#narcissa malfoy angst
cissyenthusiast010155 · 10 months
Hi! First I'm sorry for your loss I am sending you extra love! Also can I please ask for 33 with Narcissa? Like Y/N is having a bad panic attack at night because of a thunderstorm so she leaves Narcissa alone in the bed. So when Narcissa finds Y/N gone she goes and looks for her. When Narcissa finds her Y/N is on the floor and scratching her arms till they bleed. And Narcissa helps her. Idk something like that if you can? If not it's ok! Also, can it be a Narcissa x fem!reader and fluff? Please and thank you! Again sorry for your loss.
Hi hi hi anon!! Thank you so much 🥹🥰 And thank you for your patience! I’d love to write this for you <33 Hope you’re well! & Hope you Enjoy ♥️
It Means Nothing Without You ~Narcissa Malfoy xFem Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: self harm, crying, panic attacks, nightmares, implied unsafe situations, fluff, comforting, partial nudity, happy ending, etc.
Enjoy (:
“Why can’t you be good enough??” their voice shouted.
“You act like you’re so different, but really, you’re just lazy!!” the voice echoes around the emptiness.
“You’re no different than all those other losers!” they shout, their volume increasing.
“Why should I listen to you…?!” you desperately cry out.
“Because you know I’m right!! You’re worthless! Nothing! Useless!” They shout back.
Suddenly, your eyes open and you sit straight up in your bed. You look around frantically, the sounds of the violent thunderstorm only making you more on edge. You sigh lightly as your gaze comes upon Narcissa. But now you can’t sleep. No, the nightmare and the thunderstorm have done it. You tried to go back to sleep, but you couldn't. Tears were starting to well up in your eyes. Sniffling in defeat, you got out of bed.
You started wandering around the manor, basically just pacing. Your heart was racing and you were shaky. You wandered until you were so dizzy and out of breath that you had to sit. You collapsed on one of the library sofas with a choked sob as silent tears ran down your cheeks.
Soon, your sobs became louder as you choked and struggled to breathe through your own tears. In the heat of the moment, you were too fidgety and began scratching your arms, leaving behind light red marks. But you didn’t stop. You fell to the floor in your pool of tears and continued to scratch your arms. It was the only thing which made sense. The only thing that had calm.
Suddenly, you heard the library doors open.
“Y/N? Darling, are you in here?” Narcissa’s voice called out.
You let out another choked sob, indicating to the witch that you were indeed in the library. The woman swiftly made her way over to you. You flinched, trying to hide your arms at the feeling of her gaze. Narcissa’s heart broke at the sight of you covered in your own tears and blood.
“Don’t do that…” She gently yet authoritatively spoke, “Let me see…”
Narcissa came down to the floor with you, and she picked you up to sit in her lap on the couch. Already the mere presence of the woman was calming you down. With the wave of her hand and the muttering of a spell, the mess was gone. You shyly then presented your arms to the woman.
“Oh Darling…” Narcissa cooed with sadness and care lacing her tone.
You looked down, ashamed of your actions, as soon as those words left your love’s mouth.
“I-I’m sorry…” you stammered in a hoarse voice, more tears rolling down your cheeks.
The witch then cupped your cheek and stared into your soul with affection and love. Her lips gave you a reassuring peck to your lips, before she then conjured some medical supplies onto the side table next to the sofa.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, hmmmm…?”
You wiped away your fresh tears and nodded, allowing the woman to clean your fresh wounds and bandage them up.
“Would you like to talk about it, my love…?” Narcissa softly urged you to talk to her.
“I… nightmares… storm… panic… again” You whispered, shifting in your spot so that Narcissa was laying back on the couch with her back tilted up and you on top of her, as you buried your face in her tits.
“I’m sorry, Darling… Would you like me to remove my shirt…?” she asked, knowing that skin to skin contact usually calmed you down.
You nodded bashfully into her chest. Narcissa chuckled lovingly as she lifted you back up and then removed her shirt, revealing her bare breasts. You immediately snuggled up against her chest and tits, humming in satisfaction.
“How are you feeling now?”
“Better…” you mumbled into her tits, “But not great…”
“Well how about we go get you a glass of water and something to nibble on? And then we can head back to bed?” She offered.
You nodded.
“But… Maybe a few more minutes here…?” You shyly mumbled.
“Sure, love.”
You two sat in the comfortable silence, Narcissa stroking and caressing your hair and figure, while you decompressed on top of her. Eventually, the witch scooped you up, along putting her shirt back on, and carried you to the manor kitchens. She acquired some water and some bread and cheese, and brought it all back to your shared room with you. Once you had drunk all the water and eaten a good deal of the bread and cheese, Narcissa took the plate and cup from you, humming in satisfaction.
“Good girl…” She hummed, while putting the dishes aside.
You blushed lightly at her words. The woman was then quick to join you back in bed, where you immediately cuddled back up with your love. Minutes ticked by and you were calming down more and more.
“Cissy…?” you whispered.
“Hmmmm…? Yes, my love…?” Narcissa murmured.
“Why… why didn’t you do a spell to make… to make the wounds go away…?”
At your words, the witch who you were so desperately holding onto sighed.
“Because Darling… I want you to have them as a reminder. I want you to remember that you can always come to me, instead of going to such extreme sanctions. I will always be tehre for you. Do you understand?”
“I do. I’m sorry, Cissy…” you murmured.
“Shhh, I know, love… Get some rest. We can talk about this more in the morning if you wish” Narcissa hummed.
Narcissa Malfoy Masterlist
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champagne problems
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Note: Find the previous drabble in this series here. Enjoy!🤍
Warnings: angst, arranged marriages and breakups
Words: aprox 1k
I never meant for it to happen like that. He was a sweet boy that made his presence known after Narcissa graduated Hogwarts and he was the shoulder I could cry on. Who could’ve known things will go the way that they did? With him rushing in the snow storm in the dark and with me rushing toward the only person I swore not to go to.
He invited me to spend the winter holidays at his home. It was our last school year and he said he wanted to make the best he could of our time left so of course I agreed. Merlin knew I needed an escape from the past few months. Our parents were content with our plan and so I went there.
We were dating by then for a while. Kissing and touching and late night talking and anything we could squeeze between classes and studying for N.E.W.Ts. But anytime his lips touched mine I kept thinking what Narcissa’s would feel and taste like. And anytime he reached for my hand I remembered her touch and how she helped me learn to dance for my first Yule Ball so I would not stumble over my date. And anytime he talked to me about something different than our studies it was still her I kept thinking about. What was she doing? Was she happy? Was she thinking of me like I was thinking of her?
He gave me the comfort she couldn’t have given me then. He was calming my nerves where all she could do was cause a fog that clouded my judgment. It was easy with him. Until he got on one knee when the clock struck 12 on New Year’s Eve and I panicked.
If I would have seen the events unfold inside a pensieve, the stillness of the witnesses would have been justified by a tempered memory. It was real though and they kept waiting for an answer. 
At that moment I thought that that’s why my parents agreed so easily, it was all planned. He had the decency to wait until the perfect moment to come in my life and when she left and I was in dire need of support he took advantage. I understand now that it wasn’t his fault, he was a puppet for his parents too. 
I didn’t know what was more disgusting to me then, the fact that it was an arranged marriage presented as a one of choice or the fact that most likely this was the scene Narcissa faced after graduation? 
A singular word was voiced mechanically. “No.” Horrified looks from our parents and their guests directed over me.
“You don’t have to answer me now, you could think…”
“No. I’m sorry but I can’t marry you. I can’t marry.” 
He got up then and summoned the house elf to bring his cloak. His mother went to beg him to stay, his father shouted vile words at me while mine made haste to get us out of there before the situation got more worse.
My lack of reaction at all that ruckus was cataloged as a ‘too much champagne’ case when in fact that was the moment everything was clear for me. I couldn’t marry a man because I already loved a woman and if that woman returned her affections or not, it didn’t matter because I got my answer. 
Fingers were pointed in my direction, whispers at every corner. Gossip in the hallways we used to walk through, nonsense about how either I’m too pretentious and unreasonable or about how he is not even half the man he thinks he is and how he can’t even woo a girl into accepting a marriage proposal.
He got through all these as did I. He married eventually, unlike me, and actually invited me to the wedding, joking together at our stupid young selves. He had children. All in all he went and lived a seemingly happy life.
That night, when he rushed into the snow storm to calm his raging angry tears, I wrote a note to her. 
I won’t ever be able to do it if it isn’t with you, it read. I never sent it. She doesn’t even know of its existence but I’ve kept it between some old school parchment all these years. That night I opened my mind and became a prey of her existence. 
We met sometime in the spring at Madam Malkin’s. I was there for some new robes and she for her bridal trousseau. Our mothers quickly became entranced in their talking and she whispered to me “What a shame you’re fucked in the head.”
“Happy to see you too,” I responded, rolling my eyes. Did she really forget about me already?
“That’s what they say about you.” Her eyes scanned mine, the same wildness in them that attracted me to her in the first place.
“They’re really not joking, aren’t they?”
“It looks like they’re not.” She controlled her laughter like everything she did in public and I couldn’t help myself but to do the same. I knew that if we were alone we would have been left with our abdomen burning from exertion and our cheeks stained with happy tears and it was all the confirmation I needed from her, even if she didn’t actually confirm anything.
“I want you to come to the wedding. It’ll be this summer.” With two sentences she managed to cloud the fragile appearance of happiness that was left for me.
“You’re mad.”
“I’m not. I envy you actually. And if I have to say ‘yes’ I want to do it with you in the same room, somewhere I could glance at you.”
“But Lucius…”
“Lucius already invited his puppy. He’s as miserable as me with this arrangement but we have to get through with it.”
“Does Lucius know about your puppy?”
“Oh, now, be serious...”
“Stop trying. I’ll be there for you. But I’ll be leaving after the ceremony.” 
I never saw her until she walked down the aisle and I realized the terrible mistake I made by letting her again in my mind and heart.
Next chapter here
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saintchaser · 1 year
"do we still love each other?" alice asked, and she hated it. they were sitting in her bedroom, and she couldn't help it but wonder whether narcissa still felt the same way. she couldn't help it but wonder whether they had been in love at all, really.
she knew she had been; she had been hopelessly in love with narcissa, an ache in her heart that she still hadn't let go. but what about narcissa? had their kisses been little nothings for her? had the nights they spent awake, under the covers of their beds, only been beautiful for alice?
why had she done it, then? had alice only been a summer love? had alice been for warm, wet evenings and soft lips and sweet smiles? would narcissa love lucius the same way she loved her?
"i—" narcissa trailed off, looking away from alice. "i love you, alice; but we were not meant to be, love."
narcissa kissed alice one last time, and she tasted like cherry lipstick and regret.
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Bellatrix promising a young Sirius and even younger Regulus that she would never become what their mothers became.
Bellatrix telling a first year Sirius that he’s still her cousin, despite him being sorted into Gryffindor.
Bellatrix burning a letter from Andromeda, and all her pictures after her sister ran away from their family and left them behind.
Bellatrix crying after being told her family accepted the arrangement for her to marry Rodulphus.
Bellatrix ignoring Regulus’ looks when he saw the dark mark upon her arm.
Bellatrix recognizing the madness seeping in, but not having the will to fight it.
Bellatrix not being able to save Narcissa from the fate she endured.
Bellatrix quieting that small voice trying to remind her who she was while she sends crucio after crucio at the Longbottoms. She means it.
Bellatrix ignoring Sirius’ cries in Azkaban. He abandoned them just like Andromeda did.
Bellatrix not recognizing herself after that night in the ministry.
Bellatrix looking in the mirror and seeing her mother and aunt every time.
Bellatrix dying with a smile on her face, feeling free for the first time ever.
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Me & The Devil P.1 🌘| Harry Potter Imagine
Set during Order of the Phoenix to DHP2
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Harry Potter Masterlist | Part 2 Here
Characters & Pairings: Black!Sister reader x HP characters (platonic)
Content Warnings: death, violence, profanity, angst, slight cannon divergence, mentions of torture and blood, set during the book timeline of the 1990s | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 6k
Requested 📨 yes/no
Premise: Everyone has light and dark inside them. That’s what Sirius told Harry that night in Grimmauld Place. It was how one chooses to act that sets the stone of who they are as a person. It’s something Harry has to remind himself when he encounters Sirius’s cousin, the youngest of the Black sisters, Y/n. After 14 years in a cold, dark cell, Y/n’s accepted she no longer believes in angels. And the Devil himself wouldn’t want to cross her
Note: this is part 1 to a 2 part imagine where I had the idea that Sirius had another cousin, Bellatrix & Narcissa's youngest sister who has quite the age gap between them and was forced to become a death eater but has no loyalty to either side since both failed her. Part 2 should be out later this week so i hope you enjoy this!
The floors of 12, Grimmauld Place creaked beneath Harry’s shoes as he entered the room at the end of the staircase he had been following Hermoine and Ron down. What drew his attention in the first place was the wallpaper. A green based mural branching out in the form of a tree. As Harry got closer he made out the portraits embedded into the wall, as were their names, birthdates and date of death if they’d passed. Some areas were black, covering up the picture seated above the name. 
Harry flinched back upon notice of the house elf, Krecher, nestled inside the room. He mumbled something he couldn’t quite make out, then said, “Harry Potter. The boy who stopped the Dark Lord. Friend of mudbloods and blood traitors alike.” Unsure of what to say, Harry just stood looking down at the elf in silence. “My poor mistress--.” A loud voice cut him off.
