#next time i'm writing it all down beforehand so when they ask me i can just hand them the piece of paper
being autistic is like. so nothing is ever going to be easy? it's always going to be this hard? no amount of medical appointments will ever make me better? my entire life i'm going to be told that it can't be that bad if i was able to get a job and get along with people and there's really not much they can do for me. that they can address the symptoms (depression, anxiety, etc) but i need to do a blood test first to see if it's not just anaemia, and have i considered that i'm just tired out from work? and i seem fine honestly it's probably not even autism, everyone gets a little bit overwhelmed sometimes. here, have some magnesium. if you eat more vegetables you'll be fine. there's nothing else we can do. my computer says you're not autistic because you were able to make friends and you show signs of empathy. no i haven't updated my autism research since 1996. you're making a big deal out of nothing you seem fine. we can't help you. you seem fine. we can't help you. we can't help you. we can't help you.
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squish--squash · 10 months
I'm rewatching Good Omens, and noticed something in the first episode that has left me spiraling into a theory.
It's in the scene when Hastur and Ligur are handing Adam over to Crowley. Hastur asks Crowley to sign something beforehand, and:
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I thought it was a scribble the first time I watched it bc I was trying to figure out what was going on. But it's not a scribble.
It's not a 'C' either, for 'Crowley' It's not a 'A' or 'J' either, for the rest of his name.
It's an 'L'. It gets hard to see as he's finishing it, but it's the letter 'L'
This is how you write a capital 'L' in cursive:
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you swoop up and to the right, drop down, swoop left, and finish on the right.
and Crowley does this with his signature:
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here's him beginning the letter, swooping up and to the right
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Then he moves down,
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loops to the left,
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And finishes it as he moves back towards the right (and at this point, the complete letter is hard to make out. It's why I thought it was a scribble the first time I watched this episode)
Crowley's signature on the document Hastur makes him sign before delivering the Antichrist to start Armageddon, something that is arguably one of the most important things hell wants to document, is an 'L'.
Why not a 'C', for Crowley, the name he currently goes by? Hastur and Ligur confirm the name itself earlier in the same scene ("What's he calling himself up here these days?"/"Crowley.")
Well, if going by what he claims in a later s1 episode that "Crowley" is his last name (Anthony J. Crowley), it would make sense for one of his initials to be put there.
Except it doesn't, because "Crowley" is not his real name. it's not the name he began with, the one he had as an angel.
So then, what would this name be? What would be a name for an angel, who is now a demon? A demon who was there to tempt eve, as a snake, into eating the forbidden fruit. Someone that brought the stars, and light, to the universe. A name that begins with the letter 'L'.
There's one I can think of that matches, and that name is Lucifer.
"But Squish!" I know some of y'all will comment, "What about that line Crowley said in episode 5? He mentions Lucifer, so it can't be him!"
In episode 5, Crowley says the following: "I never asked to be a demon. I was just minding my own business one day and then...oh, lookie here, it's Lucifer and the guys! Oh, hey, the food hadn't been that good lately. I didn't have anything on for the rest of that afternoon. Next thing, I'm doing a million-light-year dive into a pool of boiling sulphur."
Crowley also says in the second episode: "I didn't mean to fall. I just hung out with the wrong people."
A lot of people believe that it's implied that when Crowley said this, it meant he met Lucifer and hung out with him. But when he says it, it sounds like he's mockingly quoting someone else, talking to him.
The "Lucifer and the guys!" might've been directed to Crowley, using his name. This would match that line from a previous episode, "hung out with the wrong people."
"But Squish!" I know some of y'all will comment after reading that, "What about Satan? Lucifer is Satan, and Crowley isn't Satan!"
And neither is Beelzebub. Fun fact, by the way: One of the many names for The Devil, Satan himself, is Beelzebub. But Beelzebub is a whole different character. So why can't Lucifer be a whole different character too? After all, many people still argue to this day that Lucifer and Satan aren't one and the same...
Also, here's something interesting:
Crowley is the only character in the tv series that has mentioned Lucifer, and it was in that line I mentioned earlier. Lucifer is also mentioned once, in the book, but by Shadwell, mishearing Newt's last name as "Lucifer" instead of "Pulsifer". And Satan? In both the book and the tv show, he is never called another name other than "Satan", usually followed by his fancy and long title. His description in the book's "DRAMATIS PERSONAE" is literally "fallen angel; the adversary". No Lucifer.
And how about this:
Crowley was the one who started the universe, we see that at the beginning of season 2. He was the first one, to our knowledge, to say "let there be light." "Lucifer" means "light-bringer" Crowley was the snake that tempted eve into eating the apple in the garden of eve. We see this in the beginning of episode one. Many claim Lucifer was the one who did that. Crowley fell because he asked questions about how the universe should be run, after seeing its creation and being so proud of it. Many claim Lucifer's big sin that sent him falling was his pride stemming from his beauty causing him to revolt; eerily similar to Crowley asking questions after watching the beautiful universe he helped plan be born and growing protective after learning it was going to get shut down so early in its lifetime, isn't it? Crowley was a powerful angel. This is heavily implied in season 2, with the tiny joint-miracle he and Aziraphale made being as powerful as an archangel's. He has the ability to mask his presence powerful enough to fool Uriel, Michael, and Gabriel (the only other character we've seen have that kind of masking power was the Metatron, who Crowley was also the first to recognize). When going through records with Muriel, they claim only very high-ranking angels have clearance to look through the records of Gabriel, an archangel so powerful he single-handedly had the power to stop "Armageddon 2" from being put into plan; Crowley is able to access them. And Lucifer? Often described as having been a very powerful angel.
Lucifer is such an important name, such an important character, in the theologies surrounding Good Omens. So, where is he? Why has he only been mentioned seriously once, by Crowley?
The answer could be this, simple and short: Because he is Crowley.
I dug up the book. It's been a while since I read it (I honestly don't remember much from the book) and here's what it has to say about Crowley's signature...
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"Your real name."
I found this post from Neil Gaiman's blog. The wording is confusing me, and I can't tell if this debunks or supports the theory..
What Neil Gaiman says is "That was the angel Lucifer. He doesn't exist any more. Now there's just Satan, the adversary." which might throw this entire thing out of the window, but the thing is: he never said Satan used to be Lucifer. He just said Lucifer doesn't exist anymore, but Satan does.
Furthermore, the person who first asked a question asks more questions, two of them: 1. Is Satan what's left of Lucifer after he fell and stopped existing, and 2. If so, does that mean there was an angel that existed that then fell and turned into crowley?
Neil Gaiman's answer is "As far as Crowley is concerned, the Angel that he was no longer exists. (And his name as an Angel wasn’t Crawley or Crowley.)"
He doesn't confirm or deny anything about Satan in that. All he said was "the Angel that he was no longer exists" and that Crowley's angel name wasn't his demon name.
Huh. Funny. He's saying angel!crowley no longer exists, when he just revealed that Lucifer "doesn't exist any more." Either there's a connection here, or I'm going insane.
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adventuringblind · 9 months
(●’◡’●)ノ, I'm in loove with your Oscar Piastri x autistic!reader series, it gives really beautiful perspective on navigating relationships while being neurodivergent. I was wondering if you do a imagine/headcannon for Oscar and reader and how they navigate sexual intimacy in particular, like do's and donts, emotions during it stuff like that. If ur not comfortable writing that then it's ok, I just thought it would be interesting ♡
Bedroom Procedures
Oscar Jack Piastri x Reader
Genre: spicy things ahead but not smut
Request: the way I ran to write this... send me more ideas like this please they are my favorite to write!
Summary: Oscar and Reader navigate through intimacy
Warnings: again... spicy things. However there is no real depiction of anything happening!
Notes: aight, so this is again how I navigate because that's what I know. This is not a depiction of how every autistic person is when it comes to being intimate. Remember that autism is a spectrum and everyone is different.
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Being intimate with each other actually took a long time
At least longer than what is probably average
And that's in opinion
She wants to have sex with Oscar
It's just that it's difficultt and there are so many different feelings that is gets overwhelming quickly
It doesn't help she's trying to dive straight in whenever they try it
Oscar pays attention however
Her body language is how he can understand her feelings
So he knows exactly what he's doing even if she doesn't get it yet
The next time things get a little heated, Oscar slows them both down
"Why are you stopping? Did I do something wrong?"
"Absolutely not, just thought we would try something different."
In her head, different is strange because there is usually an order to these things, and it should become routine eventually
Oscar has other plans
He starts taking their intimate moments incredibly slow
Introducing her to different sensations and letting her tell him what she likes and doesn't
Soon, he has a comprehensive list of dos and don'ts
Like how sometimes she prefers to keep on a loose shirt because otherwise the skin on skin is to much
Not all the time
He always asks before they do anything if she would like to wear one of his shirts
Or how her biting him is usually a good sign because it means she's happy
(Something she does even when they aren't having sex)
Oral is a grey area for her
Sometimes, she'll suck him off for hours, and others, she gets overwhelmed just thinking about it
Oscar doesn't care, though, because he loves her no matter what she's feeling up to
One thing he was not expecting was for her to be relatively kinky
Experimenting is everything
Hard yes and no things but down to try before deciding
Oscar got a bit experimental after he got a general idea and their bedroom communication was good
Again... communication is a key point
He's always asking questions and reading her body just as she is with him
The fact that it's a vulnerable state and both of them are connecting in a way with emotions that even sex itself can't give is incredibly intimate
They don't even make it there sometimes because the emotional ties are just so deep that they simply spend time memorizing each other
Another thing is vocals
Oscar is usually composed and level-headed
Sex however is completely different
It's where he is able to express himself in ways he couldn't before
Also, listening to his voice is something that helps her know if she's doing okay
She also experiments with her voice
Vocal stimming during sex happens often, and it happens when she is on the edge
Her parroting is endearing ad well
Sometimes Oscar will moan or hum in a way and she will copy
A non-verbal agreement to keep going
Can go for maybe two rounds maximum
Maybe three or four but that's on a good day
Follows a routine of how things go down and there is definitely communication beforehand
Even if both parties are in the heat of the moment, he will not start anything without giving an idea of what will happen
It's like an unwritten rule so that she isn't trying to read the situation and get frustrated with herself if she can't understand what's happening
Clear cut yes and no
There is no maybe
All communication is cut and dry, and there is no beating around the bush
Because of her willingness to touch, but only from those she's allowed, Oscar is a teeny tiny bit possessive
If anyone touches her who she's not comfortable with he won't hesitate to bite her in reciprocation
She bites him, he bites her, it's a pattern they keep going because he knows its her love language
Also, it creates some fun on other places
Really the two are very good at setting boundaries and communicating
It makes things fun for both of them and there is never any feelings hurt
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mimimui · 1 year
I saw your "genshin boys asking for a kiss" and i felt like melting into a puddle it's so cute... ㅜㅡㅜ if i may ask, how would the sumeru boys react to reader who is unable to sleep because of their cold? like they try to sleep but the pounding headache, clogged nose, etc is preventing them to do so sobs
thank you so much beforehand!
