#just to stay on songs topic XD
frc-ambaradan · 1 year
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Duckophelia: *sings in venetian*
Gladertes: Cousin, answer me! What happened to you?
Duckophelia: *keeps singing in venetian*
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Duckophelia: *persists in singing in venetian*
Gladertes: What language is she singing in?
Brigertrude: No idea!
Il Principe Duckleto (2016)
Daisy's singing "La biondina in gondoleta". Venetian folk song written in 1786 and put to music by (in order) Johann Simon Mayr, Ludwig van Beethoven and Reynaldo Han:
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rendy-a · 2 months
amh if possible could hoy make hdcns for the dorm leaders ( separately ) reacting to their mc fem explaining the marvel universe and then puts them to watch the movies hehe ( ..also mc's fav hero is dead-pool ;) bc it gives me laugh imagine their reactions about this xd) , thanks in advance and take care<33
This certainly ended up being a little bit of a crack fic but it ended up amusing. Hope you enjoy it.
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At first, he scoffs as such a time-wasting thing as wanting to watch dozens of movies.  Where is the educational value in this?
He is just too polite to refuse to listen, so he’ll end up letting you describe all your favorite scenes to him.
You are better off if he doesn’t take an interest because, if he does, he is going to turn into the worst sort of comic book geek.  Be ready to have him quote lore from issues of source material at you during any discussion on this from now on.
What do you mean who would win?  In Volume 3 #3, Thor clearly defeated Iron Man.  Don’t get upset Prefect, I don’t write the lore, I just recite it.
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Doesn’t appear to be interested but, if you pause long enough, he’ll prompt you to go on.  It’s important to you, so he’ll try to care at least a little.
You’d never tell him this, but you love to banter with him because it reminds you of your favorite character.  Sometimes you wonder if he’d be pleased or offended to know who you remind him of.
Movie marathons?  Not only is he willing to do them with you, but he is also often the one who suggests them.  Don’t be deceived though, it’s not for the movie but for the quality nap time on the couch with you. 
Don’t turn that off, Herbivore, I’m watching it.  What do you mean I don’t know what’s going on?  This is the part where we learn her mom isn’t dead after all.  So quiet down and keep the lights off.
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Please, he is in Board Game Club with Idia. You think this is the first time he has hmmm’d himself through a conversation about fictional characters?
Wait, you say that this makes a ton of money?  Tell him more about this merchandising and licensing.  Especially that, what do you call it…ah, Happy Meal.
You can eventually talk him into watching the movies with you for ‘research purposes.’  When you do, you can’t help but notice how teary-eyed he gets at the sad scenes.  He’s just so sensitive!
Deadpool is also his favorite character.  He feels a sort of connection to certain parts of his story.
So, she chooses to stay with him even though he looks like that?  No, I’m not blubbering.  No, I don’t need you to cuddle with me.  Ok, fine.  Just for a little while. 
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He doesn’t get it, but he still loves it.  Sure, you have to explain everything to him three times, but he gets excited over your excitement.  Call him any time to talk about your theories on how things would have gone if Thanos had made a different wish on the infinity gauntlet.  He doesn’t mind if it’s 3 AM (just don’t let Jamil find out).
Movie marathons turn into parties.  Why just watch the movies when you can have themed snacks and dress up too?  Hulk smash cakes and Black Widow berry cobbler?  Yes, please.
His favorite part of any film is the soundtrack.  If he hears a song he likes, he gets up to dance along.  It’s pretty disruptive when you are watching the movie but when you see how much fun he is having, you find you don’t really mind after all.
Sorry Prefect, Jamil says we can’t have dance battles in Scarabia anymore.  Ooh!  But come by the Pop Music Club later.  I’m going to play all my favorite songs for Cater and Lilia. Ahaha!
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You were worried Vil would dismiss your favorite Marvel films as inferior art, but he is actually rather generous about it.  He believes the film should suit the audience and, as so, there is nothing wrong with films like this that serve to entertain the masses.
Still, he can’t help but be critical of everything while you watch.  He doesn’t criticize the things you’d talk about with your friends but topics you’d hardly even notice while you watched like the set design and lighting.
You notice Vil seems secretly fond of Loki.  You think the idea of the Villain that survives the main movies to get his own spotlight series appeals to him.
No, Potato, I’m just saying the angle isn’t right for this sort of tone.  A shot from below would be more effective.  Plus…wait, are you having more popcorn?  I don’t think so, it’s past the time you can snack before bed.
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You had expected Idia to be all in on the Marvel Universe but, at first, he is oddly resistant to it.  He’d rather recommend you one of his own favorite hero movies.  If you disagree on which is better, he is more than willing to fight with you over why his is best!
After a heated argument, he puts on some of the movies to watch so he can come up with targeted points about why his own shows are better.  This does not work out for him as he gets sucked in himself.  Next time you meet up, he wants to go over tiny bits of lore and speculate on future plot lines from hints in the past movies.
You might think his favorite would be Iron Man because they both are innovative engineers, but he is a fan of Ant Man.  Shrinking down to a size where you can hide from everyone; it’s an introvert’s dream!
Prefect, this is serious business!  I’ve drawn up plans.  So long as we sleep only 2 hours a day and avoid taking any breaks for food, studying, and showers, we can finish at least three seasons this weekend.  True fans like us need to be ready to sacrifice for the shows we love!
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There are many things Tusnotarou doesn’t understand, and this is one of them.  For starters, he barely knows how to use his smartphone, let alone how to stream movies and shows.  So, before you can even start explaining the plot, you must explain the whole concept of series and interconnecting shows to him.
He doesn’t get it, but he is happy to watch with you.  Your reactions to the show are far more amusing to him than the actual show.  Plus, he feels like he learns so much about the human world from your conversations.  A subway, how intriguing an idea.  Humans are so fascinating.
Even though he watches politely, he isn’t very impressed.  They can fly?  Well so can he.  Magic, lightning, superstrength?  All just part of being a dragon.  Perhaps instead of being interested in these superheroes, you’d rather learn more about him?
 Lilia, do you think I am a superhero?  The Prefect has been explaining this concept to me in great detail lately.  I can’t help but notice the many things I have in common with these so-called heroes.  Why yes, Lilia, now that you mention it, I am wearing a cape.  Another point in my favor. Fu fu fu.    
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virginburial · 11 months
.·:*¨༺    a little death.    ♱   chad meeks-martin   ༻¨*:·.
SUMMARY: in which you have a pretty intense night terror alternatively, in which you, a friend of the core four, is stuck at a slumber party, where Chad comforts you after having a nightmare
SHIP: afab!reader x chad meeks-martin WARNINGS: explicit content (minors stay out), unprotected p n v, praise kink, sub!reader, soft dom!chad, choking/gagging, reader jealous as fuck towards Tara, ethan/chad rivalry?? for your attention, "i kIsS tHe sCaRs On hEr SkIn!1!1!!1! XD" type shit, chad is coochie drunk (and a heavy dirty talker), random storytelling/porn with a plot. fluff if you squint. TW FOR: mentions of murder, character death, grief, recovery/healing, ptsd related topics, body image.
SONG: a little death by the neighbourhood.
A/N: hello hotties!! i told myself "this is going to be a short one it's pretty to-the-point" but then i forgot who the fuck i was and realized i don't know chill and wrote 6K words of this. typical me behavior. this is for my shawties you love some emotional intimacy <3 chad is the actual loml, i'm shocked i'm writing for him now when i should've done this more last year lol REBLOGS, NOTES, AND COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED !!    
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you woke up to your scream. 
It was Halloween weekend, and the news had just broke about the two murdered college students, and their film professor. You, a Woodsboro native knew exactly what this meant. You weren't just any Woodsboro native; you were directly involved with the recent Ghostface massacre of 2022. You had lived in Woodsboro for only a short fraction of your life, yet what happened there impacted everything you do now. 
You had moved from the south; Georgia-Florida-Alabama-ish. You met your current friends in your eighth grade year; coincidentally, the year one of your friends, Tara, had an issue where her sister ran from home. you enjoyed your little life there until it was viciously torn from you by your best friend and her psycho-groomer boyfriend-who you always had a bad feeling about. you were dating Wes at the time of his death, and after he went, so did all of your patience for the slasher genre. fuck the box office, fuck the critics, fuck the movie. 
when things had finally settled down, you and your newfound family decided to make the ambitious move to new york.  you were stuck being undeclared though as you slowly figured out what you want to get out of your experience at Blackmore. which all leads to now; October 30th, and the boogeyman you only saw in your dreams or in old photos of amber, was now prowling Manhattan for the survivors and fresh meat; ridiculous and fucked, that's what that is. your new friends; Ethan, Quinn, and Anika barely knew the drill. but you did. you've played this game before, unaware you were playing; now your focus could not be shaken.
Sam had suggested a fucked-up slumber party of sorts; "if we all stay together then he won't attack." "or we could be feeding him an all-you-can-eat buffet." Mindy croaks after Sam. Regardless, you knew that it was probably for the best everyone stayed together, especially the new ones. you had your suspicions about Ethan, who seemed to have taken a liking to you. the average sweet nerdy boy who's a bit corny, it all seemed a little too familiar. he would still try to get you to talk to him, stare you down, you could've sworn he stole something out of one of your drawers some time ago while looking for the restroom. you would never admit this out loud, because everyone is always so fucking uptight, but you never really cared about how he objectified you. you liked the attention. 
but he gave off joe goldberg energy, and you were more of a steve harrington girl.
it beats having to look at your long-term crush, Chad, who was falling for Tara. you always felt like the silver lining of both of your partners dying would be that he would finally look at you; but just like Wes when she first got attacked, Chad's eyes were on Tara. fucking Tara. nothing wrong with her, she was your friend. maybe you just needed to stop crushing on and dating boys who would all rather fuck Tara Carpenter than give you the light of day. but then again, you don't even think you're ready for romance to reappear in your life. last year you were manipulated, stalked, and stabbed; Tinder sex would be a nightmare. so there goes that pipe dream. 
you were sleeping in Tara's room with Quinn, Mindy, and Anika, while Chad and Ethan slept in the living room and Sam slept in Quinn's room; which was closer to everyone. It took everyone until midnight to get ready for bed, then Tara's music was too loud, and then Mindy and Anika started getting frisky which caused Tara to yell out "ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING?!" which led to Quinn screaming and laughing, which caused Ethan and Chad to rush in like knights ready to save the damsels, who were just making out. so Anika and Mindy were banished (by Chad) to Sam's room. you made a mental note to remind Sam to wash her sheets. 
you knew, despite the horrible situation that was starting to arise, that right now felt like any other night with your friends, and that it might be the last time things will ever be this way. so what had you screaming the way you are now? if not, a horrific night terror you had about how everything went down last year: the look in Richie's eyes piercing you through the mask as he violently stabs you, leaving gashes as you screamed out for the one person who can't even rescue you; Wes. this happened three hours after the last person went to sleep, making it 3 am. 
the thing with you that the others don't understand is that you had frequent nightmares about what happened. it's nearly a nightly occurrence and every night it's something different; Mindy's under the mask, Amber, Tara, Chad, Ethan, Sam, Anika, the Bodega guy, the guy who played Billy in Stab one, fucking Gale Weathers.  It keeps you up half the night, flashing your phone flashlight in the corner of your dorm and waking your dormmate. you used to sleep with a hunting knife; stuffing it under your pillow and holding it under there. you also have several cans of bear mace; you were Wes's girlfriend after all. you inherited all of his self-defense tools. 
the only one who understands is Sam. You can't believe the situation that's been happening between her and Tara; you would've killed to have an older sister who cares about you like Sam. Of course, your ID starts talking and tells you that Tara is just ungrateful to have a supportive family and Chad's attention and not want it. It fills you with envy. Sam gets it. Sam gets you. Sam tells you to try tea or get a medical marijuana card like she did, or try Zoloft like Mindy is doing. Mindy sarcastically suggests substance abuse. 
you scream, having it rip through the still silence that filled the apartment. with a flip of a light switch, the big overhead light shines over the scene of you; hyperventilating and pacing around as Tara rubs her eyes. The boys, with Mindy, rush into the room on queue as Quinn stands up from the bed. "hey! hey y/n!" she tries to get your attention, anything to break you free from the sobbing mess you were starting to become.  Tara decides to do the worst possible thing and start shaking you, she seems almost confused and pissed off as to why you woke her up. "y/n! look at me-" Tara tries to get your attention. "hey! Tara, that's not helping-" "-y/n, girl, what's wrong?" Quinn talked over Ethan.  
then, finally, Sam chimes in and pushes past everyone; shooting Tara a worried look as she slowly wraps her arms around you. you slowly sink in Sam's arms and sob as she softly pats your back. "another one?" she asked, and you nod, unable to speak as you take a harsh gasp and slowly breath out, trying not to sob more than you already have. you hated being so emotional in front of your friends, you hated being emotional in general. 
"wait so there was no one in here?" Ethan chirps.
Sam shakes her head. "no." she huffs out. "no no, just a night terror...I had one like this the other night. she'll be okay-" "-like hell she is, Samantha! I mean, look at her! she's shaking like a chihuahua!" Mindy blurts out. "I'm gonna make you tea, y/n," she announced as she went to the kitchen. Sam sighs, you could almost feel another brick weigh Sam down with the way she carried herself, then Tara spoke up. "Sorry I shook you, I...I panicked," she admits, which you knew was the truth. 
you sigh softly, your face beet red, blinking away the last of your tears. "it's f-fine-" "-it's really not, I mean, do you shake someone when they're having a seizure?" Tara lightly jokes, earning a small laugh as you sniffle. 
Sam speaks up. "I think one of us should stay here with y/n, at least until she falls back asleep. I would but I am very tired." 
"I don't mind-" "-i'll do it," Chad and Ethan said in unison, which ended with Ethan's side-eyeing Chad. then Chad spoke up again. "I can bore her with one of my old football stories, plus i've known her for years." if only you could read Ethan's mind, even when the look on his face said it all. Sam looks down at you, getting your nod of approval before glancing back at Chad. "yeah, that sounds good." 
Chad, who had come in charging with a chunky remote controller, just passed it to Ethan as he went back into the living room to grab his pillow. Sam rubbed her eye. "the girls can move to my room-" "-yikes." Mindy jingles as she came in with a mug. "I might've been sleeping there, with Anika, if you know what I-" Sam's face falls flat. "-you better be fucking joking, Mindy." she deadpans
"It's not like you're using that new mattress at its full capacity."
