#leading to a desire to be identified more with them. etc
worldofgoo · 2 years
something interesting ive been wondering about is how much of me identifying as nonbinary is coping with growing up feeling like kind of a “failed girl” ie not really receiving any of the socializing rites of passage and thus never feeling like i can relate to other girls or really be accepted as one
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aroallo-corvid · 7 days
Aroallo is not an "adult" sexuality
[plain text: Aroallo is not an "adult" sexuality]
I am aromantic and allosexual. I am also (as of writing this) a minor. TLDR at the end because I rambled on a bit.
There's a view in society that sexuality and sex are topics that are entirely irrelevant to children and should not be discussed around/with children because it is inappropriate/predatory. And to an extent, there is a point to that, and any discussions of sex and sexuality should be age-appropriate (e.g. an eleven year old would not receive the same sex ed as a sixteen year old because there is a vast difference in experience)
However, thinking like this leads to teenagers not being given proper sex education because they are "too young", which is wildly ignorant of the fact that a decent proportion of teenagers older than sixteen are sexually active. I live in the UK where the age of consent is 16, and I know plenty of people who were in relationships aged 14/15 were having sex. (Whether they weer mature enough to is another matter, but it's important to acknowledge that it does happen so there is no point ignoring this).
This rhetoric also leads to the belief that teens (and younger kids) shouldn't be coming out as gay/lesbian/bisexual/asexual/aromantic/etc. because they are too young to be thinking about sexuality and sexual attractiveness, which just.... isn't true. Many young people have crushes, and as the majority of people are allosexual, this does often involve sexual attraction as people mature through puberty.
Within the queer community, people have said that it is perfectly fine and normal and common for teenagers to come out as gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual - Because if a teen can be straight, they can also be queer. These arguments are all set out beautifully and the points well made.
Some people exclude aroallo people from that. They say that teens can be asexual, because they can know they aren't experience sexual attraction like their peers, and teens can be aromantic as well as asexual because they can realise they also aren't experiencing romantic attraction. But when a teenager says they are on the aromantic spectrum but still allosexual, often the same people who defend teens' rights to be (for example) bisexual turn around and say "you're too young for that".
Honestly, it comes down to sex-negative views that sex is inherently impure/disgusting, and of course children are the perfect example of purity and innocence, so they shouldn't be thinking about such "dirty" topics.
Of course a teenager can be asexual, that distances them from icky gross sex & means they would likely to be only engaging in chaste, pure, wonderful romance. Of course a teenager can be aroace, that makes them little cinnamon infantile babies, safe from all sexuality. (/sarcasm) (Also completely ignores the existence of sex-favourable aces and aroaces)
It comes off as very hypocritical though, because a teenager identifying as bisexual but not aromantic (so biromantic, but that distinction isn't typically made) is seen as acceptable, when they are expressing the same sexual desires as a teenager who is bisexual and aromantic. The only difference is that the first teenagers' sexuality is seen to be "balanced out" by the presence of nice wholesome romance.
tldr: if teenagers can identify as bisexual/gay/lesbian/pansexual/etc. whilst being alloromantic, it is hypocritical to say a teenager cannot identify as one of the above sexualities whilst being aromantic, because romance is not inherently more pure than sex and sex is not inherently impure.
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kalki-tarot · 8 months
Your Shadow aspects you need to work on to meet your FS. 🥀
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Disclaimer — The images I used to select a pile were sourced from Pinterest, I hope the reading will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun.
Check masterlist for more !
Pile 1
Death, wheel of fortune, queen of swords, the chariot, ace of wands, the emperor, king of swords, the lovers, 10 of pentacles.
The most prominent thing I see here is your obsession for fairytale romances, basically you are having unrealistic expectations etc.
This behaviour leads to you to watching a lot of tarot readings, like alot of them!
The high priestess in the bottom of deck tells me you need to learn how to identify and work with your own intuition. You need to develop it for your own good.
Don't be dependent on tarot readings or fiction romance.
You maybe have an image of a rich handsome ceo in your mind. Idk if it's right or wrong to imagine that or set expectations around it but the tarot the deck is showing me exactly this issue.
Please be reminded that a perfect love story in not perfect. It has ugly fights and a lot of things like that.
I'm not saying you don't deserve a love you desire, I'm saying not to be too obsessed with these unrealistic expectations.
Start working on your intuition, meditate, be in nature for sometime. It'll guide you, you'll be your own guide. Take tarot readings as a possibility of the future. Don't let anything take your power.
You'll surely have a love story, with passion and romance if you trust your intuition.
Pile 2
King of wands, ace of pentacles, strength, devil, the empress, queen of wands, 10 of pentacles, 3 of swords, 2 of swords, 2 of wands, 7 of pentacles, death
I feel like you're in a soulmate connection or a twinflame journey. Are you seeing 22 or 222 or 2323 alot?
Do you recognize your talents and creativity, pile 2? If not then start doing it. Nurture your divine feminine side. Keep yourself in check. It will align you with meeting your future spouse.
Don't be too harsh on yourself, it's okay to not be able to follow the same timetable or routine everyday.
Why are you restraining yourself to a point that it's hampering your spiritual growth?
You were born with these talents you have, keep doing it. Allow yourself to feel and do things what make you happy and peaceful.
I'm aware of the heartbreak or painful time you faced in the past. I know it's stopping you from loving yourself, but see the bigger picture.
You need to make a choice, it's in your hands. The choice to either be stuck in the past or move forward with a free and energized spirit on the road of success.
Work on your plans, carry them out in the reality. Plan and succeed. It's your destiny to reap the benefits of your hardwork.
Allow yourself to go through this transformation in life.
Pile 3
Ace of wands, strength, 10 pentacles, ace of pentacles, 7 wands, the lovers, 4 or cups, death, queen of cups.
You need to balance and keep check of your emotional health. You are too sensitive emotionally. You need to master your emotions.
I think it's because of someone broke your heart romantically or you were in a toxic relationship which made you like this.
Please remember how much potential you have carrer wise. You are much more capable of everything, more capable than you think.
You have a tendency to repeat this cycle where someone tells you something critical, you take that seriously, you blame yourself for being this way here and in your love life too and it just keeps going in a circle.
I think you need to rewire this pattern of self blaming. You are not what you think you are. You are much more tha that. You are meant to live a rich and abundant lifestyle, so focus on that. Love will itself find you.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Cultivate Self-Discipline
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Decisiveness drives discipline. You need to clarify and define your goals. State them clearly with their authentic purpose in mind. If you seduce this end goal into your life, what desire are you truly fulfilling? Ex. If you want to lose 10 pounds: Is it to feel healthier? Look better in a bikini? Fit into a certain pair of jeans? No matter how superficial, identify the genuine reason why you want to achieve a certain goal. Whatever reason elicits a visceral and emotional reaction. Sometimes, especially during a busy work day, your reason could be as simple as wanting to lessen your anxiety and ease into a more relaxed state. Any purpose that resonates. Once you have an emotional response tied to a goal, it becomes infinitely easier to motivate yourself to take small steps towards achieving it. Where energy goes, energy flow. Simon Sinek goes more in-depth with this concept in Start With Why.
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable.
Think of performing self-discipline rituals as confidence-building exercises. This action helps you trust yourself, establishes a sense of integrity, and builds self-confidence. For example, if you stick to your meal and workout plan for 5 days a week, you build trust in knowing you're more powerful than your cravings and are capable of taking good care of your body. If you complete a project on schedule (personal or professional), you prove to yourself that you’re efficient, build confidence in your ability to finish tasks you start, and self-affirm that you follow through on your ideas. Finishing that book this month reflects confirms that you value yourself enough to expand your mind, learn, and expand your knowledge base. Eventually, through enough consistent repetition, these rituals into unconscious habits that you do effortlessly in daily life. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
You can’t manage what you don’t measure – your finances, calorie and step counts, workouts, productivity, etc. Tracking data related to your habits – such as your spending habits, eating or workout patterns, writing word count, and task completion – on a given day or week – allows you to understand and analyze your current behavior. What habit cues, environmental or other situational factors are keeping you from sticking to the current task at hand? Do you leave your running shoes stuffed in the back of the closet? Junk food in the house? Work from bed or with your phone by your side? Are you avoiding certain emotions? Does this data change when you’re stressed or tired?  
Awareness is the first step towards redirected action. Analyze these data points to see your pitfalls and strategize how to help yourself. 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight
Set yourself up to win. Get the phone away from your workspace, remove any junk food or soda from the house, delete apps, or silence notifications from people who distract you from your goals. Self-discipline becomes significantly easier when you have to take additional steps to indulge in your vices. Replace these temptations with helpful cues to help you build healthier habits that lead to self-discipline. Give yourself visual cues to move you toward your goals. Keep a journal with a pen next to your bed. Leave your workout clothes and shoes out near your bed. Write a quick to-do list right before finishing work for the following day, so it’s easier to jump into the first task right away the next morning. Cut up some produce or do a 30-60 minute meal prep once a week to eat more healthful meals. Find ways to make it easier to stay on track than give in to temptation. 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Self-discipline shouldn’t feel like deprivation – of certain foods, pastimes, or activities you enjoy. Buy cute workout clothes you feel confident in. Create the most dance-worthy playlist. Make it a priority to buy your favorite fruits and vegetables every week. Rotate a selection of your favorite healthy meals. Leave your sunscreen out – front and center – on your bathroom counter. Find a big, beautiful water bottle to keep on your desk. Purchase aesthetic notebooks, pens, planners, journals, and other office organization items. To make self-discipline feel like second nature, you need to marry indulgences and your desire to meet your goals. Discover the habits that work for you and find small ways to make these tasks more enjoyable. 