sumeru boys versus your cold
includes: alhaitham, kaveh, tighnari, cyno
tags: established relationship, endearments, fluff, kinda ooc(?) maybe, not proofread i'm sorry, mention of rudolph (is there even a rudolph in genshin? well there is now)
a/n: thank u so much! ♡⸜(˶˃ ��� ˂˶)⸝♡ i'm also currently suffering from a severely clogged nose so i understand the feeling x_x thanks for the request anon <3 i kinda struggled writing alhaithams aaa i hope it's still ok :') as always .. enjoy !
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alhaitham knows you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, so when you started sneezing this morning, he didn't think much of it. he told you to drink some water and take meds, but that's mostly it. only when he was about to retire to your shared bed was when he noticed your loud, constant sniffling.
"(y/n), did you not take meds earlier?" he asks, switching the lamp back on. alhaitham places a hand on your shoulder, slowly moving you to face him. his eyes widen when he sees your red nose and tired eyes. "haitham.. can't sleep.." you mumble, your hands covering your face.
most people think alhaitham is a bit aloof, but they've clearly never seen him take care of you. he urges you to sit up, quickly getting a tissue for your runny nose. when you tell him, "i can't, my head hurts so bad.." he brings the tissue to your nose himself, asking you to blow into it.
this doesn't cure your clogged nose, however, as you continue to sniffle. he lays next to you, wrapping his arm around you, rubbing your back. "breathe through your mouth slower, copy me," he says, breathing at a slow, easy pace for you to replicate.
it takes some time for you to go to sleep, but even so, alhaitham stays awake the entire time, making sure you fall asleep before he does. when he notices your steady breathing and closed eyes, he smiles contently, glad that you were finally able to sleep.
"sleep well, my dear."
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kaveh is not a stranger to sleeping with colds, especially since he's prone to sickness from always stays up late. when you tell him you can't sleep because you have a clogged nose, he immediately asks you if you want meds, tissues, or both. as he babbles on, you can only laugh at his reaction when you say, "i want you."
"that's bold for someone with snot running down their nose," he says teasingly, which earns him a pillow getting thrown at his head. "ow! you're mean when you're sick, (y/n)." he jokingly pouts as he sits next to you on the bed, rubbing the spot you hit with the pillow.
his expressions turns into a sad one as you suddenly lie down, your headache making you groan. he looks around for a bit before handing you the box of tissues he meant to give you earlier, telling you to blow your nose to clear it up a bit.
"i can't do this anymore, kaveh. i hate being sick." you cover your face with the blanket, sniffling underneath. "i know, sunshine, i know," he says, patting your thigh gently. "we all get sick from time to time, but trust me, you'll feel better in no time!" his tone is optimistic, but he makes sure not to be too loud, for the sake of your headache.
"...can you help me fall asleep, please?" you peek through the blanket, watching his reaction to your request. he smiles warmly, lying down and continuing to pat your thigh. he hums a calm, familiar tune—one of your favorites that he sings—and you can't help but smile.
it may be hard to breathe at the moment, but rest assured kaveh will comfort you in any way he can.
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tighnari tells you to sit on the edge of the bed, in spite of your throbbing headache. you comply though, waiting for him to come back. it feels like a century when he returns to your room with a pot of steaming water. "place the blanket over yourself and the pot."
the hot steam hits your face and you wince a bit, not used to this kind of temperature. but when tighnari sits next to you and places a reassuring hand on your back, you find the steam a bit more bearable.
"nari, what does this do for me?" you ask, removing the blanket from over your head as 10 minutes pass. he mentions something about steam inahalation and so on, talking about how it can help relieve your clogged nose.
you're not yet entirely cured, but it's comfortable enough. he lies down next to you, an arm wrapping around your waist as he tells you he'll get medicine for you in the morning. his voice is soft, quiet, and gentle. it slowly fades away as you fall asleep, a satisfied tighnari beside you as he watches your eyes close.
"i'm happy to take care of you, my lover."
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cyno tries to distract you with corny jokes, but archons, as much as you love him, his jokes are only contributing to your headache. he sits down on the bed, holding a glass of warm water he got for you. "i have a joke about colds, but i hope you don't get it."
"cyno, i love you, but you realize i already have colds, right?" he chuckles at your stressed reaction, asking you to sit up so you can drink water. "do you know what kind of shoes colds wear?" you sigh as you lie back down, pulling the covers over your head.
"aaaaa shoe!" he follows up, smiling at his own joke. you feel his head hit the pillow beside you, his hand finding yours to hold. he uses his other hand to pull the blanket off your face, the moonlight illuminating even the redness of your nose.
"seems like i have my own rudolph." you squeeze his hand tightly and he chuckles. "i apologize, (y/n)," cyno says in a low voice, bringing your hand up to his lips. he closes his eyes as he tells you to breathe deeply, repeating the phrase 'breath in, breath out'.
it's still a struggle to fall asleep, but cyno doing his best to help you breathe easier makes you feel a bit better. if you thought he worked hard as the general mahamatra, he works hard at taking care of you as well.
"let's visit tighnari in the morning. rest easy, (y/n)."
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thanks for reading (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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ttoddii · 3 months
bada taking you to take your shots + how she comfort you afterward headcanons
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pairing(s): girlfriend!bada x f!reader
warnings: pure fluff, mention of needles, bada has a soft spot for reader and it shows, reader being spoiled, not proofread, lowercase intended, bad grammar.
a/n: this is my first time writing headcanons, it would not be perfect, but i hope you guys enjoy it just as much as my normal stories. (and i sincerely apologize for any mistake i might make)
special note: good job for being so brave yumi <3
taglist: @missminho; @taniio (comment under my posts to get add)
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⊹₊ ⋆ you're not a scaredy cat, most definitely not, but you hate pain, and your sweet girlfriend take it into her own responsibility to help you deal with it.
⊹₊ ⋆ bada would drive you to the hospital to take your shots, giving you lots of assurance while you guys are in the car.
⊹₊ ⋆ her hand would be place on your thigh throughout the ride so you can have that extra safety feeling in your heart while your mind is a wreck :(
⊹₊ ⋆ you being bada's passenger princess let you have time to be a mess while thinking about how many shots you might get, and bada would take glances here and there to see how you're feeling.
⊹₊ ⋆ "don't worry baby i'll be with you the whole time"
⊹₊ ⋆ she would definitely bring your favorite stuffed animal so you can hold onto it while you take your shots.
⊹₊ ⋆ bada would do all the paperwork once you guys get to the hospital, she can't let her baby stress even more about anything when your mind is already wrapped around all the shots you might get :(
⊹₊ ⋆ you wouldn't even need to flip a finger, bada would do everything for you, all you need to do it mentally prepare yourself for the shots.
⊹₊ ⋆ would hold your free hand when you get your shots and talk to you so you wouldn't focus on the pain.
⊹₊ ⋆ "you're doing so great, so brave for me"
⊹₊ ⋆ if you wince, bada would glare at the doctor, staring at them to let them know she is not please, which work because they seem to be more gentle with you now.
⊹₊ ⋆ would occasionally bring your free hand up so she could give it small kisses of assurance.
⊹₊ ⋆ when you're finish she would give you lots of compliments, telling how brave you are, how well you behave, and she would smother you in kisses once you guys get in the car.
⊹₊ ⋆ "you did so good back there, now let's go get your favorite ice cream"
⊹₊ ⋆ definitely bought many snacks that you like beforehand so you can much on them when you get back. kind of like a reward for being so brave and overcome the fear.
⊹₊ ⋆ bada would make sure that you won't feel sick for the next few days, would check up on your temperature in the first few hours, ask you questions to make sure you're alright.
⊹₊ ⋆ "is your arm sore? are you feeling hot? do you need anything?"
⊹₊ ⋆ she would want you to watch your favorite show, listen to your favorite songs while she do all the house chores, she would not let you touch anything, scared that your arm is sore from all the shots you get. basically you are her baby :(
⊹₊ ⋆ if your arm is sore – because you took so many shots in one go – she would let you lay in bed and once she finish with everything she would cuddle in bed with you.
⊹₊ ⋆ she would be extra careful not to touch the arm that got shots though, would definitely change her side of bed if the one she usually sleep on if the same side as the arm you got shots.
⊹₊ ⋆ would kiss you while you guys cuddle in bed, on your face, on your hands, at the crook of your neck.
⊹₊ ⋆ give you many many compliments so you could giggle and forget about all your pain and soreness.
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˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ bonus:
"bada i'm scared, the needle look so big", you look up at bada, your eyes wide from how scared you are.
her right hand hold onto yours tightly as she give you a reassurance smile, her tall form crouch down to your level as she talk to you.
"baby you'll do so good, it will be quick, i promise"
and bada stand up again, her upper body low down so she could give you a light kiss on your forehead before she smile to you softly.
