#minor wolfstar
whatisame · 6 months
“Shit—” James throws a nervous look over his shoulder. “Look, I’m sorry for getting you involved.”
“James, what did you do?”
The telltale footsteps of a guard quickly approach them.
“They can’t see us here,” James urges.
“Why—” he has no time to check before James is grabbing his hand and taking off running down the hall, pulling him along. “What is going on?” he yelps when James makes a sharp right turn. The Emergency Exit sign shines ahead. He can hear several guards running after them and— when did that happen?  “James stop. Just listen—”
“I have to get you out of here,” he stresses, and Regulus should be mad to be left in the dark, an unwilling accomplice in James’ mischief. He should be yelling at James or telling the guards where he is. What Regulus should not be doing, under any circumstance, is swooning about how bloody noble James Potter is.
Chapter 9
10 Things I Hate About You but make it Jegulus
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exhaustedcatte · 1 year
Professor Lupin
“The weirdest thing just happened,” Remus strides into the common room a little dazed.
James and Sirius are bouncing scraps of parchment on a snoozing Peter’s forehead when Remus makes his announcement.
The two boys flick the last piece of paper, with the combined force of two incredibly talented Quidditch players, onto Peter’s head to wake him up; it does the trick, the poor mouse jerks awake.
“Well, what gives, Moony?” James asks curiously.
Remus brews a cup of tea and heaves himself into the armchair beside Peter.
“I went to retrieve my books from Charms, right? Flitwick wasn’t there, but his first years had already seated themselves,” Remus explains. “And when I walked in all the chatter died down, and the class stood up to greet me.”
Sirius raises a manicured brow. “Isn’t the respect a good thing?”
“No, they said Good Morning Professor,” Remus pitches his voice high as he stresses the greeting.
His focus on the enactment leads him to stirring his peppermint tea with a quill instead of a spoon.
Peter gently removes the ceramic mug from his hand, setting about to brew him a proper cup. Relieved of the fragile object in his hands, Remus smiles gratefully at his friend – now able to gesticulate the severity of the matter.
James cackles wildly, “They assumed you were the professor?”
“So everyone is finally catching our drift,” Sirius adds, smiling like a proud mother. “Good on you, Moons.”
“What about me screams Professor?” Remus scoffs.
The response, unexpectedly, comes from Peter. “I wonder what about your white shirt, sweater vest and slacks make you look like a dignified Oxford grad, Moony, I really wonder.”
“But I wear our uniform,” the boy points out, “doesn’t that make it obvious that i study here and not teach.”
“But I don’t think I’ve seen you in robes since the first day of class, years ago Moony,” Sirius rebuttals with a laugh.
“You look like the muggles in the films that Lily brings in those cassettes,” James nods. “It’s definitely your sweaters.”
“It’s much too warm for a proper jumper, but cold enough for a vest,” Remus argues half-heartedly.
“It’s not just that, you’re tall and smart and so –” Sirius interrupts himself. “You just emanate this professor-y aura. I, personally, find it incredibly sexy,” he winks.
“The point, my dear Moony,” James pushes his glasses with his shoulder. “Is that you’re like a teacher, and it’s not just your clothes.”
Given Remus’ conflicted expression, he definitely disagreed.
“Mr Lupin,” McGonagall beckons him into her chamber. “Please sit. How are your classes?”
“I’m enjoying them, Professor,” Remus replies, nicking two sweets from her glass jar.
The sudden pursing of her lips indicates her increased efforts to hide her smile. Remus knows she loves it when he jests with her.
“And I have heard,” she composes herself, “that you have been a wonder in Ms Sharma’s class. She doesn’t spare kind words easily, but she speaks of you very highly.”
“Defence is especially interesting,” Remus deflects the compliment, but his pinking ears deceive him.
Minerva’s eyes glint. “And what of Potions? Are you glad you dropped it?”
“I think Professor Slughorn is happier about that,” Remus snorted.
“Well then, what are you thinking of pursuing after N.E.W.Ts?”
The conversation drew up to a blank.
Remus chewed on the inside of his cheek. She had asked him the same question the last two sessions as well, and he had replied with a half-hearted I’m still exploring my options. They both knew his array of choices were rather limited.
“Don’t think too hard Remus,” she pats his hand kindly. “You’ll do just fine in whatever you choose.”
“You don’t think Ms Pince would let me be a Librarian here, do you?” He jokes.
The Gryffindor house-head cracks a small smile, “I think she would be more disappointed that you’re selling yourself too short.”
Not much leaves Remus speechless, given his constant company of troublemakers (he can talk about objectively repulsive things now without batting an eye or blocking his nostrils, he’s developed an immunity to things that would leave others flabbergasted). But this does leave him a little stunned.
“Don’t you have a study group to attend to? Or is it the Duelling Club?”
Remus snaps out of his stupor in record time, piling his pockets with a few more toffees from McGonagall’s glass dish.
He looks at the clock hanging behind her wide-eyed. “Duelling Club. Merlin’s balls, I haven’t any time to prepare. Shit, I didn’t mean to swear. Ah fuck, I did it again, didn’t I?”
McGonagall covers her mouth with her fingers, physically restraining a laugh. It would be inappropriate to encourage his vulgarity so openly. Not that she actually minded it, she had grown used to the potty-mouth that Lupin was.
He pauses for a second, and smiles sheepishly. “You know what, I’ll let myself out. G’night, Professor.”
Minerva watches fondly, as the boy straightens out of his slouch to scurry to the library to tend to his younger peers. She hopes he will see in himself what the rest of the world sees in him.
The last moon was just under a week ago, and according to James’ dramatic renditions of their treks that night, Moony had gone mental. And now Remus was left with a muscle ache in his arms.
After his last class, Care of Magical Creatures, for the day, Remus trudges slowly across the grounds, inhaling the crisp autumn air. He mentally creates plans of lazing by the fireplace with a mug of tea and a Sirius Black, it would be the best way to unwind.
His plans don’t get the chance to develop any further because that’s when he hears a resounding crash.
“Mona!” he hears a terrified shriek. “Merlin! I knew we shouldn’t have tried it on our own!”
Trouble not only follows him, it also seeks him out specifically.
Remus speeds his walk to the source of the sound. The huge oak tree shelters two frightened girls, and by the looks of it, Mona – he assumes – has definitely snapped a bone.
“‘ello,” He smiles his kindly, “I’m Remus. Are you alright? I heard the yell.”
“I’m Imaan. This is Mona, she was trying the spin that got Regulus Black the snitch today afternoon,” the young Slytherin explains, her hands flitting over her friend in terror.
Remus makes a mental note to congratulate Regulus and then placate James and Sirius.
Mona groans in pain, shifting her weight onto her bottom and kicks her broken broom away feebly. “Turns out its not advisable to try it beside a tree.”
Remus kneels beside the pair, “D’ you mind if i take a look?”
She nods affirmatively, going pale in the face.
“It’s not mangled, is it?” Imaan panics about Mona’s pallid appearance.
“No,” he reassures them and gently draws her arm out from her body. His monthly visits to the infirmary have taught him a lot. And this was a clean snap, which was an easy fix for him.
One wand-less Episkey later, her limp hand is sturdy again. Remus taps on it a few times to check if it had healed.
“Right,” he helps her up, “you’re good as new.”
The stare at him with pure admiration. “Oh, thank you so much!! We would have gotten into so much trouble otherwise! Thank you, really!”
Remus laughs, “Don’t sweat it, it was no trouble. Now, I must remind you not to try such tricks alone. Besides, I’m sure Regulus would help if you asked.”
“Do you think?” they blink up at him.
“Yes,” he nods sagely. “He would love to help.”
The girls thank him again and skedaddle, heads together in excitement.
Remus also leaves, satisfied. James and Sirius would love the little harmless lark he just pulled on Regulus – who couldn’t entertain a child to save his life, because he was the youngest of the Black family.
“You’re somewhat of a legend now Moony,” Sirius throws his bag onto his bed before climbing into Remus’ bunk.
“That’s nice,” Remus replies, not really paying attention. His homework wasn’t going to write itself, even if it was due only next week.
“The youngsters are incredibly protective of you,” Sirius informs him, laying his head down on his boyfriend’s shin.
“Is that right?”
“A fourth year Hufflepuff sucker punched one of Snape’s goons.”
“Say what now,” he sits up, alarmed.
Sirius smirks, fiddling with Remus’ pant leg languidly. “Minnie allowed it, you know. Rosier was starting shit again and I was gearing up to crack his skull open but I got beat to the punch.”
Remus ignores the pun. “Was it worth a cuffing though?”
“He was saying something about you being a swot and a suck-up and other things that I will not repeat. Regular bullshit from a jealous person, seeing as his grades are plummeting worse than Malfoy on a broom. And next thing I know, this little runt stalks up to him and throws a feisty punch,” Sirius relays the incident excitedly.
Remus watches the mono-act with slight amusement.
Sirius punches the air, “Don’t you dare speak about Remus like that.” He turns back to Remus with an amused smile, “He walked off after that, with kids from your study groups following him in solidarity.”
“I… fuckin’ hell. Did he get hurt?”
