#oh it's easter sunday i guess uh
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3.16, "No Rest For The Wicked" | Stephen Adly Guirgis, "The Last Days Of Judas Iscariot" " | 4.21 "When The Levee Breaks" | Gustave Doré (1866) "The Judas Kiss" | 5.22, "Swan Song"
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Fics With No Angst Or Trigger Warnings Masterlist
Links Last Checked: June 14th, 2023
Birds Of A Feather Steal Together (ao3) - WritingCactus
Summary: Dan never expected anything remotely interesting to happen during his summer job at a petting zoo. But when he catches a boy with bright blue eyes and a cute laugh trying to smuggle a bunch of ducklings out of the farm, things take a much more interesting turn...
Bluebells - botanistlester
Summary: Dan just really wants to put flowers in Phil’s hair.
Cupcakes And A Child’s Love - wavydanrises
Summary: Dan is working at the bakery “The Cake Whisperer” when a man and his child come into his life. All it took was a spiderman cupcake.
Easter Sunday - cafephan
Summary: Rather than planning a flashy day out for Easter, Dan and Phil decide to put on an egg hunt for their daughter at home.
Even A Vegan With A Cold, Dead Heart Ships It (aka Paul) - ticklishhpickle
Summary: Phil and his sassy Christmas elf boyfriend couldn't be happier they're together, and neither could Santa. Phil's cynical roommate, Paul needs a little more time to warm up to Dan however.
First Dates (ao3) - thatsthephan
Summary: The thought of the lads and their friends playing this game is too funny not to write about it.
give me toothaches just from kissin’ me (ao3) - robertmontauk
Summary: “Hey- sorry to bother you, but is it okay if I sit here?”
Dan didn’t bother looking up from the chemistry textbook splayed in front of them, choosing instead to grab a piece of paper on the table and study it intensely. “Not interested,” they muttered with a quirk of their lips and a short head shake.
A pause, and then - “Oh. I mean? I-I didn’t think you were? But, uh, I’ll just. Find another place to sit, I guess. That’s-that’s fine.”
(alternatively: assumptions are dumb and love is dumber)
Joined At The Hip (ao3) - TheDalmatian
Summary: Dan and Phil are secretly aliens from another planet and they came down and they have to stay together because they're symbiotes and they have to live off of each other.
Jokes, Costumes, And Taxi Fares - placingglaciers
Summary: In which all his coworkers just adore Phil and Dan can’t see why they do. Until, of course, he figures it out.
Just Like Heaven (ao3) - Allthephils
Summary: Dan is a barista and Phil is the best part of his job.
Love Scenario - botanistlester
Summary: When Phil first saw him in the spring, he thought he looked like bubblegum.
Plant Boy (ao3) - Emejig16
Summary: Phil has always loved plants and flowers, and he’d never thought he’d be able to fully share his passion with someone who truly understood it.
Stegosaur-us - melancholymango
Summary: “We’re staying in conjoining rooms at a hotel, which is fine, but it turns out the lock on my side is broken so your kid keeps coming in here to talk about dinosaurs. You keep apologizing but honestly I like dinosaurs so this might work out after all” AU
Tech Yes, Juliet - winkinglester
Summary: In which Dan’s a tech major and Phil’s an english major at the college they both attend, but those majors are in a school-wide “feud”, so the star crossed lover computer nerd dan makes a website to talk to Phil.
The Great Dan and Phil Camping Trip™ (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: It started with the four of them, Dan, Phil, Martyn, and Cornelia. It started with a rare weekend off and a rented cabin and bad romcoms and getting drunk on clear skies and fresh air and maybe just a bit of alcohol. It started with an offhand comment towards the famously-introverted couple, “You’d never survive a night outside.” And, of course, it was taken as a challenge.
(Dan and Phil go camping)
Unrelated Conversations of a Domestic Nature (ao3) - dizzy
Summary: Unremarkable conversations that take place in the daily lives of Dan and Phil.
Valley (ao3) - Misha_with_wings
Summary: Dan and Phil definitely weren’t outdoorsy people, but the one time they decide to go hiking their lives change forever.
Or- they go hiking and find an abandoned dog and Phil begs Dan to keep it.
Waffles (ao3) - kae_karo
Summary: Phil goes to the 24hr diner with the hopes of seeing his favorite waiter (insp by me seeing a cute waitress at a diner. unfortunately none of the rest actually happened to me lmao)
Warning: Extreme Fluff (ao3) - Do_it_with_the_Howell_Lesters
Summary: A very short snapshot of morning cuddles at the end of Dan and Phil’s honeymoon. Extremely fluffy, you have been warned.
Window Of Opportunity (ao3) - pasteldanhowells
Summary: Dan goes to Starbucks everyday and sits in the same spot. Not even the cold weather can stop his everyday routine. One day, Dan decides to write on the window out of boredom. The next day, he’s surprised to find a reply by a stranger.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Tsuki can't get enough of doing liveblogs~! So, what's up on the chopping block in my kitchen today? Why it's of the PreCure Flavor~! On this lovely Easter Sunday, April 17th 2022, Delicious Party finally came out of its hacker-induced hiatus! And because of that, I'd figure I'd do a late night celebration with one of these! What to call my tag though...
"if you receive a little kindness give them a large serving!"
Yeah, that'll work! That sounds like something Yui's grandma would say! Souji Tendo's grandma too! Filter that tag out if you hate my non-existent face!
Spoilers, I guess... with a side of mild catching up, a la mode~!
-So, DePaPre! I'm told that we use this because "DeliPre" is something both very different and very not safe for work. I like this, it sounds like everybody's favorite rehash, Decapre from Street Fighter IV! And to a lesser extent, Depeche Mode.
-My favorite so far? Probably Rosemary, he has that sassy gay uncle energy I aspire to. Yui's a great protagonist though, I love her very much. Kokone too! Spicy lass! And Kome-Kome~! Little fox babby! Idk how I feel about Pamu-Pamu yet though, but once Ran finally enters, I assume she and Mem-Mem will be a funny ramen lady and her dank little dragon dude who will help elevate this cast to new heights.
-Idk if I really like Takumi though. He looks like Sans Undertale, yeah, but like... he's not really interesting me so far.
-Oh Toei Animation... you blockheads~! At least you try.
-The same cannot be said for Crunchyroll, however. What a shit service, and anyone who uses it should run away as soon as they can.
-Oishina Town~! What a very lovely place~! Like Aozora City~! But like... making me real hungry. ...I know I'm going around in circles with Today's Special, but I should probably grab a snack. ...even if it's currently a fair bit past 10 PM... maybe next episode.
-Oh cool, the Heart Cure Watch comes with video chat. ...I mean, it's basically a Fitbit so I assumed it did, but hey, cool!
-Ohhh, that's a lovely bento.
-Kokone-chan spun her salad too hard.
-What a versatile item, that butter roll!
-That's a ham!? That's a big fuck-off hunk of Fred Flinstone meat! ...so uh, would you happen to know where I could buy one of those? For cheap, preferably?
-Awwww, Mari-chan do a jump!
-Speaking of rolls... Kome-Kome seems to take it a bit more literally than most.
-20 rolls!? That's a whole baseball team's worth of sandwich-y goodness!
-Kokone's driver gives me real good vibes :)
-Oh yeah, the theme song! I love the energy behind the strings, and the gentle percussion and horns are real nice!
-Deliciously Partying with PreCures!
-All that food better not go to waste, Kokone-chan!
-Ohhhh, I see now. Very gay of you, Kokone-chan. My point still stands, however.
-When I was a kid, I was a real picky bastard when it came to my food. Kinda comes with the territory of being autistic. Now that I outgrew it, and as an adult who sometimes has to cook for his own family who have actual jobs and social lives, I think I finally understand the depths of my mother's pain when I slave over and nearly burn myself alive and/or decapitate myself while cooking dinner only for it to be left out because somebody didn't feel like eating. I will eat whatever I am served with no complaints for now and forever.
-Deliciousmile is like... the most PreCure catchphrase ever.
-Ahhh, prawns. I'm not really a crustacean kinda guy, so I usually only eat them fried. Seems great though.
-Do you think maybe Kamen Rider Vulcan LLC gained enough revenue as a subsidiary of Hiden Intelligence to elevate Isamu's family into socialite status?
-I'm kidding, of course. Wait a second… last name of Fuwa. Dog-related power source. Blue and white color scheme. Ranged attacks… Holy shit, this is a conspiracy! Sound the alarms! Legendary former A.I.M.S. captain Isamu Fuwa has a niece, and she's attending your middle school right now!
-Oh wait, no. Her family name has different kanji... (芙羽 - "Feather", I believe)
-As opposed to kanji that probably wouldn't be used in a show like this (不破 -"Unbreakable").
-Never mind, false alarm!
-Anyways, let the girl do chores! She wants to help you!
-Monster in the kitchen. What will they cook?
-Hold up, your grandma told you this? Interesting, veeeeeeery interesting.
-Another little bit of Tsuki-Sennin-related Culinary Trivia~! I actually took a few semesters' worth of Culinary Arts in high school. The teacher was a veteran of the restaurant business, and he definitely should've been teaching at an actual culinary college instead of a crappy public school with asbestos in the gym's ceiling and (from what I've heard after I graduated), a lot of violent incidents. Even though I tried my best to behave/get everything done as best I could... I'm still decently sure he didn't like me very much, but that's okay. It's thanks to him that I can never accidentally poison anyone or burn an entire kitchen down.
-I take it back, I love you Pamu-Pamu, the tea kettle pupper fairy.
-She cleaned the entire school without even picking up a single broom.
-Uhhhh... okay, sure, Secretoru. Go kidnap the Recipeppi because you don't know how to eat fried prawn. Bundoru, bundoru!
-It hasn't even been a whole day, how'd it spiral this fast?!
-Oh, hello there Ran. I can't wait to meet you properly.
-Amane Kasai... you seem to be way different from Yuriko Shiratori. You have a very lovely name, though.
-"Ughhh, fine, I'll beat up the monster myself!"
-My man just wants his fried prawns, this is bullshit
-Oh, I am convinced that "Weird Food Girl dating Weird Rich Girl" dating rumors would absolutely replace this monsters stuff in like... five minutes.
-Go take a break, she's shaking you down, school workers.
-If you eat food from the same beach, you'll be friends... what kind wisdom to pass down.
-"Each meal only happens once in your life, so make each one the most important." That's what Souji Tendou's grandmother said.
-...no, I'm not gonna let up with the grandmother quotes, how dare you ask that.
-Oh, same "kitchen". I... I see... well, those guys like prawns, they'd probably say "same beach" too!
-Let's eat together as besties :)
-Yummy yummy prawn :)
-And here comes Gentlu with the blandifying strike!
-"Man, I kick ass at this job! I'll be a shoe-in for promotion for sure!"
-"Oh dammit, this is your school... fuck. Alright Ubau-zo, kick their asses!"
-Monster confirmed.
-Daaaaaaamn, Yui! You got kicks!
-Yesss, Kokone-san! Free them!
-You Cures are real admirable gals, huh?
-Oh thank god, Mari-chan's here!
-Delicious Fieeeeeld~!
-Alright, time to burn some calories!
-Squeeze the fox!
-Wow, these transformations are pretty long, compared to Tropical Rouge's. ...at least, it feels that way.
-I will never get over the name Cure Spicy.
-Man, that's like a nothing attack to a Pretty Cure.
-She spin~!
-Man, guess that poor... salad spinner? He was hungry.
-I wonder, can a Cure feed you with her attacks here?
-Recibepis get!
-Bye Gentlu, you're adorable.
-Who just... leaves plates out like that? No wonder they thought they were haunted.
-Kokone Fuwa. Dog lover.
-"You're part of the clean up now!"
-I assume this is Ran-chan's "CureSta". I wonder if she's also active on ByTube, and saw Ikki and Vice kicking ass? ...to be fair, that'd hardly be the weirdest crossover reason I've thought of.
-Woooow, Yui knows her stuff!
-Ohhhh, Ran-Ran... evil?
-Chururin, the Bundoru Gang's secret mastermind. They're the very devil of the grocery store!
-Soda pop today!
-Oh yeah, this ending theme. It has a sick-ass bass riff, and is very danceable! ...unfortunately, I've been here for like an hour and thirty minutes and don't feel much like dancing tonight. And this is the closest we've seen to Cure Yum-Yum beating shit up. Tearing up the dance floor.
-We're doing an investigation into CureSta next episode~! Will my Yui/Kokone ship evolve into an ever-exciting OT3?
-...I should probably start making food before I do these... well, join me next Sunday! When we have another lovely meal time at a reasonable hour with Kabuto! Vulcan! A girl who I currently assign Cross-Z! And their sassy gay uncle Bravo! In the meantime, I'll be doing more PreCure research so I can truly come into my own as a fan! Please look forward to it.
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there was a moment from yesterday’s episode that set off so many alarm bells in my head and i haven’t seen anyone talking about it yet so i’m going to get my thoughts out there. i’m putting the majority of this post under a readmore bc it got very long thanks to all the transcript quotes i pulled but i really want to know what everyone else thinks about the Implications™
Okay. So… what do we know about Hill Top Road?
Not much.
Another blind spot?
No, it’s – I could look at it, but it… it was… it was like a… a hole. You know that feeling you get when you look down from a, a great height, like you’re being pulled into the abyss?
Kind of?
[Getting lost in thought] Well it was… was like that. Normally I can see it, see the… webs, and feel the power of The Spider emanating from it, but… as I would look… it’s like my mind…. follows the paths of The Web,
the strands going down and… out… [Catching self] It’s quite disorientating.
my first thought after hearing this exchange was “huh, that sounds eerily similar to the description of the table the not-them was trapped in.” here it is from mag 3 - across the street:
I’d become enraptured by the table on which he’d placed my tea. It was an ornate wooden thing, with a snaking pattern of lines weaving their way around towards the centre. The pattern was hypnotic and shifted as I watched it, like an optical illusion. I found my eyes following the lines towards the middle of the table, where there was nothing but a small square hole.
my first instinct was that this was some foreshadowing for jon meeting some kind of horrible fate, because well... remember what happened the last time someone got mesmerized by the table?
Oh, hey. I’ve found… I’ve found that table you were talking about. Don’t really see what all the fuss is about. Just a… basic… optical illusion. Nothing special… just… just a… wait…
[Hushed and panicked] Jon! Jon, I think there’s someone here. Hello? I see you. Show yourself!
but then i started thinking more about why the table specifically would be referenced, and i remembered the earliest we see it used as artifact of the web, and where: with raymond fielding in hill top road in mag 59 - recluse:
On Sunday evenings, however, we’d all gather for the evening meal, and before we sat down to eat, he would remove the bright white tablecloth that covered it, and we’d gather around the dark wood. I remember it was carved in all sorts of strange swirling designs and patterns. It felt like if you picked a line, any line, you could follow it through to the center, to some deep truth, if only your eye could keep track of the strands that had caught it.
it was while i was checking the transcripts to find the above quote that i also remembered the hole in center of the table that the web pattern leads towards wasn’t always empty - it used to contain a box, and that box contained an apple.
again from again from mag 59:
The center of the table looked, at first, like it was simply part of the wooden top, but if you looked closely, as I did so often, you could see an outline marking the very middle as a small, square box, carved with patterns just like the ones that laced their way over the rest of the table. I don’t remember how long we sat around the table those evenings, nor do I have any memory of what we might have eaten.
I reached over and pulled the wooden square from the center of the table. On its own, it appeared to be a small wooden box, and the lid opened smoothly, as my hands moved in a practiced motion. Inside was an apple, green and fresh and still wet with morning dew.
I knew I was going to eat it. I could feel tears desperately trying to push themselves out of my eyes, but I instead decided not to cry. I placed the box down on the table, reached over, and picked up the apple.
the box from the center of the table makes its first appearance in the very first hill top road statement, mag 8 - burned out, where we learn that apparently the apple was full of spiders. 
considering the web’s predilection for filling it’s victim’s bodies with spiders (carlos vittery, annabell cane, the spider husks trevor encountered, the victim of the chelicerae website, the old woman in annabell’s statement, francis, etc.) i think this goes a ways to explain what happened to raymond’s other victims, and what would have happened to mag 59′s statement giver if he’d bitten into the apple:
They lay still now, wrapped in their sticky cocoons. Their bodies seemed warped and bloated in a way I didn’t recognize. But that’s only because at that point in my life, I had never before seen a spider egg sac.
more importantly though, we also learn that the box was buried under the burnt up tree in hill top road’s garden, the one whose uprooting was implied to be linked to agnes’s death: 
At that moment I made my decision. It was easy, like destroying this tree was the only thing to do, the only path to follow ... When the tree lay on its side, uprooted and powerless, I gazed into the hole where it had sat and noticed something lying there in the dirt.
Climbing down, I retrieved what turned out to be a small wooden box, about six inches square, with an intricate pattern carved along the outside. Engraved lines covered it, warping and weaving together, making it hard to look away.
Except… We cannot prove any connection, but Martin unearthed a report on an Agnes Montague, who was found dead in her Sheffield flat on the evening of November 23rd 2006, the same day Mr. Lensik claims to have uprooted the tree.
and keep in mind that the only reason the statement giver in mag 59 didn’t eat the apple, didn’t succumb to the web... was agnes’s kiss:
As the man in the suit told me to follow him in a clipped BBC accent, Agnes walked over, and gestured for me to lean down and listen to her. I did so, but instead of a conspiratorial whisper, she just gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, then ran off down the hall.
