#ok a stab at seriousness: I do really really love that our last moments with regent were him at his most lighthearted/carefree
kaftan · 5 months
Aka: Dearest followers, we are gathered here today….
Oh mein gott. If I got a nickel for every time a character experienced something so trivial but so jaw-dropping that it made me put down my phone for twenty minutes and go “how do I even begin to post about this. I’m frightened to try” and then STRAIGHT UP CROAKED (!) JUST THREE CHAPTERS LATER (!!) I’d have a singular nickel, and that’s one nickel too many by far. That is too many nickels.
This is my roundabout way of saying that I was sent to the high heavens by Grace’s fantastically uncalled for homophobic digs at Alec, and then he was sent to… ok, maybe not heaven, but the poor boy passed on, as aforementioned, just three chapters later.
Let’s preserve the moment for posterity:
“That’s lame,” Imp said.
“Really lame,” Regent echoed, “I prefer the vagina thing.”
“Way you dress,” Grace commented, “I wasn’t so sure.”
“Ohhhhh,” Imp cut in, she elbowed Regent, “Ohhhhh. You going to take that?”
Regent only laughed in response, shaking his head.
Absolutely insane. There are, frankly, no words. Save for the ones I assume tumblr user lakesbian has written on Alec’s sexuality — portrayal, possible readings, etc — which I am now off to seek. Semi-relatedly, I love Imp so much it pains me. I am going to miss the nightmare pairing that is aishalec now and forever and ever :-(
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murasaki-cha · 4 months
So I read Serena.... wow. I'm gonna make a long post expressing my opinions because THERE ARE A LOT!! (there's pictures too!)
These are going to be just my thoughts and how I understood the story + characters so if anyone disagrees, sorry but our vibes don't match, please don't come at me.
Now first of all can they adopt me??
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Ok going to be serious here (not for long) this manhwa is so good!! I have read another manhwa of Ina-nim, the author/artist, called "Black Winter" (it's amazing go check it out) so I knew this was going to have layers upon layers as a story. AND IT DID!!
The story is so complex, everyone is scheming something, no one says the full truth and you never know when you might get stabbed in the back.
I'm going to be honest, I've known about Serena since it came out and I didn't want to read it. Not because I thought the story was bad or anything, since I knew how great this author is already thanks to their previous story, but because I knew it was going to be messy. Super messy. And it is, it is a hot dumpster fire mess. And I didn't really want to deal with it since it would have been exhausting and I would have dropped it or put it on hold. But by now (chapter 72 as of the latest update) I think that it has become more "stable" to say and I found it easier to enjoy the story since I read it in one go.
I particularly loved that none of the characters were good. No one. But no one is exactly bad either. Everyone here is just gray, they're flawed, they do bad stuff, they hurt each other. No one is right or wrong. We see things form their perspective and we see their reasoning but whether we sympathise with them is up to us because, let's be real, even their thought process can be fucked up at times.
Besides Victor. Victor is pure evil. If we throw holy water at Victor he will start melting. Victor should be burned.
Now moving along let's talk about the main characters.
Starting with Serena. First of all MOTHER!!🛐-
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Now Serena is the type of fl I expected to get lots of hate(and she did). She had a lover while she was married, she was way too stubborn, she thinks she's better than everyone, etc. And yeah she did all those things. She's also a very traumatised little girl who had her entire world shattered at the age of 17, had to marry a stranger and feel her worth slip through her fingers. Serena is constantly paranoid due to her past experiences and the way she's been treated. She's desperately grasping for whatever little power she can have in the begining.
Now that is not to say she's never done anything wrong. Her using Fredrick as merely a way to destress and a shield, her prejudice against Eiser simply because of his family, her thinking she deserves to be in charge even if she is unexperienced simply because she is a Serenity, her refusing to see anything from anyone's perspective but hers. She's too prideful, too stubborn, too guarded.
But she's a great businesswoman, she takes her tasks seriously and she's super intelligent. The moment she started working on the hotel she changed because she was finally in her element. That spoiled, angry Serena in the beginning was simply what the isolation had done to her, the way it had fundamentally changed her. She started seeing everything in a new light when she started learning how to manage the hotel and being more open minded while still being guarded. Serena is a perfect morally gray main character, she's flawed, she's human.
Next we have Eiser. DADDY-
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I swear I'm not being biased when I say I loved Eiser SO MUCH! First things first, he is an asshole. Not gonna sugar coat it. In fact that is the sugar coating. He is quite possibly the most secretive man alive, we know exactly 3 things about his past in the last 72 chapters and I'm not even being sarcastic, that's the total amount. And that is probably what makes him so interesting as a character to me at least.
One of my favorite things about Eiser was that he didn't have any feelings about Serena in the beginning. Yeah he mostly saw her as a means to an end and felt a smidge of responsibility because of her brother, but that was it. He honestly did not care about what Serena did or thought. Eiser's only objective is to save Serenity hotel, probably fuck up his family along the way because screw them and the rest is an enigma. He doesn't do feelings, not anymore at least.
We learn from the beginning that he's not a "good guy", he's not Male Lead™ that's mean to fl to protect her or to not get close to her and his whole world revolves around her etc. He's not just this guy meant to be a love interest, he's a whole other well constructed character. He has his own goals (which we never know what they are because his thought's are more secretive and guarded than the Vatican Apostolic Archives), he follows the most efficient way to achieve those goals and that's all that matters to him. He recognized Serena's skills all along yet still thought of her as a spoiled little princess because he didn't care about knowing her, didn't need to, that wasn't going to help him.
There really isn't much development about Eiser aside his relationship with Serena (but that's a talk about further below), but that's kind of on point for him. Unlike Serena, Eiser has been doing business for years now, he knows how to run things, he knows how to work with people, he has experience and skill and friends (surprisingly). Eiser's role is more of a mentor for Serena than as someone who also needs to learn.
And last Frederick (gonna hide behind a chair real quick)
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Don't come at me for this but to be 100% honest, Frederick was as interesting to me as a white sheet of paper. Most of the time he was just there. That's it. Look the man is mysterious I agree and his character would have been so so interesting but he literally gave me nothing. I swear I'm being unbiased, even if Eiser didn't exist this man would have done nothing to impact me as a reader. But I think that shows how important or how much impact he made to Serena's story.
Frederick is interesting in the fact that we don't know his role in the story. He says he's doing everything to help Serena yet will that make him an antagonist or not is yet to be revealed. Also Frederick isn't even his name??? so there's that. Unlike the first two, he appears too few times and we don't really know what's up with him. So far he has made it his main objective and like basically his personality to protect Serena from his employers.
I liked that it showed he came here with impure intentions and his own goals but ultimately he just made his entire world revolve around keeping Serena safe and that kind of bumped me. The most interesting thing about him so far right now is the mystery of his past (who he killed, what's his true identity) and whether he'll be an antagonist by the end or not.
And now we move to the most dreaded thing. The romance.
I'm gonna say it straight up, Serena x Eiser for the win. Enemies to lovers has gone and done it again and by god did I EAT IT UP!! They were mother and father fr!!
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Now let me express my opinions on both couples here with actual words.
First I want to talk about Serena and Frederick. From the beginning this story did not have a love triangle, at least for me. Serena and Frederick always looked like a relationship born out of necessity (which Serena later on confirms that that's what it might have been all along). Serena craved for whatever warmth and protection she could get and Frederick became kind of a safe place for her. She essentially used Frederick as a distraction, a means of relaxation and someone to just vent. She never properly saw him as his own person or equal but as a means of escape from her struggles.
Meanwhile Frederick himself didn't exactly love Serena in a pure way. He loves her yes, but he's also obsessed with her. He feels the need to make her need him so he can stay by her side. He wants to be the only one seeing her weak and vulnerable, caging her and himself in this relationship. And the only way he knows she will be by his side is if she uses him. And the more Serena takes charge of things as head of Serenity and builds herself up, the more Frederick notices that she's slipping away from him so he desperately clings to the mission of protecting her from his employer. He even admits these himself:
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Perhaps they did have something beautiful in the beginning but it slowly developed into a relationship that caged them both.
Now sit down because I'm gonna be talking about mommy and daddy (I unironcally call them that no I'm not joking) and this talk is going to be a loooong one *cracks knuckles*
Serena and Eiser were never the picture perfect couple, furthest thing from it and they were not planning on trying to change that anytime soon. They were toxic, they hurt each other and they didn't care about each other. To Eiser, Serena was just the girl he was supposed to marry to save Serenity and to Serena, Eiser was the man that took Serenity and might kill her in the future. None of them saw each other in a good light and none of them bothered to understand the other. Eiser was completely indifferent towards Serena and Serena just wanted to hurt him. Off to a great start because they were already at rock bottom so the only way to go is up!
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The way their relationship developed was really natural and well paced. Everyone knows that the beauty of a good enemies to lover is the slowburn AND THE SLOWBURN WAS SLOWBURNING HERE LEMME TELL YOU! They first needed to see each other in a new lighting as equal business partners to go any further into their relationship or start trusting each other. They're both very calculative people and Eiser did see that, has always seen that, so he resulted to manipulating Serena into "competing" with him to give her the chance to properly work in the hotel. And Serena took the bait but never played right into the palm of his hand and always took charge of things her own way.
It was important for them to recognize each other's full capabilities, not just with the veil of "Grayan" or "Spoiled little princess". Most importantly it was essential for Serena to see that Eiser is in fact truly helping her family without any ulterior motives (that are harmful to her family at least) and never had any plans of taking over and eliminating her. And while Eiser was always aware of Serena's abilities and respected her as an individual, he always too disinterested in her to see how fully capable she is. One of the funniest things in my opinion was how Eiser was showering Serena with praises in his head 24/7 yet verbally he would break out in hives before complimenting her. (Istg the communication in this household died back in that carriage with Serena's family)
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And that was the biggest wall that blocked them from going further with their relationship, so as soon as that was gone, well would you look at that, they can actually get along just fine and decently! And the romance just came along to them naturally.
Eiser was always drawn to Serena since he first saw her, he was always intrigued by her actions even if that left him puzzled. He always read people for his benefit, but Serena simply caught his eye every time by pure curiosity. He enjoys seeing her expressions and reactions and her journey to rising to her rightful place. Plus, Eiser always felt a kind of kinship with Serena. He saw the loss, betrayal and devastation in her and recognized it as the same as his own. The fight Serena put all these years to try and keep her place and protect what's hers is what he wished he had done all those years back and what someone had done for him when he was at his lowest. It was only after he truly got to know Serena that all these feelings started to subconsciously transform into something else, something even he isn't truly aware of.
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Serena surprised me by being the first one to recognize(?), in a way, she had fallen but I'm not complaining, it was beautiful. Serena's main problem with Eiser was that she couldn't trust him, for very obvious reasons, that mans true thoughts are locked in a safe inside a safe inside another safe that happens to be inside a warehouse in Antarctica. I think the most important thing for Serena was to get to realize that Eiser was trying to truly help her family and the hotel. To me there were 3 major moments where Serena's feelings for Eiser changed: When they went to visit President Harol's mansion and he took the peaches and also defended her, when he said he'll build another hotel by the seaside during their date and when he told her he didn't hate her. All these moment helped Serena see that she had made a wrong assumption about Eiser and even though that wasn't enough to dispel all her suspicions towards him, rightfully so because Serena isn't an idiot, it made her trust him a bit more and be more comfortable around him.
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Also their backstory, with Eiser being Serena's "prince" was so freaking cute. And the way she always looked for him when she went to those masquerade parties as a way of comfort, sobbing on the floor. If you go back and reread, you'll see that Serena has always been conscious of Eiser from the very start, albeit subconsciously. She always described him touching her like "The spot where he touched burned even after he had let go", or how she was conscious of being dressed "thinly" in front of Eiser but never in front of anyone else, not even Frederick. In my opinion, she had recognised Eiser as the masked prince at the time or knew subconsciously, but because of the animosity between him and her prejudice against him because he was a Grayan, she didn't want to admit it because that would admit that Eiser was anything but a simple marriage and business partner to her.
And now with the release of chapter 72, I am dreading the road in which their relationship is heading and how far back it may devolve. Like I don't blame Eiser because 1) he doesn't know about Serena's trauma 2) he saw red after seeing the way that man was hurting his wife I support the Grayan in him taking over at that moment. But unfortunately for Serena he just proved her greatest fear when it came to him, that he's still very much a Grayan no matter how much he despises them. Her reliving her childhood trauma and seeing Victor in Eiser could revert her to earlier Serena where she was always paranoid and scared of Eiser, but now with proof that he is in fact just as dangerous as she thought him to be. Worse thing is, she can't even go to Fredrick for comfort because she's suspicious of him too so she's truly alone (she has Sui but Sui was there before too and we saw the state in which Serena was in back than). This is a very complicated and simply put shit situation for them, it could possibly be one of their roughest patches in their entire relationship and it's going to take understanding from both Eiser and Serena to get over it and possibly, hopefully, truly trust each other after this. Please Ina-nim please I'm putting my trust in you!! (Ina-nim played us all like a cheep kazoo with chapter 72 like I could not have been more wrong and thank fuck for that! Never have I been so happy to be so incredibly wrong about something! War is over people cheered everyone cried tears of joy!!)
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And lastly, thank you for coming to my ted talk, this entire post was just a way for me to vent all the thoughts this webtoon gave me and If you read it, good for you, I love you. As a reward have this collage of chibi mommy and daddy being silly goofy because my chosen career path requires me to have adobe illustrator and I never use it responsibly
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luimagines · 3 years
Hey, could we get the boys kissing the reader please?
If the reader gets to give the boys kisses, it's only fair that they get kisses in return!
Fair warning, these are more or less platonic.
Content under the cut!
“Twilight I think I died.” You blurt out one day.
Twilight stops what he was doing and tilts his head on your direction. “Run that by me again?”
“This is all a dream isn’t it?” You gulp and pull your hair a bit to feel something. “Did I die? Am I dying? How do I know you’re real?”
Twilight pauses and puts his things down. He walks toward you and puts his hands on your shoulders. “What on earth are you talking about?”
“Before I met you, I got hurt...bad... And I had a dream.” You say.
Twilight then bends down and kisses you nose.
The action stuns you and you blink in an attempt to process the absurdity of it.
“Did that ever happen in your dream?” Twilight bites his lip to keep himself from smiling. This was supposed to be serious- you might have been having a crisis.
“No?” You answer with a small child like shake to your head.
“Then you’re not dreaming.” Twilight answers simply.
“Is that how that would work?” You reply.
“Do you want it to?”
“Yes.” You nod and walk with Twilight to help him out with his earlier chores. “I don’t like thinking of the alternative.”
“It’s you’re dreaming I’m sure our group is more than wiling to find ways to induce your awakening.”
“Like what?”
“Throw you off a cliff? Set you on fire? Get the cuccos nice and angry-”
“I’ll take your method over that thank you very much.”
“It can’t be that bad.” You roll your eyes and put your hand son your hips. “Why do you hate it so much?”
“It’s the principle of the thing.” Wind explained. “If I went back home and they found out I did this, I would never be able to live it down.”
“Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?” You ask instead with a teasing grin on your lips.
“I don’t know what that is.”
“Is that a yes or a no?”
“Please don’t make me.” Wind whines. “I’d do anything.”
“If it’s any consolation, it’s not my idea either.” You sigh and cross your arms instead. “But the faster we do it the faster we can get it over with. It’s not like we have to talk about it ever again.”
“No please-” Wind gets onto his knee, saying your name and crawling to you that way. “-You’re my last hope. Don’t let this be the end of it.”
“Now you’re just being dramatic.”
Wind grabs your hands places a clumsy kiss on your fingers as he pleads. “Can’t it be anyone else? Please! Please, please please please please!”
“Oh my goodness! OK! I’ll go talk to Time and Twilight and see if we can get Legend to do it or something.”
“My everything hurts.” You whined and rolled over, grasping your side in a vain attempt to relieve the pressure there. “Was I stabbed? I feel like I was stabbed.”
“You were, in fact, not stabbed.” Hyrule kneels by your side and lifts your hand to access the wounded area a bit better. “But you did land really harshly on the rock below us. So try to take it easy for a minute, ok? We’ll have you fixed up in no time.”
“Who is this we you speak of?” You sigh as the pain lessens and take a deep breath, trying to sit yourself up. “I just see you.”
“Yeah, Wild is on his way over, so it’s about to be we.” Hyrule snickers.
“I see... Thank you ‘Rulie.” You smile a bit and loosen up your muscles. “How did I even fall to begin with?”
“Bad bomb placement.”
“Ah.” You say, as if that answers your question. “Well that explains everything then.”
Hyrule looks up at you and sees your face. “You’ll be ok.”
“I mean I hope so.” You shrug and Hyrule leans in to place a small kiss on your forehead.
“Magic enhancer. Good for one extra minute of healing time.”
“You’re a dork.”
“You love it.”
“I hate this.” You groaned as you walked through the dungeon. “Why are we here again?”
“Because we have a mission to clear the darkness and this is a hotspot. We clear this area and then we can move on to the next until we’re all done.” Warrior shrugs, fully understanding the sentiment but not wanting to ruin his reputation.
“This suuuuucks.”
“I knoooow.” He snickers.
“You’re making fun of me but I know you feel the same way.” You tilt your head back and look at him by shifting your eyes.
“Yeah but you don’t see me complaining.”
You groan louder in response, purely out of spite at this point and shove him slightly by the shoulder.
“Is there anything I can do to make it better?” Warrior asked teasingly.
“I want a sick prize at the end.”
“I can wager in a kiss.”
“Not from you.”
“No?” Warrior laughs louder and spin on his heel, walking backwards as he talks to you just a little ways ahead from where you are. “Am I not worth enough?”
“I have only the highest of standards.” You deadpan. 
“I’ll have you know that my kisses are completely worth it.” Warrior twirls his hand upwards for fan fair.
“Doubt it.”
“I’ll prove it.”
“Doubt it.” You grin.
Warrior rolls his eyes but lets you catch up to him before leaning over suddenly and kissing on your hair line.
“Cheap shot.” You snort and push him away. “You’ll have to do harder than that. I bet the prize at the end is cooler anyway.”
“Tough crowd.”
“Time, would you be a dear and help me out with one little thing?” You called out, fighting one of the knots that kept your bag to Epona’s side but Twilight was no where to be found so it’s not like he could help you.
Time looked up and saw you struggling with the bag and the rope that held it in place. An amused smile crossed his face and he got up to make his way over to you.
You huff and stomp your foot when it refuses to let go just in time as the man himself makes it to your side. “What seems to be the problem?”
 “I can’t get my bag out!” You whine. “Twilight does such ridiculous knots and I can’t figure it out.”
“Let me see.” Time rolls his eye and steps into your space, checking at the problem in front of him.
It was way more complicated than Time would think Twilight would purposefully do. It looked staged.
Luckily he knows his pup well and managed to get it untangled with seconds.
“How?” You frown and pout. “How did you do that? I thought I would have needed to get my knife or Legend to get rid of the spell.”
“Twilight doesn’t like spells or magic in general.” Time smirks and sees the opportunity in front of him.
You reach out your hand to take the bag with a sigh. “Yeah, yeah I know. Thank you, I was getting frustrated.”
Time grabs your hand with his free hand, bringing it up his lips and places a kiss on your knuckles. “A hero’s work is never done.”
“A-ah.” You blush with wide eyes. “Right.”
“I have no idea where to go from here.” Wild sighs and places his hands on his hip, keeping the wooden spoon angled away from his clothes.
“What’s up? Need help?” You stand up and walk toward him.
“The stew needs something. But I don’t know what.” Wild huffs and chews on his lips as he thinks.
“I don’t know. Maybe?” He picks up his slate and takes the rock out, chipping small pieces off before stirring to dissolve it.
He brings the wooden spoon to his lips to taste it but he doesn’t seem satisfied with the result. “It’s better but not enough.”
“Can I try?” You offer and move closer to the pot.
He sighs and gives you the spoon with a bit of the broth. It’s delicious as expected but he’s right. A bit lackluster.
You smack your lips together and move it around on your tongue and try to figure it out. “Maybe Goron spice? Not enough to feel obviously but anything spicy tends to heighten existing flavors.”
Wild thinks about it before going through with your suggestion. He stirs for a hot minute before his eyes light up at the taste.
He spin to you with enough force to startle you, but before you can move away he grab your face with his hands and brings you forward giving you a whopping kiss onto your forehead. “That’s just what it needed. Thank you!”
You wobble for a moment when he pushy you away but you smile regardless. “You’re welcome.”
“And here we have the best of the rest, Mr. Fancyprance Mcfickle Bottom.” Legend knelt to the ground after speaking and place a kiss on the back of your hand.
“I take it back. We’re doomed. We’re never going to be able to sneak into the gala.” You lament and take your hand out of his gasp.
“How dare you doubt my acting skills.”
“Can you at least try to take this seriously?” You stress. “This is a big moment for the kingdom, if one thing goes wrong tonight, we’re all going to pay the price.”
“It’s not like any one going to die if we don’t do well toni-”
“Did you not read the note?” Your stare widens. “I can’t believe you. There’s going to be an assassination attempt. It’s why we’re even going to begin with!”
Legend pauses as he considers your words before sobering up and standing taller. “Alright. From the top. This is what we have to do.”
“Thank you.”
“Ok, I have no idea where you’re taking me, but it better be good because I’m a lot less graceful when I’m blindfolded.” Four said over his shoulder as you guided him through the underbrush.
“Just trust me.” You grin. “You’re going to love it.”
“I hope so.”
You giggle and continue to push him ahead. “Ok, wait here I’ll be right back. Don’t take it off just yet.”
“You are so lucky I trust you.”
“Good.” You dash off and grab a small parcel that was hidden in a hollow tree truck.
You run back to him and pull his hand in front of him, placing it gently on top of his palms. “There. Open your eyes and open the box.”
Four grips the wrapping and takes the blindfold off with one hand. “What is it?”
“A gift silly!”
“Ok, yeah, but what’s inside?”
“Open it and find out!”
He smiles and gently rips the paper that covering the little box, eyes widening as he recognizes the design within. “How did you get this?”
“I save up for it. It’s a thank you.” You bite you lip and take a small step back. You’re beginning to feel a little flustered by his reaction even if you think you have no reason to be.
Four drops the paper wrapping and opens the box. “You got me this?”
“Yes. I thought we established this.”
Four beams and doesn’t even open the box all the way before he runs at you and practically tackles you over. “Thank you!”
“You’re wel-”
Four take the breath to plant a big ol’ smooth on your cheek, silencing anything else you were going to say.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” 
It’s the happiest you’ve seen him.
You can’t even get your thoughts together before he give you another hug and dashes away from you to enjoy his gift.
Or brag about it to the others.
You wanted to avoid that, which is why you brought him all the way out here beyond the camp...but you can never really tell what he’s going to do next.
You smile regardless and touch the spot on your cheek.
At least he likes it.
“I have no idea how you do this Sky.” You gulp and lean over marginally over the edge. “I hate free falling. How is this a fun thing to do?”
“It’s not so bad when you can trust your loftwing to catch you.”
“I don’t have a loftwing. You keep using that word and I have no idea what you mean.”
“You’ll be fine anyway. The water will catch you.”
“That’s not remotely as reassuring as you think it is.”
“You’re over thinking it. Stop thinking.” Sky laughs a little as he gets closer to you.
“Easier said than done.”
“Trick yourself then.”