Go easy on yourself. Build one habit at a time. Self-discipline is like a muscle. It requires time to build and grows in increments. Try to stay on track and more focused than yesterday. Your only competition is your former self. Find pleasure in the process. Focus on the immediate task in front of you while also keeping your future self in mind. 
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astrroloaries · 2 years
Lilith in houses
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Lilith in houses
Lilith changes a lot when traveling through all the astrological houses. Studying the house placement first is even more helpful, but over-all combining your sign and house can lead to the utmost understanding of this part of your natal chart.
Lilith in 1st house
Hiding your deepest desires and wishes is really hard with Lilith in 1st, even if the individual is a bit ashamed and tries to hide it, it just comes out pouring in almost every case. It is very visible and readable. These individuals might also feel a sort of dissatisfaction (the sign placement would help here, depending on the sign Lilith is in, the individual might incline towards those areas the sign represents, so you can discover or learn more about what the dissatisfaction might be about, for example a Taurus Lilith with a 1st house would indicate dissatisfaction of their possessions, wealth, security, image etc.). Some individuals with Lilith in 1st can feel like they are constantly not able to identify with themselves fully and struggling with it. For some, Lilith in 1st can cause body image issues, feeling ashamed of themselves, of their personality, of their looks.
Lilith in 1st can also be described as someone who reacts and subconscious so it can be hard to work with these people. The thing with Lilith is to always transmute it to the highest potential and form which is achievable instead of falling to the lowest instincts (undeveloped) which can cause pain. With Lilith in 1st, these individuals, should always examine their steps and the action they prepare to take. Also they should dig deeper and investigate just what it is that motivates them rather than trying to push themselves into something so they can get rid of the feelings of shame or to get a “hit”.
Lilith in 2nd house
The darker impulses of the 2nd house are all about money, possessions, survival and/or image. Lilith in 2nd individuals might be obsessed with all or either of these things. This obsession comes from fear. Avoiding to deal with this fear, with the obsession, they try even harder to achieve those things.
They might have experienced rejection which deeply hurt them, and the way their mind works is that in order to get over it, or beat it is to achieve everything materially and just show those people how wrong they were about them. This rejection has been carried out with them whether it comes from a past life in order to deal with it through a journey, or it directly happened to them it is very present and felt. These individuals also fear failure, losing everything and being left with nothing, having nothing, having no name, no legacy, no stable foundation, but that fear lives within them. If they truly accept themselves, they wouldn’t let themselves be operated and lead by fear. Their path to healing is through self-acceptance, self-love and inner child work.
Desiring material stability, beautiful things is nothing to be ashamed of, but it shouldn’t be a leading force leading to obsession which can lead to worse things. Keeping themselves in check and not feeding that obsessive streak is by celebrating achieving authentic success and it feels just about right.
Lilith in 3rd house
Before these individuals had walls up which guard them, they were probably so open to the world and got wounded and hurt. The wound is probably connected to communication/the truth. Maybe it has to do with writing, anxiety, over thinking, expressing oneself, social anxiety, public speaking, maybe even learning disabilities or just a different way of learning that others in their surrounding, a disagreement of what’s true and fake and false. All these experiences might have made these individuals super guarded and cautious in communication.
They either stay silent during communication or maybe they create a persona based on what others like to see and hear and want. In some form or shape their communication is sort of inauthentic, they also censor themselves because they carry the fear of being judged and misunderstood and they are afraid they might get punished for it. Lilith in 3rd can heal through a start of communication with their environment in a natural, authentic way, drop the persona, reveal yourself and don’t be afraid, don’t give a flying crap about those people. Through their healing they might learn that truths can be different and real, each of us experience things differently it is important to pay attention to all of the sides but that does not invalidate your feelings and your thoughts on the matter. It is valid and important to paint the whole picture. Interaction with nature and energy is also very healing, it can get the flow going. Don’t be afraid to use your words as they come naturally.
Lilith in 4th house
Lilith in the 4th can be found in early childhood, family, home, memories, relationship with parents here. The side of Lilith carried within the 4th house might’ve been hard to handle by the parents or the parents did not know how to handle those deepest desires and urges that Lilith causes within us in these individuals. Because of that they either suppressed Lilith because they thought it wrong to express it (accompanied by guilt and shame) or they were rejected in some way. A lot of the time Lilith deals with shame within us created by all these urges and desires, with the 4th house here it can be shame caused and felt by themselves, feeling self-disgust even as children. Even as they get older it doesn’t feel any less shameful, they need to heal their inner child.
The shame experienced can be connected with the sign Lilith is in. Inner child work is necessary to heal, as it is forgiving themselves and finding self-love. Lilith in 4th might be one of the slowest ones to go through the path of healing and patching up those wounds.
Lilith in 5th house
Lilith in 5th individuals were probably shamed about something that happened in their childhood by childhood peers/friends. They might’ve played with themes surrounding Lilith which were probably prohibited and/or taboo by society, especially the other children and their parents. They might’ve been deemed inappropriate.
Lilith in 5th individuals are probably really cool, expressive and futuristic but they are more often ahead of their time and are judged because of it and rejected by society. This rejection causes the wounds inflicted and shame that could play out in two different ways: they could either lean more on the obsessive side and display Lilith even more to others, the rejection make you want to express it even more, flaunt it even more, but you don’t accept them within yourself. All the attention is on Lilith here but it doesn’t help with healing. The other way would be suppressing everything and pretending to be “normal”. Which can mean living a double life or pretending these qualities and sides do not even exist. But as time passes, the pressure can become too much and everything can come pouring down as a tsunami.
Issues with children might be present as well, as we mentioned maybe their personal problems expressed since childhood, or causing them to not want to have children.
The healing path isn’t repressing or flaunting. Instead it is to go inward and leave all of these motherfuckers on the outside, outside. Work on yourselves, go inward, start hanging out with yourself, loving yourself which can only bring you closer to your authentic self and it can make you feel good about yourself. In some cases healing can start when these individuals leave their community/town and just find themselves in another place/city/state. But the way isn’t to show or prove anyone anything. It is about shifting the focus in another direction - themselves, self expression through authenticity.
Lilith in 6th
With the 6th house, here we are dealing with mentors as in teachers, parents, bosses or any other authority figures which are in positions of mentorship. With Lilith in the 6th the way these individuals accomplish their goals and their tasks might not line up with the ways of their mentors/authority figures (society) who consider what’s “right” or “wrong”.
These individuals have different ways about going on things and are/were probably scolded because of it. This can be expressed anywhere in their lives, during school, professional life, participating hobbies etc. The lesson with this Lilith placement is to follow their individual way of doing things, even if others do not appreciate it. But, this might develop differently for different Lilith in 6th individuals, some might turn to a way of slavery/servitude in order to survive (in childhood or a past life). They get troubled with what it is they “should” do and the real trouble is them finding their own voice when it comes to mundane life things. They definitely struggle with what others think and what they want them to do instead of following the beat of their drum.
The healing path here is to embrace Lilith and focus on the feelings inside, on the right that you think/feel/have a way to do. Lilith is an outcast for whatever reason anyway, especially for following her heart, which is something that you need to do. The Universe will definitely send them small struggles which turn into lessons each day to help them build up in order to follow up with their further work with following their heart and their gut instinct rather than the voice of society/authorities.
Lilith in 7th
These individuals more than any other Lilith placement might have trouble seeing Lilith within them. They might be the ones to look a partner that has Lilith qualities because they have trouble recognizing and acknowledging Lilith in 7th within themselves. They might sense these qualities but most are suppressed. There is a part of them that they do not embrace and own up which causes them to not use that part to its fullest potential.
They are inclined to end up with a partner which has qualities of their Lilith sign. The relationship itself might be forbidden in a way, taboo, on and off, obsessive. But it is important not to avoid these type of relationships, owning up their Lilith qualities can really be helped through these types of relationships, they awaken these deepest parts of them that they so masterfully suppressed. They attract these partners because they are the ones that can teach them how to express it; they just need practice to do so. It will be difficult at times and painful but it will be worth it.
Lilith in 8th
These individuals have probably experienced pain or trauma early on in life or maybe a past life. A very intense placement. The trauma/pain caused early on or in a past life creates fear. They might feel like they are always running from fear. The fear can create this, sort of, control issues, them wanting to control others, their surroundings or just, themselves.
They might push themselves to believe that this control will stop their fear somehow, or banish it from existence, but they are wrong. Dealing and healing will only help.
As we know, the 8th house is all about going through hell and then rising from the ashes stronger than ever, Lilith in 8th has than transformative power, so the changes are big that these individuals will transform, self-destruct then rise again. Trusting again in the Universe, in themselves is something they will need to re-gain, re-program themselves and such. They should figure out what that pain/trauma caused them, what they felt, sit it out, feel it again, learn from it. See the timeline, how the Universe helped and what did they learn from it.
The intensity of the 8th house here can be channeled into power and passion (especially in relationships) if they heal.
Lilith in 9th
With Lilith in the 9th, the individual’s thought process is different, the way their thinking is wired is different (topics like religion, philosophy, cultures, languages, education, sexuality, etc), but they lack good expression and therefore it can result in them being misfits in society. Lilith in 9th makes them feel different  because it does not agree with society about some or many things (also take into consideration the sign which Lilith is in). Because of the suffering and hardships they may endure they will even try to fit in and conform despite Lilith’s position and they will try to hide and/or suppress their opinions and thoughts or the other case-scenario would be that they would flaunt their opinions even more but at their core they would still be insecure and will not accept themselves fully despite the flaunting.
Healing this should start by them figuring out why they think the way they do and how is that different from most, generalized society opinions, accept themselves and the way they think and also trust that there is a good reason (cause, purpose, mission perhaps (?)) that has lead them to think uniquely and differently.