All at once, my cheek erupted in pain. It was like someone had pressed a hot branding iron into my face, and I could swear that I heard the flesh sizzle as I let out a scream and fell to my knees. I raised my hands to my face and realized in that moment two very important things. The first is that my face seemed to be untouched; I could feel no injury or burn. The second was that raising my hand had been a truly voluntary act. I had willed it myself, and whatever power had been gripping me, tugging me into its web, I was free of it.
at this point you’re probably wondering why i think all this is relevant in terms of what might happen with hill top road, and i have two potential ideas: 
my first idea has to do with the theory that agnes is lingering on as a ghost. this theory isn’t mine, i first encountered it shortly after mag 167 - curiosity aired through this post’s attempt to fix what bits of the timeline were thrown out of wack by the new info. if anyone has any other posts or general thoughts about this theory feel free to share them, i’d love to read them!
this theory is relevant to my speculation that agnes might finally make an appearance because she might have been the ghost seen by one of the statement givers in mag 100 - i guess you had to be there:
Right. Right.
Statement of Lynne Hammond, er, recorded 2nd of May 2017, regarding…
Uh, what, what’s this one about?
I saw a ghost.
O-kay.. Regarding a… a ghost. Statement begins.
who appeared as one of the cultists in mag 190 - scavengers: 
[Puzzled] Celia?
Probably. The, um… place I was trapped in, they took my name. I never got it back. But I like Celia, so… yeah! Celia it is.
Uh… H-Hello… Celia.
and was recognized and directly confirmed to be the same person by martin in mag 191 - what we lose:
Hey, I meant to ask. Do you recognise that woman, Celia?
Um… no, I, I don’t think so. Why?
I’d swear she gave a statement once.
having her only pop up in mag 190 would have just been a fun easter egg, but having martin directly call out her presence the next episode sounds to me like jonny telling the audience to pay attention, to remember that her statement had to do with the ghost of a young woman on fire who might have been agnes. 
my second idea involves web lighter.
over various statements throughout the previous four seasons we’ve been shown that the web and the desolation have been at war, and hill top road has been their battlefield. the best examples of this come from mag 139 - chosen and mag 149 - infectious doubts respectively. 
on the one hand we have agnes being planted in hill top road by the cult of the lightless flame in an effort to both control her powers and derail the web’s plans, which seems to begin the conflict:
The compromise we came to was Hill Top Road. We knew it was a stronghold of the Web, full of other children Agnes’ age. We would supervise from a distance, but were confident she would be in no danger. The Mother of Puppets has always suffered at our hand; all the manipulation and subtle venom in the world means nothing against a pure and unrestrained force of destruction and ruin.
and on the other we have the web binding gertrude to agnes, thus thwarting the desolation’s ritual, which also involved hill top road:
Alright. Agnes. How’d you do it? Never did understand it, not really.
Ah. That’s a fair enough question. It was the Web. I didn’t know it at the time, of course, and I would call it an accident, but it never is, with them. It’s only after the fact that you can see all the subtle manipulations
So, I began researching what I thought was a counter-ritual of sorts. Like I said, I was young, naive. I somehow found just the right books, made just the right connections, and even got what I thought was a piece of blind good luck when I found a tin box in the ashes of Hill Top Road, containing some perfectly preserved cuttings of her hair.
wouldn’t it seem symbolic, fitting with the dream logic we’ve been working with all season (and that the fears have always tended to work with), if what ended the metaphysical war was an artifact touched by both the web and the desolation? 
say perhaps... a device that creates fire while being marked by a symbol of the spider? one that just so happened to be delivered to the institute at the same time as a certain table?
Er, what is it?
A lighter. An old Zippo.
You smoke?
No. And I don’t allow ignition sources in my archive!
Okay. Is there anything unusual about it?
Not really. Just a sort of spider web design on the front. Doesn’t mean anything to me. You?
Ah no. No.
Well… show it to the others, see what they think. You said there was something else as well?
Oh, ah yes, yeah, it was sent straight to the Artefact Storage, a table of some sort. Ah, looks old. Quite pretty, though. Fascinating design on it.
all signs point to the best hope of escaping whatever plans the web has for jon lying with the desolation, or at least with fire, and who should be waiting in hill top road than someone who’s been known to burn statements in the past... and someone who, as of mag 162 - a cozy cabin, was the last person to mention the lighter: 
So, should we destroy it? Before we go?
I honestly don’t know if we can.
Besides, there’s – far worse out there. Better to try and avoid it, I think.
We’re not even gonna try? Look, we’ve got your lighter; maybe if we just –
i haven’t even begun to touch on the multiple instances of spiral marked individuals interacting with hill top road, or the potential role of the rift leading from the world without the institute to the reality with the institute from mag 114 - cracked foundations, or the foreshadowing we’ve gotten throughout this season that the archive might be destroyed by fire and how it’s looking more and more like that means jon might die, or the significance of the tapes and what power might be behind them...
but it’s nearing five in the morning where i am and i’ve been working on this frankly gargantuan post since about midnight, so i’m going to let more meta-inclined minds take it from here. tell me what you think! where do you agree with me, where do you think i’ve gone astray? hell, tell me if you think i’m just spinning my wheels, this is the first real theory post i’ve ever made so i might be completely off base, at least i tried lol.
the call back to the imagery surrounding the web table and its long history with hill top road and the desolation is leading me to believe that whatever plans the web has in hill top road for jon, fire is going to have a significant role in whether or not the web gets what it wants; either agnes herself might finally make an appearance or the web lighter might finally come into play.
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jaybear1701 · 3 years
March 29, 1970
Astronauts are a rare breed, and Pam is still amazed that she, of all people, has a front row seat to the American heroes. A rather unique one at that, where she bears witness to facets usually shrouded from the rest of the country, catching glimpses of what lies beneath the carefully curated air of confidence and capability.
For all the stoicism of the likes of an Ed Baldwin, or the laid-back charm of a Gordo Stevens, there’s a thread of vulnerability that ties them together, tense and taut. It emerges as the nights wear on, and the liquor flows freely. Pam has bent her ear long enough to recognize it for what it is–an unspoken acknowledgment that, despite hours upon hours of meticulous preparation that can stretch for months or even years, the precariousness of their jobs means it could all go belly up without a moment’s notice. 
She observes this uncertainty–this fear –even in the ASCANs, every time they walk into The Outpost with one less candidate in tow. Pam makes sure to give an extra generous pour of whiskey whenever she sees the exhaustion in Tracy Stevens’ eyes or the weariness in Danielle Poole’s polite smile. Tries to make the already taciturn Ellen Waverly laugh whenever she folds ever inward into quiet solitude.
Yes, Pam knows the weakness of these titans of space. They know she knows. And though she’s an ally, and not quite a friend, her discretion makes her an honorary member of their exclusive club. But sometimes that privilege can be a bit too much. Too overwhelming to play unofficial therapist as she fixes cocktails and cracks open beer bottles for hours on end.
And so, she welcomes the breaks, and doesn’t hesitate to accept when her boss tells her to clock out early on a slow Sunday afternoon. It’s Easter after all, and even the astronauts know better than to spend it away from their families.
Pam’s halfway out the door, already in her own little world, when she nearly bumps into someone while crossing the threshold.
“Pam, hi.” Ellen, startled, takes a step back as Pam exits and lets the door swing shut behind her.
“Hey,” Pam greets, stomach fluttering in pleasant surprise.
In jeans and a white blouse, Ellen’s the most casual Pam’s ever seen her. She takes in Pam’s denim jacket and the purse slung over her shoulder. “You, uh, heading out?”
“Yeah.” Pam nods. “Got a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card for the rest of the day.”
Pam’s not sure if the flash of disappointment in Ellen’s brown eyes is a figment of her imagination. “Didn’t expect to see you here on a holiday.”
“Wasn’t planning on it.” Ellen shrugs sheepishly. “Took a walk and just ended up here, I guess.” 
Pam gives an exaggerated grimace. “I don’t know whether that’s sweet or sad.”
Ellen laughs. “Definitely the latter, for sure.”
Of all the ASCANs, Ellen’s the one Pam knows the least about. Not that she hasn’t been curious to know more about the introverted trainee. She knows better than to push, preferring to let people open up at their own pace. But when an opening presents itself…
“Won’t your family wonder where you are?” Pam ventures.
“Ah, family’s back in Connecticut.” Ellen slips her hands in her back pockets. “So…” 
She’s alone , Pam realizes with a swell of sympathy, and before she can think better of it, she blurts out, “You should come with me.”
Ellen’s eyebrows shoot up. “W-where?”
“Anywhere’s gotta be better than here.” Pam doesn’t know what she’s doing or why she’s doing it. But it just feels right . “I mean, unless you want to spend the rest of your holiday in this shithole. No judgment.”
To Pam’s relief, the corners of Ellen’s lips curl up. “Lead the way.”
It’s a beautiful spring day in Houston, still pleasantly cool as the days creep toward the heat of summer. Pam brings Ellen to her favorite park, where budding trees line the banks of a small pond in bright pastels of pink and green and white. The sun glints off the rippling water and, judging by the way Ellen’s eyes light up, Pam knows she made the right decision.
“So, how’s training going?” Pam asks as they walk side-by-side along a paved path that winds around the pond, taking their time.
“It’s…” Ellen squints into the distance before glancing sidelong at Pam. “Don’t you get tired of us unloading on you?”
The question catches Pam off-guard, and she doesn’t answer right away. “No one’s, um, ever asked me that.”
“Probably because a lot of us are narcissistic assholes,” Ellen says the expletive so matter-of-factly that Pam can’t help but laugh. “It’s true! You know it.”
“Not all of you.” Pam nudges Ellen’s shoulder with her own. “Listening’s part of the job.”
“Doesn’t mean you don’t get tired of it,” Ellen points out, prompting a noncommittal hum from Pam. “I could go on and on about how it’s tough and stressful, but I’m guessing you’ve heard it all before. I’d rather know more about you.”
“I’m really not that interesting,” Pam deflects even as warmth prickles up the back of her neck.
“Try me.” Ellen looks at her with such open, genuine interest that Pam caves. She’s not quite sure what it is about Ellen that makes her want to open up, but she does and she goes with the flow.
She leads them to a row of empty benches situated beneath pergolas covered in plants that twist up and around wooden posts to create a tangled rooftop of sweet-scented blooms. 
“Let’s see.” Pam takes a seat and angles herself toward Ellen, who mirrors her. Their knees are almost close enough to touch. “Grew up in a small town outside of Austin. Got my bachelor’s in English from UT, to my parents’ deep and never-ending chagrin.”
“Which part didn’t they like, if you don’t mind me asking?” Ellen tilts her head to the side, curiosity etched across her pretty features.
“Take your pick. It was bad enough their only daughter wanted to go to college–because a woman’s place is always in the home, of course,” Pam rolls her eyes, “But she also had to go and pick a quote-unquote ‘useless’ degree.”
“It’s not useless,” Ellen says sincerely, once again surprising Pam. 
“Thanks, but I know it’s not exactly practical. I mean, not like an engineering degree or anything.”
“Engineering’s overrated.” 
Pam wrinkles her nose, incredulous. “Says the woman who’ll be up in space mapping out the universe in a few years.” 
“I’m serious,” Ellen insists. “Outer space is exciting, don’t get me wrong. But sometimes I think people get too caught up in the external, when there’s still so much left unexplored within humanity’s…” Her hands grasp at the air as if the right words hang invisibly around them. “I don’t know… innerspace? And the arts navigate it.”
Lips parted, Pam is left speechless and, if she’s honest, a bit flattered.
“God, that’s cheesy, isn’t it?” Ellen winces.
“No, that’s…” Without thinking, Pam reaches out and brushes her fingers against Ellen’s knee. “That’s really sweet. Thank you.”
Gaze drifting down toward the brief touch, Ellen clears her throat and looks out toward the water, seemingly fascinated by a family of ducks floating along the surface. “You’re welcome.” A light shade of pink dusts her cheeks. “And so you ended up in Houston because?”
“Isn’t it every little girl’s dream to sling drinks in a NASA watering hole?”
Ellen chuckles. “Definitely was mine. Except I wanted to do it on the moon.”
Pam shakes her head, amused, very much enjoying this playful side of the normally staid astronaut candidate. Truthfully, Pam’s not even sure herself anymore why she’s remained in Houston. What had seemed like a good idea after college has slowly faded in the wake of her ongoing indecision about what exactly she wanted in life. 
“I figured Houston’s not too far from home,” she finally says. “But far enough away that I can figure out my shit without my parents’ constant disappointment.”
Ellen ducks her head, dark hair partly obscuring the wistful expression on her face. “I get that.”
Pam stifles a sudden and unexpected urge to smooth Ellen’s hair back behind her ear. She leans back and crosses her arms, to prevent herself from doing something monumentally stupid. “Are you saying your parents aren’t thrilled their daughter could be the first American woman in space?”
“Yes,” Ellen answers candidly. “And no. My parents are definitely proud. Supportive, even. But I also know they wouldn’t complain if I just settled down, got married, and helped with the family business.” Her voice is soft in its resignation, and Pam can’t help but empathize. 
“Expectations are a bitch, aren’t they?”
Ellen laughs, the sound musical, and Pam’s heart throbs without warning. “Yes,” she turns her head to capture Pam’s gaze. “Yes, they are.”
Ellen’s always been pretty–Pam’s not blind. But in the sunlight filtering through the canopy above them, she’s particularly radiant, and Pam quickly forces herself to tamp down on the warmth spreading through her chest. This isn’t the right time or place, and most definitely isn’t the right person, for those sort of feelings. 
“I, um, I’m glad I bumped into you today,” Pam says to fill the silence stretching slowly between them, self-consciously brushing her bangs to the side.
“Me too.” Ellen looks out over the water once again, wistful. “I had no idea this was even here.”  
“It’s not like you all have a lot of time to sightsee,” Pam points out. “But if you ever need a tour guide, you know where to find me.”
“Not sure about a tour guide,” Ellen glances at her, almost shyly, out of the corner of her eye, “but I wouldn’t say no to a friend.” 
Pam pretends to mull it over. “Yeah, I guess I could put up with you. Until you move to space, that is.”
“Oh, well, thanks for doing me that favor.”
“Don’t mention it, but don’t think this means you’ll get free drinks or anything.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Ellen says with a gentle smile. 
Pam returns it, trying but failing to ignore just how light her heart feels. 
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xxisxxisxxis · 3 years
Deleted Scene: Gateway Drug | "Shout at the Devil" -- 1986
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
Our skin is sweaty and sticky, the heat of the fire from the fireplace filling the living room while me and Nikki just got done working on our own methods of keeping each other warm. 
Nikki's leaning his head up against the bottom of the couch, my cheek against his abdomen, looking up at him.
His eyeliner is running slightly from sweating, the light from the fire the only thing lighting the house, casting a glow over him, his grin wide as we catch our breaths. 
"Okay," he starts, taking a sip of white wine and I pull the blanket over my chest. 
"Okay," I repeat, his free hand coming down to slide over my shoulder to nestle at the nape of my neck, in my hair. 
"Confession time." He starts. 
"Oh, dear." I rub my face and he chuckles. 
"I'll go first but you have to promise you won't think differently of me." He tells me. 
"Promise." I assure him, nervous. 
"Back when I was, like, eighteen, me and my buddy Lizzie--who was in London with me at the time--we worked in telemarketing trying to sell light bulbs." He explains and I raise my brows. 
"Light bulbs?" 
"Fucking sucked." He adds. "Anyway, we got a little commission off of it and it was the most grueling job I've ever fucking had, right? Well, we decided we could sell light bulbs ourselves and pocket the money."
"Nikki." I chuckle and he does, too. 
"So, we came up with "G.E.D."--General Electric Distribution--and we had jumpsuits and hats with G.E.D. on it and Lizzie got a magnet for his car with G.E.D. on it." He says and I rub my forehead. "We bought a pack of the cheapest tube bulbs, shit broke-cheap." He explains. "And we called a random company and said G.E.D was calling their manager back on replacing their bulbs. Well, these people would go with it thinking we were scheduled to come replace their light bulbs. So, we went and Lizzie would replace them, and we'd replace them with the shitty ones and box the nice ones we took out, and promised them the bulbs would work for ten years, I had a calculator and was calculating bullshit and telling them that they were cutting their electric bill by 30% with the new bulbs we put in."
My stomach hurts from how much I'm laughing by this point, my hands covering my face. 
"And then we'd call another company and take them the bulbs we had gotten from the previous client and take their bulbs and give it to someone else's business." He finishes and I wipe the tears from my eyes from trying to hold back my laughter. 
I can imagine Nikki with a calculator, pretending to crunch some numbers to figure out how much someone is saving on their electric bill monthly. 
"That's awful." I tell him and he swigs from his drink, smirking. 
"Your turn." He pats my hair. 
"For what?"
"Something you've done." He tells me. "Preferably something naughty that you've done to yourself while I haven't been here." He adds and I roll my eyes. 
"I demonstrated that earlier." I remind him, hitting his leg. 
"Okay, okay, seriously, what shitty jobs have you had?" He asks and I just stay quiet, rubbing my lips together. 
"I've never had a job." I admit. 
"What?" He sounds like he wasn't expecting it. 
"I never had one." I repeat. "My mom wanted me to stay focused on dance and school in high school so I never got one, and then I moved in with you right after graduation and that changed a lot, so…"
"You never had a job? Not even a little summer job or something?" 
