#like i get hoping for miracles is not a treatment plan
leng-m · 4 months
T__T Does anyone have recommendations for a good poetry book about life and healing and love, that is also not hostile to religion or mysticism?
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wszczebrzyszynie · 6 months
Hello everyone. Today i bring you the Space Mining au masterpost ... this is somehting i planned on doing for a while now, as space mining started becoming more and more fleshed out and my answers to your questions started getting more convoluted. Answered one question created 5 more kind of thing. So here is a timeline i made and a lot of links to different asks explaining even different-er things. Its a lot of loredumping but i tried to make it as clear as possible. Normally its the kind of thing youd learn by reading the story but im not planning on making a comic and i will never write a fic so this is how it has to work. average bartek story treatment
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Despite humanity spreading all over the universe in post-space colonisation era, the only other life form ever found was a fungi-like, small organism living in giant colonies, which by their appearance resemble earth minerals. it can be found deep below the surface of different, seemingly unrelated moons and planets, desperately hiding from all forms of light; most of it is long dead, found in its rock-like form. commonly known as sculk, it is the newest and most important discovery in recent human history, although very little is actually known about it. Tango is a former HASA engineer, one of the people who revolutionized space mining, renowned for his work on the nature of sculk, and currently a wanted terrorist on the run, after he blew up a chunk of callisto, one of Jupiters moons, durning an illegal sculk mining operation. Completly unfit for the criminal lifestyle, its a miracle he hasnt been caught yet, especially with many bounty hunters and criminals alike on his tail
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I tried to include the absolute most important parts. Doesnt look very well but i hope its at least readable
* Everything starts when Tango blows up a part of callisto. He worked there on a practically illegal sculk mining site; everything was meant to be kept secret, obviously, so when it turned out that the sculk is actually alive, parasitic and infecting everyone at a rapid pace, there was little help they could get. The outbreak was catastrophic but with HASA being a govermnent organisation that set up an illegal mining site not only outside of their controled area, but also in the solar system (which was and still is considered something like a buffer state... in space. At the time of the story lots of people from different places live there because its considered peaceful enough) there is no way they would get involved. So the few remaining survivors chose to blow up the mining site to save themselves. It both did and didnt work as intented, destroying a chunk of the moon and succesfully sealing the cave system, but also killing the remaining miners, with Tango being the sole survivor. Despite being a great asset to the company (he is, despite it all, considered the father of modern space mining), everything that happened was swifly pinned on him, with HASA claiming everything happened behind their back. Tango became a wanted terrorist in one day. An important note about the worldbuilding is that everything is corrupted and not good
More information to be found here. I havent linked every post ive ever made about it, just the ones i think are the most important! every space mining related thing can be found in the space mining au tag. This part will be updated with new information whenever i post it!
Tango and Jimmy / Scar / Hotguy Scar / Grian / Pearl (+ info) / Joel / Martyn / Skizz / Impulse / Scott (+ info) / Bdubs and Cleo / pre-retirement Cleo, Lizzie and Gem / Ren / Doc
Character relationship chart (not everyone is included) Desert duo/Ranchers/Imp and Skizz relationships More about desert duo / more about the ranchers / more about Impulse and Skizz + space mining as a whole More about Scott and Jimmy + space stations Etho and Bdubs (and Cleo) / more about Etho Cub (and the burning of the ranch) More about Grian Pearl (+ design) Martyn Gem Doc
Zeds full reference/design isnt included because it isnt up to date.
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earthtooz · 2 years
in which you give bakugo katsuki the silent treatment
warnings: 2.3k words, fluff fic, slight hurt but mostly comfort, bakugo is sad :( he doesn't like being ignored, i wrote this weeks ago i can't remember shit about what i put in this. UNEDITED ASF!!!
a/n: this was not supposed to be a standalone fic, this was actually meant to be a multi-character thing about giving them the silent treatment but that didn't turn out as planned bc i have no time so i only have bakugo ready lol! hope you enjoy
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there’s a pair of crimson eyes burning holes in the side of your head and you can feel the gaze penetrating further and further into your skull with each passing second.
you almost have the nerve to ask when bakugo katsuki learnt how to use his armour-piercing shot with his eyes. 
but alas, you bite the inside of your cheek and continue ignoring him, fingers tapping away on your keyboard to finish up your report.
it’s now day three of your silent treatment. your boyfriend has endured 48, painful hours of the punishment that he rightfully deserved and he’s been restless for all 48 hours. it’s a miracle that he’s survived this long because you totally would’ve expected him to blow up already.
how ironic that he’s acting sensible now yet couldn’t hold his tongue when you two were taking down the villain.
the event that caused bakugo’s predicament was actually the report you were finishing, a gang of villains - experienced ones, had broken into a high-end jewellery store and stolen majority of their dazzling diamonds and you and bakugo just so happened to be on site.
you were expecting a robbery chase that happened at least every three days. what you weren’t expecting, was that they were good. like, really good.
one of the thief’s quirks kept grazing you and it didn’t help that the communication between you and bakugo was off that day, so when you meet up with him again after splitting up, unconscious villains in tow with a few injuries to pair with it. 
he failed to stop the big words that tumbled out of his mouth.
“what the hell was that? you seriously failed to listen to some simple instructions? you might wanna go back to being a fuckin’ sidekick because of how shit that was and you have the nerve to call yourself a pro?” thundered the explosive blond, whose face was getting closer and closer to yours with each passing second.
your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. you took down the villain, what was the big deal? “excuse me?” you muttered lowly.
that seems to tick him off even more, “you heard me! that was embarrassing to watch, kept getting hit and injured by some shitty extra. we don’t need heroes like you to screw things as simple as a robbery chase up!”
bakugo had been ticked off the second he first entered the agency this morning, so you were aware he was in a bad mood and you probably were the final strike to him letting loose of his temper- but that was not an excuse for the venom he was spitting. no matter how desperately you wanted to retaliate, you kept your cool for the sake of your relationship and also because you were in public. you didn’t need anyone listening to realise that it was you that bakugo was shouting at, so with no sound, you turn around and meet up with the police, villains in hand. 
that seemed to shut him up pretty easily, thank goodness to your eardrums.
“we took ‘em down,” you said the second the police scrambled out of their cars. you tried to keep the frustration and anger out of your tone but the way you threw the villains with a little more force than necessary against the police car caused the officers to flinch. 
a certain blond appears not long after, now calmer and more guilty-looking.
“thanks you two. we dug through our records and found out that these criminals have been wanted for a while. kept escaping under our noses,” one policeman says with a grateful smile. you don’t bother to return it, blaming it on the cut on your cheek.
“no problem. just call us if you ever need us again,” you tell him with a proper nod. 
you and bakugo watch the policemen secure the villains, not moving until the last car leaves your sight.
he turns to you and finally says something to break the suffocating tension between you two.
“you should probably get some first aid for those cuts.”
bakugo tries to sound normal- really, he tries, because the second you turned around and left him in the alley, he realised the magnitude of his stupidity and felt his heart drop to his stomach, fearing for the worst.
with a small ‘tch’ from you, you’re gone the next second from his sight, probably flying back to the agency.
you don’t speak to him. even when he spams your phone with check up texts, even when he returns after patrol, even when he walks into your office whilst you rapidly type away at your laptop furiously, making more typos than you’d like to admit. 
“hey,” he says sternly, trying to capture your attention with little success. “c’mon, talk to me.”
bakugo rounds the table and bobs down beside you, careful not to aggravate you by touching you even though it was hard to resist the temptation. natural boyfriend instinct.
“y/n, i didn’t mean what i said back there, i swear,” he continues, “i was just, fuckin’ mad at- i don’t even know, and i shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”
it’s beautiful how he can say everything beside ‘sorry’.
“please don’t ignore me.”
he’s frowning, and you really wanna look at him and respond, but you don’t and this dance continues for the next two days. bakugo asks if you want coffee; no answer but he brings it for you regardless. bakugo asks if you need help sorting through the mess of papers on your desk; no answer but he cleans it up regardless, in the exact way you like it. bakugo asks if you need him to run by the support gear department to check up on your costume; no answer but he does it for you regardless and tells you all the updates as well. (he’s not doing it for your forgiveness. this is a usual routine you two have so even without your answers, he knows whether you’ll say yes or no.)
now he’s sitting in your office whilst you finish writing up the report you’ve been neglecting for a while because often, to speed things up, you and bakugo split up the paperwork but with you pretending like he, your boyfriend, doesn’t exist, that wasn’t really possible.
at the 67th hour of no speaking, he snaps. now that you two were officially off the clock and could return home or do as you please, bakugo spends no time picking you up from your chair with little to no effort as a noise of surprise slips past your lips.
you want to ask where he was taking you as he glides through the halls with determination and vigour, his shoes clanking against the marble floor with each step he took, keeping you secured in his arms, pressed against his chest.
there’s a string of curses that you could yell at your boyfriend right now and don’t be mistaken, you could very easily take him down, if it weren't for how much you had missed him.
(you feel slightly terrible for keeping up this silent treatment because that pout on his face is growing by the second, but it’s what he deserves and you wouldn’t relent until a proper ‘sorry’ is given.)
in your moment of zoning out, bakugo has reached his car and seated you in the passenger seat, leaning over you to secure your seatbelt. the kiss he places on your face practically radiates with his complacency at getting you safely in his car. 
you huff and cross your arms as he rounds the vehicle to the driver’s side. bakugo hands you the aux and you take it, plugging in your phone to find your shared playlist and you don’t miss the smirk he has when he sees the familiar playlist name pop up on the screen.
the drive is painless enough with no words being exchanged, the music muting the silence that still had some tension lingering in it.
bakugo’s taking you back to his apartment and sure enough, the second the car is parked (perfectly), bakugo tells you ‘don’t move’ before exiting and jogging around to get to your side.
you let him pick you up again with a sigh but it’s all for show, especially the way your heart flutters when you notice he’s hugging you a little tighter this time. 
he’s probably afraid you’re gonna run off (he’s had that fear since you first started dating).
sure enough, the explosive blond doesn’t set you down until he steps foot into his bedroom and from there, he throws you on his expensive ass bed with ease, clambering atop you before crushing you with all his weight.
a little ‘oof’ escapes you.
“‘m not getting up till you speak to me,” he lazily threatens, wrapping his arms around your middle. “so you can either get comfy or stop messin’ around.”
“i’m still mad at you, y’know,” you murmur, bringing your hands behind your head whilst staring up at his ceiling. the man lying above you stiffens, taking his head out of his chest to look up at you.
“i’m sorry,” he gruffly confesses, unable to look you in your eye when you glance back down at him with your jaw agape and eyes widened. 
yes, he should have said the apology ages ago. yes, it’s been long overdue. yes, you were still surprised that he managed to get those two syllables out of his mouth.
above all, bakugo katsuki is stubborn, unrelenting and powerful, and you’re surprised he succumbed without you suggesting for him to apologise.
you sit up on your elbows, recovered from your brief moment of shock to tell him, “you’re not forgiven.”
“what?” he gawks, outraged, “what else do you want from me?”
“it’s been two days! you could’ve said ‘sorry’ two days ago and i would have forgiven you!” 
“fuckin’ hell, i didn’t think of that.”
“bakugo katsuki, are you really that stupid?”
“take it back!”
“not until you take calling-me-a-lame-hero back!”
