#like…to talk about the same things year after year definitely shows some sort of passion
i thought this was generally agreed on by now but apparently not:
sirius was more naturally smart, remus was more passionate about learning
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doshiart · 3 months
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Ian Gallagher is a racing driver, a young star of the McLaren team. Mickey is just a car technician, who only recently joined the team as a trainee.
/long read backstory below/
Okay, I've thought about this a lot. So.. Shameless US but.. huh? living in UK?
First of all, because Formula 1 is more popular in Europe. Secondly, because I want to alter the story of Mickey's growing up. Make it a story about a little boy persevering towards his dreams. And how a simple childhood passion can grow into a potential job opportunity.
If briefly, below I talk about Mickey's developmental stages, along with his final emigration from Ukraine to the UK.
I'm not going into Ian's backstory here. But I'll mention this in more detail at the very end of the post, if you get to the end. Ha ha. Have fun reading!!
Mickey was six, just a little boy, when he first saw a F1 race on TV. And he was amazed by how quickly the cars could go and how quickly the mechanics performed at pit stops. (Are these even mechanics? Well, they turn the wheels, dad does the same thing in the garage and considers himself a mechanic).
When the next year he went to school in his first grade, then to all the teachers' questions or questionnaires with their “What do you want to be when you grow up?” he confidently answered as clearly as his childish language could, that he would definitely become a F1 mechanic. Even though he received only gentle smiles in reaction to his naivety of being a kid, the desire took root in his little head.
As he grew older, he continued to enjoy racing, watching every race weekend he could. And while he was a child this did not cause any particular problems. Mom encouraged him in his interests and every New Year gave him tiny branded cars of the teams he loved. But as he gets older, the more often he hears from dad that he is interested in some stupid things. And he didn't want to hear a word about racing at all. As soon as Mickey mentioned it even once, he was cut off mid-sentence.
These are not real cars.
Real mechanics work in a garage with real cars, not kids' toys for show.
Come down to earth. It’s all somewhere far away and you never even get to one of these races in your life.
Well, Mickey talks less about racing out loud anymore. Especially after mom's gone.
Tiny model cars disappeared into the closet's darkness.
His dad began to drag him into their garage more often so that he would get used to work and not wander around idle, lost in his stupid dreams. He had to skip live racing broadcasts as a result. It was sort of suicidal acts to turn this on in the garage on a small TV instead of some dumb music channel with hit songs. Mickey had learnt long ago to keep his mouth shut.
Just listen. Bring it. Grab it. Repair simple details. Don't go under the hood. Don't touch this, don't touch that. And especially don't break anything. Blah blah blah.
Jesus, are you even a man? Take your gentle hands away if you're not ready to get dirty.
Despite everything, Mickey still had a dream. One day, he hopes to watch a real-life race. Hear the noise of wheels flying over the track, the roar of engines, the screams of a supportive crowd. He prefers to never talk about his own desire to work as a car mechanic or engineer in F1.
Mickey was sixteen when he left after ninth grade for a vocational college to applied mechanics specialty.
Because, well, he had good reasons for leaving school two grades early. At the very least, he was already tired of going to school. He didn't even have any friends there. Yes, he communicated with classmates, but that's not it. It's forced. Just so as not to be an outcast and maintain the status of the Milkovich family by playing dirty tricks at school and bullying others. Did he like it? Absolutely not. These guys were idiots with stupid jokes and always picking on chicks.
They kept asking if he liked any of them and talking about how they looked all the time. Mickey never liked anyone. It wasn't that the girls were ugly, he just didn't find them attractive. But he pushed these thoughts away and ignored them. Left it somewhere near to the tiny race cars in the darkness.
Also, classmates called him into fights on regularly. Not that he was against kicking someone's dumb ass, but that he would prefer better reasons than just trying to prove whose class is above.
Another reason is that, in their family, working with their hands and having a real profession are more valued than going to higher education. Because this is a job for real men. Where will all these managers, lawyers, accountants, stupid psychologists be when their car breaks down? Mechanics will always have work and profit.
As well, Mickey is deeply curious about the workings of the engine and wants to fully understand its mechanisms. He will therefore be able to study this in practice with teachers, rather than with a psychotic bastard who screams at the slightest opportunity.
The only thing Mickey truly wanted to learn at school was English. Not because he loved it. This gave him at least some hope of "breaking abroad for the sake of a good life". Perhaps the main reason for his success was that he had a really great teacher who pushed and encouraged him. Sometimes he would stick around after class and stay just to talk with her. Mickey felt parental care, which he hasn't received lately.
“I believe that you can achieve a lot, Mikhailo. Just believe in yourself.” She told him and he believed her, hugging her a little longer so as not to show his wet eyes.
And well, after leaving school, these words sometimes came to mind during the saddest times, when he returned home after a long day of school combined with an exhausting shift in the family garage. Every time he spoke with his dad, he felt terribly devastated. The dream was literally slipping out from Mickey's hands. A pipe dream, is that what they say? Well, at least he'll try to do something.
Mickey was twenty when he graduated and by this time he was actively saving money, hiding it in different places. Also, he planned his escape from home, considered the best routes, and looked at what things he should take with him, confused about whether he would ever return home again.
As he approached his twenty-first birthday, he finally decided to do it. With only a spark of hope, he was ready to leave for nowhere. And okay, Mickey was a realist; he was aware that things might not work out at all and that he would have to return back eventually. But he'll do anything, though, to make sure that this doesn't happen, to avoid having to meet his dad's derisive gaze once more as his goal gets mocked.
After all, a dream is a dream, right? He also had skills and language abilities in his pocket. So he's really ready to do anything to attain even the tiniest success.
To get to UK, Mickey had to go through a long journey of transfers from bus to train, from train to plane. He's terribly tired, but here he is. He stands and watches as the new country greets him with heavy rain.
He first found it difficult to adjust to other people's smiling faces. There were a few times when he didn't feel at home because everyone was so friendly and lovely. And these people were incredibly talkative. He'll have to get used to this if he plans to stay here.
The first difficulties he encountered occurred at the department while filling out a form for migrants.
“Mik.. Mikai.. Mikaelo?”
“Mikhailo.” Mickey interrupted.
The employee's eyes stared blankly at him.
He sighed. “Ugh.. Mickey? Yeah, Mickey.”
“Okay, Mickey. Here you are.”
Mickey got a job as a mechanic for a small business fairly quickly thanks to his abilities. He was so easily and warmly accepted into the friendly team. Here he first felt respect while working. Mickey got assistance from the job department in extending his visa to stay in the country. His job also provided him with a tiny apartment, deducted from his paycheck.
After a while, feeling a little more self-assured, Mickey started saving money for qualifying courses that would help him in the future.
Mickey was almost twenty-four when he successfully obtained all the qualifications that were necessary for the job, as well as to be sure of himself and his knowledge. During this time two full racing seasons had passed. He attended only one race at Silverstone. This was his almost full year in the UK. His skin broke out in goosebumps when he saw the track in person. It wasn't quite what he expected. Mickey literally stood in one place and once in a while cars would drive by. On TV they show a larger overview, but still. He was excited. In this grand prix, a new young racer from the McLaren team took third place for the first time. His name seems to be Ian, and he likes to take risks on the track, driving the car while presenting a strong sense of confidence. And his hair perfectly matches with the team's car.
He missed the second race due to a qualifying exam. But he's not upset. Mickey is closer than ever to his dream. If everything works out, he'll see even more racing. If not, well, then he'll continue to work repairing regular cars. Perhaps he'll be able to attend grand prix events in other countries during his holidays?
But now it's the middle of the season and he's standing in the lobby of the McLaren Technology Center. He's trembling a little and his wild eyes are scanning everything in the immediate area.
Mickey can't believe the reality of what's happening. No he didn't become a mechanic. But.. it's still impressive. He was interviewed and tested to become a temporary vehicle technician for the team as an intern. He was told something about a possible career advancement and access to other things once he completed more qualifications, but he's not sure he heard everything correctly.
Later they tested him on team tests on the track. He's surprised that he was able to concentrate on his speed and did everything exactly as needed.
He actually became… exactly the one who changes the wheels and does minor repairs. He joined the technical team and will also work on pit stops during the races. And well, okay, if everything that's happening isn't a dream, he's really happy. Extremely happy. Of course, the longer he studied, the more he wanted to do engineering and development. But that's the tiny step, right? This is already more than anything he could have imagined. He saw the race in real life from the stands, and now he got the opportunity to see everything from the staff. He'll interact directly with the racing car. He might even hear how the team interacts with racers. Unbelievable.
Through the noise in his ears, Mickey hears someone standing beside him talking in a muffled voice.
“Hey! You're a new technician, right?”
The guy had already taken off his helmet when Mickey turned around. He softly smiles while stroking his fiery red hair.
Mickey stared at him. When he was brought to the track, he thought that some tester was sitting in the car, but not their young star.
“Yeah. Hope so…” He twitched his lip and scratched nose. “You're Ian, right?”
Of course this is Ian, what a stupid question. It's too embarrassing.
The redhead smile became even larger.
And just as he was about to add something else, one of the staff called Ian to go back and he hurriedly turned to Mickey and said quickly, “Oh, uh, see ya later then, gotta go.”
I'm glad I finally wrote and drew this. This idea has literally taken over my head so much that I don't have the energy to write Ian's backstory in the same way. Once again I am convinced that writing is hard work. And I want to say again about my love for writers. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. For my brain, drawing is easier than writing. But it was fun!
!!!AND!!! THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! If someone suddenly wants to write a big multi-chap slowburn fic or little drabble or do anything, I'll be happy so much with absolutely anything!!
Let's talk about Ian now. I was actually going to write a backstory for him too. Maybe at least some minor notes, but I'm not quite sure how best to connect his bipolar with racing. Usually because racers drive go-karts from childhood, get into the junior league and generally build a racing career for years. Maybe he had a breakdown somewhere between seasons and it was quickly noticed?? I don’t know… And I think about how the team constantly checks him, which at times upsets him and forces him to prove to everyone that he is fine and able to drive the car.
Most likely, in this AU, Gallaghers are either rich, or Ian has a sponsor, if you know what I mean… From this fact, a whole lot can change in story. And the second thing seems more likely to me.
I was thinking about how Ian joined the McLaren team at the age of 21, and by the time he first met Mickey he was 22. He had been stable for a long time on medication.
So I'm also considering the possibility that somewhere between his 17-19 years he disappeared from the radar and came back when he found a sponsor who could pay for everything he needed and help him get into the F1 league. At first it was the weakest team, until his potential was noticed and he was offered to move to another team. This fact with the sponsor will probably put a lot of spokes in the wheels (ha).
Racer's body is undergoing an enormous physical strain, so they spend a lot of time in the gym. And Ian really enjoys working out with his team.
Another interesting fact: racers have a super-strong neck to be able to cope with gravitational forces during the race. Therefore, special attention is paid to neck in training. (It seems from the moment I found out this my little fixation began…)
I think there's a lot of pining here or something. They seem to be nearby, but due to different job responsibilities, at completely distinct levels. And I really want to read something like this with so slow burning.
So, I guess you can consider this as a big prompt for writing, if it inspires you.
Thanks for reading! <3
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thelargefrye · 1 year
Hmm..."Love me and I'll make you my muse"?
