#mediterranean diet breakfast
fitbodify · 9 months
The Review of Mediterranean Diet.
What are the benefits of Mediterranean Diet? Mediterranean diet I. Introduction The confusion around weight-loss strategies and diets has led to a need for evidence-based reviews of popular diets. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the Mediterranean Diet, a primarily plant-based eating plan that has been associated with various health benefits1. The Mediterranean Diet is…
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djcgold · 1 year
5 Ways To Crush Your Diet Resolutions in 2023
5 Ways To Crush Your Diet Resolutions in 2023
Affiliate Disclaimer :  Some of the links in this website http://www.blackislandgold.com are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Regardless, this website only recommend products or services that will add value to the readers. Grilled Salmon with roasted vegetables dinner As 2023 begins, many people make resolutions to improve their health, and diet goals…
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qaspirit · 2 years
The Mediterranean diet is a great way to lose weight and improve your health. This diet is based on the traditional eating habits of people in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to have many health benefits including lowering risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It also helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
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recipetrailblazer · 4 months
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Bacon and Cheese Biscuits
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Cajun shrimp
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Mediterranean Meatballs
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maria-devi · 1 year
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sleepingbeautyaurora · 8 months
Guys, I'm going crazy
My life is a mess, I have to study and I just CAN'T . I feel like i would die if I open that book. AAAAAAAAHHH
I was supposed to be eating health and being a wellness cute girl.
Like.... I been eating sugar 24/7
Omg I wanted to be a cute little health girl.
Ok, Im gona do some rules for my life and a little routine . (yes, it will be a lot all at once and maybe I won't do it, but it's cute and you never know):
Health lifestyle
8hours of sleep
Wake up-5 or 5:30am
No cellphone 1hour before sleep (8pm) (read a book, listen to music, meditate, write etc)
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Shower everyday (also Moisturaze)
Always with a Toiletry bag (toothbrush and toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash, sanitary pads and I recommend and extra pair of underwear)
Make your bad every day(in the morning)
Clean day (at least) once a week (Sunday)
2spa days a week (wash hair, esfoliant, shave, paint nails etc)
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(those I already do🤍)
Eat real foods
500ml of water before meals
3fruits a day
No sugar
6am breakfast with protein carbs fat (2egg toasts and avocado)
1pm Lunch (protein with rice and salad)
4pm Snack (fruits and oats)
6pm dinner (fish and pasta)
I like that Mediterranean diet, it seens like a very health thing and a lifestyle. You eat a lot fruits, cereals ( and complex carbs), fat (Olive oil and oilseeds), milk and yogurt and lean protein (fish) - I'll do a post only about it🤍
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You should do 30min of exercise on 4/5 days of the week (yes, that's a lot, but I think if we find the right kind of exercise we could do it - dancing, walking, a sport (like volleyball), pilates etc)
Having a time in day day where you always do it should also help (morning/afternoon/night)
I, personally, like dancing, like, I'll put a music and be an idiot dancing(there're also dance videos on YouTube). Lets put this activity at 5pm?ok
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There a lot of other things, like style, hair, relationships, manifestation and energy, hobbies, mental health, study etc . I can do about this too. But I'll try to focus on those habits for now.
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skinnymodel69 · 11 months
Holistic Ana tips I have found that work:
- don’t go vegan, it will make you more hungry and skinny fat. Instead do a Mediterranean diet it’s filled with fruit and vegetables but also protein to keep you full.
- do things like Pilates, yoga, dance workouts. High cortisol causes you to hold onto extra fat. If you like to do HIIT keep it 2-3 times a week. If you want cardio go on a hot girl walk (or dance again)
- If you haven’t lost your period yet then cycle sync. It will help you lose more weight and help you lose weight during your period if you have a hard time with that.
- intermittent fasting.
- keep your hormones balanced. When my hormones are imbalanced my body is just in terrible condition and I have a harder time losing weight. When my hormones are balanced my metabolism is faster and I can lose weight.
- Reduce sugars. I’m a sugar addict like I absolutely love sugar. However, we all know it’s not good for you. Even sugar supplements like stevia or Splenda. Your brain and body can’t tell the difference between real and fake sugar so it breaks it down just as it would regular sugar.
- 20-30 grams protein for breakfast. It will help you eat less during the day and not binge.