Lilith in 10th
The 10th house covers public image (among other things). Their public persona carries the effect of Lilith and it is something they might feel they need to hide and/or control better. They probably want to be accepted and welcomed by the public and that would be suppressing Lilith’s influence (to some). The sign Lilith is in (accompanied by the influence of the house) will probably make others uncomfortable which would probably not feel good for the image at that very moment, but that is just the eccentric and magnetic influence of Lilith. For some individuals, this placement can make it a bit harder to settle on a career path that will be satisfying, the other case-scenario would be that other would stay at a job for such a long time even though it does not make them happy at all and they will suppress Lilith, while others might hop from job to job, searching for something that feels right.
When these individuals release the suppression of Lilith that’s when they will find peace, career-wise and with the struggles of their public image. They should honor themselves and their path instead of longing for some kind of popularity, instead of playing by some societal rules that only make you that more miserable and unhappy. To heal and start somewhere is to recognize the reactions of others are based on them and their experiences, not on you, your flaws, purpose or your way of being, you are perfectly fine, we often-times project and channel our inner rage/confusion/loathing onto others who are different and unique and do things differently from us, who are different from us while we are stuck in this system accordingly.
To heal is to commit to yourself just the way you are, your authentic self. Get to know yourself, learn about yourself and your depth and work on how to improve, heal, better yourself and fuck that public image it will never be perfect.
Lilith in 11th
With Lilith in 11th there may be a rejection felt from groups, especially early on in age. These individuals constantly have that feeling that just tells them that they do not belong and fit in anywhere (whether that’s in society as a whole or a small friend group). They just have a deep need for acceptance and might feel shame and guilt for not being able to get it and fit it.
They might differ from desperately wanting to, trying to fit in, or just totally giving up and starting a path of aloneness. A thing to work on is acceptance, but acceptance from yourself, realizing that you have been gifted such unique traits and a special personality that makes you stand out. Figuring yourself out and your differences, acceptance and then, naturally, you would be inclined to offer your gifts to the world willingly.
In the beginning these individuals are naturally drawn to groups who will not accept them, but working and healing on themselves will also naturally draw them to groups of people who will be accepting and perhaps even like-minded as them.
Lilith in 12th
12th house is all about hidden-everything, which means hidden Lilith or to be more exact, the effect is hidden, shadowed which makes the individual subconscious to it or totally oblivious. The other way would be that those around them won’t notice their Lilith influences at all. As I’ve mentioned above in other house placements, the sign has a major influence too, for example Lilith in x (a sign) that draws attention somehow but it is in the 12th house will result in feeling all of that but not wanting or just not acting on it. It’s hidden from themselves and the people around them.
There could also be some types of blockages that restrict tapping into the Lilith power for these individuals. A lack of knowledge, a lack of drive, motive etc. Sex could also be a big subject here, the individual is so subconsciously trapped within self that they cannot understand sexual activity let alone enjoy it, after one has healed Lilith and accepted it can enjoy and delve into sex. Lilith in 12th can be very wild and reckless because she is most suppressed here and also hidden. Some of these individuals might have been bullied a lot also. Lilith in 12th healing can go as far as past lives instead of just childhood trauma/wounds/toxicity, the karma and healing can spread as far as a past life it can make the healing process even harder for this placement. Escapism is also likely with the 12th house, so indulging in activities/substances/behaviors/patterns which are of that nature can also mean the person is running from their deepest instincts, self, but others may decide to start healing right away.
Connecting the physical body and mind is one key to healing. Our bodies are vessels and they are our messenger, they can let us know when something is wrong (chills, a bad feeling in your stomach, every inch of your body saying ‘no’, sleepiness, dizziness etc). Once something is up you can dig deeper, especially if it is anxiety, and discover Lilith, discover what shames you, what guilts you. To realize this connection can also be helped by spending time in nature, grounding can be a wonderful way to start healing.
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itzalizeyyy · 11 months
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I made sure to be educated on both concepts and write them both down without a bias. But if there is something incorrect, feel free to kindly correct me. If you like to discuss your own views, my messages are always open.
I will also write down my own respectful views on both concepts at the very end.
Lets get into it!
(SUPER LONG BLOG. Recommending to scan through it or ONLY read the bolded words, since those are the key details. You can also skip to the summarized key differences section as well.)
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You, the awareness / consciousness is living among the 3d, the physical plane. This plane attains your physical human body, your senses, your brain, etc. It is what we physically perceive as reality, but it actually is not.
The 4d, the imagination plane, is our truest reality, as it has our truest assumptions, desires, intentions, etc.
But since the 4d is not physical, it is the purpose of the 3d to be the physical embodiment of the 4d, and give our desires a “face.”
For example, if you say you shifted, it is already stored in the 4d plane, it is already stored in imagination, but why don’t you see your dr? That is because the 3d isn’t embodying the 4d, which can lead you to a mindset of negativity.
This is where the law of assumption comes in. This universal law states that if you assumed you already HAVE your desires, and you maintain that FULFILLED mindset, then your assumptions will HARDEN into FACT and REALITY.
Ultimately this law is influencing a different mindset for you in which your desires are already in your possession regardless of what the 3d is presenting. And if you maintain that mindset, then based on the statement of the law, it will harden into physicality.
But you do not focus on that. You do not focus on the 3d. The law can help prevent you from constantly blaming the 3d for not having your desires, or waiting around for the 3d to change. Instead based on the law, you can be the action and the result yourself. You do not need to wait for the 3d to take action or to become the result. The 3d is simply a mirror, but the 4d is the original source. Your desires are always in the 4d, and that is all that matters.
You can enforce the law through affirmations and persisting such as “I am void” or “I shifted” or whatever your desire may be. You can also act like your dr self or act out how you will be when already having your desire but that is completely optional. The main summary is to assume and accept your desire is in your possession and maintain it through faith regardless of the 3d, and you are easily enforcing the law. You stop identifying yourself with the 3d, with that old story, and instead, you live in the new story, in the true story you genuinely want to identify with, which is the story where your desires are already yours.
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Let's break the word down first. “Non” of course means “no” or “not.” And “dual” means “two.”
So, non-dual means not two. It says there is only one. This is referring to you, awareness, that there is only you, you are the only thing that exists. You are the true reality.
Nothing is real. Everything *seems* real because of our senses, our bodies, our emotions, our minds, and our egos, but it is not real. It is just an illusion, imaginary.
The only purpose for awareness is to observe, to oversee, to be. Nothing more, nothing less. Awareness is everything because it is the only thing that is real, but not everything is awareness. For example, awareness is human, it can take on a human form, but human is not awareness or defines awareness as a whole. A human is simply a temporary form, but awareness is always free to be aware of any other form. Nothing is permanent for you, awareness.
It is just a form of consciousness, but even then, no form of consciousness is real, it is just an observed experience for you since you are consciousness itself.
If you are in pain, that is your human self / form in pain, but awareness itself can not take the pain, as that contradicts its entire purpose, which is only to observe. It only observes the experience of being human, it only observes the pain, it can only observe being on earth, and that is all.
It can not feel pain, it can not feel happiness, instead, it is pain, it is happiness because awareness can only be. It is only being. Ego can feel. Your ego, your own humanity, can feel, get sad, get offended, but you as an awareness can not feel these things as it is unnatural for it. Just like it says in its name, awareness can only be aware and that is all. It is the source of all of its forms, but the forms can never be the source of awareness.
This concept does not believe in “affirming” or “persisting” because if awareness is already everything, then it does not need to affirm or persist for its desire if it already has its own desire. For example, awareness does not desire to be in the void, it is void. If you desire to be in the void, you do not need to do anything, you are void because you are already naturally everything, and the void, that experience, that form, is already being observed, is already being aware of.
In non-dualism, 3d and 4d are not separated. They are not even real. Whatever you imagine is the same as seeing it in the physical world, because both are still being an observed experience by the awareness, and therefore both are the same, as one. The ego tells you the physical is real, but it is not, because nothing can exist out of consciousness/awareness when awareness is the only thing that truly exists.
Human life is simply an experience the awareness is being aware of, but it can always be aware of something else, and the past form of being human stops existing, because only for something to “exist” is for the awareness to be aware of it, but without awareness, it does not exist, because again, nothing can exist outside of awareness. All these forms are from consciousness, but these forms are never actually real, they never define the awareness completely. Awareness is completely limitless, while forms of awareness are not, that is why they are not real, or permanent. Everything you have ever known is non-existent, except you, you are the source.
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* 4d is true reality
* 4d and 3d is separated
* Dismiss the 3d
* You need to do affirming / persisting / maintaining mindset
* You *have* or *are* desire
* Helps with manifesting
* You, awareness are true reality
* 4d, 3d is the same
* 3d is not even real, nothing is
* You don’t need to affirm / persist / maintain anything when you already are everything
* You are only desire
* There is nothing to manifest for
Both of these concepts are amazing, beneficial, helpful, refreshing, and empowering in different ways. And it may be a very unpopular opinion, but they honestly have some similarities 🤷‍♂️ a lot of people focus on how different they are, and how that may create arguments and debate on which one is “better” but that is literally not the point. whatever helps you just helps you and that is all okay.
First of all, both of these concepts are in some way reminding you of your own nature, power, control, and abilities. Both talk about how you are pure awareness / consciousness. They both do explain how you don’t need to do shit to have or be your desire. No effort is needed. I mean sure, some people say for loa to work you HAVE to persist, but I simply disagree. Persisting, and affirming are all tools, if you know that your desire is yours with or without affirmations, then you are enforcing the law regardless. I mean both of these concepts are just tools too. There is absolutely no obligation to follow these concepts / mindsets. In the long run, they just help you know your true self.
The law of assumption isn’t all about having, it's about being too just like non-dualism. If you identify with your dr self in terms of loa, then you are being. The same goes for non-dualism.