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weirdkpopgirl · 4 months
Waiting | Dream Reaction #13
Reaction: when their gf wants to save sex for marriage
Genre: Um mostly fluff
Warnings: slightly suggestive, making out in Jeno's, and mentions of sex (but nothing graphic at all)
Word Count: ~2.9k
Author's Note: I feel like it's been so long since I wrote a Dream reaction. The following scenario was a request sent by someone. To be honest, I was a bit hesitant about doing it because I know this concept isn't that popular today. However, it is a personal value I hold and I'm not trying to impose it on those who have different opinions. But it is something I've always secretly wanted to write about. So here you go, I hope you like it ^ ^
~ ~ ~
After being under the weather for weeks now, Mark thought it was time to get you checked up. That was how you found yourself sitting in a pristine white room on a Monday morning. You scanned the room anxiously, nervously drumming your fingers against the chair’s armrest. However, the nerves you were feeling calmed down a little when Mark placed his hand on top of yours.
Finally the door creaked open, and the doctor exchanged polite greetings with the two of you. Taking a seat at her computer, the doctor ran through the customary procedure of inquiring about your symptoms and any recent changes in lifestyle.
“Have you two been sexually active recently?” the doctor asked, causing a slight shift in the atmosphere. 
Heat instantly rose to your cheeks as you turned to your boyfriend with a surprised glance. 
“Oh—no, we haven’t even…” Your voice trailed off, almost as if you were too flustered to finish your sentence.
The doctor nodded understandingly and moved on to the next question. Once the check-up was finished, she just advised you to get some more rest and take some time off work to recover.
Back in the car, you and Mark burst into awkward laughter, finding humor in the unexpected nature of that encounter.
“I was so embarrassed,” you cried, covering your face, “I thought I was going to die back there.”
Mark laughed along, “Yeah me too. I don’t know why I was so surprised when she asked us that.”
A brief silence hung in the air as Mark steadied his hand on the wheel, and you gazed out of the car window. Although you believed you handled the situation reasonably, some more serious thoughts lingered in your mind. Even though it’s only been a few months since you two started dating, the doctor’s question made you realize that you hadn’t discussed the subject before.
“Speaking of though,” you said, broaching the topic cautiously. “I actually want to save sex for marriage.”
You were already bracing yourself for a negative reaction when Mark didn’t respond right away. But then he shrugged nonchalantly and said, “Okay.”
“Really?” You stared at him wide-eyed. “You’re okay with it?”
Mark nodded thoughtfully, “I mean, I can’t say it’s going to be easy. But if waiting is important to you, then it’s important to me too.”
A wave of relief washed over you, comforted now that this conversation went a lot smoother than you had anticipated. 
“Thank you, I really appreciate that,” you said, a smile lighting up your face.
Mark reached over to squeeze your hand. “No problem, babe.”
In his mind, it really wasn’t a big deal. He definitely planned on marrying you someday, so he saw it as something to look forward to in your future together.
He was the only one to actually bring up the subject first. Although it wasn’t something he had greatly dwelled on beforehand. After being together for a few months, your relationship had proven to be relatively stable. However when it came to physical intimacy, the two of you never progressed beyond making out. While Renjun wasn’t particularly bothered by it, a sense of curiosity lingered in his thoughts.
One evening as you both walked back to your place after a date, he decided to bring it up. “(Y/n), can I ask you something?” he asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
Curious as to what this was about, you nodded. “Sure. What is it?”
“I just…I was wondering when we’re going to have sex?” He scratched his head, as the words awkwardly tumbled from his lips. You observed his cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and you could also feel your own face warming up coincidentally.
You knew this conversation was inevitable, and you’ve spent a decent amount of time preparing what you would say if it came up. Despite the mental preparation, you were a little wary of what Renjun’s response might be.
“I’m glad you brought that up,” you said, attempting to mask the nervousness in your tone. “The thing is, I want to wait until marriage for sex. I hope that’s okay with you.”
To your surprise, his response came quickly as he nodded in understanding. “That’s no problem for me. I'm happy to wait for you,” he assured.
“I know people might think we’re crazy,” you continued with a sense of unease in your voice.
Before you could finish your thought, Renjun stopped walking to cup your face with his hands. “I don’t care what people think. Our connection and the boundaries we set are more important than anyone else’s opinions,” he said assertively. “I respect your decision, and I’m here with you no matter what.”
As his words sank in, a grateful smile formed on your lips. Sighing, you leaned in to place a sweet peck on his lips. 
“What did I ever do to deserve you?”
Renjun chuckled and affectionately patted your head. “Cutie.”
His hands intertwined once more, and the two of you resumed walking back to your apartment. The both of you felt a lot better now that the topic had been addressed.
The evening started out normal, really. You were having a movie date in his apartment, which was a regular occurrence for homebodies like yourselves. Yet, an almost suffocating tension lingered in the air, subtly bringing the two of you closer.
Before you could blink, blankets were tossed aside and you found yourself lying on your back as Jeno’s lips devoured yours in a series of passionate kisses. His hands found their way to your waist, and yours wrapped around his neck, drawing him nearer. The room was filled with a soft hum of your chemistry, creating a moment that seemed to make time freeze.
Your conscience started to come back as you felt Jeno’s hands begin to roam your body. Although a part of you didn’t want to stop, you placed a hand on your boyfriend’s chest and gently pulled away. Jeno glanced at you with a puzzled expression. 
Sighing, you sat up. “I’m sorry…it’s just…there’s something I think we should talk about.”
You hated seeing Jeno’s face flicker with confusion. But he nodded for you to continue.
“If…if it’s okay with you, I want to wait until we’re married to have sex,” you admitted, your gaze unwavering. 
Jeno’s eyebrows furrowed in surprise, and it took a bit to process your words before responding. “Oh, okay,” he said in an understanding tone.
You looked at him, searching for any sign of disappointment or frustration. “You’re not upset about it?”
Jeno shook his head, as if it were obvious. “There’s no rush, baby. And I would never want to pressure you into doing something you’re not comfortable with.”
“Thank you for understanding,” you expressed, eyes softening with gratitude. You had expected a different reaction from him, fearing that he might feel restricted. But his kind words put you at ease.
Jeno returned your smile, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. “But we can still make out, right?” 
The mischievous sparkle in his eyes made you laugh. “Of course we can,” you chuckled, pulling him down with you.
That was all Jeno needed to hear before his lips were on yours again. The chemistry from before was quickly reignited, and the two of you savored the intimacy of the moment.
The two of you were just cuddling in his bedroom, after he had convinced you to take a break from studying. Nestled comfortably in his arms, he traced lazy circles on your back, creating a soothing rhythm to accompany the moment. You snuggled against him happily, enjoying this peaceful moment with your boyfriend.
“(Y/n),” he spoke suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.
You glanced up in response. “Hm?”
He stared at you momentarily, tenderly brushing a lock of hair behind your ear. You were curious as to what he had to say, you found it hard to read his expression.
“Have you ever thought about…you know, when you want to have sex?” he asked, deciding it was best to just be straightforward. 
Your cheeks flushed slightly, caught off guard by his question. “Um…well I think I want to wait until marriage,” you admitted.
Biting your lip, you searched Haechan’s expression. The corner of his lips curled into a teasing smile. “In that case, will you, (L/n) (Y/n), marry me?” he asked dramatically.
“Lee Haechan, don’t joke about that,” you scolded, smacking him on the shoulder. The boy laughed, and pulled you closer to him. 
“Okay, okay I’m sorry,” he apologized, giving you a quick kiss on your forehead. “We’ll take things at your pace, baby. You don’t need to worry.”
You murmured a thank you, relaxing into his arms once more. As playful as Haechan was, you were grateful for his understanding. There really wasn’t much to worry about when you were with him.
The gentle glow of the candles sitting on the coffee table created a warm and inviting atmosphere in Jaemin’s living room. You sat snugly on the couch with his cats, waiting for your boyfriend to come back from the kitchen. Although you appeared calm on the outside, as you ran your fingers through Luna’s soft white fur, your mind buzzed with anxious thoughts. You wanted to have a serious conversation with him tonight, but you were a bit apprehensive about it.
Your heart began to race as Jaemin reentered the room, carrying two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. It only took a single glance for him to detect your unease. Placing the cups on the coffee table, he took your hand in his and offered a comforting smile.
“Is there something on your mind, love?” he asked with such tenderness that it almost made you feel guilty.
Exhaling briefly, you tried to return his smile. “Yeah, there’s actually something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.”
Jaemin’s eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and concern. “I’m listening,” he replied, reaching over to gently scratch under Luna’s chin.
You took another deep breath, gathering your thoughts. “It’s just that we’ve been together for quite some time now, and I know you’ve probably thought about this. But I want to share with you that I’d like for us to save sex for marriage.”
There was a brief moment of silence as Jaemin absorbed your words. Afraid of a negative reaction, you started to back yourself up.
“It’s just that I’ve never done it before, and waiting until I’m married has always been important to me,” you continued, going on a slight tangent. “It has nothing to do with you or an attempt to restrict you.”
The warm smile Jaemin gave you felt like a game changer. He lightly squeezed your hand, his eyes reflecting nothing but understanding. “You don’t have to worry, Princess. I understand completely, and I agree it’s best to wait too.”
Instantly relief began to wash over you. “Really?”
“Absolutely,” he nodded, his smile unwavering. “I want our first time to be something we both cherish. And when we’re both ready to take that step, I promise it will be a special moment for both of us.”
His eyes gleamed with a sincerity that made you want to burst into tears. Suddenly, you questioned why you were so nervous in the first place. Every action of Jaemin’s was out of love and kindness from the depths of his heart.
“You’re so sweet,” you murmured, cupping his face with your hands. “I wish all men could be as understanding and caring as you.”
Jaemin’s gaze softened more, and he leaned in to leave a lingering kiss on your lips. “You give me too much credit, princess. As your boyfriend, it’s my job to ensure you always feel respected and loved.”
“Stop it, you’re going to make me cry,” you exclaimed, using your hand to fan your eyes.
