#omswd one shots
onlinekitsune · 1 year
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ೃ⁀➷ PAIRING, GENRE, WARNINGS: mammon/gn! reader, hurt/comfort, protective mammon, also loving and affectionate mammon, warnings for: bullying, mostly like rumors around reader, nothing graphic, physical, or detailed
ೃ⁀➷ SYNOPSIS: nothing could prepare you for attending a school mostly made for demons. you didn't know what to expect or what not to expect. however, having rumors spread around you wasn't anywhere near your guesses. you'd thought that was just a human thing, clearly you were wrong. you kept them just between yourself and strayed away from the brothers. never expecting the impact that it would have on one brother in particular.
ೃ⁀➷ WRITER’S NOTE: hello my beloveds!! i hope you are doing well!! i wanted to throw a lil thing out real quick. i'm still working on the cyoa, it should be out soon!! also wtf i never expected to hit 1k on ANY of my posts or even be close to 200 followers! it's a small achievement i suppose, but i started this blog out of impulse! and never intended to have people to enjoy my content, so i truly do appreciate it! also also i redid a taglist thing, if anyone is interested! no pressure! just thought i should maybe have one? i love u all mwah
taglist form here!
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Your only company in the classroom was a single ray of moonlight peeking through the window. You scoffed at yourself for letting silly rumors get to you. You should’ve been used to them, especially going to an all human school. Atlas, here you were wasting your time hiding in classrooms. You didn’t want to burden any of the brothers with your problems. Although, you wouldn’t know if they’d be able to tell. Even so you didn’t want to drag their names along with yours. There was enough attention between you all when people found out you lived with them. You swung your feet, frustrated at how sensitive you were. Studying, that'd get my mind out of this gutter. You swung open the first textbook in your stack. It was about Curses and Hexes. The thought of using these against your classmates wove through your mind. You browsed through like they were some sort of catalog.
“Oi, there ya are! Where have ya been? Why are ya here still?” Mammon bombarded. You stumbled in your seat, dropping the book onto the ground. You would’ve followed if it wasn’t for Mammon’s quick reflexes. He held on your chair, raising an eyebrow.
“M-Mammon? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be home by now”
“Coulda ask you the same thing! You’re studyin’ here? You could do that back home.” He replied, still right beside you. You tried to control your nervousness, but you felt your heart pound with every second. You avoided his gaze and hesitated. Guilt began to settle in, realizing he was looking for you.
“Yeah. I just, got caught up. You can go ahead, I’ll follow soon.” You laughed. It was hard recognizing your own voice. You just hoped it’d be enough for Mammon. He let go of your chair and moved from your view. You let out a soft breath, as you clutched your book.
“Did I do somethin’ wrong?”
“Huh?” You let out, turning around. Mammon stood behind you, facing the door. He shuffled around, to face you. There was an odd look of worried splattered across his face.
“You’ve been actin’ weird these few days. You’ve avoiding everyone, but, specially me. Did ya just forget we walk back home together? I didn’t say anything bad right? Did-“
“It’s nothing to do with you, Mammon.” You interrupted. Your finger fidgeted along the points of the pages. You didn’t consider how this would of effected them. Silence fell upon hearing footsteps from outside of the classroom.
“... can't believe a human like them, is getting special treatment... like it's really annoying how... they're kinda weird too haha... living at the house of lamentation? ugh! why them... hate living with a human...”
Their words cut in and out like an lost signal. You sighed, just relieved they didn’t enter the room. On the other hand, Mammon was fuming. No one had the right to bad mouth you. He teased you but that was just a friendly thing! He gritted his teeth, heading towards the voices. You had the moment to grab his wrist, pulling him back. “Wait. Mammon, don’t.”
“Why? They shouldn’t be sayin’ things like that! Specially ‘bout you!” He spat, glaring towards the door. His protectiveness pulled on your heartstrings.
“It’s whatever, just don’t get involved.. please.” You whispered, slightly tugging him away from the door. He turned to look at you. Your eyes were soft, and full of worry. And yet the shined so bright along with the moonlight. It was almost as if the light was there just to accompany them.
“Is this why you’ve been weird?” He asked. You felt your soul sink a pit in your stomach. The look on your face was enough of an answer to him. You dropped your head down, defeated by yourself.
“I…I didn’t want to drag you into this. It’s stupid. I’m sorry.” You muttered. You tried holding back the tears but they puddled along your waterline. "I wanted to be able to leave you all out of it." Mammon stood silent but still stood beside you. Your tears ended up pattering along the floor, spread around your feet. Being so vulnerable and open made you feel absolutely mortified. You didn't want anyone to know about this, and even worse, let anyone see you cry about it.
“It’s not stupid.” He replied, placing a hand on your own. You didn't realize that you had your hand still wrapped around his wrist. "Anyone would be upset."
"Mammon, I'm not a child. I should be able to just push these stupid rumors away. I'm just too sensitive."
"There ain't anything wrong with that. It's okay to be sensitive... it's actually a little refreshing." Mammon replied, falling into a murmur. His cheeks flushed a soft shade of red. "It's like comforting."
You tilted your head. It was a bit odd to see such a timid version of Mammon. "I-"
"We all love you! So, hiding from us only hurts everyone. I'm your first, so hiding from me... is just unbelievable! Ya should be able to come to me 'bout anything!" He blurted, grabbing ahold of both of your hands. You froze at the sudden change. Mammon was not the best at showing his emotions. But, here he was trying his best to pour out his heart to you. You'd be lying if you said it wasn't working. Even if he wasn't the best at words, the thought really shined through. A smile slowly made it's way through you. You squeezed Mammon's hands.
"I love you too. Thank you. I.. didn't mean to worry you." You nervously laughed. The silence fell through again, as the two of you just stood in each other's presence. Your eyes glanced between your hands intertwined and Mammon's expression. He shifted his head a bit, looking around. But before you could say anything, he'd already moved in to kiss you. It was quick but unexpectedly soft.
"Sorry! I shoulda asked? I'm sorry!"
You could only laugh at how stupidly cute he could be sometimes. You pulled him into a hug. You didn't expect this to be an outcome of what today had in store, but you'd take it. It was better than crying in a classroom.
"Stop apologizing, and... kiss me again."
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your-next-daydream · 1 year
Headcanons of how would it be like as Simeon, Barbatos, and Diavolo's gender neutral s/o?