"I babysat a couple times but that doesn't really count as a job because I like kids, so." 
"You like kids?" He asks me, looking slightly taken back. 
"Yeah...you don't?" 
"I don't have a problem with kids." He tells me, drinking more. "I just don't know if I want any." 
"Nikki, we got married because I thought I was pregnant." I remind him. 
"I'm not saying if you got pregnant I'd want you to get rid of it or leave you or something but...I don't know. I guess the shit with my dad I just have this thing about having kids. I don't want to fuck them up the way I was." He tells me. 
"I'm not your mom, you're not your dad, our kids will be fine." I assure him with a smile. 
"Well, what about your folks? Your mom is batshit for Jesus. What if you're like her?" He asks me. 
"If I were like my mom I wouldn't have even dated you, let alone married you." I chuckle.
"Bullshit, Sixx." He tells me.
"It's not bullshit." I argue. 
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you're not gonna have our kids in church every Sunday morning." He states and I lick my lips to hide my grin. "Uh huh, and that's where I put my foot down and say, 'you're not brainwashing my kids'." 
"Christianity is not brainwashing." I tell him. 
"Vivian, you talk to the air and expect it to do stuff." He chuckles. 
"It's called having faith." I reply, not taking a word he's saying seriously. "And I'll have our kids in church until they decide whether they want to choose to believe in God or not--not that church has anything to do with God to begin with--but still…" I mumble and he just looks down at me,  smirking, before he starts chuckling. 
"You're so full of shit." He tells me. "It's sexy, though." He adds. 
"I hate you." I roll my eyes and sit up, about to stand but he grabs my hand and pulls me to him, causing me to straddle him. 
"You're full of shit." I bite back to him, his arm wrapping around me, his lips pressing to the wine bottle again, a drop of it rolling down his chin and he goes to wipe it away but I lick it up greedily and he digs his fingers into my back, pressing his lips to mine with a hum, our tongues meeting for a moment before I pull away. 
"So no church?" I ask him, my fingernail lightly tracing over the tattoo on his chest. 
"No church." He replies. 
"Not even for Christmas and Easter?" 
"We won't even celebrate Christmas and Easter." He states, and I know he's just fucking with me, now. 
"Oh, really?" 
"Any celebrations we have are gonna be sacrifices to Satan." He says next. 
"Shut up." I tilt my head back and laugh, and he drinks more wine. 
"Speaking of...you know something else I need to get off my chest?" He asks next. 
"Do I want to know?" 
He takes yet another sip of wine before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and putting the bottle aside, both of his hands running up and down the back of my ribs.
"I was still fucking around with weird shit when we got married." He tells me. 
"Hence the car accident that should've killed you and my never ending depression episode that lasted nearly three months." I reply. 
"Yeah, I kinda backed off of it after that." He informs me casually and I chuckle. 
"All while on your, 'it's 'Shout at the Devil' not 'with the Devil' bullshit." I mimic him. 
"It was so 'Shout with the Devil,' the record label just wouldn't let that fly." He and I both laugh, but his expression changes a little and he runs his thumb over my lip. 
"When we do have kids...a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, time from now," he starts and I wince internally because we're already supposed to have some running around and he has no idea. "If you want them to grow up in church and decide when they're a little older what they want, that's perfectly fine with me." He admits and I furrow my brows a little. 
"What? This coming from the one who sneers at the mere mention of God?" I ask, referring to him. 
"I know the number your mom did on you really hurt you, and I know you won't push anything on our's they don't want to be a part of, so…" he adds. "...I don't know, I guess I just trust you not to be a psychotic slut for Jesus and take it out on our kids or whatever."
"How sweet." I say, again, sarcastically, and he cuts his eyes at me. 
"I'm about to bend you over my knee and just…" he grabs at my sides, tickling me, and I screech, trying to jerk away, and he pushes me back to the floor and tackles me, pinning my hands above my head with one hand while tickling at me with the other. 
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I call, trying to get some relief. 
He stops, laughing at me, before pressing his lips to my chest, up to my neck, and finally my lips, my arms snaking around his back, my legs hooking around his waist. 
He pulls away for a moment, resting on his forearms on either side of my head, his hands running through the roots of my hair, his pretty eyes looking down at me, making a smile come to my lips.
"Thank you," I tell him, about not making a big deal about me wanting our kids to go to church until they decide they don't want to anymore. 
He just smiles and presses a kiss to my lips, then my cheek, then starts peppering them all over my face, making me giggle. 
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meltiverse · 4 years
(22-G Mature Oneshot)Birthday Gift
Note: So… That happened… I’m not sure exactly how this oneshot ended up going in the direction it went, but Oh well. So this is a birthday gift that I wrote for myself, since my birthday was yesterday (April 12th) and it ended up being mostly smut but with some angst at the end.
Warnings: Contain some weird, biologically inaccurate kinks like oviposition (because apparently, that’s what come to my mind during Easter) , non-human genitalia, hemipenes and cervical penetration. Also contain some Mommy kink, light bondage, some femdom, some dirty talking and mentions of age difference.
Also, I’m not sure how to explain it, but there’s some mentions of dubcon? The angst is mostly that after sex, both Mel and Shuichi think they somewhat forced themselves on the other, but it get resolved and there’s an happy ending.
Also, there’s some random silliness at some points, just because. That’s what happen when I decide to write smut on my birthday, apparently… 
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“What? What kind of question is that?
- I heard you talking in your sleep about “stuffing me full of your eggs” the other night… So, do you really lay eggs or…
- Damn it… I’m… I’m so sorry…”
Shuichi was blushing and hiding his face in his hands, ashamed that he talked in such ways in his sleep. He was already surprised that Mel wanted to date him to begin with, and even more surprised that she was more than willing to have sex with him. He tried to hide the fact that once a year or so, something weird, probably related to his quirk or something, happen. He needs to lay eggs out of his hemipenes. He also gets really horny during that time and he knew it was coming really soon. He already started to be hornier than usual, which is probably what led him to that dream of stuffing Mel with his eggs. Unable to be dishonest with Mel, he tells her the truth, apologizing again and again.
Shuichi was almost panicking, thinking that this was the end, there was no ways Mel would want to be with him now.
“What are you sorry about?”
Mel was cocking her head to the side, looking at him curiously.
“You… You probably think I’m some kind of gross monster now. I… I didn’t want you to know. I was going to pretend that I was sick when it was the time… Damn it… I’m so sorry… Please… Can you… maybe… pretend you never heard that? Please? You know I would never do anything that could harm you, yeah?”
Mel raised an eyebrow, still staring at the scaled young man.
“So, you do really lay eggs… Do you know more precisely when it’s going to happen?
-… About that… I’m sorry, but it’s probably going to be around Sunday… so… I won’t be able to spend your birthday with you… I’m so sorry”
Mel shook her head and smiled, already forming a plan in her head.
“Hey, it’s ok, relax Shuichi! I’m not mad at you or anything like that! Soooo… Have you ever tried laying them in someone or…?
- WHAT? No! Of course not! I mean, you’re only the second person I ever had sex with, you know that! So when would have I? Ugh… Can we stop talking about that, please?
- Sorry, sorry. I just find it interesting.”
Shuichi scoffed; Mel really found the strangest things interesting. Well, that was lucky for him, he guessed. She probably wouldn’t want to be with him otherwise, especially with that new detail about him now dragged into daylight. Mel found Shuichi’s dumbfounded expression so cute that she couldn’t help but giggle, embracing him and placing a kiss on his snout, making him blush.
Time-skip to Sunday brought to you by EGGS! ALL I WANT IS EGGS! EGGS! EGGS! EGGS!
Shuichi was in the bedroom. Mel was supposed to be at Magne’s place for a few days, as the time has come for Shuichi to lay his eggs. He was naked, lying down on the bed, face flushed, eyes closed as he was stroking his cocks, one in each hand, trying to get those eggs to come out. He hated himself for it, but he couldn’t stop himself from imagining Mel. He imagined her riding him and asking to be filled with his eggs, her pussy clenching around him, her cute moans filling the air.
“Hmmm… yes… Please babe. Don’t stop and you’re gonna get what you want… I’m getting close, won’t be too long until I stuff you full of my eggs…”
It was quite the scene for Mel, who just discreetly entered the bedroom, wearing only a nice lingerie set.
“Hey, lover! Thinking about me?”
Shuichi stops what he was doing and sit up, his eyes wide open out of surprise.
“Mel, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to be here…”
Then, he notices what Mel was wearing, how nice the purple lingerie looks against her skin, leaving little to the imagination. For a second, he thinks that his lust got the best of him and that he is imagining her, but the feeling of her straddling his legs and her hand on one of his hard dicks feel all too real.
With her free hand, Mel gently push Shuichi back to make him lie on the bed again.
“It’s ok, baby. Let me take care of you…”
Shuichi could barely believe what was happening, but in his lustful haze, he didn’t care anymore. He wanted, no, needed Mel so bad right now, he couldn’t think of anything else.
“Unf… Please babe, I… I need you! Please, please, help me!
- Don’t worry, Love. I’ll help you get rid of those annoying eggs, yeah? Do you want me to help you?”
As she was saying that, Mel was now stroking both Shuichi’s dicks. He could feel her wetness against his leg, even through her panties. It was driving him insane.
“Please… please… I need… I need to be… inside you… please… please…”
He kept repeating it like a mantra, begging for Mel’s sweet embrace. He almost cried when she moved away from him to remove her lingerie, but the lost was short lived. Mel was now straddling his hips, grinding against his cocks. Feeling her warmth and wetness, Shuichi couldn’t help himself, his hands shot up to grab her soft, plushy breasts. He always loved the feeling of those in his hands. Mel bend down to be able to kiss Shuichi and whisper to him.
“So, here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to ride you until you lay those eggs inside me and stuff me full, and we’re both going to enjoy it. Is that ok with you?
- Yes! Yes! Please! Please do it!”
Shuichi’s hands moved to Mel’s hips, trying to move her so he could finally sheath his painfully hard dicks inside her, but she didn’t let him, slapping his hands away.
“Nuh uh! Lemme do it!”
And to make sure he wouldn’t try again, she grabbed Shuichi’s scarf.
“Since you don’t want to be a good boy, I’ll have to tie your wrists to the headboard, yeah?”
Usually, Shuichi was careful to not let anything that might imply some of what he consider his “weirder” kinks out of fear of Mel’s reaction, but right now, he was way too far gone to even think about the consequences of his actions. He put his hands over his head against the headboard by himself.
“I’m sorry… I… I’ve been a bad boy… Please… Tie me up… and teach me to be a good boy… Mama…”
Mel raised an eyebrow. Shuichi was always so secretive about his kinks, usually. This was rather a nice change that he finally let himself loose. Mel didn’t really expect that, but she didn’t really mind. Maybe their age difference was to blame, Mel was around 10 years older than him after all, with him being 21 and her actually turning 32 today. Or maybe it was Mel’s habit of being somewhat motherly with all her loved ones… Anyways, Mel just shrugged to herself and tied Shuichi’s wrists to the headboard.
“Now, are you going to be a good boy for Mama? You’ll let Mama fuck herself on your fat cocks until you lay your eggs? Your going to give Mama what she wants for her birthday and stuff her full of eggs?”
Shuichi was using all his willpower not to move, not wanting to risk Mel changing her mind.
“Yes, please Mama… I need… I need…
-Yes, I know, baby boy. Just a moment, I need to prep myself for you.”
A quick glance allowed Shuichi to see Mel stretching herself with her fingers, making him drool and lick his snout at the sight. He gladly started to lick and suck on her fingers when she presented them to him, eager to please Mel so she finally would ride him. And finally, Mel took his cocks and hold them together, struggling to get them both inside as due to getting ready to lay eggs, they were even bigger than usual, but eventually managed to get the heads in. From there, it was easier, both of their fluids allowing Mel to impale herself on Shuichi’s cocks with relative ease. They both moaned, Shuichi at the velvety warmth enveloping his dicks and Mel at the feeling of being stretched more than usual. Mel started to bounce on Shuichi’s cocks, slowly at first to get herself used to the stretch and then with a quicker rhythm.
Looking at him was quite the sight for Mel. Shuichi was panting a drooling, blabbering praises and begging her not to stop, struggling against the scarf in an attempt to free his hands and grab Mel. Unfortunately, Mel’s legs were starting to get tired, and her getting closer to her climax didn’t help her. It became quite difficult for her to keep doing that. Her lust got the best of her and she decided to do something somewhat risky. With the current situation, Mel was able to control the depth of the penetration and would’ve been able to back out easily if the eggs became too much for her. In his state, Mel knew Shuichi would not be able to have such restrains, even thought he didn’t want to hurt her in any ways. And yet, she still took the decision to let Shuichi take control.
“Hey, Mama’s getting tired, so she’s gonna untie you. You have my consent to do what you need to lay your eggs, so be a good boy, yeah?”
With that said, Mel untied Shuichi and mentally braced herself for what she knew would be wilder and more intense than anything she ever experienced. Within seconds of untying Shuichi’s hands, he grabbed Mel’s hips and rolled over so he could be on top, thrusting erratically into Mel and leaving sloppy kisses on her neck and collarbone.
“Thank you… love you so much…
-I love you too, Shuichi”
Even with the strange, numbing effect of Shuichi’s pre-cum, Mel could still feel the heads of his cocks pressing harshly against her cervix with each thrust, trying to gain access to her womb to lay their eggs and then, with a particularly powerful thrust, it finally happened. Shuichi bottomed out in Mel and stopped moving, keeping himself as deep as possible, instinctively using his Quirk to stick his hands to Mel’s hips to keep her in place...
“I’m… I’m going to… fill you with my eggs now, Mama.”
Mel barely understood, the feeling of Shuichi going past that barrier inside her getting her over the edge and making her climax at the unusual, but painless feeling. Finally, Shuichi had his relief, filling Mel up with both cum and small eggs. It was enough to quickly bring Mel to another orgasm, wrapping her arms and legs around Shuichi to keep him close and sharing a messy kiss.
It wasn’t too long for both of them to fall asleep, exhausted by the intensity of what they experienced. The last things Mel noticed before falling asleep was the full but not really unpleasant feeling of the eggs inside her and Shuichi cuddling her and nuzzling her breasts, a strange, almost purring-like sound escaping his throat.
Mel woke up some time later, the full feeling now gone. A quick glance at the alarm clock telling her that she slept for about 6 hours. She looked around, wondering where Shuichi was, since he wasn’t beside her in the bed. She noticed that she had been cleaned up and that the bed sheets were even changed! Mel thought that she must have been in a really deep sleep if Shuichi managed to do that without waking her.
Hearing a knock on the door, Mel got up, wincing because she was somewhat sore, and grabbed a bathrobe to cover herself before opening the door. On the other side of the door was Magne, holding a platter with a leftover piece of Mel’s birthday cake and a cup of tea on it, a worried look on her face.
“Magne? What are you doing here?
- Spinner called me about an hour ago and asked me to come over and keep an eye on you… Are you… feeling all right? Do I need to kill him?
- What? No! Why would you kill him? And I’m all right… Where is Shuichi?
- He locked himself up in your gaming room… He looked like he had been crying and he kept muttering about doing something horrible to you…”
Mel pinched the bridge of her nose and let a sigh escape her. Of course, Shuichi would blame himself, even if he had nothing to blame himself for. If anything, Mel should be the one to be blamed, going to Shuichi while being aware of his situation. Mel took the platter from Magne’s hands and placed it on the bedside table, grabbing the cup to take a sip of the tea.
“What happened?”
Magne still looked worried as she asked; after all, Mel was a dear friend of hers, ever since they met up for the first time at a LGBTQ+ group meetup. It was even Magne who introduced Mel to Shuichi, knowing they would get along well.
“Nothing special, really, Magne. You know Shuichi, he’s just… blaming himself unnecessarily. To be honest… I think I’m the one who messed up… I… I really need to talk with him. You can go back home, I’ll call you later, ok?
- If you say so… Don’t hesitate to call me, or even come over at my place if there is anything.
-Yeah, thank you, Magne.”
After Magne left, Mel put on some pajamas to be more comfortable and went to the door of gaming room. It was actually a second bedroom, but since they didn’t need 2 bedrooms they instead used it for their computer and video games consoles, with a flat screen tv and with a comfortable futon that could become a bed if they had friends or family over who needed a place to sleep. Mel tried to open the door, but since it was locked, she gently knocked, putting her ear against the door trying to hear inside.
“Shuichi? Please, open the door, Shuichi! I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry… Please, we need to talk.”
Mel could hear movement in the room and then Shuichi’s voice right on the other side of the door, between sobs.
“Mel? I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry! I never wanted to hurt you, you know that, yeah? I… I know what I did was awful… I’m sorry…”
It took Mel all her willpower to not start crying too, but she knew there was no way she would be able to calm down Shuichi if he heard her crying.
“Shuichi, please, calm down and listen to me. You did nothing wrong. I’m the one who messed up. So, I’m the one who need to apologize. I’m sorry. I knew of your situation and I went to see you anyways. Because I wanted you. Because I didn’t want to spend my whole birthday away from you. Because, to be quite honest, the idea of being filled with your eggs was extremely appealing and arousing…
- Really? I mean… Even then… it must have hurt…”
Well, that was a bit of progress, Mel thought.
