#only the best rom com in the entire world
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Favorite Otps/Pairings: Harry Burns & Sally Albright (When Harry Met Sally) "I've been doin' a lot of thinkin', and the thing is, I love you. What? I love you. How'd you expect me to respond to this? How about you love me, too? How about I'm leaving? Doesn't what I said mean anything?Sorry, Harry. I know it's New Year's Eve, I know you're feeling lonely, but you just can't show up, say you love me and expect that to make it all right. It doesn't work this way. Well, how does it work? I don't know, but not this way. Then how about this way?I love that you get cold when it's 71 out. I love that it takes you 1 1/2 hours to order a sandwich. I love that you get a crinkle here when you look at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend a day with you I smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I wanna talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely or because it's New Year's Eve. I came cause when you realize you wanna spend the rest of your life with someone you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. You see? That is just like you, Harry. You say things like that and you make it impossible for me to hate you! And I hate you, Harry. I really hate you.I hate you. What does this song mean? My whole life, I don't know. "Should auld acquaintance be forgot" - should we forget old acquaintances? Or if we forget them, should we remember them? Which is not possible cause we already forgot 'em! Maybe it just means we should remember that we forgot them, or something. Anyway, it's about old friends. The first time we met we hated each other. No, I hated you. The second time we met, you didn't even remember me. I did, too!I remembered you. The third time we met we became friends. We were friends for a long time. And then we weren't. And then we fell in love.Three months later we got married. It only took three months."
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celluloidbroomcloset · 4 months
OK. I wrote some of this in a vent to @sparklywaistcoat, but I'm gonna say it here.
I'm less sad about there not being a Season 3 and feel more just tearful anger that once again studios and streamers truly don't give a fuck about art or what it means to people or to culture. It’s corporations who just want to reproduce the same boring shit for the same boring people and even when they have something that’s popular and loved, they just can’t see past their own very narrow worldview. I really did think that the second season was going to get chucked once HBO Max restructured and WB merged with Discovery. I was shocked that it ever got released.
There’s such a wonderful scope of art in this world, but streamers won’t give it the space it needs to breathe. So when you get something like OFMD or Reservation Dogs or Good Omens, it’s so hopeful and yet you just sit there in heartbreak, hoping it doesn’t go away, or that it can at least play out as the people who make it want it to. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't, but we have to remember that even when it doesn't, it still means something.
Now, Hollywood has always been like this, but it’s still very hard to see art being treated so callously. It’s like when the Code came in and you look back and see all these lovely things, truly groundbreaking stuff, that got cut off at the knees because of the fucking mainstream conservatives who thought they knew what was best, and the Hollywood studios that went right along with them to keep selling their product.
But the studio system, and the Code, broke, and it is breaking again. We’re in line for a major bursting of cinematic art as creators escape from franchises and the mainstream, a la American Independent cinema. It is already happening. The new studio system, built on streamers and franchises, of which WB and HBOMax is a part, is collapsing. OFMD is a big sign of that—an openly queer, incredibly diverse TV show that kept pushing and pushing through eighteen episodes, that rejected queerbaiting, that rejected convention, and that built itself on being a gay pirate rom-com and was exactly that.
Queer media has done more than broken through. It has embedded itself in the culture in a way that it never did in the past. It's out from the underground without assimilation. OFMD is not the only part of that, but it is a part of it. And that's something that HBOMax, Zaslav, Hollywood, the studio system, the entire straight, cis, white, conservative, conventional mainstream world can absolutely never take away or push back into the closet. They will try, though, and they will lose. They already lost.
So, yeah, I'm angry and I'm sad, and they fucked Calypso's birthday. But we can chuck a fiddle at their heads to protect the people we love, and it isn't going to destroy our souls.
Our spirit will last throughout their entire fucking empire.
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withacapitalp · 4 months
Starry, Starry Night Pt 1
Happy birthday dear friend!!! @thefreakandthehair Lex you are a pillar of the fandom, an amazing writer, and just all around one of my most favorite human beings. I'm so so lucky to get to call you one of my best friends and I hope this fic puts a smile on your face!! @stevethehairington and @hbyrde36 thank you for betaing and for encouragement!!!!
Read it on ao3 instead here
Steve was asleep at the counter. 
Robin placed another VHS precariously on the top of the pile surrounding him, making sure to adjust it so it wouldn’t fall. A copy of Secret Admirer had toppled down half a dozen boxes when she placed it without care earlier, and Steve had almost woken up just from the sound. She had worked her way through all of the romantic comedy returns and was halfway through the horrors already, and the pile was up to Steve’s waist. 
Her working theory was that she would be able to get all the way through the action movies before Steve was completely covered in tapes. 
Part of her wanted to feel at least a little bad for fucking with him every single time he fell asleep. After all it wasn’t like Robin hadn’t fallen asleep on the job herself once or twice, and Family Video wasn’t exactly the hardest job in the world. Now that they lived in a veritable ghost town, the store was lucky to get even a handful of patrons every day. 
Apart from her own boredom, there wasn’t really any reason to mess with him or try to wake him up. 
But there lay the crux of the problem. Robin and Steve had gotten their jobs as one so they could spend time together. Not so Robin could get stuck watching her best friend drool on the counter she would inevitably be forced to clean before they closed tonight. 
So, tape fort. 
Robin’s theories were almost immediately dashed though, because just as she placed her fourth copy of Rosemary’s Baby down, Steve stretched out his arms, knocking directly into the wall in front of him and bringing that entire cluster of VHS cases down on his head. 
“Ow! What! Why?!” Steve shouted, jerking upwards, startling as the rest of the tapes surrounding him began to tumble to the floor. 
Robin snickered to herself as she watched the melee, hopping up onto the counter next to where he had been lying his head and beginning to gather up the failed remnants of her experiment. 
“Good morning Dingus,” She sang, lightly tapping him on the top of the head with Ghostbusters, “Did you have a good rest?” 
“Robin,” Steve groaned, covering his face with his hands and heaving an absolutely ginormous sigh, “Why?” 
“Hey, this is your fault,” Robin protested, putting the stack of tapes to the side and sliding to the floor to start grabbing the rest. 
“My fault?” Steve repeated, sliding his fingers away from his eyes so he could glare at her while still hiding his face. 
“This is the fifth time you’ve fallen asleep on me this week, Dingus,” Robin said, giving him a look as she waved a VHS around her head, “Look at this place. Look at how boring it is. I need enrichment, I’m like a tiger in a zoo.”
Steve lowered his hands, raising a brow and silently judging her for a second before grumbling and joining her on the ground.  
“What? Was making paper clip crowns and hiding M&Ms in my pockets not enriching enough anymore?” Steve asked rhetorically, referencing the other things she had done this week during his impromptu naps as he collected the rest of the rom-coms. 
“Nope.” She replied, popping the p as she stood, tapes in hand, “Five times, Stevifer. Five.” 
“So, it’s only Wednesday!” Robin shouted, walking around the counter and towards the shelves, knowing Steve would be following close behind with his own stack. “Is Eddie really still that excited about getting you in his bed every night?”
“You would be the first person to know,” Steve said, wagging his eyebrows and looking far too smug for Robin’s tastes. 
That much was true. Steve told Robin everything. What he had for breakfast, any weird customers that came in while she wasn’t scheduled, the stupid things the kids said, and, to the chagrin of both Eddie and Robin, anything and everything to do with his sex life. 
And god damn it did her best friends have a lot of sex. 
“Okay, so it’s not Eddie keeping you up,” Robin said, a small pit beginning to form in her stomach. She had hoped it was just them fucking like bunnies and Steve needing to recharge during the mornings, but now she was pretty sure it was the other thing, and that was a lot worse. 
There was no quick fix for that particular problem. 
“You wanna talk about it?” Robin asked softly, turning towards her best friend and trying to be as gentle as allowed. 
“Not really,” Steve said, keeping his eyes on the shelves and avoiding her gaze.
Okay, so not gentle. Trying to get Steve to open up was a weird careful tightrope walk between being gentle enough to lower down his guard, while also being firm enough that he didn’t feel like he was being treated like a child. So far Robin was the only one who managed to succeed most of the time, but even she stumbled on occasion. 
“You know I don’t mind covering for you, but you can’t keep this up, Dingus,” Robin tried, nudging their shoulders together as she did, hoping that a little extra physical contact would open Steve up even more, “It’s not healthy, and they’re not worth it.”  
Wrong thing to say. It was like she could physically see the walls coming back up around him. 
“I’ll be fine, Robin,” Steve said, the forced nonchalance in his tone hurting her almost as much as it was definitely hurting him. 
“You’re not sleeping again,” She stated plainly, putting it out there for both of them to see. Steve flinched at her words as if she had physically struck him. 
“I’m just…still adjusting,” He tried. 
Adjusting was still figuring out how the oven worked at Eddie’s new trailer, or trying to find the best routine for sharing the bathroom in the morning. Adjusting was planning work schedules, learning how to live together, becoming used to each other's rhythms. 
Whatever was happening here wasn’t adjusting. 
“Steve, It’s been almost a month since…” Robin started, trailing off as she tried to find the right words to help him. 
Steve already had them. 
“Since what, Robin? Since my parents kicked me out?” Steve interrupted, his voice hard and angry as he forced himself to meet her eyes, as if challenging her to try and find a kinder way to say it. 
That wasn’t a challenge she was planning to take on. There was no making this better. 
“Yeah, since your parents kicked you out,” She repeated, refusing to meet his level of emotion, knowing that would only make Steve even angrier. Sure enough he pushed away from her, stalking over to the counter and furiously punching returns into the computer, a storm cloud of rage swirling around him. 
“God Robin, will you just drop it?!” Steve snapped. 
Robin leaned ever so slightly back at his sudden shift and Steve let his eyes slip shut, hanging his head low and taking a slow deep breath. The anger drained from his face, leaving behind only barely there frustration, and a longing that his parents didn’t fucking deserve from a son that was far too good for them.
It wasn’t exactly a shock when Richard and Diane showed up and told their son to pack his shit and leave, but that didn’t make it any less painful for Steve. Robin had never had any faith in them, but for some reason Steve did. He expected his parents to love him just as much as he loved them, and he had deluded himself into thinking that they had only ever done the things they did to try and make him better. 
Letting go of that couldn’t be easy, but it was also one of the few things about Steve that Robin felt she would probably never fully understand. 
“Please.” Steve whispered, Robin’s heart breaking at the pain in his voice, “I just don’t wanna talk about it, Bobbin.” 
Rather than answering she rounded the counter, pressing her body into his side and leaning her head against his shoulder. Steve adjusted to fit her automatically, two becoming one as she let Steve breathe into the pain instead of ignore it. 
“Were you at least having a good dream?” Robin asked, her voice slightly muffled by the soft sweater Steve was wearing, wishing she had a way to help him. 
“Oh yeah, it was great,” He said with a soft laugh, “I was lying back on a mountain of pillows while Eddie was using his massive thick-”
“Finish that sentence and I’ll be forced to smother you next time you fall asleep at work,” Robin groaned, sticking her tongue out and gagging as she pushed Steve away from her. She hammed it up for extra effect, but she couldn’t hide the smile on her lips as she listened to Steve’s laughter. 
He hadn’t laughed as much in the last few weeks, and Robin hadn’t realized how much she missed the sound. It reminded her of everything good, all the stuff they hadn’t really been able to do since he moved in with Eddie. Burning breakfast together, dancing around the house in their socks, even trying to muffle their giggles in her bed so they wouldn’t wake her parents, looking through the skylight that was above her bed at the stars…
Huh. Maybe she did have an idea of how to help. 
“Now that you’re awake, I’m going to take my break,” Robin said in a faux casual tone, stretching and trying to hide the Cheshire cat grin overtaking her face. 
“You built a tape fort around me because you were annoyed I fell asleep and you were alone, so the first thing you do when I wake up is go hide in the back alone?” Steve complained, turning back to the computer and restarting the returns he had begun. 
“Love you too,” Robin said, pecking his cheek as she practically skipped towards the breakroom. She closed and locked the door, pressing her ear to it for a second just to make sure Steve wasn’t eavesdropping before almost bolting over to the phone in the corner, punching in the number for the Thatcher’s Tires and bouncing in place as she listened to the dial tone. 
This was a great idea. One of her best. 
“Hey Pete, it’s Robin. Can you put Eddie on the phone?”
Part two is coming tomorrow!! If you want to be tagged say it in a reblog!!
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f1letters · 1 year
labyrinth | aa23
"uh-oh, I'm falling in love, oh no, I'm falling in love again"
summary: it's safe to say she wasn't expecting to fall in love so quickly after just ending a five-year relationship, but alex albon was just everything she needed without even realizing it
warning: overall fluff with a little hint of angst, rom-com vibes, brother's best friend, recent breakup, mentions of falling out of love with someone, reader's ex has a name (Harry), mentions of Alex breaking his collarbone when he was cycling with George (I still remember laughing so hard when I read about this lol), reader completely clueless that her feelings are reciprocated, big romantic gesture in the end, swearing
pairing: alex albon x russell!reader
word count: 3.9k
note: everything in bold are song references and in italic are thoughts, which includes memories from the past.
living for the rom-com content this week! haha, I hope everyone enjoys their daily dose of sweet, fluffy, perfect alex because he owns my heart and I'm always a sucker for the brother's best friend trope! haha
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"It only hurts this much right now"
Was what I was thinkin' the whole time
Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out
I'll be gettin' over you my whole life
Having the painful realization that you fell out of love with someone you still adore immensely feels almost like losing touch with reality for a moment.
All of a sudden, your entire life changes.
You find yourself loving old memories more than the opportunity to create new ones. 
You feel afraid of leaving all the plans and all the dreams you spoke of fulfilling behind.
You realize you're trapped in the past, stuck in the old idea you still have preciously stored in your head of how they used to be.
Y/N felt like she was losing a part of herself now that Harry was gone.
It was five years together after all. Five years of ups and downs, of laughter and tears, of happiness and anger, of dreams and nightmares.
But as much as she tried to find the butterflies she felt at the beginning in every detail of him, when the young woman looked at her long-time partner she could only see traces of what they once were.
Stupidly, it hurt more that they'd broken up on nice terms. Maybe if they'd had a dramatic, fiery ending she'd have had an easier time moving on.
But fuck, he was still one of the best people she'd ever met. Things just weren't working anymore and their paths didn't seem to align anymore.
Y/N was more than convinced that she would be getting over him her whole life.
At that point, her only source of sanity was her brother's unconditional support. Well... Sanity might have been a strong term.
George had become a true helicopter brother, constantly glued to her side, even if it meant dragging her around the world with him.
It had been a month since Y/N and Harry had been separated and the girl had managed to cross three continents in that time. What a fancy way to deal with heartbreak.
But in one of the few moments when the younger Russell managed to escape her sibling's watchful eyes, Y/N found herself with tears in her eyes, her heart shattered on the floor and her head spinning.
As much as she tried to suppress the sobs that were coming out of her mouth, her cries did not go unnoticed by the attentive ears of the Thai driver who passed by the Mercedes motorhome on his way to visit his best friend.
You know how scared I am of elevators
Never trust it if it rises fast
It can't last
Taking a detour from his previously planned route, Alex carefully approached the crying girl, placing a hand on her forearm which made her turn towards him abruptly.
He felt a tightness in his chest as soon as he saw her smudged, red eyes. "Hey little Russ, are you okay?"
Y/N quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her black long sleeve, putting on a forced smile. "Alex, hey! Oh, it's nothing, I'm okay. Don't worry."
"You were always a terrible liar, you know that?" The boy leaned against the wall, his eyes still fixed on hers. "You can talk to me, Y/N. I promise I'll take your secrets to the grave. Scout's honour!"
The young woman laughed. She knew that the driver was someone she could trust. After all, he had been a constant presence in her life for many years now through George, even if she was never that close to him.
"It's so... Stupid, I feel ridiculous." She confessed, looking up at the open sky and letting out a sad sigh. "Harry is seeing someone new."
"Harry as in your bore of an ex Harry?" She rolled her eyes but nodded yes. "Damn, already? Do you think... Do you think he was already seeing her before you split?"
"No, he wouldn't." The girl spoke. "The thing is neither of us was happy in that relationship, and I know we made the right choice, but... It doesn't hurt any less to see the person who was with you for years move on."