“i’m sorry! i take it back!” he winces, “you sure know how to kill a man, huh? i’m sorry, i didn’t mean what i said, now talk to me again, y/n, these past few days have been torture!”
you can’t help but smile at his desperation. he never acts like this for anyone so you’re going to enjoy these rare moments of vulnerability for a little longer. 
“told me to go back to bein’ a side kick,” you huffed, “that’s not a bad idea actually, maybe i’ll listen and apply to be midoriya’s. or todoroki’s. they’re climbing the ranks quite quickly-”
“-y/n!” he’s whining now and you’re afraid you have a manchild lying atop you now.
“i’m joking.”
“you’re mean.”
“oh so now i’m the mean one? what about when-”
“-shut your mouth!”
“is this another one of your instructions? telling me that i’m unworthy of being a hero to the extent that i need to shut my mouth-”
“-stop it!”
you fall back on his pillows in a fit of laughter and as your giggles fill the room, bakugo can’t help but feel his heart ache. this is what he’s been yearning for for the past few days, moments that are so unexplainably, unabashedly you that he realised he doesn’t want to go another day without it. now that you’re back in his arms, he knows everything will be okay, especially with the familiar feeling of your hands carding through his hair.
“i’m really sorry. i didn’t mean to be that mean,” he begins after a moment of silence. it takes a few more seconds for him to continue, “i was just freaking out seein’ you get hurt and i was really fuckin’ panicking because those injuries were totally avoidable. i should have protected you and i shouldn't have gone at you for just doing your job. i was scared.”
you can't help but melt a little at his confession, and the way you can feel him frown into your skin whilst tugging you closer, you feel more loved than ever fathomable.
“thank you, katsuki. i appreciate it but you know i can take care of myself, and i know you’re always going to protect me when i need it. i trust you, more than anyone else.” 
bakugo closes his eyes in content as he tugs himself closer to you than what should be considered possible. you welcome him for all of his roughness and raggedness. he just might be doomed if he didn't have you.
“we should really move in together,” you suggest.
“yeah, yeah we should.”
after a few minutes of silence, you begin to speak up, “i have my night patrol soon, you have to let me go, babe.”
he squeezes you tighter, “but i literally just got you! i’m getting my three days worth of attention, fuck your patrol.”
“that’s not very heroic of you,” you murmur, “now let me go.”
above all, bakugo katsuki loves you. 
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hai hai :D thanks so much for reading!! if you enjoyed that PLS CONSIDER REBLOGGING!!!! i hope that i didn't fuck anything up too much lul i'm so tired but anyways, YAH REBLOGS HELP OUT SO MUCH SO PLS!!!!! one click 🗣🗣🗣
that's all from me, hope to see you around the blog! - earf
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corvusspecialartist · 5 months
Planning a Party for the Two Worst People (pt. 1)
You were an Imperial Agent working for the Sigilite. You were not one of the highest ranked, but still up there. You had access of many of the smaller found relics of humanity... trinkets and long lost recipes. To you, it was a miracle that you had made it this far; but compared to the nobility of Terra, you were nothing but a filthy peasant that somehow sneak their way up to the higher ranks.
But never mind that, it was a new day. You were on a personal cruiser waiting for the orders to receive from Terra. Recently, through your efforts, a crucial mission that your colleagues had somehow messed up, but through your skills... you managed to somehow mange to turn the mission around. Honestly, you didn't expect much in terms of a reward, but you hoped that you had... you had been working for the Great Crusade for years... but even then you have had doubts.
You have heard rumors and seen the Marines preform their work. You had seen multiple systems surrender once they heard of the mere mention of certain Legions. You were true to the Crusade, but not the officers that were near it. Often, during your assignments, many of the Imperial men and women often fought and bled in the droves....often to be used to as support for the trans-humans... in your taste.. it kinda rubbed you the wrong way, you were loyal the Emperor's vision yes, but the way you have seen countless men and women struggle to support, only to really be treated more harshly (in some cases) in return.
Shaking those semi treasonous thoughts from the back of your mind, you noted something was different within your work quarters... upon the holo-pict, it was flashing red. An urgent notice. Odd...but you immediately darted over and opened the message. You adjusted your formal uniform and prepared for the message's contents.
A large head appeared from the holopict, its features thin, and having an almost predatory like appearance. Their face had been treated by various medical treatments, but you could detect ancient scaring underneath it all. You tried your best to smile, despite the bile raising up in your throat. The head as if sensing your placidity or just basking in this moment, cleared its through and began to speak.
"I bring great news... a report has been recevied that the Lord Primarchs Konrad and Mortarion have completed joint missions successfully. Due to their grand successes in crushing the xenos... a grand party will be held to celebrate. " You tried to keep your smile wide, despite your thoughts racing... personally you heard rumors and had information on them... but it wasn't until the head finished it
"On the behalf on the Sigilite and as a commanding member of the 606th Exploratory Fleet, Master of the King's Blood... you will plan and host this party for these two primarchs. I will send you the location of where the party will be planned. It will take place around three months from now. Anything that you will buy for this event will not be reimbursed."
The pict said its standard formal salute, and disappeared. You started to laugh... it was almost too absurd of it all, why you? And party planning... it was not your forte after all. But orders were orders, no matter what. Still, it seemed like a complicated way to get rid of a rival, why didn't they just plant treasonous materials on you and send out the Assassins? Why didn't they just slowly grind you down assigning a worthless position?
No. This was meant to a public gruesome execution. You knew that Konrad, leader of the fearsome and based on the reports that you have read, has a nasty habit of brutalizing and tormenting those who may accidentally gain his ire. And, the other guest of honor, Mortarion.. a grim stalwart of a primarch..who's stubbornness and spite put the Master of the Iron Warriors to shame... so that you have been told. Many lifeless planets had been left in the wake whenever the Death Guard battled with the poor souls that drew in their ire.
You sighed getting up and pulled up the location of the ball, it was on Terra of course. You didn't know where it was, but at the very least it was on neutral ground, so the risk of an undue assassination was low. There were so many factors to consider: For an example, making enemies based on who you invited amongst the military and traditional nobility; you certainty had to invite the Mecanicum, and the navigator houses. Still... you had so little time, but you would take on this challenge,for everything depended on it.
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muiitoloko · 4 months
Hey, can I place an order? I saw that you've just started writing about Alan Rickman and I was wondering if you could write something in which the Reader dies of some incurable disease and, years later, Alan dies too? Ignore this if it's a strange request.
Author's Notes: Normally I wouldn't write something like this about a real person, but I spent days reading this request and finally decided to write it, and I apologize to anyone who felt offended in any way.
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Title: Sun and Rain
Summary: Alan hates the contrast between their deaths, he tries to fight it, but it's a losing battle.
Pairing: Alan Rickman × fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Death, Nosebleed, illnesses
Word Count: 2918
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Alan ate in silence, savoring the breakfast you had prepared. The air was charged with unspoken tension, a stark contrast to the playful atmosphere of the previous night. As You exchanged occasional glances, the weight of the unknown lingered.
Suddenly, Alan's fork clattered against the plate, and he looked at you with concern etched across his face. He noticed a trickle of blood running from your nose. "Love, you're bleeding," he exclaimed, his voice filled with worry.
You, composed but slightly surprised, reached for a napkin and pressed it against your nose. You excused yourself from the table, heading towards the bathroom, and Alan, propelled by concern, followed closely behind.
In the bathroom, you washed off the blood, your reflection in the mirror betraying the gravity of the situation. Alan hovered over you, his eyes searching yours for answers. "Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Are you feeling any pain?"
You, meeting his gaze, shook your head. "No, Alan. I don't feel any pain. It's just a nosebleed, probably from the dry air or stress."
Alan's brows furrowed, unconvinced. "But, love, this could be a symptom. We can't ignore it. We should go to the hospital, get you checked out."
You, facing the mirror, met your own gaze, a reflection of resignation. "Alan, there's no need. The doctors can't do anything. You know there's no cure. It's just a matter of time."
Alan, unable to accept the harsh reality, started making plans. "Maybe there's a new treatment, an experimental trial. We should explore all options."
You, facing the mirror, met your own gaze, a reflection of resignation. "Alan, there's no need. The doctors can't do anything. You know there's no cure. It's just a matter of time."
Alan, feeling a surge of helplessness, reluctantly nodded. The room echoed with the weight of your shared grief, a silent acknowledgment of the impending end.
But Alan could no longer sit and wait, so he secretly, over the next few days, called different doctors, did research on the Internet, and no matter what he did, he found nothing, no cure.
In his study, surrounded by the dim glow of the computer screen, Alan delved into the depths of medical journals, clinical trials, and forums seeking a glimmer of hope. The rhythmic clicking of keys echoed through the room as he tirelessly pursued any information that could alter your fate.
Late at night, with you asleep in the adjacent room, Alan sat alone, grappling with the harsh reality that every avenue he explored led to the same conclusion – there was no cure for your condition. His baritone voice whispered words of desperation, "There has to be something, anything that can save you."
Frustration and helplessness fueled his relentless pursuit, but the internet offered no solace. Each night, as the clock ticked away, Alan found himself immersed in a sea of medical jargon, clinical trials, and experimental treatments, all of which failed to promise the miracle he desperately sought.
With weary eyes, he stared at the screen, realizing that even his baritone voice couldn't command a solution where none existed. You, blissfully unaware of his nocturnal endeavors, slept peacefully, the weight of your shared fate temporarily lifted from your shoulders.
Days turned into nights, and Alan's pursuit of a cure became a solitary battle fought in the dim glow of the computer screen. His voice, once filled with certainty on the stage, now wavered with uncertainty as he muttered to himself, "There has to be something, a breakthrough, a miracle..."
The room, once filled with the echoes of Shakespearean verses, now bore witness to Alan's silent struggle against an adversary more formidable than any role he had portrayed. His deep, deliberate thoughts couldn't unravel the mystery of a disease that had no mercy, no remorse.
As he exhausted every conceivable avenue, Alan realized the futility of his efforts. The research, the late-night calls to specialists, the clandestine meetings with experts – all led to the same heartbreaking conclusion. There was no cure for your condition.
One evening, as Alan sat alone in the darkness of his study, his baritone voice broke the heavy silence, "I can't save you. I can't change the inevitable." The weight of those words hung in the air, a painful acknowledgment of his limitations.
In the quiet hours before dawn, Alan slipped into the bedroom, where you peacefully slept, unaware of the turmoil that consumed your husband. He gazed at you, the lines of worry etched on his face, and whispered, "I'm sorry, my love. I tried everything."
The room, dimly lit by the soft glow of moonlight, held the echo of Alan's silent confession. The realization that no amount of research, no whispered pleas to the darkness, could alter the course of your tragic journey settled into his weary heart.
In those quiet moments, as you faced the inevitable, Alan's baritone voice found solace in whispered words of love and comfort. The room, steeped in shared memories and sorrow, became a sanctuary once more, offering fleeting moments of peace amidst the storm of impending farewells.
As the days passed, Alan continued to care for you with unwavering devotion, but the specter of impending loss loomed over you. The room, once a sanctuary for your love, now bore witness to the fragility of life and the inevitability of goodbyes.
As Alan faced the harsh reality of your impending departure, he decided to cherish every moment you had left together. Determined to create new memories, he orchestrated romantic dinners, showered You with gestures of love, danced under the moonlight, cooked together, and embraced the intimate moments that made your connection unique.
Despite the looming sadness that lingered in his heart, Alan poured his soul into making your remaining time special. As you lay side by side in your backyard, gazing at the stars, he couldn't contain the whisper of vulnerability that escaped his lips.
