#like 'i know you are clueless right now but.... u have all the info to Not be'
silver-wield · 4 months
? First time hearing this? Where did they butcher that "not interested" line? 😡
Spanish is so lucky, they catched up that SENA is fck all so they're following JP. I hope that their translation team is 100% right on the correct target. Now how did that happen? Maybe spanish fans complained, or maybe their translators catched on. Why can't we do that for English? Oh right, because everyone who says they're fine with the translation are actually ALL c/eriffs , that or they're really dumb af. Can't believe they'd rather lick the butt hole of a wannabe writer like ben sabin than the one nojima made. When people ask why are the ship wars still a thing? Well take a look at ben, still holding onto his own fanfic world and he wants clueless gullible english dwellers to get caught up on it. Ruining the experience of new players especially. Christ I feel bad for you folks. It's like you guys time travelled to 1997 mistranslation. Maybe that's what ben wants for every OG fans, the mistranslation experience. What - a - fcking - PSYCHO.🖕u ben, have fun watching your uwu princess die.
sorry, got carried away. I'm so angry. Do you know what's extra funny? Aerith's white materia line sounds like "this isn't about me, this is about saving this school,... And you" in a gonna be tragic event like you're a cop in context. I can't believe some thinks this is extra info, the implication in the line I just made, made the cop creepy af because by saving the school, of course the student is already counted on it but there's a creepy special mention. It's extra info alright, but not something that would endear us. I personally hope they keep that line and see things blow up. I'll do anything for them not to sabotage part 3.
It's when they're at the GS and Tifa points out the G bike. She says something like Cloud wouldn't be "not interested" but Sena changed it because they suck.
Honestly, that line is ridiculous and nothing like canon.
"This isn't about me", she says, making it about her. And why is she giving Cloud the white materia? He can't use it. It can't save him. It's useless to him the same way she's useless.
I wish Sena would just follow the script 😮‍💨
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some-mari-thoughts · 2 years
Casually adopts Mari and Sunny so they can receive more nurturing parental affection.
Because they were not raised right. They deserve better. Healthier. Happier.
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Do NOT get me wrong but thats the worst idea u could get and i genuinely hope its a big joke
thing is. raising a child is absolutely no joke. two moreso. 3 they are already living sooomewhat shitty, why would you want to add the monumental stress of losing their home, life and family. Which! mean a whole lot to any child. even the shitty ones. thats why you get stockholm syndrome
if you see a kid in a bad situation, the best case scenario is REPORTING TO CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES. so parents/family get their things together and improve the situation and all of them get needed therapy/coaching, not rip them out of their life. for the child, that will be a catastrophe, even if they happened to want it. it's still heckif crushing anything they could somewhat fall back onto to the ground and leaving them to rebuild it, even if with help. And you don't even know if what they get as the result will be better.
now going to the precise situation of Mari and Sunny's family. Which the only info we do gather from the game is: strict, somewhat distant, somewhat neglectful. which COULD be okay actually! we have v little info on most of the families in omori. We know that the dad did a shit thing, and that the mom is sorta clueless but she's Trying? somewhere out there, we just don't see her. The family is well-off 100% before the incident, the kids are self-sufficient, and aren't showing signs of trauma aside from basil. who isn't part of the family.
Which brings us to: their family is 100% salvageable and all it needs is a basic intervention to IMPROVE their parenting. like some coaching or a few more good parenting books. that's your best-case scenario. The kids also need some therapy bc the little lessons that are Needed their parents are, sadly, not providing bc they are too distant, so Mari and Sunny are left to fare for themselves. which they were doing well enough til they couldn't bc they were getting increasingly busy with other things. thats a tragedy caused by common neglect. an accident. something scary that could happen anywhere, which needs some less than rational thinking to become even worse.
TLDR stop hating their parents, leave the kids alone, adoption out of a living family is ALWAYS the very last option, LOOKING AT YOU TOO, ANIME FANS (bnha, mp100)
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imaginethathaikyuu · 1 year
HELLO! i’m back after reading everything for part 1 a few days ago. the first thing that came to mind was how it did NOT feel like 8K words, and none of the scenes felt wasted in any way. when reader brought yachi along i was surprised to see how you eased her into the team, and i think her skill to bullshit as a scammer was something reader thought could help them? i don’t think she actively tried to recruit yachi, but when yachi tagged along reader was probably not just thinking of her plan to teach yachi a lesson but also 5-steps ahead—hence why she was so casual in stuffing yachi into a role to entertain Ten. and also, the fact that akaashi looked extremely angry at the beginning but he softens so much at the middle only to harden at the end??? i think it’s because he doesn’t approve of reader’s methods to teach yachi?? he did say that one time while they were talking. i’m so intrigued how the “fake dating” will sprout, because we can see clearly that it’s obviously not fake. although keiji doesn’t want to settle with reader, he was the one who initiated intimacy in the warehouse even though no one was watching, aka there was no need for him to even act intimate. i’m betting on that scene alone that keiji does have real feelings for reader, but why he doesn’t want to settle…. idk. i’ll have to read and find out!
and as for other things (about keiji and reader), the fact that they quarrelled and act like enemies the next day when they were all mushy was soooo funny, and leading to the old lady telling the tale…. THAT CLIFFHANGER! and also, i know u probably don’t mean it to be funny but reading “2 body guards—one buff and one scrawny” is such a visual irony i laughed. and also, the whole scene with Ten… what inspired the flow of events? it felt so legitimate like you were actually in a con job. and also, with reader working with such high profile…… wow. wonder who she’s working for. she seems like the leader of the team but the story did mention she had to join while as clueless as yachi—i wonder how she rose to her current position!!!
love the series :) thanks for writing it. this was mostly a mind ramble and i didn’t backtrack to edit so i’m sorry if some parts don’t make sense. — keiji enthusiast anon (kea)
ahhhhh!!!! thank u so much!!!!! im sorry its taken me a few days to reply i was just so excited about this ask and had to sit down and take time to reply well enough!!!! right after reading this ask i literally immediately went and wrote an entire scene for part 2 like u dont even understand how energizing it was. like i love u sm fr
i'm so glad u liked it :')) i worked so very hard on this part and had so much trouble with the flow of it all so im glad u thought it was good!!! more information about yachi will be revealed in part 3:)) lets just say reader may have been causing trouble for yachi far longer than yachi thought o_O but this definitely wasn't a recruitment plan in the way it happened to work out, but reader is very good at changing plans last minute. when yachi begged her for a ticket to LA i think it softened her heart a little bit lmao
akaashi and reader literally feel SO strongly for each other but it can either manifest in gross icky lovesickness or insane burning hatred. like theres no in between for them. its ALL or NOTHING!!! and i go into that a lot in the next part. part 2 is very very different from part 1, but its my all time favorite, i love it so much and i cant wait to post it so all the secrets can be revealed<333 i wish i could just say everything now but that would be no fun!!!
also idk how obvious it was but the two body guards were bokuto and kudo :) idk why Ten would hire kudo as a body guard like hes a fifty something 5'5 stickbug but hes also very convincing idk man
ALL the background info on reader is revealed in the next part....as well as on akaashi....and the start of this team in the first place... i mean ALL!!! its so fun to write u dont even know
i got a lot of inspo right from The Great Pretender!! i took ideas from it and twisted them around to fit this fic in a concise way. in the first few episodes they pull a drug scam against a movie director with japanese candies and fake doctors and lots of guns, it lasts like multiple episodes, and i just took that idea and made it a lot shorter and less detailed so itd work here lmao. i think thats the only direct scam i pulled from the show so far? i may take one or two more for part 3, but yeah thats where the inspo came from!! it was very difficult because i am not a con artist but i tried my best lol!!
thank u so much for the amazing ask it really does mean so much to me that u took the time to read it AND tell me ur thoughts on it, it brings me so much joy and makes me that much more excited to keep writing. feedback is the only thing that feeds writers!!! so thank u for feeding me so well!!!!!
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ssaalexblake · 5 years
13 reacts to Yaz openly showing her loyalty and positive emotion by looking straight up Scared and it’s still a question that 13′s shadiness was purposefully written??? Girl knows Exactly what she is and that she’s basically created an elaborate ~chipper~ persona with selective honesty and carefully monitoring how she acts among her friends, and is intelligent enough to know it’s gonna come crashing down around her, probably Soon. 
It’s already getting harder to hide. It slowly got more difficult for her to do so over the course of the season, especially in the NY special. She’s losing ground, step by step. 
And it’s not that i disagree with the assertions that the two moments of yaz showing her affection and 13′s reactions are Thasmin(tm), i just happen to think they’re Angsty rather than anything else. 
I don’t think it was a mistake that the one closest to seeing past the doctor’s new Happy/laughing/kindness visage is Yaz, I think it’s going to be plot relevant that Yaz spent most of season eleven Watching. Ryan and Graham, to some extent, are very much in their own world in S11; they’re travelling with 13 yeah, but they’re also both trying to work through grief by doing so, they’re trying to reconcile their own relationship as family, too. 
To put it simply, they’re not watching and therefore they don’t see, and I don’t think it’s an accident that it was written this way.  
Yaz, however, as has been justifiably pointed out by a lot of people frustrated that she had little to actively do in s11, has spent that time paying a Lot of attention to Thirteen. At some point, nosing into Graham and Ryan’s grief and development would have been outright rude of her, not just awkward. It’s kind of, Pushed her to be more attuned to 13, what else was she going to do, right? 
Add to this that 13 is, for the most part comfortable giving Yaz jobs to do on their travelling that she would never off the cuff leave to the other two. She armed Yaz when they were having the Pting problem and left her guarding the anti-matter drive, to use an example. While Graham and Ryan were off being midwives, Yaz was defending the ship against a hostile alien and using force to do so, and doing it under 13′s orders. She is more comfortable with Yaz doing these things because, i assume, she is a police officer, she’s trained to do so. 
Which isn’t really notable, it’s logical after all, Graham is a retired bus driver and Ryan is training to be a mechanic and works terrible jobs to pay for it, if you were going to pick one of the three to do the more dangerous and potentially violent tasks, you Would pick Yaz, it’s logical. 
None of this on its own is really notable, but Yaz is now in this weird space where she’s not Really noticed that anything is up, but she has all the pieces of information in her head that could lead to an epiphany. She’s spent a few months watching this kind of pantomime performance of thirteen’s sincere attempts to be a better person, to be just a traveler, and she’s been subconsciously picking up bits of information which are outliers to her own supposition that 13′s “the best person i’ve ever met” (ok, she might decide she still is after this inevitably gets worse before it gets better, but she can’t Know if 13 hides herself from her, it’s the submitting to the ordeal of being known kind of thing). 
Because i think we’re almost at the point where, if Yaz were to just see One thing, one openly questionable action from 13, she will begin to consciously connect the dots. Which is why I think the whole ‘Yaz has stars in her eyes for 13′ is actively Angsty rather than cute, i mean it’s kind of cute because it looks like she’s got a crush on the weirdo blonde alien, but i can’t see this ending anywhere but Angst.
The problem with Yaz starting their friendship looking at 13 like that, is Eventually she’s going to stop. And 13 knows this, hence the looks of worry/fear when yaz Does look at her with something bordering on awe and intense loyalty. She’s terrified of the day Yaz knows enough that the looks will stop, imo.  
Which is honestly why i hate this stupidly long hiatus, i genuinely feel from all the signs that s11 was the groundwork to some pretty serious story arcs, but I also don’t think the super long gap was a good tactical decision because if you don’t look at the season as a starting block and look at it as a single entity, it doesn’t have a lot of depth which i feel is actually there. 