“A distraction would be a good start.” Sky hums.
“And how to suppose I distract myself?” You deadpan.
Sky shrugs before leaning over and giving you a kiss on the cheek. It stuns you enough that freeze on your spot and Sky takes the opportunity to spin you around by your shoulders and promptly shoves you off of the cliff side.
He dives in right after you when he sees your head pop out of the surface, laughing as he goes.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Kickstart My Heart Pt.II (Kang Yeosang) Rated
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<<Previous // Next>>
Pairing: Racer! Kang Yeosang × Waitress!/Fuckgirl! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Light Angst, Crack, 80s Au.
Summary: Getting the chance to spend time alone with Y/N, Yeosang jumps at the opportunity, getting a little more than he bargained for.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Dumb attempts at humor, second hand embarrassment, Lynn is still creepy, slight voyeurism/ exhibitionism, making out in car, heavy petting, allusions to oral (male receiving).
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The two best friends giggled amongst themselves as they entered inside the establishment, hands full of bags that contained to go boxes with several assorted sandwiches, burgers and fries inside of them. Hearing the bell signal customers, the peppy blonde at the front counter looked up from the thick stack of papers in front of her, mouth automatically showcasing her perfect and commercial worthy smile she always used when greeting newcomers or even regulars.
"Good afternoon what can-" Her expression immediately soured, smile fading and in its place puckered lips took shape.
"Oh... it's just you two." She drawled out the last words, eyes rolling as she peered back at the papers she was busy with.
Looking over at each other, Lynn simply shrugged her shoulders as one of her eyebrows raised up in puzzlement. Meanwhile, Y/N couldn't contain the soft snort that passed through her tight sealed lips, the sound coming out more like a goofy raspberry that further irritated the girl at the counter.
"Hey Sora. How's your day going so far?" Y/N tried to make conversation, but it was obvious the girl wasn't having it, blatantly ignoring both of them as her hand scribbled even faster, pages being turnt at a fast speed. Shifting awkwardly in her stance, Y/N turned her head to look at her friend, who merely shook her head, face clearly indicating to her to not try to act nicer and to simply get to the point of why they had come all the way to the workshop.
"Are the boys still here?"
With a few muttered grumbles, Sora lifted her pen and pointed it behind her towards the door that led to the garage, silently answering where the mentioned individuals currently were.
Sora let out a scoff as the two girls made their past the counter, annoyed ever so vastly by the fact she had no authority nor power to forbid them from going to the back. Being friends with Wooyoung and the rest of the gang, obviously they got special privileges that allowed them to come and go as they pleased not only in the shop but also down at the tracks. And frankly Sora hated it, hence why she didn't refrain from demonstrating her hostility towards Y/N and Lynn, but especially towards the latter for more personal and complicated reasons that everyone was aware of but Lynn herself.
"I don't know why you go out of your way to be friendly towards her. She's been needing to take a chill pill ever since high school." Lynn retorted. Putting down the bags she was carrying for a moment, she pulled the sides of her oversized denim jacket back over her shoulders, the top having slipped off rather uncomfortably on her torso.
"Honestly?...... merely to piss her off." Y/N snickered maliciously, her true intentions finally coming to light.
"Well I'd say you do a fantastic job then. She just takes one look at you and her blood is boiling." Lynn pointed out as she picked up the bags once more.
"Trust me Lynn, you anger her more than I do." Thay statement made the petite girl do a double take at the office behind them.
"Me? Whatever did I do to Barbie?" She questioned, never once recalling a moment where she even spoke two words to the preppy girl that wasn't a casual greeting or goodbye.
Y/N looked with a deadpanned expression to her friend.
"You seriously don't- you know what? Never mind."
Not wanting to waste time trying to explain to her frequently unobservant buddy why Sora had a price on her head, Y/N just quickly rushed over towards the group of men huddled around the red Ferrari F40, one of them hidden underneath it, no doubt in the process of checking or fixing minor issues. Seeing the girls approaching them, all of the boys quickly sprang to life, Wooyoung leading the entourage as they came up towards them.
"So our lovely diner girls actually decided to join us for a movie night. I knew you guys couldn't resist my deadly charm."
Not only were the girls unamused by his little joke, but even his friends behind him shook their heads, disapproving greatly of his overly confident and light narcissistic attitude that he exuded at times.
"I only came cause I am not going to spend a perfectly good Friday night cooped up in my house watching Dynasty." Y/N firmly stated, shutting down any further attempts of flirting directed towards her.
"I like to see people get stabbed or gutted to death."
Cringing at the macabre girl's overly calm response, Wooyoung tilted his head back and looked at the tallest member of the gang, nose crinkling significantly as he silently mouthed a few words over to him, deeply questioning his friend's taste. Said friend simply shrugged and stepped up closer towards the girls, not surprising anyone that he'd pick a stance that had him facing Lynn from the front as he always liked to do.
"Well I'm just really happy you guys decided to join us. I thought you would be happy at knowing it was a horror film."
Not too far behind him, San and Mingi were already giggling amongst themselves, sending each other signals and jokingly theorizing how the night was going to go like.
"I am exceedingly happy Yunho. My body is so filled with joy and immense contentment that I can hardly keep myself from grinning." Despite the jubilant sentence, Lynn's face displayed absolutely no emotion and her raspy and low toned voice was still as monotone and lifeless as it tended to be. Yunho's bright smile nearly faltered, feet rocking back and forth awkwardly as he did not know how to proceed after such a statement. Luckily Mingi stepped in and changed the topic.
"Please tell me there's food in those bags and that we can have some." He pointed to one of the many bags that the girls were carrying.
Lifting one hand up then the other, Y/N shook the contents lightly.
"Your favorites." She chuckled when San came up and tightly squeezed her body into a hug.
"This is why I love you both." Y/N did not mind the slightest bit when he suddenly pulled her face towards his, mouth pressing hard and intense pecks on her cheek repeatedly as a show of gratitude. She was so used to his affectionate nature.
Turning around, Wooyoung cupped his hands over his mouth so that his voice could resonate loudly.
"Yeosang quit tinkering with it already! You're going to get dirty and we have a movie to catch." He shouted at whom the girls presumed was under the race car.
"You literally have speakers built into your vocal chords, there was no need for that makeshift megaphone." Lynn grumbled at him, causing the male next to her to burst out in a fit of giggles.
"Speakers built in hie vocal chords. Good one." Lifting his hand up, Yunho held it up towards Lynn, expecting her to high five him back but was instead met with her cold, squinting eyes that inspected his palm.
"Your aura is overly forced....and you have leftover grease on your hand." She looked away after finishing that sentence. Hearing her say that made Yunho instantly check his hand, immediately wiping it off on his jeans as he mentally slapped himself for looking like an idiot in front of the girl he fancied.
Not paying mind to whatever was happening around her, Y/N's eyes were glued on the figure that emerged from under the car. She couldn't help but admire the strong and buff biceps that were peeking out of the plain white tshirt the man was wearing, sleeves slightly rolled up above his shoulders. The angelic face belonging to him looked even more dazzling due to the light sheen of sweat around his temples, no doubt caused by the work he was doing. Even as he reached for one of the cleaning towels so he could wipe the grime and oil off his hands, Y/N continued to gaze at Yeosang, mind already conjuring up many ideas and fantasies with him as the main protagonist.
"Oh sweetie, you're not making this any easier." She mused inwardly, one of her fingers twirling a strand of her hair.
Discarding the rag on one of the toolboxes nearby, Yeosang carefully approached the group of friends, still awkward in interacting with all of them, trait that only helped in making him stand out like a sore thumb, more than he already did. Clamping a hand over his new buddy's shoulder, Wooyoung brought a hand up and patted one of his squishy cheeks.
"Now that you're finally here we can go." Looking around, Wooyoung gestured around.
"So who's riding with who?"
Immediately Yunho turned his face towards the girl next to him, about to voice out his want of having her in his car, but it seemed as if his plans would fall through as Mingi latched an arm around him.
"I'm going with Yunho." He seemed determined not to let go of him.
"Why? So you can cling to him during the scary parts?" A chorus of laughter poured out at San's amusing words.
"As if!" Mingi huffed, though it was more than obvious to everyone that it was precisely as San had predicted.
"Mingi... I was kinda hoping I could... you know?" Yunho tilted his head over to Lynn, making him get the picture of what he wanted.
"Whatever happened to bros before hoes?" Mingi sighed as he detached himself from Yunho.
"Ok then. Yunho you go with Mingi, San you can take the girls and I'll keep Sangie here company since he's still a little bit shy you know."
It seemed as if it was all decided about how their night was going to run, so Y/N knew she had to speak up and take the opportunity before it was all settled.
"Why don't I ride with Yeosang instead?"
Hearing her suggestion, the male in question widened his eyes in shock, not expecting her to voice that out loud. Even Wooyoung found it slightly odd and suspicious that she'd say that. But then he remembered the type of girl Y/N was and it started to set off alarm bells in his mind.
"Oh it's ok Y/N. You probably won't like to have him scream in your ear and cover his eyes like a baby at the jump scares." Not taking kindly to such blasphemous talk about him that painted an inaccurate picture.
But Y/N remained undeterred. She would stand her ground no matter what.
"Oh please, I insist. I'd love to take care of him..." She did not hide the sultry way she said that last part, eyes locked on Yeosang's, the boy swallowing hard and pressing himself further into Wooyoung's side. Wanting to bargain even further, Y/N took hold of her friend.
"How about this? Lynn goes with Yunho and Mingi, you ride with San and I get Yeosang?"
San cupped a hand over his mouth to muffle the laugh he wanted so desperately to release.
"I don't think it's just him she wants to get." He chuckled to himself.
"You're seriously leaving me alone with these 2 giants?" Lynn pointed to the two men at her right, one of which obviously was more than willing to welcome the arrangement.
"I promise Mingi won't disturb you too much with his crying." Yunho swore to her, hand coming up to clasp around Mingi's mouth when he attempted to protest that decision.
Wooyoung looked over to Yeosang, leaning in and dropping his voice so that only he could hear.
"If you don't want to, just say the word and I'll get her off your case." He offered. Although they had only met just a couple days ago, Wooyoung felt compelled and obligated to look out for the new boy, even if it meant protecting him from his other friends.
Knowing that he probably shouldn't and that it was a bad idea, Yeosang glanced over at Y/N. Meeting her eager eyes and cunning smile, any resolve to stay close to Wooyoung was immediately dispelled from his mind. He might never get another opportunity such as was presented to him and he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he was rather curious to find out more about the young vixen that he had heard so much about since he moved into town. With an assured smile that slightly worried Wooyoung, Yeosang stepped forward and held out his hand towards Y/N.
"Shall we get going then?"
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Unable to focus his attention towards the gigantic screen right in front of him, Yeosang slumped down further in his seat, fingers tugging his red sweater over his body. Every few seconds or so, he'd turn his head to peer at the girl on the passenger seat, looking exceedingly calm and collected unlike him. He was overly anxious to the point his food was still untouched, sitting in the backseat, long forgotten. Y/N, although collected, was bored out of her mind, elbow rested on the window, head being supported on her palm as her eyes never lingered away from the gore filled scenes being displayed across from them. There was a deafening silence inside the black Iroc Camaro, the tension between both individuals becoming increasingly thick.
Becoming desperate after 40 minutes of not getting him to make a move or even attempt to break the ice, she decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. Unzipping her green varsity jacket, Y/N began to slide it off her shoulders, revealing the low cut crop tank that she was hiding thus far.
"It's so hot today, don't you think?" She asked him as she tossed the clothing item behind her before settling back into her seat, fighting hard to keep her signature smirk off her face.
If he wasn't feeling hot before, Yeosang certainly started to feel heated after she had taken off her jacket. His hand reached out to grab the cup of soda in the cup holder, gulping most of the contents and ice down to help cool him down. He made an effort not to glance back at his companion anymore, knowing if he did he would have been unable to keep his eyes off her chest. Although it was dark and he turned away almost immediately, he had not missed the fact that she had chosen not to wear a bra, her nipples slightly poking out through the thin and flimsy shirt that even slowed one to make out the outline of her areolas. It was definitely a weakness of his, and Y/N was quick to find that out. Thumb coming up to her mouth, she began biting down on the nail to keep from giggling at Yeosang's reaction. He was devastatingly adorable with his wide eyes and stiffened posture, knee restlessly bouncing up in an agitated fashion. Looking in between his legs, she felt disappointed that she hadn't caused enough damage to earn a tent forming in his pants. He obviously knew how to calm himself in time. That wasn't enough to make her give up. On the contrary, it only hardened her resolve to get him to break.
Letting out an overly dramatic sigh, she reached her hands inside of her tank top. Cupping her breasts in her palms, she started off with slow movements, massaging them gently. Her eyelids started to flutter, closing only briefly as very faint and soft sighs were being exhaled through her nose. Although it was mostly done to tease the boy next to her, she got carried away and started to become more and more turned on with what she was doing. Each time she'd purposefully pinch and pull at her hardening peaks, a muffled whine would be heard coming from her throat, legs starting to spread inch by inch as her planters started to stick against her core.
Opening her eyes and tilting her head, she witnessed Yeosang's astounded expression that also held some lust in it. He was no longer sipping from his drink, but rather his teeth and tongue were merely toying around with the blue plastic straw as the grip on the base of the cup was lightly crushing it. The movie ultimately failed its purpose of keeping him distracted as his attention had fully diverted over to the sexy girl next to him, watching intently as she pleasured herself, wishing that it were his hands instead that were ministering such devotion to her breasts.
"Wanna be a doll and help me out here?" It seemed as if she had read his mind.
Without even a second of hesitation, Yeosang reached down and adjusted his seat back as far as it could go. Jumping at the invitation, Y/N climbed on top of him until she was straddling his lap. Yeosang's hands eagerly clasped around her waist, thumbs circling on the skin of her exposed abdomen. Cupping his cheeks, Y/N leaned her face down and harshly entangled her lips over his own. Yeosang hummed softly as he tasted the remnants of her cherry flavored chapstick, head tilting back when one of her hands tugged at his hair. His hands didn't hesitate to trail up and cup her mounds through her shirt, taking over the job that was previously being done by the owner's hands. Her insistent mouth parted his trembling lips, tongue poking out ever so slowly until it began divulging in the sweet taste of his wet cavern. Although he was no stranger to French kissing, Yeosang had never experienced a makeout session as intense as the one Y/N offered. She was very skilled and experienced, as proven by the swirl and swivel of her tongue against his own. He couldn't stop the moans pouring out from inside him, his hips bucking up into hers as if on instinct while his hands became more harsh and aggressive as they grasped at her breasts with near ferocity. Y/N would only pull away from their kiss for a few seconds to allow him to catch his breath before her lips lured him back into her. It was finally dawning on Yeosang's mind why so many men became captivated by her charms, even when knowing what the outcome would be. Here he was, the most lovely and hottest girl he'd ever met in his life, on his lap, making out with her while simultaneously getting to second base. He felt so damn lucky. But Y/N wanted to take it up a notch, not satisfied with ending the night with just heavy petting.
Sliding off his lap, she suprised him when she took hold of his belt and began to take it off him. Getting an inkling as to what she might have had in mind, Yeosang took hold of her wrist, making her head shot up at him.
"Is something wrong?" She began to get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Had she really fucked things up already.
Yeosang turned beet red as he swallowed harshly, trying hard to form the words his head was attempting to sought.
"Are you.... are you a virgin?" She felt like she would have died if the answer was yes.
Seeing her worried face, Yeosang quickly shook his head.
"No! I'm most certainly not a virgin." He sounded almost offended at the insinuation, but it helped calm Y/N down, releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
"I just...I've never tried...that before."
His confession just made him cuter in her eyes, previous desire to corrupt and play with him only heightening to new levels after that revelation. Wanting to entice him, she moved her hand to cup at his bulge, loving the way he immediately gasped when she started palming him through his jeans. He bit down at his lip so harshly he believed it would draw blood. He wouldn't contain himself as he bucked his hips up into her palm, desperately wanting her to help him out with his problem. When her fingers reached for his zipper again, he didn't stop her, he merely lifted his hips up to help her as she pulled his pants down by the belt loops, his hardened cock popping out to greet her, surprising her when she noticed how large and thick it was, the head leaking with precum which she used to her advantage and began spreading it down his shaft. The contact of her hand gripping him had Yeosang shuddering, low groaning spilling out his lips. Looking up at him with a devilish grin, Y/N began lowering her head until her lips brushed against his tip.
"Just sit back and relax pretty boy."
A raspy wheeze was caught in Yeosang's throat as soon as he felt her warm mouth on his length, hands flying behind him to clutch at the leather seat of the car. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It felt so dirty, so wrong and yet he wanted it. He wanted her........
He didn't care if he was playing with fire and he'd get burned by the end of it.
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Taglist: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @yunhofingers @deja-vux @hanatiny @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters @minhyukmyluv @rainteez02 @nanamarkie @serialee
149 notes · View notes
pikemoreno · 3 years
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pairing: marcus moreno x gn!reader
request: from @chibi-liz05​ “Can I request a Marcus Moreno fic (or ficlet, or drabble) where either Marcus or reader gets hurt (not seriously hurt) and end up in a med bay, kinda woozy from pain meds and they have a funny and/or cute conversation when the other one goes to check on the one hurt? Please.”
warnings: mentions of blood, injuries, death. it starts out pretty darn angsty, but gets silly and fluffy i promise. these two are hella married.
word count: 2.7k
a/n: honestly this is nothing like you asked for until the end? but this lil drabble idea inspired this whole one shot so i hope you enjoy what you helped my brain create? i loved this, needless to say.
i love this himbo and i’m so happy to write for him.
And thank you for the medical advice to @disgruntledspacedad! Thanks for helping me choose the right drug! 😆
wanna join a taglist? | masterlist
This was Marcus’s least favorite part of his job. 
As the newly deemed Director of the Heroics, he was the one to decide who went out on what mission when and with who. Normally it wasn’t too tall of an order. After all, he was chosen as director for good reason. He was perfect for the job. He was smart, organized, resourceful, and tried in everything to understand people-- whether that be in their personal habits or in their superpowered strengths. He was often commended for his ability to form the perfect teams for whatever job arose; and it came pretty naturally, it really did. 
That is, until emotion got involved, until personal bias compromised his decision making.
He was determined to not let you go on the mission, absolutely not. The band of powered individuals the team was going after were incredibly dangerous and unpredictable.They’d been a problem for months and this mission was all or nothing. The high stakes and vulnerable position made him incredibly reluctant to make you a part of the team that was heading out under the cover of night to apprehend them. When he didn’t name you among them, he was immediately countered by the rest of the heroes in the room about the choice. 
By all the accounts they were right. Given the tactics of the mission at hand, your teleportation abilities were perfect for the job. And if he was being even a little more honest, he’d agree with Miracle Guy that not sending you with them was a “disservice to the team.” It was and he knew it. In a very un-Marcus Moreno move, he was making the completely wrong choice and he wasn’t going to let the sound judgement of anyone else change his mind.
“Psion is not going and that is final,” he boomed. The room became deathly silent. “Now, go get ready. You leave in 20.” But no one moved, no one could. They were glued to the floor, watching their unflappable leader become uncharacteristically flapped. 
Marcus was the one to stomp out of the room first and you followed him without hesitation.
“Marcus,” you called, nearly running to keep up with long strides. “Marcus!” 
He didn’t even deign to turn around.
In a blink you were now in front of Marcus, hands out to stop him from continuing on without talking to you.
“No teleporting outside of work, Psion” he snapped lowly, but he still obliged your silent request and remained in front of you. You blinked at the small outburst.
“Mind losing the ‘tude so we can talk like adults?” You countered. Marcus lowered his head and whispered an apology. At that you stepped closer to him, your hands coming to rest on his tense shoulders in a soothing manner. “What’s bothering you, love? You know you can talk to me. This isn’t like you at all.”
When his eyes met yours again they were pained.
“It’s too dangerous,” was all he could get out at the moment. His exhale was unsteady as he leaned in, his forehead meeting yours in a much more “Marcus” gesture that brought you both back down to earth.
You sighed, fingers carding through the short hairs at the nape of his neck. “Of course it is. It always is.”
“Not like this,” he countered, biting his lip. “These guys are no joke.”
“Neither am I,” you grinned, tapping his nose with your own before pulling back to look at his face in full. He laughed a little, but it wasn’t whole-hearted, you saw it in his eyes.
“And I trust you. I do. I know you’re capable. I just--”
“Yeah, that.” His eyebrows were furrowed. You softly ran a thumb across the harsh lines it made, smoothing them and making him smile.
“I’m not going to lie to you and say nothing is going to happen. Because it might.” He winced at the words, not wanting to think too hard on what “it” could be. “But I’m prepared and so is the rest of the team. We’re gonna watch each other’s backs like we always do and getting everyone out safely is going to be our priority over completing the mission. It’s going to be business as usual and it’s going to be OK. I’m going to be OK. You’ve gotta let me go. They need me out there tonight.”
“I know,” he sighed. “Just… Be careful. Be ready in 10.” You sighed in relief.
“Thank you, Marcus.” You kissed him. “It’s gonna be fine.” He kissed you. “We’ve got ‘em this time. I know it.” One last kiss, strong and lingering. You tilted your head, an invitation-- no, a plead-- for a deeper kiss, which he obliged before being the one to break it. 
“Go,” he murmured, “Or you won’t make it before they leave.” You nodded, taking a deep breath. “Be careful. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled through the sudden onset of nerves before turning and walking down the hallway to join up with the rest of the team.
That had been hours ago. Now Marcus was in command with a skeleton crew, the late hours of the assignment sending most of the support and technical team home. He quickly decided that was probably for the best. The sweet little interns did not need to see their mentor so stressed and antsy. No, he had to be “on” for them, he had to be the Marcus Moreno. And he couldn’t be that right now. Right now he was an anxious husband and teammate. 
“Where are they now, Connie?” he asked the poor woman at the comms desk behind him for the upteenth time that hour.
“Trackers say they’re still in the hanger, sir. Last update was that they had the grunts and were waiting for the ring leader to respond to their distress call.”
He wasn’t responding. It’d been two hours. And that was a major cause for concern.
“Tell them to just bring who they have back here and we’ll keep searching for him. This is still a win as far as I’m concerned.”
The man who was on comms moved to press the talk button to speak to the team, but the comm crackled to life before he had the opportunity. 
“It’s an ambush!” Miracle Guy yelled from the other side, “We’re sitting ducks out here!”
Marcus’ heart dropped into his stomach. 
“Go! Go! Get back to the-” He heard your panicked voice call out, the sentence interrupted by a cry of pain. 
The room spun. Marcus knew he was yelling but he couldn’t hear a word of what he said. It all just sounded like white noise now, mixing with the jumbled thoughts in his head and the ringing in his ears. He must’ve said something right though, because everyone was working. One was arranging a rescue, one was calling out the vitals of the team via the trackers on their wrists-- everything seemed fine by the tone of voice, but Marcus couldn’t be sure. He couldn’t grasp a word that was said to him. He was totally on autopilot, only able to respond in vague nods of yes or no. 
“Hey,” one voice next to him cut through the fog and he looked up to Lucas, the man who ran comms, “They’re going to be ok.”
Marcus’s response was non-committal, not wanting to pull the young man down to share his current state of mind, but not allowing himself to share in his confident optimism either.
