#jim gordon incorrect quotes
Gotham Season 1/2/...? Gobblepot Summed Up (Incorrect Quote)
Jim Gordon: I need you to do a favor for me.
Oswald Cobblepot: Jim, old friend! 😄 Relax 😇 Sit down, have something to drink, do you want to stay overnight?
Jim: *Slams Oswald into a wall* We're not friends. *Looks at Oswald's lips*
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Jason: *gets pulled over*
Comm. Gordon, whispering into his radio: Not our guy. This one's got pants.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
The office but it's just the Batfamily.
Batman/Bruce, in the middle of a huge argument in the diner room: I have no favorites.
Batman (to the camera): My favorite is Cass. She can neutralize every single one of us.
Camera on cass eating a bagel, while Bruce narrates: And I respect that.
Duke: Cass.
Cass: Duke.
Steph: Cassie!
Selina: You know who it is.
Jason (to the camera): Dick? Oh that's so fucking easy it's the gremilin
Tim (To the camera): It's the gremlin.
Oracle/Babs (To the camera): Damian.
Steph: Evil child.
Damian: Me.
Dick as nightwing in a rooftop walking around with his hands: Oh my god, I can't belive you even asked me this??! We are all a big ass family and- We just keep going, like there's so many people here who I never saw before snd they just *poof* keep spalming and- Like cmon guys get a grip-
Dick (To the camera): *sight*
Dick:... It's Damian.
Jason (To the camera) without batting an eye: Tim.
Cameraman: I'm sorry- *checks notes* I'm confused... Didn't you to- Tried. to kill Tim Drake once?
Jason: So?
Tim (To the camera): I feel like I should say Bruce....
Tim: I mean it needs to be someone I admire, respect, enjoy and stand up for despite all flaws.
Tim: Like despite every single wrongs right?
Tim, horrofied: Oh my god it's Jason.
Jason on the other side of the window behind Tim wearing a full Red-Hood atire and holding a cellphone gen 1: HA-HA.
Alfred (to the camera): It's not Master Bruce.
Bruce: Alfred? Definitely not me.
Dick: It's Bruce.
Alfred (to the camera): You don't raise as many children as the fate bring to your doorstep by yourself, take care of their wounds, wait for them in a cold night without getting any type of rest until you receive a single sign indicating that they got home safe and then get the luxury to choose.
Alfred (To the camera): I wouldn't even consider the luxury of choosing.
Alfred, serving tea at the dinner table: You all made my hair go gray equally.
Babs (To the camera): Me.
Damian: This is ridiculous, obviously I would pick my father.
Damian to the camera: Nightwing.
Harley: I'm not even sure how y'all let me be part of this.
Camera man: We didn't-
Commissioner Gordon ( To the camera): If I'm being honest I feel like I resent every single one of them.
Commissioner Gordon: Except of course, my daughter.
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karmaspidr · 3 months
Batman: What is the situation, Commissioner?
Gordon: Some of Joker's guys tried to rob a shipment of Ace Chemicals. My guys got an anonymous tip, most likely from those responsible for this, saying where they are and that the situation has been handled. And to also bring a few ambulances.
Batman: Scans the scene. Paramedics are treating men with clown face paint. Cops are struggling to cut down tied-up men in ridiculously high places. Some were receiving emergency surgery.
Batman: Any idea who did this?
Gordon: Figured it wasn't your squad. Hands Batman a note. It reads, 'Courtesy of Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. P.S., sorry about the blood.
Batman: Turns to some of the thugs.
Thug 1: The Devil... The Devil is in Gotham. He's come for us all!
Thug 2: It was like fighting three different people at once. One moment he was throwing baterangs at us and the next he was caving our fucking skulls in.
Thug 3: I don't know how he did it. He was like ten feet away. I shot him. I should have hit him. But when I fired, he was in my face. And he made fun of me!
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shyjusticewarrior · 9 months
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 137
Jim: Has anyone seen my taser?
Dick: Red Hood.
Tim: Red Hood.
Jason: ... Oh, I'm sorry, is this your taser?
Harley: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Tim: Not if they consent to it.
Jason: Depends who you're stabbing.
Jason: We can go to my apartment. No one knows where I live.
Tim: I thought you had Dick over there once.
Jason: Yeah, it was fun. I moved the next day.
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yeah-thats-a-spoon · 1 year
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Battinson: I won't ask Catwoman for help, Jim
Jim: Will you do it for a Bat Snack?
Battinson: ...No
Martinez: What about TWO bat snacks?
Battinson: ...No
Robin! Dick: [Tugs insistently at his cape]
Battinson: ...Make that three and we have a deal
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arguablysomaya · 1 year
Bruce: Commissioner Gordon.
Gordon: Batman.
Dick: Robin.
Gordon: ? That's your own name
Dick: It was the only one left !
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Jim Gordon meeting Robing Dick for the first time
Jim: How old are you?