“Looked proud of himself more than anything. Minnie docked points from Slytherin for unprovoked fighting and gave the kid a detention with Sprout. Convinced me that she loves you the most.”
Before Remus could reply, there’s a knock at their door. Sirius unlatches it, to reveal a cluster of tittering third years.
“Hi, Remus. Are you busy?” Quentin asks.
There goes his homework time.
“Erm, no, not really. Is something the matter?”
“Would you mind helping us out with Defence? Professor Sharma told us to ask you, if you were free to tutor us.”
Sirius grins elatedly. “Right then. Professor Lupin, why don’t you take this classroom down, eh, I promise I’ll do my homework.”
“Alright.” He kisses Sirius goodbye and follows the group into the common room where the third year girls were pacing in anticipation.
“He came!” they cried in delight.
“Quite a Casanova you are, Remus,” Marlene raises her brows emphatically. “Teach me your ways, Great One!”
“Take that stick out your arse and kiss Dorcas, god knows how long she’s been waiting,” he whispers back. Remus doesn’t stay to hear Marlene’s stuttering.
He makes a pot of tea and gathers the group beside the fireplace. They sit in an eager semicircle in front of him.
“Alright, let’s begin with Bowtruckles. That’s what Sharma is doing in class next week, right?” Remus rolls his sleeves up.
“Mr Lupin,” McGongall looks up from grading her essays, surprised. “Do come in, is something the matter?”
“Good evening, Professor. Terribly sorry for interrupting,” He prattles nervously.
She adjusts her glasses. “You didn’t turn the Great Hall upside down like last time, did you?”
“That wasn’t us,” he protests weakly.
McGonagall waves her hand dismissively. “No one else can manage that kind of magic, Mr Lupin. So what is it? Running interference for Potter? Sirius having trouble with his, ah, his family?”
“Er, no, it’s something else.”
She waits patiently for him to gather his bearings.
“Do you think,” he starts, “that I’d make a good teacher?”
The smile he gets from McGonagall is nothing short of proud.
“I think that would be a very wise choice. You know, Ms Clarksworth and Ms Hassan were singing praises of your wand-less magic? They didn’t give much context, but they were very taken by you.”
Remus blushes under his golden skin.
“And the first years?” she shakes her head. “Remus, I think you’ve got an extensive fanbase, but also a very loyal army. Take pride in your efforts; your passion is palpable. But your talents are also unmatched.”
“So you’d encourage it if i wanted to pursue teaching Defence?”
“Indeed. I look forward to teaching alongside you at some point,” she smiles.
“Then I’d like to become a Defence against Dark Arts professor.”
She pushes the bowl of sour candy towards him. “And a mighty good one, at that.”
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dykefever · 2 years
seasons in desire
Tumblr media
dorcas/marlene; 12.1k
rated m
read on ao3
a relationship in seasons.
“Dorcas,” she says roughly, “is something, like, fucking wrong? Are you okay? Are you mad at me?”
Dorcas laughs, sharp and barking and cut from the same feeling of the fluorescent lights buzzing over them at two in the morning: gaping and wide, a hollowed out house and loneliness and watermelon rind abandoned on summer-hot pavement.
“I’m not mad,” she says, laughter dying out around the corners of her lips. “I’m not mad,” she repeats. Throwing back the rest of her drink and dropping the cigarette, she grabs Marlene’s hand. “Let’s dance.”
Marlene resists when Dorcas tries to pull her towards the door. When Dorcas glances back, Marlene frowns. Her eyes ache and her mouth tastes like lime and chips and her ears are ringing. Her chest hurts. “Dorcas?” she finds stumbling out of her mouth.
Dorcas frowns, eyes growing wide and little shiny and she crowds close, looking sharp and soft, the way goodbye sounds coming out of her mouth (like: I’ll see you later, like: I’m thinking of you while I’m gone, like: I’m already thinking of you now). She tucks both hands beneath Marlene’s hair and presses her fingertips to her scalp. “Hey, it’s fine. We’re fine. Are you okay?”
Marlene bites her tongue, sacrifices herself on the pinprick pain again and again and then shakes her head. She smiles. “Fine. I’m fine. Let’s dance.”
read on ao3
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swag696942069 · 10 months
Currently reading Red, White, and Royal Blue and Alex and Henry are just so Rosekiller coded its unreal!
So I had an idea for a RW&RB rosekiller fic.
Barty's dad is the president of the United States, making him the first son.
Dorcas is the vice president's daughter and also Barty's best friend.
Regulus and Sirius are apart of the royal family. (Is it just called the royal family? I actually have no idea. Like the ones who live in Buckingham palace. Do they live in Buckingham palace? Like I said I don't know but you know who I'm talking about.)
James is basically Pezz, y'know, Henry friend? Only now he's Sirius's friend cause I said so.
Evan and Pandora's parent (idc which one) is the President of France, (I had to google what their ruler was called 😭) Evan and Dora are childhood best friends with Regulus (they're not related I swear to fudging god-)
I'm not sure what to make Marlene, Remus, Peter, Lily, and Mary. I want Marls and Pete to be childhood friends with James. And I want all of them to be in the same sort of social group. Like, all their parents are involved in politics, so yeah.
Something happens and Barty and Evan have to pretend to be besties, just like in RWRB, and then they realize they like each other and have a lot of gay panic and also freak out cause both their parents are lowkey highkey homophobic (except for Barty's mom. Stan his mom I love her and she doesn't even actually exist. I'm a deep believer that Barty had an amazing mom and he was a full on momma's boy) so yeah...
I know nothing about politics. My only knowledge comes from watching CNN 10 when I was like 11 in class and 2020 tiktok. And also watching like 3 episodes of The Crown on Netflix.... Soooooo..... not very helpful.
So if anyone knows anything about this type of politics and stuff please lmk!! Cause I'd actually like to know. And it'll help me if I actually do decide to write this fic.
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Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Regulus Black/James Potter, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: James Potter, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, Mary Macdonald, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Peter Pettigrew, Pandora Lovegood, Evan Rosier, Bartemius Crouch Jr. Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Kinda, Animagus Regulus Black, Animagus James Potter, Animagus, Oblivious James Potter, Regulus Black is a Little Shit, but also smitten with james, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Grammarly is my beta, Established Regulus Black/James Potter, Established Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Series: Part 2 of Tiny menaces Summary:
James doesn't believe in bad luck, let alone bad days. But when a black cat crosses his path, his day suddenly becomes a series of unfortunate events that had him running from dangerous creatures, falling from really high places, and unintentionally, setting things on fire that shouldn't be that flammable, to begin with. Little does he know, the person behind all of this madness is closer than he thinks.
No, that doesn't make sense. His boyfriend can’t be an animagus, can he?
Besides, a black cat animagus can’t actually bring bad luck… right?
--- Or: when Regulus messed up with his boyfriend just for the fun of it… and they almost die. A few times.
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lumosinlove · 5 months
Christmas Eve Will Find Me
(cw in tags if you wish)
Five: Sirius
Athens, Greece
Sirius wasn’t reckless. He thought before he did—probably too much sometimes. He kept himself in line. Maybe it was a product of a strict upbringing. A smack on the cheek or hand at one wrong move. He used to think it was what made him so good for the agency. Salazar liked strict. They liked obedient. James, therefore, hadn’t quite made sense to Sirius as a candidate, at least not in the beginning. Not until he showed Sirius that it wasn’t just about following orders. It was about heart, too. Camaraderie. Remus had shown him that, too. Still, Sirius couldn’t always shake that rule-following kid.
But if Remus was on the rooftops getting shot at by Jack Archer, who had just been holding a gun to Logan and Finn’s heads, all bets were off.
Jack was smart though. He took Sirius right through the now bustling Christmas market. Small children strapped the the chests of fathers. Women in groups laughing and catching up over coffee. Carolers by a central fountain. Sirius caught glimpses of alarmed eyes as he ran, always keeping the back of Jack’s head just in sight. He tried not to add to the mess on the street, narrowly avoiding the cart Jack had carelessly rolled into his path. He sprinted past the pissed vendor. He knew he should hide his gun. Lights blurred beside him and the sun came out from behind a cloud, then went again. His feet pounded the pavement. The streets narrowed. Jack stumbled on the stones in front of a cafe, sending cups shattering to the cobblestones and making a shop owner run out and shout at him. For a second, Sirius thought he was going to catch up. He swiped forward at the fabric of Jack’s shirt, but Jack rolled and then was up on his feet again. Sirius lunged. He didn’t care who was watching. He didn’t care if they saw his gun. His arms wrapped around Jack’s waist and they both hit the cobblestones hard, rolling into another table. Sirius felt something hot splash against his neck, something sharp dig into the skin of his wrist.
Jack was up again in a moment, using a hard kick to Sirius’ ribs to knock the wind out of him. Sirius gasped, coughing as he scrambled up from the ground and away from the alarmed onlookers. He yanked the shard of ceramic out of his arm. Jack slipped around a bend in the street—but this was one Sirius recognized. He’d chased Remus—or the ghost of Remus—right into this corner.