He chuckled in response and pulled you closer to cuddle. As you remained in his embrace with his cats nestled around you, you realized how lucky you were to have Jaemin by your side. 
You had been avoiding the subject for as long as possible, mostly because it was a little awkward for you. This was your first serious relationship, and you were sure Chenle’s thought about it before. But he was waiting for you to say something first.
Then came an evening where the two of you were watching a movie at his place. You didn’t exactly plan on talking to him about it that day. It kind of just slipped out.
Neither of you had a specific preference for what to watch, so Chenle randomly selected something on Netflix. However, halfway into the film, a provocative scene began to unfold. A knot tightened in your stomach, and within five seconds, you averted your gaze. Chenle chuckled nervously beside you, wisely opting to change the movie.
Even though something new was being played on the screen, you found yourself making occasional sideway glances toward Chenle. The realization struck that you had been putting off this topic for so long, and the nagging feeling inside you knew it would keep bothering you if you didn’t address it now.
Before your nerves could get the better of you, a heavy exhale escaped you. “Chenle, there’s something I want to talk about.”
His eyebrows raised slightly in concern, sensing the apprehensiveness in your voice. “What’s up?” he asked.
The movie’s ambiance served as a backdrop to your hesitancy. But determined not to chicken out, you closed your eyes and blurted out, “I want to wait until marriage for sex!”
You opened your eyes to see Chenle’s face swiftly transition from a surprised expression to a more composed one. For some reason he thought you were going to break up with him or something. So when he processed your words, in his head he was like “oh, that was it?”
“Okay, that’s cool,” he said, figuring that was all and leaned back on the couch.
His nonchalant response left you looking at him in disbelief. “You’re not upset at all?”
“No, why would I be?” he chuckled, playfully nudging you. “Sex isn’t everything. If waiting until marriage is important to you, then I’m on board with that.”
The way his eyes reflected genuine sincerity, gave you more reassurance. “Gosh, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that,” you exhaled.
He grinned, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. He couldn’t resist teasing you a little.
“Well what can I say? You’re dating a great man.”
You rolled your eyes, earning a laugh from him as he pulled you closer. Secretly, you had to agree that Zhong Chenle was indeed a great man.
It really wasn’t a big deal to him. But he did think about it from time to time. The both of you were somewhat new to being in a relationship. However, after being together for a few months, Jisung thought the two of you should’ve had sex by now. 
He was almost afraid to ask, because the two of you had never directly discussed sex before. But the desire to know your thoughts was becoming overwhelming, and Jisung knew that he’d explode if he didn’t bring up the subject.
As you lounged together in your living room, Jisung absentmindedly fiddled with the drawstrings of his hoodie. Occasionally he stole glances at you, who was scrolling through social media posts on your phone. He almost choked when you said something.
“Is there something on your mind, Jisungie?” you asked, without even looking up from your phone. It was as if you could sense he had something to say, solely by his body language. You had to hold back from smiling in amusement as his eyes widened in surprise.
The boy beside you laughed nervously as he sat up a bit straighter. “I—um want to talk about us. You know in terms of…”
“Sex?” you finished his sentence, throwing him off even more. 
Jisung looked at you with a perplexed expression. “Are you a magician? How did you know that was what I wanted to talk about?”
“I don’t know, lucky guess?” you chuckled, casting your phone aside. “It’s also something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about too.”
You nodded, flattening your hands across the blanket on your lap. “I know we’ve never discussed it before, but I think it’s best to be transparent with you. Is that okay?”
 “Of course,” Jisung answered right away. “I want you to be honest with me, Jagi.”
Lowering your gaze, you took a deep breath before confessing, “Well, um—I want to wait until marriage for, you know, sex.”
It took a moment for you to gather the courage to look at Jisung again. When you did, you were met with an almost relieved expression.
“You know what? I think that’s a great idea,” Jisung said, assuringly. “We can just take our time, with no rush.”
You smiled in response, “I’m glad we’re on the same page then.”
Jisung’s shoulders visibly relaxed and he sank back into the couch. “Ugh, I feel so much better now that we’ve talked about it,” he said, covering his eyes.
Shaking your head with a laugh, you observed the boy in amusement.
“You’re such a dork,” you murmured, snuggling against his hoodie. Jisung smiled and snaked his arm around to hug you.
Jisung was genuinely relieved that you were both honest about your feelings of intimacy. In fact, he felt like having this conversation brought you even closer. Although you were both young, he felt secure knowing your relationship was built on a sense of connection and trust.
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otdiaftg · 1 month
The out pouring of love for this blog has swept me off my feet. I knew the logic behind the follower count, but this weekend proved to me without a shadow of a doubt just how much this fandom cherishes these characters and this story.
I am overwhelmed with adoration towards every. single. one. of you.
I took the weekend to finally recoup after the whirlwind of this past year but wanted to take a moment now to answer some of the questions I've seen pop up and to inform you all of what my plans are for what's next.
This took me a long time to ponder and I wanted to make sure I was in the correct headspace to answer it. Short answer: No.
Long answer: All For The Game is near and dear to my heart. And the reason I began this account was because the dates for 2023 matched that of the dates they were meant to be in 2006. To continue it in the year 2024 would mean the dates would be completely wrong and a lot more logistics would have to occur beforehand.
But also-- I'm not the best when it comes to technology, especially when it comes to BOTS so every post that was published was typed out, formatted and scheduled by hand by me. I did not have help. I did not have proofreaders, or editors, or managers. I contacted all the artists myself, sorted through every single page of the artists to find matches to the story, read and re-read the books for exact or guesstimation of dates/times, and made a hell of a lot of typos on the way through all that.
There was probably an easier way that I could have done all this. But I didn't/don't know it. So that all boils down to: It’s a long and tiring process.
Don't get me wrong, it was worth all the hours. And all the sleepless nights I had getting everything done and out. I already thanked my support network, but without my wife and my best friend being there to make me another cup of coffee, walk our dog, do the chores and generally make sure I didn't crumble from the pressure -- none of this would have happened.
So, putting myself through that again, after everything that has happened this year alone-- felt like it would cheapen the experience I had when the dates won't even match.
That being said.... 2034 isn't that far away. >__>
Short answer: No.... sorry.
Long answer: As stated, it is VERY hard to organize what and how I did. HOURS spent researching, organizing, scheduling, etc. Time spent away from my family and other hobbies. NOT time I regret (need to keep prefacing that) but time I want back now. At least for a little bit.
It also doesn't sit right for me to start an OTDITSC when I know some people are still waiting for their copies. There are so many of us out here (as I've come to find out) and I don't want to exclude people's enjoyment and connection that this account gives. I also feel like the more posts about TSC out there, the harder it is for those who are (lets say) waiting for the physical copies to block/mute spoilers. We can say a tag is enough, but this is the internet. And that's not always true.
And lastly, personally, TSC is still SO VERY NEW. It's not even complete yet and we don't 100% know when the next one will be published. I don't want to start something, get to the end of the timeline, and than have a huge gap between posts that will potentially be moments in the second book. It doesn't feel fair to their story, to myself, or to the followers of this account to have incorrect information for something I love so dearly. If I'm doing it. I want to do it right.
Well. A lot. For me personally, as well as this account. I don't want to leave everyone in such a finite way. I love this fandom. I love its art and writings and the abundance of talent and joy that it exudes.
So first, for myself, as well as those artists who agreed to help with this account, I want to post, for the next 40 days Artist Highlights (that means this account will still be active until Friday, June 7th).
Every day, I will post about an Artist and the work that I wanted to post but couldn't fit in. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, these artists are the reason this account thrives. Art, in a multitude of forms, speaks in a way words can not. And these artists prove that.
I'm excited to show them off for a couple more weeks at least. They are all wonderful people.
To also tie us over, I am opening both my personal account as well as this account to questions.
Questions regarding the process, the story, the best movie out in theaters, whatever. I will be answering your questions (as fast as I can) until that last Artists Highlight day (Friday, June 7th). After this day, I will leave the questions answered up for a week, and then remove/delete them from this account. I want to make this more of an archive of sorts and will be updating the Timeline Page as this progresses as well, so you can move freely within the timeline.
Keep in mind that I am only one person, have a family and a full-time job-- so answers may be sporadic, but I will answer them.
This has truly been such a pleasure. And whether I get questions or not, I see you and I appreciate you. I hope your life is filled with everything you ever want, everything you need, and that you never let it go.
🦊 🧡- Kelysium
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restinslices · 4 months
If it's alright with you, can you write the lin kuei trio with a s/o, who is a detective tracking down a serial killer who is going to target s/o and the lin kuei trio's reaction to it.
I can confidently say I have never gotten a request like this
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Handle it or he's handling it 
It's as simple as that 
Did Bi-Han let his own father die? Yes. But for whatever reason he didn't fuck with him 
I'm assuming he fucks with you though, so the thought of someone hunting you down is not something he's very fond of 
I don't think he'd have any strong feelings about you being a detective. Not everyone can be out and about fighting people from other realms. Some people gotta do some protective work for the smaller people 
So you being a detective is whatever to him
When you say you're hunting down a serial killer, I don't think he'd have any strong emotions either. He just assumes you'll catch them soon. His faith is pretty high 
When it's revealed the serial killer is hunting you, that obviously becomes a big problem 
A problem he has to solve 
If you're like “No Bi-Han! I got it! Let me find them and end this!” he'll consider giving you a set amount of time before he handles it 
Doesn't know how he's gonna track this unknown person down but his faith in himself is stupidly high 
If you find them and lock whoever up then great for you 
If the agreed time passes and they're still on the loose, he becomes Batman. Get out the way. He got it 
No point in protesting either. Just sit at home and let him figure it out 
He becomes the annoying boss in police movies. Y'all know what I mean 
Definitely finds the person eventually and finishes the job for you 
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Honestly I think all the brothers are a “handle it or I'll handle it” case 
Thoughts on you being a detective are positive. I think he can see how difficult that certain job would be 
He's fighting with his fists. You're using your brain. You're both helping people. 
