#ok i know we already have a thread w them i just needed more for them pls<3
nepotizm · 8 months
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'    do    you    like    it    ?    i    wore    it    just    for    you    .    '
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chthonicgodling · 1 month
I just made a whole twt thread about this to my audience of no one so I want this on the record HERE:
IIIII THINK THAT the only option that makes sense abt where Zag is is that Chronos has him under some type of possession, and that he’s going to be a boss battle 💞
not only was it proven one game ago he’s un-imprisonable it’s just narratively lame to stick him offscreen in jail. in fact it’s my belief that it LITERALLY ONLY makes sense for Zag to be the final boss (or the just-before-final-boss if the final is Chronos???) imagine the loop of gettin one step closer to snapping Zag out of it before dying & starting from scratch w him a little more lucid every time?? It fits too well into the game mechanic??? Maybe he doesn’t remember previously fighting Mel until he does, a little bit more, the more you die and return!?? Every round more of his actual self and personality reappearing???
maybe I’m just thinking about ✨the angst of it all✨ but like. LOGISTICALLY. I feel like it’s the only thing that makes sense. bc otherwise how has Zag not broken out of [wherever he might be otherwise]. Again just did a whole game about how he can break out of anywhere!! and NARRATIVELY - the TT already made it very clear that the characters from the first game are very present here & now it’s not like they’re in the distant past!! The plot is, the characters we know & love previously need to be saved!! Why would they waste THE PREV MAIN CHARACTER quietly offscreeN SITTING IN CHAINS WITH HADES AND PERSEPHONE ITS,, like come on that wouldn’t make ANY sense.
think of the twist of it all!! the way the reveal would shock everyone!!! the gut punch of it all!! THE PANIC OF HAVING TO FIGHT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF ZAG’S BLITZ FIGHT STYLE THAT EVERYONE GOT SUPER FAMILIAR WITH A GAME AGO!!!
listen. listen. I’m right. I’M RIGHT. mark it down now I’m RIGHT. …that or I saw someone say that chronos probably ate the three of them which. well. ok that would be very funny so maybe
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mud-o · 11 months
[ Detailed Thread ] I've seen lots of debate but here's lists of reasons why I personally think Wriothesley is visually impaired/blind to a certain degree and hope that he is :)
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This is listed down based on my understanding/research so if there's anything wrong pls do correct me
Firstly we need to know the term 'Blindness', i know you may be wondering like , uh what? But a lot of people are quite misinformed of what being 'blind' is. Blindness is the inability to see or a lack of vision. Meaning that Blindness is a SPECTRUM. Each person's experience of blindness is unique. 93% of blind and vision-impaired people can see something. It is very rare for someone who is blind that cannot perceive anything at all. Some people may be blind in their peripherals - some in the center, some can see colours and blurs while others can perceive light and shadows better. It varies. A LOT. Quote from an article on Blindness and its spectrum. "These visual impairments don’t all work the same. Macular degeneration, erode the central vision without affecting peripheral vision. Narrowed field of vision- central vision is fine but the peripheral vision is limited. Others include photophobia (inability to tolerate light), diplopia (double vision), visual distortion, and difficulty with visual perception."
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Ok so now we've made that clear- here's why Wriothesley being blind isnt as farfetched as you may think , with the way he is acting in the Fontaine trailer. 1) So i've heard everyone say that he is teasing Sigwienne, but let's just go back, why does Sigwienne - put the cute beverage in front of wrio in that manner? Why is she putting the taller cup in front of him where it's simply closer for him to reach for in the first place? You can argue that she did that so wriothesley takes it, but why not just hand it to him then? If you observe the scene - the tea was already there beforehand, which means wrio has either prepared it himself or has even already drunk from it and placed it there. He knows there is a 'cup' on the table. It could be very much logical to assume Sigwienne wanted wriothesley to mistakenly reach for the taller cup she placed there. There would be no point in deliberately placing the cup as if with the intention to 'trick' him into taking it if he could very well see her place it there.
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2) The visible jolt of his hands when he hovers over the tall drink that sigwenne places there. And the CLOSING of his eyes, as if to concentrate. On what? Here we can tell the drink clearly looks like a cold beverage, so when his hands hover on top of the cup , it'll make sense to have a reaction based on the wrong temperature registered to his hands - as tea is hot. He glances to sigwenne after , as if amused, only to look back to rotate the smaller cup of his tea. And even when 'rotating' , his actions seem purposeful - carefully interacting w the cup with his hands draping around the handle before holding onto it. As if again, he's mostly feeling around it. If he were to see perfectly well, why would he close his eyes - hover around the tall drink, and seem to jolt by reaction of registering what the object is? His eyebrow even raises up. It makes less sense as - if he were intending to tease her, he'd simply hover alternatively between the two without interacting w them purposefully but instead focus more on the reaction of Sigwenne from the start - and not After he seemingly 'felt' what the glass he is reaching for firstly is not his own cup of tea, but the beverage Sigwienne wanted him to take. Also added point, if you really take notice, while touching and rotating the tea for its handle, his eyes are set straight, not towards the cup.
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3) paper argument - again brings back to my point about blindness being a spectrum. Some blind people can read if they really focus and if the object was near enough, and even more that they just show him holding the paper, his eyes were never shown 'scanning' it. And furthermore, we are not SHOWN the paper, it could be braille for all we know. 4) but he looks at sigwienne first before she places the cup - again , blindness is a spectrum. Many blind people can register vague figures of people based on combinations of colour, light, and shadows or other ways depending on the individual. 5) Lyney's dialouge - as we know, genshin loves littering clues and symbolisms around in the trailers. Here's the quote we got while transitioning to Wrio's cutscene. "But what you see, is not real. It's all a show. And every part of the show is carefully controlled" Here we've already got a literal connotation for 'sight' from "what you see" , and connotations of 'acting' what if he was just acting out that he is not 'blind' to the outsider's point of view, so it is shown that he has less of a 'weakness' to others? Covering his disability under a guise so no one knows how to use it against him? It may be a reach - but it is an interesting idea to think about. Esp with the entire theatre play theme surrounding Fontaine and us/people being the audience of the big show.
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6) wolf motifs and inspiration - It is quite easy to see Wriothesley is very heavily wolf motifed. Wolves are known for their sharp senses and acute hearing. They rely much more heavily on scent and hearing compared to their sight. Sounds familiar? It would be very neat if wriothesley has heightened senses as he can't rely on his eyesight as much, thus being easily able to tell when Sigwienne moves around and puts the cup in front of him. 7) gameplay - having a disabled character can make interesting and unique ideas on their kit and mechanic. I'll leave most of it for imagination, but something such as a passive that could auto-link enemies aggro-ed for aoe skills? Many many more possibilities. 8) It will simply be good disability representation in media , we've already had collei with the chronic illness of Eleazar, Xiao with chronic pain from karmic debt, Yoimiya's father short of hearing due to working with fireworks etc. It'll be an amazing addition for irl people with disabilities to feel more seen. 9) there's literally a scar under one of his eyes what more can i say if not it being more of a hint. His beta concept designs even had a scar on his eyebrow along with heterochromia? Which can also be seen as being blind in one eye with the 'white' colouring. Also the eyepatch beta design? Yeah.
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Also this slipped my mind, but do also note Braille was originated and introduced in france - invented by Louis Braille in 1824. And well, what do we know of where Fontaine is based of? wink wonks
My conclusion, live laugh love hc wriothesley w vision impairment <3 even if it turns out not being canon and just some weird coincidence of everything.
(also please do not steal this as i plan to post this myself on twt too, and again this is just a THEORY on why I PERSONALLY think he's such. You are free to disagree )
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
ALRIGHT I know part 2 just released, but any theories for part 3?
OHOHO HELL YEAH >:) these may be a bit sporadic and out of order, a catastrophic amount of sillies, perhaps some hooliganism, etc, etc, y'all know the drill by now <3
[IJ part 2 spoilers, ofc]
Same cold open as always (in front of the whitehouse, etc) except this time its RON >:)
he MENTIONED being a huge conspiracy nut in college - considering he's most likely gonna remember elements of Reagan's script, I 100% believe he's gonna slip back into that.
WE GET A GIGI BACKSTORY EPISODE!!! Otherwise I will just start biting people
ok this is just a plea to the IJ writers BUT STILL
JUST,,, PLEASE </3 I want Gigi lore. Her character is delightful, and there's so much potential for interesting backstory. They've set up all these little threads [her working her whole life to get where she is but still being unsatisfied, 'I could get used to being unremarkable', feeling ignored] now I just want them to elaborate on them.
I might be biased bc I love Gigi to death but COME ON, IT FEELS LIKE SHE'S GETTING SHELVED SO MUCH!! I'm so glad she got to do more this season, esp w/ Reagan, but I'm yearning for lore
tldr. Give me a Gigi episode or give me death.
Air Bud (AB) and Alpha-Beta (AB). Can you see where I'm going with this can you see the wires crossing
I'm sorry but I need the silly robot man to get jealous of the team paying more attention to Air Bud than him.
I can picture it so vividly like a vision from an angry god just
'Of course we're a team! we've even got loveable non-human sidekick who grew beyond his original purpose, gained human traits, and became all the better for it!'
-haha, well, I wouldn't exactly describe myself as a side-'
'Air Bud :D'
'I beg your fucking pardon, Mister Hand?'
in short I need smb to offhandedly refer to Air Bud as AB, and watch this man have a cyberstroke from pure jealousy.
speaking of my favorite man,
I don't really ship them but the potential here is too powerful. I need to experience more of Whatever The Fuck Happens To AB's Mind When He Sees A MILF
Tell me it wouldn't be delightful to see this clown try and ask Tamiko on a proper date. Tell me that wouldn't be magical to witness. It'll be an absolute car crash and I pray the writers give it to us.
also because if (lets be honest, when) he gets rejected, his dramatic, self-pitying crywank moment is going to be. so good. Teenager sulking in their bedroom watching rom-coms and crying about how 'that was just like me and Tamiko 🥺🥺🥺' levels of pathetic. I know it in my heart of hearts. I physically can't wait.
I think overall I just want this man in situations. bad situations. bad not good situations where he will act both bad and not good <3
They could be anything from aliens, to time travelers, to 4th dimensional beings, robots, clones, ghosts, Just Some Guys (tm), to all of the above in some hodgepodge fruitcake situation.
I will however say that,, at least half of what the Robes told Reagan was probably bullshit. The stuff about all catastrophes having meaning? Not buying it, there's smth up here.
[ALSO,, I'm 90% sure that season 2/part 3 is gonna be the start to an actual Longterm Overarching Plot, which the Robes will no doubt be involved in. Please Please Please, this show is already delightful, and a broader plot would just. *italian hand kiss*]
JRand prison moments. homoerotic prison escape. two bisexual men pressed into a dirt tunnel, who knows what might occur in the heat of passion etc, etc
GLENN CHARACTER ARC!!! We're getting little hints at it,,,, he's tried shrooms,, he's growing closer to the team,,, the bisexual arc is right around the corner for this man I can FEEL IT.
I think we might see Atlantis? We've been getting more stuff about them, and since we've covered pretty much all other Already Mentioned Funky Locations, I think that's gonna be the Big Travel Episode next season!!
BEACH EPISODE!! PLEASE GOD!!! Either combined w/ the above, or separate
[Also, shamefully, I'll admit,,,, I kinda want a musical episode. I have no excuse I just think it'd be so delightful. Please Once-More-With-Feeling, Guy-Who-Didnt-Like-Musicals these bitches Shion, I know you have the power.]