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julietsick · 2 years
would you write a stepbro!theo nott fic where he isn’t rough?? if not that’s fine m’love!! (if you need more info to write it dm me :)
comfort :: theodore nott
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i hope you meant that he was a soft!dom and is ultimately making love to reader!
warnings: smut, step-bro!theo, d/s dynamics, soft!dom!theo, sub!reader!
summary: stepbro!theo and sub!reader switch things up more to the comfort of reader!
word count: 1k
author’s note: stay hydrated, eat healthily, and, please, my dms are always open, message me if u need anything!! <3
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you absolutely adored theo. that wasn't a question, it was a statement. and you loved when he fucked you rough, of course. it was pure bliss. there was just something wrong, sometimes. you wished that occasionally wished he was softer, more lovey-dovey with you. it was so rough sometimes, you just needed him to do it slow, nice and slow. but he liked it rough, and however you could please him, you would do just what he wanted. you were like puddy in his hands. so, here, right now, you we're scared about his questioning to you in his room about what was wrong.
"what's wrong, dove." he interrogated even further, using that special pet name, one he would use ever-so-often.
"nothin'. nothin's wrong, theo." you pressed, hoping that he would just let it go.
"don't lie to me, love. please. don't do that." he commanded, yet so soft it felt like a mere suggestion.
"'m sorry." you frowned, tears threatening to spill now.
"woah, darling. what is it? what's got you all worked up?" he asked, with genuine concern, not the slight torment that he would usually tint in his tone.
""i jus' wish that sometimes we went a but softer. wish that you were nicer sometimes, theo." you cried, hands buried in your face.
"what'd ya mean, love? softer with what?" he asked, prying your hands away from your face, obviously clueless.
"when we have sex. y' jus' go so rough, hurts sometimes." you sobbed quietly, embarrassment flooding your cheeks.
"now, love. all you had to do was ask. of course i'll go softer on you. how about this, huh? i'll make some sweet love to you. nice and slow." he proposed, smiling slightly, just to let you know he wasn't mad at you, not one bit.
"'kay." you whispered, caressing his cheek softly.
"take your clothes off while i lock the door, angel." he wiped your tears away, and grinned, making you return the favor.
you did as he said, eager to see what was in store for you. but as you went to remove you undergarment, theo stopped you.
"leave that to me, darling." he stared deeply into your eyes, making your heart flutter wildly.
he motioned for you to lay down on his bed, and you of course obliged. his manner was calmer, gentler, making you swoon, because that's exactly what you fantasized about.
"wan' you to lay down, let me take care of you, lovely." he whispered, sending shivers down your spine.
"my lovely, you're looking so pretty. so good for me, right?" he said, getting down on his knees, positioning himself to eat you out. yoou were hugh on anticipatio, belly spinning at the thoughts circling your brain.
“if its too much for you, just tell me, okay bunny?” he explained, making you sort of annoyed at his stalling, but thankful for the reassurance, nevertheless. you nod heavily.
and with that, he dived in. his thumb was working circular motions on your clit, while his tongue left chaste kitty licks right at the entrance of your fold. you were going to quite literally faint.
“please, theo. please. need more.” you begged loudly, the pressure in your stomach just desiring to be relieved. and how could he deny you? not when he looked at you, starry eyes shining, dazed with lust, your teeth biting your lower lip, so much that if you bit any harder, the skin would break.
“of course, baby. anything for my sweet.” he obliged, entering his tongue in your folds. the red muscle finding home all too quickly, your g-spot being found in a matter of seconds.
the moans coming out of your mouth, seeming almost out of a porno, the type most girls would fake for the camera. but it was oh so real to you, the way his tongue moved and fucked you slowly-paced. it was heaven to you, you just couldn’t believe you were so goddamn lucky.
“is my baby feeling good? are they getting what they want?” he paused briefly, the words making you wetter and wetter by the second.
“mhm, feels so good, theo. doin’ so well f’me.” you praised mindlessly, too consumed by your nearing orgasm, and theo moaned in your core, the vibrations sending you over the edge.
“fuck, theo. gonna cum. gonnacumgonnacum.” you uttered out breathlessly, begging silently for the permission to release.
“let it out for me, dove. let me see you.” he spoke, whilst eating you out, the words muffled but completely understandable.
your release was heavenly, the epiphany, the fantasy. the wave of it consumed you, back arching softly, feeling the weight of the world off your shoulders. and once theo licked all of your juices up, he kissed your temple heading towards your face and preppering kisses all over it, making you giggle slightly.
“y’ ready to take ‘m cock , sweetheart?” he asked gently, knowing that although the orgasm was quite the step-back to how rough he usually was, it was still quite intense for you.
“yeah, i think i ’m, theo. jus’ go slowly, please.” you smiled gently, him in return giving you a peck on the lips.
”of course, anything for my darling.” he answered, caressing your cheeks.
and so, he positioned himself in your core, waisting no time, but going gently, just for you. he thrusted slowly a few times, getting your hole used to his length, before pushing in fully, making you gasp at how far it reached.
he fucked you slow and softly, your moans echoing the room, his jaw clenched at how tight you wrapped around him. but when his shut eyes opened, he saw the most beautiful scene in front of him. your nose scrunched up, yet your muscles looking relieved at the slow build-up of the pleasure. the sight alone making him fuck you deeper, wanting to feel every inch of you.
you finished at the same time, your juices coating his cock, and hid cum covering your walls, the seed being deep inside you.
“made a mess on my cock, sweetheart. looking so pretty for me, made me cum so hard on that pretty little cunt of yours.” he praised bresthlessly, the tire of both of your orgasms settling on both of you.
you feel asleep in eachothers arms, feeling invincible to everything and everyone.
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@dylwrites, @fqlkrore, @rileybinaa, @icedcold
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writingsbymo-mo · 3 years
Stocking Stuffer
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❆ Day 10 of our 12 Days of XXXmas Collab 
❆ Summary: Tomura has a special gift for you and you’re so excited to find out what it is. You think it’s some delicious jello just for you to enjoy but it’s not in the way you think. Tomura wants to feed your coochie right.
❆WC: 1.4k
❆Contains: gelatin eggs, some egg laying, teasing
❆TW: being stuffed with eggs
Anon wanted some gelatin eggs shoved inside by Shiggy and it’s finally here!
On this cold December night, you awaited for your special gift from your one and only Tomura. To your surprise, he actually promised to give you something this year. You weren’t sure what to expect from the King of Villains himself. Maybe it was the one thing you always wanted? No matter, you were brimming with joy for his gift. Under the warm covers, you sat patiently for him to enter the room.
Thump thump thump
The sound of footsteps rushed through your ears. Heat rose in your cheeks as you shuffled to sit up with an excited smile.
“Close your eyes now player two if you want your surprise,” Tomura purred. With a sigh, you closed them. “Ok, they’re closed.”
The door creaked as your spine tingled, hearing the crescendo in his footsteps.You could feel his wide smile focused on you even from across the room.
“Good girl. Keep them closed just like that.”
Suddenly, the room became warmer...until a rush of cold swept over you. “H-hey! I was cold…,” you grumbled. The blanket covering you was now gone. His steps stopped as a few things were dropped on the bed followed by the mattress bowing in front of you, causing your body to lightly bounce. “You won’t be needing the blanket when I’m done with you.”
Your spine tingled once more. Warmth pooled in your abdomen as your pussy twitched at the simple phrase.
The room was silent, except for the sounds of soft breathing and the low clicks from in front of you. ‘Is that noise coming from your surprise gift? Just what was it?’ you pondered for a few minutes. You figured Tomura as someone who would give an unconventional gift or something of the likes. He was taking longer to get ready than you thought. “U-um Tomura,” you made a brief pause and sighed, “can I open my eyes?” The anticipation only made you ever the more impatient.
“Not yet. Just have to take these off you first.” 
“Ah!” Something cold slipped under your waistband when a sudden rush of air hit your legs and pussy. It was his hand...and he had destroyed one of your favorite pairs of panties...again. “Tomura...why did you do that?” you pouted.
Tomura couldn’t help but giggle, “well since you were growing impatient, I thought I’d speed things up a bit. Now you can open your eyes.”
You slowly opened them and stared in shock and confusion at the contents in front of you. He actually made something for you.
There sat ten gelatin eggs of red and green in a jello mold fresh from the fridge. Each one was the same size as the eggs you purchased from the store. Directly next to the eggs was a bottle of lube. An odd placement of sorts. Well, it looks like it’s gonna be a long night of fucking with some jello to snack on.
“You made these?!" You looked up at him with sparkling eyes. He simply smiled and nodded. "Awww thank you Tomura!” you reached out to grab the gelatin when three fingers grasped your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. Your brows furrowed, confused once more.
“I didn’t make those for you to put in your mouth player two,” he snickered as he grabbed an egg and the bottle of lube, “these are going in your niiiiice warm pussy.”
You stared, flabbergasted. "Wait...what?! Those are going in...in my—"
Lube squeezed onto the egg with a squelch as Tomura rubbed it around. He met your gaze, amused at your cluelessness turned to a surprise. A smirk spread across his face; his body leaning in with the squishy egg in hand. "Heheh, you heard me. I saw it in a hentai recently," the cold gelatin grazed your clit as he began tracing your folds with it. His smirk widening with every noise escaping your lips as he continued, "the girl laid helpless, moaning with every single egg was being shoved inside her until they popped out when she came."
The contrast of the cold gelatin against your sensitive pussy made it difficult to concentrate on him talking. Hearing that they pop out of the girl when she came...but what if you didn't? Could they get stuck? A low sigh snapped you out of your thoughts.
"I know that look on your face player 2. Don't worry. If they get stuck, they'll just have to stay in you until they melt."
Before you could muster a sound, something cold, squishy and wet pushed slowly inside your pussy. Shivers jolted through your body as goosebumps rose to your skin's surface. A soft cry left your lips in shock. The egg massaged your walls the deeper it went, pink flesh accommodating around it in its wake. You remembered seeing ten of them in the cartons....only nine more to go…
In and out his fingers went in a steady rhythm leaving a stark contrast of temperature from the gelatin. It was unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. Breathy moans fell from your lips as you shuddered in delight. The faint rhythmic squelching filled the room, being lulled into a lust induced haze.
“Looks like you’re starting to enjoy it. Hmmm...” Tomura slid his fingers out, now poking your swollen bud, relishing in your sweet cries. “I’d say, you’re ready for more!” He gave you a manic laugh, prepping the next egg. “In we go now.”
"T-Tomura, wait I’m not–" your breath hitched with another cold, squishy egg prodding at your entrance.
He counted as each one was pushed into you; one, two, three, four....each number, a record, a goal to him.  His wide eyes and laughter piercing your ears.
Each one pushed and rubbed your fleshy walls, sliding deeper and deeper the more he squeezed inside. One by one, they went in. The ever tightening of your fleshy insides only made Tomura push harder, increasing the constant friction. Your eyes shot open as you cried out. The first one finally kissing your cervix sent shivers throughout your whole being. So full, so delightfully numb. It made your eyes water with a sigh of content.
"You liked that didn't you? Oh but we're not done yet. I want to see how many I can stuff before you break."
"N-no Tomura...n-no more! I-I can't...it's too much!" No matter how much you begged and pleaded, it never reached his ears. Oh no. It never would.
"It's only the last one. Just take it like a good girl unless...you want me to wear my special hoodie every time we go out."
Special hoodie? That would only mean....his cum stained ahegao hoodie that he always wears when he's gaming...still crusted with cum from the last time he used it.... You whimpered in defeat, shifting your gaze away from him with a pout, “f-fiiiine….just...just do it…AAAAH!!!–”
Your whole being jolted, shuddering in a string of cries. The last cold, squishy gelatin squeezing its way past your opening. Tears fell from your eyes. Every minute shift, every press, where cold and warm met, it set your loins ablaze.