I wasn't completely sure if you just meant general dating headcannons or how'd they would react to a gender neutral partner. So I just did a bit of both, and apologies this took me so long I wasn't doing very well mentally.
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He'd be supportive of nearly anything you decide though you might have to explain it a little.
He's very patient and understanding when it comes to you.
He absolutely loves listening to anything and everything you talk about. Even if he already knows it, he will still listen to you as if he's never heard it before.
Meets you at the door of the HOL every morning to walk with you to school, much to Mammon and the other brothers misfortune. Same time every day and will bring you some sort of small breakfast.
He's fine with pda as long as it is brief other than holding your hand on walks or pecks on the cheek. He believes that more intimate things should be saved to a place where you both can appreciate each other without interruption.
Occasionally asks you to do the most random of things to see how to write things in one of his stories. Ranging to you have kissed him in the rain, he has lifted you up to reach something, has spun you in the air in various ways, ect.
Asks you to read over his works while you sit with him. Typically he will rest his head on top of yours, on your shoulder, or if he gets clingy he will lay with his face in the crook of your neck wrapping his arms right around you.
His kisses are typically feather light (pun ha) or they are the type to accidentally leave you wanting more. He loves placing his forehead to yours to stare into your eyes afterwards.
Teaches you how to cook his BLT's so Beel will stop coming to him at the most random of moments.
Pulls you into his side whenever you are both in a crowded area or when demons start to get a bit rowdy for his liking.
If a demon were to get close enough to you or even show a sign of harming you his wings automatically pop out.
Hearing the sounds of feathers behind you, you were about to turn to look when you felt someone's arms around you their wings. They loop around and you can see white in the corner of your vision hearing Simeon quietly say. "Do we have an issue?"
After he gets distance between you and the opposer he smiles at you softly. "Are you alright my dove?"
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He makes sure your comfort always comes first and does his best to make you feel comfortable in your own skin.
He'd already be pretty educated on gender identities, that or he has seen into your timeline anyway and has already learned as much as he could.
With how much he attempts to wait on you it can get a bit overwhelming at times. Just grab him and sit him down and tell him to take a break as you sit in his lap and he'll melt.
He's not very expressive so he shows his love for you with acts of service or he'll get you various types of gifts.
He doesn't show it but when other people get too touchy with you he gets a little jealous. He'll politely smile but they way he smiles is eerie and other demons end up backing off.
He doesn't really say 'I love you' instead he'll say things like 'I cherish you" or 'I don't know how I lived without you'
We all know he's scared of mice or rats so that's your job to dispose of them. He'll gladly set up the traps though, unless for some reason you don't like killing them he'll see if there's some kind of warding spell he can find.
Leaves small love notes or reminders in your bags or locker to both remind to to take care of yourself and to make sure you know he's thinking about you.
If you care that much about your appearance he's actually very good with makeup and hair and he either helps you often or asks if he can try things out on you.
Flowers he absolutely loves getting you flowers and leaving them in pretty vases in your room at the HOL. Every so often he'll even give you a flower while coming to pick you up for RAD.
Need I say it? Tea, he'll make tea for nearly every occasion. Want to relax? Tea. Upset at something or someone? Tea. You're sick? Tea. He feels as if it helps with relaxing and also it has benefits depending on what type it is.
In formal events or places where he ends up in his demon form he likes wrapping his tail around your waist or wrist. He finds it comforting to know how close you are to him.
Appreciates it if you help him out with his duties and if you choose to help every so often he'll come over to where you are and kiss you on the cheek or lips lighty whispering 'thank you for your help'
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He is a golden retriever, I'm sorry but he is. Anything that makes you happy it in return makes him happy to see you feeling joy.
Whatever you ask him to be supportive of he will do it without question, as long as it isn't too strange and it doesn't put anyone in danger.
He'll always love you for you even if some of your ways, habits, or hobbies are strange.
He might need some things explained to him or he'll just go to Lucifer or Barbatos.
If you had any hobbies in the human realm and you had to stop due to being well kidnapped. He'd buy you the best supplies the devildom could offer. And if the devildom didn't have it? Time to go on a field trip to the human realm.
He enjoys having Barbatos set up small tea get togethers with you whenever he has the time.
Usually whenever he is free he'll tell you or just come see you anyway. If he wants you bad enough he'll find you.
Since y'all got together you've had a plethora of people either completely avoiding you or being nicer and more polite to you than normal.
Whenever a demon will get a little too 'polite' Barbatos will seemingly appear out of nowhere with a kind hand on your shoulder.
If Diavolo shows up he's a tad more open about his message for someone to back off and leave you alone. After all you are his, aren't you?
Has shown up to the house of Lamination uninvited just to grab you and say. "Impromptu sleep over, I hope none of you mind!" And they can't say anything to stop him.
He knows you have your own clothes over at the castle but he makes sure you end up in his anyways.
In that huge bed of his he usually sleeps in his demon form as it brings a sort of comfort to him. But if you don't particularly like it for some reason he'll put it away and just hold you normally.
Now if you DO like it then he'll wrap his wings around you with his arms tight around your hips and his face pressed into your stomach or chest.
Play with his hair and rub his horns and he is out like a damn light.
He makes a strange noise that sounds like purring but not quite. You thought he was growling at you the first time it happened.
He loves you and would give you the world if he absolutely could.
Alright again I'm sorry it's been taking me so long to put stuff out, I really haven't been well in the head and I apologize for that. Sorry if there are grammar or punctuation mistakes. I hope you like it!
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Love Without Words
*So I saw THIS TikTok with it's challenge to write a scene between two characters with no dialogue and an underlying emotion. I'm going to make this a challenge for you guys as well to let me know in the comments what the strongest emotion you got from the scene is! Let's have some fun! -B*
Beelzebub poked his head into the cold, dark bedroom — he couldn't help but smile as he made out your sleeping form, curled up peacefully underneath a mountain of covers.
Taking care to be as light on his feet as he could, he tiptoed across the floor to the closet. He silently slipped out of his clothes, wincing as he belt let out a loud clanking noise, and changed into the gym shirt that you had stolen from him a month ago.
A loud yawn escaped him, as he nearly tripped getting into his equally stolen sweatpants. His head whipped to the bed as a loud whine came from under covers. He remained frozen in a wide-eyed-stance as he watched you shift around before burrowing deeper under your blankets.