A deep-dive into Andre's psyche. SO many things have been brought up, and I hope they really go in on them. He's coping in 1000 different ways and I don't think a single one of them is good for him.
HM. okie this is getting rambly - I'll probably add more within the next few months as these episodes congeal in my brain, but for now, tysm for the ask!!!
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samstarium · 4 months
What are your classpect headcanons for the omega kids?
ooh ooh ok! so im goin off the theory that the omega kids will "fill in" all the classes and aspects we only have 2 canon players for atm (aka no other humans have them yet)
i talked abt this a bit in a server so im gonna copy over my ideas!! autistic ramblings below
the one that interests me the most atm is vrissy bc theres the assumption she'll b a standard serket and this a light player, but it would b cool to kill the theory that all descendants need have the same aspect. personally i would love for her to stay a thief but b mindbound instead. for a couple reasons
one hs^2 (or hsbc, or whatever) and especially the candy route is abt how the world and thr characters in it have deviated from The Canon and havin vrissy keep her ancestoral title but on the class side instead is like a fun way to show that. its like oh this is not how its supposed to work is it. two i think tyin her to terezi in a way is kinda interesting. bc there's some parallels that could b made (vriska searchin for a scourge sister replacement, vrissy's relationship w/ harry anderson as a mirror for terezi and john?) but it would have to b explored a bit more since she still hasn't been in the canon for very long
as for the others i rlly want tavvy to b rage… i have him as a sylph but im not married to that. i would rlly love to have a male sylph tho! i think his sensibilities could work nicely, and we already have some (if brief) content of him interactin w/ kanaya (https://homestuck2.com/story/336) so there's potential to strengthen their connections and parallels.
for rage like ofc the purple and gamzee shit and everything puts that in my mind automatically but also. as a contrast to his hope parent and his maid parent. bein a sylph of rage just creates such delicious symmetry. hard to see a sylph-y personality just yet but it's a possibility imo, n rage i think can b interpreted from the gamzee corpse shenanigans
harry anderson im unsure of but w/ what we have i suppose bard of doom could work ok. it would b nice to have a bard who wasnt um. Well. yknow. and show some other parts of the class that weren't represented in the 2 canon bards. there's the obvious connection and punnery involving his affinity for musical theater, and his laissez faire approach to life could serve bard functions.
doom… eh. yea idk abt that but i'll take a stab at it. on a thematic level if sollux's doom craft motif is coding, havin his be stitching is kind of cool. like the connection to binary code in thread (https://www.tumblr.com/swords-n-spindles/625244898586755072/the-fibre-stuff-moiraecrochet-synebluetoo) idk. but on a more conceptual level his upbringing could give him some connections to doom, living with roxy who for the longest time was entrenched in the jane propaganda machine (harry as anti-life?).
w/ yiffy left she takes mage of blood. mage kinda iffy since the canon mages r pretty different and only one gives us much to work w/. one thing i will say on mages tho is that both of them r missin a certain sense: sollux sees no evil, meulin hears no evil, and yiffy? well i'd say she doesn't rlly "talk", at least not yet in the traditional sense, so we can complete the proverb and have her as the third mage who speaks no evil
but blood is a lot clearer. blood, bonds, connections, relationships? thats like the whole conflict of her character. i think phrasin it as yiffy "knowing" blood is kind of fun. bc she probably does have a very keen understanding of the complex relationships between the ppl around her (jane and jake and gamzee im sure she knew much of). also the literal connection of blood to her fangs, and cementing the parallels of her and karkles as blood brothers (lol)
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
The Crash
"ARE WE THERE YET??? I'm starving!!!!"
"Yeah me too."
"Enough! I told you this like a million times!!! We will be there soon!!!"
"Kids you have your seat belts on right?"
"Yes, Mom!"
"Yes, Mum!"
"Ok good!"
Tiffany sat on the side of Chucky and watched the ongoing scenery. The road was fairly empty and they were just cruising along when out of the blue some random car appeared. They were both driving at the same speed but this driver didn't seem sober. They kept moving from side to side and the car almost touched the Ray family car. Chucky did his best to keep away from this car but the driver was unpredictable. They kept swerving and didn't know how to stay on their own side of the road.
"Kids you two ok?"
"Yeah Mum were fi----------"
Everything happened so fast. First, they were driving to a nice restaurant and now flipped over.
There was a loud and horrible ringing in everybody's ears.
Tiffany was the first to wake up. She looked over and saw Chucky unconscious. While the twins were in the back safe and awake but in shock and silent.
"GLEN GLENDA!!! Look at me you two! Are you hurt? Are you ok?"
She unbuckled her seatbelt and went to help her kids out of the car. Once she made sure the two of them were them she rushed over to help Chucky. She unbuckled Chucky's seatbelt and dragged him out of the car. Glass was all over him and he was still knocked out cold.
"Chucky, Sweetface! Come on! Look at me!! Wake up!!! Please!!!"
She noticed a familiar red spot on the side of his torso. She lifted up his shirt, revealing a glass shard impaled in his stomach.
"SHIT!!! Chucky!!!"
"Mom, is Dad gonna be ok?" She said clutching her stuffed bunny.
Tiffany wiped away a tear and faced her kids.
"Yeah, your Dad always pulls through always. Always"
Tiffany did CPR on him and mouth to mouth. Nothing work. She went back to doing chest compression over and over.
"Come on Chucky!!! We need you. The kids need you, I need you. PLEASE JUST WAKE UP!!!"
"*GASP* W---what happened?"
Chucky tried to sit up but screamed in pain when he did. That's when he noticed the glass shard in his stomach.
Tiffany got an idea and went and grabbed her purse and pulled out a sewing kit. She carefully threaded the sting through the hole of the needle and tied it. Chucky looked up at her and gave her a nod.
"Kids look away ok?"
"Look away!"
Reluctantly Glen and Glenda turned and faced the other way.
"Ok Sweetface I'm not gonna lie to you but this is gonna hurt ok?"
Chucky just nodded already clenching his teeth and jaw shut.
Tiffany pulled the glass out and along with his came Chucky's bone-chilling screams of pain. Once she had the shard out she poured water on the wound flushing it out and getting all the tiny pieces out. Once it was mostly clean she began sewing.
"AHHHHHHHH!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!"
Tiffany began to cry hearing her husband in extreme agony and pain. She couldn't imagine all the pain he was going through. Once she was finally done Chucky took a moment to relax and calm himself before he stood up.
"Are you three ok?"
"Yeah we're fine dad"
"We're just glad you're ok!"
"Awh come out it takes a little more than that to take me down!" He joked trying a cause some laughs trying to break the tension.
"I'm glad you're ok Sweetface."
"Yeah me too."
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croissantbae · 2 years
August 1, 2022
1. Dani is such an utter terrorist. But I love and adore her sooooo much. I feel like Jason and I are the only ones that do though bc she’s such a menace when people are around lol.
2. We went to lake arrowhead w Jason’s fam. The drive there started out strong. Girls got McDonald’s. Then napped. It was going amazing. Then we get there and see the house and we were like good god. Because there were stairs and the frame of the banister had bars that were wide apart. It was big enough where the kids could totally fall through and fall to their demise. At first jason tied blankets around it and then later we pushed the couches against it and threaded a playmat between the bars. Once thst was done we felt a lot better.
We had some bomb food. Jason’s mom made gochujang jjigae which I had only just found out about 1.5 years ago when Julie came over and mentioned she made it for her fam. Man the jjigae was so good I had like 3 servings. It went so well w our gogi.
After dinner our woes began. We decided to have Dani sleep in the big bed w us because we didn’t want her crying and waking everyone up at 3 am if we put her in the pack and play because shes been doing thst recently. So Jason did the usual thing and carried her. Then when she fell asleep he put her in the bed. But then every time he put her down she’d wake up and be excited we were there and want to play. I told Jason to just go upstairs so he could at least be w his fam. But I basically put Dani back in the carrier then back in bed like 4x. Until finally I gave up bc I needed to send something out for work. I switched w jason but he couldn’t get her to sleep either. I think she didn’t sleep until like 11:30 or midnight.
Anyway long story short it was terrible and the next night was even worse. I was so mean to her the second night. I was like ok it’s time to sleep NOW. and she started crying and I was like blocking her crying by putting my hand on her mouth so she sound would be muffled. And I was like hissing STOP!! I was seriously so mean. I feel so bad. But she still loves me #1 and I’m making it up to her.
ThT second night destroyed me. I was like we can’t do a trip like this again unless either Dani has her own room or she can sleep in the bed like naya can.
But with that said I’ve already been thinking about where would be a good place to travel to. Why do I want to pay money to torture myself I don’t know.
In any event it was still a great trip despite the sleeping woes. Naya watched a bunch of tv to her hearts content but she was such a good girl. Listened so well, ate well, played well. Eileen was so sweet and bought them bubbles and cards. And naya brought a play do set NM bought her. She loves NM and doesn’t like OM. It’s kind of sad because OM still loves her so much…
When we came home we got Thai food for dinner. Then put the kids down. And jason freaking made moogook and japchae. So annoying. Going above and beyond.
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Falling asleep.
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Pretty cabin. Will post more pics in the next post.
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endfght · 1 year
🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲 i want more <3
tod waggner & kinsey oliver: tod b like 🧍 prrrety grill. dating christa or not this man is still blushing and stuttering and fumbling over himself in front of pretty girls im sorry theres nothing that can be done to change him. idk truly theyre both survivors of a tragedy??? both were/are incredibly fucked up for a Long Time after said tragedy..... emotional support friends when tod is just like a golden retriever he can be ur esa dog kins.
kirby reed & kinsey oliver: i had this in the tags originally and then was like?? idiot what are u doing sO : kirby is in the fbi now....... and probably would have been (or would have been in training but we can fudge the details ok) just starting out when everything happens with kins and mal the second time,,,, so What If she were to have helped mike (and his team) find them???? i simply think that these girls as her first case is sexy and would be exactly what she needs to throw herself into her job to rly stop ppl like charlie<3 and the man that took kins and mal.
bethany bixler & kinsey oliver: ok so it was a no on the hell priest with a love for pain and pleasure but.... what about deadites. totally different from creatures from hell........... but also we can go Not That and beth could meet kins while shes on tour w a band or something like that. kins if ur nice to her for one (1) second beth can get u backstage to meet the band for free ok just one (1) kind gesture.
jules louden & kinsey oliver: mal is related to the loudens,,, there is not a doubt in my mind that they attended parties at mals house for holidays/special occasions and to think that kinsey would not also be there is absolute insanity. jules/mal/kins (and stef too if she would like to join ofc<3) were probably an unstoppable trio when they were rly young,,, just annoying the absolute hell out of their relatives and gossiping. complete menaces if u see them walking towards u RUN. u know those holidays at ur aunt n uncles where u beg ur parents to sleep over for the night.... yeah thats them. their campouts in mals treehouse<3 but immediate Not Sweet jules comin Back From The Dead.. the first holiday that she attends and maybe mal brings kins with her.... how different their interactions would be.. but also so the same bc they all went through this horrible trauma and still came out on the other sside blah blah u kno. i think they could be neat.
michael roth & kinsey oliver: YEAH BOI. theres so mcuh that we can do with that but what can i write here that we havent already talked about???? what i cAN do is tell u some of my favorite ideas ok. im a sucker for letter threads so ,,,, if kins wants to keep writin mike letters he will answer them. or like. The FIRST letter she sends to start it off. the mental debate he has ab answering. mike interviewing them at the hospital but lowkey having the Worst Time bc he looks at kins and sees hannah and wants to scream and cry but also hug her. IDK i can keep goin i just we need to write them ok. kins (and mal) visiting mike and the others at the station a few months after theyre found to say thanks or smth idkidk thats probably dumb and a bad thread idea. they just have so much potential and the fact that we havent written them yet is a crime @graecland.