"My love," Alan began, his baritone voice a soft murmur, "are you scared? Of... of what's to come?"
You, tired but willing to share your truth, took a moment before responding. "I'm not scared of dying, Al. My biggest fear is leaving you behind. You're my world, and the thought of not being by your side is what truly scares me."
Alan, fighting back the tears that threatened to surface, wanted to delve deeper into your fears, but you interrupted gently, "I'm really tired tonight, Alan. Let's just enjoy this moment together, okay?"
Nodding in understanding, Alan placed a tender kiss on your forehead. "Of course, my love. Sleep now. I'll be right here when you wake up."
As you slept, Alan clung to you, holding you close in your shared cocoon of warmth beneath the blanket. Both nestled in your sleeping bags, your breaths harmonized in the quiet of the night, creating a delicate lullaby that momentarily eased the weight of your reality.
When morning arrived, and the first rays of sunlight painted the backyard, Alan gently attempted to wake you. He whispered your name, softly shook your shoulders, and called to you with increasing urgency. But you, serene in your eternal slumber, remained unresponsive.
Panic seized Alan as he tried everything in his power to rouse you. He shook you more vigorously, called your name with desperation, and pleaded with you to wake up. However, you, caught in the grasp of an unyielding silence, refused to open your eyes.
Despite his efforts, your peaceful repose persisted, untouched by the outside world. Alan, in the throes of disbelief and sorrow, cradled you in his arms, tears streaming down his face.
"No, no, wake up," Alan pleaded, his baritone voice carrying a tone of desperation that echoed through the backyard. He clung to you, shaking you gently as if to dispel the cruel reality unfolding before him.
"Baby, please," he implored, his voice a heart-wrenching whisper. "This can't be happening. You can't leave me like this."
He called for an ambulance, his voice trembling as he explained the situation, the operator's words blurred by the overwhelming grief that gripped him. As he hung up, reality crashed down upon him, and he wailed in anguish.
Clinging to your lifeless form, Alan's cries reverberated through the backyard, a raw expression of the pain that threatened to consume him. In those agonizing moments, he grappled with the stark truth that you, his love and anchor, would never open your eyes again.
As he cradled your lifeless body, the backyard bore witness to the profound loss that echoed through its walls. Alan, his baritone voice reduced to desperate sobs, kissed your forehead one last time, the weight of your absence settling into the depths of his soul.
The grass beneath them seemed indifferent to the tragedy that unfolded, and Alan couldn't help but feel a profound sense of injustice. The sky stretched above them, a canvas of serene blue, completely at odds with the storm raging within him.
"It's not right," Alan whispered to himself, his baritone voice trembling with grief. "The sky should mourn you, and the world should feel the weight of this loss."
He looked up at the beautiful sky, an ache in his chest as he wished for a torrential downpour, a dramatic reflection of the turmoil in his soul. The unfair contrast between nature's calm and your departure intensified his sense of isolation.
As he stood there, lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the arrival of the ambulance. The paramedics approached him, their faces a mixture of sympathy and professionalism. They gently took you from his arms, their actions mechanical against the backdrop of Alan's overwhelming sorrow.
The world continued with its ordinary rhythm, indifferent to the tragedy that had unfolded in the backyard. Alan felt a profound sense of loneliness, the beauty of the day contrasting sharply with the emptiness that settled into his heart.
He was snapped out of his daze when the paramedics gently guided him away from you. His eyes, still fixed on the sky, were met with the reality of the situation. The beautiful day persisted, unyielding to the pain that Alan carried.
As they loaded you into the ambulance, Alan sat in silence, his voice reduced to a whisper. The paramedics offered words of comfort, but their attempts felt distant, the reality of your absence looming over him.
The journey to the hospital was a blur, the scenery passing by in a haze. Alan's thoughts were consumed by the unfairness of it all, the disconnect between the world's beauty and the tragedy he carried within.
Upon reaching the hospital, Alan's baritone voice, usually a commanding presence, now wavered as he faced the harsh reality. The medical staff ushered him into a room, explaining the necessary procedures. He mechanically went through the motions, but his mind remained fixated on the backyard, the sky, and the unjust beauty of the day.
As the doctors examined your lifeless form, Alan sat in the hospital room, his eyes distant, contemplating the world beyond the sterile walls. The news, when it came, shattered the fragile illusion of normalcy. The beautiful day persisted, unapologetic in its existence, and Alan was left grappling with the incomprehensible truth.
In the days that followed, as Alan navigated the arrangements and condolences, the world outside continued its indifferent dance. The sky remained beautiful, the sun rose and set, and life went on. But for Alan, the echo of your absence cast a shadow over everything.
As he faced the funeral preparations and the condolences of friends and family, Alan couldn't escape the pervasive beauty of the world around him. It felt like a betrayal, a mockery of the grief he carried within.
At the funeral, surrounded by mourners and under the gaze of the beautiful sky, Alan delivered a eulogy with a voice that resonated with both love and bitterness. "Why is the world still beautiful when my wife is gone? It should mourn with us, share in our sorrow."
The beauty of the day persisted, a silent witness to Alan's anguish. He wished for rain, for thunder to match the storm within his heart. But the sky remained clear, and Alan's baritone voice, though filled with pain, echoed the words that lingered in the air.
As the ceremony concluded, Alan stood by your final resting place, gazing at the unyielding sky. The world continued its rhythm, and he, left to navigate the aftermath, felt the weight of the beautiful day as a testament to the unfairness of loss.
In the quiet moments that followed, Alan Rickman, the actor known for his deep, deliberate voice, found himself grappling not only with the absence of you but also with the relentless beauty of a world that seemed oblivious to his pain.
Years later, Alan lay in his bed, his once robust frame now weakened by the persistent battle with pancreatic cancer. As he gazed out the window, the world beyond appeared blurred, much like the lines between his memories and the impending reality.
He could feel the weight of his mortality, the knowledge that today would be his last. The room, filled with the hushed footsteps of Margaret, his maid, downstairs, carried an air of finality. Alan clung to the sheets, grappling with the bittersweet dance between acceptance and reluctance.
In the quiet moments, he couldn't help but wonder if you had felt the same as you faced your inevitable departure. Did you sense the approaching end, embracing it with the same quiet resolve, or was your departure a sudden storm that left him in the aftermath?
As Alan closed his eyes, surrendering to the embrace of mortality, a strange noise interrupted his solitude. His eyes shot open, indignant at the intrusion, only to be met with the gentle tap of raindrops against the windowpane. The sky, unforgivably, chose to weep for him.
How dare the heavens cry for his departure when they remained silent during your farewell? Alan's baritone voice, weakened but still carrying a tone of resentment, muttered, "Did you cry for her, too, or is this your belated acknowledgment of the injustice?"
He listened to the rhythmic dance of raindrops, a peculiar symphony that seemed to mock the stark contrast between his departure and your's. The world outside, painted in the somber hues of rain, provided no solace for the grievances etched in his soul.
As he lay there, sheets clutched in his weakening grasp, Alan's mind drifted to the past. He remembered your laughter, your vibrant spirit, and the unfairness of losing you to an indifferent world. The rain outside, indifferent to his resentment, continued its gentle lament.
In those final moments, Alan's thoughts lingered on the unspoken questions that had haunted him for years. Did you know your time was drawing near, and did you, too, feel the weight of the impending farewell? The answers remained elusive, lost in the echoes of the past.
Weakened but resolute, Alan lay in his bed and glanced out the window. The sound of raindrops tapping against the glass reached his ears, and a spark of anger flared within him. "Not tonight," he muttered to himself. "I won't go out like this."
Determined to have control over his final moments, Alan declared, "Just one more night, one more chance to see the beauty of the sky, like my wife did." With this conviction, he summoned the strength to endure, vowing to hold on until the heavens opened.
Days turned into nights, and Alan's mood fluctuated with the unpredictable weather. Frustration mounted as the rain persisted, denying him the chance to bid farewell under the canvas of a beautiful sky. "Stop!" he shouted at the heavens, his baritone voice echoing through the quiet room. "Let me have one night of clarity before the end."
However, the rain remained indifferent to his pleas, an unyielding force that seemed impervious to the desires of a man grappling with mortality. Alan's anger intensified, and he cursed at the heavens, demanding a reprieve from the ceaseless downpour.
A week passed, and Alan's condition worsened. In his moments of despair, he continued to beg for the rain to stop, yearning for a glimpse of the sky before his final curtain call. The heavens, however, remained unmoved by his entreaties, casting a shadow over his desperate struggle.
One stormy night, Alan, exhausted and defeated, realized that the rain might not cease anytime soon. He knew he couldn't hold on much longer, and the cruel irony of the situation weighed heavily on his heart. "Fine," he whispered, surrendering to the relentless rain. "If this is how it must be, then so be it."
In his final moments, as Alan's breaths grew shallow, the rain outside suddenly ceased. The heavens, as if responding to his silent surrender, opened up to reveal a breathtaking display of stars. The night sky, free from the veil of rain, sparkled in all its glory.
However, Alan, now at peace, could not witness this celestial spectacle. His struggle had ended, and he, like the beauty before him, slept forever, leaving behind a world now free from the burdens of his mortal wishes.
As the rain-soaked earth embraced Alan's final moments, the sky, adorned with the brilliance of a thousand stars, stood as a testament to the beauty his longed to witness. The room, once filled with the echoes of an actor's contemplative voice, now cradled the silence of eternal rest.
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thegreenhordes · 3 months
Twilight's Notes: What is Known
What is known of 'The Glow' infection: - The Glow, Also known as Pustule Pox, Green Horde Disease, or The ████████ Contagion, so far eludes me as to where exactly it emerged. Subject ████████ ███████ has informed me ground zero's location, but has no clue at this time what the true beginnings were. If I could get to Ground Zero without putting everypony at risk, I would. - Through either sheer luck or early treatment with common medicines, an infected pony has anywhere between a 5-40 percent chance of recovering during the early infection stage. The more aggressive the medical treatments, the better the results. There are currently 6 recovered ponies in camp- there were 7, but unfortunately the permanent symptoms of early infection leaves recovered ponies vulnerable. Granny Smith was up in her years, and simply couldn't recover from the cold she caught. It was a miracle on its own that she survived being infected by The Glow. - Samples of infectious material shows that this contagion is in a constant state of mutation. Given that there are already two separate stages as of now, I wouldn't be shocked if more popped up in the future... - Animals infected by The Glow do not progress pass the initial infection stage, though the symptoms persist as a chronic condition just the same as a recovered pony. Poor Spike, I'm just glad he's still with us. - Attempting treatment via magic results in death of the subject, Discord's chaos magic appears to be ignored by the infection, save during a few instances where his abilities accelerated the infection tenfold. Discord seems to be naturally immune, however- if he wasn't such a scaredy-pants about needles I'd be able to study his immunity better.
Current Treatment plan for early infection: - Rest and medication (those used for things like the common cold, the flu, and pneumonia appear to be the most effective.) - Quarantine, This not only prevents them from infecting others, but keeping patients in a sterile environment alongside the previously noted rest and medicine have had the most promising results. So far the simple treatment plan is our best bet, aggressively and frequently administering medication has been the main cause for the camp having any recovered ponies at all. I do hope to find something with a higher success rate however- Preventing progression is one of our best chances to get this under control again- permanently this time.