- find someone confident that if you had your dream body you could feel/be just like them. I look up to Alexa Demie and Adriana Lima.
- dry brushing your stomach helps with digestion and draining the lymphatic system
- fermented foods help gut health and gut health controls almost everything in your body. Yes, you can feed yourself prebiotics to feed the good bacteria in your gut. But it also feeds the bad bacteria. So eat probiotics and prebiotic’s together. My favorite fermented foods/probiotics are sourdough, pickles, Gouda cheese and yogurt.
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gemsofgreece · 6 months
Hello! I hope you’re well 🌻 I have a question. I would dearly love to visit Greece someday, but unfortunately I have a lot of food sensitivities (to gluten, dairy, and nuts) and I was wondering, if I was in a big city like Athens, how possible it would be to find accommodations for those sensitivities? Maybe? Not at all?
Thank you so much!
🌼 Hello! 🌼
No need to worry, you won’t have a problem in Athens! I believe you wouldn’t need to worry much in any of the 5 - 7 largest cities in Greece and the 3-5 most cosmopolitan islands.
🍧The nuts are the easiest one to avoid as the overwhelming majority of savoury Greek food doesn’t include nuts. However, nuts are an integral part in traditional Greek pastry making and there unfortunately you will have to keep your distances. However, you will find places in the big cities with gluten free and vegan pastries, even if they are not the most traditional options. BUT!!! There is also the literally most traditional Greek sweets that are both gluten free and dairy free: spoon sweets, usually made of dried fruits and syrup!!! Just make sure to choose one without nuts, there are many flavours!
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Tomato, fig and apricot spoon sweets. There are many many more varieties! You will find them in traditional spoon sweet, herb and spice shops, some pastry shops, perhaps upscale hotels, upscale traditional cafes. The most classic varieties could be found in some supermarkets too.
👩‍🍳 When it comes to savoury food, things are much easier. With a search in Tripadvisor for Athens with the sensitivity filters, the site gives me 1347 results back. Here’s the link to the search. So you are not going to have a problem. You can also search for “best dairy free gluten free places in Athens”, there are some articles with guides and tips. Many medium and upscale restaurants also write in their menus that they have suitable dishes or that they are open to discuss your sensitivities and modify your dish accordingly.
🏨 If you intend to stay in a hotel and eat breakfast and / or dinner there, check their amenities / services on their website first, it might be mentioned there. If not sure, I believe you should discuss it first with the hotel via a call or an email to be sure before making the reservation. I believe several medium and more upscale hotels (4 and 5 stars) will take into consideration food sensitivities.
☕️ As for coffee shops, in the big cities many nowadays have dairy substitutes such as oat and almond milk. I believe rice milk is rarer, so if those bother you, keep in mind to check what the substitute milk is.
🏪 In the big supermarkets you will have no problem finding dairy substitutes (ie vegan or lactose free milk and cheese) . Gluten free pasta are easily available too. Gluten free is a little more challenging when it comes to snacks. Brands like Papadopoulos and VIOLANTA offer a few gluten-free snacks. Just keep in mind that we really love nuts in our snacks and candies and you have to double check every snack you see for potential warnings, because a lot do not have milk or nuts but are produced in the same industrial machines as milk and nut products which means they might be contaminated. Avoid mini-markets for snacks and substitutes.
🌯 Another tricky area is fast food. Our fast food is usually pies and pitas and you won’t be able to find gluten free options very easily. Obviously however you can get a portion of souvlaki or gyros without wrapping it in a pita or a bread so there’s that! Combine it with tomatoes, onions, ketchup, lettuce, potatoes and you are more than fine! But in order to try wrapped fast food, you will definitely have to check such guides for specialised restaurants I mentioned above.
Now the good news: aside from the snacks and fast food, the traditional Greek cuisine is based on the Mediterranean diet in which gluten ingredients are naturally limited.
🥗 Traditional Greek food revolves around meat, veggies, fish, seafood and beans. (And dairy but dairy can be more easily avoided.) This means that even if you are in any place in Greece, less modern and fancy, you will still be able to eat from a variety of dishes. Check the menu for the ingredients on the dishes and discuss with the waiter if you have questions and you can avoid the problems even in a pretty traditional place.