When he held his gun up on Jack, Jack’s hands were around the bars of the very gate Sirius had run into their first day here.
“Dead end, Archer,” Sirius said. “Now tell me why you’re here.”
Jack at least knew when he’d been caught. His shoulders moved quickly, breathing hard as he rested his forehead against the gate.
“Did you know?” Sirius could hardly say the words. “Did you know they were alive?”
“Get the fuck down,” Sirius said, striding closer until they were both hidden in the alleyway. He risked a glance behind him. “On your knees.”
Jack went, knocking the damp hair out of his face with a jerk of his head. Sirius could see both of their breath fogging between them. “We didn’t know. Not until Leo found Remus.”
“And you want them dead.”
Jack’s mouth formed a thin line.
Sirius didn’t have time for this. His mind kept skipping back, trying to figure out who had been shooting from the roof. RemusRemusRemus.
“Why?” Sirius asked. “Why do you want them dead? They’re our own, what changed? And I swear to God, answer me, or I’ll bring you to James.”
James was sweet. James was funny. James was relaxed and kind and easy-going.
James could also get information out of anyone. He was their top interrogator, had been since the academy. How do you do it? Sirius had once asked. Sirius had never liked seeing terrified faces up close. James had gotten a sad, faraway look on his face. I pretend they have Lily. And Harry. And then I don’t feel so guilty. I just want them to talk. I make them talk.
Jack seemed to have heard the rumors because he paled. “Listen. This is Salazar. You’re here to find them and bring them in. That’s all I’m here for, too.”
Sirius thought briefly of telling Jack about Logan’s memory, but Remus’ careful hazel eyes filled his mind. Unsure. Untrusting.
“Why pull the gun?”
Jack’s eyebrow arched. “Tremblay was holding a gun on his own husband. Who, by the way…” Jack made a scornful sound. “Should not be here.”
It was Sirius’ turn to stay silent. It was a sensible response, but that didn’t mean Sirius believed him.
“What,” Jack laughed a little. “You think we wouldn’t know?”
“I couldn’t stop him.”
“That makes two of us, then,” Sirius said. “Why are you here?”
“Is he turned?” Jack asked in a hushed voice, eyes dark. “Is Lupin?”
“Turned where? By who?”
Jack shook his head slowly. “Liar.”
“I’m not.” Sirius swallowed over a dry throat. At least, not entirely. Pascal. Pascal, whoever he was.
“You don’t want to get on our bad side, Black,” Jack said. His hand twitched, maybe towards a knife, and Sirius stretched his gun forward. Jack’s smile was tight. “I think Tremblay’s enough proof of that.”
Sirius stared at him. “What the hell does that mean?”
Jack opened his mouth to answer, but stopped as though his words had frozen in his mouth. He snapped his lips shut, then a strained cough escaped. A twitch went through his body, almost like a pulse of electricity, and he sat back against his heels. Sirius hesitated, watching Jack blink fast at the cobblestones before raising his eyes to Sirius.
“Who the hell are you?” Jack asked, eyes darting between the two guns. He scrambled backwards, the gate rattling when it hit his back. “What the hell?”
Sirius froze. He clicked the safety off on his own gun. “Don’t bullshit me, Archer.”
Jack blinked at him, eyes unfocused. “I…”
Another twitch, a strange pulse through his body. Jack gasped. A thin trickle of blood ran from his nose. He swayed where he was, and his hands went to his head. “Ah—” Sirius watched his face screw up in pain. Jack stared up at him. “What’s wrong with me?”
“Jack—” Sirius began to say, but then Jack fell against the pavement, as suddenly as if someone had pushed him, with a harsh thud.
Sirius felt something cold squeeze around his throat. Dread, maybe. Adrenaline. Slowly, he lowered the guns, tucking one into his belt and swinging the other behind him, doing a quick scan of what little of the street he could see. He raised it up towards the roofs, then crouched in front of Jack.
His eyes were open, lips parted, blood quickly drying on his skin. He was dead.
“Jesus,” Sirius whispered. “Jesus, fuck—” His hand went for his radio, and then he paused. It was Salazar’s radio.
If anyone had told Sirius just a week ago that that would make him pause, he would have laughed.
Sirius checked Jack’s pulse—nothing—and then cursed as he heaved his body up against the wall as best he could. There was no point in trying to move him, not with the city waking up. Someone would have to find him like this. Sirius turned Jack’s collar up, closed his eyes, and took the wires off of him. He took his knives—all the ones he could feel anyway—and the second, small gun he found tucked into his boot.
He walked in the opposite direction of the cafes, towards the still mostly sleeping residential streets. There had been no blood, not that much anyway, but Sirius checked his hands and front before calling out to a man sweeping the steps in front of his house with a cigarette between his teeth.
The man didn’t put up much of a fight, just handed Sirius his cellphone before waving him off and going back to the chore.
The line picked up immediately.
“Lion den,” Sirius said into the tone. It was their secure line. If Salazar knew about it, they’d be dead, but Finn’s tracker wasn’t the first illegal backup Leo had set up. James hadn’t seen the point, hadn’t seen what they’d ever have to hide any comms, but Leo had insisted. Now, Sirius was glad. After Archer and Remus and Logan, he didn’t know who to trust. A headache was building at the back of his skull.
“We’re not at the house,” Leo said instead of hello. “After Archer, I didn’t think we should go back there.”
“He’s dead,” Sirius said.
He heard Leo’s sharp inhale. “Sirius—”
“It wasn’t me,” Sirius said. “We were running, I got him. And then he didn’t recognize me all of a sudden. A minute later, he was dead.”
Sirius’ heart was going so hard he had to press a hand there. The sweeping man didn’t even look up. The gray light hurt his eyes.
“Where are you?” Sirius asked. “Leo. Are you all together?”
“He’s dead?” Leo asked. “But—how? And what do you mean he didn’t recognize you?”
“I don’t know, I thought he was fucking with me, because maybe he knew Logan—but how would he know Logan couldn’t remember? I…” Sirius pressed at his eyes. It was as though someone was shining a spotlight right in his eyes. It ached. “I don’t know, Le. Where are you? Where are you?”
“Sirius,” Leo said. “I can’t find—I can’t find you.”
“I can’t find you—Jesus, here, I’m dropping this number our coordinates—but Sirius, your tracker’s offline.”
Sirius felt the phone vibrate with the incoming text. He looked, memorizing quickly. It would disappear entirely in a minute, erasing itself.
“He didn’t recognize you?” Leo asked. “He didn’t…”
“Leo,” Sirius said, and then dropped to a knee. God, his very bones ached. His skull.
“Oh God,” Leo said faintly, and then, a little farther away from the phone, he shouted. “James!”
Sirius ducked away from the gray light. The cold wind. His head was killing him. “Fuck.”
“Eh!” The man stopped sweeping, looking at him. He said something fast in Greek, but Sirius was hopeless to translate just then.
“Sirius,” Leo said, voice closer now. “You’re tracker. Cut it out right now.”
“What?” Sirius asked.
“Cut out your tracker right now,” Leo shouted. “You said Jack forgot and then he was dead, there’s nothing that would cause that except—” Leo cut off with a short cry.
“Leo?” Sirius said.
He heard Finn’s voice in the background. Leo! Oh my God—
Then Leo’s. Cut it out, Finn. Right there, remember, feel it? Finn, stop fucking staring, do it, do it, it’s going to kill me and James—
“Finish?” the man asked him, alarmed. He was holding out his hand for his phone, but didn’t look like he wanted to get much closer to Sirius. “Hey, finish? Finish?”
“Help,” Sirius said. “Please—” He pulled the Greek out but he didn’t know how. Autopilot, maybe. “Sir, please may I use your bathroom? It’s life or death.”
The man began to shake his head, but Sirius didn’t have time—he shouldn’t have even asked. The man shouted as Sirius hauled himself up and stumbled past him. He shouldered through the small, wooden door and found himself in a living room—tidy and smelling of cinnamon and coffee. It connected right with the kitchen, not unlike their safe house. The dim lamp by the sofa stung his eyes, glaring as if it were a sun. Sirius blinked hard, looking for something sharp, anything.
“Hey!” The man tried to grab his shoulder, but Sirius shook him off easily. There was a knife, small, laying beside a sliced lemon. Sirius grabbed it and all but fell against the sink. A small vase on the window sill above slipped and shattered into the basin.
The man’s protests was no more than a ringing in Sirius’ ear as he groped at the back of his own neck. What the hell are you doing? Are you insane? Are you sick? Hey, my wife and children will be back soon, come on, brother, don’t scare them. Put the knife down, put the knife down—
There. Sirius felt the bump. Was he imagining that it was hot to the touch? It didn’t matter.
He didn’t even feel the pain of the blade. His adrenaline was so high that it felt like nothing at all. Butter. A slip. Only the red on his hands let him know that he had succeeded. That, and the small, pill-like chip clutched between his fingers.
The pain evaporated and Sirius drew in a ragged breath.
No sooner had he dropped the tracker into the sink than did it let out a high-pitched sound and crack itself in half.
His hearing returned. He blinked his vision back to normal. He worked the pressure out of his jaw. The tracker released a thin trail of smoke.
