#kpop ask games
shadowetienne · 2 years
For the K-Pop ask game: VIXX!
[ if i stan ]
I've not followed them closely in some time (may become obvious why momentarily), but they were one of my favorite groups for a good long while.
favorite member / bias line - Leo, Hongbin
which member I’d fight (& why) - Hyuk for sheer entertainment value
favorite song(s) - Shangri-La
favorite thing about the group - vocals and storylines
something i’d like to see from them - I think that I'm happy with them easing into their solo careers at this point, like collab if they want to, but there's not really a return to the past at this point
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
🫧 I thought of a game to play give me a kpop group(s) and I’ll tell you what member(s) are the ones I’m not normal about but isn’t actually my bias.
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k-tarotz · 4 months
PAC : 10 Facts About Your Future Spouse
This is intended to be about a life long partner, so future spouse, soulmate, your forever. Whatever you would like to call it, marriage isn’t necessary here if you aren’t fond of the idea. Look at it as your end game. You can use this for your next partner, although keep in mind it could be less accurate that way.
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disclaimer: our readings are for entertainment purposes only. they are not a replacement for medical, psychological or any kind of professional advice. this is for fun, not to be taken seriously. any choices made based of our readings are your responsibility.
🪁 thank you for reading and have fun!
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Pile One
ace of pentacles, the lovers, two of swords
very competitive
easily anxious (might have anxiety)
successful in whatever they try
very charming
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Pile Two
page of pentacles, knight of swords, six of swords
intelligent finance wise
might have anger issues (for some of you)
good at self reflection
knows when to be serious
really straightforward
natural born leader
has a really strong sense of morals
likes to be complimented
generally really calm/quite
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Pile Three
the fool, the empress, knight of cups
has really big dreams
might be a bit unrealistic at times
takes other peoples burdens on themselves
very empathetic
has a pretty voice/smile
really gentle and kind
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thank you for reading! we appreciate your time 🫶🏻
- Candy
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sona-verse01 · 2 months
Physical Features of Future Spouse
Shipping with ur Idol
2 Games in 1 post
[I will open it again after answering all the asks]
Read the post carefully & completely before sending ur ask.
Follow me
Like this post
Reblog this post, my reading m.list & my k-pop m.list
You can participate in both games, but send different asks for them.
1 ask per person (for each game).
No Anons
Follow all the rules.
1) Physical Features of Future Spouse:
I posted the PAC on same topic earlier, but I accidentally deleted it right after posting it.
In this game, I'm going to tell you about ur Future Spouse's physical features
I will tell you as much information as I get.
I will be using my intuition along with physical features oracle deck.
Pics that will describe my vibes or aesthetic
Ask list 🌈
Check the ask list above for confirmation about ask.
Ask format:
Ur initials/nickname
Gender preference
Emoji: 🌈 (only this one)
(Read the rules above, before sending ur ask)
2) Shipping with ur Idol:
In this game, I will ship you with a member of ur chosen group(s).
You can ask for more than 1 group in the same ask.
Groups you can choose: Enhypen, TXT, Stray Kids, Ateez, BTS, Blackpink, ITZY, Le Sserafim...
(These are the groups that I'm completely familiar with. You can ask for other groups too, but it will not be accurate from my side. I will try my best to get familiar with those groups.)
Ship me with a member of the each group(s) you want to be shipped with.
Ask list 🫧🌊
Check the ask list above for confirmation about ask.
Ask format:
Ur initials/nickname
Include some images to describe ur aesthetic
Emoji: 🫧 or 🌊 (only this one)
(Read the rules above, before sending ur ask)
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nicromancytarot · 4 days
I am Mahmoud Hilles, the owner of the donation campaign. The campaign aims to get my family out of Gaza to Egypt. Please share🌹🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🌹😭😭
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Alright lads, once again another lovely family from Palestine needs our help!! Let’s get Mahmoud and his family out of Gaza and to safety as soon as possible. Share on all your social media platforms, tell your friends and family, let’s get everyone donating. Even if you can’t donate, make sure you share!! Push this to those who can donate. As a collective we can do great things, let’s get them to safety ‼️
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sxorpiomooon · 1 month
Hi! In this game basically I will tell you three qualities that your next partner has and a k-pop idol that they might have a similar vibe to! If you are not interested in k-pop mention it in the ask and I'll just give you a celebrity.