His heart pounded against his chest five times before he finally allowed himself to breath.
He couldn't help but stretch his arms as he finally approached the bed. The springs creaked angrily beneath his weight as he sat on the edge of the mattress and looked over at you. You weren't sleeping beauty. You didn't have perfect, flawless hair and skin, with a gentle expression and a slight smile on your lips despite your unconsciousness. No. Even in your sleep, there was a slight crease that lived between your brows that he loved to tease you with by running the tips of his fingers down when you were awake. Your head was tilted back at an awkward angle with your hair messily tossed around you in tangles that he knew he would have to help you detangle in the morning.
You were breathtaking. You were his. And he was yours. And that knowledge left him feeling so very full. He lifted the covers, biting back a giggle as you groaned and squirmed closer to the escaping warmth. He delicately took his place beside you as he fixed the blankets around himself — making sure not to steal them entirely from you. With one final glance to your sleeping form, he closed his eyes and began to let himself drift off. Only, it appeared that you weren't as asleep as he had thought. Your small, cold hand shot out from the blankets, grabbing tightly onto his wrist as you hauled his arm under yours and clutched his hand tightly against your chest, like your own personal teddy bear. Beel couldn't help but laugh as he nuzzled in closer to you, pulling you against his chest, before pressing a kiss to your forehead and breathing in your scent. He felt the tension bleed from his body simply from being surrounded by you. He closed his eyes once more and squeezed your hand. You squeezed his in return.
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rosesoflilac · 11 months
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear.
Summary: MC's experience buying Taylor Swift tickets in the Devildom <3
pairing: lucifer x mc, mentions of levi and other characters
genre: fluff, some kissing, not proofread!!
a/n: i wanted to write something but have had no inspo until i realized i can combine my girlie taylor and my current game obsession together. look forward to different obey me and taylor content in the future!!
Everyone in the Devildom knew that there was only one person that you held above everyone else, even above the demon brothers, the demon prince, and their demon boyfriend. You would always find a way to mention this person, to spread their influence, no matter what. You believed that the Denizens hearing her sing, hearing her lyrics, would be a positive influence as it was in her life.
You loved Taylor Swift. Really, really loved her.
When you found out about the Eras Tour (Levi totally did not assist with jailbreaking your secret D.D.D.) you completely freaked. You had secured tickets to Loverfest before Barbatos teleported them to the Devildom (if it was never canceled, all demons would feel the wrath of a thousand suns). This was your chance to make the past right.
First, you needed a plan of attack. The first step was to get the seal of approval from Lord Diavolo and Lucifer. You imagined this would go smoothly and might include some coaxing, but you would be able to gain their permission. Then, they would get every brother, angel, and sorcerer to sign up for presale codes. The final step would be to wait, hope, and pray to any higher power out there.
You wanted this more than anything. To see the artist that got them through teenage angst, breakups, the growing pains, would be the greatest thing to experience, ever. The thought alone makes pressure build-up behind your eyes. You’d be able to do this.
Thankfully, everything went smoothly. Permission was granted, and various emails and phone numbers were signed up for presale. Waiting was the only wrong thing about the situation. You just wanted the anxious feeling to go away.
Lucifer picked up on your signs of stress. The nervous checking of your phone, the slip in your grades. He understood how badly you wanted this, how that made you nervous. It was similar to how Levi acted when waiting for the release of a limited special edition Ruri-chan collectible. Levi would lock himself away in his room and obsess. Lucifer has his whole faith in you that you would be able to secure tickets. He does not want to contemplate what would happen if you were unable to, he’d imagine it would rival one of Levi’s episodes.
Lucifer’s concern is how you ended up sitting on his bed between his legs as he worked on your shoulders. It was the night before you found out about ticket presale codes… And you were stressed. That stress slowly melted away as you leaned into Lucifer’s gentle, yet firm, touches.
He rubbed at the middle of your back where it felt tense. You hummed your appreciation and leaned back into him more, wanting to give him a break. “Thank you for this. I needed it.”
Lucifer hummed back, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as his arms slowly moved to wrap around your body. “Everything is going to be alright. I know you love her and want this, but I hate to see how it affects your health, my love.”
Your heart dropped a little, feeling the worry in your voice. “I promise I’m okay. I just… She means a lot to me. I would not be the person I am without her. Her music helped me get through so many tough times, even happy times… Especially with the last couple of years. The thought of being able to sing with her in person makes me so happy and I want to protect that happiness with all of my heart.” You squeezed his arms and shifted around to face him, taking his face in your hands, you smiled. “She even helped me realize my love for you. I didn’t want to tell you, but I have a whole playlist of songs that remind me of you, of us.” You looked into his ruby eyes as a blush crept up your face.
Lucifer’s eyes filled with love as he pulled you into a soft kiss, “You are special to me too. I’d like to hear these songs one day. But for now, you need rest for tomorrow.”
You kissed him back happily, leaning into him as he pulled you to lie down. Everything would be alright if Lucifer was by your side.
The following day was a whirlwind of events. Levi allowed you to use his setup, as it was much faster (also in exchange for rare Ruri merchandise), and now all you had to do was wait…
And wait you did..
Levi anxiously watched the screen and you. He understood how important this was to you and had been in this very exact situation multiple times- he had complete faith in you, unlike himself. However, that line was not budging. Until it finally did.
Everything happened so quickly. You searched and searched for six floor seats or a lower bowl- or literally any seat. It wouldn’t matter as long as you got to be there. Soon enough, you got the tickets and life was not real.
You immediately squealed and looked at Levi with a big grin and hugged him tightly, catching the otaku off guard. You screamed and laughed and danced as you ran to grab your D.D.D. to inform Lucifer.
He picked up before the phone had the chance to ring. Lucifer desperately wanted to be there with you but had other duties to attend to. He had been checking his phone every couple of minutes to see if you texted him an update.
Accepting the call, Lucifer stepped outside of his meeting and was met with your face filling the screen. You had tears in your eyes and a big grin on your face, he couldn’t help but smile at your reaction. He was so happy for you.
“It felt like forever! I swear- I can’t believe I’m going, that we are going!! Together!! Life is so not real right now.” Your voice was full of energy as you continued to recount the past few hours of your life.
“I’m very happy for you, my love. You deserve to go and I’m happy you want me to experience this with you.” Lucifer looked at his watch quickly, “I’m sorry but I have to go back to my meeting. We’ll have dinner tonight, the two of us, when I get home. I love you.” Lucifer smiled at you as you repeated the words back to him. Lucifer agreed that life was “so not real” but because he got to experience it with you.
