#self discipline
the-joy-of-knowledge · 3 months
25 Laws of power for women
Conceal your goals especially the ones that are appealing. Losing weight, reinventing yourself, marrying wealthy. Instead talk about your altruistic goals - to help children, invest in education, this will chase insecure people with vile intentions.
Do not give anyone your source of power: Was is a book that changed your life? a mentor? a movie? Never give up your secret to success. If forced to do say allude to God, the universe, the a random phenomenon
Use the patriarchy to your favor; we live in a world that is, only associate with men who have power, use that power for good.
Never appear too perfect but be selectively vulnerable when needed. Only share something that you will be comfortable saying. You might say “I forget my keys all the time,” “I don’t know how to perfectly park a car “. But never disclose something you are not comfortable with just because you are afraid of being perfect.
Maintain distance in relationships. Friends are the best and you need them. But if you feel that they are becoming too dependent, see them at your own will. But also the reverse could be the case. Your friend may keep a distance, and that is the way of life. You have got to move on from it.
Develop your own style that makes you unique, beautiful, and elegant. Avoid trying to fit in the crowd of people who claim to care less about their style yet have too many opinions about other women’s style
Avoid male friends at all cost, you will have male colleagues, male bosses, male acquaintances, business partners. Keep it that way. You do not want a Truman Capote divulging your secrets to the world. Do not keep a man who does not fit your standard.
You do not have to win at every game. Pick and choose what is best for you and leave room for others. And step down if you have attained that level of success, do not let the society do it for you.
Trust people but remember that we are all humans. So trust with discretion!
Confuse people with kindness; people are not always comfortable with beautiful and intelligent women. That power is too intimidating so confuse them by being genuinely generous, curious, kind, and passionate.
Keep your strong opinions to yourself.. if you support a movement, a way of life, do so silently.
We all have dirty laundry, wash them privately, don’t expose yourself. Remain silent when people try to attack you or shame you. Whatever is not confirmed is not true. You are the only one who knows all the truth about you.
Don’t attract pity or praise: People who pity you do not help you, in fact they might think that you are weak and could mock you at their annual gossipping meeting. And if you are doing things for the sake of praise you are wasting your time.
Choose yourself all the time; never put any one’s feelings above yours.
Trust your own intuition if you feel someone is being malicious towards you, giving you back handed compliments then you should let them go
Never speak bad of another woman. Do not lazy around gossipping. Keep your hands clean and your conscience clear.
Avoid women with low self esteem they will bring you down. For some reason they do not like seeing other women who are doing better than them
Be careful who you seek validation from. Not everyone needs to be pleased. If they are in no way capable of contributing to your life in the ways you prefer, then don’t ask them for their opinions or please them.
Do not compete with other women, if you do you are only putting them on a pedestal. You are making the the standard by which you measure your progress. If you do compete, begin digging your grave.
Do not give unsolicited advice, do not share the inner workings of your mind, If your mouth is very charitable you better start journaling.
Be well-rounded and interesting. It attracts people. It also keeps you busy because you are continually improving and learning. An idle mind is an easily subdued one.
Avoid women who want to live vicariously through you; they want to know who you know, shop where you shop, befriend who you befriend, wear what you wear.
Pay attention to the source of your discomfort; get rid of them. You tell them your dreams and they remind you of all your hindrances. They ask why are you dressed so fancy as though fancy isn’t subjective. They undermine you interests and goals. They will also be quick to bring you down because they are afraid of your potential.
Do not fear power or please power. When we see powerful people we try to hard to befriend them, to be close to them but you need to be comfortable without them. Don’t push yourself in the name of friendship, do not try too hard to be in their inner circle. Your independence of mind is the most important. Instead become a powerful woman, aloof to the presence of power but aware of its importance. Be an ingenious and intelligent and use your creativity to uplift yourself. When you do so it will be hard to ignore you. Even the powerful will become an ally.
Enjoy moments of solitude. Use that time to develop yourself, improve your body, learn new skills, create with your mind, read widely, become more elegant, then launch yourself.
Remember the most powerful women are the most intelligent. Inspired by Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power. Use at your discretion.
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beegalactica · 2 months
hot girl tips to be more productive
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With a million things to do, where do we find the time? Sometimes it can be so easy to just procrastinate, not do your work and keep pushing it back till it's too late. Let's not do that anymore.