Below are some very traditional meals dairy and gluten free that can be found in low-key non specialising places:
Grilled or boiled vinegar octopus
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Wild greens salad:
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Yemistá (tomatoes and peppers stuffed with rice and sometimes minced meat - do double check that they haven’t put nuts in)
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Agurodomata salad (essentially the Greek village salad but without the feta cheese, you can also ask it as a Horiatiki / Greek salad without the feta)
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Spanakórizo (spinach rice)
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Gígantes (Giant beans)
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Many other delicacies in tsipouradika (seafood shops) and mezedopolía (appetizer shops) and of course all the dishes that involve meat and fish, particularly grilled, which are literally the most common. But beware of deep fried ones, in case they coat them in egg or wheat. I also don’t know if you have any limitations with spices and herbs, this is something you should keep in mind.
I also found a Greek gluten free restaurant card in case you stumble onto a restaurant where they don’t know good English (extremely unlikely in Athens, unlikely elsewhere as well)
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Heck I don’t know why it put that red corrector on the image wtf. Anyway I have myself underlined with the thick red line the words αυγά (eggs), γαλακτοκομικά (dairy) and ομελέτα (omelette). The card is exclusively for gluten free, it says what you can’t eat and then goes on with what you can eat. This is why I underlined eggs and dairy, so that you can see which words they are and blur them if you print the clear copy. It proceeds with asking that in case the cook can’t adjust any dish from the menu, then whether they can prepare a simple dish with an omelette (I underlined it) or meat. (Of course if you can eat eggs, you don’t have to scratch it out, that’s why I underlined them to show you the words and gave you a clear copy as well.)
I found cards and apps for dairy and nuts in Greek but they were behind a paywall 😑
Anyway that’s all from me: as a summary, there are several options in Athens and you will surely be able to get by in other large cities and the top cosmopolitan islands. The truth is that this may affect a little the prices but Greece is overall cheaper than west Europe and the cosmopolitan regions in the US, so upscale and specialised shops in Greece will be like medium shops in those other places price-wise. (Note: Not true for Mykonos and Santorini islands) What you should be a little more cautious with is pastries and snacks.
Hope this helped a little! I wish you a carefree and delicious stay in Athens when you come ❤️
* If any of my Greek followers has personal recs of cool places for the Anon, please comment!!!
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mariacallous · 20 days
Every third child of elementary school age in Croatia is overweight, and some of the main challenges are the influence of food and beverage marketing on children and insufficient awareness among parents, according to research by Croatia’s Institute of Public Health, HZJZ, and UNICEF Office for Croatia.
Analysis indicates a constant slight increase in the overweight and obesity in Croatian children, and there is a connection between the development of improper eating habits in children and their age, so school-age children have worse eating habits than pre-school children.
“Currently, 36.1 per cent of children in Croatia between the ages of eight and nine are overweight. Since … 2015, there has been an increase of nine percentage points in this problem among girls in the Adriatic Mediterranean region,” said the head of the Health Promotion Service at the HZJZ, Sanja Music Milanovic, on Monday during the presentation of the “Analysis of the state of nutrition and nutrition of children from zero to nine years of age in Croatia”.
She said the reasons for this are problems with nutrition and physical activity, which were worse during COVID-19. “The indicators show that children have a more pronounced sedentary lifestyle than before COVID-19,” she explained.
However, Music Milanovic also mentioned some positive changes when it comes to children’s nutrition; compared to 2019, children eat breakfast more often, i.e. 81 per cent of children eat breakfast daily, which is an increase of 17 per cent, and children also eat more fruits and vegetables, about 15 per cent more than four years ago.
The consumption of sweetened beverages decreased by 10 per cent, which is a hidden source of calories and one of the main reasons why children in Croatia gain weight, but the problem of consuming sweet snacks four or more times a week increased by 9 per cent, which is a risk, warned Music Milanovic.
Among other things, the research showed that only a small number of parents correctly perceive excessive body weight and obesity, and they are not sufficiently aware of the possible consequences of improper nutrition.
There are also significant socioeconomic differences in children’s nutrition. Obesity is more common in children of lower socioeconomic status and in rural areas.
Music Milanovic pointed out that a healthy diet is actually a moderate diet, that is, the diet of our grandparents, and there is no need to look for something special. “A kilogram of sardines is still cheaper than a pizza. We also have water that is safe for health, and we advocate that children do not drink sugary drinks,” she said.