“Not really. I mean, yeah, I’m a bit sore, but not really much more than our first time together. Oh, and thank you for cleaning me up and changing the sheets while I was asleep.
- Hey, it’s the least I could do! Hm… About that… I think all the… I think you… “evacuated” them all in your sleep, but… maybe you should get checked by a doctor or something, just to be sure?
- I’ll keep it in mind, but I’m pretty sure they’re all gone. I think I would feel it if there were any left. Hey, Shuichi? I’m sorry, really. I… I really messed up.”
Mel’s eyes were stinging, tears silently slipping down her cheeks. The door opened, making Mel almost fall into Shuichi’s arms since she was leaning on it. Shuichi’s pink hair was a mess and his eyes were red from his crying.
“Stop. Stop apologizing. You… have you any ideas how glad I was when you arrived? When you were so willing to help me, when you even went along with… what I called you…? I… I remember everything… It’s a bit hazy, but I remember. I ASKED you to help me, didn’t I? I even begged. So please, stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong. I wanted it. I wanted you. I’ll always want you. I wanted everything you did.”
Shuichi gently dried Mel’s tears and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her. Mel reciprocated the action.
“I love you, babe. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Don’t forget that.
- I love you too, Shuichi. Thank you.”
Shuichi chuckled. He had no idea how he got so lucky, to have someone who loved him so unconditionally.
“I should be the one thanking you. You’re always putting up with me. Hm… I know it’s a bit too late, but… Happy Birthday! I… I got you that new game you wanted. Sorry, I didn’t have the chance to wrap it. It’s hidden behind my games.
- Aw! Thank you!”
Shuichi leaned down a bit to be able to kiss Mel and hugged her tightly. They took turn taking a shower and then spend the few next hours playing with Mel’s new game and eating leftover cake. Strangely enough, this event only made them grow closer, and made Shuichi less ashamed of what he considered to be his “depraved” fantasies. Because, after all, if Mel shared his fantasies, they couldn’t have been so “depraved” after all. As such, he felt much more at ease to explore them with Mel, with rules and a safe word in place.
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So here I am. Doing the one thing I have steadily avoided for the last 4 years…somewhat.
I shouldn’t start off this way but fuck I hate writing. And there goes the first impression, etched forever in your subconscious.
She’s not going to be happy about this. Meh.
So I’m a 30 y/o stuck in this hellhole and this is my story? I guess. I mean it’s really ours.
I basically made this account to vent ..uh then I realised I’d have to go all the way back for it to make sense…and I guess my life has always been this series/rpg game so it might take shape in that style. I’m mostly explaining this to myself.
Jump to 2016. I started this biography venture bc in my short 25 years I’d amassed a set of experiences that were not so average middle class life experiences, and not in the good way. Now if you take my story and place it on the backdrop of each life on this earth then, in my opinion, my life is pretty ordinary too. Hence the (reason I tell myself there was a) delay with finishing this biography. Anyway so I sat down to write this thing a total of two times(fucking literary genius) in 2016, sometime in April if I recall correctly. It was horrible but necessary, and then I guess I found magic? And decided to halt production since well…I was busy coming into awareness. I still have the draft on this pc... I stopped when I was 10 years old.
Jump to 2020 and I’m in front of this computer with Tumblr as my backdrop in order for me to feel like I have and audience and therefore someone to talk to (I decided to type this shit out on word before copy pasting to tumblr bc apparently I don’t like living on the edge??)
I’m high as fuck (I would like to say.. but na, I’m just regular high off some freshly home-grown microwaved weed.) anyway this is probably going to be my last indulgent ingestion of the stuff. Hopefully.
Don’t get me wrong, weed isn”t to blame and I have people I can talk to, but the problem is
None I know has the space. I’m the most equipped to deal with myself. To me, that is deeply unsettling right now. Like… most people don’t even know where to begin and..well..I’ve been here before so I know what to do and honestly it’s fucking shit haha.
And as shitty as I feel, it doesn’t change the fact. I gotta figure this out on my own.
I’m a 30 y/o natural med student in my second year of my 5 year degree. I live at my parent’s house in a relatively good neighbourhood, I have the most comfortable bed, a loving cat, a good-looking bedroom and many middle class luxuries…like an en suite. I have a very comfortable house to live in and there is always food whenever I feel like eating or even just to cook for fun(my talents lie in the kitchen, potions, medicines and treats are my favourite pastimes, I love to nourish people. Don’t let it fool you though.) it’s c o v i d year rn and I don’t pay for shit.. factually, I’m pretty privileged to have all that I do physically.
My parents have always been around in physicality, even when they weren’t there, especially when they weren’t there… which was and still is a lot.  And in rolls one of the overarching themes emerges. Welcome welcome.
I got that far and took a Facebook break, bitch she runnin
So yeah I was born in this bitch back in 1990, two guys got here before me, one 11 years prior, the other 3 years after the first. Then I showed up after our parents reconciled after a 6-month separation. But like…that doesn’t happen in my life till 2019.
I’m currently contemplating piercing my lip or nose but I threw out all of my old jewellery. Geezus, it’s her and she is 22. (side note to myself,  please ignore)
Anyway so yeah I get borned unto these guys; a drummer butalso telephone technician and an accountant, both were raised as worker bees but are actually uh..nope. spoiler one is a caster the other is a timekeeper. Both mages, but they don’t know.
I was this scared to shit little creature of a child. I slept between them once It was safe to do so (I know almost nothing about kids but I’m assuming it’s a safety hazard to sleep next to new-borns? let alone to let them sleep between two people whom are also asleep. Also, I recall sleeping in this white, wooden cot thing which used to chill next to their bed. It opened up like some gates did in those medieval(<-never understood this word tbh) castles, the ones that go vertically up and down. (Yes, I remember. I remember realising I was back on this plane when I was 2 months old, it’s my earliest memory-trust me this becomes highly unimpressive once I turn 23 so hold on before you think I’m lookin for clout on this one). Like I get that that is cute and all, legit I was cradled in safety but like, that cradle started to close in very soon. Too much of a good thing changes poles kids. Leave Jesus alone he wants to have some him time.
So yeah a lot happens that was quite significant during these first 4 years but I don’t remember much but a few glimpses. Bouncing on my dad’s chest, the lounge on a sunny Sunday, mom in a beige coat, long pretty hair, a family vacation where I wore this 2 piece I loved and there was a blue waterslide tube, a fight about racism (early 90s, go figure..but like also 2020 fr) a roller-skating rink, a “haunted” forest walk, Easter…. man that vacation was fun. Most of the things I remember were from age 4 onwards. But I do have snippets of before.. playing dress up with my cousins, hiding in cupboards, hiding behind makeshift tents, maaaaany makeshift tents, talks about camping outside by the pool (oh we had quite a nice sized house with a huge yard and quite a big pool too, I learned to swim when I was two, I spent a lot of time in and around water as a kidling) I spent and remember most of my time with my cousins and being angry at our aunts. I did ballet from the age of 4 as well, I remember my mom asking me if I wanted to do ballet and I said yes, we were in this blue ballet room where one of my cousins was busy with her class. She got here 7 or 8 years ahead of me too.
Idk my childhood was pretty colourful, even today, I remember it being filled with lots of adventure. At least until I started going to crèche, but only for mornings until the other kids got here and it took my mind off of the fact that my mom wasn’t there. I hated it when my mom left me anywhere, I still remember what that felt like and it’s still nauseating despite the fact that I’m about 26 years older now.
also i’m finally posting this now and the high has already worn off. 24 hours to go.
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amour-de-tous · 4 years
I am Pretending I was tagged by @pilferingapples because she said “anyone else who does want to” and I have decided I Want To, aha. (hi Pilf, I miss you, I have messages from you in my inbox, I DO intend to respond to them!! And they made me smile a lot when I received them so thank you) 1. how has your day been? My day has Been A Day, oh boy, let me tell y’all. It started out with being unable to submit SSA papers online like I should be able to and, uh, being told to “take them into the office”. Uh. All the offices are closed, so that’s...fun. 2. what was the last thing that made you smile? My 4 year old niece shouting “but I NEED to go to Kohls” for ??? no particular reason while I was on the phone with my sis. Like...child. You are four. What could you need Kohls for, in the midst of this pandemic?? This child kills me, I love her so much. 3. what’s keeping you entertained these days? Rewatching The Witcher, this time with @swelldame​. Reading fic. Not...reading any books I want to read because the Brain Fog is real, yo. Baking! I’m winning at quarantine baking. Latest: Depression-era eggless spice cake with cream cheese buttercream frosting, and chocolate chip oatmeal banana cookies (because The Bananas Were Going). Next up: Passion cake for Palm Sunday! 4. if you are in some kind of quarantine/self isolation, is there anything you’d like to achieve in this time? I live the quarantine life any and all days I can get away with, on a regular basis, and definitely through a regular old flu season, anyway. But, yeaaaaah. I am in the high risk category and have been advised by my doctor to leave the house Under No Circumstances, even for my new-patient visit with my new rheumatologist, next week. lol, great. The only thing I really want to achieve is Not Running Out Of Milk (I recognize this is...low on the general priority list, but some people self-medicate with Substances. I self-medicate with my evening glass of milk lol). Also to start sewing again, maybe! I think it is maybe a hobby I can achieve with the limited hand functionality I have, so??? Hopefully. We shall see! I managed to sew a hem! On Easter curtains for the kitchen! Also, maybe read a book? I really miss reading books. :\ 5. post a selfie! (if you’re comfortable with that). APPARENTLY my most recent selfie is this one of me, where I’m making a Dope Face to send to a friend. lol Sitting in my medically necessary recliner. Wearing my blue light glasses. In my Daytime Jammies. lol
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Tagging....idk, man. I am so Off Of Tumblr for the last like seventy years that I...don’t even know who is active anymore. lol @swelldame @bobcatmoran @kingedmundsroyalmurder​ @cheesethesecond​ I GUESS. And anyone who wants to! And feel no pressure or obligation, my lovelies. 
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Boyfriend and Girlfriend Ch. 11
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Title: Boyfriend and Girlfriend Ch. 11
Pairing: High School!Sam x High School!Reader AU
Word Count: 1391
Chapter Summary: While Sam goes on a quick grocery run, Dean and Y/N spend some time with an unexpected guess.
Chapter Warnings: Crack and Fluff :)
Disclaimer: Not my gif.
A/N: This is just a filler chapter in celebration of Easter. But I am still tagging @supernatural-jackles because she is the inspiration of this series! If it wasn’t for her Weekly Challenges, this wouldn’t have ever existed! Hope you like all the sweet fluff! Have a great Easter Sunday, whether you celebrate it or not. I’m personally excited for the sale on chocolate the next day! haha! Happy Reading! xx
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Dean was working on his car while you were sitting in the driver’s seat messing with your phone. Sam had gone out on a quick run to the grocery store with Dean’s list of “needs.” Sam would have invited you to tag along with him, but with Dean’s precious Baby out of commission, Sam needed the extra space for the bags.
“Do you really think Sam will buy the chocolates and candy we listed?” You asked, setting your phone to camera mode. You could see Dean from the driver’s seat through the little sliver of space where the hood lifted from the car. The view sparked some inspiration, and although it wouldn’t compare to your actual camera, the quality of your camera phone would be good enough.
“I gave him the money, so he better,” Dean replied, focusing on whatever he was tending to.
You slumped a little more into the seat trying to obtain the perfect angle before snapping more than a few pictures. “He was pretty adamant about how we shouldn’t be eating so much junk food,” you added.
“Yeah, well, if he doesn’t I guess we’re just gonna have to kick his ass. You know, tag team against him.” You laughed at his words as you thought about it. What could you possibly do to the lanky giant? He could easily pin you down.
“Yeah, because I could really cause some damage,” you joked, taking more pictures.
You got out of the car in need of some new angles. Dean was looking really good in the photos and you felt the need to take more, the Photographer in you begging to be satisfied with obnoxious amounts of photos.
It wasn’t until Dean saw you in weird positions, standing on your toes, squatting, and other weird poses, in his peripherals that he realize you were taking photos of him. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing? I told you I don’t like taking pictures,” he held up a greasy hand, blocking his face.
“Oh, c’mon Dean! Why not? You’re so pretty! Perfect for modeling!” You assured. “Look at the photos I took, and tell me you don’t think you look good.”
“Sweetheart. I know I look good. But this,” he motioned to his face, “is all off limits. This adorable, handsome, beautiful face is exclusive to me, and the lucky woman that gets to have me.”
You rolled your eyes dramatically, making sure he saw, and as a result, he threw his nasty oil rag at your face. “Dean! Ew!” you tossed it onto the ground. While Dean laughed at your dismay, you picked the rag out and flung it back, the rag somehow perfectly draping over his head. Now it was your turn to laugh.
“You little brat,” Dean chuckled, removing the soiled cloth and using it to wipe his hands, and you took another picture. “Hey!” He scolded.
“Dean! Dean!” A small voice shouted. You turned to see Jack running in your direction, his hair lying in through the air. He was wearing a pastel plaid collared shirt, blue denim shorts, one shoe with his other foot only covered in a sock, and carrying what looked like an Easter basket.
“Y/N!” He called your name, stopping in front of you. “Look at what I got! I got eggs!” He chirped excitedly. “They have candy inside them!” He beamed up at you. The kid was adorable that you couldn’t help yourself.
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.
“Wow, Jack! That’s so awesome!” You cooed, causing his smile to grow wider and his eyes to close with happiness.
Click. Click.
Dean shook his head at you, snickering as he approached the two of you, kneeling down to Jack’s height. “What you got there, bud?” Dean asked.
“Eggs! Mom took me Easter egg hunting! Can we eat them together?” Jack asked, a hopeful gleam in his eyes.
Click… Click.
“Y/N, put the phone away,” Dean laughed. “You’ve got a serious addiction. Maybe Sammy can give you an intervention later.”
“I can’t help it. I like to capture the moment. Besides, Jack looks adorable!” You squealed, falling to your knees and bringing the kid into a big hug. Jack giggled, setting down his basket and wrapping his small arms around your neck. Jack was definitely a lover.
You looked over at Dean who was holding up his own phone. “You were right. Sometimes you gotta just capture the moment,” he teased.
“Can we eat some chocolate?” Jack pulled away, looking you in your eyes. He kept his arms resting on your shoulders, his fingers playing with your hair.
“What did your mom say before you came zooming over here?” Dean asked, gaining both your attention.
“She said I could share my candy with you,” Jack replied.
“And…?” Dean added.
Jack looked at Dean then to you, then back at Dean. As the two males made eye contact, you noticed Jack’s bottom lip jut out into a pout. You were quite interested in what exactly was going on.
“I can only have two pieces of candy,” his shoulder slumped.
The light bulb in your head lit up. Dean knew that Jack had his limits. It just proved how much they spent together and how much Dean knew about him. It was cute. Endearing even.
“C’mere kiddo,” Dean gestured him over to his side. Jack didn’t hesitate, going over to stand in front of Dean. “How about… I let you eat four pieces of candy, and we just won’t tell your mom?” He whispered.
You couldn’t help but laugh at how quick Jack’s face changed from disappointment to pure elation. “I promise I won’t tell my mom!” He shouted, practically jumping.
You, Dean, and Jack were inside of the trailer when Sam returned, bags under his arms. He took note of Jack and all the candy wrapper on the coffee table. All three of you looked up at him like you had all been caught doing something that you shouldn’t have been by an adult.
“Seriously?” Sam sighed.
“I like nougat!” Jack grinned. “Want some?”
“Uh, no thanks,” Sam forced a smile.
“Dean, can I have one more?” Jack asked with pleading eyes.
“Sorry bud. Just the four. Your mom would have my head if you went home on a sugar rush.” Jack pouted before turning to you, giving you his best puppy eyes. You were silent for a while, trying to keep your composure and not give in. He was too cute. “No, no, no.” Dean intervened, much to your relief. “That was the deal, remember? Now head on home. And go take a shower, you smell like muck monster,” Dean ordered, tickling the little guy and making him laugh.
All three of you walked Jack to the door, Sam helping him get his one shoe on. “Where’s the other shoe?” He asked, mostly to himself as he searched around.
“He only had one shoe when he came,” you told him. Sam made a caught-off-guard face, chuckling softly soon after, shaking his head.
“Okay, buddy. Don’t give your mom too much of a hard time, alright?” Sam smiled, earning one in return.
“I won’t. Bye!” He waved before running off at full sprint.
“Kelly is gonna kill you,” Sam muttered.
“The kid had four pieces of candy. That’s not enough for him to go all sugar Hulk,” Dean grumbled, going back into the house.
“Yeah, you would know—” Sam complained back under his breath.
Sam finally greeted you properly, wrapping his arms around your waist and giving you a sweet kiss on the lips. “You taste like chocolate,” he commented.
“Is that a good thing, or bad thing?” You smiled dreamily at him.
“Definitely a good thing,” Sam grinned, his eyes trailing down your face and landing on your lips. “I think I want another taste—”
“Y/N! He got the Peeps!” Dean shouted with joy!
“Really?!” You whipped around, running into the trailer, leaving Sam alone. Sam rolled his eyes, sighing in defeat. He had no idea how you and Dean could like the crappiest candies, and eat so much of it.
Sam shifted his gaze onto Reader who was currently reading this fan fiction, shrugging his shoulders and letting his arms fall hit against his sides. “Happy Easter,” he smiled before entering the house, joining his brother and girlfriend.