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Rules to enter
- follow me
- share and like this post
- share my astrology observations and my pac
- share my masterlist
- share my paid readings post
- while sending an ask mention your initials and a k-pop song recommendation
- if you want to ask a specific small question about your next partner you can pay me $5 on kofi for one question(send the SS of the payment in the ask) remember, if you ever want a big reading you can always purchase my paid readings!!
thankyouu for participating in this game<333
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moonastro · 1 month
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so, i haven't done a game in a while and decided to do one in honour of the Beltane holiday marking for the beginning of spring.
this is going to be a mood board game**
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩ask box ONLY
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩send your initials and your big 3
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩send if you want your mood board to be about for example, your vibe, your fs, your future etc etc (be creative lol)
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 extra* for the intuitive and tarot individuals, i would appreciate a mood board back that resembles either my vibe or my fs. (you will receive extra and more consideration😊😊)
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩and ofc have fun, this is for fun and i expect no other than good vibes🫶🫶🌼
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bunnyzitta · 2 months
✿ haerin (new jeans) lockscreens !
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shinystarfishmoon · 9 months
Relationships dynamic with your fs|Pick A Card
Hi everyone welcome back to my new pac. This pac is about your relationship dynamic between you and your fs . Here fs can mean you future spouse or soulmate whatever you believe in. This reading is a general reading take what resonates and live what doesn't 💗. Also it took me ages to do this reading i would really appreciate
If you like the reading please follow and reblog 💗 also if you liked check out my paid reading
Urgent please if you liked this please help a tarot reader our I am currently going through tough time right now and you can help by booking reading thanks
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The plies are from left to right 👉🐥
Plie 1
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Hello plie 1 welcome to your reading love 💗
Cards: ace of coins,ace of swords,ace of cups,magician, strength, king of Wands, sun ☀️.
it may seem like I am just using positive cards but I swear I am not this are the cards that you got lots of 111 , 1111 ,2112 if you are seeing this could a sign. Look up for their meanings on internate. Lets get started with your reading so a lot of aces . I don't think you have met your fs yet this is someone new 🐥. This relationship will be a new beginning for many things lots of opportunities . You both will be each others strength... Like if one person will feel down the other person will try their level best to make sure to make you smile. I am hearing action speak more than words. Some of you may in past have struggled with a person who made a lot of promises with but never showed any actions to fulfill their promises I think this person would not be like that they are going to show with their action that they are truly into you that they want you in their life and you are going to do the same for them. You both together will create a lot of things which bring opportunities like starting a buisness etc or helping you may even work with this person ( this is for some of you would) . Every down to Earth couple.Even if you achieve great heights you will remind each other where you come from and what all you have achived. Help each other stay true to them self and not let the success get in the head. Very emotionally available couple. A every secure couple. No pitty fights . You both will have a deep understanding about each other. Best friends to lover kind of situation. Where you know each other so well that you could tell just by looking at their face what other person is thinking ( this is just a example of the bonds you guys will share) . A optimistic couple always seeing something good in every situation. Great at communicating your feelings with each other . I am getting 18 + messages I would not going to it as there might be some minors reading this but you guys will have lots of fun together🫣.
This song came to my mind
Plie 2 🌹
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Hello plie 2 welcome to your reading
Cards: 3 of swords, 5 of wands, 4 of coins, hanged man ( reverse) ace of swords,8 of swords, Queen of coins,the star, 3of cups
Let's get into your reading
before meeting each other either on of you or both of you may go through a heart break ( this doesn't always have to be about relationship, though it can be but it can also represent a heart break because life Just happens sometimes) . Or it can be Just that for both of you life was not particularly easy and you never got time to look after your heart and its hurts. Because of this even after having so many things you may feel stagnant. But this relationship will be the medicine to cuts that were made in the process. healing each other is a big thing in this relationship. Knowing that you both are not perfect but ready to fight to become a better person for them and vice versa. This relationship will be a new beginning to see your life and yourself in a new light. This relationship will make you try to do your level best and improve your life for each other. It will force you both to get out of your comfort zone . Doing all this self reflection and being each others support. You both may start out as friends and gradually fall in love. They couples who everyone ships. Your friends may be also really supportive of this relationship. I also think that you guys may be different in so many ways but also very similar ( this are intuitive message I am getting not from cards).