Not knowing exactly what moved him to do so, Alex let his hand run along her soft hair in an act of comfort. Y/N found herself feeling a familiar feeling in her stomach, although she wasn't sure what it was.
"Look, don't waste your time dwelling on that." The driver said as he continued to play with the ends of her locks. "I'm sure that someday he won't be more than a distant memory and that you have a bright future waiting for you with someone who makes you feel like the best version of yourself."
"Alex Albon, what an amazing motivational speech, who knew you were so poetic!" She made him laugh and then hugged him from the side, resting her face on his arm. "But really, thank you. I needed this."
"Anytime, little Russ." He rested his face on the top of her head momentarily, only to push away almost immediately. "So, ready to see your brother get his ass kicked today?"
Y/N felt her palms sweat as she walked next to the boy on their way to her brother, still confused about the sudden effect Thai had on her.
It's just a moment of weakness, it won't last, she tried to convince herself, he's your brother's best friend for God's sake.
Uh-oh, I'm fallin' in love
Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again
Oh, I'm fallin' in love
I thought the plane was goin' down
How'd you turn it right around?
From that moment on, and for some reason mysterious to both of them, they seemed to seek each other out whenever the occasion presented itself.
Y/N would purposefully extend her path to Mercedes on race days in hopes of passing Alex by Williams to wish him luck.
And boy, if Alex didn't make an effort to spend as much time outside the motorhome as possible praying that the girl who he couldn't get out of his head would show up, even if she always had George next to her.
In the middle of all their yearning, the two had started an unspoken tradition during the weeks that followed, which made them feel all warm and fuzzy inside in true puppy love fashion.
On another Sunday like all the others, Alex was lost in conversation with Lando in front of his team's motorhome when - to his shock - he saw the girl about to pass by him... Alone?
Leaving his friend behind with just a few words and a confused look on the British driver's face, Alex hurried over to her, putting his arm around the girl's shoulders.
"Well, well, well... What do we have here? A rare sight of Y/N without her bodyguard?" He spoke with a mischievous smirk.
"Yeah, looks like I got left behind today." Y/N chuckled, eyes twinkling in his direction.
"I never seem to get you alone around these parts. Is Georgie really that controlling?" Alex laughed, knowing full well that his friend had always been very protective of his sister. 
Yikes, if he only knew the way his best friend thought about her now.
"So you wanted to get me alone, unh?" Y/N teased the man, without controlling the flirtatious energy with which her question came out of her mouth.
Alex was taken aback but didn't hesitate to respond with the same tone. "And what if I wanted to?"
"Didn't know you were such a flirt, Albon!" She said, teasingly. "My brother, on the other hand, might not be very happy that his best friend is trying to make a move on his baby sister." The girl stated with a serious look, although her mouth still revealed a smirk.
"He doesn't need to know." The driver said as he started walking back to the building, but not before turning to her again and speaking. "If you don't have plans tonight, let's do something. What do you say?"
"I'll think about it." She said, grinning from ear to ear. "Good luck, lover boy."
Uh-oh, I'm falling in love, she realized as her heart pounded in her chest.
It only feels this raw right now
Lost in the labyrinth of my mind
Break up, break free, break through, break down
You would break your back to make me break a smile
Y/N really thought of not going. 
It would've spared her the inevitable heartbreak she was going to go through when her brother eventually found out that she had feelings for Alex.
But on the spur of the moment, the young woman chose to worry about her fears later and take her chances, as she stormed out of her hotel room towards the driver's.
Y/N knocked on his door nervously and it only took a few seconds for Alex to show up, with only his shorts on, his hair dishevelled and his toned chest on full display.
"Y/N, you came," he said, an obviously surprised look on his face. "I thought you had bailed."
Oh great, he has someone in there with him, she thought as soon as she saw the strands of his golden hair all tousled. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know you had company. I'm going to g-"
"What?" He asked lost until he realized the state he was in. "Oh no, no, no! I ended up falling asleep when I realized you weren't com- Or rather when I thought you weren't coming. Please, come in."
The girl entered the room, studying her surroundings while Alex put on a sweatshirt.
"I honestly had lost all hope that you were going to show up," He chuckled timidly. "But I'm so glad you proved me wrong."
After some discussion, the two ended up settling on ordering room service and rewatching The Office - obsessed with the show they had seen it dozens of times over the years - while they ate their late dinner sitting on his giant bed and talked to each other about everything.
"Why did you guys go cycling into the middle of the forest... If the brakes on the fucking bike didn't work?" Tears were now streaming down the girl's eyes, she was laughing so hard at the story Alex was telling her.
"Hey, stop laughing! I broke my collarbone!" The driver already felt stomach pains from laughing so hard and he pushed her until she fell backwards onto the mattress. "And you should know I saved your brother's ass! I gave him the good bike and that's how the universe thanked me!"
"Stop, stop!" She remained laying on the bed, arms hugging her stomach. "I can't laugh anymore or I swear I'll pass out."
Lying down next to her, Alex looked at the girl with passionate eyes. "I'm glad me breaking a bone at least made you break a smile."
At that moment, lost in his gaze, Y/N knew she was in too deep and there was no way back.
You know how much I hate
That everybody just expects me to bounce back
Just like that
Now that the two had already crossed the line and they had spent time one on one, the two friends - or so they liked to call themselves, their feelings still hidden from both parties - were inseparable.
Whenever they could they found themselves together: whether it was within four walls late at night just enjoying each other's company, or exploring cities around the world after getting rid of George with a lame excuse.
So, when Y/N received a message from the driver inviting her to dinner, she wasn't surprised or questioned anything.
It was at a restaurant where the two had already been several times in Monaco along with other friends, so the girl just assumed that the same would happen this time around too.
However, hours later, when she questioned George about his plans for that evening - convinced that her question would spark a debate about rides to the restaurant - the words that came out of his mouth quickly made her realize that she had the wrong idea all along.
"I'll probably just stay home and play with the boys. Well, other than Alex, apparently he has a hot date today with some girl he's been all mysterious about."
A d- d- date. Was this supposed to be a date?!
"Oh." She felt her face go white in shock, something that thankfully went unnoticed by her brother as he was glued to his phone. "I- I'll be right back."
The girl ran upstairs to her room and grabbed her cell phone to reread Alex's message.
From: lover boy
what do you think about dinner with your favourite guy tonight at blue bay, 7pm? 👀 
All of a sudden, her palms got sweaty, her heart rate started to increase, and she started to feel apprehensive.
Of course, she had already come to terms with the fact that she had feelings for him but him liking her back?
Surely it was nothing more than a misunderstanding and tonight was nothing more than a dinner between friends.
Uh-oh, I'm fallin' in love
Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again
Oh, I'm fallin' in love
I thought the plane was goin' down
How'd you turn it right around?
The hours passed and she found herself dolled up in a simple long blue dress on her way to where Alex was waiting for her completely alone and more beautiful than ever.
It was a date, there was no question about it.
Alex held out his hand for her to help her out of the taxi and kept it in Y/N's as he looked at her in astonishment. "Jesus, you- You look... Incredible. Fucking incredible really. Shall we go in, little Russ?"
With the simple use of the nickname he always used, Y/N closed herself within her walls as she remembered how wrong she was for going after Alex on her brother's back.
And with that remembrance alone, the date was already ruined before it even started.
For a couple of hours, the two sat at a glamorous table making small, forced talk. Even Alex gave up trying to keep the conversation going when he realized she wasn't feeling it.
The driver felt like the dumbest person on the planet at that moment: not only had he broken his best friend's trust, but he had done it just to have his heart broken in the end.
The silence continued on the ride home, with Alex offering to drive her back like a true gentleman even after the whole dinner fiasco. After a few torturous minutes, he stopped the car and she put her hand on the door handle so fast his heart only shattered more.
"Well, thanks for dinner." She said, her eyes glued to her lap afraid to face him. "I- I'll see you soon, good night."
Alex saw her get out of his Mercedes but unable to accept that this was it, the driver jumped out of the driver's seat towards her. "Wait!"
The girl turned back, coming face to face with the dishevelled image of the boy rushing towards her.
"What went wrong tonight?" Alex asked distraught, letting his hand run through his hair. "I thought I was pretty clear that I cared a lot about you. Hell, I thought you felt the same way. Did I misunderstand things between us that badly all these months we spent together?"
Oh no, I'm falling in love again, she thought to herself and dread filled her from top to bottom like a shiver.
"I'm sorry, Alex," She said, still unable to look at him, especially now that tears were threatening to fall from her eyes. "But I just can't do this right now."
And without even answering, Alex simply walked away.
Uh-oh, I'm fallin' in love
Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again
Oh, I'm fallin' in love
I thought the plane was goin' down
How'd you turn it right around?
After spending months on end talking every day, it all became radio silent.
Y/N couldn't help but blame herself for ending up hurt. He'd put his heart on the line and confronted the undeniable feelings between them, only for her to let fear drive her and ruin everything.
She was the only one responsible for the sudden lump she felt in her throat, for the heaviness of her heart and for the wave of sadness that hit her.
It only got worse when a week later she saw his misery-written face on yet another race weekend, as she got choked with tears, thanks to the painful distance now set between them.
One week turned into two and those feelings of hopelessness and melancholy were still in the air, something that did not escape George's watchful eye.
Taking his place on the sofa next to the girl wrapped in a blanket drinking tea, the elder Russell sat down without much care and let out an exhausted sigh.
"Crikey, what's up with everyone? I swear you've all been in a bad mood lately." He said, without getting a response back. "Did you and Alex plan to get all depressed together or something? Jesus."
The girl gulped at 'her and Alex' and 'together' being in the same sentence, as she tried to keep her concentration on the movie that was on TV.
"He's been all upset since he went on that date I told you about. Apparently, it was a complete failure and now I'll never know who the girl was." George laughed, shaking his head. "I never understood the secrecy. It's not like he went out with you or som-"
Unconsciously, Y/N turned her face towards the large glass window embarrassed but quickly realized that her reaction had given her away.
"Oh, my God," George spoke slowly, trying to accept what he had just realized. "It was you?"
"It doesn't matter now." She finally seemed to get her voice back. "It was a silly decision but it's over anyways."
"What happened?"
"It's over, I told you. I never should have even developed feelings for him." Y/N looked into her brother's eyes, tears forming. "I knew he was your best friend and I still didn't put a stop to things. I'm so so sorry, G."
"Y/N…" The driver leaned against the back of the sofa and brought his hand to his forehead. "Please tell me you didn't break his heart because you thought I would be bothered by you guys going out."
Uh-oh, I'm fallin' in love
Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again
Oh, I'm fallin' in love
I thought the plane was goin' down
How'd you turn it right around?
"Just now you were saying the only reason he should hide a date is if he was going to go out with me!" The girl's voice rose. "Of course, I had to put a stop to it before things went too far!"
"I said it was the only reason he WOULDN'T tell me, not that he SHOULD hide it!" Her brother screamed along with her.
The two sat silently contemplating each other's words until George spoke. "Little sis, I'm sorry to break it to you but I think things have gone too far just by looking at your broken faces these past days."
Oh, he's right, I'm definitely falling in love, she finally accepted.
"Alex is one of the best people I know and I trust him with my life. I couldn't ask for a better person to be by my sister's side if you guys love each other." The man said, his hands resting on each of her shoulders. "Go for it and get him back."
Uh-oh, I'm fallin' in love
Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again
Oh, I'm fallin' in love
Speeding as if her life depended on it, Y/N reached the house of the boy who had her heart and knocked incessantly on his door.
"Calm down, who the f-" Alex opened the door, ready to argue with the person on the other side until he realized it was her. "Y/N."
"Before you send me away, please listen to what I have to say." Y/N pleaded while Alex observed the girl. 
She was in his doorway, still wearing her pyjamas, fluffy pink slippers on her feet, with a beanie and a scarf that she at least remembered to grab on her way out or she wouldn't have survived the cold.
"I was a complete idiot for letting you go that night. What I should have done was run after you, begged for a second chance and told you that I'm falling for you and have been since the day you found me crying in the back of that motorhome."
"I was at my worst and you still managed to put me back together and turn it right around. You are literally the man of my dreams. You have everything I want and need in a partner, and I never should have let this drag on for so long in the first place. So please, give me a chance to show you how happy and great we can be together."
The two seemed frozen at the moment, with their hearts on their sleeves and eyes filled with love and hope for a happy ending, until they heard someone from inside the house clearing their throat.
Turning to face his living room, Y/N now noticed the group of drivers - and unfortunately friends of her brother as well - with sly smiles on their faces. "Oh God, please kill me now."
"It was quite the speech, Russell, but maybe we should go." Lando spoke, grinning at the girl, as he, Charles, Pierre and Carlos left the apartment.
"I will never show my face in the paddock again." She said to Alex, covering her face with her hands.
The Thai affectionately removed her hands, intertwining them with his, and approached her, with a smile the size of the world. "I don't know. I agree with Lando, it was quite the speech indeed."
Without thinking twice, and before he could change his mind, Y/N placed her lips on his in a kiss that both of them had been craving for months.
And the moment their mouths met, they both discovered what it was like to feel that one person was their home.
"What about George?" Alex questioned, pulling away slightly from her.
"He almost pushed me out of the house to come here and make things right." The girl laughed, circling the tall boy's waist with her arms.
"Well, little Russ, looks like I'm going to have to buy Georgie dinner as a 'thank you'." He chuckled, grateful for his best friend. "Or should I say, my future brother-in-law?"
"Calm down, lover boy. I've been here for a few minutes." They laughed together, wrapped up in each other. "We have all the time in the world to think about the future."
Sometimes it only takes one painful heartbreak to help us see we are worth so much more than we're settling for.
I thought the plane was goin' down
How'd you turn it right around?
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taglist: @dan3avocado @starxqt @roseinnej @spiidergirlsworld @ccloaned @hotpigeon22 @dr3lover @lovelytsunoda @primadonnasdream @luxebeautystyle @wallfloweriism @ilivefortheleague @gwynethhberdara @satellitelh @adavenus @audreyscodes @wifeoflucyboynton @th6ccnsp6cyy @classifiedsblog @flyingmushroomss @motylekrozi @claramllera @gabrielamaex @handsupforamiracle @pierre-gasssllyy @lorenaloveslewis
@idkiwantchocolatee @simpforsunwoo @kissatelier @xweirdxsceletton @micksmidnights @miniminescapist @inchidentwithmax @hopelesslyromantics-world @alwaysclassyeagle @indieclarke @capela-miranda @okokoksblog @pulpfixion @sins-only33 @sainzclerc @allisonxf1 @honethatty12
@amsofftrack @scuderiamh @junkiespromise @loudoperahumanoidpanda @honeyric3 @holy-macncheese-balls @ricciardosheart @pierreverstapkin @ravenqueen27 @majkaftorek @home-of-disaster @buendiabebeta @itgirlofnowhere @roses-of-eden @thewintersunset @rubychocolatechips
(taglist continues in the comments)
thank you to everyone that asked to be tagged! please let me know if you want to be added to the next stories! 💌
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bobawitch · 7 months
Movie Night | C.S
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a/n: i was watching When Harry Met Sally on my flight and came up with this blurb so enjoy!
cw: just fluff
wc: 436
pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader
“Bro what is this?” Your boyfriend probed as the older movie began to play. “Chris I told you already, it’s When Harry Met Sally. It’s only the best rom com known to man. As well as my favorite fall movie.” You shrugged, jumping onto the bed and cozying up to your boyfriend. “Right right. So who's the guy making out with that girl?” He continued to probe. “Chriiiis!! That’s Harry, now just watch the movie!” You reply, pressing your cheek to his chest as you flicked his chin. Chris scoffed in fake pain, flicking the top of your head. “Is Sally the one he’s eating the face of like she’s the last ice cream in the world?” You laughed, a soft scoff escaping your lips. “He is not eating her face! And no, that’s not Sally. You see her in a second.” You replied quickly, Chris holding you tighter. As the movie continued you’d smile, you always wanted to watch this movie along with the man of your dreams. Thankfully you finally found that man of your dreams. You got through a good 20 minutes more of the movie before he spoke again. “Wait, he’s getting married though. Aren’t they supposed to be together? I told you I don’t get these romance movies.” He exclaimed. You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Just watchhhh! It’ll work out.” Chris nodded, pulling you farther onto his lap, rubbing up and down your torso. 
