#naturally very intelligent
i thought this was generally agreed on by now but apparently not:
sirius was more naturally smart, remus was more passionate about learning
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tiny-crescent · 3 months
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Light practice ⋆ ✦❨ ⊹
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canisalbus · 6 months
I just recently started following you so i don't have the full lore of your murderous gay religiously traumatized doggos, BUT, from my understanding, they are Italian and i don't know what part of Italy they are from, yet i can't help headcanoning Vasco as Tuscan, while Machete is probably from some part of Veneto. And as an Italian who has heard Tuscans and Veneto dialet, well it's an hilarious mental image.
Vasco is indeed Tuscan, Florentine to be specific. He comes from a wealthy and influential noble family that has lived in Florence for centuries. He's proud of his roots, and it's usually easy for strangers to tell where he's from. He's a resonably successful politician and has worked as an ambassador and representative of Florence on numerous occasions.
Machete is originally Sicilian (ironically about as far from Veneto as possible), although he was taken to mainland at young age and has lived in several places since then, before ending up in Rome. The way I see it, he exhibits very little local color, his demeanor and (even though Italian hadn't become a standardized language yet) way of speaking are formal, neutral and scarcely give away any hints about his personal history, at least in the 16th century canon.
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rkivees · 8 months
Modern scenario Wei Wuxian would be that kid who reads the material once (or multiple times if he's interested) and that'd be enough for him to get incredible grades. Does the boy misbehave? Yes. Is the boy a genius? Also yes.
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kaladinkholins · 5 months
guys cmon. be ffr please. akemi did Not love taigen. the only reason why she was desperate to search for him to the point of putting herself in danger is because she didn't want to get married to an abusive man (which she believed at the time that takayoshi was). when seki tried to dissuade her from running off, her reason was not "but i love taigen and wanna be with him 🥺" it was because she refused to be controlled and have her autonomy taken from her; she literally says "i won't be locked away in edo married to a stranger." and when seki still tries to argue that getting married to the heir of the shogun would be better than getting caught by brigands, she then says "that kind of man"—referring to takayoshi—"treats women like animals. they say he's a tyrant." and when seki chuckles and says "what man isn't?" her response is "you." she doesn't even talk about taigen. she is using him as much as he was using her. they both see—or, well, saw—each other as means to an end. for taigen he saw that marrying into the tokunobu clan would elevate his status and wealth. for akemi she wanted the right to choose who she married, and she wanted that person to be someone kind. that's it! neither of them loved each other. but since they were courting of course they acted sweet to each other, and they do still care for one another, especially due to their romantic history. but let's be real! akemi is a boss bitch who dropped taigen and forgot all about his ass as soon as she saw takayoshi was a nice guy. because duh? not only is takayoshi a better lover (it's implied their lovemaking lasted a long time) but he's also kinder towards her and presents her with an opportunity to claim power and freedom, which she would not have if she had married taigen, as she would have still been stuck under her father's thumb. so literally why should she settle for taigen's stupid ass! she may be a little naive at times but she's still incredibly intelligent. she would not do something stupid for the sake of "love." you know who would though? taigen.
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reineydraws · 22 days
Twist villain!Shanks
Think about it.
hellooo i have thought about it 'cuz ive seen the idea floating around and sorry, i dont like it. 😭🙏 or rather, the idea of a villain shanks is fun in theory but if it's actually canon then i dont think it will pay off very well lol especially 'cuz he's the very first pirate we meet and it's been over twenty years. i would certainly be tilted.
idk how oda could write it in such a way that i wouldn't be mad aha, tho i'm sure if anyone could pull it off it'd be him. (and i mean villain!shanks as in "was always a villain", not "has to do antagonistic things but his heart is in the right place".)
i will say, however, that there is something delicious about possessive shanks, especially if it leans a little dark. like, he's a smiley pacifist right up until you harm someone that's his, and then it's game over for you and your friends and your livelihood. he's already like that in canon, but i mean like, it's to the point where his revenge gets a little cruel and he enjoys paying you back for the harm you caused.
i like attributing this to him 'cuz if he's dating mihawk, known serial murderer (of marines, if not also underwhelming challengers and entire crews of people that annoy him), then his "let's not kill people if we don't have to" thing could be more of an intellectual ethical choice for him rather than an emotional one. and once you've crossed that line for him by grievously harming or maybe even somehow killing mihawk, then it's over for you and you bet he'll enjoy it. (tho nine out of ten times i write him as a bleeding heart and mihawk is fond and exasperated by it haha.)