Loa states states if you assume you are, then you are.
Non-dualism states that you are naturally, everything, so you are.
Both help with desires 🤷‍♂️ and that like the biggest things we are using these concepts for so both are dope in my book
Some things resonate with me, and some things don’t from both concepts. That's just me.
For example, the idea that nothing is real, except me, awareness…could potentially lead me to an existential crisis. The word “real” or “reality” I don't even know what they mean anymore, and yeah I blame myself for overconsuming so much info, but for now I am just going to refrain from using those terms just to simplify things. And I am also going to stop using the term 3d altogether. I mean even using loa, it was already stated not to focus on the 3d. So not even using the term anymore is decreasing even less focus so it's still good 👍🏼
What I do know is obviously that I, awareness, is 100% real. And honestly, that is all that matters. The constant debate on everything else, if it's real or not, and all these questions, in the long run, really doesn’t matter. It is not life or death to know if your hands are real or not. Are they? You decide my friend. As long as you know your true self, I think you are pretty much good to go in terms of everything else.
The idea where 3d and 4d not being separate is omg chef kiss amazing and makes sense to me personally. I mean I know I am not creating anything, nor am I destroying anything. My entire purpose is just to be aware, just to be conscious, and so being aware of imagination is the exact same as being aware of the physical. I am not creating anything with these things. It's just there. So, the idea where nothing exists outside of me, I don’t really know, but eh, the fact that I can be aware of whatever like I can legit be aware of being on an island and eating a sundae, I mean shit, I am just happy to be here 🧍‍♀️real or not, existing or not, I am just happy being an awareness
The concept where you are everything, and there is nothing for you to do to be what you wanna be, is just hella dope. I mean “everything” is like a lot, and it is sort of unusual to say “I am PAIN”, or “I am ANGER” since if you are everything, then you are those things too. But yeah, I mean anger and pain are not you of course, but you are those forms because those forms are just from your consciousness.
All I know about the forms, the physical, the ego is that it doesn’t define me, it can not overpower me, or go above me, and that is enough for me to know.
I mean both concepts basically tell you to not focus on the 3d. One saying is not real, and the other is saying is not the true story, idk about yall, but that is really nice to know especially when I thought the 3d is all there is to know. But that is just not true anymore and it never was. It just shows you are always above your unfavorable circumstances. They will never limit you when you are always limitless.
The last idea i like is that ego is only thing that questions things, doubts, overcomplicates, but ofc awareness doesn’t do that. Awareness only OBSERVES these doubts, questions, and let them pass. Awareness doesn’t have opinions or anger or hatred. Only ego does. And knowing the difference between both is really freeing.
So yeah, I wouldn’t say one is better than the other, but I can say that I just resonate more with non-dualism. But do I think loa is dope? Hell yeah. I mean assuming you already have your desires, and it is just bound to happen, come on, empowering.
Thats all I got. Stay happy non-dualism folks, and stay happy loa lovers to you as well. Happy assuming and happy non-dualing 🥳
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granulesofsand · 1 year
I lost the posts we wanted to respond to, but I think I remember what we were gonna say
🗝️🏷️ RAMCOA with vague examples, syscourse?
Highly Complex DID
What “Complex” Means:
From what we’ve read, it seems like Complex refers to the specific disorder’s criteria. C-PTSD is PTSD with a different presentation; in this case, multiple/prolonged trauma causes difficulty tracing symptoms in the same ways as other PTSD cases. C-DID is DID with a different presentation; here it’s more intricate mechanisms that lead treatment down another path. Even CDD, which is dissociation into self-states instead of one dissociating self-state. The C just means that thing, plus some extra. There are going to be cases where a Complex patient is actually more simple to care for than a non-Complex patient — it’s just a matter of narrowing it down with more criteria.
Highly Complex:
As far as I know, there are no other communities that use Highly Complex as a label. It’s a specific word to whittle down the topic even further; C-DID but with more specifiers. For HC-DID, the specifiers are programming and structuring. Every human who experienced programming and lived is a RAMCOA survivor. Not every RAMCOA survivor considers themself a HC-DID system. Some survivors didn’t form systems at all. Others don’t think their system qualifies. Maybe people just don’t want to identify themselves this way. Even if it were a medical diagnosis — it’s not — forcing people to use labels they don’t want is rude at best.
RAMCOA stands for Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Organized Abuse. Surviving any of those is enough to belong in the community.
Ritual Abuse - maltreatment (of anyone) including ceremonies or traditions. It can be anything from religious sacrifice to underage marriage.
Mind Control - manipulation of psychological processes. I genuinely don’t know if there has to be negative intent or a specific plan from the abuser to qualify, but even targeted McDonald’s ads make use of mind control (probably not abusively, I’ve never looked into that).
Organized Abuse - maltreatment that involves multiple perpetrators collaborating in their perpetration. If two people meet at a bar and then hurt a child together, that’s enough. It can be elaborate groups like churches or criminal groups, but the only requirement is more than one perp.
It can be one or a mix of any, but it’s still RAMCOA. Usually, the DID community uses RAMCOA to talk about surviving programming (Trauma-Based Mind Control for the purpose of creating a system), and we label our systems Highly Complex.
Extra Criteria:
To be Highly Complex, survivors are usually closest to C-DID. But wait, there’s more!
HC-DID systems also receive:
Programming - I only know of TBMC being used to split off dissociative alters, but I’d budge on that if someone knew otherwise. Abusers control the child (body) by causing calculated suffering until they get the results they want. Perps split off alters with goals in mind for them, and continue to break them until they fit the desires of the abusers. This control extends to every other aspect of HC-DID, and is the reason another label exists at all.
Layers - different dimensions of innerworld. Sometimes this looks like literal other realms inside, but it could also be like floors of a building or planets or other separate worlds. Layers are often assigned a name or cue that allows outsiders to maneuver a system’s landscape from the external world. Perps don’t go in as much as they bring out, by assigned alter or other cued manipulations.
Subsystems - alters with alters, except also programmed. Cues are assigned to each subsystem alter as well, usually related to the subsystem as a collective. Just like programmed singlet alters, subsystems can be arranged by outsiders for memories, tasks, etc.
Sidesystems - kind of multiple systems within the metasystem. Groups might be contained in a separate innerworld pocket, unwilling to communicate with other alters, or otherwise unreachable in the same way other groups are. These sidesystems usually have a collective task, or function as a whole other system in the body. Details of what they do and why are also conditioned.
Programs - conditioning attached to cues. Programs might force amnesia, give body memories, set off chains of tasks, or any other typical or atypical system capability. Programs might be perceived as wires and buttons, or files, or whatever else programmers decide.
Not all HC-DID systems will have the same level of programming. Not all programmed systems will be more “complex” that other systems. Having a term to describe our unique experiences helps a lot of survivors to feel understood, especially if they’re already open about their past.
RAMCOA survivors are kept in a strange position online and irl. We’re used as examples of “unimaginable trauma” and “extreme abuse”, but are largely told to sit down and shut up; we’re too dangerous to speak up about what was done to us, too unbelievable, or too much at all. Finding help is a nightmare, sucks butt for everyone involved, and is fairly necessary for long term recovery. Like many systems, we beat the odds time and time again to call ourselves “survivors” instead of “victims”. Like many systems, we are rejected by most of society. Unlike most systems, we are a secret within system communities.
Being Complex is not being special, it’s just a haughty way to say there are extra requirements. Recovery for many systems is already a stretch. For HC-DID systems, we are healing the impossible.
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my-fancy-hat · 10 months
In the last few chapters I've noticing bits of similarities between some characters and the course of action with part 1 that, well, coming from the same author is kind of expected, but lately they've been more and more explicit and I can't help but think that maybe! there's an intention on mirrowing Denji's current development to part 1's while leading the plot toward the new "bomb girl" arc for part 2.
At first, Denji is introduced in the beggining of a new arc with an internal conflict about himself and/or his place in the world in the dichotomy of what he actually feels about his situation and what he SHOULD feel compared to someone else reaction: Aki's heartbreak for Himeno's death versus Denji's lack of empathy for the loss and the world living as it is in normalcy versus his discomformity about it. This opens a key question that will haunt Denji for the next chapters, looking for an answer capable of content him: "Do I still have a human heart?" and "Nothing beats a normal life?"
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In the meantime and uncertainty, Denji is invited to hang out to a cinema date by a person who may are able to understand what afflicts him at the moment and so, influencing him:
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In csm cinema is potrayed as a place of reflection and contemplation about life itself, and as Makima bringed on this concept, movies can change one's worldview. At the end of part 1 we discover that all the control devil wanted was to find an equal, to form genuine and equal relationships of mutual care like a family does; this by extention resonates with Denji because, even in his ineptitude to identify these kind of emotional issues due his lack of experience with other people and life in general, is what he wishes as well, connection, aceptance and companionship. This is why the last scene of the last movie touched both of them to the point of tears, as if the big screen did bring back to life and exposed before their eyes their most hidden desire.
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On the other hand, one of the main goals Denji had was to achieve a normal life, pushing him foward since chapter 1 to secure it and do what he has missed of life or what he should be doing as a teen of his age. Such want seems not to be unique of Denji because Yoshida has also vocalized (when the oportunity is given) on wanting to know what normalcy is about, tagging along with Denji in multiple occasions, between classes, skipping classes, getting treats and coffee in their way, talking about girls, etc. Going to school, hanging out, a home to return to, good memories of childhood to look back, to have a lovely family and friends, I think is what both wish or wished to have, and so it's projected on screen in a familiar scenario, maybe a callback to the token of part 1 tragedies-accomplishment of this way of living, a little girl that could possibly be Nayuta with her schoolbag, heading to school?