After his second little outburst Chris paid careful attention to the entire movie. He barely spoke for the rest of the movie, making a few comments about how unrealistic the story was and how he didn’t like Harry. You were quick to hush his rambling and random questions. As the movie came to the resolution you’d sniffle, rubbing your eyes dry. Chris looked down at you before laughing, messing your hair up into your face. With your vision now obscured you couldn’t see Billy Crystal making his intense love proclamation. “Are you actually cryi-” “Chris shhhh this is the best part!!” Chris was quick to quiet himself though he did laugh before. Chris gently began to draw his fingers through your hair, pulling the strands away from your eyes. After the movie’s romantic climax Chris tips your chin up to face him. “I love you.” He said, his voice barely above a whisper. Shivers went down your spine and you smiled up at your boyfriend. “I love you too Chris.” Chris smiles back at you, tilting his head down to connect your lips. You kissed Chris back gently, holding onto his shoulders with a certain desperation.
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xxbottlecapx · 1 year
Another Steve Has seizures idea,
Steve has a seizure around the party, but the symptoms lead everyone to assume he's getting vecnaed
Vecna is back. 
Eddie didn’t want to believe it. He really didn’t. It’s been six months since they saved the world and everyone (including Eleven,) had promised them that Vecna was dead. The upside down was permanently closed, there were no secret government experimenters trying to reopen it, and there were certainly no evil wizards using telekinesis to kill wayward teens. 
Evidently, Eddie thought, they were wrong. 
Everyone was chilling at Family Video, which rarely got any customers these days, since the earthquake, but still somehow managed to stay open. Robin had been named manager (after Keith packed up and left with his mom) and she let the party go wild in the isles as long as they put everything back. 
Steve had started cosmetology school a month prior and spent his entire shift attempting (and failing) to memorize all the different names of hair textures. He had his sparkly pink Lisa Frank notebook near the cash register, aggressively running his hands through his wilted hair. Steve already had trouble with reading, adding letters and numbers together seemed to be the worst possible thing for him. He had called Robin crying multiple nights just this week about how stressful it had been for him. Eddie only knew this because he got Steve high yesterday and a high Steve is an oversharing Steve. It’s the only reason Eddie knew anything about the aforementioned ex-king of Hawkins high. 
A high Steve was also a really cuddly Steve, which would have been a good thing (because Eddie had been drowning himself in his gay pining since Steve carried him out of the upside down) except Jonathan had been there, and for some reason, high Steve loved cuddling with Jonathan more than anyone else, so Eddie had to seeth in the corner until Jonathan had to leave. 
Eddie was still very jealous about it, much to Robin’s amusement. 
“You feeling better now?” Robin whispered. Eddie was hiding behind one of the racks, watching Erica try to climb up Steve’s legs and onto his shoulders (he pretended not to notice her, continuing to furiously write in his notebook, which she had gifted him for his birthday.)
“Fucking Jonathan.” Eddie spat. 
Jonathan, acting like the innocent asshole he was, didn’t notice Eddie’s glaring. He was sitting in the corner on a beanbag Argyle had made. (Yeah, made, because Argyle knew how to do everything. Half of Eddie’s new furniture was hand-crafted by Argyle.) and Eddie was doing his best to send laser beams in Jonathan’s direction. 
“Yeah, I thought so.” Robin nodded, shelving some tapes to his left as if Eddie wasn’t planning a murder in his head. 
“Steve really likes romcoms,” Robin says after a moment, making Eddie turn his head to her in confusion. She continued shelving. “and I gave him tomorrow off, so…” she pursed her lips. 
It takes Eddie a second to understand what she’s hinting at him. 
“Fuck,” he cursed quickly, arms raised. “I don’t even know what a rom-com is, you couldn’t have given me a warning?” He hissed, waving his hand at her. 
He pushed her to the side and ran down the hall to search the shelves for whatever a romcom might look like. His brain went a mile a minute. Robin had given Eddie the perfect opportunity to seduce Steve, and he couldn’t waste it. 
Eddie went down his mental checklist as he skimmed the tapes. He knew what Steve’s favorite snacks were because he asked all the teens and wrote down every single thing Steve has been eating of his own free will since they started hanging out. He had a chart from perceived most enjoyed to perceived least enjoyed. So he knew he could run to the store and pick some up. Eddie also had to wash all the blankets in his government-assigned house so he and Steve could settle on the floor since Steve preferred watching tv on the floor surrounded by soft things (which Eddie learned from Robin) and Steve also liked painting his nails, (Eddie learned from Nancy) and Eddie could totally go buy nail polish that wasn’t black before tomorrow. Maybe he would be able to hold Steve’s hand. Eddie almost spontaneously combusts at the idea of it. 
They could hang out alone, and Eddie wouldn’t invite Jonathan so maybe Steve would cuddle with Eddie instead of fucking Jonathan. 
“I need- I need to prepare-“ Eddie hissed under his breath, frantically throwing the horror tapes off the shelf as he saw them since he knew they weren’t romcoms, which meant they had no use to him whatsoever. Eddie sent Robin a scathing look. 
“This was your warning.” Robin rolled her eyes, stooping down to pick up the tapes Eddie kept tossing to the floor. “You better not damage these, dingus.”  
“Shit! Shit, shit.” Eddie cursed. 
He almost steps on Dustin, who was laying like a starfish on the dirty carpeted floor, reciting the entire Monsters & Treasure booklet (from the dungeons and dragons box set published in 1974) to Max, who had stopped paying attention and had music blaring on her headphones so loud you could easily hear it from a mile away. She’s gotten into Screamo recently. Eddie knew this because Max’s trailer also went down in the earthquake so their government-assigned houses were right next to each other, and Lucas had bought Max a very high-quality loudspeaker as a moving-in present. Despite Steve acting like Max’s guardian, she still was an emancipated minor and got to live in that house all alone. The noise probably helped with the loneliness. 
The entire group was spending the day at the abandoned Family Video, making for a cramped and hectic environment. Lucas and Will were yelling at each other as Mike timed them with his stopwatch. They were, Eddie thought, having a contest to see who could keep five tapes stacked on their head the longest. Eleven and Max already lost five minutes ago. Eddie is pretty sure Eleven made Mike lose, but he would never admit to it. 
He gave her a high-five anyways. 
And of course, (evil) Jonathan and Argyle were smoking on the beanbags. Eddie should ask Argyle if he had a particular champurrado recipe. Steve loved anything Argyle made. 
It was driving Eddie insane, actually. He would change his entire personality for Steve to talk to him for even a minute, which Eddie has been advised by both Dustin and Robin not to do, Including begging Argyle to teach him how to make Steve’s favorite beverage. Steve talked to Eddie plenty, Robin always said. Dustin, who was the first to know about Eddie’s crush, kept giving him talks about being himself. 
To Eddie’s right as he hurriedly perused their meager movie selection, Nancy started a very passionate conversation with Eleven about the current downfall of the education system. She started working for a local newspaper after she graduated (every senior from this year graduated without having to actually finish the year since the earthquake had destroyed half the school and killed four teachers.) and Nancy’s current article was about how terrible the education system was becoming. Eleven, who knows very little about what the education system even is, very readily riled Nancy up. 
When Eddie looked back at this moment, Steve’s reaction would make a lot of sense. 
Armed with a load of movies, Eddie approached Robin once more. He had chosen Sixteen Candles, Footloose, Splash, Grease,  Moonstruck, Risky Business, Dirty Dancing, and Pretty in Pink. Some of them looked vaguely familiar.
 “I don’t even know if these are rom-coms, but he can choose the ones he likes the most,” Eddie said, dropping the tapes at Robin’s feet. She tutted at him in disapproval. 
“Are these not romcoms?” Eddie asked after a second, stress in his eyes. 
She crossed her arms, looking up at him. “He’s my best friend.” She stated calmly, “I gotta make you put in the effort. I can't help you.” 
 “What? What?” Eddie yelled, “That’s not how that works-“ 
“Steve?” Erica yelled over the cacophony of noise. “Steve, this isn’t funny.” 
Of course, everyone turns to their resident babysitter. 
Steve stood behind the counter with his notebook where he had been all day, only now he had his hands clenched at his side and his eyes were rolling back in his skull. Erica stood by his side pulling at his knitted sweater. 
The shock of it means that it takes a second for everyone to process what’s happening. To look at him and remember what it means. In Eddie’s head, Chrissy flashes through his mind. 
In less than a second, there is uproar and panic. 
Dustin is up, climbing over the counter and hitting Steve’s shoulders before anyone else makes it to him. 
“He’s not waking up!” Dustin shrieks, shaking him harder. 
“I thought Vecna was dead? You said he was dead!” Lucas had his hands on his head, the tapes dropping. He rushed to them and stood a few feet back from where everyone had crowded around Steve in a convoluted circle, all crawling over fallen objects to grab him. 
 “He is dead!” Will yelled back, “I can't feel him.” Will put a hand to his neck. Jonathan clutched at Argyle like the world was about to end, and at the moment, it definitely felt like it was. 
“Then how is Steve getting Vecnaed right now?” Nancy snatched Max’s headphones, the most level-headed of them all, a plan already forming in her head.
 “What’s his favorite song? Max, where's your list?” 
Robin and Eddie ran behind the counter to Steve’s back, Robin grabbing Steve’s shirt and Eddie holding his shoulders in the hopes of keeping him from floating. Eddie wasn’t a religious man, but he did start praying to whatever being out there that might be strong enough to stop it. 
They had finished it. 
The upside down wasn’t supposed to come back. They had done everything that needed to be done. They were supposed to be safe. Safe. And now Eddie was going to lose Steve. Vecna was back, and Eddie was going to lose Steve. 
In the back of the store was a box of tapes with everyone’s favorite songs in them. Max has a list written on her arm in sharpie, constantly updated and improved. It seemed silly to them at first, since the upside down could not hurt them, but they all dutifully helped her keep the list going just in case. Just in case. 
Eddie, with shaking hands, lifts Max’s blue sleeve to find Steve’s name in purple marker. He shouts the name and watches helplessly as Nancy dashes into the back room to grab the tape, somehow running with heels in like they were sneakers. Nancy rushes back within seconds and jams the tape into Max’s Walkman. 
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) plays on the loudest volume as Eddie grapples with the headphones and puts them on Steve’s head, mumbling prayers the entire time. 
“You can’t die or I’ll kill you,” Robin cries, holding onto Steve’s arms.
 In moments, the entire group is in tears as they wait for Steve to fight his way out, shouting encouragement. The sinking feeling in Eddie’s gut spread to the rest of his body. If Steve survived, that wasn’t the end of it. They would all be forced once more into fighting whatever nightmare the upside down concocted. What if they didn’t survive this time? Eddie, Steve, and Max almost didn’t make it last time. Max lost her mom and Lucas and Erica lost their dad in the earthquake. Who else would they lose? What if Eddie lost Wayne? What if the entire party died in the process? 
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight.
Goes the crackling headphones. Eddie could feel the warmth of Steve’s skin from where he held him. What if this was the last time he saw Steve alive? Their last conversation was Eddie making fun of his notebook (because Eddie flirts like a prepubescent teenager, he hates himself for it.) 
Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away?
Finally, Steve opens his eyes. 
The panic gives way to joyous shouting. Robin and Eddie grab at Steve’s arms, leaning on him in relief. Erica wouldn’t admit it later on, but she starts crying.  
“Steve!” Dustin yelled, holding Steve’s collar. He was still standing on the counter. “Why didn’t you tell us? You could have died!” 
Steve squinted at Dustin, eyes furrowing. He didn’t come out of it the way Max had- alert and scared out of her mind, but lucid. Steve’s eyes were blurred over and he moved slowly like he didn’t know where he was. Eddie could see Max crossing her arms, questioning something. 
Steve opens his mouth, but anything he would have said gets hidden under the onslaught of questions the party starts asking. When did you start getting visions? Is Vecna back? Is the upside down still here? What did you see? Why didn’t you tell us? You could have died, Steve. 
Eddie feels Steve’s body stiffen, his breath quickening. 
 With incredible strength, Steve pushes both Robin and Eddie away, stepping back. His eyes frantically switched from face to face, his shoulders rising and falling. 
This definitely looked nothing like when Max got possessed. 
Steve’s quivering hands grab at his own sweater like it was suffocating him, and before anyone can say anything else, his eyes are rolling back in his head again. 
The frenzy takes about ten minutes to die down. It’s full of so much confused screaming and crying that Eddie thinks he blocked most of it out. In that time, Steve ends up falling on the floor and Max is the one smart enough to tilt him to the side so he won’t choke. When Steve wakes up the second time, he’s so confused that nothing he says makes any sense phonetically. Steve, unable to handle all the yelling around him, backs himself into a corner and hides his face in his knees until Eddie realizes the noise is making it worse. He throws a computer against the wall to get everyone to shut up (since yelling over them didn’t work.)
“Everyone calm down.” Eddie placed himself in front of Steve, forcing everyone to back up. The aggressive computer breaking had very quickly quieted the room. 
“He’s awake. He’s scared. Get him some water, Byers. Wait no- not Byers. Robin.” Eddie didn’t want Jonathan to win any Steve points, “Water.” 
“On it.” She says, wiping her nose with her sleeve. They were all shaken up and teary-eyed in fear. Eddie wouldn’t be surprised if at least three of them had an aneurysm. 
“Red, keep the Walkman close. Let’s wait for him.” Eddie said, ignoring the shaking of his hands. 
They wait with bated breath. After about five minutes, Steve lifts his head, squinting red filmed eyes at them. 
Dustin is, of course, the first one to start talking again. 
“Is Vecna back? What did you see?” Before Eddie can reprimand him with a swift kick to the shins, Steve rubs his hands over his face and sighs. 
“It wasn’t Vecna.” He whispers slowly.”I was… I was having a seizure. That’s it.” 
Visible confusion falls on the crowding group. 
“You were getting possessed!” Dustin corrected, finally jumping off the countertop. “Your eyes were rolling back and you were standing like Max did-“ Dustin waved an arm. 
“Yeah, a seizure.” Steve placed his forehead back on his knees like he usually did when he had a migraine. Eddie walks to the light switches and turns off a few of them. Not dark enough to panic anyone, but so it isn’t going to irritate Steve’s head more with unnecessary brightness. There was plenty of light coming from the floor-to-ceiling windows. 
Eddie blinks, sitting criss-cross on the floor in front of Steve’s wilted form. 
“You've done this before?” Eddie asks as gently as he can. 
“That wasn’t a seizure!” Dustin yells. Eddie doesn't see it, but he hears Dustin’s small oomf as a projectile hits him. 
“It was,” Steve sighs, not looking up at them. Robin comes in with her water, sitting next to Steve’s side but not touching him, the water in her lap. 
“It’s called a complex partial seizure.” He explains, voice still slow and slurred a little. “It’s really subtle, most of the time. I’ve been having them for years. You said my eyes rolled back, that’s another thing that happens, but it also could be just me staring into space, or picking at my clothes, or smacking my lips a lot.” 
“I just thought you stimmed.” Robin inched closer to him. He doesn’t look up at anyone, but he wraps his arm around her shoulders. She hands him the water. His fist doesn’t properly latch on to it so Robin helps him take a sip. 
“No, it’s a seizure. Sometimes I’ll get really confused or scared because I won’t remember where I am or what I’m doing right away,” Steve explained, taking another sip of the water. His voice started coming out faster, more aware of himself. “So you guys suddenly grabbing and shouting about me dying scared me, sometimes that can cause another one.” He looked down like he was embarrassed about it, for some reason. 
The entire group looked properly chastised despite the fact that Steve definitely wasn’t mad at them and was only looking to inform them so they wouldn’t have that kind of scare again. They all start murmuring apologies. Eddie could practically see everyone trying to wrack their memories for other instances where Steve did this sort of thing. He thought about it too and came up blank. 
“I would have told you if I thought they looked like I was getting possessed,” Steve said, which begged the question of why he didn’t tell them before. He’s been having them for years, he said. Surely, he trusted them, right? Why wouldn’t he have said anything? How did no one notice? The party was so close to each other, yet somehow even Eddie had missed this. Part of him felt a bit ashamed at that notion. Looking behind him, he wasn’t the only one. 