Squelch, squish, squelch, squish
The sounds of the egg doing what it could to shove its way in; the others shifting, making room. Low, frustrated grunting swept past your ears. “Come on...just one more...you can take it…”
A loud pop and it was in. All ten. From your cervix to your entrance barely holding all the eggs in, you were filled up with ten gelatin eggs. Tomura stared in amazement and pride, watching your hole quivering, trying to keep them all in.
The bed caved as he shifted now looming over you, leaning down towards your face. “That’s my good player 2. You took them in so well,” he hummed and nibbled your neck.
You moaned in surprise once more. His thumb and index finger rolling your sensitive clit around again. You bit your lip and squeezed your eyes shut, gripping the sheets. The numbness intensified as the jolts of pleasure only increased. You couldn’t hold back anymore.
With one last tug of your clit, your eyes shot open with the loudest cry you could muster. One by one, the eggs popped out of you, leaving a trail of fluids between your thighs wherever they laid.
Once so full, now so empty.
You collapsed on the bed, engulfed by the mattress, catching your breath in the afterglow.
Tomura cupped your left cheek and ran his other hand through your hair, never looking more joyful in his life. “Did you enjoy your present, my player 2?”
Eyes half-lidded, you give him a soft smile, “mmm...yeah...it wasn’t what I expected but...I enjoyed it,” you rasped.
“Heh, well, that was only the stocking stuffer. The real present comes later.”
We know this year has been a rough one for a lot of us, so our little group got together to do this Lil’ collab to try and bring some fun to this time of the year, and also help the ones of us who are experiencing difficulties.
Each fanfic from our collab will have the writer’s commission info or tip jar,check their works and if you like it, feel free to help ✨✨✨✨
✨✨We all hope you have happy holidays ✨✨✨
❆tip jar/ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/momo0953 
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
the problem with sherlock and watson (yuumori)
Feel free to ignore honestly this is a giant opinionated and not well informed ramble but yeah here it is for those of u that follow me for some reason, this is probably pretty controversial so yeah feel free to scroll past
also spoilers for anime onlys, we’re almost there though
So I’ve been Thinking about these two recently, and yeah, to be fair I’ve literally never read or watched any other adaption of sherlock, so I’m just speaking as to what I can tell, but yeah. I’m not sure at this point if it’s really a complaint or just an observation, but I do have some slightly confounded observations about how things are different from what I expected with them.
Mostly my Confounded Observation is just... Watson is straight?! I don’t mean in a literal way, he definitely has Bi Wife Energy TM but... you know, he’s comparatively straight.
Of course, I understand why the author might want to make sure watson doesn’t really get in the way of sherlock and liam (which is honestly hilarious but understandable) and for the purposes of the story it does make sense, but it’s... you know, again I haven’t consumed literally any other sherlock content so I wouldn’t know but from what I’ve heard watson’s always a flaming homosexual and well, it’s not like this series lacks for those, but?? 
It’s not just that he’s straight in the sense of his sexuality, it’s that... he’s a straight character in the sense that he’s like, normal? Kind of overly normal? I was kind of expecting more out of him, to be honest, and to see him just be like, a functional human being who seems to be doing totally fine in all ways? That... I don’t know, it’s kind of weird. Especially in contrast with Sherlock, who as everyone can tell is violently not doing just fine.
Since this part of the manga will be covered in the anime soon, I think this is timely, but I feel like this is just made painfully obvious when the shit goes down between him and sherlock.
Speaking on the nature of their relationship here, it’s weird. Because you know, the author is clearly going sherliam endgame (istg if they don’t just make it official i cant take this anymore) and I support that lmao, they’re like my favorite dynamic- but yeah, it’s obviously different from the other adaptions, where, you know, sherlock and john are ambiguously gay people.
Like, it’s honestly comical how in this series that is significantly gayer than every other one that watson is so clearly a Heterosexual Man honestly
But Sherlock still, clearly isn’t, and I think there is something to be said about how he feels about John, though of course in the end he... obviously chooses Liam. (and considering John’s kind of ass character in this version, he was right to do so)
I mean, just look at them.
We’ve got this obviously autistic obviously gay man who is violently codependent with this mild mannered british dude. Sherlock’s feelings for this guy are complex, and they’re clearly very different from the ones he has for Liam, but they’re certainly there. Sherlock clearly has no idea of romance, no idea of the boundaries between platonic and romantic relationships (and neither do I, but,,, yeah) and I think what Sherlock feels for Watson is like a queerplatonic relationship, but like.... not reciprocated?? 
It’s so weird for this to be the case, but it so clearly is? In the part where they explore that, it goes into how, like... Sherlock doesn’t really know how to function without Watson, dude’s holding up his entire mental health without even really doing anything, and Sherlock feels fucking awful when he is no longer Watson’s like, #1 person. The fact is, the same thing is going on with him, though they’ve existed like this for years it’s clearly not going to work anymore- Sherlock is basically having to choose between him and Liam, and you know what he’s gonna do. But it’s still an awful feeling for a bond that strong to break.
The thing about it really is that for Watson the tie was never that strong in the first place. Watson is so... without conflict in his character. And this is something that actually honestly bothers me. He’s so lawful good it’s infuriating. He’s steady, he’s calm, he’s rational and he’s emotionally mature, he can manage himself fine and care for everyone he needs to. He’s doing just fine even though Sherlock is caught up in this ridiculous murder drama, and that’s what makes the relationship so... I don’t know, off in this version.
Sherlock needs Watson, and Watson cares about Sherlock, but not nearly to the same extent, and he’s like. Not really doing it right? For someone who’s been with him for presumably years at this point, Watson doesn’t really feel like he knows Sherlock all that well. And that sucks that that’s the truth. 
In every other story with friendship/romance tropes like this, the characters have conflicts like this, but when one person thinks the other doesn’t care for them that way, they’re wrong. It’s like oh no, I’m a burden, I’m being clingy, he’s got a life to get back to and I don’t, I’m too much, he’s better than me etc... those are things Sherlock’s type of character tell themself, but the catch is that’s not actually the case, they’re just Mentally Ill. Having that just... be true in Sherlock’s case is kind of heartbreaking, as much as it’s clearly for the Sherliam agenda.
The problem is just that Watson here is just so lawful neurotypical that he just doesn’t really get Sherlock. He’s got this strict moral code, and he kind of makes it a problem to Sherlock. He says all the things that Sherlock would expect everyone to say, but it’s not what you’re supposed to say, you know? He’s all like murder is bad stop doing that I won’t be your friend if you shoot people we don’t do that >:(, be civil be nice stop putting yourself in danger Don’t Do Drugs etc etc. You know, of course that’s sensible information, but it’s... not what he needs to fucking hear? That’s like the school counselor going hey guys, just say no :D THAT DOESN’T WORK. And you’d think that Watson would get this by now? All it’s doing is hurting him more. It’s genuinely making me dislike Watson, and that’s not something I want to do.
I think it works for the purposes of this specific narrative, because they don’t want to create problems with Watson being left behind, they want to say that he’ll be fine on his own so that it will all work out fine. And yeah, of course I want that, I don’t want there to have to be conflict of sacrificing John’s emotions for Liam, but I feel like they didn’t have to sacrifice John’s character for him. 
This series could have a Watson who cares deeply about Sherlock and has some weaknesses and conflicting emotions about him without them being romantic. We haven’t seen how Watson dealt with Sherlock’s “death” yet, I don’t think, but... I don’t really like the thought that this Watson would honestly be fine. He’d be sad, he’d be mad, but he’d get over it and get on with his life and is objectively in a better situation without Sherlock. Yeah, I just... don’t like that.
I want to see a Watson who understands Sherlock. Isn’t that what he’s supposed to be? I want to see a Watson who cares for Sherlock so much that he has to make hard decisions, that he has to make the wrong decisions sometimes, that he has internal conflict because of it. I want a Watson who gets that Sherlock is nothing without him, who gets what’s going on with him and Liam, who’s trying to help him and keep him on track and maybe failing. I want a Watson who’s genuinely conflicted about leaving Sherlock for Mary because he knows it will hurt him, who worries about his ability to take care of everybody, who shows his problems from you know, being in a literal war, who wonders how to portray Sherlock in his books. We can have that without losing Sherliam, man. He doesn’t have to be Hideyoshi Nagachika (god, no one needs to go thru that shit), he just has to have at least a bit of emotion, bro. I want to see a Watson who’s struggling with what to do. Like. Even once. 
Instead we have this. This dude who is just... a nice, rather clueless guy who helps out sometimes and who’s just a bit too much of a rule follower to fit into a story like yuumori.
Sorry to just complain on main here I just think he was done a bit dirty here and it’s bothering me, if u have thoughts or info about other portrayals feel free to hmu i have become a bIT hyperfixated
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pishufics · 3 years
study date(s)
"Bertholdt knows that he needs to start trying. It’s junior year, and he’d rather not stay stuck in the same class next year as a senior. If he fails the next test, he’s in some shit. So, he's going to ask you for help."
pairing - bertholdt hoover x reader
tags - high school au, fluff, humor, texting
warnings - none
author’s note -  this was just a one shot but i kept writing lol it kind of switches between you and bertholdt, but i don't directly say his thoughts, it's kind of like 2nd person omniscient if that's even a thing LOL
lmk how the texting reads, i'll change it if it's weird
reblogs and comments are appreciated ! mwah
chapter 1 - two days
reinah: I swear if you don’t just ASK her
Do you want to be held back?
bertoto: relax okay i’ll do it :(
r: Okay, okay
Lmk how it goes
b: i never said i was asking today
Bertholdt sighs and locks his phone once he sees Reiner start to type a reply.
Bertholdt is struggling with English, which surprises him. He’s a good student in every other class, but the moment Mr. Ackermann starts talking, he finds himself dozing off, missing the lecture. Recently, though, he’s awake in class, but still not paying attention. All his focus is on you, who sat in the middle of the classroom while he sat in the back, due to his height (he didn’t really mind, though; better chance of not getting caught asleep).
One day, due to some miraculous occurrence, the short, stern teacher actually had the boy’s attention, but not for long.
“Does anyone have number three?” Mr. Ackermann asked. Bertholdt definitely didn’t. He hoped someone would raise their hand so the teacher wouldn’t resort to calling a random name.
To his relief, you did.
“I think what the author was trying to convey was…”
Bertholdt didn’t really get what you were saying, but he admired your intelligence. You knew the material and could explain it in detail, while he couldn’t even recall the book's name in question.
He started to admire more of your traits - he gazed as you would lightly, but briskly, tap your foot in frustration when you didn’t know an answer and smile at the way your face relaxed when you finally got it. Seeing your motivation in class kickstarted his.
Bertholdt knows that he needs to start trying. It’s junior year, and he’d rather not stay stuck in the same class next year as a senior. If he fails the next test, he’s in some shit.
So, he's going to ask you for help.
“Girl, I don’t have any more fucking gum. I drove up to Costco, bought the value sized pack, and you somehow managed to chew all of it.” You say exasperatedly, shutting your locker.
Sasha pouts. “Are you sureeee? There’s prolly half a stick left in your front pocket…”
You swat her hand away. “There’s. Nothing. Left. I promise.” She continues to stare at your bag.
“Fuckin-” You mutter, reaching into your bag and pulling out a snack-size bag of Cheezits. They’re one of your favorite snacks, but you know you can’t win when it comes to Sasha and food. You reluctantly hand the bag to her.
“Thanks, y/n!” She smiles and tears open the bag.