5-minute rule - start small. If you've been putting something off for a long time, trying to commit 1 hour to it can be challenging. You can't do a marathon without a warm-up first! Could you set a timer for 5 minutes to do that task? After 5 minutes if you want to continue, go for it; if you don't, that's okay, because at least you've done 5 minutes today, which is better than 0. Tomorrow or later in the day, try to challenge yourself to do 7 minutes this time, then 10, then 15, and you will get into that rhythm.
Eliminate distractions - it's all because of that damn phone 🙄 but seriously, tech and social media can have such a tight grip over our productivity and our attention. If you cannot control your usage, set app timers that lock the app after you use it for a certain amount of time or delete the app. I've been using a minimalist phone launcher called 'OLauncher' that removes all my icons and makes me manually have to type and search for the app. In the time it takes me to search for the app, I get to ask myself, "What am I looking for? Do I need to use it for something specific or do I just want to scroll?"
Schedule properly - note down all your commitments and non-negotiables in an app like Google Calendar and make sure all your big events are displayed there. Some people can fall into the habit of planning every second of their day, but I instead delegate a few tasks to each day and give myself any time within the day to complete them, the important thing being not when I do them, but that I do them in the end.
Write to-do lists - now this doesn't just mean in-app lists, which are very useful. Physically write them out. I use a scrap piece of paper and I write: "Today I WILL..." and then list all the things I want to get done. Having it written down helps me commit to it more and the feeling of ticking it is so satisfying.
Know your WHY - Why are you doing this? Why do you want to be more productive? Why do you want to study more? Always look at the bigger picture. Where do you want to be and how will your productivity help you get there?
Celebrate your wins - whether you completed all the things on your to-do list or just one, be proud of it. Some days, you will feel super motivated and fly through all your tasks, and other days you just want to stay in bed and do nothing. Making an effort is the first step to your success.
No matter whether your goal is to complete a project, get good grades, get into the school of your dreams, or just get your work out of the way so you can focus on other things, tackle it little by little. Just 20 minutes every day for a week is better than trying to do 140 minutes worth of work on the last day.
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
how to keep going⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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just. keep. showing. up. even if u don’t look the way that you wanna look, or u don’t have the aesthetic that u wanna have, doesn’t mean that u won’t get there. 
it’s normal to get discouraged sometimes but don’t let that discouragement take u off track for your goals. you will get to where u wanna get, you will excel but in order to get to that place you MUST keep going. 
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track your progress ; when you feel like you discouraged it’s easy to forget what you’ve done to get to the spot that ur at today. 
track your progress in your journal or on your notion or in a binder, that way when u have days when it feels hard to keep going, you have a resource that can prove to you that you ARE competent and you CAN do it. 
take a break and reflect ; this is when it’s time to whip out the progress binder and remind yourself of how good that ur doing. 
reflect on if ur harboring something that is serving or hurting you and if it’s the latter how will you go about it. remember to let yourself take a breather. but whats important to note is that dont let this "breather" be something that moves u backwards. a breather should move you forward a little bit, and if it can't, then at least stay where u are for a little, but never go backwards.
you are doing GREAT and ur doing so well, just keep showing up even tho it feels like u don’t see movement, or you feel as though ur not moving forward. YOU ARE MOVING FORWARD. u just need to keep going 
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avokaidoll · 5 months
⑅ Self Discipline ⑅
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Self-discipline is like having a personal cheerleader in your head, helping you stay focused and achieve your goals. It's the ability to control and direct yourself, making choices that align with your long-term objectives rather than giving in to immediate impulses. Think of it as the secret sauce for personal growth, productivity, and success. It involves setting priorities, making conscious decisions, and consistently putting in effort to reach your desired outcomes. Self-discipline empowers you to stay on track, overcome challenges, and ultimately become the best version of yourself.
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Let's break down the essence of self-discipline in dfrnt aspects of your life
1. Morning Routine Magic:
Your morning routine is like crafting a daily sanctuary. Beyond skincare, imagine incorporating moments of tranquility like yoga or a quick workout. It's not just a checklist; it's setting the stage for a day of conquering.
2. To-Do List Love:
Your to-do list is a dynamic tool, more than a mere inventory of tasks. It's a glam planner, outlining your roadmap to success. Writing down your ambitions transforms them into tangible goals, making the conquest all the more empowering.