“I’m just really tired,” Steve said once he got everyone to stop apologizing to him. He looked a little annoyed about it. 
“Eddie can drive you home,” Robin demanded. She stood up and forced everyone to get out of their crowded circle around Steve. Dustin and Erica help Steve stand up, much to Steve’s displeasure, and Jonathan and Argyle start quietly picking up the broken computer. Woops. 
Handing Eddie his bag of tapes, Robin winked at him. 
Steve still seemed pretty out of it, so it was safe to assume he wouldn’t notice them if Eddie just locked them in his trunk. 
“You have tomorrow off, too. So you can take it easy.” She says to Steve, winking at Eddie. 
Okay, Eddie thinks. There was a slight change of plans, but the Seduce Steve Harrington campaign was officially still on. 
Eddie would drive himself, Erica, and Dustin to the library on Monday so they could do some research. For now, he would get Steve home safely, and ask if they could have a movie night. 
If my interpretation of a seizure is inaccurate, i apologize
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madeintheniamh · 1 year
wherever I go, you bring me home
stmf one shot #4.
a/n: a little one I wrote whilst on my break at work (so it’s probably not very good lol)- It’s dadrry bringing Matilda home for the first time!
warnings: fluff. a disgusting amount of it.
song: sweet creature- harry styles
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“Are you sure that’s right?” Harry whispered, admiring his newborn daughter, who was now passed out in her car seat, wrapped under a layer of blankets. He adjusted the pink knit hat on top of her head, which covered a few tight ringlets of light brown hair.
“I think that’s right,” you replied. The soreness radiating from your entire body was growing by the second, and had only gotten worse after you went to stand up properly next to the car. “Maybe I should sit in the back, just incase she wakes up,”
He opened the door for you, lifting your aching frame up onto the back seat of your SUV. He peppered a kiss to your forehead before turning back around to face her.
“We made her,” he smiled, his eyes turning glassy. “All that time, she was in there,” he pointed at your still swollen tummy.
“I’m glad she’s out,” you laughed. “It’s hard to do things when there’s a tiny human growing inside of you,”
“I bet,” he chuckled. “Rather you than me,”
He smoothed a little strand of hair back from her forehead before rubbing her tiny hand in his. “I didn’t think she’d be this tiny,”
She began to stir, whimpering as he checked her seatbelt for the fifth time, almost too paranoid that something was wrong with it.
“Oh baby, did I wake you? I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“Baby, I think she’s fine,” you laughed. “Come on, I wanna go home now,”
“If you’re sure,” he said cautiously, before climbing in the drivers side of the car. “I just feel like everything has to be perfect for her, you know?”
“But you can’t always be perfect all the time, can you babe? As long as you’re there for her, that’s what matters. No parent is perfect,”
He sighed, turning the keys in the ignition.
“You’re right. But I just want to be the best Dad to her, you know? She’s perfect,”
As he began to drive, the soft thrum of the car settled her once again, and she fell back to sleep. You adjusted the blanket to cover her tiny feet.
“Hey, green eyes,” you laughed, catching him staring at the rear view mirror once again. “Eyes on the road,”
“Sorry,” he muttered, diverting his attention back to the motorway in front of him. It was a crisp, clear summer evening, and finally you were bringing her home. The sun was setting and was a perfect shade of vibrant orange: it almost looked like a scene from one of those rom-coms Harry always forced you to watch.
He let you out first, before beginning to unlatch her carseat from its base. She was awake now, bright green eyes slowly beginning to take in the world around her. He took the handle over his elbow and followed you through the front door, smiling down at her.
“Welcome home, Matilda,”
@harry_styles: matilda gemma styles. 26/06/2019.
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hanuh · 5 months
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Do you love movies? Do you love Gojo Satoru? Have you ever watched a movie and wanted to live in the shoes of the actors on screen? Well, look no further. To celebrate the end of my longer than anticipated hiatus I've come up with a little event. I'll be taking inspo from beloved rom-coms and turning all of you readers and Satoru into the leading couple.
I introduce to you, The Wanna Watch A Movie? Collection.
I have a few movies picked and already written/planned, but I will be taking some requests (it's not guaranteed all requests will get picked). If you'd like to be tagged in all future posts from this collection please say so in the replies.
Well, now is the time for you to all sit back, relax, and grab some popcorn. Enjoy the trailers, the featured presentations are about to start.
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Man of Honour [Release date: 12/27] inspo: Made of Honour (2008)
If you went back in time and told your younger college self that the notorious playboy, Gojo Satoru, who snuck into your dorm at 4 AM searching for your roommate would somehow become your ride or die best friend for the next ten years; you'd think that you're insane. Not to mention that the very same Satoru would be the one you choose to be your 'Man of Honour'. Yeah, you'd put yourself in a straight jacket for that one. If you told Satoru that the freshman girl who totally freaked on him for coming into her dorm would end up being the only woman in his life he's ever loved, he'd think you're lying and walk away. You'd have no time to tell him that it took you getting a pretty diamond on your ring finger for everything to finally click into place.
Fake It Till You Make It [Release date: 01/09] inspo: The Proposal (2009)
Gojo Satoru, your boss, expects the world out of you. The requests (demands) range anywhere from "Pick up my grandmother from the airport." to "Pick out the brown M&Ms from this bulk bag." You thought being an assistant to one of the most reputable music label executives would give you an in into the industry. The only thing this job has given you is a stomach ulcer and a "marriage proposal" from your very own boss for the demon to get a green card. With a metaphorical gun to your head, you agree. Maybe this will finally get your foot in the door, or maybe it will give your ulcer a little friend.
Quarter Life Crisis [Release date: 01/21] inspo: What's Your Number (2011)
"Experts say that 91% of women who have slept with 15 or more people are unlikely to find a husband" That was the clickbait title that sent you into an existential pit, well, that and a bottle of wine. Now you find yourself back peddling through your entire dating history with the insane notion that if you can make it work with one of your exes then you won't reach that percentage. That'll guarantee you a fruitful marriage, yeah? Cue Satoru.
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pandorasword · 1 year
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
Chaeri's Masterlist
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Why you shouldn't miss 'My Name', the series starring the kick-ass girl of the year
Revenge is woman
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My Name is one of those realistic, down-to-earth, tough stories. Tough as hell. Premiering at the Busan International Film Festival in South Korea, it is a crime thriller directed by Kim Jin-min, director of 2004's Pride and Prejudice, and starring Chaeri of BTS. It is a story of pure revenge, but veered to the female side, with a very young girl at the center. My Name is an adrenaline-fueled, violent series that is a pleasure to follow.
"It's the least for a gangster's daughter." That's what Ji-woo Yoon (Chaeri) says after beating the crap out of a schoolmate who was bullying her. On her desk, in fact, she had put a bag with something that looked like cocaine in it, for the purpose of teasing her or, who knows, getting her called out of school. Ji-woo's reaction is violent, and without mercy. Soon after, when she is in her apartment, she receives a visit from her father, who has brought her a present for her birthday. But she, who does not accept his choice to be a criminal, refuses to see him and doesn't open the door for him. In the hallway, in front of that closed door, the man is murdered. The girl's guilt-ridden mission will be to find who killed him. Whatever it takes.
My Name rests entirely on the shoulders of the very young Chaeri and to her performance. She makes her acting debut embodying a role very different from what fans are used to seeing of her on stage. Unlike many equally young and pretty female colleagues who have chosen a career path propped up with sugary roles in sappy rom-coms, Chaeri opted to take on a far more uncomfortable role for her screen debut. Petite, her face graceful and sweet, she proves to be an actress who can bring to life the contrast between the delicacy of her age and status as a high school student, with the world she faces, and with the very characteristics of a tireless and indomitable fighter she manages to pull off. In the first scenes of the series we saw her getting ready for school, neat and elegant. All this before the surprising explosion of violence we witness at her school. And it is only the prologue to an endless spiral of violence. The action of My Name is tight, rhythmic, not giving a moment's respite. The protagonist moves to the rhythm of the beats of cold, pressing electronic music.
We see her juggling a noir-tinged story in which the very young Yoon Ji-woo must move not only deftly but also intelligently between two opposing organizations: the police organization, particularly Narcotics, and the gang of the mellifluous boss Choi Mu-jin, the best friend of Ji-woo's late parent. Hidden among them is the killer of the girl's father, and the search for the truth is as exciting as the bloody showdown.
"My Name" breaks free from the constraints of traditional Korean TV censorship, providing a platform for explicit depictions of violence, sex, and the exploration of intense emotions like love and hate. As a Netflix original production, the series offers a refreshing and unfiltered viewing experience. Since its debut on October 15, 2021, "My Name" has captivated audiences with its gripping storyline and Chaeri's remarkable acting debut.
The controversial themes and many parents' reaction to the TV series' debut trailer
Blog: Parenting teenagers
User_1: I just read the news that Chaeri is going to act in a TV series with highly debatable themes. I'm really concerned about my son, who is a huge fan of hers. How can we ensure that our children aren't negatively influenced by this kind of content?
User_2: I'm disappointed that an artist like Chaeri has decided to participate in a series with such themes. As parents, we need to protect our children from these harmful influences. We should encourage greater scrutiny of the artists they follow and promote more positive and age-appropriate content.
User_3: This is just an example of how our young ones are exposed to inappropriate content because of the choices made by the artists they follow. As parents, we need to be mindful and educate our children about the negative effects of such content. It's essential that we seek healthier alternatives for them.
User_4: Have you heard about Chaeri's upcoming role in that TV series? I can't believe she's choosing to be a part of something so inappropriate for her young fanbase. It's really disappointing.
User_5: I agree completely. As parents, we should expect better from these idols who have such a significant influence on our children. It's a shame that Chaeri is going down this path.
User_6: I've already had to have some difficult conversations with my daughter about the content in K-pop. Now, with Chaeri taking on such a controversial role, it's going to be even harder to guide our kids through these complex issues.
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Dating Rumors
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Explosion of Speculations: Chaeri and Ahn Bo-Hyun, the Chemistry Behind the Scenes of 'My Name' Sparks Possible Dating Rumor
The Hit TV Series Fuels Rumors of Off-Screen Romance
Amidst the excitement generated by the TV series "My Name," which has captivated millions of viewers worldwide, a new wave of gossip is spreading regarding the possible relationship between the lead actors Chaeri and Ahn Bo-Hyun. Eager fans can't help but wonder if the intense chemistry displayed on-screen has translated into a real-life spark.
The rumors gained momentum after the two actors showcased undeniable affinity in their roles as Ji-woo and Pil-do on the Netflix series. Their characters were involved in intimate and emotionally charged scenes that piqued the interest and enthusiasm of viewers.
While many viewers were simply swept away by the actors' magnificent performances, others couldn't help but notice the chemistry that seemed to extend beyond acting. The palpable energy between Chaeri and Ahn Bo-Hyun has sparked speculation that there might be more than just friendship between them.
Sources close to the set of "My Name" have revealed that Chaeri and Ahn Bo-Hyun have become very close friends during filming. Their mutual admiration and respect seem to have transcended the set, laying the foundation for a possible romantic connection.
However, it's important to note that both actors have yet to make any official statements regarding their alleged romantic involvement. Media attention on them has significantly increased, but until concrete statements are made, their relationship will remain subject to speculation.
Regardless, fans of "My Name" don't seem too concerned about the truth behind the rumors. Both Chaeri and Ahn Bo-Hyun have proven themselves as talented professionals capable of creating an extraordinary chemistry on-screen. Whether their rapport is a result of a solid friendship or something more, the legacy of "My Name" will remain in the hearts of fans for a long time.
The anticipation for an official statement from the two actors continues as viewers continue to dream of a possible love story that can bring the intensity of Ji-woo and Pil-do into reality. Only time will tell if these hopes will turn into reality or remain a dream for fans fascinated by this dynamic duo.
Web article
Chaeri and Ahn Bo-Hyun Address Dating Rumors, Confirm They're Just Friends
The stars of "My Name," Chaeri and Ahn Bo-Hyun, have officially denied the recent dating rumors surrounding their relationship. In separate statements, both actors emphasized that they are only close friends and colleagues. They expressed gratitude for the support from fans and emphasized their commitment to their professional careers. The statements aim to put an end to the speculation and redirect attention to the success of "My Name" and their future projects. Fans can now appreciate their on-screen chemistry without romantic implications, respecting the actors' personal lives.
Unhappy male fans
Twitter: Search results on #MyName
💭 chaeribemywife: I'm happy for Chaeri's success in 'My Name,' but those intimate scenes with Ahn Bo-Hyun are making me feel a bit jealous 😅
💭 fanboy11: I understand it's acting, but seeing Chaeri and Ahn Bo-Hyun's steamy scenes in 'My Name' is really testing my emotions!
💭 chaeri1stan: Seriously, can't they tone down the intimacy between Chaeri and Ahn Bo-Hyun in 'My Name'? It's making it hard to watch
💭 chaerislips: The chemistry between Chaeri and Ahn Bo-Hyun is so intense that I can't help but feel slightly jealous of their kissing in 'My Name.' I hope they are just acting
💭 notdelulufan: Wow, I have to admit that being Ahn Bo-Hyun and having a scene with Chaeri where she's undressed in 'My Name' is a dream! A bit of male jealousy here
What BTS think of Chaeri in the lead role of My Name, interview extracts
Suga: Chaeri has proven to be an all-around artist, her versatility in moving from a world that was strictly about music to the world of film and TV series is impressive. She has handled the complex role she has been given managing to convey genuine emotions. She has given life to an extraordinary character. We are very proud of her
Jin: She surprised us by auditioning without letting us know. When she returned home with a carrot cake, her favorite, she exclaimed, 'Guys, today calls for a celebration!' It caught us off guard. We were aware of her acting lessons but hadn't anticipated her involvement in such a significant project. From the first day of filming until the very end, we wholeheartedly cheered her on
Suga: I've been on set many times
V: I've been on set as well. I have brought her lunch more than once and stayed to watch the scenes being filmed
Jimin: As part of the BTS family, we have always stood together, supporting each other's dreams and aspirations. It brings us immense joy to witness Chaeri's artistic evolution and the milestones she reaches. Every success she achieves feels like a shared victory for all of us
RM: To be frank, when she shared the details and genre of the show she was going to be a part of, I couldn't help but ask if she felt ready to make her debut as an actress in such a demanding role. The first impression is crucial, as it can shape an artist's future prospects, and I was worried that the role might be too overwhelming. However, she proved me wrong, and she amazed everyone. I suppose I will always have a sense of concern for her, just like when she was 14 years old. It's a part of me that I can't shake off. Nevertheless, I have to acknowledge and accept that she has blossomed into a strong, beautiful and independent woman
J-Hope: She's the youngest in the family, and it's tough to see her all grown up
J-Hope: A significant buzz has emerged online surrounding her involvement in this show. However, I strongly believe that she deserves nothing but admiration. Despite it being her debut, she has demonstrated remarkable artistic skills. My Name is the type of TV series that I would gladly watch repeatedly, to the point of memorizing every scene. Chaeri's performance was nothing short of perfection
Jungkook: Her dedication serves as an inspiration to all. We were a bit worried at first. Our busy schedules consume a major part of our day and she would sacrifice hours of sleep to become the leading actress everyone expected. I witnessed her taking boxing lessons, filming scenes at improbable hours, and studying the script even while eating. She is a hard worker, and all her efforts have paid off
V: There are no adequate words to express how proud I am of her. She knew that joining the cast would unsettle some people, yet she pursued it because it was what she wanted. As idols, we have a responsibility to set a good example for our followers, that's true. However, it's important to remember that movies and TV series are purely fictional and go beyond our role as role models. I have always supported her in every decision, and I have cherished every minute of 'My Name'
taglist: @alixnsuperstxr | @bts-dream | @ycuvi
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Ninjago but after the Serpentine decide to stop being evil they also start integrating themselves into the show more. Not by being useful or plot-relevant or anything but just to bother the ninja.
Jay goes to pick up something from his parents one day and finds out that for some reason Skales is there. Having tea with his parents. They’ve been having tea every Sunday and have become best friends, with him helping out around the Junkyard and them giving him parenting advice with his young son. And also showing him Jay’s baby pictures. Jay is losing it. Skales is having the time of his life.
