#palpatine lied
ezekiel13 · 10 days
Why is watching the clone wars just “let’s kill Kenobi”
Scratch that. Why are about 4 of the Star Wars live action films just “let’s kill Kenobi”
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thevondoom62 · 5 months
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DOOM against every other universe
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un-pearable · 6 months
sorry star wars is my new archie sonic
#long sprawling mess of a canon that retcons itself into a glorious mess of worldbuilding and cycles of growth and decay#and then funny guy saves the day !#so so funny to me that OG star wars (e4 ANH) was just a silly little derivative hero-saves-the-princess story#and then lucas reverse engineered DESTRUCTION OF A GALAXY WIDE SOCIETY BY ONE GUY PLAYING BOTH SIDES OF A WAR THAT COST MILLIONS OF LIVES#from a single line saying ‘i served with your father in the clone wars’#like a) clone wars as a phrase. without knowing what it means now. fascinating worldbuilding tidbit i wonder where they’re going with it#b) the OG movie handles the force like it’s *genuinely* a rare mysterious thing no one’s ever heard of. jedi really ARE rare wizards like#arthurian legend n shit. and since then that’s been completely changed into a once galaxy spanning religious order that adopt/rescued#children who were different and kept the peace of a galaxy for better of for worse (h. hey you think more kids had to be taken the more#palpatine + his sith rebirth grew in power bc the darkness welling made it more unsafe and harder for an untrained kid to manage -> more li#ely to lash out -> more likely to be kicked out/abandoned/mistreated unrelated anyway)#c) the OG movie presents the empire as terrifying and unstoppable and then the prequels completely recon it as a shadow of its former self#limping along in a mockery of the republic’s splendor with the remnants of their ships and armies with shittier training and shittier soldi#hm. this is not what this post was about . oops#posts from a galaxy far far away
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firefly-fez · 1 year
could anyone else just feel their blood boil at palpatine saying “if the clones will just blindly follow orders” as his excuse to decommission them when we all know damn well that’s exactly what he created them for. that’s what he made them do, blindly follow orders. that’s the only thing he ever needed them or wanted them to do. blindly follow orders: eliminate the jedi threat by being brainwashed to kill their best friends, to blindly. follow. orders. he never wanted them to serve the republic, or the jedi, he wanted them to accrue enough military tactical experience so they would have all the intelligence they needed when the time came. he never wanted them to serve the jedi, he wanted them to kill the jedi. he told them they were born to be loyal to the republic and groomed them to destroy it. and that job is now done so he casts them aside using the earliest available excuse that they are an inferior class of soldiers because they will blindly follow orders.
#palpatine#darth sidious#the bad batch#tbb s2#the bad batch spoilers#the clone conspiracy#truth and consequences#the way he just GASLIGHTS an entire army like that#the sheer oppression and abuse the clones face#the way the clones are so consistently abused?#consistently oppressed and denied basic rights!#lied to about their purpose and groomed - yes - GROOMED to do the opposite#believing they were born to serve the republic but being the very means theough which it was destroyed?#brainwashed to kill the jedi; their best friends?#they are so abused and actively gaslit and actively oppressed#it just makes me so mad?#and then you have well meaning good people like kanan#who remember the genocide of the jedi and blame it on the clones#and throw all of that trauma right back in their face?#characters like ahsoka and riyo chuchi have gotta be the outlier you know#most ppl probably feel the way kanan does; blaming the clones for the fall of the jedi#not believing a word they say about the inhibitor chips#and no disrespect to kanan but can you imagine how that would feel to someone abused and gaslighted the way the clones were?#no wonder rex defends himself by playing down the impact his inhibitor chip had on him#to go through something THAT traumatic and have another victim of serious trauma tell you you’re a liar who can’t be trusted#knowing how difficult it would have been for them to trust themselves after that?#do you think rex could even point a blaster at ahsoka after the order without having a panic attack?#because i sure as hell dont#its not just the extent of their trauma#its the way it’s chronically invalidated by EVERYONE evil palpatine and traumatised kanan alike. the fate of the clones is a tragedy <3
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guybracha · 9 months
Best Secondary Villain
Long Fang (Avatar TLA) vs Count Dooku (Star Wars Clone Wars 2003)
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rainintheevening · 5 months
Also, reading Dark Rendezvous is giving me SO MANY IDEAS about what Dooku and Vader's relationship looks like in my raised-as-a-Sith Anakin AU.
