#levi you are testing my patience
jazeswhbhaven · 4 months
Is it weird that I love the Likeability comics more than the story? I feel we get more in depth characterization and I love that they also extend from the loading screen comics too.
But the Levi Attacker one makes me super conflicted because I love that he has that super shy moment about his scars, but everywhere else I get iffy(maybe also because MC is a complete pushover but I won't get into that since I think that's a shared agreement with many). I 'm letting Ch5 slide because that's MC's first meeting with him so yet but god I'm so not sure how to feel about him atm. I want to like him but I think something isn't lining up and IDK what i t is
I'm telling you rn anon I really want like a full based comic of WHB because I feel they'd pace it out better with the backstories, daily lives that they live, I feel like I learn much more about everyone just as you explained here.
I learned a bunch about the seraphim too from their comics.
Now on terms of Levi, in each comic I've seen of him he's like toned down compared to how he is in the game story (though that may just be me) For Chapter 5 (SPOILER WARNING) SPOILER WARNING) He was a little shit being that rude as the shoved MC in a damn coffin, have the nerve to be upset that they knew about some embarrassing moment from his earlier years, and then have Foras go and spy on Minhyeok and was hesitant to even let Ppyong leave to go get Minhyeok's spunk so they can fucking breathe lol I feel that he only cared because he needs MC...but he's so untrustworthy of everyone due to his trauma he just acts like an asshole. I'm reading more of his selfie card story as I unlock the unholy board and I'm really just not liking his attitude whatsoever. Again...he's pretty but he's sending me up the fucking wall in a bad way. It was even revealed in his likability that he isn't close with any of the kings despite growing up with them. The group photo of him with the kings looks so genuine tho like he's enjoying himself and in one of his comics they played pranks on one another when younger so I just was like huh.. okay? I'mma see where PB is going with his character development...because he somehow got along with Solomon, and Solomon himself advises MC on how to handle him because he figured it out. Me? I'd strangle him non-sexually lol like omfg Levi
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666writingcafe · 1 month
Top Secret!!!!!
A Group Chat Involving Everyone but MC and Luke
Solomon: It's nearly time for me to give MC their preliminary exam. How many stars is MC up to?
Mammon: you serious, bro????
Mammon: you haven't kept track of mc's stars????
Mammon: old man alert
Satan: Four.
Solomon: Thank you, Satan. What other three virtues have been rewarded?
Diavolo: Gratitude from me.
Simeon: Patience from me and generosity from Luke.
Solomon: So, chastity, diligence, and humility remain. I was thinking of having us play Tail Thieves.
Asmo: I love you, Solomon, but no.
Solomon: What's wrong with Tail Thieves?
Asmo: One, it's a childish game.
Lucifer: ^
Asmo: Two, do you not remember how MC behaved the last time you tested them? They were BORED OUT OF THEIR MIND, and it impacted their performance as a result.
Beel: That's true.
Asmo: Any twists you come up with are going to be too predictable.
Solomon: *glaring crow sticker*
Solomon: I'm SURE you have a better idea.
Asmo: I do, actually.
Asmo: It involves testing their chastity.
Solomon: Go on...
Asmo: We'll seduce them.
Mammon: that's a stupid idea!!!!
Levi: youre just saying that because youre jealous
Belphie: *laughing emoji*
Beel: *gif of someone doing a spit-take*
Asmo: I'm being serious.
Asmo: During their last stay in the Devildom, I managed to charm them, which gained me access to their deepest desires.
Asmo: They have fantasies involving all of us. Tempting them with those will be the ultimate test of their chastity. If they're able to resist, then they earn the star.
Lucifer: That's actually a well thought-out idea.
Barbatos: ^
Diavolo: ^^
Solomon: *glaring crow sticker*
Solomon: Fine.
Solomon: Who's participating?
Levi: mammon and i are out
Mammon: speak for yourself!!!! the fuck???
Levi: if this is meant to really test mc then everyone has to commit to the bit and you and i both know that youd tap out the minute mc looks at you sideways
Mammon: *glaring crow sticker*
Levi: while ive gained some confidence i still wouldnt be able to maintain my composure long enough to complete something like this
Asmo: I will provide the necessary information, but I myself will not be seducing MC, as much as it pains me to say.
Satan: Of course it would pain you to say that.
Asmo: *eye roll emoji*
Solomon: Do you want to judge with me?
Asmo: I mean, I kinda figured we would, so...
Barbatos: My participation will depend on what I'm meant to reenact.
Asmo: Are you afraid it would conflict with your duties?
Barbatos: Yes.
Diavolo: Well, if you're worried about me stopping you, don't. It wouldn't be fair of me to expect you to sit this out if I'm planning on participating.
Mammon: WHAT??????
Levi: bro
Levi: he literally jumped out a castle window to be with mc
Levi: he's THIRSTY
Belphie: Unfortunately.
Asmo: Not to be the bossy brother, but Lucifer, you aren't allowed to back out.
Lucifer: Wasn't planning on it. I know where I stand in MC's mind.
Satan: You know, I think I might chill with Mammon and Levi. I thought about joining in the fun, but I don't think I have it in me to see things through.
Satan: And before anyone chimes in, no, it's not because Lucifer confirmed his participation.
Belphie: We know. If it was, you'd be trying to one-up him.
Satan: Thank you, Belphie. I TOTALLY wanted that out there. *eye roll emoji*
Beel: I'm in.
Belphie: Quick question: would it be fair of me to participate?
Asmo: Actually, you'd be PERFECT for this. You can argue that you know MC more intimately than ANY of us. You'd know what buttons to push to make them really sweat.
Belphie: Okay, cool. I'll do it, then.
Simeon: Me too.
Levi: lol what
Mammon: ayo, do you even KNOW how to seduce someone, simeon?
Simeon: How do you think I'm able to write some of the scenes in TSL?
Levi: well okay then
Solomon: So, to confirm: Lucifer, Beel, Belphie, Diavolo, and Simeon are definite participants, Barbatos is a maybe, and Mammon, Levi, and Satan are sitting this out?
Nine people liked Solomon's message.
Mammon: the three of us can keep an eye on luke. we can either help him run the cafe or take him out someplace fun.
Levi: you know you seem awfully chummy towards luke lately
Mammon: we bonded during our fairy hunt.
Asmo: Then that settles it. Solomon and I will meet with the volunteers for further discussion.
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umeoniii · 1 year
aot men beige flags
eren, jean, reiner , levi , armin , connie
!: sfw
☆ makes weird voices.
high pitched, low pitched, shaky he doesn’t care.
like sometimes as a bit he just uses weird accents and stuff.
he’ll speak like a caveman for one day.
“me want ooga burga” he’ll scratch his head like one too
and you’ll just stare at him like, “this mfs crazy” bcs literally wtf is he on about?!
the next day he’s trying to sound french
“oui oui mon amour”
and he’s wiggling his brows and has his imaginary mustache in between his fingers.
☆ his next one is he’s kind of oblivious to a lot of things.
you can pull out the ugliest outfit known to man to test him and he’ll say “that looks so good baby”
not bcs he’s setting u up. no, because he doesn’t think that lime green ripped jeans and a orange cropped hoodie look bad together.
you’ll have to show him what fashion looks like and he’ll get better as time goes on.
the tickle monster.
☆ when you’re around him u have to watch your back. he’s serious about it.
u can have a super cute sentimental moment with him and he’ll pull it out.
“i really love you baby.” you’d say
“who else do you love, because i know you’re cheating on me with him.”
and you’re like WHAT.
“with who?!”
he’d pause and stare at you for a few seconds.
and he’d tickle you until you can’t breathe and almost pee yourself.
and after that you don’t trust him but then proceed to slip up multiple times.
u guys are gonna hate me for this next one…
☆ he does “the face” when he’s gonna kiss u
u guys know what i’m talking about
“the face guys make when they go in for a kiss”
his isn’t horrid, only because he’s attractive
sometimes he actually over exaggerates it to piss you off.
it’s not super horrible but it’s giggle worthy
☆ he’s a cringe bf. unironically. it’s sweet but not all the time.
by cringe i mean “i just found out about periods, god it must suck to be a beautiful goddess :/.”
or he’s like
“hey! tell you’re period it can’t hurt you like that, it’s not cool!”
☆ he’s also a scaredy-cat.
behind all that muscle is a big baby.
he jumps at scary movies even when he knows what happens next.
cannot play something like fnaf with him
he will throw the phone and scream like he got stabbed in his chest.
he’s probably still scared of the dark but it’s kind of sweet idk. he literally cuddles with you at night like a mother and her baby. you’re practically holding him like a frail little princess, except he’s kind of the exact opposite.
this is actually kind of cute though..
☆ now his beige flag is that he can be SUPER sarcastic. ik he is.
he’s super snarky and sassy.
like he’s the type to tell what’s considered a ‘corny dad joke’ but instead he’d say it with a stoic face.
like if youre talking and couldn’t remember and say something like “remember when umm…” and you just sit there and think, he’d come back with “no i don’t remember when that happened”.
he wouldn’t laugh or anything.
i feel like that’s why it’s funny. he could make a childish poop or fart joke and it would only be funny bcs he looks like this 😐
he would own a stupid t-shirt that says something like, “find your patience before i lose mine”.
☆ he’s a karen as well. he’s not super bad but like at restaurants and stuff when his foods not right or the tables are not bussed…
i’d be in the bathroom crying my mascara off if i was his waitress
☆ he’s scared of animals.
this includes typical house pets like dogs or cats.
it’s bcs “they don’t speak , so you’ll never know what they’ll do next.”
his fear stems from one small thing that happened when he was younger.
a cat jumped onto his lap.
he thought it was trying to attack him and so he screamed and the cat got scared.
that’s it.
he can’t even visit the zoo because he’s scared the animals will break out. (he’s super serious about it, it’s not even something he jokes about)
he’s tried to like animals and it worked for a while.
until the dog started to play a little too much to his liking.
☆ also he just randomly informs you of random facts.
completely random.
you could be on the toilet and he’ll come in the bathroom like, “a shrimps heart is in its head…”
no “did you know?” or “isn’t it cool that?” he just says it.
if you ever go onto a game show you’ll probably win it with all the useless knowledge he’s given u.
☆ you could tell him the most god awful thing happened to you and he’ll be like
“wait, this reminds me of something that happened in something i just watched.”
he’ll proceed to whip out his phone and show you the tv show, news report, tiktok. whatever it was he saw.
this tends to happen to every experience that you have.
you could be held hostage and they’ll call him for ransom and somehow it reminds him of this one part of a tv show.
sometimes it’s funny sometimes it’s not.
☆ he sleeps like he hasn’t slept since the day he was born.
he hops into the bed and sits there for 1 minute before he starts snoring aggressively.
he looks dead, like actually…
sprawled out and snoring with his mouth open.
one time he slept with his eyes wide open and you shook him awake panicking.
he belittled you and was all smart and cocky saying “i would never sleep with my eyes wide open” even though he did.
he sleeps to the rain sounds with the thunder. but sometimes is so sleepy and forgets about it.
tagz!🐬: @hangesgirlypop , @yiugen , @heartshapedtearss
a/n: heyooo! b4 u guys request it, im doing girls next ;). i just think this trend is the cutest thing ever, plus it feels good to write fluff. also im actually getting back to requests. like frl this time, i’ve been grinding non stop all night so i could be done by hopefully friday. feel free to request cute things u guys, i will absolutely write it! and also feel free to request other characters, i feel like u guys don’t request them bcs u guys don’t see them and so u think i won’t do them. trust i probs will!
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he-calls-me-kitten · 1 year
Ah, thank god <33
Since I don't have the balls to write this myself -- what about the bros with a very flirtatious reader-? One that just teases them non-stop throughout the whole day, and the bros punish them for it-?
(Ik this is a rlly boring idea but AKSKDKSNS)
First of all, it's not boring AT ALL! Do you know how much I love it when MC takes charge??? And this right here???!!! THIS IS GOLDEN HEHEHE! We need more confident flirty representation okay!!
No Rest for the Loving
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Seriously you could be the biggest tease in all three realms. They thought they had seen everything with Asmo, but lo and behold, came along you. It was quite literally, getting harder to live with you in the same house. But there's only so much they can hold back until their patience runs out.
Lucifer face palms as you take a seat on his lap, offering to 'help with paperwork'. You've not even shifted yet, but he's already stimulated - knowing your cheeky tricks. And the fact that you've been constantly doing it the entire day. First in the meeting room and now in his room.
"You look extra tired. Look at all the lines on your forehead." You hold his face tenderly, pretending to kiss it better. "Ahaha, you look so much better when you're flushed red."
"Hmph, is that so?" Lucifer glanced up towards his door to see if it was locked. "In that case, you might look better like this." Papers flew and pens and quills scattered and fell off the desk as he placed you on it and laid you down.
You brace yourself as he grinds against you mercilessly. You throw your head back when you're almost at your climax and then he pulls back. You groan into your hands because you know he won't be relieving you for a while.
Mammon grumbled under his breath as he hung from the ceiling, waiting for you to stop laughing. "Are ya done laughing your head off yet? Can you get me down already?"
"Oh come on, you're asking me to go against Lucifer's orders to keep you like this, atleast let me have my fun won't you?" You cooed, running a finger down his chiselled abs exposed from hanging upside down.
"Oi! I told you to stop that! This is the fourth time! What's with you and my stomach anyway?!" He blushed furiously, his skin on fire from your fingers.
"I just like how it feels." You answered cheekily, as you untied him from the ropes. "Now there, all done. Now we're even."
"No..." You were about to leave when you felt his arm wrap around your waist, the other hand cupping your bottom. Squeezing and groping it as he pleased, it sent electricity up your spine. "We'll be even after I'm done with my turn."
"Ack! There's no way! I can't possibly win against you!" Leviathan said as he lost another round of the staring contest with you. "Also is it really okay for you to sit there and have an ice cream during this?!"
"What's wrong with the ice cream, I got you the Ruri one in your favourite flavour too didn't I?" You said, deliberately making a big show of eating the stick of ice cream in a erotic way. "My, my what are you imagining in that head of yours, Levi?"
Levi turned even redder at the accusation. Oh shit. Had you caught him staring at your tongue the whole time? "I'm not imagining anything! And besides you..." He racked his brain for a good one liner, inspireed by his many romance novels."Besides you couldn't handle me anyway!"
"Oh, do you want a tongue-off to put it to the test?" You regretted suggesting that seconds later. Now your endless moans were muffled by his long forked tongue invading your mouth. You tried to surrender the fight, grabbing his shirt in fistfuls, but he only shoved his tongue deeper inside in crazed frenzy, holding you firmly in place. This wasn't a fight you could ever win as his tail entered the picture too
Satan was trying so hard to hide how flustered he was. "MC, this is just getting silly now." He said trying very hard not to start gazing down at you just sitting on the floor, between his legs, head resting on his thigh. The cat ears on your head didn't help either.
"But I'm not even doing anything." You said with mock innocence, as if you hadn't made a show of crawling to him on all fours and plopped your head dangerously close to his growing arousal. "Oh, am I to blame for this?"
You turned around and grazed your hand on his crotch. He grabbed your wrist but didn't push your hand away. "Oh my, you could totally mess up my insides with this. If you know how to use it of course."
"Sure, I'll show you what I can do if you can put that pretty little mouth to use." You tried very hard to be confident but it all went down the drain now that you whimpered with his length hitting the back of your throat. He was determined not to let you walk for the next few days.
Outdoing Asmo in terms of teasing was no easy feat, but you managed it anyway. You combined his love for fashion and you very efficiently by wearing the most enticing thing you could find in his wardrobe.
All he had to do was walk in and see you sprawled on his bed, fidgeting with your phone. He gasped, dropping his many shopping bags - an impatient frenzy in his eyes.
"It seems you really like what you see." You chuckled at the obvious reaction his pants were too tight to hide. Within seconds he was on top of you, leaving lipstick stains over your exposed skin and somehow skillfully fucking you with the outfit still on. It was after the first 8 rounds you realised what a mistake you'd made.
"Oh no MC, don't drift off just yet! There's a few more outfits I'd like to fuck you in." He said, pulling you onto his lap. Your head lulled to the side, resting on his shoulder. What the hell were you thinking tempting the Avatar of Lust?
The one thing you learnt about the twins is that you cannot tempt them while they are in the same room. Whether they take turns or tag team to pleasure you, you are always unable to function properly for the next few days.
Belphie takes his revenge by lazily thrusting inside you, constantly dangling you over the edge of your release.
You beg and plead but he doesn't increase his speed until the very end, where even his hands add to the party. "See how easy it is to turn the tables on you? You thought I'd let you go easy after how grinded against me in the crowded bus?"
Beel goes quiet, even apologetic right before he goes feral. As if he knows exactly how badly he's going to ruin you.
The thing about the way he overstimulates you with tongue is that you can't tell if he's being deliberate or if his hunger is just that intense. And you never ever know when he's going to be full. "I'm sorry MC, one last time I promise...it's hard to resist your taste... especially since you offered..."
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romantichomicide95 · 11 months
warnings: rough sex, cockwarming, slapping, choking, not proofread at all.
Levi’s punishments always excited you. You’d find any excuse to misbehave so that he would drag you into his office. “You think just because you’re pretty I’ll go easy on you?”. He’d have fistfuls of your hair as he pinned you against the wall, your hands would be roughly thrown behind your back as he asserted his dominance over you. Your body would feel a mix of fear and anticipation as the intensity pulsated through your body. “Think you can disrespect your Captain like that? Such a fucking brat” he would growl, his breathe hot against your skin. His grip is rough and you’d enjoy it. “You think I’m pretty Captain” you’d retort testing his patience.