Walking back into the conference room, he began thinking of all the travel you and he would be doing in the next year. Of course, he wouldn’t let you just go to one concert now, would he?
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
I associate you with your “he snaps” series! I really enjoyed all the stories in that one 💕
Aw~ one of my Favorite (that series) :D
So, each fic was made from Halloween right? But did you know that most of them were reuse ideas for my Blue lotus series.
Beel's story was suppose to be him and MC going to a trip with his Fangol team. But suddenly most of the team start acting strange and soon so as Beel. It was follow MC in the woods surviving the week while Beel and his team hunt them down.
Or Belphie's story was suppose to be him asking for help from his demon who is against the program because he made a mistake with a spell that cause MC be in a coma like state.
(From this asking game)
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simeons-hips · 2 years
demon brothers kink swap collab interest check !!
i’ve been thinking about this for a bit now, and i wana see if i can turn this idea into a collab !
the prompt is to write a not sfw scene but all the brothers commonly written tropes are shuffled amongst themselves.
example: luci fic includes somnophilia, satan fic includes mirror sex, etc.
i would assign each brother another brother’s commonly associated links and then assign each brother + tropes to 6 other writers.
if i could get 7 writers to do each of the brothers, then i instead want to make alternate versions so that every one of those fics have a female and male MC version.
if not, i’d write for a brother and have the mc be gender neutral for all fics.
if anyone’s interested, in writing or in seeing this collab happen pls let me know either in the notes here, my messages, or my ask if you’d like to remain anonymous.
feel free to tag writers you think would be interested as well !
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goblins-writing · 2 years
A Million Ways To Say “I Love You”
Request:  Could you write a care free Lucifer? He just doesn't have many responsibilities for the time being, mc finally gets to do on date and doesn't have to worry about his image! A/N: Hello! Thank you for requesting! I just noticed that you probably meant like a date in public, but I wrote it as a private date, so if you’d like me to redo your request lemme know! I hope you enjoy, either way. Pairing: Lucifer x MC Genre: Fluff Warnings: None Summary: While on a date at the beach, Lucifer lets his walls down. Requests are open!! Check out the prompt list I shared!
It was tranquil, sitting on the beach with Lucifer. Leaning into one another, hand in hand. He was calming in every aspect of the word, especially now; the usual stress and sternness melted away due to the lack of responsibilities thrown on him for the past couple of weeks. He was sweeter this way, his walls down more and his words not watched as carefully. Not to say he wasn't already sweet, it was just that the "I love you"'s became less rare, as well as his compliments. Right now, cuddled up to one another, you could feel how much more relaxed he was. His muscles were not stiff, and his eyes drooped in sleepiness. It made your heart flutter and ache at the same time. Flutter because you were relieved he was getting a break from his stress. Ached because you knew this wouldn't last forever. He was a very powerful and busy man; he would forever have the burden of responsibilities on his shoulders. Now was just a small reprieve. "Have I ever told you how much you've impacted me?" He breaks the silence with a question. Again, your heart flutters. "No, I don't think you have." You say through a smile. He sighs. "There's a lot of things I haven't told you." "Like what?" "Like how my heart trembles when you're near me. How badly I wish I could hug you in public. How much I adore you, and how much your absence makes me break and fold." He murmurs and smiles at you before continuing; "Like how you're a constant mood lifter. How much I owe you for bringing me and my brothers closer together. How badly I wish to scream my love for you from the rooftops. And how much I cherish these moments with you." It's clear on his face that there's more he wishes to say, but you cut him off with a kiss. "I love you, too." You state, simply before pulling him to lay on the ground. It was tranquil, laying on the beach with Lucifer. A sort of tranquil you could only get from being with your lover. A sort of tranquil you only get from being in love.
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Mc: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like... a lawyer to you. Ok?
Mammon: Okay.
Lucifer : Mammon ! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble.
Mc, whispering: Deny everything.
Mammon, loudly: That isn't a chair.
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cactus-stories · 3 years
Ok, so short story inspired by this, cause I'm a Satan simp and also a hoe for fluff in general || In this version the jacket is MC's, the texts stop right after Satan's "I'm going to kill all of you" text :)
GN!MC x Satan || Fluff || TW: none
Satan looked at his D.D.D. and sighed, "fine, then. If they wanna be like that, so be it." he thought, a pout already forming on his face. That was a stupid reason to be mad, but he was annoyed all the same, the one time he tries to be nice to his brothers and help them out he gets poked fun at.
He glared at the jacket, it was familiar, maybe it was Asmo’s? Although he would’ve said something if it was… Anyway, it wasn’t his problem. After all, his help clearly wasn’t being appreciated by anyone. Crossing his legs, he took a deep breath and opened his book again, leaning against the cozy chair next to the fireplace and trying to focus on the story again.
A few minutes had passed, the warmth and the sounds of the crackling fire lulling the blonde into a familiar pace, finally managing to take his mind away from the shenanigans from earlier. Focusing on his stories was always easy for Satan, managing to feel the character’s emotions and experience a break from the anger simmering inside of him.
He was already a good few chapters in when he heard the soft humming coming from the hallway, footsteps sounding closer and closer, before he lifted his gaze to look at the visitor, finding MC humming a soft tune while looking around.
“Oh! Here it is!” they said, turning to the sofa and picking up the infamous jacket. “I’ve been searching for it everywhere...”
“So it’s yours, huh?” the blonde looked back at the pages, trying to sound uninterested. “Thought it was Asmo’s for a bit, but I suppose he would’ve already come looking for it.”
“Yeah, I asked Mammon if he’d seen it and he laughed at how worried I sounded...” MC averted their gaze, cheeks flushing while holding the jacket close. “But in the end he told me you talked about a jacket being left here, so I came to check!”
“Why would he laugh at you, though?” it was difficult to focus on the words with MC deciding to sit down right next to him, folding the piece of clothing neatly on their lap.
“I...” he could feel the embarrassment in their voice, peaking his interest slightly. “I didn’t want it getting creased...”
“Oh.” The blonde wasn’t sure how to react. “Is that so?”
MC looked down, the tips of their ears a deep shade of red. “It’s stupid, I know… I just get peeved when my clothes get all wrinkly, and it’s such a hassle to take care of them!”