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pairing : producer!hongjoong x producer!f!reader x choreographer!wooyoung genre : romance, adult drama, unrequited love warnings : language, mentions of the mandatory military service in korea, everyone is in their early 30s in this, y/n has a peanut allergy
you’ve known hongjoong since you were in high school. the two of you basically finding a passion for music together and seemingly getting producing jobs at the same company together.
many people in the industry see you as a team, but the both of you can make music individually as well. that’s what you seemingly had to do when hongjoong enlisted and did his two years in the military.
during that time you even released your own music and became sort of well known by appearing on variety shows and such. you also met wooyoung while hongjoong was away.
he had started working at the company as their choreographer and the two of got along rather quickly. wooyoung claims it’s cause your music and his dances go together like peanut butter and jelly.
“i’m allergic to nuts,” you deadpanned at him when he said that.
“well it’s a good thing it’s just a metaphor and not an actual sandwich!”
you like wooyoung. you’ve grown attached to him and his bright personality. a complete 180 to hongjoong rather loner personality that you shared with him.
“hey! helloooooo, y/n are you listening to me!” wooyoung’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you look towards the dancer who is looking at you with a pout.
“oh, uh, sorry what did you say?”
“i asked if you were excited to for that new boy group that is debuting.”
“oh yeah, totally! mingi has worked really well with them these past few months. definitely going to go far,” you tell him but you can tell that’s not the answer he was looking for.
“okay yeah, mingi has done good with them, but what about me? i made their dance!”
“and i made the song,” you said back with a raised eyebrow, “what do you want me to say? that their debut is going to be great because of my song?”
“no,” he grumbles, “i want you to compliment my skills,” he adds making you roll your eyes, which he immediately notices and sticks his tongue out.
“what are you five?”
“only with you, babe,” he smirks and you push at his forehead with your index finger.
“you know, i heard some trainees talking about us,” he says after a few beats of silence.
“really? what did they say?”
“they were hoping that when they debut i would choreo their group’s dances so you can produce the songs,” he said, playing with one of the rings around his finger. “i think it’s funny how we’ve become like this little team to them. if i choreo their dance then it’s like they know you’re making the music.”
you nod your head at him thinking about how much people have started to associate you with wooyoung know. you’ve seen netizens online talk about you and wooyoung more than you and hongjoong. some wondering if wooyoung will only choreograph to your songs and no one else’s.
“why do you only choreograph my songs anyways?”
“hm, oh because you’re my muse.”
you can’t help the way your heart wants to burst out of your chest. his words always confuse you. he calls you “babe,” holds your hand, gives you kisses, and says shit like this, but you aren’t together.
wooyoung is just affectionate to everyone. you might be his “muse” but that could basically mean nothing to him. you want to ask him how he feels about you, but you’re too scared to ruin something before it even begins.
you almost did that once with hongjoong, you can’t handle doing it again with wooyoung. you’ll settle for what you have right now with the dancer. you’ll settle for his flirty comments and actions and nicknames.
you’ll settle with what you have now because you’re afraid of settling for anything else.
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what-if-queen-camilla · 9 months
Chapter 35
New Year's Day 1996
"Do we really have to do that?", Camilla asked for approximately the tenth time and looked at Charles with puppy eyes. It was half past eight in the morning on New Year's Day, and she felt as if they had just gone to bed about an hour before. It had been a really lovely evening with a heavenly menu, fancy drinks and lots of fun and family games and some great dances. Anne and Tim had shown up yesterday, too, as well as some other good friends of the Queen Mother's so they had been quite a lot in the end and it'd been a great party with lots of fun. But today, the part Camilla had been dreading ever since she had received the invitation was planned to go ahead: She'd have to accompany Charles, his sons and the Queen Mother to New Year's Day Service at Crathie Kirk. Of course, Thea was coming, too, so she had to pull herself together even more as she didn't want her poor little daughter to feel afraid as well but deep inside, she was terrified. It was going to be their first ever public outing as a couple, and also Thea's first appearance, she had no idea how the people would react but after everything she'd been through ever since their affair had first become public, she was frightened as hell. "Yes, darling, we have to, but you don't have to be afraid.", Charles tried to reassure her and tenderly stroked her face. She looked so incredibly beautiful and he couldn't wait to finally show the world that this wonderful woman was his, let alone their sweet daughter who was all his pride and joy. "I'll be by your side all the time and protect you if necessary. But it won't be necessary. I promise you.", he added, taking her face into both of his hands, kissing her passionately which made her chuckle. "Darling… behave yourself!", she admonished him jokingly, but looked at him with eyes full of love. She knew exactly that he was just as nervous as she was and usually she was the one to encourage him, so this was sort of new but she thought that he was doing exceptionally well motivating her. She could only hope and pray that he was right and everything was going to alright.
She had commissioned a new, flatteringly tailored, red coat with a bit of tartan on the collar and sleeves, Rothesay Hunting tartan, as Charles was known as the Duke of Rothesay in Scotland, and she knew that it was one of his favourites. Actually, Fiona had talked her into red, she herself would never have chosen such a vibrant colour as she had always preferred to stay as inconspicuous as possible, but her friend had insisted that she had to get out of her comfort zone and shine for her Prince so eventually, she had given in, but wasn't so sure about it anymore when she stood in front of the mirror in their room. It looked good, without a question, but it was also impossible to overlook her now and the last thing she wanted was to overshadow anyone else. At least she wasn't alone in this, as she had commissioned the same coat for Thea as well and her sweet little darling looked like a real Princess when she came down the stairs together with her great-granny, who was regally (and much to Camilla’s relief way more conspicuously than her) dressed in a vibrantly yellow coat with an extravagant fur collar and a giant, matching hat. She herself had opted for a small fascinator and was more than happy to see that she was definitely not going to outshine the old lady, though it was probably not humanly possible to outshine her at all. The Queen Mother was known for her fancy clothes and despite her age, she was the brightest shining star on every stage anyway. Charles had been reading the news as everyone else had been getting ready and gasped for a few seconds as he first caught a glance of his two favourite ladies in their matching coats with his beloved Rothesay Hunting tartan. "Oh my God…", he whispered and didn't even know where to look first. "You both look absolutely beautiful!", he gushed, tenderly putting his hand around Camilla’s waist, trying to pull her closer, but she winced and kept her distance. William and Harry were going to come down every moment and she didn't want them to have to see them like that, not yet, not after yesterday's dispute, not to speak of the Queen Mother's presence that would have made her feel deeply uncomfortable displaying affection. She looked at him excusing and hoped he'd understand. And indeed, the boys came down just seconds later, both dressed in dashing suits like their father. "Looking good!", William said to Thea and the little girl blushed which made Camilla smile. She had been such a good girl ever since their arrival, she had been behaving so well and to see how sweetly and lovingly she had already bonded with her great-grandmother, and how kind the old lady was to her, made Camilla’s heart almost burst with pride and joy.
They departed to Crathie Kirk in two cars; one was carrying Charles and the boys and the second one the Queen Mother, Thea and herself. As their visit had not been announced and nobody expected members of the Royal Family in Scotland on New Year's Day, it was just the usual handful of faithful members of the community who showed up for the service, but of course their eyes widened as they realised who came out of the black Audi that had just stopped in front of the church: Charles had driven the three of them himself and the ladies had had a driver, and once their car had parked next to the black Audi, the Prince immediately rushed over and first helped his grandmother out, and then gave his girlfriend a helping hand, much to the enchantment of the onlookers, who had gathered together at the entrance of the church and watched the scenes with great curiosity. Thank goodness, there were no photographers or reporters around, but Camilla noticed two of the younger attendees leaving the area and heading towards the village again, there'd most certainly be more attention when they were going to depart after the service but she didn't want to think about that now, it was already nerve-wracking enough just trying to follow Charles as unobtrusive as possible without stumbling and falling over her own feet as they made their way to the entrance of the church, where the priest, who was just as surprised to see them as everyone else, welcome them kindly, first the Queen Mother, then Charles and then boys: "Happy New Year, Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses.", before bending over to her and Thea, kindly wishing them both a happy new year as well. "Thank you and the same to you!", Camilla replied, rather automatically, and hoped it had been alright. They followed the party inside of the church and took their seats in the first row, with the security officers who were accompanying the four royals sitting down right behind them.
The service lasted for about an hour and somehow, it helped Camia to calm down. The music was beautiful and the prayers and readings had something meditative, but her nervousness returned as they got up and made their way up the aisle again, as she knew exactly that all eyes were on them, especially her. She tried not to think about it, but she couldn't avoid the glances and smiles the people in the back rows gave her as they walked past them. Surely, not everyone gave her smile, some didn't even look at her, two or three older women gave her a rather judging glance, but most of them happily smiled and waved at them which was quite a wonderful experience. However, as the doors flung open for them to exit, her heart stopped beating for a few seconds, as, for a small village like Crathie, quite a massive crowd had gathered in front of the church, excitedly cheering at members of their royal family. Camilla remembered the two youngsters who had gone back to the village after their arrival - they'd probably let everyone know and apparently brought the whole village here. Thank God they had the Queen Mother with them, who never minded meeting people and immediately rushed over to one side, pulling all of her three great-grandchildren with her. The Queen Mother couldn't have been more delighted and excited to introduce her sweet little great-granddaughter to the community of the village that has always meant so much to her and, much to Charles and Camilla's relief, who watched the scene from the corner or their eyes, everyone seemed enchanted by their little darling. Thea wasn't a naturally shy child but of course this completely new situation and all of the strangers were intimidating and she hid behind her great-grandmother at first, until William took her by the hand and sweetly walked side-by-side with her behind the Queen Mother. Charles' heart almost exploded at these wonderful scenes and, in contrast to Camilla, he didn't even seem to notice that Harry, who was walking behind William and Thea, carrying the Queen Mother's walking stick, didn't look too happy at all. But before she could've thought twice about it, Charles motioned for her to follow him to greet the people lining the other side of the path, but she just looked at him in panic. "Darling, no…", her lips formed silently, but he just nodded reassuringly and tenderly patted her back, gently pushing her in the right direction. The public reaction was overwhelming and Camilla felt like in a movie or something as she slowly made her way along the well-wishers, terrified at first, but all of the smiles and handshakes and good wishes made her feel more secure, confident and comfortable after few minutes. One women handed flowers to her, an exceptionally lovely posy, explaining to her that she had been given them for her birthday on the 30th but wanted her to have them instead. "I'd have bought some for you but the shops are all closed…", she explained and Camilla laughed. She couldn't believe how kind and lovely they all were, she'd expected them to hate her but in fact it was quite the opposite. Of course, it was only just the reaction of one small village, and didn't represent the whole United Kingdom, but given Crathie's special and long-standing connection to the Royal Family, it seemed quite an important and significant one and that made her incredibly happy, especially the warmth they had welcomed Thea with, who couldn't stop talking about her experience all afternoon, her eyes lit up in excitement.
They were having tea in the Queen Mother's drawing room after they had returned to Birkhall. The boys had left the party in order to join their cousins and Laura for a few more games without the adults, so it was only Charles, Camilla and Thea joining the Queen Mother. It was lovely, but though it was only just early afternoon, Camilla was so tired she could have fallen asleep immediately. It'd been a wonderful morning but quite a lot to take in. "Your Majesty, darling -", she asked the Queen Mother and the Prince. "I'm genuinely sorry but I'm afraid I… I have to lay down for a little while.", she said, desperately trying to suppress a heartfelt yawn, much to the Queen Mother's amusement. "Don't worry, my dear, it's been quite a morning, hasn't it?", the old lady asked and Camilla nodded smilingly. "Just go upstairs and rest for a few hours, see you at dinner tonight.", she said, and Camilla got up, questioning looking at Thea, asking: "What about you, sweetie? Wanna come with me or stay here?" Thea happily jumped up and over to Charles, throwing herself onto him, which caused all of them laughing, before she declared: "I'll stay with Daddy!"