The next hour went by in a whirlwind and the next thing he knew, Marcus was downstairs in the medical wing waiting on you and your team to arrive. He’d been in this position before and the thought of it made his throat close up. The images flashed through his mind of a gurney and too much blood and a confused little girl and black clothing on a rainy day in April. 
He closed his eyes harder as if to block it all out. 
No, it couldn’t be like last time.
It was then that he heard the distinct sound of the sliding doors opening and the murmur of a small group of people. His eyes shot open and, though he stood to his feet, he felt that he could collapse in relief. There was no gurney. Minimal blood-- just a couple of cuts on your face. You were hobbling in, arm around Miracle Guy as he helped you keep pressure off of your left leg. Your face was pained, which probably should have concerned him more, but he was just too happy to see you upright… Breathing. As long as he had that, you could get through anything else together. 
He watched as the medical team surrounded all of you, asking questions, prodding delicately at injuries. Marcus could vaguely hear your voice cutting in and out through it all. 
“Super strength… Kicked… Broken.” 
They had asked you a couple more unheard questions that you responded to in a simple yes or no and then they were leading you to sit on one of the beds. He watched as you went, noticing the way you were looking around for… Something.
He smiled.
You were looking for him.
In all his panic and then relief, it hadn’t occurred to him that you would want to see him just as badly in your current state. His heart warmed at the way your tired eyes lit up when they met his. He all but ran to you. 
“Hey baby,” he cooed, leaning in to capture your lips in a deep kiss. He’d never been more in awe of you, that you were real, that way you were his, that he could kiss you freely. When he pulled away he observed your injuries closer. Head wounds were always scary amounts of bloody, but he could see that all of the cuts were minor. He brushed a strand of hair away from where sweat and blood had plastered it to your forehead. “What happened? How are you feeling?”
“I’ve been better,” you hissed as a stab of pain surged through your leg. He looked down to observe it. His immediate diagnosis wasn’t a good one. It was terribly hard to break a femur, but he was certain this was exactly what it would look and feel like. “Some super-strength asshole kicked me in the thigh to knock me down and--” You winced again. “They think she broke my femur, and I would have to agree.”
“I have to say I’m thinking that too,” he sighed. “I’m so sorry.” He kissed your forehead in between the cuts.
“What are you sorry for? You’re the one that tried to keep me from going. I forced you to let me go.”
“I should’ve stood my ground and had you and the team be mad at me,” he said completely seriously. 
“You’re ridiculous.” You side-eyed him, but smiled through the words. One of the medical staff returned at that moment, bringing over supplies to clean your cuts and asking if you’d like something for the pain while they got prepped for surgery. You nodded eagerly. 
“I’ll take this over,” Marcus said, hands open to take the first aid kit, “If you want to go get that?”
“Oh, sir I couldn’t ask you to--” The young woman gawked, slightly unbelieving that her boss’s boss’s boss would volunteer to do her job.
“You’re not asking me, I’m asking you.”
“A-- Yes, right away.” She handed him the kit and seemed to flee his presence to get an IV ready. You sat in silence a few moments as he prepared everything. He seemed lost, even in this small task. It took him longer than it should’ve to get his ducks in a row.
“Someone’s a little edgy,” you prodded, watching as too-intense eyes focused on cleaning dried blood from your forehead. He shook his head, eyes softening, but maintaining their focus. The whole endeavor was very clearly an attempt at keeping his hands as busy as his mind was. 
“I’d thought I‘d lost you. I thought...” His jaw tightened-- and it wasn’t due to the effort of wiping up blood. You stopped his hand from continuing its ministrations, lacing your fingers together.
“That it was all happening again?” you whispered. 
“It was like deja vu, baby. Everything was just like before.” The last word almost came out like a whimper. 
“But it’s not. I’m right here. I’m ok.” You brought your forehead to meet his comfortingly. The cuts stung just a little at the touch, but you remained there with him, feeling a deep, grounding breath fan lightly across your face.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You kissed his nose and pulled away as you heard the medic return with the Versed for the pain. Marcus stayed right by your side as you were put on the IV, a hand staying firmly on yours. Which more for him than for you if he was honest. It brought him back to reality and out of his head. He no longer had to imagine the worst, because the best had happened. You were really there. It wasn’t a repeat of the aching horror of seven years before, the day that still had you shaking him awake from unspoken nightmares. You’d made it home to him and Missy-- but he was going to be hard-pressed to go against his better judgment again, no matter how much the team needed you.
“Alright, you’ll start to feel it in just a few seconds. We’ll be back soon to take you into surgery, ok?” the medic explained to you as the IV was in place. You nodded. 
“In the meantime, let me keep working on this,” Marcus gestured to the bandages in the kit. As he got to work, he watched the look in your eyes totally change, the Versed taking effect. 
“Are you alright?” he asked, covering the cut that just barely grazed your right eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you sighed dreamily in a total demeanor change. The whole room lit up in his eyes. Marcus grinned at the way your posture slumped just slightly in relaxation. “And how are you?” you winked. Oh, this was going to be fun. He really needed to keep you talking.
“I’m doing great. Happy to be here with you, sweetheart. Now, sit still while I take care of this last cut,” he cooed. 
“Ok,” you giggled. “What a charmer.” 
“I try my best, darling.” He played along, enjoying the way the Versed had turned you into a starstruck girl with a crush.
“Oh noooo,” you squeaked suddenly.Marcus panicked, checking you over quickly for further injury. 
“What is it? Are you ok?” 
But you only grabbed his left hand, holding it up.
“You’re married!” 
Marcus blinked. What was in that stuff they’d given you? You put your face in your hands and Marcus tried to contain his laughter at the way your voice was muffled by your fingers. “You’ve been so nice and caring! I wanted to ask you on a dateeee. I’m so sorry if I came on too strong.”
“Baby,” he called with a sweet lilt to his voice-- still trying to hold in a laugh. 
“You shouldn’t call me that,” you sighed sadly, pouting, “You’re married. We can’t be together.” 
“Of course I’m married,” he held your left hand up now, “I’m married to you, you goof.” You blinked at the silvery ring on your finger. 
“Oh!” you practically yelled, “That’s so cool!” Marcus’ heart warmed at the way your eyes lit up at the realization. Even drugged out of your mind you were excited to be with him. He couldn’t help but feel likewise.
“I agree,” he smiled, “It’s very cool.” He intertwined his fingers and yours. 
“I’m so lucky,” you grinned toothily in response. It was so unlike the smiles you usually gave him: too exaggerated and, in a word, dopey. But it held the same affection. 
“No, I’m definitely the lucky one,” he countered. Your grin faltered slightly as you grew sleepy-- another possible effect of the Versed, he guessed. “Now, go ahead and lay back for me ok? I’ll see you as soon as you’re out of surgery.” You nodded in agreement and then right off to sleep.
Oh, he could not wait for you to get out so he could tell you about just how “lucky” the two of you were.
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader, Steve Rogers, Peggy, Loki, OC Vera
Warnings: SMUT 18+, Fluff, Violence, we’re officially in Captain America the First Avenger now... So I guess spoilers?
Note: When I am writing and particularly writing about Bucky and y/n meeting again or them just being in love I always listen to Pirates of the Caribbean to the theme or Will and Elizabeth and I thought it would be good to share that with you guys. To get in the feels. Right now it jumps from POTC One day and the last minute or so from Drink up me hearties yo ho. I know it is so random, but I cannot get it out of my head.
Series masterlist
Part 11
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""Are you ok?" I asked Bucky with hopeful eyes. "I-... I uh.. I'm ok. What happened?" He asked me as he sat up. Steve had caught up and dropped down next to us. "Are you ok! I saw you get shot!" Steve said. Bucky looked down at his shoulder. It was still covered in blood, but he could definitely tell something was off. He saw the wound, but it was small, but there was a lot of blood. He pulled down his shirt from his shoulder trying to see if there were more wounds, but that was it. He looked really confused. He slowly looked up at me. He tried to search my eyes for an answer. "I thought I got shot too. But I.. must have been blown back by something." Bucky looked at me to see if I had the answer for him.
"Blown back by what? Buck I saw you! Someone pointed a gun at you.. and shot it! How are you not hurt?!" Steve asked confused. I tried to avoid both their gazes. I wanted to explain, but I didn't know how. I startled a bit when Bucky put his hand on my leg all of a sudden. My leg was already completely healed. "I don't know.. Lets just get outta here before more Hydra agents decide to jump out." Bucky said as he stood up. He put his hand out to me and I took it to stand up. You could see Steve was at a loss for words. He was looking around him to see if there was a logical answer, but there was non.
"Com on, Bucky is right. We gotta go." I told Steve. He seemed to shake off whatever thought he had and started walking.
"Alright. Are you ready for today?" I asked Bucky as I jumped in bed next to him. I was already dressed for today. I was going to teach him how to work my knifes, or any knifes really. "I guess so." Bucky said a bit unsure as he turned around in bed to face me. "You know, usually I'm the one to wake you up." He told me as he pulled me over on his chest and gave me a kiss on my lips. I smiled in our kiss. No matter what thought or worry I had before the kiss it always seemed to go away when I was with Bucky. It gave me some sort of peace. Like nothing mattered what was happening around us. "I love you." I said as I slowly pulled back and hovered above him. "Now, tomorrow and forever." Bucky said with a big smile on his face and pulled me in tighter before letting me go and getting out of bed.
He was not wearing any clothes and I couldn't help myself but wander down. His back was turned to me which gave me a nice opportunity to look at his ass. So firm, I just wanted to smack it. I laid down and put my head on my hand. But as soon as I got comfortable he had found his underwire and put it on. Bucky noticed that I was looking so I gave him a big pout. He laughed and turned back getting his clothes. "You can see me naked again tonight." I snorted at that. Always so confidant.
After a moment of quiet Bucky spoke up. "So we're not gonna talk about what happened yesterday?" I looked at his back confused. "What do you mean?" I asked him, not understanding what he was talking about. As he got finished getting dressed he sat in front of me. He looked at his hands for a moment before looking at me again. Looking for the right words. "I got shot yesterday." That made me sit up right straight away.
I opened my mouth but no words came out. "I know there are some things you can't explain, but this one... I don't know how and I don't know what, but somehow you did something and now I just have a scratch on my shoulder. I need some kind of logical explanation for this.. Because I can't think of one." Bucky continued on. I owed him an explanation, that was for sure. "I-.." I closed my eyes, like that would give me the answer. "There is no logical explanation.. You did get shot, but..." I opened my eyes and looked at him. "There are things I can do the involve healing and.. I healed you.." I stammered on. Of course Bucky looked very confused, but he was trying to understand.
"That's how you healed yourself." He stated as he put his hand on my leg. I nodded at that. I didn't have to try technically, like with Bucky, but I still healed myself. "Alright. So you're a witch. Like in books and movies." He told himself more than me. "Not like in the Hobbit though." I laughed at him. I was ore relieved that he didn't make a big deal out of this. "Those are wizards." He tried to say serious, but failed as he started laughing.
After a moment of laughing I put my hand on his left shoulder. "Thank you." I told him. "For what? I should be thanking you." Bucky said as he smirked. "Thank you for not making a big deal out of this." That made his smirk turn into a smile. He put his left hand over the hand I had put on his shoulder and squeezed it. "You told me you would tell me when you're ready. And besides.. How amazing is it?! I am engaged with a witch! Not many people can say that." I laughed at that relieved. "You're a dork." He smirked and leaned forward for a quick kiss. "Your dork. And you gotta teach this dork how to fight with knifes... Soo lets go." He said as he stood up and pulled me with him with my hand.
We were at the base in London. I was strapping in my knifes and Bucky was looking at knifes he wanted to train with. There was so much to choose from and Bucky was taking it very serious into finding the right knifes. "You almost ready?" I asked him putting my hands on my hips. "Yeah I'm just trying to see..." He trailed off. I huffed at that. Then I'll choose. I walked over to the table of knifes. "These will do." I said as I picked up two knifes and flipped them around in my hands. The were very light and should be easy for him to handle.
"You gotta teach me how to do that." Bucky said in wonder which made me flip them around in my hands again before I handed the knifes to Bucky.
"Ok, so first of all.. Try not to stab yourself. Second try not to stab me." He scoffed at that. And I rolled my eyes. "Alright come here." I said as I walked towards the middle of the room and we stood slightly apart. "Besides wanting to know the tricks you need to know where to stab." I walked around him and took my knife from my holster.
"You want to avoid the ribs, because it can get stuck sometimes. If you go for the stomach it can get ugly. But there are two places that if you want to kill someone it will be the easiest." I grabbed his shoulder and pretended to almost stab him in the back. This made him startle and that made me smirk. "If you go for the lower back and hit up for the kidneys they usually won't come back up. And the neck." I said as I moved my knife up to his throat, but not putting any pressure on him. "If you go for the neck I assure you they will not come back up."
"This is nice and all, but I wanna see you in action." I could hear the smirk through his voice. And again I rolled my eyes. I removed my knife and put it in my holster again. Then I gave him a push forward. "Not so fast. You know where to hit, but you also need to know how to defend yourself if you ever get in a situation like this."
"To start, it is better to fight with one knife at a time. So if for what ever reason you lose one you'll have a backup." Bucky nodded taking it a little more seriously now. "Then obviously you don't want to be an open target. Keep your arms close to your body. And even though you have a knife in one hand and nothing in the other you can still hit them.. or kick them. Alright.. I'll show you now. Lets see how you can defend yourself Sargent." He nodded at that and got ready.
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I took my knife out and flipped it in my hand. I charged forward and tried to go for his head, but Bucky was able to duck away which made me miss. He's fast, that's good. I went to kick him with my left leg which made him stumble back. I advanced forward again flipping my knife and went for his torso. If this was a real fight I would have hit him. "This would hurt." I said as I pushed him back. "I thought you said go for the kidneys and neck." Bucky said as he got back in his stance. "Yes, but if this is life or death I will try to hurt you no matter what to make you slow down. Now try to fight back." I charged forward again but faster. With my right hand I went for his neck but he blocked me and pushed me back. "Good... But you can do better." I charged at him again, but I quickly flipped the knife in my left hand and went for his neck again. This time he wasn't fast enough. "Dead." I told him. "You gotta teach me that one." Bucky said with a smile on his face.
"And you gotta fight back if you want to live." I told him a little serious but half joking. "I don't wanna hurt you doll." He told me seriously. "I promise you, you won't hurt me. Now try and get a grip on that knife and see how it feels." He did as he was told and swung it in front of him a few times to see how it feels.
"Hey! There you are." Steve said as he came walking in the room we were training at. "Hey Steve." I said as I turned towards him. "We got another mission. Tomorrow were going to Austria. Hydra is going to be shipping weapons on a train there and Zola should be there as well." I nodded at Steve. Maybe they would also be moving the Tesserect on the train. This could be a great opportunity. "What are you guys doing?" Steve asked looking over at Bucky who was still swinging his knife around and trying to flip it every now and then. "I'm teaching him how to fight with a knife.. But he's not very good." I said the last part a little quieter. "I heard that." Bucky said which made me and Steve laugh.
"I'm gonna head back up. Try not to hurt yourself." Steve said the last part to Bucky before turning to me. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He said jokingly before walking away.
"Ok, dork, lets get back to it." I said as I clapped my hands and turning towards Bucky.
"Doll.. I don't even think they are as cruel as you in the army." Bucky said as we came back in out apartment. I'll be honest I kinda gave him hell while we were training, but I want him to become good. I want him to defend himself. "So you rather have training from them then from me?" I asked smiling already knowing the answer. "Never." He said as he put his arms around me from behind and kissed me on my cheek. "I need a shower." He said sniffing himself. "Or we.." He started. I shook my head. "I don't think so." I said as I pushed him in the bathroom. "You go get that shower and after that I will. Then we need sleep, cause we're going to Austria tomorrow." Bucky gave me a big pout. "But.." "No." I interrupted before shutting the door in his face.
I smirked as I heard the shower turning on. I went to lay down on the bed and wait for my turn. It only took about ten minutes before Bucky came out of the bathroom with his towel sitting low on his hips. I gave him a quick up and down look which earned me a smirk from him before going into the bathroom myself to take a shower.
For some reason Loki popped in my head. I hadn't seen him in a while now. I hadn't seen anyone from Asgard in a while. They all knew I preferred being on Earth, but at least once a year I would visit them. I hadn't done that in a couple of years now. I missed Thor being his proud self and his stupid jokes, even though sometimes I'm not sure if he's joking. I missed Frigga, she would always teach me an new spell or practice some magic with me. Sif is the best drinking buddy anybody could ask for. Odin is.. Odin. Heimdall is basically my father, he has taught me how to fight with a sword and just taught me many lessons. I am honestly always happy that he is the first one I see as I go to Asgard. Then Loki, as annoying as he can be.. He has been my friend for so long. He had taught me a lot about fighting as well, but what I like the most about him that he was always up for an adventure. He had shown me many other planets and different realms. I know it was just an opportunity for him to get away from his family, but we always had fun doing it.. or usually we did. This had been the first time we had actually been in a fight like this.. And now I can't see him at all. Maybe after I tell Bucky what I am I could take him to Asgard. Most likely not a lot of people will be happy with that, but I'll deal with that after. Bucky wouldn't believe his eyes if he went to Asgard. I thought smiling to myself.
I turned the shower off and dried myself. I looked in the foggy mirror and looked at the dog tags hanging around my neck. I took them in my hand looking at them. Barnes. It is a nice name. Y/n Barnes. I thought to myself. "Y/n Barnes." I said now softly smiling. I like the sound of it. My name had been Y/n Ironside or Ævi for so long now, but I would love nothing more than to take his name. "Y/n Barnes." I said again. It sounded perfect. It made me even more excited for the war to be over and marry him. I let go of my dog tags and walked out of the bathroom with my towel around me.
As soon as I stepped out I heard Bucky whistle. "Wow! So beautiful, Doll!" He said with a smirk plastered on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him playfully. "How about now?" I said as I dropped my towel. He bit his lip. "There is nothing more beautiful in the entire universe."
I walked over to his side of the bed, swinging my hips as I did. Bucky's eyes never lost sight of my body. He was trying to take all of me in. Through the sheets I could already see something growing. I straddled his lap and he tried to sit up, but I pushed him down. "You did enough exercise for today." I told him as I grinded down on him which made him inhale sharply.
I moved closer and planted my lips on his. His hands went for my hips helping me move on his length as there were still sheets in between us. I felt him getting harder and myself getting wetter. Our want for each other growing. "I want you." Bucky said between kisses as he tried to go for my folds but I grabbed his hand, stopping him. "I said you did enough exercise for today." Bucky snorted. I moved his hand back on my hip and moved the sheets out of the way. His length sprung and I started grinding him again. Hitting my sensitive bud as I did.
I started moving my hips faster and felt a knot form. I started to moan in the kisses, which made Bucky grab my hips tighter. I pressed down harder which started to make me see stars. "Cum for me baby." He whispered in my ear. And I did, my hips losing it's pace. My vision clouded with stars and it slowly went away.
Bucky tried to sit up to flip me over. "I said, you did enough exercise today." I told him with a smile as I pushed him back. I grabbed his length and pumped him a few times before lining myself up. I slowly sat down, his length stretching my walls. When I was ready I started moving slowly. His whole length almost out before taking it all in again. Bucky was a moaning mess underneath me.
When the suspense was almost killing us both I started to move faster. His length filling me perfectly with every thrust. Both out moans became louder and Bucky's hips started to twitch. His hands were grabbing my hips tighter with every thrust. I put one of my hands on his chest and one in his hair. I went down to trail kisses under his ears. This earned me a growl and Bucky started to thrust up in to me. Every thrust went faster and harder, hitting all the right spots. Soon I felt another knot building up quickly. My moans became even louder and I was almost afraid the neighbors would complain tomorrow. Bucky took this as his que to now move his hand and rub it over my still sensitive bud. "Oh-.. Oh God-..Bucky." I said softly as I came undone.
Bucky started to quicken his pace before letting out a groan. Snapping his hips up irregularly and slowing down. He put his arms around me, trying to pull me closer, if that was even possible. He gave me a kiss on the top of my head. "I love you." He said in my hair. "I love you too." I told him as I moved, his length slipping out of me, giving me an empty feeling.
I sighed after a moment. "What's wrong?" Bucky asked sleepily. "I can't wait for this war to be over so we can marry." That made him pull me closer to his chest. "Me neither." Again it was like I could hear the smirk in his voice. "I'll be Mrs. Barnes." I told him. "I like that. Y/n Barnes." Hearing him say it made me even more excited. "Bucky and Y/n Barnes." Soon. Soon that would be real.
Let me know what you think :)
If you wanna be tagged let me know! :)
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
SO, Episode 28 of Word of Honor was a roller-coaster ride.
(Spoilers, as ever, so scroll away and come back later if you want to see it unspoiled.)
They managed two entirely separate scenes in this one that had me going “Did … did that just happen? Is this really happening?” Let’s get this one out of the way first: The scene of Zhao Jing in his serial killer lair with the altar and memorial tablets and his serial killer trophies. Y’all. I swear, scene opens with a shot from behind of drunk Awful Yifu in his Fantasy Ancient China underwear staggering through a set of doors into a room with candles and draperies, and before I was able to register the rest of the set design, my brain gave a terrified squeak and started rabbiting around like, “Oh my god, please do not let this be Xie’er’s bedroom. Oh my god, they wouldn’t actually go there, not even hinted, surely that would be too far!” Then my eyeballs caught up and registered the set, so I thought I was safe, but that didn’t even turn out to be the moment in the scene that had me going “Is this really happening?” (Although I do think the fact my brain immediately jumped to that scenario speaks to the creepy vibe the show has managed to build between Awful Yifu and Xie Wang). So, Zhao Jing is a sloppy drunk and absolutely shitfaced, stumbling around and yelling at his dead brothers, and I’m sitting here watching him, feeling like I need a shower, with my skin a little bit trying to crawl off my body, and then he picks up Rong Xuan’s memorial tablet and pours an entire stream of alcohol out of the pitcher all over it, and I say, out loud, to the screen, “Oh my god, they just had him figuratively piss on that tablet.” Only, no, they didn’t, because there was no need to have him do it figuratively because then, he literally whips it out of his pants and takes a piss on the tablet, complete with sound effects, and I’m open-mouthed, thinking “Is this really happening?” As some background, I grew up in mainstream U.S. culture where ancestor veneration isn’t formally practiced - although it isn’t an entirely absent part of our cultural mythos, it’s just that now when I when I offer cultus to the Patres Patriae, it’s deliberate and intentional – but I’ve been doing ancestor work in my particular flavor of polytheism for long enough, and intensely enough, that I had a visceral reaction of disgust and horror to this. Hand literally clapped over my mouth in shock, even after watching all of his ranting at his dead brothers and spitting at his dead shifu and just generally being a disrespectful asshole with delusions of grandeur building up to it. So, yes, show, you have indeed convinced me that Awful Yifu is the worst, even in an episode that also devoted that much screentime to Prince Jin.