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But, where the view was hindered by tears of catharsis, now it is by the corpse of a demon that spattered its blood on the screen. The answers were deliverated, but Denji stills comes to his seatmate for the final confirmation:
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...to both of them leaving him alone behind in the realization of this induced epiphany. While with Makima it was a relief, that in fact he has a heart capable of love and care therefore capable of connecting with others, Yoshida leaves a sour taste in Denji's mouth. The normalcy that Denji dreamed of is not what he found; that reality also contemplates loneliness, boredom and disappointment too.
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In other parallels that are worth notting are the assignation of a new bodyguard replacement for Denji by Makima and Yoshida to facilitate vigilance and security over him:
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And, how Denji's reaction to this isn't that welcoming making him disappointed of their new partner even tho his bodyguards are, in fact, big fans of chainsaw man:
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Culminating on, as for now, with the introduction of a "friendly" pretty face hybrid:
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With all this I want to make it clear that I do not want to pretend or demostrate that Yoshida = Makima, that sword man will be Denji's new love interest or smth or even worse to compare Beam with Fumiko for have approached Denji without his consent, like, no. These characters are playing similar roles already potrayed by someone else in part 1 now with Denji in part two conserving their own traits and unique issues. I don't know if authors put this much thought on their writting to come up with these kind of things nonetheless I'm so excited how things will play out this time for Denji since, if we follow bomb girls course, Sword man appearance may not hold many good intentions for Denji, explaining why Yoshida assigned Fumiko to protect him in anticipation of this new enemy, just like Makima did against Reze.
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peskytimeswithscar · 4 months
ok it's headcanon time for.... grian!!!!
in regards to identity i view him as being aro-spec, while i could find a specific label i feel like c!grian wouldn't care much into finding that label, i think he'd prefer to just identify as being on the spectrum but he wouldn't really put in the time or effort into researching it
he also is asexual!! however im just asexual myself so all my blorbos must be asexual bc it feels. weird if not
and he's gay!!! gay man, gay gay homo (but actually this is mainly just because of yhs where he says hes "no im into dudes", plus i just cannot see c!grian with a woman that man is gay)
i also see him as being on the asensual (sensual attraction is the desire to touch others in a non-sexual way, e.g. cuddling, kissing, etc) spectrum !! mainly demi-asenflux because i feel like he would only like touch from people he's close + sometimes really doesn't want to be touched, but sometimes/alot of the time he really wants to and is the clingiest
he also gives off vibes of being on the aplatonic spectrum but i cannot think of anything in specific, maybe demiplatonic and cupioplatonic? i just feel like smth is up w this man's platonic orientation,, he def wants to have friends and is willing to do so but he only really feels platonic attraction whenever he's actually close to a person
i could probably go more into detail but those are the primary ones in my head for his sexuality so lets (finally) go onto GENDER!!!!
this man is definitely transgenderism!!! he identifies as a trans-man tho i do feel like his standards of being a man definitely differ to society's, he's most definitely gender non-conforming and he mainly wears androgynous or feminine clothing most of the time (though he only really wears skirts or dresses if hes cross-dressing as ariana griande)
he also probably is somewhere on the non-binary spectrum he just doesn't really identify with it
i feel like he primarily uses it/he pronouns? he definitely feels less than human due to his watcher roots so it got used to being called it/its, he also only is called she/her when he's cross-dressing as ariana griande, and if i had to give him some neoprns i feel like he'd enjoy chirp/chirp's? or some sort of parrot themed neopronouns
i also think he wouldn't get top surgery! it's easier for him not to since he only gets dysphoric over the shape they cause (which can easily be solved via a binder) instead of the actual chest itself
ok gender part over now it's time for some other headcanons
this man is definitely 100% neurodivergent, i feel like in particular he has adhd (this man cannot finish the back of his bases and gets distracted off tasks like a dog seeing a squrriel) and autism!!! i feel like he sometimes goes non-verbal (though i feel, as a parrot hybrid, when he's non-verbal he just ends up copying what other people are saying to him, so maybe that could be considered semi-verbal?), i think he would stim ALOT using his wings, he's happy and suddenly u have feathers everywhere because he flapped them alongside his hands
i think he would also have really bad rejection sensitive dysphoria, he definitely dislikes getting rejected from things which leads to him bottling alot of things up and causing plenty of the scarian miscommunication we're all too familiar with
he also stims with bird noises alot! he likes to chirp and squawk when he's happy, tho that may also just be because he's a parrot hybrid
he definitely changes hyperfixations like the wind, one week he likes this one thing and another he likes this other thing, and i feel like he would only really have 1 or 2 special interests that actually stick around (one of them likely being architecture/building, the other probably being birds and such)
he tends to have a very changing routine and schedule due to his adhd HOWEVER he has some routines (mainly with scar in them, who prefers to have very set routines cause that man also has autism) which never change or both of them get stressed out (e.g. morning/night routine, a routine that started in the desert and then followed them onto hermitcraft - they both get very stressed out on the life series since it disrupts their routines)
this was.... alot more text than i was expecting to write but anyway!!! expect a scar one at some point
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mrs-monaghan · 7 months
Sorry to the JK-The-Het-King folks. He didn’t make out with her 😪. (Did they make eye contact? 🤔) Maybe next time 😉. Though I wouldn’t hold my breath since the lady interactions have been consistently regressing since Seven 😂.
Meanwhile, I was too busy double-taking at the sun and moon lyric. He’s no idiot, he makes up one half of the sun and moon duo. That shit ain’t fan made either. Sun and moon duo is canon! Jk, are these lyrics just lyrics or naw? 😅😂.
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Though, the whole project feels like a coherent albeit generic (fits the desire for it to be universal) story that may not directly apply to his life (not autobiographical).
Maybe there’s parts of him peppered in but the overarching story is just that. A story.
Much like a consumer would experience when listening to music or watching a movie/reading a book etc. You may see yourself or elements of your life in the story despite the fact that the main story is not your own. JK’s like the lead actor playing the lead role. You know how actors can identify with their character/script but the character (obviously) isn’t them?
Ok I’m rambling. That’s all off a first listen coupled with his interview and prior sentiments on his career as a singer/desire to tell stories.
(Also the lyrics are lyrics and images are images is also giving - don’t be fooled by the het lyrics and images of ladies cause I go the other wayyy, I just can’t sayyyy)
these are really early thoughts so I’m probably wrong and apologise in advance if I am 😅😝
lol but the way this album’s story goes I’m giggling at JK stressing it’s not autobiographical. He really said “this album isn’t autobiographical so don’t go thinking jimin is on the market. you still can’t separate his perilla leaves for him 👀. Besides, the hypothetical lovers on this album made up at the end so you definitely can’t touch his perilla leaves unless you’re trying to catch these hands👀” (just kidding, for legal reasons)
Also… confession time: Shaz, I too noticed your misspelling of delusion so, I apologise for not mentioning it 🥲 🙏🏾
Y'all are not nice people. Stg 🤨🤨
But fr thou Marina my lovely i couldn't agree more!!! I dont even have anything to add. JK said what he said. Always leaving wiggle room for those of us who wanna decide shit for him 🤭🤭
Love this dude. He did good. He did really good.
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Also from what I understand Kjikookers did come up with the nick name sun and moon and it made its way to official content. 😍😍
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transmutationisms · 1 year
A lot of people think we’re going to see Roman spiral this season - a build up of all the incest jokes, sexual perversion jokes, inability to have sex but nevertheless preoccupied with sex, sexual repression, potential homosexuality etc. I think many people have rightly pointed out that season 3 really built on these themes, to the extent it feels like they are ramping up to something. But at the same time Roman builds such a wall around his emotions it may be difficult to justify a “breakdown”. Do you think they are heading in this direction? And if so what do you think it is? It seems a super difficult question to suss out what is wrong with Roman but do you have any ideas? Current ideas floated on Reddit, Twitter, tumblr are around repression, power, homosexuality, and even potentially SA.
i actually think what's 'wrong' with roman is fairly straightforward. he's internalised logan's gender politics, in which masculinity is powerful, dominant, and superior, whereas femininity is weak, submissive, and inferior. men are better because they fuck with their dicks; women are subordinate because they're the ones getting fucked. roman's problem is that, though he has internalised this paradigm, he continuously identifies himself with the subordinate, submissive feminine role. he wants to be the one getting fucked, and he eroticises hypermasculinity.
this is disgusting to logan both because logan sees his sons' sexual behaviour as being representative of his own, and because roman's sexual preferences are ultimately just a more extreme expression of logan's own propensity to venerate masculinity. recognising roman's sexual desires forces logan to think about things like the fact that men have bodies, which disgusts him, leading him to do things like call roman a faggot.
in isolation, roman wanting to be dominated and penetrated (basically, being a submissive bottom) wouldn't necessarily be a problem. but roman is caught up in logan's orbit, where having these desires makes him a pervert (an invert. some might say) and he can't express them, or even experience them privately, without being hit by a simultaneous wave of shame and disgust at himself.
in terms of why roman is like this, i don't think we will ever get a definitive answer. i don't think succession is a show that has any interest in writing tidy backstories where x traumatic event leads causally to y present-day pathology. certainly we know roman was physically abused as a child, probably more often/intensely than his siblings, and we know that he perceives himself to have always been on the bottom of the hierarchy within the family.
we could list off other shitty and traumatic things that have been stated/implied to have happened to roman in the past, including as a child. but i don't think doing so would actually answer the question "why is roman Like This?" because i think this writing is too smart for that. what we do know is that roman perceives himself as being the weakest and smallest in the family, constantly vulnerable to all manner of violation, and that he jokes about it and eroticises it even though (because) this is the central thing that logan continually physically and emotionally punishes him for.