“You think this is funny? I’ll show you what a brat like you gets for being disobedient.” His grip on you would grow tighter as he dug his nails into your skin before ripping off your clothes. “So damn needy for my cock huh? Always getting yourself in trouble just so I can punish you?” He’d say as he pulls his cock out, rubbing it against your slit. You’d moan out in his ear “I like the way you punish me Captain.” His lips would kiss you roughly, biting at your lips until they’re red and sore. He’d lift your body up forcing himself inside you, he’d sit there for a moment. Not moving, warming his cock inside you.“Pl-please Captain.” you’d beg. “Be a good girl and beg. Tell me how bad you want my cock”
“Need you, want you to fill me all the way up please. I want you Captain, want to feel you inside me”
“Brat” he’d mutter as he fucks you raw against the wall. You’d try to touch him but he’d slap you away, one hand at your throat surely leaving a mark around your neck. Squeezing gently just enough for you to need to catch your breathe.
“You like the way I fuck you huh?” He’d bend you over his desk, the wood rough against your skin. He’d grab another fistful of your hair, pulling your head back to look at him. “Look at me and say you like the way I fuck you slut.”
“I like how you fu-fuck me Levi.” He’d caress your face with his other hand before slapping you. “It’s Captain. I like the way you fuck me Captain.”
“I like…ahhh… I like the way you fuck m-me Captain.” the pleasure courses through you, the sting of his slap exciting you further. The pain of the wood against your skin and his rough thrusts put you in a head spin. You close your eyes and your body starts to shake, he wraps a hand around your body and starts rubbing your clit as you cum all over his cock. “Fucking slut, coming undone so easy like that? I’m not finished.” His thrusts would get tougher, his hand pulling you all the way back by your hair, “Look at me.” he’d demand and you’d open your eyes. His eyes are dark and menacing. He’d let go of your hair pushing you further into the desk as both hands grabbed your waist as he ruts into you harder, his pace quickening until he cums inside you filling you up. “Act out like that again and next time I won’t be as gentle.”
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Could I request Headcanons of the brothers with an s/o who smiles at them adoringly whenever they're doing something?
Of course! I honestly couldn't help myself but write short fics... I just felt like it suited more then headcanons so I hope you enjoy it, dear anon <3
Brothers with reader who smiles at them adoringly
TagList: @indi-has-fallen @vodka-glrl @miya-akane
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Lucifer was probably doing his work when he felt someone staring at him. Yeah, I just know he's so used to his brothers being troublemaker that he can feel when someone's looking at him for even a second. So it's not a surprise that he looks up at you pretty quickly.
"YN... What are you planning again? I swear if it's another curse you're planning to- *ehem* Enjoying the view~?"
At first he'll be so done, he'll straight up assume that you want to test curses on him again but luckily he's positively surprised. Once he sees that you're staring at him with pure love, his face immidietly turns from disbelief to smirk. And believe me when I say, he looks at you with one of his best teasing eyes and he's not even slightly blushing at that.
If you happen to blush, he'll definitely lightly chuckle from the fact that you tried to make him blush but yet, how tables have turned~ Although he probably won't tell you that and leave you to figure it out by yourself.
"Why was I chuckling? Completely not reason~ Why? Do you not trust me?"
Sure, he gets over that pretty quickly but there's high chance he'll randomly bring it up when you're alone and your scheming on something or when he wants to just make you a little flustered.
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Mammon was casually counting his Grimm to know how much he can gamble and when to run. But his human was awfully quiet for some time now... And silence means nothing good, that's what he learned!
"Hey, human! Whatcha do-"
But then he saw how you looked at him. It's as if there's no one and nothing else but him. And on top of that, your eyes were filled with such an adoration... He swears he could feel heat on his cheeks when he saw your loving stare.
"O-Oi! Whatcha think you're doing?! S-Staring at me like that..."
He'll definitely have this adorable shade of red on his cheeks for like couple of hours or so. But of course he needs to keep his cool, so he pretends it's nothing. Honestly it's kind of funny how he tries to hide how flustered that made him even if you point it out.
"I-It's nothing! I mean... of course you'd want to admire THE Mammon!"
Yeah, well, Mams you might want to get rid of that blush first-
The best part is hell never or if so then very slowly get used to it. Like you can do that simple act for 100th time or so and he still panics.
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Alright, Levi will definitely get so flustered easily. You don't even have to try hard to get a reaction out of him.
When he's busy playing games while you realize your plan, it can take him some times before realizing that you're staring at home, especially if the game he's playing requires focus. But once he finally notices that, there's no way he can go back to playing and his face is redder than tomato.
"W-What? I got something on my face? Are you making fun of me or something?"
Even if he notices the loving stare in your eyes, he'll refuse to believe it's meant for him mostly because of his low self-esteem.
His reaction when he realizes you're staring with such a love at him is so adorable. He'll blush and stutter like crazy while trying to not scream, collapse or run away in the process.
"Y-You're joking, right?! There's no way you're staring at me with such a... l-love... AHHHH What is this normie strategy?!!!"
Let me tell you: he's NEVER getting over with it. He'll blush every single time you do it, no matter how long you're together or how many times you already tried it.
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Satan is another person to just feel someone staring at him. Unlike his eldest brother tho, he won't recast immidietly and wait but of course he has limits to his patience so he'll eventually blow up. It's just that he probably finds staring without any explanation a little annoying.
"For how long do you plan to stare exactly?! If you want to say something just say it to my face!"
But don't worry it takes him a few seconds to realize it but once he does, his face softness as well as his voice.
"Oh? Well, maybe you tell me what's on your mind, hm~?"
He really expects you to become flustered so do just that if you want to see his smirk get even wider. Although if you won't get flustered after all and answer him that you're only admiring him, it's him who will go immidietly flustered.
"W-What?! *ehem* That's... very nice of you... No, I'm not blushing! ... Maybe just a little..."
He'll remember about this till the very end and he'll bring it up every time in a while. Mostly whenever he wants to fluster you or to just being back nice memories you can enjoy chatting about.
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If you thought that you can fluster Asmo just by staring at him adoringly then you're either extremely optimistic or clearly don't know him.
He was doing his make up and just looked at you so he can know your opinion when he noticed that you're staring at him. And oh boy, he knows that state so well. This stare is literally screaming "COMPETITION" to him.
"Hey, darling, tell me what do you think of my eye make up? Pretty cu- aooh~"
Once he noticed your stare, it's over. He's staring at you with even more admiration and to him it's staring contest and he'll do his best to win it.
Trust me when I say, he won't loose so easily, so if you want to win prepare to stay like that for hours. He'll eventually go take a bath or his beauty sleep after all.
If you win, he'll spoil your entire face with kisses saying that it's reward for your win. If he wins tho, he'll demand you give him a reward.
"Hehe~ I won~ So what do I get? C'mon I have to get a prize! What could it be? Whatever you can think of~"
Also, he'll never forget it. If it made you flustered, it's a reason for him to speak more about it. But even if it didn't, he'll still want you to repeat it sometime. Like that, he can stare into your eyes for hours while you stare into his! That's truly a magical moment, isn't it?
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Perfect opportunity for you to realize your plan would be when Beel is training. He often mentions that you can come even if you won't train in the end. Bells love language being Quality Time real So you definitely won't have problem with admiring him. When he notices you're staring at him, he simply waves with a smile clearly not noticing how in love you are. But don't worry once he comes up to you, he quickly notices your eyes are filled with affection!
He's quick to notice your loving stare tho once he comes up to you. His face immidietly receives slight shade of pink and you can see him slightly smiling at you but he's still not sure if he got it all right.
"Did something happen while I was training? Why were you staring at me?"
He just wants to hear from your mouth that you're looking at him with admiration, mostly to make sure. And once you tell him or when he's sure you're staring at him with only pure love, his smile gets even bigger now and you receive a nice bear hug.
But if you ask him why he's so affectionate, he'll probably say he just felt like it since he doesn't want to make you feel like your staring was uncomfortable or so for him.
"Why am I hugging you? No reason, I simply just wanted to! Is that really a bad thing?"
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Belphie is sleeping basically all the time! And he also drags you with him... so when he's sleeping, you're usually to or just are snuggled up to him. So why not use that perfect opportunity and admire him a little while he's asleep.
But unfortunately, he can feel someone staring at him when he sleeps. At first, of course he brushes it off since sleeping in public does being a little bit of attention but when the staring doesn't stop and only gets more intense for him, he decides to take a look on who's staring at him.
And that's when he saw you, eyes filled with love and admiration as you stared at him and he smiled at you with a bit of love before chuckling and hugging you tighter or just hugging you if he already wasn't. Of course, he'll compliment you a little bit as well.
"Hehe~ You're really cute, you know that?"
But if he's feeling moody or if he becomes tired of constantly staring at him SPOILER: he never will then he'll only tell you that it's creepy before pulling you into a hug, so you have no idea if he had something against you staring at him or not.
"Staring again? That's becoming creepy... Alright, well come here. Let's cuddle!"
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spicerackofblorbos · 4 months
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Chapter 1: November
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☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x fem!mute!Reader (she/her pronouns), set in a modern semi-fictional world
☾ Summary ➼ Due to childhood trauma, you find yourself an adult without the ability to speak. After years of working on it, you have found ways to live without a voice. Now here in your late 20s, you are 5 months in getting used to a new town. On a fateful day in late November, you and your adopted sister visit a local bookstore-café, unaware of the friendships about to blossom. Throughout the months, one friendship in particular develops into something more.
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, oblivious feelings, angst, mention of minor character deaths, trauma, illness, adoption, mentions of fire, disabilities, alcohol use, very light nsfw mentions, eventual smut (these update with every chapter)
☾ Author's note ➼ Hey guys! This is my first time writing fanfiction in a loooooong time, like the last time I wrote was probably in 2011. So with that said please be kind with any feedback or comments. I hope you enjoy! (also I made Hange's pronouns she/her/them/they)
Edit (11/27/2023): Hey guys, welcome to my little world of Unspoken Words. I have quite literally used this story as a way to better myself as a writer. As you read on, you may find that I've progressed (ofc I have a long way to go) but because of that, my first few chapters might be rough. With your patience, you may find a liking to this story as I know I've loved writing every word of it.
☾ word count ➼ ~7.1k
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20-something years ago 
You’re not sure how, but you find yourself sitting in the back of a big, white van. Red and blue lights danced in your eyes, and it felt like a thousand people surrounded you. Something plastic is placed on your face then you are instructed to breathe in deeply. You thought it was funny to be told to breathe, like you don’t just do it naturally, but you follow instructions regardless. It’s hard though, every part of your body hurts, chest included. Every breath you take feels like your insides are on fire.  
‘Fire’, you think.  
Everything is on fire.
Present Day
Levi stood blank faced as he meticulously cleaned the blender station for what felt like the 100th time today. The late afternoon rush had just tapered down so he took advantage of the next to empty café to clean as much as he could before closing for the evening.  
“It’s 20 degrees outside, how are people still wanting frozen drinks.” he murmurs to himself, placing the blender back in its spot. Levi turns to the front counter and slings the towel he was using to dry things onto his shoulder.  
His best friend, roommate, and business partner could be seen restocking some books on tall shelves, a gentle smile lighting up his boyish features. It’s been about a year and a half since they started this business venture together and they had no idea at the time how successful their bookstore-café combo would be in this small town.  
Erwin’s thirst for knowledge kept their shelves as variable as ever while Levi’s love for perfecting the art of tea kept the drinks flowing. The problem, however, was Levi’s lack of people skills. He was seldom seen at the register, nor would you ever see him smile or talk to the customers. He often would leave you with a grunt and a swift turn after handing off the drinks.  
No, for that, they had hired a couple of local highschoolers to do the facing work.  
“Mr. Smith, Levi?” a soft voice rang out to the left of him. Levi shifted his attention to a taller girl with shoulder length raven hair standing next to him. Being as Mikasa is his cousin, they found early on how weird it was to be called ‘Mr. Ackerman’ as they shared the same surname. It was this connection too that got them to where they are today.  
“Would it be okay if Eren and I take off a little early tonight? We have some big tests coming up and we’d like to take some extra time to study.” Mikasa shifted her dark eyes to the darkening windows as the sun set just over the horizon. Pinks and oranges flooded the partially clouded skies.  
”Tch.” Levi could not help but roll his eyes. He raised a brow at her and leaned back against the counter behind him for support. “Sure, I guess,” he continues. “But do you really need it or is it for that blockhead?”  
As if summoned by his words, Eren comes up from behind Mikasa and wraps a red scarf around his girlfriend’s neck, both of their jackets hanging off one of his arms. Eren is a good kid, always on time and followed directions, but the amount of sass he held in his body was something else. Levi and Erwin did not mind though, as he added a certain energy in the café that the customers seemed to enjoy. The two men wouldn’t say it out loud, but they really appreciated having them both on the team.  
“Hey, I heard that. And yes, I need to study desperately. Econ is so hard and for what?!” Eren’s teal eyes widened for emphasis. To add to it he even put on a fake pout.  
“Just take the trash with you on the way out and you’re good to go.” Erwin piped up from behind a bookshelf.  
Mikasa nodded in acknowledgement towards the voice, a silent thank you. Like Levi, she was not one for many words. He once thought it was an Ackerman thing but then he thought back to his annoying uncle and changed his mind quickly.  
With that, she and Eren both untangled the aprons from their bodies, grabbed their belongings, and picked up the trash bags that were already taken out of the cans. They opted to leave through the back since the dumpsters were located that way. Again, Levi wouldn’t say it to anyone out loud, but he really did like those kids.  
Erwin could be heard stacking more books into the shelves which left Levi to polish the counters again. It was the last hour before they closed so it stayed quiet for the most part, only interrupted by the sounds of scuffling shoes and books being placed on hard surfaces. Light jazz filled the rest of the silence. Then the bell signifying new customers rang from the front.  
“Levi, can you grab that?”  
The raven-haired man just huffed in response then stepped over to the register. His eyes fell on two figures right in front of him. A frazzled brunette and... you.  
Due to the season, you are bundled up in a thick parka and knitted beanie. A big scarf wraps around your neck and face so that all Levi could see is your flushed cheeks and thick lashed eyes. Truthfully, you reminded him of a marshmallow.  
“What’ll it be?” he asks, deadpan. The brunette is the one to respond, the voice loud enough to make him wince.  
“Hmmm... well one English breakfast tea latte with lots of room for sugar aaaaand I’ll take a peppermint hot chocolate. Oh, and extra whip! We’ll drink it here.” She fished out a card with a dramatic thwip and handed it to Levi’s outstretched hand.  Their café is one of those where if you were to stay, they offered washable cup ware as to keep the prices down on disposable cups. Not to mention the lessened ‘environmental impact’ as Erwin would say.  
Levi glances at you before turning to make both orders. You give a small wave and smile a little, but he was already working quickly on the drinks. 
He went into autopilot as he steeped the tea and steamed the milk. He really appreciated customers that ordered anything outside of coffee, especially when it came to tea. It’s not that he hated coffee, though it’s not like he liked it either, but it just wasn’t his thing. Coffee offered a different kind of bitterness that he wasn’t very fond of. With extra whipped cream in one and extra space in the other, he whirled around to place the drinks on the counter.  
The one with glasses is the one that picks them up and they promptly walk in the direction of where you currently sit, one of the tables in the back corner by the window. You were stripped of your big parka and scarf, though the beanie stayed. Your eyes were wandering around the café in wonder, and Levi was pretty sure this had to be your first time here. But truthfully, he wouldn’t know, he didn’t make it his business to know his customers. That was Erwin’s and the kids’ job. 
“The shelves are full and I’m exhausted.” Erwin came around the counter with a couple of empty boxes in his arms, heading straight for the back to the dumpster. Levi stepped back and leaned against the counter once again, his own black tea that had steeped while making yours cradled in his fingertips. He kept looking at his only customers while he sipped the black liquid. The teacup almost slipped out of his grip as he saw you dumping a large amount of sugar into your cup.  
 There you sit, extremely focused on the cup in front of you and lips pressed together tightly, almost as if you were afraid you’d put in too much. The sight would have been funny if you hadn’t just ruined your entire tea, he thinks to himself. You smile to yourself in satisfaction and put the sugar jar back where it came from. While you stir the sweetener in gently, the brunette in front of you talks animatedly. Hands were flying everywhere, and Levi could practically feel the energy radiating from the corner of the room.  You were doing the same, silently laughing. 
Suddenly the front door flew open, the bell ringing loudly with it. Levi grits his teeth, steeling himself for yet another customer interaction. But his shoulders dropped in relief at the sight of only Carly, Erwin’s girlfriend. She saunters up to the counter with a big smile aimed towards Levi and without even asking she slid behind the bar. Erwin had already made it from the back and was in the process of putting away the leftover ingredients from the day. Carly wraps her arms around her boyfriend and plants a big kiss on his face, to which Levi quickly looks away. It wasn’t weird for her to come in right as they were about to close.  
What was weird, he thought, was the shock that flooded your face as you eyed the very public display of affection. Levi knit his brows in confusion as the brunette pivoted in her seat to see what you were staring at. Their face fell, any evidence of a good time completely erased.  
The person in question whipped around so fast at the voice and the panic that exuded from her was palpable. She quickly unwrapped herself from Erwin’s embrace.  
If it wasn’t for the jazz in the background, the lengthy silence that followed would have been deathly.  
Carly clears her throat and laughs awkwardly.  
“Uh, why are you here?”  
The person named Hange just lifts their hot chocolate cup awkwardly, not really saying anything. Their eyes shift between Carly and Erwin, clearly understanding what had happened.  
“I-I’m sorry, you guys know each other?” Erwin sounds cautious, like he already knew the answer. Of course, he would, he isn’t dumb. His piercing blue eyes survey the situation, going back and forth between the two.  
“Well, uh. I-” Carly stutters, clearly at a loss of what to say in the predicament she found herself in.  
“She’s my girlfriend.” Hange claims calmly.  