Sirius, he tested. Sirius Black. He knew himself. He knew the coordinates.
When he turned, breathing hard and sweating, he grabbed an old, dirty looking cloth and pressed it to his neck. It didn’t look like anyone would miss it. The man was simply staring at him, eyes darting between his face and the device in the sink.
“Thank you.” Sirius breathed the words out. Greek, or at least half way there. “I am sorry. I am sorry.”
Without another word, Sirius raced out the door.
The coordinates were an abandoned building right on the coast. Sirius could smell the salt. The cold air was made colder by damp. He had stopped the bleeding of his neck and turned up his collar to keep the rag in place. Everything felt wet and slippery now. Recent rain on the rocks beneath his feet as he walked up an old pathway.
There was nothing inside, it was merely a somewhat reasonable roof of their heads. Shelter, nothing more. Just broken down boards and stone walls now.
To anyone else, it looked empty.
Sirius whistled two notes.
Two notes returned from his left where the sea and horizon bled into each other, framed by a still standing window. It could have been a painting. A TV.
James appeared in front of it, wild hair haloed by the light.
“Fuck,” James said, and then they were hugging. Sirius face ended up near a slightly pink bandage on James’ neck, and he sighed his relief all over again.
“Fuck me, we had a bomb in our head the whole time, Si.” James reached up and brushed the bandage with light fingers. “Just an average day on the job.” His eyes went to Sirius’ neck. “What did you do it with?”
“Fucking kitchen knife, man. You?”
James’ laugh was shaky. “One of my daggers on Leo and I. Finn did it. Think he’s a little freaked, but he did it.”
“Oh Jesus, I should have…” Sirius shook his head. He had his own and he had Jack’s. “Didn’t have to traumatize this…God, never mind. I fucking broke into someone’s house.”
James laughed again, but he looked pale. “It’ll be fine. I was so scared I didn’t even feel it.”
James raised his eyebrows. “Jack?”
“I left him,” Sirius said. “Took everything off him. People will think…I don’t know. But there’s nothing to lead back to Salazar or us.”
James nodded, taking that in. “Salazar’ll be looking for us now that they can’t find us.”
Sirius nodded. “I know… I know they will. We have to move.” They began walking towards the sea window. “How did you end up here? Where are the others?”
“Finn and Leo are with Logan.”
Logan. God, Sirius hadn’t forgotten, of course he hadn’t forgotten, but what a strange thing to hear. After all these months, just a simple Finn and Leo are with Logan.
No sooner had James said it than did the Leo appear. He had an identical bandage to James and held one out to Sirius, along with an alcohol packet.
“Clean that,” Leo said.
Sirius tossed the bloody rag away. “Did yours smoke, too?”
“Yeah,” Leo said. “The second I started to get a headache—Finn said that’s what happened to Logan, too. Said he fell down in pain. But…” Leo frowned in the way he did when he was thinking something over, when something was so entirely perplexing to him that he was sure to pull an all nighter. Sirius had seen him many times after those. Blond hair a mess, coffee mugs lined up besides the water and the electrolyte packets.
“Where…” Sirius began to say. He’d only gotten a glimpse of Logan and it was beginning to feel more like a dream. His slack face. There had been blood? Hadn’t there?
Leo moved aside, revealing a half-collapsed hallway. No, it was more like an nave. Sirius looked up and realized that the remnant of a vaulted ceiling remained, stone and precarious. This had been a church.
Wind whistled through, a high note off the sea, when Sirius saw them. Finn and Logan were at the other end, a corner mostly intact and protected from the cold. Finn was awake, staring down at Logan’s face like he couldn’t stand to look away, not even for a moment. Logan was—asleep?
“Knocked out.” Leo filled in his thoughts. “Finn said he remembered him in the alley, but he’s been out ever since.”
“And his tracker?”
“It’s gone,” Leo said. “I checked.”
“But if Salazar wanted him dead…”
Leo nodded, already there. “Then whoever took it out probably saved his life."
“But he can’t remember us,” Sirius said.
Leo rubbed a hand through his hair, then pressed his fingers to his mouth, thinking. There was blood beneath his nails still, a crust of red even smeared along his jaw. Sirius had the sudden urge to wipe it away for him.
“You said Jack forgot who you were a second before he was killed,” Leo said. “I’m guessing—and this is only a guess—that this is some sort of…kill code put into place in Salazar’s tracker hardware. A memory wipe in case we get captured, and then a kill switch if there’s no hope or if we might crack and tell all.”
“Jesus,” James whispered.
“I’m guessing whoever took out Logan’s didn’t do it in time to prevent the memory wipe. And that’s calling it real close, I don’t know…”
Remus. Sirius could hardly breathe. If he hadn’t seen that footage for himself, he’d be on his knees all over again, desperate and afraid.
“Can you reverse it?” James asked. He was chewing on a thumbnail, looking down the hall. “God, please say you can Leo.”
Leo let out a shaky breath. “I don’t know.” He looked down the stone archways towards Finn. As the three of them watched, Finn reached out a hand and brushed Logan’s hair back from his eyes gently. “I don’t know.”
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alesbianslytherin · 2 months
We are back with wolf star as thing me and my ex Gfriend did
Sirius: you Know I love youuuuu whatever way you are right.
Remus: I love you too and what ever way you are
Sirius: would you love me if I were arrested for drug dealing in a school?
Remus: sirius what did you do?
Sirius: nothing....
Remus: Sirius
*police sirens*
Remus: SIRIUS!
Sirius: *starts to run*
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munacy · 1 year
Cross-posted to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44490136
Remus pours out two fingers of whiskey. He holds the glass out to Sirius for his inspection, to which Sirius raises one disapproving brow. Remus smiles wryly, adds a third finger, and then Sirius takes the glass without complaint.
“He’s certainly growing up, our little Prongslet. Blimey, a girlfriend?” murmurs Sirius wonderingly, resuming their discussion of Harry’s rumored outing with a one Cho Chang. 
“Yes, quite. Although, from what I’ve heard, it appears that the poor girl left in tears.” Remus fails to fight a twitch of the lips. “I mean, that’s James, in one.” 
They both chortle indecently, clink their glasses in memory of the deceased, and throw back a healthy measure of spirit. Sirius becomes fascinated by a droplet of whiskey resting on Remus’ bottom lip. He’s just become very familiar with the flavor of the bottle they’re sharing, but thinks his greatest desire in the whole wide world is to know what that specific droplet tastes like.
“Ah, Padfoot,” Remus sighs wistfully, “to be young and in love again.”
“You miss being young?” he asks.
He knows the answer to that, but he wants Remus to ask him.
And he doesn’t disappoint, looking back at Sirius incredulously. “Don’t you?”
“Some parts. I miss when my knees didn’t creak getting out of bed. I miss having a cool taste in music; now, I don’t understand half of it. I miss turning heads when I walk into a room.”
“You still turn heads, you vain, daft thing,” Remus mutters bashfully, faintly pink and looking down into his whiskey.
Sirius holds back a snort, knowing that no one—present company possibly, hopefully excluded—thought him an exceptional beauty these days. “And I miss the days when I really thought everything would go whatever way I wanted it to, because, by God, I was Sirius Black.”
Remus smiles indulgently at him. “But?”
Sirius steels himself. He’s been waiting a long time for this. He’s been waiting for Remus to be ready to hear it, but mostly, he’s been waiting for himself to be ready to say it.
“But I don’t miss being young,” he starts haltingly. “I don’t miss the uncertainty.”
“Uncertainty?” Remus’ wide ochre eyes are fixed on him. Remus’ sole attention on him, even at 15 years old, has always made him feel as though he’s done a dead drop on his broom. Some things never change.
“Yeah,” he nods. “Uncertainty. When I was young, I didn’t know who I was…Didn’t want to even try to figure it out. And in those rare instances when I was introspective enough to catch a true glimpse of myself…I was frightened by what I saw. I was frightened of what…of what others would think of me, if they knew what I really was.”
Remus stiffens almost imperceptibly, but his face is otherwise placid.
Sirius sighs heavily. “I turned away from it, denied my true self. And I think no one suffered more for it than I, and…and perhaps you. I was the worst sort of coward. I was brave in all things, except for the things that mattered.”
Remus’ eyes have unfocused slightly.
“Remus, I wouldn’t trade knowing and accepting who I am, not for all of the youth in the world,” he finishes quietly.
His expression does something complicated. He looks almost angry, confused, and his long, thin fingers reach up to cover his mouth.
Don’t hide yourself from me, please, Sirius begs mentally, knowing how insane that would sound if he said it aloud.
I’ve spent entirely too much time not looking at every single part of you.
As if hearing his thoughts, he removes his hand from his face, steadies himself on the coffee table as he leans forward. His eyes are a bright, hard and intense amber. Remus’ words come out in a quick, reluctant whisper, as if he cannot stop himself from speaking: “And who are you, Sirius?”
He’s thought of a hundred ways to come out to Remus, imaginary conversations with James in the chill of his cell, during which his memory of his brother mostly just took the piss and called him an emotional ponce. It was a fairly accurate caricature of the real life James F. Potter.