Lloyd drops off his mother to the Serpentine one episode and thinks she’s just there for research, but then when he runs back in to make sure she’s not getting attacked he learns that she’s having a movie day with nearly all the leaders of the Serpentine tribes. Skalidor and her have very strong and very contradicting opinions on what makes a good rom-com and Lloyd just slowly backs out of the room.
Cole keeps hearing about his father training this new young group of singers, and when he goes to meet them he finds out that they’re all various Serpentine who are huge fans of his dad’s work. And fans of him. They forgive Cole for beating them up ninja-style and just want him to teach them the Triple Tiger Sashay but he’s not too sure. Somehow he ends up teaching an entire dance class and honestly? He’s not sure either.
Darreth starts gaining Serpentine students and teaching them the ways of the brown ninja, they are the only ones who think he’s cool. Cyrus Borg has an entire rivalry with a super-advance company run by Fangpyres (though when the world is in danger, they dramatically team up and combine their technical prowess). Skylor’s newest chef is a Venomari who she keeps having to remind about appropriate levels of poison for humans and food, not because he’s evil but just because he forgets humans aren’t as poison-resistant.
It would be very funny and I also just... love the Serpentine. Very much.
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hopelessdelusional · 11 months
You turned off the engine of the car, taking in the area that surrounded you and your best friend. You knew that Kaminari had been able to make a career off of just YouTube alone but this exceeded your expectations as to how he lived. Sure it wasn’t the most impressive neighborhood you’ve been invited to, but it sure as hell didn’t seem like a neighborhood you or Hitoshi could afford to live at in this moment in your lives.
You take a breath, then turn to Hitoshi who was busying himself on his phone, probably being too invested by people arguing on twitter.
His brown eyes were suddenly looking into your eyes, there was an anxious look in his eyes, but he hid it well. Hitoshi rose an eyebrow at you, probably already annoyed by the fact that he knows you’re going to say something that might make him feel emotions.
“Thank you for coming with, I love you.”
A small blush fell on his cheeks before he reached out and shoved your face away from him. You started laughing at his emotional constipation, which only made him continue to mess with you. You were quickly able to get his hands away from you, just one of the pros of why you go to the gym. The two of you headed out of the car and walked up the driveway, making small comments about the interesting decorations that littered the front porch. In a way it reminded you of the shared home you had with Hitoshi, admiring the pride flag that hung proudly blowing in the wind. Hitoshi rang the doorbell, and after hearing an absurd amount of noise coming from the other side of the door (Taylor’s version from the vault) the door swung right open.
“Hey y/n!”
Kaminari had a wide grin on his face, and was wearing black sweatpants and a band t-shirt. You quickly greeted the blond back, before squinting at his shirt to get a better look. Your eyes widened as a sly smile spread across your face realizing it was a Foo Fighters shirt, knowing that was one of Hitoshi’s favorite bands. You were tempted to point it out for your best friend but you made the conclusion that even if you said something you didn’t think either of them would notice.
To say that Kaminari had heart eyes, was an understatement. You don’t think you’ve even seen someone in a rom-com look that head over heals, and of course looking at your best friend you swear you could see hearts circling around Hitoshi’s head.
“Hey Shinsou, I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“You can call me Hitoshi.”
To a stranger, Hitoshi maybe just looked a little off his game, but after knowing this man for seven years you could easily tell how flustered he truly was. Kaminari was flushed with a big goofy grin on his face while Hitoshi’s posture was unlike you’ve ever seen him stand. It was pretty funny, seeing them give each other heart eyes.
“Oh, well uhm Hitoshi-“
“Hey Guys! Welcome to the crib!”
Kirishima, as loud and energetic as ever, popped up out of what seemed like nowhere. He was wearing gym clothes, athletic shorts and a tank top, but from what you can tell that’s probably just what his entire closet is full of. Kirishima’s grin stretched across his face with his arm draping around Kaminari. Though there was a sudden interruption, Kaminari didn’t seem to want to look away, while Hitoshi started to look away and peek into the home.
“How many people are here right now?”
You watched as Kaminari’s face fell, his love trance quickly falling, suddenly nervous to make Hitoshi uncomfortable.
“Yeah oh god y/n I completely forgot to tell you.”
You were honestly surprised that Kaminari would be taking to you again. You smiled politely grabbing for Hitoshi’s arm to keep him from bursting into the house uninvited. Hitoshi has a habit of not caring what others think of him, not that you think Kaminari would care. The blond would probably let Hitoshi do whatever he wanted and he would still be looking at your best friend like he was the only thing that matters in the world.
“It’s okay, you gave me a heads up beforehand. Now, can we come in?”
Kaminari’s face flushed, shoving Kirishima out of the way making you snort. You let go of Hitoshi and let him go in first, following close behind him.
Immediately you found ruby red eyes glaring into yours. It was almost laughable how quickly you spotted him, and as soon as you found comfortable eye contact he looked away.
You rolled your eyes. You should have known better he wouldn’t actually act like he knows you, especially because just a couple weeks ago your tongue was practically in his throat.
“Hey y/n! Shinsou! Come sit with us!”
Mina was sitting on the floor, back to the couch with Sero sitting on the couch behind her. You honestly have never really talked to Sero, but he always seemed like the kind of person you could come up to and strike up a conversation with no problem.
This time around, Hitoshi stays behind you, letting you make the first move. You wanted to laugh at how awkward the two of you were being, desperately hoping that they didn’t notice.
After a little more small talk, you all were able to sit around the coffee table, keeping your distance with Bakugou, and open up your laptop and start up the editing software.
“Holy shit! I forget how beautiful Katsuki is!”
It seemed those words left Kaminari’s mouth before he thought through the consequences of what could happen. Immediately the whole room bursted into laughter. Bakugou’s face went bright red, but you were probably the only person to notice because your eyes immediately fell to his figure when Kaminari made that comment. He caught you staring, but you challenged him with keeping eye contact and a wild smile.
“Yeah he’s definitely perfect for his job.” You kept eye contact, enjoying how his blush became more apparent.
His friends made a couple more jokes, but Kaminari quickly recovered and started to talk you through editing. Hitoshi sat on the chair behind you while you and Kaminari sat on the floor. Hitoshi and Kaminari were obnoxiously flirting the entire time, and you soon noticed that Kirishima and Mina also seemed to be head over heels with each other.
Besides all the flirting, it really was a nice time. Having serious conversations about your job and being able to talk to people who actually seemed to be interested in you. You also worried that they wouldn’t get you and Hitoshi’s rude comments or dry humor, but thankfully the two of you fit right in.
You noticed Bakugou seemed to get more and more comfortable, being able to read his body language throughout the hang out. Watching his biceps flex underneath his cuffed t-shirt sleeve, even enjoying the fact he was wearing (gray) sweatpants.
Suddenly, the fact that you’ve been so bold hits you like a punch to the gut and you feel yourself get shy. You weren’t interested in a relationship right now. Especially not with your client that the only spark you created was when the two of you were drunkenly making out at a party like a couple of horny high schoolers.
“Hey y/n did you know that Katsuki can cook?”
You snapped out of your inner thoughts, turning your head to Mina and the wicked smile she was shooting you. You cocked an eyebrow at her, putting your elbow up on Hitoshi’s lap behind you. He immediately put his hands on your arm, fiddling with the bracelets on your wrist.
“Wow so he can pose in front of a camera and make a meal? Now that’s a whole package.”
Kaminari and Sero were giggling like a kid. You honestly were enjoying how well this evening was going, especially how happy your best friend seemed to be.
Mina chuckled at your comment but continued. “It’s more than a meal y/n, it’s an experience.”
Her smile was wide, and there was a sparkle in your eye as she leaned toward you. When Kirishima came into the house with you, he stole Sero’s spot behind Mina, making him able to take her shoulders and lean her away.
You smiled gently at their domestic lifestyle, then turned to Bakugou.
“You wanna show me what you got?”
Thirty minutes later, filled with constant bickering between you and the ash blond, dinner was on the table for your friends. The two of you served something simple yet delicious, panang curry. Everyone seemed very happy for actual food in front of them, and the whole group ate so much they were scraping the food off their plate. You and Bakugou shared a small victory smile, and you soon realized how well you two work together.
Throughout the process of making the food, Bakugou always had something to say at your style of cooking, but you did catch him looking at how you did certain things. Besides that fact, it was quite nice being able to cook with someone who didn’t have a chance to burn down the whole house (aka your entire friend group), and being able to watch everyone interact with each other and yourself. Sero was sat in a seat that made him closer to you, starting up casual conversation with you. You couldn’t say you didn’t blame him, given the fact that Mina and Kirishima were annoyingly flirting, along with now Hitoshi and Kaminari. However, you felt as if you were possibly doing the same with the so-called cook that was right next to you. There was plenty of space for the two of you to be far away from each other and not brushing hands by accident, but you always found Bakugou right next to you. His body heat radiating off of him and onto you. You unwillingly thought of what it would like to be with him, your delusional mind making up some sort of fantasy living with him and doing this every night. You desperately shooed that thought away, not wanting to catch feelings for him. You had been through so much this past year, you didn’t want all your hard work to be ruined by some relationship. You were the type to put your all into someone, and somehow it always ended up with you being heart broken.
“I knew that Denki had a thing for purple hair over there, but I didn’t think it was that sickening.”
Bakugou’s voice was low, head down but near you so you could hear. The two of you decided to clean up the mess you made, wiping the counter and washing the dishes. The group insisted on helping out but you and Bakugou made them sit and watch the movie they picked out. Turns out neither you or Bakugou enjoyed the movie so it worked out. (You decided not to think about that yet another common interest you two shared).
You smiled at his comment, grateful that someone else noticed how disgustingly in love they seemed.
“I always had a thought Toshi liked Kaminari, but I never pushed it because he isn’t really the type to talk about feelings like that, so I never asked.”
Your focus was on the dish in your hands, but out of the corner of your eye you noticed Bakugou’s head rise to look at you.
“Really? Little miss ‘let’s make a dream board on how I feel about this certain color’ is best friends with someone who doesn’t like to talk about his feelings?”
His words were teasing, but just like that conversation a couple days ago in the meeting room, his tone was curious, wanting to know more.
You just chuckled, putting the plate on the drying rack next to the sink. You watched as Bakugou moved to the oven, where there were towels resting on the handle. It honestly cracked you up to see the built, handsome and ever stoic man with using a dish towel that said “when in doubt, pull out” with an oven on it but clearly the boys bought it for a completely different reason. You made a mental note to ask the boys where they got it from.
“Well you know what they say Bakugou, opposites attract.”
You smiled sweetly at him, but not really thinking about him. Your mind went back to the first day you and your best friend met.
It was the summer before college, you were moving in early because you were desperate to leave the house. Turns out your roommate and soon to be close friend, Ochako, had the same idea. The two of you got along very quickly, and she soon explained to you that her friend group from high school were still very close and she asked you if you wanted to hang out with them. You were not yet the person you were today, still shy and an anxious mess. You felt as if that idea was a bad one. You feared that you would be awkward and out of place the whole time. Let’s be honest, an entire friend group that can survive high school and still want to hang out together were very close. You felt as if you’d be interrupting those good vibes and would stick out like a sore thumb. However, that was when you realized Ochako was a very persuasive person, and somehow you found yourself at a small coffee shop with six other people. At the time, Izuku and Shoto were a new couple, and Momo and Jirou weren’t even together, neither was Ochako and Tenya.
Then, there was Hitoshi. Ochako explained that he came in a little later, someone Izuku had to practically force to hang out with them. Surely but slowly the two of you gravitated together, the more Ochako invited you to hang out with them, the more you and Hitoshi were able to form a friendship. Soon enough, the two of you started to hang out on your own, having much more in common than you thought.
The two of you went through hell together, surviving petty fights, miscommunications, and having to deal with each others toxic partners at the time. It scared you shitless when you felt as if you were going to lose him. Though he wasn’t big on feelings, he always put that aside and reassured you.
Your eyes found him sitting on the couch, looking much more comfortable than he did when the two of you first arrived. You felt your heart swell, so happy that you were lucky enough to have someone like that in your life, and most importantly that he was happy and safe.
You turned back to Bakugou, now handing him another dish. There was a different look in his eyes that you couldn’t say you recognized.
“Yeah?” He whispered, making you aware of the comment you made about you and Hitoshi’s relationship.
“Yeah,” you said back, but more nonchalant. “And that’s what’s going to make Kaminari and Hitoshi such an amazing couple.”
You went back to doing the dishes, wanting to keep talking so you can distract yourself from thinking about the way Bakugou looked at you. “I can’t believe they’ve been secretly pining over each other for ten fucking years, I mean come on, that’s just pathetic.”
Bakugou snorted, allowing you to fathom that he was next to you, towel on his shoulder leaning on the counter with his arms crossed which perfectly showed just how ripped he is. You felt a little claustrophobic at this sudden closeness, but the demon on your shoulder convinced you to stay within this close proximity that the blond created.
“Yeah, having to watch all these idiots fall in love with each other. Including your idiots.”
You allowed yourself to laugh at that, but it also made you not able to be that close to Bakugou. So, you shoved a pan into his chest and made him put it away. You sighed a breath of relief, feeling your face flush. His smell still lingered around you, leaving you to remind yourself just how addicting that smell was.
“It was quite painful to see Ochako and Tenya in the same room as each other. I mean it was just so obvious!”
In the middle of your frustration, because your hands were still wet from washing dishes, water splashed everywhere, including the man standing next to you. His face wrinkled immediately, you had to cover your mouth in order to keep in the laughter that would surely shake the house. There was no better description of his face other than a cat getting flicked by water. It was just so funning to see a man who looked like that look so…cute.
“And that’s why you shouldn’t stand so close to me.”
You were able to compose yourself from laughter and embarrassment, using Bakugou’s towel to dry your hands. He huffed at you, and snatched the towel away from you to dramatically wipe his face. Because your friends were still watching the movie you wanted to stay quiet, you had to lean over to cover your face to make your laughter quieter. Without even realizing it, you leaned forward into Bakugou’s chest, your face literally being smothered by him. You wanted to panic, but you were still giggling so you stayed there for a couple more moments. Finally catching a breath, you were able to resort back to your normal posture, now being able to see Bakugou’s face. His cheeks and the tips of his ears were bright red, but he had the smallest smile at your uncontrollable giggling. Jokingly, you shoved him away, busying yourself in an attempt to not fully comprehend what has just happened.
“So how were you when we were in high school? Any annoying relationships?”
His voice wobbled a bit, but he played it cool. Obviously that stunt you pulled also affected him.
“Oh you know, I grew up in the south so there wasn’t many dating options. I actually had to lower my standards in order to ‘get some.’
You rolled your eyes as you thought back to all the people you dated, and for some reason continued to talk out loud.
“I dated like two guys in high school, both traumatized me to the bone. As for girls, I never actually officially ‘dated’ them because, you know, homophobia.”
Your hands moved as you explained the sad stories of your dating life, worried that you were being annoying. However you glanced at Bakugou and realized that he was staring at you with that look in his eyes again, having fully caught his attention with your blabbering.
“Had a couple of situationships with girls, it was so awful. It made me so frustrated that we couldn’t just date, you know? And the college happened and I officially dated a girl, and it was good until she cheated on me, with her ex.”
Bakugou winced at that last part, and you laughed it off, regretting even telling him this. Why were you telling him this?
“But it’s okay! I met another guy and it was a really good time, we had to break up just due to a loss of spark, and after that I just…haven’t dated since. Honestly I don’t know when I want to start dating again, after all the shit I’ve been through I just can’t risk dating right now.” You chuckled, reminiscing all of your past exes.
However, what you didn’t realize was that Bakugou had gone stiff, taken aback by what you had just said. Suddenly, the mood in the room shifted, and Bakugou began to distance himself from you.
“What about you, man? Any crazy exes you wanna vent about?”
You turned to look at him, but his face was far away from you now, and there was a very different look set upon his face. You furrowed your eyebrows at the change in his attitude, and watched him hang up the towel.
“Nah, I’ve always been the crazy one.”
He looked back up at you, and the two of you maintained eye contact. You felt like you just lost the connection that was starting the grow between the two of you. The past hour and a half of bonding and bickering like and old married couple was now long gone, as there was an ocean between you two.