Fortunately, the other “Is this really happening?” moment was at the other end of the spectrum, somewhere in the face of how married Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing are, which I cannot believe passed censorship. I know I keep saying that, but every time I think I’ve adjusted to how far they’re going to go, the show laughs gay-ly as it pushes the envelope another mile down the road. Truly, this show is the gift that keeps on giving where these two are concerned, and not just because of Zhang Zhehan’s face. I realize I had to spend 50 episodes deciphering Lan Wangji’s smallest microexpression (not that I’m complaining), but I can’t believe how expressive both Zhang Zhehan and Gong Jun are in these roles, with Gong Jun’s little sadness eyebrows when WKX wants ZZS to humor him, and how soft Zhang Zhehan’s face gets when ZZS looks at WKX, and how great they both are at making all this look like a pair of adults who are in an established relationship and confident of each other. I’d be as weak as Wen Kexing if Zhou Zishu pouted at me the way he does when he tells Chengling that he can’t do anything to help decorate the Manor except observe and direct because he’s oh, so injured and frail, poor him. Wen Kexing can laugh at Zhou Zishu when ZZS pokes at him by saying the papercrafter was such a beauty! (Compare this to his reaction back in the day, when ZZS deftly manipulated him out of bringing A-Xiang along on their honeymoon adventures by calling her a beauty and implying she might draw attention away from WKX!) Wen Kexing waves kitchen knives at Zhou Zishu in (somewhat fond) exasperation! Zhou Zishu now accepts Wen Kexing piling his plate with food at the table as perfectly normal! There’s no crying in Spring Festival! They send their kid outside to watch the fireworks so they can have sex some alone time! (Merciless killers. How the fuck so adorable?) Someone must have backed up an entire truckful of money to the house of someone very important to get this aired, because what is the heterosexual explanation for … any of this?
Other thoughts:
We continue to get small things that maintain the parallels between Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishou and Gu Xiang/Cao Weining, including the mirrored theme of finding a home with a welcoming family, shown through family dinner, and expressed through WKX’s description of his former self as a “lonely ghost,” echoing A-Xiang’s self-description (to Shen Shen in an earlier ep) the same way.
HAN YING! Listen, I am stupidly attached to this bit player, and not just because he’s a familiar face (because half of Wen Xu’s screentime in The Untamed was just a disembodied head hanging at the entrance to the Unclean Realm, so it’s not like there was time to get … attached). And I say stupidly attached because ever since we first saw the way he looked at ZZS with big puppy heart-eyes, I knew he was going to be a goner. I just know they’re gonna fridge him for the next step in ZZS’s journey, because something has to pry ZZS out of Four Seasons Manor, as much as I, personally, would like nothing better than to see 8 more episodes of wedded bliss for two gay dads and their son. (OK, one thing I would like better would be if their daughter and son-in-law came to live with them, too.) At least it looks like Han Ying will get to die taking a figurative bullet for ZZS, which will make him happy and might prevent him from finding out the Glazed Armor he’s so proud of bringing is actually pointless, because don’t think that didn’t hurt to know while I watched him being so proud of managing to get his hands on it. But I’d prefer he didn’t die at all, show. Also, why on earth are there only two (completed) stories under the ZZS/Han Ying label on AO3? Because yes, I have looked. I have the search open in another tab right now. Why haven’t more people taken advantage of this guy’s utter devotion for ZZS? How are people looking at the way Han Ying reverently brushes his fingers over the single white blossom on the wall mural in ZZS’s rooms back in Prince Jin’s palace and not falling all over that?
Xie’er, oh, Xie’er. You’re killing me, here. I need someone to rescue you, you desperate affection-starved little sociopath. So, to recap, last time we met, your Awful Yifu finally let it slip that he was never ever going to acknowledge your existence in public. So now, you’re being a very clever boy, setting up a scheme to manipulate him into having to publicly acknowledge you if he’s going to claim credit for your successes (because I’m sure you can’t even contemplate failure) in service to Prince Jin. So clever, but I hate to tell you, you’re clever at everything except learning from your mistakes when it comes to your Awful Yifu. You really learned nothing from Beauty Ghost, did you? Ugh, your sad little face as you watch your hot mess of an Awful Yifu while you wait for the maids to make tea – it hurts me. Please tell me you’re playing some kind of long game, and you’re just a really great actor. Because he’s sloppy drunk, and right now, watching your face journey, I think maybe you think that makes what he’s saying true – that he’s not guarding his words, and he means it when he tells you that of course he loves you and would never leave you. “Are you still angry with me?” Awful Yifu literally asks. “Alright, I’ll apologize. I was just mad. It didn’t mean anything. We’re together in this. I’ll always stand by you.” Xie’er, you have got to stop believing gaslighting abusive men who shovel that BS. This is what they call the honeymoon period in the cycle of abuse. Seriously. This is textbook. Please stop making the same mistakes over and over again. Maybe think about the fact that your Awful Yifu is, single-handedly, the reason the Department of the Unfaithful actually exists in the first place. He is THAT AWFUL. I would like to think actually seeing his serial killer trophy room will make a difference, now that you have some confirmation of what Tragicomic Ghost told you and not the ability to wave it off as part of some he-said, she-said situation where how could we ever possibly know the truth, despite the fact that Zhao Jing has shown he’ll stab anyone in the back in his quest for power? But, then, I also thought maybe learning last ep that he never planned to publicly acknowledge you would make some kind of difference. Are you going to roll the dice again, gambler? Because I’ll tell you right now, the house always wins. (Not that you’d listen to me anymore than you listened to Beauty Ghost.)
(Also, wait wait waitwaitwait. Waitaminit. This is pure speculation and probably way too out there to be true (oh, but, someone’s going to write this AU for me, right?) Hot-mess drunk yifu tells Xie’er that they’ve been depending on each other “ever since I picked you up and brought you back home.” I can’t remember if we know anything about Xie Wang’s background at this point, but it does sound like Zhao Jing might have literally yoinked him off the street to raise him. He … he doesn’t think Xie’er is actually Yan’er, does he? Only he kidnapped the wrong orphaned urchin by mistake? I’m just sayin’, thinking back to Shen Shen’s reaction to finding out Zhen Yan was still alive, it would be exactly the kind of thing Zhao Jing would do, to keep this kid that his brother(s) wanted to find hidden right under their noses.)
Chengling and the chicken. I can’t, y’all. And Zhou Zishu’s face as soon as he realizes what Wen Kexing is telling Chengling to do – he knows this is going to be a show.
Prince Jin, you are almost as bad as Xie’r and his awful Yifu combined:
Prince Jin: Zhou Zishu, you mastermind, your super-secret spy network continues to spread everywhere, including into my very own palace. Oh, the things you must be plotting against me!
Zhou Zishu, chillin’ at Plum Blossom Manor, day-drinking, dressing up in pretty festive robes, taking advantage of his disciple’s unpaid labor so he doesn’t have to raise a finger for himself, and providing his husband with sex so incredible he is never required to actually cook: “OK, my gay husband and our son-with-two-dads, how about we just stay here together forever and be happy?”
Also Prince Jin: *Creeps on Zhou Zishu like a gaslighting m’fker*
Anyway, if Prince Jin always knew what Han Ying was up to all along, is the letter about ZZS’s father a plant, with false info? It was just kind of suspiciously hanging out in the open on Prince Jin’s desk.
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dixie12 · 3 years
kink confession #3
i really love puppy play. i see it as a progression of d/s play, where the sub partner gets to really get out of their head, and just get totally spoiled and taken care of by their dom. and if anyone deserves to be petted and loved on and called a good boy, it's jonny.
i meant this to be a quick, smutty thing, but the boys wouldn't cooperate and get down to the porn, so it's almost 4k words, but i had fun writing it!
“You can’t even keep a houseplant alive, Kaner. There is absolutely no way anyone would ever entrust you with a dog,” Jonny said, for what felt like the twentieth time that night. Sharpy never should have let Pat dog-sit Shooter a few weeks ago, because ever since then, Pat seemed to bring up getting a dog at least once a day. “Plus, we’re on the road, like, all the time. It would be cruel to the dog,” Jonny continued. He had no idea why Pat was so insistent on this.
“I’d be awesome at it, though!” Pat exclaimed, sulking just a little. “I practically raised all three of my sisters, and they turned out great.”
“Raised them in between playing on five different peewee teams, Peeks?” Sharpy interjected into the conversation. “And you’re barely a year older than Erica, come on!”
“Whatever,” Pat grumbled. “I’d be the best dog dad ever. Shooter’s probably begging to come back and live with me. I’d give him steak, and belly rubs, and we’d go on long walks, and-”
“Are you describing a dog or your dating profile, man?” Sharpy interrupted, laughing, and Patrick’s cheeks turned a light pink, almost unnoticeable in the dim light of the bar, but Jonny was watching him pretty closely, like he always did.
“Fuck off, Sharpy. Jesus, don’t make it weird,” Patrick replied, rolling his eyes. Thankfully, the conversation moved on after that, when the rookies came back with a round of shots for the table. Jonny lost track of the number of rounds after that, but the rest of the night passed in a blur, and he and Pat were leaning on each other for balance by the time they were waiting for a cab to get back to their hotel.
When they were finally back in their room, clothes thrown haphazardly on the floor (Jonny) or folded neatly on the desk chair (Patrick), Patrick brought it up again. “Seriously, Jonny, I’d be so good at it,” he said plaintively. Jonny could imagine the puppy dog eyes he was making, so appropriate for this situation, and forced himself to stay quiet. Patrick sounded almost forlorn, and Jonny really hated when he sounded like that, all of his instincts telling him to make Pat feel better, but it was still a bad idea.
“Maybe I could, like, prove how good I’d be!” Pat said into the silence. “Come over next weekend, man, and I’ll show you. You’ll change your mind, I swear.” At that point, Jonny was drunk and tired enough that he said yes, mostly just to get Pat to go to sleep. Looking back, he really should have asked some important questions, mainly, what the fuck did Patrick mean by “showing him,” but his eyes were dragging closed, and he passed out as soon as he mumbled his agreement.
Jonny walked into Pat’s apartment, unsure what to expect. Pat hadn’t been very forthcoming on the phone. He’d actually sounded a little nervous, voice higher than usual, words coming out quickly, telling Jonny to just get over to his apartment already. Jonny walked in slowly, peering around the corner, ready to be ambushed by an entire pack of dogs, or maybe a powerpoint presentation entitled ‘Why Patrick Kane Deserves a Dog” complete with ClipArt pictures and comic sans font. He certainly wouldn’t put it past Pat to try something that ridiculous.
Pat was just sitting on the couch in his living room, though, TV on but not really watching it. His head jerked in Jonny’s direction as he entered, and Pat sat up straighter.
“Hey, man,” he said, still with that undercurrent of nerves that Jonny heard over the phone.
“Ok, I’m here,” Jonny replied, skipping over a normal greeting entirely. “Let’s get this over with so we can watch some tape tonight.”
“Yea, yea,” Pat said, rolling his eyes. He leaned forward and picked up a small package that Jonny hadn’t noticed, sitting on the coffee table. “Here,” he said, offering the box to Jonny. “This is for you. For today.”
“Ok…” Jon answered, taking the box in his hands. It was light, but it rattled a little when he shook it. He opened it gingerly, lifting the top off. There was tissue paper inside, and when he pulled it out, he saw a red and black leather dog collar. There was a tag on it, a simple circle that was cool to the touch as he fingered it gently, turning it over. The back just read “88” with no other markings.
“Uhhh, what is this, Pat?” Jonny asked, stroking his fingers over the leather. It was buttery soft in his hand, silver buckle polished to a high shine.
“It’s for you!” Patrick repeated, voice somewhat manic. “You’re going to wear it, and pretend to be a dog, so I can take care of you and show you how good I am at it!” Jonny just stared at him, dumfounded. He could feel his jaw hanging open, but didn’t have the mental energy to close it, too busy repeating Pat’s words in his head. He seriously expected Jonny to…
“You seriously expect me to put on a fucking dog collar and what, crawl around on the ground? So you can show me that you should get a real dog? That will be left alone half the season and then dragged back and forth to Buffalo? Are you insane?” Jonny half-yelled the last sentence, feeling hysterical.
“I mean, when you put it that way…” Pat’s eyes dropped guiltily, and he was blushing now. “I wasn’t really thinking of it like that. I just… I think I’d be good at this, and it sucks that everyone thinks I can’t be trusted.” He looked up at Jonny through his lashes, and with his curls in desperate need of a haircut, he looked heartbreakingly young and sad. Jonny could feel his resolve breaking.
He guessed they had kind of been jerks to Pat in the bar, making fun of him. Pat had gotten a lot more responsible in the last year, and he’d probably do fine with a dog, and maybe they shouldn’t have teased him so much. Pat was still looking at him imploringly, eyes wide and hopeful. Fine, he’d do this for a few minutes, assuage his guilt, and then they’d never speak of it again.
“Jesus, fine,” he huffed out. “But you mention a single word of this to anyone and I’m going to stab you with a skate blade, Happy Gilmore style,” Jonny threatened, narrowing his eyes at Pat, whose blinding grin made the upcoming embarrassment worthwhile.
“Yea, of course, Jonny. It’ll be our thing, I promise,” he said, taking the collar from Jonny’s hands. “Go put on some sweats, I think that will be more comfortable, ok?” and Jonny didn’t even bother fighting that one. The sooner they got this started, the sooner it would be over.
He came out of Pat’s guest room dressed in a pair of his own sweatpants that he’d left there at some point. They were well-worn, soft, and smelled like Pat’s detergent.
“Ok, come here so I can put this on you,” Pat said, gesturing Jonny towards him with the hand that still held the collar. Jonny walked towards him slowly, prior nerves that he’d fought down returning with a vengeance as he watched Pat unbuckle the collar in preparation. He took a deep breath, stopping just in front of Patrick, who tugged his shoulder until he turned around. “Crouch down a little so I can reach, dick,” Pat said, pushing on his shoulder.
“Pretty sure you shouldn’t call your, uh, I mean, a dog a dick, Pat. That’s kinda mean,” Jonny complained.
“Hey as soon as it’s all the way on, I’m going to treat you like gold, Jonny,” Pat said. Jon felt the collar tightening against the tensed muscles in his neck. “Relax,” Pat said, voice dropping low, one hand running from Jon’s neck to his shoulder, soothing. Jonny shivered, but some of the stiffness in him relaxed, and Pat slid the buckle into place. “How’s that feel?” he asked, slipping a finger underneath to test for any give.
Jonny had to clear his throat, which was suddenly dry. “Uhh, it’s good,” he got out. “I mean, it’s fine. Not too tight,” he mumbled.
“Perfect,” Pat said, and the word warmed something inside him.
“So what do we do now?” Jon asked, wondering just what Pat had planned for their play date.
“Uh-uh, Jonny. Dogs don’t talk,” Pat answered with a smile. “You just do what I say and let me spoil you.” And oh. Jonny had never had someone say anything like that to him before. He could feel the blossom of heat in his cheeks and knew it was spreading down his neck and chest, as well. He desperately hoped that Pat just thought he was embarrassed. That’s all it was, he told himself firmly, willing himself to get it together. He just wasn’t used to hearing things like that directed at himself. Hell, he’d never talked to any girls like that either, like they were something precious to take care of.
Jon nodded jerkily, determined to play along and not make it weird. Or, weirder than it already was, he guessed.
“Ok, first things first- every dog deserves some time snuggling on the couch, come on,” Pat said, starting to walk into the living room. Jonny hesitated, unsure for a moment if Pat expected him to like, crawl on all fours behind him. That wouldn’t be very good for his knees, he thought. Or his dignity.
Patrick seemed to get what he was thinking and laughed as he answered “nah, man, you can walk like normal. Unless you like, really want to get method on me, then you can go ahead and crawl.” Jon shook his head hard, following behind Pat into the living room.
Pat sat down on the couch, then gestured next to him. Jon sat, somewhat stiffly, but Pat immediately pushed him down. “No, come on, that’s not snuggling. Lie down,” he directed, and Jon allowed himself to be pushed over. His head ended up in Pat’s lap, which he didn’t think he’d done since he was drunk with TJ at UND. He’d definitely never cuddled with his head in a guy’s lap while sober, he knew that much. Maybe he should have pregamed with some shots before he came over today.
Too late now, though. “Yea, that’s good,” Pat was saying, as he stroked his hand through Jonny’s hair. “Good boy.” Jonny suppressed another shiver. He’d always been a sucker for having his hair played with, and it figured that Pat had discovered the weakness right away. “I know you don’t like my reality TV, so I’m putting on a nature show for you. They’re supposed to be very soothing for dogs, ok?” Pat said, and Jonny could get used to that, to Pat catering to what he wanted. Jon was pretty sure Pat didn’t actually want a response, what with the whole “dogs don’t talk” thing he had insisted on, so instead, he let himself relax a little bit more into Pat’s lap.
The show actually was soothing. Jonny was only half-listening to the English-accented narrator talk about different kinds of jellyfish, letting his mind wander as Pat continued to stroke his hair. Sometimes he’d grasp at it and tug, and every time, Jonny had to bite back a moan. Soon, Pat’s hand had wandered down from his hair and was stroking long, firm pats (there was no better word for it) down his neck and shoulder. Jonny shuddered into one of them, and he could hear the smile in Pat’s voice as he said “yea, feels good, doesn’t it?” hand never stopping.
Jonny was glad that he wasn’t expected to answer, not sure he’d have been able to get any words out anyway. He let out a deep sigh, instead, and Pat crooned at him “good boy. Good, good boy.”
Jonny lost track of time after that, mind and body both relaxed. He jerked in surprise when Pat moved to get up. “Shh, it’s ok. Good boy,” Pat soothed. “I’m just going to get dinner going. I promised you a steak, didn’t I?”
Jon nodded, letting himself sink back into the cushions of the couch. It wasn’t nearly as comfortable without Pat there underneath him, but it gave him a chance to get himself back under control. It was hitting him harder than he expected, Patrick touching him gently and saying soft, sweet things to him. He shook his head slightly, trying to clear his mind from the fog it had fallen into.
He could hear Pat puttering in the kitchen, and for once didn’t feel any guilt about not helping. He listened as Pat heated the stovetop, then heard the sizzle of steak hitting the frying pan. Usually, he’d be bugging Pat about not cooking with oil, and preparing healthy side dishes, keeping up his side of the banter that was expected of him. Tonight, though, Pat didn’t expect that from him. Didn’t want it from him, either. Just wanted him to lie still on the couch and wait, and Jon could do that.
He was almost dozing when Patrick walked back in. Jon perked up at the smell of food, and Pat sounded fond when he said “dinner’s here, pup.” Jon started at that, but before he could get himself good and worked up, Pat was sitting next to him, two large steaks on a plate on the coffee table. Jonny sat up, looking at the food expectantly, but Pat shook his head.
“Pups don’t eat on the couch,” he said, and he placed a cushion that Jon had never seen before on the floor. Pat pushed at his shoulder once, and, fine, the steak looked and smelled delicious, so Jon could suffer the indignity of eating on the floor. He settled down on the cushion, which was soft and velvety beneath him, and reached towards the plate. It was only then that he realized there was only one set of utensils.
Pat leaned forward, cutting a piece of steak from one of the filets. He blew on it for a moment, then gently took it off the fork and offered it to Jonny between his fingers. Jonny took just a moment to consider the pink center and perfect sear, smell even more tantalizing as Patrick brought it to his mouth. He swallowed hard, then leaned forward, taking the bite from Pat’s fingers. Pat smiled at that, broad and bright, as he cut the next piece off for himself.
Pat had turned the TV down, now just a quiet white noise in the background as they made their way through dinner. Usually, as two guys in their twenties with a physically demanding job, they inhaled their food, finishing in a matter of minutes. Pat was taking his time tonight, though, cutting off pieces of steak that were the perfect size for Jon, letting Jon take them delicately from his fingers.
Without the ability to talk, or even use his hands, Jon’s other senses felt heightened, even as his mind felt more relaxed. He could feel himself settling deeper onto the cushion, shifting his weight more comfortably on the velvet, which was soft on the tops of his exposed feet. His arms were heavy as they hung by his side, hands folded in his lap, unnecessary now, because Pat was taking care of him. The smell of the steak hung in the air, enticing and reminiscent of dozens of other nights he’d spent with Pat.
He closed his eyes as Pat fed him another bite, and fuck if this wasn’t the best steak he could remember having, seasoning sharp and tangy, steak melting in his mouth. He could feel some of the juice running down Pat’s hand, and he lapped it at without thinking, not wanting to miss out on any of the taste. He heard Pat’s quiet gasp as he licked over his fingers, tongue curling in between them, but Pat didn’t pull back, didn’t say anything else, just took his clean hand and stroked Jonny’s cheek.
“Yea, it’s good, huh, isn’t it, pup?” he asked, voice hushed. “Made it just for you,” and Jon licked harder at that, strangely comforted by having something in his mouth. He heard himself whine when Pat gently pulled his fingers out of Jonny’s mouth, but couldn’t spare the thought to be embarrassed before Pat’s hand was back with another piece. Instead of holding it out for Jonny between his fingers, though, he had it in the palm of his hand. Jonny bent his head closer, no hesitation in him as he picked up the piece with his teeth and tongue, and then Pat’s hand was still there, dripping with juice and salt and seasoning, and he set in to lick it clean.
He enjoyed the sensation of the rough calluses on Pat’s palm, built up from years of stickhandling, and kept dragging his tongue over them long after Pat’s hand was free from any traces of the steak. Pat kept a hand in his hair, smoothing through it, scratching at Jonny’s scalp in a way that felt blissful. He kept at it even after Jonny stopped licking, as Jonny knelt there on the cushion at his feet. They stayed like that until Jonny’s head grew heavy, neck wobbly with relaxation, and he rested it on Pat’s leg.
“Ok, pup,” Pat said eventually. “Let’s get you some water, yea?” Jonny didn’t attempt to answer, just picked his head up and watched as Pat rose from the couch. He realized Pat was walking out towards the kitchen, and suddenly didn’t want to be alone. Without thinking about it, he put his hands on the hardwood floor and started crawling out of the room after Pat.
Pat only took a few steps out of the room before he stopped, turning around and looking down at Jonny. Jonny couldn’t quite tell what expression was on Pat’s face, but he didn’t think he’d ever seen him smile so softly, not even when talking to his sisters.
“You’re being so good for me, aren’t you, pup?” he said gently, and Jonny shivered. “Yea, you just want to be with your person, huh,” Pat continued, bending down and working a finger under Jonny’s collar. He tugged it gently, making Jonny gasp at the reminder of what was around his neck, and then let go. He scrubbed his hand through Jonny’s hair once more before turning back around and continuing towards the kitchen. Jonny kept crawling behind him, then settled himself in the entryway while Pat poured two glasses of water.
“Come on, boy,” he said, walking back to the couch, and Jonny followed without pause.
When they got back to the living room, Pat grabbed the cushion that he’d laid out for Jonny for dinner, dragging it closer to the couch. “It’ll be easier for you to drink like this, pup,” he explained, tugging Jonny towards him and holding one of the glasses out to his lips. He tipped it up slowly, letting Jonny drink at his own pace, and Jon could feel himself blushing again. The intimacy of the moment, being at Pat’s feet, letting Pat help him drink, hit him hard, and he realized that he hadn’t even attempted to take the glass in his hands, even before Pat said anything. He’d just assumed that Pat would take care of that for him, just like Pat had been taking care of everything else tonight. He was overwhelmed, suddenly, with affection for Pat, and he dropped his head, nuzzling into Pat’s thigh.
He heard Pat’s short, sweet laugh above him, and he almost pulled back, but Pat brought one big hand down, laying it on the back of his neck, keeping his head there.