Subjects (Infected under study as of the past month): - Cheerilee: Dead, died of malnutrition as a stage 3 'Growler' - Sweetie Drops: Alive, Stage 2 Type 2, Mute. Her vitals are fine for now, but she's becoming more and more prone to stalking behavior, and we've had to install a second door to her room for security. - Bow Hothoof: Alive, Stage 1 Growler, Progressing fast towards Stage 2. Rainbow Dash was devastated when her dad arrived with news of her mom's death and a bite on his right front leg. We tried to help him recover but he was too late into the early infection and progressed to stage 1 within days. He said he 'Just wanted to see his daughter again'. Rainbow Dash spends a lot of time talking to him through the glass of his room. - Fluffy Clouds: Dead, entered Stage 4 of Type 2 and had to be put down. Type 2 infected are too dangerous. Type 1 'Growlers' might be strong and powerful hunters, but I Don't feel comfortable having a Stage 4 Type 2 under long-term observation right now. - Nurse Redheart: Alive, Unfortunately infected when Cheerilee unexpectedly entered Stage 2 faster than usual and bit her. Something is off about her, I can never get a good look at her because she says the light hurts her and they're kept off in and around her room as a result. If I do turn the lights on for talk sessions or to try and get samples she hides under her bed. In either instance she just.... stares. Her eyes glow stronger than a Type 2, and she is eerily quiet most of the time, in a way that makes me want to be quiet and hide when I'm near her room. She might be a new infected Type, but until I can safely get an actual sample from her I can't know. She doesn't have pustules on the outside of her body either- They seem to glow from within her, and I see them inside her mouth whenever she speaks.
Number of infected who died under my care since the outbreak started: Fifty. The more that number grows, the worse I feel. I hope the other princesses have good news for me soon, this is all starting to wear me down.
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otdiaftg · 7 months
Neil finds out Betsy's plan for Andrew.
Abby jumped and flicked a guilty look his way. "Neil, I didn't hear you come in." Neil ignored her and insisted, "Where are you taking him?" "Easthaven Hospital," Betsy said. "I'm going to take Andrew off his medicine." Neil felt the floor tilt beneath his feet. "What?" "It's not official just yet," Betsy said. "I need Mr. Blackwell to sign off on it. He was the prosecuting attorney at Andrew's trial. He's here now with Mr. Waterhouse to evaluate the situation. I strongly doubt he'll contest this, so we should be able to commit Andrew to Easthaven by this afternoon." "Commit him as in lock him up," Neil said. "When Dr. Ellerby and Mr. Waterhouse wrote up the original agreement they did it in a way that would garner the least resistance from the prosecution. One of the terms Andrew agreed to was twenty-four-hour supervision during his rehabilitation. Easthaven is one of the best hospitals in the state. He will be in good hands." "But for how long?" "Up in the air," Wymack said. "Andrew was scheduled for rehab in May so he'd be out of classes. It'll take time to get the drugs out of his system. Once his head's cleared the staff has to figure out the next step in his treatment, whether it's ongoing counseling or some new type of happy pill. Take Andrew's complete inability to cooperate into account and we're looking at maybe four, five weeks." "If we get him back by New Year's it'll be a miracle," Abby said, with a hint of her former frustration. "You're forcing him through withdrawal and recovery at the same time." "It's both or neither," Betsy said. "You know that." "Do it," Neil said when Abby started to argue again. His breathless command had all three of them looking at him, but Neil had eyes only for Betsy. He'd wanted to hurt her in the car for reinforcing the awful rules of Andrew's medicine. She hadn't defended herself because she knew she didn't need to. She knew just like he did how cruel it was to keep Andrew on his drugs, and she'd already reached out to the people who could help him. Betsy's smile was small and approving. "I promise I'll try. Wish us luck?" She plucked a new chocolate bar off the counter and led Wymack and Abby upstairs. Neil didn't really believe in luck, but he watched them go and hoped for it anyway.
Day: Monday, November 13th Time: 9:55 AM EST
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office-to-fantasy · 1 month
TW // Hello how are you? Hope you are well, if your mailbox//question is open, is it okay to order?
I read this post about Ruki, can you write part one? I mean, I wrote before where he wants s/o to talk to him after he broke it, I want you to write how he breaks it like you did with Reiji and Shu, if you don't mind?
In the end, he finds that he has exaggerated his reaction//regret, so he decides to treat her wounds and disagree every time, this time she lost the feeling of pain//does not feel the pain (he will not kill her)
Thank you very much, I love your writing💚♪
[Took me a while to get to it. Shorter than what I’m used to but I hope quality over quantity can apply here! Enjoy <3!]
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Ruki Mukami x Fem!Reader
It had become unbearable. Every scratch he left felt like an eternal scar, something to remind you that you should’ve never gotten near him.
You winced, his fingers wrapping around your jaw so tightly you’d fear it’d break under his strength. Your eyes looked up at him, but it had been useless.
For weeks, those eyes were not the ones you’d fallen for.
They were cruel and hateful.
He jerked your face to the side, finally letting you go. It was a miracle he hadn’t broken your neck, but you definitely felt something pop.
“Ruki…” you began pleadingly, turning to him as you caught his eyes already on you, glaring at you. “Please…”
“Your pleas mean nothing when I already know of the disgusting acts you’ve done.” He picked up a long metal bar, walking towards you.
Your body shook, gripping the chains that held your wrists tightly. “I already told you, they forced themselves on me, please!!” You begged, your voice shaking with every word and rushing to get them out.
He’d seen the moment you were taken from him and tried to stop it, failing as he watched them drink from your neck…
And you just took it.
You really were just livestock.
You were so disgusting for letting them do that to you, he almost couldn’t even look at you. Knowing their teeth had ever sunk into your skin made him almost repulsed by you, but maybe if he punished you then you’d learn your lesson.
Maybe then you’d be his again.
His grip on the metal bar got tighter.
Perhaps it was my fault.
The thought was brief for him, but it was there.
No, her being taken was not my fault… it couldn’t have been…
You scrambled on the floor, your whole body aching from the bruising and the rough handling, but you had to… get away from him?
Your heart ached, truly ached since the start of all this… despite every hit and every shove from him, you’d never once felt the want to get away from him. Your heart belonged to him and you never thought twice about it, until now.
You felt every part of you begging to be released from this, to get far away from him and whatever he was planning to do next. Anything to just be anywhere but in this moment.
Wasn’t it natural? To want to escape treatment like this? From someone who could hurt you like this? From someone who clearly didn’t love you anymore..?
Isn’t it natural to run from what hurts you?
To wish for escape?
To want better for yourself?
And despite your love for him, was it not much more cruel for him to do this to you than for you to decide you didn’t want to be treated this way?
Who was hurting who more? Really…
Your eyes looked up once more, as though using the last ounce of an energy you didn’t know you had left…
They looked into his; unloving, cold, and cruel.
A warm breath escaped your cracked lips, like a tired and shallow sigh after battle, it all disappeared in an instant.
The pain stopped.
It was peaceful enough to cry… but you couldn’t… not in the state you were in…
Everything was so quiet, and Ruki was there, but with that charming smile he’d give you when he was preparing to give you a night of fun.
It felt so nice.
But the bruise forming on your rib would be there, now, and whenever he'd need a reminder of what he’d done to you.
The metal clanged on the floor at your silence.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Enemies to Lovers Part 3 of however many it takes for my coworker to Love Vil
Summary: You're living at Vil's house for the summer, and of course nothing can go as you planned. (Also, you guys are getting this a couple hours earlier than my coworker because I had time to gender neutralize it, so shh don't tell her)
Part One. Part Two. Part Four. Part Five. Part Six. Part Seven. Part Eight. Part Nine. Part Ten. Epilogue.
Despite Vil assuring you that he would provide everything you could need over break, you still decided to get a part time job. Your resume didn't exactly translate well in another world  (apparently the jobs that people in your world had come up with didn't exist here) so you had bullied Crowley for a recommendation letter before you left for break. Despite his lazy nature, it was quite good, so you were able to get a job quickly.
That part time job quickly became a full time job due to lack of staff. At first it was fine. You were saving up money for yourself and Grim, you were getting experience in jobs of this world, and you were able to avoid Vil for the most part due to your chaotic schedules. If you were being completely honest, this was the best part. You weren't ready to look at your conflicting feelings for him yet.
But we don't always get what we want, now do we?
You'd pulled your back at work, and instead of addressing it early, you had continued to work over it until you'd become a mess. Your sleep schedule was off, and you were nauseous which was bad for your eating habits.
You had had to call off work today, things had gotten so bad. You had told Grim to keep it quiet, but he must have blabbed because…
"Come, we are going to the spa." You could tell Vil was trying to give you an out by making it seem like it was a friend offer, but you knew he knew.
"No thanks," you said, hoping he would leave.
Vil frowned at you. "Even on your break, you are overworking yourself. Shriveled potatoes do not flourish."
You were about to pout at him, and say something snarky, but he had already moved to massaging your shoulders.
Apparently, he was really good at this. You felt yourself practically melting at his touch, feeling the stress and pain fade away for a moment. You could get addicted to this feeling if you weren't careful.
You could get addicted to Vil…
After a couple moments of heaven, he pulled back. 
"I assure you, the masseuse we have on retainer is very good. Her first and foremost background is physical therapy. She has worked miracles for me many times." 
You had to stop yourself from asking him to just continue massaging you instead. But you knew he was right. A physical therapist would be better. But it begged the question why he had one in the first place. You'd worry about that later.
He was definitely right, the masseuse worked wonders. After your massage, Vil had had the other employees of their home spa give you the total treatment. You felt more refreshed than you had since you had arrived.
The next day, as you were about to head to work, Vil had pulled you to the side.
"Your dedication is admirable, but if you break yourself you will be of use to no one. Be careful." 
He then handed you a bag he had personally assembled full of snacks, then sent you on your way.
At some point during the summer, you couldn't quite remember when, you had taken to having your lunch breaks together. He would come by the shop you worked in, you would sit in comfortable silence, and then you would part ways.
It became so much of a pattern that the day Vil didn't show up, you panicked a little.
Near the end of your break, you got a call.
"Floyd?" You questioned. "How did you get my number?" 
"Hee hee."
That wasn't an answer, but you figured it was all you were going to get.
"What's up?"
"Hee hee, where's Betta fish I wonder?"
"Betta fish…" you muttered, trying to remember who belonged to the nickname. "Oh, Vil? I don't know, he's…. Wait."
You heard Floyd guffawing on the other end of the phone call.
"Floyd, what do you know about where Vil is?"
"Azul wants to see you. I'd show up if I were you, or Jade and I will give Betta fish a biiiiiig squeeze!"
Then he hung up.
You looked down at your phone, and saw an address from an unknown number, along with a picture of a tied up, very annoyed looking Vil.
You got permission to leave work early on "family emergency" and raced to the address. 
You arrived at what seemed to just be a beach house. You knocked on the door and Floyd threw it open, squeezing you in a hug so tight you couldn't breathe. 
"Shriiiiiimpyyyyyy you came! I knew you would!" 
You did your best to "tap out" of Floyd embrace, but to no avail, until you heard,
"Fu Fu, you can play with Shrimpy later, Azul wants to see them right now."
"Hi Jade," you said drily. "Where's Vil, and what are you…."
"No need to worry, all will be explained in time. Follow me."