Acting Head of the UNICEF Office for Croatia Ana Dautovic warned of the influence of marketing, which encourages children to choose snacks, sweets and sweet drinks, pointing out that parents should influence the creation of healthy eating habits among children.
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Supporting heart health is crucial for overall well-being and can be achieved through a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Here are a few heart-healthy recipes featuring ingredients known to promote cardiovascular health:
1. Grilled Salmon with Asparagus and Lemon:
- Marinate salmon fillets in a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, minced garlic, and fresh herbs (such as dill or parsley) for at least 30 minutes.
- Grill the salmon until cooked through, about 4-5 minutes per side.
- Serve with grilled asparagus spears and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice for a nutritious and heart-healthy meal rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
2. Mediterranean Quinoa Salad:
- Cook quinoa according to package instructions and let cool.
- In a bowl, combine cooked quinoa with diced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, Kalamata olives, feta cheese, and chopped fresh herbs (such as mint or parsley).
- Drizzle with a dressing made from olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and dried oregano. Toss to combine and serve as a light and flavorful salad.
3. Chickpea and Spinach Curry:
- In a skillet, sauté diced onions, garlic, and ginger in coconut oil until fragrant.
- Add chickpeas, diced tomatoes, spinach, and a blend of curry spices (such as turmeric, cumin, coriander, and cinnamon). Simmer until the flavors meld together.
- Serve the curry over brown rice or quinoa for a hearty and heart-healthy vegetarian meal packed with fiber and plant-based proteins.
4. Berry Oatmeal Breakfast Bowl:
- Cook steel-cut oats according to package instructions and top with a mix of fresh berries (such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries).
- Sprinkle with chopped nuts (such as almonds or walnuts) and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup.
- Enjoy this fiber-rich and antioxidant-packed breakfast bowl that can help support heart health and provide sustained energy throughout the day.
These recipes incorporate heart-healthy ingredients such as fatty fish, whole grains, leafy greens, legumes, nuts, seeds, and berries that are beneficial for cardiovascular health. Including a variety of these foods in your diet can help reduce the risk of heart disease and promote overall heart health.
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linzsaw · 5 months
75 HARD: day three
[x] read 10 pages - Atomic Habits
[x] 45 minute workout outside - AM sunrise outdoor walk
[x] 45 minute workout inside - PM stairmaster and butt/leg day
[x] gallon of water
[x] followed diet - High Protein: Banana + cottage cheese for breakfast, Tumeric shot, Leftover Mediterranean bowl for lunch, protein shake, a little choc, nuts and rice cakes for snacks, and tonight's dinner was leftover Mexican veggie bowl. I usually don't do well with leftovers so I'm pretty proud of myself for this week so far!
[x] took progress photo
[x] no alcohol
This morning's walk was a frosty one! I noticed it makes me cold all day long, I almost thought my furnace wasn't working. For the first half, I listened to a walking meditation and then a Dr. Huberman podcast about gut health. I headed to the gym mid-day to crank out a workout. It was quite packed. It's always interesting to see the completely different demographics depending on what time of day you go.
I have to go through 4 water bottles per day to get to a gallon, and I have to keep track with a tally because I keep forgetting how many times I've filled up. Talk about first-world probs. A problem I pray I have forever, shout out to #globalwarming.
This evening I jumped on a house consultation with mi madre and we went over homes we are possibly interested in purchasing. It was fun, she is a great realtor and really helps you visualize the lifestyle of each particular home/location! Afterward though, I was real tired and did not feel like reading. I had to reread the same sentence several times, and Drew had to pull me out of my reader's block by reading me a paragraph.
I'm definitely PMSing, hence the daily chocolate. Sry not sry. I can tell my mood would be much worse if I wasn't doing all these healthy deeds for myself.
I hope you all have a fabulous evening. Tomorrow is Friday!!
Cheerio <3
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minutesshow · 9 months
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss: Achieving Your Goals with Healthy Eating Habits and Lifestyle Changes
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When it comes to weight loss, finding the right approach can be overwhelming. With so many diets and trends out there, it's hard to know which one will actually work for you. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best strategies for achieving weight loss through healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes. Whether you're looking to shed a few pounds or embark on a complete transformation, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and tools to reach your goals.