( this Hindi song was in my mind the whole time during the relationship)
Plie 3 💗
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Hello plie 3 welcome to your reading
Cards : 3 of swords,5 of swords ,6 of swords king of coins ,page of cups ,6 of coins ,the moon
Hello there how you have been doing . Before we get in to the dynamic of you and your fs i would there are some cards that indicate a heart break and a betrayal this could be someting you or your fs may have expirenced in the past or good be a situation that you are currently in where you feel betrayed and heart broken because of someone or something and it may feel like you have broken into pieces. Which may have led you to self doubt ,I truly dont think that you are in this situation currently right now. Beacuse of the 6 of swords i think that you or your fs have moved on from what happended even though it was hard but you left what happended in the past and moved on. I really dont this heart break creating a problem in the relationship its all in the past and you or the fs may want it to stay that way . Now lets get into the relationship dynamic I see both of you may be coming from money or one of you may come from a lot of money . Old money vibes here . This could be that you have build something that like a business or opportunity that brings you in a lot of money and that's why you are a rich person I see you when you get into the relationship I do not see you struggling with money. A couple that is very generous espcialy with money . Doing Charity work feeding the homeless feeding the children's that are unfortunate opening NGO or opening and orphanage is the kind of couple that I see you both being. A very emotionally available kind of couple there is never going to be a situation where anybody in this relationship would feel like oh I am not being validated enough for I am not being appreciated enough I do not think this would ever happened in this relationship also I see you being a very happy couple a very in love couple I think what makes you relationship very from other relationships is that you don't know that nobody can be perfect and that your partner wool also have faults and they would also have in perfection but your ok with it I think you are in kind of in love with their imperfections. Also with the moon card i think for now there are some things that need to be under cover right now . I also sense that plie 3 is reading a lot of tarot reading about love girll give it a rest 🤣 (lol). Thats your reading see you next time
Songs :
Plie 4
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Cards : knight of coins, two to of coins, ace of cups justice the world tow of wands ,the hangedman
Hello plie 4 welcome to your reading, hope you guys are doing amazing 🤩.lets get into your reading . Couple how understand what going with the flow means. How to sperate their hobbies and interests and taking out time for doing something that does not necessarily makes money but makes them happy. couple that you see going to yoga classes or gym together because they just enjoy doing it. A couple who is very open with each other. You guys have Harmony in the relationship. You know they feeling when a person just simply gets you and you don't have to pretend to be your best self all the time . This is the type of couple you could be. I am hearing" You are very things I need". A lot of words of affirmation. balancing each other out. You guys together share same values . A couple who believes in fairness, grounded very humble and kind. You may meet them when you may just be starting something new. This is the relationship that may trun not something serious preety soon. This relationship would be very strong.Very grounded , very secure not very easy to make insecure even if people try they will not be able to .you guys may also meet while travelling. This is all I have for you . I am really sorry this is very short but I didnt get many messages,hope you understand 🐥
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psychicreadsgirl · 8 months
❤️Ask Game: Love Edition ❤️ (CLOSED)
This ask game will close on October 10, 2023 at 11:59 pm KST. Any asks sent after this time will not be answered.
I may or may not answer everyone's asks.
For non anons:
a. Reblog or like this post.
b. You can pick only ask 1 question.
c. You can ask for yourself or for a celebrity. If you are asking about a celebrity, you must let me know the name of that celeb.
d. The question that you ask must be one of the following:
i. 💌: What's holding you back from love? (For a celeb, it'd be what's holding them back from love?) ii. 💋: What would a relationship between you and your crush be like? You must tell me the initials of your crush and how you know them (i.e. like are they your friend/classmate etc) for me to answer this question. If you're asking for a celebrity, you can ask what a relationship between this celebrity and another celebrity would be like or generally what are they like in a celebrity. iii. 🤝: What will your next partner be like? (For a celeb, it'd be what sort of partner are they usually attracted to.) iv. 🏹: What problems or obstacles do you usually face in love or in a relationship? (If it's for a celeb, then the q what problems or obstacles does this celebrity usually face in love or in a relationship?) v. 🔥: Free for all - I will tell you whatever I can pick up about you and love. (If this is for a celeb, then I'll tell you whatever I can pick up about them. vii. 🕰️: Past life & love - How have your past lives influenced your current love life?