"Well, I might have just the solution for you." their eyes shined as they went up go look at the blonde, making him almost match their cheeks. "I… I know an incantation to maintain clothes on their original, neat form, it's written down somewhere in my room. Wanna take a look?"
Nodding, still slightly flushed at the interaction, MC got up, happily following Satan to his room. It was a special occasion, after all! The blonde usually kept his distance and never let others into his safe space. Being a bookworm made not going in his room an almost impossible task, but they wanted to do their best to gain his trust and be invited out of free will.
Getting inside, the human made sure to tiptoe around the books scattered on the floor, not daring to touch any of them, and made their way into the chair Satan had pointed down. He looked around with a mix of franticness and graciousness, movements matching almost perfectly with the vibes the "organized chaos" in his room transpired.
"Here! It's this one!" Satan happily flipped the pages. "It's casted onto yourself, so any of your clothes will have the desired effect, no need to worry about doing it multiple times." Smiling softly at MC, handing them the book.
Looking through the pages, written in a clearly already dead language, the human gave him a questioning look, unsure of what to say.
"Oh! Oh… you'd have a hard time doing it, I suppose." He stuttered, taking the book back gently from their hands. "I can do it for you, if you wish."
"Thank you, Satan. I really appreciate it!" rising to their feet, MC smiled brightly, looking at him expectantly.
"I-I suppose it won't take long. Let me get started." The human's excitement was contagious, and Satan hummed softly to himself while finding the right spot to start.
A few minutes later, MC had a new spell cast on them, and a satisfied demon by their side, happy to be able to show his knowledge to the exchange human, and even spend time with them in the process.
"It was really nice of you to help me out, Satan." They said, right by his room's doorstep. " Thank you! I hope I can repay you sometime!"
And, with a light kiss on his cheek, MC walked back to their room, happily humming a tune they heard Mammon sing earlier in the day, totally unaware of the blushing mess that was the demon behind them.
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uhhlucid · 2 years
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paring: mammon x black!reader
synopsis: mammon has a lot of fans from modeling
word count: 441
warnings: jealousy jealousy jealousy
type: drabble
a/n: i really like the trope recently where the girl gets jealous and not the guy. probably should've done this prompt for asmo if yall want that..
The cafe was really cute and reminded Y/n of the human world. With an authentic menu of human food choices and the classic fast food style interior, Y/n felt at home. That was until a group of girls walked into the cafe. Mammon was busy placing the order for the two, when the three girls walked in.
The first had long black hair in a high ponytail with green eyes. She wore the same jacket Mammon usually wore which was a dead giveaway these were fan girls. The second had wavy blonde hair and her phone case was just cutouts of Mammon. She wore a tight black dress with flats. The third girl's brown roots were beginning to show as her hair was dyed the same color as Mammon's. She straight up wore a shirt that said I <3 Mammon.
Mammon finished placing the order and took a seat relatively close to the cashier. Y/n sat opposite to him. "Isn't this place amazing babe?" Y/n nodded slowly. "Yeah its great. Did you notice your fangirls." Mammon rambled on. "I love your hair today. And the outfit you chose is really marvelous." "Marvelous? Did Asmo teach you that word?"
The three girls then decided it would great to get an autograph. Y/n could understand. Mammon was undoubtedly the hottest demon in the Devildom and anyone would want to get his autograph. Mammon was so excited he had fans that he ignored the way they got close to him.
The girls giggled and began touching his arms asking about his workout routine. He seemed more then happy to share the details as the girls' eyes lingered at his chest. It seemed like forever before they finally went back to their table to eat. Mammon had a dopey grin on his face and that truly was Y/n's last straw.
"Mammon I can't believe you let them touch you like that." He looked up from his burger, "Like what? They just asked a few questions." Y/n crossed their arms and rolled their eyes. "They were obviously flirting with you." Mammon chuckled, "Everyone does. You get used to it after a while."
Y/n waved a hand in front of his face. "Um hello? I'm the person your dating. I should be the only one to flirt with you." Mammon put down his food and wiped the crumbs with a napkin. He took Y/n's hands in his. "Your really cute when you get needy for my attention. Don't ya worry though. Your the only one I have eyes for."
"I'm the only one dumb enough to date you."
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onlinekitsune · 1 year
#HYPEBOY: you're my chemical hype boy ♡
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ೃ⁀➷ PAIRING, GENRE, WARNINGS: mammon x gn! reader, playful teasing and sfw affection, no established relationship but a lot of flirting, no warnings! sfw, not proofread
ೃ⁀➷ SYNOPSIS: you're a good student, or at least you try to be!! daily lectures with lucifer weren't worth not trying to improve. but even when you dedicate days to studying, the one unfortunately charming demon interrupts just to tempt you to sneak out and party. is it worth just one more little lecture? or will you finally put your foot down to improve?
ೃ⁀➷ WRITER’S NOTE: hehe hiiii.... i am back from the dead whoops,, sorry for taking my sweet time on this!! i hit an kinda?? writer's block and some other not epic mental illness moments but here's the first part!! title inspired by the newjean's song bc it's what i was listening to!! i made the poll for a week but might cut it short depending!! i didn't really want it to be a day but we only get the two extremes (rip) i hope you enjoy!! i apologize for being a bit rusty!!
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“Oi, human!” Mammon yelled, barging into your room. It wasn’t unusual for him to come in without any thought to knock or announce that he was coming in. You were just thankful it’d been times where you were presentable. He flopped down onto your bed, bouncing your books and papers slightly. You let out a small huff, before looking at him. “Watcha say ‘bout goin’ out tonight? Huh?” he added, stretching himself out onto your bed. 
“Mm.. tonight? Can’t.” you muttered, with the end of your pen in your mouth. You tried to return your focus on your book but was interrupted by a whine. Mammon swooped your books and tossed them on your table. “Mammon… stop acting like a child.” 
“You’re really gonna just stay in… and study? When you could be out and partyin’ with the coolest demon’s in the Devildom?” Mammon smirked, returning onto your bed. You roll your eyes, knowing that he wouldn’t stop unless you entertained him at least a little.
“Coolest demons? Who’s going?” 
“Am I not enough for ya to go?” he pouted, resting his head on your knee. You gave him a look and booped his nose. “Fine. It’s me, your favorite. Asmodeus. He was tryin’ to convince Beel to join us. Belphie and Levi are obviously out. Satan might also join?” 