The Power of Healthy Eating Habits
A healthy diet is the foundation of successful weight loss. Instead of focusing on fad diets that promise quick results, it's important to adopt a sustainable approach to eating. A healthy diet should consist of natural, unprocessed foods that provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best. By replacing unhealthy foods with healthy ones and making long-term changes to your eating habits, you can achieve weight loss while also reaping numerous other health benefits.
Embracing a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is key to achieving and maintaining weight loss. It involves consuming a variety of foods that provide your body with the necessary nutrients and minerals. A healthy diet should prioritize plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, over animal foods. It should also include an adequate amount of protein and healthy fats, while being low in sugar and salt.
Healthy Meal Ideas for Weight Loss
Planning nutritious meals is crucial when it comes to weight loss. Here are a few examples of healthy meals that can help you achieve your goals:
Breakfast: Start your day with a bowl of bran flakes topped with sliced strawberries and walnuts, served with nonfat milk.
Lunch: Enjoy a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with a variety of vegetables and an olive oil and vinegar dressing.
Dinner: Indulge in a salmon steak served on a bed of spinach.
Remember, it's essential to choose meals that you enjoy and that align with your taste preferences. This will increase the likelihood of sticking to your weight loss journey in the long run.
Snacking the Healthy Way
Snacking doesn't have to be off-limits when you're trying to lose weight. In fact, incorporating healthy snacks into your diet can help you stay satisfied and avoid overeating. Here are some ideas for healthy snacks:
Almonds or pistachios
String cheese with an apple
Greek yogurt
Banana with peanut butter
By choosing nutritious snacks, you can curb cravings and maintain a balanced diet while on your weight loss journey.
Exploring Healthy Eating Patterns
While there isn't a single diet that is deemed the healthiest, there are several eating patterns that have been associated with optimal health. These eating patterns tend to have common characteristics, such as being plant-based, emphasizing healthy fats, minimizing simple sugars, and favoring natural, unprocessed foods.
The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet is named after the foods traditionally consumed by cultures around the Mediterranean Sea. It emphasizes minimally processed fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. Moderate amounts of yogurt, cheese, poultry, and fish are also included. Olive oil is the primary cooking fat, while red meat and foods with added sugars are consumed sparingly. In addition to promoting weight loss, the Mediterranean diet is linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, depression, and certain types of cancer.
The DASH Diet
The DASH diet, or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, was specifically designed as a heart-healthy eating plan. It focuses on low cholesterol and saturated fats, while providing adequate amounts of magnesium, calcium, fiber, and potassium. The DASH diet emphasizes whole grains, vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, nuts, and olive oil. Red meat and sugar are limited. This diet has been shown to effectively lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart failure.
The MIND Diet
The MIND diet, which stands for Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, combines elements from both the Mediterranean and DASH diets to promote brain health and prevent dementia and cognitive decline. It is similar to both diets but places a stronger emphasis on leafy green vegetables and berries while reducing the consumption of fruit and dairy products.
The Nordic Diet
The Nordic diet is a weight loss and health maintenance diet based on Scandinavian eating patterns. It includes foods such as fish, apples, pears, whole grains like rye and oats, and cold-climate vegetables like cabbage, carrots, and cauliflower. Studies have shown that the Nordic diet can help prevent stroke and aid in weight loss.
By incorporating elements from these healthy eating patterns, you can improve your heart health, consume natural unprocessed foods, and enjoy a variety of plant-based dishes while on your weight loss journey.
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential benefits for weight loss and overall health. Fasting, or abstaining from eating for a certain period of time, has been practiced for centuries for both spiritual and physical reasons. Intermittent fasting involves dividing your time between eating windows and fasting periods on a regular basis.
How Intermittent Fasting Works
During fasting periods, insulin levels drop, and the body starts burning fat for fuel. This metabolic shift is believed to contribute to weight loss. Intermittent fasting can also decrease inflammation, improve metabolism, clear out damaged cells, and potentially reduce the risk of cancer, arthritis pain, and cognitive decline.
Different Approaches to Intermittent Fasting
There are several ways to practice intermittent fasting. One common approach is to restrict eating to a specific time window, such as 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with the remaining 16 hours spent fasting. However, there is no fixed schedule, and some people may choose to have more or less generous eating windows. It's important to find an intermittent fasting schedule that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences.
Is Intermittent Fasting Effective for Weight Loss?
Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of intermittent fasting for weight loss. However, it's important to note that the success of intermittent fasting may be attributed to factors beyond fasting itself. Many practitioners of intermittent fasting also eliminate late-night eating, which aligns better with our body's natural circadian rhythms and may reduce fat storage. For some individuals, intermittent fasting may be difficult to adhere to, and a low-calorie Mediterranean diet combined with an earlier cut-off time for eating may be a more sustainable alternative.
Considerations and Precautions
While intermittent fasting can be beneficial for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. It's important to consult with your doctor before starting any fasting regimen, especially if you have diabetes or heart disease. Additionally, intermittent fasting can be challenging to maintain in social situations or if your job requires dining out regularly. It's crucial to find a healthy eating plan that you can stick to in order to achieve long-term success.
The High-Fat Weight Loss Diet: The Ketogenic Approach
Contrary to conventional wisdom, some people find success in losing weight by consuming more fat, rather than less. The ketogenic diet, also known as the Keto diet, involves shifting the majority of calories consumed to come from healthy fats, with minimal intake of carbohydrates. This alteration in macronutrient ratios is believed to induce a metabolic state known as ketosis, where the body burns fat for energy instead of relying on glucose.
Understanding the Keto Diet
On a ketogenic diet, approximately 75% to 90% of your daily calorie intake comes from healthy fats, while protein makes up about 10-20%, and carbohydrates are limited to just 5%. By severely restricting carbohydrates, the body is forced to enter a state of ketosis, where it begins to burn stored fat for fuel. Research has shown that the keto diet can be effective for jump-starting weight loss and improving blood sugar levels.
Sustainability and Long-Term Effects
While the ketogenic diet can yield rapid initial weight loss and metabolic improvements, it can be challenging to maintain in the long term. Long-term studies on the sustainability and safety of the keto diet are still limited. It's important to approach any dietary changes with caution and consider the long-term implications for your overall health and well-being.
The Harvard Healthy Eating Plate: A Blueprint for Weight Loss
To guide your meal planning and balanced diet, Harvard has developed the Healthy Eating Plate. This model provides a visual representation of how to structure your meals for optimal health and weight loss.
Building a Healthy Eating Plate
Imagine a round dinner plate divided into two halves by a vertical line. One half should be filled with equal portions of whole grains and healthy protein sources such as fish, nuts, beans, and poultry. The other half should consist of two-thirds vegetables and one-third fruit, with an emphasis on variety and colorful options. Additionally, a glass of water is encouraged as the primary beverage, with limited consumption of milk. Healthy oils like canola or olive oil can be used for cooking or as dressings.
The Benefits of the Healthy Eating Plate
By following the guidelines of the Healthy Eating Plate, you can optimize your chances of maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being. This approach encourages the consumption of natural, unprocessed foods and emphasizes the importance of plant-based dishes. Remember, adherence to a healthy eating plan that aligns with your preferences and lifestyle is key to achieving long-term success.
Embarking on a weight loss journey requires a sustainable approach to healthy eating habits and lifestyle changes. By prioritizing a balanced diet, embracing healthy eating patterns, considering intermittent fasting, and exploring different dietary approaches like the ketogenic diet, you can find the strategy that works best for you. Incorporating the principles of the Harvard Healthy Eating Plate into your meal planning will provide a blueprint for achieving your weight loss goals while promoting overall health. Remember, the key to success lies in finding a healthy eating plan that you can maintain in the long term, ensuring lasting results and a healthier lifestyle.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Almond Day
Almonds, a bite-sized little nut common in trail mix and other breakfast and snack recipes. More likely than not, you’ve tried an almond before. But, did you know there is an entire day devoted to the celebration of almonds?! National Almond Day is a reason for foodies to celebrate!
It’s generally believed and agreed by historians (and food historians in particular) that almonds were one of the earliest cultivated foods by mankind. Almonds are mentioned as far back in history as the Bible! Although their first place of origin is debated, almonds were thought to have first been cultivated in China and Central Asia.
While traveling the Silk Road between Asia and the Mediterranean, explorers were said to snack on almonds during the long travel times. As explorers settled in the Mediterranean region, the trees began to grow in the area. As the trees spread throughout Europe, many of them clustered in Spain and Italy.