This admission makes Erwin sigh heavily, confirming what he had pieced together. Levi stared at him in bewilderment as the man just chuckled quietly.  
“Well. I suppose that’s it then.” And with that he turns on his heel and stalks off to the back room. 
“Wait, Erwin I can explain!” She follows right on his heels and disappears into the back room as well. A minute later you can hear hysterical crying and calm retorts reverberating from the back. If Levi could shrink into the cabinets to get out of this situation, he would. Instead, he focuses on the other party who were having a very quiet and rushed discussion. Well, a one-sided discussion, as he only heard one voice.  
Levi, realizing it was almost time to close anyways, rushes to close the distance between him and the front door. He really did not want to have to deal with other customers while the drama unfurled. So, he flips the door sign to ‘Closed’ and unplugs the ‘Open’ neon sign hanging in the window. A couple walks by about to open the door, probably out for a café date from the looks of it. But they were only met with a dead stare from the sharpest eyes they’d ever seen. With that, they briskly turned around and left down the sidewalk.  
Levi spins around and from here he gets a better look at the two trapped customers. You were moving your hands all over the place like you were earlier. But with an even closer look he realizes you weren’t just talking animatedly with your hands; you were talking with them. You were signing. 
You reacted to your partner’s conversation just fine, so it was clear you had some sort of hearing. Your scarf now hung loose around your shoulders, and it looked like you had tears brimming in your eyes. Levi swiftly walks back to the counter; this is obviously not a conversation he needed to be a part of.
“Hey, don’t worry about me. It’s only been a couple of months. Really, it’s better to find out now than 3 years from now.” They laughed without humor. You know when Hange was saving face for your sake, she was never as sly as she thought she was.  
‘You don’t need to be strong right now.’ You sign then reach your hand out to touch her cheek softly. Physical touch had become your second language early on, if only to emphasize. Fortunately, Hange was okay with that and often embraced it with open arms.  
“I know, my little strawberry. I just need some time to process everything.” They pat you on the head lightly with a small grin. You swat their hands, blushing at the nickname you were so graciously given so many years ago.  But you nod back, knowing they would not change their mind.  
The tall blonde glides through the back door, alone. His face was grim as he tugged loose the tie around his neck.  
“Hange, was it?” He started walking towards you and your very startled sister.  
“U-uh yeah. That’s my name! Listen I had no idea, I’m so sorry. I would have said something obviously but-”, they take a deep breath. “I’m sorry. What’s your name again?”  
“Erwin Smith. There is nothing to apologize for as I can only assume there’s only one blame to be given. I hate that we must meet under such a circumstance, but it is truly nice to meet you.” He raises a hand waiting for a handshake.  
Hange takes it after a second of processing, shaking the hand vigorously with both hands.  
“Well, unfortunately it is what it is. I’m sure Carly and I will be speaking soon. I’m assuming she’s not just hiding back there.” They flick their gaze to the back door he had just come through.  
“Ah well, yes. Long gone... how long were you two...?”  
“Only like, 3 months or so. You?” 
He flinched at that and murmured, “3 Years.” 
Thinking back to her comment not 10 minutes ago, Hange bit their cheek.  
“Oh man I’m so sorry.”  
“No, please. It’s alright. None of this is yours or my fault. We couldn’t have known, but now we do.” Erwin chuckled to himself. You wonder if he’s trying to save face the way your sister did. His gaze now shifts to you. He is a very handsome man. To your extreme surprise, he starts signing to you. 
‘I'm sorry, who might you be? I noticed you signing earlier. I know a little from the books I have read.’ His crystal blue eyes sparkle at you as he signs. You can’t help but break out into a huge grin. You sign your name back and compliment him on his raw signing form.  
‘I am of hearing, though. So please feel free to talk, and I will sign back.’ You clarify to Erwin, the smile not falling from your face.  
“That sounds like a plan. Levi, stop hiding behind the counter and come say hi.” Erwin calls out, not bothering to look over his shoulder. You hear a grunt in response and not 10 seconds later, the barista stands cross armed next Erwin. He nods a hello to each of you.  
You knew he was shorter than you, at least a couple inches, based off the interaction at the counter earlier. But seeing him side by side with his friend was almost comical. But as short stature as he was, it did not keep him from holding himself with such authority. It made you nervous.  
‘Thank you for the tea, it was very good.’ You sign, your sister translating in real time for you.  
“Tch, are you sure? I saw you dump enough sugar in it to make it syrup.” Levi retorts dryly.  
That makes you smile sheepishly. His fixated stare unnerved you a little, but you stare back regardless. Now that he was closer, a glass case no longer between the both of you, your eyes traveled along his face in close inspection. 
He’s beautiful, you think to yourself. His features are sharp and angled. Steely gray eyes pronounced a permanent exhausted look. It was a shade of gray you’ve never seen before, and they were mesmerizing. As if he could feel you staring holes in his face, he flicks his eyes to the side, clearly uncomfortable. But you can’t help it, because really the most intriguing thing about him was not his metallic eyes. It was the scars that marred his porcelain skin.  
A couple of scars ran down the right side of his face. The prominent of the two trailed from the top right of his forehead all the way down to his chin, cutting into his right eye and both lips. You’re pretty sure his eye was quite damaged due to the slight muted discoloration of the eye color.  
He’s beautiful, you repeat to yourself. You glance over to Hange, and they just look over at you with a knowing look. You know she was just begging to ask Levi too, but she just shakes her head. So, you fold your hands together and pinch your lips together.  
“Well!” Hange yells out, breaking the silence. “This human really needs a drink. Let’s all go! Erwin, I demand you let me treat you to a couple drinks!” She wraps an arm around your shoulders and laughs.  
“A drink sounds fantastic; I will gladly take you up on that offer. Let me just close up rea-” He’s cut off by Levi raising both of his hands up in protest. You notice the two missing fingers on his right hand. The pointer and middle were gone. Whatever this man went through, you just had to know. But you toss those questions onto an ever-growing pile and bite your cheek.  
“Erwin, I can close up. You go ahead.” Your sister just smiles widely and practically jumped up and down. The blonde man just clapped his hand Levi’s shoulder and smiled at him.  
“Thank you. You’ll join us after? The usual place?” Levi just shrugs his shoulders in response.  
Part of you hoped he would. You couldn’t place a singular reason why though.  
Fifteen minutes later, the three of you found yourselves in a well-lit and very crowded bar. Somehow Erwin had snagged a table near the back wall. Heavy rock blares loudly from a live band maybe 20 feet away. Overwhelming was an understatement, but you grit your teeth and sit down on one of the stools.  
“Whatcha want, my darlings?!” Hange yells over the music, slapping both hands down on the table and staring at the both of you.  
“Whiskey neat, whatever they offer is fine.”  
You sign the words ‘apple’ and ‘juice’ followed by a ‘thank you’. You’ve never been one for a drink. While it was tolerable to be around, you’d rather not have to taste it if you could help it.  
Looking around, you see all manners of people surrounding you. Something about it makes your stomach turn but you shift in your seat to quell it down. You’re sure it’s only so crowded because of the prospect of a Friday night and the promise of no plans the following day. The town of Jinae was not anything special, but it was quaint. You and your sister found out quickly it was a place where everyone knew mostly everyone. After only settling down here from your hometown 5 months ago, you were still learning of all the local spots.  
From the looks of it, this bar was one of those. “The Scouts” was an inviting place, decorated with dark greens and wood tones. The walls were littered with many frames of a lot of different people. You imagine it might have been local residents in various locations of the town. All of the wood was worn down, so it was clear this place has been in business for a while. A neon sign hangs above the stage where the live band played, something that resembled blue and white wings. It makes you wonder what the significance is.  
Your thoughts are disturbed as a glass is placed in front of you. Realizing the dryness in your throat, you pick up the glass and take a big swig of the amber liquid. You’re met with a burning sensation, and you gag. This alerts Hange of the unfortunate mistake.  
“Ah I’m sorry my little strawberry!! They do look quite similar though, don’t they?” They switch the glasses quickly and laugh. You notice the very noticeable cup size differences between the two and you stare at her quizzically. “I may have taken a shot while at the bar, sorry.” she adds on. It makes you shake your head, but you grab her hand reassuringly and chuckle.  
‘I’m sorry.’ You sign at Erwin, and he just smiles back.  
“Not a problem. But I have to ask, how was it?” A bushy eyebrow raises at you in amusement.  
You just stick your tongue out and make a gagging gesture at him. You laugh though, not really upset.  
Two apple juices in, the live band ends. Hange and Erwin are very deep in conversation, which you suspect might be about Carly. You can’t really hear what’s being said though. With the absence of music, chatter quickly fills the air. Honestly it was really starting to get to you. So, after tapping on the pair’s shoulders and signing where you were going, you find yourself leaning over the guard rail just outside the bar’s door.  
The sun was already far gone. A crescent moon sits high in the sky and a smatter of stars surrounds it. The cold air felt very welcome on your very flushed face. You exhale a big sigh, which garners a puff of steam. It makes you laugh so you do it again. Then you start to wonder how long you might be able to last out here before getting frostbite when suddenly a body starts leaning against the rail next to you.  
With a start, you whip your head to face the newcomer. Instantly you relax at the sight of Erwin’s friend. He was adorned in a big peacoat and his casual slacks. A tan turtleneck sweater peaks out from the jacket’s collar. His face was flushed as well, no doubt from the cold.  
He wasn’t paying you any mind though, instead his gaze laid upon the sky above, at the stars. You wave at him anyways and offer a small smile. He glances at you with a side eye and returns a curt nod.  
Not one for words. 
So, you both stand there in silence, staring up at the twinkling lights above. It wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest. Something about his presence radiated a sort of calm, and you were happy to bask in it.  
After a few minutes, he shifts his weight in your direction, so you face him. He’s staring up at you and it makes you swallow hard. His eyes glowed silver from the moonlight. Truly you have never been this fascinated with a person until now.  
“You like the stars.” It wasn’t a question, more like a statement.  
You nod in agreement, smiling to emphasize your love for them. He purses his lips at that. It seemed as if he wanted to say something else to that, but nothing came out. It just makes you frown a bit. You just have more questions that keep piling up. Everything about him just emanated mystery and it made you want to know all about him.  
‘Are you okay?’ You sign to him, exaggerating your frown to show your concern. You’re only met with a look of confusion. You forget that he does not know much if any sign. And you kick yourself for leaving your communication tools at home. To be fair though, this is not where you expected to be tonight.  
You then get an idea to use your phone to type to him but before you even reach into your pocket, you’re interrupted by a sudden blast of warm air as a couple stumbles out of the bar, both in a giggling fit as they cling to each other. They take off down the road, laughing even harder. The brief warm air makes you shiver, reminding you of the cold outside.  
As if thinking the same thing, Levi catches the door before it closes and holds it open for the both of you. You’re suddenly well aware of the very loud singing happening from within and your eyes widen at the familiarity of one of the voices. You and Levi make your way to the voices and are greeted with the sight of Erwin and Hange duetting a Backstreet Boys song.  
What a sight it was. The tall brunette, face flushed and glasses askew, had their arm around Erwin. He his blonde hair was quite tousled, and he looked like he was having the time of his life. They both swayed together as they belted out the lyrics. As if their smiles were contagious, you felt yourself grin. It was kind of cute. So, you pull out your phone and snap a quick picture, sure to show Hange in the morning. It was a good thing too, because the song ends right as you put your phone away in your bag. Levi clicks his tongue and huffs. You glance over at the noise and notice a small upturn to the corner of his scarred mouth. Noticing your gaze, his face vacates itself from any emotion as he stares back ahead.  
“Oi! Eyebrows!” He calls out to his friend. Levi starts making his way to the stage, walking with a slight limp. Yet another question to add onto the pile. “I’m gone for 45 minutes and you’re already singing.”  
“I’m fine! Just a couple drinks in.”  
You all make your way to the table you had laid claim to earlier. You survey the table and count at least 6 more glasses, not counting your two. It was hard to see who drank what.  
‘Are you okay?’ You sign to your sister, concern etched on your face. They just nod lazily and give a thumbs up with both hands. Levi is regarding you with a look of understanding, and it seems he realized that you had asked him outside.  Music starts playing over the speakers again, and people start making their way to the dance floor. Hange squeals and downs the rest of her drink quickly.  
“Erwin let’s go!” She grabs his arm, not waiting for a response. He gives a mock salute to the two of you and follows without question. Levi just clicks his tongue again and heads to the bar to get himself something. So, you plop yourself down on the stool and stare out into the room. Out of nervous habit you start fidgeting with the napkins in front of you. A moment later, Levi’s hobbling over with a tray of drinks. 
“I got the idiots some water, they look like they need it.” He places the glasses down with a thud, including one of his own housing some sort of caramel liquid. Then he’s sliding something over to you and you’re about to protest that you don’t drink but you realize it’s not a glass. It’s a notepad and pen.  
“If you need something, this might come in handy.” is all he says.  
You’re quick to show your appreciation with a bright smile. You also note to yourself that you could have very well have used your phone to communicate but you were not one to disregard someone’s thoughtfulness. It makes something bloom in your chest, warm and comforting.  
Your many years of not having a phone of course meant writing – a lot. Your handwriting evolved plenty with time so that meant it was extremely neat. It had to have been so that the reader would be able to read it without an issue. 
First you write your name, as you realize no one had really said it out loud while at the teashop. Following that you add ‘I think your shop is wonderful, and I really did enjoy the tea you made.’ You also want to jot down the questions from earlier that were still swimming in your mind, but you hold yourself back. You tell yourself maybe later, granted if there would even be a later.   
When angling the paper so he could see it, his eyes flit across the words quickly and you’re given a grunt in acknowledgement. Pulling back the notepad, you bite the inside of your cheek. While it wasn’t awkward being next to him, he sure made it hard to talk to. His cold demeanor gave you the feeling he wasn’t the type to talk about himself, especially with someone he just met. So, asking questions about him or his life was out the window. Likewise, he did not really seem interested in hearing your life story, not like you were planning to spill it anyways for fear of being met with disdain. You had plenty of experiences with that growing up.  
Tapping the pen against your chin, your eyes drift around the bar room. There a multitude of people lingering about, shouting over each other to be heard. A couple sits in a corner, whispering who knows what to each other. Both of their cheeks are flushed and eyes heavy with lust. A handful of people are on the dance floor grinding away, your sister and new friend sticking out like a sore thumb as they dance with reckless abandon. All of this gave you an idea, remembering something you’ve read before many moons ago. You start scrawling on the paper again.  
‘Are you a gambling man, Levi?’ 
You shift the pad back over to him and he glances down again after taking another sip of his spirit. He was holding his glass in a way you’d never seen before and honestly it was a little weird.  
“Tch, hardly. Why do you ask?” He looks hard at you as you scratch something else down.  
‘I propose a game to pass the time. Let’s make some bets about the random people in this room.’ 
He looks at you incredulously. You stand your ground, not averting your gaze even a little. When you don’t back down, he just scoffs and shakes his head at you.  
“I literally could not care less about these people,” he clicks his tongue. “But I suppose there’s not much else to do so I’ll bite.” Knocking back the rest of his drink, he moves around you to lean back against the wall so that he is facing the rest of the crowd. You shift so that you are doing the same. You don’t overlook the proximity to the shorter man, nor the fact that your arms are almost touching. You start to scribble once more.  
‘Winner gets to ask the loser one question.’ As his eyes fall on your words, he seems a little taken aback. Levi seems to think for a moment, like he’s weighing his pros and cons.  
“One non-personal question.” He amends. You both nod in agreement. So, your eyes travel around the room, looking for your first target. It falls on a group not so far away.  
‘I bet that gaggle of young girls over there are here for a bridal party.’
You point in the direction of the said group. Currently they were taking tequila shots, lime and all. All of them sparkled and were dressed up to the nines, save for the silly little hats adorning their heads. And they were having so much fun.  
“No way,” Levi scoffs, “That has to be a 21st birthday. They all look like babies.”  
Suddenly someone comes through a parting in the crowd with a tray of assorted colorful drinks garnished with cute little accessories. They all yell in excitement at the sight. One of the girls raises her glass and starts shouting.  
“To Estelle! May your married life be full of infinite love, happiness, and orgasms!” They all cheer and take big gulps of their drinks, followed by more giggling.  
Levi glances art you, his gray eyes dull in the dim bar light. An eyebrow lifts at you as well.  
“How did you know?” 
You do a sweeping gesture starting from one shoulder down to the opposite hip. He looks back over to the women and conveniently the soon-to-be-bride had faced your direction. She was indeed wearing a white sash sporting the word ‘BRIDE’ in bright pink letters. He huffs as he rolls his eyes, and you smirk at him in return. You press the pad over to him, already equipped with your question.  
Levi scoffs at your question. As promised, it wasn’t very personal. You figured ice breaker like questions were a good start. But his pause made you question if this was a good idea, you didn’t want to run him off or make him uncomfortable. Then he clicks his tongue, and his face softens ever so slightly.  
“My favorite hobby, huh? It would have to be cleaning.” He simply states. 
‘Like mopping, dusting, all that jazz?’  
“Yeah, it brings me peace. I like the control. Plus, I can't stand filthy things, people, or places. It’s repugnant.” He scrunches his nose at the last statement. A laugh bubbles up and you can’t help but let it loose. You’re shot with a glare and a sharp tone.  
You shake your head no and smile lightly while your hands move adeptly on the pad.  
‘Not funny, just amusing because it’s not something I would have expected. It’s different. If it makes you happy then it is an admirable hobby.’ 
Levi’s looking away from you now. If it wasn’t so dim, you would have seen there was a light dusting of pink color his cheeks and ears. He clears his throat and scans the room for his victim. His eyes land on the couple in the back corner whispering to each other. He notices their not-so-subtle hand movements as they felt each other up. Nodding in their direction, he looks back over to you, leaning close so you can hear.  