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Camilla actually did have a red coat with Rothesay Hunting tartan on the collar and sleeves made for their honeymoon in 2005. In the story, I imagine her to wear exactly this outfit and a smaller version of it for Thea ❤️
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ol1verdrawsyt · 6 months
Hi! So uh, I’m wondering if you have any Dialtown headcannons you would like to share :D? Cause I’m totallyyy normal about Dialtown headcanons lol
I am filled to the brim with dialtown headcanons, but rn I'm having norm brainrot so here's every norm headcanon I can think of rn
- he's basically the father figure to the entire main cast
- He's a pretty good guitar player, and an excellent singer. Though he doesn't like to talk about his talents
- his biggest pet peeve is people taking pity on him
- after chapter 3 and the town was fixed, he swapped out his nasa suit for a nice sweater and some blue jeans
- him and mr.dickens bonded really well together when they first met
- every year on his wife's birthday, he used to drink until he blacked out. After getting a better support system, he spends the day with people he's close to and avoids alcohol completely
- hes trans (ftm)
- though he'd never admit it, he cares about gingi more than anything else. It's his closet friend and his support system
- he occasionally smokes
- idk if I said this before, but he built a new shack for himself near the funfair in the outskirts of town
- he has very mixed feelings on callum. He doesn't idolize him like he used to, but he also can't find it in himself to hate him for everything he's done. He still thinks he was a wonderful leader nonetheless
- he absolutely despises theoroar
- him and Tango sometimes chat when Norm is helping out Mingus. Tango and her unbridled enthusiasm for everything is a bit concerning, but he still finds her fun to talk to
- speaking of Mingus, they fight like cats and dogs. They're more alike than they'd like to admit, so imagine them getting along like trying to shove two magnets with the same pole together
- norm after going through Oliver's scareshack definitely believes it's haunted, but he's too stubborn to admit it
- he loves to make things. Whether it be music or food or small crafts, it's a hobby he picked up when he was exiled to keep himself from going insane
- If Norm ever got a phone somehow, he'd never use it. However, he'd be on level 923 on that one game where you sort the colored objects into the tubes (idk what it's called)
- he gets most of his personality from his mom, along with his long dark colored hair
- he's hispanic
- he's an amazing cook
- he hates loud noises with a burning passion. For Christmas, Mingus gave him noise canceling earbuds. He never takes them out
- every once in a while, God will show up at his shack in the middle of the night and ask for an omelet. The first time this happened, Norm got angry and told him no. Every other time, he was too tired and made him the omelet
I rlly like norm.....
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coraniaid · 1 year
Giles/Jenny for the ship ask game!
Yeah, I like this ship.  Not to the extent that I’m obsessed about it (or even think about it all that much), but it’s good.
1) What made you ship it?
Hmm.  Honestly I think it's partly just the fact that Jenny Calendar shows up in the second half of S1, exactly when the show starts to find its feet. So when I rewatch, I'm sort of primed to associate Jenny's arrival with good things.  (But it's not just that, of course, because you could say the very same thing about Principal Snyder.)
Giles and Jenny starting to date just feels like part of the show really starting to work, I think: like Spike and Drusilla arriving at around the same time (Spike and Dru being, as it happens, my other favorite ship from the first two seasons).
Also, while I'm not really sure it was ever consciously planned by the writers, I like the fandom reading that losing Jenny just has this quietly devastating impact on Giles that he doesn't ever really recover from.  I think it retroactively gives their relationship an importance and depth that I don't think it was always intended to have.  But it works, and it makes the fact nobody really takes about Jenny after S3 seem intentional and deliberate in a way that nobody talking about (say) Kendra really doesn’t.
2) What are your favorite things about this ship?
My favorite version of the ship is definitely the early S2 phase, before The Dark Age and before all the retcons about what Jenny's doing in Sunnydale.  Honestly I just think they're kind of cute together.
(I'm not really sure what would have happened to this ship in some alternate universe where Jenny didn't get killed off.  It's hard not to think that the writers were already struggling for ideas, because by the time of Passion we'd already been treated to two different iterations of "they've broken up because one of them turned out to be lying about their past and Bad Things happened -- will they get back together?" and I don't think that sort of dynamic is sustainable in the long run.
Maybe there's some other reality where they break up for good mid-season 3 (after Jenny finds out about Giles's role in the Cruciamentum, say), and it's Jenny, not Wesley, who ends up following Angel into his show in LA.  That’d be kind of fun.)
3) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
There's a pretty popular fandom take that basically casts Giles as the Dad and Jenny as the Mom, with Giles apparently seeing the Scoobies as adults and Jenny seeing them as children.  I really don't get this reading at all.
Not only do I not think there's much in canon to ground this on (beyond that one scene of Jenny saying "not in front of the kids"), I think it's pretty much the reverse of how they actually relate to the rest of the Scoobies.  After all, it's Jenny, not Giles, who blows off teaching her classes on the grounds that her friend Willow can cover for her, isn’t it? And it's Giles, not Jenny, who is explicitly cast as a parental figure to Buffy, who dismisses Xander's odd behavior in The Pack as him just being a teenage boy, and who as late as S3's The Prom is referring to Buffy and her classmates as "children" whose maturity surprises him. 
In short, it's Giles who treats the Scooby Gang as kids; Jenny (mostly) doesn't.  
And that makes sense, I think, because -- after all -- Jenny Calendar is much closer in age to the other Scoobies than Giles is!  (The show never establishes her exact age, but since Robia LaMorte is only seven years older than SMG I assume she's meant to be in her late twenties at most?)
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dubsteplevi · 1 year
Okay, this is going to be incredibly long and a lot of this is going to be a repeat of one of my last posts but this one will just go a lot more indepth of my feelings and thoughts towards the, in my opinion, terrifying movie Skinamarink (possible TW for suicide but there's no details going into it but I'm putting it just in case)
Simply to start off, I found it really slow but it definitely kept me on my toes of "what's going to happen next". However, I did find myself not really indulging myself into it (I also have ADHD so that might've had something to do with it lol) apart from that, because I'm an English nerd, I was also trying trying to find symbolism and such.
It was dark the entire movie except for at the beginning, which in literature light means knowledge and darkness means a lack of knowledge. If we apply that here that means that it in a way shows the kids are confused without them outright saying it. Other than that I couldn't really find anything else symbolism wise. This could be a stretch but colors could play into it as well with blue meaning, in this case, sadness and isolation with red meaning passion of either love or hatred, to which in a way I think could be both in this movie because the kids loving each other and their parents and hatred could be the parents feelings towards the kids, or at least the dad's (explained later) Blue is kind of obvious cause the theme isolation shows because they're trapped in the house and sadness is shown because apart from all the terrifying moments in the end the movie is really sad.
I mean, think about it! You're a 4 year old child who can't find their dad, you just fell down the stairs, things keep disappearing in the house, you have to piss in a bucket cause the ghost took away the toilet (the most scary thing in this movie /j), your mother cancelled her life subscription and your sisters face disappears halfway through whatever fever dream you're experiencing. In the sense of a 4 year old child that's terrifying but sad because you don't know much of anything else other than playing and whatever else kids at that age do.
Now, talking about scenes that kept us up, a lot of people talk about Kaylee's face disappearing or the mom dying but the scene that kept me up was the scene where we hear the repeatinng music (I don't remember what it's called even tho I saw it in the captions like 6 times with how much it repeated), Kevin screaming and us seeing blood splatter onto the floor again and again and again. At first I just saw that and I was like :o, then I saw it repeat and I was like :O then I heard the entity laughing and I was like 😧. It bothered me to a whole 'nother level cause that just implies that it's been happening for 572 days (I think that's the number).
Personally I really wish they played around with the idea a lot more, or at the least create a sequel to it if they want to keep that slow moving feeling since it is analog horror. I would've really liked to see some sort of story behind what's going on like why the dad being gone and possibly even an ending to what happens after but at the same time I like how they left it open to interpretation cause it just lets the audience fill in the blanks and create their own interpretation of the movie.
On how I interpret it, I see it as a metaphor for abused children (yes I think that because that's one of the most popular theories but that's not the main reason). It makes sense because the entity could represent the father abusing the children, Kaylee being "silenced" because her face disappears, the mother committing because of the chair literally hanging from the ceiling, etc. Another theory is this is all a dream from Kevin being in a coma because there's a constant theme of sleeping in the movie and I think it happens after he falls down the stairs. Little side note, can we talk about how calm the father was during that scene? Like sir your son, who is just barely becoming a little kid, fell down the stairs and it must've been bad cause you took him to the hospital how are you so calm and nonchalant about it???
Anyways I think it could be a mix of both. I think Kevin and Kaylee are heavily abused by their dad and their mother committed. Kevin at some point fell down the stairs and thus caused him to go into a coma and the whole movie is a nightmare (literally) and everything that happens is a reenactment of what happened in real life but more enhanced and dramatic because it's through the eyes of the child/children, which makes sense on why the jump scares aren't as scary as they would be because in nightmares, they seem scary for a second but then it just continues on and that's exactly what happens in the movie, every scare is for a few seconds then it continues as of nothing happened but we know something happened. That could also explain why the entity says "I'll protect you," even if it's in its own pretty twisted way cause it's trying to protect the child from the father's abuse.
Just now thought of this while writing but what if the entity also represents foster care systems?? Cause it claims it protects the child but then proceeds to hurt the child for its own enjoyment? Just a thought but like what if, y'know?
Anyhow I think that's all my thoughts on this absolutely wonderful movie. Even though it's done more psychological damage on my brain than any ex or break up will ever put in me through, it was so fucking good. I beg of y'all PLEASE watch it if you can. I have it on a Google drive but it's also available to rent on Amazon for like 5$ or something and on YouTube to buy unless someone has already uploaded it for free. Even though its slow paced, I'd argue that it made the movie better now that I've thought about it for a while cause it gave you time to process whatever just happened. But yes watch it, especially since it was done on a 15,000$ budget and it's made back like 2-3 Mil. It's worth it even if you don't like horror movies.
(as promised here's the @ @eggmixercortex )
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joons · 1 year
How good is The Raven Cycle? I've read maybe half of the first book and it wasn't keeping my interest. The male leads felt really fratboy-ish in a bad way and turned me off to it. But everyone says the books are really good. So I don't know if it's just not my thing, or if there's something great in it I just haven't gotten to yet. Is there anything interesting yet non-spoilery you can tell me that might motivate me to give it another try?
The male leads definitely have fuckboy aesthetics, but the series goes so deep into their internal landscapes that they all feel very complex and vulnerable the more you read. (I actually think Blue is the hardest of all of them, though the second book, The Dream Thieves, explores that fuckboy world more by introducing other characters that sort of represent the people the Raven Boys could become in a darker timeline.) I've heard people compare the books to The Secret History and other dark academia stories, but I like the way The Raven Cycle deals with class and goes for such a soft, friendship-and-fairies style of fantasy; the dark academia setting is just the jumping-off point before it starts being about talking trees and trauma and trailer parks. There's also a sequel/companion series that takes place after the first four books, which I haven't read yet, but I'm glad she kept going with the world because there are so many ideas in the series that it feels like you could explore little threads of it forever. The magic is all very hazy, powered by literal dream logic, so it has an almost fairytale "and then this happened" kind of pattern that you'll either really love or get annoyed by. And the characters feel so real that you can end up hating some of them because they are prickly and illogical and self-destructive, but there are ALSO enough characters that you'll probably really relate to at least one of them.