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ptergwen · 3 years
hi val can you maybe write something about the reader being dared to kiss peter/tom/arvin (you choose) since her friends knew that she has a big crush on him, but once she did he seems disinterested after which makes her sad, but what she doesn't know was after she kissed him, he practically runs to his friends freaking out that the girl he's had his eyes on this whole time just kissed him??
kiss and tell
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w/c: 1.8k
warnings: like one swear and awkwardness
a/n: yeeee i went with peter! this is adorable :,)
“i can’t!” you scold betty and her annoying smirk. you’re bored at lunch, so liz suggested the three of you play truth or dare. you’d made the mistake of choosing dare. in your defense, betty is the nosiest person in all of midtown, so you thought you were dodging the bullet and guarding your deep dark secrets. how could you have known she’d make you do... this?
“that’s so, like, forward. he’s gonna freak out.” you glance over at peter’s table to see what he’s up to before you possibly scar him. he’s laughing along at a heated conversation ned and mj are having. the way his face lights up, and his eyes crinkle as a smile crosses his features, it gives you butterflies throughout your whole body.
“in a good way,” liz grins her most charming grin at you. it’s not working this time. you roll your eyes up to the ceiling. “i thought you liked him,” betty huffs, gesturing over to peter and keeping her eyes on you. “all you do is talk about how he’s so cute and smart, and his lips look so soft-“ “i never said that!” you look at her with wild eyes. liz bites her lip to hold in a laugh. “the last part, i mean,” you clarify in a murmur.
liz puts a hand on you and pats your shoulder knowingly. “you’ve probably thought it, though. i’ve seen you checking them out.” there have been quite a few times your gaze has landed on peter’s lips, watching them curve while he talks to you about some new science theory he’s excited to share. you end up zoning out and pretending you retained any of what he said. betty puckers her own lips at you.
“you wanna kiss him,” she insists in a sing song voice, resting her chin on your other shoulder. “i’m doing you a favor.” “you’re really not gonna change the dare?” you sigh, your friends leaning on you in support. liz taps your cheek. “so, you don’t wanna kiss him?” “there’s no way,” betty comments from your side. “no, i...” you start, focusing in on peter again.
he meets your eyes across the cafeteria. his smile fades slightly, then a shy one is replacing it, ned dragging him into his and mj’s debate. you turn back to liz and betty.
“i do, but do you think he wants me to?” you ask them both, and they share a you have to be kidding look. “only one way to find out.” liz gives your shoulder a nudge. betty beams at you. “i triple dog dare you now, so you have to.” considering your options, you bounce your leg up and down. you’ll either get the nicest rejection ever from peter or a kiss back. you can handle this.
“ok, i’ll do it,” you decide, betty clapping her hands and squealing. liz throws an arm around your neck. “yay! i love love.” “let’s calm down,” you giggle so she doesn’t get too carried away. you and peter haven’t even established that you like each other. “i’m calm, i’m calm. do you need to borrow chapstick?” she offers, betty simultaneously pulling a tube out of her purse. “or lip gloss?”
you’re appreciating their over involvement now.
“both,” you breathe out, letting them get you ready for your big kiss.
liz and betty send you good luck wishes in a hushed tone while you make your way to peter’s table. mj went to get a snapple, and ned went with her so they could continue whatever argument they’re in. that left peter by himself. it’s almost like this is meant to happen.
“hi,” you greet peter, making him look up at you with raised eyebrows. he notices right away that your lips are shiny, more so than usual. a color that you always seem to bring to his face takes over his cheeks. “hey. you wanna sit?” he gives you a small smile. you return it. “yeah, sure. thanks.” instead of taking the bench across from him like he assumed you would, you find your place next to him.
he doesn’t mind.
“how’s your day been?” you wonder, body turned towards him while he answers. peter scrunches his nose. “kinda busy. i got so much homework in spanish tonight, and i’ve been putting off this essay about...” you do the thing you do every time he goes off on a sort of tangent, watch his lips. lucky for you, that’s the whole point today. “i don’t know. all i have so far is the intro-“
you cut peter off with a kiss. liz and betty cheer to each other the second it happens. peter doesn’t move, only freezes up as you press your glossy lips to his and grab his shoulders. it takes a few seconds for you to realize he’s not kissing back. his arms are stiff at his sides, eyes wide in shock. absolutely humiliated, you pull back, moving as far away as you can.
“fuck, i’m sorry. i should’ve asked you first,” you apologize, voice shaking. you’re already getting to your feet. peter blinks a few times, grounding himself back in the moment. “no, no. it’s okay. i-“ “that was weird, i know. you don’t have to lie or make me feel better.” he furrows his eyebrows, in a way that seems regretful even though you’re the one who messed up. “i’m trying to tell you, y/n. it’s fine. we-“
ned’s voice fills the room, making you snap your head in his direction. him and mj are coming back. you need to get out of here before you embarrass yourself even more.
“i’m gonna go. i’m sorry,” you mumble out, running back to your table, where liz and betty are instantly asking what’s wrong and if you’re alright. peter licks his lips that are now coated in your gloss and clenches his jaw. he’s pissed. not at you, at himself. it’s clear because mj brings attention to it when she sits down.
“what’s up with your face?” she narrows her eyes at him, popping the cap on her snapple. ned elbows peter in his spot next to him. you were just there less than a minute ago. “you okay, dude?” he checks. “no.” peter closes his eyes in frustration. “what’s wrong?” ned kicks mj’s foot under the table so she’ll stop making out with her drink and help him.
“i... y/n kissed me,” peter admits, sounding oddly upset about something everyone knows he’s been hoping would happen. “she what?” ned gawks. “isn’t that a good thing?” mj points out. “you love her.” “like her,” peter corrects and chews the inside of his cheek. “whatever. shouldn’t you want her to kiss you?” she takes another sip of snapple, passing this off to ned.
“yeah...” is all ned says. he awkwardly rubs peter’s back while mj tries not to snort. “that’s not the problem. i didn’t kiss her back, and she took it as me not being into it,” peter shakes his head as he recounts your weird moment. “which i was,” he tells them for the record. ned makes a funny face at him. “so why didn’t you kiss back?” “no shit she ran away,” mj mutters to him. she saw that part.
“because i wasn’t expecting it!” peter frowns at his friends’ reactions and at what he did. “you guys know how much i like y/n. i can’t believe i screwed this up so bad.” mj squints in mock confusion. “i can.” she quickly drops her sarcasm for encouragement after that. “ok, seriously. just go find her and apologize.” “maybe kiss her this time,” ned chimes in.
“if she really likes you, she’ll get it.” mj smiles genuinely, nodding back at your table. ned gives him a push forward. “you got this, dude. come tell us all about it after.” a rush of confidence enters peter from their advice. he’ll fix this. “thanks, guys. here i go.” he shoots up from the table, ned and mj getting back into their debate once he’s out of sight.
betty is hugging you way too tightly when peter gets over there. she goes on about how much peter sucks, overcompensating because she’s the reason you kissed him. you only hum in response. you don’t have the heart to tell her you blame yourself. only liz notices peter come over, so she talks on your behalf. “oh, hey,” she says drily. “hey. can i talk to y/n?” peter gets out, twiddling with his thumbs nervously.
she has to decide if she’d rather go into protective friend mode or let him. from your unenthusiastic responses to betty’s hate rant, she figures you’d like to hear him out.
“come on, betty,” liz takes her arm suddenly, betty trying to pull it back. “what? why?” “i’m gonna buy you ice cream. let’s go.” that’s her cover. peter shoots her a look that says thank you, liz pressing her lips into a line and dragging betty along. betty sees peter standing in front of your table and glares at him, liz walking faster. you don’t get the chance to ask them where they’re going because they leave so fast.
the bench dips down on one side of you, making someone’s prescense known. you’re surprised to find it’s peter. you talk first.
“if you’re gonna apologize, don’t. it was my fault-“ “you never let me finish earlier,” peter interrupts, the hint of a smile on his face. his clammy hand links with one of yours. “what were you gonna say?” you ask quietly, peter threading your fingers together. your heart is racing at the simple touch. “that i like you,” he replies at the same low volume. “and, that i wanted to try again.”
he’s sitting a lot closer to you than you realized. you welcome it, your hands in between you two on the bench. “i like you too... try what again?” you question, although you hope and pray it’s what you think. “kissing,” peter says what you were hoping and praying for. “wasn’t ready the first time.” you’re about to go into cardiac arrest as he rests his forehead on yours, curls brushing your face. a few broken up breaths escape him.
“can i?” he nearly whispers, warm hand still gripping at yours. “yeah,” you agree before your eyes flutter shut. he wastes no time, parting his lips and brushing them against yours gently, you reciprocating. he kisses as sweetly as he is, his free hand on your cheek and fingers careessing your skin. your other hand ends up on the back of his neck. you grin against him, lips detaching momentarily so you can engage him in another kiss.
peter doesn’t hesitate to kiss back this time, nose nudging yours as he moves in more. you tug on some hair at the nape of his neck and laugh into the kiss, reminding him you’re in school. he pulls back with a chuckle, but keeps his forehead on yours and your hands in each other.
“sorry. got too excited,” he laughs out, you leaning into his open palm. “i told you don’t apologize.”
liz and betty joined ned and mj at some point. the four of them are whistling at you and yelling out suggestive jokes. they’re too much. but, to be fair, you owe this all to them.
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infrequent-creator · 3 years
From the list, #19 w/ Ojiro and Midoriya? 🥺💖
Summary: Midoriya noticed Ojiro is having some trouble practicing his dojo moves, so he offers some help.
A/N: Ahhh I'm finally over my wicked sinus infection, so back to work I go friends! Hope you like it!
((Also pls check the sneaky link at the end 😉 @boku-no-t-academia is the author of the linked story in green))
Word Count: 1,322
"Are you hiding from me?"
"Huh?" The tail hero looked slightly confused cocking his head like a pup. “I haven’t seen you all day Ojiro. Are you doing alright?” “I’m sorry Midoriya, I’ve got a tournament coming up. I’ve just been very busy with all the practicing.” “Oh yeah, you do martial arts on the weekends! I’ve always been interested in that. My mom and I loved ninja movies, especially All Might’s ninja movie: Blade of Justice!” He struck a ninja pose, the same as the one on the All Might movie cover. He return to a regular stance as he laughed softly at the fond memories. “Yeah I do, and I’ve got semi-finals for nationals coming up. I still can’t land a couple of my moves.” “Oh I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe I could help you.” Izuku suggested.
"You know, that's not a bad idea. How about you meet me tomorrow at my dojo. I'll give you the address."
"Perfect! I'll see you tomorrow."
“Wow! This dojo is so cool!” All these photos of students! Aww Ojiro, is that you? You’re so little!” Izuku cooed at the photo.