but yeah. i digress. 😅 it's a fun concept and i'll probably read the fic if it's mishanks and mihawk isn't his victim in a way that ends unhappily, but ultimately, the most i prefer is shanks with a dark streak.
if anyone's gotten to the end of this ask and adores twist villain shanks, feel free to try and convince me in the replies. maybe i'm just thinking about it the wrong way, and i'm open to ideas. ;P
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leixinyus · 11 months
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"Film" Rachanun Mahawan as Maki Home School (2023), episode 1
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queerbting · 4 months
rewatching nuwho and i'm rlly.... why is human nature / family of blood just racist hit after racist hit after racist hit against martha . followed by a heavy dose of classist (+ misogynistic!!!!) behavior directed against her afterwards where the humans of 1913 england treat her like a weird alien from another world (the doctor in human form included!!!).
also, why do they have the doctor a) be actively bigoted and b) fall in love with a racist nurse who specifically speaks down to martha (someone who the doctor cares for). they create this "unassuming" white woman character and then have her be awful to martha but we're supposed to believe that she is kind and sympathetic worthy of being the human doctor's love interest, more than martha being treated as a human being. (and then that we should cry over her lost love/future in the end)
like why. genuinely why. what is the point .
also objectively what function does the nurse serve that martha jones could not have. she's even a medical student like !!!!!! going undercover as a nurse would not be that far off!! and plus, i'm not even a tenmartha shipper but it would fit more for the emotional arc of martha's character to get what she wanted all season in human nature / family of blood (the doctor falling in love with her!!! wish fulfillment !!!!!! ) only to realize the cruelty of what this would be like in reality if she were never to open the watch (despite her finally having what she "wants"), and finally understanding and having to give john smith up. it could've been a really tragic, but human moment (like a lot of other things in dw!).
then 10 and martha's relationship could actually be on some sort of equal footing. bc martha had a taste of what it would be liked to be loved by him (or someone similar to him, at least), and chose in the end to let it go. it would give her emotional closure, etc. and would show her choosing the /actual/ doctor (not human) and the friendship she has with him, rather than a lifetime with a human that she fell in love with who happens to look like him.
could've been a really cool moment of both character development and then bonding between the doctor and martha afterwards in their newfound partnership, so half of martha's character is no longer swallowed up by her pining for him.
but no. instead they go and hide in racistville and martha is a servant who experiences racism/misogyny/classism and microaggressions from white people + aliens over two episodes for nearly no reason .
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rawliverandgoronspice · 3 months
re: my stupid poll, but the truth of the matter is, I'm not sure I believe in Wisdom as a concept enough to value it that much? Especially in the context of Zelda, I'm still not entirely sure what it's supposed to mean. I'm not sure Zelda ever has any more insight over anything than anyone else. Very rarely does she do anything because she understands something about the world no one else does, honestly? To me, Wisdom in TLoZ seems more akin to "balance" than actual enlightenment? I don't know, Wisdom is a weird one honestly.
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questing-wulfstan · 2 months
It's fascinating to me how from afar, Dir En Grey and Gazette both have the same ingredients : smol frontman + charismatic guitarist with shiny hair + tall diva in shorts + the mysterious man + twig drummer
And yet their respective energy is COMPLETELY different. And they're far from being at the opposite ends of the Visual Kei spectrum !! They have overlapping turfs by many aspect. And yet, not in the least are they similar.
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i need to rip off mercury's stupid head with the stupid splitting jaw i need to punch him into a wall WHAT THE FUCK MAN AND ALSO HOW DARE YOU HURT MAX PISS OFF I HOPE YOUR STUPID BEASTS EAT YOU
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anxiously-going · 2 months
New mantras: "My intelligence is not based on people's (perceived) assumptions of my knowledge." And "I have value beyond my intellect."