I would recommend the series because it feels so unique, even if there are elements you don't really like. It's always slow in plot, but Stiefvater will just, like, drop in an underworld hitman character that doesn't feel like he should be there, and that's so fun to me, that delightful mix of genres that shouldn't work but does. The villains are my favorite part of the series, which is probably an unpopular opinion. I also still don't quite know if I liked the ending? I kind of did, but I do think the number of characters DID make it feel overstuffed toward the end. But I reread the first book a lot because I love the way she introduces/explores the world, like, on a pure writing craft level. Stiefvater has always felt like an author I'm kin to, like we have the same priorities and aesthetics. The books are definitely her best work, and it's a story she worked on for years, set aside, then came back to when she was more experienced, and I think they feel like something truly weird and rough in the way any passion project does. It gets you excited because you have no idea where it's going. There's nothing formulaic about it at all.
I'd give the first book another try, since the end of that book sort of shows you the weird logic of the world and what she's going for. They are really mostly character studies about the hidden worlds inside all of us. I find them very beautiful. :)
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softranswolves · 1 year
In the Teen Wolf fandom, it seems like peeps only love the big-names, the ones who regularly return to post content versus people who joined in the last few years.
As someone who has been here a while, what's your take on this? Should new people stop trying? Because that's what I'm feeling.
Hey friend!
I just wanna say, before I really get to my answer, I'm kind of touched that you see me having been around for a while!! I'm definitely not what I'd consider a big-name and I know my blog is mostly just my little corner full of stuff I curate with my own creations or reblogs of other people's but you see me 😊 I'm also for sure not tapped into the fandom itself like some folks I follow. I just doot my snoot in my little archive of teen wolf shenanigans and try to maintain friendships with anyone who wants to interact with me (via asks, messages, or tags, good golly I wanna hug anyone who interacts in tags lol and I for sure recognize when ppl come back).
I typed a way longer response that you may not have wanted, all to just say I would hate to see new people stop trying!! I adore that teen wolf is still pulling people despite it being off air and potentially not getting more movies (whether or not that's what most people want). I think fandoms need fresh air continually too. No two people will experience the show or content 100% the same way and have every single response be the same. Just with the two cakes mindset of creation, there are multiple cakes for how we all digest the show and they're all delicious. I carved out my own little corner here because I wanted organization for myself, and I create largely for myself. Any interaction I get, I fucking adore, I cannot impress that enough lol. I just never really expect it bc I know I do my own thing here with stuff like Multiamory May moodboards. Rarepairs and polyamory and trans headcanons just aren't everyone's cup of tea and I stopped trying to be recognized for what I "target" when I know my quality isn't 100% and I'm just vibing to my own weirdness instead of being super put together about it. I've definitely flickered in and out of the fandom when it comes to engagement too - like how last year (or year before? idk, time is confusing) I was running regular events but currently I just don't have the energy/passion in the same way.
If you really want to be seen more, esp if you make your own posts/content, utilize tags, even if you're hella lazy with it like me. I try to always use #twedit no matter what, in addition to #twfemslash and #twrarepair when applicable. Those go on the radar of people who fill the queues of some "big" blogs that do a bunch of reblogging just to have continual content out there. I also feel like I got a foot in via a couple of my discord servers, mainly Teen Wolf Legacy, and making a couple too (one for Scott shipping, one for teen wolf femslash; others i know of included pecific Derek-positive ones, a Stiles shipping one). That absolutely increased my reach, because I could share my stuff with people who specifically wanted to get pinged for, say Allison/Stiles content as an example. Idk that my following blew up or anything, I'm still a relatively small teen wolf blog. But it did make it easier to grow into my niche here. It also made me realize how big the fandom is. Some might only watch for or engage with a particular ship or character, while others like me do so for pretty much anyone.
This was still lengthy, I'm sorry. You caught me after work when my brain is like solely focused on decompression via fixation and tumblr is often a source for that. Please don't be discouraged from trying, and if you feel comfortable coming directly to me I could possibly point you in the direction of some other teen wolf blogs with similar interests! Big-names are hella daunting and it still blows my mind some of the ones I always sort of looked up to also just have some nerd behind them that I can talk to (even if I feel like im annoying them lmao). Feel free to talk with me more either on or off anon too, I'm pretty much always here to some extent. I love new people so fucking much, I'm just not engaged enough to always see you 💜💜💜💜
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mingkittish · 2 years
Episode sixteen
The episode started a Casa in the bedroom where Cassey was the first to wake up (or so she thought) Lottie called Cassey’s name from across the room and scared the shit out of her. She couldn’t sleep and saw that Cassey was awake and wanted to have a chat with her outside. Lottie was waiting outside for Cassey with some tea, she wants to read Cassey’s leaves and we’ll Cassey’s an open minded girl so she gave it a “chai”
After a few moments Lottie was done and told Cassey what she found. Some of it was good she said and some was a little odd to her. But she started with the clear stuff.
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End scene:
They continue watching…
They continued watching…
End scene:
They continued watching…
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End scene
Cassey: It still annoys me that Marisol would say that, and right to my face?! *Cassey slump’s back and crossed her arms*
Bobby: I know… *he rubbed her arm* but she was wrong, you know? ALL of my eggs were definitely in your basket! Every single one of them. *Cassey giggles*
Cassey: You’re adorable. *she gives him a little peck on the lips*
The next scene shows Bobby again still lying on the day bed and Emily walking over to check on him.
Emily: Hey… Is everything alright…? *Bobby doesn’t say anything* I heard you guys got a video message of the girls and that you saw Cassey being really close with one of the boys? *Bobby looks up at Emily shielding his eyes from the sun*
Bobby: We did… *he sits up and Emily sat down next to him* I didn’t see it clearly… I just saw a glimpse of her head close to one of those boys… And I started to panic so a laid down for a bit to try and calm down…
Emily: And… did it work? *Bobby shrugged and sighed*
Bobby: I don’t know… *He said while shaking his head*
Emily: Maybe…? Maybe, you didn’t see what you thought? *Bobby looks up at her confused* You just saw her head close to someone else’s, right? *he nods* that doesn’t necessarily mean she was kissing? She could’ve been hugging him or maybe she whispered something in his ear?
Bobby: But what could she be whispering?
Emily: I don’t know? But that’s not my point, Bobby. I’m saying that you don’t really know what you saw and maybe, it was just something harmless that was edited in a way to shock you?
Bobby: You think so?
Emily: Yes! They always do that sort of stuff. And think about Cassey, and what she maybe saw on the video, they sent to the Villa girls? We were also close during yesterday’s challenge and… What about me trying to kiss you last night?
Bobby: Oh my days, you’re right! You’re absolutely right! *bobby is starting to feel a bit panicky again* What if she did see those things?! She might not want me anymore?! I can’t let that happen?! I don’t want that to happen, I’m in love with that girl! *Emily looks surprised at him, Bobby perched his lips together and blushes*
Emily: Wow! You are in love with her?! *Bobby nod’s*
Bobby: I am… *He said softly* I am truly madly deeply love with her… *He falls back* I can’t believe it, you’re the first person I told that to?
Emily: Ahw… I think that is the sweetest thing! But, does she feel the same way about you?
Bobby: I… I don’t know? I hope she does! I mean, she came to me the day the girls left, that’s got to mean something, right? *Emily shrug’s*
Emily: Maybe? I don’t know? But I do really hope, she feels the same way about you… *She give’s Bobb a sympathetic looks and squeezes his arm* I really do hope it works out for you, hun. And I also hope I’ll find a person that’s passionate about me, like you are about Cassey? *Bobby smiles at her*
Bobby: I’m sure there’ll be somebody out there for you? It took me years to find that special person again. And… if it can happen to me, it can definitely happen to you. Thanks Em, I really needed this talk. It really helped me calm down, a lot.
Emily: No problem, babes. *they both get up and leave towards the kitchen*
End scene:
Cassey’s quiet she’s got tears coming down her face and she sniffed
Bobby: Are you crying? *Cassey nod’s*
Cassey: Of course I’m crying, Bobby. I just saw the sweetest thing of you ever! *she said while still bubbling*
Bobby: Ahw, Lass. *He cuddles her really tightly* And I meant every single thing. I am truly madly deeply in love with you… *He looks her in the eyes, she smiles back at while sniffing and he kissed her very passionately, Cassey wrapped her arms around Bobby making the kiss even more intense, after a while the break away from the kiss and continued watching*
They continued watching…
Back at Casa… Lottie called on a girl council, she told the girls about her plan to “get back” at the Villa boys, by having the girls kiss all the casa boys (or as many as they can) All the girls wanted to participate, except Hope and Cassey.
So, then everyone went about their day. Cassey had a talk with Hope, who was worried about Noah and what he said in the video and if she’s missed out on fun while being at Casa Amor. Then Carl came over and talked about what happened in the video message and how that the Casa boy’s would never do such a thing. Cassey had something to say about it and Hope backed her up.
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After that she went about her day chatting with a few other people just to pas the time (but secretly all she wants is to get out of that god forsaken place)
Later that evening all the girls got ready, Priya won Lottie’s kissing challenge. After they got dressed they went down to where the Casa boys went really out of their way in the hopes they get to come back to the Villa. After some chatting, Arjun came holding a long stick. And asked if anyone liked to limbo!
Bobby: You’re re really good at that!
After everyone was done. Arjun approached Cassey and asked for a private chat.
Arjun basically poured his heart out and well… Cassey turned him down…
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Bobby: You want to be with Bobby…? You really just said that? You want to be with me? *Bobby smiles and gets a bit teary eyed*
Cassey: Of course, I wanted to be with you! I was in love with you! And still am obviously… *she said while smiling and blushing, Bobby didn’t know how to respond except by giving her a big cuddle and kiss on top her head*
They continued watching…
Heading back to the other’s Cassey ran into Marisol, who of course wanted to share her two cents about what she thinks… She told Cassey Arjun was nervous talking to her.
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Cassey: Was there vomit on his sweater already mom’s spaghetti?
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Bobby: Haha you really said that?
After Cassey’s talk with Marisol they headed back to the others and got ready for bed. Or so they thought again… until Priya decided to play the floor is lava! Cassey of course wanted to join because she’s still a kid at heart.
Bobby: You guy’s did the floor in lava?! Ahw… I wished I was there to join in! *Cassey giggles*
Cassey: I would’ve loved to have you there… *She blushed, Bobby smiled* didn’t you guy’s do anything like that?
Bobby: Not really… my last night was pretty boring… for… you know reasons *He rub’s his nose*
They continue watching…
End of part two
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Story writing tip/ (excuse for me to rant)
Know what your ending is going to be. Of course you can tweak things, but know what it's going to be - and you can even write the story backwards if you so wish.
I have seen so many stories (and I'm talking huge series stuff, things that have been adapted into animes and movies) where the author has no idea how they're going to end the thing.
And some if not all these things happen:
Author starts hating their story, gets bored with it
Author starts hating their characters
Author stops caring about the main character
Leading into:
"I don't know how to get from A to B, so to continue the story, I'm going to kill this character off to make some content."
