentially murderous streak
Fresh Trigger, Unknown Affiliation:
Veronica (The Nobody) - fresh trigger, hasn’t gone public at story start - ability to imbue her voice and written words with a level of truth unless directly contradicted by observed reality (basically people believe what she says), perfect forgeries of documents, IDs, etc, familiar objects gain the ability to be altered more over time (weapons and armor written to be stronger than they would normally be), can give commands in battle that cause temporary confusion in enemies, very draining however - second trigger: her words become truth in the minds of all who hear it until contradicted by future statements, minor reality manipulation on familiar objects which manifest instantly
This intersection of fandoms is probably a deepcut, but if you have any thoughts about the au or the character dynamics, I'd love to hear them.
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