"okay gross." Chad gags, clutching his pillow and throwing it on the mattress. by then, Tara and Quinn already moved into Sam's room, probably collapsing at the door and sleeping on the floor as Mindy handed you the warm tea. She gives you a look that makes your stomach flip, it was almost sympathetic. almost like Mindy herself knows how it feels to be woken up like that. Mindy retreats to the room before Sam can say anything else. she sighs. "now I have an excuse to go to Target, and burn those sheets." she turns to you. "you sure you're gonna be fine here, with Chad?" she asks, Ethan, peering right behind her.
"Yeah, thanks, Sam," you tell her as she walks out, leaving just you, Chad, and Ethan. Ethan just purses his lips and gives you a weak smile before shutting the door and the lights off. you sit back down on the bed, grab the mug of tea, and sipped it sweetly, feeling the hot liquid run down your throat as Chad turns on the lamp. The room was cold, dimly lit with autumn new york air hitting your skin from the window next to you, the one Quinn cracked open. 
Chad groans softly as he flops on the messy bed. he's surprised anyone is even getting a wink of sleep tonight, especially you, with how stiff and cold you got the moment everyone left. he stares at you for a second, unable to say anything before blurting out. "...do you wanna watch a movie on my phone? it can be a funny one." he offers. "I have We Are The Millers downloaded." but you just retract even more. why? why can you just shut off whatever's stopping you from opening up? maybe it was the stark realization you never really trusted anyone, ever. 
you stayed silent, unsure of what to do; he wouldn't have offered if he didn't care a little. plus, it was only until you fell asleep. he was not going to stay with you the entire night. you turn to him, biting the inside of your cheek as you sip more of the tea. "no thanks, i've already seen it." you say. he isn't like Ethan; Ethan would just start leading the conversation with questions like 'Oh so what's a movie you haven't seen?' and whatever movie you think of off the top of your head will be the one that'll play. Chad just kind of stops after that; less of a nuisance but you were sure he wasn't at his full power since he hasn't really slept. because Chad can be annoying. 
"you know you hit the floor, right?"
you furrow your eyebrows. "what?"
"you fell off your bed, that's what woke you up. it was very loud, and woke me up," he says as he scoots over to you, sitting right next to you. "I'm a light sleeper now, it's a recent development. it's not all that fun...Tara said you were murmuring in your sleep too before you hit the ground." your face burns with embarrassment. "...how often does that happen?" he curiously asked. 
"What is to you?"
"just looking out for you. y'know, since the masked killer that tried killing us last year is trying to kill us again." his voice dripped with sarcasm. you scoff. of course. "...it happens a lot, maybe one of two times a week? it used to be every night." 
"I guess that explains your caffeine addiction."
you chuckle weakly. "thanks doctor dudebro." 
"I'm just saying, I wish you would've told one of us you were having nightmares..." he voices. "you know, Mindy used to have really bad nightmares. She would call me almost every night around the same time, just screaming and hyperventilating. it feels pretty real at the moment. then you wake up and it's not real." he mumbles towards the end. looking down a bit. you study the expression on his face, you knew Chad was more than some meathead jock, he gave you butterflies, and he seemed to be the healthiest among the survivors. he looks at you. "I'm on like 75 milligrams of Zoloft at all times so...I know what it's like, I've had my fair share of Richie-Amber adjacent nightmares," he confesses. 
your stomach churns from what comes out of his mouth. "is that why you agreed to stay here? to talk me into talking about what happened and get medicated-" you jumped.  Chad shakes his head. "no no, I'm not here to tell you what to do, or how to heal,  It's just...hard seeing you this way." you know exactly what he means, so you dropped the stubborn act. "I know none of us are really dealing with it, but now it's happening again...and I don't want to get hurt again. I don't..." he processes what he's about to say before expressing it; "...I don't want any of us to get hurt again."
"...do you think about her?" you blurt out. "liv, I mean." 
Chad freezes. you almost start to feel bad about bringing her up before he responds with. "most days." he croaks out softly. "sometimes I think if I would've just done what she wanted and went upstairs with her, things would be different." he fiddles with his fingers. "but then again, probably in the worst way, right? I don't know what I would've done if...if it was Mindy. or you." he flashes you a frail smile. "I think about her every time I hear a Paramore song, or when I see orange is the new black on Netflix or pink box dye. I hate the smell of that sugar cookie body mist that Quinn uses, it's the same one Liv had. She wanted to study 'abnormal psychology', she would've loved it up here...what about you? Do you think about Wes?"
"every night." your voice slightly breaks. "his Spotify account is still up, all the music he neatly organized into playlists for us is still on there, just collecting dust," you mumble, then, you feel pressure slowly lift off your chest as you continued to talk about him. "I deleted Spotify, though. can't be on there without seeing something he made for me or seeing his face, and Instagram too. His dad gave me a box of his things at the funeral and I brought it with me here, I can't look at it for very long without crying," you confess. "...can I be honest?"
"This is probably the most honest you'll ever get me, so shoot."
You let out a sigh, feeling your heart drop to your stomach as you stared into his eyes. "things in my life were already starting to go downhill before everything, and now...it never will feel the same, you know? I will never get over this, i'll just have to learn how to live with it when it's already happening again." Chad watches you, seeing your eyes sorrowly hang as the words spilled from you. he hates seeing you like this. you used to be so full of life, animated, and passionate; now you were just a shell. he softly bumps his shoulder next to you and gives you a reassuring smile. "...you're not alone." his voice softly spoke. "it feels lonely, but you're not alone." 
you finish the tea, setting it on the nightstand before Chad speaks up again. "what makes you say that, though?" he perks up. "that things were starting to go downhill?" he asks, maybe genuinely curious. you bite the inside of your cheek. "I had this feeling that Wes was in love with Tara. I thought I was just going crazy but after Ghostface attacked her, and I saw the way he looked at her, I knew I couldn't keep denying it anymore. I just wanted him to look at me the way he looked at her, everyone looks at her like that, but now he can't because Amber wanted to cosplay Stu Macher." you spat, your condescending tone dripping in anger. "...i've just been filled with jealousy ever since, mostly towards Tara, sometimes at Quinn...the whole situation made me feel...ugly."
Chad scoffs a little, and you immediately get defensive, but the better half of you knows Chad is not going to judge you. "you? jealous of Tara?! Tara Carpenter? The same Tara in this apartment?!" he seems almost appalled. "y/n...Tara Carpenter is a mess." he exposes. "Tara shows up to class drunk. Tara got her driver's license suspended. Tara's mom dropped her after her dad and Sam left already. Tara almost died three times!! Wes was crazy for you, he loved you-it annoyed the shit out of me really but he did. Tara might be pretty but she isn't you...I know what you're trying to say, but the last person you should be jealous of is Tara." Chad rambles. silence falls on the both of you for a second as you process what he told you; he's right. Tara has some horrible luck, you needed to stop comparing yourself to her. 
"...if it makes you feel better, I get jealous of Ethan."
well, that was a shock. "huh?!"
Chad chuckles softly. "yeah, I do, I get jealous of Ethan sometimes." you can notice him getting a bit flustered. "he-he's just lucky, you know? he didn't experience what we did, so he can walk alone at night and go to bars without feeling like he's being watched...he isn't active, which annoys me so much." he raises his hands in defense. "I know I know, it's not my life, but when he does tag along and goes to the gym with me, he can work out a lot longer than I can. he can wear whatever he wants. he can take his shirt off and no one will stare at him or ask questions. he doesn't have chronic pain. he can go and date whoever he wants and not feel bad about his body, or feel bad that he's cheating on his dead girlfriend...little shit like that makes me jealous," he admits, pressing his tongue against his cheek. "my injuries from last year were so severe that I can't even play my favorite sport anymore, and Ethan just gets to sit around and play World of Warcraft with his perfect nervous system." his words stung. 
you couldn't think of anything to say, because he was right; it's not fair, none of this is fucking fair. suddenly, you can't help but slide your hand over to his, squeezing it softly. Chad studies you for a second, his brown eyes scanning how beautiful your features looked in the dark, you couldn't help but notice how clammy his hands were starting to get, he opens his mouth to say something, then he stops himself before saying something else; "...can I show you?" he asks. 
you glance over at him, seeing how close to you he already was. you could feel your cheeks heating up as your eyebrows slightly raised from his request. you were shocked that he trusted you. "you...wanna show me? you won't even show Mindy-" "-Mindy can never take anything seriously, y/n. She's gonna call me Tony the Tiger if I show her." that made you chuckle, considering one of the scars that you had also looked like animal print; or you romanticized it to the point where it reminded you of a zebra stripe. so you nod. "yeah...yeah you can show me."
Chad, noticeably nervous, sighs before lifting his shirt slightly, revealing not one, not two, or three, but four or more deep scars that dented his already chiseled chest. your face flushes, blood traveling to your cheeks as you examine his body, how his skin was still healing, how deep the valley of his abs truly was. your throat goes dry, almost like you can't process the amount of pain Chad might be going through or what he went through when he got those scars. It's almost like he sees you contemplating on what to say; if there was anything you can say to make him feel better. your lips slowly part as you lean in closer. 
"you can touch it." Chad chimes. 
you look up at him for approval, even though he told you that you could. shakily, your hand slowly grazes down his chest, your fingers running down the canyons of his chest, reminding yourself that this was the case for you too, both physically and mentally scarred. you could feel Chad's breath hitch softly, and you stop. "did I hurt you or-?" "-no, no you didn't hurt me..." he says softly, his pupils growing in size as he watches you feel him. you know the room was not well-lit but you knew he could see you blushing. before you know it, Chad's hands slowly creep over to your hips, pulling you closer in the most unsubtle way. "may I?" he asks.
you were flustered, and all the blood that ran to your cheeks ran down to your core, feeling your heartbeat slowly revive itself down there as Chad's big hands rested themselves on your lower back. you squeezed your thighs together; you've wanted this for so long, you wanted Chad's attention since sophomore year, so you nod your head. Chad smiles softly at you before lifting your shirt slightly and exposing the scar on your stomach. you blushed from the tension and the embarrassment. you could feel Chad's hot breath on your neck as his fingers slowly graze your curves, just softly skimming past the waistband of your pajamas as he looks into your eyes. "...did I mention that I get jealous of the way Ethan looks at you?... Same reason I was so annoyed with Wes-"
the desperation of having Chad's hands on you drives you over the edge as you crash your lips into Chad's, feeling how chapped they were as you relax into the kiss. you did this for your inner teenager, who's probably doing summersaults because you're finally kissing Chad Meeks-Martin. before you knew it, Chad eagerly kisses you back, one of his hands squeezing your waist as the kiss grew more and more passionate. you weren't expecting this, but thinking back at it now, you should've seen this coming. you pull away from the kiss, realizing that your hands involuntarily wrapped themselves around his neck, and your faces were just a few inches apart. "well shit..." Chad mumbles as you notice his cheeks turning a dark shade of red. 
he then grabs your chin delicately and kisses you softly, making sure you were present as his hands drop to your hips. the last person you were with like this was Wes, and you knew Chad was in the same boat with Liv. you pull away, seeing his lips chase after yours as you placed his hand on his chest. "Chad...should we be doing this?" he stares into you, his bottom lip caught in his teeth as he gnaws on it, unsure of what to say. "I would like to..." he said softly, pulling you closer. "We should make some new memories..." he huskily whispers before attaching his lips to your neck. your breath hitches as you grab onto him, and once he does that, you realized you wanted nothing more than to fuck Chad. "w-we should." you respond.
Chad manhandles you, again, pushing you back up against the mattress, grabbing your neck and jaw as he leaves open-mouthed kisses, his teeth grazing your sensitive skin as a soft gasp leaves you. he hovers on top of you, his breath getting heavier with each kiss before pulling away from your neck entirely. the look he gives you is full of passion. "besides, can't watch you squeeze your thighs like that and expect me not to want you..." he mumbles softly. your heart feels like it's on crack at this point, your stomach cramming with anxiety and lust as you kissed him roughly. 
his lips felt so right on yours like they were always supposed to be there. he quickly gets in between your legs and reattaches his lips to your collarbone, his hands sliding down to your hips as you press them up against his growing bulge. a small moan escaped passed his lips as you grab his face and bring him back to your neck. every touch fills you with passion, your moans getting increasingly louder before Chad completely pulls away. "shhh." he chuckles softly, grabbing your jaw and making you look at him, squeezing your cheeks a little. "our friends are right outside, don't wanna wake them, right angel?" god he's so fucking fine. "no matter how cute you sound."
Chad delicately pulled your shirt off, revealing your tits, since you pulled your bra off before climbing into bed. his eyes could not peel away from them, as hard as he tried to focus on anything else. he gently flicked his tongue around the bud off your left tit, then slowly slides his tongue down your stomach, over your scar, and down to your abdomen. your face soured up from how different it felt having Chad kiss and suck and lick down your stomach. he leans up and kisses you. "your body is so beautiful, you know that?" he mumbles softly against your ear, and you respond by nodding, because deep down you always knew, just never affirmed. 
Chad's hands slowly found themselves sliding off your silk pajama shorts, which might've been driving him crazy all night. he slowly reveals your panties, basic cotton white boyshorts with a wet stain conveniently down the middle. he pulls you to the edge of the bed, standing up as he gets a better look. he smirks at the sight of it, you could see his mouth nearly watering as his left hand softly grazes your clothed core. his class ring hitting your sensitive nub as your hips gently jerk to the sensation of it. then, his hand softly slaps it, a soft, wet squelch coming out of you as your body jolts again. you whine as he starts to speak; "fuck...poor angel, must be very desperate, huh?" he taunts. 
you can barely think of what to say, already so desperate to feel him that you just lazily nodded your head. he grabs your face. "cmon, use your words." he says gently. it makes you feel so weak in the knees as his free hand softly caresses your cunt. "when was the last time you came, angel? you're so sensitive..." he uses his thumb to rub your throbbing clit in circles, still waiting for you to answer. "l-long ago..." and you weren't lying. it's hard to focus on yourself and your needs when you're constantly in survival mode, and it's harder to make yourself cum when the last person who did got brutally murdered. Chad gets it, considering how flaccid his anti-depressants made him. seeing you in this position, though, finally gives him the hard-on he's been waiting for. "let's fix that." 