Any humorous moments in the story leave - even the most serious stories have a few moments of humor - but it can completely lose this and become nothing but a hollow, sad feeling for the readers, almost like it's all purpose+less.
And in some really bad cases: "Fuck it - let's just kill everyone so the MC suffers."
And not to mention the killing cliche: You don't need to kill off a character to create the same shock value or pain. Say they're a sorcerer, someone who values their powers above all else , and they come to a dilemma - give up those powers, or let their friends die. A character who values their strength and fighting abilities, and loses them to disability. A painter who loses their eyesight. These things create a lot more plot to work with - how will they cope? How will the main character help them cope? How will this affect the main character in the long run? Think about these things if you are lost, before deciding to kill them off.
You ever get to a point watching an anime or show, reading a book or series, where it feels like the author has just ... given up? All of the sudden these beloved, complicated characters become one dimensional assholes to be killed off screen, or even the "actually they're a villain now" twist - but none of their actions before ever indicated that they could be a villain. You can have a surprise plot twist like this, but to make it authentic and crazy, you have to drop at least SOME subtle details along the way. Keep people theorizing over even the tiniest of details. For instance, in Frozen, Hans wasn't even going to be the villain - it was sort of a last minute decision, and you can tell.
Of course, this doesn't mean there's no good stories that haven't worked without knowing their ending, and it's not something you can always avoid - often, if I have a story idea, I write down bullet points, but I never start working on it till I actually have a definite goal in mind. Wait a few months. See if the ideas still stick and want to be a story - and if they don't, you can add those ideas to another story, making the other story even more complex and detailed. One of my biggest ongoing projects has always had an ending, but I've combined 100's of mini stories into the same universe. Write down your ideas, nothing goes to waste.
For example, The author of the hugely successful story One Piece, has always had his ending in mind - but he has added tons of characters and stories along the way, which tweaks the ending, but he still knows where it's all going, even after 20+ years. He has a passion for his characters and his story, and that's why it's worked, why it's still going and still drawing huge crowds in.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
What was the last seriously painful thing that happened to you?   I accidentally ate a whole dried chili pepper from my kung pao chicken last night. It looked like any other topping, so I shoved it in my mouth mindlessly... :/ The burning sensation in my mouth felt fun I guess but boy do peppers actually taste like shit when eaten on their own – it felt like I ate a spoonful of metal and soil? and then of course my tummy felt upset for a couple of hours after that.
Did you get sleep last night? If not why, were you up? I did; I slept earlier than usual actually, given how busy I had been this week. I think I passed out by 11:30 PM.
What's the last rude thing someone said to you? Idk. People are very rarely rude to my face.
Would you rather do yoga or pilates or Zumba? All of these sound exhausting lmao. I’d try Zumba just so I can at least dance while working out.
Have you ever been scammed by a church? Or felt scammed by a church? Not scammed out of money but I definitely feel like church/organized religion is a scam and waste of time generally. < Yeah, let’s go with this. But on the money side, I will share this - I’ve said this before, but for the last 3-4 years my parish has been trying to raise funds for renovations and make the space larger and much much MUCH grander, and I find it so sad and desperate how they are clinging to churchgoers (most of whom don’t even have the extra income to allot for donations) to see progress. It’s so dumb and I always ignore the basket that goes around during offertory knowing it’s going to that church I’ll eventually stop attending anyway.
What does your class ring look like? What is that even? Do students in some schools do that? I was never too attached to my own batch to get a class ring.
What's your greatest asset? My ability to think quickly on my feet. Sort of a mandatory in my line of work, and I’ve learned lots about problem-solving and meeting deadlines from it.
List ten careers you think you'd find interesting. Museum curator, NASA engineer, surgeon, concert handler/organizer, wedding planner, editor for Korean variety shows, historian, production crew on a cruise ship, anonymous restaurant inspector. 10 is a LOT lmao, I didn’t expect how stumped I’d be. 
Do you know what you want to do with your life? Not quite yet. I thought I had it all figured out, but my burnout has since served as the slap to the face I needed to tell me I’m not really finding satisfaction with what I do anymore. I don’t know if I’ll always want to be in the corporate world, but what I know is I’d love to start exploring another facet of my passions, aka museums and anything related to history.
Have you found your soulmate yet? No, idk if I believe in that and I certainly never use the term genuinely, and only do so in a very joking/lighthearted manner.
Do you believe in Judgment Day? Is that the Bible thing? No. The only Judgment Day I recognize is the old WWE pay-per-view hahahaha. 
What's your favorite holiday for candy? I don’t like candy and I’ve never waited for a holiday specifically for candy.
What celebrity has the same body type as you? Not being biased lol, but Kristen Stewart is a good example I think. Zendaya also! although I am nowhere near as tall as she is.
Can you see spirits? Nope, don’t believe in that. I have a number of friends (that I trust) who claim to have a third eye or a sixth sense – and while I don’t and will never believe them specifically for that, I still like to prompt them every once in a while to see if they’re currently sensing anything different. In a way, I’m still interested in what they’d have to say.
If you were to design shirts, what would you put on them? If we’re talking about statement shirts, I’d pass. I never liked sayings on clothing.
What is the name of your YouTube channel? It’s just my Google-registered name since I registered using my Gmail.
What was the first social media site you joined? Technically it was Myspace but I never touched it again after creating my account, ha. The first social media site I joined and actually spent time at was Twitter, followed by Multiply.
Do you prefer wide-ruled or college-ruled paper? College. Having wide lines on my paper has always made me feel like I’m back in elementary school and taking penmanship classes.
Have you ever had a book completely disconnect from its binding? I’ve had this happen to my books when I was a kid, yeah.
When was the last time you won a contest, and what did you win? It was technically not a contest, but we recently had a company-wide workshop where we invited a journalist to give us a writing lecture and even homework. I was personally excited about the writing prompt he gave, but I was just too busy with work that I completely missed (and forgot about) the deadline. I rush-wrote my material the morning after the deadline and was a little nervous about it because I didn’t even give it a second glance lol, but when I consulted with him later on in the week he told me mine was the best one and that I would be given the highest score. No prize for this other than validation and assurance for my writing hahaha.
What talents contests do you think you could win? Writing and speaking ones, judging from the few contests I did manage to join in the past.
Where do you store your Christmas decorations? Mom keeps it in this large container in the garage.
Do you decorate for holidays? Only for Christmas.
Do you have a hope chest? If so, what's in it? No, I don’t know what that is...have I taken this survey before? I remember learning about a hope chest precisely because of a question like this, but idk otherwise I don’t think I’ve ever encountered some of the questions here so probably a coincidence.
What's unique about your bed? Can’t think of anything about it that makes it stand out. What's unique about your bedroom? My aircon is the same aircon that you will see if you look at my photos of me as a baby in my nursery.
Do you act too nice for your age? I don’t think niceness has anything to do with age, but I definitely get called out by my mom whenever she can for being too much of a pushover haha. For the most part I’m outspoken only within people I trust; but I hate hate hate having to argue with strangers and think it’s a waste of time, so I normally just let other people have their way. And she really hates that.  What's a place that starts with the same letter as your name? Romania.
Where would you most like to do a 24 hour challenge in? List five places. Gangwon, Busan, Barcelona, New York City, Basel.
What's your favorite part of Chinatown? I’ve never been to a Chinatown.
Does your doctor respect you? I don’t have a doctor that I regularly go to. I also never really get checkups and only go to a clinic/hospital if I’m experiencing some sort of serious ache.
What color is your birthmark? Where is it located? I have one on the top left part of my back and it’s dark brown; I have another one by my butt, which is also dark brown; and I used to have a Mongolian spot on my right arm.
Have you ever made a prank call? Never.
What are some jobs people in your family have had? List five. My dad started as a cook and worked his way up the kitchen; to add, he used to work in a hotel here in the Philippines but started working overseas after the birth of my sister so the family monies could be more sustainable. My mom has juggled all sorts of administrative work in three different hotels over the last 29 years so she’s been a receptionist, secretary to the F&B director, etc.  Do you feel spiritually in tune with nature when you're out in the wild? I don’t believe in spirituality and ‘getting in touch’ with mine. 
Which Cheetah Girl was your favorite? Raven mostly because I loved her in That’s So Raven and I didn’t know the other girls too much.
Which Spice Girl was your favorite? Didn’t reach their peak, sorry. I love Victoria though, but more as herself than as a member of the group.
Which Power Ranger was your favorite? Was never into the Power Rangers. Were you blonde as a child? Not at all.
What was your first CD you bought? Beyoncé’s I Am...Sasha Fierce.
Have you ever cried while locked in a bathroom? A few times. I generally avoid the bathroom though...doesn’t the echo make it worse? If I need to cry I just do it in bed or go to my car so I can be alone.
What is your favorite type of book to read? Memoirs.
Do you ever sleep on your floor? Very occasionally.
If you're not in school, do you ever miss writing essays? I don’t miss it, only because I get to do it for a living kind of! Hahaha but if I had ever ended up in a different field, I definitely see myself missing writing. It’s one of the few things I know and am good at.
Do you enjoy writing? I love it.
Who's the best photographer you know? Maybe Reiven since he actually did it for a living at one point.
Have you ever had a professional photo shoot done? Yes, for grad shoots. Nothing beyond that, though.
Have you ever performed in a talent show? No.
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] What it’s like to be their manager Headcanons
Note: I think a lot of people misunderstand the role of the manager XD It’s not that the whole team is dating you. It’s that the whole team treats you like their family/sister. So you’d better bet that all of them are gunna be hella protective of you XD
Scenario: What do you do for the team and what do they do for you? :D
Warnings: not proofread, fluffy, might have some swear words, platonic relationships
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Tohma, reader as the team manager
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Genshin Volleyball Team manager
It’s just fuckin’ chaos
On your first day you’re already bombarded with questions by Tartaglia and Kaeya
“So which class are you?” “What’s your height?” “Are you single?”
Captain Zhongli just cannot be bothered to reign them in anymore.
So Vice Captain Diluc does it and grabs their collars. “You idiots, you’re scaring her off!”
Possibly Kazuha and Tohma are the ones you really try to rely on, on your first few weeks.
So how do you gain the trust of your team? Let’s start with each player shall we?
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Zhongli is just handsome and mature. He’s strict and needs to be the pillar of the team. 
You’re intimidated by him the first few weeks and he just seems...a little far. He’s always so focused that you can’t seem to catch a moment to just chat with him.
There’s a day where you notice that his form is a little off, you suspect that he hurt his wrist a little. 
You fidget uncomfortably in the gym as they practice, but finally turn to the coach “U-Umm... The captain is... I mean! I’m not sure, but... I think he needs to take a rest,”
The coach calls for someone to substitute Zhongli and suddenly asks you to check on him.
“Huh?! Me?!” the coach pushes you towards him, and Zhongli is just looking at you quizzically, you can practically see the question mark on his face.
“C-Captain, d-do you need some bandages on your wrist?”
Zhongli is taken aback, but silently puts his right wrist out for you to wrap.
Only when you’re done tending to it does he look you in the eye and ask.
“How did you know?”
“...Because I always watch, and all I can do is watch. If I can’t even spot that out then I’m not a very good manager am I?”
Zhongli has a newfound respect for you. He thought you were just a meek and shy thing sitting around and passing them balls but he feels his heart swell that someone like you is seriously watching over them.