Floyd begrudgingly let you down and stalked off after Jade, you in tow. At length, they arrived in an office. Azul was sitting at his desk looking the very picture of a mob boss, while Vil sat tied to one of the chairs across from Azul's desk, looking the very picture of annoyed.
"Took you long enough, Potato. I was beginning to think you'd leave me to the eels." He groaned.
"Believe me, it was very tempting," you hummed, and took the opportunity you knew you would never get again to muss up Vil's hair. If looks could kill….
"Alright, Azul. What do you want?"
He smiled at you, and gestured to the other chair. Once you sat, he leaned in close.
"I'd like to offer you a job."
Tag list: @stygianoir
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aguinhaac · 9 months
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Well, the new ecological miracle episode has just been released, you know what that means~
Today we will be reviewing the shortest miraculous special until now, Miraculous season 5 episode Action.
Let’s see what they did with the episode with the concept of one of the few kwamis I still like.
We start the episode with Marinette and Adrien driving to Luka’s boat house, and we know the episode is good when the animation looks like this
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They didn’t even try.
Nino calls them in because he has some important news which is that people were throwing trash in the sena river and it was going to the ocean.
Nino: if no one handle the plastic problem, who will?
the show spent 1:14 minutes without throwing the lesson in our face, that’s a record!
And really, I really don't like it when people have an eco episode and just have the main characters, I think it's much better to have the main characters help the background characters protest, clean up, plant a fucking tree, or whatever whatever they're doing, it helps the scene feel more organic, when it's just a bunch of teenagers doing something, it looks like the characters are just Mary Sues because, you know how many environmental groups? Very little, so yeah, a bunch of kids would be able to get the whole fucking town to participate.
Well, anyways let's give a look at the group's plan.
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Well, they teach the little kids that plastic doesn’t decompose easily and there I already saw the thing was for little babies that don’t know the basic and I lost all hope this episode would be at least decent.
the boat starts to shake and they go to check what is happening and we find out that a large increase of plastic coming from… fans vending machines….. so, people can cool off…. Ugh, first of all, who buys fans that aren’t for decoration? people to buy AIR CONDITIONERS OR FANS (the not Chinese one) did Astruc ever used a Chinese fan? Those things the more you shake it, the more your arm hurts, second, really? Vending machines? The problem isn’t people putting plastic on everything even if they don’t need to, and after that not discarding it properly, the biggest problem with plastic in the ocean is fans? And third aren’t fans made out of like paper? Or like this super light material? There are some fans made out of plastic but this looks like a paper fan.
How much do you bet they just put that the biggest treat is vending machines so they cannot work at all on how to resolve the conflict and make an ending that doesn’t make sense?
Well because there was too much plastic everyone evacuates and the ship explodes… yes. the ship fucking exploded.
So Juleka IS homeless now, all plastic does to a ship is making it get stuck, and showed to us What overheated was the engine, so what caused the boat to explode and what caused it to clog, SO WHO'S FAULT IS THAT? WHO’S FAULT IS IT THAT JULEKA IS NOW HOMELESS HUH? WHO’S FAULT IS THAT?
Juleka and Anarka just accept they don’t have a home now and Nino tells Adrien to talk tp his dad.
Adrien: you know how my father is, he won’t listen!
Marinette: what if we try to resolve this another way? By going to the root of the problem,
All joke’s aside, Marinette asks her dad if she and her friends can pick up the bakery supplements which he says yes so, they rush their way to there.
They get the boxes and Marinette asks if they can see the new character they made for the special only and after that will be forgotten even if he could be important, you know? As always, his name is plastic king but I’ll just call him “the boss”
The guy then shows they were the boss lives and- Marinette is gonna break into his house huh? At this point I’m not even surprised.
Nino makes everyone disguise themselves but they are immediately discovered, but Marinette uses her main protagonist powers and they’re able to pass the staff.
So, they reach the boss
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Bro looks like that one villain from the Gnomeu & Julieta movie
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Well, they make a little presentation about plastic which really, it's short but I really liked it they didn't demonize plastic, but instead said that plastic IS important for our society and that we shouldn't just stop producing it, instead they say that people buy thing and throw them away right after, putting the blame not in the company but in the people, which surprised me, EXPECIALY for a miraculous, I actually think that's the better portrait of taking care of our planet In a kids show I've ever seen.
The boss explains that this of people buying and throwing it away so they can buy more is design like that and nothings gonna change, RIGHT BEFORE SHOWING ALL WE HAVE IS MADE OF PLASTIC DEMONIZING IT AGAIN AND MAKE MY COMPLIMENT USELESS, CONGLATULATIONS SHOW
The group then fuck off out of the guy’s office and Marinette has the idea to go talk to the mayor, how did Marinette without Zoe’s help was able to have a face to face with the mayor I don’t know but oh well.
Andre: But Parisians love the fans my young friend, remove the vending machines installed by the hall across Paris
Marinette: Would make it possible to reduce pollution
Andre: But it would be very damaging to my image
That’s the character that in the end of season 5 we were supposed to be rutting for, and being happy he was able to stay with the nice daughter and his dream job, THIS GUY.
Adrien demonizes plastic to his dad but without success he fucks off.
Marinette then tries to ask Nadja to talk about it in her program but apparently the boss controls the tv channel, and it’s kinda of a bad choice to make a character you’re gonna throw away later such an important person.
We than have a time skip where everyone is now in…. Luka’s boat house….
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For the miraculous theorist, I think we can safely conclude, Anarka is fucking rich.
Anyways the group + the people from the around the world special proceed to help max HACK NADJA TV PROGRAM.
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We than have one of the most nonsensical scenes of this show. Don’t believe in me? Let me show you.
Firstly, Nino is pointing a camera at the group which means he is doing a live
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But we have video of the boat they’re in, underwater shot (which is just the most beautiful water I've ever seen) UK (probably) shot. Japan and NY shots.
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Throwing away a perfectly good fan that could be reused when the whole special is LITTEREALY ABOUT RECYCLING
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This thing being a worldwide thing but Marinette and Adrien don’t know about them.
The fact that even after being haked the tv show the executives said to Nadja say good things about those idiots.
“nAtUrAlLy I WaS nOt aWaRe oF tHiS, BuT aS sOoN aS i WaS InFoRmEd I hAd EvErY MoRtAl FaN mAcHinE ReMoVeD fRoM PaRiS”
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Anyways we see a scene of the boss screaming to Gabriel on his alliance ring that he lied and that Gabriel knew the fans were polluted, again, Gabriel is a character we were supposed to like in the end of season 5.
Well, the boss gets mad and monarch Akumatizes him into king of plastic.
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First of all, this doesn't look like plastic, it looks like he's made of candy, THOSE THINGS ON HIS SHOULDERS ARE JELLY BEANS AND NO ONE CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE, I can understand why his skin is pink, his logo is basically just pink, but why black? It doesn't feel like plastic either, and what's with his feet? He has these blisters that look like he's having an allergic reaction or something, and why is his weapon a sword? I understood that when Karami and Tomoe's weapons were a sword, they were linked to swordsmanship, but why is his weapon a sword? Let's be real, the producers just gave him a sword to make him look cool, ok for the things I liked, I liked his crown. It's shaped like a king's chess crown, the design is creative and I liked the look of its lower parts like the lower parts of a doll.
Well, I think I will give him A 5.8/10 I don't know if just making him a gigant version of his logo would be better, no I was just kidding- it's just a joke- please don't do that PLEASE NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Monarch gives him the bee powers and KOP (plastic king) rushes to paralyze the mayor and we see what his powers are about, he turns people into plastic, ok that's actually a good power, it kind of reminds me of the villains from season 2, do you remember season two? When was the show good? And did we have character development? I miss that too.
He transforms the police in plastic and decides to go to the Agreste mansion.
Marinette and Adrien while Adrien was teaching Marinette how to say hi in mandarin, like the language her mom is fluent, and that Sabrine would teach her how to say at least a “Hello”? anyways they both see the Akuma so Adrien leaves her house and they both transform.
KOP transforms the gorilla in plastic so the writers can have the heroes know his powers and that he’s dangerous just for the heroes to not care about that and attack him without thinking twice, but relax guys he just throws them, phew for a moment I thought they wouldn’t do it.
He transforms chat’s staff and well-done king. He doesn’t deserve his staff, or his powers, OR HIS STANS, THAT REFERENCE WAS HORRIBLE I SHOULD JUST SHUT UP.
Ladybug: you’re the tycoon who makes all these polluting fans! The king of plastic, aren’t you?
Chat: the king of pollution you mean.
KOP: miss information, plastic is fantastic!
Ladybug: fantastic would be you ending your reign and all the pollution you’re causing!
Ugh, another show to demonize plastic, actually I think I didn’t said what demonizing plastic is, demonize plastic is put all the fault of plastic pollution in the plastic bottle or the company that made it, and say that the companies should be ashamed of that and they should stop producing plastic, first, we NEED plastic, it became an essential part of our lives, the computer the miraculous teem made this episode is made of plastic, the tv the mlb fans watch It is made out of plastic, everyone has multiple things made out of plastic, the problem isn’t making plastic, the problem is and not recycling it, and not re-using it. and is it the company fault? Me and my family used to travel a lot, and every time we got thirsty, we would buy a water bottle just so when runned out, they threw it away and buy another one, and then I ask you, who fault? The companies or my family’s? but shows tend to just throw all the blame at the companies and forget that we are the ones using it once and throwing it away, but really, I knew since the beginning of the episode they would demonize plastic.
Well KOP go to Luka’s boat house to take revenge on the kids, but ladyboob and cat noar show up to stop him, ladybug then activates her lucky charm which is a plastic bag.
They realize that the plastic bag can’t be turned into plastic because it is already made of plastic so ladybug comes up with a plan.
Alya tells the group to turn on the boat plastic collector system, so chat noir cataclysms the engine, which makes the boat explode in trash again, how many times is Juleka gonna get homeless in one episode?
Well, KOP Drowns in the most beautiful trash I've ever seen and that the MLB producers totally didn't just download from the internet.
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Ladybug breaks the sword and purify the Akuma.
The boss: what am I doing here? This is disgusting, aren’t you gonna help me?
Ladybug: this is exactually what millions of sea animals are going through around the world.
Chat noir: and they don’t always have a super hero to offer a helping hand and save them.
The boss: you just covered me in a pile of trash woman, its not my fucking fault people are throwing trash at the sea I just sell plastic, Jesus Christ could you help me I can’t fucking move.
I wish he said it, ok here’s what he actually said.
The boss: ok maybe plastic isn’t always so fantastic.
Aaaaand they rushed the conclusion so that everything would end up in a happy ending, I warned ya.
Ladybug gives him a magical charm so he can remember he got one of the most rushed character developments in history.
We have a scene showing that now everything’s ok, everyone is using the kids’ ideas and tomorrow everyone will forget about recycling and everything will go back to how it was. And that’s where the episode ends.
Ok this episode is not very good.. it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen still it isn’t good, there’s a lot of conveniences, the animation is worst than usual, even if I liked the villain, I must say his powers were used billions of times, I liked they give more screen time to the fight though.
The episode was generic and I’m almost sure they made the episode just for 1: people go “oh they are so nice!” so they can cover up the racist (intentional or not) in the show. and 2: for sell merch of Marinette’s water bottle for 65 bucks each.