He slowly slips two fingers into you, watching your back arch as he quickly covers your mouth, his hand taking up half of his face as he thrusts them slowly in you. he sees your body slowly adjusting to his fingers as your muffled moans pushed pass the cracks of his knuckles. his class ring hits your clit with a certain rhythm, making you twitch as you hold onto his wrist. "fuck" you mumble in Chad's hand as he starts to recklessly pound his fingers into you. his actions were so rough but his words were so sweet, causing your brain to almost malfunction; "taking my fingers so fucking well." he pants softly. 
your faint moans turned into muffled screams when Chad stuffs a third finger in there, curling them and thrusting them deeper and deeper into your aching hole. his hand clamping harder around your mouth as your screams got louder and higher. he looked so determined to push you over the edge, it's almost like he wants you to cum all over his fingers. 
your eyes flutter as his thumb grazes over your clit. fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. you wish you had the entire apartment to yourself so you can scream and moan and do Chad on the dining table. for now, you're settling with him shutting you up with his knuckles deep in your hole. you can't help but feel your walls tighten around his fingers. he drags his fingers out and glances up at you, seeing how flustered and aroused you were as he slowly pulled off your panties, shushing you gently and moving his hand away from your mouth. "open wide angel." he hums before stuffing them in there.  
you could taste how tart you were, saliva staining the panties as he slowly slides his finger down your folds, using his free hand to whip his cock out. You faintly groaned out in frustration. you haven't felt this good in so long, your skin hot to the touch as your fingernails dug themselves into his shoulder blades. your eyes pleading as they found themselves staring at his cock; you knew Chad was pretty big, Liv might've ranted a little bit about how she was 'sore' from the first time she did it with him. you weren't expecting him to be so thick either. you could see his cock tremble, his tip already soaked in precum as it glistens in the dim lighting, the lamp hitting it just right as he smirks at you. "come on, angel, show me how bad you need it." he coos softly, brushing your hair behind your ear.
you rest yourself on your elbows, staring down at that Alaskan bull worm Chad calls a penis as you imagine yourself getting nearly split in half by him. how badly your hole was begging for any kind of contact as Chad's muscular arm wraps itself around your thigh. you could see his hand slowly pump his cock as he waited for your answer, maybe you propped up the way you were could get the job done for him. you whine and try to squeeze your thighs again before he forces them open, prying them apart like a Venus flytrap as he slowly inserts himself.  His tip slowly sinking into you "o..oh-f-fuck..." he groans softly, his voice getting even huskier as he pulls down on your hips. "your cunt sucks me up so well, angel...you're s-so tight." he mutters.
he slowly starts lunging his hips against yours, sweat gleaming from his forehead as he admires your reaction to every thrust, seeing your eyebrows furrow, your mouth falls open, your eyes fluttering, all of it just drives Chad insane. "such a pretty girl..." he nearly growls as he throws one of your legs over his shoulder; it's almost like he wanted to pace himself so he wouldn't get lost in the pleasure she was giving him; but it seemed nearly impossible as his pace increases. 
your muffled moans got louder and louder, causing Chad's strong hand to wrap around your neck and squeeze it softly, your moans becoming inaudible as he starts to brutally fuck you into the mattress. you thought this whole exchange would trigger something primal in you, freak you out too much that you end up running out of the room, but it was quite the opposite. Chad leans down. "your pretty moans are gonna wake t-them up, angel." he warns her again, his tone was so sweet though, it made you melt. "how do you t-think everyone's gonna f-feel when they see you getting fucked out-mhm-like the doll you are-?" he groaned out softly, his teeth grazing your ear and tugging on it. 
pleasure began to overwhelm you, your moans and whimpers turning into gasps and yelps as Chad clapped the hand he choked you with over your mouth, again. "f-fuck baby...you w-wanna be my angel, don't you?" he mumbles softly as your body started to jolt with pleasure, you could feel the panties hit the back of your throat, the essence of your juices left stuck on your tongue as your nails scratched up Chad's back. he then answers his own question. "I know you do, sweet girl...fuck, you hear how good you're taking me?" he praises. 
your own pleasure starts to build up as your back arches, and you can't help but cry out from how good it made you feel, it almost made you regret waiting so long before making a move on Chad, or anyone else really. Chad's dirty ramblings keep you on edge: "My cock fits so perfectly inside of you a-angel...wanna be buried in you like t-this all the time-mhmfuck-" his whispers start to turn into strained statements, the sound of skin slapping echoing inside the room, if anyone else was awake in the apartment, they probably would have already noticed the intense fucking happening in that room. 
the tip of his cock starts punching your g-spot like a boxer and his punching bag, you can't contain your muffled moans getting any louder; which causes Chad to cover your mouth for a third and final time. you could feel his cock seize inside of you as Chad's own groans start filling up the room. you were almost worried that Sam or Ethan were going to charge in here and see Chad balls deep inside of you. the pleasure starts to overwhelm you as your thighs shake uncontrollably, your hot breath wafting back into your face as Chad groans out quietly. "y-you need my cum, baby? mhm? that'll g-get you sleeping-" he manages to get out before feeling your juices gush out of you; realizing you had cum all over his cock, your body jerking in response as your eyes fluttered close.
involuntarily, Chad's cock squirms before you felt the thick ropes of his cum spill inside of you. you watched as his tense body finally relaxes into your touch, his heavy breaths and soft groans hitting your neck. seeing him slowly pull out and realizing he forgot to grab a condom from his wallet or check if Tara had some, oh well, it's not like he's gonna get murdered on the way to the pharmacy and back. he notices how limp you've become as he moves his hand away and pulls the panties out of your mouth. you can't help but notice how charming his smile was. he was glad he can catch you at this moment, all worn out and lazy but perfectly content, and finally dozing off to sleep. Chad gives you a lazy, soft kiss before you finally fell asleep.
the next morning, Chad and Mindy had run out to get breakfast; you were the last one to wake up, which Quinn noted as a good thing: "It means you finally caught up to your sleep schedule." which couldn't be further from the truth. you couldn't help but think about just a few hours prior, how good it all felt, how he basically fucked all the nervous energy out of you; feeling zen before the wave of reality hits you. The news was on, still talking about the new local Ghostface killings. you weren't sure if the slumber party kept you safer from the attacks or put you right in the middle of them, all you knew was that you had Chad as a bodyguard now. and when Chad finally comes back with several bags of Dunkin' breakfast sandwiches, he gave the only sprinkled donut he ordered to you. 
buy me a coffee ૮⸝⸝> ̫ >⸝ ა
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
Absolutely not at all related to the events of last night...
How do you think Baby Firefly would react to being called mommy? This is a very important question you see.
Mommy!Baby Firefly x Younger!Fem!Reader || Headcanons
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Topic: Baby being a 'Mommy'.
Warnings: Mommy kink, mdlg, some nsfw themes, Baby pulling an Annie WIlkes and m a k i n g you rely on her, etc.
((After the ~ dot point is when it gets dark like that)).
Oh my goodness I think she would love it!! XDD The boys always get to be called Daddy, and she wanted a turn!!
And like I've said- she definitely takes the opportunity to treat her sweet S/O as her living doll XD Not necessarily in a kinky way (Though she is going to tease you if she knows you're into that~ ); she's just having fun pretending you rely on her~ You're Baby's lil baby girl, aren't you?
She feeds you and then gently dabs your face with a damp cloth to clean you up ('... there. All better! So pretty~ ^^'). She lays in bed beside you stroking your hair and telling you bedtimes stories- and no, you don't get a choice when bedtime is (Baby it 5.30- 'Shh! The wolf is about to blow down house made of goddamn sticks!'). She gets in the shower with you and washes your hair ('🎶Scrub scrub scrub🎶 Scrub-a-dub-dub 🎶'), and she loves it when your silly little head ends up in the gutter. She can always tell when her pretty little sweetheart is thinking dirty thoughts about Mommy~ And you know this woman plays it up XD
Mommy Baby is always the big spoon. She has to protect her sweet little lady and make her comfy!
Ehem, *cough*, pussy inspections. The more shy and nervous you are the more she likes it. She teases how red you get, and asks if you'll do mommy next?? 'We girls have to look out for eachother, huh? (; '
Baby l o v e s braiding your hair if its long enough!!! Like, she'll just be sitting behind you cross-legged, humming little songs and gently brushing out your hair before lovingly braiding it ^^
And- I wasn't sure whether to put this one in this section or the next (dark) section but- Baby gets SO PROTECTIVE of you. Like, if Otis so much as makes a joke about hurting you he might get cut.
I can absolutely see Baby pulling a Tiffany Valentine/Annie Wilkes!! and trying to make you actually rely completely on her. Whether that be by taking some limbs so you need her help wheeling you around or feeding you (Can you imagine her riding the back of your wheechair?? She'd have so much fun , going 'weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!' and you're just there traumatised and sick), or drugging you so you're all cute and loopy ('Awwww, Y/N sweetheart, you look so sleepy!!~~ Come to mama~').
She makes a mess of you, so you need her. And she tries to isolate you, too. 'Who else is gonna care for you sweetness?? Otis?? You better stay by me, so that big meanie doesn't hurt you, k?' 'Mama?? No hon, Mama doesn't like you! I'm sorry- you thought she did?? Nooo, cutiepie, she's only nice to you because I love you!!~ ' 'Oh Cutter?? Pfft- baby doll, come on- Cutter doesnt like anyone. Least of al little old you!'
Baby absolutely threatens you if you try to get away from her, or defy or, or just say 'no' in any context towards her. Woman does not like it. She has been so nice to you and you dare to be fucken rude like that?? 'I'll beat your ass, honey, do you want that?? No I didn't fucken think so! Be-fucking-have!'
If you apologise and beg her she will forgive ^^ She loves it when you beg mommy ^^
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 4 months
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My Old man's tale about benetint (product) & review:
in summer 2008 i was 14 & my best friend's family took me to Vegas w them. she had only just moved to my school for 9th grade & i hadn't met her older sister til this trip. She was 21 & soooo insanely beautiful like if barbie was a hollister model she had the look so refined in every sense, i was dazzled by her.
& she was so sweet to us, my friends parents went & did their own thing so the whole trip we spent with her but she wasn't annoyed about it at all she seemed content to hang w us & protect us from vile men along the strip.
On this trip i went to sephora for the first time. hadn't heard of it before. it had huge windows so everything was glowing from sunlight & it was sooo overwhelming. my friend's sister liked this brand benefit so i picked out a little starter kit that came w bad gal mascara, high beam highlighter, booing concealer, and benetint.. Let me tell you for the next year i cherished this kit like it elevated me a new level towards Prestiged Adult Woman status. but the makeup was noticeably nicer quality for sure! from my memory at least.
the thing i remember most was benetint cus i wore it soooo much for the rest of the summer & beyond, i stretched that tiny bottle as far as it wld go cus i luved it sm.. but after it ran out i never tried to use it again idk just being a teen moving onto the next thing. But lately i jst rly wanted a goood lip tiiiint cus i dont wanna b wearing lipstick or gloss all the time its too much i just want chapstick but i like a little more color too.. usually i wld use lip liner but it always felt like it wld smudge off so quick n its kinda drying.
so i tried benetint again bcus i remember it being so easy to put on n then just forget about, it didnt get on ur clothes or teeth or nothin. after wearing for a couple weeks i can say this is still tru! i rly like it, very convenient, chapstick goes gr8 over top so my lips r never dry from it. its kind of expensive but it lasts a long time , for me i dnt have much makeup rn so felt nice to get st i actually use ^^ the taste & smell of it are mildly rosey, rly brings me back to those times..
being in vegas those 4 days w my friend n her sis are definitely a core memory for me it was totally surreal. i wish i had photos still but no clue where to find them, my friend's fb account got hacked years ago n had to get deleted, so many photos gone </3 we stayed at treasure island & across the street was this huge mall that was repeatedly playing an ipod commercial with the song Shut Up & Let Me Go by the ting-tings, like... ON REPEAT, ALL DAY & ALL NIGHT, so that song gives me the wildest flashbacls like i'm literally There. In the august heat. i can smell it like. its amazing thank you advertising :)
this is not an ad btw i mean obviously LOL i honestly just got thinking so hard about vegas '08 after purchasing The Product. oh yeah there was thunderstorms too... i went to hot topic at the mall which was wild for me since they didnt have one any where near my town.. i got some shorts from hollister i remember, also a rarity. friends sis got me my first ever drink, a peach daquiri...just one <3 it was such a nice break from my woeful home life lol i wanted to live in america so bad after this xD
thats my story...o and benetint is chill i mean i genuinely wanted to recommend it to ppl who want st simple it looks rly pretty cus until this i was struggling to find anything worthwhile. theres other shades too. Yup. Thanksyou for reading my LiveJournal Entry tonight minasan ^_^ Hope you're well x
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ineadhyn · 3 months
Writer interview
@vixstarria tagged me and I finally get to do it! Thank you <3
I am tagging @sky-kiss @scuttlingcrab and @thedomesticanthropologist
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
13 and some are multi-chapter. All are BG3 except for a german Inkheart one
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
85.408 -that is a surprising amount of words for being active less than a year
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
His consort, his god - I finally wrote smut for a popular ship XD (bloodweave)
At her mercy - kinky sapphic Karlach x Durge smut
Natures most beloved treasure - Halsin x trans masc Tav smut
Direct from Hell Logistics - ongoing Raphael x Haarlep comedy/angst/smut/plot - this one has it all
A song of snow and embers and Copper Hearts share this place. one is a F/F/F/F foursome and the other my Astarion x male Tav longfic
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I appreciate every single comment and try to show that. There's nothing better than the e-mail that says "comment on your work" and it can make my whole day. Sometimes I don't know what to respond if it's just a word or a keybord smash, but rest assured I see you and I love every one of those, too.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Angsty ending hmmmm. Because some of my stuff is not completed yet I am not gonna spoil anything but Dust and ash about Astarion's backstory was naturally quite angsty
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Not. gonna. spoil XD
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not yet. Maybe I could count Copper hearts because I took Francys from my original work and planted him into Bg3
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, not yet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. I am exploring all kinds atm with preferably queer pairings wlw or mlm or nb. I can also write mlw from the men's perspective but not the other way round :D
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Boy I wish.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No and I am not sure if I could commit to a project like that.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmmmmm ... Raphlep probably
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My german Inkheart fic with a genderbent lesbian Basta. Damn I was invested in creating this character, but gave up after a while because it was a lot of work and it being german and a niche topic in a small fandom was not very rewarding tbh. I know I should not care and maybe I'll come back to it when the Inkheart obsession comes over me again.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I am good at setting the scene. Atmosphere and small mundane details that make the setting feel alive. I have always liked that in reading as in writing, because it makes you feel like you are actually there when you can hear and smell and taste the scene.