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therisingdarkness · 2 years
I just want to plug one of my favorite Vader moments ever
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justwaytomuchfun · 2 years
Now exams are over and I was re-watching clone wars,rebels and some of the films and I actually re watched force awakens (I actually like it don’t Judge me) and I remembered the hype around rey’s parents before big daddy palps entered the scene and I actually thought of Something ‘the palpatine problem’ I mean the whole Rey is palps grand daughter thing so I took a step back to look at the trilogy and found something that could have saved the rise of skywalker and the problem that led it there,
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The real problem is just the film or the entire trilogy wasn’t even planned to have palpatine , it was a last minute retcon because backlash from Snoke’s death ,if palps was truly dead but Rey was a palp clone it would’ve been fine-ish but honestly I prefer her being a nobody kinda similar to daddy kenobi and have kylo and her be a reflection of anakin and obi wan (the chosen saviour of a legend and the basically nobody tied to the saviour’s) and be a mirror by how unlike how obi wan unable to save anakin to Vader ,rey would be able to save Ben from kylo,
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kylo could have kept his badass villain status for a movie instead of becoming big daddy palps errand boy and Rey could’ve brought him back to the light somehow (I don’t write scripts ) possibly because rey could empathise with Ben because she has no Jedi code to prevent that type of connection, unlike obi wan who embraced the Jedi code and while he did understand that it wasn’t always right (clone wars S7 )he still followed it as he tried to kill anakin on Mustafar believing he was never coming back not believing in his redemption (although after the youngling slaying I don’t really blame him to much)
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similar to black panther and killmonger and their fathers while T’challahs father T’chaka murdered his brother N’jobu to keep the secret of wakanda T’challah tried to save kill monger after their fight despite all he had done (R.I.P Zuri) and while killmonger still let himself die the parallel still stands for what Rey and Ben could’ve been
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also it would have been a great bit of connective tissue to the prequels to tie up the saga even their final duel could’ve mirrored the Phantom apprentice from clone wars (I know it came after but still) as a clash of ideals and sabers an incredibly ‘elegant duel from a more civilised age’ instead of hitting each other with glowing baseball bats because of ‘reasons’
That was a big ass tangent I’m sorry
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craveschallenges · 2 years
how genuinely used to her perceived status and station she didn’t realize to the larger galaxy, she was no one at all. until it was taken away from her, mara had NO clue what the price of not having any sort of legitimate mark would’ve done when she had nothing else but her own name.
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neversith · 2 years
(The insult) Luke and leia will never live up to their father.
insult ani's loved ones ( if you dare... )
"I'm going to stop you right there before I get the urge to remove a limb or two." He attempts to keep his temper in check. It is much easier than when he was a Jedi Knight. Maybe with age, his anger has simmered down. He likes to think that.
"Both Luke and Leia are making progress in their Jedi training. Yes, Luke is a bit impatient and yes, Leia's anger gets to her. I cannot fault them for that. They get it from me." But, he is patient with them as he was with Ahsoka. Plus, they both had skills outside of being a Jedi. "I am quite proud of who they are becoming as both people and Jedi. Even if they don't want to continue, I will still be proud. The Emperor should be shaking in that horrible robe he wears. Once they reach their full potential...." A grin appears on his face. "We will be unstoppable."
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I need to rewatch Princess Bride and read the book because I don't remember tbh
I might reread this story again too afterward
So I’m rereading this again but I never finished. The author finally finished this fanfic so this is the first time I am finishing it. Unfortunately I had already reviewed this chapter so I just want to put this here mainly because I sent an ask a while back to someone about how I don’t think the Jedi are pathetic but that they’ve become institutionalized. They didn’t understand what I meant by that I think or perhaps the problems with institutions in general. I think they’re view is that I’m saying they’ve become too part of the Republic and that in reality they had no choice. If they became separate they’d have to rely on independent funding which I didn’t understand why that’s a bad thing as from what I’ve heard from people who are active in these sort of thing mutual aid organization are more impactful than the social programs given by the government though considering the numbers of Jedi I suppose I get what they mean. But when I say institutionalized I mean they’re view of sentients in general. How they’ve become beurocratic and out of touch by their own priviledge which they are compared to the many sentients who don’t rely on free housing and food even if what the Jedi do is in exchange for service. Regular citizens must find a service to do and get paid in exchange and that pay goes to their taxes along with paying for basic necessitites. The Jedi’s needs don’t have a price though I’ve read fics where the Senate do try to cut down their budgets for basic necessities.
Anyway I digress. I’m just focusing more on their view on emotions in general. A lot of people talk about how they see emotions as something to let go. But I’m sorry, I feel like in real-life when you’re dealing with someone whose gone through trauma, that view is very simplistic. When it comes to intense emotions as a result of trauma, it is hard to let go. Especially when you’re talking about mental illness. In order to do that, you need to learn. You can’t be expected to and what’s more, people shouldn’t be looked down for not handling their emotions correctly because is that sort of thing truly taught?
This is my problem with the Jedi and their handling of Anakin in general. Can’t speak for other padawan or children they’ve dealt but they’ve messed up with Anakin. Yes Palpatine played a part but I think he just fanned the resentment Anakin already had and Anakin has a right to feel the way he does for the Jedi.