Liked it? Please Reblog and share it! Feedback is greatly appreciated it!! xx
Say Something Nice Here!
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artificialqueens · 5 years
surprise, surprise (branjie) - evan
In which Brooke and Vanessa spend Easter together.
AN: AN: Guess who’s back in the queue!! It’s been impossible for me to write recently, but this disgustingly sweet one shot started pouring out of me this weekend and I figured it was worth it to go ahead and post it. By the time it’s out there it’ll probably be debunked irl, but here’s the softest thing I’ve ever written, and I hope you like it!
1.8k. Find me @formercongressman.
Brooke kisses Vanessa at the LA airport at nine in the morning in front of a crowd of strangers in their Easter best and she’s never felt more right.
It’s a movie-quality, sweep-her-off-her-feet, slow-motion music-swells kiss. Brooke hears an old woman behind them say, “oh, that’s sweet,” and then nothing else because she’s so focused on Vanessa’s mouth on hers again, the warm and sweet and familiar pressure that she thinks about all the time. No memory compares to the real deal.
When they pull apart, Brooke is smiling so wide that her eyes are barely open. Vanessa is this gorgeous and giddy ball of energy and light. She wraps her arms tightly around Brooke’s waist, holding her as close as she physically can.
“I missed you,” Brooke murmurs into Vanessa’s hat.
“I missed you, too.”
It’s been far too long. They haven’t been in the same place since that night Brooke and Nina had come to Vanessa’s show in New York and Vanessa had smiled into that measly filmed kiss that Brooke had since watched over and over. It’s nice to have a memento. And they Facetime whenever it’s possible, but their schedules keep them busy and it’s always a struggle to find a shared break of time. It’s never enough. There’s just something indescribably better about having Vanessa close, being able to feel her heartbeat and smell her excessive cologne, that makes Brooke want to barricade herself in a room with Vanessa and never leave. They can’t, not for months and months, but she’ll take whatever short visits she can get.
They can’t keep their hands off of each other. They know they’re making a scene at baggage claim, Brooke wrapping her entire frame around Vanessa, distracting her as she tries to spot her bag. She’s never been less concerned about what other people are thinking. She and Vanessa are finally, finally in the same place and damn it, they’re going to soak up every minute.
Brooke calls an Uber and rolls her eyes as Vanessa insists on carrying her own heavy bags.  Their driver is surprisingly unobtrusive, eyes forward the whole time as Vanessa presses five, ten, twenty kisses into Brooke’s jaw.
The driver pulls off of the interstate and Vanessa notices.
“Wait, this ain’t the way to my apartment.”
“Oh, I thought we could go to my hotel room first? It’s, uh, it’s a bit closer to the airport?”
“You’re that hungry for it?” Vanessa’s eyes are bright as she laughs into Brooke’s shoulder. “Alright baby, you know I can’t say no to that.”
Brooke smiles and pulls Vanessa closer, but she feels a twinge in the muscles in her shoulders. She’s got a surprise planned and her anxiety piques as she thinks about the short two days they have together before Vanessa leaves for Europe, and the pressure for everything to go perfectly, just according to plan.
For once, LA traffic isn’t miserable. It’s Easter Sunday, and people are at church or sleeping in or going to potlucks with their families. They get to Brooke’s hotel in what must be record time.
In the otherwise-empty elevator, Vanessa tightens her fist in Brooke’s t-shirt and drags her down to her level to meet her in a firey kiss. She rolls Brooke’s bottom lip between her teeth and Brooke can’t help but let out a small sound. It’s everything Brooke can do not to forget about the surprise completely and fall as quickly into bed with Vanessa as possible.
Brooke struggles to fish her room card out of her wallet while Vanessa is trying to hold both of her hands at once. Just as soon as the door clicks closed behind them, Vanessa has Brooke pressed against the door, lips and hands in places Brooke hasn’t felt them in over a month, and she’s almost completely swept away in the sensation of being finally, finally alone together.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Brooke says. She detaches herself from Vanessa with a smile, but Vanessa is actually pouting like a little kid, and it’s the hardest thing in the world for Brooke to not give her everything she wants immediately. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
“This better be good.”
“Come here.” Brooke leads Vanessa into the room, and grabs a pink plastic egg off of the hotel TV stand. She pops it open, revealing the small Cadbury eggs inside. “Since it’s Easter morning, I thought maybe we could be a little bit traditional, and do an Easter egg hunt?” Her heart flutters a little bit, nervous, worried Vanessa is going to think this is dumb, or childish,
“You made me… an Easter egg hunt?” Vanessa asks.
“Yeah, I do it with my family and my little nieces and nephews every year, and it’s always really fun, but I’m not with my family this year and I thought maybe you might want to, um, do a family thing with me?”
Brooke pauses, holds her breath, tries to read Vanessa’s face. A family thing. She knows it’s a risk, knows it’s a step, and hopes with every fiber of her being that Vanessa is on the same page.  Vanessa’s mouth is hanging open in a little “o” and Brooke can tell that her mind is racing and she wishes, as she frequently does, that she could read what was going on in there.
Brooke starts again, “And if you don’t like it you totally don’t have to do it–”
“Baby.” Vanessa breaks into a wide smile and stands on her tiptoes to cut Brooke off with a kiss. “This is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen.”
“You like it?”
“Yes, bitch, I love it. And I love you.”
“I love you.” Brooke wraps her arms tightly around Vanessa’s shoulders, trying to drink up every second of the moment. “So much.”
Vanessa grabs a piece of chocolate out of the Easter egg in Brooke’s hand and tosses it in her mouth. “When did you even get up to do this?”
“At like seven this morning–”
“Oh! Found one!” Vanessa immediately spots a bright green egg tucked behind the window curtain, and then she’s off, digging through every nook and cranny of the admittedly small room.
Soon there’s a pile of plastic easter egg shells on the hotel bed, candy emptied out into a paper coffee cup, as Vanessa moves in a flurry around the room to find all the eggs that Brooke has hidden. Brooke watches from a perch on the hotel bed, smiling as Vanessa struggles to reach one egg she hid on the top edge of the hotel picture frame.
“You did this one on purpose, didn’t you?” She’s on her tiptoes, the egg just beyond the reach of her fingertips.
“Maybe.” Brooke reaches far over Vanessa’s head to retrieve the egg out of her reach.
“Is that all of ‘em?” Vanessa asks.
“There’s still one left.” Brooke nestles back down on the bed.
“I give up, gimme a hint. Hot or cold?” Vanessa asked as she started moving toward the bathroom.
She pauses, then turns back toward Brooke.
Vanessa starts taking painfully slow steps directly toward Brooke, who is chuckling every time she has to say “warmer” again before Vanessa will take a step closer. Then Vanessa is frustratingly close, bringing her lips to just barely hover over Brooke’s, and Brooke is ready to throw the whole game and pull Vanessa down into the bed with her.
“Hot or cold?” Vanessa barely breathes.
Brooke controls herself, presses the tiniest peck to Vanessa’s lips, and smiles mischievously. “Well, it’s not inside my mouth, obviously.”
Frustrated, Vanessa rolls her eyes and falls back onto the pillow on the other side of the bed with a sigh.
“Warmer,” Brooke said softly.
Vanessa looks up at her with narrowed eyes, but then begins feeling around on her side of the bed. It doesn’t take her long to find the teal egg under the pillow that Brooke had banked on her saving for last. Vanessa holds it up triumphantly. “Alright, do I win my prize now?”
“Open it.”
There’s no candy in this one. Instead, Vanessa finds two rolled up pieces of paper. Her forehead creases as she looks over at Brooke with a question in her eyes as she unravels them.
“It’s plane tickets,” Brooke explains. “They’re for two weeks in early December, after we’re done with all the touring and we’ve got a long break and we can just kind of… go away together. No gigs, no drag, just us. And it’s for Cape Town, it’s one of the most beautiful places in the world and I want to share it with you and…” Brooke stops. She realizes she’s rambling again. “I know that it’s a lot.” she says simply. “But I kind of want a lot with you.
It’s a moment like this that they couldn’t have shared over Facetime. Vanessa curls herself tightly against Brooke’s side, nesting her head perfectly into Brooke’s shoulder. Brooke can feel her smiling, feel the warmth of her small body against her own, and she wants to bottle this moment and take it with her everywhere she goes. This is her Vanessa, the kind that stayed hidden from the cameras for the most part, the impossibly soft and gentle core underneath her vibrant exterior.
“I want a lot with you too,” Vanessa says so softly against Brooke’s neck that she almost can’t make it out. “Thank you, baby.”
Brooke feels the same kind of twist in her gut that she felt the felt the first time Vanessa had whispered “I love you,” to her in that hazy midafternoon sunlight in Nashville. Now, Brooke is hit with these sudden flashes of a future, of laying on a beach in Cape Town, making breakfast in Vanessa’s apartment, and next Easter watching Vanessa trying to outmuscle Brooke’s hockey-playing teenage cousins as they fight over who found the last Easter egg.
They stay in that warm moment for as long as it will hold, until Vanessa presses a quick, soft kiss to Brooke’s lips. “Now, please tell me you have some kind of sexy bunny shit planned too, because I still have needs.” Brooke feels Vanessa’s fingers at the bottom edge of her shirt.
Brooke gleams and traces her thumb across Vanessa’s cheek. “Hm, what do you think about something along the lines of a sexy resurrection, ‘he is risen’ kind of thing?”
Vanessa goes stone-faced. “I swear I will go and get right back on that plane to West fucking Virginia before I–”
But then Brooke rolls on top of her, kisses her deeply, slots her body perfectly against Vanessa’s, and all the jokes fly out the window. This one is a different kind of movie-quality kiss. Their lips slide together slowly, like they’ve got all the time in the world, because in the grand scheme of things, they do.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
What is your favorite thing to do on your phone? Tweeting, looking at my photos, or more recently, playing Mario Kart Tour hehe. Do you know what you are going to be for Halloween this year? If so, what? I dunno if we have plans for Halloween this year. I don’t really want to spend my money on a costume either. Do you still go trick-or-treating, and if so, how old are you? I do it for some years. I think the last time my friends and I did it though was 2015. Gabie’s sisters trick-or-treated last 2017, but we just accompanied them.
Which Disney princess resembles you the most? Physically? Moana would probably be the closest. Which fairytale seems closest to your life story? I don’t really like fairytales so I don’t know enough of them to identify which one I could possibly relate to.
What color was your first phone? It came in a red Winnie the Pooh skin when my parents got it for me. Was your first phone a flip phone? Nah it was the old Nokia 3310. My third phone was a Sony Ericsson flip phone. Have you ever butt dialed someone? Nope, but I’ve called people in my sleep haha. What is your favorite pizza parlor? Pizza parlors aren’t a thing here; we just have Italian restaurants in general. My favorite place that serves Italian food is Mama Lou’s. What is an old website that closed down that you miss? TWITPIC. I posted so many photos there from 5th grade which was my favorite year of elementary school. I have no idea how to retrieve them since the site shut down around five years ago. I’d be happy even to find out my pictures just floating somewhere around the internet; I just don’t want them gone forever. If you're a girl, have you ever had an embarrassing period story? Yeah, I was in PE class two months ago and was doing sit-ups when my partner looked at me nervously and she said I had a huge stain on my shorts. I had to do the rest of the workout in denim, ripped jeans. ...If so, what happened? ^ That. What was your worst experience in high school? Not having friends and struggling to know who I was and what I wanted. What was your high school's mascot? Meh my school doesn’t have one. How much did your senior prom dress cost you? A few thousand bucks. I didn’t take my prom seriously so I didn’t want my parents to shell out too much for my dress. Do you listen to Grace VanderWaal? I know a couple of songs of hers and I admire her, but I’m not a rabid fan. ...if yes, what's your favorite song of hers? The song she sang at her AGT audition has always struck me. I think I’ve cried every time I came across it. Do you watch America's Got Talent? Nah I only watch the really viral ones and the golden buzzer bits. Which country has the best accent? I can’t distinguish or identify English accents but I reeeeally like the way Tanya Burr sounds when she speaks. That’s an accent I really like. Oh and the one Claire Foy uses in The Crown; I’m not sure if that’s her natural accent but anyhow that one sounds pleasant too. Which country's flag do you like the best? The ones that go outside the box, like Nepal and Switzerland. Libya’s old flag (all-green, no design) was a bit interesting too. Did you cry at your high school graduation? No. I cried the days before. By the time of my grad I think I was just elated to finally finish high school and excited to finally be out with Gab. Did you cry at your college graduation (if applicable)? I haven’t reached that point yet but I have a strong feeling I’ll be trying not to cry the whole time, because my dad plans to be there and he’s never been to any of my graduations yet. Do your parents try to stop you from chasing your dreams? No. I know they support me so long as they know I can handle whatever it is I want to attain. What dreams have stuck with you since childhood? Going to the moon, fighting a fire, having a job that involves caring for animals. Oh and stepping in a wrestling ring. Who is a former friend that you wish would come back into your life? Sofie. She’s still a friend, but I’ve seen her like twice in the last three years. Sad, considering how ridiculously close we were in high school. Have you ever been in a serious romantic relationship? Yes. Who was your favorite Spice Girl? Uh I was too young to ever be a big fan. Did you ever want to be in a band or music group? I wanted to learn how to play the drums, but I didn’t actively aspire to take up a career in music or be in a band. What instrument did you play in the marching band? If you could take any one type of dance class right now, what kind you take? I’d love to go back to ballet. Who got kicked off of your favorite talent show that you were mad about? Pia Toscano and Siobhan Magnus from American Idol, without a doubt. Do you own the entire series on DVD of any TV show? If so, what? My dad got me Seasons 1 and 2 and a bootleg pack of Seasons 3-8 of Perfect Strangers. What show did you always want to be on when you were a kid? Hi-5!!! I always wanted to be a part of that crowd of dancing kids. I had no idea they shot everything in Australia, and that just because they air the show in the Philippines doesn’t mean the studio is also located here. Can you tell the difference between Mary-Kate and Ashley? No, I never paid that much attention to them. I know they dress nicely though. Who is your favorite set of twins? Les Twins! They’re Laurent and Larry, dancers who’ve performed with Beyoncé for the last several years. What is the stupidest baby name you have heard recently? Stupid is kinda harsh...but a weird name I’ve heard of would be Luckysia. I can’t even begin to think where that came from. What is the grossest thing you have ever vomited up? OMG I dunno...straight-up vodka, I guess? I don’t look at the things I throw up lmao. Have you ever thrown up in public, in front of someone else? Yep. ...If yes, was it embarrassing? Very. I haven’t gotten that drunk since. Did you ever take your dog to school? No as pets aren’t allowed in my school. Name one person you know who had a baby in high school. I don’t have a batchmate who gave birth while in high school, but there are several who have since had kids while in college. If you had had a baby in high school, what would you have named him or her? I’d probably have named a girl Audrey and a boy Gino, because those were my favorites back then. I still like the name Audrey but now I’m not so sure if I’d still want it as a first name for my kid. If you had a baby now, what would you name him or her? Olivia. Dunno what name I’d pick for a boy. Do you make lists of names that you like? Yes, but it’s a list for girl names only hah. Do you keep a list of your favorite quotes? Nope, I don’t like living by quotes. Describe your dream wedding in three words. Lots of: flowers, people, food. What is your favorite Chinese restaurant? The Shang Palace in Makati Shangri-La. Does Chinese food make you feel sick? Nope. It’s part of our culture so it would be unusual to get sick from Chinese food. I know it spoils quick, though. Have you ever seen someone throw up on a plane? Nah I’ve only seen that in Mr. Bean haha. I’ve seen more people get dizzy and throw up in boats/ships. Do you get motion sickness? Yes, mostly in cars, and especially if it isn’t my parents driving. Has God ever healed you of anything? If so, what? Do you believe in God? Do you pray, and if so, to whom? What is the most boring church you have ever attended? All of them. What is the most lively church you have ever attended? Do you find church fun or boring? Boring as fuck, but that’s because I’m a nonbeliever and am only forced to go because my mom is a crazily devout Catholic who makes sure her whole family catches church every Sunday. When was the last time you went to a church service? Last Sunday. When did you learn to ride a bike? I never learned :( A couple of years ago my dad tried to teach me and I was able to retain my balance for like three seconds, but I was never able to repeat it. What do you hate the most about summer? When it gets too boring it’s usually easier to fall into depression or negative thoughts in general. What is your favorite thing to do in a swimming pool? Just float in the water and relax. Which part of your body is the most muscular? I don’t know. Do you like sugar skulls? I’ve never encountered those before, so no.  Have you ever painted a sugar skull on your face? Nope. Are you an artist? I am not. Did you ever take Latin in school? No, but we were briefly taught French in Grade 1 because my school's origins is in France. They didn’t keep up the lessons, though. What was the last race you ran called? Idk, does Mario Kart on my phone count? Hahaha Do you prefer to run in the street or on the sidewalk? I prefer to...not run at all. Which major holiday is closest to your birthday? Easter Sunday, typically. Does your zodiac sign fit your personality at all? I don’t care. What is your zodiac sign? Taurus.
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xnovamore · 5 years
They Mean Everything To Me
Written for @ft-wwtdp Day 21 Prompt: She don’t need nobody to be her man” and Day 24 Prompt: “They mean everything to me”
This is apart of my ’Home is Where They Are’ series which is just happy Erzajane family fluff.
Read on Ao3
The house was quiet when Erza got back from the guild.
Too quiet.