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Diluc is probably the second hardest to get along with or break the ice with.
But he gradually warms up to you when he notices that he’s always the first one you pass a towel and water bottle to.
You’re not doing that on purpose, it’s just him who always comes up first.
After a few days he deliberately goes to you faster cause he always wants to be the one to receive a water bottle and towel from you first. Secretly a puppy.
The moment he realized that you were reliable was when you stayed behind to help him practice when everyone else went home already. 
You didn’t let up in your constant praise of “nice receive”, “great spike!” and “that’s so cool!” 
He thinks he saw stars in your eyes at some point.
“Hey, Diluc, it’s getting late, let’s leave some energy for tomorrow, yeah?” he could tell from your mannerisms that you were tired too, but you tried not to let it show on your face and still cleaned up with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then!” you wave but you’re stopped by a quick. “No,” from him. You tilt your head in wonder and he just looks at you as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“It’s late, I’ll walk you home,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
You don’t have to impress this guy, anyone of the female gender impresses him.
lol jk
safe to say it’s not difficult to befriend Kaeya, just bring him a cheering squad and some food.
all jokes aside the way to this guy’s heart is through his stomach.
He’s not a particularly hungry person but there’s this one time he forgot to bring lunch. He was running late, or something of that sort, honestly not something new for him.
He ALSO didn’t bring money so he couldn’t eat food from the cafeteria.
Ask his friends for money you say? Tartaglia would go, “Haha no way!” Albedo would go, “Let this be a lesson for you,” his brother would go “Serves you right,”
By club time he’s famished and dramatic. “Guys, go on without me, this is as far as I go,” as he sprawls on the gym floor.
You ask if he’s okay and he doesn’t answer so Diluc is the one that answers for him. “He forgot his lunch, as always,”
You make a sound of understanding and the next thing you know you’re taking out a lunch box and Kaeya has lifted his head up, sensing food.
“I packed onigiri for everyone today, actually... In case someone was hungry. It’s not much but--”
Kaeya comes alive from the dead and clutches your hands to his chest. “Manager you really are an angel,”
Diluc jump kicks him away from you.
#4 Albedo (Setter)
You also don’t know how to approach this guy
He always looks mad or stoic or something. Like he’s always thinking about something.
He low key actually is always thinking about play strategies and how to set the ball better for his teammates.
You really do think he works so hard while the game is going on, so you decide to help him out a little bit.
You watch a few more of their games and somehow come up with a list of what kinds of sets are better for each different spiker in the team.
There’s surprise in his eyes when you pass the document to him and modestly exclaim “...but, it might not be accurate, since I’m not that experienced,”
He still nods and says “...It’s the thought that counts,” 
When he does read your report and try the techniques out he notices that it does hold some merit in it
Is amazed like how Zhongli is amazed. He thought you were just there to hand them bottles and cheer for them but he had never been so wrong as to what a manager’s role is.
Will trust you enough to ask you about his set performance.  
Will sometimes slam Kaeya with an insult. “Kaeya, your spike sense is horrid, Y/N can read the moves better than you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
It’s not that he has a hard time trusting people but let’s just say he has the tendency to make you feel like he likes you but then he actually does that to everyone.
For example: He’ll throw compliments like “Oh that’s amazing Y/N!” but then back in the classroom you’ll hear him say “Oh that’s amazing!” to, like, every other person. 
That kinda disappoints you cause then the comment doesn’t really hold that much meaning to it if he keeps on saying it to others too.
He encounters a crisis mid year because this guy is just... he struggles with his grades. 
Captain Zhongli has told him he can’t play volleyball if he fails even one subject.
This boy is panicking and has semi-accepted this is the end of his volleyball career.
So you offer to study with him and he’s legit stoked.
Intensive and strict study sessions commence. Note taking, pop quizzes, surprise questions and even sudden random calls from you wherein you ask him a question and he has to answer within 5 seconds.
You’ve pulled all the study techniques you know here, this man better pass everything.
Welp, he still fails History....but since he worked so hard Captain Zhongli excuses it.
He’s so happy that he can’t hold back the stupidly wide smile on his face. He turns to you and for the very very first time in months, he bows and THANKS you.
You realize that he’s never thanked you before. Not even when you pass him water bottles or towels. 
You consider it a win, getting rare and sincere appreciation from him.
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
One of the easiest to get along with but at the same time, he’s so mature that you feel like you’re not even in the same age range as him.
Definitely someone you can count on though, so you ask him many questions on the first week.
Still, it’s one of those things where you can kind of talk to him but there’s still a wall between you two.
One day while walking around in school there were these boys who were commenting about his height, and questioning his abilities as a volleyball team member.
You didn’t really think much about it when you speak up, “But he’s a really good middle blocker and spiker,” 
Those boys look at you weirdly and you realize that you’ve unconsciously spoken up. So you hurriedly walk away.
Little did you know that Kazuha was in some secret corner and heard the whole thing.
Just like that, the next day, it seems as if the wall between you two was gone, and you’re able to talk freely.
That, and he seemed to like asking you to help him practice his spikes and throw balls for him now.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
is deceivingly easy to get along with. Just has a rough exterior but is actually a softie if you squint.
You know this because there are subtle things he does. 
He doesn’t speak to you much but then he would be the one picking up the balls with you, or sometimes there’s magically a new set of clean towels on the bench that you don’t remember taking out from the storage room.
This guy is passionate for the game, so he really beats himself up when he isn’t able to receive a ball during actual games.
You worry about his mentality sometimes. I mean, it’s a team game, it’s not like he alone can save the whole game
So you talk to him about it the other day
“You’re already a really good libero Xiao, I mean... I’m not saying you should stop practicing but you don’t have to feel so bad...” you pause because this doesn’t feel like the message you want to convey
“Sorry, what I mean is... You CAN feel bad, but share the burden with your team, you know?”
He knows what you’re saying and contemplates it for a while. He knows that his team has his back, but sometimes just needs reminder about it.
He looks at you and asks, “...Can I share the burden with you too?”
You blink “Huh?”
“You said I can share the burden with my team, but can I share it with you too?”
There is a blush on his cheeks at this point.
“Oh, yea! Of course! I don’t play but I’m still part of the team you know!”
Ever since then, during games, if he feels a little frustrated he’d glance at you on the bench and you’d give him a thumbs up for a job well done.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
You’re like bffs the moment you see each other
lol jk
You’re still awkward with him the first few days cause that’s just how first meetings are.
But he is very easy to talk to and always makes you feel at ease
Will always be the one to ask how you are if you need any help or if class was okay in general
Seems like the type of person to care more about others than himself
So he’s surprised when you come into the gym and you beat him to asking his usual questions.
“Tohma, how are you today? Did you have a proper lunch?”
“Tohma, are you getting tired? Want some water?”
“Tohma, how was class today?”
All the other members of the team turn to look at the two of you, thinking ‘Why does Tohma get extra attention?’ 
Tohma certainly doesn’t get extra attention you just TALK to him more. The other members deadass are also getting cared for by you, just in different ways.
This boy has some insecurities though, when it comes to playing the game. He hasn’t been in it for long so he’s the least experienced and that gets to him sometimes.
“Oh, really? But you play really well! I couldn’t tell that you’re new” 
His serves are really amazing though.
“Also! You always score points for us with the serves. Sometimes, your serves are my favourite part of the game!”
Has practiced extra hard so as not to let you down.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
can I get some more octavinelle with pregnant!mc? how they would react around mc and when the baby is born if they would cry or anything
in case I'm violating any rules or the requests are closed feel free to delete this! I'm just a big jade simp and I love my octatrio a lot too!
Requests are currently closed.... but.... I'm a sucker for domestic stuff and an Octavinelle stan, so I'm gonna do this anyways asddf
This will be the one exception [note post writing everything: YEAH this will definitely be the ONLY exception.... this is looooong]
Tried to keep everything as gender neutral as possible: when referring to pregnant partner and the babies alike
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 💜
When you're pregnant
Proud papa!! Azul definitely cried from happiness when news of your pregnancy reached him
Was also a nervous wreck, however. He's very insecure about his abilities to be a good father and role model his children would like to follow and look up to
You know him, he's studious and booksmart. Ashengrotto will take to reading many parenting books and blogs entries to prepare himself for the arrival of his baby
Definitely had you both enroll in classes in a local hospital so you know how to act and what to expect when time for labor arrives
Health and being healthy is important to him. For you he will put up with eating all sort of balanced meals, regardless of how much he dislikes them (so you're not alone while keeping up a diet)
Always accompanies you to your gynecology appointments. Cried every time your baby's heartbeat was heard through the echo/ultrasound machine
We know how he is, grown up Azul probably has a business of his own and it takes a good amount of his time to attend. Still, he will take time to call you through the day to make sure you're fine
Probably had either of the twins look after you in days he really couldn't take time off his job. Jade being the more helpful one with chores and emotional rants (you've both probably sniffled at natural documentaries), while Floyd is perfect for food prep and hysterical laughs over fail videos
Every night, before going to bed, he spends time talking to your baby bump, places some kisses on it too
He goes sooooo soft in those moments before sleep takes you away, his love lulls you to refreshing rest
Always makes sure to give you a kiss and a rub goodbye to your bump when heading off to work
Really enjoys watching you cook. the pregnancy glow looks beautiful on you when doing mundane tasks, he thinks
Maternity pictures? He's a little reluctant, but if you really want to... *end up carrying a small copy of his favorite pic in his wallet* *sends a copy of the whole pack to his mother and grandma* *frames his favorite and puts it on his office*
When you're in labor/the baby arrives
But after a nice yell of surprise, fear and nerves, he's ready to go and put your plan of action learned in those classes ready!
He's collected for the most part, but every time you scream from the contractions, he screams too because "he can feel it"... but it's really just his nerves getting out of hand
However, once you get to the hospital, this man will burst in and yell loud and clear "SOMEONE HELP ME, MY SPOUSE IS IN LABOR!!!" because the ride was so stressful he can't hold it together anymore
Be it through natural labor or C-section, Azul will want to hold your hand and be there for you through it all.... He might get light headed at times, but again, he'll push through anything to make sure you and the baby are fine
If he somehow manages to translate his grip strength to his human form now that he's older, he will be squeezing your hand just as hard as you're squeezing
Is a mess of tears once your child's first cry echoes through the room. It feels so relieving and miraculous.... You're now parents to your first little baby!!
Can't help to smile so tenderly at his chubby little angel. Runs a finger delicately against their cheek and sheds more tears at how warm and soft and alive they are
"My precious little pearl... What a blessing you are, little one, already making us so joyous. Welcome"
Azul holds his child so gently. If you had a glow while pregnant, Azul has a glow as a new father. You swear you can see a golden halo around him whenever he's pampering and carrying your child
Reads them a bedtime story every day. They may not understand him, but Azul wants to acquaint them to his voice quickly
Since he has paperwork to do at home, there have been times the octomer left you to sleep while he attended the baby's necessities. It relaxes him, and the rocking to get them back to sleep refreshes him. How can one not be powered up after seeing a plump little munchkin sound asleep with a smile on their face?
This private moments with the baby get him emotional, has probably cried during all of them. He just feels blessed with a mountain of happiness when he sees his baby sleep so comfortably, knowing they're surrounded by love and care.
Is curious to see if his baby will manifest a merfolk form later in life, or manifest any sort of magical powers.
BONUS: It was during a family vacation to the beach during their 2nd year in primary school where your child manifested their mer-form. They were ecstatic!!