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Against The Odds | Gesture
Pairing - jungkook x reader, taehyung x reader
Genre - angst, smut, fluff, established relationship, ceo!jungkook, attorney!taehyung
Word Count - 2.3k
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Drabble 5 - Taehyung will do anything to fix the mess he’s made. Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, sex, sexuality, explicit smut, heavy angst, mental health etc
Taehyung has spent the best part of one week drilling his cock into anybody that will take it when he’s drunk and desperate enough to bang the memories of you clean from his mind. 
The solemn expression Jungkook wore during their last conversation haunts his thoughts, constantly replaying it over and over again until he can’t take it anymore and he gets so drunk he blacks out. Waking up in a new strangers bed every morning, managing to slip out of their homes without so much as a goodbye. 
Truthfully he’s disgusted with himself for what he’s putting his best friend though. He feels beyond terrible about recent events and would do anything to go back in time and simply not say anything. He’d rather live a lie than lose his best friend, which he fears is exactly what’s happening.
At first he blamed his self-sabotaging on his feelings for you, in his mind he was only fucking his way through London to fill a hole deep in his heart that he thought only you could fill. Except as the days go on without a single word from his friend, that hole manifests into a deep, dark, agonising depression.
The funny thing about love is that nobody ever talks about platonic love anymore. It’s all romance and date nights and anniversary posts on Instagram. Not one person opens up the conversation about the love shared between two friends anymore. Two life-long friends. Brotherhood. Taehyung loves Jungkook, he would die for him without a millisecond of hesitation. The man would take a bullet for him, walk through fucking fire for him. And one week without even a text message between the pair is slowly killing him.
Of course he understands why Guk has taken a step back from their friendship, if the shoe were on the other foot Taehyung would probably be doing the same. He guesses he’ll never know; frankly he’s never going to find someone that would pry his best friend’s attention from you enough to ruffle any feathers. Jungkook loves you. You love Jungkook.
But Taehyung loves you too.
That’s what’s lead him here, hungover wearing the same dishevelled suit some nameless woman stripped him of last night. It’s embarrassing, sobering how much of a state he’s in both emotionally and physically. He smells like cheap perfume and regret when his eyes dart nervously between the two young women at the front desk of the bridal boutique.
“Good morning! How can I help you Sir?” Woman A flirts, she’s blonde and petite, kind looking before her gaze is soon flickering down to the expensive Rolex on Tae’s wrist.
He bites back an irritated scoff. That’s all he’s good for these days, money. Heaven forbid anyone actually be attracted to him and want to date him for longer than twelve hours. 
It’s not like Taehyung can’t blame them though, turns out he’s not a very good person deep down. Being sexually fluid comes with a myriad of reactions to his appearance and personality: men frown at his advances and suddenly gasp things like ‘What?! You’re gay?! You?!’ before hope and desire swims in their usually drunken eyes. Women are normally more accepting of his flirtatious behaviour from the get go, and more often than not the ones who come onto him first.
If he didn’t know any better he’d be lead to believe that Woman A is doing just that, batting her eyelashes when she saunters her way round the front desk. Swaying her hips a little too hard, her smile eerily bright and tinged with desperation. Internally struggling, he gives a closed smile back.
It's not that she isn’t attractive. It’s not that he is gay. It’s not that he is straight. It’s not that he even identifies as being bisexual or pansexual, despite those being the terms spoken on his behalf when people learn of his sexual antics. Why does he have to identify as being anything? Why do people care?
Taehyung is simply open minded and experienced both in the streets and bed sheets. Hell he’s slept with several men and women in the past six days alone. At the end of the day he’s in love with the idea of love, regardless of a potential partner’s gender identity or otherwise. He simultaneously despises love and craves it. He’s lonely, if anything the only thing he identifies as is a broken man.
“Good morning…” His voice is thick with sleep when he lifts his head, giving that he fled from someone’s apartment less than thirty minutes ago. “I was wondering if you could help me, I’m friends with a bride to be who mentioned her ideal dress has already been bought… I’m looking for some information on that specific gown.”
This is it. This is how he’s going to prove to Jungkook that he has his whole blessing in marrying you. Taehyung will get over you, he’ll fuck his way round the entire universe six times over before ever meddling with his best friend’s relationship. 
You and Kook are perfect for each other, he knows that. And he’s not willing to lose his brother because of his own unrequited love for you. His person is out there somewhere… And when he meets them, this will be nothing more than a funny antic he can drunkenly confess when he’s certain he’s over you. You’ll laugh, perhaps you’ll even playfully shove him away. He smiles at the thought.
And that’s the exact moment all of this will be over, when he’s madly in love with someone who’s not you.
“Oh… Well we don’t give out any customer information so—”
“Her name is Y/N.” Taehyung’s chest tightens with something akin to heartbreak when he says your name, “She’s marrying Jeon Jungkook, she came in here a couple weeks ago with her friend Jimin and her assistant Yuri. She’s about yay tall.” He raises his large palm, “And beautiful. Very beautiful.”
Woman A’s face drops, winning Woman B to step in from behind the reception desk.
“Ah yes! Y/N! She had her fitting with me, she is very pretty.” Woman B hums, toying with the ends of her synthetic hair extensions that barely match the colour of her real hair. “The designer of that dress sadly passed away earlier this year, so that dress is only one in the world like it and it’s already been bought as you said. I’m so sorry honey.”
Taehyung ups his game, knowingly brushing his long brunette locks back with slender fingers when he flashes his most charming smile. His voice lowers an octave when it rolls off his tongue, honeyed. “I don’t suppose you happen to know the buyer darling?”
Woman B chuckles, blue eyes drinking in all the attorney has to offer, albeit not very subtly. “I… I would love to help you. But I can’t give you that information I’m afraid.”
“But we do have other gowns—” Woman A fights for attention, hope tinging her words and Tae registers that she’s the weaker link between the pair, quickly turning back to her. “That are similar in style.”
“Perfect.” He winks, and woman A blushes. Bingo. “Show me?”
“Of course…” She’s stifling giggles, “Right this way Sir.”
He softly shakes his head when he holds up a palm, “Not necessary. Please call me Tae.”
“Oh fuck! Oh fuck yes! Tae YES!” A blonde woman screams and sobs beneath him that night, face scrunched with equal parts pleasure and pain when he fucks her ass hard enough to cause internal damage. Usually he’d leave anal for at least the third date with a woman.
She was the one who insisted she prefers it this way and begged him to drill his thick cock into her even harder. Selfishly he imagines it’s you under him, receiving each and every hard snap of his hips, groaning and grunting in bliss. And of course he wasn’t going to turn that kind of filth down. He is but a man after all, and he can’t hurt anybody with his imagination.
“Tae yes! Oh god yes! Say my naaaame!” She shrieks, and Taehyung draws a blank.
Her name? Woman A.
The next morning he has everything he needs to get you your wedding dress, the buyer’s contact information and Woman A’s phone number should he have no luck on his endeavour to save his friendship. He sincerely hopes that he doesn’t have to call her back, while the sex was great it was merely a means to an end and a way to prove to Jungkook that he cares about you both more than anyone and wants nothing more than for you to be happy. Apparently proving that means even more than his own feelings and self-respect.
After a quick shower he turns on the television while he paces his eccentric townhouse, buttoning his deep red silken shirt that he’s paired with chocolate brown slacks and Gucci loafers. He’s alone. Thank god, because nothing could’ve prepared him for what happened next.
“If anybody has any information regarding the disappearance of six month old baby Charlie Kim, please call the number on screen now. Charlie Kim is the nephew of 4U founder and CEO Y/N, who is engaged to CEO and billionaire Jungkook Jeon. He was last seen yesterday afternoon by his father, a well-respected Doctor at London General Hospital. In an official statement from Dr Kim he advised the child’s mother took Charles, who is affectionately known as Charlie, along with some belongings from his apartment without his consent. Including a Monsters Inc plush teddy which is his favourite toy according to sources close to the family. Charlie’s mother is deemed highly dangerous giving her recent discharge from Cypher House where she underwent treatments for varying mental health illnesses. She is the sister of Y/N, and last year was found responsible for leaking the infamous sex tape between…”
Taehyung slowly sits on the sofa before his legs give out on their own, feline eyes wide and brimming with tears of shock and dread and despair. What the fuck. His heart drops into the depths of his stomach when he considers you in all of this. You must be going through hell right now, your nephew means the world to you.
And you mean the world to him.
It’s a second later when he scrambles for his phone, which is running on 2% battery thanks to Woman A not having a spare phone charger at her place last night. But he scrolls his contacts regardless, thumb tapping his screen twice when he finds your name.
Toying with the idea of dialling Jungkook he freezes. It’s not as though they’re on the best of terms right now, would he even answer his call? He locks the device, deciding against it for now. 
You’ve probably turned your phone off to spend time with family and the police. The media hasn’t left your name out of the news reports, hell the morning news lady even found a way to mention the events of the sex tape last year. Taehyung swallows. You really must be going through it right now. The idea of you sitting somewhere sobbing while every policeman in London searches for your nephew physically pains him, he’s frowning, wiping a stray angry tear from his cheek.
Jungkook will take care of you, he’s probably taken time off work to console you. As Jimin probably, no definitely will have too. He knows you won’t be going through this alone, you have a whole chorus of loved ones who all adore you and will help you through this. He sighs, tapping a long finger to his freshly-shaved chin while he mulls over the facts.
Charlie is missing. Ruth is missing. And Taehyung knows just how dangerous and evil your sister is. While he’s never met the woman personally anyone who could do this to their family is truly sinister. He thinks about his own siblings for a moment, wondering what his reaction would be if somebody like her took them and fled.
He should be with you right now, whether he’s welcome there is another conversation.