“Kreacher!” It belonged to Sirius. “That’s enough of your bile.” Waving a finger, he dismissed the elf. “Away with ya!”
Clasping his hands, Krecher lowered his head, “Of course, Master. Kreacher is pleased to serve the Noble House of Black.” He stalked off and away from the two. Passing Sirius on his way out. 
Entering the room, Sirius gave an apologetic look, “Sorry about that. He never was very pleasant--even when I was a boy.” There was a slight pause, “not to me.”
Surprise took over Harry’s face, “Wh-wha-you grew up here?”
“This is my parents' house,” his Godfather explained, “I offered it up to Dumbledore as headquarters for the Order.” A hand trailed the edge of the doorway, “About the only useful thing I’ve been able to do.” Dark eyes landed on the mural, seeing it was the object of Harry’s attention, “This is the Black family tree.”
Sirius couldn’t help but land his gaze on the branches depicting his cousins. Andromeda’s was burnt out, much like his. The only cousin he was still fond of. 
Well…..she wouldn’t have been the only one. 
For Narcissa, under her name was Lucius Malfoy, with a branch leading to their only son, Draco. Sirius’s eyes narrowed on the one beside Andromeda’s.
“My deranged cousin,” Harry picked up on the distaste in his tone. Following Sirius’ gaze where it landed on the portrait of a young woman with wild curly hair and high cheekbones. Bellatrix. Beneath her name was Rodolphus Lestrange. “I hated the lot of them.” 
Looking past the next portrait, though Harry caught his posture stiffen when his eyes glazed over it, Sirius maintained his composure. Focusing back on his hateful family, “My parents with their blood mania.” Raising his hand, his fingers brushed over the blackened spot where his face once laid. Sadness laced his voice, “My mother did that after I ran away. Charming woman,” his arm dropped back to his side. “I was sixteen.”
Part of him wanted to question his Godfather’s reaction to the portrait, but knew it wasn’t the right moment. He was curious. Especially since the name was unlike the other members of the House of Black. Like Narcissa, she wasn’t named after a celestial body or constellation. 
Frowning, feeling the hurt radiate off Sirius, Harry instead asked, “Where did you go?”
“To your dad’s. I was always welcomed at the Potters,” A small smile curled on Sirius’ lips as he glanced over Harry. Kind eyes the boy had grown accustomed to. “I see him so much in you, Harry. You are so very much alike.”
The next few minutes involved Harry confessing to Sirius his connection to Voldemort. Voicing concern of the possibility he was turning into him. Sirius assured Harry he was a good person, who’s had bad things happen to him. Followed by educating the boy on how everyone had their own angels and demons. Light and dark. Good and bad. How the only thing that matters is what part people chose to act on.
The entire time Sirius explained this to Harry, he thought of the portrait behind him. Almost like her painted eyes were boring into the back of his head. Reminding him of how he failed her. Much like everyone else in their family. 
Once good. Turning bad due to the odds against her. 
Maybe there was still some good deep down. Sirius prayed so. But the chances of him ever discovering were about as slim as convincing the Minister Voldermort was back. 
“Sounds like you know from experience,” Harry said aloud, eyes trailing to the portrait behind Sirius. The one he noticed him trying to avoid. Yet managing to show how deeply this relative affected him.
Sighing, the man turned on his heel, staring at the portrait. No longer able to visibly hide his emotion as he read the name Y/n -- 1967.
“My cousin, Y/n,” his tone lacked malice compared to when he spoke of Bellatrix. “The youngest of the Black sisters. My aunt and uncle were shocked to learn they were expecting a fourth child--nearly twelve years after they had Narcissa.” Fingers brushed over her name, smiling softly as memories surfaced in his mind like a film. “Drove her parents wild with her energy. I was eight when she was born, and as I got older she’d follow me around the house. A little shadow if I must say.” Harry heard him chuckle to himself, “one summer I brought her to meet your father and Remus--didn’t tell her mother mind you. I nearly met my end at the hands of Druella’s wand when we returned that night.” It was as clear as if it were yesterday. 
Young 14 year old Sirius with Y/n, aged six at the time, on his hip as they made their way to Diagon Alley to buy sweets she was not allowed to have. She instantly fell in love with James and Remus, as did the boys adore her. She was so different from her older sisters--who had graduated Hogwarts ages ago and were off with their own lives. Meaning the child was alone majority of the time with only the house elves tending to her. Her father worked and her mother did the bare minimum. That’s why Sirius would visit her often. To make sure she was okay. Y/n clinged to Sirius like a puppy. Much like that day where she begged to go with him to meet his friends. She wanted to explore the outside world her parents isolated her from. 
Y/n didn’t display the blood mania her family was known for. And when her parents would preach it, the girl kept her attention on her dolls and drawing pictures with her crayons Sirius had smuggled her. The older cousin prayed she’d never turn out like them. Only he knew with the tensions of a certain Dark Wizard making rounds in London, Sirius feared for Y/n’s safety. And sanity. Especially after overhearing Bellatrix’s plans to begin teaching Y/n the dark arts before she entered Hogwarts.
If only Sirius took her away. Brought her to the safety of the Potters like she wanted. “You can’t leave, Sirius,” she cried, the now eight-year old grasping his pant leg to prevent him from leaving the house. Tears painted her chubby face. It broke his heart to see. “Please don’t leave me here--I-I’m scared of them. P-please, cousin. Take me with you!”
Oh how he wanted to. If he did then he’d save Y/n from her fate. From Bellatrix. From Voldemort. But a kidnapping charge he’d surely receive by taking Y/n Black away from her parents would have Sirius spend the rest of his life in Azkaban.
A reality he’d face years later for a different reason. 
“What happened to her?” Harry’s voice brought him out his thoughts. The man shrugged his shoulders to shake off the tension in his muscles. A frown painted his features.
“She’s serving a life sentence in Azkaban.” It hurt him more to say it out loud. The reality had sunk in. As though it had been a dream the past 14 years. Sirius remembered how his heart dropped when the news spread of Y/n’s imprisonment. Bellatrix’s was no shock. He’d been hoping his deranged cousin would be locked away. 
But his sweet baby cousin who cried when she saw her father yelling at the house elves. That he could’ve never imagined. Even when the headline on the Daily Prophet told him the truth in big, bold letters, ‘Life sentence for 15-year-old Death Eater, Y/n Black. Cousin of notorious mass murderer, Sirius Black and younger sister of Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange.’  Sirius didn’t believe for a second Y/n acted on her own accord.
“She was never like the rest of them,” He told Harry after a moment of silence. Noticing the boy’s worried look, Sirius softly shook his head. “My cousin is a rare case, Harry. A prime example of becoming everything she hated as a result of the circumstances around her. Not a day goes by where I don’t feel regret by not being there for her. Had I been so…,” he pictured what could’ve been, “She’d likely be here with us. The Order.”
Harry pictured it too. Sirius’s tone gives him indication that Sirius still cared for Y/n. Wishing fate had turned out different for her. For both of them. 
Hermoine appeared moments later to announce they had to leave. Sirius ended the conversation with a promise to Harry that when all was over, they’d be a family again. Living in Grimmauld Place in peace. With a hug goodbye, Harry exited the room, but not before catching his Godfather gave one last glance to Y/n’s portrait. 
Crouched in her cell, hands over her ears like they were most days, Y/n shook from the cold wind. Willing the voices in her head to disappear. A constant battle she faced everyday since the chains were first put on her. Some of them were the distant echo of Azkaban's prisoners below. Others she was sure she kept imagining. 
The first two years Y/n cried every day. By the fifth year she stopped reacting to everything around her. Once the tenth year of her sentence passed, only a shell of her remained. Staring at the wall with her hands covering her ears. The same routine. Everyday.
But today was going to be different. The voices were louder than usual. Causing difficulty to keep them at bay.
Suddenly Y/n winced with a light shriek, a burning sensation erupting along her forearm. Gaze dropping down, the ink of where her dark mark laid bolded. The feeling intensified. Y/n didn’t know how to react. Only experiencing numbness at what it meant.
A loud explosion caught her attention on the left side of her cell. Followed by the maniacal laughter of her sister. Rising from her position, Y/n’s bare feet brushed against rocks and freezing water. Rats scurried past as she walked toward where the window of her cell had been. The wind grew stronger with each step, nearly sweeping her off balance. 
When she breached the area responsible for the explosion, Y/n had a clear image of the sky above her. The ocean’s treacherous waves beneath her. And dementors flying rapidly in the distance. There was no stopping the smirk from painting her chapped lips. Her eyes that were normally empty pits of nothing, suddenly emerged with an emotion unable to contain. 
She was free. 
It was the only thing on his mind when he read the paper that morning. Plaguing his thoughts with a newfound fear. Everywhere he went that day Neville saw the headline, “Mass Breakout From Azkaban.” Following the names of the high security prisoners freed from its confines. On the front page below the headline, moving images of two women were enough to have some of the students shivering. Bellatrix, with her wild curly hair, appeared crazed. While the woman in the image beside her was in a state of despair. Neville shuddered when his eyes locked on hers. Y/n Black. 
She couldn’t have appeared older than he was now. Fifteen. 
Curiosity getting the best of him, Neville turned the page to read up more on the sisters. When he got to Y/n, Neville was shocked to learn the girl had been the youngest prisoner in Azkaban in its entire history. Aged fifteen, in her fifth year of Hogwarts. Juveniles were never sent to the hellish institution. Yet, due to the nature of her crimes and association to Voldermort, the Ministry bent laws to lock her up. 
Reading the summary dedicated to her upbringing, Y/n had been sorted into Slytherin House at Hogwarts, skilled in Charms, and is alleged to be an Occulmens. It’s said she failed to return to Hogwarts during what would have been her fifth year. Not long after it was reported Y/n Black had been part of the group to torture esteemed Aurors Frank and Alice Longbottom to gain information on Voldermort. Alongside her sister, Bellatrix, her brother-in-law, his brother and Barty Crouch Jr. During her arrest and trial, Y/n insisted she’d been forced to use the curse for fear the others would kill her. 
Which was true. Bellatrix made it clear to the young Black what the consequences for stepping out of line would be.
But it wasn’t enough in the Ministry’s eyes. Not when the other Death Eaters, Bellatrix included, testified Y/n had complied with no resistance. And so the first juvenile, the youngest Death Eater, was locked away in Azkaban. The sentence: eternity. 
Now she was free.
Later that day, during DA practice, Neville found himself in front of the mirror showing pictures and news articles relating to their cause. The others saying goodbye and making their way out of the Room of Requirement. Neville, however, remained. His stare on the image of the original Order of the Phoenix. His parents.
Harry came up beside him, neither addressing the other at first. Then, after a moment of silence and confidence, Neville confided in his friend.
“Fourteen years ago, a Death Eater named Bellatrix Lestrange and her sister, Y/n Black, used the Cruciatus Curse on my parents. They tortured them for information, but they never gave in.” Looking down at Harry, Neville added after a pause, “I’m quite proud to be their son, but…I’m not sure I’m ready for everyone to know just yet.”
Harry nodded, understanding what his friend was asking of him. Swearing to secrecy. “We’re gonna make them proud, Neville. That’s a promise.” 
The Hall of Prophecies was dark. Eerie. The only light emitting from the group's wands and orbs lightly glowing in their stands. The group had rushed to the Ministry upon Harry’s vision Sirius had been taken hostage by Voldemort, tortured into telling him where the prophecy was. They were in for a shock when they arrived.
Sirius wasn’t there. Neither was Voldemort. 
It was Neville who alerted the boy of the glass orb dedicated to him. Grasping it in his hand, the voice of Sybil Trelawney echoed through the silence, “The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not…..and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other  survives….”
“Harry!” he turned to his friends, finding them frozen as they stared at the figure approaching. Harry pushed past, standing in front of the group. The figure was masked by a silver face, cloaked from head to toe. 
A Death Eater.
“Where’s Sirius?” Harry questioned him,his wand raised. 
“You know you really should know how to tell the difference between dreams…..” the man removed his wand from a familiar cane, waving it in front of his face to remove the mask. Revealing none other than Lucius Malfoy. “And reality.” Everyone tensed, anxiety starting to consume them. “You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy.” Harry stood his ground.
“You do anything to us I’ll break it.”
Suddenly a maniacal laugh entered the scene. Intensifying their unease. The shadow of someone behind Lucius coming toward the dim lights. “He knows how to play. Itty. Bitty. Baby. Potter.” The group’s eyes landed on the face of one of the women plastered on every front page of the Daily Prophet. Neville was the first to address her.
“Bellatrix Lestrange.”
“Neville Longbottom, is it?” she mocked with a wicked smile, “How’s mom and dad?” Lucius rolled his eyes at her antics. Neville, however, was enraged. 
“Better now that they’re about to be avenged.” In a split second he lifted his want, hoping to cast a spell on the one responsible for his parents torture. Harry was quick to stop him, just as Bellatrix raised her own wand to defend herself. 
“Now let’s…” Lucius slowly held his hands up. “Everybody just calm down. Shall we?” The group lowered their wands slightly, but not completely. “All we want is that prophecy.” 
“Why did Voldermort need me to come get this?”