“Yea, I love you too, pup,” he murmured, and Jon could hear the warmth in his voice. Jon smiled to himself, groaning quietly as Pat’s hand started up with the long strokes through his hair again, and he let his head rest on Pat’s thigh, body melting into Pat’s strong legs at the feeling of the hand in his hair.
He let himself be lulled by the soothing strokes, mind drifting, eyes closed. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but when he opened his eyes again, the room was darker, and Pat had slouched down a little further on the couch. He still had his hand in Jonny’s hair, though, occasionally running it down his neck, rubbing in small circles. It felt amazing, and Jonny leaned forward, trying to get Pat’s attention to give him another drink of water.
When he leaned in, though, he rubbed up against Pat’s leg, and fuck that felt good. He hadn’t even realized he was hard until his cock made contact with Pat’s leg, but now that he was aware of it, he couldn’t stop himself from jerking his hips again. A whine slipped out of his lips as his hips thrust forward a third time, seeking out the hard planes of Pat’s leg, grinding his cock there. He could feel the precome slicking down his dick, easing the way for him to keep rubbing up against Pat, even through his soft sweatpants. He whined again at the feel of it, dirty, but so good.
He heard Pat gasp a sharp breath above him, heard him groan out a “fuuuck J-, I mean, pup.” Jonny could feel the blush blooming in his cheeks, but he didn’t care, not when the simple pressure of Pat’s leg against the hot length of him felt like this. “Yea thats good, pup,” Pat said, half a moan, and he dropped his hand lower, between Jonny’s shoulder blades, pushing gently on his back, encouraging him to ride Pat’s leg even harder. “Want you to feel good, baby. Make yourself feel good for me,” and the approval in Pat’s voice lit Jonny up from the inside, warm glow of it driving out the last of his embarrassment.
He buried his face in Pat’s thigh, not using his hands at all, just letting his hips work mindlessly, rutting up against Pat’s leg. This wasn’t going to take long, not with Pat’s strong hand firm on his back and Pat’s soft praise in his ear. He could feel himself losing the rhythm, could hear his breath coming in harsh pants, and he didn’t fight it, not like he usually did, struggling to last, to make it good for whatever girl he was with. Now, he just let the orgasm race through him, coming hard and groaning with it.
He shuddered, feeling utterly spent in the best way, body loose and limp. Pat dragged his hand up from Jonny’s back, tangling it in his hair for a moment before reaching down for Jonny’s collar. He snuck his fingers under it, and Jonny let himself drift again, pressed up against Pat, Pat’s fingers tight on his collar.
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Astor nodded. He and paced the hall and muttered under his breath.
“I see...I never meddled in the realm of technology...but to think that Sheikah Technology could hold such a secret.” He tapped his chin, staring at the astrolabe on the other side of the dungeon bars. “I suppose it makes sense. The advanced accomplishments and feats that such technology is capable of...it’s only naturally that it is powered by unconventional means.”
Siv spun the Sheikah Core on his index finger like it was a ball. “Yeeeep. I’m guessing that’s what allowed the super old dudes to beat the Calamity all those years ago.” He shook his head. “So, yeah. Dick Lord Ganon is gonna use that to turn the Guardians and Divine Beasts against us. And even if the science peeps keep researching into them...well.” He looked up at Astor. “Obviously, they would never figure out this crucial little detail even after a hundred years of science-ing. So this is our little secret, capiche?”
Astor nodded again. If what Asivus was saying was true (And it was) then Hyrule were truly doomed. The Calamity would exploit this secret, and use it to flip the entire war on its head. This is what Ganon would use to turn the Divine Beasts against them.
If any of the researchers found out about this aspect of Ancient Technology, and adapted to it, then Ganon would lose his biggest advantage...and it might be possible to...
The seer quickly shook away the thought. No, even if they knew, the world would be helpless all the same when the Princess fails to awaken their powers. In fact, it would probably be more brutal if Ganon’s forces were reliant completely on the bludgeoning and stabbing that came with monsters. Machines would have avoidable patterns in a post-apocalyptic world, but monsters of malice would be exceptionally harder.
So yes...We keep this info from everyone. Especially Robbie and Purah and...
“How sure are you that no one else could figure this out?” Astor asked.
“Decently sure. I mean, it’d be pretty hard to guess such a crazy thing.” Asivus shrugged.
“Are you positive? Because I know my—” He stopped in his tracks, suddenly stumbling on his words. “I—in reference to random researchers—other non-specified—she’s not—Look. There are very talented and intelligent researchers across the kingdom, surely someone—”
“Did you say it yourself? Everyone’s way to arrogant around here!” Siv threw his hands in the air, exasperated. “No one’s gonna look for faults in their perfect little war machines! They shoot lasers, and don’t talk back. It’s a general’s wet dream. Even if someone figured out this secret, no one here would listen to them.” He waved his hand in a circle and gestured towards his half brother. “Case in point: You.”
Astor folded his arms and sighed. “Alright, fine. So that’s how the Calamity will turn the Guardians and Beasts against us. But what’s the actual execution of it all? The plan? What’s your play in this? How did the Guardians in the yard get corrupted?”
Siv was silent; thinking. He seemed to be endlessly swimming through thoughts and words and memories. The man fiddled with the discs surrounding the astrolabe, eyes drooping in misery. Interesting.
“I was supposed to make them. That’s what he wanted,” Asivus finally said. “Beast of water, lightning, air, and fire. Or, demons? Blights or something. Creatures that were to take on the Divine Beasts.They’re built slightly different than Guardians, so he needed a little something special to deal with ‘em.” He blew hair off his forehead with a huff. “It all sorta just came into my head in the minutes before I fucked up those Guardians, so the details come and go, but that’s the gist. I make the Blights, Ganon does his thing, then I wait at the Sanctum to achieve true happiness or whatever he was bullshitting.”
“But you failed.” Astor interjected. “You failed to make the blights, and thus today’s calamity failed. At least, in this timeline.” Siv opened his mouth to object, but he continued to think outloud. “The Guardians were a fluke, then. You were not capable of creating Blights, but wielded enough malice to corrupt a Guardian. Although that brings into question how you control malice to begin with...and why you were chosen specifically for the task...”
Asivus was silent again, spinning the astrolabe on the floor. Astor observed him for a moment.
“Is he speaking to you? At the moment?” The seer asked. “Every time you fall silent is when you start looking down at that device. That thing I can correctly assume is the instigator of all this, given that you look at it every time I ask about the recent Guardians you ruined.”
Asivus narrowed his eyes at him, annoyed at being so readable.
“Ganon isn’t in your head, as you said you were overcome with this information in the minutes you truly held that astrolabe and walked by the Guardians.” He thought back. “Earlier before the incident you said you had a dream, and then you found the astrolabe? You leave it on your desk as a paper weight, before developing the decent moral to drop off a potential lost item to the Sheikah. But then you were holding the astrolabe in proximity to the Guardians, and subsequently are suddenly given the revelation to the Calamity’s plan...”
He locked eyes with him. “Combine that with the truth about all Sheikah Technology itself...and the fact that your eyes only change when that core is in your possession...”
Astor walked closer and gripped one of the bars, calmly. “That astrolabe is the link between you and the Calamity. It speaking to you through it. It’s lending you the power to control malice. It’s a manifested vessel of Ganon’s ill intent for this world...perhaps made of whatever malice plagues yourself. Perhaps he chose you for the job because you’re brimming with his favourite substance.”
Assivus started at the seer, and blinked once. Astor took that as confirmation, but asked anyways: “Am I wrong?”
Siv bit his tongue for a moment, before sighing in defeat. “You’ve got Ligero’s mannerisms down to the T. The perceptiveness nearly makes me wish I had actually paid attention to his parenting attempts.”
Something twisted inside Astor at that comment, and his voice grew a dangerous edge. “I’m nothing like him.”
“It’s alright, don’t take it personally. I just have a love-hate relationship with smart people.”
“Tsk.” The prophet stared down the corridor in thought. “Don’t we all.”
“But you’re wrong about one thing.” Siv added, and he looked up at Astor with a new seriousness. “I didn’t ‘fail’ to make the blights.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I didn’t fail to make the blights, I didn’t want to.” Asivus raised his voice, and rolled the astrolabe to the other side of the cell. “You can’t fail something you never really attempted in the first place.” He winked. “I mean, that’s been my philosophy on life for the last 15 years, heh.”
Astor blinked in surprise. “But...why? The world is doomed, and you were handed a position of life and power on a silver tray. Chosen above anyone else.  Why wouldn’t—?”
“I didn’t do it because I’m not like you, pissface!” Siv snapped. “I jump outta my socks to make a selfish decision. I don’t just run away from any inconvenience in my life.”
Astor nearly laughed. “Oh? And what exactly is it that you do, then? You’re really going to preach to me, Mr. Assivus Asunder?”
“YEAH! That name is exactly why I decided this!” He waved his arms in the air, and gestured to himself as he slumped against the wall. “Taking action and fighting for anything, regardless of what, sucks ass. Initiating change? Bad. Acting on what you care about? No likey.” Siv pounded his chest proudly. “The ideal ending for Asivus Ex-Hartell is to just chill out, and wait for the end. Drink in hand!”
He raised his empty flask, but nonetheless pretended to drink.
Astor frowned, but let the distant drip of leaking water echo in the corridor.
He watched Siv for a few more minutes, silently tapping his fingers on his elbow.
“You still care about your brother.”
It was a good think his flask was empty, as otherwise he would have spit out his drink. Siv angrily sputtered. “The fuck does that have to do with anything—?!”
“Why are you just relaxing in there after all this time?  You think you deserve this? Don’t want to be a burden for others?” Astor looked him up and down.
“Listen, you little shit. I know at this point it shouldn’t be a surprise that my family is made up of asshole, but—”
“You know when I first saw you around the castle, I did recognize you. The eyes, you see. But of course, I didn’t see the need to trouble you with my story, but I did watch you.” The prophet sneered. “Dear Asivus Hartell, sneaking into town to share a peach cobbler with his niece. Assivus Asunder, teaching his nephew to shield surf, and trying to encourage him down a more righteous path than his own. The Royal Orator Siv, who thanks his little brother for taking care of him by spending four hours making perfect hand drawn rat doodle cards.” Astor leaned down with a smirk. “You’re not the only one who paid attention to the captain’s birthday presents.”
“Alright get to the point, fuckface.” He waved the prophet off. “What? I screw around with my dumb family. What’s it gotta do with anything?”
“It means that for all your talk of laying down and dying and giving up, your action seems to indicate that you don’t actually believe that.” He jabbed a finger at Siv through the bars. “Or at least you don’t fully. Maybe you don’t want to. So don’t go blathering about your sorry life, only to try and insult me in the next minute. This isn’t about your apathy. You’re just scrambling at this low bar Ganon gives you as you drool the rare opportunity to unequivocally be an undeniably good person. You just want to tell yourself you’re a hero.”
Drip. Drip. Drip.
“OK.” Asivus curled his lip. “I didn’t want to join Ganon, because I’m still stupidly trying to not be an asshole. I’m too much of a wuss to commit to the dickhead role I was probably meant to fulfill. I’m pathetically trying to keep control over my image—is THAT what you want to hear, magic man? Congratu-fucking-lations. You turned the tables, you can see how pathetic I am and can feel better about yourself. How do ya feel?” The astrolabe had rolled by Asivus’ lap, and gold speckled in his eyes.
Astor sighed and answered honestly. “...Well. I’m envious, truth be told.” Siv blinked, but let him continue. “I haven’t bothered trying to be a hero my whole life, much less have such a driven (and these days useless) hunger to be ‘good.’” The seer shook his head, staring down the hall again. “I’m envious, but I do think you’re a fool. I’d take the opportunity to wield the future in a heartbeat, no matter the consequences.”
“You don’t know what you’re saying.” Siv chuckled. “This malice stuff is fucked up.”
“Only because you don’t understand it.” Astor replied, offended. “I’ve studies it for years, and it’s often misunderstood. There’s a beauty and usefulness to it, even detached from the Calamity. You’re just not intelligent enough to get it, I understand. ‘Love-hate relationship,’ like you said.” He snorted.
“Are you sick?! This Ancient Core thing made me walk through so many shitty memories and thoughts...I wouldn’t walk through that again to end OR save the world.”
“Again. All due to your plight of ignorance. It’s not your fault.”
Asivus rolled his eyes. “You know what? Why don’t you explain it me then?! If you’re so excited about it? Talk aaall about how I’m not fit to properly wield this and how pathetic I am?”
Siv dangled the astrolabe in the air between his fingers.
“Go on! Explain how great this malice is, and maybe then if you’re so eager I’ll just leave the thing in your care!”
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bagadew · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Adventure of the Unbreakable Speckled Band (Part 1)
Last Time: With a little help from Susato, the lady in pink, we discovered that Miss Brett poisoned Dr Wilson with Curare, a fast acting poison that’s only effective when introduced into the blood stream. In a last ditch attempt to avoid justice, Miss Brett destroyed the evidence right in front of the court, but fortunately my man Hosonaga was on hand with new evidence he’d taken from the crime scene, meaning that all we had to do was catch the thief of a rare golden coin, and tie Miss Brett up with her own words! At last I (Ryunosuke) was acquitted!
...only to find out in the lobby that Miss Brett has managed to privilege her way out of any consequences and was gone like smoke in the wind. (Also Kazuma used his sword in a way I found very hot, and I think I’ve accidentally doomed him to death or moral corruption.)
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I’m 90% sure The Speckled Band is a Sherlock Holmes case, and I’m 49% sure it’s one of the ones I’ve read. I’m guessing this is where we’ll meet The Great Himbo Detective Herlock Sholmes then!
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Well I guess that answers that then.
(And yes, I have read this one)
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And he’s voiced by Professor Layton maybe???
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Ooh, this seems like a Study in Scarlet, are we doing a Study in Scarlet guys?
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Herlock has a magic gun!?!
Also I’m not digging this Japanese scripture and talk of it being penned by ‘the victim himself’. Kazuma what did I tell you about leaving my sight?
Wait... I could have sworn I just saw Hosonaga dressed as a sailor...
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Oh balls, am I about to be accused of murder again?
Honestly I can’t take you anywhere Ryunosuke
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Well Ryunosuke, you remember how you went to a lovely restaurant and got arrested for a murder you didn’t commit?
Well, it’s just like that but substitute restaurant for ship.
Also I’m not liking how little I’ve seen of Kazuma...
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Ryunosuke we really need to have a talk about you just saying what people want to hear.
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I knew this was coming, you knew this was coming, Ace Attorney law dictated it was coming as soon as it set Kazuma up as both my mentor and best friend.
But even so, I thought they were just empty threats! I didn’t think they’d actually follow through! Or that we might at least enjoy Herlock Sholmes ad his magic gun together first.
I realise I’m stalling here, but maybe if I just don’t click I’ll not have to see his body.
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Sailor Man, I understand that you’re very upset, we all are, but I need you to understand that I’m grieving here.
The man I love took one look at the morally compromised shits I’m normally into and decided he’d rather die than join them! And yes I know I’m still stalling and not taking this as seriously as I should because I still don’t believe it!
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See, me and Ryunosuke are on the same page!
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I didn’t Susato, but the problem is that you and I have only just met and I’m not very convincing!
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Kazuma you legend! I refuse to believe you are dead until I see your corpse.
Now Ryunosuke’s all: I can’t believe they tossed your case around that much. I thought I was going to die.
And Kazuma’s telling me he’s just amazed I fitted inside his trunk in the first place.
Kazuma you can’t be gone! Who else will condescendingly tell me to go to France and ask rather than translate a French label for me?
Now Kazuma’s telling me (Ryunosuke) that I’m going to have to live in his cabin for the next 50 days.
Also we’ve got to keep this from Susato because we’re breaking the law and Kazuma doesn’t want us to take her down with us.
Lol, every day I get shoved into the wardrobe by an uncaring Kazuma!
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Oh, that’s what the message said!
God knows what the steward thought Kazuma was keeping in his wardrobe though
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See Ryunosuke, this is why we think before we speak.
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I don’t envy the real killer when Susato gets hold of them.
From what I can find out it’s a locked room mystery, and the cause of death is still undetermined, so I’m guessing something like poison then rather than an obvious thing, like being stabbed with his big sword.
On one hand, I really hope it wasn’t something like Curare, because I don’t want Kazuma to have gone out like that, but on the other hand poison would explain why the killer didn’t need to be in the room when he died and why Kazuma didn’t strike them down with said big sword.
Ok, so Kazuma, legend that he was, got up every day at the crack of dawn to do sword training. And Susato, who I’m begging to suspect is incredibly hardcore, go up before him so she could go and wait for him outside.
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Now that’s interesting.
The two of them seem like they were pretty close, so there’s a good chance it’s just that she’s so familiar with Kazuma’s habits that she can tell the second something’s off, or it could be that there’s some other reason we need to work out.
If that’s correct that means Kazuma was killed in the small hours of the morning.
You know up ‘til now I’ve been assuming Ryunosuke was knocked out or something, and that’s why he was unconscious in the wardrobe, but now I’m starting to think he might have just been sleeping in there.
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Wait why’d Kazuma write in Russian?
Like I’d buy that he might know it, but I don’t buy that’s it’s what he’d write in in his finger moments.
Well that proves my innocence then, all we need to do is get some witnesses to verify the ‘go to France and ask’ moment from the last case
Oh ok, I didn’t manage to screenshot it, but it seems that I (Ryunosuke) didn’t put myself in the wardrobe. That’s very odd.
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I can see a vent up there, so maybe someone gassed us and then got in while we were asleep and set up the crime scene.
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Kazuma said I should come, next question
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Ryunosuke, with some of the words that come out of your mouth I don’t think you should be throwing stones.
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Apparently not.
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This is going to be something ominous isn’t it...
I’m starting to feel like Kazuma knew he’d never see England.
Kazuma how many toes did you tread on?
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Oh fucking hell!
You can’t die and be heading down a dark moral path, that’s not fair!
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Yeah, I want to know that too.
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So my poison/drugging theory seems to be holding up. Apparently Kazuma bought me something to eat, I climbed into the hiding wardrobe, and then it’s lights out from there.
Given that I didn’t wake up when Kazuma was killed I’m going to say that also back that theory up. Even if it was silent I feel like Ryunosuke would have woken up if someone was going round the cabin knocking ink bottles over and killing Kazuma.
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No, don’t blame yourself Ryunosuke!
It’s my fault really, if I was going to  find Kazuma hot I should have made sure I could manifest inside my switch and protect him!
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Ah, of course! Isn’t her dad a professor of pathology? And she seems like the sort of person who picks things up pretty quickly!
In other words, if this is a poisoning, she could be the perfect person to be partnered up with.
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Susato is fully prepared to kick our ass if we try and leave, and as the woman who got up before Kazuma, I think we should listen to her.
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I say we team up as an investigative duo and catch this bastard!
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Susato didn’t come here to play! Especially when we might have killed Kazuma!
(Editors note: this isn’t a bad screenshot, Susato genuinely made Ryunosuke’s vision go blurry)
I know we need to investigate, but my god this woman’s got a fist to match her convictions.
You know when I first met Susato I was a bit afraid she was going to be the inverse of Maya to the point of being meek and shy.
Now I see what a fool I was.
Susato might be prepared to politely follow the rules, but woe betide you if you break them.
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She’s even named it!
Again I know this is bad for us but GO SUSATO!
(God damn it you can’t all be my favourite characters)
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Her own special martial arts form Ryunosuke!
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And just like that she regathers her composure and carries on as if nothing had happened!
I like how she’s still just standing over me.
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Ok Ryunosuke let’s go!
(Seriously though we don’t want her as an enemy)
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Ah of course, Kazuma stuck the seal on the wardrobe, and the fact Herlock Sholmes (the himbo detective) had to pull it off means I didn’t leave!
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No one respects poor Ryunosuke...
So it seems that Susato doesn’t believe we’re innocent just yet, but as we’ve presented the possibility of doubt before her she will let us investigate this room.
Given the buck wild nature of the last trial she was involved in, I honestly can’t blame her for not ruling this possibility out. After all if this was something a witness in a trial had said I’d be thinking the same thing.
Susato’s going to be watching us to make sure we don’t disturb the crime scene, which again is fair.
I’ve got to say, I’m really digging Susato’s cautiously suspicious and sensible nature. It feels like a good counterbalance to Ryunosuke’s beautiful but naïve outlook on life.
I bet if Susato had stowed away onboard a ship you wouldn’t catch her immediately confessing as soon as a sailor started to press her.
Who am I kidding, Susato would never have got into this situation in the first place.
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Ok so far we’ve got:
A) Half a pink kimono fastener on the floor next to a brick red mark
B) One disturbed table, with the remains of our roast chicken dinner on the floor
C) The terrible knowledge that Kazuma spent his last night on earth hungry because he didn’t like chicken
D) Kazuma’s precious katana, that he loved dearly and that he’d apparently managed to persuade the government to let him bring to the UK.
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Oh yeah, drive the knife in why don’t you game!
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Why do I feel like Ryunosuke’s about to get roasted?
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There we go.
(It’s what Kazuma would have wanted)
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Back to investigating, we’ve got a ransacked shelf, and Kazuma’s London diary.
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Just, you know, to rip my heart out...
It looks like the final entry’s incomplete, which means Kazuma was probably writing it when the incident happened. Unfortunately Susato is violently insistent that we respect the Kazuma’s private thoughts after his death, so we can’t read it.
We’ve got the inky Russian(?) on the floor which none of us can either recognize, nor read (including me)
(Sorry to any Russians reading this by the way, I can only assume you’re screaming that this isn’t Russian, but I’m just going by what the Great Himbo Detective said in the cut scene.)
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Ok, so the sailor who’s been guarding us got very flustered when we asked if everything was normal last night, meaning that either he’s been skiving off, or everything was in fact not normal last night.
Oh sweet, it seems that Ryunosuke and Susato both read detective novels, and while we’ve shot down the possibility of using the needle and thread trick to unbolt the door from the outside (side note: I must remember to try that later), I feel like both they, and the player who immediately started trying to rattle off facts about Curare, have had a bonding moment.
Ok, I think that’s this half of the room done, let’s go and check out that vent I saw earlier.
So the vent connects to the room next door. That means if the grate could be moved we have a way in and out of our crime scene!
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I mean, he’s quite hard to miss Ryunosuke
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(I think Ryunosuke might have an Apollo complex short)
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Understatement of the century
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Her and me both Ryunosuke, it’s The Great Himbo Detective!!!
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Herlock Sholmes I understand that you’re in a critical point of your investigation, but you need to understand that Ryunosuke, Susato and I are sad and need to see your magic gun.
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I hope this is the way all of his deductions go from now on.
Also I’m sorry Russia and the Russian language, I should not have believed what the man, who on reflection was sold to me as the great himbo detective, said.
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Susato’s buying it!
Susato look into my eyes and tell me Ryunosuke could ever make it as a soldier.
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No, please do!
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And the bullet flies a mile wide!
I’m still upset about Kazuma, but I’m somehow also having the time of my life
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Ryunosuke’s finally snapped!
What I find amazing is that the Sherlock Holmes Herlock Sholmes stories clearly exist, basically unchanged in this world. So either Dr Watson Wilson was either lying through his teeth to spare his friend’s feelings, or he is the stopped clock is right twice a day person who Herlock actually hit the nail on the head for, and therefore he believed everything that was said.
‘On rout to foreign climates’ that’s how ships work Herlock!
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I’ll say one thing for Herlock though, you can’t beat him down!