The rest of the day is a blur to the attorney, he doesn’t go into work. Instead he sits by the computer in his home office contacting every member of law enforcement he’s ever met in all his years defending socialites, celebrities and business people in court. Asking them to update him with any new information before they go to the press.
He and Jungkook may not be speaking right now because of his feelings for you, but that doesn’t change the fact he’s still technically your attorney and friend. He wants to help any way he can. He has to. And despite the world being hellbent on torturing you at least he’s managed to find and fix at least one silver lining amongst the darkness.
Your dress.
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lains-reality · 11 months
Hey! (This is pretty long if you don’t mind reading it.)
So I want to start by using my success story as an example: I had an appointment and I did SATS the night before. There wasn’t a thought In my mind I TRULY knew that I was not going to that appointment, and that morning I still felt that way, as I was getting ready to go. And basically when I got there they ended up being closed and I went home.
But the thing is now I’m starting to panick and worry especially because the new school year. I want so many things and I tell myself “ok tonight I’m gonna do the same thing I did that one night I successfully cancelled my appointment” but it’s just so frustrating because it’s like I’m not in the same mindset. It just feels like I’m forcing it, like I’m affirming from my body and not from self.
I’m just very lost because I find myself through the day identifying very heavily with my body and when I tell myself “this isnt you, you are self” and things of that nature I doubt it because I don’t FEEL it. It just feels like I’m talking to myself. And I saw the ‘do i want the desire or freedom’ post and it really meant something to me. Because my desire is to have all of these things for school and to have a happy family but freedom for me looks like no school and like living in a castle or something. But like even with freedom I still get to experience anything I imagine.
I’m sorry if that was a horrible explanation, and feedback? (Thank you in advance!)
"it just feels like i'm forcing it"
then stop. let yourself be frustrated. it's not a waste of time or unproductive to let yourself be frustrated - why put more worries onto yourself? just sit with the feelings, get them all out until you feel better, the feelings are coming up for you to release them.
you're trying to get yourself back into a mindset you had before. but it doesn't matter what the mind is doing, when you know who you are. there's no convincing to do. (also here, you're making the condition of the old mindset the only way that you can get something)
last night i felt weird. before, the body had anxiety problems and so last night my mind was like "do something, i dont like this!!" and i folded. i went onto yt to listen to my usual calming vid (eft tapping abt fear), but then i thought "no!! i don't wanna do this anymore, it was probably wind (as i burped earlier) i want to go towards love, not live in fear!" and so i went to a different eft tapping vid abt feeling love. and then i went bed lol
in that moment i remembered i am not the body, and i also asked myself what do i want to choose, love or fear?
you don't have to feel you are not the body, it's just the truth. if conviction/remembering isn't "working", another path is self inquiry.
ramana is like the specialist of self inquiry, its like his thing lol. i've read like a paragraph's worth of his teachings. but it was extremely helpful. i'll show you a little of my self inquiry.
mind = memories, thoughts, feelings. i cannot be a memory, wouldn't i be transported back to when when i remember one? i can see one through visualisation. its not now, so its generated again. i cannot be thoughts -> i can say 'stop walking' whilst walking. also how do you be a thought?? the mind is everything in the inner world so if i was born elsewhere, everything would be different in the mind. so its moulded by society, time, location etc. so even when the mind changes so many times, i'm still here. so i'm not it. i cannot be a feeling, i can feel it or recognise it. i am still here when i feel good or bad -> not the feelings. so who's the one recognising? i cannot be my name - its an identifier for the body.
the body tripped me up several times whilst questioning it:
the idea 'i am the body' leads to beauty standards, hatred, genetics, midlife crisis etc.
i saw that 'i am the body' is clearly not the greatest idea. but i couldn't answer why i wasn't it. until i remembered that the mind can affect the body:
the body has reactions (e.g. anxiety) to the mind & it's stories it wants to protect from. memories, feelings, thoughts all pop up and the body reacts to it. does that mean the body is a component of the mind? if it can affect it.
if you've read my "nondualism and manifestation" post then you'll see that idea there again. i also had my faith strengthened when 4dbarbie talked about astral projection in one of her posts. i totally forgot about ap! after days of confusion and slight frustration, i understood a little more and so i finally got to a point where i was like 'no more identifying as it!'
question everything. this doubting leads you to be able to ask whether there's something more than the body-mind, and allows you to accept more. and gives you the courage to just stop identifying as the body.
self inquiry for you
if you can be aware of images, feelings & thoughts all through visualization, memories, dreams, and the "real world", whats the difference?
what is the mind? what is it made up of?
are you the body? are you you're name?
notice how you say "my hand" or "my mind". is the body-mind something you own or are?
if there wasn't any mind to point stuff out and identify as it, would there be a world? would there be a body?
what is the difference between this character and your ideal character?
what if this character is only here because you believe you are it?
do you still exist in the absense of that thing? [e.g. no memories, do you still exist?]
what would you be doing if you weren't influenced by the reaction of likes and dislikes?
what happens to the body when you sleep?
challenge all
the path of sri ramana (the part i want you to read is part 1, ch.4)
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aemondtargaryensfire · 8 months
A Ravenous Desire- Aemond x fem!Reader
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Series Masterlist
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, mentions of cannibalism, inbreeding and incest, (brief) mention of murder and the implied murder of children
Chapter Summary: A brief history of Old Valyria and its descendants.
Word Count: ~1.1k
Author's Note: I've been obsessed with cannibalism as a metaphor recently (the past two years), so here's a short prologue for an upcoming fic inspired by Bones and All. This part is mild-- but moving forward I will update warnings to match accordingly, so please pay attention to these! This story is going to be an angst-fest, and cannibalism, gore, blood, violence, etc. will be present in the chapters that follow.
For centuries, grand tales of Old Valyria have been shared globally, passed from generation to generation. Before its destruction, the Valyrian capital was believed to be the core of the world’s existing magic and a land of magical beings and creatures. Little was officially known about the land, even in its prime, but all knew to respect its overarching power. Stories of sorcery, dragons, and other fantastical beasts that used to thrive there circulated in the years following its mysterious and abrupt demise. Many claimed that without Old Valyria, any remaining magic would be completely lost, and the Earth would be plunged into darkness. And thus began the legacy of the surviving Valyrians, as they were the last remaining vestiges of this famed empire and believed to still carry some of the power and magic of Old Valyria.  
Only a handful of families and great houses had survived what was later referred to as the Doom, having fled in the years leading up to the tragedy, their members living to carry on their magical inheritance and to extend their power around the world. House Velaryon, House Celtigar, and most notably, House Targaryen, were all that remained of Old Valyria. In the early years of their conquest and emigration, they were treated as Gods among men and there was no city or land that could refuse them.  
It has been said that the descendants of Old Valyria can be easily identified by the distinct features of their predecessors, and that these traits mark the predestined power and greatness of those that carry them. For many of the remaining Valyrian houses, their heritage and associated legacy have been lost to time, their distinct appearance diminished through years of interbreeding until they could no longer be reliably identified as being of Valyrian descent. Additionally, whereas the members of House Targaryen have consistently remained a united front in their conquests, their neighboring houses were not so unified as they divided and traveled the world, branching off into their own family units. As a result, House Targaryen has only continued to grow in power and notoriety, their enduring and striking appearance and legacy commanding both respect and fear. Individuals that knew the history worshipped and revered a Targaryen that carried the signature white or silver-gold hair, lavender eyes, and inhuman beauty. To be around a Targaryen, “the blood of the dragon”, was to be around a magical being, and inherently lucky.  
But the Targaryens’ legacy could be owed to their unity in more areas than one. What many don’t know is that these features and the accompanied legacy have been maintained due to years of incest and inbreeding, a practice that the Targaryens and many other Valyrians had been engaging in long before the Doom. A practice that the other remaining Valyrian houses publicly shunned and rejected once out of Old Valyria. This was not the only practice theorized to be unique to the Targaryens. Whether it be for the purpose of maintaining their power or simply fanning the flames of their magic, the Targaryens are believed to have engaged in cannibalistic practices, or the eating of human flesh, for a brief period of their history that ended shortly after their exodus. It is unknown by historians if this cannibalism was ritualistic in nature or thought to be out of necessity, nor is it known whether this practice ever extended beyond the reach of the Targaryens.  
This period of carnage was perceived as a smear on the Targaryen family, a shameful interlude, and they had been eager to erase all semblance of it from their history. However, the damage had been done, and a dangerous seed planted in the limited gene pool; a mutation. A remaining trait of the Valyrian family, often forgotten or dismissed due to the common belief that it had been bred out of the descendants over the course of several centuries, was the hunger for human flesh. 
The inherited hunger was viewed by subsequent generations as a curse to be hidden and rid of. In the beginning, the paranoia was so strong that any Targaryen deemed as a potential carrier was quickly disposed of. The Targaryens, as powerful as they were, still had to ensure that they were accepted by their intended subjects. Word of their taboo habit would surely tarnish their reputation and could have spelt disaster for them, in the form of a cruel rejection with torches and pitchforks. Children that displayed the early symptoms of the hunger, or any undue aggression, were sent away or killed. And anyone that had managed to make it into adulthood while still engaging in this sin was, at best, exiled. At worst, they were ruthlessly killed in a ritualistic act of familial bonding and solidarity. The latter was the most likely route. 
“Sacrifices must be made to maintain the power our ancestry grants us.”  
It appeared that these brutal endeavors were successful, as the tales of the Targaryen shame lost their credibility as time went on and fewer Targaryens were born with the cursed gene. The stories of the Targaryen curse were treated as old children’s tales, told over a fire or beneath bed sheets long after they’d been tucked in. A cautionary tale of greed and gluttony ran amuck. To an outsider, it simply appeared as if the Targaryens were a family of storytellers with creative and active imaginations, eager to weave myths and legends that would earn them the fearful respect they craved. Soon enough this perception was even held by most members of the family.  