“I bet that couple will get up in the next 3 minutes and excuse themselves to somewhere private.” Your eyes travel in that direction, only to look away hastily at such an intimate scene. You’re not able to think of a counter-bet because honestly, you’re thinking the same thing. Your eyes settle back to his face, but he’s already looking back at the couple. If he noticed you staring, he didn’t say. Suddenly his face is filled with a satisfied look, only to be replaced quickly with a look of horror. You follow his gaze again, afraid of what you might see.
Fortunately, it’s nothing risqué, as you catch the tail end of the couple slipping into one of the public, unmarked restrooms. But the thought of their future actions was enough to gross you out. Looking back at Levi, you scrunch your face up in disgust. He nods in understanding.  
“This is why we don’t use public restrooms, especially in a bar.” He pinches the bridge of his nose with his good hand. “When I said somewhere private, I meant like a residence or something. Filthy animals, unbelievable. They better scrub that bathroom down. Maybe I should tell the bartender when they’re done. Maybe I should help clean.” 
His retorts crack you up, your shoulders bouncing from silent laughter. He just stares at you impassively as he runs his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face.  
“Well, it’s not like we should ruin their fun. Anyways I suppose I won. Let’s see... what’s your favorite color?” 
You part your lips, dumbfounded. This was never an easy question, as you found joy in a lot of different colors. You bite your lip and start writing, but after a couple minutes Levi rips the pad from your hands out of impatience.  
canary yellow! 
dark forest gre- 
He just looks at you in alarm.  
“Just pick one.” he scolds. 
You snatch the pad back and scribble down, ‘It’s not that simple!’  
“It is to me. White, easy.” You just stare right back at him, not believing what you just heard. Out of all the many shades and hues out there, this man decides the color white.  
“It’s clean.” is the only response you get.  
It makes sense, you think. But seriously, this man was so weird. But like you said earlier, it was different and that made it refreshing to you. You start searching for your next bet.  
As if in a scene from a movie you’ve seen a dozen times came to life, your eyes snap to a lone woman sitting at the bar, nursing a drink and playing on her phone. A couple seats down, you spot a few men chatting. One of the men is staring hard at the very oblivious woman. You nudge Levi with your elbow, not unnoticing the slight flinch from your touch. You point to the scene, and he is quick to understand.  
“I bet when he walks over to her, she’ll get up and leave.” He says confidently.  
Trusting your instincts, you scrawl back quickly as you notice the man started making his way towards the woman. Sticking your tongue out at him, you angle the pad to him so he could see.  
‘Absolutely not. She’ll tell him off right away.’  
To both yours and his surprise, not one moment later she throws the rest of her drink contents onto the man’s head. She gathers her belongings, throws a wad of bills on to the bar, then stomps out of the establishment. The rejected man staggers back to his friends, and they applaud him for his supposed gall. This event left you both stunned. There’s a moment of pause where you and Levi just stare at each other before all hell breaks loose as he starts talking and you start scribbling furiously.  
“She walked away, I win.”  
‘She threw that drink on him, that’s practically telling him off. And that happened before any walking off.’  
“That hardly counts, no words were used.” He scoffs and folds his arms across his chest as he stares hard at you. You weren’t sure if the indignation was real or not, but it was evident in his face.   
‘Words are not always needed to convey intent.’ You shoot back at him, shifting your weight to tap your foot defiantly. You would know this of course.  
This makes Levi pause. He opens his mouth to say something but then Erwin and Hange came crashing into the little bubble you two had made. Suddenly the sounds of clinking glasses and mindless chatter came rushing in and you took a step back.  
“Um, I think Hange might have had a little too much tonight.” Erwin says, to which your attention is drawn to a very drunk Hange. They were a blubbering, sobbing mess. Whining about things that ranged from Carly to her work stress and everything in between. Your sister rarely got this drunk, but you imagine the events from earlier might have been her breaking point. This was a sign to get her home.  
You hastily round the table to wrap her arm around you and prop her up. Then after whipping a $20 out of your purse and throwing it on the table in front of the boys, you give them a grateful smile and sign to Erwin.  
‘Thank you both for tonight. She and I had a lot of fun. But I need to get her home before she gets worse.’ As if on cue, they let out a loud wail and start sobbing into your shoulder. You shift your body to hold them closer so that you don’t drop them. Erwin grabs your $20 and shoves it back in your purse before zipping it up. He had left you no time to protest as he places a large hand on your shoulder and stares intensely at you.  
“Please, let me take care of this. Tell them this was an exceptional time. And to please stop by the café again, we owe each a good, sober talk.” His bright blue eyes crinkled in the corners as he smiled at you warmly. “It was a pleasure meeting you too. I hope you join Hange on the café visits as well. I think Levi has warmed up to you just nicely.” He wiggles an eyebrow at his friend. Levi just shoves him back and rolls his eyes.  
“Tch, fuck off. She’s alright, I guess.” He’s staring at you now, not as cold as before. “You owe me an answer next time we meet.”  
You purse your lips at him and shake your head in disagreement. 
‘I totally won that, don’t even think otherwise.’ You jot down lazily on the notepad still on the table. It wasn’t as neat, but you were propping up a whole human, you couldn’t help it.   
“Are you sure you’re safe to get home okay? We can he-” You cut Erwin off with a wave of the hand. Their spot of choice was actually very lucky, as you only live a few minutes away. And to be honest, you needed the cold air. So, you sign a quick goodbye to your new friends and make your way out. 
Walking down the snowy sidewalk, you pat Hange’s head as she grumbles about random things. She opted to walk herself, but you kept your hand in theirs to lead them in the right direction. She only stumbled a few times but overall, you were able to keep a steady pace. You note that before you left, her glass of water had been untouched, so you make a mental reminder to hydrate her before throwing her in bed.  
‘Alcohol was not kind to those in their 30s’ you heard their voice say in the back of your mind.  
As your steps left crunching noises in their wake, you peer up at the moon and glittering stars. A certain raven-haired and silver-eyed man etched in your brain. You wonder how soon it will be before seeing him again.  
‘Levi’ you sign to yourself with a free hand. A smile cemented to your face the whole way home.
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☾ Next Chapter: December
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levi-ackerman-ds · 4 months
Protectiveness- Levi Ackerman defends you.
Levi Ackerman's eyes narrow as he watches an altercation unfold between you and an irate merchant in the market square. You were innocently browsing through the wares when you accidentally bump into a stand knocking a few items over. The merchant of the stall launches into a furious tirade at you over the scattered items. Face red with anger, he closes a fist and tries to strike you hard across your chin. You manage to flinch back just enough that the blow was only glancing.
With a sigh Levi steps forward. "Well, well, looks like we've stumbled upon the fight of the century. Who knew a disgruntled merchant could be such a formidable opponent?"
The merchant turns towards Levi, his face scowling. "Stay out of this, Captain! This is between me and your incompetent partner!"
Levi's eyes glint with annoyance as he takes a step closer. "Incompetent, huh? You don't want to test my patience, merchant. I have a particular knack for dealing with obnoxious pests like you." Without warning, Levi swiftly closes the distance between them, his lightning-fast reflexes coming into play. With a precise and well-placed strike, he hits the merchant, causing the man to stumble to the ground.
"Now, let's clear up the misunderstanding, shall we?" Levi's voice is cold and controlled, but there is a flicker of underlying protectiveness. He stands as a shield between you and the enraged merchant. He knows you can take care of yourself but nothing infuriates him more than someone hitting you.
Levi turns to you, his eyes scanning you for any signs of injury. "You alright?" he asks. His tone is firm yet there is genuine concern in his voice. His gaze lingers on you as if cataloging every inch of you, ensuring your safety. You nod, shaken but unharmed. The glancing blow only mildly aches.
"Well, you stumbled upon an idiot with anger management issues. Just be careful next time, okay? We don't need you getting hurt over some incompetent merchant's misplaced pride." With the altercation resolved, Levi turns his attention back to the disgruntled merchant.
"Consider yourself lucky that's all you're getting. Now, leave before I decide to give you a lesson in manners." The merchant cowed by Levi's formidable presence scurries away, leaving the market square in haste.
Levi turns back to you, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Idiots like him are a dime a dozen. Don't let their ignorance ruin your day. Next time, let me have the pleasure of dealing with them more harshly." You can’t help but chuckle, your tension alleviated by Levi's unique blend of sarcasm and concern. You know that despite his biting words, Levi has your back, ready to defend and protect you from any harm that may come your way.
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luveline · 2 years
can you write steve and his moody gf? been dying to have those.
steve and an unhappy gf ♡ fem!reader | 0.6k
Working at Family Video sucks. Working at Family Video with your boyfriend sucks less, but not a lot. You're sulking behind the counter and Steve's standing behind you, humming. It's not his fault you're in a less than happy mood, of course, and you try your best not to take it out on him, but you can't help the dejected slump to your shoulders. 
Minimum wage sucks. Work sucks. Life sometimes sucks. You're so bored and kind of hungry and staring at the same parking lot day in and day out could make anybody miserable, not just the naturally predisposed like yourself. 
"How's my frowny girl doing?" Steve asks as he comes up behind you, quiet enough that only you can hear him. 
"I'm okay," you say, though really you're contemplating grabbing one of the pencils from the pen pot to stab yourself in the eye. 
He starts slow. His hands at your wrists, pushing up the length of your arm gently, ruffling the stupid Family Video vest until he's squeezing your upper arms. He ducks his face into the side of your neck and his arms cross, hugging you carefully but with purpose. 
You try not to melt. 
"You wanna take your lunch break now?" he asks into your skin. He seals his words in with a kiss, small and weirdly refreshing, like cool water's been splashed over you. 
"I can't," you mumble. 
You're limp in his hold rather than hugging him back, distracted by how unhappy you are. Your thoughts are a pulse. I don't want to be here. You feel cruel for thinking it at all when Steve is being his usual lovely self. 
He stands at full height but leaves his arms where they are until you reciprocate, a split second where you clutch his arms and then squirm, forcing him to drop his hold. 
"Why not?" he asks. 
"I forgot it." 
"That's okay," he says without missing a beat. "You can have half of mine." 
He's so nice it's annoying. You scrub your eyes with your fingers until they burn and try to think of a way to refuse. It's not fair to take half of his food because you're stupid enough to forget your own. 
He moves to stand between your side and the wrap around desk so you'll look at him. He seems upset upset you're upset and that's another thing to add to the levy, his pretty brown eyes all cruel in their sadness, a sight that makes you moodier. You smile in efforts to alleviate his concern. It's empty of any sincerity but the attempt is enough to give him back that heart-aching grin. 
"How about we have a day off tomorrow?" he whispers. 
"We can't do that to Robin," you say. 
"She did it to us last week." 
"There's two of us and only one of her. It wouldn't be fair." 
"I'll buy her a paperback or something. She won't mind. She doesn't like how unhappy you've been, either." 
"Sorry," you apologise. It comes out stilted and you have to cover your eyes with your hand to stop from exploding, letting out a huge exhale of breath. "Sorry, Steve. I just fucking- I fucking hate this job sometimes." 
"Don't be," he says easily. "Seriously. Me too. Work sucks." He leans back on his elbows, chin popped up and grin almost contagious as he says, "Better when you're here." 
"If I didn't have you I'd be in jail," you tell him. You're not even sure it's an exaggeration. Retail tests your patience. 
"Good thing you have me, then, you little freak." 
You smile. It's the first genuine one of the day and Steve doesn't bother hiding how smug he is. 
"You're the freak," you grumble. 
"Sure, babe." 
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tetsunabouquet · 11 days
Titan Shifters; Eren Yeager X Reader
A/N: Like I mentioned on my blog, I watched a Rise Of The Lycans analysis a few days ago and this prompted me to go on a rewatch. I am blaming this fic on Lucian.
You were jittering with nerves, being assigned to help with Eren's titan shifting experiments so they could compare your data. You were really intrigued by him. Born of human parents, yet being able to shift into a titan. Unlike you. You were the prized secret of the Survey Corps, the secret they had been hiding from the military police since your birth. The story they told was that they found you as a baby during their expedition, miraculously alive and the Survey Corps insisted into adopting you at their base under the excuse they had grown attached to you. The real truth was much more strange, and horrifying. On a scouting mission, they encountered a few titans, one acting more strangely then the rest. At first, they thought it was an Abnormal, until it started to evaporate on its own. In the middle of the smoke and bones, was a baby. You. The daughter of a titan and completely looking like a normal human baby. Keith Shadis who had been the Commander at the time, looked at the baby in his arms and he did not have it in him to surrender you to the Military Police and what kind of tests they might do to a tiny little baby. Keith Shadis was a hard man, but not heartless. As imperfect as he was, he had been the only father you'd ever known and you were sad to see him go. But he said it was for the best, especially after that event on your 8th birthday which had transpired a year before the fall of Shiganshina, when you had transformed into a 12 meter titan by accident. It seemed like you were some kind of half-titan, Hange would later conclude. Erwin had been good to you after he came into charge at the Survey Corps and Levi thankfully managed to keep Hange under control who continued to creep you out. But you missed Keith all the same. Getting a new piece of the puzzle of the titan mystery and your own, had made you look forward to meeting the boy. You had not nearly expected him to be so cute and looking like he would grow into a very handsome man. Needless to say, you had a slight crush and the idea of comparing your titan form to his, just flustered you beyond belief.
Things had turnt out interesting, like finding out Eren needed to self harm and focus in order to shift. You never did, you only needed to focus on a woman you presumed had been your mother's human form. She would often come to you in your dreams and you very vividly remembered blowing out the birthday candles on your eight birthday, thinking of that woman and how she never got to see you grow up before you transformed. Eren's titan had a different smell then the other titans you've encountered before. He still smelt human after turning into a titan. Hange had found it marvellous and had proceeded to question you why you never said titans smelt different to you and how humans smelt like. This was exactly why you never told Hange anything, because she would bombard you with questions that gave a headache. When she finally backed down, you had the opportunity to sit down in peace. Much to your surprise, Eren sat down next to you. "She finally left you off the hook huh?" He remarked and you chuckled. "Seems so." "How have you endured her for so long?" Eren asked which made you sigh with the weight of tolerating Hange for years. "I suppose it's my angelic patience." You offered as you looked up at the sun that hung low in the sky. "I swear she can be so creepy, like the way she measures my titan form every month as mine does ages alongside me. It gives me the icks." "So your titan underwent puberty? Like…" Eren looked a little red faced but continued bluntly, "it didn't always have boobs?" You stuttered with an even redder face,"Just wh-what were you l-looking at?!" "I'm a boy you know, and you're hot." Eren clarified and you might as well have fainted on the spot. Eren Yeager certainly changed your life for good, that's for sure.
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frenchfrywrites · 10 months
Warnings: MC named Feliz who is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns top (soft)dom amab, pregnant trans man leviathan, anxious levi, pregnancy kink, vomit (not in detail), lots of mention of Levi's belly :)
terms used for levi: chest, pussy, cunt, he talks about his period very very briefly
An unbelievable amount of thanks to the person who commissioned this fic and their endless patience for me as I struggle and cringefail my way thru august. I hope you enjoy <3
The discovery
Feliz is yanked awake in the middle of the night by Levi calling their name from the bathroom. Puzzled and on the verge of irritation they rub away the sleep from their eyes, then stumble out of bed.
"Feliz," and okay, they didn't pick up on it when Levi called their name the first time, due to being forcefully pulled out of slumber and what all, but he sounds panicked. They quicken their step and find him hunched over the toilet holding,
"Is that a pregnancy test?" they ask, their voice gruff with sleep. Levi's hands are shaking, and when he looks up at Feliz, his eyes are brimming with tears. They drop to their knees between his legs, holding his face gently,
"It's positive, and-and it's not a fluke. I've done five now, and they're all- they're all positive," he manages to tell them before the dam breaks, and he's sobbing.
"Oh, Levi, baby," they coo, holding him to their body. It takes them a second to process his words and then it feels like they've been struck by lightning. "Wait," Feliz pulls Levi's head from out of their shoulder where he's been hiding, "wait, Levi, you're pregnant?" they ask, excitement evident in their voice.
Levi, upon seeing their reaction, gives them a confused look, his tears drying up slowly as he nods. "That's amazing, wonderful- I mean-" they start, but he cuts them off.
"You wanna have a baby with me?" he asks incredulously. Feliz grins- and their cheeks hurt a bit, because it's not often that they do so- before kissing him lovingly,
"Yes, god I love you so much," they finally answer when they pull back. Levi lets out a sigh of relief, and then sobs again, but this time Feliz can tell his tears are happy ones.
"Feliz you have no idea how terrified I was, I was so scared you were going to leave me or- or-" they stop his rambling by kissing him again.
"Shh, come back to bed with me, it's so late, and your silly, pretty little head has given you so much to worry about," they haul him to his feet, first letting Levi toss the test and pull up his pants, then guide him back to their bedroom.
Levi practically crashes into their bed, and Feliz cuddles up behind him, spooning him with their significantly smaller build.
"How'd you figure out that you should take a test?" they ask curiously, running their fingers gently through his hair.
"My period was late," he sighs, sounding utterly exhausted, "plus, I threw up a couple of days ago," he confesses.
"Why didn't you tell me?" they ask, referring to the sickness. Levi whines,
"You'd tell me it was the energy drinks," Feliz laughs at his statement,
"Yes, that's true," they kiss the back of his neck lovingly. "Try to sleep now darling, I think you should tell your family tomorrow," Levi groans, covering his face with his hands. They pull Levi's hands from his face, squeezing them comfortingly "hey, I'll be there too!" they remind him, "you know they're all going to love getting the news," to that Levi sighs, because he knows they're right. "I love you so much, guppy,"
"I love you too," he murmurs softly, relaxing then finally drifting off to sleep.