Also I am okay at developing coherent plot, but that's mainly practice from writing a lot of og work before I started with fics.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I still struggle with english grammar and punctuation at times so I always have a beta reader. And I am lucky to have great ones.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I am not a fan. It confuses me. Singular phrases and such yes, but not entire dialogue. Especially if it's german in an english fic I get super confused.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
*digs through her files* So, my first works were basically fic for my best friend's story. (I was in my early teens.) But since she was the author the lines between canon and fic are blurry and the "fandom" consisted of three people of which one was the author XD
So if we don't count that the first one would be Hunger Games - It was one chapter and I never published it
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
We'll see what posesses me next I guess, though I think Bg3 will stay with me for a considerable amount of time. And ship wise ... I feel Durgetash creeping up on me.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Definitely Direct from Hell Logistics. I am having so much fun with it. It constantly makes me laugh and sheme and I also feel all the angst. Also it is ongoing and I get to explore the story alongside the readers (though I have a rough plot structure to keep me on track).
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For Saiyuki asks :) 12, 13, 22, 29, 40, 55, 68, 69, 74, 75
12)   Favorite episode in the TV Series
I have many favourite episodes but one I love the most is Where the Gods Are, Gensoumaden Saiyuki ep. 3
I love how Sanzo Ikkou showed the hypocrisy you can find among religious practitioners starting from their reluctant attitude at letting them stay at the temple and the only reason they are allowed is because of Sanzo's title to their absolute unwillingness to defend themselves if their lives are in serious danger. Sanzo's words were so cathartic to hear because they helped the young Yo to realize that only living and fighting to live allows you to move on.
13) Favorite song (sung by a character or in the animated adaptions)
Late Show and Sanbutsushin (I leave here the audio in case you don't remember it), I love the raw power that this song gives me and the really Buddhist-like vibe the second one has. It really seems I am exploring Tushita Heaven or one of four continents I am about to be reborn during the Bardo of Rebirth.
22)   Which character do you think is most like you?
Hakkai is the character has the most traits that characterize me. His intelligent nature and well-mannered attitudes combined with a soft-spoken demeanor are quite relatable to me. He likes to read and learn, and just like me he is full of strange, possibly useless information XD
Unlike him I still can't fully control my rage when it takes over my mind though but just like him my darker side comes out when fueled by a deep feeling of hurt and rage. I am for the most part calm and gentle but if you really pisses me off I can turn into the youkai version of Hakkai.
29)   An alternate universe you’d like to see
I would like to see their roles completely swapped XD so Sanzo Ikkou the main antagonists who try to prevent Kougaiji Ikkou to recover the sutras or alternatively Saiyuki characters in a dystopia.
40) Your favorite character became a mythical beast. What would they be?
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Yes XD the Sanzuwu. The draw was made by me with Krita and I love drawing corvids
55) Was there a character you used to love but no longer do?
None because my feeling haven't changed over the years.
68) Who, in your opinion, has the most tragic backstory?
Jeez, this is not an easy question because all main four protagonists had a really heavy past and I find difficult to "rank" suffering of such scale because to me they are all equally heavy. Sanzo risked to be raped by some bastard and disgusting bandits and saw his master and father-like figure dying before his eyes, Goku had his memories erased after losing in a very traumatic way the only people who really cared about him and liked him for who he was, Gojyo lived in an abusive family, constantly hit by his stepmother to see her killed by Dokugakuji to whom he had bonded deeply (I don't want to know how he will react in Saiyuki Reload Blast after he will discover what happened to him). Hakkai's story touches deeply delicate topics that still get me thrills every time I recall it. I don't wish anyone an inch of what they all had to go through...
69) Who would be best at pleasing their lover?
I think Hakkai due to his responsible and caring nature. He would be a really great partner with a healthy mind suitable for family life. I hope Gojyo can develop more mature habits in terms of stable relationships because he has the potential to be a great partner due to his compassionate nature (especially towards children) despite it gets buried by his vain nature sometimes.
74) What is the funniest moment in the series?
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I would have loved seeing it animated for Urasai XD (at least that bastard had the decency to not put that abomination on Lirin). Damn, I feel bad for them T_T
Another funny moment I like is from the manga (too bad it didn't got animated but at least we have the audio):
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Another funny moment I still remember with joy is the 10th episode of Saiyuki Gensoumaden "False Saviors" when Sanzo Ikkou meet their first cosplayers XD (impostors who pretend to be the real Sanzo Ikkou) XD XD XD I know it's a filler episode but it's still funny to me. There are other funny moments especially in Saiyuki Reload Blast anime but I can't remember them all.
75) Who is your favorite minor character?
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the youkai girl that kissed Goku. I loved how their interaction evolved when Goku stayed at that youkai village after others and he departed from Sanzo. In this moment Goku finally faced the complex reality of human-youkai relations and how they were tainted even before the Minus Wave incident. In this moment Goku could mature and grow as person thanks to what he witnessed in the village and interaction with this unfortunate girl who lost everything because of prejudice. I just hope she will be fine.
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pinkiepiebones · 6 months
I wish I was better at thinking of things to ask, im awful at it really ahahaha but I see you asking and I wanna contribute somehow.
How about some Ghost asks this time, though I do apologize if its stuff you talked about before x)
Do you have any favorite Ghoul(s)? What Ghost song can you never get enough of? When did you get into the band? :3
Favourite ghoul is technically not in the band and technically no longer exists, but I have an RP account for him and spent a helluva long time developing a backstory for him (and all ghouls tbh- my ghouls are very different from fanon) so he's pretty much my OC at this point... Special Ghoul! Before the band was unmasked, Special was the name given to the Nameless Ghoul who fielded interviews for the band (the Papas were always above that sort of thing, you see). Of course in reality it was Tobias Forge in a ghoul costume, but in my headcanon, it was a defective ghoul with some incredible glamouring skills. He's fun to write. I like writing his speaking, all his "um"s and "uh"s and his inability to stay focused on any one topic... (If you want to try and wake my dormant muse, he's over at herecomesaspecialghoul... just sayin')
2. Depends on my mood or what I'm doing. Driving? Square Hammer and Rats. Lying in bed, full of longing? Darkness at the Heart of My Love and Respite on the Spitalfields. Need to feel powerful? Zombie Queen. Etc.
3. I got in to them January 2017. Cirice played on the radio right when I was going through some family trauma and despite the actual message of the song (that being the abusive nature of the church), the line "I can hear the thunder breaking in your heart, I can see through the scars inside you" were of immense comfort to me. By July I was in Kansas City, seeing the band open for Iron Maiden and going to a meet and greet. I got to meet Papa Emeritus the Third. He said my shirt was cool. I got to meet Tobias at the buses after the show (this was before I knew who he was; I only knew he was Papa because of his intense gaze). He told me my shirt was cool- I have always thought he did that to sorta say "that wasn't a character thing, I really do like it" XD.
The Saga of the Shirt is another Ghost story entirely...
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animeomegas · 2 years
I'll say something terrible that a lot of people won't approve of, but I don't like musicals. But I love Zen and every part of my body shudders at the thought of being so close to musicals. Do you think Zen could date an Alpha who doesn't like musicals? He's so sweet and so diligent and I respect his aspirations, but musicals are beyond me.
I'm also wondering if Alpha Zen is successful and works in a successful profession, will this affect his parents? I don't think he would want to introduce his parents to the alpha and have them recognize him just because his alpha is successful. Or will it make things worse for his parents? I thought for a long time what kind of relationship Zen would have with his parents if he was an omega.
It's okay, this is a safe space to share your thoughts haha, even if you hate musicals XD
This is interesting though. I think Zen could definitely like an alpha that didn't like musicals, but it would probably take a while until he stopped trying to convince you otherwise.
Constantly serenading you with musical songs, using stats to prove how popular his most recent one is, and he'll use your interests to find a musical on that topic and try to get you to like that musical at least XD
Which I imagine sounds like hell to you rip.
But he will eventually stop. He'll even start taking more theatre roles that aren't musicals because he's desperate for you to come and see him and enjoy it. It does hurt his self esteem a bit if you either don't come to his musicals or you do and obviously didn't really like it.
I think you'd be okay if you still praised his singing and acting and came to see his non-musical roles with flowers and chocolates and the whole shebang. If you did that, he'd eventually get over the hatred of musicals even if he never understands it.
On to your second question, no I don't think Zen's alpha having a good career would impact his relations with his parents.
Honestly, I don't think his parents cared about him being an omega, they just wanted him to be traditionally successful person. They were very conservative, but not in a 'omegas stay at home' but in a 'tattoos are bad and studying is something you should do every second of every day' kind of way.
They wanted him to be a lawyer or doctor, omega or not. And his mother hated his looks which stayed the same no matter his dynamic.
They would like that his alpha has a very successful and respected career, but it wouldn't be enough to reconnect if Zen was still doing his acting and drinking and smoking etc.
Even if they did, Zen wouldn't want to reconnect through his alpha, he would want to reconnect because he and his family genuinely worked out their issues.
Hope that makes sense :D Thanks for asking!
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Day 1 of posting an infodump or ramble about a random topic I know possibly too much about
And our first topic, chosen via an online spinner wheel, is my headcanons about the Dream SMP, Hermitcraft, and the Origins SMP! 
- c!Tommy’s hair got “browner” as he got older, so instead of the bright blond now it’s closer to a dirty-blond - o!Philza has an ocarina - c!Tommy has a fleece glove from his time with Technoblade in the Arctic; the fingertips are cut off because he wore it so much it got holes, and he lost its match so it’s just the one - Ghostbur was taken from limbo to Mumza’s realm after she finally found him; now reunited with Friend, he helps her look for others in limbo since someone (namely, XD) is keeping them from going to her realm - c!Techno has a gold streak in his hair fron the totem (and Michael kept trying to grab it when the Revengers rescued him from Sam) - by the same merit, c!Foolish’s hair is completely gold with a few single dark strands - an original L’Manberg flag (one before the big one that got burned; I headcanon they made this when they first started building) was maed of pieces of some of the original members’ items - Wilbur’s black jacket, Tommy’s red bandanna, Tubbo’s blue jeans, Fundy’s white shirt, Eret’s golden handkerchief, Niki supplied thread, and Jack sewed it all together - o!Tubbo is smaller than a human (not as small as Sneeg or an injured Charlie, but smaller than Wilbur or Phil) - c!Tommy wears yellow roses in his hair, knowing that they mean friendship (his friendship with Tubbo, who gave him the roses) but also feeling that they have another significance... another significance from another universe? without knowing what it is - on that note, he also wears blue flowers in his hair as another reminder of Ghostbur and Friend aside from his blue sweater - the Origins SMP is often filled with music - Niki, Ranboo, or Beau singing, Wilbur playing the lute, Phil on his ocarina, or Tubbo buzzing a harmony with actual bees - sometimes they’ll all do it together, especially in the Pub(e) - c!Connor makes killer mac and cheese (he learned how in prison) - c!Tommy can play the piano, his favorite songs to play are the L’Manberg National Anthem and Able Sisters; ask him to play That’s What I Like and he’ll murder you (he really will, Connor lost a life to this - maybe not canon, but painful nonetheless) - o!Ranboo can play the piano and sing very well, he will sing and play a number of things on the out-of-tune upright piano in the Pub(e)
- c!Tommy is very religious (church prime) and wears a prime necklace under his shirt - o!Wilbur’s favorite pens are made out of shed feathers from Tommy and Phil - o!Techno plays the violin - o!Jack and o!Scott are good at singing as well - c!Dream wears a dark green cloak and has scars and a long earring; manhunt!Dream or normal!Dream wears a bright green shirt and has freckles and no earring - c!Aimseys’ cane is carved with daisies and other significant symbols - and will be added to when other important things happen (Aimsey is very good at wood carving and other “small carpentry” things) - Grian came to Hermitcraft after abandoning the Watchers in favor of something a bit more fun; season 6!Grian had white wings since he had just joined, season 7!Grian had scarlet macaw wings (pesky bird), season 8!Grian had those wings but slightly sparkly (alchemist researcher), and season 9!Grian now has a weird purple haze around his wings (the rift) - hermit!Mumbo is a shapeshifter who takes on the form of what he eats (as evidenced in season 8). hence, somewhere along the line he has to eat people (or humanoids) to stay in his current form. my headcanon is that he takes the “corpses” every time someone dies (scar is a very common one) so that he can stay humanoid
these are all my headcanons for now, this being the pretty much extensive list
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Local Creatives Dumps Cringe Ideas Cuz He Got Inspo From Maru Togami
you've read that title right folks!
Tonight is no night for a crisis of- Well, technically tonight is a night of 'what if's considering this is a thing im going to do
But it isn't just about just ideas off somethin- well technically it is, considering I got this idea while watching an 'If I met MHA' gacha video by Maru Togami (I love their work go check em out)
oh s- I just said the topic of this without the dramatics. Oh well.
Indeed! I am a gacha fan-ish, since I kinda fell out but came back just not as obsessed ig. though thats probably not a surprise if you've read any of my previous rants
'If I met MHA' by Maru Togami revolves around the gacha trend of MHA characters teleporting to the creator's house and staying for an unspecified amount of time while dealing with the crisis of not being real. and I personally LOVE that idea.
maybe I'll edit this and add onto it if I ever get more ideas for this kind of stuff. Maybe if I get enough ideas I'll actually get around to making one.
anyway— Lets start with what I like to call 'changing what makes things easy to be creative'
for this particular one, I'm going to focus on the 'house empty, all free time' aspect most of the videos on this trend have
-- ON ANOTHER NOTE; since im currently writing this while watching the 2nd part of their series
can I just say, I LOVE what they did with Shigiraki's lil existential crisis? just the weight of realizing that everything you've done was all just following a script and you have no actual control. also fallen down? mm, amazing song choice for that moment--and I swear I got whiplash from how the mood did a whole 180 after it was over
another another note; UGHFJCDJ maybe its just cuz manipulative protags are smth I just adore cuz it brings so much potential to the table-- but I love how shigiraki is basically just reduced to a moody dog on a leash after it (also love how deku is just crying in the bg and nobody comments on it xD)
can you tell im a sadist?
ooHHH--I actually like that its totally in Midoriya's character to not become like shigiraki cuz of his drive. I kinda like that since deku being kinda lifeless dog on leash is kinda common
Not to say I wouldn't squeal in joy the moment if it happens, again, sadist.
...oof wait- Is it bad that I actually forgot about Eri?
uHHH- Lets just say that im a chaos gremlin and I don't want to tamper with the child sooooo...child child be safe but I need sustenance <3
Back on topic! 'house empty, all free time' Wouldn't it be interesting to have this rule completely thrown out the window?
Like, the creator lives with their family that is almost always at home and school is still a thing. Ofc you'd actually need times where the house is empty so the MHA characters actually get spotlight. Maybe when the family is off on a mall trip? Maybe visiting other family for a few hours?
Its kinda funny to imagine a small group of MHA characters scrambling to hide while the family is around.