“You dare speak his name?” Bellatrix’s eyes widened, appalled by the boy’s courage. “You filthy Half-blood!!”
Again, Lucius attempted to de-escalate the scene, “It’s all right, he’s just a curious lad. Aren’t you?”
Before anyone spoke another word, footsteps from the side filled their ears. “You know what they say about curiosity?” her voice was raspy and void of any emotion. Almost robotic. Harry slowly turned his head, mentally preparing himself to face his Godfather’s youngest cousin. Beside him, Neville paled. Unable to comprehend being in the same room as the Black sisters. It was suffocating.
Y/n Black’s expression matched her tone. Numb. An empty shell was the best description. Not even reacting when Harry pointed his wand in her direction. She simply stalked toward them, finishing her riddle, “It killed the cat. But….something tells me you might be the lucky bastard to live to see it, Harry Potter.” 
“Nice of you to finally join us, Y/n,” Lucius narrowed his eyes, watching her move so she was now in between the duo and group. Harry’s wand merely a few centimeters from her chest. The glowing light illuminating her face. 
Comparing her to the portrait on the Black Family Tree, Harry noticed all the striking differences. Of course, nearly 15 years had passed since Y/n was locked away in Azkaban. Her baby fat completely gone, likely due from the malnourishment prison had to offer. However, unlike her sister Bellatrix and Sirius before them, Y/n did not come across as a walking corpse. Much time hadn’t passed since her escape, yet she looked healthy. Teeth white and hair silky. Nails long and painted black. Skin blemish free save for a tiny scar on her lip. She was strikingly beautiful. 
Harry then remembered reading in the paper that Y/n was skilled in charms. Rumored to have created her own during her time at Hogwarts. She probably had one to alter her appearance. And considering Bellatrix looked rather unsettling, either Y/n did not offer her talent or Bellatrix refused. Judging by Y/n’s reaction to her associates, it was the former. 
She ignored Lucius, answering Harry’s question instead, “Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really.” Her brow raised slightly, “Surely Sirius told you. He’d be foolish not when he knows the Dark Lord desires it.”
Backing away from Harry, Y/n turned on her heel, nudging Lucius with her shoulder causing him to groan. Focusing back on the task at hand, the blonde narrowed his eyes on Harry. “Haven’t you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord?” He moved closer, hands still raised. It was then the group noticed more Death Eaters surrounding them. “Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant?”
Bellatrix trailed behind Lucius. Their associates closing in on the students. Meanwhile Y/n stayed behind, not bothering to engage. Harry caught her gaze a few times, noting how disinterested she was by the entire ordeal.
“Don’t you want to know the secret of your scar?” Lucius captured his attention once more. “All the answers are there. In your hand.” Lucius encouraged Harry with a look, “All you have to do is give it to me, and I can show you everything.” 
“I’ve waited fourteen years,” Harry said, aware of the approaching footsteps of the Death Eaters getting louder. Waiting for the perfect moment.
“I know.” 
“I guess I can wait a little longer--Now!!” Simultaneously, the group all shouted, “Stupefy!!” 
After a brief fight against the Death Eaters to escape the Hall of Prophecies, the group found themselves falling to what they thought was their death. At the last second, Hermoine casted Arresto Momentum to slow time for them to safely land, grunting as their bodies met the rock. Scanning their surroundings, Harry spotted an archway with an iridescent glow to it. As he moved closer, voices were heard.  “Voices, can you tell what they're saying?”
Confused, Hermoine replied with what they were all thinking, “There aren’t any voices, Harry. Let’s get out of here.”
“I hear them too,” Luna spoke, staring at the arch in wonder. It was difficult to hear clearly what the voices were saying. But they grew louder with each step.
“Harry,” Hermoine pleaded, “it’s just an empty archway.” In the distance, the group heard the Death Eaters approaching. “Please, Harry.” Harry spun around with his wand raised.
“Get behind me!” They followed his order, ready to confront the oncoming threat. They unfortunately, however, were blindsided when the Death Eaters in their black smokey form attacked from behind. Grunts and gasps left the teens, Harry dropping to the ground, clutching the prophecy in his hand. About 15 seconds passed before he opened his eyes to discover he was alone. 
Dread consumed him, the boy standing to find his friends. He found them several feet away and spaced out. In the hands of Death Eaters. Ginny and Luna to his right, the Weasley girl gripped at the collar by Y/n Black. Neville struggles against Bellatrix Lestrange, Ron and Hermoine manhandled by the Lestrange brothers. A dry chuckle captured Harry’s attention, watching Lucius Malfoy stroll up to where he stood.
“Did you actually believe, or were you truly naive enough to think….children stood a chance against us?” Lucius made eye contact with the wicked smile of Bellatrix, whereas he met Y/n’s vicious glare. Her hold on Ginny wasn’t as tight as the others, almost like she didn’t view the girl as a threat. 
“I’ll make this simple for you, Potter,” Lucius held out his hand. “Give me the prophecy now….or watch your friends die.” Harry looked at his friends, their frightened gazes making his heart fall to his stomach.
“Don’t give it to him, Harry!” Neville shouts, only to be hushed by Bellatrix, who snaps her wand from his head to his neck forcefully. 
The Boy who Lived draws his eyes to the glowing prophecy. As if to be contemplating his choices, but deep down knew what he had to do. His friends were more important. He couldn’t risk their lives over a tiny orb. Slowly, he lifted his hand and placed the object in Lucius’s awaiting one. A satisfied smirk appears on the blonde’s lips. He had succeeded in his mission. 
Or so he thought.
Bright light filled the area, Harry’s eyes widening as he took in the sight of Sirius behind Lucius. Malfoy’s expression turned to one of pure shock, meeting Sirius’s angry one. 
“Get away from my Godson.” And before Lucius could react, he was falling to the ground from the force of Sirius’s right hook. More bright lights entered, members of the Order arriving. Tonks, Lupin, Kingsley, and Mad-Eye. 
In the chaos, the prophecy was thrown from Lucius’ hand, shattering as it hit the ground in a cloud of blue-green smoke. The man was in disbelief, and fear at what consequences awaited him. 
Beyond him, Y/n released her hold on Ginny Weasley, slightly pushing her away causing the girl to stumble off the rocks. At that moment she met Sirius’ eyes for the first time in nearly 20 years. Their last encounter when he ran from home at 16, and Y/n only 8.
She watched the horror appear on his face. Lingering with regret. She could see him fighting with himself on how to react, she too was fighting that battle. Tears threatened to spill from both their eyes, Y/n’s bottom lip quivering. Overwhelmed by the reunion. 
Where they were on opposite sides. 
His expression read, ‘I won’t fight you, cousin,” which was enough for the woman to turn on her heel and drop to the ground. Ignoring Sirius shouting her name, Y/n leaned against the rock, waiting for an opportunity to run. Above her Sirius and Harry were dueling Malfoy and Rabastan Lestrange. Bellatrix was being trailed in the air by their niece, Nymphadora Tonks, her diabolical laugh echoing against the walls. 
A curse flew past her, hitting the rock causing Y/n to spin around where she met Lupin’s startled eyes. “Y/n….” the tone of his voice indicated he was surprised to see her. Likely assuming she’d been someone else. The werewolf always had a soft spot for the young Black. Thinking about the times she tagged along with them in Diagon Alley. Or when Sirius brought her to the Potter house and the two played with her in their animagi form to keep her entertained. 
Now here she was with the enemy. A completely different person plagued with darkness. Lupin sighed, laced with despair, “Oh, love…what’ve they done to you?” Somehow that question was enough to send Y/n into a whirlpool of rage. How dare he say those words to her. When the Order had every opportunity to remove her from the Black household. When they could’ve placed her in hiding like James and Lily. Anything, to prevent the Death Eaters from claiming her.
“What you all failed to save me from.” 
Before they knew it the two were dueling. Flashes of light leaving their wands, dodging those sent by the other. Despite Y/n spending half her life in prison with little combat experience under her belt, she was keeping up with Remus quite well. He noted the woman had yet to send a killing curse his way. Come to think of it, it appeared she was avoiding it all together. Unlike her associates who were not shy to use it. 
“It doesn’t have to be this way, Y/n,” Remus attempted to convince her to yield. Ducking when she shot a curse at his head. 
Scoffing, the woman spat, “Foolish for you to think such, Remus.” Her next attempt to get him away with a curse was more forceful, “I know how this dance between us ends, and I’d rather be sent to hell itself than be chained in Azkaban once more. So either man up and kill me, or turn away so I can get the hell out of here.” 
Remus became conflicted, “You know I can’t do that.” He referred to both options. Not having the strength or heart to kill his best friend's niece whom he once adored. But also not allowing her to escape. 
“Shame then,” she hissed, “I’ll try not to make this hurt.” After much struggle, where Remus had the upper hand in the dool, Y/n managed to send him flying back several feet, taking her chance to run to the nearest doorway. 
“Avada Kedavra!!” Bellatrix’s voice made her feeze, turning around in time to see the green light hit their cousin straight in the chest. 
It was as if time had stopped. All fighting ceased. Y/n heard a loud gasp--a scream, realizing moments later she was the one responsible for it. Hand raising to cover her mouth. Frozen as she watched Sirius fall back into the archway. Disappearing forever.
The silence was then interrupted by Harry’s wails. Held by Remus, he fought against him as though he wanted to join his Godfather. Y/n remained still. Processing what just happened. 
Sirius was dead. Her sister killed him. 
Y/n had to get out of there. No doubt the Aurors were alerted. They’d be arriving any second. 
Witnessing Harry take off after Bellatrix, Y/n met Remus’ eyes. The man silently pleading to her, completely distraught over the death of his best friend. With James and Sirius dead and Peter’s betrayal to Voldemort, he was alone. 
Y/n shook her head, unable to face him any longer. Instead of running into the main lobby of the Department of Ministries, the Death Eater looked up and allowed the black smoke to consume her, flying away from the Order. Her associates followed suit. 
When the Minister and Aurors entered the lobby to the horrifying scene, they understood the future became plagued with an unavoidable truth. 
The night officially marked the beginning of the Second Wizarding War. 
Rain pelted against the ground, falling from the gray clouds painting the sky. Strolling down alleyways of London, three sisters in black were on a mission to locate a certain home. Hiding behind corners whenever cars and people passed by. The one leading the trio was the reason for this side quest. Meanwhile the one falling back voiced opposition. For the youngest in the middle, she was rather bored. Not caring what would come out of this meeting. 
If Y/n were honest, she just hated getting her outfit soaked. 
“Cissy, you can’t do this,” Bellatrix hissed, trailing after her sisters. “He can’t be trusted.”
“The Dark Lord trusts him,” Naricssa rebutted, not sparing her a glance. Y/n simply rolled her eyes.
“The Dark Lord’s mistaken.”
“Shhh,” Y/n interrupted. While she may agree with Bellatrix to some degree, she knew better than to question his judgment aloud. Anyone could be lurking. 
Children’s laughter filled their ears, the sisters leaning against the brick walls until they passed. Once clear, they turned the corner and knocked on the door. Waiting for him to answer. 
Instead of Snape, the trio were greeted by Wormtail--who was visibly surprised to see them on the steps of Snape’s home. Y/n gave one death glare to the man and he immediately opened the door fully to let them inside. Water droplets fell from their coats, Y/n waved her wand to dry herself, feeling satisfied with a low ‘hmm’.
Wormtail escorted them to the library, where Snape sat in a chair reading the Daily Prophet. Folding the paper, the sisters were greeted by his blank stare. “Run along, Wormtail.” With a flick of his wrist Wormtail was pushed out, door slamming in his face. Y/n smirked, overlooking Snape with a raised brow. 
He matched her gaze, the two in silent conversation. Like they each had their secrets the other knew of…
In that moment Y/n thought back to the moment she and Snape reunited after her escape from Azkaban. Neither were fools to the other's facade. Both able to mask it with their talents in both Legilimency and Occlumency. 
“I know your true intentions, Severus. You are not part of his cause anymore and haven’t been for fifteen years. Do not stand there and lie to me, I don’t take kindly to liars.”
“Make no mistake then, Y/n, you also have motives not aligned with the Dark Lord. You do not care who wins this battle, only that your freedom is the outcome. He’d not take kindly to your…..deception.”
“Then I guess this means you and I….have a lot to lose if we are not careful. I’ll say no word. I expect you to do the same.”
“You have yourself a deal.”
Wine was poured, Y/n and Narcissa seated in chairs while Snape and Bellatrix remained standing. The eldest sister pacing along the fireplace. Narcissa was the first to speak, “I-I-I know I am not to be here,” Pausing she shot Y/n a hesitant look, which was ignored. “The Dark Lord, himself, forbade me to speak of this--.”
“If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you are not to speak--but it down, Bella, we mustn’t touch what isn’t ours,” Annoyed, the woman placed the object back on the mantel. Giving Snape a look of, ‘there, happy?’ He turned back to Narcissa, “As it so happens, I’m aware of your situation, Narcissa.”
“You?” Bellatrix narrowed her eyes, “The Dark Lord told you.”
Snape briefly glanced at Y/n, “Your sister doubts me.” The woman smirked.
“She doubts everyone,” she felt Bellatrix’s glare, paying no mind. “It’s not personal.” 
“Understandable. Over the years I’ve played my part well--so well I’ve deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time.” Y/n sipped her wine to hide the smirk on her face. 