He admires it lowkey 
You're hunting down a serial killer now? Ok. Be safe-
What do you mean you're a target now?
He kinda saw it coming but it's still unfortunate 
He'd understand still wanting to lead this case and he applauds standing your ground, but he's also worried because ya know, you could be killed 
He'd try to assist but at some point he would really want you to let someone else handle it 
By someone else, he means him 
He's a trained assassin. He can probably hunt this guy faster than you can 
Has more patience than Bi-Han but if a lot of time passes and they're not handled, then he'll step in 
He probably would've warned you beforehand that this was something that would happen but as we can see, you either didn't listen or still slipped up 
It's not that he thinks you can't handle it… kinda. 
You're just not moving quick enough 
I think he’d be nice enough to remind you he has faith in you but would vocalize his concerns when it comes to you still working on this case 
Whether or not you decide to drop it is up to you, but he’s definitely not 
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Thoughts on you being a detective I think are also positive
He thinks you're doing a good thing
The Lin Kuei can't help everyone. They do more bigger things 
So you helping civilians is great to him. It's a good cause 
I think he'd also enjoy hearing about your cases and chiming in whenever 
Hunting down a serial killer? Well, he guesses someone has to do it 
He'd be confident enough in your abilities to catch this person 
But then you're the next target
I think honestly all the brothers would have a similar reaction. So much so, I don't think there'd be much of a change. I probably could've written this in one paragraph 
He could possibility be the most cooperative when it comes to letting you handle it
Gives you the most time to figure it out and tries to help out as a partner 
Doesn’t wanna step on your toes but if you’re taking too long, he’s gonna do his own investigating 
Probably asks Kuai Liang for assistance 
I’m not saying any of them would find this person in days time, but they certainly believe they will 
Worried about your safety as you could imagine, so he wants you to sit this one out 
He’s probably conflicted, like what I said with Kuai Liang. One part is like “yeah, you gotta find this person!” And the other is like “you need to sit down so you’ll be safe”
Probably prefers for you to do all your investigating at home. Any leads you have you’ll either follow together, he’ll follow it, or someone else will 
I think all the brothers will want to help as much as they could and would wanna handle this serial killer. And by handle, I don’t mean letting them go to prison. You can get out of that if you play your cards right 
The only real difference is how much they let you help after they find out you’re a target 
Bi-Han is like “I gave you time. You’re done. I got it”. Kuai Liang is “I knew this would happen and I know you wanna stand your ground, but maybe take a step down” and Tomas is “I get it so let me help”
This is kinda boo boo. Also I hate their little moodboards I made. It’s sickening
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bizarrelittlemew · 8 months
Hello, I’ve been unable to watch the NYCC panel but I see everywhere that is was awful and weird?!?! What actually happened ? Could you make a little recap for people like me who didn’t get to see it? Thank you!
I'll try my best ✌️ this is just the impression I got though (and sorry this got long lmao)
it was awkward because they weren't allowed to talk about ofmd, which made the whole thing seem more and more ridiculous as it went on. in addition, they had to do a sort of game where they were asked questions like "who is the most likely to do [x]" and then write a name on a board and reveal it at the same time. this could've been fine for maybe 10 minutes but they had them do it for the whole hour.
the issues with this game were that 1) the questions were very "generic corporate ice breaker questions", 2) they spent a lot of time in silence writing down, and 3) when a question finally did lead to stories or conversation, it was quickly shut down in order to move on to the next boring question and writing in silence.
they could've asked them about non-struck work (Rhys even brought up the books he's written several times and it wasn't followed up on), they could've collected and vetted fan questions beforehand, they could've just let them talk idk, they could've found a more fun game or ditched the boards (one of my fav moments was Rhys saying something like "I have a mic, why do I have to write it down?" honestly this would've made it 25% less boring lmao).
adding to that, there were sound issues meaning that Con and Rhys couldn't hear what was going on a lot of the time. Rhys said it again and again and nothing was done about it.
you could just tell how frustrated they all were and what this panel could have been if not for the shitty studios refusing a fair deal for the actors. I think the cast did what they could, and there were some sweet and funny moments. but it was clear that Rhys was pissed about not being able to talk about what they all wanted to talk about (I felt bad for everyone but especially for him).
they did a whole "ha ha we were all in New Zealand at the same time what a coincidence" thing and Rhys said that (paraphrased) if only they could be paid fairly, they could create something great with all the talent in the room, going off on the studios for a bit. it was honestly a bit of a relief for someone to voice it (to me, it felt like someone had to say something lmao and he did).
in the end they got a question about fantasy worlds. Rhys said he already lived in a fantasy world in his head and it was nice, though this was one of the odder moments. Matt and Nathan basically agreed and said it was all very weird (in different words). Rhys then said fantasy worlds are important because the real world is shit right now and there's no denying it; that in fantasy worlds we can all love each other and use kindness; and it's important to keep creating and believing in them until the real world becomes like that too.
and then he said "goodnight" (= "fuck this shit I'm out"), got up, put on his sunglasses, and started beat-boxing and rapping saying "why can't we talk about the show". their time had run out anyway, he said it had certainly been an experience, that he couldn't hear much of what was going on, and they all thanked the audience and it ended ✌️
anyway this is just my take and I hope SAG-AFTRA get a fair deal soon so the cast can celebrate the show with us like they so clearly want to. I also hope Matthew Maher does more panels after this (it was his first I think!) despite it being such a weird experience because he was great to watch!! anyway they're all happily doing photo ops and autographs now I guess 🤸
(if you want to watch there is a way)
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automaticllamacycle · 5 months
May Jesus forgive me for what I’m about to say.
Making matty jealous at an industry party until he spanks you and fucks you so hard afterwards
I am going to be combining this ask with this one that I got because they will fit will together hehe : literally matty just fucking you RELENTLESSLY like that man is not stopping until your actually crying like tears are flowing down your face
Disclaimers: reader is quite drunk during the sex, but I'm acting like this is in the dom/sub au I (kinda) have going on so they are in a very committed relationship and have discussed situations like this before! Anyways now onto the horny thoughts (even though im writing this more like a traditional fic)
this ended up being like 1.5k words. It is now 2am so it is NOT proof read, like not even a once over I am SLEEPY
industry parties are the worst. You despise them. Its all the same every time. You would show up with Matty, have a few drinks of alcohol, and hang by Matty's side while he talked with people from the label. It got old really fast in all honesty.
Tonight you just wanted his attention more than anything, and you are determined to have it by the end of the night. You arrive to the party on his arm and the same old pattern begins as he's dragged away by Jamie to go talk to someone. Without Matty at your side, you excuse yourself to the open bar. One drink turns into two, which turns into three before you even realize it.
You planned this out beforehand. You thought to yourself, maybe if you got a bit drunk and needy, you could convince Matty to take you home early. After drink number three you walk over to Matty, and lean to whisper in his ear. "Baby, can we go home? I'm tired of this."
Matty can tell you're a bit tipsy from your mumbled speech. "Sweetheart, this stuff is important I can't just leave because you want to leave."
"But Matty-" you start, putting on pleading doe eyes. He cuts you off before you can finish your sentence.
"I said no. Now, go on, it shouldn't be too much longer, anyway. You can be patient."
So, you found yourself back at the bar, with another drink. You've had too much, but you don't really care. Too pissed at Matty to really give a shit.
After another hour passes you stumble back over to Matty. The liquid courage must be working because you don't even care about the fact he's talking to people. You nearly crash into his side when you reach him. "Matty! Can we go now?" He shoots you a glare instantly before turning back towards the two men he was speaking with.
"Sorry guys, this is my girlfriend Y/N. Please, continue on with what you were saying!" Matty's hand is around your waist in a bruising grip. His lips quickly come up to your ear to speak in a dark tone. "Behave."
You do behave... for a total of five minutes, then you get needy again. You start small, leaning into his side and placing your arm on his chest. The alcohol dulls your rational thinking enough that you have no shame in your next actions, reaching up to kiss him on the neck. Matty laughs off the kiss, not so much as turning his gaze to you, continuing to listen to the men speaking to him. His grip on your waist tightens. He's starting to get mad.
You don't stop. Your hand paws at his chest while you balance on your tip toes to whisper in his ear. "Please, sir. I need you-"
Matty steps away fast, not letting you connect your lips to his neck again. "Haha- sorry lads I think it's time I take her back home. Jamie is right over there and would be happy to answer any other questions you two might have." And with that Matty's hand firmly grips your wrist and pulls your behind him, out the door, and to his car.
Once your on the road, he finally speaks after giving you the silent treatment. "What the fuck was that? Were you trying to embarrass me? You know it's important that I talk to people like that at these things."
"I'm sorry- I just wanted your attention."
"And you thought the best way to do that was to beg me to fuck you in front of those guys?"
"I whispered it!"
"Whispered? You call that a whisper? I'm almost certain they heard you. How much have you had to drink tonight."
"Uhm... I lost count."
"No shit."
The rest of the car ride was filled with silence. When you arrive at his place, he doesn't even go around to open your car door, instead heading straight to the front door of his house. Once your both inside, he sits down on the couch. He's angry. Really fucking angry.
"Bend over my knee. Right now." You don't dare disobey him. That would only increase your punishment. You lean your body over his legs, giving him access to your ass. Matty flips up your dress to reveal your lace underwear that is already soaked through.
"I'm sorry sir- I- I promise I didn't mean to embarrass you. Just wanted you so bad." You flinch when his hand strikes your ass.
"Fucking slut. Just because you didn't mean to doesn't mean you avoid getting punished." You gasp as his hand comes down again, just as hard as the first strike. "Besides." His hand spanks you again. "You knew what you were doing when you decided to order all those drinks didn't you?" His hand hits you again, showing no mercy. "Needed some courage before you could be such a whore in public, huh?"