“I think I’m gonna head home, gotta get up early tomorrow.”
Before you could even think of a reply, he left, leaving you standing in the kitchen alone, feeling emotions you haven’t felt in a long time. A shiver went down your spine.
What the fuck happened?
HOLY SMOKES that was a lot
y’all poor things just wanted an smau and im like making y’all read a whole ass book dear lord
my sincerest apologies, i promise the next episode will have no written content. good lord.
anyways! hope you enjoyed! a LOT went down and the plot is getting spicyyyyyy i’m excited and you should be too!!
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wardenparker · 11 months
Couch for Four
Dave York x Carol York x female reader x Quinn McKenna Co-written with @absurdthirst
Rating: General audiences, but this blog is always 18+! Word Count: 6k Warnings: MMFF poly fam established in the fic Table for Four . Just a lil bit of fluff about PMS/PMDD. Talk of menstruation and some folks day dreaming about possible future pregnancy. Just a whole lot of fluff and Super Care Taker Dave.  Summary: When your PMS kicks in early and angry, Dave steps up to make sure you’re taken care of and comfortable. Which includes making sure Carol and Quinn are in on the plan.  Notes: I’ve been dealing with horrible PMDD for an entire two weeks now and Keri is an angel who helps me daydream about being taken care of when I feel bad. That’s all, that’s what is here. Pure self-indulgence. 
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It started last night, which was inconvenient but not the end of the world. Quinn was out with Carol last night and Dave was having Daddy-daughter night with his kids, so you had curled up on the couch and eaten a parsed together dinner of sad, small amounts of various leftovers, a half a Taco Bell quesadilla, a bowl of that amazing soup from the bistro down the block, and the rest of that bag of kettle corn from the vendor at the farmer’s market. It was by no means gourmet, but there was no one there to witness it so you just popped on Dirty Dancing Havana Nights for the eightieth time because you don’t care if the sequel isn’t as good, you just like to watch Diego Luna dance. Last night was not a problem. It’s this morning that’s the problem.
No amount of coffee in the world can bring you back to human when PMS wallops you out of nowhere like this, so your makeup feels painted on and your clothes feel too tight in awkward places. The breakfast sandwich that you ate on the drive to the office has somehow only made you more hungry and that has you unconsciously pouting at your desk in between phone calls and managing Dave’s many responsibilities.
You’re not getting as much done as you’d like to when you’re denying yourself the bottle of that new Sprite Lymonade – which you’ve become obsessed with – that you have stashed in the break room fridge with your name on it. You’re going to eat the goddamn salad you packed for lunch and not order a crab cake BLT and curly fries from the sandwich shop across the street for lunch. You’re going to get through work and be fine. You’re going to be normal. And only after accomplishing that will you allow yourself to go home and cry over more rom-coms and isolate yourself from your partners for a few days so they don’t worry about you.
When Dave walks into the office, he immediately knows that something is off-kilter with you. Instead of the bright, beautiful smile that signifies that you are excited to see him, your face is slightly sagging. Indicating that you aren't feeling the best and the wane, almost watery smile a dim ghost of your normal greeting. The double shot latte in his hand had been for him, but he sets it down beside your computer and smiles. "Good morning, sweetheart." He murmurs softly, figuring you might be battling with a headache or maybe even those head colds that seem to be running rampant around the office.
“Good morning.” In an effort not to have him worrying, you refocus on your computer like you’re already busy at work. “There is one phone message on your desk and you have a team meeting at 10. Any special instructions this morning?”
He frowns slightly, normally the first five or ten minutes of his day with you is spent chatting about more than instructions or messages. Something’s off with you and he wonders if you are upset that Quinn and Carol went out last night. “Nothing at all sweetheart, I know you have my schedule set for me.”
“Of course.” The electronic calendar containing his business obligations is meticulously micromanaged regardless of how crappy you yourself might feel.
“Are you alright?” He frowns slightly, shuffling closer as you pretend to be engrossed in the screen. “You aren’t upset I was with the girls last night, are you?”
“What?” It breaks your heart a little that he would even think that and you shake your head immediately. There aren’t many people in the office yet so you can reach for his hand and give a quick squeeze without fear of being spotted. “No. I’m just not feeling one hundred percent myself today. I’m fine, I promise.” That’s putting it mildly, unfortunately, but you’re a grown ass woman. It’s not like this is your first time with PMS.
“Okay.” Dave believes you, knowing that you aren’t one to lie to him. “If you need to go home, you know you can.” He doesn’t want you here if you need to be resting.
“I know.” He would never make you work if you needed to be home, probably much more lenient with you than he needs to be because he does care about you. But by the same token, caring about him is part of why you work so hard. “It’s…” There’s no use hiding anything from him. Dave York is not a man that anyone can keep secrets from. “It’s just…the usual.”
Frowning for a moment, his eyes drop down to the calendar and then he understands. “Oh.” He murmurs softly. “Okay. I understand.”
“Nothing to worry about,” you promise him. Even if it’s hitting early and hard this month, it’s still just the same old stuff that you’ve been dealing with since middle school.
He knows that’s not exactly true. Your periods seem to hit you more severely than Carol. She had explained it to him once, and Dave had been appalled that you had to go through that every month. So of course he would worry.
The fact that you have to leave your desk twice before his meeting to ride out a crying spell in the bathroom isn’t ideal, but hopefully he didn’t notice. The coffee he left you also seems to have heightened your anxiety, which only makes things harder, but it can all be managed. You worked at the fucking White House. You can handle anything. At least, that’s what you remind yourself when you’re staring at your own red eyes in the mirror on bathroom trip number three.
Dave kept his door open, watching as you leave your desk for the third time and he sighs. Standing, he walks out and to your phone to pick it up and forward the calls to his handset. Bypassing the need to have you screen his calls for him. It’s clear that this isn’t a normal day for you and he won’t treat it as such.
The blinking light on your desk phone when you get back again makes you frown, and you feel like you should be tucking your tail between your legs when you knock gently on Dave’s door and nudge it open. Apparently, you’ve been so out of it that you didn’t even realize it was cracked open. “Mr. York?” You’re formal because the other assistant in this section of the office is a busybody. “Is there a problem?”
Dave looks up from his computer and motions you to come inside. “Come on in and close the door, sweetheart,” he murmurs quietly so that only you can hear him. “No problem that can’t be fixed.”
“I’m sorry I had to step away again.” His door clicks shut behind you and you brace yourself for him to be upset or at least disappointed – which everyone knows is worse. But he is generally an understanding boss and he’s an attentive partner, so the best you can do right now is wait to find out if you’ve finally tested him too much and hope that that isn’t the case.
“You don’t need to be sorry.” Dave pushed back from his desk and pats his thigh. “Come here, sweetheart.”
The pinpricks behind your eyes are immediate, and before you can stop them they’ve boiled over into full-blown tears with messy, garbled “I’m sorry”s hiccuped in between. There’s just no way in hell that you can manage sex right now. Not emotionally or even physically – cramps having kicked in finally and joined that unwelcome cacophony of symptoms.
“Hey, hey.” Frowning, Dave immediately stands, rushing over to you to pull you against his chest. “What’s wrong, baby? Talk to me.” No clue why you started crying when he wanted you to sit on his lap, he’s a little alarmed at how you are reacting. Normally you love sitting on his lap at work, though he doesn’t want to have you sit on his cock this time.
“I just—I’m really sorry—” The game is now about keeping your voice down so Fran doesn’t hear you crying from outside the door. “I can’t today. I know it’s usually not a big deal but I just don’t feel up to it.”
“What?” He shakes his head, curling you into his chest a bit more. Protective of your feelings and wanting to provide you with comfort if you need it. “No, baby, I didn’t want sex. I just wanted to hold you. Nothing more.” He promises softly.
Good job dumb ass. The voice in your head chastises immediately, though you don’t move an inch from the safety of his arms. Always gotta assume the worst. “I’m sorry,” you murmur again, softer, this time apologizing for misunderstanding. “I guess I’m a little less myself today than I thought.”
“Don’t be sorry.” He had just wanted to hold you on his lap while he worked, but now he guides you over to the sofa in the corner of his office. “I have my sweats here. Do you want to get out of your tight skirt and pantyhose?” He offers.
It would be better. You know that. It would be so much more comfortable. Dave’s sweats and workout clothes are always soft and worn in, usually the kind of thing that you would jump at wearing if the situation arose. Carol does too, and sometimes you twin it in her husband’s clothes when you spend the weekend at their house. “That…” You’re nodding even as you protest. “That would be noticeable…I’ll just say I spilled coffee on my skirt, I guess.”
“You’re going to stay in here.” Dave tells you. “I’ve already set up the heating pad.” He uses it for when his back hurts or the ache and pains that come with his job, but he knows how much Carol depends on her heating pad during her periods. “And you can sleep or read or just watch me work.”
“I don’t understand.” Probably more than a little dense from all the fog of mood swings, you feel completely dumb when you just look at him like a lost puppy.
“You aren’t feeling good sweetheart.” One hand slides down to caress your stomach. “If you won’t go home, you’re going to let me take care of you.” He prefers that actually. “I have a drawerful of your favorite snacks and no more pressing meetings today.”
You really could cry all over again, both of your hands clasping over his on your middle. Sometimes you swear he gets moony over the idea of having more kids around, but he knows that’s not in your life plan any time soon. “You’re an angel, you know that right?”
“Gotta take care of my girl.” He leans in and nudges his nose against yours. “If I don’t, Carol and Quinn will have my hide.” It’s more than just the other two being annoyed with him, he wants to take care of you. Wants to make sure that you know you are loved and supported. “You want one of those Sprite Lymonades from the fridge? You’ve been drinking a lot of them lately. I can go grab one while you change. Or some tea?”
“Those stupid sodas are so good.” Slumping a little against his side, you tuck your face into the crook of his neck and sniffle quietly. “I really appreciate this, honey…” He knows you’re never off your mark like this at work. So much so that he had no idea your periods and the accompanying symptoms were this bad until Carol had told him.
“I’ve got you.” He promises, sliding his hand around to your back and squeezing you slightly. “You go change and I’ll get you all set up for your much needed day of rest.”
He strides out the door a moment later with confidence and you snatch your purse out from under your desk to be able to have your phone and book on the couch in his office. Dave keeps his spare clothes and gym clothes in the small cabinet under the windows of his government issued office and you slip out the nondescript gray sweatpants and t-shirt that Carol got him on vacation over a decade ago. Exchanging your own clothes for his is like being wrapped in a warm York-family hug and you tuck your heels in next to the couch with your purse so you can lie down. Your partner’s clothes, a heating pad, and a book. This is the closest to comfortable that you’ve felt in two days.
If people are surprised that Dave is in the break room, they don’t show it. Most often you grab his coffee, but he fishes out his wallet to grab a couple of dollar bills to feed into the machine. He knows you will fret about not taking care of him since this is your job but Dave is a believer that as your boss and your lover, it’s also his job to take care of you. He punches the button for your desired drink and listens to it rattle around before dispensing the bottle of cold lemon-lime soda.
The electric blanket is tucked neatly against you when Dave comes back in, and you offer him a soft smile and a "Thank you" for the soda. "I'm just going to shoot Quinn a text and then order your lunch, and then I swear I'm off duty for the rest of the day." What you're actually doing is canceling on Quinn for tonight, but you'll just tell him that you're under the weather. He won't mind – it's not as though you had anything really planned. It was more of just an agreement to meet up for dinner and then see where the night took you.
“Don’t worry about that.” Dave shakes his head. “I’ll order lunch.” He promises. “Now. Do you want Oreos, a Twix, a Snickers, or the pack of those chocolate chip cookies you like?”
"You have my cookies?" Not expecting that in the least, since you had discovered them originally at a gas station of all places, you pause in writing a message to Quinn and lift your head. "You tracked down my stupid convenience store cookies?"
“I tracked down your stupid convenience store cookies.” He grins, walking over to his desk and opening the bottom draw to pull out not one, but two packs of the cookies you couldn’t find anywhere else.
“Daaaave…” There are the tears again, barely pushed back as you take the packages from him and stand up to give him a tight hug full of gratitude. “You’re so good to me.”
“You deserve it.” He promises you, kissing your hair. “Now I want you to let me know if you need anything else, okay?”
“I’m all set.” The salad you brought will keep until dinner if you eat cookies for lunch, but that has to be some kind of nutritional balance, right? “Thank you honey.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” He pulls out the blanket he sometimes uses when he’s too tired to go home late from a mission. Winking at you as he comes over to spread it out over you. “You just sit on your heating pad and look pretty.” He murmurs. “And cry if you need to. I won’t be mad about that.”
“Trust me, I won’t be able to stop myself from the way the day has been going so far.” You roll your eyes at yourself and give yourself permission to indulge in kissing him. It’s not like you haven’t done much worse on this couch, after all, but it means that you’re distracted enough to not hear Dave’s phone go off at his desk.
Once he kisses you and you are settled back against the cushions of the sofa, Dave makes his way back over to his desk. He picks up his phone and reads the text message from Quinn.
From SpaceCadet: Is she okay? She just canceled plans tonight. Said she wasn’t feeling well.
With your soda and your book you don’t even notice the way Dave’s face pinches when he looks down at his phone, finally letting your work brain turn off so you can just let yourself be distracted.
He glances over to you and starts typing out a reply. Having a bad day with her period. She’s been crying all morning. Got her camped out on the couch with a heating pad. Swing by her place and get a change of clothes and come to the house? I’m going to take her home.
From SpaceCadet: Copy that. Taking a half day and hitting the grocery store on my way there. Cooking for four or six?
Dave smirks at the reply, the girls love Quinn and he’s taken to them easily. Six. The girls are on a hot dog tear.
From SpaceCadet: Steaks for four and hot dogs for two. See you tonight.
There aren’t a lot of foods that Quinn has mastered but he can definitely feed kids and he makes a hell of a good steak. And since you had been showing him a thing or two or three in the kitchen he had really taken a new liking to cooking. So whatever he does, it’s almost guaranteed to be good.
Dave sets his phone down and glances back over to you to find you curled up with your cookies and soda, sniffing quietly as you read. It could be worse and he doesn’t want to smother you, so he turns towards his computer to knock out some emails.
When the end of the day comes you’ve managed a nap and a few more chapters in the novel that Carol had lent you, and you sit up on Dave’s couch still feeling burnt out and heavy with sadness despite resting all day. “I think I’m going to tuck in over the weekend,” you tell him, knowing it would be longshot to get anything done at home. Laundry and feeding yourself at most.
“That sounds good, sweetheart.” Dave nods, closing his computer down and locking his desk drawers. “Quinn’s bringing you some clothes and we are going to just veg for the weekend. Low key, relaxed and you won’t have to lift a finger.”
“Did you just say…” It takes you an extra second, but when you look back up he’s smiling in that completely self-satisfied way that he has whenever he’s plotted a surprise or knows he’s fully exhausted and satisfied you in bed. The expression that is his own little pat on the back. “You’re not letting me go home to wallow in privacy, are you?”
"Should we?" He asks, lifting a brow. "Are you telling me that I should let you go home to be alone and be miserable, stuck in your own head? Or my idea of bringing you home and letting me, Carol, and Quinn dote on you and spoil you?" If you really wanted to go home and be alone, he would let you. He just wouldn't be happy about it.
There’s guilt in your frown, and you dig your toes into the little rug runner under his sofa with a sigh. “I don’t want to spoil anyone’s good time.”
"You aren't going to spoil anything, sweetheart." It's Dave's turn to frown as he shakes his head. "We will have a perfectly good time just relaxing together. Carol knows what you are going through and Quinn and I? Well, we are good boys who do what our girls want us to." He sends you a small wink. "Even running out for your cookies."
In under thirty seconds your frown has turned into a pout with the corners of your lips distinctly turned up as you cross the office to put your arms around him again. “Thank you, love.” He’s very good at making big gestures seem small, and the longer you’re together the more natural it’s all starting to feel. Even bringing Quinn into the equation had been surprisingly simple. “I just—you know I wouldn’t ask for it. But I’m grateful to have it offered to me.”
"We will do anything for you, sweetheart." Dave reminds you, his own arms wrapping around your back and he kisses your forehead. "What do you think about letting me drive you home? Leaving your car here for the weekend?" You might want to go somewhere, but he and Quinn could always come back and get it if you need it.