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How am I both Ryunosuke and Susato in this scene?
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Yeah Naruhodo-san! I thought you read detective stories!
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Quick Susato! Get him to sign a copy!
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Um... has no one told him yet...
I’m also curious about the fact that he still believes Dr Wilson’s in London. Either there are two Dr Wilson’s, or something weird is going on here.
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Look at his hat Ryunosuke, it contains all the information you need
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He got his own name wrong!
Hosonaga, I don’t know if you can hear from wherever you are on this ship dressed as a sailor, but there is a fight and you are rapidly losing!
(Also to be fair to Herlock, as someone who’s been playing a lot of Hitman recently, looking inside the wardrobe already means he’s doing a lot better than literally every character in that game.)
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Ok so it was Russian then and I no longer have to apologies!
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Do you think Herlock has ever been to Russia?
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Ok Mr ‘is this cow a cat?’
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Ok everyone, we’re also on the lookout for a missing Russian Ballerina along with Kazuma’s killer. I don’t know how, but I wouldn’t have been told about her if she wasn’t relevant
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I can’t believe we’ve finally found the vindictive part of Ryunosuke’s beautiful personality!
We’re finally reading Kazuma’s diary!
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Oh fuck, Kazuma was bitten by an adder
Wait, if that was the case why didn’t he dispatch it with his big sword? We’ve seen him do precision work before, so that can’t be it.
Either way, I think we really need to talk to the person in the room next to mine.
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Also: Herlock Sholmes gets seasick!
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Did she just break my cuffs?
My mistake she’s just showing some tough love to get me to buck up!
Let’s go team!
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“What are you doing here?” “I think that should be my line” This feels like that meme of the two Spidermen pointing at each other
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I wouldn’t be so sure Susato. Hosonaga seems a lot like me, a bunch of disabilities held together by sheer force of will.
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He still has a job!
(Or his superiors are just trying to send him as far away from Japan as they can)
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(Also your superiors are definitely trying to ship you out)
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That would explain Kazuma’s whole vibe.
Although something about this feels wrong. No disrespect to Hosonaga, but as determined as he is he doesn’t exactly have the physical prowess you’d associate with stopping an assassination. I know I haven’t exactly seen him at work yet, but something about this feels like he was set up to fail.
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Now the thing is, that while he can cut it as a waiter, Hosonaga isn’t exactly built to fit in among sailors. It’s not going to take a genius therefore, to work out who Kazuma’s guard is, especially if he’s been around Kazuma from dawn till dusk. That’s probably why his killer had to kill him in his cabin, and it’s also why they probably drugged his food (which means they didn’t know him enough to know he didn’t like chicken)
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On the plus side though, it looks as though Hosonaga believes in my innocence.
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Come on Hosonaga, remember when you bought Miss Brett to us!
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Hell yeah Hosonaga!
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Hosonaga heard my call! He heard that he was losing his place as my second favourite character and came back swinging!!!
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Determination Ryunosuke!
Also probably hacking up a lot of blood, that does wonders to unnerve people in my experience
Now, I should present Kazuma’s diary here... but...
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Yes, everything is as it should be...
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He’s digging it!
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Oh no he took it as an insult!
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Sorry Ryunosuke, that’s the crime scene thief’s now
Ok let’s do this properly then
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Yeah boy!
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Ryunosuke, do you remember nothing about this man?
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Hosonaga didn’t come here to play!
Ok, we’re moving on out (except not right now because I’ve still got a couple of things to look at before we go)
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I think Ryunosuke might be a bad influence on Susato...
Also I feel like I’ve pegged Susato wrong regarding the rules. Susato’s just very good at keeping up the appearance of following them.
Come to think of it, the fact she’s a judicial assistant, despite women apparently not being allowed in the Japanese court other than to testify should have clued me in.
Susato Mikotoba: Breaking the rules in front of you, but in a way you don’t notice
(Also the bell pull’s not working, but I think we all expected that)
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Susato I’ve been living in a cupboard!
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Don’t pity me!
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Ok, so I’m not quite sure when Ryunosuke and I started thinking as one, but we’ve all agreed it’s happening now
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Ryunosuke do not get caught in the mousetrap!
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Susato can see right through me (Ryunosuke)
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This is the Phoenix Maya dynamic inverted, and I am living for it.
Susato: Now this is an emergency button, it’s very important you do NOT press it!
Ryunosuke: *lunges for the trigger*
It feels amazing being the wayward partner!
Our rout into cabin 2’s blocked by approximately 1 ton of sailor, so for now Susato and I will have to dick around avenge Kazuma out here in the corridor.
It seems that last night’s log is mostly blank, so I’m guessing I was right about the sailor on duty skiving off.
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Hmm, so the person in the next cabin’s probably quite important then. Given what just happened with Miss Brett that’s not a good sign.
And it seems like I’m not allowed to visit whoever it is without an invitation... which might prove tricky given as how there in there and I’m out here
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Ah good, a Western Gentleman, that’s just what we need!
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These guys left their post for a while didn’t they?
Either that or there’s something (or someone) they’re keeping off the records.
This might be a bit of a wide shot, but that mousetrap makes me wonder if the crew has some sort of secret pet squirrelled away somewhere. It doesn’t entirely add up what with them putting traps down, but with everyone in Ace Attorney having something to hide it’s all I can think of now.
Bif Strogenov’s left to report to the captain, nows our window to violate some privacy!
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Shot down!
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Herlock that thing’s tiny, I don’t think anyone’s in there!
It moved!
Guess I’m eating my words!
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Ok, we’re not allowed to look inside the case, or indeed anything, but fortunately we have HERLOCK SHOLMES THE GREAT HIMBO DETECTIVE!!!
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Deduce away Herlock!
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Herlock... are you about to tell this man that he’s also the Russian Assasin? Are you going to do this round the whole ship until you get it right?
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Wait this is working!?!
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Herlock Sholmes is Susato’s one blind spot and Ryunosuke’s one point of clarity
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He’s not entirely right though...
(Editors note: I completely managed to miss capturing 90% of the ? icons)
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However, the newspaper in his pocket and the little ! icon seems to suggest there’s some connection there.
(Editors note: I also managed to miss every ! icon)
And there is a crime being committed, but it’s not to do with the case.
Yeah, it probably just contains one of those pets we’re not supposed to have.
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So... a baby?
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So do a lot of people Susato
Ok, so The Great Himbo Detective is actually really good at making observations, it’s just how he applies them that’s shit.
I wonder if this is what Dr Wilson did for their partnership, but he just cut out the bits where he said things like: Herlock these people have completely different faces, maybe there’s a different reason they’ve got the paper?
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Ryunosuke normally: The fact Hosonaga’s working in this restaurant clearly means he’s struggling financially!
Ryunosuke around Herlock: You can’t just say the first guess that pops into your head!
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(Ok he’s also the reason we were in handcuffs, but still)
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What! Noooooo!
‘Course Correction: Hold it Mr Sholmes!’ What a title!
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Important news just in: Ryunosuke can’t grow a beard
A part of me says that he was about to use the sheers to cut up that paper, but there are obviously other copies around the ship, so unless he’s planning a sheers rampage that can’t be right.
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Wait a second... with that reaction to the paper... is there a Russian Ballerina in there?
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Also look at Ryunosuke’s little cocky smirk!
He’s really getting into this!
And I couldn’t be more proud!
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We’re tag teaming it!
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Herlock I swear to god if you tell me she’s that assassin
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(Editors note: Got that one!)
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I sure am Susato!
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Keep telling yourself that Ryunosuke, we can all see the truth
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Ah, so the nose was fake too
That makes a lot more sense now!
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Well she did disappear with a priceless tiara
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He said, rubbing his hand in glee
This is definitely the start of a beautiful friendship!
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Damn straight I do!
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For some reason I pictured it as being pink though, I don’t know why
Anyway so, while Nikolina does need money it seems that she didn’t steal the tiara. Apparently it was given to her as a present.
Also Nikolina is only 15, and has run away by herself for reasons currently unknown. I’m starting to get the feeling that the crew (or at least the two we’ve met) might have been looking out for her.
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Oh yeah, the moving travel case!
Given the rules regarding pets, I wonder if that’s what’s in there? It would explain the attitude of the sailors we met.
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Is it the Russian Revolutionary Herlock? You have to tell us if it is...
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He’s learning!
Yep, she’s looking at the pet rule sign, now show me the pet!
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Yeah, I’m pretty sure the guys on the door were covering for her (and probably her pet too)
Hmm, so Nikolina’s running from someone, so she decided to disguise herself to be safe and has been a jumble of nerve ever since.
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Can I see...
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Bless you Nikolina, but you’re not the best at keeping secrets. I’m pretty sure the crew have collectively decided to just look the other way and let the traumatised 15 year old have her pet.
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I wonder if Nikolina’s beloved pet’s a snake?
Can I just...
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No, everyone must see my badge!
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Ok now let’s go back to actually playing the game!
So, because she’s a jumble of nerves, Nikolina hasn’t been noticing much about what’s been happening around her. However I think she’d have probably noticed signs of danger, like loud noises, so I’m a little curious as to why she didn’t pick up on the sound of the tableware being sent to the floor.
From what I can gather about her ‘never dancing again’ whatever happened probably has something to do with the ballet.
Either that or she’s worried about being linked with her old life if she goes back on the scene under another name.
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That’s a good point actually, while people are funny and I can get her wanting a memento of her life, that’s an incredibly distinctive memento to have.
It must have some sort of emotional significance, I think she said it was given to her by an Earl, so maybe her father?
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Hmm, that’s a pretty distinctive thing to try and pawn Nikolina.
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Yikes! So the Novavich Ballet’s got really unethical working conditions. (Which probably shouldn’t be too much of a shock given the time period.) Now I understand why Nikolina’s so keen to never put herself in that situation again.
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Yeah, I thought that was the case.
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Oh yeah... that is odd
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Ah, so that’s why everyone was so on edge!
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(I feel like this would carry more weight if we hadn’t just been flashing our badge at anyone who looks our way)
Now onto the most important question:
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Susato is me (but personally I’m hoping for a kitten)
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Ok Genius, what sort of animal is it?
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I’ll eat your funky hat if that’s true Herlock
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Important information 2: Never trust Herlock with a pet
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Please let it be that we were Kazuma’s pet
Wait no, I’m an idiot. I’m obviously supposed to ask about the speckled band
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Wow she changed quick!
She’s leaving to talk to the captain, is this our chance to meet her friend!?!
Booooo, we’ve been chucked out!!!
16 notes · View notes
hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
the darkest hour pt 2
i'm back with my bs. this is for my bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars. basically, all of my dumb thoughts while i watched 'darkest hour pt 2', 04.02 of merlin. in case you weren't aware.. ✨spoilers✨
right off the bat i'm sad
ok when i first watched this i was really confused. i mean, you see others when they interact with the dorocha have that perpetual frost on their face right? all of them, every single one. so imagine my surprise when merlin has no frost on his face, and he's miserable yea- but he's not dead??
like tbh, watching this again, ik why but when i first watched this, i was SO confused.
arthur looks so worried slkdjfalskfsd
him being willing to abandon the mission to get merlin back to camelot to be treated 😔🤪😎🤤🤩 lots of emotions
LANCELOT. of course it's lancelot. santiago is perfect. actually.
merlin looks so SICKLY. it physically pains me to see him like that
okok hahaa. the scene where percival is carrying merlin. i have several notes on that.
1) ik it's supposed to be all 'noble' looking. yk? them walking in slow mo, percival carrying merlin like he's been slained in battle. knights looking knightly
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like pls
second note, idk why this remind me of hagrid carrying harry back
idk maybe that's just me but it feels oddly reminiscent
colin is SO pale my heart is actually hurting for him what the heck
asf;lsdjfa;lsdfj 'take me with you' stop.
dude they ACTUALLY care about each other. i just love them. arthur is so worried rn and while i'm like 'alsjfalsdj i don't want arthur to be sad and worried' we can see just how MUCH arthur cares about merlin.
like yea, we KNOW that they care about each other. but arthur is the prince and merlin's a servant so arthur can't have friends, but they're friends, and they care, and it makes me happy
ok it's sad and everything that merlin's basically dying but is it bad of me that i chuckle at merlin SLUMPED over on his horse?? probably.
but i mean, merlin is already raising himself up so he can sit more comfortably on the horse. ik that doesn't mean that he's in the clear yet, but he's doing a LOT better than the other people who ran into the dorocha. idk where i'm going with this
to quote the destiny and chicken podcast (who i love btw, if you want an awesome merlin podcast, check them out), they stay on arthur's face for SO long after merlin and lancelot leave.
i feel EVERYTHING that arthur is feeling in this moment. he's so pretty
there's another beautiful landscape. i'm not even sorry i'm gonna attach them ALL.
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tell me that's not gorgeous
gwaine is the EMBODIMENT of 'boys will be boys' when he sticks his hand into that tree and gets swarmed by bees.
he's adorable and i love him
ok but also, someone tell me why capes are so hot. someone TELL me.
separate from the episode but on the note of capes being hot, i want a cloak SO BADLY. like the whole gist. floor length, big hooded cloak. why?? it's not like i'm sneaking anywhere but still. ✨cloak✨
ok the line where leon goes 'if anyone can get merlin back to camelot, it's lancelot' and arthur's face?? idk what to make of it. someone help me pls.
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ok actually this probably isn't the best reaction shot but someone please help
the only thing i can think of is that arthur momentarily forgot and was reminded that merlin was in danger bc of him?
another thought is that he thinks he should take merlin back instead of lancelot?
ik for a fact you guys are better at analysising this stuff than i am so pls, thoughts?
i love lancelot so much. first time i watched this, i was CRUSHED
him carrying merlin to the lake(?) pond(?) area and then covering him with his cape? i love it
ok idk why but i love the idea of merlin instinctively going towards the water
it makes me think back to how he's made of magic and basically everywhere, espeically nature, has magic and instinctively- he wants to connect with nature as much as he can so his body just puts his hand in the water
a dumber thought i had, his hand is ✨sparkly✨in the water HAHAH
omg when the water called lancelot i deadass thought it was freya. i'm actually dumb i have WATCHED this before and i STILL thought it was freya
'a future that has been written since the dawn of time' makes me so proud but also so sad at the same time
it's like, yes, merlin is going to 'save the world' but it's like he's there just to do that. anyways, i just want him to be happy
these water spirts are op but also MORE SPARKLY. hehe i thin kthat's so funny
also, i'm literally only like 7 mins in. buckle yourself in
l;askdjflskdjf arthur going into the tunnels with the wilderons?? i miss merlin ouch. AND THE GAJA BERRIES. arthur misses merlin.
ok percival tackling gwaine?? cuties ;))
heheheeh gwaine kicking a skull and then running directly behind arthur for protection?? pls stop. i already love you
yes im dumb, but the 5 of them slowly peeking over the rock and then ducking back down?? i love that so much they're so cute
omg what's wrong with me. not these knights literally FEARING their lives and me going 'they're so cute'
gwaine you absolute dumbass. smh merlin just took it but you just HAD to stab it. #cancelled
YES. i have a love hate relationship with gaius, but BUST into the council room. king energy right there
smh gaius you pUSH over.
stfu agravaine 'gueniviere'. ST F UP
ok gwen. pop OFF
you KNOW that arthur would've fought agravaine on this. GO GWEN for speaking her mind
oh look at me with anotehr fic rec. sort of, not really. ok but this scene with gwen talking about all the villagers remind of this fic called To Love, Honor, and Piss Off by @thenerdyindividual .
ok so it's basically a fic where basically merlin and arthur have this 'arranged marriage' type thing for 3 years, and merlin is arthur's 'common consort'. what that means is that arthur marries merlin as a show of good faith and to learn more about what it means to be a commoner- merlin giving arthur the tea about commoner life
anywAYS. check that our if you want, but i loved it
stfu 'i feel the pain as much as you' agravaine. hop off my dick
wow when she's intellegent with her speaking so everyone HAS to side with her but also respectful so NO ONE can get mad at her?? i stan. i ACTUALLY stan
santiago is so pretty
the PANIC in his voice. i stan.
merlin is ready to GO. he's like, sorry for almost dying. that was ill advised of me.
i'm actually soft for any displays of friendship ever. what does that mean about me 💀 KIDDING. anyways..
i love the *swing* *duck* 'yea, not as quick as arthur
sa;kfs;akdfj lancelot insisting that merlin go back to camelot and merlin just nOt
stop rn. lancelot's face when merlin turns away. i am in pAin. I AM SO SAD OVER LANCELOT. PLS LANCELOT.
this isn't exactly, but morgana's paleness from here on out reminded me of merlin when he was literally DYING.
anyways, that's my note on that
like, yes- i get it- morgana is evil now. but idk should i feel bad for her? she looks so pale and ghasty and just :(
aksfhaskdjfas;ldf morgana
stfu don't kill gwen i'll KiLl you
agravaine literally needs to die
again, someone tell me why capes are so hot. especially these red ones?? i'm in love with them.
ok see this guy?? he just died with the forst on his face. not merlin?? he started getting better. surly that should've tipped them off that merlin was different
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wow. seriously. i'm gonna attach all the pretty landscape pictures
morgana's like 'i'll cut a b!tch'. ok ik morgana's evil and everything, but morgana flinging that guard against the wall is bad ass
oh this is weird but gwen telling agravaine to 'show courage' but the whole room tinted green? ik this isn't harry potter or anything but idk i thought that was interesting. i'm not abt to go into if i think agravaine is a slytherin or what but still
morgana :( smh you can't deny that morgana and gwen carried for each other and morgana flinging gwen away is making me sad. don't touch me
asldjfasldasd 'you're never alone' elyan i love you
lancelot and merlins being lads. omg no them talking about gwen
lancelot is SO noble. stop this reminds me of Die for you in secret by @emrysofmagic so much right now. not gonna lie. your fic LITERALLY lives in my head rent free and sometimes i think of it and my heart just HURTS in those last few chapeters. PHYSICALLy. i am in pain. anyways.
stop the trope where it's like "i love them, but i just want them to be happy. it doesn't matter if they're with me or not. i just want them to be happy"
ok so it's been like a month ish since i've watched merlin bc i was waiting for @//f-f-podcast 's destiny and chicken podcast, so i don't exactly what terms kilgharrah and merlin are at right now
still i think it's very sweet of merlin to bow slightly when kilgharrah looks at him
'the bravest and most noble of them all' 🥺
aw. merlin is really saying good bye right now
ok this scene is weird bc like i said, i don't rlly remember how merlin and kilgharrah are right now but it still makes me sad
asldjfslakdjfasd merlin and kilgharrah are old friends now. that makes me happy but sad at the same time
ok the 'it will be an empty world without you, young warlock' kills me.
obviously, we know that even though they butt heads, kilgharrah and merlin both care about each other
not only is kilgharrah being forced to let merlin go right now, but he's making peace with the fact that he'll be alone
the last dragonlord is planning to die. and kilgharrah is going to be alone again, like he was in that cave.
another thing is that if merlin died rn then we would never have aithusia. i'm kinda going on a tangent now but idk this scene is sad
this forest is so pretty
literally just lancelot's face and lancelot in this whole episode.
that's my note
omg i always see posts about this.
like merlin and lancelot planned that lancelot was going to walk in first and trick them and THEN merlin walked in
that's so funny to me. they're SO dramatic HAHAH
merlin looks so happy
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Tell me why they actually look MARRIED here. PLS
🤠🤠 arthur wanting Gwen to be happy is KILLING ME. He loves her so much
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This is so pretty. Honestly like how
Who let merlin have this many pretty landscapes
Lajs;dlkfajd buds in a boat together.
This reminds me of going to amusement parks and there’s always that boat ride
They’re the cutest
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Ok so they also have this picture. It’s actually 3 pictures spliced together because the episode pans down and it’s really badly spliced (sorry) but LOOk how pretty that is.
Omg not me literally copying merlin with his slow mo head flick at the wyverns to make them go away
;sldkfjasdlkjasd leon percival and elyan and my heart.
Ok i’m not even gonna try to lie. They all have my heart
Frick you cailleah
Omg i was like ‘gwaine you dumbass’ jK i love him. Pls don’t come for my neck
Asldjfasldjfka ‘i’m prepared to pay whatever price is necessary’
Stopp rn. ‘It’s my density
stop rn merlin is all alone.
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Stop they all look so sad. I’m so sad.
merlin looks like he’s cried
I’m not sure abt arthur with his ‘no man is worth your tears’ type business but still
I am ✨sad✨
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I screamed at this picture. I am depressed
Gwen’s face is killing me
I’m so sad i don’t even want to write commentaries
Arthur realizing that lancelot only died because he loved gwen
Gwen standing in front of the fire
Aslkdfjasldjfa im so sad
✨we hate agravaine in this house✨
😭😭 not merlin having ANOTHER secret. I’m so sorry bby
Anyways! I’ll be back next week to rant more about the wicked day so I’ll see you then! thanks I love you bye
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thebeautyoffandoms · 3 years
Mmm yes guess who decided to rant about norman, using the excuse that “hey, it’s his birthday.”
very long post, very many spoilers <3
From the moment I watched the first episode of TPN, I… liked Ray. I had a feeling that Norman was going to be more prevalent than Ray’s, but honestly his character (at first) didn’t feel any kind of special. I never disliked him per se, it was just one of those things where… I liked him, but if someone were to ask me “what characters in TPN do you like?” I’d end up forgetting to mention him. 
I started to like him more when he said he’d do it because he “liked Emma” (something along those lines) but that’s definitely just because I’ve always been a hardcore romantic and thought “awwwwwwh! Tiny boy! He’s in love!”. I also definitely cried over him many times, but I’m sure nearly everyone who watched/read TPN did too- you know, the look on his face when he realized that there was a cliff, watching him be shipped off, and even when it showed him writing everything down for Emma. Norman never failed to stab me right in the little heart, that’s for sure. And boy did I not expect him to come back and beat the everloving crap out of me-
TPN has some insane plot twists for sure. From the beginning, all the way to the i n t e r e s t i n g ending- while some could have been executed better, Norman’s character has some of the best plot twists. You may be able to get me to think, but you will not change my mind. Our man was shipped off, our man was alive, our man grew like a freaking foot taller, our man was a traitor, our man was sick, our man rIPPED MY HEART OUT OF MY CHEST AND STOMPED ON IT A GOOD COUPLE OF TIMES THEN TRIED TO MEND IT WITH A BANDAID- ahem.
I probably would have cried harder if Norman’s being alive wasn’t spoiled for me, but that scene still hits so different. Even now that it’s all over, I read it just to try and feel how it made me feel again. It was a lot like a calm… both before and after the storm. Not just the readers, but the characters too, were able to get a heartwarming break. Norman was alive, he was well(? He grew very much and looks like an entire man now, but he was seemingly well), and everyone had a safe place to live for the time being. Even though we the readers weren’t there for the “good ol’ days” when they were small and didn’t have to worry, it still felt (to me at least) somewhat nostalgic. Sorta safe, you know? The previous chapters were horrendous, heartwrenching, and just not good, so it was a sweet moment to relax. Emphasis on moment though, because it didn’t last long at all. 