It was mid-afternoon on a Thursday which meant Rhea should be trying to squeeze in some tv time before dinner, Andre should be just waking up from his afternoon nap, and Mirajane should be in the kitchen deciding what she was going to make Erza cook for dinner. They had a routine where they swapped dinner days Sunday-Thursday, ordered takeout Fridays, had dinner at a restaurant on Saturdays, and ate at the guild on Sundays. Thursday dinner was usually a left over of stuff they didn’t use the rest of the week making them team up with something creative, so they didn’t have to drag an 11-year old and a toddler to the market on Thursday night.
Sure enough, Erza found her wife in the kitchen mulling over prepared iteams. Still, it was too quiet. Something was off.
No answer. Instead of speaking, Mirajane slowly turned allowing Erza to get a good glimpse of her expression.
Its one all too familiar. The bitten lip, tense body language, raising panic displayed so clearly in her eyes.
Oh gosh, it was about the kids then.
“Erza!” Mira hissed suddenly very very serious. “I-I think Rhea’s upset she doesn’t have a father.”
“What the-Mirajane?!”
“Wait no!” Mirajane latched onto her wife’s wrist not letting the other woman shake her off. “Listen to me! I’m serious!”
“What is this about?” Erza moved them over to their breakfast bar. She sat down pulling her wife into her lap trying to fight down the rising panic her partner’s words caused.
“Tell me everything but please start from the beginning.”
“Well its what Rhea said when she got home from school”
“When I said you needed to eat more baby, I didn’t mean me” Mira cooed to the toddler in her arms. She got was a wide toothy smile in return.
They really should talk to Wendy about this biting phase. Little Andre had chewed on Rhea’s dolls, drooled over Erza’s scrolls, and bit holes through more than one of Mira’s dresses. This behavior was to be expected from a teething toddler, but that didn’t make it any easier to deal with.
She shifted Andre onto her hip and ran her freed arm under the sink’s cold water. Andre had mostly calmed down now running his tanned hands through her white hair. Raising Andre was an experience. They had adopted Rhea when she was already a child, an independent one at that. She was a bright girl that didn’t need much discipline or guidance. She just required a lot of attention. Rhea used to follow Mira and/or Erza around the house telling them all about her day, what she did, who she talked too, etc. She’d even climb into their bed at night still in the middle of a story about something that happened days ago. She was their little chatterbox, and they loved that, until she got older and suddenly they had to ask how her day was. Now at 11 Rhea didn’t tell them everything about her day like she did when she was 8 and 9. Erza and Mirajane were slowly being shut out more from their daughter’s day-to-day life, especially her school life.
Mirajane teaches Magic 101 classes for the children of the guild 3 days a week. She brings Rhea along despite the girl having no magic herself because both Mira and Erza decided it was still important for her to learn about it being surrounded by wizards. Rhea also attended a regular school with other children without magic during the week. They decided it would be a good option for her to have opportunities outside of wizarding. (Secretly, the thought of her daughter never going into the dangerous and unpredictable life of a wizard was more comforting to Mira then she would voice out loud.)
Right on time, the front door slammed open and small feet could be heard coming across the doorway. Mirajane turned around in surprise to see Rhea, still fresh in her school outfit, lingering by the kitchen entrance.
“Oh.” She gasped before quickly swallowing down her astonishment. Rhea had started going straight to her room after school a couple months ago. Today was obviously different. Judging by her squirming, she obviously wanted to talk.
Biting back a smile, Mirajane turned the sink off and faced her daughter. “Hey hunny, how was school.”
“It was okay.” Rhea moved forward to lightly squeeze Andre’s toes. The toddler laughed and made grabby hands at his sister indicating wanting to go to her. Mira handed Andre to her and started pulling out the ingredients for dinner. She heard the two playing behind her until Andre’s uneven footsteps ran out of the kitchen.
“Can I help make dinner?”
“Of course, hunny!”
They worked in silence before Rhea broke it. “Do you remember the Rose girl I told you about.”
“The one with the wizard father? Yes, I remember her.”
“Well her dad came into lunch today and brought her this big gift basket full of chocolate flowers. It was because he was out on a job and missed her performing in the play last week. Anyways Rose was really happy, and everyone spent all lunch talking about all things their dads do for them cause they were jealous of Rose’s awesome basket.”
“Oh? Well did she share with them?”
“Well yeah but that’s not the point mom.” Mirajane looked over to see Rhea frowning down at the table. “I just-it was sweet you know? It was really nice, and everyone was talking about all the stuff their dads do for them and I just…I don’t have that.”
Rhea shook her head sending her red curls bouncing across her face. “It’s stupid but I just couldn’t help to think of that. Anyways I’m going to go watch t.v. till dinners done.”
And Rhea walked right out of the kitchen not noticing the shock her words induced in her mother.
“Okay…that does sound bad.” Erza admitted.
“But it’s something fixable.”
“Do you have a plan then?”
A killer smile, “You know I do.”
Rhea walked down the hill leading to the entrance of her school carefully. A concerned frown appeared on her face as she attempted to continue walking forward without jostling the basket in her hands. She was almost to the bottom when a voice called her name. Rhea glanced behind her to see Rose skirting down the hill.
“Hey!” Rose smiled big and wide as usual.
“Hey.” She shifted the basket in her arms again. It was getting heavier the longer she held it.
“Ohh what’s that?! Is that a candy basket?”
“Yeah. I uh, I told my moms about what your dad did yesterday. I think they misunderstood what I said.”
She didn’t tell Mama Mira about Rose’s dad giving her the gift basket in school because she wanted one. She just thought it was a pretty awesome thing to do.
She looked over at Rose now smiling a bit thinking of yesterday. Rose was by far the nicest girl in their class, and half of the class either loved or hated her for it. A lot of the meaner remarks about Rose were targeted at her looks and her father. Her dad had some sort of magic that turned his skin gray, his eyes red, and his hair the color of ash. Her mom, on the other hand, had a glowing brown skin tone, a few shades lighter than Rhea’s own dark skin, and chestnut brown hair that was always pulled back into a bun when she dropped Rose off in the mornings. Rose got mix features from the two of them with light skin similar to Mama Erza’s, sun-bleached blonde hair, and really pretty eyes that look purple in sunlight. Rose was a little bigger than most of the other girls in class too and they tried to use that to make fun of her before Rhea put a stop to it. They’ve been friends ever since.
And maybe it was seeing Rose, whose been made fun of because of her dad, run and jump proudly into her father’s arms in the crowded cafeteria that made Rhea say what she did yesterday. But she didn’t mean to insinuate that she was unhappy with having two moms instead of a mom and a dad. No, she just meant she wondered what it would be like to have a dad that came to see her first thing after a job. But last night before bed, she realized that she didn’t need to wonder about that. She’s already lived it whenever her Mamas come back from jobs and smother her as if they haven’t seen her in years instead of days. And her room was filled with gifts from all over the world brought back from jobs. Rhea had gone to sleep last night knowing that she didn’t need a dad when she had the two of them. She had forgotten all about it the next morning until she came down the stairs to find a brightly decorated left-over Easter basket filled with chocolate swords, wings, hearts and bunnies. Her moms smiled so brightly when they gave it to her that she accepted the basket with a confused thank you and left for school.
“These are so cool! Why are there 4 different ones?”
“I guess there supposed to resemble our family.” Rhea answered taking a closer look. “The swords are obviously Mama Erza. The wings resemble one of Mama Mira’s takeovers. The bunny’s probably Andre since that’s what Mama Erza calls him. And the hearts me.” Rhea blushed a little. She was not about to tell Rose of the time she made her moms heart shaped cards for Valentine’s day. Way too embarrassing.
“That’s so sweet! They probably spent all night working on these. Your moms are pretty cool.”
“Yeah,” Rhea smiled. “Yeah they are.”
Today was Friday meaning both her mothers were going to be home early with takeout. She’d explain that this was a big misunderstanding, but she still appreciated her mothers love and didn’t need anyone else but them. They’d all cuddle on the couch and watch Andre attempt to chew through the head of the bunny she got him for Christmas last year. And tonight, she’d grab Andre and they’d sleep in their moms room.
For now, she glanced at her friend. “Do you wanna share some of these with me?”
“Of course! Are you gonna share with the rest of the class too?”
“Are you kidding?” Rhea scoffed. “I’m not nice like you. If those freeloaders want some their gonna have to pay.”
Rhea went home that night with a pocket full of jewels and a content smile on her face.
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miafic · 5 years
hi. i had something loosely planned, but i went with this instead.
(in this case, david is like dah-VEED, not DAY-vid)
Awsten fiddled with the pastel eggs in the grocery bag he was holding as the woman standing in front of him finished giving Jawn directions in Portuguese.
“Okay?” she asked through a thick accent at the end of her speech.
“Sim, senhora,” Jawn responded.
She nodded, and then Awsten and Jawn were on their way.
“What did she say?” Awsten whispered as they walked toward the stairs.
Jawn reported, “She wants all the eggs upstairs in the youth room and none anywhere else. And she said to hide them in plain sight so the kids can actually find them.”
They jogged up the steps together, the little plastic eggs making gentle clicking sounds as they collided in the bag. When they got to the room, it was silent and still. Jawn flipped the light on.
“This is weird,” Awsten stated. He didn’t realize he’d grown so used to Jon’s blaring hip-hop songs.
“Yeah. I can try to turn music on. Hang on.” He went over to the laptop that was set up in the back corner of the room, but after just a few seconds, he sighed. “It’s password protected.”
“Try ‘password’” Awsten suggested.
“I would, but there’s a username thing, too, and it’s blank.”
“Dammit,” Awsten sighed. He wouldn’t necessarily miss the rap, but anything would have been a nice distraction. Plus, if they’d had internet access, they could have listened to whatever they wanted.
“Hey, did you ever do this?” Jawn wondered as he positioned a light pink egg on the break between two couch cushions.
“What? Hunt Easter eggs?”
“No. Did you?”
“Never?” Jawn asked in surprise.
Awsten shook his head. “No. Otto did, and they gave me a couple Easter baskets, which was, like, suuuper nice, but they’d always do the egg hunts at church - like this, I guess - and I never went with them.” Trying to push the focus off of him and his shitty childhood, he repeated, “Did you?”
“Uh, yeah. Couple times. Our ‘community,’” he said, setting a pale blue egg down so he could hold up air quotes instead, “set stuff like that up for us sometimes. I had these neighbors, David and Max. They were brothers, and they would always come bang on the door and go, Vamos, vamos! as loud as they could.” He smiled fondly at the memory. “Drove my mom fucking nuts,” he added, shaking his head, “but they were the main reason I got to do everything. Trick or treating, Christmas parties, barbecues, Easter egg hunts…”
“They sound cool.”
Jawn turned away, but Awsten didn’t miss the pained expression on his face.
“You good?” He laid a yellow egg against the wall.
“Yeah,” Jawn replied, although his strained voice told another story.
“Just, um.” He shrugged and kept his back to Awsten. “Max, the little brother? He got shot a couple years back.”
“What?” Awsten said again, this time in shock.
“Yeah. It was a drive-by thing. They hit the wrong guy.” Jawn’s jaw tensed. “I was fourteen. He was twelve.”
Awsten stood perfectly still as he processed the information.
“It’s fine. It was a while ago.”
“I’m - I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” he repeated. “It’s not like I was there or anything.”
“Still. I’m really sorry, Jawn. That’s fucking awful.”
Jawn rubbed his arm over his eyes. “It’s fine,” he said for the third time. “Everything was… different after that, though.”
Awsten nodded even though he didn’t understand at all.
“Kind of the beginning of the end, I guess.”
Awsten hesitated but then asked, “What, um… like, what do you mean?”
Jawn sniffed quietly and sat down on the closest couch. Awsten set his bag down, went over to him, and filled the space beside him. Jawn’s eyes were pink, but Awsten didn’t comment.
“After Max died and David and his parents kind of went off the rails, these two guys c-”
“Hey!” came Zakk’s voice. “Oh - are you guys okay?”
“Yeah,” Awsten replied as easily as he could. He put on a smile. “Just strategizing. Trying to see the room from their height.”
“Smart,” Zakk nodded, but Awsten could see him scanning Jawn’s body language. “Okay, well, we’ve only got five minutes til they’re coming up here, so strategize quick.”
“Do you want help?” he offered.
“No, that’s okay.”
“You got it?”
“Alright. We’re all still downstairs if you need us.” He gave Awsten a smile and then asked, “Jawn, are you okay, man?”
“Yep,” came Jawn’s clipped reply.
“Okay. Thanks again for doing this, guys.”
“No problem,” Awsten chirped.
Zakk gave him a grateful smile. “Like I said - we’re downstairs. Just come down when you’re done so we know the room’s ready.”
Awsten nodded.
Zakk left, and Awsten looked at Jawn again, but he was standing up and smearing his hand underneath his eyes, going to stuff eggs wherever he could.
Awsten didn’t press him.
A few minutes later, there were fifteen kids buzzing excitedly in the hallway. Their Sunday school teacher gave them the okay to go in, and the scene was even more chaotic than Awsten had expected.
The best part was that right in the middle of the pack was Travis, who was wearing a headband with floppy rabbit ears and smiling widely as he made a beeline for the first egg he saw.
One of the little kids got it first and dropped it into their tiny basket, and Travis’ face fell, but he quickly spotted another one and ran directly to it, picking it up and shaking it excitedly. He shoved it into the basket and went on his way.
“Thank you gentlemen for volunteering to hide the eggs,” Lucas said, coming up behind Awsten and Jawn as they watched the kids joyfully run about the room.
“You’re welcome,” Jawn replied.
Awsten chuckled as Travis found another egg and cried, “It’s pink!” He looked over at Awsten excitedly and waved, and Awsten waved back and then gave him a thumbs up.
Travis beamed.
Ham for dinner.
But everyone else was excited, so Awsten didn’t complain. Plus, he got to make mashed potatoes, which was a good stress reliever. No - coping skill. That phrase had been drilled into his head over the previous few months. Smashing up the potatoes was a great coping skill.
“Jawn, you’re up first tonight,” Zakk said a few minutes into dinner.
“My high was eating this,” Jawn commented quietly, not looking up from his plate, “and my low was setting up for the egg hunt.”
Awsten pursed his lips.
“Why?” Lucas asked curiously.
Jawn just shrugged.
Awsten watched as Lucas and Zakk traded an unreadable glance.
“Okay. Is that all you want to say?” Lucas inquired.
“Can I go next?” Awsten piped up.
“Sure,” Lucas replied, seeming a little surprised at the uncharacteristic question.
“My high was setting up for the egg hunt and watching Travis do a great job finding all those Easter eggs, and my low was, um… finding out we were having ham for dinner.”
Zakk’s eyes narrowed in concentration as he glanced between Jawn and Awsten. Lucas just looked confused.
“I did good!” Travis announced.
“Yeah, dude, you did great,” Zakk agreed, shifting his attention to Travis. “You got all those pink eggs, didn’t you?”
“And you looked cool doing it,” Zakk added.
Travis grinned. “Thank you!”
Lucas was still stuck on what had gone on between Jawn and Awsten, but Awsten just looked at him and gave him a tiny smile.
At bedtime, Awsten came back in from brushing his teeth to find Lucas sitting on Jawn’s bed with a concerned expression on his face.
“-how to help a little better now, so thank you for telling me.”
Jawn nodded and sniffed hard, wiping at his cheeks. His head was bowed, but even from the strange angle, Awsten could tell that he was crying.
Lucas froze when he noticed Awsten, but Jawn just glanced at him and went back to quietly crying.
“Do you think he’s in Heaven?” Jawn asked anxiously, and Awsten went and sat on his own bed, where he picked up Twilight, which he’d been forced back into. He thumbed through it, pretending to be focusing very hard on finding his page.
“He came to church every Sunday,” Jawn promised, looking up at Lucas, desperate for his answer. “He prayed the rosary every day. I know he did. I know.”
“He was always nice. He was a good guy. And he was only in sixth grade-” Jawn’s voice broke, and he let out a sob.
Lucas leaned forward and set his hand on Jawn’s shoulder. “Shh,” he murmured. “I’m sure he is.”
“But you said-”
“I’m sure he is.”
Awsten frowned down at his book. This whole situation sucked, and Awsten felt genuinely bad for Jawn.
“Do you want to pray for him?” Lucas suggested softly, and Jawn nodded. “Okay. Here.”
“Awsten, you, too,” Jawn said.
Awsten looked over, his eyes wide.
Jawn was looking right at him, face covered in tears.
How the hell was Awsten supposed to say no to that? He got up, Twilight forgotten on his thin quilt, and went to sit beside Jawn and Lucas. Tentatively, he slipped an arm behind Jawn’s back, and neither Jawn nor Lucas stopped him.
They bowed their heads, and, in a whisper, Lucas began to pray.
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anxious-amethyst · 5 years
I don’t see people go into the nitty gritty bits of mental health..
And I mean those details that I find not many people speak of. As if its taboo to mention we are human. I have a filter made of cling wrap with giant holes in it. And the cling wrap bunches up in places too, distorting the words to others’ perspectives; making me come off as a bitch. (I truly am a very kind person, I am just bad with social skills at times.) My point being, that I have no problem speaking my truth to all of you invisible faces that may or may not see this. I’m sure down the road, if I ever finish and publish my novel and become J.K. Rowling famous (a dream of mine) that this can easily be dug up. I will smile with a small laugh in that interview with Stephen Colbert and be frank. 