For she knew exactly who he was referring to. 
Unlike Bellatrix who simply snorted. Snape dismissed her remark, “Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it.”
Y/n examined her wine, acting like it was the most curious thing in the room. Rather bored by the conversation and Snape’s persistence of convincing her sisters of his motives. Bellatrix obviously had her suspicions. Narcissa, however, took the bait.
“I don’t doubt you, Severus.”
“You should be honored, Cissy,” Bellatrix told her. “As should Draco.” Of course her deranged self would see it that way. 16 year-old Draco tasked with the difficult mission to assassinate Dumbledore at Hogwarts. Punishment for Lucius for failing Voldemort too many times. The most recent being the damn prophecy he was to fetch. 
Y/n couldn’t help but feel smug at the Malfoys predicament. Lucius deserved all he got. And while Narcissa may have been her sister, Y/n harbored enough anger and resentment to not feel sympathy for her. Draco was the only one innocent in the matter. 
Narcissa’s face fell at Bellatrix’s words, pleading to Snape with her eyes, “He’s just a boy.”
“I cannot change the Dark Lord’s mind,” that was true. Nothing could alter Voldermort’s decision once it was made. Snape did have an idea, “But it might be possible for me to help Draco.” 
That was enough for Narcissa. The woman rising from her seat, “Severus--.” She was cut off by Bellatrix.
“Swear to it. Make the unbreakable vow.” She moved toward them, circling Severus as her tone turned to mockery, “It’s just empty words.” Now Narcissa’s face read she wanted the same. Bellatrix continued, “He’ll give it his best, but when it matters most,” her chin rested on his shoulder, whispering in his ear. “He’ll just slither back into his hole. Coward,” she ended as she passed him. 
Y/n stared at her associate, watching his reaction carefully. It was obvious the insult poked deep in his core. Though Snape did not let it show. 
“Take out your wand.”
The sisters were pleased. Visibly showing this as they looked at each other. Y/n stood from her chair, moving closer as Narcissa and Snape held each other's wrists. Bellatrix withdrew her wand, allowing the glowing strands to encompass their hands.
“Will you, Severus Snape, watch over Draco Malfoy as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord’s wishes?”
“I will.”
Water glossed over Narcissa’s eyes, Bellatrix continued, “And will you, to the best of your abilities,” her chin rested this time on Narcissa’s shoulder, the two staring him down like a hawk. Y/n sipped her glass, leaning her head against Narcissa’s other shoulder, smirking slightly at the scene. “Protect him from harm?”
“I will.”
Bellatrix walked so she was directly in front of Snape, “And, if Draco should fail…will you yourself, carry out the deed the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?” The pause was longer, Narcissa practically shaking making Y/n move away. 
Finally, Snape made the last vow, “I will.” 
The glowing strands disappeared, leaving scars on the two. A permanent reminder of the promise made. To protect Draco from harm and finish the job if it came to it. 
Otherwise, the Devil would visit Snape earlier than planned.
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mo0nyy4siir1us · 2 months
The Black Family is Cursed
Like literally cursed
Every Black that gets sorted into Slytherin and falls for a Gryffindor will suffer a heartbreak. No one knows who cursed the family but THEY DID, and this led to
Narcissa falling for Alice. They can't be together because of the war.
Regulus falls for James. The feelings are unrequited.
Draco falls for Harry. His mother warned him about the curse, and he tries ignoring his feelings, breaking his own heart.
"Draco, honey, promise me something" Narcissa asked after she told Draco about the curse. "Never fall for a Gryffindor".
But he did, because he couldn't help it. He felt like he was suffocating every time he looked in Harry's direction.
"I'm sorry, mum".
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naerysundrwrld · 9 months
I just felt the need to say this cause i always see so much of Lucius being portrayed as a terrible father or Narcissa as a terrible mother (not as much as lucius) by the fandom and I understand the “angst” of it all but come on.
Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were the parents who went to the Battle of Hogwarts WITHOUT WANDS, just to protect and find Draco. ( Narcissa gave draco her wand, Lucius gave Voldemort his wand) Lucius is the father that went to Voldy himself and asked for a ceasefire just so he could find his son. Narcissa lied straight to Voldy’s face just to find her son. Also as much as I love the man, Draco is a spoiled person and that is because his parents gave him everything he ever wanted.
They are incredibly dysfunctional and they aren’t portrayed the same as the weasleys but do not forget that the Malfoys all love each other dearly.
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malfoysprinces · 1 year
In The Middle Of A Betrayal, There is Love
- draco malfoy-
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin Reader
Summary: Draco saves you and finds his way back to you.
Warnings: Breakup, Bellatrix Torture, Angst with a happy ending.
Word Count: 3.5k
Author’s Note: Feel free to give feedbacks & requests.
“Now is really not a good time Y/N.” Y/N has lost the count of times that she heard these words came out of Draco’s mouth in this past couple of weeks.
 He was cold, distant, and bothered. Almost like bothered by her presence.
She has never felt this particular way during their 10-month long relationship or their 16-year long friendship.
Sound of Draco’s feet walking away from her was nothing but an unbearable ache in Y/N’s chest since he started acting this way. Without wasting time, she walked away as quickly.
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There she was, walking alone to the Astronomy Tower. A place once belonged to Draco and Y/N, as their hiding spot. Whenever things got too heavy, they always found their way back each other which led them to spend countless nights talking at Astronomy Tower.
“I think I'd rather pitch myself of the Astronomy Tower if I thought I had to continue here for another two years.” his exact words echoed in her ear.
With the rise of the Dark Lord, a lot has changed for Draco and Y/N’s family. Y/L/N’s was as upper class as Malfoys was. They were amongst the Sacred Twenty-Eight and they had a long line of pure blood witched and wizards in the family line. Their loyalty was to no one but Dark Lord.
Although Y/N had nothing to do with the dark side, her faith was intertwined with it. She just didn’t know it,yet.
She knew one day Draco would take over Lucius’s work, but she would have never guessed that he would push her away. And she also didn’t know that she was going to pay for her own father’s actions. Yet.
As she heard footsteps, it was nobody else than Theodore Nott. Y/N’s best friend.
“Theo” Y/N said in a shaky voice.
“Oh, Y/N, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Theo asked in a worried voice.
There was no one else who understood Y/N better than Theo did. So, she just spilled the truth.
“Draco, he is- he has been distant and cold, and I don’t know what to do about it.”
Theo was also a death eater. That he already got the mark. Y/N didn’t know it, just yet.
Little did he know, Theo was there for Draco when he received his mark. Little did he know, he had to lie to Y/N to protect her. As commanded by her father. It was just like the old times. Y/N’s father asked Theo to watch over her. But this time not from enemies, but for themselves.  
“Y/N just give him time. He is going through a though time.” Said Theo.
“I know, Theo. ”
“Still, he has been so distant to me for so long, I can’t remember when this all started. It is that long and he is barely speaking to me.” Just when Y/N finished her sentence, Draco approached to them.
The look in his eyes were obvious. Things were coming to an end between Y/N and Draco. It’s just that Draco would have been the one to speak it up.
“Hi Draco, and goodbye. I have to go check something.” Said Theo.
As if he ran away from the breakup between his two friends. As if he ran away from what he has been expecting for some time now.
“Hi” Draco said.
“Hi Draco.” Y/N said.
The rest was predictable. Draco called it quits that night. All I could say is, you could rip all the skin from both of their bones, and it would hurt them less. I leave the rest to your imagination.
Y/N was stuck in the moment she lost him. She could see the breakup coming, but she never would have thought she wouldn’t be able to breathe again. It took everything in her not to fall apart in front of him.
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She walked and walked until she reached the Slytherin dungeons. The night was silent. No one was in the common room as she headed to her dorm. As she entered her dorm, Y/N let out a deep sigh. Memories of her time with Draco flooded her mind, making her heart ache with longing. She sat on her bed and buried her face in her hands, trying to suppress the tears that threatened to spill.
Meanwhile, Draco was struggling with his own demons. He had been tasked by Voldemort to complete a dangerous mission, one that could cost him his life. He knew that he couldn't involve Y/N in this, no matter how much he loved her. He had to break things off to keep her safe.
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N tried to hold on as best she could. She went to her classes, but her heart wasn't in it. She missed Draco terribly, but she didn't know where to find him. Meanwhile, Draco skipped almost all of his classes, disappearing for hours on end. Still his ass was always saved by Professor Snape, everytime.
As Y/N was going through the worst weeks of her life, her only anchor was Theo. Her best friend was here for her as he always was.  
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“Mate, she is not doing well.” A voice echoed in an empty classroom.
“Oh really Theo? Do you really think that I can’t see that?” Draco said.
“Draco, listen to m-“ Theo was interrupted.
Draco was in tears.
"Just keep her safe, will you?"
“Of course man, she is my best friend, I knew her before you did.” Said Theo in a comforting voice.
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“Y/N” shouted Daphne “Come!”
“How are you holding up?” Daphne asked
“Fine, I guess.” Y/N answered.
“You know, Draco hasn’t even blinked since you sit at the table. His eyes are all on you.” Daphne said in a rather comforting voice.
“Daphne stop. I don’t want to talk about him.”
“Whatever.” Said Daphne.
“Y/N Y/L/N” said Professor Snape. “Your mother is waiting for you in Dumbledore’s office.”
“What?” Y/N was in shock.
The whole group was in shock. It is not common for parents to come to Hogwarts. Actually, they never did.
“Hurry Miss Y/L/N.” Snape insisted.
As Y/N was walking to Dumbledore’s office she heard a familiar voice.
“Y/N” said Theo, stopping her halfway. “I heard that your mom is here, everything alright?”
“I don’t think so. Something must be wrong or else she wouldn’t have come all the way from London.” Y/N answered.
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“My father what??” Y/N was in total shock.
“He betrayed the Dark Lord. Now they are looking for us everywhere. We gotta run.” Said Y/N’s mom, trembling.
“Mum, what are you talking about?” Y/N was still trying to understand what happened.
Y/N’s father was working for the Dark Lord, she knew he had the dark mark. But still, what could he have possibly done to betray him?
"We don't have time for all the details now," Dumbledore interjected. "The important thing is that you and your mother need to leave Hogwarts immediately. You're not safe here."
And just like that, Y/N found herself packing her stuff in her dorm room with her mum.
“Mrs. Y/L/N, it is a pleasure to see you here.” Said Pansy.
“Hello, darling.” Y/N’s mum answered. “Sweetie, we got to get going.” She said to Y/N.
“Going? Where?” asked Pansy in a shock.
“Pansy darling, you and Y/N can catch up later. We don’t have much time left.” Mrs. Y/L/N was shaking.
“One last time” Y/N thought. “I need to see Draco one last time.” She said to her mum.
“Sorry, we have to go now.” Mrs. Y/L/N insisted.
And just like that, they were gone.
Not so long after the word has spread. Narcissa owled Draco saying Y/N’s father has betrayed the Dark Lord and Dark Lord is looking for Y/N and her mum everywhere to get back at her father. Bellatrix was helping them, as well. News was traveling fast around Hogwarts. Y/N’s father’s betrayal was the topic all the student were talking about.
The consequences of betraying the Dark Lord were dire, and for Y/N and her mum, the price was high. Betrayal meant a lifetime of running, hiding, and living in fear.
They had been living in hiding for days, constantly on the move, never staying in one place for too long.
But they were caught off guard when a group of Death Eaters found them in the forest one night. Y/N and her mother had been camping, thinking that they were safe for the moment. But the Death Eaters had been tracking them, and they attacked without warning.
Y/N and her mother fought bravely, but they were no match for the skilled Death Eaters. They were quickly overpowered and taken captive.
As they were dragged away, Y/N could see the fear in her mother's eyes. She knew that they were facing an uncertain fate, and she was terrified for both of them. But she also knew that they had to be strong, that they had to find a way to survive no matter what lay ahead.
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They were then taken to Malfoy Manor, a place that had become notorious for being a hub of Death Eater activity. As Y/N was being dragged into the Malfoy Manor, she couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity wash over her. She had grown up with Draco and the Malfoys, and the grandeur of the mansion was a sight she had seen many times before. However, this time was different. This time, she was being taken in as a prisoner, and she knew that her past relationship with Draco would not do her any favors.
As she was led to the dungeon by some low-ranked Death Eaters, she saw Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy waiting for her. The looks on their faces were a mix of curiosity and contempt. Y/N could feel their eyes scrutinizing her, and she knew that they were aware of the danger Y/N and her mum was in. She couldn't help but wonder if that was the reason why they had come for her.
Lucius sneered at Y/N and her mother. "What a disgrace to the pureblood name," he spat. "Betraying the Dark Lord, how could you? You and your father have brought shame upon our community."
As Narcissa watched Lucius mock over Y/N and her mother, she couldn't help but feel a deep sadness. She had known Y/N's mother for years and considered her a close friend. The thought of her being subjected to such cruel treatment made her sick to her stomach. She had always felt uneasy about the Death Eaters, but her loyalty to her family had kept her silent.
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Eventually, Bellatrix arrived, accompanied by several other Death Eaters. Y/N and her mother could feel the fear creeping up inside of them as they realized that they were about to be tortured. Bellatrix was known for her cruel and sadistic nature, and they knew that they were in for a terrible ordeal.