“Yknow, you can be annoying as shit, Sasha.”
She winks at you and eats her stolen prize. You turn to leave and head to 3rd period. English.
Hm. You’re usually greeted by your other best friend around now-
“Yeoooo!!” Oh, there he is. Connie daps you up before wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “What’s good?”
“I don’t really wanna go to 3rd," you answer. "Sasha stole my Cheezits."
“Does anyone really wanna go to any class? And that's your fault, you know you can't bring food without Sasha's fatass taking it,” Connie replies, and Sasha punches his shoulder.
“Okay, I know...have you started studying for the test?”
He blankly stares at you. Guess not. You have the same teacher, but different periods, so you can’t keep an eye on him.
“Nevermind. I’ll see y’all later.” You throw up a peace sign and head in the opposite direction.
It’s not like you’re bad at English, but you just don’t like school in general. You go to class to get your participation grade, then go home.
There might be another reason you tolerate 3rd period, though, and it isn’t the professor. (He is pretty fine, but he's an adult, so you don’t let your thoughts escalate).
Mr. Ackermann didn’t like assigning things online, so most of the work in this class was on paper, contrasting your other classes where everything was digital. Kind of annoying, but you’ve learned to deal with it.
You mainly use mechanical pencils because you hate the way wooden ones write, but one day, to your slight dismay, you forgot them at home. Just your luck.
There’s a container of pencils and a sharpener in the back of the classroom, so you stand up to go retrieve one and notice a tall boy asleep in a desk not too far back from yours.
Bertholdt Hoover.
You knew him, of course. You find it a little rude to not know your classmates' names; you’ve dealt with numerous “who?”s in previous years and don’t want to put anyone through that, so you make sure to pay attention during introductions.
You chuckle at sight. The class has barely even started, and the guy is already dozing. In an awkward position, at that. One of his long legs is across the other, cramped underneath the desk. His head was laying on his right arm with his left against his hair. You thought to wake him up, but he looked so peaceful, you couldn't bring yourself to do it, plus, it's not your business. Mr Ackermann somehow didn't notice either, so Bertholdt always had a good rest in 3rd period English.
Every time you walked into class, you checked to see what weird position he would be sleeping in. You found yourself looking forward to it- he looked kinda cute when he was sleeping- but he stopped one day. You were a little disappointed, but glad to know that he was starting to pay attention in class. You still glanced at him as you walked in- he's a pretty attractive guy. No harm in just looking...
You shrug your backpack off and sit at your desk, stretching your legs out a bit. The walk from your locker to this classroom was kind of far. You reach into your bag, get your mechanical pencil out, and wait for Mr Ackermann to pass out the first assignment.
Just then, you hear someone walk up to your desk, and you glance over.
‘Oh, it’s Bertholdt. I don’t think we’ve ever spoken.’ You feel your face heat up, wondering what he wanted from you.
“Hey, y/n…” He nervously starts.
“Hey. Need something?”
“Yeah, actually...about the upcoming test.”
You hum in curiosity. “What about it?”
He clears his throat. “I’m lowkey failing this class, and if I mess up this test, I’ll have to retake this class next year. Do you think you could, uh…”
Bertholdt inhales in an attempt to calm himself down. It doesn’t really work.
“Could you help me study?” Phew. He managed to get it out pretty well and made a mental note to give himself a pat on the back later. But he hasn’t fully succeeded yet; you still need to agree.
You weren't opposed to the idea. You kind of figured he would be struggling in class a bit since he used to sleep all the time. It’s alright with you, and you wouldn’t mind a potential new friend. Sasha and Connie were exhausting at times.
“Yeah, sure. When?” You pause. “Actually, just text me.” You hold out your hand, asking for his phone.
Bertholdt was practically shaking in his sneakers as he reached into his pocket and handed you his unlocked phone with the contacts app open. You actually agreed! And you were giving him your number! Reiner was going to be so proud, he smiled to himself.
As you type in your info, you appreciate the cleanliness of his phone. That shows you that he’s at least hygienic.
“Aight. Here you go,” you return his device. “See you later.” You smile.
Bertholdt can’t believe this is happening.
Mr Ackermann’s voice interrupts his thoughts. “Oi, Hoover. Sit down.”
Startled, he jumps back a bit at the sudden acknowledgement. He was focused on you and tuned everything else out.
“Sorry, sir.” Bertholdt gives you a quick grin and turns to go back to his desk. Once he sits, he looks down at the new contact:
y/n :)
Bertholdt can’t help but smile. Just seeing your name and number on his screen made him giddy, and he thought that the smiley face you added was adorable.
His thoughts are interrupted yet again, but not by the teacher. He looks down at his phone, which just buzzed.
| Messages
Did you do it yet bruh
Good timing. Bertholdt taps on the notification and goes to type a reply, but decides to send him a screenshot of your contact…with your number scribbled out. Reiner was a flirt, and he didn’t want to risk anything.
Bertholdt rolls his eyes and puts his phone in his backpack. He was going to pay attention- for real - today. He didn't want to seem too clueless when you tutored him.
“Can anyone tell me what rhetorical strategy is being used here?” Mr. Ackermann asked.
Bertholdt certainly could not. But that was changing soon, with your help.
“Okaay, we got Ms. Tutor over here now,” Sasha smiles in between bites of a burger.
“Do you even know how to, like, teach, though?” Connie gives you a skeptical look.
“It prolly isn’t too hard. All I gotta do is help him study. If he needs help understanding a concept, I’ll just explain it,” you defend yourself. “We still have two weeks. Ion mind making flashcards or something.”
“You’re getting into it, huh?” Sasha laughs.
Your face heats in embarrassment. “Girl, you know it isn’t like that.”
“And why not? You’re always bitching about how lonely you are. High school isn’t gonna last forever…” she replies.
“I have no recollection of saying anything like that.” You glare. But she isn’t exactly wrong. You’d like to experience the “high school romance” you’ve heard so much about, and Bertholdt is pretty cute. It’s not like dating is a significant concern, though.
“I’m always here as an option, y/n,” Connie winks as he takes a sip of his soda.
“Hell nah.”
Across the cafeteria, Bertholdt is trying to eat a sandwich, but Reiner won’t leave him alone. He was right about Reiner being proud, but Bertholdt almost forgot how persistent the jock could get.
“I didn’t think you had the balls, dude. I was ready to see English 3 on your schedule again next year,” He grins, arm around his taller friend's shoulders.
“...Can I eat?” Bertholdt sighs and shrugs his friend away.
“Have you texted her yet? What day are you gonna hang out with her? You gonna bring her anything? Flowers or somethin’? Girls like that kinda stuff.”
Bertholdt didn’t really think that was true.
“First off, no, not yet. I need to see when I can actually go. Second, no, I am not bringing her anything. I didn’t say it was a date. She’s going to help me study.”
“Fine, man. At least try to seem more interesting, yknow, so she can like...be interested in you.”
“Are you saying I’m boring? Ouch,” He jokingly pouts and rolls his eyes at Reiner’s double usage of ‘interesting.’
“You said it, not me.”
“Okay, I don’t wanna hear that from you...if it came from Annie, then I’d believe it.” Bertholdt looks in the blonde’s direction. She took a bite from her burger, looked up from her phone, and shrugged.
“Damn, for real?” Bertholdt sinks. He didn’t think he was that dull. He did lots of interesting stuff, like…
Bertholdt sighs in defeat.
“It’s fine. Maybe y/n likes boring,” Bertholdt huffs, taking another bite from his sandwich.
“Yeah, okay, keep telling yourself that and see where it gets you…” Reiner mumbles.
“Come again?”
“Nothing, man…”
School's been over for an hour or two. You’re aimlessly scrolling through your phone when you feel a buzz, and glance towards the top of the screen.
| Messages
it’s bertholdt 😁
where should we meet up?
Your heart starts to beat a little faster. ‘Relax, girl… don't act like he's asking you out or something,’ you tell yourself.
y/n: hey!
how abt the library?
+  what day/ time works for you?
You add his number to your contacts as you wait for his response.
bertholdt :^)
is saturday at 3 okay?
y/n: yep
do you need a ride or anything?
b: no, but thank you
see you then ☺️
y/n: alrighty :)
You smile at his use of emojis, send what he requested, then swipe down on your screen to check the day (what? It's normal to forget sometimes.) Wednesday. Two days.
You feel like it would be awkward to study with Bertholdt considering you aren’t really friends, so you decide to text him a little more so it isn't too bad when the day arrives.
“See? That wasn’t so hard!” Reiner exclaims. “You could’ve tried to talk to her more, but it went good!”
“I think it would’ve been weird if I did say anything else. Best to leave it at that…” Bertholdt exclaims, trying to calm himself down. He had two days.
He wonders what he should do now. Study so he could impress you? Do something to make himself seem more interesting? What would he even do...?
Bertholdt taps back onto the conversation to reread it for the 6th time. Was there anything he could’ve said different? Should he try asking you someth-
Oh, wait-? You’re typing?
“Oh shit- Dude, she’s saying something else. What do I do?” He begins to panic. Did you suddenly decide he wasn’t worth your time? Were you cancelling?
y/n: sooo
how’s your day been?
Whaaaaaatttt?? You actually...care to ask?
Bertholdt stared at his phone in surprise.
“What’d she say? Cmon! Don’t just look, dude!”
“She...asked how my day’s been-”
“-You gotta reply now! You were on the chat when she said it, so she knows you’ve read it!” Reiner urges.
Shit. He doesn't have enough time to think of a good reply.
good, but better since i’m texting you 😉|
The hell? No, that’s weird. And too soon. He tries again...
pretty good, thanks!
kinda stressing over the test, haha
how’s your day going?
There we go. He twiddles his thumbs as he waits for your reply.
y/n :)
oh, dw, it’ll be fine !
my day was okay
sasha took my last bag of cheez its :(
b: ah, i'm sorry abt that :(
+ yeah, you're right
have you as my tutor :)
“Nice job man! That was...kinda flirty? You’ll get there!” Reiner ruffles his hair in encouragement, and Bertholdt shoos him away. He stares at his phone in anticipation. Was that too much?
i have you as my tutor :)
You lean your head on your pillow and feel your face heat up at the compliment ( was that a compliment?)
It’s not like you’re dumb, so he’s not wrong to think that. Your lips curl into a smile as you reread the message. But how do you reply? Should you compliment him back? You don’t really know.
if you’re saying i’m smart, thank you :))
hoping that wasn't sarcasm lol
You wait a minute, and he doesn’t reply, so you decide to ask another question.
is there anything specific you wanna focus on?
You cringe at the double texting, but hope that it doesn't make him think you're weird. You swipe away from the conversation and scroll on various apps as you wait.
b: ofc it wasn’t sarcasm, you're really smart, y/n!
i'm mainly struggling with rhetorical strategies and logical fallacies, but i could
use a general review too
if that's okay with you
You bury your almost overheating face into your pillow. Why is something like that getting you flustered, you wonder. You sit up, take a deep breath, and focus on the second part of his message. You're pretty good with what he needs work on, and a general review should be easy to put together.
y/n :) okay, we can focus on the first 2 on saturday
we can review the unit on other days
see you at school:)
At this point, you really don’t know how this conversation could go any further, so you ended it. Bertholdt returns your goodbye.
You exhale and sit up in your bed. Hopefully tutoring him won’t be too awkward now that you’ve spoken to him a bit, and there's still tomorrow at school to speak to him. You find yourself excited for the study date tutoring session, since you could get your homework done too.
"Two days," you smile.
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spidersbane · 3 years
Hey , I was wondering if u still do HP ships (if yes , cud u pls do a male HP ship for me ? Thanks!) Well actually , I am a mix of Gryffindor and Slytherin , I have black hairs , brown eyes . I m 5'4.