What else? What else?
'segregation/immediate trust' This goes for both the creator and between the characters themselves
Theres some of the trend where the MHA crew is chosen out of favorite characters by the creator (I'll be honest, if I were ever to make one of these, I'd use characters that would stir up the most drama--like kurogiri and aizawa for example)
Although probably annoying since If I ever saw it done incorrectly. it'd probably just make me go "get on with it you bafoon, hurry up"
But I'd still like to see what would happen if the MHA crew were a bit sceptical of each other and this random quirkless kid who appearently owns this house they're in and wont let them go outside
Speaking of going outside! 'most, if not all action, stays inside the house'
I vote on letting the MHA crew out the house! Do I know its a bad idea, since weebs were everywhere? Yes. Do I care? No. Because drama and trauma (ooh that rhymed) is my bread and butter
(for the record, I know there are some series of this trend actually has the MHA crew going out the house--but I'll still talk about this)
Since pretty much all MHA characters except Aizawa and Izuku would be ok with basically quirklessness (assuming that their quirks arent working in whatever pseudo-world the Creator decided to plop the real world in)
Actually! Forget the parentisisisisisis (im giving up on spelling) I got the idea of real-but-not-actually-real world from a line in Maru Togami's video that I.....
....tttttotally forgot what it was exactly, but what I remember was that it mentioned the creator's teleporting powers and something about this..uh- reality? series? idk something along that line
It just the idea of it really interests me What if the creator knew about the pseudo-world they're in? What if they didn't? Could the creator also be given an existential crisis with the MHA crew? Who would even present that idea to the creator? The editor?
ok following that line of thought, I had a lil vision where the creator talks to the editor, again, inspired by the little scene at the end of part 1 where the creator just stresses out over things and talked about having to edit the video
So, back to the vision: In it, the creator 'talked' with the editor. But they weren't really talking?
Think of the 4th wall as one sided glass, and the creator KNOWS it's one-sided glass..but they can't really do anything about it other than acknowledge it exists since they can't see behind it. But the editor is on the OTHER SIDE of the glass, so the editor could see everything and do what they want.
With that 'imagine this' outta the way, lets continue! The creator 'talks' and 'replies' but its more like how someone would reply to a conversation they're not really listening to yk, with 'yeah..' and 'totally' and 'I agree' and 'mmm.'
Well, thats basically what the creator is saying While the editor is just getting fed up with the Creator responding wrong--like, 'so who are you planning to traumatize today?' 'I agree'
mmrh, don't look at me- I said I had a vision, didn't say it was a good one.
anyway, where was I going with this? UhHHh. I think I already made my point...probably? I dont wanna go back and reread..so, MOVING ON!
Lets move onto another point well..
I'll be honest, its not really a point More a question, since im getting tired and its been like..idk a night or two?
Would the MHA crew be allowed to use their phones? I've seen alot(not really, but lets ignore that) of the trend make the catalyst of not causing havoc the idea of being able to gain insight about the future since its an anime and manga after all..
But, if ever they still had access to their phones and were told the name of their anime—actually no, even just the knowledge they're an anime
Once they get over the fact they aren't real over here, and a simple search of their name with a few clicked BOOM! there's their future and everything else they could find on a simple google page.
eeeeehh Im tired. Maybe I'll update this when I actually get more points Maybe I'll actually be serious about the tags
Maybe I'll get over the fact I put a time limit on my head since I asked the person-creator who gave me alot of inspo on this whole thing cuz guilt without reason is a hobby
who knows? all I know is that im going back to reading immortal no filter izuku crack fics sleeping. Going back to sleeping. yep.
:DD take a coffee if you're actually still here☕ Have fun on this night. or day. or morning. or--
yk what, have a good mutually-neutral-time-in-your-region!
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spectrearia · 8 months
double-tag time lol
got tagged in two different question things by @galactictides52 and @gonturan0 xD gonna fill both of 'em out at the same time I guess haha! thanks for the tags!!
going under a cut because there's quite a lot here haha
tagged by @galactictides52:
Last song I listened to: Follow by Survive Said the Prophet
Favorite content to watch: uhhh.. hm. depends on my mood. I usually gravitate towards let's plays or documentaries on a whole variety of topics? speedrunning, electronics, abandoned places, and critiques on a wide variety of media are some of my go-tos for documentary/commentary-style content. there's a lot more tho that I can't think of off the top of my head. I just like listening to people discuss random stuff haha.
Favorite games: Oooh, quite a few. Minecraft, Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi's Mansion, Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Hitman (World of Assassination), and recently Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega Mix are some that immediately come to mind. There are so many more games I could add but I gotta keep this kinda simple xD
Favorite colors: I love all colors for various reasons but any shade of purple is my absolute fave <3
Favorite animal: CATS!!! though I'm sure that's pretty obvious, haha xD I can't help but relate to them so much lol
Favorite food: mmmm. maybe my mom's beef and potato hash? it's the ultimate comfort food to me and she doesn't make it often, but it always Hits Just Right whenever I do get to have it.
Sweet, spicy, or savory: savory all the way, baby. don't mind a bit of spice alongside the savory sometimes but it depends on what it is.
Current obsession: my own OCs (and some friends' OCs as well). I literally talk about them all the time and I could say I'm sorry but I'm really not. xD if we're talking media in general tho? I guess the Hatsune Miku game I mentioned earlier counts, lol
Last book I read: oof. I can't even remember. for published books, I want to say it was Mayday at Two Thousand Five Hundred by Frank E. Peretti? but if not, then it was probably my friend's original story draft. I hardly ever read anymore, honestly. I just write what I want to read instead.
Last thing I googled: don't use google, per se. but I think the last thing I searched online was the lyrics to King by Kanaria because I want to learn how to sing along lol
Fun facts: I always suck at these haha. can't really think of anything so I might just have to leave this as-is, rip ><;;
tagged by @gonturan0:
3 ships: lol I don't do ships so I don't have much to put here xD I guess I kinda "shipped" some characters when I was younger (like Mario and Peach or whatever), but not? to an extreme degree or anything? was never my focus. still isn't. Honorable mention does go out to Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable, though. I felt their relationship was handled really well, even though I typically really don't like romance in kids' media at all.
first ever ship: idk probably Mickey and Minnie when I was like 5??? haha
last song: (see #1 in previous list)
Last movie: oof, memory is bad. it's been a while. the Mario movie???? in theaters??? i think. I can't remember. I don't watch movies as often as I used to tbh
currently reading: nothing right now, unless you count this list ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
currently watching: not "currently" but I'll probably watch the newest update of a Voices of the Void let's play that I'm keeping up with sometime later tonight :0
currently consuming: waterrr. stay hydrated, my dudes~
currently craving: sushi;;; specifically my Fave Big Roll with shrimp tempura, crab, cucumber, and a bunch of other good stuff (also SPICY MAYO, my beloved) <33
ayyyy, that's all, folks! I don't really know who to tag with this so i guess if anyone sees it and wants to fill it out, u can just say I tagged you xD I don't mind, haha!
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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2022.07.30 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324797013433909655
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening. I am Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning. Welcome~
LYN: You didn’t think I would stream today, did you? It’s the weekend and I wanted to give you all a surprise. I just don’t want you to think you’ve got me figured out. 
C: I’m eating out... LYN: You can eat, eat up. If you’re meeting up with your friends, meet up with them, too. You can always watch the playback of my stream. But I’m confident that when you’re done with dinner and hanging out, I will still be here. Because I don’t believe your dinner can last four hours.
C: Wearing a vest in the summer? LYN: I can’t talk fashion with you all bc you don’t understand. You don’t understand that it’s fashionable to wear clothes out of their season. I’m afraid to get too into it with you. Why? Because I don’t understand either. I’m just wearing whatever. // It’s fine as long as no one thinks me wearing this is annoying.  C: You’re wearing my grandma’s vest in the middle of summer, aren’t you hot? LYN: I think there’s something you’re not getting... and that’s the fact that as an actor- even if I am just streaming right now- when facing a camera, I have to maintain my appearance. Hot and cold don’t matter anymore. Look at all the actresses wearing gowns in the middle of winter- they can bear it for a night, right? Me wearing a sweater in the middle of summer is the same principle. For the look, to respect the camera, you can make some sacrifices. That’s the first point I want to make. The second point is that in this world, there’s this invention called an “air conditioner” and “electronic cooler”- I don’t know if you’ve heard of them, but they can adjust the temperature around you. C: It’s (the clothes are) called being Professional. LYN: It’s not being Professional. This is simply showing respect to the stage, and all the world’s a stage. C: Set it to 0C. LYN: ?_? I don’t know, I’ve never tried but I don’t think it goes down that far? Friends, do any of you have an air conditioner that can be set to zero? Then, you must not have bought an air conditioner but a freezer. Whose air conditioner can be set to 0C? I think the lowest I’ve seen is maybe 14-16C? But not ZERO. If it were possible to set the AC at 0, that’d be great because then I could maintain my youth forever. If I stayed in 0C conditions all the time then I won’t age. XD
C: Good evening, Liu-xiong. LYN: You’re calling me “Liu-xiong”? Are we roleplaying or something? Nice to meet you. LYN: Recently the variety show is airing, and the guests (GQL) keeps calling me Lao Liu or Da Liu. My old fans (not old in age, but in time) all call me Ning-ge if they’re younger than I am or Xiao Ning if they’re older. But recently you’ve started up with “Lao Liu” and “Liu-xiong”. It’s fine since we’re all friends here, you all can call me whatever you want. LYN: ... LYN: Just as long as you don’t call me anything like “laogong (husband)”. I realized too late I shouldn’t have said that. I regretted it the instant the words came out of my mouth. Try not to call me things like “husband”- /chat is going crazy/ CALM DOWN! LYN: Can we not adhere to such common conventions? We should have a deeper relationship than that. Just call my name- use my name, you’re overdoing it a bit there. You’ll make me shy. C: 夫君~ (fu jun = husband) LYN: BAH! 付钱! (fu qian = pay me)
LYN: Let’s skip this topic. I’m just here to chat, and I will do my best not to bullshit you.
C: Are you allowed to sing this song (the bgm: Again My Life OST - Till the End). LYN: I don’t really dare to. I CAN sing it, because I’m a singer. I am paid for my OSTs, but it’s not like I will charge you to listen when I am singing in my stream. Don’t rush, I’ll sing. -- Tiger Roar Spring (虎啸春来) C: I want to hear a song from your album. LYN: You’re here to indulge me, aren’t you? I have some fans that will purposely cue things and give me an excuse. They don’t want me to promote my own songs, so they are removing that conflict of interest for me and bringing up the topic for me. What should I sing? You gave me the stage, so I’m going to take you up on it.  LYN: What should I sing? Why don’t you make requests. That way when I fulfill your request it will seem like my songs are welcome, and you all know the lyrics. Honestly I haven’t really sung the songs from my album before. I was saving them for my concert because I felt like if you heard them all the time in my streams you wouldn’t want to buy a ticket but it looks like that won’t be a problem. Ok, let’s sing a song from my album... and of course, the second album is still being made. Let’s do My O My. I haven’t sung that in a long time. C: It’s an online concert today! LYN: Now I feel like I have to stand to sing. - /changes his glasses so he isn’t shy/ - /stands up to sing/ LYN: This is an entirely different show, now. Faceless Singer. - /works on getting the lyrics set up/ -- My O My 
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- asks the weibo staff to fix his chat box, because he still sees comments from before he started singing.  LYN: Is the internet lagging? // Did I break it? - waiting for the comments to go back to normal, decides to sing another while he waits -- Contrary (明明)
- /picks up his lightsaber, proceeds to sing/ -- Adore (十分喜欢) - /during interlude, picks up a bouquet he got and dances with them/ LYN: Thank you for the flowers, everyone. Thank you. // Oh! They’re not mine? - /puts them down and continues singing XD/
--/the songs are autoplaying, skips Praying (黑夜一束光) to save it for later/ -- Empathy (同温层)
C: What day is today (that he’s singing so much)? LYN: Today is. Today is the day, three years ago, that I opened ticket sales for my concert. Have you all forgotten? That means it’s the third anniversary of my first concert. Third anniversary, lol. How UN-popular is this singer (that his last concert was three years ago)?  LYN: It’s a good day. -- Mirage (盗梦) -- The Opposite (往世界反方向走)
LYN: This is the song I use to end my concert! -- Missing (不需要想念)
LYN: This song is called “Praying” for all of you. I hope you can also be your own light in the darkness of your lives. -- !! /missed the timing/ LYN: Let’s do that again. - /do-over/ -- Praying (黑夜一束光) LYN: Did I finish the whole album already? C: Still missing one (two). [Till the end (啊默契) & You Know Nothing (你怎么又懂了)] LYN: It’s the mid-point of the concert by now, so I should sing a more exciting song.  LYN: /looking for a song/ Let me see what other songs LYN has... - /picks 走马 LYN: Is this an exciting song? LYN: It’s time to take my clothes off!! /throws his vest to the floor & misses the timing/ -- 走马 (Zou Ma) - stream is lagging LYN: It didn’t used to lag before, I don’t now what’s happening today. So strange... LYN: Maybe because my concert was a little “on fire” and the internet can’t take it. LYN: Is it fixed yet? LYN: Maybe it’s because I took off the sweater earlier, and the internet thought that was inelegant. It wants me to respect the viewers. C: Put it back on. LYN: Ok. :p - /tries singing 走马 (Zou Ma) again, but it lags again/ LYN: See? It won’t let me sing. This song really sends the internet away (送走). It doesn’t want me to sing this song. We were doing so well up until now... I can’t blame anything else but the song. XD C: Sing “走你” instead. // Switch to a different song. LYN: As long as the stream doesn’t leg I’ll sing something “hype”. Something that will make you jump. If you’re watching me on your phone I want you to jump with me. -- 凉州词 (Poem of Liangzhou)  
C: Pick up the lightsaber. LYN: It’s here. /picks it up to show it off and then puts it back down/
C: I want to hear Praying (黑夜一束光). LYN: I already sang it, you’re too late. This is why you can’t be late to a concert. You should have come earlier.