Bellatrix sneered at Y/N, "Well, well, well. Look who we have here. Draco's precious little girlfriend. Or should I say ex-girlfriend? Accompanied by her pureblood, posh mum. Oh and she is a dear friend of my sister Cissy." She laughed mockingly as Y/N gritted her teeth. "How does it feel to know that the boy you loved is now a loyal servant of the Dark Lord? Bellatrix addressed towards Y/N.
Y/N clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. She wanted to lash out at Bellatrix, to scream and curse her, but she knew it would only make things worse. She had just learned that Draco is a death eater, as well.
As soon as he heard that Y/N and her mum was captured, Draco came back running to Manor. Knowing exactly what Death Eaters are capable of.
Draco rushed into the dungeon to see Bellatrix and several other Death Eaters surrounding Y/N, who was strapped to a chair, bruised and bleeding. It was written all over his face that he was scared. His heart sank at the sight, and he felt sick with fear and anger.
"What's going on here?" Draco demanded, his voice shaking with emotion.
Bellatrix turned to him with a sneer. "Ah, Draco, just in time. We were just getting started with your little ex-girlfriend here."
Draco's heart clenched at the mention of Y/N as his "ex-girlfriend." He knew he still loved her, despite everything that had happened between them.
What followed was a brutal and horrific scene, as Bellatrix and the other Death Eaters subjected the reader and her mother to various forms of torture. They were forced to endure the Cruciatus Curse, which sent waves of excruciating pain coursing through their bodies. They were also subjected to the Imperius Curse, which robbed them of their free will and left them completely at the mercy of their torturers.
Bellatrix stepped closer to Y/N, her wand still pointed at her. "Tell me, dear, why did you think it was a good idea to betray the Dark Lord?" she sneered.
Y/N clenched her jaw, refusing to answer. Bellatrix let out a cruel laugh. "Oh, I see. The little pureblood princess is too good to speak to me, is that it?"
Y/N gritted her teeth but remained silent.
Bellatrix continued to circle her; the tip of her wand tracing patterns in the air. "You know, I find it amusing that you were once Draco's girlfriend. It's quite the fall from grace, isn't it? From being the object of a Malfoy's affections to being a traitor."
Draco walked forward, his wand drawn, and faced Bellatrix with defiance. "You can't do this. She's not involved in any of this. Let her go."
Bellatrix laughed cruelly. "Oh, but she is involved. Her father has been conspiring against us for years. She knows things that could be very useful to us."
Draco's heart sank further at the realization that Y/N's family was involved in the Resistance. He knew this would only make things worse.
He stepped closer to Y/N, taking in the sight of her battered and bruised body. "Y/N, are you okay?" he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with pain and fear. "Draco," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Draco's heart broke at the sight of her, and he felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He knew he had to do something to save her. Draco's eyes flicked to Y/N's mother, who was also being held captive. "Please, Bellatrix, let them go. They have nothing to do with this."
"Please, Bellatrix, let her go," Draco pleaded again, his voice desperate. "They are not involved in any of this. I'll do whatever you want, just please, let them go."
Bellatrix looked at him with contempt. "You think you can save her? You think your love for her will protect her? How sweet."
Bellatrix pulled back, a wicked grin on her face. " We'll teach you the true meaning of loyalty." Addressed to Y/N.
Draco gritted his teeth, his anger boiling over. "I'll do whatever it takes. Just let her go."
Y/N closed her eyes, bracing herself for what was to come.
Draco’s voice quivered as he spoke, “Bellatrix, please, she’s innocent. Don’t hurt her.”
Bellatrix sneered, “Innocent? You forget, dear Draco, that she is a part of a family of blood traitors. She’s just like her father, a betrayer of our Lord.”
“But she’s not like him. She didn’t know anything about her father’s betrayal. She’s not involved in any of this,” Draco pleaded.
Bellatrix cackled, “Oh, how sweet. You still have feelings for her, don’t you? You still think she’s special.”
Bellatrix raised her wand, “Watch me.”
Draco stepped forward, “No, I won’t let you. If you want to torture someone, torture me.”
Y/N watched in disbelief as Draco stepped in front of her, shielding her from Bellatrix’s wand. Bellatrix laughed, “How noble of you, Draco. But I think we’ll have to do both of you. After all, what’s a little torture between star-crossed lovers?”
“No!” Narcissa shouted. “Draco, you stay out of this” Lucius added.
Y/N watched as Draco stepped closer to Bellatrix, his wand pointed at her. "I'm warning you, Bella. Let her go."
Bellatrix just laughed again. "Or what? You'll hex me? You don't have the stomach for it, Draco. You never have."
 Draco was being held back by both of his parents.
Y/N felt tears well up in her eyes as Bellatrix carved the word “traitor” on her arm. She couldn’t believe this was happening.
Through gritted teeth, Draco whispered to Y/N, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Draco was in tears.
Y/N'S mother was already unconscious, and she couldn't bear to see her suffer any longer.
As Bellatrix continued to torture them, Y/N and Draco exchanged glances filled with pain and regret. Despite everything that had happened between them, they both knew that they still cared for each other. But in the midst of the chaos and violence, it seemed like there was nothing they could do to save themselves.
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Suddenly, there was a loud crack that echoed through the room. Everyone turned to see Dobby, the house-elf, apparate into the room. He was holding a small kitchen knife, but his eyes blazed with a fierce determination.
"You will not hurt Master Draco's friend!” he squeaked, brandishing the knife.
Bellatrix sneered at the tiny elf. "What do we have here? A little rat trying to play with the big cats?"
Dobby didn't flinch. "You will not touch Master Draco's friend and her mother!" he repeated.
Bellatrix laughed cruelly. "Oh, how adorable. And what are you going to do about it, little elf?"
Without warning, Dobby lunged at Bellatrix, brandishing the knife. Bellatrix was caught off guard, and stumbled backwards, giving Y/N and her mother an opportunity to run towards Draco.
Draco quickly took hold of their arms, leading them towards the fireplace. "Come on, we have to get out of here!" he urged.
But Bellatrix and the other Death Eaters weren't about to let them escape that easily. They started casting spells in their direction, trying to prevent their escape.
Dobby darted around the room, dodging curses and hexes. He was small and nimble, and surprisingly quick with the knife. He managed to keep Bellatrix and the others occupied long enough for Draco, Y/N, and her mother to make it to the fireplace.
As they made their way through the streets of London, with Dobby trailing behind them, Draco explained his plan to Y/N. "My aunt, Andromeda Tonks, lives in the Order of Phoenix Headquarters. We can go there and stay until we figure out what to do next."
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As they stand in front of the Order of Phoenix Headquarters, Y/N turned to Draco, her eyes filled with fear and gratitude. "Thank you, Draco," she said, her voice shaking. "I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there."
Draco's heart swelled with love and relief. "I'll always be there for you, Y/N," he said, his voice soft. "I'll never let anything happen to you."
Y/N nodded, grateful for Draco's help. "Thank you, Draco. You're risking so much for us."
Draco smiled sadly. "I'll do anything to keep you safe, Y/N. I just hope it's not too late to make things right between us."
“I love you and I never meant anything to happen to you. I ended things to protect you.” Said Draco rather in a sad voice.
Y/N looked at Draco, tears streaming down her face. "You can't just protect me by pushing me away, Draco," she said, her voice breaking. "I love you too, and I can't bear the thought of losing you."
Draco's eyes softened as he reached out to cup Y/N's cheek. "I know, and I'm sorry," he said, his voice filled with regret. "I was so scared of losing you, of putting you in danger. But now, I realize that pushing you away was the worst thing I could have done."
Y/N leaned into Draco's touch, her heart pounding in her chest. "So what happens now?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Draco took a deep breath, his eyes locked on Y/N's. "Now, we start over," he said firmly. "Together. We face whatever comes our way, and we do it together. I love you, Y/N, and I never want to let you go again."
Y/N smiled through her tears, feeling the weight of the past lifting off her shoulders. "I love you too, Draco," she whispered, before leaning in for a kiss.
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sinfulslytherin · 11 months
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Summary: Draco finds out that your future husband uses you for money at a dinner party at Malfoy Manor.
Warning: mature content
"He made a deal with my father. He gets money for marrying me, I won't be my fathers problem anymore and our bloodline will be kept pure."
Dracos features soften.
"So that's why you said that he doesn't love you." He says.
"Yes. And that's why Daphne is on his dick 24/7." I explain further.
Draco falls silent. He probably tries to progress what I just said.
Draco suddenly grabs two new drinks, hands me one and faces the crowd of people in front of us.
"You'll spend the night here. I don't want Graham to touch you ever again."
I fall silent as I look at the blonde boy next to me. He doesn't spare me a single glance.
"We'll get into trouble sooner or later, Draco." I say as I look at the drink in my hand.
Draco taks two steps and stands right in front of me.
"What makes you think that I'd let you go back to Graham after the things he did to you?" He growls as he looks down at me.
My eyes drift over to Graham. He talks with my father, a few other men that I don't recognize and Daphne. His hand is placed around her waist.
"For fuck's sake, Amara. Look at me."
My eyes spot the smile on Grahams face. It's the same smile he used to put on to convince me that he is in love with me.
I can't believe that I gave him my trust when he said that he didn't enjoy punishing me or that he actually loved me.
"Amara! Look at me."
Draco repeats as he grabs my chin and turns my head.
My eyes drift over to Draco.
"You are staying here tonight. In my room." And with that Draco grabs my hand and drags me towards the huge dinner table.
My eyes lock with Narcissas.
"The dinner will be served shortly. You two have a perfect timing." Says Narcissa as she smiles at us.
"Amara, my dear. Where dou want to be seated. Next to Draco?"
A light smirk appears on my lips.
"I'd prefer to sit next to you, Mrs. Malfoy." I answer.
Narcissa smiles.
"How many times did I tell you to not call me that. Of course you can sit next to me, sweetheart." She answers.
Narcissa places herself on the chair next ti the head of the table where I guess Mr. Malfoy will be seated.
I walk over to the chair next to Narcissa as a hand on my waist stops me.
"I got a saying in this too, you know? I'll sit right next to you wether you like it or not." Whispers Draco in my ear.
A light smile displays on my lips as I seat myself between Narcissa and Draco.
I have to admit that an uneasy feeling creeps up as I think about the fact that I sit with the Malfoys instead of my father and my future husbands family.
It doesn't take long for the guests to place themselves at the table.
Graham, his family and my father sit right in front of us.
I feel their disgusted stares lingering on my skin.
I ignore their presence and concentrate myself on the food that is served.
A plate with some of the most expensive and finest food is placed right in front of me.
My eyes drool st the sight.
I can't remember the last time I ate properly.
"Enjoy your meal."  Says Mr.Malfoy, signaling everyone to start eating.
I lift the fork as my eyes lock with Grahams.
He shakes his head as his eyes shift down to the meat on my fork and back to my eyes.
I get nervous and start to lower the fork again.
A hand stops my movement. I look to my right to see Draco holding my arm. He takes the fork from my hand and shoves the it directly into my mouth.
He doesn't make a big fuss about it and places his attention right back to his own plate of food after sending Graham one last warning glare.
I shyly chew down the meat as I try to ignore the looks from the few people who watched the scene.
The dinner passes quite quickly as I only concentrated on eating my food and drinking some wine.
The dinner party seems to slowly end as more and more people say their goodbyes and leave.
Draco and I stand at a corner, waiting for everyone to leave. Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy are infront of us, saying their goodbyes to the guests.
Graham approaches as he thanks the Malfoys for the dinner. He looks between Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy and our eyes meet.
"We are leaving, Amara."
"Excuse me, Montague. But I think you mistook my date for yours. Your date is already outside waiting for you." Answers Draco, refering to Daphne.
"That's still my wife you are talking about." says Graham through gritted teeth.
"You are not yet married." Answers Draco dryly.
Graham falls silent as he sends me one last glare before leaving.
Only a few seconds later my father approaches us as he thank the Malfoys, just like Graham did.
"Amara. Think about the conseqences there'll be if you don't follow through with the deal."
My lips are sealed as I don't know what to answer my father.
"Mr. Caddel. I'd appreciate it if you and Mr. Montague would stop bothering my guests. Thank you for your visit. Goodbye." Suddenly answers Mr. Malfoy.
Draco seems just as shocked as I am. We didn't expect Dracos father to stand up for me. He's probably fed up with their behavior as well.
My father leaves.
The last guests leave a few minutes later and the door finally closes.
"Amara, you can already go upstairs. I' ll be there shortly." Draco exclaims as I nod and do as he says.
I try to walk upstairs but my feet hurt due to these freaking heels. I stop after a few stairs and try to free my hurting feet from these horrible shoes.
I suddenly hear voices.
Draco and Mr. Malfoy probably can't tell that I am still here due to the thin wall that seperates us.
"I hope she's worth it, Draco."  Says Malfoys father.
"What do you mean?" Asks Draco.
"I hope she's worth all of this trouble you're getting yourself into, boy."
"She is."
"I have nothing against this girl. It's actually quite the opposite. I know for a fact that your mother loves her as well." Says Mr. Malfoy before I can hear his foot steps fainting.
What is he trying to achieve?
I quickly make my way upstairs to the guest room. I leave the door open as I sit down on the bed.
I hear footsteps approaching as I see Draco taking a quick glance into his room (which is on the opposite side of the guest room I sit in) before looking into the room I sit in.
We lock eyes.