🐬 Jade Leech 💜
When you're pregnant
His expression was as collected as always, but his heart jumped into outer space when he got the news of your pregnancy. Held you close and kissed you with so much passion and love, you saw a new Jade that day.
He thinks you don't notice, but the loving gaze he shoots your way when doing the most random things around the house is so soft, your heart stops every time (think of his lab coat groovy, that smile)
Like Azul, he's very keen on keeping you healthy. Along with a proper diet, he makes sure you take your daily supplements
But he turns a blind eye when you wish to indulge a liiiittle too much on that snack you adore
With his big appetite, it doesn't come as a surprise that he willingly subjects himself to your strange cravings
Jade is another one that accompanies you to each and every doctor's appointment. Is well read of what to expect in every month mark, so he asks the most questions to clear up any doubts you may have.
His eyes filled with tears when hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time. Held your hand tightly and kiss your forehead so many times while you were in the ultrasound room
While he's patient, sometimes your mood swings also get him in a sour mood. Thankfully, he has a way to destress with his job and terrariums. It's not long into the day when he calls to apologize for any dumb things he said, and to make sure you're doing fine
Floyd sometimes tags along to your home. It's always 50/50 on what it'll be: nice funny harmony, or utter disastrous chaos that leaves you sobbing in your husband's arms.
Perhaps the one thing Jade dislikes of your pregnancy is ho hard it is for you to find a position to sleep in because your constant tossing and turning interrupts his sleep every time
Jade speaks to your bump in whispers. Likes to lay his head on your lap and talk to the baby. He tells stories of his childhood, tells the little one how much they're loved, and sometimes indulges in singing
He also likes to play classical music for your bun
The one thing he adores? Feeling your baby kick, it always lights up his face with a bright pointy smile
If you want maternity photos, Jade is quick to convince! He acts like it embarrasses him, but he does secretly want some nice pictures to commemorate this period in your lives (plus, Mama Leech wants some to display in her home!)
When you're in labor/the baby arrives
His mind is running a mile a minute. Excuse him is he calls you "hospital" instead of your name, everything's flashing before his eyes quicker than he can register.
Would crash the car into the entrance from how fast everything's happening, but he doesn't. He does carry you to the front desk and hurriedly pants "Spouse, baby, NOW! HELP!!"
For x or y reason, Jade ends up waiting to hear the news of you and the baby. He's not in the room with you. The whole time he's left alone, he's bouncing his feet and pacing back and forth. In a short moment of clarity, he dials up Azul and notifies him of the situation, asking the octomer to pass the information to his twin and parents.
With how long births are, it shouldn't be surprising to see Mama and Papa Leech, Floyd and Azul arrive at the hospital. However, with how worried and stressed he is right now, it does catch Jade by surprise.
This moment of uncertainty, of not being by your side, is the one time where the eel lets his emotions and thoughts go unfiltered.... which may provoke his twin a little. But it's exactly these small quarrels that snap sense into him and remind him that he should focus his attention on doctors and nurses for any possible news about you. They also help refresh and keep him awake
His mother and Azul are the most helpful, calming him down and quelling his anxieties about your and the baby's safety
The moment he sees the familiar face of one of the doctors that entered the same room as you, he's up and speedwalking to them.
As soon as the merman gets permission to see you, he's already making his way to you
Finally, he can rest and let it all out. There's visible tears flowing out his eyes and sobs coming out of him while he holds your little bundle of joy. Not even a thousand kisses are enough to show his gratitude to all that you've done for him
He was already in love with your baby the moment he laid eyes on them, but once their tiny hand wrapped around his finger.... HE WAS DONE FOR, THIS BABY WOULD BE SPOILED BY PAPA FOR ALL ETERNITY. In fact, it was this moment the one that made him ugly cry
His instincts got the best of him. Jade literally snapped around to bite his father and Floyd when they got a too close to the sleeping baby. By a miracle he allowed his mother coddle them for a split second. Can you blame the poor man? He's sleep deprived and stressed, cut him some slack
Once he got some rest, Jade was embarrassed by his words and actions, but oh well... The past is in the past
He adores spending time with your baby. Every time he's in charge of bathing them, he does the cutest babytalk. He lives to see them giggle and relax in the water
Feeding time is also one of his favorites, and you also enjoy it too. Jade is just wonderful when taking care of the baby, your heart swells and a smile reaches your lips (partly because he turns so silly to make the little one eat)
He is helpful when attending the child at night, but whenever he had a stressful day at work he pleads you to go and calm them down
Talking about stressful days, feel free to send him some selfies and pictures of your baby through the day. They surely will cheer him up a little while he works.
When your child starts attempting to talk, Jade will go along with it. He nods and answers attentively to anything your baby says
BONUS: At around 5 years of age, your kid turned into their merfolk form in the middle of bath time. They cried from panic while Jade had a proud smile on his face
🦈 Floyd Leech 💜
When you're pregnant
He takes a minute to process the news. Frankly, he's nervous about this big leap, but he's sure he wants to have kids with you. His excitement may be subdued at first, but you will see him throw more smiles and tender gazes your way within the following weeks
If you notice him spacing out during the first weeks, urge him to speak out. It will take many tries to get him to open up, but one night he goes to spoon you, hand carefully caressing your tummy. "I'm unsure... isn't this... too fast?"
Understand that his doubts are more about feeling unprepared (specifically him, he has no clue how to even begin preparing), not about not wanting to have kids. "Accidents happen, Floyd, we can't control every variable in our lives. We have one another, I'm certain that together we can do this."
"Plus, we can always consult your parents." Cue a groan from him, but soon after there was a smile
Slow but steady, Leech begins researching and reading up about parenting and pregnancy. Lemme tell ya, he's not looking forward to the mood swings. Sure enough, when they arrive, he handles them very poorly. At the end of every day, however, he hugs you close while in bed and asks for forgiveness through kisses to your back
He sometimes gets bored by all the technical talk your gynecologist speaks, but follows their orders to a T. They're the professional, he barely knows the surface of what your body's going through.
After being told that was the baby's heartbeat, Floyd's wide mismatched eyes remained glued to the monitor showing the silhouette of his little bun. Chills coursed through him and his eyes watered, heart leaping with joy.... It felt so strange, but he didn't wish this magical emotion to stop
He probably buys you one of those pill organizers with pretty colors so you know and he knows if you've taken your supplements
Whenever he has a very shitty day at work, being greeted by you waddling up to him due to your feet hurting from carrying the baby once he arrives home is the best. It makes him chuckle, but he soon drops down to place a kiss to your tummy to dispel any irritation you may feel his way after his small laugh
About work... Azul kinda lets him do as he pleases, he's aware there's no changing his decision. If he wants to skip half the shift to keep an eye on you, he allows it. But Floyd must heed important calls whenever he's summoned urgently.
Will ask to bath together. Intimate, soothing, and relaxing. Bathing with you while hugging you from behind to feel the bump reassures him you're both doing a good job so far, that there's nothing to fear
It's mainly in the few seconds before bedtime that he drops onto your lap to chat with the little one. Likes to hum melodies to the bump
He has a little game where he'll poke at your belly and wait to see if the baby kicks the spot he prodded
Sometimes, Azul pops up for a visit. Very calming to have the grey haired to talk to about emotional messes. Jade sometimes calls to make sure you're both fine and have everything you need. If he visits, they're short and to the point.
Maternity photoshoot?? Nah, he'll pass.... but if you are stubborn and very insistent, he relents. You better not send them to his parents behind his back (but you totally do, of course).
When you're in labor/the baby arrives
You want chaos? Because you definitely got chaos! Don't get me wrong, Floyd is actually doing a tremendously amazing job carrying your bag and yourself to the car. He's actually driving superb while reminding you to take repeat the breathing exercises you were taught. It's just...... the other people's slow pace and stupidity the ones making him yell profanities
Absolutely throws his signature crazed look at the first nurse he finds when asking, no, demanding help
That crazed look was reason enough to keep him out of the room you'd be in, his consequent aggressiveness after given the news is an even grater reason. If you can muster it, tell him you will be okay and to trust the doctors.
Sits on the closest waiting space to your room. Probably goes up to a bending machine and punches it a couple times to release some of the tension (he got a free snack, too)
Now it's when the nervousness settles in. He's so afraid at having you and his child away from him, he's worried about everything. May shed a couple tears of frustration, fear, and stress. His instincts tell him to protect you even if he knows there's nothing to protect you from, you're in a hospital for goodness sake!
That's when he calls Jade for comfort, and soon after dials his mother. It's her voice the one that helps him break through the confusing fog in his mind to go back and sit as close to your room as he can
Probably ends up stress eating everything in that vending machine he punched as he waits for any news about you and the baby He's munching on the last bit of a candy bar when a new one crosses his field of vision. It's Jade, with a bag full of treats, and some much needed water. Azul's beside his twin
It feels strange, but Floyd feels very vulnerable and needs the familiarity both of them bring. He lets his head fall on Jade's shoulder, which the twin takes as cue to hug him by placing an arm around his shoulders. Azul kneels in front of him and asks "How are you feeling, Floyd?"
"Scared.... and alert. Like I need to protect them, but... I know they're safe." He probably ends up crying a little more right then. After being calmed down by Azul, he probably sleeps for 10 minutes
Wakes up to find his mother replacing Jade by his side, and his dad is also with them now. Definitely feels much better after some shut eye and after seeing he's now surrounded by familiar faces
When he hears his name be called out by the doctor, he's immediately shooting up and throwing questions at the doc. Thankfully, the professional firmly states everything went swimmingly and he can now see you.
Will you look at that? TWO little babies are waiting to meet him!
You're holding one, and the second cutie is placed in his arms and.... There come the waterworks again It was such a natural reaction, he had no time to try and suppress it. Not like he would've wanted to, but the way you "aww"ed at him made him feel a little embarrassed
The twin in his arms reached out and tugged his black strip of hair after it tickled their face, Floyd couldn't help giggle
He can't lie, his arms were shaking the whole time he held the little one. He was scared of hurting them...or dropping them
He wonders how everyone missed the elusive second baby, but he's so happy!! He has two cute kids!! Oh, you're such a wonderful and strong parent! You carried their weight combined and powered through the pregnancy just like that!
He really wants to climb into your bed and hold you so close, but he knows you need rest. Settles for peppered kisses all over your face while uttering "I love you, thank you" in between
While his instincts do tell him to chase away the "dangerous" males away from his newborn kids, Floyd does let his father get close and look at the babies along with his mom. Jade and Azul are a different story, however, he growled at them.
Like Jade, Floyd loves spending time with his twins! His top fav is bathing the twins because he's always eager to see if they will turn into merfolk (spoilers: they do!! And quite early! A few months after their 1st birthday!)
Another thing he loves doing is laying a blanket on the floor and watching his cuties play with their toys and giggle at each other
He tried their baby food once and decided to make homemade baby food from then on. He says he wants his little ones to taste only good things since those prepackaged stuff taste terrible. Just keep an eye on his spice use.
Night necessities are your task though, he does not take kindly to being interrupted in his sleep
He likes reenacting baby photos of him and Jade with his babies
Once his kids get the hang of their mer-form, most of your vacations will be under the sea~
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fairestwriting · 3 years
Not sure if youve done this already, but imma request it anyway. Headcannons of the TWST first years initiating hand holding for the first time
havent done anything like it, and this is such a cute request i couldnt resist </3
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Ace Trappola
Ace talks a lot, and a lot of his talk is bragging about all the things he’s done. You’ve definitely heard him talking about his previous “flings”, his most recent girlfriend, weird dates and moments he’d shared, wondering just how much he’d twisted every story to make himself look better.