3. Snack on Goals, Not Junk:
Goals aren't just targets; they're your daily sustenance. Instead of mindless snacking, consider each accomplished task as a delicious victory bite, satisfying your hunger for achievement.
4. Wardrobe Power Moves:
Dressing for success isn't a superficial act; it's about embodying confidence. Your outfit becomes a statement, shaping your mindset for the day. It's akin to wearing a tangible boost of self-assurance. I want you to wear for the day you want, not the day you have !!!
5. Breaks Aren't Breakdowns:
Taking breaks is a strategic recharge, not a sign of weakness. It's not about slacking off but strategically powering up. These moments are not breakdowns; they are breakthroughs, allowing you to return with renewed sparkle. So don't beat yourself up when your really need the rest :)
6. Learn, Don't Stress:
In the face of challenges, see them as opportunities for growth. Self-discipline is not a pursuit of perfection but a commitment to a journey of continual learning. Remember, nobody is born with all the answers; it's about evolving.
7. Consistency is the Glow-Up Secret:
Consistency is more than a routine; it's the highlighter of your life's narrative. It infuses your journey with an extra pop, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. Even on tough days, maintaining consistency becomes your guiding light.
8. Celebrate Small Wins:
Every step toward your goals, irrespective of size, is a cause for celebration. It's not just recognizing achievements; it's throwing a confetti party for yourself. Celebrate not just the destination but the entire journey.
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9. Consistent Routine:
Envision self-discipline as a daily sanctuary, akin to your skincare routine. Skipping it is like neglecting a crucial step in your beauty ritual. Embrace it daily for a consistent, empowering glow.
10. Setting Goals:
Picture self-discipline as the GPS that is guiding you to your dreams. Establish small, attainable goals as waypoints on your journey. These goals serve as markers, leading you steadily toward your grand aspirations.
11. Prioritizing Tasks:
Think of self-discipline as your wise older sister, advising you on what truly matters. Prioritize tasks that contribute to your glow-up, whether it's acquiring a new skill or taking care of your well-being.
12. Resisting Temptations:
It's important to saying no to that extra slice of cake when you know you're full. Self-discipline aids in resisting temptations that might divert you from your goals, whether it's procrastination or unhealthy habits.
13. Building Habits:
Like establishing a routine of daily water intake, self-discipline helps in cultivating positive habits. These habits become second nature, contributing to your overall well-being and success.
14. Time Management:
Imagine self-discipline as a magical time-turner. It assists in managing your time wisely, allowing you to balance academics, self-care, and the pursuit of your passions effectively.
15. Learning from Mistakes:
Self-discipline is forgiving; it encourages learning from mistakes rather than dwelling on them. It's a compassionate guide, acknowledging that growth comes from understanding and overcoming challenges.
16. Celebrating Achievements:
Consider self-discipline your personal cheerleader. It not only recognizes but actively celebrates your achievements, big or small, in your journey of self-improvement and success.
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Visualize self-discipline as your personal superhero cape, guiding you through the journey of glowing up and being super productive. You're on the path to becoming a true girlboss.
Keep shining doll !
Xoxo signing off,
Angela ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
ps: this is my first post I hope it was informative enough as I am also in my own journey of being better mentally and physically and I see self discipline as something essential for that to happen.
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4theitgirls · 9 months
things to do before school starts
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fix your sleep schedule
set your key goals for the semester
organize/set up your bag, stationary, notebooks, etc.
review the syllabus for your courses
do any remaining tasks you’ll need (financial aid, housing, account set ups, etc.)
make a success plan. how will you manage distractions? what study methods do you want to try this semester? how will you stay disciplined?
reset your electronics. delete any material from the previous semester you will no longer need.
set up your organization/planning system. if you’re using notion, set up your notion. if you’re using a planner, set up your planner.
get your self care/maintenance routine down so you can have it in your routine when school starts.
make a routine. morning, evening, study, etc., it will be so much easier to manage once school starts if you get it down beforehand.
have a self care day and de-stress! going back to school can be overwhelming, but have faith in yourself. you got this!