"You are sleeping in my room tonight, Amara."
"What?" I ask as a blush creeps up my cheeks.
"You are sleeping in my room. With me. In my bed."
Chapter 15 of Guillotine~ <3
Spice ahead :)
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radiohead-spiderman · 6 months
Guys what if I said Nobleflower was angstier than Jegulus
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Hello! Can you please do 60 with Narcissa and Lucius and Reader? With something along the lines of that reader is with Narcissa even though Lucius told her to stay in her room. So when she sneaks back into her room Lucius is there and "rapes" her for not listening. And after all of that happens and Lucius leaves her room to do idc Narcissa comes in and comforts her. Something along the lines of that if you can please?
Heyyyy anon! I’d love to write this; thanks for requesting it! I went in a darker direction with this one… I also included a song that I thought fit the vibe. I was thinking for it to perhaps have multiple parts…? (PSA: themes of sex trade, sex slavery, & sexual assault)
Nightmare Life ~Dark!Lucius xNarcissa Malfoy xFem Reader
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Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#60. “You broke the rules…”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!!, sex slavery, sexual assault, smut (not with Narcissa), angst, kissing, comfort fluff, etc…
Enjoy (:
Lucius had bought you from your job as a personal pleasurer. You didn’t really have a choice in the matter, as he had given your manager no true choice with the amount of money he had offered them for you.
You lived in the Malfoy mansion, in a secluded wing by where the house elves stayed. You hated it. You had come to work at your old job because you were a student with debts and you needed a job, and being a stripper worked well with your schedule. But you never wanted to be someone’s personal sex slave.
Especially not Lucius Malfoy’s…
But this was your reality now. You came whenever your master called and did what he told you. The only good thing about this was Master Malfoy’s wife, Mrs. Malfoy (although she insisted you call her Narcissa, which Master Malfoy hated.)
At nights, you were supposed to stay in your room. But you had been having horrendous nightmares of the weeks past. So you found yourself in the kitchen, sneaking around in your shaky manner and trying to make sone tea.
“Darling?” You heard a voice behind you gently speak.
You turned around, breath fleeting at the idea of having been caught…
“Are you alright?” Narcissa asked, having found you standing near the stove simply shaking.
Your lips trembled and a tear threatened to escape your eye, and you shook your head lightly, “Nightmares, again…” you whispered.
“Oh my Darling, come here…” Narcissa comforted you, bringing you into her warm embrace.
“Why don’t you come up to my room for a bit?” She offered.
Your breath hitched.
If you were caught, you didn’t even want to think about the consequences…
“It’s alright, Lucius won’t know, Darling… Please, let me take care of you…” she whispered into your ear.
“Alright…” you hesitantly whispered back.
Narcissa had spent hours with you, comforting you and listening to your vivid, horrific nightmares. You felt a lot better by the time the sun was starting to come up. But alas, you had to get back to your room before Master Malfoy noticed you were gone. So, you said your good byes to Narcissa and crept through the manor and back down to your room.
But as you got to your door, you found it was cracked open. Your mind started racing, you hadn’t left the door open when you left… You entered your room and your breath hitched at the sight of your Master standing firm in the center of the small bedroom, looking livid. You gulped and closed the door, looking down on the floor.
“I’m sorry, Master…” you whimpered, your whole body shaking again.
“You whore.” Lucius sneered, “You broke the rules… You went to go see my wife!!”
“I’m truly sorry, Master… please…” you whispered, a tear escaping your face.
“Shut up and strip.” She jeered.
“Yes master…” you choked out, not being able to avoid the inevitable and following his orders.
Lucius then grabbed you by your hair, elciciting a cry of pain from you, as he shoved you against the wall with your ass sticking out.
“Seems like the whore needs to be taught a lesson…” he sneered, as he parted your legs forcefully, while pushing the side of your face into the hard cement wall.
“Please master please I’m sorry…!” You cried out.
“Shut up bitch!” Lucius yelled, before undoing his belt and trousers.
Without warning, he rammed his cock into your tight hole. You cried out in pain, as he began to pound into you with no mercy. He didn’t stop until he had cum inside you, and then he pulled out of you swiftly, leaving you to collapse onto the floor. And as quick as he’d came, he’d gone. You laid on the floor silently sobbing. You couldn’t take much more of this…
You didn’t know how much time had past. How many hours you had spent cradling yourself on the cold, hard floor. But at one point, you heard a faint knock. When you didn’t answer, the door creaked open a smidge.
“Darling, it’s me…” Narcissa gently spoke, “Are you alright? May I come in?”
You croaked put a hoarse “yes…”, your throat tired from all your cries.
Narcissa came into the room and her heart dropped at the sight of you. She hated what her husband was doing. She thought it was morally wrong to own another human being. But who was going to stand up to such a man…
Narcissa rushed over to you and took you into her embrace. This triggered even more sobs from your lips. She swayed you back and forth in her arms whispering how sorry she was on repeat. After some time, you lifted your head and met the woman’s gaze.
Something overtook the both of you as your breaths hitched and your eyes locked. Slowly, the space in between your lips closed, until you were lightly tasting the blondes red lips. A slight moan escaped Narcissa’s throat, before she pulled away. You whimpered lightly at the loss of contact.
But you were too tired to even think about going even further. You hadn’t even properly processed what you’d just done. You simply snuggled back into her lap, drifting off into a nightmare-less sleep.
Anyone interest in a Part 2…?
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thistuesdaynight · 8 months
@sapphicmicrofics nobleflower angst (dark mark prompt)
"Cissy..." Alice hisses, tears threatening to spill.
Narcissa hates the disappointment in her face, hates the disapproving slant of her brows, hates the expression that says she's too far gone for saving.
Alice used to look at her like she was worthy. Like she was redeemable. So much so, that Narcissa had almost believed it.
She needs Alice to see her that way again.
"But I didn't get it!" Narcissa pulls up her sleeve for proof. Her creamy skin is unmarred. "I didn't get the mark, Al."
"You may as well have!" Alice shouts angrily. "You're letting that... that maniac stay in your house!"
"It's only for a little while... Lucius says-"
"Lucius?! Why are you still letting him run your life?"
The silence stretches uncomfortably for a moment too long.
"Oh, Merlin. You're never going to leave are you?" Alice's eyes are wide, staring at Narcissa like she could disappear any second.
"I- I will. I want to. I- Alice, listen, I can't just-"
Alice shakes her head, and the tears roll down her cheeks, brown eyes glistening. She gives Narcissa a tiny smile, one of resignation.
"I keep thinking you'll change, but you never do."
Narcissa's throat burns with tears, but she keeps her face cold, expressionless like she's been taught. "Al..." she croaks.
Alice leans in and kisses Narcissa, just a gentle press of lips, a token, something that she can keep for later to remember her by. Alice lingers, eyes closed to take in the moment, but Narcissa doesn't look away for a second. She desperately tries to memorize the slope of her lips, the dark flutter of lashes on flushed cheeks, the curl of hair resting across Alice's forehead.
"I wish we could have been different," Alice whispers.
Narcissa always knew that they were destined to crash and burn, she just didn't know that it would hurt like this.
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lavaasworld786 · 3 months
Alice tells Narcissa she loves her for the first time in a bathtub, water runs through her hair, Narcissa's head rests on Alice's chest, her humming lowers as she realizes the words, gray eyes looking up at Alice as if it were a miracle, as it is the first time she hears those words. Alice telling Narcissa that she loves her for the last time, in the middle of a cafe in Paris, gray eyes looking at her with pain, tears running wildly down that beautiful face, both with their hair wet from the rain they just left behind when they entered.
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Me & The Devil P.2 🌘| Harry Potter Imagine
takes place during HBP & DH1
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Part 1 here | HP Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Black!Sister reader x HP characters (platonic), Severus Snape x reader (platonic/semi-romantic)
Content Warnings: death, violence, profanity, angst, slight cannon divergence, mentions of torture and blood, set during the book timeline of the 1990s | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 6k
Requested yes/no
Premise: A dark storm is brewing over Hogwarts. The return of Voldemort and his Death Eaters spark unease in the Golden Trio. For a certain member of the Noble House of Black, she takes on a new role of double agent with the partnership between her and a certain Hogwarts professor. Will she survive the ordeal and get her freedom when it's all over? The odds are slim when acting as a loyal servant and hunted by aurors.
Note: Snape is 37 in this like the books and reader is 31. Part 3 will be the final chapter to this miniseries but I have no idea when it will be posted. Hope y’all like this one! Also near the end the final scenes are inspired by Wanda in MOM so yeah that belongs to Marvel
Months went by. Waiting. Scheming. Y/n felt her mind deteriorate by the day. Between Bellatrix’s constant complaints of Draco’s failures and Narcissa’s moping, Y/n spent most of her time in the attic of Malfoy Manor. Hidden away to perfect her spells and create new ones. She even managed to successfully become an animagus. 
A black crow.
How fitting.
At times Y/n found herself sitting in front of the window. Especially when it rained. The lightning in the distance, the crisp air filling the attic walls. Lost in her thoughts, Y/n would caress the silver jewelry laid on her left ring finger. 
Once a month she’d receive a letter from Severus, unbeknownst to the others, detailing Draco’s attempts and all the times Snape’s had to cover for him. As part of their deal to keep quiet of the others' disloyalty and motives behind actions, Snape agreed to update her on Draco and keep the Order off Y/n’s trail. For Y/n’s side of the bargain, she agreed to deflect suspicion on him from their fellow Death Eaters. Specifically her sisters.
And what better way to do that then in holy matrimony.
“You want to get married?” she scoffed, placing her wine glass on the coaster. Having left with her sisters following the unbreakable vow, Y/n returned later that night after Severus sent an owl. Sitting in the same leather chair from before, “You humor me.”
“I can assure you I am everything but comical, Y/n,” he drawled, standing by the fireplace. The sound of wood crackling filled the room. “This is not an arrangement I suggest lightly.”
Seeing how serious he was, Y/n’s demeanor changed. “Wow,” her tone lowered, finger raising to tap her lips. Unable to read her mind since she was a gifted Occulmens like himself, Snape was left to wonder what Y/n was thinking. Truth be told the woman was more impressed than shocked by his proposal. “I think that’s the first time I’ve been rendered speechless, Severus.” Standing, Y/n grabbed her glass and approached the man. “You truly believe this would work? Proposing a marriage between us….” she trailed, glancing at the fire briefly, “is intriguing. Tell me more.”
Snape’s expression remained the same, “It is simply a matter of convenience.” No need to sugar coat it, “We want to keep our secrets hidden. So long as you can assure your sisters stay off my back…..I’ll make sure the Order stays off yours. We play the part of a happy married couple when operating business with the Dark Lord, and I will do everything in my power to get your freedom when this all ends.” 
Y/n liked what she was hearing. The more she thought about it, the more engrossed she became. Marrying Snape wasn’t ideal--as the concept itself she did not care for--but Y/n could not deny the idea made her curious. Plus Severus was handsome, a talented wizard, and obviously, he knew her motives for following Voldemort. What her end goal was. She needed to keep him close. 
“I think I’ll find playing the part of a smitten wife will be rather easy,” she rasped, stepping closer to Snape so their chests were nearly touching. Walking her fingertips up the length of his arm, Y/n leaned closer to Snape which ignited a sharp breath from the man. She smelled of expensive perfume. Their closeness allowed him to see how her eyes turned from their usual coldness to something more lustful. Almost sinister. His reaction made her smirk, “Confident you can manage the same….husband?” 
Now, almost a year later, the two managed to successfully keep their union hidden from the Order. All while any suspicion the Death Eaters had of Snape seemed to disappear. Bellatrix, initially furious and doubtful of their ‘relationship’, soon began to trust him. Still, the witch grimaced each time the pair greeted the other with an affectionate kiss. Or when Y/n took claim to Snape’s lap during meetings. An action which surprised the man himself in the beginning.
Each letter Severus sent was met with one in return, however Y/n was careful to only send her owl in the late hours of the night. When her family was sound asleep. Signing the parchment with only her initials, but instead of B as the ending initial it was S. She’d never admit it aloud, but Y/n felt a sense of comfort with Severus. There was an overwhelming amount of hate in her heart, but the pinch of sanity left in her soul connected to him. Which is not a surprise. He is, of course, the only person who can relate to her. 
Neither would call it love. Y/n possessed no love. And Snape lost his when Lily died. They had mutual respect and care for each other as their partnership grew. Finding the other’s presence calm despite the world around them going to shit. 
The news of Draco’s success in connecting the two cabinets came from Bellatrix’s glee, the woman bursting into the attic with a loud, “It’s time, sister.” Reluctantly, Y/n trailed Bellatrix to Knockturn Alley, where they met several of their associates. 
Dark clouds painted the sky. Thunder rumbling. It set the tone of the evening. 
Y/n stayed stoic the entire journey. Hating every minute, yet doing nothing to escape. Where could she even go? The mark on her arm prevented her from doing so. Until Voldemort was defeated, the only way for her to stay alive was to continue the act of a loyal servant. 
Draco was gone when the group breached the cabinet in a cloud of black smoke. The boy rushed to find Dumbledore and complete his task. He found the man on the observation deck of the Astronomy Tower. Unaware his longtime rival, Harry Potter, was below him, watching the scene play out. 
The others arrived to witness Draco complete the task, however, in the end Snape was the one to administer the curse. And so the greatest wizard in history fell from the sky. 