"Yes- yes sir- I knew what I was doing. I'm sorry." Matty's satisfied with your answer, but that doesn't stop the onslaught of his hands. You'll be bruised for at least a week. He wants you to remember this every time you sit down. He wants you to remember and learn from the punishment.
By the end of it, you're sobbing. The strikes were becoming too much, and you needed him to touch you. "Matty- p-please I- I need you, please."
"Have you learned your lesson?"
"Yes, sir. I'll never do it again. I promise." you say through choked sobs. Without warning Matty carries you to the bedroom and throws you onto the bed before he starts taking off his clothes. He's hard through his boxers, which are soaked with precum. You follow suit and take off your dress, wincing as you take the lace of your underwear off of your ass.
Matty's on top of you the next second, his cock at the entrance of where you need him most. "You know, I shouldn't even give you my cock. Only good girls deserved to get fucked."
"No! no no no! Please. I need you, I need you so bad." Tears flow down your cheeks.
Matty enters you suddenly, filling you to the hilt. He gives you no time to adjust to his size as he begins pounding into you. "Fine. I'll give you my cock." He groans out. "But I'm going at my fucking pace and you're going to take it."
His hips move rapidly, thrusting into you hard. All you can do is wrap your legs around his waist and dig your nails into his back. The moans that leave your mouth are desperate. Your cries fill the room, along with the sounds of skin meeting skin. Matty's pace is near animalistic.
Matty flips your over so you're on your stomach. You don't have the strength to hold yourself up, completely pliant on the bed. "Poor thing can't hold herself up? Thought you wanted me to fuck you?" he groans, continuing his fierce pace. The new position allows him to go even deeper into your cunt. It's all becoming too much.
"Matty-" you cry. "It's too much- I can't"
"Take it. Be my good girl and take my cock. You were fucking made for me." One of his arms wraps around your waist, pulling your up so your back is up against his chest. He uses his other hand to hold onto the headboard of the bed, steadying himself so he can thrust into you even faster.
"Matty- shit I can feel you in my stomach- fuck-" At your words, his hand shifts lower on your waist, pressing over where his cock bulges in your stomach.
"Yeah? You feel that?" He presses down harder, making a whine leave your throat. "Only I can do this to you. Your cunt is made for my cock." You moan out in agreement, drawing closer and closer to orgasm, and Matty is getting close too. "You gonna come for me? Gonna milk my cock?"
"Yes- yes sir- please."
"Go on then come for me." When he speeds up the pace of his hips, you're a goner, falling into the waves of an orgasm. The pleasure overwhelms you, pulsing through your veins. You cry out his name over and over again as he fucks you though it.
Matty is not far behind. It only takes a few more thrusts before he cums inside of you, filling you up deep inside. As soon as he's finished, he practically collapses on top of you. He takes the time to trail kisses on the back of your neck as you catch your breath and come back down to earth.
"You did good for me, baby. Did you learn your lesson?"
"Yes, sir."
"That's my girl. Let me take care of you now."
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dark-chocolatt · 1 year
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tho, i write with a male reader in mind, i just make it gender neutral, THEY AREN'T A KID, THEY'RE A TEEN ISTG
genre: hurt/comfort
platonic to romantic relationship !
“𝐨𝐡 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐞, 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮”
content warnings: incest, possessive behaviour, age gap, subjugation, yandere zhongli, conflicted feelings
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your step-brother was way too charismatic, touchy, and so kind towards you. you didn't mean to develop feelings but eventually, you ended up wanting more than your current relationship with him.
at night, your thoughts would wander, how would it feel to cuddle with him? to kiss him? to feel his touch all over your sensitive body?— with each fantasy that came to mind, you could feel your body aching.
god, i just wanna be with him you groaned, dragging your hand down your face. it was almost laughable, how much you pined for him, sure, you weren't actually related but fuck, it felt wrong to think about him that way.
you had never felt so frustrated beforehand, unable to do anything about your longing for him. clutching a pillow in your arms — a couch pillow that reeked of his scent — you sighed, feeling the familiar hollow in your chest, still heavy and just as painful as it always was.
at first, it was just admiration, but as time passed, you realised that you had fallen for him. it had dawned on you, just how stupid were you to fall for him? you chuckled, feeling bad for yourself. why would he like you? he only treated you like a sibling, why would he even think of you that way?
a few tears slid down your cheeks, wetting the pillow you held to your chest. for a moment, you truly felt helpless, oh well, at least it'll stay a secret, he doesn't have to know after all you hummed, smiling bitterly.
slipping on your headphones, you decide to drown everything out with music — but instead, your thoughts fill up with even more fantasies, about marrying him and what he would be like as your lover; it filled you with a deep sense of poignance, knowing you could never be with him.
minutes felt like hours, and because you were too caught up in your head, you didn't realise that your brother had finally come home. “i'm home!” he hollered into the quiet home, a quizzical gaze landing on the scattered pair of sneakers beside the entrance. “my, i wonder who left their shoes here?” he chuckled fondly, placing them in the shoe closet along with his own.
stepping into the living room, gold eyes brightened at the sight of you. he stepped closer, furrowing his eyebrows when he realises that you're crying — dropping his briefcase on the carpet, he makes his way to you.
your eyes shoot open when zhongli's hand cups your cheek, glassy e/c ones meeting his worried gaze. “what's wrong? why are you crying?” he asks, dropping to his knees.
wiping away your tears, he caressed the back of your head, pulling you into his embrace. “whatever it is, your big brother will do his best to help alright? are you upset because you lost your nintendo switch? i can buy you a new one don't worry—” “i, it's not that” you whispered, cutting him off.
gently, you pushed him away, smiling at him. “it's not something you should worry about” you responded, looking away from him. his frown deepens, just what on earth happened to you to get you to act like this?
he envelopes one of your hands in both of his own, gazing down at them tenderly. his thumb traced reassuring circles into them, “please tell me, i just want to help you, you matter so much to me so i don't want you struggling with anything” he says, voice fading into a whisper.
minutes pass, and eventually, he takes a seat next to you on the couch, hugging you and rubbing your back. with a soft sigh, you stand up, only for one of your hands to be caught by one of his own. “you haven't told me yet” he persisted, eyes prying for an answer.
“you don't need to know” you snap, yanking your arm away. you rush to your bedroom, him chasing after you and just before you can shut the door, he pushes it open, pressing you against the wall.
his grip on your shoulders is weirdly possessive in a way, tight but not rough enough to leave a mark. “tell me, i'm your big brother, i can help you with anything, please don't shut me out” he pleads, fixated on your every move. your heart skips a beat in your chest when he does, you could practically feel his breath on your face.
your head is downcast, face getting hotter with each second that passed. it seems that he won't budge so you eventually decide to tell him about something else.
“it's just something with a classmate of mine—” “don't lie to me” he warns, eyes dark and piercing into you. a meek whimper slips past your lips, why did he sound mad? you wondered, feeling nervous. you gulp down the saliva building up in your throat, hoping he didn't hear you.
“i, i can't tell you” you replied, voice sounding a bit whiny. zhongli's eyes are half-lidded as he stares down at your small frame, eyebrow gently quirking up, “and why not?” he inquired.
just why was his cute little sibling being so awfully dodgy? did he do anything wrong?, you just had to tell him and he'd do anything to make it right.
“cuz, you'll hate me” you whimper, tears welling up in your pretty eyes. his eyes widen, “oh sweetie, i would never hate you” he cooed, bringing you into his arms. he pats you on the head, trying to soothe you.
“e, even if i love you? romantically?” you whisper, stunning the man. you felt the same? you loved him that way too? god, he could feel his joy bubbling within him. his lips slowly curved up into an uncontrollable smile. slowly, he lifted you into his arms, sitting on the bed with you in his lap. “oh darling, my sweet little darling, i will never hate you because,” he pauses, pulling you in for a gentle kiss that tinted those soft cheeks in a tinge of red he absolutely adored — he chuckled, “i love you like that as well~” he cooed, hands encircling your waist.
a soft and cute little smile graced your face, you were so glad your brother didn't hate you. you kissed him again, shying away with a soft giggle after. “aw don't be shy baby, you're mine now, and i'm yours right? would you like that honey?” he asked with a soft voice. you nodded eagerly, causing the smile on his face to widen.
his cute little sibling was now his darling, he didn't kill off your parents in that accident for nothing. as sickening as it was, he knew he had to have you.
he peppered kisses all over your face, ecstatic to finally have you as his own.
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annab-nana · 5 months
“How is my wife more badass than me?” with a character of your choosing :)
i am doing this with jaime reyes from blue beetle because i LOVE him and have to write something with him and just like every first writing i have ever written for a character, i'm not sure how i feel about it so i hope you like it love <3
warnings: not proofread, flash!reader, one use of y/n, use of pet names (baby, princesa)
❀ masterlist ❀
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you don't know how it happened, but you felt on fire for one second, electrified the next, and then you were out.
when you woke up, your body was a weird mixture of sore and energized. you got up to get your phone, but you moved faster than you ever had. faster than was humanly possible.
"what the fuck?" you muttered to yourself as your hands started to tremble. your thumb hit the keys to call the only person you could think of to help you in this situation. your husband.
"hey, i was just about to call you. are you working late at the lab or something?" you pulled your phone away from your face to check the time and your jaw dropped. you were out for three hours. you swore it had only been a dew minutes.
"jaime," you let out shakily. his heart fell to his stomach on the other end of the line. "something's wrong."
"you still at the lab?"
"i'll be there in two minutes."
the two minutes to you felt like an eternity. you were too scared to move. you felt like you were buzzing, not to mention very tired and hungry.
looking around you, you tried to put the pieces together as to what the hell happened. you remembered it was storming beforehand which was now just a light drizzle. the window nearest to you was broken and its glass shards littered the floor. earlier, you were holding glass vials of chemicals in your hands, but that glass was broken and on the floor too. finally, you looked down at yourself. your lab coat appeared to be both burnt and chemically singed.