In the end, he doesn’t think at all: “I am a man who is violently in love with you.” He pauses, a little surprised. “I always have been. I always will be.”
Remus wastes no time in standing up and striding out of the room.
It wasn’t exactly the reaction Sirius had expected, but he had also known better than to expect a happy ending for himself.
Remus bursts back into the room like an angry gale: “God dammit, Padfoot!”
He storms out the door on the opposite wall. This time, he’s gone for a little bit longer, but when he appears again, just about kicking down a third door, he looks just as furious as before.
“Are you fucking serious?!”
He’s left the room again, without even the courtesy of allowing Sirius to make the obligatory, if tired, joke for old time’s sake.
By the time Remus comes back, Sirius is halfway through a second glass of whiskey and has worked up a decent sulk. He sits up straight in the leather armchair, trying to shake away his increasing tipsiness. Remus is standing at the threshold, panting a little, a feral, wild look about him that Sirius has never quite seen before. 
Sirius begins, “Moony, I—“
And Remus crosses the room in three long paces, looking for all the world like he’s going to punch him, but no, he kisses Sirius on the forehead with hard, bruising pressure, tightly fisting the back of his hair in one hand and clutching the side of his throat in the other.
And Sirius wasn’t expecting that either.
Remus crawls desperately into his lap, hands patting him erratically as if to make sure all of Sirius’ body parts are there.
“I’d thought I’d got rid of you,” he moans exasperatedly. Sirius feels the vibration of Remus’ muffled sob, buried in his neck.
“I don’t think you can,” he replies weakly, sheepishly. “I’m like a particularly tenacious tick.”
When Remus finally kisses him on the mouth, like he’s been wanting desperately for decades—and it’s not until hours later, after they’ve talked for hours—the most unexpected thing is that it is gentle. It is so heartbreakingly soft, so sweet and slow, just like the way Remus smiles or speaks. He realizes in a detached way that he’s crying a bit. He’s never been handled delicately before. He didn’t know love could be gentle. “Why are you crying, you silly boy?” Remus is smiling down at him now, fondly, like Sirius is daft and precious, and so, so breakable. He removes Sirius’ belt and lowers his trousers and underwear with deft hands, holding Sirius in his hand with that intense attention that makes him feel as though he’s dead dropping on his broom. “Don’t you know there’s nothing to be sad about?”
“Why are you crying, old boy?”
“Oh, I dunno,” Remus sniffles sheepishly. “Being silly.”
Sirius watches Remus watch the happy couple walk back up the aisle together, tears pooling in the gentle crow’s feet by his eyes.
“No, go on, tell me,” he nudges.
“Alright, alright, it’s just…from the back, you know, they could be Lily and James.”
“Yeah…” sighs Sirius wistfully. “Harry, though, much better with women than James ever was.”
“Oh, indubitably,” Remus agrees immediately.
“Little Prongslet grew up. I wish, oh, I wish they could have seen it. Just-just the finest lad you e-ever—“
“Shh, Pads, s’alright,” Remus soothes. He squeezes his hand and it steadies him.
“Christ, things have changed so much between then and now. We grew up too, Remus, you realize?” He wipes away an errant tear impatiently. “I didn’t know that would happen.”
“Imagine that.”
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orchideous-nox · 5 months
After so much Jegulus brain rot and an insane amount of ideas pushed to one side, I wrote this absolute beauty which is 50% smut.
Second chance Jegulus // 9k words // nsfw
While this is technically a sequel to one of my wolfstar fics, it can be read independently.
Please read the tags on ao3 < 3
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anticomedygarden · 6 months
how to trick your friends (don't worry, you're still a good person)
Five years ago, Remus and Lily may have convinced their boyfriends that it was proper for purebloods to give gifts on Thanksgiving.
@kaymardsa look what i did!
also on ao3
Remus supposed he should feel bad about this, and he did. A little. A bit. Definitely more than none.
But as they got closer and closer to the holiday, and the pile of brightly wrapped gifts in their closet steadily grew, he couldn't help but laugh to himself, especially knowing that a few blocks away, Lily was doing the same thing.
So when they pulled up to James and Lily's flat on the night before Thanksgiving, Sirius toting a bag with an expansion charm to rival Santa Claus, Remus just sat back and watched him dump it out next to James' pile on the floor by the couch, grinning when he caught Lily's mirthful eye.
Then, Sirius and James disappeared into the kitchen to do the lord knows what, and Mary looked up from the couch and said, "Are you two really still doing that? At this point, it's just mean."
Marlene made a humming noise from her place on Dorcas' lap next to Mary. "I don't know, it's not like it's hurting anyone." Odd stance for the blonde, considering there wasn't a gift for her in the pile.
"Right," Lily said, pointing to Marlene. Remus stifled a laugh as she shifted her gaze to Mary. "And if you want those gold earrings you liked at Tift's, you'll keep your mouth shut."
Comically, Mary's mouth popped open in surprised glee, and she mimed zipping her lips. So much for principles.
Which - it was fine. It wasn't that bad of a lie. Besides, it wasn't like either of the boys couldn't afford it, and they did enjoy giving gifts. Honestly, Remus was more worried how Sirius would react when he found out his boyfriend had been lying to him. If he found out, and that was a big if. Thinking back on it, Remus was still shocked they'd believed it in the first place.
Five years ago
"...And every single year, Petunia would fall asleep on the car ride home, so, of course, I would shove marshmallows from Aunt Lyla's yams in her pockets." Lily snickered. "She'd be so pissed when she woke up, but I still did it every year."
On the other side of the table, Remus laughed into his eggs, as did Sirius. Across from them, James' face seemed to be going through a mix of amusement and absolute admiration at his girlfriend.
Since it was the night before fall break, they'd been sharing each of their Thanksgiving traditions, and Remus had to say, Lily's took the cake.
"All right, that's the best one," Sirius snorted. "Anyone else got any?"
Remus cleared his throat around the last few chuckles. "My Uncle Edgar used to give us all gifts on Thanksgiving, and they were always awful, you know, socks, sunglasses, he even gave me a toothbrush once."
"A toothbrush?" James said incredulously. "What?"
Remus laughed. "Right? And it wasn't like the man was poor, he was actually pretty well off, so I don't know what the hell he was thinking."
If he'd expected more laughter, he was disappointed. Rather, Sirius and James were glancing at each other with furrowed brows. "Thanksgiving gift?" James murmured. "Is that a thing muggles do?"
Remus opened his mouth to tell him that, no, that wasn't normal and his uncle had just been a man with some quirks, but Lily beat him to the punch. "Actually, purebloods are supposed to give their muggle born and halfblood friends gifts on Thanksgiving. Isn't that right, Remus?"
There was a very brief debate in his mind. "Yeah, it's an old public welfare tradition from when purebloods staked us in the streets." Lily snorted into her pumpkin juice, but apparently there wasn't enough sarcasm in his voice because both James and Sirius' eyes went wide.
"Really?" Sirius said after opening and closing his mouth a few times.
Lily turned to him with shocked glee written all over her face. "Of course, have you not heard of it?"
With one last look at the other black haired boy, James gave a nervous laugh. "Of course we have."
Then, there was movement under the table, and Sirius shook his head. "Yeah, me, too."
Lily gave him a look full of bewilderment, like she couldn't believe her lie had worked, before the conversation moved on, and he forgot about it entirely.
At least until four days later, when two different owls arrived, both with books and enough chocolate to last him to Christmas.
A couple hours later found the group in various places in the living room, Marlene and Dorcas squished into one large purple armchair, James and Lily in the black loveseat, and Mary and a recently arrived Peter on the light gray couch. Remus was lying on the floor between Sirius' legs with his head resting on his boyfriend's chest and Sirius with his back to the loveseat. They were all stuffed full, though it was only a precursor to the dinner they would have tomorrow at Effie and Monty's.
Remus may have been a werewolf, but he had definitely outgrown whatever it was that made teenage boys able to eat so much, because as he laid there with Sirius gently playing with his fingers, it was all he could do not to throw up.
Then James said, "Let's open presents!" and it quickly became apparent everyone else was in the same boat as him.
"I'm so full," Dorcas groaned. "I don't think I can move."
Above them, James shifted. "That's what wands are for."
A moment later, two boxes, one with turkey wrapping paper and the other covered in dancing elves, dropped into his lap.
He really should feel bad.
But it was too funny.
And it has been going on for five years. It would just be awkward to tell them now.
Somehow, he managed to sit and lift his arms to open the paper, as did everyone else. Well, everyone except Marlene.
("How come Regulus and McKinnon don't have to partake in this little tradition?" Sirius grumbled, looking through the shelves of a muggle department store.
Remus thought fast. "Marlene's family doesn't celebrate muggle holidays." He paused. "And if we made Regulus participate in muggle holiday gift giving, he'd probably give us poison.")
The first gift was from James, a collection of the works of O'Henry and, of course, chocolate. He looked up at James with a minimally guilt-tinged smile. "Thank you."
His friends' hazel eyes were soft. "You're welcome."
Back on the floor, Sirius tapped him on the thigh. "Open mine."