Y/n kept her eyes on Severus the entire time. Watching his reaction. When he went through with the unthinkable, Y/n wasted no time in rushing to his side. Cupping his face, she noticed the dissociative expression Snape wore. Mind processing what he had done. “Severus,” he didn’t respond, making her shake his shoulders, “look at me.” Finally he meets her eye and the woman matches his anxious demeanor. “We have to go. Now.” 
Clutching his robe, the two push Draco in the direction of the Death Eaters. Bellatrix’s maniacal laughter rings as she shoots a spell into the sky to bring forth the Dark Lord’s symbol in the clouds. Not long after the tower was surrounded by members of the Order, ensuing a battle between the groups. Y/n tried to avoid dueling as much as possible. Not wanting to harm anyone, especially the kids in the school. 
Cutting the corner after dodging a spell from her niece Nymphadora, Y/n spotted the wretched Fenrir Greyback attacking a man she didn’t recognize. Judging by the wild red hair he possessed, she assumed it was a Weasley. Greyback’s back was toward her, unaware she stood behind him. From the looks of it, the redhead was losing the fight. 
Not sure what came over her at that moment, Y/n raised her wand and shouted, “Stupefy!” The werewolf was flung into the wall behind him, falling unconscious. 
“Bill!” a voice screamed, Y/n turning to see a young woman running to where the Weasley laid. Bloodied and knocked out. Fluer dropped beside him, sobbing at the state of her fiance. She glanced up to see Y/n, immediately becoming frozen with fear while pleading with her to help. “Y-you--H-he’s been--.”
Cursing to herself, Y/n approached the two. “He wasn’t bit,” adjusting her dress skirt, she grabbed the cuffs of Bill’s jacket and gestured for Fluer to help. Together they moved him to a concealed area away from the battle. “He’s been scratched.” Having studied werewolves while in school, the woman was well educated on the subject. Muttering a healing spell, Y/n attempted to at least stop the bleeding, however, she knew the extent of his injuries were serious. “Nevertheless, the wounds are cursed. They’ll scar.” 
Fluer watched her carefully, “W-why are you helping us?” Y/n gave no answer, instead casting a final healing spell before standing up to leave. In her peripheral vision, she noticed movement from Greyback, and sent a second stun his way to keep him unconscious. She always hated him, so it gave her great pleasure to pu thim down. 
Truth be told Y/n didn’t know why she helped the injured Weasley. It would have best suited her to get the hell out of there and let whatever outcome happen. Whether that be Greyback killing the man or Bill successfully overpowering the werewolf. But instead, she cursed her associate. Saving the life of ‘the enemy’. 
Several agonizing minutes passed before Y/n managed to escape the tower. At Snape’s order, she ran deep into the forest until she was far enough to apparate. Back at the manor she was immediately questioned by her sister.
“Is Draco okay,” Narcissa grabbed Y/n’s wrist to stop her from escaping to the attic. Eyes glossy with tears, “Did he--.”
“Your son is fine, Narcissa,” she roughly pulled away. “You have my husband to thank for that--he finished the job.” There was immediate relief from Narcissa, exhaling the breath she had been holding. Y/n went straight to the liquor cabinent, taking a glass and pouring a generous amount before downing it. She then refilled the glass, offering it to her sister without a word. Once Narcissa took it Y/n kept the bottle for herself, saying nothing more as she made her way to the attic. 
It wasn’t long before the others arrived. Y/n heard Narcissa’s cry of relief upon seeing Draco. Bellatrix was busy scolding Greyback--something that brought a smile to her face. Other murmurs were made out, but hard to identify with all the noise. Moments later she heard the fast approaching sound of footsteps nearing her door. Jolting from her bed with her wand raised at whoever was about to breach it. Only when it was revealed to be Severus did Y/n lower her guard, rolling her eyes, “What have I told you about--.”
Snape slammed the door shut, muttering a silencing charm which caused Y/n to raise her brow. “We need to talk.” Her guarded expression returned, but Snape beat her before she could question him. “I know you stunned the werewolf to save Weasley.” All movement from the woment seized, frozen in shock.
“How do you know--.”
“I saw you with Miss. Delacour, Y/n,” Snape peers down at her with visible frustration. “Why would you risk such a thing? If you had been caught--.”
“But I wasn’t, Severus,” she interrupts, eyes flicking to the door in fear someone was listening, but then she remembered the spell he cast. “I was careful. You should know better than to underestimate me. And to answer your question….” she turned away from him, hands on her hips as she turned her focus to the woods beyond her window. “I don’t know what possessed me to do what I did--It just happened. Maybe it’s the fact the Weasley’s are distant family. Or because I fucking hate Greyback.” She throws her hands up in defeat,  “Or I want the Order to have all its members to better their chances at winning this damn war. Maybe…” her hands fall back to her sides, “deep down there’s some humanity left in me.” The words were so low it was barely a whisper. Y/n shook her head, the speck of softness replaced with disinterest. 
“Whatever it was,” turning back to him, Y/n narrows her eyes in warning. “It’s no longer our concern. Dumbledore is dead, you killed him.” footsteps echo against the wood as she approaches Snape, noticing his expression change at the mention of the headmaster. “He will be plotting his next move. We need to remain focused--I expect his attention will be on us more now given the circumstances.” 
Snape knows she’s right. Killing Albus only shined a spotlight on him, and in turn on Y/n. He was now labeled public enemy #1 in the eyes of the Order. Voldemort himself will likely turn to Snape. They will have to up their game, continuing the act of a happy couple. Well happy as one can be in the middle of a war. 
That summer was endless torture following the Headmaster’s death. Y/n not only had to deal with Voldemort growing stronger, but also the return of Lucius from Azkaban. It did bring the witch great joy to see the dark circles beneath his eyes and matted hair. One year in prison did a number on him. 
Lucky for Lucius it was only one year. Had it been 15 like Y/n, he’d surely gone mad. Thankfully the two rarely saw each other. Not long after his release following Dumbledore’s death Y/n moved into Severus' home. Only returning to the mansion when necessary. 
At every Death Eater meeting Y/n had to fight yawning with how bored she was, keeping her expression blank even when addressed by Voldermort from time to time. The man wasn’t blind. Well aware the youngest Black was not as forthcoming with her praises to him like Bellatrix. Never voicing her opinions, while also keeping any objections to herself like a smart person would do. He never fully trusted her. Even though she was married to one of his most trusted advisors, something in the back of his mind told Voldemort she’d be the first to turn on him. Without proof, Voldemort kept a close eye.
The meeting tonight was just like any other. Seated at the massive dining table in Malfoy Manor, Voldemort at the head while the Black’s and Malfoy’s flanked to the right. Y/n seated beside Draco, far from her sisters. Very telling of her attitude towards them.
Severus was the last to arrive, dark cloak tailing behind him. His entrance caught everyone’s attention, while his was on his colleague hanging in the air. Muggle studies professor Charity Burbage. The wounds on her body indicated she had been subjected to torture. 
“Severus,” Voldemort greeted, “I was beginning to worry you had lost your way. Come. We’ve saved you a seat.” The headmaster took claim to the only free chair at the table, bidding a look to his wife, to which she slightly shook her head. Silently saying, “I had no part in this.”
Voldemort then said, “Do you bring news, I trust?”
“It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall.”
“I’ve heard differently, my Lord,” Yaxley interrupted at the other end of the table, then proceeds to say he believes Harry will be moved at the end of the month. The 30th of July. The day before his 17th birthday.
“This is a false trail,” Snape insists. “The auror office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter. “Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the ministry.”
The Death Eater seated beside Y/n laughed, “Well, they got that right aren’t they.” Several at the table joined in the laughter. The youngest Black’s expression was tight, plastered with annoyance. 
“What’s say you, Pius?” Voldemort addresses the man seated at the opposite head of the table. 
Nagini curled herself next to the chair as he answered, “One hears many things, my Lord. Whether the truth is among them is not clear.” Voldemort chuckles.
“Spoken like a true politician. You will, I think, prove most useful, Pius.” The Death Eater appears pleased by the compliment. Voldemort turns back to Snape, “Where will he be taken, the boy?”
“To a safe house. Most likely the home of someone in the Order. I’m told it’s been given every manner of protection possible, once there it will be impractical to attack him.”
Suddenly the conversation is interrupted by Bellatrix. “My Lord, I’d like to volunteer myself for this task.” She leans against the table, voice dropping, “I want to kill the boy.”
“Of course you would,” Y/n thinks to herself, holding back the urge to roll her eyes. Frankly she found her sister to be stupid to ask such a thing. Considering Voldemort mentions his desire to kill Harry Potter everyday. And with the prophecy, there’s no way he’d allow anyone else the opportunity to do the deed. 
In the back, Charity let out a haunting groan, causing Voldermort to shout, “Wormtail! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest’s quiet?”
“Yes, my Lord,” the man spoke with urgency. “Right away, my Lord.” As he scurried off, Voldemort returned his attention to Bellatrix. 
“As inspiring as I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix,” the hope was clear in her eyes, disappearing with his next words. “I must be the one to kill Harry Potter.” With that she curled back into her seat, Y/n’s lips raising in a satisfied smirk.
“But,” he rises from his chair, “I face an unfortunate complication.” As much as Y/n wanted to tune out this conversation, the nature of it was hard to dismiss. Especiall when the man walked behind the chairs on her side of the table. Brushing past her sisters before ending beside Lucius. There was satisfaction seeing him visibly afraid of Voldemort. A smirk on her lips when he was to give up his wand, a wizard’s most prized possession.
Her expression shifted when Charity’s brought to the center of the table. Death Eaters laughing at her despair and cringing with disgust at her profession. Y/n moves her gaze to Severus, who’s emotionless to Charity’s pleas. Then when the woman’s killed and her body drops to the table, Y/n lifts her hand to grasp Draco’s wrist. Squeezing it in warning for him to control himself when she sees his distraught state in the corner of her eyes. 
The action surprises the boy. Draco sucking in a breath and forcing himself to relax. Once he does, Y/n removes her touch and waits to be dismissed by Voldemort. As soon as the order is given she’s quick to leave the table, taking Snape’s outstretched hand where he apparates them back home. 
“How do you plan--?” he doesn’t let her finish the question.
“I have it covered.” Moving to his study, he hears her footsteps behind him, Y/n slamming the door shut once they’ve entered. He looked annoyed, “This doesn’t concern you.”
“The hell it does!” she shouted, making him clench his jaw. Ever since the incident at the Astronomy tower the two had been on edge with each other. For one, the Order discovered their marriage causing Y/n to lose her shit. Now she was public enemy #2 in their eyes. Or 3 if you count Voldermort at the top. Her odds of the Order leaving her the fuck alone decreased immensly. 
Second, Snape told her of his and Dumbledore’s arrangement. That the headmaster asked Snape to kill him. A secret Y/n had trouble wrapping her head around and prayed to a higher power no one, especially Bellatrix, found out about. 
Crossing over to him where he stood at his desk, Y/n caught his wrist to make him look at her. “In case you have forgotten, dear husband, we are playing both sides right now. You say you want to protect Harry Potter…just how do you plan to do that during an ambush you helped orchestrate? What the hell are we supposed to do if Harry Potter dies at his hands Saturday next?” Y/n squeezed his wrist tighter, “I’m putting all my trust into Severus Snape. You promised me my freedom when this was all over.” 
“I haven’t forgotten, Y/n,” he removes himself from her grip, “You say you trust me. Do so, and you won’t be let down.”
Y/n didn’t know where it all went wrong. One moment she was flying in the sky, the next she’s being rammed into by Bill Weasley’s Thestral. Pain erupted in her chest, likely from a broken rib and caught herself on the creature's satchel. Her hand is then grabbed by the imposter Harry seated behind Bill, keeping Y/n steady to prevent falling to her death. Using her talent of legitimins, Y/n identifies the imposter as Bill’s fiance Fluer. 
“You’re not Harry Potter,” she whispers, causing Harry (Fluer) to widen her eyes. The accusation was confirmed when Fluer’s voice responded, “How did you know?” Before Y/n could answer, however, the world around her became black. Having been stunned by Bill who realized what was happening behind him.  
Acting fast, Fluer reached with her other hand to further grasp Y/n’s now limp body onto the Thestral. 
“What are you doing?” Bill shouted over the chaos, “She’s one of them!”
“And she saved your life in the Astronomy tower, William!” Fluer screamed back. Using all her might, she hauled Y/n over the bottom half of the creature. Gripping the material of her robes and dress while ducking at the incoming curses around them. 
When they finally made it to the Burrow, the shaky landing caused Fluer to lose her hold. Y/n fell to the ground, still unconscious. Bruises were sure to form on her body. Bill leaped off the Thestral, helped Fluer off and rushed to Y/n. After confirming she was alive by pressing his fingers to her pulse, the oldest Weasley took the death eater into his arms and followed Fluer into the house. But not before telling Fluer to take her wand which had been discarded into a ditch.
“Wait here,” he said, placing Y/n in the care of Fluer by setting her on a bench outside the door, Bill entered to find the others gathered around an injured George. After the shock wore off of his brother’s state, Bill announced the death of Mad-eye and departure of Mundungus. Deepening the already intense mood.