It was decided that the responsibility of keeping this curse under the radar would officially be given to only one of every generation, as a proactive measure. This responsibility, in itself, was its own curse. Many difficult decisions had to be made to preserve the image of the illustrious dynasty. Without the benefits of modern medicine, in the beginning, and the high infant mortality rates among Targaryens, no one batted an eye when an infant passed suddenly or a child that had previously shown symptoms of the hunger became deathly ill. In rarer cases, when an individual had to be disposed of and they didn’t want to throw up any alerts, more creative measures had to be used. Children ran away, or accidents that resulted in the loss of a body occurred. This was to be a closely kept secret among only a small, selected group of the family. 
As time went on, the single one chosen to bear this knowledge thanked the Gods that this trait had seemingly disappeared. Or perhaps it had just gone dormant.  
Thanks for reading!
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femmefatalevibe · 6 months
How to be more disciplined?
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Decisiveness drives discipline. You need to clarify and define your goals. State them clearly with their authentic purpose in mind. If you seduce this end goal into your life, what desire are you truly fulfilling? Ex. If you want to lose 10 pounds: Is it to feel healthier? Look better in a bikini? Fit into a certain pair of jeans? No matter how superficial, identify the genuine reason why you want to achieve a certain goal. Whatever reason elicits a visceral and emotional reaction. Sometimes, especially during a busy work day, your reason could be as simple as wanting to lessen your anxiety and ease into a more relaxed state. Any purpose that resonates. Once you have an emotional response tied to a goal, it becomes infinitely easier to motivate yourself to take small steps towards achieving it. Where energy goes, energy flow. Simon Sinek goes more in-depth with this concept in Start With Why.
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable.
Think of performing self-discipline rituals as confidence-building exercises. This action helps you trust yourself, establishes a sense of integrity, and builds self-confidence. For example, if you stick to your meal and workout plan for 5 days a week, you build trust in knowing you're more powerful than your cravings and are capable of taking good care of your body. If you complete a project on schedule (personal or professional), you prove to yourself that you’re efficient, build confidence in your ability to finish tasks you start, and self-affirm that you follow through on your ideas. Finishing that book this month reflects confirms that you value yourself enough to expand your mind, learn, and expand your knowledge base. Eventually, through enough consistent repetition, these rituals into unconscious habits that you do effortlessly in daily life. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
You can’t manage what you don’t measure – your finances, calorie and step counts, workouts, productivity, etc. Tracking data related to your habits – such as your spending habits, eating or workout patterns, writing word count, and task completion – on a given day or week – allows you to understand and analyze your current behavior. What habit cues, environmental or other situational factors are keeping you from sticking to the current task at hand? Do you leave your running shoes stuffed in the back of the closet? Junk food in the house? Work from bed or with your phone by your side? Are you avoiding certain emotions? Does this data change when you’re stressed or tired?  
Awareness is the first step towards redirected action. Analyze these data points to see your pitfalls and strategize how to help yourself. 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight
Set yourself up to win. Get the phone away from your workspace, remove any junk food or soda from the house, delete apps, or silence notifications from people who distract you from your goals. Self-discipline becomes significantly easier when you have to take additional steps to indulge in your vices. Replace these temptations with helpful cues to help you build healthier habits that lead to self-discipline. Give yourself visual cues to move you toward your goals. Keep a journal with a pen next to your bed. Leave your workout clothes and shoes out near your bed. Write a quick to-do list right before finishing work for the following day, so it’s easier to jump into the first task right away the next morning. Cut up some produce or do a 30-60 minute meal prep once a week to eat more healthful meals. Find ways to make it easier to stay on track than give in to temptation. 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Self-discipline shouldn’t feel like deprivation – of certain foods, pastimes, or activities you enjoy. Buy cute workout clothes you feel confident in. Create the most dance-worthy playlist. Make it a priority to buy your favorite fruits and vegetables every week. Rotate a selection of your favorite healthy meals. Leave your sunscreen out – front and center – on your bathroom counter. Find a big, beautiful water bottle to keep on your desk. Purchase aesthetic notebooks, pens, planners, journals, and other office organization items. To make self-discipline feel like second nature, you need to marry indulgences and your desire to meet your goals. Discover the habits that work for you and find small ways to make these tasks more enjoyable. 
Go easy on yourself. Build one habit at a time. Self-discipline is like a muscle. It requires time to build and grows in increments. Try to stay on track and more focused than yesterday. Your only competition is your former self. Find pleasure in the process. Focus on the immediate task in front of you while also keeping your future self in mind. 
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ja3honey · 2 years
Ateez As Greek Gods
「Synopsis」 : Which God would each member be.
「Word count」 : 891
-> Genre: Fluff, Greek God Au
[Warnings] : Mentions of Food, alcohol, death, war, battle, etc. If I missed something, let me know.
Note : I absolutely loved this request, this was so much fun to write. I tried to make this more accurate instead of just putting random popular gods. I hope you all enjoy reading it.
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Hongjoong - Athena
Athena is the goddess of battle strategy and wisdom. Identified in Roman mythology as the goddess Minerva. She was always accompanied by her owl and the goddess of victory. Athena's personality is a very dualistic one. At times she exhibits a very masculine aura; at others, she is the vision of feminine loveliness. Her attitude changes almost daily, depending on certain situations. She uses her wisdom to decide how she should react in a situation. Athena's special powers included the ability to invent useful items and crafts. She invented the ship, chariot, plow, and rake. She also invented many of the skills used by women in Ancient Greece such as weaving and pottery. She is a leader among Gods and mortals.
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Seonghwa - Thanatos
Thanatos, in ancient Greek religion and mythology, is described as the personification of death. Being the son of Nyx, The goddess of night. He was born to serve the dark. He would appear to humans and carry them off to the underworld when the time allotted to them by the Fates had expired. Most call him the grim reaper. His touch is gentle, likened to that of many. He is a soft and a friendly companion, never scaring a mortal. But Thanatos was believed to be merciless and undiscriminating. No matter who you were or what you were. He would never judge under the beliefs of his own personal morals. A gentle god hidden in the night.
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Yeosang - Hades
Hades Greek Aïdes (“the Unseen”), also called Pluto or Pluton (“the Wealthy One” or “the Giver of Wealth”), in ancient Greek religion, is depicted as stern and pitiless, unmoved by prayer or sacrifice. Forbidding and aloof, he never quite emerges as a distinct personality from the shadowy darkness of his realm. Hades, like death, is no right nor wrong. He leads with blunt and brutal honesty. He has known for being mischievous, and cunning. But Hades is in end, the god of the underworld.
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Yunho - Helios
Helios is the god of the sun. Sometimes called a Titan. Helios is a powerful god that drove a chariot daily from east to west across the sky and sailed around the northerly stream of the Ocean each night to bring the world the day hours. Helios might not be the strongest god but he is very powerful with his fiery, bright, tireless nature. He is a guardian of oaths and also the god of sight. In art, he is usually depicted as a youthful man in a chiton holding a whip and driving his quadriga. He is cheeky and light-hearted, loyal to earth and loyal to his family. In modern words he would be described as golden retriever energy.
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San - Eros
Eros is the god of love, or more precisely known as the god of passion and physical desire. Eros, Without warning, would select his targets and forcefully strikes at their hearts with an arrow, bringing confusion and irrepressible feelings or, in the words of Hesiod, he 'loosens the limbs and weakens the mind'. He is the embodiment of love, athleticism, sexual power and art. Eros was often regarded as the protector of homosexual love between men. In later, satirical works, Eros is depicted as a blindfolded male carrying a bow and arrow with the power to make any human fall in love with the first person they would see.
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Mingi - Dionysus
Dionysus is the nature god of fruitfulness and vegetation but is especially known as the god of wine and ecstasy. Dionysus is known for having something of a dual personality. He brings joy, ecstasy and merriment, but can also deliver a brutal and blinding rage when provoked or when another would bring harm to those he loves. So, in a sense, he represents all the possible side effects of overindulgence. His ability of transformation was a special gift and he could even drive mortals to insanity if he chooses. Dionysus is one if not the most unique god among the Olympians. Especially because of his mother being a mortal.
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Wooyoung - Hermes
Hermes is the god of Trade, Wealth, Luck, Fertility, Sleep, Language, Thieves and Travel. He is one of the cleverest and most mischievous god in Olympus. Hermes was considered a “trickster” due to his cunning and clever personality. In the Odyssey, he appears mainly as the messenger of the gods and the conductor of the dead to Hades. But Hermes was also a dream god, and the Greeks offered to him the last libation before sleep. As a messenger, he may also become the god of roads and doorways, and he was the protector of travellers. He might be a tricky god but he is loyal to those he serves.
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Jongho - Hercules
Heracles is the gatekeeper of Olympus and the greek god of Strength. He is known as one of the Strongest Heroes in Ancient mythology. His life was not easy—he endured many trials and completed many daunting tasks—but the reward for his suffering was a promise that he would live forever among the gods at Mount Olympus. In art and literature, Heracles was represented as an enormously strong man of moderate height, a big foodie and drinker, and a kind soul. But with occasional outbursts of brutal Strength and rage. His weapon of birth was a bow but he frequently used a club.
Ateez Masterlist
Taglist : @yunhofingers @softforqiankun @violetwinters @kpopmademygradesgodown @lmhmh01 @strangertides @purrhwa @joti17 @jess-1404 @pinki-minki @glossyeon @yesv01 @minkiflwr @seonghwarizon @rielleluvs @dilfjohhny @whatudowhennooneseesyou   @az-con @jen176pink @sundaybossanova @8tinytings @zeesondiary
[Please check your privacy settings in order for me to be able to tag you.]
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