Trimester One
Levi moans as he finally finishes heaving up this morning's breakfast. Feliz kisses the back of his sweaty neck, wrapping their arms around his ever growing belly.
"Are you alright?" They ask softly, rubbing gentle circles into Levi's belly.
"Am I alright?" He asks weakly, huffing a laugh, "no. This whole morning as been a critical hit at my hp. I'm dying," Feliz moves their fingers gently across their lovers belly, and Levi giggles weakly, resting his body against them.
"Let's get you up," they suggest, helping Levi, who's now struggling a bit with the new weight gain, and sore feet, and sore back, and sore- well, he's just sore all over these days.
"Jeez, my body hurts," Levi whines, after brushing his teeth and letting himself be led into Feliz's room. Feliz hums softly as they guide the taller man into their lap.
"I'm sorry to hear that," they tell him softly, rubbing the stress out of his shoulders. "You'll tell me if you need anything from me, yes? Anything at all, and I won't hesitate to help." They watch in amusement as a blush works it's way from Levi's cheeks to his ears.
"Gwahh, you're so nice to me!!!" He cries covering his blushing face with his hands. Feliz nearly smiles at Levi's adorable response, but instead kisses his neck lovingly.
"Of course I am, I love you, you know," Feliz tells him, causing Levi to squeal and flap his hands excitedly.
Though the morning started pretty rough, Feliz is confident Levi's feeling good now. The only goal they have is to keep him feeling good; and with the way that Levi's moods have been swinging these days, Feliz knows that's easier said than done.
Trimester Two
"You seem-"
"AHHH!!!" Levi cries, jolting in his seat, and whipping his head around to look at Feliz accusatorially. Feliz raises their eyebrows at the reaction, but doesn't offer an apology, It's not their fault Levi was so engrossed in whatever he's doing on his tablet.
"I was going to say, you seem to be in better spirits these days," Levi huffs, and then gives a weak smile.
"Mhmm yeah, I feel a lot better. I'm less hormonal, and throwing up less, and my chest doesn't hurt so much, or at least I've kinda gotten used to it, y'know?" Feliz very much does not know, but nods anyways. "I've been feeling good!"
"And looking good," Feliz adds, because truly they can't help themselves. Levi's belly bump has grown significantly, and he has the stretch marks to prove it. It drives Feliz crazy knowing that they're the one who knocked him up, that it's their baby growing inside of Levi. These days Feliz daydreams constantly about kissing every inch of their lover's belly. They lick their lips subconsciously, and Levi flushes under their gaze.
"You- you really think so?" He asks, nervously picking at his skin.
"Yes," Feliz purrs, taking Levi by the hands and helping him to his feet. They guide him towards the bed, helping him lie on his back, so Feliz can get a good look at him.
"You look delicious," they mutter, and their tone comes off as a little ominous, but Levi only flushes and nervously giggles at their words. "Can I see you, my darling?" They ask softly. Levi bites his lip, pulling up his shirt shyly. Feliz runs their hands along his belly tenderly, the corners of their lips turning upward at the soft sigh that falls from Levi's lips.
Feliz knows they're going to relish this trimester. The glow that adorns Levi is heavenly. And the surge of hormones making him horny and (semi) confident are both welcomed and appreciated. It makes Feliz's cock stir in their pants.
"Please," Levi moans after a while of Feliz groping and massaging his belly. Feliz quirks an eyebrow,
"Please what?" Levi whines, closing his eyes and tightening his grip on his shirt.
"Don't tease," he begs, and of course that makes Feliz want to tease more.
"Just tell me what you want," they say, like it's the easiest thing in the world. "Do you want me to keep touching you?" Levi nods his head wildly, before Feliz can even finish their sentence, "do you want me to touch you," they move their hand down his belly towards his thighs, "here?" Levi takes a moment to think, letting Feliz feel him up.
"No," he finally whines, spreading his long legs, trying to hint at where he needs relief.
"Oh? Do you want me to touch you," their hands drift back upwards, massaging Levi's sore hips, "here?" He moans and melts as Feliz gently rubs the stress out of his muscles, but eventually shakes his head.
"Do you want me to touch you-" their hands start drifting again but Levi cuts them off, taking Feliz's hands in his own and moving them to his pussy.
"Here, touch me here," Levi whines, pressing their hand against his cunt, and grinding on it, "please."
Feliz hums, "okay sweetheart, I'll give you what you want," they lean down to kiss him, their dick now hard and straining- nearly uncomfortably so- against their pants. Levi purrs happily, letting Feliz lick against his lips.
"All you had to do was ask," they murmur when their lips part. Levi glares, but Feliz ignores him in favor of helping Levi out of his maternity pants and underwear, groaning when they get a look at Levi's glistening pussy.
"Look at you darling," they breathe, staring unblinking at the sight before them. "Fuck, you look good enough to eat," Levi keens, his long legs trembling.
"No, no, please," he whines as they lean down to have a taste. Feliz hesitates, staring at Levi with their big unblinking eyes. "Just use your," Levi's voice drops to a whisper, "your fingers," he requests, avoiding eye contact.
"Aw, so needy," Feliz coos, and reaches over to grab lube. They make quick work of slicking up their fingers, and press them against Levi's hole.
Because he's so wet, Feliz is able to slip in two fingers right away, scissoring and stretching him open for their cock. Levi's moans, releasing his grip on his shirt in favor of wrapping his arms around Feliz, pulling them in for a kiss.
It doesn't take long at all for Feliz to open Levi up, and sooner than later they're gently pulling away. Levi whimpers softly at the lack of attention and kisses, but his mood quickly shifts to one of excitement as Feliz begins to strip themselves of their clothes.
Feliz takes a bit of time with lubing up their cock, even if they absolutely don't need to with how wet Levi's pussy is right now. It's just fun for them to watch Levi grow needy for their dick.
"Please," he whines, jutting his bottom lip out in a cute pout, "please," he begs again weakly, looking like he'll genuinely become distressed if he doesn't get fucked soon. Taking pity on him- and really they're getting desperate too- Feliz presses the head of their dick against Levi's entrance.
Levi lets out a long, drawn out moan at the sensation of being filled, and wraps his long legs around Feliz's waist, pulling them closer.
They slowly inch their hips forward, pushing gently into Levi. For the sake of any and all anxieties that the both of them hold, Feliz has been especially gentle and careful ever since that fateful night when Levi called them into the bathroom. It's an agonizing few minutes, but finally their hips meet his as they bottom out.
"Fuck you feel good," Feliz hums, massaging and petting Levi's belly as they wait for him to adjust.
"Um, you feel good too," Levi tells them, barely above a whisper. Feliz presses a sweet kiss to his lips, delighted by the confession.
"You can move," he says when they pull away, quickly adding a nervous, "if you want to, I mean."
Feliz lets out a soft laugh, and gladly begins with a soft, but steady pace. Levi moans, knocking his head back against the bed. Ever the indulgent lover, Feliz picks up the pace very quickly, because the way that Levi tries- and fails- to rock his hips back against them is telling of how worked up he is.
"I'm gonna cum-" Levi gasps, like it's a shock to himself. "Fuh-Feliz, please- ah- faster?" he begs, clenching and fluttering around their cock. Feliz complies, their hips snapping in an erratic pace, as they near their own orgasm. Seeing Levi like this, coming apart so quickly, so desperate and needy, and so beautifully full and pregnant gets them nearly embarrassingly worked up.
"Please, please, ah-need it, need you, so- oh- close, close, Feliz," Levi cuts himself off with a choked moan, clinging to Feliz like he'll die without them. His breathless, frenzied babbling makes Feliz feel hot all over, and they know they're close.
Levi finishes first, his voice cracking as he cries out Feliz's name and locks his legs around their waist, his pussy clenching and fluttering around them until they follow soon after. Feliz fucks Levi through their orgasm, pumping him full of their cum and basking in the sweet mewls and moans that escape Levi as they do so.
Once both have come down from their highs, Feliz goes to pull out, but Levi stops them.
"Um, can you just," he picks at the bedding under him, mumbling at a nearly incomprehensible level, "stay inside me, cause I'm gonna prob'ly want more, soon, like really soon, if that's okay," he trails off, awaiting judgment.
Their dick twitches, blood already flowing back down as arousal sinks deep into their gut at Levi's words.
"Yes," Feliz breathes, "sweetheart I'll keep you full as long as you need me," they promise, sealing it with a kiss. They can feel Levi smile into the kiss, and they know there's a long night ahead of them.
Trimester three
"You're still awake?" Feliz groans, wiping the sleep from their eyes. They'd woken up to see Levi illuminated by the light of his monitor, clicking away at his newest game. Before they made it clear that they'd woken up, Feliz listened to him explaining what he's doing in the game to the baby. He's taken to talking to the baby a lot these days.
Levi turns sheepishly to Feliz, embarrassed at being caught. "Sorry," he mutters, "couldn't sleep." Feliz hums,
"Did you try?" and Levi doesn't answer, because they both know the answer. "Come here and lay down with me," they plead softly, "I want to touch my baby," and it's unclear whether Feliz is talking about Levi or the bump.
With a growing smile, Levi hauls himself up, and waddles over to the bed. He lays down with a bit of difficulty, but it's all worth it when Feliz wraps their arms around him. Levi sighs contently, his eyes fluttering shut. In moments he's fast asleep. In the dark, Feliz smiles to themselves, happy that Levi's able to sleep now, knowing (and slightly dreading) that they'll have many sleepless nights in the near future.
The Baby
"It's so beautiful," Feliz gasps in awe, holding their newborn for the first time. Levi would probably cry if he wasn't so sleepy. Seeing Feliz holding their baby makes him so overwhelmingly happy he doesn't know what to do with himself. All he can do is reach out weakly. Feliz gets the message, because they always know what he wants, and carefully places the baby in Levi's arms. They then join Levi in the hospital bed, wrapping their arms around him, and staring at the baby as it sleeps peacefully.
"I love you," Levi whispers, looking at the baby, and then Feliz. Feliz kisses Levi's cheek lovingly, "I love you too."
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 days
We outside with a Bad Boy~ (Satan Attacker Prologue React Part I)
I would say *spoilers* but this card has been out for a minute now so lol FINALLY, A BIH POSTED THIS
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So let me first say, thank you all for sticking around and waiting patiently for my reacts to start up again. Now that I've been getting my sources from the lovely mooties and oomfs with the addition that there's some down time lately for content with PB so now I can hurry up and post some shit before they start hitting us with Belphegor and the next chapter which I assume will be all at once. A simple two-parter! Grab yourself a smol snackie snack and let's gooo~
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Belial bae <3 So today is a rare day for Gehenna where the devils don't need to fight any angels and instead, everyone's doing their part and cleaning up and little and the nobles are doing their part as well! As you see Belial/Jjyu here telling everyone to take it easy because it's pretty much a "day off".
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So Paimon is strong asf because he picked up a pile of rocks which turned out to be a damn wall lmao Thank you Zagan my babes, <3 that is a wall and he shouldn't pick it up
But nah Paimon can pick my fat ass up with one hand and just hold me up if he can pick up a damn wall.
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Lol look at Leraye....being cute as per usual and then we get Astaroth warning everyone to be careful what they wish for when it comes to chaos returning quickly to Gehenna. Like I'm with Ro here...because enjoy your day where you don't have to fight through flying debris, rubble, and having those nice ass homes destroyed in a blink of an eye because Gehenna is literally a fucking war zone 90% of the time. But where there's down time...there's chaos somewhere....
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AND that's when we pan over to MC in Satan's palace....btw his conference room looks so official like I love it for Satan.
But we've got our three kings here and they've showed up for some reason. It's funny that we get to see why...
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First...MC was asking a question about what's going on in each country as to why they're there at the same time. Levi hit 'em with the "stay out of grown folks business" and I wanted to swing on him immediately because no one asked you to get snarky.
he tests my patience every day i swear
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Beel is just speaking plainly but MC brought up a good point where he's never away for a moment his ass is ALWAYS gone lmao
Bael is throwing punches in the air rn if he could hear Beel say this, I know he is sick of him
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Yes. That is mine. All of it. Bring it to me.
*Ahem* wait what were we doing? Oh right ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
So Mammon is just confident that his nobles are handling it well while he's gone. I mean in the first couple of chapters we see that it's clearly Eligos and Valefor holding down the fort since Bimet goes everywhere with him.
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I love how Sitri is just always annoyed as hell when it comes to people gathering around MC like this. But I mean I don't blame him because why are all of them there?
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So Beel just straight up says he came there to go on a date with MC (he's so cute I love him, where we going bae?) and then he proceeds to grab them by their waist (gawdddddd) and then he does his thing where he's sniffin' up on their clothes.
we know damn well he has money he just spends it too much lmao so the buying clothes thing would definitely happen
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so he whisks MC over to Levi, and he apologizes for grabbing them so suddenly. like i feel we don't deserve Foras because he's so nice and soft and I just want to squish him.
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So Levi wants MC to come to Hades for a serious test reason (as if Levi we're on to you) and Beel is like ah so you wanna go on a date too. (clocked him that's most likely why lmao) and Levi gets irriated but he doesn't hang him.
I have my own theory on why he makes empty threats with the kings, and it's mostly because he likes interacting with them and doesn't really want to hang them unless they really piss him off. So empty threats are his communication with them and that's why they all keep calling him "Levi" for short lmao
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So Mammon comes up with his reasons for having MC, and he says he's happy to see everyone get along and wishes the other three were there (so yeah I would assume he gets along with all the kings since he wants to be around them) and he calls Bimet forward. So my boujie noble is here saying that since Mammon is a pacifist he just wants to pay everyone for allowing MC to come to Tartaros since the country is swimming in money and they can afford any price tag. Proceeds to then say low key everybody broke asf so don't even try.
Levi and Foras take that personally as you can see them being irritated. LMAO Bimet is always gonna call someone a broke bitch it's a given.
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Beel is so cute I swear because he literally does not care about what's going on with what the other kings said. As far as he's concerned MC is going on a date with him and everyone else has to wait their turn.
"That's fixed"
Damn right it is, like, you tell 'em Beel <3
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Okay so Levi got some hands with this clapback because he said that with no remorse and with the quickness.
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So imagine how tall Mammon is right, imagine that the room shook when he stood up like that and looked down at Levi.
He's smiling so he's not even being threatening he's just like :D hey Levi real quick...
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So Mammon is basically telling him, that he needs to act correctly because MC belongs to Tartaros and therefore he needs to respect their wishes to come with him to spend the day together. Levi of course is irritated again because everyone keeps cockblocking him.
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Look at this sneaky little devil, being all like "there's gonna be a war in this room so let's go" as if he didn't cause any of that by agitating Levi in the first place lmao (granted Mammon also has been blocking Levi too)
What's weird is that Mammon and Beel have been blocking Levi but Mammon hasn't really directed any of that energy toward Beel at all so it feels like a strange dogpile on Levi. But honestly it's tension all around this room to where MC is feeling a certain way about it and feels bad that they can't be in multiple places.
I love this banter so far between them because this is truly how they interact when it comes to claiming MC and it's going to be a real treat when the other kings start getting involved.
SO this ends part 1. See you all in part twooooooo <3
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sea-squeaker · 5 months
Okay so, instead of practicing German like I should be(I like to test duo's patience) I'm gonna rant about Luke and my hcs for him. Trust me I have tons.
Okay so first of all, for looks I have this card edit I did!!
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Asmo did his nails for him, he likes to collect cute hair clips. Much like how he collects cute bandaids ingame:D
How I think his outfit works!! Okay so we all know he has wings and that once got me thinking on how exactly his outfit works with his wings. I'm not happy with just saying "it's magic ig" bcs I need a plausible answer or I'll go insane. Okay anyways, his shirt situation comes in two layers, the shirt part then the cape shoulder thing he's got going on. The shirt has a backless panel to it and is more like a sweater than a shirt, it buttons up in the back so he's able to put it on with his wings out. The shoulder thingy with the tassels is all together, minus the neck tie thing tho. I'll just leave the rest of the explaining to the diagram I tried to sketch up, I really hope it explains things well enough!!
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So adding onto this ramble a lil bit, trust me it relates to Luke completely. I think the angels are like birds and do act a bit bird like. Luke has the wings of an albino barbary dove (basically just a white dove). However, due to him being a child, he's got the wings of a baby bird, so he's a lil angel nestling and I just think that's precious. Another thing on just angels, I believe that they do molt and their wings require preening by hand. Usually, juvenile angels are assisted with this by their gaurdians. So this means Simeon does help out Luke with his preening. This also means alot of cleaning around purgatory hall during molting, tons and tons of feathers!! (Luke's feathers are soft and fluffy, Simeon's feathers are longer and course) I also believe Simeon to have the wings of a mourning dove.
So for Luke's music taste, I think part of it is influenced by Simeon, the other part by Levi. Allow me to explain the Levi part. Levi introduced Luke to WonderlandxShowtimes and he most certainly got hooked. His favorite WxS songs are Becoming Potatoes and Miracle Painting, he also enjoys other energeticsongs like that. I think Simeon would like more peaceful and warm songs. Specifically the song, Welcome Home, Son by Radical Face. So yeah Luke likes those types of songs aswell. One more thing he enjoys listening to is the James and the Giant Peach musical:]
Things that Luke would watch!! I think they consist of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Bluey, Gravity Falls, and stuff like that!
Luke has a hard time sleeping without something to snuggle, he has a shiba inu plush that he sleeps with.
Luke really loves sea creatures!! I base this off of him wanting to visit the aquarium in his bday event. For his bday, Solomon got him a big encyclopedia on sea creatures and he was jumping with joy. He proceeded to not read a single other thing until he finished the sea creature book. His favorite sea creatures are blacktip reef sharks, moon jellyfish, sea angels, sea squirts, and sea bunnies:D
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When Luke is very happy, he can often be seen jumping up and down, flapping his hands, bouncing on his toes, kicking his feet, etc. He is quite anxious when he can't find Simeon or is waiting for him to come back. He's like a dog waiting for his owner to come back from the grocery store in a way.