Next came, oh right the focus is back on yaaaaay murder the demons! Yay, Norman’s going to give Emma a chance! Oh my gOD WHAT IS NORMAN DOING- aka, the chapters where things really started getting all out of whack. In between all that mess of the promise and whatever, our darling, lovely, beautiful Norman was being a dirty traitor. These chapters really hurt my heart, because it felt… in character, but- what happened to our Emma-loving, I’ll-do-this-because-Emma-wants-it, anything-to-make-her-happy boy? Where’d he go? Why was he replaced by a tall cold-hearted man??? Of course, also came the parts where Norman breaks down in front of Emma and Ray, nothing but a child before them. When he admitted that he didn’t want to die (another sort-of plot twist), hugged them, cried into their arms. Ahh that hurt a lot. 
While everything “worked out in the end”, Norman’s character had a semi-bitter end in my view. While this isn’t about Ray so I shouldn’t put the focus on him, I dislike how Norman had the focus put on him in the last chapter. Yeah, Ray helped find Emma, but Ray was quiet for the majority of it, while Norman got the honors of trying comfort and help Emma. It felt sort of… idk, hypocritical?? Sure, you love Emma, but you still hurt her. I know Ray hurt her too, Ray was also a traitor, but it feels like Ray’s betrayal was… less? Maybe I’m biased, ANYWAY POINT IS, Norman was kinda like “ohhh Emmaaaaaa, poor Emma, doesn’t remember us, let me comfort you” and Ray was just sitting there. Maybe that’s Ray’s fault, maybe I’m bitter at Norman for no reason.
Ok, in all seriousness- Norman’s character really does mean a lot to me. He pushed the plot in an entirely different direction that I thought it was going multiple times, and certainly kept me on my toes. In reading, things like that keep me hooked, and Norman definitely helped shape TPN into being a series that I’ve kept near and dear to my heart for a while now. Plus, he’s been carrying all of season 2. Without the plot twist of “ohhh he’s alive”, I’m not sure how this season would have turned out… it definitely would have lost my interest for sure, so I really do love him. In the end, he is just a kid, and he was put in a pedestal too high for any kid to handle rationally. The fact that he did everything he did while remaining somewhat mentally sound, the fact that he endured the pressure of being seen as a god and savior to so many people, the fact that he pushed through obstacles over and over and over again, is so amazing. I love him so much, and I hope that in their little universe, he was able to spend his birthday happily and with his friends <3 (though… Norman won’t have been born until 13 years from now- still, happy birthday you dirty rat!!!)
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teamsarawatshusband · 3 years
Word Of Honor - 1st watch insta thoughts - Episode 2
Here’s Episode 1
Okay, before I get started with the episode, thank you so much for your likes and kind words and explanations. Thanks @averageace​ for letting me know that ghosts aren't necessarily dead. And thanks @ pretty-much-obsessed for letting me know it's not xianxia but wuxia. K, no cultivators. Got it!
Oh, just for future reference: I love when you guys help me out in the comments with understanding stuff like this! As long as you don’t spoil the story, I'm super grateful for all the genre info and cultural insights <3
Anyway, here we go!
Episode 2:
Oooooh, it was smirky guy who stopped the whip. And everybody is watching. How embarrassing.
I kinda like purple girl. She's so feisty and sassy.
Ok, the kid wants to make friends with alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy. He's in town to buy pastries for his mom, that's so cute. I need a shorter name for alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy. Anyway, the kid gives him a bookmark like a key to where he lives. Alright.
So smirky guy really did recognize the fighting. Oh, Four Seasons Manor is a sect! Ok, ok. And that's their fighting style. Was smirky guy once a part of them? Still so mysterious.
The kids are singing about the 5 lakes. That seems to be important somehow.
K, alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy wants to hitch a boat ride. And the old man looks like the old guy who got the 7 nails last time, but he's probably not, i'm just bad with faces again.
Yooo, does alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy have so much silver? Yeah, I wouldn't trust him either, old man. Oh, smirky guy intervenes. And now the old boatman wants to do the ride.
Whoaaa, nice scenery with the water and the blossoms and the music. I wanna go there.
So, now he's at mirror lake manor. Was that the kid's place? I forgot.
Wow, that boatman is really something, shouting out his insults as alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy is simply standing on the dock. Can't he be a bit nicer? LOOOOOL, yeah, so now he really dashed without paying, that's what you get for being rude.
But shame on tragic hero lord guy.You should always pay your debts. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Whoaaaaa, the blossom trees. I'm in love. Tragic hero lord guy flies over them in slo-mo.
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And when it's not snowing, it's raining petals. Why is there a boat on dry land? Is that gonna be important?
Ooooh, fan fight! Must be smirky guy. Yusss! And now they're dancing.
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Oh, and now smirky guy is being poetic. Dude, you sound like you’re crushing on him hard, man. Alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy isn't having any of it, lol.
There's two guys talking about war in the next scene. One of them is the dad and the other a son. Is that our kid from before? He seems older. I hate being bad with faces. Oh, he's not the kid. He's his older brother. And apparently there's one more brother even. I'm gonna get them all confused so much. Ugh
Tragic hero lord guy gets to stay in a woodshed. And likes it. I mean... whatever makes him happy, I guess.
Ooooh, back at the palace, I remember the helmets of the soldiers. And there's the guy who took tragic hero lord guy's job and... the other, like... boss guy. Maybe a king or an emperor. New at the job guy talks about... stuff. He's killed people. And seems proud of it. And now he's talking about a children's song. Oh wait, is that the song that alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy noticed earlier on? Oh, the song is connected to the glazed armor. Got it.
Ooooh, they sent a spy after tragic hero lord guy. So that's why he went into hiding.
Back in the woodshed, either the alcohol was bad, or tragic hero lord guy is having issues with the nails thing. His veins are moving and it looks disgusting tbh. And he's kinda... fuming. Literally. Looks like he's got a bad smell. And now he's... trying to meditate the smell away?
Oh, there's a fire outside.
Oh no, it's the red guys with the masks again. They're killing people.
Ooooh, tragic hero lord guy jumps into the fight, alright. OMG, I LOVE THAT TREE IN THE BACKGROUND!!! It's so pretty.
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I want it.
Somebody is trying to sneak a kid out. Possibly our kid. Not sure. And the red guys are following them. Hmm.
Oh, a bird. Tragic hero lord guy calls it a sparrow and a spy from the window of heaven, which... okay, but it's definitely NOT a sparrow. Maybe it's just a not so good translation.
Aww man, and now my tree's on fire! :(((( Why can I never have nice things? :(
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Now it's raining yellow paper thingies. They kinda look like those smiley potato chips thingies that you can get in the freezer section at the supermarket.
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Oh, they're weapons from the red guys. And the guy who's trying to sneak the kid out... is that the boatman?
Oooh, tragic hero lord guy jumps in. If that WAS the boatman, then he's getting paid alright. Heh.
Ok, wth? Swords are not supposed to be that bendy. That does not look like a good sword. How are you gonna stab anybody with a wobbly, shaky weapon like that?
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And smirky guy is sitting on the window sill watching the situation unfold like a supermodel waiting to be called onto the runway. Instead of... like... HELPING?! Wth?
And he's an alcoholic too? Hmm
K, that was a short stay, they're back on the boat
Eww, the red guys cut of somebody's arm. Wait, is that the dad from before? And the others are... the kid's brothers? Maybe? Oh, whoever they are, they're supposed to have the glazed armor, and the red masked guys want it. And they're gonna kill them all? That's brutal, man.
But if they ARE the kid’s brothers and they’re about to die, then at least I won’t get them confused, so there’s a plus side.
Anway, alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy, the boatman and the kid are in some dusty place. And the boatman is savage as fuck. He wants his money, lol. I like him.
Oh no, so much information. I'm so bad at this. So the kid is supposed to hide at 5 lakes, but doesn't want to. And somebody saved somebody, I have no idea. I wanna know if alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy is gonna go meditate again, because it looks like he wants to.
And now the potato smileys are flying in again. Great. I'm never gonna unsee the potato thing now.
Anyway, alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy who seriously NEEDS A NAME(!!!) is getting smelly again. And the kid wants to defend them all and instantly drops the sword. That does not look good.
So many red masked guys.
LOL, alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy needs 15 minutes. To smell better, maybe.
Wow, the old boatman is a good fighter, but he stands no chance. Are he and the kid really the ones supposed to fight, while tragic hero guy is being smelly and smirky guy is still chilling who knows where?
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See the stinky fumes?
Whoa the kid is willing to sacrifice himself for alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy. Who is just as surprised as me. And if it weren't for somebody intervening, they'd both be dead. Who is it?
Yooooooooo, purple girl coming in to the rescue. Of course. Need a job well done, leave it to the woman.
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Wow, she's so badass. And the kid and the boatman are helping too. Alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy went back to meditating.
:O There were two nuts!!! I saw them!!! Is nuts guy one of the red masked guys?
Oh, NOW alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy is starting to fight. Probably smelled the nuts and got into it.
LOL, wth? Now that he's done fighting, he faints? And THAT's when smirky guy shows up? To catch him? And alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy wakes up again instantly to fight.
Lololol, wth? Smirky guy is like "Heh, you cute, let me wrap your sword around us." ;)
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Maybe the wobbly bendy sword is a flirting technique and actually does serve a purpose.
He has really long fingers too.
Just saying.
Aww, would have been a cute moment if the boatman weren't deadly hit. And now he's smelly too. Wait, do smelly fumes mean doomed to die?
Ohh, he's gonna make him adopt the kid, isn't he?
Alcoholic tanned tragic hero lord guy drops a name, and says he's Zhou Xu. Is that his real name? Feels like smirky guy would probably recognize him if he gave his real name. But also maybe not. I know nothing. And smirky guy is mysterious as fuck. But I’ll take the name,because it’s shorter than the one I gave him.
Boatman is still a bit rude, threatening to curse Zhou Xu’s ancestors if he doesn't take care of the kid. Aren't they cursed already? Anyway, boatman can't know that.
Ok, old boatman has died and the kid is adopted. Cool, cool.
Oh, some fighter guys in nicely pleated skirts... who are they? Are they the guards of the manor? Are they there to help the kid? Whoever they are, they came too late and they set off fireworks.
Ok, smirky guy introduces himself. Wen Ke Xing. Oh boy, I hope I can remember that name.
Why is the kid dizzy? Did he get hurt?
Now they're discussing about the bread and nobody's willing to eat first while the kid is empty handed and very clearly hungry as hell. I feel so bad for him.
Why does smirky guy come across so snobby? I wanna like him.
Wow, they finally give the kid some food and now HE's refusing to eat it as well.
Purple girl is the only person actually getting fed tonight.
I mean, she deserves it. She fought the hardest.
Oooooh, smirky Wen Ke Xing guy is onto Zhou Xu lord guy. First stares him up and down while he's resting (lusting much?) and then flat out asks if he's in disguise.
Oh and the kid IS hurt. And smirky Ke Xing is the only one to realize too. He's redeeming himself. A little.
Zhou Xu lord guy doesn't want him to touch the kid though. Why?
Oooh, they're dancing again.
LOL, purple girl gets it. I saw that smile. I bet she's a shipper. What is the ship name? KeXu? ZhouXing? I literally had to scroll up and reread the names. We should just call them smirklord.
Okay, end of episode.
What did I learn? Names were dropped.  Zhou Xu lord guy has adopted the kid. Smirky guy is called Wen Ke Xing. He comes across a bit shady and pretentious and also flirty. Very flirty. But Purple girl is cool, and she trusts him so he must be kinda cool too. Still don't know who they really are and what they want. Like any of them. So far, I like the kid and purple girl best. I hope they all travel together to bring the kid to... wherever he's supposed to go.
Goals for future episodes: Find out who nut guy is. Learn the freaking names reliably. Find out people's connections to each other.
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crystallic-moon · 3 years
I’m reading Blood Like Magic so here’s my live comments
There will 100% be spoilers
Is she sitting in a pool of blood?
A lot of blood.
Ok but the whole Voya not being able to make a decision thing is exactly like me.
Fuck Uncle Cathius.
Wait- Alex’s bleeding came from her eyes and ears, but it was said that that’s how it is for the guys since they don’t have a period. Soo.. is Alex trans?
Aww i love what Voya’s mom said to her when Voya was becoming insecure about her hips.
Luc may be mean but he sounds hot ;-;
Holy shit- Mama Jova’s scars— my heart hurts for what she had to go through
Holy shit I think we’re watching how Mama Jova died
The year 2049, I’d be 44 years old in this story
Nooo Eden 🥺
Ok but maybe Mama Jova didn’t mean kill him? But also I get why she’d want bloodshed because of the way she died...
Voya just exposed Luc :0
Omg why am I starting to like Luc
I’m a Luc simp but I shouldn’t be
I suck at remembering to write in this. This whole mystery with Auntie Elaine is confusing.
I also loved that scene at the Night Market where Luc gave her a temporary tattoo. It felt like their first real raw bonding moment.
I wonder if Lucs secretly a witch. Like what if he is but he doesn’t know about it.
Aww Luc called over Voya while he was workinggg she’s growing on him.
Priya holding Edens hand hurts because she’s probably scared it may be the last time she might get to.
Why was that cute omg
Oh they’re definitely starting to like each other
*clears throat* Lucs letting her get into his personal space
Justin did something to Elaine I know it.
I think Elaine had something to do with Justin discovering the genetic modification thing.
I like Luc and Alex kinda bonding over both being trans.
Are they really talking about her when they know she’s in the house or near it?? Y’all are witches I’d assume you’d be a bit smarter about this.
Omg he went after her crying, my heart.
Dammit she has to kill him.
“‘I think you make him flustered.’” MHM YES SHE DOES
I feel so bad for Alex she didn’t deserve to find out that way.
I don’t know if I love or hate that Voya said yes to dinner.
“Every day, more and more cracks in our family get exposed” - my theory is that the whole ‘destroy your first love’ thing is about her family. Voya’s family is her first love and the has to destroy its secrets.
Can we not kill Luc please
Oh shit she killed Juras-
Oh he survived
*cough* they definitely like each other
Man, fuck Justin.
“If I give it back, what excuse will I have to keep inviting you places to return it?” STOP HES SO CUTE
I really love the representation of both Luc and Alex being trans. And Keisha being a lesbian.
He’s definitely given her profile more than a ‘glance’
I know I’ve said it before. And it’s probably getting repetitive. But I love the trans representation in Luc.
I feel like Luc is being more soft with Voya, when Voya was like examining his body cuz he told her about how often he eats, he awkwardly was like could u not examine my body. But like with other ppl I feel like he wouldn’t been more snappy with it, cuz as we’ve seen he’s not afraid to be a little mean.
Honestly I get Lucs thing about speaking Spanish to his family and being told he has an accent every time. Happens to me a lot, it’s irritating but I try.
Yes u like him and he likes u it’s so obvious now kiss.
They are so adorable please don’t make her kill him.
I am so worried about her watching this.
stop the man was wipping them like how Mama Jova died is that meant to be a sign???
Luc came to see her???
Okay okay but how tf is she supposed to explain to Luc that she got whipped by a magical man or whatever that wat because she wanted to watch a ritual so she could prepare to kill him?? - not even the killing him part, how is she supposed to explain the some magic dude whipped me part?!
No it’s a vision girl don’t believe it.
Omg can this girl catch a break she just got badly injured and almost died she doesn’t need this.
I’m upset.
Watching Voya and her dad bind is bittersweet cuz I know he still hurt her despite this bonding moment.
Mama Jova better have a good ass lesson to teach Voya with this task cuz girl is going through it.
I want to see Luc again.
I am so anxious to keep reading cuz I genuinely don’t know what’s going to happen.
I feel like Lucs gonna show up to her cooking competition especially since he can easily find her location.
Fuck Justin man.
At least he’s the successor
Ok I get Voya wanting to be honest but why would admit that he still considering killing him ;-; for all you know he could be recording this and take it to the cops.
“Are you breaking up with me?” STOP STOP RIGHT NOW
I hate that he blocked her but like -he has a very very valid reason. Surprised he didn’t get a whole restraining order.
Wait wait since Voya broke the circle when they were casting the spell to protect caribana that means there will be no protection and that has to mean something??
I’m betting that something bads gonna happen at the Caribana
I feel like her mom told her until to stay until they got back for a good reason
Omg I thought Voya got shot—
Ok yes technically Voyas partially to blame for breaking the circle but it’s not entirely her fault
No no no u could’ve just gotten rid of her internship or something but trap her in the house forever? Sorry girl I wouldn’t forgive u either.
I like that Lucs back but it hurts
Holy shit things have gone very south
Ofc he was gonna trap u in glass cage with Eden what did u expect Luc ;-;
Mf I swear to fucking god if u kill granny
Aww Luc and Voyas little moment through the glass. I can tell he feels guilty and still loves her...
He’s still trying to protect her.
Oh shit he’s known since before Luc and Voya even met
They’re not a legitimate genetic match-
I like Voyas thing about him thinking what he had with Elaine was love, because wat they had wasn’t love if he expected her to do anything he asked just because she loved him.
Granny to the rescue
Granny is not to the rescue.
Yes Luc he’s a lying cheat.
Please I thought Luc was destined to die, not Granny 🥺
“Who will by my grandma is she’s gone?” STOP IT RIGHT NOW
“Does it also not matter that I can’t even have a conversation with my parents without arguing? That I’ve forgotten how to speak my own language because you told me it wasn’t important? If the outcome of good, are the consequences irrelevant?” STOP LUC MY BABY DOESNT DESERVE THIS.
Stop that actually hurts cuz Luc sees how great of a relationship Voya has with her family and he’s just there without a relationship with them besides shared genes.
Yes Luc argue with the asshole.
Even tho u were once an asshole.
Edennn 🥺
Omg u love Luc fighting for them
Like I love how Luc fought for Justin to let Granny hug her granddaughter goodbye. It shows he cares and how this really does hurt him especially the way Voya described him wiping away his tears and screaming.
“Granny puts Eden back down on the chair and pauses to stare at Luc. ‘Thank you. ‘Please don’t,’ Luc croaks. ‘Too bad. I already thanked you.’” - Luc probably feels like this is his fault, that’s why he doesn’t want Granny to thank him.
:0 granny was the one who saved Luc from Voya stabbing him in her vision.
I like that Granny respected Voyas wishes of not killing him by saving him herself.
Keis is eternally trapped in the house for nothing.
I mean I’m glad Eden was saved by that but still.
“Why would you tell me this now? Why would you make me sparked as shit with you right as your about to die?” 🥺
She regrets not trusting Voya 🥺
AWW STOP “That means you can’t die. You have to make it up to me. Borrow someone else’s gift. Fix this.”
Granny was always planning making Voya the matriarch.
Omg omg omg it’s Auntie Elaine.
Wait that’s so smart, turning him into the prototype
Omg her killing his body’s was intense—
“Why couldn’t you listen to me? Why couldn’t you find another way?” Luc still cared about Justin but of course he did, he wasn’t the best but it’s still the man who basically raised him.
Aww he tried to save Eden regardless
Omg she almost collapsed
Oh shit. “It’s the Luc I imagined once he knew the truth. That hateful twist to his mouth and narrowing of his eyes.” He hates her.
Wait that’s so sad, him only having the bionic lenses to remember Justin by.
“‘For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. But don’t forget that we both lost someone today.’ Luc shakes his head. ‘You lost someone. I lost everyone.’” - Stopp that’s so sad. Voya lost her granny but she still has her family, but Luc doesn’t have anyone else. He’s absolutely done with Voya, he doesn’t have any other friends, his sponsee siblings seem to hate him, and he argues with his family. Justin was all he had and now that’s gone too...
Sorry I’m mad a Voya too for trapping Keis in the house.
“Alex said that now her ID brings up XX the way it should.” I LOVE IT
“I like to think it’s because he’s better than that.” I think he hasn’t threatened or punished them for what happened because deep down he still wants to protect Voya and he’s aware they did it to save themselves and their family.
Woahhh Justina dads death
“The ancestors must love irony.” 💀
I guess she sort of did listen to Luc cuz she’s interning at Roti Roti for Johan.
I hate that Granny’s gone :(
Voyas showing Rena, Lauren’s mom, how she died 🥺
Wait I love that.
“I bring the intent. They bring the blood. We both pay for the gift of magic.”
This was a good book.
I loved the different genres blended together. I loved the magic side of it, it’s witches, and how they had this whole system with a matriarch, and a whole community. I loved the sci fi parts, with the genetic modification and this huge new company NuGene. I loved loved loved the romance between Voya and Luc and how they didn’t get their traditional happy ever after, and how they also weren’t a legit genetic match but they still fell for each other. And I loved the mystery side with figuring out who Mama Elaine was and what important role she played.
I’ll admit the story felt slow in the beginning and I almost decided to turn around and return it for another book but I’m so glad I didn’t because it was a good and eye catching book. But it does upset me and Keis really got the short end of the stick, she spent the whole book working to get a NuGene internship only to end up trapped in the house by the person who pushed her to get the internship.
This was a good book tho I do recommend.
Also Luc never returned Voyas food container.
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Finished July 15, 2021 at 2pm
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rubysunnday · 4 years
would you do a fluffy john x shelby sister? I just need some fluffy, joker Johnny 🖤
Summary: you and John go for a bit of a wild night out
A/N: this one ran away with me a bit but I love John so much and I really miss him ❤️
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You were very annoyed. No. Fuming. Tommy had forbidden you from going dancing with your friends after an incident and instead you were stuck in his office filing paperwork of all things.
You sighed, tucking a paper clip into the pile of papers in front of you, making a mental note to mention an issue with them to Michael. There were still hundreds of letters from Tommy’s constituents to go through and file, not to mention the paperwork for the Garrison and Tommy’s house.
It was going to be a long night with probably no sleep.
You groaned, leaning back in your chair, taking your cardigan off and throwing it to the ground in an attempt to get comfortable.
“Right,” you muttered to yourself. The only other person in the building was Michael and he too was probably going to stay all night. At least you had some company.
Suddenly the door slammed open and John swaggered in, a smirk on his face and a bag in his hand.
“Hi?” You said, confusion written on your face. John threw the bag down onto the desk and you looked between him and it.
“We’re going on a trip,” he announced and you sighed.
“I’m not allowed -“
“I don’t give a fuck what Tommy said,” John cut in, his tone serious. “I’m taking my little sister dancing because she’s been working her butt off all week and deserves a break. Michael agrees.”
You turned around and Michael was standing in his office door, giving you a knowing smile.
“Seriously?” You asked, excitement building.
John nodded. “London for the weekend, baby sis! Drinking, dancing - no boys, however.”
You laughed. “No boys, promise.” You stood up and hugged John, smiling. “But what about the paperwork?”
“Esme’s got it handled, y/n,” Michael told you and you felt relief run through you.
“To London!” John yelled, grabbing your hand and the bag and dragging you out the door.
The ride down to London was cold. You’d completely forgotten how cold it got in March and were very glad when John chucked a blanket at your head.
You wrapped it around yourself, leaning into your brother as he drove.
“You can nap if you want,” John said quietly, wrapping an arm around you. “I’ll wake you when we get there.”
You sighed contently as you snuggled down into John. It’d been too long since you’d last spent time together, just the two of you. Tommy had had him and Arthur working all day every day and you barely saw him at dinner as you were locked away in Michael's office working.
You loved Tommy but he really had no idea how much he controlled everyone in the family. And given the mood he’d been in lately, you weren’t about to do anything to warrant him yelling at you and forbidding you from leaving the house at all.
Eventually you fell asleep, the first time you’d voluntarily fallen asleep somewhere comfortable all week. You’d usually ended up dozing off in Michaels office and wake to him carrying you up the stairs to bed.