Firstly , I m an extrovert . I love reading novels and I get attracted to unusual / taboo things a lot . I m very curious and eccentric . I am also quite rebellious and have frequent debates with my close ones . I stand up for the right . I m not much a big fan of rules (incase they are stupid , mostly they are..) . I can a bit shy (in front of boys sometimes) at first but once comfortable I can't stop talking . I am quite a practical person . Also , I am quite ambitious . I have many hobbies like dancing , reading , horseriding , researching , etc .
People usually tell me that I don't talk much . I m very honest and very loyal . I m very helpful and kind too . But I can be over - critical(of ones I care) and very suspicious (of everyone) . I can also vengeful . I may forgive my close ones but I'll never forget (I don't hold grudges tho) . I love excitement and adventure . I want someone who can take me on sudden late night camps . I also love brain stimulating situations . I am resourceful and my friends always come to me for advice. I don't have much problem in deciding . I can be insecure so I need someone to reassure me . I also tend to overthink a lot sometimes . I have a habit of googling everything that I want to know or if it's being talked about and I am clueless . I also have many ideas running through my mind constantly and I have trouble sleeping early at night. I don't like getting up early , but I dont hate it since it drags me back to my daily timetable . I can get annoyed or angry very easily. I tend to somewhat procrastinate about things I don't enjoy doing . But if I enjoy doing something I won't hesitate in hardworking . I m caring , protective of my loved ones and a good speaker (avg listener too) .I don't need someone who'll protect me , I feel I m capable but I need someone who'll be with me all the time . I also love it if they get jealous sometimes . I am also appreciated for my sense of humour. I tend to be the one who won't give attention to the ones who seek it . Also , my friends tell me that I come out to be quite unique . I am very independent and I don't commit easily or trust easily (I take my own sweet time) . My sun sign is Virgo if that helps 😅
Lol , I kept going with the flow . I hope it's not too much for u . But anyways , tysm for u time :)
hi sweet anon ! thank you for being so patient w me while i worked on this. i'm finally back into the groove of things and churning these out like nobody's business lol. but thanks for sending in a request, it's absolutely not too much info (bc i love learning about you guys!) and I hope you enjoy !
For Harry Potter (Marauders Era) - I ship you with Remus Lupin !
my softest boi Lupin, I adore him, and I have a suspicion that he'd adore you too !
so first, I love the idea of introvert/extrovert relationships, friendships, etc. and I think they make lovely pairs, so there's that going for y'all. second, Remus is incredibly intelligent and also needs someone who can keep up with him intellectually, plus, he's always looking for some new thing to be learning. so now, y'all just get to be learning new things together ! study dates !
on protectiveness and reassurance - Remus gets typecast as the wet-blanket friend, but I don't think this fits him. he cares deeply about the people he loves, and is willing to get into shenanigans w them. but it doesn't mean he coddles them. he's just there in a way that any friend should be. so with you, he wouldn't try to smother you, and in his own ways, he'll need his own reassurance! but as long as there are boundaries about what's reassurance and when it's constricting, then it'll balance nicely
you and Remus both vibe together on the fact that you're suspicious of ppl you don't know, and it can take you both a wile to potentially open up to each other. but once he realizes you can accept him for his condition, and that he can accept you for who you are, then it'll be a very secure relationship
also tell me you wouldn't love to take Remus dancing :)
For Harry Potter (Golden Era) - I ship you with George Weasley !
can we just start with rebelliousness and eccentric hobbies ? George is a little more reserved than Fred, but it doesn't diminish his part in pranks at all, and with another rebellious (and practical) mind added to the mix, it's a new trio to watch out for lol
from this, George LOVES excitement and adventure, and it's smth he absolutely thrives on, so he needs someone who can keep up with him and join in; and he'd love to learn about your hobbies, and try to get into them as a way for him to do smth new, but mostly as a way to try and connect w you !
this lil bit of contrast is nice, where you love learning about so many new things and want to be as informed as you can. we don't get to se George caring a whole lot about certain topics, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't give you his absolute attention if you started telling him about a new thing that you learned! and if he can't completely understand it, he's still happy you're out there learning about it anyways
there's like one potential issue tho - George is nothing short of an attention-seeker. although it may sound harsh, he knew that pranks w Fred and being pretty outlandish would get him some attention. but, it helps ppl see him. so between the both of you, it might take a little work, but if you could look past the bravado, you'd find a guy who just genuinely wants to be appreciated and totally seen for who he really is
overall, George might take some getting used to, and it might take some time to really learn how to be around each other as friends, then as partners, but with some open communication, it's totally doable
also George dancing, hello ?? cutest thing ever :)
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ashandeiji · 4 years
200 Follower Celebration! First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! I'm still getting the hang of Tumblr (I feel like a gramma tbh). Anyway.. Can I get #01? Prompt: Highschooler!Ash is a studying for entrance exams and UniStudent!Eiji tutors him and Ash realizes that he's falling in love with his cute tutor. Thanks! <3
thank u so much!! this prompt was so cute and i rlly hope this short little fic is satisfactory. for background info; ash is living with max (and jessica and michael, though they aren’t mentioned) and he’s essentially his adopted dad. enjoy!!
“Ah, so close! You just have to move the decimal place two to the left and add a zero right… here!”
Eiji leaned over his pupil to examine the completed math problems, left hand gripping the back of the chair while the right used a pencil to tap where the missing digit should be. This kid seemed to be pretty good at math. A whiz, even, considering the speed at which he completed the questions. The problem was, he kept making careless mistakes in his answers, seemingly out of nowhere. Important tests were stressful, though, so Eiji couldn’t blame Ash for being a bit mentally discombobulated.
Ash didn’t need a tutor. Especially not in math, of all things. He knew that just as well as any of his classmates. That being said, entrance exams were approaching. While Ash’s peers were all using this time to study hard, the blond had taken it as a sort of mini vacation. Ash knew that he’d pass all the exams he took with a high mark whether he studied or not. Max, however, didn’t understand that. The old man had come knocking on Ash’s bedroom door, lecturing him about messing up his chances of getting into a good school just because he didn’t feel like studying. Ash felt that trying to explain himself wouldn’t do much good, so he had decided to humour Max and allowed himself to be set up with a tutor. That’s how he’d wound up here; in a coffee shop with a young college student looming over his back and making his cheeks glow pink.
“Oh… right.” Ash quickly scribbled in the corrections. His back seemed impossibly warm in the few inches that separated his and Eiji’s bodies and he was eager to have the older boy move away before he burst into flames.
“Don’t feel too bad.” Eiji removed his hand from the back of Ash’s chair and righted him, walking around the table and retaking his seat across from Ash. “Your work is right, the answers are just a little bit off.”
Ash willed the blood to stop pooling in his cheeks as Eiji gave him a reassuring smile. He was so patient, damn him.
“I remember the week before entrance exams. I only took them last year, after all. I was so stressed back then, too; it’s no wonder you keep getting caught up on small mistakes like this. It’s no big deal, though; most of the marks come from the process work, anyway, and all of yours is right.”
Eiji was kind and reassuring as ever. The math problems Ash had been practicing these last couple days had actually been easy- painfully so- but he found himself purposely flubbing the answers. The blond didn’t want to admit to himself that it was to spend more time with Eiji, but that’s exactly what it was. It was Max’s fault for getting him a 19 year old college student as a tutor. A tutor with the sweetest voice and the kindest smile and the softest looking hair- nevermind. The point was, Ash had been put in this situation against his will, his reactions weren’t his fault.
“I think that's enough for now. You did good today, Ash.” The blond’s heart stuttered at the way his name rolled off Eiji’s tongue, like something good; something familiar. “You can pack up and go home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“It’s raining.” Ash pointed out a bit too quickly, glancing at the window.
“Oh, do you not have an umbrella?” Eiji asked, clueless and genuine. “You can borrow mine.”
“No, I- well…” it was a stupid excuse. The rain wasn’t bad and, even it had been, Ash didn’t mind getting wet.
“Do you want to… wait ‘till it stops? I’ll buy you a coffee.”
Eiji’s features scrunched in momentary confusion before melting back into the familiar, kind smile. He held Ash's eyes, making the younger boys cheeks flame and his fingers tremble under the table.
“Okay, sure,” Eiji replied easily, eyes still on Ash. “Let’s talk about something that isn’t your shitty mathematical abilities.”
Ash’s huff of indignation made Eiji laugh. His laugh was even sweeter than his voice. Ash stood up to go order their coffees, needing to get the boy in front of him out of his sight for a moment before he pulled a muscle from smiling. Ash didn’t know if his cheeks would survive the rest of the afternoon, if he kept beaming and blushing as he was now, but he wasn’t sure he minded all that much.
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vintage-brass-tc · 3 years
Me again, at 11 PM, writing about today’s highlights regarding my TCs. Haha, hope you all enjoy reading this! It’s so fun to reminisce about things on this blog.
(Words like this are extra info, or words they may or may not have said. I feel like this is necessary for some reason to give out more context to those who need it!)
  Firstly, I saw W in a crowd of students at the beginning of the day! He was wearing a light green shirt with dark green stripes(happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone), which looked absolutely adorable on him. I greeted him with a “good morning”, but he was looking the other way, haha. I was right next to him, but he either didn’t hear me or just didn’t want to respond.
  Walking into the band room, I noticed about three-fourths of the band was gone. I reminded myself that we had an assembly for each grade to attend during different periods today. The grade that made up the majority of the band just happened to be next to go.   W had us move up seats so we could hear each other easier. I sit at the back of the class next to percussion, so he referred to me to move up, but didn’t use my name like he did to everyone else. Probably something small, but it caught me off guard. I guess he knew I was paying attention since I was looking at him the whole time. 😳 Whoops.
  W did the dreaded down-the-row playing sequence with the remainder of the students. It was a simple up-down-up slur, and I was the one to end it off. I think he gave one or two other students some quick tips before getting to me speedily.   W smiled and cocked his head to the right. “R, you had a bit of space between your notes.” I acknowledged his statement and lifted my head to show I was paying attention. “For someone who sounds so GOOD...” He complimented me, pausing for two seconds to add some extra emphasis to his statement, “remove the space in your notes.” I nodded quickly with a soft smile under my mask.   “I think I know why,” he suddenly continued the conversation. I leaned in to listen to it. “From my (little) experience (playing) on tuba—you know, for my job—, I had the same thing happen to me,” he rambled slightly while walking across the length of his podium. I furrowed my eyebrows in a teasing way at this. He soon got to the point after standing back on the podium.
  “You’re probably moving your jaw,” he finally stated, eyes locked on my own. I nodded again and made a mental note of paying attention to that. He leaned into my direction and “whispered” in a harsh, loud tone. “You are,” he told me with a smile, then began speaking faster, “I’m (only) saying ‘probably’ so people won’t find out you messed (up)....or...realize that you....uh......never mind.”   He tilted his head again, but to the left this time. He straightened himself up before beginning to talk about something other than the tuba.