"Yes, boss," he said, getting a light kick to the ankle in response. He opened the other box.
His gift from Sirius was, as usual, incredibly thoughtful. This year, it was a brown leather notebook, pristine and marked with his initials.
He felt Sirius put his lips next to his ear. "For all those thoughts, Moony."
Remus turned his head to kiss him, this time with a bit more guilt. He really should tell him the truth. "Thank you, baby, I love it."
In lieu of a 'you're welcome,' Sirius slipped him the tongue.
Next year. He'd tell him next year.
Just then, the front door opened, showing Regulus Black with snow dusting his shoulders and inky black hair. "Sorry I'm late. Boss wouldn't let me leave."
They all offered up greetings, groaned out through full stomachs.
"There's still plenty of food in the kitchen," James announced.
Behind Remus, Sirius shifted to better speak to his brother. "Be fast, I have something for you this year."
There was a scuffling noise, presumably from Regulus kicking off his shoes. "Does that mean you're finally dropping the charade?"
Then, unaware of the bomb he'd just dropped, the younger Black walked right into the kitchen without a backward glance.
Remus sat frozen and felt Sirius sitting stock still behind him, too. Was this really how their relationship would end, with a five year fib revealed by his would-be brother-in-law?
Wait. Why had Sirius frozen? And why hadn't he or James said anything?
With a dawning horror, Remus turned around to face his boyfriend. "You knew?"
After a brief pause, Sirius nodded slowly. "Yeah, we know."
A gasp went around the room. "If you knew, why are you still doing it?" Peter asked, a Honeyduke's container held in one hand and a jumper on his lap.
Lily made a noise of agreement.
"We liked it," James said honestly. "It's fun to give you guys shit."
Remus knew his friend well enough by now to know that he wasn't lying which only made him feel worse.
"And it was a pretty great prank, you have to admit." That one came from his boyfriend, and he laughed, the rest of the room soon to join in.
"How'd you figure it out?" Mary asked.
Sirius snorted. "I asked Remus' dad what he was getting him for Thanksgiving, and he acted like I was insane."
Remus groaned. "My dad was in on it?"
"Yep." Sirius giggled.
"Have you known the whole time?" Marlene asked.
"Yes," James and Sirius said in tandem.
That was when Regulus reappeared out of the kitchen door a plate of food in his hands. "They believed it for three years."
"You little jerk," Sirius exclaimed, flicking a piece of wrapping paper at him. "Fucking snitch. Whose side are you on?"
Regulus smirked at him, making himself comfortable on the floor in front of Mary. "Not yours."
Sirius threw another bit of paper at him, starting an absolute war, and everyone quickly forgot about the gift debacle but were pleasantly reminded a year later at the next Thanksgiving.
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svnflower-writes · 5 months
“Moony?” Sirius took one long look at the taller boy and fell into his welcoming embrace, letting his shaky hands cling to Remus’ back as he buried his head into his chest. “Oh, Moony. Thank Merlin you’re here.”
In which Remus is at James’ house when Sirius runs away, and that alone makes everything better.
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inevitablestars · 5 months
bite the hand, chapter 11 - out now!
The car slows again, this time James reaches to put it in park. They look up to find the house they know so well, with a few lights on. Their breathing picks up a bit with no where to hide from what’s next. The unknown is coming for Sirius whether they want it or not, and they know they should welcome it with open arms. It’s the only way forward, but part of them wants to hide behind what they know.  Hide behind their teeth, biting at anything that comes too close. Even if that’s usually Remus and they know they shouldn’t.  “We’re here.” They quietly say.  “We are.” He doesn’t push them out of the car exactly, but he doesn’t give them much choice either. “Text or call if you need anything. And Sirius?” They feel their own eyes go wide looking up at him. He looks back with a dopey smile settling on his face. “Go get your man.”  Easy enough, right?
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exhaustedcatte · 1 year
Teddy Remus Lupin
“Ted! D’you mind helping me clear out the attic?” Andromeda Tonks yelled from the kitchen.
The taffy-haired boy slung his arm across her shoulders as he veered his grandmother towards the stairs. “Yeah, ‘course I’ll help, but what’s the occasion?”
“We haven’t enough rooms for guests.”
Teddy shrugged.
They made their way into the attic, a spacious cavern with cardboard boxes piled high along the perimeter.
Andromeda handed Teddy a cloth and a duster to arm himself with, and then set to work.
The pair removed the boxes and Teddy found numerous playthings and toys, all from his childhood.
“We can sterilise them and give them to Hermione. She is expecting, isn’t she.”
“Oh Ted,” Andromeda clapped her hands together, “that’s a lovely idea.”
Andromeda levitated the boxes downstairs, to pass on to the kids and what was unusable was to be donated.
They worked in tandem, occasionally pausing to rifle through obscure Black Family possessions and some of his grandfather’s muggle keepsakes. Teddy pocketed an interesting looking device – a Walkman, it said. He didn’t want it to end up in the Weasley bin and have Arthur fiddle with it.
The doorbell rang when they were halfway through. Teddy unloaded the last of his toys into a plastic bin, and jumped over miscellaneous trash to open the door.
“Hiya Ted!” Harry grinned.
And at the same time, Draco smiled, “Hello, Edward.”
“Hey guys!” He huffed a laugh, “How come you’re both here?”
“Surprise,” Harry ruffled his hair.
His uncle shook his head in disagreement, “Your knuckle-headed godfather must’ve forgotten that today was my turn to have you.”
“Did not!” Harry pressed an offended hand to his chest.
Draco rolled his eyes at Teddy and behind him Harry mouthed ‘kinda did’.
“Teddy! Who is it?”
“It’s just Draco and Harry, grandma,” Teddy yelled back.
“Where’s your grandmother?” Draco asked him, politely sidestepping the mess that had been levitated into the drawing room.
“We’re cleaning the attic, she didn’t want anyone sleeping on the couch, so.”
“We’ll help, let’s get your grandma out of that allergy box,” Harry clapped Teddy’s back.
“I’m allergic to dust,” Draco sniffed delicately.
Harry raised a brow, blinking in disbelief, “Could’ve fooled me when you followed me to the most cruddy places, Malfoy.”
“Aunt Andromeda! Let’s get that finished for you,” Draco marched ahead, neck growing pink below his mullet.
The three boys sent Andromeda down to bake her infamous biscuits, while they tidied the place.
“So, which one of us are you banishing to up here?” Draco asked, lifting his hands to levitate boxes downstairs.
“Can’t you just use your wand, you showoff?” Harry jested.
“I don’t have my wand on me Potter, and it’s not like you don’t know how to forgo using your wand.”
Teddy ignored the banter. “I’m actually thinking I’d like this place for myself.”
Harry pivoted on his foot, “That would be wicked.”
Draco lifted another box and was magicking that downstairs when he bumped into Harry and the things in the box came pouring out.
“I swear to fucking Merlin, Potter,” Draco began, as Harry moved away – hands raised in surrender, but Teddy accidentally interrupted him.
“What the hell is that?”
“Language,” Draco murmured absently, kneeling down as well.
There was a huge album, embossed RJ. Lupin, crammed to the brim with pictures.
“Wow,” Harry breathed, touching the cover reverently.
“That’s not…” Teddy looked up for confirmation. “That’s my dad’s.”
Draco hesitantly opened the book.
Inside were pictures Teddy had never seen before.
There were photographs of four young boys, round faced and bright eyed. Pictures of them wearing matching scarves, all of them bundled in one huge sweater, them sporting matching butterbeer ‘staches. Four boys doing absolutely everything together.
The tawny haired kid, despite the thin silvery scars on his knuckles, had the biggest smile on his face. He stared hard at it, trying to burn it into memory, swallowing the growing ball of heat in his throat.
“Dad,” Harry smiled sadly, tracing a photo of James Potter tackling Remus in a hug. “I used to hear that I looked exactly like him for all my life. I don’t anymore.”
The implication was obvious. Harry was now older than James had gotten to be.
“You still look very similar. He was a handsome man, your dad,” Draco rubbed Harry’s back consolingly.
“Calling me handsome, Malfoy?”
“Take it as you will.”
The next few snapshots were of Remus, Sirius and James. Heads bent over a huge piece of parchment, fitted smartly in dress robes, pie-faced on halloween, wearing Santa hats.
Then came another year.
Remus was visibly the tallest of the quartet. He had shot up severely, his face was more rugged, almost roguishly handsome. A shadow of stubble on his face, hardened jaw, a strong nose. He had shed the last shreds of childish innocence, to give way to a handsome young lad. But even still, his big amber eyes, even through pictures, were so kind. Love omnipresent in them.
Remus was shot studying, or gallivanting with his troop in all the photos. He was stooped over a wrinkly hand (Teddy wondered if it was Hope Lupin) painting the nails a pale pink. Remus was in the library, the kitchens, the astronomy tower, all after bed-time. Teddy felt relief bubble up in him, his father had had fun in his time at Hogwarts, no matter the circumstances.
Draco turned the page.
There were a lot of pictures of whom Harry identified as Sirius Black. The man had had an incredibly handsome youth. Beautiful grey eyes, long shiny hair, cuttingly high cheekbones. His complexion pallid, a shock against the ink black of his hair. His heart shaped face drew stop at a pointy chin.