The message was very over the top, and they didn’t do much to try make something original out of it, they just made a check list with every single trope they use in cartoons ecological episodes and made it, and it looks like they didn’t care to much about logic, that thing in Lukas’s boat house was totally illegal and dangerous, the group just found the boss office because a random dude that worked for him showed them without thinking twice, they can just get into places they shouldn’t be able to and it doesn’t even make sense, they resolve all their problems via hacking a channel network, which doesn’t make sense and even if they were able to do it there are billions of tv ads about recycling and they never get attention, I know it’s a kid show but couldn’t they make the characters say “this fight won’t be easy, but we are gonna fight for a better world, are you with us?” it would be better in my opinion.
The characters literally hacked a network, break into a dude’s office and there’s just no consequences, I know it was for a good cause but still. it looks like the writers knew it was a filler episode and didn’t care about researching any of it, if they did, they would know that MOST BAKERIES USE PAPER BAGS, OR THAT FANS AREN’T MADE OF PLASTIC, OR THAT YOU CAN’T DO A LIVE SHOWING ANOTHER CONTRY IN REAL TIME.
Over all if you enter in this side this episode because a mess, but if you just watch the episode, it isn’t too bad.
And a fun fact this episode was made without Astruc, “but AC, if you think the episode was shitty why does it matter to you?” well my dear summer child, let me tell you, first of, I always thought if the miraculous team could do an episode without Astruc telling them what to do it would be just the best episode of mlb, and after the awakening movie that theory just confirmed itself from me, but no, it wasn’t, not even close.
And because I loved that they didn’t use Chloe in the episode, I bet all my life savings that if Astruc worked on the production Chloe would appear and say something like “ WhO EvEn cArEs AbOuT nAtUrE?” or make Andre seem a nice guy who just wants the best for his city and that totally wasn’t corrupt, so at least that a good thing about this episode.
Anyways I’ll give this episode a 6/10. Thank you for reading until the end, hope I’ll see you in the next post.
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yandere-daze · 2 years
great! okay, so, imagine a darling who favors one of the (yandere) knights. for this scenario, i'm just gonna use izumi for example just because i like to imagine the darling trying to manipulate him into giving them more freedom (just because he seems the hardest to manipulate out of all of them) but you can use anyone if you want!
anyways, the darling doesn't even try to hide their favoritism for character of your choosing, affectionate hugs/kisses, having long talks with them, and giving them a personal nickname (maybe "zu-kun or "zumi" or something for izumi). it's not like their really ignoring the others though, but it's noticable that the character of your choosing is getting special attention and that they aren't >:(
how do you think the characters that aren't getting any special treatment would react? i have a feeling it wouldn't be so well (especially if the character of your choosing wasn't ritsu, he'd be shaking with jealousy-). if you want me to expand on anything then i can and i hope my idea is understandable! also sorry for quite the ramble btw this was fun to explain lol.
Oooh I love that idea! Don't worry about rambling, I actually really love it when you guys write about all the cool ideas you have, it's very fun to read and like just genuinely interesting!!
Somehow this got longer and longer the more I went on, oops. Kind of got carried away, hope you don't mind! 😉 Anyone else feel free to add on your own thoughts if you have any!
tw yandere, possessiveness, implied kidnapping, mention of biting
I think Izumi actually fits pretty well as being the one that reader favors just because everyone else would be like "but why him of all people??" sjsjsj
Izumi I feel might try to act like he doesn't actually care that much when he's around you ( I'm of the opinion that he actually keeps some of his more "tsundere" qualities when he's a yandere) and tries to deny it when you can literally *see* him blush when you call him one of your cute nicknames
But then he really just turns around and is all smug and haughty around the other knights and just loooves to flex that you pay the most attention to him. It's only natural, everyone else simply can't compete with him!
He probably is smart enough to notice when you're trying to manipulate him into doing things for you. There's no way he's just going to let you have your freedom, you dummy! Flicks your forehead and clicks his tongue in annoyance, telling you that you should stop messing around like that. He's keeping you here for your own good after all!
And I swear, Izumi acting like that makes the fact that you seem to favor him over anyone else just so incomprehensible. All the other knights are upset
Leo is naturally the loudest in his protest and frequently tries to interrupt the alone time you have with Izumi with the excuse that he just *has* to show you a new song he composed. Stupid Izumi can wait, can't he? This is more important, come on! Literally throws himself at you and won't let go, whining all the while about how it's so mean that you aren't giving him any attention anymore!
Speaking of whining and clinging, you're right when you say that Ritsu would be seething with jealousy if he isn't the one that gets most (or preferably all) of your attention. The fact that he even agreed to share you with the other knights for the moment is a miracle in and of itself (he had always planned to steal you away one day when no one else was looking) so to then not even be the center of your attention? He really can't take it.
Ritsu is as clingy as they come and so it gets even worse when he feels like he's being neglected. You can blame Rei for that I guess djdjd
Different from Leo, who is loud and annoying, Ritsu would just slip into any conversation you were having with Izumi and hang onto you possessively as he just glares at Izumi the entire time. He'll whine in your ear that he has missed you a lot and that you should go take a nap with him. Surely you must be tried too from having to talk to someone as annoying as Izumi, right?
Might even bite you to leave his mark on you if he feels really jealous
Tsukasa would be fuming, quite honestly. The entire sharing thing was probably his idea in the first place and you're all staying at a mansion provided by the Suou family but clearly this wasn't what he had had in mind.
Izumi must have done something to you and so you're staying close to him out of fear, right? You're scared of doing something he might not like and that's why you try to stay away from Tsukasa, Izumi is putting pressure on you!
And of course Tsukasa won't stand for that, as your valiant and loyal knight it is his duty to protect you from all harm! He will have a stern talking to with Izumi and then he'll free you from his evil clutches and then you will hopefully pay attention to Tsukasa again.
Your praises and gentle displays of affection never fail to make his heart flutter and so he's very determined to win you over again!
In the end it will lead to Tsukasa just swiftly walking up to Izumi and point his finger at him all accusingly as he huffs that it's unjust that the greyhead had stealen you away from him! ( yes, him. Mentally he's not including the other knights)
It honestly sounds more like a childish tantrum, upset about not being your favorite even though he treats you like a royal, than a real rescue attempt from the evil, evil Izumi
Arashi can't help but shake her head at the tactlessness of her fellow unitmates. Do they not know how to properly handle such a delicate situation than with such displays of brute force and screaming? It almost hurts to watch how the others argue like children.
Now obviously, Arashi is quite upset that you obviously seem to prefer Izumi but she actually does think that it might be for some sort of ulterior motive. Because honestly speaking, in what situation could someone as rude as Izumi ever be your favorite? It was simply unthinkable!
No, someone as gentle and kind as you must have a partner at your side that knows how to properly take care of you. All of these boys are simply hopeless so it's only right that Arashi swoops in and secretly steals you away from everyone else while they're all bickering amongst themselves.
She'll take you into an empty room and then just hold onto you for a bit because even though she tries to act composed, she was very very jealous of the way you just kept inviting Izumi to recommend you makeup or to pick out an outfit for you.
Sure, they were both models but can't you see that Arashi knows you way better than anyone else ever could? Well, at least now she has some time with you alone so it's only right that she makes up for the lost time right?
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coolcattime · 6 months
Ambulance Chaser [OC AU Snippet]
Hi hi!
This is a little snippet from an OC AU that me and my friend @theiratlas brainstorm about. We have quite a few AUs that we discuss a lot, but I've always felt a little nervous about sharing cause like sharing my OCs is a little bit anxiety inducing, but I wrote this scene and I felt very proud of it and wanted to share it!
This is an scene from a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure AU we've been discussing where this particular scene just got stuck in my head. It's meant to be the intro scene of kind of the 2nd act of the story but I hope it's still enjoyable to read out of context! (Also big thank to Atlas for editting and their little additions)
If you have any questions, I'm super happy to answer cause I always love rambling about OCs ^-^
Content warning for description of injuries and mild body horror.
He felt like he was going insane. Maybe he was, honestly at this point it would make more sense than what was in front of him. The doctor was scrambling to make sense of anything really, trying to give what little explanation he had to the person on the other end of the phone, hoping they could be of any kind of assistance. He couldn't believe it himself, that he, Rhys Mourningdove, hadn't come up with any information in weeks. What was particularly frustrating to him however was that he knew there must be some obvious explanation he was just missing.
He hadn't exactly been asked to do any kind of investigation, to look into the odd happenings at the hospital. It was more that he just couldn't stop thinking about it so took it upon himself to look. What was he meant to do when apparent miracle cures kept happening and no one had any sort of documentation, let alone explanations for how they had treated the patients. Rapid miracle cures that left patients not only better but as if they'd never been sick in the first place, completely ready to leave in a matter of hours, did not exist. If they did, Rhys is sure he would know about them, the world would know about them and be using them. It was infuriating that no one seemed to care just how weird it was, but him. 
As long as the press was good, he supposed, but he couldn't believe that no one found this suspicious but him.
"So your problem is that patients are being cured at the hospital?" The sceptical voice of the man Rhys had been connected with tinnily echoed through his office. He was really from the Speedwagon Foundation? He must be an idiot, Rhys thought. 
The voice on the phone introduced himself as Isaac Sharp, an accountant or an archivist or just someone who supposedly has a vested interest in making sure there wasn't anything suspicious going on at the hospital. Yet even as he had explained his findings, explained that people were getting cured with no logical explanation, the voice seemed to have absolutely no qualms with how things were going. 
"No, my problem isn't the recoveries, it's that no one seems to know how the patients are recovering, there's not even treatment plans for them, it's impossible," Rhys explained this for what felt like the hundredth time, resisting the expletive on the tip of his tongue. It was as if Isaac wasn't even listening or maybe he just didn't care. 
Rhys pushed his glasses up to briefly pinch the bridge of his nose. This wasn't how medicine worked. Someone on the medical teams treating the patients should be able to tell him the method that had been used. The handful of patients he'd managed to talk to before they'd been discharged had all recalled some kind of sting they described as being like an injection or a blood draw, usually within the hour before their miraculous recovery, but nothing of the sort had been documented even if a single miracle injection was any sort solution.
"Nothing's been documented, no aftercare has been scheduled or prescriptions written. This isn't like patients recovering, it's like they suddenly were never sick in the first place."
"..." Rhys’s silence was pointed and chosen. 
"Doctor Mourningdove," Isaac said, more than a little exasperated by this phone call. His job was meant to be easy, he wasn't meant to get phone calls complaining that the hospital was working too well because that was a ridiculous thing to complain about. Yet here he was, dealing with a man that was beyond simple academic concerns, obsessed with the fact that patients were leaving a hospital happy and healthy. How had his life come to this? "I understand that it must be hard to see another doctor come into a similar position as you and get all the accolades you're used to receiving--"
"No!” He snapped down immediately “No, this isn't an ego thing."
It was a little bit of an ego thing. Rhys was a good doctor, most would describe him as a great one, but he certainly was not a person who did the job out of the goodness of his heart. He liked the praise he'd gotten, obviously he did, who wouldn't? Maybe someone new and apparently more brilliant coming onto the scene was the original reason he had begun looking into the so-called miracle recoveries, but that didn't change the facts of what he had discovered. 
"Logan Charles is a fraud! I don't know what he's doing to cure these patients, but he doesn't know a thing about medicine and I sincerely question whether he even has the credentials needed to call oneself a doctor!"