  The topic soon changed to quicker-paced notes, and how they should affect how you play them. W called on random people to answer, and I avoided eye contact so he wouldn’t call me. But alas, after choosing one person, W thought it would be perfect to call out “R?”   I froze. Everything stopped as I slowly turned my head to face him. He was gazing at me with playful eyes and sort of an ‘evil’ grin, like he knew how clueless I was in the moment, and wanted to make fun of me. Everyone else in the room was looking at me too.   My brain took an additional two seconds to process his words, and my body literally could not move. I was stuck, unable to speak, move, or blink— I’ve never been in this state of shock in a really long time. It was hilarious thinking back.   The question was, besides the tongue speed, what else someone would need to pay attention to on during faster, more frequent notes— and what EXACTLY they’d focus on with whatever’s chosen.    I opened my mouth to speak after I looked into his eyes for two to three seconds, which felt like forever. “Air,” I responded. He nodded, and I felt instant relief. “Okay....what about it?” My relief sank quicker than an anvil in water.   “The speed..” I spoke loud and firm but anyone could see I was uncomfortable. He smirked at my behavior, seeming to enjoy seeing me so flustered and small compared to the role model I’d usually aim to be. “How fast is it?” He provoked me further.   I swiftly put my hands out in front of me, palms up, and fingers curved upwards like a vertically peeled orange. “..Quick!?” I yelled. Many, including W, laughed at my outburst for a little bit, then he moved on from there yet again, having us play something else. (The whole thing was sort of a trick-question; it shouldn’t affect anything besides the speed of your tongue and positions and stuff. Realized that after I answered.)   Needless to say, M wasn’t in class during his usual weekly visit...at least, not during school hours.
We had full-band sectionals, and, after the first quarter of the rehearsal time, W smiled, giggled, and did a subtle little wave to his right with the nearest hand. Everyone looked where W was looking, and boom. It was the man himself, M, leaning on the wall.   He wore a light gray cap, a dark blue mask. I don’t remember his shirt too well— I was focused on his face more than anything. M waved at us with a small smile under his mask. “..What? Why is M here..?” I was unbelievably bewildered, but the mere presence of him made me want to giggle and scream like a little girl. Weird, I know. I’m not that kind of person. ^^u
   Throughout the whole sectional, I caught looks from both M and W. I noticed that W would look up at me occasionally in short little glances, which is a little unlike him. He’d usually hold a look from me, but I understand! There was a lot to do in little time.     With M, though, it’s the complete opposite. I saw M look at me a LOT. And I mean a BUNCH. I’d shoot occasional gazes at him and, whenever I caught his eye, he’d do one out of the two things; hold the look, or quickly glance away from me. We even looked at each other at the exact same time at some point, and I averted my eyes so quickly. Pretty scary.    Whenever he would look away from me, which was around 87% of the time, I saw that he would pull his phone out. He never usually uses his phone that much, so I was so confused. He was quiet as well.    One last thing I’ll add to this— during a rep, the band made it to a sort of pickup measure that some of the baseline had. We played that, then stopped soon after it. My tuba was blocking M, and I think he knew that. When I put it down, I saw M’s body quickly turn left, away from my direction. I’ve been thinking about that for a while now.
   Moving on. Remember how I said I tried to greet W and he didn’t respond? It’s a bit weird because the same thing happened with M and the end of the day. It was kind of like my first and last TC “interaction” of the day were almost the exact same.
   So I saw M at the end of sectionals, and while band kids were leaving around him, and he sat on a chair while looking at this phone. I put my tuba up and put the case back up vertically, then I walked next to M. “Hello!” Pure silence from him, and he didn’t even even flinch or show any sign of hearing me. He probably didn’t — now thinking about it, his hearing isn’t the best, so he may have adjusted his hearing aides so that nobody could bother him. He said he liked to do that a year back anyway. 😂 I wouldn’t be too surprised if that were the case.
|||||||||||||||||||||||| Now it’s 1 AM, almost 2, and a school night. I’m doomed! This was fun to write though. Thanks to those that end up reading this jam-packed blog. 
Hope everyone has a great night, and best of luck with your TCs tomorrow. Rest well. <3
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ahgasescenarios · 4 years
Corrupting the Innocent Pt 2- Dong Sicheng
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Word count: 1.3k
Genre: fluff for now hehe
Summary: In which (Y/N) decides to “help” innocent exchange student Sicheng win over his crush. Except she has ulterior motives and Sicheng is too clueless to notice.
 The next time you saw Sicheng was only a few days later and upon laying eyes on you, almost instantly scurried away with his tail between his legs. It was cute, really. But you knew people, you could figure just about anyone out with one look which meant that you knew he’d give in sooner or later. He reeked innocence and it was obvious he needed someone’s help, your help.
You were just walking out of a lecture a few days later when you noticed the shy boy clutching his books, heading in your direction. His gaze was on the ground, as though his feet were of the utmost importance. This time, he didn’t run away when he saw you, in fact, a little voice told you that perhaps you had been the one he came to see in the first place.
Eyes still not lifting the ground:
“(Y/N), can we talk?”
“Sure, love. Here?”
He bit his lip nervously, looking around as though everyone was a predator waiting for the right moment to pounce.
“Can we go somewhere? I can buy you coffee.” The suggestion seemed to take the edge off his shaky voice.
“Of course, after you.” The poor boy seemed so hopeless; you couldn’t help but agree. Plus, who were you to say no to free coffee?
 “One almond milk latte for (Y/N).” The barista handed over your drink, the foam forming a frothy cloud of goodness that you couldn’t wait to dive into. You took your first sip and there it was, the sweet relief that only caffeine could provide on a day like this.
Sicheng had taken you to the café just outside of the university, the hotspot for students to enjoy their coffee whilst pretending to do homework of capital importance. The place was so bustling with swarming bodies and noise that it was hard to get any real work done, hence the “pretending”. But the noise was perfect to drown out your conversation with the young man in front of you. Clever on his part.
He cleared his throat.
“I’ve thought about it and I want you to help me. I don’t want to be like this forever and let’s face it if anyone can teach me it’s you.” So, he had done his research. You pretended to be offended at his acquired knowledge.
“Ouch, didn’t know that’s what you thought of me.” Of course, this was a ruse. Not that he caught on. On the contrary, his pretty elf-like ears turned red when he realized how his words could have come off.
“Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that-“
“Relax, Sicheng, it’s okay. So, when are you free for our first lesson?” You pondered.
He seemed slightly taken aback but gathered his thoughts and came up with an available slot among his schedule.
“Could Friday night work?”
You took out your phone and checked your calendar for said date.
“Perfect for me.” You smiled as though you had just sealed a crucial business deal. “Well, I have to get going but thank you for the coffee! I’ll be in touch.”
You got up to leave, but a soft voice interrupted you.
“Wait! What’s the lesson going to be about?”
“You’ll see.” You sent a confident wink his way before walking off, coffee still in hand. This would be more fun than you had anticipated. He had given in sooner than you had expected him to, especially given the fact that there was obviously something between Rosé and Jaehyun. Poor Sicheng was absolutely clueless that you were doing all of this for nothing. Well not for nothing, you did have a personal agenda with the exchange student.
Friday came within the blink of an eye; it was crazy how fast time went by when you were busy balancing schoolwork with a social life and sleep. You remembered someone telling you it was impossible to balance all three and you were starting to believe they had been right.
You heard a shy knock at your door. Right, you had suggested your place for the first “lesson” as you had described it. Thankfully your roommate was out for the evening so you wouldn’t have to deal with prying eyes and/or questions which you loathed addressing.
“Care for a drink?” He wasn’t responsive so you continued. “Water, coffee, vodka maybe?”
He blushed. Too easy.
“Um, maybe water if that’s okay?”
You fulfilled his request, serving yourself a glass of water as well.
“Okay, so first things first.”
He seemed as attentive as if he were in a lecture, hanging on to your every word as though he would be quizzed on it later.
“You need to relax with me, man you can’t be all nervous every time you see me. Is there anything I can do to make you feel more at ease?”
He pondered the thought for a while.
“Well, I always get more comfortable when I think about home.” He made it seem like he was revealing this deep part of himself to his therapist maybe, but you appreciated his taking this seriously. It would make it even easier for you to get your way.
“Tell me about it, then.” And with your hand outreached, he gladly took it and talked about his hometown for close to an hour. He reminisced about his childhood, told you about some must-have foods that couldn’t be found anywhere else and you got a lot of info on him from his memories of home. You got to know that he’s very close to his family (sensitive), isn’t fond of strangers or touching (private) and he’s very passionate about Traditional Chinese Dancing (creative). Predictable, but interesting.
“How do you feel now?” You asked although you already knew the answer if his now laid-back stance was any indicator.
“Better, although I don’t know much about you. Maybe you’d like to do the same?”
Now this, you hadn’t expected. You hadn’t taken him for the prying type.
“Well, there isn’t much to say. I was adopted, moved out when I was old enough to and now here I am.”
He furrowed his eyebrows.
“No, I meant, tell me about you.”
Second shock of the night. Now he wanted to get to know you?
“I think you’ve heard all you need to hear about me, love.”
“But I didn’t hear it from you.” He counter-argued. Perhaps you had underestimated this seemingly shy, introverted boy.
You brushed his comment aside, this lesson wasn’t about you.
“Okay so the reason I wanted you to become at ease with me is because the first thing you need to do is get that confidence up and I can’t help you if you don’t trust me. Do you trust me?”
Moment of hesitation. Nod of the head.
“Sicheng, what do you love most about yourself?”
He took several minutes of silence, the question resting in his mind until he could muster up an answer.
“I guess I’m quite ambitious.”
“Okay now, repeat after me: I am ambitious.”
And he did, seeming less unsure of himself as you forced him to repeat the three words as though they were a mantra. You went so far as to give him an assignment to prove how serious you were about this whole “teaching” him.
“Next lesson, I want you to have a list of at least 10 things you love about yourself: personality and physique. Can you do that?”
“Good boy.” You smirked, perhaps this would escalate quicker than you had anticipated.
“Same time next week?”
You kissed him on the cheek before seeing him out. Once he had the whole confidence thing down, it would only be a matter of time before you could have your real fun with him. People did say that you couldn’t change someone nor even try to, but it was so fun to manipulate such an innocent boy- how could you possibly resist those puppy dog eyes? Especially knowing that you just had to say the word, and he’d oblige. He was going to be a fun one, indeed.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
a/n: hellooo if you read til the end thank u!! I haven’t done a series in so long and I forgot how much fun it was, hopefully you’re enjoying reading as much as I’m enjoying writing :) As always love you guys and IMPORTANT, I’ve set a goal to post every week (probably SUNDAYS) so stay tuned for more scenarios!! 
if you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee :) 
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harlstark · 4 years
here is an unpublished excerpt from my harley keener centric wip au (https://archiveofourown.org/works/23889949/chapters/57432955) in which harley comes out to pepper. this is unedited.
tags: angst, fluff, coming out, irondad, ironmom, ironson
word count: 1097
“Don’t worry Harley. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of girls lining up for you in school.” Pepper said innocently, patting his head as she walked by to the kitchen counter.
He laughed awkwardly. Had Tony forgotten he was... That, word? As in not liking girls? Did such a large factor of his life really manage to slip through the man’s mind? Pondering over such circumstance, Harley realized that the possibility of it wasn’t something he should worry over, as the hero had quite a large amount of information—lots of which was excruciatingly stress inducing, constantly on his plate. ‘It’s not his fault. Why should he even care in the first place about who Harley finds interest in?’
Breaking his concentration, said man rested a palm on Harley’s shoulder. “Oh, PG, I forgot there was something I wanted to show you.” He said, guiding the blonde boy out of the kitchen area and down a hallway.
“PG? Where’d you come up with that one.” He asked.
“Potato Gun. That, and the fact that you are the ironic opposite of PG. You swear like a damn sailor, and please, may I remind you, to try and keep that to a minimum once the baby arrives.” Tony requested, hands moving about in the slightest of ways.
‘Right... The baby.’ Harley thought. Of course he was ecstatic for the couple which had taken him in. They were about to be parents! However, that didn’t eradicate his anxiety-riddled feelings—which were then accompanied by guilt, of remembering that as much as they felt like parental figures to him, he wasn’t really their kid. He already felt like a replacement Peter often enough, that waiting for the baby to be born felt like a time bomb ready to end Harley’s existence—at least in his mentor’s heart. That, though, was a topic for another day (never if he had any say in fate).