“Aren’t you going to ask Lucifer?” you joked, twirling a strand of Mammon’s hair between your fingers. He was hesitant at first, until he realized you were only just joking. “We have an exam tomorrow, you know? There’s no way that Lucifer is letting anyone out tonight. You should be studying! Like moi, being a prestigious student!” you gloated, framing your hands around your jaw.
“Ya, prestigious enough to get ya a lecture from Lucifer, huh?” 
Mammon was quick to shoot you down. You did intend to spend the night studying, but the exciting adrenaline of sneaking out was tempting you. You dumped the rest of your supplies onto your nightstand. Your fingers absentmindedly went back to Mammon’s hair, debating on if you were going to go to that party. “When’s the party?”
“So ya decided to go?” he beamed, going to grab his phone. You snatched it out of his hand, stopping him right in his tracks. You’d known better to give Mammon a vague answer when other people were involved. He’d drag you into it, even if you were still debating on it.
“I’m still thinking. Don’t you dare text Asmo, yet.” you replied. As you were going to hand him his phone back, a notification lit up the screen. You noticed that his lockscreen was an image of the two of you together. It was during that rare time you modeled with him. You’d be lying if that didn’t make you feel a particular way. “Cute lock screen, who’s the cutie on the left?” You teased.
Mammon’s beaming smile fell apart in seconds becoming a blushing mess. “M-Me, of course! The handsomest demon in the Devildom!”
You let out a chuckle, as you point back at his screen. Revealing to him that it was you, that was on the left. That only made his face blush ten times more. 
“Lefts, rights, whatever! That ain’t fair! You’re cheatin’ little sheep!!” He pouted. You squished his face and smirked. 
“How would that even be considered cheating? You silly demon.” you purred, leaning towards him. Your face was close enough to see his pupils dilate as soon as you moved your face towards his. Mammon slid beneath you and managed to toss you on your back. A move you weren’t at all expecting, but you admired his boldness. Mammon inched forward, putting you in an opposite position from the one just a few seconds ago.
“It just is darlin’... you know I'm not good with my lefts and rights.” he insinuated, pursing his lips. You tossed your head to the side and let the sly smile on your face do the talking. Your hands reached up to grab his white t-shirt he had on. The neckline was swooping low, allowing you to take a glance at his mildly chiseled chest. “Oi, my eyes are up here ya know.”
“Hmph. Now you’re cheating. You’re a model, not fair!”
“You don’t gotta be a model to be a distraction sweet thing, you should know that already.” Mammon uttered, directly in your ear. You could feel your face instantly flush. You didn’t really know what had gotten into him, but you weren’t really complaining. He pulled away and remade contact with your eyes. You lifted your body slight, leaning all your body weight on your elbows. Your nose touched his. The silence in the room was almost deafening by the ringing in your ears. Nothing in this moment matter or even made itself aware. You were too focus on the contact you had with this demon. His hands rested on your hips, making you crave for more. The physical affection was intoxicating and you couldn’t help but need more. Just a little bit more.
“Well. Are you just gonna stare at me all day or kiss me?” you whined. Mammon laughed, tossing his head down. You scrunch your nose in response. He was definitely playing hard to get, which was your usual move. Mammon regained his composure and went to kiss you. But was instead met with your hand blocking his pathway. “Nope. Changed my mind since you want to tease me.” you smirked.
“C’mon sweetheart, let me make it up to you.” He sighed, slightly muffled from your hand. “You want this kiss as bad as I do. Don’t ya even say different, it’s written’ all over your face.” You sigh, rolling your eyes to the side. He wasn’t wrong. You did want this stupid kiss. You let your hand drift from his lips slowly and made way to grasp his cheek. Your heart pounded as the two of you made way towards each other.
“Hey! Mammon!!! I’ve been texting you for thirty minutes! I hunted for you everywhere, just to see you’re in here bothering them. I got Satan to go, did you at least do your part?” a voice yelled from the door. It was Asmodeus.
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yummiibear · 3 years
Could I maybe get some Levi comfort? Your Belphie one was super cute. Maybe something similar or just cuddles related in general?
Hii, first request, yay !! Thanks for requesting this, it sounds really cute. You ask and you shall receive :)
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One Shot !
Pairing: Levi x F!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 726
Your period just started and you haven’t been feeling really well due to all the cramps and body aches so you decided to not go to your classes and stay in your room. You took some pills which helped ease the pain a bit but it was still painful. You stayed in your room for a few hours until you remembered that you didn’t have more hygienic and personal products and you needed to go buy some.You stood up from your bed, feeling goosebumps and feeling cold so you grabbed a hoodie and put it on.
When you arrived to the store the cramps were getting worse and you decided to hurry up, you paid and walked out of the store. Your legs were very weak, your knees and lower back were hurting too. On your way to the Devildom you saw Levi coming out of the manga store, he waved at you with a smile, to which you responded by doing the same thing. He hurried up to walk along with you.
“Hey, are you on your way to the Devildom ? I didn’t see you today at RAD are you okay ?” he asked sounding worried “Yeah I’m heading to the Devildom, and no I’m not really feeling well. I just went to buy some stuff.” you looked at him with a smile, he still looked worried though “but don’t worry about me, it’s just temporary” you said trying to make him less worried. “Oh okay, but let me carry that bag for you” he took the bag and continued walking along your side.
“Can I grab your arm while walking ?” you asked since you were feeling really dizzy “Y-yeah it’s fine” he was slightly blushing “Thanks” you said while grabbing his arm.
After a few minutes both of you arrived at the Devildom, Levi helped you get to your room because he saw that you weren’t feeling good. “Thanks a lot, and sorry for taking your time” you said putting the bag on your nightstand. “It’s okay, don’t worry, can I stay with you ? Nothing weird of course, and only if you’re comfortable. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” he couldn’t maintain eye contact which you found cute but you still said yes.
He didn’t know what was wrong with you and why you were in pain, but he still helped you by doing anything he could. “Levi, I’m going to take a shower. You can go to your room or do whatever you want.” you said letting your hair down “yeah, okay. I’m going to the store, be right back !” he said and left the room.