4. For anons:
a. Give me your initials and at least 2 different emojis to represent you.
b. You can only pick 1 question. (Anons, you only have 4 qs to pick from. If you go as non-anon you get more qs to choose from.)
c. You can ask for yourself or for a celebrity. If you are asking about a celebrity, you must let me know the name of that celeb.
d. The question that you ask must be one of the following:
i. 💌: What's holding you back from love? (For a celeb, it'd be what's holding them back from love?) ii. 🤝: What will your next partner be like? (For a celeb, it'd be what sort of partner are they usually attracted to.) iii. 🔥: Free for all - I will tell you whatever I can pick up about you and love. (If this is for a celeb, then I'll tell you whatever I can pick up about them. iv. 🕰️: Past life & love - How have your past lives influenced your current love life?
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alaezasmystery235 · 1 month
♡‿♡ 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ♡‿♡
What would * insert celeb name * think of you ?
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Welcome to fun exchange Game !! Many of you have requested me to do it so I'm happy to finally bring it for you all .
.... R u l e s ....
🏷️ send me your initials , fav emoji alongwith sun sign .
🏷️ like and reblog this post alongwith these 2 links -> 1111 -> 222
🏷️ tell me a little about your chosen celeb ( anyone be it kpop / Hollywood ) and also send me their 1 pic so that I know whom you are talking about.
🏷️ as an exchange tell me for kpop fans with whom you'd ship me from group enhypen and why . For non kpop fans you can tell me what would J.P fav things about me .
🏷️ follow me and feedback is a must
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k-tarotz · 5 months
Could you please make a post on how sunghoon would act around his crush??💖💖💖💖💖
Thank you for your request lovely, Also thank you for your patience it was quite busy around Christmas and new years but now I have energy to continue the "how does x act around their crush" series! 🩵
Temperance, 6 of wands, 2 of cups
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How Sunghoon would act around his crush:
First of all loyal! Like you know how some people are like "it's just a crush, I can still look at other people or even go on dates with others" that's like the exact opposite from sunghoon- (nothing against those people though!) Like this boy is committed even to his crush, without his crush even knowing that hoon has a crush on them, it's just in his nature. There is also high potential that Sunghoon didn't had many crushes yet, since he was pretty busy already since his childhood pretty much. But yes he is the kind of boy to have eyes only for his crush and no one else, his mind being with his crush the whole time too. Daily thoughts of his crush is nothing new to him, it might be a bit frustrating even
Jelly! He sees his crush linking arms with someone? (even if it's just a friend) boy would be incredibly jelly and sad and annoyed like a small little roller-coaster of bad emotions would go on. He would try to hide it the best way possible though, he doesn't want his crush to know and especially not to find out through his jealousy. But he would be quite often jealous, even little things like his crush eating dinner with someone else or even calling with a friend on their phone - he might subconsciously even pout and think "it should be me! I can treat them better!" (Shawn Mendes has such a song I think, this fits sunghoon so well lmao-)
Clingy! Yet try not to be, or at least hold it back if he doesn't know this person for long yet. But things like trying to read his crush's messages while they are texting on their phone next to him. Trying to spend more time with his crush of course! If he has his crush's number he would text nearly everyday - and expect an answer the same day of course, checking up on his crush is a must. He would physically be Clingy too but only if his crush is close to him, like if they never hugged before yet he won't just hug them out of nowhere, but if they already know each other well and already had (Innocent) physical contact then he would try to do more or at least for longer. Definitely holding hands, hugging and an arm around them. Maybe secretly smelling his crush's hair also! Sunghoon is definitely into physical affection, just with the right person, probably isn't into pda though
Insecure/Anxious unfortunately he would have self doubts about himself (even though he is literally such a nice person and handsome) like "maybe I'm not handsome enough for them" or get Insecure about simple things like a small pimple or an angle that could possibly make him look bad ect but also things like "wait hold up do I have something between my teeth?" Like he would quickly check up on things like that with a mirror before going to his crush and talking to them
Shy! He can try to hide it but would he success? Not really! If you pay close attention to him you can see him slightly blushing at times, he also giggles/laughs when he gets shy. He will get shy quite easily around his crush like they stroke their hair behind their ear while laughing at Sunghoon's joke? Boy would blush and giggle and be over the moon! Like legit it doesn't take him much to get shy!