“So um,” he cleared his throat. “what was it you wanted to show me?”
“Oh, nothing. I just wanted to get out of Pepper’s earshot. I didn’t tell her kid.”
A confused expression planted itself on Harley’s face. “Tell her what?” He asked.
“When Pep mentioned your destiny to being a lady’s man-“
“She didn’t phrase it that way.”
“Zip zip! When she said what she did, you froze. She doesn’t know you’re not interested in girls, Harls.” The mechanic explained.
‘Oh.’ The boy thought. “You... Remembered?”
It was Tony’s turn then to grow on the perplexed look. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I? I remember everything about you. Or, well, I try to anyways. My memory can be fuzzy at times.”
“Probably because you’re old.” He retorted, earning a playful slap at his shoulder.
“Anyways,” the man continued with harmless ice to his words, “she doesn’t know because I didn’t tell her. Not my place to. Although I do have to say that if you did tell her, she’d accept you one-hundred percent.”
“H-How do you, how... How do you kn-know?” He questioned, nervous stutter making its appearance. He inwardly cursed himself.
“Well if she did have an issue I really doubt she’d be dating me.” Tony stated.
“You know. The whole, dating app thing?” Tony alluded to, but with no avail as Harley remained clueless.
“Men, women, non-binary whatever I could care less. I...” The man sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m not straight either kid. Bi, pan, I-I don’t use a label but I’m not heterosexual. Pepper knows, and she legitimately couldn’t care less.” He explained to the stunned looking teenager.
“H-How come you never told me? I mean if you knew I’m...”
Tony huffed a laugh. “It’s pretty public info kiddo. Figured you already knew.”
“Yeah ‘oh’.” He mimicked, ruffling the boy’s hair. “I’m not saying you have to tell her, by the way. I’m just saying that, if you want to, I promise it’d go well. It’s up to you who you tell and when. If you need help I’m here for you of course, always, but yeah. Wasn’t my place to tell your story without permission.”
At that, Harley smiled warmly at the man beside him.
“I’ll tell her.” He decided.
“Alright then. I’d wish you luck but you don’t need it.”
“I wanna tell her now.”
Oh. “Now? As in right this moment?”
The blonde nodded. “If I don’t do it now I don’t think I’d ever get the ba-“ Tony gave him a pointed look. “The courage, to do it another time. Can you be there with me?” He requested.
The man’s heart warmed at the inquiry. “Always.”
The two of them made their way back into the kitchen where Pepper had been snacking on some caramel covered raisins—a recent craving of hers.
“Hello boys, what was Tony showing you honey?” She asked, looking up from her Business Weekly magazine and bowl of raisins.
“Um...” Harley looked beside himself to Tony, who gave him a reassuring wink. “I-It’s about you said?”
The strawberry blonde gave a curious look.
“About uh, about girls being i-interested in me. It’s just t-that, I uh, I’m um... It’s just that there’s a l-l-little fact about me with that I kind of just, w...want... When people think abou-about who they see themselves with, u-usually it’s a guy and a girl or a g...girl and a g-guy but I- I’m-“ He couldn’t get the word off his tongue. The one word he had yet to say out loud even to himself. ‘Just say it Harley’ he criticized himself.
“You’re... Gay? Bisexual? Pansexual? Something el-“
“F-First one.” He confirmed, eyes watering slightly.
Pepper walked around the counter and placed her hands on Harley’s shoulders, looking at him with a soft grin before pulling him into a hug. After letting go, she spoke. “In that case, I retract my previous statement. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of boys lining up for you in school.” She said with a teasing wink.
“You can be the prime runner up for the position of genius billionaire playboy philanthropist two-point-oh.” Tony joked from where he stood.
Harley gave a light chuckle. “Ah shut up old man.”
Not even fighting back against the statement, Tony responded with “love ya too kiddo.”
It made them all freeze. Harley looked over at Tony who as staring holes in the back of his tight shut eyelids, which only opened when he felt the warmth of an embrace around his middle. There, Harley had gripped for him in a hug, his head resting upon Tony’s shoulder.
“I love you too.” He said gently. “Both of you.”
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
Request: Can I get a bnha matchup please? ;u; I'm a transman, 165 cm, 20 and bi/pan with no gender preference. I'm usually quiet/reserved, monotone/boring when spoken to, but once a subject of interest is brought up, or when im with someone I'm comfy with, my personality does a 180 - I'm loud, sarcastic, and annoying. My sense of humor is all over the place lol Ive been told that I'm "old in spirit" bc I'm really mature when I need to be, even if most of the time I act like I'm 5 lmaoo
I'm pretty chill for the most part, idc what u do as long as it's not hurting anybodyhdjdh im also rlly stubborn but a huge pushover, dunno how that works. I'm both carefree and a worrywart (to both others and myself) and I typically hold my emotions in cause I don't wanna bother others. I try to help others 24/7, even if it affects me negatively. Uhh physically speaking im a lot stronger then look, and I own literally no nice clothes lol its all graphic Ts, cargo pants and hoodies for me
I'm a huge ass nerd when it comes to anything science related, especially paleontology + herpetology. I love all animals (no phobias) and I have 3 snakes whom I adore. I also like to draw and write occasionally. I have severe MDD and SAD, so even with meds I can have really bad depressive episodes and/or panic attacks. This is getting super long so I'll stop now fjfkh thank you !! Sorry if I repeated info I got a shit memory
Before I start, I personally have no experience with MDD or SAD, but I did look up both disorders and I hope that what I wrote about them is okay. If you’d like to correct me, please feel free to do so ^^ 
I’m sorry that this is so long lol, but I wanted to discuss as many things you noted as possible ^^ Hope you enjoy it!! ^^
Reminder that as of right now, requests are closed!
I ship you wiiiith
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Your personality reminds me of a rainbow in a way? So, I feel like Hawks would never ever find a day boring with you! Since he has this whole thing of people calling him fast etc, I lowkey get the idea that that also applies to his personal relationships, so having someone with so many fun personality traits is perfect for him.
I think Hawks is mature in a way, just like you are. I mean, he started his own agency at 18 and a few years later he is the number 3 Hero, that definitely does something to you. So I think it’s nice to him that you are the same, while also remaining carefree most of the time. It makes his busy and serious life a bit more fun.
Your chill attitude is yet another thing Hawks loves, since he wants to be that way as well. Also, with his job, he most likely can’t always tell you everything about it for safety reasons. As for whether it’s hurting people… He can’t always promise you he won’t do that, but he will let you know it’s always with good intentions. Villains can’t always be defeated with just talking to them.
It kind of warms his heart when you are worried about him. I don’t think Hawks is really the type to fall in love easily, so if he had any relationships before meeting you they may not always have been genuine. While part of him likes it, he also doesn’t want you to worry. He always promises to come back, and it does make him a bit more careful when patrolling, because the last thing he wants to do is upset his wonderful boyfriend.
Now, when it comes to you keeping in your emotions, this is where it gets a bit difficult. I don’t know exactly how much time you two will be able to spend together, so he may not always be able to be there for you when you’re having a hard time. However, while Hawks appears to be chill, he’s also smart and analytic and notices when you are feeling down. He won’t force you to tell him what is wrong as he knows it’s hard for you, but he does reassure you that you’d never ever bother him and he will always listen to whatever you have to say. However, if it seems to go on for a long time, he might push you a bit more, simply because he knows keeping it in won’t do any good. But also here he can tell when it really gets too much, so if you still won’t tell him, he will be a little hurt, but definitely stop.
He thinks you’re the sweetest person ever, but he also worries about your well-being at times. If he sees you absolutely exhausted but still telling him everything is fine, he will just scoop you up and go somewhere so you can relax for a bit. Sorry not sorry :p
He thinks it’s kinda hot that you’re stronger than you may seem heh, like if you work out or just do something that requires strength and he sees it, he might make a flirty remark about it and appear chill but on the inside he lowkey panics because uhm what how is his boyfriend so attractive???? explain?
I don’t think Hawks cares that much about what you wear really, if you feel comfortable in it that’s all that matters. You could literally wear a potato sack and he will think you’re the most attractive person on the planet. He might even spoil you a little by buying you hoodies and other clothing which he knows you would love. And no, he won’t let you give it back, it’s yours.
I can’t really see Hawks being super interested in paleontology or herpetology, but he won’t mind you rambling about those things to him! While he might not always focus 100% on what you’re actually saying, he will study your face, smiling at how your eyes are lighting up and your lips are curled in a happy smile as you go on and on about it. If you catch him not listening to you, he will just make a remark related to your beauty, partly to see how you react and partly because he genuinely means it.
So you love animals? Bird boi is perfect for you, now he sees why you fell for him ;). He definitely likes birds, i don’t think he particularly adores any animals but I can see him strongly disliking some mammals like cats and dogs (I think these sometimes eat birds sooooo yeah..) He definitely thinks your snakes are pretty cool.
Hawks doesn’t seem like much of a reader, but he would definitely love to see your drawings! He thinks every single one of them is super awesome, and if you ever give one to him, he will definitely make sure it gets a special place in his house, a place where he can look at it easily whenever he misses you or just feels like it.
As for your MDD and SAD, at first Hawks will be clueless on how he can help you out. If you have a depressive episode that causes you to isolate yourself, he will definitely force you to go outside. It could be just walking to his place, or taking you on a nice flight at night over the city. Afterwards, he will bring you to your favourite restaurant or buy you food that he knows you love. You will also definitely be showered in lots of love and affection. If you’re uncomfortable with PDA however, he will only do it when you two are alone. He will also joke around and flirt with you just to see you smile, but if he sees it doesn’t help he will stop.
Same goes with your anxiety attacks, at first he’s completely lost on what to do. Hawks isn’t stupid of course, but he’s aware that every person is different. If he finds out about this before you have an attack, he will ask you what would help you in situations like that. However, if this happens without him knowing about it at all, he can recognise what’s happening and will do his best to get you to calm down first before talking about it with you. Hawks may not always seem like the most serious guy, but when it comes to you he’s dead serious and always careful. 
So, you’d be very lucky to have someone like him by your side :) Once Hawks is in a relationship, he will give his all. And any moment with him is definitely far from boring
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My rough guess of the legendary 19/5 JinJiKookTae Vlive Timeline:
1: JM & JK hangout at JK room, shower/change to “comfortable attire” JKwhitetee?? JM left his sweater there (next to JK’s brief??)
2:JK decided to work out with Tae, JM left to Jin’s vlive
3: JM talked abt how big JK’s room was and the tee is not his (subtle as ever)
4:JK finished work out and quickly rush over Jin’s, i wonder how he knows where Jin’s room is while Jin doesn’t know his and how JM knew right away that is JK who rang the doorbell boyfriendtexting
5: JK is pissed off and feeling betrayed, left the scene, JM quickly post the tweet “ILY JK” to atone JK’s 🔥
6: JM going after JK right away to JK’s room, JK insist turn vlive back on with JM sitting at the edge of the bed like a child being scolded, approaching seducing him with flirty smile, low whispering voice, subtle touch, physically invade Jk personal space, tee hanging loose right in JK eyesight ( and I’m telling you there is no way he didn’t know that he could be exposed his skin with that pose, he is Park Jimin the master of accidents).
7: JM bid goodbye (1st) asking if he can go now that he has apologised butwhendidyou all I see is staring touching smirking and chest baring and I LOVE YOU and chin bobbing, announcing he will take back his cloth yes it’s necessary and dramatically saying goodbyes more than 3 times for emphasis. JK can you focus on camera he alr said goodbye so many times why you gotta keep longingly looking over there when he is supposedly on his way out a minute ago.