Thank you very much for reading these!! Have a Luke doodle:D
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soursvgar · 1 year
could i please request mammon with a reader who has extreme anxiety, so at first they just followed him around like a duckling would its mother and always looked to him out of everyone for help with things?
~generally, theyre just obviously most comfortable with him and favor him most because of it; being more expressive and stuff around him while being more on the reserved, shy side with the rest of his brothers. id just imagine him pretending to be annoyed but secretly enjoying the attention lolol!
"It is the fear of the unknown that makes you stick to what's familiar, a sense of home in a foreign place."
Mammon x gn! reader (ft. Leviachan)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Home is a place for your heart to rest at ease, and in the depths of the devildom— it simply could not. It is quite the peculiar opportunity you were given, living among creatures who are different from you, and allegedly, stay protected. Perhaps even too good to be a real opportunity, but who can blame the human for fearing for their life? It is in fact, a constant worry for the fragile, feeble human race. It isn't a surprise that you had latched onto the nearest, closest form of a warm human connection you could've achieved in the short time upon your arrival.
Mammon is not like the others. Maybe it’s his withstanding patience, or maybe it’s the deep, intent gaze he's wearing every time you express even an inkling of fear, focusing on validating your emotions while simultaneously, assuring you of your guaranteed safety. With him by your side, you had almost forgotten of your whereabouts, and the creatures lurking around the corners, possibly just waiting for a moment you're alone. For this reason, letting him venture on his own, away from your vicinity, is something you are too afraid to do.
"Human, I told you to stop following me. It's too annoying, I have things to get to- places to be. I can't have ya on my arm all day like a lost puppy." Mammon mutters, shaking his head as you request to accompany him on his schedules. "Why don't ya go play with Levi or something?" He suggests, regretting it almost instantly when he notices your eyes drooping with dejection. However, this is a teaching moment for him, as he expects the rest of his brothers to protect you as well, and to develop some sort of a connection, or a sense of responsibility, at the very least. And with a heavy heart, he leaves.
You're unsure of what you're supposed to do; should you wait in your room, alone? Or is that a bit too- pathetic? You didn't want to use this word, but that is indeed the way you feel. You look down the dim hallway, wondering if you should take up on Mammon's suggestion. After all, he is in fact trying to help, right? And you should, eventually, step out of your shell, because it could be fun- maybe. Your legs are trembling as they lead you right outside the door of Leviathan's room, shaky fingers curl before they make contact with the cold, coated material.
"What is it?" The reply is immediate, flustering you as it sounds querulous enough to make you want to back away. Before you do, however, the door swings open, revealing an impatient looking demon- but his expression changes once he figures who's behind the door. "O-Oh, it's you. I thought it was one of my annoying brothers bothering me while I'm testing one of my new games." Say something, come on. You try to urge yourself, but the sounds just barely come out. "U-Um..." You stutter, hoping Levi doesn't shut the door in your face for taking too long to form a sentence.
"Do you... want to come in?" He offers, widening the gap between the door and it's frame as he gestures for you to enter. You thank him quietly and settle inside, the blue tint giving the room a strangely relaxing aura. "You like it? The colors?" Levi questions shyly, noticing your gaze being fixated on the decor.
It's a slightly awkward encounter to say the least, but if you already had to pick a brother to interact with while forcing yourself out of a crippling social anxiety, Levi is most likely a safe beginner's level choice as he's probably just as sheepish as you, if not more. Moreover, as soon as you start engaging with his hobbies, he does a big chunk of the talking, helping you ease into the situation and making you more comfortable around him by the minute. Perhaps Mammon knew what he was saying.
Time passes rather quickly. Engrossed in the flashing images on the screen, neither you or Levi pay attention when the door creaks open; at least not until an audible sigh is heaved, tearing your eyes away from the game the two of you bickered about. "You really are here..." Mammon breathes in relief. Was he... worried about you? No, it can't be, can it? "Not like I care! Or anything..." He quickly adds. "But I figured I'd find you in your room... waiting." Lowering his tone in the last word, he avoids your eyes.
"I was playing games with Levi!" You approach Mammon, full of glee. He offers a content smile and instinctively reaches to ruffle your hair before retracting his hand back, cheeks tinted at his sudden gesture. "Excuse me? It wasn't just games, it was THE game. Exuberant story telling with a cutthroat plot projected in the latest high definition graphics aspects, the animation is so good it feels like the characters are trying to murder us in real life!!" Leviathan intervenes, thankfully cutting through your blundering interaction with Mammon.
Later that night, Mammon finds yet another silly excuse in order to be let inside your room; sprawled on your bed, he watches as you prepare your backpack for the next day. "Did you have fun with Levi?" He blurts out, causing you to avert your gaze back to him and nod in agreement. "But not too much fun, right?" He raises an eyebrow, seating up from his previous position. "What are you talking about?" You chuckle, accompanying him on the bed as you take a seat next to him.
"Ya know I only rejected you so that you can be closer with the rest of my brothers, right? You need to be bustin' it with other demons here so that ya'll can have fun even when I'm not around. But... I mean, you can't get too comfy with them, ya feel? You're still my human, even if its burdensome to take care of ya-" He pauses, waiting for a reaction from you, but only to be met with silence on your part. "Okay... it's actually not that burdensome- or at all. I like havin' you around and I wouldn't mind if you were hangin' with me all day- but I'm doing this for you! You should show all these peeps what you got, y'know?" Mammon gently tugs on your sheets as he speaks, purposely looking away from you. He twitches at the abrupt sensation of your weight on his shoulder, glancing back at you to realize you are laying your head on him. "I know, you were looking out for me."
He grins, encircling his arm around you to pull you closer. "I'll always look out for you, human."
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stargirlaveblog · 3 months
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Chapter 13
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•Previous Chapter: Chapter Twelve
•Next Chapter: Chapter Fourteen
•Chapter List
•New chapters every Thursday
•Content: Levi Ackerman × OC female. Slow Burn! Canon verse!
•Word Count: 2.7k
•Warning: This content may not be suitable for all readers. If you've watched all of AOT then you will understand that the show handles heavy subjects such as abuse, racism, violence, and other heavy subjects. This fanfiction will also have the same heavy themes. Chapters with heavy themes will be marked with * at each chapter.
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A/N: Hey babes! I just want to say thank you all for the support. This is my first ever fanfiction & using Tumblr so thanks for the patience and positivity. I’ve read a lot of fanfics to the point I was running out. (I’m a picky bitch) I got to the point where I had an itch that wasn’t being scratched. I needed something so angsty and tension ridden that I decided to create my own story. I hope you guys enjoy this story because I have no plan of ending it anytime soon. Within the next month or so I plan on uploading this fic on Wattpad & ao3 as well. I understand it might be difficult to read on here, bare with me. I’m not tech savvy unfortunately. (2-24-24)
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The infirmary was a place where the scent of antiseptic hung heavier than Hange's lab. I don't know which one I'd rather be at. Hange would just talk my ear off, a lot better than being poked and prodded at. Who knows with Hange though, I could end up as their test subject at any moment. I guess the doctor is a safer option, one that I can hold accountable.
The doctor, with all the charm of a brick wall, attempted to order me around as she waltzed around the room. I didn't want to listen to her, there was no reason for me to be here anyway.
"Sit down, Iris," she demanded.
"I'm fine. I just need new wraps, that's all. I can handle the rest myself," I countered, my bravado masking the twinge of pain radiating from my battered body.
The doctor sighed, her expression a mix of 'Not again' and 'Why me.' She was over my shit and I was over hers as well. I avoid her just as much as she avoids me.
The door swung open without the courtesy of a knock, and in walked Levi, the epitome of perpetual grumpiness.
"When will you learn to knock?" I threw at him, but Mr. Manners over here didn't seem to care.
"Brat," he grumbled, his eyes quickly scanning the room. "Why am I here?"
"She won't sit," the doctor lamented like she was dealing with a toddler who refuses to eat their veggies.
Did she really call the Captain on me?
If Levi hadn't walked in maybe she would have accepted her fate and dealt with the defeat. Levi's eyes laser-focused on me, or maybe it was just his usual stare.
"Your ribs," he stated, a command more than a question. "Sit down."
In reluctant submission, I perched on the uncomfortable examination table, a sigh escaping my lips. The doctor prodded and pressed on every inch of my battered body. I winced, particularly as their fingers found the tender spots on my lower ribs, the pain shooting through me like a lightning bolt.
"I'm fine," I groaned through the discomfort, attempting to downplay the obvious.
"No, you're not," the doctor retorted, unyielding in her assessment. I shot her a scowl as she continued to deliver the unwelcome prognosis.
"Your ribs never healed properly. Maybe if you did as you were told we wouldn't be here. Rest for two weeks, and then we'll have another follow-up."
"Thrilling," I deadpanned, envisioning the excitement of two weeks staring at the ceiling. Levi's glower intensified, probably sensing the impending chaos of my forced downtime.
"She is not to engage in any training or expeditions until she is cleared, Captain," she declared, her stern gaze landing squarely on me.
Levi, arms crossed in that brooding way of his, shot a glare that could make even a Titan think twice.
"Oh, trust me. She won't be."
"I'll be fine. Stop overreacting," I mumbled, dismissing their concern with a wave of my hand. Death and I were like old pals—flirty but never too serious.
"No. You are not fine," the doctor asserted, her exasperation palpable. "You just love flirting with death, don't you?"
"Yeah, just a bit," I grinned, hopping off the examination table as if I hadn't just narrowly escaped becoming Titan chow.
"You're not done," the doctor stated firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.
"Oh, I can just wrap it myself," I offered, trying to sidestep more medical attention.
"Wrong. You'll come to my office every day to get it wrapped,"
"That's okay. I got it," I insisted, attempting to regain control over my destiny.
"It's not an option. You have nothing else to do anyway," Levi chimed in, his annoyance practically a tangible force.
"Paperwork," I informed Levi, I can only envision the burdensome stacks scattered across his desk. "You have mounds of it."
"You can get that done after," he dismissed, a casual wave of his hand.
"Fine, whatever. Just wrap me already," I groaned, reluctantly surrendering to the inevitable visit to the infirmary.
And just like that, my grand plans for rebellion were crushed under the heel of duty and responsibility. No expeditions, no training, just the thrilling routine of daily bandaging sessions. Not even paperwork could get me out of this situation. The glamour of soldier life, they said.
Levi, ever the epitome of brevity, left the doctor's office, leaving me alone with her—a situation I deeply dreaded.
"So," she began, a faux pleasantness tainting her voice. I, on the other hand, contemplated escaping through the window.
"How've you been?"
"Great," I replied, my tone implying anything but.
She rolled her eyes, her hands deftly wrapping my protesting ribs. "Uh-huh," she continued, winding the bandages tighter.
"And sleep? How's that going for you?"
"Amazing. The full eight hours and occasional naps every day," I retorted, my sarcasm dripping like honey.
"Oh really?" she pressed on, unfazed.
"Oh yeah, best sleep I've had in years," I replied with a grin that didn't quite reach my eyes.
"Your eyes say otherwise," she observed, a touch too perceptive for comfort.
I opted for silence as she finished wrapping my ribs, hopping off the bed with an air of finality.
"Anything else, doc?"
"You need to rest," she insisted, stating the impossible.
"You know I can't do that," I shot back, walking out the door before she could further encroach on my stubborn resolve.
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Same old slop bean soup, the Scouts' daily culinary masterpiece – or disaster, depending on how you view things. Trash for us while the other military branches dined like royalty.
With an air of resigned acceptance, I served the lackluster fare into a container, the same repetitive soup that graced our tables day in and day out. Lars, the scouts' chef and bearer of both good and bad news, shattered any hope of something different.
"No bacon today, miss," he declared.
"Shocker," I mutter, unenthusiastically piling the obligatory veggies and bread into a basket.
"This is for the Captain," he grins pulling out a tin canister at his side from his apron.
"I'll make sure he knows. Might even crack a rare smile from humanity's stoic wall." I said taking the canister and quickly putting it in the basket before anyone else sees.
Lars beamed with pride. Everyone admired Captain Levi, and winning his favor in the food department was an achievement, especially for me. Often they would add small bags of sugar in my basket for the Captain or sometimes sweets from the ladies.
It worked in my favor most of the time. Captain didn't want the luxurious treats from his admirers but he did want all the sugar. It was a compromise I was content with. While the girls in the regiment splurged their savings on the Captain thinking it would work in their favor, I snacked on each item.
"To the office?" Eld inquired, strategically positioning himself to block my path.
I can never have a moment to myself.
"Yeah, the thrilling world of paperwork awaits," I replied, attempting to sidestep his social invitation. The mundane mess hall was the last place I wanted to linger.
"Stay, have dinner with us for once," he urged his hand landing on my arm in a well-intentioned but entirely unwelcome gesture.
"Let go,"
Eld complied, but the echoes of his touch lingered, reigniting a familiar anger as I left the mess hall, basket in hand, and a taste of frustration.
Eld doesn't know the details but knows enough to understand I don't like being touched. He's been around enough to know, he's seen enough to know. They all have.
I pushed open Levi's office door, an uninvited guest with a basket full of shit as an excuse for dinner. The room was suffused with the flickering glow of lanterns, and the warmth from the fireplace competed with Levi's ever-present scowl.
As expected, the man himself, sipping tea and drowning in a sea of paperwork, shot me a scowl as I strolled in unannounced.
"It's polite to knock," he scolded, his eyes narrowing.
"Pot calling the kettle black. When was the last time you knocked before barging in?"
Politeness and Levi were distant relatives, especially when it came to door-knocking etiquette. I couldn't help but wonder how many innocent souls fell victim to his uncanny ability to barge in unannounced, even in the men's restroom.
Ignoring his irritated huff, I set the basket on his side table and began unpacking our lovely dinner. Bread, potatoes, carrots, and the perpetually present bean soup – the Scouts' culinary masterpiece. The meat was a luxury reserved for those suicidal expeditions defending humanity.
"I brought you dinner," I declared, crafting a plate for him even though he would insist he was not hungry. The man needed sustenance beyond tea and stress, and someone had to remind him.
"I'm not hungry."
"Shut it. You're going to eat it or I'm going to shove it down your throat," I threatened, depositing the plate on his desk with a decisive thud.
His steel eyes, momentarily diverted from the paperwork, met mine. Levi's face remained an emotionless canvas, an unreadable mask only occasionally betraying a hint of anger. He took a begrudging bite of the bread, showcasing his usual efficiency in devouring it.
What a brat.
"Happy?" he deadpanned, pushing the plate away after a few bites.
"You burn more calories than you take in, Captain. Ever thought about a balanced diet? Y'know one that's not tea and stress?" I smirked at him.
"You are my stress." He said rubbing his temples.
"Oh really?" I challenged him, leaning on his desk. "Last time I checked, I'm the reason you've survived this long."
Levi's eyebrow quirked, his arms crossed, and he leaned in, eyeing me with that infuriatingly unreadable expression.
"Let's not forget I'm the reason you haven't bled out and died yet."
"Well, I'm the reason you have all these fancy teas," I snubbed him. "We both know without me by your side, your likability would be rock bottom."
"We both know I don't give a shit about status," he growled.
"You should," Hange's voice chimed in from the doorway.
I felt my body jolt back as Levi did the same, a rare moment of synchronized surprise.
"Oh, sorry," Hange giggled. "Do you think we interrupted something, Moblit?"
"What do you want, Hange?" Levi groaned, snapping us all back to reality.
They barged into Levi's office like they owned the place, plopping down on his couch with all the grace of a nosy neighbor. Moblit loyally stood by, an unwilling participant in Hange's grand entrance.
"Wow!" Hange gasped dramatically. "Can't I visit my very best friends I haven't seen in a while?"
Levi pinched the bridge of his nose.
"You just saw us four hours ago."
"Oh, so you guys can hang out together, but I can't join?" Hange played the victim, poking at invisible wounds.
"We aren't hanging out," Levi and I shouted in unison, our frustration evident.
My ears burned but my cheeks grew hotter at the accusation.
"Really? Then what was all that I saw a moment ago?" Hange prodded, determined to stir the pot.
"Me trying to get this mutt to eat," I groaned, gesturing towards Levi, who shot me a glare that could freeze hell over.
Levi's head snapped toward me, a warning in his eyes. "Watch it, brat," he growled.
I rolled my eyes, choosing to ignore his threat, my attention fixed on Hange. They leisurely got up, stretching their entire body with an exaggerated yawn.
"Well, I guess I'll get going. Be expecting me soon, though! We have some big things to go over," they declared, strolling out the door. Their head peeked back in, a mischievous smirk playing on their lips. "Bye, you two."
"Come on, Moblit. We have planning to do," Hange's voice echoed down the hallway, lingering even after the door closed, leaving Levi and me alone once again.
I flopped onto the couch, covering my eyes with my arms to block out the light.
"What was that about me being stressful again?" I teased Levi.
"Shut it," he groaned. "Be quiet or get out. I have work to do."
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
Gasping for air, I struggled to move, my limbs heavy as if the weight of the world pressed down on me. My feeble attempts to stay conscious were futile.
Coughs wracked my body relentlessly, and the metallic taste of blood coated my mouth, staining my clothes in macabre patterns.
The world spun around me, a disorienting blur that refused to make sense. Panic set in as I tried to grasp the reality of the situation. What was happening to me?
His fist collided with another's face, each blow accompanied by a sickening crunch. His eyes, devoid of any trace of remorse, blazed with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.
Crimson droplets dripped from his knuckles, creating a grotesque mosaic on the ground. He was forcefully pulled away, his breaths resonating like those of a rabid beast.
His eyes admired the bloodshed.