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myimaginationplain · 23 days
imagine: professor utonium mentoring dexter vs professor membrane mentoring mandark
#dexter & mandark are the only two kids in their district to qualify for some young scholar program & arr bussed off to take classes from#their assigned mentor once or twice a week.#dexter is at odds with himself about it at first. on one hand he's glad that his intelligence is finally being appreciated & nurtured in#some official capacity. let alone by a mind as lauded as the creator of the powerpuff girls. but on the other hand he would prefer to just#move on up to taking college courses entirely rather than have to go through this half measure. & he also gets a little disillusioned with#utonium when he realizes 1) that pretty much everything utonium is famous for was invented by accident including the ppg#& 2) outside of the ppg utonium hasn't achieved much more than dexter himself already has#meanwhile mandark practically kisses the ground that membrane walks on because he's so glad someone in his life recognize's his potential#& membrane sort of sees mandark as the son he wishes dib could be. he's never very open or affectionate about it though because y'know.#it's membrane#he never talks about his kids & sees them so rarely that mandark didn't even realize he had children of his own until like 3½ months into it#whereas utonium cannot shut up about his girls. nor would dexter want him to since they seem to be the most interesting thing about the man#utonium realizes pretty quickly that dexter doesn't need academic guidance so much as he needs social interaction with 1) people who won't#bully or belittle him for being who he is & 2) children his own age. so he starts subtlety encouraging his daughters to meet & befriend him.#I imagine that they come to visit him during his office hours regularly anyways so this happens pretty naturally.#also I think that even though utonium & membrane would definitely respect one another & collaborate well in a professional sense they don't#really mesh personality wise. utonium finds membrane to be far too cold & callous.#membrane thinks that utonium is basically a baby man who doesn't hold himself the way an accomplished man of science should.#ppg#powerpuff girls#the powerpuff girls#dexter's laboratory#dexter's lab#invader zim#headcanon#au#professor utonium#professor membrane#dexter mcpherson#(why is that his fanon last name again? where did that come from)
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sysig · 7 months
Here is the handsome fellow <3
He has a little white dot!
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So cuuuute <3 <3 I'm envious, I've been looking for any Jumpers around here lately, haven't seen any yet!
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clouds-of-wings · 1 year
Well, Sheldon has already learned one thing from his trip to Heidelberg before he has even left: unlike Sam, he doesn't actually need to make an effort to advance his career because he's already got the most important job skill: being personal friends with a well-connected older person in his field. With whom he became close mainly because the friend used to date his grandma. This show is too realistic occasionally.
To go off on a tangent from this, it makes me want to tear my hair out sometimes how Sheldon's development into a well-rounded individual is constantly sabotaged, sometimes by good intentions or "coddling" as he put it recently, sometimes by bullying or - most often - by lack of effort and interest from those around him. It would be VERY good for him if he had problems he couldn't solve with just his intellect (like having to actually apply for stuff like a peasant without being treated like a celebrity) and hobbies that he can't get good at by thinking really hard. He should have stuck with the violin. Or the acting club. He shouldn't have been fired from his museum "job" for making some rather harmless mistakes. He should have continued to take non-science college classes. I can't blame him for this, he's a child who's responding to what his environment rewards. The adults around him should encourage his development more. Sheldon is curious about the world, even outside of science, even the areas of life he's bad at. He could learn and develop so much if he weren't locked in this "nerd box" the whole time.
At least Mary tries to get him to have a social life, but things just never go well and the people he's around are too easy to look down on. Except for Paige, and with her he can't handle the fact that she's on the same level as him precisely because he thinks his intelligence is all that makes him special, it's what makes him him, it's the only part of him that's valued. I often feel like the writers actually undo his character development once an episode ends because they need him to be this one-sidedly intellectual person for comedic value. But I would love for him to develop other sides of himself.
I mean, come on. Child Sheldon has religious visions! He has perfect pitch and a talent for dancing! He has the craziest synaesthesia! He remembers his time in his mom's womb! Adult Sheldon is wicked funny, casually saves Lennard's life at one point, and gets positively psychedelic even on rather mild drugs. I still remember the time he dressed up as the Doppler Effect. Which, yes, is nerdy, but it also shows a sense of humor and outside-the-box thinking that isn't limited to his work. He's actually a super interesting person regardless of his IQ, and if only the development of any part of him except his intellect had been consistently encouraged when he was a child, he'd probably have a much easier time in the world. I haven't watched the later seasons of TBBT except for some clips and it seems like he actually catches up a bit thanks to Amy and his friends, but things could have been much easier and more fun for him and everyone else.
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crown-ov-horns · 3 months
Summary of me writing Hellfire
Me: this is nonsense, everything's happening far too fast
Also me: actually, no, this is perfectly in character, if Michael Langdon had a love interest, he'd definitely stalk her, watch her sleep, kiss her unconscious body, and profess his undying love after two interactions
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