Almonds eventually made their journey to the United States in the mid-1700s. Historians believe they made their appearance on the trade ship brought to the US from Spain by the Franciscan Padres. The trees died out in the United States quite quickly as the soil and cultivation knowledge to keep the trees alive was inadequate. It was not until the 1800’s that almond trees were successfully grown and harvested in the States. By the end of the 1800s, the Sacramento and San Joaquin areas of California became the United State’s biggest almond producers.
Today, almonds symbolize a variety of things. The Bible tells the story of the rod that blossomed and bore almonds, making them a divine religious symbol. The early Romans gifted almonds to family and friends as fertility charms. These gifts were typically given at weddings. Today, sugared or frosted almonds are often given at American weddings to guests as a sign of happiness, wealth, and good fortune.
Health Benefits of Almonds
If you are still on the fence about enjoying almonds, you’ll be pleased to know they have a wide variety of health benefits. Almonds are high in fiber, which means they promote digestion and can give you extra good gut bacteria. Almonds, outside of their edible form, are great for your skin. If you suffer from dry, flaky, or irritated skin, you can apply almond oil or almond lotions to hydrate your skin and give you a dose of vitamin A.
If your hair needs a little bit of shine, consider adding an almond-based shampoo or conditioner.  Almonds have also been studied for their benefits in lowering your risk of heart disease! If you are dieting, this little nut can help to provide you with a quick snack to curb cravings, as it is high in plant proteins.
The nutrients in almonds have also been proven to help lower blood pressure and your risk for diabetes! They are also known for their high vitamin E content, their effectiveness at reducing cholesterol levels, and helping with weight loss, as well as being a vegan and lactose food alternative.
History of National Almond Day
While the origins of National Almond Day aren’t clear, today is the day to go nuts! The day even has its website! According to the site, this day celebrates food that is “Good for your heart. Good for your waistline. Good for your skin. What can’t almonds do?” The site also mentions that “it’s no wonder this ultimate superfood has its very own day of honor.” The site provides a variety of resources for almond lovers, from recipes, health studies, to a background on the development and harvesting of almonds.
How to Celebrate National Almond Day
National Almond Day celebrates all things almond, and rightly so, given their benefits! There are a variety of ways to celebrate almond day. If you want an easy way to celebrate, consider purchasing a pack of almonds and enjoying them as a snack! Almonds come in a variety of different flavor options, so if you’re tired of plain almonds, consider trying a new flavor! Try out some smoked, honey roasted, sriracha, jalapeno, ranch, or barbecue flavored almonds to switch it up!
If you aren’t a fan of eating almonds, try celebrating almonds in their other forms. Consider treating yourself and your body to an almond-based lotion, shampoo, or perfume!
Are you looking to spread the almond love to those around you? Consider baking a dinner or dessert using almonds. You can serve this for your family dinner or take it to a friend or loved one to enjoy. You can coat almonds in sugar, sesame seeds, or spices and bake them to create a simple and flavorful snack. For dinner, consider cooking green beans or other vegetables topped with herbs and sliced almonds! Looking to spice up your meat dish at dinner?
Consider coating your chicken, pork, or salmon in almond flour or chopped almond coating for a kick of flavor and crunch. For dessert, make almond marzipan or almond flour cake! Got a family member who is vegan or allergic to lactose? Drink almond milk or research wonderful vegan recipes using almonds instead of animal products!
Whether you enjoy eating plain almonds or not, these little nuts can be prepared wonderfully for any palette. From desserts to hearty dinners, to little snacks, to body products, the ways to celebrate almonds are infinite!
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4bworld · 2 years
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Is eating healthy more expensive? Let’s talk more in the 4b app! Some details below ⬇️
Health experts at US News & World Report revealed that the “best diet for healthy eating” is the Mediterranean Diet with its emphasis on “fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and fish.” 
The US Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service reports that organic sales “account for over 4 percent of total US food sales.”
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maria-devi · 1 year
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foodatworld · 11 days
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Decoding the Health Secrets of Israeli Cuisine Discover why Israeli cuisine ranks number one for health! Explore the staple dishes enriched with the goodness of Mediterranean diet and how they give Israel the lowest rate of diet-related deaths worldwide. Dive into the world of fresh herbs, spices, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats, and find out how breakfast is celebrated in the country. #IsraeliFoodLove #MediterraneanEats #MiddleEastFlavors #HealthyIsraeliFoods #PinningIsraeliCuisine READ MORE >>https://praktikotips.me/israeli-cuisine-mediterranean-diet/
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