The tags come at the end of a post and not everyone filters everything that makes them (is it squick? what was that word that is a better replacement for trigger..) So as a heads up, if you absolutely can’t stand the thought of body, hmm, uh functions I suppose. (Not sure what category my topic falls in to) then I have given you an escape rope. (Now I want to play Pokemon again.)
As I am being completely honest and transparent, I literally can’t seem to figure out when A. my nervous breakdown began (still in it) and B. when I last showered, heck even brushed my teeth. Now I know several things, thankfully. One being that I have not left the house this whole week from April 14th to today, April 20th. Easter is tomorrow and I am forcing myself (to the best of my abilities) to attend Church and the whole family get together. My plan being, Church is for God and you owe it to him and yourself to go and be lifted up. Family gathering is going to be hell, no point sugar coating it. So bring a book and think of the Strawberry/Pretzel Casserole that Aunt Faith hopefully made and the sweet pickles that Pop-Pop usually brings. Remember to be kind to yourself and fake a smile, these are the people you do NOT want to be honest with. Lie through your ass like your life depends on it because in a way, it does. You are not obligated to say anything more than hello, give hugs however because you need and love them. Do speak for a bit so as not to be rude. But the book is your safety net. Deploy it ASAP. And somehow get your loving cousin to attach to your sister instead.
A nitty gritty part that is not gross, is the withdrawal... from everyone. Like I’m straight up not talking to anyone unless I have to, and society is out of my mind. I do however, happily speak with my irl friend when she messages. I know she is busy though and has her own problems so I try to censor my frankness quite a bit because she doesn’t deserve that kind of worry. Unfortunately, my parents and sister are not able to be kept out of the whole truth for their protection. They see it. I don’t even have to say a thing. I have been threatened with a, how to put this nicely, place full of even crazier people imo and where they drug you to the high heavens. Yeah. I’m not flying over the cuckoo’s nest. (Deep terror of those places, this will not be helpful to me.) But that gives you an idea of how bad this breakdown is. The other thing I know, is that it started on Sunday. I’m inclined to believe that it was the April 14th Sunday, but am unsure as it still feels like Monday. So maybe this breakdown is heading into a week, maybe not. One thing is, those websites were right. The longer a breakdown continues, the worse it gets. Each day is less and less food, water, and movement. And that’s just basic necessities. I’m trying to hold out for my therapist appointment coming up next week. She has so many people though, that each appointment is a week or two, sometimes more, away. Not exactly the best mental treatment for my situation, I admit. But I am stubborn, perhaps that stubborness can save me while I also shoot myself in the foot. Its possible.
Now for the gross nitty gritty. Apologies for the many tangents, turns out when you don’t talk to anyone for a week, you end up with a lot to say. Good news! I finally showered AND shaved my armpits which hadn’t been shaved in months. So they can breathe I guess, and my skin can breathe too LOL. But with depression can come fatigue. I have that. So a normal depressed person can be way too exhausted to even think of a shower. For others, it may be some other form of hygiene. All forms of hygiene have died with my depression. On top of that, the bitch depression bought a horrible, mangy dog with her called Executive Dysfunction. This mutt dogs your every step. (Thank God, depression didn’t steal my love for jokes, puns, and metaphors.) Some people have depression that goes an extra step and brings about the literal destruction of that executive function system in their brain. (I just mean that the signals are all fucked up.) And then, some people with both of these also have Anxiety! So they end up with all of these contradicting thoughts and emotions that in the end, makes tasks, like showering, unaccomplishable. Now there are many other conditions that bring about these issues, I am aware, but I am speaking of my own and know for a fact that I can’t be the only one with these kinds of experiences. So this gross factor goes out to all of those who have experienced the same level of cringe or worse, and aren’t up to the potential ridicule that comes with expressing your truth. (To be clear, I’m not dedicating a gross thing to you out of spite, I just mean I’m making a problem you have encountered, heard as well.) 
By the end of the shower, I could barely make it. I was slowing down realllll fast. The NeebsGaming video I was listening to on YouTube is what got me through the shower. Gosh those guys are great. I shaved my armpits before washing my body because I figured stray hair or shaving cream might be in the crevice of one’s arm that I legit can’t see, even with glasses. Between the amount of hair that came out of my head during scrubbing shampoo like a madman, any stray dog hairs that my head picked up from my pillow which my dog sleeps on when he waits for me to snuggle, and the long armpit hair; the drain was kinda blocked. Our shower has that metal thing with holes in it, so its not as terrifying of a drain. But excessive hair or large lumps of solid soap (from a soap bar) can block off a hole. Or in my case, all. So water is not draining, which naturally means the tub is filling. My body is slowing down and I’m trying to push through it while not thinking of the disgusting water approaching my feet. If you’ve ever washed your hands after not washing them for ages and touching many things out in the world, the water, and sometimes soap, turns varying shades of gray. Depends on the dirt particles and amount of dirtiness.Well I has transparent, because its water, charcoal shaded water approaching me. As if my own filth refused to leave my body and was threatening to drag me down the drain with it. 
When I finally finished and got out of the shower, I almost decided to just leave it. Thinking that maybe it will eventually drain on its own. I’m glad I didn’t. I began reaching my hand down to the drain and told myself not to think too much about how pubic hair makes me cringe and how pulling hair from a drain in general, makes me gag. Its a disturbing act if you ask me. Now I’m struggling to get armpit hair off of my hand and there’s somehow still loads more! So I dry my other hand on my towel and rip off a piece of toilet paper. The water is still not draining and I disturbed the many hairs when I went for the first grab. So now I am fishing in charcoal water for clumps of armpit hair. Then wiping it onto the paper. The water finally drains..... oh no.... I kid you not, a whole fucking trail of dirt was left on both sides of the tub on the water’s way to the drain. I take the showerhead and turn it on. Now I’m washing hair and dirt and some other substance I couldn’t see at the time (nearsighted plus the tub is white) down the drain. Except the hair covers the drain again. Typical. At least the dirt and the tub was rinsed. Since there’s no more water, I take a sheet of toilet paper again, and save myself from having to deal with pubic hair that sticks to any surface. (Seriously, what is the deal with pubic hair.) But there’s something else in it. And a lot of this something else. Like a whole body’s worth. The pubic hair is laced with large clumps of tannish, white (my skin color) skin cells. Now I have rubbed my arm before and made a trail of dead skin rolled up into fine lines appear. In the shower I wiped my face with my hand and pulled away that same rolled up skin. But I have never, experienced this amount of filth from myself before. I am still rubbing off some skin, so I probably should have washed my body a second time.
When you become so “broken” that you can’t seem to take care of yourself in a normal time and a healthy manner, you get to learn new things about the human body and experience some events that you probably could have gone your whole life without knowing. And that is something that I feel should be shared more often. That when the person who experienced this, opens up to those they trust, or to a complete stranger, that an appropriate reaction and response be given.
Julie: And then I saw large clumps of my own skin!
Tyrone: Oh damn girl, that is nasty. 
Julie: I know right! But the saddest part is, it probably won’t be the last time. I don’t think its enough to get me to shower regularly. 
Tyrone: Julie, while that isn’t “fine”, it is fine. It is understandable. You are experiencing and suffering from a very real problem. While I can’t confidently say it is or isn’t in your control because I’m no psychologist or whatever, I can confidently say that it won’t always be like this. I doubt that your whole life will be this mess that you are in. Now you may not be back to peak function a year from now, but you will definitely be more knowledgeable of yourself and probably better than you are today. It takes time and so long as God doesn’t need you in Heaven, I’d say you have time. *chuckles* I don’t know all that you are going through, I just met you. And I don’t know how to help you in a way that you may need. But I can certainly offer an ear or two, and a hug if you want one. You just keep on trucking on. You aren’t doing much, and you aren’t doing well. But you are here, and that’s an achievement in of itself.
Julie: Wow, thanks Tyrone. This really helped. One weight on my chest has been lifted, and I will take you up on that hug if you don’t mind.
That’s what it should be like. So if you are reading this and are like Tyrone, not suffering from mental health issues, but you know someone who is, or a stranger comes up to you in need of someone to listen to them; be like him. Offer encouragement and understanding, give advice if asked for it, don’t force physical contact without consent because some people are paranoid (like me) and choose your words and expressions carefully. If someone tells you something gross, react like you are grossed out (which you likely are) but don’t put them down for it. I imagine Tyrone to have that expression of “holy cow, you serious that this happened” when he said it was nasty. That easy going expression can clue Julie in on how he isn’t getting on her, or implying anything sexist by how she is a woman and shouldn’t be this filthy. He’s jovially charismatic, and open. That makes Julie comfortable and feel lighter. Now I included religion in Tyrone’s comment to tack on some humor without making jokes at Julie’s expense, and to show how to appropriately use your spirituality, if you have one. He’s not forcing it down her throat, she may not get the satire of the joke, but he tried. Not to mention, that Heaven, in Christianity, is a place where you are whole and happy. When you go to Heaven, you are with God and your loved ones. You live an eternal life of peace. So for him to imply that she is worth God’s eyes and Heaven, means that he respects her and is lifting her up. Bonus, he is reassuring her that while time is not infinite and we don’t know what the future holds for us, as of today, she still has plenty of time to get back on the track that she desires to be on. Instilling hope and faith. If you were on Julie’s side of life, wouldn’t you want a kind and funny Tyrone to listen and talk to?
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yourmajes-ty-moving · 5 years
davids fam after being put through google translate
Wendy Stein heard the phone on the other side of the door. She knew that she was going to work, but it was not fun; Moreover, it looked like a very intense conversation
"Look," said Stain. - I can do this to my brother! It will be allowed, is not it? He was there. "OK, I see what I'm doing."
Wendy took steps to open the door and soon came back to work. The room came out with a long face and not more. Vandy does not say anything
Finally Vendee can not stand - Wall, what do you say?
The window has been linked to the window. "Sharman's son and daughter are found dead. Beoren and Mabel are relatives, but they can not live there.
Wenini opened her mouth and tried to understand what she had heard. What will help?
Then he thought a little.
"In the room," he said quietly, "call me." Wendy tried not to travel by phone, the man replied, eight years older than Vandy,
"Who is this?" Ask your voice.
"Hey, this is Wendy."
Vandy heard his mind. Have you decided to help the camp? We can help you as a consultant!
- What? Wendy added the idea. In fact, it is not. I need help.
"What?" The man asked
"This is a small story," Wendy asked for a moment. "And there can be a lot, but did you know how you said you want to go? David, we can help you
For example, to say that the outcome of Nervos
But this is not at the same time interesting, his relationships with his own house, because he is Neil Marcus Tullius, a 13-year-old doctor, Doctor comments for a better world, and although it was another five years. Carl's Uncle, it's a good thing, that's a wonderful thing, a horse, his values and a mabel that he gets out of the vehicle, trying to understand what happened.
Dupas looks at the animal. Knocked on the door where the rest of the life of the campaign. And sister, and that those who meet him for the rest of his life in the care of you. He has a deep atmosphere
It is strange that he and the Mabel immediately alerted him to opening the door and waiting for the wart on the day. And it seems that the man has a green top and jeans and T-shirt. They are distressed and worried
"Hello!" He says. "Come on me, I'm waiting for you!"
And when he came to the person's small house, two Doppia made Maybel, and his bridge speaks his mouth.
The girl said to her mother: "My name is David." "I'm happy to visit you here."
Look at each other and look at Mabel and the eyes and follow David's drinking, lying down, Abel.
During the flight he sees something dope, green and yellow couple her husband "David?"
David: "Well, Cicero?"
About 1 year ago was created
"Well, why is it right?"
"The company what is it?"
The Crash is that it looks a certain person
"Here, it's a good game!" David said, "It's been long!"
"Really?" Asked. "What is that?"
"It's for you with stock!" David explained: "I have simply said to splurge last year, and if I am less like you Doppia Mabal and I have the lives of camps, they take them and camps, why do you have memories? lo, and when my friends, and now, see, so many children do as "
And on that path the human remains in the attempt, to do with laughter, to laugh at the laughter of a habit, to decide Fallopia and to stay one: to stay alive, and to begin it is not satisfied.
SCOOP is a funny funny cat a cat. Estimated the first old.
"Star" Mabel rose. Sitting on the other hand, as the bell is too low, Mabel Leo. "Is not that something that is always a cause?"
Gold Temple. Mabel are sure this is a good time to do it? So, it's early. '
'I am,' says that Mabel something that looks like the final horn. "He returned to his home in the evening."
A player has been selected head and the bottom. "When you hear it?" If you do not, so that it would not be? '
"Now you get a new chance long as you know how to spend."
Mabel, higher, and the crime was committed, and the Easter season a month by courses of the forces, that were with David, and when he was in his journey is always the first record of the matter in the Wall Greater. That is not possible, David until the end of the day.
"I think that it is enough that mistake," said Dipper. But he left his bed, and he stood there. "But I can not give what you have done? "
"PFF, do not be stupid, 'and Mabel, because he thinks he does all the guitar, and he knew what he was doing." Since its place. "
Head big head. "What are we waiting for?"
"He took it from there," Cable works. "It's also it's easy to just go missing." Five kids do not like me? '
Mabel has acted against the Lynx to hide their shoulders. "Mabel" Even if he is not there? "
Mabel looks at the bags. "M."
Big Dipper and Mabel welds to stay in the room. "Oh, my mom, Mabel, he thinks that the only effect it had enacted the law literature!" And been broken in pieces: for he knows that it is more that we are not one-dimensional small part of the reason for setting aside all! "Do you want to?" "Do not be angry! ' Mabel and do not need to come back! '
He was at the grave of Mabel, the brother of the same thing. "It really goes Amina? Go."
In the council of the people, understand the collection for the first item, so that it is a this for a short time, were banished from every extremity of the domestic. Which are covered by the rule into the space of the kitchen on the right hand does not stop at the many pictures. Cicero, also in the camp of the hastily occupied a plain of the singers was really consulted. In the first picture of the child was a little hill, and immediately called the old boy out with him. Big Dipper is another kid in the picture. Do servants judges, and they wanted to fly very wise lacked of David's wife learned from the last two terms. The Ducks are said to Gwen in his name. Only a few years in a labor camp, there is no surprise if he can not yet citizens. If we open the bidding.
Mobile phone call the Big Dipper fears. And a desk, and go from there. "Hello?"
"Hello, Little else asked mortal anxiety. The Big Dipper in the name name is not true, but the first thing out of tolerance." I'm the oak tree, even if the shots catch a few pieces Mabel, that's fine, "temple Panik .
"Early the next morning, David!" SPACE accept it on behalf of David's motives. "I forgot what?"
"Sciisti?" David asked. "You can not change me? '
"Uh," said Dipper fast ", it's my sixth sin!"
"Well, I tell you, she had a sixth." That reminds me of my Camper summer, Chucky-name '
"You need to have milk which DIIPPER parties are busy. That part of the right wing.
"Oh, you want me to cry? "
"Oh, it, work for us? '
"What?", I think you need to mirror the night of the night. '
"But we can not make soup! I could make a movie and eat a meal - it's not Sunday!"
Do not listen to David NEAP actions. "Oh, I'm fine," I have a few glaciers. " This is the first home to tens of minutes. '
The Dipper and Mabel runs, as always in the heart. "Mabel haste! '
"Uh, the Big Dipper," said Mabel in fear: "We have trouble."
Mabel worked broken wire. And it will be worse than anything possible.
Mabel, what are you doing?
At present Mabel said. It is a faith, neither shall the trees. "I do not know, I'm not alone, and do not have much, because you are right and because they do not know what to do?" Mabel shows the title of the guitar and the noise.
Press and writes. Then a sister. Who will decide which highlights?
Subscribe to each other and watch right. And have been staring at it.
When I heard two things knocking on the door, I finished it. This kind of thought is like a thorn in lightning. After that, he heard David's voice "Big Dipper! Is Mable a door?"
Guitar, keep breathing and Mabel Leo. He stood up and walked to the door and David became more laughter than before.
"Guess, kids? I have ice cream! Who is ready to watch a movie?"
The Polaris just stared at him. He didn't know what he was talking about. David obviously felt that something was wrong.
"Oh, what have you done for a long time? Do you know what is really bad?"
Mable walked into the room and pulled the guitar into David's face. He is thinking about this and knowing what is going on.
"David," said Mabel, snoring. "I may have accidentally ruined the guitar."
David went to observe the silence. For Pegasus, it seems that everyone is standing there for three hours, or even a few days. In short, there are some people who like books with Mabel: he starts to cry.
"David, I am sorry! This is my fault. He walked into the room because they wanted to use it to play the guitar, because I love you to listen to it? I didn't deliberately break it, I swear! I am just if you want to Try, if you are not so stupid now, stupid people don't have to use the brakes and continue to use it? I am sorry, I know I will not blame the Big Dipper! Breaking on you!"
David was silent for a while. Then, quietly whisper, "Children, help bring things."
This silence is delayed. Never started your life according to your own way. Nothing can fear or warn Weirdmaggedon is not satisfied with David and silence. In silence, more often, I feel that I have committed Bootes. From the inside, it will not be the face of David's soul.
Then, when everything came from their territory, he looked at me, David and the children, in my eyes, then said, "Well, if you can't be better than starting and repairing. Who wants to help?"
He slept in the silence of the twins. BEAM blinks. "Wait, you are angry with us!"