"y/n?" jaime called out to you, causing your eyes to snap to the doorway where he stood. you watched his eyes jump around the scene, from the window to the glass on the floor to your destroyed coat. "baby, what happened?"
he took a step toward you, but you held your hand out. "stop," you warned him, "i don't want to hurt you. i- i don't know what i'm capable of right now."
"what do you mean?"
"well, i-" you paused before bolting from where you were to the other side of the room and then back to where you were. "i'm really fast and i feel a lot of energy coursing through me. i don't know what it means. i don't know what i'll do."
jaime took a small step closer to you and you both locked eyes. "i don't think you'll hurt me and even if you did, khaji's got me." he took another step and when you didn't look as frightened as before, he slowly made his way to you and took your hands in his to comfort you. "explain everything you remember to me in detail."
once done with your explanation, he asked you to run around the room so khaji da could inspect you.
"do you realize you can run faster than the speed of light?" jaime shared excitedly. "that's so cool! like, how is my wife more badass than me?"
your hand came up to swat the back of his head. though, his reaction was lessening your worry a fair amount, you were still scared. "jaime, focus."
"right, so i say, for right now, let's just go home since it's so late and i'll make some phone calls to see if we can get you some help, but hey, look at me." jaime paused to place his hands on your cheeks, forcing your focus on him. "this will be okay. trust me, i understand that fear at first. when you have no idea what is going on and all you want to do is get rid of it, but then once you've got it figured out, it starts to become really fun. but, you've got me. you know that, so let's go home. we'll get you something to eat and get you to sleep and then, i'll call some people."
while his speech was heartwarming and gave you some hope, you couldn't help but lean into the despair of it all. "who do you know that can help with this?"
"oh, don't forget, princesa." his voice was sickly sweet before he pecked your lips. "batman owes me a pretty big favor."
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soursvgar · 1 year
Happy new years eve! Could you perhaps write something small about celebrating new years w the bros for the first time? What would they like to do on occasion? Eat fondue? Try making resolutions? Stay up to watch the first sunrise?
Maybe they don't even celebrate it because its kinda meaningless when your lifespan is so long lol
New Year's Eve with the brothers ♡
A/N: Hi anon, thank you for this prompt! This is really tiny, but i wanted to post it today to make it relevant so i hope you still like it!! ;v; ( i also just realized you said new year but i made it more new year's eve themed so i hope that's okay >< ) happy new year everyone!
Demon brothers x gender neutral mc
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
ෆ Lucifer will get drunk and make a heartfelt confession.
"Maybe you should hold back on the demonus a bit-" You try to release the bottle from Lucifer's grip, but the latter was squeezing it a bit too tight for you to peel it off his fingers. You knew he was stressed, but didn't realize he was that stressed to finish an entire bottle of the intoxicating drink. Diavolo decided to throw a new year's eve party for you, and you recently found out he had put Lucifer in charge of organizing it. With his plate already full, you couldn't help feeling apologetic, despite you not being directly involved.
"Lucifer, I'm really sorry. If I knew of the party beforehand, I would've helped you with it." You decide to sit by him, hoping the light stroking of his arm will help convey your feelings. However, Lucifer only grins as he gazes at you, eyes shining with adoration. "Nonsense, you have nothing to be sorry for. I would do that all over again, for you." He puts down the bottle, now taking your hands in his. "You're the best thing that happened to me, to us. You've made this year worth more than all of my years in this realm combined, and I hope you'll stay by my side to make my next year just as happy."
ෆ Mammon will kiss you at the countdown.
"Ten, nine, ei-" Your counting is paused by a pair of lips pressing against yours, and doesn't resume for what seems to be longer than ten seconds. "Happy new year." Mammon smiles as he pulls away from you. "You know you're supposed to kiss me after the countdown, right?" You snicker, though, you have no complaints regarding his actions.
"I know, but I heard humans believe that if ya kiss your loved one at midnight, you'll be together for the rest of the year, so I was thinking- if I kiss ya before, during, and after, you would love me forever! Pretty smart, ain't it?"
ෆ Leviathan will create a vision board with you.
You had been intending to assemble a vision board for the new year for a while, but it slipped your mind with your busy schedule, only to return on the last day of the year. You came to Levi for help, partly because you knew you wouldn't be able to finish it in time alone, but mostly because you wanted to spend the night with him doing something fun together, and wasn't sure how to bring it up. The two of you were almost done carefully placing the pieces on the board when Levi lets out a sudden gasp.
"Wait, we forgot the most important part of the vision board!" Levi rummages through the scattered papers, pulling a picture of the two of you from the pile of photographs on the floor before he glues it right in the middle. "You have to have this on as well, so we can experience all those great moments next year together."
ෆ Satan will learn about different traditions for you.
"What color is the underwear you are wearing?" Satan asks, completely unaware of how his question comes off, at least until he catches a glimpse of your reddened cheeks. "O-Oh, I mean, I just read that some cultures in the human world believe that wearing different colors of underwear on new year's eve will bless you with luck in different aspects of life." He pauses to make sure you follow. "And... well, I wanted to see if you're wearing red- wait, I didn't mean see-" You chuckle as he clears his throat, his face is now the one turning pink. "Anyway, not like you need any more luck in that department when you have me."
ෆ Asmodeus will take you out to see fireworks.
"Where are we going? I told you I'm not joining one of your parties." You had already changed to a comfortable attire, planning to spend the last day of the year relaxing at home, but Asmo has other plans, insisting for you to come outside with him. "Pretty please? With a cherry on top? I promise you won't regret it!" He whines, grabbing the sleeve of your sweatshirt and pretending to be pulling you off the bed.
At last, you surrender, following Asmo to an open meadow with a remarkable view of the city. "Happy new year!" He beams when the clock strikes twelve; colorful lights illuminate the night skies as the sounds of explosions echo through them. "There are fireworks in the devildom?" You query. Captivated by the enthralling sight, you barely detect Asmo's arm wrapping around your shoulder to bring you closer. "There are now, for you, love."
ෆ Beelzebub will have a feast with all kinds of traditional food.
"Here, here! Try this!" Beel chimes, happily holding the chopsticks to your mouth. "Beel, I really can't eat anymore- I think you'll have to finish the rest on your own." You sigh. Truth is, you've been full after the seventh dish he had you sampling, but his enthusiasm was just too adorable to not cooperate with. "But these soba noodles are amazing, and you haven't even tried the lentils- it would bring you good fortune! Although, maybe you should hide that from Mammon." Beel shrugs as he continues stuffing his face.
"You know you could've just asked what food I eat during this time in the human world, right? You didn't have to cater food from every single country on earth." You laugh, finally stepping down from the tasting fest as you officially call quits.
"Hm? But where's the fun in that?"
ෆ Belphegor will fall asleep before the clock strikes twelve.
Belphegor really did try his best to fight the fatigue for a couple long hours while the two of you celebrated, but at the end, he succumbs to fatigue as his head falls perfectly on your shoulder- right before it hits midnight.
"Happy new y- oh, why are you looking at me like that?" Puzzled, Belphegor yawns, eyes glancing over to the clock after confronting your glare. "I missed it huh... I'm really sorry." He grins sheepishly, leaning in to place a peck to your pouting lips. "Well, are you still mad or can I get my new year's kiss now?"
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bloodlustngore · 1 year
I am mad! - Maggie
I know I promised a JJ oneshot next but I have completely lost motivation to write for her or Emily right now so the best I can do is bring a oneshot out of my favourite walking dead woman Maggie, anyway enjoy ;)
Can it be classed as a oneshot its almost 800 words long?
This is a Maggie x fem!reader
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Warnings: talk of injury/being stabbed but not too detailed, (is that enough for a warning).
Y/n, Maggie and Negan had been split up due to a small horde of walkers, whilst out in the city. During the whole ordeal, Maggie had been injured, a wound on her stomach, it was quite deep but Maggie being herself, she was stubborn about it. Not wanting to waste any time.
Luckily Y/n, Maggie' girlfriend had medical supplies, but of course Maggie only insisted on her cleaning it and wrapping a bandage around it.
They had to settle down for the night, no sight of Negan but both women knew he would catch up eventually to them. They held up for the night in a run down apartment building, clearing out walkers on the floor they decided to stay on, blocking the door in case any walkers decided to pay them a visit.
Maggie winced from the pain of the wound, it wasn't anything walker related, luckily. They had gotten into a bit of a fight with two other humans...who really didn't seem human anymore, and one of them had managed to practically stab Maggie in the process of fighting. Y/n sighed, hesitant to bring up the wound knowing Maggie would be stubborn. The brunette hated seeming vunerable, hated standing still for too long and she hated showing that she was in any pain. But Y/n was the only one with her right now that she would show this vunerability.
"Maggie, it needs stitches. You and I both know." Y/n mentioned. Her girlfriend rolled her eyes at her. "I'm fine. Its just a scratch." Maggie replied.
"No, you're not fine. You have almost passed out twice from losing blood. I know that bandage has soaked up half of it, but it really needs to be closed." Y/n mentioned. Y/n was by no means a nurse or doctor, but being in an apocalypse teaches people a few things. So stitching up a wound was a cake walk. Y/n sat in front of her girlfriend, with her back pack beside her "lift up your shirt" Y/n ordered.
All Maggie did was sit back on her hands, a smirk plastered on her face. "Don't give me that look, I'm being serious." Y/n added.
Maggie laughed at her girlfriends response "I wasn't thinking anything" she bit her lip, and that was an instant tell. "Mhm." Yep Maggie was busted.
"Lift. Up. Your. Shirt." Y/n repeated, she sounded mad and Maggie knew that there wasn't time for her to be stubborn. So she lifts up her shirt, revealing the blood stained bandage on her abdomen.
"Thank you" Y/n replied, very annoyed. She carefully removes the bandage, getting some stuff from her backpack. A clean patch, needle & thread that they found in a hospital used for stitching a wound shut.
Maggie moved her hand and put her index finger underneath Y/n' chin, making her girlfriend look in her eyes. "Are you mad?" Magpies asked.