C: I want to hear Talking about Love (你说爱情啊). LYN: Ok. Let me find the accompaniment... I used to have it on my old computer but this is a new laptop. Hold on, let me see if I can find it. -- Talking about Love (你说爱情啊) [Young and Beautiful OST] LYN: Let’s sing another OST... -- Originally Able To (本可以) [Rattan OST]
LYN: This is one I really, really like out of ALL the OSTs I’ve done so far! -- Be Earnest While You’re Young (意气趁年少) [A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College OST]
-- bathroom break (tactic #1)
LYN: I’m back. I saw a lot of friends saying “He’s been gone for a long time, did he go to change outfits?” You’re thinking too much. The sweater vest is still on the floor over here. Let’s continue, friends. "Heritage”, for you. If you know how to sing it, sing along! I know a lot of you don’t, but it doesn’t matter! -- 传承 (Heritage; Palace Museum)
C: Can’t even sing your own songs... (in terms of strength/hitting the notes..) LYN: This IS my song, isn’t it? (this is just fact.) Get out! What do you mean I can’t sing my own songs, this IS my own song, isn’t it? 8D LYN: Excuse me, friends. I’ve sung a little too much so now... I can’t keep up with myself. 
C: Try Ling Yun Ji. LYN: I haven’t sung this song live before. I might not be able to. I’ll try it. -- Ling Yun Ji (凌云寂) [Heroes OST] - /enters early/ LYN: Oops. I came in too early. I’d just like to say, I AM the original singer of this song... Excuse me. Let’s try that again. - /second try/ LYN: I can’t sing anymore. -- /still finishes it off/
LYN: It’s ok! I can still sing a small song... an EASY song. One that I can sing with my eyes closed. Let me think of what’s easy... are any of my OSTs easy?? C: No. LYN: I should have something?? LYN: Does this count as easy? -- Fireworks and Stars (烟火星辰) [You Are My Glory OST]
C: You should rest a bit. LYN: Don’t worry, when I get tired I will rest. You don’t need to advise me. When I’m tired I’ll fall to my knees. LYN: Actually I have a lot of songs, but I don’t have all the accompaniment tracks. They’re all on my computer back home. When we get the chance we should so a “concert” properly. Usually no matter how low-cost a concert is, you’d still have to have your company put in some investment. But here none of that is necessary- all we need is a laptop and LYN. I have no staff here- it’s just me, facilitating my own concert. Anyone watching my concert right now are investors. Even though you didn’t invest any money, you are investing your time and your interest. You’re all stockholders. Too bad we’re not charging anything or else we would all be making some money. XD
-- Spend My Life with You (共度) [My Sassy Princess OST] - /reads the disclaimer in the beginning of the song, says you are not allowed to cover it for use it for commercial purposes./ LYN: I’m going to cover it! What are you going to do about it?? Ha! LYN: This cover is going to blow the original artist away! Tomorrow he’ll be nothing!  - /finishes off a song/ LYN: Was this song always so high? C: The original singer is YYDS. LYN: The original singer of this song is nothing when compared to me. 
- /looking for another track to sing/ -- One Love as Always (一爱如故) [The Long Ballad OST] LYN: I haven’t sung this even once. // There’s no accompaniment, and I didn’t bring it with me. I’m sorry, I can’t sing it. -- Colored Glass (琉璃) [Love and Redemption OST] - /there’s no accompaniment, but he sings along for a bit/ -- How Long is a Lifetime (一生有多远) [The Curious Tale of Mr. Guo OST] - no accompaniment -- Co-Existence (同生) [The Love of Hypnosis OST] - forgot which song this was for a sec XD, still no accompaniment
C: 一番星 (Yi Fan Xing). - This song has an original singer, LYN’s version is just a cover LYN: ... This song is likely to send me. Friends- it does not represent my actual skill. If I sing poorly, please don’t let it affect my market value.  C: It won’t kill you. LYN: ... Do you mean “Just sing, it, you won’t die. Even if you do, that’s your own problem”? You even have an “iron-clad fan” tag stuck to the end of your ID. Are you REALLY my fan?? // It’s alright. I won’t die. Thanks for the reassurance. All I need to do is keep my life. Let’s do it. -- 一番星 (Yi Fan Xing) [Looking Up OST] 2:04
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LYN: I can only say that singing this song was a danger to my life, but like that friend earlier said, I wont die. I was just in a little danger- almost me pass out. It’s been a long time since I sang this song. I haven’t sung it even once since it was released. C: Lao-da, it sounded like you were going to crack. LYN: !! What do you mean “crack”? Friends- just remember. When you’re listening to me sing in my stream and it sounds like I cracked, what’s actually happening is in that moment the mic broke. Just remember, if I ever sound off, you can just communally type “Oh, the mic broke” into the chat. C: It’s a problem with the internet. // It’s an audio issue. LYN: Yes, it has nothing to do with me. You can’t blame me. C: Ning-ge, your mic didn’t break, my ears did. LYN: You don’t need to blame it on yourself. 
LYN: People listen to this song? I mean- of course, it’s a good song but people still- it’s nice. -- 挺好个人呐 (A Good Person) [My Hometown and Me OST] LYN: Wait a second, give me another chance. I almost missed a prime opportunity. Have you forgotten this (kazoo)? :) LYN : When I started this stream I didn’t think the most exciting song would be this one! C: Is this a “workout” stream? LYN: LOL. Hey, it really has that feeling, though. C: My mom asked me if this guy (LYN) has problems. LYN: DO I have problems? How should I answer this... I am a little abnormal. Just tell your mom that this type of thing is popular among the young kids nowadays.  C: But you’re not young anymore. LYN:
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LYN: What other songs do I have that you can exercise to? I don’t think I have any, because honestly I don’t sing very many fast songs... - /decides to sing Magical Surprise, looking for a filter that fits. chooses a kitty-eared maid one./ LYN: This one works... it doesn’t make me look “perverted” right? XD
-- Magical Surprise LYN: I’m tired. // Have you ever seen a middle-ages person be so young? I started streaming at 8 and have been singing and dancing for TWO HOURS now. This is a test to see whether a singer is able to hold a concert or not.
-- Fall In Love LYN: Move along with me! Let’s do some cardio!! C: My mom is dancing along with you. LYN: See? I know this Aunty likes young-people’s culture.
-- 无底洞 (Deep) [Tanya Chua] LYN: I sang this when I first debut. I almost forgot about it. - /the mic experienced “technical difficulties” XD/ C: It was my ears that broke. LYN: It’s not worth it. I’d rather my mic broke then your ears failed you. I want you all to be healthy.
LYN: I’ll sing for at least another 15 minutes, until 10:30p. This online concert that I’m not charging for and in fact am losing out on is a gift to you all. 
C: 破晓 (Daybreak) LYN: Are you trying to “k*ll” me? LYN: I don’t think I can do this one. It wants me to show off my vocals from the start.
- /sings along to Nostalgia, bc he doesn’t have the accompaniment/ -- Nostalgia (眷恋) [You Are My Hero OST]
-- When I Met You (当遇见你) [Skate Into Love OST] (/heart eyes/)
LYN: Alright, that’s enough. I can pull my chair back now. Thank you everyone for tuning in. C: Thank you. LYN: No need. I should have done it. It’s my honor to be able to sing for you. LYN: Let’s just chat for the remaining time. /eating a snack/ It’ll be an ASMR livestream. - /looking for stuff to makes sounds with/
-- bathroom break (tactic 3: give it to ‘em straight)
C: /comments on his eating/ LYN: Don’t give me that. I’m sure that as soon as I started this stream you ordered some late-night take-out duck necks or something. You’re probably eating something right now. Show me your hands. Let me see if you’re eating well or not. C: I’m eating napa cabbage. LYN: 去你的. You’re making fun of me. You’re making fun of my sense of fashion. - /giving feedback after hearing what friends are eating/
C: You’re trending at #2. LYN: Really? Am I worthy of that, I don’t believe it. Am I, though? C: No. / It’s a trick. LYN: ~Sometimes I feel that even though I am old in age, I still have an naive young boy living inside me. Because I am willing to believe people. It doesn’t matter if they are of kind or ill-intent, I am willing to trust them. Someone just now said, “You’re trending at #2. Congratulations.” Do you know how happy I was in that moment? I felt like the whole world was mine. But then I discovered, I was tricked. In that person’s eyes I was just a joke... Even though I was tricked, I still want to dust myself off and tell this friend, “It doesn’t matter. From where I fall, I will... continue to lay a while.”~ X’D -- 挺好个人呐 (A Good Person)
LYN: The ending of The Truth is coming up. Let me tell you- the grand finale is brilliant. Sometimes as the people who are recording the show, we have to jump in and out of character often. For example, I am playing the role of Liu Xialai but at the same time I am also Liu Yuning. But in the last episode- it was hard to leave the character. What can I say? It was- we were already too into character. You’ll see. We almost started a fight. LYN: Kidding! We’ve shot 10 episodes together, did you really think all of our time together would end in a fight?! C: Ning-ge, it’s like you’ve said something and said nothing at the same time. LYN: It’s a spoiler. I would be crazy to reveal anything!
C: So did you really beat them up? (*them = Cao Yanguang and Cao Baba, prob) LYN: Honestly, it did go to our heads. I saw the episode today and the production crew edited it so that it wasn’t quite as severe, but on set... it was intense. XD C: Fight, fight! I want to see a fight! LYN: We didn’t really hit them! It’s not worth it to record a show and get so into it you ACTUALLY beat up the actors. That’s not worth it. >.<; But it was really intense. When the show finishes airing I’ll tell you all about it.  LYN: We had a lot of trust in the production crew, so we recorded in a really relaxed state. We knew they wouldn’t evil-edit or do anything to actually hurt us. The more relaxed we were, the better chemistry we had. You’ve all seen the behind-the-scenes, I’ll really just say/do anything that comes mind. 
C: When will there be a second season? LYN: You all know that we have a group chat and after the episode airs we will chat about it... and someone today really asked when the second season will be. There’s not only us six “workers” in the chat, but also people from the production and platform- so anything we say, the director will probably see it, too. But I saw someone ask, “When do we start the second season?” and I immediately jumped on the train and replied, “Tomorrow. I already have my plane ticket. What happened, they didn’t notify you? They must not want you back for the second season. Sorry.” XD They all knew I was joking. But the fact of the matter is that we asked, and we don’t know if there will be. LYN: So before I started streaming I was deep in thought, thinking of how to make this a big deal so that viewers will push for a second season for us. Maybe nobody is looking forward to a second season, but I wanted to make it a big deal to make it SEEM like masses are anticipating it. 
- /someone reminded him to check into his SuperTopic for the day; he proceeds to explain the benefits of checking in daily (if you check in for some amount of time (500 days) you can get a bottle of oil; longer and you can get a calendar (??)); eventually it just becomes a habit/ LYN: It’s just like waking up and brushing your teeth. It doesn’t have much meaning, I just want to be hygienic. Maybe it will boost my confidence a little when I’m talking to actresses. C: You can’t talk to female actors when you don’t brush your teeth, but what about male actors? LYN: Well... I mean.. we should respect women more, right? Of course I respect men, too but we’re men of few words, right? But also, I don’t have much reason to talk to male actors so closely... There aren’t any kiss scenes or anything like that, either. So I guess it’s fine (if I don’t brush my teeth) for interactions with male actors. I’m pretty confident I won’t have any chances to shoot a kiss scene with a male actor, in any case. /laughs/
C: Ning-ge, can you get me LYN’s autograph? LYN: You get mine, but don’t come into my stream to use my connections to get you an autograph from your idol. C: Ning-ge, didn’t you say if I checked in to the SuperTopic for 500 consecutive days I could get oil, could I not and get your autograph instead? LYN: Is my autograph so easily attainable, it’s on the same level as a bottle of oil? Let’s not talk about material value- in your heart, my autograph is equal to the worth a bottle of oil?? C: Ning-ge, please sign on my face. LYN: No need to be so polite. C: Ning-ge, then I want the oil. LYN: Did you think I would be happier seeing that? C: Then sign on the bottle of oil.  LYN: Two birds with one stone! I should find some company to work with, I think it would be possible if that happened... Anyway, let’s change the topic.
C: Give me a strand of your hair. LYN: You want my hair? That’s a little terrifying, friend. What do you want with my hair? I suddenly thought of those movies, there are a few different scenarios. One- they want to do some witchcraft and control me. Second- the more perverse way of thinking- they want to have my hair and put it in a drink. Third- using my DNA, they’ll make clone of LYN. C: You’re thinking too much. LYN: The reason why people like to watch my streams is because I will take one of your comments and go in a completely different direction than what you were expecting. You can never anticipate the direction I’ll go. That’s one of the reasons why you watch my stream. If I said things in-line with what you expect of me, then that would be a boring stream. So I try to say things you wouldn’t expect- to make sure you never know what I’m thinking and keep coming back for more. 
- /shares his interesting life hacks, like- for when you’re hungry in the night and want a cup noodle: it’s annoying to wait for water to boil, so boil some water beforehand and set it aside. This will make it easier/faster to heat for when you want it later./ Comments: I’ll eat it with cold water. / I’ll eat it dry. LYN: If you wanted something dry you can eat chips. >.< A bowl of instant noodles is still pretty expensive, so it’s better to treat it the way it was supposed to- use hot water. C: Ning-ge, I eat the dry noodles first, then pour the seasoning and then drink hot water. LYN: I see, so you’re letting the noodles get completed in your stomach. Then, in this same line of thinking, if you wanted to eat kung-pao chicken, you would first buy and eat a plain chicken. Then, pour peanuts and chili in your mouth and drink some soy sauce and chew for the seasonings. Maybe add a mouthful of oil. And then in the end the dish will be completed in your stomach??  LYN: Please don’t do this. It’s probably bad for your health, for one, and not very safe. Third, it’s a waste of ingredients. Your stomach doesn’t have taste buds, your mouth does. Please use your mouth to enjoy the flavors first before your stomach gets to digest it. Instant noodles are made to be prepared in a bowl, not your guts. C: I’ll eat the ingredients and then sh*t out a dish. LYN: ?_? How is your mouth so dirty. You’re gonna sh*t out a completed dish? I am still an artist, okay? We don’t talk about these things. Artists don’t talk about anything eat-drink-sh*t-p*ss. They’re all fairies/immortals (who don’t eat).
LYN: If you’re going to really try out the cooking methods we mentioned before, I really think you’re too naive. Do I need to put up a discretionary notice- please do not follow things you hear about in this stream? Please watch with parental supervision.