"Oh, how can you do this? Of course, the wires make me feel sad, but sometimes it's hard to fix it. I will never give birth to your two. Now, overcome it."
This is a family of two, wake up in the morning, wake up, laugh. The ice cream area is owned by himself. Mabel has a guitar string on his bed and then goes to Mabel's hand to help the guitar.
"As David said, 'Let both of you use a song I wrote to help me. Because this is a camp and a camp in Cicero. Do you thank the two for their help?"
Mable and the Big Dipper looked at each other and filled their mouth with cream. Praise, "Yes. Of course. Never!"
Today we look at the Big Dipper windows was a little bit worried. Mabel has been no check local high school today, it may be one of the best schools. The Big Dipper expected to be better, try to stay calm, but they do nothing to help him focus. Mabel on his left hand and put on a sweater, and a calendar of farmers to listen to the tape and David sat in the front seat while driving. I hear the Big Dipper is very useful for the nerves.
"How can you believe that David is said to be the usual excited." We can finally visit the highest mountains Gust today? Now, in the shadows of the best ways to remember. It is very difficult to enter the game, but I am with you both very confident after this day that we will be able to get some food? "David stands. When a car is parked.
The Big Dipper all very much. They are not to play the great man, and, in the block of small things for the house of his. "David," he said. "Here we're doing '
"Oh, I did tell you," David said. "We are faced with a young girl was asked. Her parents do not have the time. I went out a few!"
windows knocked rehearsing like armed. Means to the people is thrilled with dark skin black girl and the boy with curly hair and showed the door opened. He was apologetic smile. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a little late."
"Oh, that convenient!" David said. "We are innocent. I, for my children, David and the Big Dipper Mabel. I say hello?"
Mable sent huge waves but a few warm-up Pegasus laughter. The girl smiled. And they are surprised that the Big Dipper connived industry decades. Mabel, nor David. Just him.
"Stacy, I said quietly. He closed the door in the shotgun.
The game is a bit rough visit David and Stacey immediately Mabel and tried to speak. We are able to consider its best attempt to ask the question, "Do you like to camp." "Did you pigs", "What is your favorite flower"
Finally, the family went to high school. It was a large parking lot in front of large buildings and the afternoon of that day is still half full. And when David had the whole car.
"Okay, kids, you remember what you said?" When he reached the front court for. "Keep the best, that a smile and a kind of" three months. "How and where to go. I talk to some of them, and three of the same."
He put. The boys when they look at each other. "We are going to the Big Dipper ,?" Mebour asked.
For the Big Dipper paper from his pocket. He wrote all the information you need in a day. "Our own အရိပ်ကလေး called 618. weekend ..." Big Dipper, narrow eyes. "Ryan grass."
"So you can not find room 618," Mabel said. "I was on the seventh floor bet! Let it be to find where the elevator!"
Before they can not escape Mabel sweater pulled out of the Big Dipper. "Stay at the seventh floor, Mabel. I have two."
"In fact," Stacy said quietly. "There are three".
The Big Dipper to her and she did not know what he said. "I'm sorry?"
"There are three repeated," Stacy was a bit loud. "Page 618 for third place."
"Well you know what? "Mebour asked." In the future the reader? "
"This is my sister." Stacy looked up and said to the feet of it. 'That will graduate into place, you know. "
The Big Dipper shoulder everywhere. "Cool. Let's go to the next named. We do not want to be late. '
As it passed in the classroom, five minutes after Bruno was found. He has brown hair and a small child with tennis shoes in a popular band and baggy jeans, t-shirts. I should not say how they want. And those twins are not shown, but it seems that you do not recognize Stacey.
After the first class does the learning battle seem like "leave"? "Stacey Gardner!"
The Stacye and the browser have heard and reshuffle. And the knowledge that their children.
"Hello, the Nightingale," said Stacey. "Yes, that's me."
"Brilliant", soothe Nightingale. "Who is that friend?"
"The Big Dipper and the Mabel."
"Your parents, your sister, I was employed"
"Ma, how ever."
"Well, I hope it's good." It was always a wonderful student., That is the best, I had come to live with the standards that have expected.
"We don't want to lose Ryan replaces them," he said. And there were a few questions.
"What is?" Mabel. "You can him?" Who is the winter
"Here I did, I did a great deal," said Stacey. I was faster off for the Big Dipper's fortune.
"You know everything, but it's what you think?" BEAM looking. Offulsit Stacey as Augebild.
"The Monster!" A worrar. "It's amazing!" Traum does not function. Every single research in college. Parents always have something that can not come from them to get me. "The Big Dipper can see the trees quickly in its eyes.
Rotate the Big Dipper Mabel. To search for "Brian", he said, said the school plan. "Catch you".
"Give it!"
She nipples into Mabel, the whole human being. We know Swiss, trees, big dipper and I have returned to Stacey.
"Stacey is good", dipper says. He looked up and looked out, trying to understand what. They cannot, however, derive from it as much as one word is the same. "Stay kind of things. I'm not about what you feel like your parents, but I'm sure they're doing it."
Stacey and calm.
"I am with you in this kind of matter, because it is difficult to find, you want to make an offer on that new one." "Make your way from them." He has no sister.
Stacey laughed. But it is not from the time when he is sure that the Big Dipper. It can be really different. Then, Stacey, an update on the head, face, sadly lies. And once sniffed.
"I can be sad that I am overwhelmed."
"It's good."
Thecece church is to serve, then at one time the waves of the big dipper, and toss it into her with her arm. And it was not careful to go fast.
"Thank you for that," she said. The Hack, and went back and regularly. Find it better. "To our run.
Monique laughed at Pol, who was surprised. He has the face of things more than that. He likes.
"David's mother, all the kids are in the car:" What is this? "
"He's great!" Mabel said. "I don't have car parts that I want to pay with. But forced to start trying to be the person we are "working hard but worth it! '
"Uh! David and his little change "What are you Stacey? Do I love you? "
"I think it's good," he said. It really exists. There is nothing left to thank Stacey for God, withdrawing from her house by the calf The bar closes the door of the ladle house. The contract never saw him face.
"Oh, my taste!" He said. "Make sure you have a Stakey?"
Big Dipper wasn't so obsessed with it because he didn't answer me "Big Dipper! Dippin Secret! Pegasus came to Big Dipper"
"This is our answer," David Calm said. "I mean it's fast, worth it, right?"
"To talk about their wedding day?"
"Oh, come to blur, call him," David said. "No time."
And of course sharp
"Ok, go home," David said. "Almost to the gravity of the philosophy that it does not lead us to go and see what will happen to you. First of all, to our cabin Mystery Mabel. You'll be able to rest with your friends."
"Whooo," Mabel encouraged. "It's time for a new romantic"
"Big Dipper, Mabel and send all the vessels, and go camping and led all! '
The teapot nodded, not looking for a record. "Okay."
"Now, one week, my mentor, Gwen, come here and you and I will go to Caesar removed. The two will be here this summer. I think it's a thought. Well buy the phone and call you and Mabel around 2:30 on the phone every day. In late summer, we will go home "
"I can not wait!" Mabel shouted. "We have had this year SOS! I heard they had a son named Charlie melody. Sometimes Pacific took care of him with money. Images that are sent to me, and now it is cute!"
1 can guess, "he said Dipper", but I think that the summer is getting better and back Michael Ford. "I saw the Big Dipper from the record. Excitusque cheerful." Ford has promised to show me how to make a teleporter "
And David perceived that the fact that the essence of the thing. Fierce courage killed all of his children.
"Hey, David!" Mabel shouted. "I almost forgot! I do Tinder for you!"
David looked up: "What is this?"
"It's a soccer app? Are you meet new people and talk to them! I know you meet new people who have said to anyone you. I will still images and a story!"
David, as I began to cry. "Oh star! Thank you very much"
David secret hut and pulled in three of them. I prepared a sleeping bag and Mabel had her karaoke treatment.
"There will be a lot of fun! But the best part is that you will see along the water again!"
David decades. Mabel told him about her old pig. No doubt, David, if you were not able to keep the pig is eating in the house of the, and Mabel were on the first to exceed himself.
"I gave him Pacifica. He liked it and brought it into the night! I love it again! "
"Now, Mabel," David warns. "Do not be polite to friends along the ba"
Before, when David ran Mabel is at the door of the hut secret. "Hey!" He warned the lungs. "Pacifica, I know there are the best along with it!"
Then he ran down to open the door of his aforesaid house, once Mabel 's great. Mabel and the aside all other matters on his neck.
"Rolled along, I miss you, big boy," said, near tears. "Given the incomplete and I hope Paz, take care of my children."
"Well, I think that" when the voice to protect the door. Pacific made with Kandy and Granada. "You know that it is difficult to buy food for my parents? 1 might have to find something from the sneak"
"Hello Mabel" audible voice Granada girl does David shocking. "We are all waiting for you now going to sleep in the attic"
"Mabel well," said Kandy, a meteor embracing a girl in a shirt. "To miss so much!"
"Oh, I miss him, too!" Mabel said. "To ready!"
The group holding the girl, Mabel, while the speech "Sleepover! Sleepover"
Her daughters also that Sarah laughed to David; and I should like to be good friends. Bootes and looked, and, whom while nibbling the pen. "Well, Little Dipper," said David successfully. "Did we go inside and say hello to everyone I meet can not wait to see everyone should have a chance, as Cicero in the first advisor to camp!"
BEAM followed by David. Soper spoke to the melody. Mabel is about melody holding the baby. David and walk around and say hello.
"Hey, duck!" Soper said. "It's great to you, O Big Dipper, as Charlie Hi!"
Big Dipper looked at the boy who squeaked and smiled happily. The Big Dipper could not help but smile. I heard a small 'awwww' David's shores.
"And now three months old?
"The Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah born while holding Charlie's face." Was the most active age. Do not sleep. '
"Oh, that looks like a group of happiness" David said. "I have the two of you!"
Music chuckle: "Thank you."
Vapor dipper "We're sorry, Soper, Michael and Ford come here?"
Soper, shaking his head. "Sorry, I do not come in time. But it is clear that Michael will be fought. We'll soon come! '
He looked at David, the Big Dipper, who do not speak. But the boy's feet nodded. David harmed. Obviously, with its two great uncle is very important to him.
"Thank you for allowing the two to stay here in the summer." David said in the interview that the Big Dipper, lighter, trying to feel better. "I want to make it. But I am afraid, lest perhaps there be not enough space in the camp. But the next year, can do both at the same time, they came in the first place, and it shall be the Counselor of the"
Dafydd, in the sight he saw, saw a large dip of the room without saying anything. Sylvia and David decided that this was the best at once. But he will talk to Melody Soper
In the meantime, go to Big Dipper's door when it is closed and hit.
"Hello?" Voice of the Big Bear composition.
"Marc Bore Da"
He broke the door and caught Marcus in the eye of Big Dipper.
"Well, he can not take me in."
Marcus joined the bathroom door to see the Big Dipper in ordinary jeans and flannel. When the pine tree was still wearing his hat and the cloth was finding stains from many places, Marcus walked around his shoes and walked into the bathroom with a small room.
"Marcus, what are you doing here?" BEAM asked. "Of course, you do not use the bathroom."
"Anyway, it's gone?"
"David and catch?"
The Big Dipper from the head of the head was even more confusing and the sound came out of Wendy and emphasized, "No, we camped behind us and I want to share here."
"What is Marcus?"
Marcus stops walking somewhere else "David! If you go outside, he will drop a bomb. I ask questions about the camp because she needs to change it! Marcus Dipper won the prize on her shoulder and heard." Can I do it yet? Does it close? This is the only thing for me! "
Marcus is sitting in the corner of her room. It can be cut with the flowers heard by Big Dipper
"I do not know how you can pick up the pole," said Ashton. "And the way they are still not all have to work to change the camp speak"
For the government of the big dipper did not say anything. Both sat quietly before Big Dipper heard: "Big Dipper"
But Marcus apologizes for the shoes "Me - I'll meet you later." Wendy "
Big Dipper from the fluid and running away David for decades "Ready to camp?"
A boy is in the hands of David because he knows he is wrong But they can not show what is not professional. He went out and returned to the car. David sits next to a foothold, behind Big Dipper. He started writing in the newspaper immediately.
David felt the burden of the evil chest. He tried to chat "Happy to be back with anything"
"Bottom" is called the Big Dipper from a distance. The boys say something else. David is trying again
"Your uncle is about to arrive a few days," said David. "Is that fun?
I saw a big dipper looking at David in the mirror. There were many seconds of silence and the slopes slow down. "Infa, I think it will be like that."
Silence When David tried to interview more "Is there anything to wait?"
At this time, a great dipper did not answer him. He looked at David at that time and started writing in his notes slowly.
David was awful. What happened? What do they do wrong? Not only does Boötes worry about him And something is in mind with David, and it's talking about a campsite that will be one of the best
"Well, Big Dipper," David said, getting out of the car, "almost! This is a car that can take us away, so you'll get all the stuff out of your body and" for the Website. bring! When we put him If we walk "
The brown eyes of the shoes seemed to be a great cold, as if they were thinking. It seems to him, seeing it, has a small smile when he sees great things with small.
"Bac Dau, what's wrong?" David asked.
"What?" Leo noticed his eye page. Then he looked, his own comments in his arms. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure this can't be if-"
"No," bounced. He calmed down. "Do it. Yes, David, I'm fine."
But David and chose not to believe in Big Dipper for a moment. The way to supply the trunk of the trunk will be open and a place for both.
If he asked David, she was fair here. He himself is not a small town town, about the gravity he loves her. However, as well as being submitted.
When there was another tent, and put everything at once, a walk through the forest, he took Big Dipper Dafydd Gibbon.
"Now, David says: decide what is best to say," if you mostly go on the roads, especially if you're just walking. But because we know what to do: I think it will be fine. "
BEAM raised his head. "Or it could be a real danger."
"I think we are fine."
"Have you ever walked here, do you know you will become?" Leo seems a little worried; his eyes.
This is David's head. "Well, I haven't come into this animal meat yet,"
"I have to be on the roads," Dipper said. I feel a bit bad for. It seems not Boöte, is it not enough to have a safe position to keep it?
"Very well," David said, not knowing how to respond. "Okay. Probably to go on the roads."
What is the most glorious march by road is. It would be beautiful trees, and with a little fear and I didn't feel the heat was hurt. Thanks to the left. Why do you want to go to the ways of Pegasus.
"We are close to the waterfall," David admitted. He mentioned their skin. "Look! You can see it from here, isn't it beautiful?"
"Below" is called Bac Dau. "That's a nice search."
"You know, going from the power of walking in my memories while camping. She calls me a great friend, Jasper."
"Really?" North Dau said. "What happened?"
"We went to the island to get the branch. When he came back, he fell to a cliff, and that helped him get out. 'Nearly crying. The best day of my life."
"Wow. Come -" Big Dipper prepared. "Did he survive?"
David stopped. Other memories lead to its head. But they were more aggressive, said, trembling, remembering that Jasper had been seen again. I have to cry, really, not that he abstains. It does not go before the North Pole. Not now.
"Yes," David said finally. "He made."
He didn't say anything, because that was the rest of the walk.
The harp and the fire fell. The lion, the decision of Firearm, when he thought to walk the dogs. The surging again after he wrote in the magazine. David decades. It is very easy to understand that a child will be proud very proud.
David was indeed brilliant.
"Big Dipper, writing: What did you do?"
Balance eyes sooner. "I'm really tough?"
"What do you write?"
"The math:" Big Dipper this subject. "Nothing really. Just last summer in the case of those who are for something. But what's just stories. Not too much." Big Dipper is locked, and stood in a magazine. "It's not going to be too late. I went to sleep. Good night. "
"Good night boot" David said. "I have a dream."
But when he left, David was shocked. It is no surprise that the Big Dipper and so close to me today. There is a solecism? What did he do?
The guitar looks down to. After he said no. "What do I do wrong? '
The fire crackled Further, there is no silence. David thinks there is a problem more and more. Mabel, who was a bad man is one thing, the Balance is not obvious. So he returned for the bad?
The guitar without thinking about our own shores. I hope you make the best choice.
David sneaked into the shop to remain silent. Sylvia you sleep in the magazine from its side. Channels to be caught and returned, and went out. He was sitting near the center opened fire. He read his mind in mind, that all of them have to be present as himself in charge.
dear F
This was due in a week. And he was not with David in a few months now, I would wish that there was a short cut. And if I do not know, Bill.
Yesterday saw the other, where the law. Duke is the leader of the organization that may harm my father. And Hurt and David Mabel and many others. I know that this is true, but at times he does not, Remember poverty in the time, which set me. When fear most in life. Consider, in so far as they are to speak to the fact that it's rare they are, and if I ever, Carl Mabel, and do not be from the second. I know that the bill is gone. It is not hit at the end of the summer. Nor did it deter protein.
If David The disadvantage is the reason why tract fall, maybe you do not believe me. We might choose to be quiet and out of dreams.
And I say, maybe one day. But once they do.
David words. It was tumultuous, and the most pain. Who is Bill? The fraud? The Big Dipper, which shall not inherit? David Ure, fireplace crack crabs and answers them. But not such a bad experience.
David looks back from the magazine. I read more, but comes from him, so that he can not come. The Big Dipper is. The Big Dipper breaks faith. To this extent, all of David, please.
He closed the book on the right trains. The boy was carried out on sleep. David Le airline now start with a little smile to her face. But since he has a lot of dreams.
Fire ordnance.
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