After taking a shower you put on your most comfy clothes and got in bed, that’s when Levi arrived with two bags. “I’m sorry I took so long I didn’t know what to buy.” he said trying to look at you in the face, his cheeks were growing red and a smile was growing on your face. “Thanks, but you didn’t have to. I have painkillers and that stuff” he handed you the bags and laid next to you, the bags were full of candies, chocolates, cakes, sweets, etc. “Aw thank you so much.” You hugged him and you could feel how flustered he was.
“I-it’s nothing, that’s all I can do to make you feel better. After all, sweet stuff makes everyone feel better, right ?” he chuckled and gave you a shy smile, his cheeks glowing red. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and continued to give him a smile. “We can stay here in bed and watch something if you want” Levi said taking the remote. “Yes of course” you said getting comfortable. “Okay, I have this anime that I’ve been wanting to watch, and we can binge watch it. Only if you want though.” You nodded and turned the lights off and started cuddling.
“Here, open wide.” you said trying to feed a chocolate to Levi “y/n- this is embarrassing.” He giggled and turned around “okay fine” he opened his mouth and you fed him a chocolate, both of you laughed and continued to watch the anime.
Mid-way through the anime you fell asleep on his chest, he couldn’t stop staring at your face. He ran his fingers through your hair and continued to take a nap with you.
I really enjoyed writing this, I found the idea so cute, thanks for requesting !! <33
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notgalaxii · 4 years
ah! can you do 55 with asmo?? ❤ please
Woo! This one was fun if we ignore the fact that I've written it twice now because I wasn't satisfied. There might be grammar errors here and there because Im sick and all foggy headed and shit, I'll edit her another time. Anyways, happy reading! Thank you for the request my love 💕🤞
Prompt: Shut up and kiss me already 
"MC, how about we go out tonight?~" 
It was a sweet prompt from one of your best friends in the world, not just in the Devildom. However, it almost always led to something chaotic. Some nights Asmodeus disappears into the night and takes part in some wild orgy; some nights he tries to hook you up with someone; some nights he gets crowds when he really doesn't want to. Nine times out of ten, something happens.
This night was no different for the two of you. He dressed you up, styled your hair to his liking, then ushered you into some crazy nightclub that you definitely couldn't have gotten into on your own. Now, you danced together, pinkies locked so you don't lose each other in the mass of drunk demons, holding your alcohol in your free hand. The pinky holding had been Asmo's idea; it was a lot cuter than handholding and less intimate so you weren't uncomfortable. 
"Would you like a refill, cutie?" he quizzed, a bright smile stretching from ear to ear. 
“Yes, please,” you hummed, passing your cup over to the demon. Asmo took the glass from your hands almost gracefully, as gracefully as he could when he was buzzed, before turning on his heel and waltzing back to the bar. 
“I’ll be right back then, my dear!” he called over his shoulder. You chuckled to yourself, resuming the rhythm you had created to the beat of the music that was blaring through the club. 
He did this pretty often: holding you close for a few hours and then disappearing into the night, coming back a solid half hour later with a drink and a lipstick stain on his cheek. It was a little annoying at first, but you grew accustomed to it throughout your friendship with him. Seeing him throw compliments and flirts at any passing beautiful face like he was asking the time of day made your stomach churn still, even though it’s a part of your new daily routine. Not only did he nonchalantly chat it up with anyone, but the demons fell for it. Even when he wasn’t using his charm, strangers seemed to throw themselves at your best friend left and right. It wasn’t the flirting itself that entirely bothered you. It was what they were looking at. 
On the outside, Asmodeus was nothing more than a self-centered bratty perv who’s diet consisted of nothing but drama and attention. He was so much more than that to you, though. Asmodeus was a gentle and passionate man in more ways than one. When he loves people, he loves them. He learns them, he spoils them, he lives them, he breathes them. Asmodeus knows the ins and outs of everyone he cares for, what they like, what they don’t like, and every way to supply them with their needs. He’s thoughtful and kind.
The case was no different with you. You hadn’t spent a day without Asmodeus by your side since you started your stay in the Devildom. He’s taken you to all of his favorite stores, showed you all of the most beautiful sights to see, he’s fed you the most delicious food he could think of, and most of all, he’s spent quality personal time with you. Your favorite nights were those spent in his room before bed, trying out new face masks together, and just talking about life. For someone who seems self-centered, Asmodeus had always been the best listener when it came to you. In your eyes, he was no less than a glistening jewel that had caught the moonlight in the depths of a hidden cave. 
Just as expected, you spotted your favorite demon in the crowd near the bar, chatting with a beautiful woman. The look on his face read a combination of, “I can’t wait to get out of this conversation,” and “I should buy more alcohol.” Hers, however, was reading unadulterated desire, something that you had learned to pick up on when spending time with Asmodeus. By some miracle, you managed to meet his sunset gaze through the mass. It felt almost as if the smile he directed towards you had roped you in, dragging you closer to him. 
“Ah! It looks like you found me!” Asmo giggled once you fell at his feet.
“You’re not that hard to find, you know,” you teased, flickering your gaze to the woman he had just been chatting with. She was definitely more attractive up close, as she was shooting daggers at you with her eyes. 
“Well, I believe we had a lovely chat but I have previous engagements to attend to,” Asmodeus told her, lowering his hand to lock his pinky with yours again, “Perhaps I’ll see you sometime again in the future?” 
“I hope I can count on it,” her voice was low and almost sultry. Paying no mind to her comment, Asmo beckoned you to follow him off into a more secluded area.
“She seemed like a treat,” you scoffed before sitting down. 
“Hmm? You seem like you desire something. Tell me, MC, what is it?” Asmodeus inquired, not bothering to sit down. You looked up at him, watching the way the pink and gold hues danced in his eyes with glimmers of content, how his champagne hair effortlessly curled just out of the way of his gaze, how his skin looked so delicate and soft to the touch. He was absolutely right, you desired something. You desired him. You desired to reach up and run your fingers across his perfect skin. You desired his sunset gaze to be fixated on you and only you. You desired him to make an attempt to charm you again even though he knows it won’t work in the way he wants it to. You were already charmed by him, no magic involved.
“I just want to know what possesses you to make you walk up to random strangers and try to charm them,” it wasn’t a total lie, but it definitely wasn’t what you really desired. 
Asmodeus quirked an eyebrow at you in surprise, but it soon settled. The expression of shock was replaced by an arrogant smile. It was mesmerizing, the way his rosey lips pulled into an enchanting gleam. You wondered if he knew that he had your heart on strings and with every pull of his smile, he tugged on them. 