“Oh god, that’s so embarrassing. It was the first time I won a tournament. I just turned 7.” He had dashed over to try to hide the picture. It was him as a kid , smiling ear to ear. There was a gold medal around his neck, and a trophy balanced on his tail. He was also missing a couple of his baby teeth in the front.
“No, it’s adorable. You look so happy! I’m glad you love this so much.”
“Yeah, it’s really fun.” He tossed his bag down on the edge of the large floor mat.
“Are you ready? Just take your shoes off before you come on the mat.” He reminded his excited friend.
“Of course, I’m coming.” He giggled, getting one last look at the picture before going to stand in the middle of the mat with Ojiro.
The two boys tussing around on the mat, Midoriya being gently thrown around by his friend.
"You holding up alright?" Ojiro bend down to look at Izuku, who was giggling flat on his back.
“Yeah this is nothing compared to training with Kacchan. He throws me way harder, thanks for being so gentle.” He smiled sweetly up at Ojiro.
“Oh of course! What kind of hero would I be if I hurt my fellow heroes?” He chuckled, using his tail to poke playfully at Izuku’s middle. The shorter boy let out a surprise yelp and swatted lightly at his friend’s tail.
“Haha, sorry Mashirao, j-just a little…well…” As Izuku stuttered, his cheeks started to heat up noticeably.
“A-Ah! M-More like sensitive but…yes.” He couldn’t look at the blonde still standing over him.
“Haha, it’s ok Midoriya, let’s do one more move before we head home. It’s just an easy takedown move.” He held out a hand to help up his friend. Izuku smiled and hopped to his feet.
“No problem. Let’s do it!” He nodded in excitement.
“Ok, so I’m basically just going to tackle you, pinning you with my elbows against your ribs & hips. It won’t hurt, it’s just going to hold you against the mat.” He explained, gesturing to the back of his upper arm.
“Sounds good.” He nodded again, getting in a weak defense stance, pretending to be an opponent.
Ojiro bowed, taking an offensive stance. In an i stand, he tackled Midoriya. Ojiro’s body curled around his opponent’s middle. His arms exactly where he said they’d be, both the blonde’s knees were against the other side of his ribs & hips. Neither hurt, but he was definitely not going anywhere.
“Wow, this is a pretty good hold.” Izuku giggled, looking at Ojiro’s face.
“Yeah, hey do you think you could try to struggle a bit? I want to make sure I have a good form.”
“Oh sure no problem.” With that, the little hero started to wiggle and thrash with all his might to try and escape. No such luck, he was indeed stuck.
“Haha no can do man. You got me pretty good here.” He chuckled, resting his arms out on the mat.
“Cant get out at all?” The blonde double checked.
“Nope.” He shook his head no.
“Good.” With that, Ojiro moved his elbow out to hold Midoriya’s left out and away from his ribs, leaving his whole left side exposed. The blonde playfully started pinching and poking at Izuku’s side.
“AHAHA! W-Whahahaha Ojir-ohohoho!” The green haired boy squealed, struggling to get away from the sensation sending Izuku into hysterics.
“Aww what’s the matter? Your little sensitivity wouldn’t happen to mean you’re ticklish, would it?” Ojiro teases, both hands now squeezing up and down the green haired hero’s sides and lower. Poor defenseless Midoriya erupted into sweet laughter
“EHEHEHEHE NAHAhahahahhaa! Nononohoho!” His feet kicking against the mat as he tried to protect his sensitive torso.
“Really? It doesn’t? Then why are you so giggly, Izuku?~” The blonde’s quick fingers migrated to Midoriya’s tummy, already playing with the new ticklish territory.
“ snort EEP! Ohohohojiroooohoho!” Izuku started to push against his friend’s back
“Oh god did you snort? That’s adorable Midoriya!” His hands slowing down a little to utilize his secret weapon…
“EHEHE hehehey! No tahahahail! Nohoho tahaha-AHAH!” Ojiro’s mischievous tail launched an attack on Izuku’s poor neck, ears, even his chin. The squealing greenette thread this fingers through the hair on Mashirao’s tail. The action did tickle on Ojiro’s end, but not enough to deter him from his objective: making Izuku Midoriya scream with laughter.
“Nohow, let’s see where your death spohot.” The blonde giggled through his statement.
“I dohohon’t have ohohone!” He whined through tittering giggles.
“You know, you’re a pretty bad liar De-ku~” emphasizing the nickname with a poke to each of his slender hipbones.
“AHAHA WAHAHAIT NOHOHOHONONONO! PLEHEHEASE NAHAHAHT THEHERE!” He bucked harder than ever before trying to shake his evil tormenter.
“Oh no, I believe I’ve just won. What do you think, Leezuku~” Ojiro teased, rubbing his thumbs deem into the grips of his hips.
“NAHAHAHAHHAHAA YEHEHEHEHES YEHEHES! YOU WIHIHIHIHIN NO MOHOHOHORE!” His hand repeatedly slapping the mat as a tap out. His round cheeks bright red with laughter and embarrassment. Also what was with that nickname? Leezuku, here did he even think of that..?!
Ojiro took that as a sign to stop. He sat back on his butt to watched Midoriya wind down from his laugh attack and ghost tickles.
“You ok buddy? I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He checked, helping the smaller boy sit up slowly.
“Y-Yeah, phew. Just a little tihired.” He was still twitching with adorable soft giggles.
“Those hips are pretty bad, arent they?”
“Yehes.” He instinctively covered them, suddenly the phantom tickles hit him there.
“Here. Let me carry you back. Thanks for all your help Midoriya, I really just needed to blow off some steam and have fun.”
“No problem buddy.” He yawned, nuzzled his head into Mashirao’s fluffy collar. His arms were lazily wrapped around the blonde’s neck.
“Man, you got tired quick..” he chuckled softly, no response. The only thing he heard was soft breathing.
“Goodnight, Leezuku~” he shook his head as he walked them both back to the dorm.
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awkwardgtace · 3 years
Secret Brother Pt1
New OCs let's go. Trying out something idk if I'll write more with these guys. Realizing some bit of traumatic past seems required in my ocs so far.
TW: mentions of abandonment. Later parts will have mentions of a borrower being treated like a pet this is entirely painted in how fuckin wrong it is and how it added to the trauma.
Part 2 Part 3 (Final)
Secret Brother Part 1
Everything started when Mikhail’s students were talking about some weird happenings in their dorm. Things were going missing and a voice was heard commonly late at night. They started to say they thought it was haunted. He offered to host a study session to disprove anything, making sure to bring his shoulder bag. It was easy enough to leave open on the ground and should be tempting enough for the ‘ghost’ to climb in. He kept a close eye out and sat near a wall he thought he saw a crack in. He was starting to worry that this wouldn’t work, until he saw a small form climbing up the edge of his bag. He didn’t like doing this, but he knew the students in this dorm were more likely to share their discovery. They were being too obvious here, probably someone who just struck out on their own. Now the dorm ‘ghost’ would be somewhere much safer and could learn the skills they needed.
Mikhail was anxious for the remainder of the session. He couldn’t be obvious for the sake of the one in his bag, and the others around him. He carefully placed his bag on his shoulder, opting to carry the books he’d used out as he continued speaking with the students. He rushed to his car, placing the bag safely on the floor of the passenger seat. He took the drive slower than normal, eyes constantly drifting to his bag. He parked and rushed straight to his door. Once inside he placed his bag on the ground, unzipped it, and pulled out a random book. He quickly walked off, settling down in a chair pretending to read. He was keeping an eye out for when his passenger left the bag. After an hour he decided to just leave the bag on the floor for a few days, give the little one time to get out.
It took a few days, but he finally heard the ‘ghost’ acting. It started with a clatter sound from his kitchen late at night. He held his breath, waiting for another sign. A voice that sounded somewhat young started mumbling. He wanted to get involved and help, but it’s never gone well in the past. He would just stay as an oblivious human and they could figure this all out. At least that was his promise to himself, but the little one was far from subtle. He could hear them talking to themselves on a daily basis, they were leaving messes, and worst of all they left trails back to their entrances. Mikhail had promised himself he wouldn’t get involved anymore, but he couldn’t leave this. He sighed, gathering what he needed to help out the inexperienced borrower.
He faked a phone call claiming he’d be gone for a few days then left shutting the door loudly. He went around to the back of his house, pulling out a fishing hook with a line attached and hanging it on the windowsill of the kitchen window. He’d left it open just enough someone the size of his guest could squeeze through. He focused on the feeling he’d grown used to over the years and watched the world slowly grow around him. In only a few seconds the world towered around him. He started climbing quickly, a little out of practice since he’d gotten his size under control.
He squeezed through the open window, reminding himself to open it just a bit more next time. Once inside he froze, he never once considered the borrower might recognize him. He considered squeezing out the window again, but was stopped before taking a step. He heard a small clatter, and saw a poorly made paper clip hook fail to catch. He heard a groan from below as the paper clip fell from the counter. He just had to hope they wouldn’t notice the similarities between the human they were living with and the new borrower in the house. He took a steadying breath then marched to the edge of the counter. The borrower was already murmuring to themselves, it was clearly a problem.
“You know you’ll get caught talking to yourself like that right?” he called down. The source of the failed hook screamed, clearly not expecting anyone to be here. Mikhail hadn’t been wrong, this was definitely a kid. They were probably a teenager, and honestly didn’t look like they’d had an easy time. He took his own hook, placing it down and throwing the string off the edge. “Climb up and we can talk. Don’t want to be too loud in case the human is around.”
The kid had no hesitation climbing up, that much trust could be dangerous. Although most people this size trusted each other almost blindly. They were worn out and panting once they were at the top of the counter, clearly new to borrowing. Had he accidentally kidnapped a young curious kid? He’d find out if anyone else was there once he’d trained the kid a bit. He gave them another minute before finally starting with his plan.
“Kid, why were you making so much noise? Half of being a borrower is being quiet especially when out in the open.” he said. The kid opened their eyes and Mikhail realized he’d made a mistake. Their eyes were watery, they must have been terrified. The kid sniffled a bit as they finally got their breath back.
“I-I didn’t mean to,” they said, “my parents didn’t really teach me how to borrow yet. W-we were on our way to a new home when a storm hit and I got separated. I wound up here by accident. I climbed in the human’s bag, I thought I saw loose threads I could use, along with some food. Th-they closed the bag on me and I wound up in this house.”
“Where were you before?” Mikhail asked. He wondered if there was a chance he could find the kid’s parents at the school.
“I’m not sure, I was dragged by water for a long time. When I got out of it I-I ran to the first building I found. I’m pretty sure they got dragged away too...” the kid’s voice was quiet. They seemed to know they weren’t going to find their parents. It sounded like there may be more to the story the kid didn’t want to mention yet. Mikhail would do everything he could to make sure they could survive on their own. He was getting attached already and he hated it.
“Well I was planning to stay here for a few days before moving on again,” he started. “I can teach you the basics. I happen to know you picked a pretty good human to live with. This one doesn’t tend to investigate small noises, but he has gotten curious from times I took too much.”
“Wait wait, you'll teach me? W-why? Isn’t it better to just move on and leave me to whatever happens?”
“Who told you that?” Mikhail’s voice went icy. The kid lost their family and just needed some guidance.
“Well, I uh, I met other borrowers who always said that. Then my parents too...sometimes.”