Where Remus looked hardened, Sirius appeared delicate. The Black genes were strong, he recognised a lot of Andromeda in his grand-uncle.
“He was quite the looker,” Draco acknowledged.
Teddy noticed through the corner of his eye how Harry kept looking at Sirius and back at Draco. He also seemed to find the Black genes in a relative, just like Teddy had.
There was a picture of Sirius laughing at something a girl beside him was saying. The red-head had appeared in many photos as the boys grew.
“My mum,” informed Harry.
Sirius was captured sticking his tongue out at Peter, tackling James, hugging a few other friends. All candid. Teddy assumed it was his father taking these pictures.
More artistic shots of the Black family heir were also pasted in the album – Sirius teetering on the edge of a balcony, downing a glass of wine, holding his wand up in lumos, standing against a bike in a parking lot dressed in leather.
“That’s a whole lot of Sirius,” Teddy noted quietly.
And then they flipped another page. Remus – expertly blowing a smoke-ring.
A shocked laugh escaped Teddy, “Is he holding a cigarette?!”
“Your father and his friends were quite the troublemakers, don’t be fooled by all the pictures of them studying,” Harry laughed fondly.
Draco agreed, smiling, “He retained that streak for mischief. It’s what helped him cope, I suppose.”
There was a whole spread of shaken photographs, giving away that the person behind the camera was either inexperienced or a pureblood, possibly both. All the photos were of his father. Reading, drinking tea, rolling weed, dancing too.
“My father was so cool,” he realised.
“We’d have made good friends,” Draco mused. “Maybe in another life.”
“If your head were less inflated, maybe.”
“Shut up, Potter.”
Then there were photos of just Sirius and Remus together.
There was not a hair’s gap between them in that timeframe. Them in a music shop, pointing at a stack of records. Remus reading to Sirius. Remus, Peter and Lily Potter holding up a banner for their two quidditch boys. Sirius playing with Remus’ hair. Remus applying kohl on Sirius’ eyes. The two of them laying beside each other under the shade of a tree. Them laughing, smiling, even crying.
Them kissing.
It was a very clear photo. Remus was kissing his best friend. They were stood in the middle of an empty apartment, cardboard boxes stacked high behind them.
“What the hell?” Teddy asked weakly, head spinning at this knowledge.
“Er…” Harry turned to Draco, who also seemed at a loss of words.
And then there were more. Teddy could see in their eyes the amount of love they had for each other. Absolute adoration.
“Oh my god,” Teddy gasped at the scandalous photo. Even Harry’s eyes bugged out.
The two men were clearly not dressed below their bed linens. Sirius had draped himself over Remus’ tan chest. Both of them sound asleep.
“Well, what can I say. Seems like they had fun and I respect that,” Draco shrugged, trying to appear unfazed, but there was a distinct flush on his skin.
The photos ended abruptly after a series of shots of the Potter family and themselves. That’s when the war took a toll on them.
They closed the album silently. The quietness extended till Teddy cleared his throat.
“So… my dad and Sirius had a thing?” He asked, trying to be casual.
“I didn’t know,” Harry said honestly. “But seems so, huh.”
“Mum did mention once that Sirius was a disgusting faggot. Now look, I am too,” Draco laughed.
“It’s not disgusting,” Teddy assured hastily. He had to say it aloud, he owed it to his father, his uncle.
Harry agreed vehemently. “It doesn’t matter!”
Draco smiled at them, “I know, but thanks Ted, Potter.”
Teddy moved the album into his own plastic bin, to keep it safe.
The trio turned their attention to the rest of the things spilled on the hardwood floor.
Teddy sifted through the heap.
There were envelopes with letters; unsent, he guessed. Thick stacks of postcards, all addressed to some town in Wales. There were other things, but he wouldn’t ever know the reason his father had kept them. Quidditch jerseys with POTTER and BLACK printed on the backs, broken rectangle glasses, some sort of muggle board game. Banners with Gryffindor painted onto it. Records of ABBA, Queen, David Bowie, Frank Sinatra – the covers of which had a small Love, Lily scrawled on them. Parchments of recipes, all signed in the end with Cheers, Pete.
“Oh Remus,” Harry sighed.
Teddy blinked back his tears.
This entire house held the life of his mother, and he loved that a lot. To be able to learn of her in her own childhood home. Teddy had inherited his mother’s ability to shape-shift. He was also a Hufflepuff like his mum.
He didn’t know what of him was Remus.
But McGonagall promised him that she saw a lot of Remus’ personality in him; in his driven attitude, snark, in his pranks and his extreme love for chocolates and tea and sweets. She always smiled at him with pride and a tinge of reminiscence.
Teddy’d had nothing materialistic of his father, whose life even Andromeda knew only from the two years shared in Hogwarts. And he was suddenly gifted with more of his father’s post mortem possessions than he knew what to do with, but he’d keep them safely, he’d protect all of what was left of Remus.
Teddy ran his fingers along the edge of a photo frame. The picture inside was unlike those in the album, it was definitely a magicked one. Sirius was kissing the corner of Remus’ mouth, whose lips were stretched into a wide smile. The photo cut off right when the boys began to crack up.
“He was happy. He was in pain every month, but still so happy.”
“Ted,” Harry raised his head up. “Your dad loved you to pieces. He went through a lot, but he found people to love, and you were one of them.”
Draco affirmed this with a silent nod.
Teddy knew that, of course. In his room, in glass frames were pictures of him as a child, being held by his parents. Remus was obviously ecstatic, staring lovingly at the little cherub in his arms. Teddy didn’t doubt for a second that his father loved him. It was visible. Just as it was in his pictures with Sirius.
Teddy gathered all of the things and carefully placed them in his box, to keep in his room and to go through them leisurely.
They cleaned the attic in record time, when the smell of Andromeda’s baking wafted up and tickled their noses.
She distributed teacups and placed a platter of cookies on the teapoy.
“Grandma,” Teddy began hesitantly after they settled on the sofa.
“Tell me about my dad and Sirius? Please?”
She froze midway pouring Harry a cuppa. “How did you–?”
“Remus had an album,” Draco explained softly, apologetic. “Evidence is plentiful.”
She laughed a little to herself, “Oh, of course. He had a habit of preserving all kinds of bits and bobs, your dad.”
Teddy sat up curiously. “Why?”
“I think he believed that if he didn’t have a memory of it, it didn’t exist. Things were always ripped away from him…”
It became solemn.
“So, did Sirius introduce you to Remus ever?” Draco sipped his tea.
Andromeda got a faraway look in her eyes, “It was the first time Remus had entered this house. Hand in hand with my cousin, who had been cut off and disowned then. He was the only one I trusted with Sirius’ heart. My cousin had grown up without love, but Remus was so patient and loving. And I’m certain Sirius was also the same.”
“Dad loved him, didn’t he?”
His grandmother smiled, wistful at the edges. “The two of them were the closest I will believe of soulmates. Opposites in many things but united in their values, experiences and such. He loved my Dora a lot, truly, but him and Sirius were like a house on fire.
“Even to an onlooker, they made an interesting pair. Where James and Sirius were the obvious duo, Remus and Sirius had a different dynamic built on very similar behaviours. Both stubborn, loyal to a fault, smart; even the childhood they experienced was riddled with guilt, shame, trauma. And where you could tell how much of a brother James was to Sirius, Remus meant to him very differently, and it showed.”
Harry had polished off his tea. “They deserved a happier ending…”
“Life owed them at least that,” Andromeda agreed sadly.
“Maybe they will meet again. The cycle of intertwined lives never end when two people are in love,” Draco leaned against Harry’s shoulder, unaware.
Teddy prayed silently that wherever his father was, he had gotten to meet his friends again. He hoped Sirius and Remus would get another chance at experiencing life together.
The dog star shone bright, in the night sky, beside the moon.
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goeticprincecorbin · 3 months
Why are there no marylily centered fics on ao3?!?!
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You’re Here
It had been 3 years since Remus’ ex-boyfriend had dropped out of school and joined the Deatheaters, and every single one he took down felt like revenge.
It would be a whole lot easier to pretend he didn’t care if he could just forget about the time they had…
The marauders were worried about Sirius.
Sure, they knew about his home life, but he had always been back after the school holidays. Something had to be wrong, and they didn’t know what.
Until they did.
Remus always volunteered for the hardest missions. The ones that put him in the most danger, letting him keep the others safe.
And because every time he took a Deatheater down, it felt like his own personal revenge.
If he had told his 14 year old self that in 6 years he would hate Sirius Black’s guts, he probably would have gotten hexed. Yet, there he was, trying to force his memories of Sirius out of his mind.
It had been 3 years, and he still couldn’t forget the feeling of Sirius’ love. Or, what he thought had been love. 3 years, and he couldn’t get the image of Sirius’ blush out of his head. 3 years, and he was still in love with Sirius Black, the fucking Deatheater, no matter how betrayed and angry he felt.
At least James understood.
They had discussed it a lot, what they would do if they ever ran into Sirius.