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
"Iris!" I felt a hand urgently shaking my arm and another gripping my shoulder.
My eyes snapped open, and my hands instinctively shot toward the perceived threat, aiming for the throat of the intruder. Before I could tighten my grip, my arms were captured, restrained by a force I couldn't overpower.
"Wake up," a voice commanded its tone firm yet oddly soothing, accompanied by a hand gently resting on my head.
Though my eyes were open, I struggled to transition. Levi's presence began to anchor me to reality.
"Breath," he instructed, locking eyes with me while still holding my wrists in a firm, grounding grip.
We found ourselves on the floor of his office, the crackling fire providing a grip on reality. My back leaned against the couch, and the warmth from the flames seemed distant.
"It hurts," I mumbled, my voice a fragile whisper.
"What hurts?" Levi questioned, his concern evident.
"It hurts to breathe," I replied more audibly, a hint of irritation seeping into my voice.
"Lay down on the couch," he ordered, his grip easing on my wrists.
"I can't. I need to get back to Alexander," I insisted, urgency tainting my words.
"Please, let go. It hurts."
His face appeared paler than usual, a stark contrast against the flickering firelight. Levi's words reached me, but their meaning blurred in my disoriented state.
"You're not awake," he asserted, rising and placing a cup in my hands, ensuring I had a firm grip to prevent any accidental spills. The cold tea trickled down my lips as I stared at the dancing flames behind him. He knelt beside me, still his rough callous hands covering my small puny finger as he held the cup.
"Alexander is in custody," he informed me, a somber note underlying his words.
"Drink," he commanded, lifting the cup to my lips.
As I sipped the tea, I noticed how close and docile he was with me. The heat of his body seeped through his clothes and into mine. The smell of mint and black tea radiated off of him, wafting my way with every move he made.
"What happened?" my voice a hushed murmur.
"You had another night of terror," he responded, his gaze shifting away.
"I realize that," I groaned, embarrassment flooding me. "What happened while I was out?"
"You were screaming," he admitted, his eyes avoiding mine.
"How long?" I pressed.
"At least ten minutes," he sighed. "I couldn't wake you."
Defeat settled over me as I absorbed the impact of my nightmares still haunting me after all these years.
"You're still dreaming about it?" Levi asked softly, his concern evident.
I met his gaze, and concern clouded his eyes, but I ignored it, choosing silence over confirmation. Four years had passed, yet the ghosts of the past lingered.  I was still a prisoner to my dreams.
"No," I deflected, pushing myself off the ground and heading toward the door.
"Thanks for the tea, but I should probably get going. It's late. I didn't mean to fall asleep here. I'm sorry."
Without awaiting his response, I walked out the door, leaving the haunting shadows of the night terror behind.
Will I ever forget the devilish gaze in Levi's eyes that night?
━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
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Chapter 1: November
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☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x fem!mute!Reader (she/her pronouns), set in a modern semi-fictional world
☾ Summary ➼ Due to childhood trauma, you find yourself an adult without the ability to speak. After years of working on it, you have found ways to live without a voice. Now here in your late 20s, you are 5 months in getting used to a new town. On a fateful day in late November, you and your adopted sister visit a local bookstore-café, unaware of the friendships about to blossom. Throughout the months, one friendship in particular develops into something more.
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, oblivious feelings, angst, mention of minor character deaths, trauma, illness, adoption, mentions of fire, disabilities, alcohol use, very light nsfw mentions, eventual smut (these update with every chapter)
☾ Author's note ➼ Hey guys! This is my first time writing fanfiction in a loooooong time, like the last time I wrote was probably in 2011. So with that said please be kind with any feedback or comments. I hope you enjoy! (also I made Hange's pronouns she/her/them/they)
Edit (11/27/2023): Hey guys, welcome to my little world of Unspoken Words. I have quite literally used this story as a way to better myself as a writer. As you read on, you may find that I've progressed (ofc I have a long way to go) but because of that, my first few chapters might be rough. With your patience, you may find a liking to this story as I know I've loved writing every word of it.
☾ word count ➼ ~7.1k
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20-something years ago 
You’re not sure how, but you find yourself sitting in the back of a big, white van. Red and blue lights danced in your eyes, and it felt like a thousand people surrounded you. Something plastic is placed on your face then you are instructed to breathe in deeply. You thought it was funny to be told to breathe, like you don’t just do it naturally, but you follow instructions regardless. It’s hard though, every part of your body hurts, chest included. Every breath you take feels like your insides are on fire.  
‘Fire’, you think.  
Everything is on fire.
 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Present Day
Levi stood blank faced as he meticulously cleaned the blender station for what felt like the 100th time today. The late afternoon rush had just tapered down so he took advantage of the next to empty café to clean as much as he could before closing for the evening.  
“It’s 20 degrees outside, how are people still wanting frozen drinks.” he murmurs to himself, placing the blender back in its spot. Levi turns to the front counter and slings the towel he was using to dry things onto his shoulder.  
His best friend, roommate, and business partner could be seen restocking some books on tall shelves, a gentle smile lighting up his boyish features. It’s been about a year and a half since they started this business venture together and they had no idea at the time how successful their bookstore-café combo would be in this small town.  
Erwin’s thirst for knowledge kept their shelves as variable as ever while Levi’s love for perfecting the art of tea kept the drinks flowing. The problem, however, was Levi’s lack of people skills. He was seldom seen at the register, nor would you ever see him smile or talk to the customers. He often would leave you with a grunt and a swift turn after handing off the drinks.  
No, for that, they had hired a couple of local highschoolers to do the facing work.  
“Mr. Smith, Levi?” a soft voice rang out to the left of him. Levi shifted his attention to a taller girl with shoulder length raven hair standing next to him. Being as Mikasa is his cousin, they found early on how weird it was to be called ‘Mr. Ackerman’ as they shared the same surname. It was this connection too that got them to where they are today.  
“Would it be okay if Eren and I take off a little early tonight? We have some big tests coming up and we’d like to take some extra time to study.” Mikasa shifted her dark eyes to the darkening windows as the sun set just over the horizon. Pinks and oranges flooded the partially clouded skies.  
”Tch.” Levi could not help but roll his eyes. He raised a brow at her and leaned back against the counter behind him for support. “Sure, I guess,” he continues. “But do you really need it or is it for that blockhead?”  
As if summoned by his words, Eren comes up from behind Mikasa and wraps a red scarf around his girlfriend’s neck, both of their jackets hanging off one of his arms. Eren is a good kid, always on time and followed directions, but the amount of sass he held in his body was something else. Levi and Erwin did not mind though, as he added a certain energy in the café that the customers seemed to enjoy. The two men wouldn’t say it out loud, but they really appreciated having them both on the team.  
“Hey, I heard that. And yes, I need to study desperately. Econ is so hard and for what?!” Eren’s teal eyes widened for emphasis. To add to it he even put on a fake pout.  
“Just take the trash with you on the way out and you’re good to go.” Erwin piped up from behind a bookshelf.  
Mikasa nodded in acknowledgement towards the voice, a silent thank you. Like Levi, she was not one for many words. He once thought it was an Ackerman thing but then he thought back to his annoying uncle and changed his mind quickly.  
With that, she and Eren both untangled the aprons from their bodies, grabbed their belongings, and picked up the trash bags that were already taken out of the cans. They opted to leave through the back since the dumpsters were located that way. Again, Levi wouldn’t say it to anyone out loud, but he really did like those kids.  
Erwin could be heard stacking more books into the shelves which left Levi to polish the counters again. It was the last hour before they closed so it stayed quiet for the most part, only interrupted by the sounds of scuffling shoes and books being placed on hard surfaces. Light jazz filled the rest of the silence. Then the bell signifying new customers rang from the front.  
“Levi, can you grab that?”  
The raven-haired man just huffed in response then stepped over to the register. His eyes fell on two figures right in front of him. A frazzled brunette and... you.  
Due to the season, you are bundled up in a thick parka and knitted beanie. A big scarf wraps around your neck and face so that all Levi could see is your flushed cheeks and thick lashed eyes. Truthfully, you reminded him of a marshmallow.  
“What’ll it be?” he asks, deadpan. The brunette is the one to respond, the voice loud enough to make him wince.  
“Hmmm... well one English breakfast tea latte with lots of room for sugar aaaaand I’ll take a peppermint hot chocolate. Oh, and extra whip! We’ll drink it here.” She fished out a card with a dramatic thwip and handed it to Levi’s outstretched hand.  Their café is one of those where if you were to stay, they offered washable cup ware as to keep the prices down on disposable cups. Not to mention the lessened ‘environmental impact’ as Erwin would say.  
Levi glances at you before turning to make both orders. You give a small wave and smile a little, but he was already working quickly on the drinks. 
He went into autopilot as he steeped the tea and steamed the milk. He really appreciated customers that ordered anything outside of coffee, especially when it came to tea. It’s not that he hated coffee, though it’s not like he liked it either, but it just wasn’t his thing. Coffee offered a different kind of bitterness that he wasn’t very fond of. With extra whipped cream in one and extra space in the other, he whirled around to place the drinks on the counter.  
The one with glasses is the one that picks them up and they promptly walk in the direction of where you currently sit, one of the tables in the back corner by the window. You were stripped of your big parka and scarf, though the beanie stayed. Your eyes were wandering around the café in wonder, and Levi was pretty sure this had to be your first time here. But truthfully, he wouldn’t know, he didn’t make it his business to know his customers. That was Erwin’s and the kids’ job. 
“The shelves are full and I’m exhausted.” Erwin came around the counter with a couple of empty boxes in his arms, heading straight for the back to the dumpster. Levi stepped back and leaned against the counter once again, his own black tea that had steeped while making yours cradled in his fingertips. He kept looking at his only customers while he sipped the black liquid. The teacup almost slipped out of his grip as he saw you dumping a large amount of sugar into your cup.  
 There you sit, extremely focused on the cup in front of you and lips pressed together tightly, almost as if you were afraid you’d put in too much. The sight would have been funny if you hadn’t just ruined your entire tea, he thinks to himself. You smile to yourself in satisfaction and put the sugar jar back where it came from. While you stir the sweetener in gently, the brunette in front of you talks animatedly. Hands were flying everywhere, and Levi could practically feel the energy radiating from the corner of the room.  You were doing the same, silently laughing. 
Suddenly the front door flew open, the bell ringing loudly with it. Levi grits his teeth, steeling himself for yet another customer interaction. But his shoulders dropped in relief at the sight of only Carly, Erwin’s girlfriend. She saunters up to the counter with a big smile aimed towards Levi and without even asking she slid behind the bar. Erwin had already made it from the back and was in the process of putting away the leftover ingredients from the day. Carly wraps her arms around her boyfriend and plants a big kiss on his face, to which Levi quickly looks away. It wasn’t weird for her to come in right as they were about to close.  
What was weird, he thought, was the shock that flooded your face as you eyed the very public display of affection. Levi knit his brows in confusion as the brunette pivoted in her seat to see what you were staring at. Their face fell, any evidence of a good time completely erased.  
The person in question whipped around so fast at the voice and the panic that exuded from her was palpable. She quickly unwrapped herself from Erwin’s embrace.  
If it wasn’t for the jazz in the background, the lengthy silence that followed would have been deathly.  
Carly clears her throat and laughs awkwardly.  
“Uh, why are you here?”  
The person named Hange just lifts their hot chocolate cup awkwardly, not really saying anything. Their eyes shift between Carly and Erwin, clearly understanding what had happened.  
“I-I’m sorry, you guys know each other?” Erwin sounds cautious, like he already knew the answer. Of course, he would, he isn’t dumb. His piercing blue eyes survey the situation, going back and forth between the two.  
“Well, uh. I-” Carly stutters, clearly at a loss of what to say in the predicament she found herself in.  
“She’s my girlfriend.” Hange claims calmly.  
This admission makes Erwin sigh heavily, confirming what he had pieced together. Levi stared at him in bewilderment as the man just chuckled quietly.  
“Well. I suppose that’s it then.” And with that he turns on his heel and stalks off to the back room. 
“Wait, Erwin I can explain!” She follows right on his heels and disappears into the back room as well. A minute later you can hear hysterical crying and calm retorts reverberating from the back. If Levi could shrink into the cabinets to get out of this situation, he would. Instead, he focuses on the other party who were having a very quiet and rushed discussion. Well, a one-sided discussion, as he only heard one voice.  
Levi, realizing it was almost time to close anyways, rushes to close the distance between him and the front door. He really did not want to have to deal with other customers while the drama unfurled. So, he flips the door sign to ‘Closed’ and unplugs the ‘Open’ neon sign hanging in the window. A couple walks by about to open the door, probably out for a café date from the looks of it. But they were only met with a dead stare from the sharpest eyes they’d ever seen. With that, they briskly turned around and left down the sidewalk.  
Levi spins around and from here he gets a better look at the two trapped customers. You were moving your hands all over the place like you were earlier. But with an even closer look he realizes you weren’t just talking animatedly with your hands; you were talking with them. You were signing. 
You reacted to your partner’s conversation just fine, so it was clear you had some sort of hearing. Your scarf now hung loose around your shoulders, and it looked like you had tears brimming in your eyes. Levi swiftly walks back to the counter; this is obviously not a conversation he needed to be a part of.
“Hey, don’t worry about me. It’s only been a couple of months. Really, it’s better to find out now than 3 years from now.” They laughed without humor. You know when Hange was saving face for your sake, she was never as sly as she thought she was.  
‘You don’t need to be strong right now.’ You sign then reach your hand out to touch her cheek softly. Physical touch had become your second language early on, if only to emphasize. Fortunately, Hange was okay with that and often embraced it with open arms.  
“I know, my little strawberry. I just need some time to process everything.” They pat you on the head lightly with a small grin. You swat their hands, blushing at the nickname you were so graciously given so many years ago.  But you nod back, knowing they would not change their mind.  
The tall blonde glides through the back door, alone. His face was grim as he tugged loose the tie around his neck.  
“Hange, was it?” He started walking towards you and your very startled sister.  
“U-uh yeah. That’s my name! Listen I had no idea, I’m so sorry. I would have said something obviously but-”, they take a deep breath. “I’m sorry. What’s your name again?”  
“Erwin Smith. There is nothing to apologize for as I can only assume there’s only one blame to be given. I hate that we must meet under such a circumstance, but it is truly nice to meet you.” He raises a hand waiting for a handshake.  
Hange takes it after a second of processing, shaking the hand vigorously with both hands.  
“Well, unfortunately it is what it is. I’m sure Carly and I will be speaking soon. I’m assuming she’s not just hiding back there.” They flick their gaze to the back door he had just come through.  
“Ah well, yes. Long gone... how long were you two...?”  
“Only like, 3 months or so. You?” 
He flinched at that and murmured, “3 Years.” 
Thinking back to her comment not 10 minutes ago, Hange bit their cheek.  
“Oh man I’m so sorry.”  
“No, please. It’s alright. None of this is yours or my fault. We couldn’t have known, but now we do.” Erwin chuckled to himself. You wonder if he’s trying to save face the way your sister did. His gaze now shifts to you. He is a very handsome man. To your extreme surprise, he starts signing to you. 
‘I'm sorry, who might you be? I noticed you signing earlier. I know a little from the books I have read.’ His crystal blue eyes sparkle at you as he signs. You can’t help but break out into a huge grin. You sign your name back and compliment him on his raw signing form.  
‘I am of hearing, though. So please feel free to talk, and I will sign back.’ You clarify to Erwin, the smile not falling from your face.  
“That sounds like a plan. Levi, stop hiding behind the counter and come say hi.” Erwin calls out, not bothering to look over his shoulder. You hear a grunt in response and not 10 seconds later, the barista stands cross armed next Erwin. He nods a hello to each of you.  
You knew he was shorter than you, at least a couple inches, based off the interaction at the counter earlier. But seeing him side by side with his friend was almost comical. But as short stature as he was, it did not keep him from holding himself with such authority. It made you nervous.  
‘Thank you for the tea, it was very good.’ You sign, your sister translating in real time for you.  
“Tch, are you sure? I saw you dump enough sugar in it to make it syrup.” Levi retorts dryly.  
That makes you smile sheepishly. His fixated stare unnerved you a little, but you stare back regardless. Now that he was closer, a glass case no longer between the both of you, your eyes traveled along his face in close inspection. 
He’s beautiful, you think to yourself. His features are sharp and angled. Steely gray eyes pronounced a permanent exhausted look. It was a shade of gray you’ve never seen before, and they were mesmerizing. As if he could feel you staring holes in his face, he flicks his eyes to the side, clearly uncomfortable. But you can’t help it, because really the most intriguing thing about him was not his metallic eyes. It was the scars that marred his porcelain skin.  
A couple of scars ran down the right side of his face. The prominent of the two trailed from the top right of his forehead all the way down to his chin, cutting into his right eye and both lips. You’re pretty sure his eye was quite damaged due to the slight muted discoloration of the eye color.  
He’s beautiful, you repeat to yourself. You glance over to Hange, and they just look over at you with a knowing look. You know she was just begging to ask Levi too, but she just shakes her head. So, you fold your hands together and pinch your lips together.  
“Well!” Hange yells out, breaking the silence. “This human really needs a drink. Let’s all go! Erwin, I demand you let me treat you to a couple drinks!” She wraps an arm around your shoulders and laughs.  
“A drink sounds fantastic; I will gladly take you up on that offer. Let me just close up rea-” He’s cut off by Levi raising both of his hands up in protest. You notice the two missing fingers on his right hand. The pointer and middle were gone. Whatever this man went through, you just had to know. But you toss those questions onto an ever-growing pile and bite your cheek.  
“Erwin, I can close up. You go ahead.” Your sister just smiles widely and practically jumped up and down. The blonde man just clapped his hand Levi’s shoulder and smiled at him.  
“Thank you. You’ll join us after? The usual place?” Levi just shrugs his shoulders in response.  