“As long as it’s okay with my boss,” you flash him a grin, knowing that he doesn’t have anything on his calendar that you have to worry about this weekend and you were planning on face planting on your couch. “It sounds extremely sweet and pretty wonderful, honestly.”
"Okay, let's get out of here." Dave shoots you a grin, happy he's getting his way and you are going along with his plan. You will be pampered and taken care of. Just like you deserve to be.
Quinn and Carol’s cars are already in the driveway when you pull up to the house, and Dave parks in the garage beside his daughters’ bicycles. You’ve been having these family nights more often – all four adults together having dinner with his and Carol’s girls. Sometimes you’ll go to their recitals or watch movies with them all together, sometimes you’re just sitting at the kitchen table playing cards or board games while they do their homework. They’re used to you as their daddy’s assistant and friend, and now they’re used to Quinn, too. They tease you, of course, because Carol introduced him as Mommy and Daddy’s friend and your boyfriend, but it’s that cute kind of teasing that makes them giggle and sometimes ask if you’re gonna wear a big poofy dress when you get married one day. It’s harmless and sweet, and honestly you’ve really come to appreciate those moments of being a family together.
"Quinn promised to cook tonight." Dave tells you as he cuts the engine. "Steaks for us, so you know that Carol has whipped up some delicious sides and he probably bought a chocolate laden dessert."
“I owe you guys for this.” While you know that there is no point system – no one is keeping track of good deeds in this relationship the four of you have – you still know you’ll be doing extra little nice things for all of them to show them you’re thankful.
Dave scoffs but he doesn't answer, knowing that there is no point to it. Instead, he walks around the car and takes your purse and clothes from you. Keeping his hand on your back and chuckling. "Now that we are home, you can take your bra off."
“You bet your ass.” Both of you laugh and you let him sweep you into the house like a guest of honor instead of the frumpy pile of borrowed clothes and unsettled hair you are. A makeup wipe from your bag had washed away the careful face you applied this morning and while you do feel more human, you know you definitely look as tired as you feel.
"Honey." Carol immediately pops out of the kitchen, tutting and pouting at you as she sweeps in to wrap you up in a fierce hug. "You should have let Dave bring you home hours ago." She chastises you gently. "What do you need? The heating pad is already on the couch, or you can sit in the steam shower until dinner is ready."
“I’m okay,” you promise her instantly, accepting the tight hug and reminding yourself not to cry over how sweet she is. “I had the heating pad in Dave’s office all day and had a little nap while he worked. I just…” Sheepishly, you shrug a little in her arms and look around to find the girls nowhere in sight before you give Carol a kiss. “I just want to be around you guys.”
Carol pets your face, cooing against your lips softly. "We will take care of you." She promises, smiling as she pulls back. "Nothing better than two sexy men and me to dote on you when you are feeling yucky because Aunt Flo's being a cunt." She winks. "Pun intended."
“Unfortunately, she hasn’t even kicked in yet,” you laugh at the pun and let her steer you to a stool at the kitchen island. “This is just her pre show.”
"The show before the volcano." Carol winces and reaches out to rub your stomach. "I'm so sorry, love."
“I’ll be okay.” Another kiss can be stolen without too much fear, and you’re hugging her tightly when the glass door between the kitchen and the porch slides open. “Are they home? I thought I heard the car.” Quinn pops his head inside and looks around for a second before his eyes land on you with a sigh of relief. “Baby,” he sticks his lower lip out in a deep pout and immediately makes his way to your side to wind his arms around you. “Are you okay? I’m sorry you’re not feeling good.” Periods are the number one reason he’s glad he’s not a woman, and he remembers how hard his ex-wife had it when they were together but it seems like sometimes yours are even worse.
“I’m okay now.” Carol has stepped away to make room for Quinn and you hug him every bit as tightly as you hugged her. “I have the world’s best people to look after me.”
"I've got some steaks on the grill." He knows red meat is good for you during this time and he was determined to make it the best damn steak you've ever put in your mouth. "And I'm already determined to give you a foot massage later on."
"When Dave said you guys weren't going to let me lift a finger this weekend he really meant it, huh?" It never fails to make you smile, though, because you know that the love between the four of you is steady as a rock. "Thank you, baby."
“You’re welcome.” Quinn winks at you and grins. “You know that we would do anything for you.” He kisses you quickly and lets you go. “I can’t over cook the steaks or York will never let me live it down!” He calls over his shoulder as he rushes back out onto the deck.
"So how was work, love?" When you turn back to Carol at the stove, Dave has already put a cold drink in front of you and is setting the table on your other side.
“It was snotty noses and uncooperative shots.” She chuckles. “So a perfect day in my world.” She is stirring the mushroom risotto and turns to send you a happy smile. “No emergencies, so it was wonderful.”
"We love any day the pediatrician's office doesn't have to deal with broken bones, virus epidemics, or random bouts of pink eye." Carol's work always keeps her plenty busy, but she always comes out of it with a smile and you admire the hell out of her for it. "Thankfully the office was quiet today. Seems like the day was pretty okay for everybody but my uterus," you chuckle lightly.
“Your uterus is angry with you.” Carol hums. “Or maybe it’s angry at the two sexy men that continuously fuck you but never gives it what it wants.”
"You just want another baby around without having to give birth to it yourself." Which isn't such a bad thing, but you still laugh a little as you sip the water that Dave had put in front of you.
“Duhhh.” Carol laughs and shakes her head. “No, but maybe we can talk to one of my colleagues, see if there’s something that can be done.”
"About me having a baby?" The immediate confusion has you sitting up in your seat before your mind catches up with your mouth. "Ohhh...wait...you mean about my dumbass periods."
“Of course, honey.” Carol reaches for the heavy cream to stir it in slowly. “I know you aren’t to that point yet, but you don’t deserve to suffer every month.”
It isn't too unusual for the topic of kids to come up considering you're the only one of the four of you without a biological child, but you typically wave it off just like you are now. "Every several years I have to change my birth control, that's all. They help the symptoms for a while and then they don't, ya know? It's fine. I just clearly need to see my gynecologist again."
“Okay.” She frowns slightly but she won’t push. “If you want me to make some calls, you just let me know, okay? I can call in some favors.”
"I appreciate it." Unfortunately, you're one of those unlucky women that got dealt a bad hand when it comes to monthly symptoms and you're managing it the best you can. What is lucky is that you have three people who love you who are willing to bend heaven and earth to help. "For now I'm just thinking good food and good company is the way to go. Even if I'm not up to running around with the girls...I'm glad Dave set this whole thing in motion." Because you know it was him. This level of coordination smacks of Dave York's handiwork.
“Of course. You know Dave.” She smiles indulgently as she looks towards the door. “He likes to make a fuss and he would do anything for you. We all would.”
"I'd do anything for all of you." That is as earnest a promise as you can possibly make, and you would make it as many times as they needed for the rest of time. Dave's gone outside after setting the table, getting a few private minutes with Quinn before dinner, and you glance back at the glass door before turning to Carol with a grin. "Did you guys have fun last night? Quinn was really excited but he wouldn't tell me what he had planned."
“We did.” She smiles fondly and knows you will understand. “We relived a little bit of the golden days. He took me to a dive bar and then we got a hotel room and pretended it was our old dorms.”
"Oh, cuuute." They've enjoyed rekindling their college romance and it's been sweet to see Carol and Quinn in that sunny, lovey stage. "That sounds like a perfect way to have some time together. He was so excited, I'm glad you loved it."
“I just hate that you were having a miserable time while we were having fun.” She pouts softly.
"If I had called you would have dropped everything and then you would have missed out on Quinn's whole plan." You shake your head, reaching out to rub her shoulder gently while she pulls the pan off the stove. "This is better. We have no plans for the weekend and the girls have a sleepover tomorrow. We can relax and be together with no expectations or changes of plans."
“As long as you do exactly what you want.” She murmurs softly as she covers the pot to keep it warm.
"What I want is to sneak a little forkful of whatever dessert Quinn picked up." The conspiratorial smile you share with her is broad, and you put your hands out to take the pot from her to put on the table.
“I think that I didn’t see you open the box on the first shelf of the fridge.” She winks at you and walks around you to put it on the table herself.
"You're a goddess," you promise Carol, as if she doesn't already know it. In their big refrigerator, a tall white cardboard bakery box stamped with the logo of the bakery down the block from your own apartment is waiting, and when you pop the lid your favourite cherry chocolate cake is staring back at you. "Oh my god," you groan happily and swipe a finger through the deeply rich ganache on top before turning back to Carol. "I love all of you. You're spoiling me and I'm going to return the favour so many times over."
“I knew you would want it.” She tells you proudly. She had told Quinn exactly where to go and what to get in order to put that exact expression on your face. “Don’t tell him I told you that. Let him have the credit.”
"Cross my heart." The motion of crossing your finger over your heart goes with it and you make a mental note to really rock the hell out of your next date with Carol as a thank you. "Do you need anything else from the fridge while I'm in here?"
“Can you grab the asparagus salad?” She asks. “Second shelf, metal bowl.”
"Done and done!" Even just being around your partners has brightened your mood, and even though you know it will ebb and flow for the next couple of days before your cycle starts, at least you're feeling buoyed by the idea that these three wonderful people all want you to be happy and cared for.
The rush to the table happens nearly all at once, with the guys coming in from the grill bearing a large platter and Dave going to fetch the girls while Carol gets the tray of condiments for their hot dogs. It's big, it's busy, it's noisy, and it's so wonderfully comfortable. Even though you're not feeling yourself, you feel the closest you possibly could.
“Hey babe.” Quinn curls around your back and kisses just below your ear. “How are you feeling?” He asks softly, rubbing your shoulders.
"A little better." You feel like you can breathe again, emotionally anyway, so that is a big step in the right direction. "What are the chances you're going to stay this weekend and hang out with us?" Just like the rest of you, Quinn has an extraordinarily demanding job and you know very well that a traditional weekend away from the office is not always possible for him.
“There’s nothing on the books so I’m all yours unless there’s a crisis.” He murmurs, smirking as he sits down beside you. “So I’m praying the world doesn’t burn.”
"Or if it does, that it has nothing to do with NASA." A soft kiss between you helps you relax even further, and in no time the six of you are sitting down at the table like it's a perfectly normal family dinner.
Dave hums happily, reaching for Carol’s hand and he pulls it up to kiss the back of it. “It’s a good day.” He murmurs as he watches you and Quinn put your heads together and talk quietly.
"You did a very sweet thing for her today, my love." Carol hums, kissing the back of her husband's hand in turn.
“I hated seeing her cry.” He admits quietly. “It was all I could do to keep working and not just bring her home and sit her on my lap.”
“Poor thing.” She tuts softly, shaking her head as Dave fills her plate for her. “I’m just glad she works for you and not someone who would force her to keep going in agony.” There are plenty of bosses like that out in the world, but she hates to think of you working for them. If she could keep you safe and cared for and always have someone there to adore you, she would.
“She wouldn’t go home, so I had to just make sure she didn’t suffer too badly.” He hands his wife her plate with a soft smile.
“You did good.” She beams at him and gives him a kiss on the cheek before taking her plate. “Now we can have a nice weekend as a family.” And if that family already felt complete before you and Quinn joined it, then having the two of you is the icing on a very sweet cake.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld  
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donaweasley · 1 year
Loki Masterlist
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Loki Taglist, if you'd like to be added!
One-shots 🥃 & Two-shots 🥃🥃:
My Asgardian Angel
Gist: A domestic fluff where Loki refuses to go to sleep until he gets his personal teddy bear in his arms: you.
Rain and Fire
Gist: It takes a storm and an annoying Sam to finally get our Avenger Loki and you to confess some long-suppressed feelings.
I Love Thee
Gist: Loki and you have said your ‘I love you’s a long time back. You basically know each other like the back of your hands. But one night, Loki reveals something that you had never expected to hear from him. Ever!
Is it Friendship?
Gist: While Loki has been accepted into the Avengers Compound, he’s yet to prove his trustworthiness. So, Tony chooses you to keep an eye on his moves. But was it really a wise decision to hire an impulsive and talkative person to supervise the movements of the God of Mischief?
Lies (Part 01)
Gist: Loki surprises you with a marriage proposal but turns out that you are not on the same page as him. Conflicts lead to hurt and eventually leads to Loki taking the ring back. Can things go back to normal again?
Lies (Part 02)
Gist: Loki has taken the ring back. And it is clear that things will not go back on track that easily. But there is hope. Is there?
What If
Gist: A silly game of “What-Ifs” between two friends eventually leads to the realisation that the future, if spent together, may not be as bleak as they had anticipated it to be. A dialogue-based best friends-to-lovers cliché.
It’s Not Time Yet
Gist: What can be a better way to start the day than waking up to the soft whispers and touches of the love of your life? Loki experiences the same with his wife. But…if only some things could always remain the way we or he wanted to!
Their Little Secret
Can read as solo or as a sequel to “What If”.
Gist: The reader and Loki have been best friends for long, but eventually realised that it was more than just friendship. As they secretly step into a new world, the entire team, unbeknownst to it all, makes it their mission to make the love birds realise and confess what they feel for each other.
I Want You
Gist: Ever since a certain raven-haired trickster started visiting the same library as you do, it had become impossible to maintain a lid on the emotions. But would it be really wise to let these emotions loose? He is, after all, a God and you are only a mortal.
I Still Choose You
Gist: Everyone said that Loki couldn’t be trusted. But they didn’t realise that he suffered from trust-issues himself. When faith becomes flaky, can Loki prevent himself from tearing down the relationship with the special person in his life?
Gist: It’s hard to find the love of your life. But what happens when you find them and then let them slip away? Like I had once written, the love of your life isn’t always the love in your life.
Gist: When with the God of Mischief, even the laziest of mornings can become “engaging”.
The Little Things
Gist: We do not realise when the little things change the courses of our lives, of the relationships we hold dear, until there is nothing left but a painful void. Will Loki and his wife be able to fill this void again?
The Situation
Gist: A little foodgasm turns into a long-awaited confession.
I Will Find You (Part 01)
Gist: It has been three years since Ragnarok; three years since the attack on the Statesman; three years since Loki, the love of her life, has gone. But a mysterious event tells her that he is back. Certainly! … Probably. But taking everything back to normal sometimes isn’t as simple as one might wish.
I Will Find You (Part 02)
Gist: Loki was back; but he’s gone again. And things have become worse than ever. Will it be possible to find a home again? (Smut; so, minors DNI)
A Mischievous Mistletoe
Gist: Like most rom-coms, our reader has to fake a date for a Christmas with her relatives. And who can be better than her best friend? A classic best friends-to-lovers plot. Again.
Sway With Me
Gist: Time changes several things, including a person’s appearance. The reader was once fit and confident about her physique but recent changes in her lifestyle has made her bloated. Ashamed of her current body, she shuns away from Loki, and keeps him at bay whenever he tries to get close to her. That was until our Silvertongue decides to erase her insecurities once and for all.
The Tesseract
Gist: She would go to lengths to protect Loki, despite the fact that he never returned her love, but only bestowed the kindest words and actions on her. But what if the efforts are not enough?
A Rainy Afternoon
Gist: Just Loki and the reader enjoying the rain one afternoon, and slowly turning the pages of their lives to reveal a new chapter.
Teeny Tiny Tales
Imagine Loki Kidnapping Peter
My Name on You
Mortal Love
A Messy Af-hair
Imagination vs Reality
Chocolates, Anyone?
In the Wrong Order
I Don’t Have a Home
Do You See Now, Brother?
Say My Name
I’ll Kill Anyone Who Hurts You
Their Language of Love
Jealous. Again.
Proud Dad
Emerald Oceans
A Little Kiss Won’t Hurt
His True Form
I Will Find You
Midnight Street (incomplete)
Gist: When unrequited love squeezes the happiness and faith out of life, can a friend shield you from all miseries, and assure that life isn’t as hopeless as it might seem to be? Loki might be broken but he will do all he can to help another broken friend heal. (Psst…it’s a love story!)
Part 01: The Way You Look at Him
Upcoming!! (Titles may change!)
Forget Me Not (One-Shot)
Gist: Loki was a God from Norse mythology, a character from comics and movies, her muse, the character she wove stories around, and someone she probably fell in love with. But that was only a childish thought, wasn’t it? Maybe, until the God decides to pay her a visit himself.