Proud! Now Sunghoon is someone who will feel proud and acknowledged if he gets praised for things! By things I don't mean his looks, because that's not really something he did you know? He would get Proud if he gets praised for example for singing nicely, or for dancing good, or if he for example builds up something all by himself, if he cooks/bakes! He would genuinely feel so warm and loved by that, could subconsciously make his crush bigger
Feeling safe! Since sunghoon had quite a lot of responsibilities to carry on his shoulders for a looong time he would love it if he can just feel safe around his crush with no responsibilities tied to it, he could possibly prefer someone older than him by a few years because he seems to have the mentality of "Oh if they are younger than me then I have to take care of them" like you know? Especially since he is a big brother he is used to that feeling, so there is just thar potential of this preference. Aside from wanting to feel safe like that, he would love to make his crush feel safe around him too! Which brings us to the next chapter...
Trustworthy! Sunghoon is genuinely someone very trustworthy like you tell him a secret and he won't tell anyone else! He will keep everything private that should stay private! His friends, family and crush can trust him if he says something he will do it and stick to it. He is also not someone who would play with anyone's feelings at all, you can trust him with your heart and everything, he will also stick to all his promises!
Honest! You know those people who like.. sometimes lie or exaggerate stories that they tell to their crush or even friends to impress them? That's also the opposite of Sunghoon, he is humble and honest he will try to impress his crush for example by telling how many medals he won but its not to brag but literally yelling his story and hoping it's enough to impress. Of course he would be very honest in general with his crush! He would want the same honesty back as that and being loyal is very important to him
Humble! So as already mentioned he would be humble, like he already is but around his crush even more! Especially if his crush isn't in the same industry as him like if they aren't a public person at all, he would never say anything like "I'm an idol and you are just (..)" at all. He would always look at his crush as equal even if they don't have the same job at all. He would never put his crush down on purpose, not for anything in this world
Caring! If he notices that it's getting colder he would give his crush those small heatpacks that you can carry in your pockets, he would tell them to not catch a cold and he would even go out of his way and buy a scarf for his crush, gently wrapping it around their neck. He would be caring in many many more ways, this was just one example! He would genuinely care about his crush, their health, their feelings and more, always watching out for his crush
Secret Admirer! Alright so this one would especially happen if his crush and him aren't that close yet, but also some of those still after they are close. He would definitely watch his crush sometimes without speaking because he might be too shy or anxious at the moment, regardless watching his crush would make him happy. He would be the type to buy small presents and leave them at his crush's thingy wherever they can have access to it, but no no no not just random or simple presents like flowers or chocolate no! You know how you once mentioned months ago that you liked this one perfume and try to save up for it? Guess what he got... yes that perfume! Sunghoon is someone who pays attention to his beloved ones and he has a good memory, so he will remember such things and get them when the time is right (example: his crush's birthday, valentines day or any other important holiday but it can also be on a random day just not too close after they told him so it's not too obvious it's from him) and ge genuinely enjoys spoiling his beloved ones. He would possibly leave small sweet notes with them like "you are amazing "
Playful! Especially with jokes like he would try his best to make his crush laugh, especially with puns! He would feel so proud and good about himself if he succeeds and he would enjoy making his crush laugh! He would try not to overdue it with his jokes but also remember the ones that made his crush laugh so he can say similar ones. Laughing together with his crush would be the perfect bonding!
Nicknames! Sunghoon is someone who is quite into Nicknames so he would love to be called nicknames from his crush. His favorite nicknames are "Hyung, baby, oppa" (jay is older than sunghoon but sunghoon made him call him hyung and genuinely enjoyed that, so he might also like it if his crush calls him hyung/oppa even/especially in case they are older than sunghoon, it depends on his mood though) like he often says "I'm not a baby" but secretly he likes it, especially when his feminine side is out more - in one of his current lives he also said "you can call me whatever you want if you say I'm cute, cool or sexy.. I like it either way" so it all really depends on his mood a bit but in general he really loves nicknames and is fine with multiple ones, different kinds - especially if his crush is close to him!
Respectful! You know how some people just can't accept a no and especially not a rejection? Opposite from sunghoon again. If sunghoon ever decides to confess to his crush, it could take months or longer because he is someone with lots anxiety, and his crush rejects him then of course he will be sad and heartbroken but he would accept it and not try any further. Sunghoon is one of the most respectful idols we ever saw and on top of that we don't think ge would try to chase after anyone, especially if they make it clear that they have no feelings for him at all. He would still think about his crush, but regardless try his best to move on, not trying to make any moves on them at all. He might avoid his crush until enough time has passed because he would need time to heal
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Thank you everyone for reading this, possibly liking, commenting or reblogging this! ♡ it takes time and energy to write those kinda readings as I try to be quite detailed with those so it might take a bit until I answer the next request of this series - regardless its also very fun to do so feel free to request this with whoever you want and I will answer once I recharged my energy! Thank you everyone!