“Y/N,” John said softly, shaking you awake.
“Mmm?” You stretched yourself awake, the blanket falling off your shoulders. Your eyes adjusted to the light and you realised you were outside Ada’s house.
“Ada’s given it to us for the weekend,” John explained as he helped you out the car. “She’s spending some time with Polly, and Linda for some reason.”
You laughed. “Linda isn’t that bad, Johnny.” John looked at you and you giggled. “Ok, she is.”
“Tomorrow morning we shop,” John told you as you walked inside. “Tomorrow night, we dance and get drunk. And then we’re back in Birmingham by Monday morning.”
You giggled, spinning around in the hall of Ada’s house. “This is amazing, thank you.”
John just smiled fondly as you ran up the stairs to the bedroom Ada had given you, for we grateful that the world had given him a little sister.
“What do you mean we’ve got to be back by tomorrow morning?!” You yelled.
The two of you had gone out for breakfast and John had broken the news to you that Tommy had called a family meeting for tomorrow morning. As a matter of urgency.
“I’m sorry, y/n,” John said and you could tell how upset he was.
“It’s not your fault, it’s Tommy’s,” you growled, stabbing your fork into a pancake. You paused your stabbing and looked up at John. “We could just, you know, get shit faced tonight and get the train back early morning. Hungover obviously.”
John hummed, thinking about. “And then get Ada to bring the car back whenever she’s next up?”
“Yeah! That way we’re still having our weekend and we’re also upsetting Tommy.”
John shook his head, smiling. “Why are you so determined to upset Tommy?”
“Because he’s too far up his own ass at the moment to see what he’s doing,” you grumbled. “I’ve hardly seen Isaiah or Finn because of his stupid blinder business.” You paused.
“What?” John asked, sensing your hesitation.
“If, or should I say when, Tommy finds out...he’s going to go off one me and lock me away like Rapunzel.”
“No, he won’t,” John promised. “I’ll take the blame since it was my idea - if he says anything.”
You nodded, feeling slightly less stressed. “Let’s go dancing.”
It was 10 o’clock at night and you and John had been in the club for three hours and you were at least six drinks in and a lot drunker then your brother...surprisingly.
You’d danced to nearly every song that had been played, you’d lost your shoes around the fourth song and you’d made some new friends much to Johns displeasure
John smiled fondly as the two of you danced to one of the slower songs of the night. Your head was resting on his shoulder and you were slowly falling asleep against him.
“I think I drank too much,” you muttered as you swayed to the music.
“No shit, really?” John asked and you weakly smacked him.
“Worth it, though,” you replied.
John felt as if his heart would burst as you laid your head back down on his shoulder. He stopped his dancing and just hugged you tightly, much to your confusion.
“Um, John?” You questioned, barely catching yourself on him as he tackled you in a hug.
“I love you so much,” John said quietly.
“Aw, I love you too, Johnny,” you replied. “And, as much as I hate to ruin this moment, I think I might be about to go throw up.”
John laughed as you sprinted to the toilet, grabbing your stuff from the table and following after you into the bathroom. You were forever grateful that he didn’t judge you as you hurled your guts up. He just held your hair back and rubbed your back soothingly.
“Where’s y/n?” Tommy asked the next morning, looking at his family assembled in front of him. “And John?”
“They’re coming,” Ada replied, smiling knowingly.
The door to the house opened and you and John stumbled in. You’d ‘borrowed’ Polly’s sunglasses and were wearing John’s jacket over your dress from the night before.
“I think I threw most of last night up,” you said to Ada as you passed, sitting down in a seat with a thump and groaning. “I can taste sounds, how is that possible?”
Tommy looked between you and John and frowned. “You went dancing? And got drunk?” His voice rising as he spoke. “I specifically told you not to leave the house!”
“Oh go fuck your self, Tommy!” You exclaimed, glaring at him behind your glasses.
“Excuse me?” Tommy said, his voice dangerously cold. But you were to hungover and annoyed to care.
“You heard me.” You stood up, taking the sunglasses off and glaring at your brother. “I’m sick and tired of being locked away and told to just do the paperwork.
“I’m fed up of never seeing my brothers because you have them working tirelessly! I wanted on weekend with my friends, but I wasn’t even allowed that! So, excuse me if I wanted to spend some time with John and have some fun for once!”
You sighed, finishing your rant. You now felt very sick and slightly regretted taking the sunglasses off.
“Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to go be sick and then probably pass out.”
You ran up the stairs, barely making it to the bathroom before you threw up whatever was left in your stomach.
You felt someone crouch down behind you and rub your back, holding your hair back from your face.
“Nicely done,” John whispered and you smiled as you slouched against the wall. John sat down next to you, letting you lean against him.
“Is he pissed?” You asked quietly, raking the glass of water John offered and sipping on it.
“Well, he’s more worried than pissed, nearly followed me up here but I told him to fuck off.”
You laughed softly, wincing as your stomach twinged. “Thanks for always having my back, Johnny.”
“Anytime, y/n,” John said softly. He pressed a kiss to your head as you slouched against him, finally passing out.
John slowly lifted you up, carrying you into your bedroom and tucking you into bed.
“I love you,” you muttered, rolling over snd curling up into John as he laid down next to you.
“Love you too, little sis, always and forever,” he whispered, kissing your forehead.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
Meant To Be: Part 5
Pairings: Machine Gun Kelly x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, drug use.
Word Count: 4,072
A/N: Y’all can thank @wings-of-a-raven for this one….
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
“So… you’re just going back, then.”
“Damn it.” You groaned as you shoved the last of your clothes back in a box to ship them back to Los Angeles. “She called in the cavalry.” You glanced over at Colson, who was standing in the nursery that could strangely only be accessed through your room, before looking back to the door where your father was leaning against the door frame.
“Do you really think that’s a good idea, (Y/N)?” He asked. “Going back to him?”
“Excuse me?” You asked as you turned completely toward him. “Do I think it’s a good idea to go to LA to live with the father of my child? Is that what you’re asking me right now?”
“Yes, that’s what I’m asking you.” He said with a slow nod. “He wasn’t there for you, (Y/N). What makes you think he’s going to be there now?”
“Think the better question here would be where were you?” Colson asked softly as he carried a box full of toys out of the nursery to add to the stack that was temporarily destined for the small moving pod that was sitting in the driveway to be taken to his house the next day. “Because I left to save her and had I known about my son, that gap of time would’a been a lot shorter.” Your dad shut up relatively quickly since he hadn’t realized that your significant other was in the room as well, and Kels simply walked back into the nursery to finish packing.
“He’s got a point, you know.” You sighed as you grabbed another one of the rented plastic totes from the stack and set it on your bed to pack up the stack of laundry and photos off of your mom’s dresser (since yours was in a storage unit out in California.) “I love you, Dad but you turned your back on me when I got fucked up at your wedding. Mom when I dropped out, and Junior and Tabby did when I moved. The only person I’ve had by my side in the last ten years is Colson.”
“And who’s choice was that, (Y/N)? Huh?” Ross asked, harshly. “I don’t think you get it yet. Your actions are the reason we aren’t there…”
“No, you are the reason!” Colson shouted as he came out of the room, which startled Gage in his baby swing, and made him start to cry. “You’re her fucking father! The man that should have been by her fucking side no matter what!”
“Babe.” You tried as you picked up Gage to soothe him.
“What kinda man just abandons his fucking kid when she fucks up?”
“She needed you, old man!” He roared as he stepped toward your father and you quickly stepped between the two men and put your hand on his chest.
“Colson, look at me. Hey…” You gave him a firm push, which didn’t move him far, but it was enough to get his attention. He huffed and put one of his hands on yours on his chest as the other went to your hip to pull you back a step away from your dad.
“And this is the kinda man you want to be around? This violent thug?”
“Fuck you, dick!”
“Colson! Walk it off!” You growled as you moved your hand and grabbed his chin. You yanked hard, and guided his eyes to his own crying son. “Take him, please. We have a flight to catch and we have to get this shit out to the storage box before we go. And I can’t do that shit by myself if you’re making our son cry when he should be napping.”
“You’re right.” He said as he physically relaxed in the safety of the nursery. “You and your fucking Jedi mind shit.”
“Just take your son, please.” You sighed with a smirk. “I have to cover your slack now, too.”
“Jesus, bitch! Ain’t that fucking hard to be a mom.” He teased as he quickly stepped out of your reach.
“Fucker!” You barked as you kicked him hard in the butt cheek. “Get him back to sleep. I’m gunna carry this stack up.” You paused in the doorway and looked at your father with your eyebrow raised. “What? It surprises you that the tattooed, piece of shit thug is that passionate about me when my own family only cares when my son got involved?” You gave him a tight lipped smile and nodded your head as you picked up two boxes and stood in front of your dad until he moved. 
“He’s my family.” You said to him as you stoped by his side for a moment longer. “And I love him. So yes, I’m going with him to California, then I think somewhere overseas for his tour. Not sure. But I’ll be… we will be with him as a family. One that doesn’t turn their backs on loved ones no matter what.” With a slight bob of your head goodbye, you turned and headed toward the stairs to finally finish packing the POD so you could catch your flight.
You weren’t exactly sure how you forgot the insanity, but when Gage’s bedtime came and went, and the party was still raging down stairs, you quickly realized that raising a child in Colson’s house was going to be a very difficult challenge. You didn’t want to be ‘that bitch’ that came in and tried to change his lifestyle but the later it got and the more Gage cried, the more pissed off you were. You were at least glad that Kels had a small balcony off his master bedroom, which helped damper the sound, but even so, Gage would not fall asleep. Which is exactly why you found yourself, sitting on a slightly broken lounge chair, with your six month old laying on your chest, watching the Wiggles on the baby channel on your phone at three in the morning.
“Stupid fucking Wiggles.” You grumbled softly under your breath as your son laid peacefully, mesmerized by the bright colors on the screen. “Shit’s like a bad fuckin’ acid trip. Who the fuck though this was a good idea anyways? Should be fucking banned…” Your words were cut off by the deafening rumble of a chainsaw, which made you lurch to your feet.
“Oh no!” You shouted as you ran through the house with Gage once again screaming in your ear since either the sound, or your quick movement startled him. Your heart raced in your chest because you knew, at this late hour, there were enough drugs and alcohol involved in this situation to kill an elephant and that someone was gunna get seriously hurt with that chainsaw. 
“Colson!” You roared as you ripped open the front door and moved Gage to your hip. Your boyfriend whipped around to look at you with wide, panicked eyes as he let the chainsaw in his hand putter to a stop. You shook your head and hiked your son up a little bit more as words escaped you. ‘No’ was all you managed to say before you turned around and slammed the front door behind you. You started all over again with calming your son down as you headed back upstairs, and the front door opened a few moments before you slammed the bedroom door closed behind you.
“OK.” You soothed as you laid Gage down in your arms and started to bounce him gently to calm him down again. “I know, baby boy. Mommy’s not happy either.”
“Babe.” Colson said softly as he came into the room, which made you instantly round on him with rage in your eyes.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?!” You screamed as you continued to bounce. “A fucking chainsaw?! Colson, you are so fucking high, I don’t even think you could tell me what Gage’s middle name is…”
“Michael.” He interrupted, daringly as he closed the bedroom door.
“DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!” You screamed as you set Gage down in his rocker. “It’s three in the Goddamn morning and your son has been up here screaming for HOURS! So don’t you dare think you can get smart with me right now!”
“Yo, I’m…”
“I don’t wanna fucking hear it!” You countered over him as you stuck your finger in his face, angrily. “You are the one that wanted us here. You are the one that wanted to be a fucking father. So fucking act like a fucking father and let your Goddamn son go to fucking bed already! He’s exhausted from the time change, I’m exhausted from listening to him scream, and you’re downstairs snorting coke like it’s the fucking 80’s again. Get your fucking shit together, Kels.” You slammed your finger into his chest so hard, you heard your knuckle crack and he reached out and quickly grabbed your wrist before you could turn away.
“OK.” He said simply with a nod of his head, knowing that this was not the time to piss you off because you would swing on him. “My bad. I’ll wrap it up and come help get him to sleep. I’m sorry, baby girl.”
“You fucking better be.” You barked as you ripped your arm out of his grip and went back to pick up your son. “Goddamn chainsaw. It’s three in the fucking morning and you dumb mother fuckers are running a fucking chainsaw. Fucking idiots.” Kels watched you step back onto the patio with a shake of your head, and after a moment, he turned and quickly headed down stairs.
“Yo, parties over.” He called out as he turned down the music.
“The fuck?!”
“Dude, you just got back…”
“Yea, and I got a screamin’ son and a pissed off baby mama upstairs that need to get some sleep. So keep your shit down because I don’t feel like getting fucking stabbed tonight.”
“Dude.” Baze laughed as he poured himself another drink. “When’d you get fucking whipped?”
“When I had a fucking kid, dog.” Colson snapped as he grabbed two beers from the fridge in hopes that they would be a good start of a peace offering. “When I became a fucking parent. That’s when I got fucking whipped.” With a shake of his head, he grabbed some weed from the bag the counter and headed out of the kitchen to calm you down. “And keep the fucking music down!” He called out over his shoulder as he climbed the stairs. He slipped into the room as silently as he could and cringed when he heard Gage still whimpering on the patio.
“Here, baby girl.” He tried as he set the beers and the bud down on the bed on his way outside. “Give him here. Go smoke…”
“Why do you do this to me, Colson?” You asked as you turned around toward him with tears in your eyes. “Huh? Why do you constantly make me the bad guy?”
“Babe, it’s not like that.” He sighed as he gently took Gage from your arms.
“But it is.” You sighed as you walked past him. “Because I know the crew enough to know they called you pussy whipped for wanting to get my son to bed at a reasonable hour. I know that being up here to do something other than getting laid right now is the last thing you want to be doing when there’s at least a half dozen half naked skanks downstairs. And I also know that every minute for the last seven hours, I wanted to be down there partying it up with friends I haven’t really seen in a year…”
“So why didn’t you?”
“What and let him just scream up here all by himself?” You snapped as you flopped down on the bed and cracked open one of the beers. “What kind of mother would that have made me? And don’t you dare say you could have stayed up here with him because we both know you would have lost your shit.” With a heavy sigh, Colson sat down on the bed beside you and moved Gage to lay on his chest comfortably.
“I’m trying, (Y/N).” He said as he looked over at you with a small shake of his head. “I don’t know what I’m doing here.”
“And you think I do? Colson, I’m literally in the same boat as you here. But I can tell you this much for damn sure, we need to find a fucking medium because if night one of us being here was any fucking indication of what it’s gunna be like to live with you again, then I’m taking Gage and finding my own place again and we can figure out some kind of co-parenting shit.”
“No, please.” He said quickly as he sat up a little bit in fear. “Please, I just got you back…”
“Then fucking meet me in the middle here, Kels.” You interrupted as you gestured to the two of you with your finger. “Us as parents, and us as partiers. Because we can’t live on two different pages in the same house. I can’t be a mom and your booty call when you want it while you party it up with our friends. We’re gunna fucking resent each other for that shit real quick and it is gunna tear us apart.”
“And I swear baby girl, I will figure out how to do that ASAP. Just fucking bear with me, OK? I’ll get us there.”
“You better.” You sighed as you got up to grab his bowl from the entertainment center. “And no more Goddamn chainsaws, you hear me?”
“Don’t you wanna hear the idea…”
“No!” You interrupted as you grabbed the weed off the bed and stepped out onto the balcony. “Shit was probably stupid as fuck.”
“It really was.” He chuckled as he laid back down with Gage on his chest so he could sooth him to sleep. “But it was funny as fuck all the same.”
“Hey (Y/N).” Colson said as softly as he could as he kneeled on the bed beside you and ran his fingertips through your hair. You growled at him for waking you up just a few hours after you went to bed and pulled the blanket up over your head.
“Unless you or Gage is dying, you better get the fuck away from me, Colson or I will fucking stab you again.”
“No one is dying.” He chuckled as he very carefully pulled the blanket back. “But you, me, and Gage are gunna go to a hotel for a couple days. I have a surprise but it’s gunna keep you and him up for a couple days…”
“I fucking hate you.” You groaned as you opened your eyes to look up at him. “What’s the surprise?” 
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise. Come on. I already packed us up a bag, and fed and changed Gage. Just gotta get you dressed.”
“I’m dressed enough.” You sighed as you sat up and rubbed your hand down your face. You glanced down at the ‘Bloom’ shirt that showed most of your tattooed side thanks to the sleeves and most of the under arm holes being cut out, and nodded. “Fuck it, I’m in LA.”
“OK, you at least need pants.” He laughed as he handed you the pair of jeans he had grabbed from your suitcase. “And shoes.”
“Wait, you’re telling me you heated up a bottle all by yourself?” You asked incredulously as you pulled on your jeans and looked at your tired little boy in his crib from your storage unit in the corner.
“Without the microwave, too.” He said proudly as he held out your sunglasses. “Come on, it’s gunna get really loud in here real soon.” With a heavy sigh, you went over to pick up Gage as Colson grabbed your bag and the car seat. You headed out of the room and nearly tripped over Rook, who was coming out of his bedroom with a large pile of his clothes in his arms.
“Where are you going?”
“Keep walkin’, Uber’s waitin’.” Colson said behind you as JP continued down the hall in front of you. You sighed and did what you were told, too tired to care anymore. You were beyond grateful that he picked a hotel close by and had pulled some strings to get a quiet room, because by the time you got into said room, you had just enough time to pull off your jeans, and put Gage down on the bed beside you before you were back asleep. He let you sleep for the better part of the day before he gently woke you up by running his finger down the bridge of your nose.
“Hey sunshine.” He cooed with a smile. “If you sleep any more, you’re not gunna be able to sleep tonight.” You whined and rolled over on to your back, startling the slightest bit when Gage was laid down on your chest. His giggle made a smile pull at the corner of your lips and you opened your eyes to see his blue eyes staring back at you.
“Well hi there handsome.” You cooed as you put your hands on his back to keep him from rolling off you. “Did you have a fun day with Daddy?”
“We went down to the pool.” Colson said with a smile as he laid down against your side. “And we went swimming for a little bit. Then we went to the atrium and looked at all the plants… and we took some pictures for Mommy and let Mommy catch up on sleep because Daddy’s a fuck head.”
“Daddy is a fuck head.” You giggled as you tilted your head to the side a bit to look at Gage’s new hair style. “And giving out free mohawks?”
“Well I knew you would be pissed if I cut it and he was starting to look a little androgynous…”
“Ooo, big word.”
“Fuck you.” He grumbled as he reached up and fixed the ‘hawk. “So I made my son look bad ass.”
“I would have killed you if you cut his hair.” You said with a small nod as you looked over at him. “But I’m digging the mohawk.”
“It’s fucking bad ass.” He chuckled with a smile. “We’re gunna have to get special EST shit for him since 19 doesn’t work.”
“We both need new tattoos.” You said with a nod as you poked the 19XX tattoo on his collarbone that matched the one across your hip bone. “Fuck, now I want a new tattoo.”
“We should get matching tats for Gage.”
“What the fucking six we already have ain’t enough for you?”
“Bitch.” He groaned as he flicked you in the temple. “Keep that shit up and I’ll call the sitter back and you can order fucking pizza for dinner of some shit.”
“What sitter?” You snapped as you looked over at him with your eyebrow raised. “I’m not leaving him…”
“Relax.” He said as he propped his head up on his fist. “I called Ashleigh. She’s got a niece and she used to baby sit when she was younger all the fucking time. I trust her not to fuck up our kid.”
“Colson, that in no fucking way, shape, or form reassures me.”
“Oh fucking suck it up.” He laughed as he pushed himself up. “We’re going up the fucking block to dinner to get on the same fucking page about shit, OK? Now get your ass up, get into that smokin hot black dress that makes that ass look so fucking good, and let’s go fucking eat some fucking steak like a couple’a sexy carnivores.”
“I’m not going.” You said with a shake of your head as you held Gage to your chest a little tighter.
“Yes… you are.” Colson said, simply as he came over and picked up his son. “Hey, little man. You gunna stay with Ash tonight so Daddy can smooth talk Mommy into his pants again?”
“Richard Colson Baker!” You snapped as you got out of bed and whipped around to look at him. “No sexcapades talk to the baby!”
“Oh, Daddy’s getting lucky tonight.”
“Kels! Kels, over here!”
“(Y/N)! Are you finally going back to Penthouse?”
“Where’s your son?”
“Here, baby. Over here.” Colson said softly as he let go of your hand and put it on the small of your back. “Guys! Can you fuckin’ move and let her walk, please?!” You stuttered a bit and stopped walking when someone with a giant camera stopped at the curb in front of you.
“Guys, please?” You asked as you put your hand up in front of your face to shield your eyes from the camera flashes to look for the town car that was supposed to be picking you up.
“Yo, fucking move!” Kels roared as the camera people kept taking their photos and not giving a damn about either of your privacy as they fought to get one of the first photos of you and Colson out in public together. Your hand flew out to catch his fist before he swung on the man with the camera in your face.
“I won’t ask you again.” You growled evenly as you stepped around the photographer.
“Babe!” Colson shouted as he grabbed your arm and yanked you back on the sidewalk as the car came screeching to a stop where you had just been standing and only a few inches away from the man with the camera. You stumbled into his chest and the paparazzi actually stopped taking pictures for a moments. “Go, go.” Colson said quickly as he ran in front of you and ripped open the back door of the car. You sprinted on your toes in your heels and ducked around him into the car at the same moment the photographers started to take their photos again.
“Drive!” You said as Kels slammed the door behind himself. “Just drive!” You ducked your head below the seat and realized that you were actually panting to catch your breath as Colson whipped around and cupped your face in his hands.
“Holy fuck… are you OK? Jesus, come here.” You shook your head as he pulled you into his arms with a heavy sigh. “Fuck, that fucking car was right there.”
“I’m fine.” You sighed as you sat up and flipped your hair back. “Jesus, Colson. I said yes to dinner, not to being fucking mauled.”
“OK, are you at least fucking OK? Scared the fucking shit outta me.”
“How the fuck did they even know we were staying at a fucking hotel?”
“Because I was down in the fucking lobby with Gage.” Colson sighed as he leaned back against his seat. He gave the driver the address of the restaurant and huffed as he looked over at you with a smile. “At least you look hot.”
“You’re an asshole.” You laughed as you pulled your phone from your bag to check your hair and makeup. “Knew I should have stayed in bed with my son.”
“Wrong. You get to party it up with me instead starting right now. Yay!” You looked over at him and did a double take as he shook a small vial of coke between his fingers.
“Wait, you’re serious?” You hissed as you glanced up at your man.
“You quit breastfeeding just this week.” He said as he unscrewed the vial. “And I want my party girl back. Even if it is for one night.” You bit your cheeks to hide your smirk as he poured out a bump on his hand and held it out between the two of you. “Come on, baby. Fly with me.”
“You are a very, very bad influence.” You whispered as you carefully pulled his hand up a bit to snort the coke down. You shivered at the distantly familiar burn and sniffled as you sat up straight. “Bad influence, Colson. So, so bad.”
“How the fuck else did we get Gage?” He teased as he did a bump himself before pouring one more out for you. “Quick, we’re here.”
“Horrible.” You muttered as you did the last bump. “Fuck, that’s good shit.”
“Welcome home, baby girl.” Colson said as he slid the vial into the nice leather jacket he had on. “Welcome home.”
Part 6
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