Mikhail was ready to scream hearing that. He’d dealt with people like that a lot since he lost his parents. He wrapped his arm around the kid’s shoulders and pulled him into a half hug. They froze but soon melted into the contact, he started rubbing his arm on their arm to calm them. The kid started to cry and Mikhail just let them. He knew they were safe and later, he’d say they should be careful. He let them go as long as they wanted, he knew sometimes you just needed times like this. The kid was the first one to pull away, looking a bit ashamed as they did so.
“I’m sorry about that,” they said. “We were lucky the human didn’t come back, I could have gotten us both caught. I-if this is where you usually live I can leave. I don’t want to put you at risk.”
“I offered to teach you, didn't I? No one has to leave, besides I tend to be a bit more nomadic. My name is Mik, he and him,” he said.
“I-I,” the kid shook his head, “My name is Ian, he and him too, I think. Are you really all right to teach me?”
“Don’t worry about the he and him thing too much, if something else feels right just tell me, ok Ian?”
Ian nodded his head. Mikhail took the time to really assess him now that he didn’t have to worry about being an accidental kidnapper. He didn’t look like he’d had much to eat recently, although that wasn’t uncommon for borrowers. His clothes were a bit baggy, and needed some patching. Mikhail may try to pull some tricks with his shifting to get him some better clothes. Ian seemed to be at least a full inch shorter than Mikhail, which wasn’t reassuring if they ever met when he was human.
“Ian, how old are you?” he finally asked. He needed an idea before deciding the next steps.
“I-I’m seventeen, or well I’m almost seventeen.”
Mikhail nodded, a little surprised he was that old. Ian was just a teenager after all. He knew what to do then. First they’d make a better hook, then practice having it catch on tables and counters. Then how to grab supplies without leaving a trace. He’d leave him with the fish hook once the few days he gave himself were up. The fish hook and line is sturdier, and would last with fewer replacements longer. Perfect for someone still just learning, plus he could just start a collection of random hooks to leave out.
“All right, here's the plan,” Mikhail explained. It didn’t take more than that for Ian to get excited. He trailed behind Mikhail hanging on every word, mouthing the important things. Mikhail felt like he had a little brother with how this was going. He couldn’t deny that he was enjoying being with Ian like this. It’s been a while since he really spent time with people outside of work. By the time the weekend ended and ‘Mik’ had to move on, neither was happy with it. Mikhail knew Ian would get better without trouble, but he didn’t want to leave him alone.
They were sitting in Ian’s home, set up a lot better with the supplies they grabbed safely over two days. Ian had gotten into a habit of staying almost on top of Mikhail while in the home, like he thought he’d disappear. It left Mikhail with a sour feeling, knowing he had to leave the kid at least for the week. He jumped a little as that thought crossed his mind. He could, probably, keep this up on the weekends. Eventually Ian would see the human’s face and he may put two and two together, until then he could keep this up. He’d only come back until he was positive Ian wasn’t being reckless, if he went a week without seeing him then ‘Mik’ would come to say goodbye. It would work fine and then Ian wouldn’t have to deal with everything that’s happened alone.
“Can I go with you?” Ian asked, it knocked Mikhail from his thoughts. Mikhail looked at him with a sad smile shaking his head. “Why not? You said I was doing well. I can get used to being an outdoors borrower. Or, or just a traveling one or whatever. Please?”
“It’s too dangerous. Maybe when you’ve improved more. I don’t want you taking risks you don’t have to. I was told the same thing by the person who taught me everything,” Mikhail explained, he knew he couldn’t just abandon him. “I can try to come back though. I help keep some others connected, but I’ll come back, I promise.”
Ian grabbed him tight into a hug, the promise barely keeping him together. Mikhail knew it was a dumb idea, but he couldn’t do it. He’d promised himself not to get involved with borrowers again after the last time, but he never expected to find a kid who had no one. Once Ian could take care of himself he’d tell him the truth and then deal with the consequences. For now he’d help him stay safe. Ian fell asleep holding Mikhail in a tight hug. He knew he shouldn’t stay like this, but it was nice to be with someone else. After a few hours he knew he had to leave. It was Monday so he had to be a human again and go to work.
He slipped out of Ian’s grasp, careful not to wake him. Quietly he grabbed the hook that they’d fashioned out of some threads and a paper clip, leaving Ian the one that he’d brought. He snuck through the walls until reaching an entrance that he’d leave open just enough to come in through again. Once out of the walls he focused on shifting back to his human size, the world slowly matching him again. He quickly made his way to the front door, keeping an eye out for anyone awake right now. He snuck in quietly, trying to avoid being loud enough to wake Ian up. He collapsed on his bed, turning his phone on with an alarm set for the class that started in a few hours.
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aceofthegreenajah · 2 years
Watched Vox Machina episodes 4-6. General opinions:
- Whoa they went heavy on horror these episodes. A bit more gory than I prefer but well done anyway.
- Character humor was on point. On multiple occasions I laughed at something someone was doing on the background of the scene, or at an interaction between the group.
- This group is growing on me. Part of it is just them being so cute. But also, I rewatched the first 3 episodes w someone who is a huge fan, plus a couple of reactors I adore besides. Their enthusiasm and gushing is infectious. Honestly reactors and fanvids are the best way to get me to a series, conventional trailers and advertisements do not work nearly as well. There is something about a fan’s enthusiasm that just speaks to me. Fanart and fanfic can work to an extent too, but I usually don’t look at those until I’m already invested, you know?
My actual notes below:
Episode 4
- Allura is being fairly sensible. I know we love this group and are on their side but their reputation works against them. - Bird and the face in the sky in the opening feel obvious foreshadowing about whatever the big arc is going to be, but no clue what they could mean. I guess birds are used as spies in a lot of media... But it transforms into light or threads or smth... - I’m surprised they actually lost their weapons. Good for the gm for enforcing actual consequences even if they’re temporary. - Vax and Scanlan with Grog in the background made me laugh - Delilah is fab necromancers be my type - These women (Pike + Kay) a mess but sweethearts. Vex is slightly less of a mess but also less of a sweetheart. - That is very horror. Not seeing the monster and all. - Aww she makes a cute bunny - listening to the ending on 0.5x speed is weird but fun
Episode 5
- Ok that is a fun way to use the shifting mechanic. [Squirrel Kay] - Also, she cute. How old is she, I wonder? [Kay still] - This shopkeeper so fun. Also Rodrigo so cute. - But the horses!! [when they go off the cliff] And next the supplies. Goddammit you people. - Is that the everlight symbol or a generic one or is my memory off? [when Delilah puts it on the girl] - Sidenote: I’m confused at pairings cos I’ve heard conflicting info. I’m not looking up spoilers but neither am I going out of my way to avoid them. I’ve hear nothing plot-critical so far, though. I guess I’ll see, maybe they all come true if the campaign is long enough? - Delilah obvs. You’ve seen what she can do! [Talking about worst monster] - Names for your shots Percy? Dramatic much? - Sure it’s still like that? [Percy talking about home] - WTF? If those hangings were just to scare them, that’s so overkill. I thought they’d be at least for a ritual of some kind.
Episode 6
- This town really could’ve used a healer. - Is Kay gonna heal the tree?? That’d be cool. - Yeah they really need a healer here. - The running joke about doors again. Hilarious, honestly. - How is Scanlan always captures do easily? What is his perception, 0? - Ooh the names on the gun have a function?? Very cool if so. - Also how is the tortured guy running after what he went through. Game logic, gah. - Percy’s eye game is interesting. - Cassandra! What’s your deal?
Also my spouse is playing dnd on the next room over while I’m typing this :)
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writinglizards · 3 years
someone wanted us to kiss for a picture and i thought you were gonna stage kiss me w/ your thumbs in the middle buT NO OH MY GOD THATS……………..THATS A REAL KISS WOW OK au -- another writing prompt I lost the link to 💖
Okay, so this got WAY out of hand, but here you go! <3
Title: A Portrait of the Artist in Love
Summary:  Jaskier's senior exhibition requires he present a sequence of cohesive photos representing a theme of his choosing. Geralt, after seeing the photos in person, notices one's missing.
Read on Ao3
"So what's the matter?" Geralt finally asks when Jaskier stomps through the living room for the third time in under twenty minutes, his eyes still firmly trained on the tv set. He can't look like he cares too much or Jaskier will shut down on him, he knows.
"What's the matter is I've got my senior exhibition in two months and I still haven't settled on a fucking theme, that's the matter," he bites out, back to the sofa and hands threaded firmly through his hair, tugging hard.
Geralt sighs. All of Jaskier's problems seem to circle back to his senior exhibition. "I thought you had some photos?"
"I did," he says, tone venomous, "and then Valdo decided he was going to do a series on music and I refuse to compete with that pompous arse." Geralt bites his tongue against the 'why does what Valdo's doing matter?' He knows better.
"So? What are your ideas?" Jaskier shifts as if to speak, "and don't tell me you don't have any, I know you do." He clicks the tv off and shifts around to face Jaskier's back as he sighs, shoulders going slack.
"I want to do something personal," he says, and Geralt can hear the frustration in his voice, "something important. Not--" he can picture the way his face is scrunched up just from his tone, "--not something predictable, something trite. I want to do something meaningful."
"Okay. So make it personal. What's important to you, Jaskier?" he asks, voice soft, and watches as Jaskier's shoulders gradually go taunt again.
"Oh. Oh I could--" he cuts off, whirls around, and the nearly manic light in his eyes makes Geralt smile.
"There you go," he says, and Jaskier beams. The look on his face steals Geralt’s breath, tightens his chest. Jaskier crosses the room, headed for his bedroom slash photo studio and presumably his camera, but he pauses at the couch to squeeze Geralt's shoulder tightly.
"Thank you, darling." Geralt just rolls his eyes and clicks the tv back on.
* * * *
Jaskier never does share what idea he settled on, even after Geralt had asked, a few days later. He'd ducked his head, blushing, and told Geralt not to worry about it, it was fine, he'd get to see when it was done, and Geralt had let it go. Jaskier tends to hold his projects close to his chest until he's done with them anyway. It’s not personal.
They're seated at a cafe waiting for Yen to drop off Ciri for their afternoon trip to the zoo and Jaskier is, predicably, fiddling with his camera.
"Do you have to bring that everywhere?" he asks, tone light and teasing, and Jaskier only sticks his tongue out at him.
"Yes, you oaf, I do. I'm working," he snips, and then he lifts the camera and in a quick movement snaps a picture of Geralt's face.
"Just a test photo, love," he grins, not at all apologetic. Before Geralt can pitch anything close to a fit about Jaskier taking more photos of him (and out in public, no less), Yen and Ciri are stepping through the door. Ciri gives a delighted little shriek the way only children under five seem to do and throws herself at her father. Geralt catches her around the waist and hauls her into his lap, both of them laughing, and the photo is promptly forgotten about after that.
* * * *
"Can I come with you?"
"Why?" Geralt asks again, frowning at Jaskier where he stands next to their couch, shifting nervously with his camera clutched to his chest, "you don't like the barn."
"No, but I like Roach," he insists, "and I want to get some pictures of her. I haven't in a while." Geralt narrows his eyes.
"Is this about your project?" he asks, and the way Jaskier splutters is answer enough.
"Can't I just want to take nice photos of my best friend's lovely horse? Come on Geralt, I don't always have a reason." The color high on his cheeks says otherwise.
"Hm." He hefts his supply bag over his shoulder, "come on, then."
Jaskier practically beams the entire trip to the barn, even after he nearly slips in a spot of mud when they get there. His pure, simple joy is infectious, leaves Geralt grinning right alongside him. And if Jaskier takes pictures of him the entire time? Well, he's always taking pictures anyway.