This is a continuation of my review for this fic minus the Princess Bride stuff:
You write a wonderful Anakin. He pulls at the heartstring and Yoda and Windu aren't wrong. Anakin is unstable, but that is due to the life he’s had. Now the poor boy has abandonment issues. I don't want to be anti-Jedi because I don't think anyone deserved what they got but I get Anakin's frustration and anger at the Jedi. Their coldness and heartlessness in the face of someone who clearly needs help are exactly how institutions function and why they rarely do help those that need help. Society views emotions as weakness and irrationality when in reality it's a cry for help and no one rarely does anything about it.
Think about how we as a society, and I’m thinking about America in general but I think all capitalistic countries do this, how do we treat emotional people. They are irrational. That’s how we view emotional people as. Even people passionate about an issue. Or people who’ve gone through abuse and trauma. They are irrational. Nevermind what they’ve been through. Nevermind that they have a right to be angry. Nevermind what they’re saying is correct. The tone of voice is what most people in society focuses on. And this is how the Jedi have always reacted to just about ANYTHING. If your tone of voice or your feelings tends to go up to passionate, they disregard you. 
Hence why I can’t be pro-Jedi. But I’m definitely not pro-Sith either. I don’t understand how anyone could be tbh.
Tbh how Lucas has written this dichotomy... Idk if he intended to purposely write the Jedi so flawed as to showcase how they fall or if he meant to show them right and showcase how they are victims. It’s hard to tell. Because in the original, Yoda was meant to be the wise teacher but I’ve seen good arguments showcasing that Luke’s rejection of the Dark Side and proving himself to be the Jedi was meant to show Yoda wrong especially since Yoda was against teaching Luke in the first place. But in Empire, Yoda is also proven right when Luke impulsively goes to save his friends only to fall in a trap... but if Luke hadn’t what do you think would’ve happened to said friends?
Is Yoda and the Jedi right? Or are they responsible for their own downfall and if they are isn’t that kind of problematic to say because they are victims of genocide (well Yoda is a survivor of genocide)? To say an ethnic group of people (the Jedi who are Force-Sensitives) are responsible for their own genocide and could’ve prevented is just so wrong to say in soooo many levels... of course, there’s the question if they fulfill the criteria of what led to that genocide...
I mean I’ve read a wonderful piece comparing the Jedi to the Communist Party of Indonesia and how they’ve been massacred by their own generals, government, and people. They were also the most popular party in the country and the most trustworthy... so I can definitely see the comparisons. (of course the person who wrote that was probably anti-communist and also did not mention how the Communist Party was very popular in Indonesia. They were brought down by a military coup I believe and they’re legacy destroyed by propaganda) 
Speaking of which...I need to finish the Jakarta Method...
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ratpadawan · 10 days
hey! i'm not sure how many people actually bother checking out fics on tumblr, but figured i may as well make an announcement on here since this is my writing tumblr!
this is a fic! that im writing! and is now currently no longer under hiatus (after three years, wahoo)!
it's set in the AU series where anakin was trained by mace windu instead, got therapy, and is somewhat mentally stable and obi-wan was sent to mandalore after tpm and is working through his emotional constipation (and loves satine very much). feel free to follow along this gaggle of lovable characters and try not to grimace as i attempt to rewrite a fix-it (kind of) of the clone wars!
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sw5w · 5 months
I Must Be Frank, Your Majesty
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:23:08
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jondoe297 · 7 months
went thrifting on Halloween an the first thing i got is this sweet 1996 Scooby with a glow-in-the-dark collar
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got a bunch of these vending machine aliens👽
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and a few other non-spooky acrion figures. Toy Biz Iceman,og Kenner Palpatine!,an Street Fighter II G.I.Joe Chun-Li. total number of items i picked up is 13💀
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tragcdysewn · 2 years
@mvsicinthedvrk​ asked: for sheev palpatine: What would someone say is your worst habit?
probably the murders. 
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panther-os · 2 years
The 212th colors are endlessly fascinating to me, because it's clearly orange, but the fact that Obi-Wan is likely aware of Mandalorian color symbolism and the idea that he chose it and chose to call it gold? Like? What happened?
Palpatine: Master Kenobi, why are you so insistent on this color?
Obi-Wan, sweating: It's gold, it stands for vengeance in Mandalorian culture.
Palpatine: It's orange, though?
Obi-Wan, hoping Jango Fett's ghost doesn't slit his throat in his sleep for this: Mandalorians see color differently.
Palpatine, known racist old white man: Ah, I see, carry on.
Obi-Wan, to his troops fifteen minutes later: Listen, idk your relationship with Mandalorian culture, but this color? Orange means freedom. By death or in life, you will take your freedom eventually.
The 212th, who just fucking met him: ????
Obi-Wan: But if anyone asks it's gold and means vengeance and Mandalorian humans don't see color the same as other humans because of their Taung ancestry or something like that. This is very important because I just lied to the Supreme Chancellor's face about it lmao
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