And yet, even though you sort of had a thing together, he never even really held your hand. Sometimes your fingers would brush while you’re in the middle of something, and while he’s not the type to fully lose his cool, you could see how he doesn’t miss the brief contact.
Ace makes you wonder just when he’s actually going to make a move like he’s said he was so used to, and, unsurprisingly, the only way he actually moves past his hidden nervousness is in specific contexts, dragging you into some trouble and then having to make a run for it, he takes your hand without thinking as you do it, then pulls away like he’s been burned when you stop, blushing and laughing as he tries to play it cool.
Deuce Spade
Deuce is a lot more earnest. There’s a 50/50 chance some sort of confession will come before he actually tries to touch you in any way, even for something as simple and innocent as holding your hand. He takes his feelings seriously and wants to treat you right.
The thought of it has definitely been burning in his mind though. He tries hard to keep his emotions in check, but he’s at his core a very passionate person, if he didn’t want so much to become a model citizen, he just knows he’d have dipped you and kissed you breathless already, but he feels pressured to take it slow.
So the first time it happens, you’re out on a date. Something sweet, getting coffee at a really nice place or taking a walk at the park, and he’s all nerves and excitement at the same time. He probably gets you a gift, shows you something he thinks is pretty, and he’d been meaning to ask you to hold your hand, but ends up just doing it when all the feelings get too much, squeezing it tight and smiling before he drops it and starts apologizing.
Jack Howl
Another serious one, though not nearly as nervous. Jack can still be shy, but he goes about relationships a lot more pragmatically. He’s the kind who knows what he wants, and when he wants it, so while he’s been taking things slow, he wouldn’t have confessed to you before at least holding your hand to test the waters.
Works his way up to it, placing hands on your shoulders, sitting closer to you when you’re together at lunch, spending time with you more often. Jack inches into your space methodically, keeping in mind if you’re welcoming him or not. He’ll only do something when he feels like it’s the right time for it.
Differing from Deuce, who does it after he confesses, Jack would probably do it as he confesses. He’ll also take you somewhere nice, with the addition of it being also somewhere quiet, where you can be alone together, and wait until you fall into a comfortable silence to lace his fingers with yours gently, looking into your eyes as he mutters about how he had something to tell you.
Epel Felmier
He’s an unpredictable one. He’s not shy, not exactly. But he’s also not smooth or confident. Epel is a bit like a time bomb, his crush on you has been sort of spinning around his head for a while now, and maybe you can tell that by how he switches between his bolder personality and sometimes trying to put on his innocent act, like he wants to lure you in.
It can happen anytime, anywhere, he won’t wait for a date or a confession or any of these formalities. Maybe he holds your hand for the first time when you’re in the middle of a conversation, and he just really wanted to kiss you, so he grabbed both of your hands to urge you to lean down so he can do it. There, two birds killed with one stone.
But even between all the possibilities, there’s a pattern, and said pattern is that he’ll always be spontaneous. You could be running away from something, likely Vil, similar to Ace’s case, or you could be watching a movie together, something horror related that Epel swore a thousand times he could stomach, but then had him squeezing your hand ten minutes in.
Sebek Zigvolt
There are shy, reserved guys, and there are guys who act like swooning victorian maidens. As you may already expect, Sebek fits into the second category. Understanding his own feelings for you had already been a whole obstacle to overcome, so you can imagine how much he’s losing it over the thought of hand holding...
It’s not that he doesn’t want to do it, he actually really, really wants it, but he’s so demanding when it comes to finding the perfect moment for it, plus he has no idea if he should confess before or after doing it. He’s just a mess, and the few times your fingers brush on accident make it so much worse.
He’ll be mulling over it for a whole week, maybe weeks, before it happens, and then his world comes crashing down because it’s nothing like he wanted it to be. It’s way too simple, you’re in the library, he’s taking you to a section you’re having trouble finding, and he huffs before he takes your hand to drag you around, complaining about you not paying attention to what he was saying, before he notices what he’d done, and his whole face burns a bright red.
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Mina Ashido Headcanons!
@jewel116 requested some headcanons of our Alien Queen and I am here to deliver!
Some of these also could be considered BakuSquad HCs, hope that's alright.
I also went ahead and included some Adult Mina and 18+ Mina Headcanons too. Both are below the cut and clearly stated. Warnings are posted at each header mark.
If anyone has any other requests, lemme know!
Basic Mina Headcanons
Warnings: It's as fluffy as her dang hair! (Swearing)
. Most definitely has ADHD! In class, she is constantly tapping her foot on bouncing her leg as a means of trying her best to keep focused.
. Has a collection of shirts that she has designated for sleep and loungewear because she's burned acid holes in them by accident. Sometimes she'll wear them to concerts and shows if the design is cool enough.
. Loves piggyback rides! Frequently will run and jump on the backs of the guys in the BakuSquad. Even Katsuki himself puts up with it after a while.
. While Katsuki is the 'mom' of the squad, Mina is the one everyone goes to when they need comfort. Denki will curl up in her lap after a long day, Eijiro frequently goes to her when his insecurities creep back in, Hanta shows up late at night and they talk in her room about nothing just because he doesn't want to be alone, and Katsuki, well, he shows up to her room, slams the door and complains for a solid half-hour after reading a particularly heartbreaking scene in a manga while she listens to every word and validates his feelings.
. Mina worries far more than people believe she does. Her bubbly, loud, personality usually masks it but she knows when people are lying to her about what's going on in their heads.
. Sitting properly in a chair physically bothers her. She'd much rather be hanging upside down off it.
. She lowkey likes that the boys get protective over her.
. Mina is the type of person who gets A LOT of random thoughts that pop up in her head and one of the few people who actually will engage with the sheer randomness of the ideas is Shoto. Not only does he engage, he comes up with his own! The two can talk for hours.
. Loves hosting 'spa parties' in the common area of the dorms, everyone is welcome to join.
. When road trips happen, she's making the playlists (technically, she and Kyoka switch off).
. Tries teaching Tenya, Izuku, and Shoto how to flirt. After a very embarrassing first hour, Shoto didn't learn a single thing, Izuku was only good at it when paired with Shoto and Tenya... Tenya had her SHOOK! Man has game and she made sure everyone knew!
. Has weekly meetings with Yuga where they drink tea and spill the tea.
. She is so damn ticklish. Hanta was teasing her one day, she warned him to stop, he received an elbow to the face for not listening.
. Tried to grow her hair out once but it didn't grow down... it grew OUT. Mina thought she rocked it, and she totally did but ended up having it cut back down so poor Tsyu could see in class.
. Wakes up early three days a week to practice her hand-to-hand combat with Eijiro. Mina wants to improve her technique and Eijiro needed to work on his mobility, it benefits them both.
. Just Dance is her favorite game, she dominates.
. Easily forms new interests.
. Won't admit it but she gets jealous super easily.
. Will be the first to attempt to throw hands for a friend! I HC she was picked on as a child for looking so different but it never really phased her too badly, she likes looking different but understands that not everyone thinks like she does. So, if someone were to say something about Mezo's facemask, she's stepping in to defend the guy without hesitation.
. Knows every TikTok dance EVER. If a new one comes out, she's mastered it by end of the day and her account is always up to date.
. (Popular idea but important to reinforce) Mina and Eijiro co-founded a club, Horn Buddies, specifically to make Eri feel more welcome. They take her on trips and group outings. The only horned person who's not allowed to join is Pony because she was rude as heck to Mezo.
. Mina gets extra competitive over board games.
. She can ice skate and roller skate like a champ.
. Mina is resilient, dedicated, and passionate. She has goals and the girl will achieve them.
Pro Hero - Adult Mina Headcanons
Warnings - Mentions of alcohol use and swearing
. Gets several tattoos and piercings.
. Starts a roller derby club with most of the girls from 1A.
. Loves going out to the hottest dance clubs just as much as she enjoys staying in and munching on take-out food with friends.
. The Horn Buddies club she formed with Eijiro has now expanded into regular society and both young heroes couldn't be more proud. Together they've formed a foundation that strives to help those with non-flashy, unconventional, or misunderstood quirks feel welcomed and loved.
. Does her best to shop small whenever she can. Mina wants to help her community in as many different ways as possible.
. Becomes a fashion icon for many small, just starting out, alternative clothing lines. They love her look and the standard she sets.
. Goes to fashion and runway shows with Momo on the regular. While Momo prefers buying right off the rack, Mina goes to thrift stores and buys items that are coming back into style.
. Does her best to stay in touch with her classmates. She really cherished the friendships she made and goes the extra mile to make sure everyone stays connected.
. Has told off Shoto's father. Sent the man an anonymous bag of flaming dog shit as well for making his son so damn stressed. Sorry, not sorry.
. As long as she isn't in the middle of a fight, Mina will always stop to take a photo with a fan or sign an autograph. In or out of costume, she doesn't care.
. In high school, Mina's room was always decked out for the holidays. She goes decoration crazy and it is always done well. But, now that she's an adult with that pro hero money and her own place, she's the best house on the block decorated for each and every holiday! Inside and out! Also throws holiday-themed parties.
. Got absolutely trashed with the BakuSquad one night and taught them all how to twerk. By the end of the lesson, she deemed Katsuki was the best of her students.
. Loves to drink. Is a lightweight. Katsuki and Eijiro have carried her home more times than they can count.
NSFW 18+ Mina HC Below - Minors DNI
Warnings: Drinking, rough sex, mentions of orgies, handcuffs, impact play, and praise kinks. Subtle sexual relations with BakuSquad, Jiro, Todoroki, and Ochaco.
. The Queen of stripteases and lap dances.
. If any of her friends are at a party or some event and they need a fake date, Mina is their go-to person. She's handsy. She's flirty. And has no problem with platonic make-outs.
. Always encourages kissing-themed games at parties. Seven Minutes in Heaven, Spin the Bottle, those sorts of games. Mina also loves to play cupid and has rigged a game or two to get people together.
. Has made out with every member of the BakuSquad at least once as well as Kyoka, Shoto, and Ochaco simply because she was curious.
. Has attempted to start an orgy with the BakuSquad before when intoxicated. Still mentions it in passing just in case they change their minds.
. Has gone further with Katsuki and Eijiro though. Maybe both at the same time once or twice or several times...
. Wonderfully filthy dirty talk. Can even make Katsuki blush.
. (A personal favorite of mine that was in a previous post) When they were first years, Eijiro asked innocently enough, to touch her horns. He was gentle but that didn't matter. Our poor girl was so damn flustered! Her face turned red bright, she felt hot, and she had to go take a very cold shower!
. Ei felt terrible about it. It took them both maturing for her to explain exactly why she reacted that way... and then asked him to do it again.
. Is likely to send NSFW texts and photos while people are indeed at work. She is a Pro Hero though so only certain people are allowed to have those photos. A scandal is the last thing she wants.
. Very good at communication and is not afraid to speak her mind about what she wants and needs out of a relationship and her sex life.
. Loud, very loud, very needy.
. Fuzzy handcuffs in every color she can think of and adores impact play.
. Let her know she's doing a good job, Mina responds well to praise.
. Big cuddler after sex. Wants to snuggle into you and more than likely take a nap.
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