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australoprettycus · 2 months
So when I was 15 ( I'm 24 now) I saw this video where the guy said "I've been talking with God for so long that if u look at my life I guess he's talking back " and I have always held it in my mind waiting for the perfect time to say it . Now, I realized I have been blessed with tons of those moments but I haven't noticed them before because I was so cought up with finding a grand win when I was winning all the time through Gods grace. So today I tell u, I've been talking with God for so long that if u look at my life I guess he's talking back.
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Are you making good use of your time today?
Hey ladies, we just want to remind you of how important it is for you to stay productive!
Make small new changes to your morning, off days, and night routines!
Maintain self-control and treat yourself with little acts of self-care as a reward for completing productive tasks.
Before you know it those new small habits turn into a lifestyle!
model 🏷️ reniyanicoel
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coco-oats · 5 months
That girl is such a hard worker, she always tries her best in order to improve and help herself.
That girl treats her body, mind, and soul with kindness and acceptance.
That girl knows herself and doesn’t let others push her around or try to hurt her.
That girl loves herself more than anything.
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hermajestyimher · 2 years
Repeat After Me:
I am obsessed with being disciplined. I enjoy pushing through temptation and distractions in lieu of remaining committed to my goals and visions. I love the feeling of satisfaction I get after achieving a goal that could have only materialized through laser focus and discipline. I know that discipline is a muscle that can only be strengthened with consistency and tenacity. I love that my disciplined personality allows me to live a life beyond mediocrity, complacency, and misery. I am strong, committed, resilient, and capable.
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thatgirlchallenge · 8 days
From now on, whenever I catch myself thinking about a man, I’ll replace these thoughts with positive thoughts about me !
I’ll get over this phase over centering my life around men. They’re not worth it.
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becomingher-era · 5 months
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Have you heard of the saying "Positive minds, Positive vibes." Your life is as good as your mindset. The more positive your outlook, the better your life.
How to start? Focus on solutions rather than problems.
Set clear and achievable goals. Break them down into smaller steps and stay focused on your objectives.
The more you'll achieve your goals, the greater your confidence will get.
Success often requires persistence and determination. No matter the obstacles, keep pushing forward!
Your reward is not to far ahead.
See every challenges as opportunities for growth. As we say "you success is outside your comfort zone."
Believe in yourself even when nobody else does.
Grab your “How to become THAT GIRL in 2024” ebook today! 🤍
Link 🔗 here
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the-joy-of-knowledge · 3 months
Common Sense for women in their 20s
Define your raison d'être
Journal regularly, in fact daily
Figure out the right hairstyle for you
Buy clothes that fit your body type
Learn to do you own makeup if you'd like to wear it
Observe, observe, observe
Try to participate in the society
Know that not everything is within your control
Do not live in fantasy or fear, they are distractions
Read books
Learn to form you own opinion
Do not force friendships
Do not stress the small stuff
Spend time getting to know your self
Know women's history & History and use it to your advantage
Have some intellectual rigor
Create your own community
Find a third space
Take your vitamins
Your wellbeing and wellness should be your priority
Have role models for every area of your life
Have discretion
Do not be quick to anger
Have mentors and be a mentor to others
Your social skills will take you far
Be responsible, the world is not so forgiving to women
Know when to stand out
Know when to fit in
Curate your life to fit your goals and desires
Understand strategy and how best to use it to your advantage
Get acquainted with what maks the world go round
You have to climb socially
You need allies in areas where you want to win
Be kind
Be content with what you have, otherwise you will pay the price
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Cultivate Self-Discipline
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Decisiveness drives discipline. You need to clarify and define your goals. State them clearly with their authentic purpose in mind. If you seduce this end goal into your life, what desire are you truly fulfilling? Ex. If you want to lose 10 pounds: Is it to feel healthier? Look better in a bikini? Fit into a certain pair of jeans? No matter how superficial, identify the genuine reason why you want to achieve a certain goal. Whatever reason elicits a visceral and emotional reaction. Sometimes, especially during a busy work day, your reason could be as simple as wanting to lessen your anxiety and ease into a more relaxed state. Any purpose that resonates. Once you have an emotional response tied to a goal, it becomes infinitely easier to motivate yourself to take small steps towards achieving it. Where energy goes, energy flow. Simon Sinek goes more in-depth with this concept in Start With Why.
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable.