* * * *
"Jask, my guy, must you always bring that stupid camera?" Lambert asks, "it's beer night," he says, as if beer should preclude Jaskier taking pictures.
"Yes, and? Your point?" He raises the camera to snap a blatant picture of Lambert. Aiden leans over to throw up a pair of bunny ears behind his boyfriend as if they're primary schoolers. Eskel laughs.
"Jaskier's exhibition's coming up, leave off," Geralt growls, reprimanding, and Jaskier grins all the brighter.
"Yes, thank you, darling!"
"Doesn't mean he needs to take pictures of us," Lambert grouches, but Aiden wraps his arm around his neck and pulls him into a gentle headlock.
"Be nice," Aiden admonishes, and Lambert grumbles, but subsides. After enough alcohol, no one really thinks about Jaskier's pictures.
* * * *
Catching Jaskier around their apartment snapping photos isn't strictly unusual. It's not even strictly unusual for Jaskier to be snapping photos of him, but--
"Must you take pictures while I'm trying to meditate?"
"Yeah," Jaskier answers, sunny and quick. Geralt gives a huff. The camera clicks again. "Just pretend I'm not here." Geralt hums an affirmative even though he knows it's an impossible task. He could never forget Jaskier was in a room with him.
* * * *
"Didn't know you were picking me up today," Geralt says, wandering over from his post by the medieval art exhibit to where Jaskier stands near the circulation desk, fiddling with his camera.
"Oh, well, you know," he grins brightly up at him, cheeks a little pink--maybe he's getting sick, "I was in the area and thought we could walk home together. I know you’ve got a little still but I can swing by Starbucks; I'll get you that fruity tea you like."
When he gets off his shift forty-five minutes later, Jaskier's waiting for him out front with the Starbucks already in hand, a radiant smile on his face, and Geralt’s chest clenches just looking at him.
* * * *
"Hey, so I know you're busy--" Jaskier starts over dinner one night, eyes focused down on his pasta, "and I don't know if you wanted to come or not, but the exhibition's next week and I--" he sneaks a glance up at Geralt from under his eyelashes, ducks his head, "--I'd like for you to be there."
Geralt can't help the smile that tugs at his lips, can't help the way affection swells in his chest. "Of course I'll go, Jask." It really is as simple as that.
* * * *
Geralt arrives in the midst of the opening hubbub. He knows Jaskier has to linger around his exhibit for at least the first hour or so and from what he understands it's tucked away somewhere toward the back, so Geralt takes a leisurely path in that general direction, stopping to look at the work Jaskier's classmates have done as he goes.
"Oh, Geralt!" Valdo's grinning as he waves him over and reluctantly he lets himself be lured in. "Good to see you here, my man. Jaskier's been a basketcase all day," he winks. Geralt rolls his eyes.
"I'm sure. Your work's good," he says, nodding back towards the row of photos behind them, all different instruments either alone or being played, the close up of hands on strings and keys.
"Don't let Jask hear you say that," he laughs, even as he preens at the praise. "And don't let him catch you over here, either. He'll be accusing infidelity in a heartbeat." Valdo winks again. Geralt doesn't even go to the effort of correcting the fact they're not together. Valdo never seems to remember anyway.
"Yeah. Have a good night, Valdo," he says before ducking out of the way of a shorter blonde woman who throws herself past him and into Valdo's arms, proclaiming her love for him and his photography. Another blonde follows behind her friend, smiling. Geralt hurries away before Priscilla and Essi can realize who Valdo had been talking to and rope him back into the conversation.
It's not that he dislikes Jaskier's friends it's just...they seem to assume things about the two of them. Yes, Geralt loves Jaskier, but Jaskier…he doesn’t know what Jaskier feels for him beyond a deep friendship.
He wanders a bit while he tries not to think about that, stopping to look at some of the other photos--landscapes, pets, significant others, children--until he spots Jaskier, all done up in the suit he'd picked out for the occasion months ago, the gold tie that Geralt had done for him this morning a beautiful contrast to the baby blue of his suit. And the pictures--
Geralt's breath catches. They're all of him; a photo of Geralt and Ciri from the zoo, Ciri seated on his shoulders, one tiny fist in his hair as she gestures wildly at the monkeys. Geralt astride Roach as he puts her through her paces at the barn, and later, Roach out in the pasture, Geralt leading her in a gentle cool down, the both of them in profile. Geralt and his brothers over beers, Geralt grinning, Eskel telling a story, hands spread wide, Lambert and Aiden leaning on each other across the table, smiles indulgent. Geralt meditating in their living room, the ghost of a smile on his face. Geralt at the museum, explaining the history of medieval art to a gaggle of tourists.
They're all him.
"Oh, thank fuck, Geralt, I--" Jaskier breaks off as he gets closer, takes in Geralt's expression, "Geralt?"
His mouth is dry and he has to clear his throat twice before he can get any words to work. "They're all of...me?" Jaskier flushes immediately.
"Well I mean--yes? I wanted it to be something important and personal and, uh, what's more personal than everything my best friend loves?" he explains rapidly, as if he's worried Geralt will cut him off, not let him explain.
"Oh," he says, because it's the only thing he can get out. And then as it dawns on him, "wait, if this is about--" he has to clear his throat again, uncharacteristically embarrassed, "--about what I love...why aren't you in any of them?"
"What, I--" Jaskier chokes off, that flush going a little darker, "I, I didn't--we weren't allowed to be the subjects of our own photos," he lies, and Geralt just raises a brow. He's seen his classmate's work--he knows it's a bullshit answer and Jaskier knows he knows.
"I didn't want to presume," he mumbles, then, a little firmer, "and it would have had to been staged. "I don't--staged photos are terrible, Geralt, you know how I feel about that." He does, but it doesn't change the fact Jaskier's collection is incomplete without him.
* * * *
He thinks about it for the rest of the exhibition and once he starts, it's like he can't stop. Jaskier has a collection of photos of things Geralt loves, and Jaskier's not in any of them.
It takes him almost a week to set it right.
"Geralt," Jaskier calls as the front door clicks open, Jaskier home from class. "Geralt darling, I'm famished, what--" he cuts off abruptly when he steps into the living room, gaze catching on the camera set on the tripod set up on the coffee table. Geralt stands in front of the lens, between the camera and the large bay window overlooking the distant park.
"Jaskier." Geralt's a little bit of a nervous wreck about it, but it's fine. Probably. After all, Jaskier spent months taking photos of Geralt and the things he loved. What's one more?
"Geralt, what--"
"Come here." Jaskier swallows roughly, adams apple bobbing, before he puts his bag down and steps up beside him. "Check the camera," Geralt says softly, "make sure I did it right."
Jaskier does, quick. "It's set on the ten second timer. Should I--?"
"Yeah," he says, stomach clenching in some horrible mix of fear and anticipation, "and come here."
"Geralt, if you'd wanted to take a picture together, I could have--" he says, setting the camera and starting over. He cuts off abruptly when Geralt loops an arm around his waist and tugs him in close until they're chest to chest, his other hand at Jaskier's jaw, thumb sweeping back and forth across his cheek.
"I know," he says, voice pitched low, "but you're missing a picture." And then he dips his head and kisses him.
Jaskier makes a small, wounded noise and then his arms are around Geralt's neck, fingers tight in his hair as he presses up into Geralt's grip, surges against him. Geralt cups his jaw and nips at his lower lip, revels in the quiet gasp that leaves Jaskier open for him to lick into his mouth, deepen the kiss. Distantly he's aware of the camera going off, but it's inconsequential to the way Jaskier feels in his arms.
The kiss only breaks when Jaskier pulls away to hide his face in Geralt's throat, gasping for air. Geralt chuckles, a little breathless.
"Now I'm not complaining," Jaskier says, sounding a little dazed, "but what did I do to deserve that? Because I'd like to keep doing it. Repeatedly, if possible." Geralt laughs.
"You were missing a picture," Geralt says again, and the look on Jaskier's face when he pulls back is so confused it makes his chest constrict. "The things I love," Geralt reminds, and Jaskier flushes bright red.
"Geralt--" he stammers out, flustered, before he returns to hiding his face in Geralt's shoulder. "Melitele help me," He presses his lips to the fabric of Geralt's shirt, a warm, fleeting pressure, "you really are going to be the death of me."
"Don't see how," he hums, tips his head to rest his cheek against Jaskier's head.
"Thought you wanted a friendly picture and then you just--! You just wrapped your arm around my waist like you've done it a hundred times before and I thought, oh, he's going to pretend to kiss me, for the photo, because of course you would and you, you just--" he makes a tiny, outraged noise. Geralt chuckles again. "Don't laugh at me, Geralt, I almost died."
"Mmhm," he rubs his cheek where it rests, mussing Jaskier's hair. Jaskier just huffs. "How'd the picture come out?"
Reluctantly, Jaskier peels himself away to check the photo, and Geralt can already tell from the face he's making it didn't come out well. "You moved," Jaskier admonishes, eyes glued to the tiny viewer. He fiddles with a few settings before putting it back down on the tripod. "Alright," he presses his way back into Geralt's arms, "we'll just have to try again."
"Yeah," Geralt grins, and he kisses him again.
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japan national team x reader | w.c 1.3k
a/n: omg guys here’s the super cute epic collab fic i made w all my frieednsies <33 we all worked superrrr hard on this so pls don’t be mean!!!!!!!!! pls enjoy its xoxox and don’t forget to follow everyone here on this kidnapped by hq collab <33333333333
warnings: not proofread bc who does that xD (guys pls free me from this hell i’m in so much pain i didn’t even look at this i skimmed over it i left it as is, gg)
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Read this while lsitening to the best song evar!!!!!!!!!!!1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_cXhBy78T4&ab_channel=JonasBrothers if you dont listen whil reading ill eat ur family MONCH MONCH MONCH
i go dwnstars, yelling ‘by mum!’ bfor laceing up my wite convrrse hightops (NOT blck becauz u cant sharpi on it) wth 1d lyrics scribbled on it. i rmb to draw a directioner infinite sign on mywrist. perfect, i think to mysdlf.
I never thot i would get to go to the olympics all the way on the other side of the planet in toky o japan! It was a dream come true for a simple, average, run of the mill girrl like me, who is 5’7 with naturally wavy hair, that’s not curly or strait and eyes as blue as the dark blue part of the ocean. 
I been dreaming of the olypoics since fetus. I just knew I had to be here, but I never thought it would actually happen. The only thing that would make it better is if I had a smezxy smexy boyfrwend! (A/n: Tee-hee! Maybe even two! (Or five! <333) haha! Aren’t I so quirky? <3)
I’m Wearing A Mint Green Crop Top That Ties In The Front And Some Denim Shorts With Black Converse. I Don’t Need Makeup Because My Skin Is Naturally Smooth And Clear And My Lips Are Already Red #wokeuplikethis And I Listened Only To MCR And P!ATD On The Plane Ride. I Bet You Dont Know Who They Are, THey’re My Favorite Banxds And Are Super GOod And Like Underground Bands. (A/n: Okay But If You Don’t LIke Welcome TO THe BLack Parade GTFO Of My FIc I Don’t Need YOu Here xoxo) 
ok so like,, im on my way to the olympics but then like, i get kidnapped !!! the car i was in was like super expensive and i cant see anything with the blindfold on. i hear voices of men all around me though, for like, a whole 30 minutes before they bring me somewhere and tie me up? "Take Her BLindfold off," one of them say, i hear. and im so nervous. but it's like a dream when they tug my blindfold off and im met with the prettiest emerald orbs ever looking back at me.
my stomach knotted in fear (more like an angry swarm of butterflies fluttering around ) i feel like screaming or squealing or both bc those eyes belong to someone so gorgeous . even more gorgeous than harry styles. hes like a god. i woukd so worship his foot. or something. (squee omg i can’t believe this is happening. i bet you wish that it was you huh?) 
bro who tf has emerald orbs green eyes im blanking rn
^ yo i was gonna ask i cannot for the life of me remember who
his #afff14 sppheres peered into my soul i really just felt seen. i took a deep breath before fainting he was just so pretty. *one hours later* i woke upa nd saw the pretty viridescent peepers staring into mine. like he was literally two inches away from my face omg i could feel his minty breath on my lips it smelled so good.