C: Lao-da, do your shoulders curve inwards? LYN: ? I do have a bit of a slouch, yeah. But it’s gotten better since working out. I’m focusing on my upper chest first, I haven’t gotten to my waist/abs yet.  LYN: Are you provoking me? My ‘net’s faster than yours! [t/n: I think there’s some sort of dirty joke here I’m not getting...] [EDIT: Ah. This man speaks in douyin memes only. A lot of things he says/does are in reference to douyin videos. XD]
- /people in the chat asking about sensitive topics he cannot yet respond to :p/
C: Ning-ge, I’m a little tired, could you play some R&B? LYN: OMG! Is the music that’s been playing a little too noisy for your liking?  - Fall In Love LYN: I’m guessing you think this song is a little loud and want me to play something gentler? But I just want to say- there are a lot of young people watching my stream. 😏 Young people are at their brightest around now (11p), and my stream starts to rave at 12a. Why would you want it to be quieter? There’s no need. This is the time you should be most hyped up. - /eating his grapefruit and doing some “back exercises”/
-- bathroom break (tactic 3: give it to ‘em straight)
C: You’re not sleepy? LYN: I always tell myself that when people pass on, they can sleep forever. But you’re still alive now, so why do you need to sleep so much?? C: Sleeping too little is bad for your health, too. LYN: It’s not little- I think I maintain around 6 hours or so of sleep. Also- you want sleep in THIS business? Once you start to work you’ll know- there’s not much sleep for you to have. Health is important, but under normal circumstances don’t sleep too much either. Eight hours is enough. For me, if I sleep too much I’ll have a headache, too. C: Is six hours enough? LYN: If I could sleep until I woke naturally, I’d sleep for 10+ hours. But there’s no way I can do that with my current state of work.
C: Your background looks too fake. LYN: Someone says it looks fake? /throws his water bottle/ Is it fake?? - /it flew out of screen/ LYN: Oops, it does look fake. /tries it again/ Is it fake?! /the bottle lands by the couch/ - /grabs the bottles back so people can’t accuse him of littering in his own hotel room and expecting the waitstaff to pick up after him; turns into an educational stream about trash separation./ - /goes to wash his hands so people don’t accuse him of being unhygienic and touching the trash can and then touching his mic; disinfects his mic with a (99%) alcohol wipe./ C: How thorough. LYN: You have to be. See? I thought to be this thorough and people will still find something to hold against me. C: The alcohol wipes are only 75% alcohol. LYN: Are they? It doesn’t matter- what matters is that they can k*ll up to 99% of germs. C: You didn’t wipe your clothes or earphones. LYN: Do you want me to strip bare and start disinfecting my clothes??
- /says he tries to make the stream interesting, instead of just staring into the camera with our big eyes and his small ones/ - /starts streaming deadpan... then breaks out into song... then goes back to deadpan/ C: That scared me to death! Haha. LYN: What’s there to be scared of?? C: You’re a little psycho. LYN: My chaotic state of being actually helps me be able to be an actor. Do you think I’m like that when I’m around people everyday? No- that was a performance, and also a way for me to relieve my stress. But I think this personality of mine really helped me become an actor. I also like to discuss the intricacies of acting with my coach. All the anti-fans are sleeping now, right? Let me share with you what I think is fun when I’m acting. - /before that, a disclaimer that he knows what he’s doing and don’t stop him from speaking/ LYN: Sometimes in acting there will be a scene where the actor comes out of a tunnel and in front of them are two paths- left and right. As the actor, obviously they know the person they are looking for is on the right path. But the thing they do is run out of the tunnel, and purposely NOT look to the right. They’ll run- look to the left, think “Where are they?”- look to the right, “There they are!” and run that direction. These are just little things to performing. Later you can watch some dramas and think about if this is true. These are little things I think are so fun. C: Hao Du has a scene like that. LYN: He really does! C: If it were me, I’d look at that person directly. LYN: You can, but it depends on the process- the perspective and mood you are looking to create. If the camera follows you out of the tunnel and then focuses directly on the person you are looking for, it creates more of a sense of urgency. Usually directors will tell you their preference for the process. If the director doesn’t explicitly tell you, then usually actors will always look the other way first. LYN: Another situation is when you suddenly look for your cellphone. As an actor, you KNOW your phone is in your right pocket. As someone wearing pants- there’s no way you’re going to NOT KNOW that your phone is in the right pocket of your jeans, right?? But as an actor, they have to do this: /pats himself down looking for his phone, touches the LEFT pocket first, then finds his phone in the right pocket/. This is the same for keys. C: Why are you touching your chest? LYN: I’m wearing a suit! Looking into the suit jacket pockets, I’m not just ~touching my chest~! C: If it were me, I’d go for my pockets first. LYN: You can. But the way I see it, you need to use your performance to convey to the viewers what it is you are intending to do. You have to think of it as if there are no lines to say: /shows he is looking for his keys/. But if you just go for it directly- /grabs his keys/- you lose the meaning. You have to show “I am looking for my keys” and not “I have grabbed my key”- show the process to tell you what is happening in the scene. LYN: I really enjoy thinking about the performance process. Don’t say you never learned anything from my stream. LYN: There’s another thing! Usually you don’t see many actors do this, but I do- because I learned it from OTHER actors. Say there’s a person here and a person here. They’re both standing in front of me and I need to ask them a question. Let’s call them “Jia” (left) and “Yi” (right)- wait let’s call them ZuoZuo (Lefty) and YouYou (Righty). Ah-Zuo and Ah-You, for more familiarity. In this scene I ask them what they want to eat, and the one on this side (right) replies that he wants to eat hotpot. I’ll ask and then purposely leave my gaze on the one who WON’T answer me. Then I can look back at the person who answered, instead of looking at them directly to begin with. There’s a process (of turning the head).  LYN: I’m not trying to teach you anything! These are just things I found fun when shooting. As long as it’s something I have learned from another actor, I’ll think it’s fun and am happy for the day.
- /people are trying to stop him from talking, so antis can’t get dirt on him/ LYN: It’s alright- I didn’t mention anyone else and only talked about myself. I didn’t pass any judgement on the entertainment business either. I can’t even talk about myself?? Don’t try to stop me from saying things, there’s no need. I can talk about myself and my work, and anything outside of that I won’t mention.  LYN: Honestly I know that I was able to start off as just a street singer and get to where I am today because of my fans. I didn’t sign with a company, and didn’t have plans for my “debut”. I just got lucky. But when I found myself in this world I found that a lot of my fans had followed me in. I’m not like other people- the way I play and the way I stream is completely different from others, and I think that’s okay and it doesn’t matter that I’m different. I know how I got here- I got here because of my fans. So I am willing to spend more time streaming for my fans, because they are the reason I am here. There’s no way I’ll stop streaming for some insignificant and ridiculous reasons. LYN: Why do people chase stars? For money? To start a business? No- it’s just to fulfill a psychological need. For example, perhaps I am living the life they wanted to live and through their efforts they have let me sing and act. They put their dreams on me, so it’s my responsibility to take their dream and keep moving forward. They see something of themselves in me, or something they acknowledge. Maybe they will watch my stream or video clips of me after a long day of work. They can interact with and enjoy the fan-space as a way to separate from the stress of their lives. So just because some people can live without a crutch, doesn’t mean you have to take this crutch away from my fans. LYN: No matter what people say, they cannot change my path or the way I choose to express myself. I will never be the same as others. There are some things that only I can do- and it’s not because I am so amazing, but because the way I debuted and the foundation of my fans allows me to do things others can’t.  C: Ning-ge I will always support you. LYN: There’s no need. I’ve heard those words a lot. As long as you’re happy, I’ll be okay. LYN: I don’t believe in “always” because some people have said that to me before, and then the next day their weibo profile pic changed. :p - /continues to be very humble, and says that everything he has is due to his fans and meeting some people who have taken a chance on him. so, he continues to stream in order to give back to the people who got him here; to share his experiences with people who don’t understand or may never get the chance to be a part of the industry./ LYN: There’s no way you can make everyone like you. It’s not as if you’re money (bc everyone likes money). But- please don’t change yourself in order to make people like you. There’s no need for that. You weren’t put on this Earth to live for others. You’re only on this planet for at most 100 years, so don’t waste your time catering to others and caring for their feelings. If someone doesn’t like you, that’s their problem. Why do you have to be someone they like? Do you owe them?? Don’t lose yourself trying to cater to others. You have to live for yourself- it’s your choice to live how you want. LYN: But of course, I live for you. My long hair- was kept, for you! LYN: Live for yourself. Be Your Own Light. :) C: You said you kept your long hair for us but you’ve cut it. LYN: It’s not considered very short now, though?
C: Ning-ge, will you still stream when you’re old? LYN: Why do you always ask such questions? Some time ago someone asked me, “Ning-ge, will you still stream when you’re famous?” This question is along the same lines. // Then, when you’re old will you still watch my stream? It’s the same- a meaningless question. I think I will still stream, though. You all know I don’t stream to make any money, and I’m just here to chat. I stream for exposure, because my fans need to see me. Is there anything wrong with that? So I just come to chat, and while I do so I can also relieve some of the pressure I get from work. 
- /missed the timing for the happy new year/ LYN: Thanks for spending another new year with me. I am regretful to have missed the countdown just now. Let’s pretend that all of your clocks are broken. Let’s do the countdown again. -- Happy New Year!
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C: What sensual lips. LYN: Stop messing around~
LYN: I know that there are a lot of people who aren’t my fans and there are also many professionals from all works and trades. When I realize that there are these people watching me I feel honored because I know they are all of high intellect and culture but still watch my streams. I’m touched that they watch my stream in the first place, and secondly I feel that I am very cool. There are so many amazing people watching my stream, so I’m happy.
C: Ning-ge, I’m a young person but I am already very sleepy. Is there anything you can do to hype me up? LYN: First of all, I can’t help you, mentally because I am already tired as well. Let’s not get too hyped up and just chat and then have a good sleep. C: Let them hear the kazoo. LYN: No need. Let’s not give them any trauma in the middle of the night.  LYN: If you’re sleepy you can go to sleep. Later- let me tell you, later I’ll tell you some real strange things about this industry~ :) But, no! Go to sleep! Good night!! But what I’m going to say later is really thrilling, it will blow your mind~ I wouldn’t even have thought such a thing happened, it’s too terrifying~ But no, you go sleep. Good night. :p C: Is it scary? LYN: ABSOLUTELY not, but you’ll think it’s extremely bizarre. There’s no horror element to it at all but it will make the hairs on your back stand. Don’t worry about it, though. If you’re sleepy you can go rest. But really, if you don’t hear about this you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. When this stream ends I’ll erase it so you’ll never know the secret. But go to sleep. Good night. Sleep is good for your health.
- Talking about how people are telling him that he’s trending (at four, some say six- which is still less than the two it was at earlier), but he’s not falling for it. Also, he feels guilty for trending when he doesn’t even have any works airing. Weibo likes to put up a notice when he streams, so people can see: “LYN Livestream” LYN: I’m sure when people see “LYN Livestream” trending they’re already tired of it, thinking “LYN has been streaming for more than a year now already.” - /proceeds to mention how good Weibo is to him, and how no one would have expected him to move from his previous platform to wb, but it was the right decision to make./
- /plays Magical Surprise, proceeds to compliment himself/ LYN: This song is called Magical Surprise and it is Shanghai Disney’s 5th Anniversary song, sung by Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. Friends, think about it- for such an important date as the 5th Anniversary of Shanghai Disney, and for MD-LYN to sing the song? I think he’s very lowkey. Did he try to promote this fact in any way? No, not that I’ve seen. But he’s done such a great thing- to sing the 5th Anniversary song for Shanghai Disney. So lowkey- he never showed off or told anyone. A lot of people like Disney and go there to play. They can have gone for two years and suddenly one day realize that the song was sung by LYN. See that? We don’t do media exposure here. I want to do things on the down-low. One day, when you start having an interest in me, you will realize that actually I’ve always been around you. This is so mystical. It’s a Magical Surprise. C: I’ve come across you so many times. - 爱人错过 (Somewhere in Time) [lit. Lovers Miss (as in “do not cross paths”)] LYN: ♪ I’m sure that hundreds of years ago I’ve said I love you. It’s just that you’ve forgotten and I did not remember. We’ve walked, we’ve passed, but never met. I look back, turn my head, but I still miss you. ♪ C: I didn’t forget. LYN: ... It’s not important. - /changes to a different version (more upbeat)/
- /goes back into deadpan streamer mode, which has us re-living an earlier part of the stream. his reply to everyone is “get out” XD/ C: Turn off the filter. LYN: No. This is a strict stream. /acts cool/ You want a song? No. I can’t sing. C: Dance. LYN: I don’t know how. I won’t. I don’t have any talents, this strict stream. LYN: Just watch, if you don’t like it you can get out. C: Show your talents. LYN: I have none. Get out. C: How did you get thin? LYN: I’m not a workout streamer. Get out. If you want to get thin, find your own way. I’m not a workout instructor, get out. C: Let’s see your legs. LYN: I don’t expose myself like that. Get out. - /suddenly breaks character/ LYN: THANK YOU FOR THE APPLES! /dances/
C: So terrifying. / How come your stream is tame and then explosive. LYN: This is the kind of thrill I want. People need to be scared/shocked once in a while. Really! Why do you think so many people go to the amusement park and ride roller-coasters? Why do they go parachuting or bungee? Because they want this feel of thrill. Right now you don’t even have to go outside. You can just sit on your bed with your phone and you’ll get a fright. See, how much money am I saving you?! C: I can’t ride on roller-coasters. LYN: I am saving you the trouble but giving you the same thrill, isn’t that great?
- /says he’s going to use a charming masculine voice to recite a poem so that viewers can have sweet dreams~ asks the chat for a nice poem to recite (but not too advanced, because there are still characters he can’t recognize, lol./ LYN: Maybe from now on I can recite a poem to end my streams, and it will count as training towards reciting my lines. See? I’m not wasting a moment of time- any time is a good time to practice. - /gets suggested 琵琶行 (Song of the Pipa)/ LYN: I looked it over and there are 8 characters I don’t recognize, so let’s leave this one for later. I’ll study up. - /gives up/ LYN: How about this? Every time I end my stream, I can tell a fairytale. I know a lot of our friends are mothers, and while they watch my stream their kids are making a fuss. So I’ll tell a story so that their kids can listen. They can record it and play it for their kids and also have the time to watch my streams. - /starts reciting Frog Prince in an... unusual voice. But it will take him 20+ minutes to finish telling the story, so he decides to go back to simpler poems./ - /explains how it seems like when children use this way of speaking they seem more well-spoken/ LYN: Can you not just speak normally? Is there something wrong with that?? But also why didn’t the teachers ever say anything when a child spoke like this? If I ever have a kid I won’t let them speak like this. They have to be themselves. “Hello everyone, my name is Liu Mengzi from the Second Grade, Second Class. I’m a girl, but my dad named me “Mengzi” so that I can live fiercely. When I was little my dad took me to the zoo and threw me into the tiger’s den. He told me that young people need to have a fighting mentality.” If I ever have a kid I think I’ll name them “Liu Mengzi”. C: How do you know it’s a daughter? LYN: I don’t know, I hope. All my old fans know I want a daughter. But if I have a son don’t let him hear this clip later on in life or he might get his feelings hurt. But I’d really like a daughter. LYN: Let’s forget about the poem- it’s been too long and now it’s awkward. I had intended to recite it in a funny way, but you’ve suggested all these well-known and advanced poems and I don’t want to recite them in any way that people can take to use against me.