- Hun
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themoonistalkingtou · 3 months
♣︎New Tarot Game! (Open)
⚠️: First of all I want to apologize for not answering your previous questions from my previous game (the one about moodboards), I started to feel really bad energetically and emotionally but here I am! and this time I will answer ALL of them! are you ready?
The only issue with this game is that I will only answer 25 asks, unfortunately I don't know if I have the energy to answer more than that (maybe in a future).
What is this game about? The theme of this game is: Spirit Guides/ Gods
How can you play this game? Well! You have to send me an ask, and you have to ask just ONE question for your guides/ your favorite god. When you send your question I will answer you as if that god/guide is answering you, here is an example:
Ask: "What Hekate thinks about me?"
Answer: "I think you're a chill person, maybe a little introvert, you have a lot to see in this life..."
Obviously, I will answer your questions with what the tarot cards tell me.
Rules to participate:
It's not an obligation but if you can leave feedback it would help me with my reading and make me happy!
Please don't ask far-fetched questions like: "What does GOD himself think of me?", I don't think I'll be able to answer since it's a question that (for me) covers a lot of information.
I do not guarantee that my readings will resonate, I am not a tarot professional but I still hope you will be entertained by my answers. I do not guarantee that they will be very long answers, so please excuse me if one reading is longer than another.
♥︎ Please be patient! ♥︎
w love and kindness: Bri ☆
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sona-verse01 · 6 months
🩷 February Birthday Advent Calendar ❤️
Reblog for support (even if you are not participating).
Open untill 31 January 2024
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You can see the calendar above ☝🏼
29 days, 29 122 posts 💌
So, my birthday is on 22 February, & I don't have anyone to celebrate with. So, I will be celebrating it here on tumblr.
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(⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠) Rules:
Follow me.
Like this post.
Reblog this post.
Feedback (if possible).
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(⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠) Ask:
What to include in your ask:
Greetings & birthday wishes.
Mention "SFW or NSFW".
Main category (check 'categories').
Sub category (check 'categories').
Group name (if K-pop related, check 'categories').
Explain your request properly.
Emoji '🎂' (only this one, no other emoji).
Check 'Extra Details ' below before sending your asks.
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(。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。) Categories:
Main category:
Intuition / Tarot
Sub category:
• For Intuition / Tarot:
PAC (based on tarot/intuition),
PAP (based on random fun things, nothing serious)
(4 slots each)
Yes / No question
(10 slots)
• For K-pop & miscellaneous:
(Slots depend on the groups, see below 👇🏼)
Scenario, reaction, headcannon, SMAU, Mtl, A to Z, pick 1, etc...
Moodboard, Dating Doors, Create ur own, Choose ur favourite, Scenario game, Emoji game, Kiss marry love, Zodiac signs, Date of Birth, Would you rather, etc...
Groups (for K-pop):
Stray Kids,
Le sserafim
(10 slots for each group)
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(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) Extra Details:
Anons allowed. (Send me a DM after sending ur ask, to let me know that you followed all the rules).
Ask can be sfw or nsfw (mention it in your ask).
If you have more than 1 request, send separate asks for them.
If you don't follow all the rules, or your ask is not complete, then it will not be included in the advent calendar.
Requests & asks will be answered on the particular date, that is assigned for the k-pop group or any other category.
Ex - If I have 5 asks for TXT, then they will be posted on the date, that is dedicated to TXT only.
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Dividers: @cafekitsune, @saradika @mewryn
My lovely mutuals (Open): @yourmoonmomma , @cvsmixqu33n , @minlve0 , @tarotwithdanise , @azure-cherie , @pearl-tarotist , @nuxvibe , @leoascendente , @alaezasmystery235 , @tonkatesuramen , @tearryminunhinged , @byhees , @jaylaxies , @astroyongie , @solomonmoa , @automatictalebeliever
I promise to say "hii" to all my moots soon 😭
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tottenhamhotsperm · 3 months
tagged by @fangedtracks to list 5 songs I'm currently into!
smart by le sserafim
rollie by (g)i-dle
popular by the weeknd
I need u (cover) by enhypen
killin' it by p1harmony
tagging @celamoon and @onlyposersfallinlove :)
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Once they make exy trading cards Neil puts andrews in his phone case like an kpop photo card
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