“My name is atsumu miya,” he said gruffly, the gruffness in his voice so gravely. “And me and me mates here think yer the most gorgeous girl weve ever seen. I blink up at him, orbs gleaming amd full of tears. 
“What do u mean, i’m just a normal quirky girl?” I say shakely, biting my lip. I bit my lip as the piss blond man spoke.
“U may be a normal quirky girl but ur OUR nroaml quirky girl now” his friend said with a deep voice. It was so deep that i almost thot it was like the ocean, he had curly balck hair and his eye were sooo mysterious (a/n i loooove sakusa i can’t believe him and his friends kindapped me omgggg XD)
“Stop it go away” osamu said (hee hee i can never remmber  tell which twin is which LOL i think its osamuuu) “no u have to share” sakusa responded angrily. I starred at them and didn’t know what theyd do next!
I looked over to he side ans see sakura pulling out hand sanitizer passing it around to his teamates. The green orbed boys huff as they put it on. i wished i could see his whole face hes so sedy, look over here pretty girl, i gasp pulled from my thoughts by their captain kita walking into the room with his hands on his hips and was theat aran? “You look even better in peroiusn” aran said to me, walking over to me “how do you know who i am?” i ask.
“listen bbygurl...” he yealls, pulling out a chair to sit acros from me. “you dont get to ask the questions, we are your new masters, and you shall do as we say.” i gulp nervously, my stomach feeling like a sharkndao is happening inside. “we hope u will be worth every penny we payed foru.” 
“M-m-m-masters?” my head felt like it was spinning in a teacup from disney land as i thought about what he just said to me. what did this mean? was i gooing to miss the olympics?? I wanted ot hate him with his super smug look on his face but i cant deny that he looks kind of hot and i’m into guys who look just like him,, the other guys r also relly attractive it makes my heart race. I look around trying to find answers when i make eye contact w a really really reall y tall guy who i thinks name is gao only to see another really really relly tall guy next to him,, hyakuzawa?
“what are yo going to do to me then?” ((*lenny face))
you ask, stomach bubbling. maybe i shoudnt have ateen that stale pizza earlier and washed it down with watermelon-lemon minute maid because now i felt like it was gonna come up. ((ew gross um tw vomit mention hehe)
“Dont worry were going to grab seme din din soon lil one,” one of them says. His name espapes me. Hes a ginger. They wont answer me for some reason and i suddenly miss my freedom when i would go to school (i go to an expesive private school for rich kids ahahah).
“WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME??” i yell again batting my fists against the ginger but he doesnt even blink. Ive decided hes hot but in a short king kinda way. His hair reminded me of of like cheeto coloured fine thread woven into waves.,,, like the ocean xD (ans...this has an ocean theme)
sudenly there was another voice it was yalling “BOKE HINATA BOKER” i looked with my stricking dark blue orbs and there wasd inother pair of stricking dark blueor bs like the ocean and blck hair. his voicde was veryy deelp an sexxcy (a/n lololol i luv u gakeyama kun *w*)
theres suddenly a loud voice in ur ear screaming directly into ur eardrum " BAKA KAGYEAMA BAKA"  (wtf our they communicating ????  ? )    i cringe at the yellign and another pair of strong arms bulls me away . i land against a hard, solid chest, i can feel the six pack thru his track Suit. 
and then my alarm clock playin what makes u beatyful goes off n i woke up. 
i rub my eyes wakng up, starrn into the mirror at my super borng brwn ugly eyes and brsh my equaly borng brwn hair. i lok up at m wall and see harey stylz and niallr starinf back at me on t walls. i sigh dreamily. they wud twll me my brwn uairs beatufil. 
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notmymainblog · 3 years
if you're accepting requests, could you do a post-azkaban sirius x reader where she's the same age as tonks so they're in like a more secret relationship but somehow the whole order finds out?
I just deleted all of my progress, and I’m ready to die.
Idk if you see responses to your asks unless I tag u so I'm tagging you @msmb
I believe the age gap between Remus and Tonks is ten years?
I put Trewlany in the order to add some spice
If i forget a member of the order: no the fuck i didn’t.
TW: stressed Sirius </3 fluff, mentions, of war, them making out cause it’s literally unavoidable. uuuh that's it.
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To use:
Download obvi. Click the icon (upper right by the search bar) in the first box to enter your name. If you did it correctly y/n should read as your actual name. Under that it will say something along the lines of “need to change something other than y/n?” there you can change anything you want.
y/h/c and y/h don't work together so please enter y/ho if you're inputting your Hogwarts house
Here’s a song I like:
There was a war coming. A dangerous war against a dangerous man. Everyone was freaking the fuck out, especially Sirius. The boy he was supposed to be protecting was caught up in the middle of it all.
You were the best method of stress relief. Your y/h/c hair, soft skin, smell, taste, voice, laugh, everything about you made Sirius slow down, take deeper breaths. Sometimes you were the only way he could fall asleep.
But he was old, or so he thought, ‘I’m thirty fucking six, and she’s in her twenties. This is ridiculous. She can’t really love me,’ he’d think.
But time and time again, you proved him wrong. Showing him how much you loved him with every kiss, with every touch, with every word, with every breath. And he gave your love right back. You were there for him, and he was there for you.
As you were lying in bed, you turned to face him, “I want to tell them,” you said.
He pulled you close as he whispered, “I know you do, but what would Molly think? Or Remus? Or Harry? Hermione would flip her shit and Arthur-”
“Ok, ok, I get it,” you grumbled.
He made up for it by placing a kiss on your nose. He moved to your mouth, and one kiss turned to three, turned to four and five, as you made out. His beard tickled your chin, and his mustache brushed your cupid's bow. Your hands made their way to his hair. God, you loved it when it was long. Threading your fingers through it and pulling gently.
As he moved to your neck, and suddenly the tugging wasn't as gentle. Small gasps and mewls escaped your mouth. His hands rubbed your sides, slowly moving your shirt up your body. He was in no hurry, but you were.
“God, Sirius, please just touch me, baby. I love you so much,” you gasped.
“I love you too, y/n,” he whispered.
“My word!” Molly exclaimed, dropping her laundry basket.
“Molly, I am so sorry, just please don’t...tell,” you trailed off, seeing she had already left.
You turned to Sirius, “what do you think?” you asked.
“I think,” he began, “that she’s going to sit with Tonks after the kids have gone to bed. I think she’s going to get a little tipsy. I think she’s going to tell Tonks. And I firmly believe the whole Order will know by the end of tomorrow.” he said.
You smiled, “would that really be the worst thing in the world?”
He kissed you, “no, but the lectures will be.” he laughed.
You groaned, “I don’t wanna think about it.”
A knock on the door startled you both into sitting positions, “y-yes, come in,” you stuttered.
Fred opened the door, “Mum wants you downstairs for dinner, dunno why she didn’t tell you herself,” he smirked, “nice side part Sirius, please get rid of it as soon as possible it makes your face look asymmetrical.”
“oh my god, Fred and George are going to kill us,” you whispered after he left.
“what’s really scary was the side part you gave me on accident, never again y/n,” he smiled, nuzzling the side of your face affectionately.
“no, that tickles, hey! Quit it! I’m serious, oh don’t you dare,” you warned.
“hmm, I’m pretty damn sure that I’m Sirius,” he said, looking at you for a reaction.
You clenched your jaw before getting up and walking down the stairs. You and Sirius refused to look at Molly the entire time, and Molly did the same.
“I’m sensing an energy,” Trewlany began. You internally groaned. She closed her eyes and raised her hands above her head with her palms facing upward.
“A nervous energy between two, no! Three people. At this,” she pointed away from you, “end of the table,”
Hermione glowered at her.
“Hermione dear, I can feel that it is radiating off of you specifically from your heart,” she said.
She got up from her chair and put a hand over Hermione’s heart, “Ah, yes. So sad, so hopeless, and suddenly angry, whatever could have caused that?” Trelawny pondered.
“I’ll be back with black sage and crystals, dear. I can help you become at peace with the darkness inside yourself,” Trewlany said, walking away from the table.
“She is absolutely batshit,” Hermione whisper shouted.
“I dunno ‘mione she might be right,” Ron said, shrugging.
“Oh shut up, Ronald,” Hermione groaned.
“Hey, you two,” You said, pointing at them, “break it up. Now I’m feeling the negative energy too.”
Hermione rolled her eyes before going back to her food.
The rest of dinner was quiet until Trewlany shuffled into the room, “there, there, dear, I’ll fix it in a millisecond,”
You gave Hermione a glare. She clenched her jaw and let Trewlany get to “work.” A few minutes later, Hermione was “cleansed,” and dinner came to an end.
You and Sirius took a seat on the couch. He looked around before pressing a firm kiss to your lips which you returned gladly.
You both chuckled when you pulled apart.
“Sorry, just couldn’t resist,” he whispered.
“It is more than alright,” you whispered back.
Little did you know the youngest ginger girl residing in the house was watching with a hand clapped over her mouth.
She rushed upstairs, “Ronald, get out of my room. You’re such an asshole,” Hermione said.
“Fine, fine, I’ll go,” he said, putting his hands up in surrender, “Oh hi Ginny,” he said.
As soon as he left, Ginny closed and locked the door.
“You’re never going to believe what I just saw,” she said, grinning.
“Well, go on,” Hermione said, obviously impatient, “spit it out!”
She took a deep breath, “I just saw y/n and Sirius snogging,” she gushed.
“No,” Hermione gasped, “You’re fucking with me!”
“y/n and Sirius?” George said, from behind the door. You looked down to see an extendable ear.
“George, what the fuck!” Hermione said.
“When Ginny ran up the stairs, I knew it was gonna be good, but this, this is amazing, this is priceless, this is- I gotta tell Fred,” he said, running away from the door.
“do not pester that poor girl, or I’ll hex you!” Hermione called after him.
“No promises!” he called back.
She turned to Ginny, “I think one of their only talents is eavesdropping” she nodded.
Meanwhile, in the boy’s shared room, Fred’s mouth hung open, and his eyes were wide.
“No!” Fred exclaimed, as George nodded, “But he’s so old!”
George elbowed him, “he’s not that old. He’s only...I have no clue how old he is, but he’s not old,”
“Oi, do you still have an extendable ear?” Fred asked.
“how do you think I heard it, dummy?” he said as Fred rolled his eyes.
Fred and George crept down the hall to your room. When they discovered you weren’t there, they crept up to Sirius’s room on the third floor. The ear wriggled under the door to hear soft voices.