Discussing it was definitely not preparation for the real thing.
Remus had been the first to sign on to the Rosier Manor raid, much to Lily and James’ disapproval. It was better if he went, he didn’t have anything to lose. Not that he’d ever say that much to his friends because the one time he had, Lily cried, which was not something he was interested in doing again.
He listened as Moody went through the game plan. Well, half listened, but still. He was just… slightly intimidated as he took in the sheer size of the manor.
It was nice to get back to duelling.
The idea of taking down the Deatheaters one by one was exhilarating as hell, and Remus revelled in the way his adrenaline pounded through him as he shot hexes and curses left and right, keeping a pretty decent shield over himself.
“Lupin, behind!” He heard a shout from one of the Prewett twins and turned to block a curse headed in his direction. It was lazily done, not specifically sent towards him, so it didn’t take much to block it. His hand froze on his way to send out a counter-curse, as he noticed the Deatheater had stopped, staring directly at him with wide eyes.
It had been 6 years, but he hadn’t forgotten those silver eyes, that slightly crooked nose, and that mess of black hair. The light in his eyes had dimmed considerably, but he was still beautiful. So, so fucking beautiful.
“Sirius?” The name tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop himself, ignoring the fact that they were losing Deatheaters every second. He could faintly hear some of his allies shouting to him, but it was like everything else stopped existing to him.
God, he was still gorgeous.
He was a lot thinner, almost alarmingly so, and he had dark bags under his eyes, but he was Sirius. The fact that he was fighting for the wrong side had gone completely forgotten as they stared at one another, Sirius just as taken aback as he was, eyes fixed on Remus.
“You let your guard down, Lupin.” A voice sounded behind him, a shiver running down Remus’ spine.
A hand grabbed his wrists, wand having disappeared at some point, as his hands were bound behind his back and he was apparated away.
The last thing he saw before he was promptly knocked out was Sirius’ stunned expression darken.
“Oi! Lupin, Potter! I heard your best friend is one with the Dark Lord himself, now!” Barty Crouch Jr’s snide voice rang out from the Slytherin table, and Remus’ heart sunk.
There was no fucking chance.
“-torture him for information, then kill him? Is he really that useful?” Remus’ head was throbbing, eyes still shut, unmoving, as he tried to get his bearings and listen immediately after waking up, which was not fucking easy.
“He’s on Dumbledore’s little inner circle, if he’s in a raid like that. He has to know something useful.” He finally forced his eyes open, lifting his head.
“Oh, he’s up. Morning, Lupin.” Barty fucking Crouch Jr. Of course. He was rolling up his sleeves, pulling his wand out with a twisted smile. “Alright, this is going to be fun-“
“I’m going first.” Sirius interrupted, and Remus turned to him with a glare.
“What the fuck? I’m the one who caught him!”
“And I’m the one who was forced to room with those fuckwits for six and a half years! Besides, don’t you think it’ll be better for him to look his ex in the eye?” His eyes met Barty’s with a malicious glint in them that Remus didn’t even recognise. He thought his heart had broken 3 years ago, but apparently not, because it was definitely shattering. He was almost surprised the Deatheaters couldn’t hear it.
“…fine. But don’t finish him off, I’m having a fucking turn.” He grumbled, sounding so childish that Remus almost wanted to laugh at his tantrum.
Sirius turned and locked the door with a flick of his wand, before throwing a silencing charm around the room.
“Why did you do that?”
“Because last time I didn’t, Mulciber barged in and demanded a turn. I’m not having that happen again.” Sirius answered, eyes still fixed on Remus.
Sirius lifted his wand, Remus never once moving his gaze from him.
“Avada kedavra.”
Remus watched as Barty slumped to the ground, eyes widening at the fact that Sirius’ hand was shaking. He had killed Barty. Remus was alive, untouched, okay. Sirius pulled Remus’ wand from his pocket, before crouching in front of him.
“Moony, are you alright? Are you hurt?” There was a hand on his cheek, Sirius’ hand, as Sirius surveyed him carefully.
“No, I’m- I’m fine. What-“
“Come on, there’s a way out the back.”
“Wait, what’s going on? I thought you were- that you had…” he trailed off helplessly as Sirius walked behind him and freed him.
“Okay, so Dumbledore told none of you, of fucking course. He approached me 2 years ago, asked me to spy, keep his lot safe. Let’s go.” He offered Remus his hand, watching silently as Remus hesitated. He went over the possibilities in his head. Sirius was lying and was ready to take him straight to the Dark Lord, Sirius was telling the truth, but got them both killed anyway (which was a very Sirius thing to do), or that he was telling the truth and Remus was safe.
Despite the fact that it had been 3 years, the instinct that told him to trust Sirius still hadn’t gone. If anything, it was fighting louder to be heard, screaming and kicking until he listened.
So he took his hand.
Sirius smiled softly at him, and Remus could swear he saw a spark of the old glint in his eyes. It was enough to make Remus weak in the knees (still), but at least he could blame it on having been knocked out and tied to a chair.
Sirius led him carefully out a hidden door, the two of them stepping carefully and quietly, Sirius giving Remus his wand back as they walked.
“Hey, Black, what the fuck are you doing?!” A voice rang out.
Sirius froze.
“Shit. Run!” He started sprinting, dragging Remus with him as he sent out as many curses as he physically could, Remus throwing a protective spell over the two of them. “We’re almost out of the anti-apparation zone!” He explained as he shoved a door open, the daylight stinging Remus’ eyes as Sirius apparated, the two of them vanishing from sight.
Hope was at a loss as she watched her son fall apart in her arms.
“I hate him- I fucking hate him- I should hate him- Why the hell do I still love him?” The words came out in between stuttered breaths, sobbing into Hope as she moved her hand soothingly up and down Remus’ back. It wasn’t just heartbreak. It was like Sirius had silently, secretly, stolen Remus’ heart and set it on fire, burning slow and painful in his chest as he disappeared without a word.
Sirius knew it had to be a confusing sight, a known Deatheater from a high status family walking into the Order’s safe space with one of their most trusted members.
James saw him first, as Sirius’ heart gave a painful tug.
He was frozen, stunned, as Marlene stood, wand raised.
“Let him go.” Her voice was low, dangerous, as Sirius immediately released Remus and dropped his wand. He raised both of his hands, not knowing how the fuck to explain what was going on to the room of people who hated him.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to.
“Listen, I’m not-“
“Black?” Alastor Moody. Sirius kept his gaze fixed on Marlene, not moving in case she took it as a threat, rightfully so, and shot a curse at him.
“Wotcher, Moody.”
“What are you doing here?”
“About that. I may have… accidentally blown my cover.” Sirius could feel Remus’ eyes on him, and he hoped his face didn’t turn red as easily as it used to, because he could feel it heating up.
“What the fuck, Sirius?! We need someone on the inside!”
“Please, I know you have more than just me in there.” He shot back. “They were going to kill Remus, and I couldn’t talk them into letting him go. I got as far as only torturing him, but I wasn’t going to get him any safer than that without blowing my cover.” He said simply, and it was like Remus’ gaze only intensified. Fucking hell, he loved him so much.
“Black,” Moody started, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You have killed people for the cause, but one of your friends getting a little hurt makes you quit?”
“Yes.” He answered immediately. “Because my friends have spent 3 years hating me, and I’ve spent 3 years knowing that they hate me. I wasn’t going to let the only man I’ve ever loved die hating me, or any of my friends think I killed him! Especially if I could fucking stop it!” Moody was stunned into silence, as Sirius realised what he had said.
Remus had spent years hating him, he must have, and here he was confessing his love for him! Great. Just fucking perfect.
“Dumbledore can rip me apart if he really wants to.” He mumbled, as he noticed Remus take a step closer to him. It wasn’t exactly easy to hold on to his train of thought anymore. “But I wasn’t going to, uh, to let them, you know, so…”
“Padfoot.” Remus’ voice was half a whisper, half a sob, as Sirius finally, finally turned and met his eyes. Those beautiful, lovely, amazing amber eyes.
Before he had a chance to speak, Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius, holding him like he was worried that he would disappear if he didn’t. Sirius wondered if their hearts still spoke the same language that they had before, an effortless blend of the two of them. He hoped to Merlin that Remus could hear his heart keening, gravitating towards him, beating a constant ‘you’re here, hi, I missed you so much, I love you.’
He was probably speaking them, too, as he buried his face in Remus’ collarbone, feeling Remus press a kiss to the top of his head.
“I- I wanted to think you’d never, but-“
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, darling. I know.” Sirius interrupted. “Anyway, I’m here now, aren’t I?” Remus pulled away and nodded, amazed.
“Yeah. You’re here.” There was a small smile on his face as he slowly, carefully, connected their lips in a very short kiss. Almost immediately after he pulled away, Sirius felt another pair of arms around him.
Oh, he had missed his friends.
There had been so many times that he had felt inhuman over the three years with the Deatheaters, where he worried that he could never be the same, once the war was over.
As he looked at his friends, at Remus watching him with that perfect smile, eyes shining, he knew that it was okay.
He was finally okay.
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roakkaliha · 2 years
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