-- bathroom break - /late night radio host mode activated/
C: Ning-ge, tell a ghost story. LYN: Two points as to why I won’t. First- I think my fans are very important to me. You always make fun of me, that I am very timid in variety shows, but I know that my fans are more timid than I am. That’s why you don’t have a chance to become artists- you’re so easily frightened you’ll never be cast for a show like The Truth. I don’t want to scare them. Secondly, this is streaming on a public platform, if it gets out that I’m telling ghost stories people will say I’m trying to promote the fact that ghosts exist. Who have I offended? It’s too terrifying- these topics of conversation are getting too sensitive. LYN: It’s like how sometimes you’ll just be joking around with friends and then it suddenly gets heated and someone’s eyeball gets poked out (?!) and then crushed underfoot. It just started off as a joke but ended up like that- too terrifying. So I won’t joke. Sometimes I think it’s unwarranted (to blow an issue up too big) but some people really just aim for the eyes. Everyone is working so hard to live- with work and school and the stresses of life. Sometimes we want to relax and have fun. But there are those people out there who HAVE to take things to the extreme.
- /someone says that they started school early on 8/1 and is complaining about it. Ning-ge says that there’s is nothing to complain about, and they should be cherishing the opportunity to learn. Then tries to get everyone else to shame this person for complaining about school. :p/
C: We’re still working outside in 40C conditions, do you think that’s reasonable? LYN: I cannot answer these types of questions. /suggests professional help/ I can’t help you! >.<
C: How do I get my comment to show? LYN: As long as you don’t curse, nothing’s stopping you.
C: Can you order me some takeout? LYN: ?! As a person facing difficult times, if you were really too hungry and had no means to carry on- in the event of moral kidnapping, I mean- to be a Good Samaritan, I would definitely buy some for you. What do you want to eat? Tell me. - /everyone wants take-out now, so he says he’ll pick three lucky winners but their bill can’t surpass 50RMB because “it’s bad to eat too much in the middle of the night”./ LYN: I’ll give my meal allowance for the next three days to you. I’ll go hungry instead. C: Ok. LYN: !_! --  LYN: Ok, well if you want to be one of three lucky winners, start typing “Ning-ge is so handsome, I want to eat take-out” into the chat. // I was trying to test you! I thought some people would say, “No, that’s alright. We were joking. Thank you Ning-ge.” but you’ve already filled the chat with “Ning-ge is so handsome, I want to eat take-out”. At this point I’d like to tell you: “There is no free meal in this world.” If a “pie” fell from the sky I’ll tell you now- it’s probably a scam. Remember that. Look at all these naive people- did they really think I would order takeout for them?? It was a tiny trick but they all fell for it. They need to be more wary of scams.  - /but really arranges to pick three people, in which his studio will send them 50RMB to order anything they want./ -  LYN: Anything can happen in one of my streams. - C: /people making requests for ingredients/household products/ LYN: Am I a supermarket? It’s fine if I were, but you’d have to come and shop. Right now, you’re asking for stuff for free. D: LYN: Oh hey, if those three lucky winners don’t want the 50RMB, they can also exchange it for a signed autograph. :) Because it only costs me 5RMB to print three photos each, and then all I have to do is sign them. So the cost for me goes from 150RMB to 15RMB total. :p C: What about postage? LYN: You’ll pay for postage on your own.
C: I also want an autograph... LYN: With chasing stars, it’s not good if you get everything you want. You’ll lose happiness. Some things, once you get them you’ll find yourself not cherishing them as much as before you had it. But if you can never attain something then you will always strive for it. It’s the pursuit of happiness.  - /tells an anecdote about how some CEO’s daughter/sister asked for a photo together with him, and of course he obliged. But after the photo he’s never seen them again because they stopped being his fan./ LYN: It’s like they complete a mission and move on to the next. So for the people who want my autograph, don’t rush. I promise that as long as I live you will get the chance to have mine one day. As for when exactly, I don’t know. C: Ning-ge, is it possible that after using all their connections to meet and take a photo with you, after seeing you in person they were disappointed? They didn’t stop being your fan because they completed their mission, but because they found you lacking? LYN: ... It’s possible. LYN: /sigh/ LYN: What can I say? Even my own fans think this way. No wonder antis say I’m ugly. XD This is like being stabbed in the back. It’s like in games, if you attack me from the front I’ll lose 100HP, but if you get me from the back I’ll lose 150HP. Back-stab. :’(
- /gets hungry, pulls out a corn/ LYN: Friends, are you hungry? Watching my stream must be hard on you, but it’s also hard on me so I brought food. If you’re hungry you can figure it out for yourself, I can’t help you.  - /decides not to eat it/
C: I’m watching your stream with the lights off because I’m afraid my mom will see me. LYN: Your mom wanted you to sleep early but you’ve stayed up to watch my stream? This child... go to sleep. But friends, let me tell you a interesting story~ I’ve never in my thirty + years of life encountered anything quite like this before. But this friend should go to sleep, your mom doesn’t want you to stay up. After this friend leaves, I’ll tell you all the story. :p
- /tricking him into thinking he’s got a trending topic again/ LYN: Watch out, I’ll kick you out! You’re still here trying to trick me?? It’s almost 1am and I’m still here chatting with you- that’s a real friend. Friends shouldn’t trick each other. It’s almost 1am- no matter how good friends you are it’ll be rare to find someone else who can do this. In my eyes we’re already besties. Other than boyfriend/girlfriend, how many of your friends can you chat with until one in the morning? You can only say that we’re besties.
C: Are you eating corn because you’ve been on a diet recently? LYN: No, I’ve always liked corn.  - /tells us about the merits of working out: he sang, standing for two hours and stayed chatting for another three and he still has stamina!/ LYN: I haven’t worked out much but I have all the equipment. I have four sets of gloves. Why? Because my wrists are thin and I want to protect them. Also so if I take pics I look cool. Third, I don’t want callous on my hands, so they don’t look rough when I’m acting. - /runs through the process of buying equipment: the first pair of gloves had a wrist guard which he found uncomfortable, so he bought gloves without the guard. After trying without the guard he thought it was better to have the support and bought a third pair. When training his back, he needed gloves with padding on the palms, so he bought a fourth set. But also he was afraid of straining his back, so he bought a back brace. Then he thought his shoes weren’t suitable so bought a different pair of shoes. etc. etc./
C: Send out your 2.5kg dumbbells. LYN: You still remember that? - /retells the story of the dumbbells & how his fans don’t give him the option of selling any of his old stuff secondhand, they want him to raffle it off. XD/ C: Let’s do a raffle night! // LYN: Anyone who is in here that’s not a fan of mine must find my relationship with my fans so fascinating. I won’t let my fans sleep and keep them up at night, and my fans always want something from me for free. It’s a mutual suffering.
LYN: Alright, if you haven’t subscribed to my weibo please do so. I am Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning. Id you have time, please come watch me stream again. It was a bit long today, it went to my head. But it’s about time for me to wash up and sleep. Thank you for supporting my recent drama Be Your Own Light, that I am shooting with Tao-jie, and when that’s done I will be entering my next crew. I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing night. It was great to have you. I’ll see you next time! Good night everyone~
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Hi Laura! 🧡 Penny for your thoughts on Henry? I feel like he isn’t talked about a lot in general so I’m curious (also I saw you got asked about your faves already 😅). No worries about a song if you can’t think of one though. Glad you liked the game! 💕
Hiya Acacia~!! ^^
Yeah, people really don't talk a lot about Henry, myself included, so let's see what comes to mind. And I completely forgot about the song portion of the game as I sat down into writing ^^' I'm just not musically inclined like that, I suppose XD Yess, it's a really nice game! <3
So, Henry... Hmm... I do think that he is interesting in the sense that he absorbs mana off of other people. Which seems... very strange. As in, Charmy is able to restore mana with the food she cooks, and Henry is able to absorb mana just being being in a near proximity to someone. Which is probably why, as far as I recall, that he's been presumed to be only half human, just like Charmy. And it's interesting that it's, seemingly, only human mana, as animals do like him. A bit like Lichita, I think. Though then it would make Lichita to be only partly human too, and that would make Asta, only partly human as a result. Which might explain Asta being "an anomaly".
But back to the topic of Henry, though I do think that his magic is the most interesting aspect of him. Because otherwise he just seems like a chill dude, who likes being around people (at least to an extent). Granted that we don't see Henry all that much, aside of the battles he's participated in, since he was bedridden for a good portion of the manga. And since we don't see him all that much, it's natural, I think, that there isn't a well-rounded opinion on his character as a whole.
He does seem compassionate and patient person, who wishes well onto people, but probably suffers from some level of separation anxiety. It's ... kinda a headcanon, but I don't think it's necessarily too far off, considering how his parents bought a house in which to seal him alone, away from sight. Though I do think that he has accepted the fact that people can't stay in the same room extended periods of time with him, due to his mana absorption, and it does make sense to him. But still he fears total abandonment, because he did go through with it once in his life already.
And I do think that it's pretty epic of him to be able to turn the entire hideout into a huge animatronic bull. Like a BC transformer XD
Aside of that, I don't think I have many more thoughts on him. But his innate ability towards mana absorption for maintaining his own bodily functions certainly is interesting, and... okay, this is completely and utterly just a just-for-the-laughs -idea, but if there was a way to amplify it, the mana absorption, he could just stand very close to Lucius and ... drain mana away from him. Problem solved XD But as said, it wouldn't really work.
Thank you for the ask ^^
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littlemoondarling · 2 years
Theodore: tell me about your parents
Angel: I wanna know about your singing life. Do you have a band or perform solo? What instruments do you play (if any)? (More of a question to Moony, what irl music has similar vibes to Angel's?)
Fran: favourite toy/game? :D
Uni and Lucifer: I don't know much about you but are you in love
Timothy: what do you do as a job? (If you have a job)
Honestly I don't have any more ideas on questions so I will throw in 2 charts if that's okay 😅😅don't feel pressured to fill them out. In the second one - choose for example 3 OCs
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The answers~~~ (be warned Theo and Angel ramble alot)
Theodore: "My parents huh? My dad was a good person, too good I'd say. You know draling, he used to work as a chef in a local black owned restaurant and he was the one that helped me discover how beautiful cooking can be... You put so much effort into it, so much love that it bleeds into how it tastes! He bought me my first ever lipstick and I've worn the same red shade ever since... I truly miss him. My mother on the other hand.. she destroyed everything I worked for just because she couldn't swallow her own fucking hate..... She was strong too, fought alot I just wish she.. she didn't fight me as hard as she did.. sometimes I wonder what it could have been if I was just.... no no, I'm not gonna get depressed right now! I'll bake you a cake how bout that darling? You like chocolate or vanilla?"
Angel: "Ooh thank you for asking! I started out solo because most people were too freaked out to perform with me hahaha I'm really glad RedMoon took me in, who knew earth was so WEIRD!? Like I had to choose a gender, that's so strange like... why? Why???"
Elliot: "Angie please stay on topic."
Angel: "Yes yes right! Thank you baby! So like in the 70's I was solo but then around 1993 I met my BAAAAABBAAAYYY And he started writing my songs and I mean, you can tell the difference hahahaha! He's an amazing lyricist and then in the 2000's he joined me when I started my band with my other friendos! The only instrument I play is my voice! My style haha... well you have Elliot's deep and artistic lyrics and my very metal, rock style XD" (kinda like måneskin and ghost)
Fran: "I really love chewing toys because my fangs hurt sometimes and it makes me feel better tho I break them alot *sigh*..... if we're talking about video games then I ABSOLUTELY love splatoon!"
Uni: "Love? Oh sweetheart I thought it was love too... we did nearly everything together, not a moment were we separate.. I did everything for him but turns out the bastard couldn't even FEEL love! Ugh! I will end him... I promise."
Lucifer: "I never knew love, never knew how it felt or how it was expressed, I did my best to mimic how it was supposed to be because I saw it made her happy and I wanted her to be happy, she couldn't understand that, she thought I didn't care for her, but I did, I always did."
Timothy: "............ I stream."
Ahmya: "What do you stream exactly?"
Timithy: "... Fuck off."
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Thank you so much! And I'm so sorry this was late
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mr-nauseam · 2 years
Finished episode one last night, stayed up way too late to do so and had so many feelings I couldn't fall asleep. The whole episode was perfect but damn that last part at the church? (And guess who hoofed off to see how many fanvids there are of Lestat/Louis set to Take Me to Church? I was surprised at the number given how new this series is tbh.)
And Sam - yes Lestat's actor is named Sam - and Jacob just nails it. And Eric is lovely snarky as Daniel. Btw do they touch again on why Daniel can't recall his first interview? Apart from the rather vague 'he was high' thing?
For me Sam Reid fit rather well with how I pictured Lestat. I read the books long before I knew there was a movie and maybe because of the whole rock star thing I always imagined him looking like a cross between Axl Rose and James Hetfield.
Going to watch e2 tonight and maybe e3 depending on time and on how many feelings I have after I'm done with 2.
Sorry for the delay. My uni has me running from one place to another. You've probably already seen the other episodes, so I hope you enjoyed them (?)
THE CHURCH SCENE. It honestly burned itself into my mind, and I I need to say again that I NEED TO watch it once a day because it was wonderful! (Hahahaha I thought of that song too, I believe its understandable people made edits as soon as they could with that song, and yeah its new but in general this series is from a book saga that had a strong fabase that is coming back, some people in fandom do it to appreciate the series, others to complain about it to infinity haha but that get attention)
YEEES they do and I agreed! Eric looks like a cool Daniel to me hahaha. On that topic, I dontt know if the language thing could make me go wrong but at least Ive understood that its not that he doesnt remember it? just the time passed, in fact you see this great scene where he confronts Louis for his inconsistencies in his previous story vs the current one, although I think the end of the previous interview should have been something different or more shocking to avoid the publication of the book as originally happened I guess, although I must say Im very intrigued by this choice to do a second interview! I wonder how they will make it all fit together.
Oh he does, I just believe the promo pics didnt justice to him, he looks so much better in the actual series and its a delight to see his performance. I read the books before the movie too, but it was at that disastrous time where I was ignorant of the outside world xD, so the first lestat in my head was weird… as were all the characters in my head in those years.
Please come and yell about your thoughts on the eps!
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