“You have to be the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen y/n. I am so lucky to have you. I have to be the luckiest man on earth,” he whispered into your ear.
“oh, hush,” you said, they could tell from just your voice that your cheeks were pink, ��Besides, look at you. God, you’re fucking artwork, Sirius,” your hand ran up and down his chest.
The twins heard his lips press to your forehead. Of course, they had no idea it was your forehead. They could definitely tell when his lips hit yours. The kisses sounded wetter, and your laugh was muffled. They quickly pulled the ear back from under the door making disgusted faces at each other and shaking their heads.
You and Sirius fell asleep pretty quickly, Fred and George debated bleaching their ears, and Molly did, in fact, get drunk with Tonks. At breakfast, you and Sirius felt five new pairs of eyes on you.
‘what if I just kissed her right now?’ he thought, ‘in front of everyone.’
He shook it off, deciding against it. Towards the end of breakfast, he felt your hand squeeze his, bringing a smile to his face. After breakfast, you sat in the living room with Harry and Ron. It seemed that the only people who didn’t know were Ron, Harry, Remus, and Trelawny. You and Harry had always gotten along well. He saw you as a protector, someone to help and comfort him.
Your heart warmed every time he came to you for advice or just to vent. He was funny too. It was rare when no one laughed at his jokes. Ron liked you a lot also, mostly because Harry liked you and you “weren’t mean like Hermione,” Ginny and Hermione saw you as their best friend too. You had sleepovers at least once a week.
You were joyful and youthful, and everyone wanted to be near you. Even Fred and George would (rarely) avoid pranking you or ask for help. You didn’t get on as well with Tonks and Molly. Ever since Remus rejected her, she had been depressed. Now that she knew you were with Sirius and that the age gap between you two was the same as hers, there was a coldness in her tone. She may have even slightly resented you.
Molly was lovely but quite judgmental, and things were just...awkward. Arthur was kind, but you didn’t have any overlapping interests. And, to quote Hermione, Trelawny was “absolutely batshit,” You got on well with Remus, which always made Sirius smile.
Two ginger boys ran in being chased by a brunette and another ginger girl.
“Fred and George Weasley, don’t you dare!” Hermione said.
“Oh, we dare!” they said in unison.
They stopped in front of Harry and Ron.
“Boys, what are you-” you began.
“y/n and Sirius are snogging,” they said together. They were pretty damn good at it.
Harry was processing the new information very slowly and, well, we all know that look Ron gets when something confuses him. Then they turned to you and Sirius. He sat back on the couch with a small smirk while your eyes were wide with blush covering your cheeks.
“You look so cute like that, y’know,” he said, grabbing your chin to face him.
“Sirius,” you hissed.
“What? They all know,” he shrugged.
Much to his delight, your cheeks grew even warmer.
“So you're, ” Harry started; his reaction was the one you were most worried about, but a large smile graced his face, “y-youre gonna be like my godmother, right?”
You looked at Sirius who nodded, “yeah, yeah I am, ” you smiled.
Harry got up and hugged you, “hey, were not engaged or anything everyone calm down, ” you joked.
“Well actually y/n, ” Sirius smirked.
“Youre fucking joking,” you said.
“Yeah, I'm joking, but someday I won't be, ” he laughed.
Remus just leaned on the doorframe, watching this all go down. When everything calmed down, he walked through the room, stopping to pat Sirius on the back.
Ok, msmb, I have a warning about the next request of yours I'm posting: it fucking sucks. I mixed fandoms with MHA because I have an obsession with a wrinkly psychopath and man who looks like burnt toast that I just needed to get out of my system. I will ONE HUNDRED PERCENT rewrite it for u love <3
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Story 1
At the moment I may or may not be a bit obsessed with One Piece without even watching the anime, and I'm even more obsessed with Sanji and the Vinsmokes in general, so I thought of four story ideas with a reader insert, two will be romantic and the last two will be platonic.
1. Aracne
Fem Reader X Vinsmoke quadruplets.
Soulmate au (red string, sort of)
Sneak peek.
In this Au Reader is a Third, her family has webbed countless portraits for the Vinsmoke family, she goes with her older brother in order to further her practice and experience in webbing a portrait.
She is four years older then the quadruplets and one year older than Reiju.
Story time
*Big brother says I need to be careful with the Vinsmokes, they don't act bad but I don't like how their eyes look and I feel dizzy when I look at them, although brother said that it was sea sickness,* (F/N) thought while she carried some of the webbing material behind her brother.
Her brother had three spider arms and one pair of human arms while she has tree pair of human arms and one pair of spider ones.
*Mother always says how we are total opposites in not only personality but also in bodies just like the Mrabara,* (F/N) remembered.
"Yes?" They had already arrived to the webbing room.
"What is a Mrabara?" (F/N) moved to one side for her face to be visible.
"W-Where did you hera that word?" Brother's face was twisted in nervous worry.
"Oh thank god," His face relaxed.
"Is there something wrong with Mrabara?"
"It's a mature word," Brother tried to explain.
"I'm mature," (F/N) pouted following her brother who had entered the webbing room.
"Never said you weren't.......just don't say it in front of Clío and if you do tell her mom taught you the word," Brother said while he started to prepare the webbing station.
"Come help me with this (F/N),"
Four hours later.
"Are you listening (F/N)?"
"Yeah," (F/N) muttered in her seat while she watched her brother web.
"What did I just say then?" Brother looked at her and smiled playfully.
"You already bored, don't you usually last for 7 whole hours?" Her brother gave her a worried look.
"I don't know," (F/N) really wanted to walk outside but she didn't know why, she loved webbing to the point that in her lessons they had to remind her to eat, although they said that it was normal.
"Tell you what, I'll ask for something to eat, meanwhile go and retrieve my webbing book," (F/N) lightened up at the thought of walking outside.
"Ok," (F/N) bolted to the door.
"Stick to the route we came from," Her brother reminded and she just nodded in agreement before she opened the door and left the room.
When she left the room she bumped into someone slightly smaller than her, she caught the stranger before they could fall to the ground.
"Are you ok? I'm so sorry," She looked at the stranger who had yellow hair.
"Hello?" She asked after stopping herself from apologizing again when she received no answer, the boy was frozen.
"S-S-So-orry-Sorry," The boy whispered.
"Why are you apologizing?" She then gasped recognizing the prince.
"Your highness, I'm so sorry," She apologized again.
Before she could keep apologizing they heard some footsteps approaching them and then someone calling out.
"Sanji!!" The boy stiffened at the voice calling his name, he took (F/N)'s hand and ran.
(F/N) followed along until they reached a dead end, she could see how the little boy was trembling and heard how the taunts and footsteps where still following them, but something good was that the dead end had a window.
She took out of her pockets a thread serger that had spider web her family told her to always carry with her, she roped the thread around the boy to create a small harness.
"I'm going to get you down there," The boy only looked at her in shock.
She pushed the window open and put the boy in the ledge of the window, under the window was a small bush where he could easily hide.
"Be very quiet," She said as she pushed the boy and started to let him down as fast as she could, the steps where getting closer and closer.
Luckily she felt the boy reach the ground a few second before the chasers reached her, but she only had time to throw her end or the thread and close the window.
"SANJI!!" She turned around in surprise and saw that a bow with green hair had yelled that.
*It's the princes,* (F/N) noted when the last two boys rounded the corner.
"Ichiji, this is just a girl," The blue haired one whined.
The red haired boy glared and (F/N) felt shivers when she made eye contact.
"Oi, where did Sanji go?" The green haired boy asked.
(F/N) only shacked her head.
"Then what is a insect like you doing here?" The blue haired one asked.
"Looking out the window?" (F/N) gave a look of "seriously", this seemed to anger them.
"An lowlife doesn't need to see out the window, maybe we should use this one since we can't find Sanji," The blue haired one was clearly the most volatile.
"(F/N) what are you doing here?" Came her brother's cold voice.
"Brother, I just wanted to look out the window," (F/N) explained while the boys turned around and their grins disappeared when they saw her brother.
"Young princes, I will be taking my sister with me now," He greeted politely.
(F/N) immediately followed him not looking behind, this made her brother the only one who saw the red strings tied to her pinkies.
Au info dump
In this Au there is a species called Aracne, this species is a hybrid between a spider and human, there are different forms a Aracne can be born into such as seconds, thirds and fourths, although the form is respective to the family they come from.
As the name says, they are basically half spider and half humans, the spider humans is always the lower, members of this species are considered either as builders since due to their form it would be incredible dangerous for the to go into the sea and their silk is the strongest and more resistant or as knowledge guardians (librarians) and they have the most elders since they have the longer lifespan. They can also be seen as teachers and caretakers too, they are also the ones who take care of the security alongside the Fourths, there is usually two of them per family they take the role as grandparents or simply mentors although the last one is extremely rare and two is just the minimum but unofficially they take care of all family's since they most probably took care of them as children. Their bites are fatal and will take your life in less than a minute and can dissolve any surface.
Their humanoid features are more dominant than the spider ones, in this form they possess either one, two or three pairs of arms and the rest takes the form of a spider leg that is always in their lower backs. When it comes to females their web exit is in the middle of where the lowest spider legs find themselves this causes them to be incredibly flexible to reach for the web. They are considered the negotiators and commonly leave their homes to aid their nest's economy, this is usually trough them selling their services in making clothes, rugs and even portraits with their silk but this kind of service is only given to royalty or families considered sacred or that are friends with them. (It is considered a honor or sign of power to have one portrait since it is believed that they can predict the future). Their bite is also mortal but will take six minutes to kill an adult, although it has been used in some medicine that kind of works like chemo.
They are the ones who exit their island the most in unofficial matters unlike the thirds, this is due to their forms being less evident and easier to hide, they are the ones in charge to keep the island updated in politics, economy, science and culture although some of them also accompany as guards the thirds when it comes to political exits, they only possess two to tree pairs of arms, their whole body possess small hard hair that allows them to still be able to climb webs like the other forms, their bite takes ten minutes to kill someone or if they are a strong human they can survive but not without any damage that is usually caused to their muscles, although their venom if processed correctly can be used to cure countless of sicknesses, this is a secret guarded with their lives in order to prevent their active hunt. They are also the buffest since they need to compensate their lack of spider legs with their strength.
More info
Skin and eye color varies an there is no consistence, when it comes to eyes Seconds may possess 8 to 6, Thirds 5 to 3 and Fourths possess 4 to 3, two eyes is incredibly rare and only happens when someone is born from a Fourth and a human, hybrids are born from the union of two different forms, the Aracne are not against romantic relationship between different forms but when it comes to reproduce they worry, if a fourth became pregnant with a Second or Third they will die during the pregnancy or in childbirth since the baby's form will be mixed and the Fouth's body cannot handle it, same goes for a Third with a Fourth although there are higher chances of survival there is still the possibility of some life damage occurring, Seconds are the ones who can carry in a less dangerous way the offspring of the lover but due to the Second's anatomy a Fourth's baby has a 85% of chance to die and a Fourth's has a 50% chance to die in the womb.
If the hybrid is born healthy they are raised normally but health issues will come in the future if they aren't born with them already, although there are cases where hybrids manage to enjoy a full life, they still needed medical help to manage it.
There is a lot less danger if the child is a mix between a Aracne and a human, since a human's gene would only water down the child's form a long as it is the Aracne who carries, if it where the human they will die if they carrie the offspring of a Second or a Third, if it is a Fourth's child they carry it comes with less danger but their chance of survival is of less than 30%.
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