"Doctor Charles is successfully treating patients. He certainly isn't calling me to spread crackpot-nonsense conspiracy theories about a peer. Maybe you could learn something from him," He didn't sound nearly as forceful as he wanted to. Rhys certainly wasn't intimidated. But fine. Maybe he'd need to jump through a few more hoops to get the Speedwagon Foundation to actually listen to him even if Rhys still hadn't found any proof that their brand new miracle doctor had even attended medical school. He'd do this by himself.
"Fine, I'll go treat some patients right now."
"Why do you sound so aggressive?"
"Doct--" Rhys hung up the phone cutting Isaac off numbly, he had another led to follow who also happened to be a patient, which was good, he was pretty sure his break was over.
He wasn't sure if anyone praising the apparent miracle doctor had noticed, in fact he was pretty sure just that they hadn't, but at the same time as the last "incurable" patient was somehow magically cured, a young woman had fallen suddenly ill with the exact same illness despite having been completely healthy days beforehand. There was no way she wasn't somehow connected to this, even if he currently didn't have any idea how. Thankfully she was responding well to treatment, he just hoped that she would recover soon enough. Both for his own investigations, and the fact he'd been specially requested to be in charge of her care by the hospital's key donor not named Speedwagon. At least that meant no one was attempting to put any frauds on her medical team.
He turned to leave his office only to startle and stumble backwards as stood leaning against the doorframe of his office was “Dr.” Logan Charles, a shit-eating grin plastered on his dumb face. Rhys panicked. How much had he heard? The mass of muscle and ill fitting scrubs took a few steps inside, the door closing behind him. Rhys probably would have noted the door closing as if by a person despite there being no one around to do so but he was preoccupied by the cheap aftershave on legs swagging toward him. 
Logan finally stopped less than a step’s distance in front of Rhys’ thankfully wide desk, though it definitely didn't provide nearly enough of a barrier.
"So, I'm a fraud huh?" He said with far too wide a smile. His voice was low and far too calm. Before this moment, Rhys had assumed he could never be scared by Logan; irritated and frustrated certainly, he never exactly wanted to be near him, but fear was definitely a surprise. "Lot of pretty serious claims you have there, I mean how would I have even gotten a job here if I'm not a doctor?"
Rhys considered his options and chose to provoke the protein powder-keg in front of him. The reasons why still escape Rhys even now.
"I'm not sure you do have a job here actually. You just showed up one day as if you were meant to be here and everyone went along with it," It was not the most sound argument, but he couldn't figure out the trick. He knew that Logan must've been hired, but he couldn't imagine the man making it through any sort of vetting process without his glaring lack of medical knowledge rearing its ugly head. 
There was a single moment where Logan's smile dropped, it may have only been half a second, but it felt like an absolutely terrifying gotcha moment. But then that terrible feeling got worse. It was as if the “something” that had been clouding Rhys’s mind was suddenly lifted and now the starkly terrifying reality had set in.
Rhys stumbled back as the pieces connected in his head. Logan Charles didn't work here. Logan Charles probably wasn't even a doctor. Logan Charles had just appeared one day as if he was meant to be there after she…! He needed to get out of there. 
The realisation dawning on his face was not well hidden and the other man saw it.
Rhys took off in a sprint. Logan tried to grab him only to be met with a sharp pain in his right cheek. Stumbling back as Rhys fled into the common areas, Logan tore out a fountain pen from his cheek. So that's how it was? Sure, he'd come to put an end to the man, but he wasn't meant to realise anything. Stupid damn memory stand, never should've trusted anything he didn't set up himself. Well, the annoying doctor shouldn't be too hard to track down.
Clutching his new face hole, he walked down the corridor, spotting the door to the stairwell open.
“Probably headed for the fire exit, but there was no way he'd’ve made it out yet” Logan found himself narrating. Entering the stairs he could hear someone hurriedly heading down, and looking down the middle, there he was, Rhys attempting to make his escape. Logan smiled.
"Ambulance Chaser. Total Recovery."
Rhys didn't hear those words, nor did he see the stand summoned by Logan. All he felt was a stinging pain in his back and then the most overwhelming pain in every nerve ending in his central nervous system from his spine and his toes, to his gums and ear drums. It was a kind of terrible that's hard to describe especially when internally all he could do was scream. 
Rhys dropped immediately, falling down the flight of stairs he was currently running down, the pain of which he didn't notice, too overwhelmed by the ever-multiplying number of injuries spontaneously appearing with each second.
Doctor Rhys Mourningdove would be found less than a minute later barely conscious and be rushed to the hospital's emergency care. His wounds were more akin to that of a vehicular accident than anything that logically could've ended with a man being found on the hospital’s second floor stairwell. No one had any idea what could've caused such terrible injuries to appear, and it wasn’t certain that he’d even make a full recovery. 
Although Doctor Charles had volunteered to lead his care, clearly he would be in good hands. 
Unnoticed in all the chaos, a young man that had been admitted to the ER after a motorcycle accident was discharged in what could only be described as a miracle or a bizarre shared hallucination from the patient and paramedics alike. Despite the crash seeming severe, he walked away with no injuries, only a few cuts and bruises, his only memory between the crash and being wheeled out of the ambulance being that of a sharp pain akin to an injection.
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skippyv20 · 10 months
Skippy, mom of the child with a speech delay here. We have a new patient appointment tomorrow for a second opinion, but are moving forward with the ASD diagnosis as I don’t expect it to change. I accept that we (and several other professionals) seem to have gotten it wrong by assuming it was ADHD, but I am upset at the way the last test went (they snapped at my son, squeezed us in due to a last second cancellation for the other part of the test as we were actively in the first testing room trying to finish the first part—and the psychologist, who was only in the room for about 30 minutes, seemed to lack experience for a nuanced case like ours where my partner has ADHD and struggles with consistent parenting). I just want it to go well this time so I can have confidence in the quality of the test and results, ask questions that I feel comfortable asking, and get the answers we need to make the best plan. May I please request a specific prayer for the experience at this new testing place tomorrow afternoon? All I want is to have a kind and understanding professional who can use their experience to help us get things moving for my son’s sake. He’s over five and I’m concerned so much time was wasted already, although there were no issues at all until he was four and tested slightly behind (but still normal range) on speech. Now the delay is considered severe for his age, although he’s still showing improvement. I think. I can’t trust my own assessment anymore, as I got it so wrong already. Please pray. I don’t want my son subjected to any more rudeness from testers. He’s a kind, playful and happy kid and deserves better. I’m sorry I’m such a mess, but this week has been very difficult already (and I’d forgotten it was my birthday). I can’t wait to have this settled and a supportive treatment plan started. Thank you for listening.
I found this for you! It looks wonderful. I think you will find it comforting. We will be praying!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
St. Anthony of Padua is Saint for speech
O wonderful St. Anthony, glorious on account of the fame of your miracles, and through the condescension of Jesus in coming in the form of a little child to rest in your arms, obtain for me of His bounty the grace which I ardently desire from the depths of my heart . (State your intention)  You who were so compassionate toward miserable sinners, regard not the unworthiness of those who pray to you, but the glory of God that it may once again be magnified by the granting of the particular request (State your intention) which I now ask for with persevering earnestness. Amen 
Pray one Our Father,  one Hail Mary, and  Glory Be to the Father, in honor of Saint Anthony. 
Saint Anthony, pray for us! 
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Seeing all the screen caps from Wednesday's episode of the Flash has put me in the mood to ramble a bit more about Hartley, so spoilers below.
It had to be weird for Hartley in S09e02 to be wearing a STAR Labs t-shirt again. I'd imagine that contribute a bit to his grouchiness while talking to Khione.
But, really, he's not having a great day. He gets assaulted outside his club. (Did enjoy that he just has the piper gloves ready to go. It's gotta be this non-secret with his employees that he's the Pied Piper. Sometimes their boss commits larceny to fund social justice and they're just cool with it. I mean... I would be.) The fight goes badly for him to the point where he has to get out of there fast to seek out medical treatment from the only person he trusts to take care of him in this state.
Except Caitlin isn't there, Barry is so damn slow for a speedster sometimes, and Hartley's arrhythmia doesn't just magically clear up like he was hoping though at least the cuff is correcting the problem for now. But had to run away from a fight knowing that every minute he's away is probably bringing Roderick and the rest of his employees closer to danger. Hartley already knows what its like for Roderick to be injured because Hartley's own plans went to hell - he had to live without Roderick for five years and getting Roderick back was a miracle. He has to be terrified of losing Roderick again. Of having to live without Roderick, again, because he wasn't fast enough at repairing his tech and going to save him.
And on top of it all, the only clean clothes options he's got at the moment are spare STAR Labs merch. (Or is it swag? I mean, I doubt he's gonna pay for it.) This was the place that fucked up his promising career as a physicist. While he seems very happy as a former thief and current club owner, going to the place that reminds him of EoWells, the ex that ruined his reputation and used Hartley's work to nearly blow up half the city... that's got be the infuriating cherry atop the whole evening thus far.
So when Khione shows up and she can't help him, Hartley's porcupine quills are all up and spiky and can she go away now? Except she looks at him and sees past the wall of anger and sees how his fears aren't about himself. And she basically tells him, I think you're a good person. And it's not because of Roderick - it's because of you.
I think Hartley struggles to see himself as a good person, so of course he credits Roderick with being the reason why he changed. But Hartley chose to save Barry even when he had no reason to think doing so would save Roderick. Another version of Hartley saved Caitlin and Cisco from a Time Wraith and became a friend to Team Flash. Hartley's not wrong about being capable of making terrible choices that hurt people, but his natural inclination is to help people. Not hurt them. He's just too much in his own head and too much aware of his own flaws and he knows Roderick thinks the best of him... but Roderick loves him. So he's biased.
But Khione has no history with Hartley and no reason to automatically see the best in him and I think he was genuinely touched by her assessment of him. And that's why he shows up when Khione chooses to live for herself instead of to die for Caitlin or Frost. I do wonder how he knew to be there - maybe Khione used Caitlin's phone to call him? It's also why he called her his friend - they're both a bit hesitant and uncertain and shyly pleased to be friends, which is sweet.
People probably don't often take the time with him to see beyond his grumpy facade, so it seems like the fact that the first thing Khione does is exactly that really touched him.
Anyway, I'm really hoping that the Hartley & Khione friendship continues past this episode. Of course that depends on how many episodes Hartley's in. He does seem set up to be important this season. At least for the next while. The teaser for Ep3 makes me think that Hartley is going to get to spend most of the episode being a little shit to Barry and taking charge of the new Rogues when Barry proves incapable of leading bad guys (or incapable of leading at all lately, but my complaints about the writing for Barry belong elsewhere). Which seems like a fun premise.
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sewercentipede · 8 months
hello pretti human ^.^ i am interested in ket, i hope you dont mind me asking some questions... what does ketamine do for you? How long does a trip usually last? And is the trip more chill than for example mushrooms or LSD, I am a big advocate for mushrooms but I feel like I need to prepare a lot just for one trip, it takes a whole day and I need to book time away somewhere because I don't feel comfortable doing it around my flatmates, does ketamine bring similar benefits without being as 'deep' if that makes any sense? Thank you in advance!
hello! <3
1. I detail roughly what ketamine feels like based on dosage in this post but i don’t go too too much into *what it does for me*. so ill expand more now on that.
ketamine, being a dissociative, is really good at dulling, numbing, and at high enough doses even transforming into pleasure, the sensation of pain. this makes it a godsend for my crohns. nothing else even comes remotely close to the pain relief I get from ketamine when it comes to abdominal pain or during a flare. so it is a miracle drug for me. it’s also amazing with depression—in an acute sense—especially good at shutting down really intense/acute depression and suicidal thoughts even at super low dose (for eg: i was really depressed one night during a time when I was hypomanic and I felt really reckless and planned to self-harm, but then I did a line or 2 of ketamine and almost immediately all those feelings were replaced with a deep sense of calm, of everything being fine, that I was okay and i no long had any desire to do anything irrational. In more mild-moderate depression (not actively suicidal, but hopeless and can’t get out of bed vibe), ketamine is like… an immediate boost to mental wellbeing.. it helps me appreciate life as it is and the ppl in it and it makes me feel hope.