Dick: *proudly* Almost 9
Jim: Which is 8
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Gotham Pick-Up Lines (Valentine Cards for Jim, Edward, Nathaniel Barnes & uhm IsabellA) 💌😂
Edit: I totally forgot to put Isabella into this at first 😆
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This is canon, right?
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Not that that's hard.
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He deserves it 😁
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A little more suggestive content (only written) under the cut:
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Harvey's mentally and physically facepalming at that 😆😂
"Don't waste your good looks on overtime, Jimbo."
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Have you seen the tiktok going around that's a guy talking to his kids like "The more you sass me, the more I'm gonna flirt with your mother!" That but it's Bruce threatening to leave his comms on deliberately when he's around Selina if the baby bats don't start behaving themselves on patrol.
Bruce: The more you sass me, the more I'm gonna flirt with your parents.
Dick: Jokes on you, I'm an orphan.
Bruce: Alright then.
Bruce: *flirts with Commissioner Gordon*
Bruce: *flirts with Barry*
Bruce: *goes to space*
Bruce: *flirts with Luand'r*
Cass: *blinks*
Bruce: That's it. I've had it with your attitude.
Bruce: *goes out with Lady Shiva*
Bruce: *walks in with a bouquet of flowers*
Luke: Uh... what's all this for?
Bruce: Remember the other week when you called my prototype strobe light batarang stupid?
Luke: ...Because it is?
Bruce: Well, guess what?
Bruce: *gives the flowers to Lucius*
Jason: And what if I don't? What are you gonna do, let me die again?
Bruce: No.
Bruce: *opens Grindr*
Jason: You wouldn't.
Bruce: Oh yes I would.
Bruce: *slides into Ollie's DMs*
Tim: It's a good thing I never introduced you to Bernard's family.
Bruce: I could always look them up in the phone book.
Tim: What year are you living in?
Bruce: I'm just kidding. I'll be back in an hour. Hold down the fort for me, m'kay buddy?
Tim: Yeah, sure.
[an hour later]
Bruce: *walks in holding hands with Lex Luthor and Max Mercury*
Tim: What the...?
Bruce: I still know your best friends' parents.
Lex: This is what you handcuffed me for?
Bruce: Shush, I'm making a point.
Bruce: We go in on my signal.
Steph: This is my dad we're talking about. I'm not gonna sit around and risk him getting away.
Steph: *swings onto the scene*
Bruce: *follows her*
Steph: Stop right there, Cluemaster—BATMAN WHAT THE FUCK?!?
Bruce: *sweeps Arthur off his feet*
Bruce: *lecturing Damian*
Damian: Tt.
Bruce: One second.
Bruce: *pulls out his phone*
Bruce: Hey Talia, I was wondering if you had dinner plans tonight?....Yes, Damian is misbehaving again.....7:30? Perfect!
Duke: You've never met my friends' or girlfriend's parents and Jokerized people can't consent, so...
Bruce: *turns on the computer*
Bruce: *emails the immortal entity Gnomon*
Bruce: *gets a reply*
Bruce: Alfred, fetch my tux.
The voice in Bruce's head: *says mean things*
Bruce: Oh yeah? Well how do you like THIS?
Bruce: *proposes to Selina*
Holly: *flips him off*
Bruce: *proposes to Selina*
Selina: Again? That's the second time today.
Julia: You're nothing a bloody angst-addled egotistical baby twat!
Bruce: *looks at her*
Bruce: *looks at Alfred*
Bruce: This isn't gonna work.
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jervis tetch our resident mad hatter, has a very intense obsession with Stephanie Brown. And I don’t mean he’s obsessed with Batgirl. I mean he saw Stephanie Brown in public and has become obsessed with her.  he fully believes that she is his Alice. He has tried to kidnap her a few times. She usually gets away but he was successful twice. nothing happens, she ends up tied up to a chair while he’s hosting some deranged tea party. He’s usually too excited about having finally got her that he just rambles on for hours. During some of the investigations, Stephanie has had to come in and speak with him to get a straight answer out of him. the situation did get so bad that she ended up in police custody. She almost ended up in the witness protection program. Heck, the bats really did consider like giving her a new identity and sending her somewhere else.  Everything is kind of fine now. But everyone is keeping a much closer eye on what the mad hatter is doing. 
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shyjusticewarrior · 6 months
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 231
Tim: *has head wrapped in bubble wrap*
Duke: *punching him in the head*
Jason: What are you guys doing?
Tim: Try it, I can't feel a thing!
Jason: *punches him in the head*
Duke and Jason: *take turns punching him in the head*
Jim: You have the right to remain silent.
Harley: I choose to waive that right. *screams*
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scarletembers04 · 1 year
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Poor Jim
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artemis193 · 3 months
Jeremiah: He's my brother
Jim: He killed 82 people in 2 days
Jeremiah: He's adopted
Jim: You're twins
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oceanview15 · 11 months
Gordon: I’m off duty, I didn’t bring my cuffs with me! Who do we know that has handcuffs?
Bruce : Well Catwoman and I-
Selina : *elbows Bruce *
Bruce : ...wouldn't know.
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