Part of you hoped he would. You couldn’t place a singular reason why though.  
Fifteen minutes later, the three of you found yourselves in a well-lit and very crowded bar. Somehow Erwin had snagged a table near the back wall. Heavy rock blares loudly from a live band maybe 20 feet away. Overwhelming was an understatement, but you grit your teeth and sit down on one of the stools.  
“Whatcha want, my darlings?!” Hange yells over the music, slapping both hands down on the table and staring at the both of you.  
“Whiskey neat, whatever they offer is fine.”  
You sign the words ‘apple’ and ‘juice’ followed by a ‘thank you’. You’ve never been one for a drink. While it was tolerable to be around, you’d rather not have to taste it if you could help it.  
Looking around, you see all manners of people surrounding you. Something about it makes your stomach turn but you shift in your seat to quell it down. You’re sure it’s only so crowded because of the prospect of a Friday night and the promise of no plans the following day. The town of Jinae was not anything special, but it was quaint. You and your sister found out quickly it was a place where everyone knew mostly everyone. After only settling down here from your hometown 5 months ago, you were still learning of all the local spots.  
From the looks of it, this bar was one of those. “The Scouts” was an inviting place, decorated with dark greens and wood tones. The walls were littered with many frames of a lot of different people. You imagine it might have been local residents in various locations of the town. All of the wood was worn down, so it was clear this place has been in business for a while. A neon sign hangs above the stage where the live band played, something that resembled blue and white wings. It makes you wonder what the significance is.  
Your thoughts are disturbed as a glass is placed in front of you. Realizing the dryness in your throat, you pick up the glass and take a big swig of the amber liquid. You’re met with a burning sensation, and you gag. This alerts Hange of the unfortunate mistake.  
“Ah I’m sorry my little strawberry!! They do look quite similar though, don’t they?” They switch the glasses quickly and laugh. You notice the very noticeable cup size differences between the two and you stare at her quizzically. “I may have taken a shot while at the bar, sorry.” she adds on. It makes you shake your head, but you grab her hand reassuringly and chuckle.  
‘I’m sorry.’ You sign at Erwin, and he just smiles back.  
“Not a problem. But I have to ask, how was it?” A bushy eyebrow raises at you in amusement.  
You just stick your tongue out and make a gagging gesture at him. You laugh though, not really upset.  
Two apple juices in, the live band ends. Hange and Erwin are very deep in conversation, which you suspect might be about Carly. You can’t really hear what’s being said though. With the absence of music, chatter quickly fills the air. Honestly it was really starting to get to you. So, after tapping on the pair’s shoulders and signing where you were going, you find yourself leaning over the guard rail just outside the bar’s door.  
The sun was already far gone. A crescent moon sits high in the sky and a smatter of stars surrounds it. The cold air felt very welcome on your very flushed face. You exhale a big sigh, which garners a puff of steam. It makes you laugh so you do it again. Then you start to wonder how long you might be able to last out here before getting frostbite when suddenly a body starts leaning against the rail next to you.  
With a start, you whip your head to face the newcomer. Instantly you relax at the sight of Erwin’s friend. He was adorned in a big peacoat and his casual slacks. A tan turtleneck sweater peaks out from the jacket’s collar. His face was flushed as well, no doubt from the cold.  
He wasn’t paying you any mind though, instead his gaze laid upon the sky above, at the stars. You wave at him anyways and offer a small smile. He glances at you with a side eye and returns a curt nod.  
Not one for words. 
So, you both stand there in silence, staring up at the twinkling lights above. It wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest. Something about his presence radiated a sort of calm, and you were happy to bask in it.  
After a few minutes, he shifts his weight in your direction, so you face him. He’s staring up at you and it makes you swallow hard. His eyes glowed silver from the moonlight. Truly you have never been this fascinated with a person until now.  
“You like the stars.” It wasn’t a question, more like a statement.  
You nod in agreement, smiling to emphasize your love for them. He purses his lips at that. It seemed as if he wanted to say something else to that, but nothing came out. It just makes you frown a bit. You just have more questions that keep piling up. Everything about him just emanated mystery and it made you want to know all about him.  
‘Are you okay?’ You sign to him, exaggerating your frown to show your concern. You’re only met with a look of confusion. You forget that he does not know much if any sign. And you kick yourself for leaving your communication tools at home. To be fair though, this is not where you expected to be tonight.  
You then get an idea to use your phone to type to him but before you even reach into your pocket, you’re interrupted by a sudden blast of warm air as a couple stumbles out of the bar, both in a giggling fit as they cling to each other. They take off down the road, laughing even harder. The brief warm air makes you shiver, reminding you of the cold outside.  
As if thinking the same thing, Levi catches the door before it closes and holds it open for the both of you. You’re suddenly well aware of the very loud singing happening from within and your eyes widen at the familiarity of one of the voices. You and Levi make your way to the voices and are greeted with the sight of Erwin and Hange duetting a Backstreet Boys song.  
What a sight it was. The tall brunette, face flushed and glasses askew, had their arm around Erwin. He his blonde hair was quite tousled, and he looked like he was having the time of his life. They both swayed together as they belted out the lyrics. As if their smiles were contagious, you felt yourself grin. It was kind of cute. So, you pull out your phone and snap a quick picture, sure to show Hange in the morning. It was a good thing too, because the song ends right as you put your phone away in your bag. Levi clicks his tongue and huffs. You glance over at the noise and notice a small upturn to the corner of his scarred mouth. Noticing your gaze, his face vacates itself from any emotion as he stares back ahead.  
“Oi! Eyebrows!” He calls out to his friend. Levi starts making his way to the stage, walking with a slight limp. Yet another question to add onto the pile. “I’m gone for 45 minutes and you’re already singing.”  
“I’m fine! Just a couple drinks in.”  
You all make your way to the table you had laid claim to earlier. You survey the table and count at least 6 more glasses, not counting your two. It was hard to see who drank what.  
‘Are you okay?’ You sign to your sister, concern etched on your face. They just nod lazily and give a thumbs up with both hands. Levi is regarding you with a look of understanding, and it seems he realized that you had asked him outside.  Music starts playing over the speakers again, and people start making their way to the dance floor. Hange squeals and downs the rest of her drink quickly.  
“Erwin let’s go!” She grabs his arm, not waiting for a response. He gives a mock salute to the two of you and follows without question. Levi just clicks his tongue again and heads to the bar to get himself something. So, you plop yourself down on the stool and stare out into the room. Out of nervous habit you start fidgeting with the napkins in front of you. A moment later, Levi’s hobbling over with a tray of drinks. 
“I got the idiots some water, they look like they need it.” He places the glasses down with a thud, including one of his own housing some sort of caramel liquid. Then he’s sliding something over to you and you’re about to protest that you don’t drink but you realize it’s not a glass. It’s a notepad and pen.  
“If you need something, this might come in handy.” is all he says.  
You’re quick to show your appreciation with a bright smile. You also note to yourself that you could have very well have used your phone to communicate but you were not one to disregard someone’s thoughtfulness. It makes something bloom in your chest, warm and comforting.  
Your many years of not having a phone of course meant writing – a lot. Your handwriting evolved plenty with time so that meant it was extremely neat. It had to have been so that the reader would be able to read it without an issue. 
First you write your name, as you realize no one had really said it out loud while at the teashop. Following that you add ‘I think your shop is wonderful, and I really did enjoy the tea you made.’ You also want to jot down the questions from earlier that were still swimming in your mind, but you hold yourself back. You tell yourself maybe later, granted if there would even be a later.   
When angling the paper so he could see it, his eyes flit across the words quickly and you’re given a grunt in acknowledgement. Pulling back the notepad, you bite the inside of your cheek. While it wasn’t awkward being next to him, he sure made it hard to talk to. His cold demeanor gave you the feeling he wasn’t the type to talk about himself, especially with someone he just met. So, asking questions about him or his life was out the window. Likewise, he did not really seem interested in hearing your life story, not like you were planning to spill it anyways for fear of being met with disdain. You had plenty of experiences with that growing up.  
Tapping the pen against your chin, your eyes drift around the bar room. There a multitude of people lingering about, shouting over each other to be heard. A couple sits in a corner, whispering who knows what to each other. Both of their cheeks are flushed and eyes heavy with lust. A handful of people are on the dance floor grinding away, your sister and new friend sticking out like a sore thumb as they dance with reckless abandon. All of this gave you an idea, remembering something you’ve read before many moons ago. You start scrawling on the paper again.  
‘Are you a gambling man, Levi?’ 
You shift the pad back over to him and he glances down again after taking another sip of his spirit. He was holding his glass in a way you’d never seen before and honestly it was a little weird.  
“Tch, hardly. Why do you ask?” He looks hard at you as you scratch something else down.  
‘I propose a game to pass the time. Let’s make some bets about the random people in this room.’ 
He looks at you incredulously. You stand your ground, not averting your gaze even a little. When you don’t back down, he just scoffs and shakes his head at you.  
“I literally could not care less about these people,” he clicks his tongue. “But I suppose there’s not much else to do so I’ll bite.” Knocking back the rest of his drink, he moves around you to lean back against the wall so that he is facing the rest of the crowd. You shift so that you are doing the same. You don’t overlook the proximity to the shorter man, nor the fact that your arms are almost touching. You start to scribble once more.  
‘Winner gets to ask the loser one question.’ As his eyes fall on your words, he seems a little taken aback. Levi seems to think for a moment, like he’s weighing his pros and cons.  
“One non-personal question.” He amends. You both nod in agreement. So, your eyes travel around the room, looking for your first target. It falls on a group not so far away.  
‘I bet that gaggle of young girls over there are here for a bridal party.’
You point in the direction of the said group. Currently they were taking tequila shots, lime and all. All of them sparkled and were dressed up to the nines, save for the silly little hats adorning their heads. And they were having so much fun.  
“No way,” Levi scoffs, “That has to be a 21st birthday. They all look like babies.”  
Suddenly someone comes through a parting in the crowd with a tray of assorted colorful drinks garnished with cute little accessories. They all yell in excitement at the sight. One of the girls raises her glass and starts shouting.  
“To Estelle! May your married life be full of infinite love, happiness, and orgasms!” They all cheer and take big gulps of their drinks, followed by more giggling.  
Levi glances art you, his gray eyes dull in the dim bar light. An eyebrow lifts at you as well.  
“How did you know?” 
You do a sweeping gesture starting from one shoulder down to the opposite hip. He looks back over to the women and conveniently the soon-to-be-bride had faced your direction. She was indeed wearing a white sash sporting the word ‘BRIDE’ in bright pink letters. He huffs as he rolls his eyes, and you smirk at him in return. You press the pad over to him, already equipped with your question.  
Levi scoffs at your question. As promised, it wasn’t very personal. You figured ice breaker like questions were a good start. But his pause made you question if this was a good idea, you didn’t want to run him off or make him uncomfortable. Then he clicks his tongue, and his face softens ever so slightly.  
“My favorite hobby, huh? It would have to be cleaning.” He simply states. 
‘Like mopping, dusting, all that jazz?’  
“Yeah, it brings me peace. I like the control. Plus, I can't stand filthy things, people, or places. It’s repugnant.” He scrunches his nose at the last statement. A laugh bubbles up and you can’t help but let it loose. You’re shot with a glare and a sharp tone.  
You shake your head no and smile lightly while your hands move adeptly on the pad.  
‘Not funny, just amusing because it’s not something I would have expected. It’s different. If it makes you happy then it is an admirable hobby.’ 
Levi’s looking away from you now. If it wasn’t so dim, you would have seen there was a light dusting of pink color his cheeks and ears. He clears his throat and scans the room for his victim. His eyes land on the couple in the back corner whispering to each other. He notices their not-so-subtle hand movements as they felt each other up. Nodding in their direction, he looks back over to you, leaning close so you can hear.  
“I bet that couple will get up in the next 3 minutes and excuse themselves to somewhere private.” Your eyes travel in that direction, only to look away hastily at such an intimate scene. You’re not able to think of a counter-bet because honestly, you’re thinking the same thing. Your eyes settle back to his face, but he’s already looking back at the couple. If he noticed you staring, he didn’t say. Suddenly his face is filled with a satisfied look, only to be replaced quickly with a look of horror. You follow his gaze again, afraid of what you might see.
Fortunately, it’s nothing risqué, as you catch the tail end of the couple slipping into one of the public, unmarked restrooms. But the thought of their future actions was enough to gross you out. Looking back at Levi, you scrunch your face up in disgust. He nods in understanding.  
“This is why we don’t use public restrooms, especially in a bar.” He pinches the bridge of his nose with his good hand. “When I said somewhere private, I meant like a residence or something. Filthy animals, unbelievable. They better scrub that bathroom down. Maybe I should tell the bartender when they’re done. Maybe I should help clean.” 
His retorts crack you up, your shoulders bouncing from silent laughter. He just stares at you impassively as he runs his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face.  
“Well, it’s not like we should ruin their fun. Anyways I suppose I won. Let’s see... what’s your favorite color?” 
You part your lips, dumbfounded. This was never an easy question, as you found joy in a lot of different colors. You bite your lip and start writing, but after a couple minutes Levi rips the pad from your hands out of impatience.  
canary yellow! 
dark forest gre- 
He just looks at you in alarm.  
“Just pick one.” he scolds. 
You snatch the pad back and scribble down, ‘It’s not that simple!’  
“It is to me. White, easy.” You just stare right back at him, not believing what you just heard. Out of all the many shades and hues out there, this man decides the color white.  
“It’s clean.” is the only response you get.  
It makes sense, you think. But seriously, this man was so weird. But like you said earlier, it was different and that made it refreshing to you. You start searching for your next bet.  
As if in a scene from a movie you’ve seen a dozen times came to life, your eyes snap to a lone woman sitting at the bar, nursing a drink and playing on her phone. A couple seats down, you spot a few men chatting. One of the men is staring hard at the very oblivious woman. You nudge Levi with your elbow, not unnoticing the slight flinch from your touch. You point to the scene, and he is quick to understand.  
“I bet when he walks over to her, she’ll get up and leave.” He says confidently.  
Trusting your instincts, you scrawl back quickly as you notice the man started making his way towards the woman. Sticking your tongue out at him, you angle the pad to him so he could see.  
‘Absolutely not. She’ll tell him off right away.’  
To both yours and his surprise, not one moment later she throws the rest of her drink contents onto the man’s head. She gathers her belongings, throws a wad of bills on to the bar, then stomps out of the establishment. The rejected man staggers back to his friends, and they applaud him for his supposed gall. This event left you both stunned. There’s a moment of pause where you and Levi just stare at each other before all hell breaks loose as he starts talking and you start scribbling furiously.  
“She walked away, I win.”  
‘She threw that drink on him, that’s practically telling him off. And that happened before any walking off.’  
“That hardly counts, no words were used.” He scoffs and folds his arms across his chest as he stares hard at you. You weren’t sure if the indignation was real or not, but it was evident in his face.   
‘Words are not always needed to convey intent.’ You shoot back at him, shifting your weight to tap your foot defiantly. You would know this of course.  
This makes Levi pause. He opens his mouth to say something but then Erwin and Hange came crashing into the little bubble you two had made. Suddenly the sounds of clinking glasses and mindless chatter came rushing in and you took a step back.  
“Um, I think Hange might have had a little too much tonight.” Erwin says, to which your attention is drawn to a very drunk Hange. They were a blubbering, sobbing mess. Whining about things that ranged from Carly to her work stress and everything in between. Your sister rarely got this drunk, but you imagine the events from earlier might have been her breaking point. This was a sign to get her home.  
You hastily round the table to wrap her arm around you and prop her up. Then after whipping a $20 out of your purse and throwing it on the table in front of the boys, you give them a grateful smile and sign to Erwin.  
‘Thank you both for tonight. She and I had a lot of fun. But I need to get her home before she gets worse.’ As if on cue, they let out a loud wail and start sobbing into your shoulder. You shift your body to hold them closer so that you don’t drop them. Erwin grabs your $20 and shoves it back in your purse before zipping it up. He had left you no time to protest as he places a large hand on your shoulder and stares intensely at you.  
“Please, let me take care of this. Tell them this was an exceptional time. And to please stop by the café again, we owe each a good, sober talk.” His bright blue eyes crinkled in the corners as he smiled at you warmly. “It was a pleasure meeting you too. I hope you join Hange on the café visits as well. I think Levi has warmed up to you just nicely.” He wiggles an eyebrow at his friend. Levi just shoves him back and rolls his eyes.  
“Tch, fuck off. She’s alright, I guess.” He’s staring at you now, not as cold as before. “You owe me an answer next time we meet.”  
You purse your lips at him and shake your head in disagreement. 
‘I totally won that, don’t even think otherwise.’ You jot down lazily on the notepad still on the table. It wasn’t as neat, but you were propping up a whole human, you couldn’t help it.   
“Are you sure you’re safe to get home okay? We can he-” You cut Erwin off with a wave of the hand. Their spot of choice was actually very lucky, as you only live a few minutes away. And to be honest, you needed the cold air. So, you sign a quick goodbye to your new friends and make your way out. 
Walking down the snowy sidewalk, you pat Hange’s head as she grumbles about random things. She opted to walk herself, but you kept your hand in theirs to lead them in the right direction. She only stumbled a few times but overall, you were able to keep a steady pace. You note that before you left, her glass of water had been untouched, so you make a mental reminder to hydrate her before throwing her in bed.  
‘Alcohol was not kind to those in their 30s’ you heard their voice say in the back of your mind.  
As your steps left crunching noises in their wake, you peer up at the moon and glittering stars. A certain raven-haired and silver-eyed man etched in your brain. You wonder how soon it will be before seeing him again.  
‘Levi’ you sign to yourself with a free hand. A smile cemented to your face the whole way home.
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☾ Next Chapter: December
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