"I am mad! You don't need to pretend around me Maggie, I know you hate being vulnerable, but you need to stop being so stubborn because I care about you and it upsets me when you have no regard for yourself." Y/n mentions.
Maggie gives Y/n a sad smile, she was about to lean in to kiss her girlfriend but Y/n went back to the task of patching her up. Using a piece of clean fabric and putting some disinfectant on it, Y/n presses it lightly on her girlfriends wound. Maggie winced, she knew it would sting.
"I'm sorry if this hurts you, Maggie" Y/n apologised beforehand. As she got the needle and thread ready to stitch up the wound. "It's okay, I'm used to it." Maggie added.
After what seemed like forever, Y/n had stitched the wound on her girlfriend and patched it up. "Please don't pop any stitches." Y/n mentioned but it would be difficult to not do so, and both women knew that.
Y/n leaned down to Maggie' patched up wound kissing above it gently. Before looking back in her girlfriends eyes, inching closer to her as they sat on the floor. Maggie smirked again, putting her shirt back down and taking Y/n by surprise as she moves her onto her lap in one swift motion.
"Maggie your stitches!" Y/n warned. "I'm sorry, Y/n." Maggie added. "I just can't help myself" Maggie chuckled. Pulling Y/n into a kiss, attempting to not pop the stitches she just gave her.
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ambcass · 7 months
ᴘɪᴄɴɪᴄ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ||ᴊᴀɪᴍᴇ ʀᴇʏᴇꜱ x ɢɴ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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I'll try to be more active this month ;) and pls send requests I'm bored
Summary: Jaime notices that you're sad and cheers you up with a picnic date after school
WARNINGS!! ->: Just itty witty bit of angst(maybe), fluff, BAD pet names, cliche writing...., reader having toxic parents, mentions of divorce, hurt/comfot
I had my head down and I couldn't barely focus during class. The teacher was clearly blabbing about some useless bullshit that I'll never use in the future. When lunch came, I didn't even eat anything and was already too tired to move. Life has been so bad recently. My parents have been arguing a little too much and they are on the edge of divorce. My grades have been slipping too, I already tried catching up but can't! I don't understand anything these stupid ass teachers are teaching. After the bell rang for 7th period, I felt a pair of hands hug my waist. I flinched, dropping all of my stuff, and tried breaking free. I felt the hands quickly retract before I was able to turn around.
"Woah there! Didn't mean to scare you, sorry babe." It was my boyfriend, Jaime Reyes. Jaime then apologized, picking up my dropped items. Jaime looked at me with worry before he smirked. I already knew he had an idea in mind, I just didn't know if it would be stupid or not. He wrapped his arms around my neck and spoke,
"Nice weather we are having today, don't you think?" I just nodded awkwardly while looking up at Jaime. "Well...I think the two of us should really go out and have fun! Like a date, a picnic date? What ya say, baby?" He looked at me with his big puppy eyes and of course, I said yes.
The both of us agreed to meet up 30 minutes after school in the field not too far from my home. The second I got home, I heard screaming and yelling coming from my parents. I ran to my room and closed my door. Tuning them out was basically a habit. I opened my closet and grabbed the sweater Jaime gave me for our first-ever date. I opened my window and jumped out of it. I didn't care that I still had my window open, I doubt my parents would even care.
On my way is what I texted before Jaime texted back Wait!! I'm setting up. Slow down mi vida. I chuckled, putting my phone in my pocket, and hood on. Once I reached the park, I saw Jaime wave at me. He was sitting on top of a blue blanket with snacks and drinks beside him. I walked towards him, waving, smiling, and feeling some sense of happiness in me. I sat down with him and he offered me some chips.
"Soo sorry if this isn't your favorite, I grabbed what I found in my house." He said, then pointing to all of the other snacks and drinks he brought. "Hope these would be fine. Next time, I'll be sure to visit the store beforehand." Jaime slightly turned his head away, his face turning pink. I smiled and took the bag of ships. The two of us talked and talked for hours on end until the set was starting to set.
I had my head on his shoulder and he had his arm around my waist. I was admiring the sunset but I couldn't help to smile because Jaime's eyes were just practically glued to my face. "Sweetie, your staring can be unsettling," I said, joking obviously. I playfully pushed his head and we both chuckled. He turned back to me, now holding my hand. I stared at him with confusion.
"What? Is there something wrong?" I asked. Jaime just shook his head. "I just have a question...It's alright if you don't answer! It's kinda stupid so..." Jaime tried putting his words together but it looked like he was shy about it. Like really shy. "Oh, a question? Go on. No matter how stupid it is, I still love you." Jaime took a breath before speaking.
"D-do you think we are together in every universe?" I lit up with happiness. I hugged him. "I think that we are always going to be together no matter the case. Whether we're dating or just friends. We are always going to be together, no matter what."
"I promise."
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
Kylian and reader on vacation together? Tysm💖💖
𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐲 | 𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐛𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Kylian Mbappe x Female Reader
Word Count : 1K
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: Now who doesn't love a cute fluff mini story c': Thank you so much for requesting!! I Hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Since I haven't been able to write much this week, I'm currently catching up on current requests because I'm a little behind. You can submit a request, but please understand that it might take me a week or more to respond. mwah mwah love ya! ♥
You're sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone, when your boyfriend Kylian walks in with a mysterious smile on his face. You've noticed he's been acting secretive lately, and you can't help but feel curious about what he's up to. As he approaches you, he holds out a small envelope.
"Hey babe, I've got something for you," he says, handing you the envelope. "Open it."
You look at him quizzically before opening the envelope. Inside, you find two plane tickets to Montego Bay, Jamaica, along with a note from Kylian saying, "Pack your bags, we're going on vacation!"
You can't believe it! You've been wanting to go on a tropical vacation for so long, but with Kylian's career and other responsibilities, it just never seemed like the right time. But now, thanks to Kylian, you're going to have a chance to relax and unwind.
"Kylian, this is amazing!" you squeal, jumping up from the couch to hug him. "Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOUUUUU!"
He laughs happily as he catches you in his arms, hugging you tightly. "Of course, my love. Anything for you," he says, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead.
"When do we leave?" you ask, looking down at the ticket.
"In two days," he responds, smiling at your excitement.
"Two days? Oh my gosh, I have to start packing right now. And get my toes painted. And get some summer dresses. AHHH!" Adrenaline is running through your veins from the excitement as well as the knowledge of all the things you need to do beforehand. You give him a quick peck on the lips, handing him the tickets back. "Thank you so much, baby, but I gotta go!"
As he grabs the tickets, you quickly run off into your bedroom to start doing the endless list of things you need to do beforehand. You spend the next two days frantically packing, getting your nails done, and making sure everything is perfect for your romantic getaway.
When you arrived at Montego Bay, you were blown away by the beauty of the place. The palm trees, clear blue water, and vibrant culture made it the perfect destination for a vacation. 
As Kylian placed the luggage next to the closet and made his way towards you, you couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked in the tropical setting. His sun-kissed skin and sparkling eyes were a perfect match for the beautiful scenery around you. You couldn't imagine spending this vacation with anyone else.
“Kylian....this view is amazing,” you say walking towards the balcony, your eyes fixated on the crystal-clear water before you.
Kylian smiles and joins you on the balcony, looking out at the same breathtaking view. You notice a mischievous glint in his eye, and you feel a sense of anticipation in the air.
“Not as pretty as you, though,” he teases, a grin spreading across his face.
You roll your eyes and playfully slap his chest, “You're so cheesy!”
He chuckles and pulls you closer, “Maybe just a little bit.”
As you both stand there, taking in the beauty around you, you realize how lucky you are to have Kylian by your side. He has always been the one to make you laugh, comfort you when you're sad, and share in your happiest moments. And here you are, on this romantic vacation, sharing another unforgettable experience.
“I can't believe we're actually here,” you say, still in awe of the stunning view.
Kylian kisses your forehead, “Neither can I. But we're here now, and we're going to make the most of it.”
As you bask in the warm sun and ocean breeze, you can't help but feel excited about all the adventures this trip holds. You had both planned to go snorkeling, hiking, and maybe even try parasailing, but most importantly, you were looking forward to spending quality time with each other.
And throughout the course of the following week, you two shared a lot of humorous moments as well as a lot of memories.
During your snorkeling adventure, you and Kylian also came across a school of tiny fish that swam around you, tickling your toes. You burst out laughing, feeling like you were in your own personal fish spa. Kylian took the opportunity to take some hilarious underwater selfies of you both, with your snorkeling gear on and fish nibbling at your feet.
One evening, Kylian surprised you by setting up a candlelit dinner on the beach. As you sat down at the table, you noticed a small crab crawling up Kylian's leg. You couldn't contain your laughter as you watched Kylian jump up, trying to shake the crab off his leg. The crab eventually made its way back to the ocean, but the memory of the moment stayed with you, adding to the list of funny experiences you both shared on this trip.
During your hike, you also stumbled upon a small waterfall nestled among the lush greenery. You and Kylian decided to take a dip in the cool water, and as you swam around, Kylian pretended to be Tarzan, swinging from the vines that hung above the waterfall. You laughed so hard that you had to hold onto the rocks to keep from slipping.
Another day, you and Kylian decided to take a boat ride to a nearby island. As you were cruising along, Kylian spotted a group of dolphins jumping and playing in the water. You both were thrilled at the sight and Kylian even tried to mimic the dolphins' moves, to the amusement of the boat captain and other passengers.
As your vacation was coming to an end, you and Kylian decided to take a salsa dancing class together. While Kylian may have two left feet, you loved watching him try and laugh at himself when he got the steps wrong. You both had so much fun learning new moves and even tried to show off your new skills at the resort's beach party later that night.
Reflecting on your time in Montego Bay, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Kylian and the adventures you shared together. From the beautiful scenery and stunning wildlife to the hilarious mishaps and silly moments, this trip was one for the books. You both returned home with a new appreciation for each other and the memories that would last a lifetime.
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