“There’s something else,” he hesitated, eyes flickering to find everyone staring at him with unease. They watched Bill exit the house, only to return a second later dragging the last person they ever expected. Gasps rang out, wands drawn in Y/n’s direction. The witch barely conscious but fighting against Bill’s hold. Eventually succumbing to sleep once again due to the pounding in her head. 
With the help of Remus, the two propped Y/n in a chair, casting a spell to bind her hands and legs. “Where’s her wand?” Remus urgently looked around, relieved to see the object in Fluer’s possession. He turned to Bill, “What the hell happened?”
As the oldest Weasley explained, Molly approached the woman, assessing her carefully. Y/n had dirt and grime in her hair. A small cut to her temple. Likely from a rock when she fell from the Threstral. Her breathing was shaky, pained groans escaping her mouth which Molly assumed was from trauma to her chest. Although the others were against it, Molly began performing healing spells on Y/n, “Had it not been for her my son would be dead! I do not care what side she is on--I shall offer the same courtesy.” 
The group was alerted to Y/n’s consciousness twenty minutes later when she groaned. Shifting in the chair, her eyelids fluttered briefly before opening to bright lights. Moaning, Y/n straightened up aware of the audience in front of her, however she did not appear concerned. Even with several wands pointing at her. “Hmmmph,” she blinks a few times, settling her gaze on Remus, “what an unpleasant situation we have here. I hoped to be dead before experiencing this.”
It pained Remus to hear her words. Thinking back to that little girl he’d met on the corner of Diagon Alley with James, perched on Sirius’ hip. That little girl was gone. In her place was a woman with the Devil on her shoulder. “We don’t want to hurt you, Y/n.”
Tilting her head as though she found his statement funny, she replies “Is that supposed to make me feel at ease?” rolling her eyes she adds, “Surely you could’ve come up with something better.”
Remus sighed, realizing it was about to be a long night. “We’re willing to negotiate terms if you provide us with information. A lesser sentence if you will,” he chose his next words carefully, seeing her demenor shift, “so long as you are upfront and answer all of our questions with honesty.” Y/n’s face tightened, no longer humored. Remus felt his stomach lurch, not breaking the intense eye contact she set with him.
“You threaten me--.”
“It’s not a threat--,” he insists but Y/n continues.
“With a cell in Azkaban and expect me to comply? By being a snitch?” she shakes her head, eyes full of fury. “Go to hell, Remus Lupin.”
“It doesn’t have to be this way.”
“Oh?” She grumbles with a glare, “and how else do you suggest it be? I’m not stupid--a tad mad if we want to get technical, but you all have yourselves to blame for that.” Y/n was referring to the Order not taking her in during the First Wizarding War. Sirius warned them of his family and the Death Eaters recruiting her at a young age. Yet no attempt to protect Y/n was initiated. 
The werewolf’s face fell, “Had we known--.”
“Known what?!” She jumped forward in her chair as the dam of pent up resentment and anger broke, making several flinch at the sudden movement. A few wands pointed up but she paid them no mind. “That I’d become a Death Eater against my will? That I’d be forced to use the Cruciatus Curse on the Longbottoms or face my sister’s wrath?” She spat with ferocity. Pupils nearly pitch black it made her appear demonic. “You knew what my family was like! Sirius knew--It’s why he left! And you did nothing to save me.” Leaning back in the chair, Y/n finished with, “Go ahead and kill me. I’m not telling you shit.”
Remus runs a hand through his hair, his patience running thin and stress levels rising. “Y/n, I’m trying to help you here. We’re giving you the opportunity to avoid a lifetime in jail if you help us--help us end this war.” When his efforts are exhausted Remus gestures to the man behind him, “Kingsley has Veritaserum and we will use it if necessary.”  Now this has her smirking, chin raising in challenge. 
“Go ahead,” her voice lowers an octave, sending chills along his arms, “I welcome you to.” Weary of her acceptance, the adult members of the Order all exchange looks before Kingsley approaches. Y/n tilts her head back, watching Kingsley unscrew the vial and pour the tiny amount of liquid onto her tongue. Once it’s entered her stream, the woman cracks her neck and returns her attention to Remus. 
He clasped his hands in his lap, leaning in his chair. “How’d you know about tonight?”
Y/n pretends to think, “I think I saw an advertisement in the Daily Prophet. Yeah,” she nods her head, acting serious. “That was it.” 
Remus’s own head falls to his chest, the others visibly confused. The potion was to make her tell the truth. Pretty much against her will. Thinking it may have not settled in yet, Remus asks another question. “Who told him we were moving Harry?” 
Deciding to play along, Y/n shrugs her shoulders, “Yaxley.” Lie. She held back a chuckle at his confused reaction.
“How did he know?”
“Overheard it.” Lie.
“Diagon Alley I assume.” Lie.
“From who?”
“I don’t know.” Lie.
“But he’s the one who told Voldemort.” Y/n rolled her eyes at that, gesturing to her binded hands.
“Obviously since we’re sitting in this predicament.” She sees the frustration on Remus, as well as the others. Yet, the witch couldn’t help but feel entertained. “Anything else?”
“What’s your relationship to Severus Snape?” 
“He’s my husband,” She didn’t miss the way the Order reacted to the news. Upset but not surprised. No point in lying. They already knew about their marriage from what Snape told her. The truth of why, however, was still a secret. 
“Why did he kill Dumbledore?” Harry stepped forward, drawing her attention to him. Anger was written all over his face. Filled with absolute hatred. Something Y/n had expected when her husband murdered the man he looked up to. 
“You were there, right?” she asked, head tilting with curiosity. “Snape mentioned you’d been below the observatory deck.” Tsking, Y/n surveyed him. She was getting under his skin. “Why do you think he did it?”
“I think he did it to save himself. He was a coward,” Harry saw the way her face tightened. Taking offense to his words. A mere speck of what someone could label as affection or respect to her spouse. 
“Severus Snape is many things,” she sounded sinister, anger seeping off every word. “But a coward is not one of them.”
“Fat lot of good coming from you.” Harry antagonized her. “You hightailed it out of the ministry when Sirius died. He was your own cousin.”
“My cousin who left me a sitting duck for the wolves,” Y/n reminded the boy, temper rising. An indicator with how her voice was strained. “Let’s not forget you all thought he was responsible for betraying your parents. Didn’t even hesitate to believe he was guilty.” That cut them all deep. “And I adored Sirius at one point in life. Much like you, Harry Potter,” she let out a deep sigh, attempting to calm herself, “look at where it got me.” Exhaustion was beginning to take over the witch. Her body ached and there was a pounding in her head. Molly’s healing spells worked to patch any internal injuries Y/n had, but she still was drained from the whole ordeal. 
They were getting off track. Having had enough of the tension, Remus butted in, “Answer the question, Y/n. Why did Snape kill Dumbledore?”
“I don’t know,” she simply stated. Lie. “He didn’t say. Although…I can only assume it was to spare my poor nephew.” Another shrug, “And survive the unbreakable vow. Which you already know of.” 
Harry shook his head, “I don’t believe you.” His gut was telling him there was more to the story. 
“Harry, she took the Veritaserum,” Hermoine pointed out gently, missing the flicker of amusement from Y/n. “She’s telling the truth.”
“Hermoine’s right, Harry,” Ron agreed, moving beside his friend. “There’s no way she could be lying.”
“How much did you give her, Kingsley?” Arthur questioned, also suspicious of Y/n’s answers. Kingsley held up the vial. More than half was consumed.
“Something’s off,” he murmured, rubbing his chin. A bickering match ensued between members of the Order. Harry, Arthur, and even Y/n’s niece, Tonks, had difficulty believing Y/n told the truth. The majority, however, voiced opposition. 
“Veritaserum is a very potent and strong potion, Harry,” Remus stood from his chair, but before he could say anything else, Y/n’s voice took over.
“Which you just wasted.”
Silence consumes the room. Processing what she said. That’s not possible.
Heads turning to the witch, Y/n starts to chuckle in delight. A sight unnerving to the Order as it becomes more deranged. Harry looked to his friends for an answer, but they were just as perplexed as him. Y/n’s voice turns taunting, “Oh my, you lot really are daft at times. Have you forgotten? Or did you believe it to be a rumor?” Her grin is wicked, finding the scene entertaining much to their dismay. “I’m a skilled Occulmens.” 
It was as though the dementors arrived with how cold the air became. Everyone falters, stilling at the revelation. It could only mean one thing:
Everything Y/n said potentially was a lie. 
The Death Eater tsked, “What do you think I did with all that time I had rotting in the middle of the ocean?” she laughs again, more menacingly. “Your little potion is useless! My mind is more protected than Azkaban. For all you know I fabricated everything I just told you.” Her taunting laugh continues, shredding the last ounce of patience the Order had for her. 
Remus kneeled in front of her chair and smacked the table, causing everyone besides Y/n to flinch. “Enough of these games! I have tried to give you the benefit of the doubt knowing you’d been forced into this life, but you have proven to be not so different from your associates.” Now that was a nail to the coffin. Any and all of Remus’s hope for Y/n having some level of good in her gone. “This is your final warning--or we will throw you in Azkaban for the rest of your life for good!”
Never straying her stare, the Death Eater murmered cooly, “You have no idea how reasonable I’ve been.” This time it was Remus’s turn to scoff.
“Holding children hostage at the Ministry, attacking Hogwarts, marrying Snape, and sending assassins after the officials who locked you up,” He lists off, surprising the Order with the last detail. They had heard rumors of Azkaban guards and Ministry officials killed in the last few months, but assumed it was Bellatrix. “I don’t see how that’s being reasonable.”
Y/n gave a sound that was a mix of a chuckle and scoff, leaning forward in her chair. “Sending those assassins after them instead of myself was mercy.” A chill rose, Harry’s intuition telling him something was about to happen. “And despite your hypocrises and insults I have warned you time and time again to simply get out of my way.” Remus saw her hands fidget, tightening his grip on his wand. 
“You’ve exhausted my patience,” Her voice lowered once more, almost to a whisper as her bottom lip quivered. “But I do hope you understand…that even now--with what’s about to happen…..” lips curled into a deathly smirk. “This is me being…reasonable.”
Faster than the speed of light, Y/n casts a non-verble, wandless spell that mimics a gust a powerful wind, ripping the binds off her hands and ankles. Remus flies onto his back, the lights flicker and burst. The windows and glass shatter. Papers fly. Hermoine screams, echoing amongst the shouts as Ron pulls her into his arms. Molly leaning over an injured George to protect him from shards. 
 Fluer gasps at the feeling of Y/n’s wand in her hand ripped from her. The death eater had snapped her fingers in the chaos with a non-verbal Accio.
With her wand now in her possession, Y/n unleashes another bout of wind, crippling the Order from attacking her. Once satisfied she makes her escape. Black smoke fills the room before flying out the window and into the night sky. The storm inside the burrow seizing. 
“What the bloody hell was that?” Ron coughs, catching his breath. 
“That,” Kingsley stands up straight, sore from colliding with the wall which knocked him down. “Was the closest thing to experiencing the Devil on Earth.”
Tags: @unloved-and-outspoken
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mo0nyy4siir1us · 2 months
Imagine Narcissa telling Draco all of the family lore as he grew up. Like, Draco knew more about James and Sirius than Harry did himself, it was crazy.
Narcissa was also super convinced that Sirius was innocent, so during his third year Draco was like "yeah Sirius Black was a murderer, fucking whatever, I know the goddamn truth"
He also knew about Sirius dating Remus and was like "I love learning about boggarts professor but have you ever been in love with a convicted murderer by any chance" and everyone looks at him like he's fucking crazy
I imagine the lore dumps going like
"did you know your uncle Regulus dated Harry Potter's dad for a year when he was 15?"
and they both end up sobbing because James broke Reg's heart and none of James's friends knew that they were together and he left Regulus for Lily and--
Then Draco is mad at James Potter and therefore mad at Harry too. So he uh
"fuck you want now Malfoy"
"....... what"
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There was this particular song that The Black Sisters loved. Andromeda remembered the summer when she and Bellatrix turned sixteen. They had begged their daddy to teach them to drive. The girls were pretty excited to finally get behind the wheel.
It had been Uncle Alphard who had taken the patience to show them because Cygnus really didn't have time. They took turns with their Uncle. Narcissa watched.
What Bellatrix liked the most was the look of power she had while driving. Usually using shades and red lipstick as her hair flew with the wind.
What Andromeda liked the most, was the way her heart raced as she speeded. The adrenaline to be alive. That wild side of her. Something that had been hidden in her at the time.
And Narcissa was always there. She was still young to drive but adored to take strolls with her sisters.
Sometimes, later on when Alphard let them take the car on their own, the sisters drove around in the Old Black Mercedes. Bella on the wheel. Andy beside her. And Cissy raising her hands and screaming in the back.
They loved to play this song. Waterfalls by TLC. The girls simply loved it. It was the one song they all knew the lyrics to. And they sang along as they drove around. They had been so happy back then. They had loved each other so much. They had been best friends.
Now that everything was ruined between them, now that Andromeda hadn't seen them in years, and she missed them sometimes, she couldn't bare to listen to that song. Because it reminded her of them. And it hurt.
So she begged Ted to change the radio. And when he didn't listen because he said the song was cool, Andromeda yelled desperately. In the burst of tears.
So Ted changed the radio without question after that. He never put it on because he knew it upset his wife. And they never spoke of the matter ever again.
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