Let the Storms Wash the Plates (Series)
Gist: While in the “cage” called the Avengers Compound, Loki one day discovers that somebody shares similar tastes in poetry as him. But that somebody is none other than his arch nemesis: you. It is less of an enemies-to-lovers story and more of a friends-to-lovers one, filled with barriers that Loki’s emotional insecurities create.
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opinions-about-tiaras · 5 months
I think it's okay for people to be disappointed and feel misled and maybe even a little upset Scott Pilgrim Takes Off wasn't a more straightforward adaptation.
It's a masterwork as a piece of media, of course; a AU-that's-also-a-sequel based on both the movie AND the graphic novels, in dialogue with both, telling a tight, near-flawless story with immaculate animation and voice acting that, quite frankly, often makes the 2010 movie look poorly directed. (Tony Oliver is getting a LOT more out of these people in the booth than Edgar Wright managed to in front of the camera, frankly.)
And that's part of the problem, I think.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World oozed charm out of every shot; it's beloved by everyone who worked on it, which is always a good sign. But as an adaptation it was flawed in ways that were inevitable. Sacrifices had to be made to fit all six graphic novels that are deliberately messy and are meant as separate narrative arcs into something that runs on the big screen in less than two hours.
That meant a lot had to go missing. The original graphic novels were often leisurely rom-coms where they weren't stark, raw looks at emotional dysfunction, and a big part of their structure was the secondary and supporting cast. A lot of that had to go. Knives entire arc was cut to the bone. Stephen Stills being a hot mess and his weird and hilarious offscreen gay awakening went into the trash. The heart of Volume Four (still the best volume FIGHT ME), Lisa Miller's instigating presence, junked. Roxie Richter and the Katayanagi Twins are reduced basically to jokes. Envy Adams is given just enough to be a villain but none of what she needed to be a real person, which is a big deal in the comics. Even Gideon gets short shrift; the emotional violations and the dark, stinking, malign weaponization of emotional headspace that make him work in the comics are thrown aside in favor of him being a more straightforward supervillain using mind control chips.
And of course the biggest person to get shanked was Kim Pine. Kim had a storyline of quiet desperation, of seeking intimacy while being desperately terrified of it, romantic and sexual awakenings she isn't equipped to handle, deep and personal betrayals almost every volume that she nonetheless perseveres through. That had to go as well.
When I heard there was an animated adaptation coming, I was thrilled that I would finally get to see all of that rendered onto the screen. Scott Pilgrim was born to be an animated series more than it ever was live-action (and it's been proven multiple times over the past five years especially that animation can produce something wildly special when adapting a comic source handled properly) and it was finally going to have the breathing space to do it RIGHT.
Only it isn't that at all.
I wouldn't trade Scott Pilgrim Takes Off for the more straightforward adaptation we were expecting. The series has sunk its hooks deep into my brain, it's like I'm 29 again, driving my terrible, jank-ass car five hours to Toronto to attend the release party of the final volume. There's so much special about it; Knives and Kim's beautiful love duet is one of the most tender, pure things I've ever seen. The League of Evil Exes as a bumbling cadre of weirdos. Everything to do with Roxie Richter.
But it also means that we're probably deeply unlikely to get that more straightforward adaptation anytime soon. And that makes me feel like something has been lost.
And I respect the feelings of those who are disappointed and upset by it. Especially given that the marketing for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off was deliberately deceptive. I think that's a valid way to feel.
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brownbitchshit · 9 months
People who are defending this movie with life saying 'Queer people deserve the cute silly rom-coms', I just wanna say to you that this movie could have been an iconic Queer movie not just in the sense of a rom-com but in the sense of all Queer media. The fact that it didn’t leave up to its potential is heartbreaking. And the two biggest ways Matthew did this movie wrong is
1. Not showing the full extent of the pressure Royal family put on Henry. Softening this narrative by showing Henry is just scared of the scrutiny of public opinion and not his own homophobic grandparent and brother and an age old traditional institution that demands the heir to breed and rule and will rather accept slavery, massacres, rape and colonization over two men loving each other. Stephen Fry's King was barely an obstacle. The way Matthew Lopez watered down Henry's struggles and what it took him to come out and love Alex is just criminal. It's a fictional medium. There was no reason to appease to the royal family here but they tried to keep peace with them for some reason. This sort of just left a bad taste in my mouth. I don't care about whether book plots were kept or not, watering down Henry's character was not fine, was not okay. They kind of watered down Alex's struggles too but given the injustice they've done to Henry,I dont even wanna get into the Alex situation.
2. Another thing that absolutely disgusted me is the fact Matthew Lopez thought it was fine to show Alex coming out on his own without Henry's input. Why even change that? The best part about the story was how important it was for Alex that Henry comes out when he wants to and how Alex runs to him to make sure he's okay and he's sure about them before making any statement. Henry saying he's willing to try and then being outed forcefully, simply doesnt make it okay for Alex to make speeches about their entire relationship without Henry's input. How did he know that Henry wanted their relationship publicly confirmed? What if he wanted to back out? Did Alex confirm it in the movie before he went ahead and said those things? If I was a movie watcher only, maybe I wouldn’t have questioned this. But since I have read the book and I have extensively read about what it meant for Henry and Alex to be outed like this and what it meant for their relatioterms, to be brave and show an united fronts to the world by coming out on their own terms, I cannot accept this change.
Now I didn’t absolutely hate the movie. I really loved how it started. But as the plot progressed, it started to get worse as they kept butchering the story progression and character development when it should've gotten better with time. I personally loved the cast and TZP and Nick have done absolutely their best. But I cannot help blaming the makers of this movie for watering down the intensity of the story, butchering of the character development and ruining the story telling. And I'm sure, anyone who has read the book, won't disagree with me on these points and those who havent read the book and think of me as some bitter bookreader, I'd suggest you to read the book first because then you too would be mad at the film makers for not utilizing this story to its full potential.
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retrieve-the-kraken · 8 months
Heartstopper season 2 play-by-play analysis
It can’t be over! It can’t be! How long will it be before my next dose of serotonin? Although rewatching helps, absolutely, but my god, that cliffhanger! Those last moments of the episode just leave you yearning for more. More Paris Squad, more in-depth looks into their individual stories, more Nick & Charlie, more more MORE!
I’m glad that Alice Oseman is already hard at work on the season 3 script. I hope they’re as inspired as ever.
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- Baby Queen’s “Colours of you” makes an appearance/comeback. I don’t know, but I feel like a lot of people said that it was about how Nick makes Charlie feel, how his world is black and white until Nick comes into his life (I don’t know if maybe Baby Queen said that), but to me it was always more the other way around: that Nick’s life was very black and white until he met Charlie, because not only did he realize he liked Charlie, but he also realized this whole other part of himself, in the form of the colors of the rainbow (queer pride).
- Comments to Nick’s post coming out as bi are a a mix of joyful and shocked but a few awful people just taking up space too.
- Charlie saying that his life is perfect right now and that everything’s perfect, whilst Nick knows it’s not, because Charlie still has an eating disorder, and he doesn’t know what to do about it.
- “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” “Is that a serious question?” Love them.
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- Tara and Sahar, I hope you’ve learned your lesson: never ever take part in an organization committee.
- I was weirded out by the fact that they included prom in the show, since I thought there was no high school prom in the UK. It just seems like such an American/gringo thing (we have prom in my country, but it’s nothing like the gringo prom… mine was so weird and lame). But it turns out that they do have it in the UK now, likely made popular by all the classic teen dramas and rom coms that take place in high schools from the United States. But since it wasn’t in the comic either, I still thought it was a strange addition at first. However, the whole group dynamic made it work.
- Coach Singh coaxing Mr Ajayi to text Mr Farouk… that whole interaction was so precious…
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- People just openly coming up to Nick and Charlie to ask if it’s true that they’re dating. Children, it’s none of your business, you don’t even know them…
- The conversation between Tao and Nick, Tao’s face as Nick mentions that Charlie is still affected by the bullying… poor Tao, he really didn’t mean for that to happen, that’s why he’s so protective of Charlie. And Nick’s face when Tao mentions his dad dying, like he’s really surprised that Tao is opening up to him. “Didn’t know about your dad…” “Don’t be weird about it.” “I’ll try.” “Good.”
- And their faces when they both realize that neither knows how bad the bullying was, because Charlie hasn’t opened up to either of them completely about it.
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- And Nick and Charlie both looking so handsome in their suits, and being so gaga for each other. “I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend…” “You look… sooo… goooood! YOU LOOK SOOOO GOOD!” My favorite thing about this new season is that I’ve lost count of how many times Nick can’t resist the urge to pick up Charlie. I’m making a montage.
- “And a big public appearance as a couple… that’s definitely what we want?” Nick knows how much the attention might overwhelm Charlie. But Charlie’s not thinking about that, he’s trying to focus on the good part, the fact that he has an amazing boyfriend, that they can be together without hiding now.
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- Darcy watching sourly as a mother picks up and comforts her small child, indicating that her bad relationship with her mother is not a new thing, her mother has never been nurturing or comforting or loving. And of course, how is Darcy supposed to know how to love someone if she has never been shown love in her entire life?
- Best scene ever: Elle’s dad being a ten feet tall burly man, pretending to be intimidating but then laughing it off. Will Gao’s awkward nervous laugh sends me.
- His reaction to Elle’s whole look. “You look… you… you’re so… Hello…” He’s so smitten.
- Seriously, Tao and Elle being the hottest, most stylish couple at the prom. Tara’s dress, though, is my absolute favorite.
- Tao and Elle being silly and cute for photos, and the four original friends taking a cheesy studio photo together. Love them.
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- “I can’t believe Nick’s showing off his boyfriend, but none of you managed to bring a girl!” How does Harry manage to say something ‘nice’ and still make it sound like bullying? AAAND you didn’t bring a girl either, Harry, so what’s your deal??? He’s just loudly seeking attention. Where’s Tao when you need him to shut Harry down with a snarky comeback??
- The boys teasing Nick about being the first one in a relationship, like it’s no big deal. But my favorite was Christian going “I could get a girlfriend, how about Tara Jones?” Awww, has he genuinely liked Tara this whole time, or was she the first one that came to his mind? (I think he genuinely didn’t remember she’s a lesbian).
- Tara’s “How do you talk to someone about something they don’t want to talk about?” And Nick realizing that that’s what’s happening with Charlie. “Maybe you just have to try, even if it doesn’t work”. They both have to go for it. I love their friendship.
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- Baby Queen‼!
- The dance routine, Elle and Tao living their best movie sequence.
- The little neon butterflies as Elle tells Tao she wants to go to Lambert, and he tells her that he knows. Yes he knows, and he knows that it will make him happy to see Elle happy, even if that means letting her go. He has to overcome his fear of abandonment. He’s not being abandoned, they’re just growing up.
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- THE ACE BOOK. Give it to mee‼! Isaac is looking for an identity. And I love that it cuts to James enjoying himself too, and Tori being content by herself at a table. I hope we get more of Tori’s story in future Heartstopper seasons (and the comic too).
- And the teachers are going on an actual date!
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- I don’t know what that meant, Imogen getting sort of misty-eyed looking up at Sahar playing. Maybe she’s realizing that she might have feelings for her, but my interpretation is that, since Imogen claimed that she needed to focus on herself, and since the whole season she has seemed pretty lonely, and we find out that she and Sahar used to be friends until Imogen got a boyfriend and they stopped talking to each other (regardless of who stopped first), and because Sahar revealed that she was bi and Imogen got caught unawares and thought maybe she should have known that, that Imogen’s reaction was more of a wanting to rekindle that friendship. As we saw with Tao and Charlie, and maybe now even Nick and Tao, friendships and platonic relationships are given the same importance in Heartstopper as romantic ones. Not all stares mean romance. And Imogen is looking for friends right now. (Although if it does lead to romance, I wouldn’t be mad about it… and who can deny the Lesbian Lighting??? Maybe Imogen IS into girls after all…) “Youuu, soft and lonely…”
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- Isaac getting his heartstopper moment when he holds the book to his chest. YES ISAAC!
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- Charlie asserting himself and asking Nick if they can leave, because he’s tired and uncomfortable of people staring and pointing. Everyone’s been so nice to their face about them coming out as a couple, but that doesn’t mean that Charlie’s not going to be worried about someone saying something nasty to either him or Nick, and it doesn’t mean that he’s not possibly going to have horrible flashbacks to being bullied. And Nick once again realizing that he doesn’t care about parties, he just wants to be with Charlie.
- Seriously, Sarah needs to adopt Darcy, replace David.
- Why would Darcy’s mum see Tara in her dress and think “oh no, a door-to-door salesperson?” She clearly doesn’t want to deal with anyone, but maybe even worse, she just wants to quickly get rid of a black girl standing at her doorstep.
- “She had another one of her tantrums last night.” Like this is typical and so it’s not a big deal that she has no idea where her daughter is…
- Group hug to heal my soul.
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- “I wanted to be that person for you…” My heart. Tara and Darcy finally talking. “You’ve only seen half of my life.” “And now i’ve seen the other half, and I still love you.” “Are you sure? Because I’m a literal disaster.” “Oh I know.” That is so sweet. And Darcy practicing saying I love you until it feels normal and natural. So joyful.
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- By the way, only Heartstopper can get me to listen to Taylor Swift. No offense to all the Swifties (including Patrick Watson), I love your love for Taylor, but I really don’t get it, her music just doesn’t get to me. Admittedly that song was nice for this moment. But that’s about it. But anyway… don’t come at me. I just prefer Baby Queen and Orla Gartland and beabadobee and Carly Rae Jepsen and Gabrielle Aplin and Wolf Alice and Carmody and girl in red much more in this soundtrack. AND THAT WASIA PROJECT SONG‼ Weeping‼
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- I love how warm and sweet everyone in the group is to each other. Look at Tao and Nick hugging! Look at how Nick and Tara and Darcy are as much a part of the group as if they had been there for as long as the other four have been tight. Everyone deserves a friend group like that.
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- I love that they included that bit from the little comic answering fan questions, where Nick realizes that maybe he’s had a crush on a boy before.
- “Now your turn”. Nick really wants Charlie to be able to open up to him, about anything. Charlie deflects, as always, and says that they don’t need to talk about it because everything’s fine, but the truth is he doesn’t want to talk about it, he doesn’t want to deal with those feelings. But if he never does, he’s just never going to move past that. And Nick wants to help him, even if it’s hard, even if it’s painful, he wants to understand. “You don’t have to be perfect with me.” Charlie just shrinking into himself…
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- That whole conversation, it was an impeccable performance from Joe and Kit, and I’m crying again… Nick can’t even fathom that anyone would call this beautiful boy disgusting, and he can’t even fathom the pain that would cause Charlie to hurt himself, he doesn’t even know what to do… but he’s there, he’ll be there, and he wants Charlie to know how much he cares about him. It’s so soft, the hugs, the soft voices, the kiss on the forehead, the tearful kiss, and telling him how much he loves everything about him…
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- Serial hoodie thief.
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- That deep sigh… that terrified look…
- Spoiler alert: Charlie doesn’t send the text… of course not… he quickly realizes that he wouldn’t just say that for the first time over text… he wants to really mean it.
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This episode is brought to you by TIPTOE KISSES™.
Looking forward to next season:
- Sara and Nick’s talk at the beach in Menorca. It will destroy me, but it will be worth it.
- The ‘I love you’ shower scene, and subsequent street chase.
- The beach, and Nick and Charlie both blushing when Charlie’s putting sunscreen on Nick’s back.
- More from The Teachers™ ‼
- I’m not ready for Charlie writing the note to read to his parents… I’ll never be ready… I’ll weep until I’m out of tears…
- Charlie possibly speaking Spanish… listen Joe, Kit had to learn French, Spanish is NOTHING compared to that, you’ll be fine.
- In the comic, after Charlie faints, there’s that funny moment when Nick says “Charlie, I’m not gonna start acting like I’m your doctor and you’re my patient… *seductive smirk* *eyebrow wiggle* unless you’re into that…” “SHUT UP!” I need this moment, I need it so bad…
- More about Elle’s family, please. I already love her parents. More about all the families, really.
- More Tori, hopefully.
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