Ketamine has long been known medically/pharmacologically as a first-line therapy for treatment-resistance depression but until recently was only used in rare and emergency cases, probably (im guessing) due in part to the fact that its antidepressant effects wear off when it wears off, for the most part. In the last few years however ketamine has become a whole area of specialization in the realm of psychiatry particularly for things like depression and eating disorders, with ketamine clinics and doctors prescribing ketamine infusions (IV ketamine sessions done regularly, from twice a week to once every 2 weeks), or IM (intramuscular injection) ketamine sessions.
when I did an IV ketamine infusion (as a very depressed and anxious individual) it was incredible, I felt real joy and gratitude and appreciation and love and the ability to just enjoy the present moment and “be here now” for the first time in a long long long time. this can be achieved through other ROAs with ketamine but IV is the most intense.
when my husband did an IM ketamine session he k-holed and when he came back he said “I saw my entire life” and couldn’t really explain it further but he said that it changed his perspective on his life a lot. as soon as he got up from the K-hole he went “I understand!” Lol, but what he understood was for him alone to know.
when my dad did IM ketamine the first time the dose was too low to hole, but it made him very emotional, talk about his childhood trauma, his recently deceased mom with whom he had a super complicated relationship, etc. ketamine will do that too at low doses, it’s kinda like a release valve for trapped emotions especially grief and I think that happens to some people whose depression cuts them off from their emotions (it did The same for me when I did a medium dose after my grandpa died and it made me emotionally purge A LOT of grief). his second IM session on a higher dose made him k-hole and he became a bodyless observer going through and inside and above and around the earth. he never revealed whether or not it gave him any insight but I imagine for a guy like him (tormented by his mind) it was a nice reprieve.
the dissociative effect of ketamine makes you detach, from everything, in layers/to degrees, your thoughts, feelings, worries, mindset, your physical feelings, your body, yourself entirely; and in this detachment clarity can be found. wisdom from that clarity can be found.
2. most ROAs of ketamine last no more than 1 hour, often 45 minutes to 1 hour. After 1 hour you will basically not feel any effects anymore (although with high dose there may be lingering motor coordination effects). doing a ketamine IV infusion however (which is done at a doctors office) will last longer (closer to 3 hours) because the full ketamine dosage is being administered slowly. sublingual lozenge ketamine I also notice while have far more subdued effects, lasts longer (2-3 hours). and just straight up IVing ketamine I think also lasts a bit longer than the 1 hour (but that depends on dose too and I’ve only done a pretty high dose that way so that could be why it lasted 1.5-2 hours.) For insufflated and IM ketamine, at whatever dose reaches k-hole, it’s the standard 1 hour max.
3. Girlllllllllll don’t even get me started on mushrooms and LSD in that regard like oh my god. I can’t do shrooms without mentally and physically preparing for like a week beforehand. it’s excruciating otherwise. And it absolutely requires planning a whole day around it (carving out time AND having a good place to do it at, that wont potentially cause a bad trip).
Ketamine isn’t like that at all…… ketamine is so fucking chill. It’s not a grueling emotional experience wherein you’re traversing the labyrinth of your mind and battling your mental pitfalls or whatever. It’s more like you’re being freed of your mind and body and letting the ketamine work its magic on you.
First of all it’s an NMDA-antagonist (dissociative), not a seratonergic psychedelic, so you won’t be having those weird seratonin effects (anxiety, paranoia, sweating, jaw clenching, feeling wired and awake, having funny tummy -or urge to shit- on the come-up, etc). there’s no come up or comedown, it’s altogether very gentle and chill, evornment only matters insofar as dosage. If you want to keep it at real low doses, you can do it anywhere. If you want to do moderate to high doses, you can do it at home or a friends house but not in public (you want to be able to lie down in a safe environment). The state of the room or house doesn’t matter (idk bout you but on shrooms or acid, if im in a house and the house isn’t clean it fucks with me. Ketamine doesn’t care). you can do it around other people without you yourself being affected negatively by their presence whatsoever (if they don’t know you’re on ketamine they might be confused as to why you’re walking like a drunk robot). and you can sleep as soon as it’s over. The k-hole if anything is extremely euphoric for me, not like mdma euphoria, its different, but my god it is euphoria.
however i have heard the occasional experience of the hole being scary particularly at too-high IM doses (my BIL after a high dose IM ketamine session said he “turned into atoms and got torn apart” and the intensity of it frightened him; he kinda has control issues though and did double the normal dose of IM ket, so it does not surprise me). In other cases of bad k-holes its 99.99% of the time people accidentally k-holing at festivals, i hear it’s very unpleasant, and I imagine it would be! but that’s what you get when you don’t respect ketamine by doing too much at a festival or rave so I have no sympathy for that lol.
4. This is a bit hard to answer. Does ketamine bring similar benefits without being as deep…. Yes and no? It’s very hallucinogenic, moreso to me than lsd or shrooms, but in a very very different way. It can bring perspective shifts and insight like the other two can. But again, in a different way. I would say yes it does this stuff without being as deep, mentally, emotionally. It doesn’t feel like “work” the way shrooms or lsd do, and is less interested in forcing you to confront and overcome your thought patterns in real time. your mind and awareness is not really necessarily what the work ketamine does is dependent on. When it comes to what we know about the effect of longterm microdosing mushrooms on depression and cluster headaches (and anxiety I believe?), I don’t think ketamine has a similar effect… I could be wrong though. I don’t know the effectiveness of longterm ketamine IV infusion therapy personally; anecdotally ive heard both “this saved my life” and “this did nothing”. Then again, shrooms for depression also doesn’t necessarily work on everyone either. So yeah idk, that’s my take.
One thing though, chronic ketamine use will affect your bladder. Like itll kill bladder cells. We see this mostly only in ketamine addicts (doing lots of ketamine daily for years type of people), but it makes me wonder for people who do regular infusions for years what the possible long term effects on their bladder might be. And also makes me advise against ketamine use if you have existing renal/bladder impairment. But If this doesn’t apply or you’re not planning to snort a lot of ketamine everyday for a long time then this isn’t something I’d worry about. But I feel like I should mention it all the same.
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darkhighness · 8 months
Good Omentober Day 9 - Gabriel
Prompt by @disaster-dog
Gabriel reflects on his treatment of his angelic sibling and begins to feel the wrath of the Almighty as he condemns her to Hell.
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“What did you do to my child?” The bellowing voice of the almighty rang out throughout the halls of Heaven.
Gabriel looked around him, still clutching the starmaker's journal in his arms. Caphriel was hardly the first Angel he’d sent to eternal damnation but never before had he heard this voice
“My blessed creator I was simply enacting punishment on a misbehaving Angel,” Gabriel assured and miracled the book away, “I’m making sure there are no threats to your plan.”
“I don’t know that you have my best interest in mind, Gabriel. That’s why I’ve created a new position. I’m sure you’ll become quite familiar. The Metatron will speak for me from here on out. I have to clean up your mess before the humans are set to arrive.”
Gabriel felt a sense of guilt suddenly course through his body. As an archangel, he had never disappointed the Almighty before. He couldn’t, however, work out why Caphriel’s punishment was the one that caused such a reaction.
Caphriel was nothing but a mistake. Some little star maker who was a disappointment since day one. Gabriel remembered her creation, after all. The Almighty wanted one more archangel in charge of beauty and imagination. Gabriel, despite being a new angel himself at the time, thought the prospect was ridiculous. How could you have angels in charge of healing and wisdom and decide you want one for something as punitive as imagination?
In her creation, something went terribly wrong. Caphriel, despite being incredibly powerful was hardly at the rank of the archangels. She was weak, and it was immediately obvious she was a mistake. That was the only time Gabriel had ever questioned the Almighty’s judgement.
God insisted that Caphriel was as much one of their siblings as the others but like the runt of the little she was, she was tormented. She would never feel the love of the archangels. She was nothing.
Gabriel would never let her forget it either. Caphriel would always attempt to talk to the archangels about her designs but they were busy doing actual work. When she was first designing her nebulas, she would come and ask Gabriel for help.
“Gabriel?” Caphriel asked softly, clutching her journal in her arms. She had been stopping by less but all the other angels she’d talked to had brushed her off. She was hoping her brother, in her desperation would be able to give some advice, “Could you please just look at one thing-“
“I don’t have time for you, Caphriel. Go disappear off into the stars like you always do,” Gabriel spat.
After that, Gabriel only ever saw Caphriel in passing and when he did she kept her head down and would fly past faster. Occasionally, Gabriel would hear her name uttered in the halls as other angels marvelled at her most recent feats. Unsurprisingly, he never saw the appeal.
It wasn’t until the War they ever met up again. Caphriel, as aloof as always, wouldn't commit to a side. Gabriel knew that she would often talk to Lucifer, yet Lucifer knew of her relation to Gabriel. Caphriel would spend every day out in the stars, avoiding as much of the war as she could. Gabriel chalked it up to fear, knowing how weak she always had been. Lucifer assumed it was an act of defiance as she wouldn’t stand with the other archangels.
“I just don’t think we need to fight. Is it really that bad if the humans get free will?” Caphriel asked Gabriel tentatively, returning from the cosmos only briefly to check up on what was happening, “Are we just upset that they will have something we don’t?”
Caphriel never wanted to see any of the angels hurt. She’d known what they were able to do to her and had no reason to believe they would hold back on any traitor. Especially when some of them were known to be her friends.
Gabriel let out a low chuckle, his expression darkening as he turned to his disgraceful sister, “If you care about free will so much, why aren’t you part of the rebellion?”
“I just don’t know if either side is right. Everyone’s quick to judge but no one is trying to understand.”
Gabriel huffed and pulled Caphriel up by her robes to meet his eye level, “We understand. We’re God’s finest angels. You’d do good to remember that. Unless you want to admit that you’ve been a mistake this whole time.”
Gabriel threw Caphriel down to the ground where she let out a forced sob. Despite all the years of torment by the archangels, she was still so surprised her brother could be so cruel. Her body shook with sobs and she curled up into herself, trying to shield herself from Gabriel with her wings.
“What’s this, a grey feather?” Gabriel tutted, holding the feather in his hand. Before his brain fully registered what he was doing, he plucked the feather, gaining a small squeak from his sister. “Looks like you’ve chosen a side after all.”
He inspected her wings, plucking each slightly off-white feather with enough force to break her if he wanted to. With each move of his hand, she twitched in fear but she had nowhere to escape to, instead forced to sit and take the punishment from the figure that was meant to protect her
“Gabriel, please-” She choked, flinching as another feather was plucked from her wings that now had various bare patches and golden blood was beginning to form in tiny drops along its span.
Gabriel kicked her aside and she lost grasp of her journal. She desperately reached for it but Gabriel swooped in to take it away from her.
“You won’t be needing this.”
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