“She approached me, actually. I just wanted to get you a drink,” Asmodeus leaned down closer to you so that your faces were level. In doing so, a few strands of his hair fell in front of his eyes. There was a new thing you had desired, to run your fingers through his hair, push it out of the way, see just exactly how soft it was. “Is that all you wanted, MC? I feel like there's something still locked deep away in your chest. Why don’t you help me open it?”
“Oh, I’m sorry! If I had known that it was her doing then I wouldn’t have pestered you about it. Forgive me, Asmo,” you fumbled, brushing aside his last statement in hopes that he would drop it.
“Shh, just be quiet and kiss me already, would you?” Asmodeus cajoles, “That is what you’d like, isn’t it, love?” 
A warmth invades your face, peppering your cheeks with a deep shade of red. It takes a brief moment of contemplating whether it’s worth it or not, sacrificing your friendship to soothe your inner desires, but you comply with the Avatar of Lust’s demand. Once you’ve closed the distance between the two of you, your lips melt right against his. 
The kiss is everything you hoped it would be and more. Asmodeus’ lips were soft, smooth, and tasted faintly of the sweet chapstick that he had applied before the two of you set off. Unexpectedly, however, his kiss was gentle and loving rather than fervent and needy. He moved his lips against yours very slowly, yet skillfully. The feelings that Asmodeus’ touch gave you as his hands made themselves home on your waist and cheek were second to none; he sent ripples of euphoria throughout your entire body and chills down your spine. 
“I-I was really hoping you didn’t figure that one out,” you scrambled for words the moment his lips vacated yours. 
“I know you, MC,” he giggled. You almost hoped that he didn’t know you well enough to pick up on that you were desperate for more. 
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anjels001 · 2 years
Obey-me masterlist
Special art: Obey me Luci Happy Birthday Luci and Happy Pride Month MCs
🦂 Asmo :
Chibis Crossovers ideas:
Tennyson Mc
Headcanons list:
Obey-me/Harry potter
Obey-me/Castlevania : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Crossover Obey me/SAO Asuna Mc.
Obey me / Voltron: Legendary Defender (V.L.D)
Boku no hero/obey me
Jedi Padawan Mc
One-shot : Purge day 😅 The hidden treasure
Lullaby of Shadows: The Belmont LegacyIn
Who did this to you?(Prologue) The game Gym No mercy Dance battle The invitation MC! Monday Prompt #4 The silent guardian The Mysterious Human Barbatos's Vision
Raquel Dismount (aka Belmort).
HP RAD Uniform
Mini Comic : Welcome The Devildom HP (1 ,2, 3, 4 and 5)
Obey-me Theories:
The 7 original avatars
The Cicle of life
Angels theory time!: Reason for Lilith’s Sentence
Why mc is a sheep
The Secret of Devildom: Demonic Class: Pride- 1 Demonic Class: Greed - 1, Demonic Class: Envy -1 Demonic Class: Wrath- 1 Demonic Class: Lust - 1 Demonic Class: Sloth -1 Demonic Class: Gluttony - 1
Anjels comment:
Extra... Extra! jealous demons almost kill your human If we had to replace MC? Brothers were Hogwarts students But later in a certain chat... Mc being mammon's human The best mother of all devildom! MC presenting a movie titled The Purge.... Obey me gods Au....
Imagine that…?:
...MC can be reborn
..... A/B/O soulmate Au
Information from Fans made for Fans:
Map to Help Authors/Readers in Visualizing the House of Lamentations(obey me) (1,2...)
AnJel special cards
Marfia Obey me:
👑 Godfather: Don Diavolo
💰Caporegime:1°Caporegime! your first man Mammon
Next to unlock: 🐍 Caporegime
{Note: the SSR version will be released once the 80 followers limit is broken}
🦚 The Sottocapo 🦇 The Consigliere 🦄 Made man 🦂Made man 🐝Made man 🐮Made man --- 🖋 Associate ✡ Associate 📰Associate 🔪 Soldie ☠ Enforcer (Marfia rating taken from this wiki , If I'm wrong please let me know)
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Diavolo: Mc, not to be nosy, but I’ve been wondering...are you attracted to girls?
Mc: No
Simeon : Oh!! So then you like boys?
Mc: No
Simeon: ...So neither? Are you just totally uninterested, or do you—
Mc: I like Lucifer
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Hi! Can I pls get a fluff nsfw for Lucifer x Female MC. Lucifer walks in on MC trying on his outfit without his permission and he punishes her
Thank you for your request, I don't get many, but thank you and sorry for the wait, I hope you like it.
please, like/reblog
don’t redistribute and claim as your own
request are open
You had a busy day, you went shopping with Asmodeus where you tried on all kinds of fancy clothes he could find, training with Beel didn't help much either, so the first thing you want to do now that you've come home is to take a nice and relaxing bath and try those wonderful bath salts that Asmo gave you.
During your long and relaxing bath, so surprisingly as it may be, no one interrupted or ruined your moment of rest, apart from a few messages that were nothing out of the ordinary.
So without the interruptions, you can do your skin care calmly, don't skip any steps of the care Asmo gave you, because we don't want to repeat the disaster that happened last time, and while it's almost over you'll receive a message from Lucifer saying to go to his room and get him something.
Already in Lucifer's room you forget what you came to do when you go to his closet and look at his clothes and you have the brilliant idea of trying on his clothes, but after five minutes you realize it wasn't such a brilliant idea when you hear a certain voice
"What are you doing?"
"Luciiifer? I---"
"You what?"
He looked at you, taking your form with a sharp breath as he closed the distance between the two of you. His gaze was predatory the closer he got, his walk full of confidence and authority that made you weak in the knees.
Just the hungry look in his eyes turned you on like nothing or no one could do, especially when he puts his hand against your cheek and ran his thumb across your red lips.
"You still haven't answered my question, baby?"
Your face gets hot and all you can do is look at him. He wraps his hands just below your ass, lifting you so you wrap your legs around his waist automatically.
Not knowing how to answer him, you kiss him passionately, interlacing your fingers in his hair, pulling him making him moan
"Now, my little troublemaker, you already know you're in trouble, you're going to get a severe punishment," he said as he bent his head and captured her lips on his, and you finally let go of that moan you've been holding back; the reaction that made him snarl at you and grip you tighter and tighter.
"Oh babygirl I'm just getting started..."
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