8: Jin ringing the bell, I dunno y JM took so long to walk out of that room. They talk nonsense and Jimin urging Jin to leave and bid goodbye (2nd)
9: Tae must have finished work out earlier that JK cos he had time to eat steak and saw JinMin vlive. Tae asked whose room is this (clueless child), y the underwear is on the chair and Jimin is quickly turn back and reach out his hand trying to ask Tae pass JK brief to him (pls process that info) tho Tae alr used the black tee on the chair to cover it. Chair: JK underwear??, JM jacket, a black tee, all unfolded like being changed out and leave there. So where is your tee JM, r u not gonna return the white tee to the owner.
10: JM trying to get all 3 of them say goodbye (3rd) and leave but fail, saying goodbye himself (4th finally) and walk past the chaotic mess of comedy skit and immediately JK stop & turn back folding his cloth, Jin saying goodbye too, JK trying so get Tae leave by not so subtle saying he go wash and the awkward convo bro ur rly staying here I mean I told u imma wash off can u take hint and leave.
Conclusion: Jimin must rly wanna (1) leave cos all he do was bidding goodbyes or (2) for JK to end the live and others to leave them alone. And JK really cannot be any more subtle chasing Tae out of his room, this brat.
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martietm · 4 years
hey  friends  !  it’s  ya  girl  gigi  , i  prefer  she/her  pronouns  ,  i’m  from  the  gmt-2  tmz  ,  which  tbh  ,  i  don’t  rly  know  what  it  means  ,  and  i’m  twenty  years  old  ,  coming  out  of  my  hole  to  introduce  u  to  martina  .  she’s  real  dumb  but  so  am  i  so  i  feel  like  we  connect  over  that  u  know  ?  anyways  ,  under  the  cut  u  will  find  some  more  info  about  her  ,  n  if  u  wanna  plot  pls  smash  that  like  button  so  i  can  scream  @  u  about  how  high  school  musical  3  rly  was  that  bitch  .  yes  ,  thats  why  it  took  me  so  long  to  get  this  posted  .  i  have  no  shame  about  it  .
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ariana  grande  .  cisfemale  .  she&her  .  /  martina  bianco  just  pulled  up  blasting  929  by  halsey   —  that  song  is  so  them  !  you know  ,  for  a  twenty  five  year  old  singer  ,  i’ve  heard  they’re  really  impetuous  ,  but  that  they  make  up  for  it  by  being  so  sociable  .  if  i  had  to  choose  three  things  to  describe  them  ,  i’d  probably  say  old  band  t-shirts  ,  high  ponytail  &  dirty  sneakers  .  here’s  to  hoping  they  don’t  cause  too  much  trouble  ! 
𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞  :  martina bianco  . 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞  :  martie  exclusively  .  please  call  her  martie  she  will  not  answer  if  u  call  her  anything  else  or  maybe  she’ll  just  cry  abt  it  . 𝐚𝐠𝐞  :  twenty  five  . 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧  :  singer  /  songwriter  . 𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  :  closeted  bisexual  /  biromantic  . 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞  𝐨𝐟  𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡  :  newark  ,  nj  . 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭  𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞  :  los  angeles  ,  ca  /  new  york  city  ,  ny  . 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞  𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦  :  ariana  grande  . 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬  :  sociable  ,  sincere  ,  clueless  ,  impulsive  ,  unbothered  ,  insecure  ,  funloving  ,  creative  ,  unsure  ,  adventurous  .
martie  is  the  only  daughter  out  of  five  kids  ,  and  she  was  born  to  a  traditionally  italian  family  ,  from  both  her  parents’  sides  .  they  weren’t  rich  but  lived  comfortably  ,  and  had  a  really  big  family  in  general  .  holidays  and  birthdays  were  always  huge  in  her  family  ,  and  there  was  usually  a  funny  argument  that  ended  with  the  grandmas  spraying  everyone  with  a  water  hose  .  her  parents  weren’t  very  happy  together  ,  but  tried  their  best  to  work  through  their  problems  and  not  divorce  ,  since  they  were  very  much  christians  and  didn’t  really  believe  in  separation  .  they  did  eventually  divorce  though  ,  but  only  pretty  later  on  in  martie’s  life  .
considering  she  only  had  brothers  and  her  mother  worked  long  hours  ,  martie  didn’t  have  a  lot  of  female  influences  in  her  life  ,  so  she  grew  up  pretty  unconcerned  about  more  feminine  matters  ,  not  because  she  disliked  it  but  she  was  just  clueless to  it  .  when  she  grew  older  ,  she  got  a  lot  more  into  makeup  ,  but  fashion  still  isn’t  her  thing  .  nowadays  ,  she  has  a  personal  stylist  ,  but  when  she  dresses  herself  ,  martie  usually  ends  up  in  dirty  sneakers  and  ripped  t-shirts  .  
so  ,  growing  up  ,  considering  martie  wasnt  too  interested  in  most  of  her  brothers  hobbies  ,  she  had  to  find  herself  something  to  do  .  she  tried  a  great  many  deal  of  things  ,  and  ended  up  discovering  she  loved  music  ,  writing  song  lyrics  ,  playing  musical  instruments  ,  and  singing  .  considering  she  was  pretty  good  at  it  ,  her  parents  supported  her  wishes  and  paid  for  singing  lessons  &  bought  her  a  bunch  of  instruments  and  all  of  that  .
[  HOMOPHOBIA  /  BIPHOBIA  TW  ]  so   she  was  pretty  happy  and  chill  for  her  late  childhood   &  early  teens  ,  contrary  to  some  of  her  brothers  ,  martie  didnt  get  in  trouble  with  teachers  and  was  a  reasonably  good  student  ,  so  they  never  worried  about  her  while  she  was  growing  up  .  that  pretty  much  all  changed  when  martie  not  only  came  out  as  bisexual  to  her  family  but  also  told  them  she  was  actually  in  a  relationship  a  girl  .  her  family  was  very  religious  so  it  didn’t  surprise  her  when  her  mother  cried  for  days  &  was  clearly  disappointed  ,  but  her  dad  raged  and  screamed  and  threatened  her  with  all  kinds  of  punishments  if  she  didn’t  end  her  relationship  and  never  talked  about  her  sexuality  again  instead  ,   and  his  behaviour  made  her  feel  so  scared  that  she  did  end  up  breaking  up  with  her  first  girlfriend  and  didn’t  touch  the  subject  of  her  sexuality  for  many many  years  after  that  .  [  END  OF  TW  ]
it  caused  a  huge  shift  in  her  family  dynamics  ,  unsurprisingly  .  martie  felt  like  she  didnt  have  a  choice  but  to  hide  ,  and  she  really  resented  her  father  for  forcing  that  on  her  &  the  rest  of  the  family  for  giving  her  almost  no  support  .  her  brothers  tried  their  best  ,  but  it  was  really  hard  for  all  of  them  to  stand  up  to  their  father  .  so  she  focused  a  lot  on  her  music  ,  because  by  then  she  was  sure  that  it  was  her  way  out  of  that  environment  that  was  hurting  her  so  much  .
she  was  picked  up  by  a  label  when  she  was  19  ,  and  left  her  home  in  newark  as  soon  as  she  could  .  choosing  to  stay  with  new  friends  and  acquaintances  as  she  worked  her  way  into  the  music  industry  .  after  being  featured  in  a  few  other  artist’s  songs  &  having  a  first  single  to  become  a  smash  hit  (  side  to  side  )  ,  martie  released  dangerous  woman  ,  her  first  album  that  climbed  steadily  up  the  charts  until  she  was  basically  everywhere  .  it  was  a  very  sudden  change  of  environment  but  she  was  very  happy  about  it  ,  at  least  she  wasnt  stuck  around  her  dad  anymore  .
however  ,  she  is  still  just  as  stuck  as  she  was  back  in  her  hometown  ,  since  once  she  blew  up  ,  her  label  &  management  thought  it  would  also  be  a  good  idea  to  hide  her  sexuality  ,  at  least  until  she  was  more  ‘established’  in  the  industry  .  newsflash  ,  its  been  five  years  and  they  still  wont  let  her  come  out  about  it  .  she’s  definitely  growing  impatient  ,  though  ,  so  that’s  not  something  that’s  gonna  be  a  secret  for  too  long  probably  .  still   ,  there’s  not  a  lot  of  ppl  who  know  abt  her  sexuality  out  there  so  far  .
so  ,  in  the  five  years  she’s  been  famous  ,  martie  kept  in  contact  with  a  few  family  members  ,  but  definitely  not  her  dad  .  her  parents  divorced  a  couple  of  years  after  she  left  ,  and  her  mom  decided  to  make  more  of  an  effort  to  be  around  her  &  get  over  her  prejudice  to  support  martie’s  choices  ,  which  helped  heal  their  relationship  in  ways  martie  didnt  really  expect  .
considering  the  career  she  has  now  ,  martie  has  managed  to  keep  a  relatively  unproblematic  image  on  the  media  .  she’s  had  her  controversial  moments  for  sure  ,  and  there  are  definitely  reasons  for  people  to  dislike  her  ,  but  mostly  she  gets  away  unscathed  by  fans  ,  the  media  does  have  a  field  trip  coming  up  w  untrue  headlines  about  her  tho  .
okay  so  ,  martie  is  kinda  like  a  not  so  big  kid  still  ?  she’s  never  had  to  actually  be  by  herself  her  entire  life  ,  so  adulting  is  something  she  has  a  certain  difficulty  doing  .  she’s  very  unbothered  about  life  in  general  ,  so  something  really  worrying  that  mostly  everyone  would  freak  out  about will  rarely  ever  bother  her  .  but  ,  she  will  freak  out  for  three  days  if  she  gets  asked  to  pay  her  own  bills  or  something  as  mundane  .  
she  also  kinda  lives  in  her  own  little  world  ,  and  in  a  way  ,  she  can  be  very  confident  in  the  aspect  of  not  really  bothering  about  almost  anyone’s  opinions  about  her  &  her  actions  ,  if  she  wants  to  do  something  that  will  make  her  happy  ,  she  won’t  really  think  about  it  before  doing  so  ,  so  she’s  kinda  reckless in  that  way  .  but  she  also  doubts  herself  very  much  when  it  comes  to  self  worth  &  like  things  related  to  her  actual  personality  .  we  love  multifaceted  muses  am i  right ?  lmao
martie  is  great  to  make  friends  with  ,  she  will  pretty  much  get  along  with  everyone  ?  is  a  super  social  being  ,  loves  being  surrounded  by  people  ,  probably  has  a  bunch  of  her  friends  living  with  her because  she  just  doesn’t  like  being  alone  .  
loves  working  !  spends  almost  her  entire  free  time  in  the  studio  ,  if  u  haven’t  seen  her  in  three  days  chances  are  she’s  trying  to  finish  a  song  .  can  get  a  little  lost  on  it  though  so  she  definitely  needs  some  looking  after  when  she  gets  into  songwriting  mode  .
overall  a  disaster  child  ?  doesn’t  know  how  to  function  but  tries  her  best  &  isn’t  that  all  we  can  ask ? 
a  secret  relationship  with  a  girl  ,  work  collaborators  ,  a  pr  relationship  ,  exes  ,  the first  love  from  high  school  maybe  ?  ,  roommates  ,  best  friends  ,  protective  friendships  ,  good  influences  ,  bad  influences  ,  smth  based  on  ghostin’  by  ari  ,  something  based  on  you  should  be  sad  by  halsey  .
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