Think of performing self-discipline rituals as confidence-building exercises. This action helps you trust yourself, establishes a sense of integrity, and builds self-confidence. For example, if you stick to your meal and workout plan for 5 days a week, you build trust in knowing you're more powerful than your cravings and are capable of taking good care of your body. If you complete a project on schedule (personal or professional), you prove to yourself that you’re efficient, build confidence in your ability to finish tasks you start, and self-affirm that you follow through on your ideas. Finishing that book this month reflects confirms that you value yourself enough to expand your mind, learn, and expand your knowledge base. Eventually, through enough consistent repetition, these rituals into unconscious habits that you do effortlessly in daily life. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
You can’t manage what you don’t measure – your finances, calorie and step counts, workouts, productivity, etc. Tracking data related to your habits – such as your spending habits, eating or workout patterns, writing word count, and task completion – on a given day or week – allows you to understand and analyze your current behavior. What habit cues, environmental or other situational factors are keeping you from sticking to the current task at hand? Do you leave your running shoes stuffed in the back of the closet? Junk food in the house? Work from bed or with your phone by your side? Are you avoiding certain emotions? Does this data change when you’re stressed or tired?  
Awareness is the first step towards redirected action. Analyze these data points to see your pitfalls and strategize how to help yourself. 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight
Set yourself up to win. Get the phone away from your workspace, remove any junk food or soda from the house, delete apps, or silence notifications from people who distract you from your goals. Self-discipline becomes significantly easier when you have to take additional steps to indulge in your vices. Replace these temptations with helpful cues to help you build healthier habits that lead to self-discipline. Give yourself visual cues to move you toward your goals. Keep a journal with a pen next to your bed. Leave your workout clothes and shoes out near your bed. Write a quick to-do list right before finishing work for the following day, so it’s easier to jump into the first task right away the next morning. Cut up some produce or do a 30-60 minute meal prep once a week to eat more healthful meals. Find ways to make it easier to stay on track than give in to temptation. 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Self-discipline shouldn’t feel like deprivation – of certain foods, pastimes, or activities you enjoy. Buy cute workout clothes you feel confident in. Create the most dance-worthy playlist. Make it a priority to buy your favorite fruits and vegetables every week. Rotate a selection of your favorite healthy meals. Leave your sunscreen out – front and center – on your bathroom counter. Find a big, beautiful water bottle to keep on your desk. Purchase aesthetic notebooks, pens, planners, journals, and other office organization items. To make self-discipline feel like second nature, you need to marry indulgences and your desire to meet your goals. Discover the habits that work for you and find small ways to make these tasks more enjoyable. 
Go easy on yourself. Build one habit at a time. Self-discipline is like a muscle. It requires time to build and grows in increments. Try to stay on track and more focused than yesterday. Your only competition is your former self. Find pleasure in the process. Focus on the immediate task in front of you while also keeping your future self in mind. 
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honeytonedhottie · 7 months
educate urself໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹ ʚɞ 🎧
the world is constantly changing. don’t be ignorant, please educate urself. we should be well informed and well educated not just for the good of others but for our own good. 
here r some tips i got from another post to start off that i’ll link here : https://www.tumblr.com/csuitebitches/703658775314399232/on-becoming-well-read?source=share
read 3 academic articles a month 
read the news everyday 
if reading isn’t ur thing, watch TED talks on youtube, or listen to podcasts 
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some interesting topics to educate urself in : 
the history of the country u live in or the country that u are from 
basic international history 
classical literature 
architecture basics 
prominent CEOS, politicians and families in ur country 
industries that are becoming popular 
messages - pressure points 
jewelry - precious stones and metals 
real estate 
different belief systems and religions
also surround urself with people that u can learn from and sharpen from. bcuz who u surround urself with matters so at least surround urself with people who can help to further educate you.
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girlmaxxxing · 7 months
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Take care of yourself Girl.
It doesn’t matter how expensive your makeup or clothes are, if your body and skin are lacking, it will always look worse.
Work on your canvas before applying the paint.
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The woman I transformed into this year, she's a force to be reckoned with in the years to come.
I just want to acknowledge all of the women who have been dedicating their time and effort to self-improvement and accepting responsibility. The energy we are investing in our own personal growth, transforming ourselves, and ending harmful patterns not only builds resilience within us at present, but also prepares us for the life we envision and the future we aspire to. 🥂 to us.
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Don’t miss out the game-changing content that we post on Instagram! Follow us now: TheBlackFeminineSociety
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